winterdying · 11 months
❛  don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?  ❜ KFJGKGKGLL
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forty random questions
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"what's that supposed to mean? even ashes can burn, so doesn't that mean you shouldn't stop?"
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winterdying · 11 months
1, 14,21
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misc. small detail ask meme
1. how long are their nails? do they paint them?
he keeps his nails short, and they're painted black in canon- the only wizard in the series who frequently keeps his nails decorated!
in mithra's series, hands are just as important as mouths, because you cast magic using your hands (whereas you say your spell with your mouth). i believe it's mentioned because of that that wizards tend to take care of their hands; i have a headcanon that mithra was taught to paint his nails by his mentor figure tiletta, who was a wild woman who love jewelry and decoration, lol...
14. is there a sound that drives them crazy? ( like the sound of nails on a chalkboard, styrofoam rubbing together, cardboard boxes, etc?)
hm... i can't think of something off the top of my head, but mithra tends to get overwhelmed/dislikes being in crowded, busy spaces. he grew up in a very quiet and silent tundra, so i can imaging bustling, loud places filled with people are quite bothersome to him. sensitive ears ):
21. in a relationship, are they the ones stealing their partners’ clothing? or are they the ones having their clothes stolen?
this man is 6'2" and is canonically muscular and fit his ass is stealing no clothes from NOBODY!!!
that being said he would 100% accidentally put on his partners t-shirt and then stretch it all out over his boobs and ruin it
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winterdying · 11 months
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𝚖𝚒𝚜𝚌. 𝚜𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚕 𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚊𝚒𝚕 𝚊𝚜𝚔 𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚎
         here is a small collection of tiny detail questions to ask about someone’s muse, some questions have multiple parts! feel free to add/change as you see fit <3 potentially nsfw. if a multi, please specify the muse!!
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how long are their nails? do they paint them?
what is their hair texture? do they take good care of it, if they have any?
what are their favorite fabrics? least favorite?
what is their skin texture?
do they have a skincare routine? if yes, how involved is it?
what does their sweat smell like?
body hair; do they crop anything short? let it grow naturally? wax?
name two or more things your muse can’t leave the house without.
does your muse usually carry around a bag/purse/backpack? or do they prefer to keep only what they can fit in their pockets?
do they get hay fever? if so, how bad?
do they have any sensitivities to smells?
do they have any sensitivities to tastes?
do they have any sensitivities to textures?
is there a sound that drives them crazy? ( like the sound of nails on a chalkboard, styrofoam rubbing together, cardboard boxes, etc?)
what is their favorite genre of music?
what is their favorite flavor in food?
what is their favorite scent? (candles, perfume, food, etc.)
what household chore do they absolutely hate doing?
what household chore do they like doing?
do they have a “comfort outfit” or a go to look? if so, why did they choose those pieces?
in a relationship, are they the ones stealing their partners’ clothing? or are they the ones having their clothes stolen?
do they have bumper stickers on their car? if so, what kind? (bonus points for pictures!)
do they have a comfort movie? book? tv show?
if forced to wear socks, what kind do they prefer? ( ankle? crew cut? patterned? plain? )
what do they do when they are deep in thought? ( bite their nails? twirl a strand of hair? lick their lips? just look off to the side? nothing too exciting because this is a highly specific question? lol )
what is their favorite snack food?
what do their hair care products smell like?
how dedicated are they to their favorite color? must everything they own be that color? do they even care that much?
what does their perfume smell like, and how much do they put on?
do they prefer the overhead lights on in their house? or are they an ambient lighting/holiday lights around the house kinda person?
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winterdying · 11 months
❛  are you always so competitive?  ❜ ❛  are you okay? are you hurt?  ❜ ❛  are you sure you can do this on your own?  ❜ ❛  are you thinking what i'm thinking?  ❜ ❛  can you go take care of this, please?  ❜ ❛  can you show me how to fight?  ❜ ❛  can you tell me more about your adventures?  ❜ ❛  do you believe in ghosts?  ❜ ❛  do you ever think about anyone other than yourself?  ❜ ❛  does it really have to be like this?  ❜ ❛  don't you think you've already done enough damage for one day?  ❜ ❛  has no one ever given you a compliment before?  ❜ ❛  have i ever told you how beautiful you look in the glow of the moonlight?  ❜ ❛  have you noticed anything different about me lately?  ❜ ❛  haven't you ever wondered why i never talk about my childhood?  ❜ ❛  how can you just go to sleep like nothing happened?  ❜ ❛  how many more people have to suffer before you realize your madness?  ❜ ❛  is there anything else i can do for you?  ❜ ❛  is this really how you want this to end?  ❜ ❛  isn't it ironic?  ❜ ❛  what are your plans for today?  ❜ ❛  what else do you want me to say?  ❜ ❛  what else have you hidden from me?  ❜ ❛  what happened here? where is all that smoke coming from?  ❜ ❛  what has happened in your life that made you like this?  ❜ ❛  when were you going to tell me?  ❜ ❛  where are we supposed to go from here?  ❜ ❛  who will be able to stop them now?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just act like a normal person?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just leave me alone?  ❜ ❛  why can't you just stay focused?  ❜ ❛  why does everything always have to be so complicated?  ❜ ❛  why should i believe you now when you've told nothing but lies?  ❜ ❛  why won't you just tell me what i did wrong?  ❜ ❛  will it ever stop hurting so much?  ❜ ❛  will you go out on a date with me?  ❜ ❛  will you just shut up and kiss me already?  ❜ ❛  will you please text me when you get home safely?  ❜ ❛  you're completely out of your element here, aren't you?  ❜
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winterdying · 11 months
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humans had always been the warring type.
and mithra, who had little care for a dalliance with such ignorant people, scant had the energy or attention span to align himself with them.
but where he wanders, he's viewed as an enemy regardless. it isn't anything new: people hated and reviled the wizards for so long, their magic seen as a boon and bane both. this world- the world this world has transformed into- with these kingdoms, are far more a parallel to what mithra is used to.
it's a bitter sort of comfort, in a strange sense. familiarity is like the bite of a dog- it scars, peppers the skin, remains in welts and grooves. the northern wizard mithra is used to scars, used to familiarity, used to the rejection of human people in kingdoms he doesn't understand.
despite his power, he refuses to take a side. he floats in the sky like he's part of the clouds himself, a bright red dot that paints the white like the bite of a dog, familiar and-
mithra is not human. he has never wished to be human. he does not involve himself in the affairs and matters of them, of their kingdoms, of their wars.
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the temper of the north runs fierce as the storms and blizzards that he would shroud himself in. those emerald green eyes scan the horizon of that kingdom below, and annoyance and anger and petulant childish displeasure paints his face, his heart, his hands as they summon the glittering skull that was his magic tool.
why shouldn't he blow this kingdom off the map?
why shouldn't he destroy everyone?
why shouldn't he exercise the power he know he had, show off everything a wizard was and more to the ignorant people who had done nothing but viewed him with hostility- mithra the hero, mithra the cool, mithra the northern wizard.
fierce winds begin to whip, to tousle cherry red locks and frame a handsome face ghoulishly. he casts his gaze downward and freezes;
there's a face looking up at him, familiar like the bite of a dog. a hand raises, and they give a wave.
a sense of disturbance washes over the wizard, his dedication wavering, his annoyance beginning to bubble away like it was being plucked like fruit.
his hand limps, and the skull drops from those delicate, black-painted fingers, rocketing down like a meteor before dissolving into the air, desummoned before it could pelt the earth.
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he does not wave.
he does not smile back. he nary gives even a response that could indicate 'i saw you'. the pit in his stomach twists and turns like a serpent.
has he grown so weak?
has mithra grown so complacent?
has mithra grown as weak and familiar as an old dog with its fangs pulled out?
in one brisk movement, the wizard disappears from the sky where he was blotted against the slow, hazy moving clouds. the kingdom remains, unharmed and undamaged.
a hand, once waving to a friend, pauses then falls back to the side where it once was.
the cloud in the sky, large and soft and white, drops a single snowflake that peters slowly down, melting in the warmth of the air before even touching the ground.
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winterdying · 11 months
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Becca De La Rosa and Mabel Martin
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winterdying · 1 year
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A memory so fond it's forever etched in my mind. The memory of you and I watching the stars race across the night sky. Chloe and company have made friends with a rather peculiar fuzzy creature. It shared with them the only dream it's been holding onto - a dream to stargaze with its dearest friend. But, what will come out of a dream like that...?
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winterdying · 1 year
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the elevator's doors slide open. it'd be a perfectly normal elevator, square and sterile and silver- if it weren't for the body of a man collapsed on the floor, his body rigid, pale, and limp.
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the scene might have even seemed grisly. it was unclear if the man was alive or dead, and he didn't stir, even as the doors opened.
even as the doors waited the polite, allotted time.
even as the elevator doors began to slide closed again...
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winterdying · 1 year
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a window nearby shatters.
well, it's more like it explodes- sending a cascade of glass sparkling into the street. a man, legs long, tall and broad shouldered, steps out from the wreckage of the window.
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he yawns, moves into the street, looks back into the (now smoking) building he was just inside- a meat shop it seems- and seems surprised when people start to scatter at his appearance. like he wasn't clearly some violent, deranged criminal.
(of course, in his own mind, he wasn't.)
a piece of meat, held in his hand, is drawn up to his mouth and bitten into raw.
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winterdying · 1 year
“I raise my pelvis to God so that it may know the truth of how flowers smash through the long winter.”
— Anne Sexton, extract from The Fierceness of Female (via aranrhod)
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winterdying · 1 year
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seeing a familiar face was not a common happening in the mysterious city of spirale; it had been a long while since mithra had noticed a face that piqued his dull memory.
so of course- when he recognizes that waifish frame, that doll-like face, those perfectly mismatched eyes, mithra can't help but amble over in that languid, sleepy pace of his, and immediately grab owen by the back of the coat.
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"ah. i had been wondering why i suddenly had the urge to kill something. it's you."
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winterdying · 1 year
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bookstores were a great place to meet people; the bonding over the same love of literature, the excitement of discovering something new on a recommendation. so it could be assumed that, when one enters a bookstore, there's ample readiness to be social.
except for a certain redhaired wizard, who has no interest in meeting people, or socializing, or speaking to anybody he deigned beneath him, a bookstore wasn't anything except... well, a haven for books.
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so when his hand touches another- another hand reaching for the same book as him on the shelf- he can't help but be a bit surprised, looking over to see just who would want the same tome as him.
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winterdying · 1 year
“Now you have made loneliness / holy and useful”
— Audre Lorde, from The Black Unicorn: Poems; “Sister Outsider”
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winterdying · 1 year
"as long as it isn't sugary sweet, i suppose it won't be too terrible."
despite the rapid-fire presence he had only moments before, mithra releases a large, cat-like yawn before shrugging his broad shoulders. it's like asking all those questions suddenly drained him of any energy he might have had.
"you could torch it to cinders, couldn't you? that sounds delicious right now."
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"why don't we do that. i'll start a fire that can burn anything."
" Erm..... "
Well, there go the drink suggestions.
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" Chicken.... maybe? "
Eiden has some confidence on his cooking skills - as long as it's not on open fire anyway. He's no Yakumo but he thinks he can whip up a passable meal at very least. He'd definitely have to look up a recipe though.
" I mean it might be a bit sweet still since coconut usually is but.... on the more savoury side anyhow? "
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winterdying · 1 year
the poke doesn't result in any sort of reaction, but the voice does; as soon as the stranger speaks, the 'corpse' exhales, almost sounding annoyed at the disturbance.
"are you making fun of me? i wasn't asleep." comes a voice, before large palms are laid flat on the concrete. the body pushes itself up finally, and though by his movements it was clear he was alive, his countenance might have begged otherwise: disheveled red hair, eyes with deep, bruise-colored bags underneath, and sallow and pale skin marred with large, winding stitches across his joints and exposed chest.
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"goodness. and here, i truly figured i was almost asleep until you came along. i really should kill you, shouldn't i?"
his voice, despite the threat, remained level, languid, and deceptively calm.
"That isn't normal behavior right Raven? Laying down and not show any signs of injury?" The voice inside them resonated curiosity as the augmented human looked down towards the body in the middle of the street, almost wondering just what the hell their deal was. There were plenty of other people walking and looking towards the bright haired "corpse", only to keep on going about their day.
But 621 took a step further, standing a few feet away staring down at the subject. Now there were two weirdos just standing (and laying down) around without a care in the world.
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"Unless they are dying no it isn't." And sadly their curisoity also got the best of them, causing Raven to wander on over and crouch down before poking the flesh with their hand.
"Hey. Unless I missed something don't think you are supposed to sleep here. So what the hell is your deal?"
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winterdying · 1 year
he bites down and pulls his head back slightly, chewing the meat thoughtfully but ultimately seeming pleased- both with the act he's wrangled poor eiden into participating in and the taste of the food itself. he wasn't exactly a discerning gourmet, but he was enjoying his time here.
which, for a thousand-of-years-old wizard, was probably a feat for the ages.
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"ah, the food is good. or perhaps it's you feeding me that makes it tastier?"
with that, he leans in, large, ringed hand laying flat on the table.
"should i steal you away to be mine forever, then?"
well, that didn't sound too bad.
mithra doesn't reply- at least, he doesn't reply verbally. instead, one of those large, black-painted hands is planted firmly on the table to steady himself, and his broad shoulders lurch forward.
the jaw of the wizard drops open.
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his eyes gently flutter shut. he waits, expectant and still, like he was frozen suddenly in ice.
yeah, he's really gonna just wait for eiden to feed him.
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winterdying · 1 year
being somewhat wild- feral, even, as mithra couldn't have recalled ever really having parents or guardians or for a long while is his eons-ago childhood anyone who had watched over him- mithra was used to being dirty. he ate with his hands and still frequently struggled with using utensils, dishware, and napkins.
so the supposed threat of melted sugar, of those spiraling, sticky-sweet spider's webs, left very little impact on the untamed wizard.
that doesn't mean he does it, though; he doesn't want to be sticky, of course, and the idea that everything being black- liquified sugar and charcoal both- makes him turn his nose up somewhat.
"i can overcome anything." he says idly, as if the microwave that was cooking his brain's thoughts were still rotating. "including candy."
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there was something about this man- his condescending speech, the infuriating way that he was often correct when speaking things that should have been simply subjective. mithra was not used to people interacting with him so casually, so freely.
so without fear.
it both stoked the ire of annoyance deep in his belly and an unsatiated curiosity that he sought to dig his fangs into.
"find me something to eat. we'll dine together."
「✧」 As interesting as that proposal sounded...he could not, in good conscience, allow such wanton destruction of public property.
"You are forgetting about the confectionary."
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"If you were to burn them down along with the shop, the sugar would melt and caramelize, leaving their sticky-sweet residue on everything else in this shop. Furthermore, it would all be black, making it difficult to discern cinders from candy...you would be miserable all the same."
Why did it feel like he was trying to teach a lesson to a three-year-old child?
"I suppose it's another sign of being the strongest if you can overcome your own tastebuds. Do as you will."
He wondered if he should look for an emergency exit next.
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