winters-keeper · 9 years
Baro is Back!!!
For those people who have missed Baro and remember interacting with him and want to do so again, Baro is back on my new and final multi-muse account, FlockxTogether!
I’ll be there from now on and won’t be disappearing again! <3
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winters-keeper · 10 years
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His name is Jung Taekwoon, but he’d never tell you that. No, you’ll just call him Leo, think he’s a normal student at Seoul University, maybe quiet but normal.
But you’ll be wrong.
You’ll be dead wrong.
-University Student
-Sees and has contact with the dead and those in crisis situations, such as illness, injury, or those currently dying.
Please read the About Me before approaching! C: <3
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winters-keeper · 11 years
N-No I love the necklace! I'll wear it all the time! It's amazing Hoseok..
I..you're amazing.
Everything about you.. Please don't think I don't like it.
I love it Hoseok, I promise.
I love you, so so much.
Happy Valentines Baro~
ani ani, y-you eat it, please? i made sure to get it not so rich so you could eat i-it all! 
y-you’ll wear the necklace, right? I-i can get a different one if you really d-don’t like it, i don’t m-mind at all!
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winters-keeper · 11 years
Happy Valentines Baro~
I love you so much, baro~ You're seriously the bestest friend I've ever had and you're absolutely perfect. I like the way your hair feels, or even just touching your fingertips is fun for me. Agh, i love youuu~ 
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  Hehe, i got you an owl necklace, i hope you like it a lot. 
I wanted to make you some sweets, but they messed up, so i bot the cake and added the pretty stuff and cut it to a heart for you~
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eat it well, ne? 
O-Oh my goodness H-Hoseok! Th..this necklace is beautiful and the cake looks so perfect! Y..You..
Oh my goodness..
I-I love you too Hoseok, I really really do. You're so wonderful, thank you ;___;
I hope your Valentine's Day is just as wonderful. Please help me eat this cake! I can't do it by myself!
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winters-keeper · 11 years
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"Happy Valentine's Day!!"
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winters-keeper · 11 years
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Baro and Woohyun have different relationship with their coordi noona
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winters-keeper · 11 years
Could You Use a Brighter Day?
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"A pastry for your troubles?"
The sound from behind the counter is shy, but the voice that carries its words sounds almost angelic to your ears. A friendly smile, a small glance, the boy with the small frame looks up at you and immediately changes your day. It’s as if he lights up the room just by the look in his eyes, and he almost seems to glow when he smiles at you like that.
"Please, I insist. You look as though you’ve worked hard all day. Please, this one is on me. Any pastry or dessert of your choice. Just come in and sit, relax. Our little cafe is a stress free zone, I promise. Perhaps I’ll even sing you a song or two."
When he walks away from you momentarily, you’re not quite sure he’s walking at all. He almost seems to float, the way he moves about effortlessly as he prepares a warm cup of tea that he believes will soothe your aching bones.
He’s soon showing you to a nice seat with a view of the outside world, though when he glances up at the window, he gives off a sad sigh. “What a shame. I do so like the sun. I’ve never been a fan of the rain like this. Ah well, perhaps it will clear up before I close up shop tonight, I so hope the sun will come back out tomorrow.”
The nameless boy then leaves you to your own devices, though every now and then you notice he’s glancing in your direction. Just as you’re about finished with your tea and chosen pastry, he once more seems to float over to you, instantly offering another smile. “Oh, how I feel quite shameful asking this of you..” he offers a sad smile as he speaks, placing a hand over his mouth for a moment as he thinks.When he drops his hand, he gives you a small stack of papers he’s holding. “These are flyers for our Cloudless Cafe..I don’t want to ask this of you, but would you mind handing out these flyers so we can get some business? You see, we’re not all that well-known and more than just customers, I would like to make some friends. I find I’m quite lonely here at work much of the time. Oh! My name is Baekhyun, I’m so sorry for being rude! I seem to have forgotten entirely that you didn’t already know who I was! Anyway..if you wouldn’t mind handing out those flyers I would be so appreciative. Perhaps you and I can be friends as well?”
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
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winters-keeper · 11 years
*smiles and bows to you* Hey there~ thanks for following! Ah, here's a lil gift for you! *holds out a small box of macaroons to you, smiling*
Baro tilted his head. "F..Following..?" he asked quietly, but he shoved the term aside when he was handed a small box of macaroons, and he smiled brightly. "Oh thank you! These will be lovely! My name is Baro, by the way!"
0 notes
winters-keeper · 11 years
Need a little Music in your Life?
Well here I am~
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Hello, my name is Kim Minseok, better known as Xiumin. I am a Music Producer and create my own Music, as well as sing. I am also quite gifted at playing the Piano! Anyways…I’m new here, and I would really love some friends to talk to and hang out with…so would you mind reblogging this and maybe following and sending me a message or two? I’m very easy to talk to, I promise~ I don’t bite…much, that is~
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* Please Reblog/Follow, it would make me really happy <3
* Blog is NSFW
* Blog is AU
* I will sing to you and play Piano for you…or snuggle…snuggling is okay too~
* Or I could Cook for you…I make some good food!
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winters-keeper · 11 years
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"A pastry for your troubles?"
The sound from behind the counter is shy, but the voice that carries its words sounds almost angelic to your ears. A friendly smile, a small glance, the boy with the small frame looks up at you and immediately changes your day. It’s as if he lights up the room just by the look in his eyes, and he almost seems to glow when he smiles at you like that.
"Please, I insist. You look as though you’ve worked hard all day. Please, this one is on me. Any pastry or dessert of your choice. Just come in and sit, relax. Our little cafe is a stress free zone, I promise. Perhaps I’ll even sing you a song or two."
When he walks away from you momentarily, you’re not quite sure he’s walking at all. He almost seems to float, the way he moves about effortlessly as he prepares a warm cup of tea that he believes will soothe your aching bones.
He’s soon showing you to a nice seat with a view of the outside world, though when he glances up at the window, he gives off a sad sigh. “What a shame. I do so like the sun. I’ve never been a fan of the rain like this. Ah well, perhaps it will clear up before I close up shop tonight, I so hope the sun will come back out tomorrow.”
The nameless boy then leaves you to your own devices, though every now and then you notice he’s glancing in your direction. Just as you’re about finished with your tea and chosen pastry, he once more seems to float over to you, instantly offering another smile. “Oh, how I feel quite shameful asking this of you..” he offers a sad smile as he speaks, placing a hand over his mouth for a moment as he thinks.When he drops his hand, he gives you a small stack of papers he’s holding. “These are flyers for our Cloudless Cafe..I don’t want to ask this of you, but would you mind handing out these flyers so we can get some business? You see, we’re not all that well-known and more than just customers, I would like to make some friends. I find I’m quite lonely here at work much of the time. Oh! My name is Baekhyun, I’m so sorry for being rude! I seem to have forgotten entirely that you didn’t already know who I was! Anyway..if you wouldn’t mind handing out those flyers I would be so appreciative. Perhaps you and I can be friends as well?”
☼ ☼ ☼ ☼ ☼
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winters-keeper · 11 years
Attention! for all you single people out there for Valentine's day!!
I know how it feels to not have a Valentine’s on this special day. I haven’t ever had one!
Any role player who reblogs this before February 14th will receive a gift from me on February 14-16th {to allow me time to get it done.} Just have your submit open! You don’t even have to follow me.
you’ll receive a random variety of flowers, sweets, chocolate, stuffed animals, or a dinner made by me.
Even kids can receive gifts from me, This is a holiday about love after all!
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winters-keeper · 11 years
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"My Heart Beats In My Head And It's Thunderous-"
Kyungsoo. 21 years old. Selective Mute.
There are reasons for someone to become mute by choice. Whether that be the utter lack of words, the inability to express yourself through them, or simply because you don’t trust your own mouth. For Kyungsoo, all three are the right reasons. Those, and his past of bad choices and betrayals — betrayals where his own words were involved. Maybe you’d like to help him out of his shell?
Reblog | Like | Follow | Para/Script Friendly | 18+
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winters-keeper · 11 years
cRIES BUT SIR I-- //weeps because he can't help it
I don't like it when other people have your attention Sir
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#sir #who is that little shit #and why is he looking at you like that
Someone’s jealous.
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winters-keeper · 11 years
As if you were on fire from within. The moon lives in the lining of your skin.
Pablo Neruda (via introspectivepoet)
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winters-keeper · 11 years
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winters-keeper · 11 years
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"Ah, shit..," he began, glancing down at the ground beneath him. Jongin was never good at introductions, or making friends in general, so he stuffed a hand in his pocket, running his free hand lightly through his locks as he mentally scolded himself for being so damn awkward. "I, um. Okay. Here's the deal. I've got literally no clue how to make friends, and I'm apparently in need of some, because it's not 'acceptable' to be such a 'loner' all the time." He performed air-quotes on the accented words, speaking them with such scorn that inside, he was afraid such a, for lack of a better term, unflattering introduction would scare away all potential acquaintances. Giving a half smile, he spoke, a bit more quietly than he previously had. "Look, sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. I'm Jongin. Let's be... friends."
 ☞ ʜᴏᴠᴇʀ: ✖  ✖  ✖  
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winters-keeper · 11 years
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"I thought I was okay now, I thought I was fine But
Still you, you, you, I haven’t forgotten you Still you, you, you, I’m still the same, yeah.”
Hey there! I think most of you know me. Super Junior’s Eunhyuk here. I have a small favor to ask of you. Reblog and like this post for me. Possibly follow too? It would mean a lot to me. We can start new friendships too if you message me. Thank your help and time. I appreciated it a lot.
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