womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
Turn the Negative into Opportunity
Francine Odette writes a great article about body images and it's impact on women.  In her article " Body Beautiful/Body Perfect: Where Do Women with Disabilities Fit In?", she talked about how this challenge also brought along the link between fat oppression and the experience of women with disabilities.  Women in Western Culture are told that health and success is brought on by thinness.  
From a young age we are taught about keeping up appearances, maintaining a certain weight and looking a certain way. However this cultural norm is a hard one to live by.  Women with disabilities have an even harder time trying to live up to this social norm.  Society is constantly trying to influence us through ads and social media, to what the desirable person should look like.
Feminist theories have shows that in reality, Western culture objectives a women's body for the purpose of male domination and pleasure. It has been seen that women with disabilities have been viewed as undesirable.  What has it come to, that some women will try to change their bodies to become more "normal" through surgeries and other physical adjustment?  Women must change what has been seen as "negative" and show that the their disability actually shows their unique opportunities.  
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
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57% of trans people have avoided the washroom for fear of discrimination and violence.  Could you imagine being scared to use a public washroom?  Could you imagine holding your pee nearly all day to avoid public washrooms?  Sadly, this was a common occurrence to Ivan Coyote.  In their article "The Facilities", they speak of how they would often do everything they could to avoid going to a women's washroom. The looks, the abuse, the harassment - these were all things that have happened over the years for simply using the washroom. People argue that "they have the right to feel safe in a public washroom".  Well shouldn't that be the same for trans people as well?  Why shouldn't they have the right to feel safe, and not judged for something as simple as using the washroom?  Ivan speaks about a young child that from a very early age was bullied for using the washroom because the students didn't think she belonged.  Why are children acting like this at such a young age.  Judgement is not something that you are born with - it is something you are taught. The discrimination is everywhere.  Health care discrimination and economic discrimination are huge issues. 50% of trans people are afraid to discus issues with their doctors, 25% of trans people avoid emergency room care due to fear of discrimination, 25% of trans people report being ridiculed or belittled by health care professionals and 10% of trans people report being denied or stopped treatment for being trans. Trans Women often lose 1/3 of their income after transitioning.  There are reports of barriers to employment for trans people and 15% of trans people have been fired for being trans.  This discrimination needs to end.  There should be acceptance for all.  
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
Why go through life feeling like someone you are not?   Did you know in 2017 there were only two hospitals in Canada that would perform  gender reassignment surgery?! Along with that - there were only two surgeons that would perform the surgeries.   Access to surgery improves mental health and lowers suicide rates! People should not have to live with gender dysphoria. They should not be confined to a body they do not feel is their own.  In the last 5-10 years there has been a real increase in the trans representation, and we need that to keep rising. 
I'm a bit pissed right now so I'm just going to leave this here.
If you’re really pro-choice, and say you support a woman’s right to choose, you better fucking support a trans woman’s right to have hrt and get srs if she so desires.
(I know I’m going to get hate for this.)
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
If you have time, go follow Kinkly!  Her instagram page is full of funny and witty memes, but mainly focusing on sex positivity! Her main goal is to inspire people to embrace their sexuality.  Her goal is to break the stigma around conversations about sex, bodies and keeping safe and healthy fun!  You’ll be sure to get a couple of good laughs.   
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
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Sex Positivity is a very important ideology that acknowledges each person’s right to experience and define their sexuality throughout their lifetime in whatever way they choose. Communication is key.  As Fancy Feast discusses in her article “Sex Toys Will Never Be Able To Do The Hardest Work For You”, she describes her encounters with customers on day to day basis, and how lots of couples don’t communicate their sexual desires to each other.  They simply try to hide the “uncomfortable” discussion about what turns them on by buying the newest toy or product that will do the work for them.  Here are some simple ways to help with sex positivity:
Learn more about sex – the unknown is uncomfortable. The more you know about sex and gender, the more familiar it will be. Have conversations about sex and sexuality with friends and family.  The more you open up, the more comfortable you will be become.
Accept what does and doesn’t work for you – try out different things.  Be open with your partner.  If you don’t like certain things, don’t be ashamed.  Talk to through, try it another way.  Try things on your own to see what your likes and dislikes are and then relay it to your partner.
Boundaries and priorities – don't try things you are against.  If there are certain things you don’t want to happen, don’t let them.  Don’t let your partner bully you into something you really don’t want to try.  That is sexual assault.  No means no.  There is a difference between fantasies and actual assault.
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
Empowerment vs. Exploration
During the mid 1800’s - mid 1900’s Freak Shows became extremely popular in the United States.  Freak-shows were related to circus’ and were performances ran by able bodied people.  The people labeled as “freaks, savages and geeks” were paraded around rings showing off their disabilities.  It showed disabled people as the “other”. We use the category “other” to fine what is normal.  
Eli Clare explains in his article “Freaks and Queers”, “They came to be educated and entertained, titillated and repulsed. They came to have their ideas of normal and abnormal, superior and inferior, their sense of self, confirmed and strengthened.” First there were both white and people of color with disabilities, then non disabled people of color were brought to the US and portrayed as savages.  Then non disabled people of color from the US became Exotic Natives and finally non disabled people with visible differences became exhibits of the show. There were very few employment options for disabled people during this time, so for many, this was one of the few options to make money.  
Unfortunately, this inequality still exists in today's world.  Reports show that disabled people have an unemployment rate of 71%.  Disabled people make $0.64 to every non-disabled worker dollar. On top of that, disability rates for welfare are insufficient. Disability rates you receive are often below the poverty line.  The process to apply for disability is a tedious one, that requires mountains of paperwork, and opens you to high amounts of surveillance.  
I recently had the honor to  attend the CACL Antigonish’s 5th Annual Business Ability Banquet, where they had guest speaker Garth Johnson.  He is a co-founder of Meticulon.  Meticulon is Canada's 1st IT Consulting firm to leverage the unique abilities of people with autism in high tech, skilled tasks.  All the firm's employees are on some level of the autism spectrum. Garth talked about how most people assume that because someone has a disability, they are at a disadvantage, but he shows how that couldn't be further from the truth. This is the future we need to see. We need more companies like these that will pin point areas that people with disabilities will excel.
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
Violence against transgendered men and women is a serious issue in today's world.  Why?  Why is there such a barrier?  Why do people focus so much on “norms” and not just the fact that everyone is a human? Where is the compassion and understanding that people have the right to choose to be whomever they wish?
-Reports show that 1/3 transgendered people have experienced sexual assault.  ONE IN THREE!  
-25% of transgendered people have been assaulted for being trans.  
-There are extremely high rates of missing and murdered trans women of color.
-15% of transgendered people have been fired for being trans.
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Today is the Transgender Day of Remembrance. Honor those killed in anti-trans acts of violence; mourn the lights in our community that have gone out; say their names and tell their stories; and vow to fight for those still with us.
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
This girl is an inspiration!  Not only is an aspiring actress, she is also a UN Women Global Goodwill Ambassador.  The world is starting to understand the importance of gender equality and  #heforshe movement is a clear sign of the change that is about to come. The movement is educating up on how “it’s not just a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue.” HeForShe allows all genders to stand up for women for gender equality.  
Scroll down her twitter feed and you will see her dedication to make a change to gender equality.  
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womanismweekly-blog · 5 years
Hey ladies, are you okay with earning $0.79 to every man’s $1.00??  
The wage gap is slowly increasing compared to the $0.74 to every $1.00 from Stats Canada (2011).  The reports showed that there is 26% wage gap between men and women in Ontario.  Do yourself a favor and go follow @ladiesgetpaid to educate yourself on these inequalities and join the network that is helping women get equality in the workplace!
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