wordsformendes · 6 years
i’m looking for that video of shawn that’s literally only like 5 seconds but it’s the most beautiful thing i’ve ever seen and he’s on a red carpet i think ( i THINK it’s from the time 100 gala or something? he’s wearing all black and like a navy shirt under his black jacket ) and it’s his side profile and the sunshine is on him and it’s like golden hour and he’s legit glowing and i know this is vague but if anyone knows what video i’m talking about PLEASE help me find it i’m begging you
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wordsformendes · 6 years
i love u :’)
This year has been a lot for everyone, to say the least. For as much bad that’s out there, there’s always the good that balances it out.
I’ve learned a lot about myself. Grown into this person that’s getting there and accepts that things aren’t always going to go as planned. I can only hope that 2019 gives me more possibilities and room to keep learning.
I’ve met amazing people, both here and in general and I really don’t know what I would do without them. I want you to know you’re all amazing and I’m so fucking grateful for this little community that’s brought us together. Thank you.
So whether these are people I talk to on the regular or I admire them from afar, these are blogs I’m quite fond of. There’s a good chance I’m forgetting some, so please forgive me:
@achinglyshawn @anothermendesfangirl @babyshawwn @brittanyzelazno @captainharoldsstyles @fallinshawn @fallininyou @flickershawn @harryandmolly @illumendes @illuminateshawn @infiniteshawn @lostinshawnslight @lovinmendes98 @lovelymendesx @marlahey @mendes-shawn @mendesmood @mendes2k17 @mend-es @mendesftoakley @mendeshoney @motherlifesucker @moonlightmendes22 @nocturnalmendes @onmyshawn @pattinsonshawn @phi-lophobic @pinkanddepressed @planstonightbaby @purebeanshawn @rosesfool @sbawnmendes @shawnsblckgirlfriend @shawn-mendes-thirst @shit-to-kinda-okay @siennarossi @smallerinfinities @shavvnmendcs @softboyshawn @song-bird-shawn @sourshawn @thedailyshawnmendes @torontogawd @undertheniall @wordsformendes @wordsandshawn @zankivich
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wordsformendes · 6 years
best friend, i love you
Thank you all for a great year!
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Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my 2018, even if it was just for a second. Honestly, this year has been a rollercoaster, but this year it ended up being a great ride in the end. I am going into 2019 in such a good place mentally and physically, and so many of you made a positive impact on my sometime during the entire year, and I just want to thank you all for that. Even if I don’t tag you, because lets be honest there are so many great people here I am bound to forget some, just know I love you. Here are some people who made 2018 a great year for me (again I am going to forget some and i will probably edit this throughout the night and add people). I am excited to meet new people this year, and to reconnect with some people who I have lost touch with over time.
@shawnsinmyblood @highnoteslover @thirdshawn @torontogawd @nervousroses @infiniteshawn @sourshawn @justanothershawngirl @sowhatshawn @matchamendes @ourfavcanadianshawn @allinyoumendes @shawnandari @freshmanmendes @wordsformendes @shawnsfluffycurls @shawnfrickfrackingme @wordsandshawn @shawnsrep @marvelsmendes @mendesftoakley @pattinsonshawn @softboyshawn @shawnrmendes @shawnssweatshirt @dumbshawnblog @shavvnmendcs @kitty-mendes @stylesbabygirls @majesticmendes @stereomendes @shawn-does-stuff @she-got-particular-taste @siennarossi @heynowcaptain @mendesmood @hufflepuffshawn @sbawnmendes @vibesofshawn @ohsocozymendes @fallininyou @lostinroses @sidebysideshawn @flickershawn @mendes-shawn @editshawn @shawnsmoose @shawnjpeg @song-bird-shawn @thelatelateshawn @uptownmendess @roseshawnstuff @imhereforshawn @illumendes
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wordsformendes · 6 years
i haven’t been on tumblr for the last 6 months of this year and i’m so inactive and i couldve swore people forgot me. so this is the sweetest thing i’ve ever seen :’) thank u, i love u
thank u for 2018
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this year on tumblr has been ~interesting and i’ve thought about leaving so many times it’s unbelievable so thank you to the people who made it easier to stay. i know i’m gonna forget people but without your quality content and hype over 2x grammy nominee shawn mendes, my year wouldn’t have been what it was. thank you for the friends i’ve carried over from last year, the new ones i’ve made and the people i’m too scared to talk to but appreciate from afar: 
@brighterthanluckystars @mendesftoakley @babyshawwn @rosesfool @mendes2k17 @nocturnalmendes @siennarossi @brittanyzelazno @pattinsonshawn @wordsformendes @sippingchai @vibesofshawn @sbawnmendes @fallininyou @youtakeallmyinhibtitions @smallerinfinities @vnv21 @innocent-before-mendes @captainharoldsstyles @lostinshawnslight @pinkanddepressed @gentlemanmendes @mendes-shawn
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wordsformendes · 6 years
a compilation of shawn laughing throughout 2018 
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wordsformendes · 6 years
lookin like a whole fuckboy smh ur mother raised u better than that
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wordsformendes · 6 years
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cozy Shawn is life
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wordsformendes · 6 years
I feel like Shawn Mendes is the type of guy to fall in love with you then write a whole album about you
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wordsformendes · 6 years
happy birthday to my true love forever and always. the one who has inspired me to work hard and chase dreams. the one who’s constantly there for me ( thru his music ) when im not there for myself. the one who i fell in love with when i was literally 14 years old and have been in love with since. my heart melts every single time i see him and i truly genuinely have never loved anyone more in my entire life. he is my light, my whole heart, my baby angel and the reason for my happiness and hope in humanity LOL. i love you shawn, thru all the ups and downs.
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♡Happy 20th birthday Shawn Peter Raul Mendes. August 8,1998. Toronto, Ontario, Canada♡ 
‘’I need to tell you guys how important music is. Music is the one of the very rare things in life that can bring people together in a way that words cannot describe, but we can only feel. And something that important is something that is worth protecting and never, never let it be broken.”  
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wordsformendes · 6 years
he sounds like a dAD
This might be one of my favorite snapchats of his
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wordsformendes · 6 years
Because I Love You
A/N: I know I’ve been MIA for like years now and I’m so sorry. Things are hard lol. But I appreciate all of you on here that still follow me and keep up with me. Thank you, I promise to try harder to be active on here. Here’s a lil something I wrote just for those who are always so kind to me on here :’)
The only light in the room was from the moon outside your window. You were always horrible at getting to sleep unless everything was pitch black, completely dark. But you liked the moonlight. It was hard to fall asleep with light in the room sure, but light from the moon was somehow comforting. Peaceful and just beautiful to see the light of space spill into your bedroom through your curtains. As you were lost in thought about the moonlight, you felt a warm hand touch your arm. You turned to face him and you wondered how he could always tell that you were still awake even when you were facing away from him, specifically for this reason. You hated your insomnia and you hated bothering him with it, you just wished he would fall asleep without worrying about you. But you also know that you’d worry about him too if he couldn’t get to sleep, so you guessed it was somewhat fair.
You grabbed his hand on your arm, placing it up to your mouth and giving it a quick kiss. He squeezed your fingers and then let go, slowly turning around to turn the lamp on, on the bedside table, before sitting up.
“What are you doing?” You sat up as well, wondering if he couldn’t sleep too.
“I’m gunna make you some tea. Then when I come back, you’re gunna have a book open and ready for me to read to you.” His voice was sweet, sounding like music and you just stared at him. You didn’t ever do anything to deserve him. His droopy and tired brown eyes made their way into your heart as they always did, and he gave you the most comforting look. A look you’d receive from someone that was going to tell you good news or something. He was glowing, with love and purity. Was he even real?
“No. I’m okay, you can go back to sleep.” You didn’t want to make him walk all the way downstairs just for a cup of tea. It wasn’t fair. So what, you couldn’t sleep. But that didn’t mean he didn’t have to. He was determined though, determined to make everything okay per usual and so he ignored your comment, shaking his head with a small smirk on his face. You put your hand out for him to grab, so you could pull him back into bed with you but he just stood up, walking towards the door.
“I promise I’m okay. Why do you always do this?” You said it with a laugh trying not to sound too serious, but you truly wondered why he did always do this. He always made sure that even if you couldn’t sleep, he wanted you to be comfortable. So most of the time, if you were awake so was he. He knew you couldn’t be left alone with your thoughts for too long. He knew sleeping was always hard for you and even though it was easy for him, he knew this would be part of being with you.
“Because I love you.” And that was it. Those three words that you never thought you’d hear from anyone as perfect as him, those words flipped your world, your heart and your stomach all at once. You immediately stood up, walking over to him. His hands found your waist and yours found his face. You placed a soft kiss on his cheek, smiling as you did so.
“I love you too.”
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wordsformendes · 6 years
ok but this hoe y/n is living her best life in all these fics. can I be her
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wordsformendes · 6 years
I miss talking to you
hello my love please message me bc even tho ur on anon i miss talking to u too
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wordsformendes · 6 years
side profile :(
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The fireworks again 😂
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wordsformendes · 6 years
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I do not deserve this
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wordsformendes · 6 years
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are you kidding me
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wordsformendes · 6 years
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I’m in love
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