writingalovesong · 1 year
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Celestial Earrings // Ciao Qiao on Etsy
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writingalovesong · 2 years
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A ghost stegosaurus visiting their newly discovered bones. They’re so happy you found them!
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writingalovesong · 3 years
My skin is itchy and heavy, I can hardly breath the air in my lungs suddenly vacant. So I wrap myself up so tight and secure in a hug so snug so hopefully I’ll suffocate soft and slow.
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writingalovesong · 3 years
I'm so sick of being me.
I don't even like myself. Why did I think anyone else could.
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writingalovesong · 3 years
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There are many lies that we must eradicate from our minds. By Chris Austin Art
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writingalovesong · 3 years
You always used to tell me you loved me, you told me you loved a lot about me, you said I was the one you loved. I found out you said the same thing to everyone else, I found out the hard way when I saw the words, I saw the proof. I hated you for making me feel special; I hated the way you used me to boost you up because you knew I loved you more than you loved me. Most importantly though I hate that sometimes I’m not over you.
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writingalovesong · 3 years
I know its wrong. Trust me I know, but at night when he holds me close kissing my lips and telling me he loves me.. I forget all the evil, I forget all the bad. In that moment he's not the villain he's a man a man with a broken past and a fucked up life, but as you know its easier to love the light than it is to love the dark. So I will hold him through the night and stand by his side as he brings the world to its knees.
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writingalovesong · 3 years
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writingalovesong · 3 years
I told myself I loved you
I truly did
I never believed myself
You were to cruel
But I told myself you would change
You did
Not for me
For her
So I tell you I’m happy when I hurt
Really bad and smile when she holds your hand
I tell myself it’s better this way
But I truly wish I was in her place
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writingalovesong · 3 years
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writingalovesong · 3 years
Look in the mirror
What do you see?
What do you love
And what do you hate
Look at your eyes
Look at your nose
Look at your thighs
Look at your stomach
And tell me what do you think when you look in the mirror.
I look in the mirror and I pick myself apart from the acne scattering my face to the hip dips near my heavy waist. I look at my self and I choose to degrade myself because I look at what the men want and I wanted so badly to be wanted, I tried to change. I later realized that I love the way I am, I love everything people call imperfections. I will not change for society, society can change for me.
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writingalovesong · 3 years
Do not doubt me.
As for I am a God
I move mountains
I am the one being you fear
Do not doubt me
I brought you into this world
I will take you out
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writingalovesong · 4 years
Daddy Issues
“This term is to describe a person who has unconscious impulses and associations as a result of a poor relationship with their father.”
All throughout my childhood my father was in and out of my life, leading me to believe I wasn’t deserving of his love. I was wrong it was he who did not deserve mine, he never truly treated me as though I was his daughter. So I grew up and started distancing myself from him, never calling, texting, nor visiting. I see him time to time in public, he pays me as to “make up” for all the pain he has caused me growing up. I tell people about him when they ask me why I flinch at noise and cry when men are near. He may be my father, but he will never be my dad.
- Sincerely a daughter with daddy issues.
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