wtnvincorrectquotes · 4 years
Intern!Cecil: Our hearts go out to intern Mark’s friends and family. Mark passed away earlier today under mysterious circumstances. Wish I could say the same about myself.
Lenard: Cecil nO-
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 6 years
Cecil: Listeners this is so sad and now, The Weather
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
"If we Try Hard enough, bees will actually be able to fly. And It won't be a theory that they shouldn't." -Kevin R. Free at some point
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
"Stab wound? You mean extra pocket."
-Kevin (source: Tumblr)
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
Carlos:[thinking] I should use science to see if it’s dead! Carlos:[kicks corpse] Carlos: yeah it’s definatly dead.
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
Old woman Josie:[to Cecil] do you know where Carlos is I haven't seen him anywhere Cecil: hold on, I got this Cecil: mountains aren't real. They don't exis- Carlos: [bursts in through the door] CECIL NO! There are mountains LITERALLY within your field of vision right now! Cecil:[to old woman Josie] I found him.
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
Kevin: I'm not lonely, Cecil. Cecil: How would you know? (Source: Sherlock)
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
"... Oh that was close, sometimes when I rant about Desert Bluffs too long I forget to breath and pass out."
Cecil Palmer, catching his breath after a long, Desert Bluffs induced rant. (Source: parks and recreation)
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
Cecil Palmer, all the 1st arc and a half, probably.
Tumblr media Tumblr media
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
(Interviewing Kareem) Cecil: Your resume is just pictures of you petting dogs? Kareem: That is correct. Cecil: [Visibly excited] Wh-what's this little guy's name? [Source: Tumblr Text Post]
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 7 years
Cecil:I like your pants
Carlos:thanks they were 50% off
Cecil:i'd like them 100% off
Carlos:the store can't just sell free stuff
Cecil:no that's not what I-
Carlos:that's a terrible way to run a business, Cecil
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 8 years
I don't mean to impose, but I am the ocean."
-(mayor?)Dana Cardinal
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 8 years
Cecil: And now it's time for the Children's Fun Fact Science Corner. My wonderful scientist husband Carlos is going to tell us a story about science!
Carlos: This one time, at science camp...
Cecil: I don't think that one is suitable for radio, hon
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 8 years
Cecil: Carloooos, come back to bed
Carlos: I just need to finish this experiment!
Cecil: Carlos, I didn't want to do this, but I'm giving you an All Tomato.
Carlos: ...
Cecil: Which means you give me the whole tomato. Or else.
Carlos: ... I'm coming back to bed. I'm bringing a dictionary
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 8 years
Cecil: According to the new Parks Department brochure on wilderness safety--"it's tough to say! I don't know...try hugging a bear...see what happens!"
Earl: What a weird brochure. Bears are dangerous animals, Cecil! No one should ever hug--!
Cecil:This has been a public service announcement created by the Night Vale Parks Department and payed for by a bunch of bears that pooled their money and bought some air time.
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 8 years
I arrive at the station
Science: Ready
Radio host: Hot
Black box: Out
I quickly escort myself from the station
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wtnvincorrectquotes · 8 years
Friendly reminder that if you want me to tag any triggers for you just let me know and I’ll do it, no questions asked. 
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