are you guys gonna wrap it up with the dog motif anytime soon
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Definitely one of the Top Images of all time I gotta say
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man what time is it im about to just clock out and go home rn lol *checks my phone* *the clock is scrolling thru time at like 999x speed* *i look around and everythings turning to sand and dust*
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the way homestuck did its clouds...
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I am not crazy! Azy! I know he swaaws those numbmuns. I knew it was 12121211121216. One after Marta Carta. As if I could ever t-ake such a shìt. Never. Never! Never! EverN! I just - I just couldn't proorp. He covered his a ss, he got that idiot at the coCk shop to LeL for him. You think this is sus? You think this is b-? This? This? This? This chicaneryreanery? This? He's done worse. That billllib! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fUck like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! *He* 🎻🎺🎻 it! Jiij! He *fUcated* through a *sus*! And I sHit! And I sHit! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm Ass! What was I *sHit ing*? He'll never change. He'll *never* swap those numbers! Ever since he was 9, Ever since he was 12, Ever since he was One after the Magna Carta, Ever since he was 999999, *always* the saas! Couldn't keep his hands out of the as-s drawer! "But not our Jiij! Couldn't be precious *Jiijiij*!" Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be a lawywal? What a sick jooj! I should've sHit when I had the chance!
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Melting aluminum with an electromagnet.
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I have deep love for the cat.
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He’s right behind me, isn’t he
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wuhuislandconspiracy · 17 hours
Many different species of lethal embarrassment in the world, but none quite so lethal as convincing a friend to sit down and watch a movie/show which changed your life when you first saw it only to realize with dawning horror that it's mid at best.
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wuhuislandconspiracy · 18 hours
yeah heah fucking a trans girl this fucking a trans girl that will u hang out. will u hang out with a trans girl with no sex in return? instead of having psyche shattering trauma sex will u go a few rounds of call of duty zombies with her or watch her favorite cartoon? Maybe help her make a quiche? we're not freaky monstrous otherworldly fertility priestesses 24/7. get yer head out of the gutter. ask what her interests are, who she's with, things that make her smile, maybe give her a phone call. my dick is unremarkable and 5 inches long on a good day.
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Fanart of the 2005 game 'Facade', circa October 2021. I wish we got to witness more of this game.
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enlisted in the homestuck war
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ritsuko’s mole s on the wrong cheek
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They regret getting office jobs
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