wunmooose · 3 years
I hope you are happy wherever you are Ashley
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wunmooose · 5 years
Chipotle? That's the only place I know where to get bomb veggie burritos. Last week I made a promise to a friend of mine that I would bring her a burrito today after work since she didn't get to eat much last week. She told me that I couldn't go back on my word once I said it. I crossed my heart and made an effort to not forget so I put it in my calendar. I don't use my calendar so much because I'm afraid of getting hacked and someone knowing all my movements and (wearabouts, whereabouts, wareabouts) but I'm getting over that. Im still a little paranoid of stuff but honestly nothing has ever really happened and I think it's stupid that I'm letting something like that get to me. No one is out to get me lol.
I got a text from my friend today that she didn't think it was a good idea to hang out anymore. My heart sank a little because I know she is a good friend and I'm so happy that I got to know her over the past few years. At first I thought maybe I did something wrong and I started a downward spiral in my head. I know this sorta thing would really break me and I would start to project my insecurities and blah blah blah but no more. I've been able to break that cycle more easier lately. I thought maybe it's something else and I gave her a quick call.
To my surprise she actually picked up, I got her on her lunch break. I didn't want to make it a big deal but I just wanted some clarification. She explained to me that it wasn't just her idea as if I did something wrong but was something she felt like she had to do. I feel like I'm loosing another friend all over again. I felt pretty bad when he asked her why she felt like she needed to talk to me. It gave me flashbacks to when I had a similar problem with myself. She expressed that it wasn't a necessity or obligation but that she genuinely sees me as a friend hurting right now and wants to be there for me. I can see where the insecurities might be coming from especially at his age, I remember so well having similar emotions. I guess that's why I'm not mad or anything.
I'm worried because if he does turn out to be an asshole and I saw the signs and not say anything then somehow I feel responsible. I told my friend that I speak from my heart and I don't want to influence her in anyway and to just be careful and take care of herself first. I just feel like for a relationship to be this fresh and have these type of problems so early in the beginning could be damaging but who the fuck am I to speak.
I understand maybe new friends that think your cute would be off limits or more of acquintances, but to tell a friend you known for 5 years "Why you still have to talk to him" like do I have to explain the situation! I'm not trying to steal your girl or anything. She's my fucken friend I known for 5 YEARS!!! ok granted we really just started being friends like 2 or 3 years ago cuz well she still lived in SD at the time.
Just because I understand the situation doesn't mean it hurts any less. It's ok, I'm learning how to be alone now, I don't think I really had the chance to be alone looking back at everything. It's a very hard lesson to learn but I think I'm getting the hang of it.
I will do this
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wunmooose · 5 years
I just want to take the time out to say thank you, it hasnt been easy and there have been challenges along the way. I have grown as a person and i think i havnt been this best version of my self in a long time. The past few days have been the hardest for me recently and although my pain has subsided i just want to say its important to never give up on your hopes and dreams and not let anything get in the way of that. Ive recently got rid of items that i have been holding onto because ive been holding onto my guilt and in fear of loosing everything i can still have some sentiments from my past. By freeing myself of things that no longer hold place in my life i feel like i can move on. "Im sorry" can never capture the full extent of my past actions. In recent months it has been apparent that your drive to continue forward has been deminished. I hope to see the effort from you that i have put back into myself and to us. You have been showing me through actions and little things here and there. I see more ambition and drive from you. Im starting to feel better about our whole situation. You are reaching out to me through your actions and im telling you that i am paying attention and i am listening to you. Thank you for reaching for my hand to hold, thank you for reaching and hugging me when i dont have a sweater, thank you for holding me and pulling me in for a kiss, thank you for defending me, thank you for telling me that you love me, thank you for being concerned for my well being, thank you for pushing my buttons in humor, thank you for asking how im doing, thank you for actually caring about me and being real and not fake. Thank you
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wunmooose · 6 years
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Only haters will say it’s photoshop
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wunmooose · 7 years
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Good morning friends! Have a selfie of me with my hair on point 😜 for once...
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wunmooose · 7 years
Insult Me As Much As You Can, See Why?
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wunmooose · 7 years
Farewell online privacy
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wunmooose · 7 years
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wunmooose · 7 years
you say that now xD
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Gag me
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wunmooose · 7 years
If it was only that simple 😃
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wunmooose · 7 years
I've lost my mind xD
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wunmooose · 7 years
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wunmooose · 7 years
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wunmooose · 7 years
OK to make a font out of your own writing
go here
instead of printing it off just use this blank thing that way you dont have to scan it or anything
so fill that out by pasting it in any art program and whatnot
then save it and upload it to that site
and itll give you an option to download it
so do that and then install it BAM
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wunmooose · 7 years
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this is the money bear. reblog to keep your 2017 filled with great wealth and fortune
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wunmooose · 7 years
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wunmooose · 7 years
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Happy Birthday to this Boob! I love her more dan a million lottles!!! Muah!
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