x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
@fandom-shennanigans loooook
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My “draw the squad” memes so far
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Kusuo is NOT transgender. he also has "male" has his biological gender. then he has a normal penis and normal male structure.
if you check a transmasc they don't look like a man, they looks like girls without boobs. they are still girls. :) also the same with transfem, they are still a man with a dress.
Saiki Kusuo is normal. Leave him out of that horrible shit.
Oh boy >:3
This is the funniest ask I’ve ever received; ever. Before continuing, I’m aware this could very well be a troll and this is a satirical ask, but I’m going to treat it like they were being genuine, because it’s funnier that way.
“Kusuo is Not transgender”
The post your responding to literally is a source that explicitly states otherwise, canonically. And some more proof
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Saiki was born a girl. confirmed trans. Even if you believe that sex = gender you can’t deny that the rule doesn’t apply to Saiki as he’s a shapeshifter. That logic is completely irrelevant and inapplicable to him.
“He has a normal penis”
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That is the funniest thing anyone has ever said to me.
“if you check a transmasc they don't look like a man, they looks like girls without boobs”
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Just a couple images of various trans men who could never be mistaken for women
And vice versa:
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“Saiki Kusuo is normal”
Well... no... he’s not. In terms of gender though; yeah, he is. And trans. Which is canonical. You can’t say that canon is wrong just because it’s something you would prefer to have not been the case. He is trans, whether you like it or not. So you have a couple of options now.
Accept that trans people are valid
Accept that Saiki is trans even if you view that as invalid
Some extra stuff that didn’t go with the flow of the rest
“They are still a man”
assuming you’ll read them and aren’t too scared to exit your echo-chamber safe-space, dumb ass :P
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Well, well, well, will you look at that? It’s Pride again.
You know the drill by now. It’s June 1, and suddenly everything from banks to big box stores has slapped a rainbow on their logo. Rainbow capitalism knows how to target LGBTQIA+ customers. For exactly 30 days of the year. How quaint.
Of course, it’s nice to make things bright, and colorful, and pretty. But it’s meaningless if that’s all it is.
Pride should be about uplifting and celebrating you, the community. And it should be year-round, not just 8.22% of the year. So, we’re signal-boosting your posts that celebrate, support, and honor all genders and sexualities over here. Follow to keep your dashboard lovely and gay as hell all year round.
And, yes, we’re also making a bit of a fuss right here on @celebrate (apparently, we just can’t help ourselves). So if you’re interested in talking about what Pride means to you or want to celebrate Pride but don’t know how to go about it this year, we made a fun little 30-day Share Your Pride Challenge list. Because you do, in fact, deserve to be celebrated.
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Tag your posts with #ShareYourPride if you want to make them a little easier for other people to find. And Tumblr? Happy Pride. We’re glad you’re here.
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
“Your art isn’t valued by the number of notes you get” okay but. If you spent 6 hours baking a cake for a party, but no one at the party eats your cake, it’s still disappointing.
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
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Hey jsyk it’s 2018 and if you’re still drawing characters with big lips like THIS, even if they’re pale/not black, it’s fucking racist. Stop doing it.
No excuses. “It’s a stylistic choice!” It’s a RACIST stylistic choice.
“Idk how else to draw big lips!” That’s because you relied on racist caricatures and are a bad artist. Teach yourself. Learn. If you’re not willing to do that, then you are a bad, racist artist.
“But it’s part of the character design!” Yeah, and it’s racist. If it’s your OC, then change it. If it’s not your OC, make the right choice and draw them with normal looking bigger lips instead of this racist monstrosity.
And if this post makes you uncomfortable because it’s calling you out for stuff you’ve done, good. Fix it. Own up to it. Grow.
If you see this and you’re first thought is to defend this: you are racist. You are part of the problem. Congrats. Now work on yourself and unlearn that.
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Say it LOUDER!!!!
Trigger Warning: Suicide, Transphobia.
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
The Obey Me! characters’ prounoun headcanons: Bonus Neopronoun Round!
My first one can be found here~! If anyone clowns on this I will cry and I’m an ugly crier!!!!
These include some basic sentences showing you how they might be used in practice! You can find info on neopronouns here, and there’s a big masterlist of neopronouns here!
Keep reading
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
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A comic about the spectrum of responses to stress - we talk alot about the more extreme ends of this and trauma, but the more subtle and every day responses can be harder to spot. if we can understand our own and other’s responses better, problems Are easier to confront and blaming is less likely to happen :) hope it’s helpful!!
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
#both #cause I'm indicisive
okay I’m v curious about this so fanfic writers reblog and put in the tags whether you title your fic before or after you write it
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Can you please reblog if your blog is a safe place for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, asexual, aromantic, pansexual, non binary, demisexual or any other kind of queer or questioning people? Because mine is.
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
diversity win! ur tumblr mutual loves u even tho they have never talked to u!
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Hey guys, this is me, don't worry!!
I decided to move my stuff over to this new account, as it'll be easier for me :)
Thank you for reading this!
Hey guys,
This blog is going to be full of reader inserts for different fandoms, please feel free to send asks (both for requests and for questions - not too personal please).
I will be doing Female, Non-binary and Male readers. However, if it is asked in a request (or I feel like it fits the story better when it isn't a request) I will do different gender identities too.
[Also, don't worry guys, I'm not stealing work. I'm actually @x-lilacgalacticfox-x and I'm transferring my reader inserts over to here.]
Fandom list (in no particular order):
Live action:
Harry Potter
Twilight (if requested)
Modern Family
Doctor Who
Seraph Of The End
Ouran High School Host Club
How To Train Your Dragon
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Breath short, chest tightening. Eyes darting as I feel uncomfortable and don't know what's happening, with my heart pounding in my chest.
Nothing's happening around me, so I don't know why I'm acting like this. My parents are talking on the sofa beside me, not even talking about me, so it couldn't be that.
Gripping the sofa's arm slightly I furrow my eyebrows as I feel my breathing, which was getting harder with each one. It was similar to what happens around being smoke, but without anything seeming to cause it.
I sit up, trying not to gain the attention of my parents. I adjust so I can see if it makes me breath easier.
Nope, nothing.
I take a hard, shaky breath, clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth.
Okay, let's try the breathing thing that's supposed to help. But that's anxiety... Ah, who cares, worth a shot.
I close my eyes and I take a deep breath through my nose for four beats. Then for four beats, a deep breath out of my mouth, concentrating on keeping my breathing steady and controlled.
After a few attempts, my breathing gets slowly better. Not normal, but better.
I open my eyes and sigh slightly, trying to keep my breathing steady. I look over to my parents and see they didn't notice. Success, I guess.
I quickly pick up my phone and pretend to be reading, so my parents don't notice what happened. I think to myself about what happened.
Having no idea, even after ten minutes of thinking. Fine, I give up.
Guess that's just another mystery to add to the checklist of unexplainable, recurring things that happen to me. Yay...
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Reblog if you think asexuality is a real thing that actually exists.
I'm trying to prove something.
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
The Game Show (Ron Weasley x GN!Reader)
Summary: Ron thinks he knows everything about you, you know you know more about him. Fred and George set out to solve your dilemma.
Words: 1.6K
Key: Y/N - Your Name
Warning: Didnt proof read besties, sorry 😗 The reader is fully gender neutral but they do compare themselves to girls that Ron might be attracted to!
A/N: Heads up this is really stupid😭 I just thought this was a funny idea and I stand by it lmaoo
Oh and to that one anon who requested a male reader for Ron- I am working on it so just wait 😳 You inspired this.
“Grab me a-“ Ron asked as you reached to the next table over, which had some drinks and snacks on it (a gift from McGonnagal for Gryffindors latest Quidditch victory, cheers Harry). He didn’t have time to finish his sentence as you set a bottle of pumpkin juice next to him. “Thanks, thats... exactly it. Are you practicing legilimency?”
“Ron, you’re an open book to me.”
“Am not.” He tried to argue back, but you raised a brow at him as grabbed another drink for yourself.
“There is no shame in that, I know everything about you. I might still be a mystery to you, honey.” You teased him, fully confident in your ability to hide things from him (stuff like... homework? favorite dessert? mostly the fact that you were madly in love him, but other stuff too) “But you-“
“You do not know me any better than I know you, I can bloody guarantee that.”
“What are you wankers arguing over?” Fred said walking into the kitchen, George a step behind him.
“Ron thinks he knows me better, its almost adorable how wrong he is.” You stuck out your bottom lip, pouting at him, and he groaned.
“For the last time, just because you know what drink I like doesn’t suddenly mean you know me.”
“It’s not about the drink, I just know for a fact I know, well, everything about you.”
“Freddie!” George called and smirked mischievously and you had a feeling you may not like it what the smirk suggested, “I think we have to solve this lovers quarrel.”
“We absolutely do, Georgie.” Fred said, tastefully ignoring (or not noticing) the blushing that crept up on both your faces at the insinuation of a, other than platonic, relationship.
“Give you half an hour.”
You and Ron hung out in the common room for a while, not knowing what to expect of the twins. Quite honestly, you kind of had forgotten what you were even talking about with them and just engaged yourself in playing wizard chess with your best friend.
“It’s done and there is no backing out.” Fred said walking into the room.
“I don’t like that.” Ron said, clearly leaving away from them in his chair.
“We have complied a series of questions-“ Fred went on, pretending not to hear Rona concern, “Which will ultimately solve the dilema: Who knows who better?”
“Yeah, okay, Ron is your brother- How do you know stuff about me?” You asked, honestly doubting their abilities.
“There is nothing or no one in this school we don’t know juicy things about,” Fred started, letting George add (and then wink at you); “Mostly for blackmail purposes.”
“That’s... disturbing. Proceed.”
“You’ll each answer a series of questions about each other, at the end of the game we’ll pull points and solve your dilemma.”
“What do you two get out of this?” Ron asked, rightfully suspicious.
“To embarrass you both, of course.”
“That’s sounds about right. Let’s play.”
“First question goes to Y/N- You can pick from three categories; Friends & Family, Likes & Dislikes, or Trivia.”
“Go on.” George urged.
“Uh... Trivia?”
“Contestant number one has picked Trivia- George please read us a trivia question.”
“What does Ronald say his celebrity crush is?”
“Molly Ringwald.” You say as soon as you heard the question. This was going to be easy.
“That’s true.” Ron says and nods his head, but none of you mind him- The show must go on.
“And what is his actual celebrity crush?”
“Victor Krum!” You say without thinking, almost as soon as the question left George’s mouth.
“Hey, that’s-“ Ron started but was cut off immediately.
“Correct! Two points to Y/N!”
“Suck it, Weasley.” You exclaimed right in his face and then turned around to Fred and George. “Not you two, this is really fun actually.”
“Thank you kindly,” Fred says tipping an imaginary hat.
“Ron- Has Y/N ever committee a crime? If yes, what was the crime?”
“Oh, come on guys-“ You tried to interject but Ron cut you off.
“Yes, and shoplifting.”
“Wow.” You looked at him, feeling suddenly exposed, leaning forward in your seat, “It’s on, Weasley, it’s on.”
You played for god knows how long. Yo had to admit Fred and George outdid themselves with this. How they got half the information they had was beyond you, you weren’t sure you even wanted to know. But you knew you never wanted to put them in a position to blackmail you, at least. They had exposed many embarrassing details of your (and Ron’s) lives, and you were pretty sure you only scratched the surface of the iceberg.
At this point of the games, there was a small crowd listening in, as well as some uninterested people just hanging about the common room. You had to say this probably did provide for some solid entertainment, that is if you weren’t the bud end of the joke.
“There is only one question left for you and Ronald is leading by three points. Normally this would be a win, but this is a last resort win-or-lose. Do you wish to take it?”
“Absolutely I do.”
“Who is Ron madly in love with?”
You frowned. Ron wasn’t in love with anyone.... Was he? Why didn’t he tell you? Wasn’t he your best friend who was supposed to tell you everything? Who was he in love with? Dear Merlin, why wasn’t it me?
With a million thoughts racing through your head you let your hand fall flat on your desk, no longer in the game show mood.
“I... I don’t know.”
“Hint: The person is in this room right now.”
“Guys, this is not funny.” Ron said through gritted teeth, his face glowing red. Or at least slightly more red than before, since there were plenty of questions embarrassing enough to make him, well, embarrassed.
“I don’t know.” You repeated, through your voice was fainter, “I didn’t know he liked anyone.”
“False. The person he likes is-“
“Oi, shut up. I don’t wanna play anymore.” Ron raised his voice and stood up from his chair. Merlin, he was probably embarrassed because the girl was watching. Who could it be? You looked around the room but you weren’t sure. He went with Padma to the Yule ball, maybe it was her? Or maybe it was Lavender, she always seemed to like him. God, this was making your head hurt. You needed to lay down. Face down on the floor, preferably, groaning loudly for the next two to five business days.
“Yeah, I’m done playing too. It was fun, I guess.” You said and immediately excused yourself away from the group, going straight for the dorm. And now for that groaning...
It was a few hours later, way into the night, when you found yourself completely unable to sleep. So, you decided to go down and sit in the common room, maybe read a book or do some homework- that’s bound to bore you to sleep. The thoughts of Ron being in love with some floozy (You were a feminist, it should be this easy to call girls floozies) were well on their way to giving you a migraine.
What you didn’t account for, was that the source of your troubles would be sitting on the couch of the common room too. You would have backed out, you actually started to back out, but he saw you. It was too late. Time to put on a fake smile and fight through this.
“Cant sleep?” You asked in a not-at-all natural voice. Definitely too high. Tone it down Y/N.
“Uh, yeah,” He said, and you were almost thankful he sounded as awkward as you. He wanted to talk about earlier, you saw that much in his face. Might as well be the first one to bring it up, huh? Well, here goes nothing...
“So, how come you didn’t tell me you liked someone?” You asked him, taking a seat next to him, but still keeping some distance between you two.
“Well, it’s- I mean, I was gonna- I wanted to-“ He rambled on and without any preface, he leaned forward to plant his lips against yours. Your eyes widened drastically but as soon as you realized what was happening, you wrapped a hand around his neck and kissed him back. He seemed startled at that (Yeah, who expects someone to kiss them back when you kiss them first. Solid thinking Ronald.), but eased up into the kiss again. At the risk of sounding cliche, you had to say it- It was perfect. I mean, you were both in your night clothes, and it was in the public common room, and yes you just thought he was in love with some random person, but it was perfectly you. And you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Unfortunately, the need of air prevailed, forcing you to break away from the kiss. You pulled away just enough to get a look at his, very red, face.
“Madly in love, huh?” You said teasingly, unable to keep the wide grin off of your face.
“I’ll kill those two.”
“I think you should thank them.”
“For what exactly?”
You pressed your lips to his just for long enough for him to register the kiss, then you pulled away, just enough to speak.
“For this.”
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x-lilacgalacticfox-x ¡ 3 years
Reblog to send every single person who has read one of your stories a forehead kiss
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