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Sebastian as Jack Skellington
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the THOUGHT of someone else
                         LOVING you
                                         HAVING you …
                                                                            … drives me MAD.
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Jess gave him a small nod, giving a small smile back. “Jessica,” she replied. “It’s nice to find someone who I can bitch to about the tragic fashion mistakes of others.”
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“Eh, typically i’m not a big fashion guy myself.” He gestured to his bird covered shirt. “But, that outfit really was awful” he said, with a small chuckle. 
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Cade: wrong
Cade: goodbye
Sebastian: well fuck i was just trying to give u a snippet into my new track
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Cade: i'm moving out and getting a new roommate
Sebastian: No ur not. u love me and u know it
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Sebastian: [Incoming voice message] "Brad pitt Oven Mitt Yeah this rap is Lit"
Sebastian: What do you think?
Sebastian: Bomb asf right?
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“Right?” She started, crossing her arms and pursing her lips in displeasure. “She is cute, but that outfit is just… no. Hopefully she has some sort of epiphany and realizes her tragic fashion mistakes. We can only hope.”
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“Gosh, we can only hope.” He said, grinning. He looks at her. “I’m Sebastian. By the way.” His blue/green eyes were bright with excitement. As they typically were. He was just a really happy person. 
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Sebastian typically didn’t judge others choices in apparel. But as he stood beside Jess, He couldn’t help but nod his agreement. “While I dislike judging others.... Those shorts are way to short. And that shirt does not even /try/ to match. But, she’s kind of cute, I just wish that she got her outfit together.” 
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“What the hell is she wearing?” The words were spoke with absolute disgust to the person in front of her as Jessica looked across the way at a nearby stranger. “Seriously, did she just not put in any effort at all?” Being as into fashion as she was, it literally pained her to see such little effort. “It’s not even about the fact that I’m well off and have expensive clothes at my disposal. Someone can still be fashionable with affordable clothes. This girl literally didn’t even try.” 
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[Text: Open]
Adrian: Hey, LJ, I'm going to be in town soon. You should show me around so I don't get lost.
Adrian: Wait...
Adrian: Is this the right number?
Sebastian: Um... My name isn't L.J. Sorry bro. But i can still show you around, if you'd like.
Sebastian: im sebastian btw.
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“It’s not something bad. I shouldn’t have woken you up tweeting you about it.” Cade shook his head. The last thing he wanted was a phone call from his dad over a hospital visit because he had smoked too much. Cade had never in his life gone to the hospital over pot and he wasn’t about to start now. “Sebastian-” The word caught in his throat. He wasn’t used to asking people about their wellbeing or trying to show that he cared, and it showed in his tone. The words came out awkward, almost disjointed. “Are you - are you okay?”
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He nodded his head, but stayed silent as he leaned back onto his bed. Throwing the pillow over his head so he didn’t have to force his face into a look that he wasn’t emotionally capable of holding for more than a second at a time. When he did speak though, it came out muffled and kind of shakey. “I’m fine.” He answered. Much in the same way Cade always did. Just with less bite behind it. 
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{ text ; sebastian }
jasper: i just have that kinda money to give, ya know? not many college kids do.
jasper: well, if i get an a on it, i'll definitely hit you up.
Sebastian: deal!
Sebastian: [ 20 minutes later ]
Sebastian: um
Sebastian: it's asking for a code word from your textbook.
Sebastian: Do you have it on you rn to flip to page 545?
Sebastian: If not like i'll skip it and when u get it back you can answer it
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“Yeah, and then what the fuck happens when my dad finds out? No. Nothing is wrong.” Cade wasn’t exactly pissed off. There was an undercurrent of fear - not because he couldn’t feel his limbs, but because he did not want my dad to find out. “I’m fine.”
He hadn’t thought of Cade’s dad, and that’s when he finally sat down and sighed, running a hand through his fringe. “Fuck. i forgot about him.” He chewed his lip. “But what if it’s something bad, Cade.” His eyes watered slightly before he looked away, blinking furiously to get it away. He was tired and worried, and god, he wished that he didn’t love Cade as much as he did. “Okay. You’re right. You know your body better than i do.” His voice cracked and he cleared his throat. “Well, if you’re sure you’re fine.” He kicked the shoes off he had scurried and put on. “I’ll let you get back to your scrolling position and i’ll try to catch some sleep before class.” it was obvious he was worried and upset, but he was trying really hard to hide it and he hoped that cade was loopy enough he wouldn’t notice. 
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{ text ; sebastian }
Jasper: yeah, that's me. due date is wednesday. do you want some cash? cade told me you do it for free, but getting three days work done in a day, man, that's impressive.
Sebastian: Cash? Really? I've never been offered money before?
Sebastian: but fr, no. Man, don't worry. Plus, while i typically do okay, i took this class my first year, so it's not super fresh, i don't wanna over-charge for a grade that isn't guaranteed, you know?
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Sebastian: Is this Jasper? Cade.. He gave me the assignment. I wanted to double check the due date w/ you though because he wasn't honestly sure what day you told him.
Sebastian: So here i am. Haha.
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“What the fuck? Sebastian, I told you. I’m not gonna die from too much fucking pot. Let go of me. We are not going to the hospital. I can’t pass a fucking drug test.”
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“Well no shit. But if you can’t feel your hands and feet, cade something could be seriously wrong.” His face was twisted into a worried look, blue eyes shining. “If you’re going in for pot, they know you won’t be able to pass, Cade. They won’t do anything to you tonight.” He said, words rushed. “please...” 
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Cade sat upright then, glaring at him. “First off, don’t jerk me like that, you fucking spoon. Second, I don’t need a hospital. You think someone as into this shit as me hasn’t researched? I won’t die from a marijuana overdose. And I didn’t overdose. I can handle my pot. Just like others can handle their liquor.”
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“Good, we’re moving.” He said, completely ignoring the rest of what Cade said. “We need to get going though because i think the nurse's station closes at 6am for cleaning before they open again. And we need to get there before that happens.” He stated, tugging on him slightly gentler. “Please.” 
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“Oh, you were actually serious?” Cade was pretty sure Sebastian was actually panicking, but he just laughed. He felt pretty light and dopey at the moment, and he was in no mood to get up and go in an ambulance. “We already proved my feet were still there. I don’t need the hospital. They’re not cut off.”
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“Cade Elijah motherfucking Anderson if you don’t get your pale ass out of the bed right fucking now i will cut your feet off my god-damn self.” He growled, eyes narrowing as he jerked harder on Cade’s arm. “You better get your ass up NOW.” He was genuinely scared that his best friend was in trouble and the longer they spent dilly-dallying here, the sooner that his friend could be dead.
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