xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 13 days
Daddy Tag Team
A Y/N X Damian Priest Fluff Fanfiction
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Summary: Damian Priest tackles his biggest challenge yet – caring for his daughter, Luna, while Y/N is away. Through diaper changes and sleepless nights, Damian discovers that being a dad is the most rewarding match of them all.
Damian Priest stood in the doorway of their home, Luna cradled in his strong arms, as Y/N zipped up her suitcase one last time. The look on her face was a mix of determination and unease. This was her first time leaving Damian alone with their baby girl for 2 days, and though she trusted him completely, there was still that lingering doubt.
"You sure you’re going to be okay?" Y/N asked, her voice laced with concern as she straightened up, her eyes flicking between Damian and Luna.
Damian chuckled, his deep voice full of reassurance. "Babe, I’ve faced steel cages, ladders, and even Gunther. I think I can handle our little princesa for a few days."
Y/N raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. “You do realize she’s teething, right? And she’s been extra fussy these past few days.”
Damian nodded, shifting Luna to his other arm. “We’ve got this, haven’t we, princesa?” he cooed at his daughter, who responded by drooling on his shirt.
Y/N tried to smile, but the worry lines on her forehead didn’t quite smooth out. "I know, I know… it’s just, you’ve never been alone with her for this long before. If you need anything, just—"
"—call you," Damian finished for her, leaning in to press a kiss on her lips. "I’ve got this, Y/N. “Go, save the world or whatever it is you do,” Damian teased. “We’ll be here when you get back. Hopefully, with the house still standing.”
Y/N laughed softly, still hesitant, but she knew she had to trust Damian. He was her rock, after all. She turned her attention to Luna, who was happily tugging at Damian’s long hair with a tight grip, her tiny face full of curiosity.
"Mama’s gonna miss you, sweet girl," Y/N cooed, leaning in to kiss Luna’s chubby cheek. Luna gurgled in response, her big eyes lighting up as she reached for her mother’s face.
Y/N reluctantly pulled away, feeling the sting of leaving her baby, but knowing that her work demanded it. As she slid into the waiting Uber, she looked back at Damian and Luna, both waving at her from the doorway. She forced herself to smile and gave them a little wave back before the car pulled away.
As soon as the door clicked shut, Luna’s face scrunched up, and her lower lip began to quiver. Damian looked down at her, already feeling a pang of worry. “Uh-oh. No need to cry, sweetheart. Daddy’s here.”
The lip quiver quickly escalated into a full-blown wail. Damian’s eyes widened. “Okay, okay, we can handle this.” He began to pace the room, gently bouncing her in his arms like he’d seen Y/N do countless times before. “You’re okay, Luna. We’re just going to have some fun today, right? Just Daddy and his little girl.”
After a few more laps around the living room, Luna finally calmed down, her big brown eyes staring up at Damian as if to say, I’m watching you, Dad. Damian took a deep breath. “Alright, first things first—diaper change.”
What should have been a simple task turned into a comedy of errors. Damian laid Luna on the changing table and began to undo her onesie, but the tiny snaps on the fabric seemed to defy him at every turn. “Come on, it’s just a snap,” he muttered, finally getting it open only for Luna to kick her legs and send a tiny sock flying across the room.
“Alright, you’re feisty today, huh?” Damian said with a laugh, retrieving the sock and placing it back on her foot. But the real challenge began when he opened the diaper. “Oh, man. How does something so small make such a big mess?”
He carefully wiped her clean, trying to keep everything under control, but Luna was in no mood to cooperate. She wriggled and squirmed, nearly kicking the wipes out of his hand. When it came time to put the fresh diaper on, Damian struggled to keep her still. The result was a slightly crooked diaper, but after a few attempts to adjust it, he decided it was good enough. “There we go, all clean. Let’s see your mom do better than that,” he joked, holding her up proudly.
The rest of the morning went by in a blur of tiny challenges. Feeding time was a mix of sweet moments and sticky chaos. Damian thought he had the bottle’s temperature just right, but when he went to test it, he ended up spilling milk down the front of his shirt. “Okay, so maybe I should’ve worn a bib too,” he chuckled, wiping it off.
Luna, for her part, seemed more interested in gnawing on the bottle’s nipple than actually drinking from it, which led to a minor battle of wills. “Come on, Luna, you’ve got to eat,” Damian coaxed, trying to gently guide the bottle into her mouth. After some persistence, she finally latched on, and Damian couldn’t help but feel a small swell of pride. “That’s my girl. We’re getting the hang of this.”
Nap time, however, was a different story. Luna had always been a light sleeper, and today was no exception. Damian tried everything—rocking her in his arms, walking around the house, even playing soft music on his phone. But each time he laid her in the crib, her eyes would pop open, and she’d start fussing again.
“Come on, princesa, you need to sleep,” Damian whispered, exhausted but determined. Eventually, after what felt like hours of rocking and shushing, Luna finally dozed off. Damian carefully placed her in the crib, holding his breath as he slowly backed out of the room. The moment he stepped on a creaky floorboard, her eyes fluttered open. Damian froze, holding his breath, but to his relief, Luna let out a tiny sigh and fell back asleep.
Damian tiptoed out of the room, collapsing onto the couch with a sigh of relief. “This is tougher than a ladder match,” he muttered, rubbing his eyes. He pulled out his phone to check the time and noticed a message from Y/N: How’s everything going?
He couldn’t help but smile as he typed back: We’re surviving. No major disasters yet. He added a winking emoji for good measure before setting his phone down and closing his eyes for just a moment.
He was startled awake by the sound of the baby monitor crackling to life. Luna was awake again. “Already?” he groaned, dragging himself off the couch and heading back to her room. He found her sitting up in the crib, wide awake and looking as bright-eyed as ever.
“You know, it’s supposed to be nap time,” Damian said, scooping her up and holding her close. She responded by grabbing a fistful of his hair and tugging, which made him wince but also laugh. “You’ve got a strong grip, just like your dad.”
He spent the next few hours trying to keep Luna entertained. He tried singing to her, but his deep, gravelly voice only made her stare at him in confusion. He brought out her favorite toys, only to find that she was more interested in chewing on anything within reach—including his championship belt, which he quickly had to rescue from her tiny grasp. “Not a teething toy, sweetheart,” he said, holding it up out of her reach.
He tried reading her a story, but Luna seemed more interested in the sound of his voice than the actual words. She cooed and babbled back at him as if trying to have a conversation. “Yeah? Is that right?” Damian played along, nodding seriously as if he understood every word. “You’re already smarter than your old man.”
The hours passed, and soon it was time for Luna’s evening routine. Damian managed to give her a bath without too much water ending up on the floor, though she did manage to splash him a few times. “You’re a little troublemaker, aren’t you?” he said, wrapping her in a fluffy towel and drying her off.
Getting her dressed in her pajamas was another challenge. Luna was wriggly, and every time Damian tried to get her tiny arms through the sleeves, she’d pull them back out. “This is definitely harder than a chokehold,” he muttered, finally succeeding and zipping up the onesie.
Finally, it was bedtime. Damian settled into the rocking chair with Luna, cradling her gently in his arms. He tried to hum a lullaby—one he remembered his own mother singing to him when he was little. Luna’s eyes grew heavy, and after a few minutes, she was fast asleep.
Damian looked down at her, feeling a wave of love and pride wash over him. “We did it, princesa,” he whispered, carefully placing her in the crib and brushing a kiss against her forehead. “You and me—we make a pretty good team.”
He tiptoed out of the room, closing the door softly behind him. He was exhausted, but he couldn’t help but smile as he collapsed onto the couch once more. It had been a challenging day, but also one filled with sweet, unexpected moments that he knew he’d cherish forever.
Just as he closed his eyes, his phone buzzed. It was Y/N, checking in again. Damian grinned as he typed back: Survived the day. House still standing. Princesa asleep. I think I deserve a championship belt for this.
He hit send, leaning back on the couch and finally allowing himself to relax. Y/N’s response came quickly: I’m so proud of you. Can’t wait to be back with my two favorite people.
Damian smiled, feeling a warmth in his chest that was different from the thrill of any wrestling match or victory in the ring. It was the simple, undeniable joy of being a dad, and he knew he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world.
The next morning, when Y/N walked through the door, she was greeted by the sight of Damian asleep on the couch with Luna curled up on his chest, both of them snoring softly.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile as she set down her bags and walked over to them. She gently brushed a kiss on Damian’s forehead, then Luna's. "Looks like you did just fine," she whispered, feeling a warmth in her heart.
Everything really had turned out okay—better than okay. It was perfect.
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 13 days
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Giulia - NXT 10/09/2024
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 13 days
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Eddie Kingston AEW Collision • Apr. 20, 2024
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 13 days
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 1 month
You | D.P.
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Summary: hello ^^ is it okay if i request Damian Priest x Fem!Reader where she feels secretly jealous of the constant attention Damian gets from women ever since he became World Heavyweight Champion and they just keep flirting with him. So the reader kind of like distancing herself, and it makes Damian wonder why. When another new week of Monday Night Raw came and Damian finally caught the reader before the show starts and brought her to the locker room backstage. Reader explains the reason why and then Damian just goes on to prove how much he loves only her and then they make love in the locker room :3 i'd like it to be a fluffy smut, please if its ok hehe. Smut. 18+.
Other Damian Priest fics can be found here.
Requested by anon
Taglist: @plentyoffandoms @brideofinfamy @mrsarcherofinfamy @theworldofotps
Y/N wasn't a jealous girlfriend. At least she didn't think so until he won his championship. She was so excited for him. All his hard work finally paid off. Damian was finally getting the recognition he deserved. Nothing could rain on their parade until it the other women decided they wanted to entertain him.
He was friendly to them. It was part of his job to not be a jerk to the fans. Yet they started bothering them even when it wasn't when they were at the arenas. Even date nights, the fans would talk to him. He kept the conversations brief at first. Then he started having full conversations with them. She would just keep walking to not just stand around. As time wore on, Y/N felt ignored.
Y/N started to build a wall between them. She would talk to Damian, but her mind was elsewhere. The sting of being inadvertently hurt by him sucked. He brought it up a couple of times, but she blew it off. It wasn't until he hadn't seen her at all before an episode of Monday Night RAW that he had to talk to her.
"There you are," Damian smiled upon seeing her. The show had a few hours before they aired.
"Here I am," she chuckled. Damian grabbed his fingers and linked them together.
"Let's have a chat. I feel like I haven't seen you all day," he urged. Before she could turn him down for a talk, he led her inside a locker room. It was away from everyone else to give them privacy. He locked the door behind him. "Talk to me. You have been distancing yourself and suddenly I have to look for you,"
"I'm just feeling a little jealous, I guess," Y/N sighed and sat on the bench. Damian took a step back. He didn't know where this was coming from.
"Why, mi amor? What happened?" He asked and took a seat next to her. He rubbed her back softly. She rolled her head around and took a deep breath.
"All the women that throw themselves at you now. They are so pretty, and I just miss when it was the two of us, D. Now I feel like I have to compete for your attention," she sighed and nibbled her bottom lip nervously.
He chuckled softly and shook his head. "There is no other woman, Y/N. You were here from the beginning to the end. Trust me when I lose that title they will be gone. But you know who is still going to be here? Y/N,"
Tears welled in her eyes. She cleared her throat and blinked them away. All the doubts and questions seemed so silly now. Damian loved her and only her. She leaned in and kissed him.
"I want to be here, Damian, always," she promised. He pulled her closer to him. Their sweet kisses turned into something more. She straddled his lap. Their make-out session started to heat up. Damian shifted, so she lay on the bench.
He complimented her as he placed kisses against her face and neck. She sighed happily once she felt him reaching for her underwear underneath her skirt. He threw her underwear behind him and teased her clit. Y/N gasped and moaned in his mouth.
"Don't worry, I got you," he assured her. He ran his fingers between her folds before sliding them inside her entrance. "The only woman that can make me feel like this. I want to spend my life with you,"
Y/N moaned in agreement. She didn't remember life before him. When they met, they instantly connected. Nights on the road were spent together. Times when they were away were filled with phone calls and text messages.
He curled his fingers inside of her. She gasped and balled her fists to keep quiet. The roster would have a field day in knowing they got caught having sex. He smirked and slid his fingers out of her. The archer of infamy slid his pants and underwear down. He positioned himself at her entrance.
"Now you shy?" He teased and slid inside of her. She bit her lip and whined. Damian grabbed her legs and wrapped them around his waist. He was gentle, wanting to prove to this woman that she was his everything.
More compliments were lavished on her. All her doubts were now gone. He picked up his pace once they were getting closer.
"Come on, sweetheart. I'm here. I got you," he promised. With one more thrust, their bodies were joined in utter bliss. He waited until he was ready to pull out.
"That was perfect," she blushed.
"You are perfect,"
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 1 month
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You're making this breakup harder than it needs to be Finn.
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 1 month
Less than a minute...
(Ive decided to be brave, I always wanted to try my hand at writing fan fiction so here we go! If i got anything wrong, like warnings for example please let me know so i can fix it! )
A Poly!Judgment-Day fanfiction containing themes and mentions of DEPRESSION, LONLINESS, SOME SMUT, ANGST, SADNESS, ALCOHOL etc 
Overall, I’m just trying to make you all cry… 
READER X JUDGMENT DAY/POLY! – Rhea, Damien, Finn, Dominik x READER- Written in first person with Y/N (Reader Female)  
Italic font – flashback, speech or memories
Less than a minute 
The hotel room was quiet, the cheap TV fixed to the wall showing Monday night Raw on a low volume mixed in with the sounds of footsteps in the corridor, each sound filling the hot humid air. Outside the rain lashed down, heavy rainclouds hung low in the night sky blocking out the starlight, yet the full moon powered through, illuminating the streets, reflecting in the puddles that ran along the gutter line. 
 It was late, most of these anonymous guests rushing around just outside our door would be returning from busy work days to catch up on sleep or be heading out for a fun night on the town.  A blissful life for most, a chance to escape their homes and stay in a bed with room service, maids to clean up after you and a reception for any assistance required! I hated it though; it wasn’t my choice but when you are on the road traveling for what felt like 300 days of the year with your partners there isn’t much of an option. A different country every month, a different state every week, Christ a different town every night. I longed for those one-off days where we were all free to do nothing. Something many people take for granted is the ability to do nothing, and I missed it. 
Life felt far too chaotic, and despite being in a 5-way Polyamory relationship, I’d never felt so alone. I longed to go home, back to our own little house, we had been away for so long now. I could picture it, the front room shelves filled up high with my collection of books. My own little library I had spent a lifetime building now just collecting dust. The cabinets filled with Dominik’s board games that had bought about so many nights of endless laughter and equally some rather extreme arguments over winners, losers, cheaters and a half empty liquor cabinet that had been drained dry after a game of Scrabble. I still laugh now thinking back to when Rhea would demand the Alexa to define a word, we were sure Dominik had made up. Still, you could always rely on Finn to settle the score with a round of tequila shots and an accidental knock of the board. 
“Oh no!” Finn would laugh as he ‘accidently’ kicked the board off and onto the floor. 
“The board fell… guess we will have to play something else aye lass” he stated sarcastically, winking at me as he passed over one of the shot glasses. 
“I wouldn’t say No to a game of Twister” Damien suggested, raising his eyebrows as he took his shot and ran his fingers down my back. I swear that man would give me goosebumps from the top of my head to the center of my core with just a passing look and that fiendish glint in his eye! 
Rhea was quick to move herself over towards us resting her head in my lap, turning her view point to a more favored position. “I’ll second that” she smiled gently kissing the inner of my thigh, my breath was hitched, excited and on edge all at once. 
“Well I’m calling it!  I won..” Dominik stated with a huff as he began to pick the letter tiles up off the floor. Smirking over at him we each adorned a loveable gleam towards the boy. A little brat at the best and worst of times, but we wouldn’t have changed him for the world. 
Moving Rheas head onto Damien’s lap where the two of them began their own little make out session I crawled my way round to Dom, helping collect the remaining tiles off the floor and boxing his board game up. 
Smiling into his eye line I whispered ‘Never change who you are Dom Dom, We will always be here and we will always love you”
“What about when they break us up though?” he asked, I could hear the anxiety in his voice, his eyes. “I have to turn on Rhea and…and..” 
I held him close, his hands holding tightly to my back and I could hear his gentle muffled cries. 
“You’ll never be alone Dom, I love you so much. Even if I’m not always there to hold your hand, ill never be far away” I whispered in his ear. 
“Less than a minuite?” he smiled. 
I couldn’t deny how much love I felt for each of them, work life had been tough for the four of them after the WWE had stated they would be splitting the group up to start a new storyline involving the likes of Liv Morgan, JD & Carlito. It didn’t stop the love we had for each other, but it certainly made traveling together difficult! I often reminded them that unlike myself none of them exactly blended into a crowd. 
Sitting in the middle of this king size bed I pulled my knees up to my chest, I had stolen Damien’s hoodie and a pair of rhea’s gym shorts in the hopes of being comfortable enough to focus while I studied my textbooks, but alas tonight my mind was elsewhere. I had been studying Law for some time, it had always been such a passion of mine and thankfully no matter where we slept I could bring my books and get my head down while my partners entertained the world. It also came in quite handy when certain members of the group had one too many drinks on a night out and needed some help in escaping the police without legal prosecution. Dominik can tell the world he did hard time in jail all he likes, but it was me that got the little brat released early after a dramatic night with Rhea at his parents’ house on thanksgiving. 
The WWE had offered me a position on their legal team once I had passed all my exams, yet that was over a year ago. I had deferred my exam date twice already, I wasn’t sure what was wrong with me but I didn’t feel the love, the passion or the joy I had done surrounding myself in plans for my future dream career, I was starting to worry I had wasted all these years for nothing.
Finn was always the voice of reason; he would often sit and help me revise while Rhea and Dom would shower together after the gym and Damien would take a nap. He was the voice of reason in the group, the glue that held us all together when things got tough. It was Finn that supported us all the most when our relationship went public, none of us had wanted to hide how we felt and the WWE were supportive, but that didn’t stop the online hate. The four of them were use to random strangers throwing insults due to the nature of their job, and thankfully I wasn’t of much interest to the fans. We had done our best to keep me away from the public eye, almost everyone just assumed I was part of the WWE teams supporting the group. There were a few fan speculation pages online who loved to play the guessing game but the majority saw me as nothing, as no one. 
Finn always knew when something was wrong, he hadn’t wanted to leave me this evening but I had persuaded them all to go on the promise when they returned we could order in and cuddle up to watch a new release on tv if we connected Damien’s laptop. 
“Chicken tenders! Ooh and nuggies?” Dom said, looking around the room in minor disbelief as we all looked at him with smiles. “What?” he asked. 
“Really Dom? Chicken tenders, I’d never have guessed that bro. There’s me thinking you’d want Sushi!” Damien stated sarcastically with a smirk as he zipped up his duffel bag. 
“Ew, raw fish? Bleugh! That’s gross!” Dom was genuinely disgusted at the idea. 
“Hey! Don’t knock Sushi you little squinnie! Just because the rest of us have some foodie culture, your mother should have had you expand your pallet better!” I replied as I walked over and flicked Dom on the head. He was quick to wrestle me up and onto his shoulder, spinning me round onto the bed where he climbed on to pin me down. 
“Uh Excuse me! I think you’ll find…Mami! has expanded my pallet just fine hermosa!” He stated, daring his lips closer to mine. 
“Oh I bet..” I whispered to him closing the gap between us, our lips aching to touch. “Your pallet has had its fair share of tasting sessions aye Dom Dom” 
Before he could respond Damien wrapped his arms around Dominik’s waste pulling him off me and planting him back down to earth, ruffling his hair upon release. 
“Alright you two, break it off!” Damien patted Dom on the chest as he tossed over his rucksack from the chair. I bought my chest up leaning back on my hands winking at Dom as he scowled at me with a mix of frustration and cheek. 
Rhea walked out from the bathroom with Finn following in tow, slapping Dom on the ass and wrapping her arm around his neck. 
“Behave yourself Dom Dom” Rhea said before looking over at me on the bed, “You too Bunny, Brats be warned there will always be consequences.” She laughed and pulled Dom towards the hotel door blowing me a kiss as the two of them headed out to work. Damien followed suit leaning down on the bed to kiss my forehead. 
“Te amo, Hermosa” he held the back of my neck touching foreheads before following Rhea and Dom. 
“Ill catch up with you three downstairs” Finn said and Damien gave him a thumbs up as he headed out the hotel room door and closed it behind them. 
Finn took a seat next to me on the bed as I sat up properly and moved to the edge, adorning one of those fake convincing smiles that had worked so many times before. 
“A night of studying then? We won’t be back too late I promise, you can pick the film tonight. I dread another of Rheas slasher films aye. We will be up all night watching the door” Finn said with a gentle nudge to my shoulder. I just nodded, unsure of how to respond. It was strange, I could hide myself in the love and laughter I felt for them all, the never ending flirting and sexual frustration that would build when we were in a room. But a reminder of the real world, of the real life we were living was enough to shatter my dreams back to reality. Every day was blending into one, the repetitive endeavors were tearing my soul apart. Tears began to fill the corners of my eyes as I was quick to stand and rub them away taking a sharp breath. I knew inside I was breaking, I was like a ticking time bomb and I needed to protect them all. Finn leapt up to his feet spin me around and face him.
“Y/N, listen to me lass, you know we all love you. No matter what, no matter how hard it all gets, whether you sit the exams and pass or fail.” Finn held his hands to my face cupping my cheeks. 
Finn had suspected something was wrong for a while, he and Rhea had sat down with me before to talk. They knew about my past, the scars I had whilst silver and faded now were a window into a past life I had battled for so long to break free from, always terrified it would find me again. I was like a rabbit in headlights when it all got to much, I would freeze in fear of my mind running away with my sanity. Hence the nickname Bunny. 
“I don’t know what is wrong with me..” My voice was fragile, broken. 
Finn held me in a close hug, his warm embrace relighting the fire inside my chest, a willing to keep going forward. The serenity was quickly broken by a car horn beeping outside followed by a text alert on Finns phone. 
BRAT NO.2  -
“Oi! Save some of her for the rest of us Finn >_< get your ass down here! We’re gonna be late!”  
Finn shook his head, “That boy tests my patience to its limit at the best of times, ive a good mind to put him over my knee’ 
I laughed wiping my eyes with my sleeves “Only if you let me watch” 
He smiled and held me close, “I can stay, if that’s what you need?” 
I shook my head and released him from the hug, “No. its okay, you go kick ass! I’m gonna jump in the shower and try to get in a quick nap before I crack on with those books, can’t defer the exam forever!” 
“We will be back before you know it” Finn said softly 
“Less than a minute?” I half smiled
“Less than a minute” He returned the all too familiar phrase. Finn kissed my forehead before getting his bag of the chair and reaching into his pocket to get his phone that had started to ring. He answered the call whilst slumping his bag over his shoulder and nodding his head goodbye to me before heading out the door. 
“Dominik, I am telling you now! I swear to god if you don’t…” Finns voice faded out as he continued down the hotel hallway, the door closing behind him. 
Taking a deep breath I shook off the heavy emotional cloak weighing me down and headed for the shower. 
Looking around the rather large hotel room we had booked for the night I came to wonder; anyone would have thought we would have been used to this horrendous decor by now. No matter where we stayed every room felt much the same, whether it was the dismal wall art, low pressure shower heads or dull painted walls that felt like they were closing in. Though I knew the others were not fazed by it, they very rarely spent a lot of time in these rooms, aside from catching up on missed sleep or dancing the devils tango with any sparing energy the four of them would be in the gym or at the WWE training centers for live shows or TV. 
Sitting here I couldn’t steady my mind, I felt lost, lonely, empty even. It wasn’t their fault, they showered me in affection, I could want for nothing but more time with them. Yet it wasn’t that either, no amount of time in the arms of Rhea could fix the damage, she was the only woman I could love with the entirety of my heart, but as incredible as she was, even Rhea Bloody Ripley couldn’t fight off the demons inside me. 
The deeper I looked the more the world felt wrong. It all felt alien, uneasy, I wondered if it was just me, was I the problem? I checked the time, just after 10pm, they would be back soon enough, why did that bring about such panic, an anxiety drowning my heart, my breathe hitched and I felt it. You just know don’t you, it could have been years, weeks, days, hours or minutes that you had been fighting the voices in your head, the devil on your shoulder, but I was so lost in it all I just wanted to be alone. 
Slipping  off the bed I pulled on my socks and trainers and headed for the door. Pausing in the doorway I felt my heart sink a little, maybe this was it, maybe I wasn’t what I had promised I would be. 
A single tear fell down my cheek as I closed the hotel room door behind me, leaving my phone and keys on the nightstand. I needed to break free, only time would tell how long for, but I needed to feel. I needed to escape the War inside my head and the only way I knew how to do that, was to run. 
Rhea and Dom walked through the carpark with his arm wrapped around her waist as they headed towards the rental car. It had been a hard night for them and all they wanted was to climb into bed with their girl and sleep. Damien followed just behind the both of them carrying the groups bags. Finn bringing up the rear of the group was locked into his phone, his face filled with concern for their girl who hadn’t responded to a single text all evening. They had received a message from the WWE management team that they could leave early to limit fan interaction ahead of SummerSlam. 
Climbing into the rental car Dom, Rhea and Damien waited for Finn. 
“Maybe she fell asleep studying?” Dom asked as Finn sat in the back passenger seat. 
Rhea had her phone up to her ear listening to a never ending ringing on the other end, Voicemail again. “Bunny? please call me back.” She ended the call and looked up to Damien in the drives seat. 
“Priest, Floor it!” 
Reaching the hotel all four of them raced from the car inside, adrenaline fed through them as they reached the hotel room. 
Hands shaking Rhea swiped the card multiple times before holding it still long enough to enter. The realization. The Silence. It was deafening.
Damien rushed in to check the bathroom as Finn scrambled around the room with Dom, looking for something, for someone they knew wasn’t there. Rhea stood frozen in the doorway, in silence, her eyes locked in. 
“Rhea?” Dom hastily rushed over, hand on her shoulder as he turned to her eye line. There it was, on the bedside table. 
Finn edged his way over to the bedside as Damien came back into the room. Hands shaking nervously Finn reached down and picked up Y/N phone and hotel keycard. 
They all shared a look between each other, a look of fear and confusion. What were they meant to do now? Where did Y/N go? 
“I shouldn’t of left her…” Finn held the phone tightly pacing the same two steps over. “I could see it, I saw it, I shouldn’t of left her…” Finn repeated again. 
“Finn?” Dom hesitantly questioned his actions. 
Rheas demeanor quickly turned and she slammed her hand against the doorframe and rushed out followed by Finn and Damien desperate to find their girl. 
“Dom stay here! In case she comes back!” Damien yelled, he paused in the hall before rushing back to the room and holding Dominick’s face in his hands. “We will find her, I promise, we will all be back before you know it” Damien kissed his forehead before turning and running back out the door. 
Dom was frozen on the spot, he couldn’t move, he looked around the room at abandoned study books, half unpacked suitcases and clothing discarded on the floor. He felt smaller than ever before, his heartbeat felt cold, his chest filled with butterflies and his hands cold to touch. 
Walking over to the window that stood from floor to ceiling he held his hand to his chest tearing up at the rain lashing down outside . “Less than a minute?” 
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 1 month
Less than a Minute - Part 2
The reaction to this is not what i was expecting at all, for my first ever attempt at fan fiction i assumed maybe one or two may read it but i would end up deleting it and hiding back under my duvet! Yet my mind is blown by the love and reaction >.<
Part 2 is here! This is definitely gonna be a mini series, there's a lot more to come! Part 3 is in the works and will be out later this week.
For now...
A Poly!Judgment-Day fanfiction containing themes and mentions of DEPRESSION, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, LONLINESS, PANIC ATTACKS, SOME SMUT, ANGST, SADNESS, ALCOHOL etc 
Overall, I’m just trying to make you all cry… again >.< 
READER X JUDGMENT DAY – POLY – Rhea, Damien, Finn, Dominik x READER- Written in  first person (Reader Female) 
Italic font - Memory/ Flashback
Less than a minute Part 2 
Dominik sat on the edge of the hotel bed; the cheap cotton blend bedsheets crinkled underneath his jeans as he struggled to stay still. With his eyes held tightly closed he ran his hands up and down his thighs, his knees bouncing up off the floor and his heels tapped nervously against the carpet. His breath hitched and his panic was starting to show. 
Taking in a sharp sudden breath he rose to his feet, one hand behind his head he paced the same steps in the room, he had begun to feel every emotion all at once and there was no one around to save him from himself.
Hands still shaking, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. The thumbprint passcode wouldn’t recognize his hand due to the sweaty palms, so it took a few attempts to type the pin number in correctly. 
“Co..Come on, come on, pl…pl..please” his words were distant and far apart, his voice was failing him. He held his phone up against his ear as he struggled to catch his breath. 
In that moment his heart skipped a beat, it ran cold, the air in the room felt like the temperature dropped to below zero. There it was, that noise. 
The bedside table played an all too familiar tune as it lit up with Y/N phone screen and Dom’s face turned pale, his fear quickly turned to frustration, then to anger. 
“FUCK” he threw his phone to the floor, only remembering Y/N had left hers behind. She was often the one he would turn to when his anxiety peaked. With all the changes coming their way in the world of wrestling Dominik has relied heavily on her support to keep his panic attacks at bay. It was increasingly showing how hard it was going to be to turn against the people he loved whole heartedly. Gratefully he had Finn by his side who was also being forced to turn, so Dominik didn’t feel quite so lost or alone in it all. 
With his hands still shaking Dominik reached across and grabbed Y/N phone from the side. The screen flashed up with his name and a picture of the two of them together with Rhea from the Christmas just gone. Both himself and Y/N with sweet little reindeer face painted noses and fluffy antlers whilst Rhea had been dressed as a sexy Mrs. Claus. 
The WWE had requested a few of the superstars to take part in a Christmas charity photoshoot. Damien and Rhea were dressed as Mr. and Mrs. Claus and Dom Dom, being the little submissive he was had been dressed as Rudolph. Y/N and Finn had joined them briefly in the photo studio in what they had said was support but Rhea was convinced it was for their own entertainment, and it hadn’t taken long for the two of them to be sent packing by the photography team thanks to the wolf whistles and giggling. 
When the photographer had finished Damien, Rhea and Dominik had returned to the Judgment Days clubhouse to find Y/N and Finn waiting for their arrival. Finn was dressed as an Elf with a sack of presents over his shoulder, while Y/N was in full matching attire to Dom, painted nose and all. 
“Ho Ho Ho” Finn laughed as they entered the room, sending a cheeky wink Damien’s way. 
“I think you’ll find…that’s my line Finn” Damien remarked chucking as he made his way over towards the pair of them. 
“Aye maybe, but I still need to check that you are on the Nice list before you get to have a rummage in my….sack” raising his eyebrows suggestively Finn bit his bottom lip. Damien now stood in front, towering over he wrapped his hand around Finn’s neck pushing him up against the wall. They paused a moment before Finn dropped the bag and laughed pulling Damien into a deep kiss. 
Y/N smirked at the two men as she made her way over to Rhea and Dom who were half distracted watching the boys make out session. 
“What about me Mrs. Claus, did I make it on the nice list?” Y/N whispered seductively, running her hand down Rheas arm. Dom mimicked Y/N movements to Rheas opposite arm as he leaned in to nuzzle at her neck. The goosebumps rising across her tattooed skin she took a sharp breath before glancing back at Y/N and pulling Dom away by the scruff of his mullet. 
“Naughty list more like, you two brats hold the record” she laughed and lent down to nuzzle into Y/N neck nipping at the skin. In that moment Y/N felt her entire body heat up in an instant, the knot in her stomach tightened as she failed to catch a breath. Smirking at her work Rhea pulled herself away and let Dom go whilst readjusting her outfit. “Now Dasher and Dancer, Smile for Mami” and pulling her phone out she snapped the photo. 
The Rain had set in hard; it had washed away the puddles on roadsides flooding the sidewalks.  The clouds hung low engulfing the neighboring streets ahead as the storm began to fully draw in. The moon had disappeared, only on occasion would it shine through as lightening illuminated the silver linings of the cloud break.  Damien was driving at pace while Finn scanned the face of every person they flew past as best he could. Deep down inside though he knew, he didn’t need to see her face to recognize the love of their life, for whom had been missing for hours by now. 
“She must be freezing” Damien’s voice was soft, broken. “Her coat was still on the hook, how many times..” He gripped the steering wheel tighter in ager as his demeanor changed. “How many times, have I reminded her, to take her god damn coat when she goes out!” he yelled. He wasn’t really angry mind you, he was scared, and Finn knew that. Staring back out the window at the anonymous strangers rushing into taxis or sheltering under bus stops Finn closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself. He knew now wasn’t the time to break, he had always been the strong one, even if he didn’t feel it in that moment, he couldn’t let that show. 
The streetlamps were indeed lit, but offered very little sight into the surrounding alleyways. Rhea sat in the back seat of the car chewing at her thumbnail, blankly staring out the window her mind flew at a million miles a minute. Every thought, every fear, every question came to mind but was quickly pushed out by another. Y/N was fine she thought, she was happy when they left, in these last days she had been fine.
How had she not known there was something wrong with Bunny.
Unless she had known? 
Had she? 
Rhea stopped chewing her nail for a second, eyes widening slightly. It was as if her brain had rebooted and kicked into gear. 
“Less than a minute?” Rhea whispered under her breath, a sudden realization hitting before the car horn bought her back to reality as Damien slammed on the breaks sending her and Finn flying into the seatbelt lock.
“¡Absoluto Idiota! ¡Mira a donde vas!” Damien shouted slamming down on the car horn again. He gripped the steering wheel tightly as the car in fronts tyres screeched away throwing back the flooded road surface against their windscreen. 
Finn reached over to take Damien’s hand in his, loosening the death grip he had locked in. 
“Pull the car over love, lets regroup.” Finn offered kind words as Damien pulled into the layby shutting off the engine and throwing his head back in exhaustion. 
“Rhea?” Finn turned to face her in the back, visible tears fell down her face as she gripped the seatbelt locked in tightly across her chest, the anxiety she felt was more obvious than ever as her blank forward stare had fully locked in. 
“Rhea? You alright?” Finn asked again looking at her with deep concern, glancing over briefly at Damien who turned to face her as well. 
“Rhe?” Damien reached out to give her a gentle shake. 
“Less than a minute…” she spoke gently again, in a slightly louder but muffled whisper. 
In that moment Rhea’s eyes shot open wide as she scrambled for the seatbelt lock to unclip herself.  
“I KNOW WHERE SHE IS” Rhea’s voice shook, each word breathy and panicked as she scrambled herself out of the car throwing the door open and running off into the downpour. 
“RHEA!” Finn screamed as he stumbled out of the car whilst opening the door, but she was too far gone. 
They two men watched as her silhouette disappeared down the street, her dark attire blending in all too well with the night. 
Damien glanced over to the back seat where Rhea’s coat lay in the passenger footwell, he reached over and grabbed it as Finn climbed back into the car, dripping wet from his brief time in the rain. 
Holding up the jacket Damien shook his head, “These women and their coats…”. 
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 1 month
Less than a Minute - Part 3
A Poly!Judgment-Day fanfiction containing themes and mentions of DEPRESSION, SUICIDAL THOUGHTS, LONLINESS, PANIC ATTACKS, SOME SMUT, ANGST, SADNESS, ALCOHOL etc 
Overall, I’m just trying to make you all cry… again >.< 
READER X JUDGMENT DAY – POLY – Rhea, Damien, Finn, Dominik x READER- Written in  first person (Reader Female)  Italic font – flashback, speech or memories
Less than a minute – Part 3
The silence in the air was deafening, the early morning hours of pre-dawn had bought calm to the city. The streetlamps had almost all gone out, leaving the roads lit only by clouded starlight. 
By the time Finn and Damien had returned to the Hotel car park the rain had eased off, now nothing more than a gentle patter on the streets remained. 
Pulling the car in and shutting off the engine Damien took a deep breath; he looked over to Finn whose demeanour resembled nothing like his normal self, now only a broken and tired Prince was left. Offering only a half smile, Damien ran his hand around the back of Finns head and down his cheek. 
“Rhea will find her. I promise” Damien’s voice was low; the hurt was there but still he composed himself enough to offer support. 
Finn took a deep breath, sighing he fell back into the chair unbuckling his seatbelt. 
“I never should of left” Finn paused closing his eyes for a moment, “I should have stayed behind”. Finn’s voice was quieter than a church mouse now. 
“Prince, look at me” Damien said turning Finn’s face to meet his. “You know this isn’t your fault. It isn’t anyone’s fault… Y/N would never of let you miss RAW. These things they just (*sharp inhale*) it takes time for someone to reach a point that they can’t find a way out. It doesn’t mean she won’t come back; she knows she is loved. Right now, Y/N is lost, and we just have to find a way to reach her.”
Tearing up Finn opened the car door and stepped out taking in a deep breath of the cold night air as he stretched out his arms above his head before letting them swing back down to his sides. Damien followed out quickly behind and met Finn around the other side of the car. Holding out his hand Damien gestured for Finn to take his. 
Damien pulled Finn towards him as they began to walk back towards the hotel, his arm wrapped tightly around Finn’s waist. 
“I hope Dom’s doing okay” Finn said as they hurried inside and out of the storm residue. 
“Mr Martinez, Mr Balor!” The hotel receptionist lept to her feet in a shocked daze as the two men closed the entrance door behind them. 
“I’m so sorry you just missed them, but if you hurry, they…” 
“Sorry love, missed who?!” Finn interrupted her, letting go of Damien’s hand and rushing toward the desk. “Two girls? Was it our girls?!” He asked. 
The receptionist looked at them blankly for a moment, “did you…did you not get the message left for you?” Her face full of panic and her words falling out at such a speed it all became a jumble of confusing jargon. 
“I’m so, I’m so sorry I, I thought someone had, someone had spoken to you, you see my manager said to me, he said he tried to call and, he called and...” 
Damien stepped up towards Finn slamming his hands on the desk to silence the woman. 
“MISSED. WHO.!?” He demanded. 
The receptionist took a breath to compose herself followed by a deep gulp, sensing the urgency of the two men in front of her she feared pissing them off any further. 
“The ambulance.” She spoke softly, trying her best to remain professional, though her voice still shakey. 
“Your, your friend, the one who was upstairs, a Mr. Mysterio?” she looked down to check the booking information on the computer screen. “The maids were umm, they were called to do a, a  welfare check. You see we’d had a, a noise complaint and…” Finn cut her off holding up his hand as his head fell and hung down low, he clung to the edge of the reception desk for stability, feeling his legs go numb. 
You could have cut the silence with a knife, the air became impossible to breath at this point as both men stood in silence, unable to comprehend the situation they found themselves in. 
“Where?...” Damien said, sharp, straight and to the point. 
Following one last sharp swallow she checked her note pad and looked up. 
“They were taking him to Bernstein University General, it’s just a few blocks d…” But before she could finish, they bolted out the door. 
Falling back into her chair the receptionist lent down to the mini fridge under the desk and bought a miniature vodka bottle out, necking the shot in one. 
“God I hate the night shift.” She stated to herself. 
Rhea stood looking up at the two large doors before her. Every inch of her was frozen, soaked through to the bone from the rain. Make up half run down her cheeks, her skin was cold to the touch, her heart racing as it pounded heavily through her chest. Her whole body trembled as the light drizzle fell through the breeze, ever reminding her of the low temperature. 
But she was numb to it all. She couldn't feel any of it, not a thing. She could not feel the cold freezing her fingertips, she could not feel the pain in her chest from running for so long. She felt nothing in that moment...
Because there she was. 
There, she was. 
‘Oh Bunny...’ Rhea spoke softly, her voice breaking…cracking even as it drowned in the sadness of it all. 
There on the steps of the City’s Library Y/N lay, curled up into a ball, barley dressed for such poor weather and out like a light. Y/N body trembled as well, matching Rhea’s shivers in unison. Her lips tinged a soft baby pink and blue. Her conscious having clearly tapped out from the cold weather and exhaustion. 
Approaching her gently Rhea sat down next to Y/N and pulled her into her lap. Rhea clung onto Y/N so tightly as her breathing choked and she began to cry, unable to stop the heartbreak from pouring out of her soul as she quickly realised her jacket was back in the car. Trying to offer any warmth through soaked hugs she held onto her little love, ignoring the fact she herself was also close to being frozen through. 
“Trust you Bunny...” Rhea half laughed, trying to hide her broken heart as she sniffed up the rain droplets running down her nose. “You said it so many times, so many times. And we heard you… but we didn’t listen” She readjusted herself having Y/N now in a full cuddled embrace, protecting the pair of them from the persistent showers from above.  
“When we are at our saddest, when we are closest to tears, to that heartbreak.” Rhea paused to kiss Y/N head and catch her tear fuelled breath.  “It would take less than a few words, less than a hug or someone asking if you are okay…. it would take less than a minute to fall apart.” Rhea couldn’t hold it in anymore, tears cascading down her face. 
“So, you should always go somewhere no one can reach you, no one can ask you how you are doing, and no one can ever pry. The rules of the library are a matter-of-fact aye... you clever little brat.” Rhea clung on tight to Y/N unable to stop herself crying. 
“I made you a promise Bunny, do you remember?” She asked looking down at Y/N face that was laced in rain droplets and goosebumps. Planting a gentle kiss on her lips Rhea stroked her cheek watching closely as Y/N chest rose and fell with each sleepy breath. 
“I said I would never leave you” kissing Y/N forehead she held her close to her chest as the final streetlamp above flickered out revealing the soaked stars in the sky. 
“I’m here Bunny, I’ve got you. See? It’s just us, just us and the stars. We have all the time in the world” Rhea gently rocked Y/N in her arms as she looked up to the full moon. 
“I Love You, Y/N. For Now, For Forever, For Always. And For Every Minute.” 
To be continued...
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
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Scalvo shows up unannounced looking for a place to hide from the cops…again
“Hide me” Scalvo said as you opened the door and he rushed in and ducked down behind your couch.
“Boy if you don’t get your fugitive ass out of my living room…” you said tired of his shenanigans “What did you do this time?”
“Fuck Y/N just hide me somewhere” he said having no time for your attitude.
“Go in the basement in the cold cellar room and sit there for a bit but if I’m swatted I will have your ass.” You said firmly as you scurried him down the stairs.
“I was hoping you’d have my ass later.” Scalvo said forever stealing your heart with his cheeky answers.
You hadn’t seen him in a while. He was avoiding police AGAIN with promises to straighten himself out and move with you to another state and start over but it was always some version of this and you were tired. You stopped picking up the calls from jail and blocked him on social media but he had a way of worming his way back in. Just then came the knock on your door you had been dreading.
“Miss Y/N?” The officer asked you as you opened the door trying to look like you just woke up.
“That’s me” you fake yawned.
“We understand you are a known associate of a guy that goes by the name of Scalvo. Have you seen him lately?” The other officer questioned.
“I do know a Scalvo. Tall guy, slim, curly hair?” You said acting like you weren’t 100% sure. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen old Scalvo.”
“Do you mind if we come inside and take a look.” They said flashing their badges
“With a warrant you can look all you like.” You said knowing they would have to go get a warrant and come back giving Scalvo time to get away.
“Alright miss, I see you know your rights, we’ll be back have a good evening.” They said and as soon as they got back into their cruiser you ran downstairs to let Scalvo out of the cold cellar.
“Scalvy baby are you ok?” You said lovingly as you opened the door to the pitch black room and he was shivering sitting with all your stored potatoes and other foods.
“Thank you again baby. I promise I will stop putting you in this position. I have something lined up in Florida. You want to move with me to the sunshine?” He said holding you by the waist and planting a sumptuous kiss on your waiting lips. It had been too long. “I was so heartbroken when you stopped taking my calls from jail.” He said nuzzling into your neck just grazing your skin with his ample bottom lip that drove you crazy. He missed your scent and wanted to savour this moment.
“I can’t do this with you anymore. I told you that.” You said achingly
“Baby I swear I got you. They on some bullshit, I never did what they said I did. I got mixed up with the wrong people and..” he was starting to explain but you stopped him.
“Same old same old” you said walking away as he followed you up the stairs into the kitchen “I don’t want to hear it. Are you hungry?”
“I’m starving.” He said pulling you back as you started making him a sandwich. You couldn’t help but send him back out there into his crazy life on a full stomach. He was the love of your life and he knew it.
“Stop.” You said putting a hand on his pecs to press the pause button on what he wanted. What you both wanted. “They’ll be back. We don’t have time for this.”
“Scalvo…I’m…I’m pregnant and it’s yours.” You said unexpectedly. He suspended his breath in shock but a smile immediately crept onto his face revealing his dimples under his beard.
“Y/N that’s amazing news! Imma be a dad?” He said excitedly holding his head and pacing around the kitchen. “Come with me now we’ll head South.” He said urgently.
“Can you just leave?” You said crumbling into a pile of tears.
“I’m not going anywhere without my 2 baby’s now.” He said holding you tenderly. This was a love you had no chance of escaping. It had always been you and him helping each other survive without any parents. He went one way and you kept trying to make him do better. You were just two former foster kids that met in the last foster home you were in before you graduated high school. It was love at first sight and Scalvo was fiercely faithful and loyal to you. That’s why you stuck by him.
“Pack your bags Y/N. Florida here we come.” Scalvo said looking deeply into your eyes for a yes.
“I’m not going on the run with a baby.” You said reasonably.
“Ok have it your way but you know I’d take a bullet for you.” He said unequivocally.
“In your case that’s a real possibility. Please don’t say that.” You said rubbing your stomach.
“That’s it then. I’m turning myself in.” He said boldly.
“What? You’ll go back to jail. That’s crazy.” You said in disbelief.
“But I’ll be here. They’ll lock me up in county for a bit and I’ll be back out. I’ll keep my nose clean and move in here with you. Florida can wait… or never…you’re right. I have to stop running.” He said realizing his whole life was beginning now with this baby.
“You’re absolutely sure because you don’t have to go back to jail just to be here.” You said afraid of him getting a long time because of all his prior convictions.
“Yes I do. I wouldn’t have it any other way. Drive me to the station.” He said and you could tell he wouldn’t hear anything else.
You reluctantly grabbed your keys. “I love you.” You said holding your car keys so tight they dug into the palm of your hand with you barely noticing.
“I have always been sure of that since we were kids.” He said moving closer and towering over you. “Can we have one quick last time before we do this?” He said softly begging to be with you, his skin and your skin becoming one.
You put down your keys and led him to the bedroom you shared whenever he was around. Scalvo had no home. Home was always just wherever you were. You shut the door on what awaited him and soaked each other in for however long you had before they came back to take him away.
@itsyagirljaz @ride4harlow
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
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Jack Harlow as Scalvo The Instigators (2024) | dir. Doug Liman
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
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Jack Harlow as Scalvo | The Instigators (2024) | dir. Doug Liman
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
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[RAW 5/8/24]
Signed. Sealed. Delivered.
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
It's Mami!!! Been wanting to draw Rhea Ripley for a minute and I'm really happy with how it turned out! ☠️☠️🔥🔥 What do you think? Are we ready for the rise of the Terror Twins?
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xangelonmyshoulderx ¡ 2 months
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