xblindinglights · 4 years
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La notte (1961) dir. by Michelangelo Antonioni.
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xblindinglights · 4 years
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Ten stills in honor of the ten year release of Little Miss Sunshine (2006)
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xblindinglights · 4 years
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So many of my memories were ugly, but the things I held onto until the end weren’t the ugly ones.
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xblindinglights · 4 years
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Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray. I choose to see the beauty.
WESTWORLD | 3x08 Crisis Theory
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xblindinglights · 4 years
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We’re more alike than it seems. We’re nothing alike.
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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Parasite 기생충 (2019) dir. Bong Joon-ho
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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Money is an iron. Those creases all get smoothed out. Parasite (2019)
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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“Rather than water being important in itself, water flows from top to bottom. I think that��s the tragic and sad element in this film. Water always flows from the rich to the poor, it never flows the other way.” –Bong Joon-ho
Parasite | 기생충 (2019)
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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Bong Joon-ho on the specificity and universality of Parasite (2019)
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xblindinglights · 5 years
Can anyone suggest me any Jonerys fanfiction with a better story or ending than the TV series?
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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2.08 // 8.03
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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If I look back I am lost.
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xblindinglights · 5 years
- Bran, who sees everything and knows everything, says that he needs a master of whispers.
- Always Bran, who sees everything and knows everything, asks where is Drogon and then he says that he can find it.
- Jon and Daenerys find the throne room in 2 seconds without ever being in the Red Keep.
-Ten Unsillied who protected Daenerys just disappear when Jon decides to kill her.
-Uncle Edmure is teased by Sansa and they all laugh while 2 minutes before we saw Jon killing Daenerys.
- No one remembers that Jon is Aegon Targaryen during the council.
- Sansa proclaims the independence of the North and no one has anything to say.
- Grey worm kills Lannister randomly but he does not immediately kill Jon and Tyrion who plotted to kill Daenerys, same for the Dothraki.
-Tyrion, who is a murderer as much as Jon, received a promotion and Jon, the rightful heir to the throne and savior of the realm, was sent to the Wall.
- Daenerys, who is the most important character saves everyone's ass by defeating Cersei and White Walkers, dies in an unworthy manner and in 2 minutes.
- Bran predicts the future and nobody thinks that he's guilty like Daenerys for the genocide of King's Landing.
- Why the Night's watch still exist?!
So my dad and I started a list of hilarious plot holes this season: Season 8 Edition
They made it too easy this year, didn’t they? I almost feel bad compiling this all together because it’s all so blatantly obvious it’s almost unnecessary, but this is a promise I won’t go back on. So, to quote the dragon queen herself, “Shall we begin?”
The North being randomly xenophobic to just Missandei and Grey Worm despite the Mad King’s daughter showing up with two dragons and their king who knelt
Most of the dialogue being callbacks to previous seasons instead of conversations that actually propel the plot forward
One of Cersei’s greatest ambitions being a desire for elephants
A screaming wight child? On a wall somewhere for no reason?!
Bran being underutilized throughout the entire season during the war council and not giving any further info about the Night King or how to defeat the White Walkers in the War for the Dawn despite having access to all knowledge in the history of humanity
Bronn still existing showing up inside Winterfell with a crossbow to deliver the message that Cersei wants to kill Tyrion and Jaime
Melisandre emerging the fuck out of nowhere for the Long Night
80% of the Long Night being a black screen
Human armies not using the walls of Winterfell for protection during the battle
The Dothraki getting annihilated in five minutes
The plot armor for all the main characters throughout the episode, honorable mention for Jon charging the NK moments before the dude is clearly gonna raise the dead all around them; Arya basically being in a zombie video game; Sansa and Tyrion not being harmed in the crypts; Jaime, Brienne, Gendry, and Grey Worm fighting everyone without injury
The most hyped battle on television, the Long Night, beginning and ending in one episode
Sansa and Tyrion hiding in the crypts in a war where the enemy can raise the dead
No references to any of the multiple Starks who have died and been entombed in the crypts in living memory
8000-year-old piles of dust and decades-old bones breaking out of said tombs to attack people in the crypts
Arya stabbing the Night King despite Dany and Jon’s arcs leading up to them vanquishing the White Walkers
Bran warging out during the Long Night to… watch Endgame? To a universe where this show was written by someone competent?
Theon deciding to walk into the Night King’s knife instead of just standing still and not getting stabbed or maybe sacrificing himself if/when the Night King tried to stab Bran
Wight Viserion’s fire not being hot enough to melt that tiny ass rock Jon hid behind despite burning down a huge chunk of the Wall last season
Arya parkouring through the White Walkers to stab the Night King with the same move that Rey used in The Last Jedi
Mel taking off her necklace for reasons and then immediately turning into dust despite having taken off the necklace on screen before without dying and/or morphing into a senior citizen
Jon leaving Ghost with Tormund for plot convenience
Winter ending and no more reference to army provisions after the Long Night I guess
Characters again blatantly defying the time-space continuum (ie getting from Winterfell to King’s Landing in one day or at the very least the first weeks/months of Cersei’s invisible pregnancy)
Daenerys being sad and lonely at Winterfell
S T A R B U C K S  C U P  G A T E (and later hand gate and Aquafina gate)
No one knowing the lord of Storm’s End, leading to the appointment of a random inexperienced and likely illiterate bastard blacksmith as lord
Smash cut to Rhaegal getting shot out of the sky because Dany didn’t see the Iron Fleet behind a rock (nor did she armor or saddle her dragons like she should have years ago)
Missandei getting kidnapped off screen and then killed for Daenerys’s downward spiral
Jaime leaving Winterfell immediately after choosing to be with Brienne
Daenerys waiting to attack King’s Landing only after her forces have been completely decimated despite this time last season having three dragons, Yara’s Iron Fleet, Dorne, and the Tyrells
Daenerys’s motivation to attack KL being that she has no friends
Arya surviving being roasted alive and buried in rubble with barely a scratch and then finding a white horse in the ruin of King’s Landing
Cersei politely yeeting out of Cleganebowl
Cleganebowl itself
Jaime growing his hand back to hug Cersei
Daenerys’s army rebirthing itself in vast number after being 90% killed three episodes ago
Jon and Tyrion suddenly understanding Valyrian as Daenerys preaches to the Unsullied about liberating Westeros
Drogon melting down the Iron Throne for reasons then scooping up Daenerys and flying into the distance never to be heard of or cared about again by a kingdom whose capital city has been burned twice now and has heard of dragons scorching and eating children alive
A new Dornish prince spawning out of nowhere; in fact, the Ironborn and Dornish being non-entities all season
Democracy being a novel idea in a universe where the Salt Moot and other forms of voted leadership exist
Bran randomly being elected king
The North being the one independent kingdom out of all seven
The Wall is in ship shape as Jon leaves to rejoin the Night’s Watch which has no reason to exist anymore
With the train wreck that was this season, I’m sure I missed a thousand more, so as always, anyone is welcome to add more!
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xblindinglights · 5 years
Kit apparently said that Dany was bad from the very beginning and "we're culpable. We cheered her on." I cannot stand by the cast painting Dany as evil for her ruthlessness against terrible people while saying nothing about Sansa, Arya, Jon, Jaime, Tyrion, or anyone else doing the same thing in the series. It's blatant hypocrisy.
Virtually every main character in Game of Thrones has killed ‘evil men’ and we’ve cheered them on. By this logic, every viewer is ‘culpable’.
I want to clarify that this is not about whether or not these characters were justified in their actions, it’s just a list to show that the characters and fans gaslighting Daenerys are not and never were morally superior.
The point of this list is to prove that Daenerys is not that different from anyone else where morality is concerned, except that no one ever gave her the benefit of the doubt or considered whether or not her actions were justified.
What was Dany accused of prior to 8x05? (By characters and fans):
Having a temper
Killing her enemies in battle
Executing enemies
Executing traitors
Taking revenge
Executing ‘evil’ men guilty of what she deems a crime (slave owners)
Using a method of execution that ‘makes people uncomfortable’ (fire)
Not preventing her brother’s murder and not being sad enough as it happened
These are the things that the fans and the men conspiring against her insist were warning signs that she was ‘going mad’.
This is going to be a long, ugly post that will probably cost me some followers, but simply typing them out is not good enough because most fans have shorter memories than goldfish. Y’all need visuals.
No, I’m not bothering to put it under a cut either, because I’m trying to prove a point and the fact that it’s long only helps my case. 👍
Let’s take a look at the deeds of the oh-so-morally-superior characters, shall we?
Jaime Lannister oathbreaking by slaying his king
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Jaime Lannister attempted to murder a child
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Jaime Lannister murdered Jory Cassel
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Jaime Lannister killed his enemies in battle, tried to murder Daenerys in battle
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Jaime Lannister kinslayed, strangling his cousin
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Jaime Lannister sacked Highgarden and left no survivors
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Jaime Lannister murdered his enemy, Olenna Tyrell
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Tyrion Lannister killed his enemies in battle
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Tyrion Lannister professed his regret in ever defending King’s Landing
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Tyrion Lannister vowed revenge on his sister
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Tyrion Lannister kinslayed by having murdered his father
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Tyrion Lannister murdered his lover after her betrayal (Shae)
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Tyrion murdered his enemies with Wildfire
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Tyrion and Varys committed treason against their queen, Daenerys
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Varys encouraged Tyrion to seek revenge upon his sister
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Varys tried to murder Daenerys via poisoning her food
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Varys kept a man in a torture box
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Jon Snow broke his Night’s Watch oaths/vow
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Jon Snow murdered Qhorin Halfhand
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Jon Snow killed his enemies in battle
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Jon Snow executed a man who disobeyed his order who cried and begged for his life (Janos Slynt)
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Jon Snow executed men who committed treason and conspired to kill him, including a child
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Jon Snow nearly killed a man with his bare hands
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Jon Snow committed treason against his queen
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Jon Snow kinslayed his aunt/murdered his queen in cold blood
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Sansa Stark executed Ramsay Bolton with dogs
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Sansa Stark committed treason against her family
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Sansa Stark lied to prohibit justice for her aunt’s murder
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Sansa Stark broke an oath she swore in front of the heart tree
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Sansa Stark ordered an execution without a trial
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Arya Stark recited a murder list of future victims
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Arya Stark killed an entire family regardless of individual guilt
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Arya Stark baked the remains into a pie and fed it to the father
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Arya Stark delighted in the murder of Walder Frey
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Arya Stark stabbed out the eyes of Meryn Trant before murdering him
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Arya Stark relished in the death of Polliver
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Arya Stark very brutally tore off the face of the Waif and put it on display
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Bran Stark warged into Hodor against his will
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Bran Stark, who confirms he is aware of the future, moved the chess pieces around to maximize lives lost so that he could seize power
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Let’s take a look at other characters who are held in higher moral esteem than Daenerys Targaryen (prior to 8x05):
Robb Stark executed Rickard Karstark for disobeying him
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Robb Stark knowingly sent thousands of his men to their deaths for a victory
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Robb Stark killed his enemies in battle
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Ned Stark executed a man for what he deemed a crime (Will)
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Ned Stark killed his enemies in battle
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Sandor Clegane murdered a child on an order
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Tormund Giantsbane killed innocents in raids
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Ygritte killed innocents (including women) in raids
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Ygritte killed her enemies in battle
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Tormund killed his enemies in battle (and ate their faces)
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Randyll Tarly threatened to hunt and murder his heir
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Randyll Tarly betrayed his liege lord Olenna Tyrell
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Randyll Tarly sacked Highgarden and left no survivors
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Melisandre poisoned a Maester for trying to kill her
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Melisandre burned non-believers alive
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Melisandre burned an innocent child alive
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Stannis and Selyse Baratheon consented to murdering their child
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Melisandre and Stannis burned a man alive for refusing to bend the knee
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Melisandre and Stannis Baratheon (kinslaying) his brother via shadow demon
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This list ain’t even exhaustive. This is just the shit I came up with off the top of my head!
Want to claim Daenerys Targaryen was always foreshadowed to be mad? Cool!
Now just admit everyone else in the series was foreshadowed as mad, too.
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xblindinglights · 5 years
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Drogon taking Daenerys’ body at the Red Priestess
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she will resurrect her
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xblindinglights · 5 years
A theory about Jon and Daenerys' fate in the books
I believe that in the books Daenerys will be killed by Jon Snow, because this twist is too important to be different from the TV series.
However, I believe that Daenerys and Jon in the books will have a child or that she will at least be pregnant. That's why:
1) Mirri Maaz Dur's prophecy has come true:
- the mountains fly with the fall of the Wall and the Mountain Clegane that literally flies down from the Red Keep, in the book the Mountain is deafetd by Oberyb;
- the Sun (Quentyn Martell in the books) that is sets in the west and dies in the east;
- the seas have dried up (the Dothraki grass sea and the sea became ice for the winter);
The only thing missing is that Daenerys has a living child and then Drogo can return (she will find death). We know that she has a miscarriage in the Dothraki Sea at the end if ADWD.
This last point has not been inserted in the show while it is present in the books;
2) In the books both Jon and Daenerys think about how they will never have a child; Dany would like to have little girl, Jon a little boy;
3) The finale of the show is too open and it leaves doubts about the true fate of Daenerys.
Drogon doesn't fly to Valyria, where it would make sense to take Dany's body to let her rest forever. Drogon flies to Volantis, where there are red priestesses who believe that Daenerys is a predestined. So the resurrection of Daenerys cannot be completely excluded (two tracks in the album, Pray and Thousands years by Ramin don't fit with her end);
4) The Targaryen dynasty can't extinct, it would be really ridiculous since it is already considered finished at the beginning of the saga;
5) The son of Jon and Daenerys will not reign, but he will be the dream of spring and it is his the son(g) of Ice and the fire (in the show it isn't satisfactory the explanation of what it is the song of Ice and Fire), Jon and Dany are the point of the series and they are ice and fire;
6) This finale is not bittersweet, it is simply tragic for Jon and Daenerys and it is Disney style for those who love the Starks.
The Daenerys' story cannot end like this, same thing for Jon. Jon and Daenerys are the two main characters of the story and the end must be bittersweet even for them, not only tragic.
I think Martin reserved some surprises about Jon and Dany in the books. I think Daenerys' pregnancy was intentionally eliminated from the show, maybe it was initially designed because the references in season 7 about a son for Jon and Dany were too strong to be untrue but six episodes were not enough to insert such a big thing in the story and D&D decided to cut it out to making Daenerys' death less tragic. If she had been pregnant and had not given already birth when Jon stabs her...Well, it would have been a tremendous tragedy.
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