ximena309-21 · 3 years
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do you guys miss tales? i do (a lot)
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ximena309-21 · 4 years
Me looking back at all the traumas I’ve experienced playing Telltale’s the walking dead:
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ximena309-21 · 4 years
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ximena309-21 · 4 years
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𝘰𝘩 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯’ 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦
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ximena309-21 · 4 years
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but this boy deserved everything good in the world and more. Without him this blog wouldn’t exist.
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
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it’s maroon sweater season!
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
James Asked
This is my submission for @tropewizardtournament! I hope you all enjoy!!
Read it on Fanfic
The humming sounds of the strange instruments that filled the circular room played alongside James Potter’s tapping foot. The magnificent red and gold Phoenix next to the desk, whose name James could not remember, looked on at the messy haired boy pensively.
Before he started tapping his foot, James tried to engage in a staring contest with the bird because it wouldn’t stop staring at him, but quickly realized the bird was going to win and resigned to his foot-tapping to distract him as he waited.
A few years ago, maybe even a year ago, James probably would’ve snooped around the office to get a good look at some of the nick knacks his wacky headmaster had lying around. However, he had been behaving a lot better over the past year. His mother had said it’s because he’s finally begun to mature. He guess that makes sense, but he doesn’t really feel any different. He still makes decisions impulsively, like any other real Gryffindor. The difference is, his impulses are just directed towards other things these days. Like death eaters, and You Know Who.
Although, he could think of one impulse that hasn’t changed even a bit, and it’s the only one he’s had to learn how to not act on. Red hair, green eyes, a freckled nose. James’ foot’s tapping slowly started to die off. Lily…he thought. Bloody Hell, he groaned. He really just didn’t want to think about her right now. So he resumed his foot-tapping at top speed and started using his school shirt to clean his very dirty wand.
“Excuse me? But would you kindly stop incessantly tapping that foot of yours young man? Some of us are trying to sleep here.”
As his foot stopped mid-tap, James looked up from the smudges on his wand to see the portrait of Armando Dippet, giving him the dirtiest look he’d ever seen on a portrait including the time he and Sirius woke up the fat lady as she was sleeping off what was an obvious hangover.
“Oh, uh—right, sorry mate,” apologized James. He wanted to ask if he knew when Dumbledore was going to show up for their meeting, but thought better of it given the dirty look from before.
Without the tapping of his foot to distract him from his thoughts though, James was left with, well, his thoughts and the Phoenix, who didn’t really seem to do anything other than stare at him.
His head looked towards the door of the office, “Where is he?” James asked out loud.
“Right here, Mr. Potter.”
James stood up as the door opened and in walked the old man, half-moon spectacles, mauve robes and all. James was not exactly sure why he stood up, but a man like that somehow just automatically gets respect from everyone present when he walks into a room.
“Sorry Professor.”
Seguir leyendo
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
What if Sirius kept using the ‘I’ve been waiting’ line for the mundane things Remus does like 
Sirius: How long ‘till dinner?
Remus: It’s going to be a few more minutes can you wait?
Remus: Oh Lord
Remus: Please stop-
Sirius: *with dramatic conviction* IN AZKABAN
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
Bad Decisions [One] [Two] - Soulmate AU
Hogwarts’ Boarding School For Troubled Children - Criminal (sort of) AU
another moment in your gravity [AO3] [One] [Two] - modern/high school AU
he used to meet me in the city where the sun don’t set - first war angsty drabble
free falling - first war fluffy drabble
vanilla beans with a touch of spice - office/secret spies au
Prompt One - Soulmate AU
Prompt Two - Fluffy Drabble
Prompt Three - Superheroes AU
Prompt One - Wrong Number Angst
Prompt Two - Baby Project Crack
Snowbaz (?)
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
James: It was love at first sight, I knew my life would never be the same without her.
Lily: He’s an idiot, and apparently I find that attractive. Seriously, I don’t know how we made it this far.
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
Angst #1 I want that angsty paaaain
Prompt: “I can’t do anything right.”
im assuming you want wolfstar but like i wanted to switch things up and write some jily bc ive read lots of other wolfstar versions of this so hrghrgrh sorryyy this is really bad
The call comes in at two in the morning.
James’ eyes slam open as the phone starts to loudly vibrate on the nightstand next to his bed. In a flash, he fumbles for his phone and silences it before it wakes Sirius. After four years of sharing a room with his adopted brother, he knows that even the slightest sound can disturb him into reality.
He sits up as quietly as he can and shoves on his glasses, squinting towards the light of his phone. An unknown number flashes urgently on the screen. James spares a glance at Sirius, who is still fast asleep with drool glistening on his chin, and swings his legs over the side of his bed. He opens the sliding glass door as quietly as he could as he makes his way to the balcony outside, pressing the green accept button warily.
“Hello?” His voice is scratchy from sleep and dehydration, but it scrapes out anyways.
“Oh my god.” A sob chokes out on the other end. “I’m so so sorry for waking you up, but I can’t take it anymore. She brought her boyfriend over last night I-I spent the entire time pretending like that asshole of a person doesn’t make me want to pull my hair out. I even made them lunch yesterday and she just threw i-it out. I don’t know why she hates me so much, but I just-” A sniff. “I just wish I’m not such a freak that she hates me this much.”
In James’ opinion, it’s much too early for words to start making sense in his brain. He’s not sure who’s calling him at two in the morning, but he knows he’s going to try his best to comfort her.
“Hey, hey, hey,” he says softly, leaning against the railing. The frigid metal permeates through the thin fabric of his shirt, causing him to shiver the slightest bit. “You’re not a freak, yeah? You’re so much - so much - more than that, I promise.”
“How would you know?” He hears her head thunk back onto something, perhaps a wall of some sort. “You’re not Sirius. I can tell.”
He panics that he’s overstepped a line, and opens his mouth to blurt out an apology when she sighs. “I’m going to go now. Sorry for bothering you. Good night.”
“No!” James claps a hand over his mouth as Sirius starts to stir on the other side of the glass door, and lowers his voice. “No, it’s fine. Stay. Talk if you need to. I don’t mind. ”
A beat of silence. James starts to fear that the girl has hung up before a quiet sniffle echoes through the line. Then the words spill out as if the only thing keeping them in was the lack of James’ permission.
“I’m - I’m sorry. I’m overreacting. It’s just - It’s just my sister and I, we used to be best friends, die for each other, all that crap. But two years ago everything changed and I don’t know what happened but she hates me. She hates me from the bottom of her heart, and I just- I just want Tuney to love me again. I want her to stop treating me like a freak and I want my parents to stop treating us like we’re going to break any second. I know it’s greedy to want so many things but it’s like I can’t do anything right.”
“Maybe -” She takes a deep, shuddering, breath. “Maybe I’m just unloveable. Maybe I shouldn’t ask for so many things. I probably deserve all of this, anyways. I don’t know. I just don’t know, okay?”
“Okay,” he agrees. “Yeah. Of course that’s okay. You’re only nineteen, or twenty, I don’t know, but you don’t have to know anything right now, but you’re loved, I swear.”
“I just want her to love me again,” she whispers.  
He wants to reassure her, to tell her that her sister never stopped. He wants to tell her that she deserves every star in the universe. He wants to tell her that everything will be okay when morning comes and that he will personally see to it that she never be sad again.
But the truth is, James knows nothing about her sister, or who she is, or why Tuney even rejected her in the first place.
“I know,” he murmurs into the phone. “I know.”
They sit together in silence for a long while. The clock ticks to four AM on the dot as the sun peeks over the horizon, warm rays grazing James’ bare arms and cutting through the freezing night air. 
Suddenly, the girl on the other side of the line laughs.
“Well, this has been embarrassing, random stranger.” She stands up. James hears her shoes click across the floor as she flops onto what he assumes is a mattress. “I should probably get some sleep. But thank you for listening to me. It’s been a god awful night.”
“Wait, hang on. Do you still need Sirius’ number?” He’s desperate to keep talking to her, though he doesn’t know why.
She pauses. “You know him?”
“I’m, er, I’m his brother.”
Confusion trickles through her voice. “Regulus?”
James’ eyebrows shoot up. Apparently, this girl is close enough to Sirius to know his horrible background.“No, he’s um, he’s out of the picture. I’m his adoptive brother.”
She sucks in a deep breath. “Potter.”
Suddenly, he knows who she is. He’s heard her say his name over a thousand times in tones of disdain and loathing. He’ll recognizes the way her accent douses over the t’s any day.
Dread pools at the bottom of his stomach as sudden panic seizes him.
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
Hello I’ll love James Potter till the day I die, that is all
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
I live in constant denial
Days like today are really hard for me, I live in constant denial, you can’t tell me that Sirius Black is dead, he is alive, he is alive in my heart all the damn days.
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
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Guilt. - - - Sirius Black in Azkaban
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
James: (to Lily) You look well.
Lily: Well, and you.
Remus: (puts down a slice of cake he was eating) Oh, enough. I cannot watch anymore. James, would you like to take Lily to Hogsmeade on Friday evening?
James: I, uh…
Remus: Simple question. Yes or no.
James: Yes. Yes I would.
Remus: Lily, would you like to go?
Lily: I’d love to.
Remus: Excellent. How marvelous for you both. Now I can get on and enjoy my cake.
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
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-Lily! You look beautiful today. I mean, you always look amazing , NOT JUST TODAY!. Not that you’ve ever looked terrible… I mean, TODAY you’re like, WOW! And your hair! WOAH
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ximena309-21 · 5 years
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This has probably been done right?
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