xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
I am sorry for being so inactive lately. The reason, why I wasn’t online is that I have a new blog called @lovableah . I started a new account because my work does not show up in the tags and this is kind of chaotic. I also had been busy with school and mental health problems, which explains my absence from my new blog. I am trying to be active the next few days since we have a short holiday.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
Accusations [Reggie Mantle]
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[Anonymous requested: I would rlly like an angsty reggie one shot imagine thing where you two have an argument about him thinking you’re cheating cuz you never want to go out anymore and it’s because of your parents constantly fighting so you stay at home bc ur embarrassed & you didn’t tell reggie and then next day reggie is walking to your house to apologize he can hear from outside the door your parents fighting and you screaming at them to stop and he realizes why you don’t go out so he tries to make it up somehow]
Y/N and her boyfriend Reggie were walking down the halls of Riverdale High hand in hand. Students were throwing their books into their lockers and fled outside, making it clear they wanted as fast as they could out of this building and spent their weekend far away from school. The couple climbed into Reggie’s car as he asked, “What do you want to do now?”
At the sight of her boyfriend’s loving but big smirk, her heart sank into her stomach. She hadn’t been in the mood to go out since her parents were constantly fighting and she was afraid, one of them would be gone when she comes home and she had no chance to say goodbye or stop them.
With a weak smile, she spoke up, “Ehm, I am not feeling well. I just want to stay home.” As Reggie opened his mouth to ask if he could come along, she continued. “Alone. I really just want to be on my own right now.” “Well how about you go out of my car then.” Her heart broke a bit as he said it harshly and began to stutter, “Wh-hat do you me-ean?” Reggie rolled his eyes, “I mean what I said. You have been acting stranger later and you don’t want to go out anymore. I even think you are cheating on me.”
Something exploded in her at his accusing. “Are you mad? How did you get this idea?” Y/N was furious and a vein was throbbing in her forehead. “Chuck said-,” “Chuck?” At the mention of this guy, the bomb exploded. “Chuck is an asshole, who is nothing but a sexist and bully. How come you listen to him rather than talking to me about your accusations.”
Reggie opened his mouth once again, but she stopped him by unbuckling her seatbelt, ready to step out of the car. “Where are you going?” Reggie demanded, only getting a dirty glance from his girlfriend. “I am going to walk home, just like you wanted it. You can hang out with your best friend Chuck. Have fun,” she told him sarcastically and shut the door behind her.
With a frown and few tears, Y/N stomped away from her boyfriend’s car. As Reggie realized what she was doing, he jumped out of the car and ran after her. “Y/N, babe! Wait.” Frustrated, she turned around and glared at him. “What babe?” “I am sorry-“ “You are sorry for what, huh? Talking to the worst person in this city, accusing me of cheating or throwing me out of the car? However, I don’t care. I am sick of everything falling apart and I only can stand by and watch, without being able to do something.”
Reggie didn’t know what to say and stared at her with teary eyes. “I am sick of it. Of everything. So, please just leave me alone because I can’t handle this right now.” Without another word, Y/N turned around and walked home alone in a storm of tears.
He watched her walk away in the direction of sunset and as she was gone from his sight, he turned to his car and kicked it. At the stinging pain, he flinched before entering the car again. For the next hour, Reggie just drove through the town, not knowing where to go. But after a while, he felt where his heart belonged to. To Y/N, his girlfriend. He sped down to her house and ran up to her porch.
As his heart began to calm down, he finally heard it. Screams. Reggie moved up his fist to knock on the door repeatedly, but it sank as he heard Y/N raise her voice. “Could you just stop? I don’t know how long I can take this anymore. All of your fighting! My boyfriend already thinks I am cheating on him because I don’t want to leave this house, knowing that you guys fight all the time and someone could leave.“
Her heartbreaking words shattered his heart in millions of pieces. It was now clear to him, why she has been so distant lately and all he has done was accusing her of cheating and making everything worse. Reggie finally found the courage to knock on the door as the sounds of her sobs became louder. With hesitation, Y/N opened the door and her jaw dropped at the sight of her boyfriend. “Did you-?” “I head everything.” His shoulders slumped and he moved his hands into his jeans pockets. “I am really sorry. I am such an ass instead of being a good boyfriend-,”
Before he could continue, Y/N threw herself at him, starting to sob again. The house became completely silence, making not only her parents realize how much they have damaged, but also making Reggie realized how much he got.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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Sweet Pea showing up at every concert you give, even when it is just a small one
You would catch him staring at you, only making your face heat up
Him cheering and whistling extremely loud, calling your name
Sweet Pea would call you his star or kitty cat
He being your fan #1
Placing a bouquet every time before you go on stage in your garderobe
The other band members would wink at you or giggle, making your face even redder
Him being your personal bodyguard
Telling everyone how good you are at performing
Helping and pushing your career
Being extremely jealous as Archie starts to help you guys
Complementing you 24/7
Trying to cheer you up as Josie leaves the band
Him taking your phone and blocking her everywhere
Not only telling you but Melody and Valerie that you have to go on and that he believes in you
M & V calling him your boyfriend and teasing you even on stage
Sweet Pea having all your Merch and CD’s
Giving you a kiss on your cheek before your concert
Everyone waiting for you guys to finally date!
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
Famous [Sweet Pea]
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Anonymous requested: Hey! Can I request that Sweet Pea be talking to Fangs about the really good head the reader gave him last night and she walks in and he doesn’t realize? End it with sarcastic comments maybe idk 
@shtnsjdjtng requested: Can you do a Riverdale imagine where you’re like really famous (like model, singer, actress) and you go to visit Riverdale and you go to pops and literally the whole town is there and everyone loves you and you can come up with the rest thank you!!!
Summary: Y/N is from the Southside and she signed a contract to become a famous model. First, she only did it for her family, but later she began to like her new lifestyle. A year later, she comes back to Riverdale to meet up with her boyfriend Sweet Pea.
After an amazing and romantic night, Y/N Y/L/N sneaked back into her hotel room to get ready for the day. It had been hard to sneak back into the hotel since a swarm of paparazzi and fans had been crashing at the front doors and only the security kept them outside. She had to call her bodyguard to help her back inside and to make no one suspicious about where she had stayed. Y/N would keep Sweet Pea, her fiance, never as a secret since he was the love of her life, but her manager thought it was better to keep it private since he was a Serpent and it could destroy her image. First, it was fine because she never thought she would come that far but now she was regretting her choice.
Now fully clothed and with fresh make-up on her face, she stepped out into the paparazzi storm. It would have blinded her if she wouldn’t have sunglasses cover eyes but also her dark circles, which were barely covered by the makeup. People were screaming her name and fans were crying and screaming as she tried to get into the car. With one last smile, she stepped into the car and sighed relieved as the door was shut close. After the security moved the predators from the street, they finally drove to the diner Pop’s. Y/N realized how the street behind her got filled with more and more cars, following their path. 
With a roll of her eyes, she put on her favorite sunglasses and stepped outside as the car stopped in the front of the diner. Y/N could feel peoples moving towards her, only being blocked by her bodyguard as he tried to get her into the diner, where hopefully were only a few people. As she stepped inside, she sighed as she saw people gasp and turn around. She moved the sunglasses on the top of her head as she scanned over the people, who were holding now their phones to take pictures of her. A smirk formed on her face as she caught sight of her boyfriend, Sweet Pea. He and his friends were sitting in a booth, not noticing her.
After her bodyguard told her that nobody could come in now, she planned to go over to her boyfriend, but not before shooting Pop a smile. With every step she came closer, she overheard a bit of the conversation. “I swear, this was had been the best sex ever. I don’t how Y/N does it, but she knows exactly what to do,” Sweet Pea told Toni and Fangs with a smirk. Fangs cheered and clapped his shoulder while Toni grinned as she saw Y/N coming closer. 
“Hello, Y/N,” she greeted her friend with a loud voice and moved to make space for her. With a similar smirk as her boyfriend, Y/N sat down next to Toni and in front of Sweet Pea. Fangs grinned while Sweet Pea gawked at his girlfriend, just like every other fan did in and outside of the diner. “I feel pleasured,” Y/N stated and touched the palm of his hand. Whisperers erupted at the sight of the two holding hands. “I am your fiance after all,” she continued and the voices got louder. ‘She is engaged to him? Together with a Serpent?' 
After another round of fries, milkshakes, and burgers, Fangs and Toni excused themselves and left the couple behind. Y/N moved over to sit next to her boyfriend, who wrapped his arm around her. By now, everyone checked that they were a couple and fans and paparazzi were standing in the front of the window, taking pictures of the two. “I hope you are okay with all of this,” Y/N said insecure since Sweet Pea had been really quiet.
With a gentle smile, he looked down at her and leaned towards. “I wish we could have done it sooner,” Sweet Pea replied, before placing his soft lips on her. Before she could return it, he pulled away and touched her thigh, causing her to place her head on his board shoulder. His lips touched her forehead loving as he took her hand in his again. “I am really happy,” Y/N whispered and he chuckled. “I am too, soon-to-be-wife." 
Not long afterward, they left Pop’s and were greeted by screams. Some were asking questions while other’s were screaming her name again. With a strong grip on her, Sweet Pea and the bodyguard brought her safely back to the car. As the two made it themselves comfortable in the backseat and the door was shut closed, Y/N pulled him into a kiss. "I hope I can make you scream like last night again,” She breathed before crashing her lips on his.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
Hufflepuff:*hugs slytherin*
Hufflepuff:*snuggle into their chest*
Slytherin:*sigh* *put down their book*
Slytherin:Let’s get you to bed then
Hufflepuff:OK *smile*
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
ok straight up if i went to hogwarts and the stairs started moving just as i was getting to where i was going I’d just lie down on the stairs and give up. Not going back to my dorm tonight lads that’s where i live now. Stairs wanna fuck with me? Jokes on them I’ve already given up on life this is just another step further into my grave.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
Hello! Once you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this on to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is super cool!)
Well,1. I like the fact I can laugh about everything. And with everything, I mean everything. 2. My humor is pretty good (ask @zealousriverdale )3. I like my eyebrows 4. And the way I can make people laugh and cry with some nice surprises 5. That I am crazy lmao
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, also known as Weasley & Weasley, is a joke shop located at Number 93 Diagon Alley founded by Fred and George Weasley.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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usaprouk: New season prints alert!! The new @usaprouk core collection, as worn by @littlemix has landed online and in-store.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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(ง •̀_•́)ง request denied.
[ 2.03 / 2.05 / 2.10 ]
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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Jade Thirlwall x Glory Days: Platinum Edition (2017)
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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another meme I won’t finish - [1/20 female characters] - Hermione Granger. “Books! And cleverness! There are more important things - friendship and bravery.”
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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character aesthetic    – —    (   pansy parkinson   )
but be the      serpent under’t.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
honest to god if you want to be my friend just skip the awkward phase. send me a meme and call me a bitch. do it in the name of friendship
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
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history of magic meme // one villian [ 1 / 1 ] → lord voldemort ––– –– greatness inspires envy, envy engenders spite, spite spawns lies.
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xlijahsgirl ¡ 7 years
Riverdale is a town filled with hot dads (and mums)
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