xxshimada-blog · 7 years
❝ …Bang… ❞
❝ This could be a trap. ❞
❝ This is strictly business. ❞
❝ Whatever happens, happens. ❞
❝ Life is but a dream. ❞
❝ You’re in a good mood today. ❞
❝ Tell me what you’re doing here. ❞
❝ Don’t try anything. ❞
❝ Why don’t you shoot? ❞
❝ Go on, pull the trigger. ❞
❝ What’s wrong? Lose your nerve? ❞
❝ You’re an original, aren’t you? ❞
❝ Could you be a little quieter please? ❞
❝ Great, a wannabe preacher with a gun… ❞
❝ Guess you’ll have to chalk it up to bad luck. ❞
❝ You’re gonna carry that weight. ❞
❝ The one that’s insane is this world. ❞
❝ Hey there, having a little trouble? ❞
❝ Are you living in the real world? ❞ 
❝ Even if you play by the rules, nothing gets solved. ❞
❝ The more you know, the shorter your life will be. ❞
❝ I’m just a humble bounty hunter, ma’am/sir. ❞
❝ Pretending to be senile won’t get you out of this. ❞
❝ I’m just watching a bad dream I never wake up from. ❞
❝ Are you pleading for your life? ❞
❝ You should see yourself right now. ❞
❝ Do you have any idea what you look like? A ravenous beast. ❞
❝ The same blood runs through both of us. ❞
❝ I’ve bleed all that kind of blood away. ❞
❝ Why are you still alive? ❞
❝ Don’t give me that art of war crap. ❞
❝ Time never stands still. ❞  
❝ If you don’t work, you don’t eat. ❞
❝ These Earthlings are weird. ❞ 
❝ I’ll take care of this, you can go back. ❞
❝ I love the kind of woman that can kick my ass. ❞
❝ A star just fell from the sky. ❞
❝ Cold climates don’t concern me. ❞
❝ Your heart is colder than any planet. ❞
❝ Remember, a snake cannot eat a dragon. ❞
❝ We should’ve never taken such a risk. ❞
❝ I’m fully aware of the danger. ❞
❝ How long were you in there listening, [ name ]? ❞ 
❝ And this time, I hope you have sweet dreams. ❞
❝ I’ll meet you at the end of this world. ❞
❝ Belonging is the very best thing there is. ❞
❝ There is nothing more innocent and cruel than a child.❞
❝ Man shouldn’t have to live on carbohydrates alone, complex or otherwise. ❞
❝ I have no fear of death. It just means dreaming in silence. A dream that lasts for an eternity. ❞
❝ Of the days that I have lived, only those I spent with you seemed real. ❞
❝ My memory…finally came back…but nothing good came from it. ❞
❝ There was no place for me to return to; this was the only place I could go. ❞
❝ Why do you have to go? Where are you going?! ❞
❝ What are you going to do, throw away your life like it was nothing?! ❞
❝ What’s your price to keep this from leaking to the press? ❞
❝ Either you give me the money or I put a bullet through your brain. ❞    
❝ I’m not the type to be led around by a woman/man. ❞
❝ You can’t tell the age of a woman by looking at her. ❞
❝ You’re kidding yourself if you think every woman/man is like you. They’re not.❞
❝ Why did you do all of this? For money? Some sort of revenge? Or perhaps just for fun?❞
❝ Come on, hang in there, you hear me? ❞ 
❝ When angels are forced out of heaven, they become devils. ❞
❝ Tell me, if we had met earlier in life, would we have been friends? ❞
❝ You know the first rule of combat? Shoot them before they shoot you. ❞
❝ I’m not a criminal. Woah, that makes me sound more like a criminal, doesn’t it. ❞
❝ You took all the money you stole from us and lost it in a gambling casino? ❞
❝ This is real mystic and all, but uh, do you have anything to eat here? ❞
❝ You know what they say, cowboy, easy come easy go. ❞ 
❝ You told me once, to forget the past, cause it doesn’t matter, but you’re the one still tied to the past, [ name ]!  ❞
❝ Don’t tell me things like that; you’ve never told me anything about yourself, so don’t tell me now! ❞
❝ I felt like I was watching a dream I’d never wake up from. Before I knew it, the dream was all over. ❞
❝ Do not fear death. Death is always at our side. When we show fear, it jumps at us faster than light, but if we do not show fear, it casts its eye upon us gently and then guides us into infinity…  ❞
❝ Men only think about their past right before death, as if they were searching frantically for proof they were alive. ❞
❝ No one can draw a clear line between sane and insane. You move that line as you see fit for yourself. No one else can.  ❞
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
“Stranger Things” Sentence Starter Pt 1
“You’ve been playing for ten hours?!”
“We talked about this! You can’t take shifts when I’m working!”
“I think it’s kind of cool. It’s like you have superpowers, or something.”
“Yeah, except I can’t fight evil with it.”
“It was a one-time…..two-time thing.”
“I’ll climb through your window, I’m stealthy. Like a ninja.”
“Mornings are for coffee and contemplation.”
“My mom thought I was on debate team but really I was just screwing girls in the back of my dad’s Oldsmobile.”
“You know, kids are mean. They laugh at him/her/they, pick on him/her/they, make fun of his/hers/their clothes.”
“What did I just say? One at a damn time.”
“No, I won’t. I don’t get scared like that anymore.”
“Yeah, all I know is she’s scared to death. I think she might have been abused or kidnapped.”
“Think he could be hurt? Maybe he walked away?”
“What you think I didn’t check my own house?!”
“Hey, what did I do? What did I do?”
“Galaxies and the universe and whatnot, she/he/they always did good with that. I always thought there was enough going on down here.”
“It’s alright. You sit tight, whoever it is out there I’ll tell them to go away real quick.”
“Sorry again for almost turning you away back there.”
“Don’t do anything stupid.”
“How about every time you get something right I take off a piece of clothing, but every time you get something wrong….”
“Are you crazy!? My parents are here!”
“Was this your plan all along? To get me alone in my room and get another knotch in your belt?”
“I barely even know what’s going on with you. I’m so sorry.”
“No, no, no. You can’t do that to yourself. This is not your fault.”
“I know it. I can feel it, in my heart. You just have to trust me on this, okay?”
“I’m just being realistic, ___!”
“Did you run away? Are you in trouble?”
“She/he/they said no and yes. Your three year old sister can say more!”
“We should tell your mom.”
“Is that real?! Sorry. I’ve just never seen a kid with a tattoo before.”
“You’re saying that that’s not weird?!”
“All I’m saying is it’s an emotional time.”
“Oh, come on. You’re wasting your time!”
“Yeah? Well, cops are good at finding. Stay here.”
“You’re in trouble, aren’t you? Who - who are you in trouble with?”
“Bad? Bad people? They want to hurt you? The bad people?”
“And there was something else, I don’t know. It was - it was some kind of animal. I don’t know.”
“No parents… Big house…”
“A party? It’s Tuesday..”
“Obviously his/her/their stupid plan failed.”
“No way, ___ would never rat us out.”
“Yeah, it’s fun. Come on. Just trust me, alright?”
“This is ridiculous! I’m so sick of it!”
“You shouldn’t like things because people tell you you’re supposed to, okay?”
“I need this phone and I need two weeks advance. And a pack of Camels.”
“I promise. That means something that you can’t break. Ever.”
“I want you to feel like you can talk to me. I never want you to feel like you have to hide stuff from me. I’m here for you.”
“I heard he/she/they were drunk as a skunk and did it on a ten dollar bet.”
“Telling any adults would put us in danger!”
“What kind of danger? ___, what kind of danger?!”
“No, no, no. We’re going back to plan A.”
“Really? Want to check up my ass too?”
“You don’t think I want to see you?”
“Maybe I’ll trade you in for the younger model.”
“Because I don’t want to go by myself. ___, it’s not rocket science. Just tell your parents your staying at my house tonight.”
“We never would have upset you if we knew you had superpowers.”
“What is… friend?”
“A friend is someone you would do anything for.”
“Spit swear - you never break your word. It’s a bond.”
“Friends… they tell each other things. Things that parents don’t know.”
“We can’t park in the driveway! The neighbors might see.”
“You can be like my guardian. Make sure I don’t get drunk and do stupid things.”
“Is that a new bra? Really?”
“Is that supposed to impress me? You are a cliche, you do know that don’t you?”
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
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<small>Obligatory munday post. I'm dressed as young Hanzo and my fiancé was Mei.
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
Genji approaches you and tells you McCree is in critical condition and may not survive. How do you react?
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No. He can not show weakness. This is his brother’s friend too. He can’t break. Hanzo nods slightly and closes his eyes. ❝Come. There is no sense he leaving him all by himself. You and I will go sit with him.❞ He looks at Genji and offers him his hand. It is the most brotherly he has been in a long time. ❝After all, McCree would do the same for us.❞
On the inside, the archer’s heart is breaking.
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
Genji was a spoiled brat, he deserved what he got
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❝YOU WILL BE SILENT!!❞ Hanzo draws his bow back with a snarl, baring his teeth in rage. How dare they! They had no right to speak about his brother in such a way. No right at all. ❝YOU ARE NOT WORTHY TO BREATHE THE SAME AIR AS HIM!!❞
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
"You, my love, almost got us killed"
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❝Perhaps… But you must admit that was awfully fun despite the danger.❞ Hanzo openly snickers. He leans in to Jack and takes one of his hands to place soft kisses on the busted knuckles. They probably should have been more careful, but the two of them seemed to have a knack for trouble. Especially the violent kind.
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
I hate that it's gotten this bad. We have fallen on some intensely tough times and any help would be beyond appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to look at this. Please feel free to share if you can't donate.
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
Legends Of Tomorrow: Pilot 1
"Well, I'm cynical, and it's difficult for me to trust anyone, but that has kept me alive"
"Why did we become criminals?"
"Give me one good reason why we shouldn't kill you"
"Imagine all the wondrous applications of this technology"
"This feels good, being back in the field"
"You always warned me that if I ran into you in your next life, you might have forgotten me"
"My night's about to get a whole lot worse, isn't it?"
"I understand, given the circumstances, if you wish to return home"
"I have come quite a long way to meet you"
"Maybe you didn't understand my request, bitch"
"You, my love, almost got us killed"
"If you'd like to go to the MedBay, I'd be happy to prescribe you a sedative"
"While you were incapacitated, I may have tampered with your weapons"
"We've barely begun, and already this is the worst, unmitigated disaster of my career"
"Hero ain't on my resume"
"That's a deal breaker for me, so I'm gonna pass"
"I certainly hope that you won't let me, and the world, down"
"It's fun to watch you kick and punch and skewer bad guys, but I need a minute of your time"
"I have no desire to save the world"
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
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Hanzo commission for @watchdoll ♥ thank you so much for commissioning me! 
If you like what I do, consider buying me a coffee. ♥
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
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      †– Smoke furling from the cigarette between his lips the vampire drums his fingers lightly on the arm of his chair. 
            ‘An assassin? A rather long time since I’ve had one of your type come after me. Allow me the decency of finishing my smoke before you decide to kill me hm?’
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Golden eyes are narrow and observant as he steps from the shadows with his bow at the ready. This is not the first time he has been hired to kill. The skills that remained with him did not suit much else.
The assassin does not speak, poised to strike at any moment. All he had was a name and a face, nothing more. He tried not to dwell on the face that these are people with lives. He must remain indifferent, cold. Yet the arrow still had not been released.
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
whispers i'm curious and i can't seem to find an about page, but is arrow and hanzo two different people? same?
Out of arrows|| I really need to make a verse page x.x Arrow is a code name for Hanzo when he joins Talon. Well, he doesn't exactly "join". But yeah. It's similar to how Reaper is Gabriel and Widowmaker is Amelie. I'm sorry for the confusion.
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
I followed you just in time to see those anons attack Hanzo like that and christ almighty I was not prepared for those feels
out of arrows|| Like??? Same?? -clutches heart-
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xxshimada-blog · 7 years
Hanzo, I love you. Believe me, please.
A voice cuts through the darkness. He can see Jack like a light, beautiful and warm. He reaches out, their fingers touching. The cruel hands around him shatter into shards, the weight removed. Hanzo laces their fingers together and draws his lover in close. A shaky breath escapes him as the soldier wraps him up in his arms. No. Jack loves him. They have been through so much. What he had with Gabriel… that’s in the past. Right now is their time. He couldn’t let the darkness have him. Not again. ❝I love you, Jack.❞ He whisper, fingers digging to the other’s spine.
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