xxxninjaxxx23 · 2 months
You’re such a weirdo!
(Tara x Fem Reader W/ a kink )
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Y/N Carter (Eh. Up to you if you want to look different)
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Your girlfriend finds out about your secret yet really strange kink. (This is….yeah a weird story :) read at your own risk!
It was a warm summer in Woodsboro California. You and your girlfriend Tara had just got back from the store with the groceries. You cherished every moments like this with Tara, especially since the town lists you as the cutest young couple they’ve seen. As much as you loved that, you couldn’t help but notice earlier that Tara decided to wear flip flops, her favorite shoes she loves to wear only in the summer and sometimes spring.
You could help but notice what sexy feet she has. Ah yes, you were well fascinated with the Latinas cute little feet when she showed them off, though you have seen them before since you both share a house. It’s just something about them that turns you on and it’s not only the shoe plays either. Your interest only peaked when she took them off to try on other summer shoes.
As you finished helping Tara set the food in the fridge, you both sit on the couch to watch tv. Tara slides her shoes off and you had to stop yourself from breathing so rapidly. She flexed her toes, feeling relief and coolness from the AC. You decided to humor her for a bit “Oof! Your feet smell.” Tara threw a chip at you as a response to your “humor.”
(Later that night) Tara brushed her teeth, getting ready for bed. She noticed that you weren’t there to cuddle her so Tara looked around until she found you in the big walk in closet. One closer look showed you sniffing Tara’s flip flops from earlier, letting out some moans.
She speed walked over to you “What. The. Hell. Are. You doing?!” You quickly whipped you head around and had a heart attack when your girlfriend stared at you with a gaze of disgust? (Insert gif) “N-nothing, I was just um checking them. I um…like how they smell?” She shook her head “That’s disgusting Y/N, go to bed now! No sex for you tonight!”
Y/N’s eyes went wide “What?! Come on baby that’s not-“ Tara pressed her hand against Y/N’s mouth “Nope! I don’t want to hear it. Either you go to bed or I’ll tell Sam what you been doing, including in the store.” Y/N swallowed a lump “Oh yeah. I saw you staring down at my feet and trying to touch yourself to them.”
You opened your mouth to speak but one tilt from your girlfriend’s head was enough for you to shrug it off and go to sleep. “I’m really sorry you had to witness that baby” You said as you both got into bed. Tara didn’t say anything and just nuzzled into your shoulder letting sleep take her. You felt saddened from no response but let sleep take you as well.
Y/N felt something tugging really hard at her hands and angles. She woke up to see herself tied up to the bed and Tara standing beside Y/N with her arms folded. “Baby? W-what’s going on why am I-“ Tara covered your lips with her fingertips “Sshhh! It’s ok.” She caressed your cheek “I’m gonna take real good care of you. Ok baby?” You blushed for a bit and nodded. Tara smiled and took off one of her birks she was wearing “Smell this….Now!�� She said holding it up to your nose. You eyed her worn shoe and seen a decent sized worn footprint. ‘Baby! I’m in heaven’ you thought as you happily did what you were told. You inhaled her scent harder, really smelling the purity of Tara’s sweat. “What does it smell like baby?” Tara asked.
You smirked “Smells pretty cheesy but there’s a hint of floral in there.” Tara was confused “Your a Latina baby, they know how to make their birks smell so good like a bunch of beautiful flowers.” Tara laughed a bit “That statement itself was “cheesy” but now it’s time to have a taste.”
Tara took off her other and held it up to you once again “Now lick and make sure you get every part my foot was touching.” You felt yourself shriveling as you got to licking. Her footprint was very salty yet sweet. You licked more rougher, cleaning them good as you felt a wetness in your panties. Tara took notice and sat on the bed. “Are you ready for this?” Some sweat poured from your forehead “Mmhmm!”
Tara ripped apart your underwear with sheer force as she placed her foot between your clit, already leaking precum. “I think this might fit Tara said as she carefully stuck her big toe in your folds. Your shoulders tensed a bit but you liked that “Loving this so far baby?” Tara asked as she kept stroking her 2 toes in your clit. You couldn’t make any words out but a few moans which told her you were enjoying this a lot. After her few strokes, she went harder and rougher making your clit turn into a pinkish color. “T-Tara! Shit I’m going to-“ Tara placed her feet where they needed to be. “On my feet, cum on them.”
That was all you needed to hear as your pleasure exploded all over her soles, almost coating them. “Damn Y/N. You really love my feet and I that much?” You nodded, placing a kiss on her lips. The small girl then whispered in your ear “You do know you have to clean them up right?” You were stunned but agreed. “You know. It does feel really another I don’t have a dick.” Tara shushed you “That doesn’t matter one BIT. I love you and I always will Y/N. Even if your kink is kind of strange. You giggled and kissed her passionately, even moving to her neck to mark her.
Tara let you finish before speaking “Now clean my feet.” You nodded and moved over to her coated soles cleaning them up….with your tongue which was Tara’s request unfortunately. You were almost finished but you saw a beaming light that had a giant hand pulling you into it.
Before you could react, you were safely in bed with Tara sleeping by your side. You pulled the covers away and noticed that your hand was in your pants and they were both very sticky. “Oh. It was just a dream….Damn it!” You said as you got up to go wash up which you did but when you returned to the bed, you noticed that Tara’s lower waist was uncovered and her soles were dripping wet. You took a closer look and that was all you needed to see “S-shit! Oh no.” Before you could grab a towel and clean up your mess, Tara woke up. “Y-Y/N what are you doing up?”
You decided to play it cool “Oh I was just going to the bathroom, love.” Tara was about to go back to sleep when she felt something strange. “Why do my feet feel…?” You shrugged as Tara went to look down “What the hell is….Is that saliva?!”
Your nerves were shot as you tried to come up with an explanation “B-baby! I don’t know how that happened, All I know was that I was asleep and touching myself to you in my dream.”
Tara shot a stone cold look at you and the next thing you knew, you were on the couch with a pillow and blanket. “God damn it!” You said as you face planted into the pillow, going back to sleep.
(The next morning)
You had a day off today along with Tara and what better way to spend it then to relax at home together, well maybe. You both watch the Clone Wars (your favorite show) you were keeping your focus on an episode, intrigued by its story as Tara tried to cuddle you. You pulled away from her grasp, not noticing the hurt look on your girlfriend’s face but she shook it off quickly “Maybe we should order a pizza baby, I don’t think we feel like cooking today.” You only nodded.
Tara sighed as she got the phone and placed the order. She sat back down on the couch next to you but you made it clear you didn’t want to be touched and kept your focus on the show. Your mood changed a bit when the pizza arrived 40 minutes later. You took the prepaid pizza and set it on the table while Tara brought out the plates and drink.
You both are the hot pizza in silence. Tara tied to start up a small conversation of how your job is going but you kept your head down and ate aggressively. Feeling frustrated, Tara slammed her fist on the table which startled you a bit “Ok that’s it! I’ve had enough!” You quickly picked your head up to meet your girl with tears forming in her eyes “What is wrong with you Y/N?! Why are you acting like this? You wouldn’t cuddle with me or even talk to me and now you can’t accept my hospitality by paying for a pizza which i know is your goddamn favorite!!”
Your eyes shot up a bit as you weren’t about to be yelled at over something she knew that got you like this “Ok you want me to talk?! Then let’s start with the fact that you made me sleep on the fucking couch last night! My neck and back are still sore from sleeping on that uncomfortable thing…Thanks Tara, and for what reason?”
Tara chucked her empty cup at the wall “Oh really?! Maybe I put you on the couch because you covered my feet with your disgusting saliva!” Tara took a hit of her inhaler before continuing “I mean really Y/N why did you even do that? The fact that I also caught you smelling my shoes that same night just says that you’re a disgusting weirdo.”
You didn’t respond as flashbacks filled your head from your past relationships….those last four words were said by every one of them. You quickly hid your tears away.
Tara took a sip of your cup as she threw hers “You want to sleep on the bed Y/N, fine! I’ll take the fucking couch.” You felt nervous “Baby…how long are you going to stay there?” Tara shook her head and sighed “I don’t know love. But I think you need to quit whatever this is you have, for your sake and mine if you want to keep our relationship.”
Your heart sank to the floor. Tara was the best thing to ever happen to you in a long time. All the laughter and time spent, the joys of going to the mall with Tara and her friends or snuggling her, was all about to collapse because of your fetish you never outgrew. You took a breath and gave Tara a big kiss on her head, hugging her.
“I understand baby…I understand. This relationship and every time we spend together means so much to me, even if it’s a trip to the store.” You held in your tears and looked into her eyes “Look baby……I-I have a thing for girls feet. It’s something I’ve been into since freshman year.” Tara’s expression changed and went up in interest
“I think….I remember at that party, you were taking your friend into a room. Before we dated, she told me you went all out on her feet and the shoes she wore. Let’s just say it was a sticky situation and the fact that it was on your sister’s bed.” Your face flushed with embarrassment while wanting to berate your friend for telling your girlfriend about that but you shook your head.
“I remember all too well of the heavy scolding my sister gave me. Heck I had to clean up every stain or she’d tell mom and dad, even expose me on TikTok.” Tara shook her head, putting an arm on my shoulder
“That’s pretty mean, even for her.” You nod “I’m sorry for calling you a disgusting weirdo.” Tara said now placing her face on your shoulder. You hugged her back “It’s ok baby…I love you and for our relationship, I’ll hold off on this kink of mine maybe even bury it for good.” Tara squeezed your waist
“Well, even though that’s not my kind of thing at all…I’ll try it for you.” Your eyes lit up “R-really?” She nodded “I can’t shame you or call off our relationship for who you are baby. If you like my feet then it wouldn’t hurt for me to try.” You felt tears of happiness form “Thank you…Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
Tara giggled but got serious “Just know that my feet are the only ones you can pleasure yourself to, even worship…everyone else’s are off limits, including your friends! You belong with me and only my feet.” You felt turned on by her desire but wanted to save it another time “Don’t worry love, I won’t think of anyone else’s except yours. Besides, yours are the most delicate ones I’ve ever seen In my life…they are just so perfect!”
You said as you ticked Tara’s toes which had her laughing “Ah! Baby I’m ticklish there!” You smirked and tickled her even more. Afterwards you both went to clean up the house for a bit and redecorate.
You slipped on your own pair of black slides as you helped wipe down the stove. Tara helped too and as you crouched down to clean the oven racks, your soles were exposed in Tara’s sight. She kept her gaze on them for some reason and drooled a bit(literally). Your girlfriend stood so close to you that she could actually smell the aroma your slides had from months, maybe years of usage.
Tara was out of focus throughout the cleaning that you ended up cleaning the whole house yourself. You were a bit mad but she made up for it by doing all the redecorating herself, that seemed like an easy win for both of you.
After a whole day of helping Tara tidy up the house (hence you squishing a big spider when she ducked behind you in fear of it) you head into the room for bed as it was already late. You slid your shoes off, tossing them in the closet. Tara stood like a deer in headlights as you rubbed the carpeted floor beneath your feet before going to bed.
A few hours after you went sleep, Tara stayed up with a devious smile. Even though she accepted Y/N’s thing for feet, she still wanted to get back at Y/N for messing with HER feet. So she gently pulled away at the covers exposing Y/N’s bare feet
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Tara was amazed, wondering why you never showed your feet that often. They were quite sexy and perfect like hers, even admiring the polish you picked. She was a little hesitant to go any further, worried that you would wake up or how weird she would feel if you didn’t wake up. But seeing as you were a heavy sleeper, Tara started off by running her fingertips across your soles, tracing little patterns on them which brought a smile to her face. You shook a little and Tara was already getting prepared to leap on the bed next to you. Luckily you only turned on your side still asleep, which Tara sighed in relief. As you continued to slumber, Tara was actually getting into your “thing” so much that the next thing she knew, her face was already pressed your soles slightly as she inhaled, letting out a soft moan.
Tara’s heart raced as she sniffed your soft soles. Your feet smelled a lot stronger than hers but they had a small vanilla like aroma to them. She sniffed your feet even harder which made her eyes pop open, slapping her mouth shut when a very loud moan escaped her lips. Again Tara checked to make sure you were still asleep and to her surprise, you still were.
Shaking her head grinning, Tara walked quietly to the closet where you threw your slides. She knew you wore them for a good while in the house and other places, heck you still wore them and the same pajama pants from when you went to the store. ‘God, what am i doing?’ Tara thought as she grabbed your shoes and took them over to the bed. Unlike you, Tara was going to sleep with your pair right next to her.
She went to the bedside and pulled the covers back to sleep as she pressed her nose to up your shoes. Unfortunately she started coughing after a few minutes and had an asthma attack which woke you up. You knew all too well about Tara’s condition and would help her out with every chance you got. You quickly ran to the bathroom cabinet and took out Tara’s inhaler then heading back and pressing the device up to her mouth as you held her head.
“Breathe Mi amor….breathe.” Tara coughed a bit more before her lungs felt relief. You went back to your side of the bed and held her gently in your arms.
“Asthma attacks are unpredictable but that was some heavy coughing you were doing earlier…you better not be smoking!” Tara slapped your arm in offense
“Ow! Ok, ok that was a stupid thing to say but that still doesn’t explain the heavy coughing?” Tara’s eyes darted around a bit “Umm. I just choked on some spit.”
You looked confused but said alright then and went to lay back down. Your head hit something hard as you hit the pillow “Ow! What the-?!” You looked behind but before you can see what it was, Tara quickly pulled it away, stuffing it under the covers.
“Baby what was that?” You asked. “Nothing! It’s nothing, you just landed on my inhaler babe.” You shook your head “No, no I know that wasn’t it.” Of course you would know as you had to speed to the store at the last minute and buy Tara a new inhaler because you accidentally sat on her last one, breaking it. That stunt also got you a ticket but it was a half fee because it was Dewey who pulled you over and you explained the whole situation to him.
You tried to pull away at the covers but your girlfriend had an iron grip. “Tara stop it! Just let me see what it is. For some reason it felt like a shoe?” But Tara wasn’t giving in, causing you to fold your arms.
“Baby….pull those covers back right now or no cuddles and watching any of your movies together, especially the Babadook for a month.” Tara’s eyes widened “You-you wouldn’t!” You nodded “What’s it gonna be?”
Tara sighed as she released her grip and you pulled back the covers. You picked up the item and to your surprise it was a shoe….your slides to be exact. “Huh? That’s weird, how did these even get here?” One glance at Tara answered your question. “Tara….what are my dirty slides doing on our bed?”
Tara opened her mouth to speak but no words came out so you held both of her shoulders, causing her to look up at you “Tell me” You said. Tara took a moment and a sigh came out of her mouth “I-I was um….I wanted to have them pressed against my…..nose while I slept.”
That was definitely not the answer you were expecting out of her but nevertheless, you had to stop yourself from laughing. “You wanted to sleep with my slides? Like for real?”
Tara looked down in shame before nodding. You scoot closer to her with an arm around her shoulder “So…you still think I’m a disgusting weirdo?” Tara scoffed “Hey! I do not have that fetish Cara Mia. I only wanted to get you back for messing with my feet without my permission and an F.Y.I, your feet smell even….worse than mine so there’s that.”
You smirked “Oh really? That’s not what you were thinking all wanting to sleep with my sweaty sandals against your face and all.” Tara grinned “Maybe they smell a little better?” You gave her a “really?” Expression.
Tara took your shoes and put them on the floor “Ok fine! Maybe I wanted to give that kink of yours a try as well as getting you back.” You laughed, clapping your hands as you gave Tara a peck on her lips. “I hope that satisfied you?”
Before you could go back to sleep, the covers were completely pulled from your and on the floor. “Baby! Ugh fine If you want me to sleep cover less then at let come over here and let me snuggle you. With our body heat, we won’t need them.”
Tara didn’t respond and was back at your feet again. “Love? Still not-OH!” You felt her thick tongue on your soles.
Your nails dug deep into the sheets as she was licking your feet clean. You didn’t even get to tell her that you were very ticklish as well down there. “Tara…pleaheheesse no..” Once she got to your toes, it was all too much as you were bursting in a hysterical fit of laughter. You kept your grip on the bedsheet as Tara licked your feet even harder, cleaning the last of the dirt your heels carried before moving on to suck your toes.
“Aah! My nail polish!” Tara didn’t care and continued to suck them until they were coated “Oh well I guess just rep-paint them again but damn does that feels good.”
You couldn’t help but enjoy this. No one has ever done this to you before and you weren’t about to stop Tara until she was finished.
After a bit more of Tara’s worship. Your feet were covered in her fluids but they were shiny and clean. She threw the covers back on both of you before snuggling into your arms. “Now we’re even” She said. You threw your arm around Tara “Yes we are indeed. Now can we please go to bed?” You said, smiling.
Tara nodded and gave you a kiss but not before her hand touched a sticky spot between your legs “My god is that what I think it is?” Your face was fiery red “N-no. Thats just my….hell I don’t know” Tara giggled “Well at least I can say you most definitely enjoyed that.” “I most definitely DID.” You said.
Tara whispered into your ear “I can’t wait to see where this new kink of ours takes us into our sex life well as long as we can have our usual sex.” You kept your embrace on her.
“Of course love…I definitely have some ideas in mind.” You said, referring to your dream.
Part two of Tara x Ethan is getting wrapped up and so will part three of my Sam x reader story.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 2 months
Beth 😍 omg
saw another writes weird ask and I gotta say. When would the ladies of until dawn wear flip flops and what would they wear them with
• Ashley: she doesn't like wearing them, so she'd only wear them when it's summer with some jorts and a tank top
• Beth: she only wears them at her house bc she finds it very uncomfortable to walk with them on the street (it's obvious, but she'd wear her pijamas)
• Emily: I really don't see her wearing flip flops, she'd be like "they are super uncomfortable, I'm not wearing them"
• Hannah: she'd wear them specially in spring whenever she wants to wear a dress (+ the dresses always have some flower pattern)
• Jess: I feel like she'd only wear them at the beach (bc she isn't gonna go with heels) so she'd wear a top with some shorts
• Sam: in spring or in summer. I feel like she'd like the "hippie" style and she'd wear them whenever she could (like with some coloured top and some shorts or with a long dress)
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 2 months
They Indeed are. Congratulations 🎉 :D
Just a silly question, are these all the likes that people have been giving my posts since I started my blog??
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 2 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 3
Sam is struggling with her inner demons and tries to fight what she feels for Y/N. After an heated moment at the gym, Tara must step in and clean up her mess of a sister.
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(Later that week)
(Tara’s pov) Well my hopes of getting Sam to talk to me about that night just went out the window. Almost a week has passed and I haven’t seen or heard from Y/N ever since that day I met them. When I asked Sam about it, she always said “It’s fine Tara, you have nothing to worry about.” Or “I’m ok Tara, I just needed some time to think.” She doesn’t even talk about Y/N period. Whenever we go eat with the others,she’d shoot a glare at us if we try to bring it up.
Anyways I got fed up and didn’t want to be around Sam today so I left and went to meet Anika in film class. When I got there and we shared a hug, we talked about our subjects and daily life issues, mine regarding Sam
“And she seems to be getting worse by the minute. Keeping herself locked in her room and won’t even say what’s going on with her or Y/N.” Anika took a sip of her drink
“Look, I get you’re trying to help and all but Tara, do you think you should be sticking your nose into someone else’s business even if they don’t want to talk about it? That’s so not cool.”
I rolled my eyes “Oh sure genius, I would leave her alone if she wasn’t keeping me up the last few nights with her crying. God she sounds like a humpback whale when she cries.” Anika nearly choked on her drink when she heard that. I patted her back as she started snickering
“That is so mean and funny at the same time. Tara carpenter, the all time savage when she needs to be.”
I shook my head “I don’t know what to do Ani. I can’t just leave her like this, even if it’s not my concern.” Anika nodded “Maybe just maybe. Sam will come around when she’s ready to talk, as for your ears. I have professional grade earplugs if you need them.”
I pull out my phone and check for texts “Ok, I might have to take those by tonight.” I said.
Meanwhile Samantha laid on her bed, hand clutched to her stomach as a result from the constant drinking.
(Sam’s pov) So I got a call from my boss saying that a new employee was currently in training and needed to be put on my shift for today but I will still be compensated for my hard work and able to go back tomorrow (hence why I love this job) only problem is, my stomachs been angry with me lately. What with all the drinking and the stress of avoiding Y/N, also Tara who won’t shut up about it.
I managed to climb out of bed and take a ginger ale candy before sitting on the couch watching a movie that Tara left on stream. ‘Sigh’ “And she used my credit card to buy the ultra high definition! Figures.” I wrote the amount on a piece of paper to tab that out of Tara’s pay later on.
While watching the movie, I got a few texts from Tara and….Y/N which I picked up and just sent a small text
“I’m fine, just watching a little tv.”
“ ‘Sigh’ no point in sitting here all day” I said, going to make breakfast before I hit the gym today. ‘Pretty much all I do, well before Y/N tried to crawl their way into my fucked up life. Honestly I’m doing them a favor no matter how I really feel.
(After breakfast)
After I ate, I sat down for about an hour, watching another one of Tara’s shows. I tripped over one of her shoes the last time Y/N was here. At first they thought I had a kid or another little baby sibling with me.
When I told them no and asked why, they said it was because of the “kids” size shoe I tripped over. I had a field day with that, telling them that it’s just Tara’s shoe and to never say that around her. It didn’t end well for me when I did that, she’s got teeth as sharp as a piranha.
(One hour later)
“Ok…I guess it’s time to hit the gym.” I put on my jacket and head out. The gym is one building away from my place and I could use the walk. I spoke too soon when an empty cup got thrown at me by a passing car halfway there.
“Yup like I said, I’m doing Y/N a favor.” I shook my head and kept my pace, going to the gym.
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I set my bag and towel in my assigned locker then went to go for a run on the treadmill. I looked around the place a bit as I ran in place ‘good thing the gym isn’t too packed today’ I put my AirPods in my ears.
After my run, I move over to the dumbbells and began lifting my usual weights (readers choice lol) I did a good amount of reps before moving onto the bench press. I decide to kick it up a notch and upgrade to the heavier weights than my usual.
I took the barbell off its stand and started my reps. I got off to a good start, what with the headphones blocking out small sounds or any creep trying to hit on me. I made it very clear that I’m uninterested in their company or conversations.
As I was in the zone, I spotted a familiar figure to my left, lifting dumbbells ‘no…no, it can’t be! Is that?’ I didn’t get a clear look as I lost my concentration, dropping the barbell on my chest “OW! Fuck!!!”
The figure, dropped their weights and went over to get the barbell of my chest “You ok Ma’am?” I nod and look up only to see they recognized me “Sam?! Omg this is a pleasant surprise.” I smiled sheepishly “heh heh. Yeah it sure is.”
After Y/N helped me, I decided to take a break and have a snack. Unfortunately they sat down next to me ‘Jesus Y/N. Why can’t you leave me alone?’ But I put on a smile and offered a protein bar and water for them. “So….fancy seeing you here” Y/N said. I scoffed a bit “I always come to this gym. What’s it to you?”
Y/N playfully put their hands up in surrender “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it. Im just surprised I came to your rescue.”
“I could have gotten that off myself. I didn’t need your help.”
Y/N was a bit taken back by my blunt words “Sorry. I’ll um….stand back and let you do it next time?”
I felt my heart beat at a quick pace when that warm feeling came back to me. But before I could process my feelings to Y/N, I saw my father sitting beside them, grinning and making a knife gesture “Christ almighty why can’t you leave me the fuck alone!”
(Y/n’s pov) if I thought the last words were harsh, I’m surely mistaken. “Sam please-“ then she went off again “Everywhere I go, you’re there just watching me! Trying to hover over me when I don’t want you to!” I was a bit confused “Sam what? You were the one who approached-“
“Shut up just shut the hell up for one fucking second! I….can’t even live a good life with you always there in my shadow just breathing In my damn presence, wasting my own breath and energy talking to you!” I felt my heart tear up a bit but before I could speak again, Sam went for the kill
“You….useless….sack of SHIT! You and your little legacy, everything! I hate it all I just can’t…..I hate you. I HATE YOU!!!!! If you’re done sitting there you can “kindly” get out of my sight, get out of my life completely, before I do something I won’t regret!” My heart was now shattered into pieces completely and Sam just tossed the remains in the trash can.
I felt a bit of anger rise up in me. Nodding “I get it Sam. I get the message loud and clear that I’m not wanted anymore. Thank you so much for yelling at me just to drive home the point!” I got up and tossed my snack in the trash can “Well fuck you then! Have a nice life Sam.” I stormed out of the break room, slamming the door.
(Sam’s pov) I flinched. In all my yelling at Billy, I completely forgot Y/N was still sitting there in the crossfire. I quickly got up and bolted for the door “Y/N wait!” As I was running I felt my ankle catch on one of the bleachers legs, spraining it.
Shaking the pain off, I limped towards the door “Y/N wait! Hold on!! As I opened the door, I saw them already walking out the front entrance. “Y/N! P-please.” They turned around to look at me one last time but I couldn’t bring myself to speak which they sighed and closed the door.
I dropped to my knees, staring at the wall ‘What have I done….’
I needed my place of comfort right now. I promised Tara I wouldn’t do it again but I’m really desperate at this point. I put on my jacket and helmet, then started up my motorcycle. Tara gave me a speaker for my birthday and attached it to the motorcycle. Might as well put it to some use. I hit shuffle and let it play from there as I tore down the road.
(Later that night)
(Tara’s pov) “Damn it no! How did you get past me!” I gripped the switch controller a bit. Chad chuckled, taking a sip of water “Sorry guys, I don’t know why I’m so good at this game.”
“Mario kart 8 is fun but it hurts my fingers” Anika said. “Um babe you know there’s an auto drive setting you can set up.” Mindy said.
I shook my head “And where’s the fun in that? I think the regular mode is good on your fingers. Makes it feel like your pressing down on the gas pedal in real life.”
Anika started selecting another level “Hey maybe that’s how Chad beat you T. As far as I can see, his thumbs aren’t red like yours. Ouch.”
Tara grumbled, fishing money out of her wallet to give to Chad for winning. “Wow you’re betting money from your girlfriend on Mario kart? That’s low, even for you peabrain.” Mindy said.
Chad whipped around, slightly embarrassed “Hey we both agreed on it right Tara!” I nodded “See? Plus I promised her I’d be a good boy in-“
“OK we don’t need to know that!” Mindy said throwing a chip at Chad which he surprisingly caught in his mouth. “Too slow.” He said which Mindy threw the finger before turning toward her girlfriend“Just start the game my love.”
‘Sigh’ Of course. Out of all the races, Anika had to go and pick rainbow road. No phobic of corse but this stage is so unbelievably hard, especially when my controller is stuck in “motion” control just because the sticks are broken.
While starting the course, I’m already in 11th place because pretty boy had to go and knock me off the course by “accident” when we started. Halfway through the race, I got a bit used to the controls but I’m still dreading on my wallet being eaten up again by Chad.
Luckily I was saved when my phone rang “Guys pause it please.” to which they did “Hello?”
“Yes is this Tara Carpenter?” The voice said ‘Oh great, I already know who this is.’
I clear my throat “Yes Stan it’s me. What’s wrong you seem upset.” Stan laughed a little “Upset. You’re goddamn right I am!! ‘Sigh’ Look, can you please come down here and get your sister? She’s already at it again, causing another scene in my bar and lashing out at my customers. I’m already 5 seconds away from calling the cops!
I pinched the bridge of my nose scoffing in disgust “Ok just hang tight, I’ll be right over.” Before hanging up.
‘Damn it Sam can I have one day, just ONE day of not taking care of you?!’ I shook my head, grabbing my jacket from Chad’s room. “Guys, I gotta head out. As munch as I want to keep playing, I have to go get Sam…..again.”
They nodded their heads, understanding what I meant “Alright love, do you want me to give you a ride there and back?” Chad asked. I shook my head “Thanks for the offer babe but I have a feeling Sam drove her motorcycle there. No way I’m letting her drive that deathtrap home by herself.”
“T do you even know how to ride a motorcycle?” Mindy said, giggling. I folded my arms “I do too, know how to operate a motorcycle Minds! Quinn and I used to sneak it out a couple of times when Sam was asleep” though she did most of the driving.
Chad smiled and gave me a peck before leaving “Be careful out there. Call me when you get back.”
I nod “Will do, love you Chad.”
(Sam’s pov) “Had enough drinking your sorrows and throwing a tantrum for one day?” He said, sitting next to me “Not until you’re finally cleared of my conscience forever, maybe then I’ll be at peace.”
He “rubbed” my back “Well somebody’s got to. Otherwise you’d be just like your mother going down her path instead of facing your problems head on.”
I picked my head up and threw a glass at him, which passed and hit the wall. “You ever start to think that YOU’RE the reason I can’t have a relationship or any friends?! Another person down the drain because you had to show up and ruin it!”
He laughed a bit “Sweetie I was only trying to warn you to be careful. You didn’t have to go screaming at the both of us.” God, why do I even bother with him. Then a bunch of cameras flashed me in the face
“Samantha carpenter? Gale weathers here questioning your take on the latest murders in woodboro. Do you think Ghostface will follow you to the big apple or have you become-?”
I spit on her “Your about to see another Ghostface if you don’t get the hell out my face!!” I shoved the cameraman towards her. She scoffed and walked away, good riddance.
I angrily stumbled over to the table and slumped on it once again, closing my eyes for a bit and ready to knock out the next person that bothers me. I was having a good slumber until I felt a hand on my shoulder “Sam.”
(Tara’s pov) The next thing I knew I saw a fist fly right at my face, hitting me in the jaw. ”Ow! What the fuck Sam?!” Then she fell to the floor “Shit! I’m sorry, I’m very sorry Tara. I didn’t know that was y-you.” I held my slightly bruised jaw
“Just get the fuck up, right now!” Sam “quickly” picked herself off the floor throwing her arms around me, crying down my shoulder. “Please, forgive me….I’m sorry Tara I’m so sorry that I’m such a fuck up and a sorry excuse of a sister!”
Oh good god she reeks of alcohol! “Sam. Would you PLEASE get off of me! I’m not mad just….fuck! I can’t even talk to you right now or breathe!” I pushed Sam off for relief “I want you to go outside and wait by the bike, I’m driving us home.”
Sam tearfully nodded, handing me the keys. “I’ll meet you out there in a few minutes.” I said before she stumbled out the front door.
Stan was sweeping up the floors before giving me a look “I’m gonna permanently ban her if she can’t control her temper in here. That’s the third time this week. You better see to it that you have a LONG talk with her!”
I rolled my eyes “You want a tip? Keep your nose out of other people’s business and stop giving them more than they already had!” before leaving to meet Sam outside.
As I found the bike with the key, I see Sam throwing up her drinks behind it “You done sis?” I said patting her back.
“Mhm….mmm so tired.”
I got on the motorcycle and turned the key “Come on then. I’ll put a movie on at home and you can go to sleep.” Sam coughed a bit before handing me her helmet “Here….put this on. I don’t have a spare but I always put your safety over mine.” I sighed a bit before feeling her arms wrap around my waist
“Are you sure you know ‘hic’ how to drive this t-thing?” I scoffed “Yes. I do actually. I um, looked up a video before coming here. Let’s just go home sis, you’re already wearing me out.”
Sam nuzzled her face into the back of my neck as I took off.
(One motorcycle ride later)
(Sam’s pov) I can’t say how impressed I am with Tara’s motorcycle skill. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was sneaking it out from the garage every night, that girl always likes to get into trouble.
As I got off the bike, I waked a few steps before suddenly falling to the ground. Looks like my ankle is more swollen from putting too much pressure on it earlier. I tried looking for something to help me walk but I found nothing.
Seeing no other option I carefully pick myself up and kept my balance leaning on the railings before it ran out. “Sam! You ok?” Tara said, noticing that I wasn’t making any progress.
“I’m fine sis. I’ll catch up.”
Tara shook her head and walked over to me, turning around and cupping her hands “Hop on, I’ll get us up there.”
“Tara no. I’m too-“
“Will you just get on my back?!”
I smiled a bit “Well….alright then.” As I gently got on Tara’s back, she hoisted me up quicker and held onto my legs.
I got worried when Tara had to lean forward a lot just to keep her balance, I felt terrible that she has to do this. “Tara please just let me-“
“Sam would you stop being so stubborn and let me take the wheel in our relationship? You always put yourself before others but never let them return the favor, just let me as your sister help you just this once.” Tara said as she headed for the stairs since the elevator is broken.
‘Sigh’ “Just tell me if you getting tired.”
Tara nodded as she prepared to climb up 7 flights of stairs….with me on her back!
(7 flights later)
(Tara’s pov) Not a lot of people know this, but I got a really strong back. So strong that I actually won an award for being able to carry so many items on my back as I walked without any aches. Unfortunately I got the nickname “Pack mule” from the other students for the rest of my high school life, but I proudly carry that title with pride and dignity to this day.
As I dropped Sam on the couch, I sat down next to her and peeled off my shoes and socks, sighing in relief from the soft carpet. I wasn’t expecting to carry Sam up seven flights of stairs, my poor legs and feet.
“All I know is, you owe me another foot massage, a really good one too. Oh my poor aching toes, having to carry such a heavy load.” Sam threw a grape at me “Hey, you wanted to carry me the whole way here, ask Chad to massage your gnome feet.” She said, smirking.
I threw Sam the finger before gesturing her to lay her head on my lap. “Come on. It’s time to tell the doctor what’s wrong.”
Sam crossed her arms, sitting up “Very funny sis. I already told you everything’s-“ I slapped my hand over her mouth
“BEFORE you finish that sentence, let me remind you that this is the THIRD time I had to drop everything and get you home. Even after you promised me that you wouldn’t be drinking your pain away again! You either tell me what’s going on or I’ll go throw myself onto an oncoming train tomorrow.
Sam glared at me “You wouldn’t fucking dare! You know I won’t be the same without you.”
I smirked “Think I’m bluffing? Just try me!”
Sam punched the table “Fine….Fine! You really want to know what’s going on in my fucked up life, Y/N?!” She took a breather “You really think you can help me, can you?”
I looked at Sam in offense “I’m your sister. Siblings are supposed to help each other out, even if it’s problems like this.”
Sam gave me a small hug before placing her head into my lap “Ok, listen….about Y/N”
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who got me to 250 likes!
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 3 months
A journey towards redemption
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Jill’s unsuccessful moment in becoming the new final girl has resulted in her death. Now offered a second chance, she must face her demons and earn her freedom at a chance of a new life.
Born again (October 11th 2011 12:30 AM)
Dewey rubbed the bump on his head as he went to go check on Gale “She was standing right behind me.”
“They always are” was the last thing Jill heard before being shot clean in the chest.
‘No, No! Not like this….how did she even hear me? Th-this can’t be how it ends? I was so close!’
Jill felt her eyes getting heavy and her breathing slowly weakened as she collapsed into complete darkness. 
Sidney checked Jill’s pulse, making sure she was dead “Well I guess that’s it then. What do you want to do with her Sid?” Dewey said.
(Jill’s pov) I felt some cold droplets land on my face, waking me up from my sleep. “Huh? Ok that’s weird…I got shot in the chest ‘probably where my heart is’ and I’m still alive all of a sudden?” Then I remembered. “Oh That’s right! Ghostface armor. Sidney didn’t shoot me in the head. Pretty stupid on her part, I thought she learned her lesson after the last five she fought. Can’t believe she made it this far.
“Oh whatever all I can say is, she better sleep with one eye open once I get out of this hospital. I’m gonna kill her then finish off Gale and her stupid husband.” I notice that the hospital is very dark and quiet. Hmph! Seems like they left me here but damn could they at least keep the lights on! I can’t even see two feet in front of me!
Shit. I need to hurry and get out of here. Dewey and Judy must have left to go get backup, why both left instead of one staying here is just beyond me. “Everyone is pretty much a moron in this town….where the hell is the light switch?!”
I groped the wall, feeling around for the switch until I hit a spot on the wall that lit up the room a bit. “Finally! Ok time to move Jill.” As my eyes adjusted to the light, I almost passed out again when I found out I wasn’t in the hospital
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“What……the……FUCK?! What is this? I seriously have no other words for- ok I need to find the exit.” I walk around trying to find something that resembles a door and as I did, the floor started to make noise when you walk into a puddle.
I hate to do this but “Hello? Dewey…..Gale? Anybody?!” I said, looking around.
Still looking for the door, I call out a few more times but still no answers. I’m starting to get really freaked out here “Ok guys stop it! Enough with the silent treatment, just arrest me and be done with it. Sick fuckers, just show yourself! Do you hear me!!!! Look I surrender ok! There I said it...I SURRENDER!!!” I held out my hands, hoping someone would show up and put handcuffs on me.
(????? Later)
(Plays along with the dialogue)
I don’t even know how much time has passed but i think I’m stuck here for a while, can’t find a door and it’s this same picture everywhere I walk. There’s nothing here, nothing!
Feeling defeated, I sat down and hugged my knees, burying my face in them. I close my eyes but every time I did, I’m reminding of the things I’ve done.
‘I started to feel sick for putting on the mask and killing my friends, my mother just to replicate a stupid movie my spoiled bitch cousin somehow got famous for and….Charlie. The one who answered my request, carrying me to the finish line only for me to backstab him just to take all the credit.
I guess I know what it feels like to be truly alone now. Instead of just taking a step back and ignoring Sidney, enjoying the last year of my high school along with slapping some sense into Trevor, I end up shot and left for dead in this dark desolate place.
Even though Sidney and her friends survived, I doubt they want anything to do with me…then again it’s the same group that left me here to die. I deserve it though, I don’t need forgiveness from them or for anyone I hurt.
I look around for a bit “Come to think of it, where is Charlie? Is this hell or am I somewhere worse than that?” I felt my stomach rumble, great! Ever since I been planning that movie with Charlie, I haven’t had time to eat or drink anything.
“Well since there’s no food here, I guess I’ll just starve to death and end up back here again. Another thing to add to my everlasting punishment”
I shook my head and tried to find something “edible” or even close to that. As I touched the wall, my hand broke through “feels like water again, and not just the floor this time.”
I heard whispers behind me in the distance, causing me to whip my head around “Sidney? That you?”
The voice whispered again a bit louder, aside from all the mumbling I only made out a few words “Murderer” “Liar” “spoiled” “cruel” “waste of space” I rolled my eyes
“Hey I get it. Shut the fuck up already!” Then the voice turned into a high pitched screech which was enough for me to cover my ears and sprint out of there. As I was running, I felt a pair of hands shove me to the ground.
I picked myself
up to find my mother standing over me with the bloody knife and an evil grin
“Welcome home sweetie.” She said before being stabbed then gutted from behind by….Charlie! I stepped back a bit
“MOM!” Charlie turned in my direction and charged at me with the knife raised, luckily I found a gun on the floor at the last minute and shot him.
The gun disappears from my hand and so does Charlie. Unfortunately the voices didn’t and continued to whisper in my ears. ‘Sigh’ “Just shut up already! Jesus!” Then I felt a hand on my shoulder but I quickly shoved it away
“Whoa! Hey, take it easy cousin, it’s me.”
“S-Sidney?” I said not turning around.
Then I heard a scoff “Oh real mature! Do I sound like I have a feminine voice? Well except for my employers, such assholes they are.”
I rolled my eyes “Ok fine, you don’t have a girls voice but if you’re not Sidney then who are you?”
The person turned me around 
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“Hello Jill”
(3rd pov)
Jill took a glance at the man who removed the ghostface mask “Um I’m going to ask again…who the hell are you? Another shitty ghostface killer?
Roman glared at his cousin in offense “First of all I am NOT shitty! Second, yes I was one of the Ghostface killers and a damn good one too. Unlike you kids who needed a partner to fall back on, I did all my work solo.
Also you got some nerve to be disrespecting me when all you did was sit on the sideline letting your boyfriend do all the work, then killing him as payment. What a disgrace to the mask.
“Dumbass! There’s always two killers, one makes the calls while the other sneaks in and goes for the kill. Thats how it’s always been with Ghostface.
Roman laughed, shaking his head “No sweetheart. Both killers shared the work 50/50. You didn’t even help Charlie most of the time. He carried you the whole way and you still lost.”
Jill rolled her eyes “Ok so what? At least I was smart enough to manipulate someone into doing my own bidding and disposing of him when I didn’t need him anymore. How dirty did you have to get your hands before you bit the dust?”
She then continued “I got my moment In the spotlight and would have gotten away with it because I’m hot and charismatic.”
Roman tossed the mask on the ground “I’m both of those things too and even so, did you really think you could successfully replicate Billy and Stu’s work while covering it up as the final girl/my sister? Your plan would have failed regardless from all the things your prints were on.”
Jill was stunned “sister?!” She studied him again and noticed his features looked a lot like Sidney’s. ‘If he’s Sidney’s brother that that means
“You-your Roman bridger.”
“The one and only” he said.
Jill nodded “Ok “Roman” since you’re the only one here. Do you mind telling me where I am and if I could get of out of here?”
Roman clicked his tongue “Sorry cousin…you see, you’re actually dead. Sidney shot you In the heart and your stuck down here in this void forever. Well-“
Jill freaked out, grabbing Roman by his shoulders and shook him “What?! No?! No this isn’t happening, this is not happening!” She started to sweat a lot and her breathing was becoming rapid. “You got to help me. Please help me!”
“JILL! Calm down and let me finish! Take a deep breath and have some dignity”
Jill managed to calm herself and took a few deep breaths before sitting criss crossed, eager of what Roman had to say.
(Roman’s pov) Alright, now that my psychotic child minded cousin has calmed down, time for me to do my job. “Here. Let me feel your forehead.”
Jill moved back as I extended my hand to her “Why? I don’t have a fever-“
“Just do it” I said.
“Alright alright….weirdo” Jill said but I ignored her comment and absorbed her thoughts with a touch of her forehead.
Jill kept here eyes closed but winced a little when she heard a whoosh 💨 Keeping my hand on Jill’s forehead, I see her deep thoughts and what really drove her to become Ghostface. “Mhm, just as I thought.”
“What?” Jill said, opening her eyes.
“Your thoughts, your regrets, Ghostface, I can read all of it. Actually I can SEE all of It.”
Jill stood up “I’m not sure if I believe that or weirded out by what you said. Actually I’ll go with both.”
Roman chuckled “The point is, I know how you REALLY feel. You never wanted to be Ghostface or enjoy your little “fame” that came with it.”
Jill opened her mouth but Roman shook his head “Jill….you hate yourself, you hate yourself for what you’ve done. You hate that my sister’s favoritism pushed you off to the side from your friends and mother.”
Roman tilted Jill’s chin up towards him “You hate that it’s eating you up inside and all you could do was let it.”
“Roman….I didn’t feel that way in the beginning. Why are you just telling me this now? What gave you this idea now?”
“You started to feel regret when your failed movie idea cost you everything. Your friends, Kate Roberts…..Trevor” Roman smirked at the last name.
Jill didn’t respond, instead she turned away.
“You can’t lie to yourself Jill. You miss them a lot and as for Trevor, seems like you still have feelings for him.”
Jill still didn’t respond.
“Jill….talk to me, we’re cousins and I want to help you with the little time I have left”
(Jill’s pov) 
Hearing that, had me turn around. I took a deep breath “it’s true….everything you said is true, especially with Trevor.” I swallowed a lump “But it’s so weird because he cheated on me yet these feeling for Trevor never went away.”
I shook my head “I guess that fucker still left an imprint on me.”
I felt a few tears coming on “Kirby and Olivia were there for me when that happened and my mom took us to go see that movie I was begging her to watch.
Even before Trevor, they’ve all done so much for me even if I didn’t give them anything in return.”
Roman reached his hand out “Jill.”
I pushed his hand aside “No Roman, don’t!
Then the floodgates opened “I get it. I should have never been Ghostface, I had no real reason to. God I had it all! I had friends, a loving mother who even though kept taking about Sidney, she made sure I never miss a meal…she kept me in a warm home too.”
Then came the voice cracks “The moment I put on the mask, I have destroyed, ruined, and killed everything I had and loved…..I have nothing now.”
(3rd pov)
Roman looked down at his cousin who now had her face buried into her hands, sobbing. He looked up for a moment
“What if I told you there was a way you could redeem yourself?”
Jill looked up “What? What do you mean?” She asked, rubbing her eyes.
Roman smiled “What I can offer you my dear cousin is a do-over. It will reverse everything that’s happened on the month of the murders. You will start from when you woke up in your bed, waiting for your friend to take you to school.”
Jill looked confused “Going back in time? Is that even possible?”
“Down here…..anything is possible Jill.”
Jill wiped the last of her tears away “Ok. If it’s possible….then I’ll do it, thank you. I won’t be Ghostface ever again and I’ll do whatever it takes to stop Charle, you can count on it.”
Roman fixed his robe up a bit “I hope you can. This is very dangerous and a huge risk. If Charlie kills you or you fail to stop the murder spree, you will die and this time wake up in a place 10x worse than hell and here.”
Jill felt her blood run cold but kept a calm posture
“Ok….i understand. I have to earn my redemption.”
(Roman’s pov)
I moved back a bit and snapped my fingers, which made a big mirror appear in front of us.
“Yes. This looks like an ordinary mirror but it’s actually a portal. In order for this to work, you need to find all the lost souls in this realm and send them back through this mirror, they’ll be able to go through it.”
“Wait what? Lost souls, Roman what are you-?”
“I’m talking about the victims you and your partner murdered. Because of your desperate need for unnecessary fame, their souls ended up here.”
Jill was taken back “B-but I thought they went to heaven!”
I pinched my forehead a bit “Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way Jill, it wasn’t even their time to go. You both ended up cutting their lives so short that they ended up here.”
(Jill’s pov)
I felt a pain in my stomach when I heard that. Damn, I didn’t know my victims got sent here. But I wasn’t really thinking about the consequences was I?
“Ok so the victims are all here and it’s my job to lead them back here?”
Roman nodded “Once you find all the lost souls, you can go through this portal yourself and the do-over will begin. You will be resurrecting the people you killed in the past as well, probably should have made that more clear but don’t forget that also includes…..ugh, Charlie.”
I nod “No one except you will remember everything that’s happened but you must do your best to keep them safe.” Roman said.
“Ok, I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my friends and mother safe.”
Roman reached into his pocket the robe had and pulled out a flashlight. “It’s going to be dark out there, this will help you see what you couldn’t see before with your own eyes.”
I thanked Roman and took the flashlight. I turned it on to find a huge dark hallway that seemed endless in the distance. I was about to be on my way until I heard Roman’s voice call out
“Wait! I do have one more thing to tell you. Tread carefully on your path because
You are not alone down here.
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To be continued
Music goes to Emil “Ace” Macko.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 3 months
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(via Arthur Morgan | Ultimate Which Van Der Linde Gang Member Are You Quiz)
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 3 months
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A girl and her crush!
Part 2
-With the last week of school approaching, an event from Tara’s past comes back to haunt her. Wanting to find complete closure and move on, she seeks out her friend Mindy to help get Tara back on the saddle.
(Tara’s pov) After a few rounds of back 4 blood. I didn’t feel in the mood to play any longer. My stomach was already starting to hurt real bad “G-guys. I think I’m going to get off for now. I haven’t been feeling well today…I’m just going to lie down.” Mindy and Chad understood and told me to text them later. After they disconnected, I went up to my room and laid on my side in bed, letting my mind wander off.
‘Love? Why are you so worried about where I always am?’
Tara closed her eyes ‘Babe. I’m sorry if you think I’m stalking you but I’m not. It’s just that….we haven’t gone out in a while and I haven’t got much calls or texts from you recently. Did I do something wrong?
He shook his head ‘No baby it’s not you….look I just haven’t been myself and needed some space from the things I was going through. I’m all better now If you want to go on a date…we can go Friday.’ Tara smiled and kissed him passionately, though was a bit hesitant to return it.
‘I’ll try to not be so clingy most of the time baby. But you know my freckles and I still need your kisses from time to time’ she said. He smiled and gave each of Tara’s freckles a kiss. “I know.”
I shook my head and felt a few tears fall down my face, hugging my big stuffed dinosaur which was given to me on our last and final date.
(Sam’s pov) On the way home from the store, Richie was chatting on the phone with his family, who were going to be present for their cousins graduation at Woodsboro high. ‘My little sister is also graduating, along with her friends. Damn. I don’t think I told Tara about me staying until her graduation’ I thought.
The drive home didn’t take long as we made it and got the groceries out of the car in no time , setting them on the counter. “Thank you sweetie. Richie and I can take it from here.” Stu said, then whispered to me “I just want to give Richie the “dad talk” don’t worry, I’ll make sure not to scare him away.” I rolled my eyes but smiled and said ok.
Leaving the pair to it, I went upstairs to check on Tara. The video game controller was l on the couch but I didn’t see my sis, so I went up to her room.
When I got there, the door was locked so I knocked on it “Tara? It’s Sam, do you need anything sis?” I didn’t get a response for a bit so I went to sort out my clothes in the guest room.
I could have sworn I heard some faint crying behind the door or maybe It’s just me hearing things. Whatever it is, I’m not going to find out today. I guess I’ll just wait until tomorrow.
As I was setting my clothes on their hangers, I felt someone hug me from behind. I turn my head back a little “Baby! How’d it go with my dad hun?” Richie kissed my cheek before speaking “Wasn’t too bad. He said he doesn’t hate me. I think that’s a start.”
I nod “He’s always been one for humor.” Richie took some of his clothes and put them on his hangers “Your dad also said I can sleep in here with you. Just no funny business, he told me he “See’s and hears all.”
“I rest my case” I said, wrapping my arms around Richie’s neck and pulling him in for a kiss.
(3rd pov) Later that night Tara was still on her bed with the dinosaur plushie clutched in her arms. She hears a familiar knock on the door once again “Sammm please go away.” She heard a loud sigh “Tara please. You can’t skip out on dinner and besides, dad made your favorite meal.”
Tara tightened her grip on the Dino “Sam look. I’m not feeling good today. Can you please just leave me alone, god?!” Sam was taken back by Tara’s sudden outburst “Ok…I’ll leave you alone I guess. But I’m here if you want to talk about anything going on….or if you need some Pepto.”
Sam walks away and goes downstairs to eat dinner. Stu was just putting the portions on everyone’s plates as Sam and Richie sat down. “Hello love birds….hey where’s your sister Sammy?” Sam took some utensils for her food “You might want to wrap up Tara’s plate for later, dad. Tara won’t be joining us because she told me she’s not feeling good.”
“Hmm” Stu said, raising a brow as he went to get a small Pyrex to put Tara’s food in “Does Tara need any Pepto or ginger candy?” Sam shook her head.
“Honestly, I don’t think has a stomachache dad.” Stu looked confused “I mean that, Tara has locked herself in her room and won’t open the door. When I went to fold my clothes, I could have sworn I heard her crying….something’s bothering her and she won’t tell us.”
Stu shook his head “It’s always been hard for Tara to open up. I usually don’t force anything out of her unless she did something wrong but I think she’s just having a bad day.” Then looking over at Sam “I say we wait until tomorrow for her to talk if she wants to. I’ll save Tara’s food if she gets the munchies later on.” Sam nods as the family continues to eat.
(Later in the middle of the night)
(Mindy’s pov) I lost my footing on the ledge trying to climb to Tara’s window. But I managed to grab the brick that was sticking out and kept my balance as I knocked on her window. “Ok T. You better have a real good reason for calling me up here and making me sneak in through the window at let’s see here….two in the morning” I said as she let me In, rubbing my arms.
“Mindy….he’s back again.” I raised a brow “Who is?” Tara was about to speak but one look at the dinosaur in her arms was all I needed to know “Lemme guess? Your cheating ex is haunting your dreams again?” She nodded and went over to the bed, patting the empty spot looking up at me.
I sat down on the bed next to Tara and hugged her. Tara hugged back while letting the tears pour from her eyes “I know you’re upset and hurting T, but you need to let this go and move on. I’m not one to be harsh or upfront but this isn’t good for your health even if it’s only been two months since that happened.”
Tara looked up at me “Th-that’s easy for you to say Mindy. He was my everything, he was there for me when my mom died and my dad was too drowned in his own sorrows to help me. I thought what we had was special!” I kept my embrace “You thought T…you thought. Hell I even believed it myself but then I realized what a dirty liar and a cheater he is.”
I wiped up Tara’s tears and gave her a tissue. “He doesn’t deserve you or your love and you know it. You deserve better than that Tara. It’s why we kicked him and Amber out of the group.” Tara sniffled a bit “Amber…she was my best friend. They both b-betrayed me.” I caressed her hair “You know I could have gotten Chad to have a talk with them. But you didn’t want him or his fists getting involved. Heh, my brother was already furious when he found out about your ex and Amber. I’m surprised she’s even with him given their history but ,you could imagine what Chad was going to do to that bleach haired boy.”
(Tara’s pov) I laughed a bit. At least Chad and Mindy are still in my life to this day and have no means to leave or hurt me. I look down at the Dino still in my arms “You need to get rid of that plushie Tara” Mindy said.
I looked at it a bit more. “This is my favorite dinosaur Mindy, he always knew what to get me.” Mindy facepalmed “See? There you go again. You’re still thinking about him when you should be moving on!”
I made a sour face but Mindy just smiled “If you want me to help you then let me help you.” She extended her hand out “Here, let me take it.”
I was a bit hesitant at first but I handed the toy over to Mindy. She went over to a window where the dumpster was just below us, dropping it. I didn’t like it but I knew it was for the best….i guess.
“I know you loved that plushy Tara but it’s for your own good. I’m not about to let my friend become depressed over a filthy cheater.”
I nod and stretch my arms out, yawning. “Looks like you need to go back to bed. I’ll see my way-“ As Mindy was about to climb out the window, I quickly jumped up and held her arm.
“Stay with me?” Mindy shook her head “Tara…” I felt more tears coming on “Please….I don’t want to sleep by myself tonight.” Mindy took one look at the carpeted floor “fine.” She said heading to the closet and placing a pillow and blanket on the floor.
I looked at her in confusion “Um, What are you doing?”
“Umm making a bed for…myself?” She said fluffing the pillow, I shook my head laughing “No you can sleep on the bed with me Minds. It’s big enough for two people.”
Mindy didn’t budge “If this is your way of coming onto me, then i rather take my chance on the floor.” I held my hands up in surrender “I insist Mindy. I’ll stay on my side while you stay on yours, nothing weird.”
Mindy rolled her eyes “The last time I shared a bed with you, I woke up to you kissing my ear.” She said, putting the blanket and pillow back into the closet before joining me in the bed. “I don’t move around in my sleep anymore and at least I didn’t kiss you on the lips-“ I felt a hand on my mouth “OkAY that enough. Go to sleep Tara.”
I shook my head “Fine.” Before closing my eyes.
“Gotta say, this bed is really comfy. The next guy is going to be blessed, fucking you on this bed.” I playfully smacked her arm, blushing “You told me to go to sleep, so let me sleep.”
“Sorry” Mindy said, turning off the lamp.
(The next morning)
(Sams pov) my eyes shot open as I check the time. ‘Not even 7 yet.’ I tossed and turned, trying to get back to sleep but I couldn’t. I got up and gave Richie a kiss on the head. ‘Might as well go make a coffee and breakfast for the family.’ I headed downstairs to make breakfast but I head a loud rustle coming from the kitchen.
That made my blood run cold because Stu and Tara were still asleep. So I sneak over to the nightstand and pull out the gun I hid in there. Quietly loading the gun, I walk slowly over to the kitchen.
Then I peered around the corner and aimed the weapon “Hey! Sam no! It’s just me, Mindy.” I quickly put the gun away “How did you get in here?” Mindy poured a bowl of cereal “Tara let me in through the window. She just needed a friend to talk to.”
I scoffed in annoyance “and you couldn’t just knock on the door and wait till one of us let you in?” Mindy tapped the bowl “weeellll yes, no, maybe. Look Tara made me go through the window because she was worried you and Stu were going to be mad at her for dragging me here at two in the morning.”
I got some coffee beans out of the cabinet and the filters “Makes sense I guess but I need to ask….is Tara ok?” Mindy nodded “She’s fine, I calmed her down a bit and spent the night with her.”
“So, do you know what’s bothering Tara?”
“I do but Tara wanted me to keep it a secret. Sorry Sam but it’s too personal for her to talk to anyone else other than me about it. All I can say is that she is doing fine. I already solved her problem.” Mindy said, finishing up her cereal and putting the bowl in the sink.
I was a bit offended that she chose to talk to a friend over her sister but my biological father at least told me “Friends are like family, well most of them sometimes.” Before I could speak, Mindy beat me to it “So let’s see here, you see a person like me in your kitchen, you immediately pull out a gun and try to kill me” she said, laughing.
I pinched the bridge of my nose “You really had to say that did you?” She shrugged “Hey, had to get that out of my system” I took a sip of my finished coffee “If that’s what you think that was, then you are surely mistaken.”
“Eh maybe. But since I’m here, can I help make breakfast? I make killer omelettes and bacon.” I nodded “Ok but try not to go crazy with the eggs. I just bought these last night and they were expensive.
Mindy laughed, cracking the eggs on the pan “So is that Rover you have parked in the driveway.” I threw the shells in the trash “That’s Richie’s car. Well I helped pitch in for it so I guess it’s our car.” I smiled “Ok you’ve made your point. I’ll leave the chef to her work while I set the table.”
(Mindy’s pov) As I was putting the seasoning on the omelettes, I heard the sound of light footsteps coming down the stairs. “Tara? Is that you?” I didn’t get a response back until she got to the kitchen “Good morning Tara.”
“Good morning Mindy, Sam” Tara said, going over to the fridge and grabbing the orange juice. She rubbed her eyes as she sat at the table. “Ok ladies, the food is just about done. Get those plates ready and those lazy ass boys down here.”
(Tara’s pov) I laughed a bit as Sam went up to call the other two down for breakfast “So Minds, any plans on what you’re going to do after this last week of school ends?” Mindy placed the food on the plates “As cool as acting is, I rather be a movie writer. Honestly these new horror movies are too predictable and have shit stories. Maybe I can fix that with my incredible storylines I saved in my journal.
“Well I can’t wait to see what new movies you make, on the big screen.” Mindy nodded “Don’t forget to take a date with you lover girl.” I felt a sting in my stomach “Oh gee, if only it were that easy to find a partner out of thin air or a snap.”
Mindy scoffed “Try being a lesbian, you’d be surprised on how shitty my luck is compared to yours.”
I folded my arms “I’m bisexual Mindy. I’ve been that way since middle school you goofball.” Mindy giggled “Sorry, I forgot you used to date that girl….Emily? Yeah I was surprised that she’s shorter than your neck. I remember all too well when she had to stand on her toes just to give those pretty lips of yours a kiss. What happened with her? She wear you out?”
‘Sigh’ “More like I wore HER out. Emily cheated on me with some dude she met two days ago at a coffee shop and had the nerve to apologize, saying it was her and not me.” I took the plates to the dining room “I got so mad that I cussed Em out and told her to never see or contact me again. I also threw my iced latte in both of their faces, biding them a fuck you.”
“Seems like they had it coming.” Mindy said as she put a hand on my shoulder “and don’t worry about you know who either. I know you will find someone better than him, hell maybe by the time graduation hits.” I tilt my head down “I’m not really that pretty mind-“
Mindy interrupted “MY ASS YOU AREN’T PRETTY. Your the hottest girl in school and every guy/girl wants a piece of your action.” I blushed “Jesus Mindy, do you have to be so subtle about everything?”
Mindy grinned “Hey, that’s just my specialty.” I shook my head smiling.
(Stu’s pov) When I got downstairs, I was surprised to see a big breakfast setup. The omelettes looked good enough for seconds…for me at least “You girls really went all out on breakfast today.” I took a gaze around the food “Looks like there’s enough here for bunch and dinner today, no cooking for me today. Yippee!” Both girls laughed before going to the dining room. Well Tara at least “Just a minute Mindy, I need to talk to you.”
She looked a bit nervous “Mr. Macher…lovely day isn’t it?” I clicked my tongue “Well, I mean yes it is isn’t it. But no, I heard that you came over last night, through the window.”
(Mindy’s pov) If my nerves weren’t already shot, then they sure as hell now. How did he know about- “I know what you’re thinking Mindy. I have a little thing called security around my house. “Oh”
Mr. Macher put a hand on my shoulder “Your always welcome here anytime young one. Don’t sneak in through the window, just ring the bell next time and someone will answer.” I smiled “Thank you Mr. Macher”
“You can call me Stu, sweetie. No need to be formal, I dealt with it enough from my in laws and signing paperwork.” He said, leading me to the table to join the rest of the family.
(Tara’s pov) My dad told me to slow down but I couldn’t help it, Mindy does make a mean omelette. But I only got the enjoy the food for a little bit when I saw Richie feeding Sam her breakfast.
I gritted my teeth ‘I never got fed like that from any of my relationships let alone LOVE. I always had to feed myself!’ But I let some harsh words slip “Hey! Can you stop that? She’s not a kid anymore, bozo.” Richie’s face fell as he put the fork down and went to eat his food, Sam shot a glare at me.
Mindy laughed “Looks like someone’s a little-“ I tossed an orange at her before she could finish. “Tara! Don’t throw things at your friends. You know better than that pumpkin.” My dad said.
I suddenly felt everyone’s cold stares on me, leaving me to sink down into my chair “I’m sorry….its just-I’m having a really bad day that’s all.”
My dad was just about finished with his plate “Well. We’re all here ready to listen if you need to TALK about it, not be punching bags. You can start by telling us why you locked yourself in your room the whole day yesterday.”
I nod as I took a breath, venting on what happened with my last relationship and him cheating behind my back. Ooh boy was my dad angry, including Sam “It’s bad enough that fucker cheated but who breaks up with someone over TEXT?” She said
“Well one thing I know for sure, they are both banned here and from talking to you again.” My dad said, pulling me into a hug. “I just want real love dad….is that too much to ask for? Sam has one but I don’t? It’s not fair! It’s not-” My sister joined in “You’ll find someone one day Tara, someone way better. You just need to be patient sis, please be patient.”
I didn’t say anything, keeping my embrace on my father.
(Three days later)
(Mindy’s pov) This is it! Only one more day until graduation and I couldn’t be more relieved to get out of this place and chase my career in college. If you ask me, high school should be paying us to just sit and “listen” to the boring useless lectures the teachers give. Now we have to work menial jobs just to pay for college and the sweet tuitions.
I heard a locker door close next to me “Tara! How were you classes? See any cute boys/girls you want to say hi and goodbye to?” Tara shook her head
“Nope! All of them are taken and the ones who aren’t, are fresh broken hearts from their partners going to different universities and not wanting to do long distance, go figure.”
I nod “Yeah…Chad is one of those people too unfortunately.” Tara puts her backpack around her shoulders “Really? I thought him and Liv were going to do a long distance.”
I walk outside with Tara “Well Chad wanted to do a long distance but Liv told him she couldn’t bear the feeling of that. I don’t blame her either which is why I need you to help me smack Chad upside the head and focus on his career in football. Matter of fact, you need a smack too.”
“Ok first of all, rude! and I’m not going to hit Chad for you, Minds. I’ll help in any way I can but a “smack upside the head” is out of the question for us.” I grinned “Fair point but HEY, he’s single and you’re single. What do you say lover girl?”
“I am NOT dating Chad. As attractive as he is to all the girls in school, he is not my type. More like an older brother to me” Tara said.
I shrugged “Worth a try but if you feel anything, then by all means go for it! I trust you more than any of those past girls Chad used to bring home, including Liv.”
Tara laughed “Will do Minds. You’ll be the first to know If that does happen.” I gave her a high five and took her to a decent ice cream shop before it closed.
(The next day)
(Tara’s pov) Well this is it…..todays the day I’m no longer going to be a high school student. After tonight, I’ll be starting a whole new life and so will my friends. Even if we end up going to different colleges, we will still be a family no matter what.
Feeling a bit nervous, I excuse myself to the bathroom to wash up. After splashing a bit of cold water on my face, I head back. I got a bit zoned out, worrying that I might run into Wes or standing near him. The second I turned my head in a different direction, I ended up bumping into someone head first, knocking us both to the floor. ‘I hope that wasn’t him. Oh god please don’t let it be him!’
I slowly opened my eyes and felt a bit of relief when it wasn’t but now I got another problem. “I’m so sorry about that! I got a little distracted and I didn’t-“ As I extend my hand to help the person up, he rubbed the bump on his head and looked up at me. ‘Wow….He’s cute!’ Wait, did I really just say that in my head? It didn’t help when I felt an explosion go off in my chest. But I shrugged it off and helped the boy up.
He stood tall ‘well I’m shorter than an average person’ and had brown curly hair that almost covered his beautiful brown eyes ‘like mine’. He wore black converse sneakers, black jeans and a denim jacket that had a bands logo. ‘Hmm he’s not dressed for graduation. Does he even go to my school?’
“It’s ok. I should have been looking where I was going but I TOO got a little distracted” He said, laughing a bit before extending his hand again “I’m Ethan.”
“Tara” I said, shaking his hand. “I don’t think we met before. Do you go to Woodsboro high?” Ethan shook his head
“Oh no, I go to a school in Modesto. I’m just here with my family to see a cousin of ours graduate.” I nod “Ah ok.” I giggled “Thats a long way from home Ethan.”
He made a shy smile ‘I could have sworn I saw a little blush from him’ “Yeah it is.” He checks his phone for messages “Dang, I got to go. Don’t want to keep my family waiting. It was nice meeting you Tara.”
“Y-you too Ethan.” As he nodded and walked off, I felt my cheeks heat up, staring in awe until he was out of sight out of mind. “Tara…Tara!” I heard my sister shout, causing me to turn around “What?” Sam frowned “Well. I have been looking all over for you. Since I found you, you need to hurry and join your class. They are about to start the speech and the line for diplomas” she said.
I waved my hands “Ok, ok sorry. I just needed to use the restroom, I’m heading that way now. See you out there Sam” I said, then dashed backstage to join the others.
(Mindy’s pov) Graduation is about to start but still no sign of Tara…where the hell is she? My question was answered when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around “Tara? Where have you been?”
“Just needed to use the restroom” she said, catching her breath. I looked at her for a minute then busted out laughing “You’ve been gone a pretty long while Tar. I think you need to lay off the seafood for a while, those poor shrimp and crawfish” I pinched my nose.
Then I felt a light smack on my arm “Shut it! Look, on my way over here, I bumped into someone and we both fell to the floor. I um…helped him up.” Those words alone got my attention “Ah I see. You bumped into a boy and helped him up. I assume he was a cute one too?”
“Yes! No…maybe so?” Tara tried hard to hide her blush but failed “I mean…I don’t know Minds, I guess he was.” I raised a brow “Mindy look It doesn’t matter, he only came here to watch his cousin graduate. He lives in Modesto so It’s not like I’ll see him again.” (Little does she know)
I shrugged “You should have got his number or social status. I’m sure that would have helped you out in the long run.” Tara slapped her forehead realizing that she should have done so. I wrap an arm around her “It’s ok Tar, maybe you’ll see him again….If you get lucky and go to the same college of course or you’ll realize that he isn’t the one for you.”
Tara shook her head “After what happened with Wes, I think my destiny is for me to be single for the rest of my life, so be it.” I shook my head “No that won’t happen. Don’t forget I’m single too so I guess we will have to wait till college. But tell me the name of the Modesto boy who caught your heart.”
She looked up at me “Ethan, his name is Ethan.”
I smirked “So I take it his full name is “Ethan doesn’t have a last name and is in love with my bff? Got it.” Tara laughed a bit “That’s a really long name. I don’t think you could fit that on a student ID or a drivers license”
(Tara’s pov) I waited in line with my former classmates to receive my diploma. We listened to the speeches the faculty gave to the students and the slideshow of pictures we all took throughout the years. I felt a shiver in my bones knowing that the next step will be going to college and having frat parties! That’s what I’m most excited about.
Then it was time for us to step out on stage and receive our diploma. It took a while for them to call my name because I was in the T section but I did cheer when Mindy and Chad got theirs. When my name got called, I walked high and mighty, listening to the cheers from my family and Richie’s. I could have sworn I saw Ethan sitting next to Richie, waving to me? Well anyways, I couldn’t be more proud when I had my high school diploma in my hands, and a handshake from the principal.
Once all the former students got called, we threw our graduation caps in the air when it was time, as the crowd cheered. Then we all went to meet our families to receive more congrats from them, My dad and Sam were both giving me hugs while I got a little noogie from Richie. I giggled as he went to go give his cousin one too.
Looking around, I saw Ethan again. Only he’s with a girl with long orange hair who’s wearing a black tight dress, giving him a hug. ‘Hm? His girlfriend I assume?’ “Tara didn’t you hear? The school is throwing us a graduation party! May not be as much fun as a frat party but everyone’s going.” Mindy said, shaking my shoulder.
I blinked twice and looked over at Mindy “Aw come on. Why the long face T? We aren’t chained in high school anymore, free to live our lives however we want, when we want!”
I set my gaze on Ethan and the girl as they talked, which Mindy took notice “That the “cute” boy you were talking about?” I nod slowly.
Mindy snickered “Ok one. That dude is the absolute dorkiest looking kid I’ve ever seen. Don’t know what you see-“ I threw my hands up in frustration “Mindy stop it! I don’t judge any of your crush’s appearance so why do you have to judge mine?” Mindy was taken back but continued
“Ok my bad but as for two, don’t even think too much on that. I mean there’s a chance that girl may just be a friend or another relative of his.”
I took another look at the pair but didn’t see a slight resemblance to one another. “No I’m almost certain that’s Ethan’s girlfriend.” Mindy tried to hug me but I stepped back
“It’s ok Minds, I’ll be alright. Just going to take your advice and Sam’s on being patient with romance and focus on my career instead. Love will come naturally, I can’t force it when I need or crave it.”
Mindy patted my shoulder “I’m proud of you T. Take those baby steps and learn to have a little fun in your life. You can start by going to this party with me like it’s our last.”
I rolled my eyes, grinning “Ok. Let’s go dance our pants off.” Mindy shook her head “I don’t think anyone says that anymore Tara”
The party was actually pretty good. The school had all kinds of food and refreshments laid out, along with some live entertainers performing on stage. I may not be talking about this too much, I’m gonna go have fun and sing up there with Mindy and Chad.
Of course graduation ended with the dance party. Everyone was having fun dancing with one another so I decided to let my walls down and have a little fun, by joining the dance floor. Mindy and Sam were both surprised that I was really getting into the “groove.” But they didn’t realize I was wearing both my airpods, listening to my music while dancing. The schools music selection was pretty awful. Thank you Spotify!
Ok maybe they did know because they started to follow my moves, including Ethan. We waved at at each other again before getting lost in the crowd. ‘Shit! There goes my chance again! Oh wait I forgot he’s taken. Never mind.’
I felt my chest pounding. ‘I guess there’s a chance things may work out for me. I mean, I may be single but at least I’m working towards my future along with my family’s support. I sure hope I get into Blackmore but only time will tell what my future holds.’
One step at a time Tara….one step at a time
To be continued
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 3 months
Goth Fem Reader confessing her feelings to Tara carpenter
Goth Love
Tara Carpenter x fem!reader
[Hope you like it and it's not too short👍]
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Tara Carpenter, the girl that you had a big fat crush on and staring at right now. Was that creepy? Nah. "It is." Chad said as he put down his bag and sat across you.
Your eyes widened. Could he read your mind? "No, I can't. You think out loud." Chad chuckled and shook his head. "Oh," You said, embarrassed.
Chad had been your only friend throughout the college year. He was also friends with Tara, which was a huge plus. "Hey!" Chad threw one of fries at you.
You chuckled and took the frie before eating it. Chad's face turned to disgust, and your grin only widened. You guys threw fries at each other, trying to catch them with your mouths.
The fun was quickly ruined when a cold drink was poured on you. You gasped softly and the person behind you chuckled loudly.
Chad stood up and pushed the person away. "Woah, emo's boyfriend came to rescue." The male smirked while chewing his gum.
"Fuck off." Chad said, the male rolled his eyes and walked away. Chad quickly went to your side. "You okay?" You only nodded. Your hair was full on wet, and your mascara was running down your face.
You looked up to see Tara staring at you with a hint of concern. God, this is embarrassing. You quickly stood up and speed walked to the bathroom.
You barged in and immediately checked the stalls before locking the door. You washed your face before staring at the mirror. You didn't look half bad without makeup and wet hair.
Someone tried opening the door, but seeing that it was locked instead knocked. You debated whether or not to open the door.
"It's me. Tara Carpenter." You never dashed to the door so fast. You unlocked the door, and Tara seemed to be shocked that you opened that fast.
"I didn't think you would open that fast." You didn't answer and looked down. Tara smiled and let herself in. You closed the door and made sure to lock it.
"You left your bag, and Chad thought you might need it." She handed your skull black bag, which you quickly took it. "You okay? He was a jersey. He didn't need to do that."
You didn't answer and only stared at Tara. God, she looked beautiful. Tara giggled. "Thank you." Your eyes widened, did she hear you?
Tara nodded with a growing grin. Shit. "I guess Chad wasn't lying." Tara started as she walked closer. "Whatever Chad said might be true. Keyword, might."
Tara giggled and nodded. "You kinda look cute without makeup." Tara said, you blushed. This was your chance and you were going to take it.
"Listen, I... sort of have a crush on you." Tara's brow shot up. "Really now?" She walked closer and both of your faces were inches apart.
Your breath hitched as her hand made its way on your cheek. "I actually liked you for a long time. I just didn't think you would like me back." You quickly shook your head.
"Why wouldn't I? You're hot, smart, kind, and mean when you want to be, which I think is kind of badass." Tara giggled again. "Oh yeah?"
You only nodded before both of your lips smashed together. You moaned at the taste of her strawberry lip gloss. Tara bit your lip, which turned this whole thing messy.
Chad stood next to his sister outside the bathroom. "They've been in there for a long time." Chad said as he checked his watch. Before Mindy could respond, a moan came from the bathroom.
"Y/N!!" Another moan came, and the twins looked at each other before dashing off, acting like there was no one in there. It's someone else's innocent soul is problem.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 3 months
You’re such a weirdo!
(Tara x Fem Reader W/ a kink )
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Y/N Carter (Eh. Up to you if you want to look different)
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Your girlfriend finds out about your secret yet really strange kink. (This is….yeah a weird story :) read at your own risk!
It was a warm summer in Woodsboro California. You and your girlfriend Tara had just got back from the store with the groceries. You cherished every moments like this with Tara, especially since the town lists you as the cutest young couple they’ve seen. As much as you loved that, you couldn’t help but notice earlier that Tara decided to wear flip flops, her favorite shoes she loves to wear only in the summer and sometimes spring.
You could help but notice what sexy feet she has. Ah yes, you were well fascinated with the Latinas cute little feet when she showed them off, though you have seen them before since you both share a house. It’s just something about them that turns you on and it’s not only the shoe plays either. Your interest only peaked when she took them off to try on other summer shoes.
As you finished helping Tara set the food in the fridge, you both sit on the couch to watch tv. Tara slides her shoes off and you had to stop yourself from breathing so rapidly. She flexed her toes, feeling relief and coolness from the AC. You decided to humor her for a bit “Oof! Your feet smell.” Tara threw a chip at you as a response to your “humor.”
(Later that night) Tara brushed her teeth, getting ready for bed. She noticed that you weren’t there to cuddle her so Tara looked around until she found you in the big walk in closet. One closer look showed you sniffing Tara’s flip flops from earlier, letting out some moans.
She speed walked over to you “What. The. Hell. Are. You doing?!” You quickly whipped you head around and had a heart attack when your girlfriend stared at you with a gaze of disgust? (Insert gif) “N-nothing, I was just um checking them. I um…like how they smell?” She shook her head “That’s disgusting Y/N, go to bed now! No sex for you tonight!”
Y/N’s eyes went wide “What?! Come on baby that’s not-“ Tara pressed her hand against Y/N’s mouth “Nope! I don’t want to hear it. Either you go to bed or I’ll tell Sam what you been doing, including in the store.” Y/N swallowed a lump “Oh yeah. I saw you staring down at my feet and trying to touch yourself to them.”
You opened your mouth to speak but one tilt from your girlfriend’s head was enough for you to shrug it off and go to sleep. “I’m really sorry you had to witness that baby” You said as you both got into bed. Tara didn’t say anything and just nuzzled into your shoulder letting sleep take her. You felt saddened from no response but let sleep take you as well.
Y/N felt something tugging really hard at her hands and angles. She woke up to see herself tied up to the bed and Tara standing beside Y/N with her arms folded. “Baby? W-what’s going on why am I-“ Tara covered your lips with her fingertips “Sshhh! It’s ok.” She caressed your cheek “I’m gonna take real good care of you. Ok baby?” You blushed for a bit and nodded. Tara smiled and took off one of her birks she was wearing “Smell this….Now!” She said holding it up to your nose. You eyed her worn shoe and seen a decent sized worn footprint. ‘Baby! I’m in heaven’ you thought as you happily did what you were told. You inhaled her scent harder, really smelling the purity of Tara’s sweat. “What does it smell like baby?” Tara asked.
You smirked “Smells pretty cheesy but there’s a hint of floral in there.” Tara was confused “Your a Latina baby, they know how to make their birks smell so good like a bunch of beautiful flowers.” Tara laughed a bit “That statement itself was “cheesy” but now it’s time to have a taste.”
Tara took off her other and held it up to you once again “Now lick and make sure you get every part my foot was touching.” You felt yourself shriveling as you got to licking. Her footprint was very salty yet sweet. You licked more rougher, cleaning them good as you felt a wetness in your panties. Tara took notice and sat on the bed. “Are you ready for this?” Some sweat poured from your forehead “Mmhmm!”
Tara ripped apart your underwear with sheer force as she placed her foot between your clit, already leaking precum. “I think this might fit Tara said as she carefully stuck her big toe in your folds. Your shoulders tensed a bit but you liked that “Loving this so far baby?” Tara asked as she kept stroking her 2 toes in your clit. You couldn’t make any words out but a few moans which told her you were enjoying this a lot. After her few strokes, she went harder and rougher making your clit turn into a pinkish color. “T-Tara! Shit I’m going to-“ Tara placed her feet where they needed to be. “On my feet, cum on them.”
That was all you needed to hear as your pleasure exploded all over her soles, almost coating them. “Damn Y/N. You really love my feet and I that much?” You nodded, placing a kiss on her lips. The small girl then whispered in your ear “You do know you have to clean them up right?” You were stunned but agreed. “You know. It does feel really another I don’t have a dick.” Tara shushed you “That doesn’t matter one BIT. I love you and I always will Y/N. Even if your kink is kind of strange. You giggled and kissed her passionately, even moving to her neck to mark her.
Tara let you finish before speaking “Now clean my feet.” You nodded and moved over to her coated soles cleaning them up….with your tongue which was Tara’s request unfortunately. You were almost finished but you saw a beaming light that had a giant hand pulling you into it.
Before you could react, you were safely in bed with Tara sleeping by your side. You pulled the covers away and noticed that your hand was in your pants and they were both very sticky. “Oh. It was just a dream….Damn it!” You said as you got up to go wash up which you did but when you returned to the bed, you noticed that Tara’s lower waist was uncovered and her soles were dripping wet. You took a closer look and that was all you needed to see “S-shit! Oh no.” Before you could grab a towel and clean up your mess, Tara woke up. “Y-Y/N what are you doing up?”
You decided to play it cool “Oh I was just going to the bathroom, love.” Tara was about to go back to sleep when she felt something strange. “Why do my feet feel…?” You shrugged as Tara went to look down “What the hell is….Is that saliva?!”
Your nerves were shot as you tried to come up with an explanation “B-baby! I don’t know how that happened, All I know was that I was asleep and touching myself to you in my dream.”
Tara shot a stone cold look at you and the next thing you knew, you were on the couch with a pillow and blanket. “God damn it!” You said as you face planted into the pillow, going back to sleep.
(The next morning)
You had a day off today along with Tara and what better way to spend it then to relax at home together, well maybe. You both watch the Clone Wars (your favorite show) you were keeping your focus on an episode, intrigued by its story as Tara tried to cuddle you. You pulled away from her grasp, not noticing the hurt look on your girlfriend’s face but she shook it off quickly “Maybe we should order a pizza baby, I don’t think we feel like cooking today.” You only nodded.
Tara sighed as she got the phone and placed the order. She sat back down on the couch next to you but you made it clear you didn’t want to be touched and kept your focus on the show. Your mood changed a bit when the pizza arrived 40 minutes later. You took the prepaid pizza and set it on the table while Tara brought out the plates and drink.
You both are the hot pizza in silence. Tara tied to start up a small conversation of how your job is going but you kept your head down and ate aggressively. Feeling frustrated, Tara slammed her fist on the table which startled you a bit “Ok that’s it! I’ve had enough!” You quickly picked your head up to meet your girl with tears forming in her eyes “What is wrong with you Y/N?! Why are you acting like this? You wouldn’t cuddle with me or even talk to me and now you can’t accept my hospitality by paying for a pizza which i know is your goddamn favorite!!”
Your eyes shot up a bit as you weren’t about to be yelled at over something she knew that got you like this “Ok you want me to talk?! Then let’s start with the fact that you made me sleep on the fucking couch last night! My neck and back are still sore from sleeping on that uncomfortable thing…Thanks Tara, and for what reason?”
Tara chucked her empty cup at the wall “Oh really?! Maybe I put you on the couch because you covered my feet with your disgusting saliva!” Tara took a hit of her inhaler before continuing “I mean really Y/N why did you even do that? The fact that I also caught you smelling my shoes that same night just says that you’re a disgusting weirdo.”
You didn’t respond as flashbacks filled your head from your past relationships….those last four words were said by every one of them. You quickly hid your tears away.
Tara took a sip of your cup as she threw hers “You want to sleep on the bed Y/N, fine! I’ll take the fucking couch.” You felt nervous “Baby…how long are you going to stay there?” Tara shook her head and sighed “I don’t know love. But I think you need to quit whatever this is you have, for your sake and mine if you want to keep our relationship.”
Your heart sank to the floor. Tara was the best thing to ever happen to you in a long time. All the laughter and time spent, the joys of going to the mall with Tara and her friends or snuggling her, was all about to collapse because of your fetish you never outgrew. You took a breath and gave Tara a big kiss on her head, hugging her.
“I understand baby…I understand. This relationship and every time we spend together means so much to me, even if it’s a trip to the store.” You held in your tears and looked into her eyes “Look baby……I-I have a thing for girls feet. It’s something I’ve been into since freshman year.” Tara’s expression changed and went up in interest
“I think….I remember at that party, you were taking your friend into a room. Before we dated, she told me you went all out on her feet and the shoes she wore. Let’s just say it was a sticky situation and the fact that it was on your sister’s bed.” Your face flushed with embarrassment while wanting to berate your friend for telling your girlfriend about that but you shook your head.
“I remember all too well of the heavy scolding my sister gave me. Heck I had to clean up every stain or she’d tell mom and dad, even expose me on TikTok.” Tara shook her head, putting an arm on my shoulder
“That’s pretty mean, even for her.” You nod “I’m sorry for calling you a disgusting weirdo.” Tara said now placing her face on your shoulder. You hugged her back “It’s ok baby…I love you and for our relationship, I’ll hold off on this kink of mine maybe even bury it for good.” Tara squeezed your waist
“Well, even though that’s not my kind of thing at all…I’ll try it for you.” Your eyes lit up “R-really?” She nodded “I can’t shame you or call off our relationship for who you are baby. If you like my feet then it wouldn’t hurt for me to try.” You felt tears of happiness form “Thank you…Thank you. You don’t know how much this means to me.”
Tara giggled but got serious “Just know that my feet are the only ones you can pleasure yourself to, even worship…everyone else’s are off limits, including your friends! You belong with me and only my feet.” You felt turned on by her desire but wanted to save it another time “Don’t worry love, I won’t think of anyone else’s except yours. Besides, yours are the most delicate ones I’ve ever seen In my life…they are just so perfect!”
You said as you ticked Tara’s toes which had her laughing “Ah! Baby I’m ticklish there!” You smirked and tickled her even more. Afterwards you both went to clean up the house for a bit and redecorate.
You slipped on your own pair of black slides as you helped wipe down the stove. Tara helped too and as you crouched down to clean the oven racks, your soles were exposed in Tara’s sight. She kept her gaze on them for some reason and drooled a bit(literally). Your girlfriend stood so close to you that she could actually smell the aroma your slides had from months, maybe years of usage.
Tara was out of focus throughout the cleaning that you ended up cleaning the whole house yourself. You were a bit mad but she made up for it by doing all the redecorating herself, that seemed like an easy win for both of you.
After a whole day of helping Tara tidy up the house (hence you squishing a big spider when she ducked behind you in fear of it) you head into the room for bed as it was already late. You slid your shoes off, tossing them in the closet. Tara stood like a deer in headlights as you rubbed the carpeted floor beneath your feet before going to bed.
A few hours after you went sleep, Tara stayed up with a devious smile. Even though she accepted Y/N’s thing for feet, she still wanted to get back at Y/N for messing with HER feet. So she gently pulled away at the covers exposing Y/N’s bare feet
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Tara was amazed, wondering why you never showed your feet that often. They were quite sexy and perfect like hers, even admiring the polish you picked. She was a little hesitant to go any further, worried that you would wake up or how weird she would feel if you didn’t wake up. But seeing as you were a heavy sleeper, Tara started off by running her fingertips across your soles, tracing little patterns on them which brought a smile to her face. You shook a little and Tara was already getting prepared to leap on the bed next to you. Luckily you only turned on your side still asleep, which Tara sighed in relief. As you continued to slumber, Tara was actually getting into your “thing” so much that the next thing she knew, her face was already pressed your soles slightly as she inhaled, letting out a soft moan.
Tara’s heart raced as she sniffed your soft soles. Your feet smelled a lot stronger than hers but they had a small vanilla like aroma to them. She sniffed your feet even harder which made her eyes pop open, slapping her mouth shut when a very loud moan escaped her lips. Again Tara checked to make sure you were still asleep and to her surprise, you still were.
Shaking her head grinning, Tara walked quietly to the closet where you threw your slides. She knew you wore them for a good while in the house and other places, heck you still wore them and the same pajama pants from when you went to the store. ‘God, what am i doing?’ Tara thought as she grabbed your shoes and took them over to the bed. Unlike you, Tara was going to sleep with your pair right next to her.
She went to the bedside and pulled the covers back to sleep as she pressed her nose to up your shoes. Unfortunately she started coughing after a few minutes and had an asthma attack which woke you up. You knew all too well about Tara’s condition and would help her out with every chance you got. You quickly ran to the bathroom cabinet and took out Tara’s inhaler then heading back and pressing the device up to her mouth as you held her head.
“Breathe Mi amor….breathe.” Tara coughed a bit more before her lungs felt relief. You went back to your side of the bed and held her gently in your arms.
“Asthma attacks are unpredictable but that was some heavy coughing you were doing earlier…you better not be smoking!” Tara slapped your arm in offense
“Ow! Ok, ok that was a stupid thing to say but that still doesn’t explain the heavy coughing?” Tara’s eyes darted around a bit “Umm. I just choked on some spit.”
You looked confused but said alright then and went to lay back down. Your head hit something hard as you hit the pillow “Ow! What the-?!” You looked behind but before you can see what it was, Tara quickly pulled it away, stuffing it under the covers.
“Baby what was that?” You asked. “Nothing! It’s nothing, you just landed on my inhaler babe.” You shook your head “No, no I know that wasn’t it.” Of course you would know as you had to speed to the store at the last minute and buy Tara a new inhaler because you accidentally sat on her last one, breaking it. That stunt also got you a ticket but it was a half fee because it was Dewey who pulled you over and you explained the whole situation to him.
You tried to pull away at the covers but your girlfriend had an iron grip. “Tara stop it! Just let me see what it is. For some reason it felt like a shoe?” But Tara wasn’t giving in, causing you to fold your arms.
“Baby….pull those covers back right now or no cuddles and watching any of your movies together, especially the Babadook for a month.” Tara’s eyes widened “You-you wouldn’t!” You nodded “What’s it gonna be?”
Tara sighed as she released her grip and you pulled back the covers. You picked up the item and to your surprise it was a shoe….your slides to be exact. “Huh? That’s weird, how did these even get here?” One glance at Tara answered your question. “Tara….what are my dirty slides doing on our bed?”
Tara opened her mouth to speak but no words came out so you held both of her shoulders, causing her to look up at you “Tell me” You said. Tara took a moment and a sigh came out of her mouth “I-I was um….I wanted to have them pressed against my…..nose while I slept.”
That was definitely not the answer you were expecting out of her but nevertheless, you had to stop yourself from laughing. “You wanted to sleep with my slides? Like for real?”
Tara looked down in shame before nodding. You scoot closer to her with an arm around her shoulder “So…you still think I’m a disgusting weirdo?” Tara scoffed “Hey! I do not have that fetish Cara Mia. I only wanted to get you back for messing with my feet without my permission and an F.Y.I, your feet smell even….worse than mine so there’s that.”
You smirked “Oh really? That’s not what you were thinking all wanting to sleep with my sweaty sandals against your face and all.” Tara grinned “Maybe they smell a little better?” You gave her a “really?” Expression.
Tara took your shoes and put them on the floor “Ok fine! Maybe I wanted to give that kink of yours a try as well as getting you back.” You laughed, clapping your hands as you gave Tara a peck on her lips. “I hope that satisfied you?”
Before you could go back to sleep, the covers were completely pulled from your and on the floor. “Baby! Ugh fine If you want me to sleep cover less then at let come over here and let me snuggle you. With our body heat, we won’t need them.”
Tara didn’t respond and was back at your feet again. “Love? Still not-OH!” You felt her thick tongue on your soles.
Your nails dug deep into the sheets as she was licking your feet clean. You didn’t even get to tell her that you were very ticklish as well down there. “Tara…pleaheheesse no..” Once she got to your toes, it was all too much as you were bursting in a hysterical fit of laughter. You kept your grip on the bedsheet as Tara licked your feet even harder, cleaning the last of the dirt your heels carried before moving on to suck your toes.
“Aah! My nail polish!” Tara didn’t care and continued to suck them until they were coated “Oh well I guess just rep-paint them again but damn does that feels good.”
You couldn’t help but enjoy this. No one has ever done this to you before and you weren’t about to stop Tara until she was finished.
After a bit more of Tara’s worship. Your feet were covered in her fluids but they were shiny and clean. She threw the covers back on both of you before snuggling into your arms. “Now we’re even” She said. You threw your arm around Tara “Yes we are indeed. Now can we please go to bed?” You said, smiling.
Tara nodded and gave you a kiss but not before her hand touched a sticky spot between your legs “My god is that what I think it is?” Your face was fiery red “N-no. Thats just my….hell I don’t know” Tara giggled “Well at least I can say you most definitely enjoyed that.” “I most definitely DID.” You said.
Tara whispered into your ear “I can’t wait to see where this new kink of ours takes us into our sex life well as long as we can have our usual sex.” You kept your embrace on her.
“Of course love…I definitely have some ideas in mind.” You said, referring to your dream.
Part two of Tara x Ethan is getting wrapped up and so will part three of my Sam x reader story.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 3 months
I worship this quiz 😭
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
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A girl and her crush!
Part 1
Tara x Ethan
In the quiet town of Woodsboro California, 18 year old Tara Carpenter is at home cooking a big meal after hearing that Sam, her older sibling is coming over for a visit. It’s been about 5 years since Sam left for college in Modesto. It took a while but she managed to get a bachelors degree in law firm. She now works as a lawyer and a “damn good one too” as Tara quotes it.
The little sibling herself is almost about to finish high school and her father Stu Macher couldn’t be more proud. Ah yes, ever since her mother Christina Carpenter died of cirrhosis (a result to the past drinking) Stu made it his mission to raise his only daughter and her half sibling. The word “half” shocked the young sister when Stu told her that Sam’s father is his former best friend Billy Loomis.
From the stories she heard from her dad and Sam, Billy was an awful parent. He was always high on drugs or messing around in clubs rather than help take care of his own family and when he was home, he always lashed out at Christina over small things like someone taking the last orange or something not being cleaned.
Sam was no exception and has too suffered Billy’s wrath to where Christina would use makeup to cover up Sam’s bruises. Eventually Billy left the family and never came back. Stu used to check up on them every now and then, even berated Billy for beating his own family. He once got into a deadly fight with the said friend but despite Stu being taller and more fit, Billy’s strength tripled with drugs in his system and sometimes it took even Christina’s help to stop him.
Nevertheless, Stu and Christina kept each other company. One thing led to another and eventually Tara was born.
Tara didn’t realize how much she zoned on until she heard the smoke alarm go off “Ahh! Oh no, no!” Tara quickly turned off the oven and took out the garlic bread. It was a bit overcooked and looked very crunchy.
Stu ran into the kitchen “Tara What was that? Are you overcooking the food again?” He said with a sly smile. Tara giggled, her dad has always been a goofball always up for fun and jokes. “Um the garlic bread might be a little crunchy. But at least the pasta is ok.”
Stu smiled “Look at you already cooking meals by the age of 18.” He stared off into the window “If only your mother could have seen you now.” Tara nodded. She knew Stu was still grieving along with her as well. Christina wasn’t as bad as Billy was if you take away the bottles.
‘It’s actually Billy’s fault that mom started drinking heavily, eventually leading to her death’ Tara thought.
Then the pair hear the doorbell ring. Stu picks up the spoon and seasons the pasta “There’s your sister! I’ll take it from here sweetie, why don’t you show the guests to their table?” Tara nodded “Sure thing Mr chef.” She said before heading to the front door.
Tara opens the door where she’s greeted by Sam and a tall man with a beard. “Sam!!” Tara said hugging her as Sam hugged back. “Tara!! It’s been so long.” She takes another look at Tara. “My gosh. Look how much you’ve grown.”
The bearded man speaks up “Grown as in more mature right?” Tara shot a glare at him “Ha,ha. I may be small but I can still bite if I need to.” She said making a bite gesture at him.
Sam lightly slaps his shoulder “Richie!” Then turning over to Tara “O-K before this gets awkward. Tara this is Richie, my boyfriend. Richie this is my sister, Tara”
“Pleased to meet you “little” sister.” Tara got mad again but shook his hand a little rough “If you call me little or short one more time, I’ll tear your arm off.” Richie smiled “Well we don’t want that to happen now do we?”
Tara led the couple to the table as dinner was just about ready “I’ll go get the plates, don’t get too comfortable at dinner you two.” Tara said laughing as Sam tossed a napkin ball at her.
Tara gathered the plates with the food ready to go as Stu turned off the stove. “Um dad…we kinda need one more plate.” Stu hung up his kiss the cook apron “Oh? Did Sam invite a friend over.” Tara had to stop herself from laughing “Y-yeah a friend…I guess you could say that.”
Stu was confused for a minute but took another plate out and filled it, handing the dish to Tara. The sibling brought out the plates to the couple who shared a kiss “Um. Mr bearded man, you might not want to do that while my dad is here. Richie looked a little nervous but Sam held his hand.
“It’s ok sweetie. Our dad is nice one you get to know him.”
Tara smirked “Really? Because I saw him go wide eyed when you brought up having a “boyfriend” years ago. “Tara!” She shrugged “What? It’s true…Oop here he comes.”
Tara quickly takes her seat as Stu brought out the last two plates for him and Tara. He sets them down as his eye caught a man sitting at the table next to Sam “So you must be the “friend” Tara was talking about.”
Tara covered her mouth, snickering. Sam looked down for a minute then back up to her father. “Dad this is Richie….m-my boyfriend.”
Stu almost went wide eyed but kept a calm expression as he walked up and introduced himself to Richie which he did the same “it’s a pleasure to meet you sir” he said. Tara shook her head at Richie like saying “Good luck man, your gonna need it.”
As the family eats the well made dinner Tara prepared, Stu asks everyone what their future plans are, mostly Richie. “Well sir. I do like movies and writing in my free time. Im hoping to be a movie writer one day.”
Stu nodded “I’m a movie guy myself but writing one has always been a challenge for me.”
Tara looked over at Sam and Richie “Well dad I think these two can help you with that and make your dream come true.” Sam shook her head and nudged her boyfriend “Nope that’s all him. I’m just here to make sure he doesn’t get roped into a lawsuit or save him from one.”
Stu clapped his hands as he turned over to Tara “what about you sweetie? You going to follow in your sister’s footsteps or mine?” Tara smiled “Neither. I’m going to study to be an actress. It’s always been my thing ever since I was a kid.”
“I think I remember you begging me to buy you a stage.” Stu said, laughing “You wouldn’t let up so Sam and I had to make one out of cardboard.
After that, you asked me to be the cameraman while Sam was your co-Star on stage.”
Sam grinned “I still remember that all too well.” Then the family continued to talk to one another while finishing off their food.
(Later) “Sam you can take the guest room.” Stu said as he went to wash off the dishes. Richie was about to join Sam in the room but was pulled back by Tara. “What gives?” He said. Tara raised a brow and gestured over to her father in the kitchen. “Ohhh right, right.”
Tara called from the kitchen “Dad. I think Richie wants to stay the night is that’s ok?”
“Sure. Just make sure you get a blanket and pillow for him. You know where we keep them.” While Tara went to get a blanket and pillow for Richie, Sam went to the kitchen to chat with her step dad some more.
“So you got a new boyfriend huh?” Stu said as he was putting the clean dishes on the drying rack. Sam nodded as she put the drying towel away “Yes I do but….please don’t scare him away dad.”
“I won’t pumpkin. Your an adult now free to make your own decisions. I’ll have to respect them but you know I only want what’s best for you and Tara.” He looked out the window
“God knows I wouldn’t want you girls to end up in your mothers position because of….him.”
Sam didn’t say anything except hugging Stu from behind, letting tears fall from her eyes.
Afterwards, the family turns in for the night. Richie takes the couch much to Tara’s dismay as she wanted to play video games in the living room.
(The next morning)
Tara woke up later than her family as expected but she finds the guest room and couch empty. She heads into the kitchen to find Stu cooking breakfast “Hey dad, did Sam and Richie leave?” Stu shook his head. “Oh no they are just heading out to get groceries, they’ll be back shortly.”
Tara nodded as she decided to play video games in the living room as it was the weekend yet again. She invited Mindy and Chad game to play back 4 blood with her.
They all got excited to play another round and try to get further in the game. As they started up the game, Tara got lost in her thoughts.
The last week and chapter of her school life is drawing to a close and Tara was sweating bullets. She has yet to decide on what university to go to and if she would get accepted in.
‘Stop it Tara! You’re worrying too much about the future. I mean yes my career relies on me getting into the right school and making it in the big city.
“Damit! Noo. We were so close” Mindy said. Chad then spoke up “Tara? You still there.” Which the small girl snapped out of her thoughts and answered back.
“Sorry guys. I-I just need a moment. I’ll be right back”
Tara sets her headset down and does a quick skim through the photos on her phone. She smiled by how many pictures she took when hanging out with her friends. But her heart sank when it was her and a certain bleached haired boy she knew all too well. Tara also asked herself why she still kept them.
Seeing those pictures of him on her phone caused Tara to bury her face in her hands and sob. (though the mic was still on)
She still remembers that text and the girl with him all too well.
To be continued
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
Ahahaha. Classic Sam :)
Yeah I know my spelling is bad but my keypad hates me 😤😫
This one’s kids a weird one. So Tara buys this machine for $1 off of eBay. It’s a hairdryer when she gets it but when she pressed the button, a whole appeared and it pulled out another character from another universe. (Vada Cavell) after the pair make a weird introduction, Tara wants to play a prank on Sam, how will she take it?
(Sorry that’s too long but really I wonder how Sam would be if she saw two “Tara’s running round the apartment”
Vada would probably mess it up right away after they planned a very elaborate plan on how to trick Sam so Tara could go out
Vada: Hey Sam! How was your day? 😁 I missed you
Sam: Who tf r u
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 2
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(The next morning)
I don’t know something about this song just seems so genuine when the morning sun is beaming through your window. Maybe the opening beat got to me 🤷‍♂️
(Tara’s Pov) I woke up to the sunlight beaming in my face once again. ‘sigh’ I told Sam numerous times that I wanted blackout curtains for my room but she insisted on slim curtains that let sunlight in my room anyways. She said something about being too emo or like that character Wednesday Addams who’s actually my favorite.
I face planted into my pillow “I guess there’s no point In going back to sleep.” I climb out of bed and head into the kitchen to eat breakfast. “I don’t smell anything or hear the stove running. Cereal it is then I guess.
As I finished pouring some milk into my bowl of cereal, I heard Sam walk in the kitchen, turning the stove dial “Oh come on!! I just poured a bowl of cereal!”
Sam put her hand over my mouth “Shhh! Y/N is still asleep and put some pants on Tara.” I looked down, forgetting that I only wore a long over shirt over my body.
“Eh fine, I do it in a minute. But first. I want to know about Y/N sleeping in your bed, did you touch first base with them already?”
(Sam’s pov) Of course she would ask that “No Tara I didn’t touch, first base….the hangout with really fun and all but…..I don’t know. Do I really want to put a blind trust In someone again?”
Tara ate her cereal “You “trusted” them enough to sleep in the same bed as you.” She then smirked “Don’t think I didn’t see you cuddling with them, lover girl, last night to be exact. I took a pic of you both because you looked so cute together. The post already has a bunch of likes and still going.”
I almost dropped the bacon when I heard that “You did what?! Why would you post pictures of my private life Tara?! That’s so not cool!”
Tara flinched a bit “Jesus Romeo, don’t get a stick up your ass. But at least everyone will know you can have a romantic relationship with someone.” Sam glares “No Tara that is personal. It’s no one’s business of what I choose to do in my life…look I don’t know if I really want this because, who wants to be in a relationship with the daughter of the first Ghostface killer?”
Tara shook her head “Sam…you really need to stop letting this get to your head and give Y/N a chance. You deserve love too.”
I kept my focus on the bacon “I always tell myself that. You’ve seen how it ended with Ritchie and I can name a few others that were no different than him.”
“Suit yourself” Tara said as she finished her breakfast and went to watch tv in the living room, putting her bare feet on the coffee table again.
I threw the bowl in the sink and bolted to the living room “Tara how many times do I have to tell you?! That is not a footrest!” I pried her legs off the table, earning a glare from Tara. “Well you don’t want to rub my feet. I’m just resting them” she said.
I rolled my eyes “If I give you a foot rub, will you stop putting them on the table?” Tara nodded as I sat down next to her “Alright. Put ‘em here on my lap.”
(Y/N’s pov) My eyes fluttered open from the morning sunlight in the room. “Well that was some dream I just had… I wish it didn’t have to end soon.” Oh well, I’ll see if Sam wants me to help her make breakfast.
As I leave the room to the kitchen, I find Sam sitting on the couch with a girl “Umm am i interrupting something?” The girl bursted out into a laughing fit “Tara stop it!” Sam said. ‘Tara’ quieted down with her hands in her lap.
“Well Sam, are you gonna introduce me to your new “friend or what?” I could have sworn I saw her wink.
Sam clears her throat “Y/N this is my younger sister Tara. Tara this is Y/N my new lov-Friend!” Sam quickly said, hiding her blush but Tara noticed “Weellllll I’m going to get ready to start my day. You two kids have fun here or wherever but not too much.” She said winking once again as she left to her room.
I was stunned “Well your sister is quite….something. At least she doesn’t dislike me, that’s a start.” Sam shook her head “She’s quite a handful and a gremlin. Always never afraid to speak her mind, even if it is the harsh truth…but that’s why I love her.”
I nod “She’s capable of standing up for herself and becoming independent her age, that’s quite impressive. Seems like she learned from her wonderful sister who guided her.” I said, sitting down next to Sam.
Sam smiled then looked down at her watch “I do have to get ready in a bit. You want to share that breakfast with me.?” I nod “I thought I smelled bacon” we both laughed.
(Tara’s pov) I was tapping away on my phone in the diner, waiting for Chad to get here. Sam came by noticing that I was here “Did you actually bring money this time or do you want to add another free meal to your huge tab?” I smiled “No, not this time. I managed to bring my wallet.” I picked out the item I wanted then Sam left with the written ticket.
“Ok now to wait for Chad.”
(Sam’s pov) I brought the order ticket over to the cooks then decided to mop the corners when I saw how dirty they were. Y/N really is one of a kind, I’m glad I made a good first impression on them. I smiled as I got the bucket and mopped up the cobwebs and stains.
“Aww my little girl is growing up too fast. Already found a new partner to kill later down the road I see?” Said a voice I’m all too familiar with….I wish I hadn’t heard him but he follows me around like a fly on paper. I looked up to see him sitting at the table in front of me.
“What do you want?! I told you to stop talking to me!” He grinned. “That’s no way to talk to your father now is it Samantha?”
I gripped the mop “I’ll ask one last time. What. Do. You. Want?”
He puts a hand on my shoulder “Nothing really, just concerned about the new (boyfriend/girlfriend) you picked up from the pen again. Still looking for a worthy one just like your old father hm? Only they don’t really know about us.”
I scoffed “There’s no “us.” I’m not like you and never will be!” He crossed his arms with a smirk “You always say that but what’s gonna happen if this new person finds out who you are? Either they would cut you off or attempt to kill you and piss on our legacy like those others did! I hate to be a downer sweetie but you’re gonna end up going down my path again if they choose the second option.”
I gritted my teeth throwing the mop at the wall “Shut up! Shut the fuck up! That wasn’t me becoming Ghostface! I killed Ritchie because he tried to hurt my family! My other relationships left and never came back, because of your stupid legacy!!”
He didn’t speak for a bit but nodded his head “touché princess, touché. It seems like you have a lot to think about. Like it or not, you have to watch your back with this new love interest. Don’t hesitate to use the knife and gut them if you have to” Then he vanished.
I cover my face for a bit and let out a breath before finishing my task.
(Tara’s pov) While I was waiting for my food, I watched an interesting show Sam just put on in the corner. ‘She’s probably thinking about him again. Billy is a part of her after all’ “Hey love, did you order anything for me?” Chad said, laughing. I smiled and shook my head “No big guy I didn’t. But that’s ok because I ordered a decent sized sandwich we can both share.”
He gave me a peck on the lips “Alright, sounds good to me.”
A few minutes later, I see Sam walking out with a tray that had my food. But halfway to the table, she stopped and stood still for a bit. “Sam?” Her eyes went wide for a second and her shoulders tensed. “Sam…you ok?” Then the tray dropped, spilling the food all over the floor. She collapsed, breathing rapidly with her fingertips on her head.
The manager walked out from the kitchen “What’s going on? Sam-“ Chad and I rush over to the pair, I already seen this enough to know what it is
“Sir! She’s-she having a panic attack.” The manager got concerned and reached for the phone “That won’t be needed sir. I’ll handle this.” I walk slowly towards Sam and placed both hands carefully on her arms “Sam…Sam, it’s ok. I’m right here, just breathe carefully ok? Do it with me…1….2….3….breathe.”
Sam relaxed her shoulders and let her hands hold mine as she calmed her nerves down. After a couple of deep breaths Sam was back on her feet but she collapsed into my shoulder, crying her eyes out. I hugged her back, trying my best to comfort her.
“I’ll go clean the mess up” Chad said, I nodded.
(Sam’s pov) I have no words on what just happened an hour ago but the next thing I know, my boss is speaking to me “Sam…I think it’s best if you head home and get some rest, I’ll cover it from here and make sure you get you paid.” It’s clear he wasn’t in the mood for an argument either so I took off my apron and thanked him as I headed home.
Halfway to the apartment, I collect my thoughts.
‘God what I mess I am. I can’t even have one good thing in my life without my dad following me everywhere I go, running his mouth. I hate to say it but he’s not completely wrong. I really like Y/N and all but what makes me think they won’t be another Ritchie? Then I would have to kill them and be lonely once again.’
I wiped my eyes ‘sometimes I wish I could go back and destroy that fucking mask, then yell at my grandfather for driving dad towards insanity.’
As I made it home, I decided to take a shower. I got a few text messages one notably being Y/N saying they would like to do another movie night soon. A few tears rolled down my face and I didn’t have the strength to reply back.
After my shower, I heard a knock on the door “who is it?” I asked. “It’s Y/N” I opened the door and smiled a bit, “hey, what are you doing here?”
Y/N fixed (his/her) hair “Ah yes. I was just in the neighborhood and wanted to stop by and say hello. I also live in this complex too by the way.” I was taken back
“Wow, so I guess we’re new neighbors then?”
“Fraid so” Y/N said.
I rubbed my arm “Well….you can come in if you want. I was just going to pour a cup of wine.” Y/N smiled “My favorite! Make that two cups I will pour for us.”
I sat down on the couch resting my eyes as Y/N offered to serve the wine.
(Y/n’s pov) ‘ok…I have to tell her. This could be my chance to start something new between us’ I whispered as I took the full cups to the living room.
I set the cups down and took a seat next to Sam. We sipped our wine and stayed quiet for a while until I decided to start a small conversation about our hobbies and our takes on romance novels.
“I’ve been….thinking about you a lot.” Sam said, at the end of our conversation. It surprised me a bit but gave me a pinch of excitement! “R-really?”
Sam breathes a bit heavily before speaking “Unfortunately I have been, a lot and….I’m afraid.” I gently took her hand into mine and she accepted.
“What’s there to be afraid of? I was actually going to confess my thoughts to you as well. I know we haven’t known each other for that long, but I’m feeling something between us the more we see each other Sam and it still continues to grow.”
Sam nodded her head, frowning “I-I like you Y/N I really do from the bottom of my heart but….I’m just not ready for another relationship yet, I’m sorry.”
I tilt my head down in a bit of disappointment, despite her request to stay with her last night and sleep in the same bed as her. “It’s because of your last relationship isn’t it?” Sam nods
I look up at her. “I understand. I won’t force you or rush into something you don’t want too soon…or at all. I’m fine with us being friends if you want.”
Sam caressed my hand “I think that’s for the best….I just need some time to process everything that’s going on in my messed up life. If I CAN get my head straight then maybe we might have a chance after all.”
I gave her hand one last gentle squeeze “I’ll be waiting for you when that time comes.” Then shared a hug before leaving.
(Later that night)
(Tara’s pov) The arcade was fun a second time! Despite Chad breaking the joystick off the giant claw machine in the end. At least the owner was nice enough to let me have a prize from the machine before throwing us out. Chad dropped me off but had another class tomorrow so he went home to rest.
As I unlocked the door and closed it, I hear Sam’s faint crying coming from the living room. I peek around the corner to see Sam drinking a cup of wine as she let her tears fall.
I wanted to comfort Sam but seeing her in that kind of state told me to leave her alone for a bit. So I went into my room and changed into my night clothes.
“Oh Sam…..what have you done?”
I tried my best to fall asleep, hoping she would be ok to talk about this tomorrow. Or whenever she can.
(To be continued. No worries, am already working on a part three)
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
Would Amber freeman like it if reader acts and dresses like 2pac?” Lol
lmao probably not. maybe it depends on how in depth you are in your act.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
You brought the light I needed in my life
Part 1
Samantha Carpenter x GN Reader.
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New York City has always been a bustling hotspot for restaurants, opportunities, and some “night activities.”
And yet Samantha Carpenter can’t shake this emptiness she feels everyday in her life.
(Sam’s Pov) It was a busy friday evening and I had just gotten off my shift at the diner. The Manager let me go home early with my regular pay as a reward for working hard.
Truth is. There’s a reason why I don’t take days off and constantly work.
I wrapped up my leftovers in a bag for dinner later and walk back to the apartment since the gym was closed today ‘that’s where I usually spend my time’.
New York being the big city it is, I had to bump through crowds, junkies and greeted some couples. When I got to my complex, some people were already shooting looks at me, one threw a paper ball at me.
‘Looks like our neighbors know I’m the daughter of a small town serial killer.’
After getting past the death glares, I enter my apartment and put my leftovers in the fridge. Then I pour a cup of whiskey, sitting down to collect my thoughts, not bothering to turn on the tv.
I hear the door open a half hour later “Sam! Im home” hearing that voice always brings a little smile to my face.
Tara sets her shopping bags down and sits on the couch next to me, turning on the tv. I felt a bit of joy knowing I’m giving Tara what she always wanted. A degree, a boyfriend, and freedom to live her life provided she be careful of the dangers.
I took a sip of my drink “So how was your date with Chad?”
Tara jumped in excitement “Amazing! We went to a nice restaurant that had an open mic. You should have seen Chad try to sing “All of me” he did it a little off key but reassured that it was a “song picked just for me.” Tomorrow we’re going to an arcade that just opened. Want to join us?”
I felt an ache in my chest and it wasn’t the whiskey “Thank you Tara….but I don’t want to impose. Especially since I’m letting you live your life freely.”
Damn. I didn’t do much to hid my emotions and Tara was quick to notice.
“Is everything ok?” She asked putting a hand on my shoulder. Normally, I hate being asked that but this is my sister ‘sigh’ “I guess….I guess I’m just lonely to tell you the truth.”
Tara was confused “Lonely? Aw don’t be silly, you have me and the twins.”
I sipped my drink once again “I mean you know….lonely.” Tara playfully slapped her forehead. “Ohhh I see. I mean, I can try to help you find a date.”
I smiled a bit. “That would be nice, I just hope I find one. It’s not that easy when you’re the daughter of the first Ghostface.” Tara nodded “If that worries you, I can take a break from Chad and spend some time with you.”
“But Tara, you love him.” My sister nodded “I do. But you’re my sister and I love you more. All you have to do is say the word.”
I sniffled heavily before wrapping my arms around Tara “Oof. How can a (Guy/Girl) not love a woman with big muscles?” I laughed a bit.
(1 month later)
(Tara’s pov) True to my word, I spent more time with Sam. Even though she assured me that it was ok with me bringing Chad to the apartment or going on dates with him.
Since Chad is still asleep from finishing that assignment, I’m eating breakfast with Mindy and Anika. They were surprised that I chose to eat at the place Sam works at.
“I think I know what i want.” I said as Mindy looked up from her menu “T. Did you choose this place because it’s that good?”
“Or did you want a free meal from your sister?” Anika finished, laughing.
I rolled my eyes “No….I’m going to pay for-“ I felt my pockets “Shit! I forgot my wallet!” Mindy shook her head “Didn’t you forget it the last time you went with my brother to that restaurant.”
I blushed from embarrassment “Y-yes but I gave him the money back when I got paid.”
Anika nodded “What you really need is one of those wallet chains so you never have to lose it again. Plus it would look hot on you.”
Mindy playfully smacked Anika’s arm as Sam came by to take our orders “Now, now. Don’t kill each other until AFTER you eat.” As we took our orders, I picked mine which was a bit pricey ‘Sorry Sam.’
“Umm big sis. You think you can spot me for this one?”
Sam rolled her eyes “Again? How many times do I have to tell you to stop forgetting your money?” I smiled playfully “Pleaseeee. I won’t forget next time and I will pay you back, I promise.”
(Sams pov) I shook my head, not wanting my sister to throw a tantrum or steal somebody else’s food “Fine. I’ll hold you to that.” I gathered up the menus and took the orders to the kitchen. After that, I decided to wipe down the counter since it was a slow morning.
I was finishing the display case until a new customer walked in. “Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like
I looked up from the case and was at a loss for words when I set my eyes on the person that walked in.
(Sorry I had to. Lol)
Their (gothic/eccentric) attire was stunning enough to make a lot of heads turn. I shook my head, hiding my blush “ ‘Ahem’ Welcome to Crown Shy. Would you like a booth or a table?”
(He/She) requested a booth saying they have a friend meeting them here for a class assignment. My shoulders tensed as I dropped the menu on the floor, running to get new one “Sorry about that”
I took a quiet breath and awaited their order.
(Tara’s pov) Another waitress brought our food and we were in the middle of a feast until I spotted Sam making eyes at the new customer that just walked in. I tapped Mindy on the shoulder “Ooh! Direct hit Cupid.” Mindy whispered.
“I’ll say. I think this is the first time I’ve seen my sister as a drooling lovesick puppy.” I nearly laughed when she dropped the menu and went to snatch a new one off another table “Smooth move Casanova” Anika whispered.
After Sam took her potential lovers order and brought their food out, she stepped outside telling her boss she was taking her fifteen. “Looks like someone needs a little push Tar” Mindy said.
I nodded as I went outside to find Sam with a hand on her chest, trying to control her rapid breathing.
“Someone’s got a crushhhh. Someone’s got a crushhh” I said in a singing voice, handing Sam a water bottle from my bag.
Sam wasn’t amused and showed her blush “Look. Try to talk to them Sammy. This is your chance to finally get a (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
She took a sip from her water bottle “B-but what if they don’t like me? What if they find out who I really am and never talk to me again?” I gently squeezed her shoulder
“Sam, you won’t know if you don’t try. I’ll be right there to comfort you if anything happens. Just introduce yourself and ask if you can sit with them until their friend shows up, make some small talk my hot sis.”
(Sam’s pov) I shook my head, smiling “I’m not really that hot but I’ll still make small talk with them.” We both head back inside the diner, seeing that the new customer is already eating their food.
I check my watch “Ok still on my break, time to make my move” I whispered.
I walk over to their table “Hi. Um, do you mind if I sit with you? I’m currently on break and my coworkers are having a football debate back there.
The customer looked up and smiled “Sure. I could use the company, seeing my friend is running a bit late.”
I hid the excitement in my stomach and sat down. “I’m Y/N by the way Y/N L/N.” They said extending their hand “Samantha….Carpenter. It’s nice to meet you.”
“I’ll say. It’s not often I see a pretty girl wanting to have lunch with me.”
I was flattered “So you think I’m pretty?” Now it was their turn to blush “Um s-sure? I mean I would really like to get to know you more.”
I felt my phone vibrate. I open it to see laughing emojis from Tara saying we are “Both hopeless with the small talk.” I shot a look at her, shaking my head.
I took a breath and engaged in a conversation like our favorite hobbies, movies, latest tv shows. I was amazed by how much we have in common unlike Ritchie who never liked almost all my hobbies. Sometimes I question why I got with him in the first place.
Anyways we talked a bit more along with me complementing their outfit, saying it “Makes them stand out and look more attractive.” I didn’t realize how long we were talking until I realized I was five minutes over my break.
I quickly jumped from the booth and back to my station in a flash but not before leaving my number on the receipt if they want to talk more.
(One shift later)
(Sam’s pov) This day was very slow and tiring. I was anxiously waiting for the time to fly by and luckily it did. But earlier, Tara didn’t help by eating loud and throwing trash on the floor. I swear my sister has the manners of a child. I rest my case when she let out a loud belch which ‘sigh’ everyone heard!
“Sorry! Excuse me!”
I cleaned the rest of the floors and whatever trash was on the tables as the last 30 mins approached. When it was time, I clocked out and said bye to my coworkers and boss.
Heading outside, I put my apron away and check my phone for any new messages. I got one from Tara who once again teased me that I was in a rush to see my new “lover.” I rolled my eyes and left that on read.
The next message was from….Oh Y/N and they asked if I wanted to watch a movie together. I responded back to it being a plan. We’ll watch a movie at my place and I’ll make the best dinner.
(Tara’s pov) I sat on the couch waiting to go to the arcade. Chad really needs to stop staying up late and sleeping in late. It’s getting pretty hectic but I still end up dealing with it.
I check my phone “Hm, still got an hour left” I turn on the tv and snack on a few corn chips.
I got halfway through an episode of South Park until Sam came by with a hand vac, “Tara! I just cleaned here. Must you always be so messy.”
I scoffed “Looks like someone’s eager to keep the place clean for their new (Boyfriend/Girlfriend)”
Sam snatched the chips away from me “They’re not my lover. I just want spend time with a new friend, and that is making sure this place looks presentable.”
I nodded “Sure and I’ll be a millionaire one day. Look I get it. You want to make a first impression and that’s ok. No more lone wolf tonight Sam, it’s time for a new chapter, go get (him/her) tiger!”
(Sam’s pov) After cleaning Tara’s mess for the second time, I take a long needed shower and put on something simple. An hour later, the doorbell rings. “Y/N! Nice to see you again. It’s me uh Sam….from the diner” We both shared a hug before they went to the living room to pick out the movie.
Tara left for the arcade but not before ripping into me again “I swear you have no game sis. How did you even end up with Ritchie?” She whispered, laughing as she closed the door.
Damn it Tara! Why do you have to be such a gremlin? Though she’s not wrong, I really need to work on my pull game.
‘Just be yourself Sam, just be yourself.’
As I got the cooking utensils ready, I called from the kitchen island “So baby. Did you choose a good movie for us to watch?” I slapped my mouth
‘Of course! Leave it to Sam Carpenter to find a way to fuck a simple question up!’
Y/N smiled, laughing a bit “Hmm not yet. Maybe you should pick, baby.” They said, winking.
‘This is gonna be a long night…..good, I hope it never ends’
After Y/N selected the movie to watch, (he/she) joined me in the kitchen to help prepare the food.”
“Ok let’s make some of my famous pasta. Normally we charge $19.99 for this at the cafe.” Y/N was shocked “$20 for pasta?!” I nodded “It’s a family recipe, my um….father knew the right spices to use.”
Then we set the noodles and water to a boil. As it was cooking along with the sauce, we took the opportunity to take some silly pics together then post them. When the food was done, we set the plates and ate on the coffee table (Sam made sure it was clean after her sister put her bare feet on it recently. She really let Tara have it afterwards)
“I hope this isn’t a gory movie. I don’t want to lose my dinner.” Y/N shook their head “No this is more of an action movie. It’s called John wick.” I smiled “I don’t think I ever heard of that movie.”
A few hours into the movie, I was blown away by how ruthless this man was all over a car and…well I guess it makes sense with the dog.
(Y/N’s POV) After the movie was over and we cleaned up, I got my jacket and was about to head out seeing it was late. I said my byes but right as I was about to leave, I felt a hand on my arm “Stay with me….please?”
I smiled ‘How can I say no to that face?’ “Alright but um….I don’t have any sleepwear. I might have to sleep in my underwear if you don’t mind?”
I saw sweat pouring down from Sam’s forehead “N-No…I don’t mind at all.” I gave her a kiss on the forehead ‘probably shouldn’t have done that’ but she shrugged it off and led me to her room.
As Sam was in the bathroom, changing into her night clothes, I stripped down to my underwear. I put my clothes next to the bed on the floor. Few minutes later, Sam came back wearing said night clothes but she stood like a deer in headlights.
I was confused for a minute but then realized “Ah, you like what you see here? I said, showing off my body a bit.
Sam swallowed “Mmhm” was all she said before pulling me into bed with her.
Sam had a tv in her room so we watched a show just to fall asleep to but mostly talked a lot rather than watch the show or even drifting off to sleep.
I decide to try my luck “Snuggle me?” Sam was hesitant “Y-you want me to snuggle you?” That got me nervous, hoping I didn’t push things too quick besides the kiss of course. “Yes…but I understand if you don’t want to. I’m not here to make you uncomfortable.”
I felt some relief when she giggled “Come here.” She said extended her arms which I fell into perfectly. I felt butterflies in my stomach as she nestled next to me. “Sorry I was a little confused at first because no one I dated asked me to be the big spoon.”
I faced her a bit “Hm? Who wouldn’t want a woman with big biceps wrapped around them so safe?” Sam smiled “Probably because, they were jealous that I was more fit and muscular than them.”
I shook my head “I guess they forgot the definition of “Exercise” and “Workout” I said. “I do workouts myself but I been meaning to find a partner to go to the gym with.”
Sam rubbed my arms sounding a bit tired “I’d be happy to fill that role and go to the gym with you.”
I felt myself blush ‘Part of me really wants to kiss Sam for real this time but I don’t know if she wants a relationship now…or one with me. That might not be true, maybe just maybe I might have a chance at love again….I hope.’
I stayed awake for a bit hoping to ask Sam if she’s interested but I didn’t realize that sleep has taken her until I heard a snore from said girl. “Maybe tomorrow….yeah tomorrow’s ‘yawn’ a good day to tell her.” I felt my eyes get heavy, then fell asleep into Sam’s arms, holding me in place.
(Later on into the night when the pair were fully asleep, Tara came home and went to check on her sister. She had to stop herself from squealing at the sight that had emitted her eyes.
“This is definitely going on my page.” Tara said as she snapped a quick photo then left, closing the door.
“Goodnight Sam….Goodnight Y/N. I think you just brought the light my sister needed in her dull life.”
To be continued
Btw there’s the idea of the reader but the choice is still yours if these pictures don’t cut it
You got the gothic(eh maybe) or the elegant reader lol.
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xxxninjaxxx23 · 4 months
Jesus Cairo! Over an insect?!
How mad would Cairo get if her um lover (reader) just flicked that green beetle off her leg and squished it?
Pretty damn mad she’d probably grab R by the shirt and curse her out and maybe punish R….i feel like she’d try to reenact the pain on you like hitting ur nails with a ruler or something and then she’d probably be upset w u the rest of the day until u apologize
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