xyntix · 2 years
A little doodle in class
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Would you agree with the cast for the other magical girls?
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Sonic as Sayaka
Knuckles as Kyoko
Silver as Mami
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xyntix · 2 years
Let's freaking go my dudes!
Calling all RotTMNT fans!
Hey guys! You've probably seen the post lately that it's getting clearer and clearer that nickelodeon might be dropping rise but we have a ninjas greatest weapon! Hope! We are @-ing paramount and nickelodeon, emails, Dms, on all platforms whatever we have to do to bring it back or at least allow another company to continue making what we adore! We need everyone's help to get paramount to see that we are here! There is thousands asking for rise and we won't be ignored! Please share and get the word out, they HAVE to listen!
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xyntix · 2 years
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xyntix · 2 years
While searching up any new news after the Rise movie I came across multiple sites with some 3.4 ratings on the movie and it really bothers me.
Some 5.1 rating out of 10 for the story and all? Are you kidding me?! This movie is one of the few with incredible writing because I am actually mad at the characters for doing certain things and not the writers for writing it. You can clearly see character development and weight of possible bad outcomes in almost every episode.
The movie added so much to the characters even if it was a step back from Leo's development ever since the finale of season one where his leadership skills really shone for the first time. But guess what, IT IS SO RISE!LEO TO GET FULL OF HIMSELF AFTER DEFEATING THE SHREDDER. Who wouldn't have an inflated ego after basically singlehandedly getting ahold of the prison collar in season one. Who would not deem themselves incredible for defeating such a strong enemy? Who couldn't have thought an enemy stronger and much worse than that could drop down on the planet and destroy army over army, take away mystic powers and take over a capital city in a day? That's right: NOBODY
To everyone who gave the series and the movie bad rating: if you ruined it for half the fandom that absolutely loves this take on the turtles, shame on you.
It takes exactly ZERO FREAKING EFFORT TO JUST MOVE THE FUCK ON WHEN YOU DID NOT LIKE A MOVIE OR SHOW. If you like a movie give it a good rating, if you don't like it then move on to something else because some people out there might love it and it takes away the chance of it being continued.
To everyone who loves Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles, go watch some episodes and give it good ratings on some websites it is featured on. Keep pushing it and show it some love to hopefully make up for the negative that comes with every fandom.
I will go and look up even the last of these websites to leave a good rating because this show deserves the love. It takes zero effort to leave something alone but it takes all the effort to keep something you love alive.
That was my vent and I am not sorry for it.
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Big thank you for the fandom that keeps putting stuff out there because them Bois deserve all the love they can get.
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xyntix · 2 years
Silly little sketches at school to fuel the brain rot for @mishacakes
I am so sorry I didn't have any references at hand but I hope the mistakes are not bad
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I love these idiot so much
Idk if that is more of a German thing but would Tomiko and Leo go off on the Winx club opening theme (perhaps to the brothers' dismay)?
I feel they are this playful chaotic couple that hears some childhood cartoon opening themes like go go power rangers and so on and absolutely lose their shit and start dancing. Just in tune with their childish side even when adults and always having a blast being silly together.
Also if they'd like Winx club, what would their favorite characters be?
Anyhow, I love your brain rot content and I cannot imagine a world without Tomiko content at this point. So THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!??!!! <3
oh i see them way more as sailor moon types
leo's love for scifi meets tomiko's love for cheesy romance dramas
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xyntix · 2 years
@camilieroart your little persona is so adorable I just want to hug it and never let go!
So, here is a quick little something I hope you will enjoy (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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I do hope I got the colours right since there are not many coloured references on here in plain sight. Also I freestyled on your outfit as well, hope you don't mind
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xyntix · 2 years
I am so sorry-
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xyntix · 2 years
So apparently people feel feelings.
Like- physically feel them in their body.
I don't know what to say to that, how to communicate that this is some news to me, I-
People feel feeling... They don't just guess what mood fits to what emotion best at that moment, no! They actually physically feel that shit!
Someone PLEASE tell me I am not the only one who feels merely confused and dull. My ass just plays match maker with what they think they experience to what emotion these traits go together with.
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xyntix · 2 years
We gotta even out the score! They all deserve so much love and affection <3
Even tho Leo has my heart and I wanna cuddle all his worries away
Group hug to them cuties (if they like, looking at Donnie and Casey, head pats and high fives/fist bumps are given out too).
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Can I hug them all ;-; or just Donnie and Leo?
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Mikey is feeling betrayed.
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xyntix · 2 years
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Still figuring out the details regarding her design but I have to say she cute
Look at this little cutie
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xyntix · 2 years
Look at this little cutie
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xyntix · 2 years
I just come home from my first time out, clubbing (it was amazing btw) and I get to see this. This made my heart burst!
New favourite post this app has to offer.
Also none of them were wrong, I use she/they pronouns. But also low-key living for the chaos dynamic.
Again, I cannot put into words how much I appreciate and love your art! Your little sona as well. I could drown you in my love for what you do. Sending you a virtual hug cuz wow. Just.. wow (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
(another side note, I am actually getting their mask colours tattooed on my neck in about 8 hours. I AM HYPED)
Not an ask, I just saw the last asks and got teary eyed out of excitement, grinning like an absolute idiot.
Anyhowww if I ever got a Leo reaction, I'd die a happy idiot. (Blue has my heart in any incarnation and yours seems to capture the mixture of my favourite traits)
Also big sister head pats to Donnie! I am certain he has his ways to get back at his brothers.
To wrap this up: your art is incredible, your responses are so sweet and creative. I love it!
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He does. He does get back at them. Thank you so much for the sweet ask <3
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xyntix · 2 years
Yes but no. Give us a season with their silly shenanigans and funny adventures and them just being brothers. I need to recover. Season 4 can hit with some more angst and trauma.
Also, crossover. PLEASE
Things I want WHEN we get a season 3. Spoilers for the movie:
Casey as a series regular
Mikey with his new mystic time travel and portal powers
Leonardo trauma (he saw Raph get taken in front of him while saving his life, saw him get turned into a beast, has the knowledge that his brothers, dad, and april died in an alternate timeline, got the absolute shit beat out of him to the point where he coughed up blood, was ready to die, and firmly believes that everything was his fault. This all happened in one day.)
Leo finding a new weapon because I believe one sword is still in the portal (which is really bad for multiple reasons)
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Give us Leo being a paranoid leader.
Give us Mikey, Donnie, and Raph being overprotective brothers.
Give us Leo having PTSD (nightmares, hallucinations, whenever he's smiling he'll hear the Krang say "wipe that grin off your face", the whole shebang)
Give us Casey telling all of them stories of how great they were in the future.
Give us Casey seeing his mom (cassandra) again because I'm pretty sure she died in the alternate timeline (let's hope Casey wasn't there to see it).
Give us a season 3
PS: I will accept all of this in fanfic form as well. I would be so fucking grateful y'all have no idea-
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xyntix · 2 years
Can't waitttt
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xyntix · 2 years
@mishacakes you know this tiktok of the cat under the christmas tree, eyes sparkling and huge, admiring the lights?
I didn't find it for reference but here you go lol
Lil Tomiko stealing herself away at night to look at fire flies.
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Bonus: daydreaming about those vibrant little memories
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You infected me with brain rot and I fear it is not going to stop.
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xyntix · 2 years
Bless @mishacakes for giving us a kitty and plenty of brain rot💜
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xyntix · 2 years
There is always this character in distress meets hero etc meeting and since I am sitting in the eye clinic waiting to figure out what the fuck is in my eye let us put a little twist to that first encounter with the hero.
This is a luka couffaine x female reader thing I am whipping up rn while waiting. Btw it is almost 1 am
Warnings: idk what is to come, maybe some graphic descriptions and swearing
Beware: first draft ( unedited ) ahead. Read at your own caution.
It was a calm night. No akumatisation, no drama. Just Paris in an unusually tranquility. Ladybug and Chat Noir had already parted ways for the night, leaving Viperion alone on the rooftop. He enjoyed the peaceful quiet, watching the lights that lit up the streets, outshining the stars above.
At about 3 in the morning, Viperion finally decided to retire for the few hours that still qualified as night -or very early morning. That was the plan until he heard a whimper. He had only made it a couple blocks away from his favourite look out spot. In the opening to a darker alley way he heard the sound again. Carefully, Viperion approached the shadow that cowered in the dark. "Fucking bitch just get out of my eye already", a female voice hissed. Sniffing accompanied the curses. "For fuck's sake- why do you have to hurt like a bitch?!" "Pardon me, are you alright?", Viperion inquired, his voice gentle and his body language open and visible as to not appear as a threat. The light from the street in front of the alley way barely illuminated the surroundings. All he could see were little specks of reflected light in glassy eyes as they squinted and blinked restlessly. "If your mean that something being in my eye and it hurting is alright, then yes. Perfectly fine. Now I am sitting here, crying, hoping to wash it out somehow.", the girl hissed sarcastically, her voice wavering while her hands rubbed her eyes almost desperately.
"Perhaps I can help?", Viperion offered as he crouched down to her level. "What do I have to lose but an eye." As much as he didn't want to laugh, he could not help the amused chuckle that escaped him. Viperion got back up, extending his hand in a welcoming gesture. "I will take you somewhere where we can see better." The girl nodded and took his hand. A look in the dark brown pools of her eyes made the hero realize that she had beautiful eyes. Comforting, warm and shining like a thousand stars at that moment. The redness and puffyness only mere details.
Once they reached a bank that rested just under a street light, Viperion asked her to sit and use the flashlight on her phone. She did as she was told, assisting him by lighting up the scene that was her irritated eye. "Can you pinpoint where it hurts?", he asked, studying every blood vessle and speck in her now golden honey iris. Coloured eyes were beautiful, he knew that but brown eyes were like little gold plates in the light and outshone any and all other colours by miles. "Not really. It hurts most when I close my eye completely. I think it is in this area.", the stranger explained, pointing out the half of the eye that pointed to the nose. Viperion nodded. His fingers moved very delecately, the fabric of his suit felt not irritating at all. After a few minuted of fruitless obervation, the hero pulled away a bit, facing her directly. "It must be stuck under your upper eyelid. Do you trust me?" "Don't have much of a choice, do I? Doctors are closed and the emergency room will take ages and I cannot stand this pain much longer." "I take that as a yes." With a final nod of his precious little patient, Viperion pinched her unusually long lashes, lifting up her upper lid. She flinched slightly, biting her bottom lip in discomfort. He really wanted to stop at that moment but he knew that this was his last option. The hero pulled her eyelid down over her lower lashes and let go. The lashes must have caught onto the thing that bothered her because after blinking a couple of times her face lit up. The discomfort was gone. Her eyes felt sore from crying but that was a preferred state if she had to choose between those two. "Thank you so much! Gosh this was quite the ... situation." "Agreed. I am just glad I could help.", Viperion brushed the gratitude off. He was glad he was able to be a hero in more ways than one. "I would like to thank you, Sir-" "Viperion is fine." "How about ice cream? Same time same place?" The offer was tempting. "You do know that I attract dangers-" "And I am certain you already know that I could not care less. As long as you don't attract bitches to my eye it will be fine." She was different from Marinette in a refreshing way. She seemed to value honesty. In an amusing fashion no less. "Alright. Same time, same place. May I know your name before I offer to walk you home?"
The girl took a few steps into the direction where her home must be.
"The name is Y/N."
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