yashcrazydit · 3 years
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In skincare, a little bit of product goes a long way, if selected and applied wisely. There is no need to waste your favorite skincare & cake your face with excess product when using it. Just the right amount is enough and does wonders. SAVE THIS post as a guiding tool & when you’re in doubt about the quantity.
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
RSACE Presents live online film editing course, new batch starting from July 2021. For more information visit - https://rsace.edu.in/live/
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
RSACE Presents live online film editing course, new batch starting from July 2021. For more information visit - https://rsace.edu.in/live/
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
Metadata importance in digital marketing
Information needs context, and we need to provide that context in a way that doesn't burden users but instead supports them. This means we need to take full advantage of recognition and analytics technologies to streamline and automate how we develop that context.  One such tool is Metadata. Metadata offers significant benefits in terms of understanding information in new ways and in being able to leverage that intelligence to drive innovation and the customer experience.
What is Metadata?
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There is no one definition of "Metadata" that is international and universally agreed upon – rather, there are many similar definitions or descriptions which mostly cover the same points. You should adopt the one most suitable and relevant to the context of your information management activities and the organization in which you work
Data describing content, content, and structure of records and their management through time."  The US Department of Defense has a definition of metadata in its DoD 5015.2 standard, which is also similar to the ISO standards, namely:  "Data describing stored data: that is, data describing the structure, data elements, interrelationships, and other characteristics of electronic records."  This illustrates several of the other purposes served by metadata in Electronic Records Management (ERM) systems.  Finally, NISO, the US National Information Standards Organization, defines Metadata as:  "Structured information that describes, explains, locates, or otherwise makes it easier to retrieve, use, or manage an information resource."  Notice the similarities and differences in these definitions and think about how they relate to the context of your own work. Metadata is often called data about data or information about information.
What is the Business Value of Metadata?
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The primary value of Metadata comes with how it is aligned to and supports specific business goals and objectives. Here are a few of the ways that Metadata brings value to the business:  Classification - Metadata plays a key role in classification, or organizing your content Retention - Metadata can be used to track things like the dates associated with a document's associated record schedule.  Information Security - Metadata can be used to flag a security setting, validating access and edit rights, and thus controlling distribution.  Customer Experience - Metadata can also be used as a way to capture users' rating of content, for example, indicating that content is "valuable or "useless" or even "dated."  Information "Findability" - Metadata is extremely valuable as a search and retrieval enhancing mechanism by enabling users to target a query on a certain field, such as author, subject, date, etc. Metadata is an important part of the content capture, creation, and organization phases of the content lifecycle. If associated Metadata is not captured at the same time that the content is, you will quickly create a collection of content that is difficult to manage, find and retrieve.
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
Big data importance
Cost optimization: Cost optimization, a business-oriented process, typically blends digital, IT and business that aids a company to accomplish business goals on time. Using data analytics for cost optimization enables consistent data management that helps lower last-minute complexities and the costs involved. It also cuts testing cycles which can optimize time and money invested.Deciphering the business impact of big data analytics
The current world is powered entirely by big data. These data are generating from every step of an individual’s online activity, be it browsing the internet or the use of advanced connected devices, particularly IoT devices. This surge in data has given the rise of big data analytics. It is the complex process of analyzing big data to discover information such as concealed patterns, market trends, customer preferences, and others. This will substantially help organizations to make informed data-driven business decisions. As big data analytics enables businesses to harness their data and use it to identify new opportunities, it leads to smarter business moves with efficient operations and higher ROI.  Today, people as well as businesses generate data from millions of sources at an unprecedented rate. These data sources are present everywhere in the world; social channels are the largest sources of data available out there. Thus, harnessing the power of truly big data analytics tools and techniques at a broader scale, they provide a means to examine data sets and derive actionable insights.
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Types of Big Data Analytics
Since big data is not a new concept for businesses, enterprises are leveraging different types of data analytics tools to excerpt meaningful information from their data.  Here are some most relevant types of big data analytics.
Prescriptive Analytics: This data analytics concept prescribes what action to take to remove future problems or capitalize on a promising trend. Prescriptive analytics essentially provides an organization with a laser-like focus to answer a specific question. It also helps them to determine the best solution for a future opportunity or avoid future risks.
Predictive analytics: It uses big data to identify past patterns to predict the future. Predictive analytics draws its power from numerous methods and technologies, such as big data, data mining, statistical modeling, machine learning and assorted mathematical processes, among others. By utilizing this model, an organization can use past and current data to reliably forecast trends and behaviors.
Descriptive analytics: This data analytics method provides insight into what has happened historically and will provide businesses with trends to get in-depth detail. Descriptive analytics defines as a preliminary stage of data processing that creates a summary of historical data to yield meaningful information and possibly prepare the data for further analysis.
Diagnostic Analytics: With this analytics technique, historical data can be measured against other data to answer the question of why something happened. Essentially, data scientists turn to this technique when trying to determine “Why” behind something happened. Diagnostic analytics can be beneficial in the sales cycle, for instance, to categorize customers by their likely product preferences and sales cycle.
Applications of Big Data Analytics  
Adopting big data and analytics technologies provide considerable benefits to organizations across industries, including healthcare, education, governance, retail, manufacturing, BFSI, and supply chain management & logistics, to name a few. Companies of all sizes and types utilize big data analytics for their business growth.  Here’s a look at the most promising applications of big data analytics.
Customer Experience: As the world is increasingly becoming digitized, access to customer information, such as buying behaviors, preferences, and dislikes is inevitable to deliver an enhanced customer experience. This can be achieved effectively by the better use of big data analytics tools. They collate and interpret vast volumes of data to extract meaningful, insightful, and useful data that provides value to a customer.
Cost optimization: 
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Cost optimization, a business-oriented process, typically blends digital, IT and business that aids a company to accomplish business goals on time. Using data analytics for cost optimization enables consistent data management that helps lower last-minute complexities and the costs involved. It also cuts testing cycles which can optimize time and money invested.
Operational Efficiency: It generally means maximizing an organization’s desired business output whatever that may be. Once the business is rotten and running, decision-makers are likely spending their time attempting to improve their companies’ operational efficiency. By integrating big data tools, they can improve operational efficiency by leaps and bounds. The tools glean large amounts of useful customer data by interacting with customers or clients and gaining valuable feedback.
Real-Time Monitoring: 
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Big data analytics provides businesses with real-time insights, allowing them to calculate and measure the impact of price changes; implement competitive positioning for maximizing profits; assess finances to get a clearer idea of the financial position of your business; execute pricing strategies based on local customer demands, customer purchasing behavior, and competitive market patterns; and automate the pricing processes to maintain price consistency and eliminate manual errors.
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
Learn SEO Ranking
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
What is Image Optimization?
Optimizing web images is a process of delivering high-quality images in the right format, dimension, size, and resolution while keeping the smallest possible size.  Image optimization can be done in different ways, be it by resizing the images, caching, or by compressing the size. Enter ImageKit, an intelligent Image Optimization tool, which optimizes images using an intelligent compression algorithm. Combined with a global content delivery network (CDN) for faster delivery, it can improve your website performance significantly.
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Importance of Optimizing Images on Website 
The importance of images in connecting users to your products has been proven. If your website takes more than 3 seconds to load, users are more likely to abandon it, which will drastically increase your bounce rate, and eventually affect your conversions.  Why is image optimization important?  Here are the answers - Image optimization helps in improving page load speed, boosts websites' SEO ranking, and improves user experience.  Let’s study the importance of optimizing web images in detail:
Improves Page Load Speed 
 Page load speed is the amount of time taken by a web page to load completely. It depends on many factors ranging from your website host to website layout and design. The websites having less than 2 seconds load speed are most loved by its users. So, if you are optimizing 64% of your website’s weight, which is images, you will be improving your website speed.  This gives your website visitors a faster experience, thus more users would interact with your product and services. There are many tools which can help you in analyzing your page load speed such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights, Web Page Test, and ImageKit’s Website Analyzer, which will give you complete insights about your web page.  Click here to download the infographic illustrating 20+ stats on how speed affects your website. This infographic was made by Hosting Tribunal and the original blog on Hosting Tribunal talks in detail about impact of load speed on your website.
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Improves SEO Ranking 
 Yes, in 2010, it became clear to all of us that page load speed is a ranking factor. Google doesn’t love slow websites just like its users. Marketing Leaders such as Moz and SemRush have also published their insights about page load speed.  Google rolled out this update in the year 2010 in its Webmasters Blog which reads, “Like us, our users place a lot of value in speed — that's why we've decided to take site speed into account in our search rankings.” So, it is clear that the faster websites rank better in the search results as compared to slower ones.
Every digital marketer understands the importance of search ranking in today’s world. Who doesn’t want to get the top rankings for its website pages? And one of the factors for this is the load speed of your web page. Thus, image optimization holds a great significance here.
Boost Conversions 
 So, if your search ranking improves, it means you can capture more users and possibly get more conversions. Page load speed is directly related to SEO ranking and conversions.  There has been a lot of research by marketing leaders, including Kissmetrics, Moz, etc, about the relationship between conversions and page load speed. According to Kissmetrics, 79% of shoppers who are not satisfied with the web page speed or performance do not buy from the same site again.
Enhance User Engagement 
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 A happy customer is not a myth, definitely not for those websites which are providing a great user experience. And it can be your website too. All you need to do is optimize your website images, improve your page load speed, and thus, providing a better overall user experience. If your page is loading fast on all devices, a user will spend more time there.
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
Disadvantages of SEO
SEO or search engine optimisation is a digital marketing method that works to optimise a website to perform well in search engine results. This includes ranking and appearing well for search terms and variations that are used by your target audience in natural or organic search listings.  The SEO method involves not only making an adjustment to the website itself but also work on the wider internet to build a site's authority and position
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What is the main disadvantage of SEO?
SEO is an example of cumulative work adding to the reputation of a website or webpage, so the impact builds up slowly. SEO work can be stopped, but the impact of earlier work will still be felt and you may have too many leads or sales.  The biggest disadvantage of SEO is you cannot quickly reduce your sales or leads for a few weeks if they have built up too quickly
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If number of orders from your online shop increase tenfold, can you fulfil these and keep customer satisfaction high? Qualifying Leads If on a B2B website your numbers of enquiries increase tenfold, how much time is wasted in qualifying these leads and dealing with the poor ones? Disadvantages of SEO
Getting noticed by more than your target audience
As you get more visible online through SEO so your competitors will start to notice and they may well up their game to compete.  Increased competition is fairly common once competitors see your marketing is working especially if their leads and sales are dropping.  Also, expect to be targeted by a lot more people trying to sell you their services. From other SEO agencies to advertising the greater your exposure online the more others will start to see you as a desirable prospect to work with.  Spam too can increase for the same reasons, but with good filters in place, this can easily be managed.
Over Success
As much as every business wants to be a success there is a real danger of too much and too fast. If you can't handle the volume of leads and sales then opportunities will be lost and customers let down.  Once SEO gets into full swing I have seen cases where the upsurge in leads has been more than the client could handle.
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
best Website Development /  Advanced Digital Marketing Program course  after 12th
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
All about digital marketing
Basically, digital marketing refers to any online marketing efforts or assets. Email marketing, pay-per-click advertising, social media marketing and even blogging are all great examples of digital marketing—they help introduce people to your company and convince them to buy.
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Almost anything can be a digital marketing asset. It simply needs to be a marketing tool you use online. That being said, many people don’t realize how many digital marketing assets they have at their disposal. Here are just a few examples:
Your website
Branded assets (logos, icons, acronyms, etc)
Video content (video ads, product demos, etc)
Images (infographics, product shots, company photos, etc)
Written content (blog posts, eBooks, product descriptions, testimonials, etc)
Online products or tools (SaaS, calculators, interactive content, etc)
Social media pages
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As you can probably imagine, this list just scratches the surface. Most digital marketing assets will fall into one of these categories, but clever marketers are constantly coming up with new ways to reach customers online, so the list keeps growing!
The list of digital marketing strategies is also constantly evolving, but here are some of the strategies most businesses are using:
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Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is actually a broad term that covers any type of digital marketing where you pay for every user who clicks on an ad. For example, Google AdWords is a form of PPC advertising called “paid search advertising” (which we’ll go over in a second). Facebook Ads are another form of PPC advertising called “paid social media advertising” (again, we’ll get into that shortly).
Google, Bing and Yahoo all allow you to run text ads on their Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Paid search advertising  is one of the best ways to target potential customers who are actively searching for a product or service like yours.
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
Is SEO Important for Every Kind of Business?
If you're reading this article, you may be wondering if SEO is really all that important for you. You may have a business in an industry where there’s little to no competition, so you might already be ranking #1. Or you may be struggling to rank at all, and are wondering if there are options other than SEO out there to get you the visibility you need.
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No matter what your situation is, if you have a website for your company, SEO is important. Whether your business is new or old, struggling or successful, small or large, SEO is crucial to your online success. In fact, even if you are the only one in your industry, SEO is still important.
Here are a few examples of industries and businesses that can benefit from SEO:
Manufacturing, Healthcare, Retail Home, services, HVAC
Why is that? It’s because of one very important reason: your SEO is something you can control.  There are many things about your business that you can’t control. You can’t control when a new competitor appears, how well your customers react to a new product launch, or your quarterly profits.
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But with SEO, you can control your rankings. And this means, to some extent, you can control how many visitors come to your website, which directly impacts how many online sales or leads you get, which impacts the amount of money you can make from being online.  If you invest in your website’s search engine optimization, you are making a direct investment in its visibility and profitability. So no matter what happens tomorrow, if your SEO is constant, you can count on that visibility to help your business grow and prosper.
This is why SEO is so important, no matter what your business does. And based on the way search engines are developing, it’s unlikely that SEO will lose importance any time soon
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
The Power Of Digital Marketing
With the constant increase of internet users across the globe number of online pastes of web-based industries are currently increasing at a great speed. This in turn calls for need of Digital Marketing.
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Digital Marketing Trends- Talking about the digital marketing channels likeSEO content marketing email marketing and so on 22% of entire worlds population is on Facebook and close to 50% of Instagram users. On it every day. The actual trends of digital marketing were Artificial intelligence, video marketing.
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The Growth Rates of  Digital Markets are Increasing - So the first thing that influences or first thing that drives more attention would be the growth rate of the digital market which is currently increasing. Digital marketing is the technology that rapidly evolving and increasing. also, this field will experience a rapid increase in job opportunities.
Variety of career opportunities- Digital marketing gives you a huge scope and a multitude of job options right in front of you. Also, this field is in high demand as many digital marketers. Unlike other fields digital marketing has a lot of opportunities for freshers as well as experienced candidate. Easy to start a new creative business project- The most important part is it easy to start a new creative business project you can easily create your own project by making use of very commonly used platforms like YouTube block creation and affiliate marketing these are actually part of digital marketing.
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
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yashcrazydit · 3 years
5 Elements of a Successful Digital Marketing Plan
Web PR Online advertising
One of your first steps should be to spend more of your marketing budget on online ads. If you’re new to digital advertising, it can be confusing getting a grasp on the variety of online ads available.
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Search Engine Optimisation
Search engine optimisation (SEO) increases your brand’s online visibility through successful search marketing. You need to use on-page optimisation techniques and keyword strategies to get your brand in front of the people interested in your products .In the past, SEO helped sites rank higher, sometimes in unethical ways. Today, SEO helps legitimise  your website(s) and should be used to benefit the consumer.
Online Content and Blogging
Blogging, along with other forms of content distribution has moved into the mainstream. The lines between blogging and traditional media have blurred. Establish a blog on your company website to help project personal and corporate messaging.
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Web PR
Online press release distribution improves online visibility and will help you connect with your target audience. Press releases can be used effectively as part of an integrated link building strategy. However, utilise your press releases only when the content is truly worth sharing.
Social Media Management and Listening
Social media has become a significant source of interaction between consumers and their favourite brand. Use this medium to have a conversation with your customers.
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