yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
The City of Silver | Open RP
High above the ground he stood, watching over the city under his feet. Just above the horizon the sun shone brightly, coloring the sky in the warm tones which were still missing in this early spring. He loved it! He truly enjoyed this wonderful sight. How many years had it been since he last had laid his eyes on the city? Too many, he knew. 
The life on the ground kept on moving forward as the sun sunk further away behind the horizon, slowly taking away the light of the city. He just watched it all in silence, bit by bit realizing that this was what he had made the biggest sacrifice for. To protect this city and it's people, it all had been worth it.
A small smile played on his lips as the stars came out. It was time. He greeted the cool breeze of the night with open arms, before clapping his hands together. A bright light escaped from his clasped hands as silver optics shone with joy. In a moment of utter bliss, his hands let go and he reached for the stars. A thousand silver lights fell from the sky where he stood, covering the dark city with the purest hope. Soon those he knew him would come to see him, he just knew. Tonight would be special.
"I'm home."
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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colorless-king-yashiro replied to your post: “Who would ever what to be king…?”
“Twin? Is there something wrong?” ((Hello there~<3))
>> Amber eyes blinked by seeing none other then... himself? Wait, now that he thought about it... Hadn't he met this other Shiro before? Still, the fact that there were two of him was... remarkable. Maybe if they had a chat they would be able to find out what was going on.
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"Um... I wouldn't say there is something wrong but... Or maybe there is. I really don't know what is going on right now."
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
>> Those were some pretty heavy words coming from a child. To hear those words made Shiro really sad. A child should be enjoying life and have nothing to worry about, not be sitting alone in a park with his head full worries. The king's intuition had been right, this kid really needed someone, but if that someone should be Shiro was another matter.
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"Hm? What are you saying? Ruin the day for me...? No, that's impossible. How could a little chat with such a little gentleman like yourself ruin my day? That's a bit silly, don't you think?"
>> So the kid had been sitting alone at the park because it's parents were having a honeymoon? It was kind of sweet that the little one wanted his parents to have a nice time together, but Shiro could overlook the fact that for that to happen the kid had been abandoned here in the park. Parents should never abandon their children, no matter how bad they would want to have some time for themselves.
"Ah... I see... Did they say when they are going to pick you up? It's dangerous to be on your own, you know? Oh, and I'm not really planning to meet up with someone. I was just taking a stroll. When the weather is this nice I just can't sit still, haha."
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Czeslaw only let his smile falter just a bit at the first question. Perhaps having too much on his mind would make anyone ask a child why he didn’t believe the day was the best one could ever hope for. “Well… I guess you can say I have a lot on my mind that’s been bothering me. But I’m not really good at speaking about it.” He began just a bit. “So that’s why the day is just okay. So if you like, you can enjoy this day without me to ruin the day for you. i think it would be best for both of us.” A weak smile appear to at least try and sound a bit convincing that he would want to be left alone.
The child-look didn’t disappear as he thought of the other’s second question. It was a bit obvious for himself, but he couldn’t let the other worry too much, right? “Well my family are here on vacation and… I thought they would need the time to be alone. It’s their honeymoon, so I thought I would give them a few hours to themselves.” Unlikely anything would happen. Knowing Firo and his ‘set of skills’ with women, or at least Ennis, nothing was going to happen. Maybe they would hold hands… that’s just about as far as they ever got in public.
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“What are you doing in the park here? Are you planning to meet up with someone?” This guy would have to have a reason right?
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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"Who would ever what to be king...?"
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
>> The silly king watched how Yata bursted out laughing. Shiro wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad sigh, but he was happy to see the other smile for once. It was such a full and warm sound, Yata's laugh. Shiro really wouldn't mind hearing that laugh more often. 
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"Correction! A nonviolent game of chance. I really don't see why we can't have a rematch that way. After all, the chance that you win from me with a game of rock-paper-scissors is just as big as the chance that you win an actual match against me."
>> Shiro carefully moved the bat, which had been resting on his shoulder, away with the back of his hand. He didn't like it when dangerous objects were that close to his face. 
"You make it sound like I don't have any bruises. I've got plenty, really. Just now I think I got another one when I tripped, haha."
 He wasn’t sure whether he should start laughing or not, but he felt it rising from his chest. The red tried to hold himself back but now he couldn’t help himself. He held onto his stomach as he nearly doubled over laughing at how fucking ridiculous the guy was. Rock, paper, scissors? For real? Someone really used that kind of thing to solve their problems? Jesus. 
 Looking up at the kid and trying to keep from laughing again, he repeated the words “Rock, Paper, Scissors,” before nearly bursting into laughter all over again. Shit. How could anyone take the albino seriously when he acted so weird all the time? 
 ”I-idiot. That’s a game of chance,” though he was trying to sound forceful it wasn’t really coming out right. It just sounded like he was trying to be angry while really enjoying himself. Hard to hide that little factoid. “There’s no skill in that. Just like using drugs. No skill in that either.” 
 Yata brought up his bat and slightly bapped the other on the shoulder with the object. All with a smirk on his face. “Ya need some bruises, Isana. No one’s gonna take you seriously if you don’t have bruises.” 
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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[[Today I'm going to get some replies done!]]
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
by タケル
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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Reblog if you're bored and you want anons.
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
>> Shiro almost jumped when suddenly Yata grabbed his hand. To have someone grab is hand was... odd, honestly. The silly king wondered why Yata had grabbed his hand and not his arm or shoulder, but he didn't have long to think about it for he was jerked back. Shiro had almost tripped over his own feel because of Yata's rough handling. Boy, the skater really had just about enough, hadn't he?
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"A rematch? Ah, I see." To restore that proud I single handed took away from you. "I think I understand your reasoning to want such a thing, but I'm afraid I can't-... No, actually, there might just be a way."
>> A little smile appeared on Shiro's face as he realized how he could solve this problem. Or, at least he thought this would be enough to please the other. As the smile continued to play on his lips, the silly king raised his right hand and moved his index and middle finger in a way which looked similar to a pair of scissors being used.
"Would a match of rock-paper-scissors be alright with you? We'll do it three times. If you win two or even three times, you win!"
“Wait there.” Yata took a few steps forward and without thinking on his actions just grabbed onto the king’s hand to keep him from running away. A part of him.. No most of him was pissed off that the guy just wanted to make an apology and leave. 
 How inconsiderate. Ugh.
 ”What’s wrong with you?” The red asked as he jerked the boy back before letting go of him, not caring if he lost his balance or not. It’s not like it made a difference to him whether Isana got hurt or not.. but still. He had apologized.. Shouldn’t that take the edge of his hatred? If only a small edge. and only for now.
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   ”Look here, I sure as hell don’t like ya very much. but that doesn’t mean you get to run away whenever you damn well please. Fact is you used a cheap trick on me, and made me look like a bitch in front of my clansmates. I can forgive you under only one condition. That we have a rematch. Right here and right now. Winner takes all. No hold barred.” He had a feeling the guy wouldn’t accept, but.. He really needed it for his own ego’s sake.
 ”Whatcha got to say, pretty boy?” 
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
“If I was your lover”… Finish it in my ask.
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
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[[Good day everyone~ I'm a little tired, so I might be slow today. If anyone wants a reply or an RP starter, just ask!]]
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yashiro-yashiro-blog · 12 years
>> With wide open eyes Shiro watched how Xion summoned a sword. Sword? No, it actually looked more like a huge key. Whichever it was, Shiro was impressed by it. The fact that Xion had such a thing in her possession actually didn't surprise the king that much. To him Xion always had seemed like a little fighter.
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"A weapon to protect people, given by a best friend. That truely must be the best weapon then, haha. So do you fight those creatures with it? You know, the ones you showed me in that book."
{/When he asked to see her Keyblade, her whole face visibly lit up. It was her favorite thing other than her shells. It was her favorite, because Roxas had given it to her. So stepping back from Shiro a little, the small Nobody held out her hand in front of her, and summoned her Keyblade to her.
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Waving it like it was a victory flag, she eagerly wanted Shiro to see it.} “It’s only the best weapon in all the worlds! It can open anything, and cut through things too! It’s a weapon of light! Meant to protect people! And you know what makes it so great? My best friend gave it to me!”
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