ygo-dm-shippings-list · 11 months
Is this blog still active?
At the moment, no. The list is being left in place for the time being.
Activity should resume in the new year, thank you!
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Just wanted to let you know the list page (link says mobile) has a little formatting issue at the end (at least on firefox), where the "Z" header is not on a new line. Thank you for your service :salute:
Thank you very much, that should be fixed up now!
I've not had a lot of time to keep working on this page, so getting back into the swing and rhythm of it.
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Hey, same Anon from before. That’s the problem though. I can’t find any examples of Yugi x Bonz or Yami Yugi/Atem x Bonz anywhere. The closest I’ve found for Yugi x Bonz are these two fanfics.
And even then it’s not romantic interaction. The first one they just have a suspenseful duel, and the other, which includes a gender-swapped Yugi named Yumi, Bonz says he’s not interested romantically.
I don’t know what else is there to do in order to have these ships sail. 🙁
Hey there same anon!
In that case, we have the best advice to get these ships to set sail-- unfurl those sails and get creating!
Make sure to tag it with the shipnames you want to use, send it our way and tell all your friends. It's time to make that dream boat~
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Aigami x Atemu
Returnshipping because Aigami is trying to stop the Pharaoh's return to keep the Plana from being erased (used in an OLD amv of mine)
Added to our submissions page !
Since this one is attached to fanwork, we'll aim to get it fast tracked if you can send us a link to the work in question.
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Did you take Wreckshipping off the list? There's a well-made AMV for it. /watch?v=4E1Uf1427IM
Fantastic! We'll get that back up ASAP!
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I ship two pairings that don’t have official names. So I came up with some names that I thought would fit them.
Yugi x Bonz - Smallspikeshipping(?) or Spikeshipping(?). Because both are small in height and have spiky hair.
Yami Yugi/Atem x Bonz - Tombshipping(?). Because Yami Yugi/Atem is a pharaoh and would have a tomb as his resting place and Bonz hangs around the graveyard. Both tombs and graveyards revolve around death.
I’m open for different names that may fit these ships better than the names I came up with. Finally, I know these pairings qualify as crack ships, but I’ve seen other ships involving characters that never met. Don’t judge me. 😖
These are some fun names, apt reasoning and even more fun ships; no judgment here about crack ships, that's for sure! No need to quibble about who met who in canon, what matters is what would happen if they DID meet 👀
However, we still need example of tag in use!
Please check out our submission page and send in your examples so we can get these ships fired up and listed.
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Are there ships that involves Diva Aigami? Since I didn't found any ship name that related with him?
We’re still identifying DSoD ships! At the moment there is one suggestion for a Ryou Bakura x Aigami, and Yuugi Mutou x Aigami.
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i just want the mods running this blog to know i love and appreciate you. thank you for making such an incredible archive!
Thank you!
Though... it's hard to take credit; this is a blog that has been run by a lot of hard-working people over the years. There's a strong foundation of work here, and without it, this sort of archive would be absolutely impossible to have, maintain or contribute towards. It really gives a sense of community in this fandom, that we build together like this- for fandom, by fandom.
That said, thank you so much. We're super proud of this blog and the current updates.
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Just fyi, on your revamped list, it looks like you're missing citronshipping (Thief King Bakura x Malik Ishtar)
It's not, citronshipping is actually merged with thiefshipping, though it's searchable and tagged under both names, as you can see here.
Tumblr media
Some ships frequently crosstag, share overlap or in some cases are almost completely subsumed by another shipname. Citronshipping is a good example of this.
However, a merged tag does not mean that another character or ship is the same as another.
What it means is that the shipnames have a pronounced degree of interchangeability in use by the community. This is something we want to emphasize and share when providing a resource about how the community tags its material.
That said, your own tagging choices are at your discretion! 
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I'm Wondering if there is a Ship for Yami Bakura/Ryo x Aigami/Diva?
We’re still identifying DSoD ships! At the moment there is one suggestion for a Ryou Bakura x Aigami, but none for Yami Bakura x Aigami.
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Diva x Yugi = Transcendeshipping - Aigami seeks to transcend to the next dimension, so he looks for the person who will make the prophecy of the return of the pharaoh, in the duel with Yugi he affirms that his soul is similar to Yugi's, for which he invites him to transcend along with the. There is also the fact that both "transcended" by following the baton entrusted by their peers and / or teachers, Yugi being the person in charge of protecting that world and Diva in taking the cube of Shin's
Thank you, I’ve added the suggestion to our submission’s page !
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I swore Faultshipping was the name for Seto x Anzu x Mokuba, but it doesn't appear to be on the current list. There are definitely works for it, but if it's under a different name and I'm remembering wrong, maybe that could be why I'm not finding them where I expect to...?
We had trouble locating works under the Faultshipping name, so it fell out of usage. However, we’ve managed to locate an AMV titled with the shipname, so we’ll be reinstating shortly.
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I’m confused about your “proof” rule. So can I provide proof from the anime (even if it’s fairly minor) or fanfic that I’ve created myself?
You can definitely use fanfic that you have written as an example, but it must be tagged with the shipname. Using canon material canbe somewhat trickier because there are so few canonical couples in the series!
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What is candleshipping?
It’s Yami no Bakura x Seto Kaiba x Ryou Bakura !
Check out our revamped masterlist - super easy to search, super new, super great.
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So this was talked about on Discord, but Yugi/Rafael doesn't have a ship name. Because I'm probably the only one who ships it... But they still deserve a name! And so I figured Nobleshipping would work? Because Rafael's ace monster Eatos's support cards are Noble Knight cards, and Yugi could be counted as nobility in some ways? Plus they're both noble and loyal to their cards
This is lovely reasoning and we’d love to include it, please provide an example tagged as nobleshipping and we can get it on the list.
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Is there a ship name for jonouchi x ryou x otogi?
It doesn’t look like there is.
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is there a known name for atem/jou/yuugi?
Feel free to check out our revamped masterlist to find any shipnames you’re looking for. We’re plugging it at the moment.
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