yohan-park · 6 years
Yo-Han barged into the Japanese prince’s office with a whole entire entourage of armed blue beret United Nations soldiers. “It’s finally time, Kikuhito. As of this moment, by recommendation of the United Nations Security Council and order of the International Criminal Court, you are hereby under arrest for crimes against humanity and are officially stripped of your royal title.” His smile was diplomatic, his voice was cold, and his judgment was swift. The world renown deal maker was back in action.
( @chrysanthemum-throne )
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yohan-park · 6 years
“I know you don’t want to talk to me, but you’re the only one I’ve ever talked to when it comes to these kinds of things...” Yo-Han started quietly. He now more resembled his former hesitant high school self than the confident UN Ambassador he usually portrayed. “I’ll just say it --- I think I have the information that can change this world. The question is, should I do it?” Yo-Han knew deep down what the answer was going to be, but he still felt like he needed to hear it from the one voice of reason he had in his life --- no matter how outlandish Jewel sometimes sounded.
( @jaydwynn )
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yohan-park · 6 years
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“It’s ok… though I realized something…” He frowned as he tried to find the words. It wasn’t that he was heartbroken, but he was frustrated about the whole situation. “I think one of my exes is dating the American… and I’m just worried about her. I might be going crazy, but something just doesn’t seem right with him. Do you know anything about it, Hyung?” He asked. Hansol hadn’t dated Grazi for very long and admittedly, he hadn’t been as attentive as he should have been, but the anger she had towards him was a bit much. It wasn’t nearly as bad as her feelings for her other exes though. “I’m not sure if I want anything smoked at the moment… The stew should be fine.” 
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“‘The American’? Do you mean Lachance by any chance?” Yo-Han cracked a small smile at his unintentional joke, but quickly regained his composure when he heard the other’s concern. “Yes, I can understand where your worries are coming from, but let’s say I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt when it comes to relationships. ” He knew firsthand how relationships seemingly starting with one purpose could end with another. But he also knew how suspect Lachance was, moreso than the average person; he decided to keep that information from Hansol for now. “Excellent choice with the stew. I guess I’ll go with the salmon then.” Yo-Han called the waiter over and ordered for the both of them. Afterwards, he returned his attention back to Hansol. “...I’m not really the best person when it comes to relationship advice, but if have anything else bothering you, I’m all ears.”
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yohan-park · 6 years
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Yo-Han had invited out the younger man out for lunch in the city, just for a relaxed change of scenery to contrast the forced change of scenery they had all just went through. “How do you like it here so far, Hansol-ah? At least there’s more to see and explore here in Oslo than there was on the island, right?” Keeping a positive frame of mind was essential not only for Hansol to keep hope, but for Yo-Han to also keep his sanity. “By the way, I recommend the mutton stew --- it’s the national dish here. Or maybe try the smoked salmon; fish is a Norwegian specialty.” Establishing a sense of normalcy was also key.
( @jeunghansol )
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yohan-park · 6 years
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“ the nordic summer isn’t all that bad, i personally don’t mind not sweating to death,” gaia mused as she strolled down the pier. “ and apparently oslo is a summer city. a silver lining, don’t you think ? ” she looked out to the sea and pursed her lips. “ but i wouldn’t call this weather summer. ”
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Yo-Han looked up the moment he heard a familiar voice. He gave the girl a tired smile as he looked up from his sketchbook. He had spent the day doing numerous drawings of the surrounding area to get his mind off of things. “Yes, I suppose in aftermaths like these, it helps to the count the small blessings.” He sighed as he looked out onto the waters. The ocean seemed cruelly calm compared to the chaos they had all just experienced. “Oh? What is summer weather to you then? After living in the Mediterranean for so long, I think I’ve already forgotten what seasons were...”
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yohan-park · 6 years
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His father would leave him to die before ever stepping down from his seat of power. Hansol stared down, his expression grim and his eyes were puffy from crying quietly through the night. Even in his sleep, he didn’t get much rest. The young man looked over at the man that he respected and hoped for an answer. Maybe the UN could do something about it. “Please tell me that you have an answer for this mess… We’re going to die.” He whispered as he tried to scoot closer to him. @yohan-park
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Yo-Han had bided his time until this point. His training had prepared him to take advantage of confusion --- it worked in politics, and it sure as hell worked in combat. “I do, and we’re not going to die. I promise. Now when I say ‘go,’ we’re going to make a break for the next room.” Reaching into his concealed holster, he unlocked the safety of his gun and prepared his finger on the trigger. “Go!” He then pulled his gun out and fired lethal shots at the intruders with no hesitation; his gunplay would’ve made his dead mentor proud. Running after Hansol into the next room, he immediately secured the door and looked around. They were safe for now. “Are you alright?”
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yohan-park · 6 years
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“ if you had to make a well educated guess, ” francisco started but stopped abruptly when he saw movement in the corner of his eye. he was not willing to take any risks and draw any attention to himself. “ how long do you think it will take before we are saved ? ” he continued, this time even in a more quiet voice.
[ GROUP 6: @rhiannonofwales, @mimidbg, @nataliademarquis, @yohan-park, @maseconaway ]
“This isn’t the first time I’ve been taken hostage, believe it or not, but in my experience, we could be here for days. Sorry if that sounds grim, but we better be prepared for the long haul.” Yo-Han knew he was asking for the impossible. Even though he was surrounded by royals, they were still civilians that maybe hadn’t undergone training for this type of scenario. “If it’s of any comfort, the UN knows to send an envoy to the island if they haven’t gotten my daily report. By the end of tomorrow, they should’ve realized something’s gone wrong. We just need to last until they come.” He said back in an encouraging whisper, even though he wasn’t completely sure if the UN even had anyone to spare.
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yohan-park · 6 years
Having been told discreetly that she was to not attend the bar, nor was she to call upon the island’s staff to fetch her anything with an alcoholic percentage, Bianca was at loss at what to do. The duchess had toyed with the idea of roaming the island but found her furs and designer heels weren’t suited to the sand rugged terrain of the secluded location. The library had been no fun and most of the other occupants were too wrapped upon political events to pay the brunette any mind. In the end, Bianca found herself in the games room, one dominated by a large antique looking pool table. 
It was a long time before Bianca picked up one of the neatly displayed cues and set up the balls. Chalking the tip, the brunette narrowed her eyes and slowly paces, eyeing her angles. In the end, she settled to the bottom corner, bending to line her shot. With quick precision, she struck at the collective balls, smirking in satisfaction when she potted two. Rising, she didn’t look over her shoulder to the other person who hovered at the door way. “You going to just stand there enjoying the view or are you going to play?”
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With everything that was happening in the world, Yo-Han definitely felt like he needed to get away from it all. If he couldn’t take a vacation, he could only resort to his one tried-and-true therapy --- photography and painting. He supposed that anything could’ve worked for a subject, but for some reason, taking pictures of the library he had spent countless hours reading treatises or even the bar that was the cause of one too many hangovers just felt counter-intuitive to this whole relaxation thing he was trying to accomplish. The game room, a room he had never quite utilized in his time on the island he realized, seemed like to be a perfect blend of new and inspiring --- two things he was sorely lacking in his life at the moment. “Actually, I’m very much content with ‘enjoying the view.’ Hope you don’t mind, by the way.” He gestured to his camera before he readied to take a photo. “I need a subject for my next painting, and you really just seem to capture...” He actually had to pause and think of the word because it rarely came out of his mouth. “Fun.”
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yohan-park · 6 years
With Milena being an only child, she wasn’t used to being regarded as just another princess. She’d never been surrounded by so many people that weren’t going to depart at the end of the night, or at least leave at some point. It was odd, but something she supposed she’d have to get used to. “Do you ever feel claustrophobic in this place? Because I sure as hell do,” she asked her company.
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For someone who's job it was to literally be in the center of the diplomatic spotlight and be surrounded by people all the time, Yo-Han had to admit that sometimes it did make him uncomfortable. His outlet was painting, and it allowed him to create another world that didn't have these expectations of him. So when this princess asked him the question, he couldn't help but give her an understanding smile. "Yes, I do actually. If it'll make you feel better, we can take an evening stroll along the beach. The sounds of the waves are quite comforting."
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yohan-park · 6 years
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For all the atrocities Yo-Han had witnessed in his tenure as a UN officer, none of it had prepared him for what he had seen on the news. Bombs gone off in South Korea. Targeting the air base was fair game, Yo-Han gave the North Koreans that, but there were no grounds to target the civilians that were at the airport --- for all he knew his wife could’ve been there. He needed to make sure they were safe. “Is Soo-Kyeom okay?! What about Henry?!” were the questions he blurted out as he bursted into the princess’ quarters. Perhaps it could be considered weird that he was asking the princess where his wife was, but then again, the princess also happened to be his wife’s girlfriend. And it was sad to say that perhaps the princess knew about the whereabouts about his wife and brother-in-law moreso than he did. “...How did this all happen?”
( @yi-haekyung )
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yohan-park · 6 years
Ilija had spent most of his day locked up in his room with a couple of books that his father had sent him.  Once his eyes had started crossing and his stomach was growling too intensely for him to ignore, he figured it was time to venture out and find food and a way to burn some time and be social for a little while.  Finally, he found some food and then began his search for a table to sit down at.  “Is this seat taken?” he asked.
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Yo-Han had sat in the common dining area, eyes practically glued to the television as the news reports came in. He not only had to an eye on the peacekeeping troops he placed in Andorra, but also on all the other goings-on the world. It wasn’t exactly peaceful, but they definitely had seen worse. He finally tore his gaze away from the screen to see Croatian prince. With a smile, Yo-Han gestured for him to sit down. “No, it’s not. Feel free. Care for a cup of coffee? I’m about to make another batch.”
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yohan-park · 6 years
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“I don’t know too much about those slogans, but it isn’t a good day when people wake up in the morning and read things that only serve to depress them. What ever happened to news about saving kittens or how much good someone did for another?” Hansol knew that there were much more pressing matters, but he did hope that the world would come to peace and that people would stop fighting. What was the use of fighting? Everyone seemed to be fighting over ridiculous reasons. If they truly cared about their people, they wouldn’t be volunteering them against their will to their deaths. “You don’t need to promise me anything. I just want things to get better. Let’s put our efforts on fixing the problems that we can… And I would like that. I’m not a very good cook, you know. I think I can only put together a good salad.”
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Even as a representative of the UN, one of the world’s last remaining bastions of humanitarian ideals, Hansol’s notions of what the daily news should consist of even struck Yo-Han as a bit too naive, but he decided it was better to keep those thoughts to himself. If anything, Yo-Han should’ve been welcoming the positivity and optimism rather than trying to shut it down. “We all want things to get better, that’s for sure.” He nodded with affirmation even though he knew that there were those in the world who just wanted to see it burn. “A salad’s still better than what I can do.” Yo-Han laughed, and this time, it seemed like a genuine hearty one. “That’s why I asked if you wanted budae-jigae --- the majority of it is already pre-cooked stuff, like spam and tofu. I think the hardest thing to ‘cook’ it in is the instant ramyeon. And on bad days, I can even mess that up, but I think I can manage today. Come on, let’s go to the kitchen.”
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yohan-park · 6 years
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“I haven’t been home in so long. I’ve only heard things about it on the news.” Hansol frowned, remembering the stock footage on the television. With how controlling the media could be on both sides of the battle, he doubted that they were showing the actual bombing. Regardless, he knew that if the aim was future recovery, his people had a long road ahead of them. He frowned. “She wasn’t always like that, I swear. She was quite sweet. So was her father.” He wondered if the grief had broken her. Hansol knew that the two were close before. “What will you do, Hyung?” He asked softly. “I’ve been staying out of trouble. No one’s been bothering me too much… It’s good since I’m quiet.” He smiled, trying to shake the frown off of his face. “It’s not too bad.”
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“I know you don’t need me to tell you this, but I wouldn’t put too much faith in the news that’s going out. In our current political climate, journalists seem to be looking for excuses to spread positive propaganda rather than the usual smear campaigns. It’s less ‘what bleeds, leads,’ and more ‘rally around the flag.’“ Yo-Han almost couldn’t believe how far society had fallen that people willingly took in the news’ lies. People just wanted the fighting to end, and Yo-Han couldn’t blame them. “War changes people, Hansol...” He was surprised at the resignation in his own voice, and tried to make himself sound more assured, but faltered. “I’ll... I’ll make sure you get to see your homeland again.” Yo-Han knew they felt like empty words, but he was determined to see this through. “And I’m glad you’re doing well. Well, as well as you can be on this island.” He let out a dry laugh. “Enough about this dreary talk, how about I make us some budae-jjigae?” All this serious talk made him realize he hadn’t eaten anything all day.
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yohan-park · 6 years
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His first question would have been why someone would have been sent from his home to here, but he knew the answer and wasting any breath on it was unnecessary. “I don’t even know who it would be…” He said quietly. So far the only Korean he had interacted with was the Princess and she seemed to want nothing to do with him. “Also, I’m pretty sure I blew it with the Princess. I don’t think she likes me anymore.” He sighed before looking over at Yo-Han. They both seemed to be having a rough time today.
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Yo-Han bit his lip. This was precarious situation, indeed. Out of all people that had to be targeted, it was the naive man in front on him who deserved so much more in the world than a stake on his life. “Of course you don’t...” He said it more to himself than to Hansol because, in truth, Yo-Han had only suspicions at this point of who it could be and no definitive proof. Uncertainty would be the death of them if they weren’t careful. “Don’t worry, Hansol-ah. Hae-Kyung’s always been like that. She doesn’t like anyone too much.” He put a consoling hand on the other’s shoulder. “Hyung will do something about this. But bad news aside, have you found your stay here well?” Yo-Han hoped that at least something had gone well for Hansol, if anything, to rid himself of the guilt he felt for inadvertently putting him in this mess.
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yohan-park · 6 years
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“Hansol-ah, over here.” Yo-Han had dragged the younger man out of the hallway and into a smaller corridor. “I just got a call from the secretariat. Apparently there’s someone from you-know-where who just arrived.” He sighed as he leaned back against the wall, thinking of what to do about it. “I’m sorry. I’m the one that insisted you come to this island, and I fear that might’ve done you more harm than good. But promise me you’ll stay away from that man. We can’t have you dying before a peaceful reunification has happened.” Yo-Han’s reputation depended on it.
( @jeunghansol )
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yohan-park · 6 years
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Shahir wasn’t trying to impress Yo-Han or anyone for the matter. If anything, he was just trying to keep up with his own cravings and whims, but he knew how this man could get. The other guy was probably looking for things to critique him on or better yet, looking for ways to be a party pooper. He rocked on the balls of his feet while he waited as patiently as he could. In the moments that passed, he wondered if he could find a piece of paper and create an aeroplane to play with while Yo-Han was silent. Then he wondered if being a king like his father was this boring. “Mm…” He hummed. “I don’t know.” Shahir chuckled at Yo-Han and started to walk around again. “It’ll happen when I feel like it. Probably when the winds are right and the stars align or my favourite sign, when I get some divine intervention.” He said to be purposefully difficult. War wasn’t supposed to be easy and as far as Shahir knew, Yo-Han represented an organization that was supposed to piece together these types of actions with other nations’ actions. He wasn’t going to do the man’s job for him and in a way, this would probably push the man into gear, into something normal again. 
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Yo-Han fiddled with his Patek Philippe 1939 Platinum World watch, realizing that asking Shahir for a particular time and place was just as a fruitless endeavor as asking himself to take a vacation. Both of them were impossible situations. “I’ll just jot it down in my planner as ‘when Shahir gets bored.’” And knowing Shahir, that could easily happen within the next five minutes, but Yo-Han had at least a little faith that Shahir could do something relatively productive to humanitarian concerns at least this one time. Besides, Yo-Han refused to let this meeting end without having done anything concrete, and to be fair, Yo-Han had made much more progress with Shahir that he had expected. Now he had pieces to work with on his international chess board, it was just a matter of how many moves would it take to checkmate France. It also helped that France’s Queen was more of a pawn and less than a Queen piece, so that made things easier, he supposed, but he knew he shouldn’t be too complacent. “Well, now that’s more or less settled, what else does your brilliant mind have to offer that I can’t possibly fathom?”
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yohan-park · 6 years
Even though there were probably people to put her things away for her, Reagan still put her things away neatly. Most of the time her OCD kicked in and she preferred things done a certain way. That was one thing her parents teased her about. After placing things where they needed to be, she made her way out of her room and began to explore the island. She had been told it was a beautiful place and it was. Infact, the smell of the ocean was pleasant to her. First place she wanted to go to though was the library. She needed a few novels to read before bedtime.
 "Excuse me. Do you mind telling me where the library is?“ She asked, gently tapping the person on the back of the shoulder. 
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Now that the gears were in motion for another multination attack, Yo-Han had to make doubly sure he and his allies were breaking as few international laws as possible, but he knew that it most likely inevitable that they would break some along the way. As always, when he needed to brush up on legal treatises, he made his way to the library. He was briskly walking on his way there, finally motivated about something for the first time in months, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. Yo-Han turned to see no one but the Irish Princess. He greeted her with his signature diplomatic smile. “Yes, of course, Your Highness. I was just on the way there myself. If you don’t mind me asking, what books do you plan on picking up while you’re there?” He asked as they continued to walk on.
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