yoshikoooai · 3 years
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The path of a brilliant legend
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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Whenever people talking about kakyoin planned to be a girl this situation goes through my mind, like, they spent 50 days together😬
(I witnessed similar dialogue like this at the pool, that was my inspiration)
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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Josuke’s trying his best
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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Short problem
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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inspired by this
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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I got lots of comment that Kak looks liek Ariel, so I made this ( I made a poll if I should add Jot too so here they are)
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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Stands are manifestation of the soul ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (maybe body too?)
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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Lucky grandson
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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4 generations
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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I made this long time ago, but finally finished! Maybe make a male Kakyoin too
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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Something I just captured and it's so pretty. I really love this kind of vibes💖
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
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True and True
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
How the signs act when they’re sad.
Aries: probably angry, will work out or hit walls or do something physical in order to release the emotion.
Taurus: stays quiet, says nothing unless it’s short and hides themselves away.
Gemini: will probably say they’re not going to tell anybody, then goes off and tells at least 5 people about it. tries to mask it by acting happy.
Cancer: it will be obvious in their body posture and the way they are acting, but getting them to talk about it might be a challenge.
Leo: either dramatic or you can’t tell at all, no in between. might be crying their eyes out or completely cold towards everything.
Virgo: typically comes out as irritability, can lash out or get upset easily over little things.
Libra: probably hiding themselves away so they can write about it or sit and stare at a wall until they feel okay.
Scorpio: they might hint at something being wrong, but most likely they will create something from how they are feeling (art, writing, etc)
Sagittarius: will tell you about it, but act like everyone is okay the next day. they don’t like to feel weak.
Capricorn: will spend all their time on working or doing something productive to forget about it. really quiet.
Aquarius: wanting to do anything else other than sit there and think about it, will probably do something crazy just to feel something else.
Pisces: will easily let it out and let you know, but then will be more concerned about you and how you’re feeling and forgets to take care of themselves.
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
“...If i‘m not happy, then i work out why i‘m unhappy, and i find out what‘s making me unhappy, and i go and conquer that.“
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
I wish my lecture are like this also 🥺😭
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
This is cute
Hey, glad to see requests are open again, is it possible for another Gyro x Diego's sister who has the same abilities as Diego and Gyro asks her ridiculous questions about it? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
This was super adorable and I hope I was able to make you feel the same way! This request was really fun to write and I hope you enjoy! Thank you so so so much for requesting once again!
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Part 7: Steel Ball Run
Gyro Zeppeli x Diego’s Sister!Reader
Summary: The newly acquired powers you were provided with were admittedly confusing and difficult to control in the beginning. However Gyro’s sudden curiosity regarding this ability makes these thoughts disappear completely.
Due to a recent incident at a certain village, you had acquired a new power that you were still quite confused about. The events that occurred in the Rocky Mountain Village and the quite drastic effects it had on both you and your brother were still freshly planted in your mind. Your shared ability of turning people, objects and even yourselves into dinosaurs was beyond strange and you still had difficulties harnessing said ability. You couldn’t help but to wonder if Diego was having similar troubles, but couldn’t actually confirm your worries as your brother had gone his own way soon after the incident. He would be fine on his own so you didn’t bother to chase after him and instead chose to travel with the two other males.
Despite the great advantages your new ability provided, actually controlling it had proved quite challenging in the beginning. The past few days had been fortunately peaceful as no one had tried to attack the three of you so you didn’t find yourself in the uncomfortable situation of having to utilize your ability that you didn’t even fully control. Luckily, the fact that you had dedicated these peaceful days to actual training had helped you tremendously. You could almost fully transform at will, your sense of smell and vision were only improving, -though they were already better after the incident,- and most importantly, you could show off your unique abilities to Gyro, who was more than happy to learn more about them.
The strong aroma of coffee fills your sensitive nose, causing you to almost immediately get up, your mind desiring to feel the beverage on the tip of your tongue. Judging by the position of the Sun, it was still fairly early so you assumed either Johnny or Gyro had woken up earlier than normal in order to brew the usual morning coffee.
You lightly sniff the air and get up, failing to notice the reptilian tail that had sprouted from your lower back. This had happened before and each time you didn’t even notice the change, which perhaps served as a sign, telling you that your power was slowly getting more and more comfortable within your body. The familiar scent of Gyro makes a smile appear on your face and once you come closer, you can see him brewing the liquid. Upon hearing footsteps behind him, Gyro turns around, immediately letting a smile of his own come forth.
“Morning,” He says, emerald green eyes almost immediately falling on your tail. The sight makes him chuckle and in turn, makes you look at him in confusion. “What’s so funny?” Gyro points at your tail with his eyes and your own quickly follow his gaze. Upon noticing the scaly limb you immediately sigh. “Again? Good riddance..” You were about to make the (Color) tail disappear but the sound of Gyro’s voice cuts you off.
“Can I touch it?” His sudden question catches you off guard. While it was true that he has been somewhat intrigued by your new features your power gave you, but has never asked to examine them up close. You figured he’d been interested in the ability ever since the events at the village during which he didn’t really get a chance to fuel his curiosity. But apparently, this was the perfect time for that. You blink a couple of times, processing his request. His green eyes are shining in clear excitement, reminiscent of a child. “Sure..” You finally say and sit next to him, moving your tail in front of him. His eyes lit up and a grin finds its way to his face.
He gently places a hand on the smooth surface, immediately causing you to sense the odd feeling. It feels so unnatural yet right at the same time. Gyro runs his hand along your tail, supporting it from below with the other. It’s fascinating to touch the skin of an animal that disappeared so long ago, though the surface feels similar to a snake’s body. “It’s.. A lot heavier than I thought.. Does it feel heavy for you?” He asks and you playfully smack his hat off his head with your tail indicating just how “heavy” it was. “Hey! No fair!” He says with a chuckle.
You giggle and grab his hat from the ground, Gyro noticing the sharpness of your nails. “Are those sharp?” He asks without thinking, realizing just how obvious the answer would be. You let out a single chuckle and keep your hand in front of Gyro’s face after he took his hat. “Well, I can scratch that handsome face of yours so you’ll see just how sharp these are,” You say with clear playfulness sprinkled in your voice and slowly move your fingers in front of his face in a “threatening” manner. 
After hearing Gyro’s signature chuckle you retreat your hand and finally take the cup of coffee you were craving. You bring the cup to your face and inhale that heavenly aroma before taking a sip. The coffee Gyro brewed was definitely the best you had ever had the pleasure of tasting and thanks to your heightened senses, you could now enjoy the taste and aroma even more. “Your sense of smell is really good now, right?” You hear Gyro asking. You lower the cup and look at him yet again. “Yeah, why?” The already apparent grin on his face only widens at your words.
“How do I smell? Good? Bad? Do you recognize my scent?” His curiosity was.. Adorable. You couldn’t help but to smile at his questions. Thinking about an answer made you remember just how comforting and nice Gyro’s scent actually was. You recognized every scent, from the tiniest insects to your brother and other humans, but Gyro’s had always been special. It was as if every time his scent reached your nose, a sense of comfort came with it. No matter where you were or what the situation was, the familiar smell was always able to calm you down and bring forth positive thoughts about him.
“Well.. Let me think,” You move closer to Gyro and sniff around him, delighted to sense his scent once again. There’s an obvious attempt to tease him as well as you wrap your still existing tail around his body, bringing him closer. “Let’s see.. Grass, rocks, dirt and a little bit of horse shit,” You say teasingly, making Gyro scoff sarcastically. You retreat from him but keep your tail around him, desiring his close presence. “I think your nose is off (Name). Now, this is just a theory, but if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say your sense of smell would be better if you transformed.”
The smug tone in his voice makes you roll your eyes and hit him with your tail once again. “Nice try, Gyro. But I’d rather enjoy my coffee,” You say and grab the hot cup yet again. You knew his curiosity had no limits as he would continue asking you to show off your reptilian features but you decided to save your little tricks for another time. “Aww, come on..” Gyro places his chin on your shoulder, putting his arms around your torso and looking at you with pleading eyes.
“Nope. Besides, what fun would it be if I showed all my magic tricks at once?” You ask, raising your eyebrow. Gyro wasn’t like this often and it was admittedly extremely amusing. He sighs and lifts himself up so his face is next to yours. There’s a few seconds of silence which makes you look at him, only to notice an expression that still seems to desire something. You playfully roll your eyes and place a single kiss on his lips, satisfying his desire.
Despite the uncertainty surrounding your abilities, Gyro made the possible doubts you had disappear and allowed you to actually enjoy it as Gyro’s downright adorable curiosity brought you an immense amount of joy. Perhaps one day he’d be able to compare you and your brother’s differences regarding this ability.
On second thought though.. Maybe not.
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yoshikoooai · 4 years
you know how the japanese dub of thor: ragnarok cast avdol and kakyoin’s voice actors as thor and loki, respectively? yeah
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