"When i saw him i fell in love, and he smiled..because he knew."
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I wonder why people still underestimate the authenticity of long distance relationships. I fell in love with her soul before I could even touch her skin. If that isn’t true love then please tell me what is.
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The worst kind of crying is not the kind where you grab your tummy trying to silence your cry. The worst, saddest, most painful crying is the kind where the pain is so great it echoes through your bone and escapes through your mouth. The kind where your nose gets so blocked you need to gasp for air. The kind where the tears never really stop dropping. That’s the saddest crying.
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A Reminder
Being in a long distance relationship does not mean:
Your relationship is less valid than a local one
You don’t really love each other
You will never meet
You don’t deserve happiness
You don’t have any self worth
You trust too easily
It will NEVER work out
You will never find true love
Your partner is cheating on you
What it DOES mean:
You deserve to give it a shot
Your relationship is valid
You should put effort into making it work
It can end like any other
It can work out like any other
You deserve love
Even if it doesn’t feel like it, anyone can love you
Your partner is just as committed to you as you are to them
Your relationship is beautiful
This relationship has just as much of a chance at being true love as any other
You have wonderful qualities that anyone can recognize
Your partner loves you
You should never doubt your love
You understand hardship
Everything will work out in the end
Don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise!
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"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: is the courage to continue that counts."
Winston Churchill
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“I don’t know.
I’m just so good at it. At being sad, you know? I’m so good at it, that it makes me feel good. It feels kind of like home. I never have to try to be sad, it’s almost always there, just waiting to come to the surface.
I don’t have to try to be sad, but I have to try to be happy. I have to laugh, I have to smile, I have to add my voice to conversations, I have to seem like I am always happy.
It’s just so much easier to be sad.”
-n.c. // i guess i get that from my father.
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He knew why he wanted to kiss her. Because she was beautiful. And before that, because she was kind. And before that, because she was smart and funny. Because she was exactly the right kind of smart and funny. Because he could imagine taking a long trip with her without ever getting bored. Because whenever he saw something new and interesting, or new and ridiculous, he always wondered what she’d have to say about it – how many stars she’d give it and why.
Rainbow Rowell (via lovelustquotes)
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You live so far away from me, but we still love each other, and every day, when you call me, i feel that, you’re with me, and you make me the happiest person in the world.
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If he could hold my hand, I might be die in happiness.
Stephen King
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The trouble with the world is that the stupid are insurmountable in everything,but  the smart ones are full of doubts.
Bertrand Russel
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A tourist has also taken a photo today, which I walk in the background. will soon be home, and in another country, another time zone, on another continent  show it to his family, his acquaintances, and to me completely strange people in an unknown language they will talk about a photo, whereat i'm thinking of you.
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Sometimes i feel like giving up, then i remember i have a lot motherfuckers to prove wrong.
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Yes, I’m drunk. And you’re beautiful. And tomorrow morning, I’ll be sober but you’ll still be beautiful.
T.W (via the-perfect-aesthetic)
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I'm not sitting in a chair meant for five-year-olds. Get me a real chair
The False Prince
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