youlookappropriate · 6 months
Ha, the Pic you used of Ethan is 👌 perfect! 😆🥰😘
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Mature Warning: Sexual themes Category: 📷 Text Fic Prompt: The eclipse is viewable in Boston. How do your characters feel about it? Are they excited? Uninterested?
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @midnightmelodi
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youlookappropriate · 7 months
Friends Again
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Fluff Word count: 2.2K Summary: Ethan loses something important. Prompt: Imagine your OTP where both of them have a piece of jewelry that symbolizes their friendship, and it was just for fun and definitely not serious. But when one of them loses their jewelry, they start to realize that it (and their relationship) meant more to them than they thought. A/N: This is a prequel of sorts to Bad Dream. Some of the dialogue used is taken directly from Open Heart: Second Year.
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A week before the conference in Miami…
The hour-long drive seemed to pass in the blink of an eye with conversation flowing easily between the attending and his intern. They had reached their destination, the Boston Medical Library, situated on the University of Massachusetts campus. 
“Thanks again for coming and helping me with this research. I’m sure you had better things to do this weekend,” Ethan said, parking and turning off the engine. 
“You. Are. Welcome,” Sawyer playfully chimed as she unbuckled her seat belt. "And what’s better than solving a medical mystery and saving a man’s life?” 
She didn’t have to add “duh” to the end of that sentence. Ethan heard it in her tone and it made him smile on the inside. “God, where have you been all my life?” he thought to himself.
As they headed towards the library, they couldn’t help but notice the large farmer’s market set up in the adjacent parking lot. 
“That looks fun,” Sawyer remarked as she eyed the various booths from a distance. A variety of vendors sold everything from fresh produce, to homemade baked goods, to arts and crafts. 
Knowing it would make her happy, Ethan couldn’t resist. “Do you want to check it out?”
“You wouldn’t mind?” she asked, surprised. 
“Not at all. Believe it or not, I enjoy going to the farmer’s market. My dad and I would go when I was young. There’s a good one at Copley Square you should check out sometime,” he recommended, guiding her toward the first row of tents.
The pair strolled from booth to booth, inspecting all the different goods for sale. Along the way, they laughed at the silly products, exchanged personal stories, and sampled some of the food and drink. 
“Ohmygod,” Sawyer moaned, the chocolate melting on her tongue. “You have to try this,” she insisted, holding a sample to Ethan’s lips. Naturally and without thinking, he leaned forward eating the morsel right out of her hand, his lips brushing softly against her fingertips.
“It’s good, right?” she watched as he chewed and nodded affirmatively.
“Would you like me to pack up a box for you?” an older gentleman approached. 
Ethan reached for his wallet, “We’ll take two boxes.” 
“Happy wife, happy life! Am I right?” the vendor chuckled as he filled a container with chocolate truffles.
Seizing the opportunity to have a little fun at Ethan’s expense, Sawyer quickly replied. “Oh, he’s not my husband… yet. Two years of dating and he still hasn’t put a ring on it,” she waved the back of her ringless left hand. 
Ethan snapped his head to Sawyer and with bulging eyes silently asked, “What are you doing?”
“Back in my day, you took a test drive and either made the purchase or kept looking… none of this leasing business,” the outspoken elder shook his head. “I proposed to my beautiful Margie one month after our first date, and I married her three months later. When you know, you know… you know?”
“That’s what I’ve been telling him!” Sawyer continued the act, gently backhanding Ethan in the gut.
Ethan pinched the bridge of his nose and whispered under this breath, “For Christ’s sake.” 
Sawyer burst out laughing, finally breaking character. When the vendor looked at her puzzled, she confessed. “Sorry, we’re not actually together.” Elbowing Ethan in the side, “I just couldn’t resist messing with him. We’re just friends.” 
“Well, in my experience, that's a good place to start,” the man winked, handing Ethan his purchase.  
As they walked away, he shoved a box of truffles towards Sawyer with feigned annoyance. “Friends? Ha! More like a giant pain in my ass,” he contended. 
A short while later they found a fresh produce booth. Ethan quickly occupied himself, inspecting and sniffing different fruits and vegetables. If Sawyer had been paying attention, she might have learned how capable he was with all the beautiful ingredients, but she was distracted by another nearby vendor. When Ethan struck up a conversation with the produce farmer, she slipped away to make a quick purchase.
“Where’d you go?” Ethan asked when she returned.
“I got you something. Hold out your hand,” she urged.
Ethan raised a skeptical eyebrow, but reluctantly did as she said. 
Sawyer looped a braided leather bracelet around his wrist and fastened it. 
He took a closer look, examining the metal charms. One with the letter E, and another with the letter S. “What’s this for?”
“It’s a friendship bracelet,” she explained, “and since I'm giving it to you, it's official now. We are definitely friends.”
“Is that so?” 
“I don’t make the rules,” she shrugged.
“I’m pretty sure you just did.”
Ignoring his snark, “Oh, and it’s tradition that when someone gives you a friendship bracelet, you get to make a wish.”
Ethan just rolled his eyes. But as juvenile as it seemed, he knew exactly what he would wish for. “I’d wish for you,” he said to himself.
“Hey,” she took his hand and held it for a moment. “In all seriousness, you know I’m here as a friend, right? I mean… I’m learning a lot working with you on this case, and I’m grateful for the experience, but that’s not why I volunteered to help. I’m not here as an intern kissing your ass.”
Ethan knew from the very beginning that Sawyer was someone he could trust. Unlike other interns who would expect something in return, like a leg up in the competition, he knew she had no ulterior motives. Just the kindest and most genuine heart. 
He looked her in the eye and squeezed her hand. “I know, Sawyer.”
Five months later…
Alone in the beer garden at Donahue's, Sawyer sat on her tucked leg, facing Ethan’s glowing profile. He stared straight ahead, transfixed by the firepit's dancing flames.
Having mustered the courage to confront the elephant in the room, Sawyer broke the somber silence that had settled between them. “Ethan, why didn’t you keep in touch?” She watched him take a deep, anticipatory breath. “No word from you at all for two months? After everything that happened between us?”
Ethan took a moment to find his words, then turned his head to meet her eyes. “Everything that happened between us is exactly why I didn’t contact you,” he began to explain. “Sawyer, if we’re going to work together on the diagnostics team, we need a fresh start.” 
Resisting every urge to reach out and take her hand when she looked away from him, he pressed on. “Your professional development is too important to jeopardize it with whatever… whatever it was that we had.”
Sawyer snapped her head back to face him, “‘Had’, past tense.”
Ethan reached for the whiskey bottle that he had grabbed from inside and poured himself another glass. The sleeve of his green leather jacket rode up just enough for Sawyer to notice a braided bracelet wrapped around his wrist. The same one she gave him a week before their relationship went from friends to forbidden fruit. 
“Yes. And the past is where it has to remain,” he added. Ethan’s eyes bored into hers, searching for understanding and begging for forgiveness. 
After a long moment, Sawyer broke the connection, looking down at his wrist again. She thought it ironic that he would wear a reminder of “whatever they had,” while insisting that they must now ignore and bury their feelings for one another. That cheap piece of jewelry meant something to him. And the fact that he wore it now, meant that she did too. 
So without concern for the consequences, she tested her theory. Surging forward, she wrapped her hand around the back of his neck and kissed him. A long and gentle kiss. An act of forgiveness, and one that he seemed willing to accept since he hadn’t pulled away. But when she leaned back, she saw the turmoil written across his face. Just as she had months ago in Miami. 
“Dammit, Sawyer.” 
A few weeks later…
As much as he hated to admit it, Ethan desperately missed Sawyer. He missed their easy friendship. The way she always seemed to know what he was thinking. The way he could talk to her about anything. The way he could be himself around her. Not Dr. Ramsey, but just Ethan.
Though they saw each other almost everyday, their interactions were mostly transactional. It had been difficult to let their guards down around each other. Ethan found it too tempting to cross the line, and Sawyer grew tired of the knock-backs.   
The night that she helped him set up his Pictagram account reminded Ethan of the way they once were, before he left for the Amazon. It felt normal again. The friendly banter, the trust, the laughter… everything seemed right in the world for those few hours. 
After she had gone home that evening, Ethan opened his desk drawer, finding a cherished item. It was something that he’d kept near and dear since the day he left for the Amazon.  
“...how are you supposed to know when you’ve met the right person?” 
“It’s love, Ethan… you just feel it…” 
He slipped the leather over his fingers and rolled the charms with his thumb, as their conversation echoed in his mind. Then he thought back to the day Sawyer gave him the bracelet. 
“When you know, you know…” he recalled the old, outspoken man saying. 
There was no doubt he felt something for Sawyer, but was it love? Not having much experience with the feeling, he allowed himself to consider the possibility. But how to know for sure? That’s when Ethan remembered something else the vendor at the market said, when Sawyer told him they were just friends.
“Well, in my experience, that's a good place to start.”
A few days later, Sawyer approached the diagnostics team’s office. She spotted Ethan through the glass windows and paused to watch his odd behavior. He was searching for something, lifting up files, checking around the coffee station, and rummaging through the pockets of his outdoors coat. He was on his knees looking under his desk when she finally entered the room. 
“Shit…” he muttered, unaware of her presence. When she cleared her throat, he startled and stood up.  
“What’s going on?” she asked.
Ethan tried to act normal, organizing items on his desk. “Nothing.”
“You sure? It looked like you were searching for something. Can I help you look?”
“It’s fine. Don’t worry about it,” he clipped. Fortunately, June and Baz joined them for the start of their meeting, and the rookie team member didn’t press any further.  
A couple hours later, Sawyer bumped into Bryce as he stepped out of the men’s restroom. “Oof!” he grunted.
“Sorry!” she quickly apologized as he caught her shoulders.
“Geez, Brooks, I know how bad you want to hit this, but at least buy me a drink first,” he teased, soliciting a roll of the eyes from Sawyer. “Whatcha up to?” he asked.
“Just a quick bathroom break, then off to check on our DT patient. You?”
“I’m on Ortho this week. On my way to scrub in for an ACL reconstruction.”
“Niiice. Well, have fun. I’ll catch you later,” she said, putting her hand on the door to the ladies room.
“Oh hey, do you know where the lost and found is? I found this bracelet on the floor.”
Sawyer instantly recognized the accessory. The personalized charms featuring the letters “E” and “S” were undeniable proof. Then it hit her. Was this what he was searching high and low for earlier? 
“Luckily, I know who that belongs to, and I’m more than happy to return it to them.”
“Cool, catch you later,” he waved.
That afternoon, Sawyer returned to the diagnostics suite. There she found Ethan standing in front of the smartboard, studying MRI results.  
Acknowledging her presence with a side eye glance, “Did you need me for something?”
Sawyer demanded that he hold out his hand.
“Whatever for?” he asked, turning and giving her his full attention.
“Just. Give me. Your hand,” she insisted.
He yielded and held out his hand. 
Sawyer fished the leather band from her pocket and wiggled it in front of his face with a satisfied smirk. "Could this be what you were desperately searching for in the office earlier?"
Ethan hesitated, contemplating what he should admit. He finally decided on, “Maybe.”
She took his hand in hers. But before sliding the bracelet onto his wrist, she looked him in the eyes. “Will you, Ethan Jonah Ramsey, be my friend again?”
He rolled his eyes, cracking a big smile as she batted her eyelashes and eagerly awaited his answer. Then he twisted his lips playfully, as if he had to think about it. 
Sawyer squeezed his hand hard, letting him know there was only one acceptable answer. 
“Okay, okay,” he begged for relief, “I’ll be your damn friend.”
“Good…” she said, her tone more serious as she slid the bracelet over his hand, “because I’ve really missed that lately.”
“Honestly… me too,” he confessed quietly.
“There. That’s a much safer place for it. Wouldn’t you agree?” she asked, making sure the reminder of their friendship was snug and secure.
“I suppose you’re right,” he agreed, giving his wrist a twist.
“Well, friend, maybe we can talk later tonight and catch up a little?”
“Sure, call me,” he started, but then, “No, wait–”
Sawyer’s face fell immediately, assuming he suddenly remembered that he was trying to maintain those infuriating professional boundaries. 
“What are you doing right now?” he asked. “How about a walk to Derry’s for a coffee break?”
Sawyer’s happy smile returned. “I would love that… bestie.”
“Let’s not push it, Sawyer.”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn 
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youlookappropriate · 7 months
freeze! ✧ ─=≡Σ((( つ•̀ω•́)つ you’re under arrest for being so lovely. copy this message to 10 other blogs (only if you want to) that you think are beautiful and deserve it. keep the game going and make others feel beautiful
Hello, Sweetie, and thanks so much! 💗💗💗 Sending this right back your way! 😊
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youlookappropriate · 8 months
Drink Had Me
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Teen Category: Fluff Word count: 3.3K Prompt: Ethan has too much to drink and winds up on Sawyer’s doorstep in the middle of the night. Event: I’m participating in the Song Rewrite Challenge hosted by @choicesprompts. This fic is a rewrite of Drink Had Me by Jordan Davis.
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🎵Hell, I was up to nothing
🎵Just sittin' home alone
🎵Yeah, I was gonna cash it in
🎵About to put down my phone
🎵And I had a message waitin'
🎵Them boys won't let me sleep
🎵So I told 'em I would meet 'em out
🎵And just have one drink
Ethan was mentally and physically exhausted. He could feel the stress he’d been carrying deep in his bones. His muscles sighed as he sunk into the comfort of his couch and rested his head on the back cushion. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath, enjoying the peace and quiet of his empty apartment. 
He tried to push aside the thoughts that had plagued him. The budget crisis. The selfish billionaire. The competition with Tobias. The situation with his mother. But mostly, it was Sawyer that occupied his mind. He worried that the constant push and pull between them was nearing a breaking point.
She had recently gone behind his back and opened Pandora’s box. She compromised the team’s mission. She called him a “goddamn diva” in front of his colleagues. Worst still, it’s what she said when helping him set up his Pictagram profile. “It’s love, Ethan. It doesn’t have to make sense. I guess you just… feel it.” The words nagged at him constantly, and not because she was probably right - like she was right about everything else - but because he felt something. Something unfamiliar. Something scary. Something he hoped was reciprocated. 
DING! That sound used to annoy him, but now it made him eager to check his phone, because there was only one person who insisted on texting him. Quickly reaching for his phone, he sighed disappointedly when he saw the message was not from Sawyer.
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Ethan groaned. He had forgotten that this morning, while working out with his gym buddies, he made plans to meet them at Donahue's for drinks and a game of pool. In an attempt to rouse Rafael from his suspension-induced funk, Sawyer proposed the night out. And in all honesty, Ethan only agreed because he saw it as an opportunity to spend time with her. It was only after he committed to attend that Sawyer bothered to mention she had prior plans with Stephanie, their coma patient.   
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Ethan arrived at Donohue’s thirty minutes later and swore to himself he would only stay for one drink.
“... and then she said, ‘Oh, would you prefer to be called a spoiled child or an entitled jackass?’ You should have seen your face, man.” Baz, who had wandered over earlier to say hello, couldn’t contain his laughter as he told the story of Sawyer calling Ethan a diva to everyone gathered around the pool table.  
Rolling his eyes, Ethan ordered another drink while the guys racked the pool balls for another game.
“... speaking of workouts... Raf, remember when you asked Sawyer why she liked to work out? And she said because she wants to look good naked. Dude. Best response ever,” Bryce recalled with a laugh as he shared another round of tequila shots.
Ethan gladly accepted, swallowing the cheap liquor in one gulp when the memory of Sawyer standing in front of his bedroom window came to mind. 
Every time Sawyer’s name was mentioned, which was surprisingly often, Ethan put a glass to his mouth. Better that than inadvertently slipping and revealing something he shouldn’t.
“Okay, time for a round of Fuck-Marry-Kill,” Bryce announced, earning a groan from Rafeal. “Since you’re so excited to play, Raf, you can go first. JLo, Shakira, Taylor.”
“Easy. Fuck JLo. Marry Shakira. Kill Taylor,” Rafael answered. After taking a sip of beer, he turned to Elijah. “Your turn. Lara Croft, Leeloo from Fifth Element, and umm… Jamie Lee Curtis' character in Halloween.”
“Damn, man. Uhhh…” Elijah twisted up his lips as he pondered his answer. “I guess I’d fuck Croft, marry Leeloo, and go all Michael Myers on JLC.”
Raising his hand excitedly, Baz jumped in. “Oh, oh, I’ve got one for Ethan… Harper, June, and Sawyer.”
The other men snapped their heads to Ethan, bracing for the explosive impact. But to everyone’s surprise, Ethan threw back another shot and answered without hesitation. “Fuck Harper. Marry Sawyer. Kill June.” 
Reggie made the announcement for last call, and at midnight he kicked everyone out, including Ethan. The inebriated men stumbled outside to wait for their rides. Ethan decided to walk for a while, and bid them good night. He strolled down the block until he reached the rose garden near the hospital. Resting on a park bench, he dug his phone from his pocket. But instead of dialing for a ride to take him home, he called Sawyer.
🎵But the drink had me
🎵Callin' you up, talkin' all crazy
🎵Talkin' 'bout us
🎵And catchin' a ride over to your room
🎵And keepin' your roommates up past two
Sawyer’s phone lit up on her nightstand with an incoming call, but she didn’t notice. She had fallen asleep a couple hours ago.
On the other end of the line, Ethan heard her voice. “Hi there, you’ve reached Sawyer. Leave me a message.”
“Sawyer,” he sighed before continuing, “I don’t want to lose you.”
Leaning forward, he rested his elbows on his knees and stared at the phone screen. Sawyer’s contact picture smiled back at him. “I’m sorry I’ve been an asshole lately. I just… I want you so fucking bad,” he confessed. “I need you to be with me.”
He dropped his chin to his chest in defeat and growled. “But I can’t have you.”
He took a deep breath and lifted his head to look at her picture again. “I’ve been losing my goddamn patience with this situation. I don’t want to push you away anymore. It kills me to know that I’m hurting you, but I’m still afraid of what might happen if people find out about us.”
Ethan stood and held the phone at eye level as if trying to look her in the eye. “I feel like I’m on the verge of losing you, Sawyer.”
He began to pace back and forth and rambled on. “I’ve been thinking a lot about what you said a couple weeks ago. It really fucked me up, because I don’t think I’ve felt like this before.”
“God, Sawyer, you’re the best I’ve ever had,” he admitted, running his fingers through his hair. “I don’t want anyone else.”
He closed his eyes and whispered to himself. “Sawyer, say it back. Please say it back to me. I don’t want to be alone in this feeling.”
There was a long pause while Ethan stared at his phone, hoping for some sort of reply. “Fuck it. I’m coming over.”
It was nearly two o’clock in the morning when there was a knock on the apartment door. Sienna, who was still up baking, checked the peep hole and unlocked the door. “Dr. Ramsey! What are you doing here so late?”
His eyes were bloodshot and he smelled of whiskey and beer. The drink and exhaustion rapidly stripped away what little control of himself he had left. Ethan steadied himself with a hand on the doorframe and answered, “I need to talk to Sawyer. I need to see her. Is she here?”
Sienna invited him in. With her five-foot-nothing frame, she nervously guided the towering and swaying six-foot-four-inch sack of muscles into a seat at the kitchen table. “I’ll be right back.”
Gently knocking first, Sienna let herself into Sawyer’s room. “Sawyer? Sawyer, wake up,” she whispered loudly.
Sawyer awoke with a start, finding Sienna crouched at the side of her bed. “What’s wrong?” she panicked.
“Ummmm… Dr. Ramsey is here.”
“What?” she asked, confused.
“He said he needs to speak with you,” Sienna explained.
Sawyer threw her covers aside and stumbled out of bed wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear. She quickly checked the time on her phone, noticing the missed call and voicemail notifications from Ethan. “I swear to God, if he’s here to drag me out of bed for another diagnostics case…” she trailed off.
“I don’t think that’s why,” her friend said, leading her down the hallway.
Once her eyes adjusted to the fluorescent lighting in the kitchen, Sawyer spotted Ethan sitting at the kitchen table, his head buried in his hands. His body language reminded her of the times when he had felt pretty hopeless, like when Dolores died and when Naveen was sick. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
Ethan lifted his head and let out a small sigh of relief recognizing her. “I wanted to talk to you,” he said, his voice tired and gravelly.
She followed his eyes to Sienna, who had gone back to her baking. “Let’s go to my room.”
Ethan stood and followed her down the hall. A sudden wave of dizziness washed over him and he threw himself against the wall to keep from stumbling over. Sawyer grimaced at the loud thump, hoping it didn’t wake her other roommates. She quickly tucked herself under his arm and helped him the rest of the way.
Just as her door clicked closed, Jackie poked her head into the hallway. “What the hell was that?” she called out.
Sienna came into view from the kitchen. “Sorry, Jackie, that was me. Sorry I woke you.”
“Do you ever sleep, Trinh?” Jackie yawned, shutting her door and going back to bed.
🎵The drink had me
🎵Wantin' one more
🎵Wantin' to forget what we broke up for
🎵And doin' that make up, wake up thing
🎵I just went in there to have one drink
🎵But the drink had me
Sawyer sat Ethan down on the side of her bed, then stood in front of him casually crossing her arms. “What’s going on? Did something happen? Is this about your mom?”
His head felt like a sloshing fishbowl when he shook it. Focusing on her bare feet, he attempted to ground himself.
Getting more worried, Sawyer stroked her fingers through his hair. “Hey, talk to me.”
Slowly lifting his head, Ethan’s eyes trailed up her long legs to the oversized Hopkins t-shirt she wore. “Is that my shirt?”
Glancing down at the heather gray tee, she replied with a hint of embarrassment, “Yes.”
Sawyer braced her hands on his shoulders to keep her balance when Ethan tugged her close. Standing between his knees, he hugged her tightly around the waist and rested the side of his face against her stomach.
“I miss you,” he mumbled.
A beat later his hands dropped to the back of her thighs. His fingertips lightly caressed her soft skin, eliciting goosebumps. Lifting his eyes to gauge her reaction, he slowly slid his hands higher, palming her backside and giving a gentle squeeze.
“Ethan,” she warned, gripping his forearms to prevent his hands from wandering any further.
“I want you,” he said, kissing her belly through the t-shirt she had stolen from him.
“Ethan, you’re drunk.”
“Say it back,” he whined.
“Say what back?”
“That you still want me.”
She sighed deeply. “Ethan…” When he looked at her with desperate, pleading eyes, she took a seat on his knee. “I want you too,” she repeated and cupped his cheek, “but not like this. Not a drunken mistake.”
“It’s not a mistake,” Ethan asserted. “I know what I want.”
She shook her head. “I know you, Ethan. You’ll regret it in the morning when you’re clearheaded.”
Ethan began to protest when the nausea hit. “I won’t… I–,” he paused and swallowed, “I’m going to be sick.”
Sawyer jumped off his lap and grabbed her garbage pail just in time. Ethan wretched the contents of his stomach while she soothingly rubbed his back. When he was finished, Sawyer offered him a tissue and a sip from her water bottle. She then knelt before him and removed his shoes and socks.
“What are you doing?”
“Getting you ready for bed. You’re in no shape to go anywhere right now. You can stay here and sleep it off.” As she stood, she reached for the hem of his shirt and lifted it over his head. “Scoot back and lie down,” she instructed. Ethan complied.
She met his hooded eyes, giving him a look of warning. “Don’t get any ideas,” she said before unbuttoning his pants. “Lift your butt.” After carefully tugging off his jeans, she neatly folded his clothes and set them atop her dresser. Returning to his side, she tucked him under the covers.
“Where are you going?” he murmured when she stepped toward the door.
“I’m just going to clean this up and grab you some aspirin,” she answered, picking up the small waste bin. “Do you need or want anything else?”
Ethan shook his head.
“I’ll be right back,” she promised with an assuring smile.
When Sawyer returned a few minutes later, Ethan’s eyes were closed and he was lightly snoring. She turned out the lights and crawled under the covers. Hugging the edge of her full-size bed, she resisted the urge to curl up next to him, and soon dozed off.
🎵Next morning came too early
🎵Heart poundin' in my head
🎵And it took me just a second
🎵To realize I know this bed
🎵And it ain't where I belong
🎵But you got my T-shirt on
🎵I blame the alcohol
🎵No, it ain't my fault
🎵The drink had me
Ethan’s head throbbed. The sound of distant, muffled voices had woken him. He cracked his eyes open, thankful for the dim surroundings. Blinking away the fog in his vision, he focused on the ceiling. There was something familiar about the dangling light fixture overhead. A single lightbulb hung from a rope cord. The gentle breeze that wafted through the window caused it to sway back and forth in a hypnotizing motion. Aware that he was not at home, Ethan’s eyes swept the small bedroom, taking in every detail. As recognition set in, his heart began to race, intensifying the pounding in his head.
Taking a deep breath through his nose, his senses were overwhelmed with the sweet smell of her. Daring to cast a quick look downward, he found Sawyer tucked into his side. Her arm was draped across his torso, her thigh across his waist, with a foot nestled between his legs. Ethan’s right arm was at her back, holding her close. His left hand gripped the back of her bent knee, as if he had been using the leverage to keep her locked in place. She was wearing his t-shirt, and he was only wearing underwear.
He reached into the black box of his mind for any remembrance, but came back empty handed. He didn’t know what to be more upset about. The eventual fallout from this reckless encounter, or the cruel twist of fate of taking Sawyer to bed again and not remembering a damn thing about it.
When her alarm rang out, Ethan silently cursed. “No, not yet.” He needed more time to figure his way out of this mess. More time holding her body against his.
Sawyer groaned in frustration as her phone sang a melodic tune of chirping birds. As she did every morning, she buried the tip of her cold nose into her pillow and inhaled. Only it wasn’t her pillow she smooshed her face into this morning. It was Ethan’s chest. His warmth and scent aroused her senses, and she was instantly awake.
Seeing that he was too, she pushed back from him and tried to cover herself with the forgotten comforter. “Shit, sorry,” she whispered, rolling away to silence her phone.
Her surprise and embarrassment confused him. “Why are you apologizing?”
She turned to face him, making sure to keep a safe distance. “I tried to keep to my side. I must have rolled over in my sleep and snuggled up to you.”
“Keep to your side? Did we not…?”
She shook her head.
Ethan looked up at the ceiling and expelled a breath.
Sensing his relief, Sawyer swiftly climbed out of bed. “I’m going to get ready for work. Your clothes are on the dresser and your phone is charging on the desk. My roommates should be leaving soon.”
“It’s fine, Ethan,” she said, rummaging through her dresser drawers. “We can talk about it later when you feel better. Or if you prefer, not at all, because nothing happened.” Ethan rubbed the spot between his eyes. “There's some water and aspirin on the nightstand,” she pointed out before stepping into the hall and closing the door behind her.
A while later, they left the apartment and shared a ride to the hospital, successfully avoiding the topic of last night. They limited their conversation to simple questions and one-word answers, merely enough to get out the door and on their way.
“Thanks for the ride. I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sawyer said, and not waiting for reciprocation, she hurried away.
Ethan watched until she disappeared through the sliding doors of the hospital’s main entrance. He cursed at himself the entire walk to Donohue’s to retrieve his car. They may not have slept together, but he still ended up on her doorstep last night and tangled in her bed this morning. He hoped once the hangover cleared, he would remember why, so they could clear the air.
Sawyer was slow to leave the diagnostics office when their team meeting ended the next day. The tension between her and Ethan was so thick it felt like it could be cut with a knife. She couldn’t take it anymore. She turned to study him, watching as he stacked case files, doing his best to ignore her. “This feels like the morning after Miami all over again,” she finally spoke.
Ethan stopped what he was doing, took a deep breath, and braced himself for the conversation he had been dreading. “I’m sorry for inconveniencing you the other night.”
She shook her head as if she didn’t care about that. Shifting her gaze out the window, she bit the corner of her lip before speaking again. “Do you remember calling me? Leaving a voicemail?”
Ethan swallowed hard. He had checked his phone yesterday and knew that he dialed her number, but didn’t recall leaving a message. “No. I only remember bits and pieces after leaving Donahue’s.” He took a cautious step toward her. “What– what did I say?” he asked, trying to hide his nerves.
“It doesn't matter,” she sighed, still looking out the window, “you probably didn't mean it.” She downplayed her disappointment with a quiet chuckle, “I never pegged you for a sappy drunk.”
Ethan stepped in front of her, cupping her chin to force her to look at him. “I meant it,” he said firmly.
“You just said you don’t remember–”
“I don't,” he interjected, “but if the result was me showing up at your door, and waking up with you in my arms, then whatever I said… I meant it.” Gazes locked on each other, Ethan gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. He breathed a sigh of relief when Sawyer’s lips finally turned up in a small, forgiving smile.
That smile slowly changed to a mischievous one. Ceasing the opportunity, she started to back away as she spoke. “Well in that case…" She bit her lip to keep from laughing. “I want to get married in June. A fancy church wedding and a huge reception. Oh, and let’s honeymoon in Paris! It will be so romantic.”
“But you should know, I plan to keep my last name,” she continued teasing.
“You’re a brat. Get out of here,” he demanded, playfully tossing a pen in her direction as she scrambled to leave.
“Hey!” she yelped, using the door as a shield.
“Oh, and I want my shirt back!” he hollered.
Poking her head back in, she offered a deal. “If you can get me out of it, Ramsey... it’s yours. See ya!”
A/N: Ethan's drunken confession was also inspired by the song Say It Back by Nicklas Sahl.
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose@potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn
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youlookappropriate · 8 months
I love Cassie's dad ❤️
Daddy’s Girl
Premise: A poignant moment between father and daughter after the poison attack.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine); feat. Robert Valentine (OC) Rating/Category: Teen. Angsty Fluff. Words: 1,510
A/N: Submission for @choicesjanuary2024 day 16 prompt "relationships". I'm also using @choicesflashfics week 69, prompt 3
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Robert Valentine had a plan. He’d graduate from college, sail around the world and then settle down to live out the Valentine legacy of working in the family business. His father also had a plan, and it featured only two of the three items on his list.
Unable to say no to the strict man who’d raised him, Robert gave up his dream of feeling the wind in his hair on the open seas. A chance encounter in Greenwich during summer break from Wharton further altered his plans.
A year later, he was married to a woman who not only shared his love of adventure but actively encouraged his carefree side. Becoming parents hadn’t been part of the plan, at least not so soon after getting married. But fate had other ideas.
As they stared down at the two tiny humans behind the glass of the nursery at Newport Hospital, he gently hooked one arm around Olivia’s waist. The boy was restless while the girl was asleep, their hands lightly touching.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” Olivia murmured, still tired, her head resting on his shoulder.
Even though they’d known Olivia was carrying multiples, seeing them was a different reality. On top of that, the twins had arrived a month early. They still hadn’t landed on names or completed the nursery in the townhouse they’d bought near his work.
“We should come up with appropriate names,” he said quietly after a while. “Can’t keep calling them Thing One and Thing Two.”
“Imagine the shock on our parents’ faces if we put that on their birth certificates,” Olivia teased, her eyes swimming with laughter.
Robert chuckled, folding his wife in his arms. Being a father would change him; it was inevitable. But he didn’t have to give up his dreams, just adjust them for two more.
Now, all these years later, Robert watched his daughter’s even breathing as she lay sleeping on the hospital bed and wished he could turn back time to when she was a baby, tucked safe and sound in his arms.
The last two days had been harrowing and emotional. The panicked call from his son in the middle of the night, the long flight to Boston from Paris, the uncertainty about Cassie’s condition, and the anger when he and Olivia were denied entrance into the hospital.
But that was all over now, he sighed in relief. His daughter was no longer on death’s door. It would take time, but he’d been assured she would recover. If he thought Cassie wouldn’t be pissed at him for doubting her precious Dr. Ramsey, Robert would’ve whisked her off to the best specialists in the world for a second opinion.
Lost in thought, he didn’t notice Cassie’s eyelids fluttering as she slowly awoke. But he heard her whimpers and the sound of sheets rustling. He was out of the chair and by her bedside seconds before her eyes drifted open.
“Hey, kiddo,” Robert smiled softly, taking her hand.
“Daddy?” Cassie said in a confused tone, her voice reed thin and somewhat raspy.
She struggled to sit up, and he placed a steadying hand on her back while pressing a control button on the guardrail to raise the bed’s head. He adjusted the pillow to support her neck and poured a glass of water when she started coughing.
When she nodded, Robert set the glass down on the table. He turned away to drag the visitor’s chair closer to the bed and sat down, covering her hand with his palm. They smiled at each other, matching green eyes.
“You haven’t called me kiddo since I was ten,” she commented, smiling despite the sudden discomfort under her sternum.
The machines she was hooked up to briefly beeped before settling down as the pain subsided. Robert stroked the back of her hand with his thumb.
“Old habits,” he said, taking his eyes off the flashing numbers on the monitor. “You haven’t called me Daddy since you and Max decided that word was for babies.”
“Well, I feel weak as a baby right now, so that could be the reason,” she joked, and then tears filled her eyes, dripping down her cheeks. “I was so scared I’d never see you or Mom again. ”
Robert leaned in and wiped the tears away with his fingers, shushing her the way he used to when she was five and had a nightmare.
“When I was in that room, all I could think of was the last time you took us sailing,” she continued in a watery voice. “It was just before I moved to Boston. The fresh ocean breeze tossing my hair, the taste of salt on our lips as water crashed around us. Max cursing as the unruly waves rocked the boat and almost tipped us over. Your laughter booming in the wind. That feeling of truly being alive.”
Leaving the chair, he sat on the side of the bed and folded her into his arms, mindful of the drip lines and wires.
“You are alive, Cassie honey,” he whispered over and over as sobs wracked her body, and she burrowed her face into his chest. “You’re here, safe in my arms.”
Eventually, the storm passed, and he returned to his seat. The comforting silence stretched, broken only by the beeps and hums of the machines.
“Where’s Mom?”
“At the hotel, hopefully getting some rest,” Robert explained. “She barely slept these last couple of days. Max, too. Your brother pretends to be invincible, but he was running on fumes by the time we got here.”
“Maybe if he drank coffee every now and then,” Cassie said with a wry twist of her lips.
Robert shook his head in amusement and chuckled, well familiar with his children’s opposing views on this matter and their needling of each other as a result.
“Have you seen Ethan?”
“Yes, he dropped by an hour ago to check on you,” Robert replied, hiding his disquiet at how Cassie’s eyes locked on the closed door, waiting for the other man to walk in.
He steepled his index fingers under his chin as he sprawled on the chair, stretching his legs out under the bed. “I take it you’re both still hiding your relationship?”
Robert was glad Cassie at least had the good sense to look abashed. He wasn’t happy with the turn of events, but his wife was convinced it was the real deal and they should give the couple space to work it out. Olivia’s instincts were flawless, which was the only reason he exercised restraint.
“What do you think of him?” she asked, her eyes beseeching him to understand. “You didn’t say anything during or after the weekend in Newport. I really want you to like him, Daddy.”
“He’s certainly different from Jackson or anyone else you’ve dated before,” he said neutrally. “Older, reserved, and perhaps a little austere for my carefree daughter.”
“That’s just the side he shows everyone else,” Cassie said, her voice full of conviction. “He’s different when it’s just the two of us. Granted, our relationship is still evolving, but he cares for me, deeply.”
“I know, Cassie,” Robert said, remembering the tender look in the other man’s eyes earlier. “This isn’t up for debate. But as your father, I’m allowed to be concerned. Gossip from a workplace romance is rarely kind to the woman, especially when there’s a power imbalance.”
He held up a hand when she opened her mouth to protest. “You still have two years left in your training here. All I ask is that you be careful and protect your reputation if not your heart.”
Before Cassie could respond, there was a perfunctory knock on the door, and then it swung open. Ethan Ramsey crossed the threshold and suddenly stopped, causing the nurse accompanying him to crash into his back, the tray in her hand rattling before she steadied it.
“Sorry to interrupt,” Ethan said, his brows furrowing as if sensing he’d stepped into a quagmire. “We need to draw Dr. Valentine’s blood, check her vitals and run a few tests.”
“Yes, of course,” he said, pushing the chair back and standing up. “I’ll let you get on with it while I grab a coffee and check in on Olivia.”
Robert turned to smile down at Cassie. “Why don’t I get you something to eat?”
“Well, I am feeling a bit peckish,” Cassie mused, a teasing twinkle in her eyes. “Hospital food sucks.”
“I’ll ask the chef at the hotel to whip up your favorites.” Robert leaned down and kissed her forehead. “Be good, and no more heroics.”
He nodded at Ethan, who came to stand across from him on the other side of the bed. He noted the softness in Cassie’s eyes, the concern in Ethan’s and felt like a third wheel.
As Robert left the room, he glanced at the nurse, oblivious to their situation, and hoped Cassie heeded his advice. Ethan seemed decent enough, but if he hurt Cassie…. Well, when it came to his children, all bets were off.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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youlookappropriate · 8 months
The Flirting Game
Premise: Cassie ‘practices’ her flirting technique on Ethan, but she’s not the only one who knows the moves.
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 950
A/N: I was inspired by several @creativepromptsforwriting flirting prompts that I've been saving for the right occasion: prompt 340, #6 from Teasing and #2 and #4 from Flirty Pick-up Lines. Submission for @choicesfebruary2024 Flirting. I'm also using @choicesflashfics, week 71, prompt 1 (in bold).
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I. Cassie
Cassie Valentine learned the art of flirting from watching her parents. It seemed to come naturally to them, much to Cassie’s delight and Max’s dismay. Although, given her twin’s flirting game, Cassie knew the lessons from their youthful observation had stuck.
It wasn’t just the words (although she soon learned they were a powerful tool in the game of flirting). It was also about the body language — a coquettish look in one’s eyes, the subtle vocal intonation, a flick of the hair, and a half-tilt of the lips so the object of your desire knew the secret, sultry smile was just for them.
Cassie knew the love of her life was forever amused by her flirtatiousness, which made her even more determined to tease him. The fact that he often had to ask if she was doing it was endlessly amusing to her.
“You must be the reason for global warming because you’re hot.”
“Actually, it’s primarily because of too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.”
She silently chuckled at the absentminded and matter-of-fact response. Despite knowing his good looks attracted attention, Ethan Ramsey seemed oblivious to most women making eyes at him.
“I doubt carbon dioxide looks as good as you do in that shirt,” she quipped, laughter in her voice.
That made him pause. One eyebrow raised, he glanced at her above the lid of his laptop. The glare of the screen bounced off his reading glasses, hiding his blue eyes.
“Are you flirting with me?”
“I’m always flirting with you, Ethan. Keep up.”
He stared at her in bewilderment and then muttered something under his breath before returning his attention to the screen.
Cassie smiled inwardly at his reaction. She suspected his indifference was all an act. The man was far too observant to be this clueless about his effect on women.
As she continued to regard his profile, she caught Ethan’s furtive sideways glance and blew him a kiss. He blushed, sputtered and cleared his throat loudly, a frown furrowing his brow.
“I can’t concentrate when you look at me like that,” Ethan complained, his tone severe.
Cassie shrugged, unrepentant. “Well, you should be concentrating on me instead, so…”
She trailed off as the diagnostic team’s office doors swooshed open, and the others joined them. With a wink that promised more later, Cassie turned away to let the poor man collect himself.
Her father often told her and Max that flirting with their mother was the best part of his day. Cassie could comfortably say flirting with Ethan was the highlight of hers.
II. Ethan
Donahue’s during Happy Hour was always crowded and noisy. Nineties music blasted from the jukebox, competing with the clink of bottles and the clatter of balls crashing against each other at the pool table.
Ethan zigzagged his way through the throng and grabbed his usual stool at the bar, nodding a greeting at a distracted Reggie. He spied Cassie drinking beer and chatting with Lahela on the far side of the bar and knew she’d find him sooner or later.
“Thanks,” he said, hiding his sudden discomfort when Reggie placed his usual scotch before him.
For a brief moment, the exchange reminded him of going for a drink with his father when he turned twenty-one.
Ethan remembered feeling amused at the bartender handing Alan his “usual” without asking and thinking how small his dad’s life was that even his after-work drink (always a single Sam Adams) never changed.
Back then, Hopkins was within his grasp, and he was chomping at the bit to discover the world outside Providence. Now, he’d been coming to Donahue for so long that Reggie kept a stool waiting and served his drink without saying a word.
When did he become so damn predictable?
Of course, not everything was as it was, he thought as her scent hit his senses before she came into view.
Cassie squeezed into the space between his splayed legs and the bar, resting one elbow beside his drink. It had the effect of enclosing them in a bubble where nothing but them existed.
Ethan saw the familiar half-grin curving her lips and knew she was in a teasing mood tonight.
She flicked her mane of long blonde hair back and leaned towards him, her head cocked sideways flirtatiously.
“I heard that you can determine how well you fit together with another person by kissing them. Want to skip the small talk and see if we’re compatible?” She quirked one eyebrow as if daring him to play along.
His breath caught at the sexy way her green eyes sparkled in the light. The teasing smile hovering on her lips was his undoing.
“You should know that I have asthma, just in case you intend on taking my breath away on a regular basis,” Ethan found himself repeating the line he’d practiced for an occasion just like this.
Cassie wasn’t the only one who had game. There was a time when pick-up lines tripped off his tongue, charming the pants off — literally — of any woman he wanted. They’d been easy. His girlfriend was anything but.
“Buy me a drink, and I promise to do just that,” she chuckled, her palm covering the back of his hand, stroking his knuckles with her thumb.
Ethan started to call Reggie and flushed when he saw him watching their antics in amusement. The other man simply rolled his eyes and turned away to grab ingredients for two Specials.
Ah well, Ethan consoled himself as Cassie closed the distance between them and brushed her lips across his, uncaring of who from work might be watching. His girlfriend was unpredictable enough for the both of them. Who could ask for more?
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @justyourusualash @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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youlookappropriate · 8 months
Dear God! Perfect 👌
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youlookappropriate · 8 months
A Different Fate - Final Chapter
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OMG, it took me entirely too long to complete this, but I'm so happy now that it's done! I am so, so grateful to the anonymous (to you, not to me 😉) donor to the Write for Gaza project, who requested I finish this by the end of January. Well - I did it! And thank you so, so much - I can't tell you how much it means!
A Different Fate - Series Masterlist
Book: Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (past)
Featuring: Tobias Carrick, Sienna Trinh
Rating: Teen
Words: 3,700
Category: Short-Series/AU/Lost Love
Summary: Ethan's first attempt to talk to Casey didn't work out, but now, with Tobias & Sienna's help, will it finally work out? Or will they have to resign and accept their fate?
A/N: When I started this, it was supposed to be a one-off, and now, I'm finally done after 5 parts! It's funny how these things take on a life of their own. I know a few of you have been very anxious for this to post, and I thank you for your extraordinary patience. I hope you find it's worth it in the end! @choicesjanuary2024 Day 23 - Hope Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist | My Full Masterlist
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The bus jolted forward the moment the light turned green, jostling its passengers around like dolls—every passenger except for Sienna Trinh. Growing increasingly impatient with her “charge,” she sat firmly in place, arms crossed defiantly before her chest.  
“This is a stupid idea!” She said, slapping a startled Ethan’s arm across the bus aisle.
“Don’t oww, me!” She fired back. “You blew my advice off yesterday, and look how well that went. Maybe you should listen to me now.”
“I know,” Ethan droned. “But this is different.”
“Si, I have to agree with Ethan on this one,” Tobias said, his face twisting as he realized his words. “Shit! It hurt more than I expected to say that.”
“Thanks, pal.”
“Don’t mention it,” Tobias smirked. “Si, he can’t do this right now. He’d have to ambush her at work, and you see how well that went. We have a plan in place; it will be fine.”
“Normally, I’d agree with you, but I’m done tempting fate with these two. Something always goes wrong.”  
“Look, the bonehead has put it off eight years. It can wait another eight hours to ensure it’s done right.”
“You know,” Ethan interrupted, “it might be helpful if the two of you wouldn’t talk about me like I wasn’t here.”
Sienna turned to him, brow raised. “It would be great if you didn’t need the two of us here to make sure you don’t blow it!”
“She makes a point,” Tobias nodded, pleased with Ethan’s exasperation.
“Can we stick to the point?”
“The point is, you’ll speak to Kaycee tonight.”
“Yeah, after your date,” Ethan chuckled ruefully. “
“It’s not a date!” Tobias spat. “You know damn well I’m just going to the party with her to get that asshole Douglas off her back.”  
Ethan shot a half-doubtful look.
“Really?” Tobias said incredulously. “I’ve been rooting for you two since she left Boston, and this is how you treat me? Trust me, Ramsey, all Kaycee wants is you, and the last thing I’d ever want is to have you as a metamour.”
Sienna’s nose scrunched. “A meta-what?”
Tobias waved her off with a chuckle. “Trust me, Si, you’re better off not knowing. Now, stop worrying. I’ll take Kaycee to the party, give the creepy doctor a few death stares, and after a drink or two, I’ll mention you’re in town, play wingman, then you swoop in for the grand finale. We’ve got it under control.”
“Yeah,” Sienna rolled her eyes. “With you two at the wheel, what could possibly go wrong?”
“I’m coming!” Kaycee clumsily rushed across her apartment to answer the door, slipping into her silver heels along the way. She opened the door breathless but stunning nevertheless. “Hey,” she smiled.
A grin spread across Tobias’s face; he had forgotten how well Dr. MacClennan cleaned up. With her long blonde curls cascading over her shoulder, barely skimming the bodice of her strapless ice-blue gown, she looked more like someone who spent her day posing for Vogue than saving lives in scrubs.
“What do you think?” she grinned.
“What do I think? If this is how you look for a fake date, what the hell do you do on real ones? How many heart attacks have you been responsible for, MacClennan?” 
“Shit!” She said with a stomp of her foot. “I screwed up! I shouldn’t have brought you tonight!”
“Oh, why?”
“I should have invited Dr. Douglas himself! If I knew cardiac arrest would be the result, well, that would be one way to be rid of him.”
Tobias burst out laughing. “I forgot just how wicked you could be.”
Slipping an earring in, she winked. “I’d feel guilty about it ten minutes later. Not guilty enough to start CPR, but guilty all the same."
"Well, I'm happy to provide a less lethal way of getting rid of Dr. Jackass.”
She grabbed her clutch off the side table and looked at Tobias, casually leaning against the door.   She swore he hadn’t aged a day, still wearing that signature confident swagger as well as he wore his dark, tailor-made suit. She crossed her arms and shook her head disapprovingly.
“What?” He asked, checking his attire to see if something was wrong. “Do I not clean up as well as you?”
“Too well. If word gets out that I’m dating you, no one will ask me out again. They’d be afraid of the competition.”
He chuckled softly, visions of Ethan in his mind. “Well, let’s hope it won’t come to that.”
Stepping to Kaycee’s side, he offered his arm. “Shall we?”
“Let’s go!”
The party was exactly what one would expect to cap off the career of a renowned doctor from one of the top hospitals in the world. The rooftop ballroom’s floor-to-ceiling windows provided a panoramic view of the City’s famed skyline; fairy lights scattered throughout the room illuminated it with an ethereal glow. Warm notes from the piano wafted through the air, competing with the gentle hum of convivial chatter as tuxedoed waiters distributed flutes of  Dom Perignon. Tobias and Kaycee were on a mission and played the part of an enamored new couple so well that they earned envious stares, not only from Dr. Douglas but from several others as well. But as much fun as that was, Tobias couldn’t get his mind off his primary goal of the night: getting Ethan and Kaycee together. He looked at his watch. She only wanted to stay two hours, and they were about to hit that mark.
“Hey,” he whispered, “Wanna take a spin around the dancefloor before we blow this joint? Make this look legit?”
Wordlessly placing her empty champagne flute on a passing waiter's tray, she took Tobias’s hand and led him to the dancefloor. Ironically, finding the most privacy they’d had all night. 
“Dancing was a good idea,” she said. “Everyone knows I wouldn’t leave a party without dancing... and it’s not like you’re a stick in the mud that would refuse me.”
“Kacyee, it would be difficult for anyone to refuse you.”
“Yeah,” she smiled sadly, “You’d be surprised.”
“I don’t know about that. For Christ's sake, you used to get Ramsey to dance back in the day. I thought only an act of God could accomplish that!”
Kaycee’s body tensed, and her feet seemed to forget what they were supposed to do. As she stood still on the dance floor, Tobias looked her in the eye.
“I’m sorry, did I overstep?”
Kaycee shook her head and continued to dance. “It’s been so nice seeing you, but it takes me back, and sometimes, that can be hard, you know?”
“Yeah, I do. It takes me back, too, but is that such a bad thing? We had some good times.”
“Ha! It all depends,” she chuckled. “Do you have a time machine? Because I’d be happy to go back, but only if I could write a different fate.”   
“I can’t do that,” he sighed. “Not the time machine part, but... maybe I can help with the different fate.”
Her brow furrowed. “What?”
“Come on,” he said, taking her hand. “Follow me.”
Kaycee remained silent as they ran down the plushly carpeted hall. But, when they found an empty banquet room, she wanted answers.
“OK, we’re alone now. What’s going on?”
“I want to talk to you about Ethan.”
Kaycee shook her head, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.   
“We did that. We had that conversation at dinner the other night. We don’t need to do it again.”
“Did we have that conversation? Because as far as I remember, I didn’t tell you that he was here.”
“He’s what? He’s here... like in New York?”
“I’ll do one better,” he smiled. “He’s sitting at the bar in the lobby.”
Her eyes narrowed, and Tobias wasn’t sure if he saw shock or anger flickering in them.
“You told me he was in Boston. You said he refused to come with you!”
“He was. Or at least I thought he was. But when I got to my hotel that night, he was there.”
She crossed her arms smugly. “So he came to attend the conference. Right?”
“Nope. He didn’t come for the conference. He came here for you.”
“For me?” Her voice cracked. “He came here for me. Yet he’s been in town for two days and hasn’t reached out to me once.”
“Well... about that. He did. He stopped by Langone yesterday and sort of heard you tell Dr. Douglass that you had a thing... for me.”
Kaycee felt her stomach drop. “No!”
“No, no, no, no! He doesn’t really think I want you, does he?”
“Hey, don’t act so disgusted!” Tobias said defensively. “Believe it or not, most people would kill to get with this... but Ethan knows you’re not one of them. I can’t give you a time machine, but you can give yourself a second chance.”
She remained silent, her heart beating faster as she stared out the window into the night.
“Tobias, it’s taken me eight years to say his name without crying. To recall our time together and feel whistful, not just sad. I’m content with my life here, and if I open that door and it slams shut once again... I don’t know that I could take it.”
“Kaycee, you’re right. Eight years have passed, and a lot has changed. Like you – you’re not a young, wide-eyed resident anymore. You have a brilliant career that can only be attributed to one thing – and that’s you. No one could dare say you made it because you were involved with him. You love each other. Why keep denying it.”
“He loves me?” She asked. “He used those exact words.”
“Well, he didn’t actually say the words, but... why would he say them to me? Why don’t you give him a chance... to say them to you?”  
“But Tobias,” she said with a quiver in her voice. “What if... what if it doesn’t work?”
“But Kaycee... what if it does?”
Boston and Philadelphia had skyscrapers for sure, but neither city could hold a candle to New York, and right now, Kaycee couldn't be more grateful to the town she now called home. Sixty-eight floors, she thought, taking a tentative step into the elevator. Sixty-eight floors stood between her and the lobby, and she hoped they’d stop at each one.
Standing in the back corner, she relied on the walls to keep her upright as passengers piled in. She needed time. Time to think, to decide what she’d say, to breathe.... sixty-eight floors should have given her the time she needed to center and gain a semblance of composure. But it went by in an instant, and when the elevator doors began sliding over, all she could do was watch in horror.
Her head was spinning, and her mind was lost in a cloud of confusion. Ethan was waiting in the lobby... for her? It couldn’t be real. Tourists and locals alike chatted happily about their evening plans as they stepped out, a direct contrast to Kacyee, who stood frozen in fear. Only the elevator operator’s gruff voice brought her back to reality.
“Ma’am, are you getting out?”
She turned to him, then back to the door, and considered returning to the grand ballroom. But something inside her stirred. Tobias was right; she was no longer playing the part of the ingenue, filled with hope and naivete that were somehow both her greatest strength and weakness. No, she was a big girl now, and whatever happened when she walked through that door... she’d be able to handle it.  
“Ma’am," the man repeated with increased irritation. “Shall I close the doors?"
“Uhm. No," she said, standing upright and dusting off the front of her gown. “No. I’m getting off here.”
The world seemed to move in slow motion as she stepped into the lobby. If this were a movie, Ethan would be waiting across a crowded room, their eyes would meet in an instant, and the credits would roll as soon as they shared a perfect kiss, one that left no doubt that they were destined for happily ever after. But real life seldom ran so smoothly, as Kaycee was about to confirm. She looked all around, to the left and the right, but no sign of him. She walked the perimeter of the room, even just outside, and still... nothing. Tobias said Ethan would be at the bar, so she returned and hopped on a stool to wait and wait. She was patient at first, but five minutes passed, then ten. Her fingers began to rap against the rich mahogany countertop when it reached fifteen, and by twenty? By twenty, she had enough.
Standing up with a weary sigh, she chastised herself for opening that door even a crack. You should have learned by now, she thought as she headed toward the exit. She was almost outside when she saw Tobias coming off the elevator. She turned on her high heel and headed his way. Why lambast herself if she could lambast him? He didn’t see her coming and reacted with surprise when he felt the shove on his shoulder.
 “He’s here, huh? He’s waiting for me at the bar? Well, guess what? He didn’t show!”
“Kaycee,” Tobia started, but she wouldn’t allow him to speak.
“No! Don’t Kaycee me! This is precisely l why I didn’t want to get my hopes up! This is how it always ends with us... either he walks away, or he doesn’t show... and I swore I wouldn’t put myself in this position again!”
“Kayce, if you’d just let me....��
“NO! No, I don’t want to hear what you have to say because all that matters is that he’s not here! He’s not here, and....”
Her breath hitched when she felt a tap on her shoulder.
“Is that....” she whispered.
“You know,” Tobias smirked. “You might want to turn around.”
She turned around slowly, and just like that, life was imitating art. A feeling of warmth surrounded her the moment their eyes met. He may have aged a little, but she’d know him... she’d know those eyes... anywhere.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, handing her a single red rose. “I stepped out to buy this from a street vendor. I thought it would be a nice touch.”
With her heart racing, she lifted the flower to her nose and inhaled its fragrant scent.
“And that took twenty minutes?” she grinned, putting Ethan at ease.
“Well, I also needed to go to the men's room. It took more than one glass of Scotch to get up the nerve to offer you an apology that could make up for eight years.”
“Ethan,” she whispered, at a loss for words.
“Well, this is the shittiest rose ceremony I’ve ever seen, and I’ve had to suffer through many an episode of The Bachelor,” Tobias observed. He pat Ethan on the back. “Nice touch, a little cheesy, but not bad for you.”
“You can go now,” Ethan grumbled.
“I was planning on it,” Tobias nodded at Kaycee, then looked Ethan in the eye. “You two can take it from here. Don’t fuck this up.”
“Can we?” Kaycee asked once Tobias was gone. “Can we take it from here, or will one of us mess it up somehow?”
“Well, there’s only one way to find out,” he smiled. “Why don’t we go someplace and talk.”
She couldn’t remember leaving the hotel lobby or how they decided where they would walk. All she knew was they ended up strolling along Central Park West, a comfortable distance between them, as she chattered aimlessly about nothing at all. Anything to avoid an awkward silence or, worse yet, an awkward conversation. While Kaycee faced straight ahead, Ethan couldn’t keep his eyes off her. She was as beautiful as he remembered, perhaps even more so. He was afraid if he took his eyes away, she’d disappear, and he wouldn’t allow that. Then, even in the dim streetlights, he saw her starting to shiver, and without missing a beat, he removed his jacket and placed it over her shoulders, bringing her to a stop.
“I’m sorry,” he said, taking a half step back. “You looked cold.”
“Yes,” she smiled nervously. “It is... it is getting cold.” She motioned to a food truck on the edge of the street and smiled. “I’d suggest we get coffee to warm up, but I know that wouldn’t meet your standards.”
“Is that what you want?” He asked. “Go. Go sit on that bench, and I’ll get us some.”
“You’re going to drink coffee... from a food truck?”
Ethan shrugged, a smile tugging at his lips. “I have to start living a little sometime. Tonight sounds like the perfect time to start.”
He walked away, and Kaycee hollered after him. “Wait, you didn’t ask how I wanted my coffee."
He turned around with his hands in his pockets and utter confidence. “At this hour? Decaff. Definitely, decaff with a splash of milk, preferably almond, but if they don’t have that, plain milk will do. And Splenda, two Splenda... even though you know they’re not good for you.”
A slow smile spread across Kaycee’s lips. “You... remember.”
“Yes,” he nodded. “I remember everything.”
“Well, I take three Splenda now,” she winked, and he felt his heart flutter.
“Go sit,” he smiled, and she all but skipped away.
She watched his silhouette in the ethereal light, still attempting to convince herself this was real. But she had to believe it was true when she felt the steaming hot cup in her hand. She watched with anticipation as Ethan took a sip from his cup and couldn’t help but laugh when he tried to contain a grimace.  
“Oh, it’s funny,” he smiled. “Do you enjoy watching me suffer?”
“No,” she whispered, gently taking his hand and placing her coffee on the bench beside her. “No, I think we’ve both suffered plenty, and I don’t want either of us to suffer anymore.”  
The touch of her hand impacted him more than he could have imagined, and he found himself unable to speak. He turned to her with tears in his eyes, just managing to mutter her name before pulling her into a tight embrace. Kaycee buried her face in his shoulder, taking in the warm, familiar scent she used to know so well. One of Ethan’s hands was entangled in her curls, while his other arm pulled her as close as he possibly could. They stayed there a long while, silent and amazed at the reality – both had assumed if this day were ever to come, it would be filled with fireworks. An explosion of passion that couldn’t be felt miles away. But the reality was different. It was warm, safe, comforting, a loving embrace each had desired for so long – it wasn’t fireworks, it was coming home.  
“I can’t believe you’re here,” her voice cracked. “I can’t believe you’re in my arms.”
“I’m trying to believe it myself,” he said, pulling back to gaze into her crystal blue eyes. His hand cupped her chin, his thumb tenderly stroking her cheek. “You’re so beautiful. What kind of fool am I depriving myself of seeing this face for so long?”
Kayce reached up to take his hand, gently placing a kiss on it. “Then, shall we try to rectify that now?”
“We could. If that’s what you want.”
Kaycee sat back with a smile so gentle and warm Ethan didn’t need words to know her answer. She reached up and messed up his hair. “How did we screw us up so badly? I mean, I can blame it on being young and stupid, but you didn’t have that luxury.”
Laughing, he took her hand. “You may have been young, but you were never stupid. You knew so much more than me. I know there’s no fairy godmother that will show up with a magic wand, and I know we will still have things to work out. But the thing I know most of all is that I love you. I love you with all my heart, and I’ve wasted too many years without you by my side. I’m determined to put an end to that as soon as I can.”
“You love me,” she sighed. “Well, that’s good... because I love you. I love you so much.”
Ethan reached over and embraced her, letting out a joyful groan as he lifted them to their feet. She held on tight as he spun her around, stopping to gently put her back down. They stood face-to-face, a world of memories crossing their minds as they gazed into each other’s eyes. Time and distance had done nothing to them; their love remained the same. He leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers, lighting a flame that had flickered but never extinguished. It was more than a kiss. It was a promise, a silent vow that was a testament to their love, which had never, ever died.
“We can’t screw this up, Ethan,” she said as they broke away. “If we’re going to do this, I want this to be forever. I can’t lose you again.”
“Good!” He grinned brighter than she had ever seen. “Because I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Ethan offered his arm, which she gladly accepted, nuzzling her head into his shoulder as they started to walk.
“So, where are we going?” She asked.
“Well, I do have a hotel room nearby.”
Kaycee playfully nudged him. “A hotel room? Mister, I have a whole apartment, and it’s quite nice! You know, your girl did all right for herself!”
“Oh, I’ve kept tabs on you. I know you did.”
“Then let’s go!”
As they walked to her apartment, they passed the café Kaycee had dined in not too long ago, and she told Ethan the story of that night. How two estranged lovers had come together, and he professed his undying love. She relayed how she was trying to listen in on their conversation, but in the end, she didn’t need to since the young man yelled it out for all to hear. The crowd applauded, and she secretly paid their bill. It was straight out of a movie.
“I’m glad you got to see that,” Ethan smiled. “You always loved a happy ending.”
“Mmm-hmm,” she agreed. “And now, I’ve got one of my own.”
(Yep that last part was from Part 1. 😊)
Thanks so much for reading!
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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youlookappropriate · 9 months
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: Explicit Warning: 🔥NSFW, ⛔18+ Only, contains explicit sexual content Category: Fluff, Smut Word count: 2.1K Prompt: Inspired by this prompt from @liaromancewriter
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The nurses’ station was buzzing with activity. Behind the desk, nurses were busy answering patient call buttons. A pair of interns were at the counter, tapping lab orders into their tablets. Across from them, Ethan was poring over a stack of files.
“Hi Maureen, what’s up?” Sawyer asked, responding to the page she received a few minutes ago. “Wow, those are beautiful. Are they for a patient?” she gushed, nodding to a giant bouquet of at least two dozen red roses. 
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“They’re for you, Dr. Brooks,” Maureen responded. “That’s why I paged you.” 
“For me? Really?” An uncontrollable smile spread across Sawyer’s face as she scooted over to the vase and reached for the card. 
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Ethan's gaze met hers as she lifted her eyes. Still wearing a giddy smile, she subtly nodded her head accepting his invitation. He winked back. 
Maureen suddenly popped up in front of her, trying to get a peek of the card. “Soooo, who are they from?”
“Oh, um…” Sawyer quickly tucked the card back into the envelope, trying to think of a response. The worst part about being in a secret relationship was having to lie to keep your secret safe. It made her feel icky, so she always tried to spin the truth instead. “They’re from someone I started dating recently.”
“Anyone we would know?” the nosy nurse pressed further.
“Brooks! Where are the discharge orders for Mr. Cruz? I don’t see them in his file,” Ethan called across to her, making her jump. 
“Oh, I… I must have left them in the DT office. I'll put these away and grab them for you, Dr. Ramsey.”
Sawyer played along, returning the wide-eyed look on Maureen’s face that said, “Oh boy, he’s in a mood.” 
Sweeping the vase off the counter, Sawyer cast another glance in Ethan’s direction, giving him an appreciative smile for the quick save.
A luxury town car dropped her off in front of Ethan’s building the following night.
Sawyer knocked gently on his door. “Coming!” she heard from inside, and a moment later, Ethan answered. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and a kitchen towel was draped over his shoulder. He gestured for her to come in, then helped her with her coat, hanging it on a nearby hook. When he turned back to her, Sawyer wrapped her arms around his waist, tipping her head back to meet his eyes. “Hi.” 
Ethan wrapped his arms around her, lowering his head to meet her lips in a sweet, welcoming kiss. “Hi.”
“It smells delicious. What are you making for us tonight, Chef Ramsey?”
“Georgian chicken. Since you didn’t get to try it last time,” he said, guiding her to the kitchen. 
Soft music played throughout the penthouse. The living room was dim save for the warm glow cast from the crackling logs in the fireplace. The dining table was set for two, decorated with rose petals and flickering tapers set in coordinating candlesticks.  
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“Do you want some wine?” Ethan asked, pulling her attention back to the activity in the kitchen. 
“Please.” Sawyer pushed up her sleeves. “Okay, put me to work, Chef. Give me a bowl of butter and I’ll give this chicken the best massage of their life. Or rather afterlife?” she giggled. 
Ethan chuckled. “Chicken’s already in the oven. I just need to saute the asparagus.” 
The pan sizzled as he tossed the vegetables in. He turned them over one-handed, letting Sawyer curl into his other side. With one arm around his back, her other hand drifted up the front of his thigh until she was cupping his crotch. “I guess I’ll just have to put my skills to use elsewhere,” she purred.
“Oh no, you don’t,” he warned, dropping the tongs on the counter. Gripping her waist, he picked her up, turned around, and set her atop the kitchen island. He handed her a wine glass and kissed her forehead. “If you touch me like that, we won’t be eating dinner anytime soon. So you’re going to stay right here until the food is ready. Got it?”  
“Fine,” she pouted, taking a sip of her wine. “This chicken better be worth it.”
An hour later, Sawyer had cleaned her plate and set her fork down. “That was so worth it.” She stood and moved around to Ethan’s side of the table. He scooted back to let her sit on his lap. “Thank you,” she whispered, giving him a tender kiss. She tucked her head into the crook of his neck and laced her fingers with his. She fell into a lovely trance, watching the dancing candle flames as Ethan rubbed her back. “Mmm, that feels good,” she murmured. 
Ethan kissed the top of her head, then encouraged her to stand. Squeezing her hand, he said, “I’ll be right back. Do me a favor and pour us each another a glass of wine?” Then he disappeared down the hall into his bedroom.
Sawyer poured the wine, then made herself useful, carrying their dirty plates to the kitchen sink. She had just put the leftovers away when Ethan returned. 
“What are you doing?” he asked, grabbing the glasses of wine from the dining table.
“Just helping clean up,” she answered.
“Leave it,” he insisted. He tilted his head toward the bedroom. “Follow me.”  
When Sawyer stepped into his room, she found a trail of rose petals leading to the en suite. The bathroom was dark, save for the candles glowing around the rim of the tub. More rose petals, hundreds of them, floated on the surface of the steamy water. A fragrant aroma of roses and jasmine filled the air.
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Ethan set the wine glasses down next to the tub. “Come here,” he said, reaching out his hand. 
Sawyer took it and let him pull her close. “I’ve been wanting to do this with you for a long time,” she confessed.
“Me too.” He lifted her shirt over her head and placed it on the counter. Reaching around her back, he unfastened her bra. Curling a finger under each of the shoulder straps, he carefully pulled it away and set it on top of her shirt. 
Ethan’s knuckle traced around the pink centers of her breasts while Sawyer unbuttoned his shirt, then his jeans. She unzipped him, then took the sides of his shirt in her hands and peeled it away. 
After removing their shoes and socks, Ethan slowly spun Sawyer around, pressing his warm chest against her back. His hands slid under her arms, finding and loosening the button of her pants. Moving to his knees, he tugged the waistband of both her jeans and panties downward, helping her step out of each leg. As he returned to his feet, he kissed the back of her thighs, her ass, then her shoulders. 
Sawyer turned to face him and returned the favor. She pushed his pants and underwear to the floor, letting his erection slide between the valley of her breasts as she rose. Ethan grabbed the sides of her face and crashed his lips onto hers. “Do you have any idea how goddamn sexy you are?” 
He stepped into the bath and sat down. Extending his hand to Sawyer, he helped her step safely into the water. Standing before him naked, Ethan admired her body. His eyes trailed from her cherry-painted lips, to her plump breasts, to her smooth sex. He leaned forward and kissed the lines of her hips, then the mound below her belly button. “You’re so beautiful.”
Sawyer lowered herself into the water, positioning herself between his bent knees. She leaned back and melted into his embrace. The warmth of the water, and the feel of his skin against hers, was a comfort like no other. 
“I could get used to this,” she said softly, running her hands through the hundreds of flower petals floating on the water’s surface.
“So could I,” Ethan agreed, sipping on his wine. 
After a few more minutes of blissful calm, Ethan set his glass aside and reached for a sponge. He dipped it in the water, then gently nudged Sawyer forward, swiping her hair to the side. The sponge moved up and down her back, then the length of her neck, and across her shoulder before traveling down her arm. Ethan dragged it across her collar bone, then after another dip under the surface, he squeezed a stream of warm water from the sponge directly over each of her breasts. Her nipples hardened in response. 
When she arched her back begging for more, Ethan tossed the sponge to the other end of the tub. He pulled Sawyer back onto his lap, clamping his mouth to her neck as he reached between her legs. Her head fell back on his shoulder, and she moaned as his fingers stroked her core. With each twitch of his cock against her ass, her arousal grew more intense.
As the pleasure continued to build, she turned her head to the side. “Kiss me,” she demanded. Ethan obeyed. As their tongues met, he plunged two fingers inside of her, curling them right where he knew she'd come undone. 
“Oh god… I’m going to come,” she whimpered. 
He sucked her earlobe, then his warm breath caressed her ear. “Lasciati andare, bella.” 
Sawyer reached behind, gripping the back of Ethan’s head, anchoring as her body shuddered with wave after wave of euphoria. “Uhnnnnn…Ethan…”
Water tepid and fingers pruned, they eventually climbed out of the tub. Sawyer shivered as she plucked a few stuck rose petals from her body. Ethan wrapped a thick towel around her shoulders and rubbed up and down her arms to rid her of the goosebumps. “Let's warm up in front of the fire. We can set up a picnic for dessert," he said.
“Dessert? You’re spoiling me tonight.”
Ethan kissed her cheek as he walked past and into his closet. “You deserve it.” He emerged wearing a pair of loose shorts with a t-shirt in hand for Sawyer, but she was already buttoning the dress shirt he discarded earlier. “Fuck me,” he growled at the sight.
“Oh I will... But dessert first,” she smirked, walking past him to the kitchen.
With perfect timing, a log in the fireplace cracked in two, sending sparks up the chute. “Sawyer!” Ethan cried out as he found his release. Their bodies slick with sweat, he slid off of her and collapsed onto his back, just missing the tray of strawberries and chocolate sauce he had prepared for dessert.
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Sawyer rolled to her side and propped herself up on an elbow. Ethan’s eyes were closed as he tried to regain equilibrium. She kissed his cheek and started tracing shapes on his chest. “Thank you for tonight, Ethan… and for the flowers yesterday. Who would have guessed you were such a romantic?” His lips turned up in a small smile. “Though, given your love of opera, I guess it shouldn’t come as such a surprise.”
He opened his eyes and turned his head to her. “I wanted to make up for some of the time I wasted before,” he explained. “Was it too much?” 
Sawyer cupped his cheek. “Not at all, babe,” she assured him, using the term of endearment for the first time. “I loved it.” She leaned down and kissed him softly. “You pulled out all the stops. I’ve never had anyone do the things you did for me.” 
He combed his fingers through her hair and looked her in the eyes. “You deserve nothing less, Rookie. I’ll have to think of some new ways to sweep you off your feet in the future.” 
“Tonight has been incredible, and consider me swept… But Ethan, I don’t need love letters every day.”
“I know, but I like showing you how much you mean to me.” 
“That’s easy, babe. Just smack me on the butt and say, ‘I’m glad that ass is mine,’” she laughed.
“That easy, huh?” 
“Mmm hmm,” Sawyer hummed. Sitting up and reaching across him, she plucked a strawberry from the tray.   
“Good to know."
After dipping the strawberry in the chocolate, Sawyer held a hand underneath it as she brought it to her mouth for a bite. Moving her hand away at just the right moment, the chocolate sauce dripped onto Ethan's abs. “Whoops, my bad,” she smiled wickedly. Licking her lips, she lowered her head, “Let me get that for you.”  
Two days later, Sawyer rode the elevator up to the fifth floor with Sienna. When the steel doors slid open, she looked up to find Ethan waiting on the other side. She smiled and winked as Ethan waited for her roommate to exit. 
Ethan’s shoulder rubbed Sawyer’s as they crossed over the threshold at the same time. Then… SMACK! Sawyer jumped when the palm of his hand slapped her ass cheek. Safely on the other side, she turned to face him with a questioning look on her face. 
Ethan leaned forward to punch the button for the lobby. Then he looked at Sawyer. As the doors began to close, he smiled. “Mine.”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn 
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youlookappropriate · 9 months
I loved this, so happy he found her in time. 🏃‍➡️⏰️🏃‍➡️🚶‍♀️👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 🎆🥰💋
Never Been Kissed
Book: Open Heart, Book 2 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Fluff Word count: 1.8K Summary: Ethan helps Sawyer with one of her New Year’s resolutions. A/N: I woke up with this idea yesterday and hammered it out last night so I could post it in time for NYE. Please forgive any errors. Happy New Year!🎉🪩🍾
Events/Prompts: • Participating in CFWC Holidays 2023 • Participating in Choices Flashfics Week #66 Prompts 🫤3: “How much worse could it get?” • Participating in Choices Holidays Winter 2023
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Sawyer had never kissed anyone on New Year's Eve. 
Every year, for as long as she could remember, she rang in the new year with her family. The tradition was due in part to the fact that it was also her father's birthday. Twelve years away at school, but she was always returned home for the holidays, never missing the annual event. Even last year, her first in Boston, she was able to make it home. A trip made possible by the plane ticket Ethan had given her for Christmas, a generous thank-you gift for helping him with Naveen.
In recent years their family party grew to include significant others and their babies. Everyone had a special someone to kiss at midnight. Everyone but Sawyer. 
When she broke the news to her parents that she was staying in Boston for New Years, there was disappointment on both ends of the line. A couple weeks had passed since she returned to work, and the medical leave she took to recuperate from the attack had already eaten up more time than she could afford. She couldn’t spare any more time away. Her parents were understanding, and Sawyer found a silver lining in that she finally had a special someone to kiss at midnight this year.
At least that was the case until she looked at her schedule a week later. Zaid accommodated her request for extra shifts, allowing her to make up clinic hours. But given that she worked a double on Christmas, she didn’t expect another on New Year’s Eve. She should have known better. It was one of the busiest nights of the year in the emergency department.  
After a quick coffee break at Derry’s, Ethan helped Sawyer put her coat back on. He took the cream colored beanie that she pulled from her pocket and fitted it over her head. “Nice bunny tail,” he said, gently swatting the giant cotton ball sewn to the top of her knit hat. 
“Watch it, Mister, or you won’t be getting any of this tail for a while,” she turned and shook her rear end at him.
Just before they headed back inside the hospital, Sawyer squeezed his hand. “Sure you don’t want to volunteer and stay for another shift?” she asked, looking up at him with a puppy dog pout.
The first time Sawyer returned to work after the attack, with her landlord in tow, it had been a complete disaster. Though things had gone better this time around, Ethan kept an eye out for any signs of distress. She had her ups and downs, and he couldn't help but worry about her. "Is everything all right?"
“Yeah, it’s fine. You don’t need to worry. I promise,” she tried to assure him, sensing his concern. “I’m just going to miss you tonight, that’s all.” 
Ethan could still feel something was off, but dropped it.   
It took him twice as long to get home with New Year’s revelers heading to their festivities around town. After a light dinner, a satisfying workout, and a long, hot shower, Ethan settled on his couch. The apartment suddenly felt too quiet, too empty. He missed his girlfriend. Since Sawyer began picking up double-shifts, they had not had a lot of time alone. Sure he got to see her at work. But it wasn’t the same as curling up together on the couch and talking about their day, or kissing whenever they felt like it, or waking up in each other’s arms. 
Hoping it would provide some distraction, he turned on the television and watched the local news. When the weather segment began, Ethan grew bored. He reached for a book on the coffee table, finding Sawyer’s notebook underneath. He recognized it from their DT meetings, where she took meticulous notes and sometimes doodled during their brainstorming sessions. She must have forgotten it the last time she stayed over. 
The way her mind worked fascinated him. She could be discussing the differences between apples and oranges when… Click! An idea would pop into her head to check their patient for uneven skin texture, giving her the lead needed to reach a successful diagnosis. 
Curious to know her thoughts about their current, undiagnosed patient, Ethan picked up the notebook and flipped through the pages. They were filled with detailed notes from each of their team meetings. Random side notes littered the margins. Tacos or burritos? He chuckled, wondering if the question was part of a diagnostic brainstorm, or if she was just hungry at the time. Turning the page to a more recent entry, he found Sawyer’s notes from a meeting he conducted last week. Ethan had attempted to inspire the team by conducting a goal-setting exercise. He asked everyone to jot down a few professional and personal goals for the new year. 
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Several emotions washed over Ethan as he read her goals. She was cute as hell, but his heart broke a little knowing how much weight she still carried on her shoulders. 
On the TV, the New Year’s Eve countdown now aired. A correspondent stood in front of a large crowd of people gathered in Times Square. “…And according to folklore, a kiss at midnight brings luck and strength to that relationship for the rest of the year. So, who will you be kissing when the clock strikes twelve?” Ethan looked down at her list again. Is that why she wanted me to stay tonight? Was that the reason she seemed so… disappointed? 
A timer in the corner of the TV screen counted down the time to the famous ball drop. Forty minutes until midnight. 
Ethan never paid any mind to superstitions. Thinking back to the events of the past two years, he thought to himself, “How much worse could it get?” He shuddered at the thought, bolting to his closet where he threw on a pair of jeans and a sweater, then slipped into his running shoes. He was not going to take any chances, and most importantly, he was intent on giving Sawyer whatever she desired. If she wanted a kiss at midnight, he would make it happen. Keys and jacket in hand, the door to his apartment slammed shut behind him.
Ethan stepped into the atrium and checked the clock behind the reception desk. Fifteen minutes until midnight. 
He pushed through the doors of the emergency department a couple minutes later. It was eerily quiet. The calm before the storm. In about an hour, the waiting room would be packed with reckless and unfortunate party-goers. He didn’t see Sawyer anywhere, but wanting to confirm, Ethan inquired at the triage desk. 
“Happy New Year, Dr. Ramsey,” the triage coordinator greeted. 
“Happy New Year, Anabel. Have you seen Dr. Brooks?”
“About an hour ago? She mentioned trying to catch a quick nap before the midnight rush.”
“Thank you.”
Ethan made his way to the on-call room nearest the emergency room. When he opened the door, the beds were full of sleeping doctors, but Sawyer was not among them. After a quick peek in the cafeteria, he headed up to the Internal Medicine floor. The hallways were dim and quiet at this time of night. He checked all the obvious places. Staff lounge, empty. Resident locker room, empty. The on-call room was also empty, save for a pager that someone had left behind. Duh! 
“Could you page Dr. Brooks, please?” he asked the nurse sitting behind the circular desk. Not a moment later, the pager in his hand started to vibrate. 
Of course. He wondered if this was the universe mocking him for his skepticism.  
Jan, the night supervisor, quietly exited the patient’s room behind him. “Hey kiddo, I thought you went home a few hours ago?” She noticed the pager in his hand. “Did someone page you?”
“Uh, no. Jan, I’m looking for Sawy- for Dr. Brooks? Have you seen her?” he asked. 
“No, hon, but I’ve seen several folks making their way up to the helipad for the fireworks. Maybe she’s up there?”
Yes! She loves fireworks. Ethan looked at his wrist. Five minutes until midnight. 
After thanking the nurses, he walked with purpose to the elevator bank and punched the up button. Come on, come on! Four minutes to midnight. 
When he reached the seventh floor he jogged to the helipad entrance. The automatic glass doors slid open and a frigid gush of wind hit his face. With only the light of the helipad beacons, Ethan frantically scanned the gathered crowd. She’s not here. Dammit!  
He checked the time again. Two minutes until midnight.
As he turned to head back inside, he noticed a large chunk of snow falling from above. It fell from a secluded section of the rooftop that few knew how to access. Naveen referred to it as “the bird’s nest.” He shared its location with Ethan, and in turn, Ethan shared it with Sawyer. It was a place they could go when they needed a minute of peace. To his surprise, he saw what appeared to be a snowball floating in midair. Wait… not a snowball. A bunny tail! 
When he reached the stairwell, he glanced at his watch again. One minute until midnight.
Climbing the stairs three at a time, he quickly ascended two flights of stairs, bursting onto the ninth floor. Thankfully these hallways were lined mostly with administrative offices and were completely abandoned given the late hour. Sprinting to the end of the long hallway, Ethan pulled on a door marked “Authorized Personnel Only.” He launched himself through the dark doorway and blindly climbed another flight of stairs. 
Just as his hand reached the door at the top of the staircase, he heard an explosion on the other side. Midnight.
Sawyer jumped when she heard the steel door crash against the stone exterior of the building. Turning around, she saw Ethan. Steam puffed from his mouth as he tried to catch his breath. 
With the sky sparkling behind her, he grabbed the sides of her face, and crashed his lips onto hers. Once the urgency had subsided, he changed the angle and kissed her again. Deep and tender. When he pulled away to give his lungs a chance to expand, Sawyer could see the fireworks reflected in his eyes.
Tucked in his embrace, she smiled up at him. “What are you doing here?”
“Helping you keep your New Year’s resolutions.” 
She looked at him confused. “Wait... how did you know about that?” She hadn’t remembered mentioning it to him, or anyone for that matter. 
“You left your notebook at my apartment.” He reached into his pocket and handed her the pager. “You also left this in the on-call room.”
“Shit. Please don’t tell my boss.” 
“You’ll have to silence me with another kiss,” he smirked. 
“Well, if that's what it takes...” she laughed, standing on her tiptoes. She brushed her lips against his and whispered, “Happy New Year, Ethan.” 
Before claiming her lips again, he whispered back, “Happy New Year, Rookie.” 
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose  @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @choicesflashfics
60 notes · View notes
youlookappropriate · 9 months
Book: Open Heart, Book 1 Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Category: Angsty Fluff, Christmas Word count: 2.5K Summary: Sawyer is worried that her crush is getting the wrong impression and is later hurt when she thinks he has taken advantage of a situation. A/N: This takes place during intern year (pre-Miami) shortly before the events in Merry Christmas, Rookie.
Events/Prompts: • Photo prompt from @jerzwriter • Participating in CFWC Holidays 2023 • Participating in Choices Flashfics Holiday Prompts 🎄12: “The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year.” 🎅21: “It looks like Santa threw up in here.” 🎁67: “What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?” • Participating in Choices Flashfics Week #64 Prompts 👨🏻‍⚕️2: “I’m not in the mood for a lecture.” • Participating in Choices Holidays Winter 2023
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While waiting in the lunch rush lines in the cafeteria, Sienna reminded her roommates of their party assignments. “...I’ve got the treats covered, Elijah is handling the music, Jackie is making jingle juice-”
“Hell yeah!” Elijah exclaimed, giving Jackie a high-five. 
“The tree isn’t the only thing getting lit this year,” she said coolly.
“Oh, and don’t forget your white elephant gifts!” Sienna also reminded them.
“Shit, I forgot about that. What are the rules again?” Jackie asked.
“The only rule is you can’t buy anything,” Sienna answered. 
“I’ll go shop the lost and found when we’re done here.”
“Or, I saw some pharma reps in the atrium earlier. You could try to hit them up for some swag,” Sawyer chimed in. 
When the group reached the front of the line, a heavy arm slipped around Sawyer’s shoulders. “Thanks for saving my spot, Brooks,” Bryce winked, cutting in line.
“Do you meatheads have to cut into everything?” Jackie barked.
Bryce chomped into the apple he hadn’t yet paid for. “Yep,” he nodded with a big toothy grin. “I’m just trying to get on the naughty list. If you all want to join me, we could save Santa a trip this year,” he joked.
“You’re already looking at Santa’s favorite ho,” Jackie quipped.
“Brooksie, I actually am in a hurry. I need to scrub in for a lymphadenectomy. Do you mind?” he asked seriously.
Sawyer tilted her head to the register, gesturing for him to go ahead.
“Thanks.” When the cashier asked if they were together, Bryce said yes.
“Bryce, you don’t have to-”
He placed a hand on the small of her back. "I've got you, Ipo. I'll see you later," he promised before hurrying away.
“Girl, what are you holding out for? He's hot and he's totally into you,” Sienna teased, once Bryce was out of earshot. 
Sawyer lifted her tray and turned to her friend. She opened her mouth to say something, but froze when she spotted a six-foot-four-inch, blue-eyed attending at the adjacent register. Not knowing how much he saw or heard, a blush of embarrassment colored her cheeks. Feeling like a shy teenager at a school dance, Sawyer hoped the interaction with Bryce hadn’t given her crush the wrong impression. 
As Ethan raised his eyes to her, he gave no indication. Pocketing his wallet, he stoically turned and exited the cafeteria. 
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As their shift ended, Sawyer approached her roommates who were walking in the opposite direction down the hall.
“Locker room is that way, Brooks,” Jackie pointed. 
“I know, I just need to run and check on one more patient before I clock out.”
“Do you want us to wait for you?” Sienna asked.
“No, don’t wait up. I’ll be right behind you.” 
After making sure the coast was clear, Sawyer slipped behind the plastic curtain that sealed off the construction wing. Naveen spiked a fever earlier in the day, and she wanted to check on him before going home. She found him fast asleep, and after checking his monitors and medications, she quietly tidied the room. When she finished, she softly closed the door behind her, whispering, “Goodnight, Dr. B.”
On her way to dispose of some trash, Sawyer’s phone buzzed in her pocket.
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Bryce knocked and let himself in, making a beeline to the kitchen to find Sienna. “Help?” he asked, lifting a roll of wrapping paper and tape.
She looked at him puzzled. “Where’s your gift?”
“You're looking at it.” He beckoned her to the living room, where he laid down on the floor. 
“You’re ridiculous, you know that?” she laughed, kneeling next to him.
A few minutes later, Sienna placed the last piece of tape, securing the wrapping around Bryce’s torso. Using all of her body weight, she rolled him to his back and slid him under the Christmas tree. 
“Si?” he called, his voice muffled. “Do me a favor and start the game sooner than later. I already have to pee.”
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In the locker room, Sawyer traded her white coat for her winter one. As she gathered her things, her phone buzzed with an incoming call.
“Hi,” she answered.
“Hi. By any chance, are you still at the hospital?” Ethan asked.
“I am.”
“Could I ask you for a favor? I’ve had something come up at the last minute. Would you be able to stay with Naveen for a few hours?”
By now, Sawyer had come to know Ethan Ramsey well enough to know that he would not ask for help unless he was desperate. “Sure. Is everything okay?”
“Yes. I’m pressed for time right now, but I’ll explain later. I’ll relieve you as soon as I can.”
“No problem.”
“Thanks, Rookie.”
Sawyer was about to text Sienna when Danny entered the room.  
“Hey, Sawyer,” he waved. “I thought you’d be at home getting ready for the party. I’m heading there now if you want a ride?”
“Danny, I’m so glad you’re here! Could you take something to Sienna for me? I’m not going to make it home for a while.”
“How come?” 
She made sure they were alone and lowered her voice. “Dr. Ramsey got tied up with something and asked if I would look after Patient X for a few hours.”
“You should go and have fun with your roommates, Sawyer. I can stay,” he insisted, having been recruited by Ethan shortly after Naveen agreed to be treated.
“That’s really sweet of you, Danny, but I know you traded shifts so you could be off tonight. Besides, Sienna baked a batch of peppermint chocolate chip cookies just for you.”
“She did?” he smiled.
“Yeah. Go. Have fun. I’ll be there as soon as Dr. R gets here.”
After Danny left with what appeared to be a wrapped bedpan, she updated her roommate.
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Later, Sawyer was in Naveen’s room, scrolling through Pictagram when her phone vibrated with a new text notification.
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Several hours had passed when Sawyer felt a hand on her shoulder. 
“Hiiiii,” she managed through a yawn. 
“I’m so sorry,” Ethan apologized.
“Huh? What time is it?” Sawyer reached for her phone, noticing several missed calls from Sienna and Bryce. 
“It’s almost four in the morning. I would have been here sooner, but I accidentally dozed off,” he explained, helping her to her feet.
“It’s okay. There's no doubt you probably needed it. And it’s been quiet here. His fever finally broke a little while ago.” 
“Good. Go home and get some sleep,” he instructed, “I’ll tell Ines that you’ll be in this afternoon.” 
“Okay.” Sawyer shouldered her bag and headed for the door. “Good night."
“Thank you.”
With a shake of the snow from her coat, Sawyer entered her apartment and found Landry eating breakfast at the kitchen table. “Oh boy. It looks like Santa threw up in here.”
“Smells like it too,” he grumbled. 
“I’m surprised you’re still going in early after…,” she circled her hand in the air, “all of this.”
“Yeah, well, not all of us are lucky enough to get preferential treatment from Dr. Ramsey.” 
“Excuse me?” 
“What? This is the second time he’s personally assigned you a case. To my knowledge, he hasn’t assigned cases to any of the other interns in the competition.”
“Wow. Well, maybe if you ever crack the top five, he will.” She let him chew on that as she hung her coat and walked to her room.
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Bryce turned from the surgical board and spotted Sawyer approaching. “Finally coming to collect your prize, Brooksie?”
Sawyer rolled her eyes.
“What’s wrong? Do you not like your gift?”
“You’re ridiculous,” she shook her head with an amused smile.
“So I’ve been told. By the way, this gift comes with a night on the town.” 
Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Ramsey inconveniently emerged from a nearby patient’s room, catching the tail end of their conversation.
But before she could protest, he backed his way down the hall. “I’ve gotta run. Check your schedule and let me know when to pick you up. And you should know, I have a strict ‘no rejections’ policy.”
She sighed deeply once his back was to her, then turned to find Ethan standing a couple feet away, his eyes focused on the tablet in his hand.
“Dr. Ramsey,” she acknowledged sheepishly.
Ethan glanced at her with a side eye. “Brooks.”
“Rrrrr! Of course he is here right now!” As they moved on to their next tasks, Sawyer told herself it was time for a heart to heart with Bryce.   
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"Excuse me, would you please page Dr. Ramsey?"
A few minutes later, Ethan met an attractive woman at the nurses’ station and led her away from the busybodies seated at the circular desk. As they walked down the hall, she handed him a small box. “Thank you, Jen. I really appreciate this. I’ll send you the outcome report as soon as the trial period ends.”
Stepping in front of him, Jen pulled him to the side until their shoulders hugged the wall. "It was great to see you again." She paused as a couple nurses walked past. "We had a good time last night, didn’t we?"
“It was nice to catch up.”
She didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but when Sawyer heard the familiar voice, she wondered if her ears were deceiving her. 
“Listen, I would love to see you again tonight,” Jen continued, reaching for the end of his tie and running it through her fingers. “I’m staying at The Langham. Come have drinks with me and…,” she shrugged, "we can see where things go from there.” 
Stepping out from the vending machine alcove, Sawyer turned her head in their direction. 
Ethan’s surprised eyes met hers, finding only hurt. He moved Jen’s hand back to her side as Sawyer spun and walked briskly in the opposite direction. 
“Jen, you’ll have to excuse me. I need to go,” he apologized, watching the woman he longed for retreat and disappear from sight. “I appreciate your assistance. I will speak with you later.” 
“Later tonight?”
“I’ll text you,” he said as he sidestepped her.
Ethan’s long strides carried him down the hall quickly. He nearly collided with a visitor as he rounded the corner. “I’m sorry. Excuse me.”
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In the far corner of the cafeteria, Sawyer watched the snow fall in the empty courtyard. The sound of metal chair legs scraping against the tiled floor jarred her from her thoughts.
“I’ve been looking all over for you.”
“Why? Need another favor?” she said, words laced with disdain.
“Rookie, that-”
“Dr. Ramsey, I haven’t been helping you to win favor or get a leg up in the competition. If you want an intern to run errands and cover for your ass, then let me suggest Dr. Olsen. He'd be more than happy to fill that role.”
She lowered her voice, hurt replacing anger. “I canceled plans with my roommates last night, because I believed that if you were asking for help, it must have been important. If I had known I was only covering so that you could go on a date and get…” She let the rest of the sentence die on her tongue. “Sorry. I know it’s none of my business how you spend your free time, but I won’t let you take advantage of mine.” 
Visibly disappointed, she avoided eye contact. Ethan keenly observed that her disappointment went beyond merely thinking he would take advantage of her kindness. If he was reading the situation correctly, it was the same disappointment he had felt seeing her with the surgical intern.
“Sawyer, let me explain. Jen works for Phlaum Pharmaceuticals. They are currently conducting a trial on a new antibiotic for sepsis. I reached out to her when I heard about it. Her team is in the area promoting a new product this week. You may have noticed her reps in the lobby. She made herself available to meet with me last night. And after some convincing, she agreed to pull some strings to get Naveen into the trial. She was here this afternoon to drop off the treatment.” Ethan pulled a small vial from his pocket and placed it on the table.
“It sounded like you convinced her all right,” she muttered.
“Rookie. I know we haven’t known each other long, but do you honestly believe I’m the type of person who would trade sexual favors? I agreed to a testimonial and a couple expo appearances. That’s all.”
“What? Can you blame me for going there? She said she had a ‘good time,’ and you told me you were late because you ‘accidentally dozed off,’ then she asked you to meet her again tonight…At. A. Hotel.”
He shook his head and pinched the bridge of his nose at her teasing dramatization, failing to hide the crack of a smile.
“So, how’d you get out of it?” she wondered.
“I told her I would text her later.”
“You don’t text.”
“Exactly.” His knee touched hers, but neither one attempted to move away. “I need to get back upstairs. Can you meet me later to review the trial protocols?”
“I have a few patients to check on. I’ll page you after?” she answered.
Ethan scooted back in his chair, but before standing, he covered Sawyer’s hand with his own. 
“Sawyer, your contributions and the sacrifice of your time have not gone unnoticed. And as far as I’m concerned, you are my partner on this case. I should have filled you in on the drug trial. I just didn’t want either of us to get our hopes up.” 
“Thank you, Dr. Ramsey.” When he moved to stand, she followed. “I’m finished here. I’ll head back up with you.”
The elevator doors were halfway closed when a fellow intern squeezed his way through. 
“Hi, Brad,” Sawyer greeted.
“Sooo, who’s the lucky guy?” he quizzed, embarrassingly indiscreet.
“Come on, girl. Why else would you ditch us last night? Your roommates say you’re never home. You rarely come out for drinks anymore. And, you’ve parked Bryce in the friend zone.” Brad nudged her shoulder with his. “Spill the tea.”
“Sorry to disappoint, TMZ, but I’m not dating anyone. I got stuck here with a last minute case.” She made her eyes big and subtly tipped her head toward Dr. Ramsey as a warning. Luckily, Brad picked up on the queue, sparing her from having to tell any more white lies. 
Ethan hid a smile, pretending not to notice the act.
“Any chance you guys will host again for New Years? You’re the only ones with an apartment big enough,” Brad asked as they exited the elevator together. 
“Talk to Elijah. He’s the party planner of the group.” 
Once Brad was on his way, Ethan reached for Sawyer's elbow drawing her back. “You skipped your own party?” 
She shrugged. “You needed my help, and our patient wasn’t in any condition to be left alone.”
“You should have told me. I would have figured something else out…” He looked into her eyes with a sense of wonder. “Thank you. I owe you one.”
She smiled up at him. “You’re welcome.”  
“So, what excuse did you give your roommates?” he asked as they walked side by side down the hall.
“About that…” she said with a tense grin, “I’m gonna need you to assign some of your cases to the other interns in the top five.”
“Come again?”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @peonierose @potionsprefect @trappedinfanfiction @jerzwriter @queencarb @coffeeheartaddict2 @quixoticdreamer16 @jamespotterthefirst @liaromancewriter @zealouscanonindeer @tveitertotwrites @tessa-liam @youlookappropriate @kyra75 @socalwriterbee @txemrn @choicesflashfics
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youlookappropriate · 9 months
Premise: Ethan and Cassie’s skating date plans go awry, but all hope is not lost.
Fandom: Open Heart/Choices Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff. Words: 1,965 Day/Prompt: @12daysofchristmas Day 9 - “I like it out here. It’s peaceful.”
A/N: For @choicesholidays "Best Christmas Ever" prompt, @choicesprompts Holiday rewrite event: inspired by Virgin River's S5 Christmas special where Mel and Jack celebrate their first Christmas and make their own holiday traditions, including the ice skating scene. Also submitting to @choicesdecember2023 prompt "Christmas" and @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday event.
I'm using @choicesflashfics week 64, prompt 1 (in bold), and fluffy dialogue prompt 1 from Second Day of Gift-Giving by @creativepromptsforwriting. Tagging for reblog to @creativepromptfills.
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Growing up in New England meant ice skating. One of Ethan Ramsey’s earliest memories was holding his father’s hand as they stepped onto an outdoor ice rink. Light snow fell around them like stardust, and he tilted his head back to catch a snowflake on his tongue.
His father taught him how to skate that night, gripping Ethan’s hand lightly and encouraging him to lean forward and alternately stroke and glide on the ice, letting the blades do the work.
Ethan remembered his father’s deep laughter and his mother’s cheers from the sidelines as he let go of the hand keeping him tethered. Feeling the wind on his face and watching colors blur from the festive lights strung up around the rink, everything in little Ethan’s world was perfect at that moment.
Many years later, Ethan still loved to skate but didn’t have as much time for it. As head of diagnostics at Boston’s Edenbrook Hospital, his duties kept him much too busy. But something about the holidays made him nostalgic for simpler times.
“Earth to Ethan. Anyone there?” Cassie Valentine snapped her fingers in front of his face.
Ethan shook his head to clear the memories clouding his thoughts. “Sorry, I was miles away. What were we talking about?”
“Okay, that was some trip,” Cassie commented, giving him a strange look above the rim of her wine glass. “Holiday traditions from our childhood. You were telling me about skating with your parents, remember?”
“Oh, right,” Ethan said, feeling his face flush.
For a moment, he’d forgotten where he was. He glanced around his apartment and the holiday decorations they’d put up a few days ago, scratching the back of his head as he tried to collect his composure.
A Christmas tree stood in the corner against the floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the bay — the first one they bought and decorated together — tinsel and fairy lights winking against the dark. Presents had found their way underneath the tree at regular intervals in the last couple of weeks.
This was their first holiday together, technically second as a couple, but he’d been in Providence last year, and she’d been working. Somehow, without realizing it, he found himself in a relationship that was more serious than anything he’d ever had before.
What else would you call meeting each other’s families and planning together what presents to buy for their respective relatives?
“Do you still skate, or is that in the past?” Cassie mused, her legs curled up beneath her on the couch.
“Not as much as I’d like,” Ethan confessed, picking up the near-empty wine bottle to top up their glasses. “A few years ago, a bunch of us started getting together in the community center rink for ice hockey. Nothing formal, just pick up games to blow off steam.”
“Why am I only finding out about this now?” she said, somewhat disgruntled. “We’ve known each other for almost three years!”
Ethan rolled his eyes at her dramatic response. “Because I have other, more pleasurable things to say and do when you’re around. Besides, I had Naveen’s condition to occupy my mind that first year, and then my mother’s return and addiction last year. This is the first normal holiday season for both of us.”
“You have a point,” Cassie conceded with a regal nod before twisting in her seat to regard him thoughtfully. “I bet you’re a goalie. You’ve got the build for it.”
“You’d lose that bet.” Ethan raised an eyebrow in amusement. “I play center.”
She harrumphed and then tapped her index finger against her lips. “Remember how we talked about making our own holiday traditions when we decorated the tree last week? Let’s add skating to the list. The Boston Common Frog Pond rink is open for season, and it always looks fun when I go running past it.”
“I’ve been, and it is fun,” Ethan said. “How about Friday? You’re working a double before that, so should be post-call, right?”
“It’s a date,” Cassie smiled, intertwining her fingers with his and nestling against him. “This is going to be the best Christmas season ever!”
When Friday came, Ethan was run off his feet. Herb, one of his oldest patients, had been admitted with an unknown infection. He spent the entire day running tests, frustrated when the results didn’t reveal anything useful.
Deciding to return to the beginning, he sat behind his desk, switched on the monitor and pulled up Herb’s medical history. He wasn’t leaving here until he figured this out.
“You’re still working?”
Ethan looked up at the intrusion, eyes unfocused, the screen’s glare reflecting off his reading glasses. Cassie stood inside the sliding glass doors, wearing a pink long-sleeved sweater beneath a puffy white vest and black jeans. A knitted cap with white and pink stripes sat atop her long blonde hair.
He wondered whether she coordinated her outfits or if it was an innate style. Maybe even both.
He noted the small duffel bag in her hand and cursed internally. He’d utterly forgotten their skating date, and judging by Cassie’s amused expression, she knew it, too.
“You’re important to me. And I want you to know that,” Ethan said, coming around from behind the desk to stand before her. He took her hand in his.
“I do know that, but thank you for telling me,” Cassie chuckled, lightly swinging their clasped hands before letting go. “What’s going on?”
Ethan quickly explained the situation, running frustrated fingers through his hair, his inability to solve the case coming through in the irritated tone of his voice. Before he knew it, he started brainstorming Herb’s condition with her, pulling up test results and walking her through his thought process.
Herb wasn’t the diagnostic team’s patient, but it helped to have someone he trusted from the team working with him.
“Could be GI. Have you considered….”
“…barium follow through?” he said, reading her thoughts as perfectly as she could his. He frowned as he tried to connect the dots to the other symptoms.
“I thought I saw something in his chart,” she said, nudging him out of the chair to take control of his keyboard, her eyes scanning the electronic medical records. “Aha, there it is. Small bowel obstruction, managed through a steroid protocol, so no biopsy was done to rule out Crohn’s or colitis.”
“Good catch,” Ethan said, reading over her shoulder. “I’ll put in orders for a barium test tomorrow. Nothing more we can do today.”
Her light floral scent drifted into his nostrils, and he sighed in disappointment. Date nights were already hard to organize with their erratic schedules. He couldn’t help but feel he’d wasted this one.
He turned the office chair around, placed his hands on either side of her and leaned in. “I’m sorry, Cassie. I not only messed up our plans tonight, but I pulled you into this after you’d already worked a double shift. I heard about the clusterfuck that was last night.”
“That would be an apt word to describe it,” she murmured. “Not sure how I got home this morning, but at least it was quiet in the apartment with everyone else on shift.”
“Still, tonight was supposed to be the start of another holiday tradition for us,” he insisted.
For the first time in forever, he resented work coming in the way of his personal life.
Cassie framed his face between her hands. “I’m here with you. I’m right where I belong. Doing what I’m good at with the man I love and one who taught me that patients come first.”
Ethan closed the distance between them, his lips capturing hers in a slow, sweet kiss, thanking her for understanding with the promise of more to come. Cassie locked her hands behind his neck, and he tugged her out of the chair, reversing their positions without breaking the kiss.
They slowly drifted apart, foreheads touching. Cassie smiled softly, her fingers trailing down the side of his face. “Raincheck on our date?
Ethan checked his wristwatch and noted it was almost half past eight. Where had the last few hours gone?
“We could try to get to the Commons before the rink closes at nine,” he offered, mentally calculating the distance, traffic and parking situation.
“It’s okay,” Cassie said, getting off his lap and stretching her arms upward. “Another night. Besides, we’re doctors. Disrupted plans are par the course.”
“There are other rinks in Boston,” Ethan said, standing beside her. “Let me google what’s open. Tonight doesn’t have to be a total loss.”
“Actually,” Cassie said, taking her phone out and unlocking it. “Rafael’s old neighborhood has a small rink that’s open all night. He invited the Roomies there last year. It’s no Frog Pond, but it was nice. Let me text him.”
While she did that, Ethan tidied up his desk, closed out files and powered down his computer.
“Yes!” Cassie pumped one fist in the air. “It’s still around, and Raf is sending directions.”
An hour or so later, after stopping by his place to change and pick up skates, Ethan parked in the lot on the other side of the community park from where the rink was located. They walked hand in hand down the walkway, the soft glow of street lamps a welcome relief against the shadows around them.
The rink was small, as advertised, and empty, given the lateness of the hour. And yet Ethan liked it all the more for its relative privacy versus other public rinks.
“I like it out here. It’s peaceful,” Ethan commented as they sat on a bench and strapped on their skates.
“It’s popular with local families, so it can get busy early in the day,” Cassie explained, her voice muffled as she bent down to tighten her laces.
Ethan flicked the light switch, the red and green lights bright against the darkness. He stepped onto the rink, gliding effortlessly on the ice, feeling the familiar rush of wind rushing against his face.
“Whoops,” Cassie giggled behind him.
“Are you okay?” he asked, looking back to see her arms flailing before she caught her balance.
“I’m good,” she said, carefully holding herself still.
He laughed as recognition hit. For all Cassie’s bravado, she was not as comfortable on skates as she pretended to be.
“You think it’s funny?” She lifted her chin mulishly, spreading her legs wide and turning her skated feet inward.
“Yeah, I do,” Ethan smirked, skating in a loop around her.
He took her hand as she continued to struggle and wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. “Because I finally found something that Cassie Valentine isn’t good at.”
He grinned as Cassie pretended to be offended. She started to push against his arms, but her skates slipped, and she clung to him like a barnacle. Within seconds, they were both laughing at the absurdity of the situation.
“You figured me out,” she confessed, tears leaking from the corner of her eyes as she swallowed back her laughter.
She placed her gloved hands on his upper arms, her green eyes sparkling as they gazed into his. “I suck at skating. No matter how much I try, I will never be more than passable.”
Ethan brushed his hands down her arms and folded her hands in his. “Then it’s a good thing you have me to hold on to.”
He lowered his face as Cassie stretched on her toes, and their lips met in a kiss that chased the cold away. They looked up as snowflakes started to fall from the sky, sprinkling over them like stardust.
And under a starry, magical night with snow falling around them, Ethan looped Cassie’s arm through his and skated them expertly around the rink, making another holiday tradition just for them.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @genevievemd @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @debbiechanclub
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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youlookappropriate · 9 months
So funny 😁 😂
Turning Red: A Holiday Tale
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The usual mayhem ensues when Kaycee and her friends head out to do some holiday shopping at a local mall. She's elated to be done with shopping when she finally finds the perfect gift for Ethan, and then...
Book: Open Heart (Book 2 Timeline) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee) Characters: Jackie Varma, Bryce Lahela, etc. Words: 1,500 Rating: Teen A/N: Participating in @choicesficwriterscreations Holiday Event; @choicesholidays This is the most embarrassing Christmas (moment) ever! @choicesdecember2023 I'm going with Christmas :) The concept sounded fun, not sure it came out the
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“Ouch!” Jackie yelled out as her head slammed into the roof of the car for the umpteenth time. “Lahela! Jesus Christ!”  
“He is the reason for the season,” Bryce smirked.
Bryce wouldn’t have tried to conceal his amusement, normally, but because it was the holidays, he tried... and failed.
Kaycee turned to him from the passenger seat. “I thought you were agnostic?”
“I am, but I’m a recent convert to sarcasm-ism. Try to keep up, MacClennan!”
“Well, Mr. Sarcastic-ism, can you try to avoid potholes? If my head hits this damn roof one more time, you’ll be responsible for the bills for my brain injury.”
“Brain injury?” he sassed, stopping what he was going to say when Kaycee clenched his hand with a stern glare.  
“Bryce... be nice.”
“But... but... Ah! You’re no fun since you started dating Ethan,” he protested. “I liked you better when you were all pent up and feisty.”
“Yeah, well, she sure ain’t pent up anymore,” Elijah laughed as Jackie gagged.
“Must we?”
“We mustn’t,” Bryce replied, “but apparently, Ethan and Kaycee must.”
“I knew I should have taken the bus!” Jackie groused.
Kaycee turned to her friend with a conciliatory grin. “Jackie, it’s an 18-minute walk to the mall from the bus stop... and it’s 24 degrees outside.”
“Right about now, enduring frostbite seems like a small price to avoid this ride.”
“That’s it,” Sienna smiled. “I know who will be the Grinch in our roomies holiday card.”
“Was that ever in doubt?” Bryce asked.
“LOOK! A SPOT!” Jackie hollered. “Please park so I can get out of this tin can.”
“I’m so excited to start shopping!” Sienna beamed. “I just love this time of year! The decorations, the music, Santa!”
“Be honest, Si,” Bryce asked with a twinkle in his eye. “You didn’t come to shop... you just want your picture taken with the big guy in the red suit, don’t you?”
“I plead the fifth!”
“Speaking of shopping, we’re splitting up inside, right?” Kaycee inquired. “I can’t buy gifts for any of you if you’re with me.”
“That’s so sweet,” Elijah declared. “But you could have just had my new Maserati delivered to me at the apartment.”
“On a resident’s budget? You’re lucky you get a Matchbox replica of a Maserati.”
“Kaycee, I don’t know why you subject yourself to this,” Jackie griped. “You have a rich boyfriend with a nice, expensive car. Why didn’t you just go shopping with him? You could have avoided these clowns and wouldn’t have to worry about run-in factor.”
“I’d have to worry about a different run-in factor,” Kaycee reminded. “Remember, we’re trying to keep the fact that we’re dating lowkey until I finish my residency. Something about us strolling through the mall together for Christmas shopping might tip some people off.”
“Yeah, especially since you get that doe-eyed look whenever he’s around,” Sienna teased.
“And Ethan gets that slightly less disgusted with the world look,” Elijah added. “I see Kaycee’s point. It would be a dead giveaway.”
“Really?” Kaycee laughed. “If we’re done mocking me... what do you say? Meet up at the food court in two hours?”
“Sounds good!” Sienna said, pulling the others away.
Kaycee had to admit that Sienna was right. It was impossible not to catch the holiday spirit as the scent of the pine tree decorations and the sounds of the season filled the air. Even the bustling crowds couldn't get her down. Being a resident unable to return home for the holidays was tough. Still, it was made much easier with her found family surrounding her, and this year, she also had Ethan. It was amazing how far they had come. Last year at this time, she was secretly pining for him. Overanalyzing every word, every glance in a desperate attempt to determine if he felt the same way about her or if she was losing her mind. This year was a different story. Sure, only their closest friends knew they were together, but they were together. That's what mattered.
“And all it took was me nearly dying,” she chuckled out loud.
“I’m sorry?” An elf handing out discount flyers inquired.
“Oh, nothing,” Kaycee blushed as she rushed away. Enough daydreaming; she had shopping to do!
An hour later, she was loaded down with bags overflowing with gifts for family and friends. But she had one gift left to buy. But what do you get the man who has everything he wants – which now even included her? His taste in Scotch exceeded the limits of her budget, and he refused to give her a gift list. “I know what a resident makes, and I don’t want you wasting your money on me.” As if she wasn’t going to buy him something. A sweater? Boring. A tie? He had dozens of those. Frustrated, she put the quest for Ethan’s gift off for another day and headed to Macy’s to buy some things she needed for herself.
She checked her watch after waiting in a long line to purchase a few pairs of sensible briefs for work. She had just enough time to get back to the food court to meet her friends. She was almost out of the intimate apparel department when something stopped her in her tracks.
“This is perfect!” she whispered as her fingers caressed the butter-soft red silk hanging before her. It wasn’t your standard, tacky holiday teddy... this was exquisite! Silk trimmed with scalloped red lace and a decadent velvet sash... “It’s perfect!” she muttered again. It didn’t matter what gift she was giving him, as long as she gave it to him wearing this he'd be elated!
Her hopes were momentarily dashed when she saw the price tag, but they were lifted again when she saw the 50% off sticker! SOLD! Sure, she’d have to wait in that long line again, but she imagined herself wearing this... and imagined Ethan’s reaction to her in it. Well, some things were simply worth being late for!
She rushed to get in the queue again, humming Santa Baby softly when a voice calling out made her blood go cold.
“Kaycee! Is that you?”
Please don’t let it be him! Please don’t let it be him! Please don’t let it be him! She said, turning slowly... it’s him!
“Naveen! Fancy meeting you here!”
“At the mall at Christmastime?” Naveen chuckled. “I find that I run into half of Boston here! At least half of Edenbrook.”
“Yes...” Kaycee squirmed “Bu... bu... but...”
“But?” He asked when she couldn’t get the words out.
“I just didn’t expect to see you in the women’s intimate apparel section of Macy’s?”
“Oh,” Naveen laughed, lifting up a bag. “I got Sarah in the hospital grab bag! She asked for fuzzy slippers, and they have the best ones here!”
“Oh, I... I see,” Kaycee stated, attempting to hide her sexy little garment when Naveen’s eyes fell upon it.
“Oh,” Naveen choked, turning as red as the teddy.
“It’s uhm... it’s a gift!” Kaycee sputtered, not telling a lie. After all, it was about to be Ethan’s favorite gift this year.
“It’s OK,” Naveen answered nervously. “I don’t need to know...”
“For my mother!” She blurted as Naveen’s brows shot to his hairline.
“Your... your mother?”
“Yes! No! I mean....Yes! She is going to a Christmas-themed... uh, Christmas-themed bridal shower! Yes! That’s it! She’s going to a Christmas-themed bridal shower .... for my cousin... Caroline! But she’s too shy to buy something like this herself, so, uh... I told her I’d get it.”
Naveen gave Kaycee the side eye.  He had spent a good deal of time with Rose MacClennan while Kaycee was hospitalized after the attack, and he didn’t have her pegged as the type of person who would be too embarrassed to buy a teddy, but then again, those were strange days. In any case, he wanted nothing more than to put Kaycee... and himself... out of their shared misery. So he politely ended the conversation and took his leave.
With the red teddy safely concealed in tissue paper and tucked in a pretty bag, Kaycee relayed her encounter to her friends.
“Oh my God, YOUR MOTHER!” Bryce laughed. “The best you could come up with was your MOTHER!?”
“Thanks for the support, Bryce!”
“Take it easy, MacClennan,” Jackie tried to reassure. “It’s a teddy, for fucks sake. It’s not like you were purchasing his and her sex toys!”
“What!? Am I wrong?”
“No... I know it’s not the end of the world,” Kaycee started. “But Naveen is like Ethan’s second father... and would you want to run into your boyfriend's father while you’re buying a sexy red teddy?”
“OK, we see your point!” Elijah laughed.
“We see your point, but we haven’t seen the teddy!” Sienna winked. “Let’s see it!”
“Here? In the middle of the food court?”
“I think we should weigh in on your decision,” Bryce teased.
“Fine,” Kaycee blushed, pulling the item from the bag to her friend’s wolf-whistles.
“It’s beautiful! I approve!” Sienna grinned.
Bryce nodded. “And I’m confident Ethan will approve as well. Just ask Naveen!"
"Bryce!" Kaycee squealed, smacking her friend's arm. "Let me put this away before....”
“Kaycee? Is that you?”
“No.... this isn’t happening....” Kaycee groaned.
“Quick, give it to me!” Sienna whispered as Kaycee turned around.
“Alan! What are you doing in Boston?”
Hope you enjoyed this silliness. Poor Kaycee. lol
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Tagging others separately.
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youlookappropriate · 10 months
Talk is Cheap (2/2)
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Warning: Mentions of pregnancy Category: AU; Angst (with a happy ending) Word count: 2.7K Prompt: What would have been the outcome if Sawyer had discovered that she was pregnant whilst Ethan was in the Amazon? A/N: The theme song for this fic is “Go Get Her” by Restless Road.
Part One
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It took Sawyer two days and ten chewed up fingernails to work up the courage to call. And it took three unanswered calls to realize that her heart wasn’t done breaking.  
“Ethan, it’s Sawyer. Please call me as soon as you get this message. I really need to talk to you.”
Ethan listened to the message several times. There were only two possible reasons for her call: something was wrong, or she wanted to talk about them. The only clue he had, her shaky and hesitant voice, was not enough to go on. Worried that weeks of strategic silence and self-inflicted loneliness would be for nothing, he determined that the safest course of action was to call his mentor. Speaking to Naveen would rule out several of the “something wrong” scenarios that were racing through his anxious mind. 
Ring, ring. “Hello, Ethan. It has been a while,” Naveen answered. The two hadn’t spoken since the video call that ended with Sawyer darting away from his office in tears.
“Naveen. How are you? How have you been feeling?”
“I’m fine, son.” 
“Did you have your check-up with Baz this month?”
“I did. My labs were normal.”
“Good…that’s good…uh, how’s the team?”
“They are managing quite well, and June is taking full advantage of her time at the helm,” Naveen chuckled.
“I don’t doubt it. And the interns? Have they killed anyone while I’ve been away?”
“The interns?” Ethan’s attempt at small talk was already suspicious, but asking about the interns was a dead giveaway. “Or one in particular?” Naveen pressed. 
Giving up his pretense, Ethan confessed, “She left me a vague message. I was concerned that something had happened. That one of you might be sick or hurt.”
“I think it’s safe to say she’s hurt, Ethan,” Naveen challenged. 
“You know that’s not what I meant. Is she okay? Has there been any more backlash from the trial? Has Nash been harassing her?”
An exasperated Naveen sighed, “I don’t know the reason for her call, Ethan. And even if I did, I would tell you to speak with her yourself. Tell me, how are you planning to work together if you’re not on speaking terms?”
“Our relationship will return to that of a strictly professional one. Working together on your case, sharing that secret…the lines got blurred and I let things go too far. It was the result of heightened stress and exposure to-”
“Bullshit,” Naveen interjected.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me. We both know if that’s all it was, you wouldn’t have bothered to call me. You wouldn’t care this much. Now, swallow your pride like that over-priced whiskey you drink and call her.”
The following day, Sawyer stood outside of Naveen’s office. “Hi Danielle, any chance the Chief has some free time in the next day or two?”
“Let me check his schedule, Dr. Brooks,” the assistant answered, clicking her computer mouse.
“Sawyer? Is that you out there?” Naveen called from inside his office. “Come on in.”
Sawyer offered a thankful smile to Danielle and then stepped into Naveen’s office, closing the door behind her. “Thanks for giving me a few minutes.”
“I can always spare a few for my grand-mentee.” He gestured to one of the seats in front of his desk. “What’s on your mind, dear?”
Sawyer took a grounding breath, then proceeded. “A lot actually. I, uh…” She paused, nervously biting her bottom lip. Then as if ripping off a Band-Aid, she came right out with it. “What is the policy for taking a leave of absence? And if I did, how would that impact my fellowship?”
Naveen pursed his lips, mentally diagnosing the situation. “Well, that depends on the type of leave being requested.”
Sawyer hung her head for a moment, and when she looked up, her eyes were glassy. “Maternity leave.” 
He followed her eyes when they shifted to a picture displayed on the hutch behind him, confirming his suspicion. Naveen hoped that Ethan had taken his advice last night. With a sympathetic air, he leaned forward and folded his hands. "Does he know?"
She shook her head and bit her lips, trying to prevent the spill of tears. “He hasn’t returned my calls," she finally managed.
“I’m so sorry, dear. Is there anything you need? Anything I can do for you?”
Sawyer reached for a tissue. “I just need to know what my options are.”
He nodded.
“And if it comes to it…the process for transferring my residency.”
He couldn’t help the frown on his face. “Of course.” A short while later, with a hug and another offer of support, Naveen said goodbye to Sawyer. 
"Danielle, would you mind letting Dr. Cyrus know that I am running a few minutes behind?" Closing his door for privacy, he retrieved his phone from the pocket of his white lab coat.
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Later that night, in his tiny studio apartment in Atalaya, Peru, Ethan sat on the edge of the bed and scrolled through his phone contacts. He stared at Sawyer’s profile picture for a long while, gathering the strength to stay firm in his resolve, while also preparing for the worst. If she was sick, he would call in every favor he was owed. If she was moving on with someone new, he would hate it, but wouldn’t interfere with her happiness. If she was quitting…leaving…he would break. 
With his thumb hovering over the call button, he was startled when the phone pinged. Tapping on the notification, he read the incoming lines of text and quickly realized that he had not anticipated this scenario.
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In her bedroom in her Boston apartment, Sawyer paced back and forth. The word “Read” appeared after the last line of her text message and she anxiously chewed on her thumbnail waiting for any kind of response. Preferably a call, but she would settle for three bouncing dots and a few lines of text. A half hour later, accepting the silence as his response, she powered off her phone and tossed it aside. Curling up in her bed, she cried herself to sleep.
In those same thirty minutes, Ethan stared at the sonogram picture and choked back tears. His knee bounced up and down nervously, carefully considering what to say and do to make things right. When he finally pushed the green call button, he immediately heard her voice on the other end of the line. “Hi there, you’ve reached Sawyer. Leave me a message.” He redialed several more times, but each time it went straight to voicemail. “Dammit!”
Ethan stood and raked his fingers through his hair in frustration. He spun around taking in his humble surroundings, considering his current obligations. “To hell with it.” After calling for a ride, he tossed his phone on the bed and began shoving his belongings into his open suitcase.
An hour later, from the backseat of a taxi, Ethan made another call. “Dr. Stehl, it’s Ethan Ramsey. I’m sorry to do this, but something has come up back home in Boston. A family emergency. I’m on my way to the airport now…”
After twenty-four hours of cramped bus rides and connecting flights, and a quick stop at home to freshen up, Ethan stood outside of Sawyer’s apartment door. Taking a deep, calming breath first, he knocked.
Elijah greeted him a half minute later. “Dr. Ramsey? I didn’t know you were back.”
“Yes, just. Is Sawyer here?”
Elijah moved backward and gestured for him to enter, assuming that Sawyer was already expecting him. It wouldn’t have been the first time she entertained Dr. Ramsey in their apartment, after all. It would also explain why she passed on going to Donahue’s with the other roommates for “Ladies Night” half-priced drinks. “She’s in her room. You remember which one, right?”
Ethan nodded. “Thank you.”
“By the way, I like the beard,” Elijah remarked, closing the door. “Maybe I should try to grow one so my patients won’t think I’m fifteen anymore.” 
“Hmph,” Ethan huffed in amusement as he moved deeper into the quiet apartment. 
He inhaled and exhaled slowly before gently knocking on the last door at the end of the hall, the door to Sawyer’s room. Though light emanated from underneath the door, there was no answer. He knocked again, and when she still didn’t answer, he carefully turned the doorknob and peeked inside. 
Sawyer was fast asleep, hugging a pillow close to her body.
Quietly shutting the door behind him, he softly padded to the side of her bed and carefully sat on the edge. Her laptop lay open behind her. On the screen, an application for residency at the Mayo Clinic in Arizona, which made Ethan’s stomach sink.
Odds were she hated him at this point. Despite the risk, he reached out to touch her. Tenderly skimming his fingers along her hairline, he brushed a few loose strands out of the way. “Sawyer,” he quietly said her name. When he repeated it, she finally began to stir and then opened her eyes.
Shocked, she bolted upright and backed away, nearly knocking her laptop to the floor. “W-what are you doing here?” she asked, trying to get her bearings. 
“I came to talk. To apologize. To try to make things right.”
“Ethan, I–”
Sensing her distrust, “Please, give me a chance,” he implored. “I know I don’t deserve it, but will you please hear me out?” When she didn’t protest, he continued.
“I have been so selfish, Sawyer. When Naveen appointed you to the diagnostics team, I feared a scandal if people discovered we were together, especially with the ethics trial still fresh in people’s minds. I could never, in good conscience, put you in a position like that. You worked so hard and earned this fellowship. It’s a rare opportunity that I don’t want to get in the way of.” His eyes begged for understanding. “Please believe me when I say this… I want to be with you. So much so that I considered stepping down as team leader. Hell, I even considered resigning from the team altogether.” He ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “As much as I care for you, Sawyer, I couldn’t give it up. I have spent my entire career preparing to one day fill Naveen’s shoes. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, until you. But everything between us happened so fast. It was still so new-”
“Ethan, I would never expect you to make that kind of sacrifice. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you did,” Sawyer firmly cut in.
“I know, Rookie, and that’s why I told myself the only way forward was as colleagues, and nothing more.” He made a point of looking her in the eye. “But the problem is we’ve never just been colleagues, have we. There’s always been something more between us. I took advantage of the distance, hoping that if we cut ties for a while, the connection would fade and make it easier to leave what we had in the past.” 
Sawyer shook her head in frustration. 
“You don’t have to say it. I can probably guess what you’re thinking,” Ethan acknowledged.
“That you’re an idiot?” she quipped.
“Yes, and you’d be right to think so. I had convinced myself it was a solid plan. As long as we still worked together, I would still get to see and talk to my best friend without the constant worry of holding you back or jeopardizing your career.” Sawyer followed when he tipped his head to the laptop screen behind her. “Knowing how badly you wanted to be at Edenbrook, and how hard you fought for the fellowship, I hadn’t considered the possibility that you would leave. When you said you might move back to Arizona, I realized my plan backfired.” 
Ethan gave her a moment to process.
“Why didn’t you call or write me back after I told you about the baby?” she demanded an answer.
"I know this will be hard to believe, but I swear I was just about to call you when I got your text. You can blame me for a lot, but you can’t blame me for the sudden shock of learning that I was going to be a father. It took me a while to catch my breath and find my words. When I finally got my shit together, I tried calling. Several times. But I kept getting your voicemail.” Ethan absent-mindedly stretched his hand toward her. “Sawyer, we both know words without action are meaningless. You mean so much to me and-”
“You have a real shitty way of showing it,” she interjected.
"And I'm here now because I want to change that. You deserve better than a phone call, and certainly more than a text message. You, Rookie, have the unnerving ability to read me like an open book. I want you to be able to look into my eyes and see the truth in my words when I tell you how I feel."
Protectively clutching her pillow to her chest, she braced herself. “And how do you feel?”
“About you?” he paused, his eyes darting between hers. “I am hopelessly in love with you, Sawyer Brooks.” 
She swallowed, nervously anticipating his next words. 
“How do I feel about this baby?” He sighed softly. “I’ll be honest, I never pictured myself settling down or having a family. I’ve spent the last twenty-four hours on buses and planes alone with my thoughts, and they were consumed with the idea of becoming a father. For the first time in my life, Sawyer, I could picture it…a family of my own…but only because you were with me in that dream. And I’m worried that I’ve fucked it all up.”
Overcome with emotion, Sawyer hid her face with her hands and sobbed.
“Arrrrrgh,” she growled into her hands before lowering them. “I’m still furious with you…I’m not sure where we go from here…how to trust that you won’t walk away again.” She wiped her tears away. “But I guess we have a lot to figure out…,” she said, her voice cracking, “because despite myself, I’m still in love with you, too.”
A wave of relief washed over Ethan. There was hope, even if the space between them made it feel like they were still on different continents.       
“How are you feeling?” he asked, looking her over.
“I’ve had a little morning sickness, but mostly I'm exhausted.” She opened her mouth to say more but stopped herself. 
“What is it?” 
Her bottom lip quivered when she continued. “I’m scared to death.” 
Ethan gently removed the pillow barrier and drew her near. “Come here.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and murmured, "It will be okay."
“You’ve said that before,” she mumbled into his chest.
He pulled back to look her in the eyes. “I’m sorry for letting you down before. I know that it will take time to earn back your trust. But I promise you, Sawyer, I’m here for you…for both of you. You can count on me,” he assured, his fingers twining with hers. “I will be the man...the partner…that you need me to be.”
They held onto each other in comforting silence for several minutes.
“I missed you, Asshole,” she whispered, then lifted her head to really look at him. 
Ethan smiled. “I missed you, too, Rookie. Every minute of every day that I was away.”
Sawyer ran her hand over his scruffy beard, then over the soft leather of his jacket. “We’ve got ourselves a brand new Ethan Ramsey,” she assessed.
“This jacket’s been through a lot with me.” 
“It suits you.”
Scratching his cheek, “And the beard?”
She studied him for a moment, then with the playful smile that he had missed so terribly, she teased, “You look like a dad.” 
Seven months later…
Ethan stared in awe at the carefully wrapped bundle his wife held in her arms. The newborn’s tiny hand wrapped around the tip of his finger. Without letting go, he carefully nestled next to his wife on the hospital bed. Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he leaned in and pressed an appreciative kiss to her temple. When he pulled back, she turned to him with a smile, soliciting another kiss but this time on her lips.  
“I love you. How are you feeling?” he asked.
Before she could respond, there was a gentle knock on the door. Two older men bearing flowers, balloons, and teddy bears quietly entered. While the silver-haired man exchanged cheek kisses with Sawyer, the dark-haired man in the sweater vest moved to the other side of the bed and placed a hand on Ethan’s shoulder.
“Dad? Naveen? Let me introduce you to your grandson,” Ethan announced. “Brooks Winter Ramsey.”
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @openheartforeverinmyheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75 @lsvdw-blog @rookiemartin @headoverheelsforramsey @zealouscanonindeer
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youlookappropriate · 10 months
🥰😊😟🥺🥹😢😭😡😭😡😭 I loved this, she better not let him off the hook too easily/quickly. Can't wait for part 2. 🩷
Talk is Cheap (1/2)
Book: Open Heart Pairing: Dr. Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Sawyer Brooks) Rating: General Warning: Mentions of pregnancy Category: AU; Angst (with a happy ending) Word count: 1.5K Prompt: What would have been the outcome if Sawyer had discovered that she was pregnant whilst Ethan was in the Amazon? A/N: The theme song for this fic is “Go Get Her” by Restless Road. Part 1 of this AU follows my HC for E&S up until the unexpected event at the end. Part 2 will be posted in a couple days.
After Ethan rescinded his resignation from Edenbrook, he and Sawyer agreed to keep some distance until she was no longer an intern and he was no longer her boss. But that was easier said than done. Having crossed the line, they found it impossible to go back to their respective sides. They were able to keep up appearances at work, but after hours they spent their time together in Ethan’s apartment, hiding from the world.
Ethan was quick to share the exciting news with Sawyer as soon as he received the offer. He told her that he had been invited to join a team organized by the World Health Organization. The carefully selected team would be traveling to an indigenous village in the Amazon. They hoped to prevent the further spread of an unknown virus and provide much-needed medical care.
Sawyer had mixed feelings. She knew this was something he had always wanted to do, and she outwardly supported and encouraged his upcoming adventure. But inwardly, now that they were finally together, she selfishly wanted him to stay.
When Naveen announced Ethan as his replacement and appointed Sawyer to the diagnostics team, Ethan promised her that they would “figure it out.” Sawyer had no reason to believe otherwise. To date, they had successfully kept their secret under wraps. It wasn’t ideal, but if it meant they could continue to be together, why fix what wasn’t broken?
All too soon, the time came for them to say goodbye. Standing in his doorway, Ethan framed Sawyer’s face between his hands. He studied her face, committing her features to memory, before planting a final kiss on her lips. 
“I’ll see you in a couple months.” 
“Will you check in once you’re there and settled?” Sawyer asked hopefully.
Ethan gave a nod, then watched as Sawyer flashed a sad but affectionate smile before walking away.
After a week with no contact, Sawyer tried to call him. No answer. She followed up a few days later with a text message. No reply. Two weeks had passed without a single acknowledgment from Ethan. 
She gave him the benefit of doubt. He was in the jungle after all, and maybe communication with the outside world was a challenge. But as more days passed, she started to wonder if something had happened. Something that would make him shut everyone out, again. Like the time he thought he failed his mentor and quit his job.
With just a couple hours left of her shift one afternoon, Sawyer stepped onto the elevator to find Naveen dabbing his forehead with a handkerchief.
“Hey there, are you feeling okay?” she asked. Given his recent medical ordeal, she was immediately concerned.
“I’m fine, dear. Not to worry. I just came from outside.”
Acknowledging the unseasonably warm weather, Sawyer commiserated, “Being from Arizona, I can take the heat. But the humidity? Ugh. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it.” 
“It can be downright uncomfortable. Though Ethan would probably welcome it given the climate where he's currently stationed. Poor fellow. His shirt has been completely soaked both times I’ve spoken to him.” 
Sawyer felt a sudden stabbing pain in the center of her chest. Her heart slowly bleeding out, she tried to maintain her composure. “You…you’ve spoken with him?” 
Naveen, who was once the nation’s leading diagnostician, knew immediately from the change in her tone and body language that something was amiss.
The elevator dinged as the doors opened to the fifth floor. Emotions betraying her, Sawyer swept a finger along her lower lashes to catch the tears that threatened to spill. It didn’t go unnoticed. 
Naveen quickly pressed the button to close the elevator doors. “I have some tissues in my office,” he offered, reaching out to give her hand a quick squeeze. When the doors opened again, this time to the seventh floor, the chief led his personal lifesaver to his office. Once they were seated, he pushed a box of tissues toward her and asked, “When was the last time you spoke with him?”
“The night before he left town.” She told him that she had tried to call and text, but Ethan hadn’t responded. “I-I don’t understand. Things were good…we were good.”
Naveen offered consolation, sharing his disappointment in the man who had become like a son to him. “I’m sorry, Sawyer. He’s an idiot. Plain and simple. I can offer no other excuse for his behavior.”
Despite her heartbreak, she couldn’t help but chuckle quietly at his candor, grateful for the validation.
“I have heard the way he speaks about you. Seen the way he acts around you. He lights up! Do you know how rare that is? You are special to him, Sawyer,” he reassured. Then with a sigh, "One thing I've learned about Ethan is that he feels deeply, and when those feelings become overwhelming, he shuts down. If I had to hazard a guess, that's the reason he has ghosted you."
She nodded, processing the information. “I love that you know what ‘ghosting’ is,” she said with an appreciative smile. Not wanting to take up any more of his time, Sawyer stood to leave. “Thank you, Naveen. I should get back to my patients.” 
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A couple minutes later, as if summoned by the universe, Ethan’s name and picture appeared on Naveen’s vibrating phone. 
“Were your ears ringing just now?” Naveen answered.
His protégé furrowed his brow. "Why would they be?"
“I just had a chat with the newest member of the diagnostics team. You remember Sawyer, of course?”
Ethan huffed and shook his head in frustration. 
With parent-like disappointment in his tone, Naveen asked, “What are you doing, son?”
Like an annoyed teenager, Ethan looked away from the camera. Whatever was or was not happening between him and Sawyer was none of Naveen’s business. Part of him blamed Naveen for putting them into this situation in the first place. As he gazed into the distance, carefully considering his response, Ethan missed when Naveen’s attention was momentarily diverted by a gentle rap on the door. 
Sawyer poked her head in and pointed to the desk. “Sorry, I forgot my pager,” she mouthed.
Naveen gestured for her to come in.
“How is she?”
Sawyer froze when she heard the familiar voice, her terrified eyes flicking up to Naveen’s. 
Looking back down at his phone screen, Naveen countered, “Why don’t you ask her yourself?” 
“What?” The view in Ethan’s hand blurred before finally coming into focus on Sawyer’s equally panicked expression.
The lovers-turned-strangers stared at each other for an awkward moment until Ethan finally broke the silence. “Hi.”
“Hi,” she reciprocated, voice steady despite the thundering in her chest.
Naveen handed his phone to Sawyer. “Why don’t you kids catch up? I need to check in with my assistant before she leaves for the day.”
Reluctantly taking the phone, she watched Naveen retreat. Only after the door clicked shut did she turn her attention back to the now guilt-ridden face on the screen.
"How have you been?" he asked with trepidation.
Sawyer shook her head defiantly. She didn’t care about pleasantries. She wanted answers. Fighting back the tears that she had just gotten under control, she cut to the chase.
“I thought you and I…I thought we meant something to each other…I thought we were together,” she fumbled for the right words.
“We were.”
“We were? Past tense?” She swallowed the lump in her throat. “Did I do something wrong? Something to upset you?”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Sawyer.”
“Is there someone else?”
“No,” he said firmly with a shake of his head. “No.”
“Then why, Ethan?” she pleaded for understanding.
“For the same reasons I stopped things in Miami. I can’t be–if I am–your career is–and you mean too–”
The connection became unstable, with Sawyer only able to catch every few words that he spoke. “You keep cutting out… Ethan, you’re breaking up–” The screen suddenly turned black and the call ended. “You’re breaking up," she repeated, the double-meaning not lost on her, “...with me.” 
Falling into a chair, Sawyer covered her mouth, muting the quiet sob that she could no longer contain. “God, I’m so stupid.” After a couple minutes, she sniffed back her tears and composed herself. Cracking open the door, she found Naveen with his hip perched on his assistant’s desk. 
He couldn’t help but notice her reddened, blotchy cheeks. His questioning eyes met her bloodshot, swollen ones. Sawyer answered with a shake of her head, handed him his phone, then turned and briskly walked away.
A month later, Sawyer sat on a paper-lined exam table chewing on her thumbnail, waiting for the doctor to enter.
Knock, knock. A slightly older woman dressed in pink scrubs entered the room. “Hi Sawyer, I don’t think we’ve officially met. I’m Dr. Moore.”
“Hi,” Sawyer greeted. Not usually one to shy away from small talk, her anxiety made the task seem impossible.
Dr. Moore sat down on a low stool, wheeling closer to Sawyer with a tablet in hand. “I have your test results. Your pregnancy test is positive.” As the doctor spoke of conception and due dates, and suggested a quick ultrasound to confirm, a single tear fell from the corner of Sawyer’s eye.
Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @potionsprefect @jamespotterthefirst @annfg8 @peonierose @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @jerzwriter @quixoticdreamer16 @mysticalgalaxysstuff @inlocusmads @txemrn @trappedinfanfiction @mvalentine @takemyopenheart @openheartforeverinmyheart @coffeeheartaddict2 @genevievemd @starrystarrytrouble @hopelessromantic1352 @kyra75 @lsvdw-blog @rookiemartin @headoverheelsforramsey @zealouscanonindeer
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youlookappropriate · 10 months
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Newlyweds Ethan & Kaycee volunteer to work on Thanksgiving Day, but when their plan for a simple dinner together goes awry, Kaycee gets creative to make the day special.
Book: Open Heart (Post Series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC Words: 1,550 Rating: Teen A/N: Based on this three-word ask. Thank you; it gave me a great idea for this year's Thanksgiving fic! I hope you enjoy it! Participating in @choicesnovchallenge - Thanksgiving and @choicesholidays - ... but it's tradition and @choicesficwriterscreations CFWC Holidays.
Masterlist | Ethan x Kaycee Masterlist | Holiday Masterlist
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Kaycee was proud of herself. In the middle of the most chaotic emergency room she had ever seen, she managed to bandage her patient’s hand more quickly than ever before, and he didn’t even wince once. Better said, he didn’t wince because of anything Kaycee did, but every time he caught sight of his wife’s icy glare, he flinched plenty.
“Now, remember,” Kaycee instructed. “Follow the burn protocol to a T, or you’ll be back here with a nasty infection in no time.”
“I know, doc,” the middle-aged man grinned. “I’ll do as I’m told.”
“Ha!” his wife blurted. “If you did as you were told, we wouldn’t be here! I told him, no frying the turkey! But did he listen to me? No!”
“There’s nothing wrong with frying a turkey,” the man insisted. “I burned my hand because you startled me!”
“I startled you!” She gasped. “All I did was walk into the kitchen.”
Kaycee began to reply but was halted by a booming voice entering the room.
“Mr. Johnson?”
The middle-aged man turned with a broad smile. “Dr. Ramsey! Fancy meeting you here.”
“Yes,” Ethan snickered, “running into your doctor at the hospital... mind-blowing coincidence.”
“It’s a coincidence on Thanksgiving Day! You must have enough seniority to get the holidays off by now! Leave that to the young ones like this,” he gestured at Kaycee.
Ethan grinned as he placed a hand on Kaycee’s shoulder. “Well, my wife and I volunteer to work on Thanksgiving. It gives the staff with children time with their families.”
“Your wife!” The patient and his wife gasped in unison. “When did this happen?” the man asked.
“Four months ago,” Kaycee winked. “And for the record, I’m not that much younger than him.”   
“Well, congratulations!” The wife beamed. “But promise me, if you start taking Thanksgivings off one day, do yourself a favor... don’t go frying any turkeys!”
“I’ll take that on advisement,” Ethan smiled.
After reviewing discharge instructions one last time, the couple scampered off, and Kaycee’s brow furrowed as she looked over the long list of patients still waiting for care.   
“Babe, I know we said we’d have dinner together in your office at four, but...”
“But it’s not looking too good.” He crossed the room and placed a kiss atop her head. “I’ll tell you what, I’ll pass by the cafeteria and pick up two turkey dinners. We’ll eat when we can eat.”
“Sounds good,” she agreed, about to kiss her husband when his name blared out over the intercom.
“Sometimes, I really hate that pager,” Kaycee grumbled.
“As do I,” he sighed. “Let me deal with whatever that is, then I’ll pick up our meals.”
“You do that,” she said with a kiss on his cheek, then signaled the nurse for her next patient.
Several hours later, a famished Kaycee popped into Ethan’s empty office. Her husband wasn’t there yet, but she didn’t think he’d mind if she had just a bit of her bland cafeteria dinner. With her stomach grumbling, she opened the fridge, only to find a couple bottles of water on otherwise empty shelves.
“What the...”
She texted Ethan, and when he didn’t reply, she knew his emergency was more than they had anticipated. Realizing the cafeteria was about to close, she took off in its direction, arriving just before the doors were shut.
“Wait, wait!” she hollered. “Rita, wait!”
The exhausted cafeteria manager turned to Kaycee wearily. “I’ll let you in, but only because I like you.”
“And I love you, Rita!” Kaycee enthused. “I’ll make it quick, I swear. Can I just get two turkey dinners to go?”
“Turkey dinners,” Rita scoffed. “Doctor, that was kind of a big seller today; you should have been here two hours ago if you wanted that.”
Kaycee’s shoulders slumped with disappointment. “I was afraid of that. Well, do you still have any part of the meal available? Cranberry sauce? Stuffing? Anything?”
Rita walked behind the counter and opened a fridge. She held a handful of cold, roast turkey breast in her gloved hand. “This is all I have left. Want it?”
Kaycee nodded a resigned sigh. “Yeah, it’s better than nothing, I suppose. I’ll scavenge around the hospital and see if I can find some things to go with it.”
“I hear it goes great with a side of Geyser’s from the vending machine,” Rita teased.
Kaycee smiled, recalling her and Ethan’s history with Geyser’s, but somehow she still didn’t think she could sell him on the idea of it as a side dish.
“Yeah, Ethan would love that,” she laughed when something caught her eye. “Hey...” she said, pointing at a few flour tortillas. “Can I buy those, too?”
“Sure, don’t see why not.” Rita quickly rang up the order, and Kaycee’s scavenger hunt began.
Her first stop was the attending’s lounge. There was always something lying around there. But the only thing she found was a few packets of mayonnaise. Using her best persuasion skills, she convinced Dr. Corez from oncology to donate her side salad to the cause. But she needed something more. She decided to head to the best place to find food lying around, especially on holidays... the nurses’ station. But even there, she found slim pickings. 
“I wish I had known,” Maureen shrugged. “I would have gladly put some food from our buffet aside for you. I have about a cupful of mashed potatoes and corn left. You’re welcome to those.”
“I’ll take it!” Kaycee accepted, catching Bryce about to toss his plate out of the corner of her eye.  
“BRYCE!” She yelled. “Don’t.”
Startled, her friend jumped as he turned her way. “What?”
“Why are you throwing away that perfectly good cranberry sauce?” She demanded.
“Uhm, because there is no such thing as ‘perfectly good cranberry sauce.’ The stuff is gross.”
“That, my friend, is subjective. Have you slobered on it?”
Bryce looked at her as if she had two heads. “Uh, no. I just told you, cranberry sauce is gross.”
“Good!” she smiled. “Then hand it over.”
“Gladly, but... what are you doing.”
“I’m making some lemonade out of lemons, or in this case, cranberry juice out of....” Floundering, she looked at her friend in defeat. “I’m sorry, I’m on three hours of sleep. I’ve got nothing.”
“We can’t all be as witty as I am,” Bryce grinned. “But I’m happy to donate my cranberries to the cause... whatever the cause may be.”
“I appreciate your blind support,” Kaycee smiled as she took off to complete her mission.
Twenty minutes later, Kaycee was putting the finishing touches on her project when an exhausted Ethan shuffled into his office.
“Hey,” she smiled, attempting to divert him from her surprise. “That was some emergency.”
“You have no idea,” he groaned. “Would you like all the gory details?”
“Of course! But not now. If I don’t eat soon, I think I’ll be the next emergency.”
“EAT!” Ethan yelled, smacking himself in the head. “I completely forgot about getting our dinners. I’m sorry, honey. Maybe the Chinese food place on Staniford is open. We could order from there.”
“Hon, have you not watched The Christmas Story? Chinese is for Christmas. On Thanksgiving, we must have turkey.”
“Then, I believe I have failed you.”
“I know,” she smiled mockingly. “But I’ve got your back!”
Turning his head toward the back of his office, she gestured widely at a side table strewn with bits of food. “Viola!”
“What’s... what’s that?”
“It’s our turkey taco bar! A little untraditional, I know... but so are we, so... what the hell?”
“A turkey, taco bar?” he chuckled.
“Yes!” She beamed as she began to rattle off how she came across each item on the table. “... so, then I cut some parsley from the plant Naveen has in his office, and those...”
“Are those GEYSER’S,” Ethan asked in horror. “You don’t expect me to put Geyser’s on my turkey tacos, do you?”
“Not unless you’ve been hitting the ether,” Kaycee laughed. “I put those there for symbolic purposes only. Or, you know, for dessert.”
Ethan turned and took his wife in his arms, placing a tender kiss atop her head.
“I have to give it to you. Sure, it’s a bit... unorthodox, but this is definitely a Thanksgiving dinner to remember.”
“You like it?” She grinned.
“I do, besides... it’s you and me together, and that’s all that matters.”
After putting together the most creative tacos they could, they sat on the floor picnic-style to eat.
“You know,” Kaycee mumbled with a full mouth. “I thought this would be gross... but it’s not half bad. It’s like a mini turkey dinner in burrito form, and I’m here for it.”
“Well, I don’t think it will be on my regular meal rotation,” Ethan smiled. “But I’ll be looking forward to it every year on Thanksgiving.”
“Every Thanksgiving?” Kaycee asked with a raised brow.
“Sure. This is how traditions are born.”
As a newly married couple, Kaycee had been eager to start their own holiday traditions, so this was music to her ears.
“So I started a tradition?”
“You absolutely did. Happy Thanksgiving, baby.”
Kaycee's face was aglow when she reached over to wipe a dollop of mayonnaise from her husband’s chin. “Happy Thanksgiving to you, Dr. Ramsey.”
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youlookappropriate · 10 months
Control What You Can Control
Premise: Ethan has second thoughts about a new phase in his life.
Book: Open Heart (post series) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Cassie Valentine) Rating/Category: Teen. Fluff Words: 1,100
A/N: Late submission for @choicesflashfics week 58, prompt 2. I'm also using week 59, prompt 3.
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The summer sun was high in the sky, its sharp rays shining through the treated glass ceiling. Where the city streets battled sweltering temperatures, the hospital atrium was a cool and bright hub of activity. Patients, visitors, nurses and doctors glided around each other like actors on a stage.
From his vantage point on the seventh-floor gallery, Ethan Ramsey watched the familiar scene unfold below. There was a time when he’d stand at the windows of his old office and gaze down at the emergency drop-off area. Sometimes, it was the only time he had to himself in the day to just think.
There was a simplicity to his life he missed now that he was chief of medicine. He missed working with patients most of all, solving the puzzle of what brought them to the hospital, that moment when a diagnosis just clicked.
Now, it was all over, he sighed morosely, tightly gripping the edge of the steel handrail. And he wished he could go back and do it all over again.
“You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders, Chief. Having second thoughts about the wedding?”
Ethan rolled his eyes at the glib comment from Tobias Carrick, his former nemesis slash colleague slash occasional friend slash permanent pain in the ass.
“No, just contemplating how much lighter life would be without your unsolicited commentary,” Ethan shot back sarcastically. He scowled at the other man over his shoulder. “It's like mental weightlifting, really, and more intense than any wedding jitters.”
“Who’s having wedding jitters?” Cassie Valentine asked absently, eyes on her phone as she joined them.
“Your fiancé,” Tobias smirked. “His sigh was ponderous enough to sink the Titanic. Might want to check if you can get your deposits back.”
Cassie’s gaze zigzagged between them before her green eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Tobias, are you riling Ethan up for no reason?”
“How could you ask me that?” Tobias feigned offense.
Ethan grinned when Cassie stared Tobias down, using her haughtiest and most severe expression. It was one he’d seen her use only when someone or something truly vexed her and reminded him of why people called the Valentines American royalty.
For once, Ethan was glad not to be on the receiving end of it.
Tobias held his palms up in a universal gesture for peace, but Ethan could see him sweating bullets. Served him right, he thought. Ethan grinned wickedly as the other man made some excuse and rushed off.
“Are you having second thoughts about the wedding?”
Ethan silently groaned at Cassie’s question. He looked away from his perusal of Carrick’s retreating back to find her watching him. She was more curious than concerned, and he figured that was a good sign.
“Not about the wedding, no,” he said, taking her hand in his. “I was just reflecting on this past year, everything that’s happened.”
Cassie peered into his eyes, and he knew she could read him like an open book. “You’re having second thoughts about your job.”
“Maybe.” Ethan shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m enjoying the challenge, finally having the power to change things from within. And god knows the residency program needs an upgrade. But…”
“You miss seeing patients, doing research,” she finished astutely.
“Yes,” Ethan admitted, leaning against the railing. “Oh, what the hell.” He crossed his arms defiantly. “I sometimes, very rarely, mind you,” he warned, “miss teaching interns too.”
Cassie burst into laughter, her eyes twinkling as she threw her head back in an uninhibited display of amusement. Her laugh was loud and contagious, making everyone’s head turn in curiosity. Her shoulders shook, and tears leaked from the corner of her eyes.
“You miss interns,” Cassie gasped out the words, still chuckling. “That’s like the funniest thing I’ve ever heard!”
“It’s not that funny,” Ethan grumbled, somewhat annoyed by her reaction.
He shook his head and turned to walk away, but Cassie held up a hand to stop him.
“I’m sorry,” she said sincerely, lips upturned in a smile. “I shouldn’t have laughed. But, I’m trying to reconcile the man I met in intern year with the one standing before me.”
“That was then. This is now. People change,” Ethan muttered.
When Cassie threw him a disbelieving look, he unfolded his arms and rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine. I don’t actually miss interns.”
“Thank god.” Cassie leaned into him. “You had me going there for a second.” She slipped one arm around his back. “Seriously, though. My grandfather always taught us if we don’t like how something is, change it.”
“This is the same grandfather that threatened to cut you off when you applied to med school instead of joining the family business?” Ethan asked skeptically.
“Yes, but,” she said, waving her hand dismissively, “he’s right more often than he’s wrong. My point is, Ethan, it’s up to you to find a way to make the job your own.”
“What does that even mean?” he said, confused. The job was the job. He knew that going in.
“Take shifts in the community clinic, take over the care of your former patients, undertake a research study.” Cassie listed things off on her fingers. “You can be the chief of medicine and a doctor. Balance your workload by hiring a medical director to do the things you don’t enjoy or won’t have time for.”
Cassie pressed on when he remained silent. “Naveen chose you because you’re what Edenbrook needs, not because you’ll do the job like anyone else would.”
Ethan turned over her words in his head, thinking through the ramifications of changing things. It could be done, of course. There was at least one hospital that he knew of that did what Cassie was proposing. Maybe there were more?
“I need to think about this,” he said eventually. “That’s good advice, though.”
“Don’t sound so shocked,” Cassie laughed. “I’m the head of Edenbrook’s famed diagnostics team, after all, and pretty remarkable at diagnosing what’s wrong.”
“And so modest, too,” Ethan quipped, placing a swift kiss across her lips. “Thank you.”
“Someone brilliant once told me, ‘Control what you can control.’ Well, this is something you can control,” Cassie added when he smiled at hearing the familiar words.
He folded her in his embrace. “Brilliant, you said?”
“Handsome, too,” Cassie smirked. “Alas, his tongue can be acerbic, and he refuses to do dance challenges with me on TikTok.” She snickered. “But, I love him anyway.”
He lowered his head, lips hovering above hers, tantalizingly close. “Then it’s a good thing he loves you too.”
And then he kissed her.
All Fics & Edits: @bluebelle08 @coffeeheartaddict2 @crazy-loca-blog @headoverheelsforramsey @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @lady-calypso @mainstreetreader @peonierose @potionsprefect @queencarb @quixoticdreamer16 @rookiemartin @socalwriterbee @tessa-liam @trappedinfanfiction
Submissions: @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Ethan & Cassie only: @cariantha @custaroonie @youlookappropriate @zealouscanonindeer
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