yourexistenceisagift · 6 months
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Solar eclipse shadows
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yourexistenceisagift · 9 months
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yourexistenceisagift · 9 months
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Rhode Island by the front bottoms
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yourexistenceisagift · 9 months
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This cat chilling in the rose garden in Florence, Italy
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yourexistenceisagift · 9 months
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yourexistenceisagift · 9 months
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
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Dream of Silk (Nahid Rezaei, 2003)
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
Used to want this energy. Realized i only liked the idea of it. Now I just want a calm love, a peaceful love, a secure love. Where we both feel love and loved and respected. The best kind of love. 🖤
Obsess over me, get jealous over me, get possessive of me, tell me I'm all yours
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
Do you have any advice for young women?
In general? Sure. Read whatever you can get your hands on, but especially work written by women. Put your hands in sticky things at least once a week (clay, paint, dough, soil), don’t date anyone for a few years, travel when you can where you can, learn the skill of listening to your body— rest when you are tired, eat when you are hungry, drink when you are thirsty, and move when you are anxious. Swim as often as you can. Try to live alone at least once. If you can’t live alone, make time to be alone often. Carry pepperspray and do not learn to hold your tongue. Learn to sew, or weave, or knit. Unlearn the impulse to apologize for things that are not your fault. Pleasure yourself. Every once in a while, remind yourself of how loudly you can yell, how quickly you can run, and wildly you can dance. Allow yourself to cry for your mother. Spend as much time as you can in female-only spaces. Spend even more time with older women. Listen to their stories. Memorize their gray hair and lined faces, their swollen joints and sagging breasts. Cherish the gradual appearance of these things in yourself as an inheritance. Hold hands with other women. Spend some time naked in your home. Adopt a cat, or a fish, or grow some caterpillars into butterflies on your window. Eat heartily and drink to enjoy it. Go hiking and scream from a peak somewhere. Sometimes, allow yourself to act like a child again— climb a tree, scrape up your knees, and lick cake batter from the spoon. When you clean your home, open all the windows and beat the dust from all the curtains. Laugh loudly. Do not become self-deprecating to encourage others to laugh with you.
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
how my dreams look like
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
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Star Tunnel - 220319
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
you’re allowed to miss things that you don’t want back. we outgrow things and we outgrow people, but that doesn’t take away from the good parts.
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
Maya Angelou
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yourexistenceisagift · 11 months
It iz what it iz
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