yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
So if I came back... For this blog... Would that be okay?
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
Uber: “I’m in a blue Honda Civic.”
Me: “ok”
Me to me: “ok, we know what blue is”
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
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so these sketches of ballet waterbending frickin EXPLODED and a lot of people seemed to want it animated SO. i give you extremely sketchy animations of katara, prima ballerina
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
Guys i have a great idea
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
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Please help put positive pressure on these legislatures! 
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
Neko Case Sentence Starters
“'Cause I just can’t shake this feeling that I’m nothing in your eyes.”
“'Cause I still love you, even if I don’t see you again.”
“'Cause my mood to burn bridges is not unlike my mood to dig ditches.”
“A woman’s heart is the watermark of which I measure everything.”
“And I’m not vain enough to think that I’d have been good for you if I’d stayed.”
“And I’m still in love with you.”
“And it’s ruthless that it comes as no surprise.”
“And that’s no way to tell you how much I could love you.”
“And the truth is that it comes as no surprise.”
“And there’s always someone to say it’s easy for me.”
“And you’ll be in my arms again.”
“Are you tired of things going right?”
“Broken necks will line the ditch ‘til you stop it! Stop it! Stop this madness!”
“Bullies are not born. They’re pressed into a form.”
“But I’m grateful that you love me.”
“But I couldn’t conjure tears.”
“But it’s still pretty bad luck.”
“But don’t you ever shut up. Please, kid, have your say.”
“But my thoughts are with you.”
“But that rage kept following me.”
“But you’ll not be my master. You’re barely my guest.”
“But you come back for me.”
“Can it be a comfort between us?”
“Did someone make a fool of me before I could show ‘em how it’s done?”
“Do you wish you could stop everything and take back your love?”
“Don’t cross me on neither a day.”
“Don’t feel sorry for yourself.”
“Don’t forget me; please don’t forget me.”
“Don’t let ‘em break your hearts, too.”
“Don’t let ‘em tell you you’re nothing.”
“Don’t make mistakes or be human. They savor your every false move.”
“Don’t you hurry. Don’t you worry.”
“Don’t you tell me I didn’t warn you.”
“Don’t you try and stop me.”
“Every dial tone, every truck stop, every heartbreak, I love you more.”
“For that, I would trade you my empire for ashes.”
“Get the fuck away from me!”
“Go on, go on and scream and cry.”
“God damn the miles that take me away from you.”
“Haunt your own vampire dreams!“
“How’s hope feeling today?”
“How can people not know what beauty this is?”
“How can you forget all the love we had between us?”
“I’ll put my hands on the truth, by God.”
“I’ll reveal myself when I’m ready.”
“I’m a Friday night girl bracing for Sunday to come.”
“I’m afraid, but it’s not your fault.”
“I’m an agent of the natural world.”
“I’m an animal; you’re an animal too.”
“I’m free to covet all I please.”
“I’m going to ruin everything.”
“I’m gonna go where my urge leads no more.”
“I’m here to tell you a lie.”
“I’m holding out for that teenage feeling.”
“I’m in league with the the gangs, and the guns, and the crime.”
“I’m not the man you think I am.”
“I’m not your identity crisis.”
“I’m sorry to tread on your patience.”
“I’m still not so sure that that’s what I wanna be.”
“I’m too much for people.”
“I’m wrapped in the depths of these deeds that have made me.”
“I’ve got so many things I could tell you, if my stubborn mouth doesn’t let me down.”
Keep reading
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
I was going to rewatch 1931 Dracula again tonight and just as I turned it on a BAT started flying around at my window and wouldn’t go away and I’ve never seen a bat at my house before and let me tell you I’ve been so gay touched starved this quarantine I was about ready to risk letting a wild bat in my room if it meant it could possibly be one tall, Sexy vampire
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
Summer Themed Starters!
Send me a symbol for a…
♫:  Surprise road trip starter
☼:  Beach trip starter
♨:  Pool party starter
✄:  Thankless summer job starter
☾:  Camping trip starter
✎:  Summer camp counselors starter
☀:  Insanely hot day starter
☂:  Summer rainstorm starter
✦:  Fireworks starter
‼:  Ghost stories starter
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
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I saw this chart and I thought it might help people navigate what activities they felt safe to do or not go.
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
Tw: Abuse, coercion, past relationships, p3d0ph!lia
So like...
I recently realized my big ex was a p3do. That he coerced me into things I wasn’t ready for. I found messages of him pressuring me, gaslighting me, threatening to hurt himself if I left him, and even where I never said no and lied about being comfortable so that I wouldn’t set him off.
There’s also several messages where he had a weird self awareness. Where he himself says that he feels like he is taking advantage of me and he doesn’t want me to feel that way. Yet I would always meet him with kindness and convince him that wasn’t true.
We entered into a relationship when I was 15 and he was 19. He coerced me into s3xual messages and activities when I was just barely 16 (my birthday was January 2nd and the earliest record I’ve found (so far) shows him requesting it on January 26th. Though the conversations I’ve found reflect those topics even prior to me turning 16. 
I blocked so much of this relationship out as a way to cope with the abuse and the things he did. I convinced myself for years things didn’t get that way until I was closer to 18 (which still doesn’t make anything we did when I was 17 okay but... still). 
our relationship carried on until I was 19 years old. When I separated from him in February of 2016 (although it may have been March... idk time is hazy to me with ADHD as is let alone dealing with this). 
He’s on Tumblr. Still. He’s free. He’s never faced judgement for his crimes. The statute of limitations has already expired for him. It’s only 5 years in my state. Since this all started when i was 15/16 he has long been in the clear now that I’m 23. 
I want to warn the world. I want to scream from the roof tops now that I know and understand what happened to me. I want to post his usernames so that people can just block him and get it over with.
I hesitate to say anything specifically because I don’t want drama. I don’t want people swarming to me from his side asking all kinds of proof. I can but those messages are now so deeply embarrassing... personal... ... ... and scary. I couldn’t bare posting them publicly. 
I’m battling the balance of right and wrong in my head so badly. I’m not sure what to do.
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
So not enjoying that my comeback to Tumblr is because I lost everything else lol
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
the box says “four servings” but my heart says one
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
✴    QUEER    EYE    SENTENCE   PROMPTS   !   
❝ God forbid you drink something at [Name]’s place.. ❞
❝ You put a living room where the crack den used to be!  ❞
❝ I see straight people! ❞
❝ It’s 1984. They want their decorations back. ❞
❝ My God, it’s like a Toys-R-Us crack den. ❞
❝ Aww, pearl earrings to go with my pearl necklace! ❞
❝ I need a ritalin smoothie to remember all this. ❞
❝ I thought they would have made you into some corporate yuppie type.❞
❝ Where’d you get this shirt? ❞
❝ Don’t use that kind of language around me. ❞
❝ See? Everything is better in cashmere. ❞
❝ Can I call you my bitch? ❞
❝ Can I put my clothes back on? ❞
❝ Are you guys going to be offended if you come back and it’s like… ❞
❝ What are the other three guys doing back at my house?  ❞
❝ I was just thinking about something. .  ❞
❝ Wow, maybe back up singing isn’t such a bad gig after all. ❞
❝ You only have two pairs of pants! ❞
❝ I was like, “Who’s the homeless guy stealing the camera?” ❞
❝ You don’t have a complete inventory of all your couture? ❞
❝ You look like Ben and Jerry Affleck. ❞
❝ What’s this, your dreamcatcher? ❞
❝ Your boyfriend is working on my last gay nerve. ❞
❝ I could get any gay man to cuff me any day of the week.  ❞
❝ Now turn, turn, turn to the camera. What were you doing? ❞
❝ The vagina is leaving the building. ❞
❝ Do you know what the magic word is? ❞
❝ You know what, we’re laying in a random guy’s bed.. ❞
❝ That’s gonna shut the party down like a bad ferris wheel.  ❞
❝ I think you’ll find it’s a better investment in the long run. ❞
❝ I know all about good blow jobs, and this isn’t it. ❞
❝ No, it was a shithole. Can you say that? Shithole? ❞
❝ Who’s that much of an idiot that they need a whole guide to beer? ❞
❝ Life is to short to drink cheap booze. ❞
❝ One straight man, that’s all it takes, just one dirty straight man. ❞
❝ I’m feeling my inner Pochantas. ❞
❝ He’s neurotic and needy. God he’s like everyone I date! ❞
❝ You could put a harness in here. Good times. ❞
❝ I think he’s got something he’s not telling you. ❞
❝ These shoes won’t make me gay? ❞
❝ Who says there are no gays in the military? Someone designed the outfit. ❞
❝ Remember when you told me you’d make out with me if I got you a flat screen TV? ❞
❝ I can’t believe I asked an ex marine to make a chocolate souffle.. ❞
❝ He called you pretty boy. Are you going to take that? ❞
❝ I put in a clear shower curtain. ❞
❝ Repeat after me - I am worthy of highlights. ❞
❝ I’ve died and gone to gay-men’s heaven.  ❞
❝ Finding the porn is always a heart-felt moment. ❞
❝ This means I wanna give you a handjob. ❞
❝ They’re a little bit like a cheap hotel … no ballroom. ❞
❝ That means I love you in sign language. This means rock and roll. ❞
❝ You know what this means? Clean your toilet! ❞
❝ Lions and tigers and bad taste, oh my! ❞  
❝ You live in a dump like a crazy person. This is freaking me out. ❞
❝ I’m sorry you’re stuck here with these smelly straight folk. ❞
❝ I think he wrote this book. He wrote this book after living here for a year. ❞
❝ Were you high? ❞
❝ It’s like taking a wire hanger from the cleaners and faux-painting it wood. ❞
❝ When you look at this color, what feeling does it evoke? ❞
❝ Here’s a tip for you: when buying a velour tracksuit, stop. ❞
❝ Now does he climb the poles and stuff? ❞
❝ Now let’s go try something new. Let’s make out! ❞
❝ If I didn’t know you, I’d try to lure you to a wayside rest area. ❞
❝ This is my pile of stuff I don’t like. Is it getting too big? ❞
❝ You know, if you don’t have a male role model in your life, bad things can happen. ❞
❝ Are you checking out my ass? ❞
❝ Thirty’s an important time in your life. I’m looking forward to it. ❞
❝ Look at all this wood. It’s definitely getting me in the mood.  ❞
❝ Just because you get your hair frosted doesn’t mean you’re gay. ❞
❝ I won’t call you a pervert if you won’t call me a big homo. ❞
❝ Let’s not worry about labels. ❞
❝ There’s no “I” in team. ❞
❝ They have the best tube socks. Ever. ❞
❝ Are we really throwing it over? ❞
❝ Did you break something? ❞
❝ Don’t worry man, I got your back. ❞
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yourxwaifuxhere · 4 years
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