yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
I'm just gonna point something out from the Sylvio storyline in arc-v that I've just thought of, he should have stuck with the yosenju deck, it was clearly a better offensive deck despite leaving yourself open to an attack, but also if sawatari had just used his yosenju kama's effects against zarc he could have won the duel there and then use diabak effect return zarc and zero gate with infinity gates effect the destroying itself zarc would only have supreme king odd-eyes but sawatari would still have kama 1 to bounce it then Sylvio attacks with all his stuff, then if zarc did survive he couldn't bring out zarc anymore as in the anime it needs Astrograph sorcerer and the 4 dimension dragons, which are already banished, so basically yosenju beats zarc instantly
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yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
Really want to see this happen
So I’ve been seeing the theory fly around that we’ll see Ray duel, or Ray will be the final ‘antagonist’ if you will.
And I got to thinking about that.
So, Reiji beats Zarc. And with the end of the duel, comes the return of Yuya/the Yu salad (they’ve been fighting Zarc from the inside out perhaps). They’re tired, but alive, and everyone is happy because Zarc is gone and they’re back. And everyone is cheering and celebrating.
And then Ray appears.
And she takes one look at Yuya/Yu salad and challenges them to a duel. All she sees is Zarc, and refuses to listen that no this isn’t Zarc, he’s gone. She firmly believes she’s the only one who can defeat Zarc and that the existence of Yuya/the Yu salad is proof that Zarc is not gone. So she has to duel and defeat them. That’s why she was brought back after all.
Cue Yuya/Yu Salad vs Ray duel (Yuri begrudgingly b/c the choice is either duel with us or she kills you, so he’ll duel)
Idk, but it would be interesting.
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yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
ARC-V EP 140!
Supreme King of 5 dimensions vs CEO of LEO Corp.(leader of Lancers), both mastered 4 summoning methods, the end game is near #ARCV
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yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
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Just a little something a made on Photoshop :)
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yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
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Never let this cruel world steal your spark. (insp.)
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yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
Then in the following weeks we get clear wing and Starve venom zarced dragons too
Then maybe odd-eyes
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Dark Rebellion has been Zarc-ified nooooo D:
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yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
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yukuthe5thzarc · 8 years
Yugo vs shinji and Chojiro
Then maybe yuri vs some people from standard like the principal or meiru
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So this is interesting to me. Yuya was the last one standing so it would figure that Zarc would take control of his body and that’s probably the case but every time I see this, I just think to myself that inside of Zarc’s mind, you just see him in his human form, with or without his dragon features, sitting on his throne, because of course he has one, with the Yuu Boys standing behind him like lifeless puppets just like how the Bracelet Girls were when they were being controlled. Zarc doesn’t feel like wasting his full powers on these “insects” so he just snaps his fingers and sends one of the Yuus Boys to take care of the Lancers themselves. Of course, since they are apart of Zarc now and he’s part dragon, they would become dragon demons themselves. That would explain why Yuya is on the cast list for this episode because he is the one that’s dueling Edo and Sora with Zarc controlling him like a puppet master. 
So yeah, now I’m expecting to see a Demon!Yuto being the one to face off against Shun and Kaito since he has more of a connection to them then Yuya does. Though that does beg that question on who Yugo and Yuri are going to face off against. Speaking of Yuri, if he gets a demon form, which all of the Yuus should no matter how terrifying those forms are, I’m just expecting him to be some kind of majestic flower XD
Also, we get to see Demon!Yuya. Oh I’m going to get so many ideas for my AU from this episode.
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