yvrivic · 6 months
Roman's house arrest lasts for nearly fifteen years. It's a lot less than what he had expected but it was still much more than what he was prepared for. Fifteen long years with nothing but phone calls, messages, books and tv to keep him entertained. The occasional visits from people who were not afraid to be associated with him were very much the only thing keeping him sane.
It pained him to watch Belarus fall into the hands of the Romanovs. What did it matter if they appointed a Belorussian if the person was nothing more than a puppet? There were moments when he considered regretting his crime but the state of Belarus never let him sway. He had been right. He had been right to try to protect his country. Milena became even bigger an obsession to him. His hate intensified within the stone walls of his house, and if he didn't pay attention to his own wandering thoughts, he found himself repeating the same old mantra: if only I had succeeded.
Margaux was salt in the wound. He could hear it in her accent, he could notice it in the way she phrased her thoughts, he could see it in the way she dressed. The Romanovs had even taken his child from him, and turned her into a pathetic copy of themselves. Giselle's assurances kept him from going out of his mind. She'd tell him over and over again that it was only for a short time. Margaux was only learning to think for herself. Margaux was a d'Orléans, they didn't fall into manipulation like that. Margaux was a Yurivic, she had her heart in Belarus.
He accepted defeat. He really gave up. Margaux had ascended the throne and he was still locked inside. He had barely even seen her during his house arrest. Did she even know who he was? Did she care? His freedom wasn't worth losing a friendship with Russia. Part of him could respect the cold practicality of it but it did little to warm him during the darker days when he could only feel loneliness.
Fifteen years was a long time and it stole his fire. What did principles mean when you did not have a life? What did it matter who ruled of Belarus when he couldn't walk past a garden gate? His passion seemed stupid and useless. He despised his younger self. He was tired.
When Giselle threw her arms around him and sobbed, he thought someone had died. Even after hearing her repeat the news again and again, he waited for another reason. The words just would not reach that right spot in his brain. He could not comprehend anything. Had he really been pardoned?
He accepted his exile without a problem. He did not care anymore. He never should have cared. The world was meant to be experienced. He was glad he could rest. He was glad he had an excuse to step away from politics.
He never gets to step on his home country's soil. He carries a long list of regrets with until the very end. He is not ashamed of anything he has done but he knows if he had known the price in the beginning, he would have chosen differently.
Roman returns to Paris. The city of his youth. The city that had lit something inside of him four decades earlier. The memories of his idealism still warm him. He enjoys walks with Giselle, they are able to retrace the steps of their first date. There's certain kind of sweet cruelty in the way he can vividly remember the lightness of his heart.
He has lost years but at least he knows he can say he knows the value of time.
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yvrivic · 8 months
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"So the indoctrination is going smoothly. Terrific." As harsh as it sounded, he would have preferred a miserable child who still had the ability to be rebellious. Did it matter if his own daughter ended up on the throne instead of Milena Romanova if she was meek and malleable to the Romanovs' will. "But you think she's happy there? The language barrier's not too bad? She never really knew how to let go of those French sounds." French and Slavic languages made an unnatural match. The other liked to flow and fade off and the other loved its harsh twists and turns. "How are you, Giselle? You look well. Have you managed to go on a holiday yet?" The summer made everyone including her look more alive. Her delicate skin had gained some warmth.
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" she's REALLY smart nowadays. it's almost FRIGHTENING. i think she'll start one-upping me in no time. can you imagine how excruciating it will be ? " giselle even managed to laugh with her weak joke. her smile faded the longer the silence stretched. she hated the quietness of the house. it forced her to imagine what it was like being him. it made her pay attention to the stacks of books around the house. it made her look at him and pay close attention to the new lines on his face and the hollowness of his cheeks. " but she's well-behaved, i hear. i think the witch might even like her. it's not a bad thing for us. " [ &&. @yvrivic ]
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yvrivic · 2 years
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please unfollow </3 @yvrivic​
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yvrivic · 2 years
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“ house arrest ? ” giselle repeated, horrified. so instead of simply offing him, they chose drag out his suffering. “ for how long ? ” she couldn’t imagine the romanovs as a forgiving bunch. a decade ? longer ? long enough for his body to grow thin and his bones brittle. “ MARGAUX. ” her hands gripped the cushion of her seat. her teeth were pressed together hard enough for her jaw to ache. they were involving her daughter in this ? “ NO. that is not happening. they will not have her. they will not use her as a way to keep you in check. they have other means for that. ” this made everything personal. either the russians were drunk with power or they wanted the french to remember their place as well. no matter what it was, beauty and fairness was far from this demand. “ you cannot be serious. what if i say no ? i can take margaux back to paris and keep her there. ”
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“Indefinitely. First whatever the law will allow and then I’m sure there will be a loop hole to take advantage of.” He could survive it. He had no other option but to survive it. Plenty of people had done it before him. Plenty of people. “I’m sorry.” His voice was a hoarse whisper. He wanted to reach forward to touch Giselle but he was worried about her ripping her hands away from him. It wasn’t how he wanted to leave or how he wanted to be remembered by her: with resentment and pity. “You can say that. You can choose Margaux.” And he wouldn’t blame her! Part of him almost wished for Giselle to relieve him of the guilt that had built in his chest when he had realized how far the consequences had spread. “This was part of the deal I made. You don’t have to be part of it. It will just fall apart and I’ll adjust accordingly.” He struggled to justify using Margaux for his own good... It was that one part of the Belorussian law he was worried about. The one that made him feel like he could use it to justify causing Margaux trouble. “But I...” The notes that came from his throat almost sounded like hollow laughter. He was relieving himself of... of fear. The sort he had not felt in years. The sort that solidified the hopelessness of the situation for him. “I hope you won’t stop it because I don’t think there is another deal waiting for me.”
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yvrivic · 2 years
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“ you are ? ” it seemed daredevilish to enter the romanovs’ territory. “ is milena really leaving ? ” she found it SO difficult to believe ! everything they had had to deal with the past year had predicted a WORSE outcome than this. her eyes narrowed. “ and which parts are those ? ” 
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“If I’m to believe them, yes.” He could already picture the years and years and years of Milena dragging her feet. He doubted the process would be swift. Roman stood at the edge of the sitting area before choosing the chair that put a coffee table between himself and Giselle. “While I’m under house arrest, they are placing someone else on the throne. A Belorussian. This person is meant to act as the regent until Margaux is old enough to ascend the throne.” In the far future. His palms were cold but sweaty. He couldn’t bare to look at Giselle. “And Margaux... She will continue her education in Russia, under the supervision of the duchess of Karelia. Zakharova’s mother.”
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yvrivic · 2 years
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“I’m going back to Belarus soon,” Roman started. He had left the conversation to the last minute out of cowardice. His flight was leaving tomorrow and there was no avoiding facing Giselle anymore. “I’ve made a deal with the Romanovs.” There was just that one detail that he really did not want to bring up with Giselle. “Some parts concern you.” ( @giselledorleans )
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yvrivic · 2 years
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what a STUPID question. giselle’s teaspoon clicked against the porcelain as she set it down. “ new year’s has always been yours. if we don’t advertise the party, she’ll be perfectly fine with whatever you want to do. ” the divide had ALWAYS been exceptionally fair to giselle: she automatically got christmas and then she got a worriless new year’s — and if that wasn’t enough, christmas was always first so the excitement level was completely different compared to the one on new year’s. “ WAIT — you want me present ? ” a dissatisfied hum echoed loudly in the room. “ new year’s parties are a big deal. “ a fact that he would NEVER understand. “ you want me here ? ”
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Perfectly fine with whatever he wanted to do. “You have no faith in me, do you? It won’t be boring, it just won’t be flashy.” Even if he had wanted to, he wouldn’t have been able to make something like that happen. “Yes, I want you to stay. I know you probably have a dress picked out and everything but we can dress up?” It was selfish to keep the future a secret from her. He was very aware of how wrong he was — but if she knew, he wouldn’t be able to pretend and keep the heavy thoughts from bothering him. And... she would never do this for him. He could already see how angry and devastated she’d be. Part of the anger would be directed at him without a doubt. “Please?”
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yvrivic · 2 years
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Peaky Blinders Season 1 | Episode 1
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yvrivic · 2 years
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He found himself agreeing with the czar’s first statement: somehow house arrest seemed kind considering everything. Roman knew he would not have had the same mercifulness. Had the Russians wanted an eye for an eye, the Belarussian law wouldn’t have stood between them and their justice. Were they afraid of making him into a martyr? Now they got to hide him away and let him be forgotten. “And exactly what will I be accused of? Treason can hold many meanings.” Would they drag his name through mud? Make him the enemy of the people? He did not have time to consider all the ways they could discredit him. Margaux was a detail he had expected Arnauld to take care of. He had walked into the room thinking that at least one part of his back was covered. The d’Orléans were supposed to place family first. “In Karelia?” Very far away. His eyes shifted to Vorontsova and a sneer appeared on his features. “I’m sure it’s a perfectly respectable seat of learning, but my daughter is eleven.” How could they even think of including her into the punishment? His eyes moved from each of the Russians in hopes that at least one of the three would realize the absurdity of the demand. The moment left him feeling both humiliated and desperate. “She’s part of the program, surely it won’t make a much of a difference? Hosting Giselle and my daughter will require a substantial amount of resources.” ( @aromancva​ )
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“The deal we’re offering you is much more valuable than I personally believe you deserve.” Had you asked Alexei, the deal would have been much more meager and quite frankly not something anyone would have considered a deal. Was the price of peace really this unfair? “You’ll be charged with treason, you are to accept the charges and you will be placed under house arrest. In exchange, we will allow your daughter to inherit the throne and your duchy once she turns twenty-five. In order to ensure your cooperation, we will oversee her education. Mrs Vorontsova will be personally seeing to that.” ( ** @vitvliyv​ / @yvrivic​ / @aromancva​ )
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yvrivic · 2 years
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“I have a favour to ask.” As if she hadn’t already done enough for him! “Can we skip the big New Year’s party? I’m hoping to have a peaceful family New Year. My mother’s sent a few gifts for Margaux and I bought something too...” It would not compete with the spectacle the French had organized for Christmas day but Roman was feeling very sentimental. “I’ll organize it, all you need to do is to agree to stay in Alicante.” ( @giselledorleans​ )
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yvrivic · 2 years
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“ and… they want me to withdraw my support so they can deal with you the way they see fit without international interference. ” roman’s mistake had been not making sure that he had enough failsafes. a belorussian duke was not a powerful figure, he did not have the luxury of forcing people to cooperate. arnauld could always count of european neighbours caring about their own economies more than their morals. roman couldn’t force a single hand. “ at this point you can try to salvage what is left but then margaux will lose her position and you risk leaving belarus and your duchy in the hands of someone who’s in the romanovs’ pocket. ” spite might serve as motivation but roman was not that big a fool. “ you might want to arrange a meeting. ”
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It almost sounded as if Arnauld was giving him the option to choose. He must have been sure that Roman would choose to put Margaux first. Blue eyes lingered on the king for a moment and silence enveloped them. He had somehow imagined failure to feel more crushing. Arnauld saw the ending as a victory, but surely he could see that this was happening on the Romanovs’ terms. “Who are they naming the regent?” This was the sort of information that Arnauld would omit if he thought it would affect Roman’s decision negatively. Did Arnauld have his own name in the race? “Did they tell you what they had in mind for me?” The question was asked quietly. He had managed to keep fear at bay for a long time but now it had begun to creep up his neck. Many of his actions were punishable and as long as the Romanovs controlled the justice system through Milena, they’d get what they wanted. 
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yvrivic · 2 years
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It sounded very easy. It sounded very convenient. It sounded like everything they had aimed for except that Arnauld had not mentioned him. “And?” Or perhaps it should have been a ‘but’. It most likely was a ‘but’. Roman could trust Arnauld to make it seem like an ‘and’. What kind of a terrible fate did he have stored for Roman?
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“ the meeting i had there before the wedding. ” how could he simultaneously confess to getting a completely self-serving deal at the cost of roman’s ambitions, call the man foolish for even trying to fight the romanovs in the first place, and still appear a friend ? “ milena romanova will be removed from belarus — the romanovs were not looking for a disproportionate war. margaux will be named the heir to the throne — the details on that are a bit blurry to my liking. ” [ ;; @yvrivic​ ]
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yvrivic · 2 years
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yvrivic · 2 years
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14th October, 2019
He had been silent for the remainder of the meeting. His ears registered nothing and his eyes only saw the dark wood panel of the meeting room. He was glad the reason for the meeting was not in Belarus — otherwise the gathering of the Belarussians without her presence would have been a cause for concern. Her sharp eyes would have followed their every more and her sharp nose would have been pushed into their business. 
                 The dissatisfaction with the queen regent was louder than ever and Roman had a feeling Milena Yurivič did not understand how shaky the ground underneath her feet was. The grunts and hisses her name alone had elicited behind the closed door told him that the ember in his chest was not the only one to exist. It would have been if the Romanova had never taken a single step onto their territory — the hubris of the Romanovs had a stench like no other. It spread fast and wide, and it went completely unnoticed by the source itself. Had there been any understanding on the Russian’s part, she would have known how inappropriate her maneuvers had been.
                  As people began to slip out of the room, Roman remained in his seat. He felt fortunate enough to have the position to gather such a group of like-minded people — but the heaviness of the responsibilities was dragging his shoulders down. A coup! His men and their men against anyone who was a loyal servant of the state. How could anyone justify that? How could he of all people justify that? Belorussian blood would bleed into Belorussian soil. Roman was not convinced that anything good would sprout from the ground after the trampling and destroying was over. And to do it because of a Russian only sharpened the edge of the horror, cultivated it into something truly repulsive.
                  We could consider removing the root of the problem. The woman or the future heir. Roman was convinced there was a spot reserved for all of them for even considering it. The vileness was undeniable — and yet he could not deny the efficiency of the move. Two lives instead of hundreds. Russian blood instead of their own. One evening instead of weeks or months or years. One family’s sorrow instead of a million’s. Milena had chosen to gamble, the soldiers that would be forced into the conflict had not. There was no glory in fighting one another. There would be no relief in victory because the cost would be far too high. 
                  Roman’s chest rose as air filled his lungs and slowly he breathed the air out. Why had Milena entered his life? Why did she have to force him to act? Why couldn’t she take a step back and let someone worthy of the title take the reigns? Why was she trying so hard to convince them of her fitness as a regent? How was ruling a hostile country worth it? Every minute, every day, every year he had spent in the office had come at a high cost. The personal sacrifices were done for the good of his country. There was that small naive dream of being able to change things, to see the country flourish, to leave the old wounds alone to heal in the past. 
                  And now Milena had appeared and had not only reopened those wounds but stretched the skin and ripped the skin further. Roman was not willing to watch her probe and prod their insides until her curiosity had been quenched. She would get bored and then she would get sloppy. There was no heart in what she doing and he could see the czar’s hand leading Milena’s own. How many papers would she get to sign as regent until there was more than just him who despised every single cell in her body. 
                  His fingers trembled as he turned the small white paper slip around to inspect the phone number He couldn’t tell if it was caused by the nausea that she had brought about or if it was fear. His skin was on fire and his eyes could barely focus on the numbers. He knew. He knew in a few days’ time the little part of him that was trying to keep him from choosing the crueler option would go silent. It would take one message from her. It would take one disadvantageous decision. One simple moment of Milena Yurivič being Milena Romanova, and he would call the number and seal her fate. 
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yvrivic · 2 years
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one word: belarus
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yvrivic · 2 years
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it had felt like such an obvious choice she hadn’t stopped to wonder if she was owed gratitude. roman certainly seemed to think so, giselle was not sure. choosing between roman and the russians, it was not much of a question, not even when she was aware of what kind of trouble the russians might bring forth. “ i don’t expect you to. ” what she hated about roman — what she was constantly reminded of — was how alone he was. she had wanted to get rid of that solitude and for a while there she had managed it. it had been roman, giselle and margaux: a trio that was treated as one entity. she had not really wanted to let him return to belarus because the only way she managed to picture him was alone in some great hall, in great silence, in terrible coldness. “ these sort of things are offered unconditionally, roman. ”
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“I just... don’t...” His frown was soft and voice quiet and hoarse. The sentence was unwilling to come out of him in one piece. “I don’t understand why.” Giselle’s loyalty to him should have run out a long time ago. Best friend or not, he never would have expected such altruism from her. She did not want Margaux in Belarus — the carrot she had dangled in front of her brother was poisoned in her eyes. The decision to have his back had no other motivation but the desire to be supportive of him. It was difficult to accept that kind of generosity. “That’s all. I can’t expect this from you if it feels unreasonable — and it does. I know you want to offer this with no strings attached but when there comes a time I can do something for you, all you need to do is ask.” It felt incredibly stupid to offer something now, like he was tainting the purity of her selfishness by forcing guilty offer on her.
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yvrivic · 2 years
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“ WHAT ? no, of course not. ” her hand now shook his arm. “ no. ” he saw more wrong in the decision than she was even capable of seeing. there was enough distance between france and the eastern border  — whatever she got dragged into would be unsavory but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make for him. “ you’re my best friend. ” she said the words often and to insignificant people. they did not get whispered like this; quietly and breathlessly and full of meaning. “ we may have failed to keep all of our vows but the bit about for better or for worse still stands. ”
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He was quiet for a while. There were not many words he could have given her. Not even French was able to help him speak such poetry that would have expressed his gratitude adequately. He could feel pressure on the bridge of his nose and in order to relieve it, he cleared his throat and blinked rapidly. “Thank you.” His blue eyes, even in the dimly lit room, found Giselle’s deep brown ones. “For what’s to come and what you done for me so far.” Even in ire she had chosen to support him. As loyal as she was to her own family, he had never been a second thought. She had let him slip a ring onto her finger after all — that was almost all the proof he had ever needed. “I feel like I won’t be able to pay you back.”
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