yxusha-blog · 7 years
i can’t find my old promo post so here goes!!
i want to try to bring this guy back to life while i hide all the old posts. or at least, most of them.
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so anyway! if we could reblog or like this that’d be nice! my son here is Alba Frühling from Senyuu. I’m cleaning everything up here!
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
RULES :  bold all that apply to your character   (  italicize the ones that are iffy  ) .
STOLEN FROM :  @tricange bless u sorry for steals TAGGING : it took me like 4 tries to get this to work you can steal it if u want that hell
absent-minded |  abusive  | addict |  addictive personality |  adrenaline junkie | aggressive |  aimless  | alcoholic | anxious  | arrogant  | audacious  |  bad liar |  bigmouth  |  bigot  | blindly loyal | blunt |  callous |  childish  | chronic heroism  |  clingy |  clumsy  | cocky |  codependent | competitive |  corrupt  |  cowardly  | cruel | cynical | delinquent  | delusional  |  dependent  | depressed | deranged  |  disloyal  |  ditzy  |  egotistical |  envious | erratic |  fickle  |  finicky  | fixated |  flaky  |  frail  |  fraudulent  | foul mouthed  | guilt complex |  gloomy  | gluttonous |  gossiper | gruff | grudge holding |  gullible  | hedonistic  |  humorless  | hyper-sexual |  hypochondriac  |  hypocritical  | idealist | idiotic  |  ignorant |  immature  |  impatient |  incompetent  |  indecisive  | insecure | insensitive  |  lazy  | lewd  | liar |  lustful  | manipulative |  masochistic  | meddlesome  |  melodramatic |  money-loving  |  moody  | naive  | nervous |  nosy  |  ornery  |  overprotective |  overly sensitive | paranoid |  passive-aggressive  |  perfectionist |  pessimist |  petty  |  power-hungry  |  proud |  pushover  |  reckless | reclusive |  remorseless  | rigorous |  sadistic | sarcastic  |  senile  | selfish  | self destructive |  self-martyr |  shallow  |  sociopathic  | sore loser |  spineless  | spiteful |  spoiled  | stubborn | suspicious | suicidal | tactless  | temperamental | timid  | tone-deaf | traitorous |  ungracious  |  unlucky |  unsophisticated  |  untrustworthy  | vain  | withdrawn |  workaholic
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
What do you mean, they hurt you? Where? How? Show me. Tell me. I’ll rip them to pieces.
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
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「 勇者 」 —   don’t put me back in plEASE
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
15 Associations
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Repost and fill in the answers you most associate your character with to each question.
NAME: Alba Michel Frühling
1. ANIMAL(S):  Fox, Dog 2. COLOR(S):  Red, Orange, Brown 3. MONTH: March 4. SONG(s):  QUESTERS!, City Lights, Liar 5. NUMBER:  45 6. DAY OR NIGHT: Day 7. PLANT: Roses, Digitalis 8. SMELL: Burning Leaves, Blood 9. GEMSTONE: Ruby, Amber 10. SEASON:  Spring 11. PLACE: Traditional Villages, Deserts, Medical Labs 12. FOOD:  Fried Eggs/Rice, Strawberry Cake 13. ASTROLOGICAL SIGN:   Pisces 14. ELEMENT(S): Fire, Light 15. DRINK: Strawberry Milkshake, Tequila Sunrise, Brandy Sangria
Tagged by: @persistingcourage man i’d tag people but I DONT THINK I HAVE ACTIVE PEOPLE TO TAG RLY SO
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
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senyuu+ destroying my headcanons one by one again;;
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
Yo, it's the Cran man! Great to have you back, my dude. What have you been up to?
“I like this!”
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“Great to have my favorite audience back! You know me--being a doctor, always being here for my son’s birthday. You know. Once I found his house. Can you believe he didn’t tell me where his house is?”
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
Where has your son been all this time? It feels like I haven't seen him in forever.
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“...He’s been busy being a hermit like usual. I don’t even know where he is right now--perfect timing for me to take over his house. You think he keeps snacks in here?”
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
anyways… reblog + tag what you smell like according to what does a hero smell like 🍃
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
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“Can I have my job back.”
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
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「 勇者 」 —   “It’s the worst day of the year!”
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
「 勇者 」 —   “So anyway.”
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“Why was Ross in my house?”
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
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「 戦士 」 —   “well, that hero’s not home, so.                                           it looks like i’ll be here a while yet.” 
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
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“It’s a miracle, you heroes seem to crawl out of the woodwork like the pests you are. You tried fighting me once, I distinctly recall it ended with me grinding your face under my boot.” Maybe he’s embellishing, call it creative license.  “If you’d really like to try again, I’ll be sure to slit your throat this time.” But being annoyed is something he should stop doing, and Rchimedes probably wouldn’t be happy, so let’s just try to dissuade Creasion here.
「 戦士 」 —   “..Okay, sure, so I one-hundred percent did not account for the intervention of tanned guy. My mistake.” He’s walking on literally the thinnest ice known to mankind right now, but maintaining his pride as an ex-legend, bad of an idea as that may be.
That and he might be a little shaken over the result of that battle. Still. And very much so.
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“....as it stands, though, that would be a ‘bad end’ for the both of us, and I would much rather avoid it.”
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
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Excuse me?
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「 戦士 」 —   “It’s a miracle, I think about beating you up and suddenly you’re right here in front of me, as if the world wishes it to be so.”
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
have many knif for the stabby [runs]
「 戦士 」 —   “You have my thanks.” He...somehow, holds the knives in his arms.
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“I will be sure to use them on a certain foulmouthed shadow man now.” Surely he means Dezember, right? He’s not bitter.
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yxusha-blog · 7 years
Hey asshole, now that you're here try not to ditch Alba for another seven years like you did the last time.
「 戦士 」 —   “....” ....Hmmm...
He makes a thinking pose, with his hand under his chin, making an expression that seems genuinely confused.. but more looks patronizing than anything. In any case, he’s hurting a little, and so soon...
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“...Nah, that’s unfair. I gave him plenty of advanced warnings, you see, and it was only two years collectively, not seven.”
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