zeldamont · 10 months
Zelda's tongue swipes out to wet her lips as she sucks in a deep breath, the tiniest little things showing cracks in an otherwise well maintained facade of indifference even as he cleans the wound. He watches, more bloody gauze, more skin for just a moment, more blood. It felt as if it might go on forever, until her eyes settle on the incoming materials for stitches and for once, Zelda's mask cracks just a little.
She's usually better at keeping herself together, so it barely processes to her that the sting in her eyes is tears until they're threatening to spill over where they're making her gaze glassy. "Wow, god, sorry. This is embarrassing. I just really - don't like needles." Zelda laughs nervously at herself, mouth falling into a near pout as she takes another breath to steady herself. "I know it sounds stupid that someone like - stabbed me and the stitches are what freaked me out but -' She scrunches her nose, hands dropping to the table to grip the table. "Do you have like, liquor or something here at least? Hah."
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He understands, of course. Asa's seen injuries of all sorts by now. Some worse than others - but he'll happily help dislodge a splinter, if the occasion rises. He likes being helpful to the Syndicate, regardless. Getting surprised by a knife, while a bit terrifying, isn't unheard of in this line of business.
Too nice for this. The medic's brow furrows, but he smiles to himself. Dark eyes are still on her wound, cleaning it with practiced fingertips and damp gauze. Bloody and red the more he swabs. "I found a wayward Syndicate member bleeding out in an alleyway. Maybe should've asked more questions... but I sewed them up regardless. Was approached to be... on-call for some interesting injuries." He explains softly as he works. "I wanted to be helpful, I suppose."
Leaning back, he grabs up some more gauze. Dries the area a bit with that before looking at the sutures and medical needles. "I dunno if my niceness is an asset or a detriment. Seems to be one or the other depending on the day." He chuckles.
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zeldamont · 10 months
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It practically takes all Zelda's willpower not to roll her eyes - however much small percent would've meant it endearingly that she wouldn't acknowledge - when he gets distracted by the compliment. Some boys were just too easy.
She leans into the hungry gaze she's showered in with purpose, blinking her big doe eyes up at him innocently for his hues to meet whenever they're done on her body. "Over.. stimulated?" Zelda muses with an intentional husky tone, low but loud enough for him to hear with how she's leaning in.
"It's certainly been, interesting. Real shame though, would you believe nobody has given me a tour yet?" She poses it as if it was life or death, dramatic despite her wide smile. Of course, she knew the city like the back of her hand. But the places people showed a stranger told her a lot about a person. Zelda smiles brightly, turning Silas' hand over on the bar and casually tracing her fingertips over the sensitive inner skin of his wrist. "Maybe you could?"
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It's Silas' turn to be silent, watching for her reactions to his, quite frankly, ridiculous ramblings. Maybe, just maybe, he's relieved when she's willing to entertain him and his thoughts.
"Not necessarily nepotism," but he does know a fair bit about that one, too. "Was raised Catholic and all that shit. There's a lot of time to think about the Bible when it's shoved down your throat—" He's cut off when she leans forward and, fuck, she is pretty in this club lighting. It's like fucking magic when her hand comes to rest on his, his slim fingers twitching slightly as he wears a smirk of his own. "I'm cute, huh?" Of course he focuses on that.
"Name's Silas," he starts, although not without pausing to look her up and down. "A couple months ago? Shit. Well, welcome to New York City. It's overpriced, overcrowded, and over... something else." He's not clever enough to come up with a third thing right now. "How you likin' it so far?"
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zeldamont · 11 months
Her eyes follow him without much subtlety, her own curiosity showing as her eyes stay trained on his hands going to work. She always had a weird respect for doctors — she didn’t have the stomach or the bedside manner for it. The smile on her lips only grows when he continues to speak, a soft chuckle leaving her lips at the questions.
“Got me by surprise, mostly.” Zelda admits and the way her gaze shifts away shows more that it bothered her than her tone does, clearing her throat. “City’s big but not big enough sometimes and I — have a very polarizing position in some peoples’ lives.”
Before she can get in too deep though, Zelda is getting a warning and she’s just happy for a reason to shut up. Normally she would’ve just been in and out but she can’t stop talking tonight, apparently. She nods, bracing herself for it but besides a sharp inhale, if it hurts, she doesn’t show it. Zelda’s jaw is tense, rolling her neck for a moment before exhaling on a long sigh and looking down at him. “You seem too nice for this.” She points out, taking a second to glance around the cozy office and back at him. “For — all of it. How did you end up with them?”
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The brutal honesty of admitting how bad it looks has a smile forming on Zelda's lips despite herself, amusement bubbling a dry chuckle out of her throat before she can resist and for a second, it has her forgetting the white hot heat of her wound. "Oh, you know, bar fight." She muses with a light in her eyes that shows she's not even attempting to actually lie, nodding and moving to stand. Zelda winces for just a flash of a second as she works the tight jeans down past the gash but beside that, she barely even acknowledges it, moving to sit back on the table once she's left in her shirt and a pair of boy short underwear.
She's quiet for a long moment, if only because her eyes are wandering over the other scars here and there on her legs, before shrugging one shoulder almost dejectedly. "I can make a lot of enemies sometimes; guess I ran into one." The casualty in her voice shows it's probably not her first run in with an ex-mark, but if its' upset her, she's still doing what she can not to show it. She breathes a heavy sigh, leaning back on the table on bloody palms now that she doesn't have to focus on putting pressure on it before turning to watch him. "So.. do you actually have to know for some like, bullshit Syndicate intake form or are you just nosy?" A brow arches, the tiniest hint of a smile showing for once she's actually not entirely against someone digging a little.
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zeldamont · 11 months
The brutal honesty of admitting how bad it looks has a smile forming on Zelda's lips despite herself, amusement bubbling a dry chuckle out of her throat before she can resist and for a second, it has her forgetting the white hot heat of her wound. "Oh, you know, bar fight." She muses with a light in her eyes that shows she's not even attempting to actually lie, nodding and moving to stand. Zelda winces for just a flash of a second as she works the tight jeans down past the gash but beside that, she barely even acknowledges it, moving to sit back on the table once she's left in her shirt and a pair of boy short underwear.
She's quiet for a long moment, if only because her eyes are wandering over the other scars here and there on her legs, before shrugging one shoulder almost dejectedly. "I can make a lot of enemies sometimes; guess I ran into one." The casualty in her voice shows it's probably not her first run in with an ex-mark, but if its' upset her, she's still doing what she can not to show it. She breathes a heavy sigh, leaning back on the table on bloody palms now that she doesn't have to focus on putting pressure on it before turning to watch him. "So.. do you actually have to know for some like, bullshit Syndicate intake form or are you just nosy?" A brow arches, the tiniest hint of a smile showing for once she's actually not entirely against someone digging a little.
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Closed: @rippedstitch-s Location: Asa’s office
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For once, Zelda was actually taking the night off. At least, she was supposed to. So much time spent in survival, it was like a normal dinner and a movie by herself was too much to ask most days. Maybe that’s why she was a bit lenient with her wine intake, maybe that’s why her guard had been down. It was all kinds of things that would work on rotation in her mind as she sat waiting for Asa to come in. Nothing too dire, but it would certainly leave a nasty scar untouched after she was caught by a small blade in the way home from the bar. She can practically still hear the shing of metal whipping out of its plastic sheath before the door opening finally pulls her from her thoughts.
“It’s not as bad as it looks.” She starts before he can even give her that worried look, a hand pressed to a bloody spot on her outer thigh. “He was a pussy.” Zelda murmurs with a bit less commitment as her gaze drops, pulling her hand away to reveal a gash on her leg beneath where her jeans are split.
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zeldamont · 11 months
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Zelda stays silent for a few moments, face pinched with amusement she's trying her best to keep at least a bit quiet while he tries to explain. Eyebrows raising, she's tipping her head in agreement by the time he continues. "I'm guessing you might know something about nepotism better than I would, so I'll believe you - this time." Zelda leans forward, her knowing smirk widening into something flirty and playful as she rests a hand on his on top of the bar between their drinks. "Luckily for you, you're cute so I don't mind you waxing poetic about Jesus and nepotism when I just came here to drink and --" knowingly, she lets her gaze skirt over his before letting him anticipate her next words as she takes a sip of her drink. After a long moment, she finally continues with the same small smirk. "have some fun~. I'm Melanie - I just moved here a couple months ago."
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“What?” The surprise provides a melodic bewilderment in her voice, almost a laugh. “I mean — I’m admittedly not super well versed in religion but wasn’t the guy like, literally crucified for his choices? Whole thing about nepotism is special treatment so like.. I guess Jesus technically wasn’t a nepo baby but God is? I don’t know, I went to church like twice.”
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zeldamont · 11 months
Closed: @rippedstitch-s Location: Asa’s office
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For once, Zelda was actually taking the night off. At least, she was supposed to. So much time spent in survival, it was like a normal dinner and a movie by herself was too much to ask most days. Maybe that’s why she was a bit lenient with her wine intake, maybe that’s why her guard had been down. It was all kinds of things that would work on rotation in her mind as she sat waiting for Asa to come in. Nothing too dire, but it would certainly leave a nasty scar untouched after she was caught by a small blade in the way home from the bar. She can practically still hear the shing of metal whipping out of its plastic sheath before the door opening finally pulls her from her thoughts.
“It’s not as bad as it looks.” She starts before he can even give her that worried look, a hand pressed to a bloody spot on her outer thigh. “He was a pussy.” Zelda murmurs with a bit less commitment as her gaze drops, pulling her hand away to reveal a gash on her leg beneath where her jeans are split.
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zeldamont · 11 months
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“What?” The surprise provides a melodic bewilderment in her voice, almost a laugh. “I mean — I’m admittedly not super well versed in religion but wasn’t the guy like, literally crucified for his choices? Whole thing about nepotism is special treatment so like.. I guess Jesus technically wasn’t a nepo baby but God is? I don’t know, I went to church like twice.”
OPEN TO: anyone and everyone. SETTING / LOCATION: any sort of public space (coffee shop, park, bar, bookstore, etc).
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"Y'know, if you think about it—" Nothing good is about to come out of this man's mouth. "Jesus really is the original nepo baby. I mean, his father is literally God." He shrugs for good measure. "Food for thought."
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zeldamont · 11 months
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Name: Zelda Mae Montgomery (and a list of aliases) Age / D.O.B.: 35 | August 3rd, 1988. Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Female, she/her, pansexual Hometown: Ocean Grove, NJ Affiliation:The Syndicate Job position: Con Artist (Usually freelance, sometimes for The Syndicate) Education: Dropout Relationship status: Single Children: None Positive traits: magnetic, independent, spontaneous, intuitive, determined Negative traits: hedonistic, opinionated, secretive, greedy, distrusting
Zelda was a young girl when she learned that the only person she would ever be able to rely on forever was herself. Even from her first moments, abandoned at a fire house, she grew up alone. Zelda moved from foster home to foster home, whether it was due to mistreatment or simply her being too big a personality for what prospective parents signed up for. It’s because of this bad luck with families and surroundings that Zelda learned to lie and scheme her way into whatever she needed by the time she was learning to be a woman. At thirteen, Zelda had made a plan to run away and she was on a bus into the city in the middle of the night by her fourteenth birthday. Because she’s been on her age since she was just a kid, the little tips she’d learned in order to manipulate people to get what she wanted only came in more handy and became more honed in as time went on. While she did have a few passing above board incomes - waitress when she first got to town, salesgirl, bookkeeper - it wasn’t long before Zelda figured out the city’s real commodity; people. Moving from home to home allowed Zelda to learn how to shape to fit whatever someone looked for in her, providing what they wanted in order to get what she wanted out of them. There’s always someone who can give you what you want, and Zelda has reached a gray point in her morals that she can usually justify whatever she does in order to get what she wants. Zelda’s never really trusted anybody with her well-being and because of that, never being able to rely on anyone else, she tends to see them a bit more as pawns than anything else whether she means to or not. 
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zeldamont · 11 months
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zeldamont · 11 months
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zeldamont · 11 months
I gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this
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zeldamont · 11 months
“I will not think less of myself just because you do not know how to love me.”
— Unknown
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