- Is it still Cursed ?
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- said I live up over there & im scared to Death all the time . ...
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ya , https://bluexbaxter.bandcamp.com/track/491-rebel-libraries
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THats : Ten-Ten-Ten 321 Then 1 Then the number .
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ahhh, yes 00 – When you’re Extremeley allergic to Poison Ivy , - It gets worse, Every Time .
& now i wear girl’s clothes .
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Exlastiesties - Exorcisms .
Lamentations - Depression .
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Tell the Army i said : “Thyink Paper ”
WHICH Argument’s “Stronger” ??? Gulf Of Tonkin : HOW Many Stars are in the Sky ??
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& then you have to go on as listing what things , - ASn there are now rules for what counts as being Said, or Not being Said,
-so, one is a discussion , which has infinite possibilities (.) -- and the othe rside of the line is “Harassment” which, economically based, or money based, or people-money based, or advertising based, or Religiously based, is , still , harassment --- - Due to “Fields-Theory” related Time ,a nd referencing passages of “Strive” and “war” from Various Holy-Grous, - And, IF the level of Secrecy between us all is dropped, NOT so that we may blend, but, so that our lines of communication may be Added0-To. (Not, Takien-From . ...) - And, given that, we can now, Reproduce, what , Can, be reproduced (Drugs, Ducks, Children) - And then all those other related things, we have, newar - isolated, what the, “Common-Arena” is, where, life, is, EXPECTED to multipluy, not, “Should”, not” Has-To (Surivival is not a Feat nor Fit of “Multiplication”) The terms of “Survial” are agreed upon The terms of “Thriving” has no Limits, unless determined as “Theft” -- such as of Soul, or Spirit, or Time, or Reputation, or Merit, or Money . So - In Provision for our Obviously Higher-Spirituial capabalities, Whomever you are, and , however that goes about it -- There is , a Line, or Two, which, need maintaine,d in alll our Scholastic Go-Luckniess -- in a feat of True partiotism and Happiness combined --- where, the , Sacrifice , is Real, but, within, what is required, is , so much far less, than it ever has been, that to endure anything else, is surely an act of will,  which can be done respectfully, such that one will always be missed, as much as 10,00 will always be missed, but, yet, for the things, which need not need Grief, attached, there is no sense, to be little, towar, adn to ,
and to Perfection - Know she this - that she be not maed, by anything else, past the Sun, and its 13 planets . And they themselfves, are known to one another as “Excellence” - and it is Susteined, We - Are |
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The Severity , --, in which case
#ok - Just had to check & see if I left 5$ in my coat for myself that wont end up costing 10 by the time i get to spending it --- never cash#in on anything --- and you're on the road to being a monk ---- never back Down on anything#and youre on the route to becoming a car crash . ...#well no lines needed on a single lane sidewalk --#best have 2 roads if thats the intention before someone ends up fucking a zebrah#a parachute breaks#a false news story is hatched#the moneys lost in investment#the moneys lost in religion#that translates into energy which no one participating accepts#and that drifts into Politic#which is mans ONLY RECOURSE in this land#which is savagely being sabatoged into a mind control counter-fiasco against itself#with YOU in the middle . ....#so if you get fined twice -- for another guy driving -- then dont accept the ride -- if you still get fined ---- someone/something is Trahs#(I see thye point about Sharing Responsibility & everything {OMG the ankel-sex grabber is a REAL fucking thing - Santa Clause }#{Its how rich people police their children to protect them from thingfs they doing know about but are still in play#THen everone started doing it#THEN they made a government program Overseeing it#THEN it became necessary to Do it#THEN -- underneath all the lies 20 years previous this beginning -- all things were shed- includeing the Mind#which was in Function during the time of Abraham Linclon (Freed the slaves ) - then#went awash#in a maze of D.s#in preperation for the Coming Armageddon#wchi#im happy to say is Truly over#and Truly happened .#{& they call you All kinds of Names to get you to stop thinking eh -- well heres one from a Real Philosopher }
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Ed-Jew-'Caustion speaking :
{Terminology in Brare-Terminology in Brare-Terminology . ]
“ Easy-Lightening 4(IV)8* “
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Goldn Sl8br’s
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