zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
LAWS  310 (The Legal Environment) Complete Course - DeVry
 LAWS  310 (The Legal Environment) Complete Course - DeVry    
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Laws 310 Week 1 Assignment
Laws 310 Week 1 Quiz 
Laws 310 Week 2 Assignment
Laws 310 Week 2 Quiz 
Laws 310 Week 3 Assignment You Decide; Happy Birthday to You Copyright Law
Laws 310 Week 3 Quiz 
Laws 310 Week 4 Assignment; Burton vs. State College
Laws 310 Week 4 Quiz 
Laws 310 Week 5 Assignment; Gries Sport Enterprises V. Cleveland Browns
Laws 310 Week 5 Assignment; Ms Darcy Vs Big Car Company
Laws 310 Week 5 Quiz 
Laws 310 Week 6 Research Project Paper; Stem Cell Legislation
Laws 310 Week 7 Simulation Environmental Nuisance Lawsuit (3 Sources)
 LAW 310 Final Exam -  Updated
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
HSM 420 Entire Course DeVry
HSM 420 Entire Course DeVry 
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HSM 420 Entire Course Managed Care and Health Insurance NEW DeVry
HSM 420 Entire Course Project Week 2, 5, and 7 DeVry
 HSM 420 Course Project Topic Selection Week 2 (50 points) DeVry
 It is expected that you will provide a focused topic, including a statement of the key challenges or problems currently associated with the topic in America.
… For the course project, the paper will focus on fraud and abuse in managed care and how to prevent such instances.  The paper will include information on various fraudulent and abusive acts of healthcare providers, including steps the government has taken to…
HSM 420 Course Project Outline Week 5 (100 points) DeVry
 It is expected that the outline be submitted in a formal outline format as demonstrated below. Your outline should show enough detail to demonstrate that you have begun thinking about the organization of your paper and the research required into the topic. After your outline, please submit a listing of the sources you have already identified for your paper.
The Introduction part of the paper will provide an executive summary of the issues on fraud and abuse in managed care environments.  It has been proven that fraud and abuse cases cause economic drain on the health care system, including the country’s health care system due to the health problems of its citizens.  While it is true that…
HSM 420 Final Course Project Week 7 (170 points) Preventing Fraud and Abuse in Managed Care DeVry
 It is expected that the final version of your Course Project will be 7–10 pages in length, with 6–8 sources identified.
Fraud and abuse cases are among the leading reasons why a country’s health care system experiences economic drain.  Despite the vigilance of various sectors in society in ascertaining that fraud and abuse cases in health care are brought to the forefront, only about 10% of these cases have been clearly identified.  This is because many of those who are in the health care industry are involved in those cases.  Additionally, even patients are involved in deception tactics in the…
HSM 420 Webliography Week 7 DeVry
 Over the length of the course, upload three separate URL references to articles relating to current healthcare insurance and managed healthcare issues to the dropbox.
Title: 8 Indicted in Identity Thefts of Patients at Montefiore Medical Center
Web Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/20/nyregion/8-indicted-in-identity-thefts-of-patients-at-montefioremedical-center.html
Author/Date: Liam Stack, June 19, 2015
Description: A Montefiore employee and seven others were indicted on charges of stealing the personal information of about 12,000 hospital patients and using the…
HSM 420 Midterm Exam Managed Care and Health Insurance DeVry 100% Correct
 (TCO 1) Describe the preferred provider organization (PPO) model of managed care. Why do you feel that this is the dominant form of managed care today?
 In this plan, the patient uses a medical provider under contract with the insurer for an agreed-upon…
(TCO 1) How has the relationship between government and managed care evolved over the years? What factors have driven this changing relationship?
 Over the past two decades, managed care organizations (MCOs) have emerged in the United States. The differences between types of managed care organizations are…
(TCO 2) What is the role of the credentialing committee in a managed care organization? And why is this function so crucial?
 Credentialing refers to the review of a professional provider’s ability to meet the plan’s standards for participation, being board certified…
(TCO 2) Why do managed care organizations have a board of directors? What is the function of the board of directors?
 Managed care has a board of directors to plan and to the shareholders in the event that the plan is for…
(TCO 3) What are the three basic categories of utilization management? Provide a brief description of each category.
 The three primary categories of utilization management are: 1.) Prospective is for elective procedures or services prior to such services being…
(TCO 3) What are meant by “outliers” in hospital reimbursement? How do outlier cases impact reimbursement to a hospital?
 Outlier’s cases refer to extra payment if a patient’s costs exceed certain thresholds. It is less…
(TCO 4) Discuss some key general aspects of physician practice behavior? Include implicit messages from training, and also environmental factors, in your answer.
 As we all know, it takes a long process to be a physician. Thus, physicians are selected for medical school because of certain…
(TCO 4) What is meant by large case management (LCM) under managed care? Provide some specific examples of this type of case management.
 Large case management (LCM) under managed care is a process of identifying plan members with special healthcare needs, developing a…
(TCO 7) What is the purpose of the declarations in managed care contracts?
 The purpose of the declarations in managed care contracts the parties provide answers to a number of “what if” questions. This is simply…
(TCO 7) What is the purpose of hold-harmless and balance-billing clauses in managed care contracts?
 The hold- harmless clause involves the provider agreeing to not pursue a patient for fees in excess of the allowed amount of the…
HSM 420 Quiz Week 6 DeVry 100% Correct
 (TCO 5) What is the purpose of the Privacy Rule? How has this rule impacted healthcare organizations? (Points : 30)
The Privacy Rule went into effect on April 14, 2001, and required that all “covered entities” must be in compliance with the privacy, security, and…
(TCO 4) What happens if someone alleges that a physician has committed a criminal act such as fee splitting? What organizations would be involved in investigating such an allegation? (Points : 30)
Fee splitting occurs when one physician offers pay another physician for the referral of patients. Fee splitting has been considered…
(TCO 4) The medical record is legally owned by the  (Points : 5)
(TCO 8) All of the following vaccines and toxoids are required for children by law except (Points : 5)
(TCO 5) The records of all adult patients should be kept a minimum of (Points : 5)
2 years
5 years
10 years
None of the above
(TCO 5) Medicare and Medicaid records should be retained for (Points : 5)
1 year
5 years
10 years
None of the above
HSM 420 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 457 Pages DeVry
 HSM 420 Indemnity Versus Managed Care and Managed Care Impacts Discussions Week 1 All Posts 60 Pages
 HSM 420 Indemnity Versus Managed Care Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 33 Pages
 Early models of health insurance in America were what we call “indemnity plans” or traditional health insurance plans. What is meant by an indemnity plan, and how is managed care different from traditional indemnity insurance?…
HSM 420 Managed Care Impacts Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 27 Pages
 There can be no doubt that managed care has impacted everyone involved with healthcare delivery in America. What do you see as some of the most significant impacts of managed care for patients?…
HSM 420 Provider Networks and Legal Issues in Provider Contracting Discussions Week 2 All Posts 63 Pages
 HSM 420 Provider Networks Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 31 Pages
 Why do managed care organizations seek to establish a provider network? What are the primary reasons for contracting with providers?  Can an MCO survive without a provider network?…
HSM 420 Legal Issues in Provider Contracting Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 32 Pages
 Describe and discuss the key issues associated with provider payment that should be addressed in any managed care contract.  The way that providers are reimbursed has been simplified.  Why are some providers having issues with receiving payment?…
HSM 420 Utilization Management and Case Management Versus Disease Management Discussions Week 3 All Posts 67 Pages
 HSM 420 Utilization Management Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 33 Pages
 What are the primary categories of utilization management (UM)? How does UM determine medical necessity through the use of evidence-based guidelines?  What do the categories used in utilization management mean in laymen’s terms?….
HSM 420 Case Management Versus Disease Management Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 34 Pages
 What are the key differences between conventional case management and disease management? Provide some examples of diseases that seem to benefit from a disease management model of care.  What is case management?  What is disease management?  How would case management differ in an urban patient with kidney issues and a rural patient with kidney issues?….
HSM 420 Managed Care Pharmacy Benefits and Managed Behavioral Healthcare Discussions Week 4 All Posts 58 Pages
 HSM 420 Managed Care Pharmacy Benefits Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 31 Pages
 What are the most important elements of a managed care pharmacy benefit program? And how are patient prescription benefits typically different under managed care?  Pharmacy benefits is a controversial topic within managed care.  As a patient, what do you want?  How often do pharmacists recommend certain drugs to providers?  Is this recommendation for costs control or quality products?…
HSM 420 Managed Behavioral Healthcare Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 27 Pages
 What factors surrounding behavioral health create special challenges and special considerations for managed care programs? How is managed behavioral healthcare different from managed acute medical or managed acute surgical care?  The need for behavioral healthcare coverage is ever-growing in this country.  What is the problem with providing adequate coverage?  Do you think that if patients stopped using the ER as a doctor’s office and used it for emergencies only that there would be adequate staff?…
HSM 420 Managed Care Accreditation and Managed Care Marketing Discussions Week 5 All Posts 64 Pages
 HSM 420 Managed Care Accreditation Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 36 Pages
 Discuss the main elements of the managed care accreditation process. For each main element, explain why it is important.  Are these steps adequate?  Should more be done?  There are so many elements that must be monitored.  If healthcare facilities were not held accountable for delivering these elements in an efficient manner, quality care would not be delivered.  For reimbursement  of Medicare claims must the facility be accredited?…
HSM 420 Managed Care Marketing Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 28 Pages
 Discuss how managed care sales and marketing have evolved over recent decades, and how these may possibly evolve over the decades ahead.  Does healthcare marketing vary based on location?  With the Affordable Care Act, have the number of insured in rural areas increased?…
HSM 420 Fraud and Abuse and Managed Care Marketing Discussions Week 6 All Posts 77 Pages
 HSM 420 Fraud and Abuse Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 44 Pages
 Discuss fraud and abuse in healthcare. Provide at least three specific examples of fraudulent practices that have taken place in U.S. healthcare, and describe ways to prevent these in our modern healthcare environment….
HSM 420 Managed Care Marketing Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 33 Pages
 Explain the difference between underwriting and rating. What are the key elements that typically go into rate development formulas? I agree that underwriters must remain knowledgeable of all new laws.  This role involves continuous training.  What do you think is the most stressful about this job?  Do you think that it is difficult for the underwriter to keep emotion out of his/her decision?…
HSM 420 State and Federal Regulation and Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Discussions Week 7 All Posts 68 Pages
 HSM 420 State and Federal Regulation Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 34 Pages
 What are the most critical components of state regulation for managed care organizations? And which federal regulations also bring specific requirements for the operation of such entities? Discuss state and federal regulation of MCOs. Do you think that there are enough regulations for MCOs? …
HSM 420 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 34 Pages
 Study the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) in your textbook. What will be the primary impacts of PPACA on managed care organizations. Consider both positive and negative impacts in your answer. Why was the PPACA developed?…
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
HSM 320 Entire Course NEW DeVry
HSM 320 Entire Course NEW DeVry
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HSM 320 Entire Course Health Rights and Responsibilities NEW DeVry
HSM 320 Application Paper Week 4
 Paper 1: Professional Liability—select an allied health (nonphysician) profession; this can be your own profession or another profession that interests you. Some examples of allied health professions include physical therapy, respiratory therapy, pharmacy, nursing, physician assisting, radiography, ultrasonography, nuclear medicine, medical laboratory, medical assisting, phlebotomy, and many others. Discuss a situation in which an individual in this profession might be held liable for negligence. Also discuss ways to proactively avoid or prevent negligence in the profession that you selected.
Professional liability occurs when the individual does not or fail to perform effectively his or her job.  It can happen in many kinds of jobs, thus, it is important for the professional to understand what constitutes neglect and malpractice when it comes to the execution of the job. This situation can also occur in the medical field where medical malpractice…
HSM 320 Application Paper Week 7
 Paper 2: Advance Directives—research and discuss the legal and ethical basis for Advance Directives such as the Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for healthcare. Why are these documents so valuable in healthcare situations? What legal authority do these documents provide for decision making by family and/or healthcare providers? Briefly discuss a situation in which a Living Will might apply and would be of benefit to those involved. Once you have researched and discussed Advance Directives, draft a sample Living Will, indicating the type of content that should be found in such a document. Some students take this opportunity to prepare their own actual Living Will, and that certainly is encouraged.
An advance directive is a form of legal document that tells the medical practitioners what a patient’s wishes are in health care in the event that the patient can no longer make a decision for himself.  This is also called advance health care directive.  This document allows the patient to spell out decisions about…
HSM 320 Quiz Week 4
 (TCO 1) The three-step model or approach to solving ethical dilemmas includes
Assessing how the action will make us feel.
Concluding that the action is legal.
Associating the problem with religious beliefs.
A and B only
None of the above
(TCO 1) The ethical theory that places the primary emphasis on a person’s individual rights is
None of the above
(TCO 2) Which of these refers to a physician using the same skill that is used by other physicians in treating patients with the same ailment?
Privileged communication
Informed consent
Implied consent
Standard of care
None of the above
(TCO 2) Medical law addresses legal rights and obligations which
Affect patients.
Protect the rights of individuals.
Protect the rights of healthcare professionals.
All of the above
None of the above
(TCO 4) List five types of medical practice.
Five types of medical practice are solo practice, partnership…
(TCO 1) Present the three steps commonly used in analyzing ethical dilemmas in healthcare (Blanchard-Peale model). Explain how these steps would be used in a particular ethical dilemma of your choosing. You may select any healthcare ethical dilemma with which you have experience.
 The three steps commonly used in analyzing ethical dilemmas in healthcare are:…
(TCO 8) List five types of managed care organizations operating within the United States today, and provide a brief description of each type.
 Health Maintenance Organization (HMO)—In this model, a diversity of healthcare services is made available to plan members for a predetermined rate. Per member, per month is the…
HSM 320 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 472 Pages DeVry
 HSM 320 What are the Ethics and Standards of Care Discussions Week 1 All Posts 59 Pages
 HSM 320 What are the Ethics Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 31 Pages
 Explain why ethics are not just about the sincerity of one’s beliefs, emotions, or religious viewpoints. Explain how medical ethics are described in the Hippocratic Oath, which is still taken by all medical graduates….
HSM 320 Standards of Care Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 28 Pages
 There can be no doubt that managed care has impacted everyone involved with healthcare delivery in America. What do you see as some of the most significant impacts of managed care for patients?…
HSM 320 Areas and Issues That MCOs Try to Control and Preventing Malpractice Discussions Week 2 All Posts 72 Pages
 HSM 320 Areas and Issues That MCOs Try to Control Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 38 Pages
 Managed care can be considered any system of delivering health services in which care is delivered by a specified network of doctors, hospitals, and clinics that all agree to comply with the care regimes established by a care-management process. Providers may receive a capitated payment for providing all medically necessary care to enrollees or may be paid on a fee-for-service basis. Managed care often involves a defined delivery system of providers with some form of contractual arrangement with a health plan.  What are some of the areas and issues that MCOs try to control? How effective do you feel the MCOs in your own area have been in these efforts? …
HSM 320 Preventing Malpractice Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 34 Pages
 What are some ways in which physicians and healthcare organizations can prevent malpractice? How does the doctor’s personal interaction with patients impact the possibility of malpractice litigation?…
HSM 320 Physician-Patient Relationship and Family Practice Medical Group Discussions Week 3 All Posts 68 Pages
 HSM 320 Physician-Patient Relationship Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 36 Pages
 How has the physician-patient relationship changed over the past century? Are the changes good or bad for the delivery of quality healthcare?  How do you think this affects the patient’s level of perception about the care that they are receiving?…
HSM 320 Family Practice Medical Group Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 32 Pages
 Following Mrs. Cary’s admission to the hospital, she has initiated a lawsuit against Family Practice Medical Group (FPMG) and Community Hospital. Her suit claims that Dr. Smith failed to properly supervise his employees and as a result, she received the wrong medication which caused her hospitalization for hypotension (low blood pressure) and delayed treatment for her infection which then became life-threatening. She is also suing Community Hospital because the office staff members are hospital employees. In the lawsuit, is there likely to be a judgment against the hospital? Or FPMG? Why?   Lawsuits are common in the healthcare practice and no healthcare professional is immune. But can a medical group and a hospital be held responsible for the actions of individual healthcare professionals that hold licenses or certifications? …
HSM 320 Handling Medical Waste and HIPPA Compliance Discussions Week 4 All Posts 65 Pages
 HSM 320 Handling Medical Waste Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 34 Pages
 As the new office manager for the Family Practice Medical Group, you are responsible for establishing policies and procedures for maintaining a safe environment for both the staff and patients. Medical waste is an important area that you will be legally responsible for, making sure it is handled safely and appropriately. The four categories of medical waste are: solid waste, chemical waste, radioactive waste, and infectious waste. Pick one of the categories and post your plan for safe handling of the waste. What types of items would be included in the category? What would your policy say about proper disposal?  What you would do to determine a proper waste disposal policy that was legal, practical, and effective?…
HSM 320 HIPPA Compliance Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 31 Pages
 The staff of any medical office comes into contact with a variety of PHI. As the office manager of FPMG, what practices would you put in place to ensure compliance with HIPAA?…
HSM 320 Patient Confidentiality and Individual Health Insurance Mandate Discussions Week 5 All Posts 63 Pages
 HSM 320 Patient Confidentiality Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 28 Pages
 Why has patient confidentiality become a more difficult issue to deal with in the present healthcare environment?  So many people are involved in the care of the patient. How do we with technology try to ensure that only those that need to know, know?…
HSM 320 Individual Health Insurance Mandate Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 35 Pages
 Please share the steps you would take to prepare your facility for PPACA implementation.  Keeping my questions rolling…What is the history of the Affordable Care Act?    Let’s discuss the background of this Act and the changes that have been made to it since it was originally proposed.  What are some of the major provisions of the ACA?…
HSM 320 Views on Abortion and Views on Sterilization Discussions Week 6 All Posts 77 Pages
 HSM 320 Views on Abortion Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 34 Pages
 What do you say to a coworker who does not share your moral or religious views concerning abortion? Have you thought about how a moral/religious issue like abortion could impact your chosen health care field? Do you feel that there are any circumstances which justify abortion? Explain your view…
HSM 320 Views on Sterilization Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 43 Pages
 As a healthcare professional, what are your ethical perspectives on sterilization? Sterilization has increased as a form of permanent birth control for many people. If a person is making an informed decision and has been told about all of the risks and/or side effects, it is their individual choice as to whether to go through with it. As with any other medical procedure, if the patient is competent and fully informed, sterilization is accepted as an ethical choice for birth control. Thoughts?  Is there ever a justification for legally mandated sterilization? What circumstance and why?…
HSM 320 The Ability to Determine Death and Increasing Healthcare Costs Discussions Week 7 All Posts 68 Pages
 HSM 320 The Ability to Determine Death Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 35 Pages
 Why is the ability to determine when death has occurred so critical in today’s healthcare environment? What is the difference between brain-oriented death and cardiac death?  At what point is it acceptable to harvest organs from a dying patient?  What are the requirements to be an organ donor?…
HSM 320 Increasing Healthcare Costs Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 33 Pages
 What is at the heart of the increasing healthcare costs in America? Is it possible to reduce the cost of healthcare so that everyone can have access to affordable healthcare services? Do you feel that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a good step toward reducing healthcare costs in our nation? Why or why not? Health care costs can be devastating for American families without health insurance. How would you suggest we provide basic health care coverage for American families?…
HSM 320 Final Exam DeVry
 (TCO 1) The three-step approach to solving ethical dilemmas is based on (Points : 5)
Asking ourselves how our decision would make us feel if we had to explain our actions to a loved one.
Asking ourselves if the intended action is legal.
Asking ourselves if the intended action results in a balanced decision.
A and B only
A, B, and C
(TCO 3) A type of managed care that combines the concepts of an HMO and PPO is a(n) (Points : 5)
Modified health maintenance organization
Managed care association
Health maintenance-provider organization
Preferred provider association
Exclusive provider organization
(TCO 4) In order to obtain a judgment for negligence, the patient must show (Points : 5)
Direct or proximate cause
Dereliction, or neglect, of duty
All of the above
(TCO 5) Medical record entries should be made (Points : 5)
Within 60 days of the patient’s discharge
At the physician’s discretion
After the patient gives consent
As soon as possible
10 days after the procedure
(TCO 5) Characteristics of a professional medical corporation include it being (Points : 5)
Designated as an HMO or IPA
Managed by a board of directors
Owned by shareholders
B and C only
A, B, and C
(TCO 6) What specialist uses inaudible sound waves to outline shapes of tissues and organs? (Points : 5)
Electrocardiograph technologist
X-ray technologist
Ultrasound technologist
Social worker
(TCO 7) A miscarriage is the same thing as (Points : 5)
An induced abortion
A spontaneous abortion
A drug-induced abortion
A conscience clause
(TCO 8) An electroencephalogram is used to (Points : 5)
Reverse a coma patient’s condition
Measure cardiopulmonary function
Measure brain function
Reverse the condition of hypothermia
Reverse the condition of rigor mortis
(TCO 8) The Uniform Determination of Death Act (Points : 5)
Provides a definition of active euthanasia
Provides a definition of brain death
Is also called the doctrine of double effect
Mandates that everyone entering a nursing home must provide a written document stating the care he or she wishes to receive
Discusses the treatments that might be used for a comatose patient
(TCO 8) Terms referring to respiratory function include (Points : 5)
(TCO 9) The practice of allowing a terminally ill patient to die by foregoing treatment is called (Points : 5)
Active euthanasia
Passive euthanasia
Mercy killing
A and B
B and C
(TCO 9) When caring for a comatose patient, one should include (Points : 5)
CPR and mechanical breathing
Turning and hydration
A and B only
A and C only
(TCO 10) Medicaid provides coverage to (Points : 5)
Low-income individuals
Aged and younger individuals
Institutionalized individuals
All of the above
(TCO 2) Laws that affect the medical profession (Points : 5)
Often overlap with ethics
Have a binding force
Are always fair to all persons
Are determined by a governmental authority
A, B, and D
(TCO 9) The impact of managed care on the affordability and quality of health care has been dramatic over the last couple of decades in America. There is data to both support and deny the value of managed care as means to quality health care and affordability. What does this information suggest? (Points : 30)
 Managed care is a method for restructuring the healthcare system, including delivery of a broad range of services, financing of care, and purchasing. Managed care provides…
(TCO 1) Explain what is meant by the statement, “It is easier to prevent negligence than it is to defend it.” (Points : 10)
 The statement “It is easier to prevent negligence than it is to defend it” means that instead of having to defend themselves in court, medical professionals should just do what…
(TCO 4) You have a patient collapse on the floor in your department (office) and you must administer CPR. If the patient is injured when you administer CPR, are you protected from a malpractice suit under the Good Samaritan laws? (Points : 10)
 From this scenario, a physician is not protected from a malpractice suit under the Good Samaritan Laws. Good Samaritan Laws do…
(TCO 5) Discuss the role of electronic health records and electronic transmission of date on patient confidentiality. (Points : 10)
 The role of electronic health records and electronic transmission of date on patient confidentiality are:
– Improve efficiency and effectiveness of the healthcare system via…
(TCO 6) What should health care professionals do if their ethical values differ from those of their employer? Discuss several options. (Points : 10)
 The healthcare professional may have a personal, religious, or ethical reason for not wishing to be involved in a particular procedure. Ideally, this preference should be…
(TCO 9) List and describe six hereditary disorders discussed in this chapter. (Points : 10)
 Six hereditary disorders:
1.     Cooley’s anemia – Rare form of anemia or reduction of red blood cells. More common in people of Mediterranean origin.
2.     Cystic fibrosis – Disorder of…
(TCO 9) Describe the three advance directives that a patient can use. When are they appropriate? (Points : 10)
 1.     Living will – Document that a person drafts before becoming incompetent or unable to make healthcare decisions. A patient may request that…
(TCO 2) Differentiate between common law and statutory law. (Points : 10)
 Common law, or case law based on decisions made by judges, was originally established by English courts in the twelfth century and brought to America by the…
(TC0 1) Case Study Adam Green is an orderly in the Midwest Nursing Home. His supervisor, Nora Malone, has asked him to supervise the dining room while 20 residents eat their evening meal. Bill Heckler is an 80-year-old resident who is very alert. He tells Adam that he doesn’t like the meal that’s being served, and he wants to leave the dining room and go back to his own room. Adam is quite busy, since he has to watch the behavior of several patients who are confused. He’s concerned that patients might choke on their food or otherwise harm themselves. Adam becomes impatient with Bill and tells him that he cannot leave the room until everyone is finished eating. Adam then locks the dining room door. Bill complains to the nursing home administrator that he was unlawfully detained. He then hires an attorney, who brings forth a charge of false imprisonment. Conclude what will be the result of these actions by Adam (Points : 30)
 Adam should have used his communication skills to have Bill wait until he was able to…
(TCO 4) Case Study Nancy Moore, a registered nurse, is assisting Dr. Brown while he performs a minor surgical procedure. Dr. Brown is known to have a quick temper, and he becomes very angry if a surgical procedure is delayed for any reason. As Nancy is handing a needle with suture thread to Dr. Brown, she feels a slight prick in her sterile gloves. She tells Dr. Brown about this and explains that she will have to be excused from the procedure for a few minutes while she changes gloves. He becomes angry and tells her to “forget about it and help me finish.” Conclude the results that may occur because of this situation. (Points : 30)
 It will be harmful to anyone if Nancy wears the gloves during the rest of the procedure, as it was just a slight prick and the patient’s wound does appear to be…
(TCO 8) Case Study A physician was recently convicted of using his own sperm for artificially inseminating his patients. He told the court that he didn’t see anything wrong with this practice because these women came to him wanting to have a child. However, his patients were unaware that he was using his own sperm for the procedure. Some of his office staff became suspicious of the physician’s methods, but failed to report their suspicions immediately. Many children were conceived as a result of this physician’s sperm having been implanted into the mothers. Given this situation (problem), what is your assessment? (Points : 30)
 Many moral and ethical problems surround the issue of Artificial Insemination Donor (AID). AID records, which contain the identity of the sperm donor, are considered….
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
HRM 340 Entire Course Human Resource Information System NEW DeVry
HRM 340 Entire Course Human Resource Information System NEW DeVry 
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 Ended December 2015 100% Correct A+ 
HRM 340 Castles’s Family Restaurant Course Project DeVry
 Case Scenario: Fictitious Business Description
Castle’s Family Restaurant has eight restaurants in the northern California area with approximately 300–340 employees. Most of the employees are part time, with approximately 40% of them full time. The operations manager, Jay Morgan, also acts as the HR manager and travels to each location each week to take care of scheduling, recruiting, hiring, and answering questions for the employees as needed. He also takes care of payroll using an Excel spreadsheet and has a computer application to print payroll checks. Mr. Morgan approaches you, an HR consultant, for a proposal. Due to the increase in gasoline costs, he would like to greatly reduce his travel time for visiting each location each week and wonders if there is anything you can suggest to him to help him complete his HR tasks in a cost-effective manner. He hopes there is some way he can do part of his HR tasks from his office instead of traveling to each location.
Stage I (due Week 2)
Using the case scenario above, provide an assessment of the current business. Describe the company in terms of size, type of business, and so on. Explain why you think an HRIS is needed. As the owner of your own HR consulting firm, write a 2–4-page paper that includes the following paper headings, which are denoted in all caps.
·         INTRODUCTION: provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
·         BUSINESS ASSESSMENT: the name, type, and size of business you’re assisting. Make assumptions in your business description using theory as needed and include the information in your paper for this case scenario. These assumptions would include background about a restaurant work environment and industry.
·         IDENTIFIED PROBLEMS: Review all HR problems identified. I recommend making a list of HR functions that you believe could be more efficient based on the information provided in the scenario. From that list, choose one HR function for analysis, which will be the main focus for your business plan. You want to explain why you chose that HR function as your first item, and substantiate with theory.
·         HRIS NEEDS ASSESSMENT: Explain how automation might create a more efficient process from the HR function chosen. How might an HRIS application assist the business?
·         CONCLUSION: The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
… Among his tasks include visiting each branch on a weekly basis to manage scheduling, recruiting, hiring, and responding to employees’ inquiries.  He also oversees payroll through excel spreadsheet and a computer application for printing payroll checks.  Occasionally, he receives complaints on delayed payout or…
Stage II (due Week 5)
Provide a detailed description of the HRIS application(s) chosen for the business. What type of HRIS might create a more efficient process for the HR function chosen? This is not a copy/paste of information from a vendor website, but an analysis and business plan to share with your customer. As the owner of your own HR consulting firm, write a 2–4-page paper that includes the following paper headings, which are denoted in all caps.
1.     INTRODUCTION: provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points.
2.     HRIS TYPE: Now that you’ve conducted some research in the previous assignment, you should have a good foundation to take the next step in your business plan. You should have a good review of the scenario and have conducted some research on HRIS systems, and now your next step is to choose a type of HRIS. Share the type of system you plan to implement to help your customer. This must be substantiated in this paper to your customer from a theoretical perspective.
3.     HRIS VENDOR CHOICE: Now that you have an HRIS type chosen, you need to conduct research to find an HRIS vendor. You want to do a compare and contrast in this section of at least two vendors. Then, choose a vendor. Explain why you chose this vendor over another/others. Include the Web address and proper citations for the vendor applications compared. You must have theory to support your decision.
4.     CONCLUSION: The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
There are three main types of HRIS applications. These are Core HR, Workforce Management, and Strategic HR or Talent Management (Westfall, 2015).  The Core HR covers the day-to-day HR functions of any scale and type of business operation, i.e., administration of salaries and benefits, tax filing compliance and…
Stage III (Final Project, due Week 7)
·         At this point of the project, you have identified the problem and a technology solution for the business. Now, you want the business to accept the idea.
·         Using your text, the previous stages completed with feedback provided, and the business plan template (see Doc Sharing), write a business plan to give your customer that details the risks, assumptions, impact, and so on of the proposed implementation of the HRIS.
·         This stage of the project should be a professional document that you would present to a customer leadership team to accept your business plan.
·         See the Business Plan Template in Doc Sharing for details of each section required.
·         Do not copy and paste Stage I and Stage II information into this Final Course Project. Stages I and II are considered raw data. You are now finalizing and summarizing. You are applying critical thinking skills to the data you’ve collected.
·         Submit your business plan to the Week 7: Course Project Stage III Dropbox by the deadline.
After careful consideration of Castle’s Family Restaurant’s situation and future direction, as well as the viable HR software options in the market, it is recommended for the company to purchase APS’ Online Payroll Software application.  APS offers excellent customer and technical support, which is important for new adapters like Castle’s Family Restaurant.  Their Payroll…
HRM 340 All Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 271 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Strategic Partnership and Meeting Organizational Goals Discussions Week 1 All Posts 40 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Strategic Partnership Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 21 Pages DeVry
 This course focuses on the strategic value that technology has brought to HR and the business. As a result, HR is a strategic partner in companies. How, specifically, has technology created this strategic partnership? Share an example. What values have resulted from this strategic partnership?..
HRM 340 Meeting Organizational Goals Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 19 Pages DeVry
 You have been asked by one of your internal customers to develop a plan that aligns with his organization’s annual goals. What information will you need to begin developing your plan? What process might you follow to develop this plan, which must be presented to the leadership team (cite the theoretical process chosen/reviewed)? Thoroughly explain each step of your plan….
HRM 340 Automating HR and Web-Based HR Tools Discussions Week 2 All Posts 43 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Automating HR Discussions 1 Week 2 All Posts 22 Pages DeVry
 Share one HR function that you would automate and explain why. What value would that automation bring to the HR department as well as to the business from a strategic standpoint? Be thorough in your validation to automate….
HRM 340 Web-Based HR Tools Discussions 2 Week 2 All Posts 21 Pages DeVry
 Based on your text and supplemental readings, what are some of the potential problems associated with employee self-service? After sharing some problems facing self-service, how would you address those problems? What is your professional opinion related to management self-service, where managers have access to more employee information through HRIS systems?…
HRM 340 Technology and HR Planning and Technology and Training and Development Discussions Week 3 All Posts 36 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Technology and HR Planning Discussions 1 Week 3 All Posts 19 Pages DeVry
HR has faced and continues to face an array of changes within the HR functions. As a result, this requires careful planning to institute changes that involve technology and automation. How might you put together a plan for an HR office that currently only has an employee database and no other automated HR functions? The HR director states that the business is simply too small (1,000 employees). Build your business case.  Remember the management planning concepts and the project management process that you learned in previous classes. Then answer this question: How might you put together a plan for an HR office that currently only has an employee database and no other automated HR functions?…
HRM 340 Technology and Training and Development Discussions 2 Week 3 All Posts 17 Pages DeVry
 Many organizations are turning to technology to improve employee development programs. What are some ways in which training has been influenced by technology? By HR technology? What are the benefits and risks as it relates to employee development?…
HRM 340 Performance Management and HRIS and Compensation, Benefits, Payroll, and HRIS Discussions Week 4 All Posts 39 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Performance Management and HRIS Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 19 Pages DeVry
 Many of you have received performance appraisals during your professional career. Sometimes, those appraisals are late, inaccurate, or simply not provided. What value does implementing a performance management program bring to the business? How can technology impact that value?…
HRM 340 Compensation, Benefits, Payroll, and HRIS Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 20 Pages DeVry
 What do compensation, benefits, and payroll all have in common as related to employees? Share an example of how HR technology can impact the value and efficiency of each of these HR functions: compensation, benefits, and payroll….
HRM 340 Recruitment and HRIS and Selection and HRIS Discussions Week 5 All Posts 41 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Recruitment and HRIS Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 21 Pages DeVry
 Recruitment and selection have always been critical component for any organization. Recruitment methods have changed drastically over the past 2 decades, particularly in the area of recruitment technology. Think about how companies used to advertise for jobs. Think about how people used to apply for jobs. Recruiting for employees was often a laborious task. How has HR technology impacted how we recruit employees? How has technology changed how candidates apply for jobs? What are the pros and cons with recruitment technology?….
HRM 340 Selection and HRIS Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 20 Pages DeVry
 The selection of candidates is a tricky business. There are legal parameters one has to comply with along with making sure we choose the right person. Share one HR technology method used for candidate selection (be sure to read your classmate’s postings first—please do not repeat methods). Explain how the HR technology process works for that method. How has technology impacted how we track job applicants?…
HRM 340 Choosing the Right HRIS and Securing Employee Information Discussions Week 6 All Posts 34 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Choosing the Right HRIS Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 16 Pages DeVry
 After reviewing the RFP Tutorial from the lecture this week, share your thoughts about the steps outlined for creating an RFP. What value does an RFP bring to finding and buying the right HRIS system? What are some of the risks in using an RFP process?  How might you break a tie between vendors?…
HRM 340 Securing Employee Information Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 18 Pages DeVry
 There are many ways in which someone can gain access to employee data. Share some of those ways and how you would address them after the fact. How would you prevent them from occurring again? How might you involve your information systems (IS) team in securing employee data?  Should there be limitations as to who can access employee data in the HR office?…
HRM 340 Change Management and Securing Employee Information Discussions Week 7 All Posts 38 Pages DeVry
 HRM 340 Change Management Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 20 Pages DeVry
 Change is a given. Explain how you would manage an HR technological change. What process might you use (cite theory as appropriate) to implement technological changes in a traditionally people-focused business? Thoroughly explain your process and decision….
HRM 340 Securing Employee Information Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 18 Pages DeVry
 Technology has changed the role and some functions of HR. Have these changes resulted in HR losing sight of its role towards employee relations and support? While companies are seeing the value in moving to a technological-based business, how might HR technology impact the “human” side of “human resource?” …
HRM 340 Final Exam DeVry
 (TCO 1) HR has changed immensely over the last 10 years. Describe the emergence of HRIS systems, and how HR went from being a manual operation to an automated operation. Explain in detail. (Points : 30)
 With the invention of computer technology in the workplace, Human Resources started to process employee information is a more efficient way. Since computer technology was…
(TCO 2) Organizations are now relying more and more on HR’s ability to provide employee data. Explain how HR is now able to provide the organization employee information through technology and move towards meeting organizational goals. Provide an example. (Points : 30)
 Given the importance of human capital in the organization for driving growth, having the right and timely employee information is key to…
(TCO 3) Explain how HR technology can improve efficiency and effectiveness in HR functions. How, specifically, can HR technology support the business? Provide an example. (Points : 30)
 HR technology can improve efficiency and effectiveness in HR functions by making things easier for everybody. Examples of this include recruiting and training.  Before the internet, HR recruiters had to fill in…
(TCO 4) As HR continues to migrate to being a strategic partner within a business, it is also involving employees in this transition, to allow them more control over their work lives. Explain in detail how Web-based HR systems assist with employee retention. (Points : 30)
 As computer technology continues to evolve, so does the work place of many companies. With the emergence of HRIS, HR departments have been becoming strategic partners, rather than just keeping records for the…
(TCO 5) HRIS systems have allowed HR to automate a variety of functions, including performance management, training, employee development, staffing, compensation, and benefits, among others. Choose two of these HR functions listed, and describe how technology has created a more efficient process for this function. Provide an example of each. (Points : 30)
 In the past, HR departments were forced to schedule class-room like training for employees. This would cause HR departments to…
(TCO 6) What are the three most important components of an HRIS RFP? Support your selection. (Points : 30)
 An HRIS RFP is used by organizations to select a vendor. The main purpose of using an RFP is to provide guidelines to vendors for how they can best do their job and fulfill the needs of the company detailed in…
(TCO 7) What are some types of software that can help us protect employee information? How does this software interact with our current HR technology? Explain from a conceptual standpoint versus a technical standpoint. (Points : 30)
 Protecting employee information is as important as maintaining its database. Organizations are responsible for…
(TCO 8) HR has operated as a back-office function since its inception. Including technology in a traditional people-oriented business has created a significant change not only for the business, but also for employees. Explain how you would communicate this type of technological change to your HR team, as well as the organizations. Describe how you would handle questions related to potential layoffs as a result of automation. (Points : 30)
 Over the years, the way of doing business has evolved, and technology played a significant role in it. Those who…Top of Form
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HRM 320 Entire Course Employment Law DeVry
HRM 320 Entire Course Employment Law DeVry
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HRM 320 Assignment Week 2 DeVry
 Please answer the following questions in an MS Word document using APA style formatting. For those which you need research to answer, please provide the citations.
1.     What do you think are some of the factors in the modern workplace that contribute to a theft of time? How can those factors be managed?
2.     What does the word Whistleblower mean (legally speaking)? Give an example of whistleblowing.
3.     “Retaliation” has become one of the most often cited reasons for employees filing charges with the EEOC against their employers. Please define “retaliation” in the legal, employment sense – and explain when it is illegal. What can an employee do when they feel they have been retaliated against and for what reasons does retaliation rise to the level of an EEOC lawsuit?
4.     During the course of a day, employee Jennifer Anniestown (an accountant) constantly opens and updates her Facebook account on her iPad, checks on her lottery ticket numbers, calls and talks to her mother for 30 minutes, her children for 10 minutes (she makes sure they get home safely every day) and her husband every afternoon for 15 minutes to see if he or she is making dinner that night. Her employer, Billybob Thornblower listens to each of her phone calls to make sure that she isn’t talking to his wife, one of her good friends, about his actions at work. (He is always hitting on the salesgirls, in a good-natured way.) Billybob ends up being fired for sexual harassment when one of the salesgirls complains. Jennifer’s new boss, Tracy, notices that Jennifer is doing a ton of personal work during company time. There is no written policy about this issue at the company. To date, Jennifer’s work is exemplary. She always has everything done in a timely manner and her books balance at the end of every day. What should Tracy do about this situation?
5.     Last month, Steven Smith was hired as the secretary for lawyer Wayne Wright, who has a drinking problem. Wayne’s last secretary quit when Wayne tried to get her to go out with him on a date. So far, Steven and….
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission or EEOC (2015) defines retaliation as an occurrence “when an employer, employment agency, or labor organization takes an adverse action against a covered individual because he or she engaged in a…
HRM 320 Week 3 Assignment DeVry
 1.     Define BFOQ and list to which characteristics it applies
2.     What is USERRA?  How does USERRA protect those on military leave?
3.     What are the requirements of an Affirmative Action plan? List the criteria for proof of its “remedial nature.”
4.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch. 7 #5, p.187 (Emmanuel Abrams)
5.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch. 9 #4, p.237 (Sun Loo Chan)
BFOQ is an acronym for Bona Fide Occupational Qualification, which allows employers to choose employees based on certain qualifications.  While it may appear to look like a form of discrimination, it is…
Affirmative action is a method to end discrimination, to prevent its recurrence, and a way to create opportunities for women and minorities who were previously denied the chance to work, study, or….
HRM 320 Quiz Week 4 DeVry
 TCO 1: Which of the following is not a duty of an employee to his or her employer? (Points : 5)
Duty of Loyalty
Duty to Act in Good Faith
Duty to Account
Duty to Compensate
TCO 1: In determining whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor, which of the following factors would a court consider? (Points : 5)
Control over the time and the manner of doing the work
Payment of business expenses and providing of tools
All of the above
If Dereck Jeter decided to switch baseball teams from the Yankees to the Mets, the Yankees’ best remedy would be (Points : 5)
Specific performance
Money damages
TCO 1: The number of states that have adopted the Model Employment Termination Act is: (Points : 5)
All 50
TCO 1: An agreement not to go to work for your employer’s competitor is called a: (Points : 5)
Noncompete Agreement
Unemployment Agreement
Collective Bargaining Agreement
Planned Agreement
TCO 9: The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 applies to: (Points : 5)
All private employers
All state government employers
Certain federal government contractors
All public school systems
TCO 9: An employer’s ability to subject an employee to a polygraph test is limited by what law? (Points : 5)
The Employer Polygraph Act
The Employee Polygraph Protection Act
Title VII
TCO 4: A person who reports the illegal or unlawful activity of his or her employer is often referred to as a: (Points : 5)
Good Samaritan
TCO 4: When an employee’s work environment becomes so intolerable that the employee has no choice but to resign, the employee’s job loss is referred to as: (Points : 5)
Constructive discharge
Wrongful firing
Hostile discharge
TCO 4: Which law requires employers to obtain permission before hiring a third party to conduct a back ground check of an applicant? (Points : 5)
Fair Credit Reporting Act
Title VII
Fair Employment Act
Equal Pay Act
HRM 320 Week 5 Assignment DeVry
Please answer the following questions in an MS Word document using APA style formatting. Cite your sources.
1.     When can an employee’s religious belief qualify as a bona fide occupational qualification?
2.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch 14, #1, p. 355. (Milton, Madden & Herman) )
3.     Answer Human Recourse Dilemma, Ch 15, #3, p. 374. (Johnny Carlton)
4.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch 16, #2, p. 394. (Harvey Jameson)
5.     Answer Human Resource Dilemma, Ch 17, #3, p. 417. (Rita Hall )
Given that Carlton is considered qualified for the position he applied for but was denied because the school he attended in Lebanon “identified with people of a specific national origin, he is covered by the Title VII of the…
HRM 320 Employment Discrimination Research Paper Week 6 DeVry 14 Pages
 Your course project for this term is to write a 6-8 page, double-spaced mini-research paper, with your subject as Employment Discrimination.  Your project requires at least three (3) outside resources besides the textbook. Your paper must be written in APA format, include a title and reference page, and reference your sources both internally (parenthetically) and in the reference page. Please use the APA template in doc-sharing to complete your work.
Employment discrimination law is about prohibiting or encouraging behaviors in the workplace regarding differences in people. It has evolved over the years significantly, and the passage of Title VII, the US. Civil Rights Act, has made more changes to how the US defines the right to work free from harassment and discrimination, than any other law, case, or regulation in the nation. This project has three parts. Part 1 asks you to answer eight questions about employment discrimination. Part 2 asks you to pick one US Supreme court case from a list, to discuss. Part 3 asks you to review pending legislation regarding employment discrimination, and provide a few details about one currently pending (i.e. not yet passed) bill in either your state, or the federal government. Remember, the focus of the project is on employment discrimination.
The common denominator between sexual harassment quid pro quo and hostile environment is any unwelcome sexual advances done in the workplace that is severe and pervasive.  It may be touching of sensitive female/male parts, verbal or non-verbal expressions of sexual insinuations.  A person whose job performance or employment condition is affected by either form of sexual harassment may be…
HRM 320 Discussions Week 1-7 All Students Posts 510 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Lofty Lawns and TLC Pet Care Discussions Week 1 All Students Posts 84 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Lofty Lawns Discussions 1 Week 1 All Students Posts 44 Pages DeVry
 (TCO 1) Larry Land establishes a landscaping business under the name “Lofty Lawns.” The business handles lawn care and seasonal flowers for apartment complexes, condominium associations, and homeowner associations. Larry wants to keep labor costs, legal liability, and administrative paperwork to a minimum. When he hires groundskeepers, he requires them to sign an “independent contractor” agreement that acknowledges they are independent contractors, not employees. He does not require that they be incorporated or have experience. He provides a free 1-day training seminar on lawn care “the lofty lawn way” to all his workers. He requires them to buy their own white truck and to buy from him (at cost) the trim package that says “Lofty Lawns” on the side and back of the truck. He requires them to maintain their own vehicle liability insurance (and show proof of insurance), and to pay for their own gas and truck maintenance. Lofty Lawn provides all the mowers, leaf blowers, and other landscaping equipment. Workers are required to call in for a list of their day-to-day assignments, drive to the properties, perform the necessary work, call for the next job assignment, etc. They are expected to be “on call” (available) from 8 AM-4 PM, Monday through Friday. While working, they must wear the official “Lofty Lawns” T-shirt (summer) or sweatshirt (winter). Workers are paid a flat fee per property serviced, based on the amount of work and time necessary to complete the job. They must pay their own expenses to travel from one property to another, but they are guaranteed that jobs will not be more than 10 miles apart. They are not paid any benefits, such as health insurance, vacation or sick pay. Lofty Lawns does not deduct any withholding taxes (income taxes or payroll taxes) from their paychecks. Once each week, Larry visits the property where each worker is performing grounds work, monitors the work being done, and instructs the workers if he sees a need for improvement or a change in how they work the property. These weekly inspections can be on any day of the week so that the worker doesn’t know when to expect Larry. Based on his worksite monitoring and on customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction, Larry adjusts the rate of compensation for each worker twice each year. Almost all of Larry’s workers work for him on a 40+ hour week basis and do not work for any other landscaping company. Recently, Will Worker was driving from one customer’s property to the next customer, ran a red light, and accidentally struck the car being driven by Sarah Senior, injuring her and damaging her car. Unfortunately, Will had just missed his last auto insurance premium payment, so his insurance company denied coverage. Sarah wants to pursue Larry’s business, “Lofty Lawns” for her damages. What is Sarah’s theory? Will she succeed?…
HRM 320 TLC Pet Care Discussions 2 Week 1 All Students Posts 40 Pages DeVry
 (TCO 9) TLC Pet Care Centers, a franchise operation of pet care clinics with boarding, has 56 full-time and 28 part-time employees at 13 locations. Employees include licensed veterinarians, veterinary assistants, animal groomers and front desk help. Many of the part-time employees are high school and college students who help with animals being boarded, by walking dogs, cleaning cages and helping with check-in and check-out. The management of TLC Pet Care Centers wants to establish uniform standards for these part-timers. To ensure that applicants have a real interest in working with animals, a “veterinary aptitude test” is being proposed, which would require applicants to identify various cat and dog breeds from a picture chart and name body parts of dogs and cats with proper veterinary terms. Another proposal is that each high school or college student who applies show a grade of “B” or higher in high school or college biology. Management also wants to insist that part-timers show they’ve resided at the same address for at least 6 months, as of way of avoiding hiring “transient” student labor. Management also wants all applicants (full and part-time) to pass a “psychological screening” test to insure they do not have violent tempers or anger control problems that would create a risk of an animal being abused. Management is looking for a test to use for this. In the event an employee is ever suspected of abusing an animal, TLC’s current policy is that the employee will be required to submit to a polygraph test (lie detector test) regarding the alleged incident. Every employee must pass a drug screening test prior to being employed, in order to insure a drug-free workplace. This fact is prominently stated on the top of TLC’s employment application form. In addition, the employee handbook at TLC states that any employee reporting for work whose conduct causes the manager on duty to suspect drug use (including alcohol intoxication) is grounds for that employee to submit to blood or urine testing. Refusal under that circumstance is grounds for termination. Are these policies at TLC Pet Care Centers in compliance with the law? If not, why not?…
HRM 320 Theft of Time on the Internet and Elliptical-At Will Discussions Week 2 All Students Posts 74 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Theft of Time on the Internet Discussions 1 Week 2 All Students Posts 40 Pages DeVry
 The internet is a staple of the modern office. Some companies are concerned that the Internet (and its e-mail application) lead to increased theft of time in the workplace. But, others argue that the Internet promotes efficiency of information. What are your thoughts on this? What are the parameters and the potential implications for failure to adhere to those parameters?…
HRM 320 Elliptical-At Will Discussions 2 Week 2 All Students Posts 34 Pages DeVry
 Human Resource Dilemma Number 5 (pg. 141, Moran text) says this:
In Elliptical Electronics Company’s employment handbook, it states in bold, “Employment is at will and can be terminated by either employer or employee at any time for any reason with or without cause.” Later in the handbook, a multiple-step grievance procedure is outlined. Thomas Walker physically assaults a coworker without provocation. The co-worker is hospitalized, and Thomas is discharged immediately under the at-will policy. Thomas, who is black, reports that Elliptical violated its employment handbook by not providing him with a hearing as outlined in its grievance procedure. How would you advise Elliptical?
Do you think the grievance procedure modified Mr. Walker’s at-will employment relationship with Elliptical? When it comes to making such a determination, what factors come into play and are all factors consistent?…
HRM 320 Young & Rich and Rx Medical Supply Discussions Week 3 All Students Posts 68 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 Young & Rich Discussions 1 Week 3 All Students Posts 36 Pages DeVry
 Young & Rich, Inc. is a retail clothing chain that markets to the higher end of the young adult market, with a “look” that’s intended as a crossover between “prep school” and “active adventurous.” Image is very important to Young & Rich (Y&R), and a great deal of money and attention has been spent over the years marketing Y&R’s distinctive image. For sales associates in its retail operations, the company seeks young adults (ages 16-early 30s) who are “good looking,” “clean cut” and have the “All-American-boy-or-girl-next-door” look. The company claims that this is driven by “business necessity,” in that Y&R’s customers are drawn to stores where the staff have the “look” they’ve come to associate with Y&R. The company will not hire anyone with a drug conviction or who is currently in drug rehab. Y&R also will not hire anyone who is a member of the Communist party. The company advertises its retail sales associate positions widely and hires from all racial and ethnic groups, men and women. Virtually all of the sales associates at Y&R have “the Y&R look.” Of those who applied for available positions last year, 45% of white applicants were hired, 37% of African American applicants were hired, 40% of Hispanic applicants were hired, 100% of Native American applicants were hired (only two applied), and 49% of Asian applicants were hired. Though Y&R hires more women than men for its retail sales operation, the percentage of applicants hired is approximately the same for men and women. In looking at the composition of the retail store staff, however, it’s apparent that virtually all of the African American sales associates are light-skinned. Desmonda, a dark-skinned African American, was denied a sales associate position at Y&R despite having retail sales background.  Caroline, a Hispanic woman, was told she did not have “the look we are looking for” when she applied for a sales associate position.  Chelsea, a white woman who spent 6 months in drug rehab last year was rejected for a job at Y&R.  Ted, a white university student who is a member of the Communist Party, was denied employment with Y&R for that reason. About 25% of those hired as retail associates at Y&R were encouraged to apply when approached by a Y&R representative. Traci is one such employee. She was with friends at the local mall one day (where there is also an Y&R store) and was approached, in the food court by a Y&R manager who encouraged her to apply for a sales associate position that had just opened up at the Y&R store. Traci buys Y&R clothing and likes “the look,” so she applied for the position that day and was hired. This same system is used to hire sales associates from all races and ethnic groups, men and women. Is there a problem with this hiring practice? Why or why not?…
HRM 320 Rx Medical Supply Discussions 2 Week 3 All Students Posts 32 Pages DeVry
 Rx Medical Supply(Rx), a company with just over 500 employees adopted a written Affirmative Action plan in the early 1990s. At that time, the company’s professional, managerial, and executive positions were held, overwhelmingly, by white males. White females constituted the bulk of the front office and clerical staff. Rx’s Affirmative Action plan was adopted voluntarily (not as the result of a court order). Under the plan, qualified women and minorities were strongly urged to apply for the company’s available positions, especially professional, managerial and executive positions. Since that time, a large number of women and minorities were hired for these positions. Rx’s approach was (and still is) to review the credentials of all applicants, and identify all those who meet the “base” standard of “qualified” for the position. At that point, the company separates the “white male” applicant pool from the “women and minorities” pool, and identifies the top candidate(s) in each pool. If there is only one position available, it is awarded to the “most qualified” candidate overall. When there are two openings available for the same position, one position is filled with the top candidate from the “white male” pool, the other with the top candidate from the “women and minorities” pool. If there are 3 openings available for the same position, they are filled by selecting the “most qualified” applicant in the “white male” pool, the most qualified woman in the “women and minorities pool” and the most qualified racial minority in the “women and minorities pool.” If there are more than 3 openings for the same position, this same approach is applied ad infinitum. As a result of its Affirmative Action plan, Rx has substantially increased the number of women and minorities in its professional, managerial, and executive ranks. Women now hold 45% of these positions. African Americans hold 18% of these positions, and Hispanics hold 13%. Rx’s Affirmative Action plan has come under attack as of late for being both “no longer necessary” and “discriminatory.” Jason, a white male, was rejected for a top technical position at Rx even though his credentials and experience exceeded that of Jennifer, the top candidate from the “women and minorities” pool who was one of two people hired for the position (there were two openings). There is no dispute that both Jason and Jennifer had the base qualifications for the position. Is Rx Medical Supply’s Affirmative Action plan legally valid? Why or why not?…
HRM 320 The Pregnant Professor and Boys Behaving Badly Discussions Week 4 All Students Posts 72 Pages DeVry
 HRM 320 The Pregnant Professor Discussions 1 Week 4 All Students Posts 39 Pages DeVry
 Abagail Adams was hired as an associate professor of economics at Heartland University. She was the first woman professor hired in the department. When she was hired, she was given the same three-year time period as all other associate professors at Heartland U. to establish herself as an academic through teaching ability, publishing multiple articles in peer-reviewed journals, and developing a rapport with colleagues in the department through committee participation and attendance at professional conferences. After three years, as was the custom, she would face a tenure vote, and would either receive tenure and be promoted to full professor, or be denied tenure and given one year to locate another position. During the next three years, Professor Adams earned high marks in student reviews for her teaching ability and she published two peer-reviewed scholarly articles on economics. Her male peers in the Economics Department were enthusiastic regarding her teaching reviews, though less so about her publishing, since they all published multiple articles per year and expected her to do the same. In the second year of her appointment, Professor Adams became pregnant and reduced some of her non-classroom professional commitments as her pregnancy advanced. She then took a 3-month leave after the birth of her child, time that was not included in the three-year review period. Upon returning to work, Professor Adams resumed her previous level of professional activity. Throughout the three-year probation period, the Chair of the Economics Department, Professor Cratchett, as well as the majority of the other professors in the department complained about Professor Adams’ unwillingness to participate in their weekly discussion forum on economics and her “lack of commitment” to professional activities, including her failure to participate in several economics conferences held at various places around the world. Professor Adams complained that Professor Cratchett was unfriendly to her and preferred the company of the other men in the department. She also complained that many of these conferences occurred while she was pregnant (and could not fly) or while she was on maternity leave. She also claimed that her salary as Associate Professor was not commensurate with that of her male colleagues, and that this resulted from the subjective determination of compensation and promotion in her department, a process controlled by her male colleagues. After her three-year probation, her colleagues in the Economics Department unanimously voted to deny her tenure. They advertised her position as open to new candidates and within a year had hired another woman, Professor Betsy Ross, to replace her.
Does Professor Adams have a claim for discrimination?  If Professor has a good claim based on her pregnancy, as some of you think, what’s the name of the relevant law, and what does it require? What does it prohibit? If Professor Adams has a good claim over the pay issue, as some of you think, what’s the name of that relevant law, and what does it require? Has it been violated? Please note that the time Professor Adams was out on maternity leave was NOT counted in her 3-year probationary period. Is that important? Why?…
HRM 320 Boys Behaving Badly Discussions 2 Week 4 All Students Posts 33 Pages DeVry
 The “All Erection” Crane Company has been in business for many years. The company sells and leases cranes and other heavy industrial equipment. Most of the sales force is male, and most of the office help is female. There is a lot of humor associated with the company’s name. The salesmen’s business cards and office stationary feature the picture of a crane with the company name “All Erection,” and the slogan, “All Erection, All the Time.” The President of the Company, Pete Sakes, spends very little time at the company’s facility, spending most of his time on the road developing business and buying equipment. Pete claims he had no knowledge of the incidents described below, except as noted. The office is run on a day to day basis by Eddie Ellis, who likes to kid the office receptionist, Gayle, about the large size of her breasts. Eddie has never touched Gayle or made any sexual suggestions or requests of her. In his view, he just likes to kid around with her. Eddie has his locker in the back room decorated, inside and out, with cutouts from Victoria’s Secret and Frederick’s of Hollywood women’s lingerie catalogs. Dave French is a salesman for All Erection. He is single, and so is Marie Sanchez, the office accounts manager. Dave constantly asks Marie out, and she constantly turns him down. Just before Marie’s annual review, Dave says to her, “You know who’s on the review committee this year, don’t you?” He then tells her that if she will go out with him “just once,” he will put in a good word on her annual review. Marie complains about this to other women in the office, but has not filed a formal complaint with anyone. The newest salesman in the office, Dale Fox, does not socialize with the other salesmen, who think he is gay. One day Eddie and Dave decide to have a little fun at Dale’s expense, and place items of women’s make-up and hygiene products on Dale’s desk and in his desk drawers. Dale is angered by this and complains in writing to Pete Sakes. Pete reprimands Eddie privately but takes no other action. A regular customer of All Erection, Bob Builder, always ogles at Gayle’s breasts whenever he stops in. He makes comments such as, “I always like seeing both of you, Gayle,” and the salesmen chuckle in response to his comments. Last week he stopped by and said, “Hi, Gayle, lookie what I got,” and held up some Viagra tablets. The salesmen in the office roared with laughter. Gayle shot back with, “Are you sure that’s enough, Bob?” to which there was more laughter. Gayle has never made any complaint to anyone about being kidded about her breasts. In conjunction with the above scenario, identify the incidents of illegal sexual harassment at the All Erection Crane Co. From there, analyze the type of sexual harassment involved in the behavior. Additionally, explain the required responses in conjunction with the actions and behavior. Lastly, recommend changes in policy that should be implemented.
As to Dave pressuring Marie for a date, is this really sexual harassment, and if so, what “type” is it? What is it called? What’s the employer’s 
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
HOSP 310 Complete Course - (Quizes - Assignments - Dqs - Final) - DeVry
HOSP 310 Complete Course - (Quizes - Assignments - Dqs - Final) - DeVry
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week 1 discussion
 Baby Boomer Demand (graded
Why are the baby boomers so important? What impact do you see them having on the hospitality industry in the next few years? In the longer-term future?Please refer to Chapter Two as you participate in this discussion. Tip for Beginning the Discussion: Of course, you can draw from your own experience or your homework for the week, but a good way to begin discussing this question is to answer the first question and then come back a day later. As the week progresses, we will move into other issues raised by the rest of the class and myself.
   Managing Diversity and  Change (graded)
 Welcome to our first week of discussions for this course. Some good strategies to have while starting the discussions is to thoroughly read the discussion question and read the accompanying material prior to beginning your posts.  For higher quality points it is also encouraged to write substantive posts with the addition of outside sources that you have come across while researching the answers to the questions and to supply the source as you complete your post.  Remember to make sure that you post at least by Wednesday of the week and to have at least 3 different posts on three different days for full frequency credit.
How do such trends as the changing diversity of the U.S. population, two-income families, changes in family structure, and changing income distribution effect the Hospitality industry?  Please refer to Chapter Two, pp. 40-46 primarily, as you participate in this graded TDA.  Of course, you may also draw upon web sites, your homework assignment, and your own personal experience in this discussion throughout the week. Be sure to post elaborately for full credit. week 2
 Midscale vs. High-Check  Restaurants (graded)
How do midscale restaurants differ from high-check average restaurants? What new and interesting trends have you noticed in food service over the last couple of years?
QSR Franchising Pros &  Cons (graded)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of QSR franchising from the perspective of the franchisor? Let's discuss the pros and cons of franchise operations from both sides of the table - franchisee and franchisor.
 week 3
Discuss the competitive practices of grocery chain stores in your area. How have these businesses begun to engage in competitive practices that are now affecting all of the food service operations in your community?
  week 4
 The local community lodging industry with its two or three property types makes for an interesting discussion. (1) What types of properties are present in your community, and how have they evolved? (2) How does each meet guest needs? (3) What kind of technology do they apply to serve guest needs? Begin by answering question (1) and (2).
 The Internet (graded)
As most of you been doing so far, be sure to post elaborately and include research where appropriate. Remember that solid and elaborate posts will get you closer to full credit in the threaded discussions.
To start this week's discussion - thoughtfully discuss the advantages and the disadvantages provided to hotels by the Internet. For starters, discuss how the Internet affects the traditional role of travel agents.
Competitve Forces (graded)
In this discussion thread, let's begin by discussing the various competitive forces in the hospitality industry, especially in the lodging industry. Let's begin with the fragmented markets: How is the lodging industry perceived to be a fragmented market?
As most of you been doing so far, be sure to post elaborately and include research where appropriate. Remember that solid and elaborate posts will get you closer to full credit in the threaded discussions.
I look forward to another great discussion!
  wek 6
 This week in this discussion thread, we will explore contemporary tourism. Those of you who like to travel will find this threaded discussion interesting and fun!
Travel and tourism historically have been on the rise. What are some of the factors that have caused the increase in tourism? How about during the economic downturn?
 Recreation, wellness, and leisure activities are as old as society itself. However, a society that can afford to play on the scale that North Americans do is new. Let's begin this discussion by explaining the planned play environment of theme parks. What are they and why do people frequent them?
  wwek7Hospitality service is made up of transactions that are numerous, diverse, and often private. In a dining room, for instance, each interaction between a server and a guest is usually just between the two of them, or, at most between the server and the guest's party at that table. How do you as a manager prepare and train a server to know both how to anticipate and to meet the guest's expectations for excellent service?
 Assignment 1
In the Powers text in Chapter 1 (pp. 34-35), you will find a section entitled Internet Exercises. Please complete items #1 and #3, making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. In Chapter 2 (pp. 62-63), you will find a similar section as the one above. Please complete items #1 and #2, also making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. You must include APA references (in-text and on a seprate reference page) for your sources.
Submit your atssignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page
  week 3
Complete Case Study #1:
Site Name: Center for Science in the Public Interest URL: www.cspinet.org
Background Information: The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is a nonprofit education and advocacy organization that focuses on improving the safety and nutritional quality of our food supply. CSPI seeks to promote health through educating the public about nutrition and alcohol; it represents citizens' interests before legislative, regulatory, and judicial bodies; and it works to ensure that advances in science are used for the public's good. It has been very active in targeting the restaurant industry with their public interest issues.
Exercises: Highlight the Nutrition Action Newsletter, then click on Archives. Choose and read a current or previous article that targets a segment of the restaurant industry.
week 5
In the Powers text in Chapter 11 (pp. 381-382), you will find a section entitled Internet Exercises. Please complete items #1 and #2, making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. In Chapter 12 (pp. 422), you will find a similar section as the one above. Please complete items #1 and #2, also making sure to thoroughly visit each web page and carefully answering the required questions for each item. APA source citations are required (in-text and on a separate reference page).
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page
week 6
Complete Case Study #2:
Site Name:The World Travel & Tourism Council URL:www.wttc.org
Background Information:The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is the forum for global business leaders, comprising the presidents, chairs, and CEOs of 100 of the world's foremost companies. It is the only body representing the private sector in all parts of the travel and tourism industry worldwide. WTTC's mission is to raise awareness of the full economic impact of the world's largest generator of wealth and jobs: travel and tourism. Governments are encouraged to unlock the industry's potential by adopting the council's policy framework for sustainable tourism development.
Exercises:Visit the WTTC website, and thoroughly answer the following questions:
Question #1:What is the WTTC's blueprint for new tourism? What are the three strategic priorities included in the blueprint? Question #2:The WTTC produces an annual review of travel & tourism every year for its readers. Find the most recent edition and offer a one to two page synopsis of the WTTC predictions for global travel and tourism. Please highlight the key world regions that are expecting major changes.
Your submitted paper should be 3 to 5 pages in length.APA source citations are required(in-text and on a separate reference page).
Quiz 2
 TCO 2: As far as tourism, who are the biggest spenders?
 Consumers whose standard of living threshold has been passed ( : pg 22)
Consumers whose standard of living has still to move upward
Consumers whose standard of living are below the standard level
None listed
  Question 2. Question :
TCO 4: Globalization has to do with:
 travel patterns based on days of the week.
travel patterns around the world.
patterns based on the seasons or time of year.
borders have become less important. (pg 28)
  Question 3. Question :
TCO 6: The term home meal replacement refers to:
 convenience foods.
healthy meals for families.
take-out food consumed at home. (p. 73)
employees who have meal benefits at work.
  Question 4. Question :
TCO 12: Compared to other sectors of the hospitality industry, which of the following is the career preference of graduates?
 Luxury hotels (p. 23)
Economy hotels
Full-service restaurants
Quick-service restaurants
   Question 5. Question :
TCO 1: In detail, explain and give three examples of each pro and con of owning a franchise food service establishment.
  Question 6. Question :
TCO 1: Explain and list two ways North America's increasingly diverse population is likely to affect the restaurant and food industry in the future?
  quiz 4
TCO 9: Outsourcing is:
 the management of food service to management companies. (CH 7 Page 199 The management of food service to management companies)
the laying off of food service workers.
how all food service franchise operations manage their food service department.
how all individually owed food service operations manage their food service department.
 Question 2. Question :
TCO 6: What are three advantages of managed services? Cite three examples.
  Question 3. Question :
TCO 6: How is the Internet being used in marketing restaurants? Can you think of two items that make them competitive against other restaurants? How do you use the Internet when deciding what restaurant to eat at?
Question 4. Question :
TCO 4: Explain capital costs in detail and its importance in hotels.
  Question 5. Question :
TCO 4: Explain ways hotels can increase sales to international travelers. Cite at least two examples in your answer.
   quiz 7
  TCO 2: Please explain how service contains both tangible and intangible aspects. Use the example of visiting a luxury hotel for a weekend, or use an example of dining in a restaurant. Be specific about which parts of the guest experience are tangible and which parts are intangible. Take your time answering this question. (Points : 20)
 Question 2. 2. TCO 2: Explain what comps are (give three examples), and why are they important to casinos? (Points : 20)
  Question 3. 3. TCO 9: Many people attend festivals all over the country, provide three detailed examples of the benifits of having festivals. (Points : 20)
 uestion 1. 1. TCO 6. How are other types of businesses in the community now competing with restaurants? (Points : 4)
 Question 2. 2. TCO 6. Discuss the phenomena of celebrity-theme restaurants. Why do some fail and some succeed? (Points : 4)
 Question 3. 3. TCO 6. Why is the purchasing, receiving, storing, and issuing cycle so critical to the financial stability of a foodservice facility? (Points : 4)
 Question 4. 4. TCO 6. Why do some culinarians take offense at being labeled a "foodservice professional"? Use your knowledge of the history of culinary arts to justify your answer. (Points : 4)
  Question 5. 5. TCO 6. Managed services are thought of as being one of the most lucrative segments of foodservice. What factors allow this sector to thrive financially? (Points : 4)
 Question 6. 6. TCO 1. Describe and explain four major segments of the Hospitality Industry in clear language with concrete examples. (Points : 4)
 Question 7. 7. TCO 1. Explain what other kinds of institutions or establishments does the hospitality industry include besides hotels and restaurants? (Points : 4)
 Question 8. 8. TCO 10. Where have the most recent security technology changes taken place in hotels? (Points : 5)
 Question 9. 9. TCO 8. Discuss the rationale behind the national park service. Do you think this concept has outlived its original mission? (Points : 5)
  Question 10. 10. TCO 10. How is the Internet being used in food service competition? (Points : 5)
 Question 11. 11. TCO 8. Recreation for the armed forces is viewed as critical to national security. Rationalize this assertion. (Points : 5)
 Question 12. 12. TCO 2,3. List and carefully explain 3 factors affecting increased travel and tourism, today. (Points : 6)
Question 13. 13. TCO 7. How is the wellness trend evolving truth-in-menu ethics in the restaurant industry? Also, explain how the same trend is evolving menu planning for people with heart conditions and for those who prefer alternative diets such as vegetarianism? Describe one specialty entree for a customer on a special diet (you may select the diet preference such as low salt, high carb, or low fat). (Points : 10)
 Question 14. 14. TCO 7. Outline the scope of college and university food services. What are the advantages of managing a college dining hall versus a commercial restaurant? (Points : 10)
 Question 15. 15. TCO 1. You are a service manager for a national airline preparing to leave on a transcontinental flight from New York City to San Francisco. List the moments of truth your customers will encounter from the time they arrive at the terminal to the time they land in LA. (Points : 6)
 Question 1. 1. TCO 4. Design a one day activity list for children at an all-inclusive spa retreat. The idea is to provide activities between traditional meal periods so that the childrens parents can also purchase other spa activities and be child-free for periods during the day. Keep in mind all of the basic
 Question 2. 2. TCO 3. Design a two day, all inclusive Spa-Wellness Packages for a couple, Include the hotel room ambience, spa facilities, and services contained in a complete package. The theme is Valentine's Day! (Points : 10)
  Question 3. 3. TCO 10. Studies have shown a direct correlation between recreation and leisure to wellness. Do you agree with this assertion? Justify your answer. (Points : 10)
Page 3
 Question 1. 1. TCO 1. Given today's economy, is vertical integration a smart financial move? Justify your answer. (Points : 10)
 Question 2. 2. TCO 4. Make an argument that the night auditor and the housekeeper are the backbone of hotel operations. (Points : 10)
 Question 3. 3. TCO 4. Compare the management structure of a franchise casual restaurant to that of a privately owned and operated restaurant. Outline the reasons for the differences and discuss how one could organize the individual operations. (Points : 10)
 Question 4. 4. TCO 4. Discuss the multiplier effect of tourism dollars on a community. Could you argue that the effect is not always positive? Defend your position with examples. (Points : 10)
 Question 6. 6. TCO 5. Discuss the primary duties of the Director of Food and Beverage. Why is this position so critical in a full-service hotel? (Points : 10)
  Question 7. 7. TCO 5. List the steps in the guest cycle. Is one step more important than another? Why or why not? (Points : 10)
 Question 8. 8. TCO 5. Differentiate between meetings, expositions, and conventions. (Points : 10)
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
ENGL 227 Entire Course DeVry
ENGL 227 Entire Course DeVry
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ENGL 227 Entire Course Professional Writing Recent DeVry
 ENGL 227 Quiz Week 2 DeVry (NEW) 
  (TCO 1) Select the sentence that demonstrates proper parallel structure:
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was able to convince management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date, but he was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that best demonstrates use of active voice:
The project was completed by the installation crew on May 2.
On May 2, the project was completed.
The installation crew completed the installation on May 2.
The project was completed.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates tone:
We don’t make refunds on merchandise that is soiled.
We offer refunds on items returned in their original condition.
We don’t offer refunds on items not returned in their original condition.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates conciseness:
The slow economy may result in layoffs at our company.
We expect that the slow economy will be the reason for layoffs at our company.
The slow economy will in all probability result in layoffs at our company.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that demonstrates proper parallel structure:
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date but was able to convince management the job was under control.
Mr. Johnson was unable to predict the job completion date, but he was successful in convincing management the job was under control.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates the you attitude:
You can expect to receive the report by Friday.
You won’t get the report by the Tuesday deadline.
I know I promised you a report by Tuesday, but you won’t get it until Friday.
(TCO 1) Select the sentence that most effectively demonstrates tone:
We don’t make refunds on merchandise that is soiled.
We offer refunds on items returned in their original condition.
We don’t offer refunds on items not returned in their original condition.
(TCO 1) Revise: Markdowns will range from very little on its line of laundry equipment to a great deal on certain sporting equipment.
(TCO 1) Revise: We mailed the book you requested yesterday.
(TCO 1) Revise: Markdowns will range from very little on its line of laundry equipment to a great deal on certain sporting equipment.
(TCO 1) Revise: Although the sales returns for July are high in number, experience has indicated that this is not an unusual condition for summer.
(TCO 1) Revise: Your order has been delayed because you failed to include the correct credit information.
(TCO 1) Revise: Unless you pay me within three days, my lawyer will be contacted.
(TCO 1) Revise: We are happy to announce that we are offering for sale an empty parcel of land at the corner of Mission and High Streets. We will be selling this parcel for $62,000, with a minimum down payment of $13,500. We have had it rezoned M-2 for student housing.
(TCO 1) Revise: A pilot must have the ability to stay calm under pressure, and then he must be trained to cope with any problem that arises.
(TCO 1) Revise: If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, call our toll-free number.
(TCO 1) Combine the following sentences into one. Frank Lee was checking in. He was at the Worldwide Airline counter. Another passenger’s bag got tangled with Frank’s camera bag. Frank’s camera lens was cracked.
 ENGL 227 Routine Message Week 3 DeVry (NEW) 
 A large percentage of the writing we do in the workplace involves writing routine, neutral, and/or goodwill messages. Routine and neutral messages cover a wide range of topics, from the ordinary (e.g., sending colleagues a reminder to attend a meeting) to the more detailed (e.g., updating a supervisor about a project).
In Week 3, Anne Brown, the division manager for E227 Global Solutions, is asking you to write an individual routine message, which will be formatted as a memo. In order to complete this assignment you must follow the steps below:
Read the trucking supervisor’s email.
Read Anne Brown’s memo (available in Doc Sharing) and pay close attention to the questions asked at the bottom of the memo.
Use the Week 3 Routine Planning Questions/Audience Profile (in Doc Sharing) to assist you with preparing your routine message to Anne Brown. These questions are for planning only, not submission.
Follow the Specific Guidelines below when drafting your routine message to Anne Brown. Preview:
Per your memo last week regarding road construction and possible high traffic that will occur, we recognize the need to communicate properly and…
 ENGL 227 Week 4 Informal Analytical Report DeVry (NEW) 
 The informal analytical report your team will write this week will be organized as a PDR, or Problem, Discussion, Resolution report.
Write this informal analytical report as a memo addressed to Anne Brown, formatting it to include the following sections (identified with headings):
Start with a positive opening and a sentence or two that introduces the general purpose of the report.
Problem: State the background of the problem succinctly, so that anyone reading this memo will understand the trucking and PR issues.
Discussion of Options: In several paragraphs, discuss three or four different PR campaign strategies the group considered, including strengths and weaknesses of each strategy.
Resolution: From the three or four options discussed above, state the one strategy your team recommends for the PR campaign to address the Indonesian residents. Explain the rationale for your decision.
Conclude the report with a brief statement that expresses a positive sentiment or statement….
Plant materials from Tebing Tinggi need to be delivered to the company’s warehouse at the port of Tanjung Kuala. However, the major highway that is normally used as delivery route will be…
 ENGL 227 Negative of Band News Message Week 5 DeVry (NEW) 
 View the scenario which will provide the background you need to proceed with the message.
Our company E227 Global Solutions has hosted an annual tech think tank convention for the past 10 years. Over the past 3 years the company has been expanding the conference to include robotics and a section in medical technology. After much effort, planning, and negotiation, the company has secured a high-profile keynote speaker for the next convention. The planning committee couldn’t be more pleased with the potential for the next convention to gain national and possible international attention.
A few days ago, one of the convention planners received a letter from Maribel Rivera, one of our convention’s long-time attendees, requesting to be the keynote speaker at this year’s convention. Her small company has recently made in-roads in developing technology that may change the way we interact with our electronic devices. Ms. Rivera explains that she wants the keynote speaker role for the visibility it will provide as she seeks to promote this new technology and recruit the right talent to take the technology’s development to…
View the negative message media piece for the scenario surrounding the formal letter you will write.
Complete the Week 5 Negative Message Planning Questions found in Doc Sharing. Insert your responses directly after each question.
Add the formal letter to a new page on the planning questionnaire, and submit as ONE Word document. (To add a new page at the end of your questionnaire, place your cursor after the last item on the questionnaire and press CONTROL and ENTER.)…
1.     Plan
1.     Analyze the Situation
1.     What is your general purpose? To inform Ms. Rivera that the focus of the convention is on robotics and a section in medical technology
2.     What is your specific purpose? To inform Ms. Rivera that the company has chosen a different keynote speaker for the convention
Exactly what do you want your audience to think, feel, or believe after receiving your message?  That we value our relationship with her and have no plans of severing ties with her. However, considering the company’s thrust in the coming year, we have chosen…
It has come to my attention that you have signified interest in becoming the keynote speaker for this year’s Tech Think Tank Convention. I truly appreciate your…
 ENGL 227 Outline Proposal Week 6 DeVry (NEW) 
 Good news! The negative press from the trucking situation in Indonesia has been successfully mitigated. Upper management now recognizes that E227 Global Solutions has long talked about being green, but has not made any major efforts toward reducing the company’s carbon footprint on a global scale. With operations in the U.S. and abroad, E227 Global Solutions has seen generally successful localized initiatives to reduce energy consumption, reduce or eliminate chemical by-products, and minimize office waste….
Your assignment this week is to construct the outline of your entire formal proposal and write the introduction, using formal formatting. To complete this assignment, you will need to have a good plan in place for your formal proposal. You are encouraged to use the three-step process we’ve been studying this session….
The Introduction part of the paper will provide an executive summary of the issues related to E227 Global Solutions’ thrust to going green in order to help the company reduce its carbon footprint. Studies and researches abound that explain the importance of recycling and ensuring companies do their part in helping save the environment in whatever way they can. Currently, trucking companies are finding…
 ENGL 227 Course Project Final Proposal Week 8 DeVry (NEW) 
 For the week 8 assignment, you will submit a formal proposal to your division manager Anne Brown, recommending a strategy the company could adopt to go green. In week 6 you will submit an outline of the entire proposal, as well as the introduction of the proposal itself.
Remember, the goal of the proposal is to recommend a sustainable green strategy the company can adopt to reduce the carbon footprint by 25%. The primary audience is your division manager, Anne Brown; however, your proposal will probably be read by anyone in upper management…
The trucking industry is beset with issues concerning the environment in the sense that it also contributes in environmental degradation considering that uses fuel in transporting goods from one location to another. However, the despite this fact, many trucking organizations are now moving towards the direction of minimizing or limiting their carbon footprint through various means such as use of less fuel, renewable energy, solar panels, and recycling, among others (“Green Business Practices”). As a matter of fact, E227 Global Solutions can also…
 ENGL 227 Discussions Week 1-7 All Posts 78 Pages NEW DeVry 
 ENGL 227 Process-Oriented Writing and Formatting Business Messages Week 1 Discussions 16 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Process-Oriented Writing Discussions 1 Week 1 All Posts 8 Pages DeVry
 TCO 2 and the class textbook guide students toward using a process-oriented approach to professional writing. What does it mean to use a “process-oriented approach” in writing? Why is this approach advantageous? (Later in the week, we’ll discuss strategies we can use during each step of the process.) (This discussion covers TCO 2.) As you respond to this question, think about how process-oriented writing for business is different from process-oriented writing for academic purposes. Are there similarities?…
ENGL 227 Formatting Business Messages Discussions 2 Week 1 All Posts 8 Pages DeVry
 Consider successful business messages you’ve received, either as a professional or a customer. How did the formatting of those messages affect their level of success? (This discussion addresses TCOs 1 and 2.) How are online discount coupons formatted? Have you seen some formatted more effectively than others? What was the difference?…
ENGL 227 Writing Elements in Business Messages Discussions Week 2 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 We probably all agree that using correct grammar and spelling in our written communication is important. But, just how important is it? Take a look at this CEO’s blog post. Class, what are your thoughts on this article? I Won’t Hire People Who Use Poor Grammar. Here’s Why. As you read this article, think about jobs that you have held. How important was grammar? Have you ever been denied a job because of your poor grammar skills?…
ENGL 227 Positive and Neutral Messages Discussions Week 3 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 Most messages we write in the workplace fall into the category of positive or neutral communications. Examples include routine requests, informative or good news announcements, replies to inquiries, messages granting claims, letters of recommendation, and general goodwill messages. What are some strategies for writing these common types of messages successfully? (This discussion addresses TCO 2.) Are some elements more important for a particular type of message?…
ENGL 227 Diversity and Writing in the Workplace and Report Writing Discussions Week 4 All Posts 13 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Diversity and Writing in the Workplace Discussions 1 Week 4 All Posts 8 Pages DeVry
 Valuing diversity is commonly regarded as a virtue in today’s business world. Why is diversity important to value? What are some strategies we can use to reflect the value of diversity in our written work? (This discussion addresses TCO 6.)  How can we reflect the value of diversity in our writing?…
ENGL 227 Report Writing Discussions 2 Week 4 All Posts 5 Pages DeVry
 What are some different types of reports you are likely to write in your career? What are some strategies for creating well-written, effective reports? (This discussion addresses TCOs 1 and 2.)  Consider the different audiences you will address as you write reports. There will be some audiences and reports that you are not currently aware of, but you can probably think of some that you know you will have. If you have already written reports, feel free to include those in the discussion…
ENGL 227 Negative/Bad News Messages and Electronic Communication Discussions Week 5 All Posts 13 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Negative/Bad News Messages Discussions 1 Week 5 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 Using the process-oriented approach when addressing situations requiring the delivery of a negative or bad news message requires additional attention to planning and audience analysis. View the scenario at the YOU DECIDE tab on the left navigation menu and, throughout the week, follow the prompt in the “Deliverable” tab (note: be sure to click on each individual in the You Decide “Players” tab to review/listen to key details of the scenario):.. When you decide which medium to use for the message, explain your reasoning. What element played the largest role in your decision? The message? The recipient? The situation?…
ENGL 227 Electronic Communication Discussions 2 Week 5 All Posts 6 Pages DeVry
 Business communication experts posit that the memo is dead and email isn’t too far behind. Review Chapters 7 and 8 and discuss the inherent benefits and drawbacks to the variety of electronic communication media used in business and industry. (This discussion addresses TCO 3.) Are some forms of electronic communication are preferable in certain situations? Explain…
ENGL 227 Visual Communication and Planning Formal Reports and Persuasion Discussions Week 6 All Posts 13 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Visual Communication Discussions 1 Week 6 All Posts 7 Pages DeVry
 Using common software such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, users can create a multitude of different types of graphs, including pie charts, line graphs, flow charts, and Gantt charts. Which factors weigh into the decision to choose a particular type of graph or chart? Once you choose a type, how can you ensure that it is clear, readable, and ethical? (This discussion addresses TCO 5.) can you give an example of a specific kind of data and which type of graph would best depict it?…
ENGL 227 Planning Formal Reports and Persuasion Discussions 2 Week 6 All Posts 6 Pages DeVry
 One important part of planning a formal report is conducting research. What are some strategies business writers can use to conduct quality research? How else can we apply planning stage techniques and strategies to the planning of a formal report? (This Discussion supports TCOs 2 and 5.) Can anyone give an example in which one or more of the above methods of organization would be important?…
ENGL 227 Review of Professional Writing Standards and Formatting Formal Reports Discussions Week 7 All Posts 9 Pages DeVry
 ENGL 227 Review of Professional Writing Standards Discussions 1 Week 7 All Posts 4 Pages DeVry
 Class, once again, read through our 6 course TCOs. Which objectives do you think will be most important in your future career? Do you have any remaining questions about any of our objectives? Let’s take this opportunity to review any concepts about which you may still have questions, as well as to discuss how you will apply them to your professional writing as you advance in your career. (This discussion addresses all TCOs.) How do you see using your writing skills to help you advance in your career? Have you seen others advance or be held back because of their writing skills?…
ENGL 227 Formatting Formal Reports Discussions 2 Week 7 All Posts 5 Pages DeVry
 Read the example report in Chapter 15 on pages 426-439, paying close attention to how the report is formatted and organized. (Note that this report shows both MLA and APA citations; in the reports you are writing, you will need to use APA citations.) How does the formatting and organization of a formal report differ from the formats we’ve practiced in other types of business writing? (This Discussion supports TCOs 1 and 5.) Can anyone give an example of a report that was ineffective because of its organization or format?…
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry SPCH 277 Entire Course-Latest 2015
Devry SPCH 277 Entire Course-Latest 2015
(All Discussions All Assignment And Complete Course Project)
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Discussion 1
The words we choose when we communicate with others can have a profound impact on whether or not our communication is successful. We often fail to consider the importance of word choice until it is too late, and our communication has failed. Think of a time when the words you selected contributed to your miscommunication with another person. How did your word choice impact the miscommunication? What could you have done differently? Discussion 2 Getting off to a strong start with the course project, the Communication Change Challenge (CCC), is important. Please take some time early this week to review the following and to post any specific questions you may have about how to proceed with the project to this week's Q & A thread.
·         Under Week 1: the Course Project Tab – CCC Part 1.
·         Under Course Home: the introduction in the Course Project tab and the screen cast tutorial: Communication Change Challenge.
Begin by defining interpersonal communication. Then, think of an instance you want to share where your interpersonal communication habits or behaviors got in the way of successful communication between you and another person. Describe the behavior, and tell us why it was a problem. week 2 Discussion 1This week we will explore how we use nonverbal communication. Please refer to Chapter 5 in your course textbook.Essentials of Human Communication,when responding to this Discussion topic. The chapter explains how nonverbal behavior complements our verbal messages and the impact nonverbal behaviors have on the meaning and emotional content of our messages.Give examples of how you use nonverbal behaviors to communicate what you really mean in your messages. How do you use yourtone of voice,eye contact,posture,gestures, and othernonverbal behaviors to let the person you are talking to know how you feel about something? Discussion 2 The average person speaks at a rate of 125 - 175 words per minute but can process what they hear (called "thought speed") at a rate of 500 - 600 words per minute. This means that we are capable of listening far faster than the person speaking to us can say their words. Whatnegative impact could this have on how you listen to another person? On the other hand, how could you use thought speed to help you be a better listener? wee 3 week 3
 The Ladder of  Inference (graded)
 This is a written assignment in lieu of the threaded discussions. Have a cover page, a reference page, and one page for this topic for a total of 3 pages. This assignment is due onMonday, September 21, in class. Bring a hard copy of the assignment to give directly to your professor. An aspect of interpersonal communication not addressed in your text is the "Ladder of Inference," a metaphor that illustrates how quickly we jump to conclusions with little data and minimal thought process – as if we are climbing up a ladder in our minds. This is a concept identified by Chris Argyris and described in his book Overcoming Organizational Defenses (1990, Prentice Hall). The ladder of inference is also described inThe Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Peter M. Senge, Art Kleiner, Charlotte Roberts, Richard B. Ross, and Bryan J. Smith, 1994, as well as in many other resources in print and online. 
  Do a quick on-line research on the concept of "The Ladder of Inference." In class, we will watch a video about this concept. After you research it, define the concept of "The Ladder of Inference, then write an example from your experience when, upon reflection, you recall how you climbed up your ladder of inference. How could things have turned out differently if you had not climbed that ladder? According to your research, what can you do to avoid making hasty, false assumptions and avoid climbing your own ladder of inference? Be specific and detailed.
  Conflict  Management Stategies (graded)
This is a written assignment in lieu of the threaded discussions. Have a cover page, a reference page, and one page for this topic for a total of 3 pages. This assignment is due onMonday, Sept. 21, in class. Bring a hard copy of the assignment to give directly to your professor.
Interpersonal conflict is when the needs or ideas of one person are at odds (disagree) with the needs or ideas of another person. Interpersonal conflict is something we all experience in our life and it is neither good nor bad. How we resolve conflict may have good or bad effects on our relationships however.
 Read pages 161 - 162 in Chapter 8 of your course e-Book, Essentials of Human Communication to learn about five strategies for dealing with conflict. Describe interpersonal relationship situations (either your own or another couple) where the conflict was dealt with through each of these five strategies described in the book: competing, avoiding, compromising, accommodating, or collaborating. Write a short, two-to-four sentence description of each situation where each of these conflict management strategies were used.
week 4 Discussion 1 We've all worked in groups that had one or more members that caused problems and made it difficult for all group members. Here is a short list of these problem group members:
1.     The know-it-all: This person has a lot of information but only wants to tell the rest of the group what to do. He or she does not listen to what the other group members have to say. They are convinced that their way is the only way to do things.
2.     The slacker: This person shows up part of the time, but never quite manages to get their work done. You can't depend on assignments being completed.
3.     The quiet one: This group member seems to have good ideas but he or she does not like to volunteer and often sits silently through discussions and brainstorming sessions.
4.     The do-it-all: This person takes charge of the project and would prefer to do it alone without feedback or contributions from the rest of the group.
5.     The disappearing teammate: This person attends the first group meeting but is not seen or heard from afterwards. E-mails go unanswered.
Share an experience where you encountered a group member that fit one of the descriptions above. How did your group or team deal with them? Did the problem team member create problems for you? Discussion 2 In class for Week 4 we will discuss several ways to catch your audience's attention when you begin your presentation. You will also receive a handout on Speech Introductions in class, which can be found in Doc Sharing under Robert's Handouts. 1. How can a speaker catch your attention in their speech introduction? 2. How can they hold your attention during the speech/ 3. How do you plan to start your PowerPoint Presentation in Week 6? 4. What attention grabbing method do you plan to use?  5. Why do you think this method will work? week 5 Discussion 1 Why is knowing your audience an important part of capturing and maintaining their attention? What aspects of your audience should you consider before you speak that might influence what you present? How will you make your presentation relevant and interesting to your audience? Discussion 2
If you have not already done so, read the Presentation tab under Course Home and review the PowerPoint narration tutorials. There are more tutorials in this week’s lecture. Practice using your microphone and volume controls on the computer that you will be recording with, and learn to use the PowerPoint narration feature. You are required to use PowerPoint for your narrated speech PowerPoint presentation, which is due next week, Week 6.
You will be doing your PowerPoint presentation on October 5th (Week 6). Have you ever experienced "death by PowerPoint" when a speaker bored you with their presentation? Why was their presentation so bad? What are some common PowerPoint mistakes that you should avoid with your presentation?
week 6 Discussion 1 So far, we have talked a lot about speech content and organization. Which do you think is more important to the success of a presentation: good content or good delivery? (Make an argument for one or the other.) Why? Discussion 2 What is the purpose of effective informative speaking?What is the purpose of effective persuasive speaking?What are the differences between informative speaking and persuasive speaking?How would you organize your speech differently to persuade rather than to inform? week 7 week 7
 Giving and  Receiving Criticism (graded)
Part One: Review information in your course e-book, pages 254 - 259, for giving criticism on another person's speech. What are some important things to consider when giving and receiving criticism? Part Two: How can you create an effective climate when discussing matters of importance with coworkers, clients, vendors, superiors, and employees. What factors should be considered when creating that climate? How can creating the right communication climate help you to achieve positive outcomes?
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses. diss 2
Speech  Presentations Feedback (graded)
Last week you gave interesting and informative PowerPoint presentations. You received my evaluation of your presentation in class on Oct. 12. Please give each of your fellow classmates at least one positive comment regarding their PP presentation. Make this your own view point. Don't repeat what another student says about any particular presentation.
Part I: Communication Competence Analysis Review the Communication Competence summary on pages 22–23. Complete the checklist and write a response in three parts that addresses the following using clear headings:
1.     Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you are currently strong, and describe why you feel that way.
2.     Pick two to three competencies from the listing for which you feel you currently need improvement,and describe why you feel that way.
Each section should be written with at least three paragraphs (with a minimum of three to four sentences each) of commentary, which is in addition to any quoting from the listing you may choose to do. It may be helpful to explain your thought process and provide examples to give explanation to your descriptions of why you feel that way. This is not a formal paper, but college-level spelling, grammar, and syntax are expected.
Part II: General Improvement Strategy Using one of the competencies you felt needed improvement in Part I, develop an improvement strategy that follows the Communication Improvement Strategy Table in the weekly lecture. You may choose to format this into a table or write it in paragraph form. With whichever option, you should include your work in the same Word file (.docx) as Part I and have clear labels for the four main areas: problem, goal, plan, and test of measurability.
Use this information to begin the Communication Change Challenge (CCC) Course Project below.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial Dropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.
 week 2
  week 3
  Topic Selection for Individual Speech Presentation
Review this week's lecture. Think about a communication topic that you would like to learn more about. Look at the Table of Contents in your textbook for more ideas. E-mail your instructor early in the week to obtain speech topic approval for an informative or persuasive speech. Research your topic and create a good thesis statement. Write at least three sentences for the main ideas concerning your topic. You will continue with this next week. Nothing is due yet in the Dropbox for your speech. Presentations are due in Week 6.
Note: Notify your instructor now by e-mail if you do not understand how to choose a speech topic.
Assignment: Conflict Analysis
Conflict Analysis Part 1: Observe an instance that you are not personally involved with where conflict is present (you will need to be a bit of a covert operator to accomplish this). Answer the following:
In several detailed paragraphs, describe the conflict scene.
1a.Who was involved in the conflict? What was the relationship between the participants prior to the conflict? Did it appear as if the relationship between the participants had any impact on how either person responded to the conflict?
1b.When and where did it take place? Was it formal or informal? Planned or unplanned? What impact did the location and time have on the outcome?
1c.What transpired? (Be specific.)
Many times when we face conflict, there is a surface-level problem and an underlying problem. The surface-level problem acts only as a symptom of the real problem. Consider both.
1d.What was the surface problem?
1e.What was the underlying problem, or the real problem? If this is unclear, what might you speculate the real problem to be?
There are many conflict management strategies that can be employed when dealing with conflict. Consider which were present in this conflict.
1f.Which conflict management strategies were employed by each of the participants? Did the conflict management strategies change during the course of the conversation? How do you know?
1g.What was the outcome? Was there a winner? A loser? Did there appear to be an impact on the relationship? If so, what was that impact?
1h. Looking back, describe at least two variables that could be changed in this scene to alter the outcome.
Conflict Analysis Part 2:Much of the learning in this course requires you to draw conclusions about your experiences and observations based on the concepts we have read about and discussed. Take this into consideration:
2a., 2b. List two specific things you learned about conflict as a result of this exercise. Reference material from the text, discussions, lecture, terminal course objectives, and so forth. Answers that demonstrate application of the course material and effective critical thinking will earn the greatest number of points.
Your submission should be approximately one page in length: one paragraph per item for 1a.–1h., and 2a. and 2b.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.
 week 4
 week 5
  week 6
PowerPoint Presentation with Narration
Objectives| Project Overview| Assignment 1: Outline Guidelines| Assignment 2: Speech Guidelines| Milestones| Best Practices
Project Overview
Assignment 1: Outline Guidelines
Assignment 2: Speech Guidelines
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To summarize your presentation project
Step 1
Explore possible topics for a  speech related to communication. Your topic should be something you are  interested in learning more about.
Step 2
Select and submit a speech  topic, general goal, and specific goal by e-mail to your instructor for  approval. The general goal and the specific goal should detail the purpose of  your speech (To inform? To persuade?) and meet the needs of your audience  (Who are they?).
Step 3
Research your approved topic.  Look for five or six resources and put them in APA format. You might not  really want to use all of them for your outline and/or speech.
Step 4
Organize your notes. Create a  rough draft outline based on your research. Write sentences for the body of  the outline.
Step 5
Revise your outline and  create a final draft outline with all required items included: cover page,  table of contents, final outline (general goal, specific goal, thesis  statement sentence, introduction paragraph, full sentence outline),  conclusion paragraph, description of visuals (images for PowerPoint), and APA  references in alphabetical order and with hanging indents. Note: Press F1 in  MS Word for help with hanging indent paragraphs, or tab or space over for all  lines except the first one.
Step 6
Create a PowerPoint  Presentation. Study the tutorials provided in the lectures and under  presentation areas.
Step 7
Evaluate your presentation.  What could you have done better? What will you do differently next time?
Grading Rubrics
The PowerPoint presentation and final outline will be graded using the rubric in Doc Sharing. Outlines and presentations will be graded on content such as relevance and quality of topic research information; organization and cohesiveness; formatting and visual appeal; editing such as spelling, grammar and sentence structure; APA documentation; and use of citations as required. For a detailed list of criteria, see the rubric provided in Doc Sharing.
Best Practices
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The following are the best practices for creating your speech outline and presentation:
  CCC Project Examples
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Problem 1:
A 20-something woman recognizes that she appears to frown and/or has a negative facial expression when communicating interpersonally. Others often misread her as a result.
Outcome 1:
She set the goal of using a positive facial expression when communicating interpersonally. She was more successful at work and received significantly more attention in her personal life as well. She made many new friends and broke off a long-term, unhealthy relationship with her boyfriend as a result of the increased attention.
Problem 2:
A 40-something woman with a successful career recognizes that she does not accept criticism well. Generally, she jumped to the defense and never heard, nor considered, the merit of the feedback.
Outcome 2:
She set the goal of changing her response to receiving criticism. She found that she was able to learn from constructive feedback and was recognized in her review for the positive change in her behavior.
Problem 3:
A 30-something man recognizes that he is taken advantage of by his co-workers because he does not know how to say no. He often does the work of several employees and is sometimes even mocked by the co-workers who know that he has this deficit.
Outcome 3:
He set the goal to clearly evaluate requests from co-workers and say "yes" to those that are appropriate and to say "no" to those that are unreasonable. The co-workers were surprised at first and continued to challenge him for a time, but ultimately he won their respect and improved the working relationships significantly.
 Top of Form
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry SOCS 350N Complete Course-2015 December
Devry SOCS 350N Complete Course-2015 December
(All Discussions All You Decide And Complete Course Projct But No Quiz And Final)
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Discussion 1
Ethnocentrism is generally defined as viewing one's own culture as superior to all others. However, quite often, it is not quite that obvious. Whenever we encounter something that seems strange or different, we will feel some degree of discomfort. How we respond to that feeling is a gauge of how ethnocentric we are about it. Let's suppose that you are entertaining a business client from France. You take him to a very fine french restaurant where he looks over the menu very carefully, then asks the waiter if he or she, by chance, has cheval available. The waiter shakes his head and explains that it is not served in America. Your client becomes somewhat upset and tells you that a truly fine restaurant would serve "proper" cuisine, and that he was very disappointed with American hospitality so far. He eventually settles for the prime rib, but is ill-tempered for the rest of the evening. The next morning, he leaves for France without consummating the expected business deal. Your boss asks you what happened, and you explain that the client was upset because the restaurant didn't serve something called cheval. Your boss nearly chokes on his morning coffee and asks, "You mean he actually ordered horse meat?" How much ethnocentrism is at work? Discuss what and how a better understanding of cultural differences in food preferences by all parties could have prevented the unfortunate incident. What was your response to learning that the client wanted horsemeat? What was your response to his anger that he couldn't get it?
  Discussion 2
 Your company is in need of someone to fill a new position. The spot calls for some very specific skills, education, and experience, but you happen to have an old friend who exactly fits the bill. In addition, he has mentioned to you that he feels it is time to make a change and has been contemplating looking for a new job. You give him a call and he says that he is very interested, so you call the head of the department in question and tell him about your friend. The department head is very excited and tells you to have him call for an interview. You do and everything seems fine. Several weeks pass and your friend calls you and asks if you have any idea what happened with the job. He interviewed and everything went well, but he never heard back and just learned that the position had been filled with someone who has no experience and a much different background. You call the department head and relay the question. After some hemming and hawing, the department head makes some vague statement about your friend not being a "good fit." He was afraid that your friend's "accent" might make it difficult for him to be understood, and he was concerned about his work ethic since he came from a cultural background that has a more "laidback" work ethic. You hang up and think about it. Your friend is from Jamaica and does have an accent and very relaxed personality, but is certainly not lazy. Then you realize that he is also a minority and that this particular department not only has no minority employees, but never has had one. What do you do? Is the department head being ethnocentric or prejudiced? Do you tell your friend what you were told? Do you call someone higher up and express your concerns? Do you do nothing at all?week 2
  DQ 1
I mentioned in the week's introduction that culture was a lot like air. It is all around us, but we really don't pay attention to it unless it is absent or smells odd. The same is true about our culture. We don't think much about it, and we go through our lives feeling that things are the way they are because that's the way they ought to be. This week, start sniffing the cultural air around you. What do you learn about our culture? Identify some things that are distinctively "American." Don't just use material culture (objects and physical symbols), but include non-material culture such as language, values, ideology, ethics, behaviors, and the like. What is it that makes us distinctive in the world?
DQ 2
A cellphone company once ran a television ad touting its call reliability, in which a young man is talking to his future father-in-law, who is telling him to address him by his first name and consider him a friend. The young man launches into a series of variations of the first name. Unknown to either party, the call is dropped and the young man does not hear any response from the father. He becomes very nervous and disconcertedly reverts to "Mr." and "Sir." The ad's message is clear: Use our service and this sort of thing won't happen.
 Why do you think the ad agency chose this power relationship for its commercial, and is it one to which you can relate??Have you had any kind of similar experience (not necessarily on a cellphone)?
  week 3
 DQ 1
Let's start this discussion by sharing public observations. Spend time either walking around or sitting and watching people in a very busy public place. Look for things that you associate with people from race/ethnic, cultural, gender, and social-class backgrounds that are different from your own. Look for the kinds of common interactions or behaviors between different groups and those like your own. For example, do they acknowledge the other's presence if eye contact happens to occur? Do any behaviors change in the presence of other groups?
Consider what you expect to see based on your assumptions and understandings about persons of different backgrounds (how you expect them to dress, walk, talk, interact with each other, interact with others, etc). Make note of those things that catch your attention. Pay special attention to what you don't see as well nd, share your observations with the class.
 DQ 2
When traveling to other countries for business, it is important to know the male/female roles in each country. Not knowing these roles could cause problems in discussions and negotiations. If you were traveling to Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, Brazil, Thailand, the Czech Republic, Russia, or Rwanda, what would you need to know about the traditional male/female roles? Search the Internet for one or more of the above countries to find out about male/female roles. Share your findings with the class.week 4
 DQ 1
Triggers are ethnocentric responses to differences and defensive reactions to ethnocentrism. Any number of things can serve as triggers, but they generally fall into the following categories: voice, appearance, attitude, and behavior. Describe a trigger that you have responded to in the past, even if it was only a fleeting mental thought.
DQ 2
If we look at the term diversity as different groups, we can include groups such as Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y. What are some differences between the Baby Boomer group and the Generation Y group when it comes to the work force? What are some of the major differences between these groups, and how can any obstacles be overcome to create a successful organization?week 5DQ 1
Do a Library search for an articles about Robert Merton's Structural Strain Theory. This theory talks about the kinds of responses that one might expect when the "normal" legitimate means to acquiring the "good" stuff in life is blocked. The block can be deliberate or the result of social structure. What advice would you have for any individual who exhibits these responses?
DQ 2
We often hear about the "glass ceiling." Does it still exist? Are there invisible barriers to advancement that impact some groups more than others? Use examples from the course reading to support your points, and feel free to share your own experiences with the glass ceiling.week 6DQ 1 Review the link to the documentary, A Class Divided, which can be found in the Week 6 Lecture. What strategies does the teacher, Jane Elliott, use to address prejudice and discrimination? How does the strategy vary according to the audience (children or adults in this case)? Try to connect the strategies presented in the documentary to the strategies discussed in this week's lecture or course reading DQ 2 In our diverse society, how do we honor the traditions and cultures of so many varied groups without inadvertently disadvantaging anyone? How can we develop strategies to ensure that cultural traditions are respected and preserved while recognizing our commonalities?week 7DQ 1
Research is fundamental in the social sciences. A common data collection method is the survey. Let's look at the survey as a social scientist.
Navigate to the DeVry portal ( http://my.devry.edu). At the student portal, enter your DSI# and the password used to log in to the student portal and navigate to the End of Course Evaluations and Student Satisfaction Survey directly from the home page. Locate the Quick Links section on the left side of the home page, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the link for Surveys.
Now, let's discuss the merits and flaws of this survey instrument. Which questions would you add? Which would you delete? What questions would you change? What questions would you keep the same?
   DQ 2
 We have been talking about the importance of understanding our own attitudes and prejudices in order to appreciate cultural differences. In light of this topic, why is it important? How have you dealt with situations in which you did or said things that you later learned or realized might have been offensive, or at least misunderstood?
course project
Overview and Guidelines
From Understanding and Managing Diversity by Harvey and Allard.
An important part of our course is researching information on diversity and multiculturalism and its social, cultural, and ethical impact upon individual citizens, groups of people, and society at large. In the twenty-first century, Web sites are an important channel of communication between organizations and their external stakeholders. If an organization is serious about its commitment to diversity, one would expect that this would be reflected in the design, content, and graphics of the Web site. Potential employees, customers, suppliers, etc., often turn first to a Web site before initiating interaction with an organization. If diversity is really integral to the mission and values of an organization, information on diversity should be easily accessible, informative, and well integrated into the Web site.
You will select a specific company in an industry such as healthcare, hospitality, manufacturing government, education, sports, etc. Then, prepare a report on the following:
1.       Evaluate how accessible diversity-related material is on this Web site. Is there a direct link from the home page? What type of results does entering the term “diversity” in a search box yield? Or, do you have to explore on your own? Sometimes searching under “careers” or “press releases” may produce some diversity-related results. On some Web sites, you will have to explore deeply into Web pages to find material related to diversity. What does this say about the organization’s commitment to diversity?
2.       Evaluate the usefulness of the diversity information to potential employees, customers, and suppliers. Is the diversity material related to the organization’s business case for diversity, core values, mission, etc. the way that the organization does business? How current is the diversity-related material?
3.       Evaluate the appropriateness of the photographs and graphic material that relates to diversity. Some Web sites will feature photographs of diverse employees and customers, yet not link this material to the verbal content. Some reuse the same pictures on different pages, etc.
4.       Assume that you are a) a potential employee, b) a potential customer and c) a potential supplier or subcontractor. What perceptions might you have about this organization’s commitment to diversity based solely on the Web site? Looking at this Web site, do you think that it encourages or discourages diverse employees to apply for jobs in this organization? Why or why not?
5.       What internal management issues can affect the prominence that diversity gets or doesn’t get on an organization’s Web site?
6.       Are there any diversity awards listed on the Web site? If so, review the criteria and selection process as presented in the Allard article on awards (from the textbook) or if the award is not mentioned in that article. Evaluate the value of the award through the sponsoring organization’s Web site.
7.       If you were a (female, over 55, racial minority, person with a physical challenge, gay or lesbian, etc.) job applicant and you have read an ad for job opening for which you are fully qualified. Based on your audit of the company web site what perceptions might you have of this company before you even walk in the door? Would you still apply for the job? Why or why not?
Primary Dimensions Include:
Mental/Physical abilities
Ethnic Heritage
Sexual Orientation
Secondary Dimensions Include:
Geographic Location
Military and Work Experience
Family Status
First Language
Organizational Role
Level Communication
Work Styles
You will submit the report in three sections throughout the course, with a due date for each section. These due dates are posted on the Course Schedule.
The Course Project should be 6-8 pages in length. Your 4 relevant scholarly/peer reviewed sources may include your textbook and books and articles obtained through the DeVry library. Credible articles from news, government (.gov), or academic (.edu) websites can also be used; acceptable examples include NPR, The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Business Week. Do not use Wikipedia and similar encyclopedia websites, such as about.com or “cheat” websites like coursehero or chegg.Please review the detailed instructions for each phase of the project, which you can find in the Assignment tab for that week. Your project will be graded as follows.
·         Week 2: Students will submit the research paper topic proposal. 45 points
·         Week 4: Students will submit the reference list and outline of their research paper. 100 points
·         Week 8: Students will submit the final version of their research paper. 200 points
APA Style Tutorial
TutorialAPA Guidelines for Citing Sources Click on the link above to view the video. This video will give you a quick introduction to APA guidelines for citing sources. Highlights include purposes of citing, guidelines and examples of how to cite sources in text and at the end of a paper, and how to format a reference list or an entire paper.
The assignment must be placed ONLY in the Dropbox. E-mailed submissions will not be accepted.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.
Grading Rubrics
Week 2: Project Proposal
Discusses which webpage has been chosen and why, and how  the topic is important to the study of cultural diversity.
Research Goals and Plan
Describes what the student expects to find and or what the  students would be interested in learning; describes how the student plans to  go about his or her research.
Organization and Editing
Proposal is well written, well organized, and free from  errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation.
Proposal is in correct APA format, with a numbered Title  page with a running head.
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above  requirements.
Week 4: Reference List and Outline
Outline and Organization
Outline lists the main topics the project will cover and  incorporates project guidelines and primary and secondary dimensions of  diversity; outline is clearly written and well organized.
Reference List
Reference list contains at least four relevant  scholarly/peer reviewed sources.
Submission is in correct APA format, including a numbered  Title page with running head and a reference page that is double spaced,  alphabetized and uses hanging indents. .
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above  requirements.
Week 8: Final Paper
Addresses project guidelines and primary and secondary  dimensions of diversity, integrating concrete examples and strategies, and  uses information from sources to support points.
Documentation & Formatting
Submission is in correct APA  format, including a numbered Title page with running head, a body of text  that uses an introduction, a conclusion, headings and subheadings, and a  reference page that is double spaced, alphabetized, uses hanging indents and  includes four relevant scholarly/peer reviewed sources 
 Organization & Cohesiveness
Cohesive and well organized, with a clear introduction and  a conclusion that summarizes the paper’s key points.
Uses proper word choice,grammar, punctuation, and  spelling.
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above  requirements.
Best Practices
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
·         Include a numbered Title page with running head in APA format. For information on APA formatting, please see the APA reference materials located in your Syllabus.
·         Include an introductory paragraph that introduces the company web page you are auditing and previews the main topics your paper will cover.
·         Include a concluding paragraph that summarizes your main points and the benefits of a diversity audit.
·         Use headers and sub-headers to organize your paper and divide into sections as appropriate.
·         Include a Reference page in APA format that is double spaced, alphabetized, uses hanging indents and includes at least four relevant scholarly/peer reviewed sources 
·         Check to be sure you’ve covered the project guidelines and all primary and secondary diversity areas.
Scenario Summary
A Kansas City based supplier of health care information technology (HCIT) solutions has recently hired you as a Human Resource Manager. You are in charge of hiring new medical consultants for the sales division of this organization. Due to the competitive marketplace, sales and revenues are at an all-time low. During your interview, you stated that you could serve as a valuable asset to this company. You noted your long-standing history of selecting the best candidates for a variety of positions and stated that you could bring the sales division back to its place as the leading resource of your organization. You want to perform well at this job because it is a big career move for you. You know that if people trust your judgement about the quality of the people you hire, that they will trust your judgement about other matters as well. Also, the more successful HR managers in this company tend to move to higher positions within the organization.
Your Role
Your job is to hire a medical consultant to assist with sales of your latest HCIT solutions to a global marketplace. This job requires that the consultant be articulate, sophisticated, and knowledgeable about medical terminology and technology. The job requires frequent travel Monday through Friday in order for the consultant to work with those in the prospective company. This job also includes spending some leisure time after 5:00 P.M. with prospective clients.
Your Assignment
Required: Read the case summary and accompanying character descriptions, then answer the following question:
·         Which of these four candidates would you hire for this position and why?
Please state and explain your decision in a one-page summary. Make sure to include a title page. In your summary, be sure to reference course material (readings, lectures, or concepts from the flash cards).
Key Players
Ren Sanspit, Changing Careers
As my resume states, I was a dentist before arthritis made that career too painful. My physician says that my condition would not interfere with this position. I think working with people in sales would be more interesting than taking bite-wings and placing rubber dams. I am an empty nester and want to devote time to my new career in order to be successful.
Angie Gram, Medical Technologist
As my resume states, I was an engineering major and I designed medical devices. I am very good with people and I am working on improving my English-speaking skills. I graduated first in my class and I wrote a paper on the use of qr codes to monitor patient medication that was recently published in a peer-reviewed journal. I am a leading expert in the medical technology field.
Medica Seles, Informatics Consultant
As my resume states, I have been in a medical sales consultant for five years. I have been awarded the Sales Consultant of the Year at my last company. Currently I am relocating to Kansas City because I will be getting married next month. My credentials are stellar and I graduated at the top of my class in Healthcare Informatics.
Karen Comfort, BSN
As my resume states, I have a BSN and have been employed in various positions in a variety of medical specialty practices. I have worked for M.D.s, D.O.s and hospital administrators. Having worked in so many different specialty practices I am extremely well versed in medical terminology. I am single, therefore I am available to travel and work long hours.
Additional Information
Demonstrate a strong grasp of the competing interests  involved in choosing a candidate. Demonstrate understanding of how the course  concepts apply to the process.
Carefully weigh the pros and cons of the available  candidates and choose one applying concepts from the course material to  justify the selection. 
Clear and succinct answer using strong organization and proper  grammar, punctuation, and spelling. In-text citations and reference page are  in APA format.
A quality paper will meet or  exceed all of the above requirements.
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry SOCS 315 Entire Course-Latest 2015 Spring
Devry SOCS 315 Entire Course-Latest 2015 Spring
 (All Discussions All Homework All You Decide And All Quizes But No Final)
   IF You Want To Purchase A+  Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load
IF You Face Any Problem Then E Mail Us At  [email protected]
Question     discussions
week 1
Marriage & Family Concerns  (graded)
Explain the concerns that someone might have when he or she is making choices to begin a relationship in a marriage and/or family life in our society. Is any of this uneasiness partly due to problems in society? Explain why and how.
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
 Effect of War on Marriage  (graded)
How did World War II impact a family? Describe the changes in society and family life during that time in history and how the war affected a family.  week 2
 Gender Roles (graded)
Americans have become more liberal regarding gender roles in our society, and many of us do not name a specific role as a man’s or woman’s job. Consider cultural messages, gender expectations, and gender roles in America, and name a gender role that has changed in our society. Give your opinion on this role and the changes that took place in society, the workplace, or the home environment.  diss 2
 Intimate Relationships (graded)
The text refers to Sternberg’s theory of love and defines intimacy and how intimacy relates to different individuals. Review this theory on page 105 and give an example of what you consider to be an intimate relationship. 
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses. week 3
 Relationship Commitments  (graded)
Why is it difficult for some people to make a commitment to a relationship? What would it take for a person to make a true commitment?
The First Years of Marriage  (graded)
There tends to be a higher level of marital satisfaction during the first years of marriage. Reasons that may be a contributing factor to satisfaction might include similarities in a couple's roles, tasks, and experiences. Later in a marriage, there seems to be a gradual decline. Explain one problem that could occur later in a marriage. Why does this happen in a marriage? Who or what might be the contributing factor to your example? 
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses. week 4
 Parenting Classes (graded)
Are you familiar with parenting classes? As a student in high school, did you have any type of parenting classes? Have you, a friend, or family member ever attended any parenting classes? Elaborate. 
 Parenting Styles (graded)
Review the different parenting styles in the text. With which parenting style are you familiar? Give an example of a situation, the discipline, and relate that event to a parenting style.  week 5
 Work and Family Diversity  (graded)
Explain and give an example of role reversal in a family. What are the expectations of each gender? How does that change or shape the family? 
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
 Family Friendly Workplace  (graded)
Do you consider your current or past workplace "family friendly?" For you, what key element makes a workplace "family friendly?"
week 6
 Social Power (graded)
If you saw an adult slapping a preschool child in a store that you were in, would you say anything? If so, who would you talk to and what would you say? 
 Interview (graded)
Ask a person if you could briefly interview him or her for a class assignment. Without disclosing names, explain the crisis and what transpired. There is no need to copy the questions. Interview Questions: Please tell me about a crisis that occurred in your family.
·         How long ago did that happen? Tell me about communication or lack of communication.
·         Did someone take control of the situation?
·         What decisions were made or not made?
week 7
 Stepfamilies (graded)
Various types of stepfamilies are described in the text. When a person remarries, there are differences from first unions with children and stepfamilies. Describe one of those differences and give an example. How would that factor affect stepfamily life?
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
Intergenerational Relations  (graded)
Has our modern mobile society weakened ties between generations in families, or has modern technology like Facebook and Skype brought distant families closer than ever?  homework
week 1
Answer the following questions. Identify each questions by chapter and number and write your responses after each.
·         Chapter 1 - Page 30 - Questions 2 and 4
·         Chapter 2 - Page 57 - Questions 1, 2 and 4
The grading rubric for this assignment can be found in Doc Sharing.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this Tutorial Dropbox Tutorial.
  week 7
Answer the following questions. Identify each questions by chapter and number and write your responses after each.
·         Chapter 12 -- Page 416 -- Question 1
·         Chapter 13 -- Page 444 -- Questions 1 & 3
·         Chapter 14 -- Page 475 -- Questions 3 & 4
Review the grading rubric for this assignment in Doc Sharing.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exa
you decide
Scenario Summary
Leonora and Joshua are having disagreements about Leonora returning to work after staying home with their child, Christa, who is now 3 months old.
There is constant rejection and retaliation as Leonora demonstrates anger by yelling at Joshua. Joshua continues expressing his opinions about the cost and care of day care centers and wants Leonora to wait until Christa is 5 years old and starts kindergarten. Leonora feels that if she is out of the workplace for 5 years it will be extremely difficult for her to re-enter and will have to start her career from the beginning and move backwards with salary and benefits. They both feel stress because of the economic pressures as well as freedom to continue the lifestyle that they were accustomed to before Christa arrived.
Your Assignment
Tension and conflict continue and this problem is unresolved. Your assignment is to apply concepts from the course material correctly toward solving family and relationship problems by using three different solutions to work through conflict in positive ways.
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SOCS315 Week 5 You Decide
Leonora and Joshua are having disagreements about Leonora returning to work after staying home with their child, Christa, who is now 3 months old. There is constant rejection and retaliation as Leonora demonstrates anger by yelling at Joshua. Joshua continues expressing his opinions about the cost and care of day care centers and wants Leonora to wait until Christa is 5 years old and starts kindergarten. Leonora feels that if she is out of the workplace for 5 years it will be extremely difficult for her to re-enter and will have to start her career from the beginning and move backwards with salary and benefits. They both feel stress because of the economic pressures as well as freedom to continue the lifestyle that they were accustomed to before Christa arrived.
Tension and conflict continue and this problem is unresolved. Your assignment is to work through this conflict in three positive ways by using the information from your readings and lecture. Under each positive solution, you must outline what both Leonora and Joshua needs to say or do to work through this problem.
JoshuaHusband LeonoraNew Mom
Given the scenario, your role and the information provided by the key players involved, it is time for you to make a decision. If you are finished reviewing this scenario, close this window and return to this week's You Decide item, in your course window, to complete the activity for this scenario. You can return and review this scenario again at any time.
Grading Rubric
3 points for each of the  solutions    Total 30
Demonstrate a strong grasp of the  problem at hand. Demonstrate understanding of how the course concepts apply  to the problem.    Apply concepts from the course material correctly toward solving family and  relationship problems by using three different solutions to work through  conflict in positive ways.
3 points for each of the  solutions    Total 30
Apply original thought to solve  the problem. Apply concepts from the course material correctly toward solving  family and relationship problems by using three different solutions to work  through conflict in positive ways. Identify potential problem issues and  communication issues, making recommendations, and drawing a conclusion  regarding the family.
Write your answers to the case study clearly and  succinctly using strong organization, proper spelling and grammar. Use  citations according to APA format.
A quality paper will meet or  exceed all of the above requirements.
Submit your lab to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates fo
  devry socs315 week 3 you decide latest 2015 spring
Scenario Summary
Marietta and Jeremy have been dating for the past 3 years. They got engaged 1 year ago and are planning their wedding. Marietta was born and raised in the Philippines, came to America about 5 years ago, and obtained citizenship 2 years ago. She has never been married before and has strong family ties and family values. Jeremy, was married for 5 years, has one child that is 6 years old, and his final divorce papers finally arrived after 4 years ago of long and difficult negotiations. He built his company and is financially stable because of all of his hard work and accomplishments. He loves Marietta, and doesn’t want to think about divorce, but his past experience has left him uneasy and not only has the financial loss been traumatic, but the fight for equal custody was strenuous, but declared in the final divorce settlement. He would like to put a pre-nuptial agreement together, but Marietta cannot understand the reasoning behind this agreement.
Your Assignment
Review the case study and assume the role of either Marietta or Jeremy. Write a 400 word essay explaining the reasoning behind your thoughts and actions.
·         Why do you want or not want to enter into this type of an agreement?
·         What are your fears?
·         What are your rights?
·         What are your concerns?
·         What would be the advantages or disadvantages of your decision?
Give examples and elaborate on your answers.
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SOCS315 Week 3 You Decide
Marietta and Jeremy have been dating for the past 3 years. They got engaged 1 year ago and are planning their wedding. Marietta was born and raised in the Philippines came to America about 5 years ago, and obtained citizenship 2 years ago. She has never been married before and has strong family ties and family values. Jeremy, was married for 5 years, has one child that is 6 years old, and his final divorce papers finally arrived after 4 years ago of long and difficult negotiations. He built his company and is financially stable because of all of his hard work and accomplishments. He loves Marietta, and doesn't want to think about divorce, but his past experience has left him uneasy and not only has the financial loss been traumatic, but the fight for equal custody was strenuous, but declared in the final divorce settlement. He would like to put a pre-nuptial agreement together, but Marietta cannot understand the reasoning behind this agreement.
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry SBE 420 Entire Course-Latest 2015 November
Devry SBE 420 Entire Course-Latest 2015 November
(All Discussion, Quizes, Cases , Assignments And Final)
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week 1
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, but there are many other entrepreneurs who we’ve never heard of because they failed in their ventures. What does the term entrepreneur mean to you? What characteristics do you think make a person a successful entrepreneur?
  Why is strategic planning important to a small company? What business strategies are available to small businesses?
week 3
 Preparing a Financial Plan
Why is preparing a financial plan so important? How do financial ratios fit into the preparation of a financial plan? 
 Cash Management
Why is cash management so important to a small business? How can a small company avoid a cash crunch?weekn 5Describe a source of equity financing, and discuss when this type of financing would be appropriate for a small business.  Dq2
Describe a source of debt financing, and discuss when this type of financing would be appropriate for a small business.
week 7
 Risk and Legal Issues (graded)
In your opinion, what is the greatest risk in owning and operating a small business? Explain.
 Insurance (graded)
Insurance can be a costly expense, especially for a company that isn’t profitable. Explain the different types of insurance that a small business can obtain, and identify which ones you think are crucial, which are not, and why.week 6week 6
 Supply Chain Management  (graded)
A purchasing plan can mean the difference between success and failure of a small business. Why is it important to develop a purchasing plan? What should be included in a purchasing plan?
 Small Business Administration  (graded)
Many people say that managing a small business is the worst part of owning a small business. Why do you think that is? If a new small business owner came to you and asked your advice on how to manage employees, what would you tell them? week 2
Feasibility Analysis (graded)
Describe one of the elements of a feasibility analysis. Describe why this element is an important part of the planning process.
Location, Location, Location  (graded)
Why do realtors always say location, location, location? Which do you think is the most important component in the sale or purchase of real estate?week 4
Building a Competitive Edge  (graded)
How does a company build a competitive edge, and why is this important for a small business?
 Marketing on the Internet  (graded)
What are the benefits of a small business marketing itself on the Internet? What are the disadvantages of a small business marketing itself on the Internet?
Case Study 6
Read the case study, Circle R Ranch, on page 814, and answer the four questions at the end of the case study. Summarize your answers in a Word document that is two-to-three pages in length and double spaced.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information
 Read Case Study 7 – James Confectioners – Part 2, page 819, and answer the three questions at the end of the case study.
Case 7 James Confectioners—Part 2
How can a small confectioner forecast cash flow?
Telford James and his wife Ivey, the second-generation owners of James Confectioners, a family-owned manufacturer of premium chocolates that was started by Telford's father, Frank, in 1964 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, have become increasingly concerned that turmoil in the banking and financial industries could have a negative impact on their business. They have read the headlines about bank closures, heightened government scrutiny of the banking industry, and tight credit conditions, especially for small businesses. The company has a $150,000 line of credit with Maple Leaf Bank, but the Jameses want to increase it to $250,000 as a precautionary move. Last week, they contacted Claudia Fernandes, their personal banker at Maple Leaf, about increasing their line of credit. Fernandes said that in addition to reviewing the James Confectioners' most recent balance sheet and income statement, she would need a cash flow forecast for the upcoming year.
Although Telford and Ivey have prepared budgets for James Confectioners and have analyzed their financial statements using ratio analysis, they have not created a cash flow forecast before. They expect sales to increase 6.2 percent next year to $4,139,213. Credit sales account for 96 percent of total sales, and the company's collection pattern for credit sales is 8 percent in the same month in which the sale is generated, 54 percent in the first month after the sale is generated, and 34 percent in the second month after the sale is generated. The Jameses have gathered the following estimates from their budget for the upcoming year:
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 The company's cash balance as of January 1 is $22,565. The interest rate on James Confectioners' current line of credit is 8.25 percent.
 1. Develop a monthly cash budget for James Confectioners for the upcoming year.
2. What recommendations can you offer Telford and Ivey James to improve their company's cash flow?
3. If you were Claudia Fernandes, the James's banker, would you be willing to increase the company's line of credit? Explain.
 quizes 2
(TCO 5) To ensure that a building will accommodate expansion plans, a new business should
 Question 2. Question :
(TCO 5) Originally created to encourage companies to locate in economically depressed areas, ________ offer tax breaks and federal tax breaks for hiring workers living in the immediate area.
 Question 3. Question :
(TCO 3) A competitive profile matrix
  Question 4. Question :
(TCO 3) Which of the following best expresses the relationship of a company vision to its mission?
 Question 5. Question :
(TCO 1) "Copreneurs" are
Question 6. Question :
 Question 7. Question :
(TCO 3) The second essential purpose for creating a business plan is
 Question 8. Question :
(TCO 5) Manufacturing layout decisions take into consideration
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 3) How is the strategic planning process for small companies different from that for large companies?
uestion 10. Question :
(TCO 3) The final step of the strategic planning process is
 SBE420 week 5 quiz
 Page 1
Question 1. 1. (TCO 8) One of the most important tasks facing an entrepreneur is: (Points : 4)
Question 2. 2. (TCO 8) Jane is arguing with Joan about how much cash on hand their small retail outlet needs, as they prepare their cash budget. Jane feels that with the Christmas season coming up, their busiest time, they need more cash handy. Joan feels they don't because their sales volume will be up significantly. Jane and Joan are discussing which step of the cash budgeting process? (Points : 4)
Question 3. 3. (TCO 9) The focus of the small company's marketing plan is: (Points : 4)
 Question 4. 4. (TCO 9) Market research answers what important question for the small business owner? (Points : 4)
 Question 5. 5. (TCO 9) Tami is developing an advertising strategy for her small business. The first step in this process is to: (Points 
Question 6. 6. (TCO 9) Which advertising medium offers the greatest ability to selectively target or tailor to a specific audience? (Points : 4)
 Question 7. 7. (TCO 9) As a benefit of selling on the Web for many small businesses, launching a website is the equivalent of opening a _____. (Points : 4)
Question 8. 8. (TCO 9) Before your website can become the foundation for a successful e-business, you must create it with your ________ in mind. (Points : 4)
 Question 9. 9. (TCO 7) When receiving investment money from friends and relatives, entrepreneurs should: (Points : 4)
 Question 10. 10. (TCO 7) Asset-based financing: (Points : 4)
week 7
Question 1. Question :
 (TCO 6) Research on the implementation of TQM programs shows that it takes ________ to completely implement a TQM program.
 Question 2. Question :
(TCO 6) The creation of a vendor certification program requires:
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 6) A number of organizational factors encourage employee theft including:
Question 4. Question :
 Question 5. Question :
Question 6. Question :
 Question 7. Question :
(TCO 2) A small fireworks manufacturer that shuts its plant down permanently because the risk of fire and the resulting losses are too great, is relying on a risk ________ strategy.
 Question 8. Question :
(TCO 2) A dentist or an attorney would buy malpractice insurance to transfer the risk of lawsuits. This is a type of ________ insurance.
 Question 9. Question :
 assignemnts'week 1 week 2 week 3
week 4
Video Review
 week 4
week 5
 week 6
week 7
Video Review
  SBE420 Week 7 Entrepreneur Interview
 Interview with an Entrepreneur
Assignment Guidelines
  DUE DATE: Midnight Sunday, the end of week 7.
 ASSIGNMENT: Visit a locally owned business and interview an entrepreneur. You may have to get on the telephone and make some calls or send some emails. Tell them that you are a college student and need 10 minutes of their time. People are almost always happy to help a student! Using the below sample questions as a guide, interview the entrepreneur asking questions from topics in this class. Summarize the results of your interview and relate the information received in the interview to what we have learned in the class in a 3-4 page paper (12-point, double spaced) using APA style and formatting. At the end of your paper, please give full contact information for your interviewee including name, company name, telephone and email address). No credit will be given without this information,
  Sample Interview Questions
 Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) Why is it important to know your firm's strengths and weaknesses? Why is it also important to know the opportunities and threats that exist in the external environment? (Points : 30)
  Question 2. 2. (TCO 2) Compare and contrast the three risk-management strategies: risk avoidance, risk anticipation, and risk transfer. Give an example of each. (Points : 30)
  Question 3. 3. (TCO 3) Describe each item that should be included in an executive summary of a business plan. Why is it important to keep the executive summary short? (Points : 30)
  Question 4. 4. (TCO 4) What is contractual capacity? Who cannot legally enter into a contract? Explain the concept of breach of contract. (Points : 30)
  Question 5. 5. (TCO 5) Describe the types of layouts that a retailer can use. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Give an example of each one. (Points : 30)
  Question 6. 6. (TCO 6) Explain why employees steal. How can a small business owner prevent stealing by its employees? (Points : 30)
  Question 7. 7. (TCO 7) What role do angels play in financing small companies? What and how do they tend to finance start-ups? What types of firms do they typically finance? (Points : 30)
  Question 8. 8. (TCO 8) What are some ways to trim overhead expenses in order to avoid a cash crunch? Explain how each way can reduce the cash requirements for a small business? (Points : 30)
 Question 9. 9. (TCO 9) What is relationship marketing? What are the four steps that are part of relationship marketing? (Points : 30)
  Question 10. 10. (TCO 10) What errors are common in a team-oriented environment? How can a manager ensure the team’s success? (Points : 30)
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry SBE 310 Complete Course-Latest 2015 December
Devry SBE 310 Complete Course-Latest 2015 December
All Discussion , Both You Decide And Course Project All 3 Parts)
   IF You Want To Purchase A+  Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load
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Question   week 1
 Entrepreneurship  (graded)
What do entrepreneurs do that distinguishes them from any other person involved in business? Why is it that personality characteristics may be good predictors of who will be a successful entrepreneur? 
 Entrepreneurial  Passion (graded)
Think of an activity that you love to do; it could be a personal interest or a hobby. How could you turn your passion for this activity into a business? What questions would you have to answer before you took this step? What triggering events in your personal life would it take for you to start this business?  week 2
Social  Responsibility and Stonyfield Farm (graded)
After watching the video on Stonyfield Farm answer this question: “The responsible thing to do is to identify and examine every potential for doing good and make some kind of investment there.” How has the company’s CEO set about to improve his company according to these words, and what remains to be done? 
  Investor  Decisions (graded)
You are an investor in small businesses, and you have three business plans on your desk. Choose one of the potential business owners listed. Explain why you think that would be the best bet for an investment. 1. A recent college grad, full of energy and ideas, but short on expertise. 2. A middle-management corporate refugee desiring a business of her own after frustration with bureaucratic red tape. 3. A serial entrepreneur who has previously started seven businesses (three of which were huge successes, whereas four failed, losing entire investments). week 3
Finagle a Bagel  (graded)
After watching the Finagle a Bagel video, answer the questions below. 1. What financial issues has growth created for Finagle a Bagel?  2. What does Alan mean when he says that the restaurant business is a great top-line business?  3. What does that have to do with the bottom line?
The Role of Angel  Investors (graded)
After reading the introductory lecture notes regarding angel investors, describe how an angel investor could assist in the financing of an upstart company. week 4
 Franchising  (graded)
Explain how a franchise could be considered a partnership. What makes a franchise agreement simpler than a partnership that you would start with another individual?
Sideline Business  (graded)
Many entrepreneurs test the waters of a market by starting a sideline business. What are the advantages and disadvantages of selling items on Internet auctions, such as eBay? week 5
Market  Segmentation (graded)
Segmentation is the process of breaking a population down into smaller groups and marketing to it. Is it possible for a small business to oversegment its market? How might that be dangerous?
 Single Product  Development Risks (graded)
Many small businesses are built around one product. What risks does this approach impose? How can small business owners minimize those risks?
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses. week 6
 Location Analysis  (graded)
Why should the small business owner consider the demographics of an area when choosing a location for opening a new business? Name some sources of demographic information that are valuable tools to use in this evaluation.
 Pricing Strategy  (graded)
What strategies should be considered if a small business is setting prices for a product that is to be exported? How are these strategies different from those used in a domestic market? week 7
 Hiring Friends  (graded)
As a young entrepreneur, you may soon be in the position of hiring one or more of your college friends in your own business. What are the advantages of hiring your friends? What are the potential pitfalls?
 Operations  Management at Various Company (graded)
After watching the video on operation management, answer these questions:  1. How has Finagle A Bagel used customization in its design decisions as a means of distinguishing its service and products? 2. What is materials requirement planning, and how can an organization use it to create its product?
 This section lists options that can be used to view responses.
You Decide
ScenarioYour RoleKey PlayersAssignment
In this scenario, you are the Vice President for Johnson Angel Investments, LLC and assistant to an angel investor, Joe Johnson, CEO Johnson Angel Investments, LLC. Joe Johnson made his fortune in the Internet space. He was an executive for a company that went public and he cashed in his options and is now worth over $100 million.
Your Role
You are the Vice President for Johnson Angel Investments, LLC. You have been hired by Mr. Johnson to help select investments and determine viability of business ideas.
Key Players
Ms. Samantha SmithCFO Johnson Angel Investments, LLC.Mr. Joe JohnsonCEO Johnson Angel Investments, LLC.
Given the scenario, your role and the information provided by the key players involved, it is time for you to make a decision. If you are finished reviewing this scenario, close this window and return to this Week's You Decide tab, in eCollege, to complete the activity for this scenario. You can return and review this scenario again at any time.
Assignment or Assignment
Create investment criteria for Mr. Johnson that will outline what his company will be willing to evaluate for investing. The criteria will be created by you, which will be posted on the website to be seen by entrepreneurs.
Here are some examples of criteria, but not limited to the following.
·         Development Stage: What stage does your investor prefer (concept, idea, break-even)?
·         Geographic Location: Location the investor prefers.
·         Industry: The industry your investor prefers.
·         Revenue: Outline the level of profit you want the company to show.
·         Return on Investor (ROI) Desired: The amount of ROI you desire.
·         Technology Focus: The focus of the entrepreneurs' technology (i.e., biomedical, Internet, etc.).
·         Management: Level of experience you desire from the management team.
·         Sustainable Competitive Advantage: A demonstration of the competitive advantage.
·         Exit Strategy: The exit strategy your investor prefers.
·         Size of Market: The size of the marketplace that you prefer.
·         Size of Investment: The range of the investment your investor is willing to disperse.
·         Proof of Concept: A list of sales and a prototype required.
Your proposal should be 2-3 pages in length with a detailed list of your criteria and explanations for the criteria.
Grading Rubric
Demonstrate a strong grasp of the problem. Demonstrate  understanding of how the course concepts apply to the problem. Be sure to  include the basic concepts and criteria required by the owner and CFO. Show  creativity with the assignment and outline interesting ways to create the  proposal.
Develop a detailed outline of your criteria. Provide  details on angel investor requirements. A simple list of the criteria will  not work. A demonstration of research outside of the course work will be  evaluated; did you find criteria that is not explained in the details?
Write your answer clearly and succinctly using strong  organization and proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Follow APA  formatting standards.
A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above  requirements.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions.
(See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due dates.)
       Your Assignment
You are an entrepreneur that wants to be funded by Rollins Incubator, Inc. You have an outstanding idea that needs funding and you feel that bringing your idea to an incubator would increase your chances of success.
You have contacted Janet Rodgers, the Vice President of Business Development of Rollins Incubator, Inc., and she told you that you will have 5 minutes with the Michael Rollins, the CEO of Rollins Incubator, Inc.
Key Players
You Decide
ScenarioYour RoleKey PlayersAssignment
As outlined in the lecture this week, an incubator is a large firm that nurtures many companies and invests in business ideas. Incubators provide support in many ways and you would like to submit your idea to Rollins Incubator, Inc. in order to benefit from their management and financial support.
Your Role
You are an entrepreneur that wants to be funded by Rollins Incubator, Inc. You have an outstanding idea that needs funding and you feel that bringing your idea to an incubator would increase your chances of success. You have contacted the Janet Rodgers, Vice President of Business Development of Rollins Incubator, Inc., and she told you that you will have 5 minutes with the Michael Rollins, the CEO of Rollins Incubator, Inc.
Key Players
Janet RodgersVP Business Development Rollins Incubator, Inc.Michael RollinsCEO Rollins Incubator, Inc.
Given the scenario, your role and the information provided by the key players involved, it is time for you to make a decision. If you are finished reviewing this scenario, close this window and return to this Week's You Decide tab, in eCollege, to complete the activity for this scenario. You can return and review this scenario again at any time.
Activity or Assignment
Develop a 12-slide PowerPoint presentation to pitch your idea to Mr. Rollins. Your slideshow must be succinct, compelling, and should include the following elements.
1.     Slide 1: State your company name and motto, with a tagline and a date.
2.     Slide 2: Review business proposition, what will your business create?
3.     Slide 4: Share your objective, how much money do you need, and why you are here?
4.     Slide 3: Review technology platforms you intend to use.
5.     Slide 5: Provide current market review; detail the market; how big is the market?
6.     Slide 6: Provide forecast for current market.
7.     Slide 7: Market competition, who do you sell the product to and how big is that market?
8.     Slide 8: Review business model drivers, what makes you unique from the competition?
9.     Slide 9: Review potential risks.
10.   Slide 10: Review the management team with whom you will partner, including yourself.
11.   Slide 11: Financials; basic revenues and costs, and profits in a 3 to 5 year term.
12.   Slide 12: Amount of money needed to fund your idea, with a basic breakdown of where the money will go.
Be sure to use the Notes section of the PowerPoint to highlight your presentation information. Keep these notes succinct as well.
Grading Rubric
Demonstrate a strong substantiation of your idea. Demonstrate  understanding of how the course concepts apply to the idea. Be sure to  include the basic concepts and criteria required by the CEO. Your idea must  be compelling and creative.
Develop high-level concepts and outline for your idea. Be  sure to include all the elements required when presenting a business plan.  The elements and slides that are required have been presented to you in the  You Decide audio section, be sure to listen carefully, so you will be able to  create your slides effectively. Ensure that you utilize the Notes section to  outline any specifics you would talk about in your presentation.
Make sure your slideshow is clear and succinct using  strong organization and proper grammar. Use citations correctly. There will  be an automatic 10-point deduction for any presentation over 12 slides.
A quality slideshow will meet or exceed all of the above  requirements.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox, located at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions.
(See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for du
Part 1: Entrepreneur Interview Paper
Locate a local entrepreneur to interview and write a reflection paper on your chosen person. You are required to submit a one-page biography of your entrepreneur in Week 3 that is worth 20 points. It is important: Be sure to start this assignment as soon as possible to insure that you find a suitable entrepreneur.
The purpose of this paper is to interview a local entrepreneur in order to develop insights into the world of entrepreneurship. At the end of the process, you will need to take the information and reflect upon the challenges and the rewards of being an entrepreneur.
·         What type of person becomes this type of risk taker?
·         What challenges did he or she face and overcome?
·         What failures did this person have?
·         How many companies has he or she started?
·         How successful is he or she?
·         Why is this person successful?
·         Why did he or she become an entrepreneur?
·         What is this person's measure of success?
·         What did you learn about entrepreneurship from this interview?
This paper should focus on these types of questions but should not be limited to just the ones listed above. Get creative and get into the idea that you need to learn from this person so that you can better understand the challenges this business choice offers.
·         The biography paper must be no more than one page; you will turn this into the dropbox at the end of Week 3.
·         You must follow APA formatting guidelines.
·         Although this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. You must reference your interviewee. Be sure to look up how to cite an interview in APA style.
·         All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy.
·         Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A discussion topic.
·         During Weeks 1 through 3, select a person and conduct an interview. Decide who you are going to interview for the project, make arrangements for the interview, and conduct the interview.
·         In Week 3, submit an entrepreneur biography. In Week 3, you are required to submit a one-page biography in the dropbox.
Frequently Asked Questions
1.     I do not know anyone who is an entrepreneur or owns a small business. What do I do?
Find someone who owns a business (or who has owned a business in the past) in any industry, anywhere. You may have to get on the phone and make some calls. Tell him or her you are a college student and need approximately 30 minutes of his or her time. People are almost always happy to help a student. Have a backup in case your first choice for an interview has a conflict at the last minute. Conflicts and conciliation can happen, so it is best to be prepared.
2.     Do I have to do an interview?
Yes, a personal or phone interview with another person is required. Full contact information for the source should be provided in your paper for verification purposes.
3.     I do this work for my company, can I just talk about my experience?
No, see question 2 above.
4.     How do I cite a personal interview as a source reference?
See the APA Tutorial in the course Syllabus.
Grading Rubric:
Background Information
Ensure that you have a complete background of your  entrepreneur. Key elements include company name, start date of company, key  historic moments in company, and basic information on entrepreneur.
Grammar and Spelling
Insure your paper is well written. Grammar, spelling, and  punctuation should be correct.
Organization and Cohesiveness
The paper is organized, and it tells the story of the  entrepreneur. Writing is at the college level.
A quality paper will meet or  exceed all of the above requirements.
Part 2: Entrepreneur Reflection Paper
Expand upon the entrepreneur interview, and write a reflection paper on your chosen person. The entrepreneur reflection paper is worth 150 points and is due in Week 5. The purpose of this paper is to take the information from the interview and reflect upon the challenges and rewards of being an entrepreneur.
·         The paper must be 4 - 5 pages in length.
·         You must follow APA formatting.
·         Include a table of contents.
·         Even though this is not a scientific-type writing assignment and is mostly creative in nature, references are still very important. You must reference your interviewee. Be sure to look up how to cite an interview in APA style.
·         All DeVry University policies are in effect including the plagiarism policy.
·         Papers are due during Week 5 of this course and should be submitted to the dropbox.
·         Any questions about this paper may be discussed in the weekly Q & A discussion topic.
·         This paper is worth 150 total points and will be graded on quality of research topic, quality of paper information, use of citations, grammar, and sentence structure.
·         During Week 5, write and submit your entrepreneur reflection paper. In Week 5, you will finish writing your paper (see next section). For APA format guidelines, please refer to the APA Tutorial in the Syllabus. Insure that the body of your paper, excluding cover page and sources, exceeds the minimum and that all of the assignment requirements have been met.
Best Practices
·         Cover Page:Include who you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
·         Table of Contents:List the main ideas and section of your paper and the pages where they are located. The illustrations should be included separately.
·         Introduction:Use a header on your paper. It will indicate that you are introducing your paper.
The purpose of an introduction or opening is to
·         introduce the subject and why the subject is important;
·         preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered; and
·         establish the tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
·         Body of Your Report:Use a header titled with the name of your project (e.g., “The Development of Hotel X - A World Class Resort”). Then proceed to break out the main ideas: state the main ideas, state major points in each idea, and provide evidence. Break out each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division such as separate sections that are labeled, separate group of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
·         Summary and Conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but summarizing presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report; minor details are left out. Summarize the benefits of the ideas and how they affect the tourism industry.
·         Work Cited: Use the citation format as specified in the Syllabus.
Grading Rubric:
What insights have you gained from your interview? What  did you learn from your entrepreneur?
How did you interpret the message from the entrepreneur  with what you have learned so far in class? (How would you apply theories  reviewed in class?) How was the information analyzed? What was the message of  your interview?
Overall Organization
Was the paper organized, and did it tell the story of the  entrepreneur and your findings? The overall paper should be cohesive and tell  a story. How complete was the paper?
A quality paper will meet or  exceed all of the above requirements.
Part 3: Entrepreneur Research Paper
You will write an extensive research paper on an entrepreneurship failure. As you may be aware, 80% of all small businesses fail within the first five years (50% in the first year). Your research paper must answer the following question: Why does this failure happen, and how can it be avoided? You will need to research a small business or use your entrepreneur that you interviewed to learn about failure. The paper will have three sections.
·         Failure Introduction: Your first 2 pages should be a background of the failed business. What was the business? Who were their competitors? What was their mission or business vision? When did the business start and then fail?
·         Reason for Failure: This section (2 pages) requires your insights and will be a large part of your grade. You must describe why the business failed. There are many reasons small companies fail, and you should do some basic research (hint – some scholarly research is required here) to determine the common causes and then compare this research to your company.
·         Your Analysis: The last section (2 pages) should be what could have been done, in your opinion and based on the knowledge you received in class (another hint – more scholarly research could be used here), to avert the failure. Could the entrepreneur have planned better? Was the idea sound but the implementation poor? Simply put, as the observer after the fact, how could this business have survived?
It is important: Do not write 5 pages on the company and save the last page for the reason and analysis. Please use the guidelines above to ensure that you maximize your effort on this project.
Remember, the point of this research project is for you to evaluate a failure, determine the causes of the failure, and introduce a way the failure could have been averted. This project will give you some insight for your own potential business idea and help you avoid some of the mistakes others have made. As stated above, failure is common in small business; conduct some solid research on this project to identify the risks, so you can create mitigation techniques to increase your chances of success when you venture out with your plan!
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry PSYC 110 Complete Course-Latest 2015 December
Devry PSYC 110 Complete Course-Latest 2015 December
(All Discussions All Prelab And Post Lab And Midterm)
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week 1
 Psychological  Research (graded)
The text gives seven major perspectives in modern psychology. These perspectives are based on observations of how people think, feel, and act. Select a perspective that you think best explains human behavior and evaluate it for strengths and weaknesses.
week 1 diss 2
 Biological  Foundations (graded)
An ongoing debate continues on the influence of nature and nurture on human behavior. If you had to argue that either genetics (nature) or environment (nurture) has the greater impact on human development, which would you pick and why?
week 2
 Sensation  and Perception (graded)
Sensation and perception are two different processes. Does sensory stimulus shape our perceptions? Do our perceptions misinterpret our sensations? How does that happen?
 Consciousness  (graded)
How important is sleep to your overall functioning throughout the day? What are you doing to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep?
week 3
 Learning  (graded)
After you have read about the theories of learning, reflect on how you learned as a child. What methods did your parents use to teach you how to act? Was it through classical conditioning? What about operant conditioning and social learning theory? Which theory had the biggest impact? Why? Give an example and state how it has impacted the person you are today.
 Memory and  Intelligence (graded)
We all seem to want a good memory (What are my coworkers names? Where did I leave my computer? What day was I supposed to submit that proposal to my boss?). These might be typical memory issues. After reading about memory and intelligence, what is your most valuable tip for the class in improving your ability to remember things?
week 4
 Motivation and Emotion (graded)
 From your reading, you have seen that there are several theories of motivation. You may also sense that some of the theories may not specifically apply to you. Given that introduction, which theory of motivation is the best fit for describing your behavior?
diss 2
Theories of Personality (graded)
 Theories of personality are based on observations of how humans develop behavior patterns. Psychological testing assumes there are certain fixed aspects of human personality and those aspects can be identified through standardized measurements. As part of your application for a position, you may be administered one of these tests to determine if you are a good fit for the company. The Big Five personality trait assessment is in your Webliography. Take this assessment and comment on (1) its accuracy for you and (2) which of those traits may change over time.
week 5
 Physical, Cognitive and Social Development (graded)
 Human development is a process in which there are various cognitive, physical, social, and emotional milestones from conception to death, all of which require mastery. Our discussion begins with an exploration of physical development. All stages are essential for development, however, if you had to rank the importance of these physical stages, which would you rank as most important? Please provide an explanation to support your answer.
 Sexuality and Gender (graded)
 Understanding sexuality varies from culture to culture, yet there are basic biological, cognitive, and emotional components in sexuality and sexual development. A good starting point in understanding our topic this week will be to explore the issues of sexual identity and gender role. What is the difference between the two and what are some examples of sexual identity and gender roles?
week 6
Stress (graded)
 We are exploring the nature of stress, its effect on human functioning, and techniques to minimize stress. What is the biggest source of stress you have in your life? What is the most effective technique you have used to handle it?
 Social Psychology (graded)
 Why is it that some people will blame others for their misfortunes yet excuse themselves of responsibility when they fail? Explain the fundamental attribution error and the self-serving bias and offer some suggestions as to how to avoid those errors.
week 7
 Psychological Disorders (graded)
 Despite the best efforts of psychologists, psychiatrists, and medical researchers, psychological disorders appear to be as prevalent today as they ever were—if not more so. What might be the cause of this phenomenon? Inadequate genetic makeup? Inadequate parenting? Inadequate social structures? What is different in our culture today than in previous generations? Please provide support for your opinion.
Please respond to the follow two (2) questions:
 1. What is abnormality? Before we explore how views of abnormality and mental illness have changed throughout history, take a moment to reflect on your own beliefs in the experiment, Are You Normal? Click on MyPsychLab, then click on MyPsychLab Simulation and complete the survey entitled “Are You Normal?” This survey asks you about your attitudes towards and experiences with mental disorders and their symptoms. Discuss your results. Are your views much different then you originally thought?
2. How has mental illness been explained in the past and how is abnormal behavior and thinking defined today?
Ciccarelli, S.K., & White, J.N., (2015). Psychology, Fourth Edition, Pearson Publishing
 Theories of Therapy (graded)
 At some point in your life you may think you need therapy. At some point in your life, you may think a coworker or a family member needs therapy. Should you find yourself in that situation, which type of therapy would you recommend for another person or yourself: psychoanalysis, cognitive, humanistic, group, behavioral, or biomedical (medication or surgery)? Why? (If you would recommend no treatment for yourself or a coworker, please explain your rationale for this.)
1. How do you take care of your mental health? Before we explore psychological therapies, take a moment to complete the experiment,How Do You Take Care of Your Mental Health? Click on MyPsychLab, then click on MyPsychLab Simulation and complete the survey entitled “How Do You Take Care of Your Mental Health?” This survey asks you about your attitudes towards and experiences with taking care of your mental health?
2. How have psychological disorders been treated throughout history, and what are two modern ways they are treated today?
Ciccarelli, S.K., & White, J.N., (2015). Psychology, Fourth Edition, Pearson Publishing
(TCOs 1, 2) Participants in research early in psychology’s history might have been asked to view a chair and describe its color, shape, texture, and other aspects of their conscious experience. These individuals would have been using a method called
 objective introspection.
 Question 2. Question : (TCO 4) As part of a psychology experiment, Brett decides to measure a person’s “anxiety” by noting the number of blinks a person makes in a 20-minute social interaction with a stranger. Brett appears to have offered a(n) _____ of anxiety.
 operational definition
 Points Received: 2 of 2
  Question 3. Question : (TCOs 2, 3) Marta was in an automobile accident and suffered an injury to her brain, resulting in the paralysis of her left arm. What part of Marta’s brain was injured?
 Auditory association area
 Motor cortex
 Association areas
 Somatosensory cortex
 Question 4. Question : (TCOs 2, 3) A group of axons bundled together coated in myelin that travels together through the body is called a
 synaptic vesicle.
 myelinated pathway.
  Question 5. Question : (TCOs 2, 3) _____ are holes in the surface of the dendrites, or certain cells of the muscles and glands that are shaped to fit only certain neurotransmitters.
 Synaptic vesicles
 Receptor sites
  Question 6. Question : (TCO 4) Which of the following phenomena is a function of the distribution of the rods and cones in the retina?
 The moon looks much larger near the horizon than it looks when it is higher in the sky.
The light from distant stars moving rapidly away from us is shifted toward the red end of the spectrum.
Stars can be seen only with difficulty during the daytime.
 A dim star viewed at night may disappear when you look directly at it, but reappear when you look to one side of it.
Instructor Explanation: Cones are at the center of the retina and do not function well at night, but rods, located on the periphery of the retina, see well in dim light. Chapter 3, pages 98–99.
 Question 7. Question : ( TCO 4) What are the five primary tastes?
 Hot, sour, spicy, sweet, origami
 Salty, sour, spicy, sweet, tart
 Bitter, salty, sour, sweet, umami
 Peppery, salty, sour, sweet, acidic
  Question 8. Question : (TCO 4) Suppose your town is located in a valley. Obviously, you’ll realize that the size of your town doesn’t change regardless of whether you look at it up close or from a hilltop. This is primarily due to
 size constancy.
 color constancy.
 retinal disparity.
 Question 9. Question : (TCO 5) Sid is taking part in research on the effects of sleep deprivation; he has been without sleep for 75 hours. Right now, researchers have asked him to sit in front of a computer screen and hit a button each time he sees the letter S on the screen. A few days ago, Sid was a whiz at this task; however, he is doing very poorly today. How are sleep researchers likely to explain Sid’s poor performance?
 Due to the sleep deprivation, Sid does not understand the task.
Microsleeps are occurring due to the sleep deprivation and he is asleep for brief periods of time.
He is determined to ruin the research because of the suffering he is enduring at the hands of the researchers.
He is probably dreaming that he is somewhere else and has no interest in responding to the “here and now.”
Instructor Explanation: Microsleeps occur, causing a block-out during that time. Chapter 4, page 140.
 Question 10. Question : (TCO 5) You are telling a joke to your friend, who is laughing uproariously and then suddenly collapses to the floor. You are not surprised to later learn that he has a sleep disorder known as ¬¬¬
 sleep terror.
 daytime insomnia.
  Question 11. Question : (TCO 5) How does the activation-synthesis hypothesis explain dreaming?
 the surfacing of repressed sexual urges
 biological attempts to make recent memories more permanent
 the cortex making sense of signals from the brain stem
 the use of elaborate symbolism to disguise “unthinkable” topics
  Question 12. Question : (TCOs 7, 8) Sue noticed that whenever she opened the door to the pantry, her dog would come into the kitchen and act hungry by drooling and whining. She thought that because the dog food was stored in the pantry, the sound of the door had become a(n)
 unconditioned stimulus.
 conditioned stimulus.
 unconditioned response.
 conditioned response.
 Question 13. Question : (TCOs 7, 8) Bill hates to clean up after dinner. One night, he volunteers to bathe the dog before cleaning up. When he finishes with the dog and returns to the kitchen, his wife has cleaned everything up for him. Which of the following statements is most likely true?
 Bill will start cleaning up the kitchen before he bathes the dog.
Bill’s wife has positively reinforced him for bathing the dog.
 Bill’s wife has negatively reinforced him for bathing the dog.
 Bill will never bathe the dog again.
  (TCOs 7, 8) A young child watches her mother make pancakes. She wants to please her mother so she pays attention. However, when she goes to make them on her own, she can’t break the eggs for the batter without making a terrible mess and dropping them on the floor, no matter how hard she tries. Her attempt failed because of a problem with which part of the necessary components for observational learning?
 Question 2. Question : (TCO 7) Suzy looks up from her lunch, realizing that Jacques has just said something to her. What was it? Oh, yes, he has just asked her if she wants to go to the movies. Suzy’s ability to retrieve what Jacques said is due to her
 iconic sensory memory.
 echoic sensory memory.
 short-term memory.
 tactile sensory memory.
 Question 3. Question : (TCO 7) Adrianna is trying to memorize the names of the bones in the hand. She had gone through a list of them when her phone rang. After she gets off the phone, she is MOST likely to remember the first few bone names because of the
 elaboration effect.
 recency effect.
 primacy effect.
 maintenance effect.
 Question 4. Question : (TCO 7) Moishe can remember only the first two items and the last two items on the grocery list that his wife just read to him over the phone. The other five items in between are gone. This is an example of the
 encoding specificity effect.
 serial position effect.
 TOT effect.
 reintegrative effect.
 Question 5. Question : (TCO 8) Sally is enrolled in a high school geometry course, which she describes as “drawing figures and figuring drawings.” In a typical class, students draw geometric figures and use a formula to calculate an aspect of the figure, such as its area. Each time Sally uses a formula, she is making use of what psychologists call
   Top of Form
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry NR 500 Entire Course-Latest 2015 November
Devry NR 500 Entire Course-Latest 2015 November
(All dDiscussions And All Assignments)
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Questionweek 1 Strategies for Success in the Online Learning Environment (graded)
Identify barriers to success in the online learning environment and the strategies to overcome the barriers. Please cite the sources used to support your response.
  Scholarly Discussion (graded)
What are the principles of scholarly discussion in an online environment? How does this differ from a social network? Please cite the sources used to support your response.
week 2 Scholarly Writing (graded)
Where do you find scholarly articles that you read on a regular basis? Search a scholarly database such as CINAHL, which is available in the CCN online library. Choose a topic of interest to you and your practice and find a scholarly article. Write a short paragraph about what you learned in the article and include a properly formatted citation in APA format.
 diss 2
 Scholarly Databases vs. Websites (graded)
What is the difference between a scholarly database and a website? How do you know if a website is credible?
Identifying Scholarly Resources (graded)
Identify a topic of interest related to your area of practice. Perform a search in two scholarly databases for an article that is relevant to that topic. Share the name, URL, and a brief description of the two databases you located. Do not report on MEDLINE or CINAHL, as they are already well known. What databases did you select? Why?
   Conducting a Library Search (graded)
The choice of Boolean terminology can markedly affect your search returns. Select a topic related to your area of practice, and select two scholarly databases to find information on the topic. Describe the search. What key words did you use? How many articles did your initial search yield? How did you narrow or expand the search? How many articles did you find once you narrowed or expanded the search? Summarize the results from the search.
 week 4
Evidence-Based Practice (graded)
Share what evidence-based practice means to you (EBP) and describe how EBP is used in your practice setting.
 PICO (T) (graded)
The PICO (T) format is a way to develop a clinical question that lends itself to searching for evidence. Select a common nursing practice (e.g., wound care management) in your clinical setting and formulate a PICO question. Once you have formulated your question, conduct a library search and locate one scholarly article that addresses the topic you have selected. Post your clinical question in the TD, explain the PICO(T) elements, and provide a full reference of the article you selected.
week 5 Descriptive Statistics (graded)
Read the assigned research article for this week. Identify the descriptive statistics that are reported in the article. How can a nurse leader use descriptive statistics to justify a course of action? What descriptive statistics do you routinely use in your practice?
  Clinical Significance (graded)
Explore these issues on the Internet and through other resources. Share what you find out on these topics:
·         Confidence Intervals: Why are they useful in helping to determine clinical significance?
·         There are many controversies surrounding the issue of clinical significance vs. statistical significance. Identify one of them and summarize it. Finish with your opinion about the controversy.
week 6 AACN Essentials of Master's Education (graded)
Compare and contrast the AACN Essentials of Master’s Education with the CCN mission, philosophy, and MSN Program Outcomes.
  Critical Thinking (graded)
How does one demonstrate the concept of critical thinking in relation to the various roles of the professional nurse?
  week 7
 Professional Communication (graded)
Discuss ways that the professional nurse can use information technology to disseminate knowledge in the practice setting.
  Creating a Professional Presentation (graded)
Think about good and not-so-good professional presentations that you have attended in the past. Give an example of what made an effective presentation. Give another example of what detracted from their ability to deliver a message to the audience.
week 8 What Did You Learn (graded)
Reflecting on this course, consider and answer the following questions: How do you envision using the AACN essentials learned in this course in your future graduate course work? How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice?
Which of the following would be the correct reference format with doi for
Which of the following would be the correct reference format with doi for this article by Leeman & Sandelwoski (2012)?
 Authors: Jennifer Leeman, DrPH, MDiv; Margarete Sandelwoski, PhD., RN, FANN
Title of article: Practice-Based Evidence and Qualitative Inquiry
Journal: Journal of Nursing Scholarship
Year of Publication: 2012, Volume 44, Issue 2, pp. 171–179
 Question 2. Question : In the above-referenced article, on page 175, the authors state that qualitative research can be used 
Question 3. Question : Which of the following references is correct for this article from the NIH website (www.nih.gov)?
 Question 4. Question :
 Question 5. Question :
  Question 6. Question :
 Question 7. Question :
 Question 8. Question :
 Question 9. Question :
Question 10. Question :
 Question 11. Question :
 Question 12. Question :
 Question 13. Question :
  Question 14. Question :
  Question 15. Question :
 Question 16. Question :
 Question 17. Question :
 Question 18. Question :
 Question 19. Question :
 Question 20. Question :
 Question 21. Question :
When including page numbers on your written work, where should the number appear?
 Question 22. Question :
As you are writing a paper in APA 6th ed. format, you are uncertain about some of the formatting and use of citations, quotation marks, tables, appendices, and so forth. Where can you find more information to help answer your question?
The CCN Librarian
APA Resources under Doc Sharing
American Psychological Writing Style under Webliography
Purdue OWL under Webliography
Writing Source under Student Resources
All except contacting the librarian.
week 3
Evaluating a Website for Credibility
Guidelines with Grading Rubric
 Preparing the paper
After selecting a website with the domain of .org or .gov, evaluate the website in the body of a scholarly paper. Include a minimum of two (2) scholarly references published within the past 5 years that support how you determined that the website is credible.
Once the paper is completed, submit the paper to Turnitin, which is integrated in the course Dropbox.
An explanation of the assignment criteria is provided in the following table:
Provides an introduction to the  website, including all 6 required elements
Evaluates the website using all  five criteria
Discusses empirical evidence to  support evaluation
Discusses ways the website is  applicable to nursing practice
Summarizes content in concluding  statements
Text, title page, citations, and  references consistent with APA 6th edition format
Ideas and information are cited  correctly.
Grammar, spelling, word usage,  and punctuation are consistent with rules for formal written work.
A quality assignment will  meet or exceed all of the above requirements.
week 5
Evidence-Based Practice Assignment -
Searchable Clinical Questions Form
DIRECTIONS: Please read the Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Rubric located in Doc Sharing, for instructions on how to complete this form.
Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question, using the PICO (T) format. Please type the question here:
 2. Identify the PICO (T) Terms:
Go to MEDLINE at http://www.pubmed.gov and conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below:
Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes
Go to the Chamberlain Library at http://www.chamberlain.edu/library and enter EBSCO. Conduct a search on your clinical question. Please type your search history in the table below:
Search Number P I C O T # of Results Notes
 Evidence-Based Practice Assignment -  Searchable Clinical Questions
Guidelines with Grading Rubric
 Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 5.
Total Points Possible: 140
1.      Select a health-related topic applicable to your practice setting and formulate a clinical question using the PICO (T) format.
2.       Identify key terms that you will use to search the literature, based on the PICO (T) elements.
3.       Search for information on your formulated clinical question in each of these three databases: PubMed, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), and The Joanna Briggs Institute database.
4.       Present the results of the searches in the tables provided in the Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form found in Doc Sharing. Although the worksheet is provided, you may need to add additional rows to the grid in order to accommodate your search results. Be sure to include all of your steps in the Notes column.
5.       Submit the form to the Dropbox by the due date.
 Preparing the paper
1. In Doc Sharing, you will find the Week 5 Evidence-Based Practice Searchable Clinical Questions Form. This is the form to be used to submit the assignment. No other paper is required for this assignment. Although this form is provided for this assignment, you may need to add additional rows to the grid to accommodate your search results.
2. Below, you will find an example of how to complete the form as you are doing each search.
3. The Notes section is to be completed in detail as each step of the search is undertaken. Be sure to include all of the steps you used.
4. An optimal range of 10–20 scholarly articles is to be achieved for each search. This may require performing a combination of Boolean terms in order to achieve the optimal range. If this is not possible, a detailed explanation is to be included in the Notes section. Points will be deducted if you do not perform enough of a search to arrive at the optimal range.
Example: PubMed
Clinical Question: In patients with muscle spasms, is relaxation as good as anti-spasmodic medication in reducing the incidence of muscle spasms?*
The PICO (T) elements are:
P = patients with muscle spasms
I = anti-spasmodic medication
C= relaxation
O = reducing incidence of muscle spasms
 Search Number
# of Results
Patients with muscle spasms
         week 7
Master’s-Prepared Role Electronic Presentation
 Due Date:Sunday 11:59 p.m. (MT) at the end of Week 7.
Total Points Possible: 215
 Preparing the paper
1. This is a PowerPoint presentation.
2. Review the Creating a Professional Presentation located in Doc Sharing.
3. This presentation is to focus on the specific role you have chosen in the MSN program (e.g., educator, executive, informatics, health policy, FNP) and identify the AACN Essentials that are applicable to your specific role.
 Top of Form
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry NR 447 Entire Course-Latest 2015 october
Devry NR 447 Entire Course-Latest 2015 october
All Week Discussion And All Assignments
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 Devry NR447 Week 1 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October Discussion 1
Review the Huston (2010) article listed under reading assignments. Which skills described for the Nurse Leader in the year 2020 are important now? Explain your rationale and provide an example from your practice setting (or from your prelicensure program) to support it.
Huston, C. (2010). What skills will the nurse leaders of 2020 need? (2010). Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 16(6), 14–15.
  Discussion 2
 Note: There are three parts to this discussion.
 Healthcare Reform is a term that is ever present in our practice settings and will not disappear any time soon.
1) Share with the class implementation of the Affordable Care Act in your organization. (If you are not working as a nurse, think about what was happening when you were a pre-licensure student).
2) How did your fellow healthcare workers react to implementation of the ACA?
3) How were citizens in your community impacted?
   Devry NR447 Week 2 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
 Discussion 1
 The implementation of the Affordable Care Act means that many more citizens now have access to healthcare. However, some still “fall through the cracks.” Describe the role of the Nurse Leader (any one of us) when uninsured or under-insured patients present for care.
What is the policy where you work?
 Discussion 2
 The process of delegation has been referred to as “legal dynamite.” Please share an example of delegation that was not appropriate. Where did it go wrong and why?
Devry NR447 Week 3 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October Discussion 1
Keep in mind that completing this TD is the key to assisting you with the Week 4 Assignment, My Leadership Development SMART Goal. Use the format below to develop a leadership SMART goal for YOURSELF, not your organization or department. The goal needs to be related to ONE of the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) quality initiative, which includes five core healthcare profession competencies. However, your assignment focuses on only two of the initiatives. These are Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams. One of these competencies will serve as a framework for identification of your leadership goal. NOTE: Your two choices are Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams.
SMART Goal Format:  S—Specific (Who, besides YOU is involved in your goal, what is YOUR goal, and where will it take place?) M—Measurable (How are YOU going to achieve the goal?) A—Attainable (What resources and/or experts are available to assist YOU with attaining your goal?) R—Realistic (Is YOUR goal something that is realistically obtainable by YOU in YOUR professional practice? Explain.) T—Time bound (What specific dates or weeks will YOU accomplish each task related to YOUR leadership goal?)
Again, this goal is about YOUR leadership development…not a SMART goal for your department or the organization for which you work.  Your instructor will give you specific feedback about your Goal as preparation for the My Leadership SMART Goal assignment, which is due Week 4. Discussion 2
Decision making, change and strategic planning are all important in today’s healthcare settings. Explain which is more relevant and support the explanation with an example. Also consider the following:
·         Should change lead to strategic planning?
·         Should strategic planning lead to change?
    Devry NR447 Week 4 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
  Discussion 1
 Review the Article:
Kramer, M., Schmalenberg, C., Maguire, P., Brewer, B., Burke, R., Chmielewski, L., … Meeks-Sjostrom, D. (2009). Walk the talk: Promoting control of nursing practice and a patient-centered culture. Critical Care Nurse, 29(3), 77–93. Click to retrieve.
Achieving ANCC Magnet status is important to many facilities throughout the country. Explain why shared governance has played a key role in implementing the concepts of patient-centered care.
  Discussion 2
It is vitally important that nurses are aware of other cultures as they collaborate with a diverse work force as well as patients and their families. Assume you are Masaya’s preceptor. What leadership skills should you model to assist Masaya and your fellow coworkers with his acceptance into the work-group/team based on what you discover by watching the video (link is below).
  Discussion 1
 There are two components to this topic. Please address each component in your response.
1.     Collaboration is a term that has been used throughout the lesson. Cite an example from your practice experiences or your prelicensure clinical experiences of how teamwork could have been improved with collaboration.
2.     Should the registered nurse be the leader in coordinating a patient’s plan of care? What are the advantages to such a model?
Discussion 2 The Four C’s for Leaders (graded)
At times the needs of our families conflict with our work responsibilities. Could this possible be the underlying issue here? Explain the communication skills displayed in the scenario. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate those of the leader? How might the communication skills have been improved? Please review the video to learn more about the issue.
 Devry NR447 Week 6 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
Discussion 1
The concept of Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) may not be one with which “seasoned nurses” are familiar. Assume you are the newly appointed Nursing Leader in a busy Orthopedic Clinic. Explain how you would educate the entire nursing staff on EBP without “offending” the “seasoned” nurses. What interpersonal and communication skills would be important to utilize?
 Discussion 2
Review Appendix A, Sections I–V in Finkelman (2012, pp. 510–515). Select one of the sections and share how your chief nurse executive demonstrates expertise in these competencies.
 Devry NR447 Week 7 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
Discussion 1
This discussion topic requires you to reflect on the Performance Improvement (Quality Improvement) processes at your facility. Make sure you address all components of the topic for a robust discussion. It is anticipated that all clinical areas will be mentioned.
Recall an improvement method initiated at your facility. What data was gathered? How was this done? What outcomes were measured and how was change implemented to improve the quality of care and patient outcomes?
 Discussion 2
 A “culture of safety” is a term about which we hear a great deal. Describe the culture of safety at your organization. Who is leading the charge to promote safety? What is your role as a BSN-prepared nurse in ongoing strategies to promote safety?
  Devry NR447 Week 8 Discussion 1 & 2 Latest 2015 October
Discussion 1
At Chamberlain we define our mission as follows: “We are committed to graduating compassionate, ethical, and knowledgeable nurse leaders who are empowered to transform healthcare.” As a registered nurse who will soon graduate from Chamberlain, stateTHREEways you will fulfill this mission as you evolve in your role as a nurse leader regardless of your job title.
 week 2
  Professional Nursing Organization and Certification:
The purpose of this assignment is to investigate a professional nursing organization that offers certification in an area of clinical or nonclinical expertise. You are to select a professional nursing organization and determine if it offers a certification that will be of benefit to you in your current position or a future position to which you aspire. The organization and certification may be in either a clinical or nonclinical area; however, leadership development opportunities are important.
For example, you may aspire to be a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA). Or, you may be currently interested in becoming a Certified Wound Care Specialist, Emergency Department Nurse or Medical-Surgical Nurse. Other organizations may be considered on a case-by-case basis AFTER approval from your instructor. An example would be if you want to become a CDE (Certified Diabetes Educator). This certification is sponsored by the American Association of Diabetes Educators which is not exclusively a nursing organization. Or, becoming certified as an IBCLC may be of interest to RNs working in Mother-Baby Departments and is sponsored by the International Lactation Consultant Association.
The organization MUST offer certification for registered nurses. If you have any questions about whether the organization is a “fit” for this assignment, contact your instructor.
You will complete the form provided in Doc Sharing carefully providing all the information requested.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables you to meet the following course outcome(s).
CO 1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)
CO 6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO #7)
CO 8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO #8)
This assignment is worth a total of 225 points.
Due Date
The Professional Nursing Organization and Certification assignment is due at the end of Week 2. Submit the completed assignment (form) to Professional Nursing Organization and Certification in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Consult the course policies, under the Course Home tab, for details regarding late assignments. Post questions about this assignment in the weekly Q & A Forum or e-mail your instructor directly.
1.Review the following (or similar) website and selects a professional nursing organization offering a certification of interest to you in your current position or one to which you aspire.www.nurse.org/orgs.shtml
2. Thoughtfully and completely answer the questions on the form.
3. Submit the form with your answers to the Dropbox by 11:59 p.m. (MT) on Sunday of Week 2.
4. Review the section on Academic Honesty found in Chamberlain Course Policies. All work must be original (in your own words).
5. BTLS, ACLS, ATLS, NALS, PALS and other similar certifications do NOT qualify for this assignment. Again, if you have any questions about the organization or the certification, contact your instructor for clarification.
6. All work must be original (in your own words). Simply copying and pasting information from the website is not sufficient to address the criteria, and may be viewed as a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy.
 Grading Criteria
 week 4
  My Leadership SMART Goal:
The purpose of this assignment is to develop a SMART-formatted goal related to your professional leadershipapplicable to your current practice setting or future leadership aspirations. This goal is about YOUR leadership development, not those of the organization or the department where you work. Many organizations have developed the SMART-goal framework as they strive for performance improvement. Your goal may tie to one of the departmental or organizational SMART goals but the components of the goal are about YOUR leadership development The Institute of Medicine’s quality initiative has identified five core healthcare profession competencies. This assignment focuses on only two of those initiatives.Either Patient-Centered Care or Working in Interdisciplinary and/or Interprofessional Teams willserve as a framework for identification of YOUR leadership SMART goal.
Course Outcomes
Completion of this assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)
CO4: Apply concepts of leadership and team coordination to promote the achievement of safe and quality outcomes of care for diverse populations. (PO #4)
CO5: Apply improvement methods, based on data from the outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO #8)
CO8: Apply concepts of quality and safety using structure, process, and outcome measures to identify clinical questions as the beginning process of changing current practice. (PO #8)
Due Dates
This assignment consists of the completion of the My Leadership SMART Goal paper. Submit assignment to the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT, by the end of Week 4.
This assignment is worth 200 points.
Review the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) core healthcare competencies. Select ONE of the competencies that you will work on for developing a Leadership SMART Goal. You are to select one of the following competencies for YOUR SMART goal.
Managing Patient-Centered Careor
Working in interdisciplinary and/or interprofessional teams;
 1. CreateONE leadership goalthat is in the SMART goal format. You practiced this in the Week 3 Discussion, and received valuable feedback from your instructor and peers. Please refer to this as you work on the assignment.
S – Specific(Who besides YOU is involved in the goal, what is YOUR goal, where will it take place?)
M – Measurable(How are YOU going to achieve the goal?) Be specific with measureable outcomes.
A – Attainable(What resources and/or experts are available to assist YOU with attaining YOUR goal?)
R – Realistic(Is YOUR goal something that is realistically obtainable in YOUR professional practice?) Be specific.
T – Time bound(What specific dates or weeks will YOUaccomplish each task related to your leadership goal?)
 · Example NOT in SMART format:I will learn how to be a manager. This goal is lofty, not measurable, and unattainable in the time allotted, probably not realistic, and not time bound.
· Examplein SMART Format:I will learn the disciplinary process of an employee who has excessive absences, by locating the organization’s attendance policy and meeting with the unit manager, reviewing peer-reviewed articles and credible websites to obtain information on the disciplinary process by Week 4 (or specified date).
Note: This particular example relates to Core Competency: Managing Patient-Centered Care.
 This example is a SMART goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound.
o Who- Your name, or “I” Indicate others who may be involved.
o What- Learn the disciplinary process of employees who have excessive absences
o Where- Your organization
o How:Through locating the organization’s attendance policy and passing a quiz on the content of the policy.
o Resources and/or Expert: Meeting with the unit manager, reviewing peer-reviewed articles, and credible websites
o Realistically obtainable:Access to the organization, policies, and unit manager. Various resources are available.
T-Time bound
o Specific dates:By Week 4 (or specific date)
2. Go to the Chamberlain library (http://library.chamberlain.edu) and search the databases (under Menu tab) to locate scholarly articles related to your SMART goal. Also, search for credible websites to gain insight into how to accomplish your goal.
3. Construct a plan of action to reachMy LeadershipSMART goal. Be specific by creating a timeline of when you plan on doing each action; explain how, when, and where you planto communicate with an expert; and identify specific resources you will use to help you achieve your goal.
a. Example Plan of Action for above mentioned example:
o Seek approval to review the organization’s policies and schedule a meeting/interview with the unit manager by _____ (fill in date).
o Review the policies on disciplinary action by_____(fill in date).
o Review the American Nurses Association website and peer-reviewed articles in the American Journal of Nursing and Journal of Advanced Nursing by_____(fill in date).
o Evaluate the findings from the above resources by_____(fill in date). Pass the quiz.
 4. Write a scholarly paper that follows APA formatting guidelines. Organize your content logically and express your thoughts clearly. Use appropriate headers to separate sections of your paper. Check for any grammar or spelling errors before submission.
5.Submit yourcompleted NR 447 MyLeadership SMART Goal paper, which should be approximately six pages (excluding title page and references) to the Week 4 My Leadership SMART Goal PaperDropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4.Note: This assignment is automatically submitted to Turn It In.
 Grading Criteria: My Leadership SMART Goal
  week 6
  Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert:
The following is the purposes of this assignment:
· Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Quality Expert in a selected healthcare organization.
· Review the organization’s mission, vision, values, and beliefs.
· Discuss the Nursing Quality Expert’s strategic plan as it relates to The Institute of Medicine’s Quality initiatives and ONE of the following core competencies.
1) Employ evidence-based practice
2) Apply quality improvement
3) Utilize informatics
· Conduct a core competency-focused interview with a Nursing Quality Expert.
· Articulate the role of the BSN-prepared nurse to support the strategic plan related to selected IOM core competency.
· Articulate what was learned from time spent with interviewee and how own nursing practice will change as a result of the encounter and completion of this assignment.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO 1: Apply leadership concepts, skills, and decision making in the provision of high quality nursing care, healthcare team management, and the oversight and accountability for care delivery in a variety of settings. (PO #2)
CO 3: Participate in the development and implementation of imaginative and creative strategies to enable systems to change. (PO #7)
CO 5: Apply improvement methods, based on data from the outcomes of care processes, to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of healthcare. (PO #8)
CO 6: Develop a personal awareness of complex organizational systems and integrate values and beliefs with organizational mission. (PO #7)
CO 7: Apply leadership concepts in the development and initiation of effective plans for the microsystems and/or system-wide practice improvements that will improve the quality of healthcare delivery. (PO #2 and 3)
This assignment is worth a total of 200 points.
  Due Date
This assignment, Interview with a Nursing Quality Expert, is due at the end of Week 6. Submit your completed interview, using the Interview Form, to the basket in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT. Post questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance.See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time will result in a deduction of points.
1. Download the NR447 Interview Form from Doc Sharing. It is found under the Week 6 Interview link.
2. Select your interviewee, schedule and conduct an interview. This individual must be a Registered Nurse employed in a leadership role as a Nursing Quality Expert. Job titles of RNs who may be considered include, but are not limited to: Quality Care Coordinator, Performance Improvement Officer/Coordinator, Director of Quality Assessment, Compliance Officer, Safety Director, Regulatory Officer/Director If you have any concerns about whether the RN is “suitable” for this assignment, contact your instructor BEFORE you schedule and conduct the interview.
3. Review all areas of inquiry on the Interview Form located in Doc Sharing PRIORto conducting the interview. You may print the form and take it with you to the interview. However, you may not give it to the individual and ask him or her to complete it and return it to you.
4. Note there are three areas of inquiry to discuss with the RN/Nursing Quality Expert.
5. Prior to conducting interview, review two scholarly resources related to the ONE aforementioned core competencies upon which you plan to focus. These resources should guide your interview process and understanding of the Nursing Quality Expert’s role and responsibilities as it relates to the selected core competency. If you have questions about what constitutes a scholarly resource, please ask your instructor.
6. Prior to interview, review the organization’s mission, vision, values and beliefs.
7.Note that practice impact must be addressed by YOU and is a very important criterion
8. Conduct the interview. The length of your interview will vary but should not exceed one hour.
9. Submit the form to the Dropbox prior to the deadline outlined above.
Grading Criteria
Scholarly Resources
Name two resources reviewed prior to conducting interview related to  selected core competency.
Describe how each resource helped student prepare for  and conduct interview.
APA formatting for two resources  is correct.
Initials, credentials, job title,  and length in present position of interviewee are provided. Date and time of  interview are provided. Working phone number of interviewee is provided for  instructor to follow-up if indicated.
Scope of Responsibility
Provide a paraphrased or summary  of the interviewee’s answer indicating major responsibilities and number of  direct reports (staff who report to him/her). If none, please say so.  Indicate total operational budget for which interviewee is responsible. If  unwilling to share, say so. You may quote the  interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of  everything that was said. Bulleted items may be used.
Mission, Vision, Values, and  Beliefs of the Organization
Provide a paraphrased or summary  of the interviewee’s answer.Do not quote  from the website. Use the Nursing Quality Expert’s interpretation of these.  You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was  said.
Bulleted items may be used
Strategic Plan as it Relates  to ONE Core Competency
Name the core competency. Provide  a paraphrased or summary of the interviewee’s answer about how the core  competency is incorporated in a unit, department, and organization’s  strategic plan. You may quote the  interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of  everything that was said.
Bulleted items may be used.
Role of BSN-Prepared Nurse to  support strategic plan as it relates to the same core selected
Provide a paraphrased or summary  of the interviewee’s answer about the role of BSN-prepared nurses to support  strategic plan as it relates to selected core competency. You may quote the interviewee, but sparingly. Do NOT provide a  verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Bulleted items may be used.
Practice Impact
Summarize specifically what you learned from interaction with  interviewee. Describe how your own  nursing practice will change as  a result of learning about roles and responsibilities of interviewee, the  core competency, and completion of this assignment.
Scholarly Writing
Name of student and date of  interview appears on Interview Form. Punctuation and sentence structure are  correct. Evidence of spell and grammar check. Resources are formatted  according to APA.
200 points
A quality assignment will meet or  exceed all of the above requirements.
    Item #: 242653
Devry NR 447 Entire Course-Latest 2015 october
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zinetimetravel-blog · 9 years
Devry NR 443 Entire Course-Latest 2015 october
Devry NR 443 Entire Course-Latest 2015 october
 All Discusion And All Week Milestone 1 , 2 and 3
  IF You Want To Purchase A+  Work then Click The Link Below For Instant Down Load
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Let’s start with a broad overview of public health nursing. The three core functions of public health are assessment, assurance, and policy development (Nies & McEwen, 2015, p. 6).
·         Describe one of these core public health functions.
·         Discuss how this core function relates to one intervention from the Public Health Intervention Wheel (Nies & McEwen, 2015, pp. 14–15).
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015).Community/public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations(6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.
 What makes some healthy and others ill? Healthy People 2020 identifies fivedeterminants of healththat influence the health of individuals and populations.Healthy People 2020 describes them as "A range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status are known as determinants of health” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2014,About Determinants of Health, para. 1). Determinants fall into five categories including: (a) policy making, (b) social factors, (c) health services, (d) individual behavior, and (e) biology and genetics.
·         Go to the "Determinants of Health" linkhttp://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/foundation-health-measures/Determinants-of-Healthand click on each determinant to read about all of the determinants.
·         Choose one of the five determinants. In your posting, describe this determinant and its importance.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2014)HealthyPeople2020: About Determinants of Health. Retrieved fromhttp://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/about/foundation-health-measures/Determinants-of-Health
week 2
Windshield Survey (graded)
In this discussion thread, you will view a windshield survey video of a community called Iron Ridge to practice performing part of a windshield survey. This will help you when you perform a windshield survey of your community for your first assignment. Review Box 6-2 on page 98 of your text (Nies & McEwen, 2015).
·         Click HERE to view the windshield survey video.
·         Click HERE to read a transcript of the video.
Next, choose one of the six assessment categories from Box 6-2, and discuss what you observed about Iron Ridge related to the questions in that category.
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.
 Demographic and Epidemiological Assessment (graded)
  For this post, you will collect assessment data about your city or county. This post will include information about demographics (general characteristics) and epidemiological data (disease or health behavior rates) of your community. This data collection will help with two sections of your Week 4 Milestone 2 assignment.
1.       Demographic data: Go online to the U.S. Census Bureau at http://quickfacts.census.gov/. Obtain information about the demographic characteristics of the population for your city or county of residence. You may have to look at county data if your city is not listed. Collect a range of demographic data about age, ethnicity, poverty levels, housing, and education.
2.       Epidemiological data: Go to your city or county health department website (search the Internet) or County Health Rankings (http://www.countyhealthrankings.org/) to discuss epidemiological data about your area. Identify several priority health concerns for your area.
Here is a helpful tip sheet about the U.S. Census website that will assist you in using this website as a resource
week 3 Caring for Vulnerable Populations (graded)
This week, you are learning about many different vulnerable populations. Choose one vulnerable population.
·         Briefly describe this vulnerable population.
·         Discuss several risk factors that may impact health outcomes for this group.
·         Describe two priorities for community health nurses working with this population.
Assuring Resources for the Vulnerable (graded)
Review the Week 3 Case Study that may be found in Doc Sharing.
Assurance is one of the three core functions of public health. Find a resource in your community (other than WIC) that could assist Mary during her pregnancy. Start by searching the Internet for your local health department’s website. What services do they provide for pregnant women? What about your local welfare office? Do they provide prenatal or mental health services? Are there any service organizations, crisis pregnancy centers, or churches providing help for pregnant women?
·         Briefly describe the types of services that you found.
·         Choose one agency and assess this agency in terms of the 4 As. Is it accessible, acceptable, affordable, or available for Mary or other pregnant women that you case-manage?
week 4 As the school nurse role evolves, there are increasingly more health concerns for the school nurse. Does the locale make a difference in the problems, or are health problems in children and adolescents universal? In some inner-city areas, violence is a prevalent issue. What do you think are the biggest problems in your areas? Healthy People Objectives for Community Settings (graded)
The federal government developed Healthy People as a set of national health objectives that are revised every 10 years. These objectives are very specific in order to guide and measure our nation’s progress related to public health.
Please visit http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/. Click on a topic area that relates to a community health (CH) setting you are learning about. Click on the green Objectives area in that topic area to choose one Healthy People 2020 numbered objective.
·         Describe the community health setting of interest (see Chapters 30–33).
·         Discuss one specific numbered Healthy People 2020 objective (not a goal) related to this community health setting.
·         How could a community health nurse help this setting meet this objective?
Here is a helpful "Introduction to Healthy People 2020 website" document to aid you in navigating the HP 2020 website.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2014). Healthy People 2020: 2020 Topics & Objectives. Retrieved fromhttp://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/topicsobjectives2020/
week 5
You will continue in your role as a nurse with your local health department. Examine your online lesson, assigned readings, and visit The Community Guide website: http://www.thecommunityguide.org/ to explore interventions related to violence. Choose one evidence-based intervention, and present this intervention to the task force.
·         Summarize this intervention and why it might work in your area.
·         Describe whether it is considered a primary, secondary, or tertiary prevention strategy and include your rationale (see Nies & McEwen, 2015, Chapter 1, p. 7 for a review of levels of prevention).
Community Preventive Services Task Force. (2014). The Community Guide. Retrieved fromhttp://www.thecommunityguide.org/
Nies, M. A., & McEwen, M. (2015). Community/Public health nursing: Promoting the health of populations (6th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Saunders/Elsevier.
  Disaster and Communicable Disease Preparedness (graded)
  Preparing for disasters or communicable disease outbreaks is an important part of public health nursing. Visit the websitehttp://www.ready.gov. Review the steps for being prepared for a disaster.
·         As a community health nurse, what elements do you think are important to stress to the community?
·         How well is your community prepared for a potential outbreak or disaster?
Federal Emergency Management Agency. (2014). Ready: Prepare. Plan. Stay Informed.Retrieved fromhttp://www.ready.gov/
week 6week 6Affordable Care Act (ACA) (graded)
Please explore the healthcare marketplace website at https://www.healthcare.gov/. Choose the get answers tab towards the top of the page. Review several of the topics under this tab and share something that you learned about how the marketplace works and how this would apply to those in your community.
The Affordable Care Act is a controversial topic, and I’m sure there are many different viewpoints represented in our class. For this discussion, let’s focus on understanding the basics of the marketplace so that we can provide accurate information for our patients and communities.
diss 2 Environmental Health (graded)
Visit the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s MyEnvironment site at http://www.epa.gov/myenvironment/howUsePage.html. Review the site overview and enter your city, zip code, or location into the MyEnvironment box. Explore the site to learn more about your environment and things that might be impacting the health of its citizens.
·         Identify something new you learned about your environment and how it could be affecting health by completing this statement, “I didn’t know _____.”
·         How could you, in the role of a community health nurse, address these concerns?
week 7
This week, you were assigned to read and review Recommendation 8 of IOM’s Future of Nursing Recommendations. Recommendation #8 states:Build an infrastructure for the collection and analysis of interprofessional healthcare workforce data.
·         Visit http://thefutureofnursing.org/recommendation/detail/recommendation-8
·         Consider the problem you identified in your Caring for Populations Milestone. How could collaboration be improved to enhance outcomes?
The Institute of Medicine. (2010). The future of nursing leading change, advancing health: Recommendation 8. Retrieved fromhttp://thefutureofnursing.org/recommendation/detail/recommendation-8
  Ethics and Diversity (graded)
  Review the Week 7 Case Study found in Doc Sharing.
You will continue in your role as a nurse with your local health department. As part of the health department’s “Think Cultural Health” seminar, each team member will discuss oneof the 15 National Cultural and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards. Visit https://www.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/Content/clas.asp. Browse the site and click on the link to open the list of the National CLAS Standards.
·         Describe one National CLAS Standard.
·         Discuss one way that you could implement this standard for a specific cultural group in your community.
Office of Minority Health, Department of Health and Human Services. (2013). National standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate services in health and health care: a blueprint for advancing and sustaining CLAS policy and practice. Retrieved from https://www.thinkculturalhealth.hhs.gov/Content/clas.asp
         uidelines for Caring for Populations Milestone 1:
Community Windshield Survey
The purpose of this assignment is to complete a direct observational assessment of a community in your area. This windshield survey will be the initial step in uncovering a community health problem in your area and identifying community dynamics. This problem will be further assessed in the following two assignments.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO2: Assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data to identify population health risks. (PO 4)
Due Date
Submit to the appropriate basket in the Dropboxby 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 2.
Points:150 points
1.Download the NR443 Community Windshield Survey form from Doc Sharing. You will type your name and answers directly onto this Word document. Your form does not need to follow APA formatting; however, you are expected to use a professional writing style with complete sentences, accurate grammar, and correct spelling. If references are used, they must be cited in the text and the complete reference should be included in the reference box in APA format. References are optional.
2.Watch Caring for Populations project overview and Milestone 1 tutorial by clicking thislink. This tutorial is also available on Course Project page under Course Home as well as Week 2 Assignments page.
3.Save the file by clicking Save as and adding your last name to the file name; for example, NR443 Windshield Survey Form_Smith.
4.Submit the completed form to the Caring for Populations: Community Windshield Survey Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2.
5.Length: The completed form should be three to four pages in length (not including any optional references).
Below are the requirements needed for successful completion of the Windshield Survey Form.
1.Introduction to the Community:Identify the community you will be using for this assignment with the city and state and provide a brief one paragraph description of the community. Your community should be the area where you live or the area surrounding your work setting. The community must include a residential area and be broad enough to answer the survey questions. You do not need demographic data.
2.Windshield Survey: Assess your community by doing a windshield survey.Information about the components of a windshield survey is located in your textbook, Nies & McEwen (2015) on page 98 (Box 6-2). Drive through the area and report your observations by describing each of the following six areas using a majority of the questions from each category of Box 6-2 as your guide (one to two in depth paragraphs for each category). Be sure to include what you observed related to each of these categories, and also include any significant items that aremissing in your community because this may be equally important in identifying a community health problem.
a. Community vitality
b. Indicators of social and economic conditions
c. Health resources
d. Environmental conditions related to health
e. Social functioning
f. Attitude toward healthcare
Note: It is helpful to conduct this assessment at least two different times: during the day or evening, on a weekday and/or on the weekend. If possible, plan on asking someone to drive during your survey so that you can take notes.
3.Conclusion: Provide a summary of your findings. Describe significant community health problems based on your observations. The information gathered during the windshield survey should assist you to identify community health problems that will be further assessed in the next assignment.
4.References: The purpose of this assignment is to document your observations of your community. Outside sources are not required. However, if sources are used, these sources must be cited within the form (Author, year) and listed in the reference section in APA format (see APA category in Course Resources for help with formatting).
Best Practices in Completing the Form
The following are best practices in preparing this project.
· Make sure all elements of the form are included.
· Review directions and grading rubric below thoroughly.
· Cite any outside references as above (these are optional).
· Use a professional writing style with complete sentences.
· Proofread prior to final submission.
· Check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
· Abide by the Chamberlain academic integrity policy.
  Grading Rubric: Caring for Populations: Community Windshield Survey (150 points)
Outstanding or highest level  of performance
Very good or high level of  performance
Competent or satisfactory  level of performance
Poor, failing, or  unsatisfactory level of performance
Introduction of Community
20 points
Community identified and briefly  described
(18–20 points)
Community identified but  description is missing
(16–17 points)
Community identification and description  are insufficient
(15 points)
Community not identified or  described
(0–14 points)
Windshield Survey
100 points
Community assessed: findings  adequately cover the six criteria listed
(92–100 points)
Assessment of 1–2 of the criteria  is missing or inadequate
(84–91 points)
Assessment of 3–4 of the criteria  is missing or inadequate
(76–83 points)
Windshield survey not completed  or criteria not followed
(0–75 points)
20 points
Conclusion sufficient and  includes brief summary of windshield survey findings and identification of community health problems
(18–20 points)
Conclusion lacks brief summary of  findingsorproblem identification
(16–17 points)
Conclusion lacks brief  summary and problem identification
(15 points)
Conclusion not completed
(0–14 points)
10 points
No more than two grammar or  spelling errors; writes logically in complete sentences
(10 points)
Three errors of any type
(8–9 points)
Four errors of any type
(6–7 points)
More than four errors of any type
(0–5 points)
Total Points:
  eek 4
Guidelines for Caring for Populations Milestone 2:
Assessment and Diagnosis
The purpose of this paper is to provide an opportunity to utilize community assessment strategies, uncover a community health problem, and identify the components of one community health nursing problem related to the community dynamics.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
CO2: Assess the health needs of individuals, families, aggregates, and communities using demographic and epidemiological data to identify population health risks. (PO 4)
CO6: Utilize a systems-based and collaborative approach to address factors that influence the health of a community and population health problems. (PO 2)
Due Date
Submit to the appropriate basket in the Dropboxby 11:59 p.m. MT Sunday of Week 4.
Points:225 points
Watch the Milestone 2 tutorialby clicking thislink. This tutorial is also available on Course Project page under Course Home as well as Week 4 Assignments page.
 This paper is expected to be no more than four pages in length (not including the title page and reference list). Below are the requirements for successful completion of this paper. Please use the following categories as the first level headings on your paper. See the documents in the APA category in Course Resources for assistance with APA formatting.
· [Introduction:] This beginning of your paper should catch the reader’s attention with interesting facts about your community and shouldinclude the purpose statement of the paper. This should be one paragraph. APA states that you should not title this as introduction; however, you are still expected to write a separate introduction. The title of the paper should be repeated at the top of page two and centered.
· Community Overview: Identify the community that you are assessing by name and state and provide a general description of the community. What is the general character of the community? Statistics should not be included here. Your community should be the area you live or work in and should include a residential area. It should be a large enough area to answer the questions in the text. This should be one paragraph.
· Demographic Data: Compile a range of demographic (population description) data for your community by examining U.S. Census Bureau reports. Using this data, describe your community. Compare your community data to state or national data. A summary of this data should be no more than two paragraphs.
· Epidemiological Data: Compile and summarize a range of epidemiological (illness, morbidity, and mortality) data for your community by examining data from sources such as city or county health department reports, County Health Rankings (countyhealthrankings.org), or the Centers for Disease Control to describe priority health problems in your area. See the Webliography for applicable sites to search. Compare your community to state or national data. This comparison will help to identify a priority community health problem specific to your community. A summary of this data should be no more than two paragraphs.
· Windshield Survey: Provide a summary of your observations from your first milestone. Make sure to discuss observations related to your identified problem. This should be one to two paragraphs.
· Problem Diagnosis:
o Using the assessment data, identify one community health nursing problem that you consider to be a priority concern.
o Relate your choice to one of the Healthy People 2020 specific numbered objectives (not just a goal). Healthy People objectives are located within a topic area under the Objectives tab.
o Your rationale should also include why this is a problem in your community and factors that contribute to the problem. Avoid discussion of interventions in this milestone.
o Include a discussion of your problem with information from at least two scholarly sources (such as professional journal articles).(Review the documents in the APA category in Doc Sharing for help in determining sources that are considered scholarly—hint, .com websites are not considered scholarly sources). This should beno more than three paragraphs.
· Summary: Summarize your community assessment and diagnosis findings and include a brief statement about the problem and the major factors that contribute to this problem. This information should be no more than two paragraphs.
· Reference Page: All references should be cited within the paper and should be included on the reference page.
  Top of Form
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week 1 Moving Data to Wisdom (graded)
Reflect on the content from your readings and this week’s lesson. Then, think of a recent experience and describe how you mentally moved data through the stages of information and knowledge to wisdom. What information system(s) helped you move from data to wisdom?  Keep this short like assessing a patient for congestive heart failure. How did you evaluate and combine the various pieces of data? What was the outcome of this process?
 diiss 2
  AACN Essentials Self-Assessment Results (graded)
Complete your Self-Assessment of the AACN Essentials located in Doc Sharing (Week 1). Note your total score. If you are willing, please share your total score with your classmates. Identify areas where your knowledge is lacking. Keep in mind that we are all “knowledge workers.” What areas of inquiry do you have as they relate to the essentials?
 week 2
Experiences with Healthcare Information Systems (graded)
Share your experiences with healthcare information systems in your clinical setting. What are the pros and cons of patient care? If you are not currently working, think about your experiences as a consumer of healthcare services, keeping in mind that they are all around us regardless of where we obtain our own healthcare.
  diss 2
 Helping Aunt Mary (graded)
Your Aunt Mary is elderly and lives alone. She just returned from a visit with her primary care physician. She noticed today that Dr. Alice did not bring a chart into the exam room. Instead, she had a little computer. Aunt Mary is upset. She does not understand this new technology as it relates to her healthcare. What key concepts about EHRs would you include in an informal teaching plan for Aunt Mary?
  week 3
Opportunities for Improvement with Usability and Interoperability (graded)
Usability and interoperability are major issues to consider in the development of healthcare information systems (HIS). How does your organization address these issues? Does the transfer of information occur smoothly, or do you need to re-enter data from one application to the next—such as patient information from the emergency room that does not transfer—along with the patient who is admitted to the critical care unit? Or what happens when the patient is discharged and the home care nurses have to start from scratch as they prepare the patient’s plan of care?
  diss 2
  Library Search for Telenursing Resources (graded)
This week's lesson points out key concepts in searching the National Library of Medicine's PubMed/MEDLINE database, the Chamberlain Library's EBSCO/CINAHL database, and Google Scholar. This week’s lesson directs you to links and resources on the basics of searching these three information sources. The tutorials are very helpful. You are strongly urged to view them prior to posting. Locate one article in each of the data sources to prepare your scholarly paper due during Week 4’s Telenursing: Is It in Your Future? Briefly summarize each article in your post.
  week 4
Meaningful Use in Your Workplace (graded)
Meaningful Use is part of the EHR requirements targeted for completion in 2014. Meaningful Use was created in order to capture the right data to improve patient outcomes.  With this in mind, how can you as a nurse ensure that Meaningful Use is being implemented into the EHR? If you were the nurse manager, how would you implement this documentation and ensure buy-in by your staff?
  week 4
Your Patient Has a Personal Health Record (PHR)...Now What? (graded)
You are the nurse in a busy family practice clinic. A new patient presents with a personal health record (PHR). This is the first time that you have encountered a PHR. What are the advantages to PHRs? What are ways that you may access the patient’s PHR? What may be some obstacles that you encounter?
 week 5
Uses of Standardized Nursing Terminology (graded)
From your practice standpoint, what have you read this week in your text or in the lesson that offered a new view or appreciation for standardized terminology? Be specific.
  diss 2 Documentation and Reimbursement (graded)
What is the impact of Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) payment denial on the healthcare system, and what are the implications for our nursing practice related to documentation?
  week 6 Nursing Gains Visibility (graded)
Ever since the introduction of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) refusal of payment for hospital-acquired poor outcomes, nursing has gained visibility because these outcomes are nurse sensitive. Locate an article or website that refers to these nurse-sensitive outcomes and describe its findings.
  diss 2
 Alarms—What Do the Data Show? (graded)
The repeated sound of an alarm can be annoying to the patient, family, and staff. This can lead to someone shutting off the alarm. Give an example of an ethical or legal issue that may arise if a patient has a poor outcome or sentinel event because an alarm was turned off. What do the data show about the value of alarms in general? Is alarm fatigue an issue?
 weel 7
Use of Personal Communication Devices in Patient Care Settings (graded)
How can the use of the nurse's personal communication devices impact patient care either positively or negatively? Are there ethical and legal implications? Locate an article and share a brief summary of that article with your classmates.
  Safe Nursing Care: Is There an App for That? (graded)
Andrea was working in the cardiac catheterization lab when a young woman undergoing a cardiac ablation started to have small seizures. The nurse noticed these symptoms and asked the physician to look at the patient. The physician asked Andrea to get his smart phone and film the seizures. This video message was sent to a neurologist, and he could tell from the video the part of the brain from which the seizures were emanating. This is one example of using technology. Does this count as safe care? Is there an app for that?  If you could develop an app to enhance safe nursing care, what would it be like?
week 8 Reflective and Projected Practice (graded)
Prior to posting, complete the Week 8 AACN Essentials Self-Assessment located in Doc Sharing. Compare your scores from Week 1 to Week 8. How far have you come? How much further do you wish to go in furthering your competencies during the next 2 years of practice?
week 2
Patient Guide to the WWW:
Guidelines and Grading Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the skills of the professional nurse as a teacher and educator. You are to prepare a guide that will serve as a handout to assist a specific patient that you identify. Your guide or handout should help this patient find and evaluate reliable and accurate information on the Internet (websites) related to his or her disease process or diagnosis.
You will develop the guide using Microsoft PowerPoint. PowerPoint is a versatile application that lets you design slideshows and handouts. For this assignment, you will be using PowerPoint to create a guide or handout that you may print and give to patients and families. You will be submitting this PowerPoint file to the Dropbox.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcome(s):
CO #8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO #8)
This assignment is worth a total of 175 points.
Due Date
The Patient Guide to the WWW PowerPoint assignment is due at the end of Week 2. Submit your completed assignment to the Patient Guide to the WWW basket in the Dropbox by Sunday; 11:59 p.m. mountain time. You may consult the Policies, under the Course Home tab, for details regarding late assignments. Late assignments will result in loss of points. Post questions about this assignment in the weekly Q & A Forum.
A. Use Microsoft PowerPoint to create four slides, which will be the basis of the guide or handout. You are encouraged to cite your source(s) as it relates to your criteria slide. Other citations are permitted, but this is not a requirement for the assignment.
1)Scenario Slide: This slide should include your name. Next, outline a brief scenario, then identify a patient who is seeking information about a specific disease process or diagnosis. Be sure to include the nurse’s assessment of learning needs and the patient or family member’s readiness to learn. Be specific.
Scenario for Mr. Jones
Jane Doe (your name here)
· Mr. Jones is a 54-year-old male recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.
· His wife has accompanied him to the oncologist’s office.
· Both have a high school education.
· Mr. Jones has no interest in his diagnosis; his father died at an early age from pancreatic cancer, and he thinks nothing can be done.
· Mrs. Jones is greatly interested in any treatment; she has been searching on the Internet for alternative cures.
· Mrs. Jones has asked the nurse for help on how to determine whether a website is credible.
2)Criteria Slide: This slide should address at least four (4) criteria used to evaluate websites. View Evaluating Internet Health Information: A Tutorial from the National Library of Medicine athttp://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/webeval/webeval_start.html, your text, and other references. The task is to explain how to determine the credibility of websites and teach it to the patient and/or caregiver described in the Scenario Slide. Concentrate on evaluation of information, not how to search. Assume that the patient or caregiver has basic Internet searching skills, a computer in the home, and can enter words in the query box in a search engine such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, and so forth. The idea is to teach your patients how to evaluate websites (suspect and credible) as they relate to a specific disease process or diagnosis.
The format of the criteria should be logical and easy to read, for example, a table, checklist, or Q & A. Be creative! Language should be appropriate for the educational level of the audience, in other words, the patient and/or caregiver as described in the Scenario Slide. Note: This is the only slide that requires a citation.
3)Suspect Site Slide: This slide should give the name and description of a suspect website. The suspect website must be related to the disease or diagnosis identified in the scenario. However, the site does not meet the criteria for a credible site, for example, gives inaccurate information, and so forth. You must provide a working link to the site. Wikipedia is not acceptable! Explain why the site is suspect based on the criteria you outlined in the Criteria Slide.
4)Credible Site Slide: This slide should give the name and description of a credible website that you would recommend to the patient and/or caregiver/family member. The website must be appropriate for the general public and address the disease process or diagnosis identified in the Scenario Slide. Avoid sites that are aimed at healthcare professionals. Explain why the site is credible based on criteria that you outlined in the Criteria Slide.
B. If you need assistance using PowerPoint, search tutorials about how to use PowerPoint on the Microsoft Office site.
C. The following are the scholarly writing requirements for this assignment:
a. Your name appears on the Scenario Slide.
b. Four slides should be submitted. Points will be deducted for additional slides.
c. The four slides pertain to the
I. scenario;
II. criteria for selection of credible sites;
III. suspect site; and
IV. credible site.
d. The links for the suspect and credible sites are working and formatted correctly.
e. Punctuation and sentence structure are correct with no spelling or grammatical errors.
f. Graphics, colored slides, and interesting backgrounds are welcome; however, they are not part of the criteria for this assignment and are not considered for grading purposes.
D. Review the section on Academic Honesty found in the RNBSN Policies. All work must be original (in your own words) unless properly cited.
Grading Criteria
    Telenursing: Is It in My Future?
 Guidelines and Grading Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to explore the specialty of telehealth, and more specifically telenursing, as one example of the use of technology in various practice settings. Advantages and disadvantages for the patient and legal and ethical principles for the nurse of this technology will be explored.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO #2: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO #4)
CO #6: Discuss the principles of data integrity, professional ethics, and legal requirements related to data security, regulatory requirements, confidentiality, and client’s right to privacy. (PO #6)
This assignment is worth a total of 200 points.
Due Date
Your completed paper is due at the end of Week 4. Submit it to the basket in the Dropbox by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. mountain time. Post your questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance. See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time will result in a deduction of points.
Our text (Hebda, 2013) provides us with a broad perspective on telehealth. However, the specialty of telenursing is only briefly discussed. Healthcare is readily embracing any technology to improve patient outcomes, streamline operations, and lower costs. This technology includes the use of various applications based in various environments where registered nurses indirectly provide professional nursing care.
The following scenario serves as the basis for your paper:
You have worked with Tomika for the past five years. Tomika shares with you that she has resigned and plans to work in an agency that installs telemonitoring equipment into the homes of those with chronic illnesses. Nurses monitor the patients using the equipment with the goal of detecting problems before patients need to be readmitted to the hospital. Tomika will be working from her own home, with occasional meetings at the agency. She would not be visiting her patients in their homes, but rather would be assessing and interacting with them via videoconferencing. She tells you that there are still job openings and encourages you to apply.
You are intrigued by this, and decide to investigate whether telenursing would be a good choice for you, too. Is telenursing in your future?
1. You are to research (find evidence), compose, and type a scholarly paper that describes telenursing as described above, and whether it is a good fit for you. Reflect on what you have learned in this class to date about technology, privacy rights, ethical issues, interoperability, patient satisfaction, consumer education, and other topics. Your text by Hebda (2013, Chapter 25) discusses telehealth in detail. However, your focus should be from the professional nurse’s role in telenursing. Do not limit your review of the literature to only what you read in your text. Nurses in various specialties need to know about the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing as it applies to their patients. For example, when you discharge a patient from an acute care setting, will a telenursing service assist that individual with staying out of the hospital? You may need to apply critical thinking skills to development of your paper. In the conclusion of your paper, describe your current employment situation, and whether a job in telenursing would, or would not, fit with your career goals and life situation once you graduate from Chamberlain.
2. Use Microsoft Word and APA formatting to develop your paper. Consult the Publication manual of the APA, 6th edition if you have questions, for example, margin size, font type and size (point), use of third person, and so forth. Take advantage of the writing service, Smarthinking, which is accessed by clicking on the link called the Tutor Source, found under the Course Home tab. Also, review and use the various documents in Doc Sharing related to APA.
3. The length of the paper should be 4–5 pages, excluding the title page and the reference page. Limit your references to key sources.
4. The paper should contain an introduction that catches the attention of the reader with interesting facts and supporting sources of evidence, which need to be mentioned as in-text citations. Keep in mind that APA guidelines state you are not to call this an “Introduction” but you should include it at the beginning of your paper. The Body should present the advantages and disadvantages of telenursing from your perspective as an employee, and the patient’s perspective as a recipient of the care nurses provide. The Conclusion and Recommendations should summarize your findings and state your position on whether you will apply for a position with the agency.
NOTE: Review the section on Academic Honesty found in the Chamberlain Course Policies. All work must be original (in your own words) unless properly cited. This assignment will automatically be submitted through Turnitin, a plagiarism detection system.
Submit the completed paper to the Telenursing: Is It in My Future? by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4. Please post questions about this assignment to the weekly Q & A Forum so that the entire class may view the answers.
 Grading Criteria
The Introduction provides  evidence of an information search including in-text citations of the sources  of evidence. It catches the reader’s attention with interesting facts and  supporting sources.
Appropriate headings are used to  delineate when the introduction ends. More than three advantages and three  disadvantages are identified, discussed briefly, and supported by citations.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Appropriate headings are used,  making clear the conclusion and recommendations based on solid evidence,  privacy rights, and ethical principles, and so forth. State your current  employment situation, and whether a job in telenursing could be in your  future. Provide pros and cons for this decision.
Scholarly Writing and APA Format
· Title page, running head, and  page numbers. (3 pts.)
· Introduction, body, and  conclusion/recommendations sections are clearly labeled. There is a logical  flow between the sections. (10 pts.)
· Grammar, punctuation, and  sentence structure are correct. (2 pts.)
· Citations throughout  demonstrate support of student’s ideas and opinions. (5 pts.)
· Reference page includes all  citations. (3 pts.)
· Evidence of spell and grammar  check. (2 pts.)
A quality assignment will meet or  exceed all of the above requirements.
 Interview with a Nursing Information Expert:
 Guidelines and Grading Rubric
The purpose of this assignment is to
· Communicate your understanding of the importance of quality information in everyday nursing practice;
· Discuss the roles and responsibilities of a Nursing Information Expert; and
· Articulate how the professional nurse uses information or data in everyday practice to improve outcomes.
Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.
 CO #1: Describe patient-care technologies as appropriate to address the needs of a diverse patient population. (PO #1)
CO #4: Investigate safeguards and decision-making support tools embedded in patient care technologies and information systems to support a safe practice environment for both patients and healthcare workers. (PO #4)
CO #8: Discuss the value of best evidence as a driving force to institute change in delivery of nursing care. (PO #8)
This assignment is worth a total of 250 points.
Due Date
This assignment, Interview with a Nursing Information Expert, is due at the end of Week 6. Submit your completed Interview, using the Interview Form, to the basket in the Dropbox by Sunday, 11:59 p.m. mountain time. Post questions to the weekly Q & A Forum. Contact your instructor if you need additional assistance.See the Course Policies regarding late assignments. Failure to submit your paper to the Dropbox on time will result in a deduction of points.
1. Download the NR361 Interview Form from Doc Sharing. It is found under the Week 6 Interview link.
2. Select your interviewee and schedule an interview. This individual must be a registered nurse. Job titles of RNs who may be considered include but, are not limited to, Nursing Clinical Information Manager; Super User, Director/Manger Clinical Education; Chief Information Officer; Quality Assurance or Performance Improvement Nurse; Nurse Informaticist; Telenursing Specialist; Nurse Abstractor; Case Manager; Compliance Nurse. If you have any concerns about whether the RN is suitable for this assignment, contact your instructor BEFORE you schedule the interview.
3. Review all questions (areas of inquiry) on the Interview Form located in Doc Sharing PRIOR to conducting the interview. You may print the form and take it with you to the interview.
4. Note that there are five (5) Required Questions to ask the RN.
5. Note that there are four (4) Optional Questions. You need to select only ONE of them to ask the RN.
6. Note that there are two (2) Follow-Up Questions that must be answered by YOU.
Prior to conducting your interview, review two scholarly resources. These resources should guide your understanding of the RN’s role and responsibilities or make you more knowledgeable about GIGO, interprofessional communication, or other key concepts in the questions that you may not fully understand. For example, if your interviewee is a Telenurse, you would want to review information on this specialty. If you do not know what GIGO means, look it up.
7. Conduct your interview. The length of your interview will vary but should not exceed one hour.
8. Submit the form to the Dropbox prior to the deadline outlined above.
Grading Criteria
Initials and job title of  interviewee & date of interview provided.
Required Question #1
(Career Path)
Provide a paraphrased version or  summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but  sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbatim transcript of everything that was said.
Required Question #2
(Value of Evidence)
Provide a paraphrased version or  summary of the interviewee’s answer. You may quote the interviewee, but  sparingly. Do NOT provide a verbati
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