zistboon-blog · 7 years
Because, she isn’t the best at being loved, but she’s pretty amazing at loving.
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
Everything tastes sweet in small amounts. The problem with overthinking is that you can think yourself to death.
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
Someday I will open up me to you. And I promise I will make you do the same.
Someday I will forget my past and accept you, my Future.
You will know, the girl you are sitting with is not real. I fake people, suppressing my dreams and emotions. I lied to be loved by my people. Why I didn’t tell it to anybody.
Spending time together, you will see my imperfections, my mistakes, my stupidity and probably the dark side of me. You will see, I am not the one who you choose to be with at one sight. I am different, a little better and a little bitter.
Our coming days may give a sense that your girl is no more than a clumsy one you meet often. Yet, you hold my hand, and I feel warm. You hug me tightly, and I feel complete. We both will cross the rough road, and all storms will pass away.
When you will be with me, I will spill out how my heart is carrying intense hurt of wounds, and yet try to laugh hard. I reacted harshly where I supposed to stay calm, and how I felt when people misunderstood me.
Lying on tickling grass far away from the world, you will surprise despite all the sorrows still how happy I am in my life. I danced on sun beats, and the moon shines.
To unknown, we can be friends, we can be lovers or just the missing person in life. We both have miseries, and we both suffered pain. We both laughed, and we both cried in silence. We both are imperfect and yet, we both are loved.
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
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I am the one who never follows rules, who refuse to tame others, who always listen to voices of her spirit.  I eternally focus on the next move, next place, the next destination. I am the one who gets up at 3 Am to answer the most unsatisfied questions. What should I do next? How to make the most of my time? Am I living the life I want to live? Am I happy? I don’t have a feeling of completion.
The moment I wished, I dreamed, I achieved, the search for the next big thing starts. I might have infinite attraction to what I not have discovered yet.
Yes, I am the curious, the biggest curious. I never stop questioning. A part of me always roars and whisper me to leave the comfort zone I am living in. That part of me has courage to go out to explore the unexplored path that doesn’t let me sit down patiently. That makes me conquer every situation, every problem I face in my life.
That knows I have all courage and potential to make the impossible the successfully possible. That part of me doesn’t know how to settle down.
I live with outstretched hands; always carving for more adventure, more opportunity, more change and more intrigue. I want to be somewhere else. I think that is not my place, the life I am living is not me, is not the real me. I meant for a place where I can spread my wings far above the sky. Unless I find that destination, I know I won’t sit still.
But one thing, I find, I need to decide what enough is more less for me. I need to decide how far I want to push myself, how long I want to carve for more how extent I want to go.
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
When you think life sucks
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
A heart wrenching inspiring break-up story
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
“From this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us apart. “
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
It’s anxiety
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
It sucks when the close family members leave you to die when your friends who assumed to be around forever become stranger in the blink of an eye when someone says, “I love you” and throws your trust right back in your face. It sucks, despite all your efforts people misunderstood you. It even sucks when you want to kick the memories out of your head, but your brain keeps it hold even tighter. When your biggest dream scattered in front of you.
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
The restless nights of sleep, your worst nightmare overpower your brain, you tried hard to stop, but you keep over-thinking. You think it could be bipolar.
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
Today you can do great things!!!
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
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zistboon-blog · 7 years
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