zoeysinclair · 7 years
Dominic chuckled and looked at Zoey with a playful grin. “Alex gave me the choice.” He said shaking his head amused but still took a step closer to Zoey, still keeping a respectful distance between their bodies and pressed his lips to hers. “I think this tradition will catch on.” He joked when he pulled back.
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“But the difference is I’m pretty sure you’re not Alex’s dream man. I’m using my birthday power to my advantage. If I get one kiss from my dream man, I’ve got to make it worth it,” she said with a grin as he walked closer. She leaned in pressing her lips to his, keeping the distance between them. She smiled as she pulled away. “Yep, I might keep this tradition.” Her cheeks heated then, and she fanned herself. “My blush betrays me every time. I’ve got to remember this birthday because this has officially been one of the best nights of my life.”
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Birthday Dinner || Open
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
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I still can’t believe I managed to get this back here from Disney without you noticing. Anyway, happy birthday! What better way to celebrate than with your favorite Disney characters?
The snow globe plays A Whole New World if you wind it up, and I made sure to get the one with the handle of the lamp so you can put it on your charm bracelet if you want to. That way if you’re ever feeling sad you can play it and remember something happy. Oh, and also a donut maker. No explanation needed for that one.
Thanks for being my second big sister. I don’t know what I’d do without you!
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
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Kara felt really quite awkward at this party, there were just so many people here and she couldn’t quite remember when Zoey had become friends with even half of them. She supposed it didn’t matter, it was Zoey’s big day after all. And Alex’s, but she wasn’t anywhere near to good of friends with the Cromwell as she was with Zoey. When she began to head outside to get some much needed fresh air, or maybe to find her girlfriend and escape, she saw Zoey. The only person that truly mattered at this party. “Zo!” She hugged her best friend tightly, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Happy birthday to my beautiful best friend.” As she pulled back, she remembered her gift, quickly holding up a finger before dashing inside and then running back out with the box. “Here you go. I would have given it to you at our apartment but uh–I couldn’t wait.” Kara really hoped she liked what was inside.
Zoey smiled as her best friend hugged her. She gave her a gentle squeeze. “Thank you. It’s definitely been a night, but a much better night now that I have my K-Bug.” She felt herself getting excited when Kara went inside and came back. She opened her gift excitedly. Her mouth fell open when she saw the record player. “Kara!” She sat it on the bench next to where she was standing for a moment to hug Kara. “I love it. It’s so perfect. Thank you for being here, and just…being my friend and being you and knowing me so well.”
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Birthday Dinner || Open
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Jax stepped back automatically, a surprised expression on his face and a hand hovering in the air as the door opened before him. A bright smile came to his lips at the sight of the birthday girl. One of them, anyways. “Hey, Z.” Jax moved aside to let Zoey pass. At the mention of Rick’s serenade, Jax chuckled. “Yeah, I’m still wondering how he did a three part harmony but was the only one singing.” He joked, remembering Rick’s rendition of ‘Can You Stand the Rain?’ that he sang to Alex earlier. “I ain’t know that song he covered for you.” Jax confessed. “You know the name of it?” He paused, a tease on his lips about Zoey’s not-so-love of Rick Valentine. “Your heart done with those palpitations yet?” It was one of the first things he learned after meeting Zoey in General Magic Development years ago.
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Zoey smiled, but her eyes narrowed when he mentioned that three part harmony. “First of all, this is your last time talking about Rick Valentine that way. He’s a wonderful, beautiful man.” She nodded to make her point. “It was an Ed Sheeran song called Perfect. I was dying up there.” She shook her head. “I don’t think I’ll ever be over it. You knew me during a time in my life when I was embarrassingly a fan. Did you come out here to give me my birthday kiss?” At first, Zoey wasn’t onboard with birthday kisses but it actually seemed fun so she was embracing it.
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Birthday Dinner || Open
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
She smiled at Cole. “I’m okay, I mean I’ve got tons of friends here wound up having a blast. I should technically be completely happy, but I came out here to check and see if my parents had called me or texted, but they didn’t. This sort of makes two years in a row.”
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Birthday Dinner || Open
Cole had just gone through the people, greeting them as much as he could because it was a lot of people and he didn’t know most. He was walking out to get some fresh air when he noticed Zoey. “Hey.”, he listened to her and gave a faint smile. “Yeah, I suppose it’s not an everyday thing but it was cool. Are you okay? You seem a little off.”
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Lauren had smiled when she finally found Zoey again, but it turned to a frown when the older girl spoke. She raised an eyebrow at her when she tried to play it off as nothing and shook her head. “Okay, that was good. And it would probably work on someone that isn’t me,” she said, taking a step forward towards Zoey. “What’s up, birthday girl? Do you need a hug?”
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She should have known that if anyone would notice the sheer fakeness of that answer, it would have been Lauren. “I do need a hug. And for you to tell me that I shouldn’t be sad that my parents for the second year in a row haven’t said a word on my birthday. I love everything happening and that everyone is here, but is it so much to ask for a text or phone call?”
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Birthday Dinner || Open
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Zoey was still looking at her text from Jade about not being able to make hanging out after she got back from dinner with Alex. She sort of pouted because she really wanted her to see this outfit she was wearing. he shook it off though, focusing on Alex it was friend time, she’d deal with whatever was happening later. Her birthday was just another day after all. She hugged Alex then. “Hey! I splurged on this because I’m allowed to splurge at least one day, granted I used my parents’ card to do so.” She hoped they’d notice and call. “It’ll be special because it’s our day, and we can make it fun.” Zoey nodded. “Yes because there’s something I want to give you without watchful eyes around us.” It had to do with the book and the circle so of course she didn’t want to do it with a crowd.
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“Just call my dad and get it worked out. I’m sorry I gotta go Zoey just showed up.” Hanging up as she left him to deal with whatever mess was going on with her car as she tossed her phone back in her clutch. Whatever was going on with her car right now wasn’t her mess and she was sure that between Javier and Jade it’d get figured out. “Hey Zoey,” Smiling brightly as she met Zoey halfway and pulled her in for a hug. “You look amazing— like a true princess Jasmine.” Taking Zoey’s hand as she spun around playfully and examined her outfit. “I’m really glad you decided to come out with me tonight to celebrate our birthdays. I promise I’ll make the dinner interesting so it won’t be just another lame boring dinner.” Promising to Zoey with a smile, she knew this was probably going to be a memorable birthday for Zoey. “So before we go should we exchange gifts?” Alex asked as she tried to find any reason she could to stall a little bit longer so Jade would make it there before Zoey. 
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
By the grace of every force in the universe they’d made it on time, barely, but as long as they were there before Zoey showed up it was all that mattered to Jade. Standing in the crowded room with everyone as she waited for the two girls to appear when the door opened to reveal Zoey she couldn’t have been more excited. Standing back for the most part as she let Zoey settle into the party, she just sat next to her for the most of it. Holding onto Zoey’s hand when she wasn’t up and moving about or they were talking to others. Seeing Zoey excuse herself after she’d been serenaded made Jade raise an eyebrow, she took a second, but she eventually followed. As Zoey was coming back they bumped into each other, she put her hands on Zoey’s arms for support. “It’s okay babe.” Telling her with a smile as she rubbed up and down Zoey’s arm comfortingly. “You sure that’s all it is? You seem sad.” Admitting as she chewed on the inside of her cheek. “If you want to leave we can? I’ll sneak you out the back and we can just be away from this all for a while.” Offering to Zoey as she leaned up and gave Zoey a chaste kiss. “I’m here for whatever you need.”
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Jade’s touch was always comforting too her, and it served right now as a reminder that she did have reasons not to dwell on the one thing that didn’t go right. “I’m okay, the night is going perfectly. I have so much to be thankful for and really I haven’t ever had a birthday like this, but still sort of hoped my parents would remember. Or call. They didn’t call last year. They didn’t call this year.” She sighed, wrapping her arms around Jade, kissing her gently. “I’m so glad I have you, and that you’re here celebrating with me. Can we sneak out back for a little, so I can be with my girlfriend alone for a few minutes.” She always took a moment away from large social gatherings.  She didn’t mind them, but taking a breather kept her anxiety at bay, and she definitely wanted to take a  breath and have a moment for just her and Jade.
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Birthday Dinner || Open
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
“Of course, Zoey I was happy I was invited and glad I’m here, you girls know how to throw a party, Rick Valentine, strippers, great food… booze and of course you can use them however you want.” He chuckled. “I’m not very good at picking gifts so I’m glad you liked it.”
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“I’ve cried far too many times during the course of this party though. It was all a surprise to me! I’ve never had a birthday party with friends so this is…something else. Something really good.” She couldn’t stop smiling about it. “This doesn’t count in my wishes but I’ve kissed everyone but you and Jade, and I hear the birthday kiss is mandatory. But as the birthday girl with a once in a lifetime opportunity, I request no cheek.”
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Birthday Dinner || Open
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
“Oh don’t worry about it! He wasn’t singing to me and even I was flustered for a moment, I just wanted to wish you a happy birthday.”
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Zoey grinned. “I think that’s the effect that Rick has on people. I’m having the best night of my life here, or almost the best. Thanks, and thank you for coming. I know we haven’t been friends long, but I’m glad that you came. It means a lot. Those books and the card…” Her smile brightened even more. “I love them. It was a perfect gift, and I plan to use my wishes very wisely.”
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Birthday Dinner || Open
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
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Card reads: Zoey I don’t know you well enough yet to give you a good present but I hope you enjoy these ones, they are my favorite technomagic ones, there’s also a couple I found about technomagic and medicine and technomagic and illusionism and technomagic and the mind in hopes these help you figure out how to combine both your majors! Also based on the dance I’m guessing you like Aladdin hence the card, I promise to uphold those three wishes promised. 
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Dear Zoey, @zoeysinclair
Your help last year was invaluable. I look forward to seeing what you accomplish going forward, but if your grace under pressure was any indication it will be truly great. I hope this particular office supply serves you in your internship and beyond.
Best wishes, 
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Dear Zoey, @zoeysinclair
Happy birthday!
Your card and present are enclosed.
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Zoey, 
I’m awful at gifts, but I hope you like this. 
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You’ll always be the moon, I’ll be your stars helping you shine brighter and brighter as you live your life. 
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(Pretend this is in color and of Jessica. It’s all words describing Zoey.)
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I hope this works for your camera. I checked the make like 30 times. 
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(Pretend it’s a bouquet of flowers.)
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
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Zoey’s outfit for the Birthday Dinner -Oct 4, 2017
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
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Dear @alexmcromwell ,
So it’s not much but you know I take pictures of everything and I’m a very sentimental person, so I’ve collected photos of us, and events in our lives and made a scrapbook of our friendship. I know that we’ve had a rocky friendship and whether or not I’ve completely forgiven you was up in the air, but consider this a fresh start completely. We’re completely bonded now, and that’s a strong friendship and you’ve been there for me as times have been hard. I hope you look back on this and see how much i value our friendship.
The pink journal…isn’t a journal at all. Just whisper ostendo and you’ll see what it really is. (It’s a copy of everything in the book on the spirit child) Just make sure to whisper occulto when you’re done.
Lastly, this is a potion’s vile holder you can keep with you. It holds at least 12 potions bottles.
I hope you like the gifts and have a great birthday.
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zoeysinclair · 7 years
Birthday Dinner || Open
Zoey had been in awe that Alex had gone to the trouble of making this a surprise for her. All the people she considered friends and family were here. It was enough to make her a little teary eyed. She felt like she’d be getting emotional all night. She wasn’t used to much attention, especially on her birthday. Zoey was having fun, and already she’d gotten serenaded by a famous musician and cried again. She wondered when she wouldn’t cry. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her and she excused herself for a moment to go check her phone. She hadn’t seen any missed calls and even made a call to see if her phone was getting reception. She heaved a sigh and started to head back in when she almost ran into someone. “I’m sorry.  I was just getting a little fresh air. Getting serenaded was a little overwhelming. Rick Valentine was sweet to do that for me,” she said conversationally, hoping her smile was bright and cheery.
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