aesthetic-is-life · 2 hours
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by lana adams
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aesthetic-is-life · 4 hours
white men too
"feeling unsafe at night is something no man could ever understand"
black men beg to differ
brown men beg to differ
aapi men beg to differ
autistic men beg to differ
gay men beg to differ
trans men beg to differ
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aesthetic-is-life · 16 hours
au where everything's the same just shifted forward like 20-30 years and drunk teenage harry makes a tinder profile as tom riddle for a laugh, only somehow it gets back to v, who Knows the only bitch with this audacity could be harry james potter. so voldemort makes a tinder profile for harry and then they match with each other
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aesthetic-is-life · 16 hours
Born to read my own story, forced to write it first.
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aesthetic-is-life · 18 hours
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aesthetic-is-life · 20 hours
The KnB fandom is still alive right
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aesthetic-is-life · 22 hours
Other KNB's boys smut
Becouse there isn't only the GoM
Takao: he is pan, or at least bi. Decent size, nothing extravagant (his personality is enough). With girls he likes to have an active role and a little dominant. With Midorima he is a total slut. He is the one who usually starts things, but after is Mido the one in charge. Total bottom with Mido, just like to take it rough. His favorite position? Irritates Mido enough that he is fuck him on the first surface avaiable
Himuro: he is bi, but has a strong linking for big dicks. He is a total masochist slut, but not very sub, with all his parhers. Favorite position? Doggy style. It's feels like Muro's dick is in his throat.
Hanamiya: straight except for Teppei and Imayoshi. He likes dumb girls who became even more dumb after some dick. His little (big) crush for Teppei is from middle school and he has a lot on conflicted thoughts about it. Imayoshi is the first and only boy. they do nasty shit, without actually talk before or after. Favorite position? on his knees, even if he doesn't want to admit it
Teppei: straight, basic soft boy. Likes vanillia and if he has to put a preference (which he doesn't, becouse body shape is not the main reason why he dates someone) is curvy girl, with big chest. Likes to make his parther happy with kisses, love and cuddles. missionaria is his favorite position
Imayoshi: This bitch is asexual (sex-neutral type), but likes to torment Hana just for the sake of it. If torment him requires sex, he is gonna do it. He is a total sadist. favorite position? Hana crying
Mibuchi: gay. he has a canon crush on Akashi, but tries (and fails) to not make it too obvious. he likes comunication, toys but nothing too kinky. he is a switch
Nebuya: he is a basic guy like Teppei. straight, with he likes tall, muscolar girls. he and his girl met at the big and became gim buddies for sure. Favorite position? his partner's one.
Hayama: straight. He tried to kiss a boy in night club, but didn't really like it. Doesn't have the brain cells to do more than vanillia sex. He prefers short girls. Cowgirl his is favorite position
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aesthetic-is-life · 24 hours
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Théâtre de la Monnaie, Brussels (by nomaderaleur).
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 days
Omegaverse Worldbuilng - part 3
becouse now i can't stop thinking about this apparently
Courting is a thing. Change a lot for the culture, but is still an alive tradition even for younger generation (it's less strict though)
Exist meds for heat/rut regulation, also for long term use. They have two forms: pills and band-aid
The one to block it are not raccomanded for long term use (only pills)
Makeup/long hair and bigger fashion is usually for female betas and omegas
Male omegas sperm is not very ferile and the color is trasparent, but even if rare is not impossible to impegnate someone and the pregnancy is normal.
Female alphas has an uterus, but is not really fertile and their pregnancies often end with a natural abort.
Nesting is very personal and change a lot form person to person
Some omegas have difficulties in sleeping well outside their nest, for example, other no
The collaring and marriege cerimony are diffrent meanings. Marriege is with one the the part inolve is a beta. Collaring only for alpha/omega pair
Nowdays collar are seen like a old, opporessive thing in some areas, and they uses neckless or bracelets for omega, and for the alpha bracelets
omegas/alpha has a scarper sense of smell than betas
they have slighter bigger canines (a matter of like two millimetres), and the skin around the glands is more thin
omega has a unique thinh in their thoat for purring
alpha and beta can't purr
pro level contact sports requires the alpha/omega partecipant to wear scent blocker
combacts sport have strict rule about not hitting the scent glands in the neck
some states doesn't allow omega in the army as active soldiers
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 days
Smut GoM - Dick size
Aomine: he is the perfect size and very smug about it. Big, but not too big
Kagami: he is thiker than longer, requires some stretch for make it fit
Akashi: avagerage, really good in using it to find the right spots
Midorima: he seems small, because the rest of his body is big, but in reality he is not. It just didn't grow at the same rate
Murasabikara: he is big like the rest of his body. no need to comment over than this
Kise: nothing extravangant, maybe a little thin
Kuroko: the poor baby is small, but he compensates with other skills
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 days
Omegaverse Wordbuiling part2
scenting someone without their consent is considered as a harassment
Prision system is divided by the first AND the second gender. So female alpha and male alpha have different structures, as like male alpha and male beta, ecc ecc
For straight couples is meant (Alpha x Omega, indiffent the first gender, male beta x female beta)
All the other combinations are condidered as queer
Alpha x alpha couple usually doesn't work well, but omega x omega is a thing in modern times
In different parts of the word has diffrent point of view on queer people
Same for abort (in some cultures is accepted by only if the alpha makes the decion for example)
Poligamy is a thing in most of the cultures
Betas have pack too, but they simply call it family
Usually blood close related people (so like biological sibilings, mother and father ecc) are the primal pack of someone, but is not always said.
Breaking a bond is always cause emotional distress and hormonal unbalancing.
Hormonal problems are a big thing for omegas and alphas. It can be caused by big stress state, or despression/corellated disorders or for the malfuctioning of the glands. The cure can go from some simple pills for a short/long/forever periods of times.
In more seriouse cases, exists the equivalent of the CGM (constant glucose monitor) of diabetis, but for the Omega/Alpha hormons.
So is a little white thing you have on your back arm that bibs super high during a drop.
Like for anaphylactic shock, the people affected of this condiciotion has a autoinjector with the medicine.
Asexually/ Armomanticism is known, but accepted for betas than the others two.
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 days
Omegaverse Wordbulding
OmegaVerse facts that just make sense (in my head)
It's impossible to determinate the second gender until the presentation
Presentation happens in the first teens years (so like middle school, so 12-13 years old) but the first actual heat/rut is a couple of years later (so like 16-17 years old)
Beta doesn't have presentation
For male omegas and female alphas presentation is longer and more painful. In my head it can't be overwise becouse litteraly your organs suffer a drastic change and have to make space in a already taken spot in the body.
In younger generations is socially accepted that alpha can and like to nest too.
Female betas has periods each month, for an week (avagere)
Omegas (both female and males) has the menstruation after the heat ONLY if they aren't pregnant. (it's a optimal way to know it)
Omega's heat and alpha's rut last 3-5 days
In sport, the division is still made by the first gender.
Omega's pregnancies, expecially with the other parent is an alpha are rarely of a single pup. The norm is twins, and the expection, but still seen (like twins in "reality") is triplet (3 pups)
Beta aren't sensible to scents and smells like Omegas and Alphas
Male omegas don't produce milk
Female alphas can lactate if their bond mate is pregnant (they have to be bond for a hormonal response that activet the milk production)
Heat and rut don't trasform the person in a honry, complitely out of control thing. An alpha and an omega can stay together during these days without any sexual intercurse.
Sure they are more horny than usual, but they doesn't lose reason other it and it's manageble.
it's more about comfornt, felling loved and not alone
for omega is also feeling safe
for alpha making someone safe
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 days
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“Boy, you wanna come to my motel, honey?
Boy, you wanna hold me down
Tell me that you love me?”
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 days
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Franz Theodor Aerni - Fireworks on Castel Sant'Angelo (1875-80)
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aesthetic-is-life · 2 days
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aesthetic-is-life · 3 days
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Alphonse Mucha. Painting, Poetry, Music & Dance (1898)
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