aidaronan · 20 hours
can i please see a fat woman wearing it. yes, i know your sizes go all the way up to 5x. but can i please see a fat woman wearing it. yes, i heard you're woman-owned. can i please see a fat woman wearing it though. yes, i understand you donate 50% of proceeds to this charity. i still do not see a fat woman wearing it. can i please see a fat woman wearing it.
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aidaronan · 2 days
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i did this instead of writing
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aidaronan · 3 days
Nothing prepares you for seeing gifs of a real life friend on your tumblr dash
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aidaronan · 4 days
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aidaronan · 6 days
So my sister wants to start sewing more, because
a. She’s 5′ 11″ and can never find pants long enough for her legs or shirts long enough for her arms.
b. She hates synthetic fibers as much as I do and it’s difficult to find natural fiber clothes that aren’t made of cotton
c. She’s a biologist and would physically fistfight microplastics if given half a chance
So her gift from mom and dad for her birthday was a sewing machine. Not a super expensive one but a good solid serviceable one.
And recently she asked “So where do I GET wool or linen and thread that isn’t polyester” and mom was like ‘go ask your sister’
And I, of course, crashed into the group text like “GET A PEN I HAVE WEBSITES FOR U” and honestly I’m thrilled about this
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aidaronan · 6 days
🎶I'm looking for a man in forest Seven foot Has fur Is sasquatch🎶
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aidaronan · 11 days
can you put him in the birth of venus it’s what botticelli would have wanted
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the birth of eddie
(unscarred version under the cut!)
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aidaronan · 12 days
Pinch Hitter Sign Ups: NOW OPEN!
Hi there! 
Now that artist claims are officially complete, we’re opening sign ups for pinch hitting. Pinch hitting would entail stepping in for a project in the event that an artist must drop for any reason. 
Signing up does not obligate you to claim a project, it simply adds you to our list of artists who we would reach out to if there’s a project in need! 
As a reminder, we accept the following forms of art: digital art, traditional art, banner/headers, playlists with a minimum of ten songs and accompanying cover art, fan videos which must be at least one minute in length, photo set or gifset, podfics, and moodboards. 
You do not need to have already signed up for the bang as an artist to join as a pinch hitter.
If you would like to sign up, please fill out our sign up form here and feel free to reblog to signal boost.
Thank you!
- SBB ‘24 Mods
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aidaronan · 12 days
Every shampoo bottle should be designed to stand on its squirt end like newer ketchup bottles do. Why am I in the shower shaking my OGX like I'm trying to make a protein smoothie in a blender bottle? Am I training for the Jerk Off Olympics? We have the technology. Get the fuck out of here.
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aidaronan · 12 days
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Astarion doesn’t have the best hair in camp anymore…
Wacky crossover, my beloved, presenting: Steve the Paladin
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aidaronan · 13 days
Getting to know you, getting to know all about you
Tagged by @firefly-party. I think I've done this before but it was a while ago.
Last song I listened to: "Hypothermic" by Goodnight, Texas. I've been in a folksy mood lately.
Currently Watching: Nothing at this very present time, but I did finally watch Ready or Not today.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy?: sweet & savory with a hint of spice
Relationship Status: single
Current Obsession: I've been getting back into really interacting with Appalachian Trail content lately, which I haven't done in a couple of years. Good thing considering I'm writing this Steddie-on-the-AT story. And honestly, without getting too personal here, the fact that I'm able to look backpacking in the metaphorical eye again is kind of a big deal. But anyway. Other than that, a stupid fucking mobile game that sucked me in. Also how badly I want to get my hair cut. At all times, I'm one bad ADHD impulse moment away from having a movie "cut it all off with a sword" moment. Except instead of a sword, it'd be a pocket knife. I have fucking 4 of them now because free ones keep materializing around me. Why is the universe trying to arm me all the time? What is it planning?
I think I'm supposed to tag 9 people, but I can't remember who I tagged last time lol. I will tag my bang partner @stevespookington aka @oriarts. For team building. Otherwise the usual rules - if you say I tagged you, I'm no snitch. ;)
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aidaronan · 13 days
Influencers will post "run to dollar tree" content and then proceed to show me products/brands I've never heard of in my life. This suggests the best way to deinfluence yourself is to simply know nothing about anything. Recommend.
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aidaronan · 13 days
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aidaronan · 13 days
seeing a long text post that begins with "eddie" and scrolling down to cheat with the tags because it's like, what if that's not about MY eddie. is it 9-1-1 eddie. is it stranger things eddie. is it IT chapters one and two eddie. is it monsterfucker venom eddie. like, what eddie are we putting into gay little situations today.
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aidaronan · 14 days
Announcing Steddie Big Bang Team #65
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Excited to team up with @oriarts for the @steddiebang2024. I've been wanting to put some of my blorbos in this situation for years, and I think the BB is the perfect place to finally bring it to life with Steve and Eddie. And I'm so excited about how jazzed on this idea Ori seems to be. Let's crank the brainrot dial to the Maxxx pls. Here's the current back-of-book summary, though just like hiking the AT, you never know if plans will change. ;)
The Appalachian Trail spans 2000 plus miles from Georgia to Maine, weaving through the ancient lands of the Appalachian mountains. Each year, a couple thousand people attempt to hike the whole thing in one go. Their reasons for doing so vary as much as the trail itself, but many of these hikers are transitioning—from childhood to adulthood, from military to civilian, from marriage to divorce. Eddie Munson, 42, supposes he fits with that crowd of folks, seeking direction after a couple decades in the music industry, after coming so very close to the top before the wax in his wings melted away. Steve Harrington, 41, is seeking direction too, setting out for a big adventure to break out of a stagnant life in his small hometown. Eddie and Steve meet the way that most thru hikers meet one another: by happening to be at the same place at the same time. The sky doesn't shatter when they say their first hello. The ground beneath them doesn't quake when they run into each other again (and again). They're as friendly with each other as they are with everyone else. But the thing about the trail is that no one comes out of it the same as they went in. All up and down those 2000 miles, people are changing and growing, living and learning. Struggling and triumphing.
And they're forming bonds that, just like the rocks beneath their feet, will stand the test of time.
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aidaronan · 15 days
I hope everyone grows tired of being cruel to each other soon
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aidaronan · 15 days
Announcing Steddie Big Bang Team #65
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Excited to team up with @oriarts for the @steddiebang2024. I've been wanting to put some of my blorbos in this situation for years, and I think the BB is the perfect place to finally bring it to life with Steve and Eddie. And I'm so excited about how jazzed on this idea Ori seems to be. Let's crank the brainrot dial to the Maxxx pls. Here's the current back-of-book summary, though just like hiking the AT, you never know if plans will change. ;)
The Appalachian Trail spans 2000 plus miles from Georgia to Maine, weaving through the ancient lands of the Appalachian mountains. Each year, a couple thousand people attempt to hike the whole thing in one go. Their reasons for doing so vary as much as the trail itself, but many of these hikers are transitioning—from childhood to adulthood, from military to civilian, from marriage to divorce. Eddie Munson, 42, supposes he fits with that crowd of folks, seeking direction after a couple decades in the music industry, after coming so very close to the top before the wax in his wings melted away. Steve Harrington, 41, is seeking direction too, setting out for a big adventure to break out of a stagnant life in his small hometown. Eddie and Steve meet the way that most thru hikers meet one another: by happening to be at the same place at the same time. The sky doesn't shatter when they say their first hello. The ground beneath them doesn't quake when they run into each other again (and again). They're as friendly with each other as they are with everyone else. But the thing about the trail is that no one comes out of it the same as they went in. All up and down those 2000 miles, people are changing and growing, living and learning. Struggling and triumphing.
And they're forming bonds that, just like the rocks beneath their feet, will stand the test of time.
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