akisunlovesnalu ¡ 2 months
When the World Revolves Around You <3
By the time the calendar hits day 31, he’ll know her like the back of his hand. (or: Lucy is extremely popular and widely known throughout all of Fiore thanks to her father. So why the hell dosen’t this pink haired jerk have a clue about who she is?)
Happy late Nalu day guys! I love these dorks so much please enjoy my attempt a fluff
Chapter 6:
Lucy inhaled deeply, flourishing in the fresh midday air of the city. She closed her eyes and reveled in the noises around her. The deep rumble of the car engines, the ticking of their turn signals as they impatiently waited for the lights to turn green. The dogs that were barking in the park, their owners throwing sticks or having a picnic pressed close to their loved ones. The sounds of boys on skateboards, high fiving each other and snickering when another bailed. The sound of their wheels turning against concrete met her ears and Lucy sighed.
Today was Saturday.
And she had found Natsu right where she expected him to be. True to his word he was right behind the Heartfilia mansion, a crudely decorated skateboard in hand and a small group of teenage boys surrounding him. It was a wonder the two of them have never bumped paths before given the fact that this was most definitely trespassing.
Lucy shook her head, clearing her mind. What she was about to do now required her absolute focus, there was zero margin for error.
This plan, plan number: I stopped counting, had actually been something suggested by her new friend, Juvia. Of course Levy had been there to mediate, mumbling something about ‘two great evils’ and ‘the end of the world’. But she stopped complaining when they all got sidetracked by the Lunch menu and later deviated into the newest installment on their favorite book. Turns out Juvia was as much of a book nerd as herself.
Anyways, Lucy hadn’t been able to have lunch with Natsu due to the fact that he was a destructive force of nature which could only be appeased by ‘Lunch detention’. So while he earnestly apologized and sulked off to the principal's office, Juvia suggested a way for him to make it up to her.
“There is something Natsu could do to make it up to Lucy.” Juvia offered, shooting Lucy a grin. The blond blinked in confusion but let her friend continue nonetheless. They were allies after all.
Natsu had perked up at this, “What is it!”
“Well,” She put a finger to her chin, pretending to think before answering. “Juvia remembers Lucy saying something about picking up skateboarding to pass the time…?”
Lucy remembers saying no such thing. 
But Levy was sending her an enthusiastic thumbs up and Natsu’s eyes were sparkling as he turned his gaze to her and asked:
“Want me to teach ya!?”
She blinked. “Well-”
“Saturday, behind your place. It’ll be awesome!”
Lucy honestly couldn't refuse when he smiled as brightly as he did. He was practically glowing when she said, “Sure!”
He skipped more than sulked to the principal's office after that.
Now she was here, properly equipped for an afternoon of skateboarding and eager for this plan to succeed. Lucy took a slight jog, waving to Natsu to catch his attention.
He looked up after successfully finishing a kickflip, his messy hair falling over his eyes as he did so.
“Heya Luce!” He beamed, shaking his bangs out of his eyes. “How's it…”
The blond came to a stop in front of him as a shocked wide eyed expression melted onto his features. She smirked to herself, taking in his stupefied expression with pride.
He was obviously left speechless by her outfit, just as Lucy had planned. She’d spent hours researching and refining every aspect of her attire just for this moment. Pink knee and arm pads, A black helmet with a cute pink bow adorning the side, simple black leggings and a t-shirt to better emphasize her gear. Designer pink tennis-shoes to throw it all together.
Yes… Lucy looked absolutely adorable! 
And if the way Natsu was gawking at her implied anything, he thought so too! it was only a matter of time before-
Natsu stifled a laugh, doing his best to cover it up with a cough. He was doing a terrible job though and the mirth dancing in his eyes managed to sneak through his facade.
“What? What’s so funny?” Lucy pouted, throwing her hands on her hips.
His cheeks were red from how hard he was trying not to laugh. “W-what’s up with the getup.” He said, and Lucy realized as he gestured towards her outfit that was laughing at her protective gear.
“You can never be too careful!” She reasoned, face warming with embarrassment. “Statistics show that 2 out of 3 fatal skateboarding incidents are caused due to lack of protective wear. Helmets, elbow pads, and knee pads were invented specifically to keep people like yousafe.”
Natsu lazily scratched at his head as she finished her rant, huffing a breath through his nose. “Yeah but you look cooler without them. Helmets are lame.”
“Helmets are safe. ” Lucy concluded, pulling another helmet from behind her. Its hard black exterior was decorated by an assortment of bright red rubber spikes…
“Here, I brought one for you too. It has spikes!” She grinned and wiggled the helmet around as if it was a piece of rare candy. 
Natsu balked, taking a wide step backwards. “You want me to wear that!?”
“Yes…?” The girl blinked, cluelessly tilting her head as she spoke. “What’s wrong?”
Natsu scoffed. “What’s not wrong with it? It’s so…” He trailed off the moment Lucy’s face fell.
“You don't like it…” It was a statement, not a question. 
Lucy felt her excitement dim as she gripped onto the helmet a bit tighter. Today was supposed to be fun but it seems she’s already ruined it before they could even start. This plan of hers only had one fluke and as it turns out that fluke was her . Maybe she should’ve just-
Natsu clicked his teeth, growling in frustration, and snatched the helmet out of her hands. “F-fine. I guess the spikes are pretty cool.”
Lucy beamed immediately, any trace of sadness wiped clean off of her face. “Right!?”
Natsu’s mouth twitched into a small smile. “Yeah. Now let's get started!”
He slammed the helmet on his head, adjusting the straps around his chin and successfully covering up his exotic pink hair. Lucy thought that it was a shame to hide such an eye-catching feature, but necessary all the same. She also wondered what conditioner he used to get it to look so silky… but that was a question for another time.
“Alright coach, what should I do first?” She caught his eye and he held his chin in thought.
“I think you should get on the board.” He decided, sliding his skateboard over to her with a push of his foot. Lucy bent down and scrambled to stop it rolling with her hands.
Natsu watched her struggle with amusement. “Do ya need easier instructions, Princess?”
“Of course not!” The blond snapped, finally gripping the board and holding it down as if it were a feral cat getting its first shots and the vet.
She grit her teeth, setting a wobbly leg on top of the board and refusing to let her supporting leg lose its balance. She had studied all night for this moment; Scouring the internet for beginners skateboarding videos so that she knew exactly what to do and when. Sure Lucy was more of a hands-on learner but simply standing on a skateboard couldn't be that hard.
As soon as she released her foot on the ground, the board began rolling forward, and Lucy felt her entire body being pulled backwards by gravity. She shrieked, squeezing her eyes shut and preparing herself for the worst that never came.
Natsu was at her side in an instant, one hand circling her waist and another cradling her head to take the brunt of the fall. She felt her breath leave her as she landed in his arms with a grunt, her eyes forcing themselves open at the feeling of warmth coursing through his fingers and spreading along her back.
“S-sorry…” She muttered breathlessly, afraid to speak any higher than a whisper while his olive green eyes scanned her face. They flickered back and forth, darting around like a 3D printer desperate to memorize the formula of her distinct features. His eyebrows were scrunched, a look of confusion glazing over his normally nonchalant expression as she licked her suddenly dry lips.
“I guess the instructions were too hard…” She tried to joke.
And he cracked a smile at that. 
The boy shook his head, pulling them both out of their moment and into a standing position. 
“Noted.” He chuckled, dusting off his jeans. “Why don’t we try that again?” 
He went to grab the board and placed it firmly by her feet.
Lucy shook herself out of her stupor, deciding to ignore whatever that was and instead put her soul focus on the task in front of her. She bawled her fists and eagerly nodded her head at the instructions Natsu was barking at her.
“Try to find your center and balance.” He explained. She made a noise of agreement, mentally logging that into her head.
 “It helps when you bend your knees instead of standing as stiff as you just were. Remember to keep a low and relaxed stance. And…” 
She paused as he faltered, shooting him a puzzled look.
He turned away from her, a small blush coating his cheeks as he held out his palm expectantly. “Hold onto my hand this time. I won't let you fall.”
“Oh.” Lucy’s eyes widened, flicking between his palm and her own hand. It wasn’t that big of a deal, she knew that. Natsu was just trying to be a good coach and make sure she didn’t hurt herself. It was the decent thing to do.
But it was also… oddly sweet. At least for him. Lucy found that she liked this shy side of Natsu. Even if the loudmouthed, serious-lack-of-filter side of him was just as enjoyable, she felt it in her chest that this squirmish, caring side was rare. And she’d been lucky enough to experience it not once, but twice .
The thought caused a wide grin to stretch across her cheeks, her eyes squinting due to the sheer giddiness spreading throughout her body.
She carefully placed her hand in his, grinning even harder when he finally turned to meet her eye.
“My hero.”
Lucy takes it back.
Natsu was not a hero. In fact, if she had to compare him to anything he’d be the evil bloodthirsty dragon holding her -the princess- hostage. When she’d told him as much he fell into a cackling fit even though it wasn’t the least bit funny.
Not even in the slightest.
“Oh c’mon Luce!” The boy whined, poking her puffed cheek with an irritating finger. “I said I was sorry!”
Lucy stubbornly ignored him, sharply turning her head and flicking her hair into his face. He sputtered and spat at the blond locks that managed to slip into his mouth. 
She fought back a smug grin. Now that was funny.
“Ok, you got your payback!” He sulked, using his unoccupied hand to swat the rest of her hair away from his mouth. With a sigh he forced her to look at him and said, “Can you please just take the ice-cream already?”
Lucy hummed and tapped her chin in thought, reveling at the annoyed huff he shot her way.
The ice cream was a peace offering. An apology for pushing her down a hill whilst she attempted to stand still on the skateboard. Thankfully the hill wasn’t huge , and in the end she had been fine and even learned how to control the steering on that thing . But it had still been a terrifying experience. Lucy thought she was going to die! And all Natsu had done was cackle and point at her distress! 
Apparently no matter how kind he pretended to be, the boy was a jar full of mischief. He simply couldn't resist teasing Lucy and her ‘funny looking face’. Skateboarding was supposed to be fun, not serious and lame. At least, that was his reasoning.
She found his reasoning to be stupid and intended to hold onto this grudge for as long as she could.
But… while Lucy thoroughly enjoyed teasing her pink-haired friend, she was struggling to keep up the act. Truthfully, she had never shared ice cream with a friend before… and no one has ever bought her a cone. 
At least not since she was much younger and the Heartfilia mansion felt more like home…
So passing up an opportunity like this was not on her to do list. Plus, he had somehow unknowingly bought her favorite flavor. Her mouth watered, watching the cookie chunks tantalizingly glisten atop the frozen white cream. She licked her lips, already tasting the sweet delicate texture of the cookies and cream…
With newly found resolve, Lucy greedily took the cone out of Natsu’s hand, holding it to her lips and taking a slow lick at the sugary treat. It tasted amazing, even if it had steadily begun to melt onto her fingers.
The sun was slowly making its rounds across the sky and the two found themselves in a nice quiet neighborhood. It was almost empty, save for the few people walking in and out of the tiny family-owned shops. Natsu’s board was positioned against the stairs of the fountain that she sat on, their two helmets huddled together on the ground beside it.
Natsu grumbled grievances under his breath, sitting down next to her and leaning back against his hands. His cheek squished against his shoulder as he turned to watch her, playfully narrowing his eyes.
“That wasn’t cheap, y’know.”
Lucy hummed, uninterested and clearly not listening.
“Should’ve made you get it.” He continued to himself, mourning the loss of his own cone which he had eagerly consumed moments before. “You’re the rich one. You probably wipe your ass with money for fun…”
“That’s unsanitary Natsu.” She smacked her lips.
He huffed. “Whatever.”
The sound of the fountain continuously shuffling in and out water filled the silence in the air while Lucy finished off her cone. It was a comfortable silence and she found herself sighing in content.
Natsu followed suit. The sky’s rosy orange hue lit his face perfectly.
Lucy thought that even though her plan to woo Natsu with her non-existent skateboarding skills had failed, she didn’t regret their time spent together. Today was fun. Probably the most fun Lucy has had in a very long time. 
Plus, she still had 23 more days to shove fun facts down Natsu’s throat. For the first time ever she felt like she didn’t have to rush it. The longer she took to fulfill her promise, the more time she could spend with him. And she wanted that more than anything…
A breeze swept past her, tickling the bangs that stuck to her forehead with sweat. She brushed them back in place, dejectedly looking up at the warm, painted sky.
“I should probably start heading back.” She moped, hating the sun for running its cycle and forcing her good day to end. Natsu raised a curious brow.
“You got a curfew?” He asked.
Lucy scoffed bitterly. “Something like that…”
He hummed at this, somehow understanding her predicament without having been told anything.
“I used to have a curfew too.” He confessed, a playful grin crossing his lips. “You wanna know how I got rid of it?”
Lucy knew it was late, she understood that she had to get home soon or else she’d be in big trouble. Realistically she knew she had to say ‘No!’ and start heading back home…
But she just didn’t want the day to end. 
Even as the peach-colored sunset had begun to gradually dim, She nodded, allowing curiosity to get the best of her.
“Well first of all, my curfew was at 8pm!” He threw his hands up, exasperated. “Do you know how lame I looked being the first kid to leave while we were hanging out? I begged and whined at my old man for hours but he just wouldn’t let up. My uncle always complains about us Dragneels being stubborn creatures… I guess he wasn’t too far off. “
Lucy was quick to agree. If Natsu’s behavior was any example of Dragneel stubbornness, she couldn’t imagine interacting with his father! She wondered what his father looked like while Natsu animatedly continued his story.
“After a few days of begging I got annoyed and decided to just ditch it anyways. The first time I came home past curfew, Igneel was seething . The guy grounded me for weeks and caught me every single time I tried to sneak out. That is until I came up with a plan to distract him while I snuck past.”
He smiled at the memory.
“I threw all of his underwear into a controlled fire.”
Lucy choked, with eyes practically bugging out of her head. “You what!?”
“Yeah he wasn’t too happy about that.” He sheepishly ruffled his messy hair. “After that he realized how serious I was and figured that at age 16 I should be allowed more independence. Eventually we came to an agreement. I keep flammable substances out of his room, and I can come home any reasonable time that I want!”
Natsu’s grin was wide as he jumped up, clenching his fist determinedly. “Do something like that and I'm sure your pops will let you out soon enough!”
“Something tells me that wont work on my father…” Lucy awkwardly confessed. “But it’s a nice thought.” She giggled, trying to picture an emotion on her fathers face that didn’t resemble some form of seriousness, brooding, or anger.
“Only one way to find out!” He joked, offering his hand to help her stand. Lucy graciously took it, flashing him a quick smile.
“I don’t think todays the day to find out. Maybe another time.”
The two placed their helmets on their heads as Lucy eyed the small hill in front of them. She had no clue where they were, but the Heartfilia mansion stuck out like a sore thumb, towering above the rest of the town. It wouldn’t take them too long to get her home, especially on the skateboard. She’d be back just in time for dinner!
“Alright,” Natsu did a quick flip on his board, totally showing off as he rode circles around her. “Hop on. Let’s get ya home.”
He smirked at her pout and Lucy found herself instinctively shoving him away. Unfortunately, while still on the board and caught off guard, Natsu began rolling down the hill. The girl couldn’t help but bark out a laugh as she watched him flail his arms around and squawk like a bird.
“Wha- Lucy! What’s so funny huh!?- shit! ”
She laughed even harder when he successfully managed to slow the board but sacrificed his balance in turn. He tripped with a grunt and landed face first on the street.
“Oh my god,” She gasped for air, pointing at him to emphasize her point. “There's no way that actually happened!” 
Her side hurt from laughing so much. She felt so free in this moment with a grumpy Natsu blinking up at her, face completely fine and uninjured despite his rough tumble. Looks like the helmet had come in handy after all.
Natsu grinned up at her when her laughing fit took her to the floor, his eyes squinting and soaking up every minute of her unrelenting howls.
“Cut it out, it’s not that funny!” He snickered, immediately tossing his grumpiness in favor of completing her chorus of laughter with some of his own.
And Lucy thought that this was a perfect ending to a perfect day.
CH 1 - CH 2 - CH 3 - Ch 4 - CH 5 - CH 6 -
Also posted on AO3 and Fanfiction.net!
14 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 2 months
When the World Revolves Around You <3
By the time the calendar hits day 31, he’ll know her like the back of his hand. (Or: Lucy is extremely popular and widely known throughout all of Fiore thanks to her father. So why the hell doesn't this pink haired jerk have a clue about who she is?)
Chapter 5:
Lucy walks into classroom 777 completely prepared for the day ahead of her. She immediately has Natsu in her sights, his discernable pink hair shining in the glare of the open window beside him. Of course he was right next to Gray Fullbuster, the two of them butting heads over some stupid reason or another.
Lucy took a deep breath, stealing herself while gripping the strap of her school bag. “Levy.” She said darkly, a serious look in her eyes. “Wish me luck.”
Levy took a deep inhale as well, if only to prepare herself for whatever weird antics her best friend was getting ready to subject Natsu to. She held her hand up to her forehead in a salute, taking on a serious expression of her own.
“Godspeed, Heartfilia.”
Lucy nodded sharply, her target in sight, and her legs stiffly making their way over. After their conversation yesterday, the girl had decided that her plans with Natsu were too convoluted and that in order to succeed, she’d have to go the simpler route.
This plan was named: ‘I ask you and you ask me and eventually I’ll answer so many questions about myself that you will be forced to get to know me whether you like it or not’.
The name needed work. 
Levy had suggested naming it 20 questions but Lucy didn’t know what that was and honestly, it sounded boring.
She was too busy mulling over which conversation starter she would use to catch his attention today to notice when his eyes drifted over to her… That is until he raised a hand in greeting and a grin settled on his once irritated face.
The girl froze in her tracks, a lump forming in her throat at the sight.
“Hiya, Luce!” He animatedly waved her over.
Her breathing stuttered and an image of him sitting in the nurse's office, a kind smile on his face as the wind blew his hair away quickly came to mind. Luce? Were they already close enough to have nicknames for one another? Why weren't her feet moving? She had to get it together!
“Gray, my love!” A girl Lucy remembered to be Juvia barreled through their conversation, her light blue locks elegantly trailing behind her. She unsuccessfully tried to leap into Gray's arms, almost knocking Lucy over in the process.
“Mornin’ Juvia...” He mumbled, darting out of the way.
Juvia stumbled into a standing position, unfazed. A loving grin was plastered on her face. “Oh it is a wonderful morning now that Juvia has seen your face…”
Natsu didn’t allow this to distract him though, once again finding the blond girl's eyes and tilting his head. “You doing okay, Luce? Your face is lookin’ pretty red…”
“O-oh!” She slapped her hands against her steadily warming face, gritting her teeth at the amused snickers behind her. She shot Levy a glare and the girl quickly turned away, whistling to herself unsuspectingly.
“I’m okay…” She took a deep inhale, putting on her best smile. “Good morning, Natsu.” she beamed.
He slowly blinked back at her. “Yeah…”
While Juvia rambled on about her morning, Gray’s attention shifted to Natsu, his brows furrowed. His eyes flickered to Lucy and then back to his friend suspiciously.
“Cut it out.” Natsu hissed, shoving the dark haired boy aside. “I can feel ya breathing down my neck!”
“You cut it out!” Gray pried the other boy's hand away from his face. “You’re acting weird and it’s freaking me out!”
“Yeah well, your face is hideous and it’s grossing me out!”
“Yeah? Well-”
Lucy huffed in frustration while the two’s argument escalated. It seemed no matter how hard she tried and no matter how much she wished for it, it was impossible to catch a moment alone with Natsu. That was a fact that had been brought to her attention yesterday, and a fact that will remain infuriatingly true. 
Unless she could get Gray out of the picture…
The girl felt her eye twitch as Gray ascended on Natsu, threateningly taking a fist full of the boy’s shirt. 
Seriously you’d think they were a couple with how much time a day they spend together. The only moment Lucy managed to catch Natsu alone yesterday was because a teacher had forcefully separated him and his rival. Every other minute of the school day they were inseparable! Sure all they did was argue and bicker. And yes, occasionally a friend or two (or Juvia) would tag along- but the statement still stands. Those two were connected at the hip.
Were they enemies, or were they lovers? Anything remotely close to lovers would prove to be a roadblock in Lucy’s plans.
While too busy in thought, the blond failed to realize the death stare she had been receiving for the last few minutes. That is until a hand gripped her shoulder, nails digging dangerously into the fabric of her uniform.
“Enough is enough, Lucy Heartfilia!”
The girl whipped her head around and came face to face with a fuming Juvia.
“What?” She blinked cluelessly.
Juvia huffed in annoyance and shook her head. “Juvia does not care who Lucy’s father is, or how popular she may be! Lucy has no right!”
Oh, so even Juvia knew who she was without having to ask! That was a relief. The whole situation with Natsu had Lucy doubting her influence; but this only reassured her that her reputation was fine, and that Natsu was as rude and insensible as she originally assumed!
Watching the way Lucy’s face lit up as she spoke, Juvia narrowed her eyes further. “Juvia will not stand by while another woman attempts to steal her precious Gray.” The girl grit her teeth and reached into her bag for something that Lucy was not sticking around to find out.
She quickly threw her hands up defensively and attempted to convey the sincerity on her face. “Juvia, I'm not after Gray!”
“Do not lie, Lucy!” The blue haired girl hissed. Actually hissed like some sort of wild beast and Lucy found it was in her best interest to back away . 
“Juvia saw you yesterday!” The girl continued, jabbing a finger into Lucy’s chest and roughly shoving her up against a desk. “You couldn’t keep your eyes off of him! Juvia thought nothing of it because Lucy was new but today it’s the same! Well, sorry to break it to you but Lucy cannot have him. Gray belongs to-”
“Juvia please!” Lucy desperately grabbed her wrist. Her plan was failing horribly and though they were friends now, she couldn't help but blame it all on Natsu. Had he not smiled at her like.. Like that! Had he just called her Lucy instead of that stupid nickname, she would not be in this mess!
Lucy gently lifted Juvia’s hand, squeezing it to better get her point across. “It wasn’t Gray I was staring at! It was…”
Suddenly losing all of her confidence, the Heartfilia heir turned her face away, once again ignoring the heat rising to her cheeks. That was happening way too often for her liking. There had to be something wrong with her.
When her eyes focused she was staring at a mess of papers and books scattered on the floor. Gray had leapt on top of Natsu and was doing his best to grab at the other boy's tangle of pink hair.
“I was s-staring at…”
Again, Lucy wondered why words were failing her. Never, not once in her life had she been left so tongue tied. It was downright embarrassing! Her father would have her head if he knew just how much of a babbling fool his daughter had become after one day of public school!
By now, Natsu had gained the upper hand. He was busy childishly shoving his hand against his rival's face, kicking his feet around and shouting meaningless insults. The boy smiled a little as he fought and Lucy figured her current predicament had something to do with him…
“I was staring at Natsu…”
“Oh!” Juvia used her other hand to cover her mouth, a wide dazed expression on her face. Her own cheeks had turned a pretty pink color and her eyes sparkled with a new found understanding.
“Juvia understands now.” The girl pulled her hand out of Lucy’s grasp and bowed apologetically. “Please accept my sincerest apologies.”
Lucy felt herself physically deflate in relief. Happy that she was no longer on Juvia’s hit-list and even more thankful she didn’t have to figure out what was in her bag…
Juvia relaxed, folding her hands behind her back, and tilting her head curiously. “So, Lucy is looking to catch Natsu’s eye, correct?”
“Yes!” Lucy beamed. Juvia really did understand her situation. It was only a matter of time before Natsu was on his knees begging for forgiveness and embarrassed by his ignorance! A creepy smile crept onto the girl's lips as she imagined the scenario and Juvia took a cautious step backwards.
“W-well Juvia is looking to catch Gray’s eye.” She cleared her throat, narrowing a concentrated eye at Lucy. “We have no choice but to work together.”
Lucy blinked in shock and considered her options. The options varied from “act stupid in class and make him your tutor" to “Bewitch his family and worm your way into his weekly family dinners.”
…That last one wasn’t a horrible idea-
Right. Her only option was working with Juvia to separate Gray and Natsu long enough for her to sweep in and force him to realize his mistake and make up for it!
Lucy nodded to herself. Yes, this was definitely the only course of action.
“Alright Juvia.” She looked up, a dangerously greedy gleam in her eyes. “Let’s work together.”
Juvia met her eye with a gleam of her own, chuckling darkly to herself. “Yes. Lets.”
Only a few chairs away from the scheming girls was a petrified Levy, a hand doing its best to cover her wide gaping mouth. Her eyes felt like they would pop out of her head as she watched her best friend and Juvia high-five. She could swear she felt a shift in the air as soon as their palms touched. And it seems like she wasn’t the only one.
From the floor, both Natsu and Gray abruptly froze mid-punch, faces paling in unison.
“Did…” Natsu squeaked. “Did you feel that too?”
Gray, all too familiar with the feeling stiffly nodded, mentally preparing for a week of utter chaos.
CH 1 - CH 2 - CH 3 - Ch 4 - CH 5 -
Also posted on AO3 and Fanfiction.net!
9 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 2 months
When the World Revolves Around You <3
By the time the calendar hits day 31, he’ll know her like the back of his hand. (Or: Lucy is extremely popular and widely known throughout all of Fiore thanks to her father. So why the hell doesn't this pink haired jerk have a clue about who she is?)
Chapter 4:
Lucy stood at the door of the nurses office, her hands practically glued to the door handle as Natsu situated himself inside, an ice pack pressed to the burn. The room was small. Her fathers office was almost 3 times as large but this room felt… nicer. More homey than her fathers office could ever be.
The cozy atmosphere of the room however, couldn’t disguise the awkward energy between the two. They had been stuck in a heated silence since the incident in the chemistry classroom and it was clear that neither one of them wanted to be the first one to own up to their mistakes…
But Lucy knew better than to let the air clear itself. She was taught to handle problems diplomatically, no matter how avidly she preferred to ignore them. She may be stubborn, but she was not an insensitive ass. It was time for her to step up and be the bigger person, even if that meant apologizing to the boy who’s done nothing but insult her all day.
She didn’t even care about her stupid promise or her dumb plans anymore. She didn’t care that a trip to the principal's office could mean isolation from society because of her father. Truthfully, she just wanted the heavy pit in her stomach to go away so that she could breathe again. The girl took a deep breath and stepped deeper into the nurse's office.
“I’m sorry.”
Forced to stop mid sentence, Lucy's mouth was held agape. “What…” She tried to speak but the words had somehow clogged her throat.
“I’m sorry, Lucy.” Natsu looked up at her, his legs crisscrossed on the bed. As the words continued to stay lodged in her throat, the wind blew in from the open window, moving the hair out of his eyes and properly painting the boy's somber expression.
For the second time in the last week, Lucy felt her breath stutter. Too distracted by the fact that he had just called her by her name… By the fact that Natsu had just called her Lucy , she had almost failed to hear the rest of his apology.
“I probably shouldn’t have brought gasoline to class… that was pretty stupid of me. And you aren’t a privileged jerk.” he turned to the side, muttering to himself, “You’re just a weirdo. ”
Thankfully Lucy hadn’t heard him, too stunned by his apology.
“I-”  She breathed. “I’m… sorry too.”
“I know.” 
“I was kind of rude to you too… I didn’t mean to imply that you were stupid.”
“I know.”
“I um… I tend to throw that word around… a lot .”
His mouth twitched a small smile. “ I know. ”
She felt herself smiling back.
Well… this was certainly an interesting turn of events. In every single scenario she had played throughout her mind, none of them ended or even started with Natsu apologizing. Perhaps… Lucy had misjudged him. Him and his charming smile. She preferred that look over the one he was giving her earlier… 
The pit in her stomach was quickly easing up, replaced by another foreign giddy feeling. “Let's… take a look at your arm.” She spoke, grabbing the first aid kit on the desk and sitting down next to him on the bed. He gave her a questioning look as she opened the kit and began inspecting the inside.
“I can do it y’know.” Natsu offered. “I’m no stranger to patching myself up after an accident.”
Lucy looked up in confusion. “What do you-” Her memory flashed to their first meeting. The way he had so gallantly rescued her from a crowd of crazed fans… on his skateboard.
“Oh.” She said, shaking herself out of her stupor. “Well, I'll do it. It’s kind of my fault that you got hurt in the first place…”
Natsu admittedly had no counter argument for that. He eyed her wearily one more time. “You sure you know what you’re doing?”
“Of course!” Lucy looked up from the box, confidently holding up a bandage wrap. “You aren’t the only one experienced in patching up an injury.”
HIs eyes widened in surprise and worry before the girl realized her mistake. “Don’t worry!” she hurriedly steadied his arm. “It was just another part of my studies.”
“Your studies?” He raised a teasing brow.
Lucy rolled her eyes and began applying a cream onto the wound, apologizing when Natsu flinched. 
“My health tutor thought it’d be good to know how to handle any kind of injury. You know… Just in case.”
“Well lucky us.” Natsu quipped, cracking a smile. “You get to put that practice to good use and I get to be treated by the world's best doctor.”
“And don’t you forget it.” Lucy winked, pinning the last of the gauze on his burn. She held her hand on the wound for a moment longer, feeling insanely guilty for being the cause of it. 
“Well doc, am I gonna make it?” The boy asked when she hesitated on releasing his arm.
“O-of course!” Lucy flung his arm out of her grasp. “But unfortunately, I’m not permitted to prescribe you any medication.”
“Well,” he tapped his chin in thought. “I heard that exposure to the culprit helps wounds heal quicker.” He offered.
Lucy decidedly liked the casual rhythm to their conversation. Natsu was more amusing then he first let on.
“And where did you hear that?” The girl played along, moving off of the bed to put the first aid kit back where she found it..
Natsu grinned. “The smartest man in the world of course! And he says that Lucy Heartfilias must take responsibility by sitting with the patient…at lunch tomorrow.”
Lucy bit her lip to hide the smile slowly creeping onto her face. “So you do know my name.” she raised a brow.
“Yeah.” Natsu got shy all of a sudden. “And since you already repaid me, it’s my turn.”
The girl made a noise of question as his expression suddenly grew serious. “I really am sorry for how I treated ya. I guess this burn was kinda deserved.” He chuckled.
Lucy caught herself frowning at this, glancing down at the gauze covering his bicep again. “Of course it wasn’t! I’m the one who-”
“Let's start over.” Natsu interrupted. Climbing off the bed and standing close… so close that Lucy was sure he heard her irregular heart beat. 
The boy held out his hand. “Will you be my friend, Lucy?” He asked as if Lucy could say no to that! As if he was aware how weak that smile suddenly made her feel. Lucy felt her face grow hot even though she’d technically only known him for about 4 days, 14 hours 27 minutes and 8 seconds…
Technically .
She had no choice but to grab a hold of his hand and ignore the shiver that it sent down her spine when they touched. “I would love to be your friend, Natsu.”
She was unable to contain how wide her smile was at that moment, and frankly she didn't care much. Because Natsu Dragneel was smiling back just as wide.
The principal's office wasn’t as scary as she had chalked it up to being. Maybe it was Natsu’s warm presence beside her that had eased her nerves. Or maybe it was the fact that the principal was 2 feet shorter than her. 
Either way, the two of them had only received a stern talking to that Natsu completely ignored in favor of doodling on his arm. Lucy had left the office to Natsu animatedly retelling a fight he apparently won against Gray. And she had left the school, offering a wave to the boy, a wide grin permanently stuck on her face.
Once she arrived home, happily greeting Ms. Spetto and Horologium at the entrance, the girl ran straight for her room, throwing her bag on the bed and slamming the door behind her. She readily pulled out her phone, wincing at the worried texts from Levy.
With her contact name in sight, Lucy clicked the call button and held the phone up to her ear.
“Lu!” The shorter girl answered after one ring. “Are you okay? I can’t believe that idiot blew up another experiment. He always does this-”
“Woah calm down Levy, I’m fine!” Lucy giggled a little at her friend's antics. She was such a worry wart. “Actually I’m more than fine.”
She could practically see Levy’s teasing eyebrow. “Oh?”
“Yeah.” Lucy rolled her eyes, sitting down on the window seat and staring down at the bustling city below. “We may have started off on the wrong foot… I kept calling him stupid and he assumed I was a ‘privileged jerk’-his words not mine.”
Levy sounded confused when she asked, “Natsu said that?”
“That’s strange… He’s not usually so quick tempered, believe it or not.” The girl scoffed. “Well, unless it comes to Gray.”
“I bet.” Lucy found herself giggling remembering how the two jumped up on the lunchroom tables earlier that day only to be knocked off by a very pretty red-haired girl. “Anyways, we went to the nurses office and sorted it out. I’m eating with him at lunch tomorrow!”
“Congrats Lu!” The blue haired girl cheered her on from the other end of the phone. “Man, you’re almost as obsessed with Natsu as Juvia is with Gray.”
“ Except for the fact that Juvia is madly in love with Gray and I simply want to pursue a friendship.” The blond huffed.
“Oh, so now we moved on to friendship?” 
Lucy didn’t like the teasing lilt of her tone. She could picture Levy’s wide toothed raised brow expression so vividly it was almost like the girl was directly in front of her.
“W-well of course!” She struggled to keep her face cool. “Natsu seems like a good guy. Perfect friend material.”
“So he’s no longer a pink haired, pig headed, no good jer-”
“No!” She snapped. “He’s Natsu and he’s my friend and we’re gonna have lunch together tomorrow and I’m going to tell him all about myself and he’s going to be so shocked and embarrassed about not knowing me before and Operation: Make this rude no-longer-stranger know me like I know me better than… me?”
“Operation: Make Natsu know me as well as I know myself in one month's time?” Levy offered.
“ Thank you . Operation: Make Natsu know me as well as I know myself in one month's time’ Will succeed before the end date and I will be victorious!” Lucy finished with a maniacal cackle.
The line went silent while she recollected herself, a smug satisfied grin on her face.
“Sure thing, Lu.” Levy sighed tiredly. “I’m gonna let you be a psycho in peace, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Bye Levy!” The Heartfilia girl smiled, blowing a kiss and hanging up the phone. 
Lucy then stood from her seat at the window, mischievously staring down the calendar beside it. She tugged away the pen attached to it, and gleefully crossed off today's date.
“One down, 25 to go!”
She placed the pen back in its place and pulled a notebook out of her school bag, deciding it was time to focus on something she actually enjoyed. The creative writing class she had taken with her best friend was some of the most fun she’s had since learning trigonometry.
As Lucy blissfully scribbled out a short story at her desk, absentmindedly humming to herself, she failed to notice the 2 pairs of eyes peeking in on her, warm smiles on both of their faces.
Horologium silently shut the door and ushered Ms.Spetto away. His eyes crinkled in amusement. “Lets let her be.”
Ms.Spetto dusted her hand off on her apron, offering the old man an appreciative glance. “I haven't seen her this happy in a very long time… thank you.”
“Think nothing of it.”
Horologium set off down the hallway, gripping his hands behind his back as a woman with blond hair and kind eyes flashed through his memory.
“It’s what Layla would have wanted…”
CH 1 - CH 2 - CH 3 - Ch 4 - CH 5
13 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 2 months
When the World Revolves Around You <3
By the time the calendar hits day 31, he’ll know her like the back of his hand. (Or: Lucy is extremely popular and widely known throughout all of Fiore thanks to her father. So why the hell doesn't this pink haired jerk have a clue about who she is?)
Chapter 3:
Lucy held a binder tight to her chest, standing just outside of her new classroom doors. Homeroom started in just a few minutes and Lucy made sure to use her time well. 
She spent an hour getting ready in the morning, had a short panic attack in her limousine on the drive to school, and now she very casually looked in through the windows of room 777. 
“Um… excuse me.” A girl with long blue hair hesitantly waved a hand in front of Lucy’s face. Lucy jumped, causing them both to tense up awkwardly.
“May Juvia get through?” The girl gestured to the door behind her.
Lucy blinked, confused. Before realizing that she was blocking the entrance to the dreaded room 777. The blond nodded, moving out of the way in the most graceful way imaginable. 
Very casually.
The girl gave her one more weird look before rushing into the classroom.
Lucy sighed, dejectedly sliding down the wall. Right next to the door. The door leading into classroom 777.
Existing was much easier when everyone knew she existed. If only that stupid pink haired, pig headed, no good jerk had recognized her five days ago-!
“Levy!” Lucy sprung back up, holding onto her friend for dear life. “What do I do!? I made this decision spontaneously and you know how horribly ‘Lucy’s spontaneous ideas’ end!”
Levy quickly shifted her books into her other arm as she smoothed her hand down her friends back comfortingly. “I-it’s okay! You’ve always wanted to go to school! This was just that extra needed… push!”
Even Levy didn’t sound too sure as she said that. But Lucy nodded her head nonetheless, taking in a couple of calming breaths as she did so.
“You’re right, Levy! I made a promise and by the stars I will stick to it!”
Her eyes wandered as the sound of shuffling feet interrupted her sentence. Her eyes trailed, slowly, painfully aware that a fresh head of pink hair is what awaited her. His eyes were just as onyx as she remembered. She watched as his mouth curled up into a cute little ‘oh’ shape.
“It’s you!” He said, shoving his finger in her face as Lucy continued to stare slack-jawed.
The blond had imagined this very moment in her head since their last meeting. The scenario went by the name of ‘Plan: Oh boy do I feel stupid now!’
She would have something smart to say that would leave him speechless. He’d get on his knees and apologize for acting so rude that fateful Saturday. Then he’d grab her hand… and bring it to his lips-
“I see you haven’t gotten less weird...” Natsu squinted his eyes, carefully scooting her out of the way. “You’re blocking the door, princess.”
And with that he stepped into the classroom, their interaction already forgotten.
Lucy didn’t move a muscle. Her face had frozen again, permanently stuck into that wide eyed, slack mouthed expression. Levy politely shut her friend's jaw, sighing as she pulled her into the classroom. 
That moment had just confirmed her suspicions. There was absolutely no way these two could get along. They were complete opposites!
“Princess…” Lucy held her suddenly hot cheeks in her hands, allowing herself to be dragged towards a random seat at the front of the classroom. All of her worries about interacting with anyone had disappeared in an instant. The anxiety she’s felt the entire morning melted into a gentle fluttering.
Natsu had called her princess… He was teasing her, obviously. Lucy knows this. But, it still felt good hearing him say that to her. About her . 
Why the hell was her face so red!?
The time was third period. The setting was outside of classroom 226 this time… The subject was chemistry, and the name of the plan was ‘Plan: blow Natsu away with her otherworldly intelligence.’ He’d be begging to become her friend after he saw how perfectly she could remember chemical reactions. The periodic table was no match for Lucy Heartfilia’s photographic memory!
“Lu… you don’t have a photographic memory though.” The loyal and trustworthy Levy was at Lucy’s side, attempting to drill any rational thought through the girl's revenge clouded brain. 
“I have to! How else would I be able to remember every single element on the table?” Lucy made sure to say that last bit a bit louder than usual. She shot Levy a wink, ignoring the other girl's confused squint.
Lucy glanced over to the table next to them, searching for Natsu’s wide eyed blush covered face. But alas, the boy was in the middle of an intense insult battle with his rival, Gray Fullbuster. Again.
How on earth was she meant to stick to her promise if this judgmental jerk wouldn’t even bother to look her way. All of her plans for interaction have failed because he was only in two of her classes! Not only that, but her lunch plan had been shoved down her throat along with the rest of that god-sent food.
Lucy had meant to talk to Natsu during lunch, honestly! But then Levy had dragged her into the lunch line and introduced her to some of her friends and they all got to talking and eating and- there had to be some type of drugs in that food to make it taste as heavenly as it did…
“Oh please!” Gray scoffed, repeatedly poking Natsu on the head. “Your dumb ass can barely pass the math exam without cheating off of Juvia’s paper!”
“Says you!” Natsu growls back. “Juvia gave you her paper after you sighed once ! I wasn’t gonna watch you cheat and get a better grade than me! No way in hell!”
“On the subject of cheating,” Dr. Macao, a tall man with the heaviest eye bags Lucy has ever seen, walks in through the door of the classroom, pointing to the writing on the board as he makes his way to his desk. “Today we will attempt to make fire… again.”
Lucy squinted her eyes in confusion. “But what does that have to do with cheating…” She mutters to herself, only to be rudely interrupted by the entire classroom’s shushing. She leaned back in bewilderment as Levy’s hand slapped over her mouth.
Nobody wanted to hear about Dr. Macaos failed experiences of love again. They’d spend the entire class period just listening to his whining alone!
Lucy slowly nodded her head, throwing her hands up in surrender. Levy sighed before sending her friend an apologetic smile.
“Please remember the safety regulations that you have been taught.” Dr. Macao continues on. “I will not have another incident on my hands. Am I clear? ” He says this while shooting a glare directly over at Natsu’s table.
“Sure thing, teach.” Gray lazily replies.
Dr. Macao slowly observed the two boys before deciding, “Somebody switch tables with Gray.” 
Gray clicks his teeth in annoyance but Macao could care less. He wasn’t taking any chances this time. He didn’t trust those two as far as he could throw them. And by god did he want to pick those two up and throw them far . Far enough to ensure they wouldn't cause him trouble ever again. The school was still recovering from last time…
Lucy’s hand was up before anyone else could utter a word. She could faintly hear Natsu’s victorious cackling over her own. This was her chance! She hasn’t been able to catch a moment alone with Natsu since their first encounter this morning.
It was time to blow him away with her exceptional memorization and participation skills. She was everything to wish for in a chemistry partner! Smart, funny, blond, gorgeous-!
“Go for it, Heartfilia.” Macao says before sitting at his desk and pulling out his phone. “Natsu, inform her of the safety equipment. Good luck.”
As Lucy walks over to Natsu’s table she discreetly wonders if school is always this laid back. Her tutors were much harsher on her than any teacher has been so far… But that’s not important right now. She had to focus on blowing. Natsu’s. mind.
Lucy drops her backpack on the floor, putting her goggles and gloves on in expert time before turning to her partner with a smug grin. As per usual he gave her no reaction, just a raised eyebrow and a completely uninterested face.
But alas, Lucy persisted!
“So,” He starts. “the safety-”
“Worry not, Natsu Dragneel!” Lucy declares.
“I’m not worried…”
“I, Lucy Heartfilia , will make sure our chemistry experiment deems incredibly successful!” Lucy had practiced these words in her head in the mirror this morning. Her first words to Natsu were nothing short of impressive. No wonder he was left in a stunned silence.
Lucy continued to grin as Natsu slowly turned to their experiment, muttering an, “Okay…” under his breath.
“Step one, pour Kali on a solid surface.” Lucy reads out loud. “That must be-”
“This one.” Natsu reaches for the bottle as Lucy does, their fingers brushed and sends a rush up her arm.
“Uh- yes right.” The girl has to take a moment to compose herself as Natsu pours the powder onto the surface. “Next, we-”
“Make a small gap and pour the glycerin in the middle. Light the tinder and write down the reaction, I know .” and he proceeds to do just that.
“You-!” The blond sputters. “You couldn’t have known that! You must have read the instructions already.” She resolves as Natsu dramatically rolls his eyes. 
“Screw the instructions .” He pulls his own goggles over his eyes, sending her the most devious grin she has ever seen and reaching into his bag to pull out a strange bottle. “Don’t ya wanna see a real fire?”
Lucy immediately knew that this was a horrible idea. If the way Macao spoke was anything to go off of, Natsu was incredibly destructive and untrustworthy when it came to these experiments.
“I don’t… think that’s such a good idea.” She decided.
As much as she loved finally having his attention directed on her, the girl had to ensure her own safety before her lab partners… creativity.
“Awe C’mon!” He shook the liquid in the bottle a bit before opening the top and taking a whiff of the substance. “Don’t you wanna see what happens?”
Was that gasoline? Why the hell did this 17 year old highschooler bring a bottle of pure gasoline to class? When did he find the time to plan this? Why?
“Put that away!” She hissed, startled by his sudden pyromaniac tendencies. Her eyes traveled to the teacher's desk, flicking back as she found his head tilted back against his chair and his mouth wide open. She grew less cautious as she heard a loud snore over the chatter of the classroom.
“Oh,” The boy raised a taunting brow. “So Miss princess is bold enough to sneak out of her mansion but can’t ditch a few lousy directions?”
“I-I could ditch these instructions if I really wanted to!” 
HIs grin grew even more devious. “Then let's do it! I’ll just pour a tiny drop-”
“Don’t be stupid .” Lucy panicked, putting her hand between the gasoline and the fire. “We were given explicit instructions for our safety and it’s only natural that we follow them. Who in their right mind is dumb enough to bring gasoline to class!?”
Natsu’s entire demeanor seemed to shift as she finished scolding him. He slammed the bottle of gasoline on the table. “I’m not stupid.”
“Could’ve fooled me!” The girl chose that moment to take off her sweaty goggles, fed up with this stupid and frankly dangerous experiment.
“Yeah well at least I'm not stuck up! ”
Lucy flinched back, surprised by the complete shift in his attitude. “What’s your problem?” she finally snaps, staring her lab partner directly in his eyes.
“I bet you’re smart enough to figure that out.” He snarkily replied, decidedly done with the experiment as well.
“What do you-”
“I don’t think I need a whole month to figure you out.” He clicked his teeth. “You’re just like every other privileged jerk I've met.” He leveled her with a look . In Lucy’s short time knowing the boy this is the first time he’s aimed such a glare at her. At anyone . 
She didn’t like that look on him. She didn’t like that it was directed at her. She didn’t like the way it made her throat clog up and her eyes water with tears. She didn’t like the way her insides squeezed with guilt; she's never had to feel this way before!
“You- What do you know!” she defended. “Acting like you’ve got me all figured out.” Lucy slammed her own hand on the desk, causing the chemical bottles to jump.
Natsu’s eyes traveled to gasoline, the look replaced with a bubbling panic.
“You don’t know what I went through to even get into this stupid school- you don’t know me at all!” She continued, ignorant to the mess she was creating on the table. She could feel Levy’s worried gaze on the back of her head but she simply did not care anymore.
She didn’t know why she’s been trying so hard to get this guy's attention. Why she couldn’t stop thinking about him ever since they met. She didn’t know why she craved his approval so much .
“And to think,'' She supposes she just wanted to… 
“I did all of this to become your friend!” she admits, too heated to even process what she had just said. “I’m so stupid!” 
Natsu seemed genuinely stunned as Lucy’s hand flung in the wrong direction one last time.
It was too late. She had knocked all of the kindles into the middle of their mix, which burst into enormous flames. In her confusion Lucy could barely pinpoint the moment Natsu shielded her with his own, unprotected arm. But it happened, and Lucy’s shoulder was spared from a chemical burn in return.
He winced in pain as the flames quickly traveled up only to be put out by the quick acting sprinklers in the ceiling. Alarms set off throughout the school as the students groaned, some pulling out umbrellas (??) and heading out of the classroom.
With soaked hair and lopsided glasses, Macao gave the two stunned students a glare to rival her own fathers, pointing a firm finger towards the door. “Nurse, and then Principle. Do I make myself clear?”
With her own hair dripping down her face and clothes soaked beyond recognition, Lucy simply didn’t have it in her to reply back. 
She really messed up.
CH 1 - CH 2 - CH 3 - CH 4 - CH 5
17 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 months
When the World Revolves Around You <3
By the time the calendar hits day 31, he’ll know her like the back of his hand. (Or: Lucy is extremely popular and widely known throughout all of Fiore thanks to her father. So why the hell doesn't this pink haired jerk have a clue about who she is?)
Chapter 2:
It has been four whole days… Five thousand seven hundred and sixty whole hours since Lucy had last talked to Natsu. She made a promise! But so far she’s been locked up in the mansion planning on what to do instead of actually doing anything. It’s been four entire days! 345,600 seconds!-
“Lu, I really think you need to calm down.” The blue-haired librarian finally took her fingers off of her keyboard, leaning back in her chair with a loud yawn.
“Calm down!?” Lucy stopped chewing on her nails, snapping her neck towards the girl as her eye twitched in frustration. The blond straightened her back, twiddling her fingers in a feigned interest.
She cleared her throat. “What are you talking about, Levy? I am calm.”
Levy raised a brow in suspicion.
“What!? I am! Calm as a bird, as a bee, as a calm ocean breeze!”
“Lu. Your go-to panic mechanism is poetry.” The girl deadpanned, stopping her friend in the middle of intimidating a ‘calm ocean breeze’. “Obviously something has got you this fidgety.”
Then, under her breath, “Or someone.”
Lucy sighed, dropping her arms in another form of silent frustration. But could you blame her? Ever since she was just a small naive child, the blond has kept it in her morals to always tell the truth, never break a promise. It’s been a rule that she’s followed since- well, since forever! 
So how could she just idly sit by for the rest of the week, giggling and laughing in her mansion's library with her best friend Levy while she had a promise to keep!
“I made a promise, Levy! Now how am I supposed to fulfill it if I can only get out of this stupid house on saturdays?”
Levy shrugged, eyeing the girl in confusion. “Why didn’t you like… ask for his number or something?”
“Levy!” Lucy gasped dramatically, holding her arm to her chest like she just got burned. “I couldn’t do that! It’d just look like I was h-hitting on him or something!” A light blush overtook her pale cheeks.
“Did you want to hit on him?” Levy once again raised a teasing brow. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately.
“Of course not!” 
“Then why won't you stop bringing him up in every conversation we have!?” The girl sighed in exasperation.
… Well now Lucy felt bad. Has she really mentioned him that much?
“I told you! I made a pro-”
“A promise, I know.” Levy boredly interrupted. 
The blond pouted, plopping down on the chair next to her friend with a dissatisfied hmph. Levy sighed, shutting her computer with a slight roll of her eyes.
“Look, if it means that much to you, Natsu goes to school.”
“Yes. That’s why I can only see him on saturdays.” Lucy spelled it out as if talking to a child.
“You didn’t let me finish!” Levy snapped. “Natsu goes to school, Lu. My school.”
Lucy’s eyes widened as Levy continued. “Maybe I could talk to him about you or something so that by the end of the month he’ll still know you like ‘the back of his hand’ or whatever-”
“Levy, you beautiful genius! That’s it!” 
“Well I am pretty smart.” Levy preened.
“I’m going to school!” Lucy announced, standing with a prideful smile stuck on her face. The blue-haired girl watched in exasperation for a moment, waiting for her friend to realize the implications of her statement. After a while she sighed, pushing her red glasses above her nose tiredly.
After collecting herself, she firmly stated, “How.”
Now that stupid grin was really frozen on Lucy’s face. Finally the implications came flooding in. “By… asking my father.” Her voice wavered.
Levy raised a brow.
“Oh, stop doing that!” The blond kicked her foot in annoyance. “I’ll ask him!” She shouted, running out of the room in an attempt to save her stubborn pride. Levy sighed, staring at the spot that Lucy once resided in with a frown. 
“Good luck.” she whispered.
Light brown boots stomped across the finely decorated marble floors, clearly in a hurry to get to their destination. Lucy curled her fist, breathing slowly as she approached a large wooden door. A sign spelled out clearly in large letters, “Do not disturb me while I am working.”
She rolled her eyes like she does every time she stepped foot outside of this door. Which wasn't much… at least not willingly.
“Oh, Miss Lucy, what brings you here?” Kairos, (or Horologium as she liked to call him) her fathers assistant bowed respectfully, a short strand of gelled gray hair falling out of place and catching Lucy’s attention.
“Horologium!” The girl chirped, obviously avoiding an inevitable topic. The man tilted his head in question. “Is um… I’d like to schedule an appointment with my father please.”
The man made a noise of acknowledgment, feeling his mustache as he checked the clipboard in his hands. “It seems the next time he’ll be free is…” He scanned lower. “Tonight at 6:30pm which is about 7 hours and thirty minutes from now. However, estimating from the way the clouds are moving it seems the meeting may be a few minutes late due to-” 
“Thank you, that’s fine!” Lucy interrupted, breathing out a relieved sigh as he blinked back unfazed. And he wonders why her and half of the staff called him Horologium. The man was practically a walking pendulum clock.
The man wore a soft smile as he asked, “What is it that you’d like to speak to your father about?”
“Well I was hoping to address the topic of… um school with him.”
Horologium made a noise of understanding, glancing back at the door behind him. “I’m assuming the reason behind that would be to become more friendly with the children of some of Master Jude’s business partners?”
“Uhh,” Lucy laughed nervously, having not even thought about what points to bring up. “Yep. That’s the main reason!”
Horologium nodded his head, stroking his beard. “Which means you’re hoping to attend Fairy Tail private school… Am I correct?”
The blond cursed under her breath. She forgot to ask Levy what school she went to! Although, going off of the symbol Lucy often saw her friend wearing on her clothes, she decided to go with it.  “Uhm… yes of course.”
“I see.” He nodded once again, leaving Lucy in her mild panic state and cracking open the door behind him.
He peeked his head inside. “What do you say, Sir?”
Lucy froze, the nervousness from before hitting her once again like a flood. Had her father been listening in this whole time!?
She heard him sigh from behind the door. “That should be fine as long as she actively participates in my gatherings from now on.”
Horologium hadn’t even bothered to look back at her, simply saying, “She understands completely, Sir.”
“Good.” Her fathers tired voice boomed from inside of his office. “You’re excused, I have a lot to do.”
Horologium bowed, backing up and shutting the door behind him.
Had… Had Horologium been helping Lucy during their entire conversation!? 
(And how thin exactly were the walls of the Heartfilia mansion??? Suddenly the way her Father knew about everything she did seemed to make more sense.)
Lucy shook her head. “Horologium,” She whispered, gesturing for him to come closer. He did, although not without the questioning look he sent her way.
“Thank you…” She said, The man sent her a knowing smile and a wink before sending her on her way.
Lucy couldn’t contain her grin as she went back to the library to tell Levy the good news (and confirm that she got the right school of course). Even that night, sleep was hard to come by as she imagined her very first day of school. And if most of her scenarios involved her “unintentionally” running into Natsu well… that was for her to know.
CH 1 - CH 2 - CH 3 - CH 4 - CH 5
12 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 months
Take a bite of my heart tonight
Update!! I've decided to post the remainder of this story on A03. The first two chapter are out right now right here!! Here's a small snippet of the second chapter:
Summery: Natsu learns just how rude a Violinist can get when you barge into her practice room. And after Lucy Heartfillia unintentionally transfers into his school, she learns that, much like an elephant, Natsu Dragneel never forgets. Because of him, they both are forced to spend the rest of their day in detention. Accompanied by a temperamental Erza and an innocent Gray. But when they stumble upon mysterious artifacts sought by a vengeful ghost, they're thrust into a supernatural battle that forces them to work together and maybe form an unlikely friendship in the process. TLDR; Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Erza start a food fight, become ghost hunters, get thrown into detention, and discuss the complexities of Romeo and Juliet. I’ll let you decide what order it all happens in. A Ghost Busters Au (of sorts)
“You look like shit.” A shirtless boy very helpfuly commented with a smirk. His raven black hair laid casually on his head as he fiddled with the chain dangling out of his pocket. Natsu lifted his head off of his desk, barely registering what his friend had said before slamming it back down with a groan.
The dark haired boy released his smirk, tilting his head with pity. “It was that bad, huh?”
“Bad doesn't even begin to describe it!” Natsu felt tears well up in his eyes at the memory. “It was so dumb Gray! Why did they even kill themselves without checking to see if the other was alive!?”
“It’s a romantic tragedy dumb ass. They were too heartbroken to check or something.”
“That's no excuse! I blame Juliet for every bad thing that has ever happened to them!”
“It wasn’t even her fault-”
“I am thrilled to know that you were paying attention, maybe we should go again sometime.” Both boys stiffened at the new voice. More so the owner of the voice. Erza Scarlet took a seat beside Gray, pulling her bag over the back of the chair and facing her childhood friends with a small smile.
“Good morning, Natsu and Gray.”
8 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 months
Take a bite of my Heart Tonight
A fairy tail AU that's been rotting in my notes for the last 4 years. I was thinking of posting it on AO3 seeing as the first arc is 95% done and I'm interested in finishing this story.... But I'm also an expert at dropping fics whenever I lose inspiration... So should i really post it?
Anyway, enjoy and tell me what you think! (I might just post in on AO3 anyways ;))
Summary: Natsu learns just how rude a Violinist can get when you barge into her practice room. And after Lucy Heartfillia unintentionally transfers into his school, she learns that, much like an elephant, Natsu Dragneel never forgets. Because of him, they both are forced to spend the rest of their day in detention. Accompanied by a temperamental Erza and an innocent Gray. But when they stumble upon mysterious artifacts sought by a vengeful ghost, they're thrust into a supernatural battle that binds their fates together. TLDR; Lucy, Natsu, Gray, and Erza start a food fight, become ghost hunters, get thrown into detention, and discuss the complexities of Romeo and Juliet. I’ll let you decide what order it all happens in.  A Ghost Busters Au (of sorts)
The sun was high in the sky, encouraging what seemed like every single individual in town to wander the warm streets of Magnolia. Children ran around the town square, most playing with the fountain conveniently placed in the middle of it while teens conversed with each other, seated on benches or in chairs right outside of the only decent ice cream place in town. Parents gloated to each other, barely keeping an eye on their dogs which yipped and hopped around loudly. Old folks sat on tables, some lightly conversing with their partners while others sat stiff, glaring at each other between an intense game of chess. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits, happy to be outside doing something that they enjoy.
And then there was Natsu.
The young 16 year old boy groaned loudly, attempting and failing at running away from a scarlet haired woman who had been carelessly dragging him around by his shirt collar for the last 5 minutes.
“Erza~” The boy whined, waving his arms around him in childish frustration. His sharp canine like teeth stood out as he refused to quiet down his disruptive cries. Erza let go of his collar, turning to face him with a glare that was sure to scare even Satan off of his throne down in hell. She raised a fist, bopping him on his head decorated with soft pink hair.
“Shut your whining!” She demanded but eventually softened her glare as he pouted, rubbing the now sore spot on his head. “I know this sort of thing isn’t something you’d usually enjoy…” She sighed, gazing up at the building in front of them.
It was huge, large enough to be considered a school but much too extravagant to be considered ‘public’. The first floor seemed to have replaced all of its walls with glass windows, each one providing the view of an expensive walkway littered with obviously rich students. The brick of the exterior had been displayed as a bland gray color in order to put more contrast on the ginormous pink sign stuck to the top of the building which read: “Love and Lucky performing arts studio”
The red-head looked away from the studio and gave Natsu another pitying look. “I just wanted someone to explore new horizons with. Please bear with me, just this once.” The boy gave a disinterested grunt knowing that if he said anything else, his throbbing head would be the last thing he had to worry about. Erza smiled, satisfied with his answer and dragged him through the automatic glass doors.
The interior wasn’t much different from the outside if your mind were as simple as Natsu's. The only two words that came to mind while looking around the building were ‘Snobby’ and ‘Rich.’ The pink haired man was quick to hate the place, having already dealt with his fair share of financially superior boys. Not to say that he hadn't made sure to give each kid more bruises to count then all of their money combined. 
Erza led them to an elevator after having a boring conversation with the desk lady about the beauty of art. From there they found their way to the second floor where the two were scheduled to watch the showing of Romeo and Juliet. 
Natsu already felt tears well up in his eyes as he read the start and finishing times on the play bill. His friend had already promised to treat him to a meal after the show was over if he behaved. But it seemed she had forgotten to specify exactly how long he would be waiting. The play would last almost a full 3 hours.
This was going to take forever.
Thinking that he might as well enjoy his freedom while it lasts, the boy gave Erza the good ol’ bathroom excuse and rushed out of the large stuffy auditorium before any more questions could be asked. He decided to wander around, peeking his head into rooms that he believed were empty and living up to the title of school prankster.
After putting water on everyone’s seats in a room called ‘Improv theater’ Nastu decided that it was probably time to head back. He had seen at least three students wander past the otherwise empty hallway and decided that he’d rather not take his chances at the school for snobby art kids.
He had only turned a corner before he heard it. The soft sound of music wafting past his ears like a haunting melody. And peeking his head into that room met him with a sight that he was sure would stay embedded into his mind for years.
A girl no younger than him stood on a platform with a violin cradled under her chin and snuggly in her arms. She expertly stroked each string up and down, tapping her feet to an even pace. Her beautiful blond hair had been put up into a neat ponytail, not one strand hung out of place. Her eyes were closed so she was completely unaware of the boy creeping further into the room, following the sound of her music in a daze. Neither was the boy himself apparently because as his limbs moved on their own, his eyes stayed fixed on her face, more specifically her eye where a small tear slipped past her eyelids and onto the floor. 
Before any more tears had the chance to fall, Natsu had oh so gracefully hit his leg against the arm of a chair, letting out a silent curse as it throbbed in pain. Great. Now he had two bruises to worry about. 
The violin stopped, and the girl opened her eyes, darting them around in a panic. They settled on his very stiff figure and he saw her relax slightly, setting the violin down on the chair beside her. Neither of them spoke for a tense few seconds, him silently studying her, and her searching for any source of recognition.
“Who the heck are you?” He blurted out, cursing himself for his lack of filter. It wasn’t often he’d think this but Natsu seriously wished he had taken his rivals advice more seriously. The dark brown pupils of her eyes narrowed as he coughed, awkwardly shuffling his feet from side to side.
“I could ask you the same thing.” She snapped back, throwing her hands on her hips and walking down the small set of stairs to the right of her. 
The boy narrowed his eyes, taking in the practiced movement of her walk. He had forgotten for a moment but this performing arts studio was full of snobby upper class kids. Why the hell would she be any different?
“I got lost.” He growled out meeting her glare with his own.
“Mind getting lost somewhere else?”
“Gladly.” He hissed, turning heel and marching towards the exit. He was almost out of the door before he stopped, angling his head to her slightly and muttering just loud enough for her to hear. “It’s too bad you’re a snob… ya didn't sound half bad.”
The blond blushed and stuttered out a small thanks as the strange pink haired boy finally left the auditorium. As Natsu begrudgingly walked back to the showing of Romeo and Juliet, and the girl packed up her violin and walked to the limousine waiting out front, a barely noticeable star twinkled up in the sky, hidden by the sun's bright inferno of glittering rays.
That night the star stayed lit, attracting the attention of curious onlookers. Some people stared long and hard, pointing up in the sky and dancing around with exclamations of how pretty it was while others only glanced at it, nodding their heads before continuing on with their night. But one man had neither reaction.
One man with burly gray hair and a fair share of wrinkles scattered around his face gawked at the star through binoculars. Sitting on top of the town's very own Kardia Cathedral, this man observed the star with nothing but shock mirrored in his expression. There was so much he wanted to say, so many thoughts running around his head, but only one had the pleasure of leaving his dry lips. 
“...Oh shit.”
Update post:
I’ve posted the story on ao3 and the first arc is already finished!
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 6 months
Every Witch Way
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A fic that I wrote inspired by this photo. Originally I wanted it to become a detective fic but my brain spiraled and I ended up with this. It became an adventure mystery story and of course, the government hates them :) I liked the idea of them traveling through the desert and I'm not too sure where the guild fit in this but just know that all Magicians (Witches) are in hiding because society believes they are evil. Most normal people do not have magic so someone spread a theory that the only reason witches have magic is because of human sacrifices etc. It's important to note that witches want to keep their powers under wraps or else they will get reported to the authorities and sent to the hier-ups in the capital. Nobody knows what happens to the witches who are caught but they don't want to find out.
That might be some unnecessary background information so skip over that if you wish and enjoy!
When Lucy finds herself kidnapped by a ruthless group of bandits, the last thing she expects is to be saved by a witch with Pink hair and his talking blue cat. And she most certainly didn't expect to become their good friend and travel companion. Who knew evil sorcerers and government conspiracies can lead to unexpected friendships.
As the blond girl dragged herself, hands tied together in front of her, and sand covered bare feet weakly trailing after her, she realized how fast camels might actually be. You see, in all of the stories she had read so far, none of them did the four legged beast's speed any justice. They never quite described how hard it was to keep up with them. It was always “The creature was big” or “The creature was furry” but never “When kidnapped by a group of bandits, tied to and forced to stumble behind a literal camel, it may be hard to keep up.”
See if any of the books had written that in, maybe Lucy Hearfillia might be faring better in her situation. But alas, she was not.
“Stop lagging behind, blondie!” One of the men snarled, pulling on the rope to further demonstrate his annoyance. Lucy stumbled forward, struggling to stay upright. She hung her head low, very aware of the menacingly bright sun and quietly sighed.
Oh what she would do to somehow get out of this unfortunate turn of events.
She has probably been traveling together with these no good thieves for about 3 hours. After being abducted from the only good town in this godforsaken desert, the men forced her to follow them, ignoring her cries of where she was and demands to let her go. She gave up eventually of course. Not even her vocal cords could handle the immense heat that came with the dry deserted area.
“Hey boss.” The big one said, glancing over at her with furrowed brows. He had been the one to capture her in the first place. Of course Lucy could have easily taken him on but… a moment's hesitation was all they needed to successfully tie her up and steal her ring of keys. Aquarius was going to kill her!
 “Not that I really want to, but... Should we give the chick some water?” 
The man in front of the big one grunted, his blueish hair blowing with the small breeze and clearly showing off his strange X-like tattoo. Lucy watched on with little interest as a bead of sweat traveled down his forehead.
“I wouldn’t bother.” He scoffed. “Every time we’ve tried, she just spits it back up. Plus, earlier she tried to bite off Javier’s finger, do you really want to risk it?” He raised an eyebrow.
The man in question made a whining noise, clutching his injured hand to his chest and glaring at their prisoner with watery eyes. He mockingly raised the water bottle to his mouth, chugging it in an attempt to get a rise out of her. Lucy rolled her eyes, instead looking back down at the smooth sand beneath her feet.
The big one made a noise of understanding. “Even after we lied about it not being drugged too-”
Javier spit up the water that he was previously chugging, shakily putting the top back on and storing it back inside of the camel's holding bag.
“You idiot!” ‘Boss’ hissed, turning a piercing glare unto the man beside him. “She still didn’t know-” He paused, glancing over at their very interested prisoner and forced himself to  take a deep breath. “You know what, it doesn't matter, she'll be fine.”
“But, Bora-”
“She’ll be fine!” The man who Lucy now knew as Bora raised a fist threateningly. He smirked in sick pleasure as his henchmen coward away. Before she even had time to pull a face of disgust, he turned to Lucy, eyeing her hungrily. “Now, let's get a move on. The employer is expecting us by sundown and I'd rather not have the sun beating down on me any longer than necessary.”
The rest of his men tiredly murmured in agreement, picking up the pace and forcing the blond girl to — once again —trudge through the slippery sand. She hissed as her feet pricked on some sort of stick-like plant. Oh Mavis if she could just reach into the pouch hanging off of Bora’s belt-
“I don’t see the issue, it’s not even that hot.” A new voice said, startling the crew of 14 bandits plus Lucy herself. Her head snapped up for the first time in a while. Ignoring the ache in her neck, the girl rapidly searched the area until settling upon a man with… pink hair. 
He didn’t look too shocked to see a kidnapped girl tied to a Camel. Nor did he bat an eye at the blue cat that sat on his head, lazily playing with the goggles that held his hair out of his face (Did she mention that it was pink!?). And his attire looked so incredibly… bold that Lucy was sure she would faint. Seriously, who was stupid enough to travel through the desert in a black long sleeve shirt, a tan vest and a literal scarf. It was like the guy was begging to get a heat stroke.
She had immediately decided that whoever this man was, he was insane.
“Now.” He grinned, getting into a fighting stance. “What was it you said about an employer?”
Oh look now he wanted to fight off an entire group of bandits. Lucy scoffed. Definitely insane.
Where did he even come from?
Bora snarled, holding up a hand and signaling his guys to pounce on the man wearing freaking cargo pants. Once again, the pink haired freak didn’t even flinch. He stayed rooted to his spot, grinning a wide smile and daring one of them to come at him.
They did, of course, and to Lucy’s surprise were blasted back by a large ring of— 
Well that certainly explains a lot.
Even after that big scare, the men were back on “Mr. cargo pants” as soon as Bora sent each and every one of them a snarl. The blond snorted as soon enough, all 14 men were on the floor, some of them even halfway in the sand and halfway not.
Bora’s horrified face soon turned back into a scowl as he fully processed Lucy’s teasing. He jumped off of the Camel, ignoring a curious looking “Mr. cargo pants” and stomping over to her. 
“Something Funny?” He said.
“Yeah, actually.” She chuckled some more, tugging on the rope in silent frustration. “Looks like you're about to get your ass handed to you.”
Bora growled, raising his hand in an attempt to threaten her. Lucy eye’d it wearily, but made no attempt to move out of its path. To her pleasure that seemed to aggravate the man even more.
“I’ll show you!” He cried and Lucy's breath hitched as he brought his hand down to strike her across the face… 
The sound of skin hitting skin somehow echoed throughout the desert and Lucy was sure her face was stinging a bright red…
Except it wasn’t… to be honest she felt no pain. Almost as if she hadn’t been hit at all… Cracking her eyes open she realized that a figure stood in front of her, effectively blocking both the sun and her view of Bora. At this, the girl was finally able to piece together what happened.
Bora had aimed for her face, only for his wrist to be caught by “Mr. cargo pants” himself. 
What an interesting turn of events indeed. 
Lucy was quite surprised by how calm she was in this type of situation. No other girl would be able to keep a straight face as they were surrounded in an alleyway, tied up, and forced onto a camel, only to be saved by a strange man (who was definitely insane) that kicked ass and breathed fire. Though if anything she’d have to blame it on experience.
The silence was interrupted by a snarl, one almost inhuman. Bora shrieked, snatching his hand away and forcibly putting a distance between him and this insane man.
“H-how dare you!” Bora shrieked, reaching into his belt and pulling out a knife. Lucy’s eyes flashed onto the leather pouch before giving the man a hard glare.
“You’re one of those demons aren't you!” His voice shook but was filled with so much venom. “The horrible bastards that turn to rituals and blood sacrifices in favor of magical powers!?”
Mr. Cargo pants made no attempt to move, only stared Bora straight in the eyes with an unreadable expression. 
“So what if I am?” He answered.
Lucy felt her lips turn into a frown.
“Then you’re worse than me!” The man laughed maniacally, waving his knife around as he spoke. “Why bother saving this chick with magic earned by bloodlust? Wait…” He gasped dramatically looking at Lucy and then back at Mr. Cargo pants. 
“Oh…” he cackled this time, using a shaky hand to clutch his side. “You probably need her right? For another sacrifice?”
As he continued with his dumb speach Lucy felt her patience slipping. She bit her lip, tugging on the rope once again with no success. She growled, now desperate enough to be pulling against the weight of a freaking Camel.
“Let’s make a deal, hm?” Bora held the knife to his mouth in thought. “I’ll let you take her for just a bit of cash. I’m sure you and your demon friends would love such delicate, pure hearted prey right? Blah Blah Blah Blah-”
Lucy tuned him out and her pink-haired savior still made no move to attack, only balling his fists and taking deep breaths. She understood… the need to prove him wrong… to just shut him up! Which was what she was planning on doing! As soon as she got rid of this stupid rope-
Her savior lunged, slapping the knife out of the bandit's hand and catching him by the neck so quickly that Lucy had to blink, just to make sure she had actually witnessed that.
Bora struggled against his grip, clawing at his arm as he gasped for breath. “Y-you…” He coughed. “You monster!”
The pink haired boy dropped him, cracking his knuckles as Bora attempted to crawl away.
“Hit me with your best shot!” He screeched. “Monster!” 
And that’s when Lucy’s attention was directed towards a flying blue blob. It took her a minute to realize that the blue blob was the cat previously perched atop her savior's head. She couldn’t help the small shriek that erupted from her throat as the cat landed directly in front of her, a look of pride overtaking its face.
“Hold on!” It cried, using its claws to slowly cut away at the thick rope. Lucy stood stock still, mouth wide as she watched a cat! a talking cat, free her from her ‘Camel Prison’... 
This day just kept getting weirder and weirder. 
She felt the rope loosen up and took that moment to slip her hands free.
She rubbed her wrists, absentmindedly thanking the (blue, flying, taking-) cat and zoning back in on the fight. Well… what she thought would be a fight. Instead, Lucy saw Mr. Cargo Pants kneeling by a tied up and unconscious Bora, checking his pulse with a bored look in his eyes.
The girl wanted to laugh at how quickly that ‘battle’ had ended. In fact, she did laugh! How could she not? Here was Bora, big bandit leader with unquestionable power over his 14 lakey’s, beaten black and blue after a fight that had barely even lasted a minute.
Lucy was almost ashamed to have put her morals over her own safety. Taking on this guy would have been a sinch, the rest would have probably run away with their tails between their legs. 
The girl released a breath, finally finished with her laughing fit. She wiped a tear from beneath her eye, grinning wide at her two saviors.
“You’ve got guts!” The cat… the blue, flying, talking cat.. Spoke. It spoke… Lucy felt her face twist in confusion.
“Thank you…?”
Mr. Cargo pants finished tying up the rest of the men and strode over to them, his arms crossed over his chest as he gave her a somewhat proud look. “Happy’s right y’know. I’ve never seen another girl in your situation stand up to their captor…” He paused before quietly adding. “Well maybe Erza but I doubt she’d get captured in the first place…”
“Happy’s?” Lucy questioned, raising her brow. “What do you mean?”
“That’s Happy.” He stated matter factly, pointing over to the flying cat- Holy Mavis, this would take some getting used to. It waved. Lucy numbly waved back.
Mr. Cargo Pants held out his hand in greeting. “And I’m Natsu!” Oh well that’s good, he’s got a name. Mr. Cargo Pants was starting to seem a bit bland based on his earlier performance. Maybe she’d just call him Fire Freak, pyromaniac for short?
“Hey Natsu.” The girl smiled kindly, getting over her initial shock and shaking his hand. He held onto her hand for longer than necessary, his grip strong. The pink-haired traveler held her gaze, dark onyx eyes practically burning into her soul. His calloused hand gave her own one last squeeze before he let go, looking around as if nothing just happened.
“What're you doing this far out in the desert anyways?”
Lucy blinked, her brain taking a minute to compute after his strange display of… comradery? “I was… Traveling.” She admitted.
“With them?” Natsu and Happy blinked, looking back at the pile of motionless body’s. Finally the boy turned back to her, shaking his head and clicking his teeth. “Man, you need to get yourself some better travel companions.”
“N-no!” She barked. “I was kidnapped while traveling! Are you an idiot!”
“Well why didn’t you just say so?”
Lucy ground her teeth in frustration. One more word out of this man’s mouth and she’d be wanted for murder. She rolled her eyes. What a scatter brain.
“Well, thank you for saving me.” She settled with, surveying the litter of body’s decorating the wide desert floor. “Can I ask you to direct me towards the closest town?”
Natsu nodded his head, pointing in a direction. “We’re actually headed to one right now. Care to join?”
“... Sure!” Lucy agreed after a bit of hesitation. She turned around and untied her very important pouch from her precious Camel Captor. 
“Thanks for keeping these safe, I guess.” She said to it. The camel snorted out a noise of disinterest as Lucy stroked it’s neck. 
Natsu let out a snort, turning away and whistling casually as Lucy sent him a hard glare. She may have been forcefully tied to and painfully dragged across the desert by this Camel, but still, she felt a sense of comradery between them. She was going to miss him…
As Lucy turned to leave, the camel let out a large glob of spit, barely missing her head. The girl shrieked and ran to catch up to a curious Natsu.
She takes it back. That damn animal won't be missed. Not one bit.
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 1 year
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ah yes nothing like info dumping about your oc's to your new boyfrie
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 1 year
Part 2 to my PunkFlower fic with no title...
During their annual “Summer Sleepover”, Nobody expected to find Miles, a boy with amnesia and a secret that goes deeper than just running away from home.
Hobie, Gwen, and Pav are going to help him solve this mystery by whatever means possible… Even if that means adopting the kid into their friend group by default.
The teens were able to navigate their way back to Hobie's place with little issue…
Well, Hobie almost refused to pay the bus fare because the driver was giving him looks… And Pav’s eagerness to get home caused them to get off a stop early… And Gwen wanted to swing by the corner store for more junk food resulting in the three ‘introducing’ Miles to a microwave.
“There's absolutely no way you don’t know what a microwave is!” Hobie struggled to contain his astonishment, his hands guiding Miles toward the back of the store.
“I never said I don’t know what a microwave is.” Miles rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in annoyance. “I may have amnesia but I'm pretty sure I didn't live under a rock!”
“Or inside of a spaceship?” Pav popped out of nowhere, a glazed donut fit snug between his lips.
“Or that.” Miles hissed through gritted teeth. He fought the urge to knock every bag of chips in Pavitr’s arm to the ground.
“Aww come off it, Miles!” Hobie stopped them in front of the microwave. It sat snug in the corner, right next to the smoothie machine. Hobie directed Miles’s attention to an assortment of foods, sweet and savory alike.
“Now choose your favorite. This is a learning experience after all!”
Miles tilted his head in confusion, tapping his leg in deep thought. Hobie and Pav gave each other a secretive look and grinned. This guy was weird in the endearing i-wanna-get-to-know-you sorta way. It was obvious that Pav found him amusing.
Hobie found him kind of cute.
“You really don't have to do this.” And Gwen found her friends annoying. 
One hand was on her hip while the other held cavity-riddled sweets like marshmallows and Skittles. She raised an eyebrow in exasperation, eyeing Hobie suspiciously. “I’ve got what I need, we can go.”
“Not now Gwen!” Hobie shushed her, his eyes trailing after Miles’s hand. “Learning! experience!”
“Can’t he learn back at your place?”
Miles made a pleased noise, reaching forward and grabbing a beef patty. “This looks interesting…”
“Oh, he’s got taste!” Pav exclaimed, giving Hobie a high five.
“Now pop it in the microwave so we can leave,” Gwen said, taking the patty from Miles and tossing it inside. She slammed the door shut and began dialing numbers on the screen.
“Woah woah woah!” Hobie smacked her hand out of the way. “You’re putting it in for too long!”
“No!” Gwen smacked his hand away. “You’re not putting it in long enough!”
“I actually think it should go in longer.” Pav chimed in, his hand shoved in a chip bag.
“WHAT!?” Gwen and Hobie turned to him in disgust. And, as per usual, an argument broke out.
As he set the microwave timer to match the package instructions, Miles wondered whether these three were as close as they claimed. He leaned against the microwave, crossing his legs and raising his eyebrows while the timer ticked down.
The device beeped loudly, and finally, the three turned their attention to Miles, who held the patty up with a smug smile.
“Thanks, guys. I learned a ton.” He winked and slammed the door shut, striding over to the exit as the appliance flickered off and on in an instant.
The others stared hard at him, the shock evident on their faces.
“Told you he knew how to work a microwave…” Gwen whispered.
Hobie shook himself out of his stupor and shoved her away.
So… yeah. They made it back to his apartment with little issue.
The next morning was the interrogation. Not that Hobie felt any joy in calling it that…
But with the way they had sat Miles at the dining table while the others sat directly in front of him, each in their own individual chairs… what else would you call it?
A talk? A friendly conversation? A divine intervention without the use of divinity? 
You could shift the wording around as much as you wanted but this was an interrogation no matter what angle you looked at it from.
And Miles looked on at it with nervous, shifting eyes.
“What, are you finna beat the shit out of me?”
Hobie made an offended noise, pausing the melody his fingers played from his guitar.
“I told you he’d hate us!” Pav whined, holding his head in shame.
“We’re not gonna beat you up, Miles” Gwen soothed, sliding a toaster strudel over to his side of the table.
“You sure?” Miles sent an uneasy glance at Hobie and his guitar.
“I told you no guitar!” The girl hissed between a mouthful of frosting. 
“She calms me down!” Hobie countered. He struck an angry cord. “Don’t tell me what to do.”
“So what are you doing?” Miles interrupted. He hasn’t touched his plate.
“Listen,” Hobie sighed, sitting upright and glaring intently into the boy's eyes. He was immediately caught off guard. The more he looked at them, the more they seemed to twinkle. Of course, the sunlight streaming in from his window definitely helped with the aesthetic but… Hobie was sure they’d still look just as captivating without the sun’s extra flare. He felt a sudden urge to pull out his phone camera and snap a quick picture. 
Hobie really liked Miles’ eyes…
“We wanna help.” He finally said.
“Yeah?” Miles relaxed his posture. 
Hobie raised a calculating brow. “Obvs.”
Miles’s face twisted in confusion. 
“That’s British for: Duh.” Pav grinned.
“Right you are!” Hobie ruffled the boy's hair good-naturedly.
 Miles sent a smile across the table. “I appreciate the help. For real.”
Gwen sends back a smile of her own.
“We were planning on showing you around the city,” She said. “Maybe it’ll jog your memory?”
“Yeah, I'm down.” Miles took a small bite out of his toaster strudel and kept his mouth shut until his plate was licked clean. 
“Thanks for the food.” He licked the frosting off his fingers, looking up and meeting eyes with an occupied Hobie. 
The boy was strumming a tune on his guitar again, his body slouched as he leaned back on the chair.
“This is your house right?” Miles asked to which the punk hummed. “Mind if I use the shower?”
“It’s all yours…” Hobie gestured towards the door. “I’ll lend you some of my garms since you’re fresh out,” he smirked.
Miles looked down at his oversized white shirt…. Hobie’s shirt. “Thanks again man,” he said, shutting the bathroom door. “I owe you one!”
There's a beat of silence before anyone dares to speak up.
“That went well!” Pav beamed.
“More importantly,” Hobie changes the subject. “How old is he?”
“Why do you wanna know that…?” Gwen has a teasing lilt in her tone.
“Nothin’ important. Just seems familiar.”
Gwen and Pav fall silent. 
“Familiar?” Pav begins slowly. “Familiar how?”
“Age?” The Punk deflects.
Gwen sighs. “He’s around 15-16.”
Pav nods his head. “He doesn't remember the exact date but he knows they celebrated when the flowers were in bloom…”
So his birthday has already passed…
“How do you know this?” Hobie asks skeptically. He’s now tapping a finger on the body of his guitar.
It calms him down.
“He told us while you were arguing with the bus driver.” Gwen shoots him a look.
“Listen!-” Hobie starts but he’s quickly interrupted by a loud thud from the bathroom. He drops his guitar and shares a concerned look with the others.
“Fuck!” They hear Miles say followed by an even louder bang.
“Hey now,” Hobie springs up, creeping closer to the bathroom door. “Don’t be makin’ dog's breakfast out of my utilities!” 
“Uhm,” Miles’s voice cracks as he calls out. “No dog food being made here! Nope! Everything is fine!”
One last bang is heard before the lights in Hobie’s home shut off…
“What the hell?”
And turned on again.
The door slams open and Miles is there in a white towel with water drifting down his body and soiling Hobie’s wooden floors. His fist tightens on the door frame as he asks, “Can I borrow some clothes now?”
The bandages that the three had handed him last night were thrown onto random patches of skin in a lackluster manner. It looked like he had wrapped gauze around his right arm as soon as he jumped out of the shower. 
Despite his poor first aid skills, Hobie’s attention was on something else entirely. The water dripping down his jaw…
Was being ignored for now.
“...must be goin’ barmy” Hobie whispered.
“Clothes!?!” Pav stepped in, patting Hobie’s shoulder sympathetically on his way over. “Let me pick out an outfit!” 
“Oh-” Miles stumbled as Pav pushed him towards the bedroom. “Yeah man, thanks-” 
The door finally shuts and Hobie breathes.
“Wow.” Gwen snickers, doubling over onto the floor.
Hobie shakes his head in annoyance. “ ‘low it…”
They took the bus again. Hobie was a bit tired of the constant suspicious stares these Bus drivers kept giving him… But he kept it to himself.
He could at least respect a fellow who drove for folks who weren’t able to. Even if buses release a ridiculous amount of carbon into the air…
Maybe they should have walked…
Well, Hobie forced the group to get off a few stops ahead of plan, much to Gwen's annoyance, and they ended up walking around and exploring some of the shopping districts. They tried to introduce Miles to ice cream…
“I know what ice cream is.” He grumbled but ate the entire cone anyways. 
After that, they introduced him to escalators inside the mall. But it seemed like Miles was already familiar with those as well.
“I know what an escalator is.” He crossed his arms, glaring at Hobie. “And that’s not how you use them!”
Hobie shook his head as he finished his quest of climbing up the accelerating steps. Miles had no clue what he was talking about…
In one last attempt, they introduced him to a street performer. One who juggled with a few needles on his tongue while he climbed up invisible stairs. The audience gave polite applause and Hobie threw in a few bills out of respect. 
Miles stared and pointed in horrified confusion. “I did not know someone could do that!”
Hobie accepted Pavitr’s high-five with a smug grin on his face.
Eventually, the group found themselves in a clothing store. After taking in the sight of Miles in a mix of all three of their clothes, they suggested he probably get some of his own and, despite how good Miles looked in his cropped top, Hobie agreed.
He stood in a corner, not sulking as Gwen assumed but keeping watch of his mates. Gwen and Pav shove item after item into Miles’s arms as the boy darts his eyes around in confusion.
“I don’t think this shirt is really… my style?” He confesses.
“You think so?” Pav lifts the shirt for him and Gwen to look over once more. There stare at the shirt for a bit… and then back at Miles.
“Nah.” Gwen decides and shoves the shirt back into his arms.
“Man…” He sighs and continues trailing behind the two. Hobie caves in at this point and decides to save the poor guy.
“Think he’s got more clothes than allowed in the dressin’ room.” He hovers over the group, picking up the shirt on top. The punk stared in disgust at the bright green cat with yellow sunglasses, posing under the words ‘check meow-t’... Was this was they were arguing over?
Gwen scoffs and snatches the shirt from his hands. “Like you care about the rules Mr. down-with-capitalism.”
“Maybe you’re right.” Hobie breathes, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Or maybe we should let Miles fit himself, hm?”
Pav whined. “But that shirt would look so cute with these shorts!”
“One each!” Miles compromised, his face hiding behind a pile of clothes. “You each get one outfit for me to try on and then I pick out the rest. Deal?”
Gwen and Pav nodded and took all of their outfits back before getting into a heated whispering match over what would look best. Hobie took this time to really look over their new friend. It’s only been a short while since they took him but he seems to have taken a liking to them quickly. And maybe that liking isn’t all one-sided. Pavitr and Gwen were proof enough.
“Alright?” Hobie asked leaning down to match his height.
“Yeah,” Miles smiled lightly to himself, browsing through a couple of jerseys beside him. “More than alright. I don’t know where I'd be right now if you guys hadn’t found me…”
“Don’t mention it.” Hobie nudged him. 
“So this is your style?” he decides to change the subject, taking large steps around the rack of clothing Miles was currently rusting through. “I don’t think I’m surprised…”
“Well not everyone can pull off cool boots and spiky jackets,” Miles huffed, giving an aggressive push at one of the shirts on a hanger.
“Was a compliment,” Hobie held his hands up in defense, twirling around the rack one last time. “And you pull off the look just fine.”
“I can barely even fit into your crop top how would you know?”
“I’ve been told I’ve got an active imagination!” Hobie tapped the side of his head for show.
Miles huffed, finally picking a shirt up off the rack. “Man, you just love talking circles around me, don't you?”
Hobie grinned. “S’what I do best.” He shoved the outfit that he’d picked out into Miles’s hands. “Try this on will you?”
Miles stared in confusion. “What?”
“One fit each. Remember?”
Up at the checkout, Hobie's attention was split. He was half listening to Pav complain about Miles choosing Hobie's outfit over his, and half watching a bracelet dangling in front of him.
He’d been eyeing it from far away. Now, up close, Hobie thought the bracelet was too expensive-looking to be sold at a store like this. Though the price tag was still way too high, he found himself admiring the shimmering gold jewels scattered around its silver base. The charm practically sparkled between his fingers once more before he decided.
Gold was a nice color. It reminded him of something…
The cash register made a buzzing noise and the person behind it squeaked in fear. If Hobie looked beneath the panic in her eyes he could see the exhaustion. The ‘man’ on top seems to have gotten another poor undeveloped brain to do his bidding.
But enough about the truth. As much as Hobie wanted to rant about the downsides of working under a large company which more often times than not leads to wage manipulation- he knew his attention was needed elsewhere.
Instead, he focused on the cash-grabbing machine that was beeping uncontrollably. The light flickered on and off and a girl giggled nervously in front of it.
“Just give it a minute…” She said, looking Miles in his eyes while his hand held Hobie’s card which was still inside of the machine. His hand stuck itself to the numbers on the screen.
Hobie narrowed his eyes in confusion….
“No worries.” Miles rubbed his other hand along his shorts while his finger stayed on the pin pad almost purposefully. He smiled innocently. 
A bit too innocent. 
Most times, Hobie had a good read on people but most times didn’t mean often. And people didn’t tend to make electronics act up whenever they were in the room. Not like Miles.
“Sorry about that!” The capitalist puppet behind the counter faked a smile. “Our machines don’t usually do that. I promise!” The girl held her face in embarrassment while Hobie and his friends exited the store.
His suspicions doubled, and the bracelet in his pocket suddenly felt heavier.
Part 1
60 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 1 year
I’m back because of my most recent hyperfixation!! *cough* Punkflower *cough*
During their annual “Summer Sleepover”, Nobody expected to find Miles, a boy with amnesia and a secret that goes deeper than just running away from home.
Hobie, Gwen, and Pav are going to help him solve this mystery by whatever means possible… Even if that means adopting the kid into their friend group by default.
“I never said I don’t know what a microwave is.” Miles rolled his eyes, crossing his arms in annoyance. “I may have amnesia but I'm pretty sure I didn't live under a rock!” “Or inside of a spaceship?” Pav popped out of nowhere, a glazed donut fit snugly between his lips. “Or that.” Miles hissed
Everyone could feel the moment the power shut off. 
It was impossible to miss. 
Without light, the city was pitch black. Loud machines which acted as a sort of substitute for white noise in people's homes suddenly fell silent. And if, for some strange reason, you were still left unaware of the power outage? You wouldn’t be for long. The resounding rumble that you would feel in your bones? The static shock that traveled all the way from your torso to your chest? That would have been a good enough clue that something was not right.
Though the power outage wasn’t such a strange occurrence to send panic into the hearts of the citizens of New York, it was still a large enough nuisance for the groans of every breathing soul in the city to be heard.
Including the groan of a large man standing atop a pile of rubble. Rubble which showed the remains of a once tall standing building. The man chuckled to himself, the wide frame of his body shaking from the movement. He threw his head up towards the sky as his laugh grew louder and the few people who managed to survive the explosion looked at one another in worry.
After a nudge from her coworker, a small woman bit her lip and began to speak up. “Uhm-”
The man grunted, holding up a fist and signaling silence. He scanned the small crowd of injured researchers and quirked his lips up into an evil grin. 
“Find him.” was all he said. Though it was less of a request and more so an order. A promise of unfortunate circumstances if they were to fail. The scientists secured their jackets and scurried out of the damage in a hurry.
They had a lot of work to do.
Hobie Brown kicked at his Air Con unit with his heavy black combat boots. The red shoelace flung itself through the air as his kicks grew more aggressive.
“Hobie, My guy.” Pavitr Prahakar walked over to his friend, throwing a casual arm around his shoulder. “I do not think kicking the AC is gonna fix it.”
“He’s right.” Gwen Stacy paused the game she was playing on her Nintendo Switch, placing it on the couch and giving her other two friends a look that screamed are you serious?
“I think you might have broken it.”
“Oh, man!” Pav giggled to himself as he squatted down, observing the machine and the large dent in the middle of it. “Bro you totally broke it!”
“Whatever.” Hobie rolled his eyes, throwing his long limbs over the arm of the couch, and laid his head down on Gwen's lap. “Like you know anything…” 
She rolled her eyes and flicked his forehead good-naturedly. “Don’t pout you big baby. I’m sure we can deal with the heat just fine.”
“I don’t know about that…” Pav slumped his body over the couch, staring down at the two with a gleam in his eye. “Maybe we oughta cool off in a different way….”
Gwen froze, a slow smile working its way onto her cheeks. Hobie managed to quirk his lips up into a smirk, flinging himself off of the couch with little effort.
“There we go Pav,” He smoothly threw on his ripped jean jacket and stomped his way over to the window. “Looks like you know something after all.”
Gwen pumped her fists and cheered, running into Hobie’s room excitedly. “I call Hobs’ sweater!”
“Awwee” Pav whined, throwing his own hand-knitted jacket over his shoulders. “You always get the sweater when it is my turn!”
“Neither of you runts should make a habit out of nabbing my jumpers!” Hobie yelled, twirling his house keys around a finger. “Now let's go! I can feel myself boiling.”
The three left through the window and unto the fire escape.
“It’s not even that hot.” Gwen rolled her eyes, leisurely strolling down the stairs of her friend's apartment complex. 
Pav grinned. “She’s right, Hobie. Maybe you're finally suffering from wearing so many layers!”
“What a silly way to say you’re jealous of my style.” Hobie shook his head endearingly before jumping onto the railing. He hung off of it with one arm, pointing to the two of his friends with the other.
“First one to the top of that building?” He moved his hand until it pointed to the apartment directly across the street. “Wins!” And with that, he flipped off and landed on someone else's Air Con unit.
“Not fair!” Gwen laughed, she and Pav fought their way toward Hobie.
While instinct tells the onlookers from below to be alarmed, they are anything but. Not only do they have little time to care about the well-being of other people, but these kids have made a habit out of jumping across buildings in competition. The three were regularly caught grinding rails of buildings several feet off the ground.
They found a sort of freedom in this. Jumping from building to building. Challenging each other to ‘who can do the most backflips.’ The tops of buildings in New York City were like homes away from home. Every teenager feels the need to escape the stresses of their everyday lives. These three just have an unusual means of escape.
“You think that’s cool?” Pav jumped around, dismissing the way Gwen had managed to land on her pointed toes. “Watch this!”
The boy sprinted off of the roof they were on, flipping onto the next and landing on his hands. He spun himself around as if he were a hip-hop dancer and finished, sitting in the full-on splits.
“Holy shit!” Hobie cheered, crossing the cavern over to the roof Pav was now on. “That was absolutely insane, Man!” The taller boy gripped his friend's shoulder, shaking him in excitement.
“Stop one upping me Pav.” Gwen rolled her eyes and strolled her way over to the others. “I’m trying to impress Hobie.”
“Ain’t no need for that Gwendy!” Hobie ruffled her hair and shoved her aside. “The both of yous are plenty talented on your own. Caring about my opinion is playing into that fascist mindset!”
“Right!” Pav agreed. “Just because I’m currently beating you by 2 points, doesn't mean you can’t also be second best,”
Gwen gestured towards Pav with a gobsmacked expression. “Hobie!?”
“Ain’t nothing wrong with a bit of friendly competition either!” Hobie chuckled, jumping onto the wall and sliding onto the next rooftop.
“Let's see…” He hummed while the other two followed close behind. The boy scanned the area stroking his chin in thought.
He snapped his fingers. “That's it!”
“What’s it?” Pav breathed into his ear.
“I’ve got the perfect way to settle our score.” He replied, holding Pav's head away as the other boy struggled.
Gwen hummed. “The parking lot?”
“Looks pretty empty don’t it?”
Pav finally managed to escape his friend's grip. “Maybe too empty.” He voiced and squinted down at the dark parking lot, the only light in the middle of it flickered ominously. “Usually in the books, we’d refer to this situation as a ‘Death Flag’”
“Relax, Bro” Hobie slung his arm around his two friends' shoulders, squeezing them to his side. “Whoever wins gets to keep my jumper.”
The other two froze, their eyes glinting at the challenge. 
“Oh, you’re so on!”
While the competition was all fun and games, Pav’s heart rate was about to make things anything but.
His anxious feelings about this place were rewarded with terrifying sounds and moving shadows. The lamp in the middle of the lot flickered again sending his eyes darting towards what he thought was someone limping in the corner.
What was that burning smell? Why was this parking lot abandoned? There were too many important questions and Pav did not have enough patience to figure them all out!
“You know what? I don’t need that sweater immediately! Maybe we can continue this challenge in some other, not-so-creepy parking lot!”
“Chill out Pav we’re fine!” Gwen ignored him, cartwheeling down a slanted slab of concrete. A loud banging noise was released from the concrete once she landed.
Pav shrieked. “Preferably when the sun is out!”
Hobie sighed, nudging Gwen comfortingly. “Pav’s right, we should go.”
“Gwendy it’s still a sleepover. We’ve got plenty of popcorn and shitty cartoons to keep ourselves occupied at my place.”
Gwen signed in defeat, tapping her foot in annoyance. “Fine. But cartoons are my pick!” She turned towards the way they entered. “C’mon Pav, you win.”
Instead of the predicted, “Thank you!” As she had expected, they were instead met with silence. Hobie and Gwen shared a worried look.
“Pav?” Hobie walked towards his friend who stood stalk still. The boy was pointing into the darkness and exhaling a silent scream that sounded more like a wheeze than anything.
“What's…” He froze, finally noticing what Pav was pointing at.
He made eye contact with another boy. One he has never seen before. A boy who definitely hadn’t been there a few seconds ago.
“What the hell…” Gwen whispered.
The boy pulled his attention away from Pav as he noticed the other two. His eyes widened.
“Hey man, you feeling alright?” Hobie was making his way toward the disgruntled stranger, tilting his head in concern. “You don’t look too hot-”
The boy flinched back, fidgeting with the sleeves of his torn jacket. He seemed to be debating with himself on whether or not he should put his fists up and fight. This kid looked like an absolute mess.
“It’s alright.” Hobie soothed, taking slower and lighter steps towards him. The boy's chest that was once rising and falling in a panic seemed to calm down once he realized the others meant no harm. Hobie couldn’t help but compare him to a deer caught in headlights.
The boy's voice cracked as he asked. “Who-who are you?”
“That’s what we wanna know.”
“I don’t-” The boy's eyes shot back and forth as he scanned over Hobie and his friends. Gwen began to tiptoe towards Hobie with Pav clinging onto her arm like a lifeline. 
“Alright, Miles.” Hobie tested out the name on his tongue. “The name’s Hobie. These are my mates-”
“I’m Gwen” She sent the boy a reassuring smile and he seemed to relax even more.
“P-pav!” Their youngest friend squeaked, still hidden behind Gwen.
Hobie clicked his teeth. “Get from behind her Pav. He’s probably more scared of you than you are of him.”
“And so are spiders apparently!” Pav hissed.
“No it’s fine…” Miles tried to speak.
“Yeah, well, spiders have probably been through a lot and they just wanna sleep somewhere with a warm bed!” Gwen chimed in.
Hobie stared at her in disbelief. “Hold on, are you offering my apartment!?”
“Or!” Pav pulled on Gwen's arm angrily. “These spiders were sent down from outer space to collect data about our race and lay eggs in our mothers!”
“This spider’s been reading too much sci-fi!” Gwen flicked his forehead in annoyance.
“This spider is still stuck on why his apartment is suddenly up for sale!” Hobie added through gritted teeth.
“This spider just figured that since the other spider hated cops so much, there was really only one option!”
“Well, this spider would have loved it if you had asked his opinion beforehand!”
“This spider was getting to that-!”
“This spider loves his Maya Aunti too much to let some spider plant eggs in her!-”
“This spider thinks you took too long to “get to that”!-”
“Hobie spider should stop pulling my hair!”
“Well, Gwendy! Maybe Pav Spider should stop rattling on about alien egg babies!”
“Maybe Pav Spider is onto something!-”
“Can we please stop referring to each other as spiders!” Miles yelled, holding his hands out in panic.
The three, mid-fight, turned to look at him in shock as the lamp flickered on and off.
“You guys are weird!” He pointed out.
“Right…” Hobie cleared his throat, detangling himself from the mess of limbs they’d somehow become.
Gwen cleared her throat even louder, gesturing towards a jittery Miles.
“I-” Hobbies eye flicked from Miles to Gwen. From the stern tapping of her feet to Miles’ charred Jordans…. The decision Hobie had to make was clear. His conscience wouldn’t allow him to say no.
“Where’d you come from?” Hobie had to ask, walking closer to this Miles fellow. Miles shrunk against his intense gaze, his eyes darting toward every piercing on his face.
“I… don’t know.” Miles looked away, confused. His breathing picked up again as his hands clutched the hair on his head. “I don't- I can't remember where I…”
Miles was panicking now, his expression looked far away.
“Hey Bro, it’s okay.” Hobie didn’t know when Pav had gotten so close, but he couldn't be more thankful for that fact.
Pavitr laid a comforting hand on Miles’ back, rubbing gentle circles as he spoke. “You don’t gotta know right now. What’s important is that we get you some food, water, and a place to sleep. Yeah?”
He looked at Hobie when he said that and the boy clicked his teeth. Like that wasn’t already obvious.
Miles looked at Pav like he was an angel sent to Earth. “Yeah. You’re right man, sorry ‘bout that.”
“No worries.” Hobie smiles, crossing his arms. “But we had better catch the bus before they stop running.”
“Thank god!” Gwen smiled wide, punching Hobie in the arm good-naturedly. “The bad boy act doesn't suit you at all.”
The four teens walked towards the nearest bus stop, Pav’s arm hung around Miles while he talked his ears off about aliens.
“Who said I was trying to be bad?” Hobie did not pout while he rubbed his now sore arm. “I am whatever the hell I say I am!”
“Sure.” Gwen chuckled. “My bad.”
Part 2
108 notes ¡ View notes
akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 years
Alien Boy- Chapter 3
“You’re supposed to show me where to go.”
“I’m supposed to-” The blond stuttered incoherently. “I’ve never been outside of the Heartfilia estate before you kidnapped me!”
“Why not? The door was wide open!”
“The wall was wide open and that’s because you came crashing through it!!”
Or: Lucy Heartfilia's life is thrown into chaos and confusion when a strange creature bursts through her wall and destroys her family mansion.
Chapter 3:
“Gray…?” Lucy mumbled under her breath, staring at Natsu as if he were crazy. That was until another boy stepped out of the shadows dressed in nothing but camouflage pants and brown hiking boots.
His skin was pale, a drastic difference from Natsu’s own tan shade. His hair was black, wild and untamed but at the same time neat and visibly taken care of. He held his hands limply to his sides, staring at Natsu with plenty of conflicting emotions. The most apparent one being shock.
He opened his mouth and closed it, gaping at him like a fish before finally spitting something out. “Natsu, you… you’re alive…?”
“Of course I am.” Natsu pat his chest like some kind of barbarian. “Stupid demons ain’t enough to bring me down!”
“I thought so.” Gray chuckled, straightening himself up and sauntering towards him. He held up a fist in greeting, smiling as his friend bumped it. “It’s nice to see you’re not as dumb as you look, flame brains.”
“Yeah, well, I can’t say the same about you, stripper.”
Gray growled. “Well at least I wasn’t causing a bunch of ruckus out here, in the middle of the woods, so early in the morning-!”
He finally noticed the blond girl beside Natsu. Raising his eyebrow he looked between the two questioningly. “How did you get here anyway? And… who’s she.”
“Oh, her?” The boy pointed a lazy finger at Lucy, and he crossed his arms in indifference. “That’s Lucy.”
“Don’t introduce me so sloppily you jerk!” Lucy finally spoke, practically foaming from the mouth as he shrugged. “You’re the one that told me to come with you or else you’d destroy the entire planet!”
“He what!?” Gray had the audacity to look shocked. Lucy didn’t know him, but from what she had just witnessed these two were acquaintances. Any acquaintance of Natsu was instantly her enemy. No matter if said enemy had awesome ice powers that miraculously rescued her from death...
“Natsu doesn't have the balls to-”
“I don’t really remember how I got here.” Natsu interrupted. Gray looked at his friend, his own confusion displayed by the weird look he sent him.
“Um… okay nevermind…” He looked between them again, the silence becoming increasingly more awkward as time went on.
“We should probably regroup with everyone and inform gramps about the situation… whatever that may be.”
“Cool!” Natsu perked up. “Lead the way.”
“Absolutely not!” The blond held her hand out, stomping her foot in retaliation. The two aliens stared at her with similar expressions of confusion and amusement. Natsu felt himself smiling at her childishness.
“The hell is so funny!?” She snapped.
He waved his hand nonchalantly, muttering ‘nothing’ under his breath. Gray smirked at the two for a moment before crossing his arms playfully. "Y'know she can't come back with us, right? It's too dangerous-"
“Oh suuure!” She laughed, clutching her stomach gently as to not further inflict pain on the multiple cuts. “I see! This is all some stupid prank right!?”
“No…” The black haired boy furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “Hey… are you okay?”
“It’s fine.” Natsu answered, patting his friend's shoulder sympathetically. “She’s just a weirdo; did something similar this morning.”
Gray shrugged, seemingly able to except such a dumb answer. The straw that Lucy had been desperately holding onto finally snapped.
“It’s not fine!” The girl shrieked, marching over to the boy who started it all and jabbing him in his chest. “None of this is fine! It’s all your fault that I'm here, your fault I'm gross and smelly, and your fault that I got hurt in the first place! Everything is all. your. fault!”
She noticed how his eyes darkened with guilt and felt her anger waver. Maybe that was taking it a little too far… the cut on her arm- the multiple scrapes all around her body… they weren't Natsu’s fault. They were Erigor’s.
“I didn’t mean…” Lucy breathed in deeply, stumbling back from the two limply. “I just wanna go home… All of this is too crazy. I’ve almost died twice in the last few hours and everything hurts. I’m tired, thirsty, hungry, and aching for a nice rest in my comfy bed.” She confessed, turning back to Natsu and weakly punching his arm.
“But you had to come into my life!” Another hit. “You had to break a hole through my wall,” Another. “-and burn my stuff,” Another “-and make me leave my letters and the only home I've ever known!” Another “You had to take me through the forest where I got hurt!” She hit his shoulder one more time, putting all her strength into it and breathing heavily, leaning onto his shoulder and gently resting her arms at her side.
Natsu made no effort to move, only throwing his arms up, unsure of where he should put them. His expression was grim, lips turned down into a frown and his eyes dimmed with nothing but guilt.
“I’m sorry, Lucy.” Natsu kept his head down, hiding his face within his scarf and under his pink bangs. He unconsciously drummed his fingers along his palm, inhaling as he continued. “I didn’t mean to put a hole through your wall or burn most of your important stuff… I can’t even remember anything before I woke up on your floor.” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
“I regret taking you out here and causing you to get hurt. I regret not being strong enough to deal with that windy bastard in time. I regret letting you get this injured…” His eyes traveled along the cuts decorating her arm. “But… I don’t regret taking you with me. It’s not everyday you get hit upside the head by a scary blond lady with a metal stick.” He joked. Lucy blushed, turning her head to the side in embarrassment.
“Part of the reason why I suggested you come with me is because you were talking to yourself again like a weirdo. Thought you might need some fresh air or something.”
“Suggested?” Lucy scoffed. “That’s one hell of a suggestion seeing as you threatened to destroy the world-”
“But,” Natsu cut her off, sending her a look that had her jaw snapping shut. “I won’t force you away from the only home you’ve ever known. You’re right that wasn't… that wasn't an okay thing for me to do.”
“I can take you back home now if you want.” He said. The blond looked up, mouth wide in surprise. He took in her expression with a small smile. “It’s the least I could do after… y’know almost burning down your house and all.”
Gray tapped his foot impatiently, glancing behind him and then back at the pair.
“Take me home…” Lucy repeated, a dazed expression on her face. Natsu nodded slowly, crinkling his brow in confusion.
“Yeah.. home. You know the giant mansion that I accidentally blew a whole through-”
“I know what you’re talking about!” Lucy snapped, biting her nails and worriedly muttering incoherent nonsense to herself. Natsu was sure he heard something about sadistic maids but decided to ultimately ignore it.
“Natsu.” The boy jumped, turning towards Gray who now stood beside him. He had his arms crossed over his naked chest gesturing behind him subtly. “We need to get him to gramps now. Whatever is happening here needs to speed up.”
The pink-haired boy's eyes widened in understanding. He gave Lucy a weird look, biting his lip as his mind wandered deep in thought.
“Ok…” He finally said, nodding his head in understanding. “Yeah, I'll hurry up…”
“Listen, um we need to go now so if you need me to take you back, then decide now…”
The boy froze, once again giving Lucy a weird look. “What…”
“No, you can’t leave! I've uh, still got to keep an eye on you!” The blond stomped her foot in the dirt as if she were a child. Natsu clucked his teeth in annoyance.
“I literally have to help defend the universe.”
“Then…” Lucy bit her lip, looking as if she were thinking up a list of favorable scenarios in her head before finally settling on one. “Then I'm coming with you!”
Gray moved his head between the two, absolutely lost. “What the fuck…” he muttered.
“No. Absolutely not.”
“You don’t get a say in this! Not after almost burning down my damn house!”
“I already apologized for that- and it's too dangerous!”
“I can handle a little danger-”
“A little danger? You almost died!”
“I can get stronger!”
“Of course you can get stronger but that’s not the point!”
“Then what is the point, Natsu!” The girl hissed his name like a curse, curling her fists in anger as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Lisen, we are at war.” He iterated, making sure to keep firm eye contact. “This isn’t a little adventure where you find magic jewels and defeat the big boss. There’s no point in you getting hurt or putting yourself into unnecessary situations!”
“No! You don’t get to decide what I can and can’t do. I’ve been following the rules my entire life… but not anymore!” The boy opened his mouth to speak but she held up a hand, glaring in a way that left no room for arguments. She wasn’t finished. Not yet.
“I am going with you, and I'm not taking no for an answer.”
“Yeah, okay.” Natsu sighed in exasperation, lazily turning back around to speak with Gray. Lucy blinked, mind blank as she took in the alien’s relaxed posture… What the hell just happened? Did she just- did she just win that argument!?
“So, you coming?” Natsu sent a questioning look her way, holding out his hand for her to shake.
With no hesitation and a no longer confused face, the blond took ahold of his hand, shaking it in some sort of daze. “Okay…” She mumbled, blinking out of her shock. Lucy turned her head to Gray who (thankfully) had kept to himself throughout her whole little breakdown.
“But uh… where are we going?” she asked him.
“Ishgar.” Gray stated matter factly.
“Ishgar...?” Lucy tested the foreign name on her lips before shaking her head. “Where is that i’ve never heard of it.”
“Uh…” Natsu and Gray sent each other a look. “Next to Giltena…?
“Far from Alverez…?”
Lucy looked back and forth between the two in confusion. “...What?”
“The planet.” Natsu said slowly as if teaching a 5 year old how to read.
Lucy sputtered. “The p- the planet!? WHAT!? You're taking me to a different planet!?”
“Well duh!” Natsu held his hands up in exasperation. “Weren’t you the weirdo calling me an alien the whole time? I literally told you about where I came from!”
“I forgot!” Lucy snaps back, placing her hands on her hips with a huff. “Doesn't matter anyway. Before we go I need to grab something from the mansion.”
“You want to go back!?” Natsu’s eyes widened again. Lucy growled in frustration, grabbing a small twig and flicking it at his forehead. The boy fell to the floor, rubbing his abused head with a small pout.
“Stop looking at me like that!” She demanded. “I just need to grab something.”
Gray looked on at the two, rubbing his chin in thought. “Sorry, but… you can’t.”
“Why not!” Lucy shook her fist in frustration.
Gray squinted irritably at her, reaching down into his pants pocket and grabbing a small container. “Lucy, was it?”
She nodded, albeit reluctantly.
“These are called ‘X-Balls.’ Eating one allows a person to go anywhere they want.”
“That’s… cool?”
The boy clicked his teeth in annoyance. Pouring three of the small yellow balls into his hand, he glared once more at Lucy before sighing. “We can only eat one of them every hour or else they’ll tear you apart limb from limb.”
“W-what!?” Lucy choked.
“So we have two choices.” His eyes never stopped scanning over the blonds face. The cold, almost calculating stare reading into her very soul.
“Either you eat this.” He demanded, forcefully taking her hand and putting one of the small balls inside. “Teleport back to your ‘castle’ and this crazy bastard escapes!”
He pointed to Erigor, the man who had remained frozen in his ‘Emera Baram’ position the entire time and who Lucy had miraculously forgotten about until now. The girl shivered, staring down at the small gum ball in her hand worriedly.
“Or we get the hell out of here now and bring him to the guild master before he can do any more serious damage to your home planet.”
Lucy bit her lip, tapping her foot in annoyance. She turned to look at Natsu, her eyes asking, begging for any sort of help or assistance in her decision. To her disarray, he turned away, arms crossed as his tail swished back and forth.
“There's no telling how soon this guy will break out of my ice.” Gray added.
Lucy took a deep breath squeezing the ball in her fist one last time. This time, when she looked up and into Gray’s eyes, all he saw was resolve.
“Fine. We’ll leave now.”
Natsu let out a breath of relief, giving her a curt nod.
She smiled back. “Okay… how does it work?”
“It’s basically a teleportation machine.” The raven haired boy shrugged. “Eating one of these X-balls will take you anywhere you wanna go but unlike what scientists here are trying to achieve, it can go farther distances.”
“Like to Fairy Tail for example,” Natsu said, hand on his hips and nose sniffing high into the air. He turned towards Gray with a nod. “You’re right, we better hurry.”
The raven-haired boy walked over to Erigor, holding his hands out before him and muttering some sort of spell under his breath. The iced covering froze over adding another layer to the already thick figure of ice. Lucy gaped, shakily whispering ‘that’s so cool’ under her breath.
“You’ve never been to Fairy Tail Lucy, so simply thinking about it wont work.” Gray demanded, popping an X-ball into his mouth. Natsu followed in pursuit. “Just say the place out loud and hang onto Natsu...”
Lucy continued to stare at her palm, slowly and hesitantly bringing the small candy looking piece to her lips. She paused, looking between Gray and Natsu whose eyes were urging her to hurry up and get on with it. She sighed, hurriedly popping the candy into her mouth and gulping it down.
“Fairy Tail?” She closed her eyes, bracing herself on Natsu’s sleeveless arm and awaiting some sort of magical light filled explosion. She waited patiently, tapping her fingers against her leg and raising one of her brows in question as nothing happened. It was less cold and the sun had taken it upon itself to shine directly onto her face but… nothing happened. Maybe Gray gave her the wrong one…
“It didn’t-”
“Ok, Luce, you can let go now.” Natsu interrupted. She felt him move away from her grip and her confusion grew more as she felt the cracks of a strangely decorated concrete tile…
“W-what!?” Turns out Lucy had teleported. And before her was one of the most beautiful sights she’d ever seen.
She watched as children ran around breathlessly, giggling at one of their fallen friends. Some girls, teenagers, sitting on the grass, speaking to each other contentedly as they messed with some mechanical junk.
She saw more children but instead of running around like the ones before, they were with parents, others with animal companions. And weirdly enough, in the middle of the park was a crowd of people surrounding the fountain. There appeared to be a show going on if the constant gasps of “oohs” and “ahhs” said anything.
Instead of houses, it seemed everyone resided in tents. The smell of freshly baked pie wafted through the air and the blond felt herself practically drooling.
“Woah…” Was all Lucy was able to say. It was even better than the small towns she’d imagine while reading her favorite fantasy books.
“Well, Lucy.” Natsu put his arms behind his head, casually bumping her so that she’d snap out of whatever haze she was in. “Welcome to Magnolia.”
“And this,” She followed his pointed finger as it slowly led her eyes to the side.
Red, Green, and white colors made up the gigantic tent. A tent so bright it could’ve been made out of gold. It stood tall and proud, almost like a symbol. Up-top was a flag with a design just like the one on Natsu’s arm. It was beautiful…
“This is Fairy Tail!”
AAAAAND that's all I have so far. I’m not very motivated to finish this story but the idea of where it's going. Anyway, “Alien Boy” is going on hiatus until I feel like writing again.
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 years
Alien Boy- Chapter 2
“You’re supposed to show me where to go.”
“I’m supposed to-” The blond stuttered incoherently. “I’ve never been outside of the Heartfilia estate before you kidnapped me!”
“Why not? The door was wide open!”
“The wall was wide open and that’s because you came crashing through it!!”
Or: Lucy Heartfilia's life is thrown into chaos and confusion when a strange creature bursts through her wall and destroys her family mansion.
Chapter 2:
“I think I figured it out”
“What?” Lucy growled.
The boy turned his head to the side curiously, raising an eyebrow at her aggressive response. “Why you hate me so much; It’s cuz of your room isn’t it?”
Lucy growled again, biting her tongue in irritation. They’ve only been walking a few hours, although to her it felt like days. The Heartfilia’s were a very wealthy family. As a way to ensure they were perfectly safe, her parents decided to place their mansion in the middle of the woods.
Not creepy at all.
Currently the two were treading through narrow tree paths, Lucy trying with all her might to get used to her annoying extraterrestrial companion.
Apparently his name was Natsu and he came from the planet Ishgar. His dad was a freaking Dragon and the last thing he remembered before he came to earth was himself and the rest of his ‘guild’ in the middle of a battle with powerful demon knights who sought to overthrow every planet in the galaxy and probably beyond...
Either this dude was playing a prank on her or he was just a very open book.
But seeing as he had a tail, could transform into whatever the hell that thing was, and manage to burn down her room with fire coming out of his body… that was the most normal thing he had told her so far.
Still, Lucy was very stubborn and in denial.
“There’s no way that’s true.” she had said, kicking her feet at a rock in frustration. “If that’s the case then you can’t possibly be an alien! That’s something that comes straight out of fairy tales!!”
“I never said I was an alien, my name is Natsu.” he stared at her like she was the stupidest person on earth before muttering “Weirdo” under his breath. Which was pretty surprising considering she was the ONLY PERSON ON EARTH THAT HE KNEW-
If you couldn't tell, Lucy was at the last straw.
“What? Are you hungry or something?” The boy glanced back at her, holding a branch aside in an attempt to move forward. Lucy stared back at him, an equal amount of confusion on her face.
“What are you talking about?”
“You said you were at the last straw. Ya hungry?” He asked again. Oh right, how could she forget. The dang alien could read minds. How much more cliche could this get?
“I thought I told you to turn that off!” She hissed. Natsu rolled his eyes, gesturing for her to continue walking as he impatiently bounced the branch he was holding.
“I told ya, I don’t read minds. You're just a weirdo who likes to talk to herself.” Not true by the way. Lucy couldn't possibly talk to herself since she normally has no one to talk to anyways.
“Weirdo~” She heard him taunt as he let the branch go. The blond flinched away, the sharp stick flying past her face and making her aware of the injury it would have caused. It probably would have only left a scratch but still, she glared at the boy in warning.
They continued to walk forward, it felt as if the moon had been illuminating the sky for days now. Lucy was so tired.
“You wanna take a break?” He asked smugly, halting his heavy footsteps and looking her up and down. The heartfilia girl was dressed in a tight pink t-shirt, small gray shorts that comfortably hugged her waist, and Natsu’s gigantic sandals. The forest was no place for bare human feet, no way would she risk hundreds of tiny rocks and twigs stabbing through her feet.
That, however, didn’t seem to stop the tiny rocks and splintered sticks from tangling themselves in her nappy hair. She most likely looked like a clown right now and it was obvious, Natsu was thriving off of that thought alone.
“Can we just- why am I even here right now?”
Here, as in currency right in front of an empty highway. It was hard to tell exactly what time it was, but by the lack of heavy amounts of sweat dripping off of Lucy’s figure and the small slimmer of sunlight peeking out behind parted trees and leaves, it was obviously close to sunrise.
A small furry bunny maneuvered its way around some trees on the other side of the street, catching the attention of the pink haired boy who finally decided to answer her question. “You’re supposed to show me where to go.”
“I’m supposed to-” The blond stuttered incoherently. “I’ve never been outside of the Heartfilia estate before you kidnapped me!”
“Why not? The door was wide open!”
“The wall was wide open and that’s because you came crashing through it!!”
The alien swished his tail irritably, crossing his arms in a childish manner. His lips perked up into a pout as he murmured: “What about before that?”
Lucy felt her eyes widen, stunned by his sudden shift in mood. It was beginning to get more and more confusing trying to figure out what his master plan was.
For one, he was way too stupid to come up with a briliant evil plan to dominate an entire planet. That only took her a few minutes to find out.
And secondly, he was just… too nice. Yes, he did break through her wall, burn down her room and kidnap her. (She would make sure to hold that against him) But throughout their whole exploration within the forest, he has been nothing but gentle with her. (Aside from a few teasing remarks and that branch from earlier) With the sincerity in his voice now, she couldn't help but soften her murderous glare.
“My dad has high surveillance cameras and security placed all throughout the estate.” She whispered, looking out towards the deserted street in a dream-like state. “I told you, my parents were paranoid. I wouldn’t have been able to get out if I tried”
Natsu took his time replying, observing the way her eyes darkened and her lips turned down into a frown. He felt himself doing the same thing. “What do ya think they were afraid of?”
“Afraid of…?” the girl silently repeated, snapping out of her thoughts and staring at a tree, unstably rocking its head from side to side. “I’m not sure. My father works a lot so…”
“Oh right” She rolled her eyes. “You’re an alien so I should probably explain. Work is basically a job that you apply for. By doing something beneficial to society you get paid in currency. That would help you buy essential needs like a house, a car, food, water, electricity- you get the idea”
Natsu made a sound of interest, looking at her with a burning curiosity. “Like a guild! What do your parents do?”
“Father…” Lucy chuckled bitterly. “Father used to work with momma at Eclipse, the world's most advanced space research building. My father owns it now and that's where he spends all of his time.”
The boy hesitated before speaking again. It seems that bringing up her mom is a sensitive topic. He’d have to keep that in mind for later. He opened his mouth to speak, pink locks blowing in the direction of the wind's ominous whispers.
“None of that really matters anyway.” The blond snapped, returning to the piercing glare that she wore earlier. Natsu clicked his teeth and swung his tail in annoyance. He sighed.
“What do you need me for?” she growled.
“Why’re you so pissy all of a sudden?” He barked. “It’s much nicer to be around you when you're not being a jerk.”
“That's the point you idiot!-”
“Well look what we have here” A dark voice chuckled from behind the two. They froze, goosebumps running down their arms as the wind took another sharp turn, forcefully bending the branches of various trees.
The blond one of the two began to panic, expertly running a series of excuses through her head while sneaking an attempt at opening her eyes. Natsu however went straight into a defensive pose, fist out in front of him as best he could with the cold breeze blocking his usual expert vision.
“W-were sorry if this is trespassing sir we were just-” the wind picked up, cutting her off in the middle of her sentence. Where on earth did all of this wind come from?
“Found you,” The man spoke again this time from… above them!? “E.N.D”
“Um…” Lucy backed away slowly, feeling her way behind a rocking tree. Hesitantly, she opened her eyes observing the view of what she assumed was a tornado. That’s what it had to be right? The whole place looked like it had just been hit by… a meteor. Grass had been pulled up off of the ground in several irregular spots while bushes littered the floor creating a scene similar to her room (minus the fire.) And who the heck was E.N.D?
“I-I think you’ve got the wrong person-”
“Lucy,” Natsu said, now standing protectively beside her. “Can you fight?”
“Can I-” The blond shook her head, glaring at the alien with malice. “Why the hell would I need to fight!?”
“Just answer me!”
“N-no” Lucy pursed her lips, holding her tongue in an attempt to silence her rebellious side. Not once since she’s met the boy had Natsu yelled at her in the way he just did. A surprising fact seeing as he threatened to destroy the world if she didn’t go with him. Using the great amount of common sense that the girl had been raised with, she shut her mouth, waiting for him to tell her what to do next.
“Stay close.” He finally spoke, grunting as the wind blew harder. Lucy nodded in understanding, excepting the way he gently pushed her behind him. Of course with the air being as angry as it was, the push was less than gentle.
“Why are you hiding, Natsu?” The man purred, his voice seemingly coming from every direction. She had thought she heard a growl erupt from within the pink-haired boy's throat but decided against registering the thought due to the fact that the wind had stopped.
The air that had once revoked her vision and clouded her hearing had stopped.
There was no noise except for her and Natsu’s heavy breathing. The tree’s returned to their normal vertical forms, although some of them were stuck in a slightly tilted position. Natsu’s hair resembled a pile of dark pink cotton candy, a feat Lucy would have found funny if not for her rapidly beating heart. Besides, her own hair probably looked way worse. She had other things to worry about though.
It seems as if the man...had just left.
Great. Mission complete. Nice work. Crisis averted… right?
In the blink of an eye, a being that Lucy refused to believe had similar attributes to Natsu stood before them… well, hovered before them.
The girl wasn’t sure if she should be more shocked about his inhuman ability to float or the fact that he had just chopped down a very thick tree with a long, sharp, dangerous looking scythe.
His hair spiked aloft his thin shoulders with a few strands falling out of order, forming the shape of a bang. A strange blue symbol adorned his shoulders, snaking its way past his biceps and towards his midsection, stopping just above his belly button.
His deep, black, lifeless eyes fit perfectly with the crazed grin that had settled itself on his face. And of course in his hands, he held the strangely decorated scythe- Oh sweet baby Jesus, what the hell has her life become!?
“Oh my, what a mean look you’ve got there.” The man chuckled as he took in Natsu’s fierce glare. He set the sharp end of his scythe on the ground, leaning on the bottom of it with his hands propping up his chin. He rolled his eyes when Natsu refused to answer, instead turning his gaze onto the girl cowering behind him.
He raised an interested eyebrow, reaching out to take a strand of her hair between his fingertips. “Who’s your friend?”
Natsu slapped his hand away, growling and pushing Lucy further behind him with his tail. The girl complied, burying her face into his back and fisting the fabric of his vest. What the hell was happening!?
“Ah, whatever.” The man sat up, holding his weapon over his shoulders. “Zeref needs you back. Somehow your chip was broken and…” He grinned, hungrily licking his lips.
“Since I had been placed on Earth, it’s my job to bring you back.” He raised his hand, slowly pointing a long finger somewhere behind the boy. “Can’t wait for this promotion!”
And the wind picked up it’s speed again; this time aiming directly for Lucy. If he were a normal human being, Natsu would have missed it. He wouldn’t have seen the way the man's finger gestured behind him. He wouldn’t have smelled the slight shift in the air around them. He wouldn't have heard the subtle 'woosh' sound coming from his left.
But Natsu did.
He noticed all of these things and managed to get Lucy out of the way before the bastard in front of them was able to cause any severe damage. Key word: Severe. He may have pulled Lucy out of the way on time, but the damage was already done. Blood pooled down her pale arm, rushing away from the deep gash embedded in her shoulder. Natsu winced at the coppery smell. That would definitely leave a mark… At least until they found a healer close by.
“Bastard!” He growled. “Your opponent is me!” The man laughed, throwing his weapon over his shoulder and sending Natsu a maniacal grin.
“The names Erigor. And my opponent,” he repeated mockingly. “Is anyone who dares interfere!” He shot another sharp string of air at Lucy, this time aiming for her stomach. She hastily dodged, lucky enough for it to barely miss her by an inch.
Natsu sucked in a breath, turning to his opponent with threatening glare. “Fire Dragon's Roar!” He cried, letting loose a large breath of fire from his mouth. Lucy shrieked, jumping away in fear and falling flat on her butt. She stared at him in shock, gripping her heart as it continued to beat faster.
“F-Fire!” She cried, drawing the attention of both men. “Y-you just shot fire out of your mouth!”
Natsu’s jaw dropped in shock. “That’s what you're complaining about!?”
“What do you expect me to do!?” She snapped. “You just shot fire out of your mouth!”
“This dude has been attacking us with air since he showed up!”
“You can’t blame me! I’ve been seeing some pretty weird shit since you crashed through my wall and almost burned my house down!”
“Another reason why you shouldn't be so shocked that I can breathe fire!”
“Pay attention to the fight!” Erigor hissed, having taken that moment of distraction to target Lucy once again. Natsu snapped out of his momentary stupor and jumped in, somehow blocking the air with another ring of fire.
“As fun as this is,” The boy hopped around, making sure to stay close to Lucy but far enough to where he wouldn't get hit. “I think it’s time we end this.”
Erigor narrowed his eyes. “I was just thinking the same thing.”
He raised his arms above his head, moving them so that they form an ‘X’ and grinning down at the two. “Emera Baram!”
The air blew fast and cold. The sky around them turned gray as plenty of clouds jumbled together forming some weird circle shape.
Only in the distance was Natsu able to see the subtle peek of the sun. And just barely at that. Having never experienced something as simple as a thunderstorm, Lucy was in awe. That was until the wind speed picked up, barreling towards her and her alien companion at unimaginable speeds.
Her face felt like it was on fire. Like if she even attempted to unclench her tightly clenched jaw, it would be ripped right out of her face. She desperately struggled to cover her face, too scared to move any other part of her body in fear of some deadly injury. The girl let out a scream as little pieces of rocks and sticks flew around her, scratching as much of her exposed skin as it could. She could faintly hear Natsu scream out her name causing her to squint open one of her eyes.
Panic took over her mind as she saw just why Natsu sounded so afraid. There, hurling towards her at inhuman speeds was a tree. And no, not a small one that could rival a branch. This tree was huge in both width and height… and it was coming right at her…
And there was nothing she could do.
Nothing but watch and wait for her inevitable doom. Nothing but let small salty droplets of water pour from her eyes and mix around with the dirt and rock currently trying to kill her. She could do nothing but close her eyes as the tree blocked her vision of what could have been a beautiful sunrise. Not that she’d ever know. Because this was where she died.
How ironic. Facing two near death experiences two mornings in a row. She chuckled bitterly, the sound hidden beneath all of the raging wind before… it all stopped.
All of the noise, all of the pain and all of her worries. All of it just.. Stopped. And for a moment Lucy actually believed she was dead. That she may have been knocked out on impact and her soul instantly transported to wherever it went when she died. But that wasn’t the case. Because if it was… why the hell was it so cold?
As she peeked open one of her eyes, she finally understood just why everything had suddenly been frozen to the spot. And not just metaphorically. No… everything was literally frozen in ice. Including the man that had come so close to ending her life.
Lucy let out a sound somewhere between a relieved sigh and a sob. Without warning her shaking legs collapsed beneath her, dirt painfully rubbing against her cuts. She shuttered, inhaling and exhaling loudly as Natsu cautiously made his way towards her.
“Thank goodness...” She trembled, hearing him release a shaky breath. While she struggled to keep her breathing in check, Natsu kneeled in front of her, ripping the sleeve off of his left arm and tying it around the blond’s injured shoulder. She flinched and stiffened but allowed Natsu to continue.
As she finally calmed down Natsu helped her stand up, turning around with a wide grin on his face.
“Thanks a bunch, Gray.”
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 years
Alien Boy
So this is a story that was originally supposed to be a one-shot. I posted it on fanfiction.net and a lot of the reviews wanted me to make a continuation. I've been trying to turn it into a completed multi chapter fic but so far i've only gotten 3 chapters done and i'm not confident that i'll be inspired enough to finish it... soooo i'm posting all three chapters here on Tumblr in hopes that seeing your comments and reviews will motivate me to continue it i guess. Anyway, enjoy!
“You’re supposed to show me where to go.”
“I’m supposed to-” The blond stuttered incoherently. “I’ve never been outside of the Heartfilia estate before you kidnapped me!”
“Why not? The door was wide open!”
“The wall was wide open and that’s because you came crashing through it!!”
Or: Lucy Heartfilia's life is thrown into chaos and confusion when a strange creature bursts through her wall and destroys her family mansion.
Chapter 1:
Normally when Lucy wakes up in the morning, she is met with a comfortable silence. Her room is usually clean and orderly and the gentle sloshing of water from outside would soothe the raging headaches that those annoying birds would constantly cause. Her open Curtin should help stream in warm sunlight. That was its purpose.
Good thing it wasn’t morning.
At least it didn’t look like it. From what was left of Lucy’s window she can tell that it’s still dark outside. And she can kind of see the stars. It’s a bit hard to tell considering the glowing red light that was trying very hard to blind her. During all of this, Lucy looks at the mess that she used to call her room and thinks one thing:
What. The. Fuck.
Someone groans from within whatever the hell just flew through her wall. It sounded male… But Lucy threw that idea right out of the window once the creature stepped out of the cube thing. Unlike any other alien, This one had scales. Talons. Horns. Wings. A tail. Scary looking red eyes. And… Pink hair? It was too dark to see much of anything but the hair definitely looked pink. Flames escaped from the palms of its hands...er she doesn't know what to call them actually. Doesn't matter.
Lucy was definitely dreaming.
Flames began to coat it’s entire body, spreading around her fluffy pink carpet that was perched under a small table. Oh, the table was on fire too. As was most everything else that she possessed…
Her letters to her mother!
In a flash, Lucy dashed to her very flammable desk and hesitantly snatched up her keys and a box that held the letters. Once she had those she began to look for a means of escape. The door was blocked- by the fire of course. She wouldn't be able to reach it anyway because the thing was rudely blocking the way.
Her only other option would be the broken window...wall. The one that she couldn't jump out of without shattering every bone in her body. Her father was a terrible person, making her stay on the 4th floor of his gigantic mansion! And it was on fire! She was going to die here! But there's so much she wanted to do! Like, live for example! This Sucked!
Lucy defeatedly fell to the floor, leaning on what was left of her wall. The mansion was going to burn tonight, and with it so was she. Her father was out on a business trip as per usual. And because of her little rebellion yesterday, he had ordered all of the maids to go home for the night, leaving her to fend for herself. That wasn’t an issue though.
She’s read plenty of books to know how to cook, how to grow crops. She knew how to do her own hair, and brush her own teeth, clean her own room and dress her own self. She even knew what to use to put out certain fires! But no book has ever told her how to get rid of fire coming from an alien demon thing! It’s not like anyone would miss her when she was gone anyways.
So she was going to burn to death.
That's fine.
The creature moved for the first time since it barreled through her bedroom. Its eyes sent a glare right through her and its feet began to move. Lucy looked up at it’s moving form and glared right back. She could die by its hands, but she wasn’t going out without a fight.
It stalked closer to her, the fire spreading with every crooked step its legs took. Lucy was shaking, but still, she stayed planted to her spot and hardened the look that she was sending it. And for once, like an angel sent from above had finally decided to bless her miserable life, it stopped. The fire went out and its eyes stopped glowing a bright gold. The horns that adjourned its head sunk into it. Like being swallowed by quicksand. His other inhuman body parts did too. The scales were gone. So were the claws and the wings. The only strange things that remained were its tail and its pink hair.
Now that she could see more closely, the thing was definitely a male. Calloused hands, beautiful tanned skin, and stupidly firm abs. Ok...
“Greetings human” He waved, though his neutral facial expression contradicted the excitement in his voice.
Oh great.
He can talk.
What. The. Fuck!?
“I understand that you may be very confused.” He continued. “However I must ask that you give me an idea of where I am, And/Or point me in the direction of someone who can.” At the end, he curled his lip up in such a weird way. Like he was...trying to smile.
Oh hell no.
This freaking alien was not going to smile at her after destroying her room. Lucy stood up abruptly, walking towards the side of her bed and pulling something out.
This thing burned her new rug.
She tested out its strength, spinning it around a few times.
It destroyed her window.
The hard metal felt cold in her hand as she moved over to the confused looking alien.
It came so close to destroying her Letters and her keys!
She stood in front of it, glaring daggers into his dark onyx eyes.
And it had the audacity to look at her very obviously distressed face... and smile!?
She gripped the handle of her weapon with both hands, drawing her elbows back in preparation for a swing.
Oh hell no.
And she knocked it unconscious, hitting it in the back of the head as hard as she could.
Lucy paced around the remaining contents of her room, stealing anxious glances and the alien that lay in the middle of it.
She hit him with a bat.
She just hit someone with a bat! As hard as she could!
But he wasn’t dead… Right? She tried to check his pulse but his skin was burning hot. He didn’t look all that dead because when she hit his head, no blood came out. Or… whatever the thing drops when it- when he gets injured.
Coins? Does it drop coins? Does he drop coins!? HE DIDN’T DROP COINS SO HE’S PROBABLY NOT DEAD!!
This was fine. He’s not dead obviously. But when Lucy hit him, she felt and heard something crack. Something on his head, o-or neck! It cracked. So... did she just doom the planet!? Was she supposed to call someone!? The police maybe?
Wait, did Area 51 have a number?
“Ow… What the fuck?”
“Shut up!” Lucy waved him off, biting her nails nervously. “I’m trying to think-”
The blond very slowly twisted her head around to confirm her terrifying suspicions. The alien just talked, didn’t it…? The fucking alien that she supposedly knocked out was awake! He was sitting up, touching his head cautiously, and looking at her…
Holy shit it was going to kill her!!!!
“Relax, no I’m not” He slumped back down on the floor, rubbing the sore spot on his neck and muttering: “At least I know why my head hurts now...Freakin weirdo”
“I’m the weirdo!? Look here mister-” Lucy took a deep breath, pinching her pointer finger and thumb together to calm herself. She had to be careful. One wrong move and this Alien would most definitely destroy the planet. Or he could be like E.T; all nice and shit.
The disgruntled boy shot her a glare.
Ok maybe not.
“Uh… W-would you like some tea?” That’s right Lucy. This guy will leave soon enough if you keep kissing his ass. All you have to do is pretend to be nice, and the planet is saved! Her plan was foolproof!
“You know I can hear you, right?”
The alien shook his head, covering his ears. Cautiously, he crawled over to the door. “You’re really loud, ya know that?”
“Honestly!” Lucy raised her hands to her hair, giving the blond locks a hard tug. This was just too much. All of her pent up stress and anger became too much to suppress. Almost to a point where she’d have to hit this thing in the back of the head 5 more times before she even thought about calming down. So she decided to let it all out.
“What the fuck do you expect!? What!? You want me to treat you like a king? Run your baths and give you foot massages? Where did you even come from!? Why are you here!? Why in my room!? What the hell even are you!? Am I going insane!?”
“I could tell you!” The alien cut her off nervously. His eyes flicked back in forth between her own furious eyes and whatever she was holding in her hands. “But you’ll need to put down that metal stick first…”
With heavy breathing, Lucy looked down at her hands. As he had pointed out she was holding the bat… Mavis knows what she would have done with it in that state of mind. She was usually much more in control of her emotions.
“S-sorry” She stuttered, letting go of the weapon like it had burned her. The blond looked into the creature's eyes in search of any hostility. To her astonishment, she was proud and also slightly guilty to admit that she saw some fear. “I guess it’s just been a long day…”
More like a long life. Will anything ever get easier for her? Or was she destined to be cursed by this bad luck? The nickname bestowed upon her by various high-class peoples was just that. A name. She can’t recall a single memory where everything has been perfect. Where she had felt genuine happiness. Not since her mother died…
Oh yeah. She should probably get rid of this alien right?
“You can”- She sat on her bed, defeated.-”You can go if you want. I don't care”
Now to take care of this tiny space ship. The house had to be clean by the time her father returned in two days. He would not be happy about the mess. His daughter, however? He wouldn't pay her any mind. The maids would be back by tomorrow morning… So she could just dig a giant hole in the backyard and bury it to the best of her ability. She probably won't finish so she can just say it was a rock that landed from outer space. That technically wasn’t a lie. Was it getting hotter in here? Whatever there was still the question of how she would get it there. Plus, there was no way she could rebuild her wall and remove any evidence of fire from her room in 5 hours. Back to square one…
“Let’s go.”
“What-?” Lucy snapped her head up to the sound, her eyes searching for the source. A head of pink hair caught her attention. He was still here? Why? So she asked:
“Why are you still here? Don’t you have things to do?”
The alien said nothing, staring at her with an unreadable expression. “We're leaving,” He said after a moment, walking over to the hole that he created with his ship.
“Uh” Lucy gave him a look as if he had just grown two heads. Not that she assumed he couldn't! He probably could!… “Have fun?”
“You're coming too…” He mumbled, awkwardly shuffling his feet. Ok, the girl was thoroughly confused now. “And I don’t have two heads.”
“I’m not going with you!” She exclaimed, completely ignoring that last part. “Why should I? You’ve already burned down my room, what more could you wan-!”
“If you don’t come with me I’ll destroy the world.”
“You-” Lucy gawked at the thing, various emotions flashing through her as it took her hand. End the world? It wanted to end the world!? And it would be her fault! Wait, why should she care? The world hasn’t done anything for her, she should just let it burn! But then again…
She wasn't the only one living in it.
So many innocent lives would be put at stake if she said no. Even if she was dead, the guilt would be too much to handle. With thoughts like these, she deserved to rot in the pits of hell. So she would go with him. There was no other choice. But that didn’t mean she wouldn't try to stop him either. His strengths, his weaknesses. What things make him happy and what makes him tick. Lucy would uncover all of that, and use it to her advantage.
“Fine…” She huffed, letting him pull her to a standing position.
He gave her a look, curling his lip in such a natural way. Almost like he was the happiest person in the world. For someone who just threatened to destroy the earth, he looked so innocent.
How weird… This alien boy.
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 years
When the World Revolves Around You <3
By the time the calendar hits day 31, he’ll know her like the back of his hand. (or: Lucy is extremely popular and widely known throughout all of Fiore thanks to her father. So why the hell dosen’t this pink haired jerk have a clue about who she is?)
The streets of Magnolia were usually busy on Saturdays around this time of day. It was a weird phenomenon that some people often questioned but forgot about just as quickly. But it was also a fact that one particular girl liked to use to her advantage…
If any of the parents, teens, or children had bothered to glance up at the gigantic mansion sitting smack dab in the middle of town, they would see the figure of a girl. A girl dressed in bright colors, sliding down a rope leading out of one of the mansion's windows. A blond girl, named Lucy Heartfilia, who was currently escaping her empty home to go out and explore.
Lucy landed in the grass, wiping her hands off on her dress and tugging on the rope, looking up in a silent question. An old woman peeked her head out of the window, grinning from ear to ear, waving down at her mistress before slowly bringing the rope back up to the room. Lucy smiled back, picking up a purse from inside of a bush and running through a dented hole in the gate. 
If you couldn’t tell before, this was a normal occurrence.
As Lucy stepped foot onto the busy streets, she breathed in the fresh smell of Pastries and shoe shine. This was her favorite day of the week. Saturdays were always when her maid, Ms. Spetto would sneak her out of the house. If you could even call the enormous 3 story building a house... 
When she was younger, the tiny brunette woman often found her “little princess” staring out of the window longingly, sighing every now and then when she saw something she really liked. So, as a way to cheer her up, the woman began helping her sneak out. Only on a certain day of the week though, because that’s when her father would schedule his weekly meetings.
This is why Lucy Hearfilia, daughter of the famous Jude Heartfilia, found herself aimlessly wandering around magnolia. She wore sunglasses to disguise her identity, keeping her short hair up in a messy bun. Her loose dress fluttering slightly with the wind as she spun around in the local park.
Lucy really loved Saturdays.
That was until some jerk ran into her and knocked her to the ground. 
She could’ve sworn she saw her life flash before her eyes as she flew back and onto the hard concrete. Whether it be because of the fall or because she might be arrested (and possibly killed for murdering rude jerks that don’t know how to watch where they're going-!) remains unclear.
“What the hell!?” Lucy growled, pushing off whoever was currently on top of her and scooting as far away as possible. Which obviously wasn’t very far, because when he spoke his voice was loud enough to give her a headache. Or maybe she was far enough and he just had a big mouth.
“Ah, My bad. I got distracted by some weirdo blond, spinning around the park like she was a Disney princess.” Lucy almost felt a vein pop. Oh, he definitely had a big mouth! The nerve of this guy-
“Who even are you-!” She started, pausing as she finally looked up and got a better look at his… pink… hair.
“Natsu Dragneel!” He grinned, holding out his hand for her to shake. Lucy blinked, staring as he wiggled his fingers expectantly. She hesitantly reached for his hand, grabbing onto one of his fingers before quickly pulling her hand away.
“Okay…” The boy sent her a weird look and pulled his own hand back, grabbing hold of his skateboard and standing up. “Well… it was nice meeting you, weird lady.” He glanced at her face, ignoring the almost feral growl that came out of her mouth.
“Oh,” he pointed. “And you dropped your sunglasses.”
“Don’t try to change the subject, pinky pie! My sunglasses are just-” The girl froze, her breath catching in her throat.
Oh no! 
Lucy felt her face, foolishly hoping that this Natsu kid was just some prankster or something. But no… oh Mavis, Lucy had actually dropped her sunglasses! Which meant he knew who she was...and that he’d ask for a picture, o-or an autograph! And that would gain everyone's attention and then her father would find out that she snuck out while he was working and she’ll be grounded and- Wait!
He’s been talking to her like a stranger this entire time… Lucy’s sunglasses have been off of her face this entire time… This pink-haired boy hadn’t done anything that Lucy’s wild imagination just cooked up. Which meant...
“You don’t know who I am.” The blond stated, blinking up at his face for any sign of recognition.
“Um no...” The boy looked around the park. “Should I?”
Now don’t ask her why that struck a nerve. Some part of her felt relieved. Like, thank god some idiot doesn't know who she is. Her cover hasn’t been blown and her father will never find out about this whole ordeal, thank god! 
Then there was another part of Lucy who was so used to the attention that the obvious lack of it had her narrow her eyes in agitation. Not even Lucy knew why that struck a nerve. Not a single clue... 
But it did. 
“What do you mean ‘should I’!?” The girl pointed a finger at him accusingly. “Of course you should!”
He only tilted his head in confusion, slowly backing up as the girl in front of him began to rise to her feet, raising her voice as she rambled on. “How do you not know who I am!? The blond hair, the brown eyes, the perfect figure, I’m literally-”
In deep shit…
“Oh boy!” Without much thought, the girl snatched up Natsu’s hand, tugging him along as she began to run. “We gotta go!”
“Wha- how is any of this my problem!” The boy whined but continued to run along with her anyway. Not that he’d ever dare to admit it, but this girl had a really strong grip. He probably wouldn't be able to pull his hand away if he tried.
They continued down the street, dodging trash cans, stray dogs, mailboxes- and of course, a raging paparazzi. That is until Natsu realized that running was getting them nowhere and was in fact: pointless. So he took the messy situation into his own hands.
“Yo, Blondie…” He spoke, hoping to gain her attention. He did of course have to suffer one of her terrifying glares in doing so. “I’ve got an idea so bear with me, kay?”
She made a face. “What are you-”
Natsu pulled them to a halt, ignoring her startled squawking, and heaving her onto his back. The blond blushed profusely, hanging onto his neck as he balanced himself on his skateboard. 
“Hang on tight!” He called out, taking one more glance at the growing crowd behind them and pushing off the ground with a converse-covered foot. They both wobble a bit at first, Lucy clutching to his neck for dear life and Natsu struggling to (breath!) find his balance. Eventually, he got the hang of it and was able to turn corners with ease. Almost as if there wasn’t a whole person on his back. Lucy made that easy to remember however with her unholy screeching.
“Hey,” Natsu choked as the blond once again tightened the grip around his neck. “Maybe we’d be able to lose them faster if you’d- erk stop screeching!”
“S-sorry…” Lucy released her hell-like grip, tucking her face into the boy’s neck and squeezing her eyes shut. She felt Natsu stiffen for a second, the action barely noticeable to her even as she tried her best to ignore her surroundings.
Eventually, as Lucy’s thoughts began to wander, she felt them pull to a stop. With the wind successfully out of her ears, she was able to hear the familiar harmonious chirping of birds. She opened her eyes, taking in her surroundings…
“Oh.” Lucy blinked in confusion. “I’m… home.”
“Yeah…” The Natsu boy put her on the ground with a huff, waiting for her to gain proper footing before obnoxiously stretching.
“The crazy people with the camera’s kept repeating the name Heartfilia…” he yawned. “I figured that had something to do with you and took us to the back entrance of the Heartfilia mansion.”
The blond made a face. “How did you know where the back entrance was?”
“Man, you ask a lot of questions.”
Lucy growled, waiting for the boy to erase the bored look on his face and explain. “I skate here often with my friends.” he finally said with an annoyed sigh. “The concrete is smoother here than anywhere else in town. Trust me, I've checked.”
“So… you and your friends are just back here all day, riding on skateboards until you get what- bored?” Lucy scratches her chin in thought.
“Yeah, but now I'm leaving.” Natsu stomped on his board, watching as it flew a short distance off of the ground and catching it in his hand with ease. “See ya later, weirdo”
He trips. “What now!?”
“I…” she paused.
What now? Why did she just stop him- she didn’t really know… There was this weird feeling worming around in her gut. Like, she didn’t want him to leave. And evidently, it wasn’t because she enjoyed his company.
So it must be… 
“You really don’t know who I am?” Lucy clenched her dress, chewing on her lip anxiously. Natsu took a moment to respond, his expression unwavering. 
“No.” He answered.
Then… “T-then-!” Her face was heating up but she didn’t know why. How strange… 
“Then I'm going to make sure you do!” She declared, pointing a shaky finger at the confused stranger before her. 
“By the end of this month!” Yes, it’s always good to set a deadline.
“You’ll know me like the back of your own hand!” Perfect. Always set a clear goal. 
She did not, however, get the response that she had wanted. In fact, she didn’t get a response at all. The boy just stood there, staring at her as if she’s just grown a second head.
“You’ll know me- uh…” Lucy paused. “You’ll know me as well as you know the streets of magnolia!” 
The two said nothing, the only sound registering in the girl's ears being the awkward shuffling of her own feet… It’s been silent for too long...
“Ugh, I get it!” Natsu whined, giving her a weird look. Although, a wide smile now adorned his once blank face.
“Good luck with that,” He chuckled, a soft and bubbly laugh that made Lucy’s chest feel lighter. “Weirdo.”
And with a subtle wave of his hand, the boy was gone, only the image of his flowing pink hair on display as he rode further and further away…
Lucy sighed and began routinely crawling her way through a bent pole in the fence, muttering to herself as she did. 
Well, at least now she had something to do in her free time. Operation ‘make this rude (but surprisingly attractive) stranger know me as well as I know myself' wasn't going to plan itself…  
“Yeah, that name needs some work…”
I had this idea. “What if Lucy was ‘stuck up’ and wanted everyone to know her” or something like that. It turned into this and now I don’t know where to go from here. I really like the idea tho... just don’t know if i should continue or not.
CH 1 - CH 2 - CH 3 - CH 4 - CH 5 - CH 6
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 years
Nalu Tangled AU
It’s Tangled but it’s not... 
I have absolutely no clue if i’m ever going to finish this but it’s a multi-chapter fic and this is the beginning of the second chapter. Still not sure what i’m planning on doing with King Jude tho...
Now, when Natsu decided to scale up the gigantic brick tower that day, the last thing he expected was to be met with the wide terrified brown eyes of a gorgeous blond girl. Nor did he expect to be met with a pan to the face. Of course he managed to dodge but he couldn’t help but to wonder why on earthland this girl thought knocking him unconscious as he hung on to the edge of the window seal for his life- was a good idea.
“Oh my god!” The girl shrieked, throwing the pan behind her and waving her hands around in a frenzy. “I’m so sorry, that was a stupid idea- why would I…” finally noticing his deadpanned look, she inhaled a shaky breath before offering out a hand.
“Here let me… let me help you!”
“I don’t know…” Natsu decided to tease, although still very much struggling to hold himself up. “Are ya’ gonna try to whack me in the head again?”
“N-no! I’m so sorry!” The blond looked away guiltily.
The boy released a breathy chuckle. “Yeah… Please help.”
The girl made a noise, scrambling over to the ledge and pulling on his arm with surprising ease. In less than a few seconds he was sent hurling into the tower, falling ungracefully onto the floor and sending his newly stolen crown across the floor.
“Wow,” Natsu wheezed, clutching his chest as he sat himself upright. “You are… surprisingly strong.”
“Um… Thank you.” The blond rubbed her arm, shyly scooching away from him. 
“So, just for starters I'm sorry about almost making you fall to your death-”
“Yeah,” the boy replied. “That would have been kind of painful-”
The girl held out a finger in warning. “But, to be fair, you were a complete stranger climbing up my house.” She pointed out as he awkwardly stood off to the side.
“That is a fair point.” Natsu joked, shuffling his feet uncomfortably. His smile wavered. “Look… I just needed a place to hide until all of these guards gave up lookin’ for me.”
“Are you… a criminal!?” The blond looked towards her forgotten pan, shuffling a bit closer to it.
“I wouldn’t use the word ‘criminal’ per se…” Natsu eyed her cautiously. “More like… the people's savior.” he held his chin, murmuring: “I mean that’s what Gray calls it…”
The girl said nothing, seemingly running different scenarios in her head. It was obvious she was less than pleased to find him in her tower. However strange the choice of… home may be, Natsu was raised good enough to know when he’s overstayed his welcome.
He decided to speak after a long minute of silence. “I can go if you want-”
“No.” She picked something up, hiding it behind her back. “I’d like to make… an offer.”
“An offer?” Natsu raised a brow in suspicion. “What kind of offer?”
“Oh… nothing much.” The girl made a face, looking away as she rocked back and forth on her feet. “Just…” 
“What are you getting at?”
“Take me to see the floating lights!” She demanded, pulling the object from behind her back. The sparkling, expensive looking… tiara shaped-
“H-hey!” Natsu’s eyes widened as he reached forward in an attempt to snatch it back. “That’s mine-”
“And you can have your stolen tiara back!” The girl dodged, kicking at his calves and knocking the boy over.
Natsu groaned, growling in agitation as the blond blinked at him innocently. “So, do we have a deal?”
He sighed, sitting himself back up, lazily glancing back and forth between her hand (holding his client's super important jewel in it-) and her smug face. He cursed, releasing a loud sigh before holding out his hand in agreement.
The pink-haired boy smirked as she pleasantly smiled at him, reaching out her own hand and… successfully dodging his second attempt to take back the tiara. Natsu stumbled around the floor, trying to catch his balance as the surprisingly agile blond chick huffed in frustration.
“Fine.” He hissed between clenched teeth, finally regaining his footing and crossing his arms over his chest. “You win, let's get this over with.”
“Great!” The girl clapped, jumping up and down in excitement. “Oh I can’t wait! Mother won’t even know that I've left by the time she gets back!”
Natsu cleared his throat. “Let's get a move on blondie.”
The boy blinked. “Huh?”
“My name,” she said as if talking to a child. “Is Lucy.”
“That’s… nice.” He said honestly, hiding his small smile before shaking his head. “If we wanna make it by tomorrow we should leave. Like now.”
“Oh!” the girl who he now knew as Lucy made a run for a coat rack before turning back to him with a wide grin. The tiara now resting in a brown leather bag across her shoulders.
“Let’s go then!”
Natsu sighed, making his way towards the window where Lucy almost ended his life. He kind of wishes she had, seeing that he had to climb back down the gigantic goddamn tower for fucks sake. Ughhhhhhh.
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akisunlovesnalu ¡ 3 years
If not cannon, than why goddamn adorable 🧐🤨
Y’all it’s a modern Au where Natsu and Lucy are in a band okay… and this is post relationship/ they’ve already gotten together. I was thinking about making this a fanfic and I’ve already started on it and posted it on ao3… but then I completely forgot about it and now it’s been left to rot. rip 😔
He started humming, tapping his fingers to a rhythm. Now, any other day this would be okay- it would be MORE than okay. To be frank, it would be FANTASTIC because they'd actually be getting work done. But this song that he was humming... this rhythm... oh god-
Natsu began humming louder, turning to her with a knowing smirk.
"Don't you dare." Lucy hissed.
He opened his mouth, dramatically taking a deep breath in.
"I swear to god, Natsu-"
"A girl with kaleidoscope eyes..."
"Oh my god-"
"Cellophane flowers of yellow and green..." The boy sat up, walking over to her slowly as he sang.
"Towering over your head..."
He took hold of her hands and gave a light tug, prompting her to follow. The girl only sighed giving little to no resistance. She couldn't help but blush and fail horribly at hiding her small smile.
"Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes, and she's gone..."
Natsu held onto her waist, swaying back and forth to the invisible beat as he stared her right in the eyes. The blonde dared him to go any further, her own brown orbs filled with playful furry.
But alas, Natsu wasn't one to back down from a challenge.
"Lucy in the sky with diamonds!"
"Oh my god, stop!" The girl giggled as he spun them around, barely dodging the furniture.
"Lucy in the sky with diamonds!- c'mon sing with me Luce!"
He dipped her, laughing as she narrowed her eyes. Lucy sighed, finally giving in as Natsu spun her around once again.
"Lucy in the sky with diamonds..." she sang, albeit reluctantly.
Natsu grinned. "Ahhhhhh~"
"Follow her down to a bridge by a fountain,"
He crept closer, raising a brow teasingly. All she gave in reply was the same glare. The one where her deep chocolate eyes would sparkle in delight, exposing her usual angry or annoyed expression for what it really was... Happy. "Where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pie,"
"Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers..." He paused, brow still raised in silent challenge. They took a moment, with the blonde seemingly challenging him back and with Natsu... just appreciating the view.
And finally, Lucy let go of her fake annoyance (or just got swayed by how catchy the song really was) and sang with him. "They grow so incredibly high..."
The boy grinned.
"Newspaper taxis appear on the shore, Waiting to take you away" Natsu began twirling them around again, this time allowing Lucy to step on his feet for leverage and grabbing ahold of her hand.
"Climb in the back with your head in the clouds,"
He gripped her hand a bit tighter, dead set on being the center of attention... on being the center of HER attention.
"And you're gone..." The two stood face to face, foreheads touching and breath mingling. Natsu resisted the urge to lean down further, just a bit more so that his lips were touching hers, so that their breath could mingle even closer. He resisted... because right now he was busy.
The chorus came next... but this time time they were both wearing matching wide toothy smiles. Together. As a PAIR.
"Lucy in the sky with diamonds! Lucy in the sky with diamonds!- Ooh watch out!- Lucy in the sky with diamonds!"
They giggled, moving away from the guitar that came so close to crashing to the floor. "Ahhhhhh!~"
They held each other close, belting the last note in terrible harmonies.
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