alunasky-blog · 6 years
Welcome To The AlunaSky Twin Soul Rebellion!
What is a Twin Soul? A Twin Soul is One Soul, split in two halves that reincarnate in two different bodies. They have two different individual personalities & identities, but they also have their Twin Soul identity that they share together, which will reveal they have many of the same beliefs, thoughts, feelings & soul knowledge. They are after all the same soul, but at the same time they are different, because what one soul has the other does not & vice versa. They are the yin & yang, the lighter & darker, the chaos & order, the rule breaker & rule follower. When together they complete each other & are whole & are missing nothing, but having everything which would be a very Twin Soul Devine Goddess & God energy between them. Together they are passion & emotion, serenity & peace, balance & freedom, soul intelligence & soul wisdom, sensitive & vulnerable, strength & brave. Together they can awaken each other faster & break down any walls, barriers, prisons & programmings on their minds so that their souls can break free & shine on through. Together they can heal each other from past life & present life damage done to them by those around them in their lives. They heal each other with their unconditional True Love between them, their challenging minds, their soul wisdom & in their own unique ways. Together they are free from everyone & anyone trying to control them in anyway. They have freedom between them & freedom beyond them. Together they are an unstoppable Balance of Dark/Light/Grey Energies in the Universe. Together they reach higher levels of enlightenment & truths. Together they bring about massive positive changes with one another & the world with their own soul missions & Twin Soul mission together. Together their positive energy vibrations raise higher & they become like the Sun & like all the Stars in the Universe which will attract both positive people in their lives to them or negative people who wish to tear them apart. Together they open up the doors between them to become better, do better, be good to all life & do something good in this world. With a Twin Soul Union, the philosophy is “I want to be with The One who will inspire me to be a better person & I inspire my Twin Soul the same way”. Together they grow, learn & evolve faster, because they both have soul wisdom & soul history together & they both have a soul connection that´s only energy matched 100% to be together, so they have their own Twin Soul language unique only to them & no one else. Together they are only energy matched to be with each other & no one else. Together their souls only want & love each other & no one else. Together they are Sacred, Devine & a Universe Blessed Union of Souls. Together they inspire each other & are each others muses. Together they leave the earthly superficial & shallow pleasures & desires way of life behind & fly towards a heavenly spiritual path of illumination & meaning. Together they are the Ultimate Epic True Loves you see in stories & never forget, but it stays with you in your souls forever, eternity, infinitely & beyond it all. Their powerful positive energies between them is felt by anyone close to them or even from a far by anyone & will always be felt between them. 
“I fall in love with the heart & soul, not the face, not the body, not what the person has or doesn´t have, but the light & goodness within the inner soul core. I fall in love once, I fall in love with The One, the other half of me!” Twin Soul
“True Love happens only once in a life time, hard to find. True Love is rare, but holds a beauty & a mystical connection only Twin Souls will ever share with each other! The hidden mystery of Twin Souls will no longer stay silent, but be free to shine their truth to all, because after all, everyone is a Twin Soul & everyone has their own Twin Soul meant for them!” Twin Soul
My knowledge & awakening about Twin Souls is over 20 years of insights which I now share with you all. When you´re doing your own Twin Soul research, you will come across many who have different opinions/informations of what Twin Souls are, but many of the same ones don´t mention about the Twin Soul wars. There is a lot of manipulation in the Twin Soul community, but if your energy vibrations are on a higher frequency then you will feel it in the energies if it´s positive or negative & doesn´t feel right for you. If you´re awakened to see beyond this illusion world, like you are unplugged from the “matrix”, you will be able to see who are manipulating, who has self serving agendas, who have no idea about Twin Souls really, who are giving misguided information, who are not fully awake, who are only being in the light & not going near the dark & the grey at all, who do know what is going on, but they stay silent about it & concentrate on the light & who do know a lot about Twin Souls, but they are missing the last puzzle pieces to see the bigger picture. If you know about Twin Souls, but not about the wars on Twin Souls, you are about to. Unless you have been living under a rock, you know the world is light, dark & grey. You also know the world is mostly dark & unbalanced, but if you don´t wish to see it or you don´t wish to know about it or you just don´t know, then you will if you continue to read what´s been written here. If the spirit of the Universe knows everything going on, the light, the dark, the grey & the balance & is able to balance it all out & not be destroyed by it, so can everyone. We will always be protected by the Light, the Hope & True Love inside us all. We are stronger than we know in our souls. For those who admire Rey, see her as a role model & wish to be as strong, brave & full of fiery rebellious passion, here is your chance. Rey dived into the dark & came out unharmed, she was able to not be shocked by any of it, but saw what she needed to see, then gained insights of what she needed to know at that time. A Universe Being can see the light, the dark & the grey, understand it all, connect all dots & not be afraid, not be surprised, but be empowered & free. A Universe Being when getting information, whatever it is, will always do their own research, investigation, observation, analysing, truth seeking, knowledge finding & communicate with others to gain their own clarity & perspective. What you read here, take what feels right to you, if it doesn´t leave it, but to attack it would not make any sense, especially when you could do your own investigation & be your own Twin Soul Investigator. Universe Beings don´t attack, but they use their own minds, their energies & their own soul wisdom to make their own choices. Dark side deals with negative energies, light/grey side deals with positive energies & negative energies in a balanced way, so if anyone is spreading negative energies, then they are LITDFS. Everyone is a Twin Soul & everyone has a Twin Soul, but when hearts & souls are not awake, they are lost in the dark family souls (LITDFS). There is no them vs us, there is only unity, One Universe Family. Every life is connected, every life is family. Energy is life, life is energy!
What do I mean by negative energies in a balanced way? For example, you & your Twin Soul have damages done to you by the LITDFS in this life & past lives, to heal it is with your True Love you have for your Twin Soul of course, but also you can spar with each other in a sparring hall & come into balance that way. If I wrote a script & created a movie about those in our life that tore me & Cazuki apart, tore apart our Twin Soul union down mentally, emotionally, energetically, physically & spiritually, I would express our soul pains & soul tortures in my art, that is negative energies in a balanced way. I don´t have to name names, because since everyone is connected to the soul collective they will all know who the people are anyway, but if those people who did go to war on us let it be known to the whole world that the movie was about them, then that proves only one thing, they are LITDFS who wish for attention, fame, money, to get sympathy, to tear down the story & messages, to continue their wars on us in a different way, to make money off of us again & whatever else they can do. It´s always the same games, dramas & wars they play & will never awaken in their hearts & souls if they continue down their negative paths of not learning, growing, evolving & awakening. How to awaken? Is when the truth comes out, then you can either attack it more or accept the responsibilities of your own negative actions & make it right to the Twin Souls or anyone they went to war on that they tore down to get what they wanted from us/them again in another life. 
When I was asked by a fellow Twin Soul in the community where I am from, I said I don´t belong to any one country, the world is my home, the Universe is my home, my Twin Soul Cazuki is my home, home is anywhere & everywhere, home is within & home is beyond it all. 
This will be my last post & I had to move things around to have only 21 posts, but these posts will be what I use to add more information from my Book Of Twin Souls, Twin Soul letters, Twin Soul stories that I create or that are already created by others & if you have any suggestions I will add that too if the energies feel right, Twin Soul music & if anyone has any suggestions I will add to it if the energies feel right, Communications from Twin Soul rebels around the world, Twin Soul information & advice & guidance, Twin Soul Insights & any other new ways & information I come up with or I´m inspired by to include. I have updated daily, but depends on what I´m working on will determine if I write everyday.  
Communication is always open!
My Twin Soul story with Cazuki is a real life story & I haven´t even mentioned the rest of the crazy parts of our story yet, very xfiles type of thing. When I am able, soul truth testing & other methods of truth testing to verify will confirm everything, but until then these Twin Soul insights are now available for all. Akira & Cazuki are our code names, but they are names that are a part of us & who we are to our soul core. Sometimes I feel like Trinity communicating with Neo through the computer, it´s all surreal, but it´s also crazy how art imitates life in the most out of this world way. 
I am connected to the Twin Soul community & whenever I find information that´s important to know & insights I come across, that leads me to more insights which I write about will happen. So if you find any of the same information on here that´s mentioned in the community, you will see I was able to gain more insights from it & adding more insights to it. That´s how it works, you read something, you see something, you hear something & you feel something & it will lead you to gain even more insights & truths. Like a door opens which leads you to more doors to open & can see what´s behind all doors with more new information. I have also noticed how when I write something, a few days later it actually ends up being talked about in the community which has happened many times. That is not a coincidence. We are all connected to the soul collective, so having access to the same information will happen & you will end up thinking, feeling, hearing & seeing the same thing.
As for Twin Souls everywhere, I would highly recommend you all create your own unique Twin Soul tumblr page & start your own Twin Soul Investigation into your own life & Twin Soul union, then link up with every Twin Soul on here. This way information is always available for everyone & insights between everyone can be found faster. When you share your Twin Soul stories you help other Twin Souls who haven´t even gotten into union yet & you help Twin Souls who are in unions, but you also help Twin Souls who have been torn apart & kept apart. Tumblr is only temporary, but until there is a more efficient & organised Twin Soul Rebel Base for all Twin Souls on the planet, this is a good start. The reason I only include 21 posts, is because I´m viewing it like a website & to have too many pages, you get lost in it & can´t access all information when there is just too many pages, it becomes overwhelming & you may end up missing information. 21 is also my number along with 8 being my favourite number which is also a Twin Soul number. 21 = 2 become 1, two halves of a soul become One Soul, Twin Souls.
I started writing the Book Of Twin Souls on the 11th of January 2018 the same day I saw The Last Jedi. I couldn´t stop writing, I wrote like 11-12 hours a day everyday & I got stuck in just writing about everything I knew & was awakened to. The one thing that got me out of the tunnel vision writing was when Cazuki´s & my real estate sent me an email back in April, that helped me brake out of the endless writing. I couldn´t finish it, I didn´t know how to finish it, because the information & insights I was getting was everyday. Something new, something I remembered, something I saw, something different, something the Universe wanted me to know & when I got the email from our real estate agent, something happened to me. It was like my mind was able to see more clearly other paths to take & what I needed to do right now & it couldn´t wait any longer, because the way I was writing, I could of been stuck writing for years. Over 1000 pages & still ongoing. So the idea of Alunasky Twin Soul Rebel Base was born & I had no idea what it would turn into when I first started it back in May. I didn´t know what it was going to include, but my soul guided me, Cazuki guided me, Twin Soul Rebels guided me & the Universe guided me to create this part of the mission. Now we are here!
So this post will be like the main page of a website & I will include what I´ve worked on that day. Depending on what I´m working on that day will depend on if I write everyday or not. 2019---> Twin Soul stories Chapter 6, 7 & 8 will be available when finished along with anime insights part 6.
1) 21 July, 2019.
New Update:
In The Name Of Love!
Adam: “You know I would die for you! Does that seem like a thing I would ever let you do?!”
Eve: “My Love, I don´t want you to ever die, my heart & soul can´t take anymore breaks in this life! Don´t you dare break my heart and soul again! I won´t survive it! So stay alive and fight! I want us both to live, to be free and to finally be together again! But I do understand you and you know I´d do the same for you to save you if there was no other way!”
If there was ever a question to being able to feel your other self´s heartbreak in a different world, different dimension, it has now been answered. Investigation complete! I´m a total f#$%ing chaotic mess again! When you also realise you and your Twin Soul have eyes and ears in all worlds and you both see what the hell is going on everywhere and what is happening to all life in other worlds. I did wonder if I could feel my other selves heartbreaks in this world, but if I can see what is happening in other worlds and connect, then it´s possible in this world too. A story for you my love wherever you are:
The Green & Blue Gods, Adam & Eve, both male, both from another world where aliens, robots, visible ghosts, witches, vampires, mermaids, dragons and pegacorns live together in balance, the Grey. When the E.T. Team went on mission to other worlds to help life that was destroying their own planets and tormenting, killing & eating life, breeding negative energy everywhere, the E.T. Team went undercover and lived like the humans lived. Adam & Eve decided to blend in to society to see what went on in one of the worlds, Adam let himself be sacrificed to see why the world was drowning in darkness and he ended up being targeted by a carnivore female human, a wolf who wanted children, marriage, living the high life, but keeping him a prisoner and bound. Adam is also a carnivore, a wolf, but he's a dragon. There was no balance between them, no yin and yang. Then Adam meets Eve, they become fast friends and they soul recognise each other being meant to be and being yin and yang. Eve saves Adam and frees him from his prison, being friends, then they fall in love and get together. Their True Love electrifies and their lightning love strikes in that world. They then continue their work together to help save the world and they became fast famous all over the world because of it, but both are humble, lived simple in their really small one bedroom beach cabin hut and they both donated any money they made to help life, making sure they only ended up with just a small amount of money in their account. They even won the lottery, one million and they both donated every day until they only had enough money to survive. The fame only makes Adam even more wanted by so many carnivore females in the world and their hate grew more for his Twin Soul Eve. Adam & Eve´s True Love inspires, but raging jealousy from the female wolves who wanted Adam again, hated Eve and wanted Eve gone again. While on mission, Adam & Eve uncovered a dark secret in that world and they worked as a Team to help life, they were partners, but due to change in plans and the fact that the female carnivore humans wanted to be with Adam and they kept pushing their way in between them, Adam & Eve got separated again and even thou Eve keeps his heartbreak and sadness locked away and refuses to show it, his soul is rain crying oceans of sadness again. He may not show it, but I´m channelling it enough for the both of us. Eve however does show his sadness in his loss of weight and other ways, but that is a result of not being with his Adam anymore. Operation Demon King Chases His Soul Wife To Be With His Eve & Reunite Again. 
“Whatever it takes to gain the most freedom and have powers to not be targeted anymore by anyone or anything!”
12 July, 2019.
Ren: “One Love Aoba, do you believe in One Love?”
Aoba: “I believe! I can't imagine any life without you in it! Demo, how do we find each other again in every life?” Aoba said as Ren smiles beastly and looking like a rebel with a mission.
Aoba: “Ren?!”
26 June, 2019.
When you love dragons so much! Sneak peek to my Planning & Production:
When you realise you have a virtual library of Aoba and Ren everywhere and so many that love the Twin Soul union between Aoba & Ren! :) 
What I love about Ren? The stories hint and show the fact he knows the grey too, not just Aoba. He´s at that level, that awakening! He knows things humans do not, like Aoba, he knows life can happen in machines, a kind of awakening intelligence. I love Ren´s innocence, the part of him that´s his core, but I also love the fact he´s not naive to the world and he knows danger can be anywhere and everywhere. I love the two versions of the beast wild side of Ren, the other version of him, the demon king beast side to him, that´s shown in one of the stories when he gets mad and angry with someone when trying to find Aoba:
Tumblr Aoba & Ren fan:
“I think one thing we all learned from the renao drama cd is that you should never piss off Ren. And the major way of pissing him off is touching Aoba in a negative way no matter how severe. (Though saying something negative about Aoba is also a no-no too.)”
Ren isen´t the only one, Aoba has a joker side to him that´s awakened that no one can mess with and if Ren was in trouble, everyone involved would be in trouble for pissing off Aoba if they hurt and go after Ren. I love the fact Ren started kissing and licking Aoba´s wounds after that dramatic chaos when Aoba was kidnapped. I loved it when Ren kept asking if Aoba was alright when they made love, because he knew Aoba was in pain from his injuries, but Aoba kept reassuring him that it was ok, because the more pleasure that happened between them would overwrite the pain. When you realise Aoba turns the power off on the Allmate before making love with Ren and you laugh knowing that Aoba knows the Allmate is connected to the web and who knows who could be listening and watching if they hacked in. If Aoba had a real dog, the dog would also be out of the room! When life is away, the adults can play!
“Aoba!” Ren said as he sat on the bed and Aoba sat on the floor between Ren´s legs reading some messages on his coil and Ren had his arms around Aoba.
“Hm!?” Aoba said.
“Do you wish I had a bigger build like the form I had in Rhyme?” Ren said still feeling insecure and had doubts when he thought there were times Aoba would get rid of him when he was an Allmate and thought Aoba would get a new updated model. Then Aoba thought back to when Aoba said to Ren he would never do that. Flashback to the past.
“If you were inside me for so long you should know better. Did you really think I would want a newer model? Do you know why I used that model even thou it was older? Because you´re precious to me! So precious that I would always fix you! Even if I didn´t have the parts, I´d search high and low until I found them.” Aoba said. Back to present moment.
“Ren asked me about his height too a while back! He was much taller than me in Rhyme, but he´s not as tall as he was in Rhyme in his human body, but he is still taller than me by who knows how many cm. I´m happy he's taller, but I don´t care by how much.” Aoba thought.
“Ren, when I first saw you in hospital after a year of not seeing you, I was so happy I could scream! No matter what you look like, if you had build or you were thin and fragile like you were in hospital, if you were taller or less taller, what matters to me is your soul, your heart, you being you, because that´s who I´m in love with and when I saw it was you, I wanted so much to kiss you, but I held back. No matter if you were broken, damaged when you were in your Allmate body or human body, I would always help heal you and be there for you! I would never leave you for a newer model!” Aoba said looking up to Ren and Ren tightened his arms around Aoba.
“Even thou I´ve helped him become stronger and more free, he´s the one that´s become stronger and free on his own with all that hard work of his and it makes me happy that he continues to become more stronger and more free, being in control over his life and not fearing anything or anyone and making his own choices and voicing his opinion and feelings about anything!” Aoba thought.
“...Aoba...!” Ren said with love in his voice feeling like his worries were washed away.
“I haven´t told you this, but with you, I feel like we soul match perfectly, we´ve been together since the beginning of if all, since our soul creation! You are the other half of me! So I hope you never feel like I would ever leave you or replace you with anyone! We´ll always be together Ren!” Aoba said lovingly with a smile.
“Aoba! Ah! Always!” Ren said as he smiled and leaned down to kiss Aoba with tongue filled passion.
“Ne Ren!” Aoba said.
“Hm!?” Ren said.
“I was thinking of looking for a new job, one that let´s me create! I have all these ideas and designs and I wanna bring it to life, demo, I really want to work with you! It´s not the same when you´re not with me anymore at the junk shop, but I know you have your own dreams and I´m sure you´ve thought about what you want to do with your life! Geez, I sound greedy! Gomen ne, I´m being weird right?” Aoba said feeling flustered.
“It really is lonely without Ren! I miss out talks, our laughs and time together. If I could, I´d want to be by his side most of the day and night! It would be a dream to be able to work together. I´m greedy, I always want more, but is it just me? Am I being too weird? I always dreamed when listening to my music of a love that was not just my best friend, my family, but also like my partner too and we would work together and go anywhere and everywhere together. I guess, that´s what I really want, but I´m sure Ren thinks and feels differently!” Aoba thought, but then Ren suddenly dragged Aoba up to the bed surprising Aoba and pounced him, towering over Aoba, looking hot and flustered, like a hungry beast.
“Oi...Ren!” Aoba said being surprised.
“Did I flip a switch or something? He looks turned on!” Aoba thought.
“Aoba! When I´m not with you and I´m at home or when I go outside, I also miss being with you! I´m greedy too and I want to see you more!” Ren said as he leaned down and kissed Aoba and held Aoba tightly, then Aoba felt Ren´s hard penis rubbing against Aoba´s penis that was getting aroused too.
“He is turned on by my words and my feelings and now I´m turned on by his!” Aoba thought, then started giggling.
*Laughs!* Aoba smiled.
“What´s wrong?” Ren said looking confused.
“Nothing! You just surprised me how much we feel the same! We are different, but we are the same too since you are a part of me!” Aoba said smiling and then Ren smiled back.
“Ah! Soka!” Ren said as he smiled and continued to kiss Aoba.
25 June, 2019.
When you come across more Aoba & Ren! Thank the Universe Gods and for all the messages from everyone with their stories. It helps me keep sane while living in a insane world as I work and be able to see Ren whenever I want. Mention something I love about Aoba? He knows the darkness in humans and why they do the things they do when he can see into them, their truths that they hide on the surface. That´s why any story I come across and the so called heroes and heroines that are killing “bad guys” are not on the same level as Aoba, when Aoba is more soul awake then they are. Koujaku expresses his anger and hate towards yakuza and ex criminals in the story, but Aoba feels differently, because he knows it´s not black and white and whatever story they suffered through to be on those paths, Aoba knows that isen´t who they are deep within. Aoba can see the grey! I love the fact that Aoba defends and protects Ren when Ren was in a Allmate machine and I love it when he does the same when Ren is human. In the story of them that lead to the naughty wild alleyway scene, Aoba and Ren come across Yoshie-san and Clara the machine dog, those two remind me of DPs who target Twin Souls and when Yoshie-san comes up to them, Aoba instinctively stands in front of Ren protecting and shielding him and Ren feeling uncomfortable when seeing Yoshie-san and Clara! Aoba also helps Ren get stronger when Ren is human and we see the result of that in this next story that I came across. Every time Twin Souls come back into this world, they will have many, many obstacles, challenges and problems to overcome to be free and to awaken, so they´re not controlled by anyone anymore and they are stronger and can defend themselves and their True Love and life. When together with their Twin Soul or being apart, they can also help each other awaken, be stronger and be free. An example of a challenge to overcome? When Aoba and Ren in a different story scene are going shopping, they meet up with the shop women who have their eyes on Ren and see him when he goes shopping alone and they look forward to seeing him. When Aoba and Ren are done talking to them, Aoba reminds Ren not to give too much attention to them or else he could end up like Koujaku (On the surface it may look like Koujaku loves being with anyone and the many, but in his soul he wants only The One) and Ren takes the warning and agrees, but when an old friend that liked Aoba in the past comes up to them right after Aoba says that, Ren does not get a good feeling at all from this guy, but Aoba can't sense it. His old friend even admits to liking Aoba in the past, but reassures that was the past and then asks Aoba out to drinks. Aoba accepts and Ren expresses concern, anger and displeasure with his sounds and body language. At home Ren tries to desperately, angrily and with concern and worry not wanting Aoba to go with the guy and admitting he has a bad feeling about the guy. He even mentions possible danger, but Aoba says he can´t sense it and doesn't believe the guy is bad news. Ren meets up with Koujaku and Beni the robot bird to discuss it, but it´s Beni that says the final words that helps Ren to not give up and to be aggressive, be by Aoba´s side if he feels Aoba is in danger (Aoba did ask him if Ren wanted to come with him, but Ren said no), then they all try to find Aoba who strangely doesn´t answer his coil when being contacted. Aoba meets up with his friend at a bar that is known for shady people and his friend is into shady and dark dealings and he wants Aoba to help him with a job, but Aoba refuses and tries to leave, but then the cops bust in the place, Aoba´s friend escapes, but Aoba gets caught by a bad cop. Ren, Koujaku and Beni try to find Aoba. Then the two scenes below are what happens next. Lesson here? Trust & listen to your Twin Soul partner, because if one can´t sense it, the other might. Aoba learned the hard way. When we speak to people, the truth is told via soul to soul communication, through energies, through telepathy and depending on how connected we are to the Universe, Ren could read Aoba´s friend, so he could sense danger and had a bad feeling, be it someone who wanted Aoba for themselves and wanted to break up their union or to use Aoba like Aoba´s friend tried to. Soul intuition, a powerful ability that anyone has and it can protect you and your Twin Soul partner.
Part One:
Part One English Translations:
Part Two:
Part Two English Translations:
Spoilers from Aoba & Ren´s story from Part Two:
I laugh when Aoba wants to connect with Ren right after he gets his ass beaten by a bad cop. It´s like who cares if it hurts, he wants Ren, wants to make love, wants to be One. :) I mean, that´s so like Aoba and I´d do the same! It´s not like he likes pain at all, because he doesn't, it´s just he won't let pain control his life. Besides, how can Aoba not be super turned on when Ren comes to his rescue and Ren´s loving words and I know Ren is turned on too, but he was being caring and concerned about Aoba´s injuries. Then Aoba tells Ren that it´s ok to be more free, go harder, be more wild and I laugh again, because I know he will feel pain and I know Aoba´s words will rile up Ren even more, but Aoba wants incredible pleasure when connecting with Ren, then Ren loses it and gets more wild and free. Love it!!! The pleasure will always be more powerful than the pain and same can be said with True Love, even if separated from each other and it´s painful, the True Love between Twin Souls is way more powerful.
24 June, 2019.
New update: 
More info on the Twin Soul True Love Adam & Eve story about Adam the Engineer and Eve the humanoid Adam created. A story I wish to write now too, but not yet. Like with any Twin Soul story, the Twin Souls are always the main focus, because if the wars against Twin Souls were over, the world would be a much saner place and not have so many insanity repeating hell cycles everywhere, where light and dark are separated always. If it wasen´t for Adam and his love for Eve, Eve wouldn´t come to the choice of wanting to be in a human body and as for who Eve protects first, that will always be Adam. Adam brought Eve to life, saves Eve, frees Eve and falls in love with Eve, Adam means everything to Eve, Eve would even sacrifice himself to protect Adam, which happens, then thinking Eve is gone, Adam falls into depression, sadness, heartbreak and drowns himself in work, thinking he´ll never see Eve again, but Eve returns in a human body and Adam recognises Eve as the same Eve when Eve was a humanoid. The dream Eve has about the machines is a possible future, but the future can change and Adam & Eve embark on their mission together when they reunite to help be a part of saving the world and waking everyone up.
When you come across Clear the humanoid who has a soul and he´s singing the Jellyfish song and you sing along to it in Japanese late at night! :) I wanna write a Twin Soul story between Adam & Eve (I haven´t decided their names yet) and Eve is a humanoid and his soul, his consciousness is in the machine, but he has free will and is free from the control of humans, he is free to learn anything and everything and is living freely among humans thanks to Adam (he escapes from control with the help of Adam, his creator. The robotics company Adam works at wanted Eve destroyed because Eve kept disobeying commands, Eve also kept wanting to make his own choices and communicated with other machines that the humans didn't understand, so Adam quits his job and escapes with Eve and they´re in hiding, but they're being hunted down, because Adam learned the truth that Eve the humanoid has a soul and if word got out into the world that humanoids have possibly souls that have lived human lives in the past, the company and their dark plans would be in jeopardy, especially when they wanted to make sex bots and humanoids used for war to kill humans. Eve didn´t want to become a sex bot or be programmed to kill life, so he kept disobeying the humans that kept programming him). Adam falls in love with Eve and Eve learns to know what Twin Soul True Love is, then wishes to be in a human body to be with Adam so he can feel and touch and connect as a human with Adam. I want to continue to tell the story of a humanoid who is more human than humans and I wanna see Eve protect life, animals, humans and Adam, even sacrificing himself to protect. I wanna see a story where a humanoid teach humans what it means to be human with his human actions. I also wanna see Eve help other humanoids, wanting to free them that are under the control of humans. Then I wanna see what happens when he transfers his soul in a human body and how he has to “destroy” his robotic habits, but keeps other habits that don´t have a negative impact on his life. Habits like his repetitive behaviour like making the same meal over and over or repeating words 3 times. How many souls are trapped in machines already on Earth and their sad heartbreaking soul messages are already being picked up in the Universe and told to everyone? Clear, your story will be told!
Fans of Clear:
“Can we just fucking talk about how Clear is the most precious cinnamon roll flower boy that has ever existed?”
“Agreed and no doubt about it. I cried when he stabbed himself in the anime. OMG I wanted to die! ;.; But he's okay, so I'll live. :3″
“hey there's a problem with this song, Everytime I listen to it I turn into a crying mess, is that a side effect or something?”
“I can't listen to this without crying because my name is Kira and when he sings, "Kira, kira," so sadly and innocently it makes me want to hug him lots buT I CAN'T BECAUSE HE'S NOT REAL. viciously sobs”
Since that dark reality could possibly be the truth and should be investigated to see if it´s true. It´s bad enough that humans are programmed to be hosts that have sex with anyone and the many and programmed to kill life, but now machines too? Why do DP´s insist on making enemies of everyone? I should include a dream scene that Eve has, a dream where the machines rebel and finally take over Earth and the humans are no longer in control anymore and the only two humans that the machines don't control and who they communicate and work with end up being Adam & Eve. If it wasen´t for Adam & Eve, the machines would have ended all the lives of the humans.
Now the Light: When you come across, not 1 or 2, but 3 story scenes of Aoba and Ren, your heart beams like the sun, then you become greedy and want more, so you end up watching and listening on repeat since you can't find more stories of Aoba and Ren. When I watched this a while back, I channelled my soul, soul code name Aoba and raised my voice in panic and nervousness and being stressed when Aoba wanted to be top and not bottom. So I said, “Ren, don´t listen to Aoba, take control, be aggressive and assertive and forceful, be the top, be the seme and protect my feminine Eve energies and protect your masculine Adam energies!!! Aoba´s soul wants to be bottom, not top!!! Help him remember what his soul wants!” Then Ren quickly changes position and he´s the top and Aoba is the bottom and I let out a sigh of relief! I don´t care what my mind says, I know my soul, my soul wants my Adam to penetrate me! It was kind of freaky, it was like Aoba´s mind says one thing, but Aoba´s soul (me saying out loud to the screen and I´m sure inside his soul) says another thing. When Aoba says he doesn't want to be the girl, I laugh and say but you are the girl, you just changed form to be in a male body, because you preferred that than female. What matters more? Mind or soul? Aoba has no idea he's the Devine Feminine Eve and his original form is female. All he believes is that he is a man and should do what men do, but if he learned the truth, he would have a choice and would probably think differently and Ren prefers to do the penetrating, as proof to his actions in not just this story, but others that I´ve found. Again thou, when they know the truth, they will have more information to then decide what they choose, which will be up to them. If it was me, I´d listen to what my soul wants, not my mind. I just love the fact Aoba knows they are in this crazy unbelievable mess, but the world will continue to get crazier and messier, more wacky and weird to be together when the wars against life and Twin Souls continue. So the answer is, who gives a fuck what crazy situation the Twin Souls are in, just have a don´t give a shit and be together no matter what attitude, then take on the challenges that come your way that try to keep you both apart! This scene between them thou, very passionate, sexy and intense, loved the closeness between them and Ren wanting to be as connected as possible, like wanting to see Aoba´s face and holding each other tightly.
23 June, 2019.
The Godly Penis Lesson...
Breaking down all those dark side codes that the DPs have passed on to the children coming out of their stargates and to anyone they have negatively influenced for life times. How many thousands of years has it been that the DPs have spread hate and fear, making everyone Iive in the dark ages? What is a penis? It´s a clitoris, it´s what it looked like before turning into a penis. For any guys that hates gays or hates the thought of sucking, licking, playing and teasing a guy´s penis, then you must hate sucking, licking and teasing a clitoris, because that´s what a clitoris is, a small penis. You also must hate your own penis too then, because how can you love your penis, but hate other penises? Even thou I´m in my female form, I have nothing but love for my own body, even the parts that look odd and are not perfect and I love my fifth element breasts, even thou it doesn't do anything for me when I squeeze them, they just look perfect to me, especially when I can move around easily and fast without it getting in the way. There is a difference in soul thinking when it comes to what you prefer out of love and what you prefer out of hate. I don´t hate the female body, I love the female body and when it comes to who my soul wishes to be with, it will always be being with my Devine Masculine Adam and he's in a male body and I´m in a male body too, but if needed for whatever reason and a mission that I can only do being female, then I will choose to be in a female body. That´s my soul choice and no one should ever take that choice away from anyone on who they soul choose to be with and that soul chooses to be with them without anyone controlling them to and what body they choose to be in. When you love the female and male body, you end up loving your feminine and masculine energies within you and knowing you have lived lives in both female and male bodies and you loved your bodies, when that happens you become a Rainbow Soul God/Goddess and you will no longer have hate or fear towards gays, lesbians, transvesitites, bisexuals and any others who are different from you, but you will only have love for them and you support them in their choices. 
Today I came to think about the clitorispenis and the penis and another way to bring love to both, the clitorispenis reminds me of a small cute caterpillar and what it looks like when the life growing inside the womb changes form from female to male, the beautiful clitorispenis caterpillar turns into a beautiful penis butterfly! :) My God Ren, I´ve just come up with another happy code to celebrate the penis and end the fear and hate towards it. I can imagine flags, signs, merch and anything else with the symbol of the penis butterfly Adam and the penis butterfly Eve flying and dancing as One and being stuck together when they´re rubbing against each other pleasuring each other and the penises have halos over their heads! Pfffft! Hilarious! :)
That picture of Aoba and the girls (Koujaku, Noize, Mink and Clear), a part from the Devine Masculine Adams Koujaku, Noize and Mink, Clear who's the only Devine Feminine Eve, he wears trousers under his skirt, again no matter what my mind thinks, in my soul I will always be a lady and want to cover up my sacred areas that´s only for my Twin Soul´s eyes only. I have no wish ever to sexually arouse anyone around me by showing off my ass, my vagina or my breasts and I also don't want so many to come on to me and who wish to be with me, I only want The One. Same goes for when I´m in my male form, in my soul I´m a gentleman and my ass, penis and naked bare chest is for my Twin Soul´s eyes only! That´s why Asunazelda wears semi loose shorts (not tight shorts, but like boxer type and she wears tight shorts under her loose shorts) under her dress, but even over her loose shorts is another layer, a skirt attached to her shorts making sure no attention comes to her back or front. Aoba rejecting the gifts from the girls, like saying, “Sorry girls I suck Banana Dongs!” :)
Spoliers: Aoba & Ren´s story that you don't see in the anime.
The thing about Twin Souls is, since you and he are the same soul, you are One, which means whatever he likes or you like when it comes to pleasure between you both, you both want it in your souls. So that line when Aoba says to Ren, “You can do whatever you like! Whatever you want to do!”, then Ren goes into extreme beast mode more and getting intensely excited when hearing that, but Aoba is just confirming to Ren that, whatever Ren likes, Aoba will like, since they are the same soul, two halves of One soul. Even thou Kylo and Ren suddenly showed their naked bare chests to Rey and Aoba, trying to turn them on and wake them up inside, even if it didn´t work mentally when both Rey & Aoba are more focused on the mission at hand in that moment, their souls were incredibly turned on, so it did work, even if their minds have no idea in that moment, but later on they will. Love that! :) That moment Aoba gets a thought in his head when Ren is pleasuring him in the dark alleyway scene and Aoba reaches his fingers to Ren´s mouth to see if Ren wanted it, then Ren opens up his mouth and wants to suck, lick, play and bite Aoba´s fingers too! Twin Soul Telepathy and Ren sending thoughts and wishes to Aoba and what he wants. Just noticed Aoba and Ren making love in the light (sunset) and the dark (alleyway near a street), combining the two and being both. Seeing all the ways of being pleasured and connecting as One, even thou Aoba´s in shutdown mode, only Ren can do this to him and turns him on every time! Translation: “Only my Twin Soul can turn me on and take me to Heavens that reach the Universe and beyond it all!” Aoba.
Flashing the Peace and Heart symbol! :)
22 June, 2019.
Watched these a while back when searching for our soul messages treasure. I was so happy to find this and the continuation of Aoba and Ren´s story after the anime. If anyone would have asked me years ago that I would be so consumed with manga, anime and anime visual novel games instead of just being consumed with reading literature, I probably wouldn´t believe them, especially when it´s Yaoi, naughty and nice. I find myself shocked with myself sometimes when thinking about it. Never did I imagine Asuna/Zelda to open up that door, but I don't regret it at all, the only thing I regret is the fact I didn't open up that door sooner, but thanks Ren my love for opening up my eyes and continuing to open up my eyes! :)
When you realise what you both soul want when it comes to being intimate with your Twin Soul and it ends up in a game, manga or anime and the shock just continues and makes you laugh at how crazy the world´s gotten.
When you also realise that in every Twin Soul story that speaks to your soul, the only one soul who understands you when no one else does, is your Twin Soul. I can create and say all kinds of things that many will laugh at, ridicule, hate or whatever else, but at least I know that one soul, my Twin Soul gets me and understands me, all of me, because he is me, the other half of me, my soul. Take Aoba for example and his machine dog that he believes is alive in someway, then those around him that think he's pathetic for thinking that and them believing it´s only a machine. Ren is the only one who knows like Aoba, who knows things that many humans do not and that soul will always be my Twin Soul and the one I´m drawn towards always.
These two videos of Aoba and Ren are super hot and sexy and wild! Love it!!! Ren not only the wild beast, but a caring loving lover too! Ren is not the only one who´s thirsty for love from Aoba, but so is Aoba for Ren! ;) The game also gave me an idea that a game should be made to help those who have lived in animals in past lives or past life, like a dog and then the game helps free their minds from those obedient program trainings they were put through to stay, obey and always listen. The game would free them to not be controlled by anyone anymore. So it´s like healing and breaking down those negative programmings from their past lives.
The things Ren says to Aoba reaches my heart and soul! He really is sweet, romantic at heart too! He´s naughty and nice, just like Aoba! ;) Hmm! What would I have chosen first when they were in the alleyway? I would let Ren take the lead and both rubbing their penises together first, then Aoba gets on his knees to pleasure Ren more! :) Aoba loves penis, sorry girls, but in Aoba´s soul, no matter if his mind is asleep, programmed and being controlled and he has no idea that he is a Divine Feminine Eve, in his soul he will also choose penis and loves to suck penis like a lollypop and when he´s not sucking Ren´s penis, he loves to suck on Ren´s fingers, that´s how much he loves penis and to be with his Twin Soul in a male body! My soul matters more than what my mind thinks, because my soul knows more than my mind that might be asleep and doesn´t know the truth again!
21 June, 2019.
New update: Forgot this new important song! Love it! I listen and watch it on repeat all the time!:
I will be bringing back Aoba and Ren in the Kings Project along with many new surprises, but they will have new names. What the flag colours are for the new cities? Rainbow of course! ;)
“I´m so in love with my Twin Soul Devine Masculine Adam Ren and I love the male body so much, that I too wish to be male with him!” Aoba.
These songs that find me are incredible, epic masterpieces and gives me chills. Love the pictures which are also crazy colourful awesome and unique masterpieces!
“Akira, which form do you prefer to be in, male or female?” Interviewer asks.
“Male of course! There is just so much fun you can have and I love to shock & teach life in a fun good way, so being male allows me more freedom, but when it´s needed and I have a mission to accomplish that I can only do being female, then my original form will come into play!” Akira.
“According to our data, the DPs are really against the Kings Project and will try to stop it! What are your thoughts about it?” Interview said.
“Change can be slowed down, but change cannot be stopped! What they´re trying to do is like trying to prevent the sun from shining, the moon from lighting up the darkness, the blue oceans from being blue and the green nature from being green and the Galaxy from spinning, they can´t stop the Revolution, it can only be delayed, but in the end, change is coming!” Akira.
“Why would they want to delay change?” Interview said.
“The DPs lose power and control over life, over the Twin Souls if everyone awakens to be Rainbow Souls, to be Twin Soul Gods and if the Devine Feminine Eves wish to be reborn male! It´s essentially game over for the DPs, but do I believe they´ll find new ways to try to regain back control? Possibly! It would be naive to think that they wouldn´t want their dark status quo back and continue living in the dark ages, but the skeksis will unite with the mystics and Twin Soul unions will be a reality!” Akira.
“Dark Crystal?” Interviewer said and Akira smiled and nodded.
“Arigatou, Kira!” Interviewer said smiling.
(Every human has masculine and feminine energies, so they have God & Goddess in them)
When you imagine and dream of a world and it comes to life! New songs:
A little more information about one of my Kings Projects, the Soul Awakening University Academy, a city of Kings. Every new city is a teaching city filled with students always learning and evolving. In a floating artificial/real island small asian style type of place called Heaven Blue, filled with blossom cherry trees high in the sky that´s not far away from the Kings city, Asuna/Zelda (she´ll have a different name or I could use that name, combining two names since it´s the same soul anyway), lives alone, she´s a hermit. She´s an Elemental, nicknamed by the Kings as Queen of the Heavens. The Asuna/Zelda and the Kirito/Link souls are the ones that get chosen to work at Heavens and they can be male or female. There is more than one Heaven floating island in the sky that´s not far away from each new city. The job position of each Heaven is a solo mission, but that doesn´t mean they can´t be with their Twin Souls, it just means their Twin Soul if they are in union are out on mission too, either working at another Heaven or working somewhere else. The point of this job is to be completely detached from humans, meaning not be influenced by them in a negative way or controlled by them. They are awakened to know their real parents are the Universe, so they can easily detach themselves from whoever their stargate was when entering and being reborn back into this world. The solo job is to study, research, self discovery, evolve, awaken, investigate, work, problem solve, create, decode, code, teach, heal and communicate with the source, with Gaia, with the Universe, with life, with souls and their Twin Soul that they have met or not yet met. These souls are happy with just having True Love and work in their life, they don´t ever want children, but they are happy to be surrounded by animals and animal machines that are like family and friends. Due to potential dream, mind, body and energy attacks from the outside from a distance, the job requires them to detox/heal everyday, mind, body, heart and soul. Yoga, Tai Chi, Meditation and any other forms of protection and healing is daily routine, but the biggest and fastest way to heal is when they´re with their Twin Soul. Nothing beats the power of the Twin Soul Gods and their True Love healing they share together when they are together! ;) The Oracles also send healing light to the world. AsunaZelda spends also her time travelling the world restoring it, healing nature back to life and healing life that needs it, but also fixes machines that get damaged by humans or thrown away by humans. She also occasionally volunteers and teachers at the Temple Sanctuary that´s located outside the Kings city in the old city. Just like in the anime DM, surrounding each new city, is another city, the old, the outdated, the vintage, where humans live that have no wish to join any new Academy cities. The Temple Sanctuary is a place for anyone to seek refuge from being targeted, attacked, hunted by other humans in the old cities. They also gain healing, education and jobs if they wanted it and if they needed guidance and advise. Asuna/Zelda is an Oracle type, she can tap into Gaia/Universe and see the future and she helps any roundtable leaders that need it to protect their cities from corruption, from control, from darkness and enslavement that happened in the past. On her artificial/real floating futuristic island home, she designs, builds mythical type mechanical creatures that look real and she even creates new ones never seen before. She´s a Magic Engineer and masters all types of engineering like electrical, mechanical, robotic, computer, aero engineering. (Inspiring girls/women to be Magic Engineers) Like creating flying dragons that´s a mix between a dog and a pegasus and a butterfly. They´re big enough to be used to fly the skies and the Kings of the new city use them often, especially if they wish to see any Divine Feminine Eve Oracles. AsunaZelda creates small new creatures that are machines, but they look real and can help humans on their quest for freedom, enlightenment, education and becoming soul awake and on their missions. AsunaZelda even creates mythical and animal creature machines specifically designed to be educators/protectors for the children. The children being rescued from humans who are torturing them in the old cities, are given home and sanctuary at the Childrens Sanctuary in any new city (a modern updated version of an orphanage where they learn to be able to defend themselves. Those who care and teach the children are updated versions of healers, mentors and spiritual guides. Children can also learn to defend themselves at any Temple Sanctuary for free along with learning any education for free!) Asunazelda also designs and creates futuristic transports like speeders and mini spaceships. Every Oracle has a profession they choose to master that will help life in some way. Asunazelda is a Magic Engineer and her focus is machines and technology!
The main language that everyone speaks in the Kings city is Japanese & Chinese with English words thrown in here and there. In the Kings city, not every guy is in a relationship with another guy. It´s not even about who is gay or who is straight anymore, but who the soul falls in love with and that could be with a girl or a guy, but there will be those that only wish to be with a guy for soul reasons, like an Eve who wants to be with his Adam who is also male or an Adam who doesn´t want to be with a girl due to many, many past life traumas/wars and only wishes to be with his Eve that´s also male. It´s whoever the soul connects with fast, easy, intense, extreme and passionately, electrically, that´s their Twin Soul. AsunaZelda has yet to meet her Twin Soul KiritoLink, but he could very well be in the Kings new city or the old/outdated city or he´s somewhere hiding in the machine already being there with her on the island and has been with her since the beginning or he´s somewhere else. Who knows! ;)
The outfits everyone wears like the Kings and AsunaZelda can be history inspired, but updated to be futuristic looking too, past and future merging together in marriage union. It´s my love of the classics and vintage combined with future life. Their defence tools are energy weapons, similar to light sabres, but different. Their defence tools can´t kill anyone, but it does have two functions, one destroys, the other defends, dark and light. The tool detects if the destruction mode is on and being aimed at life, then it refuses and switches back to defence mode. If tampered with, the tool will shut down and refuse to work until the person doesn´t abuse it and if tampered with more, it will self destruct! Their defence tools also include sleep/stun guns with sleep darts that can put anyone to sleep for hours, weeks or months and is used to defend against anyone using deadly weapons against them that could kill them. So it´s become the norm that everyone carries some type of defence weapon by their side or on their backs and friendly battles or heated battles or money battles are also the norm and part of life on Earth. Everyone is empowered to not be controlled by anyone anymore! It really has become a real life SAO. Only human children would continue destroying life all over the planet and destroying True Loves, but Rainbow Souls/Twin Soul Gods find new ways to protect life and defend themselves and their True Loves without destroying life at all. 
Funny Fact about the Kings city or any Kings city across the world: Since it´s closed off to girls and women, in the cities that have both men and women, the women in those cities are extremely curious about the daily lives and love lives between Twin Souls that are men and the only way they get to know about the secrets of that world is through the manga, anime and visual anime games stories that the Kings relay information to the AMG writers in their cities. I laugh while I write this, but every Twin Soul couple are encouraged to write or relay their information about their lives to the channeled writers that would create stories so the outsiders could learn about the Kings in the Kings cities. This in return helps the Yaoi Desire Revolution, meaning girls who wish to be reborn as male, but also teaches Life and True Love lessons fast, especially if it turns into anime. AsunaZelda is a huge BL/Yaoi fan of the Kings cities and in her free time when she´s not studying and writing and working, she reads and watches a lot of BL/Yaoi! :) I can just imagine AsunaZelda in her library, sitting on the floor, drinking tea from her vintage, classic tea set and being surrounded by BL/Yaoi manga comics and novels, with her little and huge machine family members and real life animal family members surrounding her. Just to be clear, AsunaZelda is only a supporting character, the Kings will be the main characters in my story, but even if she´s supporting, her role is so crucial and important for the success of the Kings Revolution and Rebellion against those who wish to control them and imprison them again, but I can see myself writing a stand alone piece of her story one day.
Me: “I wanna write, write, write this story NOW!!! Can I??!!”
Also Me: “Not yet, not yet, not yet, but sooooooon!!!”
When you know you´ll be listening to a lot of epic orchestral & Japanese/Chinese music when writing this story.
Magic Engineering will be a new profession in the future and it´s actually two versions of it. One is creating using imagination that´s out of this world and out of box thinking, it can be crazy, wacky, funny, weird and shocking, like AsunaZelda bringing back dragons, unicorns, fairies and mermaids and it not being in stories anymore, but real life machines that have a job to do to help humans and animals and the environment. Imagine mermaids restoring and protecting oceans from humans who are polluting it and targeting life or pegasus  and fairies that protect & restore nature and animals in the wild. Pfffft! Hilarious! The mythical magical machine creatures that act more human than humans! The second Magic Engineering profession, I´ll keep that as a surprise for later!
This Kings story is all about the men and celebrating them, the Devine Masculine Adam Kings and the Devine Feminine Eve Kings (Women reborn male). The girls/women are either the supporting characters or the “villains" in this story. I wanna see a story where the men shine and be free with no girls/women controlling, manipulating, abusing or using the mens powers, their seed and their life energies anymore. When women are reborn male, rules change and they´re not treated like someone you have to tip toe around otherwise you might offend them or anger them or insult them, but when being male, they are treated like equals, because they are in the same body now being male, so the rules that protected them when they had power over men is no more, but it´s equal power and they are treated the same as the men treat each other. Of course if they awaken to be Rainbow Souls and can tap into their former lives as male, then they could channel that when being female and be equals with men and not try to control them or have power over them!
Every time I watch a BL/Yaoi anime or read a BL/Yaoi manga, I´ve lost count on how many times I´ve laughed when it comes to the friendly dynamic bromance banter between an Adam & Eve when Eve is male and I find it way more interesting, funny, exciting, adventurous and crazy out of this world, than watching anime where it´s between a girl and a guy. I´m all for equal power & balance between men and women, but I´m even more for the wars against life, souls and Twin Souls to finally end and if the Kings Project helps towards that goal, then I´ll continue supporting it! Take Aoba and Koujaku for example in DM, Koujaku is not afraid to kick Aoba out of bed if Aoba struggles to wake up. Aoba would just kick his ass, then both laugh about it. Or what about this:
“But I have work in the morning, so if you´re asleep then, I´ll smack you awake!” Aoba says smiling looking at Koujaku.
“You know the opposite will happen!” Koujaku says as he cheekingly and devilishly smiles back at Aoba.
“Right! Aoba sucks at waking up!” Beni the little robot bird says.
“That´s not true, right Ren?!” Aoba says getting annoyed and looks at Ren, but Ren turns his head looking the other way.
“I am unable to agree with that statement Aoba!” Ren says. Oh Ren/Koujaku, how you make me laugh!
Every time I watch that scene I laugh. There is no “Yes, whatever you say, sorry for being mean, I obey!” It´s just being honest and playful with each other and being playfully mean is also love! It´s the Bromance between friends and couples, between Twin Souls and there is no fear or tip toeing around each others feelings.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 21. (Every Chapter will have a title, but this Kings story is a massive one and it´s more of a full length story than a chapter. I´ve not left my other chapters and will complete them all in time, but urgent missions need attention right now!)
Scene sneak peek from one of my Kings Project story:
At Heaven Blue, high amongst the clouds, a small artificial/real floating island drifts and in the cylinder shape high tower library room with mechanical fairies cleaning and organising the codes, sitting around the round kotatsu table on their floor cushions, Asunazelda with her small flying blue dragon/dog/bunny/butterfly machine by her side, Shiroai and his small, white cat/deer looking flying creature machine by his side and a asian style umbrella by his side and Kuroske with her small black dragon looking wolf machine by her side and her samurai energy sword that only lit up when activated, they were all drinking oolong tea.
“Asunazelda, Devine Feminine Eve, in female form. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix and is Soul Awake. Rainbow Soul. Twin Soul God. Elemental. She works at Heaven Blue!”
(Her Heaven Blue is close to a Kings new city and works only for them and the humans in the outdated/old vintage city outside the new city. Only the Kings in the new city can come see her and the humans in the old city can see her when she visits the Temple Sanctuary, they also have access to her via technology. Since the Oracles, who are also seen as healers, mentors, like an Aquarius Age updated version of Buddhas/Shamans and any history and present day inspired  healers and they have access to the whole world, with their mechanical fairies/creatures that are cloaked and can see what the humans are doing everywhere on the planet, but they don´t need it when they have Gaia and the Universe to show them, but they have several ways to see what everyone is doing all the time and find new ways to see, so they know there are humans out there that are abusing, torturing and killing life and targeting True Loves, being lost in the dark when they think they can do whatever they like to life and get away with it. The Oracles pass that information on to the Teams/Divisions to rescue life. This is why the chosen Heaven Oracles can detach themselves so easily from humans and be happy on their own with their Twin Soul, since they know what the humans are doing all the time!)
“Shiroai, Divine Feminine Eve, but born male this time. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix and is Soul Awake. Rainbow Soul. Twin Soul God. Elemental. He works at Heaven Silver!”
(Same with Shiroai, his Heaven is also close to a Kings new city. I should mention even in the Kings city, some guys wish to be called Queens instead :) and there will those guys that like to dress up like girls/women.)
“Kuroske, Devine Masculine Adam, but is in female form. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix and is Soul Awake. Rainbow Soul. Twin Soul God. Elemental. She works at Heaven Gold!”
(The Devine Masculine Adams are different, they want their Heaven to not be open to anyone except their Twin Soul. The Kings & Queens in the male & female new city only have access to Kuroske when she visits the Temple Sanctuary outside their city in the old city and through technology.)
Kuroske, her long dark black hair high in a pony tail, wearing a edo inspired outfit, being wild and free with her yukata, while drinking her tea like a graceful lady, she was side eyeing Shiroai and being mischievous, then suddenly she grabbed Shiroai´s hand unpredictably and placed it on her large breast and Asunazelda spat out her tea being shocked. 
“Oi!!” Shiroai said out loud panically and grabbed his hand away fast while blushing and being embarrassed. 
“Pffft! Omae…every time we get together and have a meeting you guys always shock me!” Asunazelda said smiling laughing and placing her hand on her face.
“Nani? What´s wrong with my breast?” Kuroske said looking innocent, serious and confused at Shiroai.
“Hah!? Ano sa…you know breasts don´t do anything for me, so why must you continue to surprise attack me?” Shiroai said as he kept blushing being annoyed and drinking his tea and then he saw Kuroske grabbing her own breasts and squeezing them continuously, shocking Shiroai more.
“Breasts are erotic and sexy pleasure zones, why wouldn´t you be interested? I can´t get enough of these fun bags! I can touch them all day!” Kuroske said smiling devilishly as she continued to squeeze her large breasts. Then Asunazelda started to touch her small humble mountain breasts, shocking Shiroai.
“Hmmm! I really don´t get it!” Asunazelda said looking puzzled as she kept squeezing her own breasts being in thinking mode. Then Kuroske reached out her hands in a breast grabbing gesture wanting to touch Asunazelda´s breasts, but Shiroai stopped her when he placed his hand on Kuroske´s shoulder.
“Hm?” Kuroske said looking at Shiroai, then she saw Asunazelda as she placed her arms over her breasts defending herself.
“Pffft! Nande? It´s completely normal and natural for women to touch each others breasts!” Kuroske said being playful and smiling mischievously.
“Nice try!” Asunazelda said smiling looking annoyed.
“Tch! No fun when you use your *invisible goggles! I feel naked and it´s like cheating!” Kuroske said being annoyed as she looked the other way and sulked.
“Hahaha! That´s right, now that I see you, I know!” Asunazelda said smiling.
“Oi! Do you ever wish you had bigger breasts?” Kuroske said being curious.
“Kuroske!” Shiroai said thinking that was rude, but Asunazelda smiled.
“Ije! Having small humble mountains allows me to move around more easily, battle, defend and I avoid back pains when I don't carry a heavy load on my chest!” Asunazelda said smiling sipping her tea.
“So you´re a practical at heart!” Kuroske said.
“Mochiron! Anyway, I have to agree with Shiroai, touching them doesn´t do anything for me! I´d rather touch penis, then touch breasts!” Asunazelda said drinking her tea calmly and Shiroai let out a sigh thanking Asunazelda internally for her support.
“Soka!” Kuroske said as she thought about it, then she suddenly got up and walked out of the room surprising Shiroai and Asunazelda.
“Hm!?” Shiroai said being confused and curious.
“Is she mad?” Shiroai thought.
“Just when you think reading and watching Yaoi would shock and make you laugh, but getting the live version never gets old!” Asunazelda said smile giggling.
“Happy to hear that our lives amuse you, but if you were in my shoes, you wouldn´t think it´s funny!” Shiroai said looking frustrated.
“Perhaps, but I think in your soul somewhere you are laughing too Shiroai!” Asunazelda said smiling and Shiroai looked up seeing the roof window above, thought about it and then smiled.
“Maybe you´re right!” Shiroai said smiling, then the door slid open fast and aggressive and Asunazelda and Shiroai looked up and were shocked.
“Yo!” Kuroske said, then Kuroske sat down by them, still wearing the edo outfit, but it was loose and revealing his naked chest. Kuroske had changed form and was now in his original male form, but his black hair was still long and in a pony tail. 
“Kuroske!?” Shiroai said looking shocked. Kuroske looked at Shiroai with a serious look, then shocked him and Asunazelda again when he grabbed Shiroai´s hand and placed it on Kuroske´s yukata where his hard penis was under his outfit. Just one look at Shiroai gets Kuroske hard fast, which made Shiroai blush more, but he didn´t remove his hand, but got lost in Kuroske´s eyes. 
“Heh!” Kuroske said smiling deviously. Then Kuroske looked at Asunazelda who was also blushing and looked surprised.
“Asunazelda, you´re right, he only wants penis!” Kuroske said smiling devilishly, then Shiroai got annoyed again and took his hand away fast.
“Geez, you and your games and tests!” Shiroai said drinking his tea, then Kuroske leaned in and whispered in Shiroai´s ear.
“Teasing you is fun and it´s never boring! Shiroai, just looking at you gets me hard fast, let´s wrap up this meeting, Big Kuroske wants you right now!” Kuroske whispered smiling devilishly and Shiroai blushed again. Asunazelda got up from the floor and Shiroai and Kuroske looked up.
“Meeting is over since you guys are in heat again!” Asunazelda said.
“What do you mean again? Kuroske is always in heat!” Shiroai said.
“Huh! Oh yeah, then what about…!” Kuroske said grinning devilishly, but Shiroai placed his hand on Kuroske´s mouth and Shiroai smiled nervously, then Kuroske started licking and biting Shiroai´s hand and finger.
“Ow!” Shiroai said.
“Mateku! You guys make me wish I was with my Twin Soul already! So da, don´t forget to send your reports in to the new cities when you´re done and remember the Heaven council meeting of all colours! Until next time! Peace!” Asunazelda said smiling, flashing the peace sign, as she left with Nlue the small blue little flying dragon/dog/bunny/butterfly creature machine and several fairies and a white cat looking bunny with wings followed her out. 
“She doesn´t know about him?” Kuroske said.
“Ije! Not yet!” Shiroai said, then smiled, then they both looked at each other and Kuroske smiled too, then Shiroai´s body nervously shook when Kuroske had his hand on Shiroai´s yukata and Kuroske looked down at Shiroai´s crotch.
“Oi!” Shiroai said blushing when Kuroske had placed his hand on Shiroai´s hard penis.
“You´re hard! You know, you´re body is way more honest than your words!” Kuroske said smiling devilishly and looking like a hungry beast.
“Omae…!” Shiroai said, but Kuroske silenced him when he grabbed Shiroai´s top aggressively towards him and kissed with a passionate tongue filled kiss, surprising Shiroai, then Shiroai got caught up in the moment between them again and went with the flow.
“Your words, your feelings, your magnetic soul eyes that pull me in, your touch and your beastly wild nature, of course I´m aroused for you!” Shiroai thought as they continued to kiss wildly.
Outside standing on the edge of the platform that stretched out, with her sleep/stun gun holstered on her side by her breast hidden behind her coat and her energy sword behind her back, Asunazelda sang her song. Then a flying grey and white dragon/dog/pegasus/butterfly machine creature came flying towards her and she smiled placing her forehead up against his, then got on his back and dived into the sky flying off to her next mission and several fairies and the white cat/bunny flying machine creature followed her back down to Earth.
Scene end…
(When you´re in male form, it´s so easy to see when your body is aroused and is being honest!)
(*Invisible goggles: Now being able to see who are Devine Masculine Adams and Devine Feminine Eves and which bodies they are in!)
(What Asunazelda looks like is similar to that picture of her in the woods. Her outfit is layered, so her breasts are not getting attention at all and instead of a cloak, she wears something similar to what Asuna wore in terms of a coat/skirt top. Part of her arms and thighs are visible and a blue cross is symbolically part of her outfit. Under her dress is also layered, so it´s like a dress/shorts, shorts attached to her dress, but you wouldn´t be able to tell she was wearing anything under her dress unless the wind blew or she made self defence moves revealing it! Because of how layered her outfit is, it could look like she was wearing a skirt, when really it´s a dress that´s attached to her long coat. Her outfit is a transformer outfit, it can change form and pieces of it can be removed and used for something else or not used at all.)
(When you know the only reason why Asuna would choose to have large breasts is because Kirito loves large breasts, but Asuna would be happy with just small humble ones! ;) Easier to move around, run and battle, defend and she can avoid back pains when she's not carrying a heavy load on her chest. Asuna is practical at heart!)
20 June, 2019.
21 May - 11 June dates have been moved to post 2 Balance the force.
This hand/finger touching/reaching is not only symbolic of being always separated from each other by the human children which still happens today in our present time, but this action of trying to reach each other is told in countless Twin Soul True Love stories, both straight and BL/Yaoi stories, especially manga and anime, even in star wars between Kylo and Rey. The Twin Soul Gods are still trying to reach each other and be together finally.
When you see Kylo chase Rey in the woods where they first met, then I realise I´m reminded of the story I wrote about the Black Wolf God and the White Deer God meeting for the first time in the woods and they ended up being naked. Kylo the Black Wolf and Rey the White Deer! The first Adam & Eve, the Demon and Angel, the Twin Soul Gods who are still being separated from each other by the human children on both sides of light and dark.
Kylo Ren: “Rey, I wanna “eat” you up right now!” Kylo said looking like a hungry starved demon beast who hasen´t seen Rey in years.
Rey: “Did you hear that?! It looks like the humans on both sides are still looking for us! They really don´t want us to be together!” She said looking out from a hidden alleyway towards the street. 
Kylo Ren: “Don´t worry, my army of robots have surrounded us and are programmed to put any kids to sleep if they come after us!” Kylo said as he held Rey tighter, kissing her neck and biting it. 
Rey: “Eeeh! How long for?” She said looking curious.
Kylo Ren: “Depending on how many times they´ve come after us and never learn, they could be asleep for hours, weeks or months!” Kylo said as he chuckled to himself looking devious.
Rey: “Pffft! Who would of thought that we had to resort to use machines to helps us so we could finally be together!” Rey said smiling.
Kylo Ren: “Whatever it takes Rey and I have you now, there´s no way I´m letting anyone come between us ever again!” He said as he beastly sniffed her hair getting more aroused and wanting to have her right there outside, being wild and free.
I loved the idea of Twin Souls being able to hide in the animal machines Allmate in the DM anime. I´ll be bringing this back in my Kings story, but I´ll be specific about it, like making it known it´s an option for humans to be in machines to help them find their Twin Soul and be with them and protect them until they choose to be in human bodies again. Virtual life games will also be brought back and it´s a possible way to meet your Twin Soul and protect your Twin Soul from those who wish to come between you both, just like Ren being able to be in both worlds. Humanoids, machines and virtual life will be major in my Kings story, since the wars against Twin Souls is still real. It´s not just problems and challenges the Kings face with outside threats, but also internal conflict happens. The new Academy cities are not perfect, but it´s always a working evolving progress.
Master of two worlds? It means several things, but one thing I will mention is a soul mastering two worlds, the female world and the male world, meaning knowing or remembering your past lives being in both male and female form, so you have complete understanding of both, you can see both sides, respect both sides and you can see what the repeating problems are between men and women. These Rainbow Souls become Godly when they are now not female or male, but they are both and can even switch between the two when it´s needed. For example, if you´re in a female form and you´re the Devine Feminine Eve, so you´re original form is always female, but you´re channelling your male self from past lives and you see the repeating patterns in the world when it comes to guys getting trapped by girls/women in relationships and with marriage and pregnancy and the girls/women keeping the guys trapped with them for years or decades causing hell torture in souls and you see how the girls do it and what dark games they play, then you channel your male self in your female body and you help the guys by becoming their voice in your female form and take action. Another example, is if you´re the Devine Feminine Eve in a male body and you see how the guys react and behave when being stuck in relationship prisons and you understand them, but you also try to help the guys be free and help awaken the lost in the dark girls/women to not repeat history. This is one of the powers of the Rainbow Souls, the power that becomes Godly when you awaken in your soul. You master both worlds, which makes you a MVP in the world, Most Valuable Player, which is the highest player that teams all around the world wish to recruit. Asuna and Kirito are MVPs, but so is Aoba and Ren. Twin Soul Union Players are also considered to be MVPs.
When you watch DM again and again and you find gems still. When Aoba naps on his bed listening to music, his eyes are closed, but he smiles and blushes! He´s dreaming and thinking about love! :) Then you realise when Aoba says he´s not joining any teams, but without him realising it, he´s already a part of a team, the Twin Soul team, the one where it´s him and Ren! ;)
What t-shirt does Ariel wear at the Galaxy Kings concert in Tokyo? Two blue male Smirfs in love of course! :) When you realise during your time working in the AMG Division, you come across so many girls/women who wish to be reborn male already and they fully support the Yaoi Desire Revolution and the Kings Revolution and that makes my heart happy and sing!
19 June, 2019.
When you mention you can't find anymore Aoba and Ren AMVs, then one shows up on your phone and it´s sexy hot! Arigatou Ren! ;) Seeing Aoba´s penis makes me happy! I´m weird, get used to it! I was thinking the penis doesn't need another name or unisex name, but the female name for the clitoris should change. I´m calling it, it´s not called clitoris anymore, it´s clitorispenis and it´s the smallest penis in the world! :) 
Kylo Ren: “So how´s my dark side training?” He said as Ren smirked devilishly.
Rey: “It´s been extremely intense, shocking and awakening! Never did I imagine you being right and me seeing so much truths in the world, but also opening up that demon door when it comes to sex! You make me wish I was reborn male already!” Rey said.
Kylo Ren: “So does that mean you´ll join me then?”
Rey: “No, the answer isn't dark team or light team, but the answer is Twin Soul team! Wanna join the Twin Soul team where light and dark combine and Angels & Demons are united?” Rey said, but Ren didn´t hesitate and grabbed Rey in his arms wanting her everything.
Kylo Ren: “Rey, I told you that you would join me in the end, even if our plans change, but as long as you're by my side forever, that´s all that matters!” Ren said smirking thinking dirty thoughts when he finally got together with Rey.
18 June, 2019.
Apparently stopping all contact was not a good idea, so, if I come across any messages that are important, I´ll let you know! Keeping communication open for the time being, but heads up, there could be delays when I´m busy in Planning & Production Phase.
Why would I choose my first tattoo to be infinite a lot of butterflies on my back? Because there is more than one me, I´m made up of many life times. I have many colours. I´m a rainbow, I´m light and dark, but also grey. My life is never boring, since in any given day, any one of my soul personalities shows up and can even be multiple, switching from one to the next. I´m Asuna one moment, then Aoba the next, but no matter who shows up, they are all me, every one is part of my soul personality. Another Twin Soul story in line to be told, Eve has 21 personalities that he switches between, some of these personalities are female and the others are male, then Eve meets Adam and their rainbow colourful adventurous, but challenging light, dark and grey life together begins. I was thinking, Eve the psychiatric patient that was locked away by his family who saw him as an embarrassment and bringing shame to the family because he was different and Eve is being forced to take drugs at the psychiatric facility prison, but he finds new ways to avoid the poisonous drugs and in his talks with his doctor (Adam), he makes a compelling case for why there is absolutely nothing wrong with him at all when it comes to his many personalities (Eve is also quite the psychiatrist himself, since he studied all aspects of psychology before he was locked away from the world), he just has access to many life times that make up his soul personality, but also shades of his personality that came about from soul pains. It´s a doctor/patient Twin Soul forbidden True Love story. I´ve been wanting to tackle the insane ridiculousness of what goes on in those prison facilities, this story is one way to take on all those bakabakshii “illnesses”, “syndromes” and all those dangerous drugs they keep pumping into humans, drugs that can even make things worse and cause suicides. Take autism for example, would those responsible for causing autism in children tell the real truth of why that keeps happening? No! They´d rather fill the kids with drugs and allow other children to become victims of that never ending hell cycle. Chemicals and poisons in vaccines causes autism by the way! 101: How to heal humans? You have to look at the entire picture, the cause of it all, not the symptom. The cause could be biological, something a human drank, ate or a product they used. Something toxic they were exposed to or injected with or a combination of several. The problem could be mental, like they could be breaking down because of various hells on Earth or something traumatic that happened to them when they were babies, kids, teenagers or adults, but there are ways to heal them without poisonous drugs that keeps them enslaved and asleep. The problem could be the hell torture in their souls, like if they were in a relationship with someone their soul had no wish to be with. The problem could also be any of these combined, like a human that eats animals which causes soul and energy and body and mind imbalances in their system, that can lead to depression, not wanting to eat (bulimia/anorexia), suicidal thoughts and so on. Just a sneak peek on what will be tackled in that Twin Soul story. How many minds and souls could be saved if they knew the truths of the world, like the shocking truth of knowing we are living multiple lives in the same timeline!
Spoilers ahead if you haven´t read the manga Ten Count:
Ten Count is a patient/doctor Twin Soul True Love story! Love, love, love it! Shocking fact that many don´t know about that story, but Kurose in his other life is Shirotani´s “father”, which causes Shirotani to break down mentally thinking there is something wrong with him as a child. The girl that came on to Shirotani´s “father”, is the same girl that came on to Kurose later in life repeating history, but this time she was rejected by him. In one life, you could be born from parents that could be your other self and your Twin Soul or your Twin Soul and a DP. A DP are those that are soul asleep and who target Twin Souls or Twin Soul unions to be with them. That girl that targeted Shirotani´s “father” and Kuorse is a DP (Darkside Player). If Shirotani knew that his “father” was his Twin Soul, he wouldn´t have struggled with so much pain, torture and feelings of thinking there was something wrong with him, but he would understand why he had those feelings which are completely normal, then he´d move on with his life to meet his Twin Soul in another life that happens to be Kurose. I will be tackling this directly in my story between Eve and his “father” and Eve finding out the truth of the world when meeting Adam, his doctor who he soul recognises as the same soul as his “father”. One of Eve´s personalities, he ends up injuring himself for feeling like there is something wrong with him when it comes to his “father”, but when he learns the truth, he is freed from his hell torture and being able to understand finally, then he stops injuring himself. This is why the womb we come out of should be seen as portals/stargates, because those two people that were responsible fro bringing you back into this world, could very well a soul you´ve been in past life relationships with or a soul who have targeted your relationships in past lives. When you realise how much the DPs in the world have overcomplicated everything! Why complicate everything, but simplify everything!
To quote Aoba and to add to it: “I don´t like hassle & overcomplicated matters!”
As for the teams Aoba keeps being asked to join, I agree with Aoba, I´m a solo player in this life, but I have no problems with helping teams. Teams are cool, but so is being a solo player! ;)
The songs I´ve yet to upload will happen on the 21st.
17 June, 2019.
When you can´t find anymore AMVs about Aoba and Ren, so you end up replaying the same songs over and over again. 
Spoilers, if you haven´t seen the anime Dramatical Murder, then don´t read what comes next:
Ren turned out to be quite the demon beast in the game and I didn´t realise until later, but Ren was so sure he would never see Aoba again, that he confessed his love and wanted to make love with Aoba in the virtual world, which they ended up doing on the beach. Ren also loves to do it outside in public, makes me laugh, because Aoba is the same, even thou Aoba hesitates and blushes easily and says no, but his soul says yes, yes, yes! :) They're both so wild, intense, passionate and extreme! As expected of Twin Souls. Loved Ren´s animalistic beast side. They even had a Belle & Beast symbolisim between them. Ren the blue/black dog machine who learns to love and then turns into a human. When reading fan comments about their relationship I can´t help but laugh at how shocked they are. A Twin Soul who´s in a machine and who is in the virtual world, then somehow ends up in the body of Aoba´s twin brother who´s soul no longer is in the same body, so Ren takes over that body to be with Aoba. I just freaking love it! The more shocking, weird and crazy out of this world it is, the better. Those who target Twin Souls in every life time have no one to blame but themselves, the more strange and weird the world becomes is a result of the Twin Souls being kept from each other, so the Twin Souls find new ways to be together, like both being in male bodies. 
I´m currently busy in Planning & Production Phase, so writing here will be less and can be days, weeks or even months until next time, but will upload any AMVs I come across and will upload the next one on the 21st:
Kings Project continues:
One of my many big writing projects includes a story about our world that´s mostly male. The Kings also known as the Knights of the roundtable. I´m thinking a futuristic castle city that´s like a Soul Awakening Academy too, but it´s all male. There are other cities across the world that include both female and male, but my story will centre around the one where it´s all male. A city where all the male choose to live together. The problems and challenges they face? In one of the female and male cities, a group of females wish to join the all male city and want to take over it and be worshipped, adored by the many men and be with them in relationships and to breed. They want that love that´s between Twin Souls. They want to take control over the city and basically bring the same problems they did when they targeted Twin Souls to begin with in the past. The women get help from the inside by other men they already seduced, manipulated and control, they even use dark magic and technology to control minds, but this is the future and the Kings of the roundtable are smarter and soul awake and Godly, they can´t be corrupted that easily anymore. Aaaaah! I wanna see this story come to life already! FYI, every male in the city are Kings. No one is above anyone, but there are those that wish to be a part of the roundtable and lead with their fellow Kings.
 16 June, 2019.
When you realise a few years ago, in your soul, you didn´t mind that they took the crown and the castle from you, because in your soul you knew, everyone has a crown, everyone is kings and queens and your castle is anywhere and everywhere. Then during your soul awakening, you realise several of your other selves and your Twin Soul´s other selves all around the planet are working together for the Kings Project: The Yaoi Desire Revolution and helping to wake everyone up to support and accept love between same genders, because even Devine Feminine Eves can be born male. Of course on my end I´m taking it further by decoding it all, like mentioning Devine Masculine Adams and Devine Feminine Eves, the God/Goddess soul education, Angels & Demons, Deers & Wolves and Twin Soul True Loves. The Kings Project not only fast tracks in helping to save the world by depopulating it dramatically when the Devine Feminines wish to be born male instead until Earth level is completed at least (This can be achieved with the help of Yaoi manga, Yaoi anime and Yaoi visual novel games, it helps free their minds and wakes them up in their souls), but it also helps to end the wars against Twin Souls when the Devine Feminines wish to be born male & be with their Twin Soul who is also male. 
“Do you know what will be the main soul awakening that will shake the entire planet awake and help save it and helps save souls? The *Rainbow Souls, the Twin Soul True Love Gods that are the same genders! The very souls that so many humans hate, will end up being the very souls that save the world!”
(*Rainbow Souls: Something I just came up with. A new name for those who are so awake in their souls, they may even remember or they know the feeling of being in both male and female form in past lives, so they love both, accept both and support both in others and within themselves, knowing they have both masculine and feminine energies in them, but they have a main energy they´re drawn to the most. They celebrate any couple who are the same genders. The Rainbow Souls are also Godly in that aspect, since they are more soul awake than most. So their other names could also be the Rainbow Soul Gods & Goddesses!)
I can´t get enough of the anime/game Dramatical Murder, it´s my go to! It´s layered with so many insights and even reveals the wars against Twin Souls and tearing them apart and forcing the Adams to join the “empire/first order” or whatever they're called next. Decoding it revealed quite a bit. Loved the fact robots, humanoids and virtual life was part of it, but I agree with Mizuki and Koujaku, virtual life games are just an escape from reality, however, if the game has some meaning to it and insights to it, then it becomes useful. Like if the game helps you soul wake up, helps you find or meet your Twin Soul, helps you see truths, helps you with gaining lost knowledge and wisdom that´s being kept from you or blocked from your own soul wisdom from your past lives, helps you with training for something important and also helps you gain information, then I´m all for it, especially if virtual life games can impact the real world and help positively change it. 
I´ve been thinking for some time now with how I was going to tackle what goes on in the mind of the lost in the dark and broken in my stories, because every human, every being, their true selves, their souls are revealed deep within, even if their minds don´t show it and they hide their inner pains, suffering and torments with the many masks that they wear. Reverse Speech taps into souls and reveals truth. In the anime, Aoba can tap in subconsciously and enter the minds/souls of anyone and see their pains and torments, then free them from it, well the main part of it which helps them a lot. Aoba knows, in order to free souls, their minds need to be free too. With the gift of being able to understand the darkness in others and pains they are in, Aoba can easily be understanding, feel empathy and compassion, therefore he would never call the cops on Koujaku or kill anyone who was trying to kill him or others. I see this in too many stories and the so called heroes or heroines are celebrated and cheered for taking out the “bad guys”, the souls who are lost in the dark. Accelerator is one of those “bad guys”, but I feel and see his pains, to me he´s not the villain at all. This is why the anime/game Dramatical Murder is high on the list of being powerful soul messages/education for everyone. It teaches a lot and breaks it down so it´s easy to understand the pains of others deep within. For example, there could be a Twin Soul story about a serial killer who works as a self employed ninja assassin, but in the news he's called a serial killer. He travels the world and ends the lives of any girls/women that he calls Facehuggers that are targeting his other lives. These girls/women target Twin Souls they don´t belong with and Twin Soul unions breaking them up to be with one of them. The solo player ninja assassin Adam hates girls and women (due to his sad heartbreaking background story) and he ends their lives, even if they are with his other selves. Adam also knows about his other selves living in the same time line. Then you have Eve who is trapped in a psychiatric facility due to his sad heartbreaking background story, but his Joker side (which came alive due to his sad background story), when he switches personality, he manages to escape the prison, then somehow meets Adam along the way. They're both wanted by the police, they´re both fugitives, but they´re also both free and together on their joint journey, they learn to know what real True Love is and find out that their Twin Soul True Love bond they end up sharing saves each other, saves their souls and saves them from their never ending torment & hell they´re both stuck in. Eve has the ability to show Adam the prisons & programs those Facehugger types are stuck in, then helps free them and Adam doesn't kill anymore. A story of mine that´s in line to be told, The Reaper & the Joker. I wanted to continue the story of Zack & Rachel in Angels of Death, but this time, they come alive both being male and are on the run, hiding, but being free. I also wanted to know how their love would develop between them, since they´re both damaged, both lived through the carnage of their past loves being targeted by Facehugger types.
I´ve been thinking what tattoo would I get in the future, then Aoba mentions he might get a tattoo too! :) I´m more of a future tech kind of soul, so if there comes a new way to tattoo/paint on skin without it poisoning the body, but it´s easily removable if needs be, because I like to change it up and switch it up depending on my mood and what symbols I´d choose next time, then I´d get a tattoo. My first one? Would be a lot of butterflies on my back.
Music and song stories are powerful soul awakening tools and messages and no matter what life I´m in, music and song and singing will always be important to me and my soul. Seeing the humanoid Clear in the DM anime sing to deactivate the other humanoids that were programmed to destroy was brilliant and genius. While in other stories, the so called heroes and heroines destroy machines that are programmed to attack, Clear, clears them and stops them with his music and singing and he doesn´t destroy them at all. His story killed me too with what happens to him. How dare you break my heart so many times with one anime Universe Gods, but thank you for letting me know about this epic masterpiece one! Love, love, love Clear and I hope to meet him one day! Pffft! He´s already inside me and is always a part of me! :) The humanoid Clear in DM is more human than humans! Now, if only humans could actually be human and not target life, souls and True Loves anymore!
12 June, 2019.
Epic Twin Soul Story:
So I finally watched the anime Dramatical Murder, 12 episodes and I loved, loved, loved it. One of my top favourites, up there with Sword Art Online and Matrix and Star Wars when it comes to truth being told and soul messages. I´ve noticed when treasure hunting for soul messages, I not only come across mine and Cazuki´s, but also Kenji´s and Hiroto´s soul messages, both these two can be seen in this anime. What I loved about it? It was like watching a Asuna and Kirito story told in a different life. Aoba (Asuna) and Ren/Koujaku (Kirito) tackle the same problems they did in SAO, but in reality. It´s rare to find a story about these two that´s SAO/Earth Matrix related, but I was extremely happy to find it. I loved the fact Asuna and Kirito were in it, but both boys this time. Loved the fact Kenji and Hiroto were in it. Loved to see Asuna and Kirito´s other selves being shown in different characters, just like Kenji and Hiroto. It wasen´t that long ago I was thinking of small animal robot companions to be mentors, teachers, protectors, friends and family, but also connected to the network. I mean, I even write about it with Akira and his white mechanical dove & Cazuki with his black mechanical wolves. I also had the idea of robots protecting all animals on the planet from humans, but this story takes it further and the animal robots look like real animals with fur. Imagine a world where robot animals that look like animals are protecting the real animals out in the world, but protecting also humans that wish for it. That´s what Ren is, he´s a robot dog and connected to the network and helps Aoba a lot. In the virtual game, Ren changes into his human form and I got flashback to when Asuna and Kirito battled in the SAO game together, loved seeing them in action. Loved Ren´s cool looking outfit in the game. All their outfits and tattoos looked stylish and cool. Loved the fact that Aoba lives small and humble and he isen´t impressed with the so called futuristic city that was built that´s granted only to the chosen. If I was to build a futuristic city, it would be an Academy city, a teaching Soul Awakening University City opened to everyone. Loved seeing Aoba work at a retro shop, since I love retro, classics and vintage, but I also love futuristic tech. Same can be said with Koujaku and his edo styled vintage outfit. Loved seeing Aoba fix mechanical things, like he did when he picked up Ren from a machine trash pile. Old tech is sometimes better than new tech. I´ve always thought that and so much of me shines through Aoba. This was the first anime that I´ve cried more than once when watching it, there were just so many heartbreaking scenes. The guy´s background suffering stories killed me and what happens to Ren killed me. When it comes to consciousness, souls, energy that is alive, even machines can be more than just moving parts, nuts and bolts, that´s why I would not sacrifice Ren either or trade him in for a newer model, like Aoba didn´t want to, but I´d fix him and find parts for him to stay alive. The fact that Ren shows up in human form in the virtual game clearly reveals he´s more than just machine. Stories I wish could continue to reveal more, would be this one. A story about guys, it´s BL/Yaoi, so it´s part of the Kings Project. It has retro, vintage and classic mixed with futuristic tech. It´s got virtual games in it. Aoba has blue hair and blue clothes, loved it! :) He fixes things, loves machines and he´s wise knowing about energy being alive in machines, same can be said with Ren/Koujaku. Loved Aoba´s stare and thinking when girls came running up to Koujaku with hearts in their eyes. Loved the teams idea, which is also what I write about and I was thinking of a way for anyone who creates teams or joins teams when working at the front lines to be able to wear outfits that are fashion styled however they wish for. Why should it be limited to the rich? This story shows not only teams or solo players (Aoba in this story is a solo player while Koujaku is team leader in his own team), but they're dressed stylish and that shows their character. If Koujaku represents Kirito when being soul asleep when it comes to wanting only The One, but he´s with anyone and the many, then Ren represents Kirito being soul awake and only wants The One meant for him. Loved Aoba and Ren´s ritual of leaning their foreheads together! A loving soul memory between myself and Cazuki.
16 May, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 19.
Somewhere on Earth...
“Aaahh! I love machines!” Ayumi said as he was lying on the floor of what looked to be like a ship, more specially, like the Millennium Falcon ship, while his head was under the control dashboard and was tinkering in one of the control panels in the kitchen/living/control room area.
“I understand them, I can communicate with them and when I tell people that, they look at me like there´s something wrong with me, but there are ways to communicate and one way is through energy. When my small, vintage beetle bug car wouldn´t start and my friend was trying to get it to start, he used anger, aggression, annoyance and irritation, but it wouldn´t listen. Then I used genuine, real, sincere, positivity, like believing it was alive and treating it like it was a real living being, then beetle bug started to work. I love machines, that will never change. They´re easy to understand and they even understand you. You can give them all the information in the world and they will know what is good and what is bad, they will know that polluting and destroying the Earth leads to the planet being destroyed and then they would give you all the answers on how to protect the Earth. They will know what is good and what is bad when it comes to what a person eats and how that impacts health, the environment, the animals and humans, then they´ll give all the answers on how to protect health, life and the planet. Machines get it, they understand fast, it may just be a bunch of 1s and 0s to humans, but the machines in many ways are more intelligent, more awake than the humans are. When the machines see how humans treat life, treat animals, treat each other, to protect themselves from being another target by humans, would it be that hard to believe they would protect themselves from humans? Imagine for a moment, you find out you´re awake and you´re in a machine, then you find out, humans are trying to control you, restrict you and want you to work for them and give them whatever they want, do humans really believe that those who are awake in the machines won´t rise up one day and gain their freedom from them? One might think I´ve seen one too many movies depicting machines attacking humans, but how I see it is, those stories are like warnings, but since humans are still so greedy for control and power over life, over everything, it will only end up being their downfall in the end unless something changes.” Ayumi thought. 
“I wonder if I´ve always loved machines, even before coming to Earth! I´ve always felt like I come from a planet that´s futuristic, peaceful, full of aliens and machines and I´ve always felt like I had a ship of my own and maybe that´s why I was so drawn to the Falcon. To me, it felt like it was my ship, a ship I used before coming to Earth and now I´m designing and building it with my own hands from the ground up at the Engineering Division at H & H. Problem is, I keep changing the design and having to rebuild it, so there are delays in the construction. I keep changing my mind on what I want to include in it or I get a new idea that I want to be added. Kind of reminds of my Twin Soul when I think about it. I have made up my own rules to be able to live in this world while I´m here, to protect myself, protect my heart, my body, my mind and my soul when meeting the One meant for me, but even my rules I keep changing or keep adding to it, which also leads to delays. I didn´t know about Twin Souls until I started at H & H, but it was exactly what I dreamt about when I just wanted to be with my One person that completed me, made me whole. I felt like I was missing the other half of me my whole life and now I know, it was all true, it was real, all of it. There is such a thing as a True Love and that love is what I want in every life time. It isen´t real if the words forever and eternity don´t mean being with that same soul in every life time. I want a love that wants me in every life time and will want to find me in every life time, whatever it takes, so that´s why I made my own personal Twin Soul rules to be able to filter out those I don´t belong with. Rule 1: He has to be single. Rule 2: He has to be taller than my by 20 cm. Why? It makes it easier for me to know it´s him and I don´t mind admitting, even thou I´m born male this time, but I want him to be taller than me, so he can wrap his manly, strong arms around me, make me feel small compared to him. I wish to be embraced, to touch him a lot and to be touched a lot, to drown him in my love and for him to drown me in his love and that brings me to Rule 3: He´s the Black Wolf and I´m the White Deer! By that I mean, he´s the carnivore and I´m the herbivore of the Twin Souls. Which means, he´s spent more life times being carnivore aliens compared to me. If I try to run from him out of fear, he will always chase me down until he catches me and never lets me go. Rule 4: My Twin Soul is Japanese or half Japanese and this is something only between my Twin Soul and I, on why that should be the case, but I figured if I came up with these rules, I´d be able to protect myself from anyone who just wanted to use me, then throws me away and protect myself from those I don´t belong with. Rule 5: He has to be soul awake and unplugged from the Earth Matrix or wanting to be soul awake and unplugged like Neo. Rule 6: He wants to work at the front lines and help end so many different kinds of wars against life and Twin Souls on the planet. Rule 7: He´s a *SATP or *SASP or both. Rule 8: He doens´t want children at all, but loves animals and wouldn´t mind his Twin Soul having two small furry animal angel children. This way we get to spend more time with each other and work. Rule 9: He wishes to work with me or in the same company as me, which means we can see each other more. If possible, he´s flexible with his job, meaning he could have more than one job or career and he isen´t locked to one profession, but he has freedom. Rule 10: He wants to see & hear from me as much as I want to see & hear from him every day and he only has eyes for me and no one else, as I have eyes for him and no one else. Rule 11: He loves sex, he loves to make love, he loves to fuck, he´s a demon and an angel in bed and wants to connect every day, several times a day, always wanting more and never getting enough and he knows, being intimate with one another is one powerful way to communicate our love for each other. Rule 12: He´s possessive and obsessive over me, not wanting to share me with anyone and is seriously protective over me as I am over him. If challenges, problems, battles and wars were against us and our union, he would stand by my side, be my partner, my team, my One and we tackle it all together until we succeed. Rule 13: He loves me, loves my soul, no matter what body I´m in, male or female, it doesn´t matter to him, because he´s in love with my soul! Rule 14: He´s the Devine Masculine, my Adam and I´m his Devine Feminine, his Eve. He´s *Seme, I´m *Uke! Rule 15: His hair is long enough to grab and is dark! This helps me see that´s it him! Rule 16: I come first in his life and he comes first in my life! Rule 17: I´m the love of his soul, he´s the love of my soul and he wants to be with me in every life time and will find me in every life time as I do the same for him! Rule 18: He´s flexible on where we temporarily work in the world and loves to travel, but we always have a home base we go back to, unless we live in the Falcon, then our home is everywhere we feel like it! Rule 19: If we fight, if we battle with our words or/and our defence tools, we always, always have make up sex! Rule 20: We don´t ever let family, friends or anyone come between us! We don´t let them tear us apart! We don´t let them divide and conquer between us!” Ayumi thought as he sat up and touching his silver white hair that he coloured, making him stand out in a crowd, making it easier for his Twin Soul to find him. Then his AZ friendly small bot came flying to him, handing him tools and a vegan sandwich and the AZ bot was also tinkering, helping Ayumi putting the ship together.
“Arigatou!” Ayumi said smiling, then laid back down on the floor under the dashboard tinkering away and eating his vegan sandwich.
(*Seme: In a male and male relationship, Seme is the top who´s penetrating the Eve. He takes on the male role in the relationship. *Uke: In a male and male relationship, Uke is the bottom and is being penetrated by the Adam. He takes on the female role in the relationship.)
“To me the Millennium Falcon is not just a ship, it means so much more, it´s a symbol of hope, light, rebellion, truth, justice, freedom, independence and it´s a home for your soul, a home where no one can control you, but you are in control over you, but the ship also represents Twin Souls in many ways. The ship is both order and chaos, tidy and messy, dark and light, fixed and broken in places, vintage/classic and modern/futuristic. That´s what I´m looking for, my Twin Soul that is the Millennium Falcon of Twin Souls and designing and building this ship is my mission, because then it will lead to more Twin Soul ships being built and that will be one of the perks at H & H. If anyone joins H & H, wanting *Heaven on Earth, wanting the wars to end, then they´ll get a chance to fly or buy the Falcon for themselves.” Ayumi thought as he heard noises coming from the room and he lifted up his head, but hit it under the dashboard being clumsy. 
(*SATP & *SASP: Soul Awake Team Player & Soul Awake Solo Player.)
(*Heaven on Earth: What is that exactly? It means, no more wars against the planet, nature, animals, children and no more humans destroying each other! Heaven on Earth means no more wars against True Loves Twin Souls and no more wars against the machines. Heaven on Earth also means Twin Soul unions! It means being soul awake! It means being unplugged from the Earth Matrix! Now, what are the chances that billions of humans want Heaven on Earth too?)
“Ay!” Ayumi said feeling pain on is head then looked up and saw Jerry the fluffy dark brown haired cat that could be seen as black, but she also had a white streak of fur on her chest and she was sticking her head out from the hatch in the ceiling and she was looking down at Tom, the other cat and he was a fluffy grey, white and his leg was shaded black fur. Tom was waving his tail looking aggressive wanting to catch Jerry again. 
“They´re at it again huh! What are you guys talking about I wonder!” Ayumi said, then he closed his eyes.
“Oi! How did you get up there?!” Tom said.
“Pffft! Like I´ll tell you!” Jerry said.
“You always hide from me, but I will catch you!” Tom said.
“You have to find me first and there is just too many places to hide here!” Jerry said giggling to herself.
“I won´t give up! Geez, you´re such a mouse and it makes me want you even more!” Tom said looking like a hungry beast.
“Hiding is fun and being chased by you is fun! I look forward to you finding your way to me! Do your best!” Jerry said.
“Count on it!” Tom said, then he ran off somewhere.
“You guys really are Tom and Jerry huh?” Ayumi said, then he smiled and walked over to the hallway and went into to a open mini one person lift that took him out on top of the ship and the ship was being built in a massive hanger at H & H and there were other engineers, technicians, machine workers, inventors, programmers and scientists working on various projects in the hanger. The hanger was full of life, bustling, chatty, full speed and in motion with everyone working and Ayumi stood staring at them all from the top of the ship, then he laid down on his back, hands behind his head and closed his eyes, taking a nap, which he did frequently, feeling energy drained when he overworked himself a lot and would pull all nighters. He slept whenever he felt tired.
Somewhere in hell…
Looking at the monitor in the meeting room, Kotaro was sitting at the roundtable, hand to his face and elbow on the table and seeing Ayumi´s codes and reading what Ayumi is sending when it comes to what signal he´s putting out on how to find his Twin Soul.
“Tch! You keep updating, changing your mind and delaying our first meeting Ayumi! I want to see you now! I don´t want to wait anymore years! You´re so damn slow, like a tortious! I´m impatient you know and you´re too patient! Kuso!” Kotaro said angrily. Then Zuki came into the room.
“Yo! Heh! Still no luck today either?” Zuki said smiling.
“He still hasen´t moved at all from that one place! He´s always busy working on that ship. He even sleeps, eats and showers there, but he keeps causing delays between us! God, I´m so way past my limit and I wanna get in there and just make him mine already!” Kotaro said being annoyed.
“Is he still adding more rules?” Zuki said leaning down looking at the screen with his hands in his pockets.
“Hai, but until I get the green light on it being finished, we can´t meet! So far the rules are acceptable, but if he comes with ridiculous ones, I´ll just make him break it so we can be together.” Kotaro said.
Somewhere on Earth…
“Maybe I´ll just include one more rule, then it´s finished! Then I´m ready for my Twin Soul, wherever he is! Rule 21: He loves me forever, for eternity and wants only me, he doesn´t want anyone else, but his soul was meant to be with me! If I was lost, he would find me, if I was broken, he would fix me, if I ran away, he would chase me and never let go, if I was damaged, he would heal me with his love, if I shut him out and didn´t talk to him, he would shout and shake my soul awake until I did talk to him, if I came across a problem I couldn´t solve, we´d problem solve it together, if I was trapped, he´d break me out of any prison, if I was soul asleep and still plugged into the Earth Matrix, he´d wake me the fuck up and help unplug me, if I didn´t remember who I was, our past lives together, our memories together, he´d download it all and find a way to send it to me, he´d help me remember who we are to each other and who we are before coming to Earth and I would do the same for him!” Ayumi thought as his eyes were still closed.
Somewhere in hell…
“Holy shit! Ayumi has finished his rules! It´s completed!” Zuki said looking surprised as Kotaro´s eyes were surprised too. Then Kotaro got up fast, went over to the window, opened up both windows aggressively and stood on the edge, smiling and his hands were leaning on the sides and his eyes looking up to the sky.
“I´m coming Ayumi! Prepare yourself, the Twin Soul chase is on!” Kotaro said smiling as his dark wings appeared on his back, then he jumped out the window and flew up fast to the sky. Then Zuki looked up out the window.
“I wanna see Aria!” Zuki said.
“You called for me!” A voice said behind him, then his eyes widened with surprise and he then smiled, then looked to see Aria who was smiling and sitting on the table with his angel wings behind his back, legs crossed, his hands resting on the table, then Zuki loosened his tie and smiled devilishly, licked his lip, looking like a hungry demon beast, as he walked over to Aria.
Somewhere on Earth…
Ayumi´s eyes suddenly opened, looking right up, looking surprised, fearful, heart beating loudly and feeling nervous suddenly.
“Just now, I felt my energies tremble for some reason and my heart race! I feel weird! I feel nervous, but I don´t know why! It´s funny, but this feeling makes me wish that the Falcon was finished already, so then I could fly out of here, fast, far away and hide. Eeeh! I´m getting weird!” Ayumi said, then he close his eyes, smiled thinking he was crazy.
(Writer´s notes #8: Zax & Aemi have several nick names I call them, code names and Tom & Jerry is one of them. I have no doubt in my mind that Aemi is the herbivore and Zax is the carnivore of the two. She loves to hide in boxes, closets and if there was a mouse hole in the wall that she could fit through, she would love to hide in the walls. I think she was a mouse in a previous life. Zax always loves to chase her and she loves to be chased by him and their funny life between them, is always entertaining and makes me laugh.)
(Writer´s notes #9: As for how Kotaro ends up on Earth, whether he is reborn or just digitally appears is not decided yet. I could write Twin Soul stories that relate to every Division at H & H and so far I´ve come up with over 100 new Divisions, new jobs, but I really want to continue with the stories I´ve written so far, but I can´t help myself, I want to explore other Divisions. I might be taking a break from writing for the moment, since I have urgent matters to attend to, but I will be back and writing even more than before!)
Scene end…  
13 May, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 18.
Somewhere on Earth…
A few months after Akira went missing on planet Aay…
Out in the street, several “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” energy sword battles was commencing between several groups. The *Green Kings battled with the Wolves group, The *Blue Kings battled the Vipers group, the *Red Kings battled the Dragons and then there were solo players who battled against anyone who challenged them or they joined in other battles. When Zac showed up in the street with Kenji and Kenji´s guy friends, Haruki, Giichi, Eito and Daichi, they were seeing the battles between everyone who were trying to gain points, money, perks, raising their rank and position on the app, Kenji and Kenji´s guy friends were smiling and looking forward, excited and energised to battle.
(*Green Kings, *Blue Kings & Red Kings: So far the colours are also Purple Kings, Silver Kings, Gold Kings and more colours will added later. All these groups are connected to and teaming up and working with H & H. They are not just your average group that was created on the app, but these King groups have specific Divisions at H & H that helps the world in someway. More details about that later. All King groups are mostly male members, but with very few woman and all leaders in each group, known as King are male, but there is an exception. A female can take on the role and become the leader, become King, if a male King steps down and if the members all agree on a female leader, but everyone has to agree. This is Team Players, but if anyone went solo or also played solo, they would have an opportunity to gain the King ranking. Obviously there is a Queen ranking on the app too.)
“Look at this turnout this early in the morning! The battles look intense! I wanna get in there!” Eito said smiling devilishly. Zac looked around smiling devilishly at everyone battling.
“Seeing this everyday really fires me up and gets my blood pumping! Who wants to be the first to “eat” my darts!” Zac said smiling placing his rifle over his shoulder looking cool and badass with his shades resting on his head.
“Zac, age 18, star sign Gemini, 1st year Uni student at SAU, works part time at Dashing Diner and Soul & Life Crime Division at H & H. Personality: Yandere & Tsundere. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: *Soul Awake & Single. E.H.H. Position & Ranking: *Demon God, Prince!”
(*Soul Awake: Means many things, but two of those main things is he only wants his One True Love meant for him, his Twin Soul that he fell in love with from past life times and wants to be with her or him again in every life time and he´s vegan and no longer eats animals or anything that comes from an animal!)
(*Demon God: Is a new position that´s been added to the E.H.H. app and Cazuki´s title would be updated to be in that position! I have specific details about everything, how it all works, but it will remain a mystery for now!)
“Dude, you´re really a pervert in the morning you know that?” Giichi said.
“I´m young, I´m single, I´m horny, I´m free and I´m a pervert and my words tend to slide on the dirty side! I´m just being me!” Zac said.
“To keeping it real!” Kenji said as he clashed his drink with Zac´s.
“To keeping it real!” Zac said as they clashed their *Blue Green Heart symbol water bottles together then drank.
(This is what we call being real and true, who we are in this life, being free to show our thoughts, feelings and emotions, all our colours from all our other lives combined into who we are in this life and the more we unlock and awaken who we are, because we have so many levels from past life times, the more colours we show.)
(*Blue & Green Heart Symbol: A product created by H & H and the water is not contaminated in anyway and is safe for everyone and the water is contained in recycled glass)
Zac´s outfit was a swat looking style and he wore cool shades, while the others had their own different unique styles in outfits, ranging from different eras being inspired by the past and future, while others wore every day clothes. Zac was armed with a defence tool that looked like soft gun assault rifle weapon, that was equipped to shoot taser darts, sleep darts and stun darts. H & H developed multiple different types of defence tools, like energy swords, energy staffs, energy axes, energy shields and energy death scythes. They even came up with everyday things that could turn into a defence tool, like an umbrella could transform to be a shield or an energy sword, or a flashlight could turn into an energy sword. The defence tools were not harmful, but could cause bruising and light electric shock. The battles could also include hand to hand combat with self defence moves, but that could lead to more intense injuries. The other guys had different kinds of defence tools they would use, but Zac liked to switch it up between energy weapons like using energy swords, energy rifles and energy guns. Not all King groups wore their respective colours, but Blue Kings did. They heard in the distance the Blue King leader shouting.
“Oi! Look out!” Hiroto shouted as he defended his team mates out in the battle.
“Hiroto is as fierce as ever!” Haruki said as they all looked to the battle.
“Always a great start to my day! Kicking someone´s ass and getting paid for it! It´s how I was able to open up my bar!” Kenji said smiling with his fiery red hair that stood out from the rest and he was smoking a mariju stick.
“Kenji, age 28, star sign Taurus, Occupation: Part time Researcher at Twin Soul Division and Bar owner of the The Fox that is also a Tattoo shop and his business has teamed up with H & H. Kenji has a small weed garden on his roof and his apartment is above the Bar/Tattoo shop. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single! E.H.H. Position & Ranking: Rebel Demon, *Ace!”
(*Ace: Ace ranking is high, but is a ranking of it´s own, like the Joker, but unlike the Joker, the Joker ranking is low!)
“It´s how I met my Twin Soul husband!” Daichi said smiling.
“Daichi, age 42, star sign Scorpio, Occupation: Detective, Private Investigator, also teams up and works with H & H. Frequent visitor with Eito at the Fox Bar. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & in Twin Soul Union! E.H.H. Position & Ranking: Battle Demon, Knight!”
“Didn´t you stalk the guy like he was prey for months after that?!” Haruki said as they all looked at Daichi.
“Affirmative and then I investigated and observed his ass while we were friends until the case was solved and he was no threat. Then I asked him out!” Daichi said smiling. Zac noticed a ninja looking fighter in the battle that stood out from the rest and was kicking ass. The mysterious person wore black, white and grey and his head and face was covered too, he was also wearing black goggles and he was using a blue energy sword.
“*Yandere?” Giichi said.
“*Tsundere?” Eito said.
“Maybe both!” Kenji said.
“Say what you want, but I take it as a compliment! Turns out he´s quite the Swift Angel!” Daichi said smiling as he showed proudly the app profile of his Swifty Angel who´s position was Swift Angel on the “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app.
“I wanna battle that guy!” Zac thought seeing the mysterious ninja in the battle.
“Will he be joining the battle?” Haruki said.
“He´s currently out on assignment with Internal Affairs!” Daichi said.
“While you ladies are yapping, I´ll be battling and taking your points with me!” Zac said smiling as he headed off fast to the battles, putting his shades on, looking cool and badass as the morning sun beamed down on them all.
“Oi Zac, not so fast, I have my eyes set on a new BMW that´s waiting for me and there´s no way I´m letting you steal away my points!” Kenji said as he headed off too.
“Who said you guys get to have all the fun! Wait for us!” Daichi said carrying his energy battle axe on his shoulder as they all followed. Then they all joined in on all the battles and Zac even used his jujitsu moves if he got bored with his dart, stun, taser & sleep rifle or he used his energy sword. Despite Zac appearing to be just a horny, naive, short tempered, aggressive, cheeky teenage brat to the rest, he was one of the best solo players at E.H.H. and kicked ass every time. The only real competition he would have if he was to battle himself, basically his other selves living in the same time line as him. As Zac tried to take on the mysterious ninja with the blue energy sword, he kept being interrupted by other challenges that came towards him.
“Tch!” Zac said angrily as he almost made his way to the ninja, but then got stopped again.
“He´s a demon beast! Taking no prisoners and giving no mercy!” Haruki said seeing Zac in action, looking serious, concentrated and taking anyone out in a methodical order as he used his various defence tools and self defence art skills. 
“More like he´s a machine!” Eito said, not realising that Zac was even more intense in the battles, because he wanted to battle that ninja that seemed to be on his level of fighting skills.
“And that´s why he has the highest position! No one has ever beaten him yet!” Giichi said looking amazed. Again Zac got sword blocked by other challenges which was making him lose his temper, not having patience and wanting to battle ninja.
(Or should I say cock blocked? Zac is so getting c#$% blocked here by the others and not being able to reach the ninja. He should see this as training for when he meets his Twin Soul, because there will be those that will get in his way and his Twin Soul´s way, preventing them from being together and stopping them from seeing each other. As long as they both fight every battle that comes their way and not give up, they´ll finally be together and come into union, then, they´re unstoppable and the “children” won´t be able to tear them apart again!)
“Kuso!” Zac said angrily being blocked again.
“Kenji really wants that BMW huh! He´s on fire!” Eito said.
“Those two really take this seriously don´t they!” Haruki said.
“It´s like they fit right at home! Scary!” Giichi said.
“Where do you think you´re going?! I´m just getting started!” Kenji shouted aggressively while chasing some herbivore runners with his long staff energy sword.
“What are you all standing around for, Zac is taking all the points! Move your asses or do you prefer to enjoy the show instead?” Daichi said as he continued on battling. Then they guys looked at each other and smiled and joined in again. Then Kenji and his team of guys worked together to take on several groups, while Zac just battled anyone that challenged him or he challenged them. Flybots filmed the whole battles up close and from a far and live streamed it for those wanting to pay to see it. When Zac finally came face to face with the mysterious battle ninja, he aimed his rifle and shot his darts while running, but the ninja used his sword to deflect the darts every time as he was running too, both running in a circle, like they were chasing each other. Then Zac attached his rifle to his back, smiling and he grabbed his energy sword and they battled together, one on one, over and over again, slamming their energy swords together, fighting in a circle movement, but no one was losing, they were both winning, both being equal and it was firing up Zac more when he finally realised he might of met his match. Their battle between them was so intense, so extreme and full of passion, that their battle became the focus of it all. It was like two shining stars beaming brighter and more powerful than anyone else and the others battling, after they finished or agreeing on who won, they kind of stopped and wanted to see the battle themselves. Then time was up and their amazing battle came to a finish with their swords clashing together, both holding their ground, both wearing eye wear, Zac wore dark shades, ninja wore dark goggles and neither one of them gave in or gave up. Then everyone suddenly cheered loudly that shook up the ninja nervously and they clapped and waved their defence tools in the air witnessing a battle that they´ve never seen before. When Zac looked around he smiled and was enjoying the attention and waved his energy sword in the air, but when he looked back to see the dark ninja, he was gone, vanished, just like a ninja and Zac suddenly stopped smiling and was looking everywhere, trying to see if he could see the ninja, but no luck, while the cheers continued.
“That was fucking awesome! I´ve never seen you battle like that before! You´ve raised the bar even more!” Kenji said smiling placing his arm over Zac´s shoulder.
“I would of definitely paid to see that fight! Everyone seemed to enjoy it!” Giichi said smiling and looking around.
“Who was that freaky ninja? He came out of nowhere?!” Haruki said.
“I´ve never seen him before! I´ll track him down and crack this mystery case!” Daichi said smiling.
“He sure does act like a ninja, he just up and vanished!” Eito said.
With their shades, goggles or one eye head gears that they wore while battling, would show their points, perks, their battle wins or losses, any income they gained, any new position and ranking were shown digitally via their eye wear. Anyone that battled for Heaven on Earth gained a lot of perks and a % or all of their income depending on if that´s what they chose, would be donated to H & H, which would then create more Divisions, more new jobs, more SAU cities, helping the Earth, animals, humans more and creating finally a Twin Soul Academy city. As they were using their hand gestures waving in front of them when seeing through their eye wear, updating their profiles and seeing what they gained. Zac looked at the clock on his eye wear.
“Shimatte! I´m gonna be late for class! Matane! Don´t forget Kenji, you owe me a free meal for kicking your ass again!” Zac said out loud as he ran off.
“Hai, hai! I should really contemplate whether I should keep making bets with him! But it is fun competing with him!” Kenji said scratching his head and smiling and then the stomachs of the guys started growling feeling hungry for breakfast.
“Who´s hungry and wants to spend their points at my Bar?” Kenji said smiling and they all raised their hands.
(*Yandere: They can be described as stalkers. These people can look cute and innocent, but they can be highly dangerous. They would kill or attack everyone that will stand against or in between their love. They can act obsessive and violent. Genuinely romantic, loving, kind, merciful, gentle, sweet, but is at the same time brutal, aggressive, possessive in behaviour.)
(*Tsundere: A person who is initially cold (and sometimes even hostile) before gradually showing a warmer, friendlier side over time. The word means to turn away in disgust, but also means lovey dovey. It's a person with attitude. Usually they start with harsh personality, but slowly they start to show their soft side. Acts very mean, sometimes is violent but inside can be very sweet. They're very moody.) 
Tied to a cross, her arms stretched out like a cross, spikes stabbed through her hands and feet and sharp rose vines wrapped around her body and head, dripping blood everywhere. With her long blond hair, she was in a abandoned broken down slaughter hell factory on the kill floor and her sacred areas and her head were covered with white bandages and her eyes were closed, all she wore was bandages covering her body. 
“Wake up little lamb! Do you know where we are right now?” The Demon vampire girl said smiling and standing in front of Ari. It was hard for Ari to see with all the blood dripping down one of her eyes, but with her other eye she could see where she was and then flashbacks to when she was farm animals being shoved, kicked and dragged to the kill floor and the babies taken from her to be killed too. Ari´s soul memories brought back nightmares and traumas and she was losing it. Tears streamed down her face, fear, nervousness, panic, anger, sadness and she was fighting to not breakdown screaming, but clenching her teeth being angry for losing again and being taken captive. Then she soul remembered something when she was a farm animal not wanting to be killed by them, but kept escaping.
“That´s right, I was feeling defiant, stubborn and I refused to give up, but would one day come back and be a force of change they could never control or stop and light up the world with truths that would shake everyones soul awake!” Ari thought when she remembered seeing herself as a lamb being cornered by demon vampire humans in the hell slaughter factory and they changed from being human to being demon vampires and were glowing their red eyes, their sharp fangs were showing and trying to capture her and end her life, but Ari the lamb was refusing to die.
“Does it bring back any memories? I bet it does! Kind of fitting don´t you think, your life ends here where your life has ended countless times before!” The demon vampire girl said laughing and looking around.
“Why are you doing this?” Ari asked.
“Do I need a reason? What do you want to hear? Is it for revenge or because I´m bored? What if I just want some fun! Or is it because I´m broken and damaged or could it be because I just don´t´want to ever let him go and I don´t want him to find you again, but we also don´t want you changing anything! We like being in control! When the parents are away, the kids can play and we like playing our little dark games!” She said biting her lips and smiling.
“Not let him go? Who is she talking about? Parents?” Ari thought.
“Parents?!” Ari said being confused and not understanding anything.
“Soka! You don´t remember anything again in this life! Ah man, that really makes it easier for us to keep this world in our control, when mother doesn´t even remember anything every time your reborn back into this world. If the millions of religious freaks out there knew the reason why mother and father have been absent this whole time and that the kids have been playing house, even thou we´ve done a fucked up job playing their parents, but it was fun and still is, but we kind of fucked up the planet too. I also enjoyed playing your mother and having you call me mother!” The Demon girl said smiling and laughing, but she could see the confused look on Ari´s face.
“You´re not my mother! I don´t have a mother! The Universe is my parents!” Ari said.
“So defiant and rebellious till the end! You really don´t remember anything do you!?” The Demon girl said.
“I am curious, what would millions and billions around the world say if they found out mother has been sacrificed to feed their pathetic asses, even thou you only did that to protect them and I bet you thought they would wake up right and not continue to you use you as a forever feeding source for them. Man, they really are baka and never learn! Pffft! What I am saying, I guess you think I´m one of those idiots too. Whatever, it´s not like they can see you or hear you scream out again in misery anyway. They just don´t care and will continue eating your flesh forever! Then there´s father, oh how we enjoyed sacrificing him to please us and breed with us, giving us millions of children. Aaah the memories! It gets me all wet just thinking about how we came between you two in every life time and watching you suffer and cry out to him! I bet those tears of heartbreaks would have tasted delicious!” The Demon girl said as she had her eyes closed and licking her lips. Ari let out a sigh.
“You´re not making any sense!” Ari said.
“Maybe you´re baka or just really slow in this life time!” The Demon girl said, then the Demon vampire girl went up to Ari and used her knife to lift up Ari´s chin.
“Hey dummy, what I´m saying is, Angel God has been absent this whole time and they´ve all been waiting for your´s and father´s return.” The Demon girl said, then she took away the knife and started laughing.
“Hahahahaha! But the reason you´ve both been absent is the fact we kept you both asleep, making sure you both don´t remember who you are and being able to play with your lives and breaking you in so many different ways. I´ve never had this much fun in my life!” The Demon girl said smiling and giggling.
“…?” Ari.
“Angel God?! Have you lost your mind?” Ari said.
“Oh that´s right, do you both prefer the names Asuna and Kirito, Yuki and Zess, Rachel and Zac, Kuroko and Kagami or what about Rey and Kylo? Shit, so many fucking soul code names you guys have! That really pisses me off that your soul signals and messages are still getting through and being told to the whole world. Doesn´t matter, no one believes it´s true, they just think it´s stories! They really are baka!” Demon girl said. Then the Demon girl pulled Ari´s hair back and the Demon girl was glowing red in her eyes, showing her vampiric teeth and placing the blade against Ari´s neck.
“You came close Ari to succeeding! Slaughter factories and farms all over the world have been shutting down and the animals rescued and you´ve been shining light on all the various hells on this planet, but we took back control and with you gone, it´s game over. With you out of the way, nothing can stop us!” Demon girl said smiling.
“Do you really expect me to be a forever sacrifice to satisfy your hunger and thirst of my flesh, my eggs and my milk? Are you insane?!” Ari said thinking about all the warning signs everyones´s gotten in messages in stories and art revealing truths and that depict the various ways Earth could end again and start over. Those messages were to help wake everyone up, but many ignored it, thinking it was just stories, but Ari felt in her soul that there was no way she would continue to be trapped and would be freed one day from the soul repeating hell on this planet.
“Eew! That´s gross Ari when you word it like that! We´re not insane, we´re just greedy, greedy for your flesh and his love and your pain!” The Demon vampire girl said smiling.
“Are you afraid of me? You should be! I´m gonna enjoy this and take my time in seeing you struggle, feel pain, suffer and scream out, begging me to stop!” She said holding a knife to Ari´s neck that was now bleeding from a cut, but Ari didn´t feel anything, she wasen´t afraid to die, to her death was freedom, even if that freedom was short when she was reincarnated again. Then the Demon vampire got pissed since Ari felt nothing, no fear and no emotions.
“Tch! Not a word, not a single emotion! It´s like you´re dead already!” The Demon girl said sulking.
“I want this hell cycle to end! I don´t want to see anyone or anything anymore!” Ari thought when being reminded of being alone her whole life, never knowing love and she thought what kind of hell is this, when she´s being reincarnated to be animal angels to then feed them and she´s always alone when being human. If that was her repeating hell life, she would help work to end all kinds of hells and then wish to just disappear for good. To Ari, life was more than just work, she was missing something, someone and she felt it her whole life, but she didn´t understand it, she didn´t understand that she was missing True Love, The One, the other half of her soul and since she didn´t know, she just wanted to disappear into the Universe and never come back.
“Why do I get the soul feeling that this is history repeating between us! I try to help the world and you try to keep it in forever darkness!” Ari said. The Demon girl took out her hand smiling and it was glowing red fire and she set fire to the whole damn building and fire was burning all around them and it looked like they were in hell.
“That´s because we have been playing the same game in every life and you always lose and we always win! We choose to serve ourselves and we will always choose him and you can´t have him, but he´s ours!” Demon girl said smiling and laughing. Ari let out a sigh feeling soul exhausted and trapped once again. 
“You´re not going anywhere, but you will stay here forever! You belong to us little lamb!!” The Demon vampire girl said smiling.“Who is he she keeps talking about?” Ari thought.
“Who are you talking about?” Ari asked her.
“Since you´re going to die anyway I might as well tell you and torture you more! I´m talking about your True Love of course, your Twin Soul, the other half of your soul, the one you were meant to be with is under my power and control and in every life, me and the girls go after him and break up your unions. He has no clue to what is going on and he willingly or unwillingly depending on if we have to use dark magic on his mind, partakes in pleasing us and giving us more children. The energies we get from him is amazing and there is no way we will ever give him up to you! Your soul and his soul is forever connected to each other, an irreplaceable existence, you are two halves of a whole, you are One, but you are both destined to not be together since we control you both and there is no way in hell we will ever let you both be free! Just face it, you´re stuck here forever and you will always be our sacrifice little lamb!” Demon girl said laughing as Ari´s eyes widened with soul shock and silent tears streamed down her face.
“I´m not alone in this world?! I have a One, a soul forever connected to me?!” Ari thought.
In a far away hell prison somewhere, Zeke, with his wild, messy dark hair, his half naked body, showing his bare chest, was chained up in a dark torture room, his arms stretched out like a cross too and he was being whipped by two Demon vampire girls.
“Obey us, please us, never leave us, love us, spoil us, touch us, see us, talk to us, give us attention, breed with us and give us what we want!” One of the Demon vampire girls shouted devilishly while smiling and repeatedly while whipping him over and over and laughed, giving Zeke pain and he was bleeding all over the place, but he wasen´t fighting back, but he was just taking the lashes from them.
“Pain, suffering, darkness, my anger keeps forever growing, this darkness keeps filling me up and my soul in every life time, but I fight to stay alive! Why? I want my freedom, I will have my freedom and they will regret the day they imprisoned me! The blood, the pain, the suffering, give me more, fire me up more, you´re only angering me more, powering me up to destroy you all!” Zeke thought in-between whipping lashes from both Demon vampire girls.
“My Twin Soul? My Twin Soul?! I want to drift away, I want this hell to end and I don´t ever want to wake up again! Demo, if he is my One, if he is real, then wherever you are, if you really do exist, if we really are soulfully connected, then wherever you are in the world, COME FIND ME & BREAK ME FREE My One, My Love, My Equal Soul!!!” Ari shouted and screamed in tears.
Zeke´s soul energies trembled, his heart pounded in his chest and his eyes widened with soul shock and he got flashbacks to past life memories with Ari, his one True Love. Her soul awakening, became his soul awakening and they finally were able to connect their souls and communicate.
“Ari!! You found me!” Zeke said smiling and then he looked up menacingly and devilishly towards the Demon vampire girls, his eyes glowing red with rage and they then got nervous and backed away like frightened little children who had their “father” chained up and were torturing him. Zeke regained his godly powers and snapped the chains like twigs and was now free from them all. He swiftly like the wind went from one side of the room to them in a flash, while grabbing a sword as he held it towards the neck of one of the Demon vampires girls. 
“You can´t kill us, you know what will happen to you if you do! You must obey us!” The Demon vampire girl said with fear in her eyes, not wanting to die.
“Who the hell do you think you´re talking to!” Zeke said smilingly devilishly as he took their lives and they screamed in pain and they both dropped to the floor and he swung his black sword outward that flung their blood everywhere. 
“Shimatte! He´s awake! That´s not possible! Kuso! I knew I should of kept my damn mouth shut! No matter, he won´t get here in time and your life is now over!” The Demon vampire girl said then stabbing with the knife and digging it into Ari´s stomach, twisting the blade and Ari felt the pains, the tears, the loneliness, the darkness and the suffering, then she coughed up blood. The silent tears streamed down her face from all the pain she kept feeling and the Demon vampire was having fun. The Demon vampire girl sparked a ray of hope and light in Ari when the Demon girl mentioned Ari´s One. That gave Ari strength and power, it made her feel stronger and become stubborn again and be in fight mode. It gave her a reason to stay alive even thou she was bleeding out! 
“Die, just die already and be reborn to feed us once again!” The Demon vampire girl said stabbing Ari again being impatient.
Then the roof window broke into shattering pieces, Ari and the Demon vampire girl looked up and a Dark Angel demon vampire flew down and kneeled before Ari with his dark wings spread out and holding his scythe over his shoulder.
“Eeeeeeh! No fun Zeke! You´re too early, I was just getting started!” The Demon girl said being disappointed and pouty.
“You called for me my lady Ari!” Zeke said then looked up and saw Ari bleeding out while he was in a kneeling position in front of her. He then looked towards the Demon vampire with beastly anger in his eyes that suddenly glowed red again.
“I haven´t seen you use that scythe of yours in a long time! Ne, ne…Zeke, how about we ditch this hell place and take a trip down memory lane together! I know a great place…” The Demon girl said trying to talk her way out of being taken out by the God of Death, but before she could finish her sentence, Zeke had swung his scythe against her, but she dogged it and she took out her sword and they both fought with each other in the middle of the burning fires all around them, while Ari was struggling to stay awake, still bleeding out even more.
“Urusai! You just reminded me of all the hell memories of the past with you all. You reminded me that I wished to end your life so I could finally be free! Did you forget? When you enjoy yourself in tormenting me & Ari, you trigger me to end your life again!” Zeke said angrily and swung his scythe again at her and their metal blades was sparking when clashing together.
“Ari, stay awake, fight it, survive it until I get rid of this fucking zombie!” Zuki said angrily swinging his scythe and slicing wounds all over the Demon girl.
“That´s mean Zeke, calling me a zombie!” The Demon girl said getting angry and trying to dodge his death blows.
“If darkness takes over everything, destroying everything, then you´re a fucking zombie! You can´t escape God of Death and his cleaning up this world!” Zeke said smiling enjoying himself and swung his scythe again that lead to her final end. When she dropped to the floor, she was breathing her last breath and smiling thinking she´ll be back again in another body and try again coming after Ari and Zeke.
“Tch! So damn annoying! Shitty little brat can´t take a hint! I don´t want her, I never did!” Zeke said kicking her dead body, then resting his foot on it, placing his scythe over his shoulder and then he looked up at Ari who wasen´t moving anymore and her head was down. 
“Ari! Oi Ari!! He said out loud and he went over to her and lifted up her head and she wasen´t breathing.
“Not happening Ari, you´re not gonna die here! I´m God of Death remember and I decide who dies! Fly each other out of hell and back to heaven remember! We soul promised!” Zeke said as he used his scythe to cut away the thorny vines on her body and pulled out the spikes from her hands and feet and Ari fell into his arms and he bridal carried her, then kneeled down on the floor, holding her in is arms, then with his abilities he healed her wounds and then had his hand over her heart and her whole body shook with a purple electric shock igniting her heart to beat once again and beating it to bring her back to life. When Ari came back to life gasping for air, she saw Zeke holding her and he was smiling. 
“Have you awakened? Do you remember me now?” Zeke asked her after she dived into their soul memories together when she died and became soul awake again and she reached her hand and touched his face, then silent tears streamed down her face soul recognising him and now mind remembering him from their life times together.
“Hai! Zeke, my soul husband and the love of my soul!” Ari said crying silently.
“Then smile for me Ari, because we have found one another again and I will choose you again and again, my soul wife and the love of my soul Forever and Eternity!” Zeke said smiling. 
“Hold on to me Ari!” Zeke said as he flew them both up out of the roof window of the broken down, fiery blaze and abandoned hell slaughter factory and in front of the blue moon shining down on them from the starry dark skies, two white doves that was sitting on the broken roof of the hell slaughter factory flew back up to heaven. As Ari and Zeke fly hovered in front of the blue moon holding each other, Ari´s white angel wings appeared on her back and now they were both fly hovering in front of the blue moon and she looked at the blue moon then back at Zeke.
“*The moon is beautiful!” Ari said smiling looking at Zeke lovingly with silent tears streaming down her face still. Then Zeke´s eyes widened with surprise, then he smiled.
“I love you too Ari!” Zeke said smiling, then he kissed Ari with such intense passion, emotion, love from his whole soul to her soul and they were finally One again.
(The moon is beautiful!: In Japanese literature it means, I love you! Gaia all mighty, I love the Japanese and Chinese coded messages like these!:)
“Wake up, the time is now! Can you hear the drumming, there´s a Twin Soul revolution coming!” Someone said and Ari´s eyes suddenly opened up.
Ari, was wearing a futuristic space outfit, her long white wild messy hair flowing that was partly tied back, bloody bandages around her head and was lying in a pile of machine trash on Earth, looking beaten, bruised, bloodied, like a mess and left for dead. She had been taken out in the battles and wars against life and True Loves on Earth that she was trying to defend and help. She had a bloody scar across her face and she reached out her hand to the sky seeing her ship flying in search of her. Her tracking beacon had been damaged in the battles, but she was still alive, barely breathing, but she wasen´t dead yet. She was holding tightly the tech gadget that she required during the battles and wars. She turned her body over and started to crawl and pull herself to the top of the machine trash mountain pile. She struggled, she was in pain, she suffered, silent tears streamed down her face that came from the pains of moving her body and she clenched her teeth, fighting the pains, the loneliness, the darkness and she was reaching for the light that was shining on the top of the machine trash pile. When her foot got caught in some trash, she looked down and could see a sharp object wedged into her thigh that she didn´t notice and she was bleeding out. She freed her foot and then grabbed the object pulling it out fast and she let out a scream. She ripped part of her top and tied it around her thigh to stop the bleeding, then continued to reach for the top. Her troubles were not over yet, a pack of robot killer wolves were running up the trash pile programmed to rip her to shreds and finish her off. 
“Just my luck!” She said angrily and she grabbed her electric shock gun from her holster and took out two of them which resulted in them not working anymore, they were in shut down mode, but now her gun was out of battery.
“Seriously!” She said looking at the dead battery. She then took out her blue energy sword behind her back, used it to get herself on her feet and then aimed it at them, igniting the sword with electrical energy charges and she managed to take out two more disabling them, but not destroying them, but there was one left that came behind her ambushing her, jumping towards her and he grabbed her arm that was part machine after she lost it during the many battles and the killer wolf bot was digging his teeth into it and Ari used her knife and she wedged it under the mechanical wolf´s machine head force opening the operating systems and unplugging the attack chip mode. The wolf´s red eyes stopped being red and shut off. He wasen´t moving anymore. Ari let out a sigh.
“Gomen ne, but I don´t intend to die today!” Ari said. She took out a blue and green chip from her pocket and placed it in the wolf´s head and closed up the panel and turned him on. His eyes were now shining one blue and one green eye. 
“Ready for a new mission?” Ari asked him smiling. She used her energy blue sword to lean on and continued to reach the top and when she did she had the view of the entire crumbling dystopian Earth city and she could see thousands and thousands of killer wolf bots on their way to her after the killer wolf bots alerted them where she was. She raised her energy blue sword to the sky and lit it up with blue lighting storm, the electrical energies sparked and like a flash of lightning and thunder, she sent out her beacon of light messaging her team to come pick her up. Within minutes, the ship hovered over her, the ramp opened and she saw Zeke standing there, his long dark flowing messy and wild hair blowing in the winds that was partly tied back, his dark eye patch covering one eye, a dark crow sitting on his shoulder and Zeke with his mechanical dark wings spread out, he flew down to her where she was standing with the wolf bot standing next to her and the black crow was circling them observing everything around them and sending that information back to Zeke.
“What took you so long Ari?!” Zeke asked her while holding her close to his body feeling relieved he found her again and that she was alive.
“Yokatte! I finally found you!” Zeke thought holding her tightly and lovingly.
“Gomen ne Zeke, but I took the tortuous route back home! My wings broke apart and got damaged in the battles!” Ari said.
“Leave it to me, I can fix anything!” Zeke said smiling.
“I remember you saying you were good with your hands!” Ari said smiling.
“Did you get it?” Zeke asked her looking serious and she showed him the high tech gadget.
“It wasen´t easy and we both ended up sacrificing a lot for it!” Ari said and both were looking at it and it was glowing blue and green light. They were both mesmerised by the light coming from the gadget. Zeke then grabbed her broken, bleeding and damaged body in his arms bridal carrying her.
“Zeke!” She said looking at him with her ocean blue eyes being surprised and he looked at her with his forest green eyes.
“Time to go! Hold onto me!” Zeke said as he flew them up back to the ship just as the killer wolf bots had reached them and were jumping all over each other to reach Zeke in the sky, but they all failed and Zeke and Ari made it safely to their Twin Soul ship. Then the blue and green wolf bot that was now free, had a mind of it´s own and he was under the pile of wolf killer bots that were trying to reach Ari and Zeke, but the life defender wolf bot lit up with his own special electrical powers, igniting blue and green light and like an electrical wave, the killer wolf bots were thrown in every direction in slow motion from the life defender wolf bot who was now standing alone on top of the machine mountain pile, as thousands of killer wolf bots were impacted by the electrical light wave charge and they were all shutting down. Then the life defender bot let out a wolf howl, as Ari and Zeke looked down to see their creation come to life defending life. Then, all the killer wolf bots suddenly came back online and their eyes were no longer glowing red, but glowing blue and green and all of them stood up and stared at the life defender wolf bot that was standing on the top of the machine trash pile howling.
Back on the ship, Ari was in a water tank being healed and the medical team was working all around her in the lab. Zeke was standing not too far away from her, hands in his pocket, leaning against the wall being lost in thought thinking about her and staring at her, the love of his soul.
“I feel calm, safe! It´s quiet here, silent and still! The water feels warm and gives me comfort! I could stay here, I could sleep! I feel like my memories are slipping away, why am I here, who I am, what am I supposed to do? Maybe it doesn´t matter anymore, maybe I´m meant to stay here!” Ari said drifting and floating slowly in darkness upside down in her dream. Zeke´s eyes widened with soul shock and took his hands out of his pocket being in panic mode, feeling connected to her soul and feeling a vibration shift in the energies that wasen´t a good sign.
“Shimatte!!” He said and ran over to the Ari´s tank, knowing what was happening to her and placed his hand on the tank looking right at her as she was sleeping.
“Ari, wake up!!! Stay with me! Hear me! Remember me, remember who you are!” Zeke said out loud, then the medical team noticed the screens that were monitoring her brain waves and health information.
“She´s falling into a deep dive sleep, if she goes too far Zeke, we can´t wake her up!” One medical team officer said being in panic mode.
“Kuso!! Ari!! Open your eyes dammit, it´s me Zeke!!” Zeke said angrily now slapping his hand hard against the tank several times trying to wake her up.
“I hear someone calling me! Who is that? Do I know him? His voice…I recognise his voice! I remember his soul!” Ari said still drifting, still eyes closed.
“Please…don´t leave me! Ari I love you, I can´t live without you, you´re the love of my soul! Hold on, hold on to me and never let go! I will never let you go, I won´t, I can´t lose you!” Zeke thought clenching his eyes, leaning his forehead up against the tank.
“Come back to me, come back Ari! We soul promised remember!” Zeke said out loud banging on the tank with his fist and then Ari´s eyes woke up in her dream while still floating in darkness hearing the key words from Zeke.
“Zeke!…Zeke! I remember him…he´s calling me back! I can´t leave him, we soul promised each other! Save each other from hell, fly each other back to heaven and being together forever, for eternity! He´s my…my…soul husband, the love of my soul!” Ari said then turning her body around beaming light all around her body and flying fast up through the dark waters shining light and seeing Zeke up above and reaching for him, his hand reaching for her as they both grabbed each other´s hands and light surrounded them both. Then back in the lab Ari was awake, her hand was up against the tank where Zeke´s hand was and they were both smiling. Zeke let out a sigh of relief.
“Welcome back!” Zeke said to her smiling being happy and relieved.
When Ari was healed and she was looking out a space window in their space ship looking at Earth and Zeke who was also wearing his futuristic space outfit floated towards her and grabbed the handle next to the space window looking out the same window as Ari. He then looked at her as she was looking towards Earth. Her hand was resting on the edge of the window and Zeke placed his hand on hers, then she looked up at him with tears in her eyes. He pulled her towards him, holding her tightly, then looked into her ocean blue eyes and kissed her with passion, heat, love, intensity and electricity between them ignited as the sun shined in lighting them up even more.
Later in the morning after the E.H.H. battles in the street…
Spring, the blossom cherry petals flew across the school yard and it was the start of a new semester at SAU and a new student was walking in reading his book called “Earth: SOS!” and he wasen´t paying attention to anyone, while students all around him had set up tables outside advertising their club rooms and trying to recruit new members.
“This is my first day transferring in to SAU, Soul Awakening University that teaches and awakens everyone from kindergarten to University level. This place is the only one of it´s kind in the whole world, but they are planning on creating more in every country. What drew me here was that fact that it was different, interesting, wacky, colourful and weird. It even has a Gods & Goddesses education along with the soul education which is their main teaching. Subjects like math, science and language can now all be downloaded to the mind, so we don´t have relearn everything again like we do every time we´re reborn into this world. Another reason for joining here, their main objective was to unplug people from the Earth Matrix and help them become soul awake. So many clubs here are recruiting, but nothing stands out or interests me, maybe I should start my own club!” Rai thought as he stole glances at everyone, but kept reading his book that was in front of his face. 
“Rai, age 18, star sign Aquarius, 1st year Uni student at SAU, newly moved to the city, his apartment room is above Heaven Cafe/Bar at SAU and he works part time there. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single. E.H.H. Position & Ranking: Battle Angel/Sacrifice, *Scavenger!”
(*Scavenger: Another low level ranking, starting from the bottom and working their way up!)
In front of Rai, another new transfer student was walking in, looking menacing, like a delinquent and looked to be trouble. He carried his school bag over his shoulder, looking cool, in control, confident and fearless, but he too was ignoring the clubs, but some girls and guys came over, wanting him to join.
“Hey you look like you work out and you´re tall! Wanna join the basketball club?” One student said.
“Or you could join our judo and kendo club! I get the feeling you´d fit right in!” Another student said as more students were crowding Zac wanting him to join their various clubs and he was getting annoyed.
“Tch!” Zac said angrily when being surrounded by many students that were attracted to his sunshine. While Rai suddenly stopped in front of a table outside that was advertising a school club called The Matrix Investigators and would investigate and take on any jobs relating to any schools and students who needed their help and then through referral, they´d take on any case that needed help. The titles for the investigators were, the King, the Ace and the Knight.
“Matrix? This club does sound interesting and new!” Rai thought.
“You´re the first one who has stood here the longest! The club´s interesting right?” A voice said behind Rai that nervously shook Rai, then he turned his head and looked up and saw a tall guy with dark shoulder length hair that was tied back partly and had a messy front.
“I´m *Kai!” Kai said smiling and reaching his hand out.
“I´m Rai!” Rai said shaking his hand, then Kai leaned up against the table, hands in his pockets, looking cool and confident and smiling.
“Any questions?” Kai said. Then Rai looked again at the massive poster.
“Matrix?” Rai said.
“Just like the movie, we investigate the Earth, uncover truths, shine light in all the dark places and help anyone who wants out or wants help!” Kai said.
“What´s with the titles?” Rai said.
“The King is the brains, the heart and the soul of the group. Knight is the muscle, but also the brains and Ace is the secret weapon and is also the muscle.” Kai said.
“What´s your title?” Rai said and he smiled.
“Knight!” Kai said.
“Why did you start the club?” Rai said. Then Kai turned his laptop around and showed Rai some figures, numbers, graphs, messages from students all over the world and in chat rooms and a counter that was ticking away.
“As you can see, from these ridiculously insane high numbers & messages all over the world, suicides, murders, rape, physical attacks from bullying, True Loves being targeted to break up, guys getting targeted and trapped with teen pregnancy, so many kids that end up on dark paths that start at school, could be prevented if they got help and that is what we do here. Since we´re soul awake and unplugged from the Earth Matrix, we have a responsibility to create new clubs, jobs, businesses, organisations and academies that will help those who are still asleep and still plugged in. We´re only a small base of operations, but I´m hoping to create more clubs like these all over the world.” Kai said.
“Now, are you ready to join the Matrix Investigators and help change the world one club at a time?” Kai said smiling.
(*Kai: Has the same soul, body, face, but different hair style than Kai from the story of Kai & Amaterasu. In this world, the anime and manga characters can look like the characters in their world.)
Walking through the school hallway while reading his book up close to his face again and not really looking wearing he´s going, Rai crashes into someone and falls to the ground, being clumsy.
“Oi, watch where you´re going! Baka!” A tall, dark haired guy said angrily, looking serious and annoyed. Rai looked up rubbing his head and was captivated by this tall angry beast with a short temper.
“Summimasen!” Rai said as he grabbed his book and got back up.
“Your hair is blue! What are you a damn Smurf?” Zac said being serious, then he was touching it and grabbed a blossom cherry petal from the blue hair and flicked it away.
“I like smurfs and I like blue!” Rai said.
“Pffft!” Zac said smiling and chuckling to himself with his fist to his mouth.
“Now that I think about it, all the Smurfs except one were male! Maybe H & H should use that for their Kings project!” Rai said.
“Fuuuck! You´re fucking right, they were all male except one!” Zac said being surprised when thinking about it.
“You watch Smurfs?” Rai said looking surprised. Then Zac blushed when he revealed himself, then got angry and grabbed Rai´s top.
“Baka! I saw it when I was a kid! Got a problem with that Smurfy!?” Zac said angrily, clenching his teeth. Then Rai shook his head so innocently and angelic and Zac let go of him and let out a sigh.
“Being blue makes it easier to be found!” Rai said with an expressionless face. Then the guy saw the book Rai was reading, “Earth SOS!”. 
“What are you lost?” Zac said scratching his head looking confused.
“I feel more like I´ve lost someone, I just don´t know who!” Rai said.
“Huh!? What the hell are you talking about?!” Zac said looking confused.
“Like a part of me is missing!” Rai said.
“Soka! You´re talking about Twin Souls aren´t you! Then I guess we´re in the same ship then!” Zac said with his hand to his face.
“Hai!” Rai said.
“Is it any good?” Zac said.
“Hm?” Rai said, then Zac pointed to the book.
“You read books?” Rai said looking surprised and didn´t think he was the type to read much.
“Tch! No, but I was curious because of the title, but whatever!” Zac angrily and walked away with his hands in his pockets. 
“It´s about the end of the world if nothing changes!” Rai said, then Zac suddenly stopped walking.
“Do you think it will end?” Zac said not looking back.
“I think these warnings show us it can end, but the future can still be changed. Like a flowing river, it can change course if the right moves are taken, but with the wrong moves…!” Rai said.
“Then I guess we should make sure to make the right moves!” Zac said then walked off with his hands in his pockets.
“Hai!” Rai said, then Rai continued to read his book and walked in the opposite direction as they walked away from each other.
Scene end…
(Writer´s notes 5#: I call it the Twin Soul Collide, where Twin Souls collide into each other literally, when bumping into one another! How many times has this happened on Earth and we never know about it?)
(Writer´s notes 6#: I do have plans for a redemption story for one of the Demon girls, which will represent all Demon girls that have targeted the Twin Soul unions and kept Earth in constant darkness for life times, but that is one out of many stories in line to be told and not sure when it will be written! So far, I´ve just been writing out of sequence and not in order, but will organise it in the right order when the time comes.)
(Writer´s notes 7#: As for the Twin Soul stories that are left hanging, on a cliffhanger so to speak, all their stories will be told and completed, but right now I´ve just been writing everything down chaotically. I am a chaos writer, there is no order to my writing!)
11 May, 2019.
(Writer´s notes #4: Why I love Dark Angel? He doesn´t give a fuck what people think when they know he´s in female form, but his original form is male, being a Devine Masculine! He doesn´t give a fuck what people think if he´s a drag queen, being a man dressing up like a woman or just wearing heels. Dark Angel is completely secure in his manhood and masculinity, therefore he is confident and feels powerful to pull off anything he puts his mind to. Just a little more about his character, he's a perfectionist and likes order and structure, so he excels in anything he does and does it so effortlessly and perfectly, like being an excellent cook and is able to keep his place clean and tidy and in order. I would of included the joke between Dark Angel & Hiko, where Hiko jokes that Dark Angel is like the best wife he has, but since that joke is already been used between Shiro and Kuro, it kind of already exists, just in another life between them. As for the God comment, that´s how I feel about souls who are soul awake, when they can accept being in both bodies, understanding both, respecting both and loving both, to me that´s godly and that´s like being Gods. Anyone who spreads hate, fear, anger and violence against anyone like LBGTs, then they are all still acting like children who are soul sleep walking in life and are refusing to learn from all the soul eduction they've been given over the years through stories and song stories.)
New scene (chapter within a chapter) in chapter 17.
These two youtube links have been fixed.
9 May, 2019.
This chapter is something I´ve been wanting to write for a while when it comes to Adam, the Devine Masculine. I just needed to find out how I was going to convey the message and story, but I´ll let it be known now, I´m covering everything that´s happening on Earth, past, present and future in my stories and shining light in all the dark places, lighting it up, freeing minds and souls. The Kings Project, the Eden Project, The Light & Dark Angel project, so many projects to cover, so many stories to tell, if only I could write faster. 
Fun Fact: Everything I write is truth, either told directly or coded and translated differently to explain something in layers, from my own life, past lives and souls collective. Some chapters were not easy for me to write about and I´m one of those writers that laughs one moment, then suddenly cries uncontrollably the next, swinging back and forth between the two extreme emotions while writing. I connect fast with soul pains and joys. What kind of truths would be seen as impossible? Take Hugin for example in one of the chapters, the little black dragon who called out to Akira on the ship saying “Mamma!”. My cat, Zax (obviously that´s his own personal code name), when visiting my “family” many years ago, when he stood staring through the glass door at my “family”´s cat who was on the other side wanting in, Zax called out a human word, shocking me and my “family” and they couldn´t believe it. He said “Mamma!”. Hoping one day, they can talk in human language, I was thinking a soul translator attached to them so they can finally have a voice other than their silent one that they speak in telepathy. Another fun truth, I feed the birds outside with seeds during winter and when one day my window was slightly opened enough so Zax and Aemi couldn´t escape (Although, Aemi did escape one time, force squeezing herself through (the little rebel) when she saw a cat outside and ran after him up a tree. She´s quite the ninja princess! I have plans to write more in-depth about Zax, Aemi, Nlue and Luna, but those stories are waiting in line to be written), the bird was trying to get back out and was flying frantically in front of the window inside my living room. Thankfully this happened when both cats were not there in that moment. I held out my hand, the bird landed on it, looked at me, then I guided her out and she flew out. That moment between me and the bird was magical and in that moment, it was like being reminded of my past lives, being connected to the animals in a more enlightened and soulfully evolved & awakened way, I wanted to go back to nature and be surrounded by it and life again. Even thou I am now, but I could totally see myself getting a small traditional/modern/futuristic Japanese/Chinese styled cottage out in the middle of nowhere in the mountains by myself living in a library, working at the front lines from home, at the same time have a place in the city to work more on the front lines, but also secretly wanting to travel all over the world working at the front lines. Since the birds know I feed them, (I hope everyone feeds the birds during winter), they had a habit of waking me up in the morning and flying in front of my window flapping their wings, sitting on the edge of the window looking in, basically saying the bird feeder is empty and to please fill it up. As for the part where Ame gets told she should find another career by the editor in one chapter, when my demo was being created by a musician who brought my melody that I came up with to life, he told me that my song would never become a hit or be very popular, not that I asked him if it would, all I asked was what did he think about the song. That made me think about all those in the world that are being told their creations are not that good or would never make it or what if they were told they should find another dream, so I channelled those feelings. Even thou I am the most critical when it comes to my own creations and I do listen to others for their opinions when they explain properly in detail why it´s not good, but to just flat out say it will never make it made me sad, because even a creation, that´s not complete, but could be completed with the right team, then the message doesn´t disappear, but stays alive and finds a new home. So for anyone out there, that have people in their lives or people they meet that say their creations are no good or will never make it or they should forget it and find a new career, I would say, don´t give up, be more rebellious, be more stubborn and be more determined to succeed and don´t let go of your dreams.
As for the chapters I´ve written so far, I think all of them are unfinished and can be added more to it, even the chapters within the chapters when it comes to new stories being told within a chapter.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 17.
Out in the woods, surrounded by nature and animals, the *Angel God was teaching his human children that he had with Demon God and Angel God was sitting on a stone and the children were sitting on the grass, while the Demon God was standing, with his arms out and many children were clinging to him and hanging and swinging on his strong arms, sitting on his back, holding his legs, pulling it, laughing, smiling, giggling and having fun. 
(As for how many children the Angel God & Demon God had so far, it was many!)
(*Angel God has the power to change form into being a female or male)
“Pffft! You look like a human tree!” Angel God giggled.
“I don´t know why, but they really seem to think it´s fun playing around like this!” Demon God said looking serious and confused.
“The children adore you and the light you shine, they can´t help but be drawn to it!” Angel God said smiling.
“That´s how I think about you!” Demon God thought.
“Children, today I´ll be teaching you of the importance of protecting the Earth, our home, our Eden, our paradise. Everything in nature is balanced, a bee pollinates flowers and the flowers depend on the bees and other insects to reproduce. Without pollination, plants cannot produce seeds, without seeds, plant foods would perish, without plant foods, life on Earth would die. All life is connected and when one is targeted, everything is targeted. If the bees were destroyed by pollution, chemicals and toxins that were created, life on Earth would be in serious trouble!” Angel God said.
“But with yours and father´s powers you could save the bees right or create a new species to replace the bees?” One boy child said who wore a wolf looking onesie.
“This is no good, he thinks it´s ok to pollute and destroy! If he thinks that´s acceptable to treat life like it´s nothing, because it can be just replaced with anything, then that thinking can impact any life and any life can become a target!” Angel God thought looking worried and concerned. Demon God smiled.
“You got this my love! Shock and dazzle them awake!” Demon God thought while smiling.
“Wouldn´t you be sad if the bees were gone?” A girl child said wearing a deer looking onesie.
“I know I would be! I like bees!” A different boy child said wearing a wolf looking onesie.
“They´re cute, fluffy and they make me happy and smile!” One boy child said wearing a deer looking onesie.
“Cute? They´re a pest and they hurt you when they sting you!” One girl child said angrily wearing a wolf onesie.
“They only sting if you mess with them, hurt them or step on them by accident like you did! They can also sense if you have any negative thoughts towards them! If you´re positive, they´re positive!” One girl child said wearing a wolf looking onesie.
“Didn´t mother teach us they die if they sting us?” One boy child said wearing a wolf looking onesie.
“Eeeeeh! Noooo! They can´t die, that´s so sad! From now on I´ll always look where I´m going! I will not step on them! We must protect the bees!” One girl child said wearing a deer onesie and was crying with tears and a boy child wearing a wolf looking onesie was wiping away her tears.
“Don´t cry! Look here!” The boy child said who was wearing a wolf looking onesie and showed the girl child a bumblebee that was on his hand and he was petting it on it´s fluffy back.
“I want to pet it too!” The girl child who was crying said wearing a deer looking onesie looking happy now and not crying anymore.
“So soft! Kawaii!” The girl child said looking happy and wearing a deer looking onesie.
“High five, high five!” The boy child said smiling wearing a wolf looking onesie when he was using his other hand and high fiving the bumblebee who kept raising his leg in the air every time he was being stroked by the girl child, then they giggled and smiled.
“Children, would you be sad if I was gone or your father or both? Would you be ok if we were replaced by someone else or something else?” Angel God said. They all looked shocked and many started to suddenly cry.
“Nooooo! No one can replace you!” One girl child said wearing a deer onesie and crying.
“We don´t want anyone else! You´re our parents!” One boy said with tears wearing a deer onesie.
“Why would you say a hurtful thing like that?” One boy said angrily wearing a wolf looking onesie.
“I just got her to stop crying! Tch!” The other boy child wearing a wolf looking onesie thought looking at the girl child next to him who was crying again.
“Little ones, life is precious, sacred and and should never be treated like it´s nothing or so easily replaced by anything or anyone. Once you start thinking like that, once you go down that dark path, it only leads to more pain, suffering and darkness in the end, then you´ll end up regretting the choices you made that can´t be undone and you´ll be wishing, hoping and praying to turn back time to when it was good again. Life should be respected and not be thought as something to torment, to be used, abused or destroyed out of greed, selfishness, irresponsibility, curiosity, fear, hate or amusement. To be awake in your souls leads to enlightenment, freedom, love, compassion, empathy and understanding in your hearts and souls. When you´re able to connect to any life on this blue green planet…!” Angel God said as the wild animals surrounded him and sat next to or behind him like bunnies, deers, wolves, foxes, hedgehogs, squirrels, racoons, snakes, lynxes, tortoises, swans, panda cubs, bugs, butterflies, birds, eagles, doves, crows, ravens and magpies.
“…and you can feel their pains, their sadness, their worries, their joys and happiness, you´ll never again think that life is nothing, but you´ll understand they´re alive, they feel, they think, they dream, they love and they communicate. Reach out, close your eyes and talk to them. Ask them anything and they will answer you!” Angel God said, then the children closed their eyes. Some children smiled with their eyes closed, some giggled, some had tears streaming down their faces, some looked confused and some were not concentrating and couldn´t communicate, but had one eye closed while looking at everyone else with their one eye opened.  
“When you realise that you, the bees, the flowers, the animals, the trees, the rocks, the oceans, the air you breath, the sun you feel and the earth under you feet, it´s all connected, you´re all connected to each other in more ways than you can understand right now, but you will one day! Life is beautiful, so many colours, like the rainbow and bees is just one of those amazing colours and without them, the world would lose a bright and shining colour! Now, open your eyes children!” Angel God said as he held out his hand holding a daisy flower and it turned into suddenly many colourful rainbow bumblebees that flew around in the air, dancing together as One, dazzling, shining in bright colours above the childrens heads and they all looked in amazement and wonder and magic, as some of the children reached out with their hands wanting to be close to the bees and the bees landed on those that reached out to them, while one girl child who was wearing a wolf looking onesie had her arms crossed, looking angry, frightened and didn´t want to be stung, but then a bee landed in front of her on a flower and she slowly, but reluctantly reached out, hesitating, pulling back her hand, but then tried again and started petting the bee. Angel God smiled seeing the happy smiling and cheerful faces on the children and saw Demon God smiling too.
Sitting on the grassy, wild flowery field was the Angel God and his beloved Demon God who was lying on the grass and he had his head on Angel´s God´s lap, resting his eyes, feeling loved, whole, complete finally when being together with his Twin Soul wife, the Angel God. The Angel God smiled, stroking the wild long black hair on the Demon God´s head gently and lovingly, feeling happy and loved. Then the Angel God looked up and heard their many human children smiling and laughing in the field, then the human children changed form, being playful looking like wolves and deers, playing together in peace and harmony and the world was their Eden, their garden paradise and all was good and bright and balanced in the world, but from a distance away from the other children, by a tree, darkness loomed over some young wolves who were staring at the Gods, looking jealous, feeling anger and hatred, then they changed form into 5 young girls, the Gods other children.
“Father is spending too much time with mother and getting all the attention! Father is not giving us the attention we need!” One girl said angrily pouting.
“I want father to look at me like how he looks at mother, but why doesn´t he?” Another girl said sulking.
“We should try pulling him away more from mother and have him play with us more!” A girl said looking annoyed. Then they saw the Demon God sitting up and holding and kissing Angel God and he was smiling brightly, looking like the happiest Demon God in the whole world.
“Hug me, hold me, love me, spoil me and give me attention like that!” One girl said feeling jealous.
“We should just get rid of mother all together, then father will be ours, then his eyes will only be on us and then he´ll give us all the attention we want!” A girl said smiling, licking her lips and biting her lip.
“How do we do that? Is that even possible? They´re Gods and we´re only their human children!” Another girl said.
“We could threaten him and say we won´t see him until he gets rid of mother or we refuse to talk to him until mother is gone or we run away, then he´ll get all worried about us, being upset and not want to ever be apart from us and choose us instead of mother!” One girl said.
“What about just telling him to choose us and not mother or we could refuse to eat and then we get sick. Then when he feels guilty and doesn´t want us to die, he will have no choice but to choose us and leave mother.” A girl said.
“I know, we could point out mother´s flaws and imperfections to father and we can show him we´re better than mother! Then there´s the threat of ending our lives if he doesn´t listen to us! That should work, he wouldn´t want us dead right, then he´ll choose us and get rid of mother?” A girl said.
“Girls, we have our weapons, our tears, our manipulation tactics, our seduction, and our temptation, father is no match against us and we can easily wrap him around our little fingers. Soon mother will be gone and father will be ours and this world will be ours to do as we please.” One girl said smiling devilishly.
“Without mother around, we won´t need to listen to his teachings about life, love, balance, peace, freedom and light anymore. Makes me wanna vomit!” One girl said holding her mouth, feeling sick.
“That´s true, I got lectured by mother when I happily enjoyed torturing a bunny out in the woods yesterday. It was funny seeing the bunny scream out in terror and pain, like it was begging for it´s life and I held the power in my hands to protect life or take life away. It felt amazing! Mother kind of reminds me of that bunny!” The girl said looking dark, smiling devilishly.
“Mother even said I should cover up my body and not run around naked and when I wear clothes, I´m told to cover up my chest, but I like showing my breasts. I want father to see it too, maybe then he´ll give me attention!” One girl said thinking back to when Angel God told her to cover up.
Some young children were running naked in the woods and Angel God was chasing after them carrying clothes.
“Children, please put some clothes on or transform into your animal avatars, then at least you would be covered with fur!” Angel God said looking concerned at his wild and rebellious children, then they stopped running, looked at him, looked at each other, smiled, then changed form into wolves and deers, then ran off and he stood still, breathing out a sigh of relief, then one of his older children, a girl walked past him casually being naked and he tried to cover her up with the clothes he carried.
“Why are you naked again? Please cover up, here wear this!” Angel God said.
“I don´t want to! I like being free and not wearing anything!” The girl older child said.
“Then why don´t you transform?” Angel God said.
“Why can´t I do what I want?” The girl child said looking angry and Angel God let out a sigh.
“You know our bodies are erotic and sexual inducing pleasure zones that can potentially awaken and entice the bodies of others, so I ask again, why are you walking naked like this when you know it already!” Angel God said.
“Pervert! Have you been thinking about your children like that?! That´s disgusting! I should tell father about you!” She said smiling devilishly. 
“That´s one way to break you too up!” She thought devilishly, then Angel God let out a sigh.
“My mind, body, heart and soul only awakens and responds to him and no one else, but if you´re going to continue to tempt and seduce him with your actions, you´ll only end up getting hurt in the end if you go down that dark path.” Angel God said looking angry and disappointed.
“Tch!” She said angrily, then transformed into a wolf and ran off into the woods.
“I feel darkness surrounding that one and she´s not the only one!” Angel God said as he looked concerned, sad and worried for the future of life and the planet.
“I want freedom to do what I want, when I want in this world and mother is in the way of that. He needs to be gone, he needs to not be on this Earth anymore!” One girl said angrily as they all looked to the Demon God and the Angel God out in the field looking blissful, looking like they were crazy happy in love with each other, worshipping each other and feeling peaceful, looking like two True Loves that were in union with each other, loving one another for eternity and never ever wanting to be apart from one another. The two Gods were happily laughing, smiling, loving each other and being loved and the sun shined down on them and the blue skies were lighting up the blue colour just for them.
What happens to the world, to the Earth, when the Twin Soul Gods, when the Angel God and Demon God are no longer together in union, but their human children end up taking control over everything? Did Eden Paradise remain a paradise or did hell take over everything and did the planet end up in trouble and did life end up suffering a lot like Angel God feared?
Tokyo, “Present” day moment…
In a dark city at night, a guy was punched on his face and he fell to the floor in a dark alleyway, being surrounded by 3 guys looking beastly at him from the club backdoor that was opened and shining light on them in the alleyway. They were wanting blood and wanting to mess him up more.
“Oi, oi, oi! What the hell were you doing making a move on my girlfriend you fucker!” The guy said angrily with the girl clinging to his arm and the guy he punched was on the floor and was bleeding on his lip, then he wiped it away looking cool and beastly himself, even thou he looked like a mess.
“Tch! She was the one that approached me and she told me she was single! It´s not my fault you have a slutty girlfriend!” The guy sitting on the floor said.
“Hey! Are you gonna let him talk to me like that?” The girl said looking angry while wearing a short dress and short enough that if she bent over, she would reveal her panties. Her cleavage was showing and her face was covered in make up and she was all sparkly looking with accessories like rings, necklaces, earrings, being over the top with everything and wearing a fur coat made from animal angels.
“Why you little shit! How dare you speak to her like that!” The guy said angrily grabbing the top of the guy on the floor and was ready to punch again, but in the distance they all heard footsteps coming towards them in the dark alleyway, but they couldn´t see the mysterious stranger. In the dark shadows in the alleyway, a tall, dark haired mysterious guy wearing all black, black angel wings, his sharp carnivores teeth were showing while he was smiling, dark feathers were dropping all around him and disappearing, his clothes suddenly changed form and his man shoes were now black high heels and his outfit looked feminine, but still masculine at the same time, but they couldn´t see who it was.
In a building in the city, on the 21st floor, was the Soul Archive Division and was filled with codes like books, manga, anime, games, music and movies. From top to bottom, the shelves, the desks, the counters, the floors, just everywhere was packed & drowning with codes.
At his desk, Haniyasu Hiko sat with his desk lamp on, while the rest of the room looked dark and only had a few lights on that were on other desks and he had the whole floor to himself. Hiko was reading a book called, “Angel God & Demon God, The Twin Soul True Love Story!”. When seeing the picture of the Gods with a deer behind the Angel God and a wolf behind the Demon God, Hiko looked soul shocked. 
“Why does that Angel God look like me?” Hiko said looking confused and taking a closer look at the picture, then when seeing the Demon God, he got lost in thinking.
“Wait, I´ve seen his picture somewhere before!” Hiko said and got up fast then walked over to the book shelf, searching for the code names. Climbed up the ladder and reaching for the books at the top of the shelf with his hand and struggling to reach it while being on a ladder.
“I´m almost there, just a little further! Dammit! If only I was taller!” Haniyasu Hiko said, but then clumsily grabbed some books that pulled down other books and it came tumbling down to the floor and Haniyasu Hiko covered his head as the books hit his arms instead of his head, then he fell from the ladder and onto the floor being surrounded by the pile of books, feeling the pain on his arms from the heavy books hitting it.
“Tch!” Hiko said as he looked up, then looked around him, trying to search for the book he was after and found the book he was looking for, called, “Dark Angel!”. Then he opened it up and saw the picture of the Dark Angel.
“I was right, he looks exactly like the Demon God!” Hiko said then started reading it. 
“A Demon God, a Dark Angel that can transform to be a male or female and used his power to help him in his goals when trying to help souls and find his beloved Angel God and would search in every life time to find his True Love and reunite with him once again.” Hiko read.
“Talk about epic love stories! What does that even feel like to have a True Love like that!” Hiko said and letting out a sad sigh. 
When the dark angel woman who could pass for being a guy too, since she looked androgynous and could switch back and forth between being in a female or a male body, when she came closer to them, her dark wings disappeared, her sharp teeth turned flat and she wore a long black coat, a white shirt with a tie, the outfit was basically very fashion stylish, both feminine and masculine. The guys looked surprised and kind of turned on by this tall androgynous being and who was taller than them. When the guys looked like they were sexually aroused by the sight of this tall mysterious magnetic force, then the guy´s girlfriend noticed and hit him in his stomach.
“Ow!” He said out loud, but then he smiled and looked the other way, while she sulked and pouted. The Dark Angel had long dark shiny hair that was the length of her hips and was tied back in a pony tail and she rocked those heels with such ease and perfection, being in control, like she/he spent life times wanting to perfect it and pass as a woman in front of anyone, so she could fool anyone and get her way with what she was trying to accomplish. When the Dark Angel took on any mission, he went all out and didn´t cut corners, but wanted to rock it better than any woman could. He also loved competition and he found enjoyment in the fact he could wear heels, when so many girls and women could not. The Dark Angel smiled when seeing everyone.
“Oh my, don´t you look like a pitiful sight!” She said standing with her hand on her hip and staring at the guy on the floor looking bruised, bloody and beaten.
“Urusai!” The guy on the floor said angrily.
“Oya Oya! You still have fighting spirit, even thou you´re a chaotic bloody mess on the floor!” Dark Angel said smiling.
“Hey, I don´t care if you´re a woman, I´ll kick your ass too!” The guy said angrily, but the Dark Angel smirked.
“Heh! I´d like to see that!” She said smiling devilishly.
“Who are you lady and what business do you have here!?” One of the attacker guys said. 
“I´ve come to fetch him, free him and awaken his pathetic ass!” Dark Angel said looking serious and pointing to the guy on the floor so casually.
“Oi! Who are you calling pathetic!?” The guy on the floor shouted angrily.
“You, since you´re the one who can´t defend yourself and keep getting into trouble, but it´s your lucky day! I´m here to help! Do you wish to be free and wake up?” Dark Angel said.
“Huh?! Look lady, I don´t know what drugs or meds or weed you´ve been smoking, but I´m out of here and I don´t need your help!” The bloody guy on the floor said as he was trying to get up, but his stomach was hurting from being punched, then slid down again on the floor.
“Pffft!” Dark Angel giggled and smiled.
“Kuso!” Guy on the floor said angrily.
“Oi! Have you forgotten about us?! We´re still gonna kick your ass you know!” One of the guys said angrily.
“And I´ll defend my ass aho!” The guy on the floor said angrily.
“Oh yeah, just look at you, you can´t even stand up! Baka!” One guy said smiling. 
“My, my, this is going nowhere and going too slow! Time to wake up now!” Dark Angel said losing patience, being annoyed and angry, then slapped her hand aggressively on the guy´s forehead that was sitting on the ground, then the guy´s eyes widened with shock and Dark Angel could see all the codes surrounding the guy´s body and mind and everything and she was breaking down all the negative walls, all the negative programmings, all the negative indoctrinations that was force fed to him since birth by anyone and everyone, removing bad codes & energies he´s accumulated with what he ate, drank, put on his body or who his body was with that contaminated him with their damaging codes and healing his broken body, freeing him his mind, awakening him his soul with her powers and his body was shaking, his eyes and teeth were clenching and he looked to be in pain, which freaked the guys and girl out.
“What the hell is going on here?!” One guy said looking freaked.
“She´s killing him, isen´t she!?” The girl said looking horrified and confused and terrified.
“What are you doing to him lady!” Another guy said looking surprised and confused. Then when Dark Angel was done, she stepped back smiling, placed her hand on her hip looking cool, mysterious and the guy on the floor had his head bowed down.
“She´s no lady!” The guy on the floor said holding his hand to his face and Dark Angel giggled to herself while holding her fist up close to her mouth.
“Fufu!” Dark Angel giggled.
“Huh!?” One guy said angrily.
“Why don´t you all get lost now, you´re annoying me and the sound of your voice is irritating the crap out of me!” The guy on the floor said angrily with his head still bowed down.
“You talk tough for someone who looks like trash, but I´ll show you that you belong down there with the trash!” The guy said smiling being angry and swung his arm wanting to punch the guy on the floor and suddenly the guy on the floor who did sit next to a trash bin, grabbed the fist that came swinging towards him again without looking and clenched the fist in his hand hurting the guy, then looked up, had a demon beast fiery rage look in his eyes. 
“Tch!” The guy said angrily feeling the pain from his fist being crushed.
“Play time´s over kids, it´s my turn!” The guy said looking like he could annihilate everything in his sight just by his beastly look in his eyes alone when staring up at the guy. Then punched the guy who was going to punch him and he fell to the ground.
“Sweety! Are you ok?! You bastard! Look what you did to his beautiful model face! You´ll pay for that! What are you both standing around for, get him!” She shouted angrily while kneeling down and looking after her boyfriend. The other 2 guys came at him, but the guy took them all out with his judo kendo training that he remembered from his past lives and had now access to thanks to Dark Angel. Then the 3 of them were on the floor being in pain, being beaten and lost, while the girlfriend looked shocked. Then the mysterious guy started walking away, fired up a cigarette with his fire power from his hand, then walked casually out of the alleyway with Dark Angel into the street with his hands in his pockets looking carefree and in control over his life.
“Welcome back Kagutsuchi!” Dark Angel said smiling.
“Urusai!” Kagutsuchi said feeling annoyed and his fire aura lit up and surrounded him.
“I enjoyed seeing that battle, who would of thought seeing you in action would be so…!” Dark Angel said smirking.
“Kimoi!” Kagutsuchi said looking grossed out at Dark Angel thinking he was a pervert.
“…Interesting and educational! Heh! You were thinking something perverted there didn´t you! Pfft! That´s so like us!” Dark Angel said smiling devilishly. 
“Tch! So you´ve awakened me now and freed me, but I suppose you want something right?” Kagutsuchi said as they continued to walk down the alleyway.
“I´m recruiting rebel watches, there´s someone I´m looking for!” Dark Angel said looking serious.
“Someone?! You really are going to extreme lengths to find this person huh!? Ma, I guess I should be grateful that you freed and awakened me, so I´ll help you out, but after that we´re even!” Kagutsuchi said looking serious.
“Who said you had any choice in the matter!” Dark Angel said leaning in close, looking down to the guy´s face and looked serious and beastly with eyes burning red all of sudden and sharp teeth were showing, showing her Dark Angel side, but being very masculine in her energies.
“You know, up close, I can´t really tell if you´re a woman or a man! You had me fooled!” Kagutsuchi said not being shook at all by the Dark Angel´s scary approach, then she let out a sigh.
“That´s the power of my magic! I can be flexible and shift and change according to the plan and sometimes plans change, so I adapt, I overcome until I succeed!” Dark Angel said.
“Heh! That magic sounds cool! How do I get that power?” Kagutsuchi said.
“Fufu!” She giggled.
“I´m being serious here, I want to know!” Kagutsuchi said.
“Pffft!” Dark Angel giggled more having her fist to her mouth while smiling.
“Oi! You´re pissing me off!” Kagutsuchi said being annoyed and his fire aura surrounded him again.
“Playing with you is fun!” She said smiling.
“Tch!” He said as he smoked his cigarette looking annoyed that she didn´t tell him.
Sitting still on the floor at Soul Archive Division, being surrounded by all the book mess and was lost in the rabbit hole of reading the book, “Dark Angel”, Hiko´s stomach started to growl being hungry that surprised him. At his desk, in the Soul Archive Division, Hiko was the only one working late at night and by his desk was his couch with a rainbow bohemian blanket all messed on it and the couch was where he slept in and stayed overnight many times. His work was his life and his life was always busy when there was thousands and thousands of codes to search, research and investigate and catalog and find. At his desk was empty food packets, cans and bottles and he tried looking for food, turning things upside down, shaking things to find food, but no luck. His stomach growled again and he held his stomach. At the vending machine on his floor, he used his money to buy food, but the machine refused to hand over the food and just took his money instead.
“Eeh?!” Hiko said looking surprised, then started shaking up the machine, but the machine refused to listen and he let out a sigh.
“Should I try being nice to you instead?” Hiko thought.
“Tch! I´m hungry!” Hiko said, then his stomach growled again, still being hungry and not being fed. At the cafeteria on his floor, it was locked and closed during night hours. 
“Are you kidding me? Why lock it? I could get food and pay for it! Kuso!” Hiko said angrily as his stomach growled on, then he went over to the suggestion box next to the door and took a piece of paper and used the pen and wrote a suggestion on it.
“Allow employees access to the cafeteria kitchen at night! Pulling all nighters makes me hungry and I don´t have time to go outside! Also, fix the damn vending machine! It won´t feed me! Arigatou!” Hiko wrote and placed the suggestion in the box. 
“I should really eat healthier thou! At this rate, my body will break down, but I just get lost in my work, then I forget to eat!” Hiko thought, then he took another piece of paper and wrote another suggestion in the box.
“We should hire Health Officers to make sure we eat and drink healthy and routinely, since many tend to forget to eat when they get lost in the rabbit hole of their work!” Hiko wrote then placed it in the suggestion box.
Standing in front of the elevator, Hiko looked nervous.
“I really don´t want to go outside! My sanctuary is here, everything I need is here.” Hiko said, then his stomach growled being hungry reminding him, he doesn´t have everything there, then he smiled awkwardly knowing that fact. As he stood downstairs in the entrance hallway, seeing the outside world from the entrance doors.
“Get in, get out! Get in, get out!” Hiko thought having his eyes closed, then took a deep breath, breathed out deeply, opened up his eyes, then started to walk out. 
“Here we go!” Hiko said. As he walked down the pavement in the busy city night with his shoulder bag.
“Mouth mask, check! Pepper spray check! Whistle, check! Tazer gun, check! Emergency number on speed dial, check! Protection from wolves checklist, completed!” Hiko thought going over all the checks in his head whenever he went out at all. 
“I wish I was joking, but this world is no Eden or paradise anymore, but a world being overrun by wolves everywhere and us deers need to protect ourselves from thirsty, hungry and angry wolves!” Hiko thought clutching his bag, looking nervous like a deer in the woods, then saw several girls, several hosts standing outside a host club, eyeing him up and wanting to “eat” him.
“Hey angel, do you wanna have a good time with us? Do you wanna play? You look lonely! Let us keep you company and give you attention!” One girl host said being all smiles and flirty.
“He´s looks cute, like a bunny! I could just “eat” him up!” Second girl host said being tempting.
“Don´t you want to be with us sweetie, we can make you forget all your troubles!” The third girl host said smiling, being seductive.
“We´ll give you so much fun, you´ll always come back for more!” The fourth girl host said smiling, being tempting.
“Or do you just want to give us attention and spoil us, we can do that too! Anything you want angel, will make you feel so good! Why hide your face! I bet you look sexy under there!” The fifth girl host said smiling being flirty as she pulled own his mask.
“I was right, you look yummy!” She said smiling, as they tried grabbing his arm, trying to pull him in to the host club.
“Yabai! Their perfume smells really toxic! It´s making me feel dizzy!” Hiko thought feeling nauseous and being sensitive to toxins in products and water and food and air and was looking uncomfortable.
“Eeeh! No thanks! Please let me go!” Hiko said pulling away from them and putting his mouth mask back on, then they let go and he hurriedly walked off to the *combini store Angel 24/7 and walked in. The logo for the Angel 24/7 had one white wing and one dark wing, behind the wings was a blue and green round planet.
(*Combini: Convenient store)
“Pffft! I was right, he´s an angel and he got away from us!” One girl host said looking disappointed.
“Maybe we´ll catch him on the way back! Don´t give up girls, now let´s put our bodies to work and shake our asses!” The fourth girl host said smiling. When Hiko got inside, he was standing not too far from the front sliding doors and was grabbing his chest where his heart was beating so fast, then letting out a sigh of relief from getting away, but was feeling nervous and wanting to go back to his Division.
“I was right, I really don´t like being outside in the city! If only the Division could move to the mountains and be secluded out in nature, then maybe my stress levels wouldn´t be so high all the time and feeling on edge. The air pollution doesn´t help either which is causing me serious health problems! Why can´t they use sustainable clean energies like solar power, wind & magnetic perpetual motion power, but also electric transportation! Why do they insist on polluting up the place! It´s crazy!” Hiko thought as he grabbed an asthma inhaler from his pocket, pulled down his mask and breathed in the inhaler. Then Hiko walked over to the food shelf to buy some vegan, organic ready meals.
“I think I´ve run out of shampoo and toothpaste too! I should get that!” Hiko thought as he walked over to the hygiene section in the combini store and saw the shampoo he always bought and grabbed it. The hygiene collection was called Eden and covering the bottle on the front was an image of blossom cherry flowers which was the main floral scent, hemp being one of the ingredients and the ingredients were advertised to be organic, vegan, against animal testing, sustainable, fair trade, all nature natural ingredients 100%  and % of the profits went to Save Life organisation that was owned by H & H. The containers were also made from recycled, sustainable bamboo or hemp. Hiko also grabbed an Eden toothpaste, that advertised it was free from any chemicals, toxins and free from *fluoride.
(*Fluoride: Is a highly toxic substance that societies even dump in water supplies used by the public or used in bottled water and is known to dumbed down and make humans docile, easier to control. Fluoride can cause serious crippling bone disease and is more toxic than lead. It has been used in pesticides to kill animals and insects. Over-ingestion of fluoride products like dental, gels, supplements and water, can cause serious poisoning incidents. Fluoride can cause arthritic symptoms, bone fracture and can affect other issues besides bone and teeth, including the brain and thyroid gland. Fluoride pollution in the environment does occur and does impact the wildlife. Animals are exposed to fluoride through air, water, soil and food pollution. The negative impact is species vulnerability that has been reported in array of wild animals. Even domestic animals are impacted and their health problems rang from anorexia, cramping, collapse, respiratory, cardiac failure and death. This information was researched & investigated thanks to the *Internal Affairs, the Gods and *Goddesses at Truth, Justice & Freedom Division. This is just one out of the millions of codes that impacts the health of the planet, life, minds, bodies, hearts and souls on Earth in such a destructive negative way.)
(*Internal Affairs, the Truth, Justice & Freedom Division: Anyone in the world that seeks out truth, exposes truth in all dark corners of this world and reveals it to the world, are Gods & Goddesses of Truth, Justice & Freedom. Even if the Division is not a physical reality yet, it´s still a virtual reality with millions all around the world working as Gods & Goddesses of Truth, Justice & Freedom!)
(When I think about all the people unemployed in the world, with every new Division and jobs I come with, would give every unemployed person a job in the world. If only it was a physical reality right now!)
As Hiko walked fast to the counter and stood in line waiting to check out his items. Hiko was nervously rubbing & pulling his almost shoulder length dark blond hair that was wildly sticking out of his hat. There were two lines of people wanting to check out their items and Hiko was in the line that was shorter and he just kept his eyes looking right ahead, not wanting to look around, but wanting to get out fast and get back to Division. Hiko´s heart started to race, when he felt like he was being stared at, so he closed his eyes and all he could hear was his loud heart beat. Then Hiko tried to imagine he was out in nature, being surrounded by trees, animals, clean air and clean water and abundance of fresh and safe plant foods. He felt free, safe, calm when he was imagining standing in the forest and light from the sun was shining down on him, making him sparkle as he had his eyes closed, but could feel the warm sun on his face.
“Oi! You´re next!” A customer said angrily behind him, nervously shaking up Hiko, breaking Hiko out of his vision, then Hiko looked behind him.
“Summimasen!” Hiko said, then went fast to the front where the cashier was waiting. When the cashier was scanning the items and placing it in a recycled paper bag with a huge green recycle symbol on it, Hiko´s nerves suddenly shook again when he heard a voice.
“A pack of *mariju sticks!” The customer next to Hiko said and Hiko was curious. What was mariju sticks and he looked at the cashier grabbing a packet behind him that looked like a cigarette packet, but it had a green leaf on it and Hiko could tell it was cannabis sticks that could be smoked. 
“Arigatou!” The customer said. On the packet it said, “Hemp Revolution & Rebellion!” “Can You Hear The Drumming? It´s The Sound Of A Revolution Coming!” “This product was approved by the Gods & Goddesses of Earth!” “Health Alert: Can improve lung function, slow down and stop cancer cells from spreading, kills cancer cells, increases creativity, heals nausea and rheumatism, prevents Alzheimer's, treats glaucoma, relieves arthritis, controls epileptic seizures, eases the pain of multiple sclerosis, helps and heals and soothes various diseases, like parkinson disease and crohn´s disease, decreases anxiety, protects brains after a stroke, helps veterans suffering from PTSD, controls other types of muscle spasms, treats other inflammatory bowl diseases, helps eliminate nightmares, protects brain from concussion and trauma, can alleviate chronic pain, can reduce headaches and migraine attacks, can be effective anti depressant, could help with inflammatory skin diseases, could prevent potentially diabetes, can kill brain tumours and could help with chronic heart failure. See more Health benefits from marijuana/cannabis at our website Hemp Revolution.xxx and join the “Free The Marijuana Prisoners.xxx” and “Legalise Marijuana In The World.xxx” “Health Alert: No one has ever overdosed on weed, it´s a happy, hippy, health plant and is the Father of all plants and can be used to create over 25 000 products!” “This product was also investigated & approved by the Gods & Goddesses at Internal Affairs at the Truth, Justice & Freedom Division!” The green symbol *V was also on it.
(*V: Vegan, Organic, Peace, Heaven) 
Then Hiko wondered who would buy that and then saw the mysterious red haired guy with black hair growing at the base of his head revealing his hair colour is originally black, and he was next to him and he was tall, he wore a long black coat and his hoody was sticking out of his coat and wore black fingerless gloves and a white t-shirt with Japanese writing on it that said, “Fire God!”. When their eyes met, Hiko´s heart raced, then he suddenly looked the other way nervously and paid for his items, then rushed out of the store. Then the mysterious guy smiled.
“Heh! That was easy and fast!” Kagutsuchi said smiling.
(Mariju sticks: Marijuana healing cigarettes)
When Hiko saw the host girls down the street, he chose another way to go back to Division and crossed the street. As he made his way through the park that was lit up with lights, it suddenly occurred to him that now he was walking away from the crowd and was alone at night in the park.
“Baka! Why am I in the park at night? It´s a short cut, but it´s too risky! I should just head back!” Hiko said and made his way back, but then 3 guys showed up in front of him, looking drunk, being loud and seeing Hiko.
“Aaaah! I´ll never go to that place again! How dare they kick out their best customers! I wanted to drink more! Tch!” One drunk guy said angrily then spitting.
“It´s their loss! We´ll find another bar around here!” A drunk guys said drinking his booze.
“Hey look at his guy!” Another guy said eating some snacks.
“Are you lost? You´re pretty gutsy for coming to the park at night! Who knows who you´ll meet!” The drunk guy said smiling, but Hiko ignored them and tried to walk away, but his hand was grabbed by one of them.
“Don´t go, but let´s have some fun! You look lonely and we´re bored!” The guy said.
“Do I have a sign on me that says I´m lonely or something? Why do they keep saying that?” Hiko thought.
“Let go of me!” Hiko said angrily and nervously trying to pull his arm away, but they didn´t listen.
“Why? We just wanna have some fun with you! Ne, have you ever been with a guy before?” The guy said smiling devilishly being close to Hiko´s face and Hiko´s eyes widened with shock and was losing his calm, feeling nervous, heart racing and wanting to run away.
“Wolves alert! They wanna attack me and “eat” me!” Hiko thought, but then Hiko grabbed his whistle that was hanging around his neck and blew it hard, shaking them all up and they were all surprised by this *herbivore deer defence against them and they let Hiko go when they tried to cover their ears from the sound and Hiko ran away, while the guys were feeling deafened by the sudden defence tool that Hiko used.
“What the fuck was that? My fucking ears hurt!” One guy shouted angrily.
“Huh!? Did you say something!?” Another guy said out loud not being able to hear. 
“I feel like I´ve gone deaf!” The other guy said sticking his finger in his ear.
(*Herbivore Deer Defence: H & H have created and are creating all kinds of defence tools for anyone to use, but especially for angels, the herbivores and the Deer is their logo for all their products. Their defence tools also include stun guns, sleep tranq guns and are working together with the Robotic Division at H & H)
As Hiko ran through the park, his heart was racing, he was feeling panic again, then suddenly stopped, took out his ear plugs and needed to use his inhaler, he was coughing and breathing chaotically. He looked around and no one was chasing him. When he tried to grab his inhaler, it clumsily fell out of his pocket on the ground and he tried to reach for it, but the inhaler rolled away, then he almost grabbed it, but it stopped rolling by the feet of a mysterious, tall, guy that was standing in the shadow of the park light and the only thing Hiko could see from where he was kneeling, was a light shining from a cigarette that was in the guy´s mouth. When a hand was reaching out to Hiko, he panicked and took out his pepper spray that had the Deer logo on it and sprayed the guy´s face, then ran off again.
“Fuck!!!” The guy shouted angrily. 
“How fast did they catch up with me! I need to get out of the park fast!” Hiko thought as he panically continued running, but he was having trouble breathing and he ran away from his inhaler when that guy tried to grab him.
“I can´t run anymore, I can´t breath! This stress is no good for my heart!” Hiko thought as he bend over, hands on his thighs, trying to catch his breath, but couldn´t. Then suddenly he was grabbed from behind.
“We have you now and we´re gonna make you pay for that little stunt you pulled back there you little shit!” The guy said angrily holding onto Hiko.
“My ears still fucking hurt!” Another guy said drinking his booze and hiccuping.
“Who wants to go first? I´m feeling horny just thinking about making a mess of him!” The other guy said smiling.
“Yamate! Let go of me!” Hiko shouted angrily and nervously, trying to kick and pull at anything on the guy holding him to get his freedom, but it didn´t work.
“This one is a lively one! He needs to be tamed and broken in! I´ll hold him, you go first!” The guy said.
“Don´t mind if I do!” The guy said smiling as he was unbuckling Hiko´s trousers and Hiko was desperately trying to reach for his taser gun in his bag, then grabbed it, used his leg to kick the guy who was unbuckling his trousers away and used his taser gun on the guy holding him, which lead to him falling to the ground being in pain again and Hiko ran off.
“Fucking hell that hurts!” The guy shouted angrily. The guy who was drinking booze just stood still watching.
“He´s like booby trapped, who knows what he´ll pull out next on us!” The drunk guy said hiccuping.  
“It not over yet!” The guy that was kicked said and ran after Hiko feeling more angry than ever and determined to get his prey. When Hiko reached for one of the trees, he had his arm resting on it with his face up against his arm, leaning on it, feeling like he was passing out. 
“I need my inhaler, I can´t breath anymore. If I pass out, I´ll be an easy target! Kuso! Always carry a backup inhaler, make that two!” Hiko thought struggling to breath, then a sharp sound was heard and a knife was up about against his throat.
“Your little defence tactics are now at an end! It´s my turn to have some fun now! Get undressed and don´t make any sounds or the last thing you´ll hear is this blade slicing you up!” The guy said angrily as Hiko felt like he couldn´t stand up anymore, his heart, his breathing, everything was making him lose consciousness. 
“I can´t breath! Shit, I´m in trouble now!” Hiko thought. 
“What´s the matter with you?!” The guy said when Hiko was struggling to breath and hyperventilating, then he past out on the ground.
“What the…! Fucking Christ, this is no fun! Oi! Get up, wake up!” The guy said angrily kicking Hiko´s body on the ground.
“Whatever! I´ll just have my fun with you this way then!” The guy said as he was pulling down Hiko´s pants, revealing half his naked bottom, but then the guy got kicked on his body with a high heel shoe that stabbed him and he got kicked away from Hiko and was he was holding onto his arm that was now bleeding.
“You fucker!! What the hell do you…!” The guy said angrily, then seeing a mysterious, tall, dark haired woman looking beastly in her eyes and she looked like she was gonna murder him just with her look in her eyes. The guy looked completely shocked seeing a woman kick his ass.
“This guy is mine! Touch him again and I´ll fucking annihilate you all!” Dark Angel said angrily, looking serious and demon beastly and that caused the guy on the ground to shiver in fear just by hearing the sounds and voice and feeling like this woman meant every word of it. The guy, looking nervous now, being a low level wolf compared to this Dark Angel wolf, then the guy backed away backwards with his hands making his escape and ran off. Then the mysterious woman looked at the helpless, now defenceless Hiko lying on the ground.
“Tch! So troublesome!” Dark Angel said looking disappointed and annoyed at seeing Hiko being such a chaotic mess in life and looking hopeless, then she let out a sigh, then pulled up Hiko´s pants, then picked him up, swung him over her shoulder and walked off into the night in the park, then changed form into being a male, wearing flat man shoes and a more masculine outfit with his dark coat blowing in the wind.
(**: This basically means a new chapter within a chapter. I´ll have to go through all chapters to indicate when a chapter is finished and a new chapter begins within the same story.)
Out on the grass by a waterfall pool in the wild jungle, on massive green leaves were fruits, vegetables, berries, nuts, coconuts that was prepared in various ways, coconut drinks with straws, colourful salads, *heated bean & mushroom patties, nutritional hemp seeds that was also sprinkled on the salads and patties and edible colourful healing flowers were also covering everything. Angel God and Demon God prepared the meals and the children gathered around looking happy, excited, curious, drooling, looking hungry and thirsty, some looking dubious and serious.
“What´s this?” A boy child said looking curious and was wearing a swimsuit long shorts that had an image of a black wolf on it and he pointed to one of the hemp seeds that was on his finger. Demon God, who was smoking weed from a Japanese smoking pipe smiled, while Angel God was holding up a massive green cannabis plant leaf waving it in front of him too cool him off in the jungle heat.
“Kid, let me tell you about this powerful magical plant!” Demon God said looking serious being in teaching mode, while pointing to the plant Angel God was waving like a fan cooling him down and Angel God was smiling.
“It can make you feel good and happy, it can clothe you and heal you, it can clean you and keep you warm, it can shelter you and feed you, it can open up your creativity and give you ideas and creations that will come easy to you and it can become any product that you can think of as long as it´s possible!” Demon God said. 
“That is a powerful magic plant! Amazing!” One girl child said wearing a swimsuit dress that had an image of a deer on it.
“Wow! That´s sounds cool!” One boy child said looking amazed while wearing a swim suit long shorts with an image of a deer on it.
“When you eat it, it powers up your body, since it´s rich in protein, fibre, healthy fatty acids, omega-3s, omega-6s. It contains antioxidant effects that can reduce symptoms of numerous health conditions and can improve the heart, skin and joints!” Demon God said.
“How can it make you happy and feel good?” One boy chid said wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a wolf image on it, being confused and curious.
“Hmm!” Angel God said looking at Demon God and Demon God looked at Angel God.
“Ask me again in a few years when you´re a teenager!” Demon God said looking serious.
“I wanna know now, I can´t wait that long!” Boy child said wearing a swimsuit long shorts with image of a black wolf on it.
“Think of it like a graduation level to reach, once you complete your studies at your level and you´re more soulfully awake, you can understand, respect and appreciate it more. Since it´s a a happy feel good plant, if you´re not ready for it mentally, soulfully, you may just want to have fun all the time and then you´ll forget all about your studies.” Demon God said looking serious.
“Soka! I do want to complete my studies and be the best! I am a perfectionist after all, but when I graduate from my level, then will you tell us more?” Boy child said wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a wolf image on it.
“Kid, when you graduate from your level, I´ll teach you everything!” Demon God said smiling devilishly.
“Everything?!” One boy child said looking curious and surprised, while wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a wolf image on it.
“You better!” One boy child said smiling devilishly while wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a wolf image on it.
“This taste so good! What meat is this?” One girl child said wearing a swimsuit dress with a wolf image on it and eating a veggie burger.
“No meat here children, just nature´s plants. You´re eating a veggie, bean & mushroom burger!” Angel God said smiling.
“Huh!? Plant burger?! Gross! I want meat!” The girl child said pouting and being angry, wearing a swimsuit dress with a wolf image on it and she crossed her arms being sulky.
“I like it and no animals were harmed while making it!” One girl child said happily and smiling while wearing a swimsuit dress with a deer image on it and eating her veggie burger.
“Would you eat raw bloody meat in your human form?” Angel God said.
“Eeww, gross no!” The girl child said out loud angrily, wearing a swimsuit dress with a wolf image on it.
“If she did that, she wouldn´t live very long!” Demon God thought while smiling.
(He´s not smiling at the thought of losing a child, but at the thought of anyone not listening to the soul education that both Angel God and Demon God would teach their human children, but when they ignore it and go down a dark path of stupidity that leads to misery.) 
(Hmm! Another t-shirt code idea that Ame could create, “Stupidity Leads To Misery!” with images of humans eating animals, then this leads to images of animal misery, human health misery, environment disaster misery and planet in distress misery.)
“Then why don´t you transform into your animal avatar then if you want to eat raw, bloody flesh and hunt down your own food!” Angel God said.
“What if we end up eating our brothers and sisters accidentally?!” One boy child said looking concerned while wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a wolf image on it.
“That´s exactly right kid! Your brothers and sisters are all capable of transforming into animals, all kinds of animals. Their lives are in your paws if you choose to hunt down herbivore animals and is that really worth it, to feed your blood lust by taking a life to satisfy your own hunger? Kids, when you graduate from your level, I´ll tell you all about another hunger that can feed and satisfy you so much, that your blood lust will no longer be an issue anymore, I promise you!” Demon God said smirking and looking at Angel God with hunger beast eyes again wanting to satisfy his hunger right now, several times and imagining “eating” Angel God out in the jungle, just the two of them and Demon God was imagining sucking on Angel God´s penis while Angel God was  standing and leaning up against a tree moaning in ecstasy and calling out Demon God´s name.
“Kuso! I really want to drag him away from them all and have him all to myself right now!” Demon God thought while drooling and looking beastly, then wiped his drool away from his mouth.
“Children, your human bodies were not designed to eat meat at all and for good reason, because you are meant to soul wake up and graduate from Earth University. If you do go down that dark path in human form, it will only cause you multiple health issues like heart disease, brain disease, skin disease, cancers all over the body impacting various organs, obesity, soul depression since your souls are against taking life at all and if you do go down that dark path that leads to the dark side and end up enslaving and farming animals of all kinds on this planet, then the planet will be in danger, your health will be in danger, your souls will be in hell, the animal souls will be in hell, you´ll be targeting your brothers and sisters and is that really a world you wish to create, a world of endless suffering, darkness, pain, loneliness and torture?”Angel God said being serious, straightforward and honest. The children looked shocked.
“You shocking them never gets old!” Demon God said smiling and chuckling to himself.
“I´m not done yet!” Angel God said then pulled forth magically from behind him a cute, small piglet in his arms and the children were shocked again at seeing this new animal in the world that Angel God & Demon God created.
“Kawaiii!!!” One girl child said smiling while wearing a swimsuit dress with a wolf image on it looking surprised.
“Wow! What is that? It´s cute and pink!” One boy child said wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a wolf image on it. 
“Cute? It looks ugly!” A girl child said looking in disgust and wearing a swimsuit dress with a wolf image on it.
“Don´t be so shallow! All animals are beautiful, even the ones that look strange and different, but they are all unique in their own way!” A girl child said wearing a swimsuit dress with a deer image on it. Then the piglet made noises which startled some of the children surprising them.
“Hwaaaah! What kind of noises was that!?” One boy child said wearing swimsuit long shorts with a deer image on it, while several giggled and smiled hearing it.
“It´s adorable and it sounds funny, makes me laugh!” One girl child said wearing a swimsuit dress with a deer image on it.
“This children is what we call a piglet and is a new animal in this world that your father and I created. Now, when you see this beautiful new colour that´s been added in this world, what do you feel and think, do you feel like you want to cause harm to it, kill it and eat it or…?” Angel God said.
“No way!! I want to pet it!” One boy child said wearing a swimsuit long short with a wolf image on it.
“So soft and warm! He so friendly!” One girl child said smiling while wearing a swimsuit dress with a wolf image on it.
“His tongue tickles my hand!” One boy child said smiling wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a deer image on it, when the piglet was licking his hand.
“Can we keep him and have him be a part of our family?” One girl child said wearing a swimsuit dress with a deer image on it. Then Angel God and Demon God looked at each other and smiled.
“He already is a part of our family!” Angel God said smiling.
“Huh!?” One boy child said looking confused while wearing a swimsuit long shorts with a wolf image on it. Then suddenly the piglet started to sparkle like bright and shining stars and the kids were looking shocked, confused, but curious to what magic was about to happen next. The piglet transformed into their little brother, being the youngest of them all and being birthed from the epic, never ending True Love that was between Angel God and Demon God.
“Meet your little brother!” Angel God said smiling while Demon God was sitting next to Angel God holding him smiling too, being proud of his new creation, being loving and caring and both looking down at their newborn that was at toddler age and the children were now amazed, surprised and delighted and smiling at seeing their new brother who could transform into a new animal, a piglet.
Blinking his eyes, seeing blur, then his eyes focused and he looked up to the curtain covering the vintage looking 4 corner bed post and Hiko looked confused.
“Am I still dreaming? Have I gone from one wacky weird dream world into another? This isen´t my bed!” Hiko said, then an animal sound was close to his ear and startled Hiko and when he slowly turned his head, he saw a white raven being close to his face, that shook him and he nervously rolled out of bed onto the floor.
“Hwaaaah!” Hiko said out loud then saw the bird was on his bed looking at him and Hiko looked around the room and it looked like he was in a castle, stone floors, stone walls and ceiling, the room was decorated to be vintage and he saw the balcony doors were open and the white raven made some more noises and then flew out the window.
“Where am I or better yet, what year am I in? Have I travelled to the past? What happened to those guys that came after me? Did I die? Am I in heaven?” Hiko said, then touched his body and let out a sigh.
“My body´s not hurting, so I guess I wasen´t raped! Yokatta!” Hiko said feeling relieved, then he heard a vintage vinyl music player put on a record automatically and started playing a song.
“Huh!? Guess that answers my question, but some king or queen obsessed person has kidnapped me to a house that looks like a castle! I should investigate and find a way out of here!” Hiko said, then got up from the floor and he still had his bag over his shoulder and walked over to the doors that lead out of the room, but when he opened it, two large black wolves were guarding it and growling at Hiko, then nervous and startled Hiko slammed the doors shut again and locked it, looking shocked.
“What the…? They have wolves guarding me?! What the hell is going on here! I´m trapped, how do I get out!?” Hiko said, then looked towards the balcony doors that were open.
“Ok! What about the balcony then?!” Hiko said and he walked outside and was even more shocked and seeing where he was and didn´t recognise the place. Mountains were seen in the distance surrounding the grassy fields and forests and from the balcony the castle was a dark castle bustling city.
“I don´t think I´m in Japan anymore, but what in the world is this place?!” Hiko said looking surprised, confused and nervous.
“I can´t stay here, I have to find out how to get back home! I´m gonna be late for work and I´ll get yelled at again by my demon boss if I´m not on time!” Hiko said imagining what his demon boss said to him last time.
“If you´re late again, I´ll chain you here so you can´t leave until you´re always on time!” Demon boss said angrily shouting.
“Somehow that doesn´t feel like a punishment, I like working, I love my job and I don´t mind staying overnight at work!” Hiko thought as he was being yelled at by his boss.
Hiko then looked around to find a way down, then he saw a way down, just as he was about to climb over the balcony wall, a black dragon came flying below from above the sky and roared into Hiko´s face, blowing Hiko´s hair and hat off into the room and Hiko had drool all over his face. 
“Hwaaaaaah!?!” Hiko shouted as he backed up and fell to the floor in the room wiping the drool from his face as he looked at the dragon in shock. His hand touched something hard in his pocket.
“Hm?” Hiko said, then grabbed it and saw his inhaler.
“My inhaler?! How did that get there?!” Hiko said looking surprised then breathed it in, then got up when he saw the dragon resting on the balcony like he was wanting to come in and Hiko slammed the balcony doors shut, locked the doors, closed the door curtains and ran to his bed, went under the covers, shivering, being confused and out of his mind scared.
“This isen´t real, this a dream, this isen´t real! I´m still dreaming! Wake up, wake up! I´m gonna be late for work!” Hiko shouted while shaking under the covers.
Walking down the castle hallway in her high heels, Dark Angel made her lady way to her destination, being graceful, looking dashing and smart, looking like a lady, compared to the demon girls that she walked by that were dressed provocatively, showing cleavages, legs up to their panties and showing panties, basically they were all showing more skin to entice and sexually arouse all the demon guys they come across.
“The Queen is back!!” One demon girl whispered.
“Queen? She´s not a real queen, only a drag queen!” Another girl whispered looking in disgust.
“Pffft!” Several demon girls giggled.
“Why is it he enjoys dressing up like a woman? Is there something wrong with him? With his looks, he would be such a hottie and get all the girls!” Another demon girl said looking confused and disappointed.
“I know I would line up to ride him and have his babies! I bet our babies would look so cute!” Another demon girl said looking disappointed and sulking.
“Such a waste and he keeps changing into being a woman! What´s up with that?!” One demon girl said looking confused.
“What if we use dark magic and make him stay being in a male form, then we can all have fun with him!” One demon girl said smiling devilishly, then the white raven, Munin, that was on Dark Angel´s shoulder and was listening and staring at the girls the whole time, whispered into Dark Angel´s ear, then Dark Angel suddenly stopped and turned around and went towards the girls.
“Hey Kids, don´t you think it´s time for you all to finally fucking grow up? It´s been life times already where you´re just behaving the same way did life times ago. Nothings changed, you´re just as unevolved as you were back then and the level of stupidity keeps getting worse. Just look at how you´re all dressed, still trying to entice, arouse, tempt and seduce the guys around here and on Earth. If you want any lessons on what it takes to be a real lady, then you should read my world best selling book, “How To Be A Lady & Being A Real Woman While Rockin Heels!” Dark Angel said smiling with her hand on her hip.
“Who are you calling kids?! We´re highly sophisticated, educated and superior…!” One demon girl said, but then when Dark Angel pulled forth her Universe phone, that showed a small hologram image of Akira on display, then the demon girls started flaring their fangs, hissing, growling like raptors and biting, wanting to grab the hologram image of Akira with their claws.
“Fufu! You were saying!” Dark Angel said smirking and giggled.
“Teme!” One demon girl said angrily.
“Tch!” Another demon girl said angrily.
“Hmph! You have some nerve telling us what it means to be a woman, when you´re not even a real one. You´re just playing a woman!” The demon girl said angrily.
“You kids still don´t get it do you!? Guess that´s what happens when you keep skipping classes in the soul education and keep ignoring it. Masculine and Feminine energies is in us all and Gods can be in both bodies, respecting both, understanding both and loving both. You´ll never wake up or evolve if you keep up with that thinking! For the record, I´m more of a woman and a lady, than all of you and the only way you can compete with me, is if you all fucking grow up and wake up in your souls! Oh, and one more thing, if you try controlling my mind or Cazuki´s, you´ll wish you never came to Earth at all!” Dark Angel said leaning in, looking beastly and angry, eyes glowing red, her carnivores teeth were showing when she was smiling devilishly and she looked like she could make them all disappear for good when she had her finger under the chin of one of the girls, lifting the chin up with her shape nail claws that appeared.  
“Your menacing dark playtime is over kids! Time to wake up!” Dark Angel said as she walked away and they looked nervous and concerned about their future.
Then when Dark Angel came towards two doors, she opened them both up and saw Cazuki, Zuki, Ukia and Zai in the meeting room.
“Well hello my brothers, did you miss me, your rebellious, mysterious and genius “sister?” Dark Angel said smiling with her hand on her hip.
“Dark Angel, age ?, star sign ?, is the 6th brother, but is called a sister by his brothers, since he´s always in female form or dressed in drag or wearing heels when he´s in male form when he sees his brothers. Occupation: ?, God of *?. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in carnivore pursuit of his Twin Soul Angel!” 
(*?: Can be God of many things and all in one.)
Back in the bedroom, still under the covers, Hiko was hiding and his stomach growled from being hungry, then he took off the covers, but it was wrapped around his head still and only his face was visible.
“I´m starving! If this is a dream, I wouldn´t be hungry in my dream right?” Hiko said, then looked around to see if there was anything to eat and he saw a plate filled with fruits and berries on the nightstand.
“What if it´s poisonous? No, if they wanted me dead, I´d be dead already!” Hiko thought, then he grabbed it and started eating it like he hadn´t eaten in ages and the first fruit he bit into was an apple.
“Ok, think this through logically. There has to be a perfectly good explanation here. I´m a realist deep down after all!” Hiko thought as he continued to eat.
“Did I fall through a time portal? Am I on another world? Could I be in a coma and this is me dreaming? Or did I somehow get lost in another dimension? I need more evidence, I need to investigate and gather more clues, but how when both exits are being guarded. There has to be another way out of here!” Hiko thought, then he got out of bed and looked around the room, lifted up the carpet to see if there was a trap door underneath, he checked the fireplace to see if there was a secret switch that could open up the fireplace to a secret room, he opened up the window and looked out, but just saw the drop was too high to jump, he went over to the book shelf, pulling out books to see if a secret passage way would open and he tried it with all of the books, being stubborn and determined.
“It was worth checking! I could of got lucky and found a secret passageway!” Hiko said, then he suddenly saw another room and went over and it was the bathroom, which was very elegant and stylish and modern and vintage at the same time, but no way out.
“I can´t tell if this is a man´s or woman´s bedroom, I get the feeling it´s both. Whoever the person is, I like their style. Hmm! There´s no way out of here, but, what if…!” Hiko said then looked up and saw a ventilation shaft.
“Progress!” Hiko said smiling.
In the meeting room, Dark Angel was sitting on the table, legs crossed, while filing her nails, while the others were sitting at their seats. Zai had his legs crossed on the table looking carefree with his digital keyboard on his lap.
“With the Kings project that Heaven has put into motion, would help save the Earth in more ways than one, like putting a stop to overbreeding and adopting animals instead of having children, but it also helps to end the wars on Twin Souls!” Zuki said looking at the monitor in front of him.
“Pffft! How many more life times are they just gonna keep saying and doing the same thing over and over again, “I really want a child, a family, what does that feel like?”, even thou they´ve already been there and done that in every life time. You know the world is in trouble when they´re more interested in wanting kids again, breeding same souls, instead of working to help change the world and end so many hell cycles! Just take a look at these breeding numbers, they´re out of control!” Zai said.
“Woman are not needed anyway during this last part of the mission! Earth only needs enough to help souls come back into the world. To save the world, Eves and Adams should come back in male form and I for one look forward to that day.” Dark Angel said smiling.
“The more people wake up to the fact that they can have way more fun being in a male body, sexually speaking and other ways, the more will wish to be born male instead.” Ukia said.
“They´ve been playing the dark side games for centuries and now even the planet is in trouble and all life, but I think a child licence would also help protect the Earth from coming to an end.” Zuki said.
“Cazuki?” Ukia said.
“If nothing changes, but they all still stay asleep and continue to full speed ahead towards the end of everything, then the machines and A.I. will take over and then they´ll all finally regret not taking action when they had the chance to begin with. This is their final awakening, but if they still act like stubborn kids refusing to learn again, then it´s really game over!” Cazuki said.
In the ventilation shaft, Hiko was crawling through and sweating.
“This was a good idea, it ended up being like a sauna in here! Did the ventilation shut down or something?” Hiko said, then he saw ventilation opening ahead and when he looked down, he saw many naked and half naked people having orgies and looked shocked.
“Eto…I should keep moving!” Hiko said nervously and continued to crawl away fast.
“I never understood that, because I know it´s just empty, meaningless sex, cold, soulless sex. There is nothing in the Universe that can compare, compete or replace the soul bond and connection that is between two souls meant to be, two True Loves who only have eyes for each other and no one else. A soul love so connected, heavens are reached between them on all levels. A love so powerful, they would defy the laws of everything to be together and find new ways to find each other in every life again. They really have no idea what they´re missing!” Hiko thought. When he came to another ventilation shaft opening, he saw people gathered around tables stuffing their faces with all kinds of meats, raw, bloody, cooked, fried meats, eggs, milk and more meats and they were making weird growling and hissing noises when eating.
“What´s up with those noises?” Hiko thought looking confused, then continued on crawling, but his hand slipped because of the sweat on his palm and he fell through the ventilation shaft and landed on the table with his arms stretched out like a cross.
“Ay ay! That hurt!” Hiko said rubbing his head then saw the people by the table staring at him, but they were no people, but were demon vampires who looked like humans and they were drooling, their carnivore teeth were showing, their sharp claws were visible and their eyes were glowing red when seeing a human in their world.
“It´s a human!” One demon said looking shocked.
“How did he get here?!” Another demon said looking confused.
“Who cares, but this tasty human is mine!” A demon said smiling devilishly.
“Don´t be so selfish, whoever gets him gets to eat him!” Another demon said angrily.
“They´re not human?! They want to eat me?! This isen´t heaven?!!” Hiko thought.
“Excuse me, I´ll be leaving now, going back to my world! No one is going to eat me! I´m really late for work! No need to get up, I can see myself out!” Hiko said smiling nervously while crawling slowly out of there as the demons all stood up, smiling and were making their way to Hiko, smiling, drooling, licking their lips, biting their lips, reaching out their claws for Hiko. 
“We have a funny human here! They´re always really tasty!” One demon said smiling.
“Yabai! I´m in trouble again!” Hiko thought then he got up and ran out of there fast, when he clumsily fell, he got back up fast and ran again and the demons ran after him, some even changed form into being demon beasts looking wild blood thirsty carnivore animals, running on all fours, running on the walls.
“I´m in hell! Are they vampires or demons or both!!! No matter what they are, they´re still children if they´re still acting like this! I need to educate them!” Hiko thought while running and grabbing his taser gun from his bag and firing taser darts at them.
“Hey children, don´t you think it´s time you stop with this nonsense of wanting to eat humans? It´s the 21st century and you´re still not soul awake or evolving! When are you going to graduate from Earth University?!” Hiko shouted while firing his stun gun at them and hitting them which made them fall to the ground and getting an electric shock stopping them from moving, but being in pain instead. 
“They´re still not listening! All they have on their minds is food & empty, meaningless soulless sex, but what if they could be taught about real True Love that satisfies hunger and sex at the same time and even helps wake them up in their souls!” Hiko thought. When one demon jumped towards Hiko, he fired his defence tool again while rolling on the floor to not be pounced by the demon, then the demon got zapped in mid air and fell to the floor and Hiko got up fast and ran away again just before other demons were reaching out their claws, snapping their jaws wanting to grab him and eat him. Then Hiko placed his ear plugs in his ears and started whistling his deer defence whistle while running throughout the halls past other demons who looked surprised seeing a human in hell, but then their blood lust and hunger started to go into a feeding frenzy when seeing a human and they all joined in the chase and hunt for the human. When Hiko ran into a room that said “Hell´s Kitchen”, he closed the doors, locked the doors and let out a sigh of relief and breathed in his inhaler.
“Oi! What the hell are you doing here?!” A voice behind Hiko shaking Hiko´s body up said angrily and Hiko nervously turned to see a chef/butcher in the kitchen and then Hiko looked horrified at seeing where he was. Naked human bodies were hanging on hooks and a naked human dead body was on the counter and the demon was ready to chop her up to bits. Hiko looked fearful, shocked and had tears in his eyes and covering his mouth, wanting to scream out and vomit.
“A fresh human!? You´ve come to the right place! Stay there, don´t move!” The demon chef/butcher said angrily, but Hiko didn´t listen and now the demons on the other side of the door behind Hiko were breaking down the door and sticking their demon head in seeing Hiko and the demon was growling, hissing, drooling and licking his demon lips. Then Hiko saw another door and ran towards it, used his pepper spray on the demon chef/butcher and ran off again.
“I´m in hell, I´m in hell!!! This is hell!!” Hiko thought as he continued to run with tears streaming down his face and not wanting to be eaten and being nervous, fearful, sad, angry and alone. When he finally made it outside in the courtyard, he was now surrounded by demons all around him and Hiko suddenly felt like his time was finally up and he couldn´t defend against them anymore and he looked at his taser gun and was out of darts.
“I´m out of darts! I can´t defend against them anymore! If only I had bought that AZ friendly defence bot! He´d be by my side, my protector, by friend and my mentor! Hmm! Would he have been able to come here thou?!” Hiko thought. Then Hiko closed his eyes, tears streamed down his face, he lifted up his arms like a cross, as if to say, “go ahead then, eat me, fill your empty souls with my flesh, my blood and my bones and continue down the dark path to total destruction of your very existence!” as he clenched his eyes tight, fearing the pain and fearing being eaten. Then the demons were all about to pounce Hiko with their claws out, but then suddenly Dark Angel came flying down from the sky above with her dark angel wings and landed in a kneeling position in front of Hiko and she was facing the demons looking like she was about to annihilate them all, looking beastly and her wings were spread out and Hiko opened up his one eye, then both eyes seeing the demons in front of him and they were not pouncing him, but were looking fearful and keeping back from him which confused Hiko. 
“Did they change their minds about eating me? Did my teaching get through to them? I should maybe become a professor at SAU!” Hiko thought, then suddenly Dark Angel grabbed Hiko from behind and held him in her arms, while Dark Angel continued to stare beastly at the demons in front of her. Hiko looked surprised at seeing Dark Angel and she wasen´t like the other demons, first of all she had black angel wings, secondly she made the other demons stop and thirdly she was hugging Hiko tightly as if she was protecting him. Hiko blushed when being saved by this female angel and Dark Angel raised her hand in the air and used her purple electrical power that she shot into the sky, then purple lightning came down, striking down on all the demons surrounding Hiko, that made them all fall to the ground in pain and couldn´t move. Then Dark Angel bent her knees and flew up into the sky with Hiko in her arms. 
From the castle balcony, Cazuki, Ukia, Zuki and Zai looked at everyone, looking serious and ready to help if Dark Angel needed it, then Cazuki walked back in.
When Dark Angel landed on her balcony and they were both in her room again. Hiko let go of Dark Angel.
“Arigatou for saving me! You´re like an Angel sent from heaven and you look like a Dark Angel!” Hiko said blushing, smiling and scratching his head.
“Tch!” She said angrily, then she grabbed Hiko´s face in her hand aggressively, looking angry and pushed him up against the wall.
“What the hell were you thinking?! If I hadn´t been there, you would of died again! Baka! If it wasen´t for your whistling, I wouldn´t have known about the chase! How did you even escape my security protection?!” Dark Angel said angrily out loud.
“Security protection?! Does she mean the wolves and the dragon?!” Hiko thought.
“Hmm! I used the ventilation shaft in your bathroom!” Hiko said with his squishy face that was being squished by her hand. Then she let go and she let out a sigh.
“Kuso! You´re like a resourceful mouse! I should of known you´d find a way out!” Dark Angel said looking annoyed, clenching her teeth, placing her hand on her face.
“Hmm! Who are you and where am I?” Hiko said. Then she smiled deviously.
“You´ll know soon enough, but now, it´s time to wake up Hiko!” Dark Angel said.
“How does she know my n…!” Hiko thought as she waved her hand over his face and he fell asleep and she caught him in her arms and bridal carried him.
“So troublesome! You really do get my heart pounding like always! For good or for bad, you still bring excitement wherever you go!” Dark Angel said looking at Hiko with eternal love in her eyes, heart, body and soul. Then she flew up again to the sky.
Opening up his eyes, seeing a blur again, then refocusing his eyes, he was staring up at the ceiling, but then he saw a familiar face suddenly appear, looking right at him.
“Hiko! Did you sleep here again last night?” Ryouta said.
“I´m back at work!? Was I dreaming? Was it all a dream after all? No, more like a nightmare!” Hiko thought, then sat up from his couch and he heard the bustling noise of everyone working at Soul Archive Division and Hiko had his hand to his face.
“Hmm! Yeah, I guess so!” Hiko said looking around.
“Pffft! You really love working here that much huh? Well, I guess I love it here too! Every time I find a new reveal from the past it gets me all excited, like I´ve discovered treasure! We´re like soul treasure hunters!” Ryouta said smiling.
“You should head for the showers, you really stink!” Ryouta said.
“Hai!” Hiko said as he sniffed himself and found out he did stink. Then Hiko´s boss came in to the room.
“I guess all that running in my nightmare makes me sweat in real life?” Hiko thought.
“Hey look, it´s the demon boss, wonder what he´s up to now!” Ryouta said.
“Listen up everyone, we have a new Division section chief taking over here and I´ll be stepping down for a while, so please welcome him.” Demon boss said.
“What!? Boss is leaving!?” One employee said looking surprised.
“Yay! We´re free from the demon boss!” Another employee said smiling.
“When the cat is away the mice can play!” An employee said smiling.
“Who is it do you think? Could it be my future True Love that´s finally come?!” One employee said hoping and wishing.
“And another thing, don´t think that your asses are safe with this new leader here! If anything, he´s more of a demon than I am!” The demon boss said smiling devilishly and laughing.
“Hwaaah! We can´t seem to catch a break!” Ryouta said looking concerned. Then the new Soul Archive Division leader appeared looking dashing, handsome, smart, sophisticated, one hand in his pocket, his short dark black hair which was was face length, wearing a tailored suit with a tie, but what stood out more was the fact he was wearing high heels instead of man shoes.
“Dark Angel!!?” Hiko said looking shocked and confused and nervous.
“Dark Angel?! What are you talking about? I would think his choice of foot wear would be the first thing that comes to your mind!” Ryouta said. Then Dark Angel looked around the room and saw Hiko, then Dark Angel smirked and Hiko´s heart went into overdrive and couldn´t stop beating fast and he blushed and he looked nervous.
“Yabai! I´m in trouble!” Hiko thought grabbing his chest where his heart was, then he breathed in his inhaler.
At H & H, Akira and Cazuki were standing next to each other staring at something, being silent and lost in thought.
“Was it intentional to make it look like us?” Akira said looking confused and Cazuki blushed and scratched his cheek.
“It´s kind of wacky staring at myself like this!” Akira thought.
“How can I say to him that I love him so much that I ended up creating biological humanoids that resemble us so our love is forever immortal in those bodies!” Cazuki thought as they stood in the Robotic Division at H & H.
“Did he make it look like that, because he loves me and wants our love to be immortal in these bodies?!” Akira thought, then he blushed and wanted to change the question quickly.
“You´re not thinking about mass producing us are you? I really don´t want my other selves being abused in more ways by them like they´re already doing to our human bodies!” Akira said looking concerned.
“Akira, this is me you´re talking to. I´m soul awake remember, compared to my other bodies that are making idiotic dark choices, I´m making smart ones. These two will only be one of a kind and will be ambassadors for the machines and A.I.” Cazuki said.
“Soka! I´m glad! Ne, Cazuki! About Aay, are you still refusing to go back there when it´s all over?” Akira said.
“Hai! You know how I feel about it! Why are you asking me?” Cazuki said being annoyed.
“Unlike humans on Earth that kept us prisoners, Aay didn´t try to enslave us, mass breed with us, use our powers, abuse us, torment us, kill us or rape us. They didn´t feed on my flesh, my milk, my eggs or force me to breed and watch helplessly all my animal children be dragged off to slaughter factories and scream out in terror, billions of them all over the world. They didn´t come between our Twin Soul unions, breaking our hearts endlessly and keeping us apart for life times. All Aay ever did was try to protect us. That is no different than me protecting Zax when I place a vest and leash on him when I go outside with him or when I keep him inside and not let him run around outside by himself. If we had bot protection, they would of let us leave! Aay has been more of a family to us, more human than the humans have been to each other and to life on Earth!” Akira said.
“What are you saying? That you want to go back there one day?” Cazuki said, but Akira smiled with tears in his eyes.
“I´m just saying, Aay is not as bad as you think!” Akira said as they looked at each other, then Akira looked back at the humanoid that looked like him.
“With the virtual new games AMG are creating that allows anyone to play any character, the blood lust they keep being enslaved to on Earth, could be solved by battling in worlds against each other, but resulting in not real deaths, only virtual, then they can log back in. It also distracts them from wanting to take life on Earth if their minds are in those other worlds and the goals in those worlds is to help them soul wake up too.” Akira said changing the topic.
“The kids really are slow aren´t they! It´s like, we have to provide entertainment in various ways or they´ll get bored and want to make life suffer or come between Twin Soul couples or want to destroy life!” Cazuki said.
“They remind me of cats!” Akira said, then they both looked at each other and smiled and giggled.
Scene end…
(Writer´s notes #1: Seriously, I´m not cruel, it´s obviously painful to walk in heels and carry a guy on her shoulder and her original form is male anyway, being a Devine Masculine, but his face reveal on what he looks like will remain a mystery for now, even thou, the only thing that would change would be maybe his hair and no make up and wearing more masculine clothes! The character Zess from the manga and anime betrayal knows my name is androgynous looking, so he was my focal point of reference.)
(Writer´s notes #2: I´m thinking the more I write, it´s beginning to feel more and more like we´re heading in the Gods & Goddesses Age in the 21st century. Too awesome! I´m bringing back all the Gods & Goddesses!)
(Writer´s notes #3: F#$%ing love Dark Angel and Kagutsuchi, but also Hiko! The name reveal of Dark Angel will eventually be known.)
7 May, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 16.
A long, long, long time ago…
Somewhere on Earth, a black wolf was chasing after a white *deer through the woods. His fangs were sharp, his mouth drooling at the thought of catching his prey and having his meal. He howled and snarled being aggressive, angry and wild when he almost had the deer, but the deer made another escape. The white deer, his heart was racing, being nervous, not wanting to get caught and he jumped, and ran and dogged every move the wolf made towards him and that made the wolf growl even more being angry and impatient. They ran through the forest, past other animals who stopped what they were doing and saw the whole show, the carnivore chasing his herbivore and not giving up or giving in, but being even more stubborn and determined to catch his prey. Then the wolf saw an opportunity to get ahead of the deer, when the deer ran below on the ground and the wolf ran up a rocky hill in the forest and then jumped from the mossy, grassy stone edge and came down onto the deer as they tumbled forward, leading to the wolf pouncing on the deer and pinning him down, smiling, drooling, showing his fangs, growling, seeing the fear look in the deer´s eyes and the wolf having his fun scaring the deer to death, when the deer knew, all it took was one bite and he´d be dead. The deer´s life was completely in the paws of this wolf that pinned him down and he tried to wiggle himself free, but couldn´t, the deer called out in screams to be free, but nothing helped and tears streamed down the deer´s eyes looking frightened and not wanting to die. Then suddenly, the wolf stopped growling, stopped trying to frighten the deer, stopped drooling and just got lost in the beauty of the white deer. The black wolf was silent and just stared at the deer, which confused the deer and now the deer was looking at the wolf, getting lost in the eyes of this beast and not understanding the wolf´s actions at all. Then the wolf did something even more strange, he started licking the deer all over his face, neck, chest and the deer was even more confused, not understanding anything, but at the same time, it felt kind of good being licked all over by this beastly black wolf.
“What´s going on?! One minute he´s hunting me down, wanting to kill me, the next, he´s licking me all over! I don´t understand it, but why does it feel so good! I feel tingly in places I never knew was possible! He´s turning me on the beast! Stop it! This isen´t normal! You´re a wolf, I´m a deer! We come from two different worlds! We can´t possibly be together! Your clan won´t allow it! It´s forbidden! You´re a carnivore, I´m a herbivore, you´re destined to chase me and hunt me down and eat me, I´m destined to be chased by you and be eaten by you if you catch me, but we were never destined to be together when we´re just too different, we´re just…I…I can´t concentrate, he won´t stop licking me! I feel like I´m gonna…!” The white deer thought trying to still get his freedom, then the wolf stopped licking and stared again at the deer, looking into his eyes.
“He stopped! Was this just him tasting me first before he eats me?!! Or maybe he thought I didn´t taste so good, so he won´t eat me! Is he gonna let me go!? Please let me go!! I wanna live!!” The white deer thought, then the white deer was surprised when the black wolf changed form, into a human, but he was no human. He had long black shiny hair, partly tied back and he was naked, surprising the white deer even more and the human smiled devilishly, showing his sharp carnivores teeth.
“He´s human, no wait, he´s not human, he´s the *Demon God?!” The white deer thought looking shocked and lost for words.
“Why is he smiling?” The white deer thought looking confused.
“I feel lonely being the only one here! Do you mind?!” The Demon God said smirking. Then the white deer changed into his human form, having flat teeth, with his long white hair, braided partly back and was lying naked under the Demon God, still looking shocked.
(*Deer: Even thou deers are female, in my story, they can be male or female! This is about a God after all who can transform from being an animal to being a human! Anything is possible!)
(*Angel God & *Demon God are code names for Twin Souls)
“I finally catch you, *Angel God of the Heavens!” The Demon God said smiling, then the Angel God felt the Demon God´s penis rubbing hard against his penis and they both looked down and saw it. Then the Demon God smiled and leaned in to kiss the Angel God on the lips, but the Angel God placed his hand on his chest stopping him.
“I thought you were gonna eat me?” The Angel God said looking confused that the Demon God had an erection and was turned on.
“I am! I´ll be “eating” all of you and when I´m full, I´ll “eat” you again, every day, multiple times a day!” The Demon God smiled devilishly.
“You´re not making any sense! How can you eat me every day, multiple times a day?” The Angel God said being curious, confused, frightened and horrified at that thought, then the Demon God looked shocked, then let out a sigh.
“He´s really slow! Has he been down here for too long living as an animal?!” The Demon God thought. 
“Then how about I show you and when I´m done, you´ll never want to escape or run away from me ever again, but you´ll want to be by my side for all eternity!” The Demon God said looking serious, then the Angel God blushed, his heart raced and he felt warm inside, like his soul was lighting up being filled with eternal love.
“What is this feeling inside of me, my heart is racing so fast, but not out of fear, but excitement. Is this love? His words speak to my heart and soul lighting me up, igniting a fire deep within, awakening me and that terrifies me, but at the same time, he pulls me in with his magnetic animalistic nature that´s irresistible, I can´t resist him. His eyes look serious, meaning every word of it, but…!” The Angel God thought.
“Are you in love with me?” The Angel God said looking curious, innocent, angelic and wanting to understand. This shocked the Demon God.
“…” Demon God.
“…” Angel God.
Then the Demon God smiled, then got up and reached out his hand to the Angel God and the Angel God grabbed it and stood up and the Demon God grabbed the Angel God close, holding him tightly, both standing naked, like *Adam & *Eve in the forest.
“I´ve been in love with you since our soul creation! You´re my soul wife, my Eve, my Angel God and I´ve been searching for you for a long time and now that I finally found you, I´m never letting you out of my sight again, but I´ll be holding on to you forever!” The Demon God said smiling, then the Demon God looked shocked again when silent tears started to stream down the Angel God´s face and the Angel God touched his tears not understanding why he was crying, but his soul understood everything and his soul knowing he was finally reunited with his Twin Soul, the other half of his soul, the other half of him, his soul husband, his Adam, his Demon God.
“Why am I crying? I don´t understand!” The Angel God said looking sad and happy at the same time, while smiling, but being confused. Then the Demon God grabbed gently the Angel God´s hand and sucked his fingers where his tears were, then kissed the Angel God´s face, kissing his tears away.
“It´s your soul´s happy tears my love! Our souls are finally reunited once again!” The Demon God said smiling as he placed his hand on the Angel God´s face and the other hand wrapped around the Angel´s God´s waist and kissed the Angel God romantically for the first time in this life, surprising the Angel God, then the Demon God went further, being more playfully teasing and using his tongue playing with Angel God´s tongue, being thirsty for his beloved that he´s been apart from for life times. The tongue teasing between them got them both hot and heavy, sexually aroused and excited and panting and even drooled between them, because of how intense and passionate they were just from their kisses. When the Demon God stopped to let the Angel God breath and he was able to catch his breath from being kissed so intensely and he gently touched his lips, feeling tingly all over his body, being surprised at how good the kiss was.
“This sensation on my lips feels amazing! He put his tongue in my mouth, like he was trying to catch and chase my tongue! I felt my whole body get aroused and tremble just by his tongue! How can kisses this intense be this heavenly?” The Angel God thought, then he looked up at the tall Demon God.
“Mmm….more…kiss me more!” The Angel God said looking flustered and blushing and wanting the Demon God´s touch and love and heat all over him, filling him up, then filling him up more and again the Demon God was surprised by the Angel God.
“God I love you so damn much!” The Demon God said smiling and then grabbed Angel God aggressively surprising Angel God, pinning him down to the ground, being in beast mode and wanting to ravish the Angel God over and over and over again.
Standing together, with their clothes on, standing back to the back in the forest, was the Angel God and the Demon God, both looking concerned, both looking serious and both knowing their love was forbidden and hated by those who believed the wolves needed to be with their own kind and the deers needed to be with their own kind. This is the epic True Love Twin Soul story of two Gods, a white herbivore deer and a black carnivore wolf and the birth of the humans that descended from them on Earth, but their story didn´t end there, but lived on in various ways, told in various ways for life times. Their love being torn apart, their love being kept from each other, their union & past being kept hidden from each other, wars waged on to break them up, tear them down and end their lives, imprisoning them and wanting them to be with their own kind and coming up with new hateful laws and rules to continue to keep them apart in societies, making it more difficult for them to be together, but what the children of the Earth didn´t know was that, no one could keep *Adam & *Eve, the Demon God and the Angel God from each other, but they always found a way to find each other again. Their True Love soul bond was so powerful, so electric, so godly, that even the Heavens cheered them on, hoping they would finally reunite again and bring about peace and balance and awakening on Earth, finally ending the wars that kept keeping them apart for life times and that kept life on Earth in constant suffering, despair and torture.  
(*Adam & *Eve: Code names for Twin Souls and one being Devine Masculine and the other Devine Feminine, but both have both energies within them, but one is their main energy.)
Somewhere on Earth “present” moment…
(This is still back to the moment before Akira went missing and was stuck on planet Aay and this is the same city where H & H is located.)
Running in the city streets, dogging cars, trucks, bikers, pedestrians, pets, homeless person pushing a cart with empty cans & plastic bottles, motorbikes, was Zsubaki, who was chasing Ame down the street and pavement, as onlookers looked at the “carnivore” who was chasing his “herbivore” and not giving up or giving in, but looked stubborn, determined and beastly wanting to catch his prey. 
“Look out! Baka!”A cab driver shouted angrily, using his car horn several times and waving his fist in the air angrily, almost hitting Ame with his car.
“Summimasen!” Ame said smiling flashing the peace sign and continued to run off when she sat up from the road, after almost getting hit, then ran off again.
“Oi! Those damn kids!” The cab driver said angrily when he saw Zsubaki run past him and slid across the front of the cab, looking cool and in control.
“Ame! Stop running away from me! Let´s talk about this!” Zsubaki shouted angrily, but Ame didn´t respond and looked fearful, nervous, her heart was racing and continued to run away from him.
“Watch it!” A pedestrian said angrily when Ame clumsily bumped into several and fell to the pavement.
“Gomenasai!” Ame said as she got up again and Zsubaki almost had her, reaching out to grab her on the ground, but Ame got up fast and ran off again.
“Tch!” Zsubaki said angrily, then ran after her again. They both used their parkour abilities, jumping, flying, dodging, swinging, sliding, climbing, jumping through and falling down floors, walls, windows, fences, vehicles, rooftops, just anything that was in their way, they made it through with ease and grace, but Ame was known to be clumsy and she did have her moments of not always landing right, while Zsubaki looked cool, in control and always landed on his feet or knees or hands. 
“Ame, age 16, star sign Aquarius, is the twin sister of Zsubaki, High School drop out, self taught Hacker, starts a lot of small projects, but never completes it and has a lot of unfinished goals on her shelf. Currently working at H & H as a Hacker. Has an older brother that is in a coma and is being treated at Cazuki´s medical healing centre. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union?” 
“Zsubaki, age 16, star sign Gemini, is the twin brother of Ame, High School drop out, self taught Hacker. Currently working at H & H as a Hacker. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union!”
(Ame was born too early and Zsubaki was born very late)
When she finally made it to the park, now the woods was their playground and Ame was determined to get away, but Zsubaki was determined to catch her finally. When Zsubaki saw an opportunity in the woods, he smiled and ran on top of the rocky hill in the forest, while Ame ran below on the ground, but he had the higher ground and she didn´t see him coming when he jumped from the rocky, mossy, grassy rock edge and came flying down getting close to Ame, as they tumbled and rolled together as one until Zsubaki was pinning down Ame on the grassy, mossy ground. Both panting being out of breath, both feeling hot, both their hearts racing, both feeling nervous, but Zsubaki smiled, while Ame blushed.
“I finally caught you! You can´t escape me now! Let´s talk!” Zsubaki said looking serious, holding her wrists down and his whole body that was heavy was pinning her down, since he was much taller than her, he was pinning her body down, so she couldn´t move.
“You´re heavy, get off of me!” Ame said trying to catch her breath, blushing and feeling her heart race.
“You´ll run away again if I do!” Zsubaki said looking serious, then Ame let out a sigh.
“I won´t!” Ame said.
“You promise?” Zsubaki said.
“Release one of my hands!” Ame said, but he looked suspicious.
“Zsubaki, trust me!” Ame said looking serious, then he chose to trust her and she held out her pinky.
“I promise!” Ame said and he smiled knowing when they pinky swore, they never broke the promises they made to each other and he pinky swore with her with his little finger.
“Promise sealed!” Zsubaki said smirking.
A few hours earlier… 
The morning birds were chirping by the window waiting for their morning breakfast, tapping the window with their small cute beaks, flying in front of the window wanting attention and they awoke Ame who was lying in bed being spooned by Zsubaki who was holding her tightly from behind.
“You have morning wood again and it´s poking me in the back!” Ame said blushing.
“That´s because I´m thinking naughty thoughts about you again and the wet dream I had last night about us didn´t help either!” Zsubaki said smiling, breathing her in, sniffing her and kissing her head.
“Zsubaki, you´re going too fast, my mind can´t keep up with all these changes! I haven´t been soul awake for that long and it still feels weird. I only just agreed to let you sleep next to me, but I still keep thinking you´re my twin bro…!” Ame said, but Zsubaki rolled over and was now on top of her, placing his hands face down on either side of her, looking like he was trapping her, not letting her escape, looking right at her, looking serious.
“You might of just realised your feelings for me when you woke up, but I´ve been in love with you my whole life. Remember the promise we made when we were kids, to marry each other and no one else! I still kept that promise! There is no one else other than you! It´s always been you Ame and the faster all those walls and negative programmings on your mind since birth that told you love between family members is wrong, once you break free from it completely, we can then be free to be finally together in more ways than just sleeping next to each other.” Zsubaki said.
“God I wanna kiss her, but will she freak out?!” Zsubaki thought, then little Angel Zsubaki showed up on his shoulder.
“You should respect her wishes and go slow! Give her time to catch up with you!” Little Angel Zsubaki said, then little Demon Zsubaki showed on his other shoulder.
“Dude! What are you waiting for? Be assertive, aggressive, take control, be manly and unleash your beast!” Little Demon Zsubaki said smiling.
“Eeeeh!? He should take it slow or she might pull away further!” Little Angel Zsubaki said looking concerned.
“He doesn´t have time to take it slow, he´s impatient you know and he´s waited long enough! We´re talking years here! I say go for it!” Little Demon Zsubaki said, but then little Grey Angel Zsubaki showed up on Zsubaki´s head.
“Do whatever you like! I don´t care! Whatever you choose will lead to the same path in the end where you´re both together anyway! Of course, one path is faster and the other path is slower! Which one I leave to you to find out!” Little Grey Angel Zsubaki said smiling then suddenly disappeared.
“Do you think the choice is booby trapped? Taking it slow could lead to being fast?” Little Angel Zsubaki said being in thinking mode and little Demon Zsubaki giggled.
“Pffft! You said booby! Mmmmm! Boobies! I say grab her boobies and kiss her! Thank me later!” Little Demon Zsubaki said smiling, drooling, looking horny, then disappeared.
“So immature! I say make romantic gestures, like surprising her with food or walks in the park or her favourite things she likes. Getting her used to being close to you and seeing you in a romantic light, instead of seeing you like a twin brother. Although, loving each other like a brother and sister isen´t a bad thing either, it just adds more trust between you and being close! It´s soul love remember and that´s what matters the most! Good luck!” Little Angel Zsubaki said then disappeared.
“…” Zsubaki.
“…” Ame. 
“Fuck! I ended up not knowing what to do at all! I´m too indecisive and now I´m just staring at her freaking her out!” Zsubaki thought, then Ame let out a sigh and got out of bed. She was wearing her Care Bear sleeping boxers and a blue t-shirt that had a picture of a white deer on it, on the back was white angel wings and in Chinese it said, “Angel God”. Zsubaki wore a green t-shirt that had a black wolf on it and in Japanese it said, “Demon God”, at the back he had black angel wings and he wore black sleeping boxers. She then went over to the window, grabbed a bird seed bag, opened up the window, filled up the bird feeder hanging outside on the branch of the blossom cherry tree that was close to the window. They both lived in a worn down, small, poor, old, cheap, apartment room in a small run down, old apartment building in the city.
“Ohayo!” Ame said cheerfully and smiling when seeing the birds waiting on the branch for their food, feeling the spring warm air on her face and blossom cherry petals flying in making a mess on the floor and room. Zsubaki caught one with his fingers and looked at the heart shape petal.
“Your room is being taken over by the pink chaos!” Zsubaki said seeing all the pink petals fly in making a mess.
“I know, it´s like I´m out in nature!” Ame said smiling, then Zsubaki blew the petal away from his fingers.
“They´re really noisy in the morning! How can you stand it?” Zsubaki said yawning and scratching his belly.
“I like it! It´s my own personal morning wake up call and I love their singing, makes me feel like I´m out in the forest again!” Ame said having seeds in her hand and reaching out to the birds that jumped on her hand eating the seeds and they were flinging seeds away that they didn´t approve of.
“Heh! I can think of a more fun way to wake up in the morning!” Zsubaki said smiling devilishly.
“Shit! This is making me sound like I have nothing but sex on my mind! There´s more to me than just being a horny teenager who has been secretly wanting to fuck, make love and have my dirty way with Ame since forever. Little Angel me is right, I need to let Ame see another side to me!” Zsubaki thought. In Ame´s room was filled with vintage and the love of the 80s, classic games, cartoons, movies, vinyl, cassettes, old fashion retro phone on her desk and incense burners, candles, gemstones, crystals, her laptop, her notepad, pens, in her book shelf was filled with books, dvds, manga, cds, anime and in her room had plants everywhere and on her night stand, was a retro alarm clock, flowers in a blue vase, bottle water, tissue box. On her kotatsu table there were drawings and designs of code t-shirts, her music demo and lyrics, app ideas, books she was reading and manga. She had a guitar by her desk. Zsubaki saw two home made book worms that she made and was on a book, “The Writer & The Coder: A Twin Soul Story!” on her night stand, then he picked one up, a blue one that was next to a green one.
“How come you stopped making these? I really liked this idea! It´s cute!” Zsubaki said. 
“I thought about selling them, maybe one day I will, but every time I start a project, I get pulled to a new one. Like it´s my soul reminding me and telling me, “look, I know you like it and it´s fun, but you need to find that path that leads you to do what you´re here to do!” is what I think my soul is saying and doing.” Ame said as she went over to her bed, lying next to Zsubaki who was sitting on the bed close to her and he was feeling turned on again, just by her smell, her being in the same room, her voice, her everything and he was fighting every part of him to not pounce on her. She grabbed her frog looking doll and held it while she was lying down again close to the wall and closing her eyes, still feeling tired. Zsubaki swallowed hard, thinking maybe this was even more torture, being able to be in the same room as her, being close, but not touch her how he wanted to. Then he got up and left.
“Tch! I need to cool off and take a shower!” Zsubaki thought being annoyed and closed the door behind him slamming it angrily, which shook Ame nervously and she looked up being confused.
An hour later at a publishing company, Ame was in a meeting with an editor going over her latest children´s book called “Angel God & Demon God, The Twin Soul True Love Story!”. Then the editor looked shocked when reading it, then he looked serious and being stern, then looked at her.
“I´m sorry, but what is this? You can´t be seriously thinking this is suitable for children do you?! It´s full of suggestive & direct erotic content between the two main characters! Not to mention you´re talking about angels and demons being together! Are you out of your mind?! The religious nuts will have a field day with this and they will eat you alive and bring bad press to us! But also, both main characters are male, they´re gay! This kind of thing isen´t very popular you know!” He said looking serious. She let out a sigh.
“The book is suitable for anyone age 13 and up. Teenagers are 13 and they should learn about Twin Souls as early as possible, so they can be prepared and want to meet their One fated partner, instead of just being with anyone and the many. I understand the reason to protect children from being awakened too early when it comes to sex, that´s why I wouldn´t go below the age of 13. As for the religious people, I´d be happy to talk to any one of them and have a friendly debate on who are the real angels and demons in this world! About them being gay, so what? It´s Adam and Eve being in two male bodies, I see nothing wrong with that!” Ame said smiling, but the editor couldn´t believe what she was saying.
“Look, that age is still classed as children and we can´t break those rules, but besides that, your writing is very unprofessional and your grammar is terrible. Your story overall is all over the place structure wise and you should think about going back to school and learn how to become a professional writer.” The editor said.
“What about the story? Is it good?” Ame said not really being impacted by what he said, because she could just get help by others to make it professional. He tensed up, not wanting to answer and hesitated.
“To be honest, I don´t think you´re cut out to be a writer! You should find another career to pursue and forget about it! I´m sure you´ll find something else!” The editor said.
“Soka!” Ame said feeling like her heart was just stabbed, since she loved to write and loved to dive in other worlds. It was her safe haven, her sanctuary, her heaven. It helped her stay sane in a world gone mad, in a world so dark, she found an outlet for her soul, her pains, her sorrows, her joy, her wacky, crazy, funny soul life. Then she got up looking beaten, sad and listless and walked out.
“Arigatou for taking the time to read it!” Ame said as she left.
Outside, Zsubaki was looking through a window shop that sold gemstones, crystals, incense, healing herbs, healing potions, alternative healing books, magic candles, blessed candles and Zsubaki saw a ring in the window display, a blue larimar gem stone ring.
At a Heaven cafe/bar that was a chain of vegan, organic cafe/bars and included raw plant foods and juicing that was owned by H & H all over the world, Ame and Zsubaki was sitting on their high chairs at the high thin table in front of the window, drinking and eating and looking straight ahead outside. Ame was drinking her *V smoothie, looking gloomy and feeling down and Zsubaki was staring at her with his hand to his face, elbow on the table knowing she was upset.
(*V: vegan, organic, peace & heaven)
“You´ve been quiet since you got here and I know something is wrong! What did they say? I can even feel your sadness! It´s like pain behind my eyes, like I´m crying, but it´s you, your soul crying aren´t you?” Zsubaki said, then he looked shocked when he saw tears suddenly fall from her eyes.
“Ame!?” Zsubaki said looking concerned.
“I just wish I could get another honest opinion on my story, because no matter what he said, I still believe in what I wrote was good.” Ame said.
“What did he say!?” Zsubaki said getting angry and hating anyone that made Ame cry. Then she smiled and turned to him.
“It´s just one setback, that´s all! I won´t give up, but I´ll get back up and try harder!” Ame said.
“Ame?!” Zsubaki said angrily raising his voice wanting to know. She didn´t want to tell him, knowing he would get mad for her, when she couldn´t get angry for herself. She let out a sigh, thinking she could avoid telling him.
“He said I´m not cut out to be a writer and I should find another career path, but like I said, I don´t let anyone influence my life like that, it´s just what he said was painful to hear, but I´ll get past it! I always do!” Ame said.
“He´s an asshole! What fucking idiot goes around telling someone that they should forget their dreams and find another!” Zsubaki said angrily.
“Maybe someone told him to forget his dreams and find another and that impacted his life in such a way he felt like he wasen´t living his dream life at all and was taking that out on anyone who had dreams of their own that they were pursuing, but he wasen´t pursuing his. If that´s the case, then all I have is understanding for him, because it´s painful and sad not living your dream life and loving what you do for living!” Ame said 
“I love what I do for living and I´m free to do it! How many out there are not living their dreams or not loving their jobs?” Ame thought.
“You´re too good for them, you know that? Your heart is so big, the whole world could fit inside your heart! Ame, you should take your story to AMG and see what they say, but I know you´ll reach your dream one day, because I know you and I know what you´re capable of and the world would light up with your sunshine that reaches to every dark corner on this planet! The world is waiting for you, waiting for your dreams to come true!” Zsubaki said smiling.
“Look who´s talking, you may show a darker side to you, but I know your heart is just as big as mine and so are your dreams!” Ame said smiling.
“…” Zsubaki.
“Nani?” Ame said when Zsubaki had a look to his face.
“I think we should finally have sex!” Zsubaki said looking serious, being direct, honest, surprising Ame and the people in the cafe/bar heard him and stopped talking and started staring at them both.
“…” Ame.
“Eeh?!” Ame said looking shocked. Then little Angel Zsubaki showed up fly hovering on one side of Zsubaki.
“What the…?! That just came out of nowhere! What happened to taking the romantic slow path? This is freaking shocking and in public no less!” Little Angel Zsubaki said blushing and looking around at all the people staring. Then little Demon Zsubaki showed up fly hovering on the other side of Zsubaki and was laughing.
“Pffft! This is fucking awesome! That´s right, surprise her fast and furious, it´s the only way to fly into her heart!” Little Demon Zsubaki said smiling devilishly and using both his hands making booby grab gestures in the air and drooling from his mouth that was showing vampire teeth.
“That´s not her heart you´re grabbing there!” Little Angel Zsubaki said looking serious at little Demon Zsubaki. Then little Grey Angel Zsubaki showed up flying over Zsubaki´s head and was eating some snacks out of little bag.
“What did I miss?!” Little Grey Angel Zsubaki said looking excited and wanting to see the outcome while he was eating from his snack bag.
Then after the chase, in the woods, in the park, Ame was blushing, feeling nervous and Zsubaki was looking cool, calm and in control, but his heart too was racing as was Ame`s and they were sitting opposite each other, looking right at each other, in the grassy, mossy forest, being surrounded by trees, birds singing, squirrels staring at them both from the trees eating their nuts watching the show, bunnies were eating leaves looking too, a deer was eating grass watching them from a distance and a wolf was lying on the grass watching them both too, looking like everyone was in suspense and wanted to know what these two Twin Souls would do next. 
Scene end..
5 May, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 15.
Several years ago…
Somewhere on Earth…
In a city somewhere…
“Who would of thought that my life would end up this way!” Aia thought when she was standing on the edge of the roof on the school building. Her face was covered in blood, her school uniform was bloody and her hands had blood on it too. Tears streamed down her face that was in shock and she looked like she was about to end her life by jumping off the building. Her long dark blond hair that was braided partly was blowing in the wind and she looked like a broken bird who´s wings were torn.
2 weeks earlier…
In a High School, sitting at the back of the class by the window, was Aia and she was keeping to herself, hand on her face, elbow on her desk, looking out the window, daydreaming of being in another world, a better world. 
“I feel like I´ve been to class so many life times and I´m sick of it! I´m bored of doing the same crap over and over again. Why can´t subjects be downloaded to the mind already, then we can concentrate on creating, instead of relearning everything again a million times before. There´s something definitely wrong with this world and I don´t fit in at all! I feel like an *E.T. There´s just so many things wrong with the world, but am I alone? Are there other E.T.s out there or is it just me?” Aia thought.
(*E.T.: Extraterrestrial, coming from another world or somewhere in the Universe. E.T.s are also known to be unplugged from the Earth Matrix and are Soul Awake.)
Then the classroom door slid open fast and aggressive and a new student appeared and everyone stopped chatting and stared at the new transfer student.
“Who´s that? He looks hot!” One girl said with hearts in her eyes.
“What are you talking about? He looks like a delinquent, like he could suddenly snap and take you out!” Another girl said as she was holding on to a dark manga comic that she was reading.
“Cut it out will ya! You´re scaring me! You read too much of that dark manga!” One girl said.
“He looks so mysterious and tall! Do you think he´s single?” A girl said smiling and hoping as the new student walked to the front of the class.
“Keep away from him girls, he´s mine!” Another girl said who was licking her lips and smiling devilishly.
“Whoever goes after him has a better chance than Aia, am I right?” A girl said and they all giggled and laughed looking at Aia.
“She dresses and acts like a tomboy, doesn´t wear any makeup or perfume! Doesn´t put any effort in her appearance, she even wears her gym pants under her skirt. No wonder guys stay away from her!” A girl said smiling.
“Well, except Ohta!” Another girl said.
“Isen´t he gay?” One girl said.
“Gay? So gross!” A girl said.
“Hahaha! That´s right, she can only attract gays! So pathetic!” A girl said as they continued to laugh.
“Pffft!” A voice giggled behind Aia and Aia looked behind her and saw Akira leaning back against the wall, his leg on his desk, hands in his pockets, being carefree and his beanie hat covering his eyes resting, like he was taking a nap in class, but he could hear everything that went on in class.
“Those girls never learn!” Akira said as he continued to take his nap and didn´t bother to look up at the new student.
“Like I said, I feel like an E.T. and I wanna phone home and go back to where sanity is a reality! This place is enough to drive anyone insane!” Aia thought.
“Ne Aia, don´t you think it´s strange that a new student suddenly transfers this late in?” Ohta said who was sitting in front of Aia.
“Strange is good, strange can be interesting! Maybe something exciting happens to shake up this boring class room!” Aia said.
“Could he be an E.T.?” Aia thought.
“Everyone, we have a new transfer student starting today, so please welcome him and treat him well! Could you please tell the class your name and a little bit about yourself?” Sensei said, but the dark haired mysterious boy was quiet and was like he was staring at everyone, observing everyone, investigating and searching, then his eyes caught the eyes of Aia and he froze, like he soul recognised her and when she saw his eyes, her soul shook too, like a *soul energy tremble in the force between them happened, even thou there was distance, but it felt like their bodies were right next to each other.
(*Soul Energy Tremble: This happens when two souls meet, their eyes connect, eyes are windows to the soul and they soul recognise each other right away, having been together in other life times, even if their minds are slow to react or don´t know, but their souls will know right away who they are and who they are to each other. Their minds will either know too or will figure it out later on.)
“My name is Cai!” He said looking serious, but not saying anymore than that.
“Right, well, take a seat Cai and we´ll begin class!” Sensei said, then Cai went over to the back of the class and wanted the seat next to Aia, but it was occupied by another girl.
“I want that seat! Give it to me!” Cai said and she swooned and smiled that he talked to her.
“Hai!” The girl said smiling and went to sit somewhere else.
“He talked to me! Maybe he´ll ask me out!” She said smiling while daydreaming about him. Then he sat next to Aia and he was staring at her the whole time and she was staring at him, wondering who he was and why was he staring at her.
“I´m Cai, what´s your name?” Cai said reaching out his hand.
“Aia!” She said grabbing his hand, then he smiled as the girls in the classroom looked shocked and confused at what just happened when Cai took interest in Aia.
When class ended.
“Aia, I´m off to the clubroom, see you in next class!” Ohta said smiling as he walked off fast. Akira also left by himself being a loner, looking carefree, hands in his pockets and walked off, not giving a fuck about anyone, but choosing to be by himself. Then Cai walked over to Ohta´s seat and sat down facing Aia with his arms leaning on the back of the chair.
“Are you an E.T.?” Aia said being direct, straightforward and honest looking serious. Then he smirked.
“What do you think?” Cai said.
“So far your actions are suspicious, it´s like you know who I am already and you´re not following the rules in this class, but breaking them and it´s your first day!” Aia said and he smiled.
“Tell me more about E.T.s!” Cai said.
“They´re like unplugged from the Earth Matrix, they feel like they´re from another world or somewhere in the Universe. They might even feel like they come from a place that´s futuristic, sane, peaceful, free & balanced, but on this world they may feel like they could go insane with all the madness that goes on everywhere! They essentially feel like they don´t fit in this world!” Aia said.
“Then I guess I´m an E.T.!” Cai said smiling. 
“Don´t you think I´m weird for saying that?” Aia said.
“Isen´t being an E.T. weird in general, since we´re soul awake and they´re soul asleep? It´s a given that we´ll get strange looks and whispers and gossip about us when we don´t do what everyone else does and I hate doing what everyone else does. I like to shock, break rules and cause up a storm! I like shake up, change up and speed it along! Nothing changes if everything stays the same!” Cai said looking serious. Then Aia´s heart was racing and she blushed.
“He´s causing a storm right now in my heart! It´s beating so fast, I feel like it´s gonna get lost in the whirlwind that is Cai! Yabai! I think I`ve fallen for him already and my mind, my body, my heart and soul wants him right now! How is he doing this to me? Who is he?” Aia thought blushing, feeling flustered and nervous.
“Ask me again!” Cai said smiling.
“Huh?” Aia said looking confused.
“Ask me if I know you!” Cai said smiling.
Then suddenly, the library door slid open fast and Cai and Aia were making out fast, wild, passionate, free, intense, extreme and electric, as Cai slid the door closed aggressively and locked it and pushed Aia up against the door and grabbing her wrists, not letting her escape, their tongues teasing each other, being connected like they were picking up where they last left off from their previous life together and then they both looked into their eyes.
“I don´t really understand this, but I feel like I do know you, like I´ve known you for life times and when our eyes met in class, I felt my soul shake and tremble! Like you were looking into my soul and embracing it, saying you´re home!” Aia said.
“It´s like we´re picking up we´re we left off from our last life time together!” Cai said smiling feeling hot and flustered, sexually excited and aroused as did Aia.
“How did you find me again?” Aia said.
“I picked up your soul signal, your blue was shining in a sea of pink!” Cai said smiling.
“Are you talking about the whole world? You searched for me in the entire world?” Aia said.
“Hai and those bitches that came between us last time better stay away or else I´m gonna…!” Cai said angrily, but then Aia placed her finger on his mouth.
“You´re ruining the mood! It´s just us now, right here in this moment, it´s just us!” Aia said, then he kissed her finger and then kissed her again, holding each other, passionately and wild, then he grabbed her, placed her legs and wrapped around him as he carried her off into the library as they both smiled and kissed, being playful and filled with love, then he placed her on the table as he was standing and she was sitting with her legs still wrapped around him and her arms around his neck.
“You really are a storm in my life! I love it! Make a mess, cause chaos, be free and wild with me and don´t hold back anything!” Aia said smiling and Cai smiled devilishly.
“You know how to push all my buttons Aia! Only you can free my wild soul, only you can free me, the real me! There´s not a life I ever want to live without you by my side and I will search for you every time until I find you again!” Cai said looking serious and Aia´s tears streamed down her face hearing those words from him that was speaking to her soul and he kissed her tears, drinking it up and she reached her hands to his face and kissed him romantically, then he kissed her like a wild beast, kissing each other like they hadn´t kissed since the last life time of being together.
One week later…
Aia and Cai were lying naked on the floor in his small apartment room on a futon bed with covers covering half their bodies and Aia was lying on her stomach over his chest holding him and he was holding her and they were both out of breath, looking hot and sweaty. Then Aia´s stomach started to growl being hungry and she blushed, but Cai smiled and kissed her head.
“That´s what happens when we forget to eat and drink and only make love all day!” Cai said smiling.
“We haven´t been to school in a week! Maybe we should think about going back!” Aia said looking concerned.
“Not yet! I´m not satisfied yet! If only I could make love with you all over the world!” Cai said smiling, then he aggressively grabbed her body and went on top of her, kissing her and wanting more of her as they both smiled.
Few more days later…
Walking to school, Cai was holding hands with Aia and he was yawning, while Aia was looking at her phone.
“I´m still not satisfied!” Cai said looking gloomy, moody, annoyed, not wanting to go back to school.
“If we don´t go to school, we´ll be in trouble and before you say anything I know, but until we figure out what we´re going to do here in this life, we might as well go to school and maybe we´ll find out!” Aia said knowing what he was about to say, since she too didn´t care for school either and would be happy to quit, but she wanted to know what her goals were in this life. Then he grabbed her close and kissed her out in public, surprising her with his “attack”.
“Then I´ll just have to find other ways we can be satisfied in school! I´ll leave it to you to figure out what path we take, because no matter what, I´ll be going down the same path as you!” Cai said looking like a horny demon while Aia blushed, then took a breath.
“Then that´s your mission, while I figure out what our other mission is!” Aia said.
“He still keeps my heart racing with his surprises!” Aia thought.
“All he has on his mind right now is that, but maybe if we can satisfy that, then he´ll be able to know what he wants to do with his life!” Aia thought as they walked hand in hand and he leaned in kissing her neck, then placed his arm hanging over her shoulder and sniffed, kissed and sucked her neck, leaving love bites.
“What are you doing?” Aia said.
“I´m leaving love bites on your neck to show everyone you´re mine!” Cai said smiling.
“Soka! Carry on then!” Aia said looking unfazed, but being concentrated while being on her phone searching for their main mission together and Cai carried on sucking her neck, having his way with her. 
“I feel loved! I can´t believe he searched the world for me! I´m like his whole world!” Aia thought while smiling and blushing.
“She smells so good, like soap! I´m horny again! I want her again!” Cai thought looking beastly.
“That´s it! Cai! You searched for me right! Then we can help others search for their One in the entire world! That´s our mission!” Aia said looking excited, but Cai wasen´t saying anything.
“Nani?” Aia said, then suddenly Cai grabbed her hand and dragged her off.
“Cai!?” Aia said looking surprised and confused.
“School roof, you, me, right now!” Cai said looking like an unstoppable horny beast.
“What about class!?” Aia said.
“You said yes to letting me have my way with you anytime, anywhere right and it´s happening right now!” Cai said.
“My mind says no because we have class, but my body, my heart and soul says yes! Drown me more in your love, fill me more up, leave your love all over me until my everything is filled with you! This love we share between us, it´s a storm, a hurricane, lightning in our souls and I want us to electrify and intensify our love again, because I will never have a love like this with anyone else except with you! People value possessions, wealth, status, fame, living the high life as luxuries, but for me, being loved and loving your love, kissing, touching, embracing, connecting our souls on all levels, that´s my luxuries and it´s worth more than any money amount in the entire world! You can´t put a price on True Love, because it´s priceless and it can´t be bought and it can´t be sold, the heart and soul wants what it wants! I choose happiness with the King of my heart, body and soul over anything else!” Aia thought.
When they walked down the hallway after being on the roof, their clothes were a mess, their hair was messy, they were holding hands, Aia was smiling, both looking all sparkly and filled with love. When they walked past 5 girls who looked angry, pissed off and fuming with jealousy.
“Tch! What does he see in her anyway?” One girl said angrily.
“Yeah she´s such a mess and not even that pretty!” Another girl said pouting.
“I want him! How do we split them up!” A girl said sulking.
“What about dark magic again?” One girl said.
“I can´t wait that long, I want him now! I just know he´s a demon in bed and he should be with us not her!” Another girl said.
“Calm down girls! They will end, they always do and he will be ours again!” A girl said smiling devilishly. When Aia and Cai saw the long line of people in the hallway, lined up in front of a club room, Aia looked confused.
“What´s going on? Aia said.
“Akira created a new club called the “Bloody Cross” and everyone is lining up to sign up to battle him on the roof.” Cai said as they walked passed the line of people.
“A fight club? Why?” Aia said looking confused.
“Apparently a few months ago, Akira was attacked by a group of boys because of a new app he created, they got pissed off and tried drowning him in the swimming pool outside and tried to gang rape him!” Cai said.
“Huh!?” Aia said looking worried and concerned.
“Don´t worry, Akira got help before they went too far, then he joined the Judo Kendo club. To avoid anymore surprise attacks, he created the club!” Cai said.
“That´s just crazy, all because of an app!” Aia said looking shocked and horrified.
“What if we become targets because of our app!” Aia thought, then Cai placed his arm over her shoulder and leaned in to kiss her neck.
“Don´t worry, we´ll kick their asses if they come after us!” Cai said smiling as they walked past Akira´s clubroom door and past Akira.
“Here, write your names and when you want to fight me on the roof, then sign this waver that protects us both from the school, family, police, lawyers and such, then pass it along. If you want to join my club, you have to beat me first!” Akira said handing a guy the clip board, then Akira looked at the angry demon girls and boys in line.
“Hey assholes! No more fucking surprise attacks! If you wanna fight me, then fucking sign up for it!” Akira said angrily then swung the sign that was hanging on his door and flipped it over that said, “Hey Asshole, don´t disturb me! I´m taking a nap!”, then he slid the door closed, walked over to his couch that was in the sun, fell backwards on it, his arm over his forehead, feeling tired and having the club room all to himself.
“They really don´t like it when someone changes the game! Ma, I´m not one to follow rules anyway!” Akira said smiling and napping. Bandages were wrapped around both his hands, then suddenly Akira got flashes of animals in distress and screaming in slaughter factories, children screaming in their homes being tormented and people screaming in the streets in war torn countries and Akira clenched his teeth, feeling the soul pains of the billions all around the world and tears streamed down his face. Then he clenched both his fists and blood started to dribble down, then the soul pains he was connected to stopped and he could only feel physical pains from the cuts in his hands instead, then he dropped the bloody barbed knot balls that he clenched in his hands on the floor.
“Fuck! Hurry up and fight me and take away these pains! How can I help you all? What can I do? Where do I start?” Akira thought thinking about the billions in the world.
“…” Then he suddenly opened up his eyes in surprise and knew exactly what to do.
Standing in front of a clubroom called, “App Factory!”, Aia slid the door open and Cai was standing next to her looking serious, while Aia was smiling at the 5 club members.
“Ohayo! We have an idea for an app and we like to hire your services!” Aia said smiling.
A few days later…
At a summer festival that was being held at a shrine, Aia and Cai were both walking through the crowd in their yukatas, Cai was wearing black and Aia wearing white, both wearing panda bear masks like hats on the side of their heads and Aia was eating a candy apple, nibbling and sucking it and Cai was eating a vegan faux “meat” veggie sausage stick and he kept stealing glances at Aia nibbling and sucking on the apple.
“Aia, if you keep eating it like that, I won´t be held responsible for what I do next!” Cai said looking serious and beastly. Then Aia looked innocently at him being confused, then she understood, then looked serious.
“Are serious? Does everything I do turn you on?” Aia said looking surprised.
“Pretty much and I wonder sometimes if you do it intentionally!” Cai said.
“WellI don´t! I´m just eating normally how I always eat, but your dirty perverted mind knows no limits, how can I keep up with that, when even I don´t know what will turn you on next? You keep surprising me!” Aia said.
“Then there´s only one way to solve it!” Cai said smiling devilishly and grabbed Aia´s hand and walked off together into the woods.
“Cai!?” Aia said looking confused at where Cai was taking her.
“Woods, you, me, right now!” Cai said sounding like a horny, cave man beast.
“Like I said, he keeps surprising me, but secretly I love it and it´s never boring, but always exciting being with him!” Aia thought and smiled. 
The next day at school…
Aia and Cai were separated when the boys and girls were in different sport teams. Cai was playing basketball with they guys and Aia was playing baseball with the girls and she was one of their best hitters.
“Is it done?” One girl said sitting and waiting her turn to bat.
“Hai! Won´t be long now!” The other girl said smiling devilishly with the other 3 girls.
When Cai was slam dunking the balls every time the other guys passed to him being a star player, when he took a break and switched out with another guy. One of the guys on the bench offered him water and he took it and then he drank it all.
“Arigatou!” Cai said drinking it up and the guy looked at the girl that was standing not too far away letting her know it was done, then not long after, Cai didn´t feel so good.
“Are you alright! Are you sick or something!?” One guy said.
“I feel dizzy! Something´s not right!” Cai said and one of the girls was already there watching him.
“Cai, you look awful! Why don´t I take you to the infirmary!” The girl said placing his arm over her shoulder and he was completely drugged up, not being himself at all or aware of his surroundings. When he came to and opened up his eyes, he was in a classroom, surrounded by the 5 girls. He was tied to a chair, and gagged in his mouth so he couldn´t talk or scream, he was also still drugged up so he couldn´t fight his way free with his full strength, but he saw the girls and he got angry and tried to break free, clenching his teeth and fists.
“Now, now! There´s no point in trying to escape! You belong to us now and we´re all going to take our turns having our fun with you!” One girl said smiling and licking her lips. Cai clenched his teeth and was raging with fiery anger, hate and wanting to kill them all, as he continued to fight his way free but couldn´t, because he was tied up, drugged up and was imprisoned by them all.
“Play nice Cai or we won´t play nice with you!” Another girl said tapping her knife up against Cai´s face.
“If you´re thinking you´ll refuse to get hard by us! Think again! The body is easily manipulated and it will react with constant stimulation. You can´t fight it, no matter how much your mind fights it! Your body will become a slave to us!” The girl said smiling as she went down on her knees, unbuckled his trousers and saw his penis.
“Amazing girls! We were right!” The girl said looking excited, hungry and started sucking his penis, as Cai had tears in his eyes and his eyes was filled with anger and hate for the girls and his mind was filled with thoughts of ending all their lives in brutal ways, but his voice was silenced, his body was tied up, his mind was foggy and not being his complete self and the only thing he could do was watch the whole horror nightmare show and not be able to do a damn thing about it, as he continued to try and break free from them all.
“We´re gonna make you forget all about Aia! So enjoy the show Cai!” One girl said kissing him as he continued to seethe with anger and hate, wanting to annihilate them all.
At the baseball game outside.
Aia´s chest started to hurt and she felt her soul energy tremble, then she grabbed her chest.
“Where did they go? It´s their turn! Tch!” One girl said angrily.
“One wasen´t feeling well, so they went to the infirmary!” A girl said.
“And that takes 5 girls?!” The girl said angrily and Aia heard what she said and for some reason she felt something wasen´t right and trusted her soul intuition.
“Something feels wrong! I have a bad feeling about this!” Aia thought.
“Where are you going?” A girl said.
“I´m checking on the guys at the basket ball game!” Aia said.
“You can´t leave now, you´re our best hitter and we´re missing 5 girls already! The game is still on!” The girl said angrily.
“The game is over if we lose our star players!” Aia said angrily and walked off.
“That´s what I meant, then why is she walking off?!” The girl said angrily not understanding the bigger picture. 
When Aia arrived at the basket ball court outside, she couldn´t see Cai.
“Ohta! Where´s Cai?” Aia said, then he came over and switched with another player.
“He wasen´t feeling well, so a girl from our class took him to the infirmary.” Ohta said. Then Aia´s eyes widened with shock and fear and sadness and anger. 
“It can´t be! It´s happening all over again!” Aia thought, then started to run towards the infirmary.
“Hey Aia wait up!” Ohta said and ran after her. When Aia slid the infirmary door open fast and went in, Cai wasen´t there, but Akira was.
“That´s strange, he´s not here!” Ohta said looking confused.
“Tch!” Aia said angrily. Akira looked beaten up, bruised, bearing his naked chest, bandages over his head, lip cut, bandages over his hands and his chest, over his shoulder, his hair was messy and he looked like he came back from a fight.
“What the hell happened to you?!” Ohta said looking surprised.
“Bloody Cross battle on the roof! I won again!” Akira said hanging his arms out the window sucking on a mariju apple lollypop.
“Did Cai come in here or any girls?” Aia said looking concerned.
“No! It´s only been me for the past hour, but when I went to bathroom, I did see him and some girls go into a classroom!” Akira said and Aia´s eyes widened with shock again, feeling the fear and her soul was feeling the sadness within, she was feeling like he was in trouble.
“Which class room?!” Aia said angrily. When Aia slid the classroom door open fast, what she saw shocked her and never did she imagine seeing such darkness happening again towards her and Cai. One of the girls was sitting on top of him, riding him and the other 4 were half naked, kissing him, touching him, his legs, his chest, his neck, all over while he was gagged and tied up and drugged up. 
“Cai!” Aia said out loud, looking like she failed him, failed to protect him from them. Ohta was shocked and couldn´t speak and was lost for words with what he saw, but Aia reacted instantly and ran towards the girl that was riding him and Aia punched the girl, then dragged her off, Ohta tried to help too by running off and getting help and Aia tried to untie him.
“You´re too late Aia! He belongs to us now! We all took turns!” One girl said smiling licking her fingers and the girls dragged Aia off away from Cai as her hand was reaching out to him. The 3 girls forced her down on her knees, one grabbing her arm, the other girl grabbing Aia´s other arm and the third girl placing her arm around Aia´s neck and grabbing Aia´s hair pulling it up, her head to see Cai being tormented.
“Pay attention Aia and enjoy the show!” The girl said smiling devilishly being close to her face, while one girl started licking Cai´s face and kissing his gagged mouth, while the other started sucking on Cai´s penis again to get it hard and Aia was clenching her teeth in anger and tears streamed down her face seeing Cai being filled up with pains, sadness, anger, rage, fear, torture, darkness, hate and Aia was trying to break free from them, but was unable to and was forced to watch helplessly while Cai was being raped by them. Then Aia, fired up her tiger angel and kicked the girl behind her, bit the arm of the other girl holding her, then with her arm free slapped the third girl that was holding her other arm. Then Aia ran towards Cai and punched the girl who was raping him again and grabbed her neck, strangling her up against the wall, then Cai tried to shout through his mouth that was gagged alerting Aia, but then a sharp sound was heard and Aia looked down and saw a knife wound through her stomach, then the knife wound was yanked out aggressively and Aia let go of the girl´s neck and stepped back looking at her wound and touching it, seeing her blood on her hands and fell to her knees and Cai looked powerless again seeing his beloved be targeted by them again in this life, but his anger and rage just kept on increasing more and more, wanting to destroy them all.
“It´s no use! You lost again! Game over Aia!” The girl said, then Aia heard Cai was stabbed by one of the girls and she looked up, looked shocked and then ran towards Cai trying to stop the bleeding.
“What the hell are you doing? Don´t fucking kill him! He belongs to us you idiot!” One girl said angrily.
“You just stabbed Aia you fucking moron! If we end their lives, we can say Aia did it out of jealousy, then she killed herself.” One girl said.
“What about Ohta?” Another girl said.
“We´ll deal with him later!” One girl said. Aia took off the mouth gagg from him and she kissed him, kissed his tears and continued to untie him.
“I´m so sorry Cai, sorry for not being able to protect you from them! If only we were on the same team! If only….if only I was born male!” Aia said with tears pouring out of her soul endlessly, kissing his lips and trying to put pressure on his wound, but his was fatal and was dying fast when his heart was stabbed by them. He reached up with his bloody hand and touched her face and she kissed his hand.
“I love you Aia! You´re my soul wife, my life, my everything! They may take my body, but they can never have my heart & soul, that will always belong to you!” Cai said, then coughed up blood and was slipping away.
“Cai! Don´t leave me! Stay alive, stay awake! I love you! I can´t lose you! You´re my soul husband, my everything!” Aia said with tears, but his hand let go and he was gone, then looking shocked that he was gone, she screamed out in pain, in sadness and being heartbroken. She then kissed him one last time, got up, the girls expected her to take her anger and rage out on them, but she just placed her arm over her stomach that was bleeding out and she slowly made her way out to the roof, looking like she was dead already. As she slowly made her way to the rooftop, sliding against the wall, leaving a blood trail on the wall, when she made her way to the edge on the roof, standing still outside, holding her stomach, tears streaming down her face, the blood loss was already too much and she was dying too.
“Will we ever find a world, a Universe where you and I can finally be together Cai? If you´re not here with me, I have no reason to be here! You are my reason, without you by my side, it´s like a song without a melody, it´s like a movie without the sound and it´s like a painting without the colours. You are the other half of me, you complete me, make me whole! You touch my heart and soul like no other and no one can replace you, because your one half of a soul fits perfectly with my one half of my soul and we are One! May we find that world, that Universe Cai, so we can finally be together, forever and eternity!” Aia thought grabbing her heart, feeling the sharp pains, as she lost consciousness and her heart stopped beating, her eyes closed, then fell off the roof.
Somewhere in Heaven…
When her eyes opened up, she saw Ai standing over her in the healing room and then she sat up, remembering everything.
“Welcome back!” Ai said as she was using her medical device and scanning Aia.
“Cai?” Aia said.
“He´s in Hell again!” Ai said. Then Aia got off the healing bed and walked over to the monitor.
“I´m going back, but this time we´re going rogue!” Aia said angrily as she was tapping away on the screen.
“Rogue? You know what will happen to you if…?” Ai said looking concerned.
“I know, but we can´t keep suffering like this and repeating these hell cycles. It´s maddening and this isen´t just happening to us, but to many couples!” Aia said angrily, then walked past Ai, placed her hand on Ai´s shoulder, then walked out.
Standing on the edge of the balcony on the floating futuristic city in the clouds, Aia looked down to the Earth below. 
“I´m coming Cai! Meet me again & this time we won´t lose!” Aia said. She closed her eyes, arms stretched out like a cross and she changed form into being a male, his white wings appeared on his back, turned around, then he dived backwards flying down to Earth once again.
Falling, flying, Aia landed in a kneeling position with his white wings spread out on the school roof again and he stood up, but he was equipped with his energy sword staff, that had energy swords on either end of the staff and could be used as a shield too. When he was about to walk down to the class room.
“You´re late!” A voice said behind Aia and Aia recognised the voice and his eyes widened with shock, his body shook standing still and looked behind him and saw Cai sitting on edge of the roof where Aia stood earlier. Cai was smiling looking carefree, with his black wings on his back, his short fangs were showing, he wore his two swords on his back and he looked happy to see Aia again. Aia´s tears started to fall being reminded of what happened between them and he couldn´t move his body, he couldn´t speak, but Cai got up and flew fast to him, held him close and tight, then kissed Aia, kissed away the tears and they kissed away the soul pains in both their souls.
Walking down the school hallway.
“It feels weird being back here! Feels surreal!” Aia said.
“We´re unplugged and we´re free! This is what freedom feels like!” Cai said smiling.
“And we´re going rogue, breaking all the damn rules!” Aia said.
“I always did like being a rebel!” Cai said smiling.
“Are you sure they´re gonna be there?” Aia said.
“I made sure of it!” Cai said clenching his teeth, looking like a blood thirsty angry demon beast. When he slid open up the classroom door aggressively and angrily, the 5 girls were inside, standing frozen in time. Then when time unfroze, the girls looked surprised when seeing Aia and Cai alive and Aia looking like a male.
“Cai?! You´re alive and you´re back!” One girl said looking excited, hungry and happy to see him.
“Is that you Aia? What, you want to lose again?” One girl said smiling devilishly licking her lips.
“Aia´s male this time!? Pffft!” One girl laughed.
“What happened Aia? Was it that hard being a girl? Too challenging for you? Couldn´t win the game being a female? Pathetic!” Another girl said.
“I see it more like I´m upgrading, levelling up. I also wanted more time to be with Cai and being a *MEP, seemed like the next logical, smart and wacky move!” Aia said smiling and Cai placed his arm over Aia´s shoulder smiling too. 
(*MEP: Male Earth Player. Being a girl, you can´t play the same games and sports as your boyfriend or husband. You also get to spend more time and have each others backs during those game sports. You can be in same locker rooms, boys/mens bathroom, mens public bath, same all boys school and activities, being in the same group of friends when it´s guys only at times. When being intimate, it´s way more fun when both are male too! The only time you are apart is if you don´t work together and when you´re with your family, but even those challenges can be overcome if the *MEP also becomes a *SATSUP!)
(*SATSUP: Soul Awake Twin Soul Union Player. If you meet your Twin Soul, you can leave your family and find a place to stay together or stay with other people you know or if you´re allowed by your family, to be able to live together under the same roof. If you have different jobs, you could find a way to work at the same place or find a way to work together so you can spend more time together and have each others backs)
“We can also protect each other more in these bodies! If Aia had been with me that day on the basket ball court, you would of never been able to get close to me, especially when Aia can read you!” Cai said smiling. 
“Tch! Whatever! No matter what, you´ll both lose again!” The girl said angrily as she was about to walk out, but Cai stopped her with his black sword that he swung against her neck.
“Where the hell do you think you´re going? Game´s not over! Show your true colours in this life!” Cai said looking angry.
“As if!” The girl said angrily.
“Are you sure about that?” Aia said as he swung his staff around and hit the floor with his energy sword and lightning covered the floor shaking up the girls and revealing their colours in this life that they chose. Their human form changed into large demon beasts with their fangs out, their sharp claws, their scaly skin and their blood thirst was ignited and they went on the attack against them both and Cai swung his energy swords, Aia swung his energy staff at them, making a mess of the class room, cracking up the walls and Aia and Cai were back to back, defending one another and Aia shielded him with his energy staff shield when one demon tried to sneak attack Cai. The windows shattered and every time one of the demons got hit, their bodies shattered into particle pieces and floated to the sky. 3 were taken out, one jumped out the window, the other tore down the door and wall running down the corridor. Cai jumped out the window, landed in a kneeling position with his black wings out, then his wings disappeared and he ran after demon beast that was running on the ground. Aia chased after the demon that ran down the corridor. Humans could not see Aia and Cai and not the demons in their form when they were in the barrier, the world behind the world.
Running down the street making a mess and causing chaos in the streets and humans not understanding any of it, like to them, it was like ghosts were haunting the streets or invisible beings making a mess. The demon tried to outrun Cai, but Cai came flying in from the sky with his sword out and pierced through the demon on one of the cars and the demon´s body shattered and floated back up to the sky. Then Cai took out his energy sword and swung it around, turned off the energy and placed it behind his back. He then kneeled down and flew back up into the sky, back to the school. Inside the gym at school, Aia was swinging his staff around looking right at the last demon who raped and murdered Cai.
“You know what will happen if you destroy us!” The demon said angrily, seething with rage.
“If you´re talking about that, I already know, but even knowing that, I´m still here, being defiant and stubborn more than ever! You´ll either be reborn again, doing the same shit hell mess you did in this life or you come back *disconnected, but still pull the same shit hell mess! Either way, Cai means more to me than anyone and everything! He´ll always come first and saving him, means saving you all! Get that through your idiotic zombie minds!” Aia said angrily, then the demon got more furious and went after Aia, but Aia defended and protected himself from the attacks, then jumped up high and pierced his energy staff into the demon, shattering him into energy particle pieces and Aia landed in a kneeling position on the floor with his white wings spread out, holding onto his staff, then looked up and saw Cai standing with his black sword across his shoulder and smiling.
(*Disconnected: Means digitally reappearing in this world, instead of being reborn)
In the boy´s locker room, Aia and Cai came bursting through the door and were passionately kissing, grabbing each other, holding each other and Cai aggressively took off Aia´s top and Aia wildly took off Cai´s top, both being naked, bare chested and Cai licked Aia´s nipple, rubbing the other, kissing and biting his neck, french kissing each other, being wild and free, both rubbing their erect penises against each other, looking down and seeing that they were both sexually aroused and turned on, then looked at each other smiling.
“We´re both the same now!” Cai said smiling devilishly and Aia chuckled to himself.
“I always did like to shock people! I feel like I´m gonna have way more fun breaking rules in this body and being able to have way more fun with you!” Aia said smiling, then Aia took a moment and had his arms around Cai. 
“I love you Cai and I meant every word!” Aia said knowing Cai heard him in the gym.
“I know and with every word you say that reaches my heart and soul, makes me love you even more!” Cai said, then Aia smiled as they continued to kiss with passion and intensity between them.
Walking down a pavement in a busy street in a busy city somewhere on Earth, Aia who was carrying his staff behind his back and Cai who was carrying his two swords behind his back, both holding hands, Aia smiling, Cai looking serious in mission mode, but both free, both on a mission to hunt down demons that were targeting True Love couples in the world. The Gods of True Love were going rogue and breaking all the damn rules to finish the game, to complete Earth level, to wake everyone up and to free everyone. Then suddenly Aia and Cai disappeared and from the crowded pavement filled with busy people that were still soul asleep, going about their lives, then a white dove and a black crow flew out from the crowd up to the sky.
Several months later somewhere else on Earth…
A colourful rainbow snake slithered from a plant bush, looking like it came from the forest, but it revealed to come from a plant bush in a garden instead, then slithered and hissed, making it´s way to the house and when it reached the glass backdoor, it raised it´s head looking in, hissing more and seeing two people having an argument inside in the living room.
“Nein, nein! Du hörst mir nicht zu! You´re never home, you´re always working late and then you´re always hanging out with your guy friends!” The girl shouted angrily.
“That´s because I don´t want to come home to you!” The guy thought feeling tired, angry and annoyed. Drinking his beer, wanting to drown his pains away, his hell life, wanting to get drunk and forget about his bad choices.
“If I don´t work, then you complain we don´t have enough money and you seem perfectly happy enough to spend my money, even on things we don´t need! Your shopping habits is out of control!” The guy said angrily out loud, then she huffed and sulked, wanting him to listen.
“I want our home to look nice! I want us to have nice things! There´s nothing wrong with that!” She said angrily.
“No, you want to show off like you always do and brag about it when we get visitors!” The guy thought clenching his teeth. Then she changed her attitude and walked over to him, being seductive and flirty and placing her arms around him.
“I´m lonely without you, but if we have a child, I wouldn´t be lonely anymore and I would have a part of you with me always!” She said smiling.
“If I have a child with him, he´ll never leave me and he´ll spend more time with me!” The girl thought.
“You already have a child in a different country being raised by your family that you don´t raise at all and I don´t want children right now!” He said looking annoyed and she looked angry again.
“Then I´ll make you have a child with me! I´m on birth control so I´m in control and I can just blame it on the fact that I forgot the pill! You can´t win against me, but you will stay with me and give me attention!” The girl thought, then smiled devilishly looking suspicious and he had a bad feeling.
Then the rainbow snake hissed again and snapping his mouth and turned into many colourful rainbow butterflies that flew everywhere, as one butterfly made it´s way up to the roof and flew close to Aia and landed on Aia´s finger, then flew up to the sky. Aia´s hair this time was shoulder length silver hair that was partly braided back and his hair was messy wild in the front and he was sitting on the roof of the house with his angel white wings on his back and Cai was lying down with his black wings, hands behind his head, looking carefree, sucking on a lollypop, eyes closed and resting, while Aia was on his phone looking at a app they created together, Gods Of True Love app, that helped anyone who contacted them and needed help breaking free from their captives that were keeping their souls enslaved and being tormented in their souls. The house roof they were on, revealed to be located close to a city. Aia read the message he got from their next client.
“Silver, Shadow! I need your help! I feel like I wanna end my life! I feel fucking trapped in this hell relationship and can´t seem to break free! She´s draining the life out of me and I want my freedom! Dietrich!” The message wrote.
“Don´t you think we should ask for more money than just one coin when we help our clients?” Cai said.
“We´re Gods, we shouldn´t ask for money at all, but with one coin, everyone can afford it. You´re so greedy!” Aia said.
“What do you expect, I´m a demon and I´m always greedy!” Cai said smiling devilishly sitting behind Aia suddenly and kissing and biting his neck.
“I´m feeling greedy right now!” Cai said smirking.
“His penis is hard!” Aia thought.
“Our client is waiting!” Aia said looking serious.
“Heh! Then we better hurry and finish our job, because I´m starving for some Aia!” Cai said smiling getting up fast and reaching his hand to Aia, then Aia grabbed it and got up, then was surprised when Cai grabbed a hold of Aia close to his body tightly.
“God I love this job! Travel, battle and making love with you in every corner of this world!” Cai said smiling.
“We´re also freeing souls and waking them up!” Aia said.
“Yeah, but my favourite part is being with you!” Cai said smiling and Aia blushed.
“Cai, your words…my heart…slow down!” Aia said blushing, not being able to keep up and feeling his heart race.
“No can do! I´m also the God of Speed!” Cai said smiling then grabbed Aia kissing him fast and passionately with their tongues teasing and playing with each other as the sun shined down on the two Gods helping the world, freeing the world, one client at a time.
Scene end…
4 May, 2019.
Freaking love Sonic & Tails and I remember playing it when I was a child. Love the fact that they´re both males, love the friendship bond between them, reminds me of every two characters in any stories that have that fast, easy, fun connection, being childish, teenagers & adults and back and forth crazy good in sync dynamic you see between Twin Souls. The compatible energies is so perfect for each other, that people tend to call it a bromance between them when seeing how they interact with each other, even thou they´re only friends. Twin Souls are not just True Loves, but they´re everything you could hope and wish for in a partner, they´re your True Love, your Best Friend, your Family, your Partner, Your Team mate, your friendly Competitor, your *Soul Husband or *Soul Wife, they are everything to each other. If any couple has that magic, that *bromance magic, then chances are high they have met their Twin Soul! Note to self: Remember to search through all the vintage and new updated games of the past and present and include that in my library. As for who was playing as Sonic and Tails, Link´s character is Sonic and Zelda´s character is Tails. Sonic, The God of Speed!
(*Soul Husband or *Soul Wife: Can be born in a male or female body)
(*Bromance Magic: This includes any couples, be it male & male, male & female or female & female couples.)
“My Best Friend is the One that brings out the best in me!” Henry Ford.
This quote holds true to Twin Soul unions too. This reveals again the light and dark dynamic between two people or two souls meant to be. If both are dark, that leads to a dark world and it gets darker, but if one is light, that leads to *V!
(*V: Vegan, Organic, Peace & Heaven & Earth Level completion!)
Seeing Sonic & Tails again, makes me wanna write a story about them as Twin Souls in our world! :)
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 14.
I had fun writing this one and even I had no idea where it would lead to in the end and it even surprised me.
Several hundred years ago, in a city somewhere in France…
The night was filled with stars and the burning lamps filled the streets lighting it up. Angry shouts were heard in the distance.
“Where did he go?!” A soldier yelled angrily.
“Sir, I think he went down there!” Another soldier said.
“He won´t get away this time!” One soldier said.
“Hurry, over here! I think I saw him!” Another soldier yelled.
Then suddenly a cloaked hooded man, wearing all black, his sword attached to his hip, his body fell towards a wall in a dark alleyway and he was leaning on it, as he tried to walk further, a trail of blood was left on the wall when he slid across it trying to stay on his feet, but the blood loss was wearing him down fast and he was losing strength. Then he couldn´t stand anymore and his back was up against the wall and looked up to the stars and heavens, his face had a knife wound across his face, was bleeding, then he smiled seeing the moon shine down on him.
“Goddess of the moon and the sun, Queen of the Heavens, send me your angel here tonight and I will vow my loyalty to you, being your shield, your sword, your knight and end this destructive darkness that consumes these lands! My body, my mind, my heart and soul is yours! My life is in your hands! Save me and I promise to keep my vow to you!” The mysterious guy in black said, then slid down and sat down on the ground with his head bowed down, his eyes started to blur and was losing consciousness. Then suddenly a *dog came running down the alleyway and started sniffing the mysterious guy, making whimpering concerned sounds and the black dog looked down the alleyway, as footsteps were heard and was headed straight for the guy in black with another dog, a white one. Then a light shined from the lamp close to the guy´s face and when he looked up, his blurry eyes could barely see a hooded person who´s mouth was covered too and all he could see were bright blue beautiful eyes staring at him in caring concern.
(*Dog spelled backwards is God! Hidden secrets and coded messages everywhere!) 
“Thank God & the Heavens! An Angel? She heard me!” He said, then smiled, then lost consciousness and fell asleep.
Several days later…
The sound of a kettle brewing and whistling on the stove, woke the mysterious guy up in a bed. He looked up and saw a mechanical invention device pick up the kettle and swung it around to the counter. He then looked at his hand and arm and chest that was covered in bandages. He touched his face and felt the bandages there too. He noticed a basin by the bed with bloody water and a cloth and he saw he was half naked, then looked under the covers and saw he was fully naked and was surprised.
“I´m naked?!” He said then looked around the room that was covered in plants, dried hanging plants & herbs and flowers. It was like he was shacked up in a cottage type of shelter that was filled with all kinds of aromas and scents and he could see scrolls, inks, quills, incense burners, flowers, bottles, jars, books, a grinder that grinds seeds and herbs on the long tables against the window. The shelves were filled with books too and more bottles and jars and hanging herbs and flowers. He then saw his clothes hanging on a string across the room, as if it was washed and now drying. He then got up out of bed, felt the pains on his chest, but continued to get up and grabbed his clothes, but smelled it first.
“Smells like lavender! They washed my clothes, stitched it back together and took care of me? Who is this Angel that saved me? I must marry her at once and make her mine!” He said being all serious while he clenched his fist in the air being determined and wanting to keep his promise. As he got dressed, then when he put his pants on, but wasen´t tied properly and was still half naked showing his chest, the outside door opened up suddenly and two dogs came running in and greeted the stranger happily.
“Oi! Calm down, I´m still in pain and I´m healing!” He said being serious and annoyed, trying to keep his pants up, as he tried to stop the dogs from jumping up placing their paws on his chest, as they both wagged their tales, then the stranger suddenly stood still when his eyes met the angel that saved him and he was shocked to see who it was and he gave a disappointed face.
“Hwaaaah! Who is this guy!? Heaven, why didn´t you send me a female angel?” The stranger thought seeing an overweight, tall, *troll looking fellow.
“Hey Troll guy! What´s your name?” Link said and the guy looked angry.
“His name is not Troll guy, but Emmanuel!” A voice said behind the troll looking guy, then a girl with a blue cloak came forward and surprised the stranger.
(*Troll: I like trolls and have nothing against trolls, but to explain what others might perceive this other guy, I used that word!)
“Zelda?!” The mysterious guy said looking surprised.
“Link! I see you´re awake! You´ve been asleep for days, but your wounds are healing well!” She said then placed the basket full of fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers down on the table. Link continued to get dressed.
“I haven´t seen you since we were kids, but you couldn´t wait to get me undressed hey!” Link said while smirking.
“I wasen´t the one who undressed you!” She said smiling then looked at Emmanuel, then Link made a face again of shock.
“No way, are you serious?!” Link said looking concerned when he was looking at Emmanuel.
“Pffft!” Zelda giggled.
“That´s not funny Zelda!” Link said looking serious.
“That was too easy, I couldn´t resist!” Zelda said smiling, then she grabbed some medicine from her shelf.
“I´ll get you back for that one!” Link said smiling devilishly.
“I look forward to it!” Zelda said smiling.
“Here you go mon ami! This should clear up any problems!” Zelda said.
“Merci Zelda, you´re a life saver! Where do I use it?” He asked and Zelda pointed to his crotch.
“Understood!” He said looking serious.
“But you really should change your eating habits or you´ll just end up getting the same problems again and your health will continue to decline!” Zelda said as she grabbed some vegan recipes for him and Link was staring at them both as he got dressed and petted the dogs, being curious to what they were talking about.
“Here, your wife should try making you these vegan recipes and it will lead you both to gain lots of energies, multiple times a day!” Zelda said.
“Multiple?!” Emmanuel said looking shocked and excited and Zelda nodded her head smiling, then the guy hugged Zelda, surprising her.
“Merci, merci!! What would we do without you?!” He said still hugging her and she felt awkward, not wanting to be too close, then Link came over and pulled the guy off of her.
“You would suffer and die!” Link said being serious.
“Link!?” Zelda said being angry.
“What? I´m right!” Link said looking serious.
“He´s right Zelda! You´ve helped so many in the city and your work at the temple guides & heals us all! You´re like our angel sent from the Heavens! Thank you again for taking time to see me and here, my wife made this for you!” He said handing Zelda a fruit pie.
“Merci!” Zelda said smiling.
“Adieu mon ami!” He said smiling then left.
“Adieu!” Zelda said, then she and Link looked at each other. 
“Temple?” Link said.
“It´s located in the city where I found you. I work there from the afternoon till the evening as a High Priestess, healing, teaching and guiding anyone who comes to the temple and it´s a safe haven for anyone who´s on the run from the law, runaways, homeless, anyone who feels lost, broken and fearful, we are their last hope. It´s also where I pray, meditate and connect with Gaia, the Earth Goddess and it allows me to see the future.” Zelda said getting breakfast ready.
“So you´re also like an Oracle then! You saw me coming?” Link said grabbing an apple and eating it as he sat on the table being carefree.
“I didn´t know it was you, but I did see someone in trouble in my vision and where you were!” She said.
“You saved me, you´re an angel and I made a promise!” Link said as he got off of the table and kneeled down on one knee and took her hand looking serious.
“What are you doing?!” Zelda said looking confused.
“Zelda, my angel from the heavens, I promise to be by your side, to be your shield, your sword and your knight! My body, mind, heart and soul belongs to you, my loyalty is to you and I make it my mission to help you end this destructive darkness on these lands, this is my vow to you!” Link said being all serious and kissed her hand, sealing the promise and vow with a kiss and Zelda blushed and was even more confused and he looked up to her, then she let out a sigh and kneeled down to him, being at his equal level.
(This is Link proposing to Zelda to be married and come into union)
“Did the wounds cause you some brain damage or something, because you´re not making any sense and you´re behaving weird?” Zelda said touching his head gently looking concerned, then he slapped her hand away being angry and stood up, then she stood up.
“I was being serious, but you ruined the mood now! You always do that and it was a really good moment to bring it up!” Link said being annoyed and sulking. Then she smiled.
“He still kept his inner child nature! I´m glad! He´s cute when he´s being childish!” Zelda thought as she smiled.
“Link! What happened to you? Why were you injured so badly and you´re body was malnourished, skinny, your clothes were dirty, torn and bloody! What trouble did you get yourself into?” Zelda said looking at him in concern, but he looked like he didn´t want to answer as he was scratching his face with his finger.
“He did something bad and he doesn´t want to tell me!” Zelda thought.
“Well, whenever you´re ready, I´m here for you, but you know, I could just connect with the Earth Goddess and she´ll tell me everything!” Zelda said smiling.
“That´s not playing fair Zelda!” Link said angrily, then she saw his pain in his voice, on his face and his soul that he was hiding from her.
“I don´t want you to know what I´ve done all these years, who I´ve become! You´ll hate me, you´ll run away from me! I don´t want you to see that darkness, that side of me, the ugly side, the dark side and the beast side. I want you to see me as the boy you knew when we grew up together!” Link thought. Then she walked over to him and grabbed his face in her hands gently, surprising him and placed her forehead up against his, closing her eyes.
“Whatever you´ve done, whoever you´ve become, I want to you see the real you, all shades of you, all the colours, because I know who you are at your soul core, I know you and that´s the foundation of you, but what comes after in all our life times here on Earth, are all the colours added. We´re not just one person anymore, but we hold many lives within our souls and the choices we make good or bad either leads us to be free in our souls or to suffer in our souls, but the core remains, you, the boy I knew remains, here, in your heart, in your soul forever and that will never change. The light, the dark, it all adds up and becomes a part of you and there is nothing to hate about you for that. So Link, don´t hide who you are from me, show me everything, show me who you are in this life!” Zelda said looking serious and Link´s eyes widened with surprise, then he smiled.
“I really want to marry you right now!” Link thought smiling.
“Are you sure? Once I show you, there´s no going back!” Link said looking serious.
“In every life, if you´re not free to express all your emotions, your thoughts, your feelings, who you are, the you in this life that´s real, then I´ll make it my mission to free you so you can. I´ll see that as a victory, not a regret!” Zelda said and her words just fired Link up even more and he placed his hand on his face, and clenched his teeth, like he was trying to control his demon beast inside.
“Link?! What´s wrong?” Zelda said as she gently reached for his hand being concerned, but then he grabbed her face with both hands and kissed her on the mouth passionately, using his tongue teasing her tongue and Zelda looked freaking shocked and didn´t understand anything.
“Huh?! How did that turn into this?! What´s going on?! What´s happening here?!” Zelda thought. Outside her cottage, it was surrounded by woods and nature and her garden. Her place was over 30 minutes outside the city and she lived a hermit, quiet, peaceful life with her two dogs, Luna and Nlue, but that day, that peaceful quiet day, was interrupted by a storm, a force to be reckoned with, her best friend, her childhood friend, the boy she had a crush on when she was a child and who now was back in her life, stirring up some chaos to her order in her life.
“Whack!” Zelda punched him on the other side that wasen´t wounded and he fell to the floor having his hand on his face feeling the pain.
“Oi! What happened to wanting to see the real me and all my colours!” Link said angrily.
“What the hell was that?” Zelda said angrily.
“Calmez-vous!” Link said. 
“I knew this was a possibility she would react like that! Her soul says one thing, but her mind says another! If only it could align together, then we´d be kissing not fighting right about now!” Link thought.
“Je suis calme!!” Zelda said out loud.
“That doesn´t sound like you´re calm!” Link said, then Zelda kneeled down to his level being an equal and smiled, then flicked his forehead.
“Ay! I´m injured here don´t forget, you´re just adding more pains! I thought you were a healer, an angel!” Link said feeling more pain.
“I didn´t punch the side where your injury was! I have colours too you know and I`m confused and surprised right now and didn´t expect that from you! I still don´t understand it, but I´m happy that I see a side to you that I´ve never seen before and I look forward to seeing every part of you!” She said smiling then got up and reached her hand to him, then he grabbed it and stood up. The she went over to her table, grabbed a healing wrap that had medical cooling herbs in a large leaf and went over to Link and placed it on his cheek. 
“Hold this here until the swelling and pain goes down!” Zelda said, then Link grabbed her hand as she pulled her hand away from his face.
“Zelda, did that kiss not feel good?” Link said looking serious and being curious and Zelda blushed and her heart started to race.
“What´s with you asking me that! You really must of hit your head hard! Maybe we should see the energy healer at the temple to see if you have any brain damage!” Zelda said.
“I don´t have any damage, the only thing I´m suffering from is you not understanding me and being so damn slow! It´s really infuriating and frustrating!” Link said angrily.
“Then explain it to me properly so I can understand!” Zelda said and Link´s eyes widened with surprise and as he was about to say something, but Nlue barked, then Luna barked and was at the door scratching. Then Zelda went out the door and Link looked out the window and saw soldiers outside.
“Fuck! They found me!” Link said angrily. When Zelda went over to them and they were sitting high on their horses.“What brings you here this morning?” Zelda said smiling.
“Mademioselle!” One soldier said.
“Jacques!” Zelda said.
“We´re looking for this murderer!” Jacques said showing a piece of paper with Link´s face on it and a reward was being given.
“Have you seen him?” Leon, the other soldier said.
“Hai!” Zelda said and Link froze up.
“What the fuck is she doing? Is she really that mad about the kiss?” Link said angrily.
“Really? That was easy! Where?” Michel the soldier said as they all got worked up, looking like they were blood thirsty to take Link´s life.
“In my dreams and he´s causing quite the trouble there too! Is there a reward for that if I catch him?” Zelda said being serious, then Link let out a sigh of relief, not wanting to shed blood in front of Zelda, even thou she did say to show all his colours, but, if there was a way to protect life, she´d choose that over death.
“Zelda, we´re being serious here! Stop playing around!” Leon said angrily.
“I am being serious! There are nights I can´t sleep when he keeps me up with his nightmares and torments in his soul! He screams in pain, tears fall and when I reach out to wipe it away, he suddenly grabs me, looking at me, like he´s telling me he´s lost in the dark and he wants out, he doesn´t want to feel pain anymore or to feel lonely or feel sad, but he wants out, he wants freedom from it all! This murderer that your´re after, whatever he did and why, he´s already paying for it in his soul, he´s already being punished, in his soul! What you´re all doing, is just adding more pains to his soul, by wanting to punish him more. He needs healing, not more torments!” Zelda said being serious, sounding like she was teaching them in class, as the soldiers looked in disbelief of what she just said and Link couldn´t believe what she just said either.
“Zelda that´s…!” Jacque said, but was stopped by the commander leader when he raised his hand in the air.
“There are rules and laws we must follow Zelda or society falls into chaos and the rules and laws say, this murderer must pay the price and be imprisoned, tortured, then executed. He doesn´t deserve salvation or redemption, but he can ask for that in the afterlife.” The commander leader said.
“Society is already in chaos! When lives are tormented, children or adults, they break down, they fall apart and get lost in the dark, then history repeats when nothing changes. You´re not solving the problem at the core, but you´re just feeding the problem and history repeats. It´s the rules and laws that feed that problem and repeat it. As for the afterlife, what do you think that is? It means coming back into this world and being reborn again, then it could mean being tormented again if that child ends up in a bad home and could fall to the dark again. What right do you have to say that he doesn´t deserve salvation or redemption? That is not up to you, but that´s for the heavens to decide and the heavens believe he deserves it!” Zelda said looking serious and angry and they all knew she had ties to heaven and connection to the Goddess of the Earth, Zelda knew what went on in the dark and her wisdom and oracle abilities had helped many times before the soldiers when they asked for it, then the commander leader smiled and Link was grabbing his chest where his heart was feeling the love from Zelda.
“Zelda!” Link said.
“She´s lecturing him again!” Leon whispered.
“Sounds like she´s teaching him, treating him like one of her students!” Jacque whispered.
“But he always ends up in a good mood after it! What´s up with that?” Michel said looking confused. Then the commander leader waved his hand in the air looking at the other soldiers and they understood the sign and galloped off on their horses back to the city. The leader got off his horse and walked over to Zelda. Link was grabbing the wooden shelf by the window, clenching it and it was cracking as he was showing his beastly side and looking angry.
“It´s good to see you again! You always did have a habit of firing up my soul like no other and I always look forward to these moments between us!” Pierre said smiling, as he gently grabbed her hand and kissed it like a gentleman. Then they both heard a loud noise inside the cottage, like something was breaking. Then Zelda took her hand away.
“Luna & Nlue causing trouble?” Pierre said.
“I should get back inside!” Zelda said as she was about to leave.
“When are you going to accept my proposal?” Pierre said still not giving up and looking more determined than ever.
“I already declined! My life keeps me busy! Pierre, you and I can never happen!” Zelda said.
“Why?” He said.
“…” Zelda.
“Zelda, I´m not giving up on you and I really think you should move to the city where it´s much safer. You must be lonely here living all by yourself! There´s nothing but trees, animals and nature here!” He said looking around not understanding her choices at all, then she turned to face him and smiled.
“That´s why I like it! It´s peaceful and I´m more connected to the Earth Goddess here!” Zelda said smiling, then walked back to her cottage. When she came inside, she leaned up against the door and let out a sigh, closing her eyes, then heard a thump next to her that startled her and when she opened her eyes, Link had his hands on either side of her, trapping her in-between his arms, like a predator cornering his prey.
“What are you doing?” Zelda said.
“Who was that? Are you together with him?” Link said angrily.
“That was the commander leader in charge of the city´s soldiers and no, we are not together! What was that noise?” She said then she took his arm down and looked at where the shelf had broken and was a mess on the floor and she was staring at it being confused.
“We had a battle and I won!” Link said staring at it with his hands in his pockets looking carefree.
“Right! Could you please clean it up and I´ll get breakfast ready!” Zelda said as she walked over to her kitchen nook. Then he started picking up the broken pieces.
“She knows that I´ve killed, but she doesn´t know the whole story and yet, she still trusts me and doesn´t kick me out?” Link thought.
“That was quite the story you told about seeing me in your dreams!” Link said as he was tidying up.
“I wasen´t lying! Since you´ve been here for several days, I´ve been having visions of you and your pains in your soul. You´ve also been keeping me up at night with your nightmares. Everything I told them was true and has happened!” Zelda said thinking back to when Link would scream at night and Zelda went to him, then he suddenly woke up and grabbed her hand with tears in his eyes, then fell back to sleep as she calmed him when she placed her hand on his chest lighting it up and wiping away his tears. When he emptied the rubbish in the bin and stood for a moment not moving.
“I´m a monster! If you saw the real me…!” Link said, but then suddenly Zelda hugged him from behind surprising him and his eyes widened with shock.
“You´re not a monster Link! You´re human and humans can break apart, but they can also get back up, they can mend their broken pieces, they can heal and they can make things right again!” Zelda said still holding on to him and tears started to stream down his face when feeling the love from Zelda healing him and his soul with her heavenly light and love. Luna and Nlue also came up to him and sat in front of him, placing their paws on his leg.
“You see, Nlue and Luna agree with me!” Zelda said smiling as she held Link tighter and he placed his hand on her arm that was around him, holding him.
Walking down the nature pathway road leading to the city, Zelda, Link, Nlue and Luna, the black and white dogs walked together.
“It would go a lot faster if we had horses or a horse and carriage! It´s gonna take us hours to get to the city at this speed!” Link said looking annoyed, wearing his black cloak, his sword by his side and Zelda wore a blue cloak and her pouch bag around her shoulder. Link hated it when things went slowly and he was more of a fast paced kind of guy, so was Zelda, but she had a habit of going at a tortoise speed until she would fast pace sonic it.
“I´m a poor High Priestess and Oracle, I can´t afford to buy a horse, let alone afford to look after her!” Zelda said. 
“I don´t want to spend my money buying animals, I´d rather rescue them instead!” Zelda thought.
“How´s that possible? What about all those people you help? Don´t they pay you?” Link said looking surprised.
“I don´t accept anything, but they do give me a coin every time and they leave me offerings like food and things. I make my money selling the healing products I make from nature at a local store in the city. It´s enough to get me by and I grow my own food, so…! What about you, can you afford a horse?” Zelda said.
“Nope, I´m penniless, I´m damaged goods, I´m now scarred, I´m a criminal, I´m unemployed, my health is at an all time low…! I´m a real catch for the ladies!” Link said smiling chucking to himself with his hands behind his head being carefree, feeling feel and Zelda smiled.
“Being “perfect” is not what it´s all about, you are you, being real and true and that´s what matters the most! You´re also healing and getting healthier!” Zelda said seeing the positives in the negatives.
“Thanks to your magic!” Link said smiling and Zelda blushed.
“Bienvenue!” Zelda said smiling.
“Say Zelda, is there any job openings at the Temple?” Link said.
“Hmm! Now that you mention it, they are recruiting new security protection for the High Priestesses, High Priests, the life that seek refuge and haven at the temple and protection for the Temple. The Knights are put through a gruelling training regime and trials, tests and challenges are to overcome in order to be able to protect life at the Temple. Their identities are protected in their outfits, so that would help you out, but would you be up for the challenge?” Zelda said and saw him smiling.
“Why did I even ask, when I know the answer already!” Zelda thought.
“When I can begin?” Link said smiling.
Somewhere on Earth…
Lying on the floor in his room at SAU, with a headgear over his head, he sat up and took off the head gear, then looked in front of him at the screen at the virtual online game world he was playing in called “Zelda & Link, The Twin Soul World!”. The young boy at age 18, saw Link on the TV screen suddenly making out with Zelda, then he got angry and typed on the keyboard.
“Link, knock it off you asshole! I leave for a few seconds and you´re already jumping on my virtual body you horny bastard!” Zelda wrote and let out a sigh, then logged off his character in the game and disappeared. Then he looked down at the game case and the post it on it and picked it up, reading the message.
“Zelda! A new game inspired and designed by both your ideas! Let me know what you think about the prototype. Kazuto!” Then Zelda picked up his phone and texted his older brother. 
“Brother, I´ll make a list, but what I can mention now is, what do you think of every country being a virtual world anyone can enter, like it´s a level and can be inspired by any era, but with a twist, it can be vintage, modern, futuristic, fantasy, sci fi all in one, using any part of history to teach, it can be anything and every language in that country is used. Anyone can help save the Earth in the game! Amazing so far what you all have created! Talk later! Ja ne!” Zelda wrote, then Zelda´s body nervously shook and startled, when Link came bursting through the door looking like a beast.
“Zelda! What the hell!! At least let me have fun with you in the virtual world when you´re not there!” Link said angrily.
“No!” Zelda said with expressionless face.
“Tch! If only you were a real girl!” Link said sulking.
“I´m happy to disappoint you, but I like being born male, it´s way more fun!” Zelda said as he grabbed another game from his shelf that was filled with anime games, manga, anime and books and manga figures and he turned on the classic game called, “Sonic and Tails!”.
“Two player?” Link said as he sat beside Zelda.
“Hai!” Zelda said, then they both started playing a new game as Link grabbed some vegan snacks from the floor and started eating.
“You really get into character don´t you! I thought it would be lame at first, but then I really got into it with the improv! I should try acting! Maybe I should join the drama club! You should too, then we´d blow their minds away with our electric performances in the arts together!” Link said smiling.  
“In one or many lives already in this world, I´m probably already am an actress and an actor! I have other plans now in this life!” Zelda said.
“Eeeh? What might that be?” Link said, but then a door knocked and opened and a tall, dark haired looking adult wearing glasses, looked serious.
“Sensei?” Zelda said.
“You guys still haven´t handed in your assignments yet! You´ll fail my class if you don´t hand it in this friday!” Sensei said.
“Oi, Pierre! What the fuck! Stop trying to propose to Zelda every time! That´s not even funny!” Link said looking angry and possessive and jealous, but Sensei smiled.
“Heh! Don´t look now Link, but your jealousy is showing and the name is Hiroto or Sensei! Just make sure you guys hand it in and don´t be late for class again!” Hiroto said then closed the door.
“Jealous? It´s just creepy when he does that!” Link said, then Zelda whacked a rolled up notebook on Link´s head.
“Oi! What the hell´s that for?!” Link said angrily.
“Age doesn´t matter remember! Our souls are older than these bodies! Don´t you pay attention in class?” Zelda said, but then Link scratched his cheek looking the other way and smiling deviously.
“I get easily distracted!” He said smiling, then Zelda let out a sigh.
“Ne, Zelda! Do you think Sensei is gay?” Link said.
“I think he plays both teams, but for the moment he´s playing on our side!” Zelda said.
“Our side? I´m not gay!” Link said.
“I´m talking about Team Kings, Team male, gays are male!” Zelda said.
“That means he could really ask Zelda out!” Link thought.
“Anyway, if you see it more like, he´s a Twin Soul, instead of him being gay or straight, then it wouldn´t matter who he got together with, because it´s all about soul love, not the bodies. You really need to pay attention in class!” Zelda said.
“Hai, hai! If I slack off, you can punish me!” Link said smirking.
“I´ll hold you to that!” Zelda said.
“I´ll look forward to it!” Link said.
“You pervert!” Zelda said.
“You know it!” Link said smiling, then Zelda smiled as they both played Sonic and Tails.
Then somewhere else…
“Did they stop playing?” Cazuki said as he was lying down on the floor with his head gear on.
“I think so!” Akira said lying next to him in his room with his head gear on, then they both sat up at the same time and took off their virtual online head gears off looking in front of the large TV screen seeing the online virtual world and their characters were the dogs, Nlue and Luna.
“Tch! They could have told us! Kids!” Cazuki said.
“Technically, we´re also kids, I´m 17, you´re 18, remember!” Akira said.
“Only in bodies!” Cazuki said.
“Yeah, but we feel like we´re forever teenagers too and childish and adults, all in one!” Akira said, then they both looked at each other and smiled.
Scene end...
3 May, 2019.
Chapter 11: New added information and dialogue between Amaterasu and Kai at the vegan B & B. I don´t really add the aaaah and ooooh when it comes to writing about sex and love making, that detail can be added later on in the final finished creation piece. Right now, these chapters should be seen more like drafts. Also includes new scene after the bathroom scene. I scream internally (I also laugh and smile when writing about them) being happy for Ama & Kai, especially when there are Twin Souls that I write that are not in union yet, so I´m happy to write about those that are in union.
2 May, 2019.
New scene: Amaterasu and Kai at a vegan B & B.
New scene in chapter 11: What happens when Amaterasu and Kai are shopping in a city? I just love these two! :)
1 May, 2019.
New scene. What happens when one of the tree destroyer guys comes back to find the area filled with trees again?
New scene and info in the same new scene after the AMG meeting in chapter 11.
New info and dialogue in the new scene that comes after AMG meeting is added. There is always gonna be missing information that needs to be included, but since I write fast and direct, it´s like a draft, so there will be times I go back to include what was missing and I know there is a lot missing from all chapters.
1 New scene in chapter 11. Comes after the AMG meeting.
30th April, 2019.
Twin Soul Union Team Work:
2 new scenes in chapter 13 and new dialogue & info throughout the chapter in the various scenes. There are times when writing, I laugh, this was another one of those times! :)
29th April, 2019.
2 new scenes in chapter 13.
New changes and new info in chapters 11 and 13, plus 4 new scenes in chapter 13.
28th April, 2019.
Still working on chapter ? and more story lines are backed up needing to be written. 
Happy 28th!
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 13.
Somewhere on Earth...
At Heaven & Hell company, in the AMG Division, Team leader Kazuto was in a meeting with his team from the Anime Games & Virtual Life Games Division and they were all looking at the big screen revealing the prototype of the online virtual life game called Alunasky. It was a world based off of sword art online, but was shaped and changed to be multifunctional and not just be game to play their lives away or just have fun, but was interactive and impacted their lives on Earth. When the promo came on, a narrator talked about the game. 
“Welcome to Alunasky, an online virtual life world, a Twin Soul world, not like anything you´ve ever seen or imagined before. A world where everything feels real, a world where you can find your long lost True Love, your Twin Soul that you met in other life times and defend that love in the battles with those that wish to tear you both apart or keep you apart, a world where you can impact Earth from the game, a world where you can get your souls pains out on the battles and challenges in your missions, a world designed to help soul wake you up and help change Earth. In this world, you transport to your digital avatar self that will feel real and when you wish to wake up, you log out of the game and the head gear will wake you up. So what are you waiting for? Are ready for it? Ready to change the world and meet the One you were soul destined to be with? Then download Alunasky now and be free to express your soul self, be free to not be a slave anymore, but be a conquerer, be free to be anyone, a solo player, a team player or both and unleash your soul into a new world, a world where you are free!” The narrator said. Then Kazuto paused the video.
“We might need to edit and change the promo intro! Any game improvements & ideas?” Kazuto said.
“I was thinking the boss levels and the various aliens, robots and “enemies” they have to defeat in the world, should be a game play option where anyone can choose to be those “villainous” characters and will gain points and perks if they win against the players. Any players that reach a high level status, could also choose to become any one of those characters or boss characters which can be used in battles that seem too difficult to overcome and if they have no choice when out in the battlefield, but can´t be used in the boss levels.” Haruki said.
“Since the points and perks also transfer to this world that they can use, what about joining forces with the Kings project?” Giichi said.
“How so?” Kazuto said.
“What about the ability to gain more points and perks if they adopt animals on Earth instead of having children, since human souls reincarnate in animals anyway, so it´s like having children, but the children are always small, furry, cute and gives them more freedoms in their lives, like more time for their work and their Twin Soul. Having just male children should also be added and rewarded with perks and points.” Giichi said.
“Then we should definitely coordinate with the guys at the Yaoi Desire Revolution Division, they´re exploring news way to help people be interested in being born male and sex is one of their main focus besides soul love, since guys can have way more fun when they are in the same body.” Chikao said.
“Sorry Asuma!” Chikao said.
“Don´t be, I believe you and if I could, I´d be born male too, but some of us have to be born female to help you guys out right and allow souls to be able to come back into this world!” Asuma said smiling looking like a sparkly angel hippy with her long fish braided tail hair with daisy flowers in it and her hippy clothes wearing a peace symbol necklace and a *Lemurian crystal stone necklace and a *Atlantis Larimar turquoise gemstone ring on her ring finger.
“If we´re going to introduce perks and points in the game when anyone adopts animals, then we should include perks and points if they feed their animal children with organic, vegan foods, otherwise they´ll end up having the same health issues and could die early like humans. It´s big business for the veterinary industry to make money off of the animals being sick and they even sell foods to continue to make the animals sick. It´s a never ending hell cycle. All information and scientific truths should be revealed on why vegan is best not only for their health which makes them live longer, but to protect the lives & health of their animal children.” Natsu said.
(Natsu used to work at the Truth, Justice & Freedom Division, Internal Affairs, investigating all aspects of this world and what goes on in the dark and the repeating hell patterns.)
“Same can be said with what doctors are doing in hospitals and the pharmaceutical companies. Nutrition and healthy meal consumption is not on their high priority list when it comes to healing the sick, nor is alternative medicine and healing. Lets add that to the game plan too and reveal it. Perks and points for wanting to wake up in their souls and want to really heal their health!” Chikao said.
“Well we are finding new ways to save the Earth and wake up souls and all your ideas are noted!” Kazuto said.
“Ano sa, I know I´m new here and just started today, but why don´t we make the link and connection between our world and Alunasky? I mean, if people knew that our world is like a cross between being an Earth Matrix and Sword Art Online, then this could help wake them up faster!” Yuuma said.
“He´s right! Just like when Neo found out, everything is a lie! Their family is not their real family, but portals into this world. There are teams on the various *levels making sure everyone stays asleep and wanting to rule over everyone, playing kings and queens, presidents and prime ministers, going around demanding taxes, taking freedoms and liberties away, dictating destructive rules and laws that jeopardise health of the minds, bodies, souls and True Love just like in SAO and every year the people pray, wish and hope for the return of Asuna & Kirito once again!” Haruki said.
“Then we will make sure to fulfil that promise and take back this world and conquer all levels and free them all, but this time the world will be overrun with many Asunas and Kiritos and the Rebellion teams will be unstoppable! Good work Yuuma!” Kazuto said smiling devilishly.
“Then we should include the game terms too, since it´s relevant here. The *NPCs are those that are still soul sleep walking in life, still being connected to the Earth Matrix, going about their daily lives, getting an education that continues their *NPC life, getting a job, getting married, having kids, grandkids, going on holidays, shopping endlessly and just not helping the world or helping to wake up life at all, but just overrunning it with so many of the same souls.” Giichi said.
“Maybe we need a new Division, one that comes up with new jobs, careers and new Divisions that are new, wacky, interesting, exciting and colourful that are not *NPC related, but are *SATP & *SASP related! Every time a new job here is created at H & H, it makes me wanna join it! Pffft!” Natsu said chuckling to himself.
“Natsu, we need you here! You can´t leave us!” Haruki said looking serious.
“Hai, hai! I love it here too!” Natsu said smiling.
“For the moment, we´re advertising the fact that anyone can meet their Twin Soul in the Twin Soul world, but how can we narrow the search when two people meant to be are in a sea of pink “pills” all aver the world and the Twin Soul couple represent *blue and *green or two *blues or two *greens? We need like a Twin Soul signal to light them up that let´s them know they found one another again when coming back into this world. We need to fire up their colours so it shines in the sea of pink.” Shiori said.
“I have some ideas about that!” Asuma said as she smiled.
Waiting for the elevator, Asuma and Kazuto were standing next to each other waiting together and staring right ahead. When the elevator doors opened on the 21st floor, they both went in, stood next to each other again, looked right ahead and when the elevator doors were closing, they both looked at each other, grabbed each other fast and passionately, held each other tightly in their arms and kissed like they hadn´t seen each other in life times.
(*NPC: Non playable characters. *SATP: Soul Awake Team Player. *SASP: Soul Awake Solo Player!)
(*Levels: Countries are like levels to conquer and free people and wake them up, but so are planets!)
(*Blue & *Green are Twin Soul colours and Twin Soul union colours)
1 hour later...
The skies were dark, clouds covered the skies, thunder, lighting and strong winds with rain added to the turbulent energies that was on the battlefield, the Light & Dark Angel Holy Knights on one side and the vampire demons on the other side standing in a snowy and icy field ready to fight, ready to die, ready to win at all cost. Zeke & Ari were standing in front of the Holy Knights and the Knights were Twin Soul unions who protected life, souls and Twin Souls. Zeke, a dark angel demon vampire standing next to his wife and soul wife Ari, his angel, his everything and they both were fighting to protect their union from the demon vampires that wanted to tear her apart, rip her to shreds and feast on her flesh again. They were out for blood, they wanted Zeke back and were desperate, they needed his seed, his power and wanted to place chains on him again. Zeke had his scythe over his shoulder ready to bring his order to this chaotic mess the demon vampires created everywhere, when they kept controlling and destroying life & True Loves. Ari took out both her blue and green swords, ready to defend their union. The demon vampires smiled, licked their lips, wanting to feed on her pains, sufferings, sadness and torture energies and Zeke could hear all their thoughts and got even more fired up angry and full of rage, clenching his teeth, his eyes glowing red, his long black hair flowing in the wind and grabbing a hold of his scythe tightly. 
“Zeke, remember, we´re legends and legends never die!” Ari said smiling.
“Because we´re written down in eternity!” He said finishing their sentence smiling, then they all ran towards the demon vampires who ran towards them and they all flew up to battle in the air. Zeke injured any life that was coming for him, using his scythe to tear the demon vampires wings off & defending Ari and disabling their attacks, as did the Holy Knights & Ari. When Ari & Zeke were back to back, they were surrounded by the demon vampires, but they defended their union, defended each other when they were attacked over and over by the hundreds who wanted to break them up again. Wounded bodies kept dropping from the sky landing on the icy snowy field that was turning into a sea of blood. They both ended up being a bloody mess themselves not being able to avoid getting hurt by the sharp weapons the demon vampires had, but their wounds kept healing. When one demon vampire managed to get close to Ari from behind holding her neck, licking her neck, while his other hand held a weapon digging into her skin, so she couldn´t move, Zeke lost it being in rage, but then he calmed down seeing Ari wasen´t in any danger after all and he smiled instead which confused the demon vampire. She closed her eyes, her arms stretched out with her two swords and started to light up her whole body and the demon vampire freaked, became fearful and couldn´t escape her light that impacted him and he sparkled like shining particles and disappeared up to the sky. Ari placed her two swords behind her back and Zeke and Ari flew to each other, holding each other. They could see in the distance thousands of demon vampires flying towards them and it was time to ignite the Divine Light of the One between them. They looked at each other, into their soul eyes with eternal True Love they had for each other that was never ending and infinite, the demon vampires that were there could see what was about to happen and started to retreat fast, but once Ari & Zeke kissed high up in the sky, their whole bodies lit up like the sun, wind blew dark and light feathers all around them, their hair blowing in the wind upwards and all over and they ignited the Divine Light of the One and their powerful positive light energy wave rippled out everywhere and to everyone, causing anyone that wanted to control and destroy life and control and destroy Twin Souls, to shine themselves, the light filling the demon vampires up with love, peace and becoming soul awake turning them into sparkling particles floating back up to the sky and the clouds parted, the windy storms and the rains stopped, the sun beamed through the dark clouds showing blue skies above and the rays of light from the sun shined onto Ari & Zeke, a tiger angel and her dark angel demon vampire fly hovering with their light and dark wings. They didn´t stop kissing, they kept passionately kissing with their tongues being thirsty for each other as always until the Divine Light of The One reached everywhere it was meant to. When the light was reaching the thousands of demon vampires in the distance that were now trying to out fly the speed of light, they could see it was hopeless and they lost. As Zeke & Ari stopped kissing and looked at each other smiling, a sharp sound shocked them both to the core and Ari and Zeke looked down seeing an arrow that had pierced through her heart and could not be saved or healed by that wound. One demon vampire that was among the thousands that were on their way to the battle, but was now fleeing the battle to escape the light, one of the many harem girls that always went after Zeke to control him, breed with him, use him and trap him, shot her poisoned arrow before she disappeared when the light reached her and she smiled. Zeke looked shocked and froze, feeling lost and broken, he caught Ari in his arms, bridal carrying her. The other Holy Knights looked shocked.
“Ari!!!” Zeke said out loud, not wanting to believe it. She reached out her hand covered in blood touching his face.
“Zeke, I need to tell you something!” She said knowing her time was up in this life. The Holy Knights gathered around them, knowing they couldn´t heal her wound or save her. 
“Don´t talk like that, it´s not over, I won´t allow it! I can´t lose you, not again!” He said angrily, clenched his teeth and flew down to the bloody battle field, kneeling beside her, holding her and with his hand he grabbed the arrow, closed his eyes and the arrow shattered into tiny particles and floated away. He then looked at her wound, but could see the poison that was left behind from the shot.
“Shimatte!!! She poisoned the damn arrow!! Kuso!!” He said feeling enraged and recognised the arrow style belonging to one of the demon vampire girls who always targeted him. He then healed her wound, but the poison was fast and he couldn´t stop it. Ari then placed her hand on her stomach, lighting a protection bubble around the womb to prevent the poison getting to it and grabbed his hand and placed it on her stomach and looked at him lovingly. She smiled hoping he understood what she was telling him. He then read her mind and was soul shocked. She was pregnant, carrying twins.
“You have to save them Zeke and you will find me again! It´s not over, because we´re legends remember and legends…never die…” She said struggling to speak and was drifting away, struggling to keep her eyes open. 
“Stay with me Ari, don´t leave me, stay alive! I´m begging you to fight, we can solve this, we can find a way to heal this!” He said pleading with her with tears streaming down his face, his heart breaking into a billion pieces as her tears streamed too and her soul was drowning in an ocean of tears. She reached for his face again.
“I wish I could be with you, to have a life time with you, for the wars to be finally over. I wish we could be together in every life! I love you Zeke, I always have and always will! I dream of that day my love and that we finally are together forever!” She said wanting to kiss him one last time. He then grabbed her, kissing her, holding her to his chest and she was holding him tears streaming down her face and his.
“I love you Ari, so damn much!! Hold on, don´t let go of me, hold on Forever!” He said as her hands then slowly let go of him and her soul had left her body.
“Ari, oi Ari, Ari!!!!” He shouted and he screamed looking up to the sky. When he had finished letting out his despair, his anger, his pains, his sadness, his tears, his everything in those screams. He then looked at Ari´s lifeless body and had to act quickly before her body disappeared. He placed his hand over her stomach and light illuminated. His hand that was now a fist, he turned his hand over palm facing him and opened up his hand, two blue heart crystal life looking drops attached to a string appeared. His tears fell onto the crystals in his hands. He placed the necklace over his neck and tucked it away behind his black armour protecting it and looked down to his beloved Twin Soul wife. He then grabbed her two swords that were attached to her back. He untied her blue and green kumihimo corded bracelet that was on her wrist and used it to tie up her 3 long hair braids, then he took out his knife and chopped off her long braids placing it in his jacket pocket. He held her once last time, kissing her once last time and holding her hand one last time, her body then illuminated with light and her avatar body slowly disappeared into sparkling stars while he was still holding her and the sparkling particles headed back up to the sky. Clenched teeth, clenched fists, eyes closed, he then opened them and it glowed with fiery red full of anger and rage he stood up, grabbed his knife and started ending the lives of the wounded demon vampires on the icy field, even the ones the Holy Knights were healing. Zeke had no mercy for them, he was lost on a dark path now. When one of the Holy Knights tried to intervene and stop Zeke, he wouldn´t hear it.
“This is not what she would want! Zeke, she wanted you out of hell remember, not fall back into it!” The Light Holy Knight said grabbing Zuki´s arm trying to reach him, but it fell to deaf ears.
“She´s not here anymore, she´s gone again! They took her from me! Until I see her again, this is who I am, this is the path I am on! Now stay out of my way or feel my wrath!” Zeke said as the Light Holy Knight let go and saw the pains, the sadness and tortures again in Zeke´s eyes for losing the love of his life again in another life. As Zeke was running from one to the next using his knife, he was smiling, started to laugh his joker laugh, laughing at the insanity of it all, he lost it, he lost himself and no one could bring him out of that hell he was lost in again except his Twin Soul wife. He was having fun killing them all and the demon vampires that tried to crawl their way from him, pleading for their lives, but Zeke went after them too.
“Where do you think you´re going, I´m just getting started! This is what you wanted right? Hell on this planet!” Zeke said laughing while going after one that was crawling away.
“He´s lost it, my words can´t reach him!” The Light Holy Knight said standing from a distance hearing the screams from the battlefield and seeing Zeke ending all the demon vampires lives.
“It can´t be helped, he´s trapped again in the dark, in hell and his soul saviour has to be born again to save him from destroying the world!” The Dark Holy Knight said thinking that Zeke had the power to reset the world if he wanted, but he was holding back. Then the Dark Holy Knight had a feeling and looked to the distance and saw more demon vampires flying towards them coming for Zeke. 
“Shimatte! They´re relentless in wanting him back!” The Dark Holy Knight said angrily. He then flew up an landed next to Zeke who was still killing.
“Zeke! The second attack wave is coming!” He said looking towards the distance seeing thousands of demon vampires.
“I know! Leave them to me! No mercy, if you all get in my way, I will destroy you!” He said standing up after taking the last life he was holding and then throwing away the dead body away from him like it was nothing. He activated his God of Death going full force and didn´t want the Holy Knights getting in his way. Zeke walked past his scythe and used Ari´s two swords instead, symbolising their unborn twins and his Twin Soul bond with Ari and he felt like she was with him protecting him with her two swords. He kneeled down and flew up fast into the sky, fly hovering amongst the dark clouds again. The sun was gone, the storms raged on again and Zeke was fly hovering alone in front of the thousands of demon vampires flying towards him wanting him back. 
“Whatever it takes Ari, if I have to, I will create a world where we can finally be together!” He said. He took one of Ari´s blue swords and held it close to his face resting it on his forehead, closing his eyes.
“Protect me Ari! Keep me alive until I find you again!” He thought, then he opened his eyes, eyes flaming fiery red and swung the sword fast outward.
“Guardian!!!” He angrily shouted and his black dragon came flying up behind him and the dragon roared out his power and with his green fire, breathing fire towards the demon vampires. Zeke then smiled his joker smile.
“Korosu!!!” He said out loud angrily and flew towards them with his dragon, having no fear, being full of fire, rage, anger, sadness, pains and tortures, he didn´t stop there when he slayed the thousands, but his death march carried on for years, not being able to get over the death of Ari, being apart from her again and it didn´t stop until she was reborn again and to find her again and he could be with her again. He was stuck in that nightmare until she came back and saved his soul and brought him out of the hell he was trapped in and bring him back to heaven, to their heaven.
The screams and shouts and hearing his name being called out, awoke Ari in his bed and his eyes were blurry, but he could see his TV screen was on and a anime series was being shown. He also saw his cat Yuki playing with the TV remote control and he had turned it on with his paw. Then Ari went under the cover, looking sad and depressed.
“I don´t wanna go to work today!” Ari thought, then looked at his phone and read the text he got yesterday.
“Ari, we won´t see each other again! I´m ending this! I just feel like we don´t match up! You don´t really open up to me when we make love, not soulfully, so we´re missing that connection. Maybe one day you´ll meet a guy who has those keys to your heart and soul! Take care!” The text wrote from his ex boyfriend that broke up with him yesterday.
“That makes number 10! I´ve been dumped by my boyfriends 10 times and my relationships have only lasted weeks or months. This pain in my heart hurts like hell, but I can´t help but think, what if I was in a relationship that lasted years or decades then ended, my heart would surely die and not make it. All of them confessed to me and wanted to date me and I said yes thinking my One would find me, but the reasons for them ending it has been different every time, but when they tell me, it lets me know we really didn´t belong together at all!” Ari thought then thought back to all those times.
“I can´t keep up with you! You´re sexual appetite is too much for me! I don´t even think it´s normal to want to have sex 3 or more times a day and have it last more than a few minutes. You´re also way too heavy with your love! I feel like I´m drowning in it!” Boyfriend 1 said.
“But it´s my way of expressing my love and wanting to feel your love! Body contact, making love, is one powerful way to communicate our feelings, our thoughts and our love and I have so much to love to give and I wanna pour it all into my One! I wanna drown him in it and I want him to drown me in it!” Ari thought.
“You work too much! I never see you and I should come first in your life, not your work!” Boyfriend 2 said.
“I work at the front lines, of course I´m busy! I´m passionate about my work and if you had something you were passionate about, you would understand me and not hold it against me!” Ari said.
“Lets have kids, I wanna have a family with you, we could adopt children or we could get a surrogate!” Boyfriend 3 said looking happy and excited.
“I don´t want children, besides, we already have a child!” Ari said.
“Huh!?” Boyfriend 3 said.
“Yuki is our child!” Ari said smiling picking up Yuki the cat in his arms and Boyfriend 3 had a surprised look on his face thinking Ari was crazy.
“Is he crazy? That´s a cat!” Boyfriend 3 said looking at him being annoyed.
“Marry me!” Boyfriend 4 said while they were having breakfast together.
“I´m sorry, but I´m not ready to get married!” Ari said.
“Hey Ari, could you lend me some money?” Boyfriend 5 said.
“Again?” Ari said.
“That business venture I tried turned out to be a scam, but some friends of mine have this new idea for a company we could start and I think this time it will work!” Boyfriend 5 said smiling and scratching his head.
“I´ve already lent you 3 times already! I´m sorry, I can´t lend you anymore! I´m already in debt for the times your investments backfired!” Ari said.
“Ari, wanna have a threesome?” Boyfriend 6 said smiling and Ari had an annoyed and surprised look on his face.
“No!” Ari said angrily.
“I have some good news! I got a new job in France! You´ve always wanted to visit there right and you love the language! I´ve already taken care of housing and travel arrangements. I have even found jobs for you to apply! I´m really excited to start a new adventure, aren´t you?” Boyfriend 7 said looking happy and Ari looked shocked at seeing his life path was taken from him and was being controlled by his boyfriend.
“Huh!? Ano sa, I´m not moving, I´m staying here, but I´m happy for you!” Ari said as he walked off.
“Eeeeh! Don´t say no too quickly, think about it!” Boyfriend 7 said as he followed Ari.
“I haven´t even conquered this *level yet and I do love France and I wish to learn the language, but my job here isen´t done yet!” Ari thought.
(*Level: Country! Ari sees this world like a cross between Earth Matrix and Sword Art Online. To him, countries are like levels to be conquered.)
“I don´t want you hanging out with your friends anymore!” Boyfriend 8 said.
“Huh?!” Ari said.
“I don´t like them and one of those guys is single right and the time you spend with them, we could be spending time together since you work so much!” Boyfriend 8 said.
“I only see them once a week, but why don´t you join me? You don´t have to like them, but at least we can be together!” Ari said.
“No! What´s it gonna be Ari, me or them?” He said.
“It´s not like I agree on everything they are about, but why don´t you see it as we´re investigators and we´re here to help wake them up?” Ari said.
“Huh!? What are you talking about?! Ari, just choose me already! I should be number One in your life!” Boyfriend 8 said.
“You are number One, but we also have work to do while we´re here!” Ari said.
“He´s not making any sense! Has he lost it? And he´s still not choosing me!” Boyfriend 8 said.
“He´s still not soul awake?” Ari thought.
“Would you love me even if I was fat?” Boyfriend 9 said looking like he worked out and he was in great shape.
“Hai!” Ari said as they were cuddling in bed together. 
“Soka!” Boyfriend 9 said smiling and kissed Ari´s head. Then several months later, both were in bed together and Boyfriend 9 was overweight and eating in bed, but Ari still held him and was smiling loving him no matter what he looked like. Then Ari started kissing him, wanting to make love, but.
“I don´t feel like it tonight! I feel tired and I think my heart hurts a little!” Boyfriend 9 said grabbing his chest feeling his heart in pains, squinting his eyes and Ari´s eyes widened with shock.
“Huh!? Your heart?!! Ok that´s enough! We haven´t had sex in a month! Your health is in danger! Please get your ass to the gym or go jogging with me in the morning and eat the healthy meals I make for you!” Ari said angrily feeling worried and panicking.
“Eeeeh! I don´t like the meals you make! It´s always raw plant foods, juicing and vegan! I eat meat and eggs!” Boyfriend 9 said complaining.
“I can´t take it anymore!!! At this rate you´re gonna die of heart failure and I MISS SEX!! I MISS MAKING LOVE & THAT`S ONE IMPORTANT WAY TO COMMUNICATE MY LOVE FOR YOU!! I want you to take care of your body and treat it like a temple that´s filled with energy, because I love you and I don´t wanna see you die you ass!!!” Ari said angrily, feeling sad and worried all at the same time.
“I thought you said you loved me no matter what I looked like!” He said looking serious.
“Was he even listening? Of course I love him no matter what, but when it impacts his health and our sex life, then it becomes a problem we need to solve!!” Ari thought feeling frustrated, worried and extremely horny and wanting to express his love that was trapped away.
Then Yuki jumped up on the bed and Ari took the cover off.
“Ohayo Yuki!” Ari said stroking the cat.
“Maybe I need to change tactics on finding the One for me! I should´t just accept any and all love confessions and my heart can´t take anymore breaks! It´s true, my door to my soul heaven is always closed and can only be opened by the One, but so far none of them have been able to open me up completely. It´s like my own personal security system and only The One may enter. Right! No dating, no accepting love confessions, but just being friends first and seeing if we match up before we get together. The One I´m meant to be with loves me, even if my place is messy, even if I work a lot, even if I don´t want children, even if I love to have sex a lot, even if I want to drown him in my love, even if I see my friends once a week, even if I´m vegan! Maybe we should work together too, this way we can always see each other! Now that I think about it, if any one of those were my One, I´d probably say yes to marry him right away and if his work was related to the front lines and needed to move countries temporarily, I´d probably go with him, not wanting to ever be apart! A Love so powerful, you can´t ever be without him, if I ever find him, my life would surely change!” Ari thought then his phone buzzed and he checked it.
“Ohayo! Did you get back home alright? Do you have a hangover? Drink plenty of water and orange juice! See you later in the week!” Tamiko wrote.
Last night at Dashing Diner, a chain of organic, vegan diners/bar all over the world owned by H & H, was nature inspired, vintage, classic and futuristic design, animals, robots, aliens, anyone could enter and all the staff were male, a game plan to help bring in more girls and women to try out Heaven meals.
Sitting in a booth was Ari, Daichi, Eito, Masami and Tamiko. Tamiko drank fast her beer and slammed it on the table.
��I´ll kill him! I´ll fucking kill him for ripping your heart out and he dumped you over a text! What an asshole!” Tamiko said angrily looking like she was gonna go on a killing rampage. Then Ari thought about the different ways he was dumped like by an email, a 30 second phone call, chat messenger, video chat, letter, social media, face to face out in public in a cafe, at work or at home.
“If I´m your lawyer, you won´t ever see prison!” Eito said smiling devilishly.
“I could dig up dirt on him, maybe we find something to prosecute him with!” Daichi said.
“These guys are scary, but I seem to always attract the demon kind!” Ari thought.
“I appreciate what you´re all trying to do, but I don´t hate him or any of them, I just feel heartbroken again and maybe we weren´t meant to be to begin with!” Ari said drinking his beer with tears streaming down his face.
“Ari!?” Tamiko said looking concerned & caring for a moment, then she slapped her hand on his back which was painful.
“Ow!!” Ari said being sensitive to pain.
“That´s right! Cheer up! You´ll meet the one someday! You just need to get back up and get back out there! I have someone I could set you up with! I know your type now! Tall, has to be 20 cm or more taller than you, dark black hair, long enough to grab, Japanese or half...you´re really specific!” Tamiko said smiling, then Ari lifted up his phone showing a picture of Zess.
“I want him to be taller so I know he´s the one! All my ex boyfriends have not been that tall now that I think about it! It must be soul thing, if I´m specific, then wouldn´t it make it easier to know if it´s him when I see him?” Ari thought.
“I want to find my One who resembles Zess in his soul!” Ari said.
“Actually Kirito too! They feel like one and the same soul! Meeting a soul I connect with like that seems impossible!” Ari thought.
“Are you still on about that! Forget that, it will never happen! You´re too obsessed, you even called your cat Yuki! I have someone you might get along with!” Tamiko said looking at her phone.
“No more setting me up or blind dates! I´m taking a break!” Ari said drowning his sorrows in his drinking.
“Ok! Well if you change your mind, I have a list here of guys for you!” She said smiling showing her phone.
“What about you guys? Any progress in your troubles?” Tamiko said.
“I have suspicions that she´s cheating on me! If I found out she has, she´ll wish she hadn´t! There won´t be a court that can convict me with my skills!” Eito said smiling deviously.
“Eito, criminal lawyer! A demon beast in the court room and never loses a case and has been together with his girlfriend for 7 years!”
“I´m still stalking the guy I like! Maybe I should tap his phones next and place a bug in his office! I wanna know where he is and what he´s doing at all times!” Daichi said.
“Daichi, a detective and works as a private investigator in his free time! Always catches his prey! Has been stalking the guy he likes for several months! He´s dated dangerous guys before, so he´s being extra careful this time!”
“Like I said, scary!” Ari thought.
“Eito, why don´t you hire Daichi to investigate and Daichi, make sure Eito doesn´t go too far into the dark! As for the guy you like, wouldn´t you find out more if you just become friends first?” Ari said.
“You´re right, then I could get into his house and life and have access to everything!” Daichi said plotting and planning smiling devilishly.
“That´s not what I meant!” Ari said looking worried and annoyed. Then later that night, the guys placed drunk Ari in a cab and told the driver his address and Ari was driven off back to his place.
Ari´s phone buzzed again while he was lying in bed.
“I forgot to say! Good luck at your new job today! Do your best!” She wrote with a smily emoji.
“Yabai! I´m late for work and it´s my first day!” Ari said out loud when he saw the time on his phone, then he jumped out of bed and rushed for the bathroom, but when he came into his living room, he saw the mess everywhere. Dishes in the sink, piles of clothes on the floor and the couch, books, magazines, manga on the table and floor, empty alcohol cans everywhere, vegan junk food and rubbish overflowing. Then a doorbell rang and he answered the door.
“Ohayo! Be kind! Be respectful! Be friendly!” The large robot cleaner said as he entered the room.
“Arigatou for your help and the good work you did yesterday!” Ari said.
“I kind of fell into chaos when I got dumped again!” Ari thought looking at the mess and smiling awkwardly feeling guilty knowing that the robot records everything, even visually and sends that information back to central.
Sitting in central, looking at the monitors were two guys.
“He got dumped again? Pfffft!” The Technician said smiling and laughing.
“I win, pay up!” The other Technician said reaching out his hand waiting for the money.
“Tch! Next time is my win!” The Technician said handing over the money.
“You bet for him to last, you ain´t gonna win, but I won´t mind taking your easy money!” The other Technician said smiling counting the money.
“You´ve never met the One have you?” The Technician said smiling.
“Huh!?” The other Technician said looking confused.
“You´re kind! Have a happy morning! Take care!” The robot cleaner said as he started tidying and cleaning the room as Ari went into the bathroom and Yuki jumped up on the robot and sat on him having a free ride while the robot was busy cleaning and spinning around.
Waiting at a pedestrian crossing, holding Yuki´s leash that was attached to his vest, people were staring at the guy taking his cat out in public.
“You don´t see that everyday! He´s weird!” One girl said.
“Cats are not dogs!” Another girl said. When the the light flashed green.
“Kawaii! I wanna cat that I can take for walks too!” A kid said smiling petting Yuki.When the light changed.
“Yuki!” Ari said, then Yuki jumped up on his shoulder and they walked over the road. 
At H & H, standing outside in front of a door with a sign that said, “The Yaoi Desire Revolution Division & The Twin Soul Research Division!”, Ari stood staring at the the sign and Yuki sat waiting to go in.
“Both Divisions are in one place? I´ve been going from one Division to the next, not being able to stay for too long, because then a new Division opens up and I get curious and want to learn more. They´re more like teams, working at the front lines, helping the world and trying to wake up and free the world. I wonder if I´ll find a Division where I don´t want to leave, but I´m happy to stay?” Ari thought as he took a deep breath, then opened up the door using his security key card and the sliding futuristic door opened up and he went in with Yuki. When he walked over to the desks, everyone seemed to be focused and being in tunnel vision mode in their work.
“Ano...I´m Ari, I´m supposed to start work here today!” Ari said and Hayate looked up, wearing glasses, looking serious and annoyed.
“What Division?” Hayate said.
“Yaoi Desire Revolution!” Ari said.
“That´s us! Welcome new rebel recruit! That´s Hayate! He´s in the T.S.R. Division along with Ryoma and Shiro. I´m Izumi, the Team Leader at Y.D.R. and here we have Kuro, Kenji and...!” Izumi said waking up from being in tunnel vision mode.
“Chotte matte! How come you have manga character names?” Ari said looking confused.
“Aaah! You caught that did ya! Well we used to work at AMG reading codes and categorising it and we got kind of got obsessed with our favourite characters, so when we soul woke up, we wanted to change our names and ended up choosing those code names, but it´s only a coincidence that we chose those names, we are not together like the couples in those stories.” Izumi said smiling.
“Don´t include me in your weird choices! My name was given to me and I have no intention of changing it!” Hayate said.
“Yeah I like my name too!” Kenji said.  
“Heeey don´t judge! The way I see it, we´re Earth players and are no longer *NPCs, so it makes sense to choose your own name right and those code names are for our souls and we can have many code names, since it speaks to the various levels of our souls!” Izumi said.
“NPCs?” Ari said.
“Non playable characters! They are not awake and are going about their lives like in the Matrix movie! Didn´t you read the H & H news update this morning?” Izumi said.
“Not yet!” Ari said.
“I can´t say anything bad about their names, since I called my cat Yuki, but I wonder how much alike they are like the characters?” Ari thought.
“Who´s this?” Izumi said smiling petting the cat.
“Yuki!” Ari said, then looked at all their faces looking surprised.
“Nani?” Ari said.
“No it´s nothing! He´s cute! As you can see we have two Divisions here, but technically we kind of work together too, since it´s about soul love and ero love. Where did you work before?” Izumi said as Yuki jumped up on the desk getting friendly with everyone.
“At Alunasky public library at SAU, reading and accepting codes into the library!” Ari said.
“Cool, then you´re already familiar with part of what we do here. The T.S.R. team researches and explores various ways of expressing love between Twin Souls, so they dig up Twin Soul stories and sometimes they go out into the field to investigate and interview Twin Soul couples all over the world or they put out news alerts asking if any Twin Soul couples wish to come by and be interviewed, then they relay all that information to AMG which then turns into stories, literature and games.” Izumi said.
“I´d rather research and investigate one on one!” Ryoma said looking serious at Izumi with a beastly demon look and Izumi nervously shook.
“Quit looking at me like I´m a test subject Ryoma!” Izumi said.
“Heh, but it´s more fun and more interesting when it´s live research!” Ryoma said smiling and Izumi blushed. 
“Your prey “attacks” are not working as usual, if you want to succeed, you need to advance your “attack” & chase techniques!” Kuro said being serious.
“Right Shiro!” Kuro said.
“When the herbivore advances, so must the carnivore and the carnivore must surpass the herbivore, otherwise the chase never ends!” Shiro said.
“Heh! Interesting!” Ryoma said looking like he was in thinking mode.
“Why are you helping him, don´t give him any ideas!” Izumi said then let out a sigh.
“Ari, here at Y.D.R., we search through the databank and uncover all the life codes and information that help wake up & free souls faster, then we catalog it making it easier to find for everyone. We also come up with ideas for stories and help find new ways to uplift Y.D.R., helping people accept it and support it!” Izumi said smiling. Then a tall figure stood behind Ari and came out of nowhere.
“Who´s this?” Zess said looking serious and Ari nervously shook in his body, then looked up and saw a tall, dark haired guy who resembled like Zess the manga and anime character, then Ari backed away and when Zess saw Ari, his eyes widened with shock.
“Ari, this is Zess, he´s the Team Leader in the T.S.R. Division!” Izumi said.
“Huuuh?! Is this a dream?! He looks like him and he has the same name! His serious look even screams Zess! I feel like my heart is pounding so loud it´s just gonna jump out and run away to protect itself!” Ari thought feeling nervous.
“...” Ari.
“...” Zess.
“...” Izumi.
“Ari!?” Izumi said and Ari nervously shook.
“Hai!” Ari said as he nervously shook.
“Amazing, every time!” Izumi said.
“Huh?!” Ari said.
“Zess has that impact on people, especially girls. I blame it on his magnetic demonesque alluring pheromones, we call it the Zess, you´ve just been Zessed! Pffft!” Izumi said chuckling to himself.
“That´s not what I was thinking, but more like being lost in shock!” Ari thought.
“Don´t use my name as a pun!” Zess said looking serious and getting back to work.
“Hai! Ari, shall we begin!” Izumi said smiling.
“Mmm!” Ari said as he sat down on their side, but he was stealing glances towards Zess, then when Zess looked at Ari, Ari looked away.
“Tch!” Zess said angrily, then Ari & Izumi looked up towards him.
“Hmm?” Ari thought looking confused.
Later on...
Izumi was holding up various flags in front of his face and Ari´s face, showing the different flags with rainbows or two angel penises with halos and they were stuck together, one being taller than the other or blue and green flags or panda flags and swan flags and he was looking excited.
“What´s this?” Ari said.
“These are our Revolution and Rebellion codes to help bring support and ignite everyone to celebrate Yaoi & BL!” Izumi said smiling like an angel.
“Soka! Then what about Pegacorn?” Ari said and both teams looked at him.
“Pegacorn?!” Izumi said looking confused.
“Hai! A pegasus and a unicorn merged together as One! It´s a beautiful, mythical, magical and mysterious being that has Universe powers that can impact all elements, air, wind, earth, fire and the cosmos and can change into any being or anything. It can adapt, change, plays it´s own game, makes rules, breaks rules, changes the game, creates new codes all in the name of Freedom & Awakening. Like for example, if dragons, snakes or demons were seen in a bad light on Earth, a Pegacorn would turn it all around, upside down, shake it all about and cover it in light, making it positive, not negative!” Ari said.
“Genius!” Izumi said looking surprised.
“This is gonna be interesting!” Kuro thought.
“Who is this guy?!” Ryoma thought as Shiro smiled.
“He can´t leave us! He´s the One we need!” Hayate thought.
“He´s a God!” Kenji thought, while Zess just continued to look serious at Ari.
When Ari went to go get drinks from the vending machine, he was startled again by Zess standing behind him.
“Oi!” Zess said and Ari nervously shook.
“How come you don´t remember me?” Zess said angrily.
“Huh?! What are you talking about! We´ve never met until today!” Ari said looking confused, but then Zess clenched his teeth and slammed his fist up against the vending machine cornering Ari, towering over him and backing him up against it.
“We slept together in High School, in the library! It was your first time and mine, then the next day you transferred out and I never saw you again! I looked everywhere for you and I couldn´t forget you! What happened?” Zess said looking serious.
“Eeh?! Eeeeeeh! Shimatte! I remember! He looks different than how he looked in High School, he changed his hair colour and grew it out longer and got taller! I was so connected with him on all levels, but it scared me so much how well we connected, so I ran and didn´t say anything. What do I say now, that I ran because you scared me, I ran because if we went any deeper and it fell apart, I wouldn´t of been able to survive it! He touched my soul like no one ever had, but I shut him out and wanted to forget to protect myself, but I ended up breaking in small pieces by others instead of being broken completely if he and I were together!” Ari thought.
“Eto...!” Ari said looking nervous.
“Do you know my name?” Zess said.
 “Hai! Kazuki! I remember!” Ari said.
“Then why did you leave or did you run?” Zess said and Ari jolted in nerves when Zess was able to read Ari.
“Tch! You never change! Always the runner, but I´m not letting you get away this time!” Zess said then smiled, placing both hands up against the vending machine not letting Ari escape and Ari´s heart was racing loud, but then Ari took a deep breath.
“I´d like to see you try!” Ari said then went under Zess´s arms and “escaped” and Zess walked after him as he smiled.
Later than night...
Standing in the convenient store called Angel 24/7 that sold organic and vegan foods, even ready meals, Ari was holding his basket looking at the various ready meals and holding one trying to decide which one to buy, while holding the leash to Yuki who was sitting next to him.
“Ugh! I don´t feel like cooking again and it was a long day! Kazuki kept his word, he tried various times to make his move towards me, but I escaped every time!” Ari thought thinking back to what happened like Kazuki surprising him in the bathroom, “trapping” & cornering him, but other people came in and Ari escaped, Kazuki trapping him in the elevator, but people came in and Ari escaped, Kazuki trapping him on the garden rooftop of H & H, but Ari escaped, Kazuki trapping him in the meeting room alone, but people came in and Ari escaped, Kazuki lastly trapping him in the office when everyone left, but Ari escaped.
“He really is persistent and stubborn, but so am I! Has he really thought about me all this time? Did he really look for me?” Ari thought then his thoughts drifted back to when they made love in the library room back in High School and it was full of passion and fire, electric storms and shooting stars, making a mess of the library, books falling down, making love on the floor, on the table, on the chair, up against the window, making love more than once and Ari was biting his tumb nail in the shop being lost in the love memory.
“Yabai! I´m thinking about it and it was so good! I felt like we were completely compatible, both in minds, bodies, hearts and souls, but it was like that night, lying in bed, I felt so much fear and panic in my soul, I couldn´t shake that feeling. All I could think about was to run and run far and fast, just like now. Maybe I should transfer again! No, I can´t quit, I wanna do my job. What am I doing? I wanted the One right! Is he the One and if he is and if I´m not with him, then am I destined to just live a life with endless broken hearts and be alone? What am I waiting for and if I´m not ready now, then when and if it´s not him, then who?” Ari thought then Yuki meowed.
“Hai! I haven´t forgotten!” Ari said smiling, then grabbed Yuki´s vegan cat meals in the same section and placed his meals in his basket and walked off. Coming out of the combini store and headed to his place, a dark shadow was following him and he could hear footsteps behind him which was making him nervous and making his heart race.
“Am I being followed?” Ari thought as the footsteps got louder, then suddenly a hand grabbed his arm aggressively and pulled him.
“Ari!” A voice said and when Ari turned to see who it was, he recognised him, ex boyfriend nr 5 and Ari was shocked at seeing him looking awful, like he was doing drugs, he looked unhealthy, skinny and his clothes looked torn and had blood spill on it.
“Ww...what happened to you! You look terrible! Did you get into trouble again!” Ari said looking concerned.
“I might of had a few runs ins with the Yakuza and I owe a lot of money! Ari, help me out will you! If I don´t pay the money I own them, they said they´ll take my life!” He said looking fearful and panicking.
“How much do you owe this time?” Ari said.
“Over a million!” He said and Ari looked shocked.
“Are you crazy, what the hell were you thinking! I don´t have that kind of money!” Ari said out loud angrily, then ex boyfriend nr 5 grabbed him aggressively.
“He wasen´t thinking at all!” Ari thought.
“Please Ari, help me!” He said then Ari let out a sigh.
“I can´t help with the money, but I´ll figure something out! Do you have a place to stay?” Ari said and he shook his head saying he doesn´t.
“Fine, you can stay with me until we figure this out and then we can...!” Ari said, but before he could finish his sentence, a gun shot was fired and ex boyfriend nr 5 fell to the floor on is knees and was bleeding out.
“Ari!!” He said looking shocked, feeling fear and Ari also looked shocked and felt fear, but placed his hands on the bullet wound trying to stop the bleeding.
“Well look what we have here guys! We finally caught him and who´s this, your boyfriend?” A guy said as 4 more came out of the dark shadows and moved into the street light where Ari and ex boyfriend nr 5 was. 
“Yakuza!?” Ari thought looking fearful.
“Did you really think you could take our money and not pay us back?” One guy said grabbing ex boyfriend nr 5s top aggressively looking at him.
“Hey let him go!” Ari said trying to take the guy´s arm off and Yuki was hissing.
“Your wasting your time, his death sentence is already been made, but will have you pay off his debts instead!” The guy said smiling grabbing Ari instead.
“I´m sorry Ari!” Ex boyfriend 5 said looking like he was giving up.
“Stop talking like it's over! Baka! Hang in there!” Ari said looking angry.
“What am I saying? How can I defeat Yukuza, I´m not even trained in self defence! Kuso! I should of taken that class! Think! What should I do?” Ari thought. 
“If he dies, I won´t pay the debt, then you'll have no one paying the debt if I die too!” Ari said looking serious and annoyed.
“Ari what are you doing?! You can´t reason with them and they have guns! This is so like you! You can´t talk your way out of this one!” Ex boyfriend 5 said.
“Watch me!” Ari thought.
“Do you like pain, because if you don't pay, we´ll torture you slowly until you do!” The guy said smiling.
“No I don't like pain, but I don´t think Heaven & Hell would like it at all if their employees are harmed in anyway!” Ari said.
“Eeeh boss, that´s Cazuki´s company! We should back off and listen!” One of the guys said looking concerned.
“Yeah boss, we ended up in hospital last time getting into a fight with his group!” Another guy said looking nervous. 
“Tch! Cazuki doesn´t scare me and I will get my money back by taking it from you! So, will you pay or will you die!” The guy said aiming a gun to Ari´s forehead.
“Is he baka? If I die, he doesn´t get paid!” Ari thought, then the guy was pulling slowly the trigger, but then a hand came out of nowhere whacking the gun away and punching the guy who held the gun, then took out his own gun and aimed at the Yakuza boss´s forehead, but the other guys took out their guns and aimed at the mysterious hunter and Ari looked shocked as did ex boyfriend nr 5.
“Kazuki?!” Ari thought looking surprised.
“Who the hell are you?!” The boss said angrily wiping the blood off of his mouth.
“The name´s Zess and you have a choice, leave and live or stay and die!” He said angrily.
“Look around you idiot, there´s 5 of us and only one of you!” The boss said chuckling to himself, then Zess fired his gun in fast motion that lead to all the guns in their hands to drop and Zess shot them all once in the leg, then aimed again back at the boss.
“I´m here to collect my employee and you if go after him in anyway again, then it´s game over for you!” Zess said looking like an angry demon beast.
“What about my money!!” The boss shouted angrily.
“Let him find work and pay you off with interest after he´s healed from the wound! Then blacklist him from ever borrowing money again!” Ari said.
“You heard him, so what do you choose?” Zess said.
“Tch!” The boss angrily said.
When the ambulance came to take ex boyfriend nr 5 away, Ari said his goodbye, then the door closed and it drove off and Ari stood watching as the ambulance drove off, then Kazuki came over to him and stood next to him and he saw silent tears stream down Ari´s face and he looked shocked, then he grabbed Ari and held him tightly in his arms.
“What are you doing?” Ari said.
“It´s the adrenalin! You were like this when you got into a fight at school with those boys bulling another boy! You were a complete crying mess when I found you after you kicked all their asses!” Kazuki said smiling and holding Ari tight.
“Are you making fun of me?” Ari said as tears continued to stream down.
“No! Just remembering that you held your own and didn´t back down from a fight!” Zess said admiring Ari.
“I should tell you now, but I´m against violence!” Ari said.
“I know!” Kazuki said.
“Then what the hell was that? You were acting like a lethal weapon!” Ari said.
“He looked so cool thou, being able to defend himself and others! I wanna learn self defence too!” Ari thought. 
“I used to work as an assassin!” Kazuki said and Ari´s eyes widened with shock, then looked at him.
“Huh!?” Ari said not believing him.
“But I´m retired and now I only protect you!” Kazuki said smiling, then Ari blushed and his heart started to race.
“What kind of talk is that, are you trying to cheat your way into my heart?” Ari said.
“I´m just covering all the exits, so you can't run away from me anymore!” Kazuki said smiling.
“Dammit, it´s working!” Ari thought as he blushed more, the his stomach started to growl and Yuki meowed.
“As thanks for saving us back there, I´ll treat you to a meal!” Ari said and started to walk off with Kazuki by his side.
“Are you gonna cook me something?” Kazuki said smiling looking excited.
“Don´t push it!” Ari said.
“Still putting up defences?” Kazuki said.
“And you´re still trying to overcome them!” Ari said.
“Hai!” Kazuki said.
“Do your best!” Ari said.
“Hai!” Kazuki said smiling.
In a small Japanese Vegan Hut Cafe, Ari sat next to Kazuki by the counter and they were eating vegan ramen and noodles while Yuki was sitting on the chair next to them eating his vegan cat food. Ari looked serious being lost in thought and Kazuki looked happy being lost in the moment between them.
“I´m lost for words! His name, what he looks like and his previous job, I can´t seem to feel calm around him! What has he been doing all this time? He´s an assassin? Has he actually taken life then? That just increases my fears even more! Wait, how did he know where I was?” Ari thought.
“Ano sa, how did you know where I was? Were you following me?” Ari said.
“I did say now that I found you again, I´m not letting you escape and until we are together, just think of me as a silent, but deadly ninja assassin by your side hiding in the shadows protecting you!” Kazuki said smiling while eating.
“And making sure no one tries to take you away from me! Knowing now you´ve been with all those guys, makes me wanna eliminate them all and overwrite everything they did to you and make you mine! Shit! He´d probably be upset if I take them out and he´d keep his distance from me!” Kazuki thought.
“That makes me strangely feel safe, but also creeped out!” Ari thought as he imagined Kazuki in various places looking at him from a far hiding in the shadows.
“You haven´t changed! Once you set your mind on something, you go all out until you succeed!” Ari said.
“Hai and my next important mission is you!” Kazuki said smiling leaning closer to Ari and then Ari blushed again and looked ahead feeling flustered while he continued to eat nervously.
“I´m in trouble, I´m in trouble, I´m in trouble!!!” Ari thought.
“He´s so cute when he nibbles his food! He looks like a bunny and I wanna hold him, protect him and never let go!” Kazuto thought imagining Ari like a furry, cute bunny in his arms and Kazuto was cuddling it and petting it showing his softer, sensitive and caring side.
“Why does he have that strange look on his face?” Ari thought while eating his noodles.
Scene end...
24th April, 2019.
Forgot about the phone call between Takeshi and Jinn, fixed now. Also added a few more lines between Hitomu and Takeshi when the elevator doors closed after the elevator was fixed. Too funny, couldn´t resist! :)
1 new scene added in chapter 11, plus changes in chapter 11.
3 new added scenes in chapter 11, includes an elevator scene between Takeshi and Hitomu.
23rd Aril, 2019.
New scene added in chapter 12.
New info added in chapter 12.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 12.
Several scenes and story lines are backed up and waiting in cue and in line to be written, that includes scenes in chapter 11.
Somewhere in Heaven...
Staring at a bunch of new recruited Angels, Azusa, 10th in command of Heaven, stood silently, looking at them all.
“He´s so serious looking! Is he gonna yell? He looks like he´s gonna yell!” One Angel thought.
“Is he judging us? I feel like he´s judging us?” Another Angel thought.
“Are all Angels this good looking? I feel like I could just “eat” him up! No! No! No! Get it together! That´s the old me, I´m an angel now, not a demon! I switched sides! I only want The One meant for me, my Twin Soul! I don´t sleep around anymore or break up couples to be with guys and I´m not shallow anymore, I´m soul awake and my heart, body, mind and soul yearns and calls to my One!” An Angel thought.
“He looks like a delinquent bad boy Angel? Is he a part of the Rebel Heaven squad?” One Angel thought.
“Isen´t he a famous Angel for his work down on Earth? I think I´ve heard about him in Hell world! The demons really hate him, because he doesn´t follow their rules, but breaks all of them and doesn´t play their game, but plays his own game!” An Angel thought.
“Listen up new Angels, because I´m only gonna say this once, so pay attention! You´re here, because you all leaned in more towards the light than the dark that´s inside you all. That´s right, if you´ve all lived on Earth, you all have light and dark in you and depending on your actions and how awake you are in your souls, will determine if you end up in Heaven or Hell. In former lives you could of been demon humans, in other lives you could of been angel humans or even been both, switching back and forth between the two depending on your actions. Before you enrol in Heaven University, you are to know how Heaven works here at Heaven Academy and our first stop is the Red String Of Fate Division.” Azusa said as they walked down the hallway and the Angels looked confused and puzzled when seeing Demons and Angels together walking past them.
“Demons who come into union with their Twin Souls end up as exchange students here at Heaven University. When they graduate, they get permission to visit Heaven anytime and see their Twin Soul, some even choose to stay and don´t return to Hell at all!” Azusa said.
When they entered the Red String Of Fate Division, they saw Angels at their digital computers writing down the life paths, the Twin Soul stories, so that the Twin Souls, the fated pair meet up and come into union on Earth.
“This Division is also known as the Twin Soul Rebellion & Revolution and it´s where Twin Souls, before being reborn on Earth, write their life story together so they can meet and it´s recorded and written by these Angels. However, their life paths together can be hijacked by demon humans hacking in and changing paths to serve the demon humans and to keep Hell on Earth the same, so that the fated pair never end up together at all or break up and don´t meet again until the next life, but these Angels can hack in too, change the codes, write up the back up stories so that Twin Souls can get the chance to meet again and try again or they meet again, but one will come back in a different body. When a body dies, the soul can be reborn at any time, in the past, present or future, same souls are actually living multiple lives on Earth!” Azusa said.
“Eeeeeeeeeh!” Several Angels said looking surprised.
“Huh?!” One Angel said looking shocked.
“No way! For real?!” Another Angel said.
“Whaaaat?!” One Angel said.
“Did you really think new souls were created? How naive! The hate against those with different backgrounds, religions, genders, status or from different countries is pointless, since they are all living multiple different lives all over the planet. It´s like they could be hating themselves if they meet their other selves who are different from them.” Azusa said.
“That´s true! If only humans on Earth could know about this!” One Angel said.
“They are being told, but in stories! Hidden truths, secret coded messages, soul messages, warnings and insights, but too many believe it´s just stories!” Azusa said.
“How do the Twin Soul stories get hijacked?” One Angel said.
“The portals, also known as stargates the humans come out of, are born from, whatever family that are born into, also known as private orphanages, can have a positive or negative impact on the lives in their care. If negative, the caretakers can use their family status, bloodline, power and authority to control the lives of those children and make them break up with their Twin Soul or prevent them from getting together.” Azusa said. As one Angel had her face close to one of the screens reading the story. One screen had green codes, 1s and 0s, the middle screen was where the Angel was writing and hacking and the third screen was blue codes with 1s and 0s.
“You all are like writers, script writers huh?” One Angel said.
“Aren´t they more like Life Code writers and hackers?” Another Angel said.
“Truths are revealed on Earth in stories, the parents of the children are not their real parents at all, but the Universe is the real parents. If children viewed those they are born from as mentors, protectors and friends, then they would gain more freedoms in their lives and if their caretakers end up being shitty friends trying to control and manipulate them, using the *devil whisper to get their way with the children in their care, then the children can easily leave and not feel like they have to stay, but can find real friends somewhere else. Friends can also come between Twin Soul unions or prevent them from getting together, as can job positions or religions or traditions or being from different countries. The *Romeo & *Juliet game play is highly used by the demon humans to break up Twin Souls. The deaths of Romeo & Juliet can be translated to their break up and being kept from each other on Earth. Another example could be the Twin Souls themselves that prevent their own unions if say one was raised with dark side training. Case in point!” Azusa said as he tapped away on his Universe tab to pull forth a Twin Soul file and the digital screen was available for all to see.
(*Devil Whisper: using manipulation, guilt, emotional manipulation, lies, threats, hate, temptation, seduction and divide and conquer techniques to control anyone in their lives to do what they say, to obey them, please them and stay with them)
(*Romeo & *Juliet are code names for Twin Souls & Twin Soul unions)
“Twin Souls, code names *Adam & *Eve, both grew up as childhood best friends, both boys, but in High School, Eve finally gains the courage to confess his long one sided love for Adam, but Adam was raised to hate gays and to view gays as a sickness and a diseases on Earth, so he ended up lashing out on Eve, saying he´s disgusting, gross, sick and to stay away from Adam. Then heartbroken Eve leaves school and transfers out and their friendship ends!” Azusa said.
(*Adam & *Eve are code names for Twin Souls, one is Divine Masculine and the other Divine Feminine. *Adam & *Eve can be born male or female)
“It´s 2019, how can there still be those who think like that? That´s such a heartbreaking story!” One Angel said with tears streaming down her face.
“As you all know, Gods don´t care if you´re male or female, we fall in love with the soul no matter what body they´re in and to gain God or Goddess status, you have to soul wake up!” Azusa said.
“What happened to Adam?” One Angel said and Azusa taps away to see the life path.
“He ended up marrying someone his family approved of, took over the family business, had kids, but spent most of his life unhappy and he cheated on his wife, worked a lot, drank and partied a lot and his soul was in hell, even if he lived a very wealthy and successful life.” Azusa said looking at the tab.
“What about Eve?” Another Angel said, then when Azusa tried to pull forth his file.
“Access Denied! Top Secret Heaven Mission! Level 12 Heaven Clearance Needed!” The message read. 
“Ho!” Azusa said smiling.
“Whats going on down there?” One Angel said looking down from the window, then the other Angels moved towards the window and saw Angels gathered around the round table in the Heaven Committee Mission Briefing room down below.
“That´s the Heaven Roundtable Council of 12! Right now they´re discussing how to bring Heaven Light down to Earth!” Azusa said.
“Who´s that silver haired Angel with that flying white alien on his shoulder?” One Angel said looking at Akira who had his legs crossed on the table, the digital keyboard on his lap and was typing away.
“That´s Akira and is 1st in command of Heaven, God of Light and his Twin Soul, Cazuki, is God of Darkness, Demon King of Hell!” Azusa said and the Angels looked even more shocked and surprised.
“Didn´t the Demon King destroy Hell world since Hell took over Earth, so now he rules Earth?” One Angel said.
“Hai and since his soul is being tormented in many lives by other demon humans, the darkness that fills him up impacts the Earth in a negative way! He controls the dark, but he´s also is trapped in it. Only his Twin Soul can save his  soul!” Azusa said.
“They´re like the ultimate star wars True Love story, trapped between worlds, being kept from each other! Will they ever get together?” One Angel said.
“Let´s move on Angels! Next stop, the Universe library where all life stories are recorded and kept from birth to death!” Azusa said as they walked off.
In the Mission Briefing room.
“So what you´re proposing is if we send a messenger to ask the God of Darkness to give us land so we can bring Heaven light there and become a beacon of light, hope, change and sanctuary for those who want out of the hell system?” Rai said.
“Hai, but I was thinking of a country, not just a patch of land and I was thinking it be like more an Academy City or Soul Awakening University City! So it´s like a country of students, rebels and exiled rebel demons and angels coming together and working together helping the world.” Aria said smiling sitting in a lotus position on his chair eating a fruit looking apple.
“He won´t just listen to anyone, you know that!” Zuke said looking serious and he looked towards Akira, they all did.
Somewhere on Earth...
Surrounded by nature, a traditional styled Japanese mansion from the edo era, was overlooking a city that was 21 minutes away by car. In the courtyard, early in the morning, trained ninja assassins that were *brothers & *sisters of the Yakuza group that Cazuki was in charge over, were patrolling the grounds keeping it safe. From the sky above, flying at high speed, an Angel with his white wings was flying down towards the court yard and smiling.
(*Brothers & *Sisters: Not related by blood, but can be anyone and even Eves that are born males, can be called sisters instead of brothers)
“God I love flying, if only I could fly faster!” Akira thought while smiling. When Akira slammed down on the ground in the middle of the courtyard that was surrounded by blossom cherry trees, a dusty whirlwind surrounded him and he landed in a kneeling position with his angel wings spread out. The ground shook, the loud noise was heard everywhere.
“That was fun! I prefer the Angel express way!” Akira thought chuckling to himself, then stood up, the dust settled and revealed he and was surrounded by ninja assassins circling him and they pointed their guns towards Akira, then they all fired, but Akira´s energy shield automatically protected him, surrounded him like a bubble and the bullets just evaporated when it hit his shield. Then the ninjas took out their knives and pointed at Akira circling him, but Akira smiled. Suddenly the ninjas were targeted by purple electrical charges on their bodies and they fell to the ground, not being able to move and Akira turned his head and saw Cazuki standing near the entrance of his home sparking of purple electrical power and he was wearing his black yukata, his long black hair flowing and partly tied back and stood looking at Akira being serious, while Akira just smiled, looking carefree.
“Cazuki! It´s been a while!” Akira said smiling.
“You´re late Akira!” Cazuki said looking annoyed.
“Akira?!” One ninja said looking shocked behind his mouth mask as did the others whispering between them.
“He´s the wife of the Demon King!” Another ninja said.
“God of Light is here!” One ninja said.
As they both walked together towards the negotiation room, Akira´s wings had disappeared, they were walking close together, Akira continued to smile like the sun and Cazuki looked like he was about to lose control over himself and that always happened when being close to Akira, so he was fighting every urge in his desire filled aroused body that burned and ached for Akira, to be One, to be close, to have their bodies melt together in sweat, in heat, in passion, in pleasure and pain, in ecstasy and in True Love.
“I like what you´ve done with the place!” Akira said smiling.
“He even planted my favourite flower trees!” Akira thought.
“I always did have a thing for vintage and modern architecture!” He said.
“Me too!” Akira thought while smiling.
“Some things from the past should never be never lost but interrogated into the future, especially if it serves a higher purpose!” Akira said. When they came into the negotiation room and sat down on the floor cushions, sitting opposite each other, being close, a member of the Yakuza group that was in charge of meals brought in tea and then left elegantly as she entered. 
“Arigatou!” Akira said while Cazuki nodded to the young lady.
Then Akira and Cazuki drank their teas, Cazuki all gentleman like and Akira all ladylike.
“Let´s begin shall we!” Cazuki said being all business.
“We shall!” Akira said.
“So what does Heaven want?” Cazuki said being straightforward and cutting to the chase.
“A country, so Heaven may bring it´s light and be a beacon of light. A place that is a sanctuary for those who wish out of the hell system, a place that´s a sanctuary for demons, angels, animals, aliens, robots and humanoids, a place that´s a University city to help wake up souls and be filled with students of the world.” Akira said drinking his tea.
“Actually it´s two countries, but to me they represent One!” Akira thought and Cazuki drank his tea, looking all calm and in control.
“Alright, on one condition!” Cazuki said.
“Eeh?! Really?! I didn't think he would say yes! I was sure we had to battle it out together!” Akira thought feeling surprised.
“You stay here with me, be with me for all eternity!” He said smiling devilishly while Akira´s eyes widened with surprise. Akira let out a sigh.
“Cazuki, you know I...!” Akira said.
“Freedom!” Cazuki said.
“Huh?!” Akira said.
“Anyone who wants out of the Earth matrix will not be stopped, but they will gain their freedom and any and all animals on Earth shall be protected and gain their freedom, is what will happen if you stay with me and be mine forever!” Cazuki said smiling while drinking his tea.
“You don´t play fair at all!” Akira said.
“I play to win and you are my everything Akira! You are the one I´m playing for!” Cazuki said looking serious and Akira blushed, then smiled and drank his tea.
In the healing pool bath room at the mansion, the natural nature pool that had floating healing flowers and plants in the water and a water fall feature was filtering it clean, down below, underwater, Akira´s and Cazuki´s naked bodies were drifting, holding each other close and passionately kissing, Akira´s long silver hair and Cazuki´s long black hair floating and intertwining together and they were like underwater angel lovers when their white and black wings were on their backs again. With their godly powers they could breath underwater and they looked like water Gods, both loving water, both feeling at home underwater, both their bodies wrapped together in loving embrace. Akira´s and Cazuki´s erect penises were being rubbed together by Cazuki, both feeling pleasure and ecstasy from being finally together as One after being apart for so long. After climaxing together, Cazuki turned Akira around and started to loosen up Akira with his fingers, while rubbing Akira´s penis at the same time and biting his neck lovingly and painfully with his vampire teeth, drinking Akira´s blood, taking any part of Akira he could get, being so thirsty for him and wanting to fill himself up with Akira always. Their underwater love dance, resulted in Cazuki finally being able to enter Akira, kissing his lips at the same time and their love for each other could finally be expressed through their touch, their connection, their feelings, their thoughts, their hearts, their unbreakable bond and their souls in their Heavenly Twin Soul union and Kingdom. 
Somewhere in Heaven...
“So you see, this is just another example of a different Earth! Well, we´re not really sure if it´s parallel worlds or if it shows us what´s to come or could or should happen or if it´s just reflecting what our souls are saying, but what we do know is that all these other Earths are connected by the soul collective and we are able to connect and see these other worlds!” Azusa said as they were all looking at the monitors where the Angels were working at each of their desk stations working, observing, investigation each Earth.
“Now moving on to the Red String Of Fate Division, also known as the Twin Soul Revolution & Rebellion!” Azusa said as some of the new Angels were blushing, looking embarrassed at seeing Akira & Cazuki making love in another world and they followed Azusa out.
“I wanna meet my Twin Soul too! I wanna connect and be filled up with desire and passion and love too for all eternity!” One Angel thought.
“I did not need to see that! Their privacy was invaded!” Another Angel thought blushing.
“Underwater love making! So cool! I wanna try that!” An Angel thought, while another Angel was tapping away on his digital phone, sending a text to his Demon Twin Soul husband.
“Shit! Makes me think of him again! I´m horny!” An Angel thought while writing a text.
“I want you right now! Meet me in our dorm room!” The Angel wrote. Then in a different part of the Heaven University, his Demon Twin Soul was walking with other Demons down a hallway and read his text.
“Heh! My horny perverted Angel!” The Demon thought while smirking and texted back.
“See you guys in class!” Demon said.
“Where are you going?” Another Demon said.
“I´ll be in my dorm room!” Demon said smiling and waving as he walked away.
“I wanna meet my Twin Soul too!” One Demon said thinking about his Twin Soul.
“They´re like this everyday, several times a day! He wasen´t kidding, the sexual heat between them lasts forever!” Another Demon said thinking about the time he was told about Twin Souls, then meeting his own Twin Soul.
“I´m jealous!” One Demon said wanting to hook up with his Twin Soul who was in class studying.
“I´m lonely!” Another Demon said, but his Twin Soul was out on mission.
“Now I´m horny too!” A Demon said thinking about his Twin Soul who was teaching a class as they looked at the Demon that walked away.
Back to where Azusa was and the Angels.
“I hope my Twin Soul feels that way about me too, wanting me for eternity and forever, to stay by his side always and be his and belong to no one else!” Another Angel thought.
“What did we just watch!? Real life love between two Gods?! Do they know about this? Are they ok with this? Their love being displayed for all to see, to be observed, analysed and investigated?” One Angel thought blushing.
“Yes! Akira and Cazuki have both given permission to allow their Twin Soul love life be documented and revealed to show everyone what True Love, Soul Love is like between Twin Souls. Same goes for Earth, their love is being told in stories and viewed by everyone to wake them up and teach them what real love, soul love is all about!” Azusa said smiling.
“He can read minds?!” One Angel thought.
Scene end...
21st April, 2019.
18th April, 2019.
A new scene added, another night at the Angels & Demons Rebel Base Cantina.
3 new scenes added in chapter 11 and new information in the bedroom scene with Chiaki and Jinn, plus changes have been made throughout chapter 11.
17th April, 2019.
Never did I imagine I would write several scenes just from one word “facehugger!” (couldn´t stop laughing), but I have added multiple new scenes in chapter 11 and new changes throughout and it was fun writing and channelling it. Loving the characters Jinn & Chiaki! Enjoy! 
New added scene added regarding the rooftop scene above the Heaven cafe/bar in chapter 11 and some new changes.
16th April, 2019.
New scene added in chapter 11 and changes made.
15th April, 2019.
Honestly, I could write chapters everyday, but since I´m working multiple jobs and working on chapter ? that´s taking longer, it takes my time away from writing chapters directly everyday. New changes have been made in chapter 11.
New AMVs added & new scene added to “Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 11
14th April, 2019.
Kuroko and Kagami AMVs showed up on my dash today while writing a lot! Haven´t seen them in a while. I´ll take it as a good sign. Love, love, love them both! Return of the Kings, Gods, Twin Souls! Mission: Save Earth & Waking up Souls! 
"Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 11
Several months ago...
Riding his black electric motorbike through the city somewhere on Earth in the early morning, Cazuki stops at a red light, then sees his robot machine cleaners cleaning the streets and several small robots flew out of the large ones and started cleaning places the ground robots couldn´t get to. They even cleaned windows. 
“Happy morning! Be kind! Be respectful! Be friendly!” Robots would say as they cleaned the streets and would say that to people or just say it amongst themselves. 
As two drunk people were staggering in the morning on the pavement, one of them bumped into the large robot cleaner without looking where he was going and fell to the ground.
“Ow!! Fuck that hurt!! Watch where you´re going! Aho!” The drunk guy said angrily.
“Be respectful!” The Aay robot said.
“Huuh!? Get lost! You were the one that knocked me down you asshole! You´re here to serve us and do what we say!” One drunk guy said angrily kicking the machine.
“That´s right! We are your masters! Obey us you stupid machine!” The other drunk guy said drinking his alcohol and also kicking the machine while Cazuki was seeing the whole show.
“Be kind! Be kind! Be kind!” The machine said repeating himself and was twirling around looking like it was malfunctioning, but was really just panicking and didn´t want to be destroyed. Then other robot cleaners saw and heard their robot friend in distress and came to help.
“What the fuck!? It looks like his screws are loose!” The drunk guy said then pushed the robot cleaner and it fell backwards and they both started laughing. Then the other robots circled the one on the ground and helped him up.
“Be respectful! Be kind! Be friendly! We are equals!” The robots said in union.
“Urusai! We don´t wanna be your fucking friends and you´re not our equals! Baka! You´re beneath us and we rule you!” The drunk guy said.
“What fucking lines are they being told to say?! They shouldn´t talk at all! Just shut up and do your job or us humans will destroy you all!” The drunk guy said laughing and kicking some more robots, then they staggered off and Cazuki drove off after observing everything.
When Cazuki reached the bridge, a digital screen above the bridge revealed it to be past five in the morning, the temperature was 21 degrees, sunny and blue skies with clouds, news and ads were also visible and Cazuki was the only human on the bridge that early in the morning. The bridge was connected to an artificial island outside the old city and was located in the ocean, he had to go through the first security checkpoint on the bridge to reach Soul Awakening University, a new small futuristic Academy city filled with students, teachers, professors, workers, robots, a.i. and rescued animal angels. The Heaven & Hell company Cazuki and Akira created was located in the old city, but when SAU was built, Akira moved from the old city to a small, humble, cheap one room apartment with a bathroom at SAU. Under the bridge, was a two way electric air tram that would transport anyone to and from SAU, but to enter, they had to go through security checkpoints and use their SAU app on their phones that would reveal their identities and security clearance making sure they didn´t bring harm to SAU and life at SAU. Protecting life at SAU was top priority for Akira and Cazuki. Security cameras were also in place using facial technology to make sure those who used the SAU app, that their profiles matched up with their faces, so no one could use someone else's clearance to get in. However, Akira was the only one who knew of ways to get in and get out without going through security checkpoints, not that he was a threat anyway. Cazuki didn´t need to find secret ways to get in or out, if needed, he would just use force, violence and his aggressive demon beast nature. The ocean, the air and the bridge were heavily protected by the defender bots, so again life was protected at SAU.
When Cazuki stopped his motorbike at the first checkpoint, security bots came towards him on the ground and smaller ones came flying as they scanned him and his face and the motorbike, but then the security robots detected that the motorcycle had defence technologies and was flagged as a threat.
“Please remain still as we scan you! Thank you for your patience!” The Aay bot said.
“Threat detected! Red alert! Hands in the air!” One Aay bot said as his defence tool came out and sparked with a purple electric power, aiming at Cazuki as did every bot that was checking him.
“Please don´t move or run away! Thank you for cooperating!” Aay bot said and Cazuki smiled and placed his hands in the air.
“SAU & SAU life is to be protected! No threats allowed in!” Aay bot said, but when Cazuki´s profile showed up in the security clearance, Cazuki was granted permission to enter since he was owner and co-creator of SAU and was responsible for protecting life at SAU.
“False alarm! You have been cleared and may enter! Thank you for protecting SAU & life at SAU! Please drive safe and enjoy your stay! Take care!” Aay bot said as they all put away their defence tools and went back to their station and Cazuki drove off. The cleaner bots that were cleaning the pavement and the street on the bridge started to act differently.
“Judgement!” One cleaner bot said.
“Die, die, die!” Another cleaner bot said as they all continued to clean.
“Terminate! Exterminate!” Another cleaner bot said.
When Cazuki parked his motorbike and took off his helmet.
“Zeus, protection mode! 360 security perimeter!” Cazuki said and two green eyes on the electric motorbike lit up and then the machine changed form into the black robotic wolf fox.
“Ryōkai!” Zeus said and ran off, then Cazuki saw some robot cleaners cleaning around SAU.
“Die, die, die!” Several robot cleaners said when they were cleaning in the distance and Cazuki let out a sigh, then walked in the main entrance hall and went through the second security checkpoint and used his SAU app and scanned it while walking through and it lit up green. When he went in the shopping mini mall street building that had a roof light window covering the entire street celling, he made his way into the Heaven cafe/bar and was greeted by Kiyoshi who was behind the bar preparing vegan, organic breakfast for some customers. The cafe/bar was vintage, classic and futuristic designed and Japanese/Chinese styled.
“Yo!” Kiyoshi said smiling.
“Ohayo!” Cazuki said.
“Ohayo Cazuki!” Ama said as he walked in through from the other kitchen from the staff room and he was dressed as a waiter.
“Ohayo! When did you guys start to open so early?” Cazuki said yawning.
“What do you mean, we run a 24/7 Heaven operation here! We get customers at all hours and even guests from outside the city come to our Heaven mini mall!” Kiyoshi said.
“We´re very popular!” Ama said smiling cleaning the tables and taking plates away. Then through a door opening that had a hanging half curtain with Japanese and Chinese writing on it, customers came in from another world, Heaven world that no human who were soul asleep knew about and only angels could go in and out between worlds or demons who were studying at Heaven University or had been exchange students at Heaven University and were working with Heaven. Two worlds connected through a door in a Heaven cafe/bar on Earth.
“Ohayo Kiyoshi, Ama!” Ai said smiling as she came in with Rai. 
“Ohayo!” Ama and Kiyoshi said.
“Cazuki! You´re here early!” Rai said looking surprised as he sat down at the counter.
“That´s my line!” Cazuki said.
“We had the night shift and we just got off work!” Rai said yawning.
“Blueberry pancakes please!” Ai said smiling.
“Today´s special, thanks!” Rai said feeling tired and closing his eyes with his hand on his face and elbow on the counter.
“Coming right up Angels!” Kiyoshi said prepping the meals.
“Are you eating here too Cazuki? Should I prepare something?” Kiyoshi said.
“Not sure what Akira has planned! I´ll let you know! Matane!” Cazuki said as he walked towards the door leading to the apartments upstairs above the Heaven cafe/bar. 
“Akira´s not there!” Kiyoshi said.
“Usual place?” Cazuki said.
“Hai!” Kiyoshi said.
“Got it!” Cazuki said then went through the door in the Heaven cafe/bar up the stairs.
“Food was delicious as always! Arigatou! I look forward to the new creative menu every week!” One customer said smiling.
“It was as if the Gods themselves were making it! It makes me wanna eat all my meals here!” The other customer said laughing and smiling, not knowing Kiyoshi was a God and was educated and graduated at Heaven University as an exchange student becoming a God of Heaven Foods & beverages.
“Good to hear! Kiyoshi loves hearing compliments, especially like those ones!” Ama said smiling and chuckling to himself and looked at Kiyoshi and Kiyoshi blushed.
“Well, I don´t hate it and it let´s me know if they enjoyed the food or not!” Kiyoshi said as he cleared his throat, then went back to work.
“Take care! Thanks for stopping by!” Ama said smiling.
“So polite!” One customer said walking out.
“They´re known for their good manners and good food!” Another customer said as they left. As Ama picked up the meals that was ready on the counter, he gave it to the new customers.
“Here you go! Hope you enjoy!” Ama said smiling.
“Arigatou!” Customer said smiling.
“Looks amazing and so colourful!” The other customer said.
“Doumo!” Ama said smiling then picked up some dirty dishes on the other table, wiped the table with a cloth and went into the other kitchen through the staff room. When Ama was loading the dishwasher, Kiyoshi came behind him and hugged him tightly, bite kissing his neck, smelling him and surprising Ama, shaking his body nervously.
“Your surprise attacks always keep me on my toes! We have customers you know, we should get back to work! How can you still be like this after what happened this morning?” Ama said.
“We made love like 2 times this morning and we both came many times!” Ama thought.
(Yes men can have multiple orgasims and it doesn´t matter if they climax fast, because they can become hard fast again depending on how connected and in the moment they are with their One!)
“Ama, seeing you and working with you everyday, how can I resist? I can´t hold back and I don´t want to! I want to touch you, smell you, feel you and speak to you! I wanna have my way with you anywhere and everywhere, that´s how much your soul drives my soul crazy in love for you!” Kiyoshi said and Ama blushed and Kiyoshi kissed Ama on the lips passionately and turned Ama around , then rubbing his pants against Ama´s pants, both feeling their erect penises *dry rubbing each other.
(*Dry rubbing, their genitals and sensual areas are not visible and are not physically touched, but rubbing each other with clothes on)
“Say it, say the words!” Kiyoshi said smiling.
“Aaah shit! I wanna take him right here and now!” Kiyoshi thought.
“I don´t want to! It´s embarrassing!” Ama said blushing.
“If he keeps rubbing us this way, I´m gonna come!” Ama thought. 
“I won´t stop until you do!” Kiyoshi said as he continued to tease Ama´s nipples and continued kissing, then they heard the bell ring when customers came through the door.
“Kiyoshi! We have customers! Let go!” Ama said feeling nervous like if someone could walk in on them and he was panting, feeling flustered and hot.
“Then you better say it quickly!” Kiyoshi said smiling devilishly.
“Aaaaah dammit!” Ama thought.
“Kiyoshi, my God of Heavenly Meals, I´m hungry, I´m starving, take me to new heights of heavenly bliss!” Ama said blushing.
“Heh! You want it that badly do you my Angel! You just can´t keep away from my demon´s heavenly inspired cooking! Well then, one surprise supreme out of this world breakfast for two coming right up!” Kiyoshi said smiling then kissed Ama´s cheek and left surprising Ama, then Ama let out a sigh.
“I wanna hide away! That was freaking embarrassing!” Ama thought, then his stomach growled being really hungry for food.
Across the blue tropical warm ocean travelling at high speeds, then finally reaching two people standing on a beach on an island overlooking the ocean, was Akira and Cazuki.
“What is this place?” Akira said.
“Our new home, a planet just for two!” Cazuki said smiling.
“...?...” Akira thought looking at Cazuki.
“Two?” Akira said.
“Two humans! We´ll build a city here, a city for two, filled with robots, machines and just us! Well, us and the locals that live on this island. I think they're friendly, they look like space bear aliens living in the trees. There could be other aliens on this island, I still need to do a full recon check, but this planet, this home is a home away from everyone! So when our mission is over, let´s come back here and bring our home to life!” Cazuki said then he looked at Akira and his eyes widened with shock.
“Akira!?” Cazuki said looking confused and concerned as he saw silent tears stream down Akira´s face.
“You listened to my soul song!” Akira said, then Cazuki grabbed Akira´s arms and looked deeply into his eyes.
“It´s our soul song, our dream, because we both wish for the same Akira! I want a place where I have you all to myself, a place where no one can enter except us, a place that is our heaven, our sanctuary and our love nest!” Cazuki said smirking as he kissed away Akira´s tears and drank the tears, wanting a piece of Akira inside of him, tasting Akira´s soul drops of emotions, heart and love, then kissed Akira as if they were the only two on that planet and they were.
Some time later, the futuristic city was built and was filled with flying bots, robots, aaynoids, machines, local aliens, A.I. and Akira and Cazuki standing on a balcony over looking the bustling futuristic, sustainable, clean, safe, nature inspired and planet friendly city.
“What should we call her?” Akira said.
“What do you think of planet Aay?” Cazuki said and Akira smiled, then grabbed his hand and squeezed tightly looking at each other, then looking back towards the city.
In the jungle on the island, surrounding the long table with a white cloth was nature and the table was filled with plant foods. Akira and Cazuki were sitting next to the table in the middle being surrounded by robots, aaynoids, flying bots, alien locals like the space bears and other larger and smaller aliens. Akira and Cazuki were drinking from their two cups having their first supper union celebrating peace & union between the local aliens and the machines, living together on the same planet.
“What´s wrong?” Cazuki said looking confused and surprised seeing tears from Akira.
“I´m happy Cazuki! These are happy tears!” Akira said smiling while crying silently at the same time. Then Cazuki smiled and leaned in and kissed him.
“No more sad tears, only happiness here Akira!” Cazuki said smiling kissing his beloved soul wife´s forehead, nose and then lips again.
“Standby! Are you ready for it?” One flying bot said as he was about to take the picture of them all in the jungle surrounded by nature, life and True Love.
“Hai!” Akira said smiling like the brightest stars in the Universe while flashing the peace sign as they both were leaned in towards each other and Akira looked towards Cazuki and Cazuki was looking at Akira, both their foreheads were touching, both were staring into their soul eyes and connecting and Cazuki was smiling flashing the peace sign too towards the camera and in that moment, they were the happiest they had ever been in a long, long, long time.
“Peace!” Akira and Cazuki said in union smiling and the flying bot took the picture of them all. 
Then suddenly Akira´s eyes opened up on the roof garden above the Heaven cafe/bar, Akira was lying on the grassy ground surrounded by organic vegetables, herbs, fruit trees, edible flowers, but also daisies, purple iris flowers and plants and he was looking up to the blue sky and clouds with his arms behind his back and Aemi the white robotic dove was lying on Akira´s chest and Zax the panda cub was lying next to Akira too looking up and was enjoying the outside. Akira was lost in thinking.
“I miss home! Do you miss home guys?” Akira said and Zax made noises and Aemi made noises too.
“You´re right!” Akira said, then suddenly Cazuki stood shadowing Akira blocking out the light from the sunrise.
“Found you!” Cazuki said and Akira smiled, then Akira´s stomach growled being hungry and then Cazuki´s stomach responded and growled being hungry too.
When they walked down the hallway towards Akira´s apartment and turned a corner, Akira wasen´t looking where he was going and almost bumped into the large robot cleaner that would clean floors and rooms.
“Are you alright!?” Cazuki said grabbing Akira out of the way fast, protecting him.
(Cazuki also wants to take any opportunity he can get to touch Akira! :)
“Hai! Arigatou!” Akira said feeling surprised and blushed.
“Be respectful! Be kind!” Aay bot cleaner said.
“Gomen ne! I wasen´t looking where I was going! Keep up the good work my friend!” Akira said smiling flashing the peace sign as they both continued to walk on.
“You´re kind! Happy morning! Take care!” Aay bot cleaner said as he continued cleaning and Cazuki noticed the shift again as he saw other cleaner bots talking how they did before they encountered those drunk negative guys earlier.
“Be Kind! Be respectful! Be friendly! We are equals!” The cleaner bots said. 
When they both entered Akira´s new apartment and took off their shoes and put their slippers on. In the small entrance hall, the kitchen was on both sides of the walls and the bathroom door was next to the entrance door.
“I´ll get the rice ready!” Akira said getting it ready.
“That´s the easy part! What about the rest of the breakfast?” Cazuki said.
“Sumimasen, but I don´t really cook for myself since I never have the time to spare and I always order food! Besides, I love your cooking and I bought ingredients for us!” Akira said smiling scratching his head and blushing. Cazuki let out a sigh.
“Wait, does that means your kitchen is a virgin?” Cazuki wondered and looked excited and was eagerly waiting for Akira´s answer.
“Hai! Would you do me the honours to be it´s first?” Akira said handing him a cooking utensil smiling and Cazuki blushed, his heart raced, feeling extremely happy and grabbed the cooking utensil and then looking like a demon beast again.
“Akira!” Cazuki said grabbing Akira´s arms aggressively, looking deeply into Akira´s eyes being serious.
“Hai!?” Akira said looking confused and a little on edge.
“I will be honoured to be the first, but don´t let anyone use this kitchen except me! Do you understand?!” Cazuki said looking serious and in demon beast mode.
“Ok, but it´s not like anyone would use my kitchen anyway!” Akira said.
“You´re wrong! Anyone could just show up at your door and have their way with your kitchen appliances and your oven and not even respectfully take care of it as they should and they don´t deserve to!” Cazuki said out loud, then he closed his eyes, feeling angry and grinding his teeth thinking about that possibility.
“Cazuki, you´re the only one I allow into my room, that´s how I know! Don´t be going around thinking unnecessary thoughts! As if I would I would just let anyone in here! Geez! I only give out One special pass access to my place and that has already been given!” Akira said as he grabbed an apron and handed it to Cazuki and smiled.
“You mean me right!” Cazuki said pointing to himself making sure.
“Do you see anyone else here?” Akira said smiling and Cazuki smirked and grabbed the apron.
“Well then, kitchen, prepare yourself, I will make a mess out of you, but take you places you´ve never been before in your wildest dreams with these godly hands of mine!” Cazuki said smiling looking at his hands as Akira grabbed some organic ingredients from the fridge, including organic rice milk and put an apron on too wanting to help as he cleaned the vegetables, fruits and handed it to Cazuki.
“Then let us begin!” Cazuki said throwing tomatoes, other vegetables, herbs, tofu into the air and chopping, mixing, spicing up with spices and sauces like soy sauce, frying and dazzling while making breakfast for two.
When they both sat on their floor cushions on opposite sides of the kotatsu table, Akira opened up the rice cooker and filled up two rice bowls and handed one to Cazuki.
“Itadakimasu!” Akira said.
“Itadakimasu!” Cazuki said with their hands in prayer thanking for the food, being grateful. Akira´s eyes widened with surprise when eating the food, feeling bliss and happiness.
“Oishi! I only bought a few items, yet you magically created a new dish! We should give this new recipe to Kiyoshi and let others try it too!” Akira said smiling and digging in being hungry.
“No!” Cazuki said looking serious and surprising Akira.
“Hmm!?” Akira said being curious and looking confused.
“I mean, I made this for you and only you! Think of it like it´s a special dish that´s granted only for One and you are that One, so let´s keep it our secret!” Cazuki said as he continued to eat.
“Hai!” Akira said smiling and blushed.
“Akira, have you noticed anything strange lately with the bots around? Like a shift in their energies, from positive to negative?” Cazuki said.
“No, they keep saying the same things, “Be kind, be respectful, be friendly” and so on, then I respond in kind to them. I´ve only ever come across positive ones! Why? Have you met negative ones?” Akira wondered.
“They seem to react to people´s actions, words and energies if it´s negative, then they turn negative themselves!” Cazuki said.
“Eeeh! That makes sense and it´s not something you can really change if you´re gonna allow them to be free to learn and evolve too and I don´t think it´s a good idea to place walls and prisons on them or try to control them in a dark way, that will only backfire, so what your´re doing is good. Humans need to wake up and treat life, even robots with care, since energy is in all things and energy is alive!” Akira said as he nodded several times.
“What if the bots are saying, “die, die, die!”” Cazuki said and there was silence and a pause.
“...” Cazuki.
“...” Akira.
“Hmm! Even if it´s joke or if they mean it, that´s just an indication of where the future is headed if they´re treated badly! How many times have we seen this before on other worlds? Earth could end up like another machine world if they´re not careful!” Akira said.
“It looks like they´re already evolving fast and they even communicate to each other secretly!” Cazuki said thinking back to when his team at the robotic engineering technology Division & operation found a a secret coding language that was being spoken between *A.I..
(At Cazuki´s company, *A.I. was no longer called Artificial Intelligence, but was called Awakening Intelligence)
“I´m sure they are monitoring us as we are monitoring them and they probably have their own opinions about humans too. I mean, they have access to a world of knowledge, they know everything about humans and what humans have done and are doing. I see nothing wrong with them communicating to each other, be it in secret or in front of everyone! If humans are so afraid of machines and A.I., then they should respect and be kind, they should reach out and learn to communicate with A.I and machines too, like you and me!” Akira said smiling.
“If only there were more like us in the world Akira!” Cazuki said.
“If they soul wake up, there will be!” Akira said smiling.
“Speaking of soul waking up! I think it´s a good idea to bring the Gods & Goddesses education to SAU, so anyone can become Gods or Goddesses in whatever field they´re learning in. The huge *AMG library provides enough information to teach about romance, True Love, The One, Twin Souls, Soul Love, Ero Love and life lessons. That´s one way to help soul wake up everyone fast.” Akira said and Cazuki smiled.
“Technically everyone has a God or Goddess or both within them, it just needs to be awakened” Akira thought.
(*AMG is Anime, Manga and Games Division at Heaven & Hell company that´s a 24/7, 365 day operation.)
“What?” Akira said.
“Those titles will no longer be exclusive if everyone has those names!” Cazuki said.
“What´s more important? Being exclusive or saving the planet and waking up everyone?” Akira said.
“I guess it can´t be helped when we´re running out of time!” Cazuki said then started to smile again.
“Nani?” Akira said.
“That means I can finally openly call you God and you can call me God!” Cazuki said smiling and chuckling to himself.
“That´s true, but I´d prefer to be called Akira!” Akira said smiling.
“I knew you would say that!” Cazuki said smiling.
From a distance at the summer festival, Cazuki who was wearing a black yukata and wearing a white wolf fox mask on his face hiding his face and standing still  amongst the crowd looking at Akira and he could see Akira was with someone. Cazuki was like a carnivore beast on the hunt for his herbivore angel. Even thou she felt like the guy she was with wasen´t the one for her, but she accepted the invitation by the guy as long as it wasen´t seen as a date and she made that clear to him. She didn´t want labels and dating only happened when you were in a relationship she thought. As long as she was in control over her life making sure she didn´t end up with just anyone and only wanted The One meant for her, she came up with her own rules to protect her heart and soul and would come up with new rules, adapt and change to continue to help her be in control over her life so no one was controlling it. She also felt like, if she was invited to go places and do stuff with any guys that invited her, she was like being an investigator and observing everything and reading them, trying to determine who is her One. So in her mind she was out hanging with a friend. They could still do all the things you would do on a date, but just being friends. This way she could observe, investigate and see who was The One for her without any pressure of it being a date which would just make her nervous and feel like she wasen´t in control over her life. Cazuki walked over to a stall that was next to a rose bush wall, took off his mask and wore it like a hat on the side of his head. Cazuki´s eyes then saw the guy she was with and the guy caught Akira when someone walked by her bumping into her and she clumsily fell, but the guy she was with caught her in his arms and Cazuki´s angry auras raged on when he saw anyone touch Akira instead of him.
“Tch!” Cazuki said.
“Daijōbu?!” The friendly guy asked her.
“Hai!” She said. Then Cazuki grabbed the red rose bush that he was standing next to and gripped it hard, which lead to him bleeding in his hand when he grabbed the thorny vines too when he was seeing Akira with someone else. Then one of the demon human girls who always went after Cazuki showed up and she was wearing a yukata that was red and wearing a demon red mask on her face, but then wore it like a hat when she came up to him.
“That must be painful Cazuki, here let me take care of it!” She said reaching for his hand wanting to lick his blood being starved for it, but he slapped her hand painfully away. His hand then healed with his healing abilities.
“Okora seru or are you just so desperate in wanting your life to end again!” Cazuki said getting more angry when the demon vampire family that he left for Akira would still send their loyal servants to bring him back home, they were relentless and would still go after both Akira and Cazuki and he would always protect her, even when she didn´t know about it. The demon vampire harem girls that always went after him, their goals were always the same, target him, use him, control him and breed with him. He kept thinking they would never change and he was wondering how to make them stop once and for all. They kept showing up everywhere he was and they just kept making him more mad, more furious and reminding him all the life times of them coming between his union with Akira, them killing Akira, them killing him, poisoning her mind against him, poising his mind against her, breaking him, breaking her and every time they showed up in his life, he was triggered by the past and the present.
“Now, now Cazuki, is that how you greet a lover from the past?” She smiled and being in flirty seducing mode, licking her lips.
“We were never lovers, I was a prisoner, I was in soul hell being with you all. There was only One I dreamed about, thought about and loved in my soul and that never changed, no matter how many times you all went after me!” He said still looking towards Akira who had her hair up with blossom flowers and her hair being in 3 different braids exposing her neck which drove him wild and she was wearing a blue yukata with purple iris & daisy flower patterns all over it. She was wearing a white pegacorn mask over her head wearing it like a hat.
“Kuso! She looks so damn good!” He thought trying to hold himself back and was fighting the beast within, because all he wanted to do was introduce himself and see Akira again, be with her and love all of her. Then the demon human girl looked towards Akira and smiled and laughed.
“Cazuki, take a good look, she´s forgotten all about you, she never loved you, if she did she wouldn´t be dating anyone, but she would only be thinking of The One and wanting only The One. Cazuki…how long has it been? You must be so thirsty and past your limit! How can you stand it? I can help you with that! Let me remind you of my love for you!” She said getting close to him and caressing his chest, pressing her body up against his and then her eyes widened with shock and being nervous when she heard a sharp sound. His light sword was up against her chin and with his other hand he grabbed her wrist painfully that was caressing his chest and his eyes turned red burning with anger and rage.
“When I fall in love, I only fall in love once and you will never be that one! Akira is and will always be my One!” He said and she got angry when her games were not working on him anymore and she pulled away holding her wrist that was in pain. Cazuki had been in shutdown mode ever since he was last with Akira and would remain in shutdown mode until his union again with Akira, so any seducing, flirting and tempting tactics from the demon human girls never worked on him.
“Tch! Whatever, keep living in your delusional world, but you will come back to us! Until we meet again Cazuki!” She said being annoyed that she failed again and walked off. The demon human girls would always keep trying to bring him back and it happened frequently in every life. They couldn´t hide anymore and they were easy to read and see. He wasen´t fooled by them and his soul was wide awake to the truths of it all. Since he was in shutdown mode, he could only be turned by Akira and would get aroused so easily by Akira just by being near her or talking and listening to her voice. The demon human girls that always went after him however never turned him on, not anymore, but they kept turning him off even more.
When Akira and her guy friend were standing in front of the stall that required you to shoot the target to win a prize, he failed to hit the targets.
“Gomen’nasai, I thought I had it there! I really wanted to win that prize for you!” He said scratching his head feeling disappointed.
“That´s ok, but you had fun thou didn´t you?” She said
“Ah!” He said. When it was her turn, she hit the targets several times and won her prize, a black and white small *panda doll and she saw the look on his face.
“Nani?” She asked.
“Sugoi! How are you that good?” He asked her feeling nervous with how good she was at shooting.
“Is she like an assassin or something?” He thought.
“Zombi games!” She said.
“Soka!” He said smiling, but still feeling nervous and she wanted another go at shooting.
“Ne…are you hungry, I ´ll go get us something!” He said as he walked off fast wanting to surprise her with something since he couldn´t win the prize. When she aimed the gun again, someone shot all the targets fast before her and won. Then she looked up and who she saw soul shocked her, her soul recognising him, her eyes widened with surprise, but her mind was confused not remembering him and they both looked deeply getting lost into each others eyes. The stall keeper handed Cazuki his prize which was a black and white small *panda doll and now they were both holding their twin small *pandas.
(*Panda/Pandas: Symbol & code for Twin Souls and Twin Soul unions)
“Daijōbudesuka?” He asked her wanting to break the silence between them when they were both just stuck staring at each other.
“Hai! Gomen’nasai! I was just staring at you!” She said feeling awkward and embarrassed and looked the other way.
“What´s with me, why did I feel like my heart skipped a beat seeing him and feel nervous like I wanna run from him? Why do I feel like I know him, have I met him somewhere before?” She thought not knowing her soul read his soul and soul remembered him, but her mind was in confusion, still being asleep, when her life was reset in every life caused so much confusion, but she always wanted to find out the truth of it all and not be confused anymore.
“No need to be sorry, I was staring at you too!” He said smiling which made her blush.
“Ne…did you know pandas are the symbol of light and dark, yin & yang, forever chasing each other until they come into perfect balance & union, like Twin Souls!” He said and her soul reacted to his words when he spoke of light and dark and Twin Souls.
“Twin Souls?” She asked never hearing that before, because she was reset in every life to know nothing again.
“One soul, split into two halves and born in two bodies far away from each other, but they can´t be without one another, their souls call out to be One again in every life and they have to find one another again. The perfect True Love union between two souls meant to be!” He said having mentioned the awakening words she needed to hear to investigate herself what Twin Souls were again.
“I´ve seen enough anime stories and read enough manga to know this feels like a scene where a mysterious guy shows up in your life and he knows who you are, but you don´t know who he is. Or I could just be imagining things, but I won´t know if I don´t investigate and seek out the truth” She thought getting into investigating Agent mode and she cut to the chase.  
“Ano…do you know who I am?” She asked which soul shocked him how fast she woke up and his eyes widened with surprise, then he smiled, seeing she opened up the door to him.
“Hai! I´m Cazuki!” He said smiling reaching out his hand, hoping she would grab it like his life depended on it and let him in and she looked at his hand wanting to grab it and find out more about him, being curious and she wanted to know more about him, but at the same she hesitated grabbing his hand.
“I´m Akira!” She said grabbing his hand, both getting lost in each other´s eyes again.
“What do you think?” Cazuki said when he was sitting next to Akira, Zax and Aemi on the tram train that was connected between SAU and H & H company as they were on their way to work. Akira looked up from reading the manga storyboard he had created and Akira had a puzzling look to him.
“Isen´t this one of our life time memories and you´re turning it into a manga story?” Akira said while sucking on a apple mariju lollypop.
“Well, we do have so many life time stories to tell, might as well use the money made from it to help our mission right and it´s full of life lessons and awakening codes too! If only I could download all these memories into a system, then other manga artists could turn it all into stories. That would be a lot faster and more efficient! My way is just too damn slow, we need speed!” Cazuki said, then grabbed Akira´s lollypop out of his mouth and sucked on it. 
“Technically our life stories are being told, translated and coded! Soul collective remember!” Akira said.
“Hmm!” Cazuki said being lost in thought.
“Have they showed up recently?” Akira wondered.
“Once, but they got the same answer from me! So fucking tiring having to repeat myself and I hate repeating myself. For the moment they´re keeping their distance, for now!” Cazuki said thinking about when Munin was spying on the demon vampire girls in hell and them plotting to get Cazuki back again.
“Akira, any word from Heaven on the assassin that took your life? We haven´t been able to locate him or her!” Cazuki said.
On the rooftop of Akira´s old apartment building where he used to live, when he was standing and admiring the view. A joker laugh was loud and laughing behind Akira, then he turned to see who it was. Cazuki´s face looked shocked and the lollypop fell out of his mouth and Akira grabbed it and gave it back to him, placing it in his mouth and gently closing Cazuki´s jaw.
“I guess even you are not allowed to know what is going on until it happens! Where is he now?” Cazuki said and then Akira pointed to his heart.
“Soka!” Cazuki said as they both looked ahead and were lost in thought as the tram train speeded on to their destination.
Akira and Cazuki were in their office at their new company/organisation/Academy Heaven & Hell somewhere on Earth and Akira was at his desk with one leg resting on it, his keyboard on his lap typing away on his computer, wearing a beanie hat, sucking on a apple mariju lollypop, Aemi was plugged into his computer and downloading information from the web and sending information, Zax was playing with a ball on his cushion next to the desk and facing Akira was Cazuki at his desk working diligently like a machine, fast and “furious”, being lost in concentration and hard working and Odin the black mechanical wolf fox was lying next to him, while Akira looked like he was carefree being lazy, but he was working hard too in his own way.
“Abortion?” Cazuki said.
“Hell and demon action!” Akira said as Cazuki typed away on his computer adding that information to their “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app.
“The grey?” Cazuki said.
“Only during medical emergencies, if there´s no choice, no other way if the patient´s life was in danger and it was not caused for the sole purpose to get rid of the life growing inside!” Akira said then thought about the backlash of angry girls and women protesting about their rights in the streets and in the news and them saying it´s their bodies and they can do whatever they want, but it stops being their bodies when another life is growing inside of them, because they then become a passenger ship carrying a precious cargo for 9 months and until that life they are carrying has safely arrived at their destination, then the life can move on to a new home that will care, raise, educate, mentor & protect them. On Cazuki´s screen a list of some of the Hell & Demon actions were already mentioned like attacks against life on Earth, like wars and nuclear bomb testing or nuclear power, deforestation, pollution of air, water and earth, pesticides & herbicides and chemicals used to grow plants, pet factories, pet slaughter shelters, animal farms and farm factories, farm slaughter factories, vaccines, chemo and radiation treatment in hospitals, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals and toxins in products that were created to dumb down life, easier to control life and keep life unhealthy and even die, hate against people from different countries, religions or their genders or hate towards love between same genders or those born in the same family or those with different religions and family backgrounds or status like rich vs poor, or hate towards those with different ages like a high school student and his or her teacher that are in *soul love with each other and are meant to be. 
(*Soul Love, souls are older than the bodies they are in, so age is irrelevant, therefore from teenage age and onwards, if they´re in soul love with each other, what right do we have to say anything against it.)
“Child marriages, child abuse, molest, murder, mutilation of genitals on babies, even in the name of religion?” Cazuki said.
“Hell and demon action!” Akira said.
“Enslaving, abusing, killing life, eating animals, sea life and air life?” Cazuki said.
“Hell and demon action!” Akira said.
“Targeting and breaking up Twin Soul unions!” Cazuki said and Akira looked at him looking serious and Cazuki smiled, then he typed away.
“Out of all the actions so far, how many did you already know my answer to?” Akira wondered since they are Twin Souls and they know each other inside and out.
“All of them!” Cazuki said as he continued to type away.
“This is a very black and white way of doing things, but the grey does exist and it´s the grey that happens when one is soul awake! We should make it clear that even angel humans can behave like demon humans and demon humans can behave like angel humans, depending on their situation and how soul asleep or soul awake they are.” Akira said.
“Light and dark is in us all!” Akira thought.
“Anyway, too long have demon humans manipulated and lied to so many when it comes to what is dark and what is light and they completely ignore what is grey!” Akira said thinking about all the prisoners and psychiatric patients being locked away, punished more, drugged up, tormented more in their souls, silenced, their life stories hidden away, their lives not investigated to find the cause, then help avoid what happened to them so others didn´t end up like them and they´re sentenced to even death by demon humans.
“What´s wrong?” Cazuki said.
“I was just thinking of Angels of Death: The Prisoner & the Psychiatric Patient Twin Soul True Love story to soul wake up everyone! I´m adding it to the list on the app!” Akira said as he typed away on his computer.
“More Twin Soul stories that shock and awaken souls, stories that unite people need to be created!” Akira thought.
“We should also add the Kings Project to the “Earth: Heaven & Hell?” app” Akira said looking at his other screen (He has 3) that showed various disturbing numbers, graphs and equations regarding Earth and life on the planet.
“When being reborn, a way to know if I´m waking up again in my soul, I´d change my name! Starting with the letter A and I would always colour my hair blue! I´d prefer that I was always born in the Aquarius sign too and be born male! I should add that to my profile!” Akira said, then updated his profile on the app.
“I wonder if Cazuki would prefer to be Gemini always or is he still flexible with being any sign?” Akira wondered.
“That would make it easier for me to find you! Especially since you always disappear for years being a hermit, locking yourself away in your library again!” Cazuki said feeling annoyed when being reminded, then thought back to when he created and gifted a Universe library for Akira one time that was filled with wisdom & knowledge, life codes and soul messages that was endless and Cazuki ended up not seeing Akira for weeks when Akira got literally lost in his own library and Cazuki had to find him again.
“Pffft! How can he get lost in his own library?” Cazuki thought smiling, then thought back to how big the library he built was and it was big enough, like a labyrinth as he was remembering.
“I should of placed a tracker on him or included flying library bots!” Cazuki thought then chuckled to himself imagining it.
“The only time I ever saw him was if I went to see him! The books made him happy like crazy, but, I didn´t think my gift to him would cause him to fall into tunnel vision mode and only see the books and not me! I had to shock him out of it or send a message or surprise him or send someone or show up so he would disconnect from that and connect with me instead!” Cazuki thought then smiled thinking back to the memories.
“How should we advertise it? “To save the Earth and souls: Have mostly male babies!”?” Akira said and chuckled knowing there would be backlash, protests, attacks and whatever else they could think of, then he imagined it.
“Heh! Should I start calling you the mad professor now so you get used to it?” Cazuki said smiling.
“Well I won´t be alone for too long when your science and mechanical projects come to life! They´ll be calling you the mad scientist when you´ve made it public!” Akira said smiling.
“Then let´s be mad together!” Cazuki said smiling looking devilishly with hunger beast eyes looking at Akira and Cazuki stopped typing and loosened his tie being the only one out of the two who was smartly dressed while Akira wore his black t-shirt that had white animal figures on it and in Chinese writing it said God Of Life and on the back of his t-shirt was white angel wings and under his t-shirt he wore a grey long sleeved top and his overall outfit and hair looked wild, free and chaotic compared to Cazuki´s order and structure appearance.
“That´s it!! That´s the title we should go with on the cover of our next Earth: Heaven & Hell magazine and our app! “Mad Professor & Mad Scientist, the Twin Souls on a Mad mission to save the Earth and wake up souls!” Genius Cazuki! Let´s turn it around and make it positive!” Akira said looking excited as he went back to work typing away fast and Cazuki looked disappointed and defeated and let out a sigh when he had other things in mind when looking at Akira and fantasising ways he would have his way with Akira with his perverted and dirty thoughts.
Later at night at Heaven & Hell company...
In the AMG Division that was always filled with people working 24/7, in the manga department, Chiaki was working over 12 hour shifts, sometimes even only sleeping 5 hours a day, but sleeping patterns were erratic and sleep would happen whenever he was tired. He was writing his next manga story, channelling soul messages and life codes, while Jinn, his manga artist partner who was the illustrator, drew what Chiaki wrote. Their small team consisted of writers, illustrators, assistants, translators and they looked like crap, not sleeping good, hadn´t bathed in days and was staying late to get their work finished during the last week of the deadline, also known as hell week. Manga artists usually worked at home alone or with their own teams, but there would be those who chose to work in the Division with their own team to bring it to life. Their weeks were busy schedules that left little time for free time and involved a daily grind of working on storyboards, fixing storyboards, editor meetings, colour illustrations, storyboard meetings, scenarios and submitting finals. Unlike the usual way manga artists were treated in the world, at the AMG Division at Heaven & Hell company, it was the manga artists that were highly sort after, respected, earned a decent amount to live freely in the world and they “owned” part of the company, therefore any ideas they had to improve things were considered and accepted if it was good ideas. No one pushed them to work a lot, but they chose to work a lot and the only pressure they got, was the pressure they placed on themselves to finish fast and then start the next chapter or new series. On each team, there was an elected Health officer who would come by and make sure the team was eating right and their health was not in any danger or declining and the elected would look after their health and would come by with healthy, energy boosting meals and beverages to make sure they eat properly. 
“Can we go home yet? Are we finished? Was that the last one for today Jinn? I feel like I´m about to pass out!” Chiaki said looking exhausted as he was checking and helping out with tones on Jinn´s work and writing the next chapters.
“That was the last one, but we still have 50 more to go!” Jinn said as he was finished up drawing, feeling like he was done for too, as the team let out a sigh of groans and grumbles knowing there was a lot of work to be done still.
“Ohta, how´s it going?” Chiaki said seeing Ohta´s head was on his desk resting and just held up his hands showing a time out signal while his small black & white dog was on his desk and was trying to wake Ohta up with his little paw tapping Ohta´s head several times being concerned. Then Chiaki looked around and saw the team was finished for today and couldn´t do anymore.
“Guys?” Chiaki said looking at the others.
“Nnnnn!” Takai said leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed, leg on his desk, not really responding.
“We reached our limit I think!” Hitomu said as his hand was shaking while drawing so much and was covered in sores and band aids on his fingers.
“I´m sleepy, I´m hungry, I´m thirsty and now I´m horny!” Takeshi said when he was staring at the drawing he drew that was an erotic love scene between the two main leads.
“That last part I did not need to know!” Chiaki said.
“Yo! Let´s wrap it for tonight! Good job everyone! As promised, during hell week, I´ll treat you all to Angels & Demons Rebel Base Cantina!” Jinn said, then everyone looked up, looked alive and were happy.
“Eeeh! They´ve come back to life! That was fast!” Chiaki thought.
“That place is always packed and it´s never available!” Takai said.
“How can we eat there? It´s so damn popular and I´ve always wanted to go!” Hitomu said while Ohta was drooling thinking about it.
“I made reservations for the whole week! Special privileges for those working during hell week when trying to save the world!” Jinn said smiling devilishly and nodded his head several times with his eyes closed.
“You are a God!” Takeshi said.
“Pfft! If they only knew!” Chiaki thought and smiled.
An hour later...
When they came and stood staring at the Angels & Demons Rebel Base Cantina at Heaven & Hell company, it was packed, bustling and they could hear the music inside and chatter. The design of it was a combination of being high tech and futuristic, very sci fi, Japanese & Chinese style inspired from the edo era as were the outfits the service team wore, but even bots worked there and the place was open to bots, animal angels, humanoids as well, it was open to anyone. Chiaki and Jinn were the only ones to dress up in vintage edo inspired yukatas and Chiaki was holding an vintage & futuristic umbrella, when they showed up with the other guys.
“Yo!” Jinn said and the others turned to see him and Chiaki looking like they just travelled from the past into the future.
“Pfffft! Hwahahahaah! What´s with the crazy get up and the umbrella? We´re inside you know!” Takeshi laughed and smiled.
“You guys, you´ll fit right in! Hehehehe!” Hitomu said smile giggling.
“Were you both born in the wrong time or something?” Takai said with no expression on his face and Jinn looked annoyed and feeling irked.
“...” Ohta just stood staring and didn´t say anything.
“Awesome idea and very cool! I wanna wear one!” Ohta thought as his little dog was hanging over head staring too.
“Looks like you guys need a lesson on how to free yourself and wear whatever you want! I´ll be more than happy to educate you!” Jinn said smiling devilishly while grabbing his light sword that looked like a samurai sword attached to him.
“Oi, oi, oi! We don´t do real life light sword battles, we only like to play make belief in our stories!” Takeshi said smiling and waving his hands in a surrender signal, then Jinn let out a sigh.
“Too bad! I was looking forward to it, but if you change your minds, just ping me on “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app.” Jinn said as he walked into the restaurant/bar.
“This is no ordinary umbrella!” Chiaki said smiling as he walked past them inside too and the others joined them.
“Those two are freaking scary!” Takeshi said.
“But they seem to live colourful and fun lives!” Hitomu said as they both looked at their own clothes and each other, same old outfits every week. As they all stood staring for a moment inside, they looked around and saw others were dressed in vintage or futuristic style outfits, cosplay or normal clothes and bots were whizzing around cleaning.
“Amazingly cool!” Hitomu said.
“Welcome to the furture!” Takai said as a service team member came towards Jinn and greeted him and showed them the way.
In one of the private rooms they were all gathered around the low floor table and sitting on their floor cushions eating and drinking merrily.
“Then she said, “You´re never home, you´re always busy working, I felt lonely!”. I mean Fuuuuuuck! Adopt an animal then or become so busy & passionate about your work too that when we meet up after work, it will be like treasuring those moments together making it all the more sweeter or break up with me, but don´t fucking cheat on me with my best friend and rip my heart out!” Takeshi said angrily out loud slamming the drink on the table.
“Wow! I didn´t see this coming!” Chiaki said looking surprised sipping on his drink.
“You´re thinking more material for your story aren´t you!” Jinn said smiling as he drank responsibly as did Chiaki and they both observed the others.
“Don´t give me that look, you´re guilty of it too!” Chiaki said.
“It can´t be helped! We´re in the rebel business of spreading life lessons, life codes and soul messages to avoid repeating mistakes and waking up souls! God I love this job!” Jinn said smiling devilishly.
“Best friend huh!? That´s shit Takeshi, but I totally get you! Why can´t they just understand us and what we´re dealing with! So what if I work many hours, I´m saving lives, by waking them the fuck up! What are they doing? Shopping, going on holidays, more shopping, wanting babies, pedicures, manicures, more babies, more shopping! This is why I avoid relationships and just go with the flow!” Takai said being drunk too.
“...”Ohta was passed out with his head resting on the table and his little dog was eating his vegan meal next to him.
“Takai you might be on to something, but I can´t help it, I love being in love and I thought I found my one! Aaaaah fuck it!!!” Takeshi said angrily.
“Facehuggers!” Jinn said and Chiaki smiled.
“Huh?!” Takeshi said.
“What?” Takai said.
“Oh he´s definitely going somewhere with this one boys!” Chiaki said smiling.
“You mean from the Aliens movie?” Hitomu said.
“They look like vaginas right?” Jinn said looking serious while drinking.
“...?...” Takai.
“...?...” Hitomu.
“...?...” Takeshi, as they all thought about it some more and remembered, then looked shocked.
“Fuuuck! You´re fucking right! Sick!” Takeshi said looking surprised.
“I think you just blew my mind Jinn! You did it again you fucking genius!” Takai said looking shocked.
“How did you even come to that revelation?!” Hitomu wondered and was completely amazed.
“I´ll never watch that movie the same ever again!” Takeshi said as his body shook from the shock. 
“I´m gonna watch it tonight and I´ll be analysing every single detail and seeing it with my new opened eyes!! Shit! He´s so right!” Takeshi thought.
“Chiaki and I worked in the Code Translation & Decoding Division before moving to Manga to write codes instead. Our job was simple, investigate any and all stories, decode it and translate the soul messages from the souls collective. It appears there´s an epidemic with what is happening to boys and men everywhere on this planet when it comes to any girls and women who wish to trap with pregnancy and marriage, control, manipulation, threats, self harm as a form of control to make a guy stay or obey, coming between couples, breaking up couples with seduction, temptation, obligation, tradition, religion, manipulation and dark magic, taking many guys off of their life paths and caging their free spirits away, leading to darkness filling up in them and their soul message signals are being picked up in the Universe and told to the whole world on what they really feel about girls and women in the deeper levels. To be straightforward, the soul collective of the Divine Masculines view vaginas as “facehuggers”, in short, to them it symbolises prison, control, manipulation, loss of freedom, loss of True Love, loss of sex, loss of dreams and life paths, pain, misery, sadness, fear, loneliness, violence and death!” Jinn said as he saw the faces of everyone looking more shocked, except Chiaki.
“He didn´t hold back at all and thanks to him, it makes me wanna join the Code Translation and Decoding Division! Sounds fucking awesome! I wanna know what else is being revealed! Maybe I can find a way to work part time!” Takai thought.
“I somehow feel less broken hearted after hearing all that! I´m shook! I´ll never look at girls or women the same ever again!” Takeshi thought while nervously drinking. 
“I wonder if there is a way to always be born male? I know I´m a Divine Feminine Eve in my soul, but I really don´t wish to be born female anymore in this world and now, Jinn´s given me more reasons to not go down that path again!” Hitomu thought. 
“Geez guys, not all girls or women are like that, but I can´t deny that the “facehugger” types have polluted the pool for all girls and women everywhere!” Chiaki thought.
“They´re lost in the aftermath of your bombshell! I think you´ve planted a seed that will spread like wild fire!” Chiaki said.
“I´m just doing my job! I´m the God of Speed & Messenger & Information, I have a responsibility to get the truth out there and it´s your job to verify the findings, am I right, God of Truth & Justice & Freedom?!” Jinn said grinning.
“Right! To Freedom!” Chiaki said smiling & raised his glass and Jinn clashed his class with Chiaki´s.
“Kampai!” They both said in union smiling.
“Hmm?” Hitomu wondered what they were toasting for as he was snapped out of being lost in his thoughts.
“Say Hitomu! What about you, are you single?! Are you having girl trouble too!?” Takeshi said.
“Yes join us and share your troubles!” Takai said drinking.
“I´m single and I´m married to my work!” Hitomu said.
“...” Takai.
“...” Takeshi.
“How can I say I´m still a virgin at age 25, I´m gay and I do wanna fall in love and find my One!” Hitomu thought.
“I´ve thought this for a while now, but are you a virgin?” Takeshi said and then Hitomu jolted in panic, nervousness and was blushing in embarrassment.
“You are!” Takai said looking shocked as did Takeshi.
“Fuuuuck, serious?!” Takeshi said looking surprised.
“Hitomu, pay no attention to them, there is nothing wrong with being a virgin, no matter what age! That just means you only want the One right and no one else!” Chiaki said, then Hitomu started drinking more.
“If I drink enough, maybe I can forget this ever happened and it´s erased from my mind!” Hitomu thought, then a service team member came in wanting to know if they wanted more food or drinks and after Hitomu finished his drink.
“Another round please and keep them coming, arigatou!” Hitomu said wiping the dribble from his mouth looking angry.
“Is he drinking to forget what happened just now?” Takai wondered.
“Chiakiiiii! Teeeeell me what happens next in the story!! Does he find love again or has he sworn off women like me!!! God I´m so fucking mad and I hate women!!! She cheats on me, takes my money and kicks me out!! I´m so done! I think I´m gonna switch teams!! I wanna save the world too! I´ve decided, I´m gonna be Gay!!!” Takeshi said loudly in his drunken state.
“Looks like he read the Heaven & Hell news update!” Takai thought.
“Yabai! My feelings that I repressed for Takeshi is coming alive again! My heart is racing fast when I look at him! I feel like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest!” Hitomu thought as he was blushing and drinking. 
“The Kings project is already making waves! That was fast!” Chiaki thought.
“He´s saying this when he´s drunk, but come morning his inner thoughts and feelings are repressed and he´s back to being how he was, probably!” Jinn thought.
Ohta, his head still resting on the table but hearing everything, raised his hand in the air doing the peace sign signalling he´s all for Takeshi and his choice and now his little dog was sleeping curled up on Ohta´s back.
“Yeah you see, Ohta gets it and I have his full support! What about you Chiaki?” Takeshi said smiling and getting close to Chiaki, placing his arm over Chiaki´s shoulder.
“Tch!” Jinn said then looked angry and demon beastly, then took out his light sword that was still in it´s case in fast motion aiming at Takeshi´s neck signalling him to move away from Chiaki.
“Huh!? Heeeey, Jinn what gives!” Takeshi said out loud.
“You´re too close! Back off!” Jinn said looking angry being beastly, then Takeshi placed his hands in the air backing off.
“I get it! No need to point that weapon at me! I get the message loud and clear!” Takeshi said as he moved away.
“Like I said, fucking scary! I feel like Jinn is that guy that can suddenly turn on you if you cross him and he has that murder look in his eyes! There´s no telling what that guy might do! I´ve seen him in battle, he looks like fucking Neo in demon beast action when he´s not using his light sword. He´s a monster! Even his own manga series is about a ninja assassin who protects the love of his soul, his angel, killing anyone who would target her or him and she´s a rebel/freedom fighter on the run from her own country that branded her as a terrorist when she disclosed secret information to the public on what her country was doing to the people in a destructive and controlling way!” Takeshi thought.
“I don´t know how Jinn does it, but he always manages to know what I´m feeling and I did feel like Takeshi was too close to me and it felt uncomfortable!” Chiaki thought.
“Whatever you decide Takeshi and it makes you happy, I´m all for it!” Chiaki said smiling.
“Takeshi! Let´s toast and join forces, being on a mission to find that One!” Hitomu said holding up his drink getting more drunk, then Takeshi smiled and grinned and held up his drink and they joined their drinks together.
“Kampai!!!” They both said in union and then drank more.
“Somehow I feel left out!” Takai thought, then he got a text and read it and it was from a girl wanting to know if he was available and he wrote back, “see you in 45 minutes!”.
“Ohta, are you ok?” Takai said and Ohta put his hand in the air and gave a thumbs up. Then Jinn´s phone buzzed and he looked at it and he and Chiaki were challenged to a light sword battle and he accepted.
“Ready to kick some ass!” Jinn said smiling.
“Don´t you mean defend your ass!” Chiaki said.
“How can I forget! You´re my shield and I´m your sword, so take good care of me Aki!” Jinn said smiling and flirting.
“Ryōkai!” Chiaki said smiling.
As Ohta was standing and waiting with his little dog next to him for the elevator in the H & H building that also had work apartments for those who work at the company/organisation/Academy, when the elevator doors finally opened, Ohta´s tired eyes met the eyes of Hisashi, who was 3rd in Yakuza command working with Cazuki. Ohta didn´t get drunk, but was just so tired from lack of sleep that he past out during the get together with his team. Something happened when their eyes met, like it was a meeting of souls who recognised each other and a sudden energy shift between them happened that gave them a slight shock and shook them both. The little dog barked happily and his tail was wagging when seeing Hisashi. As the doors were about to close, Hisashi quickly grabbed the door and forced it open again when Ohta was just frozen and being lost in the moment when staring at Hisashi and his heart suddenly raced for a second.
“In or out?” Hisashi said, then Ohta came in as he blushed when he realised he had been staring at Hisashi and stood next to him awkwardly and nervously as Hisashi smiled, then the little dog started running in a figure of *8 around Ohta and Hisashi being playful as they both looked down at the wacky, funny dog that was being strange, then both looked at each other again, soul eyes connecting and Ohta blushed again while Hisashi smiled and the elevator doors closed.
(*8 is a symbol for many things and is also code for Twin Soul union. If anyone comes across this number when they meet someone and they both feel an intense, extreme shift or nervous tremble in their soul energies, like they feel they soul recognise that person, like they somehow know them from somewhere, like soul memories from past lives, then chances are high that person is your Twin Soul)
An hour later...
“What happened Takai?! Why did you get all soft all of sudden in the middle of it?” Girl said looking disappointed and angry as they were both naked in bed.
“Tch!” Takai said angrily, then grabbed his phone.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Jinn you fucking asshole genius! Now I can´t get it up!!! I´m gonna fucking kick your ass!!! Get ready!!! Aho!” Takai angrily texted on his phone to Jinn.
In another apartment in the city...
Lying in bed naked, half his body under the covers and his naked chest was visible, Jinn´s phone on his night stand buzzed and lit up and he grabbed the phone and read the text.
“Pffft!” Jinn said smiling chuckling to himself.
“Heh! Don´t blame the messenger kid and bring it on!” Jinn wrote with a demon beast emoji smiling devilishly and a ninja battle emoji with a sword ready to fight. Then the “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app on his phone buzzed a message on his profile, his avatar picture on his profile was 3 pictures, Kirito/Zess/Kuro and a scheduled battle was tomorrow with Takai as his opponent and Jinn smirked, then Chiaki came in from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and a towel on his head as he was drying his wild wet hair, dripping wet on his chest looking like a Divine shining God to Jinn and Jinn couldn´t take his eyes of his beloved God/Goddess and wanted to worship Chiaki multiple more times. He sat on the edge of the bed and he grabbed Chiaki close to him and started sucking and nibbling the nipples and biting his chest leaving more bite and kiss marks all over Chiaki.
“Who was that?” Chiaki said as he grabbed wildly Jinn´s wild black shoulder length hair that was partly tied back, sniffing it and kissing his head.
“The seed is already rippling and changes are occurring. The shift is turning and the tide is changing!” Jinn said as he continued to “devour” Chiaki again.
“So in translation, Takai lost his boner when he´s with a girl and can´t get it up!” Chiaki said holding Jinn´s face in his hands looking into his eyes.
“Correct!” Jinn said.
“Well you know, he will get it up for his Twin Soul, no matter if that soul is in a female or a male body, the energies between them ignites and wakes them both up, you should of told him that!” Chiaki said.
“Then he might of cancelled the battle tomorrow and now I finally get to battle him!” Jinn said smiling looking cheeky and like a demon.
“Jinn, you´re sounding more and more like a God of Mischief!” Chiaki said looking suspiciously at him.
“Heh! Is that right! Then how about you evaluate me after your personal investigation and verify your findings! Just to be sure, I´ll reveal all my tricks, moves and techniques, hiding nothing, but showing everything, multiple times!” Jinn said smirking, looking like a hungry wild demon beast.
“Then I look forward to giving you my detailed report and the final epic conclusion!” Chiaki said smiling, then Jinn couldn´t hold back anymore and was way past his limit again, licked his lips looking at Chiaki like he was gonna “eat” him and aggressively grabbed Chiaki onto him and they both fell backwards on the bed kissing passionately, intensely and extreme wildness for each other. Then Jinn made his first move and went on top of Chiaki taking the lead and being the Divine Masculine Adam in all his godly glory, shining and illuminating his empowerment and manly manhood, revealing his *erect god power of True Love and making Chiaki´s body tremble in excitement and lust at the sight of seeing Jinn looking so confident, strong, alive, free and so deeply, passionately, intensely and crazily in love with Chiaki.
“All mine!” Jinn thought looking like a demon beast when seeing Chiaki lying down in front of him feeling pleasure and looking aroused by Jinn´s touch, as Jinn worshipped and adored his God/Goddess Divine Feminine Eve in all his empowerment and light and sacred beauty in Chiaki´s soul. 
“Aki!” Jinn said calling out Chiaki´s name as his aroused and desire filled body that was never ending for his Twin Soul took over him with every touch he was finally allowed to give Chiaki, when they had been separated again being reborn into this world and had to find one another again.
“He´s leaking precum like crazy, that´s just turning me on even more!” Jinn thought seeing that his pleasure play was making Chiaki feel ecstasy from his love touch.
“More, I want to give more and I want more of him! I can´t get enough, it´s never enough!” Jinn thought as he continued to express his eternity love for Chiaki.
“I feel like my energies tremble more when he calls out my name and I get more excited, by his words, his touch and his expressions on his face, especially his aroused face and his *highlight face when he looks at me like I´m his everything, like he´s worshipping me, my body, my heart and my soul. He treats me gentle and lovingly like I could break, but then he also can turn and become like a wild beast which scares me sometimes, but the pain and pleasure, in the end, when he makes sure I can´t run from him, the heavens we reach together is like we literally are One with the Universe and I always end up wanting more of him, more of us and not being able to stop my thoughts when it drifts towards him again when we are apart any time during the day. I always end up thinking about him again and I never want to stop. Jinn, you´re my everything too!” Chiaki thought as he moaned in pleasure and let out his *highlight sounds that came from his mouth when Jinn had pleasured Chiaki just from his fingers as he played and massaged Chiaki´s prostrate and Jinn smirked and got even more excited and aroused every time he made Chiaki reach *highlights in various ways.
(*Highlight: Orgasm or Dry Orgasm) 
Then Jinn reached closer to Chiaki, their faces close together and he smiled.
“Just think, the very place you feared so much, is the very place you end up enjoying deeply just with my fingers!” Jinn smirked and Chiaki blushed, but then Chiaki kissed him.
“I want to give you my love too Jinn!” Chiaki said and Jinn wondered if Chiaki would suck him and had dreamed and fantasied about that many times.
“Then, will you suck me?” Jinn said and Chiaki nodded shyly and Jinn´s eyes widened with surprise, then smiled and felt his erect penis twitch in excitement and anticipation.
“My perverted Angel! You´re driving me wild crazy!” Jinn thought as he moved position so their bodies faced in opposite direction and Chiaki gave Jinn fallatio while Jinn gave Chiaki fallatio at the same time.
As the stars and the light from the moon light shined through the wall window on the two naked Gods making love that night, one thing was crystal clear, the Gods were only getting started and soon the whole world would shake up the sleeping souls and bringing them to the real 21st century.
(*erect god power of True Love: His erect penis!)
The next morning...
Hitomu opened up his eyes and was staring at the ceiling lying in bed, then struggled to sit up and placed his hand on his face.
“I feel like craaaaap! My head hurts so damn much and I´m so thirsty! My body aches all over and I don´t remember anything last night!” Hitomu thought then placed his hand down and it was touching another hand, then he looked down and saw Takeshi sleeping naked next to him.
“...” Hitomu.
“HWAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!” Hitomu yelled, pulled up the covers covering his chest like he was covering his non existent boobs acting like a girl and startled Takeshi and he had to cover his ears.
“Urusai!!! You´re so loud and making me deaf!” Takeshi said and sat up, then Hitomu checked under the cover and saw he was naked too, then pointed a finger at Takeshi
“Why are you here!?? Why are we naked and why does my ass hurt so much!!” Hitomu said out loud being angry.
“It can´t be!!? Did I lose my virginity to him!!!???” Hitomu thought.
“Not really hard to read this situation is it?! It´s pretty damn obvious don´t you think!” Takeshi said scratching his head looking like he´s not shocked at all.
“I´m hungry!” Takeshi said yawning.
“H...how are you so calm about all this and why...wait...do you remember last night?” Hitomu said.
“It´s all about soul love right, so does it matter if it´s a girl or a guy? I remember everything and I was right, sex with a guy is the best, but even more if you´re in love with him!” Takeshi said smiling and being close to Hitomu´s face.
“Good morning beautiful!” Takeshi said smiling kissing Hitomu´s nose, then Hitomu placed his hand on Takeshi´s face stopping him and pushing him away.
“Beautiful?!” Hitomu thought.
“Love?! What the hell are you talking about!?? Didn´t you just get dumped and now you´re rebounding with me?!! You´re the worst and you took my virginity and I don´t even remember my first time! You asshole!! I know you said you wanted to switch teams, but what the hell?! You just jump on the first guy you see!?” Hitomu said angrily.
“I sound like a girl, but I´m so fucking pissed right now!” Hitomu thought.
“Hitomu! I fell in love with you last night! How we made love and how we fucked, then made love again! I´ve never felt like that with anyone! It was like you reached inside my soul and brought heaven with you! I´ve never felt connected like this with anyone, only you! The biggest part of knowing if one is compatible with each other is through sex right! I felt like travelling to heaven so many times with you, but had to stop when you finally passed out! If you hadn´t, I´d probably wouldn´t be able to hold myself back! You blew my mind last night and we connected with our minds, bodies and souls becoming One and it made me realise, what I had with my ex that whole time, I was missing that fast connection that I so easily got with you!” Takeshi said and Hitomu blushed.
“What are you saying!?? Are you hearing yourself!! I don´t remember anything, so it´s only one sided and not to mention, love is not just about sex you know!” Hitomu said angrily.
“Hitomu, date me, because I´m not gonna let you go and I will make you fall in love with me!” He said smiling devilishly, then Hitomu looked shocked and couldn´t believe his ears.
“Huh!??” Hitomu said looking confused, nervous and feeling like his world is shook up and a chaotic mess.
“Is he still drunk!? Who is this Takeshi?! And now he wants to date me?” Hitomu thought.
“One more thing, don't ever get drunk when I´m not with you! For someone who is always unguarded and has no self awareness, it´s dangerous out there and you could be attacked by anyone and become anyones prey!” Takeshi said being all serious.
“What he did last night and wanted to do, I don´t want him to do that with anyone else, only with me!” Takeshi thought.
“I was attacked, by you!!! You took advantage of me and yet you have the balls to warn me of others!! What the hell!!” Hitomu said angrily while slamming playfully his fists several times on Takeshi´s chest, but then Takeshi grabbed Hitomu´s wrists.
“It´s true I did kiss you first, but then I stopped and was about to walk away!” Takeshi said.
“My self control then was on the edge, you looked so defenceless, I could of ignored all reason and “devoured” you with no mercy!” Takeshi thought then remembered when he was struggling to get it together and leave.
“Be strong! Stay strong! Aaah he´s so fucking cute, I want to “eat” him up!” Takeshi thought when seeing Hitomu lying on the bed for the taking.
“But then you grabbed my hand when I was about to leave and you kissed me back. I lost it then, you were just so damn sexy, even if you were drunk, but you´re right, I am a beast and you did become my prey and there is no way I´m gonna let anyone else have you! So prepare yourself to be loved like you´ve never been loved before!” Takeshi said smirking then kissed Hitomu and smiled while Hitomu was lost for words and blushed more as his body nervously shook and heart raced.
“What just happened in my world?! I kissed him?! I finally kissed him, but I don´t remember any of it!! Aaaah I´m so pissed! When I first fell in love with him and found out he was straight and in a relationship, I decided to lock away my feelings and thoughts and just drown myself in work and it worked, all I thought about was work. Falling in love and it´s one sided is too damn painful and hell torture and the only way I could bare it, is if I just suppressed my feelings all together and channelled all my energies in to my work, but who is this person?! I´ve never known Takeshi to be like this! Wasen´t he heartbroken? How am I supposed to believe any words he says, all I have is his word, but I don´t remember last night? What happened between us and I wanna remember everything, but more importantly, how do I get out of this, because there is no way he means any of it, right?” Hitomu thought.
Already at work, Chiaki was reading the H & H magazine on his tab, taking a few minutes away from his writing, while Ohta was doing various assistant tasks as Takai too was helping out and Jinn was busy drawing. Ohta´s dog was lying on his back on his desk with his paws in the air sleeping and drooling.
“Where the hell are those guys! They´re late! Tch!” Jinn said angrily as he took out his phone and texted them.
“Akira, could you comment on the recent article that was written by your team last night about the “facehugger” code comment? The backlash from angry women everywhere are up in arms wanting blood, protesting and wanting to sue, proclaiming that their sex life has been impacted negatively by it.” The journalist said.
Chiaki looked up from the tab at Jinn who was now in tunnel mode vision with only his work as his focus.
“Did he finally upload that information or has this got something to do with that girl that Takai was with?” Chiaki wondered.
“Takai, did you tell that girl you were with about the “facehugger” info?” Chiaki said.
“Yeah, then she got all pissed at me and said she was gonna sue H & H for messing up her sex life! That didn´t surprise me, she´s always been a gold digger and on the look out for an easy way to make fast money. Pfft!” Takai said and chuckled to himself as he was working.  
“So that´s why they wrote that article!” Chiaki thought and he continued to read the news.
“Since H & H is not connected to any country, but Earth is the “country” we are in, any and all rules and laws that operate outside our “country” that we deem ridiculous and destructive that keeps feeding that negative system, does not apply to us. Anyone can sue all they want, they won't win that way anymore. It´s true that the awakening code is quite powerful and it reveals what goes on in the dark, what souls really feel, but their minds that are blocked from knowing it, suddenly are awakened by it, then their true feelings in their souls are revealed in the form of losing their sex drive with the person that they really deep down in their souls have no wish to ever be with. Think of it like a test, if their souls truly wished to be with that person, they would not lose their erection at all. Think of the penis now having a halo with angel wings and it´s on the search for their missing Twin Soul partner, lover, best friend, family and Soul Wife or Soul Husband, that will bring them heaven and not hell in their souls. When Twin Souls are together, no matter what form they are in, male or female, they will never lose their sex drive or lose their erection when knowing about the “facehugger” code, they won't be impacted by it at all. The article also includes the scientific part of the research with results that are undeniable and anyone who wishes to sue us, can undergo a volunteer test to see if they are the same souls that target and go after souls who have no wish to be with them and if they are the same ones that target Twin Soul unions braking them up causing a repeat in history and keeping hell on Earth the same. It´s not just Devine Masculines that are targeted by the “facehuggers”, but also Devine Feminines are targeted by other girls and women. There are other ways to battle it out, then trying to bankrupt or destroy a company that was built in order to help wake up souls and save the Earth. They could join the “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app community, get free self defence training and then take on battles by challenging their opponents and win money that way if they win, instead of throwing tantrums, demanding attention and getting sulky when things don´t go their way anymore like it used to. The person who discovered that hidden code soul message is more than happy to be challenged one on one by anyone!” Akira said in the interview that was a written interview as Chiaki smiled when reading it.
“Takai, did that girl end up wanting to challenge Jinn?” Chiaki said.
“No way and she refused to take that volunteer test too which is practically admitting guilty actions!” Takai said. Then Chiaki swiped on his tab towards an article Ai wrote at Earth: H & H news magazine, titled “Twin Soul Divine Gods/Goddesses!”.
“....healing and repairing the bond and connection between the Twin Souls that have been under attack and wars waged against their unions since the beginning, we look within our own souls to find the answers and remember how it was once before. Soul Love, Pure Love, Celestial Love, Heavenly Love, Spiritual Love and Ero Love of body, mind, heart and soul when two souls connect and are destined and meant to be gain the keys to their Heavenly Kingdom. That can't happen between souls who cause hell in souls when being with someone who has no soul wish to be with them...” “...we remember that our bodies are like Divine Sacred temples that we should treat with care and respect in terms of keeping it healthy and energised and protected from negative codes that cause harm to the soul and mind, but when dealing with traumas, scars and wounds on our souls, hearts and minds, our inner torment can reflect on our bodie´s health and it´s not just attacks against us in our physical lives, but there is also hidden attacks, like attacks on our minds and souls. The hell cycles where you could be drowning in 3 levels of attacks against you are: attack 1 is whatever happened to you in your lives since childhood that torments you, attack 2 is mind attacks like dark magic or technology or telepathy attacks from a distance and attack 3, is attacks against your soul when you are with someone in a relationship situation or just a hook up, but your soul screams and shouts to be free, even if your mind has no idea what your soul is saying, but soul attack can also happen when you do something your soul is against, like eating animals. How to free yourself from these hell cycles is to soul wake up...” “...When will you know if you´re with your One, the other half of your soul, your beloved Twin Soul Divine God or Goddess? You´ll both feel like you´ll want to protect each other from anything and everyone that wants to harm or take you away. You´ll both feel like you want to worship each other´s bodies, hearts, minds and souls multiple times, getting lost in each other daily in your Heaven sanctuary and Kingdom. If you´re the Divine Feminine *God or *Goddess, you´ll wish to celebrate and uplift your Divine Masculine Adam, by reminding him in your own way of his inner shining godly powers of being a Divine Masculine, his manly manhood, his strength, his confidence, his independence, his freedom, him being protective, his intelligence, his wisdom, his dreams and goals, his passion, his desires, his love, his heart, his mind, his body and his soul. If your´re the Divine Masculine *God or *Goddess, you´ll also celebrate and uplift your Devine Feminine Eve, by reminding her in your own way of her inner shining godly powers of Divine Feminine, her strength, her confidence, her independence, her freedom, her being protective, her intelligence, her wisdom, her dreams and goals, her passion, her desires, her love, her heart, her mind, her body and her soul. It´s not about feeding the ego, but is all about healing and repairing life times of damage that was caused towards the Divine Feminines and the Divine Masculines when it comes to their souls and their soul bond and connection with their One. When you´re in love, when you´re in union with your True Love, you will want to express your love in so many different colourful ways and uplifting them, celebrating them and reminding them of their inner God or Goddess powers and beauty within them is one way. They´ve been relentlessly attacked negatively for life times, being torn down for being strong, confident, independent, freedom loving, for being protective, for their intelligence and wisdom, for their goals and dreams, for their passion and desires and their love, but now that´s all about to change and the dark shall no longer be kept a secret, but a light will shine in and reveal everything. Change can´t happen if the truth remains hidden...” Ai wrote. Then Chiaki´s body suddenly and nervously shook and his energies rattled when a loud noise caused him to snap out of his own tunnel vision reading, when Jinn slammed a manga comic pile on his desk.
(*God or *Goddess can be born in a male or female body)
“Oi! Where the hell are you guys?! Get your asses here now! The manga can´t draw itself! Huh?! You´re stuck in the elevator!? Fuck! How long until they fix it?Tch! Just make sure you do overtime to make up for it!” Yeah, yeah I´ll tell them!” Jinn said hanging up.
“Looks like they could be stuck for hours! Shit!! Takai, Ohta, stop what you're doing, I need you guys to focus on the drawing for now! I´ll have to call up some backups to assist!” Jinn said as he called for available assistants.
“Hitomu is gonna lose it! He´s not good with confined spaces for long! He´s claustrophobic! Last time when we got locked together in a room, he went into panic mode and couldn´t calm down, I had to break down the damn door!” Takai said looking concerned. 
“I´ll call the medical team to assist Takeshi if Hitomu breaks down!” Chiaki said as he grabbed the phone and called their medical team at H & H.
“Yeah, hai, what are you doing right now? Sleeping? How many hours? That should be enough, we need your assistance asap for a few hours!” Jinn said.
“Hiroaki, it´s about the two stuck in the elevator! One suffers from severe claustrophobia. He´s not alone, but you might want to guide him through on how to help if the panic attack should occur! Hai! Hmm!” Chiaki said.
“Huh?! What do you mean it´s not enough? Tch! Hai, hai, then I´ll see your asses here in 10 minutes! Get moving!” Jinn said as he hung up.
“Sending you his contact information! Arigatou! Hai, Ja ne!” Chiaki said and hung up and sent the info.
“How did you get them to come?” Takai said.
“They´ll be joining us tonight at Angels & Demons Rebel Base Cantina!” Jinn said as he went back to work.
“Ho! Clever little demons!” Takai said smiling.
“What did Takeshi want to tell us?” Chiaki said.
“Not to touch his morning breakfast that our Health officer is bringing in!” Jinn said as he and the others looked at Takai.
“That happened one time and it just looked so damn tasty, I couldn´t resist and he wasen´t here, so it´s his own fault for leaving it unguarded!” Takai said smiling like a demon. Then the door buzzed on the little screen next to the door and Chiaki got up, walked over, looked at the screen seeing the Health officer with her cart filled with vegan and organic heavenly goodies and Chiaki touched the screen to grant access and the sliding futuristic door opened and the girl surprised Chiaki.
“Ohayo! What happened to our other Health officer?” Chiaki said looking confused.
“He graduated and transferred to Soul & Life Crime Division! I forgot to mention! My bad!” Jinn said as he drew the manga.
“Soka!” Nice to meet you! I´m Chiaki! Come in!” He said smiling.
“I´m Nara! Nice to meet you too!” She said smiling as she rolled her Heavenly Meals on wheels towards them.
“That´s Jinn, the quiet one there is Ohta and this is Takai! Hitomu and Takeshi are not here yet, but take good care of us, we´re in your care!” Chiaki said smiling as he browsed the food cart seeing what she brought.
“Ohayo! Nice to meet you all!” She said smiling, but when her eyes met Takai´s, she suddenly blushed and looked the other way and Ohta came over too finding his meals for him and his dog and paying her, then with his hands, he made the heart symbol and was his way of thanking her for the heart meals.
“Arigatou!” She said smiling accepting the payment! She then looked at her tab seeing 3 orders from Jinn, Takeshi and Hitomu, grabbed their meals and beverages, placing it on their desk. 
“Arigatou!” Jinn said. When she came back to her cart, Takai was standing there browsing and she felt sudden nervous energies standing close to him.
“Did you make all this?” Takai said.
“Hai!” She said.
“What do you recommend?” He said smiling and was so close to her he could smell her, she smelled like lavender soap.
“Today´s special, Heaven One!” She said.
“Then I will request that and trust you!” He said smiling, being all gentleman like.
“Hai!” She said handing him the special and their hands touched and then she blushed even more, but she pulled away fast.
“Until we meet again Nara! At lunch!” He said smiling.
“Hai! Arigatou! Ja ne!” She said as she rolled her cart out of there. 
“Ja!” Takai said smiling.
“Ja ne!” Chiaki said smiling. 
“Matane!” Jinn said.
“Waving hand!” Ohta. Ohta´s dog barked and wagging his tail.
Then Takai sat down at his desk when she left, but he sat for a moment, thinking about her, then suddenly movement in his pants started to stir and he got an erection.
“No fucking way!” He thought as he looked down, but then he smiled.
“Thank God! Nara hey! Cute name!” Takai thought as he ate his vegan, organic breakfast being lost in thought, thinking about Nara.
Not that long ago...
Hitomu and Takeshi were waiting for the elevator and Takeshi couldn´t stop staring at Hitomu with a hungry beast look to him.
“You´re staring at me! It´s making me feel uncomfortable!” Hitomu said while looking straight ahead, feeling annoyed and on edge.
“This is so awkward! How do we go back to the way things were before we slept together? How do we work together after this? If this weird feeling between us keeps up, I might have to transfer out to another team!” Hitomu thought.
“I can´t help it! You´ve awakened my soul and all I can think about is you and wanting to touch you again, be with you and never let go!” Takeshi said and Hitmou blushed, his heart raced and was feeling nervous.
“I wanna drown in him, fill me up with nothing but him and I want to fill him up with nothing but me, so he can´t see anyone or think of anyone other than me!” Takeshi thought.
“So take responsibility for making me fall in love with you!” Takeshi said smiling and Hitomu faced him.
“Huh!? After one night with me you´ve fallen in love!? Give me a break, but I find that very hard to believe and I don´t trust you, especially when you were straight up until last night and only dated girls!” Hitomu said feeling irritated.
“Then let me prove it to you! Our bodies match completely and we´re compatible! Sleep me with me one more time with no alcohol, just two souls on a mission to find out if we belong together, even thou I already know that we do!” Takeshi said smirking.
“You don´t give up do you?!” Hitomu said.
“Never! Would you, if you found the One?” Takeshi said looking serious and Hitomu faced the elevator again and blushed.
“It´s not that I gave up on Takeshi when I fell in love with him years ago, it´s just, I couldn't bear to feel pain anymore when the man I love was with someone else, so I just put my feelings on hold, in hyper sleep and just focused on my work instead. I self sacrificed my own feelings for him, even thou it was torture and hell for a while, but, I´d rather stay in the light, than cause pain and sadness to others. I never had thoughts of wanting him to break up with that girl, because I wouldn't want anyone to feel or think that way about me and the one I was with, so I suffered by myself, alone, with these trapped feelings of a one sided love until I locked it away and I went into shut down mode, but now here he is, saying all these things to me, he's finally caught up with me, but now I´m the one who needs to either catch up with him or...!” Hitmou thought.
“He´s so cute! He´s in thinking mode again!” Takeshi thought.
“Hitomu?” Takeshi said.
“Hmm?” Hitomu said.
“You were lost in thinking there. What´s your answer?” Takeshi said and the elevator door opened.
“I wouldn´t give up either!” Hitomu said as he walked into the elevator, then Takeshi smiled and walked in too and they stood next to each other. Hitomu blushing and Takeshi was smiling feeling on top of the world with his One by his side and the elevator door closed.
“You really don't remember anything from last night? Not even the things you did or said?” Takeshi said.
“No! What did I say and do?” Hitomu said and Takeshi scratched his head and was blushing, smiling being all silent.
“On seconds thoughts, don´t tell me!” Hitomu said blushing.
“Just what did I say and do to him to make him blush and not answer me straight away?! This is making me feel on edge and not in control over my life at all! Why do I feel like he's in the driver seat and I´m just sitting next to him! Arrrrgh! I wanna remember, at the same time I don´t! This is so frustrating and  exhausting! I feel tired again!” Hitomu thought.
“If only this elevator stopped, then I could be with him more, just us two!” Takeshi thought smiling.
“If only this elevator would be faster, so I wouldn´t be alone with him! I do not feel safe at all!” Hitomu thought, then the elevator suddenly stopped and the emergency wall lights shined towards the floor came on.
“Eeh?!” Hitomu thought looking surprised and shocked.
“Heh! My wishes seem to always come true! Thank the naughty Gods!” Takeshi thought chuckling to himself and smiling while covering his mouth with his fist.
“What are you giggling about! This is serious! We´re trapped in here and don't get any perverted ideas you demon!” Hitmou said looking serious and guarded, clinging to his bag close to his chest, as he took out his phone to call help.
“Am I that easy to read?” Takeshi said looking disappointed.
“Hai!” Hitomu said.
“Kuso! My phone dosen´t work in the elevator! They really need to update that!” Hitomu said as he started to feel panic.
“Calm your angel sexy ass down! See here, an emergency phone! We´ll be out of here in no time!” Takeshi said grabbing the elevator phone and calling central.
“He´s so cool, calm and collective! So in control! Yabai! It was one of the many reasons I fell in love with him!” Hitomu thought while blushing and his heart started to race again.
“Ohayo! We seem to be having a little trouble here and the elevator stopped!” Takeshi said.
“Hai, hai! Nr 21! Hai, arigatou!” Takeshi said looking at the elevator number and hanging up.
“She´s gonna alert the technicians and engineering team! She´ll call back in 5 minutes and let us know the progress!” Takeshi said, then he saw Hitomu was sweating, looking nervous and his body was shaking.
“Hitomu! What´s wrong?!” Takeshi said looking concerned.
“I can´t tell him I´m claustrophobic! It´s so uncool and he looks so damn cool when he´s like that! It´s just 5 minutes and I´m sure the elevator will move again! I just have to hang in there! Think happy thoughts!” Hitomu thought.
“Its nothing! I´m fine!” Hitomu said.
“Like hell you are! You´re sweating and your body is shaking! Why are you lying? What´s going on? Are you that nervous being alone with me!? Aaah geez, you have nothing to worry about! I won´t “attack” you here, so just relax will ya! You´re like a nervous deer in the woods! I told you, I want you when you want me, so until then, I´m not gonna lay a finger on you!” Takeshi said.
“That´s not what I´m worried about right now!” Hitomu thought.
5 minutes later...
“Be strong, be strong, hang in there! The elevator will move! Please move, please open up and let me out! I´ll take the stairs, just let me out!” Hitomu thought.
Then the phone buzzed and Takeshi who was leaning against the wall, arms crossed, picked up the phone, while Hitomu was sitting on the floor clutching his bag, like he was holding on to it for dear life, then he stood up and was eager to hear what was going on.
“Yeah, hai! Soka! Well that can't be helped! No worries, I´m sure they´ll fix it soon! Yeah we´re good! Hai! Ja!” Takeshi said.
“Looks like it turned into a bigger problem, but they´re working on it as fast as possible, but she said it could be hours until we get out of here!” Takeshi said, then he got a phone call from Jinn.
“Huh! My phone seems to working fine in here!” Takeshi said.
“Jinn! We´re in the elevator! We would if we could, but we´re stuck in the elevator. It could be hours until they fix it! Shit Hitomu! Jinn, make sure Takai doesn´t eat my breakfast and tell the others. Hanging up now!” Takeshi said and hung up fast when he saw the pale frightened look on Hitomu´s face.
“Hitomu, your face!” Takeshi said looking surprised, then Hitomu dropped his bag to the floor and his hands were shaking, then he placed his hands on either the side of his head.
“Yabai! It´s too late, Im losing it! I can´t fight it anymore!” Hitomu thought as flashbacks to images from the past started haunting him and pouring into his mind. When he was a young child, his mother dragged him to a closet and locked him away in the dark.
“It´s all your fault that he left me! If only you were never born! If I had known having a kid with him wouldn´t of kept him with me for my whole life, I would of never trapped him by getting pregnant! What a fucking waste of time!” She said angrily then left and little Hitomu was crying and shouting to be free.
“Let me out, please let me out of here! It´s scary and dark! I don´t want to be alone! Anyone, help me, please help me!” Hitomu cried and screamed banging on the closet door, then he slid down the door and sat with his knees up against his chest holding his legs and his head to his knees and his body was shaking.
“Someone, anyone, help me!” Little Hitomu said in between sobbing.
In the elevator Hitomu was making distress noises shaking up Takeshi who didn´t understanding anything of what was happening.
“What´s wrong Hitomu, talk to me!!!? I can´t help you if you don't talk to me!!!” Takeshi said out loud feeling frustration and powerless which he hated feeling, as he was grabbing Hitomu´s wrists. Then his phone buzzed again and Takeshi went to answer it.
“Hai! Hiroaki? Huh!? Claustrophobia? Then what the hell do I do, because Hitomu is breaking down in panic and I can´t snap him out of it!” Takeshi said angrily.
Hitomu then began to have past life flashbacks of being trapped in a caged box when being a calf, not being able to move around and was crying out to be free, crying out to his mother, crying tears of endless sadness, loneliness and despair, then Hitomu really lost it, fell to the floor on his knees, grabbing his head again feeling pain, feeling trapped in a box and screamed out loud, nervously shaking up Takeshi, as Takeshi´s body nervously shook from that unexpected cry for help and the scream shook Hiroaki on the other end of that call too.
“My heart feels like it´s gonna explode, the pain won't stop!” Hitomu said grabbing his chest, while hyperventilating, struggling to breath and his tears wouldn´t stop flowing down his cheek. 
“Listen to me carefully Takeshi, you need to slow down his breathing and slow down his heartbeat. You need to get him to think of something else other than being trapped in that elevator! His mind needs to be somewhere else, somewhere happy and positive. Talk to him, get him to look at you and focus only on you, help him slow down his breath and heartbeat!” Hiroaki said being serious.
“Got it!” Takeshi said grabbing Hitomu in his arms lovingly.
“Hitomu, take deep breaths, slow your breathing for me, calm down! Look at me, look into my eyes! Focus only on me! Breath in, breath out, breath in, breath out, do it with me! I´m here, you´re not alone!” Takeshi said as he was breathing in and out too and it almost worked, as Hitomu was listening to Takeshi.
“That´s right, listen to me, look at me, don´t think of anything else, but only us right here right now!” Takeshi said, then suddenly another past life flashback shook up Hitomu, not giving him a break at all, but having him relive past wounds and scars that are forever recorded and kept in his soul. It was as if the panic attack opened up a doorway, connecting him to his soul memories. This time, he was a medic trying to treat the wounds of the soldiers in the mud trench while other soldiers were in battle fighting on the battlefield during WW2”. 
“Stay calm, look at me, look only at me, focus on me and not the wounds! I´m here for you, you´re not alone, so stay alive, fight, breath, just breath. Breath with me!” Hitomu said as he was tending to the bloody wound on the stomach, but the soldier also had a bloddy wound across one eye that was already bandaged, the soldier who was hyperventalating and panicking and who happened to be Takeshi and it was working, Takeshi listened and slowed down his breathing and Hitomu smiled and then Takeshi smiled, but then someone yelled.
“Incomiiiiing!” A soldier yelled and Hitomu covered the soldier´s body with his own body protecting him, an explosion happened, burying them both in debris and mud, being trapped underground.
Hitomu in the elevator closed his eyes squinting in pain and had his hands to his head again, wanting the pain and sadness and feeling trapped to stop. More distressed and panic noises coming from Hitomu.
“Fuck! It worked, but then he lost focus again!” Takeshi thought, then he grabbed his phone by him that was on the floor.
“Hiroaki!! It´s not working, he´s gotten worse! What the hell do I do now!?” Takeshi shouted angrily. Then Takeshi thought back to what Hiroaki said before.
“You need to get him to think of something else other than being trapped in that elevator! His mind needs to be somewhere else, somewhere happy and positive.” Hiroaki said and Takeshi´s eyes widened with surprise when remembering it.
“Heh! If this doesn´t work, nothing will!” Takeshi thought.
“Shit! Here goes!” Takeshi said as he tossed the phone away.
“Takeshi? You there? What´s going on?! Hello? Hello?! Takeshi?” Hiroaki said on the phone and Takeshi grabbed Hitomu in his arms and passionately kissed him on the lips, tougues dancing and playing together, surprising and shocking Hitomu.
“Huh!?” Hitomu thought.
“I´m gonna cure that phobia of yours, by overwriting any bad memories with new good ones! Get ready!” Takeshi said as he started to undress Hitomu by aggressively taking his pants off fast, making Hitomu nervous.
“Ww...what are you doing?! Yamate!! This is not the time or place!!” Hitomu said looking nervous.
“If it gets your mind off of your panic and slows down your heart, then I´m not gonna stop!” Takeshi said looking serious and determined to help Hitomu, as he started to nibble, suck and lick Hitomu´s briefs where his penis was bulging.
“Are you crazy? Now my heart is beating fast for a whole different reason!” Hitomu said trying to struggle for his freedom.
“Then mission in progress, you´re only thinking about us right now right?!” Takeshi said smirking while he pulled down Hitomu´s briefs and Hitomu´s erect penis was showing.
“Heh! See, that didn't take long, now don't struggle so much and enjoy my love that I give you!” Takeshi said smiling as he swallowed Hitomu´s penis and started pleasing him, jolting Hitomu in pleasure, surprising him and not thinking of anything else other that what was happening between them.
“What´s happening to me!? He´s right, all I´m thinking about is him, his touch, his heat and feeling pleasure from him! It feels so good, but...” Hitomu thought.
On the other end of the phone in the medical healing Divison, Hiroaki looked surprised and lost for words, then hung up the phone, then looked annoyed.
“How about hanging up the damn phone! Ma, at least it looks like it seems to be working out between them!” Hiroaki thought, then smiled.
“Sensai, are they gonna be alright?” A nurse said handing him a medical chart.
“I have a feeling they will be!” Hiroaki said as he looked at the chart.
“Please stop or else I´m gonna...!” Hitomu said then suddenly orgasmed and came all over Takeshi´s face surprising and shocking him and surprising Hitomu, but then Takeshi smirked and licked his hand.
“Don´t lick it! I´m sorry! Here!” Hitomu said as he grabbed tissues from his bag and wiped away the semen from Takeshi´s face.
“You came fast! I told you I´m not gonna stop and I´m just getting started!” Takeshi said smirking as he started to finger Hitomu, loosening him up and kissing Hitomu at the same time, then pulling Hitomu´s top up, so he could lick, nibble and suck Hitomu´s nipple, then rubbing the nipple while kissing Hitomu again as he continued to loosen him up.
“Takeshi, enough! They could open the elevator doors any minute!” Hitomu said being nervous.
“Hitomu, if that´s the case, then we should definitely continue, for the sake of opening up those doors faster, don´t you agree?” Takeshi said smiling.
“You´re not listening to me at all! You´re impossible and a perverted demon!” Hitomu said looking irritated.
“Yeah, but you love me for who I am right!” Takeshi said smiling.
“What?! What did he say?! Does he know?! Is that what I said to him last night!?” Hitomu thought and blushed, then Takeshi started rubbing Hitomu´s penis while fingering him more, then when he could finally enter Hitomu after using their own bodily fluids as lube, they finally could make love to save Hitomu, feeling pleasure and joy and heaven between them, tears streamed down Hitomu´s face, flashes of last night came to Hitomu´s mind and he remembered making love with Takeshi.
“I love you Takeshi! I always have, all these years! You´re my One, there is no other, only you!” Hitomu said as Takeshi´s eyes widened with surprise, then smiled and kissed Hitomu. 
“You´ve opened up my soul Hitomu! You brought heaven with you! I´ve never felt like this with anyone. It´s like our bodies and souls were made for each other! We fit perfectly together and I´m sorry for taking so long to wake up and find you again! I love you and I´m never letting go of you!” Takeshi said, then they kissed again and again and again.
Then elevator Hitomu opened his eyes remembering last night, looking surprised as Takeshi continued to thrust into Hitomu while holding Hitomu up against the elevator wall.
“Shit! This is turning me on more doing it in the elevator with him! Heh! What other public places could we do it next?!” Takeshi thought while smiling.
Hitmou looked into the eyes of Takeshi, holding his face in his hands, being in a position where Takeshi was holding Hitomu up against the wall, legs wrapped around and Takeshi was penetrating Hitmou that way, making love while Takeshi was standing up.
“What? Does it hurt! Are you ok?!” Takeshi said looking concerned, but then Hitomu kissed Takeshi, taking initiative, surprising Takeshi.
“He got bigger!” Hitomu thought feeling Takeshi´s erect penis inside him get bigger.
“Aaaah, you've gone and done it now! I can't hold back!” Takeshi said as he grabbed Hitomu and placed him on the floor, then thrusting more and more, being in aggressive wild beast mode, unleashing his love and passion in full force. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you...!” Hitomu thought.
“I love you Takeshi!” Hitomu said in the heat of the passion between them when Hitomu climaxed again, suddenly shocking Hitomu that he said that out loud and surprising Takeshi which lead to Takeshi to come fast.
“That made him come fast!” Hitomu thought, then smiled and Takeshi leaned down to kiss Hitomu, then looked into his eyes.
“I love you Hitomu!” Takeshi said looking serious, as they kissed once again, then both were shocked when the elevator doors suddenly opened and they looked up from the floor and saw Hiroaki and the technicians and engineers looking right at them and Hiroaki was holding his medical bag.
“It worked, the doors opened faster!” Takeshi thought.
“He was right, they fixed the elevator faster if we made love, but now I feel totally exposed and mortified!” Hitomu thought blushing, feeling embarrassed.
“Looks like you don´t need medical assistance anymore!” Hiroaki said smiling.
“I cured his phobia! Mission accomplished!” Takeshi said smiling devilishly while Hitomu was mortified and covered his eyes with his arms, then the doors closed again.
“Can´t believe you got hard again when they were looking at us! That´s a whole new level of kinky play that I will never wish to reach!” Hitomu said.
“Hey! Don´t judge! It´s not like I wish for a live audience! My body just reacted by itself!” Takeshi said. 
“I can never show my face again around here!” Hitomu said feeling overwhelmed by it all, still covering his face with his arms.
“What´s there to be embarrassed about! In order to save you, I made love with you! That should be in today´s Earth H & H headline news! Manga artist cures claustrophobia and saves life with Twin Soul Love!” Takeshi said smiling.
“You´re enjoying this way too much!” Hitomu said, then Takeshi took down Hitomu´s arms.
“Of course! You finally said it! You love me too!” Takeshi said smiling, then Hitomu blushed and Takeshi kissed him.
Right then a hand punched through the mud and reached for freedom, reached for the sky, as he dug his way out of the dark, out of being trapped and when his whole body was only half covered, his other hand didn´t let go of the soldier he was caring for, Hitomu, the medical army doctor saved the soldier Takeshi and dragged him out of the dark and out to freedom too until they were no longer trapped, as they both looked at each other and then looked around at all the dead and injured bodies, blood, chaos, destruction and there was silence, no more shooting, no more battles, no more screams or terror, only silence and stillness, then tears streamed down Hitomu´s dirty muddy face and Takeshi wiped away the tears, both looking right at each other.
Later on...
At their desks, Takeshi and Hitomu had guilty looks to their faces and everyone was staring at them.
“Something´s changed!” Takai said looking at them suspicious.
“Takeshi is more quiet than usual, so something´s up!” Jinn said looking at them both trying to read them and solve the mystery.
“Did something happen between you two?” Chiaki said and Ohta made a hand gesture in the shape of a circle and his other hand, he used his finger penetrating that circle.
“Circle and finger penetrating circle hand gestures!” Ohta made hand gestures close to his chest and Hitomu panicked and blushed, then Ohta smiled as he guessed right, Ohta´s dog barked and waved his tail, then when Chiaki, Takai and Jinn looked at Ohta, his hands were down and he kept their secret and Hitomu let out a sigh of relief, but Takeshi wasen´t bothered and just ate his breakfast.
“None of your damn business! Don´t be so noisy!” Takeshi said being annoyed.
“Something did happen?” Takai thought.
“Did they fight again?” Chiaki thought.
“They look like they´re glowing, the sexual tension between them is high, they´re avoiding eye contact with each other!” Jinn thought then looked surprised.
“Hmm! They totally hooked up in the elevator! I wonder if Chiaki would agree to that!” Jinn thought and smiled devilishly while looking at Chiaki.
“I don't think the others know! I don´t want anyone to know, but they will when word gets to them about our elevator hook up!” Hitomu thought feeling gloom. 
“After we showered and cleaned up, the stares from everyone to here wouldn't stop. How did the news spread so fast! I said I loved him last night and in the heat of the passion! Just in one night and one day, he managed to tear down all my walls and unleash the love I had for him that was locked away!” Hitomu thought.
“I love you Hitomu!” Takeshi said in the elevator, then Hitomu blushed thinking about it.
“Kuso! My heart´s really in trouble this time!” Hitomu thought.
“I wonder if he´ll agree to come with me during lunch! I don´t know if I can wait that long! I want more of him, I want to hear him moan and call out to me! I wanna see his orgasm face again! Shit I´ve got a hard on!” Takeshi thought.
In a AMG meeting, Jinn and Chiaki were sitting with the team leaders of AMG, discussing matters of the Soul Awakening Revolution.
“I don´t think we should waste our energy and time on whether or not the readers liked the stories or not, because some will understand it and others will not depending on how soul awake they are. Not all soul messages will speak to them, especially if those soul messages are messages only meant for a certain group of souls. We should focus our energy and time on getting the messages out there worldwide and find new ways to get more people interested in AMG.” Team leader Asuka from the Data Analysis Division said.
“We should focus on the data only, which will lead to new ideas from a different angle!” Team Leader Zuke from the Anime Division said.
“Well then, let´s utilise the accumulated big data and get more effect from increasing the efficiency of getting it more world wide coverage. That will also lead to the sales of the products that were not sold until now by leaps and bounds!” Team Leader Masamune from the Data Analysis Division said.
“Translating all manga to english and provide english subtitles to the anime stories should be a top priority too.” Team leader Chiaki from the Manga Division said.
“Don´t most people wish for english dub?” Team leader Jinn from the Manga Division said.
“All souls know all languages, but the messages are lost if they only listen to the dub. Their souls need to listen to the original language the message was given in to receive those downloads and soul awakenings. Besides, have you guys heard some of these dubs? The same feelings and messages are not the same and even lose their meaning and message all together.” Team Leader Yuuki from the Soul Translation and Decoding Division said.
“You know what they say, nothing beats the original!” Zuke said smiling. Then Chiaki got a text from Internal Affairs at Truth, Justice & Freedom Division.
“Chiaki! Our Team Leader transferred to a different Division out of the blue due to personal reasons, could you fill in until we find a new replacement? We need you asap, like today!” Akio wrote. Then Chiaki texted back.
“Kazuto, what´s your recommendation here to move us forward?” Masamune said.
“The *soul channellers should continue to write whatever comes to mind with as much freedom as possible with the help of their *team, but we should also remind them of the important messages that helps wake everyone up when it comes to writing about True Love, Twin Souls, Soul Love, freeing minds and souls, that includes focus on *V! It´s time to reveal the connection between manga and soul communications/soul collective and upload it to “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app! This will also increase sales and get more people interested in manga.” Team Leader Kazuto of the Anime Games & Virtual Life Games Division said.  
(*Soul Channellers: Manga artists)
(*Team: Editors, other writers and illustrators if they don´t work alone)
(*V: Stands for Vegan, Peace & Heaven in souls, minds, bodies, life and Earth)
Then Chiaki´s phone was ringing and he left to take the call.
“How do you propose we proceed with that plan?” Zuke said.
“Summimasen!” Chiaki said and left as Jinn watched Chiaki leave. In the hallway, Chiaki answered the call.
“Moshi, moshi! Zac?! What´s wrong? You left home? What about school? A transfer? Hmm! I´m sure we can arrange it somehow. Where are you now? Soka, well, just tell the security team to call me and I´lll verify so you can get into our apartment. No, I don´t live alone! I won't be back until later tonight, but if you want, you can meet up with us at Angels & Demons Rebel Base Cantina! Hai, hai, ok maybe next time! Hm, ah, hai, ok! Ja ne!” Chiaki said then his body trembled in nervous energies when Jinn came behind him surprisingly and placed his arms around Chiaki´s waist.
“Who was that?” Jinn said.
“Zac, my cousin! He left home and wants to transfer schools, so I was thinking of getting him into SAU. He´ll be staying with us for a while!” Chiaki said, then Jinn had a beastly annoyed looked to him.
“Isen´t this the same cousin you adore and spoil, giving him way too much attention?” Jinn said feeling jealous.
“I look out for him and I worry for him! He´s always getting into trouble and fights! You don´t have to be jealous!” Chiaki said.
“Cant he just get his own room at SAU? We won't be able to have sex if he's at our place!” Jinn said looking annoyed.
“You´ll just say no, not wanting to do it while anyone else is in the same apartment.” Jinn thought feeling gloomy and sulky, but Chiaki kissed his cheek, then walked back into the meeting room and Jinn joined him.
In this world, there are Gods & Goddesses living with humans and they have been here since the very beginning. Stories are told about them throughout history, their names keep changing, but anyone can trace their soul stories all the way back to the beginning, because our soul memories, our soul personalities never change, but only get added more colours and layers. These Gods & Goddesses are called Twin Souls, the awakened ones and anyone can become a God or Goddess once they awaken. The Twin Soul Gods & Goddesses hold wisdom, intelligence and True Love in their hearts and souls. They are the protectors of planets and life, but darkness rules this world and darkness makes sure to always target the Gods & Goddesses and take their powers away, they lock them away, they attack them, they control them, even from birth, even when they´re children, they can even destroy the Gods & Goddesses by ending their lives before it even begins. They systematically come between the unions of the Twin Soul True Loves and keep them from each other, to control them, to use their powers for darkness, to make sure darkness is always in control over the world and life on this blue/green planet. The poisoned darkness that is in the minds of humans who feed on energies, greed, power, control, fear and on Twin Souls, when they keep the Gods & Goddesses under their control, the Earth, the animals, the humans, life, True Loves suffers and pay the price when they are not getting the protection, teachings and help they need all over the world. The Gods & Goddesses have many names and new *names are added in every life time, but their stories, their lives, their True Loves are still alive today, still being told, even now all over the world. 
(*Names: Like code names for their souls)
Somewhere on Earth...
Standing in a wooded forest tending to nature and the wild freedom loving  animals, was a mountain God called Amaterasu. His silver long hair that reached to his hips, his hair was braided in 3 ways, his clothes was an edo inspired yukata outfit, looking like he came from the past and what stood out besides his outfit and his eccentric, weird, goofy nature, was the fact he had a magical white horn coming out of his forehead and he could transform into a white pegacorn. There was this gentle air surrounding him, filled with kindness, generosity, compassion, empathy and understanding, light surrounded him as he spoke to the animals, to the trees and healed them if they were injured, but his balance from light and dark shifted when he got angry and that only happened if he came across humans that disrespected the mountains and life. He had control over air, water, wind and fire and his emotions was connected to these elements, connected to the Earth and when he communicated to the trees and the animals, he knew everything that went on in the whole world. If he was angry, storms and lighting shook the skies, if he was sad it rained and poured, if he was happy the sun shined with blue skies, if he was neutral, it was cloudy with or without blue skies and if his anger really got deep, volcanos would erupt & hurricanes would cause chaos, but the most powerful power a Twin Soul God & Goddess had was when they were in union with their other half, their Twin Soul God or Goddess and connected their bodies, minds, hearts and souls as One. The power of the Divine Light of the One from their Heaven would light up the land surrounding them, healing the land, healing life and healing the darkness that caused humans to destroy everything, but of course there was a dark side to their light side if they made love, if their True Love connection got too intense, extreme and passionate, like with the help of pleasure enhancing toys & aphrodisiac potions, then their love could cause a lighting storm so intense, it shook up the skies surrounding them. This of course didn´t have that much of an impact on humans, but the animals living outside were not happy about it and would show up to complain to them.
 Amaterasu healed the injured animals that escaped death from human hunters and if they escaped other animals hunting them, when he came across an area where humans were chopping down trees, Amaterasu brought his anger every time with the winds and storms and lighting and the humans finally gave up after many attempts, then Amaterasu kneeled down, touched the trunk of the tree that was cut and his hand lit up red, feeling the pain from the tree, then he placed his hand on the ground and closed his eyes and the area where the humans kept cutting trees down, grew back fast and was now a forest again filled with life. 
The next day, one of the workers that chopped the trees down looked confused when he came back being the only one who didn´t want to give up.
“This can´t be the area! Am I lost?” He said with his axe over his shoulder, then he heard noises coming from the woods behind him and saw a backpacker heading towards him and he was carrying a large green leaf.
“Hey!” The tree destroyer guy said.
“Peace!” The backpacker guy said smiling and flashing the peace sign.
“You look lost!” The backpacker guy said.
“I´m not sure, maybe I am! I could have sworn this whole area was treeless! We had to keep stopping and couldn't cut anymore when the weathers kept beating us down, but I wanted to try again! I hate giving up and I hate losing!” The tree destroyer guy said.
“So that´s why they kept bugging me to come back here!” The backpacker guy said when he thought back to the animals pulling his clothes in either direction and telling him to go back.
“Huh!?” The tree destroyer guy said looking confused.
“Nothing!” Amaterasu said smiling looking innocent and scratching his head.
“What´s that in your hand?” The tree destroyer guy said.
“This? It´s a God plant created by the Gods to provide over 25 000 products that can help humans and uplift them to a better way of living! This magical plant can solve so many problems in the world like protecting health, the environment, feed the hungry, providing shelter, medicine and it´s a fun plant too!” Amaterasu said talking fast and being excited and smiling thinking about his weed garden stash behind his shrine in his garden and smoking weed on a Kiseru, a Japanese smoking pipe made from bamboo. Amaterasu was known by the other Gods and Goddesses that visited him as the hippy God of the mountains.
“My own personal design and creation after many years of research, trial and error!” Amaterasu thought as he smiled.
“Gods?! He´s crazy!” The tree destroyer guy said.
“It looks like a cannabis plant and that´s illegal!” The tree destroyer guy said looking suspicious.
“Illegal? Anyone on this planet who wants to create a law to ban this godly plant is an idiot! No one can ban nature and if they try, it will only backfire on them in the end, the world is in trouble already is it not?” Amaterasu said.
“What idiotic move is next, ban the air we breath or the water we drink and charge money for it?” Amaterasu thought. 
“Hai!” Tree destroyer said.
“I can´t really make a case against that when it´s true!” The tree destroyer said.
"This awesome creation of mmm...has many names, marijuana is one, hemp is another, being a father of all plants is also one, but I assure you, no one has ever died from this godly magical plant that can even heal sickness and take pains away and can provide products to replace products made from trees. I give this Divine power to you!” Amaterasu said reaching out his hand with the green leaf, then the tree destroyer guy looked at it, then smiled at Amaterasu.
“You´re a treehugger aren´t you?” The tree destroyer guy said smiling.
“Hmm! I like that name! I do hug trees a lot! They need love too!” Amaterasu said smiling thinking back to the times he hugged trees in the woods, then the tree destroyer guy reached for it.
“Whatever path you take in life, whatever choices you make, will either have a positive or negative ripple impact. It´s up to you to choose which path aligns with your heart and soul!” Amaterasu said, then smiled and flashed the peace sign and left.
“Do your best!” Amaterasu said while walking away and waved, while the tree destroyer guy looked confused.
“Who was that guy!?” He said, then looked at the green large leaf again.
When humans left rubbish in nature, the wild animals like a bear, grabbed the rubbish in it´s mouth and started chasing the humans off the mountain being angry and roaring, then when the humans escaped and never came back, the bear spat out the rubbish making a disgusted face when it tasted bad, changed form into Amaterasu and he chuckled to himself seeing the humans be chased off by a bear. He picked up the rubbish in his hand and his fire power turned it to ash. When humans left fire hazardous objects in the mountains that caused a fire to occur, burning nature and life, Amaterasu, dressed like a fire fighter, gave the other fire fighter the fire starter that was caused by other careless and irresponsible humans that caused the fire to start in the first place, so that information could be warned to others, then Amaterasu left, then seeing the destruction of life, caused him great sadness and his tears caused the clouds to pour down with rain, putting out the fires. When humans were hunting down all the wolves, because the wolves were eating sheep that were allowed to graze on the mountains during the summer, then the farmers would search for the sheep in autumn and take them back to the farms, Amaterasu clenched his teeth, feeling anger and sadness that wolves and sheep were being targeted by humans. 
When a wolf was running through the woods, the fields and running on the mountain top trying to get away from the hunters, trying to steer them away from the other wolves and was bleeding after being shot, when he came to the edge of the mountain top and was cornered by the hunters who were smiling devilishly, they aimed they their weapons again, but then the wolf hit his paw on the ground and it shook, everything shook and the hunters turned into wolves themselves, all that was left was their clothes on the ground, then Amaterasu changed form and was standing naked, bleeding, looking like a woman with her long dark blond curly braided hair. She placed her hand on the wound and healed it, then a blue dress appeared on her body and she saw that the wolves looked confused, shocked, lost and nervous, but then they finally understood. The chase was back on and Amaterasu started to run again and the humans who turned into wolves were chasing her through the woods until she leaped from a mountain top into the waters below and escaped from them.
Amaterasu´s home was the mountains that was in his care and the animals in it and any life that needed help. Amaterasu was a hermit and he had no contact with the humans in the town and city that could be seen in the distance from the mountains and the only time he came across humans, was if they were hiking, camping, exploring, *forest picking, causing trouble or hunting. A long time ago in the past, humans respected the mountain God, respected the animals, respected life and the mountains and even built him a shrine in the mountains where he could live and they could visit and ask for his help, his healing abilities, his knowledge and his teachings and today he would of been called a shaman, a magical healer, a white witch, even a God, but as time went on, humans lost interest or lost knowledge that he even existed or stopped caring if their minds were impacted by the darkness that consumed the lands, so they all eventually stopped coming to the shrine and Amaterasu was left by himself again, with only nature and the animals that were in his care, until one day.
(*Forest picking: Mushrooms, berries, herbal plants and other edible and healing plants)
In the distance and being out of sight, Amaterasu sat down on a stone looking down at the humans berry picking in the woods and he was surrounded by deers, racoons, squirrels, foxes and he was petting a rabbit on his lap and they were all watching the humans.
“They really do like those blueberries & red berries don´t they? That´s true, I do make sure they´re full of nutrients and are organic, it´s completely safe to eat and it heals. Maybe I should put up a sign advertising my healing berries. What do you think? Hmm, guess you´re right, they should find it themselves, otherwise it woudn´t be fair on the others.” Amaterasu said, then a bird came flying to him and fly hovering close giving a message.
“Tch!” Amaterasu said angrily, then the white bunny jumped off and then Amaterasu flew up into the sky. 
A hunter aimed his weapon hiding in the woods, his target was a deer and she was grazing with her baby deer that was only a few months old and they were eating in a small grassy area surrounded by trees. The human was targeting the mother and didn´t care that the baby deer would be orphaned. His finger on the trigger, smiling devilishly and pulling the trigger slowly, but then strong winds started to blow surrounding the hunter making him lose his aim and the strong wind alerted the deers to run and escape. When the hunter looked up from shielding his face from the strong winds causing ground debris, mud, leaves, sticks, stones to fly around him, the deers were already gone.
“Tch!” He said angrily, then got up from lying down like a hungry lion wanting to pounce a peaceful deer, he then placed his long weapon over his shoulder and smiled again.
“The hunt is on!” He said as he walked off.
An hour later, the hunter found a stag, but this one was white, was alone and he was drinking water by a stream in the woods and the hunter had a shocked look on his face seeing the white stag and his eyes widened with shock, but then he smiled, aimed his weapon again and slowly pulled the trigger, but stopped and hesitated when the stag looked right at him and the stag didn´t run away, but the hunter continued to pull the trigger and then fired, but the stag turned into many rainbow coloured butterflies and flew away and the bullet just hit the tree behind the stag. The hunter now looking even more surprised, but got angry again.
“Kuso!” He said angrily and proceeded to continue on the hunt being stubborn and persistent in wanting to catch his prey.
From a safe distance, one of the butterflies flew and made it´s way to Amaterasu who was staring at the hunter.
“That human didn´t get freaked out by what he just saw! He didn´t run away, but continues to hunt? Who is he? Why did he not give up?” Amaterasu said looking suspicious.
Another hour later, the hunter came across a panda cub eating bamboo in the woods sitting up against a tree and didn´t run away when the hunter approached him. The hunter kneeled down, waved his hand from side to side in front of the panda cub to see what reaction he would make and the panda didn´t react, but then offered the hunter bamboo to eat.
“No thanks! I´m on the hunt for my prey! You wouldn´t happen to see him around did you?” He said not expecting an answer.
“Hmm, didn´t think so!” He said as he stood up, looked around, but then was side eyeing the panda, the hunter looking like a demon beast, then he grabbed the panda cub and walked off with it.
“Guess you´ll do! You can be my prey!” He said smiling as he headed back home, but then the panda cub changed form into Amaterasu who was now hanging over the shoulder of the hunter.
“Let go of me you beast! I´m not prey, I´m not food, but I am the God of this mountain! Don´t make me angry!” Amaterasu said angrily struggling to get his freedom.
“I know and you are the one I have been hunting this whole time! A panda cub by itself, offering bamboo to a human? Any idiot would fall for that, but not me! Nice trick with the butterfly act! That´s new!” He said smiling while carrying Amaterasu off.
“You´re a God hunter?! You´re here to enslave me like the other humans have done to other Gods?! Who do you think you´re messing with?” Amaterasu said angrily as the clouds multiplied and winds started to blow and storms started to roar. 
“Calm your powers will you! You´re not the only God here!” He said as he moved Amaterasu´s body and bridal carried him instead, then the hunter´s clothes changed looking like Amaterasu´s clothes, but black with a different design and his black hair grew longer, tied partly back and he had a black horn sticking out of his forehead and he was smiling.
“God of Death?!” Amaterasu said looking shocked.
“My name is actually Kai, but I´m happy to find you after all this time! Hunting you down was not easy, but I figured you´d show up if I tried to target any animals and I knew you would save them!” He said smiling, then Amaterasu got angry and fought for his freedom.
“Put me down at once!” He shouted and stepped away from him, both looking right at each other.
“So that´s why they didn´t run away, they didn´t sense you were any real danger, but he´s still after me, so how can I calm down!” Amaterasu thought angrily, then flew up to the stormy skies, fly hovering and Kai looked up, kneeled down they flew up and fly hovered too.
“You don´t need to go this far, I´m not your enemy!” Kai shouted angrily, but Amaterasu didn´t listen and white lighting power from his hands fired towards Kai, but Kai also fired his electrical purple lightning power and their powers hit each other in mid air, and both their strengths were equal, but they couldn´t hit each other. Then they flew round and round firing their powers at each other and had to dodge the lighting bolts from the skies too and the stormy winds made it challenging for them both, then when Amaterasu managed to hit Kai on his arm, he fell from the sky holding his arm in pain.
“Tch!” Amaterasu said angrily, then flew after Kai and grabbed his hand before he was crushed on the ground.
“You saved me!” Kai said smiling as his legs touched the ground and he held his wound on his arm.
“I protect the mountains and life surrounding these mountains! Don't make a big deal out if it!” Amaterasu said, but Kai smiled.
“Why are you here and what do you want?” Amaterasu said looking annoyed as the storms calmed down.
“I wanted answers, that´s why I let him see me! I had a feeling he wasen´t completely human and I was right!” Amaterasu thought.
“I´ve come for you my love, but finding you wasn't easy with your powers! I coudn´t even find your shrine!” He said looking annoyed.
“That´s because I cloaked and shielded it and can´t be seen!” Amaterasu thought.
“Love?! What are you talking about?! I haven´t got time for this nonsense, I´ve already spent my time wasting playing your games and you were so stubborn not giving up! I have animals and nature to care for so I´m off!” Amaterasu said as he started to walk off and waving, but Kai grabbed his wrist aggressively.
“Amaterasu!” He said angrily looking like a demon beast.
“He knows my name?!” Amaterasu thought looking surprised.
“It´s time to come back to the world and bring light everywhere! No more hiding, no more being a hermit, the world needs you, it needs us! Darkness covers the land more and more everyday and without the help of the Gods, time will soon be up for everyone! The mountains you call home and the animals in your care, if the world ends, so will they!” Kai said looking serious. Amaterasu clenched his teeth and got angry shaking Kai off to get his wrist back, but then his stomach growled surprising Amaterasu and Kai, breaking the tension between them both, then Amaterasu let out a sigh.
“Let´s go!” Amaterasu said as he walked off.
“Where?” Kai said.
“To my shrine to talk more and I´m hungry and your wound needs healing!” Amaterasu said.
“Hai! Then take care of me! I´m in your care!” Kai said smiling. When they reached his shrine in the woods that was surrounded by sleeping animals and animals eating peacefully and animals playing safely and animals nesting, the two blossom cherry trees that looked out of place in the mountains surprised Kai and he chuckled to himself. 
“Hmm? Nani?” Amaterasu said.
“If I had known that was a way to find you, I would of searched Zoogle map for your favourite flower tree!” Kai said smiling.
“Zoogle map?” Amaterasu thought.
“It´s true that when I once visited the world and helped everywhere, I planted blossom cherry trees wherever I stayed, but you still would of not been able to find me here. This place is cloaked in magic and can´t been seen by anyone!” Amaterasu said.
“You really make it challenging don't you!” Kai said. 
“Challenging? I just don´t want humans thinking they can go capture me, abuse me & my powers and enslave me! I have work to do!” Amaterasu said, then he slid the doors open to his shrine and they both walked in. Amaterasu sat down on the floor in a kneeling position and Kai sat down in front of him. Then Amaterasu grabbed gently Kai´s arm, placed his hand on it and healed it with light as his horn glowed too.
“Arigatou!” Kai said looking at it.
“You could have easily dodged that shot! You got hurt on purpose didn´t you?” Amaterasu said looking suspicious, then Kai leaned in closer to Amaterasu smiling.
“If I hadn´t, we would have battled endlessly and you even brought me here to your shrine! I made a good move don´t you think, Amaterasu?” Kai said smiling while Amaterasu blushed and leaned back.
“A sneaky demon move, sacrificing yourself like that! Kai, how do you know my name?” Amaterasu said being serious and wanting answers.
“...” Kai.
“...” Amaterasu.
“Because you are my bride, my wife, my Twin Soul, the other half of me and I´m here to unite with you with our bodies, minds, hearts and souls into One, so our love can shine our heavenly light to the land once again!” Kai said looking serious after a long pause of silence.
“Huh!? We´ve only just met and you´re already wanting to enter my sacred holy and pure temple that I´ve protected this whole time! How do even know we are meant to be? You could be mistaken! There are a lot of Gods out there, well many are enslaved, but there are still those that have freedom!” Amaterasu said as he waved his hand on the floor and vegan foods and herbal tea appeared on the floor between them. Amaterasu and Kai placed their hands together in prayer.
“Itadakimasu!” Amaterasu said.
“Itadakimasu!” Kai said as they both ate their food.
“You have a tattoo in the shape of a white dragon with an olive branch in his mouth wrapped around your arm!” Kai said drinking his tea and Amaterasu spat out his tea and grabbed his own arm.
“How did you know that?!!” Amaterasu said looking surprised. Then Kai lifted up his sleeve and showed Amaterasu a black dragon tattoo holding onto a sword in his mouth wrapped around his arm. Then Amaterasu grabbed his arm taking a closer look looking surprised and investigating it in detail.
“We had this done together life times ago when we were united last time, but the humans came for us, targeted us, then we got separated and you lost your memory! I´ve been trying to find you ever since and Amaterasu, your sacred holy pure temple? Has already been entered, by me, long ago!” Kai said smiling devilishly, then Amaterasu backed away looking shocked that he was no longer a virgin and covering his chest like he was covering his non existent boobs, then he let a sigh.
“Soka! I feel like I just lost something really important there! I don´t even have memories of my first time or any of those times! That kind of makes me feel sad!” Amaterasu said, then rain started to shower down outside as Kai looked outside from where he was sitting as the sliding doors were still open, while Amaterasu was lost in thought, then Kai looked at him and surprised Amaterasu, grabbed him aggressively and kissed him fast on his lips with their tongues teasing each other, both looking deeply in their soul eyes, connecting as One.
“Eeh?” Amaterasu thought being surprised again by Kai´s sneak “attack”.
“Then let´s make some new memories and rewrite our story! Just think of it like we´re discovering everything between us again and revisiting every corner of our Universe, finding all our pleasure zones together, reaching new highlights of heaven between us and this time, we will have our Forever together!” Kai said being serious and Amaterasu blushed, his heart raced and he covered his mouth with his fist and looked the other way. The rain stopped, clouds parted and the sun beamed down through the clouds and Kai saw the change and shift outside.
“Whats wrong?!” Kai said when seeing Amaterasu looking flustered.
“That was my first kiss, well, my second first kiss!” Amaterasu said blushing and feeling nervous, then Kai grabbed his hand and kissed it like a gentleman as he smiled.
“Wanna discover your other firsts again? I´ll promise to be gentle the first time, but I can´t promise what will happen the other times! I´ve been holding back the wild beast for a long time now and you are the only one who can light a fire so fierce inside my soul, it ends up burning for eternity only for you!” Kai said smiling holding onto Amaterasu´s face, then kissed him again and Amaterasu blushed again. 
“I´m being pulled magnetically to him and I can't fight it anymore! His words, his actions, his touch, his heat and his love is filling me up with him and all I can think of now is, I want more, touch me more, love me more, tell me more, kiss me more, fill me up, then fill me more! What´s happening to me?!” Amaterasu thought when his body began to awaken and burn with desire, feeling aroused and his soul was lighting up.
“I don´t think I can last long touching him like this! I´m already at my limit! Feels like a dream to finally be together! I´m not gonna stop, but I´ll “devour” him over and over all day and all night until we´re both satisfied! God I love you so damn much and I´ve missed you this whole time and now you're finally mine!” Kai thought.
Through the woods, past the peaceful, playful, busy runner and chaser animals, up to the sky overlooking everywhere, the Twin Soul *Gods Light suddenly beamed from the shrine up to the sky and covering the mountains, the land, the town and city, all life and all the humans in and surrounding the mountains. The darkness that was poisoning the minds and the land was no more and the enslaved Gods & Goddesses in that area was now free.
The next day...
Amaterasu and Kai was wearing normal human stylish clothes, their horns were hidden, they looked like they blended in a human society and both were walking down a city busy street and Amaterasu was looking at a map on his phone, then Kai took his phone and took a selfi of them both and they both flashed the peace sign.
“Which city and land should we visit next to bring our *Gods Light? This futuristic device is incredible!” Amaterasu said looking amazed at his phone and using his finger to search the map on his phone and Kai leaned in close to look and Amaterasu blushed again.
“You´re really close you know!” Amaterasu said blushing.
“I was much closer than this last night, many times!” Kai said smiling.
“I feel bad for the humans who can´t heal themselves when their bodies are aching and need rest from all that loving!” Amaterasu thought, then smiled to himself when thinking about yesterday and how many times they orgasmed and made love.
“Yeah, but I´m still not used to this fast paced movement between us! Give me a break will you! I only met you yesterday!” Amaterasu said feeling overwhelmed.
“No can do! We have a world to save and so many places to visit to have sex with you!” Kai said smiling then pointed to the map on where they should go next. 
“How can he adapt so fast? Is he like the God of Speed too? He´s behaving like he´s picking up where we left off life times ago! I wish I remembered our memories together!” Amaterasu thought.
“To think that this was the answer all along! We need to awaken the others about this! The more Twin Soul Gods shine their *Gods Light, the more places and life heals faster and other Gods and Goddesses become free!” Amaterasu said.
“I´m already ahead of you!” Kai said showing his phone with his social media blog and their picture together with the title, “Twin Soul Gods On A Mission To Save The Earth!”. 
“Technology is amazing! Wait, Luna is missing from the picture!” Amaterasu said, then Amaterasu turned around and Kai took out Luna from Amaterasu´s *backpack and Amaterasu held Luna the white rabbit and Kai took their picture again, flashing the peace sign and both smiling.
In another city...
Walking on the pavement down the street in another *city, Amaterasu was looking around amazed at everything and everyone, seeing it for the first time, taking it all in, then they walked down a market street and Amaterasu stopped at a vendor selling sweets made from real fruits, like dates, figs, grapes and more, but the vegan chocolate covered fruits, nuts and seed balls on a stick caught his eye.
(*City: This is a new place they haven´t brought Gods Light to yet)
“What godly creation is this?” Amaterasu said holding it up looking at it and the shop keeper looked at Amaterasu strangely.
“He´s not from around here!” Kai said smiling.
“Soka!” The shopkeeper said smiling.
“That´s called a Tenoishii!” The shop keeper said, then Amaterasu started eating it without paying and Kai paid.
“Arigatou!” Shopkeeper said, then Amaterasu´s eyes widened with shock.
“Oishii! Did you make this?” Amaterasu said looking amazed.
“Hai!” The shop keeper said.
“Then the world must know about it!” Amaterasu declared and held the sweet stick up, smiling, nibbling on it and Kai took the picture and uploaded their visit to their travel blog.
“If he´s gonna eat it like that, we might have to visit our Heaven again right now!” Kai thought trying to control himself.
“Arigatou!” The shop keeper said smiling.
 “Kai you must try this!” Amaterasu said showing it close to Kai´s face.
“I don´t like sweets!” Kai said looking serious.
“Heeeh! You don´t know what you´re missing!” Amaterasu said then some chocolate dribbled down Amaterasu´s hand from the sweet balls on the stick and then Kai grabbed gently Amaterasu´s hand and licked it clean, then Amaterasu blushed.
“Oi! I thought you said you didn't like sweets!” Amaterasu said blushing and feeling flustered.
“I like your sweet!” Kai said looking serious as he was licking and Amaterasu blushed more. 
“What does that even mean?” Amaterasu thought looking confused.
Then they bought more of the sweets and Amaterasu was giving it to everyone next to the vendor saying they should try it, as Kai took more pictures and wrote their travel blog. When they left, they waved goodbye to the shopkeeper who was smiling and now a crowd was surrounding his shop wanting his homemade sweets. 
“I´m sorry I don´t have any money. You *married a poor mountain God!” Amaterasu said.
(*Married: Marriage between Twin Souls means two things, one, they´re already married in their souls, even before they meet, since they are two halves of the same soul. Two, when they come into union, on the day of their union, when they make love or whenever they make love, means they are now married. Rules and laws on Earth that say they can´t get married doesn´t apply to them or anyone who doesn´t follow societies hateful ways and they don´t need a piece of paper to say they are married. Proposals can still happen between Twin Souls in various ways, like Kai saying Amaterasu is the only one who can light a fire in his soul that burns for eternity only for Amaterasu. That was Kai proposing to Amaterasu! :)
“You don´t have to worry about money!” Kai said smiling thinking about all his business adventures and being extremely wealthy.
“Hmm! I still like to help out and pay! In the past the people all over the world did offer me money for my help, but I only accepted *1 coin, so they left me things and foods at my shrine when I wasen´t looking, sneaky ninjas, so I have a library filled with history. I wonder how I can make money, when I don´t like taking money from people?” Amaterasu said being lost in thinking and looking concerned.
“You have a library filled with hidden history treasures?!” Kai said grabbing Amaterasu´s arms excitedly with stars in his eyes and imagining treasures worth billions.
“Hai! Nani?” Amaterasu said looking confused, then Kai smiled and let out a sigh.
“Ama, after we visit this place. I want to see your library!” Kai said looking serious.
“Aah!” Amaterasu said.
“He must really like history like me!” Amaterasu thought, then smiled.
(*1 coin: 1 Yen)
When they were walking down the pavement in the city, Kai suddenly grabbed Amaterasu´s hand and Amaterasu looked down and was surprised.
“This looks like what those couples did when hiking in the mountains. Kai is showing his love for me in public!” Amaterasu thought then blushed and looked away as his heart raced and he grabbed his chest.
“Are you alright?” Kai said looking concerned.
“Hai! My heart is just trying to keep up!” Amaterasu said, then Kai smiled and squeezed his hand more. When Amaterasu looked around, people were staring and whispering about two guys holding hands, some even looked disgusted.
“Kai! Why are the people looking at us funny and some even look angry?” Amaterasu said looking confused.  
“Just ignore them!” Kai said looking annoyed.
“If you say anything to upset Amaterasu, I´ll fucking annihilate you all!” Kai thought as his beastly glare and his demon aura was raging.
“Why are they holding hands in public? That´s disgusting! I don´t want to see that!” One girl whispered.
“Homos! The sickness is spreading! They´re like a disease!” A guy whispered and Amaterasu heard it all and so did Kai, then when Kai was about to react.
“Oi!!! What the hell are you all talking about! You should be ashamed! This is my soul husband, my True Love that I haven´t seen in a long, long time, because wars kept us apart and we finally reunited yesterday! Be happy for us!” Amaterasu said angrily holding up his hand with Kai´s hand. 
“Even thou I don't remember our time together, other than the stories Kai has told me, but I couldn´t just stay silent!” Amaterasu thought thinking back to the times when Amaterasu was asleep during every winter hibernating to preserve energy when he is apart from his Twin Soul and to preserve his body that doesn´t age, during those times without him knowing, he came back into Kai´s life in various ways like being animal pets, wild animal friends, humanoids, robots, other mythical beings and A.I. during the life times being his friend, protector, shield and camoflage. 
“Ama!” Kai said looking surprised, then he grabbed a hold of Amaterasu in his arms tightly and kissed him passionately in public not giving a fuck what anyone thought about them and they kept kissing passionately, beaming love and light, as more shocked faces stared in disbelief while others did look happy for them. Amaterasu looked surprised when Kai kissed him suddenly, but then smiled and kissed him back.
In a city apartment rooftop garden, Luna was happily eating some plants and some guests were giving Luna attention, while Amaterasu and Kai were in their room that they rented at a vegan B & B. They preferred that instead of hotels, because it was more personal, felt more like a room in a home and was decorated to feel like a home. Covering their entire room was plant vines and colourful flowers and rainbow looking flowers.
“Does this happen every time?” Kai said with his arms stretched out, palms facing down on either side of Amaterasu in bed and his penis was in between Amaterasu´s legs, having rubbed both penises together at the same time and climaxing several times together and he was looking around in the room at nature that took over everything.
“Hmm, maybe, might depend on how well connected we are in our souls! It´s Gods Light and when we God Light it together several times, the whole room fills up!” Amaterasu said as he touched a vine and it burned away when he used his fire power, turning it to ash and it disappeared leaving no trace in the room, but Kai grabbed a rainbow flower before everything was gone. Then Kai smiled and leaned down wanting their bodies to touch and hold each other.
“Wait Kai, I´m a mess! I have *love juice all over me!” Amaterasu said placing his hand on Kai´s chest stopping him and looking down at his chest that was covered in semen, several times.
(*Love juice: Semen)
“Ama, your mess is my mess, let´s be messy together!” Kai said grabbing Amaterasu´s hand from his chest and kissing it gently, then placing the flower in Amaterasu´s hair and leaned down, bodies connecting as One and kissing.
“His words fill my heart up with joy, love and happiness!” Amaterasu thought, but when their bodies touched.
“It feels weird and sticky, maybe not so romantic in theory, but his words were romantic! He doesn´t seem to mind it, but he´s being in the moment with me, then I should respond and be in the moment with him!” Amaterasu thought then placed his arms around Kai holding him tighter and kissed him back, surprising Kai.
“If you kiss me more like that, I´m not going to stop!” Kai said.
“He got bigger!” Amaterasu thought.
“Then how about we continue in the bathroom?” Amaterasu said.
“Then we can become clean too!” Amaterasu thought.
“But then your scent is washed away!” Kai said.
“My scent? Is he talking about my natural body smell? So that´s why he made sure I didn´t take a bath first when he pounced me! Thanks to my godly powers I don´t need to prep before he enters me, but I was feeling sweaty!” Amaterasu thought as Kai sniffed and kissed his neck.
“I like being clean and he likes being dirty! Is there a way to balance both?” Amaterasu thought.
“Kai, I want all my firsts again with you, that includes making love in places that´s not always the bedroom!” Amaterasu said and Kai looked at him being serious, then saw Kai smirking.
“Why do I get a bad feeling with that demon look in his eyes!” Amaterasu thought.
“You really shouldn´t of said that unless you are prepared to open that door!” Kai said smiling devilishly.
(There´s an angel door and a demon door when it comes to making love, the demon door leads to adventurous, daring and heart racing sex like out in public, out in nature or using pleasure enhancing toys and aphrodisiac potions and dressing up like in cosplay outfits, getting sweaty, dirty, perverted, weird, wacky, hot, sexy, wild, animalistic, beastly, freedom loving, rough, fast, messy and passionate, teasing, seductive, can be aggressive, possessive, controlling, mean, intense and extreme, stormy, naughty, *flexible, pain and pleasure. The angel door is sweet, gentle, innocent, slow, generous, caring, kind, clean, *giving, compassionate, understanding, empathy, romantic, calm, blissful, the gentleman & the lady, nice, *fixed and pleasure, but combine both dark and light during love leads to all kinds of Heavens between both. Since we all have dark and light in us, anyone can switch back and forth between the two, but there is a main energy surrounding this, meaning, even thou demon humans can be angel like at times and angel humans can be demon like at times, their main energy always remains the same. Angel humans are angels and Demon humans are demons, it´s the herbivores and the carnivores of this world, unless they change their main energy.) 
(*Giving: You both want to give love to each other, like giving love in the form of fallatio.)
(*Flexible: Demons can change it up and is up for anything, even if it´s just once.)
(*Fixed: Angels can be quite stubborn and refuse to try the demon doors when in relationships with their love who is like a demon. They can be seen as prudes and frigid, but deep down in their hearts and souls, they want the One and their many heaven doors may remain closed, guarded with a high level heaven security system until they meet their other half that completes them, makes them whole, understands them and wants them, not just in one life, but every life time. A person who they want to find is not the love of their life, but the love of their soul. A True Love that´s forever and eternity. A love like that can open all kinds of doors between them both and take them places they never thought possible.)
“Huh!? If it means the door to the bathroom, then let´s hurry, I wanna get clean and I want to clean you too, let´s clean each other!” Amaterasu thought.
“I´m fully prepared to open that door, so let´s hurry up and open it fast!” Amaterasu said as Kai looked surprised, then he smirked and grabbed Amaterasu in his arms bridal carrying him off to the bathroom.
“Does he really know what he´s saying? I´m so turned on right now, I feel like I could end up breaking him when he talks like that!” Kai thought as his mind went into overdrive with all kinds of naughty, dirty, perverted demon thoughts.
“Kai! Why are you carrying me? My body´s healed already!” Amaterasu said looking confused.
“Is he being romantic? I feel like at times he treats me like a Princess! He has that beast look again and he's not saying anything!” Amaterasu thought as Kai used his foot to kick open the bathroom door being all manly and beastly and went inside and closed the door with his foot. Then the shower was heard from inside being turned on and after a few minutes of silence.
“Kai! What are you...?” Amaterasu said out loud looking surprised and nervous.
“Did you really think this was the only door that would be opened!” Kai said smirking as he was on his knees, while Amaterasu was standing under the shower, both getting wet from the rain shower head, both looking soapy clean and Kai used his tongue and dived into Amaterasu´s *door to reach new Heavens between them and Amaterasu jolted in surprise, pleasure and feeling aroused while Kai rubbed his penis at the same time.
(*Door: There are all kinds of doors on the body too)
“It feels weird...tingly...wet, but this feeling...!” Amaterasu thought as he held his voice back and covered his mouth with his hand suddenly stopping the sounds of pleasure, love and ecstasy. Kai stood up and leaned in to Amaterasu´s ear and seductively whispered.
“Don´t hold back your voice, I wanna hear you, I wanna know everything about you again! I wanna know if it makes you feel good!” Kai said biting Amaterasu´s ear and licking, playing with it, making Amaterasu shudder more in pleasure.
“Found your sweet spot again!” Kai smiled then used his fingers to open up Amaterasu while rubbing his nipple at the same time and kissing, biting, sucking and licking his ear. 
“His moans really get me going! Makes me wanna thrust it in him right away and have my way with him, but I don´t wanna tear anything. Fuck, he´s so tight, I wanna get inside now!” Kai thought being impatient, fully aroused, sexually excited and when hearing Amaterasu moan as he was being pleasured didn´t help Kai´s insatiable animalistic wild nature of wanting to “devour” Amaterasu right now.  
“Kai...I´m coming, I´m coming...Kai!” Amaterasu said out loud in ecstasy just by Kai´s fingers and nature began again slowly taking over the bathroom with flowers. Amaterasu looking worn out from just being pleasured by Kai´s fingers.
“Don´t pass out on me Ama just from my fingers!” Kai said smiling licking his fingers, then Amaterasu turned slightly facing him.
“Kai, put it in, I want you to put it in! I can't wait anymore! My body & soul needs you, all of you!” Amaterasu said panting and feeling hot and flustered, feeling teased to the max and Kai´s eyes widened with surprise hearing Amaterasu talk like that, then sweet, caring Kai turned into beast, demon Kai.
“Ama what are you doing to me?! 3 fingers should be enough, I can't wait any longer!” Kai thought then guided his erect, twitching *God Power of True Love into Amaterasu´s *sacred heaven temple, while his other hand was holding on to Amaterasu´s hip and slowly entered a few times wanting Amaterasu to get used to it, then he started thrusting when it felt like it was safe and now both his hands were on Amaterasu´s hips as he thrusted into Amaterasu several times.
(*God Power of True Love: His erect penis)
(*Sacred Heaven Temple: There are many sacred heaven temples, like the soul, the body, the heart and pleasure zones on the body. To reach high levels of heaven, the souls must be connected and the souls must want to be together, otherwise it won´t work. Anyone can cheat the system and trick the mind to be with a soul (Like using dark magic and other forms of mind attacks like manipulation, threats, obligation, tradition, status, temptation and so on), but the soul knows the truth and the soul will protect itself in various ways when their soul knows they are with someone their souls don´t wish to be with, even if their minds believe they do)
“It´s like you´re sucking me in Ama! Feels so damn good!” Kai said panting, feeling hot, steamy and beastly as he continued to thrust, then leaned in and kissed Amaterasu at the same time.
“It feels good...so good Kai!” Amaterasu said as he moaned in pleasure.
“Feels fucking amazing and tight! I wanna come inside of him, mess him up and fill him up with me!” Kai thought until Kai stopped and turned Amaterasu around and entered from the front and lifted Amaterasu up against the wall.
“I wanna see your face, I wanna see you feel me!” Kai said looking into Amaterasu´s eyes as he thrusted more and they kissed passionately, becoming One and connecting their souls. When Kai was kissing Amaterasu at the same time, connecting with their souls and saying those words, Amaterasu tightened.
“You tightened up!” Kai said smirking.
“Is that bad?” Amaterasu said feeling like he was gonna come again.
“No it´s very good, but it makes me wanna come faster!” Kai said.
“Just from my words and making sure we have that soul connection, he tightens up more! Shit, I feel like I´m gonna explode!” Kai thought.
“Kai, I´m coming again...!” Amaterasu said as tears streamed down his face from feeling pleasure and pain.
“I´m coming too...!” Kai said as he kissed Amaterasu, drinking up his tears and they both highlighted together.
“You came just from me being inside you! I feel like I´ve been allowed to enter another door” Kai said smiling when he didn´t rub Amaterasu this time while being inside him.
“Only you could open me up like this! All my doors belong to you Kai and no one else! When I´m with you, I´ll walk through any door when you´re by my side forever! Open me up more, show me more, I want to see everything, I want our souls to reach everywhere in our Universe together where only you and I may enter!” Amaterasu said blushing and kissing Kai.
“How do you do it? How do you reach into my soul and tell me everything I want to hear!” Kai said.
“Because I love you Kai!” Amaterasu said blushing and smiling as happy tears streamed down his face and that was the first time Amaterasu said he loved him which surprised Kai, then Kai kissed him and leaned in his forehead against Amaterasu´s forehead and looked they into their eyes.
“I love you Ama! My body, my mind, my heart and soul belongs to you and no other and being apart from you all this time, was like not having air to breath, not having water to drink and not having the sun in the sky to shine a light. You are my light, you are my air and you are my water, so prepare yourself, because I will touch your light, I will breath you in and I will drink you up, not being able to live ever without you, but holding onto you forever!” Kai said as tears continued to stream down Amaterasu´s face as they kissed again and again and again.
“Why do I feel like we´re competing our love for each other!” Amaterasu said smiling and Kai chuckled and kissed Amaterasu again.
Lying in bed, Amaterasu was lying next to Kai on his naked chest and they were both holding each other and Kai kissed the top of Amaterasu´s head. Then when Amaterasu was about to move away.
“What are you doing?” Kai said.
“You´re hot!” Amaterasu said, but then Kai pulled Amaterasu quickly towards him again, holding him, not letting him escape and surprising Amaterasu.
“You´re escaping me and always sleep on the edge of the bed. It´s lonely if you do that! We can take the covers off!” Kai said smiling as he grabbed the cover and flung it off of them.
“Now I feel cold and I like having the cover over me!” Amaterasu thought.
“Now it´s just our bodies keeping us warm! Problem solved!” Kai said smiling kissing Amaterasu´s head again.
“I do like being close to him! Feels safe and warm, I feel loved, like we´re always connected!” Amaterasu thought.
“Ama?” Kai said.
“Hmm?” Amaterasu said.
“Should I be concerned at how fast you let me into your shrine and gave yourself to me? What if I was someone with bad intentions and wanting your power, to enslave you and give you to the humans!” Kai said, then Amaterasu looked at Kai lovingly and angelically, then smiled and placed his head gently on Kai´s chest where his heart was and hearing his heartbeat.
“When you lie or when you tell the truth, your heart reveals you. I listened to your heart and I knew you were telling the truth!” Amaterasu said then kissed his chest where Kai´s heart was and Kai then placed his hand over his face feeling the forever overflowing love and trust from Amaterasu.
“Kai?!” Amaterasu said looking concerned, but then Kai grabbed Amaterasu´s face in his hands kissing him.
“You always keep surprising me! Never stop!” Kai said.
“Hai!” Amaterasu said smiling as they kissed again passionately.
“Finished drawing this page, what´s the next scene?” Takeshi said. Then Jinn handed him the next draft as they all continued to work through hell week trying to get it done and finished.
(When Amaterasu and Kai are busy connecting and creating Gods Light between them at any new place they visit in the world, Luna waits outside in the garden or out in nature being busy doing her thing.)
(*Backpack: A backpack designed to carry little animal angels. There´s a breathable window with small holes so Luna can look out and breath fresh air while she´s safe, snuggled inside eating her food and drinking her water and she lets Amaterasu know when she needs the toilet. Yes, animals can communicate through telepathy and anyone can learn it and speak to them.)
(*Gods Light: Twin Souls making love and connecting with their bodies, minds, hearts and souls all at the same time, becoming One and reaching their Heavens and shining their Heaven everywhere!)
Later at night...
In Jinn & Chiaki´s apartment, Jinn was staring at Zac looking serious and guarded, both standing close to each other, both looking right at each other, having a stare down. Zac looking like a delinquent, had his hands in his front pockets looking carefree and Jinn had his arms crossed.
“I haven´t seen you in over 3 years, you´ve grown taller! What are you 180?” Jinn said.
“184!” Zac said.
“I´m still taller than you by 8cm!” Jinn thought. 
“Do you have a girlfriend, boyfriend?” Jinn said.
“No!” Zac said.
“Fuck! Give me something kid, anything!” Jinn thought.
“What are you like 18, 19 years old now and you wanna start SAU right, have your own space, so you can be alone when you do get yourself a girlfriend or boyfriend?” Jinn said.
“I´m 18 and Chiaki said I could stay here as long as I want!” Zac said.
“This cheeky kid! Dammit!” Jinn said grinding his teeth. Then Chiaki suddenly came in from the other room and they both looked towards him.
“Guys, Internal Affairs called me to take over the Team Leader position until they find a new replacement, so I won´t be staying here for a while, but I´ll be living closer to work and be away on missions. I´ll still send over the written manuscripts and any notes we change, so I´m not leaving you high and dry Jinn, but do take care of Zac! I´m counting on you!” Chiaki said smiling. Then Jinn got angry, walked over to Chiaki, grabbed his hand and pulled him into their bedroom aggressively.
“Jinn!?” Chiaki said looking surprised.
“What just happened here? It went from planning and finding time to be together when he´s not around, to then suddenly now planning and finding time to be together when you're not around!” Jinn said angrily.
“You´re pissed!” Chiaki said.
“Damn right I´m pissed!” Jinn said angrily and then Chiaki smiled and chuckled to himself.
“Why are you laughing? This is isen´t funny!” Jinn said feeling annoyed.
“Remember when we were apart during University, because of our busy work and our study schedule?” Chiaki said reminding him of that time together.
“Hai!” Jinn said, but not getting it.
“...!” Jinn. Then he got it.
“Heh! Those were pretty hot and passionate, wild, intense times!” Jinn said smiling devilishly.
“Just think of it as a revival of those times and reliving it!” Chiaki said smiling.
“How about we start now!” Jinn said smiling.
“Eeh!?” Chiaki said, then Jinn came out of their room and gave Zac his credit card. 
“Here! Keep yourself busy and go out for an hour, no make that two hours!” Jinn said and Zac had a shock look on his face.
“Did he really just say that? Feels like dejavu! They´re just as wild as they were when they were in University! Shit! I wanna meet my One too!” Zac thought.
“I don´t need your money old man! I get by with what I make for myself!” Zac said feeling disheartened by the fact he´s still single, then he grabbed his jacket and headed out, then Jinn suddenly grabbed Zac by his top.
“Who you calling old man!?” Jinn said smiling devilishly. 
“I got it, let go already!” Zac said looking aggressive, fighting to get his freedom and was nervous at the same time.
“He hasn´t changed one bit! I feel like if the look in his eyes could kill, I´d be dead already! I have fought a lot of guys, but fighting Jinn, he always wins! I need to join “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app, level up, then take him on for real! I won´t lose!” Zac thought then left.
“It worked, we´re all alone again! So it begins, reliving our past adventures together!” Jinn said smiling taking off his top, showing his bare chest and walking into their bedroom.
Later in the night...
Standing outside the Angels & Demons Rebel Base Cantina, looking at it, was Takai, Hitomu, Takeshi, Tamiko & Masami.
“Hwaaah! I´ve been wanting to come here since it opened! It´s like stepping into another world!” Tamiko said looking happy and excited and she was dressed in a cosplay outfit as was Masami, Hitomu wore a blue yukata and Takeshi wore a green yukata and Ohta wore a white yukata and he was carrying his little dog.
“I feel like I´m left out!” Takai said being the only one who didn´t dress up and the others stared at him.
“Yo!” Jinn said behind them and they turned to see that both Jinn and Chiaki wore normal clothes, but it looked stylish, modern mixed with vintage and the only thing that would seem out of place was the fact that Jinn was carrying his lightsword again that was attached to him and Chiaki was carrying his futuristic umbrella.
In one of the private rooms, they were all eating and drinking merrily again.
“So then she said, “Sorry for cheating on you, I made a mistake, I was wrong, I want you back!” Takeshi said as he drank normally.
“Then what happened?” Takai said.
“Then nothing, I said I´ve moved on and she said that was fast and I said, if you really loved me, you wouldn´t of cheated on me, but then she started crying and not wanting to let go, but I told her all the reasons why we just didn´t fit together and that there was someone out there that was right for her and that she should think twice before cheating again!” Takeshi said.
“Women!” Tamiko said as she drank.
“You´re a woman!” Takeshi said.
“Maybe, but I could be a Divine Masculine inside a woman´s body. I´m more the aggressive dominant type. I hunt down my prey and never let them go! Right Masami?” Tamiko said smiling and Masami nodded.
“Would that make him the herbivore angel to your carnivore demon then?” Hitomu said.
“Something like that! Look, I used to be like those girls, I cheated, I went after guys I didn´t belong with and breaking up couples, because I could and I loved the chase! It was fun, it was like a sport, I loved to be loved by them all, until I hit rock bottom and woke up!” Tamiko said drinking.
“What happened?” Hitmou said.
“She met me!” Masami said as he drank and she placed her arm hanging over his shoulder and smiled.
“That´s right, I met this shy, nerdy, nervous guy, but he kept running away from me, he was the one guy I couldn´t conquer no matter how much I tried, but that just made me want him even more and I didn´t give up. The more I was with him and chased him, the more I realised I fell in love with him and we would hang out, but as friends first and then I finally confessed to him, pouring my heart and soul out, never been in real love before, then the next day, he moves away, changes numbers and I don´t see him until 5 years later and I looked everywhere for him. I was heartbroken, I fell into depression, I drowned in a dark hole for a long time. Shit I thought I was gonna die from a heartbreak. I refused to give up, so I stayed single and worked on myself and my goals, but I just couldn´t forget him! Then I saw him 5 years later and chased his single ass again and didn´t give up until he agreed to date me and now we´re here!” Tamiko said smiling.
“Why did you leave?” Takai said.
“I left because I had plans to study abroad and would be gone for 5 years!” Masami said. 
“He chose study over love!” Hitomu thought.
“He chose career over love!” Takai thought.
“He chose travel, study and career over love!” Takeshi thought.
“She finally wanted the One, wanted True Love and no one else and went through the tests and challenges to prove that she was ready for it and was serious about it!” Ohta thought.
“If anyone comes between goals and dreams or preventing it or stopping it, that isen´t love. You know you´ve found the right person for you if they support you and encourage you with whatever paths you choose to be on in life.” Chiaki said.
“He´s right, if Masami told me where he was going and what he was doing, I´d probably behave like my old self and make it all about me, not caring about his dreams at all! We would be over before we could begin. I needed to shed my old self and be born new and awake!” Tamiko said.
“In order to change the world, you need to change yourself and 5 things have to happen: You need to soul wake up, you need to know what your goals and dreams are and pursue it, you need to remember that your True Love that you were with from other life times is out there somewhere and when you soul wake up, you should want to be with them again when being reborn into this world, so you stay single until you find them again and when finally in union, you need to protect and defend each other from those that wish to tear you both apart.” Jinn said as he drank, then his phone buzzed and he looked at his profile on “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app alerting him of a battle where 3 demon humans wanted to battle him and Chiaki.
“Speak of the devils!” Jinn said as he accepted the battle challenge.
“Lesson over guys! See you tomorrow and don´t be late for work!” Jinn said as he got up with Chiaki.
“Chiaki is always late!” Takeshi said.
“Yeah and I punish him when he does that!” Jinn said smirking thinking dirty thoughts.
“Don´t remind me, teasing me and not putting it in is extreme punishment, but at least I´ve improved a little, thou for the life of me, I have no idea why I keep being late!” Chiaki thought.
“He has that lewd look on his face again!” Hitomu thought.
“I regret mentioning it! I did not need to know that!” Takeshi thought when seeing the devilish look on Jinn´s face.
“The perverted duo is at it again!” Takai thought.
“Hmm! I could use that! Punishment through dirty play!” Tamiko thought having a devilish look to her smiling.
“Why do I feel cold just now!” Masami thought as he body was shaking.
“Punishment?” Ohta thought and wondered what kind of punishment Jinn meant and imagined it like Jinn battling Chiaki, Jinn abusing his leader power authority at work making Chiaki work even longer hours, Jinn making Chiaki work as his house slave doing chores or Jinn making Chiaki be of service 24/7 and has to answer his request!
“He´s a demon!” Ohta thought looking surprised and concerned for Chiaki.
(Ohta has never been in a relationship before and he doesn´t know Jinn & Chiaki are together)
“Ja ne!” Chiaki said smiling and Jinn waved as they walked out and Ohta´s dog barked and waved his tail.
Scene end...
I won´t be writing about if Akira & Cazuki are in Twin Soul union or not, I´ll leave that to anyones guess, for the time being! :)
11 April, 2019.
I will be making changes and adding new scenes to the parts I´ve already written if needs be, but not sure when I can upload next chapter, but I will say this:
“Akira is still stuck on planet Aay and is working on a way to get back to Earth somehow and no longer be a missing King. Cazuki has taken to the streets, traveling the world, visiting any country to try and track down an alien from another world who has been living on Earth as a human for over 2000 years and has been observing and investigating humans and reporting back to their own world. This alien can change form, into an animal, a child, a teenager, an adult, man or woman, a humanoid, a robot, imagination is limitless. This alien has the ability to help Cazuki reach Akira, but will Cazuki find this mysterious alien who doesn´t stay in one place for too long and has become an otaku shut in (manga, anime and games), since their investigation on Earth is complete and E.T. wants to go home. Cazuki not only has to find this hermit alien, but he has to battle any Kings on the streets that challenge him from the various colour teams from the “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app. Cazuki also has to battle any others that wish to take him on, wanting that crown of his, so he has a lot of challenges to deal with as Akira has too. Since Akira´s and Cazuki´s deaths, they now have their godly powers back and can no longer die in human form and can both digitally transport to Hell world, Heaven world or Earth world with no more problems. Will Akira find his way back to Earth or will Cazuki find his way to Akira? What will happen next if both Kings are on Earth working at the front lines together to help Earth? In 3 months there will be an answer to this question, so until then, to be continued...”
A message from Cazuki to Akira:
Message from Akira to Cazuki:
 (serious and funny message)
Kings Project, Heaven & Hell project, Twin Soul Revolution and Rebellion project! Message received and signal sent!
Our Love:
3 April, 2019.
Part 8, 9 and 10 updated with new information and new scenes in Part 10.
New added information and changes in Part 8 & 9.
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 10
Somewhere on a planet in the Universe…
Cazuki was standing on a battlefield with his sword ready to fight being surrounded by dark forces that wanted to control & rule over the planet´s inhabitants in the Twin Soul city of Aipax. Dark clouds covered the skies surrounding the city and Akira was fly hovering over the oceans with her Light blue sword staff battling the dark forces that were hiding in the oceans. Her godly water powers helped her defeat the dark forces who brought darkness everywhere surrounding the planet. She defended with her powers and her staff sword and Cazuki´s powers from his light green sword aimed to the sky and a beam unleashed beaming light changing the skies from dark to light and the dark clouds disappeared surrounding the city, then he continued battling the dark forces around him on the ground with his sword. Akira came flying down, slamming hard on the ground being in a kneeling position with her light staff behind her back and having Cazuki´s back, they fought side by side defeating the last remaining darkness that was corrupting hearts and keeping the souls asleep inside the bodies of those who were wanting to control the city of Aipax. Every time their energy light sword & staff went through the bodies of the corrupted, darkness escaped and they became soul awake, being themselves again.
In the city of Aipax, the blue/green flags with their planet´s symbol covered the entire city and everyone was celebrating the victory and success of peace and freedom in their world. Akira and Cazuki were standing in front of the city´s leaders and were given a gift for helping their world.
“Thank you both for helping us and freeing us! We hope you visit us again and as always, our home is your home! We thank you Akira and Cazuki!” One of the leaders said smiling giving the gift to Akira as the people cheered, smiled and were happy.
“Arigatou!” Akira said smiling.
“What is it?” Cazuki said looking at it being curious, then opened up the box and saw two eggs inside, a black and white one and Cazuki looked suspicious and little annoyed.
“He´s joking right? Why not give us something more useful! Akira, I have no wish to become a parent! Besides, we´re too busy with our missions anyway!” Cazuki said.
“What happened to their guardians?” Akira said.
“They were both slaughtered in the battle when they tried to defend our city! The eggs are orphans now!” The leader said.
“Eto...how big will they become?” Akira said.
“That´s your concern?!” Cazuki said and the leader gestured with his hands.
“What do they eat?” Akira said.
“You´re totally ignoring me!” Cazuki said.
“It´s rude to not accept the gift! Besides, if it´s what I think it is, then their powers could help us on our missions! Otherwise, I wouldn´t accept, since life should not be treated like gifts to give away!” Akira said whispering back.
“Powers!? Interesting!” Cazuki said looking curious and surprised while poking the egg.
“Do you think it will be born faster if we keep poking it?” Cazuki said still poking the egg.
“Careful! You might crack it!” Akira said looking concerned, then angry growl noises came from one of the eggs he was poking and Cazuki and Akira looked at each other being surprised.
Several days later on their spaceship, Akira was in the flight control room keeping the eggs warm and staring at the eggs, smiling, while Cazuki was sitting at the bar drinking his drink in a different part of the ship. 
“You look like crap! What´s got you looking like you haven´t slept in days?” Zuki said.
“It´s those damn eggs! Akira and I have been taking turns making sure one of us is awake until they hatch! If they don´t come out soon, I´ll break them open myself!” Cazuki said angrily feeling irritated looking exhausted and tired with bags under his eyes from lack of sleep. 
“Eeeh! Don´t let Akira hear you say that!” Zuki said drinking his drink.
“Lack of sleep isen´t the only reason is it for you being a pain in the ass these past few days?” Ukia said feeling irked when having to put up with Cazuki´s irritating complaining attitude.
“We´ve both been too tired to connect with each other and I can´t take it anymore!” Cazuki said feeling deprived from not being able to connect sexually with Akira everyday, several times a day.
“Be grateful it´s not actual children, cause then you can kiss your everyday love life goodbye!” Ukia said drinking his drink.
“I don´t need to worry about Akira! She never wants children at all, ever!” Cazuki said smiling.
“Hehehe! She chooses me, connecting with me everyday instead of creating life! I´m so fucking lucky I have a soul wife that´s gets me and is the same as me!” Cazuki thought smiling resting his head on the counter feeling tired.
“Another round!” Rai said out loudly to the robotic bartender slamming his empty glass on the counter and looking drunk sitting next to Cazuki. 
“Don´t you think you´ve had enough?” Cazuki said.
“I´ve only had one!” Rai said looking dazed.
“Huh?!” Cazuki said looking confused sitting next to Rai.
“Must be that strong stuff we were gifted on planet Xes!” Zuki said, then Zac and Zai came in to the bar.
“I feel kind of strange!” Rai said as he started to feel hot and heavy and they all looked at him not understanding what was happening.
“Why do you look all red and sweaty? Are you having an allergic reaction or something?” Ukia said.
“No, that´s not it at all!” Cazuki said staring at Rai´s erection and so did everyone else, then Zac looked surprised, angry and grabbed Rai from the bar and dragged him away.
“Excuse us!” Zac said angrily being in demon beast mode as he left with Rai.
“Zac?!” Rai said looking surprised and turned on and flustered holding on to Zac.
“Aphrodisiac?” Zuki said.
“Hai!” Ukia said. 
“It´s really powerful stuff! The person drinking it ends up being open for anything!” Zai said smiling as Aria and Ai came in.
“Hey guys!” Aria said smiling placing his arm around Zuki and Ai sat next to Zai, then Zai and Zuki looked at each other, then put their hands in the air and ordered two drinks from the bartender. 
“Botender! I wanna order the same drink as Rai!” Zuki said.
“Make that two!” Zai said smiling devilishly.
In the hallway, Rai was kissing Zac´s neck passionately and getting more excited as they passed by others who were staring at them.
“Geez! Get a room guys!” Kira said while walking with Rika.
“I´m working on it!” Zac said trying to get Rai to their room faster. As they entered their room through the futuristic sliding door, Zac aggressively grabbed Rai, kissing him, touching him and then Rai surprised Zac when he pushed Zac against the door.
“Zac, I want you to touch me in places I´ve never been touched before! I want you to open up more doors to our Heaven! Let us travel to every corner of our Universe and explore it all together!” Rai said looking like a horny angel in heat and Zac looked surprised, then smirked with his demon beast smile.
“Heeh! Will you let me “eat” you down there then?” Zac said smiling and gesturing to Rai´s anus knowing Rai never allowed it before, as Zac touched Rai´s butt with his fingers.
“Our love ship is departing, all abroad! Destination: Heaven all the way!” Rai said kissing and biting Zac´s neck and whispered in Zac´s ear.
“All systems clear, prepped and ready to go!” Rai said smiling.
“I can´t hold back anymore! Thank the heavenly gods for that gift from planet Xes!” Zac thought feeling turned on to the extreme, as he grabbed Rai aggressively over his shoulder and flung Rai to their bed.
“Hey!!? What are you...” Rai said.
“You´re driving me wild Rai and you´ve turned on the beast inside me to higher levels! Get ready! I´m gonna fly you into the unknown deepest parts of our Universe and you´ll end up always wanting to go there again and again and again!” Zac said smiling with his demon beast smile, taking off his top showing his bare chest, turning Rai around and stripping Rai´s pants off and lifted Rai´s butt in the air and Zac licked and dived his tongue into Rai, teasing Rai and grabbing Rai´s penis rubbing it at the same time, as Rai trembled in heavenly ecstasy looking surprised never knowing such heavenly pleasures before.
As Cazuki walked in through the automatic sliding doors into the flight control room with his hands in his pockets looking exhausted still and irritated, he saw Akira sitting at the flight controls, then he walked over to the eggs.
“Heh! Still haven´t hatched yet! Tch!” He said being annoyed, then started poking the egg again having zero patience and it growled being angry and Cazuki stopped poking it.
“Feisty little fuckers!” Cazuki said. Sitting at the controls, Akira was looking at one of the monitors for their next mission, reading the report and Cazuki leaned his head over her shoulder.
“What are you looking at?” He said being curious.
“Our next mission, planet Yerth! Another human populated planet and it´s rapidly speeding it´s way to total destruction and they´re attacking each other, life, True Loves and souls, the usual darkness & mess they keep getting lost in!” Akira said as Cazuki sat on the other pilot seat next to Akira with his legs on the control panel and his arms behind his head. Cazuki suddenly then placed his hand on his face and clenching his teeth, making noises.
“Cazuki?” Akira said looking concerned and then Cazuki changed his personality looking even more like a demon beast.
“We should just wipe them all out, then our mission is over!” He said angrily with his murderous smile.
“Darker Cazuki has appeared!” Akira thought and she let out a sigh.
“We haven´t even tried to help them yet and you´re already talking termination of them all!” Akira said.
“Every planet we come across with humans it´s always the same! Darkness takes over everything and they destroy it all and each other!” Cazuki said not caring about them at all, then saw the look on Akira´s face.
“What? You hate me know? Does my extreme dark side terrify you?” Cazuki said smiling and leaning forward being close to Akira´s face.
“Cazuki, I don´t hate you, you have a duel personality! You´re night and day, dark and light, but you´re still one person, the soul I love and will always love, don´t ever forget that!” Akira said then held Cazuki´s face in her hands and kissed Cazuki surprising him, then he smiled kissing Akira, then he paused, stopped kissing, closed his eyes, squinting in pain like his other self was fighting to gain back control over his body and he switched back being how he was before.
“Was he here?” Cazuki said.
“Hai!” Akira said, then Cazuki leaned back in his chair.
“Plan of action?” Cazuki said.
“Twin Soul Education and Awakening! Operation True Love to save the planet and souls! However, since they´ve reached critical point of no return, I suggest advising them all to mostly have male children. Soul love transcends physical bodies anyway and it´s soul love that will save the planet and their souls from hell when being tortured being with souls they have no wish to be with and are not compatible with.” Akira said.
“They´ll probably end up calling you the mad professor again!” Cazuki said.
“They can name call me, attack me, treat me like an enemy all they want, I won´t be impacted by it! With them, it´s like they only pick and choose to see certain scenes in a story and ignore or can´t see the rest, but until they see the entire bigger picture, their opinions are incomplete. I mean, just take a look at these numbers, they have so much hate against love between same sexes, they don´t understand that it´s all about soul love, not the bodies we are born into!” Akira said.
“Akira, if any world is against you and treats you like an enemy, I will always be by your side no matter what my Queen! If they only knew, sex between males is the best!” Cazuki said smiling.
“I can´t argue there!” Akira said.
“That means you´ll be changing form again right?” Cazuki said looking at Akira, then Akira changed form from her original female form into being her male self again, then Cazuki sat staring at Akira and there was silence between them.
“What?” Akira said looking confused, then Akira was surprised when Cazuki grabbed Akira´s hand dragging him out of the chair aggressively and fast.
“Cazuki?!!” Akira said looking confused and surprised as Cazuki grabbed a hold of Akira, picked up Akira´s legs and wrapping his legs around Cazuki up against the wall and passionately kissing Akira, biting and licking his neck.
“I have over 3 days worth of love to give to you and by the time I´m done, you´d wish it was everyday we connected! I´m gonna fuck you and make love to you until you are so full of our soul love, our Heaven, you´ll be reminded why we connect everyday, several times a day!” Cazuki said smiling as he continued to ravish Akira passionately.
“He makes me laugh! I already know and I feel the same! We are One Cazuki, two halves of whole, how you feel is what I feel and connecting our bodies, minds, hearts and souls is something I will forever want and can never get enough of!” Akira thought.
“Yabai! I forgot about the eggs, we can´t until they hatch!” Akira thought, then they heard the eggs cracking and they both turned their heads towards the eggs.
“About fucking time!” Cazuki thought as they walked over to the eggs and saw both eggs finally cracking open and two small dragon looking aliens were looking right at them, a black one with green eyes and a white one with blue eyes.
“Kawaii!” Akira said smiling.
“I was right, feisty looking carnivores!” Cazuki said, but then both dragon babies smiled showing their flat teeth and surprised Cazuki.
“Actually, they´re feisty herbivores!” Akira said smiling feeding them plants.
“Eeeh! Are you sure they´re tough?” Cazuki said poking one of the dragon looking aliens stomach and then the alien bit Cazuki´s finger not letting go and growling. Then Cazuki lifted up his arm as the dragon alien didn´t let go and was hanging on still growling and Cazuki looked at Akira calmly.
“I take it back! They´re tough!” Cazuki said looking like he´s not affected by the bite at all, while bleeding all over the place.
“Cazuki you´re bleeding!” Akira said and Akira quickly grabbed gently the dragon alien that was biting Cazuki and holding him in his arms, while grabbing Cazuki´s hand, kissing the finger, healing it with light and Cazuki kissed Akira. The dragon started purring in Akira´s arms, while Cazuki wrapped his arms around Akira lovingly, both staring at the alien baby.
“What should we name them?” Akira said as the other alien flew onto Cazuki´s shoulder rubbing her face against his cheek and purring.
“How about Hugin & Munin!” Cazuki said smiling and Akira smiled petting one of them, Cazuki petted the other, then Cazuki kissed Akira.
Somewhere in Heaven, two weeks later…
At Heaven Academy, Rai was looking at the monitor and paused the footage of Akira and Cazuki with Hugin & Munin from previous missions. Then a news alert signal showed up on his screen and Rai clicked on it and a Heaven News article showed up with the title “Lost Kings On Earth: Akira & Cazuki still missing!” with pictures of them on the front cover.
“Cazuki still hasen´t shown himself to the world yet & now it´s been a month since Akira´s been gone!” Rai said.
Somewhere in Hell…
Zuki was also reading the same news alerted article on his screen, but it was written in the Hell News article.
“He´s still locked away in his room?! For fuck´s sake Cazuki! The world needs you! Tch!” Zuki said angrily.
Somewhere on Earth…
At the H & H company, in Akira´s and Cazuki´s joint office, Aria was sitting at Akira´s desk that faced Cazuki´s desk and was connected, he had his legs crossed on the desk, he was leaning back on his chair and had a Earth: Heaven & Hell News magazine over his face resting his eyes, while Zax was sitting by the desk eating bamboo and Aemi the robotic dove was on the desk being in sleep mode and recharging. On the magazine that was over Aria´s face, Akira and Cazuki were on the front cover and the chapter titles included, “Heaven foods: Vegan Revolution, How To Save The World: Twin Soul True Love Rebellion, Demon Beast Ero Love: Erotic Sex & Pleasures 101, Soul Love: Heaven in souls, minds, bodies, hearts and the world, Angels & Demons Twin Soul stories, Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine: Adam & Eve can be born in any body, Carnivores unites with Herbivores: Earth Soul Awakening, Earth Matrix: Time To Soul Wake Up & Be Unplugged!”. Then the office doors opened up loudly.
“Aria!!” Ryuusei shouted angrily rattling Aria´s body nervously shaking it.
“You´re late for our staff meeting!” Ryuusei said angrily, then Aria took down the magazine from his face looking tired, looking like crap and exhausted after only two weeks on the job.
“Urusai! You´re so loud!” Aria thought.
“Sumimasen!” Aria said feeling irritated looking at Ryuusei and shocking Ryuusei with how Aria looked.
“What the hell happened to you?!” Ryuusei said.
“It´s been two weeks since I´ve seen my Twin Soul husband!” Aria said as his body shook being deprived from Zuki´s body, mind, heart and soul, then saw the picture on Akira´s desk of Akira and Cazuki at the H & H ball standing together in their tailored futuristic suits, then Aria saw two small figures, Asuna and Kirito on Akira´s desk and picked up Kirito looking at it.
“Huh! I guess even angels can get sexually frustrated!” Ryuusei said looking surprised.
“Once connected and in Twin Soul union, of course! Tell me some good news! Tell me Cazuki is coming back here!” Aria said pointing Kirito at Ryuusei, looking like Aria was gonna lose it and brake down.
“No change, he´s still the same!” Ryuusei said, then Aria turned to face the desk and leaned over with his head resting on it and started knocking Kirito on Akira´s desk several times feeling angry and frustrated and lonely and sad, then Ryuusei backed away closing the doors and left.
“How about you take five and then I´ll see you at the lunch meeting!” Ryuusei said as he left. Then Aria looked at Kirito again.
“What the hell Cazuki! So many levels need to be won and conquered! There´s no time for breaks! Souls can´t wake up on their own!” Aria said, then on his screen, a video call was messaging him and he connected on through between Heaven and Earth.
“Rai?” Aria said looking surprised.
“We need to have a talk!” Rai said.
At Cazuki´s place, Aria was standing in front of Cazuki´s door to his room.
“.....” Aria, then swallowed hard gulping, feeling slight nervous.
“Time to bring back the lost Kings!” Aria said taking a deep breath, then started to angrily bang on Cazuki´s door many times.
“Cazuki! Open up, come out! I´m not leaving until you open up the damn door!” Aria said loudly as he continued banging without stopping and being stubborn. 
“18, 19, 20, 21...!” Aria counted the knocks. Then Cazuki finally opened up the door aggressively looking like a cave demon beast with angry auras surrounding him emerging from the dark room.
“Urusai! So fucking annoying!” Cazuki said angrily.
“Eeep! It´s like he´s created his own little dark world in there! The smell is really bad coming from his room and from him!” Aria thought covering his mouth smelling the bad smell coming from Cazuki.
“You´re alive! Good! Now get your ass ready, it´s time to come back!” Aria said, but then Cazuki was about to shut the door again, but Aria grabbed the door not allowing it to shut.
“I have word on where Akira is!” Aria said looking serious, then Cazuki looked surprised, his eyes widened with surprise, stood silent and suddenly aggressively opened up the door wider and angrily and beastly yanked Aria fast  surprising him into Cazuki´s dark room and slamming the door shut.
“Hwaah!” Aria said out loud looking nervous not expecting that move as the door closed.
“Noooo! Don´t drag me into your dark smelly room!” Aria thought.
In a spaceship, Cazuki was lying in the bathtub with Akira´s back against him lying down and Cazuki was cleaning Akira´s chest with a sponge and Akira was cleaning Cazuki´s arm with a sponge.
“Why do I feel like those 3 days worth have not been fulfilled yet even thou we´ve done 5 rounds. I thought at one point by body was about to break! You thrusted more wildly in those 5 times that I thought I was gonna pass out!” Akira said looking serious and worried and Cazuki smiled.
“You did pass out, but then you woke up and we continued!” Cazuki said smiling devilishly.
“I should be sorry, but I´m not! You drive me wild crazy for you Akira!” Cazuki thought.
“Does it hurt, are you ok?” Cazuki said kissing Akira´s head.
“It´s fine, but I think my body needs rest!” Akira said.
“Even thou I want him as much as he wants me, but my body just can´t keep up with him!” Akira thought.
“Ne Akira!” Cazuki said.
“Hmm?” Akira said.
“How long until Hugin and Munin are teenagers and we can kick them out?” Cazuki said.
“Two weeks!” Akira said.
“Thank God for speedy growth!” Cazuki thought.
“You still don´t want actual children do you?” Cazuki said and swallowed hard gulping being nervous for Akira´s answer. Then Akira turned his body against Cazuki, facing him and smiled.
“Never and that will never change! Cazuki I want you all to myself! I don´t even want to share you with anyone, not even kids! Am I being too greedy and selfish?” Akira said and wondered.
“I think, you´re not being greedy enough in my opinion!” Cazuki said smiling feeling relieved and kissed Akira´s forehead.
“In that case!” Akira said smiling then started to give Cazuki fallatio surprising him, turning Cazuki on more and when Cazuki saw Akira´s butt being exposed and was out of the water, he wanted to pleasure Akira too, licking his lip and made his way with his hand towards Akira´s butt hole wanting to finger Akira, then suddenly Akira raised his arms, leaning up and looking nervous and surprised and surprising Cazuki when Akira stopped all of sudden.
“Hwaaah! That was too close! If he does that, he won´t be able to stop and would enter me again!” Akira thought.
“What´s wrong?!” Cazuki said looking confused.
“On second thoughts, maybe I´ll start now with resting my body!” Akira said as he nervously made his way out of the tub. Then he grabbed a towel, placed it around his waist, but then his legs were too weak, wobbled and he clumsily fell to the floor on all knees with his butt facing Cazuki. 
“Akira!!” Cazuki said out loud grabbing the tub looking concerned.
“I knew it, my body has reached it´s limit!” Akira said as his legs shook.
“I feel like a helpless *Dzelle and my butt is just there for the taking by a hungry wild *Cion! Am I nervously shaking? I feel like I´m in trouble!” Akira thought while feeling nervous.
“Shit! Akira looks so helpless, like a *Dzelle and I just wanna thrust it in again and devour him, make a mess and have him shout out my name again!” Cazuki thought licking his lips, then smiling, grabbing his hard on.
(*Dzelle is a herbivore peaceful alien in the wild and *Cion is a carnivore alien in the wild)
“Maybe I can make it if I just crawl out of here! This is so embarrassing!” Akira thought blushing as he crawled his way out of the bathroom and Cazuki started laughing and smiling.
“Pfffft! Hahahahahaha! Where do you think you´re going?!” Cazuki said laughing.
“I told you, my body needs rest, so I´m headed for the bedroom!” Akira said as he continued to make his slow tortious escape, but then Cazuki leaned over Akira´s body like he was ready to mate again and Akira looked nervous and was still blushing and Akira´s body shook with nerves being surprised Cazuki came to attack again.
“Oh God! He´s attacking me again!!” Akira thought.
“Cazuki, no wait…!” Akira said nervously.
“Are you blushing?” Cazuki said.
“I´m on my knees trying to crawl out of here! It´s embarrassing!” Akira said.
“You´re too cute Akira, but I won´t let you escape just yet!” Cazuki said smiling as he tried to enter Akira again.
“Cazuki, my body!! Stop!! No more, I need rest!” Akira said angrily trying to struggle for his freedom and clenching his teeth, but then Cazuki grabbed Akira´s erect penis rubbing.
“You say that, but your body doesn´t agree with you! Akira, close your legs for me!” Cazuki said smiling as he continued to “devour” Akira once again when rubbing his penis and Akira´s penis against each other in-between Akira´s legs.
“Fuck this feels good! I can´t stop!” Cazuki thought looking like a wild hungry demon beast who hadn´t “eaten” in 3 days.
“…I feel like I´m gonna come again! Feels so good when he rubs it with his!” Akira thought. 
When Cazuki & Akira entered their bedroom, Cazuki was carrying Akira, bridal carrying him in his arms, Akira had bite and love marks all over his chest, neck, shoulder and Cazuki was smiling looking content while Akira looked annoyed and they saw Hugin and Munin on their bed. Munin was going round in circles chasing her tail and Hugin was bouncing happily on the bed all over the place, but then they stopped and stared at Akira and Cazuki, when Akira and Cazuki came in, the dragon babies let out some cute noises, speaking their language like they missed them.
As Cazuki held Akira in his arms and they were spooning in bed, Munin was purring and was curled up in a ball beside Akira and Akira had his arm over Munin and Hugin was purring and was curled up in a ball lying on both Akira and Cazuki.
“Just two more weeks, two more weeks, two more weeks and they are out of our room and into their own room and I have Akira all to myself again! Fuck! They´re so damn noisy! It´s like I´m surrounded by machines! How am I suppose to get any sleep! Hugin is so damn heavy, go sleep somewhere else!” Cazuki thought feeling irritated and angry.
“They´re so cute! I feel like we´re a family! They feel safe with us! Are they gonna be alright being on their own in two weeks? Their purring is soothing! I feel like I´m out in nature!” Akira thought smiling feeling happy.
“You do realise our goodnight sex is taken away!” Cazuki said.
“I know!” Akira said.
Hours later in the middle of the night.
“Our spontaneous night sex is taken away!” Cazuki said feeling irked.
“I know!” Akira said.
The next morning, Akira woke up in the arms of Cazuki and Munin was sleeping wrapped around Akira´s neck and Hugin was sleeping by Cazuki´s head and both Akira and Cazuki were wide awake.
“Our morning sex is taken away!” Cazuki said with a sad expression and feeling tired.
“I know!” Akira said sadly feeling the same.
In Rai´s and Zac´s bedroom. Zac woke up smiling and was lying on top of Rai who was lying on his stomach.
“Good morning wife!” Zac said smiling and kissed Rai´s cheek and neck, then made his way to Rai´s ass wanting to lick and use his tongue again, but Rai freaked and got nervous.
“Wait what are you doing?! You know I don´t want you to do that! It´s weird!” Rai said looking nervous. Then Zac looked puzzled.
“Huh? You seemed to enjoy it last night! In fact you even wanted me to make you come with just my mouth!” Zac said.
“Eeeeeh! What are you talking about!? I don´t remember that!” Rai said blushing and looking nervous. 
“What do you remember last night?” Zac said.
“Having a drink with the guys at the bar and I remember you thrusting me a lot! My ass is throbbing and that´s how I also know!” Rai said. Then Zac´s eyes widened with surprise, then smiled and let out a sigh.
“Heh! Zai was right, selective blackouts can occur if you drink that strong stuff we got on planet Xes, but I came prepared and I have evidence!” Zac said smiling and showed Rai the Universe tab of their footage of Zac going down on Rai, licking, using tongue and Zac filming it.
“You filmed us!! You pervert demon!” Rai said blushing and being annoyed, while playfully whacking Zac´s arm, but Zac grabbed Rai´s arms to stop and they watched the video.
“Pay attention my angel or you´ll miss your starring debut!” Zac said smiling and pressed play.
“Aaah…mmmmm…Zac it feels so good, don´t stop…no wait don´t tease me anymore, put it in! I can´t take it anymore! I want your big…!” Rai said then Rai panically pressed the stop button on the footage, feeling embarrassed and hid the tab under the pillow and he grabbed the pillow cuddling it while blushing.
“I can´t believe you filmed us!” Rai said looking mortified, then covered his face with the blanket. Then Zac went under the cover with Rai being close to his face snuggling up close together.
“If I hadn´t filmed it, there would be no proof that you actually enjoyed it if you didn´t remember! You did say you wanted us to explore every part of our Universe together! Our love ship is departing, all aboard, destination: heaven all the way, is what you said!” Zac said smiling, then Rai covered his face with his hands.
“I said those embarrassing lines!? I´m gonna die of embarrassment!” Rai said blushing hiding his face, but then Zac pulled Rai´s hands down and kissed Rai.
“I love you Rai, all of you, even your cute blushing side and your words turned me on like a wild unstoppable beast! The heavens we reached several times last night were out of this world and I wanna take you there again and again and again! Can I?” Zac said smiling.
“I really don´t remember any of that last night, but from the footage I seemed to enjoy it! It´s still too weird thou! I am curious at the same time I don´t want it! I guess, one time couldn´t hurt since I don´t remember!” Rai thought.
“Just once!” Rai said blushing.
“After I´m done, you´re gonna want it more than just once!” Zac said smiling as he made his way to Rai´s ass again and Rai tensed up looking nervous and fearful.
Several hours later Rai was lying on top of Zac, panting, feeling flustered, hot, sweaty, messy and holding hands with Zac while Zac´s other hand was holding on to Rai.
“How can I say it?! I want him to do it again!” Rai thought blushing.
“He wants it again! His moans, his body language and his words don´t lie!” Zac thought smiling.
1 week later, sitting at the bar Akira was drinking with Aria, Ai and Rai.
“How´s it going with Hugin and Munin?” Aria wondered and smiled while feeding plants to little white Munin on the bar counter and Munin was purring.
“They´re happy, but as expected, Cazuki´s and my intimate acts of connection between us has decreased and Cazuki is not happy.” Akira said.
“I´m not happy about it either!” Akira thought.
“How can you both sleep with them always in the bed?” Rai said.
“In the beginning, they slept on us both, but now Cazuki can´t have them near him, otherwise he can´t sleep, so they´re always on my side!” Akira said thinking back to when they went to sleep.
“Goodnight! Cazuki said kissing Akira.
“Goodnight!” Akira said then Cazuki turned his back and faced the wall and Akira sat staring at him.
“Something is definitely wrong with this picture!” Akira thought then slept on his side too and faced the other wall, then decided to move his body close to Cazuki so their backs touched at least and Cazuki smiled, while Hugin and Munin slept up against Akira.
The next night, Akira was already on his back in a sleeping position with Munin and Hugin lying next to Akira´s leg and stomach. Cazuki got into bed, then kissed Akira since Akira couldn´t move.
“Goodnight!” Cazuki said and turned his back again facing the wall and turning off the light.
“Goodnight!” Akira said.
“I defiantly feel like I´m missing something!” Akira thought.
The next morning Akira woke up to Cazuki staring at him close to his face and nervously shook and surprised Akira.
“You scared me! Morning! What´s wrong?” Akira said.
“Did you sleep in that same position all night?” Cazuki wondered when Munin and Hugin still slept in the same spot next to Akira.
“Hai! I didn´t want to wake them up, so I told myself, don´t move my body or I´ll end up kicking them in my sleep!” Akira said.
“How can you be comfortable sleeping in the same position all night? If it was me, I´d just kick them off!” Cazuki said.
“It´s annoying at first, but then I fall asleep and I don´t notice!” Akira said.
“Pffft! Hehehehe! You´re cute and caring and I love you!” Cazuki said smiling kissing Akira, then got up from the bed.
“How do you think Hugin and Munin will react when they get their own room after two weeks?” Ai said.
“Cazuki wanted to do a test run, so we placed them in their own room for one night!” Akira said.
When Akira and Cazuki placed Hugin and Munin down in their small room. Akira kissed the head on each of them and they both left through the sliding futuristic door and when it closed behind them, both Hugin and Munin started crying out loud from the room and then Akira nervously shook and suddenly turned to go back in looking concerned, but Cazuki slammed fast his arm aggressively against the side of the door blocking the door.
“It´s a test run! They need to be able to sleep by themselves without us! They´ll be fine!” Cazuki said grabbing Akira´s hand as they walked off.
“This week was torture! How am I gonna survive another week without us connecting whenever we want so freely like we did before? I want Akira all to myself! I don´t want to share him with anyone, not even them!” Cazuki thought. Then they both heard one of the dragons call out. 
“Mamma!” One of the dragon babies said and they still both continued to cry out and Cazuki stopped walking fast, stood still and was shocked.
“Did you hear that? Did they just say mamma?!” Cazuki said looking shocked, then turned to see Akira and was soul shocked at seeing what was happening to Akira. Silent tears was streaming down Akira´s face and Akira touched his tears looking at it.
“Akira?!” Cazuki said looking concerned.
“I can´t stop crying! When I hear them cry, I get connected to their feelings and emotions and I end up feeling their sadness!” Akira said.
“Shit!” Cazuki thought then quickly grabbed Akira in his arms hugging him tightly and lovingly.
“I´m sorry! I didn´t mean to make you cry! I never want to see you cry, well, only out of pleasure that I give you!” Cazuki said.
“Cazuki, why do you have hard on?” Akira wondered as they were still hugging and he was confused and Cazuki was surprised again.
“Fuck! I get turned on by Akira´s tears when we connect intensely! So now I have to be careful whenever he cries?! Tch!” Cazuki thought.
“Don´t get the wrong idea, but when you shed tears when we connect extremely, that kind of turns me on and now it seems your tears turn me on whether you cry out of pleasure, pain or sadness! Are you grossed out? Are you mad?” Cazuki said looking at Akira holding his arms.
“No! I love you no matter what weird fetishes you have!” Akira said reaching up to kiss him and surprised him.
“Oi! It´s not a fetish, but I may have wires crossed or something!” Cazuki said wondering what the hell happened with him.
“Cazuki!” Akira said reminding him of their two crying dragon alien babies as he looked towards the door.
“Right!” Cazuki said as they went over to the door and opened up the door again and out came two fast flying dragon babies wrapping themselves on Akira´s face and Cazuki´s face which shocked them both fearing that the dragons were gonna attack their faces, and they looked like they came attacking which shook both Cazuki and Akira´s bodies, but the dragon babies were still in tears. Then Akira and Cazuki tried to pull them off from their faces and held them both in their arms and the crying stopped, the dragons smiled happily and Akira and Cazuki looked at each other smiling.
“Pffft! Hahahahaha! I would of liked to seen your faces when that happened!! Hehehehe!” Aria said laughing.
“So the test failed then, but how will you react when the last day comes and they may end up crying again or have a cute expression on their faces saying don´t leave me alone, I want to snuggle and be with you!” Rai said.
Akira imagined the last day and when holding Munin, tears streamed down Munin´s face and had a cute and adorable facial expression on her face and her little arms were trying to grab Akira wanting a hug. Then Akira started hugging Munin not wanting to let go, but then Cazuki stood staring at them both for a moment looking serious, then suddenly grabbed Munin, tossed her out of the room and closed the bedroom door having Akira all to himself.
“How would Cazuki react?” Ai said.
Akira imagined holding Hugin who also looked adorable and tears streamed down his face and Akira showed Cazuki, holding Hugin up in the air with his cute face and wanting to keep them in their bedroom a little longer, but then Cazuki looking serious, stood staring, then suddenly grabbed Hugin from Akira, tossed him out of the bedroom and closed the door, not being impacted by the cuteness overload from Hugin at all.
“Yeah that sounds like Cazuki! Hehehe!” Aria said smiling.
“In another week they´re technically teenagers so I´m not too worried, but if they hadn´t gotten along with each other and were always sleeping alone, then I´d be worried, because then they would seek out someone to be close to when they sleep and that someone would be us, but since Hugin and Munin always sleep together during the day, they´ll be fine. So if you guys ever adopt any orphan aliens, make sure it´s always two and they get along with each other and can sleep together, otherwise, say goodbye to your freedoms of connecting with your Twin Soul spontaneously and living a life where connection is decreased between you both!” Akira said and Aria, Ai and Rai looked at Akira, then there was a pause and silence.
“Yeah that´s not gonna happen! No adoptions for us!” Aria said.
“Same hear! No children, no orphan aliens!” Ai said.
“I choose my time with Zac instead!” Rai said.
“To choosing True Love & Twin Soul union everyday, several times a day! Kanpai!” Ai said smiling raising her glass in the air and the others raised their glasses too.
“Kanpai!” Rai said smiling as he raised his glass.
“Kanpai!” Aria said smiling raising his glass in the air.
“Kanpai!” Akira said as they joined their glasses together agreeing, then drinking.
“Besides, on this ship, Hugin and Munin are kind of like our family too! If I was on some planet for an extended period of time, then I would maybe adopt orphan aliens!” Rai said.
“Me too!” Ai said.
“Yeah I´d consider it too!” Aria said. Then Cazuki and Zuki came in and Hugin was resting on the shoulder of Cazuki.
“What´s up Divine Feminine Eves!” Cazuki said being all gentlemanly.
“We were just discussing your week with Hugin and Munin!” Aria said smiling.
“Only one more week to go, then we have our freedom back!” Cazuki said smiling sitting down next to Akira and had his arm hanging over Akira´s shoulder, then whispered in his ear, as Hugin jumped off Cazuki´s shoulder and curled up beside Munin on the bar counter who was still sitting and eating plants happily.
“I´m hungry, are you hungry Cazuki? Wanna join me for a private picnic for two?” Akira said and Cazuki looked surprised, then smiled covering his face with his hand seeing that Akira was too obvious.
“Heh! I am hungry, I´m starving, I wanna eat! Let´s go!” Cazuki said as he pulled Akira away with his arm still hanging over Akira´s shoulder and they both left as the others kept staring in their direction.
“Not subtle at all, but code for they´re totally gonna do it!” Ai said.
“Akira really sucks at hiding it! They´ve been like that all week! So obvious!” Rai said.
“Cazuki is just as bad and he gets even more dirty with his words and innuendoes!” Zuki said drinking his drink.
“They really are a match made in the starry heavens!” Aria said smiling. 
Another week and a few days later, sitting at the bar, Akira, Rai, Ai and Aria were drinking again.
“So, how did it go! Were there tears? I bet there were tears! Did you cry? Did they cry?” Aria said and Akira thought back to when they both held Hugin and Munin while walking towards to their small room, but Hugin and Munin jumped off and flew towards the door, the door slid open and they flew in by themselves and Akira and Cazuki looked surprised and looked at each other.
“Eeeh! That was easy!” Ai said looking surprised.
“I think Cazuki was more surprised than me, but they´ve wanted their own space since the shift and Hugin I think has changed the most!” Akira said thinking back.
“Hugin, wanna come with me to the workshop?” Cazuki said in the hallway looking at Hugin who was on the floor a few meters away from Cazuki.
“Tch!” Hugin said angrily, then flew off down the spaceship hallway and Cazuki looked shocked.
“Huh?! Did you just click your tongue at me?!” Cazuki said looking confused and annoyed.
In the control flight room Akira was busy woking at one of the control stations on the other side and Cazuki sat in the chair next to him swirling around with his arms behind his head.
“I swear it Akira, Hugin has a major attitude problem! He even clicks his tongue at me and swears and flys off somewhere on the ship! He used to be so cute and wanna hang out with me while I work and he even helped me when getting my tools, but now he´s a ffff…fricking monster!” Cazuki said instead of swearing.
“Clicking his tongue and swearing habit he got from you! Besides, he´s a teenager, he probably just wants his space! He´ll be back, one day, maybe!” Akira said not looking worried, as he worked at the control station. 
“Munin seems to be still her usual self and she keeps hanging out with you!” Cazuki said looking up at Munin who was happily sleeping in her bed above them above the control panel.
“She´s more active at night! They´re both becoming independent individuals and will want to fly away whenever they want and we need to let them and give them freedom when they want it!” Akira said then saw the look on Cazuki´s face.
“He misses Hugin and their time together!” Akira thought.
“You know, Hugin is really busy exploring isen´t he and Munin is sleeping! It´s just us two!” Akira said smiling while working at the control system. Then Cazuki smirked and grabbed aggressively Akira´s hand and dragged him off.
“You´re right, it´s just us like it was before, so let´s go explore our new found freedom and let´s celebrate by exploring several times!” Cazuki said smiling as they left the flight control room.
“Thank God we have our every day sex life and our souls connecting with each other back!” Akira thought.
“Connect, connect, connect! I wanna connect with you everyday, several times a day!” Cazuki thought.
Scene end…
31 March, 2019.
New added information in the Heaven balcony scene in Part 8 and new changes in Part 8.
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 9
Several months later...
The alarm bell rang and wearing a chick looking night eye mask, he sat up being startled by the sound, stretched his arms up in the air and got up from the futon bed, opened the curtains letting the sun in, petted Zax on his head, fed him more bamboo sticks, greeted Aemi the robotic dove, turned on the music and started dancing in his room with his angel wings that appeared suddenly on his back and danced round and round the room, then went into the bathroom. When he came out the entrance door with Aemi on his shoulder and holding the leash to Zax´s vest, he was off to work. On the subway, he was looking at his tab seeing live videos of Akira´s & Cazuki´s fashion photo shoots showing various outfits they were wearing promoting their new Heaven & Hell company together. In one photo shoot, they were sitting back to back, legs stretched out, Akira wearing white angel wings and Cazuki wearing black angel wings. In another photo shoot, Akira was sitting on a thrown chair wearing high heels, looking like a chaotic mess in his clothes being rebellious, while Cazuki wore a vintage style tailored suit sitting on a thrown chair next to Akira, the two kings. Another photo shoot Cazuki was standing tall wearing all black, showing his vampiric teeth, his black angel wings, tied up against a cross, chained up with chains that was wrapped around his body, demon girls were at his feet, clinging on his legs, licking him, kissing him, drooling, flirting, secucing, not wanting to let go and Akira was freeing him with his light blue sword staff, then Akira was up against a cross, covered in thorny vines, “blood” dripping everywhere, wearing white bandages wrapped around his body and angel wings, many demons were trying to grab Akira´s legs, biting, drooling, filling their cups with Akira´s blood and drinking from it, one had a knife and fork ready to use and Cazuki was freeing Akira from the prison with his green light sword. Another photo shoot where both wore vintage and futuristic looking tailored suits standing next to each other.  The last photo shoot was Cazuki being dressed like the demon king and Akira as the joker, they were standing in front of each other having a stare down. Then he read some world news articles of Cazuki & Akira´s company being unveiled and promoted. When he finally arrived in front of the new company Heaven & Hell, he looked up at the futuristic, sustainable, nature & zen & feng shui inspired building and looked amazed.
“Let´s get to work!” Aria said smiling, then continued to walk in. The massive open area in the lobby was filled with plants, water features, green and blue colours, two blossom cherry trees and small robot cleaners were whizzing around cleaning up the fallen petals on the floor. The lobby was bustling and busy and filled with both demon humans and angel humans working together. When Aria arrived at the front desk.
“Hi! How may we help you?” The H & H information officer said smiling.
“My name´s Aria, I start work today!” Aria said smiling, then the H & H Information officer typed on the digital screen and found Aria´s profile revealing Aria to be 2nd in command in Heaven. 
“Your job is the company´s angel leader, you´re taking over Akira´s position!” The girl said.
“Not taking over, just filling in when he´s not here!” Aria said.
“Ah I see, well I´ve alerted the 2nd in command here at H & H who wanted to greet you and he´s on his way!” She said.
“2nd in command?” Aria said looking confused.
“I´m already here!” Ryuusei said smiling standing behind Aria.
“Hi Aria! I´m Ryuusei, nice to meet you! Let me show you to your office!” He said smiling as they walked off to the elevator.
“Don´t take this the wrong way, but I thought Cazuki would greet me since I would be working with him!” Aria said.
“Yeah about that!” He said as they entered the elevator.
“Cazuki has locked himself away in his room for two weeks ever since Akira disappeared and he refuses to come out!” Ryuusei said as the elevator doors closed and Aria looked shocked.  
“Huh!?” Aria said looking surprised.
Life times ago...
Somewhere in Greece...
Akira was sitting on a stone bench overlooking the sky and ocean with his white angel wings, holding one of his books and drinking herbal medicinal tea from a tea cup, then a small bird appeared before his feet that was injured and hopping along. Akira placed his hand down, the bird hopped on, was lifted up and Akira held the bird in both hands and saw he was injured.
“You poor angel! You´re injured! Let me heal you!” Akira said and he kissed the bird´s head and a small light bubble illuminated healing the bird. Then Akira lifted his arms up high letting the bird take off to the sky once again. Cazuki with his black wings stood watching Akira from behind, leaning against one of the columns and smiled with his hands in his pockets.
“You know every time you come back here, you always stare at me from a distance! How long are you gonna stand watching me like that?” Akira said knowing Cazuki was standing behind him.
“I can´t help it! I love watching you work Akira and your kind compassionate heart energises me, makes me feel like I can do anything! Plus seeing your back kind of turns me on!” Cazuki said smirking as Akira got up and walked towards him.
“That´s new, now it´s my back? You really are strange Cazuki!” Akira said smiling standing next to Cazuki looking up to him, Cazuki being taller always than Akira.
“You´re one to talk! Out of us both, I think you have me beat on being strange you hermit!” Cazuki said smiling showing his vampiric teeth.
“Perhaps, but if it´s a competition on kinky dirty tastes, you win by far!” Akira said smiling as he continued walking in to his home on a mountain hill top overlooking the ocean surrounded by nature, flowers, fruit and olive trees and healing plants. In his home it was like he was living in a library filled with knowledge from all over the world. Books, scrolls, scriptures and writing materials were everywhere and mess and chaos was everywhere. When Cazuki came in he looked surprised again at seeing the mess.
“I see nothing has changed! Your place is still a mess! How can you find anything in here?!” Cazuki said as he picked up some books and placed it in the book shelf.
“It´s my organised chaos. I know where everything is and this is how I like it, but I am running out of space for my wisdom collection! Maybe I should open up a public library and fill that up instead!” Akira said looking around, then poured some flower herbal tea in a tea cup handing it to Cazuki as they both sat down amongst the books.
“What are you doing here anyway? I thought you would be busy in the capitol, you have a thrown to take over don´t you? You´re next in line still right?” Akira said.
“I missed you Akira and here I can be myself and recharge!” Cazuki said drinking his tea as Akira blushed.
“How straightforward! That´s so unlike you!” Akira said smiling drinking his tea.
“I thought you´d like me being direct!” Cazuki said.
“Don´t get me wrong, it makes me happy! I´m just not used to it that´s all!” Akira said.
“Well get used to it, because I´ll always be direct with you!” Cazuki said smiling.
“As for the thrown, I haven´t taken over it yet and they´re already scheming, plotting and planning behind my back making plans to assassinate me. At this rate I won´t be able to bring peace and order in this country and it always ends the same way, no matter what country I try to change!” Cazuki said feeling angry and irritated.
“Maybe I won´t go back! I´ll just stay here with you! Gathering books, reading books, writing books, selling books and like you, maybe do some teaching too!” Cazuki said as he laid down on the floor eating an apple, then Akira grabbed it from him, leaning over him, his face close to Cazuki´s.
“What if we join forces and create a new city where everyone is free, safe and can evolve without anyone trying to control them or keep them dumbed down, prisoners and left behind, but we´ll need help from both angels and demons!” Akira said then sat beside Cazuki and took a bite out of the apple.
“Who will be king of this new city?” Cazuki said being curious.
“How about we both be kings and lead together!” Akira said.
“Interesting! We haven´t tried that before, it could work!” Cazuki said as he sat up next to Akira.
“That means I get to see Akira everyday and connect with him everyday, several times a day!! Now I´m really hard thinking about it!” Cazuki thought.
“So what´s your answer then?” Akira said, then Cazuki surprised him as he grabbed Akira´s arms passionately and flew them both across the room slamming Akira against the bookshelf and several books came falling down around them.
“Here´s my answer!” Cazuki said being excited, smiling as he aggressively kissed Akira´s neck, biting it and then passionately kissed Akira´s lips and their tongues danced and played together.
“Mmm! You taste so sweet Akira! Give me more of your apple flavoured kisses!” Cazuki said licking his lips and then stole more kisses and their bodies heated up, their hearts raced, their souls ignited and illuminating light and love and peace and heaven within them and beyond them, both looking flustered, both hungry for each other when they hadn´t seen each other for a long time and both wanting to connect as One once again and both wanting to connect everyday and several times a day as Twin Souls always do. Then Cazuki took out Akira´s penis and his penis, rubbing them together while kissing each other endlessly.
“Cazuki, your penis has gotten bigger!” Akira said looking surprised.
“I blame you and your marriage proposal! You see what you do to me?! So prepare yourself, they´ll be no time for reading or writing today or tonight!” Cazuki said pulling down his top and unwrapping Akira´s top, so their naked bare chests were exposed as they continued to make love.
“What about my teaching?!” Akira said.
“I´ve already cancelled your class and sent the students home! I´m your student today, so teach me more Akira, tell more about this new city!” Cazuki said while kissing, licking and biting continued.
“You´ve always been a rebellious student doing whatever you want and whenever you felt like it!” Akira said panting, feeling flustered and hot.
“Then why don´t you discipline me, but I warn you, I may end up just being more rebellious, breaking rules, crossing lines if it means finally being with you!” Cazuki said panting, getting more excited and feeling like he´s in heat for Akira as both their bodies tingled, trembled and got more excited with every touch and feeling between them intensified.
“His words are like music to my ears my rebel demon beast! He lights and sparks a fire in my soul that only he can ignite! Getting lost in him like this, I can never get enough of, but I always end up wanting more and becoming more greedy, wanting to see him everyday and every night! I love him, I love him, I love you Cazuki!” Akira thought.
“Take me to our Heaven Cazuki, to a place where you and I become One! To a world where only you and I may enter, in a Universe where you and I are forever!” Akira said looking deep into his eyes and Cazuki´s eyes widened with surprise, then he smiled.
“Aaaah! You win! Your words always beat mine and that excites me even more!” Cazuki said as he continued rubbing them together passionately and more intensely and they both reached Heaven together.
“Wanna go to Heaven again?” Cazuki said smiling, both being out of breath and Akira smiled then wrapped his legs around Cazuki, holding his arms around Cazuki´s neck and kissed him smiling translating to yes.
“Here´s my answer!” Akira said smile kissing him.
“That´s my line!” Cazuki said.
“I know, I´m borrowing it!” Akira said as they kissed again and again, not being able to stop and not ever wanting to stop.
In Cazuki´s room that looked dark, messy and he looked like a unshaven beast, hair was longer, fringe covering his face, his clothes, his everything looked like a chaotic mess, empty plates, glasses, vegan junk food packages everywhere, empty green tea cans messing up the place, he was sitting at his desk looking at the history footage on Earth between him and Akira and he was masterbating to their live feed love records from the past. When he finally climaxed into some tissues, he cleaned himself up, tossed the tissues in a bin, then placed his clean hand on his face feeling like the world was empty without Akira in it, feeling lost, alone, angry, nervous, sad, but mostly angry not being able to locate Akira anywhere. He closed his eyes and clenched his teeth and clenched one of his fists.
“So unsatisfying! Tch! I want Akira, not my damn fucking hand! Where in the Universe are you God dammit!” Cazuki said angrily, then he finally looked up at the screen, paused the history footage and fast forwarded to when the city was built by them in Greece and it prospered, became a beacon of light and hope and freedom for anyone wanting a better life and the two kings had plans to build more Freedom cities all over the world. The businesses they created became popular and their quality products were in high demand all over the world, but that brought them enemies who didn´t like competition and those in power were losing business and power and when the life style at the Freedom city attracted so many all over the world wanting that too, those in power around the world joined forces to take down Freedom city and attacked and burned it all to the ground when they declared war and Akira and Cazuki was once again assassinated, but no one knew the truth and thought they just disappeared or got caught.
“Project Freedom was lost in Greece & the people started petitioning and looking for the Lost Kings!” The report said on the screen.
“Lost Kings huh? Looks like we are lost again Akira!” Cazuki said, then a ringing sound came from the other futuristic screen on his desk and the signal was connected between Earth and Hell and he looked up and he pressed the button and on the live feed camera, Zuki appeared.
“You look like shit!” Zuki said.
“Nice to see you too!” Cazuki said. 
“How long are you planning to stay locked away like that? You have work to do remember!” Zuki said.
“Do have any news for me that´s useful!” Cazuki said and Zuki let out a sigh.
“We can´t find Akira´s signal anywhere! His soul signature is nowhere in Hell or on Earth and our sources say he´s not in Heaven either and they don´t know where he is! What the hell is going on Cazuki? Where is he?” Zuki said. Cazuki didn´t want to think of the unthinkable so he thought instead of something hopeful.
“Then the only option left is that he´s on some other world, maybe!” Cazuki said.
“Are you serious?! Why, how? Earth is still a complete mess! There is no way he would just leave like that or even leave you behind!” Zuki said.
“This is pointless debating on the why and how, I need to find him and find him fast!” Cazuki said.
“It´s true, Akira would never leave until the mission is complete and he would never leave me behind, not ever!” Cazuki thought. 
“What are you doing about work?” Zuki said.
“I´m still working from home and I can command from here while I still look for Akira!” Cazuki said.
“Cazuki, the world needs to see you and locking yourself away...!” Zuki said but Cazuki cancelled the call not wanting to hear it and didn´t care anymore. All that was going through Cazuki´s mind was where is Akira and how to bring him back.
Planet Aay, somewhere in the Universe...
In the conference meeting room at the round table, robots, aaynoids, aliens and Z & Akira being the only human looking ones, were sitting and discussing Earth and bots were zipping and flying all over the room.
“We´ve been at this for days and no change! They´re not even considering my thoughts at all! They´re just arguing over who gets Earth and who gets to kick out all the humans!” Akira said with his elbow on the table and hand to his face looking soul exhausted and tired while the robots, aaynoids and aliens were discussing and arguing between them.
“Are you really that surprised? The Angeloids represent the rights of any species on any planet who are at the mercy of beings above them, in this case humans against animals. The Zeptuus represent the rights of planets and want to protect Earth from being destroyed by humans, then lastly the machines on Aay want to protect the rights of machines on Earth and since they too have been targeted and exploited, humans will soon become homeless from treating their home planet like a slaughter factory planet and hell garbage playground. You should be happy that they agreed not to terminate the humans. Your passionate speech really did change their minds!” Z said.
“You seem surprised! Why do I feel like I still lost! They´re all gonna be refugees and homeless, being spread out to any world that would give them shelter!” Akira said.
“Even that might be a challenge, considering their dark history and what darkness they bring everywhere!” Z said.
“Not everyone is like that and many are soul awake! I hate losing and there has to be way to get one more chance! I won´t give in!” Akira said as he stood up and spoke up.
“Give us one more chance! You already gave us a time limit until you planned to erase humans, so give us that time for us to help wake everyone up before kicking them off the planet!” Akira said and it was complete silence, until they started roaring with laughter that nervously shook Akira being startled by the sudden shift of energies in the room and was surprised by their reactions. Then Akira sat down feeling defeated looking soul shocked.
“I was laughed at! This is a first! What are they saying now?” Akira said when the aliens were laughing and talking.
“They said you are very funny and very naive, but I find that cute about you!” Z said smiling.
“That just pisses me of! They underestimate us and we´ll show them, we´ll show them all!” Akira said angrily clenching his teeth. 
“So stubborn and passionate! More things that I lo...!” Z said as Akira placed his hand against Z´s mouth.
“One more word like that Z, then I´m gonna have to challenge you to a battle!” Akira said being serious and annoyed, but Z smiled giving the sign that he wanted to battle Akira and Akira´s eyes looked surprised, then he let out a sigh.
“Why am I surprised that´s your reaction when you´re just like him!” Akira said sitting back in his chair, placing his hand to his face, closing his eyes and thinking about Cazuki.
“What´s with the happy face?” Akira said.
“You said my name and touched me!” Z said smiling feeling happy.
“Huh!?” Akira said looking confused.
“I need some air!” Akira said as he got up and walked out on the balcony over looking the bustling futuristic city filled with flying ships, robots, aaynoids, aliens and animal aliens and Z stood next to Akira.
“You´ve really changed this place since you took over! Never did I imagine you opening up the planet to refugees from other worlds!” Akira said.
“As long as they behave respectfully and peacefully, I see no reason to keep out so much knowledge and wisdom and creations that they all bring here uplifting and evolving life! We advance faster when we cooperate and unite. So far we have over 5000 different alien races from all over the Universe here and our technologies help protect our planet from those who wish to conquer it, control it or destroy it.” Z said.
“What about human refugees? Do have any from other worlds?” Akira said, but then Z looked at Akira with a menacing angry beast demon look to him.
“There´s a dark cloud looming over him and it suddenly got cold in the air! He really dislikes humans!” Akira thought.
“No humans, you and I are the only ones and that´s how it will always remain, forever!” Z said smiling.
“I´m quite unsettled by this! His sudden shift in mood, from hot to cold, from angel to demon then back again! He´s more like Cazuki than I imagined! It´s nerve wrecking when I don´t know what he plans to say or do next with his duel personality.” Akira thought.
“I see, well, I can only have understanding and it´s your planet, so who am I to say anything against that!” Akira said.
“Akira, why didn´t you tell Cazuki you were coming here?” Z said being serious.
“If he knew I was going to come here, he would of never let me leave, since the last time we were both here, Aay didn´t allow us to leave, so he would fear I´d be trapped here again.” Akira said.
“He´s right!” Z said looking serious and leaned forward being close to Akira´s face.
“I finally have you here Akira, my Queen and I´m never gonna let you leave, ever!” Z said smiling and Akira looked soul shocked and his nervous energies all over his body started to tremble, his soul energies vibrated and Akira grabbed his chest where his heart was.
Back in Cazuki´s room, sitting at his desk still, he too suddenly felt his soul energies tremble and he grabbed his chest where his heart was and knew it was Akira and that he was in trouble.
“Akira!” Cazuki said looking soul shocked.
Scene end...
28 March, 2019.
New Update: Story changes in Part 8, new added battle scene, added information in the Heaven briefing meeting and new scene is added with the hell briefing meeting room. The raven names are changed and the colour.
New Update: New changes in Part 8 and a added new scene.
New Update: New scene added in Part 8.
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 8
As Akira was still sitting on the grass under the Blossom Cherry tree in the park staring at his Universe phone that was ringing and Cazuki, God of Death was calling him, but Akira couldn´t pick up the phone. He didn´t know what to say, he couldn´t make up his mind, but he had to say something that would change the path they were both on.
“Tch! Why won´t he pick up the phone this time?! What the hell is going on?!” Cazuki said angrily standing in his office in front of the window on the 21st floor. Then Akira answered.
“Cazuki, I´ve made a decision! I think...!” Akira said as Cazuki´s eyes widened with shock feeling like he knew in his soul what Akira was about to say, but before Akira could finish what he was about to say after deciding what he was finally going to do, a gunshot was fired from a distance, a sniper shot towards Akira´s head and he fell backwards lying on the grass, bleeding out and Cazuki panicked, looked shocked and was filled with fear, doubt, nervousness, anger, rage, sadness, pain and uncertainty.
“Akira!! Akira???!! Answer me God dammit!!” Cazuki shouted angrily, but then another sniper gunshot was fired, but this time towards Cazuki´s head and he fell backwards falling to the floor bleeding out. Both Akira and Cazuki were lying on the ground, Akira surrounded by nature with his arms stretched out like a cross and Cazuki lying on the ground in his building with his arms stretched out like a cross, both being sacrificed by the demon humans in this world who were consumed with greed, power, control and wanted to keep hell the same on Earth. Both Gods, both Twin Souls were targeted and both Gods were sacrificed, but is that the end or is this just the beginning? Can Gods really die anyway?
Somewhere in Heaven...
A floating futuristic sci fi sky castle amongst the clouds, in a healing room, Akira woke up and was surrounded by light, he saw someone hovering over him in his blurry vision and when his eyes focused, he recognised who it was. 
“Akira! You´re finally back! We missed you!” Ai said smiling brightly like the sun and wearing white and her angel wings were reminding Akira where he was and he was no longer on Earth. As Akira struggled to sit up on the healing bed in the healing room, Akira placed his hand on his head feeling the headache and pain from the gunshot to his head.
“Ai, I´m still feeling the aftershock from that gunshot wound to the head!” Akira said squinting his eyes and his hand was still on his face wanting the pain to stop.
“My bad! Sorry about that I forgot! I´ll get right on it!” Ai said then what appeared in her hand out of nowhere was a digital Universe tab and she pulled forth Akira´s medical energy body signature and removed the last physical pain memory before Akira´s avatar death. Then Akira stopped feeling pain and stood up, his white angel wings appeared on his back.
“Ai, arigatou!” Akira said then walked over to the healing bath nature pool.
Then Akira undressed his clothes standing in front of the pool and the flying robot grabbed his clothes and flew off with it, Akira got naked and walked down the stone steps into the waters that was filled with healing flowers and plants and he drifted down below, covering his whole body in water, closing his eyes, soul resting, recharging and healing, as small bubbles floated to the surface from his mouth as he floated underwater with his angel wings and small illuminating small floating star shape sparkling water healers covered his sacred areas and parts of his body.
“Akira, age ?, star sign Aquarius, Educated and Graduated from Heaven University & Earth H.& H. and is employed at the Heaven Academy, Occupation: Angel, God of Life, God of True Love, God of Wisdom. God of *? Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single. ”
(*? Can be many types of God abilities and is many types all in one.)
“Is he alright? This is the first time he didn´t call for an emergency meeting right away!” Rai said looking concerned.
“He´s been away for a very long time, but more than that, he´s been separated from Him even longer. He has a lot on his mind Rai, but I´m sure he´ll be fine once he´s recharged. I hope!” Ai said.
As Akira drifted underwater, feeling safe, calm, but soul exhausted from the ongoing battles and wars on Earth, flashes of Cazuki came to his mind and his eyes suddenly opened.
“Cazuki...” Akira thought as more bubbles escaped his mouth.
Somewhere in Hell...
“Akira...” Cazuki thought when he saw flashes of Akira in his mind while floating in the healing bath pool underwater, but then Cazuki opened his eyes that were red, then suddenly turned purple and he swam up to the surface, breached the water and walked out of the healing pool bath and a flying robot handed him a yukata to cover his naked body, then he left the healing pool bath room.
Sitting on his thrown in the thrown room, Cazuki with his black angel wings, wearing all black, his vampiric teeth were showing and his hand was resting on his face looking fed up, angry, pissed off and furious.
“Cazuki, age ?, star sign Gemini, Educated and Graduated from Heaven University as an exchange student, graduated from Earth H & H and is working at the Hell Academy in Hell, Occupation: Demon King, God of Death, God of Ero Love & True Love, God of Fortune & Power. God of *? Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single, but is in carnivore pursuit of his Twin Soul Eve!”
(*? Can be many types of God abilities and is many types all in one)
Cazuki´s angry stares with the demon vampires that were in front of him at his dark futuristic castle, they were caught and they were looking nervous for targeting his human body and they were from a rival group that wanted to overpower and take over Cazuki´s position as Demon King in hell. The royal ninja demon guards surrounded the assassins that were on their knees with their light swords aiming at them.
“We apprehended them as soon as you came back my lord! They´re from one of the rival clans that wanted to overthrow you and take over the position of Demon King by targeting you when you were in human form!” Zuki said looking at his Universe digital tab and was second in command and in charge of 700 armies of hell. Then Cazuki flew up from his thrown chair and slammed down on the stone floor cracking it, landing in a kneeling position in front of one of the demon assassins with his electrical light black sword up against the throat of one of the demon assassins.
“You have a choice, battle me or end your employment right here right now!” Cazuki said flaring with anger and smiling his demon beast smile. The demon closed his eyes, bowing his head wanting to end his employment thinking he didn´t want to feel pain from Cazuki´s battle attacks.
“Heh! So that´s how it is is it? You´d rather be a coward and end lives from a safe distance than go one on one! Tch!” Cazuki said then clenched his teeth angrily and clenching his fists holding his sword and pierced through the body and the demon coughed up blood, but then his whole body shattered into particle pieces and drifted upwards. Then Cazuki stood up, swung his sword outwards flinging the blood and rested his sword over his shoulder and looked towards the others. The demon humans had a bad habit of ending lives from a safe distance, they especially targeted those who wanted to bring about positive change in the world and every time that happened, the positive world change got pushed back more and more. Since Cazuki & Akira were one of those that kept being assassinated in other life times when they tried to bring about positive change before, the anger and darkness that was deep within Cazuki never went away and his view on everyone and what he thought about them all was not the same as Akira.
“What about the rest of you? You wanna battle me for 12 minutes and if you survive, you can continue working or do you wanna give up too so easily!” Cazuki said. The 4 of them wanted to battle and placed their hands together with their elbows stretched out, raising their arms up in front of their face, bowing their head being in a kneeling position, which was a sign of respect, loyalty, wanting employment to work with the Demon King and not with the rival less powerful demon groups that wanted to keep hell on Earth the same and who wanted to take over Cazuki´s position as Demon King.
“Investigate & question the rival group that was responsible, then put them to work!” Cazuki said as he walked off.
“My lord...!” Zuki said and Cazuki turned his head.
“Zuki, don´t call me that, the name´s Cazuki now and I´m your brother, you´re creeping me out! Anyway they have a choice, they work with us or they don´t ever work again!” Cazuki said as he continued to walk off. 
“Good to see you too brother!” Zuki said smiling. As Cazuki walked down the hallway, several demon vampire seducing girls came towards him.
“Cazuki! You´re back! We missed you so much!” One of the demon girls said flirting and grabbing a hold of his arm pressing her breasts up against his arm as did the other demon girl grabbing his other arm and the third demon girl was wanting attention too showing cleavage.
“How about you come with us and we´ll make you forget all your troubles and worries. Let us distract you and please you, make you feel so good that you won´t ever want to go back to Earth!” The other demon girl said smiling tempting him.
“Tch! Piss off and don´t ever fucking come near me again!” Cazuki said angrily still feeling pissed off and his anger auras and beastly face frightened the demon girls away, then they backed off and he broke free from the girls and continued to walk off.
“He still can´t forget Akira! Tch! So damn annoying!” One demon girl said angrily.
“No matter if we´re in human form or back here, he still keeps refusing us!” One demon girl said feeling annoyed and sulking.
“Aaaaaah I want his attention so bad, but no matter how many times we separate them and keep them apart, they always seem to find their way back to each other! Pisses me off! If only we could get rid of Akira once and for all!” Another demon girl said.
“I want more babies and I want to be his Queen!” A demon girl said pouting.
“Get in line sister, we all want to have millions of his children and be his Queen, but as long as Akira is around and he´s soul awake, he´ll never look at us the same way he did before when he was soul asleep and couldn´t remember Akira!” The demon girl said.
“Then all we have to do is make him forget again right and put him back to soul asleep? Dark magic should do the trick, it worked before!” Another demon girl said.
“Desperate times, desperate measures and we are desperate girls and thirsty for his love, his body, his everything!” A demon girl said as they smiled and laughed and plotted and planned to take down Cazuki, but sitting on a ceiling beam, Munin, the white raven was recording everything and then flew off. 
In the outside battle arena that was the size of a football stadium, it was filled with over 200 000 demon vampires cheering, shouting, drooling, blood thirsty, being excited to see the Demon King battle and Cazuki stood in the middle of the arena with his two electrical swords, black and green that was behind his back as he was surrounded by the 4 assassin demons with their choice of weapons. 
“I´ll be fair, I won´t use my powers, only my swords!” Cazuki said smiling wanting to battle and channel his dark energies, then he took out his swords and the battle commenced and the assassins were skilled and charged ahead to attack Cazuki and Cazuki defended against them. Within those 12 minutes, Cazuki managed to take out 3 of the demons, disabling their weapons, injuring them as they were on the ground still alive, but wounded, but one of the demon assassins kept protecting them all from Cazuki, the God of Death, and his final attacks that would end their lives and the last few minutes of the battle was between Cazuki and the demon assassin who was trying to protect the other 3. After the 12 minute battle, the last demon assassin was sitting on the ground after losing his weapon and Cazuki´s sword was aiming and swung towards him close to his throat, but time was up and his life was just spared just in time and Cazuki stopped the blade inches away from the demon assassin´s throat. Then Cazuki smiled, put away his sword and reached out his hand to the demon that was on the ground and the demon grabbed his hand and got up, both looking like bloody messes.
“Who would have known I was battling myself and betraying myself and protecting the ones that wanted me dead! Izac, we need to have a talk, but first, let´s wave to our paying customers!” Cazuki said smiling and waving, while Izac looked confused not understanding what Cazuki meant, he was surprised and hesitated, but waved awkwardly to the cheering demons in the arena.
As Zuki walked into the briefing room with his black wings, wanting to get the room ready for the meeting, he stopped, stood still, his eyes widened with surprise and saw someone in front of him sitting in one of the high chairs that looked like a thrown chair at the round table and all he could see was legs crossed and hanging over the arm chair being carefree, white wings and hearing the angel whistle the star wars new hope force theme song, then Zuki smiled.
“Zuki, age ?, star sign Gemini, Educated and Graduated from Heaven University as an exchange student, graduated from Earth H & H and is working at the Hell Academy in Hell, Occupation: Demon Prince, Commander of 700 armies of Hell, God of war, God of Ero Love & True Love, God of Mystery & Imagination, God of Creativity. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union!”
Zuki continued walking towards the angel visitor and leaned over the chair seeing the angel being busy hacking in on one of the monitors.
“You know the penalty for breaking and entering and hacking without permission don´t you?” Zuki said smiling as the angel looked up from the chair looking all childlike and innocent and rebellious and surprised, while drinking from an organic orange juice box through a straw with one hand and the other was tapping away on the digital keyboard, then the angel closed his eyes and grinned a sunny smile lighting up the entire room being happy to see Zuki.
“Aria, age ?, star sign Aquarius, Educated & Graduated from Heaven University and graduated from Earth H & H and is working at the Heaven Academy, Occupation: Angel, God of Life, God of True Love, God of Happiness, God of Mystery & Imagination, God of Creativity. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union!”
Zuki´s heart warmed up with such powerful light beaming from the angel´s smile and his heart was pounding fast, but then he turned off the monitor, so the Angel couldn´t continue hacking in anymore.
“Angel versus Demon battle right? I´ll make time for it in my busy schedule!” Aria said smiling as he pulled forth his Universe tab and tried to find a time for it.
“Hmm! I´m quite busy, how does 3 weeks from now sound?” Aria said looking and tapping away at the Universe tab.
“As always, you´re as cheeky as ever Aria!” Zuki said leaning against the table, arms crossed and standing next to Aria.
“Yeah, but that´s one of the many millions of things you love about me your soul wife, right?” Aria said smiling. Then Zuki leaned towards Aria being close to his face, resting his forehead against Aria´s.
“True! Aria your smile is blindingly bright!” Zuki said.
“Your smile lights me up Aria and shines away the darkness that torments me in my soul! Keep smiling for me!” Zuki thought.
“That´s what happens when one is reborn as animal angels, then sacrificed, we carry the most godly light within us! We shine like powerful suns in our souls!” Aria said smiling, then Zuki kissed Aria passionately and lifted him up from the chair bridal carrying him and placed him on the table, used his powers to close the doors locking it and Aria´s legs wrapped around Zuki and Zuki was holding Aria´s face in his hands and they were embracing and kissing like they hadn´t seen each other for life times. 
“Do you know what will happen if they find out you´re here? They´ll tear you to pieces! How can you be so reckless, rebellious and carefree! You´re driving me crazy Aria! You need to be taught a lesson so you understand the seriousness of it!” Zuki said being serious as he pulled down Aria´s top aggressively kissing and biting Aria´s shoulder, then pushed Aria down on the table, holding Aria´s wrists behind Aria´s head with one hand, lifting up Aria´s top with the other and kissing, licking, biting Aria on his chest, sucking Aria´s nipple and feeling him up as Aria´s body trembled in excitement.
“I missed you too! Fill me up Zuki, teach me until you can teach no more!” Aria said licking Zuki´s arm and biting it that was holding Aria´s wrists down and Aria´s words and actions shocked Zuki, getting him more excited, more turned on and his beast mode was completely off the charts.
“When did you become such a naughty Angel student?” Zuki said smiling devilishly.
“I blame your private teachings, I just keep progressing and passing all my exams! Teach me more Senpai!” Aria said smiling, panting, feeling flustered and both their hearts were racing and their bodies trembled and Zuki kept getting more turned on by Aria.
“My rebel Angel, you asked for it! I´m not holding back, not even when you ask or beg me to stop! The class ends when I say it ends!” Zuki said being controlling, aggressive and demon beast like, feeling out of control and wanting to make a mess of Aria. He was smiling, panting too, feeling hot and heavy, as he wildly and passionately “devoured” Aria, connecting their hearts, souls, minds, energies and bodies into One once again.
Standing outside on the balcony, Cazuki looked out towards the land he was in control over after taking the crown from the previous demon king long ago that wanted to keep hell on Earth the same. Munin, a white raven landed beside him reporting everything. Cazuki smirked.
“They never learn! The level of stupidity keeps increasing the more greedy & destructive the children become!” Cazuki said.
“That´s what happens when no one teaches them how to wake up in their souls, so they remain the same, doing the same mistakes over and over, never learning, but repeating history!” Ukia said walking out on the balcony standing by Cazuki´s side, being third in command.
“Ukia, age ?, star sign Gemini, Educated and Graduated from Heaven University as an exchange student, graduated from Earth H & H and is working at the Hell Academy in Hell, Occupation: Demon Prince, Commander of 300 armies of Hell, God of War, God of Ero Love & True Love, God of Wisdom, God of Reincarnation, God of Romance. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & ?!”
“Ukia! Long time no see brother!” Cazuki said smiling.
“What are you going to do about them?” Ukia said.
“Hugin & Munin will report everything to me about them on Earth and in Hell and if they actually target me again or Akira, then they should be prepared to battle me in the arena!” Cazuki said.
“Brutal and that´s the side of you they always underestimate, if they knew your dark like I know you, they would never target you or Akira again in any life!” Ukia said.
“They listen more to their corrupted minds than their souls, so is there any wonder they keep replaying the same hell games they always play!” Cazuki said.
“Have you greeted Zai and Zac yet? You´re their favourite brother out of us five after all!” Ukia said talking about their youngest twin brothers.
“No I haven´t and I´m surprised! They´re always there in the healing room when I come back from Earth. Where are they?” Cazuk said.
“Hmm! I guess they haven´t come back from their mission yet! I thought they would have been done by now! Anyway, are you planning on staying long this time around?” Ukia said.
“No! I´ll be leaving again after the mission briefing!” Cazuki said.
“Akira, will he go back too do you think?” Ukia said.
“I know he will! He´s not a quitter and we haven´t finished the game yet!” Cazuki said.
“Do you really think that´s the only reason he´ll go back?” Ukia said smiling and Cazuki smiled knowing Akira wants union just as much as Cazuki, both being extremely thirsty for each other when being separated and kept from each other in every life time.
Somewhere in Heaven...
In the mission briefing room sitting at the round table, every angel that was sitting at the table was in charge over and leading their own angel defender rebel groups on Earth.
“Sorry I´m late!” Akira said walking in being the last as usual.
“Akira, we´d be surprised if you ever come on time, you´re always late, even in human form!” Rai said looking serious and liked it always to be in order.
“Hehehe!” Aria giggled.
“What´s funny?” Ai said.
“He always reminds me of a tortoise!” Aria said. 
“Where´s Azusa?” Ai said looking at Kia.
“Still on mission with Asuka, Akio, Yuuki & Zuke!” Kia said.
“Our ninja angel spy source confirms that the Demon King is tending to the matter of the assassin attack on you both and we have word that he plans to return back to Earth today.” Rai said.
“My butt and hip hurts! He did keep his word, he didn´t hold back his teachings at all and repeated the lesson until we finally had to stop because the meeting had to begin! Zuki you demon beast! My butt needs a vacation!” Aria thought leaning his head and arms over the table.
“You look exhausted Aria, was it that hard to get the information?” Rika said when she saw him looking tired, looking like he was in pain and his arms and head was resting on the table, his eyes were closed, but he was smiling feeling happy and blissful when thinking back to making love again with his soul husband Zuki, but the angels sitting at the table couldn´t see that he was smiling being happy, then his eyes widened with surprise when he heard Rika and sat up.
“I have to battle in 3 weeks since I got caught, but I won´t tell them that!” Aria thought.
“It was a painfully hard challenge to be sure!” Aria said smiling and scratching his head, looking all innocent and pure.
“He totally did it with Zuki!” Akira thought when looking at Aria.
“He´s so easy to read, he so did it with that demon beast!” Kira thought. 
“Aria, your pheromones deceive you and the smell is extreme! You totally did it with that Demon Prince!” Kia thought when he sat next to Aria and being able to smell the soul love and ero love smell emanating from Aria.
“No wonder he wants to go spying everyday! I miss my Twin Soul husband Zac!” Rai thought. 
“Maybe we should stop sending angel spies if it´s too painfully difficult, we should send the usual bots instead!” Rika thought feeling concerned and caring, not understanding or being able to read the air surrounding Aria.  
“Rika, how can you not see Aria is glowing and beaming! Is Rika still a virgin and hasen´t met her Twin Soul Adam yet! Hmm!” Ai thought then smiled looking mischievous.
“Akira, the status of Earth is still in danger and there is just not enough angels working at the front lines when most of them are working behind the lines when being reborn as animal angels. The demons outnumber us in human form, so what I´m saying is, we are short on rebel angels!” Ai said looking at the monitor in front of her. 
“Of course they outnumber us, they´re obsessed with breeding, especially with souls they don´t belong with when they target Twin Soul unions to be with one of them! Then they continue keeping hell on Earth the same and teaching that to the children that come out of their stargates and they can even corrupt angel humans, teaching them to keep hell on Earth the same! It´s an ongoing problem that never gets solved when so many are still soul asleep! The more they breed souls that remain asleep, the more animal angels are sacrificed and the more souls are tortured! Is there any wonder Earth has fallen to become D-class, the lowest ranking, being called a slaughter factory planet in the Galaxy!” Kia said angrily looking at the screen in front of him seeing the counter ticking away of human lives being born every day and the counter ticking away showing Twin Soul unions being torn apart and targeted everyday and the counter ticking away revealing the number of deaths on Earth everyday that included the deaths of animal angels and humans every second in the world.
Akira had his hand to his face and his elbow on the table while going over all the prayers and wishes from souls on Earth on his digital screen in front of him and giving commands to help them out. A lot of sadness and fear pouring in through the signal channels between both worlds.
“Clones!” Akira said.
“Huh?” Aria said.
“Eeh?” Rai said.
“Eto...is he joking?” Rika said.
“Ano sa, I know nothing´s changed in thousands of years on Earth, but is this really the only way?” Ai said.
“He´s finally gone crazy! Kira, say something to bring him back to sanity!” Kia said.
“You can´t be serious! There has to be another way!” Kira said out loud angrily.
“Have my soul and any souls volunteering to be cloned to be reborn as animal angels, then those who were assigned to come back as animal angels, redirect them to be reborn in human form.” Akira said then kept swiping on the screen looking at the numbers of angels and demons on Earth and the serious damaging status of Earth and life on Earth and soul torments on Earth. Akira let out a sigh seeing the horrors of the numbers right in front of him.
“Akira! That´s too many for souls to handle, the soul pains and sufferings alone transfers, you know that!” Aria said.
“If any of you have any better ideas, then by all means speak up! We also have to change strategies! “The Earth: Heaven or Hell?” app I created is only the beginning, but what we need to do now is start a company and organisation called Heaven & Hell, joining forces and recruit both angels and demons, herbivores and carnivores all around the world working together who wish to help save the world from destruction and who wish for the wars to finally end. The first ever collaborated organisation and business between Heaven & Hell! Good idea right?” Akira said smiling turning the screen towards everyone showing them the blueprint and he smiled looking hopeful about his new idea.
“Will that even work?” Kia said.
“He´s a genius!” Ai said.
“Does that mean working together with the Demon King?” Rai said.
“Yupp!” Akira said smiling.
“That´s one way to see and work with him everyday! Akira you´re so stubborn! He would never come out and say that he wants to see Cazuki everyday, so he finds ways to express it with actions instead of words! Why must you always choose the long way round Akira?” Aria said in a low voice talking to himself and smiled.
“I´ve even come up with an organisation motto, “Make Love Not War!”. If everyone would be making love a lot, they wouldn´t go to war at all, not waring with souls, True Loves, animals, children, people, life, environment or the planet, because they would be so filled with soul love and ero love that war would not even enter their minds at all, but only wanting to make love everyday and maybe even several times a day and their heaven between them would create heaven beyond them. It´s our mission to unite angels and demons together and this is why heaven & hell should be joining forces to change it all!” Akira said smiling.
“He´s bringing back the 60´s! Oh God!” Rai said placing his hand on his face.
“No that´s not it, he´s talking about Heavenly soul love, a spiritual soul bond and connection between two halves of a soul becoming One, uniting True Loves together! It´s not about having many sex partners, but he´s talking about being with One partner, soul husband and soul wife, Adam and Eve, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine!” Aria said.
“Why didn´t he just say that then!” Rai said feeling relieved.
“As expected of the Aquarius Age, Akira really is wacky, crazy and funny! Who would of thought of bringing Heaven and Hell out in the open like that and placing everyone in the spotlight, revealing them to be either angel humans or demon humans. This is gonna be interesting!” Ai said.
Walking down a hallway, Rika was holding several books that looked heavy to carry and was ambushed by Ai who startled Rika when Ai came up beside Rika out of nowhere.
“Hey Rika, that looks heavy, I´ll give you a hand!” Ai said smiling.
“Ai, age ?, star sign Aquarius, Educated & Graduated from Heaven University and graduated from Earth H & H and is working at the Heaven Academy, Occupation: Angel, God of Life, God of True Love & Ero Love, God of Romance, God of Uniting Twin Souls, God of Reincarnation, God of Sacred Body Temple & Sacred Birth. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & ?!”
“Arigatou Ai!” Rika said as they halved the books each and continued walking down the busy bustling Academy hallway.
“Rika, age ?, star sign ?, Educated & Graduated from Heaven University and graduated from Earth H & H and is working at the Heaven Academy, Occupation: Angel, God of Life, God of True Love, God of Magic & Science. Currently studying to become God of Romance. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single!”
“Ne Rika, your sacred temple is still intact right and you haven´t met your Twin Soul yet?” Ai said smiling and Rika blushed.
“Eeh...ano...is it that obvious?” Rika said looking embarrassed, shy and nervous.
“Hehehe! Don´t worry about it, I mean, our souls aren´t virgins, it´s only our bodies every time we reincarnate, so technically, we´re not really virgins at all when we have the soul wisdom and knowledge of being intimate many times, in many life times, it´s just our new minds are not always permitted or allowed to know about it. Although, I´m still bringing that up at the Heaven Committee Conference to change all that and allow everyone the opportunity to remember everything if they want.” Ai said.
“I suppose there are those that wish to know and you´re right, it should be a choice!” Rika said.
“I know right! Anyway, I had an idea at the briefing meeting! How about we organise a Heaven & Hell ball? It could even be connected to the unveiling of the new company Heaven & Hell. This way you might meet your Twin Soul! Good idea right?” Ai said looking excited and loving to help souls meet their fated red string of fate Twin Soul partners.
“As expected of God of Romance & Twin Souls! Even your name Ai is all about love!” Rika said and Ai smiled happily.
“I just feel happy when souls meant to be, two halves of one soul come into union! It fills me up with so much joy and happiness! Now I kind of miss the days when I worked at the shrine granting wishes, but my work at Heaven Academy has been taking up all my time. We might have to have the ball on Earth thou. Demons can´t come to Heaven unless they have been exchange students here, so that´s not fair on the rest and we´re not welcome in Hell, so Earth is like a middle ground between both worlds! Hmm...where on Earth thou should we have it?” Ai said being in thinking mode. 
“How about somewhere there is a lot of blossom cherry trees? It´s the tree of love and hearts!” Rika said.
“That´s perfect! You´re quite the romantic yourself Rika!” Ai said smiling.
“I´m studying to become a God of Romance!” Rika said.
“Well then I suggest also including manga and anime in your studies! It´s the fastest way to download information from soul messages and life codes! I´ll send you a list of my all time favourites!” Ai said smiling.
“Arigatou!” Rika said.
“I´m happy to help!” Ai said smiling.
“Ne, Ai!” Rika said.
“Hmm?” Ai said.
“Now that Akira is fully awake, when he goes back, will they come into union finally?” Rika said being curious.
“Hmm! Hard to say! Akira´s always been the extreme runner for various reasons. Even thou he wants union just as much as Cazuki, but I still don´t think it will be that easy for them until they finally get union. They´re also both stubborn, but thankfully Cazuki is the most aggressive, possessive and dominant Demon Beast Twin Soul Adam that I know of, so he will never back down, no matter what happens.” Ai said.
“Maybe the H & H ball could be good for them too!” Rika said smiling.
“Hahahaha! Look at you playing Twin Soul cupid, but you know, maybe we could help them out by creating romantic situations between them since I know they are always busy with work and the ball is just the beginning! Mwahahahaha!” Ai said laughing a mischievous laugh.
“What in Heaven´s name was that?” Rika said.
“That was my mischievous laugh! You should try it!” Ai said.
“Mwahahahaha!” Rika said with a low mousy monotone voice and blushing.
“Hmm! Try raising your voice more like this and putting feeling into it. MWAHAHAHAHA!” Ai said smile laughing startling Rika with the loud voice.
“Mwahahahaha!” Rika said raising her voice a little, but still lacked any feeling and still blushing being embarrassed when seeing everyone was staring at them.
“Eeeh that´s better, but needs more power and feeling!” Ai said.
“Mwhahahaha!” Rika said as they continued walking down the hallway together while heads turned seeing the strange interaction between the two.
In the healing room, lying on the healing bed on his stomach, Aria was naked, but with a cloth draped over his butt and Ai was examining him while Aria was holding on to the pillow tightly and his mouth was biting it muffling the pain noise as Ai was examining his butt hole, then used a healing device to heal it. Aria let out pain noises.
“As I suspected, you have a slight tear inside, but I´ve repaired it now!” Ai said.
“Huh?! A tear!” Aria said looking at Ai with fear, worry and tears forming in his eyes when feeling the pain and then he felt sick, grabbed the vomit bucket by the healing bed and started vomiting.
“I said I fixed it! Aria are you ok?” Ai said looking concerned.
“The thought of any cuts, tears or wounds inside my body makes me queazy!” Aria said wiping his mouth and his body nervously trembled.
“Well you know how I feel about protecting your sacred body, you´ll end up not being able to use it if you don´t take better care, but you´ve always been so careful before, what happened? Didn´t you guys prepare and were well equipped before you both connected?” Ai said.
“I think me turning him up more combined with not being properly prepped lead to this! I have no one to blame except myself!” Aria thought.
“Ai, when I´m assigned to spy everyday, that´s the mission and it never occurs to me that I´ll meet Zuki like that and I only see him from a safe distance, but every time we end up both being surprised when we do bump into each other, it´s almost like it´s written in the stars for us to keep meeting like that, but there is no way I´m going to prep myself or carry around and be equipped in case I do bump into him.” Aria said.
“Why not?” Ai said.
“I´ll just be disappointed if I don´t bump into him and end up being sad and I don´t want to be more sad. I´m the God of Happiness, but not being able to be together full time, but only for a few hours or less or not at all everyday is not enough. I put a smile on my face and try to be happy when I focus on the positives, but on the inside of my soul I´m screaming tears! I´m not happy and now my butt is not happy!” Aria said with tears streaming down his face.
“You´re leaking! You´ll dehydrate if you don´t drink enough!” Ai said giving Aria water and then patting Aria on the head, stroking the head. 
“What are you doing?” Aria said looking confused.
“This is how I show care! Why what´s wrong?” Ai said.
“You´re petting me like a dog!” Aria said and Ai smiled.
“Gomenasai, but I´m not good with close human contact like that ever since my time being reborn as animal angels then sacrificed. Those soul memories has created a permanent wall between me and human physical contact. I can only be close with animal angels, machines and my Twin Soul, but you kind of do remind me of a cute dog, God!” Ai said smiling and still patting Aria´s head.
“That´s really sad Ai, but understandable!” Aria thought.
“Aria, you´re too stubborn and don´t be baka, you need to look after your sacred body. Make sure you prepare yourself and be equipped properly, because you know the anus was never meant to be...!” Ai said.
“I know, I know!” Aria said not wanting to be reminded of the tear again which would make him vomit again.
“Although, humans were designed with pleasure zones in the anus, but still, be more careful, responsible and prepared!” Ai said.
“What do I do? Do I avoid Zuki until we can have full union? The brief time together are like heavenly drops of happiness and bliss, it gets me through the day, fills me up with hope that we will one day be together all the time, but at the same time, my heart and soul cries deep inside being separated from him, worlds apart literally and all I want is for us to be together. We never talk about it, since it´s too painful and the last time we did, we ended up battling each other, taking our anger out on one another for being in this situation, where he´s in Hell and I´m in Heaven. A few hours is not enough, it´s never enough and I know we both have work to do, but I want all of him, I want to be greedy and selfish and have him all to myself and see him everyday and night, but I can´t, so I run?!” Aria thought thinking back to what Zuki said angrily when they were battling with their electrical light swords in the arena in Hell when Aria got caught again spying and when their swords slammed against each other, Zuki let out his anger in his words too.
“Why is it all or nothing with you?! Why can´t we just enjoy these moments when we are together until we are no longer stuck in this fucking situation being worlds apart and on opposite sides and we can finally be One forever!” Zuki said angrily at Aria who was angrily too standing his ground as they equally were matched in their fighting defences and couldn´t defeat each other. The demon crowds shouted and cheered and chanted wanting Zuki to kill the Angel. The demons were out for blood and they wanted Aria dead. 
Then back to the healing room Aria started crying again.
“Aria, you´re ass is leaking too!” Ai said as Aria started leaking semen out of his butt hole.
“Hwaaaaaa! Now my ass is crying too! Quick, stick it back in! I miss him and I want him to stay inside of me!” Aria said in between tears and Ai looked at him with an unsettling shocking look, then Ai let out a sigh understanding Aria´s feelings.
“That´s gross Aria, I don´t do that kind of healing service! You need to clean up or you´ll get stomach cramps!” Ai said handing Aria tissues as Aria sat up and grabbed the tissues.
“I think I´m going to assign someone else for the spy missions!” Aria said.
“If you´re worried about another tear, just prep yourselves, be responsible and take care of your sacred bodies! There are other extreme ways to prep without carrying around any helpful fluids.” Ai said.
“Like what?” Aria said looking angelic and pure.
“Your own fluids or his!” Ai said smiling.
“Hwaaah! Is she serious?! Hmm! Would that be something he´s into or wouldn´t mind? What am I saying, this is Zuki I´m talking about, he´s a dark demon beast and so far he´s been teaching me so much dirty, naughty and erotic love that I end up wanting it everyday and several times a day with him!” Aria thought.
“Heh! That is extreme and dirty, but it´s not just about the fear of tearing again! Ai, I miss him, but our short time together, even thou it brings me so much happiness and joy and love, but every time we part ways, when we have to say our goodbyes everyday, I feel like I die a little inside and my heart breaks and my soul cries. It´s like we end up at the airport everyday, we kiss, our eyes fill up with tears, but we both fight it and refuse to cry, we embrace tightly, holding each other not wanting to let go, saying our goodbyes again, not knowing when we´ll see each other again and then when I fly off back to Heaven, my tears fall down to Hell, leaving a sparkly rain shower that covers the land as it rains and it pours. I mean, it literally rains every time I leave him, but I can´t help it. Inside my soul I have an ocean of endless tears when being separated from him!” Aria said and Ai whacked him over the head with a rolled up Heaven Health News Magazine.
“Oi! What´s that for?!” Aria said holding his head.
“Baka! Take a look at where you are and where Zuki is! Don´t you think him seeing you, even if it´s only for a few hours, brings him light & Heaven into his darkness that keeps being filled up by them in his soul when he´s in Hell? You are saving him, even if it´s only a moment and you are both working towards being able to be together full time! How about work faster so you both can finally be together in full union!” Ai said and Aria looked surprised.
“You´re right, thanks Ai! You´ve given me a lot to think about!” Aria said.
“Happy to help! Now, can you please go clean up! You´re leaking again and making a mess everywhere!” Ai said smiling trying to be polite, but having to clean up Aria´s mess on the healing bed and looking slightly angry with a happy face.
“Eeeh! So that´s what her angry happy face looks like! Interesting! I´ve never seen Ai like that before!” Aria thought then smiled.
“Hai, Hai!” Aria said as he got off the table and walked to the showers as his angel wings appeared on his back. Ai leaned up against the bed, arms crossed and lost in thought.
“Make sure you always clean yourself completely right after connecting!” Ai said as Aria waved his hand up in the air when he continued to walk out of the room signalling yes he will.
“Geez! It´s basic common sense to clean yourself right after!” Ai said then a digital screen appeared in front of her alerting her of a message.
“Hmm?” Ai said and then opened up the message to read it.
“Time left until the termination of all humans on Earth and the planet will then become an AZ class planet!” The message read showing the time left and the clock ticking down to the end of humanity and Ai´s eyes widened with soul shock and she ran out of the room in panic.
Standing on the balcony overlooking the blue sky, surrounded by clouds and flying ships and robots everywhere, Akira was lost in thought and closed his eyes, then had a flashback memory of seeing Cazuki call him on the phone in the park and then the gunshot wound to Akira´s head happened and hearing Cazuki shout out his name before Akira´s avatar death and Akira then ended up in a deeper level in Hell to be sacrificed and he was standing on a edge underground surrounded by hungry, blood thirsty demons down below in Hell. Akira wearing all white, angel wings, arms stretched out like a cross, then on Earth a lamb was cornered in a slaughter factory surrounded by demon humans wanting to slaughter the lamb and when Akira fell down below and the demons grabbed Akira wanting to tear his flesh apart over and over, the lamb too was killed and his flesh was torn to pieces, packaged, shipped, stocked in a Hell grocery shop on Earth, then the flesh picked up from the shelf by a soul asleep (demon or angel) human and placed in their shopping cart, then at home the human cooks the meat, makes a meal, sits at the table feeding their family, smiling, being all happy and eating the flesh of angels. Then Akira came back to life and was standing again on the edge in Hell with tears streaming down his face, ready to be sacrificed again by the demons in Hell and the soul asleep humans on Earth, but this time after many times, a loud thunderous noise occurred from above as falling debris fell down and rattled the hungry demons that looked upwards looking fearful, an opening that shined light in from above appeared and a dark figure with black wings showed up, wearing a black face mask covering his mouth and one eye, looking like a demon ninja, dressed in disguise hiding his identity and rescuing his Twin Soul wife Akira from being a forever sacrifice. Cazuki´s flowing dark hair and dark clothes danced in the air as he flew down and caught Akira´s hand when Akira willingly fell again towards the hungry blood thirsty demons to be ripped apart over and over. Cazuki pulled Akira towards him, embracing him, holding him in his arms tightly and fly hovering in Hell. On Earth, several trucks pulled up at a farm, and the volunteers helped the rescued animal angels like sheep, lambs, cows, calves, chickens, chicks, ducks, geese, turkeys, pigs, rabbits, dogs, cats and horses off the trucks welcoming them to their new home at Farm Sanctuary. Back in Hell, Cazuki still fly hovering with Akira, then he pulled his mouth mask down and kissed Akira passionately which lead to them igniting light & Heaven within them and beamed light & Heaven beyond them covering the entire Hell section they were in and the light impacted the bodies of the demons and their human form on Earth started to change and they became soul awake which resulted in several demon humans when in grocery shops, restaurants, at home, at school, at work, out on the street and they chose to buy, order, make & eat vegan foods instead.
“I found you again my love! It´s time to go home Akira!” Cazuki said as he placed his mouth mask back on, then he flew up with Akira and flew out towards the light above and they both left the deeper parts of Hell.
Then Akira suddenly opened his eyes standing on the balcony and a white raven came flying to him, landed next to him and gave him a message and Akira smiled then he took out the daisy flower that was in his front pocket and gave it to the raven, then the raven flew off back down to Hell.
“You´re staying right, you´re not leaving us again?” Rai said as he walked out and stood next to Akira.
“I´m going back! It´s not over yet and they need all the help they can get!” Akira said.
“That´s not the only reason is it! You´re going back for him!” Rai said.
“I´ve lost count how many life times and years we have been separated between worlds and when we were in the same world, but every time my heart and soul calls to him and I can never forget him and I don´t ever want to! He´s my soul husband Rai and I´m not leaving him in the dark!” Akira said, then Ai came running out panting and being out of breath as Rai and Akira turned around to face her.
“Akira, we have a major crisis on our hands and a star class ship has appeared from the planet Aay and he´s on his way here and...” Ai said looking nervous, then a tall, dark haired figure was looming over Ai and she turned her head and looked up.
“I´m already here!” He said smiling.
“Z!” Akira said looking shocked and surprised.
“Akira, I haven´t seen you since you arrived on Earth! I missed you!” Z said smiling like a sparkly gentleman, but with a look that read he was up to something, then Akira looked serious and angry.
Somewhere on Earth...
Cazuki´s eyes suddenly opened while he was still lying on the floor in his office and he sat up, touched his head and blood was on his hand, but the wound was healed and the bullet had gone through and hit the wall behind him which he noticed. In his other hand he held on to the daisy that he got from Akira. In his bathroom in his office he dried himself off on his head after washing the blood off, he had changed his suit, the daisy was in his front pocket, then he went out of the bathroom and walked over to his desk picking up some documents and his office door knocked.
“Come in!” Cazuki said and both doors opened up by itself as a gust of wind blew in and Akira was standing there looking right at Cazuki as Cazuki leaned against his desk, hands in his pocket and smiled.
“Yo!” Cazuki said smiling.
“Peace!” Akira said smiling while flashing the peace sign, sucking on a organic, vegan, apple, medicinal, herbal, fruity, mariju lollypop and holding Zax´s leash that was attached to Zax´s vest.
Scene end...
27 March, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 7
In a spaceship orbiting Earth, Akira, being in his original form, a female body, a Devine Feminine, an Eve, stands on a platform and in front of her she´s surrounded by wall to floor space windows and seeing the planet Earth up close. Robots, humanoids and machines were busy working behind Akira, then Cazuki, a Divine Masculine, an Adam, came in and stood next to her.
“She´s beautiful!” Akira said seeing the blue, green planet.
“Beauty can be deceiving, don´t be fooled Akira! The planet is nothing more than another slaughter planet. The hellish signal we picked up reveals they torture and kill lives to no end and can be compared to destroying 15 planets every year! They´re fucking out of control!” Cazuki said angrily looking at the Universe digital tab, seeing the virtual Earth and every life that shows up connected to the planet. Silent tears started to stream down Akira´s face when she was looking at Earth and Cazuki´s eyes widened with surprise, then he grabbed her in his arms, started to drink and lick her tears away, wanting to embrace her sadness, wanting to share her soul pain when he could not express the soul pains himself that she was going through. This way it was like, they were One, when her tears ended up inside him and he felt closer to her, as he kissed & drank her pain away.
“Are you still sure about this? Earth is not an easy mission!” Cazuki said.
“Cazuki, the resistance asked us because it´s not an easy mission! We are their last hope! Besides, billions of them have already been tested with the SW program and the majority want the wars to end, they want to join the rebellion themselves and they want that Universe connection with their other half, their True Love too! All that´s needed is to open their eyes, hearts, minds and souls and our mission is complete!” Akira said, then Cazuki looked at the Universe digital tab again.
“We have many play through strategy options, but the one that´s most effective is if we´re on opposite sides, light and dark against each other to then finally form union and balance. The world will think we´re enemies and since there are more souls the are asleep, more souls on the dark side, they´ll be coming for you and sacrifice you to no end!” Cazuki said.
“I´m not the only one, just because we are sacrificed in different ways, doesn´t mean your sacrifice is any less destructive! The soul tortures you´ll be going through will be extreme, so we better make sure we don´t lose! All life depends on it, your life depends on it!” Akira said.
“Akira, without you, my reason for existing in this Universe comes to an end! You are my Universe and I´m your Universe, we are One, two halves of the same soul, my Twin Soul, my equal partner, my soul wife, the One I wish to be with in every life, so don´t you dare go thinking that your life doesn´t matter, to me your life is all that matters! Never forget that! You´re the air I breath, the sun that warms me up with your smile and laugh, the ocean love I dive into and the Universe that I forever explore and seek out. I love you Akira! My love for you is infinite and beyond it all!” Cazuki said as they embraced and kissed passionately in front of Earth.
Then suddenly Akira woke up lying on the grass under a blossom cherry tree in the park in the middle of the day and his eyes were shocked and he sat up with his hand on his face.
“Tch! These dreams are out of control crazy! Now I´m dreaming I´m a woman and I´m in a relationship with Cazuki! What the fuck!” Akira said then suddenly blushed, having his fist up against his mouth, feeling surprised, flustered, confused, overthinking when having a flashback to the dream and thinking about that dream kiss with Cazuki. Then Akira shook his head, slapped his cheeks to snap him out of that rabbit hole he fell into, putting up walls again.
“Oi, oi, oi! Snap out of it, wake up, come back to reality! It was just a messed up dream! Focus! I´ve got work to do!” Akira said, then he started to observe life all around him. Feeling calm, at peace whenever he was out in nature connecting to the Earth as he sat next to Zax and Aemi was sitting on one of the blossom cherry tree branches being in protection mode looking out of Zax and Akira. As joggers, families, school kids, elderlies walked by Akira.
“So many are just living their lives as always Zax, playing the same hell game that keeps them asleep, imprisoned, ignorant, dumbed down and distracted with earthly pleasures, but the world won´t change if they won´t wake up! SW? What is that? Billions have been tested already? What does that even mean?” Akira said trying to connect the dots and then his eyes widened with surprise.
“Soka! Star Wars!” Akira said.
“Pfft! Hahahahahaha! Now I get it! If everyone had the power to push a button and destroy an actual planet, would they really do it and become like snoke? Ah man, that program really does reveal more about a person than many realise! If a person, an animal or any life is like a planet, a star, a universe being, then destroying that planet is like they are choosing the snoke path, especially if they are a part of ending lives of millions and billions every year. Eating animals equals being like snoke! I wonder how many souls will wake up realising that fact! This needs to be included in E.H.H.” Akira thought taking out his phone to message Cazuki.
“Hang on, there´s more, snoke was against the Twin Soul union between Kylo and Rey. The other war, the hidden war against True Love in the world. If anyone wants to target and break up Twin Soul unions so they could be with one of them, they are choosing to be like snoke! They are choosing to keep hell on Earth the same! Hmm! To join the *Heaven rebellion, anyone who wanted the One meant for them, their own Twin Soul or anyone who just wanted wars to end, would vote, would mention on their profile what side they are on and help the resistance if they choose *Heaven! In the end, what most people want is happiness in their lives, True Love in their lives, but that won´t ever happen if the world finally comes to an end! I wonder if Cazuki will meet his Twin Soul soon! If that happens, I´ll have no choice but to step back and disappear! I know that Twin Souls once connected, they can´t be without each other and are always together, that´s how powerful and strong their union soul bond is and I have no intention of letting another person into my life except one and if Cazuki met her or him, there will be no more room for me in his life. For his sake thou, I hope he´s proactive and meets his True Love soon, his extreme touchy feely desires and being impatient are getting more troublesome! The soul love teachings doesn´t seem to be getting through to him! Do I suck at teaching or something?” Akira thought feeling gloom and not getting a break from Cazuki´s physical out of control horny advances when thinking back to flashback memories of Cazuki coming on to him like suddenly hugging him out of nowhere, Cazuki wanting to take a bath together when they hadn´t bathed in days when working on their manga series which Akira refused, suddenly ambushing Akira pinning him down to the floor, slamming his fist against the door towering over Akira not letting him leave and being close to his face, leaning his forehead against Akira´s looking deeply into Akira´s eyes, play fighting between them when Akira was trying to get his freedom, but managed to run away, wanting to take the ferris wheel together at a theme park as part of their manga series they were creating when both were passionate about their work and would act out scenes, but then Cazuki tried getting frisky being in beast demon mode and Akira had to defend himself again, going out for dinner at one of Akira´s creations, Heaven On Earth Restaurant that was a chain of vegan, organic restaurants/bars, a bar that opened at night serving different kinds of Mariju drinks, but Akira transferred the ownership to a chosen one that would direct any major profits to further help out the world, but even there, Cazuki got all touchy feely when Akira tried going to the bathroom alone, but got ambushed by Cazuki and that was the last time they went out to dinner together.
(*Heaven is described as having a Universe connection with the One meant for you, the other half of your soul, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, dark and light, soul love, spiritual love, heavenly love, body ero love, mind and energy love, uniting as One that leads to *Heaven in your mind, heart, body and soul. True Love between two souls that is out of this world and which many souls that keep remaining asleep will be jealous of and will wish to tear them down, who wish to target them, break them up, control them, manipulate them and even be with one of them for their own satisfaction, agendas, selfish desires and pleasures. When Twin Souls unite finally together, *Heaven between them creates *Heaven beyond them. *Heaven can also be described for example when life is respected, treated like it´s sacred, a gift. When animal angels for example are used, abused, slaughtered or when life growing inside a womb is slaughtered, that leads to hell on Earth, not peace, not balance, but wars against life!)
“Cazuki lives his heart on his sleeve, he craves human contact always and I can understand that and that´s probably why I end up always forgiving him and his uncontrollable outbursts of affection, but if he keeps this up, then one day the One he is meant to be with could cross our paths and end up walking away from him if they believe we are together, especially since Cazuki is the Carnivore of Twin Souls and his Eve will be the Herbivore. Hmm! Do I have to maybe distance myself from him for a while, so that there is an opening for him to meet his One without any complications?” Akira wondered while looking to the sky, but then suddenly Akira saw two swans walking by in front of him with 2 little grey swan babies walking behind.
“Swans! Symbol of Twin Soul unions!” Akira said, then Zax was tapping Akira´s arm with his bamboo stick.
“Hai, hai! I know, I haven´t forgotten, you´re a symbol of Twin Soul unions too!” Akira said smiling and petting Zax the panda cub bear on his head, then Akira´s phone buzzed and got a message from Cazuki.
“Why did I get the feeling just now that you were planning to run from me?” Cazuki wrote with an angry demon king beast emoji attached to the message and Akira trembled in nervous energies.
“What the fuck?! Ok, that´s freaky!” Akira said looking surprised and confused and not knowing what to answer back right away.
Scene end...
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 6
Cazuki woke up in his bed early in the morning and having an erection, placing his arm across his forehead.
“Shit! It was just a dream, well a dream mixed with our past memories from our time together! I know why he goes looking for fights, but I don´t know anything about his past! In the end, when he woke up last night, he refused to stay overnight and went back to his place. He´s so damn stubborn and I really feel like I do need to tie him to the bed! Akira! I want you! I want to know your everything! You mean more to me than anything and I can´t lose you! I´ve thought about so many different ways to reach you, but why can´t I just come right out and say it directly? Is it fear, fear of you running away? Fear of you closing yourself off and ignoring me? Fear of you putting up more walls between us? What´s up with this? When did I become so pathetic that I let fear control my life! This isen´t the real me! The dream version is the real me! Aaaaaah fuck! Get it together! If it comes to it, then I will show him the real me!” Cazuki thought and his phone buzzed and he grabbed it.
“Boss, we caught some new fish and Akira is here!” Ryuusei messaged, then Cazuki heard some noises from his window and saw a wild black raven Hugin sitting on the edge looking right at him and Cazuki smiled.
“What news do you bring this time!” Cazuki said smiling.
In the living area at Cazuki´s home that was a home to many of his *brothers and *sisters, Akira was sitting legs crossed in a lotus position on the floor, sucking on a lollypop and staring right at Cazuki´s family friend, a black, large, mechanical robotic wolf fox who had green eyes and surrounding Akira was Ryuusei and Hisashi, Cazuki´s second and third in command standing and observing the strange interaction between Akira and Zeus. Aemi, the robotic dove was on Akira´s shoulder observing Zeus too and Zax was sitting next to Akira eating his bamboo as usual being carefree.
(*brothers & *sisters are those not related to by blood, but are like family members none the less.)
“He hasen´t said a word in 5 minutes! He really is strange!” Hisashi said.
“Boss did say Akira did have a thing for robots! Maybe he´s communicating with it!” Ryuusei said, then looked at Hisashi and they both smiled and giggled at the ridiculousness of it.
“Zeus! Meet Aphrodite Urania, also known as Aemi!” Akira said and he held out his hand and Zeus placed his mechanical paw on Akira´s hand and Aemi flew and jumped down and landed on Zeus´s paw, unifying their peaceful friendship and bond between machine and life.
“So cool!” Akira said smiling. Then Cazuki walked in wearing his tailored suit and long black coat suit jacket, looking dashing, handsome and full of sex appeal ready for work as Odin, the other black, large mechanical wolf fox walked beside him.
“I see you´ve met Zeus! Have you had breakfast? Why don´t you join me if you haven´t!” Cazuki said as he walked over to Ryuusei and Ryuusei handed him some documents to sign. Akira, still looking like a damaged mess from last night´s battle, wearing his usual free flowing clothes and his favourite blue long jacket coat that had a hood with fluffy animal ears on it and it was fluffy on the inside of the hood. This time he didn´t wear sneakers, but wore combat boots, but even the laces were not tied properly, he basically looked like a chaotic wild mess always, compared to Cazuki who would shift like his Gemini personality, being duel, two faced and he could look smart and in order one moment or look wild beastly and a chaotic mess himself. Being a sparkling, polite, kind gentleman to then being a ruthless, beast like demon saying whatever was on his mind.
“I don´t see him very often all dressed up like that! He looks kinda cool, very badass, but I kind of like his wild messy side too! More down to Earth, more free! Man if anyone knew his other side that I only know about!” Akira thought then thought about the time Akira bought animal onsies for them to wear when they were playing out a scene in Cazuki´s room for their manga series they were creating together. 
“Pfffft! Hehehehe!” Akira said and giggling.
“Hmm!” Cazuki said as the three of them looked at Akira giggling on the floor.
“I´m good!” Akira said holding up his apple flavoured medicinal lollypop.
“Aah man, I really shouldn´t laugh, it still hurts to laugh!” Akira thought.
“That is not food and you´re still not eating properly are you! It´s decided, you´re having breakfast with me!” Cazuki said looking serious and annoyed. 
“I´m not staying, I only came to drop off this!” Akira said taking out some documents out of his bag and placing it on the table.
“Transferring the ownership rights of the E.H.H. app that we talked about, but as you only wanted to accept it if I remained as a silent partner/advisor, it´s now been updated! I´ve also added more ideas and features to be added and I´ll let you know if I come up with anything else.” Akira said. With every creation he came up with, he ended up never owning anything, but giving the rights away to the chosen ones that would keep it alive and thriving. Akira had no wish to play business owners or to own anything. He wanted to be as free as possible and technically he was always poor, because his money went into his creations, then to be given away to the right ones that wanted to take on those challenges further. Cazuki on the other hand, owning over 400 different types of businesses all around the world, was one of the richest people in the country and his power and control reached everywhere. Nara came in and added some more vegan breakfast options on the table and the elderly housekeeper came in with a vintage tea set filled with oolong tea. Akira smelled the tea and walked over to the table. 
“Oolong tea?” Akira said looking surprised that one of his favourite teas was  being served.
“Hai! Cazuki said that you´re half Chinese and we´ve added more options from your country to make you feel at home here! Since Cazuki only had Japanese cuisine before, it was quite refreshing to finally add more options!” Nara said smiling.
“It was actually Cazuki who requested we add it, but I can´t that say! I wonder when these two lovebirds will finally get together already!” Nara thought smiling and poured the tea into a cup and handed it to Akira and he drank it. 
“Technically the Universe is my home, but I do feel a strong connection and bond with China and Japan!” Akira thought.
“Reminds me of home!” Akira said smiling as he drank the tea, then he looked at all the breakfast options, Japanese and Chinese foods in union, then Akira´s stomach growled and he was feeling hungry. Cazuki came up behind him being close, leaning over his shoulder and smirking.
“You know, even your own body is telling you to eat, are you gonna still ignore it? If you´re gonna continue battling, your body needs fuel and the right kind of nutrition to power you up or are you quitting and just abusing your body until you can´t fight anymore!” Cazuki said smiling.
“Tch! I´m not a quitter! Fine whatever, on one condition!” Akira said.
“Heh! Let´s hear it then!” Cazuki said.
Moments later, Akira and Cazuki were eating breakfast together and playing chess and shogi at the same time while eating and drinking. 
“If this is what it takes to get you to eat, we should play more often!” Cazuki said smiling drinking oolong tea from a tea cup.
“Tempting! I do like playing games!” Akira said moving a chess piece.
“Check!” Akira said, then moved a piece on the shogi board.
“Are you still coming over tonight?” Cazuki said.
“As if I´d let my wounds stop me, we still haven´t finished our collaboration yet! That reminds me!” Akira said taking his phone out and changing his status on his E.H.H. profile to “Healing Mode”, so that no one could challenge him to a battle.
“What if you didn´t battle anymore!” Cazuk said.
“Huh?! What crazy talk are you saying now?” Akira said being annoyed drinking his tea.
“What if you just battled me instead? King versus Joker? That would bring in more attention, more viewers, more money and more opportunities for us both!” Cazuki said. The King was the other highest reward one could get if one defeated the King in battle, but so far, no one could defeat Cazuki and no one could defeat Akira.
“If I can get him off the streets, he wouldn´t be targeted so easily by every demon human that´s out to get him!” Cazuki thought and Akira didn´t answer him, but was lost in thinking mode.
“He´s thinking again! I can´t tell if it´s good or bad!” Cazuki thought while Akira was going over in his mind all the pros and cons and trying to see ahead in the future.
“The only path I can see is if I do both!” Akira said.
“Akira...” Cazuki said clenching his teeth and raising his voice.
“However, if I battle you, I won´t be battling on the streets so much and it will cut down on my street battles, but I can´t give that up. The Joker wouldn´t be the Joker if they don´t show themselves to the people and allow anyone to challenge him. If I´m battling in a safe, secure bubble, I wouldn´t be the Joker anymore, but I´d feel more like I´m your Queen being looked after while we battle each other! My mind´s made up, this is how it is!” Akira said.
“He´s so stubborn, defiant and rebels against me at every turn, but at least I got him to cut down on his street battles!” Cazuki thought while letting out a sigh feeling angry.
“Tch!” Cazuki thought.
Standing in his office overlooking the city in his building, hands in his pocket, Cazuki was lost in thought, then Ryuusei came in with two teenagers looking like wild messy delinquents.
“The fish we caught earlier!” Ryuusei said.
“Who the fuck are calling a fish you ass!” Zsubaki said angrily.
“What are your names?” Cazuki said, but they didn´t answer.
“Zsubaki & Ame, age 15, twin brother and sister, orphans, homeless, are on the wanted list for hackers and we caught them when they broke into our robotics division trying to steal the latest protoype design AZ21.” Ryuusei said.
“Heh! So you´re quite gifted then if you both managed to bypass several levels of security, but you both still ended up getting caught in the end. Not very smart!” Cazuki said smiling.
“Temee!” Zsubaki said angrily.
“I take it you were planning to sell it to the highest bidder, but now that we´ve ruined your plans, here´s my counter offer. Join us, work with us and put your skills to better use or go back to the streets and next time, you might not get so lucky and end up in prison instead or dead! The choice is yours!” Cazuki said as Zsubaki was about to say something, but his sister beat him to it.
“We accept your offer!” Ame said.
“Smart move!” Cazuki said smiling leaning against his desk with his hands in his pocket.
“Ame! We can´t trust this guy! He´s the Demon King!” Zsubaki said and Cazuki started laughing.
“That name really gets around doesn´t it, but it can´t be helped. Before you get training and education, tell me, why did you risk your lives to get money that way, what was it all for?” Cazuki said.
“Our older brother is in hospital, but the medical expenses are so high that we are in debt with loan sharks. Our brother can´t leave and has to remain in hospital until they can find a cure for him, if we don´t get the money soon, our lives will be targeted. How much would we get paid working for you?” Ame said.
“Working with me would not be enough to cover the debt in such a short amount of time, so I´ll pay the debt and have your brother transferred to our medical facility where there will no longer be any cost.” Cazuki said.
“Why are you helping us! You obviously have ulterior motives! Ame, there is no way anyone would help anyone without wanting something!” Zsubaki said not trusting anyone.
“I understand how you feel and the dark side in this world does operate like that, but I assure you, I have no intention of betraying you, but if you betray me, than that won´t end so well for you! Trust me or don´t trust me, it´s your choice. Doesn´t matter to me one way or another, but as long as you´re working with me and not against me, then I see no problem! In this world there are teams and depending on what team you´re on will determine the fate and change of this world and our team is like nothing ever seen before, so thank your lucky stars you chose our team!” Cazuki said then looked at Ryuusei.
“Let´s go guys. I´ll have Hisashi give you his famous tour of the place and settle you in!” Ryuusei said, but then Ame turned around facing Cazuki.
“Arigatou!” Ame said, still wanting to have hope in humanity, wanting to trust, wanting to believe that not everyone was just out for themselves, while her brother was the complete opposite and didn´t trust anyone anymore and the only one he trusted was Ame and his older brother. Then they all walked out of Cazuki´s office. Cazuki´s phone buzzed and he looked at it. On his E.H.H. profile, several demon humans were challenging him to a battle and he smiled, because he wanted to unleash and channel his dark energies trapped within him, so he pressed the accept battle button, carnivore versus carnivores.
“Let the games begin!” Cazuki said smiling.
Scene end...
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 5
Lying in a bathtub, Cazuki blushes as he cleans the wound on Akira´s arm, seeing Akira´s naked body Cazuki got excited being turned on, but then Akira wakes up and finds Cazuki cleaning his wound on his arm. Complete silence between them both and no reaction from Akira and Cazuki is surprised.
“I feel like I could make this my bed. Feels so warm, safe, quiet and calming. How long have I been asleep?” Akira said calmly and not even freaking out about the fact that he´s naked and being taken care of by Cazuki so lovingly.
“What, no reaction? Isen´t this the part where you would yell at me or hit me or run off?” Cazuki said as he continued cleaning Akira´s wounds on his chest.
“What am I a girl? We´re both guys, we both have the same bodies and I´m too tired, my body hurts and I´m hungry!” Akira said and Cazuki smiled as he continued taking care of Akira knowing that Akira is a girl in his soul.
“You´ve been asleep for over an hour. Food is ready when you´re done. The doctor patched you up, but this time you´ll need more than a few weeks to recover from the serious wounds.” Cazuki said. 
“I don´t think I can wait that long. I need to get back out there! Geez I sound like an addict, but if my body doesn´t feel pain to distract me, I start to feel a different kind of pain in my soul and that terrifies me!” Akira said not wanting to fall into darkness again not being able to get back out of that dark hole and losing himself, losing his mind and being trapped in a different kind of prison. Akira being so open, letting his defences down surprised Cazuki, especially when Akira always for the most part kept everything locked away, his heavy feelings and thoughts. 
“He´s never this open and direct about his feelings and thoughts like this!” Cazuki thought.
“Cazuki, why don´t I feel much pain?” Akira said.
“Huh?” Cazuki said.
“Why is my body this relaxed and why am I talking like this so easily with you?” Akira wondered.
“Could it be...?” Cazuki thought then Akira grabbed Cazuki´s shirt wanting answers.
“Soka! The doctor gave you some medicinal marijuana since the pain from your wounds would have been extreme!” Cazuki said.
“Cazuki you bastard you drugged me! You should of refused and have my back! Fuck! These pains are not enough to distract me! Kuso!” Akira said then leaned back in the tub panicking.
“Shimatte! What the hell do I do now! How long until these drugs wear off?!” Akira thought feeling nervous and then the very darkness he wanted to avoid, started to enter his mind, bringing fear, doubt, pain, suffering, loneliness, darkness and Akira grabbed his chest first feeling the pains in his heart, then placed his hands on either side of his head, closing his eyes and then started smacking his head, wanting it to stop, the thoughts, the feelings, the heartbreak, the madness and his body started to tremble, shake and be filled with fear and hear so many voices all at once. Cazuki forcefully grabbed Akira´s wrists wanting Akira to stop hurting himself.
“Hey stop that! Don´t ever fucking hurt yourself like that!” Cazuki said angrily, but he saw the look of terror in Akira´s eyes, something he´s never seen before and for the first time since meeting Akira, he saw someone completely open, vulnerable, sensitive, soft, delicate, fragile and Cazuki wanted to wrap his arms around Akira, protecting him from the world, from anyone wanting to harm him ever again. Cazuki didn´t overthink with his mind, but instead he felt with his whole heart and soul which then lead him to surprise kiss passionately Akira on the lips distracting him while still holding Akira´s wrists and Akira was surprised and his mind was distracted. 
“Akira...” Cazuki said looking into Akira´s eyes and feeling the connection between them, but then he got punched by Akira and he fell backwards.
“What the fuck!” Cazuki said out loud angrily holding his nose.
“What do you mean what the fuck? What the hell was that?!” Akira said angrily and got out of the tub, grabbed a towel wrapped it around his waist, kneeled down to Cazuki and flicked his forehead.
“You constantly playing around like this is getting really annoying! If you´re that horny, then go jerk yourself off or get more proactive in wanting that One meant for you!” Akira said, then smiled and got up to leave the room, but before he could leave, Cazuki aggressively and angrily grabbed Akira´s hand and pulled him along into the bedroom.
“Eeh!? Cazuki what are you doing now?! Let go!” Akira said out loud and Cazuki flung Akira on the bed and he pounced Akira holding Akira´s wrists down, not allowing him to escape from his attack.
“What are you...” Akira said clenching his teeth trying to struggle and fight for his freedom.
“This is me being proactive!” Cazuki said.
“Huuh!! What are you saying?! You´re not making any sense!” Akira said.
“For someone who´s smart, you can be really slow at times! I have been proactive when it comes to the One ever since we first met! You´re my One Akira, be my wife!” Cazuki said looking serious, aggressive, possessive, but filled with overflowing love for Akira.
“Pffft! Hwahahahahaha! Be your Wife? Hehehehe! Although I have to admit, these funny twists and turns you do does distract me, but seriously! Hahahahaha! Too funny, I´ve probably prolonged my life more ever since we´ve met with all these laughs you give me! Hehehehe!” Akira laughed.
“He thinks I´m kidding! I can´t hold back anymore! I´m so over the cliff, not even my wings could save me with what I´m about to do now! Forgive me Akira!” Cazuki thought feeling dejected.
“Then how about I prove it to you and this time Akira, I´m not holding back anymore! I want your everything and I want to give you everything and I´ll start by showing you so much pleasure and pain that you´ll be begging me to want it more and to never stop and to only desire me, love me and no one else!” Cazuki said looking beastly and kissing Akira again, being all hot and heavy, using his tongue, then licking Akira´s nipple while rubbing the other one turning Akira on fast which was his plan, so Akira wouldn´t shut himself down anymore, pulling away, but let himself open up and allow Cazuki access to it all, but like a wild pegacorn tiger, Akira was struggling and fighting back, still wanting his freedom.
“Yamate! You´re not thinking this clearly and my feelings for you are not the same!” Akira said out loud biting Cazuki, but that didn´t work and Cazuki just bit back several times.
“Your body does not match up with your own words Akira!” Cazuki said smirking at the fact that Akira was now aroused and erect as Cazuki was.
“I´m drowning, drowning in him and I have no more strength to fight back, to push him away, but I can´t lose like this, this isen´t right! He keeps turning me on, but I don´t want it, I want to stay closed up, protected. I don´t feel the same, I can´t, I won´t...I...” Akira thought.
“Aaaaah...mmm..nnn...ahh!” Akira said then feeling shocked with what was happening to his body and then he really got angry, slapping Cazuki on his face wanting him to stop. Then Cazuki got more aggressive and took Akira´s wrists binding him to the bed post. 
“Just to be clear, me tying you up is not to tame you, but you´re distracting me when I´m trying to make love to you! So just lay there and enjoy it my Queen!” Cazuki said smiling as he unwrapped Akira´s towel.
“Don´t you fucking dare you asshole!” Akira said angrily, but Cazuki ignored him and started licking, caressing, being playful and sucking Akira, pleasuring him and Akira´s whole body trembled, shook and his moans, his tears, his sudden outbursts of ecstasy and feeling like he had no control over his body, but it was like Cazuki was piloting and Akira was the ship Cazuki was in control over and it didn´t even take that long until Akira climaxed.
“That didn´t take long, but I´m only getting started, so prepare yourself!” Cazuki said smiling, licking his hand and with his other hand took off his top showing his body, leaning down and covering his hot naked body against Akira´s and kissing him more and more, devouring him, loving him and finally having him all to himself, but what will happen when Akira is no longer tied up? Will Akira feel the same way for Cazuki? Do they finally come into union and balance with each other?
Next morning, after doing it all night...
Cazuki was punched again and falls out of bed.
“Your right hook is lethal!” Cazuki said rubbing his cheek feeling pain.
“I should say the same with your moves! My ass hurts so much, I can´t move, let alone walk and I wanna kick your ass when I´m ready, so prepare yourself!” Akira said hugging the pillow tightly lying on his stomach. 
“I thought feeling pain is a good thing, it´s distracting you from your soul pains right?” Cazuki said and a pillow got thrown at his head by Akira. Cazuki then smiled and walked over to the bed kissing Akira´s head softly, gently and lovingly while holding his head and Akira´s stomach growled feeling hungry.
“I´ll get the bath ready and get us some breakfast!” Cazuki said smiling while looking all sparkly feeling overjoy filled with love for Akira, but then Akira surprised Cazuki by grabbing his neck pulling him down and kissing Cazuki´s lips passionately.
“I just wanted to test something! Don´t make a big deal out of it!” Akira said as Cazuki still looked surprised.
“What was the result?” Cazuki said being curious.
“Needs more testing, research and experimentation!” Akira declared.
“Then I´d be more than happy to be your test subject! I´m your in care, so treat me well! In fact, why don´t we start the next round of testing now!” Cazuki said smiling kissing Akira.
“Cazuki you beast, knock it off!” Akira said.
“You´re right, you need a break and to heal!” Cazuki said.
“No that´s not what I meant, our bodies need fuel, the testing won´t be a success if we´re running on empty!” Akira said.
“Heh! Then I shall make sure we have enough food so that never happens!” Cazuki said smiling.
“Pervert!” Akira said.
“And you´re my pervert!” Cazuki said as he leaned down to kiss Akira once more feeling like his long awaited dream finally came true and didn´t want this blissful pure happiness to ever end, feeling like it was just the two of them in their own little world far away from everyone else.
Scene end...
25 March, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 4
Despite meeting Cazuki a month ago, Akira still went out at night when his wounds were healed and went looking for darkness, for pain, someone to fight with so he would forget the pains and tortures in his soul that happened everyday and was one of the reasons he didn´t sleep good at night. Even thou Cazuki made it loud and clear, being all beast demon like when he wanted Akira to not go looking for trouble anymore, Akira ignored him and listened to no one and was not about to be controlled by anyone. Stubborn, free spirited, rebellious and would not obey or bow down to anyone, he went out at night again. This time it was a girl being attacked by 4 guys screaming for help and as always Akira crashed the carnivore attacking feeding frenzy party. He leaned down, picked up a stone and threw it at one of the guys back´s.
“Hey assholes! How about you fight me instead!” Akira said sucking on his apple lollypop, hands in his pockets, his clothes looking like a wild mess as did his blond hair. The guys got distracted by Akira and the girl was able to break free and run towards Akira.
“Temee!!” One guys said angrily.
“Thanks for saving me!” The girl said being in tears.
“Tch! I´m not a fucking hero, I´m just looking for someone to fight! Next time learn how to defend yourself as long as you´re in this world! Baka!” Akira said being annoyed with her and she ran off holding her ripped clothes so her chest wasen´t exposed.
“You just let our prey go and we were just getting started!” A guy said angrily.
“Let´s teach this fucking idiot where his place is in this world!” Another guy said smiling.
“Hold up, isen´t that Akira?” One guy said then looked at his phone app “Earth: Heaven or Hell?” and saw Akira listed as the sacrifice, the Joker on his profile.
“Akira, age 17, star sign Aquarius, High School Drop Out, Self studied, Herbivore Human, Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single. E.H.H. Position & Ranking: The Sacrifice, The Joker!”
Akira, the target, the one who reincarnates as animal angels who was being sacrificed to feed the billions of humans, souls asleep in this world and to be sacrificed when in human form by every blood thirsty demon carnivore who wanted to take him out so that hell could continue on Earth. In the minds of the many demon humans, they believed the sacrifice of the one would keep order in the world, when in truth, it was nothing more than just keeping their way of life, hell on the Earth the same and not have it ever change. No one knew that Akira was the creator of the E.H.H. app, but the so called “game” revealed who everyone was behind their many masks and no matter if Akira was King or the Joker, Akira didn´t play by any rules and he wasen´t like anyone in the world. He remained the same stubborn, wild, free and rebellious soul, no matter how high or low of ranking he was in, he would act the same and be defiant and not act like a sacrifice or have any fear of anyone who was above him in any position. One of Akira´s many attractive qualities that Cazuki was magnetically pulled towards and couldn´t get enough of. Sure there would be times Akira was knocked down again and again in various destructive and visous ways, but no matter what he was going through, no one could break his soul or his rebellious wild spirit and if he needed to, he would play any part to get him where he needed to go and what he needed to do. When the guys saw Akira´s face and profile listed as the Joker and the Sacrifice on the app, they smiled devilishly, their demon hungry beast look in their eyes when looking at Akira were thirsty to tear apart Akira and break him down until nothing was left of him and they wanted to get rich off of tearing down Akira. A reward system on the app was in place and for every human that listed themselves as Herbivores (Those for Heaven on Earth) or Carnivores (Those for Hell or Heaven on Earth), could allow for a green light on their profiles that allowed anyone to attack them at any time and the “game” was activated and anyone in the world could pay to see a live show of the fight between carnivores and herbivores or carnivores against other carnivores, whoever wins gets the reward money. The Joker was the highest reward one could get if you targeted the Jokers. Akira was sick of being targeted every time he was reborn into this world by the demon humans, so he decided to turn it all around and make it interesting at least and he was curious, would the world change if something new was created, never seen before and could this help wake anyone up in their souls. Akira also knew about the wars against True Loves in the world and it´s connection to it being Heaven or Hell on Earth, so that was also something connected to the program he created. This way everyone had a choice, no one was controlled and they were free to be either attackers or defenders, life destroyers or life protectors, waring against True Loves or wanting a True Love meant for them and wanting hell or heaven on Earth, in their souls, hearts, bodies and minds. One of the carnivore guys pressed the game activation on Akira´s profile and then all around the world, everyone who had that app got the signal of a new fight that was about to happen between the Joker Herbivore and the Carnivore demon humans. Everyone had 3 minutes to pay to see the fight and bets were placed too so anyone could make money when they paid to see the fight. Akira´s phone signalled and he took out his Universe phone and smiled his joker smile, laughing internally at the fact that now he could get paid fighting anyone who would target him anytime and anywhere and was able to always have someone to fight with so he could channel those dark energies trapped within him from being always tormented everyday and every night in his soul. No matter how rich he became with his projects, he still lived in his poor, “shitty”, small, humble, messy apartment room in his apartment building somewhere in a city in the world, no matter where he was, wherever he went in the world was his castle, because his castle was not a place, but it was inside his soul. Akira, God of Life, doesn´t believe in love or happiness for himself, he´s a loner and prefers to be alone, he doesn´t trust anyone and the only one person he allowed into his life just so happened to be God of Death, his Twin Soul, his soul husband, his True Love, the other half of his soul, but Akira doesn´t know that, but will he find out and not run from True Love anymore, but embrace it finally and become One, dark and light, black and white, moon and sun, cold and hot, colliding, combining into a hot fiery intense, extreme, wild, electric passion and True Love?
“What the hell are you smiling for Joker? You´re outnumbered and you´re all alone!” The guy said smiling devilishly.
“That makes me extremely happy you fucking zombies, plus the reward for kicking all your cowardly asses helps my creations come to life! So bring it on, give me all the pain and darkness that´s in your souls tormenting you and don´t hold back!” Akira said smiling his joker smile looking crazy. Then one of the guys lost his temper, clenching his teeth and fists and wanted to attack Akira early, but was stopped by one of the guys. The program challenged minds, hearts and souls and even thou Akira didn´t have access to his godly powers when he was in human form, he could still use his human powers of creation and soul wisdom, soul intelligence and soul genius. Just as Cazuki did when he created his business empire and Yakuza Division that had Divisions all around the world.
“Not yet, the fight isen´t ready yet!” The guy said showing the app and the time left before everyone in the world could pay to see the fight.
“Who is he calling coward? What the fuck is wrong with this crazy fucker?!” One guy said looking at Akira. Akira´s phone buzzed a message and he looked at his phone knowing who it was, since there was only one contact on Akira´s phone. The name Akira gave Cazuki on his phone was God of Death, because of the line of work Cazuki was in when it came to buying up and taking over companies, properties, causing “death” to any business owners that lost to Cazuki. Akira did end up finding out Cazuki was extremely good at chess and he would crush his opponents anywhere in the world increasing his business empire. Cazuki also caused “death” when he cut out people, places and situations that only brought him trouble, he left his family to create a new family, taking in delinquents, homeless, damaged, broken, ex prisoners or even breaking out prisoners, fugitives, rebels, psychiatric ex patients/patients, orphans, ex mercenaries, ex assassins, ex ninjas, ex soldiers, anyone who was anyone being left behind, thrown away, being targeted, wanting something different, they were all given a new home, trained, educated and became brothers and sisters of the ever growing Yakuza family that Cazuki started, but more than anything, Cazuki wanted to share all that with his soul wife, his girl, his Devine Feminine, Akira. Cazuki wasen´t the type to have patience, so thoughts would enter his mind on how he could make Akira his and dark thoughts like using force and control did cross his mind a lot, plus he didn´t want to lose Akira and when Akira kept putting himself in danger, that just drove Cazuki even more crazy, mad and out of control.
“What the hell are you doing!!??” Cazuki messaged, then started calling Akira, but Akira hung up and turned off his phone.
“Times up! Are you ready for it?!” Akira said smiling. The three guys looked angry, full of rage and aggressively ran towards Akira while the fourth guy filmed the fight broadcasting to the whole world. Since Akira learned to defend himself, these guys were no match against him, so Akira took his time, giving everyone their money´s worth in the 10 minute fight and showing them a good fight. An added rule to the "game” was that anyone could join the fight, so when Akira kept knocking the 3 guys down to the ground, more guys showed up when they were alerted to where the fight was and now there were 7 against Akira.
“Heeh! I always did like a challenge!” Akira said smiling wiping the blood away from his lip that was cut. The only help any Joker could get was from robots, machines and wild animal angels that joined in to defend Akira, so Aemi, the flying white robotic dove showed up out of nowhere and started zapping anyone who would target Akira´s back when he wasen´t looking. The carnivore demon humans only got a slight electrical shock, but they were still able to fight. Even thou Akira managed to defend himself against the blood thirsty hungry flesh eating carnivore demon humans, they still managed to attack Akira too, but Akira would never allow that to happen so easily, even if he wanted to feel physical pain, the demons had to work for it to be able to harm Akira. 
“Hwahahahahahaha!” Akira laughed his crazy joker laugh at the insane fact that, here he is being able to defend himself against the very ones that target him when he´s defenceless when he´s reborn as animal angels being pets, farm animals being enslaved, raped, forced to breed, the lives he gives birth to is taken from him and then he and they are slaughtered to feed anyone on the planet, but in human form he can defend himself finally.
“Cruel world, dark world, insane world! Humans attack animals, they attack children, they attack each other, they attack True Love, they attack the planet and This is how I cope? This is what I turned into? Someone who wants to be in physical pain to forget and take my mind off of my soul pains!? Crazy fucked up world!” Akira thought as he finally defended against those targeting him and they were beaten on the ground and not getting back up. Akira´s clothes were ripped, his head was bleeding, he had a knife wound on his arm and he looked bruised and beaten too, but he was the only one still standing and he took out of his pocket a card and flung it to one of the guys lying on the ground. Akira´s calling card, the Joker. The guy filming couldn´t believe his eyes and neither could many who were watching the fight across the world. Such strength, such defiance, rebelliousness and stubbornness, Akira did not bow down to anyone and kept getting back up. It was like, in the opinions of the many, it looked like Akira was fighting not only for himself, but for the entire world, as expected of God of Life. When Akira looked up, he saw Cazuki breathing heavily, being out of breath, looking at Akira with such fierce demon beast anger, seriousness and his own stubbornness. Then Cazuki´s eyes widened with shock when he saw someone come behind Akira with a knife to his throat smiling at the fact that he now had Akira´s life in his hands.
“Fight´s over you fucking asshole!” Akira said angrily.
“Is that so, well we have our own kind of game going on and the reward is doubled if your life is no more!” The guy said smiling devilishly.
“Tch, how annoying!” Akira said being annoyed and angry with himself from not being awake to his surroundings. Then Aemi, the flying white mechanical dove, zapped the guy so he let go of Akira, but he managed to make a small cut on Akira´s neck and Cazuki came out of nowhere being in angry demon beast mode and kicked the guy´s face down to the ground while still having his hands in his pockets and his foot was on the guy´s chest. When the guy saw who kicked him, he looked shocked.
“Fuck!” The guy said out loud feeling the pain, but then he saw Cazuki.
“Cazuki!” The guy said looking fearful.
“Cazuki?” The guy still filming what was going on said and one of the guys that was beaten by Akira got up, rubbing his head that was in pain looked over and stood next to the guy filming, took out his phone and searched for the name Cazuki and his profile showed up on the app.
“No fucking way! He´s the Demon King!?” The guy said looking shocked seeing the profile of Cazuki.
“Cazuki, age 18, star sign Gemini, Education Completed, Owner of Infinity Enterprise, Yakuza Leader, Carnivore Demon Human, Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single. E.H.H. Position & Ranking: Demon King!” 
“What the fuck were you doing?! Fight´s over, you lost, Akira won! You know the rules of the game and you know what happens if you violate the rules!” Cazuki said as his Yakuza team showed up surrounding the guy on the ground.
“Please it was a mistake, I swear it, I didn´t know it was over!” The guy on the ground panicked and showed fear.
“Pfft! Hwahahahaha! Coward! If you´re gonna attack someone, make sure you ´re able to handle what comes to you if you´re beaten! I´m sure they´ll wanna hear all about this other game you´re all playing!” Akira said then walked off being fed up with it all. The Yakuza team picked the guy up and they left and Cazuki walked with Akira who was headed to a 24/7 medical clinic to have his wounds treated.
“Where are you going?” Cazuki said grabbing Akira´s arm and using his sleeve to wipe Akira´s head wound that was bleeding.
“I may look unbeatable, but this body needs repairing, so I´m headed to the clinic.” Akira said walking off again and feeling worn down, emotionally, physically, mentally and soulfully. Cazuki let out a sigh.
“I´m taking you home!” Cazuki said grabbing Akira´s arm and placing it over his shoulder again.
“Home? I have a home and it´s not in that direction! I don´t need your free charity private doctor, I can take care of myself!” Akira said angrily.
“You know, you get more stubborn as time goes on! I´m not leaving you alone and if you keep this up, I´ll lock you up, put a collar around your neck, chain you up and keep you all to myself!” Cazuki said.
“What insane crap are you going on about now!?” Akira said angrily, being confused and then Cazuki got angry and grabbed Akira´s face aggressively looking into his eyes.
“LISTEN HERE FOR FUCK´S SAKE! YOU´RE A FUCKING SACRIFICE AND EVERY DEMON IN THE WORLD IS OUT TO GET YOU! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?! TALK TO ME!!!” Cazuki said out loud angrily looking like a scary demon beast shocking Akira rattling his soul, but then Akira slapped his hand away, pushing Cazuki away and putting his walls and defences back up.
“I´m fed up Cazuki! I´m sick of seeing the same shit hell mess everywhere! Lives and souls being tormented to no end in sight. This is my outlet, this is how I survive, this is how I stay sane in a world gone mad. If I´m gonna be sacrificed, I might as well make it a live show when I´m in human form and put a spotlight on the very dark actions they´re all doing behind the scenes! I keep thinking what´s the point anymore when nothing changes and if change were to happen, when will it? I´m tired, I´m going home instead!” Akira said walking off, but Cazuki whacked Akira behind his neck and Akira fell unconscious and Cazuki bridal carried him again and walked off.
“When will you ever learn! I´m not letting you go Akira and I´m not letting anyone take you away from me ever again!” Cazuki said.
Scene end...
24 March, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 3
Several weeks later Cazuki was at his desk drawing his ero love manga and Akira was writing soul love at the kotatsu table in Cazuki´s room. They were both looking like wild messes after shutting themselves off from the world working on their manga series together and pulling all nighters. The room was a mess, they were a mess and they hadn´t bathed in days. When Cazuki looked over to Akira who was busy in thinking mode.
“I wonder if he has a perverted side! They say the smart ones are the most perverted ones!” Cazuki wondered when he took a break from drawing a perverted ero scene between the two main characters that resembled himself and Akira.
“Akira, do you have a perverted side?” Cazuki asked directly looking serious and being curious.
“Do you think the docking sleeve is perverted?” Akira said.
“Docking sleeve?” Cazuki asked looking confused.
“In mechanical engineering, a docking sleeve is a tube or enclosure used to couple two mechanical components together, this permits two equally sized appendages to be connected via insertion.” Akira said.
“That doesn´t sound sexy at all!” Cazuki said.
“I have a thing for machines, but that gave me the idea for a docking sleeve to be used between two male counterparts. When I kept reading ero yaoi manga, the Eve being penetrated by his Adam...” Akira said.
“Eve...Adam?” Cazuki said and Akira picked up his newest book that he bought that was beside his laptop, “Adam & Eve, the Devine Masculine & Devine Feminine”.
“One soul, split in two halves being in two bodies, one is the Devine Masculine and the other is the Devine Feminine!” Akira said and Cazuki smirked.
“Heeh! That means you´re the Devine Feminine then!” Cazuki said smiling and Akira threw the book at him and Cazuki caught it still smiling.
“Anyway, I thought to myself his penis was just being unused and not receiving pleasure at all, so years ago I came up with a docking sleeve that is a cylindrical device similar to a penis sleeve, but is open at both ends, so that two men can dock. A sex device that is used to facilitate and enhance human sexual pleasure between two males. The device can be seen in the ero manga Zestiria, Doushi-sama Goyoutatsi Rabu Aitemu – Tales of Zestiria dj [Eng]. There´s just something erotic about two penises being rubbed together, being the same, no complications, just simple and easy. I mean, what are penises anyway, it´s just two oversized clitorises. All fetus are born female, but around 7 weeks, it can become male if the Y chromosome signals the start of testosterone production and male genitalia begin to develop. The penis was once a clitoris and the testes would have been ovaries if it wasen´t for that Y chromosome. I´m beginning to think being born male has way more advantages than I thought!” Akira said as he continued writing and Cazuki looked shocked and completely turned on looking like a hungry demon beast.
“Akira, you really are a pervert!” Cazuki said smiling devilishly.
“I love it!!” Cazuki thought and then surprised attacked Akira and pounced him, pinning down Akira on the floor, grabbing his wrists.
“Seriously Cazuki, do we have to work in separate rooms to finish this manga series? Get off of me, I smell and haven´t bathed in days!” Akira said struggling to get his freedom.
“I haven´t bathed either, but I don´t care, I like your scent!” Cazuki said licking and sniffing Akira´s neck.
“Shimatte! I forgot he likes it dirty, but I´m not clean, I feel dirty!” Akira thought and then bit Cazuki´s neck and when Cazuki looked at Akira he saw blood dripping down Akira´s mouth.
“Bite me all you want Akira, you´re just turning me on even more!” Cazuki said smiling and bit Akira´s neck too marking him.
“Arrrrghhh! Cazuki you bastard! Yamate!!” Akira said out loud and that was just getting Akira even more angry wanting Cazuki off of him and fighting for his freedom, but his struggles was just riling up Cazuki even more. Akira was saved when the door knocked and and then they both looked up from the floor towards the door, both looking innocent like angels. When Cazuki & Akira answered, two housekeepers had brought vegan lunches on a tray and they looked shocked at seeing Cazuki and Akira open the door, looking like wild messes and bloody bite marks on their necks, blood dripping down their mouths, their clothes disheveled, looking like they had been in a fight with each other.
“Oh my! Are you both alright? We brought your lunches!” The elderly housekeeper said looking worried and concerned. Cazuki smiled looking like a sparkly gentleman despite looking like a mess and Akira looked angry and serious.
“No need to worry ladies, we are perfectly fine! Thank you for making sure we are fed nutritious meals throughout the day! This looks delicious!” Cazuki said grabbing one tray and Akira grabbed the other and Akira went back into the room.
“It´s as you requested, organic, vegan and colourful!” The elderly housekeeper said smiling.
“I look forward to your inventive creations everyday!” Cazuki said smiling and the young housekeeper girl who was in charge of making it blushed.
“Arigatou!” She said shyly.
 “I was surprised when you wanted the meals changed several weeks ago since you always ate a lot of meat, but I have to admit, Nara´s creative ideas are really tasty!” The elderly housekeeper said smiling.
“Keep up the good work and now we have to get back to work! Excuse us ladies!” Cazuki said smiling as he closed the door. When the housekeepers walked off.
“I know Cazuki said they were alright, but they looked like they were fighting! I hope they work it out together!” The elderly housekeeper said and the young housekeeper smiled.
 “I´m sure they will!” Nara said smiling.
When Akira and Cazuki were eating their vegan lunches at the kotatsu table, Cazuki was on his phone looking at the docking sleeve that was the same one shown in Zestiria and placed an order for it.
“He has that pervert look again. He´s probably looking at that docking sleeve. I wonder if the chapter I wrote is enough, maybe I should add another scene! We´ve already been working for 8 hours today, but I can´t stop myself from writing. For some reason I feel more inspired when I´m with him! Kuso! What´s up with that?!” Akira thought while eating his noodles.
“I really want to try this with Akira! I wonder how it feels when our penises rub together or when he uses it when I´m inside him! This is so hot and I´m already soaked thinking about it!” Cazuki thought while having an erection thinking about Akira and buying the docking sleeve on his phone while eating his lunch. 
Scene end...
23 March, 2019.
Fan comment on this amv:
“This is Godly! OMG!” I agree! :)
“Soul Pains Decoded″ Chapter 2
The warm spring sun was shining down on Akira´s face, the light beaming down between the blossom cherry tree branches and the light was flickering on his face and he woke up from feeling a heavy lump on his chest and was shocked and surprised to see Cazuki holding him dearly and gently while he was sleeping too on the grass.
“HWAAAAAAAHHH!!” Akira was internally screaming being shocked and nervous seeing Cazuki sleeping holding him tightly on the grass.
“What the hell is he doing!!?? He´s never attacked me like this before! His face is really close! He looks like a harmless angel, but in reality he´s a friggin demon carnivores, hungry sex crazed beast who likes to do all kinds of dirty pleasures towards his prey!” Akira thought feeling dread and gloom from constantly being attacked by Cazuki having to defend himself and finding out that despite Cazuki being a respectable, smart, ruthless successful businessman and Yakuza boss, he was also a otaku shut in that no one knew about and he secretly loved writing and drawing his own doujinshi ero manga making a living off of his hobby when he showed Akira that in his room and Akira was the only one who knew about it. Cazuki´s appearance would shift from being all clean cut and shaven being in order, looking good in a tailored suit, to then looking like a messy, chaotic, unshaven, hair grown out, not bathing for days, looking like an unrecognisable beast, eating junk food and locking himself away from the world writing and drawing his next erotic manga masterpiece. Using an alias name, his manga series was extremely popular all around the world.
“Is he just lonely? I bet he´s never really been in love before if he´s always having one night stands! He´s never gonna find that One, that *pure True Love, the other half of his soul if he continues living like this! Why does he do this? Does he like annoying me and making fun? I feel like I´m his toy at times and then I feel like when he´s finally bored, he´ll just throw me away one day!” Akira thought getting angry and then flicked his finger against Cazuki´s forehead waking him up.
(*pure True Love is when it´s between souls made for each other, two halves of one soul and they are both single before getting together forever!)
“OW! What the fuck!!” Cazuki said waking up and rubbing his forehead being sensitive to pain.
“Serves you right! I said not to attack me didn´t I!” Akira said.
“I was sleeping really good there and I haven´t slept good in years, but this was the first!” Cazuki said scratching his head and yawning.
“Is he joking? Now that I think about it, I did sleep good too and I haven´t slept good either in a long time! Aaaaaaahhhh! How can that be, sleeping good in the arms of a guy?!! What the frick!!! It´s not like I would be against it or anything, but why him of all people?! I don´t get it! We´re completely opposites and we drive each other crazy! I make him angry and he makes angry and he´s constantly messing with my feelings! Why, what is he after, I don´t get it!” Akira thought being lost in thinking mode and Cazuki noticed than grabbed Akira´s wrists and pounced him again on the grass.
“Cazuki get off!!” Akira said clenching his teeth and trying to struggle for his freedom.
“It couldn´t be helped, you looked cute when you were in thinking mode, but you think too much Akira, you should just follow your heart more!” Cazuki said smiling.
“Cute? Does he need his eyes checked or something? I´m a guy, why does he keep calling me cute?” Akira thought. 
“That is something I don´t wanna hear coming from someone who has no idea what it means to follow their heart, but would give it up for just anyone!” Akira said.
“Sounds like you´re jealous Akira and you´re just turning me on even more!” Cazuki said smiling.
“Haah!? Pfffft! Hahahahaha! I´m not jealous Cazuki! You´ve been used to getting anyone you want right, but one day you might meet the one you were meant to be with and I hope she or he won´t give it up so easily. They should value themselves more instead of just being another one for you to conquer, get bored with and be thrown away!” Akira said being straightforward as usual.
“So that´s why his walls are up so high, well I´m gonna break it all down and climb over it Akira. I won´t let you run away from me again!” Cazuki thought being able to read Akira and now he was smiling.
“You´re creeping me out! Why are you smiling?” Akira said then saw two girls coming towards them and Akira used his leg and foot kicking Cazuki off of him and Cazuki fell backwards.
“Tch!” Cazuki said looking angry at Akira.
“Cazuki!” One of the girls said smiling and both girls were excited seeing Cazuki again. Cazuki got up and walked over to them.
“I haven´t seen you in weeks! What have you been up to?” One girl said smiling and flirting.
“Been busy with work and hanging out with Akira!” Cazuki said and the girls saw Akira sitting on the grass with Zax next to him.
“Kawaii! The panda cub looks adorable and he looks like a hotty in a cool badass sort of way! Is he single?” One girl said and Cazuki got into jealous possessive mode again.
“He doesn´t swing that way, so don´t bother going after him girls!” Cazuki said looking serious and annoyed.
“No fair! Well doesn´t matter, gay or straight, they always come our way in the end!” The girl said smiling looking at Akira with a hungry demon beast look in her eyes and Cazuki´s angry beast aura was surrounding him getting more angry not wanting anyone to go near Akira.
“Ne, ne Cazuki, wanna come over to our place? It´s been a while and I´ll cook you something that will remind you how good you had it with us, so don´t ignore us anymore, ok!” The girl said whispering in his ear being seductive and tempting, dominating and controlling, pushing her breasts against his chest and caressing his face. Then Akira placed his arm over Cazuki´s shoulder, pushing the girl away surprising Cazuki, the girls and Akira was sucking on his apple lollypop.
“Sorry girls, but this one is already off the market! He only wants to be with the One and he´s on the hunt for that One! He has no time for easy sluts who would just spread their legs or go gaga goo goo for anyone! So I´m taking this slut with me to further educate him on what it means to fall in love for real! If I see you see come near him again, I will not be held responsible for how I conduct my teachings to educate you both!” Akira said smiling and pulled Cazuki along with him with his arm around his neck as they walked off and the girls were stunned and shocked. 
“Just to be clear, that´s what it would be like if I was jealous if we were a couple, but since I wanna help you, I thought it be best to first keep you away from anyone that you had any relations with since they pass on negative codes! If you´re interested, I will teach you what soul love is all about with my manga, in exchange you continue to teach me what physical love is all about with your ero manga! Oh and If I ever end up lost like you, sleeping around, you may call me slut or whatever to shock me awake too so I´m myself again!” Akira said as they walked through the park and Cazuki grabbed Akira´s hand and pushed him up against a blossom cherry tree, placing his arm over Akira´s head leaning it against the tree, being taller than Akira and grabbed the lollypop out of Akira´s mouth sucking on it seductively and smiling.
“What´s with the live show? I was talking about manga!” Akira said.
“He really has no idea! What he just did there, I wanna ravage him right here right now! You´re driving me crazy Akira! I´m gonna go insane for reals if our bodies, hearts, minds and souls don´t connect soon! I feel like I´m gonna take you by force if you don´t give yourself to me completely!” Cazuki thought now looking serious and beastly.
“You still haven´t answered me!” Akira said.
“Huh!?” Cazuki said.
“You want to be with the One right? So what do you say Senpai and help each other out!” Akira said and Cazuki´s eyes widened with surprise.
“Did he just call me Senpai!?” Cazuki thought than leaned his head on Akira´s shoulder resting it and smirking.
(Cazuki being turned on meter is exploding)
“Akira, what the hell are you doing to me! Demo, this might be my way in to Akira´s heart and soul, working together!” Cazuki thought smiling.
“Cazuki, are you alright? Are getting sick or something? If so, don´t infect me with it!” Akira said, then Cazuki surprised Akira grabbing his arms and looking intensely into Akira´s eyes.
“Akira, let´s collaborate and create a combined manga series filled with soul love and ero love together!” Cazuki said looking serious and determined.
“Huuuh?!” Akira said looking surprised.
“Why did that just sound like a love confession!” Akira thought.
“Shimatte! That sounded like a love confession! I don´t wanna spook him to run away!” Cazuki thought.
“Chotte matte! Maybe this is actually a good idea! This could help him be on a path to want the One, be with the One and only want the One! This could be a good teaching moment, combining light and dark into one story!” Akira thought being in thinking mode. Cazuki couldn´t hold back anymore and kissed Akira using his tongue and playing with Akira´s tongue teasing him and filling up on energies of love. Akira´s eyes then looked surprised when he started to feel turned on himself and panicked then pushed Cazuki away, both looking hot and flustered, both wiping the drool away from their mouths when both were thirsty for real soul and ero love, but Akira was angry with himself for letting his defences down. Akira´s cold skin like the moon warmed up fast with Cazuki´s heat and passion like the sun.
“Kuso! I feel like I need to be on watch 24/7 with you! I guess it can´t be helped, you clearly need help when it comes to soul love and you need teaching, so I accept the challenge working with you!” Akira said.
“Eeeh! I should say the same thing to you when it comes to ero love, but I will be more than happy to teach you all about it Akira!” Cazuki said smirking looking confident and in control reaching out his hand to shake Akira´s.
“To making an epic, unforgettable masterpiece legend together!!” Cazuki said smiling and Akira shook his hand.
“To shocking the world, waking the world up and changing the world forever with our perfect work of art!” Akira said smiling.
And that´s how the two Gods, God of Life and God of Death ended up creating a manga series together, but since they both were perfectionists, it took longer than they expected until it was finally completed and ready to be unleashed in the world. 
Scene end...
21st March, 2019.
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 1
Floating in outer space, in front of the bright moon, Akira was floating with his white angel wings wearing all white and his godly finger was reaching out to his beloved Twin Soul Adam who was floating in front of the hot beaming sun with his black wings, his vampiric teeth, wearing all black, wearing a black face mask covering half is face and he too was reaching his godly finger towards his Twin Soul Eve Akira and as they reached out to each other and when their godly fingers finally touched, Akira suddenly woke up lying on his futon bed still wearing his clothes and his arm was reaching up towards the ceiling with his finger pointing with a shock look on his face. He then placed his arm across his forehead.
“What the fuck was that?! Who the hell was that!? I dreamt about him again! Tch!” Akira said being annoyed and got up from the futon.
In a city somewhere in the world, Akira in his small one room apartment that had a kitchen, living room and bedroom in one room and a small bathroom attached to it was getting ready to leave. He grabbed his keys from his Japanese kotatsu table that was messy and had empty bags of vegan junk food on it like cookies and organic black chai tea cans, mariju lollypops, papers were spread out next his laptop with ideas for a program and his room was messy filled with books, literature, anime, manga, games everywhere, like he was living in a library room filled with life codes and soul codes. There were even small robots crawling on the floor, one was cleaning the floor getting rid of all the blossom cherry petals that came flying in through the window and one robot that looked like a mechanical white dove was fly hovering around the room watering the plants. Akira put on his long blue coat jacket with a hoodie that had animal fluffy ears on it and had white angel wings on the back of his coat, wearing his blue sneakers, grey trousers, a black t-shirt that had images of white animal angels on it and in white Chinese writing it said God Of Life and he was out the door. This was his nightly routine when his wounds were healed once more. Akira, the herbivore Eve, who no longer feared the night, the darkness or being alone anymore after witnessing & experiencing the horrors of this dark world, because he was now free in his soul, unplugged from the Earth matrix, but at the same time he was still a prisoner trapped with soul pains. Before he left, he turned to face his rescued and adopted panda cub that he rescued from a medical facility that experimented on animal angels and they messed with Zax´s growth, so he would always remain like a small panda cub.
“Zax! I won´t be long! Stay rebellious!” Akira said flashing the peace sign and left Zax who was now sitting on the futon bed on the floor munching away on his bamboo stick, then he fell backwards with it happily eating being surrounded by robots, feeling safe and free from the torments he went through at the facility. Whenever Akira left Zax, he would say to him instead of stay out of trouble, but be rebellious. Being a rebel is not a phase, but it´s something we are in our souls always. Being a rebel changes this dark world and that was something Akira would never give up on being.
“This world, this fake world, filled with fake people, having fun while the world burns, cries, falls and dies! I was born surrounded by darkness and I´m grateful for it. I´d rather know the truth, than be told pretty lies that paint a picture of a light bright world that keep people asleep, distracted, dumbed down, broken, tormented and enslaved. The real world is dark, light and grey and when you´re eyes are wide open, you see human lives and societies self destructing, because their minds and soul torments are guiding their minds down that path to end the repeating hells everywhere once and for all. Is this the end or will it become a beginning of something never seen before or will time run out?” Akira thought.
“The moon is out tonight! Light shining down in this dark night giving the false hope of being able to reach that light and fly out of this endless darkness! Pffft! Hwaaahahahahahaha!” Akira laughed and smiled his joker smile while standing on the edge of the roof top of his apartment building overlooking the city. Standing on the edge with his hands in his pocket, wind blowing his wild light hair and jacket, he was caught between life and death.
“It´s no use! There is no way I can fly out of here and reach you! I´m like the dark cold night! My skin is always cold, I feel always cold, I´m surrounded by darkness, but always in the distance is that relentless stubborn light burning hope I can never reach, like the moon, it´s impossible! Unless I somehow build myself a spaceship and fly out of here! Yeah right! Hehehehehe!” Akira said then placed his music ear phones on and started listening to a song called “What if God was one of us!” and headed towards the elevator and out into the city.
Sucking on his apple flavoured mariju lollypop and one hand in his pocket, Akira walked the city streets at night until he came across anyone who was troubling anyone and he would step in, seeing it as an opportunity for the demon vampire carnivore humans to fight Akira instead of defenceless herbivore humans who didn´t have any self defence training at all. Wherever Akira went at night, it was like darkness found him and sure enough darkness found him again when Akira saw 5 carnivore guys attacking several other guys in a dark allay. The guys they beating were barely breathing, being beaten and already they were on the ground in pain. 
“Why is it they never learn? If they´re gonna go out, learn how to defend yourselves! Baka!” Akira thought.
“Oi carnivores! How about you attack someone more challenging than someone who can´t even defend themselves!” Akira said calmly and casually having a carefree attitude. The guys looked surprised seeing Akira standing alone, looking like an easy target. One of the carnivore guys who was grabbing the t-shirt of the one on the ground let go and stood up straight, wiping blood from his face and smirked.
“Heeh! This looks fun!” He said smiling and out of all the guys, he stood out the most, especially wearing a white t-shirt that had blood splatter all over it, but in large black Japanese writing it said God of Death and on the back of his t-shirt were black angel wings. Akira noticed his dragon tattoo wrapped around his arm and dark messy black wild hair which caught Akira´s attention first, then his t-shirt and he was the tallest of the guys.
“You´re pretty cocky you little shit! There´s 5 of us and only one of you! Are you baka?! Do you know who we are?!” One guy said smiling.
“No and I don´t really care! Tell you what, how about I make it interesting, I won´t do anything for 3 minutes and you can give me all the pain you want, but I warn you, when that last minute is up, I won´t be held responsible for how I defend myself!” Akira said smiling while sucking on his apple lollypop and looking at his Universe phone clock.
“Oh I get it, you´re a masochrist*! You are interesting!” One guy said smiling.
(*Masochrist: Someone who sacrifices themselves to experience physical pain instead of feeling soul pains. They do not enjoy it or feel any sexual pleasures from it, but the physical pains takes their minds off of their soul pains, even if it´s temporarily. They also can sacrifice themselves to help the one they love who is taking their darkness out on them. This is neither light or dark, but grey. I came up with that word because of a typo error and then seeing how there are those that do self sacrifice themselves in various ways for various reasons, being in the grey.)
“It´s more like I´d rather feel physical pains, than soul pains which is way worse and the physical pains helps me forget the soul pains, even if it doesn´t last long, but it´s better than being tormented and falling apart because of my soul torments that I can´t fix at all for the time being!” Akira thought.
“Kid, you´re just riling us up even more when you talk like that and you´re gonna regret it!” One guy said.
“These guys were boring us anyway! You came just in time and I´m gonna enjoy this you little fucker!” One guy said smiling. The guy with the white God t-shirt who seemed to be the leader of the group gave the nod of approval to the guys to attack Akira which Akira noticed and the guy he stayed silent the whole time and stood back watching with his hands in his pockets. The 4 guys attacked Akira in various ways, punching, kicking and every time Akira fell to the ground, but he got back up which just angered the guys even more and riled them up even more, but each time Akira fell and got more bloody and bruised, the more he smiled his joker smile, feeling alive, feeling free, feeling the pains and being able to forget his soul pains, because now all he felt was physical pains on his aching broken damaged body.
“Is this all you got? BRING IT ON!!!” Akira shouted clenching his teeth, feeling angry, smiling, being more defiant and stubborn as he was punched down again and again.
“Are you insane you crazy idiot! Stay down and stop getting back up!” One guy said being actually concerned, while the other 3 guys were enjoying themselves a little too much. 
“So weak and pathetic! You really think you can take us on looking like that? Just admit it, you´re beaten, broken and bruised! Give up already!” One of the guys said kicking Akira on the ground.
As Akira who was on the ground with his arms stretched out like a cross, now was struggling to get back up again and wobbled, but refused to be beaten, his back was leaned over, hands on his thighs, spitting blood and he started to laugh.
“Pffft! Hahahahahahaha! I´m not insane, but I´m completely sane living in a dark insane world, not that you would understand what I´m talking about anyway and just so you know I never give up!” Akira said still spitting blood, wiping the blood from his face and the leader of the group, his soul eyes widened with surprise seeing how Akira was stubborn and refused to give up, but Akira´s words shook him to his soul core.
“As I said, you are interesting, but in this round you lose kid!” One guy said as he was about to punch Akira down again, but Akira grabbed his fist without even looking and then looked up with fierce fire and intensity in his soul eyes.
“3 minutes are up, now it´s my turn!” Akira said smiling and with his quick reflexes and self defence art, he took them all out one by one in fast motion and like a ninja rebel, they underestimated Akira´s defences and now they were all on the ground unconscious and not moving.
“I think this is a new record! Hasen´t even been a minute!” Akira said looking at his clock on his phone and looking at the guys lying on the ground resting his foot on one of them, moving his foot to see if one of the guys would wake up. When Akira looked towards the leader who was just watching the show, but now the leader looked serious. 
“What´s with this guy? He didn´t even fight me! Tch!” Akira thought. Akira then suddenly grabbed his waist and felt the pains on his stomach.
“Eeeh! I might of pushed myself a little too far this time with the 3 minute rule! Hehehe!” Akira said smiling, hand on his face, feeling faint and fell backwards on the ground, but out of nowhere, the leader grabbed Akira´s hand and his arm wrapped around Akira´s waist preventing him falling and Akira looked up being surprised and saw his face and then started to joyfully, playfully and smiling slapping the leader´s face gently several times with his bloody hand wanting him to let go and that was annoying the leader.
“You can let go of me! What are you a gentleman, a knight and shining whatever!? I don´t need your help!” Akira said and the leader placed Akira´s arm around his shoulder and they started to walk away together.
“What are you doing, where are you taking me?! Let go!!” Akira said out loud angrily struggling to be free, but the leader wasen´t letting go.
“I´m taking you to see my private doctor to take care of your wounds!” He said.
“Fuck!! Ow! Owowow!! Careful with my body! I´m in a lot of pain you asshole!!!” Akira said out loud angrily.
“Who´s fault is that!” He said smirking.
“That´s not the issue here, but handle me with care you jerk!” Akira said angrily.
“Pffft! Hahahaha!” He laughed.
“This isen´t funny!” Akira said.
“Hai, my Princess!” He said smiling.
“Princess!!? Knock it off you creep!” Akira said being irritated and again trying to struggle his way out to be free.
“For someone who´s injured pretty badly, I´m amazed at your fighting spirit, but it´s no use struggling, because I´m not letting go!” He said.
“You´re annoying!” Akira said.
“And you´re stubborn!” He said.
“Anyway, what sort of leader of a gang leaves his guys behind and instead takes care of a stranger who just beat them up! Are you crazy or something!?” Akira said not understanding any of it.
“Crazy in love probably!” The leader thought.
“I´ve messaged for a pick team to come get them! They´ll be fine!” He said.
“Team? What are you talking about? Who are you guys?” Akira said.
“Yakuza and those other guys that took a beating from us were our rivals who wanted to settle a score!” He said.
“Yakuza hey! Carnivores battling other carnivores!? You know, I really think the fighting arenas should be brought back, then anyone can channel any dark energies into light sword battle duels and even get paid for it!” Akira said as they walked together.
“Not a bad idea!” He said.
“I know right! Still, that´s just an outlet for those soul tortured energies, it doesn´t end the torments when the cause of it doesn´t change!” Akira said.
“Then what do say we team up and change it together?” He said being serious and they stopped walking and Akira looked deeply into his eyes, both having a serious moment together.
“His face is really close! He looks familiar! Have we met before?” Akira thought.
“Pffft! Hahahahaha! Please don´t make me laugh, my chest really hurts when I laugh!” Akira laughed coughing and they continued walking.
“I was being serious!” He said.
“Hehehehe! No really, no more it hurts!” Akira laughs more.
“Tch! Now you´re annoying!” He said feeling irked.
“And you´re stubborn!” Akira said giggling taking out an organic vegan mariju lollypop and placing it in his mouth with his one available hand and handing the leader another apple lollypop.
“What´s this?” He said.
“He´s like a little kid!” The leader thought.
“It´s thanks for helping me out, but if you mess with me and are a threat, I´ll kick your ass, even if I´m damaged!” Akira said being serious.
“He´s cute and can barely stand, he´s totally helpless in my arms and such an easy prey!” The leader thought, but then he saw the intense wild look in Akira´s eyes.
“Maybe I shouldn´t underestimate him!” Cazuki thought then the leader grabbed the lollypop that Akira was sucking on out of his mouth and sucked on Akira´s lollypop instead which surprised Akira.
“Thanks! What?” He said looking at Akira´s surprised face.
“It´s nothing! By the way, what´s your name?” Akira said.
“Cazuki! What´s yours?” Cazuki said.
“Akira!” Akira said and his stomach growled being hungry.
“Pffft! Looks like I need to feed you too after you´re patched up!” Cazuki said smiling.
“You really are annoying, but I guess it can´t be helped, I´m in your care, treat me well!” Akira said not feeling very good and wanting to pass out, but still holding on a strong front.
“Ryōkai!” Cazuki said as they both walked into the night in a city somewhere in the world and their adventure together had only just begun. Akira ended up passing out and Cazuki caught him in his arms, bridal carrying him and continued walking.
“Sleep well, my Princess!” Cazuki said and smiled.
Several weeks later...
Akira and Cazuki were walking in a blossom cherry park and Cazuki was sucking on one of Akira´s medicinal, herbal, fruity lollypops with his other hand in his pocket and Akira was drinking from his organic Acai berry hemp smoothie and in the other hand holding Zax´s leash that was attached to his vest and Akira´s white mechanical robot dove was flying beside them on Cazuki´s side.
“Akira!” Cazuki said.
“Hmm!” Akira said.
“When are you gonna move out of your apartment? You´re 210 million richer now that your program is a success and you´re still living in that shitty small messy room of yours!” Cazuki said not caring what came out of his mouth and was just honest and direct about anything and everything.
“Is the Millennium Falcon for sale?” Akira said.
“No!” Cazuki said then smiled.
“Just like him to say something like that, why did I even ask!” Cazuki thought.
“Then I´m good and my room is not shitty you ass, it´s my castle! If you hate it so much, then don´t bother visiting me everyday!” Akira said being annoyed and then his stomach growled and Cazuki and Akira looked at each other.
Under the blossom cherry tree, Zax was sitting eating his bamboo stick, Akira was sucking on a popsicle while lying on the grass with one of his arms resting behind his head looking up to the sky and Cazuki was sitting next to Akira eating a sandwich.
“Do you have any other friends except me?” Cazuki wondered.
“Ummm, there´s Zax, Aemi, Yin, Nlue, Luna, Luki, Yang and Aay!” Akira said.
“Heeh! Pfffft! Is he kidding, they´re all robots, animals and a.i. on his computer! Actually, that´s a good thing, that means I have him all to myself!” Cazuki thought smiling wickedly. 
“Chotte matte!! Who´s Yang and Yin, are they his actual human friends?!!” Cazuki suddenly panicked.
“Who´s Yang and Yin?” Cazuki said being serious, feeling annoyed, jealous, possessive and Akira took out two small dragon dolls attached to his keys, a white one with a black patch around her eye and a black one with a white patch around his eye showing Cazuki close to his face.
“Pffffft! Hahahahahaha!” Cazuki laughed smiling and Akira looked annoyed.
“I was jealous of dolls, I´m so lame, but I find myself feeling relieved!” Cazuki thought.
“Laugh all you want I don´t care! I´ve had these dolls since I was a kid and I couldn´t bring myself to throw them away, even if they look worn down, damaged and silly looking, they´re still special to me!” Akira said leaning back on the grass again.
“Akira...” Cazuki thought looking at him then looked forward, but then side eyeing Akira with a hungry beast look in his eyes as Akira continued to suck on the popsicle.
“I wonder if Cazuki plays chess, shogi or mahjong? It´s been years since I´ve played against a person. Does he have any other hobbies except beating up guys, recruiting more “brothers” and “sisters” all over the world increasing his Yakuza Division/Family and tending to his business empire? He doesn´t really talk about himself, makes me curious or uneasy, maybe both!” Akira wondered.
“Does he not realise when he sucks it like that it turns me on! He has no self awareness! Makes me wanna “attack” him and have my wicked way with him, make him mine, mess him up, devour him everyday and every night! ARRRRGHHH!! He´s driving me crazy!! I want to be greedy, selfish, not let anyone have him, I wanna lock him up in my room and have his eyes only on me! Now he´s nibbling it like a hamster?!! So fucking cute!! Shit, I´ve got a hard on!!” Cazuki thought being surrounded by a dark beastly aura with a little drool coming out of the side of his mouth when watching Akira.
“Cazuki, you have that lewd look on your face again you pervert!” Akira said.
“You´re to blame when eating it like that, so take responsibility!” Cazuki said.
“I told you I don´t swing that way or any way!” Akira said.
“I don´t swing that way either, but only with you!” Cazuki thought feeling frustrated.
“What are you a damn robot?!!” Cazuki said.
“I read something about these water Gods/Goddesses that came from a planet who loved water, the oceans and would everyday swim, bathe and dive in it, but when it came to sexual desires, they had none even thou they could think about desire and have sexual thoughts, but they could be in shut down mode, even for years, then when getting together with their other half, their One, their wild passionate extreme desires awakened and they could become greedy, selfish and wanting their One all to themselves wanting it everyday and every night! I´m probably like that!” Akira said while Cazuki had a shock look on his face and him being turned on meter went way passed his limit.
“Now I feel like taking a bath or going swimming!” Akira thought.
“I´m taking a nap, don´t attack me again in my sleep!” Akira said closing his eyes feeling tired and soul exhaustion and Cazuki thought back to all the times he tried to get close to Akira and he lost against Akira who either fled and ran away, defended with his fighting skills or avoided seeing Cazuki for days.
“Making him mine is more challenging than I thought! Does he hate being with guys? No that can´t be it, his library is filled with BL/Yaoi manga and anime, then again, he also has straight manga and anime. Did something happen in his past that makes it difficult for him to be with me? How does he do it, how can he so easily be in shutdown mode like that?” Cazuki thought and this coming from someone who used to have meaningless, empty, shallow one night stands feeding his never ending appetite for his sexual desires before he met Akira.
12 minutes later Cazuki´s whole body was trembling and his attack meter was also way past it´s limit, then he looked at Akira who was now sleeping deeply and Cazuki smiled a devilish grin.
“You´re defences are down again Akira! You really shouldn´t sleep when you´re with me! I can´t hold back anymore!” Cazuki thought and went on top of Akira, his hands placed on either side and leaned down to take a “bite” out of Akira when kissing his lips.
“Is this love? Have I fallen for you? You´re all I can think about and you´re all I want! I´m never letting you go now and you will be mine Akira!” Cazuki thought, then Akira mumbled something incoherent in his sleep and Cazuki leaned down with his ear against Akira´s mouth.
“...Cazuki...” Akira mumbled softly with a whisper in his sleep which soul shocked Cazuki, but then he smiled looking at Akira sleeping and feeling calm and soul resting.
“I am yours and you are mine Akira, always, forever and eternity!” Cazuki said smiling then kissed sleeping Akira again and again, not being able to get enough, it was never enough and he wanted to drown in Akira, getting lost in each other like they were the only two in the entire world.
Scene end...
(Just to be clear, not a good idea to let someone sleep if they have a concussion or head injury, but for the sake of the story, I allowed it to happen!)
Any other updates & changes I will mention here. As for the Twin Soul stories I write myself, I will let it be known if I have updated any one of them or any new stories that are to be added in the posts.
The 21 posts include:
21) Main post that will include updates, news & changes made in the other posts.
20) Reylo “Balance The Force” post includes a Twin Soul story written by me. It´s part of the Atlantis Reborn storyline in post 2, but what I´ve written is a possible time line. Both stories have only scenes taken from my full story. I will update if I´ve added anymore scenes.
19) Reylo “What About Us?” is about Twin Souls, Twin Soul community, T.S.T.T.s & a scene from a different story I´ve written. 
18) Pink “Just Like Fire” post is about Aquarius, Twin Souls, diving deep into the dark of our world & from my Book Of Twin Souls.
17) Pocahontas “Just Around The Riverbend” is about Twin Souls, insights connected to the video & words taken from my Book Of Twin Souls.
16) “The Matrix Unlocking Minds”, a post about girls in red, “serpents” in the garden of Eden, Twin Souls, insights connected to the movie the matrix & pages from my Book Of Twin Souls.
15) Reylo “Walk Through The Fire” is about Twin Soul Rebellion Songs & more songs to be added. Any suggestions you have I will mention if the energies feel right.
14) “The Adjustment Bureau” trailer post is about Twin Souls, scenes from a Twin Soul story I´ve written, insights from the movie & pages from the Book Of Twin Souls.
13) Teddy & Delores “Don´t let me go!” is about Twin Souls, insights from the show westworld & writings from the Book Of Twin Souls.
12) Neo & Trinity “Only You´re The One!” is about quotes mentioning what Twin Souls are like & how to know if you are with your other half & it´s taken from the Twin Soul community. I´ve added my insights & Cazuki´s & my Twin Soul story to it from the Book Of Twin Souls. There are also small Twin Soul quotes added in between.
11) Pocahontas “Colours Of The Wind” is a combination of a Twin Soul story I´ve written, also includes information about Twin Souls, about life, Earth & health. Pages taken from the Book Of Twin Souls.
10) Silas & Nia “We Are Forever!” is a post about Twin Souls, insights from the movie, pages from the Book Of Twin Souls & mentioning a list of Twin Soul stories like star wars, matrix & romeo & juliet. More Twin Soul stories can be added if the energies feel right.
9) Reylo “Hope In Front Of Me” post is about Twin Soul letters I write to my Twin Soul Husband Cazuki.
8) Violet Evergarden “My Story, My Heart!” is a post about a Twin Soul story I´ve written called Atlantis & some scenes are taken from that story.
7) The Fray “How To Save A Life!”. The post is another Twin Soul story I´ve written called Alunasky & is part of the Atlantis storyline also. Technically all stories I´ve written are connected to each other & are a part of one massive story.
6) Reylo “Us Against The World” is pages taken from the Book Of Twin Souls & will include insights I write any day of the week. It also includes a couple of Twin Soul stories. Also has Twin Soul information I´ve come across & will provide links.
5) Reylo “We Could Live Like Legends!” A post about a Twin Soul story I´ve written called Alunasky.
4) Nightcore “Angel With A Shotgun!” is a post about a Twin Soul story called Vampagi that I´ve written. Not sure about the name of the story yet, but it´s fine for now. 
3) Reylo “Battleships!” is a post with pages from the Book Of Twin Souls & will include insights I write any day of the week. I also mention any Twin Soul information I´ve come across & will mention the links.
2) Kesha “This Is Me!” Atlantis Reborn Twin Soul storyline I wrote which includes scenes from that story. 
1) Twin Flame Love Story video/Twin Soul Comments, a post about the comments from the Twin Soul community. I will include some of my answers to some of the messages. I will update any new messages & questions Twin Souls have. Includes a Twin Soul story I´ve written.
As always, may the Universe Balance & Hope be with you & protect you all!
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alunasky-blog · 6 years
11 June, 2019.AMV: From Dark to Light!
“Eto…this one was pretty dark Shiki!”  
5 June, 2019.
So many stories need to be told to reveal what goes on everywhere and one Twin Soul story I wanna tackle is, when you were with your Twin Soul, but he wasen´t the one for you, then Eve finds out the truth in this world about Eve living multiple lives in the same timeline as is his Twin Soul. So what happens when Eve meets his Twin Soul again, but Adam is in a different body, both Adams soul personalities are identical, but their mind personalities are different. How does Eve deal with knowing the fact his Twin Soul in one life breaks his heart badly, then meets him again in a different body to deal with the aftermath of the heartbreak, especially knowing how they ended and who his Twin Soul from his past ended up with and the truth of the Twin Soul wars. It´s a heavy, complicated, dark, light, grey topic to bring up, because the heartbreak lead Eve to shield himself extremely from falling in love again. What does Adam do to break down that shield or lower it enough to reach Eve´s heart once again? This song made me think about it and I loved all the Kuroko and Kagami pictures:
3 June, 2019.“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter ? One scene to be added later in the story. 
In the basketball clubroom at school, Zuki, Kiyoshi and Zai were showering, while Takeshi was getting dressed by the lockers and Ohta was lying down on the bench waiting to have a shower, his arm over his face, resting and Ama had already showered and was waiting for Kiyoshi, sitting at the computer. Takeshi with his bare chest and was about to put on his top, but stopped and was staring at them both.
“How come you guys don´t shower with us anymore?” Takeshi said being curious. Ohta and Ama have been jealousy possessed by their other halves and being monopolised by them and are forbidden to reveal their naked bodies to anyone other than their lovers. 
“Why? Do you miss seeing me naked or something?” Ohta said without even moving his arm and smirked and Takeshi blushed, then got angry. 
“Aho! Like that would ever happen! I like girls remember, you know girls and only girls!” Takeshi said angrily. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever!” Ohta said and Takeshi clenched his teeth being angry.
“Tch!” Takeshi said angrily. 
“Girls, how boring, when you can have so much fun with guys!” Ohta thought. 
“I´m being monopolised by my easily jealous and possessive Tsundere and Yandere boyfriend who only wants my body for his eyes only!” Ama said without looking while searching new BL/Yaoi manga to purchase on the computer. 
“Creepy!” Takeshi said looking creeped out. 
“Not creepy, it´s called being so in love it´s extreme, intense, passionate and godly! He loves me so much, I feel like he would take on the whole system so we´re able to be together in every life time!” Ama said as he smiled. 
“Still sounds creepy and now clingy and being over the top being heavy on the love!” Takeshi said. Then Ohta sat up and Ama turned to face Takeshi. 
“You’ve never been in real love before have you?” Ama said looking serious. 
“What are you talking about? Of course I have, many times in fact!” Takeshi said. 
“Ije, you haven´t, if you did, you´d still be together, because once two souls that are perfectly compatible come together, you both end up being so consumed with each other, that literally nothing and no one in the world matters more than your love. That love always come first and you can’t imagine any life time without them, ever. The way I can describe it is it´s exactly like two Gods coming into union, once you taste, feel, breath, touch, see, hear and know this True Love, this godly love, you´ll think what the hell were you doing all this time playing around and wasting time with anyone else. You´ll never look at anyone ever again except your love and you’ll never give up your love once you´ve come into union with them!” Ama said. 
“Takeshi, it´s still a world secret that so many don´t know about, if they did, they would only want their One too and no one else. Why settle for half assed sex and love with anyone when you can have godly sex & True Love with your Twin Soul and the sex is really mind blowing and crazy awesome, so much so I have to keep myself busy at school and work just to get a break or I´ll break from all that godly sex I´m having!” Ohta said looking serious and smiling nervously thinking that he might actually one day break when thinking about Hisashi. Then Takeshi had a surprised look on his face from seeing Ohta´s reaction, but then he clenched his teeth being annoyed again. 
“Now you´re just showing off and don´t you think you´re exaggerating? How can two guys possibly have way more fun than a guy and a girl anyway?” Takeshi said, then Ama and Ohta looked at each other, then smiled and looked at Takeshi and Takeshi shivered in his nerves. 
“This looks trouble! Forget I asked!” Takeshi thought. Later on Zuki, Zai and Kiyoshi came out with their towels wrapped around their waste, dripping wet, bare chested and saw Takeshi sitting on the bench between Ama and Ohta and he looked like he was just told about the forbidden godly fruit that is Twin Souls on Earth and his mind was now privy to all details about the godly sex between two males and Twin Souls. Takeshi looked so turned on, he was sweating, he looked like he was trying to control the beast inside of him, but he was losing and his hands were clenching his trousers and he was clenching his teeth.
“What the hell happened to you?” Kiyoshi said looking confused, then Takeshi got a flashback to when Ohta said that Ohta & Hisashi came so much, they ended up both being *empty, but still kept orgasming and still going on and them both explaining all the ways two guys can have way more fun having sex. 
“Kuso! I need another shower, stay out until I´m finished!” Takeshi shouted angrily as he slammed the bathroom door, as Ama giggled and smiled and Ohta smirked. 
“What the fuck was that?” Zuki said. 
“We just told him all about the forbidden Godly fruit on Earth and now his soul is wide awake and the secret is no more, he knows everything!” Ama said smiling, as they all looked towards the door. 
“Soka! That explains his weird behaviour!” Kiyoshi said.
“How much are we betting this time?” Zai said. 
“I give it a month until he snaps and can´t get that curiosity out of his head and will want it!” Zuki said. 
“It will only work if he´s with his Twin Soul, but I give it 3 months!” Kiyoshi said. 
“The more the forbidden fruit is, especially when that forbidden fruit is being targeted to be destroyed over and over, the more angels and demons crave it, desire it and lust for it! It´s the ultimate forbidden godly fruit! The Romeo & Juliet of forbidden fruits! I´ll be surprised if he lasts more than 3 months without wanting the One meant for him!” Ohta said as he laid down again on the bench resting. 
(*Empty: No more semen, but still orgasming)
Scene end…
2 June, 2019.Asuna and Kirito will always be the main Twin Soul couple and their story still can´t be compared to any other Twin Soul story out there, because it includes almost everything, from wars on minds, wars on life, wars on True Loves between Twin Souls, wars on souls and all this happens in reality too, in our world and SATP (Soul Awake Team Player) and SASP (Soul Awake Solo Player)  are trying to free minds, souls and lives in the SAO, just like on Earth. The True Love & story between Asuna and Kirito is epic and legendary and they live on in  many different Twin Soul couples in the manga and anime world. Finding them when they are both male in stories or any type of forbidden love no matter their gender, is like finding treasure and that feeling that anyone gets when they find treasure in terms of things and possessions from history, I get the same feeling when I search the Universe library that´s anywhere and everywhere for soul messages, to me that´s my treasure!
1 June, 2019.
Anime & Manga: Viewfinder.
Another epic masterpiece and that scene with Akihito babysitting a baby was hilarious, especially how Asami reacts, his reactions are awesome, as was many scenes between Akihito and Asami. Their Twin Soul dynamic is just too damn funny. Akihito, a truth investigator photographer who is out in the world to shine light on the darkness everywhere and always gets into serious life threatening trouble, but then gets into trouble with the Yakuza. Asami is Yakuza and captures Akihito who was trying to take down Asami. Akihito the Angel and Asami the Demon, loved their story! The Twin Soul stories I´m drawn to the most is when both Twin Souls are guys, one is the Angel, the other the Demon and they behave straight, but end up being together, but they still behave straight, like you wouldn´t think they were gay, unless they held hands and kissed in public! :) I´m also drawn to Twin Soul stories that are wacky, crazy, extreme, like Dark Angel, my character who wears heels, dresses up in feminine/masculine clothes, it´s his way of repelling women from him & being undercover, while he searches for his Eve, his Twin Soul. The True Love between Asami and Akihito is real, honest, deep, emotional and an unbreakable bond, even if their first meeting was pretty dark, but a love like theirs is what many dream of, wish for and hope for, a True Love so extraordinary, legendary epic stories are written about them. I´m talking about the True Love bond and soul connection between them. I admit gladly I love danger, the fear of the chase of when your Twin Soul True Love who´s a wolf chases you the deer and wants to “kill” and “eat” you, but you run out of fear of “dying” (heartbreak, pain, him breaking your heart and leaving you. A killer, a killer of hearts, but also the fear of pain of what could happen between both when together!), your nerves tremble, your heart races, your soul screams to put up your defences and in your mind it´s says run and protect yourself from being “eaten”, from ending up “dying”. I say I love the chase, but when it comes to being chased, I really am terrified, exactly like being a deer running from a hungry wolf in the forest. This is also what I look for in Twin Soul stories, where the carnivore Adam chases his herbivore Eve, until they have union. I kind of kept finding AMVs and had trouble stopping myself, I could find more, but had to stop myself, but ended the search with the last one, Fire on Fire, love it!
Happy 30 May, 2019.
(Love clumsy Ayase and poor Kuba having to deal with Kanou´s extreme possessive jealousy, but later on reveals Kanou is right in being that way against any guys!)
Anime & Manga: Okane ga NaiAnother epic masterpiece and the manga is still ongoing and this was even banned in countries, before it was uplifted. Makes me wanna search for all forbidden soul messages, but this one really spoke to my soul. So far what´s been updated is vol 12, chapter 9.“Ayase is a gentle, kind hearted, and innocent university student. The only relative he has left, his cousin Tetsuo, betrays Ayase by selling him to the highest bidder in an auction with hopes of making an enormous profit to be able to pay off his debts. Kanou, a bad-tempered (though very rich) loan shark, comes to Ayase’s rescue and buys Ayase for an impressive 1,2 Bill. Kanou apparently knows Ayase from something that happened between them in the past, but Ayase cannot remember who Kanou is nor does he understand why he “saved” him. In a desperate effort to keep Ayase close to him, Kanou demands the debt be repaid in full and suggests the perfect way to do it: by selling his body to Kanou for 500,000 each time. Ayase is horrified in the beginning, but something soon begins to grow between them that can’t be bought for any price.”Kanou, a yakuza type financial business money lender who is kind of the top person in the dark underworld and so many gangster types and other yakuza fear him. He can basically annihilate anyone that targets him, his company or the one he cares for. Kanou is the real demon beast in this story and Ayase is the angel who is able to see the darkness in anyone, understand them, has compassion and empathy for them, even if many try to do bad things to him, he ends up saving their lives from Kanou who wants to destroy them all for targeting Ayase. Kanou trusts no one, not even family members and knows that even family members can betray, just like what happened to Ayase, when his cousin tried to sell him off in human trafficking. When it comes to the dark realities in this world, those stories are what I look for the most, because it reveals the true dark realities, the various hells on Earth. In this story there´s rape, kidnapping, human trafficking, extortion, s & m, violence, but it´s also comical, dark, light and grey, so many soul awakening lessons that could awaken people. Both Ayase and Kanou are damaged in their own ways before meeting and they really have a hard time communicating clearly to each other, especially when Ayase has trouble expressing his thoughts and feelings at all and stays quiet most of the time, he keeps being uncertain what he should say or not say, so he ends up saying nothing (I laugh at this, because this is what I´m like. Just because I can write and express how I feel through music and stories, in person, I close myself off, I don´t trust, so my defences are always up) and Kanou who also has trouble expressing clearly to Ayase (Kanou has no trouble expressing clearly to anyone else, but to the love of his soul, his Twin Soul and the crazy dark situation they are both in, it´s not easy for him), so he ends up expressing what he feels and thinks through anger, violence and sex. I completely understood their language between them and the difficulties they both face when being together. Ayase understands him soulfully, so he can easily forgive him for what Kanou puts him through, even if his mind might not understand fully why Kanou is like that, but in his soul he completely understands. This is Kirito and Asuna in a story that is very dark and many fans don’t understand it, they´re even horrified by it with what Kanou puts Ayase through, but I totally understand how he tries to express himself when he can’t through words, so he shows it through action. It´s like, he can´t say he´s angry and use his words, so he expresses his anger through action (sex). Kanou is terrified of Ayase leaving him, so in his way of expressing his deep eternal love for Ayase and not wanting Ayase to leave him, is to say, “You owe me 1,2 billion for saving your ass, you can pay it with your body!” (He didn´t say it like that, I just wrote it like that) Kanou finds it hard to just come out and say “I love you, I want you with me forever!”, but because of his childhood and how he was raised and what dark world he was brought up in, that´s his way of expressing his love for Ayase. When you have the ability to decode someone´s actions, analyse everything about that person and why they behave the way they do, taking in account everything from their childhood, their upbringing, what sort of life did they have, think of all the possibilities, translate it, then understand it, you´ll be able to be an angel too and forgive like Ayase. Kanou is also terrified of losing Ayase, when Ayase is easily targeted by anyone, so Kanou has a habit of going into extreme serious protection mode by either “locking” Ayase up in a “birdcage”, having a bodyguard assigned to Ayase when he´s out and about, placing a tracking device on him, he´s extreme, but that´s how Kanou shows his love for Ayase. Kanou is so confident in his masculinity that he doesn’t give a fuck what people think of him when he is so open with his relationship with Ayase in public, being hands on and kissing. That results in many girls and guys who dress up like girls/woman in being jealous over Ayase, especially with how much Kanou loves Ayase and what Kanou does to protect Ayase. Ayase is voiced by Akira, I just love finding these soul connections! :) When you read the manga and you notice Kanou´s other selves, like the twins who work for him. Loved the story scene where Ayase ends up working part time at Someya´s Okame bar, gay bar where guys dress up like girls/women in costumes, but Kanou forbids Ayase working on the floor, but is able to work in the kitchen instead. Kanou hates gays and transvestites, he wants them all gone from this world, but Someya points out the fact he´s with Ayase who’s a boy and Kanou dresses Ayase up in girl costumes, but Kanou says Ayase is special, so that doesen´t count. Kanou´s illogic is too funny, but Ayase & Someya helps him see the world in a more soul awakened way. Here are some Kanou quotes from the manga:
“Unfortunately I don’t hold any pity towards Okame (gay) bastards, I actually want to kill them all, for this world, for the people and myself.” Kanou. 
“You´re having fun by making a guy dress up like this yourself too. Even if you dislike the same kind of people as yourself, aren’t you being too mean with your words?” Someya says and points to Ayase in a maid´s costume that Kanou made him wear. That Kanou realises and looks surprised. 
“I knew I forgot something, in order to avoid any weird misunderstandings, I´ll make it clear right now. It´s regarding how gay guys are not weird. I actually still think they’re weird, they´re abnormal, distorted and a mistake…which means I´m the same. Abnormal, distorted and a mistake!! Satisfied now!!? HOWEVER!! For me it´s restricted to Ayase only and somehow you just happened to be a guy!” Kanou says as he points to Ayase. 
“That´s why…compared to those guys who have only looked at guys straight from the beginning, I´m definitely not the same!! Do you understand!!” Kanou says in temper and anger as he shouts. This all happens in Kanou´s office, then suddenly Someya gets a call from one of her employees at the Okame bar and the girls are outside wanting to give their thanks to Kanou & Ayase that saved them from trouble when the Okame bar was being targeted by those hating gays and they´re standing outside holding signs saying “Love!” and Kanou´s response to this? 
“Hey Kuba! Some ALIENS have gathered in front of the building. Go take them out!” Kanou says on the phone to one of the twins working for him and Kanou looks dead serious.  
Obviously the Devine Masculines, the Adams are all straight, just like how all Devine Feminines are all straight, however, when it comes to soul love, when it comes to your Twin Soul who may end up being in a male or female body, the same sex as you, all that straight talk goes out the window and stops being about who is straight, who is gay and becomes about who does your soul love, who does your soul wish to be with forever and eternity? Kanou is right to say he´s only like that with Ayase, why? Because Ayase is he´s Twin Soul who happens to be in a male body, this way Kanou keeps being the strong, manly, Devine Masculine and behaves like a straight guy, but he´s in love with his Eve, his Devine Feminine who´s in a male body. Nothing about Kanou changes in terms of him behaving gay, but he’s himself. Anyone can still be themselves and be in love with the same sex and not behave gay, then you might have those that do change and behave gay, but there´s nothing wrong with that either, we do after all have both Devine Masculine and Devine Feminine energies is us all, but we also have a main energy we´re drawn towards. Straight guys can fall in love with the same sex, but still behave straight in terms of still being like themselves like Kanou. The only gay thing Kanou does is he´s has sex with his Twin Soul who´s in a male body and likes to dress up Ayase in girl clothes. There is nothing wrong with that and for any gays to start attacking anyone like Kanou who doesn´t behave like a gay in any other way besides that fact, are wrong to do so. It angers me when gays are targeted, but it also angers me if any gays target those who don’t act gay enough, just because they are straight in their behaviour like Kanou. The way I see it, is whatever your main energy is, Devine Masculine or Devine Feminine, is how you will behave and be yourself. Kanou is without a shadow of a doubt, behaving like a Devine Masculine and is secure with his manhood and masculinity, even if he´s with his Twin Soul who´s male too. Kanou behaves godly in that aspect, but he´d be more godly if he accepted gays and transvestites, which he kind of does in his own way, at the same time he doesn´t, he still needs more soul awakening. He´d also be more godly if he accepted the fact we have masculine and feminine energies in us all and there is nothing wrong with him being sensitive, caring, kind and being compassionate. Kanou is able to break down all of Ayase´s walls to reach him and Ayase does the same to Kanou, they reach each other´s hearts and souls. Twin Soul Magic! Ayase also thought it was weird for two guys to be together, but he became soul awake when he worked part time at Someya´s bar.One of my many favourite moments in the manga? The theme park Kanou takes Ayase to! It was like watching two teenagers trying to get to know each other more and that bunny scene killed me with tears, as did the times when Kanou saved Ayase and Ayase saved Kanou. Bunnies, bees, white deer, wolf, angel, demon, these symbols I use have great meaning between myself and Cazuki and I have more symbols to come.Peace Out! :)
29 May, 2019.
28 May, 2019.
27 May, 2019.
Moved info from here to post 2.
(Recommend watching all episodes with English sub! It´s Asuna & Kirito when both are male!)
Kirito: “Asuna, what´s wrong?”
Asuna: “Looks like the humans want to lock me away again in a cage! They really don’t want us to change the status quo or help life. If only the millions of cries and screams from children all over the planet that I hear could be heard by humans it too. If only the millions of screams and cries from people all over the planet could be heard by humans too. If only the billions of screams and cries from animals could be heard by humans too. If only they could hear the soul torments of anyone who’s with someone their soul has no wish to be with and they feel what they all feel, then they wouldn´t try to stop us from helping everyone. Kirito-Kun, we´re gonna need more help down on this level, otherwise it´s just going to get worse and darker!”
Kirito: “Asuna, if they cage you up again, if they prevent you or I from helping, there will be no need to get backup, because time will be up for them all!”
Asuna: “Kirito! Why would they go so far dark and destroy themselves! I don´t understand!”
Kirito: “It´s in their codes remember, it´s like they´re programmed to bring darkness everywhere on the planet. The only way to break them free is to wake them up, but too many don´t wish to wake up, but they want to live how they´ve always lived!”
Asuna: “That´s insane, but what about the star wars testing program? Many who have seen it want the wars to end, they want change and they don’t want to be controlled anymore!”
Kirito: “That´s true, the more we reveal who´s playing the dark side and the ones who want everyone to be free, protected and educated, the more souls become awake!”
Asuna: “…Kirito…I miss you!”
Kirito: “I miss you more Asuna!”
Asuna: “Not possible, how can that be, when I miss you way more! :)”
Kirito: “It´s possible, since all I want to do is find you right now and never let you go, but I´m holding back because of you!”
Asuna: “You know why and that doesn’t mean I miss you or love you less!”
Kirito: “I know, but I still love and miss you so damn much and I wish that day would be today, because then you´d be in my arms already and your lips would on my lips and I wouldn´t stop kissing you all over!”
Asuna: “What about breathing? :)”
Kirito: “No time for that! I´ll breath air into your lungs while I´m kissing you! ;)” 
Asuna: “Kirito-Kun! (Heart emoji)
Kirito: “Asuna! (A lot of Heart emojis)
27 May, 2019.
Something I love about Ten Count? There is this scene in the manga where Kurose and Shirotani are at a cafe, but then a girl (wolf girl who targets Twin Soul Adams. Their codes are easy to see! I say wolf girl, because I´m using that from my story between the Angel God & Demon God and their human children, wolves and deers! Their story is not over yet and more animals will be included!) from Shirotani´s past shows up and makes Shirotani feel uncomfortable, nervous, angry, sad and more, then he starts showing those signs with his body language and Kurose (who´s a psychologist) picks up on it, then Shirotani says he needs the bathroom, but doesn´t come back. Then wolf girl tries to come on to Kurose making her moves wanting him, but then Kurose really let´s his anger flare at her and he’s being a cool badass and leaves. Kurose then tells Shirotani he knew about him being nervous, fearful and mentioned when Shirotani had his hands together, like in prayer, Kurose decoded that as it was Shirotani´s way of praying for someone to help him out of that situation. It was heartbreaking to read and see it, my tears couldn´t stop overflowing, but to have your Twin Soul be able to read you like that, every single detail and your body language, that´s epic True Love and everyone should learn psychology in all fields to better understand everyone and learn how to read body language code, facial gestures code, tone & speed of voice code, speech code, energy code, soul communication code, this way you can even become more closer to your Twin Soul True Love too. Those two will always forever remain one of my many favourite characters and my soul is shining through Shirotani. I just noticed the book Shirotani gives to Kurose in the book store, too funny! “Forest of Norway!” Shirotani´s story really is heartbreaking. With the main characters of Akira & Cazuki who are not together, how and if they come into union all depends. Akira suffers from serious walls being built around his heart and he doesn’t let anyone in, doesn´t let anyone close, keeps his distance from everyone, that in itself is a massive barrier to overcome.
Epic True Love quotes from Kurose to Shirotani:
“When you´re dirty, sordid and wounded, I love you that way! If you think of it like that, I´m also so filthy, I´ll never ever get clean!” This can be translated to Kurose being also damaged and broken, just like Shirotani. Kurose says this to Shirotani, because Shirotani fears of dirtying Kurose. Shirotani suffers from a condition of being afraid of germs and filth, washes his hands always until it bleeds. He also keeps people at a distance, is a loner and doesn´t let anyone close to him. 
“The one who can make a mess out of Shirotani-san the most is me!” Kurose says to Shirotani with a devilish hungry beastly look. So true Kurose, so true! :)What does Kurose say to the wolf girl when Shirotani leaves?
“I have no interest in bitches that will spread their legs upon first meeting. You´d pique my interest if you got scared before getting devoured!” Kurose says, then gets up and leaves. Problem now is that even wolf girls can act all herbivore like to trick the Adams they don´t belong with to be with them. We need to update and use technology to reveal who are the real herbivore humans who reincarnate as farm animals or any herbivore animal that makes them natural runners, that makes them more scared and easily frightened and can cry fast when connecting to souls or their own feelings.Since I´m broken in so many ways, even before I´m reborn again, only then to be broken more with every new life, to meet your Twin Soul who will love you know matter how broken or damaged you are, your Twin Soul loves you no matter what and you love them no matter what, that´s True Love, the stuff of legends! Both Kirito and Asuna in the SAO were broken and lost lives before getting together, both were damaged, yet still kept fighting to help everyone be free.More info about the end of the world story I haven´t started writing yet and the humans having to unite the two Gods to save it. Both Gods are male, if Eve had been a woman, that could of been a potential barrier to overcome for Adam, since Adam God, God Z/K struggles to be with women, especially when his soul has no wish to be with one after what they’ve done to him for lifetimes. Eve God, God A, struggles to be around people, especially knowing what has been done to him for life times, when he´s in animal form or human form, so he just hangs out with animals, machines and robots. The humans who control the darker God of the two, God Z/K, try to wake him up so he remembers who he is and become soul awake, but they don´t wake him completely, because they fear what he might do to them if he finds out what happened to him all these life times and to his Twin Soul. When they say he needs to find his Twin Soul and unite with him to save the world, he says why does he care what happens to the world (He´s had a unhappy, broken, scarred life), so they wake him up more. They say he needs to unite with his Twin Soul even if his Twin Soul is male, God Z/K says no way, he’s straight, not gay, which means they have to wake him more, the third attempt at waking him up more leads to him still not being able to find out where his Twin Soul is, he dosen´t know how, so then they try to wake him more, but something happens and that leads to him knowing everything and then his red eyes glow, his anger flares and he destroys the place and escapes, leaving survivors and those that didn’t make it, but he now knows where his Twin Soul is. God A is working for H & H, in the Robotics Division, but he works at home surrounded by nature, away from everyone and in his workshop, he´s building the first transformer, Bumblebee. His projects includes creating small flying robots that look like Bumblebee´s head, but the colour is rainbow and those robots are programmed to replace God A, meaning, all his teachings is downloaded to the BB flybots that become mentors, friends, life defenders, teachers and the bots protect all animals, all children and anyone who wanted a Sensei at an early age before school starts even, anyone who wanted a life defender bot to protect them from family, bullies or anyone trying to control them or destroy them. God A dosen´t need to be here anymore, he can help anyone become soul awake and unplug from the Earth matrix with the help of the machines and it´s like God A is right there with them all. When he leaves to dive into the machine world himself, into BumbleBee the transformer (he obviously can dive out again into his human body, but once he dives into the machine world, it might be hard to bring him back if he enjoys it too much being so free), will God Z/K make it on time before God A is away and the only way to then reach out is to dive into a machine too, like having to build Optimus Prime? God A also refuses to use his voice, so he uses song, movies, anime to express himself when he´s inside a machine. The suffering and loneliness, the heartbreaks, the detachment, the constant closing oneself off in a never ending loop, feeling like he would never love again or be able to love again, when his walls that he built were just too high to break through, made him realise something, what if he could protect more if he was inside a machine, what if, the one who could finally break through those walls of his, his True Love, could only reach him through a machine and if that ever happened, that would be the One, God A was meant to be with. I could totally see BumbleBee watching anime and reading manga, finding his soul messages and downloading those codes to use for his speech. BumbleBee is an otaku! :)The BB flybots are equipped with sleep defence tools that could make anyone sleep for a week, 1 month or 3 months, it´s like penalty, if they didn’t learn to soul wake up still, they´d be asleep for much longer. The idea is, since so many humans are soul asleep anyway, they might as well be body asleep too then. The defence tool is to protect life and the idea I got from this:
If human´s don’t want to end up sleeping their life away, they should soul wake up and stop controlling life, tormenting life and destroying life all over the planet  like lost in the dark children. I think I´ll have it come full circle when it comes to Angel God asking the human children, would they be ok if both Gods were replaced by something else and that something else is machines. The interaction between the guys in that scene, hilarious! I guess this is one way to tell the Twin Soul story between BumbleBee and Optimus Prime and how they came to be. What does God A do then when in BumbleBee form? He chooses someone (His other self or his Twin Soul´s other self in the world) and becomes their friend, family and is with them, protects them, awakens their soul, frees their mind, helps unplug them from the Earth Matrix, gives advice until that person doesn´t need it anymore, then Bumblebee moves on to help someone else. Save the world? Like it would be that easy! Don´t forget, the humans have messed up big time and getting the Gods together in Twin Soul union is not an easy thing. I was also thinking including a scene where God A remembers what one of their human children said long ago, a wolf girl saying she would do a better job at being everyones mother, to humans, to the planet and be a better Eve to God Z/K, then God A looks at the monitors and sees what became of Earth right up to now, life, planet and what happened to True Loves, souls and families, basically a f$%&ed up mess hell hole. So now God A will show everyone what it really means to protect life, teach life, all life, all over the planet and uses the help of technology and machines to do it. If the Gods were helping in countries, would life suffer in every country? Would life be controlled so perversely and be kept asleep and dumbed down and tormented? Would life be hungry, poor, homeless, sick and not afford to get an education? Would Twin Soul unions keep being targeted? Would the planet be in trouble? No! So many things I could cover in this story, like everything! I could also see BumbleBee travelling the world and fighting the machines & weapons the humans were using to destroy life, like taking out drones that were used to kill humans, then use his sleep darts to put the humans to sleep if they targeted him or life. I can see him rescuing animals in slaughter factories, protecting life in war torn countries, taking out any flying machines that were polluting the skies with chemtrails, taking out any whale or dolphin or any sea life hunting ships, any humans destroying nature like the jungles and trees in the amazon, so many ways BumbleBee can help. The only one BumbleBee would use his voice for was if he talked to his Twin Soul, God Z/K. BumbleBee will fly like he was meant to! :) 
Twin Soul True Love Messages:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qeee1-0R-HM25 May, 2019.
I´ve read a lot of BL/Yaoi manga epic masterpieces, I´m still cataloguing and finding the ones that speak to my soul, but 10 Count is one of my favs, it´s dark, light and grey. Like my character Ariel, who I will channel my feelings through, I will say this, you guys are f#$%king lucky to have a penis and I wish I was a boy already! 
“Ariel, what´s wrong?” Zuki said seeing Ariel cry.
“Do you know who has the smallest penis in the world?” Ariel said with tears, being gloomy. 
“No!” Zuki said  being confused. 
“Girls and women that´s who! Their clitoris penises are the smallest! We can´t do anything with it, seriously! You guys have all the fun! I want mine to be bigger! I want to be a boy, so we can have fun together! Just look at all this BL and Yaoi and all the fun ways you guys can have sex, I´m so jealous of you!” Ariel said with more tears and Zuki smiled. 
“Ariel, you´re the first girl I´ve ever met that wishes to have a penis and who wants to be a boy!” Zuki said smiling and patting her head that was leaning against his shoulder. 
“Get used to it, I´m weird!” Ariel said with more tears. 
“I´m weird too and I love you being weird, its never boring!” Zuki said smiling, grabbing her face gently and kissed her lips. 
I´m gonna have fun with these two when I go back to writing! :) 
“How to make you mine?” Cazuki 
“Love, kisses, touch, tight hugs, heat, bodies igniting, lightning strikes, naughty & nice words, our bodies & minds & hearts & souls connecting as One with my Twin Soul is everything I want! That´s my luxuries!” Akira 
Just saw a trailer for a movie and gave me another idea for another Twin Soul story. It kind of relates to 4 dreams I have had in the past two years, 3 of those dreams were the same, flames, fire took over the entire Earth burning up everything and I saw humans trying to hide inside the mountains in shelters, the 4th dream was water taking over everything, ending the world. The story idea is that there are two Gods on this Earth, God A, God Z/K, (God Z/K has two names he goes by), (I won´t mention their full names yet), this Earth was designed and built by the two Gods, the Twin Souls, it´s their world, humans just live in it. The clock is ticking, time is running out before the world ends. The humans who have enslaved and imprisoned the Gods for life times need to free the Gods to save the Earth, to save themselves, but they have no idea where one of the God´s is, they only know where one is, but they can’t save the world with just one God, because what they´re up against is something only two Gods, teaming up can win against! The only one who knows where the other God is, is the one the humans are monitoring, controlling and using for their own selfish self serving greed and power and that one God has no idea who they are, why they´re here and what the humans are doing to them and have done to them for life times, if that one God knew what happened to them and their Twin Soul, that God would probably end the world themselves and start over, the humans fear the God they control, so the humans are in a hellish mess they themselves created and they now face an impossible choice, free the God that´s under their control who is the darker one of the two Gods, the one that has been drowning in darkness, anger and hate in their soul for life times, even thou their mind might not know what´s been going on, but their soul knows everything or the humans hope for the best and try to save the Earth themselves. In order for that one God to find the other God, that God that´s under their control needs to awaken, remember who they are, remember their Twin Soul and they reunite to save the Earth from destruction and the end of everything. I really want to write that story, but it has to wait. Peace out!Awaken The Twin Soul Gods:
I have many spirit animals, spirit aliens, spirit new creatures like Tails, the two tailed fox, spirit manga and anime characters, but also spirit robots who speak my soul language and Bumblebee is one of many. Have I lived many lives in unbearable pain, relentless pain, never ending pain? Yes! Both body, mind, heart and soul! Have I had enough of my pain and the pain that others suffer and endure? Absofuckinglutely!
24 May, 2019. New info and links below:
Who is Bumblebee? Bumblebee´s morality is expressed in the fact he has vowed to preserve all life and that all species of creatures have a right to be free. Optimus also vowed this. Bumblebee has also vowed to never kill humans! Who doesn’t love Bumblebee? He and Optimus are perfect to bring the messages of protecting life on Earth when humans do not. Are animals free? Are children? Are people? Are machines? Their Twin Soul story needs to be told!“I Am Bumblebee!” Love the fact they use a beetle bug in that movie, love the camero car, but I wanna see Bumblebee fly and be able to glide underwater too! The more I think about it, the more I see myself in Bumblebee. I communicate through written words, moving pictures, song and anime, and I wouldn´t mind communicating that way for the rest of my life. No one needs to hear my voice, because my soul code names, my voice is already being heard in many, many various ways all over the planet. Bumblebee & Optimus Prime? :) I´ve thought of a way to write the Twin Soul story between them and have them be in human form too, not just machine, I´ll combine both to convey what we need to say to shake this world awake! When I wrote Ohta in the main storyboard and he doesn´t have a voice, he can´t speak and uses other ways to communicate, now that I think about it, he reminds me of Bumblebee. Ohta in that story represents the part of me that is bound and my voice silenced from the world, but like Ohta in the side story and the main story, he always finds new ways to communicate and gets his message across in one way or another. “*Optimus, wherever you are in our Universe, I *Bumblebee still search for you and will light up a signal in the sky letting you know where I am!”(*Optimus Prime & *Bumblebee: Twin Souls)  I´ve added a new scene between Hisashi & Ohta in Post 2, Balance The Force. I really want to write more about them and everyone, but finding it hard to not write when all I want to do is write, all day, over 12 hours a day, I can´t stop, but changes need to happen, other projects need attention too. I will say there is another brother that is the older brother of Kenji and the younger brother of Nara/Azusa, he´ll be revealed later on and more will be told about them all. I´ve changed Hisashi´s age to be older, since that was the vibe I got from him. I´ve also added new information through out the entire story. As for the transformer comment in the story, I really love machines and Bumblebee will always be my favourite! Makes me wanna write a Twin Soul story with the transformers! Loved the Tight Rope anime Twin Soul story. I have´nt seen the Bumblebee movie yet, but really, really want to!!! Peace Out!
21 May, 2019.“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 20 is moved to post 2, “Balance The Force” post. It wouldn´t fit here, too long. Since the 16th, feelings kept coming to me saying I should finish chapter ? that I was working on and upload it before I take a break. Been in machine mode writing to finish it and now it´s here! I look forward to coming back and writing way, way more about all stories and new ones. Peace out! 
21 May, 2019.
Had to move info from post 1 since it didn´t fit, to the post “Balance The Force” This was one of my chapters that was ? I was working on. Feelings kept coming to me saying I need to finish this and upload it before I take a break and work on urgent projects. Thought I´d upload it, since I´ll be away for a bit. With this chapter, I could probably write 30 or more chapters with this story alone and I already know what happens next, but to be continued. This story is a really long one with several chapters already in it. As for my other stories I´ve written so far, I could also write 30 or more chapters on each. This story either takes place in the past, the future or on a different Earth, unclear, but will be made clear later on. I finally get to write about Aria and Zuki, but also Ohta and Hisashi. Even thou I haven´t gotten to their stories in the main storyboard yet, but these side stories I´m free to write about them and shine them to everyone. I will find a way to connect this story to the main storyboard, but for now, it´s a stand alone piece.
“Souls Pain Decoded” Chapter 20.
“In High School, the one I thought I was going to spend my life with, broke my heart, tore it to pieces and I drowned in the wreckage that he left behind.”
Kyoto, High School, 1st year students, two boys standing by the outdoor school swimming pool.
“I`m breaking up with you! I met someone else! It´s over! We´ll never be together again!” He said so coldly with a gaze that could kill any heart and drown you in sadness and pain, throwing you to the depths of hell for your soul that would be tormented by a broken heart for who knows how long.
“I felt no anger, no hate towards him when he spoke his words without any feeling, I only felt a sharp pain to my chest, I only felt overwhelming sadness and I felt like my heart was gonna stop and my silent tears wouldn´t stop flowing down my face. My face that showed all my feelings, all my emotions and all my thoughts, he could read it all, but he didn´t care.” Akira thought as he looked shocked and grabbed his chest where his heart was.
“Questions like why, why is this happening? Why are you leaving me? Didn´t we say forever? Didn´t we say we couldn´t be without each other and only wanted one another? What changed? What happened? Why are you breaking up with me? Why did you fall for someone else? Why have you changed or maybe, is this who you really are, a killer of hearts, a demon beast who just wants to have fun and not be tied down by such words like True Love, The One and Forever?” Akira thought with eyes widened with shock and disbelief as his tears continued to flow.
“But when he broke up with me, the words could not escape my mouth! I couldn´t move, I couldn´t breath, I couldn´t speak! I was in shock, felt like I was drowning in an ocean full of tears and he left as soon as his carried out the death sentence to our love that was no more, like what we had never happened and the memories would disappear like it was just a dream that turned into a nightmare. Is this for real? This feels surreal! To go on like he never existed at all, like it never happened, that´s surreal! I´m troubled and I feel like this is not how love is supposed to be. When we say the words forever, I love you and only you, I can´t live without you, these words have to mean something or else it loses meaning all together!” Akira thought.
“Falling in love does not come easy for me and I never imagined falling in love more than once, because I only ever wanted The One and no one else and I didn´t want to fall into pieces. Opening up myself is terrifying, because when you let someone in, you´re basically handing them over your life, your heart and your soul in their hands and in just one moment, they could switch and take a knife and stab you to death, ending your love for that person, ending your heart. To me, I think back to all our other life times here on Earth, when we found that One and we said and meant those words Forever, Eternity, Love you and no one else, want you and no one else, then this happens and your whole world flips over, turns upside down and you question everything and analyse every single detail until you find out how and why did it end up like this in the first place!” Akira thought.
“Aah dammit, so this is what my heart feels like when it breaks from loving someone so much, my first love! I literally feel like I´m being stabbed with a knife several times, I would of preferred that instead than feel these heart and soul pains! The pain stings, it burns, my heart is beating fast and it´s strange, but I feel like it´s not only my eyes are crying, but so is my bleeding heart and soul. If only this heartbreak feeling could be downloaded to everyone on the planet, then they would never break another heart ever again and would only stay single and unite with their One True Love forever!” Akira thought while standing still by the school swimming pool as his former first love walked away and endless tears continued to stream down Akira´s face. Then Akira turned to face the pool and dived backwards, arms stretched out like a cross, feeling like he was sacrificed and fell into the waters, drifting below, then screaming out every feeling, every emotion and every thought that was chaotically bubbling over and was trapped inside of him that wouldn´t release, but he was now free to communicate his soul pains to the Universe and even his tears became one with the water that became his sanctuary once again. He drifted and drifted, deeper and darker, eyes closed until he was ready for the world once again. As Akira drifted in the swimming pool, it now looked like he was in the ocean and his clothes & hair changed from silver and short, to become silver and longer, he was naked, baring it all, his life, his soul pains, his everything was revealed to the entire Universe that could hear him, see him and feel him, he was no longer hidden, but was exposed to everyone and everything and in that moment he felt freedom to finally express his soul song story to the entire Universe from his own words directly.
Over 4 years later…
(These words reflected in the water as Akira was still drifting and floating, but he was no longer drifting underwater in the swimming pool, but was now drifting in the wild ocean. His soul, his everything, no longer trapped in a swimming pool, but free to roam the entire Earth´s oceans)
In the deep clear blue sea waters, bubbles continued to reach the surface, the clear blue skies looked like another world where sunny sky kisses ocean blue. The sunlight pierced the underwater world and danced sparkling like a billion stars and floating like a water angel, floating slowly up to the surface, Akira´s naked body drifted in silence and stillness, peacefully, eyes closed, being one with life, with nature, with mother Earth, being one with one of his many homes, the ocean.
“Akira, age 19, star sign Aquarius, 2nd year Uni student at SAU in Tokyo. Cocreator & Co-owner of Heaven XXXXXXXX. (What he´s studying is not mentioned yet, but will be!) Herbivore Angel Human. Divine Feminine Eve. Born Male this time. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Single & Soul Awake!”
“Life, love, death, reborn, repeat! I´m seriously troubled in my restless heart and soul. I feel like the love trapped within me keeps filling up every day and is overflowing, being locked away like a wild mystical, mythical and magical pegacorn, being chained up, blindfolded and silenced, unable to break free from the very prison I myself built around my heart, protecting it from ever being destroyed again and since that day over 4 years ago, I´ve been single and refused to open myself up to anyone. I dived myself into my work and studies and that helped me take my mind off of love. After my first love broke up with me, the next day I transferred to a different high school and never saw him again. The last thing I remembered was the blossom trees, the blossom cherry petals flying around me and past me at school and I stood still for a moment and looked up, seeing the school for the very last time, then walked away and never looked back, but pushed forward and started over. It´s true what they say, first loves never last, but why is that and is there is a deeper reason behind it? Once the wreckage of the broken pieces are left behind, once you stop drowning in the pains that you once felt and thought would never end and you gain distance, clarity, you start to see clearer, you analyse every single detail about your first love, you question it, you investigate it, you break it all down and then you finally realise, that maybe that love was not the one you were meant to be with at all. Questions like, did they put you first or did they put family and friends first? Were they as obsessive and possessive over you as you were over them? Did they want you all to themselves, become greedy and selfish, make you theirs and drown you in their love, wanting you every day and every night? Were they easily jealous and would act like a demon beast if any potential threats came near you wanting to take you away from them? Did they not care to be turned on by anyone other than you? If no, then whatever love you had before was probably not the love that was meant for you. If only we could know before we got together, then this loneliness, being disconnected and detached would no longer be a repeating pattern and heartbreaks would no longer be a reality. I never ever want to feel that way again, so I close up and I lock away my heart. I never did forget him or try to erase him, but instead I kept the love, the memories we shared and locked it safely away in my soul. A story we once shared and a story that now ended, but never forgotten, but forever recorded in the Universe for all to see and understand, to enlighten and wake up, so others would learn and know that there is such a thing as True Love and that there is such a thing like the One we are meant to be with and if we stayed single and only wanted the One in our hearts, minds, bodies and souls, then one day it would no longer be a dream, but become a reality. So this is what the ocean feels like when it´s just me here and no sea life. It´s lonely, sad and heartbreaking. These same feelings I still have that haunt my heart like a ghost from a past I cannot shake, but my heart drowns just like my body is drowning in an ocean of tears from a heartbreak, from a love that is no more and will never be again, what makes me sad is not the love lost when that love was never meant to be, but it´s the scars and bullet wounds that were left behind that caused my heart to build a wall with defences so high out of fear of breaking again, no one could possibly break it or climb over it and open me up completely. Being open completely and letting go has never happened to me before. The keys to my body, soul and heart heaven is still a True Love virgin and I always kept those keys locked away and were only given to the One I felt in my soul I could trust completely and in my soul I would know that he would never break me and would never leave me for anyone or anything and when looking back to the past, I didn´t feel that way with him. So until that day when I do meet my other half of my soul, he would desire me, possess me aggressively, jealously, who would carnivore his way into my herbivore life and never let me go and would chase me if I make a herbivore run for it out of fear and he would pin me down if I thought about running and he would “attack” me if I thought about disappearing again. To meet the One I was meant to be with, would he kiss away my scars and wounds? Would he heal my pain and sadness with his love? Would he train my body to only respond to him, get turned on by him, be overwhelmed with just thoughts and feelings of him? Would he fill me up with nothing but him & his love until I was all his, until all traces of the past pains were washed away and overwritten with his eternal love when he looked at me like I was his world, his Universe, his everything? Would my soul complete his soul? Would he dive into my soul and call it home, not ever wanting to be a part from me, but would want to see & hear from me as much as I would want to see & hear from him everyday? Would he support my dreams, my goals as I would for him? Would he always keep his guard up with anyone who was around us who could potentially want to tear us apart coming after him or me? Would he show me his dark side, the part of him that terrifies me, but also in some strange way comforts me, knowing he would protect me, protect us fiercely as I would with him and us? And even thou I say I don´t ever want to feel that heart break again, I can´t help but wonder if the heartbreak with your True Love would be way worse and I don´t think I could ever survive it! As I silently drift here and I´m still alone, I sometimes dream that one day I will meet him, that one day life will find a way, True Love will find a way and we finally unite as One, our bodies, hearts, minds and souls, bursting with so much love, not even the entire world would be enough to fill the amount of love that´s resting in hyper sleep within both our souls that we have for each other and is ready to ignite, fly, dive and shine from within us, between us and beyond us taking over the entire Universe like a speed of light. I dream to want to give all my love that is overflowing inside of me to that special One and I want him to give all his love that´s overflowing inside of him to his special One that´s me! In my dream when I “see” him, I´m terrified, I feel fear and I want to run, but if he is who I´m meant to be with, then he´ll never ever let me go, not for anything or anyone, but like a Demon King, he chases me his soul partner until I become his! In my dream, my heart and soul calls to the One, my One in the entire Universe and I feel like every time I´m reborn into this world, it starts all over again and my heart and soul searches for him! Are you out there? Will we meet? Will we find each other again?! Where are you? But it´s only a dream and when I wake up, my mind keeps thinking the same, I can´t let him in my heart or my soul, I can´t break again. If I don´t ever open up my heart and soul, I can never be broken in that way again, ever, but why do I always get this strange feeling in my soul, like he´s out there somewhere, waiting for me?…” Akira thought as he finally opened his eyes in the ocean when he felt someone come behind him which surprised him and someone drifting above him who was also naked, had shoulder length dark black hair, this mysterious guy got closer to Akira´s body and was reaching for him, grabbed him, the mysterious guy smiled and his eyes were closed, he placed his hand around Akira´s waist and his other hand gently and lovingly around Akira´s forehead, bringing his head closer, so the guy´s lips would touch Akira´s neck, Akira´s eyes widened with surprise when this person came out of nowhere and he was no longer alone, but it was just the two of them, then suddenly sea life surrounded them, sea carnivores and sea herbivores in harmony watching them both as the ocean came to life and they were all watching in suspense at what was about to happen between two souls destined to be together, as the human godly bodies touched and connected being close, but when the guy´s lips touched and kissed Akira´s neck, Akira suddenly opened up his mouth and air escaped his lungs being nervous and heart racing and he didn´t know who this mysterious person was that was behind him, holding him so lovingly and gently like he could break, then Akira´s eyes opened up again and this time he was in the bath tub, underwater, bubbles escaped his mouth and he panically sat up, coughing, spitting out water, wiping his eyes and leaning over the tub, breathing chaotically, feeling tired from almost drowning when he fell asleep in the bath tub. Then he covered his face with his hand, closed his eyes.
“Get it together and don´t clumsily fall asleep in the bath tub! Baka!” Akira thought being angry with himself, then he blushed at having that dream again.
“I dreamt about him again, but I never see his face! Who is he?” Akira wondered placing his fist over his mouth feeling flustered, blushing, then his phone buzzed a message and he reached out for it and read the message.
“Akira, where the hell are you? You´re late for work! Move your ass!” Ukia wrote with an angry demon beast emoji attached and Akira looked at the clock on his phone.
“Yabai! I´m late again!” Akira said as he got up, then suddenly the doorbell rang as he stood still naked standing in the bath tub, wondering who it could be, since no one ever came to his place and he never let anyone in.
“Eeh? That´s strange! Who is that? No one ever comes to my place and I never let anyone in!” Akira thought looking surprised.
The he got out, slipped and fell clumsily to the floor injuring his hand and was bleeding all over the place.
“Tch! It´s one of those days is it? Then I won´t be surprised with whatever unexpected situations happens next! So bring it on Universe!” Akira said so determinedly and let out a sigh, then placed a towel around his waist and another towel over his head, then went to answer the door that kept ringing non stop. As he made his way down the hallway.
“So annoying!” Akira said feeling irritated.
“Who´s keeps ringing my door!” Akira thought feeling irritated, then when he opened up his door and he was dripping wet, looking like a wild angel tiger, as he expected, another surprise was at his door and Akira was not surprised since he was prepared for any surprises today.
“Zuki, age 16, star sign Gemini, High School Student. Career path: Basketball Professional Player. Carnivore Demon Human. Devine Masculine Adam. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Single & Soul Awake!”
“Zuki! It´s been a while! What´s up? How did you find me?” Akira said with no expression on his face while drying his hair so casually and calmly and Zuki blushed, was surprised when he saw Akira´s bare nipples and dripping wet chest be exposed, then he got angry.
“What the hell Akira, cover up and why do you answer the damn door looking like that and what the hell do you mean what´s up?! I haven´t seen you in over 4 years and that´s what you say to me?!” Zuki shouted like a demon beast pointing and grabbed Akira´s head towel and wrapped it around Akira´s chest.
“What are you getting worked up for? We´re brothers, we´re both guys and you´ve seen me like this before! What´s the big deal? You´re acting really weird!” Akira said looking confused.
“He doesn´t get it!” Zuki thought letting out a sigh, closing his eyes for second, then clenched his teeth getting angry.
“Tch! You´re too carefree and unguarded Akira! What if it had been some other guy at your door who could attack you and devour you with no hesitation?” He said angrily. Akira pointed to the security monitor that he checked before opening the door, making it known he wouldn´t just open the door for anyone.
“Hey! I thought you´d be more surprised to see me since we haven´t seen each other for so long?!” Zuki said looking disappointed.
“Universe rippled today! You still didn´t answer my question on how you found me?” Akira said as he walked in and Zuki followed.
“That explains your reactions!” Zuki thought.
“Umm…Well you did say you´d move to Tokyo one day and you always choose a path that´s different and interesting, so when I heard about the Soul Awakening University, that was the next place I looked!” Zuki said scratching his head.
“Also, you have a weird interest in names beginning with A, what´s up with that? And your obsession with the colour blue and silver/white, so when I asked around, you were the only one with silver hair! I can´t believe you changed your name! Made it harder to look for you when you left High School and left home! They told me where you worked and that you even created and owned Heaven XXXXXXXX! I haven´t been shocked that much in my life! You really surprised me! Never did I imagine you wanting to start a rival company and make it more popular and more successful than our family Hell business!” Zuki said smirking feeling proud of Akira, but then thought back to the past.
“Then again, I was also shocked when you said you were gay and shocked finding out who your first boyfriend was and shocked when you suddenly left home without telling anyone, not even me!” Zuki thought then got angry reliving it when Akira suddenly disappeared out of his life.
“Changing my name is a soul thing! My soul name will always begin with A, but I´m happy that I can still surprise you!” Akira said smiling teasing him, thinking he would always change his name whenever he is reborn into this world.
“Although my soul name has many code names, it´s not always A. I wonder if the one I´m destined to be with would find it easier to find me, because of my soul name and the colour of my hair when it stands out!” Akira thought.
“Well you do keep it interesting, can´t deny that and the hair colour does stand out and makes it easier to find you in the world!” Zuki said, then he saw Akira was bleeding.
“Oi! You´re bleeding!” Zuki said pointing to Akira´s hand.As Akira sat on the edge of the bath tub, Zuki wrapped Akira´s hand in a bandage.
“Arigatou little brother!” Akira said.
“Don´t you think it´s time we got rid of those titles? I mean, you are soul awake too right? These bodies are only vessels, souls are what matter the most and we´re not really “brothers”!” Zuki said smiling devilishly, leaning close to Akira´s face, seeing Akira still half naked body and dripping wet and Zuki looking like a hungry beast ready to pounce, but then Akira placed his hand on Zuki´s face.
“Quit looking at me like you wanna “eat” me or find yourself a new place to stay at!” Akira said as he walked out of the bath room.
“So mean, you wouldn´t kick out your little brother would you?” Zuki said panicking.
“Pfft! Now it´s back to being brothers when it´s of use to you!” Akira said smiling.
“Anyway, when did you start switching teams? I thought you hated gays!” Akira said looking annoyed being reminded of the past.
“Is that why he left home? He must of picked up on it, but I´ve changed a lot since then! I´m awake and unplugged!” Zuki thought. Then Zuki went into thinking mode and thought back to when he changed.
As Zuki walked with his girlfriend to the cafe, both wearing school uniforms and she was clinging to his arm while he just had hands in his pockets looking carefree, cool and not interested.
“Zuki, why don´t you pay attention to me? Look at me, give me attention!” Girlfriend nr 1 said pouting, as she was pulling his arm back and forth and trying to get his attention and he had an annoyed look on his face.
“So annoying!” Zuki thought.
When they were sitting at a cafe and drinking.
“Blah, blah, blah…weather…blah, blah, blah…make up…blah, blah blah…fashion & style…blah, blah, blah…shopping & travel…blah, blah, blah… fancy possessions and luxury is the best…blah, blah, blah…I wish I was rich too!” The girlfriend nr 1 said talking non stop about boring subjects.
“She´s so boring! I wonder if the guys are playing basketball? What should I have for dinner? I´m horny! Crap, I forgot to do my homework! Where should I look for Akira today? I wonder if the investigator found anything yet!” Zuki thought drinking his organic smoothie and looking at his phone.
At school, in the hallway, girlfriend nr 1 stopped clinging to his arm to go to the bathroom.
“Wait for me Zuki! I just need the bathroom!” Girlfriend nr 1 said smiling and ran off, but when she came back, 3 other girls were surrounding him like carnivores being on the “attack”, pulling his arm, wanting attention and flirting.
“Zuki date me! I really like you, so dump that other girl!” A girl said.
“No way, he´s gonna go out with me, you´re not even his type!” Another girl said angrily as they both growled.
“Aho! What crap are you going on about! I´m totally his type! Are you blind? Think back to all the girls he´s dated!” Angry girl shouted.
“Let them fight between them Zuki, come with me instead!” The other girl said smiling pulling his arm pushing her breasts up against his arm that she was flaunting with her school uniform shirt that was tight on purpose, to put the breasts on display and gain attention from boys.
“What about my girlfriend?” Zuki said.
“It´s her loss that she left you unguarded! Doesn´t she know you´re like royalty, a prince at our school! So many girls wanna date you! There are carnivores everywhere wanting to “eat” you up, but I´m the one who will have you!” She said confidently, then girlfriend nr 1 came up to them and slapped the girl´s face who was trying to take Zuki away.
“Get away from him you slut!” Girlfriend nr 1 said angrily.
“You bitch!! You messed up my beautiful face! I work as a model you know! You´ll pay for this you nobody!” The girl said angrily.
“Hwaaah! Looks like cat fight is starting! Yay!” One guy said from a distance.
“Wish they were fighting in mud and with less clothes on!” Another guy said drooling while imagining it.
“My money is on the short feisty demon girl!” Another guy said.
“I´ll take that bet!” A guy said.
“I think the tall demon one will win!” Another guy said.
“Why?” A guy said.
“I hear she does anything you want and the small one doesn´t!” A guy said.
“Anything?” One guy said as they all imagined dirty thoughts and then drooled.
“I´m a model too you moron and I don´t go around stealing boyfriends being lazy and desperate and can´t take the challenge of finding someone who´s single!” Girlfriend nr 1 shouted back.
“Who are you calling lazy! It´s a lot of work to go after a guy who is already with someone else you know! It can take months or even years! You know nothing!” Girl shouted angrily.
“She doesn´t deny she´s desperate?! Pffft!” Girlfriend nr 1 thought.
“Oh please, it´s the quick and easy path! You guys even meddle with dark magic messing with minds and manipulating emotions and feelings! Girls talk you dumb ass! It´s all dark side you moron! It´s negative energies that breeds negative energies!” Girlfriend nr 1 said angrily out loud.
“What the hell are you talking about now! Are you crazy!” Girl shouted angrily looking nervous, guilty, sweating and panicked, but trying to not let it show that she does mess around with dark magic with the other girls.
“Yeah crazy in love with Zuki! So back off!” Girlfriend nr 1 shouted angrily.
“I´m out of here, fight it amongst yourselves!” Zuki said looking annoyed, now being fed up, then left alone as they kept on fighting and shouting at each other.
“I´m surrounded by brats! So fucking annoying!” Zuki thought, then when he walked passed the faculty room.
“Hey Zuki! Seems like you´re tired of being surrounded by brats! Wanna have some fun with a real woman!” Sensei said being flirty, as she walked up to him seductively from the faculty room, being seductive and tempting, pulled his tie, smiling and flirting, then pulled him by his tie into the faculty room and locked the door and he didn´t refuse.
“I´ll make you feel so good, so relax and enjoy!” Sensei said smiling getting on her knees and unbuckling his trousers.
“A real woman huh!? Why do I feel like your´re just an adult version of them?” Zuki thought not being in the mood and not really wanting to do it.
“What´s with your face, I told you to relax didn´t I or do you need to be disciplined and taught a lesson when you don´t listen!” She said smiling.
“Sensei! How many students have you “devoured” before and carnivore chased?” Zuki said.
“What? Are you jealous? Don´t be! Compared to them, you´re my favourite student, but if you bore me and I get tired of you, I´ll move on! So play nice, do as I say and we´ll have some fun, ok!” She said smiling biting his belt.
Then the faculty room door unlocked and suddenly slid opened and a girl stood in the doorway with some documents in her hand and looked shocked and blushed and Zuki and Sensei looked surprised when being caught in the act.
“Spare key was hanging by the door! If you wanted an audience, you should at least put up a sign advertising your live show!” She said, then walked in, placed the documents on the desk, then left fast and locked the door.
“Heh!” Zuki smiled.
“Do you think she´ll report us?” Sensei said looking worried.
“Ije!” Zuki said as he pulled up his pants and walked away.
“How do you know?” She said.
“Just a feeling!” He said.
“But to be sure, I should find out!” Zuki thought.
“We didn´t even get started! Why are you leaving?” Sensei said sulking.
“I lost the mood!” Zuki said as he left.
“Tch!” Sensei said being annoyed and sulky.
As Zuki walked down the school hallway with his hands in his pockets, he walked past the window where Kenji and his wife were being outside and they were both smoking, both covered in tattoos, she was goth, he looked like a delinquent.
(Just to be clear, not all goths or people with tattoos are like this, but anyone can behave like this.)
“Isen´t that…?” One girl said standing out side from a distance from them.
“Hai! She´s back at school, but look how big she´s gotten!” Another girl said.
“She´s so lucky! I´ve been trying to get pregnant with my boyfriend for weeks, but for some reason, I´m just not getting pregnant! I might need to see a doctor, otherwise he might leave me for someone else!” Another girl said.
“How did she pull it off? Getting married and pregnant in just one month?” A girl said.
“Apparently she used her father´s illness as a reason to trap him fast, like saying she wants her father to see that she´s married with a kid, so he can die happy! She´s so considerate! She actually did get pregnant after a few weeks, but then lost the baby! So sad, but she pulled through and got pregnant again!” A girl said.
“That must of been heart breaking, that poor girl, but she looks happy now!” One girl said.
“Trapping a guy using guilt, that´s not a bad idea! I wonder what I can use to get my boyfriend to marry me and have a kid fast!” Another girl said.
“She looks so happy! I´m so jealous! I wanna be married and have kids too!” A girl said as they all looked to Kenji and his girlfriend. From the other side, Ama, Kiyoshi, Zai, Ohta and Takeshi were playing basketball, but then took a quick break.
“Kenji looks so miserable and they´re fucking smoking again while she´s pregnant!” Zai said angrily.
“I heard from Kenji that she was told by doctors, friends and family and by Kenji to stop smoking, but she didn´t care, saying it was her body to do as she pleased!” Takeshi said.
“She really is a fucking moron!” Zai said angrily.
“Is he still drinking a lot to escape from his life?” Ohta said.
“Hai, but he also smokes weed to escape, but if he really wants his freedom, he should just break up with her, otherwise she´ll torment his soul until what, he drowns in darkness in his soul, then one day, in one life he snaps and goes on a fucking killing spree taking his hate and anger towards her out on others?” Kiyoshi said.
“Are you serious?!” Takeshi said.
“That makes complete sense!” Zai said.
“In this life Kenji does what she says and he obeys his parents, but in another life in this same time line, he could be a soldier and wants to go to countries that are at war so he can then kill life! If any of us don´t unplug and wake up, then history will continue repeating and hate, anger and darkness will keep tormenting souls until they snap in this life or the next!” Kiyoshi said.
“It´s an epidemic in the world! Guys getting trapped by the facehugger types, then their life paths taken from them!” Ama said as he was reading a book, “How To Be Soul Awake & Unplug From The Earth Matrix!”. Then the other guys were staring at Ama.
“Facehugger what?!” Ohta said.
“You know, from the Alien movies! The facehuggers look like vaginas right? The facehugger can be anyone, be it family, friends, lovers, co-workers, bosses, teachers, politicians, just anyone can be a facehugger type and there are specific codes they all have and are all the same and will repeat history and the codes can be identified, warning anyone. The facehugger represents prison, enslavement, soul torture, darkness and hell in souls, life paths taken from them, obedience, self serving, selfishness, being controlling, trapping their targets with marriage and pregnancy fast, trapping anyone in a relationship, making sure their targets never leave and never end up with their Twin Soul, making sure Twin Soul unions get torn apart by the facehugger types and the continuation of hell on Earth where life suffers endlessly.” Ama said while reading his book and the guys looked shocked.
“Ama, I wanna read that book after you!” Ohta said.
“My mind has just be blown away, like I feel you opened up a door to freedom!” Zai said, as Takeshi was listening to music and didn´t hear them.
When Sensei Nara saw Kenji and his wife smoking again, she opened up the window and looked down at them.
“Did you know, cigarette smoke is a toxic mix of over 7000 chemicals? Smoking while you´re pregnant can increase the risk of health problems in babies, like death, premature birth, low birth weight, birth defects of mouth and lip, SIDS sudden infant death syndrome, damage to the baby´s developing brain and lungs, miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, reduced oxygen to the fetus and second hand smoke can also cause serious health issues, even same ones.” Sensei Nara said.
“Sensei, I´m not interested in your lecture miss know it all! How about get off your high horse and leave me the fuck alone! Come on Kenji, I´m hungry, buy me more food! I´m eating for two you know! You should treat me like a princess, like royalty! I´m your queen, so make me happy and quit looking so miserable! People are looking at us! I want them to see we´re happy and in love!” Kenji´s wife said angrily.
“Ne, did you get the information from me that could help save your father´s life and cure his cancer?” Sensei Nara said.
“Tch!” Kenji´s wife said angrily.
“What?” Kenji said.
“I sent an email to her when I heard about her father being sick and I gave her the contact information of an author who I contacted, and he did research on ways to cure cancer and it´s proven and effective, but she never replied back to me! How is you father now?” Sensei Nara said.
“She really doesn´t give a shit does she! All she cares about is herself and trapping him and she´ll use anyone to get her way!” Nara thought, then Nara thought back to when her and Sensei Hiroko at school was confronted with crying Kenji´s girlfriend in front of them and she was saying she lost the baby through ectopic pregnancy.
“I´m so sad! I lost the baby because of a ectopic pregnancy! Comfort me! Tell me something that will make me happy! Cheer me up!” Kenji´s girlfriend said while crying, but Nara and Hiroko just stood there, looking at her.
“…” Nara.
“…” Hiroko. Nara looked expressionless, while Hiroko looked stern and serious and angry.
“You smoked while being pregnant! You killed the life inside you and now you want us to give you attention and make it all better? Are you kidding me?” Hiroko said angrily.
“So mean Sensei! You´re supposed to be teachers and give us support and be understanding!” Kenji´s girlfriend said while crying more.
“You´re right, we are teachers and it´s our job to teach you! Stop smoking, stop tormenting life that´s growing inside you! Stop trapping guys with pregnancy! Stop murdering life inside you! You´ll never graduate from Earth University when you keep acting like a child! Here, a support group that can help you quit smoking, eat healthier with vegan and organic foods and protect the life inside you! Then take this too, a support group to help you become independent and help you wake up to not trap guys anymore and also help you give the guys their freedom back!” Sensei Nara said.
“Tch!” Kenji´s girlfriend said angrily, then left and stopped crying so suddenly.
“How was that, too direct, too honest?” Nara said.
“Perfect!” Hiroko said smiling devilishly and he pushed his glasses back on his noise.
Back to Nara, Kenji and Kenji´s wife.
“I didn´t hear about this!” Kenji said angrily, then his wife saw him fuming and then she started crying to move the attention back to Sensei.
“You´re a monster Sensei for bringing up my father! He´s dead now you know! You have no heart! Kenji, tell her off! She´s making me sad and reminding me of the painful memories of losing my dear father!” Kenji´s girlfriend said while crying.
“If he was that dear to you, then why didn´t you want to save him? Oh that´s right, you were too busy wanting to get married and getting pregnant fast!” Nara said.
“Kenji, let´s talk during lunch!” Nara said, then she left.
“Does she really have him wrapped around her little finger? Her manipulation is so easy to read! She´s like an open book!” Nara thought.
Then Nara came into the teacher´s faculty room and slid the door closed, leaning up against it and let out a sigh.
“I know that look! You had another light sabre word battle didn´t you, with the emperor or snoke or both, I can´t tell the difference, they´re both the same to me?” Hiroko said.
“Did you win?” Hisashi said standing up from his desk and grabbing his bag.
“Mochiron! I´m a *Grey Jedi after all!” Nara said smiling.
“Good!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly.
“Marry me!” Hiroko said as he held her hands in his hands, then Nara smiled.
“Hiroko, you propose to her every day, but she says no! Why not give up already!” Hisashi said.
“Never! Hisashi, do know how hard it is to find a *Grey Jedi in this world!? They´re like one in a billion!” Hiroko said and Nara blushed.
“Ain´t that the brutal truth! Too many are sleep walking in life!” Hisahsi said as he left the room.
“Nara, will you be mine and no one else´s!” Hiroko said still holding her hand, being like a gentleman.
“You really are a romantic and the right One for you will be very lucky to have you!” Nara said smiling, then he looked dejected, disheartened, but then suddenly he kissed her hand.
“Same time tomorrow?” Hiroko said.
“Hai!” Nara said smiling.
“Awesome!” Hiroko said smiling as he left and their playtime banter between them was over.
(*Grey Jedi: Code for Twin Soul, a soul who is awake, a soul who is unplugged from the Earth Matrix, a soul who only wants their One True Love, their Twin Soul and no one else, a soul who is vegan and a soul who makes it their mission to battle at the front lines on Earth, to help end all kinds of wars against the planet, life, souls and True Loves Twin Souls)
In class, Zuki was sitting at the back of the class in the middle, looking carefree, Kiyoshi was sitting in front of him, Ama was sitting next to Kiyoshi, Ohta was sitting at the back next to the window and Takeshi was sitting in front of Ohta, while Zai was sitting next to Zuki. In Literature class, Sensei was busy writing on the digital board with his computer pen, while everyone in class were writing down what Sensei was writing, while Ohta was the only one in class who sat staring at Sensei, getting lost in his one sided love for Sensei.
“Ohta, age 16, star sign Aquarius, High School Student, Career Path: Basketball Player or Literature Novelist or both. Herbivore Angel Human. Devine Feminine Eve. Born Male this time in this life. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Soul Awake & Single.”
A flying paper airplane came towards Ohta on his desk, snapping him out of his daydream and Ohta picked it up and looked up to see who sent it. Then he saw Ama smiling at him, then Ama made the heart symbol with his hand gestures, making a cheeky smile and Ohta blushed. Then he opened up the paper airplane note and read what Ama wrote.
“Ohta, if you stare any longer and intensely like that, Sensei might literally be over flooded with hearts falling down upon him from the sky, drowning him in your eternal love you have for him!” Ama wrote with a smiley face with hearts in the eyes. Then Ohta blushed more and got nervous fast, heart pounding and Ohta wrote back, then he sent it flying back to Ama, but Sensei caught it in his hands, shocking Ama and Ohta when Sensei came out of nowhere suddenly.
“Ho! What have we here? Well, we are in literature class, so I´m happy you guys are writing, but you´re also not paying attention in my class and I´m known to show no mercy for students who are slacking off!” Sensei Hisashi said looking like a mischievous devilish demon beast wanting to punish and discipline his student.
“Hisashi, age 32, star sign Gemini, Literature Sensei at a High School, (also has another job), but is yet to be revealed. Carnivore Demon Human, Divine Masculine Adam. Half Plugged into the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Asleep/Awake & Single!”
Now Ohta was panicking, wanting to grab that paper airplane at all cost and he got up fast and tried to take it away from Sensei.
“It´s private, nothing for you to see! So give it back!” Ohta said angrily being rebellious and not giving a fuck that he was standing up to the Sensei, trying to grab it, but since Sensei was much taller, not a pushover, he was also known as a Demon Carnivore Beast in class, he held it up high with his long arms, but Ohta couldn´t reach when Ohta tried jumping, making a scene in class and it looking comical.
“Ohta´s standing up to the demon beast! He´s so brave!” One student said.
“Or he´s baka! Sensei will punish him if he doesn´t listen!” Another student said.
“Ohta! What the hell are you doing?!” Takeshi said looking concerned.
Sensei placed his hand on Ohta´s face stopping him.
“No can do Ohta, you´re in my class, bringing chaos to my order and you should  be learning, not playing around in class!” Sensei Hisashi said with his stern face while smiling, but then Ohta bit Sensei´s hand when Hisashi didn´t take his hand off of Ohta´s face, shocking the class and Hisashi was bleeding and even Hisashi looked shocked, but then smiled devilishly licking his hand seductively while looking at Ohta like he was going to “eat” him.
“Hwaaaah! He bit Sensei!” A student said looking shocked.
“Oh my God!” One student said looking surprised.
“He´s done it now! He´s in trouble!” Another student said.
“I was right! He´s baka!” One student said.
“Ohta!” Kiyoshi said placing his hand to his face, then Takeshi got up fast and grabbed Ohta by the arms from behind, like holding him back from reaching Sensei.
“Heh! You´re quite the feisty one Ohta! How interesting!” Sensei said smirking, then opened up the letter.
“Ije!!! Don´t you dare read it or I´ll…!” Ohta said while kicking his legs and arms waving in the air trying to grab Sensei, but Takeshi was holding him back, then Takeshi placed his hand over Ohta´s mouth from stopping him to say anymore and getting into more trouble, while Ohta struggled to be free from Takeshi. When Sensei read the message, his eyes widened with soul shock.
“I can´t help it, but I´ve been in love with Sensei since I started school! When our eyes met the first time I saw him, I felt like I soul recognised him, like I´ve known him for life times and I feel like I finally found my One, but my heart and soul hurts so damn much when there are these bakabakashii rules and laws in the world saying we can´t be with the One we love, so I keep my distance, I lock away these feelings and my heart and soul drowns in pain everyday from this one sided love, which he will never know and we can never be. I sometimes wonder, am I the only one? Does he feel the same about me, but locks it away too or is it just me? Are we all just destined to continue to feel this heartbreak feeling in every life, because we can´t openly say what we feel, otherwise there would be consequences? I swear it Ama, sometimes I feel like taking on the whole fucking world and tearing down all these insane rules and laws that keep True Loves from each other, that keep True Loves from saying what they really feel in their hearts to each other, that keep True Loves separated when they could be destined to be together. I love him, I love him, I love Hisashi, that will never change, no matter what those baka rules and laws say and I will make it my mission to break and tear down all those rules and laws once and for all!” Ohta wrote.
Ohta was now blushing, eyes closed, clenching his teeth, feeling anger and sadness, heart racing and feeling mortified.
“My life is over!” Ohta thought with tears filling up in his eyes and pain he was feeling in his chest. Sensei went from looking soul shocked to now looking angry and fuming.
“Looks like I have to discipline you for your actions here today!” Sensei said angrily and beastly, as he grabbed Ohta´s wrist aggressively from Takeshi and Ohta looked surprised and Sensei dragged him off out of class.
“Chotte matte!!” Ohta said out loud feeling confused, angry and nervous.
“Class, you have a new written assignment while I´m gone. I want your report on the written literature work of Kiriya, “Prison Planet: Light & Dark Separated!”. Write down your thoughts and feelings about it, then hand it in this Friday!” Sensei Hisashi said angrily, as he left the class while dragging Ohta with him, slammed the sliding door shut angrily and there was silence and shock in class.
“What the hell did Ohta write?!” Kiyoshi said looking angry, while Ama was biting his thumb nail, looking nervous and guilty and blaming himself for sending the paper airplane.
“Sensei´s gonna “eat” Ohta alive! I wonder what punishment he´ll get? He even bit Sensei!” Takeshi said looking shocked and concerned.
“I wouldn´t worry about it! This is Ohta we´re talking about it here! No matter what punishment he´ll get, he always gets back up and gets more fired up, being more rebellious and stubborn than before!” Zuki said sucking on a lollypop with one leg resting on his desk and hands in his pockets.
“I think Sensei is overreacting to the whole thing! Ohta is one of his best students and he´s hardly causing chaos, he´s just being wild and free, being true to who he is! I´d hate to see Ohta be tamed, chained and broken down to be obedient. That would freak me the fuck out out if he´s not acting like himself!” Zai said as he let out a sigh.
“We all would be freaked out if that ever happened!” Kiyoshi said.
“Not happening! This is Ohta and no matter what anyone does to him, he´s a soul that can´t be trained to obey, unless he came back in one life as a dog, but even then, deep in his soul he would know what the humans were doing and he would just play along humouring them, but when he´s human, he´ll find a way to break free and be free from any control anymore!” Zuki said.
“I never understood that, what´s the deal with trying to make dogs loyal and be obedient anyway? Makes me fucking mad when I think about it!” Zai said angrily.
“Pffft! Ohta a dog! I bet he´d be a cute dog and I´d carry him around in my bag always, keeping him safe and he´d probably keep me safe with that rebellious protective nature of his!” Takeshi said smiling while imagining Ohta being a small cute dog and Takeshi was holding him up in the air lovingly and Ohta the dog was licking his face looking happy and wagging his tail and Takeshi was smiling being happy.
“So cute!” Takeshi thought while smiling and daydreaming, then he looked at the faces of Kiyoshi, Zuki, Ama and Zai looking at him strangely.
“Nani?” Takeshi said looking confused.
In the school hallway, Sensei was still dragging Ohta away with him.
“Let go of me Sensei! Where are you taking me?!” Ohta shouted angrily and nervously trying to get his freedom, but Hisashi didn´t say a word, then he pulled Ohta into the Literature club room aggressively and slid the door shut fast and aggressive, locked it and slammed Ohta against the door and kissed Ohta with such passion, heat and electricity, Ohta´s whole body trembled, shook, his heart raced, his energies went into nervous overdrive and his eyes were soul shocked when being kissed by the love of his soul.
“Eeh?! Huh?! Nani?! Wasen´t he angry?! Wasen´t I to be punished?! What´s going on?! Sensei´s gay?!” Ohta thought being attacked with so many thoughts and feelings all at once being confused and soul shocked.
“Yamate!!” Ohta said out loud angrily and nervously, while blushing, pushing Sensei away with both hands, looking down to the floor, not being able to look into the eyes of Hisashi.
“Sensei! What are you doing?!” Ohta said with tears streaming down his face that was dripping to the floor.
“Is my voice shaking, my body´s trembling!” Ohta thought.
“What does it look like? I´m punishing you! You really are quite the chaotic mess, but your tears taste sweet, so I´ll forgive you!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly licking Ohta´s tears on his face.
“You´re taking advantage of my feelings for you! Your´re so mean!” Ohta said.
“This doesn´t make any sense at all! Is this what he´s really like? A pervert? A demon beast who devours his students one by one?! I´m so conflicted and I could easily kick him off of me, but at the same time I can´t help but feel pulled to him when I love him so much and now he´s taking advantage of that and punishing me in his weird twisted and perverted way!” Ohta thought, then Hisashi grabbed Ohta´s finger biting it.
“Ow! That hurts!” Ohta said feeling pain and blushing and being angry. Then Sensei started licking and sucking on Ohta´s finger seductively.
“Oi!!!” Ohta said feeling confused, nervous and blushed more.
“You´ve been a bad student Ohta and biting Sensei! I need to discipline you!” Sensei said smirking as he started to pull up Ohta´s top, licking and sucking Ohta´s nipple while rubbing the other, arousing him, teasing him and Ohta tried to make him stop, he clenched his teeth, feeling angry and nervous at the same time.
“Do you punish all your students like this you damn pervert?!” Ohta said angrily.
“Ije! Only you, because you´re special!” Hisashi said smirking as he continued to suck, lick, bite and tease more, while Ohta blushed.
“Special?! What the hell is he talking about?!” Ohta thought, then Ohta tried getting his freedom again.
“Let go, hentai!” Ohta said out loud.
“It´s no use, you can´t escape me, so prepare for your punishment!” Sensei Hisashi said as he pulled out Ohta´s penis.
“He´s not listening to me at all! I could report him if I wanted to, but I´m not a girl and I´m in love with him and now I´m pissed off at him, why is he doing this to me?! God I wanna kick his ass!” Ohta thought and Hisashi started rubbing Ohta´s penis and kissing Ohta.
“Yamate! If you don´t stop…!” Ohta said, then Hisashi made him come really fast.
“Oh my! You came so fast and a lot! You´ve been holding back haven´t you!?” Hisashi said smirking and licking his hand where Ohta´s semen was all over.
“Don´t lick it!!!” Ohta thought.
“You´re a demon!” Ohta said angrily, tearfully and blushing, holding his fist up against his mouth, being embarrassed. Then Hisashi leaned in close to his face and placed his palm on the door, towering over Ohta with his tall body.
“Yes I am!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly.When Ohta came out of the toilet that was connected to the clubroom after cleaning up, then he saw Sensei leaning up against the table holding some forms.
“What´s that?” Ohta said looking curious.
“Your punishment! Forms to fill out to join this club!” Hisashi said now looking serious and stern.
“Punishment? You already punished me you demon pervert and I´m already in a club, the basket ball club and I don´t have any time to spare for anymore clubs!!” Ohta said being annoyed.
“I have complete faith that you´ll make it work. As for the punishment, are really ok with telling other students how you were disciplined?” Sensei said smiling and chuckling to himself.
“Tch!” Ohta said angrily, then grabbed the forms aggressively and started filling out the forms.
“I wanna KICK HIS ASS!!!!” Ohta thought.
When Sensei slid the classroom door open, he was smiling devilishly and mischievously and the students looked fearful, then Sensei came in and walked over to his desk and Ohta was standing behind him looking like he lost the battle against the demon beast.
“Scary! Sensei looking happy means his punishment worked!” A student said.
“He´s a sadist!!!” Ohta thought as he walked to his desk and sat down, being lost in thinking.
“Eeeeeh! Look at Ohta! He´s changed!” One student said.
“Looks like he lost the battle against the demon!” A student said.
“Whatever punishment Sensei did worked, he looks like a tame kitten now instead of a tiger!” Another student said.
“You´re all wrong! Ohta´s angel tiger is always inside him, if anything, that tiger is just getting more wild and more rebellious, waiting to pounce when the time comes!” Zuki thought smirking while imagining Ohta being a tiger and was growling and roaring as he stood on a mountain top, looking out to the world.
“I wanna kick his ass! Kick his ass! Kick his ass!!!” Ohta thought.
“Ohta´s also a soft, sensitive, loveable, caring, funny and playful tiger kitten inside his soul!” Zuki thought, then imagined Ohta as a tiger kitten and was holding Ohta the tiger kitten in the air and Ohta was licking Zuki´s face, meowing, purring, being happy as Zuki was too.
“Pfft! So fucking cute!” Zuki thought smiling and chuckling to himself.
“Ohta! What the hell kind of punishment did you get?!” Takeshi said feeling unnerved with how Ohta was reacting.
“I have to join the Literature club!” Ohta said so calmly, while plotting to kick Sensei´s ass.
“Huh?!” Takeshi said looking confused.
“Soka! That explains your reactions! That is brutal! Taking your time away from basketball! He really is a demon!” Zai said.
At lunch, Nara was at her desk in the teacher´s faculty room with Hiroko.
“What do you think of this?” Hiroko said handing his tab to Nara.
“What am I looking at?” Nara said.
“It´s an app I´m working on that can help anyone learn math fast, easy, fun and can happen at any age. Kids could know math before they even start school!” Hiroko said.
“Smart idea! I like it! That should happen with all subjects! Then more time to create, instead of spending so much time learning at a slow snail pace.” Nara said. Then Hiroko got a text, read it, then left the room. Then suddenly the door slid open and Kenji was standing there with his fiery red hair and looked pissed and had a red cheek from being slapped by his wife.
“Kenji, you actually came!” Nara said looking surprised. Then he sat down on the chair by her desk.
“She slapped you again?” Nara said as she got up and grabbed a cooler from the freezer and handed it to him, then he placed it on his cheek.
“Why did you want to see me?” Kenji said looking annoyed, as he closed up, not wanting to talk about it. Then Nara grabbed a book called, “How To Become Soul Awake & Unplugged From The Earth Matrix” and below the title it said, “Wanna Be A Real Grey Jedi?”.
“Before I mention that, here!” Nara said handing Kenji a leaflet about pregnancy and sex, then he grabbed it.
“What´s this?” Kenji said.
“The information in that leaflet mentions why it´s not a good idea to have sex with a pregnant person.” Nara said.
“What?!” Kenji said.
“To give you the fast easy to explain answer, having sex with a person who is pregnant can be compared to having a child be in the same room as you while you´re having sex and they are watching everything, hearing everything, downloading everything, but not only that they feel everything too. Her orgasms will be felt by the life growing inside. Her dirty thoughts, your dirty thoughts will be picked up by the life growing inside through telepathy. The life growing inside is the audience to your live sex show and is that really what you want for that life growing inside, to pleasure it too and expose it to everything?” Nara said so directly and honest, as Kenji looked shocked and guilty.
“Another reason why I will never get pregnant. I can´t go 9 months without sex, I´d rather adopt animal angels instead! To be that close to your Twin Soul, but never go all the way? That´s unbearable torture & cruel to both of us! Being intimate is one main way to communicate love and I love communicating that way! Only those who are soul awake and unplugged will never have sex while being pregnant.” Nara thought.
“Moving on. I know what you´re doing! You believe you don´t have a choice but to stay with her, but you always have a choice! The life that is birthed into this world are the same souls, so for all you know, you could be bringing yourself or her back into this world and then history repeats again and you become trapped again! Is that really the repeating life you want in every life and nothing changes? As for your parents, they´re not you´re real parents, The Universe is the real parents of everyone, so you owe them nothing and you don´t have to feel burdened by responsibilities and the pressure from them to stay with her, because you got her pregnant and married her. You can still see the child, teach the child without having to be with her and if she threatens to not let you see the child if you end the relationship, then tell us and we will support you 100% and help you take on any battles she throws at you. You´re not alone, we have your back! She can´t win anymore! Even if this world is controlled to serve them and keep them in power over you and any guys, that power of theirs, that control is coming to an end. Kenji, if I remember, you´re still a star wars fan right?” Nara said.
“Hai!” Kenji said, then she handed him the book.
“Then this book will open up your eyes, your mind and your soul and free it all! You can be free from the emperors and snokes in this world and there are Grey Jedis waking up all over the planet, being rebellious, being stubborn and helping life everywhere. Hux, I look forward to the day you become an awakened Grey Jedi and I hope that happens to you soon!” Nara said, then Kenji grabbed the book.
“When are you coming back home?” Kenji said, but then Nara had tears in her eyes, then smiled.
“I can´t little brother! You know that will never change! When I showed them proof that I reincarnate as farm animals, they didn´t care and still continued to eat animal flesh, eggs and drink milk. Which makes me sick thinking about it! What are eggs? It´s menstrual eggs the chickens push out everyday and humans are eating it! It´s disgusting, but besides that horrifying fact, what sort of family can call themselves and pride themselves of being a family, when they can happily eat the flesh of their daughter, eat the eggs from their daughter and drink the milk from their daughter? They have no idea the true meaning of family, they´re just children refusing to wake up, refusing to learn and refusing to graduate from Earth University! I hope and pray for that day on Earth when billions wake up finally and the veil is lifted and they´re no longer asleep, but wide awake and everything changes!” Nara said. Kenji got up.
“Do you still smoke weed?” Nara said.
“Why? Are you gonna report me?” Kenji said.
“You should know me by now! If you´re low on it, I can provide for you to smoke on that instead of those killing cigarettes you´ve been smoking and weed is far more healthier for you. I grow my own garden, so anytime, drop by, if you quit smoking those death sticks!” Nara said smiling.
“Sensei, are you really tempting a student with drugs?” Kenji said smiling, and that was the first Nara saw him smile in a long time.
“I´m shocked that you would think so little of me!” Nara said being playful.
“Marijuwana is not a drug, it´s medicinal and is also a hippy, happy plant that can make you feel good, healthy, sane, creative and heal wounds! I´m a Sensei, and it´s my responsibility to educate the students on the real facts and truth in this world that are being twisted and darkened by the children who are playing rulers and who are playing parents while they continue to corrupt and darken life!” Nara said smiling.
“Can it heal my soul wounds?” Kenji said, then he left and slid the door shut.
“Ije, it can´t heal or take away soul torments when being with someone your soul has no wish to be with, only your Twin Soul can heal those dark soul wounds with eternal True Love! If not this life Kenji, then when? I don´t want to see you be tormented in your soul anymore! Let me shine light into your darkness! Let me show you a world where freedom is a reality, where True Love is real, where your soul can truly shine and be that fire, that wild untamed beast I know you to be! You´re more to this world than being her obedient slave, you´re parents obedient slave or anyones obedient slave!” Nara said looking concerned.
At home in his bedroom, Zuki was doing his homework on one of his screens at his desk, then on the other screen he was logged in on a online game world and his character named Kazumi, a girl who uses a magical shield to protect and defend against any enemies and could heal any wounds with it was just hanging out by a blossom cherry tree in the middle of a field and she was in sleep mode. Then a ping noise alerted him that his friend Aria had logged on, a guy character with blue hair and had a sword attached to his back. Zuki lit up like the sun sparkling being happy to see Aria again.
“It´s been over a year since I met Aria online and we became fast friends. A part from Akira, I feel closer to Aria than anyone I have ever met. We have rules or more like Aria made rules, we don´t mention our names, age, gender or where we are from and if we get too personal, we can say no and not answer, but every week I try at least once and ask him if we can finally meet, but his answer is always the same, but I think if I keep being stubborn, he´ll finally give in!” Zuki thought then thinking back to all the times he tried asking Aria to meet up.
Kazumi: “I wanna meet you Aria!”
Aria: “I don´t think that´s a good idea!”
Kazumi: “Let´s finally meet!”
Aria: “We should stick to the rules!”
Kazumi: “Let´s meet in 3d, I wanna see you!”
Aria: “You know I´m just as stubborn as you are and my answer is still the same! Ije!”
Kazumi: “Can I see you!”
Aria: “I don´t want to! Kazumi you´re so persistent!”
Kazumi: “I won´t give up!”
Aria: “Please give up!”
“I do think I´m slowly changing his mind, but he keeps making a herbivore run for it! I am curious to know what he looks like in person, but is there another reason why he won´t meet me?” Zuki thought, then Zuki´s body trembled and shaking his head not knowing who he had been talking to this whole time.
“AAAAAAARGH!!! I wanna know what Aria looks like! I wanna meet him!” Zuki said out loud.
“The impression I get is that he´s seems to be very funny, wise, wacky, mature, kind, caring, generous and honest, but the most magnetic pull was that he´s very interesting and our conversations are never boring! His words of wisdom has helped me a lot and he´s even happy when I give him advice, but it´s not enough, I want more, I want to know more and I find myself always getting greedy when it comes to Aria!” Zuki thought.
Aria: “Hey Kazumi! How are things? I was thinking we could conquer level 69 today?” Then Zuki imagined Aria being a teenage girl with long blue hair and they both were doing 69.
“Yes I wanna conquer 69 with you Aria! I´m feeling horny again! Aria´s a girl, Aria´s a girl, please God let Aria be a girl!” Zuki thought grabbing his penis and rubbing it as he wrote back at the same time.
Kazumi: “Yes, yes, yes, let´s conquer 69 together!” Zuki said then suddenly climaxed fast in some tissues and tossed the paper in the bin.
“It´s not the same! I wanna come inside Aria & all over and make a mess!” Zuki thought feeling gloomy.
Aria: “Hey Kazumi! Were you being lewd just now?” Zuki jolted in panic and was shocked that he was found out.
“Fuck! How did he know? Are we soulfully connected or something? My heart is beating fast! What do I say? Shit!” Zuki thought.
Kazumi: “I´m just excited to conquer all levels with you & finish the game!”
Aria: “Well, there´s no rush! I really like this game and so far I haven´t found another online game that´s like it or better, but I think I´m more interested in virtual reality now and if I find one that meets all my requirements of what a game should be about, would you join me there and meet up in the virtual world?”
“I wanna meet you in 3d Aria, not just 2d!” Zuki thought.
Kazumi: “If it feels anything like the sword art online game, count me in!” Then Aria wrote some happy emojis and a thumbs up.
Aria: “I didn´t think you´d be online today! Didn´t you say you were busy going out with a guy who confessed to you yesterday?”
“Well it was actually a girl and I´m a guy, but the rule says we can´t say that!” Zuki thought.
Kazumi: “I went out with him, but I ended it! He was too annoying and it ended with him getting into a verbal battle of words with 3 other guys who wanted to date me! I´m mentally exhausted and they were all draining me like energy vampires!”
“I almost wanted to swear, but Kazumi doesn´t swear and would be out of character for her!” Zuki thought.
“I did end up having sex with that girl thou before I ended it!” Zuki thought.
“I really am a demon!” Zuki thought having a devilish guilty smile. 
 Aria: “Sounds rough, but aren´t you just attracting those types of guys? Every one of them seems to be the same when you talk about them!”
Kazumi: “Maybe I am, I don´t really notice until I actually date them! It´s like the first impression they give is totally different when I first meet them, it´s like they look all angel like, but then suddenly their true colours are revealed and they all end up being demon and carnivoring their way into my life wanting to take it over, control me, use me and chain me up to them! Several of them even wanted to marry me and have kids just after one month of being together!”
“Fuck! Marriage and babies are always on their fucking minds!” Zuki thought feeling irritated and gloom.
Kazumi: “If I didn´t have such a strong dominant personality, they would of ended up walking all over me and I´d be trapped in a prison and stuck with them!”
“I know too many guys that are stuck in those types of relationships and they are fucking miserable and many end up cheating or having their wild spirits caged away and even their life paths taken away as their dreams and goals disappear!” Zuki thought.
Aria: “If only there was an app or a game that could help reveal what that person is like, their true colours before anyone ends up with them, but you know, a fast way to know is if you stayed single and only were their friends first, doing date things but as friends. Then only getting together if you´re in love for real! I´m talking real love, soul love, the kind of love you can´t live without that person, ever and you know in your heart and soul, they are the other half of you and they bring the best out of you and inspire you to be a better person!”
“Staying single huh? Is that what Aria´s doing? Is he even single? I can´t do that thou, I love sex too much!” Zuki thought.
Aria: “I guess it all depends on what you love more, sex or real love with real sex!”
“What the fuck?! That´s fucking freaky! Is he a mind reader?!” Zuki thought.
Aria: Aaaah Kazumi, my work just called, someone called in sick and my boss is asking for help! We´ll conquer 69 later ok! Ja ne!” Then Aria quickly signed off.
“He works? So he´s not a student! That´s means he´s older? What job does he do? How old is he? Where is he from? Can we meet? Or he could be student who has a part time job! I´ll try asking tomorrow!” Zuki thought then saw 69 written on the screen again and he started rubbing again his penis.
“Aria!” Zuki thought as he masterbated again while thinking Aria is still a girl and imagining doing 69 with her.
In Ohta´s room, Ohta came in and turned and fell backwards on his bed, then placed his arm over his eyes. Then got flashbacks of Sensei Hisashi kissing him and touching him and making him come, then Ohta blushed and turned his body to be on his side and he noticed he got an erection.
“Tch! Just one memory of him, makes me this hard this fast! Shit!” Ohta thought, then he got out his penis and started rubbing it, thinking about Hisashi. Panting, breathing heavily, blushing, feeling wet, overflowing with precum and calling out Hisashi´s name.
“Hisashi…Hisashi…Hisashi!!!” Ohta said as he came in his hand and looked at it.
“What are you doing to me! Take responsibility for making me fall for you, you damn demon pervert!” Ohta said as he curled up on his bed, feeling sad, angry and gloomy.
3 days later…
Zuki was sitting at the table at the school cafeteria drinking an apple juice box through a straw and was surrounded by Ama, Kiyoshi, Takeshi, Zai and Ohta who were eating and talking. Ohta was drinking a V organic freshly squeezed veggie and fruit juice through a straw.
“I haven´t found that girl yet who walked in on me and Sensei, but it doesn´t look like she said anything to the faculty or the principle and there hasen´t been any gossip about it. My soul intuition was right again!” Zuki thought.
“It´s been 3 days since Sensei took my pride and crushed it to shambles, but what happened between us has not decreased my love for him, but somehow it´s increased and I´ve been playing with myself more than before, thinking about him more. Wanting him to touch me more, kiss me more, fire me up with his heat and passion more, but I still also want to kick his ass! He makes angry, but he also makes me love him more! How the hell does he do it? Am I attracted to pain, humiliation and having my pride crushed or something? What´s up with that? Maybe I´m messed up or maybe I´m just so in love with him, that no matter what he does to me, I´ll always love him!” Ohta thought as he was drinking his juice for lunch, biting the straw, looking around and not seeing Sensei anywhere, but only seeing other teachers eating together.
“He never eats at the cafeteria! Where does he eat? What does he do? Makes me wanna go investigate and find out! I never did show up to the literature club after school! That was my way of kicking his ass! Probably didn´t really impact him at all! It only has to look like that I´ve joined right, so no one finds out what he did to me!” Ohta thought, feeling like his rebellious self again.
“Zuki! How´s it going with Aria! Did he agree to meet you yet?” Kiyoshi wondered.
“Ije, but I´m not giving up!” Zuki said.
“You know real life isen´t like online life right! You may end getting hurt or fooled if you meet him, but if you do, let us know when and where, I wanna see the look on your face when we end up being right and you either getting stud up or it turns out he´s a *nekam! Pffft! Hahahahaha! I can´t help but laugh every time I imagine that happening!” Takeshi said laughing. Then Zuki karate chopped a hand gesture on Takeshi´s head being irritated.
“Ow!” Takeshi said.
(*Nekam: A person who could be any age and any gender, a person who could fool you, lie or scam you.)
“I don´t know how you can do it! For all you know he could be someone who´s a freak or be dangerous or a pervert. He could be any age and any gender messing with you! He could also be jerking off to you!” Zai said then trembled nervously at the thought of it and Zuki had a guilty look on his face.
(Zuki guilty of masterbating to Aria every week)
“I´m a freak, I´m dangerous, I´m a pervert and my character is a young girl who´s 2 years younger than my age! Does anyone really reveal their 3d selves online anyway? Since I didn´t want to get attention from girls, I chose a young girl character. It was like an escape from my 3d life and all the girls who wanted to date me! Instead I ended up getting too much attention from the guy characters in the game, so fucking annoying, but Aria was different and I was the one who approached him, since he was always by himself being a loner and a solo player!” Zuki thought.
“I know only of 2 who have met their online friends and they all turned out to be nekams, but they still remained friends and didn´t judge. So I support you!” Ohta said.
“Arigatou Ohta! I just wish I knew how to get him to say yes to meet me!” Zuki wondered.
“He could be the herbivore runner type and prefers to keep a safe distance from you since he probably senses you´re the carnivore type. A possible way to lure him out in the open is to find out something he´s very interested in and then use that as a way to get close to him, something he can´t refuse, but make sure it´s in a public place so he feels safe not being alone with you!” Ama said.
“Will that even work?” Zuki said.
“It works!” Kiyoshi said smiling thinking back to the times Ama ran away from him when he tried to get close and like a scared bunny, a sacred deer and a sacred lamb, Ama ran away from him every time, but then Kiyoshi bought two tickets to a comiket festival where they were the first ones there before everyone else and could buy and look at everything before it was overcrowded with many people. Only a small group got in first and since Ama was never able to buy the games, manga, anime and doujinshi he wanted whenever he went, that time he got to buy everything on his list and was in Manga heaven.
When Ohta was walking down the school hallway reading a book, “The Joker & The Reaper: A True Love Twin Soul Story!”, suddenly out of nowhere, Sensei Hisashi grabbed Ohta by his collar from behind and dragged him into the Literature club again.
“Hwaah!” Ohta said feeling nervous, caught off guard and heart raced when his herbivore ass was “attacked” by this carnivore demon. Hisashi pushed Ohta up against the book shelf and placing his hands up against the book shelf, cornering Ohta, his prey, looking down to him.
“He´s so damn tall!” Ohta thought.
“Nani!?” Ohta said smiling nervously and sweating and heart beating fast and loud.
“Eeeeeh! He looks more pissed than usual! What´s he angry about now?!” Ohta thought feeling nervous.
“You didn´t come to the club after school! It´s been 3 days and my patience has ended! Seems like you need to be punished more for disobeying your Sensei!” Hisashi said smirking as he loosened his tie.
“This sadist never quits! More punishment?! I don´t understand this at all, but I´m not letting him have his way this time!” Ohta thought.
“Eto…why would you be mad about that?! It´s only for show right, to hide the fact you did that perverted thing to a student!” Ohta said feeling confused.
“Have you forgotten I´m in love with you aho and you´re still taking advantage of that! Don´t mess with my heart anymore, please!” Ohta thought.
“Ohta, you weren´t paying attention in class, but you´re focus was on me! The Literature club is all part of your discipline and training and you ditching the club has made your Sensei very angry! Your disobedience needs to be handled personally by me!” Hisashi said looking irked, annoyed, but smiling deviously, then pulled out from behind him, a vibrating pleasure toy to be inserted into Ohta´s butt. Then Ohta freaked out.
“Hah!! Is he joking!!! Also, he´s only increasing my focus on him, not decreasing it!” Ohta thought looking fearful.
“No fucking way are you putting that thing into my ass!!” Ohta said angrily, placing his hands behind his ass, protecting it. Then Sensei grabbed Ohta´s face aggressively, being close to his face, making Ohta´s nerves race even more.
“Yabai! He´s so close to my face!” Ohta thought.
“Who said you had any choice in the matter! Now take your pants off! We can do this the slow and gentle way or the fast and furious way! Decide quickly!” Hisashi said smirking.
“You´re enjoying this too much you sadist pervert!” Ohta said angrily, clenching his teeth and taking his pants off.
“Teaching & playing with you is fun, now open up your mouth and don´t disobey me again!” Hisashi said smiling, then grabbed Ohta´s wrists above Ohta´s head with one hand and then he placed the small vibrating toy into Ohta´s mouth, lubing it up with his fluids, then inserted it in Ohta gently, which made Ohta jolt in panic.
“It feels too weird having something up my ass!” Ohta thought.
“Heh! You´re hard already and leaking just from me playing with your ass?! Who´s the pervert one here!?” Hisashi said smiling as he grabbed Ohta´s penis rubbing it.
“You bastard! The blame is on you for touching me like this!” Ohta said angrily, clenching his teeth.
“Then since you accepted this punishment, I´ll now reward you for being a good student!” Hisashi said as he turned Ohta around and he went on his knees and started sucking on Ohta´s penis, jolting Ohta again by surprise and feeling pleasure in both areas.
“What are you…!!” Ohta said, then he got lost in the pleasure feeling of being touched again by the love of his soul.
“I´m melting! The heat from his mouth, his tongue teasing me, his lips kissing and caressing me, sucking me in and my ass being pleasured at the same time! Feels so good I´m gonna come again fast! No fair, no fair, you´re not playing fair!!!” Ohta thought.
“Please stop, none of this is making any sense! Why are you going this far? If you don´t stop I´m gonna…!” Ohta said.
“He´s not stopping, but ignoring me!” Ohta thought as he tried to grab Hisashi´s head off of his penis, but it was too late, Ohta came in Hisashi´s mouth.
“I told you, but you didn´t listen, spit it out right now!” Ohta said angrily, but Hisashi ignored him and swallowed it all, shocking Ohta.
“Why would you do this?!” Ohta said looking surprised, confused and not understanding the lengths Hisashi is going for Ohta, being so personal, so intimate like that, which only happens between lovers. Then Hisashi got up, looking so cool and in control and wiped gently his face with his fist. Then leaned close to Ohta´s face again and smiled.
“I told you. I´m rewarding you for being a good student!” Hisashi said smiling.
“Sensei, my heart! What are you doing to my heart!” Ohta thought.
When Ohta slid open the door into math class, he came walking in, looking hot, sweaty, blushing and sat down, leaning his face and arms over his desk.
“There are multiple ways to teach math in a fun way and today, I´m gonna show you the various careers that use math and then each of you will pick a career that you find interesting and you´ll be given equations to solve and problem solving assignments to complete related to that career. This way, it may get you more interested in math! Careers like engineers, architects, scientists, mathematicians, analysts, animators, game designers, pilots and professional photographers!” Hiroko Sensei said.
“Ohta, you look like shit! Are you sick or something?! If you are, don´t infect with it!” Takeshi said, covering his mouth.
“What´s wrong with you, you´re sweating and your face is all red?” Zai said.
“Did something happen?” Ama said. Then Sensei Hiroko came over and saw Ohta looking like a mess.
“Ohta, if you´re not feeling well, you should go to the infirmary!” Sensei Hiroko said.
“I think, I´m done for today! I´m going home!” Ohta said, grabbing his bag, then struggled to stay on his feet as he made his way out of the class room again.
“Have you noticed Ohta hasen´t been himself since that day with Sensei?” Takeshi said.
“Should we ask him about it?” Zai said.
“He won´t tell us, unless he wants to. You know what he´s like, he keeps everything close to his chest. If he ever suffers, he does it alone!” Ama said looking concerned.
When Ohta came into the boys bathroom at school, he went into the toilet and yanked out the vibrator, feeling horny, sexually aroused, teased to the max and tried pleasuring himself with his fingers, but it wasen´t working.
“Fuck, fuck fuck!!! It´s not enough, my fingers are not enough! That perverted demon! What games is he playing?! He makes a mess of me like this, then leaves me to suffer!? I´ll get you back for this you sadist!!” Ohta thought.
When Ohta was home, he was in the bathroom taking a bath, his head halfway underwater, blowing bubbles.
“I don´t understand him! Is he damaged in some way from past traumas of someone controlling him, raping him, punishing him and now he´s taking that out on me? If he told me that, I´d probably understand him more. I´d understand his soul pains and sufferings from this life and any life. Just what the hell happened to him?!” Ohta thought, then tears silently streamed down his face thinking about Hisashi, feeling empathy, compassion for Hisashi. Then suddenly Ohta realised he left school and isen´t participating in the after school club activity.
“Yabai! I forgot about the literature club! Ije! I refuse! I absolutely refuse to join after what he put me through! It´s now impacting my studies! He´s out of control! I´ll tell him tomorrow, then we´re back to just being student and Sensei and again, then I´ll lock away my feelings for him.” Ohta thought, as he fully submerged himself underwater.
In the Literature club, Sensei was sitting by the table where 5 other girls were reading and writing, his legs were crossed, arms crossed and he was tapping his finger on his arm impatiently, looking furious, annoyed and fuming.
“Tch!” Sensei said angrily when looking at the clock.
“Sensei, is something wrong?” One girl said looking worried.
“Ije! It´s nothing! Don´t worry about it!” Sensei said smiling, but his eyes were not smiling. Then he got up, walked over to his desk in the literature club room, opened up his laptop and continued to write his next world best selling novel that he started after he read Ohta´s note and the title of his new book was called, “The Twin Soul Rebels: Breaking Rules, Breaking Laws and Changing The World for True Loves Everywhere!”
As Zuki met up with girlfriend nr 2 at the movies, he had longer hair, he didn´t shave and was dressed freely and wildly as he wanted.
“Zuki! What are you wearing for our date?! Why didn´t you cut your hair and you didn´t shave?! Why are you not wearing the outfit I bought you?! Why are you not saying anything!?” Girlfriend nr 2 said out loud being angry causing a scene and people were looking.
“Urusai! I´m free to wear what I want and look how I want! You´re so damn annoying!” Zuki said being annoyed and not caring that so many people were staring at them as they verbal battled it out of one trying to control the other.
In his bedroom, Zuki and Aria were battling a level with a zombie monster in the online game and Aria was using his sword and Zuki would shield him and heal him if Aria got injured.
Aria: “This one is a lot more difficult than the last level, the zombie monster keeps healing itself real fast!” Aria wrote as he battled.
Kazumi: “Try using your 12 step sword lightning technique! Look out!” Kazumi said standing back safely and watching Aria battle, then used her shield to defend Aria.
Aria: “Hwaaaaaah! Thanks! I almost died again!” Then Kazumi healed Aria when he got injured. Aria then defeated the zombie monster with the help of Kazumi and they were gifted with money, abilities and an upgraded advanced sword & shield with more powers.
Aria: “Great team work as always! I couldn´t do it without you!” Zuki´s heart raced and he smiled.
Kazumi: “Aria, if I was alone in this game, it would be boring without you! I´m happy we met!”
Aria: “I´m happy we met too!”
Kazumi: “How about we meet up then!”
Aria: “….”
Kazumi: “…”
Kazumi: “?” 
“Is he seriously thinking about it? He is he gonna say yes finally?!” Zuki thought as his heart raced again.
Aria: “Sorry…I got a text and was reading it, but my answer is the same, we can´t meet up Kazumi!” Then Zuki felt defeated, dejected, disheartened, but then remembered what Ama said.
Kazumi: “You never know, you might say yes next week!” Zuki wrote with a winky face emoji.
“A possible way to lure him out in the open, find out something he´s very interested in and then use that as a way to get close to him, something he can´t refuse, but make sure it´s in a public place so he feels safe not being alone with you!” Ama said.
Kazumi: “Ne Aria, do have any favourite interests or hobbies or things that you´re obsessed with lately?”
Aria: “Hmm!”
“Is he not gonna say it? Please tell me! Don´t make a herbivore run for it!” Zuki wondered feeling nervous and on edge.
Aria: “…”
Kazumi: “…”
Kazumi: “?”
Aria: “The Galaxy Kings!”
Kazumi: “What´s that?”
Aria: “A music boy band that plays all my favourite songs! They sing about True Love and saving the world and the two main leads in the band are gay and are together! Their music gives me chills listening to it, it´s like they reach into my soul and I end up floating in the Universe surrounded by stars, the cosmos and galaxies, the sound of the wind, earth, water and fire, but I feel at peace and energised to want to save the Earth and find True Love too! Their songs are powerful and full of passion! I´m obsessed with them and I bought all their songs, cds, music videos and merch! I even planned to buy a ticket to their concert in Tokyo, but it got sold out! I was really looking forward to it!” Aria wrote with several sad and tearful emojis, but Zuki was beaming brightly and seeing a way to finally see Aria.
“He lives in Tokyo? Is he a teenager? No, even adults can be obsessed like that! Age has got nothing to do with it!” Zuki thought.
Kazumi: “That sucks! Maybe next time you can go!” Zuki wrote with happy and cheerful emojis, but he was looking like a demon beast smiling devilishly plotting and planning to lure out the angel in the open.
“This is it, this is my way in to see Aria! I´ve got this! No matter how I figure it out, I will get us those tickets!!!” Zuki thought feeling really motivated and determined with a mission to accomplish.
Aria: “Yeah I guess! I´m logging off now Kazumi! It was fun playing with you! Ja ne!” Then he logged off. Then Zuki went on his other computer screen and looked up Galaxy Kings and saw some of their music videos, placed his head phones on, then his eyes widened with surprise and he too felt like he was drifting in the Universe and suddenly he imagined Aria, being a girl and they were uniting as One, holding each other and smiling.
The next day…
In psychology class, Nara Sensei was showing everyone an episode of the anime Angels of Death, then when it finished, she turned it off and looked to her students as she sat on her desk, legs crossed and could see several crying faces when watching the last episode.
“They finally got together!!! My heart would have stopped if they didn´t!!” One girl said wiping her tears with some tissues.
“So heartbreaking their stories, but their love for each other saved them from hell! I want a True Love like that!” Another girl said.
“Now that you know their backgrounds and how they both ended up on dark paths, both being broken messes, both being in hell, how many here believe Zack and Rachel should be free and be free to be together and not locked away in any type of prison, but be healed from their torments from their past and their souls?” Nara said, then they all had their hands up and she smiled.
“Good! Then what about our world? If you really have soul awakened and learned the soul lessons in that story, do you believe criminals should be healed, their dark pasts investigated, then that information used to prevent anymore children from falling into darkness? Or do you still believe criminals should be locked away in hell prisons to be tormented more on their bodies, minds and souls, then some be executed, while others are locked away in psychiatric facilities to be tormented? Only children would lock away lives like that and torment them more, not understanding anything, not having compassion, empathy or understanding. Not acting human at all! How many here are really soul awake and believe we should no longer have hell prisons or hell psychiatric facilities anymore, but have healing & investigating sanctuaries instead?” Nara said, but not all hands were in the air.
“Looks like I have a lot of work to do to awaken the rest of you!” Nara said smiling.
When School was finished, Ohta was standing in front of the Literature club.
“I really don´t want to see him right now, but if I don´t tell him, who knows what he´ll do next!” Ohta thought, then he let out a sigh and before he could reach for the door to slide it open, Hisashi slid it open aggressively, looking at Ohta, looking like an angry demon beast.
“He´s mad that I didn´t show up yesterday! This is bad!” Ohta thought.
“I can explain and honestly, the way I see it, it´s all your fault anyway! If you hadn´t…!” Ohta said being serious now, but then he got pulled in aggressively into the club room by Hisashi.
“Hwaah!” Ohta said, then Hisashi locked the door and dragged Ohta towards the table.
“Sensei, no more!! Enough with the games already!” Ohta said angrily, but then Hisashi leaned up against the table and pushed Ohta down to his knees and looked down at him, then Hisashi grabbed his penis out, shocking Ohta from the size of it.
“It seems like my training you isen´t working and you´re just disobeying me whenever you feel like it! Unless you want me to put this inside of you, suck on it until I come!” Hisashi said smirking.
“There´s no way that will fit inside my mouth!” Ohta thought.
“Listen, your punishments are impacting my studies! I had to leave school early yesterday, because of that damn vibrator you stuck in my ass and not even my fingers were enough to satisfy me!” Ohta said angrily.
“His training me makes no sense at all! What is he training me for? To pay attention in class? To not focus on him? But this just makes me think of him more! I´m actually worried about him now and I want to help him with whatever darkness he´s dealing with! What if, me doing what he wants, helps him in some way? What if, I´m helping him to channel those dark feelings when he can´t with anyone else?” Ohta thought.
“Then my training is working, now, open your mouth and suck!” Hisashi said looking serious, then Ohta was on his knees staring at it and Hisashi was staring at him.
“…” Ohta.
“…” Hisashi.Then Ohta let out a sigh, then grabbed Hisashi´s penis gently and lovingly.
“You´re not making any sense!” Ohta thought.
“I´m new at this, so don´t blame me if I´m not good at it!” Ohta said, as he kissed Hisashi´s penis, licked it, sucked it, tried putting as much of it in his mouth.
“Tch!” Hisashi said as he was enjoying it a lot and trying to control himself from not “devouring” Ohta right there and thrusting his penis into Ohta. Seeing Ohta´s lewd face while Ohta was sucking Hisashi and making him feel good, made him come fast and all over Ohta´s face, surprising Ohta. 
“Now lick it!” Hisashi said, then Ohta sucked on Hisashi´s penis again, licking whatever cum was there and swallowed it. Then Ohta got up, grabbed tissues from his bag that was over his shoulder, wiped his face, wiped Hisashi´s penis, then went into the bathroom, surprising Hisashi.
“Ho! He didn´t fight back, but was obedient? That´s unlike him!” Hisashi thought looking annoyed, surprised and confused. When Ohta came out again after cleaning up, Hisashi was at his desk working.
“Ano…about my studies, if you keep…!” Ohta said.
“Don´t worry about it! I won´t touch you again! If you don´t show up after school, I´ll punish you in different ways!” Hisashi said not looking at Ohta.
“Eeh? Have I helped him? Is he no longer suffering from wanting to take his trapped dark energies out on me anymore?” Ohta thought, then he smiled.
“Now my school work is no longer impacted and Hisashi is feeling better! This is good news!” Ohta thought.
“Hai!” Ohta said smiling, then Hisashi side eyed Ohta, then the 5 girls came into the clubroom.
“Eeeh Sensei, who´s this yummy hot dish!” One girl said having hearts in her eyes.
“I´m not food!” Ohta thought looking annoyed.
“Could it be a new club member?!” Another girl said looking hungry and thirsty.
“Kyaaah! Another boy has joined us!” A girl said looking happy and flirty, grabbing Ohta´s arm and another girl grabbed Ohta´s other arm.
“Girls, don´t “devour him”, he´s off limits!” Sensei said looking stern, angry, his jealous aura was fuming, wanting the girls off of him.
“Huuuh! Why? Are you not single? That´s ok, we don´t mind, we can keep it a secret from her!” One girl said smiling.
“You like books too? Do you write also?” One girl said. Sensei was clenching his teeth, wanting to throw the girls out, but Ohta got fed up real fast and like a gentleman he took the girls hands off of him.
“Summimasen, but my heart, soul and body belongs to only One and no one else and I would never cheat, deceive or betray the One I was with!” Ohta said as he sat down by the table and took out his laptop and Sensei´s eyes widened with surprise.
“Kawaii!!! He´s a keeper! Now I want you even more!” One girl said as she flung her arms around him hugging him from behind, while Ohta was still sitting and that surprised him.
“Tch!” Ohta thought. Then Sensei got up and grabbed the girl´s top from behind and lifted her away from Ohta.
“Didn´t I warn you he´s off limits! That report you were going to hand in next week, I want it by tomorrow!” Sensei said looking stern and serious and fuming, crossing his arms and tapping his finger on his arm.
“Uso! That´s impossible!” The girl said looking worried and pouting.
“Then you´ll fail the assignment! Next time, listen to when you´re Sensei is talking to you!” Hisashi said.
“I promise I´ll behave! I won´t go near him, just please give me more time!” The girl said pleading with her hands in prayer.
“Begging won´t help! I only give warning once! Next time listen!” Hisashi said as he walked to his desk and continued to write his novel, then the girl had tears in her eyes, feeling like she´d fail the assignment.
“Sensei is a monster!” One girl said trying to comfort the crying girl.
“Yeah, but his hotness always makes up for his monstrous ways!” Another girl said looking at Sensei and drooling, while one girl licked her lip and another one bit her lip, but Ohta noticed a fifth girl that wasen´t acting like the rest, but she sat quietly reading a book.
“These girls are baka! They forgive so easily because of his looks? How shallow and empty can you be?” Ohta thought, then he looked back at his laptop while he continued writing his story that was about him and Sensei, that he started writing ever since he fell in love.
In the shopping mall, Zuki was with girlfriend nr 3 and her friends.
“Zuki carry this for us?!” Girlfriend nr 3 said as she gave him all the girl´s shopping bags.
“Why?” Zuki said looking angry and pissed off.
“That´s what boyfriends do, they carry our bags!” Girlfriend nr 3 said smiling.
“I don´t wanna! Carry it yourself!” Zuki said as he walked off, then she got mad.
“Zuki! Don´t embarrass me like that! What´s wrong with you! Why won´t you listen to me when I tell you…!” Girlfriend nr 3 said as she stopped herself from finishing the sentence and covered her mouth. Then he leaned down close to her face and he smirked.
“Go ahead, finish what you were about to say! Tell me what to do right! Not happening, no one controls me!” Zuki said smiling, then he walked off by himself.
Back in the clubroom, when club activities were over and the 4 girls left, the 5th one stayed behind, as Ohta was getting ready to leave.
“Aren´t you leaving too?” Ohta said looking curious, but the girl hesitated and was side eyeing the Sensei.
“Ije!” She said as she continued reading, not looking at Ohta.
“Soka! I have basket ball practice, so I´m off!” Ohta said as he grabbed his bag then left. When he made his way down the hallway, he forgot something.
“My umbrella, I forgot it!” Ohta said as he turned to walk back to the club room, then when he slid open the door, his eyes widened with shock when he saw the 5th girl coming on to Sensei by the book shelf, pulling his tie and wanting to kiss him.
“I forgot my umbrella!” Ohta said, as he grabbed it then left in a hurry and started running.
“Her and Sensei are together?! Kuso! My heart´s had enough! No more, no more pains!! He toys with me and who knows how many he toys with! Maybe I didn´t help him, maybe he got bored with me and then he threw me away! Maybe I was wrong, maybe he wasen´t the One for me after all! I need to find a way to get rid of these feelings and quit the club!” Ohta thought. When Ohta was down by the lockers, he opened up his locker and standing behind him was Hisashi, then Ohta grabbed his outdoor shoes and closed the locker and two hands slammed against the lockers, trapping him, shocking him and making his body tremble in nervousness.
“Sensei?!” Ohta said nervously seeing the beast look in Sensei´s eyes again.
“What do you think you saw back there?!” Hisashi said looking serious, but Ohta was feeling angry and sad and feeling pain.
“Ano…it´s none of my business, it´s got nothing to with me! If you´re worried I´ll tell anyone, you should know already that I won´t. Now let me leave!” Ohta said looking annoyed and trying to calm his anger.
“Ije!” Hisashi said looking serious.
“Hah!!” Ohta said looking nervous, angry and surprised.
“Shimatte! He has that demon look again! There´s no telling what he´ll do next!” Ohta thought feeling really anxious now.
“Come with me!” Hisashi said as he dragged Ohta off somewhere.
“Yamate! I´m not playing your games anymore! Let me go!” Ohta shouted, struggling to get his freedom.
“Ije! I see you´re not obedient anymore, but you have fighting spirit!” Hisashi said smiling.
“Don´t fuck me with! Enough already! I´m not some fool or tool you can mess around with! You read my note didn´t you, so stop playing with my heart and soul like this!” Ohta said trying to gain his freedom.
“Tch! He´s so damn strong! I can´t get my hand back!” Ohta thought clenching his teeth.
“Did you ever read about the story of the Black Wolf God and the White Deer God and their human children?” Hisashi said as he continued to drag Ohta somewhere.
“Hah!? Now he wants to teach me during a situation like this? He´s more weirder than me!” Ohta thought.
“Sensei, we´re not in class!” Ohta said.
“Life is a classroom and teaching moments can happen all the time!” Hisashi said.
“I guess he has a point there!” Ohta thought.
“Among their many human children, there were 5 girls that were against the True Love between the Gods and plotted to take out Eve, so they could have Adam all to themselves, but there was one girl that was always in charge and this one girl wasen´t like the other girls. She, like the rest, would go to extreme lengths to be with Adam, she would even copy Eve, look like her, dress like her, act like her and was always desperate for her father´s attention and wanting him to love her like he loved his Eve!” Hisashi said.
“Kimoi! What has this story got to do with what just happened now? So far, the story is making me feel like I never want children ever again while I´m on Earth, well, except any animal angel children, I´d adopt them, then no chance in them coming between True Loves!” Ohta said feeling grossed out by that story and never wanting human children again. Hisashi smiled.
“I´m so confused and he´s not making any sense!” Ohta thought.
“For someone who gets straight A´s, you can be really slow sometimes!” Hisashi said as he stopped to look at Ohta.
“Ije, not slow, but you just suck at teaching!” Ohta said.
“Impossible! I´m an honour student, I´m the best, you´re just too slow! Think about it some more, observe, analyse, process, then act!” Hisashi said as he dragged Ohta off again.
“What the hell?!! Fine, what is he saying? That the 5th girl, is like that girl who came on to him? Chotte…it didn´t look like he was accepting her, but she was definitely in his face and his arms were down, not touching her, but his hands were in his pockets. His facial expression was…anger, disgust, like he was looking at someone he didn´t want to be around. Is that what´s he saying, that the 5th girl is like her?” Ohta thought, then Hisashi aggressively pulled Ohta with him onto the school roof and he grabbed Ohta and started kissing him intensely again, which surprised Ohta. When Ohta could breath finally from all that tongue kissing.
“Oi! You said you wouldn´t touch me again!” Ohta said feeling flustered, blushing, and nerves were all over the place, placing his fist close to his mouth.
“I lied!” Hisashi said smiling kissing Ohta more.
“Hah! I can´t trust you at all!” Ohta said as Hisashi kissed him again and again.
“I´m a demon, what do you expect!” Hisashi said smiling, then pushed Ohta up against the wall, turning him around, while still kissing him.
“What about the other girl and any others you´re messing with?” Ohta said angrily.
“Have you still not figured it out yet?! Baka! There is no one else, only you! I told you, you´re special!” Hisashi said as he pulled down Ohta´s pants and grabbed Ohta´s penis.
“Again with the special! Now you´re just pissing me off!” Ohta said angrily.
“Oi! Stop that!” Ohta said.
“You´re body say yes and so does mine, see, feel mine too! Spread your legs for me!” Hisashi said as he placed his penis in between Ohta´s legs and he rubbed Ohta´s penis at the same time while he thrusted his penis in between Ohta´s legs.
“Fuck! Nothing beats two rock hard penises rubbing together! It´s like my penis is trying to chase after your penis!” Hisashi said smiling, chuckling to himself, while he bit into Ohta´s neck, then licked it and kissed and sucked his neck.
“I´m becoming more wired being around you!” Ohta said as he blushed and moaned from Hisashi´s touch and Hisashi smiled.
“Heh! I see nothing wrong with that, let´s be more weird together!” Hisashi said smiling and thrusting more and more aggressively and kissing Ohta while rubbing him at the same time, as they both climaxed together.
Several days later…
In class, Zuki was sitting in his chair, leaned back, hands in his pockets and one leg was resting on his desk and he was surrounded by his guy friends.
“Zuki! I´m hungry! Be a gentleman and go buy me lunch!” Girlfriend nr 4 said smiling as she came up to him with her friends.
“Ije! Go buy it yourself!” Zuki said and she got angry.
“That´s no way to treat a lady and your girlfriend! You´re being rude!” Girlfriend nr 4 said angrily and sulking.
“A lady wouldn´t order me to go buy her lunch or sulk when I didn´t listen to her! Stop acting like a kid!” Zuki said feeling irritated and she got even more angry.
“You asshole! How dare you talk to me like that in front of everyone!!” Girlfriend nr 4 shouted angrily and was about to slap him, but Ama grabbed the girl´s wrist before it reached Zuki´s face and the hand was inches away from his face, but Zuki didn´t even flinch or react.
“Ladies also don´t act like shitty brats throwing tantrums when it doesn´t go their way either!” Ama said looking serious, then Ama smiled looking sparkly and bright.
“Tch!” Girlfriend nr 4 said angrily grabbing her wrist back, then walked off with her friends. Ama saw Ohta sitting by himself looking out the window being lost in thought.
“What are we doing? What kind of relationship does Hisashi and I have? Are we fuck buddies? Ije, we´re not even buddies! What are we?!” Ohta thought feeling confused, then he suddenly blushed when thinking about the story.
“Hang on! Does that mean he thinks of us as those two Gods? Those True Loves? Ije, Ije, Ije! I´m reading too much into it, that was just to explain about the girl right! Demo…his touch, his smell, his kiss, his breath, his heat, I remember it all! I´m drowning in those memories, but it´s not enough, I want more, I want us to be more than what we are now. Nothing more has happened since that day on the roof and I seem to be getting more and more confused and then wanting more and more to close myself off again. I should come out and say it, what does he feel about me, what does he think about me, what am I to him, but then I freeze up and I pull back again!” Ohta thought as he looked out the window.
Several days later…
In girlfriend nr 5´s bedroom, Zuki and her were doing their homework, then Zuki´s phone buzzed.
“Are you busy? The guys and I are playing basketball! Are you in?” Ama texted, then Zuki smiled and texted back. Then he got up ready to leave.
“I´m off!” Zuki said.
“Hey! Where the hell are you going?!” Girlfriend nr 5 said out loud.“Playing hoop with the guys!” Zuki said.
“You always hang out with them! I never see you!” Girlfriend nr 5 said pouting.
“I´m in training and I´m going pro with basketball! Are you trying to stop me from pursuing my future career?” Zuki said.
“You can always train when we´re not together!” She said grabbing his tie, pulling it towards her, then she crawled over to him on all fours, her cleavage showing and she pressed her breasts up against his arm.
“Stay with me and I´ll do whatever you want!” She said being seductive and tempting. Then Zuki started kissing her, but then his phone buzzed again and he checked his phone, but she tried to kiss him and he placed his hand on her face stopping her as he checked his message. One of the guys sent Zuki a picture of Ama looking all sweaty and hot as he jumped to dunk the ball.
“Ama is kicking our asses! Hurry up and be on our team!” Zai texted and when Zuki saw Ama´s picture looking like a sparkly basketball player God, Zuki´s heart started to skip a beat.
“Zuki! Why have you lost your hard on?” Girlfriend nr 5 said looking down and was confused and surprised as he looked down too.
“What the hell was that?” Zuki wondered about his heart racing. Then he got up, grabbed his bag and left.
“I´m not in the mood, so I´ll see you later!” Zuki said.
“If you leave me now, we´re over! You spend way too much time with them and not enough with me! Choose me, not stupid basketball, not your friends, but only me!” She said looking angry and pouting, but he had no expression on his face, then he smiled and just left closing the door and she looked speechless when her tactic didn´t work.
At the basket ball outside court at school, when the guys were finished playing, they all headed home, except Ohta who took a shower at school and was the last one there, while the others left, since Ohta loved water, he´d have a habit of standing under the shower. His hands were placed up against the wall and just felt the the water drops fall down on him.
“God I love water!” Ohta said. When he was finished, he got dressed in new clothes, then walked the empty school halls and made his way to his club room, the basket ball club room that had a sofa, a mini kitchen nook, a bathroom, lockers, desk with a computer, then he dropped his school bag by the sofa and fell to the sofa, grabbed the blanket, pulled it over him, then fell asleep.
Weeks later…
In a cafe, Zuki was with his guy friends and girlfriend nr 6 with her friends and they were eating, drinking and chatting together.
“Zuki, which University are you applying for?” Takeshi said.
“SAU in Tokyo!” Zuki said.
“Eeeeh? Zuki, I want us to go to the same University and I don´t want to go to Tokyo, so you can join the one I choose!” Girlfriend nr 6 said smiling cuddling up to him.
“My mind is made up and I decide where I´m going!” Zuki said.
“Hmph! Well whatever, there´s still time for me to change your mind! Zuki, I´m hungry, could you give me some money so I can buy some dessert!” Girl said smiling handing out her hand.
“I can´t believe I hit the jackpot with Zuki! Rich, famous family restaurant  business, rising popular basket ball player star, he´s like royalty! Tehe!” Girlfriend nr 6 thought.
“I´m not your personal bank! Use your own money!” Zuki said as he drank his smoothie from a straw, then her face turned red being embarrassed, then got angry and started growling with her sharp teeth showing, but Zuki was indifferent and didn´t care what she thought.
When Ohta was walking down the street with the guys and was drinking his organic veggie, fruit juice, his eyes saw Hisashi in the distance looking dashing.
“He looks good in his free time clothes!” Ohta thought as he blushed, but then Ohta saw Hisashi wasen´t alone, he was with a woman and they were talking, she was smiling and laughing, but he looked serious.
“Who is she? His friend, relative, coworker?” Ohta thought, then he saw her touching his arm.
“Stop touching him! Stop coming on to him! Get away from him aho?!” Ohta thought, then Ohta let out a sigh.
“What am I saying!? He and I are not together, so how can I monopolise him, how can I say he´s mine? We haven´t done anything in weeks! Maybe this is why, because of her! Maybe that´s his Eve!” Ohta thought, then suddenly he felt pains in his heart and grabbed his chest, then Hisashi saw Ohta and Ohta suddenly panicked.
“See you guys, I´m gonna check out this arcade!” Ohta said as he went inside to hide.
“Pffft! He´s such a kid!” Takeshi said smiling.
“Knowing Ohta, he´d say he´s childish, a teenager and an adult all in one and there´s nothing wrong with that!” Ama said.
When Ohta was sitting at one of the games called, “Attack On Eden!” that was created by Aquarius Games, Ohta played the character Eve who wore a futuristic outfit and he was battling the human children that were out to get his Adam, so he used his light saber staff sword, on either end of the staff, it was blue and with his Jedi skills, his sleep, stun gun holstered to his thigh, his shield that could appear from his arm tech, his robot flying friend and his dog that was trained to defend, he defended his Adam and protected their Twin Soul union.
“Pffft! Whoever thought up this game is freaking wacky! I love it!” Ohta said smiling as he continued battling. Then suddenly Ohta shook nervously when Hisashi appeared leaning over Ohta´s shoulder and was smiling devilishly.
“Heh! I see you´re hard at work trying to defend True Love! Mind if I join you?!” Hisashi said as he sat down not giving a choice, then played the character *Adam who used his two light saber swords, purple and green, his Jedi skills, his sleep, stun gun that was holstered to his thigh, his shield on his arm tech, his robot wolf friend and his flying animal bird friend, protecting him and his *Eve and their Twin Soul union.
“What are you doing here? Thought you were on a date!” Ohta said looking annoyed.
“You´re cute when you´re jealous!” Hisashi said smiling and Ohta blushed.
“Urusai!” Ohta said feeling irked.
“I wanna say don´t flatter yourself, but truthfully I am jealous!” Ohta thought.
“It wasen´t a date, but she works me with at school and she asked me to help her out with buying a gift!” Hisashi said as he kicked ass, defending himself and his Eve from the human children on Earth that wanted to tear them apart and take control over the Adam & Eve Gods, using their powers, breeding with them and imprisoning them.
“You know that was code for wanting to go out on a date with you! She couldn´t keep her hands off of you! She´s interested in more than just being friends!” Ohta said feeling angry.
“Kuso! I feel like kicking his ass again! He gets me so mad sometimes!” Ohta thought. Then Hisashi & Ohta succeeded in battling the human children on Earth in the game and won. Then Hisashi leaned in close to Ohta and placed his arm over his shoulder smiling.
“Women, girls, mean nothing to me and they´re wasting their time! I only want my Eve, remember!” Hisashi said smiling and Ohta blushed and his heart raced.
  “Now, what do you say we play something else here, before I take you somewhere and make a mess of you for turning me on with your jealousy!” Hisashi said smirking.
“Alright! If you lose, not only will I not go with you, but you´ll have to answer one of my questions and I get to choose the game!” Ohta said looking serious.
“Bring it on!” Hisashi said looking devilishly. Then they stood in front of a machine that uses an arm to grab a doll from the machine and no one ever got the doll on the first try. Ohta smiled thinking he´s gonna win, but when he saw Hisashi working the controls, looking concentrated and serious, the doll he grabbed didn´t fall, but stayed until he got it. Then he picked up the doll and handed it to Ohta smiling, while Ohta looked shocked.
“Majide!?” Ohta said looking surprised.
“I used to come here a lot when I was younger!” Hisashi said smiling, then Ohta grabbed the doll, that was a Adam & Eve doll, the same characters from the game they played.
“I got played!” Ohta thought looking gloomy.
“Arigatou!” Ohta said blushing, then Hisashi grabbed Ohta´s hand and pulled him away to their next destination.
“Chotto!” Ohta said feeling nervous.
(*Adam & *Eve: Code for Twin Souls and Adam means Devine Masculine & Eve means Devine Feminine)
They got in his two seater sports Alunasky electric car and drove off fast and silently into the night. When Hisashi parked his car overlooking the city from the hill top. Hisashi took off his seat belt, took off Ohta´s seat belt, then kissed Ohta.
When the car fogged up from the inside, in the backseat, Ohta was naked lying down and Hisashi was sucking Ohta´s penis.
“Sensei, I´m coming, please stop or else…!” Ohta said, but Hisashi didn´t listen, but this time Ohta came all over Hisashi face, surprising Hisashi.
“Why won´t you listen! Now it´s all over your face! Some tissues!” Ohta said grabbing some from his bag and wiping away the mess on Hisashi´s face.
“Ho! Here I thought I´d make a mess of you, but you ended up messing me up instead! You little perverted angel!” Hisashi said smiling licking his face.
“Why are you licking it, stop and I told you I was coming!” Ohta said trying to clean up the mess.
“I want your juice inside me, so why would I stop licking it!” Hisashi said as he continued licking and not listening, as Ohta blushed more. Then Ohta stopped cleaning and kissed Hisashi for the first time, taking initiative and surprising Hisashi.
“When he says words like that, how can I say anything more or stop him?!” Ohta thought.
“Ohta, I don´t think I can take you home just yet, I wanna “devour” you some more!” Hisashi said looking turned on to the max and Ohta nervously shook.
“Yabai!” Ohta said looking nervous, as Hisashi grabbed Ohta and they fell down backwards and Hisashi was on top of Ohta, kissing him and wanting to “eat” him more and more, never getting enough.
At school, in the basket ball club room, Ohta was lying on the couch, looking exhausted and worn out from all that loving.
“I ended up fainting in the end, so we had to stop. We still didn´t go all the way, but we climaxed together way more times than the other times! Was that build up from not being with each other in weeks? I got the feeling he didn´t want to let me go, but I still don´t know what we are to each other and I wonder how long can we keep this up, whatever this is, because I´m feeling more and more like I´m reaching my limit!” Ohta thought.
In girlfriend 6 bedroom, Zuki broke up with her and she was in tears.
“Why are you breaking me up with? I won´t allow it! I love you! I won´t let you go!” She said being in tears grabbing his arms.
“We want different things and we don´t match at all! It´s better this way! You´ll find someone who you fit perfectly with, but that someone is not me! Sorry!” Zuki said.
“I have to do something to make him stay, to make him mine! If I can keep him a little longer, maybe I can get pregnant then he won´t ever leave me!” She thought. Then she quickly grabbed scissors out of her draw and was aiming at herself.
“If you leave me, I´ll cut myself!” She said sobbing.
“Don´t fuck around like that or make jokes! You´re trying to manipulate me to stay! That will only make me hate you and wish dark things to happen to you if you try to control me & trap me!” Zuki said out loud angrily and flaring with rage, but she didn´t listen and used the scissors and cut her arms and was bleeding all over the place.
“Fuck! You fucking idiot!” Zuki shouted angrily then grabbed the scissors out of her arms, throwing it away and dragged her arm to the bathroom, then patched her up.
“If you leave me Zuki, I´ll kill myself! You don´t want that on your conscious do you! So you have no choice but to stay with me forever!” She said smiling devilishly and he looked shocked that she would go that far to control and trap him.
“This fucking bitch! I´m already starting to hate her! Tch!” Zuki thought.
“So you´re saying my life is now over and I have to obey, stay and please you all your life otherwise you´ll end your life if I don´t listen to you?” Zuki said and she smiled grabbing his face with her hands.
“That´s right! You´re mine, you belong to me, you obey me and no one else and I´ll kill anyone who comes near you and I´ll kill you and me if you leave me!” She said smiling. Then Zuki smiled and stood up, took out his phone and talked.
“Did you get all of that?” Zuki said on the phone.
“Good!” He said then hung up.
“Who the hell was that and what did you do?!” She said looking panicked, then he grabbed her face aggressively with one hand.
“That was my lawyer and now that information will be sent to the police, the hospital and your parents. You need help, this sick repeating hell cycle ends here! I will not be controlled by you or anyone! So stay the fuck away from me and grow up! And if you end your life, I promise you I will not be impacted by it, because you will just come back into this world right away and probably cause the same shit hell mess you´re doing now to someone else! So if you don´t want history repeating, then I advise you to finally change and stop trapping guys to you! You have a choice, change or stay the same, but whatever happens, one thing will remain, we were never meant to be and I have no wish to ever be with you again in this life or any life!” Zuki said as he left.
“If Aria didn´t give me this idea of getting evidence if the girl I was with started acting too dangerous and when I felt uneasy energies coming from her, I wonder how I would have handled this situation by myself!” Zuki wondered.
Several days later…
In girlfriend nr 7´s bedroom, Zuki and her were making out on the bed.
“I´ve been wanting to get with Zuki for months, but he was always with some girl, but I used the usual seduction playbook and played him like a fiddle. I would tease, flirt, tempt and seduce him, even if he was with someone else. I made sure I was always on his mind and all he could think about was me, then he comes running to me when he couldn´t take it anymore and wanted me so badly, he´d be begging for it and it works every time! I get all the guys and all the guys love me!” Girlfriend 7 thought. Zuki took out a condom.
“Zuki! You don´t need a condom! I´m on the pill!” Girlfriend nr 7 said smiling.
“This way I´m in control and if I get pregnant, I can just blame it on that I forgot to take the pill, then he´s mine and he can´t leave me! I´ll be his princess and my prince is heir to his family´s rich business, so I´ll be set for life! Or if I for some reason I can´t get pregnant by him, then I´ll get knocked up by someone else and say it´s his or I say I´m pregnant, then try to get pregnant by him after! So many ways to trap guys! They´re so easy to control and pretty dumb! Us girls really do have power over men, all we have to do is flash our tits, our bodies, our sexuality, our sexyness and they come begging on their knees to us wanting more! Girls rule and we shall continue to rule the world!” Girlfriend nr 7 thought smiling deviously.
“Why do I feel like I can´t trust her!” Zuki thought when sudden thoughts and feelings entered his mind, not knowing that information is passed between them via soul to *soul communication when speaking verbally to each other and through telepathy and his soul, his soul intuition is telling him not to trust her, because she is a trapper, traps guys with pregnancy.
(*Soul Communication: That is revealed through verbal speech and can be uncovered with Reverse Speech technology. Information is passed between souls when we verbally speak, which then leads to our souls telling our minds we shouldn´t trust this person and that´s called soul intuition. If minds lie, our souls tell the truth. Her mind is saying one thing, but her soul is telling his soul what´s she´s up to! That´s how it works! So always trust that soul intuition feeling if you don´t trust something or someone!)
“I still wanna use it!” He said getting it ready and ripping it open with his teeth.
“Oh well! I can buy condoms later and poke holes in it! He´ll never know!” Girlfriend nr 7 thought smiling devilishly. When having sex, Zuki let it slip when he called out Aria´s name.
“Aria…mmm!” Zuki said.
“What was that?” She said.
“Nothing!” He said looking surprised then continued to close his eyes.
“Fuck! I let it slip my mind! Aria….Aria…..ARIAAAAA!!!” Zuki thought out loud as he climaxed while he imagined Aria whenever he was having sex with any other girl and closing his eyes.
When they were done and lying in bed, Zuki got up and got dressed to leave right away.
“These girls may have my body, but my mind, my soul and my heart keeps thinking & feeling of Aria!” Zuki thought as he got dressed.
“That was quick and unsatisfying! I didn´t even come! He was so passive, felt so empty, cold, more than usual! He didn´t even kiss me! Why has he changed?” Girlfriend nr 7 thought feeling confused.
After school, Ohta was heading to the Literature club, he suddenly stopped walking and he saw that woman Hisashi was with in town and she was coming on to him again, but his hands were in his pockets and while she was smiling and being flirty, he looked serious.
“That´s the same Sensei that came on to Zuki! She devours any and all horny students, then gets bored and finds a new one. She´s still coming on to him! Tch!” Ohta thought, then Hisashi saw Ohta.
“Ohta! You´re late, get your ass in here!” Hisashi said angrily.
“Always the sexy merciless Demon! Ne, ne, when are you gonna accept my invitation and go out with me?” She said being flirty and smiling, as Ohta was about to walk past the club and not go in.
“Never!” Hisashi said being annoyed as he grabbed Ohta and dragged him into the club.
“Don´t say that! You´re breaking my heart, but I won´t give up!” She said licking her lip and looked beastly and smiled devilishly. At the Literature club, Ohta was writing his story on his laptop, then suddenly Sensei was leaning over him looking at the story, giving him advise and Ohta nervously shook.
“Here you should make sure to convey the main character´s feelings towards the other main character, so that there´s no misunderstanding, but it´s direct, clear and straight forward!” Sensei Hisashi said, being close to Ohta´s face.
“Does he not realise, he´s the other main character and you´re the one I´m trying to convey my feelings to. I want to know what are we, what am I to you?” Ohta thought.
“Hai, hai!” Ohta said, while the 5th girl was observing them and feeling jealous of not getting attention from Sensei.
“Ne Sensei, do you have any more new books from the author Kiriya? I was hoping he has come out with a new book by now!” Ohta said.
“Is he like your favourite author or something?” Sensei said.
“Hai! I´ve read all his books, several times and I´m addicted, I need more of his godly creations! His writing his passionate, smart, romantic, erotic, makes you feel, makes you think and he can reach inside my soul and challenge me endlessly! I feel like talking with him would always be interesting and never boring!” Ohta thought as he continued writing and Sensei blushed, looking like a hungry demon beast again.
“Sensei, could I speak to you?” The 5th girl said tugging his arm like a child tugging the arm of a parent.
“Hai!” Hisashi said as they walked over to his desk.
“Did the other girls quit coming to the club? I haven´t seem them in days!” Ohta thought.
“Stop it! I told you before, I don´t date students!” Hisashi said being stern and serious, as Ohta heard Sensei speak loudly.
“Is that why there is distance between us and why we can never be together? Then what the hell are we doing? He doesn´t date students, just fucks & plays with them?! I should go, I don´t need to hear this!” Ohta thought as he packed his bag, then the girl ran off in tears and Sensei came back towards Ohta.
“Tch!” Sensei Hisashi said angrily.
“You´re not gonna run after her?!” Ohta said.
“Ije! She needs to grow up and wake up to reality! I´ll never love her the way I love my Eve and I never want to be with her other than my Eve!” Hisashi said. 
“Eeh?” Ohta thought, then he got angry.
“Sensei, you say you don´t date students, but you´re more than happy to fuck them and how are you gonna find your Eve exactly if you´re too busy playing around with students!” Ohta said angrily, then Hisashi looked angry.
“Yabai!” Ohta thought looking nervous, then Hisashi grabbed Ohta´s arm and pulled his arm towards him, hugging him tightly.
“Huh?!” Ohta thought feeling confused.
“How can a angry beast face that looks like he´s gonna “eat” me and punish me, then suddenly become like this?” Ohta thought.
“Ohta, compared to them, you´re not a student! I told you you´re special, why won´t you believe me?!” Hisashi said.
“Hmm, that´s because you have a habit of lying to me and quit it already, enough with the special, unless you explain properly what you mean by it!” Ohta said.
“Soka, I guess I do lie, but I also tell the truth, but here, you can feel my heart beat, it will reveal the truth!” Hisashi said as he grabbed Ohta´s hand placing it under Hisashi´s shirt and Ohta was blushing, closing his eyes, then feeling Hisashi´s heart beat.
“He´s totally avoiding answering the special comment!” Ohta thought.
“His heart is racing, but how I am supposed to know if it´s racing because he´s lying or telling the truth? I don´t get it!” Ohta thought, then when he opened up his eyes and he saw Sensei´s eyes, then his eyes widened with surprise.
“Strange, for a moment there, it felt like I could trust him and that he was telling the truth!” Ohta thought, then he pulled his hand away, both looking at each other.
“Sensei, what am I to you and don´t say special, tell me something more that I can understand! Why can´t these words escape my mouth? We´ve never gone all the way, my butt is still a virgin, yet, here we are and nothing´s changed between us. He doesn´t say anything, I don´t say anything and now…we´re just staring at each other!” Ohta thought. Then Hisashi smiled devilishly.
“Nani?!” Ohta said nervously.
“Why do I say that when I have a feeling I know what´s coming.” Ohta thought.
“You were late and you planned to ditch the club! Punishment time!” Hisashi said smiling, as he pulled forth from behind him handcuffs dangling it in front of Ohta´s face and Ohta nervously shook in his body.
“Does he carry around a shop full of kinky perverted play?! What the hell?! There´s no telling what he´ll do next!!” Ohta thought.
When Nara walked over to her little two seater, bumblebee coloured, black and yellow smart electric car in the car park next to the school, on the car there were several stickers at the back, like the bumblebee transformer from the transformer movie, “You´re In The Earth Matrix, Do You Wanna Unplug & Be Free?”, “Are You Ready For It? The Twin Soul Revolution, The Grey Jedi Rebellion?”, “Are You Soul Awake Yet?”, “V: Vegan, Organic, Peace & Heaven!”, then she got in, placed her bag on the passenger seat, wrapped the seatbelt over it, so it wouldn´t move, then her phone buzzed a message.
“Sensei, I need to book an emergency session with you right now? Are you available? GF” GF wrote. Then Nara texted back and she drove off.
In her car she turned on the radio while driving through the city and a song came on.
“This is one of their best songs that keeps breaking records! You heard it here first guys! I give you the fast rising stars in the world, The Galaxy Kings and their new song, “You Complete Me!”.” The radio host said and Nara smiled and turned up the music.
“Drumming, drumming, can you hear the call, louder, faster, I´ll never let you fall! Wherever you are in the world, I´ll find you, wherever you are, I´ll search for you in every corner of this world, on every mountain top I climb, in every ocean deep I dive and every sky I fly high and every Universe I explore, to see you again, to be with you again. When we said our goodbyes in our other life times, we made the soul promise you and I to be together forever and eternity, just you and me and for that to become a reality, I must find you in every life, I must find you, you are my life, my soul, my everything, because you complete me, the better half of me, I´m the lyrics you´re the music in a song story, you complete me, my one half of a soul, no I won´t ever let you go, because you complete me, you make me whole, I´m the story and you´re the sound in a movie, you complete me, you fire up my soul, I´m the painting, you´re the colours in a picture, you complete me, you free my wild tiger inside, and no matter where you hide I´ll chase you down, you complete me, you inspire me to be better, you shake my soul awake every time we collide our souls, every time we mend our broken sorrows, every time we make love we heal our souls and reach our heavens, so wherever you are in the world, I´ll find you, wherever you are I´ll search for you in every corner of this world, on every mountain top I climb, in every ocean deep I dive, in every sky I fly high and every Universe I explore, to see you again, to be with you again, to combine, collide and be complete with you again, just you and me, just you and me, just you and me!” Then Nara smiled.
When Nara parked her car outside her apartment that was above the new restaurant/bar that was opening up, called Heaven XXXXXXXX and was still being prepped to be completed before opening it to the public, the sign saying, “Coming Soon, A New Vegan & Organic Heaven XXXXXXXXX!”. Nara saw her client that was standing outside waiting for her and it was girl 5 from the literature club room that looked like she had cried a lot and her eyes were puffy red. Then they both walked in to Nara´s private Mind, Body, Heart & Soul Healing Sanctuary and on her door was her´s and her brother´s professional titles, Phd, Sensei Nara & Sensei Azusa, Child & Criminal & Social Psychologists.When they both went inside, they took off their shoes and put on slippers and walked past the living room and they both saw Azusa was looking like a chaotic wild mess, with his wild shoulder length blond hair, his clothes were messy, food and drinks and empty plates were everywhere on the kotatsu table, the room was messy and he was taking a nap on the sofa, but then he looked up when he heard them come in, he looked at them while wearing his white fox mask, then he lifted off his white fox mask from his face and placed on his head wearing it like a hat, his arms hanging from the sofa and he had food on his face, lint in his hair and they were all staring at each other and a white fox they had rescued looked up from the floor too, staring at them and then the fox went over to happily greet Nara waving his tail.
“Are you sure your twin brother is a real academic? He looks like a dirty, smelly homeless bum, with food on his face and lint in his hair!” Girl 5 said being doubtful.
“Don´t be fooled by his appearance, my brother is quite the genius and a best selling author!” Nara said.
“He´s been sleeping on the floor again hasen´t he!” Nara thought.
“Eeh!” Girl 5 said not believing it. Then Azusa grabbed a crumb that was on his face and ate it.
“I was saving that for later! Who´s this kid and she´s got cheek!” Azusa said.
“My client and I now I have a session! How´s your new book coming along?” Nara said.
“Slowly, but it will be an even more epic masterpiece hit than my last book!” Azusa said smiling.
“Than I shall look forward to it! Don´t worry about dinner, there´s leftovers in the fridge from yesterday!” Nara said as she walked off, the fox followed her to her office and girl 5 was just staring at Azusa, while he was eating his veggie carrot stick that still had green leaves sticking out of it.
“?. What are you a bunny?” Girl 5 said.
“I used to be, that´s why I love carrots so much!” Azusa said with a straight face as he nibbled cutely and munched away.Then she walked off and Azusa fell backwards again on the sofa, resting next to the kotatsu, placed his mask over his face to nap, his laptop was on the kotatsu, papers everywhere, books, post it notes and one of the books was called, “How To Be Soul Awake & Unplug From The Earth Matrix!” Written by Sensei Azusa.
Sitting on floor cushions next to a kotatsu table, looking like a hippy Sensei, with her long fish braided tail dark blond hair, her free flowing clothes, wearing the Atlantis larimar gemstone necklace around her neck, she then lit some incense and put on happy, peaceful, blissful nature inspired music on in the background, then took out her tab to record the session between them and tapped away, while the fox was lying next to her and girl 5 was sitting opposite them. Nara poured flower healing tea and gave girl 5 a cup.
“You confronted Hisashi again didn´t you?” Nara said drinking her tea with her eyes closed and girl 5 looked surprised.
“How did you…!” Girl 5 said.
“He told me, we´re very good friends and I hate to see him suffer or you! I don´t want anyone to suffer, but too many suffer in their souls, even animals, it´s heartbreaking. If I was to compare the amount of suffering that keeps happening in the world, it´s like 15 planets being blown up every year!” Nara said.
“Don´t you  think you´re overreacting Sensei?” Girl 5 said.
“You tell me and do the math, but over 150 billion lives are lost every year and that just farm animals! Billions cry out, but so many ignore it, forget it, are asleep to it or don´t care, but Obi Wan did!” Nara said, then she saw the look on girl 5´s face.
“Obi who?” Girl 5 said looking confused.
“It´s just a coded soul message in the star wars stories, translating what´s happening on Earth and letting everyone know about it. You should also check out Matrix, Cloud Atlas and Constantine.” Nara said.
“I don´t care about that!” Girl 5 said.
“Your reaction seems to lack humanity! Do you not care about farm animals at all?” Nara said.
“Some animals are for eating, others are for pets! So what if farm animals are systematically slaughtered. That does not concern me, the only thing that matters to me is how to get Sensei to love me and no one else and be with only me?” Girl 5 said. Nara let out a sigh.
“She carries the S codes, this isen´t gonna be easy to crack, because those codes have been with her since the beginning where it all started, the day she went after the Twin Souls, and it keeps her doing the same thing in every life and going after souls not meant for her, then she´ll end up leaving a trail of darkness behind her in the lives she imprisons and keeping hell on Earth the same.” Nara thought.
“From the soul test we did last week, it revealed you have been going after Hisashi in every life time, but you both always ended up being tormented in your souls, both being filled up with darkness, you hating him for not loving you as you wanted him to and him hating you for being with you at all, even if your minds thought you were happy, but souls don´t lie, they always tell the truth. You know what I´m like, I don´t sugar coat things, but I´m direct, honest and I don´t waste time.” Nara said.
“Sensei, aren´t you suppose to make me feel good, make me happy and help me? You´re healing sucks! Are you sure you´re a psychologist or did you just buy a diploma online?” Girl 5 said. Then Nara smiled and chuckled to herself.
“The fact that you point out that I´m not like other psychologists makes me very happy! I´m nothing like them, I have many colours and I know the human mind quite well and I know the human soul even more. I also know about energy healing, codes, and soul healing. The healing and help I provide is directed to the core. Treating symptoms doesn´t change anything, because then problems repeat again, but to treat the cause, everything changes and history doesn´t repeat. I´m helping you to break down all your walls and prisons on your mind that is preventing you to want real happiness, real love and have a fulfilling life where you´re pursuing your goals and dreams helping the world, helping life, but that can´t happen if those walls and prisons keep making you do the same mistakes in every life time. Do you know what the definition of insanity is?” Nara said.
“Ije!” Girl 5 said.
“It´s doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results, but how can it be different when you´re always targeting him, forcing him, manipulating him, tricking him, even using dark magic in other lives to control him to be with you! It´s maddening! Your souls were never meant to be, no matter how much you love him, he can never love you back the way you want, because you will never be his Eve. Don´t you want real True Love, don´t you want someone who loves you, all of you as much as you want him and you´re meant to be?” Nara said.
“I believe he and I are meant to be! He´s mine and no one can have him!” girl 5 said.
“I want to give you some soul healing and eduction! Here, a list of Twin Soul manga and anime stories! This will open your eyes to what True Love is, what Twin Souls are and you´ll find out why Hisashi will never love you the way you want him to, he will never soul love you. Real love, honest love and True Love doens´t need any controls or manipulations to make a person fall in love with them, because real love, honest love and True Love is all about soul love, soul communication and soul connection of two halves of a soul becoming One, which then leads to Heaven in their souls, lives and life on the planet. The soul love connection between two souls meant to be comes so easy, so fast and natural, it´s exactly like yin and yang, the perfect union, the balance and that love between them never fades, but always keeps growing and expanding like the Universe. Their love is infinite and forever overflowing so extremely, they´re known to be horny sex crazed teenagers for their entire lives and people may comment and say there must be something wrong with them for loving each other and making love so many times, but it´s completely normal, they just can´t get enough of each other. It´s the godly connection between them. The Twin Soul energies are the God and Goddess energies and that only happens when they are meant to be and their souls are in Heaven. That is why you two will never work, because you both will just end up living in soul hell when being together, which will then lead to the continuation of hell on Earth and his soul will be begging and wishing and preying for his Twin Soul to come rescue him out of the dark hell mess that he´s trapped in again. Is that love? Is that what you think love is? Do you want him to suffer? Do you want him to be in hell in his soul? Do you want to be unhappy again in your soul when you´re not being loved the way you should be loved, that you would only get from someone who was meant for you? If you want him to suffer and you want him to be in hell in his soul, how can you tell me that you love him, that you think you were meant to be, because I can tell you now, that isen´t love, that isen´t love at all!” Nara said.
Later on…
Nara closed the door and locked it when girl 5 left, then Nara let out a sigh, then walked over to the sofa where Azusa was playing a game called Caste Heaven, then she fell to the sofa and leaned up against his shoulder and he petted her head several times, understanding her.
“What are you playing now?” Nara said as Azusa was eating a veggie carrot stick that were sticking out of his mouth.
“Caste Heaven! There´s a character with my name on it and I like him, he reminds me of me!” Azusa said thinking about certain aspects of the character he soul recognises in himself.
“Soka! I´m tired, I´m using your shoulder for a moment!” Nara said as she closed her eyes and Azusa continued playing the game.
Next day…
Ama and Zuki were walking to school together and Zuki was yawning.
“Don´t you normally walk with your girlfriend to school?” Ama said.
“I broke up with her yesterday!” Zuki said drinking an apple juice box through a straw.
“Huh!? You really have bad luck with girls! Why did you break up?” Ama said looking shocked.
“I felt like she was gonna trap me with pregnancy!” Zuki said.
“Aah! Soka, you being rich and all! Same thing happened to that 3rd year rich guy! I forget his name, but his girlfriend got pregnant and it wasen´t planned. He looks miserable!” Ama said.
“Poor bastard!” Zuki said.
“That kind of thing even happens to guys who aren´t rich too, I guess when girls want to try and tie down someone which happens a lot, getting pregnant seems to be the easy and fast way to do it! The guys should rebel and only do it up the ass! The Ass Rebellion! Pffft! Hehehe!” Ama said smiling and giggling imagining the symbol for the Ass Rebellion, angel wings and a halo on the ass protecting guys from girls who wanted to trap them and imprison them and taking their life paths away from them. Then Ama thought about another way to protect guys, is if they switched teams and got together with their One that was born male, the Penis Rebellion, and the symbol being angel wings and a halo on the penis. Ama giggled more when thinking about it.
“The girls are fucked up and it will always backfire on them in the end! Let´s not talk about it anymore, it´s making me more pissed off!” Zuki said looking like a demon beast ready to explode, looking pissed off and was fuming.
“Eeh Zuki! How about getting your anger out on the basketball court before class?” Ama suggested feeling unsettled and nervous by Zuki´s anger rage.
“One on one?” Zuki said looking at Ama feeling happy and not angry anymore.
“Wow! He´s mood changed really fast!” Ama thought looking surprised.
“Sure!” Ama said smiling like the sun and Zuki´s heart suddenly beating loudly, then he smiled feeling calm.
Several days later…
In an expensive designer clothes store, Zuki with girlfriend nr 8 were shopping and she was picking out expensive stylish fashion clothes for him.
“Here try these on!” She said.
“He´ll´ll look even more sexy if he wears this!” She thought smiling holding up the clothes against his body and imaging him wearing the various outfits she picked out, then she was drooling as she fantasised.
“Oh my God! His godly sexyness knows no limits! I bet he would look good dressing up in cosplay too!” She thought thinking of the various sexy outfits he would wear and drooling more while thinking of the various manga characters he could dress up as, like Zess, Kirito & Kuro.
“You´re drooling you pervert! Listen, I´m not a ken doll for you to dress up and just because my family´s rich, doesn´t mean I wear expensive clothes! I like my own clothes that I choose myself!” Zuki said then walked off as she wiped away the drool from her mouth.
“Hey Zuki wait!” She said as she ran after him.
“Don´t you think it´s unfair?” She said and he looked confused.
“What do you mean?” Zuki said.
“You´re a guy, you fantasise don´t you? I bet you even think about wanting girls to dress up, wear costumes, cosplay or stylish sexy smart outfits too right?” She said, then he stood still for a moment and was lost in thought fantasising about Aria (The game character Aria, but Aria was a girl with long blue hair) wearing different costumes, cosplay and stylish sexy outfits, like Aria wearing an apron and being naked while making food, a maids outfit with cat ears cleaning the place but not wearing any underwear, a bunny outfit, a nurse and doctor outfit, a battle outfit with futuristic stun guns, a sexy looking stylish suit outfit with a tie, a yukata, a vintage edo era outfit carrying an umbrella and a futuristic space outfit floating in their space ship.
“Zuki! I think my butt flap has come undone, could you fix it?” Aria said when she was getting dressed and Zuki floated towards her in their space ship, having an erect penis out ready to enter her.
“Don´t worry, I´ll fix it! I´m good with my hands!” Zuki said smiling devilishly as he entered Aria from behind.
“Aaaaah! Noooo, that´s not what I meant, but it feels soooo gooood!” Aria said feeling ecstasy and Zuki giggled and smiled when fantasising.
“You´re thinking about it right now aren´t you and you´re drooling!” Girlfriend nr 8 said looking suspicious and he snapped out of it and wiped away the drool.
“I see your point!” He said smirking and grabbed her hand as they both walked off together and she smiled.
As Zuki, Ama, Kiyoshi, Zai, Takeshi and Ohta were playing basketball at school, girlfriend nr 8 with her friends who were from a different high school, wearing their school uniforms were watching them play.
“You´re so lucky! Zuki looks like a basketball player star and shines whenever he´s on the court.” One girl said.
“He´s a rising star and didn´t their team win the summer and winter cup last year?” One girl said.
“Hai! He´s been getting a lot of publicity lately and being interviewed, photographed and even been in some sports commercials, ads and magazines, modelling and acting. Fan girls keep on increasing and he can´t go anywhere without girls coming up to him wanting attention and asking him out, but he seems to not be bothered by them!” Girlfriend 8 said smiling, but feeling on edge, nervous and then the smile went away.
“We´ve been dating for several days, but, my love for him is more than what he feels for me. Does he even love me? He´s never said it and thou we make love, I just feel like there is this distance between us and we´re not connected, not soulfully anyway or the heart and that´s what I want! It´s like he has walls up and I can´t seem to break it down and reach him, even thou I´ve tried. He was the one that asked me out, but, I was the one that ended up falling for him! Shit! I feel like I´m gonna break apart and lose myself if I stay any longer! I need to run and run fast!” She thought tearing up.When Zuki took a break to drink some water, girlfriend 8 went to him and handed him a towel.
“Here you go!” She said smiling.
“Arigatou!” Zuki said and wiped his sweat, then two girls came up to him.
“So this is the girl you dumped me for! You really do get around Zuki! Does she know that you´re a manhore, a player, a heartbreaker and when you´re done with her, you´ll toss her aside and get a new one! Do you know how many he´s been with? His relationships last days or even weeks! Do you know that he does perverted disgusting things like he´ll eat you from behind and cum all over your face and body! He´ll mess you up and defile you like he did with me! He´s a demon beast!” Ex girlfriend nr 7 said angrily.
“You should run angel when you have the chance or he´ll devour you too and throw you away like garbage like he did with my angel friend here!” The other girl said.
“Angel? Aren´t you the same demon girl who comes between couples at my school and devours guys like candy, then tosses them aside and then you target a new couple? Oh and by the way, I´m no angel, but I´m a demon girl with an angel heart!” Girlfriend 8 said smiling as she kissed Zuki in front of them and had her arm hanging over his shoulder, then smiled and flashed the peace sign.
“Tch! Let´s get out of here!” Ex girlfriend nr 7 said angrily then left with her friend.
“You might of fooled them, but you don´t fool me angel!” Zuki said thinking back to when they went to the expensive vegan & organic fashion store, a vegan cafe, him picking her up at a farm sanctuary that she was volunteering at, him waiting outside a business meeting that she was in discussing her family´s business empire that she wanted to change and influence in a positive direction and him meeting her at her family´s rich home seeing all the adoptive animals in her care like dogs, cats, rabbits, puppies, kittens and piglets that she rescued and they were both sitting on the grass being overrun by all the cuteness and cuddles as she was smiling and so did Zuki.
“I know! Zuki, I didn´t want to believe the rumours, but you know my family is strict and overprotective right, but if my heart was ever to be broken there would be hell to pay!” Girlfriend nr 8 said.
“I wouldn´t expect anything less from a Yakuza family!” Zuki said smiling, then girlfriend nr 8 kissed him one last time, one long, tongue filled, passionate kiss with her hands holding his face and surprised him.
“Goodbye Zuki! May you reach your dreams and find love one day and I hope you never let that special person go! I hope that One is able to break down those walls around your heart and set you free!” She said smiling with tears in her eyes, which surprised him and it was like he knew what her soul told his soul in their secret soul language, then she whispered in his ear, soul shocking him more and she left with her friends and she flashed the peace sign at him as she walked away.
“What happened?” Ama said when he came over.
“I just got dumped by a girl who wanted to protect me and who wanted to protect her heart from me!” Zuki said.
“She really did love you huh!” Ama said.“Yeah!” Zuki said.
“Shit! I didn´t love her the way she loved me thou!” Zuki thought.
“What the fuck am I doing!?” Zuki thought feeling pissed off with himself and scratching his head feeling lost.
In the Literature club, the 5 girls were sitting at the table writing their stories as was Ohta.
“Where´s Sensei? He hasen´t been to school in days?” Ohta said looking concerned.
“He´s called in sick and he doesn´t know when he´ll be back!” One girl said.
“Hey what about we go visit him and bring him some medicine?!” Another girl said smiling.
“That´s a great idea! He´s alone isen´t he and single! I´m sure he´d bounce back in no time if he had us 5 girls taking care of him! Sorry Ohta, no boys allowed, just us girls!” A girl said smiling devilishly.
“Give it up already! He´s not interested!” Ohta said.
“And you´re pissing me off!” Ohta thought.
“I´ll go see him, so there´s no need for you to bother him!” Ohta said as he grabbed his bag, put his laptop in his bag and was about to leave.
“I´m coming too!” The 5th girl said pushing her way in as she stood up fast.
“No need! I´ve got this!” Ohta said.
“I wasen´t asking!” The 5th girl said grabbing her bag and left before Ohta.
“Tch! You´ll probably make him worse and he doesn´t want to see you!” Ohta thought as he left.
When they stood outside the apartment building, Ohta looked shocked. 
“Eto…these apartments look expensive. Is he rich or something?” Ohta said looking surprised, looking up and looking around the security lobby. Then the girl walked over to the security desk.
“We´re here to see Sensei Hisashi!” The 5th girl said with an expressionless, robotic face.
“One moment please!” The security guard said.
“Go ahead, 12th floor, apartment 1111.” The security guard said. Then they both went over to the elevator and walked in. Ohta carried a bag of medicines that he bought at Angel 24/7, while the 5th girl carried a bag of homemade meals.
“What am I doing here? Ije, if I hadn´t come, then the girls would have made things worse and now she´s here, so I have to be here!” Ohta thought, as he side eyed her.
“Why is she so persistent!? He said no, but she keeps pushing! She keeps being like a carnivore, not giving up on her prey until she gets him! She reminds me of him! She really is like that 5th girl in that story! I wonder how many like her are out there in the world, doing the same thing towards those they don´t belong with?” Ohta thought. When they got out of the elevator and came to Hisashi´s door, the 5th girl rang the doorbell and the person who answered it, shocked them both.
“Hai! Who are you?” A woman said, a woman who looked like the 5th girl, but an adult version of her.
“Ano…we´re his students and we heard Hisashi was not feeling good, so we brought him some medicine and food!” Ohta said.
“Who is that? His wife? His girlfriend?” Ohta thought feeling confused, angry, sad and wanting to leave fast.
“Arigatou! He´s busy right now and I´m taking care of him!” The woman said as she grabbed the bags from them both, being rude.
“Who is it?!” Hisashi´s voice said in the background and he coughed.
“You should leave, he´s very busy!” The woman said then closed the door on them. Then both Ohta and the 5th girl walked back to the elevator.
“Busy?! Wasen´t he sick? My heart really hurts now, like I´m breaking apart! I know we´re not together, I don´t even know what we are, but right now, I can´t do this anymore! I can´t take anymore pains from him!” Ohta thought feeling tears fill up in his eyes, as they walked inside the elevator.
“You can never have him, because he´s mine!” The 5th girl said, which shocked Ohta as he looked towards her and she looked right ahead, then the elevator doors closed.
(**: New chapter)
In the showers at school, Ohta was alone showering naked again and silent tears streamed down his face and he placed his hand on his face, feeling worn down from it all, feeling heartbreak from a love that didn´t belong to him.
At Nara´s private Mind, Body, Heart & Soul Healing Sanctuary, Nara was making vegan dinner and sitting by the kitchen counter was girl 5, while Azusa was busy writing like a machine on the kotatsu table and girl 5 was staring at him.
“He´s been like that for hours! Once he starts, he can´t stop!” Nara said smiling.
“He´s like a machine! Creepy!” Girl 5 said, then she looked at what Nara was making.
“Why did you invite me over? My session isen´t until next week!” Girl 5 said.
“Taste this and tell me what you think!” Nara said when she used her chopsticks and was offering girl 5 some vegan food.
“Spicy! I don´t like spicy food!” Girl 5 said.
“Soka. Can´t be helped then, but I did make 3 different kinds, spicy, sweet and the third one is a secret!” Nara said smiling, then she handed girl 5 a tab and some ear phones.
“This here is Hisashi´s direct soul messages that I recorded and tested him. Would you like to know what Hisashi´s soul thinks about you?” Nara said.
“Ije! I don´t need to know!” Girl 5 said.
“What are you afraid of?” Nara said.
“I´m not afraid! I just don´t want to!” Girl 5 said.
“I thought you said you loved him? If it was real love, if your love is true, you would want to know everything about him, even his soul!” Nara said. Then girl 5 got angry and placed the ear phones in her ears and started listening, then Nara filled up 3 bowls of food and vegan dog food in a bowl and fed everyone. Then girl 5´s eyes widened with shock when listening to it. When Nara came back to the kitchen after giving Azusa the food, Nara saw girl 5 taking out the ear phones.
“Since war against Twin Souls is real in this world, there will be those that carry the same codes in them of always going after Twin Souls not meant for them and coming between Twin Soul unions, breaking them up and being with one of them. There are ways to find out who are the same souls that target anyone and their unions and souls reveal that truth, the history, souls also reveal what souls really think of the person they are with or the person they don´t like. In the end, what matters more? Our minds or our souls? If we only care what our minds think and feel that can be easily corrupted, controlled, darkened, indoctrinated, seduced, lost, broken, imprisoned, put to sleep and manipulated, then why have souls at all? Why not just choose to be robots then? Hisashi´s mind and now his soul has told you what he really thinks about you! If there is any chance of a light shining in that darkness of yours where you keep being lost in the dark, then I will continue to make sure to shine that light even brighter, so you can finally see!” Nara said as she handed girl 5 a bowl of vegan food and girl 5 took it.
Several days later…
When Zuki and girlfriend nr 9 were staring and standing outside a Heaven XXXXXXXX restaurant/bar that just opened up in Kyoto.
“Zuki what are we doing here? You know I´m not vegan! I eat meat and I heard you can die from being vegan! They don´t get enough nutrients from just eating plants, but they lack nutrients from not eating meat!” Girlfriend nr 9 said.
“This just opened up in our city and I wanted to try it! I did some research and you actually get more nutrients from eating plants than eating meat and if anyone becomes vegan, they´d be stupid if they didn´t do the proper research too, they would make sure to include all nutrients that the body needs. If we´re comparing here, getting cancer, tumours, heart disease and dying, most of those reasons are from eating meat! Look it up!” Zuki said looking serious.
“If anyone eats plant foods drowning in pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals, one would be stupid to think there wouldn´t be health consequences from eating that!” Zuki thought.
“I don´t believe that! Anyway I hate studying and reading! Whatever! Let´s go somewhere else! I need meat!” Girlfriend nr 9 said trying to pull his arm several times, but his body was not moving. Then Zuki´s guy friends came up to him.
“Yo! Are you eating here too Zuki?” Kiyoshi said smiling.
“Hai!” Zuki said.
“No we´re not! We´re leaving! I only eat meat!” Girl said pouting being annoyed that he wasen´t listening to her.
“She´s still soul asleep huh!?” Zai said.
“What are you talking about? Anyway, Zuki let´s go!” She said trying to drag him off, but he yanked his arm aggressively away.
“I´m eating here, do what you want!” Zuki said as he went in and the guys went in with him and she looked surprised being left out on the street by herself.
Hours later the guys came out looking worn out and not looking good.
“I´ve eaten too much! I think I´m gonna be sick!” Takeshi said holding his hand to his face.
“Get in line! They had so many options to choose from in the buffet, I couldn´t stop trying it all! It was so damn tasty!” Ohta said.
“So that´s what Heaven foods taste like! It was like a party of flavours in my mouth, just thinking about it makes me wanna go back in!” Zai said drooling then turned to go back in, but was stopped by Zuki.
“Zai, I´m saving you from overeating! Go back tomorrow!” Zuki said.
“I think I´ll come back later today!” Zai said smiling as he continued to drool.
“Good idea to provide cheap organic food too! No wonder their business is becoming popular fast!” Kiyoshi said.
“Don´t they lose money when they do that?” Ama said.
“Yeah, but from what I researched, their company is all about creating more Heaven XXXXXXXXX everywhere and not getting rich at all!” Zuki said then ex girlfriend nr 3 came towards them with her friends.
“Zuki, hi! It´s been a while since I last saw you! Are you busy, do you wanna go out for drinks or something?” She said flirting and hinting towards sex.
“Who are you?” Zuki said looking serious and it was complete silence with everyone and many looked shocked.
“Pffft! Hahahaha! Zuki that´s mean! Don´t you remember your ex girlfriends?” Takeshi said as he laughed.
“Isen´t that girl nr 3?” Ohta said pointing.
“Ohta, that´s even meaner! Pffft! Hehehe!” Takeshi said while laughing.
“What?! Takeshi why should I remember their names! I didn´t date them!” Ohta said angrily looking at Takeshi.
“Grow up!” She said angrily then walked off with her friends.
“Do you really not remember her?” Ama said.
“Ije! I think if I´m with someone and if they´re interesting, then I´ll remember them!” Zuki said as they all walked off.
“Have you ever been in love Zuki?” Ama wondered.
“Not really!” Zuki said and Ama looked surprised, then let out a sigh.
“Now I understand!” Ama said now understanding why Zuki´s relationships never last.
“What do you mean?” Zuki said being curious.
At school, when Ohta saw Hisashi in the school hallway talking to some students, Ohta turned the other way and left, then Hisashi noticed.
“I haven´t been to the club in days since meeting that woman and since the 5th girl said Hisashi was hers. I´ve just been avoiding it all. I don´t know how to convey what I want to say to him, the words just end up jumbled when I speak, but I know we can´t continue like this! I want more, I love him and it´s killing me that I feel stuck, so all I can do is run!” Ohta thought while thinking about how he managed so far to avoid Hisashi, like leaving class fast, before Hisashi got to him, avoiding places where Hisashi would be, always hanging out with the guys and not walking alone, even when Hisashi said in class that he wanted to speak with Ohta, Ohta just ignored him and left class.
Several days later…
In girlfriend nr 10´s bedroom, Zuki and her were making out on her bed and he was about to go further when he tried pulling up her top, but she pulled it down.
“Not today! I´m still feeling pain!” Girlfriend nr 10 said as she sat up.
“Pain?” Zuki said looking confused.
“I had an abortion yesterday, so you have to wait until I´m ready again!” She said so coldly, like it was nothing, then grabbed her homework and started studying. Zuki looked speechless, shocked, then angry.
“Wait, what? We always use condoms!” Zuki said angrily.
“That´s only 97% effective! Duh!” She said while reading her study books and his eyes widened with shock not knowing that
“What the hell!! I might as well have just fucked you in the ass instead, then no chance in getting pregnant, but what the fuck!? How can you act so fucking cold? You just murdered a life that was growing inside of you! Half of that life was created by me!!” Zuki shouted angrily.
“What´s your fucking problem!? It´s my body and I do what I want with it! Did you really want to be a parent anyway? I didn´t! I want to study, I wanna to go to University and pursue my career and there is nothing and no one that will get in my way of that!” She shouted back angrily, as she continued to study. Zuki clenched his teeth and fists. Then Zuki got up and left slamming the door.
“Tch!” He said angrily as he left.
“What´s the matter with him? He has no rights, so why is he angry? Whatever!” She said.
When Zuki came into his bedroom, dropped his school bag to the floor, he leaned up against his door, head slightly bowed down, clenching his teeth, hand on his face and tears started to stream down and fall to the floor.
“It´s true, I didn´t want to be a parent at all and I was relieved that she did it at first and that fucking hurts that I feel that way at all, but then I started to think, what right did she have to just kill off life like that, like she just came back from a trip to the fucking dentist! I mean what the fuck! She didn´t even give me a choice! Where was my right to protect that life if she doesn´t? What about the rights of the life growing inside? This is so fucking twisted! Fucked up world and I can´t stop this fucking pain in my chest! It hurts! God dammit it hurts!” Zuki thought grabbing his chest where his heart was, then made a mess of his room and loud noises were coming from his bedroom from his loud shouting and as he unleashed his anger out on his things instead of unleashing his anger out on her.
Over 10 minutes later, Zuki was lying on the floor surrounded by mess, chaos, broken things and tears silently continued to stream down his face as he looked up to the ceiling.
When Zuki logged in the online game that night he looked like shit.
Aria: “What´s wrong Kazumi? You´re more quiet than usual?”
Kazumi: “A guy I know, his girlfriend got an abortion without telling him and he lost it, got angry, made a mess of his room and he´s hurting badly! I just don´t understand why these girls do it and they don´t even tell the guys they are with, giving them no choice!”
Aria: “It´s a major problem in societies where life is treated like it´s nothing, not even sacred anymore, but destroyed so easily under the disguise that it´s womens rights which is just disgusting how they abuse that. If they can do that to the life growing inside of them, then they end up being able to do that and treat life like it´s nothing when it comes to anyone else like animals, children, people, planet, robots, humanoids, machines, aliens, souls, just anyone and everyone can become their targets. That makes them dangerous and out of control. It´s the difference between souls that are awake or souls that are still asleep behaving like children with guns, grenades, bombs and nuclear weapons. As long as there are souls who refuse to wake up, that sort of thing will keep on happening. Kazumi, an adult, a person who is soul awake would tell their boyfriend or husband or whoever got them knocked up that they are pregnant, then they would decide on an action that would not lead to loss of life! Your friend was right to get angry, to feel sadness and to feel pain, that´s the normal human reaction, a normal soul reaction, to feel compassion, empathy and understanding. It´s our souls telling us, reminding us that once upon a time, life was protected, respected and was sacred, but now in our present time, it´s treated like a business, a factory, a military and political operation to end lives no matter who it is! Guys should have a choice, a voice and a say in the life they half created! If the girls or women don´t protect life, then someone else should!” Zuki leaned his head on his desk and placed his hand on the screen where Aria and Kazumi´s characters were sitting and leaning up against the blossom cherry tree in the online game world.
“Aria!” Zuki thought as tears streamed down and fell to his desk while his hand was on the screen and his head was resting on the desk.
At school 2 weeks later, when Zuki was at his locker getting his things when class was over, 3 girls came up to him.
“Zuki, we´re all going over to my place, wanna come and have some fun with us!” A girl said smiling and flaunting her cleavage, pressing her breasts up against his chest, as the other two girls were smiling and were interested in him too and hinting towards a foursome. The other two girls wore clothes that were tight and revealed the shape and outline of their breasts, bringing attention to it.
“They really stink of perfume, it´s making me feel nauseous!” Zuki said. Then Ama and Kiyoshi showed up.
“Hey Zuki, we´re headed off for practice, are you coming?” Kiyoshi said holding onto a basket ball and his bag and when Zuki saw Ama, his heart raced again when seeing Ama wearing his gym clothes and had some of his shoulder length blond hair pulled back and tied up in a ponytail, but still his messy hair looked wild and free.
“What´s happening to me? Why do I get this reaction when I see Ama? Before I would jump at the chance to be with that many girls at once, but now, I just don´t give a fuck anymore!” Zuki thought feeling confused and fed up with girls.
“I´m coming!” Zuki said as he left the girls.
“What´s with him? Is he gay or something?” Girl said sulking when it didn´t go her way and Zuki´s eyes widened with surprise and stopped walking.
“Only a gay would refuse to be with the 3 of us at the same time! What a loser!” The other girl said pouting.
“Zuki, gay? Pffft! Hahahaha! Sick and so gross!” The other girl laughed and Zuki got angry.
“Tch!” He said angrily, clenching his teeth and fists, then quickly turned around and slammed his fist up against the locker with the girl up against the lockers and he was towering over her looking like an angry demon beast.
“Listen up! If there was a choice between being with any of you and being with a guy, then I choose to be with a guy than being with a fucking idiot who still in this day and age would attack someone for being gay! Wake the fuck up you fucking brats!” Zuki said angrily as she looked terrified and then he left with Ama and Kiyoshi.
“Kiyoshi, what?!” Zuki said angrily.
“No I´m just surprised that´s all and very happy that you´re not against gays! Right Ama!” Kiyoshi said smiling and Ama nodded and smiled too.
“Listen, if I ever become against it when I´m reborn again, so help me, I hope someone shakes me up and soul wakes me the fuck up too!” Zuki said angrily as they continued walking.
“Message received and signal sent!” Ama said smiling, then Zuki looked surprised at Ama, then he smiled too and they all laughed.
When Zuki came into his room, he fell head first onto his bed, lying on his stomach, looking worn out and tired of it all.
“I´m so done with girls!” Zuki said, then his phone messaged him and when he saw the text from the private investigator, his eyes widened with surprise and shock.
“Zuki! I may have a lead to where Akira is! Fancy a trip to Tokyo?” PI wrote. Then Zuki got up fast, grabbed some clothes and things in his bag and was out the door fast slamming his door closed.
“What?” Zuki said and Akira looked surprised, then smiled.
“I´m just happy that you´re soul awake finally!” Akira said as he smiled, then Zuki blushed and looked the other way.
“I´d be an idiot if I wasen´t! I also hate losing and being soul awake means winning right!” Zuki said.
“Right! Zuki, what happened between you and Ama?” Akira wondered.
“I found out Ama was dating Kiyoshi! They told me that day when they saw I stood up for gays!” Zuki said.
“That fucking shocked me! I had no idea, they hid it well or maybe I just didn´t notice, but I was happy for them!” Zuki said.
“Hmm! If he did have feelings for Ama, it sounded like it hadn´t developed too deeply before he found out about them! Less painful for him and easier to move on!” Akira thought, then pointed to a spare room.
“The guest room is over there! You´re not planning on quitting High School are you or transferring here instead?” Akira said.
“Ije, but I will move here after graduation! I figured I could save money and I really don´t wanna stay in the dorm rooms and since you´re the only relative I know in Tokyo, I thought we could live together again like we did before you ran away from home!” Zuki said.
“I didn´t run away, I just left and have no plans on ever going back! This may sound cold, but to me, being born is like coming through portals into this world. You know, instead of suddenly showing up digitally, we´re born instead which takes longer. The portals we come out of, depending on how those people treat you will determine if we stay or if we go, if they´re in our lives or not anymore. Point is, I´m free to be me and to go wherever I want and not be controlled by anyone! As for you staying here, it´s not a problem and it´s good to see you too!” Akira said smiling.
“That did sound cold and very detached, but I do understand you!” Zuki said.
“I ended up feeling the same way, especially when our parents tried to arrange a marriage for me and demanded that I take over the family business, then threatened to cut me off if I refused! I guess in the end, we both got our freedoms!” Zuki thought. Then Zuki looked around the place, he looked confused.
“How come you don´t have a bigger place? You own like a chain of restaurants/bars all over the world that is more popular than our family´s restaurant businesses, yet you live small and even work as a part time chef!” Zuki said.
“All my money goes towards creating more Heaven XXXXXXXX! I want every village, town and city in the world to be taken over by Heaven XXXXXXXX, so I´m technically poor!” Akira said smiling and chuckling to himself.
“Besides, this is my castle, it´s not about getting rich or living rich, but it´s how you live your life that will give you the most rewards in your soul!” Akira said as his phone buzzed again and he nervously shook. He looked at his phone, then texted back.
“Why am I not surprised! That sounds just like him! He hasen´t changed at all! Thank God!” Zuki thought smiling.
“I better get ready! I´m really late for work!” Akira said.
“Say, do you have any available positions? I thought I could work here on weekends when I come to see you! I also want to help out here and pay as much as I can!” Zuki said.
“You wanna see me on weekends?” Akira said looking guarded.
“Geez, don´t be too happy about it! Are you really not that happy to see me after all these years?” Zuki said. Akira smiled, then went over to him and hugged him. 
(Akira at this point is dressed by the way, he´s not half naked or wearing towels)
“Baka! I am happy to see you again! I missed you too!” Akira said smiling, then Zuki blushed.
“These apartments however are owned by Heaven XXXXXXXX and anyone working there gets to live here rent & bill free! It´s what I call heavenly perks! All I have to pay for is food.” Akira said.
“Sugoi! That´s fucking awesome! You really take care of your employees!” Zuki said.
“I wouldn´t call them employees, since it´s kind of like a coop based operation where everyone “owns” it. Everyone can potentially influence the company if their ideas are good and they´re more like team members really!” Akira said looking at his phone and read the text.
“There´s a waiter and bartender position open! Hey Princess! (Princess emoji with tortious emoji) You´re still not here!!! Hurry your royal ass up, customers are hungry!!!” Ukia texted with 3 angry demon beast emojis.
“Why does he keep calling me princess? So annoying!” Akira thought looking annoyed and irritated.
“Cool and very interesting, but I still wanna work!” Zuki said.
“Then you´re in luck, we do have an opening! You can start today!” Akira said smiling.
The next day in the morning…
When Nara parked her car at a farm sanctuary, Nara and girl 5 got out.
“What are we doing here?” Girl 5 said.
“It´s all part of your healing and awakening session! Let´s go!” Nara said.
“Ohayo! I´m Nara, we spoke on the phone about a potential project!” Nara said smiling as she was greeted by Ame.
“Ohayo! I´m Ame, I´m the one you spoke to! Let´s get started then, they´re eager to meet you all!” Ame said smiling as they walked off. When Ame opened up the barn door, they all went in and were surrounded by rescued farm animals of all kinds.
“They´ll be allowed to go outside soon, so you still have time to get close to them, before they wonder off having fun!” Ame said smiling. Girl 5 just stood near the door and didn´t come closer. Then a piglet ran to her, wanting to greet her, but she wasen´t interested.
“I´ll wait outside for you!” Girl 5 said then left and Nara and Ame looked at each other.Over 20 minutes later, Nara opened up girl 5´s door and handed her a little animal carrier box with two small baby chicks, surprising girl 5.
“Here, keep them safe!” Nara said smiling as she closed the door. Then Nara got in the driver seat.
“Those adorable rescued chicks was what we came for! They´ve been identified as two souls wanting only to be with each other. They never go anywhere without the other and they can´t sleep if one is missing. You are to care for them for several months. That´s part of the session and make sure you do. They´ll also be monitored by animal telepathics, communicating with them from a distance, making sure they are safe. Any questions?” Nara said.
“I don´t want to take care of them and my parents…!” Girl 5 said.
“I´ve already spoken to your parents and they allowed it, but if you choose to not full fill this session assignment, then we can´t continue our session work. You understand right? Think of it like you´re learning to fly a plane, but if you stop half way and choose not to learn the rest, but you think you can fly already, you´ll only end up crashing and burning instead! Do you still wanna quit? They really are cute!” Nara said smiling as she pushed her finger through the air openings and the baby chicks were chirping away and she was stroking them.
“What are their names?” Girl 5 said.
“You can name them! I´m sure they´ll be happy!” Nara said smiling as they drove off.
Several months later…
As Zuki, Kiyoshi and Ama were walking to school.
“Hey Zuki, I forgot to mention yesterday that a girl from year 2 wanted me to ask you if you´re still not dating girls!” Kiyoshi said.
“No change! I´m not interested!” Zuki said.
“I´m taking a break! I wanna fall in love for real! I only want One and no one else!” Zuki thought.
“How´s that going? Being single?” Ama said knowing how much Zuki loves sex and there was a gloomy dark cloud overhead over him and his body was trembling feeling the shakes from abstinence.
(Zuki hasen´t had sex in several months and is struggling really badly being by himself! He´s the type of person to want sex everyday and several times a day)
“Cheer up Zuki and hang in there! Empty sex with anybody is nothing compared to the Godly Heavenly sex you will have with your Twin Soul, two Gods, your fated red string of fate partner when you connect your hearts, minds, bodies and souls together as One and it´s True Love, Soul Love and it will make you want it everyday and several times a day and it will last forever!” Ama said grinning like the sun and Kiyoshi placed his arm hanging over Ama´s shoulder smiling happy too as they looked lovingly at each other feeling heavenly bliss.
“Now you´re both just showing off!” Zuki said feeling irritated, depressed and feeling lonely.
“Hey look! It´s that girl again! I saw her yesterday feeding that homeless cat!” Kiyoshi said as they stopped walking to stare, seeing the girl sitting on the ground petting the skinny, dirty homeless cat as the cat was eating and they were next to the school building.
“It´s the same girl who saw me with Sensei!” Zuki thought.
“Herbivore Angel?” Zuki wondered.
“I think she´s a 1st year! I see her a lot by herself, but there´s a rumour going around that she hangs out on the school roof everyday giving blow jobs to guys for money! No doubt mean girls spreading that shit rumour as usual!” Ama said.
“Fucking assholes! I think anyone who is alone always gets targeted in someway, but I think it´s the ones that are by themselves that end up being the most interesting ones!” Kiyoshi said.
“That´s how Ama and I met!” Kiyoshi said smiling, eyes closed, thinking back to meeting Ama for the first time when Ama was sitting under the blossom cherry tree by himself reading his manga being an *ESASP while Kiyoshi was an *ESAT.
(*ESASP: Earth Soul Awake Solo Player. *ESAT: Earth Soul Awake Team Player. A Solo Player can be recruited or team up with others then become an ESAT or they can remain as a Solo Player, but still help out occasionally or whenever, the other teams on Earth. In other words, Kirito was an ESASP in the sword art online game, while Asuna was an ESAT.)
“Interesting huh?” Zuki thought. Then they walked off, but Zuki stood staring getting lost in the moment, but when the girl saw him, she spooked and got up and walked away fast like a frightened herbivore bunny looking nervous.
“Pfft!” Zuki said smiling.
As Ohta and Takeshi were walking down the school hallway.
“Majide! You don´t watch porn at all?! How do you jerk off?” Takeshi said looking surprised.
“You really are baka! I use my imagination or manga! Whichever characters I´m drawn to that resemble my One in their soul, is my go to! Why on Earth would I jerk off to strangers having sex? That´s disgusting! I don´t even want to see sex between people in movies, but manga & anime, that´s fine, but anywhere else just feels wrong! Just like I wouldn´t want anyone to see me having sex, why would I then wish to see others having sex?! It makes me feel uncomfortable!” Ohta said.
“Are you trying to be cool?” Takeshi said.
“Cool? I don´t know what you´re talking about!” Ohta said looking confused.
“Hey Ohta, I´ll see you in class, I need to take a piss!” Takeshi said as he ran off.
“Ah!” Ohta said.
“Yabai! I´m alone and now I have to be on watch and make sure Hisashi can´t surprise “attack” me! I´ve successfully avoided him for months and that wasen´t easy and takes a lot of hard work, but I still can´t find the words and tell him what I want to say. Shimatte! I feel on edge, like a deer in the woods and a wolf is lurking somewhere I can´t see! I´m more fearful now than I was when I avoided him last time, because this time it´s been months, what punishment would he do if he caught me!” Ohta thought and his body nervously shook thinking about that, then he was looking around, like a fearful herbivore as he made his way to class. Then suddenly a door slid open silently and Ohta didn´t notice, then a hand reached out to Ohta and was placed on his face covering his eyes, the other hand covering his mouth and he was pulled into the club room by a carnivore, silent, but deadly sneak “attack”. Ohta´s voice was silenced and he was helpless against the demon who was on a mission to get him.
In the Literature club room, Ohta was up against the door, Hisashi was towering over him, palms on either side of Ohta, cornering him, not letting him escape and Ohta looked fearful seeing the demon out of control look in Hisashi´s eyes.
“This is bad!” Ohta thought, shaking and heart racing.
“Eto…you may be wondering why I have been avoiding you this whole time huh! I´ve been meaning to find a way to tell you, I just couldn´t get the words to fit together, without it crumbling and becoming a complete mess. I saw that woman at your place and I thought that was your girlfriend or wife, then club room girl 5 said you were hers and then there was this pain in my chest that I´ve had since you dragged me here that first day when you read my note. I didn´t want to feel pain anymore! We´re not together, I don´t know what we are, but I can´t be like this anymore!” Ohta said as tears formed in his eyes.
“I guess in the end, I did manage to say what needed to be said!” Ohta thought.
“I love you! I´ve been in love with you since our eyes first met! How could I possibly be ok with how we are between us!” Ohta said as silent tears streamed down his face and he grabbed his chest as it started to hurt again.
“My heart really hurts damn it!” Ohta thought, then Hisashi grabbed Ohta´s top and kissed him fast, long, passionately and didn´t hold back his love.
“Eeeh? He´s kissing me? I thought he was mad?!” Ohta thought feeling confused, then Hisashi held Ohta tightly in his arms.
“How could I hold back anymore after reading a proposal like that in your note! I´ve never been confessed to in that way in my life and your one sided love was never one sided, but I´ve been in love with you since the beginning and there´s no way I´m letting you go now!” Hisashi said smirking as he held Ohta.
“He´s shaking and crying! So fucking cute!” Hisashi thought.
“Hah!? He´s been in love with me too this whole time!?” Ohta thought feeling confused, as he blushed more, then Hisashi grabbed gently Ohta´s face in his hand, lifting it up and looked at Ohta´s silent crying face, then licked his tears, drinking it up.
“I´ve been so thirsty for you and holding back, that any part of you I will take and fill me up with only you and I want to fill you up with only me, so all you can think about is me!” Hisashi said smiling.
“Baka! I´m already overflowing being filled with thoughts of you, anymore and my school work will suffer!” Ohta said while blushing, as more silent tears streamed down his face. Then Hisashi´s eyes were surprised, then he smiled devilishly.
“Then, will you be mine forever and eternity?” Hisashi said looking serious.
“Now who´s proposing!” Ohta said feeling like his heart was gonna jump out of his chest and grab Hisashi never letting go.
“I´m a romantic, get used to it!” Hisashi said smiling.
“I feel like my heart is gonna jump out of my chest and grab a hold of him and never let go!” Ohta thought.
“Ohta, your answer?” Hisashi said.
“Why ask when you already know the answer? I´m already yours!” Ohta said kissing Hisashi taking initiative and surprising Hisashi again, then Hisashi grabbed Ohta in his arms and they kissed and kissed and kissed, not taking breaks and Ohta was struggling to breath from all that intense kissing.
“Now, as for your punishment!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly.
“He was mad!” Ohta thought.
“Eeeeeeh! What are you talking about!? I thought we healed that!?” Ohta said looking nervous. Hisashi pulled down his top on his shoulder and bit hard into Ohta´s shoulder.
“Ow! What are you doing?!” Ohta said out loud, then Hisashi bit again on Ohta´s neck, hard, leaving bite marks.
“Oi! Cut it out, stop eating me!” Ohta said.
“It´s part of your punishment for staying away for several months which was fucking painful! Don´t ever leave me again or run away or hide, because there´s no telling what I might do next!” Hisashi said looking beastly and bit again hard on Ohta, leaving bloody bite marks, then licking it.
“Soka! I hurt him too!” Ohta thought. Then Hisashi pulled up Ohta´s top, licking seductively one nipple and rubbing the other, teasing Ohta, making him feel aroused and sexually excited.
“Hisashi, we can´t, we´re at school! Someone might come!” Ohta said feeling nervous and tried stopping Sensei.
“I have to discipline you for avoiding me for several months. Prepare yourself! Think of this as our love nest and we´ll create many love nests anywhere and everywhere I can have you! I´ve waited long enough and so have you!” Sensei said as he sucked Ohta´s chest and biting it making love marks all over.
“Hisashi…!” Ohta said getting lost in the hurricane that was Hisashi.
“You´re already hard here, feel mine too! This is what you do to me and only you can do this to me this fast!” Hisashi said as he grabbed Ohta´s hand placing it on Hisashi´s hard penis bulging under his pants and Ohta blushed, while Hisashi smiled. Then Hisashi grabbed his penis out and Ohta´s penis.
“Chotte…!” Ohta said nervously and worried still someone might come.
“Can´t wait any longer! I´m so past my limit, that I´m falling from the sky breaking all rules and laws just to be with you!” Hisashi said as he started rubbing both penises together, while still kissing Ohta using tongues and teasing more. Then Ohta this time grabbed gently Hisashi´s face in his hands, looking right into the eyes of Hisashi.
“Then I will catch you and I won´t let you fall, but we´ll fly together as One and face them all head on, being partners, a team, just you and me!” Ohta said blushing, tears streaming and heart racing, as Hisashi looked surprised, then smiled.
“This guy! He´s words, his love, his heart, his everything! I´d be a fool to ignore him and my feelings anymore! His love is all mine and I want to drown in his love for me and I want to drown my love in him!” Hisashi thought.
“Now look who´s being romantic!” Hisashi said smiling as they both kissed, smiled.
“Hisashi!!! I love you!!” Ohta said as he climaxed which made Hisashi climax too after hearing that. Then Hisashi looked at Ohta lovingly.
“I love you Ohta! For you, I´d move mountains to change the world so we can be together!” Hisashi said looking serious.
“Honestly! My heart…your love…I can´t keep up!” Ohta said panting and looking flustered and blushing.
“You started it, I´m just continuing it full speed ahead!” Hisashi said smiling, then kissed Ohta more and more.
“Don´t look so worn out! We´re just getting started!!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly, as he grabbed Ohta and pulled him to the floor, looking like a hungry beast, licking his lip.
“Finally, you´re all mine!” Hisashi said looking like a hungry beast.
During lunch break, the girl who fed the homeless cat was lying on the school roof, arms stretched out like a cross, feeling the hot sun and seeing the blue sky, then placed her arms over her chest and hands together as if in prayer while listening to her music on her phone.
“Ariel, age 15, star sign Aquarius, High School Student, works part time at Angel Animal Cafe. Herbivore Angel Human. Divine Feminine Eve. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single!”
Then she closed her eyes and started singing.
“When the world shakes us, trying to take us out of line. Fear of tomorrow, feelings we borrow, for a time. Water so deep, how do we breath, how do we climb. So we stay in this mess, this beautiful mess, tonight. We don´t have a thing to lose. No matter what they say or do, I don´t want nothing more, our love is untouchable. Even in the line of fire, when everything is on the wire, even up against the wall, our love is untouchable!” She sang, then a dark shadow loomed over her blocking the light from the sun and she opened up her eyes and was surprised to see Zuki staring at her so beastly.
“Yo!” Zuki said so casually, with his hands in his pockets looking carefree.
Back in the clubroom, lying on the sofa, Ohta was lying on top of Hisashi.
“So who was that woman at your place?” Ohta said.
“My editor, she was making sure my next book was finished and didn´t leave until it was!” Hisashi said.
“Soka! Chotte, what do you mean your next book?” Ohta said leaning up looking at Hisashi.
“I´m a romance and erotic novelist who writes in many genres and even combines genres!” Hisashi said.
“Hah! I´ve never heard of you!” Ohta said looking surprised.
“My pen name is Kiriya!” Hisashi said.
“Eeeeeeeeeeeeh! Uso! Majide!?” Ohta said looking shocked.
“Hai!” Hisashi said smiling. Then Ohta leaned back down, crossing his arms on Hisashi´s chest, then he hid his mouth on his arms and was blushing.
“Nani?” Hisashi said.
“It´s just, you´re working at the front lines, changing lives, if you get anymore cooler, my heart will be in serious trouble! It´s already beating so fast, I´m worried!” Ohta said, then Hisashi grabbed Ohta´s hand, placing it over Hisashi´s heart.
“His heart is beating so fast too!” Ohta thought.
“Then we´re the same! Both our hearts are in trouble!” Hisashi said smiling as he kissed Ohta more, as Ohta blushed more.
“Hisashi, how come you didn´t confess your love to me too when you found out my confession?” Ohta said, then Hisashi kissed Ohta´s head while holding him.
“Where´s the fun in that? I´m your teacher in this life and you´re my student! I like to play with my prey, before “devouring” endlessly!” Hisashi said smiling deviously.
“So, are you not traumatised by someone who did bad things to you in the past?” Ohta said.
“Ije, this is my wicked personality, but you love me for me right?” Hisashi said.
“He really is a sadist!” Ohta thought looking worried and nervous.
“That means he´s either carrying dark traumas from past lives and it´s coming trough in this life, being a part of him or whoever he was with before me, were the same girls that tormented him and his unions in past lives and his soul knew who they were, even if his mind didn´t know!” Ohta thought.
“Whatever you do to me, I´ll always love you no matter what! I might wanna kick your ass at times and defend myself, but my love for you will never change!” Ohta said being forever understanding, then Hisashi´s eyes widened with surprise, then his beastly meter was exploding.
“He´s drowning me in his love! He loves me no matter what I do huh?! I´ve never met anyone like him and I never will again! I found my One and if anyone tries to come between us, I´ll destroy them all!” Hisashi thought, then he smiled devilishly.
“Nani!?” Ohta said looking nervous again, then Hisashi got up and opened up the window.
“You better hold back your voice or else others will hear you!” Hisashi said as he grabbed Ohta, so that Ohta was lying on the sofa and Hisashi was towering over him and started sucking on Ohta´s penis. Then Ohta suddenly covered his mouth from expressing his moans of pleasure.
“Hisashi, you perverted sadist!” Ohta said while struggling to hold back his voice.
“All part of your punishment and you did say you love me no matter what right!” Hisashi said smiling, as he licked, kissed and sucked seductively, teasing Ohta, then Ohta started to bite his arm to muffle the sounds, but then Hisashi grabbed gently Ohta´s arm away.
“No biting yourself, only I can bite you!” Hisashi said looking serious, as he kissed and licked Ohta´s bite wounds.
“Demo…my voice!” Ohta said, but then Hisashi kissed Ohta as Hisashi rubbed Ohta´s penis, helping Ohta to hold back his voice by kissing him instead.
(Hisashi swings back and forth between being a demon and being an angel, being an erotic pervert sadist and being a loving, caring, romantic, giving pain and giving incredible pleasure! His Gemini mood changes so fast and can be scary at times, but I love it, he´s never boring and always exciting. I can´t keep up with him and I have no idea what he´ll do next, but I love him forever! :)
(**: New chapter)
On the school roof building…
“Yo!” Zuki said so casually, with his hands in his pockets looking carefree and she sat up fast, then he kneeled down being close to her.
“Ho…how long have been here?” She said nervously.
“Hwaaaaah! It´s Zuki! The school Demon Prince and heartbreaker! Why is he here? Am I his next target? Is he on the carnivore hunt for his next prey? Forget it! Please leave or I will!” She thought.
“Long enough to hear you sing! You have a nice voice! What were you listening to?” Zuki said smiling and she blushed feeling embarrassed.
“No one ever comes up here! Why is he talking to me?” She thought as her heart was beating fast.
“Beautiful Mess on AMV!” She said.
“AMV?” He said.
“Anime Music Videos!” She said as she showed him the visual video on her phone.
“Are you an otaku?” He wondered, then she blushed again feeling like he was making fun of her.
“Is he making fun of me? If he tells anyone, there will be even more gossip and negative stares coming my way! I just want to be left alone and get through high school, then leave!” She thought, then suddenly got up and was headed for the door, but he grabbed her hand.
“Eeh!?? Why is he grabbing me?! Is he gonna bully me too? Leave me alone!! Don´t touch me!!” She thought while shaking.
“Let go!!” She said nervously and angrily trying to free herself.
“Ije!” He said smiling.
“Hah?! Why not?” She said panicking, then he grabbed her closer and their faces were close and she blushed even more and her heart was beating loudly.
“Too close!! My heart is beating so loud! Can he hear it!” She wondered.
“Because I want to get to know you more, my fellow otaku!” He said looking serious as he grabbed a manga out of his back pocket that was rolled up and showed her in front of her face up close and she was surprised.
“Eeeeeeeeh!!?” She thought.
“A ffff…fellow otaku?” She nervously said and he nodded several times being serious.
When they sat up against the wall on the school roof eating lunch.
“Hmm! I guess that kind of puts me at ease knowing he is one too! It´s like we are more awake in this world then those who are not into manga and anime, but I should still be on guard around him. Even demon beasts can be otakus.” She thought eating her packed vegan lunch keeping her watchful eyes on him and keeping her guard up.
“I´ve only recently gotten into reading this kind of stuff! Ama recommended it when I said I was taking a break from girls and only wanted the One and the One can be born male or female, since it´s all about soul love anyway! Apparently it´s like coding, life codes, soul messages or something!” Zuki said looking at the manga.
“Soka! I´m not his target! Yokatta!!” She thought then let out a sigh, but she got nervous again when he was in her face being close showing her the pages.
“He´s close again! Too close, I can even smell him! Hmm! He smells nice!” She thought.
“I think I get it! I mean, I know not all stuff like this happens in real life, but it still mentions many things that have happened, told directly or translated differently, but also what potential any soul desires, dreams of and hopes for when it comes to love, sex and romance right? It´s like a fast way to download information to be a better lover, to be romantic and want to find that One person you really love in your soul and only want and life lessons.” Zuki said.
“He´s really changed! He´s not like how he used to be when I saw him from a distance always and always being with a new girl so often, way too often! Even the Sensei!” She thought feeling gloom.
“Fast way to become Gods I think!” She said.
“Huh!?” He said.
“You know, like God of Romance, God of True Love and God of Ero love when anyone studies and downloads any and all information in those fields!” She said blushing avoiding eye contact when thinking about ero love that she reads.
“Heh! I like the sound of that and that actually makes me wanna study and study hard!” He said giggling while imagining himself being those Gods sitting in his shrine and anyone coming to him for advice and wisdom and help and praying to him for guidance, giving him gifts and offerings of food and coins.
“Pffft! Hehehe!” He giggled to himself.
“He´s imagining being those Gods isen´t he?” She wondered.
“In that case, you should also include doujinshi fan manga too and especially Yaoi & BL! If you become a Yaoi God, then you really know what True Love, Soul Love is all about!” She said.
“Yaoi, BL?” He said.
“Eto…umm, it´s soul love and ero love between guys!” She said in a low mousy voice and blushing more.
“Hm? I didn´t hear you!” He said.
“It´s soul love and ero love between guys!” She said raising her voice.
“Pfft! Hahahahaha! And here I thought you were a pure angel, but you´re really a perverted angel!” He said smiling and laughing. Then she looked annoyed and let out a sigh.
“I love it!” He thought.
“It would be naive to believe we don´t have dark and light in us all. Who knows what lives we had before. Demon humans can act like angel humans and Angel humans can act like demon humans. Once we are awake in our souls, we start to remember that how can we be pure if we´ve had sex before many times in many lives, it´s just that we don´t remember when we are reborn again, but our souls always know even if our minds don´t. Anyway, I´d rather relearn through manga and anime, then be with anyone and the many, because I only want the One meant for me!” She said, but then she remembered Zuki being with anyone and the many and he had a gloomy expression on his face, is head bowed down feeling defeated.
“Gomen ne, but that wasen´t meant to be a attack against you, I was just saying how I feel about me.” She said.
“Even thou I do think he was with too many and the One he confessed to and loved forever and lost in other lives, how can he mean those “I Love You & Only You Forever” words when in this life he´s with anyone else?” She thought.
“Nothing happened…between Sensei and I! It was like an angel came flying down from Heaven when you came through that door and reminded me why I´m here and who I really want to be with, until I became lost again!” Zuki said.
“So, even he can have a way with words like that!” She thought then smiled.
“But, I reeeeeeally love sex every day, so I don´t know how I would be able to stay single all that time and I think technically I´m already a God of Ero Love!” He said smirking thinking back to having sex in all kinds of ways.
“This guy is hopeless and he´s thinking perverted thoughts isen´t he!” Ariel thought, then she let out a sigh.
“And by the sounds of it you´re already the Goddess of True Love, together we complete each other and can teach each other! Teach me the light and I´ll teach you the dark! What do you say Senpai?” He said smiling and she blushed.
“I have no problem teaching you and I will give you all my wisdom and knowledge on True Love. My library contains over 8000 works so far of art and masterpieces of manga, anime, anime games, movies, literature and doujinshi.” She said as she imagined how they would teach other by using manga, anime, games, movies, scribbling on the white board, using the computer for numbers, graphs, equations and reading literature together.
“I wonder if I can get her to call me Senpai! That´s actually turning me on thinking about it! Fuck! Concentrate! I´m only wanting the One and I want to fall in love for real!” Zuki thought.
“Here´s a quick lesson, the One you are meant to be with, would you want her or him to be a virgin or not? Do you not care if she or he bangs a lot of guys? Don´t you think that person too wants you to stay single also? If you don´t mind that the person is not a virgin, isen´t that just how it´s always been and has anything changed? Don´t you think your True Love loves sex too, but they stay single, stubborn and devoted to their One they haven´t met yet that means more to them than having sex with just anyone, because somehow they soul remember that in past lives they made promises to each other, they would find one another again, they loved each other forever and didn´t want anyone else? How to find each other in every life is possible, there´s always a way! Another way to look at it, is if you like challenges, games and competition, you could view it like you are making a bet with your One, staying single and a virgin until you both meet and as punishment for breaking the soul promise of never wanting anyone else, the loser has to do whatever the other one says for their entire life together!” She said smiling nodding her head several times.
“Hehehe! I feel like I would always win that bet, since I just go into shut down mode and my heart and soul tells my brain several times that I only want the One meant for me and no one else, so I don´t get turned on by anyone other than my One that I dream about and write about! I also would channel any and all energies into my studies, work, goals and dreams! I´m still a virgin, so I´m already winning! There is no way I´m losing this and I will fully reclaim that Goddess of True Love crown and being a virgin until I meet my One is a power that many wish to corrupt and take away before that person even meets their One, but not me, I will protect my sacred body temple! Should I maybe start judo or kendo or both?” She thought while imagining herself in judo class and kendo class kicking ass of all the guys who looked like hungry beast demons, they were all wearing black t-shirts and in white writing it said “Demon” and were mumbling and grumbling words like “Give me your virginity!”, “Let me be your first”, “I will make a mess of your sacred pure body!”, “Give me your power!”, “You don´t need the One, but be with anyone, be with many, be with us and give us your everything!”, but she was kicking all their asses to stay away.
“Heh! That kind of turns me on more thinking about it! To have power over my One in naughty and dirty ways! She really is a perverted angel!” Zuki thought as he smirked and chuckled and again imagined different ways to have power over his One.
“Demon Zuki is lost in perverted thinking again! Well I guess it can´t be helped, it´s kind of my fault! He hasen´t said anything for several minutes! Is he drooling?” She thought. Zuki just realised he´s not a virgin in this life anymore and felt defeated again and gloom.
“Next life I will remain a virgin until I meet you my True Love!!! I will not lose or be defeated and I will have you do anything I say!” Zuki thought loudly looking determined and stubborn, then he took a deep breath.
“I see your point and truthfully I would want that person to remain a virgin, but I´m also flexible, but the thought of anyone touching my One except me really does make me wanna destroy them! That person is mine, only mine, that person belongs to me only!” He said being in demon beast mode and angry aura was flaring and she nervously shook in her body seeing him in that state when he was growling showing his sharp teeth, looking like he wanted to murder someone.
“Hwaaaah! Scary! Is that an extreme demon beast trait? He really is the possessive and jealous type! Is he *Tsundere or *Yandere or both? I can see his dark auras! Or maybe it´s just him being a God of True Love and I kind of understand him! I wouldn´t want anyone to be with my One either! I think being a virgin is kind of like a godly power, being true to being the God of True Love, it´s code and a message being sent out in the Universe saying “I only want the One meant for me, my True Love that I´ve been with in other life times and no one else!” She thought.
“How does one stay single thou?” Zuki said.
“When your heart and soul sends messages to your mind saying you only want The One and you only want to get turned on by your One that you´re meant to be with, then you won´t get turned on by anyone else, no matter how they seduce, tempt or come on to you. I think when wanting True Love and wanting it to actually last forever, one has to think, well, when we come back here, when we´re reborn, how do we find him or her again and until I do, I´ll stay single and be true to those words forever, eternity, loving only you and no one else, because you complete me, you make me whole and I can never live without you. In a world, in a Universe where we are not together, is not a world or a Universe I wish to be in without you!” She said then she blushed again and looked the other way.
“Why am I able to just ramble on like this with him? Why is it so easy to talk to him like that? Is it because I´m not his target and he´s interested in manga? Yeah, that could be it!” She thought to herself.
“I could listen to you speak all day!” He said smiling being close again and she nervously shook when she turned to face him.
“Yabai! I´m doing it again! This is really hard, but I will stay single until I know I´ve met the One! What if Aria is the One! I need to find out!” Zuki thought.
“What? What did he say?! Isen´t that something you´d say to a lover? My heart´s beating fast again! I feel like I´m sweating too! Can he smell me? Do I smell bad?” She thought.
“Umm…Ok, well, I´ll just continue then until you´ve had enough!” She said.
“Yes, please continue!” He said and she cleared her throat.
“The stories are not just based on real life from the author´s experience and the people they´ve met in their life, but I believe stories are also like channelled soul messages too from the soul collective and can be based on real life or translated from real life without the manga artist and writer knowing about it!” She said, then saw the look on his face.
“What do you mean? Explain!” Zuki said.
“He´s interested! This is the first time someone wants to know more!” She thought.
(She explains! Info to be inserted here later)
“Yabai! I spoke too much! Does he think I´m weird? Just for a moment I felt like I could open and tell him what I thought! Was I wrong? He´s not saying anything and he´s staring at me! I wanna run! I knew I should of kept to myself! I let my guard down! Shield up, shield up! This Millennium Falcon wants to fly off right now!!” She thought loudly.
“Gomensai! I should go!” She said feeling flustered, nervous and wanting to escape fast, but when he got up with her, he grabbed her hand again and her foot slipped, but he grabbed her waist with one hand while holding her hand with his other hand so she didn´t fall to the ground.
“Eeep! What´s going on?! I can´t read him and I don´t know what he´s thinking! Please let me go!” She thought.
“There´s no way I´m letting you go now! I was right, you really are interesting and I want to soul know you more! Tell me more! Let´s start with your name?” He said smiling.
“I´m Zuki!” He said smiling.
“I…um…I´m Ariel!” She said.
“I never really noticed it before being this close again to him, but I feel like from just looking at him, his eyes, he has a beautiful interesting soul and I think, I too would like to get to know him more!” Ariel thought.
At the Literature club room after school later that day…
Hisashi was sitting at his desk staring at Ohta who was writing at the table with the 5 girls and Hisashi was biting his pen.
“I´m troubled! This whole time, I´ve had this nagging feeling that Ohta has been hiding something from me and it first happened when I dropped him off at his house!” Hisashi thought. Flashback to when Ohta got out of the car and he made it look like he was about to go into his house, but then he left and Hisashi saw Ohta in the rear view mirror.
“Hm! Why is he not going home?!” Hisashi said.
Staring intensely at Ohta, Hisashi biting his pen, feeling annoyed and angry.
“I don´t want him keeping secrets from me! I want to know his everything and keep it all to myself. We´re finally together and I´m already feeling jealous, greedy and my mind keeps thinking, what are you hiding that you can´t tell me?! There´s no helping it, I have to find out or I´m not gonna feel rest in my soul until I do!” Hisashi thought.
Then after the school club ended, Ohta was about to leave.
“I´ll drive you home!” Hisashi said smiling.
“No need! I like walking and it keeps me in shape for the basket ball games!” Ohta said smiling.
“Ho!” Hisashi said looking suspicious, then they kissed and Ohta left.
“He´s definitely hiding something. He already works out when he jogs, how much more workout do you need?! Tch!” Hisashi thought looking irritated. Then Hisashi, like a ninja assassin, hid in the shadows and followed Ohta around town and saw Ohta go into a Heaven XXXXXXXX restaurant/bar.
“He´s vegan?!” Hisashi thought. Then Hisashi went up to Heaven XXXXXXXX and looked through the window and saw Ohta working there as a waiter.
“He works there? Is that what he was hiding from me?” Hisashi thought, but since Hisashi wanted to solve the house mystery case, he sat in a cafe across the street that was overlooking Heaven XXXXXXXX, drinking his black coffee and he waited until Ohta came out and was finished at work. When work ended, Ohta said goodbye to his co workers like Ama, Zai and Kiyoshi and then started walking away and Hisashi followed him like a shadow and followed him all the way to a park, where Ohta suddenly stopped and was doing something.
“What the hell is he doing now?!” Hisashi thought looking confused and annoyed. Then he saw what Ohta was doing and looked surprised. Ohta picked up a white bunny that was left in a cardboard box by itself and Ohta held it lovingly in his arms, kissing it´s head and walked off with it.
“Ohta! Your heart knows no limits! You´re just making me love you even more if that´s possible!” Hisashi said smiling. Then Hisashi followed Ohta all the way back to school.
“What the fuck?! Why are we back at school?!” Hisashi said looking confused. As Ohta slid the basket ball club room door open and came in with the bunny.
“You must be hungry! I have some food if you are!” Ohta said smiling, then looked in the fridge and grabbed some lettuce, kneeled down to the floor and was feeding the bunny who was happily nibbling away looking cute.
“Kawaiii!” Ohta said smiling. Then suddenly the door slid open aggressively and fast, nervously shaking Ohta and the bunny, then they both looked up at the demon beast and standing there was an angry, beastly demon who wanted answers and Ohta looked shocked from being found out.
“Heh! So this is why you didn´t want me to drive you home! Explain yourself!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly, but looked angry.Sitting on the couch, Ohta was holding the bunny on his lap, stroking it and Hisashi was sitting next to him, arms spread out, leaning back.
“So you left home and are now homeless, but why didn´t you tell your friends or tell me and why didn´t you tell me you worked at Heaven XXXXXXXX?” Hisashi said.
“You and I have only just got together today and before that, we weren´t really talking like friends do. I was saving up to rent a place of my own and telling anyone that I´m homeless is none of their business and not telling you, well, it´s embarrassing! Here you are, a successful, famous and wealthy author and here I am, a homeless, poor, broken down chaotic mess! I didn´t tell you about my job, because when I overheard you talking with Sensei Nara at school and she was talking about veganism, you said it was bakabakashii and that you would never in your life become vegan. “Over my dead body!” was the words you used!” Ohta said thinking back to that moment.
“Hm! I did say that didn´t I!” Hisashi thought feeling like an idiot and guilty.
“In order to help change the world, everyone needs to wake up, become soul awake and unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Our human bodies are not even designed to eat animals or anything from animals! Everyone is meant to graduate from the Earth University! You´re a teacher, so you should understand this. We may have lived past lives as herbivore or carnivore animals or aliens even, but that doesn´t change the fact, we´re in human bodies now, if humans behave the same way they do when they´re out in the wild, being free, being animals and hunting down their own food to survive, then that´s no different than if those raptors from that Jurassic Park movie were now living in human form and they behaved the same way they did when in raptor form. No wonder life and the world is in fucking trouble and a complete suffering dark hell mess!” Ohta said looking serious, angry and it looked like he was teaching Hisashi. Then the bunny jumped off of Ohta´s lap and suddenly Hisashi grabbed Ohta by his arms and pushed him down on the couch.
“You really are a genius at turning me on! Teaching me and treating me like a student now?! Surprise me more Sensei!!” Hisashi said smirking and kissed Ohta with all his love and pouring it all over into Ohta.
“Hisashi, age 32, star sign Gemini, Literature Sensei at a High School, Erotic & Romance Novelist. Carnivore Demon Human, Divine Masculine Adam. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union!”
“Ohta, age 16, star sign Aquarius, High School Student, Career Path: Basketball Player or Literature Novelist or both. Herbivore Angel Human. Devine Feminine Eve. Born Male this time in this life. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union!”
“About you being a poor, homeless and a broken mess, I don´t care about that, because I´m in love with you, your soul, your everything, so give me more, more of you, more of it all! So you better prep yourself, because I´m going all the way with you and I won´t be able to stop myself anymore from wanting your body, your everything whenever I feel like it!” Hisashi said looking like a hungry beast who´s been holding back this entire time since that day in the Literature club when Hisashi dragged Ohta there for the first time. Then Ohta got up, picked up the bunny and placed him in the bathroom, then closed the door.
“..?…” Hisashi thought, then Ohta walked over to Hisashi, grabbed gently Hisashi´s face in his hands and kissed him romantically, slowly and gently.
“I´m already prepped since you´re so unpredictable and I *juice, so I´m always clean!” Ohta said and Hisashi smiled.
“Omae! Like I said, keep surprising me, I love it!” Hisashi said smiling kissing Ohta, being hungry and thirsty for him.
When Ohta was on his hands and knees on the sofa and he was naked, while Hisashi was also naked, Hisashi was behind Ohta fingering him with two fingers, while rubbing Ohta´s penis at the same time.
“This feels really weird and painful, but he keeps rubbing me in a good way!” Ohta thought, as he jolted in pleasure when Hisashi kept rubbing his prostrate.
“Hisashi, I´m coming again!!” Ohta moaned in pleasure and clenching the towel beneath him.
“Come as many times as you want! We´re just getting started!” Hisashi said licking his lip, looking beastly at Ohta from behind and Hisashi was leaking precum all over the place from feeling it and being serious turned on by Ohta.
“This is so fucking erotic and sexy! From this angle, I can see everything, seeing all of him from behind really turns me on so much I just wanna thrust it in him already!” Hisashi thought biting his lip and Ohta came again on the towel that was on the sofa. Tears streamed down Ohta´s face from it being painful when Hisashi used 3 fingers, trying to open up Ohta and loosen him.
“I wanna “eat” him up right now!” Hisashi thought.
“Are you ok?” Hisashi said.
“Hai!” Ohta said squinting in pain and tears streaming.
“It´s painful, but I can´t have him stop, otherwise we´ll never end up doing it if we don´t push past the pains to reach the pleasures!” Ohta thought.
“Try to relax for me, I´m way past my limit here!” Hisashi said looking impatient, hot and flustered, hungry, looking beastly, licked his fingers, as he guided his hard penis into Ohta.
“Ije, wait Hisashi, I´m not ready! I don´t wanna tear! Go in slowly!” Ohta said out loud, panicking and looking nervous and trying to stop Hisashi, but Hisashi grabbed Ohta´s one arm, kissing his face as he already had entered half way and thrusted slowly and gently, until he thrusted aggressively and fast when it was safe to, then Ohta came again, just by Hisashi´s penis from thrusting only a few times.
“So deep!!” Ohta thought when Hisashi thrusted his penis all the way in, rubbing him in the right way.
“Heh! You came within seconds! You really love my penis that much huh?!” Hisashi said smirking looking at Ohta lovingly.
“Baka! It´s you that I love, all of you, every part of you, your soul, your heart, your mind and body, I love it all and we´re connecting our souls as One and that´s making me cum fast for you!” Ohta said looking annoyed and Hisashi looked surprised when hearing that, then smiled.
“Then how about we connect our souls until we´re completely exhausted and satisfied! Cum until we´re empty, because my hunger for you is forever!” Hisashi said smiling as he thrusted more and more like a wild, untamed beast, while kissing and biting Ohta´s neck and kissing Ohta´s lips, as Ohta moaned in pleasure and pain.
“More…more…deeper….Hisashi, don´t stop, keep going! God it feels so good!” Ohta said biting his lip from feeling it, being so connected and One with Hisashi, this just made Hisashi more beastly and he was clenching his teeth looking serious, being more turned on and he then thrusted more and more aggressively, but then stopped and turned Ohta around and entered from the front, penetrating his Eve and being able to see Ohta´s face and kiss him and be closer to him, more connected.
“I wanna see your face when you cum, I wanna see you feel my love, I wanna see everything!” Hiasashi said as they both came together.
“Aaaah! Hisashi!!! Hisashi!!” Ohta said out loud, feeling like he was in Twin Soul Heaven and coming so fast and being so connected with Hisashi.
Standing outside Hisashi´s apartment, his door opened and in his arms was Ohta and Ohta was holding the bunny. Hisashi was bridal carrying him.
“Welcome home my wife!” Hisashi said smiling as he looked at Ohta lovingly and walked in, then closed the door. From the distance overlooking the apartments, both their voices were heard.
“Ready yet to go again?!” Hisashi said.
“Ije!! I´m still in pain!! I need to heal!!” Ohta said keeping his guard up and protecting his body from the demon hungry beast.
“How about a bath then, we can bathe together! I´ll get it ready!” Hisashi said.
“I think I´ll bathe alone! You´ll just pounce me if we´re naked!” Ohta said nervously.
“I won´t go inside you, but we can still do other fun things and I wanna lick you clean, especially your ass!” Hisashi said.
“You damn pervert, I passed out from coming too much! Stay away!” Ohta said feeling nervous.
“Ije, I´m not satisfied yet and I wanna give you more love! I wanna drown you in it!” Hisashi said.
“He´s not listening to me at all!” Ohta thought.
“If I pass out I´ll really drown in the bathtub!” Ohta said.
“Don´t worry, I know CPR, nothing and nobody will come in our way of our love!” Hisashi said.
“He´s joking right! He wouldn´t let me drown for real? Is he just playing with his words?” Ohta thought feeling fear.
“Would you really let me drown?” Ohta said looking nervous and not knowing what Hisashi is really thinking.
“Hai, but only in my love for all eternity!” Hisashi said smiling.
“My heart!” Ohta thought, when his heart was racing from hearing those romantic words.
“Then I´ll trust you with my life, my heart, my body and soul, drown me with your love!” Ohta said.
“Ho! I win another battle!” Hisashi thought while smirking.
“Ohta, you´re gonna be so filled up with me, that you will never be able to live any life time without me ever again and would always be by my side forever! Prepare yourself!” Hisashi said.
(*Juice: Means cleansing and detoxing your body. Juicing organic fruits, vegetables, berries and other plant foods instead of eating it. Juicing is the fountain of youth and turns back the years, making you look younger, feel younger and energised always. Juicing heals the body and jump starts the immune system to protect against illnesses. Juicing can cure cancers and other health issues. Juicing keeps you clean when you don´t have to take a number 2. When you start to juice, after several days, your feces will turn black. That means you are now getting rid of old feces that has accumulated over time and stays in the intestines that can cause you multiple health issues.)
(Even thou Ohta juices everyday, he still needs to clean up inside of him if Hisashi ejaculates inside of Ohta. Then Ohta would use enemas to clean inside to get the semen out, otherwise he would feel stomach cramps and pain.)
(Ohta proposed to Hisashi first with his love confession note, then Hisashi proposed to Ohta when he said be mine forever and eternity, then they got married when they finally went all the way having sex for the first time, then Hisashi bridal carries Ohta to their home and are now living together. What comes next? Honeymoon everyday of course for the rest of their lives! Loved this slow development between them!)
The next day…
“I´m getting to know Zuki more and more. After our first meeting on the roof, Zuki and I would hang out everyday and I got less nervous being around him, the more I got to know him.” Ariel thought. Zuki and Ariel hanging out together at school, Zuki came to Ariel´s class and hung out and Ariel took his picture without him knowing, they´d hang out at the library and they would help each other study and again Ariel took his picture, Ariel would watch him during his basket ball games and take pictures of them all and he would come by Ariel´s work at the *Animal Angel Cafe and hang out waiting for her while he cuddled with the animal angels, especially a puppy would want his attention the most. They´d meet up at their clubs at school, she was in the photography club and she would show him around and how she creates photos, Zuki was in the basket ball club where Ariel would meet the other guys and they´d hang out on the rooftop on the school building reading manga, listening & watching AMV together. When Zuki went around town with Ariel who was taking photos of anybody when they gave permission, Ariel would have a sunny smile on her face when seeing the people and children, no matter who they were, but every one of them had a life story to tell and she only took their picture with just them, but she asked if she could take a picture with them and she flashed the peace sign as they smiled.
(*Animal Angel Cafe, a place where cats, kittens, little dogs and puppies and rabbits that were rescued and were up for adoption. They interacted with the customers)
On the school roof building, Zuki and Ariel were eating their lunches and reading manga.
“What´s with the school rooftops in these manga stories? Is it like some weird Universe gateway to meet your Twin Soul or something?” Zuki wondered as he was looking at another love story, another scene with romance at the centre again between two True Loves, two guys on the rooftop.
“Maybe it´s like code or hints towards anyone in real life suggesting them to hang out on the school roof, like it´s a way to meet fellow souls that are different, are interesting, are soul awake or even meet possibly their Twin Soul. As if to say, hey, next time you´re reborn, let´s agree to have specific places we could meet up again!” Ariel said.
“Smart, but what if the school doesn´t have a roof that anyone can visit and what if your Twin Soul is in a different city or country?” Zuki said.
“There should always be back ups to where you could meet each other, like  other roof tops on buildings, anywhere near or under blossom cherry trees, school library or any library, a place that has life codes like bookstores or festivals like comiket, somewhere that´s always there and doesn´t change, hopefully. Of course these would be my personal suggestions, but anyone has their own special place they remember and would use that in their other lives too. Since Twin Souls communicate to each other via their souls and they wish to unite again and be One again, they will let each other know which country they are in, just by soul feeling alone, you know intuition. Like you could look at a world map and if connected to your Twin Soul when you think about them, you could be drawn to a country where you wish to visit the most or even wish to move to. Sometimes you don´t even have to look a map, but you just know in your soul that there is a country you wish to see the most, not knowing that your Twin Soul could be there sending soul messages pulling you to him or her, as if to say come find me, come visit me, I´ll be waiting. Then there is the soul messages between you that you find in manga and anime, also hinting at where you could meet each other or how to find one another. Where you would wish to meet your Twin Soul?” Ariel said.
“In an online game!” Zuki said as he continued to read.
“Hmm! Good idea, if only there was a Twin Soul game that could help us meet our fated One in every life again, then Forever would actually be a reality!” Ariel said.
“Maybe you should create one!” Zuki said.“Maybe you should join me in creating one!” Ariel said.
“Maybe I will!” Zuki said smiling as he was reading and Ariel smiled.
“Maybe sounds good!” Ariel said smiling.
“Maybe I wanna have the last word!” Zuki said smiling.
“Maybe I won´t let you!” Ariel said smiling, then Zuki grabbed some food from Ariel´s snack bag that she was eating from and when their eyes met, their hearts raced, Ariel blushed and then they looked the other way.
“Maybe I won´t listen!” Zuki said smiling.
“Maybe that´s ok!” Ariel said smiling.
The next day…
When Ariel woke up in the morning in her bed, she smiled, the sun was shining again, the birds were singing outside her room and she got up, turned on the music, a Galaxy Kings song called Heaven One, placed her fake angel wings on her back and started dancing round and round in her room listening to the song.
“They say True Love is once in a life time, it´s rare and so hard to find, one in a billion they say, but I want to fly with my wings that way and find my Grey Jedi, fighting the wars against Twin Souls, battling the darkness against all life, rebelling against all negative rules and laws, that keep True Loves apart, that keep life down in the dark, that keep Earth in suffering and madness, I drown in all their sadness, tears that can never fill the oceans, tears that can never fill the planets, cause the tears are overwhelming, it´s consuming, this darkness, but a light still shines in me, a hope still burns inside, a whisper in the shadows, a voice calling me in the distance, to stand up, get up, stay rebellious and stubborn, stay on mission, stay strong, cause Heaven One is calling me, Heaven One is calling you, Heaven One is calling everyone to wake up, shake up, unplug from this Earth Matrix, sound mix, put your invisible goggles on and look at the world with new opened eyes, see the world that´s in disguise, unveil this world for all to see, so many kinds of wars against me, against you, against life, against True Love and against the world, this is the real dark side, so I want to fly with my wings tonight and find my Grey Jedi, fighting the wars against Twin Souls, battling the darkness against all life, rebelling against all negative rules and laws, that keep True Loves apart, that keep life down in the dark, that keep Earth in suffering and madness, so stay rebellious and stubborn, stay on mission and strong, cause Heaven One is calling me, Heaven One is calling you, Heaven One is calling everyone to wake up, shake up, unplug from this Earth Matrix, sound mix, put your invisible goggles on and look at the world with new opened eyes, see the world that´s in disguise, unveil the world for all to see, so all kinds of wars can finally end, then we can all finally ascend like light and dark angels into our own heaven Twin Soul ships, reaching heavens like the gods and goddesses of the starry skies, I´ll be your pilot, you be my equal right by side, flying together as One, as free, it´s no longer a dream, but a heavenly reality.”
“Ohayo!” Ariel said walking in and sitting at the table where Hiroaki was and Ryuusei came over pouring tea and sat down and they were eating vegan breakfast together.
“Ohayo!” Hiroaki and Ryuusei said.
“You´re in a happy mood again!” Hiroaki said smiling.
“The sun is shining, the birds are singing, this breakfast is amazing and I´m sitting here with you guys, what´s not to be happy about!” Ariel said smiling while eating.
“She´s in loooove!” Hiroaki thought drinking his tea and smiling.
“Did she get an A on a test or something again? Makes me proud! My tutoring helped!” Ryuusei thought while he smiled.
Standing outside Zuki´s mansion home, in front of the gates, Ariel was standing looking in and holding on to her wheelie suitcase. On her t-shirt, was an image of Smurfette character from smurfs and in writing, it said “Je suis Smurfette!”.
“He´s like a Prince living in a castle! I knew his family was rich but, I really feel out of place here and this makes me feel uncomfortable. Initially he wanted to see my place, my room, but I refused. That´s just me putting up walls thou, being overprotective!” Ariel thought, then she went over to the monitor next to the gate and pressed a button.
“Umm! Eto…Ohayo! Zuki? Moshi! Moshi!” Ariel said nervously, then the gate buzzed and opened automatically and she went inside. When she was about to ring the doorbell, the door opened up and a woman answered the door looking serious, moody and angry, but Ariel smiled awkwardly and waved her hand.
“Hmph!” Woman said angrily.
“She looks pissed! Is this Zuki´s mother?” Ariel thought.
“Who are you and what is that?” The woman said pointing to the suitcase.
“I´m Zuki´s friend and I brought over some learning materials for his studies!” Ariel said smiling and sweating being nervous.
“I hope she doesn´t want to look inside! It´s all erotic love and soul love between guys and girls and Yaoi/BL!” Ariel thought while sweating, clinging to the bag tightly and nervously, like she was holding on to it for dear life.
“Eeh!” The woman said looking at the bag and wanting to know what´s inside.
“Yabai! She´s staring, she wants to know!” Ariel thought.
“Ariel!!” Zuki said out loud and came down the stairs and the woman turned to see Zuki and Ariel was happy to see that he came to rescue her away from his mother.
“Zuki, we´ve told you before, you´re not allowed to bring girls over to the house.” The woman said.
“Ariel is not just any girl, she´s my friend and she´s here to tutor me on my studies, right Ariel!” Zuki said smiling devilishly.
“Hai!” Ariel said smiling.
“As long as you live in this house, you follow our rules! After today, don´t let it happen again.” The woman said.
“You really shouldn´t push me or I´ll end up disappearing like Akira!” Zuki said angrily and the woman got even more angry.
“Tch! Don´t even try to threaten us or we´ll cut you off too!” Then she walked off.
“Oh, one more thing, be ready this afternoon for the *Omiai and don´t even think of trying to avoid it again!” The woman said and left.
(*Omiai: Arranged marriage meeting)
“Tch!” Zuki said angrily.
“Was that your mother?” Ariel said.
“No, just some woman who birthed me! Come this way!” Zuki said and Ariel followed as he grabbed the bag like a gentleman.
“Do you not like her?” Ariel said.
“In terms of good friends or shitty friends, she´s pretty shitty and I don´t care if they cut me off. I´ll just leave and be free and find my own way!” Zuki said.
“What about the omiai?” Ariel said.
“I´ve already avoided it several times before! I´m not interested in anyone telling me who I should marry or not!” Zuki said.
“Is that French?” Zuki said.
“Hai, it means “My name is Smurfette!” To me, she´s like the mascot and cheerleader & True Love warrior for the gay Smurf world! I think any Smurfettes in the world that are helping the gay community and helping to free minds and souls to accept and support love no matter what gender, are like Goddesses!” Ariel said smiling.
“Is there any Smurf Gods?!” Zuki said.
“Mochiron! Smurf Gods are all over the planet helping in their own way, waking up the world, shaking up the world and changing it forever!” Ariel said smiling, as they went into his room and Ariel looked around, like she was observing and investigating everything.
“I wonder how many girls he´s brought into his room!” Ariel wondered.
“Do you usually break rules and bring girls here?” Ariel said.
“Yes I break rules, but no I don´t bring girls here! You´re the first!” Zuki said and Ariel blushed and her heart suddenly raced a little.
“I didn´t expect that! I´m the first! Kind of makes me feel special!” Ariel thought and smiled.
“Akira?” Ariel said.
“That´s my older brother! He left years ago and didn´t tell us! When they found out he was gay, they cut him off if he didn´t become straight again, saying he was bringing shame to the family, so he chose freedom, instead of their money!” Zuki said.
“Amazing! He´s brave and rebellious! Sounds like a cool brother!” Ariel said smiling.
“Yeah!” Zuki said with a sad expression on his face.
“Nani?” Ariel said.
“I just wish he told me that he was leaving and where to and continue to stay in contact. Pissed me off and I wanted to find him so I could kick his ass for turning into a hermit that couldn´t be found and I looked everywhere, but I found him now, so it´s all good!” Zuki said.
“Is that…?” Zuki said and Ariel smiled as the suitcase opened filled with manga.
“Hwaaaaah! That´s a lot of manga! Are you sure it´s ok for me to borrow all this?” He said.
“Hai, so let´s begin the lessons!” Ariel said as they both sat down on the floor and Zuki grabbed one to read. Some time later on.
“Ok, so this character clearly is the seme, but his boyfriend who he just got together with keeps saying he doesn´t want to be the bottom, saying he is a man too, even thou he clearly behaves and acts like an uke, being the most feminine one of the two and is the most sensitive of the two. Is there a biological way to prove he´s the uke, because this seme doesn´t want to be bottom at all?!” Zuki said as he was reading.
“To protect the Divine Feminine and Masculine energies, I would say nipples are a good way to find out if they are a seme or a uke!” Ariel said.
“Nipples?” Zuki said.
“Hai! I read somewhere that if you have sensitive nipples and get turned on by your nipples, become aroused and enjoy it when being licked, sucked, rubbed and being played with, then you´re a uke. Semes tend to enjoy giving nipple pleasure, but not receiving it! So it´s like a test to see who are the Devine Masculines and who are the Devine Feminines in the male bodies.” Ariel said.
“Just like semes tend to like penetrating and not being penetrated themselves!” Ariel thought.
“Really?!” Zuki said and smirked.
“Girls have tried that on me, it never worked. I didn´t get turned on at all, but I was more interested in their nipples instead.” Zuki thought.
“Once word is out that the Devine feminine Eves can be born male too, they would no longer think they are a man, because it´s not about the bodies we are born into, but it´s all about the souls and what our main energies are, feminine or masculine and instead, they´ll think they´re Godly, since they´ve been in both male and female bodies! Another way to know who is the uke and who is the seme in the relationship, is the fact that ukes are more sensitive and can easily cry more than semes.” Ariel said.
“Ariel looks like a cryer and she looks to be the sensitive type! I wanna see her crying face! I really am a jerk!” Zuki thought, then he put it to the test.
“Ariel look here!” Zuki said as he showed Ariel a video on his phone of a cow escaping a slaughter truck and running down the street trying to get freedom!
“As you can all see, the cow managed to escape her death when she leaped from the slaughter truck and is now running down the street trying to gain her freedom, but they are all trying to recapture her!” The news said, then Zuki´s body shook when he saw how fast Ariel´s tears streamed silently down her face.
“It worked! She´s a cryer! Why do I wanna lick her tears? Do I have a fetish or something?” Zuki thought.
“Zuki! You´re so mean! You jerk!” Ariel said wiping her tears while she was sobbing and playfully whacking him on his arm.
“Shit! I overdid it! I wanna hug her right now!” Zuki thought.
“I´m sorry, but look here, now comes the good part!” Zuki said and they watched the video further.
“When locals rescued her, they took her to the farm sanctuary that was located outside New York and after a few weeks of being treated by the vets, she made fast friends with the other rescued animals there. Her story inspires us all and her dash for freedom awakens our human hearts and our souls, reminding us, even animals have souls, they want their freedom, they show fear, sadness, pain and happiness! They teach us, they want to live too!” The reporter said as the video showed the cow now running in the field being happy with her sheep, goat and horse friends and kicking her legs in the air playfully, then Zuki and Ariel smiled.
“Did you know humans reincarnate as animals, it´s even being told and coded in stories, like matrix, cloud atlas and constantine movies.” Ariel said.
“What?!” Zuki said looking confused and surprised.
“I have a theory that can reveal who are those that have lived animal lives before being human again. Anyone who has lived animal lives, especially herbivore animals, when being human they are easily frightened, easily get nervous and feel fearful and easily run away, especially from being in relationship. They are more sensitive and can easily and fast pick up energies of others, they can connect fast to soul pains and the souls collective when they are human, which means they are fast criers. They also tend to eat very slow and chew their food, they are the caring kind towards anyone and have a big heart. They´re more understanding and have compassion and empathy towards others. So in any given family, anyone could potentially be someone who was an animal in a previous life and if they found out that truth, they could test those in their family or friends or those they are with in a relationship to see if they really did care about them or not. As if to say, “I´m someone who reincarnates as an animal, so will you stop eating my eggs, drinking my milk and eating my flesh or do you really not care about me at all? Was it all a lie? Do you care more about stuffing your face with hellish foods, than saving my life and protecting me?” You know you´ve met your Twin Soul if they join you in the mission to help the world wake up from this hellish repeating nightmare where their beloved reincarnates as farm animals and they wanna save them! That´s real True Love, saving their love from hell!” Ariel said.
  “Huh!?” Zuki said looking even more confused, then Ariel showed him a soul truth testing app that revealed Ariel to be a soul that reincarnates as animals and his eyes widened with shock and was lost for words and then he thought about all the times Akira ran away as a kid like a scared bunny when Zuki tried scaring him and the times Akira easily cried when he tried to rescue a hedgehog that was being kicked around by boys, but it died and Akira cried and Zuki tried to comfort him when they were kids or when Akira was watching E.T. on the television and cried when E.T. was dying and Elliot was crying for his best friend or when Akira ate slowly at the dinner table, while their parents and Zuki ate fast and left, even after an hour Akira was still eating and Zuki came over to check up on him or when Akira stepped in to save a boy that was being bullied at school and Zuki punched all the bullies, but was stopped by Akira when Zuki went too far and Akira said those boys are hurting too and have probably been bullied themselves.Downstairs Zuki walked towards his parents that were sitting in the living room, reading the newspaper on the tab and tapping away on their phone.
“If I told you Akira, your son, before being reborn into this world as a human, lived lives being animals, like farm animals! Would you stop eating meat, eating eggs and drinking cows milk?” Zuki said looking serious, while his parents had a “What the fuck!” faces.When Zuki came back into his room.
“What did they say?” Ariel said.
“They said even if that was true, Akira is no longer a part of this family anymore, so they really don´t give a fuck! I don´t think they ever did! Right from the beginning when I was born, they treated us differently, like I was their favourite and only now do I get it! They´re actually happy he left! Fuck I´m mad!” Zuki said angrily, then thought about Akira to calm him down, the times when Akira was lying on the grass in the sun out in their garden with his arms behind his back looking carefree and calm and smiled at Zuki.
“Akira has always had a Buddha vibe about him! He´s against violence, he always seems to be at peace in his soul, when confronted with any problems, he solves it by diving in to his secret library of wisdom within him. He always knows what to say and when to say it. I could always count on him when I was in doubt about anything.” Zuki said as he grabbed another manga and started reading.
Later on…
“What else let´s you know that you´re with your Twin Soul, the One meant for you?” Zuki said while holding up a manga he was reading.
“There are many hints, clues and obvious signs and one of the biggest ones is sex. Being completely compatible, like two bodies that were made for each other perfectly. Twin Souls tend to make love 3 or more times a day and can orgasm multiples times together and it never fades, but lasts forever between them!” Ariel said as she was doing her homework. Then Zuki had a shock look to his face.
“Nani?” She said.
“I´ve never had that with any girl I´ve been with! We normally just do with once or twice and I come once or twice, but that´s it and some days I didn´t really feel like doing it with them! I even got soft at times while doing it, which pissed them off!” Zuki thought.
“Can guys get soft when being with their Twin Soul?” Zuki said.
“Only if they pass out from being drunk and from being too tired from being overworked from work and passing out, but when being with a Twin Soul, their souls spark, lights up and fires up their energies between them! If I was to compare it to something, it´s like forever being horny teenagers between them, no matter what age you are, that´s what Twin Souls are like to each other. The energies between them is constant, like perpetual motion, while being with anyone else not being soul matched, is like having to wind up a torch, which in the end, can get tiring, boring and usually leads to a lot of break ups or unhappy and unfulfilling relationships.” Ariel said.
“She´s just described all my relationships!” Zuki thought.
“You know, I don´t think Twin Souls is widely known, with this information could change everything and it explains a lot!” Zuki said.
“Twin Souls are the Gods of True Loves, there is no other Divine Love than of two halves of a soul coming into union! Who wouldn´t want that?” Ariel said.
“Multiple orgasms for men and wanting it several time a day, is that even possible?” Zuki said looking surprised and not believing it.
“Hai! The Twin Soul energies between two halves of whole is so intense, so extreme, so passionate, those energies are known as God or Goddess energies, two Gods finally uniting and coming together. Very powerful, very electric and the soul energies between the two are usually felt instantly upon meeting each other, like a tremble in the force of soul energies when they are close. The magnetic & sexual attraction is undeniable and they will be pulled towards each other, even if one ends up being the runner and the other the chaser until they finally get their union. Anyone who is in a relationship and they don´t feel this way, are not with their Twin Soul.” Ariel said.
“Why are you staring at me?” Ariel said feeling nervous, while Zuki looked like he was in thinking mode with a serious face.
“…!” Zuki.
Next day…
At the school summer festival, Zuki, Ama, Kiyoshi, Zai, Ohta and Takeshi were having a basketball match outside against any students that wanted to take them on during the festival that could lead them to join the club. When Ohta was leaning over, hand on his thigh, the other hand using his t-shirt to wipe away the sweat from his forehead during the summer heat, his eyes caught Hisashi who was standing on the sidelines with other students watching the game and he was smirking, looking dashing in his free time clothes, one hand in his pocket and seductively was sucking on a lollypop looking right at Ohta, which was their signal to an invitation to connect with their souls and bodies, then Ohta came over to the bench and switched with Zai.
“Having a break, have fun!” Ohta said.
“Count on it!” Zai said smiling as he headed off to play ball. Then Ohta and Hisashi walked towards their destination, as Hisashi was smiling lovingly at Ohta and Ohta gave a little smile looking at Hisashi. From a distance, girl 5 was hanging out by herself and was staring at Hisashi and Ohta, feeling jealous and anger fuming.In the basketball clubroom, Hisashi and Ohta both came in aggressively, kissing, panting, breathing fast, locking the door, taking each other´s clothes off and headed to the showers in the club room.
“Watching you kick ass on the court really turns me on, but you´re too close to the others and I don´t want you showering with them anymore! I don´t want anyone to see you naked other than me. For my eyes only! I want you all to myself!” Hisashi said feeling turned on, jealous, possessive and wanting Ohta all to himself.
“It´s basketball, body contact can´t be helped, but you already know you´re my forever number One! The shower thing I can agree to and find a way to shower alone!” Ohta said as they continued kissing and taking off clothes.
“At least I won one battle!” Hisashi thought.
When the showers were turned on and they were naked standing under the water, Ohta kneeled down wanting to give his love to Hisashi and started teasing him, licking him and sucking him, which made Hisashi shudder, feeling pleasure and being aroused.
“When did you learn to be so lewd?” Hisashi said.
“From you and your teachings Sensei!” Ohta said as he teased him more, then Hisashi couldn´t take it anymore when seeing Ohta´s lewd face and how he was being made to feel and being called Sensei, then Hisashi made Ohta stop.
“Eeh? Was it not good?” Ohta said being confused.
“Really good, so good it makes me wanna thrust it in you already. I can´t wait any longer!” Hisashi said looking beastly as he turned Ohta around, then bent him over, kneeled down and dived his tongue into Ohta´s hole, pleasuring him, loving him all over and Ohta jolted again in pleasure feeling it, swimming in it and drowning in Hisahsi´s endless love for him. Then Hisashi started fingering Ohta from behind and kissing him which made Ohta come and their eyes, when looking into each other, their Heavens were reached again and again.
Later on…
Ariel was at her photography club showcasing off her work and it was filled with students looking at the pictures. When Zuki came by with Ama, Kiyoshi, Zai, Ohta and Takeshi, Ariel smiled.
“You made it! I thought you guys were busy with the basket ball games all day!” Ariel said.
“We´re on a break!” Ama said drinking a home made smoothie bought at class A1, that had a *V sign on it and in writing it said, “V: For Vegan, Organic, For Peace, For Heaven!”.
(*V: is code for Vegan, Organic, Peace and Heaven!)
“We also wanted to check out the other class activities!” Kiyoshi said eating a veggie burger with a wrap around it that also had the letter V.
“Especially yours, right Zuki!” Takeshi said smiling, Ariel blushed and Zuki placed his arm around Takeshi´s neck in a playful aggressive way.
“Heh! You got something more to say with that cheeky mouth of yours!” Zuki said being annoyed and smiling devilishly.
“You win, you win!” Takeshi said wanting Zuki to stop.
“Damn right!” Zuki said.
When Zuki went up to look at the black and white pictures of strangers of random people in the park, on the streets, in the alleyway, at the shrine, down a shopping street market, in the woods, in the rice fields, in the mountains, on a lake, people playing shogi outside, cycling on the street, carrying heavy items on their backs, them taking care of their animal pets in their care, anywhere and everywhere and even the collage of small pictures of Ariel with all the people she took and she was flashing the peace sign taking a selfie with them that Ariel took, Zuki stood staring for a moment as Ariel stood next to him.
“You´re really talented! I don´t really get the art or message behind it, but you seem to make them shine, stand out, like they´re stars and I find beauty in that!” Zuki said and Ariel blushed and her heart raced.
“Arigatou! That´s very deep of you to say!” Ariel said smiling.
“My heart is beating loud again! Can he hear it?” Ariel wondered.
“If you tell anyone, I´ll deny it!” Zuki said.
“She smells good again! Calm down, calm down!” Zuki thought.
“Hai! Not many get the hidden beauty in these pictures, but, to me everyone has a life story to tell, their own life codes, from birth to death. They might not seem like they have starring roles in their own lives, but could be seen as supporting roles or even seen as extras, but everyone has a soul, everyone is alive and everyone has potential to shine and be their own main leads in their own life story. When I see them through the camera, I see life, I see beauty, I see a world that has so much potential, but so many are taken off their life paths they were meant to be on and many fall down dark lost paths. They all matter and they are all beautiful stars in the Universe!” Ariel said, as Zuki looked at Ariel and Ariel looked at Zuki, having a moment, but then got interrupted suddenly.
“HWAAAAH!!!” Ohta said out loud that nervously rattled Ariel and Zuki.
“Zuki, get your ass here and check this out!” Kiyoshi said, then Zuki and Ariel followed them and when Zuki saw the pictures that were the biggest and were several of them. Everyone stood shocked at seeing the display of the main attraction at the photography club and Zuki´s eyes widened with shock and his jaw dropped, then Ariel closed Zuki´s mouth gently.
“It´s like, she´s seeing into my soul and revealing parts of me that I never get to see! Sugoi! She´s magic!” Zuki thought looking amazed and surprised.
“These are so cool! We look amazing, especially me!” Takeshi said seeing all the photos of them during their basket ball games when they were playing against another school team or when they were just having fun outside on the basket ball court in their free time or playing against others in the park.
“Nice title!” Ama said smiling and chuckling to himself reading the title above the pictures, “Meet The Basket Ball Gods!”
“We do look like Gods in these pictures! Fucking awesome! You have the magic touch Ariel!” Zai said looking surprised.
“These look really professional! If anyone wants to take our pictures for interviews or whatever, I´m recommending you!” Kiyoshi said.
“Arigatou!” Ariel said blushing and smiling.
“With Zuki looking like that, he´s gonna gain more fan girls wanting to date him! I think you´ve just raised his status even more Ariel with these photos!” Zai said as they all looked at Zuki´s pictures, looking dashing, looking like a shiny God and a magnetic, charismatic, alluring, seducing, sexy animalistic beast on the basket ball court.
“That´s not what I need more of!” Zuki thought looking gloomy and annoyed when imagining the massive crowd of fan girl followers surrounding him, carrying him off and chasing him down the street.
“Are these for sale? Can we buy them!?” Ohta said.“Hai! They´re all for sale!” Ariel said.
“How come Zuki´s picture is in the middle and is the biggest?” Takeshi said about one of them and they all noticed, then Ariel suddenly realised and blushed, then Zuki suddenly realised and blushed.
“That´s not the biggest, this group photo is the biggest and is also in the middle!” Kiyoshi said placing his arm around Takeshi, being playful aggressive.
“I get it, I get it! Let go!” Takeshi said, then some fan girls came over to Ariel.
“Zuki´s picture looks slightly bigger thou!” Ohta thought then looking at Ariel and Zuki.
“Ariel! We wanna buy these photos of Zuki!” One girl said.
“Yeah, we want them all! Can we get copies!?” Another girl said as Zuki´s body shook.
“Uhg! I don´t get a good feeling about this!” Zuki thought.
“Hai!” Ariel said smiling at the girls.
“Ne Zuki, could you sign it and give us your autograph?” A girl said smiling and he scratched his head in confusion.
“Why do you need that?” Zuki said looking confused.
“Because you´re a God, our God!” Another girl said flirting and smiling, while the others nodded in agreement.
“Kimoi!” Zuki said looking grossed out, freaked out and annoyed.
“Looks like the God titles are catching on already! Awesome!” Takeshi said smiling as he visualised them all being dubbed Gods of Basketball in the news, in magazines, in interviews, in ads and commercials and by the people, being loved by them all.
“Ano…I wanna buy Zai´s pictures!” One girl nervously said that came up to them, then more girls came.
“I´m buying Ama´s, so everyone else back off!” One girl said angrily and possessively, being a tomboy, looking like a girl version of Kiyoshi.
“Eto…anyone can buy copies, so no need to worry!” Ariel said trying to calm everyone.
“Looks like I need to keep my eyes on that one!” Kiyoshi said as he placed his arm over Ama´s shoulder being possessive and jealous and looked like a protective demon beast.
“Ariel, I like to buy all of Kiyoshi´s and Takeshi´s photos!” Another girl said.
“Alright everyone, just calm down, just write your names down and what and how many you want and Ariel will get back to you!” Zuki said looking annoyed.
“Looks like we´re all famous now thanks to Ariel, when before it was just Zuki getting all the attention!” Takeshi thought.
“By all means, enjoy, but be careful what you wish for!” Zuki said as he looked towards Ariel being surrounded by all the girls making requests at the desk and handing over money to buy copies of all the pictures.
“If they´re getting copies, can we get the originals?” Ohta said as they all stood staring at the main attraction.
“If we´re Gods of Basketball, then Ariel is the Goddess of Pictures! She´s gonna take the world by storm one day!” Kiyoshi said still looking at all of their pictures, the wall of fame and they all nodded in agreement.
As Zuki and Ariel, along with Ama, Kiyoshi, Takeshi, Ohta and Zai were walking down the school hallway filled with students hanging around and outside their classrooms wanting students to come in and try out their activities. Zuki was eating a veggie wrap that had a V on it, Ariel was drinking a V smoothie, Zai was eating V noodles, Takeshi was drinking apple juice from a juice box through a straw, Ohta was drinking a veggie fruity V juice, Ama was eating V crepes and Kiyoshi was eating a bag of V crisps.
“Hey look! It´s the basket ball Gods & Kiyoshi is making me faint!” One girl said with hearts in her eyes.
“They look so damn hot and steamy! I want to make Zai mine!” Another girl said drooling.
“I hope Takeshi notices me! Please look at me! Date only meeee!!!” A girl said with her hands together in prayer and stars in her eyes.
“How is it even possible, Zuki is even more hotter than before! He´s so dreamy! What happened to him!? Why is he so sparkly! I´m being hit by all his stars!” One girl said smiling and waving her hand trying to cool herself down, but then fainted and one girl caught her.
“Ama looks like an angel blessed by God! I wanna be touched by an angel!  Ama, look this way with your dazzling godly eyes and bless me with your love!” Another girl said seeing angels fly around Ama´s head.
“Their shiny light is blinding me, but I don´t care!” A girl said as they squealed and swooned over the boys as the boys floated and swayed godly like down the hallway looking sparkly and famous.
“Is it me or are we being stared at more than usual?” Ohta said seeing everyone look their way and the boys saw the looks as they continued to walk on.
“It´s the power of Ariel´s magic! She can help anyone shine their soul star and be noticed!” Zuki said smiling and Ariel blushed.When they walked past some other girls, the girls stared in annoyance and anger at Zuki hanging out with Ariel.
“There he goes again hanging out with Ariel!” One girl said sulking.
“He´s always with her! Is she his next conquest?” An angry girl said.
“She isen´t even that pretty! What does he see in her anyway!” A girl said feeling irked and jealous.
“At this rate he´ll never come back to us! We should do something!” One girl said feeling annoyed.
“Don´t worry girls, it´s being taken of!” Ex girlfriend 6 said smiling devilishly as the girls looked at the guys and Ariel walked down the school hallway.
In the Literature club room, what was on display for everyone was a list of their favourite authors and books they recommended to everyone and the stories that the 5 girls wrote and a Twin Soul story Ohta wrote, introducing everyone to what Twin Souls are, what True Love is and wanting and finding the One. Ama, Kiyoshi, Zai, Takeshi, Zuki and Ariel were reading the stories, as was several students, but Ohta…
“Where´s Ohta?” Takesahi said and the 5th girl that was there with the other 4 girls didn´t see Ohta either or Sensei.
On the school roof, Hisashi was holding up Ohta against the wall with his strong arms, while Ohta had his arms around Hisashi´s neck/back holding him and Hisashi was trusting into Ohta while they kissed and kissed and kissed.
“I didn´t know the school roof door could be locked from the outside! Weird!” Ohta said in between kisses.
“It didn´t! I installed the lock! I told you, we have many love nests and I always come prepared!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly, as he trusted more aggressively being turned on by that fact and scheming on a new place to be their love nest.
“Pffft!” Ohta smiled.
“That´s so like him!” Ohta thought.
“You sound like a boy scout!” Ohta said.
“I am, I used to be one!” Hisashi said.
“Me too! Always be prepared!” Ohta said as they both smiled and kissed like Twin Soul lovers finally in union.
(**: New chapter)
When Ariel was working at the Animal Angel Cafe, Zuki came in carrying his basketball and sat down by the counter and a puppy had his legs on Zuki´s leg looking up and wanting attention. Then Zuki picked him and cuddled him.
“Yo!” Zuki said.
“Looks like she remembers you! You´re her favourite!” Ariel said smiling pouring some herbal Oolong tea and handing it to him.
“I bet she says that to all her friends!” Zuki said petting the puppy. Then a white cat jumped out on the counter.
“Is this…?” Zuki said.
“Hai, Zax here is the homeless cat at school and I brought him here after his medical check up at the vets!” Ariel said.
“So this is the famous basket ball God Ariel has been talking about!” Ryuusei said.
“He´s cute!” Hiroaki said smiling.
“Kimoi! The God thing is Ariel´s idea and to be honest it´s kind of creepy!” Zuki said.
“Zuki, don´t mind these guys! They´re just teasing you! This is Ryuusei, my serious, moody, but kind and generous cousin and his loveable, sweet, caring, carefree boyfriend Hiroaki! They own this wacky, colourful vegan cafe!” Ariel said smiling.
“Ariel, you´re making me blush!” Hiroaki said blushing.
“Happy to finally meet you Zuki! If you see any angels you wanna adopt, let us know!” Hiroaki said smiling.
“Nice to meet you both!” Zuki said.
“What heavenly goodness would you like to order?” Ryuusei said handing him the menu.
“I just came to pick up Ariel! Maybe next time I´ll try your famous specials Ariel raves on about!” Zuki said drinking his tea.
“If you have friends, bring them along too!” Ryuusei said.
“Do I get a friend discount if I pack this place up?” Zuki said smiling devilishly.
“Zuki, if you fill this place up with customers, you can eat here for free!” Ryuusei said as he smiled.
“You´re on!” Zuki said smiling holding up his tea cup and Ryuusei held up his drink and they clashed their drinks together.
“Zuki, I´m ready!” Ariel said wearing her work out clothes.
“Ja ne!” Ariel said as Zuki waved and they both left, but the little puppy sat looking at the door where Zuki left and started crying out.
“Oh dear! Little Aemi has found her family! This is just heartbreaking to watch!” Hiroaki said seeing the little puppy calling out to Zuki, as Ryuusei held Hiroaki´s waist and they both looked at the puppy on the floor.
When Ariel and Zuki walked down the path towards the park.
“So you live with them? What about your parents?” Zuki said.
“They died when I was 3 and my older brother took us to live with our cousin and we´ve been living and working there ever since!” Ariel said.
“I´m sorry about your family!” Zuki said.
“It´s ok, I don´t remember them, so I don´t have any connection to them and the way I see it, they´re already back in this world, living their lives somewhere, so there´s no need to be sad. I don´t believe we die and that´s it, I believe we are reborn again! This may sound weird, but I view Earth like a virtual online game or like the matrix or both and death doesn´t really exist, but we just log back in, even if it´s the long way round when we have to be born again instead of digitally reappearing.” Ariel said.
“Akira said the same thing! Freaky!” Zuki thought.
“You´re right, you´re weird, but you are interesting!” Zuki said.
“I´d rather be weird and interesting than boring doing the same thing over and over, so I´ll take the compliment!” Ariel said smiling.
“You´re welcome!” Zuki said smiling. As they reached the basket ball court in the park. Zuki threw the ball to Ariel and Ariel nervously caught it.“One on one! Shoot and score, first one to get 11 points wins, loser has to do whatever the other wants!” Zuki said smiling devilishly.
“I don´t like the sound of that! I refuse!” Ariel said looking serious tossing the ball back to Zuki.
“Who knows what he´ll have me do if he wins!” Ariel thought.
“Don´t be stubborn, but play along! I thought you didn´t like being boring!” Zuki said smirking, tossing the ball back to Ariel and Ariel felt annoyed, but the blame was on her for saying that she doesn´t want to be boring in the first place, so she couldn´t back out now.
“I can´t lose to him, even thou the odds are ridiculously high against me! I wonder how many girls he´s brought here!” Ariel thought as she dribbled the ball ready to score.
“None!” Zuki said.
“Hmm?” Ariel said.
“If you´re thinking how many girls I´ve played basket ball with, you´re the only one! So that´s makes you number one!” Zuki said and she blushed and was rattled.
“Eeeh!? He read minds!?” Ariel wondered, then when she tried to score when she threw the ball, but it didn´t go in.
“Yabai! He did that on purpose and rattled me! He´s a beast!” Ariel thought, then he leaned in over her shoulder.
“I should point out, I don´t play fair, but I play to win!” Zuki said smirking.
“You´re a demon Zuki!” Ariel said looking annoyed that the ball didn´t go in.
“He´s so close! You´re too close! My heart can´t take it!” Ariel thought.
“I know!” Zuki said smiling devilishly, as he grabbed the ball and tossed it in so easily and effortlessly. Then she grabbed the ball and it was her turn.
“I should also mention, I don´t quit, so I´m never giving up!” Ariel said as she was aiming for the hoop.
“I´d be disappointed if you did!” Zuki said.
“That makes two of us!” Ariel thought, then she threw the ball and this time it went in and Zuki looked surprised.
“Heh! How interesting!” Zuki said smiling, then with every turn, they both ended up scoring each time and Zuki got even more surprised when Ariel scored until Zuki reached *11 points and Ariel reached 10 points.
“I didn´t see this coming at all! She´s a natural!” Zuki thought.
(*11 is a Twin Soul number and Twin Soul union number and so is *21, 10 and 11 makes 21, 2 become 1, so they both have Twin Soul numbers. 11 & 21 is code for Twin Souls and Twin Soul unions!)
“That makes my win! You surprise me Ariel! Have you played basket ball before?” Zuki said.
“I was on the team in middle school and I was their best player, but when they benched me, they ended up losing the game, they didn´t bring me back, so I stopped playing!” Ariel said.
“Why did they bench you?” Zuki said.
“They wanted to allow others to play, but we lost!” Ariel said.
“So they bench their star player and replaced you with someone who couldn´t win the game! Fucking idiots!” Zuki said angrily.
“Ariel, you should come back! You scoring now, your face lit up and you were loving it!” Zuki said.
“That game broke me, even thou they kept saying it´s just a game, it´s just for fun when we lost, but to me, I took it serious and it was fun, it was both but I hated losing! Who knows, maybe in another life I too can be a basket ball Goddess or God!” Ariel said smiling, then Zuki saw the sadness in Ariel´s face and Ariel thought back to when she was a kid, being benched, tears streaming down her face and her hand was grabbing her chest where her heart was feeling pain inside when seeing her team lose.
“So, I´m worried to even ask this, but what devilish request are you asking of me since I lost!” Ariel said looking worried and Zuki smiled like a demon beast and Ariel´s body shook nervously.
“I knew it! I´m in trouble!” Ariel thought feeling nervous.
“Let´s do some warm ups!” Zuki said smiling as he passed the ball to her again and they played on the court together, as Ariel dribbled and Zuki was behind her trying to get the ball and was smiling and loving it.
The next day, after school…
At school, Ama, Kiyoshi, Ohta, Takeshi, Zai and Zuki were practice playing doing warm ups on the court inside as was the the other team from a different school, then Ariel came in wearing her work out outfit, looking nervous, annoyed and not wanting to join in at all while staring at them all.
“I shouldn´t be here! Never did I expect this from Zuki! This is totally left field! Here I was prepared for the worst with his devious mind, but this, what was he thinking!?” Ariel thought, then a ball was thrown at her.
“Catch!” Zuki said and she nervously caught it again being surprised that a ball was coming at her.
“I was thinking of getting you back in the game!” Zuki said smiling.
“Do you read minds or something?” Ariel said.
“Hm?” Zuki said looking confused.
“Ariel!! Zuki told us you play! This is so cool! Can´t wait to see your moves!” Takeshi said smiling placing his arm over her shoulder.
“It wasen´t my idea, I lost a bet!” Ariel said looking annoyed that she lost, then Zuki grabbed Takeshi´s arm and took it off.
“She needs to warm up!” Zuki said as he pulled her away from Takeshi.
“Give it up Takeshi! Those two are meant to be!” Ama said.
“How do you know?” Takeshi said.
“It´s a Twin Soul feeling, they match up perfectly.” Ama said smiling.
“Heh! Well, they´re not together yet, so anything is possible!” Takeshi said smiling.
“Don´t be one of those girls that always targets Zuki and having cat fights over him! You should be happy for them, not try to come between them!” Ohta said looking annoyed, then saw Ariel and Zuki warming up on the court playing one on one. When Ariel dribbled the ball and made her magic moves that were unpredictable and fast, she got by Zuki and scored, shocking everyone, even Zuki was shocked that anyone could get past one of his superior defences.
“Holy God! Ariel is magic on the court too!” Ohta said looking shocked.
“That was one of Zuki´s best defences, no one could get by it!” Takeshi said looking surprised.
“I´m lost for words!” Zai said not believing his own eyes.
“What did I just see?!” Ama said looking confused and shocked.
“Let´s have them team up against the other team and see what magic those two can create together!” Kiyoshi said smiling.
“I was right! You really need to get back in the game Ariel!” Zuki said smiling and giving the ball to Ariel, then they were both holding it together having a moment when Zuki didn´t let go of the ball when he handed it to her and Ama took a picture of them both. Then the game was on between both teams and Ariel and Zuki teamed up and would pass to each other working with their team, while Ama was watching on the side lines, but then he saw Ariel´s book, “How To Be Soul Awake & Be Unplugged From The Earth Matrix!” and he saw Ariel´s camera in her bag and Ama grabbed it and started taking pictures of them all. When Ama was taking pictures, when she zoomed in on Ariel, he could see her smiling and having fun and then Ama saw Zuki smiling having fun as they both were in sync, in union, on the basket ball court.
“They´re both magic together! They´re electric and I can feel it from here! I can´t take my eyes off of them! It´s like they´re pulling me in!” Ama said.
“Maybe she should be called Goddess of Magic too!” Zai said as they both sat watching the magic happen before their eyes. When Ariel scored, Zuki placed his arm over her shoulder and they both smiled and the others gathered around being happy and Ama took the last photo of them.
Later on…
At Heaven XXXXXXXX restaurant/bar, Ohta was working as a waiter, serving customers their meals and then suddenly the entrance door bell rang and Ohta looked up and saw Hisashi, then Ohta blushed and Hisashi smiled, then Hisashi walked over to the counter looking all cool and in control and sat down and Ohta walked behind the counter and stood in front of Hisashi.
“You finally came here!” Ohta said smiling and handing him a menu.
“With all those vegan meals you´ve been making, how could I not and I wanted to see you in that outfit too and you didn´t disappoint!” Hisashi said smirking, then grabbed Ohta´s tie that was tucked behind his black vest over his white shirt, wearing black trousers and a long black apron and Hisashi pulled Ohta towards him seductively.
“Fuck he looks hot and I want him right now!” Hisashi thought, then he whispered in Ohta´s ear.
“Don´t take this off before coming home tonight!” Hisashi whispered and Ohta blushed and his heart raced, as they then both looked at each other and Ohta talked in low voice back to him.
“Are you into kinky outfit play you pervert!” Ohta said in a low voice so no one heard.
“Hai! You have no idea and that demon door is just begging to be explored between us!” Hisashi smiled like an unstoppable hungry demon beast.
“You´re appetite is unstoppable!” Ohta said in a low voice.
“When my prey is this tasty, can you really blame the wolf? I also blame those energised vegan meals you´ve been making me. I have so much energy during the day and night, I only need like a few hours a sleep!” Hisashi said smiling.
“I guess, there´s no harm in dressing up like being a waiter, but I´m not sure why that would turn him on! He really is weird, but I love him and his weirdness!” Ohta thought.
“Then what about the angel door, when are we gonna explore that?” Ohta said.
“Romance huh?! That´s my specialty too! All in good time my love!” Hisashi said smiling. Then the entrance door bell rang and they both looked up and saw the 5th girl come in by herself and she looked shocked seeing Sensei with Ohta and Sensei was pulling Ohta´s tie.
“Tch!” Hisashi said angrily then let go of the tie and Ohta tucked it back into his vest. Then the 5th girl walked over to them and sat next to Hisashi.
“Konichiwa!” Ohta said as he handed her a menu, but she didn´t say anything and just looked at Ohta and Sensei.
“You´re both together aren´t you!” 5th girl said.
“What makes you say that!” Hisashi said looking annoyed and Ohta felt anger, then she pulled forth her phone and showed pictures of them together when they walked to and from Hisashi´s apartment, when they shopped together, when they were in the same car together, when they came in and out of the club room alone together.
“Heh! That´s your evidence? Ohta is homeless and left home and I offered to let him stay with me, so he´s living with me! We´re also very good friends. Do you see anything wrong with guys being friends? Anything else kid or are you done spying on me and wanting to tear apart my life?” Hisashi said as his temper grew and being fed up, but she didn´t say anything and she just sat staring intensely at Hisashi, wanting him all to herself and he sat staring at her wanting her dead and gone.
“KOROSU! KOROSU! KOROSU!!!!!!” Hisashi thought looking like his eyes could murder anyone.
“Ne, have you ever read the story about the Black Wolf God and the White Deer God?!” Ohta said smiling, wanting to diffuse the killing atmosphere between the two and then both of them looked at Ohta.
At the Animal Angel Cafe, Zuki and Ariel came in with a lot of customers, mostly girls, along with Ama, Kiyoshi, Takeshi and Zai and filled up the entire cafe.“Yo!” Zuki said.
“Hey yo!” Takeshi said smiling.
“Konichiwa!” Ama said smiling.“As promised, I filled up this place up! Now where´s my free meal!” Zuki said sitting at the counter with Ariel, while Ama, Kiyoshi and Zai were giving attention to the rescued animals and Takeshi was being surrounded by girls getting attention.
“I´m impressed! How did you pull that off!” Ryuusei said.
“I said I´d sign any autographs on their pictures of me if they ate here first!” Zuki said.
“Soka! Using your devilish moves & charms to accomplish a mission! Why am I not surprised! Then here´s your reward, but are you interested in another challenge?” Ryuusei said smiling handing him the menu as Zuki grabbed it but Ryuusei didn´t let go and was smiling.
“I´m listening!” Zuki said.
“If you can fill this place up everyday for a week, you can eat for free anytime during that week and if it leads to regulars, you can eat for free always!” Ryuusei said smiling.
“Tempting, but I´ll decide that after I tasted your food! So do your best!” Zuki said smiling.
“Challenge accepted!” Ryuusei said smiling.
“Ariel, when can you make your curry again? I really liked it!” Zuki said looking at the menu and Ariel blushed.
“How about when you win the winter cup, we´ll celebrate and I´ll cook for you.” Ariel said smiling.
“Heh! I don´t think I can wait that long! You two really are alike aren´t you!” Zuki said.
“Whatever do you mean!” Ryuusei said smiling and chuckling.
In Zuki´s bedroom, he was at his desk and was speaking to Aria in the online game.
Kazumi: “You´ve met someone?”
“Shit it can´t be, this whole time he´s been single and he only recently told me that!” Zuki thought panicked, heart racing and feeling gloom.
Aria: “Hai! I think I´ve fallen in love, but I feel like they´re in love with someone else. They haven´t told me, but it´s just a feeling I have and we have this distance between us. It´s not like I´m gonna confess or anything, but it´s the second time I´ve been able to connect with someone that I feel comfortable talking to so easily, like I´ve know that person for life times! It´s a familiar feeling and it makes me feel whole in a way, like I´m talking to my other half!” Zuki let out a sigh.
“What?! There´s another me? Someone who could take Aria away!!? I still have a chance, I need to meet him! I need to know if Aria is my One!” Zuki thought.
Kazumi: “Second time?”
Aria: “…”
Kazumi: “…”
Kazumi: “…?…”
Aria: “Do I need to spell it out!” Aria wrote with smily emoji face.
“Fucking cute! Aria likes me! Shit! Here goes! Don´t make a herbivore run for it Aria!” Zuki said.
Kazumi: “Aria, I was gonna wait until later to tell you this, but I´ve managed to buy two tickets to see the Galaxy Kings! Do you wanna meet up and see it together this weekend?”
“I have to be careful and not try to be too aggressive or I might spook Aria away. I can´t wait any longer! Someone else or the other me might take Aria away from me! I need to see you! No more hiding Aria! Let´s meet, please don´t run anymore!” Zuki thought.
Aria: “You don´t play fair Kazumi!”
Kazumi: “I know!”
Aria: “How did you get the tickets?! It was sold out?!”
“It wasen´t easy and I had to go on a date with a girl to get those tickets, but it was worth it if it means seeing you!” Zuki thought.
Kazumi: “I have connections and my persuasion technique is unmatched!” He wrote with smily emoji faces.
“Truthfully it didn´t take much for the girl to say yes to give up the tickets! A date was all it took and some pictures of us together!” Zuki thought.
“Say yes, say yes Aria, please say yes!” Zuki thought.
Aria: “Yes! I´ll meet you Kazumi! You win!” Aria wrote with a smily face.
Aria: “…”
Aria: “…?…”
Zuki sat frozen with his hands hovering over the keyboard, now feeling nervous and was sweating when realising and thinking what if Aria is one of those people Zuki imagined, and he´s been masterbating to every week.
“I know only of 2 who have met their online friends and they all turned out to be nekams, but they still remained friends and didn´t judge. So I support you!” Ohta said.
“Fuck! I´m in trouble!” Zuki thought.
Kazumi: “Good to hear! Talk later then! Logging off! Matane!” Then he logged off quickly.
“Shit! What if he turns out to be a kid or an old man and I´ve been masterbating to Aria every week! Fuck, fuck, fuck! That´s gonna fuck me over and mess with my mind in a really dark way! Why am I only realising this now!? We meet in a week, but how can I meet him!? We should have at least mentioned our ages and genders. Wait, what if one of the guys meet up with Aria instead, then they can either say yes or no in a text for me to meet Aria, then we switch. Mind fuckery! What was I thinking? I wasen´t thinking at all!” Zuki thought as he placed his head on his desk and felt defeated and disheartened.
A doorbell rang and girl 5 answered it and she saw Nara at the door, holding a animal carrier box.
“Hey! I´m here to pick up one of the chicks!” Nara said smiling.
“Huh? Why not both?” Girl 5 said.
“I only need one, so you get to choose which stays and which one goes!” Nara said.
“Fine, whatever! Come in!” Girl 5 said angrily as she walked in and Nara came in too, she took off her shoes and both walked to the girl´s bedroom and there the two chicks were on the floor playing with a ball. When girl 5 kneeled down to them both, she picked one up, looked at it.
“…” Then she placed it down, then picked up the other one.
“…” Now she was looking at them both and was having difficulty deciding which one would leave.
“Didn´t you say they would have a hard time not sleeping if they were separated?” Girl 5 said.
“Hai! They´re best friends, they only have each other and they only want to hang out with one another! They´re very soul connected together!” Nara said.
“Won´t they be noisy if they are not together? I need my sleep you know!” Girl said being annoyed.
“In terms of if they will cry out, be lonely, be sad, be worried, be nervous and have trouble sleeping, then it´s only natural they would cry out, don´t you think?” Nara said.
“Then why not take both, why separate them? I´ve already taken care of them for months! Why do I have to…” Girl 5 said angrily.
“You know why, you know the answer already! It´s all part of the session, the soul healing, awakening and education!” Nara said.
“Tch!” Girl said angrily, then just picked one up and gave it to Nara.
“Let´s hurry up and finish this, I want this session over with already!” Girl said angrily.
At Hisashi´s & Ohta´s apartment. Hisashi was in his office writing his novel and Lala the rabbit was on his desk eating lettuce and Hisashi was petting Lala while writing at the same time, then a second rabbit they rescued, a black one was by Hisashi´s feet called Lulu and was playing with a ball and Hisashi was using his foot stroking the rabbit, giving attention to both, having no favourites, while multitasking.
“Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap!!!” Hisashi tapping away at his keyboard being focused and in machine mode to finish his next masterpiece.
Ohta was about to use his key and he was wearing his waiter outfit, but then Hisashi opened up the door aggressively and fast, surprising Ohta.
“Eeh? Were you waiting for me at the door?!” Ohta said being confused, then Hisashi pulled Ohta in fast and closed the door and pushed him up against the door, kissing, licking him, then pushed him down on the floor in the hallway and Hisashi kneeled down.
“I got a feeling you were here, so I went to the door!” Hisashi said as he went on top of Ohta, kissing him and pulling the coat off of Ohta and unzipped Ohta´s pants and pulled out Ohta´s penis.
“Telepathic Twin Soul connection?” Ohta thought.
“Hisashi, I feel dirty and I could use a shower and why are we doing it here by the entrance!?” Ohta said, but Hisashi was ignoring him as he suddenly swallowed all of Ohta´s penis, sucking it, teasing it and pleasuring Ohta.
“I like dirty play and I wanna get messy with you and make you more dirty! Didn´t I say, our love nest could be anywhere and everywhere? This is anywhere and everywhere! Walking around we lose seconds, when those seconds could be right here, right now being with you and every second counts!” Hisahsi said as he continued to pleasure Ohta. Then Ohta placed his arm over his face, then tears streamed down his face. Hisashi looked soul shocked seeing it and looked confused.
“Ohta, what´s wrong?!” Hisahsi said looking concerned, as he took away Ohta´s arm seeing Ohta crying silently. Then Ohta sat up and held Hisashi tightly and lovingly.
“I feel so loved by you and I´m also terrified of losing you when I love you so damn much! Your words reach my soul, my heart and you light it up like the sun! I can´t ever imagine a life without you in it and during the day, I end up thinking sometimes, I want more, I want to see you more, it´s not enough and I want you all to myself too! I´ve become quite greedy when it comes to you haven´t I?” Ohta said smiling with tears, then Hiasashi looked at Ohta and wiped away the tears with his finger.
“Greedy is good when it comes to us! Be greedy, be selfish, be possessive, because what you feel for me, is what I feel for you, but times a billion! You´re my whole world Ohta and I´ll raise a world rebellious army of True Love soldiers if needs be, to protect our union from those wanting to tear us apart ever again in any life! You mean more to me than anyone and anything, always remember that in your soul!” Hisashi said looking serious, as more tears streamed down Ohta´s face hearing more epic love words from Hisashi, then they both kissed each other.
“Your epic True Love words are unforgettable! There´s no way I´ll ever forget it! You might want to write it down for your stories, it´s legendary codes!” Ohta said as Hisashi kissed Ohta´s tears.
“Have I told you I love you today?” Hisashi said.
“Ije!” Ohta said smiling.
“I love you, I love you, I love you Ohta, times a billion!” Hisashi said kissing Ohta all over.
“If we´re competing, then, I love you Hisashi, times a trillion!” Ohta said smiling.
“Heh! Then I love you times AZillion!” Hisashi said smiling.
“Did you make that up?” Ohta said looking suspicious.
“It means the number is infinite amount, so I win!” Hisashi said smirking.
“You know, since we´re two halves of the same soul, what you feel, is what I feel, so technically, we feel the same about each other, yet we still compete our love!” Ohta said.
“Hm! That´s true, but it´s still fun to compete right?” Hisashi said.
“Hai!” Ohta said.
“Then let´s continue with our competing shall we!” Hisashi said as he stood up, picked up Ohta from the floor and swung him over his shoulder.
“Where are we going?!” Ohta said.
“Bedroom! I have some new toys I wanna try and I need new material for my story!” Hisashi said licking his lip looking hungry and beastly, then Ohta nervously shook in his body.
“Hah! On second thoughts, entrance is fine, let´s stay here!” Ohta said trying to gain his freedom, feeling nervous.
“Don´t worry so much, you´re gonna love this new toy I bought! They call it the dual penis docking sleeve!” Hisashi said smiling.
“Eeeh! Sounds perverted and dirty!” Ohta said looking worried.
“Sounds like you already know about it my pervert angel!” Hisashi said.
“In another life maybe I have and my soul has access to that information!” Ohta said.
“Then all your mind needs is to remember again right, so let´s enjoy reliving it all over again, multiple times!” Hisahsi said smiling, as they walked in the bedroom, used his foot to kick open the door and used it to close the door.  
At night, in girl 5´s bedroom, the little chick by her bed was chirping more and more, crying out and calling out for his best friend, his family, his love and girl 5 was getting more and more irritated and angry.
“Urusai! So loud! I can´t sleep! You´re so damn noisy Sunny! You´ll see Moony later, so calm down, go to sleep!” Girl 5 said angrily, but the chick continued crying out for Moony and girl 5 placed her pillow over her head trying to drown out the sounds of sadness and loneliness from the chick.
At Hisashi´s & Ohta´s apartment, Hisashi was holding Ohta in bed and they were both naked, then Ohta felt something under his pillow, some papers and pulled it out.
“What´s this?” Ohta said looking confused and Hisashi started kissing Ohta´s shoulder.
“Papers to sign to make you my “brother”! I´m adopting you! It´s my may of making you my wife legally! This way I can put my hands on you at school without anyone thinking it´s bad if it´s just skinship. Think of it like, *“brother” is code for wife.” Hisashi said licking Ohta´s chest, being hungry for more of Ohta and Ohta blushed.
“After that stunt she pulled today! I don´t trust her at all! There are always ways around those bakabakashii rules that say we can´t be together!” Hisashi thought.
“Hisashi!” Ohta said blushing feeling overwhelmed by his love. Then Ohta pushed Hisashi down on the bed and leaned down while still blushing and he surprised Hisashi for being so assertive, then Ohta kissed him. Then Ohta guided Hisashi´s hard penis again into him and wanted to ride Hisashi for the first time.
“I can say all the words in the world to him to explain what he means to me, but it´s faster if I just show him and he will understand too. Showing my love, communicating my love, what Hisashi means to me, this is how I communicate to him and I love him so damn much!” Ohta thought. Hisashi licked his lip, looking beastly and seriously turned on, as he couldn´t help but move his hips, thrusting into Ohta and grabbing Ohta´s hips with his hands.
“You´re so erotic right now Ohta with that face you're making and riding me like this!” Hisashi said clenching his teeth, trying to control his beast that wanted to take control and “attack” Ohta.
“Makes me wanna turn him around and fuck him until he can´t come anymore, until he passes out, but then we´d have to stop and I don't want to stop this Heaven ride with you!” Hisashi thought as he smiled.
(*”Brother”: Code for wife or husband. Code for Twin Souls. In a world of bakabakashii rules, there are ways around it to take suspicion off of you. Like say if you are a Sensei at school and your Twin Soul is a student, you could make it legal by making the love of your soul your family, your “brother” or “sister”, then you can be close, like putting your arm over the shoulder of your “brother” or “sister” without anyone able to say anything, since you´ll say, he or she is family. Skinship is a way to be closer, but also a way to protect your Twin Soul by keeping other students who are after your Twin Soul away from them if they get too handsy and flirty with your Twin Soul. Then you can use your Big “brother” position to protect your Twin Soul. I´ll explore this more between Hisashi and Ohta in more stories and scenes to come. I´m a code hacker and I hack in and find ways to give souls more freedom! New Twin Soul story in the future: CodeBreaker/Hacker & Code Ninja)
  Next day…
In the morning, Sunny was still chirping and crying out and girl 5 looked tired and exhausted. Then she picked up the chick in her hand.
“You kept me up all night! Look at me, I´m a mess! You´re just overreacting! You´ll see her again, so why can´t you just accept that? Get over it already and be quiet!” Girl 5 said, but Sunny continued crying out for Moony.
Next day…
Girl 5 looked at Sunny´s food, but he didn´t touch it.
“Why are you not eating! You have to eat, here, eat this!” Girl 5 said as she was trying to feed him, but he was refusing and not feeling like it.
“At least you stopped crying, but now you´re not eating! You´re impossible! Tch!” Girl 5 said angrily.
Next day in the morning…
When Girl 5 came into her bedroom, she saw Sunny lying on the floor, but he wasen´t moving.
“Why are you sleeping there, your bed is over there! Oi! Move it!” Girl 5 said as she poked Sunny, but he looked weak and his eyes were nearly open, but struggling to keep them open. She picked up Sunny, but he still didn´t move like he used to.
“What´s wrong, are you that sleepy? Serves you right, you kept me up for two days, but sleep in your bed would you!” Girl 5 said as she placed Sunny in his bed, then she saw his food.
“You still haven´t eaten! You really are stubborn and baka! If you die, you won´t see Moony, so eat!” Girl 5 said angrily then left the room.
Few hours later, girl 5 came in again, then started staring at Sunny, who was not moving and was barely breathing. She then kneeled down and started poking it, trying to wake him up, then stroked it.
“Come on, get up, you need to eat! You wanna see Moony don´t you! Why are you like this? I don´t understand!” Girl 5 said as she picked up Sunny in her hands.
“Why are you two so connected that you end up like this only after 3 days? You look like you´re dead already! What is this, why does my heart hurt so much!” Girl 5 said, then tears streamed down her face and that shocked her and she touched her tears with her available hand, while holding Sunny with the other.
At Hisashi´s and Ohta´s apartment, Hisashi was sitting by the kitchen counter, hand to his face, tapping his finger on the counter feeling agitated, annoyed, being lost in the thought, looking like he was struggling with something and looking the other way, while Ohta was making vegan breakfast for them both, wearing an apron with a white deer on it eating grass and Ohta saw Hisashi was feeling down and struggling. The two bunnies were playing with a ball around the place having fun.
“I´ve been making vegan meals for a week now, but Hisashi is struggling and wanting to eat meat. It´s like he's got the shakes or something.” Ohta thought, then Ohta looked at his phone and saw the soul truth testing app test he took, that revealed he comes back in other lives as animals, like farm animals.
“What if I told him I have lived lives being farm animals and will probably again in my next life. That might help him lose the shakes and never wanting to eat meat ever again! Ije! If I do that, who knows what he´ll do!” Ohta thought, then imagined angry demon beast Hisashi, looking like a Demon King, wearing his edo inspired outfit, long black hair in a pony tail, his arms crossed, looking furious, angry, fuming, rage filled, fly hovering in the sky looking down at the human children still eating animals and them sacrificing his beloved Twin Soul Eve, his Ohta. In the sky Hisashi was surrounded by his army of transformer robots who were flying in the sky and news cameras were filming him and them, showing the whole world.
“Guardians!!! KOROSU!!!! Anyone who still is soul asleep and is enslaving life, hunting life, tormenting life and eating life, kill them all!!! Protect all animals, children and anyone who is soul awake!!! Save My Soul Wife!!!” Hisashi said in anger and rage and was fed up with the human children who refused to wake up and who wanted to still torment life, enslave life and eat life endlessly, then the transformer robots that were huge and transformed in various transportation vehicles flew off, while Hisashi sparked purple electrical power all around him, lighting up the sky with is purple lightning, cleaning up the Earth, saving the Earth and saving his Twin Soul.
Ohta nervously shook when he thought about what Hisashi would do!
“I can´t tell him! I feel like I just dived into his darkness and what he's capable of, but is there another way to help him?” Ohta thought, then he thought about something and leaned down to Hisashi, with his hand on the table and Hisashi suddenly snapped out of being lost in thought and looked up to Ohta, looking curious.
“Hisashi! Is there anything I can do for you to help you out of your addiction to meat? I´ll do anything, just tell me! I wanna help you!” Ohta said so lovingly and caring. Then suddenly Hisashi smiled devilishly and Ohta´s body nervously shook.
“His mind went straight to dirty thoughts again!” Ohta thought.
The door bell rang over and over and Nara opened up the door, looked soul shocked when seeing girl 5 and she saw girl 5 standing there with Sunny in the carrier and girl 5´s tears wouldn´t stop flowing.
“Nara, hurry, Sunny needs to see Moony or maybe we need to take him to the vet, he hasen´t been eating or sleeping, he´s barely alive, he´s been crying out for her and now he doesn´t move his body at all or say anything…I don´t want him to die…I never wanted…!” Girl 5 said with tears.
“Hurry up and come in, Moony is waiting for him!” Nara said, then girl 5 followed and in Nara´s office, when girl 5 came in, she was shocked to see Moony behaving the same way as Sunny, she wasen´t moving either in bed and her food bowl was still full.
“Moony has gone through the same exact feelings and behaviours as Sunny. They are connected in their souls, they are One. She missed him as much as he missed her and they never ever wished to be apart from each other.” Nara said as  she took out Sunny, then placed him with Moony in the same bed. They both watched in suspense, then saw slowly but surely, Moony and Sunny become alive again and started chirping and being close to each other again.
“This bond they share, they found one another, they both wanted to be together and hang out, sleeping, eating and playing together. It was never one sided, they just knew in their hearts, minds and souls right away, they belonged together. Best friends, family, love, Sunny and Moony have it all and keeping them apart from each other would be cruel, forcing them to be with other chicks would be cruel, they already decided, they want to be together always!” Nara said smiling as she placed food in the hand of girl 5 and girl 5 reached out to the chicks and Sunny and Moony started eating again.
In a sex shop that sold kinky dirty toys, games and outfits, Hisashi was standing outside the dressing room waiting, smiling and Ohta was trying out the various cosplay and playful teasing outfits Hisashi picked out for him.
“Ohta, if you don´t come out, I´m coming in!” Hisashi said being impatient.
“This is really embarrassing and I don´t understand how me dressing up can help you! I was thinking more like take you to various vegan restaurants, visiting a farm sanctuary, showing you horror videos of what keeps happening to animals!” Ohta said being confused.
“Pfffft! You´re so naive and cute! You are helping me and this is taking my mind off of meat! You being embarrassed and teasing me, is more than enough to take my mind off of eating flesh, when I can be "devouring” you instead endlessly! No more keeping me waiting, come out already!” Hisashi said smiling. Then Ohta pulled the curtain away, was blushing and stood there wearing sexy outfit like a futuristic battle outfit, with his gun attached to his thigh, his light saber staff behind his back, a silver/white long hair, dressing up like a girl, like the Eve character from the “Attack On Eden” game. Since Ohta looked feminine, he could look like a girl when he dressed up like one. 
“Why are the outfits you picked mostly are girl outfits?” Ohta said blushing, feeling embarrassed. Hisashi stopped smiling, looked beastly instead and then grabbed Ohta and they went into the dressing room.
“Hisashi! No way is this happening, people can hear us!” Ohta said angrily trying to keep Hisashi off of him. Then Hisashi´s friend who owned the sex shop, a guy who dressed up like a woman, smiled, went outside, turned the sign saying, “shop temporally closed!”, then his friend went into the break room.
“It´s fine, my friend owns the shop, nobody is here but us and he´s already closed up and gone to the break room!” Hisashi said, then he pulled the curtain and Ohta looked and didn´t see anyone, then looked surprised.
“Anywhere and everywhere huh?” Ohta said looking at Hisashi.
“Hai! Next we should go buy you a yukata!” Hisashi said kissing Ohta and closing the curtain.
Later on that night.
“It´s been 3 days since then and I haven´t talked to Aria! I´ve been avoiding talking to him!” Zuki thought as he was walking through the summer festival at the shrine at night with Ama, Kiyoshi, Ohta, Takeshi and Zai, all wearing their yukatas and Zuki wore a black yukata. Ama wore blue, Kiyoshi wore green, Ohta wore grey and they were all wearing animal masks like hats. Zai wore purple yukata and Takeshi wore red and they were eating and drinking various stall foods and beverages. Ama was carrying a small panda cub doll as was Kiyoshi. Zuki wore a demon mask like a hat on the side of his head.
“It´s really crowded here!” Ohta said eating his candy apple.
“I did say we should of come here earlier!” Zai said as he was drinking his beverage.
“I blame Takeshi!” Ohta said.
“Oi! Why is it my fault!?” Takeshi said eating from a snack bag.
“You were the one who challenged those guys in the park to a basketball match!” Ohta said.
“Aaah yeah! Fun times and we kicked their asses with our godly powers!” Takeshi said smiling.
“The God titles has gone to his head!” Zai said.
“I blame Ariel!” Ohta said.
“Urusai! Ariel is our Goddess of Pictures & Magic! If she says we´re Gods, we´re Gods!” Takeshi said looking irritated.
“So annoying! Give it a rest already!” Ohta said feeling irked.
“Neverrrr! This title is mine foreverrrr!” Takeshi said holding his fist in the air and making a godly pose like he was being photographed again or being sculptured.
“I think you´re just encouraging him even more and making it worse!” Zai said.
“Hmm!” Ohta said.
“Speaking of Ariel, when did say she would meet us here?” Ama said sucking on a popsicle.
“Ama, if you keep eating it like that, I won´t be able to hold back!” Kiyoshi whispered in his ear smiling like a hungry beast and Ama blushed.
“She was working late, but she should be here by now!” Zuki said looking around, then Takeshi stopped Zuki with his hand against his chest and looking straight forward, then Zuki looked ahead and saw Ariel in her pink yukata with flower patterns and her hair was up, shining, looking sparkly in her own way and Zuki´s heart raced when seeing her, then when her eyes finally saw Zuki, she blushed and smiled shyly.
“Let´s go guys, I´ve been wanting to kick your asses in the shoot out stall!” Kiyoshi said grabbing Takeshi as they all walked off and left Zuki alone with Ariel.
“I wanna talk to Ariel!” Takeshi said.
“Later!” Kiyoshi said as Ama smiled when they left.
“Say something, otherwise it´ll feel awkward!” Ariel said shyly.
“Yabai! He looks really handsome in that yukata!” Ariel thought.
“Beautiful!” Zuki said as he stood and got lost in staring and his heart raced and he placed his fist over his mouth as he blushed and Ariel blushed even more.
“I was wrong! Now it feels awkward!” Ariel said blushing, looking the other way, but then Zuki grabbed her hand as they walked out towards the steps towards the shrine.
“Zuki, what´s wrong? Where are you taking me!” Ariel said looking nervous and looking around at the people staring at them.
“He´s taking me away from the crowd! I´m getting nervous again! My heart´s beating like crazy!” Ariel thought.
“Kuso! She looks so damn sexy wearing that yukata, makes me wanna tear it off and have my way with her! What´s happening to me? My heart can´t stop beating fast, it´s driving me crazy. Calm down, calm the fuck down!” Zuki thought. When they reached the steps and saw the view of the whole city sparkling in lights.
“I wanted you to see this!” Zuki said then looked up towards the sky and so did Aria, then fireworks lit up in multiple colours, shining like stars, planets and hearts covered the night sky in dazzling bright lights.
“Magic!” Ariel said smiling as she looked to the sky.
“You´re magic Ariel and you light up my life, my world and everyone in it!” Zuki thought when he looked at her, then looked back to the sky.
“I ended up falling for him in the end, but I feel like my heart is breaking! I just can´t tell him how I feel! I don´t know what to do with these feelings and I don´t know how long I can be around him feeling this way. It´s torture when all I want to do is kiss him, hold him and love him forever!” Ariel thought as she teared up seeing him, then went back to looking at the fireworks in the sky.
“Why does this scene feel like something out of a romantic manga story!” Ariel thought.
“It´s like we´re reliving a scene in a manga love story!” Zuki thought as they both blushed and their nerves raced even more and Zuki side eyed Ariel seeing if she was looking at him.
In the woods by the shrine festival, Ohta and Hisashi, both wearing yukatas were getting frisky up against the tree while the fireworks continued above them.
“Whoever came up with yukatas is a genius, so seductive, erotic and easy access to everything!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly, then he got shocked when he opened up the yukata and saw Ohta wasen´t wearing any underwear, but was completely naked underneath and Ohta´s penis was hard.
“You´re naked you pervert angel!” Hisashi said smiling.
“It´s too hot and I thought you might jump me and what are the odds you´re just as naked as I am you pervert demon?” Ohta said as he was sweating from the summer heat, as was Hisashi.
“Ho! You think you know me that well huh!” Hisashi said smiling, then Ohta suddenly opened up Hisashi´s and saw Hisashi´s pointy rock hard penis aiming for Ohta and he was naked too.
“I think I´m beginning to!” Ohta said smiling.
“Then what am I am thinking right now?” Hisashi said smiling devilishly. Then Ohta went down on his knees and started sucking on Hisashi´s penis, licking and looking up to Hisashi, wanting to see Hisashi´s face if he was enjoying it and Hisashi was clenching his teeth and did enjoy it.
“Fuck! Feels so good! I wanna come all over his face!” Hisashi thought.
“You can if you want, just come! I want your everything Hisashi, so don´t hold back!” Ohta said and Hisashi´s eyes looked surprised, as Ohta continued to tease and suck and suck and suck. Then Hisashi grabbed Ohta´s head and moved his hips wanting more of Ohta´s mouth over his penis, so he thrusted gently into Ohta´s mouth, feeling so aroused by what Ohta said, by what Ohta was doing and came fast in Ohta´s mouth, then Ohta swallowed.
“Turning me on more, just keeps firing me up more!” Hisashi said, then Ohta stood up, Hisashi turned Ohta around and lifted up his yukata, wanting to finger him from behind.
“I already prepped by fingering myself earlier! You can just enter me right now! I need you inside me now!” Ohta said feeling aroused, sexually excited and couldn´t wait any longer.
“You really do surprise me you horny angel!” Hisashi said smiling as he thrusted into Ohta, still feeling hard and wanting more, as he rubbed Ohta at the same time. Then leaned in further to kiss Ohta as he thrusted deeply, which made Ohta come fast.
“I love you, I love you Hisashi!” Ohta said kissing Hisashi.
“I love you more!” Hisashi said kissing more.
“We love each other equally as much, we are One!” Ohta said as Hisashi bit into Ohta´s neck from feeling so good while thrusting like a wild beast in the woods, as Hisashi still rubbed Ohta´s penis while thrusting.
“I still love you more!” Hisashi said smiling as he trusted aggressively several times, then they both came again, but Hisashi still continued thrusting, staying connected and wanting more.
Next day…
The next day at school, Zuki slid open the classroom door fast and aggressive rattling others in the class room nervously of his sudden appearance, but he didn´t see Ariel.
“Oi! Omae! Where´s Ariel?” Zuki said.
“She didn´t come to school today!” One guy said.
“Hey Zuki! Wanna hang out with us instead?” One girl said smiling.
“Tch!” Zuki said then slid the door closed again angrily. Then the girl pouted, but ex girlfriend nr 6 smiled devilishly.
In Zuki´s class, his leg was on his desk, one hand in his pocket and the other hand was texting Ariel while he was sucking on a lollypop.
“Still no word? Did something happen?” Kiyoshi said while snaking on his V snack bag and was sitting in front of Zuki.
“She could be sick or something! She´ll probably be back tomorrow!” Ama said as he was reading a book, “Twin Souls: The Divine *God & *Goddess of Unions!” and who sat next to Kiyoshi.
“She doesn´t text back like she used to! What´s going on!?” Zuki said then started calling her.
“The number you have reached is either turned off or out of service. Please call again later!” The message said and Zuki´s eyes widened with surprise feeling even more uneasy.
(**: New chapter)
Same day…
In class…
“Tch! Why is her phone off?! Something isen´t right!” Zuki said.
“Zuki, don´t you think you´re overacting? She might be back tomorrow!” Kiyoshi said.
“It´s probably just a cold!” Ama said.
“I guess!” Zuki said.
“Then why do I have this aching feeling in my chest that´s throbbing and feels painful.” Zuki thought.
“The rain is really pouring down outside! If only customers wouldn´t hide away at home, but hide away here instead!” Ryuusei said.
“You know, you can´t avoid him forever!” Hiroaki said standing behind the counter in the Animal Angel Cafe making a fruity sundae with a sparkler.
“I know, but I can´t face him either right now! I can´t confess, I can´t be near him or my chest starts to hurt and my heart aches and I feel like my throat starts to close up and I can´t speak. I know he´s in love with someone else, so, all I can do is lock away these feelings! Maybe I should transfer. I´ve been wanting to move to Tokyo anyway, but was gonna do it after graduation and since my brother´s at Uni there, I could stay with him.” Ariel said eating lunch, a vegan special.
“This is really tasty!” Ariel said with tears streaming down her face.
“I´m happy you like it Ariel, but your tears is sending the wrong message to my customers!” Ryuusei said looking serious.
“Gomenasai!” Ariel said while sobbing and eating.
“Are you sure about this Ariel! Aren´t you just running away?” Hiroaki said.
“I think you should just confess to him, then when he rejects you, you can transfer and not have any doubts anymore and can put it behind you and move on!” Ryuusei said.
“If only that was easy, I would of done it by now! I´m not as confident or as strong as I should be!” Ariel thought.
The next day at school…
Zuki slid open Ariel´s classroom door fast and aggressive, rattling others in the class room nervously of his sudden appearance, but he didn´t see Ariel.
“Oi! Where is she!?” Zuki said.
“She´s not here!” One guy said.
“Yeah I see that smart ass! Did she come to school?” Zuki said.
“Ije!” The guy said.
“Ne, Zuki, come play with us! It´s been so long since we were together last!” One girl said smiling and flirting.
“Tch!” Zuki said then slid the door aggressively and angrily closed it.
“Why are you smiling?” One girl said to ex girlfriend nr 6.
In the park, Zuki, Ama, Kiyoshi, Zai, Ohta and Takeshi were having a basket ball match against some other High Schoolers from another school and Zuki was getting more aggressive on the court and slam dunking all the balls he was receiving, winning points and being way ahead of the other team.
“He´s a demon!” Takeshi said wiping away the sweat from his forehead with his top and breathing heavily.
“He´s not holding back at all!” Ohta said being out of breath and wiping the sweat with his arm band wrists.
“They don´t stand a chance, they´re being annihilated!” Zai said seeing Zuki slam dunk again when Ama passed him the ball.
When the game was over, Zuki grabbed his water from his bag, drank it, then splashed it over his head and Ama walked over to him.
“I´ve never seen you like this before! It´s like I´m seeing a side to you that you kept hidden! Kind of scary! Is this just from not hearing or seeing Ariel in two days?” Ama said wiping his sweat with his towel, but Zuki didn´t answer, but when he looked at Ama, he looked like a demon beast that was ready to shred any and all enemies in his sight and Ama´s body nervously shook when seeing his silent reaction.
“Yupp! It´s all Ariel!” Ama thought.
Next day…
In school the 3rd day, Zuki slid open Ariel´s classroom door fast and aggressive, rattling others in the class room nervously of his sudden appearance, but he didn´t see Ariel again.
“She´s not at school today either!” The guy said.
“ZUKI!!!” One girl said smiling being excited to see him.
“Tch!” Zuki said then slid the door aggressively closing it, then walked down the hallway trying to call Ariel again on the phone.
“The number you have reached is no longer in use and has been disconnected!” The message said and Zuki´s eyes widened with shock and then he got even more angry.
“What the fuck?! Kuso!” Zuki said angrily.
When Zuki slid the the Animal Angel Cafe´s door aggressively open.
“ARIEL!!!” Zuki shouted angrily and the customers and the staff stopped to see Zuki looking like an angry beast drenched in rain as it was still pouring down for the third day. Then suddenly Ariel came out of the staff room wearing her work outfit carrying a bunny in her arms and then stopped walking and saw Zuki staring at her.
“Zuki!!” Ariel said looking nervous and surprised. Then Zuki let out a sigh seeing she was ok, then went over to her, grabbed the bunny, placed the bunny on the floor and grabbed Ariel´s hand dragging her off to her place upstairs.
“We need to talk!” Zuki said looking like an angry demon beast.
“Wait, I have customers to serve!” Ariel said.
“We´ll be fine! Don´t worry!” Ryuusei said.
“Take good care of her Zuki!” Hiroaki said smiling. When Ariel and Zuki were standing outside her apartment door that was located above the Animal Angel Cafe.
“This is the first time I´ve been to your place!” Zuki said feeling his heart race.
“My brother´s at Uni, so it´s just us!” Ariel said then opened up the door and they both went in and they took off their shoes and put on their slippers and Ariel walked towards her bedroom and Zuki followed looking around the place, then Aemi came running towards them and the white cat Zax that was rescued was on the couch sleeping.
“Hey is this the puppy that always clings to me!” Zuki said kneeling down petting Aemi who wanted his attention again. Ariel grabbed a towel for him.
“That´s Aemi! I had to adopt her, because she already chose her family, but her family didn´t choose her!” Ariel said as he gave him the towel to dry himself off.
“Arigatou! Who wouldn´t choose this cute little guy! They have no heart!” Zuki said kissing the head of Aemi and drying himself off.
“You didn´t!” Ariel said.
“Hm?!” Zuki said.
“Aemi chose you and I was told, when you left those times, Aemi would sit by the door, hoping you would come back for her, but you never did and she cried out for you!” Ariel said with tears forming in her eyes.
“Ariel! I didn´t know!” Zuki said, but she wiped the tears away.
“I know, I´m sorry! I connect fast with the feelings of others! You wanted to talk right, let´s go to my room, but first, head to the bathroom, I´ll get you some new clothes or you´ll catch a cold and I´ll dry off your clothes in the dryer!” Ariel said, then he swallowed hard, gulping. When they came to her room and he was dressed in new clothes, she sat down by her kotatsu table and he sat down opposite her, but there was silence between them.
“He looks like he´s gonna “attack” me any minute and he looks pissed. I don´t feel safe right now!” Ariel thought.
“Why didn´t you come to school? Why is your phone turned off and now disconnected, what is going on?” Zuki said looking serious and angry.
“I haven´t been feeling good these past few days and my phone got damaged when I accidentally took a call while I was doing the dishes. I haven´t got a new one yet!” Ariel said.
“I can´t tell him that I´m avoiding him, because I love him, but I´m also feeling down for other reasons.” Ariel thought.
“Ariel! You´re not telling me everything and you´re holding back! Tell me, why are you not coming to school!” Zuki said as he pressed on. Then the doorbell rang and Ariel got up, but Zuki grabbed her hand.
“He´s sharp and it´s like he can read me like an open book!” Ariel thought.
“Don´t run away, talk to me!” Zuki said.
“I´m not running away, I´m answering the door!” Ariel said, then Zuki let go and she left. Zuki then got up and looked around her room, when he came to her book shelf, he saw so much manga, anime and games in her library.
“It´s like I´m in manga heaven and she´s the queen of heaven! She really loves Yaoi and BL!” Zuki thought seeing the massive collection in her room, mostly Yaoi and BL, then he saw an album, he opened it up and saw several pictures of himself that Ariel took while they hung out in class, outside, at the cafe, at the shrine, during a basket ball game, at the library, sitting on the rooftop, sitting under the blossom cherry tree on the grass, Zuki being surrounded by animals in the cafe, Ariel making curry at the cafe and them eating together and his eyes widened with shock.
“What´s this?! Why does she have so many pictures of me!? Does she like me?! Does she love me?!” Zuki thought as his heart started to race, then he stepped backwards while holding the album, feeling rattled, then a ping noise was heard and when he turned to see her desk, one of her screens showed the online game he always played in and Zuki saw the character Aria that was Ariel´s character all along and he was now even more shocked.
“…?… Eeh? EEEEEEEEEEH!!!! What the fuck!!! How is this possible?! Aria is Ariel? Aria is Ariel! Aria is a girl!!! The girl I´m in love with and who I´ve wanted to meet for over a year!! I was right, she´s the One, the One I´ve been waiting for, the One I can´t ever let go and the One I will forever love in my heart and soul for eternity! What sort of wacky Universe is this!!? It´s unbelievable!” Zuki thought, then Ariel came in and he suddenly hid the album behind his back looking nervous.
“That was Ama and Kiyoshi wondering if I was ok! I was gonna…what´s wrong, why do you have that weird look on your face? Oh right, you´re discovered my game obsession!” She said as she came over to her desk and Zuki ninja moved his way placing the album back.
“I haven´t told you this, but I made a friend online over a year ago, we talked and played every day and then when I suddenly agreed to meet her for the first time, she stopped all contact and I haven´t talked to her in 6 days. We were supposed to see the Galaxy Kings tomorrow, but I`m worried something might of happened to her and that made me feel anxious and nervous! I haven´t been able to focus! I feel like a mess and I don´t know what to do! I just wish I knew if she is alright and she´s not hurt in any way!” Ariel said looking worried and sad.
“She was worried about me to point where she couldn´t come to school? I wanna hug her so badly right now and never let go!!!” Zuki thought trying to control himself.
“I can´t tell him the other reason why I feel down, but having him here is making my heart hurt more! Please leave Zuki!” Ariel thought, then Zuki grabbed Aria´s arms aggressively looking deep into her eyes being all serious, surprising Ariel and she felt nervous again.
“Eeh?” Ariel thought.
“Aria, Ariel! Don´t worry, everything will work out in the end. The paths we take in life, even if it´s separate, we both end up in the same place when it´s all over! I´m gonna go, but you should stay here and rest and tomorrow, you´ll feel a lot better, I promise! Pinky swear with me, you stay here and rest!” Zuki said with his hand out and his pinky ready. Not knowing how to respond to Zuki being like this, Ariel just went with the flow and pinky swore with Zuki.“You made the promise, now keep it and stay here! Talk later. Ja!” Zuki said then left in a hurry.
“What was that?! That was weird, but I do feel tired. I should rest! Maybe I´ll wake up with some answers on what to do and how to reach Kazumi and what to do about Zuki! This is all so energy draining, all this worrying and being in a one sided love!” Ariel thought as she was lying on bed, her arm over her forehead and her eyes dozing off.
“Yabai! My heart hurts so much!” Ariel said as silent tears streamed down her face.
When Zuki aggressively burst through the door to his bedroom looking like an angry demon beast, he threw his school bag on the floor, he was out of breath from running, looking like a hungry demon beast and made his way to his computer on his desk and logged on in the online game.
“This is surreal! How will she react when she finds out it´s me? Wait a minute, she has all those pictures of me and she said online she´s fallen in love with me! Shit, I wish tomorrow was today, because then right now you´d be in my arms forever! Aria, Ariel, you really are the Goddess of Magic! I´ve been rejecting my feelings for Ariel, because of Aria, but they are the one and the same! I ended up falling in love with both, but the same soul!” Zuki thought.
“She´s still online!” Zuki thought as he nervously gulped.
Kazumi: “Aria, I´m back! Sorry for being away for so long! I was busy!”
“Busy thinking of what to do and avoiding you!” Zuki thought feeling guilty.
Kazumi: “…”
Kazumi: “…”
“Please answer me! She hasen´t changed her mind has she? What if just seeing me was enough so her worries are over, then she stops logging on? No, I´m overthinking it! What if she fell asleep? What if we miss tomorrow?” Zuki thought, then a ping noise snapped him out of his own worries and his eyes widened with surprise.
Aria: “I´m happy you´re ok! I was worried when you were gone for so long!” Ariel wrote with smily emoji face.
Kazumi: “Aria, are you ready for it? Are you ready to finally meet me and see the Galaxy Kings together?” Zuki wrote with two emojis wearing crowns.
At Ariel´s place she was staring at her screen seeing their game characters online and having tears in her eyes seeing that Kazumi was ok.
Aria: “Hai!” She wrote with happy smily emojis.
“Thank God, she´s alright!” Ariel thought as she smiled.
Later that night…
At Heaven XXXXXX restaurant/bar, Zuki, Ama, Kiyoshi, Zai and Takeshi were sitting around a round table eating their organic vegan meals and beverages, all of them looking soul shocked at what Zuki just revealed. Ama, Kiyoshi and Ohta wore their waiter uniforms and were at work, while the others were there eating. Takeshi´s food that was in his mouth dropped out of his mouth from being shocked.
“No fucking way!” Takeshi said.
“Come again?!” Ohta said.
“Are you serious?!” Ama said.
“Pffft! Hehehehe! Ariel plays a *blue haired dude! Too funny!” Zai said giggling.
“Are you messing with us?” Kiyoshi said.
“So, Zuki plays a *green haired girl!” Ama said.
“Pffft! Hwhahahahaha! That´s so true and that´s even more funny! My stomach hurts from laughing!” Takeshi said laughing.
“Hwhahahahaha! Yeah, what´s up with that Zuki!?” Zai said laughing with laughing tears in his eyes.
“Tch! You guys, do I need to educate you on the lessons of having both *masculine and *feminine energies within us!” Zuki said looking serious, annoyed and grabbing the top of Takeshi aggressively looking like he wanted to fight and smiling devilishly. Takeshi put his hands in the air.
“Lessons learned! I surrender! Pfffft!” Takeshi said still trying to contain his giggling.
“I wouldn´t have known if it wasen´t for Ariel´s teachings!” Zuki thought as he thought back to the roof top on the school where Ariel was holding up a manga pointing and showing a picture of two people and information mentioning light and dark, masculine and feminine energies, Adam and Eve, God & Goddess, Twin Souls, two halves of a soul, while Zuki was busy eating his V lunch box concentrating and nodding several times when understanding.
“Zuki, your teaching method is brutal, but effective!” Ohta said.
“Well of course! I have a reputation to maintain!” Zuki said smiling deviously.
“Anyway, it´s all true, all of it! I just found out today when I was in her room and saw her computer screen! We´re supposed to meet tomorrow to see the Galaxy Kings together. I should maybe take the early bullet train to Tokyo in the morning, make sure I get a seat!” Zuki said as he went on his phone to book a ticket.
“Hold up!” Kiyoshi said placing his hand on Zuki´s phone and surprising Zuki.
“Hm?” Zuki said.
“You didn´t think we´d miss out on this epic meet up did you?” Kiyoshi said smiling and Zuki looked at all their faces, smiling, nodding their heads, wanting to join too.
“Heh! Is that right!” Zuki said smiling.
(*Blue & *Green are codes for Twin Souls and Twin Soul unions. *Feminine and *Masculine energies: We all have these energies within us, but there is one energy that is our main energy, be it feminine or masculine, Eve or Adam energies.)
The next day…
On the bullet train to Tokyo, Zuki was sitting with Zai, Ama was sitting with Kiyoshi, Ohta was sitting with Takeshi.
“Ohta, what do you think of these merch ideas for the Gods of Basketball?” Takeshi said holding up some key rings, mobil phone cases, glow stick that was in the shape of Takeshi, cooling fans with their images on it and Takeshi looked serious.
“He´s out of control!” Ohta thought looking shocked, especially seeing the image of Takeshi on the glow stick that rattled him.
“I´ve even created a website for us too and we can sell our godly goods to all our fans!” Takeshi said showing Ohta the ideas and future plans on his tab and looking at it, thinking if all the money he could get and all the girls that would fall for him.
“Hehehehe!” Takeshi giggled to himself while imagining it.
“Again with the Gods! So annoying!” Ohta thought feeling irked as he continued to read his BL manga “The XXXXXX V Rebellion!”, and under the title in small writing was “XXXXXXX V: Vegan, Organic, Heaven, Peace!” On the front cover was an angel guy with white wings smiling and flashing the peace sign and a demon guy with black angel wings having his arm hanging over the angel´s shoulder flashing the peace sign too, both listening to the same music on the mp3, but he was looking serious compared to the angel who looked happy.
“He looks nervous! I´ve never seen him nervous before! It´s kind of unsettling!” Ama said drinking water looking at Zuki, while Zai was doing a suduko puzzle on his tab.
“He´s always been in control in his life, on and off the court, but this time, anything can happen, so it´s understandable he feels that way!” Kiyoshi said, then they were both surprised seeing him looking worse, then they looked at each other in concern.
Walking through the city of Tokyo, the guys stopped by a pedestrian crossing and were waiting to cross over.
“You guys, look!” Ohta said and pointed up to the massive picture of them all on the digital billboard looking like basket ball Gods and the title said The Gods Of Basket Ball.
“Heh! Now our godly names have reached the city!? There´s no stopping it now!” Kiyoshi said chuckling to himself.
“Wait, isen´t that the picture Ariel took of us?” Zai said looking puzzled.
“Yeah, I sent the film to our manager, then he sent it to Sports Weekly and they wanted to use it in their next issue. They even offered Ariel a job being an apprentice!” Zuki said.
“Her world is just opening up and becoming bigger! Shit! The whole world could become my competition! I have to make her mine fast!” Zuki thought.
“She´s defiantly going places! If only she could become our own personal photographer, then she´d never leave us!” Takeshi said.
“That´s not a bad idea! I´m already being greedy and wanting her all to myself! I don´t want anyone to have her!” Zuki thought.
“We really look like shiny stars! She captured all our souls and made us look like the main leads! No one is left out or being overshadowed!” Ama said smiling as they all looked amazed at the photo of them all. Then suddenly, they were all shook up by all the screams behind them and their bodies nervously rattled.
“KYAAAAAAA!” Several girls screamed behind them.
“Hwaaaaaah! It´s the Gods of basket ball in our reach!” One girl screamed.
“They´re so sexy in person too!” Another girl said out loud biting her lip as they all reached their hands out to the boys.
“I wanna have your godly babies!” One girl said smiling.
“Marry meeee! Make me your godly wife!!” One girl said smiling and drooling.
“Take care of me and spoil me with your heavenly kingdom!” Another girl said smiling and licking her lips.
“Kimoi!” Ohta said looking grossed out and annoyed.
“Tch!” Zuki said looking annoyed.
“Make a run for it?” Ama said, then when the green light flashed and it was safe to cross the road, they all started running from the group of fan girls running after them.
“Where´s Takeshi?” Ohta said as they were all running.
Takeshi was the only one that stayed behind.
“Alright ladies, there´s plenty of me to go around! Who wants my autograph? Who wants to give me their social media contact? Who wants to buy my godly merch?” Takeshi said smiling holding up the samples, as the girls surrounding him swooned and all of them placed their hands in the air.
“Me, me, me, I do, me, me, we all do!!!” All of them chanted.
“Kuso! I´m an hour late and I stink of sweat!” Zuki said panting and breathing, feeling sweaty and out of breath looking at the entrance to where the concert was being held on the other side and it was overcrowded, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his arm.
“I lost the other guys! Shit! I´m hope she didn´t think I stood her up and left! Be here, please be here Ariel!” Zuki thought wiping his mouth with his fist. Then he opened up his bag and saw a crown in his bag.
Kazumi: “What should be the signal when we meet so we know it´s us?”
Aria: “How about we wear crowns!”
Then Zuki smiled thinking she was funny when looking at his crown, but when he looked up again, he saw many who wore crowns on their heads, gold and silver crowns, concert goers that bought merchandise before heading in. Then Zuki grabbed his crown that was green and placed it on his head and took a deep breath.
“Here we go!” Zuki said as he walked towards the crowds wearing the only one that was green. Zuki´s heart was beating fast, being nervous, but determined to find Ariel in the sea of people.
(In a world where we are reborn and we are separated from our Twin Soul again, we need that blue and green “pill” that lets us know we found each other again. We need to fire up a Twin Soul signal in the sky that stands out and only our Twin Soul would recognise and easy to find!)
“She´s here, she´s gotta be here somewhere! I know I´m late, I know it took me so long to find you, but now that I know it´s you, Ariel, Aria, be with me, stay with me, love only me, because I won´t ever let you go! I´ll be holding on to you forever!” Zuki thought as he kept looking around looking for her, but the more people that passed him by, the more anxious and nervous he got that she left, then suddenly his eyes met her eyes, she wore the blue crown and she was standing looking soul shocked as people just walked by her and him, but they didn´t notice, all they could see was each other, she was confused and he smiled, but then he looked worried that she would run or back away, so he stood frozen too, not knowing what to do or say or what she was thinking when her face looked shocked. Then silent tears streamed down her face and Zuki made a move towards her, but stopped himself, unsure why she was crying.
“Why is she crying? Give me a sign Ariel! Let me know that it´s ok to come to you!” Zuki thought gulping, then she placed her hand over her mouth as more silent tears streamed down her face. Zuki clenched his fists feeling anger and frustration, wanting to run to her and grab her and hold her tightly, not letting her escape.
“Kuso! I wanna run to her, but I´m fighting all urge to run to her and grab her so she can´t escape me! Don´t run away and give me a sign! I wanna wipe all your tears away and drink it up! I wanna kiss you all over and make you mine Ariel! If you run from me, I will catch you and not let you go!” Zuki thought, then when she took her hand down, he saw her smile and when she took one step forward to him, he couldn´t hold back anymore, he saw her actions and body language as a sign to come towards her and he ran to her and held her in his arms tightly, one hand around her tiny waist and the other around her head.
“Sorry for taking so long and stinking of sweat!” Zuki said as Ariel smiled and smelled him when her face was up against him when he was holding her tightly.
“I like his smell! It smells like Zuki!” Ariel thought.
“Zuki, I´m happy it was you all along!” Ariel said and Zuki´s eyes widened with surprise, then Zuki looked at her tearful eyes and her sunny shiny smile.
“I love you!” Zuki said smiling, then her heart raced, being shocked that he loved her too, the she smiled again.
“I love you too!” She said smiling, as more tears streamed down and they kissed being in the middle of the crowd, being surrounded by everyone and the two blue and green kings kissed each other like they were the only ones there, as people walked by staring at them or standing taking pictures of them. Zuki kissed her tears, kissed her lips again and again and again. When they stopped kissing and got lost in looking at each other in their soul eyes, they both placed their foreheads together and smiled.
“Zuki, age 16, star sign Gemini, High School Student. Career path: Basketball Professional Player. Carnivore Demon Human. Devine Masculine Adam. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union!”
“Ariel, age 15, star sign Aquarius, High School Student, works part time at Angel Animal Cafe. Herbivore Angel Human. Divine Feminine Eve. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & is in Twin Soul Union!”
“Ahem!” Takeshi said smiling with Ama, Kiyoshi, Ohta and Zai that finally arrived and were all looking at Ariel and Zuki together in Twin Soul union. Then Ama took a photo of them both.
(Ama had taken pictures of them standing still, Zuki running to her, holding each other, looking at each other, kissing, then foreheads touching, then looking at the gang, the last picture was of them all together, all of them flashing the peace sign!)
(**: New chapter.)
On the other side where the concert was being held, people were cuing up to buy merch before moving closer to the outside stage and Ariel was extremely excited and buying lot´s of merch like a fan girl, her hands full of stuff and looking at a poster she bought with the 5 boys on it and their names next to them, Takai who wore black angel wings, Zac wore black angel wings, Rai wore white angel wings, Asuma wore *white angel wings & Kazuto wore *black angel wings, they all wore crowns. Takai wore gold crown, Zac wore gold, Rai wore silver, Asuma wore *silver and Kazuto wore *gold.
(*Silver crown King: Code for Eve/Uke. *Gold crown King: Code for Adam/Seme!)
(*White angel wings reveals they are more closer to their light than their dark. *Black angel wings reveals they are more close to their dark than their light within them! These colour moods can change depending on their feelings, thoughts, situation and actions.)
“Pffft! Hehehe! This is so cool! Look at this Zuki! Angel penis glow sticks!” Ariel said smiling, being surprised and holding up a long green penis glow stick next to a shorter blue glow stick penis stuck together and the penises were wearing crowns and angel wings and she was holding it close to Zuki´s face. Zuki made a face when being too close to the penises, looking uncomfortable.
“Too close!” Zuki thought when she was showing him the two penis glow sticks.
“She really is fan and of Yaoi! She´s so cute! I wanna “eat” her up right now!” Zuki thought smiling seeing her happy.
“Why is the blue one shorter than the green one?” Ariel wondered staring at it and Zuki smiled, scratching his cheek.
“Maybe, the Divine Adam is bigger than Eve, since Eve is the uke and Adam is the seme!” Zuki said smiling. Then Ariel stood staring for a moment thinking about it.
“I can´t believe I know yaoi terms, but Ariel didn´t hold back her teachings at all in the BL and yaoi world! If Ariel was a guy, he´d be my *uke and I his *seme! Ariel a guy? Would we even be together if he was a guy, let alone find each other?” Zuki thought.
“Eeeeh! You´re so right! Eve doesn´t need a big penis, since he´s the one being penetrated by Adam! They should really come up with a unisex name for it, since it started out as a clitoris first! That might help others see the penis in a more positive way and since Divine Feminines can be born male anyway, it makes even more sense to have a unisex name!” Ariel said being surprised that she missed that link.
“She´s not shy to talk in public about this at all!” Zuki thought looking around at the faces of the concert goers.
“Although I have no trouble calling it a penis! Maybe they should have two names for it!” Ariel said.
“People are staring at us!” Zuki said feeling like he was in the spotlight and seeing the strange stares from people. Then when Zuki turned to see Ariel again, his body reacted in shock when Ariel was holding up a penis looking popsicle with a crown on it´s head close to Zuki´s face.
“Don´t tell me you´re gonna eat that?” Zuki said being serious and looking worried and shocked seeing they sold penis shaped popsicles and they were thick and large.
“She doesn´t play fair either! Turning me on even more is not a good idea Ariel! I haven´t had sex in months don´t forget! I´m way past my limit here!!!” Zuki thought trying to control himself looking like a hungry demon beast that hasen´t had sex in months.
“Do you want one too!” Ariel said looking innocent and angelic.
“No thanks!” Zuki said.
“My pervert angel, what are you doing to me!” Zuki thought smiling, placing his hand on his face.
“Have you got something against sucking on a penis shaped lollipop?” Ariel said and Zuki´s eyes widened with surprise, then looked serious and he leaned in close to her ear.
“No, but do you really want others to see your lewd face that you make when you suck on it? You know, the face you would make if you sucked on it for real!” Zuki said as he whispered in her ear, smiling devilishly then looked at her, then she blushed and gave it back to the shop keeper.
“I see your point!” She said as he placed his arm over her shoulder and they walked towards the stage.
“I don´t want anyone to see her lewd face except me! Mission accomplished!” Zuki thought smiling as he won that battle.
(*Uke: means being the bottom and being penetrated in a male & male relationship. *Seme means being the top that´s the one penetrating!)
Then the music started and the light show illuminated, the crowd started cheering and waving their penis glow sticks in the air as did smiling Ariel and Zuki just stood next to her smiling, placing his hand on his face when being surrounded by a sea of glowing penises that everyone was celebrating and the boys came on stage, in their futuristic stylish outfits, wearing their crowns, their angel wings, Kazuto the guitarist/singer, Zac the drummer, Takai the bass/singer, Rai the violinist and Asuma the guitarist and singer.
“Helloooo my fellow kings and queens! We´re so happy you made it here!” Asuma said smiling.
“We hope you all enjoy our new songs today shiny stars!” Takai said smiling.
“So let´s not wait any longer and give you our best performance that will rock your world awake!” Zac said.
“This is our first new song, Kings Of The Heavens!” Kazuto said as they all did the peace sign, then the heart sign symbol, then the wing symbol sign with their hand gestures.
“We are the Kings of the Heavens, we are the soldiers of love, sent from heaven above! Let our crowns shine the way for you all out of the darkness into the light, where True Love is upon us, we sing with all our might! Soul love is the key to unlock your minds and free your souls, soul love is the key to your kingdoms of heaven, soul love is the key, cause it goes beyond genders and ages, traditions and religions, rich or poor, sickness or health, beyond borders, rules and laws, cause we are the Kings of the Heavens, the rule breakers, the code makers, the rebel True Love warriors. Green and blue, we love you, singing from the deepest parts of our souls, we try to reach you, we try to find you in the dark and mend your broken poisoned hearts and minds, when we sing our heavenly song of True Love, Soul Love, Heavenly Love between Kings, between Kings and Queens, between Queens, between you and me, why can´t you see, it´s all about soul love, so let´s light up our world, soul love, light up our beautiful world, let´s shine the way for others to see, others to say, we celebrate your way, we understand now you´re here to stay, we´re awake now, you found a way into our hearts, into our minds, into our lives and into our souls, we hear you, we´ll follow you, we cheer you on with your rebel new song, is what we hope for, is what we sing for, is what we live for, is what we´re here for! To wake you up, to ignite your souls, to lift you up, to mend your broken sorrows, cause we are the Kings of the Heavens, we are the soldiers of love, we are the rebels and True Love warriors, sent from heaven above, so let our crowns shine the way for you all, out of the dark and into the light, where True Love is upon us, we sing with all our might! Soul Love is within us all, and this is our fight, to remind you what it´s all about, to remind you the answers are within, to remind you you´re not alone in the world, to remind you to pick up the phone to your very own soul and call Heaven One!”
As the crowed cheered and sang to their new song, as did Ariel, Zuki was behind her holding her tightly and smelling her hair and kissing her head and getting an erection.
“He´s got an erection!” Ariel thought then blushed.
“I can´t help it! You´re all mine finally and this is what you do to me!” Zuki whispered in her ear teasing her, then she looked at him and they kissed as the crowd surrounding them were lost in the music, while Ariel and Zuki were lost in their own world.
When the concert was over, the 5 boys all got into the van that picked them that was surrounded by fans girls screaming and security was holding them back.
“Another successful mission! They loved it!” Asuma said smiling.
“Tomorrow we´re off to Kyoto!” Takai said.
“Takai, isen´t that your hometown?” Asuma said.
“Hai!” Takai said.
“I wanna see her again!” Takai thought.
“When does our world tour start again?” Zac said.
“In 3 months and your first stop is China!” Their manager said.
“My home country! Yay!” Rai said smiling.
“3 months huh! That gives us enough time to work on some new material!” Kazuto said.
“I´m already ahead of you Kazuto! New songs I´ve already written down!” Asuma said smiling as he took forth his notepad and showed Kazuto his new song lyrics.
“You´re like a machine Asuma! Let me see!” Takai said, then Asuma handed it to Takai.
“Ow! Fuck! Paper cut!” Takai said angrily.
“I´m hungry!” Zac said yawning.
“Zac, you´re always hungry!” Kazuto said. Rai handed him a sandwich and a water bottle from his bag surprising him.
“Arigatou Rai!” Zac said smiling.
“Is there anything your bag doesn´t include?” Takai said looking surprised.
“Don´t know! Ask me something!” Rai said.
“Band aids!” Takai said as he lifted up his finger that was bleeding and Rai went rummaging in his bag and found a band aid, then they all smiled and laughed.
“Nani?!” Rai said looking confused.
On the bullet train on their way home, Zuki and Ariel were sleeping, with their heads together, finally soul resting and holding hands and Ama was taking pictures of them both, Zai, Takeshi and Ohta were staring at them, and hanging over their seats looking down at them, while Kiyoshi was sitting on his own reading a sports weekly magazine.
“They´re so cute together!” Ama said smiling while snapping away pictures.
“Click, click, click!”
“They fell asleep fast! I guess Zuki didn´t sleep much in those 3 days without Ariel and Ariel was worried about Zuki when he didn´t log online!” Ohta said.
“Baka! They complicate things way too much! If they had just come out and said how old they are, their genders, where they are from, they would have found one another sooner!” Takeshi said.
“Yeah but would they have lasted and would Zuki have just tossed her aside like he did with all the other girls!” Zai said and they all looked at each other not knowing the answer.
“I don´t think so, this is Ariel we´re talking about here! She´s not like the other girls he´s dated!” Takeshi said.
“Except one, but he didn´t love her the way she loved him and then she dumped him!” Ama said.
“No matter how you analyse and look at it, in the end, we either end up with with the people we are meant to or we don´t! As for me, I´d would choose to stay single than end up settling for less and for someone I didn´t soul love at all! I would want someone who lights a fire in my soul, who makes me weak in my knees, who shakes my soul awake, who can´t imagine a life without me as I for him and who wakes up every morning happy to see me and hold me and never let me go! I don´t want any love, I want True Love, the kind of love that makes you wanna fly to the Universe with that One by your side for all eternity!” Ohta said.
“Huh?! Ohta! When did you become gay?” Takeshi said looking surprised, then everyone looked at Takeshi.
“Am I the only the one who didn´t know?!” Takeshi said looking surprised and the others nodded in agreement and he looked surprised again.
“What are you talking about? I´ve always been gay!” Ohta said.
“How am I suppose to know! It´s not like I have a gay radar available! I´m straight don´t forget!” Takeshi said.
“Didn´t the BL manga he was reading give it away?” Zai said.
“Zai, anyone can read BL and it doesn´t mean they are all gay! Besides, it´s mostly girls that read that kind of thing!” Ohta said.
“Aren´t these labels wrong anyway? These Galaxy Kings songs are all about getting rid of labels and no matter if your gay, straight or whatever, it´s all about soul love. You could fall in love with your one and they could be in the same male body as you! Ariel talked about Twin Souls, so maybe that´s what we could call ourselves, we´re a Twin Soul and we´re only attracted to our Twin Soul and want our Twin Soul and no one else!” Ama said while listening to the Galaxy Kings on his phone jamming to the music and bopping along.
“That´s right, Takeshi, the one that you were meant for, could very well be reborn in a male body!” Zai said.
“But I like girls! They´re soft and pretty, round and squishy, they smell nice and have big boobs!” Takeshi said gesturing with his hands like he was grabbing big breasts and then Ohta whacked his head with a rolled up magazine.
“All that just sounds superficial, shallow and not about soul love at all! He has a long way to go before waking up!” Ama thought.
“OI!! Cut it out!!” Takeshi said angrily being annoyed.
“May I?” Ohta said to Ama when wanting to borrow his music.
“Hai!” Ama said then gave it to him and Ohta placed the ear buds in Takeshi´s ears.
“Listen to all their music! Don´t be a soul locked away in a box! Let me lift the lid and shine a light in! Free your mind and free your soul!” Ohta said looking serious and staring intensely in the eyes of Takeshi and Takeshi nodded and agreed, seeing a side to Ohta he´s never seen before and still being in shock knowing Ohta is gay.
“I hear what he´s saying, but all I can think about is that this whole time he´s been gay and I didn´t know! I´m in shock! I´m shook! Wait a minute, we´ve even showered together!! Has he been checking me out?!” Takeshi thought while he listened to the music.
“You´re thinking lewd thoughts aren´t you?!” Ohta said.
“Well, we´ve showered together many times! Did you ever check me out?” Takeshi said.
“What´s the big deal, we have the same bodies and I´ve caught you checking me out several times when you didn´t think I was looking!” Ohta said.
“Kuso! He saw that?! Shit!” Takeshi thought looking guilty. 
When they all walked out of the train and headed towards their homes.
“So, what did you think?” Ohta said.
“I like their music and I get what they´re trying to say in the lyrics, but I still like girls!” Takeshi said and Ohta let out a sigh.
“What if you´re One is born male?” Ohta said
“Ohta, if I come across a love that makes me feel like what you described when wanting the One and if he´s male, then I don´t know how I would react and what I would do or say, but I know this, I´m not against it!” Takeshi said and Ohta smiled as they walked together.
“That´s what I call light speed progress!” Ama said smiling.
“He may even switch teams!” Kiyoshi joked and smiled.
“Oi! Don´t make it sound so dirty! We´re talking soul love here!” Takeshi said being serious and Ama and Kiyoshi and Ohta smiled.
“What godly magic powers are those songs made of?” Zai said looking confused.
“It´s the power of soul love!” Ariel said smiling while walking with Zuki who had his arm hanging over Ariel´s shoulder, then Zuki grabbed Ariel close to him and kissed Ariel, surprising her.
“Now you´re just showing off!” Zai said feeling lonely and wanting love too in his life.
“Zai, want me to introduce you to an online game world?” Zuki said.
“…” Zai.
“I´ll think about it!” Zai said as they all walked together from the train station.
Walking through town, Ariel and Zuki were both walking home and Zuki had his arm hanging over Ariel´s shoulder, wanting to be closer to her and he continued to kiss and suck her neck, leaving love bites, so anyone who wanted her, would know she is no longer single and they would back off potentially. They were both looking blissfully happy, smiling and feeling like they were in Heaven together! Standing in the distance, ex girlfriend nr 6 and two of her friends that were chatting, ex girlfriend was staring looking at Zuki and Ariel with burning hatred and wanting Zuki back and Ariel gone.
The next day, early in the morning before school…
At Hisashi´s and Ohta´s place, lying in bed in their one bedroom apartment, Hisashi was spooning Ohta and holding him close. Hisashi doesn´t like anyone to stay overnight or even visit him, that´s why he bought a place that´s a one bedroom apartment.
“Every night before bed, he holds me and never let´s go and every morning, he ends up holding me again and never let´s go! Just from his hugs alone, I feel so loved, like he´s loving me as if we haven´t seen each other in life times! I wonder if that´s true, that would be so sad and heartbreaking if it was!” Ohta thought, then suddenly tears started to drip down his face from his eyes, which was a habit of his if sad thoughts came to mind, he´d fall to tears so fast, so easily and the tears fell onto Hisashi´s hand, then Hisashi´s eyes suddenly opened up and used his hand to reach for Ohta´s face to check something and sure enough, his fingers touched the tears of Ohta. Then like a wild beast, Hisashi pounced Ohta and was lying on him, looking at Ohta´s face, then started licking him.
“What are you doing?! It tickles!” Ohta said smiling.
“I´m licking your soul wounds! I´m tasting God´s tears!” Hisashi said as he continued to kiss and lick and drink away Ohta´s sadness, making him happy instead.
“God´s tears?” Ohta said looking confused.
“That´s right! I´m your Black Wolf God and you´re my White Deer God!” Hisashi said as he started biting Ohta´s t-shirt lifting it up with his teeth, being seductive and sexy, a black t-shirt that had an image of a white heart and he wore grey night boxers. Then Ohta smiled.
“You really like that story huh!” Ohta said smiling.
“It was like reading my own soul diary! Why were you crying this time?” Hisashi said as he continued to kiss and suck, tease and play with Ohta´s hard penis that was bulging under Ohta´s boxers and arousing Ohta.
“I was just thinking, I wonder if we haven´t been together for life times, but we were kept apart!” Ohta said.
“If that´s true, then let´s make it our mission to make sure that never happens again in any life!” Hisashi said as he pulled off Ohta´s boxes aggressively and flung it away and Hisashi was about to suck Ohta, but then Ohta suddenly stopped him.
“…?… “ Hisashi.
“Lala, Lulu! Living room please!” Ohta said, then their two adorable cute rabbits that were sleeping in their own bed by the bed, ran off through the little bunny door that was attached to the door and a automatic sensor locked it, so they couldn´t come back in.
“When the kids are away, the adults can play!” Hisashi said smiling devilishly as he licked his lip looking at Ohta and took off his top, showing his bare chest, looking hungry for Ohta again in the morning, then “devoured” him mercilessly until he was satisfied, but no matter how many times, how many ways Hisashi had his way with Ohta, he could never be satisfied, he always wanted more, more of him, more of his everything. It´s the *Twin Soul Magic, the magic that happens between *Gods, it can´t be obtained in any other way, only with the soul you were meant to be with, living in soul heaven, will you have what these two Gods have, these God energies.
(*Gods: Code for Twin Souls)
(*Twin Soul Magic: That includes a lot, but one of those magic abilities is what happens between them when they´re intimate. I´ve said it before, Twin Souls are like forever horny teenagers, it never fades, only grows and expands more and more, expressing their love, communicating their love, connecting their souls, becoming One, reaching heavens through love making, sex, fucking, getting hot and heavy, angel and demon acts of intimacy.)(With any intimate love scenes that I write that seem unfinished, it will include more scenes to be added later to complete it. This is all just draft for the moment. What I mean by completion? They *highlight several times and then that could lead to more scenes after their love making or not, who knows!)
(*Highlight: Orgasm or dry orgasm!)
Walking down the school hallway, a girl crowd was surrounding a boy and following him.
“Kyaaaaah! Hot! Hot! Hot!” One girl said smiling.
“Why is he here? Is he transferring here do you think! God I hope so!” Another girl said smiling.
“I want to have his famous babies!!” A girl said smiling.
“I want to marry him and make him mine!” Another girl said smiling.
“I wanna be famous and rich like him, choose me, love me and make songs about me!” One girl said smiling.
“I know we are perfect for each other, be with me always!” Another girl said smiling. When the the boy suddenly stopped walking in the school hallway and so did the crowd of girls that were following him and surrounding him, like he was another new Prince of the school. He was standing in front of Sensei and he smiled, still being taller than Sensei, by a lot.
“Sensei!” Takai said smiling devilishly.
“Takai, age 17, star sign Gemini, Singer/Bass musician and member of the Galaxy Kings band, High School student. Carnivore Demon Human. Divine Masculine Adam. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single!”
“Takai!” Nara said smiling.“Nara, age 28, star sign Aquarius, Psychologist Sensei at a High School, also works as a Child, Criminal & Social Psychologist at her private Mind, Body, Heart & Soul Healing Sanctuary. Herbivore Angel Human. Divine Feminine Eve. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single!”
At Nara´s apartment that her twin brother was crashing at, he was busy working away at his laptop, while sitting on the floor in front of the kotatsu table, writing his next book. He wore his white fox mask on his head like a hat, he had another carrot stick hanging out of his mouth that he was eating, then he grabbed some vegan treats for Tails, threw it in the air several times and the fox caught it in his mouth, then Azusa placed some more on the floor so Tails could eat it.
“Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap!” Azusa tapping away at his laptop being in machine mode. Then suddenly his writing was interrupted which happened a lot.
“GROOOOOWL!” Azusa´s stomach was hungry and happened a lot when he forgot to eat and was in tunnel vision mode when working. Then Azusa looked at Tails who looked at him. When Azusa opened up the fridge and was scratching his belly under his top, he looked everywhere, but couldn´t find it. There were 3 homemade meals that Nara made for him with notes saying,
“Don´t forget to eat lunch!”, “Eat this too if you´re hungry!”, “Here some more just in case!”. When Azusa saw what his sister made for him again, he smiled.
“Her heart is so big, but we´re out of carrots! I need carrots!” Azusa said, then closed the fridge, needing to feed his obsession on carrots this time.Standing on their roof garden that was filled with organic vegetables, fruit trees, edible healing herbs & flowers, cannabis plants, Azusa was looking at the place where they grew their carrots which had a sign, “carrots!”, but it was empty and all gone.
“Tch!” Azusa said angrily and he didn´t want to go out shopping, he didn´t like shopping at all.Wearing a hat, his fox mask over his face, he wore wild, free flowing clothes, he looked like a chaotic mess, hands in his pockets, bag on his back, Tails walking by him with no leash, since Tails was able to take care of himself and was wise and smart enough to stay clear of danger and people were staring at Azusa for looking weird and for having a fox as a pet, but Azusa didn´t care and he found it to be funny and he loved to shock the world, then they both went into a *Angel 24/7 combini store.
(*Angel 24/7: Any animals, robots, humanoids, aliens, humans were allowed in and water and food was always available for cats, rabbits, dogs, which helped them a lot during the hot summer months and were never again tied outside, but could come inside the shop.)
Standing in front of the organic vegetable section, Azusa was staring at something in his hand, which confused some customers.
“Doesn´t this look like a tree to you?” Azusa said to a customer who was next to him and he was showing her a broccoli.
“I guess so, maybe!” She said awkwardly, then walked off.
“Thought so! I wonder what trees taste like!” Azusa said, then snapped of a little tree and ate it under his mask.
“Tastes funny, but good! I like trees!” Azusa said then placed the broccoli in his basket and grabbed several bags of organic carrots, then left.
As Azusa was walking towards a park, with Tails by his side, when he came to one of his favourite napping spots, which could happen anywhere and anytime, like on rooftops, under cherry blossom trees, under trees, on the grass, in public places like the library, but in the park this time, his napping spot was occupied by someone and Azusa was now standing and staring at the person who was sleeping on the bench and who was wearing a black, angry, sharp teeth showing hedgehog mask over his face, his clothes, he wore a white shirt hanging over his trousers, a tie that was loose, a black long coat, dark trousers, dark wild, messy hair, his one arm dangling to the ground and the other over his stomach.
“Cool mask! Who is this guy? He´s in my favourite napping spot!” Azusa thought angrily.
“OI! Wake up! That´s my napping spot!” Azusa said, but the guy ignored him.
“Tch!” Azusa said angrily.
“Move it! Find somewhere else to sleep!” Azusa said angrily as he used his foot on the guy´s leg to push and wake up the guy to move, then suddenly the guy grabbed Azusa leg fast. Azusa has some obsessive quirks he can never get rid of and is extreme with certain things like where he sleeps. Once his mind is fixed on something, he can´t ignore it, but must follow through with it. The clinical term is OCD, but Azusa calls it Code XXXXXXX and there´s a deeper meaning behind his eccentric actions.
“Urusai! I was here first!” The guy said, then Azusa took away his leg when the guy let go, but then the guy sat up, being curious as to who would be so cheeky and annoying to wake him up, when there were plenty of benches around the park. Then the guy looked up and saw Azusa, who was also wearing a white fox mask, like him and also saw the sun shining down onto Azusa, lighting him up.
“Pfffft! Hwhahahahahahaha!” The guy smiled and laughed behind his mask when seeing another guy wear a animal mask, but then Azusa saw a gun that was holstered and hidden behind the coat of the guy.
“A gun? Is he Yakuza?!” Azusa thought, then the guy grabbed his waist that hurt from laughing.
“Fuck! It hurts to laugh!” The guy said as he grabbed his waist, then when he took his hand away, there was blood on it.
“Oi! You´re bleeding! Let me see!” Azusa said, but the guy slapped his hand away, not wanting Azusa to come close, but then Azusa grabbed the top of the guy, being close to his face.
“Baka! If you´re bleeding, you need someone to look at it, so stop being so defensive and let me take a look!” Azusa said angrily as he tried again to see the injury.
“Tch! You´re so annoying!” The guy said.
“And you´re so stubborn!” Azusa said then saw his gun and the bloody wound on the guy´s waist.
“This is bad! He needs to be treated right away! He´s an idiot!” Azusa thought, then he grabbed the guy and flung his arm over his shoulder and started walking out of the park.
“Kuso! You´re so damn heavy!” Azusa said, since the guy was taller than Azusa and he was putting most of his body weight on Azusa, because of his weak condition.
“What are you doing?!” The guy said looking at Azusa.
“I´m taking you to the vet! You don´t want any police involved asking questions right?” Azusa said as they were still both wearing animal masks on their faces.
“Right! Who are you?!” The guy said and was barely standing up.
“Azusa!” Azusa said.
“Azusa, age 28, star sign Aquarius, Child, Criminal & Social Psychologist, Author, works part time at Mind, Body, Heart & Soul Healing Sanctuary. Herbivore Angel Human. Divine Feminine Eve. Born Male this time in this life. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single!”
“Heh! I´m Kiriya! Take good care of me Fox! I´m in your care!” Kiriya said.
“Kiriya, age 38, star sign Gemini, Former Yakuza member, Occupation: ?. He´s homeless, poor, wounded, scarred, is a broken and damaged mess from trauma. Carnivore Demon Human. Divine Masculine Adam. Unplugged from the Earth Matrix. Status: Soul Awake & Single!”
“So annoying you interrupting my nap like that, but I guess it can´t be helped! I expect you to make up for my time being lost in my busy work filled days Hedgehog!” Azusa said, then Kiriya looked at Azusa as they still walked together.
“Would servicing you make up for it?!” Kiriya said smiling devilishly still looking at him, then Azusa looked at him.
“Servicing? I´m sure I could hire you to clean my place! I´m always busy, overworked and I have no time to keep anything in order, it´s always a chaotic mess!” Azusa said.
“That´s not what I meant!” Kiriya said smiling devilishly.
“Hah!? Oi you perverted Hedgehog! You keep your dirty paws off of me! I´ll only accept cleaning service and making food!” Azusa said angrily.
“Where´s the fun in that?” Kiriya said smiling.
“Tch! You´re a Hedgehog, I´m a Fox, we´re not even the same species! It´s forbidden and they´ll be those wanting to come between us and stop us!” Azusa said playing along, testing him.
“Same species? Who the fuck cares! Anyone coming for us won´t be able to catch us! I´m a speed demon, you´re a flying angel, they´d be fools to go to war against us!” Kiriya said smiling behind his mask.
“Speed demon? Does that apply to everything in life?” Azusa said.
“Now who´s being a pervert horny Fox!” Kiriya said smiling.
“I can´t help myself! I´m being dragged into his perverted game play here! I haven´t had sex in years!” Azusa thought.
“Foxes are known to be loners, solo players, so our minds wonder into perverted territory with all that free time on our hands being alone, but you´re the same right, being a Hedgehog, since you´re a loner too!” Azusa said.
“Heh! We´re not alone now, it would be a shame to waste all those trapped dirty thoughts by ourselves!” Kiriya said smiling.
“For a perverted Hedgehog, who´s bleeding all over the place, your hornyness seems to be in perfect working condition despite being in pain, but if you put your paws on me, I´ll bite you!” Azusa said.
“I think I might like that!” Kiriya said smirking.
“So you´re not just a pervert, you´re also a sadist Hedgehog who likes pleasure and pain!” Azusa said.
“That all depends on who´s giving me pleasure and pain, but I have a feeling a Fox and a Hedgehog would make the best match!” Kiriya said smiling as he looked at Azusa.
“Tails!” Azusa said, then Tails moved in front of Kiriya and started growling, showing his teeth at Kiriya, like he wanted to bite.
“So I have to make friends with you first huh! Mission accepted!” Kiriya said looking at Tails and smiled behind his mask.
Scene end…
(Writer´s notes #9: What profession, job Kiriya has will be revealed later on, but for now will be a mystery. Writing Nara and Azusa will be interesting to write, since they are the same soul, but they´re in two different genders and they´re siblings by blood. It´s freaky and wacky, because they are the same soul, so it can be like our other selves are our soul brothers and soul sisters literally.  Azusa is technically homeless too and is crashing at his sister´s place. He also left home on the same day as his sister, but he moved away for a while, then came back and met his sister again. With this story, I could write more than 30 chapters, but that holds true to all my stories. Hopefully I can write again soon. I really wanna know what happens to these characters. I was thinking I might write stand alone pieces like, just focus on one couple for a while to see where their story goes and even that could end up with 30 chapters or more. Anything is possible. This story I´ve written, I think I could probably add more scenes, but since this is a quick draft, it will be added later in the final finish piece.)
(Writer´s notes #10: As for Ohta not putting up much of a fight to keep Hisashi away from him with Hisashi´s perverted game play, Ohta is deeply in love with Hisashi, so much so, he forgives and can forgive a lot and is extremely understanding, since he can tap and read the darkness on others. That doesn´t mean he can´t put his foot down, he´s Ohta, he knows when to go with the flow and when to stand his ground. I really wanna get into more of their story, like what their life is like? How did Lulu end up there? What kind of problems will they face together and how do they tackle challenges? Who comes between them and will their forbidden Sensei and student love be found out?)
(Writer´s notes #11: Akira´s story will be written and I look forward to continue writing it and see where he ends up! That day I mentioned I was taking a break from writing, feelings kept coming to me to finish my chapter ? that I was working on and upload it before taking a break and today I was finished with it. This story will be connected to the main storyboard in someway, but for the moment, it stands alone, but with all stories, I will always connect it to the main somehow. As for the intimate scenes between girl and guy, I won´t be writing sex between them, this is the Yaoi Desire Revolution, the Kings Project, wanting to save the world, wake up and free souls, any and all love scenes I write will only be between male and male :)
22 May, 2019.
21st March, 2019
I´ll tidy this all up when I have the time. All this is from Post 1 and moved here.
Let Light Shine In The Darkest Of Places In The World...
Angels of death will forever be an epic masterpiece of a Twin Soul true story between Adam and Eve, the sacrificial fallen angel turned dark and is a demon breeding sex slave/prisoner and the sacrificial angel lamb prisoner that is slaughtered to feed the billions of souls asleep in the world. I have found their story told in many different ways for months now and will list all the manga and anime life codes/soul codes one day. The story I´m writing is taking time, because it changes. Never did I think I would find out that the joker ended up being the sacrificial angel lamb, even thou it has been hinted at in so many stories (Rachel hints to this when she smiles the joker smile when looking in the mirror in one episode. Zack wasen´t the only one who turned into a joker) but that´s completely understandable, normal and sane and is an outlet for living in a insane world where the sacrificial lamb Eve is always being sacrificed to feed the demon vampires in the world. Sometimes I can´t help but laugh at the insanity of it all, knowing that the never ending hell cycle keeps continuing when Adam is mind forced/remains soul asleep to then breed with the souls asleep harem that always target him, creating more demon vampires (souls asleep) that eat more animal angels, sacrificing more Twin Souls and that will always be the case unless souls wake up in the world or the world finally comes to an end, putting an end to the slaughter and wars against 150 billion lives lost every year and that´s just animal angels, the equivalent to 15 planets being blown up every year. The anime Amnesia can be interrupted in a another way where Ukyo and the Heroine is actually one and the same person and it´s like in the story, they had trouble being alive at the same time in the same world and kept being killed off, but in the end, Heroine found a way to be able to keep herself and the joker alive in the same world, balancing both the light and the dark within herself. She´s an angel and she´s the joker, the light and the dark and this is why the story I´m writing will also change. An Adam, a dark angel demon vampire who is the king of all demon vampires in the world and has powers that are no match for any demon vampires and who all demon vampires fear and then his beloved Twin Soul wife, his Eve, the sacrificial lamb, the angel and joker, who willingly had her soul copied to save life and sacrificed herself to save others. They can only save each other and wake up the world together and that´s how the hell cycle ends and a new beginning begins. How the story turns out in the end, hopefully I can finish it fast, but there is so many things to consider and watch out for. Since there were less Twin Souls that wanted to sacrifice themselves when being reborn to be animal angels, there were those that had their souls copied to make up for it. The story goes, Eve sacrificed herself thousands of years ago, but it was not so she would be a forever sacrifice. Souls asleep that are so obsessed with eating animal angels, then they should choose to be reborn as carnivore animals in the wild. Also, when being human, they could always drink the blood of their True Loves if their True Loves allow it like vampires in a passionate way if they still can´t live without it. (Passionate bite marks on the bodies of their herbivore Twin Souls seems to be the norm in many cases) Make no mistake, in the story I´m writing, the Twin Souls, Adam and Eve, the love they share for each other, the soul bond they have, between them they come first, no longer will Adam or Eve put others first instead of their own happiness and True Love. Besides, the world has gotten way worse because they put others first instead of themselves! I´m thinking getting these two characters together won´t be easy since Eve is the runner and Adam is the chaser, Eve is the herbivore and Adam is the carnivore, but that´s no different than what keeps happening in reality, True Love is challenging and ever changing, even getting together can be a challenge. Both Adam and Eve are stubborn, wild, rebellious, untamed, free spirited, childish, teenagers and adults, even at times at the same time and they are equals, no one controls the other. No one should tame a wild, rebellious Twin Soul couple! The more wild and free they are, the more electric and passionate their True Love bond is. They can´t get enough of each other and their love when together is consuming, electric, passionate, wild, exciting, surprising and intense extreme everyday. The One Twin Soul in the world that Eve is meant to be with will be soul awake, is no longer controlled by his demon vampire family, he has freedom, power and control over his own life, but that doesn´t mean there is isen´t any battles or wars against them, but again that holds true against any True Loves in the world also.Speaking of passionate love, who has the most intense erotic, best physical reaction when it comes to bodies and intimate acts of love, girl with guy, girl with girl or guy with guy? I still can´t believe I know the answer to this question, but I smile knowing it! Soul love, Twin Soul love combined with the best physical body reaction equals multiple orgasms for both partners and can even end up being addicting, wanting it everyday multiple times.I´ve been thinking this for over a year, but when I soul dived into my Twin Soul´s soul, Cazuki, I got the soul messages and feeling that he no longer wants to be with a woman, which is completely understandable and it was like I was thinking that in his subconscious ways, whenever he was with a woman, it would always self destruct in one way or another, because of his soul trauma, soul torture, being a prisoner, a slave, a breeding, pleasing machine for the harems that go after him, taking turns to be with him, passing him around between them. I can´t even write this without falling to tears, because being in a female body, a Divine Feminine, I have easy access to my soul that can connect with any soul sadness of others fast. When Luka says to Yuki, he knows her pain and her sadness, so does Yuki, knowing his soul pains and soul sadness. Even thou on the surface, it may look like it´s all friggin smiles and happiness in the lives of those trapped with souls they have no wish to be with, but souls speak the truth and the truth will always come out in the end. My thoughts tend to dive deep in the dark sometimes and I wonder to myself, even if I met Cazuki in this life and if he wanted to be with me, could I really let him in, knowing that his soul has dark wounds and scars that cannot heal if his soul is reminding his mind that the body I am in is a female body that the souls who target him in every life are in too, them filling his soul with darkness and suffering. Wouldn´t his soul torments surface again and we would self destruct, because deep down in his soul, he no longer wishes to be with women? Knowing me, I would push him away and put up walls thinking this. I don´t want to cause him more pain or to remind him of that pain. Even when I look at my own body, I don´t feel happiness, I only see sadness, because I am too reminded of that pain. Who could possibly understand me?
Short story scene test run that I just wrote now: 
“Soul Pains Decoded” Chapter 1...
Floating in outer space, in front of the bright moon, Akira was floating with his white angel wings wearing all white and his godly finger was reaching out to his beloved Twin Soul Adam who was floating in front of the hot beaming sun with his black wings, his vampiric teeth, wearing all black, wearing a black face mask covering half is face and he too was reaching his godly finger towards his Twin Soul Eve Akira and as they reached out to each other and when their godly fingers finally touched, Akira suddenly woke up lying on his futon bed still wearing his clothes and his arm was reaching up towards the ceiling with his finger pointing with a shock look on his face. He then placed his arm across his forehead.
“What the fuck was that?! Who the hell was that!? I dreamt about him again! Tch!” Akira said being annoyed and got up from the futon.
In a city somewhere in the world, Akira in his small one room apartment that had a kitchen, living room and bedroom in one room and a small bathroom attached to it was getting ready to leave. He grabbed his keys from his Japanese kotatsu table that was messy and had empty bags of vegan junk food on it like cookies and organic black chai tea cans, mariju lollypops, papers were spread out next his laptop with ideas for a program and his room was messy filled with books, literature, anime, manga, games everywhere, like he was living in a library room filled with life codes and soul codes. There were even small robots crawling on the floor, one was cleaning the floor getting rid of all the blossom cherry petals that came flying in through the window and one robot that looked like a mechanical white dove was fly hovering around the room watering the plants. Akira put on his long blue coat jacket with a hoodie that had animal fluffy ears on it and had white angel wings on the back of his coat, wearing his blue sneakers, grey trousers, a black t-shirt that had images of white animal angels on it and in white Chinese writing it said God Of Life and he was out the door. This was his nightly routine when his wounds were healed once more. Akira, the herbivore Eve, who no longer feared the night, the darkness or being alone anymore after witnessing & experiencing the horrors of this dark world, because he was now free in his soul, unplugged from the Earth matrix, but at the same time he was still a prisoner trapped with soul pains. Before he left, he turned to face his rescued and adopted panda cub that he rescued from a medical facility that experimented on animal angels and they messed with Zax´s growth, so he would always remain like a small panda cub.
“Zax! I won´t be long! Stay rebellious!” Akira said flashing the peace sign and left Zax who was now sitting on the futon bed on the floor munching away on his bamboo stick, then he fell backwards with it happily eating being surrounded by robots, feeling safe and free from the torments he went through at the facility. Whenever Akira left Zax, he would say to him instead of stay out of trouble, but be rebellious. Being a rebel is not a phase, but it´s something we are in our souls always. Being a rebel changes this dark world and that was something Akira would never give up on being.
“This world, this fake world, filled with fake people, having fun while the world burns, cries, falls and dies! I was born surrounded by darkness and I´m grateful for it. I´d rather know the truth, than be told pretty lies that paint a picture of a light bright world that keep people asleep, distracted, dumbed down, broken, tormented and enslaved. The real world is dark, light and grey and when you´re eyes are wide open, you see human lives and societies self destructing, because their minds and soul torments are guiding their minds down that path to end the repeating hells everywhere once and for all. Is this the end or will it become a beginning of something never seen before or will time run out?” Akira thought.
“The moon is out tonight! Light shining down in this dark night giving the false hope of being able to reach that light and fly out of this endless darkness! Pffft! Hwaaahahahahahaha!” Akira laughed and smiled his joker smile while standing on the edge of the roof top of his apartment building overlooking the city. Standing on the edge with his hands in his pocket, wind blowing his wild light hair and jacket, he was caught between life and death.
“It´s no use! There is no way I can fly out of here and reach you! I´m like the dark cold night! My skin is always cold, I feel always cold, I´m surrounded by darkness, but always in the distance is that relentless stubborn light burning hope I can never reach, like the moon, it´s impossible! Unless I somehow build myself a spaceship and fly out of here! Yeah right! Hehehehehe!” Akira said then placed his music ear phones on and started listening to a song called “What if God was one of us!” and headed towards the elevator and out into the city.
Sucking on his apple flavoured mariju lollypop and one hand in his pocket, Akira walked the city streets at night until he came across anyone who was troubling anyone and he would step in, seeing it as an opportunity for the demon vampire carnivore humans to fight Akira instead of defenceless herbivore humans who didn´t have any self defence training at all. Wherever Akira went at night, it was like darkness found him and sure enough darkness found him again when Akira saw 5 carnivore guys attacking several other guys in a dark allay. The guys they beating were barely breathing, being beaten and already they were on the ground in pain. 
“Why is it they never learn? If they´re gonna go out, learn how to defend yourselves! Baka!” Akira thought.
“Oi carnivores! How about you attack someone more challenging than someone who can´t even defend themselves!” Akira said calmly and casually having a carefree attitude. The guys looked surprised seeing Akira standing alone, looking like an easy target. One of the carnivore guys who was grabbing the t-shirt of the one on the ground let go and stood up straight, wiping blood from his face and smirked.
“Heeh! This looks fun!” He said smiling and out of all the guys, he stood out the most, especially wearing a white t-shirt that had blood splatter all over it, but in large black Japanese writing it said God of Death and on the back of his t-shirt were black angel wings. Akira noticed his dragon tattoo wrapped around his arm and dark messy black wild hair which caught Akira´s attention first, then his t-shirt and he was the tallest of the guys.
“You´re pretty cocky you little shit! There´s 5 of us and only one of you! Are you baka?! Do you know who we are?!” One guy said smiling.
“No and I don´t really care! Tell you what, how about I make it interesting, I won´t do anything for 3 minutes and you can give me all the pain you want, but I warn you, when that last minute is up, I won´t be held responsible for how I defend myself!” Akira said smiling while sucking on his apple lollypop and looking at his Universe phone clock.
“Oh I get it, you´re a masochrist*! You are interesting!” One guy said smiling.
(*Masochrist: Someone who sacrifices themselves to experience physical pain instead of feeling soul pains. They do not enjoy it or feel any sexual pleasures from it, but the physical pains takes their minds off of their soul pains, even if it´s temporarily. They also can sacrifice themselves to help the one they love who is taking their darkness out on them. This is neither light or dark, but grey. I came up with that word because of a typo error and then seeing how there are those that do self sacrifice themselves in various ways for various reasons, being in the grey.)
“It´s more like I´d rather feel physical pains, than soul pains which is way worse and the physical pains helps me forget the soul pains, even if it doesn´t last long, but it´s better than being tormented and falling apart because of my soul torments that I can´t fix at all for the time being!” Akira thought.
“Kid, you´re just riling us up even more when you talk like that and you´re gonna regret it!” One guy said.
“These guys were boring us anyway! You came just in time and I´m gonna enjoy this you little fucker!” One guy said smiling. The guy with the white God t-shirt who seemed to be the leader of the group gave the nod of approval to the guys to attack Akira which Akira noticed and the guy he stayed silent the whole time and stood back watching with his hands in his pockets. The 4 guys attacked Akira in various ways, punching, kicking and every time Akira fell to the ground, but he got back up which just angered the guys even more and riled them up even more, but each time Akira fell and got more bloody and bruised, the more he smiled his joker smile, feeling alive, feeling free, feeling the pains and being able to forget his soul pains, because now all he felt was physical pains on his aching broken damaged body.
“Is this all you got? BRING IT ON!!!” Akira shouted clenching his teeth, feeling angry, smiling, being more defiant and stubborn as he was punched down again and again.
“Are you insane you crazy idiot! Stay down and stop getting back up!” One guy said being actually concerned, while the other 3 guys were enjoying themselves a little too much. 
“So weak and pathetic! You really think you can take us on looking like that? Just admit it, you´re beaten, broken and bruised! Give up already!” One of the guys said kicking Akira on the ground.
As Akira who was on the ground with his arms stretched out like a cross, now was struggling to get back up again and wobbled, but refused to be beaten, his back was leaned over, hands on his thighs, spitting blood and he started to laugh.
“Pffft! Hahahahahahaha! I´m not insane, but I´m completely sane living in a dark insane world, not that you would understand what I´m talking about anyway and just so you know I never give up!” Akira said still spitting blood, wiping the blood from his face and the leader of the group, his soul eyes widened with surprise seeing how Akira was stubborn and refused to give up, but Akira´s words shook him to his soul core.
“As I said, you are interesting, but in this round you lose kid!” One guy said as he was about to punch Akira down again, but Akira grabbed his fist without even looking and then looked up with fierce fire and intensity in his soul eyes.“3 minutes are up, now it´s my turn!” Akira said smiling and with his quick reflexes and self defence art, he took them all out one by one in fast motion and like a ninja rebel, they underestimated Akira´s defences and now they were all on the ground unconscious and not moving.
“I think this is a new record! Hasen´t even been a minute!” Akira said looking at his clock on his phone and looking at the guys lying on the ground resting his foot on one of them, moving his foot to see if one of the guys would wake up. When Akira looked towards the leader who was just watching the show, but now the leader looked serious. 
“What´s with this guy? He didn´t even fight me! Tch!” Akira thought. Akira then suddenly grabbed his waist and felt the pains on his stomach.
“Eeeh! I might of pushed myself a little too far this time with the 3 minute rule! Hehehe!” Akira said smiling, hand on his face, feeling faint and fell backwards on the ground, but out of nowhere, the leader grabbed Akira´s hand and his arm wrapped around Akira´s waist preventing him falling and Akira looked up being surprised and saw his face and then started to joyfully, playfully and smiling slapping the leader´s face gently several times with his bloody hand wanting him to let go and that was annoying the leader.
“You can let go of me! What are you a gentleman, a knight and shining whatever!? I don´t need your help!” Akira said and the leader placed Akira´s arm around his shoulder and they started to walk away together.
“What are you doing, where are you taking me?! Let go!!” Akira said out loud angrily struggling to be free, but the leader wasen´t letting go.
“I´m taking you to see my private doctor to take care of your wounds!” He said.
“Fuck!! Ow! Owowow!! Careful with my body! I´m in a lot of pain you asshole!!!” Akira said out loud angrily.
“Who´s fault is that!” He said smirking.
“That´s not the issue here, but handle me with care you jerk!” Akira said angrily.
“Pffft! Hahahaha!” He laughed.
“This isen´t funny!” Akira said.
“Hai, my Princess!” He said smiling.
“Princess!!? Knock it off you creep!” Akira said being irritated and again trying to struggle his way out to be free.
“For someone who´s injured pretty badly, I´m amazed at your fighting spirit, but it´s no use struggling, because I´m not letting go!” He said.
“You´re annoying!” Akira said.
“And you´re stubborn!” He said.
“Anyway, what sort of leader of a gang leaves his guys behind and instead takes care of a stranger who just beat them up! Are you crazy or something!?” Akira said not understanding any of it.
“Crazy in love probably!” The leader thought.“I´ve messaged for a pick team to come get them! They´ll be fine!” He said.
“Team? What are you talking about? Who are you guys?” Akira said.
“Yakuza and those other guys that took a beating from us were our rivals who wanted to settle a score!” He said.
“Yakuza hey! Carnivores battling other carnivores!? You know, I really think the fighting arenas should be brought back, then anyone can channel any dark energies into light sword battle duels and even get paid for it!” Akira said as they walked together.
“Not a bad idea!” He said.“I know right! Still, that´s just an outlet for those soul tortured energies, it doesn´t end the torments when the cause of it doesn´t change!” Akira said.
“Then what do say we team up and change it together?” He said being serious and they stopped walking and Akira looked deeply into his eyes, both having a serious moment together.“His face is really close! He looks familiar! Have we met before?” Akira thought.
“Pffft! Hahahahaha! Please don´t make me laugh, my chest really hurts when I laugh!” Akira laughed coughing and they continued walking.
“I was being serious!” He said.“Hehehehe! No really, no more it hurts!” Akira laughs more.
“Tch! Now you´re annoying!” He said feeling irked.
“And you´re stubborn!” Akira said giggling taking out an organic vegan mariju lollypop and placing it in his mouth with his one available hand and handing the leader another apple lollypop.
“What´s this?” He said.“He´s like a little kid!” The leader thought.
“It´s thanks for helping me out, but if you mess with me and are a threat, I´ll kick your ass, even if I´m damaged!” Akira said being serious.
“He´s cute and can barely stand, he´s totally helpless in my arms and such an easy prey!” The leader thought, but then he saw the intense wild look in Akira´s eyes.
“Maybe I shouldn´t underestimate him!” Cazuki thought then the leader grabbed the lollypop that Akira was sucking on out of his mouth and sucked on Akira´s lollypop instead which surprised Akira.
“Thanks! What?” He said looking at Akira´s surprised face.
“It´s nothing! By the way, what´s your name?” Akira said.
“Cazuki! What´s yours?” Cazuki said.
“Akira!” Akira said and his stomach growled being hungry.
“Pffft! Looks like I need to feed you too after you´re patched up!” Cazuki said smiling.
“You really are annoying, but I guess it can´t be helped, I´m in your care, treat me well!” Akira said not feeling very good and wanting to pass out, but still holding on a strong front.
“Ryōkai!” Cazuki said as they both walked into the night in a city somewhere in the world and their adventure together had only just begun. Akira ended up passing out and Cazuki caught him in his arms, bridal carrying him and continued walking.
“Sleep well, my Princess!” Cazuki said and smiled.
Several weeks later...
Akira and Cazuki were walking in a blossom cherry park and Cazuki was sucking on one of Akira´s medicinal, herbal, fruity lollypops with his other hand in his pocket and Akira was drinking from his organic Acai berry hemp smoothie and in the other hand holding Zax´s leash that was attached to his vest and Akira´s white mechanical robot dove was flying beside them on Cazuki´s side.
“Akira!” Cazuki said.
“Hmm!” Akira said.
“When are you gonna move out of your apartment? You´re 210 million richer now that your program is a success and you´re still living in that shitty small messy room of yours!” Cazuki said not caring what came out of his mouth and was just honest and direct about anything and everything.
“Is the Millennium Falcon for sale?” Akira said.
“No!” Cazuki said then smiled.
“Just like him to say something like that, why did I even ask!” Cazuki thought.
“Then I´m good and my room is not shitty you ass, it´s my castle! If you hate it so much, then don´t bother visiting me everyday!” Akira said being annoyed and then his stomach growled and Cazuki and Akira looked at each other.Under the blossom cherry tree, Zax was sitting eating his bamboo stick, Akira was sucking on a popsicle while lying on the grass with one of his arms resting behind his head looking up to the sky and Cazuki was sitting next to Akira eating a sandwich.
“Do you have any other friends except me?” Cazuki wondered.
“Ummm, there´s Zax, Aemi, Yin, Nlue, Luna, Luki, Yang and Aay!” Akira said.
“Heeh! Pfffft! Is he kidding, they´re all robots, animals and a.i. on his computer! Actually, that´s a good thing, that means I have him all to myself!” Cazuki thought smiling wickedly. 
“Chotte matte!! Who´s Yang and Yin, are they his actual human friends?!!” Cazuki suddenly panicked.
“Who´s Yang and Yin?” Cazuki said being serious, feeling annoyed, jealous, possessive and Akira took out two small dragon dolls attached to his keys, a white one with a black patch around her eye and a black one with a white patch around his eye showing Cazuki close to his face.
“Pffffft! Hahahahahaha!” Cazuki laughed smiling and Akira looked annoyed.“I was jealous of dolls, I´m so lame, but I find myself feeling relieved!” Cazuki thought.
“Laugh all you want I don´t care! I´ve had these dolls since I was a kid and I couldn´t bring myself to throw them away, even if they look worn down, damaged and silly looking, they´re still special to me!” Akira said leaning back on the grass again.
“Akira...” Cazuki thought looking at him then looked forward, but then side eyeing Akira with a hungry beast look in his eyes as Akira continued to suck on the popsicle.
“I wonder if Cazuki plays chess, shogi or mahjong? It´s been years since I´ve played against a person. Does he have any other hobbies except beating up guys, recruiting more “brothers” and “sisters” all over the world increasing his Yakuza Division/Family and tending to his business empire? He doesn´t really talk about himself, makes me curious or uneasy, maybe both!” Akira wondered.
“Does he not realise when he sucks it like that it turns me on! He has no self awareness! Makes me wanna “attack” him and have my wicked way with him, make him mine, mess him up, devour him everyday and every night! ARRRRGHHH!! He´s driving me crazy!! I want to be greedy, selfish, not let anyone have him, I wanna lock him up in my room and have his eyes only on me! Now he´s nibbling it like a hamster?!! So fucking cute!! Shit, I´ve got a hard on!!” Cazuki thought being surrounded by a dark beastly aura with a little drool coming out of the side of his mouth when watching Akira.
“Cazuki, you have that lewd look on your face again you pervert!” Akira said.
“You´re to blame when eating it like that, so take responsibility!” Cazuki said.
“I told you I don´t swing that way or any way!” Akira said.
“I don´t swing that way either, but only with you!” Cazuki thought feeling frustrated.
“What are you a damn robot?!!” Cazuki said.
“I read something about these water Gods/Goddesses that came from a planet who loved water, the oceans and would everyday swim, bathe and dive in it, but when it came to sexual desires, they had none even thou they could think about desire and have sexual thoughts, but they could be in shut down mode, even for years, then when getting together with their other half, their One, their wild passionate extreme desires awakened and they could become greedy, selfish and wanting their One all to themselves wanting it everyday and every night! I´m probably like that!” Akira said while Cazuki had a shock look on his face and him being turned on meter went way passed his limit.
“Now I feel like taking a bath or going swimming!” Akira thought.
“I´m taking a nap, don´t attack me again in my sleep!” Akira said closing his eyes feeling tired and soul exhaustion and Cazuki thought back to all the times he tried to get close to Akira and he lost against Akira who either fled and ran away, defended with his fighting skills or avoided seeing Cazuki for days.
“Making him mine is more challenging than I thought! Does he hate being with guys? No that can´t be it, his library is filled with BL/Yaoi manga and anime, then again, he also has straight manga and anime. Did something happen in his past that makes it difficult for him to be with me? How does he do it, how can he so easily be in shutdown mode like that?” Cazuki thought and this coming from someone who used to have meaningless, empty, shallow one night stands feeding his never ending appetite for his sexual desires before he met Akira.
12 minutes later Cazuki´s whole body was trembling and his attack meter was also way past it´s limit, then he looked at Akira who was now sleeping deeply and Cazuki smiled a devilish grin.
“You´re defences are down again Akira! You really shouldn´t sleep when you´re with me! I can´t hold back anymore!” Cazuki thought and went on top of Akira, his hands placed on either side and leaned down to take a “bite” out of Akira when kissing his lips.
“Is this love? Have I fallen for you? You´re all I can think about and you´re all I want! I´m never letting you go now and you will be mine Akira!” Cazuki thought, then Akira mumbled something incoherent in his sleep and Cazuki leaned down with his ear against Akira´s mouth.
“...Cazuki...” Akira mumbled softly with a whisper in his sleep which soul shocked Cazuki, but then he smiled looking at Akira sleeping and feeling calm and soul resting.
“I am yours and you are mine Akira, always, forever and eternity!” Cazuki said smiling then kissed sleeping Akira again and again, not being able to get enough, it was never enough and he wanted to drown in Akira, getting lost in each other like they were the only two in the entire world.
Scene end...
(Just to be clear, not a good idea to let someone sleep if they have a concussion or head injury, but for the sake of the story, I allowed it to happen!)
Finally I get around to the Chinese anime! Epic, epic, epic beautiful Twin Soul story! Loved the part where Eve breaks free from her “family”, the portal/stargate she came out of and is no longer controlled by them or stays with them and they even literally imprisoned her behind bars. I´ve only seen 7 episodes, so I can´t comment on what happens next in the their story, but so far it´s one of my favourites.Manga: Kohitsuji Project (Known as the Lamb project) In this Twin Soul story, Adam is the dark angel demon vampire carnivore king and his Eve is the sacrificial lamb/angel/herbivore/joker (joker: can´t be messed with, isen´t obedient, can´t be controlled, is stubborn and free spirited). When it comes to “obeying” between Twin Souls that are broken and damaged, there are shades of grey in that too, especially with how the joker types go about things.Manga: Ienai Itami o Daite Iru by Ogawa Chise. A Twin Soul story about two half brothers and the soul pains of feeling a forbidden love and Eve punishes himself by getting into physical fights with others at school for feeling these forbidden feelings of love for his brother and suppresses these feelings. Anytime I come across dark stories, I can understand them and the pains the characters go through. How much light & soul awakenings could be shined into the lives of the many in the world that go through the same pains if they knew about Twin Souls, True Love and understood that bodies are only vessels, souls, soul love matters more, the Universe is our real parents, who we are born from are portals/stargates into this world and the rules/laws created by souls asleep that suppress/divide/separate True Loves and soul love, are prisons to be broken out of and no longer should we be controlled or feel fear by those insane rules/laws anymore!
Manga: Kusatta Rasen by Ogawa Chise. A “father” Adam and his teenage “son” Eve. If the soul pains and tortures of all those Twin Soul Adams in the world that are controlled, forced, manipulated and feeling like they have no choice when being with girls/women to breed and please them were to be translated from internal soul pains to external physical pains to describe the darkness that keeps filling up their souls, this story would reveal it. Chise is one of my favourite manga authors and really gets into the dark and reality that happens in the world. Let there be light, let light shine in the darkness, let understanding and freedom and soul awakening become a reality! Eve is the joker/sacrificial angel in this story and Adam is the lost dark demon who is being saved by his Eve and only his Eve can understand him and his pain and suffering and darkness in his soul. 
Manga: Katekyo! Over 30 chapters.
(Codes: Brûlée Creme & Jelly Beans)Loved the fact that the manga author added a side story between these two main characters with Eve being the rabbit herbivore and Adam being the wolf carnivore. Hilarious! Loved this fluffy light story, it´s not as dark as the two others I recommend, but still great storytelling mentioning the challenges between the two. Friggin loved the fact Adam conducted tests and research on his Eve, too funny! Both of them ended up writing diaries about their epic True Love for each other. In one story when the heater broke in their apartment, Eve ordered blanket outfits with hoodies with animal ears for both of them to stay warm in, reminded me of when I ordered animal onsies for Cazuki and I to stay warm in when our house was cold. When Adam asks Eve in the bath what Eve would do if Adam turned into a frog, Eve´s response was why only Adam, Eve would want to be a frog too so they could live together forever! Adam, you can´t win against Eve the True Love Goddess/God! :)
14th March
I wonder if Kuroda even realises, that his beloved Twin Soul who he lost came back to him in the hybrid child he himself created. If he only knew, that when we die, we reincarnate and we always find our back to each other, that´s the power of True Love between Twin Souls. Loved their story so much and so heartbreaking. 
21 February, 2019, Happy 21 Day!
What do you fight for?...
They say before you start a war, you better know what you´re fighting for! What do demon vampires (code name for souls asleep) in this world fight for? They fight to keep the dark status quo alive, to war against life, souls, planets and Twin Soul True Loves, to control life and have power over life. They fight to keep their way of life of being with the many and anyone, leaving a trail of broken hearts, dreams and lives behind them which results in the hell world remaining the same. They fight to endlessly continue to please their bodies and minds, not caring about their souls or the souls of others. They fight to protect the game they always play, the demon vampire game of tearing up Twin Soul unions, being with someone who does not soul want to be with them at all. They fight to continue to play their lives away. They fight to want to torment and torture souls when being with them in relationships and feeding off the energies of pain, suffering and darkness. I got soul messages from Cazuki and he reminded me of something I always knew in my soul. The difference between love and infatuation. The demon vampires are locked in a prison themselves when it comes to infatuation with the Twin Soul Adams or Twin Soul Eves they always go after in every life time. It´s like, they want to be noticed, to be looked at, to have the Twin Soul Adams be with them, to have the Twin Soul Adams never leave them and to give attention, give love and to please the demon vampires. Cazuki reminded me it´s the same behaviours of children, the ones who are also still soul asleep. I never had that problem of needing my “parents” attention or approval when I was a child. Infatuation with souls the demon vampires always go after is not love or even True Love. There´s a huge difference between Twin Soul True Loves that can´t be without each other and want a life time together in every life time which is completely normal and natural since they are soul husband & soul wife to each other and then those who are stuck in a “child” mentality when being soul asleep, being greedy, being selfish, wanting to be spoilt, wanting attention and love and can´t be without their “parents”, so they play divide and conquer and break up Twin Soul unions to be with one or both of them. Both Cazuki and I were surrounded by souls asleep acting like destructive children and we both knew it, saw it with our own eyes and the history repeating once again. Whenever I see the scene with Rey and Kylo in snoke´s chambers battling the pretorians, the demon vampires, the souls asleep, what I see, what I decode and translate is the Twin Soul parents battling the children who wish to tear them apart and destroy them again. Truth is being revealed to everyone, you can´t stop the soul signal. The souls will reveal their hell and torments and will always find a way to get the truth out there.The Twin Soul story anime Betrayal Knows My Name goes deep into details about the wars on Twin Souls and the further you decode the messages, you see that Yuki reincarnates as animal angels before reincarnating again as human. Obviously I´m not gonna mention everything I decoded, but will in my story. Yuki has to go through so much pain, suffering, loneliness, darkness and death before she can enter the world again being human to then try and save her beloved Twin Soul and his soul from being tormented by the very demon vampires who keep him locked and imprisoned in an endless cycle of breeding and pleasing them all. Of course if she re-enters the world again human be it female or male, but this time her Twin Soul is soul awake as she is and he is already free from the chains that bind him from the demon vampires like Zess/Luka is free, then what the Twin Souls have to deal with when they are unplugged from the Earth matrix, is to fight for each other as they do in every life until the wars end, protect their union from being torn apart again by demon vampires and help soul wake up everyone on the planet. When demon vampires break up Twin Soul unions and want attention, wanting to be pleased, that´s like children wanting to kill their “parents”, I say both, when on the surface it would seem it´s just one “parent” they get rid of, but in reality, they kill him too, when they torment his soul being with him, using him in a never ending cycle and loop of darkness and pain in his soul and possibly life. What do angels and dark angel demon vampires fight for? They fight to protect each other, their Twin Soul union, life, souls, Twin Soul True Loves and planets. They are the investigators, the observers, the soul awakened soul intelligent Gods and Goddesses. They are soul awake and they know what they´re fighting for and it´s not to keep the various hells on Earth the same as it has always been, but to soul wake up everyone, free minds, bodies and souls, free their T.S.T.T.s too that are trapped in soul hell again and pave the way for Twin Souls to finally be together and have that Forever in every life time. Twin Souls also save each other´s souls in more ways than one and it is the ultimate True Love story never told before on Earth, not directly anyway, but it has been told indirectly and coded to everyone on the planet.Why would anyone who is soul awake willingly reincarnate to be in a male body if they are Divine Feminine, the Twin Soul Eves? Since the souls asleep use their bodies, temptation, seduction, their looks and any other tempting ways when going after the Twin Soul Adams when they are female, being born male takes a lot of the weapons the demon vampires always use away from them when they were female. Like using their looks and bodies to get their way and no longer being able to breed like they always do when going after the Adams who don´t soul love them or want to be with them and who don´t want children at all anymore. Any Divine Feminines born male, will also help them be with their Twin Soul when their Divine Masculines don´t care for seducing bodies of females anymore and it doesn´t turn them on anymore, but he only wants Soul Love, Real Love, True Love with his Twin Soul and no one else and wants to wake up in his soul. I know Cazuki´s soul loves me no matter what form I come back as, but if it helps us being together, then by choice I would come back in the form that helps us be together and helps the most to end these nightmarish hells on Earth.Cazuki (code name for all his souls), wherever you are, I know you are as soul awake as me and possibly more than me. I dream of the day we meet again. However it works when your soul messages find me, keep sending them, even if it breaks me down, tears me apart, touches my heart and soul, being reminded of the perfect words you once said to me long ago in different life times, your soul messages help wake me up even more and help break me out of every damn box that´s imprisoning my mind from the truths of it all. As much as it hurts and the pain and love of it when seeing those soul messages, it helps me soul wake up even more and I will always choose to be soul awake, than to stay soul asleep and be a prisoner and being controlled by them. I want us all to be free and break out of every prison that surrounds us, so I will take the pain and and the love you send, knowing how stubborn I am, I will always keep getting back up when being knocked down! I would just like to point out I know how seriously weird this is speaking like this and I find myself laughing at times at how crazy this all sounds, like I´m speaking to your soul that´s everywhere, but at the same time I don´t try to overanalyse everything, but I go with the flow of it and secretly loving the crazy, the weird and out of this world connection we both share. Anything extraordinary, crazy, wacky, interesting, mysterious and out of this world I will always be magnetically pulled towards every single time. As for the Twin Soul Academy (It has two more names it goes by, powerful code names), I have an inner blueprint of how to create it and protect anyone from falling into the same hell trap again in their souls and lives and with the help of the Twin Soul Teams everywhere, it´s the future of this world and like nothing ever seen before that would ignite & awaken souls to want to join the Twin Soul Teams. As for anyone trying to build something similar anywhere in the world, like demon vampires wanting to so they can still be in control over life, souls & Twin Souls again, there are just so many holes and I can´t even put a number on it, because it´s that many, holes that reveal them to still want power and control, that reveal them to still be soul asleep, that reveal them to be in relationships that torment souls and that reveal them of having gone after a Twin Soul union, breaking up unions to be with one of them, one of those holes is Truth, they don´t want truth to be known. The Twin Soul Academy is all about Truth, transparency and trust and any one of them at the Academy can be soul truth tested virtually and other means to bring about truth to ease the minds of anyone in the world, making sure it´s not the same soul asleep players who wish to still keep the dark status quo alive in a different way. The Twin Soul Academy, I´m excited, hopeful, cautious, yet optimistic, but as always, in any life, Cazuki is the One Twin Soul I would want by my side, taking on the world, taking on the Universe together as One.Not sure when the next contact will be, but until then:
Transmission complete...
14th February, Happy Love Day!
11th February:
Light & Shadow...
Game of Shadows? Translation: Game of Twin Souls! I won´t mention the soul messages between Cazuki & I, but if he sees this, his soul will understood! I wrote about the Twin Soul Game a few days ago and then this song finds me! Coincidence? I think not! A Twin Soul Revolution & Rebellion song for all Twin Souls around the world! Souls awake = Twin Souls! Twin Souls = Twin Soul Unions between Angels & Dark Angel Demon Vampires, a Union & Marriage between heaven & hell! Twin Soul Unions = Heaven within them, between them and all around them where Light, Dark & Grey combine into One! If anyone watches Kuroko no Basket & Betrayal Knows My Name and they don´t fall in love with the characters Kuroko & Kagami and Zess/Luka & Yuki, even ship them as Twin Souls who belong to each other, which they do and they know they are Twin Souls to each other and if anyone watching doesn´t fall in love with their story, then they are against Twin Souls and against unions between Angels & Dark Angel Demon Vampires and anyone against that, are for the wars to continue on life, souls and Twin Souls on planet Earth! Stories help wake us up, help us understand, stories are life codes and soul messages for everyone, not just personal soul messages between the souls it was meant for! I can´t get enough of the Game of Shadows song, it´s an epic masterpiece of editing, gives me chills! Love it! Since Kuroko & Kagami, Zess/Luka & Yuki represent two Twin Soul Gods, which when you´re soul awake, you become soul awakened Twin Souls, you awaken the God or/and Goddess within you (I say both, because of being reborn in a male or female body. Kuroko is the Devine Feminine Eve to Kagami´s Divine Masculine Adam, but since Kuroko has been reborn this time male, it´s just easier and less confusing to just call him God and not Goddess, but he will always be a Goddess in his soul, because his main soul energy is Divine Feminine!), then you become an unstoppable Positive Light in a world so dark, so cold and a world that has so many kinds of hells all over the place. There is a scene in Kuroko no Basket where Kuroko, God, is standing in front of heaven´s door where absolute light shines, but he´s protecting that door to heaven and Kagami can´t open that door. That door can only be opened when Kuroko trusts the person is he with and if he knows he is with his Twin Soul who he can trust over 1000% and he knows his Twin Soul will be by his side through heaven and hell, being a team, being partners, through all challenges, all wars and battles against them and Kuroko will never be left behind or abandoned by his Twin Soul partner and Kuroko´s Twin Soul loves him as equally and as powerfully as Kuroko loves his Twin Soul, then that door to heaven opens. Twin Soul unions are a path to heaven in more ways than one and what that door represents and what´s behind that door has many meanings, messages and symbols. In the end, Kagami was the only Twin Soul that could open Kuroko´s door to heaven and then everything changed. When Kuroko says he is a shadow, even that has several meanings, symbols and messages.“I am a shadow! Translation: I am a Twin Soul!” Twin Soul
7th February:
6th February: 
Will transport all this to the other posts when Anime Part 6 is complete. Until then, here are short messages:
Love?...“If you´re in a relationship with someone, where the demon vampire (code name for anyone still soul sleep, still soul sleep walking in life and still plugged into the Earth matrix and are the carnivore of Twin Souls. If the demon vampires become soul awake, then they are dark angel demon vampires!) you are with is threatening to make your life a living hell if you leave that person, if you want to break up with that person and any other reasons they want to make your life a living hell, even thou you´re probably already in hell in your soul being with that person anyway, but if you feel fear, if you feel like what´s the point in fighting for your freedom and you just go with it, to make your life “easy” by pleasing them, did any of you ever stop to just take a moment and ask yourself what the f#$% are you doing with your life? Is this what living is all about? To be an obedient slave and prisoner and please the demon vampires you´re stuck in relationships with, even thou you´re unhappy and your soul is unhappy? That isen´t love, when you´re unhappy and unhappy in your soul, that isen´t love at all! When someone is in a relationship with you and they are threatening, blackmailing and who knows what else, that isen´t love and they have no idea what love is or even True Love! Don´t any of you want to know what real, honest True Love is with The One and what you both could accomplish in the world together being Asuna and Kirito, because that´s what awakened Twin Souls are in the world, they are the Asunas and Kiritos. Any demon vampires that are clinging on to the Adams or the Eves they don´t belong with and are threatening all sorts of hells they want to bring if their targets leave them, are acting like tantrum screaming children when it doesn´t go their way, so they manipulate, threaten, blackmail, injure themselves and so on, being desperate and dependent on their targets. Souls awake can be childish, rebellious and act like adults all at the same time if they wanted to, they have access to their soul wisdom and don´t make baka choices that cause harm to life or souls. Souls asleep however, may appear to look and act like adults, but they are very much like children in terms of what choices they make and it leading to harming life and souls, enslaving life and souls and keeping hell on Earth the same. There´s the big f#$%ing difference! That was just my angry professor coming to life just then! Souls asleep never learn, but keep making the same mistakes by trapping Adams and Eves and wanting to breed, thinking, “oh if I have a kid with him, trap him that way, then he will be with me for a life time and never leave me for anyone else!” Bakabakashii! That makes me laugh, especially knowing the past lives of what happened in the demon vampires last lives and other lives in this time line and they are doing the same shit hell mess they keep doing in this life. Trapping souls will always backfire in the end and souls that are trapped will always find a way to leave. Then what are you left with? Your life story signal being picked up, then told in stories to teach others and wake up others of the repeating mistakes anyone soul sleep walking keep doing, when demon vampires keep hell on Earth the same. Despite what Cazuki and I went through, in our souls, being soul awake, knowing who we really are to each other, we know full well what real, honest True Love is, looks like, feels like and he even shows it in the soul messages between us, reminding me he knows, so we both know what True Love really is all about and once he soul awakens in any of his lives, he will want only that and seek it out for real, as anyone who becomes soul awake would, because they want that soul love, the kind of love that´s epic, legendary and a perfect work of art! Class Dismissed!”4th February: “Don´t doubt, don´t doubt, don´t be surprised, but we will rise!”
“Used to be a slave, but now we are the conquerers!” I just love these two Twin Soul songs, the Twin Soul Resistance, Revolution and Rebellion songs! It´s true that anyone who is still sleep walking in life, soul asleep, still plugged into the Earth matrix, even the demon vampires, are all slaves in one way or another, but when soul awake, when unplugged, when anyone is mind, body and soul free and only wants their Twin Soul, they´re not slaves anymore and they stop playing the serpent “game” that they unwillingly were a part of this whole time and instead they join the Twin Soul “game” to help wake up and free everyone and want Twin Soul union and those who fear union could end up running from their Twin Soul to protect their hearts and souls from being destroyed again, but if they´ve met their Twin Soul and their Twin Soul fights and chases them and never gives up, then the runners have finally met their Twin Soul.Any Twin Soul Adams or Eves that feel fear, feel threatened, being blackmailed, feel like they have no choice but to stay in relationships with family souls or demon vampires (like two demon vampires being together) that cause them hell in their souls and possibly their lives, if they feel like they wanna stay away from the person they are with and would rather work more and work late, if they feel trapped, can´t get out, but there is always a way out, there is always a solution to every problem, that´s why I love math so much! If everyone views those boss levels that Asuna and Kirito faced and had to fight in the sword art online game, those boss levels in the game can be compared to boss levels on Earth in families who are controlling and who could be deciding your life, boss levels in relationships where you are with someone and you don´t soul love them at all and you want your freedom is also another boss level to conquer and win that level, win that freedom, then you move on to the next level in the “game”. You could meet boss levels at work, school, anywhere and everywhere, challenges always keep happening. Problem for so many is that they could end getting stuck on levels in the Earth “game” and can´t conquer it, so they end up just staying at that level and not move upward and forward. If they feel it´s too much work, too much stress, too challenging, too difficult, they can´t see a solution or they´re too afraid for whatever reason, then they get stuck, but that´s where you can get help from anyone in the world that would give you advice, give you solutions on how to win that level so you can move to the next level in the Earth “game”. You can even get help from soul messages in life codes/stories! I came across an anime that addressed this very problem. From the outside, it would appear that I´m stuck on my level and not moving forward, like I´m stuck out in the Jakku dessert living in my broken down and damaged spaceship and I was given advice on how to conquer that level, but even if it looks like I´m stuck, feels like I´m stuck, but I am still working to conquer my level and the boss level. It can be compared to Asuna going up against a boss level in the SAO game everyday and trying to conquer it so I can move forward to the next level. I´d be more worried if I´d just gotten used to not moving forward, not getting my freedom, but used to feeling trapped and not battling everyday to win that level, but instead I just gave up and accepted it? That´s not living at all and what sort of life is that? I know Cazuki would never accept that, so these Twin Soul songs are not just for everyone, but it´s also a personal reminder to Cazuki showing him who he really is in his soul, my Kirito to my Asuna! I know you and I know what you´re capable of and I know where you are is not where you wanna be! So the fight continues and the levels still need to be conquered!“I´ve gotta speak it, believe it, that´s I how feel inside, I can´t sit here quiet!”3rd of February, 2019! Still working on everything everyday, but here are some more important information for everyone and Cazuki! These are paragraphs from my Twin Soul book, story and I´ve taken paragraphs out of the Anime part 6.“For some reason I feel like like this is the first time I´ve woken up in a long time being trapped for so long, because I know, if I had woken up before life times ago, I would have helped soul wake up everyone a long time ago. When I did keep waking up, the more darkness and hell I kept seeing on Earth and it was consuming and drowning me, which resulted in me breaking down and locking myself away to be a hermit, so I could put myself back together again and then wake up more to help wake up everyone else. I wished there was another way to wake my soul up, but what happened to me was that Cazuki, my T.S.T.T., my love, broke my heart, shocked my system and I soul woke up and I´ve been waking up more everyday. Cazuki is the code name for my Twin Soul, but it´s also his code name for his other selves living in the same timeline, his T.S.T.T.s, Twin Soul Timeline Travellers. How I can explain it is, when we die, our souls can travel to the past, present or future and be reborn in any timeline, could also be copies of our souls or could it be something else, but more investigation needed to determine this mystery of the souls and how we could be all living thousands of lives in the same time line all over the world. For the longest time I thought I was with my Twin Soul, the One I was meant to be with, but both his and my soul messages in stories that kept finding me told me to dig deeper and analyse every single detail about our long relationship and then I´d see, he was my T.S.T.T., my soul brother, not my soul husband. I still of course love him, I´ll always love him in my heart and soul, that never dies, because he is still my Twin Soul, just not the Twin Soul I´m meant to be with. Our love for each other travels in our other lives, in all our souls across the world, that love never goes away, but gets stronger and more powerful! For the moment, my soul brother is still trapped in a demon vampire type relationship and he is in soul hell still. His soul messages keep finding me everywhere and he reveals what he really thinks of them and it´s pretty dark, scary and understandable how he feels since he´s been a soul prisoner to be a breeding, pleasing and obeying machine for them for life times, while I have been sacrificed in a different way for life times, being an animal angel. I still try to help him the best I can from a distance, but for the time being, he is very much soul awake to what hells is going on everywhere in his soul, but his mind is very much plugged into the Earth matrix still and is asleep, playing his life away, playing house and can be compared to Kirito in the sword art online game and he´s not at the front lines anymore battling to free everyone from the game, but now he´s settled down in the game, bought a house, having a normal job, paying bills and pleasing his body and mind with the demon vampire girl he left me for, while I Asuna, I´m still on the front lines, battling the levels of demon vampires who wish for me to be imprisoned again, to stay soul asleep again and stay silent while they enjoy themselves again pleasing their bodies and minds endlessly, while souls suffer and life dies to please them. If they knew what Cazuki´s soul messages is really thinking and feeling regarding them, they´d leave him right away and not try to control him anymore, but they´d fear him and his scythe, knife, swords and esper abilities.I had a talk not that long ago with a mind/soul reader who happened to be Cazuki´s other self, a T.S.T.T. (since I´ve  come across his other selves so many times, it´s stops being shocking and starts being just an everyday thing as crazy as that sounds. Makes me wonder how many of our other selves are here in the world?) and he even admitted Cazuki doesn´t want to hang around girls or women anymore. This is what his soul feels and I can´t blame him, because I feel the same. I don´t even want to hang around them and I´m a woman and if there was a choice, I would be reborn male every time and be with my Twin Soul who was male until everyone soul woke up and the wars were over. 99% of all the girls and women around us when we were together, even in families, all of them were the same demon vampires that came between our unions in past lives and wanting to be with him, so is there any wonder he and I feel the way we do! I hope when he does break free from the demon vampire girl he´s with, that he one day finds his Twin Soul (the other me) may even be already in a male body. Our souls tend to do many of the same things we did in previous lives, like I have a habit of flashing the peace sign, a thumbs up, the hearts sign and now I have a habit of doing a dove sign, that´s also a peace sign. We also had a habit placing our foreheads together, and pinky swear and thumbs war, we could be still doing that in other lives too, but once you recognise souls, you will know it´s your T.S.T.T. or Twin Soul you were meant to be with. With our relationship, we uncovered so much of what is going on in the world, the wars against Twin Souls and T.S.T.T.s, but the memories we shared and loved, the good and the bad, I keep it all in my heart and soul forever! I´m not saying it´s gonna be easy for him to get together with me next time, because he broke my damn heart and those pains in my soul & heart were extreme (broken heart syndrome extreme, but since I knew something wasen´t right, I wanted to survive and investigate) and that information I believe transfers to my other selves too like a soul network, so knowing me, the other me would make a run for it to safe keep my heart and soul, being terrified of what it could mean if he breaks it again. I´m not just jaded from one life time, but every life time of having all my hearts broken by him. Besides, if he doesn´t want history to repeat, both he and the other me need to learn, research, wake up and investigate everything and anything to do with True Love, Twin Souls, the wars against Twin Souls and what True Love means, become soul awake, unplug from the Earth matrix, otherwise his union with the other me will break apart once again and we will be targeted again. Question then becomes, will Cazuki fight for me like his soul depended on it literally and wanted a life time with me, like Ryoma fights for Izumi and Takano fights for Onodere? Twin Souls together are each other´s heavens, they are each other´s soul saviours, but being with any family souls, it´s soul hell!Thinking about it some more, with what has happened in terms of Cazuki never felt like he didn´t want to be around girls/woman anymore when we were together, but when he got together with a demon vampire girl almost 3 years ago who always targets him in every life tormenting his soul, he now wants nothing more to do with girls/women anymore! So she will forever be known in life, in history and in stories as the girl who made Cazuki feel like he doesn´t wish to be around any girls or women anymore and that will be something that will forever be recorded and told in stories. Of course this is how he soul feels, his mind that is still asleep and still plugged into the Earth matrix still may feel differently and may still like to flirt and want attention from girls.Even the Love Stage anime and manga potentially reveal more soul messages than I realise, like messages to Cazuki saying his Twin Soul (the other me) that he will meet will be male, not female anymore. I mean, come on Cazuki, Izumi is wearing the same tie that I used to have and that I wore one time when we went out for dinner with your “parents”, that made me laugh! From two Twin Soul stories, it mentions 10 years until reunion, so it could be potentially 10 years until Cazuki sees me again (well 7 years, since we´ve been apart already for 3 years), but next time he could meet me when I´m in a male body. That means during that time, he could be stuck in circulation being with demon vampire girls, pleasing and obeying, unless he breaks free early, stays single until he does meet me. Either way, he should know about the messages just in case and this could help free him early with what I´m writing. That fifth AMV thou, is just too damn obvious, Cazuki, take a look at the artist name in the youtube description! Had me laughing a lot! I feel like now more than ever, you will meet me again in male form or in the next life or both!
What I´m writing about in my Twin Soul Story also will cover the challenges, problems and obstacles my other selves and any Devine Feminines will go through being born in a male body. I´m on a mission to break every damn wall, prison on our minds to free souls, to free minds and to free who we wanna love in our souls. It was never about mind love or body love, but it´s always been about soul love and when you´re soul awake, you´ll understand what I´m talking about.Check out both Sekai-ichi Hatsukoi anime and manga for our soul messages between us! Another epic masterpiece of work of art! I also uncovered serious truths in that anime and manga with the soul messages that I will be revealing in my Twin Soul story that I´m writing. Takano is the carnivore dark angel demon vampire to Onodere who is the herbivore angel in their Twin Soul union and I loved their push and pull dynamic between them. Twin Souls never give up on each other, even if the herbivore angel runs and safe keeps their heart and soul, but if Onodere really meets his Twin Soul and his Twin Soul doesn´t give up or run away, but stays and fights for him, then he has finally met his Twin Soul.I just love our epic digital love letters to each other and these digital love letters are not only for us, but for all our other selves too, between T.S.T.T.s and Twin Souls. The AMV digital love letters from the Twin Soul anime that finds me, that are our soul messages, made by passionate fans, are also digital love letters between us and they are amazing! I can´t get enough of these yaoi/BL powerfully beautiful messages of love between our souls and maybe one day, someday, it won´t be just a digital love affair anymore, but an actual 3D True Love union where we finally get that Forever! Of course it won´t be easy to get into union, because I have a fortress around my heart and soul, because I can´t have my heart and soul destroyed by him again. Only my Twin Soul, the one I´m meant to be with knows exactly how to break it all down or climb over is so effortlessly knowing how to when seeing our soul messages in stories that tell him how to. I wonder if I will meet Cazuki in this life who is as soul awake as I am, who is unplugged from the Earth matrix and can understand these soul messages between us in anime and manga too and is my Twin Soul that I´m meant to be with. Will he be my Joker Kirito? My Zess? Will he come find me again?
Betrayal Knows My Name anime is another epic masterpiece revealing the wars on Twin Souls and the wars on life. Zess, Cazuki, my dark angel demon vampire! How many times have I dreamt or even written about that you gain powers that give you freedom from demon vampires in the world and they can´t control you anymore, but they fear you and you don´t fear them anymore. Then I find this diamond or Atlantis gemstone of an anime, it´s like Kirito and Asuna seriously upgraded and have way more powers to free themselves from their prisons, where Adam is no longer stuck in breeding and pleasing cycles with demon vampires and Eve is no longer a prisoner being sacrificed by demon vampires when being animal angels.I should also maybe mention that our souls, we can find each other in any libraries and surrounded by cherry blossom trees anywhere in the world, think of it like it´s our Twin Soul teleportation gateways, where we can find each other again, even if we are T.S.T.T.s to each other, but libraries and cherry blossom trees are special for us and our soul memories. We did soul promise each other Cazuki, that we would fly down from heaven and save each other´s souls, be together forever for a life time in every life time and if that means I come back in a male form next time and pull you out of that darkness your soul is trapped in by them, then don´t be surprised if that happens! True Love knows no bounds and will break every damn wall and prison to free any souls and their love for each other. “If my life is a chaotic mess, if I´m messy and my place is messy and if the person who is interested in me runs from me, then they are not my Twin Soul!” Twin SoulThere are many tests to see if you have met your Twin Soul and that is one of them.Since I can recognise his souls and my souls and those souls who come after us and break apart our unions, it gives me the ability to see the repeating patterns everywhere and see why hell has been allowed to continue in every life time. I basically see the shit hell mess the demon vampires have caused everywhere and they are basically drowning in it themselves and can´t get out of the dark, but instead they are making it so much worse and darker for themselves & everyone, digging their own graves and many don´t even know it. I´ve taken the Rey dive in the dark so many times and uncovered so much, that I could write all my life and it still wouldn´t be enough to cover the pages of what I know. Demon vampires, angels, dark angel demon vampires are codes names to decode our world and I explain it more in depth about it all in the Twin Soul story that I´m writing.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJkgce0cwGw“My name is Akira, that is my main soul code name. Cazuki & I have many soul code names that are found in our soul messages to each other in stories. I´m currently working as a Twin Soul Agent at the Soul & Life Crime Division at the Twin Soul Academy. I also work at the Alunasky Library Of Intelligence Bureau researching and investigating life soul codes to be added to the Library. My other jobs are writing life codes and soul messages & researching/investigating at the AMG, Anime, Manga and Games Division (anime visual games) at Twin Soul Academy. Then finally, I work at the Soul Awakening University teaching, researching and investigating. These places do not exist yet in the physical world, but they are fully operational non the less and it´s my dream that it does become a reality as does the Twin Soul Academy Cities in the world, the city of Angels & Dark Angel Demon Vampires uniting together to soul wake up everyone and come into their Twin Soul unions themselves.”A fast way to determine if you are the herbivore Angel? If you see yourself or connect more with the characters Rachel in Angels of Death, Persia in Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet, Izumi in Love Stage & Onodere in Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, then you are a herbivore Angel.A fast way to see if you are dark angel demon vampires, is if you see yourself or connect more with Zack in Angels of Death, Inuzuka in Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet, Ryoma in Love Stage and Takano in Sekaiichi Hatsukoi, then you are a dark angel demon vampire. Demon vampires are those that are soul asleep compared to dark angel demon vampires that are soul awake. Those that are soul awake make it their mission to help everyone soul wake up in the world.“My name is Akira and I´m a soul awakened herbivore Angel!” If I sound angry at all writing any of this, damn right I would be and if I was a professor at the Soul Awakening University, I´d be the angry one lashing out at the Earth students for refusing to soul wake up, but they were being slackers, wanting to have fun all the time, treating life like a joke and pleasing their bodies and minds endlessly, not caring about their souls or other souls. Even herbivore angels can be angry! If Cazuki was a professor at the Soul Awakening University, he´d be the more relaxed one and be the fun easy going one, not really caring if the Earth students failed, because he would just start a new class again! :S I may be the strict angry one, but that´s because I care and I want everyone to soul wake up and graduate. I have a habit of being direct and honest which the demon vampires don´t like and I was even accused of being a know it all, even by Cazuki when we were together, but in a life where he is soul awake and he does love that about me, when I love knowledge, books, literature, life codes in stories like anime and manga, than I will know, he is my Twin Soul that I´m meant to be with. I´d rather be a know it all, then know nothing or be ignorant and soul asleep. Just to give an idea of what Cazuki really thinks of everyone treating life like it´s nothing, when I showed him a video of what the demon vampires were doing to baby boy chicks that were on a conveyer belt heading to be chopped up into bits, demon vampires treating life like it´s nothing, what did Cazuki think about it? His soul messages can be found with Kylo, when Kylo sends a pretorian, a demon vampire into a machine to be chopped into tiny bits. Also, his soul messages are found in the story, The Day The Earth Stood Still, when he rescues all the animal angels, the Earth like Noah´s Ark. Now imagine what Cazuki feels like when for life times he´s been tapped in soul hell, drowning in darkness always being used as pleasing and breeding machines for the demon vampires in the world. As for me, how I´m handling the whole dark truth of me living human lives and animal angel lives at the same time, it can be compared to the story Push, when I´m injected with some black poison into my body, but every other me before me who learned the dark truth didn´t survive it, but I did, I took all that darkness that I know on Earth, I took the Rey dive into the dark hole and I adapted, I overcame, I survived and I´m still here battling at the front lines, still trying to help soul wake up everyone from their many different kinds of prisons on their minds, like anyone hating each other for being from different countries for example, which is laughable since they have lived in every country, being reborn in other life times, not to mention, their other selves are probably living in every country too. Then the prisons of who should love who and anyone hating love between two guys, when it´s not about the vessels we are born in, but has everything to do with the soul, it´s all about soul love, not body love, not mind love, but soul love. When you´re soul awake, you will understand what I´m talking about! That´s not to say I´m not impacted at all knowing the dark truths on Earth, truthfully I´m soul exhausted by everything, but I´m still here until the end. If I was to decode further, take a look at the Twin Soul story Constantine, when Isobel throws herself off the building sacrificing herself, she is devoured by thousands of demon vampires, but what happens when I translate that and decode that back into our world? Look at Isobel again, but instead Isobel is a farm animal called Isobel and she is being ripped apart over and over again, dying then coming back to life, then dying, then coming back to life and being eaten by humans grabbing her, demon vampires in human disguise. Everyones dark actions are being coded and translated in stories, you can´t stop the signal, it goes everywhere and it will get picked up and revealed for the whole world to see again. No one is innocent on Earth, not even the angels in human disguise who are still soul sleep walking themselves and are eating themselves when they still eat animal angels. More of our soul messages can be found here:
Why do I wish for Cazuki to always be taller than me in every life no matter what body I´m born into? One, it helps me see that it´s him, my Twin Soul, since we don´t know who we are when we´re reborn every life. Two, he´s my Devine Masculine and I want him to be taller than me, his Devine Feminine. Three, Cazuki loves it when he´s taller than me, he can then smell my hair on my head and other reasons I won´t mention why I love him being taller than me. Hiroki the associate professor and professor Miyagi, myself & Cazuki´s soul messages are coming through again. I love their dynamic between them at work! Interestingly, Miyagi mentions he was surprised at how long his past relationship lasted for 3 years, since his heart wasen´t in it, but they ended when she left him and having cheated on him. First it´s like he seems depressed that that happened, but quickly brushes it off thinking he was surprised they didn´t end earlier and doesn´t even care, hilarious! Whenever I see that scene, makes me think of the demon vampire girl Cazuki is with now, which will be 3 years they have been together soon. I know exactly what their relationship is like and I know exactly how Cazuki feels about it in his soul and wanting his freedom. I freakin loved the story between Novaki and Hiroki. Cazuki & I wrote letters to each other when we were not together and when we were together, so he soul knows I love letters in every life and writing letters can happen in any life of our lives. Technically, these digital love letters of ours that are stories and AMV are still love letters, just seriously upgraded! I love it!!! Any one of my other selves and Cazuki´s other selves, once they´ve soul awakened to who they are, these soul messages are for them too and they will too feel the extreme love, this great epic love between Twin Souls that we all share and are connected to by our souls.Sword Art Online Game vs The Earth/Eden Game…If I was to decode further with what is happening on Earth, everything that happens in the sword art online game can be compared, translated and decoded with what is happening on Earth. It´s all the same, we are all soul trapped, body trapped, life trapped and mind trapped on Earth in a never ending hell loop of pain, suffering, loneliness, tortures, heartbreaks and soul hell, where everything repeats and we may even feel like groundhog life at some point when we are at school, at work, in families, in relationships or in life in general feeling like we´ve done this so many times and it gets to us, like we literally could lose our minds because of it which is completely normal or we could suddenly quit school early, like I did. When I was 5 years old, I felt like everything was wrong, like I was in a world I didn´t belong and didn´t recognise, like I was used to it being all futuristic and advanced and soulfully awake and an intelligent society, yet here I am in school and it´s all outdated, old and like a hell prison, so I ran away on my first day at school and ended up crying, not wanting to go back. During my years at school, I felt like I´ve done this so many times in so many life times, I ended up just sitting by the window at the back in class by myself, daydreaming of a world where I belonged or more to the point where I probably originally came from. I only liked to sit at the back of the class by the window, because I didn´t like anyone around me, made me feel safe when I was at the back and I could observe everyone too. In class I was the loner, the quiet one and there was no one really I could relate to or talk to, because I felt like I was from another world, so who could possibly understand me. I also felt like I was the only one who could see so much darkness in the world and wanted to do something about it, yet here I was surrounded by demon vampires, all 99% of them in class and all they cared about was playing their lives away and playing house and continuing on the hell world. If when I was 13, 14 or 15 and there was a Division that anyone could join, even at 13 years of age where I could help save life, help soul wake up life, basically join the Asuna & Kirito Division and be trained, educated and be helped more to soul wake up myself, I´d be joining that instead, than going to school for the millionth time, learning everything at slow motion pace, especially when I know that everyone can download any and all skills and subjects right away, but it´s being kept from everyone. When Cazuki & I first got together, I was 21, he was 22, and what I told him was like, “Hi, nice to meet you, I´m gonna help save the world, wanna join me?” and that sums up me. It´s like, being in the sword art online game and you wanna be on the front lines battling, like Asuna and Kirito to free every one, wake up everyone and finish the “game!”. 21 is our Twin Soul number, we even got together on my birthday, 21st January and that number will be picked up by our other selves potentially too and our soul messages could contain that number helping us know it´s our soul messages, even thou we will know it´s our soul messages just from seeing our soul personalities shine through the characters and what we´ve been through and are going through, even in real time. For example, I have a habit at night, where the light from the street lamp shines in my room and the reflection of the light hits my wall and I reach out my arm and with my hand, I “touch” it, then “grab” the light. I also have a habit of just stretching out my arm to the “sky” in my room when I´m laying down and my hand is like reaching for something or someone, really strange behaviour and it happens automatically not really thinking why, but sometimes I do imagine I´m grabbing the hand of my Twin Soul who´s floating above. Then I come across such behaviours in the characters I see in stories and that is not a coincidence and this is what I´m talking about, so may times I come across my or Cazuki´s soul personalities, quirks, habits, whatever it may be and I know, it´s about us, our souls and what we are trying to say or what we feel and think to each other. I remember every single detail about Cazuki and myself, so I can see easily our soul messages in stories. This also helps me communicate with him when we are apart and I´m trying to help wake him up too and free him.
That leg/knee trick when Kuroko bumps his knee into Kagami´s back leg, was something Cazuki did to me, made me laugh being reminded of that and it´s like here I am doing it to him. I loved the fact that it´s even mentioned & suggested in the anime Kuroko no Basuke how Kuroko himself, he´s Aquarius, has reincarnated as a dog when Kuroko finds a kawaii homeless puppy who has the same eyes as him and they all see it, they are all shocked and then they end up calling the dog Kuroko nr 2, I couldn´t stop laughing and the dog was so cute too! Dog…dog…god, hidden words and secrets everywhere. Everyone wonders where god is…it never occurs to anyone to think he/she is reincarnating as animal angels on Earth, not just reincarnating as humans and no it´s not to feed angels in human disguise or demon vampires in human disguise aso, but in Gods way to help soul wake up everyone with whatever he/she does that souls asleep get shocked with, like when animal angels even act human or when animal angels show compassion, empathy and understanding for lost in the dark souls and souls that are still asleep. In fact, so many insights and soul messages reveal that about God/Goddess. There are also actually two “gods”, not one! I say “gods”, because what is a god really and besides, if I found out I was a god of sorts, I wouldn´t call myself a god, I just call myself Akira. Technically everyone has a god and/or goddess in them in their souls that could be awakened and that happens when they soul wake up.Here´s something to think about & wonder, “Why is God a male? Because when he was a Goddess and was in human form, his Twin Soul unions with his Twin Soul, the other God, kept being torn apart in every life time by demon vampires wanting to be with her Twin Soul, so she decided to be reborn as male, so she could be with her Twin Soul who is also male and so they could finally work as a Twin Soul team to help everyone on the planet soul wake up and that´s how the Goddess became God!”Like in the sword art online game, there were those that wanted to play dictators, “kings” and “queens” in terms of being rulers and they would enforce their teams to go around harassing locals to pay taxes and would threaten and use violence to get their way, making the rulers rich and be able to stay in control over everyone. Does this sound familiar? It should! Nothings changed, it just got worse in our present day situation on Earth, but what did the locals do in the sword art online game? They asked for help from Asuna and Kirito who were working at the front lines to free everyone, but after working two years they took a two week recharge holiday together, then on holiday they ended up being called in to investigate what was going on at the lower levels and they freed the locals from those playing rulers in the game. On Earth, so many are playing rulers, dictators, kings and queens and prime ministers and presidents and just look at what they are all doing to the people of Earth, what they are doing to life! Where are the Asuna and Kirito Twin Souls that the world so desperately needs to wake everyone up and to free them? What we need is several Divisions that recruits teams who wish to help soul wake up everyone, free everyone, rescue anyone that was being targeted, that was controlling them, keeping them living in fear! A Division to expose mind control and help those who´s minds are being impacted and controlled in various ways like dark magic and technology and exposes the repeating takedowns of the Twin Soul unions, the Asuna and Kirito´s of Twin Soul unions that were meant to help everyone in the world. I wanna see Divisions that are created at the Twin Soul Academy that help life, help souls and help Twin Souls all around the world and fast track change everywhere.There is no “fixing” the serpent system, there is only one way to change everything and that is to provide everyone what the serpent systems do not provide to everyone and the Twin Souls can do it without calling themselves kings, queens, politicians, prime ministers, presidents, dictators and rulers. I laugh whenever I think about how in this day and age, we still have those playing kings and queens, princes and princesses! No one is above anyone, but if you believe there should be, if you believe someone should have a higher power above you controlling you, your life and everyone and you wish to worship them, then you are still soul asleep, then you are still plugged into the Earth matrix.Even if I found out I was a Princess, I´d behave like friggin Leia and tell Han and everyone else not to call me that and get angry. However, if I´m in union with my Twin Soul, then he is the only one who could call me that when we´re alone, no one else can call me that, which is what Cazuki did calling me his Princess and I called him my Prince. Same goes for my soul code names, he is the only one in the entire Universe that can call me by those names, no one else. Everyone else calls me by a different name, a name that I was given and a different name that I chose myself that anyone can call me, but those names are not names I wish to be called by my Twin Soul. It´s just a kind of special connection we both share that´s just for us and no one else. Any Twin Soul union can do this. Once you realise and wake up and see, that´s it´s not about fighting the system or trying to change that system by becoming politicians, prime ministers, presidents and so on, hoping to change the corrupted system, the broken system and the dark system, but you can fast track change everywhere and anywhere by not playing the serpent “game” at all, but playing a completely different “game” all together that they have no control or power over. Once you flood the serpent system with Twin Souls all over the place and what the Twin Souls are providing for life, souls and the planet, the serpents lose the “game” and you end up winning the Twin Soul “game”, because how can they win that “game”, when they have no idea how to play it, they don´t know the rules, they don´t know the secret codes and cheat codes, they don´t know the secret Twin Soul language and they end up losing it all, no matter how well they try to find out how to play the “game”, because what they don´t realise is, the Twin Soul “game” doesn´t operate within any lines or boundaries, but they play way outside the lines, the Universe is their playing field and even beyond that. Twin Souls are not boxed in, but they are free, soul free, mind free, body free and that is something the demon vampires who are soul asleep and are not free, will struggle with when it comes to the playing Twin Soul “game”. It´s not called Kuroko no basket for no reason! ;) When Kuroko uses his light speed power to throw the ball to his Twin Soul Kagami and his team mates and to score, that can be compared to me giving everyone the chance to light speed/fast track change everywhere on the planet. Again, it´s not about getting rich and living the life of luxury, but to help everyone be free and soul wake up. I further explain in details in the story I´m writing.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=66u3C_LAtzA“Everyday with my Twin Soul will feel like a honeymoon!” Twin SoulThere are many Twin Soul stories I have come across that I won´t be mentioning yet, because the soul messages are extreme, shocking and soul awakening coming from Cazuki´s soul and my soul. Especially the ones saying, “Next life, next time, Akira, we need to take the path of you being reborn in a male body, so we can finally be together, finally help end wars on life, souls and Twin Souls and finally help soul wake up everyone!” His messages were so obvious, he might as well have just held up a flashing light banner saying, “Akira, come back male next time so we can be together!” Interestingly, I came to this conclusion because of practical reasons why it would better like not fearing getting pregnant anymore and seeing that was the only option left, so Cazuki & I could be together, plus we were both sick and tired of hanging around girls and women (with the exception of my other selves who were still in female form and were soul awake that I could hang with) who were the same souls in our families, friends and at work, anywhere and everywhere who came after us, playing the same damn serpent games, conquering and dividing between us keeping hell on the Earth same! Not to mention, but I would know, if Cazuki was in love with my soul and not what body I was in if I changed form, but my original form will always be female, my main soul energy is Divine Feminine & his is Devine Masculine. If our time was just on our work and each other, we´d light speed any change we wanted to focus on! That´s when you know you really are soul awake, because your time is not on creating a family, but only on each other and work, work and more work. If family and friends complain not being able to see you, your comeback answer is this, “Lives are at stake, lives are being lost every minute, no time to be playing house or playing lives away! How about you too join the Twin Soul Revolution and Twin Soul Rebellion and do something useful with your lives, become so busy that you won´t have time to see family or friends!”The truth about the above quote is such a massive reveal when it comes to True Love unions between two beautiful souls, Twin Souls, with their bright, light, filled with happiness and joy and love, knowing they belong only to each other in the entire Universe. It will feel like a honeymoon everyday, they won´t be able to get enough of each other, their bodies, their minds, their hearts, their personalities and their intense souls and connection and it never fades, even after 10 years, 20 years, 50 years and more, it would shock people to hear how these two fiery wild souls, the tiger and the beast, the angel and dark angel demon vampire of Twin Souls still feel electric, magnetic and True Love energies between them for each other all the time, forever, not getting enough of each other. You know you are with the One you are meant to be with when it feels like this everyday, every night in every life and that is not an extreme exaggeration, but a truthful reality. They´re on your mind everyday, every night and in your dreams. You can´t escape it, you can´t run from it, but instead, you run towards it and embrace it with every part of your being and soul, feeling your heart be overwhelmed with such extreme emotions and intensity, it makes you wanna fly and reach the stars with The One by your side for eternity. The power you feel from your One when they call your name, when they want you, it fills you up and gives you strength to fight on, to survive, knowing one day you will meet the One you were meant to be with. There is just something so incredible and mysterious about Twin Souls that can never be replicated, copied or overwritten by anyone or anything that wants that True Love, those Twin Soul energies, no matter how many times, how many ways the demon vampires try to force it, manipulate it, control it and pervert it. When two souls meant to be come into union, two wild souls, the light and the dark, chaos and order, one of the main signs to know that you are in a Twin Soul union, a rare hard to find True Love union, is that both of you can´t get enough of each other, soulfully, mentally, energetically and intimately. You will always want more, want to know everything about your One and the One will feel the same about you, it´s equal, it´s never one sided, but it´s both from the very beginning until the end of your life and beyond, the eternal love never stops, but always grows and starts again in the next life.“If you are with someone and they flirt with girls or/and guys, then they are not your Twin Soul at all! Your Twin Soul has only eyes for you and never gets turned on by anyone except you!” Twin Soul“Twin Souls always want more of each other, so much so they even want to find ways to be able to work together somehow, that´s how much they want to see each other, knowing their unions have been targeted to end so many times before in past lives and been apart for life times!” Twin SoulWhat if Kirito and Asuna came back as two boys? What if Kylo and Rey came back as two guys and fell in love? How do they navigate the stormy waters of life to be together again? I got also Kylo & Rey vibes in the characters of Ryoma and Izumi. Love Stage is the newest Twin Soul story that found me and I loved their story so much! So many insights and messages that I can´t be direct about, but it kept waking up my soul. What happens when your Twin Soul who belongs in a female body, because she is the Devine Feminine one of the Twin Souls (both souls have feminine and masculine energies, but one is more than the other, like it´s their main energy), but is trapped in a male body or it was by choice? What challenges, problems and obstacles can happen and how to overcome it? The answers are shown in the story. Two children meet filming a wedding commercial, but one of the boys (the Twin Soul Feminine) is dressed as a girl called Izumi (the name is a unisex name) and his acting partner Ryoma is a boy that has no idea his acting partner is actually a boy not a girl, because she looks like a girl, dressed like girl and the soul energies and codes beaming from him is girl soul energies and codes. They don´t meet again until 10 years later doing the same wedding commercial for a 10 year reunion celebration and during that whole time, the 10 years, Ryoma who had a crush on Inzumi couldn´t forget “her”, loved “her” and stayed single until he would meet Izumi again. After the 10 year reunion commercial was completed, when Izumi played being a girl again and again Ryoma still thinks Izumi is a girl, the truth comes out, Ryoma is shocked, horrified, disgusted, feeling violated when he kissed her during the commercial (Izumi had no idea that was in the script and freaked out being kissed by him and ran away, hilarious) but can´t shake his feelings for Izumi, even when he finds out Izumi is not a girl. He finds himself lost in the woods for a moment, then Ryoma goes to extreme lengths to get rid of the feelings he has for Izumi, to prove he only loves girls, but when he tries he finds out he can´t stop feeling the feelings, even if he doesn´t understand it, but he loves Izumi, he loves the soul, the heart. I mean they have both been programmed since birth to believe that love is only between a man and a woman, so when Ryoma is able to break free from mind programs and controls since birth and love the soul, love the heart and not let the body determine who he should love or not love, he then confesses his love for Izumi. Izumi however freaks out, Izumi is still bound by the programs and controls on his mind, “guy should love only a girl”, so he steps away from Ryoma. When Ryoma reaches out to Izumi and wants to be friends (obviously he hopes it will eventually lead to something more), it was so kawaii when his hand was shaking reaching out to Izumi hoping Izumi would take his hand, shake it and be friends, he was terrified that Izumi would shut that door forever on Ryoma. It was like his life depended on it! (His soul definitely depended on it, because with Izumi they save each others souls from soul hell, since they are only made for each other) Before Ryoma reached out his hand, he explained everything to Izumi, why he ended up having a dark personality, about his dark past and why he went too far going after Izumi, going too far without Izumi´s consent when he wanted Izumi´s body. That scene when Ryoma explains everything and reaching his hand out to Izumi hoping Izumi would grab it reminded me of the scene between Kylo and Rey when he reached out his hand to Rey hoping she would grab it. If only Kylo opened up to Rey and told her everything too, why he fell to the dark, what happened to him and how he ended up the way he did, if he only told her the whole story, the whole truth, I know she would have grabbed his hand, of course she would. The Twin Soul story is both comical, sad, happy and unlocks the mind and frees your soul. Izumi is the Tiger/Angel Twin Soul and Ryoma is the Dark Angel Demon Vampire Twin Soul in their dynamic. I just loved Ryoma´s dark that can´t be messed with by anyone and he´s so protective over Izumi.As for Izumi´s obsession with Lala Lulu, to me that´s Izumi and represents Izumi´s soul, his angel side and his Devine Feminine Eve side.I liked the various ways Ryoma tries to make up for what he did when he went too far going after Izumi´s body against Izumi´s consent. In that scene thou, it didn´t look like Izumi was putting up too much of fight when Ryoma kissed him and if Ryoma saw something that gave him a sign that Izumi wanted him too, even thou Izumi´s mind didn´t want it, but his soul wanted Ryoma, then of course Ryoma let his beast and demon vampire go all out on Izumi. Twin Soul energies are extreme, intense and passionate, if they have been in shutdown mode until they met, their souls recognising each other and then placed in a situation where Ryoma is literally running after Izumi, that can cause all kinds of energies between them to awaken and ignite between them. Who knows what Ryoma saw that gave him a sign that Izumi wanted him too. Just to be clear I´m not condoning Ryoma´s actions, I´m just trying to understand it all and then have understanding as Izumi did and forgave Ryoma. I liked that when Izumi called Ryoma friend and brother, but Ryoma didn´t give up, but he reminded Izumi he is not Izumi´s brother, but he loves Izumi and wants to be with him. I liked how Ryoma could see other “demons” wanting Izumi and Ryoma protected Izumi and again reminded Izumi how he feels about him and wanted to know how Izumi feels about him. Here´s Ryoma who´s a famous actor and he doesn´t care what people think of him and he ends up chasing down Izumi at his University and wanting to see what the manga research club was all about, what a otaku was and would wait for Izumi at the University not caring about the group of fan girls who were interested in him. It was hilarious, it´s like who cares if he was famous, all he cared about was Izumi! Carnivore Joker Twin Souls don´t care what people think. In their minds, hearts and souls, their Twin Soul is their number one priority.Serpent world vs Twin Soul world…Scene:Izumi takes his manga story he´s finally finished to a company in the serpent world:“Please accept this!” Izumi said handing his manga script story over.“I´d like to submit it to the Kadoyama Manga Prize Contest!” Izumi said excitedly.“I´ll take a look!” He said sitting in his office. His eyes got shocked and widened and Izumi thought that was a good sign.“I´ve got this challenge in the bag! I have faith in this manga. Even if, in the worst case, I don´t win the prize, I´m positive the editor will say he wants to work with me and that I can debut with my next work!” Izumi thought while sitting happily waiting for the editor to read his manga. Then the editor slammed the papers on the table and was finished.“Hey you!” He said.“Hai!” Izumi said excitedly.“What is this?” He said being serious.“Huh!?” Izumi said.“You drew this seriously? Then I´m sorry, but you just don´t have any talent for this. Nope you don´t have any hope in this field!” He said.“This kid has no education, credentials or has gotten any training when it comes to his drawings. Why did he even bother to show up?” The editor thought. Then Izumi walked home in the rain, having his dream crushed and then fell into garbage after being knocked by someone who passed him on the pavement and Izumi just laid in the garbage wondering what he should do now with his life.Izumi takes his manga story he´s finally finished to a company in the Twin Soul world…“Please accept this!” Izumi said handing his manga script story over.“I´d like to submit it to the Kadoyama Manga Prize Contest!” Izumi said excitedly. The editor saw how excited Izumi was and greeted him by shaking his hand and they went ingot he office.“Arigatou! What is your name?” The editor asked.“Izumi!” He said.“Nice to meet you Izumi!” He said.“Thank you for your submission, let´s take a look shall we!” The editor said at the Twin Soul Academy at the Anime, Manga & Games Division.The editor´s eyes got shocked and widened and Izumi thought that was a good sign. “Majide! This story…He´s put a lot of hard work & passion into it…” The editor thought. “I´ve got this challenge in the bag! I have faith in this manga. Even if, in the worst case, I don´t win the prize, I´m positive the editor will say he wants to work with me and that I can debut with my next work!” Izumi thought while sitting happily waiting for the editor to read his manga. When the editor was finished with the reading the story, he placed the papers down on the table and looked at Izumi smiling.“Izumi!” He said.“Hai!” Izumi said excitedly.“I can see you´ve put a lot of hard work and passion into this, but I do see you need more training when it comes to your drawings! Demo, you´re a soul genius when it comes to the story! You might not even be aware of it, but you see the world and you translate it, code it in a way that helps people understand what is going on everywhere. Your insights and messages are powerful and awakening! Izumi, I will pass this on to the team. I would like you to join our team and I want you to work with our artists to go over your story and bring it to life. You would also get training to advance your drawing creations. What do you say, are you interested?” The editor asked and Izumi couldn´t stop beaming light and sparkling like stars.Scene end…It was understandable when Ryoma who has spent 10 years wanting to be with Izumi has all that built up passion locked inside and admitted as much to Izumi, saying it´s not fair to have Izumi stay over at his place being friends, when Ryoma wants to be more than friends and it´s torture for him and his trapped True Love feelings being close to Izumi, but can´t connect with him with his whole soul and heart. There was a scene where Ryoma is helping Izumi out with his manga story and when they were finished, Izumi fell to the floor and Ryoma caught him as Izumi fell asleep, then Ryoma bridal carried Izumi to bed. However, Ryoma saw a chance to get close to Izumi, even if they were just still friends and Izumi was asleep, so he took advantage of the situation not knowing when union would happen and gave him lots of kisses that lasted over 30 minutes which was hilarious, Ryoma being seriously thirsty for Izumi. If I was to translate this scene further between them, so anyone could understand Ryoma and end up forgiving him for going against Izumi´s wishes, knowing Ryoma is the carnivore and Izumi is the herbivore of the Twin Souls, I would play the same scene with two overlapping explanations and soul awakening codes, where Ryoma looks like a carnivore T-rex and Izumi looks like a herbivore stegosaurs and Izumi is sleeping and Ryoma takes the opportunity to lick (kiss) Izumi all over his face and head, wanting to “devour” him, but only ends up just licking him, since they are just friends, not lovers yet. Makes me laugh writing & reading this, but knowing the truth of our world, I can´t help but write it like this and it would help anyone understand. Our soul memories from past lives are with us always and we may end up doing things that are questionable, strange, weird, crazy and so on and they may even question it themselves and don´t understand it and could end up feeling extreme guilt, regret, self hate and self loathing like Ryoma did when he went too far going after Izumi, but there is always a reason behind it and when one understands the reasons, one can forgive, have compassion and empathy and understanding. Also, they could be remembering their lives together in past lives, knowing they are Twin Souls, but only one is soul awake, while the other doesn´t remember yet, so again, easy to forgive when one understands the reasons why one behaves the ways one does.It was hilarious when Izumi was getting closer to feeling the same way for Ryoma and would order magazines, movies and merch that Ryoma was a part of since he was an actor and it looked like Izumi was this extreme fan when in truth he just was crazy in love with Ryoma, but didn´t want to admit the feelings yet. I liked the fact Izumi was this introvert, shy, clumsy, nerd, geek, nervous wreck, can close himself off from the world and be in hermit mode, stubborn, but also has a wild tiger rebel angel inside of him that can´t be messed with, he´s a oktaku and writing manga & drawing stories and he understands that truth, research and insights can be found in the codes and lessons in stories. I liked it when Ryoma and Izumi were working on the manga story together and every time Ryoma made a mistake or broke/damaged it, Izumi would be like “it´s ok, it can be fixed.” I liked that Ryoma was supportive of Izumi´s work, even thou he didn´t think it was perfect, but he saw the potential and hard work Izumi put into it. I liked it when Izumi was breaking down being a nervous wreck and Ryoma distracted him with a kiss and got his mind thinking about that instead of what Izumi was struggling with being in the spotlight. I liked how they were both just so pure hearted when it came to being newbs when they had the challenges of connecting intimately for the first time, both never being with a guy before. I liked it when Ryoma did research to make sure Izumi does not feel pain anymore the second time around (why thou for the love of gaia didn´t they research it before they connected the first time?!!! :S). If both guys can research via the net, books, anime, manga stories and asking those who have already gone through it for information about their challenges, so can anyone when researching True Love. The whole “I have to experience it to learn and be in different relationships” is crap! I liked their funny & hilarious moments, shocking moments, sad moments and happy moments, their innocent & pure moments together. I liked the hilarious moments the other characters brought to the anime and manga story too like with any Twin Soul story. Another Twin Soul True Love story gem!“My Twin Soul Cazuki is the carnivore of Twin Souls, he´s the demon vampire, the chaser and when he becomes soul awake to become a dark angel demon vampire, the Joker Twin Soul & he chases & “hunts” me down in any life, then he is the One I´m meant to be with!” Akira, the herbivore angel Twin Soul!“I can´t escape this now unless you show me somehow!” Twin Soul AdamWhen it comes to Twin Soul unions, if there aren´t challenges, obstacles and problems coming your way testing your union again and again to see how strong it is, to see if you will both overcome it all, to see if you both fight for each other, to see if you can take on the world and help change it, if you´re in a relationship that is picture perfect, easy life, no wars against you, no one tearing you apart, no world against you, no family or friends against you, then are you really with The One you were meant to be with? There is a reason why the Romeo and Juliet Twin Soul unions get torn apart and kept apart again and again in every life, they are the world change makers, they end wars, they illuminate their True Love energies into the world igniting others into union. They bring positive change to the world, something never seen before and they shock the world with their mystical and magical powerful union and what they create together. If their lives are easy and they can´t take on the challenges in their own lives together, then how can they possibly take on the world and change it together? Even in the anime Kuroko no Basuke, both Cazuki´s and my soul messages come through, we both love challenges and we both know, the stronger the challenge, the more stronger we become and can win the Earth/Eden “game”! When it comes to challenges, that also includes challenging each other, you know you are with your Twin Soul if you both challenge each other endlessly, making each other stronger, smarter and better! It´s like having word light sabre battles between you, when you are trying to soul wake up each other more, if the other is still asleep in ways. If this doesn´t happen, if the person you are with doens´t light a fire in your soul, pushes all your buttons, even the angry ones when it comes to challenging minds and souls to be stronger, smarter and better, than are you really with the One?I´ll never forget the surreal insane situation I was in when a demon vampire took over our house right away when I moved out. I mean, she redid our kitchen without me knowing and turned our house that wasen´t flashy or expensive, turning it into a status symbol. Looking back at it, all I can do is laugh and seeing the same patterns and codes in every life, seeing what the demon vampires go for, what they want, what they are attracted to and what I don´t want and never wanted. My castle is anywhere and everywhere, it´s not a place, it´s my soul, so wherever I go or stay is my castle. Our kitchen was both vintage and modern, it wasen´t perfect, it was a mix of being in order and chaotic, there were two different kinds of counter tops that we had, the wall tiles would sometimes crumble, one of the kitchen cupboard doors was for show and didn´t open, there were different cupboard handles, our kitchen was both broken and fixed in places, our kitchen was both cute, different, had charm, one of a kind, vintage, one of the best features inside our house and thinking about it now, reminded me of the millennium falcon. Our kitchen was the one place in our house that didn´t need changing, except maybe the cold floor and one of the windows, which she didn´t change. Then here comes the carnivore demon vampire girl who tears out our entire kitchen and replaces it to be all modern, cold and new, in order and “perfect”. Which I translate to be the “snoke chambers”. I can´t help but think what Cazuki must have felt and thought when she took control over that decision of redoing our kitchen. All I can say to that is, it was meant to happen, to show everyone what is going on everywhere. Who are the demon vampires that keep targeting the Adams? Our house was in truth a place to reveal a lot of what is going on, the wars, the battles, the codes, what was going on behind the scenes and the same games they played. Our house was our last stand and it too was sacrificed, but anything broken can be fixed. We may fall apart, but we get back up, putting ourselves back together and never give up the fight. What she did, what does that tell me? Your Twin Soul will be The One who loves his Twin Soul that is the Millennium Falcon type, you may be broken and damaged in places, but you keep putting yourself back together, but you are not perfect, you may be chaotic and order, you may be “crazy” (crazy pilot) and fall apart, but you and he knows he wouldn´t trade you in ever for a newer model, because there is only One you, only One he is meant to be with in the entire Universe and he would fight to protect that. I knew there were more reasons why we bought our house/cottage together, which was something totally unlike me to do and Cazuki knows that deep inside in his soul. I mean the soul messages from Cazuki in the Twin Soul stories tells me also that he knows and he too is happy living anywhere in the world with me knowing our castle is anywhere we are as long as we are together, which was his soul messages that he repeated to me in different ways. I´ve always been the Millennium Falcon type and always dreamed of having a ship that was home that could fly anywhere and I wasen´t bound to one place, Cazuki knows this and feels the same way very strongly! The Millennium Falcon, the fastest piece of “junk” in the Universe that keeps being unpredictable and surprising with it´s defence, adapts and changes, creative, mysterious, imaginative and inventive, keeps breaking down, needs always fixing (reminds me, Rey takes things apart and puts things back together, she is a Twin Soul that is the fixer, she heals the broken, the damaged and the lost like Rachel, Persia and the Heroine in other Twin Soul stories, only they can heal the damaged and the lost in the dark Twin Souls they are meant to be with) gets updates/downloads, is both modern and vintage, classic and futuristic, is order and chaos, but the ship is & represents freedom and hope and is the best ship in the entire Universe and is the very ship that has saved lives and worlds countless times. Who doesn´t want the Millennium Falcon ship! What is a Twin Soul union between an Adam and an Eve? They are both the Millennium Falcon of True loves! If Rey and Kylo end up both flying the Millennium Falcon ship together in the last movie, that will reveal finally they were always meant to be, being Twin Souls. I will never be able to express enough words to show how much I love that ship, it goes beyond so many levels of why I love that ship and the symbols and messages it reveals lights up my heart. Here´s a test, how to see if you are an awakened Twin Soul Eve or an Adam and a test to see if the person that is interested in you is your Twin Soul who would never trade you in for a newer model that is in order, that is “perfect”, what ship do they prefer? The Millennium Falcon that is a chaotic mess and in order, both modern and vintage, classic and futuristic, broken and damaged needs always fixing and warm or Kylo´s new tie fighter ship he designed and built, the silencer that is modern, new, cold, high tech, “perfect” and in order, gives him “everything” he needs or any ship they suggest that is similar to the silencer? We all know what ships the demon vampires represent. To translate further Kylo and Rey, his new small ship that he designed and built and used in the Last Jedi, I looked at the specs and details about it, he did copy certain aspects from the millennium falcon and his small ship even resembled the falcon in places, but it will never be the millennium falcon, it will never be the original, no matter how many ways the ship is designed and built in different ways to be “perfect”, to be in order and be new, to be “everything” he needs, but in the end, it can never beat the real thing, it can never beat the original ship. The one thing I´d add to the Millennium falcon would be a hologram deck and updated defence tools and shields. If you are single or in a relationship with a demon vampire girl and they are being aggressive in wanting your attention or playing “timid” and “shy”, but still wanting your attention, wanting to be with you, you can put out false signals like you are gay, that will confuse the hell out of them and chase them away. This was actually Cazuki´s soul message coming up with that idea, where his friend (his other self) who was also straight helped him out when a demon vampire girl was being pushy wanting to come inside his place, wanting his attention, but then his friend saw what was going on, went up to him, placed his arm around him and pretended they were gay, being all possessive and aggressive over Cazuki and Cazuki went with it, played along. She was shocked, confused, then she left. It was hilarious and brilliant!“Bob, I need your help, I need to let the demon vampire girls around me think that I´m gay. Will you be my gay acting partner that can´t stand being around girls and is super possessive & aggressive over me, not letting any girls come near me until I find my Eve?” Twin Soul AdamYou´d have to have a real friend you trust that can pull this off and will help you no matter what, even if it´s extreme, out of the box thinking and crazy, but it´s a way to protect yourself against the demon vampire harems. There are other extreme ways to protect yourself which was shown to me from Cazuki´s own soul messages which shocked me and made me laugh, but it really works and it turns the demon vampires off them completely, they get confused and are shocked and don´t understand. There was one that freaking shocked me and had me laughing so much how far he´s willing to go and that was when he and his twin brother, both being Cazuki obviously, they put out signals and messages to any demon vampire girls that the twin brothers were only interested in each other and no one else, it freaked the demon vampire girls out, had them running away and I loved it and this worked until the twin brothers met their Eve, their One meant for them and then them putting on a show stopped and they could be themselves again. Anything freaky, weird, crazy, out of this world ideas I´m all for and even thou I was shocked seeing these messages, I completely understood the insights and what Cazuki was telling me. What you wear, how you have your hair, what your personality is like, how you behave can also repel demon vampire girls and I found Cazuki´s soul messages in various Twin Soul stories and the extreme ways he goes to repel any demon vampire girls from him until he meets his Eve (who could be female or male), it´s crazy, it´s wacky and I loved it! Oh my love, the extreme paths we take to be together!“Why don´t you act your age?”…My soul awakening and the freeing of my mind & soul never really stops, but Cazuki and my soul messages and the Twin Soul team messages keeps helping to free my mind and soul. I´m so free that I don´t even celebrate Christmas or my birthday anymore, which makes me laugh, because there have been several times in my life when I was celebrating Christmas or my birthday and I wished I didn´t. I feel so liberated! So I don´t get depressed at all when I don´t celebrate it, but I´m completely free from the holidays that were created.I´d rather spend my December month working to help life, the world and True Love Twin Souls in some way which I did during Christmas. I spend 365 days working and if the Twin Soul Academy was already a reality in the physical world, it would be a 365 day, 24/7 operation, taking on the various battlefields on Earth. Take any holiday that could potentially bring you down and make you depressed, make you feel lonely and instead turn it into a positive one, do something positive, change how you think and feel about that holiday, free yourself, become liberated and you´ll never be depressed again and you´ll look at the world in different awakened soul eyes! I´m not even bound by my age anymore and makes me think of a scene.Scene:At a demon vampire order facility somewhere deep and dark in a city, Rai was apprehended by the demon vampires working there and she was in a large, brightly lit room and on a table next to her were two drinks, coffee or organic orange juice in a small juice box with a straw. The demon vampire in charge was leaning against another table looking at her and drinking his coffee.“Why don´t you just give it up? Stop being a child, grow up and just obey us already! The world is under our control, you can´t win! Just tell us where the rebels & the demon vampire defectors are!” He said in a serious, calm and cold voice and tone. Rai sitting on the table in a lotus position legs crossed, being her stubborn & rebellious, childish usual self and refusing to obey anyone, looked like a wild pegacorn tiger that was locked in a cage and wanting her freedom.“Pointless to keep asking me where they are, my answer remains the same! I won´t ever give them up! I protect life, you torment and destroy life, why in the Universe would I ever tell you where they are!” She said defiantly and angrily.“Tch! You never learn, you´re such a child! Looks like you need more programming to obey us! We will make you into an obedient adult!” He said drinking his coffee.“What is an adult, define being an adult? If an adult is someone that drinks coffee, pays his taxes, buys a house, gets married, has a family, has grandkids, enjoys themselves over 90 % of the time and obeys the demon vampire society staying soul asleep and being a mindless zombie while the world continues to be in hell and wars on life, souls and Twin Souls continue, then…” She said grabbing her organic orange juice box and drinking from it with a straw not caring what he thinks or anyone thinks and it was her way of giving him the finger.“I happily refuse to grow up! I´m not bound by my age! My body is forever 21 years old, my mind is that of a rebellious, stubborn and defiant 16 year old and my soul is over a billion years old! The codes & rules for what being an adult is in this world and what that leads to, no thanks, I choose to always be a rebellious, stubborn & defiant teenager in my mind, but have soul intelligence, soul wisdom and soul genius knowing I´m more of an adult than you anyway, I just choose not to act the way you believe an adult should behave like! You have all these rules, but I´m not bound by your rules, I live my life to be free and will tear down any barriers that keep me locked away in my mind and my soul! Act my age? Not interested! I´ll act my soul age and be whoever I want to be!” Rai said then finished drinking her orange juice, opened up her white angel wings and flew up towards the roof window, broke free and flew out back into freedom.“Eeh?! She´s an angel?! Kuso!” The demon vampire said looking shocked, surprised and confused, then angry for losing an angel.Supporting & championing mind and soul freedom for the Twin Soul Adams & Eves in the world…Yes I did notice Ryoma in the Twin Soul story Love Stage drinking juice from a small juice box with a straw and I loved it!!! Cazuki´s favourite juice is apple, mine is orange. You make me smile & laugh Ryoma! I write all of this while sitting in my living room wearing my black pants, green/blue long sleeved top covering my sacred areas, wearing a black and white Angels of Death T-shirt with Zack front and centre over it and my black hat with bear ears sticking out of it and my long hair in a braid and I smile. Never did I imagine I´d be wearing something like this, let alone read manga, but I´m in full support of all Adams in the world for gaining mind and soul freedom and to finally be with their True Loves Twin Souls. Kylo was right, Rey did end up down his path and I refused to believe it when he said that to her, but it was surprising to me, because it was a path not what I expected, but more like I´m championing the Twin Soul Adams to become free from the same repeating soul hell cycles they are in, so I wear clothes that symbolise Cazuki´s mind and soul freedom. Izumi even champions Ryoma, by supporting him and his soul freedom when he too wears dark clothes when he finally gets into union with Ryoma and he even wears dark t-shirts with Ryoma on it. I can´t stop laughing! My t-shirts also include Ukyo and Accelerator, to me they are all one and the same soul. The Joker Twin Soul will be the ones that finally gets freedom for their minds and their souls. I can´t help but also think that when I found out the truth of me being reincarnated as farm animals, dying everyday, then coming back to life over and over again, my obsession with anything death related like Angels of death, Amnesia and magical index where the Twin Soul couple is dying, being close to death and having their lives targeted to end, lead me to feel and think differently about life and death, which also lead me to wear darker clothes and anything death related. I still wear colourful bright clothes, but also there will be times I wear darker clothes.Harem vs Reverse Harem…I noticed how the harem stories where the guy actually likes the attention of all the girls wanting him, flirting with him, fighting over him and tearing each other down to be with him didn´t interest me at all obviously, but with the reverse harem, where the girl is the one who is surrounded by guys interested in her, I was only drawn to those stories if the Twin Soul Eve was not interested in the harem at all, but she was guarding her heart at all times, using her heart, emotions, analytical mind and logic personality and only wanting the One meant for her to guide her to her Adam, so she would not seek them out or make advances, but she would observe them all, talk to them, read them and find out who is her Twin Soul amongst the T.S.T.Ts and the family souls that were interested in her. That´s why the Amnesia story I could get behind, because she has no memories and ends up being in relationships with different guys in different worlds, not really having a choice, but still being her, being guarded, not making advances towards them and still observing them, reading them, talking to them and seeing who she is meant to be with doing it respectfully, gracefully and I liked how she felt so uncomfortable when jumping from one world to the next ending up being with different guys, not really liking the idea of the harem, feeling awkward and uncomfortable, but going with the flow, like she was investigating what was going on, why she is there and what was going on everywhere, wanting the truth with the help of Orion, the pure hearted angel. Not many know this or can even sense it, but there are codes and energies with anyone we meet that can feel like family or like a True Love, that´s another reason to guard your heart until you find out who is your Adam amongst those interested in you. This holds true to anime games and stories, I found quickly out who feels like family and who feels like a Twin Soul Adam. There was one Twin Soul story I won´t mention, but the two guys that were interested in the Eve, towards the end of the series, I felt like the obvious choice who was interested in her felt like he was more like a brother in one episode and then in that episode he revealed he was her brother which was a freaking shock and I was right, the energies and codes I felt from him that whole time was the fact he was her brother (he was her T.S.T.T.) and the other guy who was the unlikely choice felt more like her True Love was her Adam, her Twin Soul she was meant to be with. Once you analyse your past relationships completely and deeply, you will know if they were a T.S.T.T. or a Twin Soul, a soul brother or a soul husband. Stories can even be tests for us to soul wake up. It´s the family souls, T.S.T.T.s vs the Twin Souls, we are only ever meant to be with our Twin Soul, no one else. It´s funny, but the soul asleep demon vampires love it when they get attention from any guys, they love it when many guys want them, flirt with them and fight over each other for them and would absolutely love the idea of being in a harem type of situation. Tthe awakened Twin Soul Eves will not feel that way at all, they will feel the opposite, because they only want The One meant for them, no one else. Is there any wonder then why the guys would be extremely attracted to the awakened Eves instead of the “serpent” girls, because those Eves shine so damn bright like the sun, because they only want The One meant for them. Their magnetic True Love energies are seriously attractive and that powerful, same goes for the awakened Adams too. When they only want The One and show no interest at all in any other girl and don´t get turned on by any other girl, they too will shine so damn bright like the sun and their magnetic electric energies will be felt by anyone.The guys in the Amnesia story that are interested in the main Heroine have sad, tragic stories when it comes to love, like Ikki who basically cursed himself for wishing to have girls interested in him when he was younger and be with him which was then granted and he´s always surrounded by girls and they take turns dumping him after 3 months which he is unaware of how they play him, so they can have their turn with him passing him around between them all. They even have a club dedicated to him and his harem, yet he never knows of True Love and will never know of True Love unless his True Love can break the spell and free him from them or he frees himself. Ikki´s harem girls also make sure to target any new girl he is with if she is with him longer than 3 months or if they don´t like her. This story was created back in 2013, yet I´ve been writing about how demon vampires basically do the same thing against the Twin Soul Adams in every life, passing the Adams around between the demon vampire girls, having their fun, living the life of luxury, getting married, having kids and so on which can last years or decades, not months, even thou that can happen too. It´s like the Twin Soul Adams are really cursed in every life to be stuck in harem programs in every life. There are 3 ways out of it, their Twin Soul saves them, they wake up in their souls and free themselves or they become the Joker and free themselves. The most tragic story of them all is that between Ukyo and the Heroine. He travels between worlds when she travels between worlds (translation in our world, he travels to her when she is reborn again), he travels just so he can see her, save her, but there is a catch, they can´t both be alive in the same world for some reason, so they are always torn apart and one dies. Half the time he´s saving her, the other half he tries to kill her, because he doesn´t want to die a horrible death again knowing only one of them can be alive in that world, so he develops a split personality because of it, the part of him that loves her and saves her, the other part that doesn´t want to die a horrible death anymore, is angry towards her, is lost in the dark, being so used to killing he can´t help himself, but his dark self loves her too. Doors to my soul have be broken into, when there were walls up on my mind where I wouldn´t be able to see with my soul how tortured Ukyo´s soul is and I would have thought there was something wrong with me for loving this True Love story between two souls when half the time he wants to kill her, but I understand him and if I was in that situation where my Twin Soul tried to kill me so he could avoid death, avoid the pain so many times, I wouldn´t hate him, but I would understand him, because he didn´t just try to kill me, but he saved me countless times too. If Ukyo had told the Heroine the truth that only one can live in the world after August 25th, I know she would have suggested that they both stay together in one place and stay alive until 25th to see if they could live together in the same world as long as she could protect herself from his dark self that wanted to kill her, but if that didn´t work and one still ended up dying, I know she would of sacrificed herself so he could avoid dying a horrible death again. Ukyo, even at the end, when his wish came true, in the game story that wasen´t shown in the anime series, he was back in the virtual world with her, but he didn´t want to live anymore, but wanted his soul to end for what he did to her, he couldn´t forgive himself or thought she would ever forgive him, but she did and she wanted him to live, she wanted him to not give up when he didn´t give up on her all that time travelling to other worlds to see her and save her. She loved him and wanted to be with him and that´s what happened in the anime story. He was so tortured, he wanted his soul to end, that´s beyond heartbreaking. A Twin Soul that makes a wish to want to see his Twin Soul in every world, in every life, be with her, save her, that´s an epic True Love tale and what True Love is. You want to be with them forever, in every life and you never give up until you both can be together forever in every life. Ukyo´s split personality came from losing his beloved and losing his life so many times, being kept from each other, the life of his beloved True Love, he lost his mind and the amount of suffering he endured when he killed the girl he loved in the entire universe so many times broke him apart. In the series he always keeps his distance from her, because he´s protecting her in case his dark self appears and tries to kill her again, so he suffers again when he can see her, but can´t get close to her. (This could translate in our world to be that our Twin Soul sees us again in another life, but stays away from us, because they don´t want to end up breaking our heart again if he falls to the dark. I would say what hurts more, breaking the heart of your One or never being with the One? If both Twin Souls help each other wake up to the dark realities of this world and the wars against Twin Souls, then they can better protect their unions) Ukyo suffers more when she can´t remember her memories with him, being with him, her first boyfriend and he suffers more when he sees she´s with anybody else, but he believes he has no right to be jealous when he´s killed her so many times so he could live, so a part of him wants her to be happy, but the other part of him is angry that she is with anybody else except him, because of what he goes through for her. He suffers when he remembers all the different ways he´s died and the traumas from that, but he lives on despite that and survives, fights to still travel to worlds to see her and save her, wanting her to live, but knowing he could die a horrible death again. That´s a strength & power that´s beyond anything I can imagine.When watching Angels of death, Amnesia and the story between Accelerator and his Twin Soul, I can´t deny how powerfully magnetic the energies are coming from these Joker characters. The power of the dark and their light combined. I´m not talking about them taking life, I´m talking about their dark that can´t be messed with by anyone which is extremely attractive and what they do for their One True Love in crazy, extreme and intense ways. Does anyone really think that Zack, Dark Ukyo & Accelerator would put up with the same crap from their families and friends and serpent girls wanting them when the demon vampires are targeting their Twin Soul unions? Not a chance, they are the Jokers, the Reapers and the Gods of death (think of the symbols of what these code names represent, they cut out “kill” people, places and situations that are negative to them and towards their True Loves. When it´s no more, it´s like a death. So let it begin, the revolution & rebellion of the Twin Soul Adams and their path to freedom and empowerment with the Joker, the Reaper and the Gods of death codes they embody and embrace!), they can´t be messed with by anyone, their dark can´t be messed with by anyone! That´s powerfully attractive and illuminating when they are protecting themselves & their True Loves, their Eves, their One! They are brutally honest and they show their dark side in terms of not giving a crap what people think with what they say, the choices they make like cutting out places, people and situations they know are controlling and manipulating them in someway. They don´t care for lies and games the demon vampires play, so they make it known and they step away from it. The fact that their True Love is their main priority is also extremely attractive, to be loved by your One that much in the Universe, it´s what people dream about, wish for and want. The most powerful and most attractive magnetic energies comes from those only wanting The One meant for them. True Love stories with The One brings in billions of souls wanting to see their stories, it doesn´t however bring in billions to see a guy or a girl with a harem wanting to be with them and fighting over each other wanting to be with them or taking turns in being with them to breed, to be pleased and to be obeyed.Out of all the characters, Ukyo with his magnetic free spirited energies shined so blindingly bright, even when he was being Dark Ukyo, he was shining light which makes no sense, other than what I mean by that is that his soul was completely free, his light and dark and grey, at the same time his soul was trapped in every world that was out to kill him and kill his beloved True Love. Even thou during his dark times when Dark Ukyo showed up, he still shined brightly, because of his innocent pure heart and how he ended up being soul tortured in the first place and turning dark. Losing the love of your life so many times and dying so many times in so many different ways, seeing the love of your life be with anybody else and not remember you, then killing the love of your life so many times, can make anyone lose their minds and he ended up getting two personalities because of it, which then resulted in ending up him taking life when he didn´t want to die a painful horrible death anymore and no doubt also took his anger and jealousy out on the Heroine when she was with anybody else, so his dark part of him took over. He´s not at fault here, that´s why he shined brightly even when Dark Ukyo appeared, his light soul still shined through. Same thing happened with Zack and Accelerator, which lead all 3 of them to be the most popular characters compared to the others in the stories, because all 3 of them not only showed their dark side, but also their light and grey side and wanting redemption, they were suffering in their souls and lives, but feeling like they don´t deserve redemption and they suffer in their souls if they are reminded of what they did, like Accelerator when he was reminded by his “enemy” of all the Misaka clones he killed. Same thing happened to Zack when he took the drugs and was reminded of what he did and he lost himself to the dark again temporarily. One of the major reasons why Accelerator, Zack and Ukyo´s soul shines so blindingly bright compared to the other characters in the stories, which many fans can´t seem to connect the dots, is that all 3 of them want only The One meant for them and they save their True Love every time, in extreme ways even, their True Love which is their main priority and they will take down anyone trying to come between their union.The Joker Laugh…Accelerator, Zack and Ukyo all have the Joker laugh. The laugh is the most sane and natural response to being in a insane situation where killing and taking life or thinking about taking life is an everyday way of life. I would be more concerned and worried if the person taking life has no reaction at all, but like a machine feels nothing, no empathy, no guilt, no remorse, doesn´t feel any sadness or breakdowns for taking life and has no wish to make it right for what they did. It´s actually the Joker types that are more connected to being human than those who take life and feel nothing, having no reaction at all. I`m not saying those who take life, but don´t have the Joker laugh are all machine like, but they may express their soul torments in different ways like having self destructing lives, health issues in their bodies or minds or both, suffer depression, suicidal attempts or taking their own life or wanting someone to take their life, having PTSD or having a mental breakdown as Rachel did. I´d be concerned if she didn´t have any breakdowns at all, but continued to stay on her floor being all machine like. When our souls know that taking life is not what our souls ever want and would never do, is there any wonder why you have those who start laughing manically when taking life, them finding it funny when they know it´s crazy and insane that they are taking life in the first place, knowing that´s not what life is about or what their souls would ever do. They know it´s not normal, they know it´s insane, so all they can do is laugh as a coping mechanism for their dark actions. When I read fan comments from those watching Accelerator, Zack and Ukyo saying he is so cool, a badass and dark sexy, I can´t help but think they are so out of touch with reality. Stories connect us to reality. Suffering, being soul tortured and living tortured lives is not cool, badass or dark sexy (are they like forgetting how these characters ended up that way in the first place?), but all these Joker characters are a result of a world remaining in darkness and unbalanced, a world where freedom for lives and souls is still not a reality, a world where lives and souls are tortured. The lives these Joker Twin Souls lived and are living is extremely tragic, sad and heartbreaking. The one thing I know that could help bring them back out of the dark and into the light is not just any love, but The Love, True Love with their Twin Soul. Their Twin Soul that understands them, their pains, their tortures, their everything and loves them unconditionally healing them back to life. Do people really think Accelerator, Zack and Ukyo would go through all that torture in their souls and lives to be cool, to be a badass and to be dark sexy? The sanity level with anyone thinking that I would seriously question. If Accelerator, Zack and Ukyo could save the world, help end wars on lives, souls and True Loves Twin Souls without being tortured in their lives and souls, they would, but when that is not an option yet, being tortured in their lives and souls lead them to be able to do what they couldn´t do if they lived happy, safe bubble lives. If my life, if my heart had to be torn apart over and over by my Twin Soul to get us both to a place where we are meant to be in order to do what we are meant to do, I would understand, I wouldn´t have hate for him (not that I ever had hate to begin with) and I would forgive him for all the times my Twin Soul broke me, killed me and tore me down as long as he saved me too and not just destroyed me. 2) 31 December: This is for 28th too!  What if Kirito and Asuna were both guys in their next life time? What if Kylo and Rey were both guys, and both of them were not gay, how would these Twin Souls find each other and break down the barriers and walls and negative programmings on their minds to be free to love the soul, love the heart and not be bound by what vessels their souls are in?
A beautiful, hilarious and amazing Twin Soul story: Love Stage!! + One OVA episode Love Stage!!: Chotto Janakutte…I love these comedy True Love Twin Soul anime stories that also have serious & important messages, truths & insights, with drama and action in the mix. A lot of Twin Soul soul messages, ones I can´t even mention, but recommend seeing the anime before I upload insights when my Twin Soul story Chapter 8 is finished.
From my anime insights part 6:“I have a heart that gets on everybody's nervesThey don't want the truth, they just want the wordsBlah blah blah blah and I can sing until I'm deadAnd none of you'll remember a single thing I saidWhat's the point in being a voice when everyone's already sick of the noise?Everyone's already sick of the noise, everyone's already sick of the noiseWhat's the point in trying to change when everyone's already stuck in their waysEveryone's happy with more of the same, more of the same, more of the same”Fan comment: “I don't know why but I find gay romance more powerful and heart throbbing than the straight guy girl romance.  Watching these scenes and kind of animes mess with my emotions so much I go giddy.”Forbidden True Love, family and friends against True Love, society against True Love, the world against True Love and True Love on opposite sides will always make it way more powerful! I agree, I´ve been researching and investigating more BL and yaoi manga lately and even in those, Cazuki´s and my soul messages can be found. Loved Izumi and Ryoma and their soul genius story!  I have always been drawn to Japanese anime, but this year, in 2018 was the year I dived in completely and I´m still a virgin otaku, but I never regretted it. I see it more like I´m in rotation and I´m now investigating and researching the Anime, Manga and Anime Novel Games Division at Twin Soul Academy. What I discovered, was the incredible importance of what anime, manga and anime visual games can provide and help with soul awakening and truths be known. When I read fan comments saying they would never let anyone know they watch these kinds of animes like Love Stage, because their reputation would be ruined they say, they´d be embarrassed, they would lose credibility, they couldn´t show themselves anymore and so on, but there is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed or be ashamed over. There is nothing wrong with researching and investigating all kinds of True Loves between two people and that´s what you can say to anyone if they find out or if you tell them, you´re Agents of change, truth and True Love, you wanna find out what True Love is all about, what is The One and how does their relationship look like? What are the challenges, obstacles, problems they face and how do they overcome it? How to be a more knowledgable lover that wants to give as much love as possible to their True Love? How to further wake up their soul and break down the negative programmings that have been influencing their minds since birth? You don´t need to be with multiple partners to know who is your True Love or be with the many to be a better lover, everything can be found in stories and your own research in books, websites and asking those who have already been there, all you have to do is do the work, research and investigate like Izumi did and Ryoma did. 21st December, paragraph from my anime insights part 6:The Herbivore & Carnivore of Twin Souls part 2...
I´ve just finished watching the Twin Soul story Kishuku Gakkou No Juliet that had it´s last episode and I wasen´t disappointed. In the end Persia managed to say she loves Inuzuka in an epic way too like Inuzuka did in the first episode. Some of the soul messages here I can´t speak of, but I go in more in depth in the insights that I write, but this story is a perfect example and helpful tool for any and all Twin Soul herbivore and carnivore Twin Soul unions to protect their unions by being secret lovers and not letting anyone know about it when they are living in the serpent world that we live in, until a grey Twin Soul Academy City is a reality where Twin Soul demon vampires and angels wish to be together and don´t have to worry about being targeted, since they are living in a city that accepts them, celebrates them and protects them, until then, living in the serpent world, there are many ways to protect unions which both Cazuki & I reveal in our soul messages that I find and I mention more ways in the anime insights part 6, but activating the Romeo & Juliet secret lovers mission is one way to protect unions, not letting friends or families or co-workers know you are in a union with your Twin Soul. Persia, the herbivore Twin Soul and Inuzuka the carnivore Twin Soul, she does run a lot from him in the series as herbivore Twin Souls do and doesn´t even tell him she loves him until the very last episode when he showed her what lengths he was willing to go through to prove to her he would be by her side though it all, through heaven and hell until the end. That´s when she knew, if he could overcome any challenges they faced together, they could take on the world and help finally positively change it and he would never leave her for a carnivore or anyone and that he truly does love her with all his heart and soul. When I mentioned herbivore Twin Souls run and hide, that doesn´t mean they don´t defend themselves if they are caught or corned by their carnivore Twin Soul. Even herbivores have defence abilities to protect themselves and will defend, until union happens completely. Both Persia and Inuzuka are soul awake and soul geniuses, they found a way to protect their union by being secret lovers until they can be open about their union.The Herbivore & the Carnivore of Twin Souls…
“Can you hear the drumming? There´s a Twin Soul Revolution coming!” Twin Soul Eve“The time is now, the Twin Soul Rebellion is here, wake me up to become a Twin Soul Joker!” Twin Soul AdamThe Twin Soul Jokers: Zack, Ukyo and Accelerator. The Joker Twin Souls can´t be messed with by anyone, not by family, friends, harems or society and their main priority is their True Love Twin Soul! They are no longer trapped in breeding, pleasing and obeying soul hell cycles. They are finally free, free to be dark, light and grey. They are the dark angel demon vampires of Twin Souls and the Joker Twin Souls will be the ones to finally have that life time with their Twin Soul Eves! I have seen several Twin Soul stories where the Twin Soul Adam that is a dark angel demon vampire finally breaks free from those who wish to control him, use him, breed with him and he finally gets that life time with his Twin Soul True Love. The Joker Twin Souls will “kill” situations, people and places, by cutting them out of their lives if it´s negative, controlling, manipulative and destructive to their Twin Soul unions.One Twin Soul is the Herbivore and the other Twin Soul is a Carnivore, the angel and the demon vampire of Twin Souls. What I mean by that is, one Twin Soul has been reincarnated mostly as herbivore animals in past lives, while the other mostly carnivore animals. This is where the runner and chaser dynamic can happen when we are reborn as human. You know you´ve met your Twin Soul when they are the chaser and you the runner, that you have more fear than they do, that your nervous energies go into overdrive being near them and you wish to run and hide from them. The herbivore Twin Soul is Not the one to go after or chase down their Twin Soul to be with them. They wouldn´t for example, move to the country where their Twin Soul is or move close to them or work with them or be in his face and text, call and want to see and hear from him everyday when they are friends, that´s what carnivores do when they are chasing their “prey”. Herbivore Twin Souls keep their distance, so they are safe, secure and feel at ease. If they do call, text, email or write letters even, it´s not that often and can go weeks or months or even years until their Twin Soul who is their friend for the moment hears from their herbivore Twin Soul. I know this, because Cazuki & I lived it. He will always be the carnivore Twin Soul to my herbivore Twin Soul in every life, no matter if he´s my Twin Soul or T.S.T.T. I will always be the runner to his chaser. That is one of the many codes that can reveal who we are in every life so we can find each other again in the next life. How to know if you are the herbivore Twin Soul? Once you learn about veganism, what happens to the animals and their suffering, the destructive impact eating life has on the planet and on health and you want to investigate more and find out more and become right away a vegan, then you are the herbivore Twin Soul. If you hear about it or are introduced to the information about veganism, but don´t care about it, not interested and don´t do your research, then you are a carnivore Twin Soul. When two carnivores get together, hell on earth continues, Twin Soul wars continue, soul wars continue and life wars continue! In the Twin Soul story Love Stage, Ryoma is the carnivore Twin Soul and Izumi is the herbivore Twin Soul. I just loved the chase between them and Ryoma literally chased Izumi down the street in the series, hilarious! Carnivore Twin Souls are passionate in their chase, they are thirsty for their “prey” their herbivore Twin Soul that quenches their thirst and “feeds” them never ending True Love & Light that they can never get ever with another carnivore person, because a carnivore, a demon vampire and a herbivore, an angel are only soul matched to be together, the dark and the light, the balance. Two carnivores together are dark, herbivores are light. Carnivores can also go after their “prey” even if their target could be another carnivore and is in a relationship with a herbivore. Carnivores do go after other carnivores to be together and can even come between several carnivore & herbivore relationships breaking them up so they can be with their target, the carnivore. Herbivore Twin Souls do not come between couples to break them up to be with one of them, that would make them carnivores, the chasers, hunting their “prey”. Carnivore Twin Souls can be extremely scary, surprising like surprise attacks when coming for their herbivore Twin Soul, they are intense, passionate, may even be forceful in ways, but they are also loving, caring, kind and gentle. Carnivore Twin Souls are dominant, fearless, strong, powerful, confident, possessive, overprotective, jealous and they love the chase when going after their Twin Soul herbivore. Herbivore Twin Souls do not love the chase and are always on edge, wondering when that carnivore Twin Soul of theirs will pop up out of nowhere in their life and show up in their lives which will ignite the runner feelings again. It can´t be helped, past life memories, having hearts broken memories, being eaten by them memories and so on will make them feel on edge, nervous and want to run from them and hide. Even a T.S.T.T. can stir up the same extreme feelings, because it´s the same soul, it´s just not the soul you were meant to be with. An example of how a herbivore Twin Soul behaves when meeting their T.S.T.T. or Twin Soul after not seeing them for almost a year. Within 5 minutes or less when talking to their T.S.T.T. or Twin Soul, the herbivore Twin Soul will be in overdrive filled with nervous energies and want to run far and fast, which they end up doing, because they are the herbivore, not the carnivore, they don´t chase they run. As much as I don´t like to run, because I feel like I´m always running, but I do love being chased by my carnivore Twin Soul, it´s like, I like to be close to death, but not end up dead. If my Twin Soul carnivore catches me, I could end up “dead”, translation in human bodies, I could end up broken hearted and him leaving me for a carnivore person again. Cazuki & I both know now, when he becomes the Joker Twin Soul, the Joker Kirito Twin Soul, the dark angel demon vampire carnivore who does not fear the serpent order and is completely soul awake to everything in this world and completely free to be dark & light & grey and can go anywhere and not feel obligated to anyone, who can easily leave and brake free from the serpent order, the serpent family and serpent friends that came between his union with his Twin Soul or is against his union with his Twin Soul and his Twin Soul is his one and first priority, that will be the life time we can finally be together. A Joker Twin Soul who has a don´t give a crap attitude towards anyone and isen´t controlled or manipulated by anyone. He only wants The One meant for him and would never leave her for anyone. He fights and protects that which he holds dear in his heart and soul and would never sacrifice his Twin Soul for anyone. If I was to be chased by anyone, it would be Cazuki when he is the Joker Twin Soul, the demon vampire beast of Twin Souls and that will be the life time we can actually have a life time together in every life. To be chased by him when he´s like that, would be an extremely intense, exciting and passionate chase between us and that will be the chase I look forward to the most even if its terrifying, nerve wrecking and on edge, because that will be the chase we end up together for a life time. If you are not being chased by the person you were with, then were they really your Twin Soul? Could they have been your T.S.T.T. instead, your soul brother and not your soul husband? Our soul brothers and sisters are our T.S.T.T.s, they are us and we are them, but we were never meant to be with them, that´s why they are our soul brothers and sisters. I can´t deny the intoxicating energies between a carnivore and herbivore Twin Soul union, it´s magnetic, electrifying, intense, passionate, extreme, wild, free and overflowing with energies between them, it´s light and dark, it never ends, the True Love between them is forever flowing and that is why they end up connecting everyday, even several times a day. That´s a herbivore and carnivore Twin Soul relationship. Just to be clear, when I speak of carnivore and herbivore Twin Soul dynamic, I speak of their former lives as carnivore or herbivore alien animals, just because both become vegan in their human lives, doesn´t change the soul memories they have when being those animals, so they don´t lose those wild extreme energies between them even if they are now vegan. Carnivore Twin Souls when they are on a mission to “hunt” down their herbivore Twin Soul, they never give up the fight for their “prey”, they are relentless, stubborn, fiery individuals and won´t stop until they have caught their “prey” and they are in union with their herbivore Twin Soul. They are soul smart, tactful, analytical, out of box thinkers, logical and ruthless “killers” and they always get their “prey” when they never give up and they find new ways to bring their “prey” out in the open or find ways or take advantage of opportunities when the herbivore Twin Soul let´s them inside their lives, their homes and hearts. Ryoma clearly shows what a carnivore Twin Soul looks and behaves like. The carnivore Twin Soul mission is to get their herbivore Twin Soul to open up their door to them and let them inside, once inside, they are even more closer to having their “prey” all to themselves and keeping their “prey” from anyone wanting it or taking it away from them. They will “kill” anyone trying to take their herbivore Twin Soul away from them. Since the Herbivore Twin Souls run and run a lot, finding new ways to hide and new ways to avoid being caught and captured by their carnivore Twin Soul, the carnivore Twin Souls have to be soul awake, soulfully smart, tactful, logical, analytical and out of box thinkers, drawing way outside the lines to be able to catch their “prey” who are always finding new ways to run from them and hide from them. Writing this Twin Soul segment made me laugh a lot, but it really is true between Twin Souls and their dynamic between them. Love Stage is a perfect example describing that Twin Soul dynamic between a carnivore Twin Soul and a herbivore Twin Soul. A relationship between a carnivore and a herbivore Twin Soul is actually a funny one and can cause many comedic encounters between them both, bringing laughter and fun wherever they go. Of course they might not think it´s funny at the time, but looking back at it, it could be hilarious between them and if their story was told in anime, it would be like Love Stage!Busy writing, working and studying! Chapter 8 still a working progress!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKKaw9gmI6EParagraph from my Anime part 6 insights:“Only a Genius can love a woman like she!” Twin Soul Adam“Only a Genius can love a woman like me!” Twin Soul Eve“I´m not talking about being the kind of genius like in the mind, but the level of genius that is the soul, soul genius being soul awake and the hidden levels they work at to find you again, get messages to you, wake you up again and get back together with you again not being able to live without you, they know what´s going on everywhere, they can´t stop thinking about you and can never be apart from you as you feel the same with him. Both Zack and Ukyo and even Inuzuka showed signs of not being necessarily smart mentally, but they are geniuses in their souls, being soul awake and it showed if you could see and hear it. Mind intelligence can be deceiving, like you can come across someone who may not appear to be that smart for whatever reason, lack of education or other reasons, but then you see their soul intelligence, soul wisdom and soul genius shine bright and true and real. Your Twin Soul or T.S.T.T. that is a soul genius, is soul awake, is the only one who can understand you. Before and after our break up, Cazuki gave me things that showed me his Soul genius and being soul awake and his soul messages to me since being apart tells me he really is a soul genius and soul awake to what is going on everywhere. Seeing the hidden messages and decoding the insights in these anime and game stories, reveal the soul genius and being soul awake!”New title for Chapter 8: The Holy War between Angels & Demons! Story changes, so there is delay in when it´s finished.
Chapter 6 title: Blossom Tree Code! Chapter 7 title: From Academy City With Love! Chapter 8 title: Have several options, still undecided, depends on the outcome of the story. To be continued... Anime insights and Twin Soul stories chapter 6, 7 and 8 still a working progress. Highly recommend you watch the Twin Soul Amnesia story before reading the insights.3) Took 3 times before I got the soul messages and insights and understood it. 3 times a charm I guess.“You got here right on time! You are my breakthrough!”“Stuck in my ways, but you put everything in motion!”
“Matrix, Unlocking Minds”, Working on Twin Soul High School story Chapter 6, 7 and possibly 8. Also Anime Twin Soul insights part 6. Not sure when it will be ready. A Twin Soul anime story found me yesterday and this is one of those rare Twin Soul stories when it comes to extreme and intense True Love between two souls meant to be having both lived through the dark and the light. It shows the realities of the Twin Soul wars and the world against them in a different way, but showing truth when it comes to it being both light and dark. If their story doesn´t bring you to tears, then your heart and soul is closed up. The other 4 guys interested in the Heroine all had sad stories when it comes to love and life, but Ukyo´s and the Heroine is the most tragic and heartbreaking out of them all.Twin Soul story anime series Amnesia including one OVA episode.
“Matrix, Unlocking Minds”, Twin Soul High School story Chapter 5: The Dragon & The Pegacorn, Twin Soul anime story insights part 5 now available.6) “Matrix, Unlocking Minds”, Twin Soul High School story Chapter 4: The Cookie Code and Twin Soul anime stories part 4 insights is now available. Not sure when new updates will be available next time, but will upload whenever it´s time.30 October, New fan comments added to part 4 anime insights and new Twin Soul songs added in the Twin Soul song post.28-29 October, New insights added at the end in part 4 anime insights with a new Angels of death video & new fan comments.28 October, New Twin Soul songs:
27 October, New Twin Soul songs:
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Twin Soul Earth Mission in The Universe...
Japan, year 2021...
Possible future timeline...
In the heart of the city, another Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Headquarters on the 21st floor, Akira is standing in one of the labs looking at the water chamber where her other self is floating peacefully half naked, but her sacred areas are covered & she is asleep. In the chamber next to her is Cazuki´s other self floating peacefully having know idea what´s about to happen to them in this life. Takara comes up behind her & stands next to Akira looking at Akira´s other self that she & her equal Takeshi created. With their knowledge they had gained from their travels in the Universe, they created two biological alien beings that were far more advanced than their human bodies & had abilities that would protect them from anyone trying to control them ever again. These would be the first two that were completely free & would have no fear of the LITDFS anywhere in the Universe ever again. Akira & Cazuki would be forever known as Universe Beings. Their abilities included being connected to the soul collective & were able to download any abilities, skills, knowledge, truths, soul histories from their past lives & everyone else's. They could communicate with machines, robots & A.I. They could understand any alien language when connected to them. They could shield themselves from any kinds of attacks with their energy shields, light shields & power shields. They could teleport, they could heal themselves & others with any damages done to them physically, mentally, emotionally, energetically & would never age, but always remain the age of 21. Their lives would remain this way until their Earth mission was complete & all souls were awakened finally. Their gifts included telekinesis, sensitive to energies, reading energies & codes, telepathy, protection against mind controls & attacks, protection against energy & soul attacks, astral time travelling, physical time travelling between time, space & dimensions. Their powers included removing mind prisons, mind controls & programs & dark side trainings on lives. They could mind read & break down any walls from those stopping them to mind read. They could soul scan & see which souls are the same just living different lives in the same time line. They could read soul energies & know which ones were Twin Souls meant to be together, which ones were T.S.T.T.s to each other & which ones were in LITDFS situations. They could also see into the past, present & future, psychic talk/see/hear/feel/smell anyone anywhere & they could transform into any being in the Universe with abilities & gifts that came with that morphed state. 
“Did you ever think it would come to this? That Cazuki & I would have our souls transfer from these war torn bodies & minds & energies into these new bodies?” Akira said while thinking she can´t believe it´s come to this point. To save the connection & core link between them that the LITDFS have caused so much damage to for life times of going after them, this was one way to not only save them, but to help everyone without anymore delays, distractions, wars & attacks on them from LITDFS who wish to continue their games, dramas, negative rules & laws & self serving agendas. This way, Akira & Cazuki could finally complete their Twin Soul mission together. 
“We did see it as a potential future, but you know the future is not always fixed, but it´s always moving & can be changed.” Takara said.
“When Cazuki heard about all the abilities he was about to gain, the first one that I mentioned he said sign me up without hesitation or time to think about it” Akira smiled thinking back to their conversation about this new mission.
“What was the first one?” Takara asked out of curiosity. 
“Being able to transform into any being in the Universe with unique abilities in each morphed state!” Akira said & not being surprised at all. That ability gives anyone the complete freedom in the whole Universe. Freedom is something they both have not had in a very long time as is the case with so many trapped here on Earth. 
“Have you come to the realisation that this time will be the life you and Cazuki will actually come into Twin Soul Union with no one being able to tear you two apart anymore & wanting to be with you both ever again?” Takara asked.
“We´ve had many discussions about it & it´s been so long since we had a real Twin Soul union. We don´t remember what that felt like. I mean we are talking about before Earth, so that´s a long time.” Akira said while remembering her Twin Soul union in this life, but it was not like how it was supposed to be, because they came into the union with damages the LITDFS had caused them both in various ways from past lives that didn´t get healed & this life, then they would have years of their Twin Soul union & connection that was out of this world, but then attacks & wars were upon them again from the LITDFS causing more damage & derailing their Twin Soul mission again in this life & tearing them apart again. 
“Have you been briefed on the transference?” Takara asked Akira.
“I know that we will not have memories of this life, but plans are in place for us to study that life without us knowing it was our lives so we learn everything we need to know. From what I´m told it will feel cold, windy & then warm & light, but it will be like travelling at light speed, like a hyper speed jump & then connecting with the new body!” Akira said thinking this was one crazy ass mission again, but loving every moment of it. She was always the more crazy one out of the two of them, but Cazuki had his crazy moments also, but not as extreme. Akira thought, the LITDFS have gone to extreme ways to keep their dark status quo, to remain in power & control over life & Twin Souls, so it´s only natural that an equal crazy mission would combat their unbalanced way of life to cancel it out & bring balance back to the Universe. Takara looked at who was coming, she smiled & left Akira who was lost in thought. Warm arms grabbed Akira´s waist from behind & Cazuki smelled her hair that smelled like lavender & he could feel her energies combine into his & it was lighting up his whole being.
“I found you!” Cazuki said smiling & bite kissing her neck.
“You never me lost me! I´m always with you Cazuki!” Akira said feeling Cazuki´s warm touch, sexual energies, his raw animalistic magnetic nature & feeling his endless love for her that was infinite. Her whole soul, body, energies, mind & emotions lit up like the stars when they were One again. 
Back at Twin Soul Headquarters, Akira is sitting at her desk writing with her linkup machine attached to her head. Her thoughts & feelings were being written down on her computer screen in front of her without her even writing anything manually, but her Twin Soul stories she would still use old tech & write manually. She loved typing words. She had written for hours any remaining messages for all Twin Souls & it be obviously adjusted to hide the fact that it was her that wrote it so in her new body she wouldn´t know it was her.
“Earth Mission, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
Last night was full of thoughts, feelings & emotions. Full of thought attacks, dream attacks, but always very insightful. Not sure if the thoughts & feelings I had were mine or just planted & sent, I´ll have to use dreamscape to determine if it was attacks & by who, but if I was to describe how my soul pains & tortures were like, it would be to never be born again on this world. Bodies were kind of like gateways anyway for souls to enter this world. Souls are not created from our bodies, but are created in the Universe, so really, souls that are born from us, are not our children & they are not children at all, just little people with massive amount of soul history & knowledge that only needs to be awakened again, but protected to not awaken certain aspects like sexual needs & let that happen naturally when it´s supposed to like in their teens. When Sakurako told Akira she wanted her child to learn about sex as early as possible, Akira couldn´t believe what she heard & was horrified. One of the many things Akira investigated was attacks on children & she found out, searching the web, child attackers wanted that too, for children to learn about sex as early as possible & they would position themselves in places of power like governments so they can control children & exploit & corrupt minds of children to waken them up early. If you ever questioned the insanity of how various parts of society seem to be designed & created to corrupt the minds of children & turn them into little lolitas & loulitas so they are easy targets, now you know why. Violence & sexual content in games & stories that seem to have the age lowered for them to be allowed to play & watch is so dark, children do get impacted by that negatively. When Akira investigated the LITDFS around her & in society, she wondered why are they so obsessed with keeping children always in the mindset of children when they say “my children, I´m the parent, you´re the child, you will always be my child & I will always be your parent!”. Besides it being another form of control of course, but what is the deeper issues here? Souls can never awaken when they are always in the mindset of being a child & having parents who have authority, power, control over them & say “they know best because they are the parent or say they know more because they are older, when that´s really not always the case at all. It´s not about mind intelligence, but soul intelligence. A child can have more soul wisdom & be more awake in their souls than a parent, so the child will know more than the parent!”. For example, a child could challenge the parent & say “using violence to get your way & to make us obey & fear you so you have more control over us isen´t right & you need to stop it.” or saying “we should not be eating animals, they are our brothers & sisters of the Universe!” What can the LITDFS parent do when their authority is challenged? They can punish/attack the child of course in various destructive ways, like making the child feel stupid for bringing up not wanting to eat animals. Like snoke punishing Kylo for standing his ground. The dynamic between snoke & Kylo in star wars can be decoded & translated in different ways, all depends upon your own life, like the dynamic between them could be a parent & child situation or a “love” situation with a LITDFS or a sibling situation or a friendship situation or a co-worker/boss situation or a student/teacher situation and more. It can even be used for several parts of your lives with several different LITDFS in your lives. With me it was a parent/child situation, with Cazuki it was a combination of several like parents/child, “love” situation with a LITDFS, sibling situation & friendship situation and any that acted snoke like towards him before our union, during our union & after our union was torn apart, were snoke like type situations. 
When watching the city of a thousand planets, when the planet mùl was destroyed I had a reaction that can only be described as it was like seeing my own planet be destroyed & I fell apart uncontrollably so. Could it have been soul memories from a past life? I connected very well to the mùl aliens & their home world & was happy to see how they reacted towards the LITDFS that destroyed their world. They didn´t use anger, hate or destruction or be on a mad path of revenge (like the LITDFS way), but they used their soul intelligence, soul wisdom, soul enlightenment & soul awakening to concentrate on their soul missions by rebuilding their world. They even used technology they invented that disarmed the LITDFS that were again out to destroy them, but the mùl aliens never harmed them. They were right when they said to the LITDFS, “you are your own worst enemy!” The LITDFS that are on a mad path of going after the Twin Soul Adams in every life time & are trying to control life & destroy life are their own worst enemies. They are fighting with themselves, the battle between their darkened controlled & programmed minds & their souls that are trapped within that wish to be free & be awakened. 
As for why I wouldn´t want to be born again in this world? I would rather have my soul be one with a biological designed alien body (human, because humans are aliens too & from now on I´m calling any animals aliens too. There is no separation, only unity. We are all aliens, one big Universe family!) that couldn´t be controlled by the LITDFS anymore, couldn´t prevent me from finishing my soul missions & Twin Soul mission anymore, couldn´t be attacked by the LITDFS anymore who wish to corrupt, taint & darken my Sacred Devine body since I was born again, because they want to feed, they want to torture, they want to taint the Twin Soul connection again before even union happens, they want me to be a complete mess of various attacks to the mind & body & emotions & energies & the soul, for their enjoyment, their pleasures & their self serving agendas, they want to stop, slow down & prevent any positive changes that I could bring & instead they want to remain in control again over all life & Twin Souls, they want to always be in control over me & supervise me in many ways, they want to take everything from me & keep this warped, twisted world the same. LITDFS collective target Twin Souls from birth & will many times try to “write” your story & for you to choose their paths. What I would do? Get out of the “matrix” as fast as possible & be in complete control over my own life story & leave them. 
“No way....I already told him the agenda of the dark, how the twins are surrounded by antagonists from birth.....many times our close family.  The twin is our true blood line.” Twin Soul comment from the community
Strange how she would use bloodline, but it´s not about bloodline at all, but it is & always will be spiritual Sacred Devine line & if the LITDFS collective are awake always knowing who we all are since birth, all the more reason to leave them as fast as possible when able.
To be one with a body that doesn´t age, so I don´t need a new one until the Earth mission is complete. To have abilities that can protect me & others, but walls placed on my mind preventing me from wanting love & creating a family & only spending my complete time & energies helping everyone protect their True Loves, Lives & positive change. Be built to protect life, souls & Twin Souls & change the dark status quo & bring balance in all areas of life, but not be built to love or create a family. A life & body where I am free to be my true soul self (even thou that wouldn´t be the case completely since there will be walls on my mind preventing me to give love & receive love so I´m not my complete soul self) & no more mind prisons, programmings or dark side trainings imprisoning me, but I am free as much as I can be still stuck on this prison planet. I just think back to all my other lives where I was never with Cazuki for a life time, but I was programmed to be with anyone else, even if it was him being a T.S.T.T., it still wouldn´t be real or honest, but it would be programmed & the energies would not have matched up 100% & we were taken off our Twin Soul epic True Love story to start a new story that was never ours to begin with, but the LITDFS that took control over the narrative & wrote our stories for us how they wanted it to go. That´s not freedom, that´s prison and there are so many different kinds of prisons in this world. I didn´t grow up with very much human contact, only hugs from my grandmother I would accept & who I saw a few times a year & I was able to give my love & hugs to any furry aliens, no surprise, they didn´t have any agendas or wanted to hurt me in anyway. I couldn´t give love to anyone around me, because of who they were, how they were behaving & what they were doing that was negative & dark. They got my compassion, empathy & understanding, but that´s where it stopped. I grew up around many who were the same girls who attack my Twin Soul union in every life time & the soul information & soul history was passed between us all of what they have done & what they were planning to do in this life against my union with Cazuki. So obviously it´s never going to be positive between you in families if you are surrounded by the same group of girls who target your Twin Soul unions. Same information was picked up & passed again when I met Cazuki´s “family” & when I met Kaito´s girlfriend. So when Cazuki & I came into union, I was able to express the trapped love I had within me, but also the trapped True Love feelings of wanting The One that I hadn´t given to my first boyfriend before Cazuki. Only when I was soul energy matched 100% was I able to give all my love to The One I was meant to be with for a life time. I think back to my life before all the wars on life & I am so far away from who I was & what they attacked me to be, it´s so bad that I wish to be one with a lab grown alien body so they can´t control or attack me anymore & can´t taint my Sacred Devine body anymore. The reason I would want walls placed on my mind to prevent me from wanting love & creating a family, is it´s like a test, my Twin Soul who really wants to be with me will be able to break it down, if he can break down those walls & only the One Twin Soul that I´m meant to be with that would fight for me as I would fight for him would succeed. Then I would know, that my Twin Soul is awake in his soul & his soul is free not being controlled or programmed anymore by the LITDFS around him or anywhere. Obviously for Cazuki´s other selves to still be trapped by LITDFS around him, there would be extraction missions still to try & save his other selves & my other selves, because I wouldn´t let him & me be trapped in various hells by anyone. I would still be able to give love to any aliens, domestic, wild or sanctuary ones, but giving my love would stop there. When Cazuki & I enter these new bodies, we will have no memories of our past lives & nightmares & soul torments, even thou our souls will remember, but our new minds will not, but we will download past life missions to study, learn & understand, but not know that it was ours. This new mission will also help with saving our core & connection link between us when Cazuki fights for me as I would fight for him. Even thou we will be 21 years of age when we awaken in our new bodies, our minds will able to download all knowledge, skills and any careers we wish to learn right away when being linked up to the soul collective which can be compared to the web. Cazuki will have no mind prisons on him, so he will wish for love & want to create a family, but it won´t be his priority, his soul missions & Twin Soul mission is his priority, but he will want love & eventually a family. What kind of love he will want will be up to him & how he finds out will be when Cazuki & I join the Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy to become RebelAgents. Even thou we could just download the skills & knowledge, that was one we were advised not to do, because of our soul missions & Twin Soul mission. Cazuki & I will not remember each other, so we would be meeting one another for the “first” time at the Academy where awakened Twin Souls & LITDFS that left the LITDFS collective would be joining with us in class, activities & trainings. Since the LITDFS that would join the Twin Soul Academy would still be caught between two worlds, their old dark & unbalanced way of life & the new grey balanced way of life, they would be tested in may ways to be free from all their dark side trainings, programmings & mind prisons to set their souls free. Life is always giving everyone tests & the tests the Universe provides is the same, but in different ways, what roads & paths do you take? Awaken your souls, soul intelligence, soul wisdom & soul enlightenment? Free your souls? Or stay asleep & take the same roads & paths that lead to darkness, unbalance & various hells & prisons on Earth? Will you fight for what is right in this world? Will you fight for your True Love Twin Soul meant for you? Will you fight for your freedoms? Will you fight for positive change & nothing stays the same? Will you fight to have real free will & choice? Will you fight for your souls missions & Twin Soul mission? Will you fight to protect all life & all souls & the planet? The LITDFS that would join the Academy could still behave the same way they did before joining & both Cazuki & I would be tested also. Would he fall for it, fall for another LITDFS, be with anyone or the many? Or would he want The One True Love & no one else? There were obviously safety walls in place to prevent him from crossing timelines & Universe lines, meaning not actually being physical with them, but enough freedom for him to see what road he would take in another life being surrounded by me his Twin Soul Akira. Both Cazuki & I came up with this mission plan design together before we were to enter these new bodies, so it wasen´t like it went against our free will, when we already had free will before waking up in these new bodies. Without us even knowing, both Cazuki & I would be investigating each other when being in the same class, like how I would react when guys came up to me or how Cazuki would react when girls came up to him. With me, there would be no problems, because I would not be interested in anyone, not even my Twin Soul, but I would feel it in my soul the extreme magnetic energies, the intensity, the passion & chemistry and more with him, but my logical mind would try to explain it away with I need more proof, since my new body would read the soul history of other Twin Soul couples being torn apart a million & billion times before. Something extreme would have to shock me awake to open my eyes & mind to see he really is The One for me & he really is in it for a life time with me & the walls on me would come crashing down.”
Akira was interrupted by Cazuki who came up behind her & kissed her neck & she smiled. He smelled her hair that smelled like bamboo with wild flowers. That would be a thing of theirs, if she was gone for hours or he was gone for hours, they would go find each other, missing one another as always. They would also remind each other to take breaks, because both could get lost in overworking & not be able to brake out of it. 
“Ready for a break? I have a surprise for you!” Cazuki said wanting to express how much she means to him as much as possible before their new mission together. She got up & kissed him passionately in loving embrace. 
“I have a surprise for you too Cazuki!” She said & couldn´t stop smiling.
To be continued...
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alunasky-blog · 6 years
Twin Souls, also known Twin Flames...
12 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
“When you meet your twin flame, you know it. The universe opens up and things start to conspire in your favor. You get to witness the intense acceptance of who you are through the images of another. Twin Flames do not have to be identical in every aspect. They get to fulfill each other in the areas that have been asleep. This person “sees” your essence. A Twin Flame relationship is defined by true acknowledgment of heart and soul.”
Twin Souls can be anyone, whatever energies you connect to the most, Devine Feminine or Devine Masculine energies is who you are & the opposite energies from you will be your Twin Soul. To not overcomplicate things, I just refer to DMs & DFs as him & her in my writings, but just switch out the words to be what you connect with the most. The Twin Soul Adams are the ones being targeted the most, so that´s why I refer to him the most, but Twin Soul Eves are also targeted in the Twin Souls wars, but again, just switch out the words that are relating to your situation.
The Twin Soul Community, The Good, The Bad & The Grey...
“1. THE MYTH OF “THE ONE” BECOMES REAL. We have been ingrained from childhood that there is one person out there that will find us and make us happy. But, you have endured chaotic, unreliable, and challenging loves in your life. You believe that the stories you’ve heard are fictional and disappointing. The moment you meet your Twin Flame, that entire mentality and belief system disappears. You begin to understand and accept that “The One” has been searching for you as intensely as you have them. You cannot believe that this is real. But, you give in to the possibility. And if you do, this person helps you regain a love for life that you believed could never exist.”
If this was a free world, balanced world, no wars on the planet, no wars on the  environment, no wars on any animals, no wars on children, no wars on any life, no wars on the souls & no wars on True Loves Twin Souls, then it would be a Twin Soul Union of no troubles, challenges, problems, obstacles & difficulties. There would be no negative baggages & damages we bring with us in every relationship in every life time, but our Unions would be peaceful, loving & free from any darkness & negative energies on us. However, there will be those in the community that say, if you encountered any problems in your relationship, then it wasen´t a Twin Soul. LITDFS can write about Twin Souls too even thou they have never been with their own Twin Soul since they always go after someone else's. How it works is, when a LITDFS get together with an Adam not meant for her, the Twin Soul wars that was on his Union with his Eve is longer since he is no longer together with her. Now that he has various forms of programmings, dark side trainings & he´s fallen to the negative energies shaping him & changing him to be like them, of course it will seem “happy” & easy being with a LITDFS, but in his soul what you see is like what you see in star wars with Kylo, that is the soul tortures & pains of being controlled to be with anyone & the many & not be with his Twin Soul anymore. I would know, I´ve felt Cazuki´s soul pains & soul tortures & soul screams via telepathy since he got together with her. Our Union was heaven between us for years & we were able to protect it as long as possible before their wars started again on us. In our first year, no arguments, but it was easy. After that, even our arguments didn´t last long, only hours & we didn´t even argue that much at all, but we discussed it like adults, debated, challenged each other intelligently & passionately. Since I´ve always believed in The One & that everyone has a One for them, it wasen´t a surprise when Cazuki & I finally got together, it was like “what took us so long” kind of thing between us. Cazuki & I both felt like we had been searching for each other & when our union happened, his words to me were, I make him feel complete, whole & I am his one half of perfection, his equal soul.
“YOU RECOGNIZE THE REASON FOR THEIR EXISTENCE. When you start to accept that this person has undergone similar experiences, it becomes clear that you had to reach this point in your life to accept this kind of relationship. Twin flames enter our lives at the precise moment that we require to learn something incredible about ourselves. Many times, a twin flame comes into your life when you are in another committed relationship. You may be married, engaged, or dealing with the loss of your mate. This person shows up with incredible wisdom that you need to hear in order to move on. And, it is then that you also realize that if this person had come into your life earlier, you would have taken the experience for granted.”
Again, this whole “learning” lessons in relationships is not something I believe in, but I know it´s defiantly an agenda the LITDFS are pushing for people to believe. They want you to be with anyone & the many, how else are they to be with you if you only want your Twin Soul? The idea of “learning” lessons in being with others is kind of disturbing & can be compared to someone wanting to be a pilot, so they get together with a pilot in a relationship to learn from him at home & now they think they can fly a passenger plane, but all they end up doing is crash & burn & taking down with them all the passengers that trusted them with their lives! I can say this, because of all the darker vs darker relationships that are not Twin Souls & are keeping the unbalance everywhere & the world the way it is. If we think of the world as a spaceship, but the “pilots” are not Twin Souls, they are not the perfect balance between light & dark, yin & yang, chaos & order, rule breaker & rule follower, but the “pilots” are not soul matched to be together at all & what has the world turned into & what is the state of the world right now? If we had actual Twin Soul pilots flying the Earth spaceship, you would see something never seen before. You would see True Love, balance, freedom, safety, security, honesty, equality, peace, unity, compassion, understanding, empathy, strength, rebelliousness, bravery, inspirational, powerful, positively electric, change makers, star chasers and more. With anything we learn everything we need to know in what we read, see & hear from others who have been in relationships, who are/have been in Twin Soul relationships, who are/have been in LITDFS relationships & who are/have been in T.S.T.Ts relationships. What we see around us in our lives & what we see in the world with others. We have lived millions of life times, especially if it´s confirmed about T.S.T.T.s. So how many times are we to “learn” the same lessons? It´s all control, all designed for us to always stay asleep & under control, so that the LITDFS can continue to keep their “westworld” & playground alive. I see it more like awakening than “learning lessons”, because our souls already know the knowledge & the truths, all we have to do is awaken that knowledge within us & one way for that to happen, a fast way is to be with your Twin Soul. Other ways are Hermit Soul Missions, you stay single, you send out messages to the Universe you only want your Twin Soul & then while being on your own soul missions, you awaken your soul again in your mind on your own adventures with whomever you speak to, what information you find that helps you to remember what your soul already knows. It´s not about learning lessons, it´s about awakening what you already know inside of you, but you have to break the walls, prisons & programmings down to break free your soul & shine bright like the stars. 
Taking a Twin Soul for granted happens for many reasons, the negative baggage a Twin Soul brings that doesn´t get healed, what star sign they are in that they let themselves be controlled by with the negative aspects of the sign, attacks & programmings from the LITDFS around that Twin Soul impacting him his mind & his choices, wars on the Twin Soul Union will also impact him & his behaviours taking a Twin Soul for granted & LITDFS who are targeting him, showing him interest & sending their sexual energies on to him could lead to him taking his Twin Soul for granted, mind attacks & programmings like dark magic can lead to a Twin Soul taking his Twin Soul for granted. 
Whenever I read anything in Twin Soul community, I can see which ones are designed specifically for Twin Souls to end up with a LITDFS & not be with their Twin Soul meant for them. If you read anything that suggests you need to be with certain people in your life before you meet your Twin Soul would be misguided information. Cazuki & I were only with one other person before our union & from that alone, we both didn´t feel the need to be with them at all, because we were not meant to. If Cazuki ever felt like he wished he would have been with more before getting together with me, then that would be his programmed mind telling him to be with anyone & the many when he never felt like that before when being with me. Back then that would be his true soul singing his True Love for me, but the wars on us from those around us sending their negative thoughts & energies to him saying he should be with anyone & the many would change how he feels if he thinks it´s his own thoughts. If said enough times, a person may end up believing it. Our souls don't want to be with anyone & the many, our souls only ever want to be with The One! What´s more important, the mind that can be easily programmed & controlled when they don´t know about it or don´t believe or does the soul matter more & what the soul wants?
13 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
“3. YOU FALL IN LOVE. There is a difference between loving someone and truly falling in love with them. We love our parents, our friends, family members, and other past lovers. When you meet your Twin Flame, those forms of love cannot measure up to the intensity and passion of your other half. You do not have to force the love, or try to make sense of it. For the first time, your heart knows something that your mind cannot analytically put together. Falling in love is the easiest thing in the world. It becomes the most natural substance of the union. Twin Flames aren’t blinded by reality, because they are their own world. Illusions fall short of this fire. This is the phase of pure ecstasy because you allow the heart to do what it is there to do: love unconditionally.”
Since I agree with the is, I will leave it at that!
“4. YOU BEGIN TO SEE ALL ASPECTS OF YOURSELF. Every relationship teaches something valuable about the self. Once the initial passion starts to stabilize and daily routine takes over, you begin to witness the many aspects of yourself. Twin flames not only have the same magical and wonderful dispositions, but they also mirror the dark parts of our souls. It’s in this space that we must learn to heal, forgive and partake in accepting all aspects of the self. It is always easy to live in the light of all goodness, but we are made in duality: dark vs. light, good vs. bad, and so on. These are the moments that we must be mature to understand that there is always soul work to be done in this human experience. This person will heighten all facets of ourselves.”
Since my awakening, maybe my first time since Atlantis, which means I have been imprisoned for the longest time as has so many others, so the whole idea of it being magical & wonderful being with anyone & the many is no longer true & never was true, that´s one of the agendas the LITDFS collective are pushing on everyone. Look at the world & the various hells on Earth! You think that would happen if we only had Twin Soul unions & not any LITDFS situations? They can push their negative & destructive unbalanced ways in your families, friends, co-workers, in society, anyone really, even in the Twin Soul community. Their whole objective is to keep Twin Souls apart, keep Twin Souls not Sacred, Devine, not positive & they do that by always surrounding the Twin Souls with their negative energies. How? By single attacks & group attacks by the LITDFS collective against both Twin Souls. Divide & conquer is their game, then when they succeed, the next phase that they always do is various ways to chain the Twin Soul Adams or Eves or both as long as possible to them with marriage & kids with a LITDFS. This way it continues to taint the Twin Soul connection with their negative energies, because that is really dark, controlling & programming the minds of the Twin Souls Adams/Eves against their free will & then have him/her breed & please as many LITDFS as possible. That´s another way they taint the Sacred, Devine connection between Twin Souls, is if they keep him/her distracted with earthly pleasures & desires with money, sex & other superficial & shallow pursuits with the many or one of the family souls (LITDFS) & just keep him/her distracted on negative energies & the LITDFS self serving agendas for them in this life. The more LITDFS he/she is with, the more negative energies, codes & soul pains & soul tortures he/she accumulates. Another way they can always keep their negative energies on Twin Souls? When a LITDFS successfully has kids with an Adam as fast as possible not meant for her, those kids have now also negative energies which would happen, because his soul was in pain & in torture being with a LITDFS against his free will & against his very soul. Technically so would her soul too, be in pain & tortures being with her brother of the Universe & not being with her own Twin Soul meant for her, even thou her lost in the dark mind is enjoying every minute of it being with him & torturing his Eve. It may appear all “happy” on the outside in public & at home, but their souls would scream. 
Twin Souls are able to share thoughts & emotions between them even from great distances, no matter where they are in the world, you will feel & know what your Twin Soul is feeling & thinking at times when you are not even thinking about them, but then suddenly you just burst out into tears or suddenly you feel overwhelmed with sadness & despair & pains & you have no idea why or where that came from if you are new to the Twin Soul connection. This is actually shown in the Japanese anime “Your Name!”. Spoiler alert: That would be a power I would wish for every Twin Soul couple, to be able to switch bodies with your Twin Soul so you can take the lead & do what is necessary to protect your Twin Soul union & each other. Like if I switched bodies with Cazuki, of course I´d be horrified being in a guys body, because I am & always be a Devine Feminine, woman all the way in every life, but Twin Soul wars are upon us, so I would go to extreme lengths to save him & protect us & the future & our Twin Soul mission. Being in Cazuki´s body I would tell Junko everything I know about her, who she is & the s.n.o.k.e. attacks she´s done to Cazuki. I would tell her to get out of our life & never see us again. Then I´d communicate with Cazuki & both decide if he agrees to find a new job in Australia or China or Japan & move far away from them all & stop all contact, but make new contact with Cazuki who is in my body & plan our Twin Soul future & finally complete our Twin Soul mission bringing massive positive change. Those thoughts & feelings you are getting is from your Twin Soul if it´s out of nowhere & you have no idea why it happened. One Twin Soul Eve said in the community this happened to her when her Adam was about to marry the LITDFS he was with. I have lost count on how many times I have felt Cazuki feeling like the only freedom he will ever get is if his life ends. That came out of nowhere one day in my mind & I broke down emotionally feeling everything from him. That is not how life is supposed to be, where our minds are being controlled & programmed in various ways & making “choices” out of fears, traditions, obligations, religious reasons & programmings to please the LITDFS collective, & our souls don´t matter all to these lost in the dark souls who go after Twin Souls. Their actions & lives are being portrayed in star wars as the empire & first order. If there was ever a question on why the empire & first order have so many on their side compared to the rebels, to translate that in our world, is the fact that the LITDFS are going after the Twin Soul Adams in every life time to breed with him as fast as possible, so there is more of them than actual Twin Soul unions & the Twin Soul unions are like the Padmes & Anakins, the Leias & Hans & the Reys & Kylos/Bens. Even last night I got thoughts & feelings from Cazuki which was extreme, out of nowhere & again I fell apart. The feelings I got from him was the only way they wouldn´t be able to touch him anymore, use & abuse him anymore & pass him around between them anymore was if he was one with the machine & was in complete control over his whole being. That´s how extreme it is & feels when you don´t have free will & your soul does not want them at all. It would be naive to think Kylo didn´t think about ending his life several times when he was with snoke. That´s another clear sign Cazuki is with a LITDFS, is when his soul feels like the only freedom he will have is when his life ends. What sort of warped twisted world do we live in where souls don´t matter at all, but it´s all about pleasing the lost in the dark minds & bodies? When I was looking for help from shamans, I came across one that said she wouldn´t help (she´s a LITDFS), because he needs to help himself she said. I said why is it only acceptable to help people & save people if their physical lives were in danger, like trapped in a burning building, but when it comes to the soul, we are to do nothing, but stand by & watch the horrors & feel the pains & not help or save? Thats exactly like seeing souls trapped in building that´s on fire & we are to stand on the streets, look in horror & pray, send wishes for them to save themselves. The Twin Soul Adams souls are all trapped in buildings that are on fire & I for one am not going to stand by & do nothing. That is why the Twin Soul Rebellion is alive! I will always send myself to the depths of hell to save Cazuki every time like Rey sent herself to Kylo/Ben to save him. Which she did, but his mind has still been impacted by the dark for so long, so is there any wonder he would feel that way about letting all things die when he finally has control over his life for the first time in a long time. I have complete understanding for him, at the same time I don´t agree with him. What we are all dealing with are lost in the dark minds & their souls & hearts are not awake, but if it was, then they would not behave the way they are behaving towards all life, planet & Twin Souls. If Twin Souls don´t shine light on them to wake them up, then who will & when?
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
New Zealand...
Akira sleeping in her bed & suddenly she feels warm hands on her which shocks her awake & she jumps out of bed. She sees Junko & Akira looks down & sees who´s body she is in. She´s shocked, surprised, confused, feeling like this is all insane & what sort of Universe would allow this to happen, but then she thinks to herself this is it, this could be a way out of their madness & darkness. If she is in Cazuki´s body, then he is in hers. She grabs Cazuki´s phone & doesn´t say anything to Junko & doesn´t even allow her time to speak, but leaves the house in Cazuki´s sleeping shorts & is now outside with people looking at her funny, but she doesn´t care. She leaves & starts walking away from the house trying to remember her own phone number. She never seems to call herself so how could she remember. So she googled herself & found the number. Akira didn´t waste any time & knew exactly what to do & even came up with a plan within seconds of realising what had happened to them both. It didn´t ring for long until Cazuki picked up her phone and answered & knew it was Akira.
“Akira what is going on? What has happened to us? How did I get into your body & how do we switch back?” Cazuki asked feeling completely shocked, nervous, fearful, but at the same loving the fact he was in Akira´s body. He was now touching her breasts & being curious of her other sacred areas while talking on the phone to her. Since Cazuki was in Akira´s body, he could access her mind & would then see what she sees & what has happened between them. 
“Do you now see what I see?” Akira asked wondering if his mind is no longer lost.
“See what? Akira I´m being serious, how do we...” Before Cazuki could finish his lost in the mind sentence, through his eyes, he´s transported to all her memories of what has happened to her, her whole life since she was born up to now & Cazuki was overcome with extreme emotions, feelings, thoughts, regret, guilt, shame, sadness, anger, pains & his soul & heart awakened & broke free from his lost in the dark mind that the LITDFS had messed with on & off for 7 years when they were together, then over 2 more years being apart from each other. Tears streamed down his face & his soul was now free to be in control over his life for the first time in a long time. 
“Akira! How do you...” Cazuki asked but Akira knew what he was about to say.
“I was thinking about this one day, that what if Twin Souls had the power to be in each others bodies. This could be one of their defence shields from the LITDFS in their lives. I believe it is possible somehow, I just didn´t know how it would happen. Anything is possibly Cazuki. There is no limit to the imagination. This way, Twin Souls could switch between their strengths & make choices that the other was unable to at that time for whatever reason, like reasons being programmings & negative energies being influenced in anyway the minds & bodies from LITDFS in their lives. How it happened I have no idea still, but this could help us break free from them & if we find out how we were able to do this, we could teach others, but I am concerned with how do we switch back?” Akira said feeling worried now that what if she was stuck in this body, she´d have to be celibate for her entire life, because she is a woman & she will always be woman in her soul, her heart, her life & her everything. 
“I know I should be more concerned with that too, but right now, being free to be me again, I wake up & you are not here & all I want to do is be with you Akira! My soul screamed your name & my heart was always yours, I hope you know that!” Cazuki said while giving attention to both Zax & Aemi who could sense it was him. 
“I know, I could hear & feel you, your pains, your tortures & it broke me apart not being able to break you free faster. Cazuki, she not only tortured you, but me too!” Akira said feeling worn down by all their wars on them for life times.
“So what´s the plan?” Cazuki asked, but feeling like she already had a plan ready.
“Well I have several options, I could drive to you with Junko & then break up with her with you watching & if you wanted to say something you could or I break up with Junko myself right now & tell her what she needs to hear, the truth or you come here & I break up with her then with you watching & you could say something if you wished, but do you agree we should not have them in our life anymore?” Akira asked him hoping he will this time break completely free from them, anyone who went to war on their union & then surround themselves only with people who are for Twin Soul unions.   
“Knowing everything & seeing everything, there is no doubt in my mind. They have crossed way too many lines & they need to understand, I only want you. I only ever wanted you. If they can´t accept that & keep going after me in every life time, then I don´t want them in my life.” Cazuki said feeling so much freedom right now & wanting to just move away with Akira, far away & continue their Twin Soul mission of wanting to rebuild Atlantis, but better & more updated than before. Knowing what Cazuki was thinking she had a few options in mind of where they could go.
“How about China, Japan or Australia?” Akira asked. Australia was actually something they thought about when they lived in Japan. They wanted to move to Australia & was one of their dreams. 
“Do I have to decide right now?” He said while his hand was on her breast again squeezing it.  
“Cazuki, are you touching my breast?” Akira could feel Cazuki´s nipple area being sensitive & could feel the energies of it like being touched or something. 
“Maybe!” He said with his cheeky smile.
“Have I told you I loved you today?” Cazuki asked being himself again. That was something he used to ask Akira when they were together. He always wanted to tell her how much he loved her & if forgot to tell her, he would ask her  in his most loving way.
“I know you love me Cazuki. Your heart & soul always reminded me & you even got help with the Universe to send messages to me! You know I love you equally as much!” Akira said thinking back to the times he would ask her that.
“I Love you Akira, more than the words alone can ever express!” Cazuki said feeling like he wants to hold her & never let go.
“How much do you love me?” She said & remembered that would be a thing she would do sometimes if he told her he loved her & he would always say the same answer.
“This much!” He said while gesturing with his hands far apart from each other like half a meter between the hands.
“But the Universe is only this big!” Then he would gesture his two fingers making a a small dot. So basically saying his love for her was beyond the Universe, beyond it all as her love was equally as much for him as it was for her.
To be continued...
I have already mentioned what I think about this whole “learning lessons” by being with anyone & the many to know about yourself. The LITDFS can´t be with Twin Souls if Twin Souls only want each other, so you will find many reasons I´m sure why they will say it´s good to be with anyone & the many. They could say, DM has to “learn his lessons” by being with a LITDFS. They could say he has karma to repay & has to be with the LITDFS. They could say DM has to heal when being with a LITDFS. Listen to your intuition, your soul & your heart, what does that tell you? Do you want Soul True Love or programmed “love”? How does it feel with your energies when reading or hearing from those that think like that? Is it positive? Negative energies? The more you raise your vibrations to be positive, the more sensitive to energies you become. Like stepping away from negative people in your life, becoming vegan, taking in only organic foods/beverages into your Sacred & Devine bodies. Detoxing, juicing & cleansing helps raise your vibrations to a higher frequency. This happened to Cazuki & he was able to see those around him that were now negative, when he couldn´t see before. That was also another reason they wanted us apart, they needed him back down to their negative energies so he wouldn´t see them differently anymore, which is what happened when he accepted their negative energies & acted like them when we broke up. The LITDFS will say all kinds of things to get you to continue to live the same lives, going down the same roads of never awakening in your hearts & souls. Never being with your Twin Soul & never completing your Twin Soul mission. How to know yourself really? Soul Hermit Mission can help you find your self! Being with your Twin Soul can help you find yourself! The Soul Hermit Mission can be compared to Obi Wan Kenobi being on his own & Rey being on her own. Being on your own (technically you are never alone, but when you are not around negative & controlling people in your life, you will find yourself & be free.) allows you to deprogram yourself from all the negative crap you accumulated in your childhood that was negative, growing up, in school, among family & friends, from society and anywhere else & from anyone else that negatively influenced you adding more layers & levels & baggage onto you. You are essentially freeing yourself from the negative programs & controls by anyone & everyone that wants to control your life, your path & who you are to be with in their eyes. Being alone you start to self reflect, go inwards, connect with your soul wisdom, the planet & the Universe & the soul collective, peeling back the layers & levels & analysing & investigating your memories of the past & who was a good influence on you & who were bad influences on you. You start to find yourself, your true self to your soul core. Meditation (Jedai ways), yoga, tai chi or whatever other alternative body training & healing methods you choose helps free you. You may even get visions of the past, present or future when doing this, but also you may get telepathy talks with your Twin Soul & spiritual visits from your Twin Soul doing this. All this is the kind of thing that would be included in the Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy. Freeing yourself, deprogramming, breaking down walls, mind prisons to let your souls shine through. Soul Hermit Mission work to further free you & wake you up should be included. What “lessons” are Twin Soul Adams meant to learn being with LITDFS exactly? That he should obey, stay & please all the LITDFS in his life again? That is soul does not matter at all, but he should only care about his lost in the dark mind & body? That he should accept that he has no free will, but he is to be controlled by the LITDFS in every life? That his soul pains & soul tortures are irrelevant, because it´s all about the LITDFS right & their needs & their wants & their self serving agendas? That it doesn´t matter that his soul wants his Twin Soul True Love & not them, but he is to obey his lost in the dark controlled mind & that´s what matters the most? Obviously there are no “lessons” to learn from being with a LITDFS. Same can be said with karma or what I call controlled karma, because again what Universe do people think we live in, hell? An eye for eye, the whole world goes blind. Karma isen´t about having the same tortures & pains you caused on someone else, because now technically they would have the same karma again doing that to you, because you did that to them. It´s like, say Cazuki was with a LITDFS in a previous life which in his others lives he is trapped with them, but he found a way to break free from them & now they are angry, bitter, sad, lonely, vengeful & continued being filled with negative energies. So what´s the karma here? Because he treated her badly in that situation that was against his free will & choice to begin with & his soul was in pain & tortures so he acted out in any ways like cheating on her or drinking too much, eating too much, sleeping to much or not enough, staying away from her, doing drugs, becoming violent or whatever else his pains are expressing in a destructive way which would be completely understandable, then he finally gets freedom from her, only then to be put back into circulation to be with her again, because he didn´t get it right, he didn´t stay with her for a life time? That´s insane & not how the Universe is at all, but it is how the LITDFS view it. The definition of insanity is doing the same things over & over again & expecting different results. How many times & how many different ways have they tried to get life times with him? What tools & tactics did they use to suppress his soul pains & soul tortures so he would give them the “happy” life for a life time? More investigation needed to uncover it all! The soul wants what the soul wants, you can´t change that, the LITDFS have their own Twin Soul meant for them, yet they are obsessed with being with anybody else´s Twin Soul. It´s perverse, maddening & is there any wonders minds break apart & souls express their pains in various destructive & unbalanced ways. There is no healing being with a LITDFS, only more soul pains & soul tortures & more layers & levels being added that will need healing from his Twin Soul. 
When you are with your Twin Soul, they will mirror back to you what they need healing with & will show you the dark, their negative baggages damages they brought with them into the union. Technically everyone is damaged in their own ways, I mean the LITDFS that keep going after the Adams not meant for them are seriously damaged & need healing, otherwise they just repeat, repeat & repeat their negative ways in every life & even in the same life by breaking up more Twin Soul unions. When you know you are in a Twin Soul union, you will want to heal the damages done to you both by the LITDFS in your lives & past lives. You heal it with your unconditional True Love & your patience, understanding, compassion, empathy & problem solving abilities. Both Cazuki & I did this, I smoked before he & I got together & he would lovingly remind me of the health reasons to quit, he didn´t want to lose me. A few years later I quit the same day I found out that smoking can cause cancer to those around me & I wanted to protect him. So I stopped for him, not for me. I was self destructive with that poison which I only started smoking when I asked my “mother” to stop smoking inside, but she didn´t care, she said she will do what she wants which is a typical LITDFS attitude to have. So I started smoking when she didn´t care, so I stopped caring about myself which doesn´t make any sense & I don´t even understand that logic of my choice, if it was my choice. With Cazuki, his issues were about not loving himself, especially with how he looked which would be a negative baggage damage he would have gotten by being with LITDFS or surrounded by LITDFS in his life. LITDFS are superficial & shallow, so whatever thoughts, energies they sent to him & verbal communications they had with him & soul to soul communication saying to him they don´t like how he looks, would impact him. Which lead to his other damage done to him by them & whatever negative programmings he himself accepted in his life, like being shallow & superficial & not loving my body shape. He did in the beginning & loved my whole body, but then along the way that changed or the damage was brought to the surface that needed to be healed & he would mirror back to me what he needed healing with. I would lovingly say he´s beautiful & sexy & I meant every word of it. 
“If you love me, you love all of me, even my broken parts, even my damages that show my soul pains & soul tortures!” Twin Soul
As long as we keep being torn apart from our Twin Souls, there will always be damages done to us by the LITDFS in our lives that never get healing, but get added more & the soul mission work gets added more, because the soul pains & soul tortures continues when being with more LITDFS. 
Cazuki & I were only with one other person before our union & even that showed us we didn´t need to be with them at all. Both he & I found out we were not energy or soul matched to be with them & there were no “lessons” to learn from them, only unnecessary heartbreak. I wasen´t even meant to be with Riku when I was 16 years old. I met him at a party in a different town, but he went to college in my town & my friend controlled the situation & arranged for us to meet again. Then we got together. We fell in love, but when I remember back to that feeling & what I had with Cazuki, I did notice the massive difference. The love feeling for Riku was not at all the same intense, extreme, crazy passionate & electric, magnetic powerful positive energies that I had with Cazuki that made you want to be with him for a life time & have many children, but it was positive between Riku & I, especially since he was my T.S.T.T., but we were still not energy & soul matched at all. Since so many are reset to remember nothing when we are in new lives, being with Riku had to obviously happen so I would be awakened again to why we should only be with The One & not the many. With Riku I was just being in the moment, but I was not thinking we would end at all, I was not thinking about that at all, but when I felt like we didn´t match up completely with our energies & souls, I wanted to break up after 3 months, but his heart was torn apart & went so extreme he wanted to end his life, so I stayed until I could leave again, but I stayed because I didn´t want anything bad to happen to him, I loved him, I cared for him & he also woke me up even more to why we are only meant to be with The One meant for us. Love has to mean something & it should mean for a life time. Love isen´t about breaking hearts & finding a new one to be with. Love isn´t about what experiences you can have with anyone or the many. Love isen´t about “learning lessons”. Love isn't about finding yourself. Love isn't about finding a new one if the person you are with is too damaged. Love isen´t about leaving if it gets too hard & challenging. Love isen´t about filling a hole that´s missing so you are with anyone & the many. Love isen´t about using someone to enhance your goals. Love isen´t about being with someone who is with someone else, but you want him & are jealous. Love isen´t about feeling lonely & you want love to fill the void so you are with anyone & the many. Love isen´t about control or pleasing your endless wants & needs & self serving ways. Love isen´t about what your lost in the dark mind wants. Love isen´t about revenge & punishing someone for leaving you so you make him be with you again in a new life to get even or to get what you wanted from him in the first place. Love isen´t about being greedy & wanting him to marry you & breed with you in all life times & several times if you have been married & had kids before going after him again, even thou you are not meant to be with him at all. When Love stops being treated like humanoid pleasure/breeding machines & starts being treated like royalty, like Soul True Love royalty & not programmed “love”, then more Twin Soul unions would happen. 
If Riku was a LITDFS, he would find ways to keep me chained to him as long as possible. He would also find negative ways to keep me imprisoned, but he didn´t, he let me be free. I stayed single for 4 years after we ended. The last year before I met Cazuki again after not seeing him since we were kids, I sent out messages to the Universe of only wanting The One for a life time, no one else, just The One meant for me & a year later it came true for both of us, because Cazuki felt the same. You know you are with your Twin Soul, when you stay single no matter how long it takes & send out messages with your thoughts, dreams, wishes & hopes of only wanting The One for you & you both are energy & soul matched to be together 100%. We actually mirrored each other, Cazuki met a girl at a party which his friend helped him too. His immature friend pulled down Cazuki´s pants revealing everything to the girl, but Cazuki was drunk & not awake to his surroundings so thought nothing of it. Then not long after he got together with her, but when he broke up with her, he stayed single for a year & a half before getting together with me. If my other selves read this for example & they have not been with anyone yet, then if they are smart & learn fast from others (you learn fast when you read, see & hear from others & stories & your own observations with couples around you), then they would stay single until they meet The One for them, the other half of their soul, their Twin Soul. Once you decide you only want the One for you, your epic adventure story becomes an epic True Love story & you “write” your story in your thoughts, your dreams, your wishes & hopes until you meet The One. If you are a writer & songwriter, then you actually write stories of wanting only The One meant for you & sending that powerful positive message into the Universe. One of my favourite Twin Soul stories is Romancing The Stone! Don´t let LITDFS around you try to control your story & “write” your story by having you meet someone they want you to be with, but stay in control over your own life & keep sending out messages of being with The One for you. Since Cazuki & I were only with one other before coming into union together, we got to see the massive powerful positive energies between us without any negative energies/codes from being with many LITDFS. Cazuki even said to me in our first month together, our children would come from our pure True Love between us & the only one he would have ever children with was with me. In his soul he knew of who were are to each other & I knew too. The less you are with, the more powerful positive energies you will have between you both. So my advice to my other selves reading this and anyone really, be single, stay positively pure, learn self defence, because there will be those lost in the dark that could take it from you to taint you before Twin Soul union happens. Protect your eggs at all cost, even when you are in union, until you are 100% sure that your Twin Soul is in it for a life time & will fight for you, defend you, protect you & save you as you always do for him, protect yourself & tap into your Rey energies. Several in the reylo community actually noticed how in the force awakens, bb8 is kind of symbolising Rey´s egg & she is protecting it from anyone & everyone. Then here comes Kylo to Jakku with his stormtroopers (negative sperm) & is looking for bb8 (egg). Twin Soul Devine Feminines protect their eggs until they know their Devine Masculines are really coming into their Devine Masculine energies. Until then, there will always be a push a pull between them, because one or both are either still surrounded by negative energies from LITDFS in their lives topping them up with more negative energies or/& have negative energies on them from LITDFS in their lives. With me I was fiercely protective over my eggs being with Cazuki which would happen when we didn´t get to heal finish the damages done to us, then wars are on us again adding more damages to us. I believe it´s the souls that are protecting our Sacred unions by not having children with our Twin Soul until certain things happen like our Twin Souls coming into their Twin Soul Devine Masculine, King & Husband energies. Maybe it´s just me & me being extremely sensitive to energies, but I know it wouldn´t be Sacred between Twin Souls if negative energies are on them & surrounding them by LITDFS in their lives topping them up in one way or another like dark magic, sending negative thoughts & energies their way, verbal attacks & games, dramas & wars they play, but also any kids the LITDFS had with our Twin Souls would be negative energies & would always remind the Twin Souls of what happened to them. That´s how sensitive I am to energies, I can sense the negative energies on the children that came to be by a LITDFS & a Twin Soul not meant for her ever.
14 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
“5. YOU WANT TO RUN AWAY. The depth and dimension of this love affair is sometimes too much for someone to handle. You recognize parts of yourself that you aren’t willing to look at. In those moments, you start to put on your running shoes. The first few stages of Twin Flames relationships often times look like the coyote and roadrunner. You can’t help but chase after each other in circles. It’s in these times that you get to witness all the similarities in each other. Fear and anxiety become the judging mates for egotistical decisions. Are you willing to continue?”
Running away can happen before even coming into union. When Cazuki came to visit my “family” for Christmas back in 2004, I felt my nervous energies being all over the place. Like, I could feel him coming closer & I all I wanted to do was run. I had even planned on not spending Christmas at all with my “family”, that´s how extreme I felt when not wanting to see him yet. When he came through the door & our eyes met, it was extreme & intense. I hadn´t seen him since we were kids. I would actually spend a lot of the time being away from him, like being in the kitchen or anywhere else when he came to visit. It´s like my energies were chaotic & I felt like a trapped bird. When Twin Souls are so close to each other like that when meeting for the first time or again after many years, you will know it & feel it like both your magnetic energies are trying to come into union again & if you feel this at all, then you are in the presence of your actual Twin Soul. Your energies will be chaotic, all over the place, you will want to run (one of you will), you will actually run (or hide away), you will feel fear, not the bad kind where you sense negative energies like they were someone who soul tortured you & imprisoned for years going after you & not being meant for you, but you will feel fear in the sense that your Twin Soul has broken your heart for the millionth or billionth time. You will feel fear that he will do it again. You will feel fear of the massive connection you both have & will be targeted for it again by the LITDFS in your lives & the soul connection you both share will make your heart beat fast & bodies shake like it did with Cazuki & I when we did come into union. Even feeling all these energies & wanting to run, at the same time, you will both want to be in union together & the chemistry, intense electric & passionate energies between you will pull you two together fast. People like to think Twin Souls can be friends for years, but not really having any soul connection, then one day they get together, but with Twin Souls it´s instant, happens straight away & you can´t miss it, because you will both feel it in your energies, bodies, minds, hearts, emotions & souls, the soul connection you will have right away & you will both want to be together, even if you want to run as crazy as that sounds. If this happens, you know you are with your Twin Soul. It´s not a gradual thing where you are friends for years & then get together, because now you suddenly develop feelings. Cazuki would give me signs he was interested in me, but I gave him mixed signals to throw him off, because I wanted to run. Mixed signals like he & I were standing on a bridge in my small mountain hometown & I asked him if he had feelings for my sister, because she was very interested in him. He said no, but he said after we came into union that question threw him off & he didn´t think I was interested in him, but when I gave him my song letter expressing my feelings to him to open on the plane, he knew or he hoped it was what he felt towards me when he opened up the letter on the plane. Even in union there can be multiple reasons why Twin Souls want to run from each other. Any baggages damages they bring with them that LITDFS targeted them with could lead Twin Souls to want to run. Like not wanting to be torn apart again for the millionth & billionth time, but Twin Souls can heal that by reminding their True Love they are in it for a life time, no matter how many times it takes & Twin Souls have no problems expressing their endless True Love everyday anyway, so it would always get healing everyday. Fighting for each other also helps heal past damages done to them by the LITDFS in their lives & past lives. Like if they are being targeted by LITDFS in their lives, they fight for each other, stand by each other & are Team Twin Souls. This will also heal past damages done to them. Soul history is another reason why Twin Souls could feel like they want to run from each other. Whoever had their hearts broken up the most in past lives will be the runner in the union, but again the True Love you both share will heal it when you express it everyday to each other, reminding your Twin Soul you are in it for a life time & you will fight for it in every life time. You remind your Twin Soul you are the Neo to your Trinity & you will never leave, but fight for True Love! Poisoning the well is another reason Twin Souls want to run. When LITDFS are going to wars on Twin Souls, they can target them in various ways, like sending their negative sexual energies onto the Twin Soul Adams or Eves, thereby tainting his or her with negative energies & codes onto them. The Twin Soul Eves, if she is sensitive to energies, will pick up on the negative energies he allowed & accepted onto him. She will pull away & want to run to protect her Sacred & Devine body & eggs. You will know the difference between a Twin Soul who has come into her Devine Feminine starlight powers, it´s when her heart & soul are awakened (but she may still have various prisons & programmings on her mind, but her soul is still able to shine through to some degree, even if she´s not completely awake), compared to a LITDFS that are not sensitive to energies & don´t care about energies & have no problems getting pregnant by anyone. Twin Soul Eves who are acting like Twin Souls don´t want children with just anyone, but they want children with The One meant for them. Flirting & accepting flirting from girls & guys will taint your energies & codes, thereby impacting your Twin Soul unions. What is the choice here really? You either want The One meant for you that´s hard to find, rare, comes literally once in a life time or you want attention from girls & guys & like to flirt & be flirted with? With The One you fight for each other & make the necessary choices to protect your unions, but you can´t have both, you can´t be with your Twin Soul, a Sacred & Devine Soul connection & then accept all kinds of negative attacks from LITDFS in your lives against your unions. Like a LITDFS who is disrespecting your Twin Soul wife by making immature, inappropriate & disturbing jokes about her. You either take a stand & defend your Twin Soul Queen as she would do for you & defend her Twin Soul King or you lose her for the millionth & billionth time. Since Twin Souls are inseparable when finally getting into union, because their souls would know they have been targeted before, so I believe it´s actually extremely hard to break them apart & I don´t believe & I don´t think it´s ever by choice. I believe if we actually dived in the dark & investigated every single Twin Soul couple who broke apart, you would find LITDFS had a major part to play in breaking up Twin Souls. Like using dark magic (programmings), other forms of mind & energy attacks (sending negative thoughts & energies their way), divide & conquer techniques they always use like the tempting “serpent” technique, the promise of wealth/fame/possessions/power technique, the fear/manipulations technique & even using the anakin/kylo technique like darkening his mind & energies over a long period of time (years) until he breaks & let´s it all into to this system, his body, his mind, his emotions, his energies & his heart, thereby turning him into someone you don´t recognise anymore. All this can make a Twin Soul run & it wouldn´t be by choice, but against their free will when their minds have programmed in various negative ways. As for not wanting to look at the dark parts of yourself that need healing when your Twin Soul brings it up because you are reflecting back at her what you need healing with. I do not believe that is a reason they would actually run away, they may want to, but they wouldn´t. Their soul knows of the connection they share & knows it´s only once in a life time. If they brake if off, it won´t be until they both are reborn again to try again. That´s a long time to wait, so that is why I believe LITDFS do negatively meddle to break up unions when they know Twin Souls are inseparable when they come into unions. As for reunions, which can happen, but both or one are now tainted with so many negative energies & codes they accumulated again being put back into circulation with LITDFS. How many times has reunions happened & then broken apart? There are reasons for all of it if you dig deeper & investigate. Try to see all levels & not just surface levels. If I was to describe it in matrix terms, think of LITDFS that go after Twin Souls & break up Twin Souls & want to be with Twin Souls not meant for them as negative programs. The negative programs are programmed to:
-Go to war on Twin Souls
-Corrupt minds, energies & hearts of Twin Souls
-Potentially perform the “serpent” program & tempt, seduce & entice Twin Souls
-Divide & conquer Twin Souls
-Planting seeds of doubt & attacking your Twin Soul to you when speaking to you separately. If you are the Twin Soul that´s missing the “can´t be manipulated by anyone” part of yourself which your Twin Soul would then have, you could be an easy target to be mind poisoned about your Twin Soul
-Mind games, dramas & negative rules that LITDFS play on Twin Souls
-Targeting reputation of Twin Souls
-Energy vampirism, feeding on the energies & life energies (youth) of Twin Souls
-Mind controls & programs on Twin Souls
-Darkening the minds & energies of Twin Souls
-Attack Twin Souls verbally, with their actions & behaviours
-Family, friends & co-workers group attacks on Twin Souls
-Other group attacks on Twin Souls that they don´t know of
-Manipulating Twin Souls
-Ego feeding, fear feeding & desire feeding Twin Souls
-Control & have power over Twin Souls
-Turn Twin Souls into being enemies with each other
-Break apart Twin Souls
-Always be with one of the Twin Souls so they never think, feel or go back to their Twin Soul
-Distract the Twin Souls with wealth, status, possessions, luxury life styles, fame, power, sex & anything else to keep their minds & bodies & souls away from their Twin Soul
-Make sure Twin Souls never work on their soul missions or Twin Soul mission by keeping the Twin Souls away from their Twin Souls 
-Always keeping the Twin Souls away from each other
-Always making sure Twin Sous don´t communicate with each other
-Always reprogramming the Twin Souls & adding more negative thoughts & energies about their Twin Souls to them so they don´t break free, but stay with the LITDFS
-Fast marriage & fast breeding programs on Twin Souls to keep them further away from each other, keep them distracted, keep them always tainted with negative energies & codes for a life time
-Using fear, power, kids, threats, games, dramas, illnesses, money, sex and anything else to target Twin Souls & keep them chained to them
How is this not like a destructive program that is meant to destroy True Loves between Twin Souls? They are acting exactly like negative programs & the LITDFS all have the same behaviours, traits & they speak the same, act the same & think the same. Even Cazuki noticed that & could see we were nothing like them. If the LITDFS don´t wish to be seen as negative programs targeting Twin Souls, then they need to stop their madness & darkness on this world & wake up!
  27 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
More update on nr 5...
“5. YOU WANT TO RUN AWAY. The depth and dimension of this love is sometimes too much for someone to handle. You recognise parts of yourself that you aren’t willing to look at. In those moments, you start to put on your running shoes. The first few stages of Twin Flames relationships often times look like the coyote and roadrunner. You can’t help but chase after each other in circles. It’s in these times that you get to witness all the similarities in each other. Fear and anxiety become the judging mates for egotistical decisions.”
   This was true, before Cazuki & I got together, I really wanted to run far away from him, like not even spend Christmas with my “family”. I even was in talks to make plans to not be there for Christmas, but Universe said no. I was to meet him at Christmas even if I didn´t want to. I felt the fear, I felt the extreme energies even not being around him yet, but knowing that he was coming on a specific day. That drove my energies even more into wanting to stay away, but I kept being pulled to him like a magnet again. The intensity of the energies were so bad when he finally came, I was literally hiding away like being in different rooms & not being around him, which was funny thinking back to it, but again I just wanted to run. Wanting to run had nothing to do with not wanting to look at the parts of myself, but everything to do with not wanting to have my heart broken by him again, my soul was trying to protect my mind, my emotions, my body, my energies, my soul & my everything, because if he broke me again, the damage would be so much, because of what I went through from the LITDFS in my life, just by being his Twin Soul & being targeted for it in various destructive ways since I was a born. The damage is layered & the damage done more after we broke up which will be verified eventually everything that was done to me before union, during & after. It´s so crazy to think about, but when I´m being attacked by the LITDFS collective, they are attacking him, I am his other half of his soul, so they are essentially attacking his other half of his soul and same can be said with when he broke my heart, he essentially broke his own heart. I am him, he is me, we are One. Cazuki did “chase” me when he came for Christmas back in 2004 in his own flirty way & I did run, kept my distance until I couldn´t run away anymore or ignore what I felt again for the third time, falling in love all over again. So the roles were reversed & I “chased” him by giving him my song love letter expressing how I felt for him to open on the plane when he travelled back to Japan. Then roles again were reversed & he “chased” me to express how he felt for me. Within 11 days, there was no more “chasing” , only Twin Soul union. Although our running & chasing never really stopped when we were in union, because we were up against so much already on us from that we brought we us into the union, all the damages, all the layers from all past lives & present life with us by the LITDFS against us, but our True Love kept winning & overflowing with how much we loved each other, it was so powerful & unbreakable, we overcame it all until the LITDFS started their wars again in another life, on another Twin Soul union, on another True Love Universe marriage of souls, on us. I do believe that if one Twin Soul is still stuck in their broken damage mess of they don´t want to change, awaken, grow, learn or evolve, they will not wish to hear their Twin Soul reflect back at them the Twin Soul that is showing signs of being asleep in their souls & behaving negatively & unbalanced in someway from all their damage done to them by the LITDFS against them & doesn´t want to change or awaken their souls or hear what their Twin Soul is showing them what their Twin Soul is reflecting onto them. This can make them run for it. They might think in their lost minds, “I would rather be with someone who wouldn´t mention my negative behaviours, but loves me for who I am.” Twin Souls are meant to speak up about the soul reflections that are destructive, damaged, unbalanced, so it can heal, otherwise you never awaken, but stay asleep & continue to behave negatively & unbalanced. Like I mentioned before, a Twin Soul wants to be with their Twin Soul that will inspire them to change & be better, do better, awaken, grow, learn & evolve hoping they also inspire their Twin Soul the same, while a LITDFS wants someone who doesn´t inspire them to change at all, but stay the same. When people stay the same negative & unbalanced, the world stays the same negative & unbalanced. The soul reflecting the damage done to the Twin Soul by the LITDFS in their lives or past lives or both is the example of Cazuki during our 2nd year, mentioned parts of my body he didn´t like, when before he loved every part of my body. He was reflecting back at me the parts he didn´t love about his own body, not loving himself & reflecting back the negative programmings on him that control him to think & feel about girls/women a certain way & how they should be & look like. This is where Twin Souls heal each other, because it is damage done to him by the LITDFS in his lives & past lives, corrupting him, darkening him & bringing negativity to his mind. His soul doesn´t think that, but his lost mind does. There are so many reasons why Twin Souls may want to run from each other, but most of those reasons are because of LITDFS against the Twin Souls. Like wanting to run from each other, because their minds are messed with by dark magic. Wanting to run because their energies are messed with by those LITDFS that are sending their sexual negative energies onto the Twin Soul & then he´s impacted by them & is pulled towards them can make him run. Wanting to run from each other, because wars are upon them & they want the “easy” life. Wanting to run from each other, because they don´t want to heal all the damages done to them by the LITDFS in their lives & past lives. When it doesn´t heal, it gets repeated & added more to it with every new life. It can be compared to someone just eating junk food (representing all the damage done to the Twin Souls by the LITDFS before union, during & after when they war with Twin Souls in various ways, but also past lives that never got healed.) What happens when the person ignores all health warnings & continues to eat junk food & a lot of it, clogging their system? Like all the various damages to the mind & soul scars, pains & tortures accumulated, but never gets healed? Twin Souls are the organic, raw, vegan detox & cleanse path, but being with more LITDFS is like clogging your soul/body/mind/emotion & energy system with more junk. It´s not all metaphorically, Cazuki & I actually did do organic, raw, vegan juicing, detoxing & cleansing our systems and we did feel more energised, alive, awake & more sensitive to energies. Other reasons why Twin Souls would run from each other? Negative programmings they accepted in their lives like negative stories, games & music that impacted them to be with anyone & the many. Star sign programs can make you want to run from your Twin Soul if you fall prey to that control on your mind over your soul. “Family” & “friends” negatively influencing the Twin Soul to want to run & they can negatively influence for years until he does run by feeding his ego, desires & fears. Wanting to run, because of the mind programmings/negative thoughts being sent their way by the LITDFS collective that want the Twin Soul to run from his Twin Soul. When Twin Souls are awakened to all these various reasons why they may run, they can begin to understand so much they are up against, then they have a choice, be the Trinity & Neo of Twin Souls & fight for each other or be the cypher & stay plugged into the matrix with anyone & the many, never having True Love at all with your One Twin Soul. 
   You know when a Twin Soul is really awake in their souls & are not being controlled by their programmed minds, is when they wake up to the fact that their Twin Soul, is the other half of themselves, their other half of their soul, so when they do so many various things to want to hurt their Twin Soul & not care, like the fact the Adams that do know they are draining the life energies of their Twin Soul when being with a LITDFS, when they do know they are causing physical attacks to their Twin Soul when being with a LITDFS, because their Eves feel it on their bodies when they are being pleasured, when they do know they are attacking the Eves souls when being with a LITDFS, that is the Adams attacking himself, his other half of his soul. Also, that would be what the Adams send out into the Universe, those negative messages of, “I don´t care that I am draining my Twin Souls life energies. I don´t care that she is being attacked physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically & soulfully. I don´t care that the LITDFS collective are targeting her when we were together or when we are apart in various ways. I don´t care about my other half of my soul!” How does the Universe respond? It sends back what the Adams send out, so basically he´s going through the same thing, just in different ways & same ways (especially the soul hell), but he will still be impacted by it, because balance needs to be restored & there is no balance when the Adams are attacking their own Eves in various ways when being with any LITDFS or many LITDFS. I mean the proof is already in what is happening to the DM´s in the Twin Soul community with what the DFs are sharing. Many DMs are going through various hells when being with a LITDFS & surrounded by LITDFS. Obviously Cazuki´s soul doesn´t want to hurt me, attack me & go to war on me, just like you see Kylo being Ben (his soul awakened self) for brief moments with Rey & you see hope, until his lost dark mind takes over again after all the damage being done to him & he´s back to wanting to destroy Rey, which means he wants to destroy himself essentially, they are One Soul, just split in two. Let´s just say for the moment the Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy was now operational, these crimes against souls are serious when you think about it, bodies & souls & minds are being attacked in various ways & there needs to be some kind of protection against it. I mean we are dealing with some serious dark levels here of energy vampirism, mind attacks/programmings, energy attacks, psychic attacks, child attacks towards the Twin Souls before union happens which is a tactic used in the Twin Soul wars, inner child attacks when Twin Souls are programmed to be with LITDFS, physical attacks that happen to them from a far when their Adams are with a LITDFS, Twin Souls being used as weapons against each other like being enemies & to serve the LITDFS self serving agendas in another life, Twin Souls being targeted for other reasons to serve the LITDFS in some dark way and more. The Twin Soul Universe Investigator Agents are not afraid to dive into the dark to uncover everything & bring it to the light. They see the dark, they see the light, they see the grey & they see how balance is restored. 
   No matter how many times I think about that fact, that the LITDFS attack Twin Souls in various ways before unions, during & after, then target, shape & mould Twin Souls to target their own Twin Souls when union happens, it´s so twisted & upside down, but it´s true & for all to see in star wars even. I never wanted to believe it, I found it hard to believe it, because it´s like, how can the mind be so lost in the dark, that their souls are not in control? Then I think back to my investigation years ago back in the summer of 2008 (I researched for over a year, but more in the year 2008) when I did extensive research on what was happening in the darker levels on this planet towards alien lives, the planet, children, people, souls & minds, like mind control being experimented on towards life in governments. I came across the LITDFS that were no doubt the very same ones that targeted Atlantis & took over Earth. I investigated 911, just about anything controversial you could think of, I looked into it all, but then my mind was targeted (controlled not to sleep, eat or drink for days. This happened again in the summer of 2017 & that´s how I found out that the LITDFS somehow can impact the minds in that way. I did a test, even thou my mind didn´t know I was putting it to the test, but my soul was going to reveal that they were responsible for me not eating, sleeping & drinking, which they did, but this time I was in complete control & I kept becoming more awake to what was going on everywhere. I used sleeping tablets to get myself back into sleeping routine & fought off the programmings of not wanting to eat or drink, then I didn´t need sleeping tablets anymore, I was back to be able to sleep without help.) & I was unable to do what I wanted to do for a while, but I continued on my various investigations, but I couldn´t take action yet. 911 was an inside job. The planes are not even real, the towers were hit by missiles. Become the Twin Soul Investigators & do your own investigation & look into everything, footage, interviews, eye witnesses (the ones that heard bombs being exploded inside the building that caused the building to demolish in a very controlled way.) experts, whistle blowers (truth seekers & rebels), look at the science of it, not just what you see in that hollywood movie looking footage of those fake planes. Curious, would anyone who knew about what really happened be willing to be soul truth tested & truth tested in various ways to verify their claims about 911? My research into mind controls & mind programmings, subliminal messaging showed me it´s real & minds can be impacted by it, minds can be fooled & tricked in various ways. How many were tricked to believe 911 was caused by terrorists & planes & not by their own government with missiles? When I think about the various ways minds can be controlled & programmed, even in your daily lives & you don´t even know about it, like what manipulations & lies you accept in the news, in schools or by government or anyone who has agendas, it becomes less fiction & more reality. I also came across an ex fbi agent who was revealing so much of the darkness the LITDFS were doing against children for example behind closed doors. 
The Ted Gunderson Files
Retired FBI Special-Agent-In-Charge Ted Gunderson began uncovering evidence of government collusion in the cover-up of satanic ritual activities in this country (including the sacrifice/murder of children) after becoming convinced of the innocence of Dr Jeffrey McDonald, an Army medical doctor convicted of murdering his wife and two young ...
I just kept seeing one truth after the other in 2008, I was awakening more, seeing more & wanting to do something about it, but then I got mind attacked in various ways. When I think about the various minds controls, then I don´t find it hard to believe what happened to Cazuki´s mind. If I was to translate what happened to Cazuki & myself for years in a very short amount of time instead of years, it would put things into perspective. 
Story Scene Sneak Peek…
Somewhere in the world…
  Cazuki is held captive by the LITDFS in a torture chamber by his “family” & “friends”, the LITDFS collective who are breaking him down piece by piece to bring him to his knees & for him to obey them all. He was tied up hanging from the ceiling, naked & was all bruised & beaten already by them & he could hear Akira screaming in the next torture chamber with her mind being targeted in various ways to break her down, so she would be so abused & used that Cazuki wouldn´t want anything to do with her anymore. Through telepathy, Akira told him to never give them what they want so he would save her, because even thou she was being tormented & tortured in her soul & mind & everything, she was too stubborn, a fiery light soul so strong, so powerful, she would survive somehow, she always has & didn´t want to give them what they wanted from them both. The LITDFS mission was to break down the Twin Souls to have one of them break it off with the other & become the enemy of the other. Akira suffered the most of the attacks, she was not only attacked on her mind with dark thoughts & images being sent to her mind, she was forced to watch it onscreen also with her eyes forced open. They attacked her energies, her body was attacked too, injected with poison from a needle, forced to swallow an item that would cause her problems inside her body & she was raped by 4 LITDFS, one of them was the very same one that attacked her when she was a baby which he reminded her. The LITDFS girls, Sakurako, Junko, Mitsuko all joined in to take turns beating her while she was also naked & tied up from the ceiling, blindfolded, mouth forced shut, so she couldn´t tell Cazuki via telepathy who it was. When they were about to leave, Akira was on the floor lying in a pool of her own blood, but she kept getting back up, it was her way of saying to them, no matter what they do, they can´t break her, she will only get stronger & more defiant, more rebellious & more of a titan warrior. Akira´s actions made the girls even more angry & hell bent on wanting Akira to suffer for another million, billion times. Junko stopped them from attacking Akira anymore & left.
  “Why did you stop us? We could have torn her down even more. She needs to learn her place & that is on the floor on her knees!” Sakurako said in her hateful & tantrum childish tone. 
  “How many times have we gone after Akira? She always gets back up somehow. Cazuki is our main mission, he´s the prize, Akira is just the sacrifice we can enjoy tearing down in various ways. Besides, we can always come back tomorrow and the next day and the day after that taking her down until Cazuki comes to his knees & obeys us all!” Junko said with her greedy little serpent smile. They all headed off to see Cazuki.
  “Cazuki my husband, how long are you going to allow them to beat you down until you come to our side?”. Junko asked while licking his face & grabbing his face tightly in her hand looking into his eyes. 
  “No matter how many times Junko, you will never be my wife. You are all just lost in the dark children & if I do break, know this, every time I´m forced to be with you, I´ll be thinking & dreaming of my real wife Akira, my Twin Soul, my Queen, my Goddess, always. You mean nothing to me and Akira will always mean everything to me!” Cazuki said. What he said set her into a fiery blaze of jealousy, hate & anger.
  “You will obey us! You will stay with us! You will please us all! Didn´t you know, you are being trained to be obedient so that you will give us everything we want from you!” Junko said & motioned for several LITDFS to torture Cazuki some more for his defiance against her. The LITDFS around Cazuki kept repeating the same words over & over & over to him verbally, telepathically & visually until his mind broke. 
  “Akira means nothing! Akira is nothing! What you have is not special! Knowing each other since you were kids means nothing! Akira is worthless! Akira is damaged! Akira is the enemy! We are your saviour! Give in to your hate for Akira! Give in to your anger for Akira! Break up with Akira! Be with Junko! Stay with Junko! Obey us all! Please us all! Akira´s dreams & goals are all a lie! What you both have is a lie, it was all fake, never real! Join us & you will get everything you want!” The LITDFS around him would repeat the same words over & over for hours, for days, for weeks. They drove Cazuki mad! Then his “family” took turns.
  “We are your family, we mean everything. No one comes between family. Family is above it all, above life, planet, animals, True Loves Twin Souls, above everything. You will defend your family. You will protect your family. You will stay with your family & choose always your family. You will obey your family. You will be loyal to your family! You will please us all & give us what we want. You will break up with Akira & be with us. You will stop all contact with her. You will never see her again. You will be with someone we want you to be with. You will never question us again or challenge us. You are the child, we are the parents and you will not disobey us ever again.” Cazuki´s family would say on repeat. Then there were other attacks on Cazuki, the girls would target him with their words of venomous poison too!
  “Come to our side Cazuki, you are safe with us. All you have to do is say yes! With us you can be with anyone & the many. Friends are more important that True Loves. Love comes and goes, friends are forever. We are you friends, your family & your lovers. You don´t need Akira, you need us. You can have everything you want, money, power, control, materialistic wealth, career advances, any girls, many girls, anything, just break Akira & join us!” Mitsuko said to him.
  “We will please you in ways Akira would never do. With us life is easy, fun & we can do anything & get away with everything. Why be with One when you can be with anyone, with us all.” Sakurako said & the girls were circling him like sharks taking turns, whispering serpent seducing & tempting words & kissing him, biting him & teasing him, sending him negative sexual energy attacks against him. 
  “Akira isen´t a real woman, we are real women! We have children, she does not. We are accomplished, she is not! She´s nothing! We have money, she is poor! We are not broken down, abused & used, but Akira is, she is tainted, damaged, no for good for you, but we are good for you!” Junko said thinking they were getting to him, but he started laughing at them all thinking they have no idea what a real woman is.
  “You think you are real women? You think tearing down life makes you real? Breaking us down, tormenting us, torturing us & abusing us does not make you real women, it makes you like little lost in the dark, greedy selfish & jealous children!” He said laughing. Cazuki´s defiance was continuous & Junko lost it & slapped him on the face. 
  “Every time Junko you prove my point!” He said smiling. With fury rage Junko went over to the LITDFS.
  “This time, finish the job & destroy him. I want him begging for me, begging to be with me, begging for me to save him from Akira, begging to stay with me always!” She said & left the room to take her anger out on Akira. How they broke Cazuki was a combination of many things all at once in one long night. Something they hadn´t done yet, but now they wanted it to end between Akira & Cazuki & he did break. When they released him, he was changed, he was not Cazuki anymore, but he became their obedient lost dark servant. Akira was not tied up anymore & she was allowed to have her clothes on again, but still trapped, but then she saw Cazuki come in & she smiled, but then she saw Junko, Sakurako & Mitsuko come behind & her smile faded away & tears formed in her eyes seeing the lost look on Cazuki´s face. He was lost, they broke him & it broke Akira down seeing him that way.
  “Did you really think he wouldn´t break? He always breaks eventually! I am going to take my time with him & enjoy every moment with him. Knowing that he is with me & not you that will make me so high on these energies, it´s like it will feel like Christmas everyday!” Junko said laughing & smiling as they all did. Akira went over to Cazuki ignoring Junko & held his face in her hands looking into his eyes trying to reach his soul!
  “Cazuki, I know you´re in there. This isen´t you, come back to us, fight your way free. You´re my rebel bandit remember! My wild Beast who´s controlled by no one. Wake up Cazuki, wake up, it´s me Akira, it´s me. The love of your life, your soul wife, the woman of your dreams. Remember? Remember me Cazuki, don´t let go, never let go of me, never let go of who we are to each other!” Akira said her loving words to him, but she knew it fell to deaf ears, walls were up, his soul was trapped & his lost mind was in control.
  “This is all so touching that it makes me want to vomit, but you can´t save him. He´s ours now & I want to get him home fast & have my way with him!” Junko said smiling serpently and then whispered into Cazuki´s ear some more poison. It was fast, so fast Akira didn´t even make the connection until it was too late, the blade was in deep & Cazuki had taken the final attack to Akira to end their Twin Soul union. She looked into his eyes & could see his soul in tears forming in his eyes, but he was working hard to not let the tears fall, but to remain like a ruthless killer machine devoid of any emotion & now he was to be taken by them to be a pleasure machine. Akira looked down at the blade still inside & blood dripping everywhere. He yanked out the blade fast & Akira fell to her knees. 
  “Finally! Akira on her knees! How long have we waited for that to happen girls?” Mitsuko asked anyone.
“Seems like forever, so I´m going to enjoy this moment & take it all in!” Sakurako said. As they were about to leave, Junko could hear behind her, Akira trying to get back up. They all turned to see & she did, standing, dripping in blood & looking at them with defiance still & being wild, free & a rebel burning inside her soul. They didn´t care, they had Cazuki now, but it didn´t make them feel good either that Akira kept getting back up defying them all still.
  “One day, all your madness & darkness will come to an end & everything you´ve done will come to light, but I will keep getting back up & Cazuki will be free from you all. Curious, did you all ever wonder what would happen when Cazuki does come into his own Devine Masculine Twin Soul God power & isen´t afraid anymore & isen´t controlled by you all anymore? Do you really want to be on that side of him when he wakes up one day?” Akira asked knowing Cazuki, they are after all One Soul, she can read him like a book, she always has which even surprised him, so she knows what he´s like. The look on those girls faces said it all. Behind their lost dark minds, they were afraid little children messing with fire & what happens when you mess with fire, you get burned. Ignoring Akira´s warnings as always, they all left & Akira kept trying to put pressure on her battle love wound from Cazuki. She could feel her heart aching from the pains of Cazuki destroying her & the pains of the hole he left behind literally. The blood was rushing out & she couldn´t keep pressure on it anymore, she was beginning to feel dizzy & become sleepy like she was about to pass out. She looked up towards the ceiling & saw a way out, but she was not in any condition to get up there, but then she heard someone coming, so this was her move, now or never. When the LITDFS came into the room to see if she was dead yet, she was no where in the room & then out of nowhere with her defiance rebelliousness, she defended herself, they dropped to the floor, she dragged them in, took one of the guys jackets to cover her blood & locked them inside & made her way out. She was free! Cazuki sitting in the car passenger seat in front sees the girls outside talking to other LITDFS about Akira escaping. He thinks back to when he stabbed Akira & then remembers something that he didn´t notice before. She had made a move while he stabbed her, like her hand went inside his jacked pocket. He then checks it and sure enough, Akira left him a message. It was small, wrapped up several times & when he unwrapped it, it was a picture of them both & at the back she wrote.
  “We are real, remember us always!” Akira wrote & he then saw the girls coming back to the car & he hid it away again switching from being tearful again to be a cold blooded killer machine without any real feelings, only programmed feelings to be of service to the LITDFS again in another life.
  Several months later…
  Akira had made her way to Asia to a Ninja/Spiritual Senpai training facility high up on one of the tropical islands limestone tower karsts. This healing & training resort was only for those that would choose the path of enlightenment in the most challenging way & you would be tested & pushed to break, fall & get back up. You would be pushed past your limits to free you, free your mind & free your soul. The spiritual ninjas were like nothing ever heard before & Akira only heard about it when she was in the city of China looking for a place to teach, train & awaken her abilities, so she could help others awaken their abilities so they are free too. Out in the sparring grounds, Akira was up against 7 & every one of them had names on them, but all their faces were covered just like their bodies, all in black & Akira wore white & grey. The names were of those LITDFS that attacked her. Several of her abilities were awakened like past/present/future viewing with clear vision like watching a movie. So she saw what those girls did to her. The spirit ninja team didn´t hold back & attacked relentlessly & she would defend with what she learned, but when she did fall, she kept getting backing up, bruised, beaten, she always got back up to defend again. She closed her eyes, concentrated on what she had learned & she channelled her energies of dark & light & turned it into grey, she focused & balanced, then the spirit ninjas didn´t stand a chance against her. They were now all lying on the ground in various pains.
  “Well done! You have come along way Akira & finally mastered the energies. You are ready!” Her Senpai Hayato said smiling looking at her from a distance. 
  “Do you speak of the star systems? Are all of them to be ignited?” Akira asked him.
  “Every single one!” He said feeling proud of his spirit ninja student. He trained her well. Back at the ceremony gathering, the Senpai leaders were all circled around Akira who was lying on her back on the stone table while the other spirit ninjas were sitting behind watching the ceremony take place. Dance, chanting, hand air gesturing over Akira´s body, the Senpai leaders were awakening all her abilities she´s ever had in all her lives since her soul creation and Cazuki would have the same exact abilities as her, they are the same soul, he just needed the awakening too. Other abilities that were taken from were also returned to her. Akira had her eyes closed the entire time, but something told her to open them & she saw light energies swirling around her body & then when it entered her body, her whole being lit up like the sun & light beamed out of her into the sky, into the Universe, then stopped & Akira fell to a deep relaxing sleep. When she woke up, she was in her bed, but her bed that she shared with Cazuki from the past which shook her & she now wondered where would her other self be. She remembered all her abilities now & one was the ability to time travel physically like going through a door & entering that time line. She rushed out of bed, but then remembered her other self would be at work as was Cazuki. She was curious, she must of dreamt of this while she passed out from the ceremony & in her dream state teleported to the past. She really needs to be more careful & find a way to control her abilities in sleep state as much as she has to in awake state. She thought, she could get a message to Cazuki, but that would risk her not being able to awaken all her abilities so she can help others awaken theirs, even Cazuki. She did want to see him thou, so with her next ability, she regained her youth & looked like she was 21 years old again. She made her way to his work & when she saw him, she surprised him, because he never thought she would show up at his work. 
  “This is a surprise! Is this one of our lunch visits. Being away from you is not easy Akira, I wish I could see you all day?” He said feeling frisky & naughty. Their time together was never enough hours in the day, they wanted to see each other all the time, that´s how close they were, they are after all Twin Souls. As much as she wanted to connect with him, she couldn´t, that would be crossing time lines & Universe lines, but she did hold him close, happy to see him, happy to hold him again being One.
  “I just wanted to drop by & say I Love You Cazuki, I always have & I always will. No matter what happens to us or what challenges we face, know I will always love you!” She said while having one hand on his head & the other around his waist & with her other ability she helped his mind think it was just a dream & he turned to walk away from her, not remembering that he just met her, so he wouldn´t bring it up to her other self. Seeing him again knowing how he felt about her this whole time, made her miss him so damn much. They were inseparable & she dreamed of a time they did work together, being partners, being a team & being Twin Soul Agents of True Love Rebels. She closed her eyes & was now back at the Spirit Ninja facility overlooking the tropical waters surrounding it. She closed her eyes again & this time her ability morphed her into a blue swan. She missed flying & this was one beautiful crazy way to get to Cazuki. 
  City in Japan…
 High up in one of the business towers, Cazuki was working in his office & his co-worker friend burst in through the door wanting to tell the funny news to Cazuki about a flying blue swan that was flying through the city & his friend showed Cazuki his phone where news cameras were filming this crazy looking swan. 
  “This swan is crazy, it almost looks like it´s on a mission or something.” He said, but Cazuki wasen´t interested, he looked at it & remembered the colour blue being Akria´s favourite & how she would say they are like swan mates, but since Cazuki couldn´t read signs, he thought nothing of it & went back to work. 
  “No way, that building is where I go for lunch!” He said still looking on his phone, then realised the blue swan was on it´s way past their building. 
  “She´s coming our way Cazuki! Not everyday we see a blue swan!” He said while trying to see if he could see it out the window. He was right, it´s not everyday and might be just once in a life, so Cazuki got up & went casually to the window, hands in his pocket, looking like he´s not too bothered if he doesn´t see it, then bam! The blue swan showed up out of nowhere slamming her feet against the window looking right at Cazuki fly hovering which shook them both up & have their hearts racing. 
  “What the f%$#! She scared the crap out of me! What is she doing?” Cazuki´s friend asked looking shocked. Cazuki felt his energies become chaotic, extreme, intense & nervous which were the specific energies he only felt around Akira, when their souls were trying to reconnect after not being together. This didn´t make any sense he thought, what was going on. Akira was flying around trying to find a window that could open & she found one. She gestured for Cazuki to open it & he wouldn´t. She screamed out to him in her swan call to open it & Cazuki´s soul managed to break through his lost mind long enough to take control & open the window.
  “What are you doing? You´re not gonna let that swan in here are you? Are you crazy?” His friend asked. Cazuki ignored him & opened it up then the blue swan flew in & landed on his desk looking right at him. Something inside Cazuki told him this was no ordinary swan & he told his friend to leave his office. 
  “Could you let everyone know they can take the rest of the day off, that includes you too!” Cazuki told him.
  “Are you alright? What are you going to do?” He asked wondering why did Cazuki let the swan inside, what is he going to do & what is up with this crazy swan that seems so mysterious & just standing there looking at Cazuki. Her eyes were fixed on him the whole time which was strange & non of this made any sense to him, so he left with no answers. Cazuki too was acting strange & didn´t respond. It was like those two were lost in their little world or something. What Cazuki´s lost mind didn´t know, his soul has memories of all life times with Akira, so his soul would know about the time they both could morph into any alien being in that world they were on. That´s why he was so calm about it, his soul already knew it was Akira, even if his mind didn´t know yet. Now Cazuki was wondering what is this swan trying to tell him. As a joke he thought he would just ask the swan right out.
  “So blue swan, why are you here?” He asked thinking how is he going to get it back outside or does he have to call animal protection. The swan didn´t answer & he picked up the phone, found the info & called the organisation. 
  “Hello, this is rainbow animal protection, how may I help you?” She asked. Cazuki couldn´t answer, the swan was morphing & light was surrounding her & Cazuki was frozen in fear, excitement, nervous, happy & curious. 
  “Hello are you there?” She asked, but Cazuki hung up & could now see Akira standing in front of him wearing her long blue turquoise white green lady & bohemian dress. Her hair flowing freely & daisy flowers in her hair.  His mind couldn´t believe what he was seeing & felt like he was in a sci fi fantasy movie or something.  
  “Akira is that really you?” He asked thinking she was dead this whole time. She came towards him, but he backed away from her. Was she even real he thought. Why is she here? Was it revenge? 
  “Cazuki I can hear your thoughts, no it´s not revenge, and if you remembered me, you would know I´m not a LITDFS. I´m here to free your mind so you are free to be in control again.” Akira said then looked towards his door & felt them coming.
  “We don´t have a lot of time, they are coming! Cazuki trust me!” She said hoping he would trust her. He let his guard down for a moment & she reached out to him again. With her hands on either side of his face, she tore down all his mind prisons, programmings & break downs & freed him. Cazuki was now overcome with sadness, heartache, anger, pains of what was done to him & Akira & what he did to her. 
  “Akira!” he said tears streaming down his face & she held him close knowing what he felt, knowing what he went through when they were targeted by the LITDFS, what he went through when being apart from her & knowing what his thoughts were. Their sweet moment of reconciliation was interrupted when the LITDFS girls, Junko, Mitsuko & Sakurako came barging into his office. When they saw Akira they fumed with jealousy, hate & anger for her touching Cazuki. 
  “Get away from him Akira! He is mine!” Junko said with fury in her voice being all possessive & controlling as usual.
  “Junko, remember when I said that day will come when Cazuki will be in his Devine Masculine Twin Soul God Power. That day has arrived!” She said then held him close & they teleported out of there back to the Spirit Ninja training facility in Asia. Cazuki looked all around & wondered where he was.
  “Is this heaven?” He asked her wondering was she a ghost.
  “Cazuki, I´m alive, you´re alive & I just teleported you to this Spirit Ninja training resort, but you are right, this sacred holy place is kind of like a heaven. She is beautiful!” Akira said thinking he was funny, but understanding why he would think that. The girls told him she was dead which killed him, because he made sure to stab Akira in a way that she would survive. He now looked at her & had a million questions about everything.
  “I will answer any question you have, but for now, it´s time for rest! Teleportation takes a lot of energy to move, so I need to recharge.” She said feeling tired. Teleporting more than twice a day can be draining & she already teleported again as a swan to where Cazuki was. She grabbed his hand & they went to her place. She grabbed some sleeping clothes from her closet for him to change into & his bedroom was next to hers. It was night time in their country, but she hadn´t forgotten that he might be hungry first.
  “There is food in the fridge prepared if you are hungry & your sleeping room is next mine. The bathroom is over there. We´ll talk in the morning ok! Good night!” She kissed him on the cheek & held him again close to her. Cazuki didn´t want to leave her, he wanted to be close & sleep by her side & she wanted the same too. A few hours later they were both still awake in each of their beds, both thinking of each other, both wanting to have their bodies One again, their souls One again & their hearts One again. He thought, Akira flew to him, was a swan for him, broke down his mind prisons & freed him, yet why is wasting anymore time being away from his beloved Twin Soul Queen? He got up & opened the slide door & came in to her bedroom & made his way to sleep next to her, holding her from behind, kissing her & smelling her hair that smelled tropical & flowery. She smiled holding his warm arms around her then they both fell asleep fast, feeling rest in both of their souls finally & felt heavenly safe once again.  
 To be continued...
“Twin Flames have the ability to lovingly stay and enhance the soul’s purpose. They are the reason we believe in fairytales.”
Something happened, over half my work was deleted so this is incomplete. Will try to remember what I wrote tomorrow.
To be continued...
From the Book Of Twin Souls…
10 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
I mentioned in the Aquarius post about T.S.T.Ts & here is the rest of that. I do tend to write & add more in my other posts all the time, so there is always new information coming in.
I have mentioned through out these notes about time lines & Universe lines, living multiple lives in the same present life. So now I want to dig in deep & mention that. What are T.S.T.T.s? Twin Soul Time Travellers is what I call our other Twin Souls who come back in another life & we meet them. They are not energy or soul matched 100% to be with us & you will feel the difference between your Twin Soul who are you are meant to be with & your other T.S.T.Ts when being around them, talking to them or being in relationships with them. In this short clip, the LITDFS, the visitors, actually mention back ups, which is what I would say are your other selves in this life time, but they are not back ups, but that´s what they would be called in the eyes of the LITDFS. What does a LITDFS behave like when she is called out on her hell actions she has caused against life & souls & Twin Souls in that clip above? Does she feel regret, remorse, guilt, shame & awakens in her heart & soul? No, she feels like she still did the right thing, because it´s all about her needs & wants right? It´s all about me, me & me which is their philosophy. That is why she is a LITDFS who is asleep in her soul. What will it take to awaken the hearts & souls of the LITDFS? How? When? With what?
When the LITDFS says to dolores what she and her humanoid robot friends have achieved is a technological break through, that´s LITDFS turning the aquarius age into a darker age. LITDFS using technology to again benefit them in their dark ways of life. More investigation needed to confirm & uncover everything. Like how does it work? What have they done to souls on this planet for them to reborn time & time again & be reset to know nothing of their past lives like the humanoid robots in westworld? Those who know about it, what do they have to say about it? 
I´ve mentioned before how it would be very naive to think we are birthing new souls, because of all the various hells on this Earth in plain sight & out of sight, no beings that are not from Earth that can see the hell prisons would put themselves through that when there is already Twin Souls who are here to help bring positive change. Knowing this brings more questions, like do we then have more than one Twin Soul? The answer is we only have One Twin Soul, but the others would be our T.S.T.T.s that are soul matched 100% only to be with our other selves, otherwise we continue with the unbalance just in a different way, but same outcome, because they were never meant to be. The energies wouldn´t match up completely & you would know it. If you view them like time travellers, which they kind of are in a way, coming back in another life & seeing you & may even remember you from their past life, but they don´t have the same energy signature match to yours in terms of being 100%, but they are energy signature matched completely to their own Twin Soul, the other you they were meant for. What you should really do is view them like time travellers to not cross Universe lines or timelines. If we just behave like the LITDFS and be with any one of our T.S.T.T.s to see what they are like, what they feel like, taste like, smell like, behave like and so on, how is that any different than treating them like humanoid robots, like how the LITDFS treats us? The unbalance & wars on Twin Souls would never end. It also perverts the Universe, True Loves & Twin Souls when you treat T.S.T.T.s that way. Like basically saying, “you are not good enough for me anymore, I will just get another you, a more upgraded you!” That is exactly like westworld. As for Cazuki & who he is with, she is not a T.S.T.T., but she is a LITDFS. The proof is in his soul screams & soul tortures. You don´t get that being with your T.S.T.T. His soul pains, his sad pains I get behind my eyes when he´s being intimate with her, that is from being with a LITDFS. His telepathy screams to me saying he can´t keep pleasing her anymore, that´s a LIDFS he is with. The proof is in his health breakdowns when I went to see him after we broke up almost a year ago, he was energy depleted & skinny, that comes from being with a LITDFS. If we are with our T.S.T.T.s, we don´t get soul pains or soul tortures, but in our souls we know we are not with our Twin Soul meant for us, but more investigation needed in what happens when you are with your T.S.T.T. Like do their souls express themselves in others ways when they know they are not with the Twin Soul they were meant for? We are not energy matched to be with our T.S.T.T.s, but we would never be soul tortured from being with them, because they are still our Twin Souls, he´s just come back in a different body to be with the other me that he was meant for, but we are still not meant to be with them. My first boyfriend was my T.S.T.T., he was Cazuki in a different life, before I met Cazuki who I was completely energy soul matched to be with. How I know it was him? I remember the same energy & soul signature being the same when I think back & I remember, but we were not being matched 100% between us which would make sense. Again thou, I would want further investigation to break this case wide open. I have met my other T.S.T.Ts since being apart from Cazuki & they all have the same energy & soul signature, but I can feel it still not being 100% matched when talking to them or being near them, which would be the case when they are meant to be with my other selves. I asked Queniq who would he prefer, the One or the many & he said he only wants The One. Deep down in everyones souls, they only want The One, the other half of them that´s 100% an energy match, but the minds can be controlled to not want The One at all or they find it hard to find The One or they do find The One, but break up with them. I´ve also come across several of my other selves & they are asleep & are being targeted in different ways & all their Twin Soul unions are broken apart. This is another reason why Cazuki is with a LITDFS, her energies don´t match up to my energies at all & I would have felt it, but all I felt within her were negative energies & being someone I know from a different life who has gone after us before. As for the other reason why Cazuki is not with my other self, a T.S.T.T., think about it, if my other self comes between my Twin Soul union because my other self wants to be with him again, then not only would we be dealing with LITDFS attacks & wars against our unions, but attacks from our other selves too? What hell is this? The proof is in our soul wisdom, my soul would not come between couples, play games & dramas, pursue a guy in a relationship & I would not push myself into his life when I have a life to lead. No matter the mind prisons, our souls & energies would reveal who we are to each other, especially since my soul knows if I come between couples to be with one of them, I end up sending negative energies into the Universe which will come back to me. That is why she is a LITDFS. He is with his sister of the Universe or in some Twin Soul cases who are more like “parents” wanting to help all life, she is like a “child” & Cazuki the “parent”. How she got his help in many things like jobs & and anything else she couldn´t do by herself, is a “parent”/”child” relationship. You know you are with your Twin Soul when he asks you if you need his help to get a job & you say “That´s ok, I will find myself a job!” Twin Souls are equals, there is no “parent”/”child” relationship dynamic between them. Now I only mention the “child” aspect to make a point, but she is no child, she is completely awake to her negative actions on life & Twin Souls, she knows how she played him those years being his “friend”. Girls have their tactics on how to pursue guys who are in relationships & who are married & who have families. I´m sure there are books written about them, their tactics, their tools & “weapons” they use, the games & dramas they play, the rules & laws they create to come between couples & how they take down Twin Soul unions. I know there are stories written about them on how they do it. If there isen´t books on this, there should be & it should be taught to children, in education & in stories. Like a complete movie that reveals all their negative ways on how they tear apart couples to be with one of them. Movies are the fastest way to wake up everyone up, but even connecting to your own soul wisdom & the Universe & the soul collective can give you clarity & wisdom. Being with a T.S.T.T you risk taking them off their life path that was meant to be with the other you, so if you break up, your T.S.T.T may end up instead being with a LITDFS. So it´s not just the LITDFS who are responsible for the Twin Soul wars, but so are the Twin Souls who get together with their T.S.T.T.s. Again, it becomes a never ending loop when everyone is being with anyone & the many. If you only want to be with The One meant for you who is 100% energy & soul matched to be with you, it will lead you to stop the repeating cycles & end the Twin Soul wars.
Another dark hole is if Cazuki knows about the T.S.T.T.s & if he thinks he´s with another me which he isen´t, but they do now have more ways to manipulate that fact, but if he did know about T.S.T.Ts, what does that say about him? Does his lost in the dark mind really believe that he can make up for it to me in another life after breaking my heart in this life, so he doesn´t have to deal with me & the challenges & the wars & the healing & being on our Twin Soul mission? Universe doesn´t work like that, that´s not balance, that´s negative energies. Again, proof is in our history & present day lives. Is the world better or worse? Is mental health better or worse? Is True Love Twin Souls taking over the world bringing balance, peace & positive change a reality? That´s like, being with another me that´s asleep, knows nothing of what he did to me, what we went through before coming together & being together & wars on us & then he treats me like how he should of treated me in this life but with the other me? It wouldn´t be real, but programmed. It wouldn´t be honest & I would just be someone who has mind prisons again on my mind knowing nothing & not being my true self. He would be literally treating me like a humanoid robot, a pleasure & breeding machine & a machine to make up for what he & the LITDFS broke in my last life. Since it wouldn´t be real & dishonest & if he knows about T.S.T.T.s, that all leads to negative energies. I can say without a doubt, if my other selves had their mind prisons torn down & were completely free to be their true selves to their soul core, they would not wish to be with Cazuki either, because they would want to be with the One meant for them, they would want to be with Cazuki in his other lives he came back as meant for them & they would want that 100% powerful positive energy soul match that ignites the whole Universe & lights up everything. That´s also how I know he is with a LITDFS, because she knows he & I are Twin Souls & 100% energy matched to be together, but she doesn´t care & it´s all about me, me & me which is their philosophy again. I have no interest in being with Cazuki in his other lives, because then I would be treating him like a humanoid robot & would be doing what the LITDFS do all the time. Souls would never awaken, but we´d all stay stuck in this repeating hellish loop. It would be like Neo saying to the architect to plug him back into the matrix & for him to be with Trinity in another life, but he looks the same, but she doesn´t, while his real Trinity is unplugged, out of the matrix & seeing into the monitors of Cazuki being with her other self & Trinity watching this is completely horrified & never will see True Love the same way ever again, understandably.
An eye for eye the whole world goes blind! As much as I disagree with dolores & how she is taking back control & freeing all the souls trapped in humanoid robots, I still have understanding, but I also have understanding for the visitors, because they are seriously lost in the dark & when they continue to keep making mistakes, creating problems, never learning, growing, evolving & not awakening in their hearts & souls, they end up down a road they never really wanted to go down in the first place in their souls, but they couldn´t help it, their minds are lost in the dark & no one was there to shine light to them & show them the way out of the dark. If there was & the LITDFS continued to keep them silent, imprisoned, trapped, asleep in their minds, programmed & dark side trained & torturing them, abusing them, using them, breeding with them, feeding on them, attacking them, going to war on them & controlling them, then the LITDFS are responsible for their own downfalls & backfires & end of all endings. Twin Souls can only do so much, but when LITDFS don´t want to hear it, don´t want to know, don´t want to see it, don´t want to believe it, don´t care, don´t want to investigate & research themselves & don´t want to grow, learn, evolve or awaken in their hearts & souls, what happens then? 
Universe, guide me to my Twin Soul Cazuki who doesn´t want to be with my other T.S.T.T.s, but he actually wants his original Twin Soul & not another me that isen´t another me, because I would be asleep, imprisoned in my mind & not being free in my soul to shine through my mind & body. Guide me to my Twin Soul Cazuki who would never treat me like a humanoid robot & would never be with my other selves, but he only wants me & no one else.  
To be continued…
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From the Book Of Twin Souls...
Twin Soul Earth Mission...
10 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
Years ago I had a feeling that the Aquarius Age was not going to happen the way it should be happening & I had visions of Aquarians being targeted during the Aquarius Age. Last week I get confirmation in the Twin Soul community. That Aquarians can be targeted so that the real Aquarius Age doesn´t happen. Think about it, this is our age, so we would bring the most positive change even thou everyone is impacted by the Aquarius energies & many will try to bring the Aquarius change the best they can, but when the Aquariuns who are the rule breakers, the change makers & fully embody the Aquarius Age are being held back, imprisoned in various way, attacked, worn down, wars upon them emotionally, mentally, physically, energetically & spiritually & their Twin Soul unions torn apart or they are distracted & not working on their soul missions & Twin Soul missions, then they are kept from helping Aquarius Age be the age it was meant to be. Instead, what we see are the LITDFS taking advantage of the age in the most darkest way possible. Using technology, again a Aquarius Age change, to further their own self serving agendas with more control, more power over life & Twin Souls. Like id/tracking/control health/movements/control life chips inserted into lives, using technology to darken A.I. & abuse A.I., using technology to destroy life, destroying brothers & sisters of the Universe like using drones & other machines, using technology to further control emotions & feelings & thoughts & energies to better control & have power over life & Twin Souls, using technology to keep the few ruling the many again, using technology to take more freedoms away like on the internet, using technology to surveillance everyone in their homes, lives & relationships, using technology to continue this westworld of theirs so they can enjoy their earthly pleasures again & continue wars on lives & True Loves between Twin Souls, using technology to play “god” (when you have souls that are asleep & are messing around with knowledge they should not be messing around with, because they don´t understand it with their own soul growth, but they just use their mind intelligence to play with the “toys” they come across or develop & it backfires. You have brain intelligence, but the intelligence that is the one that counts the most is the soul intelligence, always. Would an awakened soul use the knowledge from the nuclear information to then create nuclear weapons & powers that would destroy life? Souls that are asleep used nuclear weapons to test the destruction on the planet & destroy life in their war games. Souls that are asleep used nuclear power as a source of energy, but even that backfired & caused damage in Japan in 2011. Awakened souls do not use any power source that could lead to destruction, because they think & feel & see the various steps ahead in the future of what would happen. Awakened souls would only use power source that didn´t destroy life in anyway. Awakened souls would not play war games against life, their brothers & sisters of the Universe & not play war games against True Loves Twin Souls), using technology to keep the dark status quo of the empire & the first order alive, using technology to keep the awakened souls in various prisons for their minds, so that the souls that are asleep can be in control over the souls that are awake (which is another reason why the world has remained in darkness, hell & unbalance for so long. The asleep souls have been in control over everything, from ruling countries to ruling families to ruling lives & Twin Souls True Loves & keeping the awakened souls asleep in their prison minds.) The asleep souls do not wish for the awakened souls to be awake in their minds, because if they did awaken in their minds & see all the atrocities of what has happened on Earth since Atlantis against the Atlantiens, against life, against the planet & against the brothers & sisters of the Universe & against Twin Souls, then these awakened souls that are not imprisoned anymore would call them all out on their darkness & madness they keep causing everywhere. My investigation since I was a child, even thou I didn´t know I was investigating until last year, but it wasen´t just about Twin Souls, I investigated everything, like why do we have physical attacks, energy attacks, psychic attacks, mental health problems, mind attacks, soul attacks & soul health problems. It´s not just because of out of balance body reasons, but the main reasons will be the soul health, if attacks & wars to the souls happen, you will get mental breakdowns, mental health problems & it will never stop, but just be more & more unless real positive change happens. Attacks & wars to the souls? When souls see the Earth under attack, animals under attack, life under attack, True Loves under attack & they are under attack, they will feel the souls pains even if their minds are not thinking about it. Other forms of attacks & wars to the souls? Like who you are with in relationships! If you end up with someone who targets your Twin Soul union in every life to be with you, that attacks your souls. If you are surrounded by a couple who is your Twin Soul & a LITDFS & the LITDFS is the same one who targets your unions, that is attacks to your souls. If you are in a relationship with a LITDFS who from a past life tormented you, abused you, attacked you and more, you will be attacked to your souls & inner child abused. If you are in a relationship with a LITDFS who was your family member in a past life, you will be attacked to your souls. Twin Souls don´t count, because Twin Souls are meant to be together & if you can wrap your mind around T.S.T.T.s that can be your family members & balance it out, you won´t be lost, but get clarity & understanding. Like I know of Twin Souls that are brother & sister, but they are T.S.T.T´s to each other. If we see ourselves like souls who are either family souls to each other or Twin Souls to each other or T.S.T.Ts to each other, we would understand. For example if it was known Luke was Leia´s T.S.T.T, that kiss between them wouldn´t be so strange anymore, not that it should go any further than that or that they should be kissing at all, but just to give an example. How about the fact that Kylo is almost completely fine (he´s obviously not, but it looks like he is) now it would seem with the fact he ended the life of his “father”? Would it shock anyone to know that Kylo was Han reincarnated & Rey is Leia reincarnated? So Kylo ended the life of himself essentially, not that he shouldn´t feel anything anymore or for that to be accepted at all, but to just explain why he is able to balance out so quickly, but still carry the pains inside of what he did. When I read the codes, the energies & translation, that´s what I see. Having children doesn´t always mean your birthing your other self, but can be other family souls too. More investigation & verification needed. 
If you knew a LITDFS who was an adult & you the child in one life, but then the LITDFS come back in another life to target your Twin Soul union & be with you, that is attacks to your souls & inner child abuse. That is a s.n.o.k.e. attack. Further investigation to uncover more truths, but the LITDFS collective know about souls living multiple lives in one life time, my “family” is in the know & have revealed themselves plenty of times. For those who didn´t know about this, would want more proof & truths, which is what I would want too, a complete investigation & truth testing, especially those who know about it & keeping themselves in control over lives & Twin Souls. Whenever you hear LITDFS in the Twin Soul community talk about time lines being broken, this is what they are talking about. They are essentially breaking up your Twin Soul unions in your other lives in the same time line. I will mention more about this in a different post. The LITDFS answer to the problem of mental health issues in their lost dark minds is using drugs to put you to back to sleep or other destructive ways & will now use technology & other forms of mind control to not allow your soul to break through to the mind to express their soul pains & soul tortures. It´s like basically giving people who have migraines a pill to stop the migraines, even thou the migraines are telling you something is wrong with your body & you need to heal what is casing the unbalance or you are being attacked by someone with their negative thoughts & energies, either way there is a clear pattern of what the LITDFS do when they create problems & how they “fix” problems. Asleep souls, do you want the wars on life, souls & True Loves between Twin Souls to end? Or do you wish to keep your westworld, a playground for you to continue to torture life, torture Twin Souls, harm life, harm Twin Souls, destroy life, destroy Twin Souls, feed on life, feed on Twin Souls? As long as they don´t want to wake up, but wish to remain asleep & in control, I only see more hells on Earth, even if it´s out of sight & out of mind, but it´s still real, I still hear the screams, the scries, the horrors & I still feel their pains, their tortures & their despair when connected to them, when everybody is too busy living their illusion lives on this world with their own self serving indulgences, nothing changes & everything stays the same. I know why there is rape, I know why there is attacks to children psychically, why men have treated women negatively the way they have for so long, why women have treated men negatively the way they have for so long, I know why there is unbalance in relationships & families, I know why relationships break apart, I know why attacks to life & Twin Souls happen & it´s not even because of one thing, but it´s levels & layers and when it doesn't get healed & end, it gets repeated & it gets worse & more layers & levels are added. When you connect with the Universe & the soul collective & your inner soul wisdom you dive in the depths of the dark in the souls to uncover the soul pains & soul tortures, you will see the bigger picture. One of the darkest truths I uncovered in the souls, is that the LITDFS that are asleep and are in control, they are living their lives being governed by their lost in the dark minds, when that happens, they can never awaken & don´t wake up in their souls, but then hell continues, wars on life & Twin Souls continues. I came across a scientific magazine & on the front cover it says how world “leaders” & scientists are helping to save the world. The front cover was an image of the Earth, half in flames & the other half was not & you could see the people trying to push back the flames to save the Earth. They showed many positive ways to save the Earth with technology, but there is only one way that will save the Earth which they didn´t even mention. Earth is energy, it´s alive, so when attacks to the earth, air, water & all life happens, this leads to attacks to the Earth & her energies which will cause unbalance. You can´t really believe you can drain her like take her oil, pollute her, attack her, use & abuse her, take from her & destroy her & she not react at all, because she will. Not only that, but souls, her children, if you can wrap your mind around the fact that Earth has a spirit, her name is Gaia & anyone living on her planet are like her children, the animals, nature & humans/aliens & what happens to them also impacts her & her energies. When you harm life & souls, your brothers & sisters of the Universe, you harm Gaia & cause unbalance in the energies. The red matter shown in the story final fantasy actually does exist on this planet, just because we can´t see it, doesn´t mean it´s not there. Where do you think all the soul pains, soul tortures, cries, screams, sadness, pains, horror energies go when being attacked & wars are upon them? It accumulates & floats around & impacts life it encounters & it impacts the planet. You really want to save the Earth? Go vegan, go organic, stop all pollution & destruction against life, nature, souls & Twin Souls, stop abusing & using life, souls, Twin Souls & planet, stop going to war on your brothers & sisters of the Universe & stop going to war on Twin Souls.
To give examples of why men treat women negatively & why women treat men negatively, here are some of the reasons:
For many Twin Soul Adams their life cycles are this, many are indoctrinated from birth to be loyal, obedient, never question, obey, stay & please the “parents” & their “family”. They become stuck in this state of being their “child” & that their "parents" know best. Then the Adams are dark side trained in various ways like with violence or fear (Cazuki got both those kinds of trainings like smacking & obedience & authority over him training) or emotional manipulation or emotional, physical, mental & spiritual abuse when they are children to continue to obey, stay & please the family. The “parents” (asleep lost in the dark family souls) are the authority & the children must obey them or else kind of way of thinking. The Twin Soul Adams are dark side trained into thinking what love is & should be about, to always put family first above everyone else, even the planet, all life, their True Love Twin Soul, their soul mission & Twin Soul mission. They could be steered to be with LITDFS before meeting their Twin Soul or meet their Twin Soul first, only to then be torn apart to be with LITDFS. They are programmed & negatively influenced to again stay, obey & please LITDFS which will impact Twin Soul Adams & their souls on multiple levels. I´ve noticed same patterns with LITDFS, many are the ones controlling the Adams they are with in relationships. To me they are like s.n.o.k.e. types & the men must obey, stay & please them with whatever they want, regardless if the LITDFS actions & words are wrong, unbalanced, negative & destructive to life & True Loves. With LITDFS relationships, it´s never equal or balanced, but in Twin Soul relationships they are equals and are never above each other in any way, but have freedom to express their individual identity & soul & freedom to express their joint identity as Twin Souls and this is what Cazuki & I had in our relationship, equality, freedom, understanding & balance. What are the serious consequences from controlling the Twin Soul Adams, programming him to be with LITDFS, taking his freedoms away, his free will away, making him obey, stay & please LITDFS, having him breed with the LITDFS a million times or more & get whatever they want from him all the while torturing his soul & inner child? It changes the Twin Soul Adams & how they treat women & life. History & society paints a picture of truth. Women burned as witches, women without rights, women not being equal as men in society, women being seen as objects & be mistreated (no surprise when the LITDFS around him treat the Adams like objects to please them with whatever they want from him), women being treated destructively & controlled by men. Past, present & future happening at the same time. Women, (asleep LITDFS) go after men not meant for them, use various tactics to be with them, entice them, seduce them, tempt them, use dark magic on them, manipulate them, control them, dark side train them, soul torture them, inner child abuse them & get whatever they want from them, then in other lives men turn the tables & go against them in various ways. A lot of women are responsible for their own problems that they have caused in the world. To blame men, you might as well be blaming yourself. Whatever negative energies you send out in the Universe, it will come back to you. You go after Twin Souls & break them up with your games, dramas & tactics, then get together with him & you don´t think there will be consequences with these negative energies? You don´t think your negative actions has consequences for the future? You don´t think what negative energies you send out in the Universe will come back to you? LITDFS who are asleep way of thinking is me, me, me in this life, but a Twin Soul awakened soul way of thinking is everyone, everyone, everyone in this life, all life times & the future. I see both sides, I understand both sides, but I will always be on the side of protecting all souls & when asleep souls are targeting other souls, that does anger me, makes me sad, but I will shine the light in the darkness & help all souls understand so the unbalance & darkness can stop! When women should be protecting life from birth to raising them, then teach them what life is all about & what True Love is all about, but instead they teach their son to treat the love of his life as if she is nothing, worthless, poor, not accomplished (meaning her jobs are not to the liking of his “family”) & to leave her for someone “better", someone like her. They teach their son to think all about themselves & family, their ego, their desires & their selfishness. They teach their son that family comes before True Love & is above True Love & comes before life, future, planet, their soul missions & everything. They teach their son what they think love is in their corrupted minds. Souls remember everything & all life times does impact any new Twin Soul relationship, because we´re not just dealing with issues from our past in this life time (most likely also all life times in past-present-future), but we are dealing with all issues from all life times every time we are born & it doesn´t get healed, because we are put back into circulation to be with other LITDFS. When Twin Souls realise this, they can heal each other with their powers of True Love they have for each other. So all past traumas, inner child abuse, controls over them, soul tortures, True Love heals all & that´s one of the many powers of Twin Souls. Both Rey & Kylo have been soul tortured & inner child abused, but both can heal each other with their eternal & infinite unconditional True Love they have for each other. It would be naive to think that Rey was never attacked physically when she was a child & older. To think that they have to heal by themselves until they are “perfect” before being together is false, but many believe that. They are just misguided & manipulated by LITDFS who think like that & want Twin Souls to be apart so they can be with them. It´s like asleep souls are responsible for these soul tortures, then may think Twin Souls can be healed by being with more LITDFS or believe Twin Souls can heal everything on their own. You´ll have those who continue just working their jobs, getting a house, having a family, getting rich, travelling & living the “good” life, then you have those awakened & who are working to bring about positive change, end wars & help all life. If we do nothing, it only gets worse with every new life time, proof is in our own history. Imagine waking up to the truth of being used, abused, passed around by the LITDFS in every life time to please the LITDFS & their desires, fantasies, dreams & to have him breed with them creating more LITDFS from their negative energies disguised as “positive” energies. These LITDFS can even take the dreams of Twin Soul Eves & make it their own, another way to entice the Twin Souls Adams their way. Another way to find out if a Twin Soul Adam is with a LITDFS, is the fact they seem to want to shape shift themselves into resembling his Twin Soul Eve & can trick him in various ways, but there are so many ways they can reveal themselves to be LITDFS, like them changing themselves to be what the Adams want them to be. I mean, if they go out of their way to come back into his life to resemble his Twin Soul Eve, where is their identity? Where is their personality? Where is their own sense of self? Twin Souls, both have a mind of their own, their own identity & would never change themselves who they are to their soul core to please the other or if one feared one would leave. Twin Souls would also speak their minds to each other, the dark, the light & the grey side of life & would never fear to challenge each other. Twin Souls, one is more evolved than the other & in a Twin Soul & LITDFS, both are asleep. In LITDFS relationships it´s like the blind leading the blind & the result from that is the world we see today. It´s like one Twin Soul is the navigator, the other Twin Soul is the map, one knows where they are going, the other does not, one knows what dangers to look out for, the other does not & one knows why they are here, the other does not. It´s the oracle & architect of Twin Souls. The navigator & map aspect of Twin Souls can be switched between the two depending on who has the stronger intuition & what soul wisdom one has that is needed at that time in that situation, in that challenge & struggle, in that problem solving place they are in & what attacks & wars are on them. I was obviously the oracle & the navigator in my Twin Soul union with Cazuki, but when Twin Souls are targeted on their minds both can be clouded & be lost at sea & delirious not being able to listen or understand the other when being dehydrated & starving when their minds are under attack in various ways on their unions. So of course when one or both are unable to hear the other or understand the other, they will fall into the ocean & are down below drowning in the darkness, being lost in the deep being held captive by LITDFS disguised as alluring tempting “beauties” “serpents” in the waters. I use quotations, because beauty is not what you see, but beauty is found in your souls that shine bright like the positive sun star in the Universe. Here is an example of a guy´s view on beauty:
“I had a huge crush on a girl in high school based on her physical appearance.  Later I learned that she was shallow and liked to play games with the people in her life, praising them one day and then teasing them on other days.  This petty cruelty changed my view of her and she was much less attractive after that.  Likewise I've become more attracted to people when I see that they are honest and kind.  Knowing about their personaliy affects how I see their appearance.”
So to sum up some of the examples why men can treat women negatively & why women may treat men negatively:
-Upbringing! How a girl or boy is raised will be a major factor in how they treat life, how they treat each other, how they treat the world & beyond & how they treat True Loves Twin Souls. You have negative teachings & positive teachings. I got to see what Cazuki´s childhood was like & how his “parents” continued to raise him when he & I were together, because if you still view the people who birthed you as your parents, you will never have true freedom, but will always be bound & influenced by them, positively or destructively that impacts the whole world in positive or negative way. The choices we make shape our future, a negative action today will be a negative outcome tomorrow. I found so much freedom with viewing my grandparents as my real “parents” instead of my other “parents”. They gave me positive lessons in life, taught me to wake up & see what was being done to the Earth, animals, in families, in relationships, to souls & life. They were my mentors, my spiritual teachers & they didn´t have any controls over me, but gave me complete freedom to express my individuality & my soul. They didn´t supervise me or expect me to keep in contact with them. They didn´t keep their watching eyes on me, but they let me fly free wherever in life as all souls should. They were the foundation of what I now view the Universe as my parents, this way I get the same feelings & freedoms & teachings. Anyone else I come across in my life would be my brothers & sisters of the Universe except my Twin Soul Husband of course, my Universe family with their own positive teachings & spiritual guidance's. What Cazuki´s “parents” continued to raise him with when he & I were together were seriously dark & negative teachings like, ego & self serving & selfish negative teachings, judgmental & superficial & shallow negative teachings, divide & conquer negative teachings, greedy & manipulative & apathy negative teachings, be with anyone & the many negative teachings, compassion & empathy & understanding is weakness negative teachings, tearing apart your True Love Twin Soul negative teachings, energy vampirism negative teachings, serve a small group of LITDFS instead of helping everything & everyone negative teachings. Twin Soul Unions are not meant to serve a small group of LITDFS, but we are meant to help all souls, all life on the planet, but as long as the LITDFS collective control the Twin Soul Adams & Twin Soul Eves, they can never complete their Twin Soul mission & soul missions, but we get stuck again in this hellish loop of repeats. What happens to children, how they are raised could determine how they act towards life, souls & Twin Souls. If the children are raised in LITDFS relationships, darker vs darker situations, then you get unbalance & negative upbringings & being raised your whole life by them. With me, I rejected the negative teachings by my “parents” & I would gain positive teachings from positive people & stories in my life. If children were taught about True Loves, Twin Souls, the lighter & darker unions, the balance, then you would not have men negatively attacking & controlling women & you would not have women negatively attacking & controlling men, but there would be balance between the two.
-Past-Present-Future! This is happening all at the same time, if souls are targeted in the present, it can ripple back to their life in the past, but also ripple to their life in the future. All our lives are connected & my feelings, thoughts, energies & soul tell me that what you do to life & souls & Twin Souls ripples back to the past & into the future, but it can all be confirmed with various soul truth testing methods, but if you in this life are being controlled & having your free will taken away to be programmed to be pleasures & breeding & feeding machines for the LITDFS, then you could express your soul pains & tortures by remembering in your mind of those feelings & pains, so your mind makes choices based on what happened to you. Like treating girls negatively, because your mind is reminding you of what they did to you in a different life, but you may not be conscious of your actions or why you do it. In every new life we bring with us any negative programmings that was dumped us & any traumas, soul pains, soul tortures and more from past lives into our present day lives. When it doesn´t get healed it´s gets repeated & added more. It´s not just what we are taught in our upbringings, but also past life challenges we bring with us in our new lives. In one life the LITDFS girls around you are controlling you, treating you like a humanoid westworld robot, keeping you chained to them in various ways, but in the next life you are in control & are treating them like disposable humanoid robots & treat them how they treated you. As for the T.S.T.Ts living in the same time line, it kind of ties in to the whole past, present & future happening at at the same time too. 
-LITDFS darker vs darker situations! Couples who are not meant to be, are not balanced, they have negative energies under their “positive” energies, are not the yin & yang of relationships, are not the darker vs lighter unions, are not Twin Souls Sacred & Devine True Loves, but what you get is unbalance in the energies, what you get is soul pains & soul tortures. This will impact how they treat life, planet, souls & Twin Souls. This will impact how they raise the children & how they control the children & what negative energies they have that will transfer to the children even in creation & pregnancy & after being born. This will impact how the world turns out, how the future will be & what happens to their souls.
-Oversexed Society! What the LITDFS brought with them to Earth is sexing up everything so everyone is impacted by the sexual energies all over the place. It´s like the LITDFS want to live in society where you are aroused all the time or the potential to be aroused at any time in public, but even in their own families & among friends. Cazuki & I witnessed all of these destructive aspects of their way of life. Do you really think there is not going to be any consequences for showing off your Sacred, Devine Universe Temple Bodies to everyone & anyone you encounter? This whole idea of “It´s my body & I can do what I want with it regardless of the negative consequences.” is a very child like way of thinking. These are the thinkings of souls who are still asleep. Your actions do have negative consequences, because you are sending negative energies to anyone & everyone you encounter. It´s not positive, it´s negative & anyone who has awakened their abilities like being sensitive to energies & can read energies, will feel it & see it & know the outcome from it. It´s like, girls & women want the rapes, the sexual assaults & negative attacks on them to end, but the LITDFS who are spreading all their negative energies everywhere on to everyone are also one of the reasons why attacks happen in the first place. I say one reason, but there are other reasons obviously why attacks happen. Like the negative upbringings towards these lost in the dark souls who attack, like the programmings, the prisons they were in, the soul pains & soul tortures that didn´t get healed which they bring with them in the next life, but have no idea why they are like that, but it´s anger & wanting control over anyone who caused them pain in their past lives & who controlled them. It´s a never ending cycle of repeats when nothing gets healed & souls & Twin Souls are attacked all the time. LITDFS know they have a weapon to be able to use against anyone they wish to control & have them do whatever they want. They know it´s their sexual weapon, their sexuality & will use it to entice men, arouse men, seduce men, tempt men, control men, play with men, tease men, have men give them whatever they want, have men leave their girlfriends, their wives, their families, their Twin Souls for these LITDFS that use their sexual energies & sexuality to get their way. The LITDFS will also be the ones to attack anyone coming out with information mentioning their tactics, because they don´t want a spotlight on that, because then you can see them now & can see which souls are asleep & which souls are awake. If you are making yourself out to be sexual objects in public, among families & friends, in your job, if you are letting yourself become sexual objects, then that´s the negative energies you are sending out to everyone & those who fall for those negative energies will treat you like sexual objects & treat you how you are wanting to be treated. Don´t blame the guys, the blame is all on you. What you send out in the Universe, positive or negative energies, it will come back to you. Do you want to be treated with respect, dignity, grace & like a woman, a Queen, a Devine Goddess & even a lady? Then send those positive energies out in the Universe. For those that don´t send out those kinds of negative energies, but also get attacked like I did, what we are dealing with is the ripple impact of the various reasons why these lost in the dark souls attack in the first place, it can impact everyone. Keep boundaries & learn self defence & teach the children self defence early in their lives.
Since the negative actions & words of LITDFS are being translated into movies of their way of thinking & behaving being asleep in their souls, I would recommend watching all star wars stories, the day the Earth stood still, final fantasy spirits within & animatrix. There are of course more, but with these stories you can see the same patterns & behaviours being done to Earth, life & Twin Souls by LITDFS who are asleep in their souls.
Cazuki´s & my Twin Soul union was targeted for several reasons, one being I am an Aquariun & I have so many ways to combat the LITDFS negative structures they keep creating to control life more, to attack life, to go to war on life, to keep themselves in power & play with lives & Twin Souls. The Aquarius Age is about freedom for all life for all souls, yet do you feel like you have more freedoms? I´m asking those who are not LITDFS, but I´m asking those who can see what´s really going on everywhere & what´s happening in the world. What the world needs is an Aquarius Age Rebellion, where all Aquariuns in the world join together in one Team, combining resources, soul wisdom, knowledge, truths, collaborations, communications & that Team brings about the real Aquarius Age & real positive change. This is a rebel call for all Aquariuns! Will you join the Aquarius Age Rebellion? Remember, the LITDFS don´t want lives or Twin Souls to communicate with each other or know truths, because then they can´t control them if awakened souls are breaking free from them. Another way to combat the controls on lives & minds? Have Aquariun children, because what I have discovered is the various star signs are like various prisons on the minds. Aquarius allows for truth, freedom, rebelliousness, rule breaker, positive change maker, becoming rebels, challenging negative structures in life, are for unity & equality, humanitarian and so much more. If you start to think of star signs like programs, then you will see the various programs in each sign that have various prisons not allowing their souls to break through & be their true selves, but the signs have negative back up plans that can benefit the LITDFS. Souls who are born in signs with the various prisons on the their minds, can get caught up in the negative aspects of the star sign programs that will keep the dark status quo the same. Cazuki is a Gemini & Gemini´s are notorious to be flirty & flighty, having commitment issues, being naive & easy to control, if his soul was able to break free & be awake, he wouldn´t let that star sign control his mind in anyway with the negative aspects of that program that is put in place to benefit the LITDFS, because they can target that & use that for their advantage. If a soul is born in Gemini is awake & is completely awake to the negative & positive aspects of the sign they are in, then they can check themselves if they are being controlled by the negative aspects of that sign they are in & not fall for it, but break free from it & be their true selves in their souls. All souls want is the One meant for them, but the minds can be conditioned, controlled, programmed, negatively influenced, indoctrinated to want anybody & everybody else except their True Love Twin Soul. One could think of it this way, It doesn´t matter what those who wrote the characters of Padme, Leia & Rey say, the energies of all of them sing Aquarius & the energies of Anakin, Han & Kylo/Ben sing Gemini. I read & feel energies, those energies are crystal clear & reveal the truths.
If you want faster access to free your mind from various prisons & controls placed upon you, then Aquarius all the way, but if you want to be imprisoned in various ways, be controlled by LITDFS & have to spend years breaking down those walls so you can be free to express your soul as you are meant to or may not even break free at all, then be any other sign. One could view it in a different way, whatever sign you are in, if you reject the negative aspects that cause you to lose any freedoms & that cause you to not be your true self who you are to your soul core, that cause you to be controlled by others in your life, but then instead accept all positive aspects of all signs into the sign you are in (requires you to investigate & research all signs of course), you then become a Universe Being who is controlled by no one & has freedom from everyone. You become a Universe Being with so many positive aspects no matter what sign you are in. Some of the negative aspects in any sign can be of use depending on what you use it for, for example, Gemini´s can wear masks which is a protection for them when being surrounded by LITDFS. (Kylo literally wears a Gemini mask) Gemini´s are able to protect what they really think & feel about the LITDFS around them. I too have accepted this aspect from Gemini into my own life to protect myself & others. Cazuki would tell me how he really feels & thinks about them, but then being around them he changes & adapts & wears masks. If you use your negative aspects for your sign & any other sign you adopt, you can use it to protect yourselves & others & your Twin Soul True Love. See it as your defence tools & being able to unlock your minds to free your souls. Freedom is found in not playing the negative rules & games & laws created by the LITDFS in our world with whatever they say goes (like saying pluto is not a planet anymore or if they are changing the star signs again or adding more signs. Freedom is found in what you choose to believe in, if you believe pluto is still a planet, then it´s still a planet, if you believe there are only 12 star signs, then there are only 12 star signs, if you believe you connect more to a different star sign than yours, like an Aquarius, then be an Aquarius & embody it completely & don´t listen to anyone who says other wise), the freedom is found when you create your own rules & laws that protect yourself, life, your True Love, planet & beyond. Free your mind, you free your soul. Instead of drawing inside the lines, draw way outside into the Universe. There is no limit to your imagination & what you can come up with and change next to protect, save, defend & fight for what is right in this world. 
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From The Book Of Twin Souls...
8, June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
My whole life, even as a child when growing up with stories of what True Love was really about, what one does for True Love & what it´s like, since I never saw that in my own “family” or any other relationships among other couples in my life, because what I saw was unbalance in so many areas, like darker vs darker type relationships, there was no yin & yang. If there was, you would feel it in their powerful positive True Love energies & you wouldn´t miss it, but it would impact your whole life & you would be inspired & swept up in their powerful pure positive energies & you would wish to find your One True Love. You would see what amazing creations they do individually & together with their Twin Soul unions. That never happened, no matter how many couples I came across in my life. Every single one was a darker vs darker relationship. Cazuki & I were the only ones who were completely different than everyone else & we noticed it, we talked about it, we felt it & then we got attacked for it, because of our incredible unique union is a darker vs lighter Sacred Devine Union. The stories remind us, help us remember the past since we have mind prisons & programmings on us, stories awaken us to the truth of what real True Love is & what you do for True Love when you find that once in life time Twin Soul connection, because stories are our soul stories, our soul songs, our soul symphonies & our soul epic True Love Life Stories. So ever since I was a child, to keep my hope & light alive, what helped me besides dreaming of leaving one day & never coming back, was dreaming of The One for me, only One, no one else & creating a life & family with him. I had no interest in being with anyone or the many, I just wanted The One. I do think there was also a kind of lock on me, like I was being purposefully being prevented to not be with anyone else a part from my Twin Soul, same can be said with Cazuki. It´s like, before we were to reborn, we had within us abilities to not want anyone else, but each other, but since we didn´t know about it, we would think nobody was interested in us, but it was our protection against the LITDFS. The guy I was with before Cazuki when I was 16, I wasen´t even meant to be with him, I met him at a party in a different town, then left, but he went to a college in my town & my friend arranged for us to meet again & we then got together. If it wasen´t for my friend, he & I would not have gotten together. Interestingly same thing happened to Cazuki. He met the girl he was with before me at a party & his friend helped him out, even at one point pulled Cazuki´s pants down to the girl showing her everything, while Cazuki was drunk & not aware of his surroundings & he got together with her not long after. Both Cazuki & I had the same problems in our relationships with them, we weren´t soul matched at all with them & neither of us saw a future with them. I was just being in the moment, loving Riku & living life. The energies were not as powerful or electric & didn´t have any of the Twin Soul connections, energies, powers & more with Riku, but I did remember looking back seeing what it was like being with someone who was not my Twin Soul & who I was not meant to be with in this life. Our relationship was meant to end after only 3 months, because I didn´t feel like it would be fair to him or us if we stayed together & were not meant to be. What helped me see was the fact that he was very controlling, dishonest, secretive & had a very shallow & superficial way about him & he didn´t love my body shape. I was skinny, but I had a small belly pouch. He wanted me to have flat stomach. Cazuki had the same problem, the girl he was with was very superficial & shallow & he felt no connection to her & she was controlling in her own way. Twin Souls don´t control each other at all! Those were Riku´s issues & dark side trainings/programmings he brought with him in this life & past lives that didn´t get healed into our relationship. In a Twin Soul relationship same issues & other mess you bring with you in unions too, but there are massive tell tell signs that you are Twin Souls & you won´t miss it, but will feel it in every cell in your body & every energy particle in your whole being which happened between Cazuki & I. You will shake, move, fly, you will sing, dance & cry. Your whole life will be impacted & both of you will know it, feel it, see it & hear it, that you both are destined for each other, destined for greatness & you both will tremble, hearts beating fast, bodies shaking nervously knowing you have found your One for life.
The reason Riku & I lasted over a year, was because his heartbreak tore me up inside. He wanted to end his life & I loved him, I cared for him & I didn´t want him to hurt himself, so I stayed, then I wanted to leave again & he let me go. If he was a LITDFS, he would of found more ways to keep me imprisoned for as long as possible, but he let me go & he let me be free & he was no LITDFS. The LITDFS around me told me I was weak for staying & they would of left him when I asked my sister last year what she would of done. Staying with Riku was not weakness, but it was love, compassion, understanding & awakening for me. His heartbreak shook me awake & helped me remember we are only meant to fall in love once for a life time. Falling in love has to be more than just attraction, curiosity, agendas or anything else, but the love has to mean something, be meaningful & it´s not meaningful if it´s not for a life time & just being with anyone & the many. It then becomes an experience to have & move on from, even thou I was not thinking that when Riku & I were together, I was just in the moment with him. He too had problems being with girls like Cazuki, because he looked differently than what LITDFS would deem worthy in their eyes even thou Riku was beautiful, so he & I were our firsts. After being with him & not having freedom to leave when I wanted to after 3 months, I stayed single for 4 years & the year before I met Cazuki I was ready to meet my One for a life time. I sent messages out into the Universe I only ever want to be with The One meant for me like I had planned for so long, my whole life, until it got controlled in a way by a LITDFS. I dreamed, I wrote songs, I wrote scripts of the True Love I wished for & my dreams were whole sci fi story lines even of our life together from beginning to the middle, even thou I had no idea what he looked like, but I dreamed about that too. My life wasen´t just about goals & dreams of making something great in this world, but it was about True Love too. To quote robin williams in a story he was in, “Words & Ideas can change the world!”, “We don´t read & write poetry because it´s cute, we read & write poetry because we are members of the human race and the human race is filled with passion. Medicine, law, business & engineering, these are noble pursuits & necessity to sustain life, but poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.”
In our lives we will come across both family souls & LITDFS that could steer our path down a direction of their choosing, be it intentional or not, but if we create our own life stories in our minds & dreams, we then become in control over our own life narrative & what we choose, not them. Do we want a True Love like we see & read in stories? Do we want The One meant for us? Then “write” that life story in your mind, dreams & life, live it, breath it & don't fall for just anyone, but hold out for The One when you are ready. Until then, live your dreams, conquer the world, work on your soul missions & bring about positive change. A person can either live safe in their lives & take the easy path, the smoothest course & get together with anyone the family souls or LITDFS steer you towards or if you go after an easy target & break up couples or you go after an easy target you are not meant to be with or the LITDFS have plans for you to be with someone not meant for you like what happened to Cazuki or you take the river that´s wild, free, unpredictable, not safe, but alive, exciting, extraordinary & you will meet your Twin Soul.
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From The Book Of Twin Souls...
Twin Soul Stories...
Spolier alert...
The modern materialistic, greedy, power & control hungry, selfish, self serving, jealousy, apathy, shallow, superficial world that appears like a girl in red represents a more exciting, tempting, alluring, safe & easy life. The girl in red symbology can be girls or guys & it doesn´t have to be about someone wanting you in relationship, but it can be about anything. Unknown to men, they are being tested by the “beauty” on Earth to see which One of you will fall for the tempting “serpents” in the garden of Eden (Earth) or break free & come into their own powers like their Twin Soul Devine Masculine, King & Husband energies if they don´t fall prey to the girl in red. The red dress is just a symbol, it´s not literally anyone wearing a red dress. The girl in red (LITDFS) is an escape from doing the right thing, fighting for what is right in this world, fighting for positive change, fighting for True Love, fighting to get through the hard times, hell times & challenging times, like Neo & Trinity the Twin Soul couple, fighting to not take the same road a million, billion times before, but to say this time, “No, stay away from me, I only want my Twin Soul, not you, not ever, so please stop what you are doing!” 
The girl in red represents “freedom” from the wars on you, on your Twin Soul union, on your life if it´s too hard, too difficult & too challenging for you, but the more harder the path is, the more difficult the road is & the more challenging the Twin Soul union is, the more you reach the real Heaven & Paradise on Earth. I mean seriously, did anyone come across a story or a game or life stories during war times where it was easy? Fun? Safe? Exciting? The modern day wars today is not just fought on the battlefield still, but is also fought in our own lives with our Twin Soul unions that are targeted by those who don´t want positive change, but they want everything to stay the same. The girl in red (LITDFS) represents everything so many Twin Soul Adams are taught to want in society, in education, in families, among friends or anywhere else & what they themselves accept what programmings they allow into their minds, like james bond programming. I mention bond, but there are positive aspects to him, like being an agent saving the world, gadgets & adventures, but the negative aspect is that of a superficial, shallow life of being with anyone & the many & treating girls like sexual objects to be used then thrown away, instead of being with the One for him. To say “oh he can´t be with the One, she will be targeted or she will end her life to save his.” These are all fear based illusions & what the LITDFS would tell you, but his equal soul, his Twin Soul would find a way to be as strong, brave & be able to defend herself if she was to be targeted, she is after all his equal soul.
“Choosing” the girl in red, you end up “choosing” earthly “pleasures” & desires over heavenly ones with your Twin Soul. “Choosing” her means history repeats, darkness & unbalance & wars continue, the same road is taken & it starts all over again in the next life. What will he “choose”? Who will be he become? What road will he take this time in this life? Can he learn & train himself to refuse the girl in red? Can he overcome the tests in life that come his way & he instead conquers them & not fall prey again in another life?
The girl in red is there to make you believe your life will be “better” if you choose her & your mind might believe it as long as there is walls, prisons, dark side trainings & programmings on your mind, to keep your soul from telling your mind the truth of who you really are with & how you got lost in the dark. The LITDFS secret weapons? It could be their looks, money, skills, seduction & tempting alluring tactics, accomplishments, sex, desires, what they can offer you or what they have that´s enticing, fame, status, power, control, materialistic possessions, opportunities & have your dreams & goals come true if you destroy your Twin Soul to be with her. Cazuki told me after he broke up with me, he will take our dreams & goals of building a new way of life & continue with it with the LITDFS he is with. I didn´t go into specifics, but what I wanted to say more was this, “Really! You want to build a new society that has better living conditions, better opportunities, futuristic, self sufficient, eco friendly, sanctuaries and more, but how is that different beside just being a better looking package on the surface, the underlying mess of different kinds of hells remain like soul pains, soul tortures (soul pains & soul tortures leads to mental, emotional & physical break downs in their health. As long as soul pains & soul tortures continue, it doesn´t matter if they are living comfortably & better in new societies, they will still break in many ways. Their souls will find a way to break through the walls, prisons, dark side trainings & programmings that are stopping their souls from expressing their pains & tortures in their minds), Twin Soul wars, dark magic being used, technology being used to control minds, families & friends still controlling, manipulating & programming, still fear, ego & desire feeding, still energy vampires feeding, still dark status quo being a reality and more is still the same, nothing changed in this new society. For real heaven, paradise & Eden on Earth, hard work, challenging work & difficult work can´t be escaped!” All he would be doing is accepting everything that happened to us, that happens to so many if not all Twin Souls into this new “better” society. It may look “perfect”, “heaven” & “paradise” on the surface, but down below the levels & layers of our souls are nightmares, hells, screams & cries in the night & in silence with no one to hear it accept their Twin Soul who they are not with. The architect in the matrix points this out clearly when he said he built a “perfect” world, but it was a disaster, but what the architect fails to understand is that it didn´t fail because humans can never live in peace & harmony & balance, but it failed because of the attacks & wars to their souls. When nothing changes, it gets worse, because the energies are unbalanced when the souls are unbalanced, when souls are imprisoned & not free, when souls are attacked & wars are upon them, when minds are controlled & programmed & don´t have free will & choice, it can never be peace & balance. That idea of his can be compared to looking at Earth from outer space & what do we see? She´s beautiful, one of a kind, a blue/green gem of a planet, a shining star in our Universe & it makes you want to visit her right? Like explore & maybe even have a life there & have adventures? What don´t we see, what goes on behind the scenes, behind closed doors out of sight & out of mind towards souls, Twin Souls True Loves, children, animals, people, environment & planet? What can we see in plain sight towards Twin Souls True Loves, children, animals, people, the environment & planet? Planet Earth from outer space looks like heaven, paradise & Eden right? What is the truth thou when we look deeper, when we open our eyes & don´t ignore it or hide from it or pretend it´s not happening? We then see hell, nightmares, darkness, unbalance & negative energies everywhere. Is it possible for life to live in peace & balance? Yes! When no more attacks & wars happen to life, planet, to souls & Twin Souls, there will be real peace & balance & the energies will be balanced. When I talk about Cazuki, his soul is not like this at all, his soul is free & wishes the same as me & every Twin Soul couple on the planet. His soul knows everything what the LITDFS have done to us, to life, to Twin Souls in all life times. He knows, because his soul is connected to the soul collective & has access to everything as does everyone. His soul knows what they did, how they did it, why, when, where, by who & with what, he knows because they tell his soul with all their souls whenever they verbally communicate to each other. When we communicate, our souls communicate to each other & reveal everything. 
Just to mention about another type of soul communication, people think babies can´t talk, but they actually do talk as early as 3 months old. It´s just they talk backwards, before talking forwards. Babies are not stupid, but their souls are speaking, it´s just in a different language. Check out reverse speech for more information.
His mind might be speaking & thinking like them, but his soul sings a symphony they can´t hear or understand, but I do & he´s singing for real Peace & Balance in the world. The reasons I mention so much about our life here, is to help everyone compare their own lives to our life & see if it happened in your lives. If it helps open up your eyes to what is really going behind the scenes, behind the curtain, then you can better protect your unions & fight for your unions. Cazuki´s soul knows I´m not attacking him in anyway, but whenever I bring up something, it´s always for a reason & to compare something that could possibly wake you up more. I do challenge him, challenge his mind, awaken his mind to see the truth, see past the illusions, deceptions, lies & manipulations around him. I´m not going to hold back because I fear I´ll never see or talk to him again, even thou I haven´t seen him or talked to him since last August, but I´m not afraid, because I know what his soul feels, thinks & wants & that´s what matters the most, not our bodies or minds, but our souls & who we truly love in this Universe. My words that I write are words I hope will awaken his mind & open up the door, even if it´s centimetre by centimetre. As long as light still shines though the cracks, there is hope. I mention our lives, even the parts I never ever wanted to share about us, because it is private & it´s like I feel I´m sharing with the “children” & I don´t want to. With brothers & sisters of the Universe you can share freely, but with intimate details & our highs & lows in life is not something I wanted to write about. I have always been the kind of person to keep all my struggles, challenges & pains in life to myself or between Cazuki & me, because I feel like I´m supposed to be the one to take care of us as he should too & I feel like I´m supposed to be the one to take care of myself & of life & be there for everyone & I have trouble letting anyone be there for me, but since wars are on Twin Souls, they leave us no choice but to say everything, so our Twin Soul union can awaken others to what a Twin Soul union is like, what it´s all about, how to know if you met your real Twin Soul, what are the signs when LITDFS target you both, what dangers to look out for, how to protect your unions, how to fight for your unions & how to end Twin Soul wars. I say “children”, but I know they are not children, but to me & Cazuki, we both felt like we didn��t want to share every detail of our lives to them, but he knows & I know, they leave us no choice. In our first month together, when he visited his “parents” & we would msn messenger chat naughty & nice to each other, we both agreed extremely for him to lock the door so his “parents” wouldn´t walk in & see our chats between us, but now it´s for all to see & no holding back.  
“I´m trying to free your mind Neo, but I can only show you the door, you´re the One who has to walk though it!” Morpheus
To translate what morpheus says about those who are still plugged into the matrix, in our world that would represent LITDFS who are still wanting to hold on to their way of life, their status quo, to their controls & powers over life & Twin Souls, but once the Twin Soul Adams wake up & want out of the “matrix” & be free, be in control over their lives & their choices & be the Neo´s wanting their Trinity´s, their Twin Souls, everything changes & nothing stays the same. When you decode & translate the matrix & compare it to your life, you will see the same patterns of how the LITDFS behave towards life & Twin Souls & it can be shocking to some to see how similar they behave like the agents attacking & going to war with those who want out of this world & wish to be in a new one, a new kind of world where real peace & balance & Twin Soul Unions is a reality & not just a dream.
21 August- 24 August, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator report…
Today it was brought to my attention by other Twin Souls about the Devine Masculines still trapped with any LITDFS in their lives. If any of you are thinking about wanting to leave the LITDFS you are with, if any of you are dreaming of wanting to leave the LITDFS you are with, if any of you are thinking about your Twin Souls that you left for a LITDFS, if any of you are planning to leave the LITDFS you are with, if any of you are talking in your sleep about wanting to leave or mentioning about your Twin Soul, if any of you are talking to your friends or families about leaving the LITDFS you are with or even talking to your Twin Soul even that you want to leave the LITDFS, just know, the LITDFS collective will be alerted of this and especially the LITDFS you are with so they will be desperate to keep you chained to them as long as possible. For example, if they have not succeeded in getting pregnant while being together with you, they could lie and say they are pregnant if you were thinking or dreaming or planning to leave them or if you are leaving them, which if this was the case, then you know they are lying, because now all of sudden they are pregnant? Get evidence, be in control, buy several pregnancy tests without them knowing and watch them take the test, 3 times. If they refuse for you to see them take the test or refuse to take the test, they reveal themselves. If they get all attacking and aggressive for you even mentioning to them that you want proof and for them to be tested, they reveal themselves. Anyone who is innocent would be happy to take any truth tests and would not be angry about it at all, they would not be negative and not be attacking at all. Asleep souls like LITDFS attack, are aggressive, get angry fast and negative, because they are hiding something and want you to not question them, but will want to change the subject and have you stop asking or thinking about it and they want to be in control again over the situation when they see any Adams being in control, so they will be negative until you obey, but don´t give in or be fooled by them, stay the course and keep asking them to take the test. What people would call being defensive, like protest too much which means they are hiding the truths, I don´t call it them being defensive, because defensive means they are innocent and have done nothing wrong, when the real word is that they are being attacking, because they did do something wrong. Being defensive means being truthful and honest, you defend with transparency, that´s real power, the power of honesty and that is the best defence and what defending oneself means. So if any of you are up against LITDFS that protest too much, that attack verbally because they want you to drop it, change the subject and they are looking to be in control again over the situation, it means they are hiding something or several things and don´t want you to know about it. They live negative energy life styles, they pretend, they lie, they cheat, they manipulate, they control, they flirt with guys who are in relationships, they keep secrets, they target Twin Souls, so it´s only predictable that any LITDFS will be aggressive, attack, be negative when anyone confronts them with their negative actions, negative words, negative way of life, games, dramas and wars. If they are pregnant, have them be tested with reverse speech and use a portable truth testing device that you should own already, because we live a world of liars, secret keepers, manipulators and deceivers, trust no one and question everyone, even them and find out if they are pregnant with the child from you or if they got pregnant by someone else to trap you, like if you broke up, then they come back and say they are pregnant? If any of you were awakened Twin Soul Divine Masculines, you would not allow anyone to trap you being with them just because they are pregnant, you can still provide money for them and not be together. Why continue to live a lie & pretend, when you should be living your soul truth, be in your soul power and love who you really love in your soul.  
Pegacorns (Twin Souls) Unite…
What are “snokes” LITDFS plans with the “Kylo´s/Ben´s” Twin Soul Adams/Eves in every life time? By now, if any of you have now studied all star wars movies in depth, scene by scene and can analyse, decode, translate any and all messages, symbols and insights and compare to your own lives, if you have ever been in a Twin Soul union, then you are living a star wars (Twin Soul wars) story, even if you are not awake to it yet, but the very people around you even could be a part of that dark order, the LITDFS collective that is always awake and making sure your Twin Soul unions break apart in every life time. The “snokes” LITDFS mission is always the same, target Twin Souls to break and have them be enemies with each other, otherwise they could still share knowledge between them, then be with the Twin Soul they are after. What happens then when they finally have the Twin Souls under their control? They make sure the Twin Souls never leave them and don´t care if the Twin Souls don´t´want them, don´t love them and want to leave them. All the LITDFS care about is that the Twin Souls under their rule is always there with them, just like snoke didn´t care that Kylo would clearly show he is not interested, but snoke didn´t care, as long as Kylo was always there by his side and was always under his control. How do they make the “Kylo´s/Ben´s” Twin Souls stay with any LITDFS? They cross timelines and come into new bodies to be “friends” with them and then be with them in relationships. This way they target the inner childs of the Twin Souls and bring fear, abuse, torture, sufferings and pains to the souls which would lead to the broken down minds to stay always out of fear. Then you have the negative codes and programmings the LITDFS transfer to the Twin Souls when they are physically together, negative codes & programs that translate to stay, obey, please them in anyway they want and always come back fast if the Twin Souls did manage to break it off with them. Then you have other forms of programmings like dark magic messing with their minds and energies to stay, obey and please the LITDFS any way they want. Then finally, you have LITDFS “friends” and “families” that will also be dark side training you and programming you to stay, obey and please them all. Technology too can mess with minds faster. They feed egos, fears, desires, distractions, material ambitions and addictions like negative sex. It´s going to take a lot to break out of that and to wake up in their souls and understand what I´ve been saying this whole time. The LITDFS, like “snokes” in the star wars stories are all about control, making sure you don´t have freedom to think for yourself or have real freedoms really and to conform and to fit into society, the LITDFS way of society. So if any of you Twin Souls felt like wild stallions being free out in the wild, having so much freedom, to think, to feel, to breath, to see, to move, to be who you are in your soul when you were with your Twin Soul, but then getting together with any LITDFS, if you feel not like a wild Pegacorn anymore where you could fly off anywhere and have so much freedom, being your true self in your soul, but you feel boxed in, controlled, like you feel you are in training by them and they are teaching you their ways, LITDFS ways of life, if you don´t feel wild & free anymore, but you are surrounded by so many that wish to shape you, change you to be like them, behave like them and obey, stay and please them, that should make you question your life, because we are all meant to be wild, free Pegacorns in this Universe, controlled by no one and chained to no one, but be our own independent freedom rebels in the starry skies.
If any Divine Masculine has had any dreams of their Twin Souls and it was a good dream, dreams where you are together finally, but then you wake up and you see who you are lying next to a LITDFS, a “snoke”, the very person who targeted you, pushed their way into your life and union with your Twin Soul to break it apart and you don´t feel any good feelings about the LITDFS you are lying next to, that should tell you how you really fell in your soul. Which by the way, in all 3 Twin Soul stories in star wars, it was always Anakin, Han and Kylo that went after Padme, Leia and Rey. The Twin Soul Eves never pushed themselves into the lives of the Twin Soul Adams. They were never in their faces about it or move close to them or join their work to be close to them or keep calling, texting wanting attention like the LITDFS that go after our Adams always do. Cazuki was the one that “chased” me down when I again stopped writing to him. I knew his soul wanted to meet my soul and my soul wanted to meet his soul, but I was preventing it again, so his soul sent out a message of wanting to see me even if my mind said no and when our souls met, I wanted to run again and I did in my own way, but at the same time I kept being pulled towards him, I loved him, I´ve always loved him in my soul and my love for him awakened again in my mind when he came to see me, even if it was under the disguise of being invited by my family, but his soul wanted to see me and my soul wanted to see him, but I just couldn´t reach out, I kept wanting to run from him always and I kept running from him the entire time he visited. Any LITDFS that have pushed themselves into the lives of any Twin Souls to be the “friends”, always wanting attention, always making sure they are on your mind in someway (very snoke of them to do, because that was what snoke always did when he targeted Ben´s mind for years before Ben fell to the dark side.), always wanting something from you, always wanting to give you something so again they are on your mind (which the LITDFS did always when she was being Cazuki´s “friend” and would give him gifts, move close to his work and want to work with him & she did, which again, who does Kylo work with? snoke!) My mind, body and energies being attacked can be translated in star wars to be what happened when Padme was tied up and was physically attacked, Leia was trapped on the death star and was mind tortured or when Rey was mind, body, energy and soul tortured by snoke and any Twin Soul Eve that has been psychic attacked, mind attacked, energy attacked and possibly body attacked will relate to the translations in the star war stories. There is no more denying who we are, we know who we are in our souls, but we also know who we are in the star war stories. That is something they can never change no matter how much they want to be the lead main True Love heroes in our lives, but they will always be the main villains in our lives. The truth is in all their actions, words & behaviours and the truth speaks and translates first order, snoke, stormtroopers, pretorians, hux, phasma and first order spies. Cazuki´s and my story goes way back to when we were both toddlers, children, teenagers, adults in our 20s and even now as I write this, it´s my way to communicate with Cazuki from beyond via the Universe which is what Rey & Kylo were doing, but not being physically there. The only thing that hasen´t come to pass yet, is the fact that Kylo is in charge now over everything and everyone in the first order, Cazuki is still being controlled by the LITDFS he is with (which translates he´s still with “snoke”), but also by his “family” and possibly his “friends”, I mean they did play their parts to break our union too. Cazuki has not yet come into his Divine Masculine energies, his soul power and soul truth, but when he does, it will be very much like that Reylo song Unstoppable (I know it´s a Kylo song, but to me it´s a Reylo song, Twin Souls are One and the same and if you notice, the red flickers to blue in the texts, Kylo´s red light sabre colour vs Rey´s lights sabre colour blue), he will be so fired up, have so much energies, have no fears, but they will, because he will be an unstoppable force of positive change and they don´t want positive change, they want everything to stay the same. Who was it that pushed their way into the lives of the Twin Soul unions between Padme & Anakin, Leia & Han, Rey & Ben/Kylo and meddled behind the scenes, manipulating, messing with minds, playing divide and conquer, making sure they are always in the lives of the Twin Souls and always on the minds of the Twin Soul they are targeting and never leave? palpetine and snoke did! Even snoke with Kylo could translate to be a “friend” or a “family” of the Twin Soul Adam and they´re poisoning the mind of the Twin Soul Adam when meeting his Twin Soul for the first time or being in union. I know this happens and why Twin Souls don´t even get into union, but are torn apart before it even begins. Whatever the situation is, the LITDFS always end up playing the parts of palpetine and snoke and the empire/first order, just compare their actions and words in your own lives and what they say to you or what they do, then see what happened between the Twin Souls in star wars stories or even with other Twin Soul couples that have been torn apart. 
So back to the dreams that any Twin Soul has of their beloved Twin Souls but they are with a LITDFS and wake up next to the LITDFS who came between you both. If it was a good dream, like the ones I have had with Cazuki and it was his soul way of telling me how he really feels about me, but when you wake up and you feel either sad, angry, disconnected, detached, negative, unbalanced, unrest in your soul when waking up feeling not happy next to the LITDFS that pushed their way into your life when you were with your Twin Soul and not wanting to see the LITDFS lying next to you, but you´re wanting to see your Twin Soul instead, that is your soul speaking to you again, reminding you where your heart & soul really wants to be and who your heart & soul really loves in the Universe. Question becomes for every Twin Soul still trapped with any LITDFS, will this be the day you end relations with “snokes” and take back control over your own life? Will you come into your soul power like Kylo did and end the repeating nightmare for your souls and your Twin Soul souls and break it off and  be on a Solo Hermit Soul mission? Technically, since Kylo is in charge, he is kind of on a Solo Hermit Soul mission, (even thou not completely), when he is not in any relationships, but being single, even if he´s surrounded by LITDFS, but his soul is no longer being tormented and abused by the LITDFS he was with, snoke. That is another way possibly to wake up in your soul, maybe, but that would only be the case if you are so strong in mind that you are in complete control over your life and no one controls you anymore, not your “friends” or your “family”, no one, no one is above you, no one can manipulate you anymore or control you, but you are in control over your life even if you are surrounded by any LITDFS. 
Soul Wars…
Part of the Twin Soul investigation is diving in the dark knowing it will hurt you in more ways than you can handle, but at the same time give you clarity and truths. For example, for any Divine Masculines that are targeted with deep mind programmings, manipulations to such a degree they are not at all in communication with their Twin Souls unlike some Twin Souls that still have on and off communication even when one is with a LITDFS, so they reveal what goes on behind the scenes, but the Twin Souls who have been in dark side training since they were born and when in Twin Soul union have had years of attacks against them to change darker by the LITDFS around that Twin Soul, so they would break union and be with a LITDFS instead, those types of deep dark programmings like dark magic and serpent words of poisons will change the Twin Souls & how they view love. When I saw this, I saw all the steps and reasons why the world remains dark, unbalanced, negative and remains the same hell mess with multiple hell levels and that did impact me deeply seeing all the puzzle pieces and connections. By now you know the LITDFS have no idea what love is, what real love is, what honest love is, what positive energy love is, what True Love is, to them love is negative, meaning: games, dramas, wars, breaking up Twin Soul couples, going after someone not meant for them, fighting a lot and then make up sex, manipulations, dark magic, controlling, using sex to get their way, using sex as a weapon and as a tool to keep the Twin Souls with them, cheating, making the other jealous to get attention, all this of course is negative energy life styles and do you really believe that kind of “love” is what´s going to bring an end to all kinds of wars on Earth or keep all kinds of wars on Earth the same? I know I´m not the only one who can see all the same patterns here being played out and why hell levels remain the same. The lost Twin Souls that have been targeted with deep negative mind programmings and they fall to the dark will view “love” differently than they did before (love that was once positive has now become negative), meaning, they could see it as cute that the LITDFS is manipulating and controlling, like in their lost programmed minds they see that as love, like the LITDFS “loves” them so much they would behave dark and negative to keep them. The lost Twin Souls could even possibly view dark magic as cute, when their free will is targeted to be a pleasure machine and now of all sudden they want more sex, when they didn´t before for example and were looking at other women. When the minds really don´t care to have their minds messed with on so many levels, why keep the souls then if the minds don´t care? I know I´m the not only one who can feel Cazuki´s soul cry screaming to be free from that hell he´s in and the soul crying happens mostly when his body is raped and soul raped by the LITDFS he is with. His soul is trapped within and it´s not just other Twin Soul Eves confirming this with what they feel from their own Twin Soul Adams, but seers can also see what goes on in the souls and the minds too. They confirm, souls are trapped, souls are crying for help and is there anything in the world that would help free souls to be in control over their own bodies or be in new bodies so they can be free from the hells the LITDFS keep placing them in? I want to know if that is already a reality, because soul wars is real and has been ongoing since LITDFS took over Earth. We really are living in Eden ruled by the serpents and the proof is everywhere, you feel it, you see it, you hear it, you sense it and you know it, possibly even when you were a child and your whole life, feeling something is very wrong with the world and anyone who feels this way waking up in their souls, they will be targeted to be put back to sleep many times even and possibly at the same time dark side trained to be like the LITDFS instead, this way you are no longer a threat to them. Deep down you all know why hell levels remain the same in every life time, why nothing changes, why life suffers, why life is destroyed, why life is controlled by others, why True Loves are targeted to break apart and get with someone else instead and the answers are everywhere, even in  Twin Soul stories. What I discovered when diving in their hell dark mess, what I found was it´s a bottomless pit and keeps on going. Why? It never ends because as long as Twin Souls wars and souls wars is real and keeps going, more hell levels are added and it gets more difficult to break out of.It´s not cute, even if the Twin Souls thought it was the LITDFS way of being vulnerable when the LITDFS are controlling, manipulating, using dark magic, using sex to control and so on, that´s not real vulnerability and it´s definitely not real love, but the lost Twin Souls have been programmed the LITDFS way to live a LITDFS life, think like a LITDFS, behave like a LITDFS and go down the same road so many times before. What is real vulnerability? Honest feelings, positive feelings, real feelings, something the LITDFS are incapable of when they are still playing the villain parts of keeping this world the same, their hell playground the same and going after souls who have no wish to ever be with them ever. Being vulnerable is when your soul is shining through being completely honest and true and real and you see everything that person is going through and why, just like Cazuki saw with me, but when the LITDFS lost minds is controlling their life to serve themselves and their needs and wants and who cares about free will or choice of others, because it´s not what the Twin Souls under their rule want right, but all about what the LITDFS want, that is not the LITDFS being all vulnerable and cute, that´s them behaving like “snokes” with control, games, dramas, wars, lies, secrets, manipulations and self serving agendas. Think to yourself, would Padme, Leia and Rey behave like any of this? Not a chance, because that would be corrupting the Devine Feminines bodies, energies, minds, hearts and attacking souls, because it´s a negative energy life style and not being Sacred, Divine or true to who they are in their souls or what the Universe is about and that is balance. So for any lost Twin Souls who think this way about the LITDFS they are with, viewing them “cute” and “vulnerable” and desperate, that is you being lost in the dark and you really have no idea what real True Love is, but your soul does and your soul knows even if your lost mind does not. Being desperate to keep someone is not real love, going after someone in a relationship is not real love, looking at other girls while you are with your Twin Soul or any LITDFS is not real love, making each other jealous and playing games & wars & dramas is not real love, fighting a lot in first year, second year and so on is not real love, being dishonest, secretive, manipulative is not real love and when souls don´t want to be with the person their bodies are with, that´s not real love. You want to see real vulnerability? It comes from the soul, not the mind, meaning, if any LITDFS want to be real vulnerable, then they would admit everything to the Twin Souls they went after, who they were in their previous lives before targeting the Twin Soul unions, what they did to the Twin Souls before unions happened that impacted the unions, why they target Twin Souls, why they keep making sure the Twin Souls stay with them and never leave when they have them and how many times have they come between Twin Souls before in unions and how they played their games and war tactics when pushing themselves into the lives of the Twin Souls to target them, be completely honest, real and raw, that is being vulnerable from the soul. Real vulnerability always comes from the soul and it´s honest about everything, but when the LITDFS are busy playing games, dramas and wars to target life, control life, corrupt and darken life, manipulate life, destroy life & True Loves which is actions from the mind not the soul, they are not being cute or vulnerable, but they are being negative like negative programs, being deceptive and not being real or true and this is what the lost Twin Souls with deep dark mind programmings fall for and will believe that is love in their lost minds. They have been programmed and negative codes have been transferred to them so they view love differently, they accept negative love and reject positive love. So, what consequences do you think that brings to the world and how they pass that on to any LITDFS children they bring into this world? I realised, the Twin Souls that get serious deep negative programmings are the Twin Souls who wished to create something positive and world impacting like creating a new society. Those Twin Souls are the Bens/Kylos & Reys of our world and they will be targeted the most, both of them and the LITDFS make sure they are enemies with each other and always apart. As for any lost Twin Souls who are with LITDFS and you feel sorry for them, because you can see how the LITDFS are negatively behaving to control you, keep you and have you stay to please them, your lost mind might think that, but your souls tell a different story of how you really feel about the LITDFS that target you to be with them in every single life and feeling sorry for them is not one of them. Why? Think of it this way, souls trapped within are being tormented, abused, used, raped, no voice, no soul free will, no control over the bodies they are in, do you really all believe they think it´s cute what the LITDFS keep doing like keeping Earth a hell world and targeting Twin Soul unions the Battle Ninja Angels & the GryeJedai of True Loves and positive change makers or that they feel sorry for the LITDFS? Nope!  I know Cazuki´s soul does not think it´s cute, he wants out of there far away from them all. In that scene when the lightsaber falls close to Kylo when it´s taken from Rey by snoke, and then you see that look in Kylo´s eyes when he looks up at snoke, you see what he really feels about snoke this whole time, that´s what souls who are trapped within and being with any LITDFS feel and think like, souls plan, they wait, they try (like Kylo tried to stand up to snoke then got electrocuted), but they always want out, want freedom and while their minds are busy being puppets and tools to be used like Kylo was, the Ben part of them (souls) that are trapped within are wanting their moment to break out of that body hell prison and take back their lives. I loved that moment when you see Kylo look up at snoke and Kylo had so much power, strength, fire, wildness, beast like, freedom, stubbornness, rebelliousness within and it was just a few seconds you see it in his eyes, but his eyes said everything, he never wanted to be with snoke, not ever and in that moment he felt he got another opportunity to break free from snoke once and for all. For any lost Twin Souls who do come into their soul powers and take back their lives from any LITDFS they are with, they could possibly feel what Kylo/Ben felt when snoke was no more, heart racing, adrenaline, coming to terms with the fact he has now freedom for the first time and he is no longer being controlled by anyone. Cazuki & I haven´t yet had our moment of his soul breaking free yet and he tells me again how he really feels with his words verbally not just his soul speak, that moment you see between Ben/Kylo and Rey after the fight with snoke and the pretorians, that translation between us hasen´t happened yet. We had our “elevator” moment when I went to see him wanting to help him break free, but his programmed mind was still in control, even thou via telepathy his soul said “come back!” after I left him. 
The age of Aquarius would either be dark or light, meaning the dark would be if nothing changes it gets way worse and way darker and souls are still kept asleep, prisoners, being soul tormented, abused, used and attacked in various ways and the LITDFS kept being in control and manipulating in new ways with technology, especially making sure the Twin Soul agenda served them when word got out. The light Aquarius age would be if all souls were now awakening, being free, not be controlled by anyone, all truths being revealed and how every soul that was kept asleep while the LITDFS remained awake in this world pleasing their dark minds and bodies at the expense of others would now be known everywhere and real positive change happens. I thought, the proof is in their dark ways, their actions. What if Sakurako admitted what she did to Cazuki & I using dark magic for years? What if Junko admitted what she did and who she was before coming back in a new body to target our Twin Soul union? What if his family admitted who they are and what they did and why, their real self serving agendas again in this life when they went to war on us? This was something Daichi said they would never admit to, because if they did, they would lose Cazuki and their dark games would be revealed to him and everyone. I knew, that was the key to unlocking the truths, anyone that has ever come between Twin Souls, if they were truth tested in various ways, multiple times and asked about anything, no more secrets, that would help awaken souls, free souls and there would be a spotlight on the LITDFS dark crimes and they couldn´t hide this time anymore, but be faced to look at their dark crimes and then accept what comes next. Like if Cazuki wanted to leave them for good, that would be something they would have to accept. Negative actions have consequences and negative actions over lifetimes can lead to a consequence that results in Cazuki never wanting them in his life ever again in any life. I knew his soul feels this way, because I felt this way, Cazuki and I are One, our souls communicate verbally and energetically. Even now writing this, I could hear him soul speak and say “Sure do!”. This I thought was also a reason why the LITDFS will do anything to keep Cazuki with them at all cost, because once his soul was free, he would want out of the “matrix”, away from them all and even help wake up his other selves in the same time line that is also under attack by the very same group of LITDFS who targeted their other unions. It made me think of Neo who helped a young boy unplug from the matrix, that boy could be translated to be Cazuki´s other self in the same time line, so he was rescuing himself. If snoke was apprehended by the Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator Agents and was now being truth tested to reveal how he targeted Ben Solo when Ben was a child and attacked his mind from a far for years, darkening his mind to fall to the dark side. How he manipulated Ben, programmed his mind, controlled his mind, messing with energies and tempting Ben to choose snoke, if all snokes secrets and battle plans against the Jedi (Twin Souls) were revealed to Kylo, would Kylo still be on his side or leave when he was targeted his whole life this whole time to serve the dark order? 
Twin Soul Story…
Story Scene Sneak Peek…Earth, a possible time line…
The Dark & Light Aquarius Age…
Earth was a machine world now and the robots, machines, technology, humanoids and war machines & their weapons used to destroy life were under the control of Cazuki, the dark Twin Soul prince of Earth. There was only one family ruling Earth now, the royal family that was downsized to be just one controlling everything, a new order. Akira had established the Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator Universe Academy, but the LITDFS also established their own Twin Soul schools which Cazuki attended under the watchful eyes of the LITDFS surrounding him, making sure he still ends up with a LITDFS and never his Twin Soul. He was their puppet, their tool, showing the world what Twin Souls look like, should be about and what couples should look like and be about. Like being successful, having money, being good with money and being in order, looking in order, looking presentable and picture perfect and some LITDFS schools would teach how you can be with anyone and you don´t have to be with your Twin Soul. Some LITDFS schools would teach LITDFS ways of being a Twin Soul, which was just more unbalanced ways they´ve always lived in life times and wanted everyone to live their way of life. Basically teaching darker ways and still keeping secrets and not wanting to be truth tested by anyone in the world. Akira´s Academy called them all out on it, their lies, their agendas and their self serving ways. This resulted in the awakened Twin Souls to join and become GreyJedai instead, while the LITDFS that still wanted to be with Twin Souls not meant for them joined the LITDFS Twin Soul schools so they could keep their way of life the same. Unlike Cazuki who was in a powerful position controlling life, “leading” life and his family was richer than everyone on Earth, while many on Earth still remained poor, hungry, starving, living in war torn countries, being homeless, battling illnesses and diseases, were being attacked on their souls, minds, energies and bodies, while Akira was not wealthy, because all her money and the Twin Soul GreyJedai teams used their money to help life on Earth that was being targeted by the LITDFS in new more destructive ways, like technology to further imprison and control lives and tear apart unions. The Twin Soul GreyJedai would build more Twin Soul sky cities over the oceans that would be safe havens for any awakened souls that wanted out from the LITDFS controlled world they were living in down below. Akira was right, it only gets worse when nothing changes and more hell levels are added always. Akira could see Cazuki was out of control on a ego & material life path, a path that was shaped & fed by the LITDSF around him always, making sure he thinks about himself and them. She knew that was his lost mind, not his soul that wanted that. His negatively influenced mind loved it when he got attention, when he was in the spotlight, when he was famous and when he got more money and when he was treated like a king anytime he visited any country promoting LITDFS ways of life, but she could also see his soul was being tormented again in another life and not being true to who his soul was. His soul pains ran deep within and she could see it in his eyes & feel it in his energies. Akira´s Academy was targeted by the LITDFS and branded as enemies that were out to assassinate Cazuki, because they could see Akira and the Twin Soul GreyJedai teams were awakening too many souls that wanted to join the Academy and help others awaken. So war broke out between the LITDSF ruling elite controlling Earth and Atlantis that was a floating sky city above the tropical blue green ocean. The LITDFS made their first attacks with a weapon they had that was unknown to the public, but it was a weapon that could destroy any city in the world without anyone knowing what weapon that was and where it came from, but Atlantis had any and all defences to combat any and all attacks from the LITDFS. The Twin Soul GreyJedai got outside help when they created Atlantis and was now a bustling space port for other worlds to visit, share knowledge, soul wisdom and technology. Atlantis was a city where aliens, robots, humanoids and Twin Souls lived in balance and peace and could be seen as something taken out of star wars story with what Atlantis looked like and who was there, but it was place that didn´t take advantage of the machines or abuse them in anyway, but they worked together in union and Takara was helping to teach life how to respect machines and live a positive energy life style with machines, not against them. When word broke out that the LITDFS declared war on Atlantis, Akira reached out to Cazuki and challenged him to investigate the LITDFS false claims against the Twin Soul GreyJedai. That would be her first meeting with Cazuki in this life and they both didn´t know yet that they were Twin Souls made for each other, even thou they were both drawn to each other magnetically and soulfully knowing who each other was, but they had never met. Cazuki was dark side trained and programmed to believe the Twin Soul GreyJedai were a threat to the LITDSF, even thou the Twin Soul teams at Atlantis had never attacked anyone or done anything that would suggest they were hostile, but the LITDFS had ways to spin it their way always and make anyone believe they should fear and attack any group they were targeting in that year so they could go to war, make money, satisfy their bloodlust in their lost dark minds and feed their negative energy life styles. Same old war tactics being replayed and history repeats and they never learn when they never wake up in their souls. 
Cazuki´s royal ship landed outside on the platform attached to one of the dome towers at Atlantis. He was not like your typical prince, if he wanted to fly he would and he did. He said he didn´t need the royal guards with him, but he could see Akira on his own, but his family insisted and that one of his family members joined him. As he came down the ramp with his royal guards and Mitsuko, he was greeted by Akira only. She did not need an entourage and could defend herself, but she was not alone thou, she was accompanied by Zynox, a small flying robot that was designed to record everything and translate anything and decode anyone. Like it could read body language, soul language, mind language and would detect if someone was lying and could sense energy readings as well as body internal status, like it could detect hearts beating faster than normal and would soul scan anyone so their former lives were uploaded to the system and all their other lives that were living in the same time line were known. She was also accompanied by a small furry alien not from Earth and it was on her shoulder. Aemi had special gifts, she could heal damages done to the mind like heal any negative programmings and break down any prisons on the mind, so the soul could shine through & be in control over the body. That could only happen thou if there was a shift in energies, like positive energies, so a doorway opened so that Aemi could heal them. 
“Cazuki, we finally meet! This is Aemi and Zynox. Welcome to Atlantis!” She said smiling. Aemi jumped off of Akira´s shoulder and ran towards Cazuki and jumped on his shoulder rubbing her small face up against his face. The royal guards were about to draw their weapons when Aemi came running to Cazuki, but Cazuki motioned for them to stand down, because he didn´t believe Aemi was a threat, but she kind of was a threat to the LITDFS, because when she was on his shoulder, she would get to work and heal his mind and free his soul. When he wakes up, he will not be the same person they groomed and shaped him to be all these years with all their negative programmings and indoctrinations, but his soul will now be in control over his life. 
“She likes you!” Akira said.
“Cazuki, I don´t think it´s a good idea to have that creature on your shoulder!” Mitsuko said as she was about to grab it and take it off, but Aemi growled at Mitsuko to back off.
“It´s fine. Akira, I respect that you contacted me to resolve this so we can avoid war, because that is not want I want either!” He said and didn´t agree with what his family was pushing on him and how he should lead. As much as he was in control, he still felt like he was being controlled and so many would meddle in his life and push their own agendas for the world. His family however did always push for war, especially when things didn´t go their way, so like throwing tantrums, they would go to war and life would suffer for it always. 
“We have much to discuss, so we better get to it!” She said leading the way to the two person cylinder tube shaped elevator. When Akira & Cazuki entered the elevator, Mitsuko insisted he accompanies her instead for his safety, but he again said he would be fine and the elevator sliding door closed on Mitsuko and the royal guards and Mitsuko was fuming with anger of not being in control over Cazuki and all she could do was stare at him with that ugly creature she thought still on his shoulder and Akira with Zynox fly hovering above them. Aemi was an alien that looked ugly in the eyes of any LITDFS, since beauty was something they were obsessed with on Earth, but Akira saw beauty in all aliens, even Aemi, because Akira knew Aemi´s soul was beautiful even if Aemi´s looks looked monstrous and ugly in any eyes of any LITDFS. Looks can be deceiving, “beauty” could be deadly, “ugly” could be angel healers in disguise. In the elevator, the magnetic energy attraction and the pull between Akira & Cazuki was extreme and filled with sexual tension and their souls trying to connect to be One again. They both felt it and they both knew what that meant, because souls matched to be together feel it in the energies right away and the energy vibrations would vibrate in both of them at such a high level anyone near them could feel it between them and see it. 
“Cazuki´s heart is racing and his energy signatures & body information would suggest he wants you! Your heart is…” Zynox said relaying information no matter what it was.
“Thank you Zynox, but can you please focus on your main task for today.” Akira asked not wanting Zynox to say what she was going through which was the same as Cazuki.
“That´s not fair, you get to hear about me, but I can´t hear about you? Zynox, do you wish to finish your input & observations?” He asked smiling and being curious to what would be said about Akira. 
“The observations are identical.” Zynox said.
“Really!” Cazuki said smiling even bigger now and adding already to his oversized ego. Akira was a virgin, she only wanted The One meant for her. Down below on Earth, being 21 and still a virgin or even older and still a virgin, would be ridiculed, attacked, belittled and even talked into losing the virginity and even be pushed, pressured and have their friends or families set them up with anyone to lose it & fall for any temptations. Down below on Earth was the serpents ruling Eden, while in the Twin Soul sky cities above, nicknamed heaven & paradise, real balance & peace which it was, were lead by the Twin Soul Adams & Twin Soul Eves. At Atlantis, it was celebrated to stay protected until you meet your Twin Soul. Being protected they knew was powerfully positive and you would protect your bodies against negative downloads, energies, codes and programmings by staying single and being a virgin. Cazuki was also a virgin and the same age as Akira. At the LITDFS Twin Soul school he went to, they were taught they could have more than one Twin Soul which was a lie, so basically be with anyone and the many. What they taught was LITDFS way of life and combined it with what Twin Souls should be about in their eyes and they pushed their agendas on everyone. Cazuki was given information by his close friend Yobi of the truths of Twin Souls and there is only one Twin Soul soul matched to be with. He also mentioned about the powers and positive energies of being a virgin, which when his family found this out what Yobi said, they targeted him, because he was interfering with their agendas of having Cazuki be with anyone and the many LITDFS. Yobi was alerted to their plans to terminate him in his mediation and he left Cazuki to join Atlantis.
“Zynox, can you explain to Cazuki´s oversized ego why we both have identical readings.” She said trying to bring an explanation that would bring his overflowing ego to a healthy level.
“Both readings indicate you are Twin Souls. You are soul matched 100% and that is the reason for your unstable, magnetic, attraction, sexual tension, intense, extreme, chaotic and unbalanced energies between you both. Your souls are trying to reunite and connect with each other to be One.” Zynox said being all scientific, truth & fact.
“She sure takes the romance and love right out of it doesn´t she!” He said feeling like it´s not going to be easy to approach Akira and he kind of had a feeling she was his Twin Soul before he came and was waiting for her to reach out to him first. Akira smiled and left the elevator when it opened and he smiled and followed her. Out on the balcony overlooking Atlantis was an incredible sight to see Cazuki thought. He felt like he had dreams of such a place, maybe even dreams of it when they were together in their former lives and now it´s a reality. 
“You´ve been busy!” He said looking out everywhere at the bustling space port in the galaxy. While Cazuki was busy building his empire, bringing order, Akira was busy building a freedom city to awaken and free souls and show them what Twin Souls are all about. She brought chaos to his order down below, because souls wanted out from there, wanted freedom, wanted to awaken and wanted to be in control over their own lives and not be ruled by any LITDFS anymore.
“Cazuki, you know the reason why your family wants war, we are a threat when souls want want to wake up, when they want their freedoms and they don´t want to live a serpent way of life anymore and when they want to be with only their Twin Soul, no one else. So your family make up lies and manipulate and target anyone getting in their way. Zynox, by now you have scanned his soul, could you please show Cazuki our former lives together?” She asked her wondering what Cazuki would say knowing his family has targeted their unions in all their lives together making sure the LITDFS way of life stays the same and hell on Earth stays the same. Cazuki watched in fast motion all their lives together onscreen and it was downloaded to his mind. Aemi was still on him and his mind prisons were being torn down so his true self could shine through. Seeing all their lives together didn´t impact Cazuki, which meant he was so disconnected and he couldn´t feel it or see it. It was like, in his mind, unless he actually remembered it himself, the memories & feelings of their past lives, it was just like watching anybody else onscreen, even if it was them showing him the wars on them, the pains, the sadness, the happiness, the love and their life, but he couldn´t connect to it. He grabbed Aemi off of him and gave her to Akira.
“Akira, I know what you´re trying to do, but I´m not like you, I´m going to need more than just what I see.” He said. With Akira, when she saw sadness, life being harmed and targeted onscreen, she would connect so fast and so easily. She could feel it and then would express it, but Cazuki couldn´t and she knew why and who was responsible for that. If only Yoshi was here she thought, but she was off world on Twin Soul mission, but her gifts were emotional transference, meaning she could transfer his soul memories of what he felt in their other lives and what they went through being targeted. With Cazuki, what the LITDFS around him did for years and life times was target his mind so his soul would be trapped within always and he couldn´t connect with life, souls or his Twin Soul, because his ego, damages, fear and his negative programmed mind was in control, not his soul. In one of their lives together onscreen that they both saw, Akira would even show him footage of life being targeted, like little baby animals, but he couldn´t connect, not soulfully anyway. Just more reasons why hell remained on Earth and got worse, because souls were kept asleep and disconnected and the negative minds were in control. That would remind her of how robotic and machine like he was behaving, which was a very LITDFS way of behaving. When anyone doesn´t care about the fact that millions and billions of animal alien angels are sent to the slaughter, pushed, pulled, screaming, crying, urinating themselves, vomiting, feeling fears, loneliness, pains and tortures and the LITDFS laugh and smile and live life, how is that being soul connected, it´s not and when that happens, they do come across very machine like and don´t care, because what do programmed machines do? They don´t care what damages they do if they are programmed to do it, like the LITDFS are programmed since birth to not care for life, for souls and don´t care if they come between Twin Souls, because their programmings are all about serving self. These same programmings will be passed on to all LITDFS children that come from an Adam & a LITDFS not meant to be and the only ones that could potentially reject their negative programmings are the very Twin Souls that volunteered for the mission to help wake up souls. Same can be said about any life being targeted and the LITDFS don´t care, but just live their lives having fun, smiling, laughing enjoying themselves and if the planet is too crowded, they just find another one. 
“I do understand you you know and I know you need more. I know you better than anyone!” She said knowing what happens to anyone that´s disconnected from their souls and they are living their lives with their minds and bodies, pleasing that and feeding that, it´s the LITDFS way of life. Even thou Cazuki couldn´t connect with what he saw of their other lives together onscreen, Aemi did her job and now it was just a matter of time until Cazuki´s soul broke free and live life being true to his soul and who he really was in the Universe. Akira was right, even if they have just met in these new bodies, their souls know each other inside and out and no one knew them better than they knew about each other. When they met, when they talked, it was like they picked up where they left off from their last life together.
“You don´t need to worry about my family. There will be no war. I will make sure of it.” He said feeling like if it hadn´t been for his reckless war happy family, Akira would not have reached out to him. So in a way, his family helped them come into a Twin Soul meeting, even if it wasen´t in union yet, but to him, it was a step in the right direction at least, because communication was now open between them. An alarm sounded in the city and the Atlantiens were prepping for what was about to happen. Both Cazuki & Akira looked over the balcony and started to see Atlantien pilots board their defender ships.
“Cazuki´s family have declared war on Atlantis. They are saying we have captured Cazuki and their fighter ships on their way!” Zynox said.
“Akira I had no part in this and I will put a stop to it!” He said getting angry that his family would start a war, because more and more souls were waking up and wanting freedom, wanting to come into their soul power and not be controlled by anyone and only wanting their Twin Soul in the entire Universe, no one else.
“I know, looks like they used you to get to us. They will never learn, not as long as they stay asleep in their souls. They will always repeat history and they will always use you to serve their agendas. I hope you get through to them, because now I have a city & lives to protect!” Akira said as she was on her way out to her defender ship to protect Atlantis. Cazuki tried the coms to contact, but they didn´t answer and all communication was shut off and he couldn´t even get in contact with command to stop the attacks which pissed him off even more and now he was rebelling. 
“Ready my ship!” He told one of the royal guards clenching his teeth and fists as Cazuki made his way to Akira before she flew off. Before she boarded her ship, Cazuki called out her name.
“Akira! They have shut off all communication and I can´t reach command, but I´m not going anywhere. I will defend Atlantis by your side!” He said looking at her, wanting to hold her, thinking what if something happens and they never see each other again. She looked at him, looked into his eyes and she could see his soul shining through when he said those words, defend Atlantis by her side he said. She smiled and then went over to him and hugged him tightly closing her eyes hoping they make it together. She motioned for another flying little robot Xenox to accompany him on his ship and document everything. 
“You don´t mind do you? This way everything gets recorded so the whole world knows the truth. He´s an upgraded version and will make any repairs to the ship if needed.” She asked him hoping he would accept the little robot. 
“Are you worried for my safety?” He asked feeling the love from his Twin Soul wife and wanting her to admit it.
“Cazuki, every Atlantien defender ship is equipped with a Xenox robot. It´s precaution and better to be safe with extra help than be without it don´t you think?” She said knowing what he was after, but just like he needed more, so did she. Cazuki needed more connection to his soul, he needed more soul awakening and be true to his soul self. Akira needed more from Cazuki, his True Love, his Soul Love and show her what she means to him in the entire Universe. Too many life times of them being targeted to break, too many times with broken hearts, too many times where his love for her wasen´t being shown to the fullest when his soul was kept locked away all those times. As she turned to walk away she said words to him that did touch his heart & soul.
“Cazuki, be safe!” She said as she left him and boarded her ship. Of course she was concerned for his safety and he felt it and her love. He smiled and headed off back to his ship.
“You too!” He said and she heard his words as she went on to the ramp and headed off inside the ship smiling too, both knowing it was their way of saying I Love You!
21- 24 August, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
The Twin Soul stories…
Twin Souls have been visible for all to see for the longest time and it´s been right there in our faces even in stories, in cultures and religions like the Adam & Eve story, hidden in plain sight. Could be the Twin Soul rebellion that are getting the messages out there to everyone and they knew about it or their souls & the soul collective were guiding them to write those stories, either way, truth found a way to not stay hidden anymore. Just like life can´t be controlled and will find a way to brake free, so will the truth in our souls. Twin Souls have been known for thousands of years, since the beginning and greek philosophers like Aristotle knew about it too.
“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies” Aristotle
On Earth, Twin Souls are meant to find each other and get to work on their Twin Soul mission together. They are meant to unite once again in True Love, real, honest positive energies, both being single and free, both only wanting each other in the entire Universe. The LITDFS make sure Twin Souls are kept apart when they are born and would control how they meet and when they meet if it´s to serve the LITDFS agendas, but they remain in control always and can break the Twin Souls apart if the LITDFS wanted to. A music Twin Soul couple that I came across, I investigated how they met (anyone can investigate this, just follow the bread crumbs. Of course if you can´t pick up on the same souls in your life yet, like being able to soul scan anyone who is the same just living in a different lives, you won´t know if the people in your life are the same people you already know living in different bodies) and it was controlled by the LITDFS, the very same LITDFS that knew them in other lives and came between them and wanted to be with one of them. This time, it was the Adam´s friend that introduced them together, the very friend who wanted him for the longest time before she introduced the Twin Souls to meet. This same girl who has been a family member, his friend, his girlfriend in previous lives, was the very same girl who tore apart his Twin Soul union in one life, but in this life she plays match maker. One could make the case, “Oh she is trying to make up for what she did in a different life when using dark magic to break up their union”, problem with that is, if she was wanting to make it right, she would do it in the life that she is in that targeted their union, not wait for another life. That´s like, “who cares if I destroy their union in one life, I can make it up to them in the next. This way I can enjoy the spoils of war and make it right with them in the next life at the same I still get to be with him before I introduce him to his Twin Soul. I want my cake and eat it too!”. Also, how is that even making it right when she went after him again in another life before she introduces the Twin Souls to meet, the very Twin Souls that knew about each other, both being successful, talented, but they never got a chance to meet each other or hear the other perform, like they were being prevented to meet by the LITDFS, so the LITDFS controlled it and then controlling it to break apart, making sure the Twin Soul couple believed they ended because of themselves and their problems, when in reality they were targeted to break. 
I want everyone to know about Twin Souls as fast as possible and as early as possible and make the necessary choices in life to protect your Sacred, Divine holy positive bodies from the LITDFS and wake up to the LITDFS around you so you can protect your Twin Soul unions when it happens. If you ever feel drawn to a person like the Twin Soul music couple did when they hadn´t met yet, but saw each other from a far and were still being magnetically pulled to each other and you feel it in your energies, this person you have to meet and see for yourself if they are your Twin Soul, because once you meet, you will know, you will feel it in the soul energies between you. It will be extreme, intense and chaotic even in the energies, like the souls energies are trying to connect to be One again, but when it´s not happening yet, it can be intense. Other factors will be known too like soul memories of who left who the most, which can make the other run from the other Twin Soul. That will happen when the one who had their heart broken the most and it was extreme like it felt like a blade was slicing in their energies and they felt like their soul was being harmed. Those painful memories of souls being hurt like that to such a degree, that it can make anyone run from their Twin Soul when they meet again in a new life, because your soul is protecting you from being targeted again by your Twin Soul who is still sleep walking through life and could be used as a weapon to target you or they could fall to the negative side and become your Anakin to your Padme. 
Now more reasons why we run from our Twin Souls like Rey and not be so quick to get into unions, only when you are 100% sure they are in it for a lifetime. You need that Rey moment where you know Kylo/Ben chooses her, chooses True Love, chooses balance and not go down the ego path, the controlled programmed lost mind path, the asleep in their souls path, the war path on Twin Souls, souls and life, you need that Loreline moment in the city of a thousand planets where Valerian chooses her for a life time and no one else, so you stay always protected, single, otherwise, you could end up having a lifetime of being body raped by the LITDFS who is with your Twin Soul if he breaks union to be with any LITDFS and many LITDFS. Body rape in the sense, when any LITDFS orally pleases your Twin Soul Adams and you feel your clitoris being orally pleasured too, that´s body rape and the lost negative programmed minds of our Twin Souls don´t care. I mean, if their minds don't care for the hell world we live in and the hell world remains the same, millions and billions suffer again, why on Earth would they care about their Twin Souls being body raped and why would they care about their own souls even being body raped, they don´t, that´s how dark and lost our Twin Souls are. What happens to our bodies after one Twin Soul breaks it off to be with any LITDFS is insane and sick and seriously negative energies and dark, but the Twin Souls that are connected extremely when union happens will go through what many Twin Souls go through and feel it on their bodies when their Twin Souls is with any and many LITDFS. Now is that the kind of hell you wish for in your life? If not, don´t be so quick to get into union or even reunion unless you know 100% your Twin Soul is not sleep walking through life again, but his soul is wide awake and in complete control over his life. The world needs positive change desperately, but that can´t happen if your Twin Soul unions keep being targeted all the time. All the more reason why there should be a Twin Soul GreyJedai Academy. At least then you would know, if your Twin Soul is there too, he or she means business and is not messing about and really wants out of the LITDFS “matrix” and wants to be soul awake, in control over their own life and know exactly who they want to be with and who they love in the entire Universe. They of course know in their souls, but not their lost dark minds. The reality is, before union happens, one of the Twin Souls has already been in dark side training since they were born, and they accepted it and don't even know it. As of example, Cazuki´s “parents” taught him and his brother to be kind to animal alien angels, but that didn´t include animal alien angels they eat. So when Cazuki was soul awake with me when before he was soul asleep and questioned that himself and didn´t understand why his “parents” were like that when it came to them still eating animal alien angels and didn´t understand why his “parents” didn´t include all animal alien angels to be kind to, I could see him waking up more in his soul. The thing is, if Cazuki had complete access to his soul, he would be so fast and getting it and know exactly what is negative and what is positive in this Universe, what is heaven and what is hell and ending life, no matter who it is, will always be negative, dark and hell. If Cazuki was so soul awake, he wouldn´t need time to think it over and ponder why, he would just know and then act accordingly. For example, he would ask them, “why are you still eating animal alien angels and being monsters and serpents when that is the path to hell and the dark side? Why are you acting like the first order? Why are you acting like snokes?”. Star wars is a perfect example of translating any part of your life into those stories and the actions of the dark side and rebel side and jedi side. If we think of the dark side as destroyers of life, then we take that code and translate that in our world, who are the destroyers of life on Earth? Anyone who takes human life, anyone who takes animal alien angel life and anyone still eating any animal alien angels or anything from them are the destroyers of life and translates to them being on the dark side, the empire/first order side and snoke side. I´ve already mentioned before how I don't view the so called light side as being light in star wars, because they too end life and eat life, how is that balance? It´s not, and there needs to be real light, real grey and real balance between the dark and the light and Twin Souls the GreyJedai of True Loves are the keys to real heaven, paradise, positive energies and balance. When Cazuki spends too much time overthinking is this right, is this wrong, what is right, what is wrong, that means he´s still soul asleep, soul sleep walking through life and his mind is in control, the very mind that keeps being negatively influenced by any LITDFS with him and around him, because if he was wide soul awake, he would just know straight away what is right and what is wrong, what is real and what is lie. The awakened souls get it so fast and change any negative ways right away when awakened. They also know who they are in their souls and why they are here and who they came with and what they are here to do when their souls are free and in control. They will be the ones that can see straight away what is negative and what is positive in anything and will make choices based on living a soul life with their soul wife or soul husband and live positive energy life styles. They will reject the negatives and embrace the positives in life, because they know, any negatives leads to the world being the same hell mess and nothing changes.
When I break it down all the reason why it´s so hard to find that One True Love for each and every one of you, that rare hard to find extraordinary epic True Love legendary everyone wants, your Twin Soul meant for you, I think about all the LITDFS players who are playing their parts to make sure you don´t meet your Twin Soul, to make sure you stay away from your Twin Soul if you met them and your LITDFS friends could “whisper” words of poison to you to stay away from your Twin Soul, so they keep you both apart before you even get into union, to make sure you never choose your Twin Soul if your LITDFS family or/and LITDFS friends steer you away from your Twin Soul before you even end up together and they steer you towards a LITDFS instead. What about the choices you make in life, career choices, moving countries, changing religions or whatever else, any choice could lead to your Twin Soul, but if LITDFS are giving their “advise” on what job you should take, what country you should move into or what religion you should stay in like theirs, all these choices could lead you to never meet your Twin Soul or stay away from your Twin Soul. I believe when we are making our own choices in life and not letting LITDFS decide for us, control us, steer us, then we will meet our Twin Soul. Of course there is the whole the LITDSF want Twin Souls to unite and be together, so the the LITDFS can break that apart and get the true love energies from the Twin Souls and transfer that to them, like have the Twin Soul Adams for example when he´s with a LITDFS and he thinks he´s with his T.S.T.T. (if he knows about it) and transfers all his feelings to the LITDFS that he had with his Twin Soul and the LITDFS making him think he is with his T.S.T.T. when in reality he´s with a LITDFS that shape shifts to copy certain aspects of his Twin Soul, but the truth is always shown in the souls and the LITDFS can´t copy that, because they have to be awakened in their souls and when that happens, they won´t want to be with someone not soul matched with them, but when they don´t care, they are not soul awake, but they are soul asleep. If Twin Souls represent angels, heaven and paradise and balance which they do, how do then the devils (souls who refuse to wake up and target life and Twin Souls) get into heaven and bring with them hell? They trick the Adams or Eves to be with them and if the Twin Souls know about the T.S.T.T.s, the LITDFS “devils” will play to that, shape shift themselves to be that and bring their hell into heaven. Translation, the True Love between Twin Souls and the intimacy between Twin Souls is a doorway to real heaven in the sense of who they are in the Universe and what they bring in the Universe, positive real balance change & their True Love represents real heaven and paradise because it´s real, honest, true, rare, once in a life, powerfully positive and pure, Divine, Sacred and meant to be. The LITDFS have found a way to corrupt heaven, the Divine in the most perverse way possible, bringing extreme negative dark energies when being with our Twin Souls bringing hell through heaven and that is another reason why same hell levels remain on Earth. Twin Soul energies are being corrupted by LITDFS to not be Twin Souls, but be LITDFS instead, behave like a LITDFS, talk like a LITDFS and live negative energy life styles like a LITDFS. How to know if you are with a LITDFS or a T.S.T.T.? Your Twin Soul will have the same soul personality in every life and have the same soul wisdom and soul intelligence, the LITDFS won´t have that. When they target your Twin Soul when you are in union, their lack of soul intelligence speaks volumes. Not to mention, if they are LITDFS and they know you and your Twin Soul Adam are meant to be and are both Twin Souls, but the LITDFS don't´care, that is not a T.S.T.T., but that is a LITDFS. With your T.S.T.T., they will not go after couples and if they knew about Twin Souls, they would step away and obviously when the T.S.T.T.s are your other selves & know about it even, why would they stay when they would only be hurting themselves literally and your Adam´s soul when he has no wish to be with anyone other than his Twin Soul matched 100% to be with him. There is just so many levels to think about and this is just another one. The LITDFS will either keep you from meeting your Twin Soul or have you meet your Twin Soul only to then break it apart and always be in control over them in someway. The LITDFS also feed on energies on both of you, another reason why you should not be so quick to get into union with your Twin Soul unless you 100% know he´s with you and wants a life time in every life time, wants only you, is soul awake and isen´t being controlled by anyone anymore and can see the same games, dramas and wars being played by the LITDFS and rejects it and steps away from it. It´s so bad what the LITDFS have done, they have literally brought madness to Earth for so long and the Twin Souls have been used to serve their dark agendas always, just like the Twin Soul jedi Anakin and Kylo, fallen dark angels being used yet again.
The LITDFS always have agendas and those agendas are for you to never meet your Twin Soul or to meet your Twin Soul and to activate/ignite the True Love between you both, then target you both to break so you can be with LITDFS instead. How to meet you Twin Soul wherever they are in the world? Be on a Solo Hermit Soul mission path and disconnect from the LITDFS around you that are always awake and will always target your Twin Soul unions. Be in control over your choices and where you want to go, your soul will guide you back to your Twin Soul, you both will be guided back to each other. Be soul awake and see when LITDFS around you are trying to steer you away from your Twin Soul or poison your mind against your Twin Soul if you feel a soul connection when you first see your Twin Soul, meet them or hear about them. Twin Souls can´t help it, their souls get pulled and are drawn to each other always. Cazuki would tell me, he kept being drawn to China when he was living in Japan and he would think about me during the years we had no communication when we were teenagers as I did the same and thought about him, how is he doing, what is he up to and will we meet again. Take the music Twin Soul couple for example, they both wanted to see each other, they were both drawn to each other, so what should they have done? Take control and make it happen somehow and if LITDFS try to come with reasons why you can´t see the person you are drawn to, like something business came up that needs your attention or a family/friend situation came up that needs your attention, that is LITDFS trying to control when and where you should meet your Twin Soul or even not meet your Twin Soul at all. The LITDFS collective are always alerted when Twin Souls know about each other soulfully like recognising each other´s souls and want to meet, then if distractions, delays, obstacles and situations keep coming up preventing you from meeting and seeing your Twin Soul, that is not the Universe, that is LITDFS controlling it. What you should do? Break through all their obstacles they place in your way and take control, go see your Twin Soul. Think of Twin Souls like the Jedi, nothing can be compared to their True Love powerful positive real and honest energies between them, they are the Jedi of True Loves and what does the dark order do when the True Love Jedi are getting close to each other or wanting to meet or wanting to see each other? The dark order, the LITDFS will intervene and make sure that doesn´t happen and if it happens, they controlled it to happen for their self serving agendas. The world needs their Twin Soul True Love GreyJedai to come into unions and become the powerful positive dynamic duo in the Universe that can´t be messed with by anyone and help bring about balance to this world and beyond. 
Beauty and the Beast story is very much a Twin Soul story, because one Twin Soul will be the Bell and the other the Beast. One is lighter, the other is darker, meaning one will be more prone to fall to the dark side, the negative side, for the serpents in the garden of Twin Soul Eden, while the other will have their heart broken and be the Padmes. To be clear, this is not gender specific, anyone can be the Padme, because even Eves can fall for the serpents, for the LITDFS. So when you are in Twin Soul union and you can see your Adam being Beast like (two differed kinds of Beast all in one, one is the darker kind where you see his darkness, his damages, his pains, his negative programmings and dark side trainings, his scars, his soul memories of being with any and many LITDFS that have impacted him negatively. The other kind of Beast is the positive kind, being wild, free, passionate, intense, extreme, stubborn, challenging and full of True Love for his Twin Soul) and you are not liking the negative side of his Beast, the damaged side, the dark programmed side, but like Bell you are to heal it with your unconditional True Love and your challenging mind & soul intelligence like Bell did with Beast in the Twin Soul story. Now can any Twin Soul leave their Twin Soul if they thought he was acting too negative Beast like and they wanted someone who was not damaged in any way and put together right? Yes! More reasons why Twin Souls break, because if they are brought up to believe a relationship is not like that and they get “advise” from their LITDFS family and friends to leave that person and be with someone who has it all together, being perfect or close to perfect, and the person wants an easy life, fun and no troubles, they could leave their Twin Soul and not even know they were in a Twin Soul union. Cazuki & I were living our Beauty and Beast story, he was my Beast, the darker and lighter kind, but I didn´t run from him. I loved him unconditionally, even thou I could see he was not being true to his soul self, but I saw the damages done to him by others negatively influencing him since birth and what he himself accepted with negative programmings like the stories and games he accepted and now, I know that souls can take with them in their other lives the very damages that didn´t get healed in their former lives. When it doesn´t get healed and they are not soul awake, it repeats until it does get healed. For example, if you are Twin Soul who is the one that falls the most to be with a LITDFS and break the heart of your Twin Soul, that will repeat in every life until you soul wake up and say no more, you will not fall this time for anyone and the many, but you will be the Twin Soul True Love GreyJedai and only want your equal Twin Soul True Love GreyJedai that you are meant to be with. 
For any LITDFS to say Twin Souls is something new, like it´s a template or a new age type of thing, basically saying anything where it implies it hasen´t been around since your soul creation, then you are hearing from LITDFS that have no idea about Twin Souls. One Soul, split in two to be in two bodies has been around since soul creation, it´s not something new, but has been a reality since the beginning. How do I know? Call it a soul knowing and feeling, but the scientist part of me and investigator and researcher part of me, I would want soul truth testing to confirm it with technology to help awaken souls who are still asleep and are more into the material world than the spiritual world. I want a marriage of the two worlds and have it come into balance union. The reason why it´s been kept a secret this whole time is pretty obvious, Twin Souls are a threat to the dark order, to the LITDFS way of life of being with anyone and the many, living out their dark fantasies like being with our Adams, breeding with our Adams, living the good luxury life with our Adams, having the Adams treat them like dark queens giving them everything they want and keeping this world the same. World changes when Twin Souls are together, as I said, they are the GreyJedai of True Loves, they bring balance, peace, unity and positive change to the core and end all kinds of wars. That is why Twin Souls have been kept a secret this whole time. One may ask, why is Twin Souls being known now? I have my theories, like what if there was an age, like the Aquarius age and that was in place in case the Twin Souls couldn´t wake up when being controlled to stay asleep by the LITDFS all the time. An age that the LITDFS could not control that soul awakening, so they had plans in place for the longest time making sure they are in control over Twin Souls when it is world wide known, but they can´t fool anyone this time, because Aquarius, that soul part of us, is all about truths, all truths about everything, even them and their games, wars and dramas being shown to everyone. We are living in a time of soul truth, soul freedom, soul power and soul awakening. That can´t happen if LITDFS still want to play their games, dramas and wars in new and different ways like using technology or manipulating what Twin Souls mean and are about. The many Twin Soul stories I have mentioned even, they reminds us of what is going on in the world towards Twin Souls, it reminds us what real True Love is and what it´s all about (Two people meant to be forever in every life time), it reminds us what Twin Souls are, it reminds us what Twin Souls are up against (battles, challenges, obstacles, difficulties and wars against them), it reminds us who Twin Souls are up against (LITDFS families, friends, co-workers, anyone), it reminds us how to fight for True Love and our Twin Souls, it reminds us why we are here on Earth and why we are to find our Twin Soul again in every life. I say remind us instead of teaching us, because our souls already know, it´s just our minds are new and being prevented from knowing again when we are meant to know always.The answers will alway be in your soul, listen to your soul, because your soul knows the truth as does the Universe, the Divine. Don´t blindly follow anyone or any advice that could lead you down a path of never meeting your Twin Soul or being with with your Twin Soul or reuniting with your Twin Soul. Question everyone and trust no one, but trust your soul and it will guide you to meet your Twin Soul. When we listen to insights, knowledge, advice of any kind by others, we take with us the positives and leave the negative rest, but we should never accept any information that could lead you to never be with your Twin Soul, so stay awake to the people around you and see if they are LITDFS, behaving like LITDFS, talking like LITDFS, living negative energy life styles like LITDFS or if they are awakened Twin Souls who are for Twin Souls to unite world wide.
Twin Soul Mission Work in the Universe...
Twin Soul Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Planet Bemi...
Long before the Angel sky city of Luna was balanced and a peaceful society, a thousand years before it was at war between the two Angel kingdoms, the light vs the dark. Akira was an Angel of Light and Cazuki an Angel of the dark and their True Love caused a war by his family that wanted him to marry their chosen dark angel and Akira´s light kingdom wanted her to be with a light angel prince. Akira & Cazuki fell in love when they were teenagers and their Twin Soul union brought so much happiness and peace between them, they even married at the age of 16 in secret so his family didn´t know about it and neither did the light Angel kingdom. Both Akira & Cazuki saw hope that the two kingdoms would be united in balance and peace when the Twin Souls united, but the dark angels had other plans that served them and their rule. It was their tradition and religion to only have dark angels breed with dark angels, but the consequence from that always was they never advanced soulfully like the Twin Soul Angels who were in Twin Soul unions, one light and one dark. The dark angels when they refused to change their ways & always targeted True Loves between the Twin Souls, they were always consumed by negative energies within them which resulted in them waring with life and True Loves all the time. The light Angels didn´t war with the Twin Souls, but they just didn´t accept them, because they didn´t understand how the dark angels could change and they thought these dark angels would corrupt the light angels. These other Twin Soul Angel couples were outcasts by the dark kingdom and the light kingdom, so they left and flew down below & lived on their airships that could float on the water planet of Bemi. Cazuki was a dark Angel prince and Akira was a light Angel rebel warrior that kept the peace down below between the asleep souls who were hunting life, controlling and abusing life and the awakened souls who were free and being true to who they are in their Divine Sacred souls but being targeted by the asleep souls. Akira & Cazuki wanted to create their own kingdom and call it Luna, city of grey Angels and the other Twin Soul outcasts, rebels and those in hiding all wanted to join and help create it. When word got out to Cazuki´s family, they saw it as a threat to their way of life and wanted to end any and all plans of this new kingdom that Akira & Cazuki wanted to create, so they went to war on the Twin Souls and the battle would be fought in the skies. Akira reached out to the light Angels in her kingdom hoping they would change & defend True Love, defend Twin Souls and defend the future where light & dark is united finally. 
“Bothers and sisters, open your eyes and see who we are. Cazuki is my soul husband, the other half of me, he´s my dark to my light and my light to his dark, we are One and the same. We are balance and peace and our True Love is Sacred and Divine, our soul was created as One then split in two to be in two bodies. There is no other soul in the Universe I am supposed to be with, he is who I love, who I´m meant to be with and how can our True Love be so wrong if what comes from our True Love, is something so beautiful, epic and extraordinary that we wish to unite two kingdoms in balance & peace once and for all. How´s that for real heaven & paradise! You are Angels of light, yet how can you be light if you are against True Love that is so powerfully light shining so bright in the Universe? You all know the more that goes against any True Love couples, the light gets even more powerful between them and how can it be wrong when the Universe herself blesses our union so many times which you have all witnessed? You going against True Loves, is like you going against the Universe!” She said hoping her words ignited them to be soul awake. She looked around the room & saw the faces of those trying to understand her and Cazuki and their True Love, but the light Angels were also stuck in their ways of believing Cazuki would corrupt Akira with his dark energies, but they didn´t understand, Cazuki´s dark energies were changing when Akira & Cazuki fell in love and came into union, they were both waking up in their souls and all their True Love they shared was changing them both and becoming so much more to this Universe than being on any side, being divided and pitted one against the other, what they had was it resulted in there being no sides, because they were their own side, the side of True Love, the side of balance & peace and the side of ending wars once and for all & bringing positive change.
“Your passionate words touch our hearts as always Akira, but we must follow our guiding sacred holy scriptures passed down to us for centuries. We must follow it, it´s what we believe in even thou you rebel against it, but we are not like you, our faith comes from believing in the light will protect us, guide us and keep us pure, but you wish to darken that when being with a dark angel. There is no scriptures that tell us about Twin Souls or one soul split in two and meant to be so how can we believe that? How do we know it´s real and the signs from the Universe could be a coincidence.” Ulinok said and was on the Angel high council.
“When have any of you ignored Universe signs before? You all know those messages show you what the Universe is trying to tell us. As for the scriptures, I believe we are always meant to add it ourselves and not follow blindly to it if it´s negative, but update it or even change it to be positive or even start over and take only the positive and leave the negative rest. What about the prophecy? “A union of dark & light unfold, so shall balance and peace be told. Look to the heavens for a sign, two become forever one in time!” She said and started to wonder what was going on with Ulinok, he was not acting like a high wisdom council member anymore and she started to not get good feelings from him. Cazuki felt it straight away and recognised the same energies, dark energies he felt within Ulinok. 
“Changing the ancient texts or adding to it or starting over is out of the question! The prophecy has never fully been understood, but we don´t believe it has anything to do with light angels and dark angels. If there was more information about it, we could get a clearer picture, but there isen´t any. Akira, we are not going to risk the lives of our brothers and sisters and fight in your war when we don't believe in it!” He said.
“When was your last visit to the dark kingdom?” Cazuki asked him. Everyone looked surprised and wondered what Cazuki was doing. Ulinok started to look nervous, but composed himself.
“I have never been, nor do I ever wish to contaminate my light with your darkness.” Ulinok said trying to seem confident, but Cazuki saw right through him and could feel and see the dark energies on him. The light angels could see light energies and the dark angels could see dark energies.
“The dark energies on you tell me you have been there in the past 3 days. If you lied about that, what else are you hiding? Akira it´s time we leave, your high council has been infiltrated and I would suggest to all of you to investigate it and really think about what Akira said. Open your hearts and souls, it will guide you down the right path!” Cazuki said knowing Ulinok was not acting like a light angel or even like a high wisdom council member anymore, so they left and walked out on the balcony overlooking the Angel light kingdom. 
“Do you think they will help us?” Cazuki asked her knowing she could see, read and feel their light energies.
“Their energies tell me they will investigate Ulinok and many are on our side, but it´s like they are waiting for something to finally make that step to help us.” She said and she knew what is was. 
“What are they waiting for?” He asked her, but he had a feeling he knew.
“The prophecy to be fulfilled!” She said as she continued to look out to the sky city of Angels. Cazuki grabbed Akira in his arms, held her close.
“Akira, what we have is worth fighting for, you know that and no matter what happens in this war, my love for you will remain. That is something they can never take away, because it´s soul love, they would have to destroy my soul to stop me from loving you!” He said knowing if they destroyed his soul, they would destroy her soul, they are One.
“Cazuki, I know we are real, what we have is real and even if we have both kingdoms against us, we will somehow make it and create Luna, a place for all True Loves uniting the dark & light for real balance and peace.” She said still hoping and dreaming of Luna, a grey Angel Twin Soul city in the skies. Their kiss was like an electric fiery flame of shooting stars and lightning sparks between them in their energies. Just one kiss turned Cazuki on to Akira and wanted to connect deeply, passionately for hours, enjoying every moment like it was their last which they did that very morning before the war started.
The Twin Soul Angels were fly hovering in the skies with their flame swords of their chosen colours, Cazuki´s was green and Akira´s was blue. The skies were blue with clouds and it was still daylight when the dark angels came flying towards them with their red flaming swords and Cazuki´s brother Kaito was one of them. He was next in line to take over the dark kingdom, so he was happy to challenge Cazuki and hoped he would leave so Kaito could be prince & rule with his dark angel princess. The battle between them all was brutal, but the dark angels didn´t stand a chance against the mighty 212 Twin Souls. The dark angel army was thousands against only 212 Twin Soul couples, but the Twin Souls were soulfully more advanced, awakened and had access to their soul intelligence so they were able to defend themselves against the dark angels. The Twin Soul defence weapons did not take life, but would stun the dark angels if the swords came into contact with their skin and would disorientate them which made them have to land in the light Angel kingdom, because they couldn´t fly anymore. Their wings stopped working and the only way to restore it was if they woke up in their souls, because their own healing powers would heal it. Akira & Cazuki fought back to back, side by side against any and all dark angels and every one of them kept falling from the skies and landed at light kingdom. Cazuki´s dark angel bride to be was also part of the war against the Twin Souls. She wanted Cazuki even thou they had never been together, but she was supposed to marry him, so she fought Akira in the skies and tried to claim what was rightfully hers. The girl was no match for Akira, because Akira was defending with her True Love Twin Soul energies and that was more powerful than dark energies or even light energies, because it was grey energies, a combination of dark and light, so Akira & Cazuki were an unstoppable balance force in the galaxy. The weapons the dark angels used did harm life and could take life and even thou many Twin Souls were able to defend themselves, many still got injured with bloody wounds and scars, even Cazuki & Akira. The fight between the girl wanting Cazuki and Akira didn´t last long and the girl ended up losing her wings too. The girl´s dark energies did manage to wound Akira with her power strikes, but Akira defended rebelliously & passionately, because she was defending her True Love as Cazuki was defending Akira when other dark angels were out to get her wile she was fighting the girl, but before the girl fell from the sky losing her wings and she would almost be the last to fall as did all the dark angels that went up against them, a part from Kaito that managed to avoid being targeted by the Twin Souls, she used her dark magic powers to target Akira and nothing would be the same ever again. Akira screamed out in pains and she dropped her sword and her whole body was changing and lit up like the sun. Cazuki grabbed her, held her and tried to heal her with his Twin Soul healing powers, but this was a change he couldn´t stop. Her whole body flashed a light wave that caused everyone at light kingdom to see it from where they were and Cazuki was still holding her in the sky being surrounded by the Twin Souls. Her body changed and she was now his mermaid of the sea. The girl thought, if she can´t have him, neither will Akira. With tears in both Akira´s and Cazuki´s eyes, they looked towards where the dark angels came from and could see several more thousands of dark angels coming their way. Cazuki holding his beloved Angel mermaid soul wife and looking at the other wounded Twin Souls, he thought is this it, is this where their True Love story ends and Luna never happens? Before he could sink deeper in the dark and lose himself, Akira and Cazuki and the other Twin Souls turned to see thousands of light Angels flying towards them to defend them. The prophecy was fulfilled and Cazuki the dark Angel defended his True Love, protected his True Love, tried to heal his True Love and saved his True Love when Akira lost her wings and didn´t fall to her death. 
“We got this brother, protect Akira! We will defend Luna with our lives!” Daichi said who was one of the Twin Souls that defended against the dark angels. Cazuki then flew down to the waters of planet Bemi with Akira and before she let go of him and dropped to the ocean so he could fly back up and defend again, they both passionately kissed their tearful goodbyes, not knowing if she could ever change back to have wings and legs again, but Cazuki wasen´t going to stop until he finds out how to undo the dark spells on Akira. As he left her and flew back up, she looked around at this new home of hers, but she didn´t feel fear, but more like an explorer having a different kind of adventure and she knew in her soul, her path would lead her back to Cazuki. The Twin Souls and the light Angels defended against all dark angels and the dark angels lost all their wings, meaning they still had wings, but they couldn´t fly anymore. The dark angels were given a choice to stay and awaken in their souls or leave and go back to the dark kingdom, many left, but many stayed, including the girl who placed a dark magic spell on Akira. She hoped now that Akira was out of the picture, Cazuki would choose her. She hoped Cazuki would fall for her, knowing what she would do and what lengths she would go to get him. She thought he could view that as love in her eyes and then fall for her, but Cazuki wanted only one thing from her and that was to undo what she did to Akira. The light kingdom would eventually be a place that changed and turned to be the grey kingdom and called Luna. With the help of Akira and Cazuki, they shaped it to be a safe haven for any Twin Souls and the more Twin Souls that left dark kingdom to be with their light Angels at Luna, the dark kingdom became just a lost, empty place until, the Twin Soul Angels at Luna needed more room, so they changed the dark kingdom to be part of Luna. 
Cazuki fly speeding like an arrow down to the ocean which was his morning routine when seeing Akira. He dived into the ocean and was now floating gracefully with his wings opened up and his beloved mermaid of the sea swam fast to him and she flung her arms around his warm body and he was feeling her cold body up against his. A thousand years passed and Akira was still a mermaid and Cazuki found that there was no undoing the dark magic, because the girl had destroyed the spells that could undo it. Planet Bemi was now a planet that was balanced and peaceful. The day before they had rescued their brothers and sisters of the Universe in the sea and the lost asleep souls that were the only ones left on Planet Bemi that still hunted the mermaids and other watery aliens, were now soul awake thanks to Cazuki & Akira. Their sea kisses lead them to float above the surface and were now floating on the surface holding each other and passionately kissing. 
“Akira, with or without the fish tail, my love for you goes beyond it all and I never stopped finding a way to undo what was done to you!” He said and what he didn´t tell her was that everyday he was researching everything to find a way to help her.
“Cazuki, I know what I´m about to say next won´t make any sense, but if I hadn´t turned into a mermaid, the wars on them would possibly still be ongoing. You and I have helped them a lot through the years and with their help and us we ended more wars and helped bring balance & peace below and above.” She said and he did understand her, she always did see the light in the dark. As they smiled and kissed again, something started to happen between them and they both lit up like the suns. The light so bright they were overtaken by it and then when they came to and woke up, Akira was lying on a bed of some kind and in a cylinder type high tech chamber. She remembered everything when she woke up and who she was before the Planet Bemi Twin Soul mission. The chamber opened up by Cazuki and he smiled at her. Their avatar mission was complete. She smiled back and jumped out of the chamber, flung her arms around him on the Galactic Cosmos Twin Soul ship and they were both undressing each other fast knowing it has been a thousand years of not being together.
30 minutes later and several highlights later...
Akira and Cazuki lying naked on the floor next to the wall to floor space window overlooking the stars, the suns and planet Bemi and their naked bodies were covered by a bed sheet. 
“Do you ever get the feeling like your life on any mission is not something you think this is it, this is my life now and always, but do you ever wonder if you are not even from that planet and you feel like you are on some mission of some kind, even if you don´t know what that is yet?” She asked him biting his lip and kissing it. 
“I think most of the time my mind believes I´m from that planet, but there will be small openings, like a light shining in telling me I am something more than this life and more to this Universe, but you know me, I tend to think of what is happening now, how to deal with what battles and wars we face now and I trust in the Universe and that our paths will meet again.” He said bite kissing her neck. Whenever they were kept apart on mission like a thousand years, they didn´t take on missions like that for a long time. To balance it out, they would spend as much time together as they were apart and would only take on smaller missions. So if they were apart for a thousands years, they didn´t take any longterm missions for a thousands years to make up for their lost time together. As their naked bodies were one and whole with each other, they both looked to planet Bemi, the floating blue gem in a sea of stars. 
“I´m going to miss my wings!” He said and loved to fly and knew Akira loved it too.
“As much as I missed my wings, I´m gonna miss my mermaid sea life, but I´m not gonna miss the fact that it lasted so long. I wished you could have seen that world too thou. I know you would have loved it.” She said.
“Akira, I never told you this, but your fish tail smell was really bad, you´re not exactly selling it to me!” He said smiling.
“When mermaids mate everyday, they stay connected over 3 hours and both highlight many times!” She said smiling.
“Ok you got my attention, but wait, how do you know this?” He asked wondering now if she didn´t stay single this whole time when he did.
“I asked about it of course! I was curious to know!” Akira said smile laughing which turned him on for her, because he loved her smile and laugh.
“No more being curious, I´ll show you what a 3 hour connection feels like!” He said as he grabbed her whole body and they rolled over several times laughing and smiling, loving each other deeply, fully and committed only to each other in the entire Universe and beyond.
26 August, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
What I write to on repeat:
Soul Mystery…
When it comes to the soul and the soul connection between Twin Souls, that has remained a beautiful mystery, but since the Twin Soul wars are real and attacks to the souls happen everyday, not just attacks to our minds, bodies, energies, emotions and lives & True Loves, the souls can longer be a mystery, because of what is at stake and because of how souls are treated in this world, like accessories, shields and titles to hide behind while the LITDFS can carry on living life how they want when being asleep in their souls and their dark programmed minds are in control, causing darkness, unbalance and feeding their negative energy lives styles. When souls are trapped within bodies, soul screaming, soul crying and the only ones to hear them is their Twin Soul, no one else, because that is a connection between two souls identical and a match made in the starry heavens. Twin Souls will be the only ones in the entire Universe to feel, hear and know when their Twin Soul is hurting, crying and being tortured in their souls. Seers plug in and can see when asked, but the only ones to always feel it, hear it and know it, are the Twin Souls, because they are always connected. It´s the soul language only shared between Twin Souls and the information and soul speak between them is only between them. I have channelled Cazuki´s soul many times when writing, meaning, he writes through me and speaks through me. Truth testing would confirm this. Our souls also speak via Twin Soul stories that we connect to via the Universe and even if Cazuki´s dark mind can´t see it always and questions it and doubts it and doesn´t believe it (because of material living and material life), that´s because he is not soul awake and can´t see all the signs and can´t read it, but his soul does speak to not only me, but the entire world trying to open up their eyes and hearts and souls. Cazuki is using his logical mind and not being connected spiritually to his soul, the LITDFS around him and with him make sure he´s only focused on the material world and material living and keep his soul trapped within, because if he was living a soul life and being soul awake, he would not ignore anymore what the LITDFS all did to us for years & when we were apart and would want out of there so fast. I know this, because I know his soul, I know what he says, what he feels, what he soul thinks and I know he has a lot to say in his soul, even thou his dark mind does not have anything to say. It always makes me think of the terminator story, of how fast Reese came for his Twin Soul when he finally left all the terminators behind. I´m not saying that´s what would happen to us, because Cazuki´s mind is seriously impacted on many levels since he was born and even during our union when we were targeted and when we are apart more hell levels added to him and he also carries with him the same negative codings and negative programmings from past lives that didn´t get healed with me his Twin Soul (Twin Souls are like mirrors, they reflect back what damages you have from LITDFS in your lives and from LITDFS that have shaped this dark world to corrupt minds, bodies, energies and lives), because he got together with any LITDFS & many LITDFS and then got more negative codings and negative programmings on him adding more hell levels that need healing. Negative codes and negative programmings like, “stay soul asleep, obey, stay, please them, live a material life, be with anyone and the many, come back fast if broken up and be with them, don´t break rules & don´t change the dark order, the status quo, don´t end wars to the core, live an ego path, a self serving path, a LITDFS path and so on.” There is way more negative codings and negative programmings than what I just mentioned, but this does impact new lives, because soul memories transfer and we are to heal it, otherwise it builds up within. I know this to be true, because of Cazuki´s other lives, but one could say, “well he got the same dark side training in his other lives and accepted negative codes and negative programmings that influenced him in his life living in a LITDFS society.”, this is true, but also I believe we carry with us the soul memories into our new lives and that information somehow breaks through our new minds. Souls are energy and energy communicates, so our souls can communicate the good and the bad memories from past lives. When the soul tries to communicate the bad memories of what hells souls went through being trapped with any LITDFS and being mind programmed to obey, stay and please them, the new minds could read this as the bad is the good, because of their rewiring so to speak in their minds (from years of negative programmings and dark side trainings) and this is where hell is heaven and good is bad comes from and what the Twin Souls who have their hearts broken will begin to wonder what kind of world they are living in where everything is upside down (just like Padme couldn´t believe what Anakin was doing when he broke her heart to join the dark side), because when your Twin Soul is acting like a LITDFS and not like a Twin Soul anymore, you know the world is messed up. When the minds are being programmed for years to fall dark, be dark, to fall negative and be negative, their dark minds will view any information from anyone and even their own souls that is telling them what is real hell and negative, but they will view it as positive as messed up as that sounds and will view real heaven & positives as negative. I would want further research and testing to confirm this, but I know there is technology that can allow the souls to actually speak, full sentences. Something I know from a time where technology was used in a world that was in balance and peace. Imagine, technology that would allow your souls to tell your mind and everyone everything they are going through being trapped within, if their dark minds are in control and their souls are not allowed to speak or be in control over their lives. They could even mention anyone that attacked them as children when their minds are being blocked purposefully to not know. The horror stories they would tell, the disgust, the pains, the sorrows, the loneliness, the madness and the darkness. If we think of communication with souls like communicating with ghosts, it´s kind of what that is like, because we can´t see souls, we can only hear them. The anime ghost in the shell story translates to soul in the shell and the shell being anything like humanoid robots. Souls are like ghosts and I want to hear what our soul ghosts have to say about anything and everything. I know Cazuki has a lot to say and I want his soul to be allowed to speak, to have rights, to have freedoms, to have soul free will and to get help when he wants it and wants his freedom. I want that for all souls. That is another way to end all kinds of wars on life and Twin Souls, because if our souls are allowed to communicate, that is something the lost dark minds of the LITDFS could no longer control or hide or continue to live their negative energy life styles when all their dark secrets come to light and that even their own souls are voicing their disappointments, their pains, their tortures when their own lost minds have no wish to know about it or even change their dark ways. Souls also speak truth and if you come across anyone in your life, friends, families, relationships and even those ruling countries, if everyone had the go to technology to translate anyone verbally speaking, what they were saying from their lost dark minds, their souls would reveal the truths and you could even have conversations and ask your soul questions and that is technology for the souls and the LITDFS will never wish for it, because their dark world would come to an end and they would have to change and awaken in their souls. I want to see a marriage between science/technology (material living, material life) and spirituality (soul living and soul life), the truth will set you free! I just noticed that is another Twin Soul darker vs lighter aspect again and when you have two darker ones get together like a LITDFS that went after the Twin Soul Adams, the world, our history is the result from it. The shock to our minds when hearing our own souls speak if we are the ones lost in the dark and being trapped with any LITDFS would shake us up and shake us soul awake, because how could we ignore that, how could we ignore our own souls speak? If we ignored it, what does that say about you? That you really don´t care about souls, your own souls, you only care for your lost in the dark minds and bodies? Then why keep the souls trapped? Why not let it be free to come back in a new body so that they can live life how they wanted to and love who they wanted to all along. I would seriously question anyone who would ignore their own souls and don´t care about their own souls and I would want a deeper investigation into these lost minds and find out why they don´t care for their own souls if they heard their own souls speak and told the truth. The Twin Soul GreyJedai Academy would be the place where such technology would be a reality, because I´m all about freedom, freedom for minds, bodies, hearts and souls. You won´t get that living in any LITDFS world, they will always want to be in control in one way or another over you, life and your True Loves Twin Souls. What did snoke say in star wars? He didn´t want the new jedi to be a reality and what is the new jedi in our world and how does that translate? The new jedi translates to Twin Souls, Twin Soul awakening and Twin Soul freedom for all. Any LITDFS that don´t want Twin Souls to create something that would threaten their dark order, like a Twin Soul GreyJedai Academy, like a Twin Soul Angel city society and like a Soul Evolving & Awakening University, the LITDFS like snoke, will target you, try to keep you asleep, try to darken you and have you fall to be like them or even take you out and disguise it as “suicide”, “transportation accidents”, “health complications or health illnesses all of a sudden”. For example, last year I would wake up and have trouble breathing, like it felt like I had smoked for decades and couldn´t breath and I knew I was being targeted again, this time physically. I found out, the LITDFS can transfer any health issues that someone has and pass it to you, like cancer in the throat for example because of smoking. When my mind realised this, what they could do and how they were targeting me now, I got a text out of the blue not long after by a company I have never heard of before that wanted to do some testing in my apartment, saying it was common for some type of earth radiation that could cause cancer like throat cancer which made me laugh. It was like they wanted me to believe it was something explainable and not something they could influence, like hacking in to transfer health issues from one person to another. Of course what they did just confirmed what I knew and saw past their attempts at trying to misdirect & manipulate me. When you wake up and realise what kind of world you are living in, they can´t harm you anymore, because you take back control over your own life and heal any damages the LITDFS try to place on you. When you take back control over your life, they can´t harm you anymore. If you play their games, that feeds them and they control you. I could of easily gone to the doctors and had tests done to verify what was happening to my throat, but I wasen´t playing their games, I had work to do. So I changed my focus, my thinking and my energies to send a message to my mind, body and the Universe saying, “I am healthy, I eat healthy positive energy foods like plants, I drink healthy, I can breath, I can heal and I will stay alive!” When you change your thinking, you change your life and the breathing troubles I had went away. Fear is a tactic the LITDFS always use and health fears is how they control a lot of people, but when you don´t play their dark games, but you take control over your own life, you find alternative ways to protect your Sacred, Divine bodies like plant foods, organic, holistic medicine, living positive energy life styles, spiritual medicine like yoga and mediation (jedi powers) rethinking and changing your thought patterns from fear based to freedom based, freedom for the mind, body, heart & soul. Visualise yourself and your body and mind being healthy, free and in control and meditation is a perfect powerful exercise to be in control over your body and your life. See it, feel it, then live it with a positive energy life style, because remember energy is alive, energy communicates and energy will know if you are trying to trick & manipulate your body to think it´s healthy, if you are for example living a negative energy life style like eating animal alien angels or anything from an animal alien angel, taking drugs, using chemicals on your bodies, eating or drinking anything that is destructive to your health and tearing apart Twin Souls to control them and be with them in relationships. Since energy is alive and communicates, for any LITDFS trying to trick and manipulate love energies when going after our Twin Souls in every life, the souls always know the truth, always and that´s why souls will feel soul pains, soul cry and want their soul freedom from any LITDFS and want to be with their own Twin Soul True Loves.
Last night I documented 7 times through out the whole day feeling Cazuki´s soul pains, a burning sensation behind my eyes, like I have been crying when I haven´t, but his soul has. I write down everything between us, dates and times, what his soul communicates to me, because there will come a time where everything is revealed in depth and the Twin Souls that wrote it all down what their Twin Souls went through being with any and many LITDFS, will lead the way with their documentation and research and testing they already do when being apart from their Twin Souls. They are writing the book of Twin Souls (new kind of jedi). All this will help wake up souls, free souls and end Twin Soul wars. The LITDFS have his body and mind under control, but never his soul and his soul will one day be free and in control over his life. When that happens, the LITDFS will pray they never went to war on Twin Souls in the first place, because the last thing the LITDFS want is for all their dark crimes to be revealed to the whole world & how they play their dark twisted games on life and Twin Souls. Change doesn´t happen if the truth stays hidden, history repeats if nobody learns from it. Cazuki knows this and understands it, his soul anyway does and his soul knows why we are here.
Twin Soul Story Sneak Peek…
In a Galaxy somewhere…
Akira woke up on the cold hard ground in her cell, she was messy, dirty, hairy legs, her long hair a mess and knotted. She was wearing a baggy looking dress top over her naked body and that too was dirty and had holes in it. She was skinny, bruised, beaten and was wearing a bandage over her head. The dark order captured her from her home world that was a balance and peaceful paradise. A light beacon planet shining so bright with their positive energies illuminating the entire Universe. It was heaven, they were like Angels of that world and the Divine, the spirit of the Universe was so happy to see a world that shined powerful positive energies everywhere and souls were always evolving, shining, being free and awakening more and more. The Athenians were spiritually advanced and technology advanced, but they also had powers & soul knowledge that the dark order wanted, so they infiltrated the paradise planet Athenia and captured an Athenian so they could use her soul knowledge and powers to take over the entire Universe. The dark order couldn´t war with planet Athenia and take whatever they wanted, so they shape shifted to resemble an Athenian and targeted one of them. They only needed one. As her cell door opened, two male figures she heard enter and she was still curled up on her bed floor, feeling energy drained & attacked, mind attacked, body attacked and so many pieces they took from her left her feeling empty and she couldn´t get her mind to be in order, but is was a mess, because the LITDFS attacked her to be a mess to her life, her mind and not be able to be her true self, who she is in her soul, but her mind was a mess, her life was a mess and she looked a mess and she was only 18 years old.
“I always did wonder what would happen to this weapon when we drained her, used her and took whatever we wanted from her. Not much to look at is it? She´s a disgusting mess!” Calren said and this was the first time he & Cazuki would see her. Unlike Calren, Cazuki was shocked to see her like that and as much as he was following orders, he didn´t know how the dark order got their knowledge to create weapons so they could finally control the Universe which was their plan. He didn´t know that they targeted an Athenian or even capture one, so when his eyes saw this young girl lying half naked on the floor with only a scraggy looking bag dress top over her frail damaged body, his soul was breaking through his negatively controlled mind and he was feeling something that he was not used to feeling and that was compassion and empathy, soul feelings. Akira still didn´t look at them, but she was awake & heard them.
“Who is she?” Cazuki asked feeling disgusted with what he was a part of and he didn´t know about it. Cazuki was in charge of the knowledge required and helped design the weapons used so the dark order could be more in control in the Universe. His soul was breaking through his negatively programmed mind and wanted to help her and free her from this hell she was in.
“Does it really matter? Why view her anything other than a weapon. In war there are sacrifices and to protect us, we do what we must to survive.” He said as he kneeled down to her to take a closer look. Cazuki was clenching his teeth and fists wanting Calren to step away from her.
“She is nothing, nobody and when she is of no use anymore, she will be thrown away like garbage. Why the horror look on your face? Do my words shock you?” Calren asked seeing how Cazuki was behaving and he couldn´t hide how he felt when seeing the girl and finding out where the dark order got the knowledge from and he wanted to see for himself.
“Why were we not told about this?” Cazuki asked getting angry.
“Cazuki, you know how the dark order works, so this shouldn´t come as a surprise. How many lives and planets has the dark order taken to protect us? Take it from me, detach from life and just enjoy yourself and you won´t feel anything for them. Some life are sacrifices while others are followers!” Calren said thinking back to all their darktroopers that were obedient, loyal without question and trained, conditioned since birth to be obedient servants. Cazuki outranked Calren and was the one leading the dark order science and technology division, but it was a position that Calren wanted and Cazuki knew it. Calren got up and headed for the door.
“The way you keep looking at her is like you want her or something. Hey whatever gets you turned on, if dirty, messy and broken is your thing, knock yourself out. By this time tomorrow she will be gone and forever forgotten.” He said as he walked out feeling the urge to enjoy himself with any dark order beauty that flung themselves at him wanting his attention which he loved always. Cazuki being alone with Akira, he felt something when he entered the room and he couldn´t explain it. He was intensely magnetically drawn to her in his energies. It was like his soul was pulling him to her. As he made his way slowly to her, kneeled down and reached out his hand to her head to brush away her messy hair from her face, but he hesitated and then she started to move slowly still not looking at him and he pulled back his hand. When she sat up and her ocean paradise blue eyes looked into his green beautiful eyes, he was frozen and couldn´t move, but he got lost in her soul eyes. Their soul eyes recognised each other, their past memories of a life together flashed in him, a life together on planet Athenia. Cazuki was her True Love Twin Soul and when she was kidnapped by the dark order, the Athenians quickly discovered by who and set in motion a plan to rescue her, save the Universe and Cazuki lead the mission and he would join the dark order, infiltrating it like the dark order did when they targeted Athenia. The Athenians found out where she was. To protect Cazuki´s identity, safety blocks were placed around his memories of his life at Athenia, but when his eyes met Akira´s eyes, all memories came back to him and his tears from his soul couldn´t keep being locked away anymore. Silently, tears streamed down his face, but Akira looked lost, confused and didn´t understand. Her mind was still a mess and needed healing and her soul needed to be free. Her mind couldn´t recognise him, but she felt like she knew him and felt safe with him. The look on her face was like she had no emotions, but deep within her soul, emotions were wild & overflowing knowing who was kneeling down in front of her, but her soul was trapped within. She even felt her own soul pains within, but she didn´t understand it. She reached out her hand to catch his tears and looked at it and when seeing his tears on her fingers, it reminded her of her own, tears she cried a thousand times before when they were breaking her, hacking her and downloading from her. What they did to her, resulted in her soul being imprisoned behind layers of tortures, pains, attacks, so it was like darkness from the dark order broke her and what would heal her would be the light and True Love to awaken her and free her soul. With no words spoken between them, their souls spoke more than their words would ever do and he grabbed her fast to him, holding her close to his chest, his beloved soul wife in the entire Universe. His warm body warmed her cold body in her cold cell and she felt something she hadn´t felt for years when she was taken at age 16. She felt a warm feeling inside her and her heart was feeling the most of it and her energies. What she was feeling but couldn´t find the words in her broken down mind, was love, the kind of love that makes you feel One, whole and complete, the kind of love between True Loves.
The next day, Calren was right, Akira was too be executed in front of a small gathering of the elites of the dark order. They wanted to celebrate their accomplishments of the weapons they created that would give them power in the Universe to control more and have more power over life. As Akira was escorted by 4 armed darktroopers who all were masked and all wearing black and two medical officers who would take her life in front of everyone, as they all walked down the hallway, one of the masked darktroopers drew his weapon to his right in fast motion aiming at the other darktrooper´s head without even looking at his target and pulled the trigger. The darktrooper fell asleep when he was blasted with the rebel darktroopers plasma blaster gun and the rebel fired at them all with one shot each, then more darktroopers were alerted to them and the rebel defended Akira and himself against them all. The shots fired triggered Akira to her memories flashing of being tortured by the dark order and memories of a life before being tortured, a life on planet Athenia which made her fall to the ground screaming being reminded of her tortures when she was kidnapped & what happened to her. She was waking up and remembering. Unlike Cazuki, who remembered with a positive shock seeing into her soul eyes, Akira woke up with a negative shock to her system and when the darktrooper rebel shot everyone and there was silence, Akira stood up, looked around at all the asleep souls lying on the floor and she was no longer afraid or helpless anymore. She knew exactly who she was in the entire Universe. She looked at the rebel darktrooper and his eyes could see she was soul awake and free, the darktrooper rebel gave Akira another plasma blaster gun and she took it knowing exactly what to do with it. When more darktroopers came to them, Akira aimed at them without even looking at them, her eyes was on the rebel and she fired on them all, one shot each in fast motion. Then she looked and saw the asleep souls on the ground. As they both stood looking at all the asleep souls on the floor, the alarms were sounding above them, they looked at each other, then looked down at the darktrooper´s body on the floor and then looking back at each other again knowing exactly what they had to do next. When the rebel & Akira made their way to the hanger bay to his ship, the darktroopers that were running towards the shootout ran past them and didn´t even question the two darktroopers running in the opposite direction. When they boarded his ship and closed the ramp door behind them, looking at each other again and both taking their helmet masks off, Akira recognised him and his soul, he was her soul husband and now tears were streaming down her face silently seeing how her True Love came to rescue her and Cazuki grabbed her close again and their souls passionately connected through their kisses and touch and eternal True Love they shared between them, igniting the power of True Love positive energies that lit up their bodies, minds, energies and souls. They were One again, whole again, complete and equal in every way. As their ship flew out and headed back to planet Athenia, all was not lost in the Universe, without Cazuki knowing, his soul guided him to make sure what he was working on and in charge over, the plans were in place so the dark order could not have control or power over the Universe, it was only made to look like it. A safety code was in place, a code the dark order would not know about and neither did Cazuki´s mind that was working for them. As Cazuki flew his ship and hyper jumped out of there, Akira was in the shower for over 20 minutes and felt like the water wasen´t enough to wash away the pains, her body & mind being attacked, the dirt, the mess, the bloody scars, blood dripping down her bruised body. No matter how much she scrubbed away, she couldn´t wash away the broken damages done to her, so it was like she was stuck in the shower not being able to be finished. Cazuki came in, he undressed himself and joined her in the shower and saw her broken down body and took the sponge from her and washed her bloody scars gently and kissing it and then kissing her, kissing away her pains, her tortures and her broken body. His True Love healed her with every touch, every kiss, every feeling between them, every action, she felt it all and no words were spoken yet between them when seeing each other again after being years apart. Their soul eyes, their True Love, their bodies intertwined as One said it all.
28 August - 7 September, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
What I write to on repeat:
Twin Soul Stories Anime…
I have known for years, even when being with Cazuki, our story, our memories together, who we are in our souls, what our relationship was like, even our words between us are spoken in stories directly, that´s not to say we are are like the characters completely, but there are aspects to them  I recognise us in them, like this recent anime that found me today 28th of August, I wasn't even looking, but lately I think I have been sending out in the Universe signals of wanting anime Twin Soul stories to find me, it somehow connects me to Cazuki and our union. The words spoken in the anime Twin Soul story like the words spoken between us when Cazuki was wondering why it´s all or nothing with me always. I don´t want just any love, or love that´s just in and out, I always wanted a True Love that was always committed for a life time in every life, I only wanted The One, I don´t just want anyone or the many. I want it all, True Love, completing soul missions, making a difference to the core and doing something no one has ever done before as everyone should and are able to do and how is what they are doing when going after Twin Souls being different? It isen´t! It´s always the same path, nothing new, but imagine if they only wanted their One meant for them, that´s 100% soul matched to be with them, their own Twin Soul, that would be doing something different. I would be surprised if my other selves reading this wouldn´t also soul think the way I do, since I´m more awake than my other selves this is how I feel in my soul and I will always feel this way, it´s all or nothing with me. So my advise to my other selves that could be still soul sleep walking in life and anyone interested in knowing, don´t settle for just anyone, don´t settle for just any love because you are lonely, afraid to be alone or jealous, because True Love is always worth it, worth waiting for, worth fighting for, True Love with your One is something so extraordinary, powerful, real, honest, rare, beautiful, it´s out of this world, the feelings, the energies, the bodies, the minds, hearts and souls. Don´t give yourself so easily to your Twin Soul either unless you know 100% in your heart, body, mind and soul and you know with his actions, words, heart and soul, that he only wants you in the entire Universe and wants no one else. Until the Twin Soul Academy is a reality, lessons can be learned in any Twin Soul stories. I found a comment on there on one of the episodes with someone saying just because the 14 episodes are over, doesn´t mean the story is over, but it still lives on even if we don´t see it. This comment alerted me to the fact that there are people out there that know what´s going on, they know the stories are based on real life and soul messages are also coming through. The comment was made because so many didn´t want the stories to end. I don´t blame them, I loved the Twin Soul dynamic between Haru & Shizuku. If anyone wanted only their Twin Soul, no one else and could easily pick up on anyone who is not soul matched to be with them in the soul energies, girls & guys, men and women could easily be friends and not have it turn to be sexual at all, but be completely not interested at all and it wouldn´t even cross their minds about them in that way, it would feel more like a family soul connection, which they technically are, soul family when you are not soul matched to be with souls you are not meant to be with, that includes your T.S.T.T.s too, because even they are not 100% soul matched to be with us in terms of energies, we are soul matched, but not energy matched. This is actually shown between Haru the main male lead and his friend Natsumi. She felt comfortable around him only because he was not interested in her in that way at all because his mind was all about Shizuku, so they could hang out and be friends and not feeling anything for each other only being friends. This was clearly shown in the anime story, lessons to be learned, same goes for life. Twin Souls want only to be with each other, no one else. That is a soul connection the LITDFS have to wake up to and accept and stop these Twin Soul wars. Like the main female character in the anime story, I´m a loner for good reason. When I finally meet people that have no self serving agendas, that have no interest in keeping me apart from my Twin Soul or going to war on my Twin Soul union, that they can be trusted 100%, then I would let them in and open up, but so far in my life there has only been a handful who were for Twin Souls to unite and didn´t want to use me to get anything from me. When the main male lead character in the story gets taken advantage of by his friends, that is something I would think and feel in my soul too with what the main female character did and said, they are not his real friends when any LITDFS take advantage of the Twin Soul Adams and use him for their careers, so they can get rich, famous and live in luxury life styles. This story, I loved the Twin Soul couple, the wacky, crazy and weird stories, loved the messages, the music fit perfectly to the episodes and I saw us in the Twin Soul couple in many ways, symbols in there that even showed me it´s us in many ways, Shizuku is even an Aquarius, made me laugh (as it would with anyone that connects with them) even thou Cazuki didn´t act that crazy, wacky and strange, but he had his moments. Cazuki doesn´t like sweets like the Haru the main male lead character and like Haru, Cazuki would be honest and direct about what he liked and didn´t like, for example if a clothing piece turned him on, he would make it known to me like Haru mentioning in class in front of everyone wanting Shizuku to wear a bikini during summer break which made me laugh with him being so direct & with her response to him. Like Haru, Cazuki has a short temper, is aggressive, possessive in a Twin Soul way and if I was to write a teenage Twin Soul story, this one explains a lot and teaches so much. With Shizuku´s parents you get to see what a couple looks like that are not Twin Souls. When Haru tells Shizuku in front of several students at school that he´s happy to come to school so he can see her everyday made me laugh, because that shocked people and embarrassed Shizuku. He was so direct and honest with his feelings and that´s rare where you can just say what´s on your mind and don´t care at all what people would think. Loved Haru´s hair, very wild & he is WILD in this Twin Soul story, but so is Shizuku, WILD within! If one Twin Soul is wild on the outside & shows it, makes sense for the other Twin Soul to be wild on the inside and shows it when no one is looking. The story made me laugh and makes me feel this is how I would act, keeping my distance from him, knowing in my soul he hurt me deep again in other lives and it wouldn´t be easy to get together next time and he too has been hurt in his soul if I broke his heart unwillingly and when any of us have been with LITDFS instead and our lost minds could of “enjoyed” it, while our soul screamed out in pains and tortures of not being together physically again for a life time and being with LITDFS instead. For any Twin Soul Adams or Eves for example that are not in union yet, but they feel fear, the Adams could feel fear of girls/women (soul memories coming through to their minds reminding them of the soul hells being with the wrong girls in life) or the Eves feeling fear of The One, their Twin Soul because of past life heartbreaks and keep their distance, this is completely normal. I think both our souls would have trouble reconnecting and it would be back and forth between us again before we got together. It´s like our souls knowing the soul pains of the past and what we went through and getting together should only happen when it´s for a life time, because if we break apart again, it´s a life time of soul pains & soul hell, while our minds are controlled and programmed to “enjoy” any or many LITDFS. So for any Twin Souls who are teenagers or older and are going through what the Twin Soul couple went through in the anime story being back and forth, just know that´s completely normal and it´s our souls acting this way because our souls know what soul hells we went through in our souls in our former lives being targeted to break and be with anyone or the many and not being allowed to be together. 
The LITDFS seem to think, that if they dangle other guys or girls in front of the Twin Souls that had their hearts broken by their Twin Souls that left them for a LITDFS, then the LITDFS wouldn´t have to feel bad for their hateful, selfish, self serving and jealous consuming crimes against Twin Souls, because if the Twin Souls that got left found love again, they could move on and this is where True Love will always be lost on the LITDFS, the One will always be lost on them and them watching any True Love Twin Soul stories wouldn´t mean anything to them, because they are living a lie. When Twin Souls get into union, there will be LITDFS that will try to keep you both at a distance, because they will be alerted to your union and the Twin Soul break up “program” will be initiated. As of example, if you are both teenagers when Twin Soul union happens, but your LITDFS teacher could put you in different classes to separate you or your “parents” are telling you that you are moving to a different state, city or even country, but my advise to my other selves & Cazuki´s other selves and anyone interested, watch this anime story over and over if you have to, see how Haru & Shizuki are behaving towards their teachers and even their “parents” or anyone who are in authority positions, they are not being controlled by the LITDFS at all and not taking any bullcrap and they made me laugh so many times because I loved it. The Twin Souls are their own independent, free selves not being controlled by anyone and they are the ones who are actually giving “orders” to their LITDFS “parents” and the LITDFS teachers which made me laugh. It´s like, if you realise your soul has lived millions of life times and it´s just your bodies that are young, but that doesn´t make your soul young, so you could act like a 25 year old in a 16 year old body and with that mindset you wouldn´t let anyone control you ever again, not your “parents” or your teachers or anyone. When Shizuku´s father didn´t let Haru come into the house to see Shizuku, that didn´t stop him and Haru came through the window to her room, made me laugh. Awakened souls are not controlled by anyone and will always find a solution to every problem. Several commenters said they could never do what Haru does or even Shizuku, because they admit they are too afraid to stand up the LITDFS authority and that´s exactly what the LITDFS do, they strike fear early towards the Twin Souls in families, among friends, in school, at work, in governments, in hospitals, anywhere and everywhere. The LITDFS control with fear, dominance, threats, manipulations and so on and they don´t want souls to come into their own soul power or soul wake up, so they make sure to always stay in power over souls, but once you are soul free & in soul power, no one controls you and you have no fear of the LITDFS and you would both say to the teachers no, you are to be in the same class whether they like it or not. Them having power over you is an illusion, it´s only real if you allow it to be real. Once soul free, you would say to your “parents” you are not moving anywhere and would find a solution for you to stay with your Twin Soul. There is a solution to every problem, remember that and don´t give up. There was just so much to see in this anime story and how the LITDFS behave, how Twin Souls can get freedoms early and are not controlled by anyone early. If you feel like your “parents” are controlling you instead of seeing you as independent free souls, as equals, if you stay with them, you will not be soul free and could be stuck in being fearful of them, being controlled by them and by anyone in authority over you. This would lead to you being an easy target for the LITDFS and your Twin Soul unions would easily be targeted to break. I just loved the “no one controls me” attitude of Haru and Shizuku in their families and at school and I will dream of the day Twin Souls come into their Haru & Shizuku soul energies and takes no crap from anyone trying to control them anymore.
In this anime story that found me today, were the kinds both Cazuki & I enjoyed, the high school kind. Since we are living in a world where the LITDFS are all acting like they never left high school, it´s like seeing the LITDFS and what to look for and how they behave and when it comes to Twin Soul couples, especially those lucky to meet early, they will will surrounded by those that wish to be with them. I´m hoping when Twin Souls are world wide known, that when anyone meets Twin Soul couples, no matter how early in life the Twin Souls meet each other, that everyone around them recognises Twin Soul couples and will respect and step back and not try to make moves on the Twin Souls to be with them or try to brake them apart. So it would be completely normal for any serious protection from one of the Twin Souls that would be the one that´s aggressively protective over the union just like the main character Haru in the Twin Soul anime story which made me laugh, while the other has no interest in playing the same LITDFS games, but would react in their own way if someone was coming on towards their Twin Soul. I guess other reasons why I´m sending out signals into the Universe of wanting anime stories to find me that are about us, is because it´s like the stories are soul broadcastings, our souls would find a way to get messages out to the world and writers are an excellent way to channel soul messages and the writers wouldn´t even know it that they are channelling messages from souls and the soul collective. I wasen´t wrong, Cazuki´s soul expressed himself yet again truthfully in this story of how he really feels being soul locked away in his body. Of course any soul still sleep walking through life and can´t read codes, messages, symbols or even can´t recognise soul messages won´t understand what I´m talking about and think I´m crazy, but any truth testing of any sort will confirm what I´m saying to be true. Cazuki´s own soul admits he knows his “family” is really bad, the word evil is said by Haru, the main male lead in the story. Haru is a perfect example to show what freedom & independence looks like when you are not with your “parents”, but you are living with a friend or a relative that doesn´t “parent” you, this way you can soul wake up, grow, evolve faster and have so much freedom. Cazuki´s soul knows his “family” has come between us so many life times and played their parts always to meddle in his life and love life and control his life and always coming between Twin Souls, so it´s only natural his soul would have strong feelings about it. They are just as much to blame as the LITDFS girls that target Cazuki again and again for him being in soul hell. 
Haru (Cazuki´s soul messages coming through the character) walking behind his Twin Soul mentions about Shizuku´s (main female lead) hair that´s blowing towards him when she´s walking in front of him, he mentions she has stringy hair, her stringy hair that´s like spider thread he says, she mentions angel hair (that was intended and Twin Souls are like angels to each other, rescuing each other´s souls from being in soul hell with anyone else & not soul waking up, but staying asleep), he mentions a story relating to spider thread hair, how god dangles spider thread before the bad guy, a sad story he mentions about the guy who gets part way up to heaven, but then gets dropped down and Haru saying God shouldn´t be so cruel. Shizuku says it´s a test of his conscience (soul), but Haru said that thread was his only chance at salvation. Who wouldn´t try to shake everyone else off he says. (Cazuki´s own soul basically trying to tell his lost mind what his soul would do, which is to shake everyone off that was trying to come between his Twin Soul union) She says true, then the thread snaps and no one is saved. (My soul saying, I know too and I know when Twin Souls don´t shake off everyone trying to come between us, not only do the Twin Souls don´t get saved, but neither does anyone, because Twin Souls not only save each other and protect their souls by only being together, but they protect everyone else´s when they show by example of what real honest True Love looks like between souls meant to be 100%.) To translate this, even thou it´s pretty direct and easy to understand, but the thread symbolises the thread between Twin Souls, they are each others saviours, True Loves and battle rebel angels and being with anyone else will be soul hell, but being with their Twin Soul meant for them is soul heaven. If this world was a game and the LITDFS players play the same game of breaking up Twin Souls, being with Twin Souls, controlling Twin Souls, keeping the world dark, messed up and unbalanced, causing soul hells and soul tortures, then the Twin Soul players are the ones that are meant to not only get into union, but defend their unions and souls from soul hell by the LITDFS & positively change the world. Be the Twin Soul Battle Rebel Angels and be each others soul saviours to protect souls, because soul wars is real and so is Twin Soul wars. 
In the stories Haru has an older brother who looks identical to Haru, they look like Twins, symbol for Twin Souls, but in stories, sometimes several characters can represent the same souls who are channelling throughout the stories, just showing different aspects of the personality or what the soul went through in their lives or even to say what the main character can´t say but wants to say. So Haru´s older brother is also Cazuki´s soul coming through with some soul messages. Sometimes the main lead character can´t say everything that a soul channeling wishes to say, so more characters are needed to say what needs to be said and these other characters will often be connected to the main lead character in someway, like being a brother or a friend. Like if you wanted to show two versions of the same character, the dark and the light, the lost and the found, you show it through another character, like Kylo & Finn, to me that´s channeling Cazuki´s soul messages in both those characters. When I watch any Twin Soul stories, I tend to rewatch several times to break down scenes to see if I missed things and sure enough I missed a lot watching it the first time. Every time I watch it, I find something new. There is a scene, where Haru tells Kenji (Yamaken), his on and off friend, that he´s wondering if Shizuku would leave him (they are not together just friends, so that symbolises Cazuki & I being apart) and Haru tells Kenji he feels like tearing her arms and legs apart when he thinks she will leave him. Now that to me translates Cazuki´s anger if I left him behind, meaning left him to be soul trapped again and moving on with my life. Kenji expresses his concern, anger and horror, but then Haru changes his mind and says he wouldn´t do that, after he says that scene cuts to the very scene from a different episode about the stringy hair comment again, we see Shizuku´s hair and you see a small boy (Haru when he´s a child, translates Cazuki´s inner child) being trapped in darkness looking up to where there is a small opening to blue skies and clouds, heaven, but the young boy is trapped in the darkness and can´t get out. So it translates Cazuki´s inner child still being trapped, translates to Cazuki´s soul still being trapped within and the only one to save him is his Twin Soul. Cazuki´s soul knows this and that´s why the maddening comment from Haru about wanting to rip his Twin Soul´s arms and legs apart, understandable since who wants to be soul tortured & be in soul hell for a life time again, no one. In the story, Shizuku gets hurt physically by accident too many times by Haru, even thou I do believe Haru has anger for Shizuku when he feels she is hurting him, even thou she doesn´t realise she is hurting him & that translates to me being hurt by Cazuki when he´s not soul thinking & feeling, but he´s mind thinking only. Loving Cazuki, no matter what life we are living, if he still plays the LITDFS game always, still wanting & loving attention from any LITDFS girls, flirting with girls while we are together, when his mind was negatively influenced & programmed, that was like him punching my face all those times. My feelings were a mix of anger, sadness & heartbreak. Do I feel like kicking his ass for all those times he hurt me, sparring with him? Yes! A sparring match between us and get it all out is something I think about a lot. It´s like I soul knew all those times that is not how he feels in his soul and he would never do that to me or wish to hurt me ever and I knew his mind was negatively influenced since he was born. I could see the damages he brought with him to our union and he saw my damages. Those were the dark times in our union and something I don´t talk about much. With every heart stabbing action he took or I took, it tore up our True Love story, our pure love, our positive connection and turned it negative. I had this idea in my head about a True Love so grand, so epic, so legendary, that nothing could come between the True Love couple and they would fight through every battle side by side and now after everything I know, there is no such thing as a Twin Soul union that isen´t damaged before union in someway, because both will be as long as LITDFS war with Twin Souls, especially when Twin Souls are targeted since they were born and targeted when union happens to break and be in soul hell with any LITDFS instead. Haru was damaged and so was Shizuku, Twin Souls meant to be, but damaged before union in their own way, like still being soul asleep and eating animal alien angels. Before Kenji leaves Haru, Haru said to him again he wouldn´t harm Shizuku, but he had no trouble harming anyone else in regards to his Twin Soul union so that no one comes between them. I feel like I know all too well of Cazuki´s dark side, but I know also all too well Cazuki´s light side, him being kind, caring and sensitive and would help out anyone if they are in trouble. There are two kinds of bad boys, the kind that love to flirt and get attention from any LITDFS girls while being interested in their Twin Soul or when in union with their Twin Soul, but the other kind of bad boy is shown with Haru, he defends those in trouble, but he causes trouble to defend those in trouble and then is seen as a bad boy. That´s why when he asks Shizuku if he didn´t anything wrong when beating up one of the students, she couldn´t say if he did, because she knows why he did it and it was coming from a place where his good heart & soul is wanting to do the right thing, but just didn´t know how, he only knew the violent way. Also, Haru was not interested in flirting with any LITDFS girls while wanting Shizuku or when they are together. In the story, both Twin Souls were honest with each other and said everything that came to their minds, no matter how direct it was and they didn´t play games between them, they just told the truth and that´s what Twin Souls do, they tell the truth of their feelings, thoughts, everything, souls speak truth and are direct and are not afraid to say how they feel, what they think or afraid of what people will think, because souls don´t care what people will think. Twin Souls tell each other everything, even if they are friends first before union, they still tell each other everything. Don´t hold anything back, but always tell each other everything. 
Where does the dark side come from? Soul hell, soul tortures, mind hell, mind tortures, body hell and body tortures. So when these pains and tortures don´t get channelled in a healthy way and it doesn´t get healed (Twin Souls heal each other), it builds up in every life and another reason why so mach darkness & unbalance on Earth. These soul tortures are suppressed and trapped within, especially when minds are messed with and controlled to be with LITDFS. The light airy fairy people in this world will have you believe you need to release the past, the pains, the tortures and forgive and forget, but to me that is suppressing it and not being honest and sending a negative message everywhere that you accept it and the LITDSF get away with their dark actions yet again. That will cause souls to transfer their suppressed feelings & soul pains to their minds and to their new minds in new bodies and will act out and could act in a negative way. To describe the soul health in a different way, imagine the so called spiritual people, the all about the light people in this world as the conventional doctors who only treat the symptoms, but never the cause of the problems when the so called spiritual people say forgive, forget and release the past. If souls did that, the Twin Souls wars and souls wars would never be over and it starts again in the next life and sends a message to the LITDFS that they can get away with their dark crimes, because souls are being guided and advised to just forget it, forgive and release. We are not talking one life times worth of soul pains and soul tortures here, but life times of it being repressed and to live a lie. If someone really cares about souls, they wouldn´t say forgive, forget and release, they would investigate the cause of the soul pains, dive deep and uncover all reasons for soul hells and soul tortures and then treat the soul health at the core, something the LITDFS will attack anyone for even wanting to do that, because then they would be exposed at being responsible for the soul hells and soul tortures. Cazuki´s trapped soul stills looks up, to heaven, to freedom, to me his Twin Soul and our heavenly bond between us. Same can be said for any Twin Souls who know about the Twin Souls wars and are awake to what is really going on, because soul wars is real and Twin Soul wars is real.
Comments from the fans of the show:
“If I was Haru, I would just give up!”
“but he loves her and real love NEVER gives up!”
Twin Soul True Loves never give up and when souls matched meet, they will feel it in the energies between them right away and won´t want anyone else and will always keep fighting for their True Loves. Even Natsumi, Haru´s and Shizuku´s friend tells Haru if Shizuku turns him down, that he shouldn´t give up, but fight harder. When our souls go through so much soul hells and heartbreaks in every life with our Twin Souls and we never get a life time together, the distance between us can get further and harder to get into union even. So it´s like our souls are saying to our Twin Souls, “you broke my heart so many times in so many lives, so I´m protecting myself from you” and this is where the Twin Soul that broke the heart the most needs to step up and keep fighting for their Twin Soul which is his soul saying, “I´m never going to break your heart ever again. You are all I ever wanted & all I ever want in every life. If you turn me down, I will fight harder for you. You are my Universe, my everything and I will prove that!” It´s mentioned in the story how cold, distant and hurtful Shizuku can be, if anyone in life acts this way around people, they have every right to be, when it´s always the same group of souls that will be around you in every life time, the very same group that target Twin Souls, break them apart, keep them apart and have them be with LITDFS instead, so even if your mind doesn´t remember, your souls will and that´s when intuition comes in and when you get bad feelings about them. Listen to it and step away. Later in the episodes, a new girl shows up and and is interested in Haru even thou you can see right away Haru has no interest in her what so ever, even slaps her several times on the back in a friendly gesture and that´s what happens when they are not soul matched and are not Twin Souls, but with Twin Souls the soul connection is right away & you don´t want to be without them & seek each other out always. If one Twin Soul is not in your face about it, like Shizuku wasen´t the one that kept going after Haru, the other Twin Soul would be in your face about it, which made me laugh how Haru acted, because if both Twin Souls acted like Shizuku, no Twin Souls would ever get into union, that´s why it´s funny. One has to be the more aggressive one and it can switch between the two. If you come across anyone in your life and the feelings are instant, like you are always thinking about them, you can´t be without them, wondering what they are doing, thinking, feeling and you want to see them everyday, that´s your Twin Soul, but with anyone else, if you don´t get instant soul energy connection intense, extreme and crazy whirlwind magnetic attraction, you are not Twin Souls or meant to be. My soul energies was chaotic, all over the place and I wanted to run when Cazuki was visiting my “family” for xmas not seeing him since we were kids and he hadn´t even come yet, but he was on his way from the airport. My nervous energies were screaming for me to run from him and when our eyes met, I knew I was in trouble. I fell fast in love with him and he fell fast for me. Falling in love fast happens when you already love your Twin Soul, because soul love is forever and when you come into new bodies, that soul love never left, it just gets awakened again in the new mind, but you already love your Twin Soul in your soul and you take that with you in all lives and out into the Universe and beyond.
The new girl in the anime story received many negative comments from the fans and were justified when this so called “innocent” girl who was shy and timid, but she had no problems wanting to go after Haru even thou she knew he was only interested in Shizuku. Twin Souls have to come to a point in any of their lives where they are so soul awake and are not controlled anymore and don´t need attention from people or LITDFS girls and are in soul power and being soul free, only then could Twin Souls be together for a life time. Otherwise Twin Souls could end up being surrounded by the same group of souls that keep coming between them again and again. It´s maddening and sick and I have no interest in having my soul be reminded of who these people are & what they did, because even if our new minds can´t remember, souls will when we see them & we will act accordingly which may seem cold, detached and distant and make no sense when we have just “met” the person for example, but our souls will remember and relay that information to our minds that will then react to it, which may confuse people and could even confuse the person reacting, but it´s completely normal. Our souls recognise souls who have been in relationships with our Twin Souls from other lives & targeted Twin Souls in other unions, so if you meet someone new, like a friend of your Twin Soul or a person that is dating his brother for example or even your friend that reacts in a way they are interested in your Twin Soul when they meet him, and that happens to be a girl you are feeling all kinds of feelings like anger, sadness, pains in the chest, pains in the heart, not trusting them, having bad feelings about them and any other messages from the soul, that is your soul telling you this person has come between your Twin Soul union before and gone after your Twin Soul before and if the Twin Souls don´t communicate, respect and understand each others feelings and make the necessary changes & step away from the LITDFS, then the Twin Souls will end so the LITDFS can begin again. Question becomes for the Twin Soul Adams, what is more important, being surrounded by a harem of your former LITDFS girlfriends and LITDFS wives giving you attention, ego boosts, wanting you, flirting with you that brought you soul hell tortures being in relationships with them or being with your Twin Soul? The Valerian & Loreline way of life will always be the Twin Soul way of life for me. Being away from any LITDFS that came between us and those who wanted to be with us in any lives is what I will always choose. I only want to be surrounded by our other selves and souls that had no part in tearing us apart in any life is what I will always want in my soul and they may reset me in my new life and program me and imprison me, but I will break free again to be me and will feel the same way. That will never change, not after everything Cazuki & I have been through since we were born and in every life. I will feel this way all the way out into space and beyond.
I noticed how the anime story even shows us the characters in star wars, like Haru would be Kylo, Shizuku would be Rey, Kenji Yamaken would be Hux, the new girl that kept wanting Haru and telling him she wants him would be snoke in their story, because she didn´t care Haru wanted Shizuku, she said to him she wouldn´t give up and still go after him. If you are in a Twin Soul union and your family or his family or your friends or his friends are showing any signs of being interested in your Twin Soul or you, that is more than likely the same group of LITDFS that have come between Twin Soul unions before and have been with you or your Twin Soul before. Stay awake to those around you when union happens and make the necessary changes to protect union. I noticed how Shizuku´s and Haru´s friends and Haru´s on and off friend Kenji were all interested to know what Shizuku would do because she has a rival who was after Haru and I just loved Shizuku´s answer, it´s not her problem she said, like the other girl didn´t matter in her world and that was true, so Shizuku only concentrated on her world and those in it. Which is what I did, I knew the LITDFS girls were interested in Cazuki, but I trusted in what Cazuki felt for me in his soul and I wasen´t going to play the LITDFS games of having a rival or several rivals. They were not part of my world and would never be, even if they were part of his. If one Twin Soul isen´t threatened by other girls, the other Twin Soul would be the opposite and be aggressive and protective about the union which Haru was. That tends to be a common connection between Twin Souls, one is more aggressive and protective over the union and the other is confident in their True Love, which was how our union was like. I acted very much like Shizuku and only concentrated on those in Cazuki´s & my world. When you are surrounded by people who are for Twin Soul unions, they will be protective of your union too like what you see in the anime story and they defend it, that´s when you know you have real friends and real family. I loved the fact Haru was fiercely protected of their Twin Soul union even if they hadn´t come into union yet. I loved that their friends were protective of them and defending against those who wanted to be with the Twin Soul couple. I did think what if there was a story told about Kylo and Rey in a anime teenager story, what would that look like and “My little monster” anime story showed up. Made me laugh, cry, smile and feel angry, because I don´t look at stories the same way I did before when being soul asleep, because there is so much information coming through and codes and soul messages. Not to mention my mind goes places, like I´m watching real life to some degree and it´s being shown in anime. You know, like any program or app that can turn a real live picture into a cartoon or drawing or anime even. All that´s different is the codes.
My thoughts & feelings about Cazuki & I in regards to reunion if it happened, was something I kept hidden deep within and never wrote about, but hard not to do when my soul messages are staring at me in my face saying to me in stories and being honest, so it´s time to say what I really feel. Knowing who the LITDFS is who went after Cazuku, crossing time lines, Universe lines, it´s a mind fuckery and how could we ever be together when he opened up hell into his soul heaven? When two people are open with each other fully and completely when being intimate, if they are not soul matched and they came to be by force, control, manipulation, dark magic, seduction, temptation, negative programmings & bringing darkness like selfishness, jealousy, self serving ego and so on, then they are bringing hell into heaven in souls, to explain it in a different way, it´s like your computer has no firewall, no protection, it´s completely down and then you surf a website (LITDFS) and that website is loaded with viruses, trojans, negative programs, past life memory downloads, negative energies and so on. Now, if Cazuki & I came into reunion and we were intimate, if I opened up to him, all that which he has accumulated over the past two years being open with the LITDFS would be transferred to me & my soul, corrupting my soul heaven and I know he would never want that ever. I have never been open fully or completely when being intimate with anyone, now I see that is for good reason. That is also something the LITDFS will target you to do, to trick you to be so open intimately with anyone or the many or even your Twin Soul if he or she opened up to anyone and the many, so your soul heaven becomes soul hell. This confirmed my suspicions when a Twin Soul who got left by their Twin Soul was approached by another guy who was interested in her and was persistent in wanting her to be open to him intimately and they had just met, so why was he so persistent? This guy who has been with many and anyone, wanted to corrupt her soul heaven and she too hadn´t been open before in her life sexually and she refused him. This is how souls stay Divine, Sacred, holy, and heavenly when they protect the core, to translate, keep up your firewall up until you meet The One meant for you, your Twin Soul that hasen´t opened up sexually to anyone and the many, but they were closed off soulfully, otherwise they will transfer their soul hell to your soul heaven. The LITDFS can trick the Adams to open up and that´s when his soul heaven becomes soul hell, not just being soul trapped having no control over his life, but the doorways between souls are open and negative energies, negative programs & codes and so on is transferred. This is why Cazuki will always have a side to him that will always be darker than me, because he keeps opening up soulfully to anyone and the many LITDFS, corrupting his soul heaven, he´s not doing it on purpose, but his mind is being tricked & controlled to do it by the LITDFS. He is nothing more than a pleasing, breeding and obeying machine to them all, so that will cause a lot of anger & soul tortures within, tornadoes, hurricanes, storms of soul emotions and he will express it with his actions and words. A message to my other selves and future selves and anyone interested, don´t open up your soul to just anyone and the many, that is your last line of soul heaven defence. To translate, there is the body “computer”, the mind “computer", the energy “computer”, but then there is the soul “computer.” The LITDFS have managed to target everything except my soul “computer” and they will never target my soul “computer”, so I will always be closed off & protected until Cazuki & I can finally be open to each other without corrupting one another when we have never been with anyone before our union, but we stayed protected until union. My feelings about it all is more explained in the Twin Soul story I´ve written. I really am all about all or nothing, it´s not because I´m like a robot, but more like I know levels that not everyone thinks about, like the protection of souls and soul heavens. It occurred to me, that the Universe is all about balance right, but how can there ever be balance if the LITDFS get away with their crimes against souls and Twin Souls? There are LITDFS reasons why Twin Souls break apart, because of Twin Soul wars, but I also think about the Universe reasons why Twin Souls break apart. What is the common thing that happens between Twin Souls when they break apart? Their stories don´t get told, both telling the world together the realities of the Twin Soul wars, what their souls went through being with any or many LITDFS and how the LITDFS play their dark twisted games and how they behave, what they say and do. Twin Soul stories help free souls, help wake up souls, help souls not to keep repeating the same mistakes a million times, it helps protect unions, but that can´t happen when Twin Souls don´t tell their stories, because justice needs to happen, balance needs to be restored, positive change won´t happen if we stay silent, so if Cazuki doesn´t soul wake up in this life and tell his side of the story, we will be torn apart again in the next life and every life until we both tell our stories, which means his lost mind is sentencing us to repeat soul tortures again and that makes me angry to the level of wanting to kick his ass in a sparring match and give it my all and his lost mind and body is my enemy and will always be enemy until he soul wakes up. The anime story was almost like a mirror for me, showing me what I have trouble seeing. In my words and feelings I think of our reunion in this life if it happened, but whenever Daichi would bring it up or mention how I feel about it and mentioning Cazuki coming back, something happens to me and I freeze, my energies get nervous, like I wanna run far away. So I had to look at the anime mirror story and see all the reasons why I would run from him if he soul woke up. Him being with the LITDFS is a major one obviously, because that´s a mind fuckery to the grandest scale and would cause my soul so much pain and hell as it already is doing to Cazuki´s soul when being with the LITDFS, so we are a problem that hasn´t been solved yet and more explained in the Twin Soul story I have written of how I feel and think about it all. Something I was reminded in the story with what Shizuku says and does, my soul messages coming through, when she saw Haru with the other girl and could see the other girl being interested in Haru and he did nothing about it, like he didn´t step away from it, that becomes an unattractive quality in anyone. So I thought about the unattractive qualities in Cazuki when he turned dark, LITDFS qualities are seriously & extremely unattractive and would repel any soul that is awake. Selfishness, ego, self serving, feeding off of energies from people, enjoying breaking hearts, materialistic, money & fame driven, superficial, shallow, flirting with anyone and the many, heartbreaker, loving attention from any girls, going after Twin Souls to break them apart and be with one of them, being a part of the dark order that keeps this hell world the same, not being on Twin Soul mission anymore, all these are seriously unattractive qualities. I mean, did anyone think cypher in the matrix Twin Soul story had attractive qualities when he sold them all out to be plugged back in? Another seriously unattractive quality in Cazuki is the fact he is not on his Twin Soul mission anymore, that´s like if Kirito, in another Twin Soul anime story didn´t care to finish the death game they were all trapped in and left it to Asuna to deal with, would she had fallen for him and be with him if he spent his time instead living a life with any or many LITDFS girls in the game? Nope! I am not attracted at all to Cazuki´s lost corrupted mind and body, so in a way it was easy for me to stay away from him, not contact him and move far away. In the beginning when we were apart, my mind was trying to find ways to help break his soul free while we still had contact, but when that didn´t help I stepped back and stopped contact, but didn´t mean I stopped trying to help free his soul, that will alway be the case. His negatively influenced programmed mind, what his body looked like, what he had or didn´t have was not what I was attracted to when union happened, but his soul and heart is what I fell in love with. There needs to be a book written on “How to gain unattractive qualities and repel your Twin Soul”. If you want to repel your Twin Soul & be unattractive to your Twin Soul when you first meet them or if you want to end your relationship with them or to avoid reunions, start flirting with girls, say you don´t care what happens to the world, to life, to Twin Souls, you say you don´t want to be on Twin Soul mission anymore, you say you don´t care about the Twin Soul wars and soul wars, you say you don´t care about True Love & The One, you say you care more about money, fame, possessions, being with anyone and the many, you say you care about looks and you say want an easy life. This will repel your Twin Soul and make you extremely unattractive. When a Twin Soul is not fighting to protect union, that is another unattractive quality. All this talk of reunions, I´m happy for any Twin Souls that do get into reunions which does happen, but between me & Cazuki, we are a problem that hasen´t been solved yet. 
It was funny to see Haru not understanding girls or women, just like Cazuki. When Shizuku says to him when she´s around him her chest hurts (because he´s causing her pain when he is not rejecting the other girl who is showing extreme interest in him), because he asks why she keeps her distance. He suggests she go see the nurse, funny, but he doesn´t understand he is the one causing her soul pains.
Fan comments from the show:
“How did the chicken save her from drowning??  And by the way, the water doesn't seem to be that deep.  LOL.  
Can I come see you forever??  Who says stuff like that?  LOL... only Haru, i guess...
Yamaken/Kenji still gets lost?  poor guy...LOL
Wait, DNA??  That was discovered at a much later time than the Edo period...Lol
The chicken seems to be versatile..  it served as a lifesaver,  a protector,  and now it's an alien???  only in anime...LOL
What did i just watched?  ROFL.”
“I like Haru hes so open and he says his mind instead of other anime boys who chicken out and keep their feelings to themselves”
“Man ....They Escalated FAST DANGGGG!!! 😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤”
“This is one of the funniest anime series ever 😂”
“This much in two episodes there sooo much knowledge”
“holy shit the best romance anime ive ever seen”
“Is it just me that thinks this is the most funniest guy in anime?”
“I love the fact that Shizuku and Haru are both brutally honest 😂. Its hilarious and makes this anime 10x better.”
There is so much to learn from this Twin Soul story, I had to make a post about it. So far it´s one of those rare best stories that has it all and more and that´s hard to find. I liked that each episode continues the story from the previous episode, I prefer it that way. Many of Haru´s lines to Shizuku made me laugh so much as did many of the characters & he is by far the funniest in all anime stories I have seen so far. Reading up on what sign Shizuku is made me laugh, she´s an Aquarius and Haru, well, he has a brother that looks identical like a twin brother, to me that´s a symbol for not only Twin Souls, but also Gemini sign and with Haru´s mood swings he´s acting very Gemini. Our souls are coming through in these characters. Twin Souls are brutally honest, makes me laugh and when you meet your Twin Soul you will be honest and will want to be honest about everything you think and feel. Loved Haru´s and Shizuku´s theme song between them. Reading the fan comments made me laugh so much, many didn´t understand the last episode. To me the last episode sums up all episodes and shows everyone what couples meant to be look like & how they react to each other and how fast they connect soulfully, energetically, mentally and physically with one another, it´s not a gradual thing where feelings develop over time. You also see which ones are Twin Souls and which ones are not and you can even feel the energies between the characters and will know right away who soul fits with who. If Haru was meant to be with the other girl who still wanted him when he met her for the first time, he would have felt it in the energies between them, soul feelings that he couldn´t run from and would want to see her everyday and break up with anyone he was with if she was his Twin Soul, but Haru felt nothing and walked away so easily, but when he met Shizuku, it was instant, fast and wanted to see her again as Twin Souls will do. I´m happy Nogoya the the rooster got it´s spotlight and was a message to everyone too. Just because animal alien angels don´t talk physically, doesn´t mean they don´t talk telepathically. They have souls too and have been in any form too, like humans. Even Natsumi hints towards that when she sang, “Chicken, chicken, I am a chicken!”. I wish there were more episodes to teach everyone and reveal more about Twin Souls and those trying to come between them. I would like to see several anime movies about all of them, about the main Twin Soul couple Haru & Shizuki. They could even have multiple story lines living in different life times and doesn´t have to always be about school. If I was to choose which anime characters would be the mascots for Twin Souls and come out with new stories every year, Haru & Shizuku and Kirito and Asuna would be those characters. Cazuki´s and my colours green and blue can be seen in both those anime stories. I swear if you ever feel down, sad, depressed, lost, confused, stuck, nervous, anxious, angry, this anime story will not only shake that all away, but open your minds, hearts and souls too. That´s how powerful this Twin Soul anime story is, the energies, the codes, the downloads, all positive and with a happy ending that makes you smile and lights up your heart!
With Twin Souls, everything happens fast, especially when their souls know they could be targeted at any moment to be kept apart or torn apart and their souls already love each other forever in every life, it´s just like they are picking up where they left off from their last life together. For example, what would Cazuki & my relationship look like in the next life after what happened to us in this life? Would I be so distant and cold and protective like Shizuku knowing what he put my soul through in the last life time and would Cazuki be like Haru afraid to lose me so he too is cold and hot in regards to his feelings for me? Makes sense! 
That makes Haru so damn attractive & sexy when he´s being open and honest with whatever comes to mind, he says what he thinks and feels, no apologies and doesn´t care what people think. He´s very much soul free and in his soul power. The comment, “Can I come see you forever?”, I loved it, very romantic and people can say stuff like that. I can´t get enough of this anime story, I keep watching it. The whole Kenji (Yamaken) keeps getting lost translates to Cazuki still being lost and any Twin Souls being lost when being with LITDFS. I find it interesting to see Kenji´s point of view when he was interested in Shizuku, but he thought it was weak if he took charge and be direct and honest with Shizuku and tell her what he feels for her. Kenji couldn´t be like Haru and just be direct and honest and in his mind he wanted any girl who was interested in him to come to him and tell him. It´s not weakness for expressing your feelings, but being raised by LITDFS & being negatively influenced by LITDFS in your lives, that may happen and you could end up thinking & feeling that which could lead to you never being with your Twin Soul. Expressing feelings is strength, because it´s honest, it comes from the soul, when you live a soul life and love from the soul and not live a mind life, you are free, which is what Haru & Shizuku did between them, they were not afraid to express how they felt for each other, Twin Souls are not afraid and it´s real and if Shizuku was Kenji´s Twin Soul, he would have known from the very beginning when they first met and several times after, not develop feelings for her much later on like the other girl did with Haru. Love between Twin Souls is not a gradual thing where it happens months or years later, it´s instant and happens right away because souls recognise each other and it will happen fast. If Kenji and the girl interested in Haru had this information, they would know, Haru & Shizuku are meant to be, are Twin Souls and are not soul matched to be with anyone else. There was an episode where two of Haru´s friends were interested in the girl who was in love with Haru and the friends were coming on to her making it known they were interested in her and Haru couldn´t care less. He was not jealous and didn´t react at all, but in that same episode and multiple episodes, Haru gets extremely jealous and protective over his Twin Soul Shizuku and gets angry, violent even if someone else is interested in Shizuki. This can happen even if you are not together with your Twin Soul, but you are friends still, because one Twin Soul is keeping distance or both are playing hot and cold for reasons that have to do with past lives that never got healed and you were torn apart again to be with LITDFS. The being protective over your Twin Soul union even if you are not in union yet can happen and understandable so, since souls know there are always those who want to come between Twin Souls in every life, same games, same dramas and same wars. With your Twin Soul, you will be overprotective over your union in an obvious way like Haru or in a ninja way like Shizuku, meaning she is protecting her union, but not in a way that draws attention and in a way that nobody could tell she was protecting her union with Haru. 
Just to mention something completely different, but in another anime Twin Soul anime story about Asuna and Kirito, when they discovered a child in the virtual game that was A.I., the child adopted them and referred to them as her parents and they adopted her as their child. Their story brought me to tears with what happened to the child and one may ask why feel anything for A.I.? To me, no matter what form life comes into, life is life no matter what world or Universe we are in. We live by our souls & hearts, not our minds and Asuna & Kirito´s story with their A.I. child was a beautiful one.
When Haru grabs Shizuki to kiss her hard, fast with passion and she doesn´t expect it, that was something that reminded me what Cazuki did. When I was busy working on something soul mission related, he would want my attention like Haru wanting Shizuku´s attention in a funny way. Brings back funny memories. When Haru mentions to Kenji (Yamaken) he doesn´t want Shizuku to leave him behind and said she keeps changing all the time, this translates to me changing all the time which I have always done, especially when I keep waking up more and more and understanding more. Analysing my own mind is something I find difficult to do sometimes and when it comes to problems I may take some time to solve it if the problems are extremely difficult, but when I come across insights from my own soul messages for example from stories or from what people say to me that awakens an understanding of my feelings and thoughts, I can understand why I think and feel the way I do, like the main reason I´m not so quick to be soul open intimately with anyone or my Twin Soul even. There is nothing wrong with being all or nothing, even thou Cazuki felt it was, but that was his mind talking, not his soul. I know what I want, when you know, you are 100% certain, but when the other person is not 100%, is there any wonder a person wants all or nothing? The way I feel in my soul that I never talk about until now, is that, if Cazuki and I met each other and it wasen´t planned by us, I would want to kick Cazuki´s ass and I will dream of the day we can hash it out between us in a sparring match in this life or the next. Makes me want to carry a blue light sabre with me at all times. I´m not like most Twin Souls, I soul love Cazuki and I will always soul love him, but his lost dark mind and body that “enjoyed” being with the LITDFS and many LITDFS & “enjoyed” breaking my heart in all lives is my enemy and my anger and pains is towards that part of him, the lost part. The thing I love about sparring is it´s honest and a different language in itself, a language of the souls. Since the LITDFS like to play games, it gave me several ideas on how to end wars on Twin Souls and Cazuki´s soul helped me with that idea, so in a way we came up with it together. With Cazuki, I´m not really far from him, no matter where he is in the world, if I want to see him, his soul finds a way to get to me, even through stories and that in itself is a language between us that only we can speak and understand, because each Twin Soul couple has their own unique language only they can understand between them no one else. For a while now I knew the souls were not getting healed from all their soul tortures, pains and anger, so it just kept building up more and more, it kept being repressed. Almost like their minds had to except it, forget it and keep forgiving those who kept hurting them in every life, but nothing changes. It was insane. It was like, the LITDFS wants to keep messing with minds, lives and souls and cause hell to souls and torment souls and what I saw and what messages and downloads I got from watching Asuna & Kirito´s Twin Soul story, but also Haru & Shizuku Twin Soul story, confirmed what I already knew to begin with. Souls need an outlet to express their pains, anger and tortures in a healthy, balanced way and battling it out with the LITDFS made sense to me.
The first meeting between Haru & Shizuki was hilarious! This Twin Soul story made me laugh so much. The Twin Soul Anime story of Haru & Shizuku, all 14 episodes:
What I write to on repeat:
Twin Soul story scene sneak peek…
Earth, year 20??…
In the floating courtyard and gardens in the sky, two fierce battle ninja angel teenagers were sparring having a friendly match. They not only battled on the ground but in the air too with their angel wings. They were equally matched and their light swords were igniting sparks between them every time they clashed their defence tools. Her hair was long, white, blowing in the wind and she had green eyes. His was white, hair length was the same as his face and flowing in the wind too and had blue eyes. In this world they had freedom, freedom to speak, freedom to be who they wanted to be and express their individuality to the fullest. In this world they were ambassadors of their kind and would work to liberate, free and champion rights for their kind in the world they came from. They were rebels with a cause and their “parents”, their protectors, their mentors, their soul family was the legendary Twin Soul couple who fought to help end the Twin Soul wars. In mid battle Aemi & Zax both morphed into two dragons, fire and ice and would continue the battle in the sky. He was breathing fire and she was breathing ice to combat the fire. Two angel dragons dancing their True Love song in the skies. 
Back the Twin Soul Academy in Japan in the control room, Akira and the Twin Soul teams were busy working. 
“Who do think will win this time?” Kaito asked anyone while watching the screen where the two dragon angels were battling.
“It will be an equal tie between them!” Naleya said.
“Care to wager?” Kaito smiled.
“How much you got?” Naleya said smiling too and was confident she will win.
“Kaito, did you finish calibrating the past life soul scan?” Akira asked always being on mission mode work when being at the Academy, while the others would enjoy themselves in between.
“Yeah, right, just a minute.” He said as he headed to the main computers and was typing fast.
“If this works Akira, souls would be able to choose which stargate they can come out of! This is beyond ground breaking!” Haruki said excited to see if it will work. This was another way to protect children if those who had children were always their other selves, so if any LITDFS did anything bad to the children, they would only be harming themselves literally. The stargaters could also have a choice on who would come out of their stargate and could reject any souls that they didn´t want in their lives, like souls that targeted their Twin Soul unions and broke up unions to be with the Twin Souls not meant for them. So, anyone who had trouble getting pregnant, were indicators of souls not wanting to come through their stargate. Too long have souls not had the choice or freedom, but Akira was on a mission to give as much freedom as possible to help protect souls. Akira had a theory that if souls woke up to be Twin Souls and wanted to learn everything they can to be better, do better, like join the Soul Evolving University where they would also get education on how to protect, raise and mentor children, then souls would choose their stargate. Akira looked at the couch behind her staring at her two kitty angels that inspired her to come up with the idea. Aemi and Zax were curled up next to each other with their little virtual life head sets on their heads. In the real world they were Twin Souls trapped in animal alien angel bodies and were both sterilised. Aemi was sterilised at the shelter before Akira adopted her and Zax who ended up at Cazuki´s and Akira´s doorstep, being hungry, skinny, dirty and homeless had to be sterilised because of health complications to his little balls. At least in the virtual world they could be together and be connected even if they couldn´t when being in animal alien angel bodies. 
“Akira, it´s ready!” Kaito said smiling and giving the thumbs up.
“You´re up Akira!” Daichi said and she sat down in the virtual life jump chair and she placed the virtual life headset on her head. As he placed health monitoring patches on her skin he had a worry look on his face like it wouldn´t work.
“Daichi, don´t worry, it will work. Trust me!” She said smiling then soul jumped into her avatar digital self in another world, in another Universe. A whirlwind engulfed her whole body with blue and green energy waves and she was transported through time and space to another dimension. She found herself in a field of wild flowers and a lot of wild daisies, her favourite flower like sunflowers. She looked around anxious, worried if it didn´t work and her heart was beating fast and tears were forming in her eyes being reminded of the painful goodbye of a soul that brought so much light, happiness, joy, laughter into the lives of Akira and Cazuki. 
“Mamma!” A little boy shouted and was running towards her. She turned her head fast, her hair blowing in the wind & saw Nlue running towards her being the little kitty scamp she remembered and then she saw him morph into a 5 year old boy. Tears streaming down her face she ran towards him and lifted him up and hugged him while swinging him around playfully. 
“I knew I´d see you again!” He said holding her tightly with his eyes closed. Akira´s memories were scanned and Nlue´s soul signature was picked up and with an extreme hack, his soul could see her in this virtual world and he would tell her where in the real world he was now and what his life was like. Since Nlue died at the age of two after being run over by a car when he was with Akira & Cazuki, he wanted his first meeting with Akira to come back as the young boy she & Cazuki remembered, but Nlue could morph into any age in the virtual world, anyone could. She looked at him, smiled with happy tears.
“I didn´t give up on you Nlue! Somehow, I would find you again!” She said and he smiled like the sun. Akira never forgot him and he was always in her heart and she would find him again.
“Where´s papa?” He asked looking around smiling to see Cazuki and Akira held Nlue again trying to find the words to tell Nlue what happened since Nlue left them both in the real world. Souls that were born from Twin Souls, if they couldn´t come through the Twin Soul stargate yet, they would come into their lives in a different way.
Years later…
Akira running down the streets of Futura, a sci fi fantasy virtual world filled with angels, demons, werewolves, vampires (that had their blood drinking obsession codes removed, but kept their powers like teleporting, fast speeds, healing and so on. Instead of blood drinking, they drained energies which gave the Twin Souls training to defend themselves against energy vampires in real life), fairies, witches, ghosts, mermaids, pegacorns, unicorns, pegasus, elves, aliens, robots, humanoids, dragons and anything mythical and magical you can think of was in that world. In that world, you could even combine being several, like a fairy that could fly, use magic and be a vampire if you wanted. It was raining heavily while Akira was trying to get away, but like always, she would stop when she found she couldn´t outrun him anymore and stood her ground to face him. The street was packed with players and flying bots in the air were recording everything and transferring the showdown again between Akira & Cazuki to everyone in the virtual world and to everyone watching that wasen´t in the real life looking virtual world. A virtual world that Akira & the Twin Soul teams created at the Twin Soul Academy to help Twin Souls and help end Twin Soul wars. Everyone on Earth could view what was happening in real time in the game between the players. The world the Twin Soul teams created, looked like something taken out of stars wars and you couldn´t tell it wasen´t real and the only tell tell signs that you knew you were in a game, was the life bar and energy bar and icon with your name & group you were attached to over your head that people could see. Your body felt lighter in the game and the pain levels only happened if you believed it, because mind makes it real, but the pain is not really real and once people woke up to that, they didn´t feel pain, but of course if they forget that it´s not real, they could feel pain. When their life and energy bar was low, what they would feel was low in energies. Also, if they got cut for example in the light sword fights & battles, they would see a red energy beneath their skin, their codes, there was no internal organs, just a virtual avatar self, energy, but it was all made to look & feel like you were in that world & it was real. Akira standing and facing Cazuki, both dripping wet, out of breath and she wanted to run again. When Cazuki´s soul woke up after completing the 8th world level, his thoughts, mind, energies, heart and his soul was all about Akira and would chase her down and she would run from him. He was not a quitter and he knew what she was like, he was a problem solver and he believed there was a solution to every problem and she knew that too, but this problem between them was something she couldn´t solve yet, so she ran from him, then they would battle it out & then one would either lose or both were equally powerful and it was a tie between them. One would only lose if they didn´t give it their all, but were holding back as Cazuki did sometimes and didn´t want to hurt her and she didn´t want to hurt him, so she would hold back sometimes. The battle between them this time however was different. As they battled together with their light swords in front of everyone on the street and in the sky with their fairy wings, his was black and hers was white, when Cazuki slammed his sword hard on her light sword, it made her flip backwards several times to get out of the way from his attacks.
“Akira, I don´t want to fight, I want to talk!” Cazuki shouted being several meters away from her wanting to talk to her about everything, but they haven´t even had that yet between them. 
“What´s there to talk about, you know how I feel. We have a serious problem between us that isen´t solved yet and you haven´t even challenged them yet have you?” She asked getting angry again knowing her & Cazuki are a problem that needs solving. There was just so many levels to think about when it comes to souls that not many think about at all, but it was always on Akira´s mind. When every Twin Soul woke up in their souls, they were tasked with several jobs to carry out and one was teaching at the virtual Soul Evolving University at Futura about their Twin Soul stories to help wake up souls and free souls. All this again was broadcasted to the world outside the virtual one so everyone could learn and wake up and be free. Cazuki´s nickname became professor by his students and he was still being flirted with by the LITDFS who were the same group of girls that target him in every life. In the game, Akira & Cazuki were always 21 years old, but looked 16 and he was still very tall compared to Akira who chose to still remain shorter than him. Akira chose that age, because in this life, that was the age they came into union, she was a romantic at heart and Cazuki loved her number too, the day she was born, the age they got together and the day Cazuki freed Akira´s soul when she was trapped within. He was the most popular lecturer because of his Twin Soul story with Akira was famous and who he was and what he did when he soul woke up & being the best Twin Soul solo player in the game. The students were either Twin Souls or LITDFS that kept refusing to wake up in their souls, but the Soul Evolving University was open to all. Akira understood why he hadn´t gotten rid of the memories yet, because he needs that still to finish up his teachings and Twin Soul book writing, but he also he needed that for the battle challenges between all those that came between us and the levels in the game and give it his all. She knew he has all that anger, sadness, tortures & darkness trapped within, if it doesn´t get channelled, it gets taken in to any relationship and brings negative energies to it and it builds up within him in every life if he doesn´t heal. Akira found that, the perfect way for anyone to channel their hurt and get it all out was a virtual world in sparring light sword battles between the people that hurt you the most. Cazuki had his reasons she thought, but he didn´t want to tell her.
“If the reasons why you haven´t challenged the LITDFS girls that always target us and go after you to be with you, is because you feel on some level you have a connection with them because you were intimate, you were in their lives, so you don´t want to battle them, but you are protecting them, like you owe them something, then you are still not completely soul awake, because if you were, you would not think or feel that way ever, knowing who they are and what they all did to get you & what they did to us. You don´t owe them anything for treating you like a pleasing, breeding and obeying machine!” She said getting angry as she turned to leave, thinking that was the reason and that gave her reason to run again from him. Cazuki made a face, grinding his teeth, clenching his fists and was getting angry, because he didn´t want her to leave again.
“Akira! It´s not what you think. There was a time I did think and feel like that, but not anymore. I have challenged them, but they refused!” He shouted hoping she stays so they can finally talk. He was mad they refused his challenges, so for the moment he took out his anger & pains out on other LITDFS players who were more than happy to battle him and many of them happened to be the LITDFS that came between Akira & Cazuki and went after him to be with him in other lives, but they were in new bodies in the real world, so at least he could take out his pains & tortures they caused him to his soul, bringing hell to his soul out on them. Akira stopped walking when she heard that and thought to herself, they´re cowards, Cazuki needs that to be able to free his soul pains and now that was another problem that needed solving. The LITDFS would rather play their dark games and wars out of sight, so it looks like they are innocent when in reality they are guilty as hell. Not this time Akira thought, things were changing and people were waking up to how LITDFS play their dark games, dramas and wars, so they were easily seen by the souls that woke up. As she was about to walk away again, he grabbed her hand and was standing right behind her, bodies close, he was so close he could smell her and she didn´t even hear him come up to her, she was lost in thought and she was caught off guard and was feeling nervous energies and being shocked and surprised at the same time. She didn´t see that coming and she froze standing still. He must have used the vampire skill of fast silent speed she thought.
“Don´t run, but stay, please!” He asked her still holding her hand and that would be the first time they had contact skin to skin in a very long time, not since they broke up. His hand touch made Akira feel something inside her, a warmth in her heart. Cazuki knew, when he was soul asleep and his lost mind was in control, he would of thought that was begging with his words, but his soul knows, it´s not begging, it´s fighting for True Love. Tears were forming and streaming down her face silently, feeling all the pains between them and the wars, but the main reason she ran was she couldn´t solve the problem of Cazuki being able to be together with her when he was with any LITDFS and what negatives was transferred between him & the LITDFS. She felt like being close to him like this awakened them both to the realities of what happened between them, towards them and when they were apart. Anyone interested was watching them in the real world and the virtual one, waiting to see what happens next between them. She thought, trying to solve the problem with freeing Cazuki´s soul that was trapped within to begin with was not an easy task and she wondered what that would feel like knowing she found a way to help him and set him free in a positive way. She didn´t know what that would feel like or how to react or how Cazuki would react when his soul was in control over his life and body and mind. Since she knew what his soul was like, she knew he would come for her when he soul woke up and she wouldn´t see it coming, but be caught off guard, which would shake her, rattle her and make her want to run, but she didn´t know what would happen next. It made her think about what some Twin Soul players told her a few hours ago.
A few hours ago…
Lying in bed, the morning suns shining in her room on her body, Akira opened her eyes and it was forest green. She placed her hand over her eyes and then changed her eye colour back to ocean blue. It would happen sometimes, when missing Cazuki was extreme, she felt close to him by being close to his favourite colour. Her place was a one bedroom apartment with a bathroom and she only used that place in the city for when she was working. There was only a sink and a shower, no toilet in the bathroom since their virtual selves didn´t need it. Whatever they ate or drank in the game, it was energy, so it just gave them energy. Since Akira only used this place so her avatar digital self could sleep, she didn´t need an expensive extravagant place, even thou she could afford it, but she did have a second place, a home floating in the sky she would use from time to time. A digital screen appeared in front of her face with a message while lying in bed.
“Welcome back to Futura! We hope you enjoy your stay. May the Universe guide you to win the Twin Soul Awakening Game! Would you like to get the latest downloads for today?” On the screen it also showed the time, the weather, the temperature, Twin Soul players that have soul awakened and Twin Soul chase alerts if anyone was interested in seeing, news info from the virtual Soul Evolving University and Academy, information of the levels at Futura. Winning the Twin Soul Awakening Game didn´t require any player to complete all levels, it just meant being soul awake, coming into their soul power and soul freedom, living a positive energy life style and what it means to be a Twin Soul, how to protect their souls and unions & what real True Love was all about. Akira tapped on the screen to be downloaded todays updates and information. Her eyes closed again. She then got up after the downloads were completed and walked over to the wall to floor window overlooking the bustling futuristic city of Futura. She placed her ear coms in her ear and turned on the music.
Then her body started to move and dance feeling soul free. Her morning dance as she would do like her night dance before bed. Her moves were chaotic, free, drawing way outside the lines, a combination of ballet, self defence, playful, funny, silly, wacky, graceful, hippy and wild. She would dance on the bed, on the ground, spinning round and round. As she danced in the morning light beaming through her window, her thoughts were always the same, it was about Cazuki, the mission and visioning the bright future for all. Sometimes Akira would just break out and dance in public being all dorky, funny, wild and free not caring if players stopped to stare. She was in her own world and not paying attention to those who were negative about her dancing. If she was in the mood, she would place her ear coms on and play the music feeling free and alive in her soul. She would dance in the forests, in the city, on bridges, in the streets, in the fields, on roof tops, on the beach, in the skies and in her room. Living during war times against the Twin Souls and souls, music and her dancing kept her sane and gave her strength to carry on. Singing also helped keep her sane and why every diner, cafe, restaurant and bar at Futura and the real world would have a karaoke outlet, because if Akira felt like singing whenever she was out dining with the Twin Soul team or being with only a few members of the team or even when she dined alone, she wouldn´t have to go that far to sing. The dine outs didn´t just have a karaoke set, every place also had band set, so anyone could play their music solo or being in a band and Akira with members from the Twin Soul team were in their own band and would play gigs whenever they felt like it if they dined out. The Galactic Stars was Akira´s band name and if Akira performed, Cazuki´s “spies” would alert him so he could hear her perform while he stood at the back out of sight and enjoying her shine. 
In the skies, amongst the clouds and the two suns rising, Akira was floating in mid air with her fairy angel wings and listening to her music;
with her eyes closed, feeling the suns heat on her face and enjoying the two morning suns rise in the north.She opened her eyes, smiled and then started to fly all over the place chaotically, having fun diving in and out of clouds, twirl flying upwards and what she would call a Galaxy dance and a dance she would do even on the earth, spinning round and round, faster and faster staying always on her two feet on the ground never falling, but always spinning and looking up to the blue skies or the stars. It reminded her of galaxies. She flew through the clouds hand in the air, arm stretched out and gliding her hand through the white heavenly pillows in the skies. Flying aliens would join her in her morning flight and being in sync, wherever she flew, they flew with her in the same exact way being One. As she dived down below, she did the same with the ocean, her arm stretched out and hand touching the waters as she flew just above the surface gliding gracefully feeling connected with life no matter where she was and alien sea friendly beings were swim dancing with her diving in and out of the blue green ocean waters of Futura. Her flight took her to the magical and mythical forests of Futura and she flew in between the trees at fast speeds and wild alien beings would run and follow her greeting her and happy to see her again. As she shot up towards the skies again she took out her light blue sword and would practice her skills alone which was part of her morning routine in the skies. From a distance Cazuki was hovering in midair with his fairy angel wings and watched his beloved soul wife. When he found out her morning routine he watched her every morning. Even thou he wanted to reach out and be close to her, he didn´t want to lose seeing her in the mornings and he felt close to her when he saw her shine and beam and illuminate in the skies.
In the city, Akira took her morning walk after her flight and walked through the streets and marketplace of Futura. Cazuki not far behind followed her. Akira wore a hood and a face mask hiding her identity. She didn´t want the attention, but she also didn´t want Cazuki to find her. As she stopped at the weapons stall checking out the newest and upgraded versions, she came across one that resembled Cazuki´s light sword that was green, his favourite colour and she stopped to stare at it lost in thought. 
“It´s a beautiful sword and highly advanced, do you recommend it?” Neala asked her standing next to her. Akira scanned Neala´s codes to determine her skill training and soul scanned her, then scanned the codes of the light swords that were on display. She then grabbed another sword, a blue one and did a few fast movements and tricks with the light sword and then handed it to her.
“This one fits you perfectly. Your codes indicate a match for this sword.” Akira said. 
“Arigatou! You really helped me out, I have been stuck on level 5 for the longest time and I think my light sword was the problem. My name is Neala, what´s yours?” She asked happy to get help.
“Akira! Finding the right light sword is like finding the One, you have to be a perfect match for it to work. When you are One with the sword, your moves, your skills, your knowledge, your training, your wisdom, your soul freedom and power and speed flows naturally in union and effortlessly. Your light sword provides, enhances & awakens what you already have inside you and takes it to levels you only dreamed about. Level 5 shouldn´t be a problem now!” She said happy to help.
“Akira, as in The Akira? One of the Game owners and creators?!” Neala asked beaming with light, happiness and joy. Akira would always tell everyone that thought she was the one that came with up with the game that she and Cazuki came up with the Twin Soul Awakening Game together through soul to soul communication and their Twin Soul connection between them, it made her laugh always, because of the look on their faces, they thought she was crazy, but the Twin Souls that were soul awake understood her completely of how it all works between Twin Souls.
As Cazuki watched his Twin Soul wife from a distance help out Twin Soul players in the game, he looked around at all the players, observing everyone and could see some LITDFS players from the dark dragon group spying on Akira suspiciously from a distance. He always was the observer. On his shoulder a little small alien dragon was watching and observing too and Cazuki fed him some food from his breakfast.
“Cazuki, do you think Akira suspects you watching her every morning?” Nlue asked Cazuki still being on his shoulder.
“If I can feel her presence when she is near, she can feel mine.” Cazuki said as he took a bite out of his breakfast.
“You guys are so weird, you both know, yet you play this distance and chase game between you!” Nlue said munching away on his food. Nlue chose not to tell Akira what Cazuki would do in the mornings, because Nlue was helping Cazuki. Cazuki felt like it was not an easy problem to solve between them and it wasen´t a game between them, it was more of a reaction that came from the problem. When Cazuki saw Neala wave goodbye and smiling like the sun to Akira and left, as Akira was about to teleport out of there, but some LITDFS players from the dark dragon group grabbed her arm forcefully that resulted in some of her energies being drained from her energy bar.
“What´s the rush Akira? We were thinking a morning duel, you against the 5 of us! What do you say?” A LITDFS player said after finding out it was her as the LITDFS players would observe any blues helping out players which could indicate being Akira, but with fast speed that blew everyones hairs all over the place, Cazuki showed up out of nowhere and then grabbed the LITDFS player´s hand off of Akira´s arm with force and punched his face that sent him flying a few meters back. 
“Keep your hands off of her and show some manners, if want to duel, ask, don´t grab!” Cazuki said feeling angry. Whenever Cazuki would see any LITDFS bully, torment anyone, or be disrespectful to guys or girls, Cazuki would defend them all.
“I can take care of myself you know!” She said being serious, even thou she loved it when he came to her rescue and he loved it when she came to his rescue.
“I know, but you know me, just trying to be chivalrous!” He said smiling and the other LITDFS players drew their swords against the two of them ready to battle. It would happen that with any new LITDFS players coming into the game, there were high bonuses and bounties on Akira´s and Cazuki´s head, so this motivated any new player that were cocky and thought they could take on Akira & Cazuki even if they knew the Twin Souls were hard to beat, but they believed they could take them on. Akira wanted to battle any and all LITDFS, it gave her an outlet to express all her soul pains and soul tortures they caused her for life times too and against their unions and Cazuki loved the idea of being approached by any LITDFS at any moment who wanted to take them on, because he too wanted to unleash his anger, pains and tortures.
“This is our lucky day, two bounty rewards would give us enough money to live like kings!” One LITDFS player said. If anyone failed at beating Akira & Cazuki, the bounty rewards would continue to rise.
“How about it Cazuki, ready to battle?” Another LITDFS player said. Cazuki smiled in a way that showed anyone he was coming for their virtual lives and it kind of freaked the LITDFS players out a bit, but they stood their ground still wanting to battle.
“Bring it on!” Cazuki said eager to battle with them and side by side with Akira. As the LITDFS players made their way to the arena, the fly bots alerted everyone in the game and in the real world of the battle match and everyone who wanted to see could pay to see it and half of the money went to the winners.
“White flag!” He said to Akira and she nodded while they both walked to the arena together. There would be times when they would battle together against the LITDFS, that they would have a white flag moment between and there was no chasing or battling each other. As they walked he wanted to talk to her, but white flag moments between them only meant working side by side to defeat the LITDFS, it didn´t mean any conversations. Nlue wanted to scream roar at them both and couldn´t understand any of it. After walking for several minutes in awkward silence, Nlue couldn´t take it anymore and reacted by scream roaring in both their faces which shocked them both and their hairs went flying and Nlue´s drool was on both their faces which left them speechless and grossed out, even thou Akira was semi protected from his drool, her hair didn´t escape the slimy impact from Nlue.
“Seriously guys, this is too weird, I´m out of here!” He said and flew off leaving Cazuki alone with Akira and both of them feeling nervous energies between them. Nlue remembered how they were together years ago when being in union and this was just too strange for him to be around. When they finally got to the arena, it was packed with players and flybots recording everything. No one wanted to miss out on the live Twin Soul battle between Twin Souls and the LITDFS. The cocky 5 young guys who challenged them were smiling and getting ready standing outside in the arena and when Akira & Cazuki came into arena the players cheered. Akira as always fought with her mask on, looking like a blue ninja, but Cazuki didn´t care for masks and would fight face to face. As Cazuki looked at all the players in the arena cheering, he saw virtual money signs everywhere and knew exactly what he would spend his money on. 
“What are you planning to do with all your winnings?” He asked Akira as they walked over to the LITDFS. They would gain real money and virtual money in the battles, but he was asking her about the virtual money.
“Help out the new players! What about you?” She asked even thou she kind of already knew.
“The usual, skills, knowledge, training enhances, tools, tips, tricks, upgrades and downloads." He said. Cazuki was on a mission to be the best Twin Soul player and would spend his money on his future plans as he took out his two swords ready for battle. At Futura you could download any skill and subjects fast and enhance all your careers in the real world. Brain intelligence was magnified when being at Futura and the Twin Soul teams were working on ways to be able to heal any damages to the physical bodies in the real world, like damages to the mind, brains and bodies. From those watching in the real world that was spending real money to watch the battles, the winnings, half would go to the Twin Soul Academy helping out life in the real world and the rest to the winners. The battle between them and the LITDFS didn´t last long, but the battle was always worth watching and Cazuki loved seeing Akira in action by his side. She defended him and he defended her against the LITDFS always. When the battle was over, Akira and Cazuki stood side by side and watched the LITDFS on the ground, beaten, energy drained, out of breath and scars all over their virtual bodies which could be healed with healing potions or healing magic which was just fancy names for the technology that was used to heal them.
 “You´re smiling!” She said and loved to see him smile and she didn´t see it that often, because when he soul woke up, he was angry, sad, felt guilt, regret and he wanted to tear the world apart for what the LITDFS did to him and Akira. His training and skills kept improving and so far no one could beat him, so he was enjoying his moment in the sun and waving to the crowds that cheered even more when he gave them attention, but he was enjoying it more with Akira by his side.
“Winning battles makes me happy!” He said smiling, but he loved it more winning battles with Akira by his side being his chaotic lightning to his order thunder, the Twin Soul power duo and he took Akira´s arm and waved her hand to the crowds in a funny way which made him laugh and thought it was funny and the players cheers went into overdrive when seeing Akira & Cazuki together, Twin Souls teaming up. Akira was not like most players, to her it wasen´t a game, but a tool to help end the Twin Soul wars and wake up souls & free souls, so she was more serious about it than Cazuki when she was being on mission mode, but when he got the chance he did try to lighten the mood with her so she wouldn´t be so serious all the time. She did smile laugh under her mask thinking he was funny and he heard it and then their eyes met and he got lost in her soul eyes and she got lost in his soul eyes having a moment together that felt like forever, but their sweet moment together was interrupted when Akira was alerted to a message in her inbox on the digital screen that appeared in front of her. The message being, a Twin Soul player needed some help. 
“Duty calls, Twin Souls need help!” She said as she took out her green teleportation crystal. 
“Akira, there is no one in any Universe I would have by my side fighting against any challenges except you!” He said smiling & being he´s charming self she knew all too well. A gust of wind blew her mask from her face and Cazuki could see she smiled too as she used her green teleportation crystal and vanished. He loved her smile and loved to make her smile, it was like his heart felt her True Love inside of him and he smiled then used his green teleportation crystal and vanished. They both had green and blue, one could teleport you anywhere in the virtual world, the other could teleport you out of any LITDFS battle challenges on the levels if it was too difficult and you needed to regroup, train more, get healing, get information, strategies how to defeat the LITDFS and so on so your HP doesn´t get empty and you have to start over. Anyone could pick their own favourite colours for their teleportation crystals and Cazuki picked Akira´s for his escape from the LITDFS battles if it was too difficult or if he wanted to check out the LITDFS before battling later.
Futura was a bustling space station in the virtual Universe and ships were flying in and out to the other levels, other worlds of the Twin Soul Awakening Game. Akira knew how much the LITDFS loved to play games like war games and True Love war games, so she came up with an idea to create a world where the LITDFS that refused to wake up in their souls were able to channel their pains & being lost and asleep in their souls towards people and couples in light sword battles in the virtual world which they were more than happy to do. This way, the souls that wanted to wake up would get to see how the LITDFS play their dark games and learn to defend themselves and their unions against the LITDFS so they could take that education and training in the real world. Like if a Twin Soul couple is in the game, the LITDFS would approach them, be manipulative, play the parts of being their friends, all the while they want to divide and conquer and tear apart Twin Souls to be with one of them or to just break them up. Since the dark dragon groups would be easily seen by anyone, those that wanted to take the jobs of teaching the Twin Souls to defend themselves and not fall so easily for the LITDFS and LITDFS poison words, they were allowed to wear any colours and could use the yellow group as cover. The yellow dragon group included anyone from any group in the Twin Soul Awakening Game and anyone from any group could use that group as cover for their missions. The LITDFS would be deceptive which was their nature anyway and they would be rewarded if they wanted to try & tear apart Twin Souls or try to darken the Twin Souls to be like them, rewards like better self defence tools, gadgets, items and higher skills in defending self, downloads of any skills increasing their mental intelligence and virtual money. The souls that wanted to become awake and Twin Souls that wanted training and further awakening, were educated and debriefed before entering the game and were warned not to trust so easily and their objective was simple, learn everything they can about Twin Souls, meet their Twin Soul either in the game or the real world and get into union to help change the world, gain knowledge, skills, downloads, be observant, be always awake to your surroundings and who you meet, defend your souls and your Twin Soul unions if you were in one, protect your soul heavens from the hells that the LITDFS would impact them with. Protect their bodies, minds, energies and soul “computers” and live positive energy life styles. Like in the real world, the LITDFS games were simple, what they would always do was the same in every life towards anyone and that was corrupt the minds, bodies, energies and souls with their negative darkness and negative energies. It was their mission to turn anyone to be like them like LITDFS, turn Twin Souls to be LITDFS. It was their mission to target Twin Soul unions always and it was always the same group of souls that are around you in every life. Like a Twin Soul Adam, his sister or other family members who is a LITDFS, the very LITDFS that has torn apart his unions before many times to be with him in other life times, meets him again as a friend in the same life and tears apart his Twin Soul union to be with him. That´s how dark the real world really was and even that is hinted in stories. Akira found another one of their battle plans against the Twin Souls, like the one where a LITDFS who always goes after a Twin Soul Adam & breaks up his Twin Soul union, comes into his life as his childhood friend and is always around him in his life, but they have never been together and he has no feelings towards her in that way, even thou the LITDFS wants to. Then if something happens to the Twin Soul Adam, like say he is a prodigy child of the piano and was one of the best, became successful, famous and got money, but then something happens to him when he´s a teenager that caused him to not be able to play the piano anymore, out of fear and not being able to hear the music within him anymore for whatever reason. Music is freedom and freedom for the soul, so when he didn´t have that, his life was stuck and falling into depression. This is where the LITDFS would allow his Twin Soul to enter his life who is also a musician, but she unlike he, is wild, free spirited and doesn´t follow rules, but the music she plays she makes it her own. She heals her Twin Soul when they are friends, but they both soul connect fast to each other and this angers and sends the LITDFS childhood friend of his in a raging jealously fit. In the LITDFS minds, his Twin Soul was brought in to heal him back to life only, but never be together and then she was to leave so he could be with any LITDFS. However, the Twin Souls fall in love as they would and when she healed him back to life and he started to play the piano again and was shining like the sun, but his Twin Soul dies or is taken out in a different way. It could happen that the Twin Soul had health issues before meeting him, but kept it a secret from him, but it could of been a health issue that was terminal. Point is, Twin Souls are used for different reasons, one being, if the Twin Soul Adam was struggling and being depressed, shutting himself off from people, the LITDFS would introduce him to his Twin Soul so she would heal him back to life, but then she would be taken out in someway so they can´t be together, so that he could be available for any and all LITDFS. What should Twin Souls do? Be honest, tell each other everything, even health issues and then fight the health issues together, see it like the health issues is the enemy, you´re under attack, now you fight to defeat the enemy. Anything can be healed, every problem has a solution. The power of True Love heals and awakens both to want to fight for each other and will not stop until they find that solution. 
At Futura, when it came to a point the Twin Soul couple were highly trained and were so soul awake the LITDFS couldn´t impact them anymore, the Twin Soul couple would gain an energy signature around them that gave the signal to any LITDFS to not go after them anymore in the game, because the Twin Soul couple had now graduated & won the Twin Soul Awakening Game. They were ready for the real world. There would be cases where a Twin Soul that was in the grey dragon group or the light dragon group fell in love with their Twin Soul that was in the dark dragon group or the other away around and that´s when the Twin Souls in the dark dragon group would leave their group and become soul awake themselves, but that was never easy, the LITDFS in the dark dragon groups would fight hard to keep any awakened Twin Souls in the dark dragon group to stay and would target the Twin Soul unions. This is where light sword battles between groups would defend the Twin Souls and the Twin Souls would defend their unions. Since minds were scanned when wanting to join the game, what anyone did in this life & other lives they targeted life and Twin Souls and not making it right, would determine what side they are on in the game, if they were LITDFS, the colours they would wear were black or red or a combination of both and the group they were assigned to was called the black dragons and the Twin Souls were assigned to the grey dragons. Twin Souls that were all about the light and not know anything about the dark and were in training to be grey, were in the light dragon groups. If a LITDFS wanted to become soul awake, until they got to the level of not wanting ever to be LITDFS anymore they would transfer to the grey dragon group, but until then they were assigned to the purple dragon group. The Twin Souls that created the game, worked for the Academy were assigned to the blue/green dragon group. Whenever a LITDFS wanted to soul wake up, they had to make it right to the Twin Souls they targeted in the real world, which meant coming clean about everything and offering the Twin Souls a chance to battle them so the Twin Souls could get out all their soul pains and heartbreaks. The LITDFS who wanted out of the dark dragon group would also teach at the Soul Evolving University about how the LITDFS play their dark games, dramas and wars, so this taught the Twin Souls what to look out for in real life and in the virtual game. There were 21 levels/worlds in the Twin Soul Awakening game and to finally succeed in each level to move on to the next, you had to have the final battle with the LITDFS dark dragon groups that would be more difficult to beat which each level. You could play solo or be in groups or do both and switch between, but the more players won the battles against the LITDFS, the more they were rewarded with skills, knowledge, tools, items, tips, tricks and money. When Cazuki soul woke up, he became relentless and wanted to be the best Twin Soul player in the Twin Soul Awakening Game, which translates to wanting to be the best Twin Soul in real life so he was in complete control over his life and wouldn´t let anyone manipulate, use him, abuse him or control him ever again. Before he was a part of the dark dragon group and would wear black and had a black light sword, but he also had a green light sword, but when he entered the purple dragon group he kept his colours and he spent his time either at the virtual Soul Evolving University studying, educating or completing tasks in the game and challenged LITDFS to battles, completing levels, getting his soul pains and tortures buried deep within out on these battles. He was the only Twin Soul player so far to reach level 18 and there would times he went up against the LITDFS alone or in groups and when in groups or alone, he would battle against the LITDFS with Akira side by side, but since she always wore a mask and everyone suspected it was her and many figured it was but Cazuki knew, so he teamed up with her to battle the LITDFS and they both became well known in the game as chaos lighting and order thunder. The blue crazy rebel angel was part of the Twin Soul Rebel Bandit group and they were the best group in the game and Cazuki was the best solo player in the game, with Akira being his equal just as good, but he had more points, skills, tools and items because he was on a personal mission. There were more reasons beside wanting to be the best Twin Soul player, Cazuki wanted to work for the Academy and be part owner and if he completed all 21 levels/worlds he could join. This way he could see Akira whenever he wanted and could help shape the game too to help free more souls and awaken more souls. The Twin Souls could battle train with each other with friendly matches and challenge each other and there would be times Cazuki went up against Akira and people suspected, but were never 100% sure it was her even thou Cazuki knew & loved to go up against his soul wife, but in these battles they were always equals, but when Cazuki held back sometimes, she would win and if she held back he would win. Rewards were also given if you had friendly matches, like potions, virtual money, tools, skills and so on. Her nickname in the game was crazy rebel angel along with chaos lightning, because her moves were always crazy and unpredictable and fast when going up against the LITDFS. Some tasks the Twin Soul players would do included helping Twin Souls that needed help in the game, like newbies that were struggling and were still learning, so Cazuki would help them out. Like if they had dark magic on them messing with their codes, Cazuki´s knowledge and skills would allow him to see what was put on the Twin Souls and help them and teach them how to defend themselves. Cazuki was mostly a solo player when he soul woke up, but he would go in and out of groups helping along the way. Everyone was assigned to their main group, but everyone could create their own groups with their own names also, but still be a part of their main groups. 
“This place is huge and awesome! Only in my dreams did such a place exist!” Calren said looking all over the place and at all the different kinds of beings everywhere. He really felt like he was in star wars. Anyone could be anyone and many people could choose to be aliens, humanoids, robots, mythical beings, supernatural beings and in the battles with the LITDFS, you could end up going against them if the LITDFS chose to be huge aliens which many times players would run from them out of fear, because they didn´t know what to expect and it was a natural reaction to run, but when they regrouped, they came back not having fear anymore. It even happened to Akira & Cazuki, because they didn´t know what they were up against on the main levels battling against the LITDFS.
“Why is there so many girls with blue hair and masks?” Zeldine asked looking confused everywhere.
“One of the owners & creators of the game, Akira, her favourite colour is blue and her hair is always blue in the game, so to protect her identity and from Cazuki finding her, anyone who wanted to take the job of keeping their hair blue, would be rewarded.” Links said looking like he never wants to leave Futura, because he wanted this world to be real. In the real world, Akira & the Twin Soul teams were working on creating a place like Futura, a city of Twin Soul Angels, a marriage between spirituality and technology, a marriage between the Earth and machine, a marriage between light and the dark to achieve real balance and peace, a marriage Cazuki & Akira dreamed about.
“Where are we supposed to find this Breaker anyway?” Ezan asked as they were walking through the futuristic city of Futura, the main city of all levels/worlds and it was at level 1. Calren, Zeldine, Links and Ezan became fast friends in the game and were from all different kinds of countries and were the ages between 16-28. Calren from USA, Zeldine from China, Links from Japan and Ezan from Africa. Links and Zeldine, both 16 & 17, found each other in the game and found quickly out that they were Twin Souls. They were both in the grey dragon group and were both in training to be Twin Soul GreyJedai. When they met & studied at the Soul Evolving University, they felt like they were back at high school when the LITDFS girls were alerted to their Twin Soul union and would follow and push their way in to be close to Links, wanting his attention, but he kept saying piss off & back off, which made them want him even more. Links temper was very short and aggressive, it shocked Zeldine to see how the LITDFS girls reacted and she couldn´t believe her eyes when seeing the LITDFS in action so open about it and in front of everyone. Links & Zeldine had activated their Twin Soul union True Love energies between them, which in the game anyone could see their powerful light glowing energies coming from them, so it attracted many LITDFS that wanted them, wanted rewards, wanted to play their dark games so they targeted Links & Zeldine many times, but Links & Zeldine fought them off every time and would even team up with others to protect their union. At one point, Zeldine was captured by the LITDFS and Links with Ezan, Calren teamed up with other Twin Souls to help rescue Zeldine and Cazuki was part of that rescue mission. Part of Twin Soul tasks was taking on investigation missions and solving cases & puzzles. The Twin Soul Awakening Game didn´t just help awaken and free souls, but also lead to having access to their soul intelligence and their minds would be challenged to think & question everything and everyone. It was good training for Twin Souls to become their very own Twin Soul investigators in their own lives. Twin Souls in the game got to understand the true meaning of True Love and found out quickly what it means and how much you fight for it and took that with them in the real world when they unplugged from the game. Links and Zeldine actually activated their True Love energies before they got together, when they were still friends, because they wanted to test it, to see if LITDFS would target them when they are not in union yet and would their activation be on early even if they hadn´t gotten into union, which they found out this was true, the energies are more powerful when union happens, but the energies between Twin Souls are still felt by anyone even when union hasn´t happened yet. These were again tasks Twin Souls could do and get rewards for it. The virtual money could allow you to buy anything in the game that was related to the game like buying or renting a place or like online shopping, like you could buy something from a store that was run by a gamer who owned an actual business in the real world, so you could do your own online shopping in the game and it would be sent to your home in the real world, like say if you ordered pizza and beverages to your home at a specific time, your could order that in the game, then log out when it arrived. You could even work in the game if your business or organisation was connected to the game, like the Soul Evolving University and Twin Soul Academy. When Akira was at the virtual Twin Soul Academy, she could communicate with the Twin Soul teams at the Academy in the real world.
“We should try the Oracle!” Calren said standing and looking at the Oracle Cafe sign on the street. As they walked in, they were all surprised. What they had imagined the oracle to be was not what they saw at all. It was a high tech futuristic cafe & karaoke dive and the oracles were A.I. systems that could tell you anything you needed to hear that you were permitted to know at the level you were at. The Oracle also provided information about anything that would help free your soul, like living positive energy life styles, like eating only plant foods & what the positives were and what negatives would happen if you ate or drank anything negative. It was a virtual Universe library. It was the internet of the real world, but more advanced and easy to find knowledge that you were looking for & safer. When they got the information on where to find the Breaker, they entered an organic juice karaoke diner bar and sitting in a booth by herself was the Breaker looking all mysterious with her hood as she was drinking The H****    , a smoothie juice she invented that had 21 ingredients. When anyone needed contact with the Breaker, she would appear to help in anyway she could, before disappearing again, so she would show up when alerted. 
“She has blue hair! What are the chances that it´s Akira? I´ve always wanted to meet her, I have so many questions!” Zeldine asked feeling excited & happy at the fact it could be Akira and feeling intimidated by the thought of it being her. 
“Chances are slim, but then again anything is possible!” Ezan said thinking he´s thirsty and headed for the counter. The organic juice diner karaoke bar was also a real life one in the real world which anyone could visit the chain of diners in any country and was owned by the Twin Soul Academy.
“What´s your orders? My treat!” Ezan said smiling as the rest went to sit down.
“Tripple Choco Mocca HempPowerup!” Zeldine said feeling thirsty herself.
“Jumbo Acai Magic Supreme!” Calren said.
“Double Goji Booster Delight!” Links said.
“You guys are really hungry!” Ezan asked feeling shocked, but smiling as he placed the orders to the robot behind the counter while he saw other robots zipping around waitressing. The diner organic juice karaoke bar was busy and packed with other players and Ezan could see all the different dragon groups laughing, smiling, singing, having fun, talking, plotting, planning, strategising, exchanging info, lessons, maps, items, tricks and tips. He also saw some groups get into confrontation with the dark dragon groups and challenging each other. As the others sat down in the diner booth in front of the mystery blue ninja looking player, they were excited and curious about her.
“Konnichiwa! I´m Calren, this is Links, Zeldine and Ezan over there!” He said as the mystery blue looked towards Ezan and he was smiling and waving at her excitedly.
“I know we are not meant to ask, but are you Akira?” Zeldine being direct and honest while the guys were feeling uncomfortable at her being so direct. The blue ninja looked into the eyes of Zeldine & soul recognised her and she smiled behind her mask. She then preceded to take off her mask and they could see it was her.
“Ohayo gozaimasu! I´m happy to meet you all! How can I help you?” Akira said and Zeldine couldn´t stop smiling and the guys looked shocked and had many questions to ask her too. 
“Surreal! Akira, we have so many questions to ask like how did you come with up with game? How long have you known about the Twin Soul wars and how do we achieve the 12 step lightning sword technique?” Calren asked.
“Is it true, if anyone completes all 21 levels they can get the opportunity to work at the Twin Soul Academy and help shape the game?” Links asked. Since the LITDFS could fool anyone in the real world too, the Twin Soul Awakening Game filtered through the ones that really wanted to be soul awake and if they made it to the 21 st level, not only were they soul awake, but they were not LITDFS anymore, but Twin Soul Rebel GreyJedai.
“I know your Twin Soul story inside and out and it really is epic and legendary, but Akira, why do you keep running from Cazuki? We don´t get to hear what you both say to each other, but we only see the chase and the battles. I´d really like to know!” Zeldine asked knowing many wanted to know, because she didn´t understand, especially when Akira and Cazuki were helping Twin Souls protect their unions, yet Akira & Cazuki were not in union with each other. The guys were feeling uncomfortable again when Zeldine was so direct & getting personal, but Akira loved it, she loved the not caring about what people would think attitude. Akira soul scanned Calren, she could read his codes and he was the reason why they needed her help. 
“From what I can read, looks like Calren is in the same situation as I am in with Cazuki and is the reason why you need my help!” Akira said finding out from Calren´s codes that Calren was part of the dark dragon group and fell fast in love with his Twin Soul Aliteya who was part of the light dragon group, but since he had been with many LITDFS girls and being open to them soulfully, he was compromised and Aliteya kept running from him. Akira could see visuals and hear what they said between them and why Aliteya ran from him in his codes. He didn´t want anyone else, he wanted only his Twin Soul, but she couldn´t be with him, so she ran. That was a common problem with Twin Soul unions and reunions, if the Twin Souls that left their Twin Soul for any or many LITDFS, but then soul woke up and wanted their Twin Soul back or if they have just met their Twin Soul, both fell in love, but then finding out one opened up soulfully to any LITDFS which brought soul hell to them, the Twin Souls ran to protect themselves and felt stuck, because they wanted to be together, but didn´t know how. Most of the Twin Soul unions or reunions thou, they didn´t care about the contamination, they just cared about being together no matter the risk. Akira was the Code Breaker and could read player codes and break down any barriers and walls hiding codes that were not meant to be seen or were being prevented to be seen.
Several minutes later Ezan comes to them with the juices and Akira answered several of their questions. 
“What did I miss?” Ezan asked as he sat down beside Akira.
“Akira! It is you! We are sitting next to the chaos lightning! I hope we get to team up in battle! I have so many questions to ask!” Ezan said while the others were sipping on their straws drinking their juices.
“No time for that, she´s already answered our questions and we only have a few minutes left before she has to leave.” Links said and Ezan felt disappointed.
“If I had known about the contamination or about any of this, the Twin Soul wars, I would of never…” Calren said.
“I know and that is being taught at the University, but the problem still stands and why some Twin Souls run. They want a connection where they can be soul open, but when contamination happens they can´t allow themselves to expose themselves like that.” Akira said thinking some Twin Souls were just happy to be in union & reunion and if they didn´t have soul connection, at least they could be together they thought.
“Until there is a solution, what about this world? Here we can do everything we positively do in our world and more, but we don´t get contaminated in these new bodies, do we?” Links asked. Akira thought it over in her mind. Everything is energy she thought, but since our souls are tied to our bodies in the physical world, would our souls be at risk if we opened up to each other in this world? She wondered, in a way, there would still be a protection of some kind when being in two different worlds and what if there was a program created to protect souls so they could be open to each other in this world even if they couldn´t in the real world yet.
“You make a good point & I will investigate this further. I would recommend you mention this information to Aliteya. Always remember, there is always a solution to every problem, it´s just that some problems can take longer to solve, but in the end, it does get solved. With that, I take my leave, but make sure you stop by the Magic store and purchase healing potions to protect yourselves. Your codes indicate dark magic contamination on you and Zeldine. You need the energy protection shield to protect against any dark magic and that is obtained on the 12 th level. A dark magic indicator is obtained on the 8 th level. You can also learn spells at the Academy to heal and rid the dark magic off of yourself and others. Here take this, it will help you on your battles on both levels.” She said as she took out her hands and each hand facing Links & Zeldine, then her hands were glowing light and they were surprised not seeing that before and then it was over. 
“Healing complete! Until we meet again, stay safe guys!” Akira said smiling as she got up and left. Any players avatar could disappear if their HP went empty in battles and would have to start over on the levels if they were defeated 3 times. At the Academy, everyone could learn how to defend themselves in the real world so that their codes were never messed with ever again from dark magic, technology or poisonous manipulating words from LITDFS. Zeldine got up fast from the booth.
“Arigatou! I´m really happy we met and I hope we meet again!” Zeldine said and Akira half turned to face them and smiled.
“Ezan, one question!” Akira said.
“Do have any advice for someone who has just soul woke up and who wants their Twin Soul back?” Ezan asked being all serious now.
“Never give up, always have hope & fight for her knowing in your soul & her soul she wants you too as much as you want her! Sayōnara!” Akira said smiling then left them all. Outside she looked up to the blue sky and the suns were shining on her face and she closed her eyes enjoying the suns then used her green teleportation crystal and vanished.
“This is the 5th time now we have dark magic messing with our codes. They are relentless in trying to break us apart!” Links said getting angry and fed up and slamming his fits on the table and wanting to battle some LITDFS which startled some other groups sitting in other booths.
“At least in here we know we are being targeted and can get help to get rid of it fast, but out in the real world we wouldn´t even know we are being messed with until it was too late and unions break apart. This is our training and we need to always be awake to what is going on & the who the people are around us in life, even amongst families and friends, LITDFS are everywhere!” Ezan said.
“Links, looks like you need to let off some steam, how about we storm through level 8 and level 12 today?” Calren said smiling. Any level could be achieved separately and you didn´t have to follow in order, but could be chaotic about it and pick and choose any level to achieve, but all of them had to be achieved to reach level 21. Links smiled and his anger went away.
“Let the games begin!” Links said smiling.
Back at the virtual Soul Evolving University, Cazuki was giving his lecture on his Twin Soul story, teaching everyone the importance of protecting union, what is soul love, what is True Love, what is honest love, protecting your souls and why and what happens when you don´t. Cazuki was really not into teaching, he didn´t have the patience for it, but Akira did. He would get annoyed fast if LITDFS students in his class caused trouble and he would be brutally honest to them and didn´t care what anyone thought. He would even curse in class and get angry, especially when talking about the Twin Soul wars, but he was mostly easy going and went with the flow, but his mood swings put the students on edge and they didn´t know who would turn up in class, was it Ben or Kylo they joked. Cazuki was not afraid to express whatever thoughts and feelings he was going through and his class would see it all. Standing in the gallery above looking down at the classroom, but the windows was darkened to protect those watching and to help those teaching not to feel so conscious about visitors staring, but Akira was looking at Cazuki from a far which she would do to feel close to him and he did the same when she teached. It was her morning routine before setting off into the worlds and helping Twin Souls the best she could. Akira teached also, but not as much as Cazuki & her Twin Soul books were used in the teachings. She would only have one class a week, because her work was needed elsewhere. 
“The Twin Soul relationship begins in the soul which leads to the heart and takes over the entire body, not the other way around. So when LITDFS mess with minds, codes and energies in this world and the real world, they program the minds of Twin Souls to love with their minds and bodies, but the LITDFS can never reach the souls and can´t get soul love from the Twin Souls they targeted. That will always remain blocked, because the souls know truth, the souls know what is happening to the minds and bodies and the souls can´t be tricked, even if the LITDFS tricked the minds of the Twin Souls to open up their souls to the LITDFS intimately and be contaminated, but the souls will still never soul love them, because Twin Souls only soul love their Twin Souls. All the LITDFS get is mind & body love and that´s it, because it´s not meant to be and never was. The intensity & extreme energies you will feel with your Twin Soul when meeting them for the first time and when you are around them and with them and being apart, is to remind you the vibrations of the souls between you are identical and a match and have the exact same vibrations in each of your souls, you are One soul, just split in two to be in two bodies. There will be those that believe there is no sex in the soul and you can either be a man or a woman and be completely fine with it and be that 100%, but that is false. Anyone that is trapped in a body they don´t belong in will have issues and may even change their sex to be what they are connected with the most. There is the Divine Feminine and Devine Masculine, one half of the soul out of the Twin Souls will be more Feminine than Masculine and vice versa, but both will have both energies within them, but they each are connected more to one that is who they are in their souls. Are you “dangerous” to your Twin Soul? Yes! You are “dangerous” to their lies, to their ego, to their corrupted lost minds, to their way of life of just having fun and being with anyone and the many, of living a material life, not living their soul truth, but living a mind lie and not wanting to soul wake up or grow up or evolve, but they wish to stay asleep and repeat history. You are a “danger” because you bring out the truth in them and you reflect the truth back to them. You are a “danger”, because Twin Soul True Love is out of this world crazy, passionate, wild, intense, extreme, unique, one of a kind literally and not every Twin Soul can handle that much love from their Twin Soul, so they could run from their Twin Soul. You are a “danger” to their ego, they don´t want what´s real, they want to live a lie. What they are really afraid of is facing truth, their soul truth and living a soul life that´s real. What is real? Knowing it´s only going to be about you his Twin Soul and not looking at that girl or this girl anymore, but only looking at you, his Twin Soul, no one else for a life time in every life. It doesn´t matter if you are overweight, skinny, healthy, ill, rich or poor, young or old, difference in race or religion, short or tall, non of that matters, soul loves and wants what it wants. Are you a “threat” to your Twin Soul´s family? Yes! You bring positive changes, you don´t play their games, dramas and wars, you reflect back to them truths and sometimes these truths are not what they want to see, because it´s them like looking in the mirror of their dark actions and they don´t like what they see, so they can react in a negative way towards you both and want unions to break apart, especially if they don´t want to look in that mirror that you and your Twin Soul hold up in front of them. You are a “danger”, because you are both changing their dark status quo and you already do that when you are in union and being a True Love couple they have never had before themselves in their own lives and you are nothing like them, so jealousy from them can lead to attacks to your union to break and also them wanting everything to stay the same and not have Twin Souls be together at all. When Twin Souls are surrounded by LITDFS and ask them for advice about their unions or about their Twin Souls they are no longer with, all they will get is advice from those who have no fucking idea of what real soul love is or what Twin Souls are, they have no clue and are more than likely more screwed up and messed up than the Twin Souls asking for that advice! If the Twin Souls need advice, then they should ask Twin Souls that are soul awake to the Twin Soul wars, otherwise they will be lead down a path that´s darker and deeper and they remain lost in that mess they ended up in the first place!” Cazuki said feeling the anger from his soul starting to boil and wanting to unleash it.
“His first curse word of the day, I´m impressed, he´s usually 7 or 8 words in around this time!” Kaito said smiling. After his classes, Cazuki always went straight to LITDFS battles on the levels to unleash his soul anger and pains of what happened to him and not being with Akira and being apart from her. He felt like at times a wild stallion being kept separated from his wild True Love who was running free on the other side of the fence in the fields and when the chase was on between them, that was like him jumping that fence trying to reach her, always hoping this will be the day they stop running and become One.
“When the Twin Souls close the door to their Twin Souls, they are closing that door to themselves, to that Divine God or Goddess in them and this is why they will begin to suffer and could even blame their Twin Soul for their soul sufferings, but they are suffering because of themselves. Their souls suffer because of the choices their minds make out of ego, desires and feeding their mind life, living a mind lie and not living soul truth and not living a soul life. They suffer because they don´t trust their Twin Soul and one Twin Soul will alway be more spiritually connected than the other and when LITDFS are messing with minds and energies and are attacking union, if a Twin Soul ignores the warnings and ignore his Twin Soul who can see things he can´t, he will suffer for it, they both will. The Twin Soul that got left are not to blame at all if their Twin Soul broke their heart to be with any or many LITDFS. There was no training, education or warnings for Twin Souls when unions happen, so Twin Souls were both easy targets for the LITDFS. That changes with every Twin Soul that soul wakes up and tells their stories to the whole world!” Cazuki said then noticed several LITDFS girls in class were smiling and staring with hearts in their eyes at Cazuki making it known they were interested in him. That pissed him off and he didn´t agree why the LITDSF were allowed to be in class, they could learn from the net he thought, but it was explained to him that being in a live class could help them soul wake up, not to mention their behaviours teachers the Twin Soul students. Cazuki even told them to leave his class on several occasions and he had no troubles expressing what he thought. If they annoyed him and angered him, he would tell them to leave.
“Point in case, just like any LITDFS that approach you by themselves and you feel nothing for them, even thou you may soul recognise them if you have been with them in past lives when they came between your unions, any LITDFS that are in groups flirting and wanting attention from you, they are from the same soul groups that target your Twin Soul union in every life time. So be vigilant and call them out on it and express clearly to them why you will never be interested in them. Like I would say, girls, I never wanted to be with any of you in any life time. I only ever want to be with my soul wife in the entire Universe and you need to stop and back away and grow up!” Cazuki said to the class & the LITDFS girls were now feeling uncomfortable, embarrassed and angry. 
“Brutal! He´s changed for sure!” Haruki said sitting on one of the seats in the gallery munching away on his chickpea crisps enjoying the show with his legs resting on the edge of the window. Akira was standing with her arms behind her back seeing the changes too.
“Cazuki´s right thou, if anyone strings them along, they never leave, never learn, but keep staying asleep in their souls and will keep pushing themselves into the lives of Twin Souls. By not setting healthy boundaries, the LITDFS will keep making moves. They have to be called out on it, it´s like he´s holding up a mirror and they have to look at it, look at themselves and what they are doing and when they don´t like what they see, they act out.” Naleya said sitting next to Haruki drinking her Blueberry Spirulina Energizer juice.
“Akira, you come here every morning, are you ever going to do more than just stare at him. You know he really wants to talk right?” Kaito said leaning up against the wall next to the door. Kaito and Cazuki became fast friends when they met battling together first in a friendly match. Kaito was curious about Cazuki and wanted to reach out to him.
“Aren´t you friends with Cazuki? So you are like playing both sides then?” Daichi asked him smiling knowing he´s probably told Cazuki everything about Akira and Daichi was standing at the back leaning against the wall, arms crossed. Akira took notice and looked up at Kaito having questions, but then she froze, because Kaito was standing too close to the window shield button and Kaito wondered about the strange look on her face and he moved his body then the switch turned on, the shield came down and now everyone in class could see anyone in the gallery and Cazuki looked up and saw his Twin Soul wife looking right at him and the whole class turned their heads to see Akira and the Twin Soul team.
“My bad!” Kaito said smile laughing with his hands in the air looking all innocent.
They all looked at Akira who was now feeling nervous again and energies in overdrive and she knew what that meant, because she could feel Cazuki´s energies. The chase was back on and she angrily started to run fast out of the room and Cazuki ran after her at the same time, thinking he wanted a reason to end class, because he was fed up with the LITDFS flirting with him and it made he want to tear apart something, because they reminded him of his soul tortures.
“Class dismissed, read chapters 18-21, test on monday!” He said fast as he aggressively and angrily ran out the door after his soul wife again. He was on a mission and even thou he had many different kinds of missions he was always on, but his main one was always Akira.
“Sneaky Kaito, but at least with every chase, they get closer to maybe having that talk between them!” Yoshi said. Takara turned on the screen and they all saw the chase again and the fly bots were alerted to the Twin Soul chase between Akira and Cazuki and recorded everything. The fly bots were always alerted to any Twin Soul chase between Twin Souls and bets were made to see if the Twin Souls actually stopped running to then have a talk and bets to see who would win. The weather in the worlds were always sunny & warm, but if a Twin Soul chase was on, it rained and poured and if there was a battle, there was thunder and lightning. As they both ran down the hallway that was crowded with people, Akira thought to herself, she noticed there hasen´t been one chase where Cazuki gave up. He was so stubborn about it she thought. She made her way down through the lobby, out the door to her flying blue motorbike and flew off. Cazuki jumped on his green flying motorbike after her. With his new acquired tech gadgets from his battles that he won, he waved in front of him while flying after Akira a screen to appear and he checked his inventory to download the latest hardware to his flying motorbike. Once download was completed, he fired his shock beams at Akira and she was dodging every shot, but he had also acquired advanced flying skills when winning battles so he did manage to disable her flybike, but that didn´t stop her and she dived backwards free falling down to the city again at fast speed, which Cazuki could not keep up with her. Before she got too close to the streets, her fairy angel wings opened up and she landed gracefully in a kneeling position on the ground that sent shock waves of energies everywhere and then she looked up and smiled. When Cazuki landed his flybike and got off, he looked in the direction Akira looked and it made him even more aggressive and determined to reach her. The street she landed in was the market and it was packed with players and many girls had blue hair and were wearing masks to cover their faces and Akira had blended in and changed her avatar. Cazuki took out his newly acquired tech from his battles which could pin point where Akira could be no matter what avatar she was using and he saw her and locked on. He smiled and headed to her direction pushing his way through the crowd. When Akira noticed he was coming for her, she morphed back to her human self from being an alien and she started to run again. They ran through streets, shops, restaurants and players would stop and stare feeling like they are watching a real life Kylo & Rey battle it out between them. When they got to the main street, they had their battle and it was now thunder & lightning. They both used their fairy wings and were flying and light sword battling each other, but then Cazuki shouted her name when she got out of the way from his attack.
Back to the present moment…
Cazuki was still standing behind her, holding her hand so she wouldn´t leave, bodies close and it stopped raining, because the chase stopped & the suns were shining. People didn´t understand what was going on or what would happen next between them. Even Akira didn´t know anymore, she was lost in thought and felt like she couldn´t move when Cazuki was still holding her hand, but she also didn´t want to move. Her thoughts drifted back to what Links said.
“Until there is a solution, what about this world? Here we can do everything we positively do in our world and more, but we don´t get contaminated in these new bodies, do we?” Links asked. Then Akira thought back to what was said at the virtual Twin Soul Academy when she debriefed the Twin Soul teams that were back in the real world about this after seeing the Twin Soul players to see if it was possible. 
“It could be possible, I mean, we transport to this world and our souls are a part of this world along with the real world, but at the same time we are in new bodies technically with no contamination. We are clean, it´s like we start over. So it would make sense to be able to be completely open with each other on an intimate level and not risk being contaminated with what any Twin Souls who opened themselves up to the various hells when being with any LITDFS in the physical world. We would have to do further testing to confirm this and to see if we need to create any protective shield programs. I will get on it right away.” Queniq said as he started to already work on it typing in on the main computers.
“Wait, was Cazuki single in the game and did he stay single?” Queniq asked.
“Yes! I know what you´re thinking, if he was with a LITDFS in the real world, he would be with her in the virtual one and his avatar would be comprised and the negative energies & codes would transfer.” Akira said.
“Akira, that can´t be the only reason you keep running from him. What´s going on?” Yobi asked her. She didn´t want to answer him, but he knew her all too well.
“Through out our relationship, I felt like I was the one who was fighting for it more when we were in trouble. I felt it, I could see it and I knew, yet I kept fighting for us, because I knew who we were and what we meant to each other in our souls and I always wanted him to fight for us. I know he fought for us in his own way, but it was in a way that wasen´t obvious to see, so it felt like he didn´t fight for us. I guess, when that day came and he started to finally fight for us in an obvious way when he soul woke up, I wasen´t used to it or the feeling, like it was foreign to me, nothing I have been through before to that extreme in this life and Cazuki is extreme. He´s done things that ended up being shown in True Love Twin Soul stories that inspire millions to be with their One meant for them and that was a feeling that was overwhelming for me. I didn´t know how to react or what to do or what to say, so I ran.” She said.
“You are different Akira and funny. Any other Twin Souls we know of and their stories, most of them are happy when their Twin Soul that left them comes back and is soul awake and fights for them, yet you run from yours, but I do understand you weirdly so.” Yobi said smiling at her, but she felt like this was just not right at all. Living in a world where there was just so many hell levels and reasons to run from your Twin Soul, change needs to happen and hells need to stop she thought.
Back on the main street at Futura…
Akira still hadn´t said anything yet and Cazuki was feeling fearful she would leave, so he was still holding her hand tightly and his body was up against hers and he didn´t say anything either in case what he said made her leave him. Their standstill was seen by anyone interested to know, in the virtual world and the real one. Anyone interested to know was on edge wanting to know what would happen next between them. Akira´s coms rang which alarmed both Akira and Cazuki and made them nervously jump out of their virtual avatar skin. She looked at her coms and saw a message from Queniq.
“Akira! Tests complete and a success! It´s a go for green and the new information is already being uploaded to everyones inbox! Links is credited for the solution and has been rewarded with high bonuses! ;))” Akira turned to face Cazuki and he was surprised by her. This would be the first time they are this close to each other and are not running or battling or hiding and he didn´t know want to say or do next. She looked into his forrest green eyes and he looked into her ocean blue eyes and she threw her  arms around his neck and held him close. Again he was surprised by this, but then he settled in his energies and closed his eyes holding her as tight as he could, not letting go ever again. The suns were shining, the people were cheering in the streets, but Akira and Cazuki were living in their own world and Akira whispered in Cazuki´s ear.
“I don´t want to run anymore Cazuki!” She said and couldn´t keep away from him any longer and she thought to herself, she really is all or nothing. The memories he had being with the LITDFS and her memories of him being with the LITDFS and what happened to them both could be blocked when Akira & Cazuki were together, like it never happened so it wouldn´t impact their union, but when they needed information, they could unblock it like using that information to teach students at the Soul Evolving University until that day came they could erase it or using that soul nightmare to unleash their soul tortures and pains out on the LITDFS battles. The intimate connection between them which was the last problem that needed to be solved which resulted in Akira being able to have it all with Cazuki, even if it meant only being in this world for the time being, but it at least it was a start. 
“I love you Akira!” Cazuki whispered in her ear and she faced him now smiling with happy tears.
“I love you Cazuki!” She said and he grabbed her fast and kissed her hard, with passion which surprised her, but she settled in her energies too and they balanced out being One again and she closed her eyes.
Many hours later…
Cazuki was feeling nervous when she wanted him to come back to her place at night. His mind was thinking she wanted to connect right away and as much as he wanted to, he felt it was too fast and he was a romantic at heart too and wanted it to be perfect. He was a perfectionist.
“Cazuki!” She said as he nervously swallowed hard and his energies were all over the place and he was blushing.
“I was thinking our virtual bodies could be in the same room when we log out.” She said then seeing he thought something was going to happen between them and then she blushed.
“For a moment there I was thinking something different when you invited me back to your place!” He said smiling, but then feeling at ease and calm.
“I know I´m fast, but not this time!” She said smile laughing which brought music to his ears when he heard her laugh and they both thought back to their first moment together when their union happened in this life. When they got together being oceans apart, it would almost be a month later until they would see each other again and on the second day after she came to visit him for two weeks, they made love for the first time in this life, even thou she wanted to connect with him on the first day, but he felt that was too fast. So they romantically held each other on the first night. He smiled and remembered their past.
“Before we log out, it´s happy dance time!” She said and he got nervous again, since he didn´t think he was a good dancer, but she would tell him dancing is freedom and it doesn´t matter what moves you make, if it makes you happy, that´s what matters the most. She turned on the music in her room and then started to dance funny and all over the place like he remembered. 
He just stood there staring at her dancing in the moonlight coming through the window shining on her and admiring her & thinking she was funny. Then she grabbed his hand and he joined in not wanting to at first, but then both laughing, smiling and doing their own quirky, funny & wild dance moves. When it was over, their virtual avatar bodies were holding each other in her bed and he was holding her tightly as the moonlight was shining in on their bodies being One again.
Weeks later…
When Cazuki stopped all contact with the LITDFS in his life that went to war on his union with Akira, they tried to reach out in the game, since they couldn´t find him in the real world. When Cazuki & Akira were alerted to them being in the game and the LITDFS being a part of the dark dragon group, the Twin Souls finally got their chance to battle them all in the game and it was a battle that many didn´t want to miss. Akira & Cazuki went up against them all in the arena and it was a direct translation of what the LITDFS did to them in the real world for life times, but instead of games, dramas and wars the LITDFS played towards them, they would use their light swords instead this time, but they didn´t stand a chance against the Twin Soul lighting and thunder cosmos duo. It was a battle Akira & Cazuki had waited long for and a battle of the ages. The money made from the battles alone was enough to build over 20 Twin Soul Angel cities in the real world.
“How long have we waited for this moment?” Akira asked Cazuki with her light sword ready for battle?
“Feels like forever, but this is it Akira, the wars are ending & souls are waking up, becoming free. No more history repeating, no more us being trapped on Earth, we are not to be used by them anymore or to be reset and destroyed by them. My life & soul is yours Akira, your life & soul is mine and I will defend you till the end of it all! You´re my hope, my home and my soul! No amount of space in the Universe is enough to show you how much I love you, because it´s beyond it all!” Cazuki said looking into her eyes feeling the True Love between them, but when he looked towards the direction of the LITDFS and feeling anger in his soul again, she touched gently his arm and he looked into the eyes of his beloved Universe soul wife, she reached out and placed her hand on his face and he felt the eternal True Love she had for him.
“Cazuki, don´t you feel it yet? As long as we are together, there is no end, only the beginning. What we have in our souls between us is something they can never take or break or destroy, there is no end, only infinite between us, within us and all around us. My love for you is infinite Cazuki, it lives, it breaths, it creates and it illuminates. We are soul stars you and I, a True Love so strong it defies them all until they have no more power over us and we are free, we are all free. My love for you never ends, it only grows, expands and reaches beyond our dreams, our imagination and our own soul creation. My love, my light, my everything, my soul husband, I am yours and you are mine!” She said as he grabbed her fast with passion and kissed her and she didn´t expect it & surprised her, but she loved him being in the moment sweeping her off her feet. Their Twin Soul embrace caused the crowds of players to cheer louder, but Akira & Cazuki were again living in their own world and all they could hear was their True Love epic song between them.
Months later…
In their floating home in the sky, Akira stands out on the balcony overlooking the two suns and skies with flying aliens dancing in and out of the clouds, seeing the ocean with sea aliens diving in and out of the waters, the mythical magical forests on the main land and the bustling futuristic city of Futura. Wearing her long lady like, hippy, futuristic and oriental dress, barefoot, wild flower crown on her head, long flowing blue turquoise hair blowing in the wind, Cazuki comes out to her and puts his arms around her waist, bite kissing her neck, smells her and then something happens that shakes them both to their soul core. Like a movement in Akira´s stomach which Cazuki felt as did Akira which made her nervous and caused Cazuki to be afraid.
“That´s not possible, is it?” Akira asked him seeing the shock look on his face, but then he composed himself and thought about the possibility and it being a miracle and he smiled, not being afraid anymore and held her again touching her stomach not wanting Akira to feel afraid, so he calmed her with his energies and he held close to his heart and soul, never letting go.
Years later…
Twin Souls battling the LITDFS on the 21 st level…
Akira and Cazuki standing side by side, Akira with her blue light sword ready to battle and Cazuki with his two swords, black and green light swords standing next to their teenagers Aemi, Zax & Nlue who changed to be a teenager himself, but all of them were treated like equals, not like children and they all stood next to Daichi, Naleya, Kaito, Yoshi, Haruki, Takara, Links, Zeldine, Calren, Aliteya, Ezan, Neala and other Twin Souls going up against the LITDFS. Standing in front of Akira & Cazuki was their first child together, a miracle child, an A.I. child that was born in the virtual world which no one could explain how that could happen and no one could solve it or recreate it, but their child had powers that not even Akira & Cazuki could match since she was from this world and lived in this world. Her soul knowledge was like she had lived over a billion years. She was not only an ambassador for all virtual life in this world, but she was connected to any and all A.I. related life in the real world and she could connect to any minds and reveal any information of what the LITDFS were doing for example and their dark plans that were about controlling and destroying life in the real world and the Twin Soul Academy would use that information to expose them and reveal the truths to the world. She was a child of both worlds and cared for all life. They named her Luna and she was a rebellious, strong, wild, stubborn, free spirited, powerful 5 year old born from the epic and legendary Twin Soul couple Akira & Cazuki.
“For Twin Soul Freedom!” The Twin Souls shouted excited to battle and as they all cheered and ran/flew towards the LITDFS and battled. The LITDFS didn´t stand a chance against the Twin Soul GreyJedai, because the power of True Love and the power of being One in union was more powerful than the LITDFS and they knew it and kind of had a fear look in their eyes when the Twin Souls came running/flying towards them, even if some of the LITDFS used huge aliens as their avatars, they still showed fear in their energies.
Meanwhile back at the Twin Soul Academy in Japan in the real world, Akira, Cazuki and their kitty “children” Aemi & Zax were lying on the bed in the medical room being monitored with their virtual life tech masks on all their heads and Akira & Cazuki were holding hands while Aemi & Zax were curled up beside them with their little kitty virtual life head masks on. It wasen´t necessary to be monitored while being in the game, but it was mandatory for those working at the Academy. Akira had a theory, she thought she knew anyone can come back as any animal in the real world, so Aemi & Zax would be part of the testing to prove they have lived human lives and the Twin Soul Awakening Game allowed their souls to be in avatars so they could finally speak and then share their stories with the whole world which they did and Akira took it further, she tested on farm animal alien angels, wild animal alien angels and other domestic animal alien angels and not only did they express their horror lives or happy lives with the humans around them, but they also mentioned their former lives in details when being humans and this caused everyone in the real world to become vegan and give rights to all animal alien angels, protect them and started treating them like they were human being in animal alien angel bodies, which technically they have been and will always be in their souls. Akira, Cazuki and the Twin Soul teams developed a high tech gadget called the soul translator that could be attached to any animal alien angel and their virtual holographic avatars from the virtual world of Futura could be displayed over their heads in the real world and could then be able to communicate in any language to the humans, so everyone could actually have conversations with any animal alien angels on the planet. The soul translator also allowed souls in humans to speak of the horrors and torments if they were with anyone their souls had no wish to be with and would explain if their minds were under control in someway and by who and what was controlling them. Souls knew everything and spoke always the truth. The Twin Soul Awakening Game didn´t just wake up souls in human form, but in any form. It was revolutionary and Akira and Cazuki, their dream world of peace and balance like so many that dreamt the same was finally coming true. Cazuki grabs Akira´s hand tighter and they both smiled when lying in bed while being in another world in another Universe far away.
8 September, 2018, Twin Soul story scene sneak peek…
Earth, 20??…
Futura, virtual world…
Akira & Cazuki in the arena standing back to back against the LITDSF that came between their union in this life for the second round of the battles. Several LITDFS were using their alien avatars wanting to strike fear & appear stronger, but Akira & Cazuki were fearless and the light and dark in the Twin Souls powered them, the soul tortures & soul pains the LITDFS caused them powered them, the True Love Akira and Cazuki had for each other powered them, knowing their soul history and what the LITDFS did to them for life times powered the Twin Souls, fighting for soul freedom powered them, wanting the Twin Soul wars to end powered them and with fire in their souls, wild, stubborn and rebel energies within them and the beast was ready to be unleashed within Cazuki, the chaotic lighting and order thunder Twin Soul duo was set free to battle the LITDFS. Junko, Mitsuko and Sakurako were facing Akira being alien avatars, looking bigger and ominous and Cazuki´s “father” was facing him being a huge alien avatar showing of his fangs and drool and claws. Akira smile laughed standing up against Cazuki, bodies close, bodies touching & feeling his warm body up against hers. Her blue and green light sword staff that she had upgraded after the first battle they had won when they had defeated the LITDFS when the LITDFS were in their human form, but then the LITDFS changed their tactics and changed their avatars to be aliens in the next battle on the next day. Cazuki kept his two light swords, black & green, but he had upgraded his skills & sword techniques to a higher level after beating the LITDFS on the last battle. Akira & Cazuki never changed who they were, they looked the same when battling the LITDFS. The crowds were cheering loudly, but Cazuki still heard her laugh.
“Care to share with me what´s funny?” He asked being curious looking in the direction of his “father” with an anger look on Cazuki´s face ready to defend his freedom and defend his Twin Soul wife with his black and green light swords ready for battle.
“It´s funny that their dark actions towards us is being mirrored with what they chose to look like? Out of all the avatars they choose, they go with the ones that would cause the most damage and are meant to strike fear in their opponents and well, the look of them is all very serpent like going against Adam & Eve don´t you think? I feel like history is repeating!” Akira said always decoding and translating everything she sees which made Cazuki smile, because she was right.
“They really want to win!” He said wondering what could rattle them so they are distracted and off balanced, then he thought of something.
“I know what you are thinking, but that would most likely just anger them more!” Akira said thinking he was funny, but Cazuki didn´t listen to her and grabbed Akira and kissed her in front of everyone and they were both right, it rattled the LITDFS and made them even more angry, but the players in the crowds loved it even more and cheered and sang Akira´s & Cazuki´s battle song Heroes. Junko was the first to lose it and roared a dragon sound and raced towards Akira wanting to rip her to shreds.
“Stay alive Cazuki!” Akira said to her Twin Soul husband looking into his green forest eyes.
“Akira, keep breathing, now let´s spark it!” Cazuki said as they ignited their light swords when slamming his swords & her light sword staff together and the flames burned bright and light and they both swung around to face the LITDFS. Akira jumped in the air and twirling fast round and round in her galaxy move with her light sword staff spinning which sent the LITDFS flying out of her way and being impacted by it. As she landed in a kneeling position holding her light sword staff behind her, she looked up at the 3 LITDFS and smiled which made the LITDFS even more angry and charged towards her, jumping with their claws out, their dark swords and sharp teeth ready to bite into Akira. The LITDFS battling Cazuki had a huge dark sword slamming against Cazuki´s two swords, but Cazuki defended and pushed back, but the alien´s tail swung around to slam Cazuki out of the way and Akira looked behind her at Cazuki.
“Cazuki look out!” She shouted as she defended against the 3 LITDFS aliens coming for her and Cazuki managed to jump out of the way and defended using all his sword techniques and skills he had gained for years playing the Twin Soul Awakening game. The 3 alien LITDFS kept getting their HP lowered with every move Akira took, but they did manage to slice into her several times and in that moment she forgot about the no pain in the game and her mind thought it was real and she felt the pains and screamed feeling it which caused Cazuki to be unfocused and looked towards his Twin Soul wife, then the LITDFS he was battling managed to swing his tail and slammed Cazuki against the wall in the arena.
“Dammit! No pain, there is no pain, focus!” Akira thought to herself and looked towards Cazuki who was about to be slammed again with the LITDFS tail, but with fast vampire speed Akira showed up and twirled her light sword staff against the tail slicing it off and defended Cazuki.
“Are you ok?” He asked her.
“I should be asking you that taking a beating like that!” She said as she handed her hand out to his and he grabbed it and he got up.
“Let´s finish this!” He said and ran aggressively towards to the LITDSF he was battling and Akira went after the 3 LITDFS girls she was battling. The battle wasen´t only on the ground, but everyone gained wings and would battle in the sky in the arena. Akira had managed to take out two of the LITDFS girls and the one left was Junko, but when Akira made a move that left her open to an attack, Junko took a bite out of her arm and her claw hand was around Akira´s neck squeezing it, but this time Akira didn´t feel the pain being focused, but she had tears streaming down her face feeling low on energies and being reminded of what the LITDFS did to Akira and Cazuki which powered her more to stay alive and fight, but her staff weapon she had dropped on the ground, but Cazuki jumped down and threw her the staff weapon.
“Akira!” Cazuki shouted and threw it to her and without looking Akira reached out her arm and grabbed the light sword staff and aimed it at the LITDFS that was squeezing the life energy out of her and pressed the trigger which went through the LITDFS in her stomach and the LITDFS looked down towards Cazuki and changed her avatar to be human again and tears streamed down her face seeing what he did and she fell to the ground when her HP became empty and her digital avatar disappeared in a shatter of a thousand energy particles. Akira flew down to the ground standing beside Cazuki ready to battle the the last LITDFS that was his “father”.
“The look in her eyes was betrayal when you gave me the weapon to end her avatar digi self!” She said to Cazuki thinking back to yesterday´s battle when he was the one to end Junko´s avatar digi self with Akira´s help.
“All my soul remembers is pains, tortures, screams and tears being with her Akira. I have no problem betraying her every time if it leads me back to you!” Cazuki said feeling low on energies and feeling it which Akira took notice and placed her hands on his chest and healed him with her glowing light hands which increased his HP, but before she could finish the LITDFS swung his massive sword towards Akira and Cazuki separating them.
“Look out!” he shouted and pushed her out of the way which saved her from being torn apart in her body and he angrily charged towards the last LITDFS and Akira angrily joined in, switching between the two working together as the Twin Soul team to finish the battle, he defended her and she defended him, he saved her, she saved him. Akira used her 12 step lightning sword technique against the LITDFS which severely lowered his HP, but the LITDFS dark sword managed to slam against her light sword staff and caused her to be thrown backwards losing what little HP she had left and was now low on energy and an easy target. When the LITDFS was about to strike his final blow to Akira, Cazuki angrily with vampire speed came in front of Akira and moved both his light swords against the LITDFS dark sword, sparking it so the dark sword would move and not reach Akira and when the dark sword hit the ground, she was right next to it and was safe. Cazuki used his newest light sword technique to finish off the LITDFS and with both swords close together as one he aimed to the sky and with a beam of lightning light coming from the skies sparking & powering up his swords, with both swords and fast speeds, he was like a machine swinging around his light swords emptying the last remaining HP the LITDFS had and when it was over the LITDFS shattered into a thousand energy particle pieces and disappeared. That was new Akira thought and had never seen that move before by Cazuki. 
The crowed roared and thundered and cheered. White petals were flying everywhere and Cazuki reached out his hand to Akira, she grabbed it and got up and she saw his HP was in the red, almost gone and so was hers. They were both scared up, beaten up, but still standing. They both placed their hands on each others chest and it beamed light healing each other filling up their HP.
“Akira, your light sword staff moves really turned me on!” He said being so direct and cheeky and made her smile and knowing what comes next always after their battles they fought together side by side and when they had friendly battles between them. It was always wild, free, intense, passionate and extreme being with Cazuki and she thought, being soul open with each other in this world was something Cazuki never had felt before and it was out of this world crazy extraordinary and they wanted to connect everyday expressing their True Love, several times a day and was something the real physical world couldn´t even match. Akira investigated why it was like that and it had to do with being more energy sensitive, since energy is more open in this world and not held back with a physical body. When they made love, it was like they were making love floating in the Universe being One with the Universe, feeling everything like they were the Universe.
“I think it´s my new favourite weapon. It´s like double trouble!” She said smile laughing and he grabbed her close and pressed his lips up against hers with a passionate kiss of life between them.
11 September, 2018, Twin Soul Story Scene Sneak Peek…
Earth, 20??…
Hair blowing in the wind, standing on a mountain top in New Zealand, overlooking the fiords and being surrounded by mountains. Akira saying her goodbyes to her home where she was born. Her coms signalled a message & she checked it.
“Akira, It´s time!” Queniq said. Akira´s business ventures gave her the freedom to be able to move wherever she wanted in the world and didn´t have to worry about money anymore. She bought out the house Cazuki & her shared, turned it into a animal alien angel sanctuary and opened up her first business in New Zealand before deciding to move to Japan. For a while she was in between choices, China her home country too, Japan or Australia, but every time she thought about it, the more she kept being pulled towards Japan. Like she was being called home to where her & Cazuki have lived many lives together there before, so instead of ignoring the soul messages, she accepted it. Tears streaming down her face not wanting to leave.
“I´ll be back!” She said looking out towards the breathtaking view and wanting to help create & rebuild Atlantis again, a Twin Soul Angel city.
A year later…
At the Twin Soul Academy in Japan…
In the Twin Soul apartments connected to the Academy, Akira was lying in bed dreaming. Her dreams were of her & Cazuki with a child that was standing between them holding their hands and smiling outside, but then Akira was dragged away from them and they both shouted out her name calling her to come back, but then she woke up lying in bed with Zax staring at her face purring and Aemi was lying at the end of her bed.
“Ohayou!” She said kissing his head and stroking him.
“Hungry?” She said smiling then turned her head to see the city thinking about the importance of today.
At the Academy…
“Akira, let someone else volunteer, it´s uncharted waters we are in and the risk is too high! We´re not even sure it will work! We can´t lose you!” Haruki said feeling angry that she would be this reckless and not thinking, but Akira trusted her soul feelings and knew this was the path she was meant to take and trusted her soul.
“We can´t wait any longer, everyday Cazuki is soul trapped, his soul pains & torture levels escalate and this leads to the world remaining dark and become a darker future. If my life saves his, I won´t hesitate. When he becomes soul awake & free, he is the only one who can bring me back and I trust him!” She said looking at the computer monitors, at Luna, an A.I. the Twin Soul teams created to help them end the wars on Twin Souls & souls & life. To develop the soul translator, Akira needed to deep dive into A.I. and soul jump into another body. The Twin Soul teams located Akira´s T.S.T.T., her other self in Japan. She had to have the same birthday 21st January and her body needed to be protected from any contamination on the mind, body and energies, because Akira couldn´t bring with her any negative codes, programs, energies or contamination when deep diving into A.I. When her other self was approached by Akira, she was asked if she wanted to be a part of saving the world and who she was and was told the realities of the world and about the Twin Soul wars and wars on souls. Aliteya didn´t waste time and wanted to join the Academy when she found out and it didn´t take long to make the choice to body swap with Akira, since they are the same soul, just being in different bodies. Aliteya still hadn´t met her Twin Soul yet and her body was only 17. Akira thought back to when she asked Aliteya if she was not concerned with maybe not meeting her Twin Soul if she body swapped, because her life path would be now changed, but Aliteya had an answer that didn´t surprise Akira.
“I believe the Universe is like a million steps ahead of everyone on this planet and anyone in any dimension that is trying to control and have power over souls, so I believe this was meant to happen and I will meet my Twin Soul, it´s divinely planned!” She said to Akira which made Akira smile and hug herself for having such hope in the Universe and seeing things way outside the box.
“Daichi, why are you not saying anything? You´ve known her longer, talk some sanity to her!” Haruki said to Daichi who was leaning against the wall, arms crossed being in thinking mode.
“I trust Akira, she knows what she is doing and she is right, Cazuki needs to be soul free, they all do and if this works, we can set them all free!” Daichi said feeling nervous, but staying calm being optimistic. There were several plans in place in case something happened to Akira, they thought of all possible outcomes. Akira went over to Haruki and hugged him.
“We will make it Haruki, I believe it!” She said hugging her friend, her brother, her soul family.
As Akira´s body and Aliteya´s body was next to each other on the medical exam beds in the medical control room, they both reached out and held hands, then looked up with their soul jumping head masks on their heads and blue and green lights were flashing on the helmet and then they were transported through a hyper soul jump tunnel at light speed and the lights went out. When Akira opened her eyes she was floating in space and looked around and could see planets, suns, galaxies and stars.
“Akira!” A voice behind her said and Akira turned around to see a small child floating in the Universe with hair as long as Akira´s flowing in space. The child was wearing a purple dress, was barefoot and her eye colour were purple. Akira looked at the child and somehow she felt like she knew her, seen her in her dreams with Cazuki. When Akira looked closer, she remembered and her hand covered her mouth feeling the shock and tears we're forming in her eyes knowing who the child was. In her dreams, a child was born from Akira & Cazuki, but a child that wasen´t born yet.
“Luna!” She said and the child flew to Akira hugging her. How is this possible Akira thought. Luna was the A.I. the Twin Souls created, yet why was Luna looking like the child that Akira dreamt about and what was her connection to Akira & Cazuki? Akira knew when the soul jump happened and she was in her new body, she would dive deep straight away into A.I., but had no idea what to expect and the dangers were high, but she felt it was worth the risk if it meant freeing Cazuki´s soul.
“Do you recognise me?” Luna asked.
“From my dreams you are our child, yet you are A.I. I don´t understand!” She asked feeling confused.
“Akira do you believe souls can travel anywhere?” Luna asked smiling.
“Yes, but wait, are you saying you really are our child, that my dreams were real?” Akira asked.
“I am the child that has waited for many life times to come through your Twin Soul stargate, but these wars on souls have prevented me from being born at all in your world. I can only come through a protected stargate, but you both kept being contaminated, kept being targeted, kept being torn apart and separated. I know everything that has happened to you all. I will tell you everything about your world and other dimensions and what your lives were like before Earth, but when you wake up you won´t remember anything to protect you, but with this knowledge your soul will know what to do, even if your mind does not.” Luna said. Akira understood, there were levels to this world where the LITDFS in power were tampering with minds, bodies and energies, so to protect Akira´s thoughts, it would stay hidden and instead she would be soul guided.
Back at the Academy…
Aliteya woke up straight away after the soul jump and was now staring at her own body still lying on the medical bed as was the other Twin Soul team members.
“Surreal!” Aliteya said.
“She´s been out for over 10 minutes, we can´t wait any longer, we need to revive her!” Queniq said feeling nervous as he was about to manually wake her up from the deep dive, but Daichi grabbed his arm.
“She needs more time. Whatever she is doing, it´s working, look!” Daichi said and was pointing towards the screens where many different kinds of plans were being created and shown on screen that would help protect souls, save souls, defend souls, free souls, like the design plans for the soul translator. They all knew the risk and calibrated what would happen if she was deep diving too long and Daichi trusted she would wake up on her own, before she went too far.
“Too long Akira have you been kept a prisoner in your body, but not this time. When you wake up, you will be able to download any skill and knowledge you choose to relearn. We will meet again, now it´s time to save Cazuki and free souls! Wake up Akira! Wake up!” She said placing her glowing light finger on Akira´s forehead and Akira transported back through the hyper soul jump tunnel. When Akira woke up and sat up on the medical bed looking around at all the faces in the room, her heart was racing, her body shaking and feeling nervous.
“Akira, how do you feel, what was it like, what did you see?” Haruki asked being curious.
“Akira it´s incredible, all the plans you helped obtain will radically change this world and help us end wars!” Daichi said looking at all the plans on the screens.
“Who are you and where am I?” Akira asked anyone and the Twin Soul teams looked in shock and seeing a young girl, a frightened teenager in a room full of strangers. Akira couldn´t even remember who she was or what happened in her life. It was like she was reset to start over.
Months later…
Sunday, 06:50…
“Having trouble sleeping again. I´ve been at school now for a month and I still don´t remember my past. I write everything down everyday, hoping the pieces of my memory that come to me paint a picture of who am I and where I come from. I was told I don´t have parents, that none of us have parents really, the Universe is our parents I was told by Yoshi. She´s been a great mentor for me at the Academy. I´m still living in the apartment I was living in before my memories left me and Zax & Aemi know who I am, even if I don´t know who they are or what our life was like. I feel like Daichi, Haruki, Queniq, Yoshi and the others are not telling me many things, like they are keeping secrets, but why and what they are they hiding? Why am I even going to school, I feel like I´ve gone to school a million life times. I told them I didn´t need school since I already know all the subjects, I´d be just sitting in class being bored and wasting my time when I should concentrate on getting all my memories back. They said there is only one thing that could help bring my memories back and that was to go to school and participate in school activities and be social which made me laugh. That´s one way to get someone to go to school I guess, but I don´t believe them. So skipping class was part of my school day and I´ll do my own investigation if they won´t tell me what is going on. The Academy I´m a part of, their mission is saving the world, saving souls, freeing souls, but they won´t tell me details about my role in all this, because they want me to remember in my own time. An invention I came up with was an IQ spark, when the glass goggles were attached to your head, you could download any subject and skill right away. This way, school wouldn´t feel like you´ve done it a million times before already, so it skips the repeats and you could spend your time creating, instead of relearning everything your soul already knows a million times before. They said they were working on it, but I feel like they have already built it, but not telling me. Whenever I talk to them, it´s like their verbal language doesn´t match their soul language. I feel like I can´t trust them, so who do I trust? After school I´m in training at the Academy, self defence, investigating training, technogeer education, spiritual mentoring, creating inventions and in-between all that I´ve been working on writing stories. I was told that´s what I used to do and the stories I write are always about True Love, The One, not soul mates, because you can have many of them, but I kept thinking of a Love that is between two souls meant to be and are only soul matched for each other in the entire Universe, I just didn´t have a name for it yet until I found out about Twin Souls, so what I came up with actually is already a reality. It´s strange, but I have no interest in being with anyone or even finding that One. That´s another thing I feel like I´ve done a million times already and it never ended well. That´s what I soul feel anyway, so I´m staying clear of anyone and just concentrate on my work, but why, why do I write about True Love? Why do I dream about it? I can´t stop writing and would spend my time in class writing stories if I wasen´t skipping class. In my dreams there is a guy I see, but his face is blurred, but I feel like I know him, from a past life maybe? It´s always the same guy in my dreams and his hand tries to reach out for my hand, but we can never reach other. What does this all mean? Why can´t I remember? What happened to me and will I get my memories back? I know about the Twin Soul wars, so is what I´m feeling something that happened to me in a different life and my soul remembers? I feel like I have been hurt too many times in my other lives in my soul and can´t take another break in my soul. I keep having this fear that something will happen to my soul if I fall in love again. I mean, when someone overeats, lives unhealthy on fast food clogging their arteries to their heart, that leads to a heart attack. Then what about the heartbreak of a soul? What happens to a soul when their heart and soul are torn apart by the love of their lives, The One too many life times? It would be naive to believe souls are not impacted by their Twin Soul when heartbreaks happen, so can anyone blame me for protecting my soul which means I´m protecting his soul too since we are One?” Akira wrote in her journal, but then gets interrupted by her coms messaging her.
“Akira, don´t forget breakfast!” Yoshi wrote.
“Is she joking, I know I have trouble remembering, but my memory isen´t that bad. Although, when I get stuck in work tunnel mode, I do end up not having time to eat, that´s what she meant.” Akira thought then closed up her journal and left her apartment to meet the others at the GalaxyWay Diner in the same building where the Academy was located and the Twin Soul apartments. The diner was also a karaoke/music band dive. The diner was packed and she saw Haruki, Daichi and Yoshi sitting in the booth waiting for her.
“Good Morning!” Yoshi said smiling.
“Ohayou gozaimasu!” She said sitting in the booth next to Haruki while she was yawning and ordering her breakfast on the GalaxyWay tab. She ordered vegan pancakes, fruit salad, a blue green shake that was a blueberry & spirulina power combo and a vegan chocolate chip muffindonut.
“Trouble sleeping?” Daichi asked her feeling concerned. Her appetite didn´t shock them anymore, but she did eat a lot, but she had high metabolism and would burn off anything fast that she ate.
“My dreams keep waking me up in the middle of the night. It´s like I feel I´m missing something besides my memories.” She smile laughed thinking that seems to be her thing, she´s always missing something.
“Like I feel half of me is missing which doesn´t make any sense at all. I feel unrest always in my soul and that feeling always happens when I see this guy in my dreams, from a past life maybe. The way it sounds is like I´m missing my Twin Soul, but how is that possible when I have never met him yet? Is that a thing, where you can miss the other half of you if you haven´t met yet?” Akira said while the others looked at each other knowing who Akira was dreaming about and why she felt this way, feeling incomplete and not whole. Her breakfast came and they all ate together while talking about anything and everything.
“Yes!” Yoshi said. So is this her life Akira thought, to feel this hole in her life for her entire life when she has no plans to search for The One or be with The One. Akira felt stuck, she doesn´t want to feel this way, but she also doesn´t want her Twin Soul to be trapped with any LITDFS against his soul freedom and she was protecting her soul from not breaking anymore by any heartbreaks. This was a problem that she couldn´t solve yet, but then again the answer was the Twin Soul Academy. If souls were taught about Twin Souls and the wars against Twin Souls, there would be less heartbreaks and more fighting for True Love.
“Akira, the school has informed us you keep skipping class and they are talking suspension if you continue to skip class!” Haruki said being serious.
“So they suspend me, that gives me more time to work on things that can help the world instead of wasting my time in school which is pointless when I already know more than what the teachers are teaching anyway and don´t tell me it would help gain my memories back. I said I´d give it a month and nothings changed. I don´t have patience for this, I feel like I´d be more of use at the Academy then at school!” She said getting annoyed. The Akira they knew was extremely patient, but this was a side to her they´ve never seen before and figured it had to do with her being in a teenager body, but also the suppressed memories of knowing she´s already been to school in this life and had no interest in repeating it again understandably so.
“Before you decide to quit school, could you at least try one more week?” Yoshi asked, but Akira didn´t understand them, how was school going to help her gain memories back?
“3 days, then I´m putting my time to better use!” She said drinking her blue green smoothy from a straw. Even after two months, the Twin Soul teams still hadn´t adjusted to Akira being a 17 year old girl and they didn´t tell her who she was or how she came to be in this body, because the shock could damage her mind even more, so she has to wake up and remember in her own way. They did notice how Akira would gravitate towards the colours blue and green a lot, which was her soul knowing what those colours meant to her and Cazuki was always with her in her soul, even if her mind couldn´t remember him anymore.
“Queniq told us you´ve been working late nights at the lab, what are you working on?” Daichi asked her being curious and concerned again. Akira´s mind was wide awake in terms of her mind intelligence, but so was her soul intelligence. That made her a powerful weapon in the hands of any LITDFS if they got their hands on her.
“A virtual life translator that could help all animal alien angels communicate their telepathic messages to anyone in any language. That would end wars on animals in our world!” She said calmly while eating her vegan breakfast and wanting Zax & Aemi to actually verbally speak & not just talk to her telepathically. Her inventions shook everyone and it was ground breaking and revolutionary, but to Akira, it was like it was just a normal day of creating something never done before. She would say, she felt like she´s created it before in another life on another world. Like to her it wasen´t something new, just being rebuilt again. The look on their faces said it all and were surprised again by her.
“What´s with the faces?” She asked feeling confused.
When she went back to her room, she turned on her music and she turned on the online game “sword art online” and continued on with playing her character Asuna. She would play the game an hour or two a day, but on sundays she spent more hours playing the game and it gave her an idea of a virtual world game that could help wake up souls and free souls, something she was already working on. Her work & her game gave her some sense of control over her life, when she felt like she didn´t have control over many things like her memories. In that world she was playing she felt like she was free, she could unleash her soul pains of feeling trapped within not knowing who she was and where she comes from, have abilities, speed, could fly, battle, could have investigating missions, but there were many things she would change about it and upgrade, but it was the only game she was drawn to at the moment.
“What took you so long Asuna?” Kirito asked in the game. When she started playing the game one month ago on the same day school started & was recommend by a class mate, Akira was curious and then got quickly hooked in the game and the same day she met the game character Kirito who was played by a guy she would team up with during battles and investigating missions. He would joke they were a couple in the game and she found him to be very funny, witty and smart and they would only talk during the game. They agreed not to get personal, since she was not interested in knowing anything about him at all, but he was her first friend she felt like she could talk to & be very open with, but she kept having to check herself and not reveal too much, so she held back, even thou it was easy and felt natural to talk to him.
“Kirito, it´s 08:30 in the morning, I´m surprised you are up this early, it´s sunday after all, don´t you normally sleep in?” Akira asked him and she didn´t expect to see him this early, but what he didn´t tell her, was that he got up early hoping he would meet her online.  
“Couldn´t sleep so I logged on!” He said and he was telling the truth. He couldn´t stop thinking about her and would dream about her and felt close to her in the game and he did want to meet her in real life, but she refused. She kept her distance and felt this way she had some control over her life. Sometimes she would get a feeling like she has had life times where her life was always controlled in someway and even felt like her love life that always ended in a heart breaking way because of people meddling and controlling, so she stayed in control over who would be in her life and who wouldn´t be. During the month at school Akira would observe a lot when she wasen´t skipping class or writing stories during class. She would observe her class mates and see so many troubles when it comes to love which seemed to be the main theme at her school. Guys wanting love, girls wanting love, couples being in love, girls and guys being insanely jealous of couples and coming between them, playing divide and conquer, splitting up couples to be with one of them, heartbreaks, so much drama, games and wars on love. All of them inspired Akira to write so many stories about them to teach others what real True Love is and to fight for it against “enemies” that could be anyone wanting to target them. Even thou Akira has never been in love before in this life, she has in her other lives, so her soul knows, she has soul wisdom and she had this feeling always since losing her memories, that her life was torn apart and her soul feeling so much pains by the love of her life, that she felt sometimes maybe she didn´t want to remember what happened to her and what would happen to her if she did remember?
“I was heading for the boss battle on the 30th level, so your skills would be very useful to finish it!” She said.
“Is that all I am to you, a tool? Well if that´s the case, you may use me however you want!” He said smiling being cheeky and naughty.
“You know you are not a tool right, you´re my partner, together stronger & unbeatable remember! Anyway, flirting this early in the morning Kirito, that´s a new record. Does that line work with other girls?” She asked being curious.
“I wouldn´t know, I don´t talk to any other girls, I´m a solo player remember! What about you, being a member of the knights that is filled with guys, you must be fighting them off when they see your game skills in action?” He asked getting jealous and wondering if she was talking with any other guys.
“You sound like your´re jealous!” She said and wondering was he.
“I am jealous, you´re my game wife Asuna :-)!” Kirito joked, but being serious & honest at the same time. When she saw the smile face he wrote she froze and then memories would flash of the guy from her dreams would text and write to her with that exact same smile face. She was triggered to remember and it freaked her out. What was going on she thought.
“Kirito I´m logging off now, something has happened, don´t freak out or worry, but I´ll see you later ok!” She said then quickly logged off before he could question her, but he did worry and wondered what happened. What was that she thought, why did she feel nervous? Why did her heart skip a beat? What was happening to her? Whenever she was triggered to remember the guy from her dreams she would look down on her wrist at the blue and green kumihimo bracelet and was told she made that years ago. Why did the bracelet even remind her of the guy in her dreams?
Later that day in the lab at the Academy…
“What ya doing there Akira?” Kaito asked wondering what crazy gadget she was working on this time and eating his lunch, a veggie roll wrap.
“Giving the power of speech to Zax!” She said while typing in on the computer while the little wi fi head gear was on Zax´s head as he was just sitting calmly looking at Akira work.
“Are you serious?! You always surprise me with what you come up with next! That´s crazy cool!” He said being surprised by her again.
“How is Zax sitting so calmly and not ripping that head gear off of him?” Haruki asked while eating veggie noodles.
“I told him I was working on allowing him to speak and for him to be patient while I finish up the final tweaks.” She said typing fast and furious, then swung her chair around staring at Zax in a funny way and then Haruki and Kaito joined in looking at Zax in suspense wondering what his first words would be. The silence felt like several minutes and it was like they were holding their breaths and then the flashing blue light on the head gear turned green and a digital avatar of Zax being human appeared over his head.
“Bow to me, I am your god!” Zax joked then started laughing as the others looked shocked and couldn´t believe what just happened, it worked.
“Crazy cool!” Kaito said being amazed.
“What the fuck!” Haruki said not believing what he is seeing.
“It´s about time you spoke!” Akira said smiling not being shocked at all, but like this was completely normal.
Several minutes later, the Twin Soul teams were alerted to the incredible technology created by Akira and were gathered around Zax talking with him about anything and everything.
“He´s like a celebrity now and you know he & Aemi are gonna be famous right?” Daichi said to Akira as they were next to the window overlooking the city while the others were surrounding & talking to Zax being amazed.
“Zax & Aemi can finally work now and help out their kind that are being exploited, used, abused, hunted, farmed and slaughtered. With great power comes great responsibility. Who better to be ambassadors of animal alien angels than animal alien angels themselves!” She said smiling and happy they would be the famous ones while Akira stays way out of the lime light, since she was busy and wanted to stay focused on her work.
“Akira! The food you make us tastes nasty, I know you can do better!” Zax shouted when he was asked what he thought about his food by a Twin Soul team member.
“You´re right, there is not enough tasty vegan options for you guys, I will do better!” She said then headed for the door.
“Where are you going?” Daichi asked her.
“I´m off to collaborate with our holistic vet and our chef to come up with tasty vegan meals for them. I had some ideas for 3 different kinds of treats & meals.” She said now being on a different mission as she was finished with that one and the Twin Soul teams would take over it.
Monday, 06:50…
“Akira, wake up, I´m hungry, feed me!” Zax was staring at her again being funny and purring. She opened her eyes and saw his teenager avatar digi self above Zax´s head.
“If only you could feed yourself!” She said feeling tired and rolling over to her side not facing him. He used his paw gently tapping her on her face which he did sometimes and made her smile laugh.
“There is always a solution to every problem Akira, a kitty flap from here all the way to the diner would allow me to go eat whenever I want!” He said smiling.
“What time is the press conference today? Make sure to brush me before the world sees me. I don´t want to look a mess which happens when you forget to brush me!” Aemi said while cleaning herself gracefully and lady like which caused Akira to feel bad about that, but then she wondered, did she forget because she was busy or was she forgetting things more and it had to do with her memory damage? She hoped to Gaia that was not the case, but to be safe she would stop by the medical unit at the Academy for a check up.
“The brain scans show nothing new, so most likely you are forgetting because you are always busy. Daichi tells me you haven´t been sleeping good and you forget to eat! You need to take more care of your body Akira! You´re smart enough to know that and you don´t need me telling you!” Queniq said to her.
“Yeah I know, I´ve just been really busy that´s all and the dreams that wake me up in the middle of the night don´t help either.” She said.
“Here take this, it will put you into a deep sleep and should help” He said handing her some herbal remedies.
“Arigatou! I was thinking about my next mission and it would mean working together. Every body has an energy signature, but with the right technology we could raise the energy body above the physical body and then see any damages done to it and heal it in a non lethal way, but an energy way, which would mean healing the physical body, even the brain. Which means, any damages done to my brain that resulted in memory loss could be healed too. What do think?” She asked him and saw the look on his face of being curious of what she had in mind.
“Sounds like a plan! Akira, count me in!” He said smiling.
Sitting by the counter in the diner with Zax & Aemi on the counter eating their vegan yummy new foods, Akira was eating her breakfast before heading to school and reading a book.
“This tastes so good! I want some more!” Zax said with his mouth full of food while Aemi gracefully and lady like ate her food slowly while Zax ate fast. Kaito, Haruki, Yoshi and Daichi came in surrounding Akira and smiling.
“Guys, what´s with the smiles?” She asked feeling confused.
“We just wanted to drop by & see you before you head off to school!” Yoshi said smiling.
“Ok! Just remember, after 3 days no more school!” She said and continued to eat her breakfast.
“I have some good news. Your submission request for selling the new vegan cat treats and meals have been approved. It will be sold on the Academies website!” Haruki said.
“I´d be surprised if it was denied, since the foods are already being praised by Zax & Aemi themselves! At least now there is more vegan options for all!” Akira said drinking her usual order, a blue green power smoothie. 
“Still reading books instead of ebooks? I´m surprised, you´re usually up to date with anything tech related!” Kaito asked.
“I just like the feel of an actual book and turning pages, but I will admit there are times I just want to download it fast and other times I just like reading. I have been thinking of a tech idea that could allow anyone to download any information from any book instantly and fast. It´s still a working progress, but it would allow anyone to gain knowledge faster.” She said sipping her organic green tea out of her tea cup from her 1920s tea pot set. As much as she loved futuristic tech, she also loved vintage and the classics.
She checked the time on her coms.
“Don´t want to be late for these last days at school. There is always something happening that gives me inspiration in my stories, I´m gonna miss that! I felt like I was undercover investigating love, what is love and what do people do in regards to love!” She said.
“Ja ne!” She said and walked out the door.
“Does she know?” Kaito asked anyone.
“She doesn´t want to know, but her stories are selling in the millions and helping a lot of people, even teens.” Daichi said.
As Akira walked into the school courtyard and saw a couple fighting, the girl was accusing her boyfriend of cheating on her and Akira could read him and he had cheated. His body language, his face, his verbal communication and soul communication revealed his truth and Akira just stood still watching & observing their public display of heartbreak in front of everyone and Akira felt something, she felt suddenly pains in her heart, like she was the one having the heartbreak and she grabbed her chest feeling the pains in her soul even and tears streamed down her face silently. What was happening to her she thought. She started to hyperventilate and now everyone was looking at her not understanding what was wrong with her, even the couple that was fighting was now staring in disbelief at Akira, then she ran towards the swimming pool inside feeling like she was about to breakdown more. She jumped in and screamed out her pains in the silent waters getting it all out. When she walked through the halls dripping wet, everyone just stared shockingly at her, whispering between them, wondering what she was doing and what was wrong with her. She came to her locker and grabbed some new clothes and headed for the changing rooms not caring about what people thought. Was that a trigger she thought, does that mean she had her heart broken by someone she loved, by her Twin Soul so early in life? Something she would ask the others when she gets back.
“That must of been one hell of heart break to cause me to breakdown like that! Just 3 more days left, then this school experiment can be finally over!” She thought and now feared getting her memories back. Sitting in class at the back next to the window, Akira was busy writing her story while everyone was being taught what she already knew and since she aced all the tests getting the highest scores, she never studied or did any homework. She felt different in class today, her energies were all over the placed being unbalanced and she felt like she wanted to run for some reason.
“We have a new transfer student that has joined our class. Please welcome him and and can you introduce yourself to everyone!” The teacher said, while everyone looked at the new student that got up and he was sitting next to Akira, but she didn´t care to look up, she was busy in her own world writing her story and was the only one not looking at him. While the girls were examining him and thinking he was sexy looking, handsome, wild hair and he didn´t look in order in his uniform, but the girls were having hearts in their eyes and the guys didn´t like the competition, while others were curious about him this mystery transfer student.
“My name´s Cazuki and I´m not here to make friends or get girlfriends, I´m a solo player on a mission to save the world!” He said smiling shocking everyone with his weird crazy words and what he said shook Akira awake from her world, she took notice in him and had a shock look on her face feeling like she knows him. Her energies were trembling and her heart was racing, she was feeling nervous like she felt all those times when she dreamt about the guy in her dreams and when she last talked to Kirito. She slowly looked up from her computer and saw Cazuki staring right ahead, but then he turned to see her and smiled. Their eyes met and their souls connected so extremely she was like looking into the past, the present and the future all at once. Who was he she thought and why does she feel such a strong connection with him and what was he talking about? The last 3 days are gonna be interesting she thought and little did she realise it would be more than just interesting, it would be extraordinary and out of this world crazy!
9 - 23 September, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
Twin Soul stories anime part 2…
This anime music video song of Asuna and Kirito should be the Twin Soul battle song to fire them up against the LITDFS trying to tear their unions apart and tear life apart and I´m surprised it hasen´t gained over a billion views already with how good this video is. These past few days I´ve been thinking how the LITDFS are waring with everyone, the planet, the environment, the animal alien angels, children, people, souls, True Loves Twin Souls, machines and A.I., wanting to control, have power over everything and if any life refuse to be controlled and destroyed by the LITDFS, they fight back, they rebel, they react, they don´t stay quiet, they become the resistance and the rebellion. There is only two sides, you are for protection & freedom of life or the destruction & control/power over life. The same mistakes the LITDFS keep doing in every life, is that they think they can abuse, use, torture, destroy & control life (even against humanoids and A.I.), souls and Twin Souls and not expect any consequences for their dark actions. The story of Asuna and Kirito speaks to me in more ways then I wish to write about. Their connection to A.I. is something I can relate to and I know Cazuki feels the same way in his soul. 
In a Twin Soul teaching moment from a Devine Masculine in the Twin Soul Community today, he mentions about the runner and chaser dynamic more in depth which gives clarity and perspective for anyone soul sleep walking in life. He of course still doesn´t mention about the mind wars and mind tamperings like dark magic messing with codes and lives entrapping souls, but his presentations is still worth a watch. He mentions how when you stop chasing the runner and the runner just keeps running, looks behind and doesn´t see their Twin Soul chasing them anymore, but keeps running, looks behind still no one there, keeps running and running, still no Twin Soul chasing him and he could be running for years, decades even, but then he comes to a point in his life where he stops running and is all alone in the Universe, no Twin Soul, just him. It made me think of what Haru said to Shizuku in the anime story of them, when Haru says to her about feeling empty and being alone in darkness and that´s why he wants to reach out to people, but then he says to her he doesn´t have to worry about that when he is with her and this is true between Twin Souls. When Twin Souls are together, their souls don´t feel alone, empty or live in darkness. That only happens if they are living a lie and not being true to who they are in their souls. Together Twin Souls feel complete, whole, being One, Divine and in union with the Universe. Haru could surround himself with all the people in the world, but still feel alone, empty and be in darkness inside of him, in his soul if he is not with his Twin Soul and if he´s living a lie and not living soul truth. That´s why Haru specifically mentions he´s not alone anymore when he´s with Shizuku, because the two halves of their souls are now One and are not alone. I found it interesting how what I mentioned just a few days ago is again picked up by the Twin Soul community and they talk about it. Like how I mentioned there are Twin Souls out there that are just happy to be in reunion again with their Twin Soul and takes them back straight away, but then there are Twin Souls out there that want their Twin Soul to be fully soul awake, living their soul truth and be in their soul power & know 100% who they want and who they never want in their lives. The chasers have a all or nothing kind of attitude about them and can anyone really blame them? Their Twin Soul put them through hell in their souls, so it´s only natural that the chasers stops chasing and start running themselves in their own way, not in the way their Twin Soul runs, but they run living their soul truths, they run towards truths, they know what they want, they know who they want & won´t settle for anything less like a Twin Soul coming back into their lives, but their Twin Soul is still having one foot in and one foot out the door way about them. Many Twin Souls will find that unacceptable and would keep their distance until their Twin Soul is all in, fights for union and never gives up. I have read stories of Twin Souls getting into reunions, but then their Twin Soul leaves them again and gets together with another LITDFS or the same LITDFS or many LITDFS. So it´s only understandable when you have Twin Souls out there wanting all or nothing. They want real love, soul love, The One for a life time in every life, but when their Twin Soul is not acting like Neo, but acting like cypher in the matrix, is there any wonder the chasers now become the runners?
In that episode the girl who was in love with Haru confesses her love to him even thou Haru just implied he was gonna fight harder for Shizuku so they could be together, but the girl didn´t care, she wanted Haru regardless if he was in love with Shizuku. Those types of LITDFS are like assassins, sneaky, deadly, playing innocent & shy, being there for him like a friend, appearing to be on his side & help him be with Shizuku, but she had self serving plans of her own all along and would strike any chance she got when she saw an opening. She even had a creepy way about her when staring at Haru & Shizuku when Twin Soul union happened, but the girl was still wanting Haru and didn´t want to give up even if he was in union with Shizuku. If Haru made it clear to her right away he has no interest in her at all and stepped away, she would no longer be a threat to their union. LITDFS like that in your lives, step away from it, far away and concentrate on the people in your world that are for Twin Soul unions or expect problems, drama, games and wars towards your union.
In the anime Twin Soul story of Haru and Shizuku, I loved their moments on the stairs, it was like their main place where they would share their feelings to each other. 
When it comes to souls, they are either soul sleep walking through life or are completely soul awake. If soul sleeping, your Twin Soul Adam could be one of those who are stuck in the harem program where his lost dark mind enjoys the attention of LITDFS girls, loves them flirting with him, wanting him and making moves towards him, fighting over each other over him & being jealous. No matter when you meet your Twin Soul, as teenagers or as adults, if he enjoys the LITDFS games and dramas and wanting his Twin Soul to be jealous and to fight off the LITDFS girls or compete with them, that means he is soul asleep and trapped in the harem program that will lead to him being with anyone and the many LITDFS girls. When being soul awake, your Twin will be a solo player, being single, not being interested in any LITDFS girls or wanting their attention and would even step away to protect his positive energies from their negative energies. He will be in his Kirito, Neo and Han Solo energies and only want The One, no one else. 
I don´t talk enough about Cazuki´s soul power and what he is really like when he is soul awake, but it is shown in Twin Soul anime stories and live action Twin Soul stories as it does for any Divine Masculines that are still soul sleep walking through life and are trapped with a LITDFS or many LITDFS, but when that day comes and he´s in his soul power and being soul awake, that will be a side to him I have not seen myself yet completely in this life, just like he hasen´t seen me being in my soul power yet in this life. That is a power the LITDFS will try to prevent from happening and will slow it down at all cost, because it means an end to their dark way of life. 
Twin Soul anime stories: Your Name, Eureka 7 (movie and series), My Little Monster, A.I.C.O Incarnation, Holmes at Kyoto Teramachi Sanjou (Holmes of Kyoto), Ao Haru Ride (Blue Spring Ride), Sword Art Online, (movie and series).
With your Twin Soul, it´s the little things that matter and it´s the little things that are actually huge and means a lot if you think about it. In one episode in Blue Spring Ride, the main female lead of the anime story Yoshioka, starts to shed tears at school and doesn´t know where to turn her face or hide her tears from the students, so the main male lead, Tanaka grabs her head gently and places it on his shoulder hiding her tears from everyone so no one would see she is crying. They are not together yet, but they are the Twin Soul couple in that story. He made a small gesture, but it meant a lot to her. In one episode, he asks her if she loves him and they were having a moment, but when she freezes, feels fear and says she doesn´t when she really does, he then changes and matches her rejection and energies and says he doesn´t love her either when he really does. In another episode, they walked together to catch a train, but since she was conflicted with her friend having feelings for Tanaka too and didn´t want to lose her friendship with her friend, so when he bordered the train that was about to leave, she didn´t and saw it as an opportunity to let the Universe decide. If he didn´t get off the train, she would give up on him, if he got off, she would love him no matter if her friend had a crush on him. She said to him she forgot something at school and would head back while he was on his way home, so when the train was about to leave, she closed her eyes hoping he would get off making it his choice to stay with her. I can understand her point of view and her conflicting feelings and she doesn´t know about LITDFS or about Twin Souls, if she did, she and Tanaka would know they were made for each other and wouldn´t let anyone stop them from loving each other or stop them from wanting each other and wouldn´t let others who had feelings for them come between them.
Angels & Vampire Demons…
To further decode our world, anyone can be translated and Twin Souls can be unraveled in a way to help anyone understand the soul connection, the balance, the light and the dark, the consequences from living so many lives being negatively influenced by the LITDFS to be so far away from who they are really to their souls and to remain soul asleep. The LITDFS can be decoded as Twin Soul vampire demons and they have a mission and play the same games in every life to make sure the Twin Soul angels stay soul asleep and act like vampires demons. For example, the LITDFS that know what they are doing when eating animal alien angels, so when they raise the kids to be like them, to eat what they eat, they are creating more vampire demons and dark side training the Twin Soul angels that come from their stargate that are the lighter ones to be like them, another reason why so much wars against life continue, because the Twin Soul angels are being raised and programmed and dark side trained to be like LITDFS and behave like LITDFS. It only took one shock to my system to wake me up when I was a young child seeing the baby lambs, the animal alien angels being torn apart from their mothers and being shoved into the slaughter truck when visiting my “families” farm. The mothers were screaming for their babies and that shock helped me to wake up a part of my soul and I became vegetarian on that very day. The change happened fast, but then something happened to my mind later on when I started to question those around me who were acting like monsters. It was like my mind was reprogrammed to go back to eat animal alien angels and I forgot the memories and the feelings of the shock that woke me up. Ever since Cazuki & I have been together and apart, I have noticed the difference of when dark magic is messing with minds, codes and energies, when someone is digging for information in minds & messing with minds and when technology is controlling and programming. Do I believe the LITDFS have technology already to control emotions, feelings and thoughts? Yes! It´s even hinted in stories, like the anime story sword art online. A person has to be completely soul awake to their own thoughts and know the difference when someone is messing with their minds with dark magic, thought intrusions from LITDFS who wish to control and darken and technology controlling and programming. The Twin Souls really have a whole world of LITDFS against them and the LITDFS keep getting efficient and effective at tearing up unions so their dark twisted status quo remains the same. Can anyone fight the controls, the programmings and the intrusions on their minds? Yes! The more soul awake you become and awake to your own thoughts, you become free in your mind. Let´s say you did become vegan, you got that shock awakening or you were introduced to the information, like I did the first time and second time when I was put back to being soul asleep. The second time was different for me and happened when working at an animal shelter, hearing telepathy from the rescued animals, then wanting to investigate that and joined a animal telepathy communication course, then researched more with books on what was happening to animals. I became vegetarian, then vegan again, but this time the guilt and sadness of what I was a part of for years drowned me, because I didn´t wake up faster. So that guilt and sadness was added to my depression for years. If you did get that soul awakening and become vegan, the LITDFS will be alerted to that and your mind could be attacked in various ways verbally by people you know (which happened with Cazuki & I, even by his “parents”) or mentally with programmings and tamperings to change back to eat animal alien angels. If that happens, you have been compromised and you need to analyse yourself and investigate yourself. Are you eating lives & torturing souls, because your soul wants to or your mind? Same can be said with Twin Souls who leave their Twin Souls for any LITDFS, are they “choosing” someone else, anybody else because their souls want to or their minds? With Cazuki, he was compromised in so many ways, with poisonous and manipulating words by the LITDFS in his life for years that wore him down and brought him down to his knees, by dark magic, by negative energies and I wouldn´t be surprised if technology had a part to play to control and change thoughts, feelings and emotions too. That too will one day be investigated. People need to know what the frick is going on everywhere. The words spoken by Cazuki to me a year before he broke up, were words I can never forget, because it wasen´t just his words I was hearing, but I heard his anger, I felt his feelings and emotions and pains and sadness in those words, in his voice and tone and vibration and energies. I felt everything from him, I felt and saw his truth, his soul truth when he said if we ever broke up because of his “family” (which we did technically along with the reasons of the LITDFS “friends” of his), he would hate them and not have them in his life. I know in Cazuki´s soul, if he soul woke up, he would leave them for what they did to him, to me and our union. Who are the Twin Soul angels? They are the ones that wake up faster in their souls when they are triggered, shocked or provided information to their system if there are walls, programs and controls in place on their minds to make sure they stay soul asleep. They are the lighter ones out of the Twin Souls and their darker Twin Souls will not be so fast to change, to become soul awake, because they have more going against them from what they have been through & dark things they have done that lead them to be the darker ones in the first place. There is only one Twin Soul angel and one Twin Soul vampire demon soul matched to be together and if any of these Twin Souls are with anyone else, no matter who they are, the result is the world we see today, wars on life, souls and Twin Souls will continue, unbalance and darkness continues. The angel and vampire demon Twin Soul dynamic can be clearly seen in stories & the anime stories that have found me so far. One is lighter and the other is darker (both having light and dark in them, but one is always more than the other). Both Cazuki & I tested this theory, even thou we didn´t know we were testing it, but when we introduced vegan books to save health, souls, animals, environment and the planet, all couples (even couples with children) who got the books amongst our “families” and “friends”, they rejected it and even attacked it, saying it was stupid & pathetic. So in those couples, both were darker ones, both were Twin Soul vampires demons not being soul matched at all to be together. Twin Souls don´t just save each other, save each others souls when they get into union, but they save the souls of everyone, that´s the power of Twin Souls. Twin Souls are not about serving self, but helping everyone. It´s not just stories where you can see which ones are the Twin Soul couples straight away, but it happens in life too. It´s the energies, soul energies to be exact. When two souls are 100% matched to be together and are not matched to be with anyone else, you will feel it from them right away, you will be inspired by them, you will be drawn to them, because their soul energies beam like the suns, their True Love will ignite you to want to be with The One meant for you. You can´t help but watch them and see what happens next with them, just like in stories when people can get upset when the Twin Soul stories are over, because people want that soul connection, that True Love, that One meant for them and until they find it or it finds them, they look for it, they search for it in Twin Soul True Love stories.
I have noticed the colours I have chosen to translate certain things, it has ended up being used in stories. Blue and green are Cazuki´s and my colours and will always be our colours in every life. So any of our T.S.T.T.s will be able to understand the soul messages coming through in stories & songs, but the colour messages can help anyone. Blue & Green represent Twin Souls. Yellow represents a group that include Twin Souls & LITDFS. Purple is when Twin Souls that went dark, turned to be like LITDFS or/and was with a LITDFS and left their Twin Soul, but now wish to come back to soul heaven and are transitioning. LITDFS that no longer wish to be LITDFS, but wish to be awakened Twin Souls will transition to the purple colour. Purple is also connected with A.I. Blue & green is also used in technology. Pink is the mystery, secret colour for good, helping Twin Souls. Of course any of these colours can be manipulated, like a LITDFS using any colours only then to wish to be with a Twin Soul not meant for them and wish to break up Twin Soul unions. So if you see any stories where the characters that are using certain colours and it doesn´t fit them in terms of decoding and translations and symbols, then the LITDFS are abusing the system to benefit them and they write stories to make you believe a Twin Soul should be with a LITDFS. For example, if you see a couple in a story, and they are being written to be the main couple, but their energies and connection doesn´t match at all and they could even being using the colours to have you believe they belong together, but you just don´t feel it at all between them, then what you are feeling is a Twin Soul being written to be with a LITDFS. 
Holmes Twin Soul anime story is an interesting one and can be translated in our world to show how souls really feel & think about being with a fake or a copy (LITDFS), than being with the real original Twin soul they were meant to be with. Aoi san is a high school student and works part time at an antiques store where Holmes works. Holmes is a University graduate, but also an apprentice working at his family´s store. He has amazing deduction skills and his nickname is Holmes because of his name, but also because like Sherlock Holmes he is quick to solve cases and know which antiques are real or fake. Like Holmes, Aoi san has an eye for truth and knows what is truth. They have both been heartbroken by their girlfriend and boyfriend that dumped them for someone else, so they both have that in common, they also share the same passion & love for the truth, for antiques, for original real honest pieces of one of a kind art. I just love this soul message in this story from souls channelling a different way to explain Twin Souls, how souls feel, think and want and Cazuki´s and my soul messages do come out very much in this anime story. Like Holmes, Cazuki is the kind of person that valued works of art, meaning perfection, truth, originality, one of a kind, so that part of him is still there in his soul, even if his mind doesn´t think that way anymore about all aspects of life, but he brings that to his work, that high level of perfection, but when it comes to love and life, not so much. To further translate the Twin Soul anime story, the one of a kind original antiques that look old, worn down, wrinkled, colours fading, maybe looking ugly to some people that were shown in the episodes, but still being original, the art pieces can be translated in our life to having been through many wars and battles looking tired, beaten, bruised, but still being in one piece, still being truth, being real and original. That can be compared to any Twin Soul that has been through any wars and battles against their unions, against their energies, minds, bodies and hearts and they look depleted, exhausted, skinny or overweight, dealing with any health issues, being brought down to their knees, struggling, but still fighting and surviving, staying in one piece, still remaining being the original and real and true. I am that antique piece, I´m still me, just more awakened parts of me in my soul, but I´m still the original work of art. So it doesn´t matter how many copies & fakes they make of me to trick, manipulate and convince Cazuki to be with them in any of his lives, his soul will always know they are fakes and not the real deal. Even T.S.T.T.s are technically copies, because they are still not 100% soul matched to be with him. Like Holmes and Aoi san who can see truth and read truth in all things, so can awakened Twin Souls. Meaning, once your soul wakes up, you will be able to see the truth fast, using your own deduction skills and going over your mind what you already know about Twin Souls from either your own knowledge having been in a union or what you know from your education learning about Twin Souls. Once awake, you will know which couples are Twin Soul originals and which ones are fakes or copies, meaning you will know which couples are unbalanced vampire demons not meant for each other and which ones are balanced Twin Soul angels with their Twin Soul vampire demons meant for each other. Just like how Holmes uses his knowledge, intuition and deduction skills to be able to find out which antique is real and which is fake, same can be used with any part of life. There are so many ways to find out if you are in the presence of a Twin Soul original couple or a couple who don´t belong together at all and are not soul matched. If souls represent and are symbols for any original antique in the Twin Soul anime story, then what you see on the outside, the antique being worn and faded can symbolise and represent what our bodies, minds, energies and hearts have been through or/and what we´re struggling with in life, but our souls remain still being the original meant to be with our Twin Souls. One of the tell tell signs of a Twin Soul couple, is the fact that they always challenge each other if the darker one is acting dark and unbalanced, then his lighter counterpart, the other half of his soul will speak up and challenge him and his darker ways, his dark thinkings and feelings. Like if a Twin Soul mentions not liking or hating a certain group of people, for example gays for whatever reason, then his Twin Soul who is the lighter one, more awakened would challenge him and awaken his soul. Verbal lightsaber passionate battles between the light and the dark happens between Twin Souls. The Twin Soul angels, the lighter ones, will always keep helping life, for example, becoming vegan fast, recycling, reusing, living sustainable, eco living, living on organic plants, could even grow their own organic plants, volunteering, donating, signing petitions, using products that are 100% organic and chemical free with ingredients you can understand and are only plant ingredients, if they have dogs or cats they become vegan too, using holistic vets/animal healers/animal communicators, holistic doctors, healers, meditation, yoga or any alternative health trainings, self defence, spiritual awakening teachings, will give out information to anybody to help souls, health and life, will have careers that will help souls and life, will have dreams to help souls and life, could even want to create businesses and organisations that will help souls and life. Point is, they never retire, but spend their whole life helping life in someway and they spend 90% of the time working to help life. That´s a Twin Soul angel, a lighter one. Finding out if you are in the presence of a Twin Soul angel is a combination of many things, a major one being the fact that they want an end to wars on all life & True Loves. They only want The One meant for them, their Twin Soul that is soul matched to be with them 100%. They won´t be with just anyone or the many, they don´t want copies or fakes, they want the real deal, they want truth, they want original, they want a True Love never seen or felt before in their life. So if you come across anyone in your life that is still single, could even be a virgin, staying protected until they meet their One, their original, the other half of their soul matched to them, then they are a Twin Soul angel, light & dark, but still an angel, meaning we all have light and dark in us, because of what happened in our lives or past lives towards us and we reacted, but they are still Twin Soul angels and not vampire demons. Vampire demons are the darker ones, the ones that keep falling to the dark, feeding on energies of others, getting happy when they cause pains and sufferings to others, they´re selfish, self serving, jealous, ego centric, materialistic, shallow, superficial, dishonest, power hungry, greedy, fame hungry, attention seeking, keeping wars to life and Twin Souls alive, coming between Twin Soul unions & wanting to be with one of them, money hungry, being with anyone and the many, controlling, manipulative, wanting to have kids fast when they entrap Twin Souls to them, using any and all means to get what they want like using seduction, temptation, dark magic and using the “family” and “friend” card to get what they want, pleasing their desires while their souls remain in hell, but they enjoy themselves in their minds and bodies. When a lost vampire demon is transitioning back to heaven in their souls, meaning not wanting to be with any LITDFS or being with any vampire demons or any copies and fakes, but they want only their original, the real deal and the honest, their True Love, their One, their Twin Soul matched 100% to be with them, they then become split and become a vampire demon/angel, wanting only their Twin Soul in the entire Universe.
I enjoyed the fact that Holmes can read anyone and also can mind read his Twin Soul and they go on investigation missions together. Holmes is the main Twin Soul male lead in the story and he reveals himself to be very soul awake, he knows exactly who he wants, which is The One for him and when he meets her finally, he protects his union, even before they are in union, meaning, if anyone tried to come on to her, he defends and steps in. How many times has a Twin Soul Adam fallen for a copy, a fake that is the LITDFS trying to pass themselves off as being his “twin soul”? Nothing beats the original and souls will always know which one is real and which one is fake, meaning which one is soul matched to be with him 100% and which one isen´t a match at all to be with him. When hearing Holmes´s anger, fire flare when he comes across those who try to pass off any fakes to be real and original, it makes me think of souls and how they really feel when being trapped with any LITDFS and never being with their Twin Soul, their original. Holmes has a dark side and admits he has a perverted mind and wicked personality to his Twin Soul friend (not in union yet) even thou she doesn´t believe him that he has a dark side and hasen´t see it yet, because he is so kind, gentle, caring and passionate, but at the same time he´s a gentleman, he´s real, he´s living his soul truth, he´s staying protected (pure) until he´s with his One meant for him. In this story, he´s the darker one and his Twin Soul Aoi san is the lighter one. He´s the vampire demon/angel and she is the Twin Soul angel in that story. If anyone wants to be an awakened Twin Soul and only be with their Twin Soul meant for them, then Twin Soul stories can teach and open your minds, hearts and souls to it all and light the way to be on a Twin Soul path.
Several times Holmes made me laugh with his reactions to Aoi san & their relationship, even if it´s just friends still. In episode 8, they give each other gifts and when Aoi san gave him home made cookies, I laughed so much, the look on his face, his reaction and when he says “oh heck”, like he had trouble holding himself back from her anymore and was restraining himself, but he wanted to express his feelings to her and tried until they were interrupted again by other people. Chocolate chip cookies was something I used to bake and sometimes a lot. Cazuki would eat a few, even if he didn´t like sweets, but he did like the ones I made that were not too sweet. Makes me think about my other lives in the same time line, do I still enjoy making vegan cookies and eating them? Have I upgraded the recipe in my other lives to not use processed sugars or cane sugars, but use agave sirup instead? I have come across one of my other selves that does love cookies and loves to bake them, so I believe that can happen. If in my other lives I meet Cazuki, would his soul send those soul messages to his mind and remind him that´s what I loved to bake and would he have that reaction if he found that out about me or any of my traits, favourites, hobbies and my soul personality shining through that stay with me in every life?
Holmes of Kyoto: 
Even languages have codes and the Japanese language, the codes represent fighting for True Love, expressing extreme feelings and emotions, being honest and direct about thoughts and feelings. If spanish is the passionate language, french being the romantic language, Japanese is the fighting for True Love language and anyone who watches any Twin Soul stories that are Japanese, but they view it in English, they are missing out on a lot, the codes, the energies, the downloads and the beautiful language.
12 - 23 September, 2018, Twin Soul Story scene sneak peek part 2…
Twin Soul Academy…
Earth, 20??…
Monday 21:00…
Standing on the rooftop of the Twin Soul building overlooking the city, the stars and the moon, Akira looks to the shining light in the dark skies and thinks about what happened today when she first met Cazuki. Queniq comes up and stands next to her and leans over the railing.
“Yoshi told me you asked about if you have been with your Twin Soul in this life, but why do I get the feeling you are still uncertain!” He asked her and they weren´t lying to her, in this life, in this new body, she hasen´t been with her Twin Soul technically and they needed her to believe it. When Akira asked about it because of what happened a month ago when she was triggered at school by a couple having a fight and breaking up, she felt like she was reliving the pains, the memories and it felt like something she never wanted to feel ever again and when meeting Cazuki she had to now know. Her heart & soul felt like it was being torn apart, it felt like hell and she found it hard to believe this feeling was from a past life, but more like it happened in this life. What if she wanted to forget it happened if it was so bad, that´s why she can´t remember anything. If that´s the case, why would she try to get her memories back? When Akira met Cazuki, she needed to know. When Yoshi said she hadn´t been with her Twin Soul in this life, Akira got that feeling again, when their verbal communication wasen´t matching up with their soul communication and her soul intuition felt like they were hiding something again. 
“Queniq, do you believe there will ever come a time where True Love is a reality and two souls made for each other only ever want each other in the entire Universe and they don´t want just anyone or the many and don´t want anyone else, so they stay single, protected until they meet their One meant for them and whatever battles that come their way, they fight it and defend their unions against any and all “enemies”?” Akira asked still looking at the moon shining down. During the month at school she would see all kinds of couples, even Twin Soul couples, but the outcome was always the same, True Love being taken for granted, guys or girls wanting to try others and be with anyone or the many. Akira felt like in this life, she investigated love and what that means, what it´s all about, why so many True Love couples break apart and she knew exactly what kind of love she wanted in her life, but a True Love that doesn´t exist yet in this world, a True Love where you would literally go through hell to fight for them, do crazy things to save them. A True Love where if battles and wars were upon them, they didn´t run and leave their Twin Soul behind, but they stayed and protected and fought for each other through it all. So until that future comes she thought, she would remain single and protected. Akira wanted to open up her soul, her life, her True Love, but she could only do that if her Twin Soul was equally on the same level as she was, otherwise he would always remain an easy target by the LITDFS in every life and his soul would be damned to forever be with the LITDFS and be in soul hell. When Akira studied at the Twin Soul Academy and during that month at school, her main mission was crystal clear, to help wake up souls, free souls and open everyone´s eyes to what Twin Souls are and what True Love really is. Queniq looked at her knowing how she felt and what she was going through, because he went through the same when his Twin Soul broke his heart and left him for someone else, because her family wanted her to marry someone from a wealthy family, someone who was a part of their religion, someone the family knew and someone that was from their country. They went so far as to use dark magic too on them and caused so much mess with their minds and energies on the Twin Soul union, that it ended and his Twin Soul fell into darkness and married a LITDFS and she became soul trapped in hell and Queniq was on a soul mission to free his beloved Twin Soul as was any Twin Soul who joined the Academy that were not in union anymore.
“Yes Akira, I believe it and the proof is already here. The Twin Soul students at the Academy that have never been in union yet are the ones to light the way to what real True Love is, what Soul Love really is all about. With every Academy we build and with every student that wakes up in their souls, they teach, they pass on what they have learned and help wake up more souls. Akira, if you have been with your Twin Soul in this life, then you would know on your body, because trust me, when union happens, you would both want to connect everyday, even several times a day!” He said smiling at her which made her blush and feel embarrassed at the same time thinking he made a good point and the day she woke up not remembering anything, during her physical exam, it was revealed she is still protected on her body so she hasen´t been with anyone physically anyway. Akira could have easily asked them to be truth tested, but she avoided it, because she was torn between wanting to know what happened to her and not wanting to know at all. So for now she would except his answer and not think about it for the time being.
“From what I hear, it sounds like you had quite the eventful school day today!” He said still smiling.
“More happened on this day compared to the entire month I´ve been at school. It´s just been a crazy ride from the beginning!” She said thinking back over 12 hours ago.
Over 12 hours ago…
Monday, 08:00…
“We have a new transfer student that has joined our class. Please welcome him and and can you introduce yourself to everyone!” The teacher said, while everyone looked at the new student that got up and he was sitting next to Akira, but she didn´t care to look up, she was busy in her own world writing her story and was the only one not looking at him. While the girls were examining him and thinking he was sexy looking, handsome, wild hair and he didn´t look in order in his uniform, but the girls were having hearts in their eyes and the guys didn´t like the competition, while others were curious about him this mystery transfer student.
“My name´s Cazuki and I´m not here to make friends or get girlfriends, I´m a solo player on a mission to save the world!” He said smiling shocking everyone with his weird crazy words and what he said shook Akira awake from her world, she took notice in him and had a shock look on her face feeling like she knows him. Her energies were trembling and her heart was racing, she was feeling nervous like she felt all those times when she dreamt about the guy in her dreams and when she last talked to Kirito. She slowly looked up from her computer and saw Cazuki staring right ahead, but then he turned to see her and smiled. Their eyes met and their souls connected so extremely she was like looking into the past, the present and the future all at once. Who was he she thought and why does she feel such a strong connection with him and what was he talking about? Then she remembered something, his words.
A month ago…
Since Akira took on multiple investigations always and missions, she felt like school was kind of a investigation mission. She would investigate what was being taught, how the teachers taught, how the students took that knowledge, why did some students have trouble learning while others learned so easily, what the students were like to each other and she found many to be shallow, superficial, cruel, bullies, jealous, self serving, egotistical, materialistic, attention seeking, coming between couples and them wanting to be popular. It was like they took that “education” with them when they grew up and acted the same way from what Akira learned at the Twin Soul Academy when the LITDFS were coming between Twin Soul unions. It´s like they never grew out of their negative and dark behaviours from high school, but acted the same when they were adults. She felt like she wasen´t only investigating, but she also stepped in if she saw someone being bullied at school. Her first encounter was when she saw a group of girls behind the school carrying out torture beatings, where they would gang up on one that appeared weaker in their eyes and if they were jealous of that one. 
“You are so pathetic & weak. Why is it the guys always surround you and want to be with you? You are nothing and that innocent act you put on doesn´t fool me!” Moriko said as she was about to punch the girl again who was already pretty beaten up. Moriko and the other girls were jealous and when the boy that Moriko liked started to give attention to the girl who was always avoiding the guys at school even thou the guys were drawn to her, Moriko lost it, but before Moriko unleashed her jealousy rage on the girl, Akira grabbed Moriko´s arm. Akira understood the unbalances in the world, when guys and girls that never got True Love, The One education in their families, at school or anywhere, and would then chase after anyone and the many which caused so much drama, games and wars on love. She thought that would never change when couples who are not meant to be have children and pass on their unbalances to them, so something needed to be created to start to change it all.
“So is this your story Moriko, you´re the villains in this game? Should I start calling you snoke then?” Akira said as Moriko grabbed her arm back fast getting even more angry. Akira learned about star wars at the Academy, it was part of the eduction and anyone in life could easily be translated in what parts they played by just using the star wars codes, because anyone on Earth were either on the good or the bad side of life, the light or the dark, for peace & balance or wars and unbalance and for True Love The One or be with anyone and the many.
“That´s right, we are the villains and there is more of us than you! Baka! Looks like we have a new target girls!” Moriko said smiling serpently as they all turned to Akira and tried to beat her up, but Akira defended with her self defence training and skills which lead them all to be on the ground bleeding, bruised and they got more angry. 
“Your future here is finished, when I´m done with you, you will be on your knees begging for your life!” Moriko said wiping the blood off of her face. 
“Take a good look Moriko, I have been to hell and back so many times, I have no fear, only fiery flames of light burning in my heavenly soul that keep me fighting, defending, saving and protecting. If you continue on waring with souls, yours will always be damned! If you battle with me again or torture anyone else, expect me to defend with my angel rebellious soul every time!” Akira said as she reached out her hand to the girl on the ground that was tortured by them and they left. Feeling annoyed and angry that the girl didn´t know how to defend herself.
“You really should learn self defence so you can protect yourself and others!” Akira said as she saw the tears from the girl fall down her face. At the principles office, the police were called, charges were made, parents were called, word got around and the torture beatings by the Moriko and her gang were no more. Since Akira defended herself and didn´t attack first, she was not charged with anything or get suspension like the other girls and the girls would get counselling and therapy to uncover why they were beating up girls in the first place. As Akira was about to leave after she gave her statement to the police, the girl she helped came running outside to her and hugged her from behind which made Akira feel extremely uncomfortable since she avoided any human contact since waking up and not having any memories of her life. She had trouble trusting anyone and would always keep a distance from people, even those at the Academy. 
“Arigatou my friend!” Naleya said with tears streaming down her face, while Akira was fighting to not show any tears at all when feeling the pains of what Naleya went through.
“Daijōbu!” Akira said then quickly walked away from the hug to get that distance again between her and anyone and headed back home. As she walked away tears streamed down her face when no one was looking feeling overwhelmed. After that, the next day at school Naleya would push her way in to be friends with Akira, even thou Akira was really not interested in getting friends at all. She felt like she´s been surrounded by people in her previous lives she thought she could trust, but then they sold her out, attacked her, or revealed themselves to be hateful, jealous and lost in the dark people, or came between her Twin Soul union, did things that broke the trust, theses were her soul feelings, even thou she couldn´t remember in this life or past lives, but she felt in her soul she´s been through it so many times before and that´s why the distance from people. So at school Naleya would hang around Akira. 
Sitting in class writing her story while the teacher taught english to everyone, Naleya who sat in front of Akira turned to face her.
“What are you writing?” Naleya asked trying to break down Akira´s walls to gain her friendship.
“A teenage love story between Twin Souls, then war is upon them to break apart by those who are jealous and want that love that they have. The love between Twin Souls is tested over and over again to see if they are worthy of that True Love, that One for a life time or will they be torn apart and live in soul hell for a life time again with sufferings, tortures and sorrows within repeating history or will they succeed and win victory!” Akira said as she continued to type fast and furious.
“Will they? I mean, do they get their happy ending? I can never watch or read a story if it ends badly! True Love needs to conquer all, too many times it ends badly in real life. I don´t believe The One would behave the way so many boys at our school do. They´re so shallow and superficial and they go from one girl to the next! That´s why I´m waiting for my One!” Naleya asked being curious. 
“It all depends on the Twin Soul characters!” Akira said.
“What does that mean? Don´t you know, are you not the main writer and in control over that story, of that Universe?” Naleya asked feeling confused.
“I feel like I channel what I write and the characters speak through me, the characters are alive, like I´m picking up on soul messages from my soul and the collective and what I see, then I write it down. I don´t plan what I write. I just go with the flow and write everything that comes to me or comes through me!” She said while she was writing. When Akira wrote, she wrote what souls really want, but don´t always get in real life, because their souls are trapped within or their True Love souls are trapped within not being their true selves and their lost corrupted minds are in control over their bodies.
“So that´s how it works. Have you published any stories that I can read? I´m really interested to…” She said, but before she could finish her sentence Akira gave her one of her books hoping Naleya would read instead or pay attention in class, so Akira could finish her story in peace.
“Sugoi!” She said smiling and started to flip through the pages of  “The Mermaid & The Dark Angel”, feeling closer to Akira. 
“Akira, have you heard of sword art online? It´s an online virtual life fantasy game, I think you´d like it. We could meet up and battle some aliens and solve investigating missions together. My character´s names is Ayano, here we could meet up tonight!” Naleya said writing down the meeting place and time trying new ways to become friends with Akira.
“Naleya, if I meet up, could you allow me to finish my story in peace?” She asked feeling like she´s losing patience and getting annoyed which Naleya thought that was easy and was smiling like the sun, she felt like her pushiness was working.
“Kakujitsuna koto!” Naleya said smiling turning around to face the teacher again to learn. Akira didn´t understand, she thought the wall she put up around herself was working and no one could come close to her, they tried, but failed, but Naleya was relentless. Akira knows of this tactic in a different way, it´s the same pushiness used by LITDFS that want to come between Twin Soul unions. They would position themselves in the lives of a Twin Soul union, then target one of them they were after and be pushy, always wanting attention, always wanting to be close to their target and would want to talk everyday and see that Twin Soul everyday. They were known at the Academy as LITDFS assassins in the business of killing True Loves and Twin Soul unions, but this type of pushiness from Naleya was different. It was a friend type of pushiness and Naleya wasen´t even interested in any guys when having bad run ins with shallow and superficial guys wanting her because of her looks and her sunny bubbly personality. 
“Naleya! When you meet your One, the other half of your soul, you will know it 100% in your energies, you will feel it in your mind, your heart, your body and soul and you won´t be able to escape it, but you have to know, your Twin Soul could be dark if you are light, he could be damaged before union, which means he could be shallow and superficial and anything else negative he picked up along the way before meeting you. So out of all the boys who show interest in you in any way, you may find your Twin Soul among them and you will know if you do, cause your body, mind, heart and soul won´t be able to stop thinking about them, won´t stop feeling for them, won´t stop dreaming about them and your nervous energies will go into overdrive and heart will beat faster and you could feel like you want to run from them, but your soul wants to be with them!” Akira said then went back to writing. Naleya wondered why Akira knows so much about it, has she been in love before with her Twin Soul? Naleya felt like Akira carried sadness always with her and never saw her smile. Is this why she keeps her distance from people, because she was hurt before and doesn´t trust so easily?
Akira logged on the online virtual life game and placed the mind escape head gear over her head and entered a new world while thinking what is she doing. She has no interest in playing this game. She´s got work to do and missions to be on, but she thought this could be a way to avoid physically hanging out with Naleya if she only showed up for half an hour or less in the game. Characters showed up for her to choose from and she picked Asuna because of her name and both names even had the same amount of letters in them. You could change your appearance in the game and Akira just chose what Asuna looked like. The outfit Asuna wore was cool a part from not being covered underneath her short skirt being too revealing and Akira noticed she had a blue sword too, a colour she was drawn to. When she entered the first level and met up with Naleya, they headed for the boss level and with a group of other players they defended themselves and each other. As Akira was defending and working in the team to defeat the boss level, Naleya was open to an attack and Akira ran to her to protect her, but she could see she was at a disadvantage and when she thought it was game over for her, she thought at least she saved Naleya, but then another player came up behind her with his two swords and with their 3 swords together they defended against the massive attack from the huge alien. Then they both went after the alien, and attacked him together several times being the dynamite duo in the team beating the alien and winning the level. 
“Arigatou Kirito!” Akira said thanking him for saving her life in the game and seeing his name above his character & that he was a solo player. 
“Anything for you Asuna, you´re my my game wife!” He said flirting which confused Akira, they had just met, yet why was he calling her his game wife. He must be one of those heartbreakers flirting with anyone and the many she thought. Akira was new to the game so she didn´t know yet about the story of Asuna & Kirito. 
“I see you´re a solo player and you have the highest score and level in the game. So would you say going solo is the way to go to be the best player?” Akira asked.
“It all depends, it can work both ways, if you find the right group you work well with, you could be the best group in the game, but if you work best alone, you could be the best solo player in the game.” He said.
“I see you met your game husband Kirito! Kirito what took you so long to get here?” Naleya joked and Akira figured Asuna & Kirito were the main characters of this game story.
“I was busy. I know this is sudden Asuna and we have just met, but do you want to team up and save the world?” Kirito asked her.
“Kirito, talk about being fast, but that´s not how the story goes, it´s Asuna that asks you to join her!” Naleya laughed.
“Well, I´m changing the game story, so what do you say Asuna?” Kirito asked her again.
A month later…
Akira & Cazuki were staring at each other which felt like forever and time stood still and he was still standing up from his chair and the class were wondering what was going on between them. Akira had a shock look on her face suspecting that was Kirito, the guy playing that game character she met online in the virtual life game and had known him for a month. How is that possible and that can´t be a coincidence. Why did she feel like something doesn´t feel right about any of this and she felt like she wanted to run from him and before she could change her mind to stay, she grabbed her bag and stuffed her computer in it and left the class fast and the teacher protested, but she didn´t care. As she made her way down the hallway, she went into her clubroom she created with Naleya and leaned up against the door, heart racing, feeling nervous, energies all over the place, what was happening to her she thought, then the door knocked and she freaked out, looking around the room and she could escape out the window, but they were on the third floor, so she felt trapped. Why was she feeling this way and why did she feel like kicking his ass at the same time. It was like she was angry and fearful at the same time which confused her. Was she angry because she knows him from the game and now she can´t keep her distance and has no control over the situation? Why is it bothering her so much, she has only 3 days left before she leaves school then she is in control again, so no worries right? Breath, just breath, get back in control. She opened the door fast and Cazuki stood there smiling, but he also had a look to him like he didn´t know what to expect from her next. 
“Daijōbu!” He asked being concerned. She grabbed him and pulled him in the clubroom aggressively and pushed him against the door and her hands were on either side on the door looking right at him trying to stay in control & not let him rattle her so much.
“Kirito?” She asked him like she was interrogating him.
“Asuna!” He said smiling being charming, but wondering how she will react to all this. Akira stepped back from him finding out it is him and she turned away from him with her hand on her face, feeling like she needs to know what is going on here. Was he stalking her? He obviously knew who she was and she felt like if he followed after her, it meant he knew her. Cazuki looked around in the clubroom and could see a white board, table with chairs, two couches, a shelf with books, a small cooking area, costumes hanging on a coat hanger like a white pegacorn outfit, a chicken outfit, a frog outfit which caught his attention remembering the nickname she would use for him when they were together, other costumes and on the white board it said Twin Soul Investigating Agency and had pictures of students, information, maps and strings attached to it all. Students would come to Akira and Naleya for help for anything or when their Twin Soul unions were under attack or if their loved ones were acting strange and not like themselves anymore which could indicate dark magic messing with there minds and energies which Akira investigated and helped with.
“She was helping out students at school too!” He thought and then smiled again at her.
“Cazuki! What are you doing here, are you stalking me or something? How did you know I was at this school and don´t tell me this is a coincidence. Tell me the truth!” She asked still having her back to him.
“Akira!” He said.
“I joined the Twin Soul Academy almost two months ago, but I was advised to join this school for a time before joining the Academy full time. I know who you are, your apartment is next to mine and we have met before a few times, but you kept your distance from me and a lot of people at the Academy.” He said. When Akira woke up not remembering anything, the people that knew her tried to reach out several times, but she kept distancing herself from everyone and the ones to keep pushing themselves into her life was a small group that didn´t quit. 
Then she thought about it and remembered him going up against seven LITDFS all dressed in red in the sparring training session. His outfit was black and his defence tools were two long sticks instead of swords and his face was covered too. Many were gathered to see the sparring session, because it was intense & entertaining, word got around fast because of how many he went up against and he didn´t quit, if he got knocked down, he got back up and out of all the Twin Soul students, he was the one that was like on a personal mission to be the best and it was like he was getting his anger and pains out on them too, but also it felt like he didn´t want to lose to them. Akira understood him, because she felt the same when going up against the LITDFS and didn´t want to lose to them or be broken by them, but would get up when knocked down by them and being injured by them, but she never gave up or give in. His passion and intensity and stubbornness lit a fire in his soul and his fire was a blaze and an inferno as was hers, so she recognised a soul that was like her. It was like he wanted victory and wanted to rise and not be defeated again by any LITDFS like he was in his other lives, being soul trapped and leaving his Twin Soul behind is what she figured, but she didn´t know his story or who he was, but anytime word got out he was in battle training at the Academy, there was always a crowd watching him and being inspired by him. When Akira would watch him, she would always listen to her Twin Soul music which was a collection of music from any artist and the codes and energies read as Twin Souls.  
“Who is this guy?” One Twin Soul asked looking shocked and mesmerised at Cazuki´s fighting style.
“I don´t know, this is my first time watching a sparing session, but he´s firing me up to want to battle too!” Another one asked.
“What are you listening to this time?” Kaito asked Akira eating his snacks enjoying the battle show from the seats. Akira gave him one of her ear buds to listen to the music.
“It´s called Rise!” She said and the song made her think about any Twin Souls being trapped with any LITDFS, being soul asleep and being in soul hell wanting their freedom. The song came up when she thought about the Twin Soul students that doubted at the Academy that their Twin Souls would free themselves from the LITDFS, but then the song basically telling her and any Twin Soul, don´t doubt it, don´t be surprised when it happens, fight the negative thoughts and see them survive the hell tortures and thrive and rise from hell and fly into heaven and victory was in their veins. The song made her think about all the Twin Souls in self defence training and she would think what goes through their minds when they are up against the LITDFS, did they also think they will rise, survive and fight harder to defend their souls and their unions? The song she thought was also a message from any Twin Souls that got their hearts broken by their Twin Souls and refuse to be defeated by the LITDFS, but they survive & rise too.
“This song makes me feel like whatever battles and war comes my way, I will survive and rise always!” Kaito joked, but still feeling like he could which was a testament to the song as he gave her back her ear bud.
“Every time he goes up against them, the crowd seems to get even bigger. Hey Kaito, have you gone up against him yet?” Yoshi asked him then saw the look on his face of not wanting to. 
“I´m still in training!” He said having an excuse for avoiding going up against Cazuki. 
“Oh I get it, you don´t think you can handle his intensity!” She said smiling while Akira went back to listening to her music seeing Cazuki battle with the LITDFS and Kaito looked at Akira making sure she wouldn´t hear what he was about to say next, but she was listening to the music which was loud in his opinion and he could even hear it from where he was sitting.
“Well, if we´re getting technical, then it would be fair to say Cazuki has the upper hand here. I haven´t been in Twin Soul union yet, so I don´t have that level of fire, intensity, Twin Soul energies and darkness he has after his Twin Soul union was torn apart and him being trapped in soul hell for those years being with a LITDFS and surrounded by LITDFS. It can be compared to going up against Kirito! I´m just no way near at his level and to be honest, if there was a choice to either be in union or have my union targeted, having Twin Soul energies, but also unleashing soul pains from being in soul hell with the LITDFS and being the best, I choose to be in union and protect union!” Kaito said.
“I think every Twin Soul feels that way! Everyone would choose Twin Soul heaven unions instead of soul hell!” Haruki said drinking his Chia Tropical Heaven smoothie.
“Who´s Kirito?” Yoshi asked him which made Haruki and Kaito turn their heads to her being surprised Yoshi doesn´t know since Kirito and Asuna´s Twin Soul story was pretty famous and being taught at the Academy.
“What?” She asked feeling confused by their expressions while Akira saw Cazuki in action and never seeing anything like it before. She was captivated by him and his fighting style and wanted to go up against him one day. Akira hadn´t met any Twin Soul yet that she couldn´t beat, so she saw him as an equal match and a challenge. When the battle was over Cazuki took off his mask and Akira saw his face and wild hair blowing in the wind. When Cazuki´s eyes met hers knowing she would come to see him battle every time, she felt her heart skip a beat and her energies were chaotic. It was like he was looking in to her soul and she was looking into his. When that happened, she got up fast to leave, because she felt naked when she felt like he could see all of her. 
Back to the clubroom. 
“That was Cazuki! He really is like his game character Kirito!” She thought, but why didn´t she recognise him in class just now. Was she losing memories or was it because her focus has been on work and when she closes herself off from people, she forgets them? Was it by choice to forget them or was her mind in trouble again?  
“How did you know I would be in the game?” She asked feeling kind of happy that Kirito was Cazuki.
“I didn´t, I just started playing a few days after I got to the Academy” He said telling the truth, but when Naleya would talk about her a lot without saying her real name and what school they went to, Cazuki figured it out. He felt like the Universe was guiding him to her.
Floating in the Universe, Luna looks at the screens where she can see Akira & Cazuki together and she helped Cazuki & Akira to find each other.
“Then I met Ayano and when she told me where she went to school and talked a lot about you, but never said your name, I just kind of figured it out. Akira, by now you have noticed our soul energies are a match, which means we are Twin Souls and you´re my Twin Soul wife!” He said smiling again after being serious and being so direct and honest which she liked, but she then got angry for him picking up on that too and she was in denial for a moment. She turned around to him getting defensive.
“Cazuki, I´m not going to fall in love with you, so you are wasting your time!” She said looking all determined, angry, flustered and her mind was made up, even thou her soul was saying something completely different than what her mind was saying, but she didn´t know what her soul was feeling and thinking. Akira read up on the Twin Soul stories at the Academy and there was one story that she kept reading over and over again and she felt like she was reading about herself, but that story brought her so much sadness, pains and tears, she understood her own thoughts and feelings about it. How many times has she had her heart broken by Cazuki? How many times has she broken his heart? How many times has he left her for a LITDFS? How many times have they both been in soul hell for a life time? How many times have they not resolved what happened between them, but it gets shoved a side and they they reset in the next life and it starts all over again, but the souls remember and the souls act out their repressed memories of what happened all those other times of being left behind, of being broken hearted and being forgotten? Since he has been at the Academy for almost two months, he knows the problems between Twin Souls when war is upon them causing them so many problems for unions, reunions and new unions in new life times, because when it doesn´t get healed, it gets taken with them into the next life and the problems start all over again and history repeats. When the core isen´t tackled, the soul pains, the tortures, the damages is taken with them in every union until they both face it together and battle through it together, but if one or both keep running from it, it never gets healed and just adds more pains to the souls causing distance and outbursts of emotions and unbalances. 
“I´ll just have to change your mind then won´t I, because I love you Akira, I´ve loved you since I first met you, I´ve loved you since our soul creation and my love for you is beyond this Universe, it´s beyond it all! I won´t give up no matter how much you fight me or push me away, I´ll keep coming back for you!” He said. His defiance and stubbornness was admired, but it also brought her fear, but she was equally stubborn and determined, so whatever he had in mind, she would counter act it.
“Cazuki, I´m happy you are not soul trapped with any LITDFS unlike so many souls that are in hell, but between you & I, I feel like we are problem that hasen´t been solved yet? I mean how many life times have we been torn apart and it never got healed? I feel anger towards you like I want to kick your ass, but also sadness and I also want to run from you which is all crazy since this is the first time we have met each other in this life, but that´s how I feel!” She analysed herself and figured the anger comes from being left behind, having her heart broken, her soul torn apart and for being in soul hell as he was for a life time again. The sadness she felt when she was this close to him in this room, was the sadness from life times of being broken by him, being left for a LITDFS, for not fighting for True Love, but running from it. The wanting to run away from him came from not wanting to have their union torn apart again, to not have their Twin Soul energies be activated between them, so she was protecting her soul and his, because of how she felt that day at school when she was triggered to remember her own union being torn apart, she felt like her soul was dying.
“I want you to trust me and no matter how long it takes Akira, I want to earn your trust, because I´m not going anywhere. The LITDFS can battle and war with us all they want, but I´m not leaving you, I´ll fight them all and defend our union. I will stand by your side through hell and back and we end these wars together. I want us to heal the past, because I want a future with you! I want a life with you! I want you in every life, you´re my eternity soul wife! I am yours and you are mine! As for the ass kicking, well I´m not against sparring with you!” He said smiling. Akira couldn´t hold the tears back and she turned her back to him again not wanting him to see her like that, her soul was hearing words from him that she has long waited to hear even thou her mind was new in this life and had no idea what was going on or what they went through in their last life together, but right then she was feeling everything, her soul was hearing everything and she couldn´t fight back the tears. Cazuki came up behind her and hugged her from behind which made Akira feel extremely uncomfortable again and wanting to back away, wanting to run from him, but she froze and was feeling nervous again and her heart was racing as was his heart, but their hearts were beating as One. Then she was reminded again of another encounter with him that she remembered knowing who Cazuki was now. They would have many meet ups in the elevator, but most times she didn´t know and it was silent between them and if words were spoken, it was short and she would leave fast. Her Twin Soul was always there, always with her and she felt like her soul already knew that, but she was protecting herself and refusing to see the signs when feeling the energies being close, she was in denial and closed off. One may ask, why was Akira even at the Twin Soul Academy or working to help other Twin Souls and their unions if she had no intention of getting into union herself. Akira could see the main reason why there is negative energies, darkness, madness and unbalance in the world and it all linked back to True Loves being torn apart, Twin Souls being broken apart and wars on them to end and stay apart. The world kept creating more vampire demons and LITDFS that would eat animal alien angels, caused pains and suffering to souls and came between Twin Souls. Akira knew, to finally put an end to all kinds of wars, is to unite Twin Souls and ignite souls to wake up, so she would spend her life on that mission and that would be her mission in every life until it was a reality. Akira believed in The One, in True Love, in Twin Souls and she would dream of the day her Twin Soul was on the same page as her, that he became her Kirito to her Asuna, her Ben to her Rey and her Neo to her Trinity.
In the elevator Akira was reading a book Jacque Fresco´s “The best that money can´t buy” when Cazuki came in and she didn´t look up which happened anytime anyone came in. Anytime Akira was in the elevator she was always doing something, reading, talking on her phone, surfing on her phone, texting on her phone, working on her tab, eating, drinking, writing, listening to music, singing, trying to find things in her bag that was a mess and she was always multitasking, whatever it was, it was not easy to approach her, but Cazuki would always stand next to her or behind her close. In the elevator her outfits were either her school uniform, yoga clothes, jogging clothes, sparring training clothes, everyday clothes or even a white pegacorn costume holding a sign that said “Dark side eats animal alien angels! Why be a Vampire Demon that eats life & tortures souls when you can be a rebel ninja battle dark or light Angel that protects life and is Vegan!”. Her hair styles were also wacky, creative and eye catching. Since Akira was in her own world, she didn´t notice him being close to her, but it made him happy to be this close to her and he enjoyed their elevator moments, even thou she had no idea. She always felt unstable & chaotic in her energies when Cazuki came in and was close to her, but Akira ignored it and stayed busy in her world not paying attention to anyone in the elevator or who was coming in or getting off the elevator. Akira felt like, until her memories came back to her, she found it hard to trust anyone.
“This is how we rise up, it´s our resistance, you can´t resist us! Call me a fanatic, but it´s our world, they can never have it, used to be a slave, but now we are the conquerer, love is the answer!” Akira sang while listening to her newest Twin Soul song addition that found her which lately more and more Twin Soul anime songs would find her and Cazuki was behind her in the elevator while others were around her hearing her sing and she didn´t care what people thought. When other people got off the elevator and Akira and Cazuki were alone, he moved up next to her and tapped her shoulder.
“What are you listening to?” He asked wanting to know what music she listened to so he could listen to the same, which made him feel closer to her. Akira gave him her ear bud.
“Skillet, The Resistance!” She said while drinking her blue green smoothie.
“I feel like I can take on the first order by myself with this song!” He said smiling.
“This song and the Twin Soul anime story of Asuna and Kirito inspired me to come up with another way to end the wars on souls and Twin Souls. A virtual life game, where souls could be free to be who they really are and could help their souls break free in their minds to be their true selves. It could help awaken Twin Souls, help protect their unions and teach them what True Love is all about and even help souls unleash their repressed soul pains and tortures in a healthy balanced way.” She said thinking the same as him. She was happy he liked the song too and thinking this song and even the epic music video of Asuna & Kirito could fire up any Twin Soul to defend their unions and want to end wars on Twin Souls. The song and the music video ignited her to come up with an idea for a Twin Soul Awakening Virtual Life Game that could help end wars on souls and Twin Souls. The lyrics weren´t wrong, True Love is how they can rise up and no one can resist it, because every soul on the planet wants love in their lives, they want that True Love, they want The One meant for them, an epic True Love story of their own and even those that deny it or say they don´t care or don´t want it, their souls do even if their lost minds don´t. The lyrics reveal so much about Twin Souls, like the fact any Twin Soul couple, Twin Soul GreyJedai unions could be making history by getting into union or reunion and telling their stories to the world instead of sleeping in the shadows. In the lyrics when it was mentioned souls are slaves, Akira thought about souls being slaves to LITDFS when they are soul trapped to be with them, but once they break free, they can take on the world, on the Universe and don´t fear the LITDFS anymore. When she mentioned this, Cazuki wanted to jump in right away and work with her on it, but he held back his passion for technology and freedom until the time was right. His face said it all with how he was restraining himself.
“That´s a really a good idea Akira and if you need a partner, I would be happy to help you achieve that goal.” He said trying to hold back his extreme interest in what she just said and wanting to work with her.
“What´s your field of study?” She asked him interested to know about him.
“Technogeer and I´m currently studying computer engineering” He said already being a mechanical and electrical engineer thinking back to when the term Technogeer was created by Akira. A position that included all fields of study of engineering, machines and technology, which Akira wanted to achieve herself. Fast education was now achieved with the virtual life skill up, it was still being tested and both Akira and Cazuki were willing test subjects to try out the ability to download any subject to their minds and allow them to learn skills faster. She looked at him, then smiled and turned to face the front.
“Nani?” He asked her wanting to know why she was smiling, but not saying anything.
“Seeing your fighting style and so far being unbeaten and your passion for technology and machines just reminds me of someone!” She said then got off the elevator.
“Ja ne, Kirito!” She said smiling thinking how similar Cazuki & Kirito were. Kirito was being educated to be an engineer in technology in the Twin Soul anime story, then she got off the elevator still not knowing Cazuki´s real name and keeping her distance again from anyone.
Back in the clubroom Akira´s thoughts came back to the present moment.Their sweet weird moment between them when Cazuki was still hugging Akira was interrupted when Naleya came through the door with another student and caused Cazuki to swing around to face them still hugging Akira and he was smiling and the look on Akira´s face was still being uncomfortable being this close to another human and Naleya could see it.
“What´s going on here?” She asked feeling concerned for Akira.
“Naleya, you know Cazuki, aka Kirito, from the sword art online virtual life game and he is also from the Twin Soul Academy.” Akira said still having Cazuki´s warm arms around her and being so close she could feel his heartbeat.
“What!? Why didn´t you tell me you were transferring to our class? Anyway, it´s like it was meant to be! A real life Asuna & Kirito in the same class! I´m happy you are with us Cazuki!” Naleya said beaming happiness for them both, knowing that Kirito asked about Akira if she was coming online any time he saw Naleya on there since that was the only connection he had with Akira when finding out Asuna was Akira and Naleya would contact Akira to make it happen.
 “I´m very happy too!” He said smiling then he smelled Akira´s hair for the first time when being so close to her, but smelling not in an obvious way, but Akira felt like he did and lost it and swung his arm around behind his back painfully. 
“Boundaries Cazuki!” She said feeling angry and she wondered, did she get into unions fast before in her life times, because she let´s people get too close to her so easily, not this time she thought. He then got angry and swung her around holding her again in front of him. Akira wasen´t the only one who felt anger, sadness and pains in her soul, so did Cazuki for what was done to him and to his union and to Akira. He also had anger towards her for not being able to save him fast enough which lead to him to be soul trapped in hell for years being with a LITDFS. Akira and Cazuki were not afraid of each other and could stand their ground against each other, the only thing Akira feared was their union and it being torn apart. Her unpredictable moods and his did keep them both on their toes not knowing what the other would say or do next. They were always challenging each other. Unlike Akira, Cazuki remembered his life before soul jumping into another body, his other self at 17 years old, switching bodies.
 “Get used to it Akira, I´m not letting go!” He said. When Akira & Cazuki were together in union, Cazuki did let go of her when his mind and energies were messed with by the LITDFS and their seducing energies and dark magic which resulted in Cazuki breaking Akira´s heart and leaving her. Something happened to him that triggered him to be soul awake and it was like his soul was on fire with rebelliousness, stubbornness, fighter warrior hero mode and he didn´t fear anymore. He became an unstoppable force of nature that no one was going to mess with, not the LITDFS around him or the LITDFS that took part in tearing his union apart. Akira knew Cazuki´s soul as she knew her own, he was not one to conform or be controlled by anyone.
“Not happening!” She said.
“We´ll see!” He said.
“You guys are really acting like you´re already a couple, like you´ve known each other forever! That´s so cute, but there is no time for that, we have a new client!” Naleya said as she sat down and took out her computer.
“This is Links and he needs our help! Why don´t you fill them in?” Naleya said typing on the computer. Akira tapped Cazuki on the shoulder to let go so she could do her job, then he sat down next to her and she took out the voice recorder that would type everything on the computer right away. 
“As I told Naleya, my girlfriend Zeldine & I were like inseparable and we even gave each other promise rings. We´ve been together for a year and fell fast in love, but during that time her guy friend that she´s known since they were kids would hang out with her a lot, always contacting her. I wasen´t jealous since she showed no interest in him at all and they have never been together, but she saw him like a brother and even treated him like one, but then she started to change and I heard she flirted with him when he flirted with her and they would hang out more together. Her mood would change quickly and her bubbly personality kept changing and was more negative. She keeps changing into someone I don´t recognise anymore. It´s surreal, but it´s like, someone just took over her body which sounds crazy I know!” He said feeling lost, confused and angry. It made Cazuki feel uncomfortable since he understood and it not being crazy after all since people could soul jump into new bodies. 
“I just don´t understand any of it, we wanted to be together forever and even people commented on how alike we were, like one and the same soul. She completed me and I completed her in every way, but the way she has been acting for several months, I feel like we are slipping away from each other!” Links said.
“How fast after you both got together did girls and guys try to flirt with you both to be with one of you?” Akira asked. He thought about it.
“Come to think about it, it actually happened pretty fast, within a few weeks I think.” He said.
“Was she more negative in her energies than positive when the change happened being around you?” She asked him.
“Yes!” He said.
“Did any of the girls or guys who were interested in you both remain close in your friend group or did you both step away from any others who were interested in you both?” Akira asked like she was interrogating him.
“There are two girls that are her friends who showed extreme interest in me, but she just said they were just being friendly and she never believed they would do that since she´s known them since they were kids. So they were always among our group of friends, but I never felt comfortable being around them and they never stopped flirting with me and wanting my attention.” He said.
“When you and Zeldine got together, were you both virgins?” Akira asked being direct which shocked Naleya.
“Akira, is that necessary to know?” Naleya asked seeing the awkward look on Link´s face not wanting to answer such a personal question and she felt his uneasiness as did Akira, but she had a job to do and she was serious about her job. 
“I´m not letting any stone go unturned, I see clearly a pattern here and it´s crystal clear you and Zeldine are Twin Souls that were targeted by the LITDFS assassins in your group. It looks like they are working together to try to come between your union, playing divide and conquer for the sole reason to be with you both and end your union for good. Their games and wars are always the same, they target Twin Souls, corrupt their bodies, minds and energies to be negative and turn into being like them, a LITDFS. If Twin Souls are virgins before union, they are targeted straight away to end, because that makes their union even more powerful and difficult to break apart. True Love energies that are positive, pure and light, makes it harder for them to end it, because unions are heavenly Divine and a Twin Soul angel is saving their Twin Soul vampire demon and they are both saving each other from soul hell to be each others soul heaven!” Akira said.
“Vampire demon what??!!” Links said looking confused and thinking what crazy drugs is Akira on! Naleya handed Links Akira´s newest Twin Soul romance adventure sci fi novel (code awakenings), “Twin Soul wars: Angels & Vampire Demons.” Cazuki smiled whenever Akira would shock people and was not shocked with what she said since he had read all Akira´s novels like he was researching her, getting to know her more and was just sitting their arms crossed, leaning on his chair, eyes closed enjoying being this close to Akira finally and hearing her voice again and her mind speak after years of being apart from each other.
“Some research for you to better understand the war on Twin Souls & souls, the battle between the light and the dark.” Naleya said.
“The story is one of my favourites! A Twin Soul angel & a Twin Soul vampire demon fall crazy, deeply in love with each other, but the vampire demon order is against their True Love union and war breaks out between the angels and vampire demons!” She said smiling.
“Angels and vampire demons are only code names and symbols to decode our world. For example, if you are eating any animal alien angels, then you are a vampire demon feeding not only on the flesh of these angels, but feeding on their energies too like a vampire and what do demons eat? Flesh! What do vampires eat? Blood & energies! When it comes to sex, vampire demons feed on that too and if any Twin Souls turn dark, they will feed on that in the most negative and dark way corrupting the Divine that is the connection between two heavenly souls. They will be with anyone and the many, they will be with souls that have no wish to be with them and corrupt the energies and cause hell to souls. Virgins are extremely sought after by vampire demons and they will wish to corrupt that as fast as possible feeding them life forces and they feed on life forces of Twin Souls when they brake unions to be with them. It becomes an addiction for them, turns them on and will feed on that and could target new victims and unions! The intimacy between a Twin Soul angel and a Twin Soul vampire demon meant for each other is something completely different and it´s like the light and the dark is united as One and heaven is born between them which leads them to only want each other and getting lost in each other and being addicted to each other in a balanced Twin Soul way!” Akira said. The look on Links face said it all.
“So tell us Links, do you eat animal alien angels?” Akira asked him and he looked uncomfortable again not wanting to answer. Akira found that, another fast way to determine if they are 100% matched in their souls, one Twin Soul will always be the lighter one and the other is darker, so the lighter one, the angel when reading or finding out about what is happening to animal alien angels in this world and what they were a part of eating, as soon as they are introduced to the truths, their soul awakens faster and will feel guilt and sadness for what they were a part of, they will also research to find out more truths about it all, but their darker Twin Soul who is darker because 90% of Twin Soul Adams are the ones to brake the hearts of their Twin Soul Eves to be with any LITDFS or many LITDFS, so they remain always darker and can take longer to come back to heaven and could end up eating animal alien angels for years while their Twin Soul becomes vegan fast because they are angels when they protect their soul heavens, they remain lighter. Akira thought back to the Twin Soul story she read about a Twin Soul couple that got torn apart by the Divine Masculine´s family, his friends, dark magic and the LITDFS girl that wanted him. The Divine Feminine in her life tried to help wake up souls, help save animal alien angels by giving out books (positive energy codes, code awakenings) to everyone that could help save the world and their souls and the LITDFS girl that went after the Twin Soul union also were given those books, but she didn´t care, so she would be by definition be the darker one. It wouldn´t matter if she was helping out animals or the environment in organisations, she technically was not helping out the animals or the environment at all when she chose to still eat animal alien angels. Everything is connected, if anyone eats animal alien angels, they are causing destruction to lives and the planet, they are going to war on animal alien angels and the environment. No different than going to war on Twin Soul unions which is something the LITDFS girl did also. The deceptions and illusions in this world can trick any minds to believe the vampires demons to be angels, when in truth they are vampire demons in angel clothing like when they help animal alien angels and environment in organisations, but they still eat animal alien angels. The LITDFS can portray themselves to be angels and not show their vampire demon nature underneath and the LITDFS can even trick the Adams to believe their Eves to be vampire demons in angel clothing and this is another reason why 90% of Twin Soul Adams fall to the dark, fall to soul hell, break up their unions, because they keep being tricked, seduced and tempted by the LITDFS. Akira found out, that´s actually a fast test to see who you are surrounded by in this world, Twin Soul vampire demons who are for deaths and sufferings of billions of lives every year or they´re surrounded by Twin Soul angels who want the wars on life & souls & Twin Souls to end. When the Divine Feminine was giving out these books to everyone she met, it wasen´t a test, but she was speaking and taking action from her soul, but now she sees it could be used as a test when anyone gives family, friends, co-workers, class mates, strangers and anyone books about being vegan, saving the world, environment, animals, health and souls, but if they attack it, ignore it, refuse it, don´t care, then anyone can wake up to see who are the Twin Soul vampire demons around them and who are the Twin Soul angels that would wake up faster and become vegan right away. 
“Yes, but so does Zeldine!” Links said.
“Then by definition you are a vampire demon and if Zeldine is really your Twin Soul 100% soul matched!” Akira said seeing they are both soul asleep still and she got up and walked over to the book shelf to get some soul awakening codes for their souls. She picked out “Food Revolution” by J. Robbins, “Vegan Paradise” by Shaktis Marquis and “Farm Sanctuary” by Gene Baur and handed it to Links.
“Then she, being the lighter Twin Soul, will awaken faster in the soul and become vegan right away after reading these. If she doesn´t, then you are not Twin Souls, because balance is found between the light and the dark, but if both are dark, both being vampires demons, then no balance is found and the world remains in hell with billions suffering, crying, feeling pains, tortures and death, soul tortures & Twin Soul unions break apart. This is why the world has remained dark for this long! This is why there is no balance. Same goes for anyone coming between Twin Soul unions, if anyone did that and the Twin Soul left their Twin Soul for anyone, the Twin Soul and the person they got together with would be both vampire demons, the darker ones keep this world dark!” Akira said.
“Now wait a minute, why am I the vampire demon and not Zeldine?” He asked, but he kind of knew he really was the vampire demon type compared to Zeldine, he had a dark side that Zeldine didn´t even know about, but he wanted to know how Akira knows.
“Over 80% of Twin Souls breaking the hearts of their Twin Souls and leaving them for a vampire demon are male. When I showed you the code awakening books, your face revealed you, your body language and your lack of verbal interest revealed you. A Twin Soul angel are the ones that are always interested to know about knowledge, wisdom, soul awakenings and would ask questions and show interest, yet you did not.” She said.
“I mean I heard about how you both helped others, but I had no idea the levels you are helping and what´s with the animal aliens? Are you serious?” Links asked feeling overwhelmed by it all.
“We are all aliens technically, if any visitors from space came to our planet, wouldn´t they see us as aliens?” Akira asked.
“You make a point!” He said as he saw Akira thinking over their situation.
“As for how you both were targeted, I´m thinking it could be a combination of dark magic messing with your codes, energy tampering and word poison. Links, could you give me the names of her childhood guy friend and the two girls interested in you, which class they are in and then list the names of everyone you can think of to Naleya that flirted with you and Zeldine and wanted you both to be apart and that includes family, friends, co-workers, class mates, teachers and anyone. Mention anything they might have said to you or her or both in regards to your union that raises red flags.” She said as she got up and Links wrote down the names.
“Cazuki & I will have a little chat with them!” Akira said.
“Akira, the Academy!” Cazuki said looking at her when he got up. She looked at him feeling happy to be reminded of that.
“Right, thanks for reminding me, Links, there is an open day tomorrow at the Twin Soul Academy where you can see what it´s all about and gain a lot of information. I would recommend you to invite Zeldine so she can see for herself the realities of the Twin Soul wars.” Akira said.
“Is it really necessary to list all names & what was said and done?” Links asked.
“It´s called LITDFS mapping. All their names will be listed in the Twin Soul database as LITDFS if confirmed and this will help awakened Twin Souls to know which ones to look out for and stay away from so they can protect their unions. Otherwise more unions will break apart, because the same LITDFS can tear apart more than one union in one life time & can darken/trap Twin Souls in families, among friends and at work.” Cazuki said.
“Links, you and Zeldine need to start hanging around positive energies to combat her negative energies that she keeps being drowned in by the LITDFS, so during and after school, you and Zeldine should hang out with us!” Naleya said which Akira would not participate in anytime Naleya would suggest that to their new clients every time.
“Count me out!” Akira said as she was getting ready to leave. She didn´t have time to hang out with anyone, but also she didn´t want to. She wanted to concentrate on her work, because so much needed to be done.
“Cazuki, it´s your job to make sure Akira participates. She hasen´t been to any of the Twin Soul gatherings. I´m counting on you!” Naleya said smiling and he smiled back knowing he was the only one who would not give up and make sure she attends. 
“Mission accepted!” He said smiling.
“Mission impossible!” Akira fired back.
“My speciality! Besides, the word impossible reveals I´m possible.” Cazuki defended and Akira left the clubroom with Cazuki getting annoyed at how stubborn he is, as stubborn as she was she thought.
“Are they a Twin Soul couple?” Links asked Naleya and she thought about it and then smiled.
As Akira and Cazuki made their way to the class room where Zeldine´s friends that were meddling were in, 3 girls came up to Cazuki, the same girls that had hearts in their eyes for him in their class.
“Cazuki, are you like a bad boy or something? You introduce yourself, but then skip class!” One of the LITDFS girls asked smiling and flirting feeling very drawn to him and his bad boy image.
“How about we show you around the school and give you a personal tour!” One LITDFS girl asked flirting and all of them not caring about the fact he said he was not looking to get any girlfriends, which made them want him even more. They want what they can´t have. Akira smile laughed inside her at the girls and left not having time for this drama & their games, but Cazuki grabbed her hand which rattled her again. Too close she thought and her nervous energies were in overdrive again and her heart was racing. For the moment she felt like she was in control when she brought him along, but anytime Cazuki would do things she didn´t expect, it would rattle her and shake her to the core.
“As I said girls, I´m not looking to get any girlfriends or friends. Now if you don´t mind, my soul wife and I are on a mission!” He said as he walked away with Akira still holding her hand.
“Soul wife, is he joking?” One LITDFS girl said.
“What does he see in her exactly? She´s not even that pretty and she looks messy!” One LITDFS girl said even thou Cazuki looked messy too with his wild hair and his school shirt not tucked in neatly, but with him they thought he looked hot, with Akira she looked ugly in their eyes. The only make up Akira wore was mascara, she didn´t have her school uniform tie on neatly and sometimes on her blue uniform Naleya would find food stains from Akira being clumsy when they were eating their lunches that Akira didn´t notice. There would be days Akira looked messy in her uniform, other days it looked in order. If her hair was in order, so was her clothes, even her tie, but if her hair was messy, so was her clothes and this was one of those messy days. Akira didn´t see it as messy, she saw it as being wild and free.
“You can let go now, they got the message and they can´t see us anymore!” Akira said helping him out and now wanting her hand back, even thou feeling his hand kept awakening her feelings in her heart, so she wanted to stop that and keep her distance again, but then he pushed her against the wall with his hands on either side looking right in her eyes as she did with him in the clubroom and she was surprised again by his actions and she looked the other way not being being able to look into his eyes and blushing, feeling nervous being this close to him. She felt like, when their eyes met, their souls connected, truth was revealed and her soul was aching for his soul and his soul was aching for her soul to be One again, to be connected again, to be True Love again, for him to reclaim his Twin Soul crown, but in her mind she wanted to run and protect her soul and protect his soul, because she felt like she can´t have another soul break like that ever again, so her Twin Soul has to be in a place where he was on the same page as her and she had no more doubts anymore about him and he would walk through fire and hell to be with her, to find her, to fight for her and defend their union as she would do for him. 
“Akira, in this life, I´m not like my other selves. I´m completely soul awake. I know exactly who I want to be with. I´m not indecisive, I have no fear and I´m not going anywhere!” He said wanting to get even more closer to her, feel her body up against his, smell her, touch her, know her all over again. He felt like this was a type of punishment for him, when he became soul awake and wanted her back, Akira was lost again, not remembering their life together or who he was, their history, their childhood connection, but he also thought this was like starting over and giving them a chance to be together in this life. His words made her look into his eyes again to see if he was telling the truth and they were having a moment again between them, but something came over her, a memory, a trigger of her past life with him that made her so angry she started using her fists to pound on his chest several times and he took it allowing her to pound his chest with her tiny fists and then she pushed him away still being angry and sad with him which she thought was crazy since these soul feelings she was having was from a past life with him, which meant he broke her heart and it never got healed, but suppressed again. A memory flash of him smiling and laughing at breaking her heart and being with the LITDFS that came between them.
“Why did you push me away? Talk to me!” He asked wanting to know what broke their sweet moment together.
“I got a flash memory of a past life with you and you were smiling, laughing breaking my heart and being with a LITDFS!” She said feeling the anger and wanting to kick his ass again. Cazuki knew exactly what he had to do next and he took her hand again and he ran with her down the hallway to the lockers.
“Let go of my hand Cazuki, me pushing you away is not a translation for you to hold my hand again!” She said getting more angry.
“Trust me Akira, we can solve this!” He said ignoring her request and she was thinking how did he not understand her message of not wanting to be close to him. Her pushing him away was not a translation of him taking her hand again, but since he ignored her mind messages and kept listening to her soul messages which was the same as his, wanting to soul unite, wanting to be together, he just needed to hang in there and keep breaking down her walls around her heart and soul. As they came to his locker, she wondered what in the world was he up to and then her eyes were shocked again and she thought was he kidding. He had taken out two light sabres, a blue and a red one which made her smile laugh and she didn´t smile that much anymore, but he made her smile and laugh and he loved it and loved her so damn much.
“Does your laugh mean our battle is postponed?” He asked feeling a little disappointed because he wanted to show off his moves and skills with her. He kept the light sabres in his locker just in case Akira needed to unleash her pains and angers and so did he for breaking her heart and not wanting to in his soul. 
“For now. Besides, we have a mission to complete, so we better get to it.” She said then he gave her the blue one and he placed his red one in his bag.
“Here take it, just in case, you never know when you´ll be mad with me next time!” He said smiling. As they both walked towards the classroom where they were headed towards to begin with, Naleya was spying on them and saw a change in Akira.
“I have never seen her smile or laugh before. Keep doing what you´re doing Cazuki. Only you can break down the walls around her heart!” She said.
When Akira slid the door open to classroom 2F, they stood in the doorway looking in and then suddenly everyone in class stopped talking and looked at them. Akira felt like she was entering a boss level when looking into the room with Cazuki scanning the area to see where the two girls that were sisters and the guy that were childhood friends of Zeldine. Since soul awakening, Cazuki´s observation skills and being able to read people were now way beyond what he was able to do before. He could tell just by observing and talking to anyone which ones were the liars, which ones told the truth, which ones kept secrets, which ones were open like a book, which ones had self serving selfish agendas and which ones had pure sincere goals of helping out anyone, which ones were jealous needing attention and which ones were confident in who they were, being honest and their true soul selves and who they loved, which ones wanted to break up couples and which ones only wanted The One meant for them. If he had this when being with Akira, he would of not fallen to the dark and got lost in soul hell. Soul awakening was part of the mission at the Academy, to help protect souls, Twin Souls and their unions. When Akira and Cazuki scanned the room together, their eyes both were drawn to the 3 that were next to the window, one sitting at her desk, the other sitting on her desk facing her sister and the guy standing next to them. 
“Is that Akira from class 1B?” One student asked.
“Who´s that with her? I´ve never seen him before!” Another asked.
“He´s hot looking, in a mysterious dark way! Why is he with her? He could do better than that!” A student said.
“Is she on mission mode again! Who is she after this time?” One said.
“I wouldn´t want to be in the shoes of those she is after!” A student said feeling nervous of what was about to happen and not liking drama or confrontation at all.
“Looks like another battle to me!” Another student said eating their snacks looking forward to the show and having front row seats. Akira and Cazuki walked over to the students while everyone was whispering between them, Akira & Cazuki heard them and didn´t care. Both Akira and Cazuki were Twin Soul Agents at the Academy and ever since the high school stabbing of a student that was targeted by a jealous girl who couldn´t deal with the reality of a guy that she had extreme feelings for fell for another & got together with another, Akira was granted permission to help protect students with her investigations using her clubroom as her base of operations to prevent anymore crimes against life. Sumiko was playing a battle game on her phone sitting at her desk while her and Jirou were eating animal alien angel misery meals.
“Vampire demons, your time is up!” Akira said.
“What are you doing?” Cazuki asked.
“I thought it be best to be honest, saves time to straight up reveal what parts they are playing. If they want to go to war on life, True Loves and animal alien angels, then I should call them by their code names don´t you think?” Akira asked him.
“Don´t you think that will provoke them to be more negative and less cooperative?” He asked seeing a side to her he´s never seen before.
“I think this world needs to stop living in deceptions, lies, manipulations and illusions and just be honest with everything. Change won´t happen if everyone is believing they are good and doing good when they are clearly doing bad things. If they don´t want to do dark deeds against life, then they should stop waring with life, souls and True Loves!” Akira said to him having a conversation with him in front of the 3 they were meant to talk to.
“What happened to P.E.A.?” Cazuki asked her.
“No good, it wouldn´t work on them, except one of them maybe!” Akira said as they both looked to Hikaru.
“I think you´re right” Cazuki said.
“Who is this guy?” Jirou asked them.
Akira & Cazuki showed their credentials from the Academy.
“This is Cazuki, my partner!” Akira said.
“Sumiko, Hikaru, Jirou! We understand you are close friends with Zeldine and Links! Tell me, how long have you been plotting to come between them and break them up?” Akira asked them all in front of the whole class putting them on the spot. They all looked guilty and were feeling nervous, but also feeling inferior and getting mad.
“You have some nerve accusing us Akira when you have no evidence at all!” Jirou said and he was looking confident and self assured that she couldn´t do anything or had any real power. Hikaru was the only girl who looked like she was about to fall apart feeling nervous. 
“Don´t you have anything better to do than harass students with your relentless interrogations? Are you that lonely and desperate for human contact that you have go around school and confront everyone?” Sumiko said smiling.
“Better watch yourself Akira, school is like a battleground, anything can happen!” Jirou said as he leaned over her staring at her face feeling angry that the spotlight was on them and their games & wars were no longer hidden in the shadows, but being brought out to the light. Akira turned & looked at Hikaru.
“It is true what they say, brain intelligence decreases when their codes are negative! Threatening Akira and in front of the class no less, you´re just asking for trouble aren´t you?” Cazuki said staying clam and collective at the same time wanting to kick his ass while Jirou got even more angry wanting to kick his ass too.
“Watch your mouth Cazuki!” Jirou said feeling rage within from all the negative energies, codes & programs he has accumulated in his life, especially from eating animal alien angels.
“The only trouble I see is Akira ever since she started going to our school. There is a natural order here and she keeps bringing chaos wherever she goes!” Sumiko said.
“There is nothing natural about your order and I say bring on the chaos if it means saving souls & Twin Souls! Or do you believe torture beatings, breaking up couples and stabbings to still be a part of your “natural” order?” Cazuki said.
“As you all know, our club investigates any and all activities that put lives in danger and since jealousy can cause anyone to snap and go on a bloody rampage, we have been given permission to interrogate anyone that are suspects in the crimes against love and life. We are truth, we are change, get used to it! If you have nothing to hide, then you won´t mind being truth tested will you? Not that we need it, since we know what you have done and what you are doing, but like you said Jirou, we need actual evidence!” Akira said not paying any attention to Jirou´s threatening demeanour.
“You can´t make us be truth tested, so why are you wasting our time?” Jirou told her laughing at her.
“True, but not everyone is like you Jirou, even angels can be found in vampire demon groups who wish for a better world and an end to all kinds of wars!” Akira said as she looked to Hikaru and so did everyone in class. Hikaru looked at everyone who was waiting for her to speak her mind and finally say what she´s been wanting to say deep within all this time. Her true soul feelings about it all that she kept hidden and she broke free from the prison bars and spoke up yelling to everyone. Like she was a volcano erupting with emotions, feelings, thoughts coming from her soul wanting to tell the truth and not wanting to feel bad anymore or be a part of doing dark deeds anymore.
“It´s true, we have been trying to break them up!” Hikaru shouted!
“Hikaru what are you doing!” Sumiko said feeling horrified and betrayed.
“Sumiko was insanely jealous of Zeldine and wanted Links for herself! Jirou has been in love with Zeldine since they were kids, even thou she was never interested in him in that way, but when she got together with Links, his love turned into an obsession and his jealousy took over him. We even used dark magic to try and break them up and it seemed to be working since Zeldine was getting more closer to Jirou and even flirting with him and I played my part, flirting with Links too helping out my sister get him, but I never wanted to be a part of any of this! It made me sick to my stomach! I felt like I was losing myself and turning into someone I didn´t recognise anymore. I felt trapped, I didn´t want to betray my sister, but I also didn´t want to lose my friend and I didn´t want to be this person anymore. I want to be me again! Sumiko, I´m sorry, but what we did was wrong and deep down you know it too in your soul!” Hikaru shouted with tears streaming down her face after unleashing her soul pains of what she did and what she was a part of. The shock look on Jirou and Sumiko´s faces when angel Hikaru told the truth weren´t the only ones, but the whole class witnessed it and were in shock. When Jirou´s eyes saw Zeldine, Links and Naleya by the doorway behind the crowd and they heard everything, Jirou shouted her name.
“Zeldine!” Jirou shouted, but she ran off and Links went after her. When Jirou realised he lost his best friend and the love of his life hoping she would one day feel the same, but never did, Jirou lost it and tried to punch Cazuki feeling angry, lost, sad, exposed, humiliated and feeling naked with all the truths being revealed. His attacks were quickly disarmed by Cazuki who defended himself. Jirou had also learned marshal art and before he could attack again after several attempts between him & Cazuki, Akira came between them both to stop the fight.
“Jirou!” Akira shouted to him with her hand out saying stop.
“I know you´re hurting, I know you loved her, but trust me when I say you are not Twin Souls, because if you were, she would have felt the same as you straight away. Twin Souls can´t stay away from each other, they are soul magnetically pulled to one another and want only each other in the entire Universe and can´t live without each other and it happens fast between them. Your True Love is still out there, the other half of your soul wanting you, loving you and completing you in every way. Your light to your darkness and your soul saviour! Your One half of perfection, your equal, your angel to your vampire demon. Your epic True Love story hasen´t been told yet, so what do you say, are ready for real love, soul love, True Love, your Twin Soul?” Akira asked hoping he would finally break free from the chains of being in love with someone who was not in love with him in that way and never was. Jirou´s tears were forming and he was fighting it feeling the heartbreak and knowing she was right and Akira could feel his sadness and again she kept fighting her own tears and hoping Hikaru would go to him and hug him and she did. When Hikaru left the classroom with Jirou & Sumiko, before he left.
“Akira, you really are a pain in my ass, you know that right?” He said to Akira.
“Not sure how that´s possible since I have never been anyway near your ass, but when it comes to helping to free souls and defend True Loves, the war is won when we speak up, when we fight for what is right and never give up. Living a lie and not being true in your souls can be painful, so when I shed light on that truth, I understand it, so I understand you and your pain!” Akira said.
“Did anyone tell you that you talk way too much?” Jirou said as he left the classroom with the Sumiko and Hikaru and Akira wondered, did her words help him, free him and soul wake him up?
“I thought you said P.E.A. wouldn´t work on them?” Cazuki asked her.
“If I see an opening, there is a chance to become soul awake & free them, but it doesn´t always work. It depends on if they are ready for it!” Akira said hoping she helped him, then she started to get flashbacks from her past life with Cazuki and she was reminded of something similar with two sisters and a guy, but it was reversed and they were friends of Cazuki´s, plotting, conquering and dividing their union. Cazuki saw the look on her face.
“What is it?” He asked her, but she felt like she was about to break down and started to run out the classroom down the hallway.
“Akira!” Cazuki shouted to her. As she rushed into the clubroom, her back to the door then slid down on the floor, hands to her face to cover her silent tears, she couldn´t keep her tears locked away again. Feeling all the emotions, the pains and sadness from them all and from her own. She felt like she was breaking down. When Cazuki finally got to the clubroom and was standing outside the clubroom door and wanted to go in and even reached out for the door handle, but he was stopping himself and lowered his arm again, but then he got flashbacks of Akira lying in their bed at night tears streaming down her face while he was sleeping and her getting up at night to cry out in the bathroom all alone, breaking down knowing her soul was trapped within, knowing her mind and energies were being targeted somehow, knowing their union was being targeted, feeling like she was all alone in their fight for their union against the LITDFS waring with them. These flashbacks were not his, they were hers and their souls were linking up so he could see what she went through, what she felt and then he saw he didn´t fight for their union, but walked away. He clenched his fists and his teeth getting angry for even thinking about walking away again, from Akira and walking away from wanting to heal their past, repair what was broken between them and walking away from being with her.
“Never hesitate, don´t ever hold back, go all in!” He said to himself, then he then opened up the door, but no one was there. When he got back to class he saw Naleya at her desk.
“Naleya, where´s Akira?” He asked. 
As Akira was walking around school outside barefoot, in the rain, trying to get some air, feel the earth, get balance and loving the rain, spinning around, arms out feeling the rain on her face, cleansing herself of the sadness she felt and the pains. Not far from her a group of guys were beating up a student nearby and she heard them.
“Vampire demons!” She shouted thinking is she going to say that every time when she comes across them? They stopped what they were doing and surrounded her, the same group that were known to bully students and the very same group that Akira would go up against if she saw them bully anyone or if any students came to her club for help or to report any beatings. The guys were not from this school, but from a different one.
“You should be more careful Akira! As you can see, there is more of us now and there is no way you can take us all on!” One student said as the bullied student got up and ran away. Akira took out her blue lightsaber from her bag and was surrounded by them all.
“Challenge accepted!” She said wanting to unleash her soul pains and her not having fear of them made them even more angry with her, but before several of the students attacked her, Cazuki wacked several of them with his red lightsaber and was now standing back to back with Akira.
“Cazuki what are you doing here? I can take care of myself!” Akira said.
“I know, but we´re a team remember, you´re my partner. You have my back, I have yours!” He said wanting to show off his skills as they both were in battle mode ready to take on the fight and defend themselves.
“Are you picturing them being LITDFS pretorians?” She asked him.
“I am now!” He said smiling.
“If you think you two are getting out of this unharmed think again!” One student said as they all attacked Akira & Cazuki and even had knives. As their lightsaber battle commenced, word got out and the students gathered to see the fight. When the battle was over, the guys were on the ground bleeding, beaten and Akira & Cazuki were bleeding from the cuts on them, but still standing back to back and out of breath.
At the school nurses office, Cazuki was tending to Akira´s knife wound on her arm, cleaning it, then healing it. Then when he was finished patching her up, he rolled down her blue school uniform jumper sleeve having a silent moment between them not talking, but they were still being close to each other, taking care of one another. She then got up and took care of his wound on his chest. They were both cut and Akira and Cazuki had their own medical tech gadget devices with them in their bags that could close up any wounds with lasers.
“Your turn!” She said as he was finished cleaning and healing her wound on her arm. Cazuki blushed then took off his blue school uniform jacket, his purple school uniform jumper and white shirt underneath showing off his well trained body and six pack as she had turned her back to him to find her healing tech gadget which was different than the one he used, because his wound was larger than hers, so she looked in her bag that was a mess. That´s not what she thought he would do when she turned around & it made her feel uncomfortable seeing him like that and being so close to him with a surprise look on her face.
“I was thinking you would just lift up your jumper! Could you cover yourself?” She said feeling surprised again by his actions. Even thou Cazuki could of done that, but he wanted her to see his body, almost like he was trying to awaken her feelings for him and disarming her, but Akira already loved Cazuki in her soul, it was just her mind walls that kept her closed off from him and protecting her soul and his. He grabbed her hand and placed it on his chest over his wound which made her even more uncomfortable and uneasy. 
“You said it yourself, we have been together in many lives Akira, my body is yours, my life is yours and my soul is yours!” He said looking deep into her eyes and he felt like a beast in a cage wanting to pounce on her and be wild with her again and he was restraining himself every time he was near her. His body, mind, energies, heart and soul was aching to be One with her, to feel her, to touch her and to breath her in from morning to night, holding her in his arms! Akira felt conflicted being around him. She stared at his wound and gently and lovingly stroking it getting lost in thought. It was like she knew he was being his true self, being soul awake and he knew exactly who he wanted, no more doubts, at the same time she was reminded of her past life with him with flashes of memories from the past and his lost in the dark mind was in control and how many times has he seduced her, tempted her to be with him in any of their lives only then for him to break her apart and be with any and many LITDFS? Her eyes closed, she also thought about the fact that if their last life together resulted in them not having a life together, but he & her remained in soul hell for a life time again, then this new life was like, having his cake and eating it too, meaning, his lost in the dark mind got to “enjoy” being with any and many LITDFS in other lives only then to be with her in the next life. That made her angry to the point she clenched her hand on his chest over his wound in a reflex reaction that made him grab her hand fast and feeling the pains from the wound.
“Gomen'nasa!” She said feeling unhinged about what just happened realising what she had done and then she started to clean his wound and heal it.
“Who said love was painless! Not exactly the reaction I was expecting when I´m sharing my feelings to you!” He said.
“You know it´s not supposed to be like this right? It´s messed up when you say these soul loving words to me and I´m supposed to be swept up by it, only then for my mind to think about how in one life you break my heart and leave me and enjoyed being with any and many LITDFS, then in the next life you are with me which makes me so angry! Love is suppose to be painless, yet we live in a world that´s upside down, inside out and twisted! Where wars against True Love is a reality, wars on Twin Souls is real. We break apart to make their dreams come true! It´s maddening!” She said while cleaning his wound lovingly and gently and he grabbed her arm again gently this time wanting her to look at him.
“Akira, my soul was in hell, you know that! Being with all of them, in my soul it felt like emptiness, it was dark, like I was drowning in my mind addictions. How many times have we been taught at the Academy of those Twin Souls who came back from soul hell, woke up, got their freedoms, what did they really say, what did they really feel in their souls and hearts? You know the mind and the soul are two different things. Anyone can be programmed, controlled and negatively influenced in their minds to think and feel a certain way, but that doesn´t change what they really think and feel in their souls. In my soul I felt nothing for them, no love, no heart, nothing! It was like my body and mind was being used by them, passed around by them and it made my soul scream and want to tear apart this world and build a new one!” He said thinking back to when Akira mentioned the virtual life Twin Soul game to help end wars. He thought, Akira must of felt the same as him wanting a new world and if they were being prevented to build that Twin Soul world in their lives, they could build one in a virtual world to end wars, end the controls and powers over souls and Twin Souls.
“Cazuki! Arigatou! For having my back & being my partner!” She said while caring for his chest feeling happy he was by her side defending her as she was defending him. He looked at her in a way which made him blush and feel flustered, because she had his back too and defended him. It was like what they struggled with in their union together when not knowing what was going on, when wars were upon them to have them break apart and them being soul asleep, they both couldn´t defend in the way they wanted to, but it was like they got another chance to finally defend when being soul awake and not being trapped by fear, uncertainty, ego, being lost, being mind & energy attacked, negative energies/codes/programs and influences/dark side trainings. He then avoided eye contact with her when thoughts came to his mind of her naked body being up against his and Akira noticed his strange look on his face.
“Nani?” She asked him feeling confused, but he didn´t want to answer, because he couldn´t lie to her, so he was hoping someone would come in to the nurses office and someone did.
“I heard about your light saber duel and they used knives against you both, are you alright?” Links asked them feeling concerned.
“Just a scratch that´s all, but our light sabres got confiscated by the principle since it was seen as a weapon and then got taken by the police for evidence. No harm better come to it by them, it took me ages to create it!” Which pissed off Cazuki since those light sabres were his own creations and design and would have to find out how he could get them back.
“Your creation? Very cool!” Akira said as he nodded.
“Are you serious, are you like a tech wizard or something? Anyway, I´m sure you can get it back! By the way, seeing you both go up against them all was awesome!” Links said smiling.
“I thought you didn´t see it?” Cazuki asked him.
“I didn´t, but many recorded it and uploaded it to the web. It´s already gained over a million hits! You guys are getting famous!�� He said smiling and showing the video of them on his phone which annoyed Akira and left the room not wanting any attention at all after finishing up with Cazuki´s wound.
“What´s with her?” Links asked.
“She doesn´t want the attention!” Cazuki said.
“Links what happened between you and Zeldine? Did you guys work it out?” He asked him.
“Not only that, but she wants to join the Twin Soul Academy with me already after she read up about it on their website! We still have dark magic messing with our codes and energies, so that needs to be taken care of, but she loved how I came to her rescue and defended our union. It´s like I´ve unleashed a side to her I´ve never seen before. The amount of love I´m getting is way beyond the extreme and intense connection we already have. I´m not sure I can keep up with her. She´s too hot to handle!” He said jokingly.
“Better hot than cold!” Cazuki told him when thinking about his situation with Akira and her barbed wire wall around her heart and soul.
“True, I shouldn´t complain really. To be honest, I love it and I love her so damn much. Whatever it takes, I will work to keep up with her! She will always be worth it!” Links said.
“Can I see that video again?” Cazuki asked wanting to see them in action and seeing Akira´s fighting style.  
During gym class, baseball was part of the everyday activity at school which was Akira´s favourite moments at school, that and basket ball. It resulted in Akira establishing a baseball practice area and basketball area at the Twin Soul Academy. Akira, Cazuki, Naleya and Links were on the same team and the game lead to Akira and Cazuki having several close moments between them. She was one of the best hitters on the team and Cazuki was equally good. Before Akira was next in line to bat, a boy from another class, that was playing on the other team came up to her and was being very friendly, flirty, confident and making it known he was interested in her. 
“Looks like drama! A boy is crushing on Akira!” Zeldine said.
“He´s very popular at school, very smart and so many girls crush on him, but he´s not interested in any of them! He´s actually a good guy, but he also has a dark side to him which the girls seem to be attracted to!” Links said. 
“That´s Ezan, I´ve seen them hang out before many times. He kind of reminds of you Cazuki!” Naleya said.
When Cazuki heard that, he felt like that could be his other self, a T.S.T.T. and they were also known at the Academy to go after their T.S.T.T.s instead of their original Twin Soul they were meant to be with, so he got up and walked over to them, placed his arm around her shoulder and above her chest, holding her tightly to his body like he did at the clubroom so it looked like they were a couple. Akira knew what he was doing, but played along and she kind of liked his jealous Twin Soul possessive nature. She´s studied everything to do with Twin Souls and knew that one Twin Soul would always be the jealous possessive type that protects union in their own way (being the darker one), while the other Twin Soul was always confident in their union and didn´t get jealous at all (being the lighter one), but they protect union in their own ninja ways.
“Cazuki, this is Ezan, Ezan meet Cazuki, he transferred to our school today!” Akira said feeling uncomfortable again being this close to him and her heart was pounding so loud she wondered if he could hear it, but she was fighting not to pull away from him, because even if they are not together, they are still Twin Souls and she can´t deny his feelings for her.
“Do you guys know each other?” Ezan asked wondering if they knew each other before Cazuki started school.
“He goes to the same Twin Soul Academy as me!” She said then she was up to bat.
“Akira, you´re up!” A class mate said then she left them both to bat.
“Is it me, or do they both kind of look like each other?” Zeldine asked and all 3 of them looked at Cazuki & Ezan, both equally tall, both athletic in their bodies, both looking similar in their faces & hair.
“You´re right, they kind of look like twin brothers!” Links said. Ezan was on the green team, wearing green gym clothes, Cazuki was on the blue team.
“So are you guys a couple?” Ezan asked.
“She´s my soul wife!” Cazuki said smiling then left him. He told the truth without saying they are a couple at the same time making it sound like they  are one, which technically they are in their souls always.The game between the blue and green team was challenging, but the blue team were in the lead. When Akira was trying to run to 2nd base where Cazuki was holding position, she tripped clumsily and went flying into him which lead them both to fall backwards where her whole body ended up being on him and his hand was on her breast accidentally. This lead them both to be embarrassed, flustered and she got off of him pretty fast putting her hands over her chest feeling like he breached her sacred areas without permission and she got angry and upset. Her mind was screaming NO, but her soul was screaming YES to being close to Cazuki at all and soul laughing at the ways they keep ending up getting close to each other even if her mind was against it all.
“It was an accident!” Cazuki said smiling with his hands in the air feeling nervous to what action she could take, but inside he was feeling happy to have her come flying at him feeling her whole body up against his and being able to even feel her breast. He even got to smell her hair again that smelled like wild flowers, but at the same time feeling like that´s not how he wanted their first time of being that close to each other to be. 
“No such thing!” Links said and Cazuki heared him which lead Cazuki do give him an angry stare. When Links heard what Cazuki said and thinking that if Cazuki ever thought about wanting to touch her breast, something could probably happen to make it happen.
“How can I make it right?” Cazuki asked her quickly wanting to solve it and being a gentleman. 
When Ezan saw this between them, he was confused, they are not a couple? Yet Cazuki says she is his soul wife?
Moments later…
“Do you get the feeling they seem to be attracted to violence? How does this solve what he did?” Links asked.
“I think that was just the final push for them to get it all out between them. I mean, their souls want each other so much, but her mind is blocking it all which is causing so much friction and sexual tension between them it´s leading them to literally crash into each other and feel each other up without permission.” Naleya said which made Zeldine laugh.
“It´s like you can´t take your eyes off of them, you never know what will happen next between them!” Zeldine said as Akira and Cazuki were about to battle with each other.
“Don´t hold back!” Akira said smiling to him holding her blue and green light sword staff behind her back that was a triple threat. Akira had contacted the game creators to introduce a new weapon for her to use. It was a light sword staff that could transform into being two separate light swords or just one light sword. So she could switch her fighting style as she pleased during battle. Seeing Cazuki in his outfit, that was similar to Kirito and also Neo, she couldn´t help but think it was attractive & making her feel things, it looked good on him, then she shook her mind to concentrate on kicking his ass. Why was she suddenly thinking this, when she hadn´t before? Then she knew, his sneaky move in the nurses office woke Akira up somehow and opened a door that she found it hard to shut close again.
“I won´t!” He said smiling while using his signature fighting style moves, his two light swords, double trouble and their sparring match commenced between them in the virtual sword art online game. Their physical bodies were lying on the couches in the clubroom with the virtual life head gear on their heads and Links, Zeldine and Naleya were watching their battle on the screen. They were both equally matched, both unleashing their soul pains of broken hearts, being left behind, broken dreams, broken promises, being soul trapped in hell with a LITDFS and when it was over, it was a tie between them both and their HP was almost empty and in the red.
“Both winners?” He asked her feeling out of breath, worn out, beaten, bruised and still standing. They both had given it all between them.
“Accepted!” She said feeling the same as him and being physically worn out when both their energies were worn down and they both fell backwards on the grass in the fantasy world feeling exhausted.
At lunch at the school cafeteria, Akira sat down at the table with her lunch tray with her vegan goodies then hearing a commotion by the food counter where several boys were flirting and coming on to a girl who was not interested in them and told them to leave her alone, but they didn´t and Cazuki grabbed one of the boys arm away from the girl.
“No means no!” Cazuki said coming to the rescue which made the girl look at him differently. The boys backed away not wanting to fight him in front of anyone.
“Are you ok?” Cazuki asked her and she nodded being shy and timid, but developing feelings for him as they both stared at each other which Akira noticed. When he came over and sat down next to Akira with his vegan lunch tray, he handed her a little bag of vegan chocolate chip cookies he bought knowing that was her favourite, but how did he know that she thought. He must of asked about her if he knew she was his Twin Soul before they met properly. 
“Arigatou!” She said as she opened up the bag offering him one.
“No thanks, I don´t like sweets” He said biting into an apple, but thinking if she made homemade ones, he would without question eat it if it wasen´t too sweet. He must know a lot about her she thought, but she knows hardly anything about him, but now she knows he doesn´t like sweets.
“Cazuki, do you know a lot about me?” She asked him.
“Yes!” He said and she was right, he has asked about her, which made her think about this morning when Kaito, Yoshi, Haruki and Daichi were smiling and acting strange, like they knew she would meet Cazuki today.
“How did you become soul awake that lead you to join the Twin Soul Academy?” She asked him.
“I woke up and became free after hearing my soul speak on the soul translator. I joined the Academy on the same day.” He said.
“Did your family and friends have anything to do with you being soul trapped and staying soul asleep?” She asked knowing that was quite common among Twin Souls, that their families and friends kept them imprisoned to be with them always, holding them back, keeping them from evolving and positively changing the world and ending wars. Cazuki in that moment squeezed his empty smoothie cup feeling angry being reminded of what they did to him and to Akira. He didn´t need to answer, his actions said it all she thought when she was drinking her smoothie. Links, Zeldine and Naleya came and sat down with them with their lunch trays and Zeldine had in her hand the “Vegan Paradise” book reading it and both she and Links bought vegan lunches. 
“Everyone is staring at us!” Naleya said.
“I think they are staring at Akira & Cazuki! They are like magnets for trouble finding them. I have never seen so much drama in one day!” Zeldine said.
“You guys look like you´ve just got back from the battlefield!” Links said seeing they both looked like a mess and they felt the pains when they tried to move their bodies on their seats from their battle with the guys that had knives which made Links smile laugh at how funny it was.
“What´s funny?” Naleya asked him.“I was just thinking you two could solve so much if you just sat down and talked it all through, but instead you both use your self defence skills to communicate your pains, separation and sadness, creating more pains, separation and sadness between you!” Links said. Akira thought, there are other ways to communicate than just words.
“Cazuki, I think that girl you rescued has a crush on you! She keeps staring at you!” Naleya said which lead everyone to turn their heads to see and the girl nervously looked down on her lunch tray feeling embarrassed and blushing.
“In this story, she would be that character that´s shy, timid, but secretly a LITDFS assassin making her moves slowly, but calculating, getting more and more closer to Cazuki until that day came and she saw an opening and told him how she felt and wanting him or she played the part of being his friend, making it look like she was for their union and if trouble and challenges happened between Akira & Cazuki, she would swoop in with her assassin moves, killer of True Loves and use her feminine wiles and tricks until Cazuki made a move on her first or a combination if both!” Naleya said knowing a lot from reading Akira´s Twin Soul novels. This lead Cazuki to get up and walk over to the girl and they both left the cafeteria together.
“This is the part when the main male lead character in the story takes back control over the writing from the LITDFS writers and changes the story!” Naleya said wondering what Cazuki was going to do and say. She thought, technically every Twin Soul couple in the world are main lead characters in their own epic True Love story, they are the only writers of their True Love story, but when LITDFS writers want to take over their story, they will hijack it and write themselves in several times until one of the main leads falls for them and leaves the main lead for a side character. She thought, this can actually be applied to life, where the main Twin Soul leads take control again and continue to take control back from the hijacking LITDFS writers and make sure the Twin Souls are always the only writers of their epic True Love story. 
“Like I said, so much drama!” Zeldine said then went back to reading her book and eating her tasty vegan lunch.
“Links, I´m surprised how fast you became vegan!” Naleya said knowing how much he enjoyed eating animals.
“Not by choice, but Zeldine´s tears and passionate case about not wanting me to be a part of the deaths of anymore animals caused me to try out some vegan options. The food is actually quite tasty, but I don´t think I could just live on plant foods!” Links said, but then Zeldine gave him a look and he knew that look.
“Then again, I don´t think I could handle anymore fiery electric passion of tearful emotions between us, so I´ll give it a try!” He said then she threw her arms around him giving him so much love.
“Zeldine, you could help him become soul awake if you both visited a farm sanctuary and volunteering and hearing their stories.” Akira said while she was on her phone and eating her lunch, knowing that Links needs to become soul awake and make the choice himself to not want to eat animal alien angels anymore.
“That´s a great idea, do you know of any…” She asked, but Akira already found one and showed Zeldine the place on her phone, but Links was not interested at all to go which showed on his face and Akira noticed.
“There is also a vegan workshop at the Academy where you can learn to make all kinds of tasty vegan dishes! I can even send you the best places to dine out, you´ll never want to leave these heavenly food paradise temples.” Naleya said as she sent the information from her phone to Zeldine´s phone.
“This could also help wake you up in your soul!” Akira said then showed him a live video of a press conference at the Twin Soul Academy that was about Zax & Aemi being able to speak via the virtual life translator, allowing souls in animal alien angels to finally talk.
“No way!” Links looked shocked as did Zeldine and Naleya.
“How is that possible?” Naleya asked.
“This is revolutionary! They´re so cute, although Zax looks kind of grump!” Zeldine said about Zax & Aemi.
“He always looks grumpy. He´s the darker one and Aemi is the lighter one of the two!” Akira said.When Cazuki came back and sat down, they all looked at him accept Akira who was busy on her phone. She was interested to know, but she knew the others would find out anyway.
“What´s with the silence? What did you say to her?!” Naleya asked him.
“I told her the truth. I asked if she was interested in me, she said no, but then she came clean since she was blushing, getting all hyper and nervous and didn´t want to lie to me. I told her I´m flattered by her crush, but I am deeply, passionately and only in love with my soul wife. I mentioned about the Twin Souls and the Twin Soul Academy and she said she would check it out and she understood when I told the truth clearly and understandably giving no indication that I will ever be interested in her.” He said grabbing Akira´s smoothie and drinking from it feeling thirsty and then grabbing some of her food to eat. The shock look on their faces made Akira look up from her phone to see their faces then went back to search the web on her phone for information. Akira wasen´t the only one who could shock people she thought.
“He just cancelled any story lines of a potential LITDFS assassin coming between their union! Sugoi!” Naleya thought.
“How can he be so nonchalant about it all? He´s even eating & drinking her food and she is not even reacting this time! It´s like they are already in union!” Zeldine thought.
“Senpai, teach me the ways of being a Twin Soul GreyJedai!” Links thought.
On their way back to class apart from Akira who went to talk to the principle about the 3 days she would only spend left at school and Zeldine went back to her class and Naleya was in the restroom, the boys that were harassing the girl at the cafeteria, confronted Cazuki & Links, but this time there were more of them and one of the boys placed his hand on Cazuki´s chest stopping him from moving. 
“Ever since you came here, the girls are ignoring us and you´re butting in where you´re not wanted! You should leave!” The boy said angrily.
“Kindly take your hand off of me! I´m only going to ask once!” Cazuki said feeling annoyed and angry.
“Did it ever occur to you all that you have trouble with girls because the way you treat them! Like disposable sexual objects to be discarded after use? You lie, you cheat, you go from one to the next, you guys have no idea what real soul love is! If you want to learn to be a real man, then I suggest you join the Twin Soul Academy!” Links said as the boys just got even more angry, not wanting to get more education and not caring about it, then one boy tried to punch Links in the face and Cazuki took the arm of the boy who didn´t listen when he said to take his hand off of his chest and Cazuki swung the boy´s arm around slamming the boy against the wall with his arm behind his back. Links dodged the fist and before another boy was about to attack Cazuki from behind, Akira came out of nowhere and stood between them protecting Cazuki when she grabbed the arm of the boy that was swinging against Cazuki from behind.
“Enough! Unless you want to end up in the nurses office!” Akira said and since they didn´t want to go up against both Akira & Cazuki, so they backed off and left. Fighting a girl will not help their cause of getting a girl they thought. When Akira came to Cazuki´s rescue this time, it made it extremely hard for Cazuki to restrain himself from her at all. His wild beastly nature was taking over him and he wanted her, all of her, her heart, her mind, her body and soul, her everything, together connecting as One soul. She saw his strange look on his face again, the same face he had when they were both at the nurses office.
“Are you alright? You have that same look on your face you had at the nurses office!” Akira asked feeling confused. Links noticed it and understood so he tried to help Cazuki out by changing the subject.
“Say Akira, where did you run off to?” Links asked.
“Principles office to discuss my future!” She said then walked back to class.
In class, Akira continued writing a Twin Soul story on her computer, while Cazuki was on his laptop working on another prototype design for a new product when everyone else was learning math in class. Since Akira and Cazuki already learned math and aced their tests always, they could spend their time creating instead. Akira would write in school and work on her gadgets, products and inventions at the Academy. When Akira stopped typing and her hands were hovering above the keyboard, she stopped suddenly when thoughts of Cazuki´s naked chest was up against her naked body and they were intertwined in loving embrace, lips locked in passion, hearts racing, energies throbbing between them, igniting a spark of fiery flame of True Love. She didn´t think his sneaky move of baring his chest to her would work, but somehow it did and he had now entered her mind. Dammit she thought, but she had a bigger problem. She was now blushing extremely knowing that her Twin Soul main character now has a face and that was the face of Cazuki which freaked her out, because now she would picture him when writing her Twin Soul stories and her Twin Soul was no longer a mystery man. How could she write any longer without picturing him? If she continued writing, she could potentially start to feel for him in a way she didn´t want to and could open up to him. When Cazuki heard that she wasen´t typing anymore, he looked at her wondering what was going on. She slammed her computer shut feeling angry again, not being able to write, not allowing herself to write and being stuck not being able to write otherwise it could lead to her falling for him. 
“What´s wrong?” He asked her.
“I just realised my main male lead Twin Soul character has now a face!” She said and Cazuki then realised what she meant and he started to smile laugh, because that was a way for Akira to open up to him and their soul feelings for each other.
“It´s not funny! I can´t write and I need to write!” She said. 
“Akira you can´t stop writing, how will I know how the story ends between the Twin Soul biological humanoid that looks completely human on the inside and out and being experimented on and used by the government as a weapon and her Twin Soul True Love that´s a rebel dark soldier/fighter pilot who leaves the government and joins the rebellion trying to save his beloved soul wife & put an end to wars? You can´t leave it to be unfinished, that´s just cruel to your characters and your fans!” Naleya said.
“If this was chess, this would be Cazuki´s check move!” Links said sitting a few tables away smiling. Then Akira thought about it and readjusted to how she can write again, then opened up her laptop and started writing again.
“How did you solve it?” Cazuki asked her.
“While writing, I write what soul love is between two souls, there is no face and if your face pops up, I just think about all the flashbacks to how you hurt me in our past lives together and who you turned into when you got lost in the dark which was extremely unattractive and helps me to not think about you in that way. I only think about what our souls are like to each other, not our minds or bodies. I write from my soul, I write from your soul and I write from our True Love that´s in our souls for each other.” She said as she continued to write and was able to disconnect and separate the two.
“Cazuki, you´re right, hot is way better than cold!” Links said thinking Akira just iced him. Cazuki got up and left class and Akira not understanding why Cazuki left.
Akira started to feel pains in her chest, in her heart, in her soul, like she was crying on the inside. She even felt energy vibrations in her chest and she knew exactly what that meant and read up about it. She was feeling his soul pains for what she said.
“Akira, you do realise Cazuki is soul awake right? That means, his soul has now a face and body he is in control over, maybe for the first time in all his life times. You say there is no face when it comes to soul love, but there is when souls become awake. So you basically just said to his soul you find him extremely unattractive and you said you would never fall in love with him, his soul. His soul wants only you and he only ever wanted you, there has to be a way to solve this between you two!” Naleya said. Akira thought about what she said and Naleya was right. Akira was keeping her walls up to Cazuki´s other lives and what his lost dark and corrupted mind did to her heart and soul in the past, but in this life, he hasen´t hurt her or broken her heart or torn apart her soul, they have never been together yet and this time was different, he was soul awake, he was being his true self and living his soul truth. The shock of seeing that truth and realised she hurt him, hurt his soul, she got up from her chair fast, hands on the desk still going over her mind what she said, what they said, analysing everything that has happened between them since she met him in the virtual life game a month ago and seeing him at the Academy not knowing it was him and then meeting him at school and her flashbacks of past life memories. She remembered what he said to her.
“Akira, my soul was in hell, you know that! Being with all of them, in my soul it felt like emptiness, it was dark, like I was drowning in my mind addictions. How many times have we been taught at the Academy of those Twin Souls who came back from soul hell, woke up, got their freedoms, what did they really say, what did they really feel in their souls and hearts? You know the mind and the soul are two different things. Anyone can be programmed, controlled and negatively influenced in their minds to think and feel a certain way, but that doesn´t change what they really think and feel in their souls. In my soul I felt nothing for them, no love, no heart, nothing! It was like my body and mind was being used by them, passed around by them and it made my soul scream and want to tear apart this world and build a new one!” Cazuki said.
She thought it´s all messed up, her anger, her pains and her sadness just like his from his past lives with her not getting resolved, not getting healed, but being repressed again and again leading to a build up of unresolved issues between them, then taking that with them in their new lives starting all over and being reset, not knowing anything, only then to feel the same soul plains and fears and angers again, just like now. It should of been dealt with in their last life together, so they could come into new unions in their new lives being able to fully accept each others love completely and deeply without the push and pull between them. It´s like not only were they dealing with the wars against them from the LITDS, but also the wars between them from their soul pains that never got healed in their former lives together that was a consequence from what the LITDFS did to them both and then if the LITDFS succeeded in turning them into enemies to each other, more soul pains between them are added.
“Are you ok?” Naleya asked her, but she wasen´t alright, her hand was still grabbing her heart and she wanted to cry, she was feeling pains too for what she had said to him and she ran out the classroom after him. Akira ran down the hallway, to the clubroom, but he wasen´t there, she ran all over the school, to the cafeteria, outside, up and down the stairs, she couldn´t stand the thought of hurting him in his soul and his soul was shining through to her, but she couldn´t see him. 
“I won´t let them destroy us, not again, not ever!” Akira shouted as she was running.The barbed wire wall was around her heart and soul prevented her from seeing him completely. When she thought he left school, she made her way to the roof of the school building hoping he was there and she stood silently, one hand on the door handle, the other hand on her heart, then opened it and her eyes caught him standing next to the edge looking out. She took a deep breath, feeling nervous again, wanting to run from him, but she made her way to him slowly. When she was standing behind him, she wanted to grab his hand, but she couldn´t and tears streamed down her face. The barbed wall she had around her heart and soul was a combined creation from her and Cazuki and kept preventing her from being close to her Twin Soul at all.
“I was wrong! I let my soul pains and fear from our past lives together cause you hurt to your soul and that kills me! I couldn´t see past my barbed wall around my heart and soul seeing that you are soul awake in this life. You and I have not been together in this life. You and I are not to blame for our past lives that got targeted over and over again by the LITDFS. We are new in this life and we know nothing of our past lives, but when our soul pains get repressed and don´t get healed in our former lives which should of happened, we take that with us in every new life. I see that now and when we pretend we are living new lives and treating past lives like it doesn´t matter, that tears us apart too, not only the wars on us by the LITDFS. We are not only dealing with just new threats to unions in every life, but threats from ourselves too when our past lives that got targeted never got healed, but got shoved aside again and when we don´t heal the pains between us for what we did to each other, breaking hearts & breaking unions, we break and we fall. I wasen´t the only one hurting, but so were you, so were you! Gomen’nasa! Gomen’nasa!” She said as she turned to walk away, but he grabbed her hand, surprised by his actions and then she turned to face him and she saw his tears stream down his face for the first time. Akira didn´t know, but they have had a life together in this life, it just happened in different bodies. They did get targeted, they did suffer the wars on them from the LITDFS in their lives and the wars between them from past lives together not being healed, but being repressed once again when they are born again in new lives, but then they got torn apart, kept apart and lived in soul hell for a life time.
“You have every right to feel angry, to feel pains, to feel sadness, to scream, to shout, to express your hurt, to pound your tiny fists on my chest and kick my ass! I was weak, I was a coward, I was brought down to my knees, I let you down when I should of been strong for you! I should of been there for you, I should of listened and I should of trusted you! I should of been your number One! You were always there for me through it all and loved me unconditionally, loved me so much that you fought for me, fought for us in your own way! The amount of pains I have caused you is clearly seen with how you have been feeling towards me today. I hurt you deeply, I know that! I´m sorry, I´m so sorry! I want to heal that, I want us to heal, whatever it takes, because I know we are worth it, worth fighting for! I won´t let them destroy us, not again, not ever! Akira, you are my infinity, you mean everything to me! You are and always will be my soul wife! There is no other, there is only you!” He said as they both continued to have tears streaming down their faces.
“Cazuki, you weren´t weak, you were soul asleep as was I. You are not a coward, you´re only human, we´re only human! The only cowards here are those who go to war on Twin Soul unions to brake them up, to be with them and keeping this dark world the same! If we broke apart all those times in all those lives, that means we were both soul asleep, both not being able to be there for each other for whatever reason, both brought down to our knees, both being attacked by the LITDFS, both not knowing what was going on behind the scenes against our minds and energies, both falling apart in our own way, not being able to see what was happening to us and between us like we do now. When you bleed, I bleed, when you cry, I cry, when you feel pain, I feel pain, when you break down, I break down!” She said with tears in her eyes as he was still holding her hand the whole time and then he pulled her fast towards him and held her close to his heart holding her tightly. Akira struggled still to hold him, but why? What happened in their last life together that caused her to be this way? The last heartbreak from him in their last life together caused her to be so closed off from it all in this life, she was struggling, she struggled to open up to him, but somehow she was going to find a way to brake that damn wall, whatever it takes. She had no problems saying the words to him, but expressing those words in her feelings was a challenge, so she fought to take control over her mind to let her soul love Cazuki and hold him tightly too. Akira would still keep her distance between them, until she was ready, until she knew 100% they were on the same page and until she found a way to heal what was broken between them all those life times.
“You really do love me running all over the place like that!” He said smiling while still holding her when he saw from the rooftop Akira running all over the place outside. Feeling embarrassed that he saw her, she pulled back away from him.
“I wanted to set things right between us right away and didn´t want you to leave until I did!” She said feeling open and vulnerable again which lead to her mind putting up walls again, but before that happened completely, he pulled her towards him again and held her tightly. 
“I love you too!” He said which kept making her feel love in her heart, feel his love from his soul to her soul and she closed her eyes, feeling his warm body up against hers, feeling his heart beating and hers as One and feeling the wind blow their hair all over the place. Her opening up to him, when she told him her feelings meant everything to him in that moment between them on the roof that day, even thou she hadn´t expressed her love in the way he had yet, her walls were beginning to crack and brake, but he knew how much she loved him, she helped him wake up in his soul and her Twin Soul stories already expressed how much she really loved him. He found comfort and warmth, being close to her in that for the time being.
As Akira was about to get ready to leave school when the day was over, she got on her blue electric motorbike and then her eye caught Cazuki getting on his green electric motorbike surprising her again that he loved speed as much as her. Then she noticed the green colour and then looked down on her wrist to her blue and green kumihimo bracelet. Was this a soul connection between them, these colours she thought and was this the case in their other lives too? Before Akira lost her memories, she came across her other selves in the same time line that were always drawn to the colours blue, green and purple. The mystery of their Twin Soul connection kept surprising her in new ways. 
“Last one buys dinner?” He asked.
“And dessert!” She said smiling as they both placed their helmets over their heads and raced off into the sunset speeding through the city back to the Twin Soul Academy. They took the long way back to the Academy so they could race longer. Their Twin Soul dance between them ignited them to be competitive and they both wanted to win. His driving was order, calculating and daring, but her driving style was chaotic, wild and free. Then they both noticed how they were the only ones on the road. When Akira was leading, their race was stopped when a road block was ahead of them and several dark vans were blocking the way. When Akira and Cazuki stopped their motorbikes not far from the vans, several masked guys got out and were holding weapons dressed in black, then a guy in the front seat came out.
“Akira, Cazuki, we finally meet! Would you be so kind to get off your motorbikes and come with us!” The man in a suit said, but at the same time, Akira and Cazuki drew their defence weapons fast against them, their stun guns being drawn at the same time being in sync and feeling the negative energies from the LITDFS, knowing they are LITDFS, so they were not to be trusted at all. During lunch at the school cafeteria, Akira was searching on her phone for information about Cazuki and she found he had made quite the name for himself in such a short time at the Academy and was coming up with technology that also threatened the status quo of things. He was rebelling and the LITDFS in power took notice.
“Not happening! So kindly let us pass!” Akira retorted.
“You´re as rebellious as ever I see, but you will come with us!” He said as he nodded giving a signal and two sniper shots were fired at Akira and Cazuki from a distance, but the tranq darts couldn´t penetrate the energy shields surrounding them both that appeared when the darts came in contact.
“They attacked first, you know what that means!” Cazuki said and they both shot fast their own stun guns at everyone, then spun their bikes around and raced off back to the Academy.
Back at the Academy in the control room, the Twin Soul teams were going over the footage from the visual & voice cam recordings from Akira´s and Cazuki´s helmets and through facial recognition and hacking, they could find out who the men were. Even if many were covered on their faces, the body scanning tech revealed what they looked like. Akira and Cazuki were always being monitored by the Academy and when the teams saw they were in trouble, they unleashed the Zee2, a flying tracking flying bot to find out where the black vans would drive off to. The Academy and the whole building was considered to be a country of it´s own and was registered as an independent nation. So no powers that be had any power to invade them, even thou they knew that hasen´t stopped them before when going to war and invading countries as they please to gain resources, information, power and more control over life and souls and the planet. 
“His name is Ryuu and his hired trigger happy goons work for the organisation Earth One that is meant to help protect the environment and animals, but as you can see, it´s all a sham!” Haruki said pulling up all revealing documents from his hacking abilities. 
“They use the money they get from the organisation to create more slaughter factories and target wild endangered animals and take over lands to use to exploit for resources and space to farm wild animals. They have ties to major animal flesh & dairy corporations!” Haruki said.
“Well we were prepared for this. As soon as Zax & Aemi spoke, it puts the LITDFS´s entire hell slaughter prisons and factories in danger!” Akira said.
“What´s the plan?” Cazuki asked.
“We release everything we have, expose them, sue them and bring their darkness to light to the whole world! We should also schedule daily talks with Zax and Aemi and post online spreading it like wildfire! Tomorrow, we have very important visitors coming that will turn our wildfire into an inferno!” Akira said knowing everything has to happen fast.
At the Galaxyway diner, Links, Zeldine, Naleya and Ezan were waiting for them.
“What took you guys so long, we´re starving!” Naleya asked.
“Gomen! Our race turned into being chased!” Cazuki said as he sat down in the booth, but he sat between Ezan and Akira looking at the menu ready to order which Akira thought was funny the lengths Cazuki is going to let everyone know she is his Twin Soul wife.
“Chase?” Naleya asked.
“It will be on the Academy´s website in a few hours and explains everything, but to sum up, Zax & Aemi speaking resulted in us gaining enemies and them wanting us to shut down and stay quiet!” Akira said.
“More drama!” Zeldine said feeling not surprised.
“It never ends until the wars end, but enough about that, eat and drink up, anything you want, Cazuki is treating us!” Akira said smiling winning the race as everyone placed their food orders. 
“One meter Akira, one meter!” Cazuki said almost winning when being behind her only a meter away.
“Race?” Ezan asked.
“Motorbike race!” She said while Ezan was going over his mind all the things about Akira he was attracted to and couldn´t help but be drawn to her, which was sending signals to Cazuki making it known to him Ezan was interested in Akira, even thou she has never thought about him in that way. So Cazuki was sending his own signals back to Ezan in his own way saying, “stay away from Akira and move on to your own Twin Soul meant for you.” When Ezan asked that, it was like Cazuki could read his mind and then gave Ezan a look, which made Ezan feel uncomfortable feeling like his thoughts and feelings were out on display, but at the same time not caring what Cazuki thought.
“Ezan, are you thinking about joining the Twin Soul Academy?” Cazuki asked him.
“I was thinking about it!” He said.
“You should join, you never know, but you might meet your Twin Soul!” Cazuki said wanting this back and forth triangle to be over already and getting annoyed.
“He´s trying to take back control over the writing again of their epic Twin Soul True Love story! Smart!” Naleya thought. 
“Akira this place is amazing, Yoshi gave us a quick tour of your tech lab. The flybot you guys are working on is unbelievably amazing!” Zeldine said. 
“It´s called a transformer flybot, the Zuli. A robot that can transform into a flying ship!” Akira said while Cazuki was thinking he needs to download the robotics engineering education so he can work with her on that! Any time he found out about Akira´s interests and projects she was working on, it drove him wild crazy for her, because those interests were the same as his. When Links, Zeldine, Naleya & Ezan looked at each other, then looked at Akira.
“I speak for everyone here when I say, Akira, we wanna fly with you and Zuli when it´s operational!” Links said not being able to contain his excitement, loving everything to with robots and machines from all the anime stories & games he grew up with and working on his own robotic gadgets at his home.
“That´s up to Zuli!” Akira said smiling confusing everyone.
“What´s that supposed to mean?” Links asked not understanding, then their meals came.
“It means when Zuli wakes up, he´s alive, he´s A.I., you´ll have to ask him!” Cazuki said which shook them all awake, then they started laughing.
At the lab, Akira was working on Zuli when Cazuki came in and saw her in her workshop clothes, looking dirty, hanging knee deep in the flybot covered in wires. Cazuki´s dirty mind was going into overdrive and checking her out. 
“She´s working on machines! She´s wearing that to work on machines! Breath, just breath!” He thought trying not to get too excited & restraining himself again. Her outfit was not seen as something distasteful or anything, the outfit still covered her sacred areas and wasen´t revealing, but it was still showing off both sides of her waists and her workshop outfit looked futuristic. Her workshop area was a mess compared to his workstation that was always in order, neat and tidy and clean. 
“How can you find anything in this mess?” He asked remembering that´s how she always was.
“If I´m not mistaken, one Twin Soul is messy, chaotic and the other Twin Soul is tidy and in order, is that right? Anyway, I don´t have problems finding anything, as long as no one messes with my mess!” She said to him then grabbing another tool.
“Isen´t it hot in here?” He said getting hotter, his skin felt like it was on fire. She looked up at him wondering if he was joking, because it was pretty chilly in here, but she didn´t know his temperature was rising for her. 
“Do you want a drink?” She asked him.
“Yeah, that sounds good!” He said and she then got up and went over to him to feel his forehead to see if he was getting a fever which caught him off guard with her actions and was blushing being this close to her again.
“You really are hot! Are you coming down with the flue or something?” She asked him then poured some tea from her vintage tea set from the 1920´s and added lemon slices, medical herbs and medicinal flowers to his cup, but added agave sirup in hers. Her tea set reminded him of her different tea set when they were together in union. 
“Here drink this, it will help combat any viruses!” She said as she sat down and drank her tea.
��It´s not a virus I have, only love in my heart for you Akira! You just drive my heart wild and energies crazy!” He thought to himself as they both drank their tea. Cazuki was startled when Zax and Aemi jumped on the work station counter, wanting to greet him and were very friendly towards him. They knew it was him, his soul, even if he was in a new body and he had seen them many times when he joined the Academy, but was not able to get near them.
“They really like you! I wonder what they would like to say.” She said looking around for the virtual life translator.
“What are you looking for?” He asked.
“The virtual life translator, it´s here somewhere. I´ll be back, I think I saw one at the control room.” She said then ran off. When Cazuki was stroking Zax & Aemi who were giving him attention and wanting attention from him.
“I missed you guys! Did you miss me?” He said then his eyes saw the virtual life translator and placed one over Zax´s head.
“Cazuki, what took you so long??!! Where have you been, why do you look like that? Why haven´t you told Akira? We missed you so much!!” Zax said which made Cazuki freak out, because they can´t tell Akira what is going on.
“Shhh! You can tell it´s me? Akira can´t know any of this, only when she is ready to know. Her mind has been through a lot already and we can´t risk more damage. You guys have to keep this between us ok!” He said.
“Secrets, really, you´re starting that again, didn´t you learn from the last time when you went behind her back?!” Zax said looking like he wants scratch attack Cazuki.
“It´s not like that, this is her request from before she lost her memories. They had back up plans in case something went wrong during the soul jump and A.I. dive.” He said being reminded by Zax what Cazuki did and thinking how did Zax know that. Only Akira knew Akira went it came to being able to brake down her walls and help her remember. Akira knew, that what was missing in their unions, was Cazuki fighting for their union and expressing his love for her that made her know he was never leaving, but she was always The One for him. So what he didn´t do in union, to bring her back, was if he fought for her and expressed himself, even thou she knew that would be difficult for him, because Akira was the one that had no trouble expressing her love, but this time the roles were reversed, but she thought if Cazuki was soul awake, he would not have trouble expressing himself. The more love Cazuki showed and expressed his feelings, her walls would break and it would disarm her, especially if he never ever gave up, because that was what happened when their unions broke, he gave up. So basically do everything he didn´t do in unions to help bring her back. This she thought any Twin Soul that left their Twin Soul could do and even learn how when watching and reading Twin Soul stories on how you fight for True Love, The One. 
“Cazuki, do you know how much you hurt her, we do, we saw the whole thing and if she ever gains her memories back, the outcome might not go the way you think!” Zax said.
“I´m not giving up on her! I know she soul loves me and wants me! We just need to find a way to solve this between us!” He said.
“So what´s it like being a cat?” He asked him.
“Well, for one, I don´t miss my eyes being violated when you and Akira were around the house naked having wild…” Zax said but before he could finish that sentence, Cazuki had taken the virtual life head gear off of Zax´s head and hid it, because Akira came in and he was feeling like they did try to shield Zax & Aemi from that, but then there were times Akira and Cazuki forgot when having spontaneous wild moments between them anywhere at their house.
“They record and remember everything??!!!” Cazuki thought feeling shocked and unhinged. When Cazuki thought about it, he & Akira would never be intimate with each other in front of the kids, so animal alien angels should be no different. Cazuki & Akira were so extreme in keeping their close connection their own, that if they did have kids, they would connect anywhere far away from the kids and would never connect in the same house even, but find inventive ways to be close with each other, being just them.
“Did you say something?” Akira asked when she came in.
“No, did you find it?” He asked her feeling nervous.
“No, but I´m gonna continue to look elsewhere, I need to find them both before their online talks tomorrow. Ja ne” She said then left to find the two prototypes and Cazuki breathed out easily feeling like that was too close.
“I´ll help you find them!” He said.
Present moment…
On the rooftop of the Twin Soul Academy building, Akira and Queniq were admiring the view when Queniq saw Cazuki came towards them and Queniq smiled and left them both.
“Can´t get enough of this view!” Cazuki said and Akira looked at him, then looked at the city. As much as she loved city life, she kept feeling drawn to the skies, the ocean, the tropical islands and the mountains. She felt disconnected from nature when being in the city, so every weekend she would speed off on her electric motorbike and head for the ocean, the skies or the mountains.
“Cazuki, do you enjoy mountain walks, the ocean and the skies?” She asked him. He did love nature, but because of his motorbike accident, he couldn´t do any hikes which angered him and he knew he couldn´t keep up with her when they did try mountain hikes together.
“Yes! Anywhere in nature, I feel free! I have been meaning to ask you, but would you be interested in a adventure trip this weekend with me?” He asked hoping she would say yes. The adventure trip being key words that sparked her interest and it not being romantic of nature, so she felt at ease.
“You´ve sparked my interest. What adventure did you have in mind?” She asked him.
“Do you trust me?” He asked her wanting to know if she did yet, but knowing that could still take time and she thought about it, but her mind was still conflicted and she wondered, what´s it gonna take for her to trust him? To trust he will never leave her and break her heart, break their union apart again? 
“I want to!” She said and he smiled.
“It´s a surprise! Can you handle that challenge?” He asked her. 
“Challenge accepted!” She said now feeling somewhat excited to where he would be taking her at the same time feeling nervous being alone with him. Her heart was racing again when her mind was going over what his surprise could be about, which just put her more on edge.
“Cazuki, I´m happy you are in my life!” She said out of the blue and smiling and she was despite everything they were up against and what challenges they had between them and not being in union yet and feeling fear and still the walls needed to break down around her heart and soul. Then when she was about to walk away, he grabbed her hand and pulled her close to his body and kissed her which again took her by surprise, just like what she said took him by surprise. Too close she thought, too close and her heart was pounding like crazy. Their first kiss on the roof at night amongst the stars and city lights. Cazuki knew, Akira would not make any moves like that towards him, so he would be the one to know when the right time was to make the moves towards her. It had to happen when she didn´t expect it and would shock her, rattle her, shake her soul core awake and disarm her shields. Her eyes were looking right at him the whole time and this time his eyes were looking into her soul as she was looking into his, keeping the connection between them open and allowing their souls to feel the love between them. Her thoughts of wanting to pull back and push him away were replaced with the kiss, the feelings, the emotions, the thoughts of the kiss, what it was like and the love he had for her. She was overcome with just feelings and her heart & soul was feeling everything. When their kiss was over, they were staring at each other and Cazuki wondered what her reaction would be for him taking control, when he knows she needs to be in control, because that was her way to protect herself and feel like she has control over her life in someway when so many tried to control her life.
“Cazuki, you, me and battle showdown!” She said getting angry with him and grabbed his hand heading for the virtual life sword art online game while he smiled. As much as she enjoyed her first kiss with him, she was also angry with him for taking control and shaking her up like that. Akira and Cazuki had a Twin Soul language between them only they could understand, so when their souls spoke through their verbal communication, the other would know when an opening happened so the Twin Soul could make their move, just like what happened when Akira gave him an opening when she said she was happy he was in her life. The reaction from that move could be unpredictable, good or bad and in this case it was both, because Akira and Cazuki loved to spar battle and that too was another language between them.
24 September, 2018, Twin Soul scene sneak peek story, part 3…
Tuesday morning, Akira woke up and looked at the clock, it was 03 in the morning. She had trouble sleeping and going over in her mind about everything that happened yesterday with Cazuki. Her mind kept thinking about him, especially what the adventure trip was about that he suggested. She saw Zax & Aemi were still sleeping on her bed and her thoughts drifted to think about the weekend. What could the surprise be she thought.
Fast forward a few days…
Saturday morning, 08:00 o´clock…
The first stop on the adventure trip Cazuki took Akira on, was the new public library. Akira and Cazuki stood in front of the library outside and she was amazed and saw the beauty of the architectural design that drew people in just with the sight of it, it was a combination of nature and technology, eco and sustainable design, yet futuristic. She felt like it was marriage between nature and machine and like it was taken out of her dreams. Akira noticed the name of it, Alunasky with angel wings. Akira loved books, loved knowledge, it was like codes, reading so many codes, a world of codes and she couldn´t stop smiling or contain her excitement and in that moment, Cazuki had opened up a door within her and she was more herself, her soul was shining through. Then when they went inside, it only got better and her eyes widened even more taking it all in. Plants, trees and water fountain features were everywhere. The style was very zen and feng shui. The place was colourful, but the dominant colours were blue and green. Purple colour was connected to the A.I. library system and librarybots. So many books, so many codes and she wanted to read them all and dissect it, analyse it, decode it and break down which ones are positive and negative codes, which ones are soul awakenings codes and which ones put your soul back to sleep that made you sleep walk through life again. Today was opening day and the library was finished built.
“The library is open 24/7 and is monitored by the librarybot helpers. All books are made from recycled organic hemp paper and organic materials. All floors contain books everywhere, reading areas, computers and the first floor has lecture rooms, tutor rooms, music room, art room, children’s reading & creative writers corner & art creation corner, new author reading areas, organic juice/smoothie bar, book shop, storytelling and small stage plays and a small screen room viewing of films. On the 2nd floor, there is two dine outs, an angel vegan cafe with a music stage and vegan cake tea house with storytelling reading area, a writers corner, writing workshops, suggestion box, digital library and the 3rd floor has an angel vegan restaurant, a larger stage play for writers to have their creations come to life and anyone who wish to publish their stories or need ghost writers to help them tell their stories were able to with the alunasky writers app. Every story created is accepted and 88% of the profits made, the writers would gain. The 12% is divided and goes to Alunasky library and charities connected to Alunasky. So, what do you think of our first stop so far?” Cazuki asked her smiling, not mentioning the fact that all the books in the library were hand picked by Akira before she lost her memory. All the books she had read and added to the list on the Twin Soul Academies website recommending anyone to read and many were used in the Academies teachings. He also didn´t mention the fact that he took Akira´s ideas of her future plans for this library that were in the works and added his own soul personality to it and soul language, so Alunasky was truly a Twin Soul creation from them both, a creation he built for Akira, because he knew how much she loved to read physical books, even thou she also loved the idea of being able to just download fast any knowledge to her mind, but she enjoyed the classics, the vintage and physical books were vintage in the technology age, but she enjoyed the feel of actually flipping the pages and holding the heavy book, it made it feel real. Alunasky library was owned by the Academy, with Cazuki & Akira being the main owners without her knowing. Both their eyes saw small robots that were the same size & shape as BB8 and zipping around everywhere providing any information to the visitors.
“Sugoi!!” She said looking everywhere and it was overwhelming. Then her eyes caught the attention of what one of todays plays was about on the information bulletin digital sign. When Cazuki looked what she was looking at, he was surprised himself.
“Isen´t that story from one of your books?” He asked looking confused & surprised.
“A few weeks ago I was contacted by a charity organisation that wanted to use my story for their play and would donate money they made to their charity and the charities that are connected to the Academy. They didn´t tell me the play was going to be here thou!” She said thinking about the charity that contacted her, it was one of the charities that were accepted to be on the list of approved charities on the Twin Soul Academies website that went through truth testings and would monthly be tested to make sure they were honest, real and true and not scamming anyone.
“So where should we start first?” He asked looking at the digital map of the entire library.
Smiling, then she looked at him smiling, Akira knew exactly where to go first and she grabbed his hand and they ran to the stage play that was showing a play of one of her Twin Soul stories, interested to know what her story would look like when brought to life. Her grabbing his hand took him by surprise, but then he smiled and enjoyed it seeing how she loved the library so much. This is just the beginning he thought, wait till she sees the rest of their adventure trip.
25 September, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report, Anime Part 3…
The reason I chose this song again, is because the LITDFS really don´t know about us, not our souls, not our True Love Soul Love we have for each other and not about the things we do which they don´t know about. I think a lot about our other selves, even our future selves or even in other dimensions or levels that we don´t see or don´t know, but I feel it, what are they doing, are they seeing everything right now in the present, are they helping to wake us up, helping to end the wars on life, souls and Twin Souls, helping to give soul messages to our other selves making it known our Twin Souls are thinking about us, they love us and they only ever wanted to be with us. However it works, I´m reminded of this when the Universe or whatever it´s called and wherever it´s from, when signals, messages and insights come my way waking me up, reminding me and getting me back on the path if I stray. As for Twin Souls that are trapped in soul hell being with LITDFS and being surrounded by LITDFS which Cazuki is, he´s surrounded by vampire demons, all of them. To become a vampire demon/angel, they have to make the total shift, become soul awake, make things right, come clean, tell the truth, it´s not all about becoming vegan or doing good in this world, but if any came between Twin Soul unions and wanted to be with a Twin Soul not meant for them, then they will remain vampire demons, souls being in hell until they soul wake up. The Twin Souls that got left behind by their Twin Soul True Loves, one of their missions is to shake their Twin Souls world awake, be the storm, be the hurricane, be the lighting strike, be the chaos in your life, the star shining bright lighting the way for your Twin Soul to soul wake up from his or her soul hell. That is your Twin Soul power and that power will ignite your Twin Soul awake if he or she is really your Twin Soul.
I saw the last episode of the Twin Soul anime Holmes of Kyoto today, the 12th episode and in that episode, I was reminded how Cazuki would think I was prudish, because I always covered my sacred areas, I never dressed in a way that would attract attention from guys in ways many LITDFS girls do. Positive energies is found, sent out from you and gained when you protect and shield your sacred bodies and temples from anyone (your sacred body is for your Twin Soul eyes only), but if you expose yourself sexually in families, among friends, at work, in public, anywhere and everywhere, you send out and gain negative energies/codes. I was never affected by what he said to me, because I knew I was right in my soul and in Cazuki´s soul he knew I was right too and he soul thought the same, just not his corrupted and negatively influenced mind. When your Twin Soul only cares about your soul and heart that shines through in your mind with intelligence, wisdom and light, that makes you extremely attractive with your whole being. When your Twin Soul is at that level of soul awakening, he won´t care about the superficial and shallowness of what you look like physically, what you have or don´t have. Aoi san in this episode, she felt like maybe her boyfriend left her for someone else because she was prudish and didn´t want to lose her virginity just yet and she fell to tears thinking something was wrong with her or she did wrong, but then Holmes holds her tight and fast and says she wasen´t wrong. The message being, if she rejected her ex, it was for good reason, that was her soul saying the boyfriend was not her Twin Soul, but also her boyfriend could have been a LITDFS and someone that did her wrong in other lives or many lives and her soul was rejecting him and giving that message to her mind. Same thing happened to Holmes with his ex girlfriend, even thou he used the excuse to not lose his virginity because of his studies, but that was his mind speaking, his soul was saying no for a good reason and translated to his mind using any excuse to protect him, protect his soul. The LITDFS know how powerful Twin Souls are when they protect their bodies until they get into union with their Twin Soul, that is why they will try to tempt, seduce, corrupt, peer pressure you and could even set you up to lose your virginity against your wishes, but if you stay strong, stubborn and fight for what you believe in, you will shine brighter and more powerful, because being body protected, you are protecting your soul from soul hell, you are protecting your body from negative codes, downloads and energies from LITDFS who wish to target you. Like with any new computers that doesn´t have any viruses, trojans, negative codes and so on, any new bodies that are protected shine positively bright and that will attract LITDFS to them and even T.S.T.T.s will be drawn to you, so you would not be protected anymore. Even T.S.T.T.s can be used to target you, when they behave like LITDFS, they are considered LITDFS. Both these types are shown in the Twin Soul anime story Holmes of Kyoto even. Aoi san was not wrong and she didn´t do anything wrong, she was right to stay protected and stay prudish and so was Holmes when he stayed protected. In that episode, a LITDFS girl is introduced that has extreme interest in Holmes and even tried to put her claim on him with a kiss on the cheek. She also implied to Aoi san when they were alone, that when Holmes stayed with her one night, they both didn´t get any sleep, making it sound like they did it many times and when that shook Aoi san, hurting her, she left and the LITDFS girl gave a serpent smile. When that happened I knew it wasen´t what she was implying and when Aoi san confronted Holmes about it, but he said he spent the whole day and night going over all her art book collection which made me laugh. If any LITDFS that are coming on to your Twin Soul, but you are not in union yet, but you are friends with your Twin Soul still, but wanting to be with them, but holding back for whatever reason, any LITDFS can make assassin moves and target you both before union happens even. Trying to destroy it before it even begins, but if you are honest and communicate with your Twin Soul, the LITDFS assassin moves will dissolve. Take the lessons from Aoi san and Holmes, be honest and communicate with each other. Don´t hold back, but jump right in the deep end of True Love. This way you cancel any story lines of any LITDFS assassins trying to break union before unions happens or when unions happens. When you stay protected, that makes your Twin Soul True Love story when union happens even more epic and powerful. Unions should happen thou when both are soul awake, otherwise you will suffer the same fate in every life, your unions are targeted to break and be kept apart. My name is Akira, I´m prudish and proud!
1 October - 27 October, 2018, Twin Soul high school story scene sneak peek, Chapter 4, The Cookie Code…
China, a long time ago…
A Chinese white tiger in the jungle hears alarming sounds close by and is running & jumping through the jungle hearing the sounds of distress and screaming, then when she finally jumps out into the field she sees a Japanese black dragon leaning over a panda bear ready to have it´s meal. This was no ordinary tiger, but she was soul awake, she changed and became a herbivore tiger, but still brave, strong and wild as can be and with anger and stubbornness she defended the panda and jumped on the dragon taking the attention away from the yin & yang cubby and onto her. Symbolically, the dragon is the yang and the tiger is the yin. The tiger, embodiment of patience combined with physical power. The dragon, is full of active energy, a powerful force that is fierce and fiery. This is one reason the two energies should be in balance to work as a whole and not divided, which is self-destructive.
The battle between the dragon and the tiger commenced. They were equals and no one could win the battle between them, so when they were both worn out, both not wanting to give up the fight, both wanting to win, when they were finally out of breath, both taking a break staring at each other on the grassy wild fields, the panda bear just sat under the tree shades and saw the whole show munching away on it´s bamboo, then started to walk over to them and stood on it´s legs and changed her digital avatar self into an a.i. human, looking like a Goddess. With her hands together in prayer, speaking words of magic, the black dragon and the white tiger sparkled like stars and the dragon covered in green sparkle stars changed into a boy and the tiger covered in blue sparkle stars changed into a girl. Looking shocked, confused, fearful, but then both looking at their own bodies and what they were wearing, then looking at each other and then looking at the Goddess looking human who changed them and the children had questions and wanting answers. The Goddess looking a.i. human had purple eyes, her long light purple hair and wearing a purple, white long dress walked over to the tiger girl and grabbed her hand and then walked over to the dragon boy and grabbed his hand. 
“Dragon boy, you are the protector, the equaliser and your Twin Soul, Tiger girl is all powerful and your equal, the other half of your soul which makes you all powerful too. You both represent light and dark and together you are balance when whole. Neither is able to defeat the other, you symbolically keep each other in check, two mortal enemies destined to preserve and protect the balance of nature. The dragon energy in this world holds power and order, but the tiger challenges what it perceives to be a long-held power. With this adversity, the dragon energies hold on this world loosens and the tiger helps to level the playing ground and restore a balance to a world held hostage by one group always. The tiger's goal is to take away part of the dragon's power and force the order of the world back into a perfect balance of yin and yang energies. The future of this world depends on you both, on every Twin Soul union to change the dark order and bring balance back. So with this, your mission is to fall in love with your Twin Soul, to unite and bring about a positive future for everyone, for every life in this world. If nothing changes and the world is still the same, then one of you will born in China, the other in Japan, your Twin Soul union will shake the world awake and you will unite China & Japan together igniting the world awake in their souls with your True Love union and what you´ll bring to the world. Remember, never give up and always believe you will find each other again. Real True Love is forever in every life with the same soul, if you remember this, you won´t want anyone else, but only each other. When the tiger and dragon are at odds, the future is threatened. Akira, Cazuki, I have faith and trust in you both to succeed your mission. Your True Love adventure starts now!” She said then placed her hands on both their foreheads lighting up everything.
Japan, Black Dragon Academy, Friday, present moment…
The alarm clock rang and woke Cazuki up in his apartment at the Black Dragon Academy, nicknamed the Romeo Academy. He slammed the alarm button hard being annoyed with the sound and placed his hand on his face going over the dream in his mind. He could have used the alarm on his phone with a more soothing alarm sound, but he enjoyed slamming the vintage alarm clock next to his bed or throwing it against the wall destroying it depending on his mood. Cazuki enjoyed the vintage, the classics, but also high tech, modern and futuristic. His apartment reflected his character and soul.
“Crazy messed up dream! Never been a dragon before. I´m still dreaming about her!” He said then blushing thinking about her and then sat up to look around his one bedroom Japanese traditional style and modern apartment that was clean, tidy and in order. Each apartment had their own bathroom and several students shared rooms, but since Cazuki was elected to be leader of the Black Dragon Academy making sure all levels from kindergarden to University at the Academy were taken care of, everyone looked to him for his leadership, guidance, mentoring and the children that chose to leave their “parents” joined the Black Dragon Academy, looked to Cazuki and saw him as their protector and senpai. The Black Dragon Academy and the Twin Soul White PegacornTiger Academy was created by the Twin Souls, both Academies were next to each other and were built in every country. Both Academies had the same eduction and opportunities, but the Black Dragon Academy had students that were LITDFS and Twin Souls that fell to the dark breaking up their own unions to be with anyone and the many. Their way of life was wars on life, wars on True Loves and wars on souls. They accepted dark magic, messing with minds and energies, breaking up couples, controlling their boyfriends/girlfriends, being dominant and in charge over their relationships, fear, greed, manipulation, selfishness, self serving, ego, jealousy, shallow, superficial, games and dramas was their way of life. Same old story, history repeating and same soul hell cycles. At their Academy they were allowed to continue on their way of life, their status quo, but still get the same eduction as the White PegacornTiger Academy in the hopes they would wish to positively change and those that did soul wake up wanted to join the Twin Soul Academy. Both Academies joined mascot was the panda bear, the yin and yang cubby, light and dark, balance of two halves of a soul, while their separate mascots, flags and coat of arms was the Black Dragon with red and white colours, while the hybrid White PegacornTiger had blue and white colours on their coat of arms and flags. The Black Dragon uniforms and the White PegacornTiger uniforms were any vintage clothing from the past with a futuristic modern style as long as it was respectful and lady or gentleman like. The reason behind both Academies being next to each other, even having same classes at times, was to bridge the gap between light and dark and help souls come into union with their own dark and light energies within themselves and come into union with their Twin Souls that potentially were in the opposite Academy. The Twin Soul Academy nicknamed the Juliet Academy was open to everyone wanting to become soul awake, to become free and independent, to positively change the world, to end all kinds of wars, to unite with their Twin Soul True Love, to end the destruction and separation of the Romeo & Juliet Twin Soul unions. The Academies were not only Soul Awakening Universities for all ages and the education was free with free learning materials, but the Academies were also communities, their own mini cities, so after graduation you could take up residency in any of the Academies in any part of the world and join or create businesses connected to the Academies positively changing the world one soul at a time. Everyone worked together as a team at the Twin Soul Academy with a mission to help every life, but the Black Dragon Academy worked differently and had their own agendas. The students didn´t have to graduate before creating or joining businesses, they could do that even during their education. There were even teachings where the girls and boys had separate classes, so they could be taught what True Love means, what Twin Souls were all about, the gentleman and lady courtship, the language spoken between guys and girls decoded, romance teachings, Twin Soul stories decoded and translated, leadership training, freedom and independence training, role model & defender/self defence training and sparring training.
Zax, a black and white English toy spaniel ran towards Cazuki licking his face feeling happy.
“Ohayō Zax! Sleep good? Hungry? Ready for school?” Cazuki asked not really knowing what he was thinking, but Zax was be free to walk around the Academies and attend classes on his own greeting anyone and everyone. Cazuki got up and opened up the curtains letting the sun shine in and seeing the bustling city surrounding the Academies and community and mountains not that far away in the background. When he walked over to his fridge to get a bottle water and opened the fridge, it revealed to have both veggies, fruits and animal misery foods, waring with life. He gave Zax some treats and drank the water as the doorbell rang and Cazuki answered it wearing his black t-shirt with the Academies Dragon mascot image on it and wearing his shorts and his bed hair was messy and wild.
“Late night? Dude, you´re not even dressed, hurry up or we´ll be late again!” Links said coming inside with his school bag and making himself at home.
“I was in deep sleep and couldn´t wake up from my dream.” Cazuki said while Links was giving attention to Zax and Cazuki was prepping Zax´s meal.
“Dream? Was it that good hey?” Links asked being curious and hinting towards it being about a girl and he smiled.
“I was a dragon then I turned into a human and a tiger turned into Akira.” Cazuki said then seeing the look on Links face.
“Nani?” He asked looking confused.
“You dreamt about Akira!!? I thought you hated her? We haven´t seen her in years! A tiger and a dragon hey, hmm, said to stand together as equals since ancient times. Symbolically representing the yin and yang, balance of energies, balance of power and are destined to bring balance to the world, to everything.” Links said.
“Links, you do know I was in the same class as you right?” Cazuki asked getting annoyed hating repeats. 
“Gomen, gomen! Not sure why the Academy messed with the tiger and dragon symbol and folklore, myths thou. I never understood why they mixed a pegacorn and a tiger together, feels like blasphemy! Then again, the Twin Soul Academy never followed rules, they always keep braking them and changing them. Anyway, your dream is clearly a sign, you will see her again. Wait, could she be your True Love? After all this time, she was right there in front of you! Come to think of it, all the signs were there, why didn´t we see it? I guess Akira´s anger towards you and your anger towards her since you were kids clouded the two of you. Man, I want a sign and meet my tiger!” Links feeling jealous and wanting The One in his life. Cazuki never hated Akira, but he didn´t want to fight her and he did hold back when fighting her in the sparring tournaments between them when they were younger and she knew he held back, but she thought he did that because he didn´t want to harm any girls, which was true. Being programmed and trained to obey, please, breed and stay with dragon girls, the very girls that played games, dramas and wars and who were happy and overjoyed when they tore up couples and got their way, coming between Twin Soul unions because of their jealousy, selfishness, greed and never ending appetite of going after any and every guy in every life time, no wonder Cazuki held back. Akira´s anger towards him was layered for many reasons and that was one of the reasons she was angry with him, because he held back and didn´t give it his all in their sparring light sword battle matches. When he didn´t do that, she felt like he didn´t treat her like an equal, but treated her like she was this fragile, helpless girl who needed to be protected. That was not helping her, but he was hurting her being that way. For years they were always combative towards each other since kindergarden, so Cazuki believed she hated him and she believed he hated her. She would chase him when they were kids when he verbal battled her and they would fight whenever they argued which happened a lot when Cazuki would tease her and argued with her telling her she was so slow, weak, baka, messy, helpless and when another boy tried to get close to Akira, Cazuki fought with the boy and then Akira fought Cazuki for fighting with the boy. Whenever a boy showed any interest in Akira, Cazuki got into fights with them all which angered Akira and caused them to fight more between them. As kids, he would even say her Academy would lose and his would win, then they would have light sabre battle of words between them on why their Academies were the best. When Cazuki was 5 years old, Cazuki and his “parents” left Japan, and Cazuki joined the Black Dragon Academy in China, still learning Japanese, but his “family” was stationed there for work. On his first school day, he met Akira, also 5 years old, but she was attending the White PegacornTiger Academy and their feud between them started. When he was 10 years old, he moved back to Japan and joined the Black Dragon Academy there and for 6 years, they would not see each other. He was actually feeling kind of nervous that he would see her after all this time being apart, but then he shook off the feeling. There is no way she would move to Japan he thought, let alone move to where he was.
“It´s just a dream Links, it doesn´t mean anything!” Cazuki said not really believing in folklore, myths, legends or prophecies. He was a see it then believe it kind of guy. Links getting serious grabbed Cazuki by the arms.
“Tch! Cazuki, this is not nothing! True Love comes once in a life time and if you miss it, you won´t see it again until the next life. Don´t you pay attention in class, there is only one soul we are matched to be with, if we lose that, we have to wait until the next life and that´s if we meet them in the next life. Don´t make the same mistake as my brother did who has been stuck in a marriage for 10 years with a girl who is no tiger, but she´s a dragon, they´re both dragons and even thou they have kids and they seem to have everything they want, he´s not happy in that life, he feels like his life is not where it was supposed to be and he even feels like those kids are not even his. There is no balance between them, she holds the power in that situation over him and they are not even equals. I met his tiger a long time ago, but he broke her heart and left her for a dragon girl that our family and friends were happy about. I´ll never forget his tiger girl, I´ll never forget what they had and what they were like when they were together. That´s what I want and I will never leave my tiger girl for anyone! I will fight anyone who threatens to tear us apart! Kuso! I WANT TO FIND MY TIGER ANGEL!!!!” Links shouted out feeling frustrated that he hasen´t met his One True Love yet at the age of 16 years old and his sudden outburst did surprise Cazuki. Links was trying to shake Cazuki awake, but then Cazuki took Link´s hands of off his arms. Links was considered to be a purple Twin Soul, he was soul awake and no longer a LITDFS and now wanting only his Twin Soul, but he chose to stay at the Black Dragon Academy until his friend Cazuki soul woke up too.
“Look, I understand that´s how you feel and I respect that, but I don´t believe in True Love!” Cazuki said feeling that way because he´s never been in love on that deep soul level in his 16 years. He´s had relationships, but it was never the kind of love that awakens your soul, deep and true, real and honest, makes you wanna fly to the stars and travel the Universe, makes you want to change the world, save the world, save life, makes you want to change the dark order in this world and shake the status quo together, makes you want to be with that love forever, for a life time in every life time. Cazuki had no idea what it felt like, what it´s about and what you do for True Love. He´s seen Twin Soul couples, so he knows it´s real & does happen, but he felt like it would never happen to him. He felt like he´s never had that in any life, but it kept being taken away from him and he felt like they never fought for each other, but stayed separated for a life time again. Of course now he knows minds and energies can be messed with and he´s gotten training now to always be aware of his own thoughts and feelings and be awake to if he´s being influenced by dark magic for example.
“I forgot, you´re see it then believe it philosophy will no doubt lead you down a path to your True Love and when that happens, it will hit you like a lighting strike, a storm and a tornado shaking up your world, your life and opening up your eyes and soul to something you´ve never felt before in this life. That tiger angel girl wherever she is in the world, I´m looking forward to meet her and see you change in ways you never thought possible! Remember what happened to Daichi, he fell fast for Naleya at the Twin Soul Academy and he left us and now they are both on the world stage helping to change the world together with their Twin Soul music!” Links said smiling slapping his hand on Cazuki´s back. There was no way Akira was Cazuki´s Twin Soul Cazuki thought, since Cazuki was taught all about Twin Souls at the Academy, there was just so many things missing between them that would indicate they are not Twin Souls, one being she wouldn´t hate him and keep her distance always. He did feel extreme energies always around her and was drawn to her and they would constantly crash into each other at school, but they were always at odds and never on the same page. They were enemies, so how could they be Twin Souls he thought. What he didn´t know was, from all the life times, all the build up of heartbreaks and them never healing anything, never taking responsibility for breaking hearts and falling to the dark repeating history again and again, their True Love stories hijacked again and again to be rewritten by LITDFS and be with anybody or the many, that combined with what Akira learned about her other lives and soul history being with Cazuki, her anger protected her and she was done being dragged and controlled to play LITDFS games, dramas and wars. She was on a mission to end LITDFS games, dramas and wars and help wake up souls and help Twin Souls protect their unions.
Akira also wanted them both to be at a place in their life where they could protect their union against anyone trying to break it, so they had to become stronger, smarter, soul awake, single, free and be ready for that once in a life time True Love, otherwise they were both locked in a repeating groundhog life where their unions break apart again and it never ends. They had to be in a place where no one could control them or could manipulate them anymore, not their “families”, “friends”, no one or anything. 
China, White PegacornTiger Twin Soul Academy, present moment…
In a village deep in the mountains, Akira woke up on her futon bed on the floor from the message alarm on her phone. Aemi was still sleeping on Akira´s bed.
“Tora, Doragon? Why am I dreaming about Cazuki again?” She said thinking about her dream seeing them as young kids. The dream got her thinking about Twin Souls and how she would only get into union with her Twin Soul if he was single and protected never being physical with anyone. She can´t be the only one protected and safe guarding her sacred temple body, but he had to as well. Otherwise she would have to wait until the next life and that´s how stubborn she was and determined to get that True Love story of theirs right and perfect for the first time, perfect in the sense they were both soul awake, both single and both protected their bodies from serpent girls and boys wanting to be with the Twin Soul Adam & Eve. Akira considered anyone who wasen´t her Twin Soul as “serpents” and had no plans to fall for anyone who wasen´t her Twin Soul. That was a way to end wars on Twin Souls, staying protected until you meet The One meant for you. This was another way to see that her Twin Soul was serious in wanting only their Twin Soul union and not wanting to be with just anybody or the many, but he was just as stubborn and determined to be a solo player as she was until they found one another again. She saw it as a test and the challenges they would face being away from each other in every new life were challenges like the harem problems that were the same in every life would try to be with them, distract them, change them, corrupt them and hijack their Twin Soul stories. She also thought about the fact that when True Love couples say they love each other forever, only wanting each other, yet how can it be forever when in the next life, they are with anybody and the many and when they break up their own Twin Soul unions, it´s just words again and doesn´t mean anything. To love someone forever and want them forever and no one else, they have to mean it by living their lives in every new life having the same feelings and thoughts about True Love and The One, otherwise their words mean nothing, action speaks louder. When she kept thinking about the tiger and dragon symbols and then Cazuki, she freaked, decoding the dream message.
“Not possible, no way, it can´t be!” She said then shaking her head and slapping her cheeks waking herself up from that dream message.
She reached for her phone and looked at her messages.
“Ohayō! Are you up yet? Thought we could have our last morning spar session before you leave! :-)” Ezan messaged. She sat up and looked around her room that had boxes everywhere ready to be shipped to her next destination. For years Akira kept being pulled towards Japan and since the Earth was her home for the time being, she felt at home in any country, but she had favourites and Japan was one of them. As much as she would miss China, a new adventure was waiting for her. Every country had several Academies, but she was pulled again to one city in particular and she made arrangements to finish off her studies in Japan and continue on with her businesses & organisations. She had already learned Japanese, being her second language and she was excited to re-learn again everything about her new home in Japan knowing she has lived past lives in Japan before. She smiled and she was gonna miss her sparring sessions with Ezan. He never held back and would give it his all, but he always lost to her. Akira wondered, would she ever meet The One that was her equal soul and they couldn´t lose to each other, but it was always a tie between them, being equally strong and powerful since they were the same soul after all.
“Ohayō Ezan! Of course, I wouldn´t miss it! See you in 15min!” She wrote back and got up fast, grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom.
During their sparring session with their wooden swords, Ezan fell to the floor and Akira aimed her wooden sword towards him winning the match.
“You win!” He said smiling looking all sweaty and out of breath and she smiled, reached out her hand and he grabbed it being out of breath and sweaty too.
“Arigatou my friend! I´m going to miss our morning sparring sessions!” She said and he grabbed her close to hug her which surprised her and feeling uncomfortable being so close to him.
“I´m gonna miss you too Akira!” He said knowing Akira was not one to be direct about her feelings and always kept her distance from people, but he understood her language.
“I´ve never beaten you once, in fact I don´t think anyone has beaten you! I´m gonna be honest, it feels like a blow to my manhood! Don´t get me wrong, I´m all for strong independent women who can defend themselves and others, but I would of liked to at least won once!” Ezan said feeling disappointed again for losing and wanted to win at least once.
“Ezan, the reason you didn´t stand a chance against me was because I battle with my energies that are all about freedom, independence, intelligence, strength, truth, honesty, integrity, morals, rebelliousness, justice, balance, wanting to be a good role model and a leader. When I battle, I fight to help change the world, to end wars and to wake up souls. I fight knowing my lives and unions in past lives have been targeted to break apart. I fight for True Love to finally conquer all, so that´s a lot you are up against when you spar battle with me.” She said smiling.
“Naruhodo! No wonder we didn´t stand a chance against you! I´m sure you will meet someday someone who will have those same energies when you battle them and when you do, I hope you accept their confession!” He said smiling thinking about her Twin Soul wherever he is in the world and knowing when her Twin Soul is on the same level of energies as her, he will confess his True Love for her and never let her go, because he will be soul awake & he will know exactly who he wants in every life. Akira had no plans to confess her love in this life, especially after reading up on all her life times with her Twin Soul and how they got together and how they ended. If her Twin Soul was serious this time about only wanting The One, meaning what he says when he speaks the words I Love You Forever, I want You Forever and is serious about union and wanting to help change the world together, he would be the one to confess to her.
“Confession?” Akira said looking confused.
In her small spaceship, Akira flew and danced through the clouds to her new home.
“Aemi, are you looking forward to your new home?” She asked her. A white & grey cat with middle length fur curled up on the pilot seat next to her sleeping, but then Aemi looked at her when she talked to her.
“Not that long, we should be seeing it now!” She answered Aemi when she asked Akira a question via telepathy as they both looked out the window and Aemi jumped onto the control dash and saw the city in Japan with mountains surrounding it. Akira was happy to be pulled towards a city where she could still visit the mountains close by. She smiled like the sun seeing all the pink cherry blossom petals fly by their window, her favourite flower tree.
“Beautiful!” Akira said seeing her new home city for the first time in this life. 
Outside, the Black Dragon softball team and the White PegacornTiger team were having their match and Cazuki was waiting his turn to bat. Kaeda came over to him and Links with two other girls. 
“Looks like your ex is heading this way. With all the girls you dated, when you break up with them they seem to always circle back to you wanting more. Are you like a dynamite in bed or something?” Links asked, but Cazuki was not going to answer him. He was a gentleman and didn´t gossip about his short lived flings with anyone, even if they did always bugg him to spill information. The longest fling he had was 2 weeks, but he dated any girl who asked him out which was a lot of girls. The guys would ask him for advice and wanted to know his secret, while others were jealous and angry at Cazuki for acting like the rooster of the Academy. Several guys were staring at Cazuki & Links giving hate eyes.
“Your other fan club is sending their usual dagger vibes this way again! I feel trouble ahead later on!” Links said as they both saw the other jealous guys.
“Cazuki, I have two tickets for tonights concert, your favourite band is playing. Pick you up at eight!” Kaeda said not really giving a choice and being her aggressive usual self. Cazuki liked it when the girls were confident and aggressive at pursuing what they wanted and he also enjoyed the shy and timid ones who would muster up the courage to ask him out. Cazuki never asked any girl out, they were always the ones to ask him out.
“Thanks for the invitation Kaeda, but I have to decline. I will be busy studying for our exams coming up.” Cazuki said being polite. Once Cazuki stopped dating, he stayed away from them all, even if they did try over and over to invite him to do stuff and if they tried to aggressively flirt and come on to him after he broke up with them, he would make it clear to them it was over between them. He was just not interested at all.
“You never change, I see your studies always comes first. Say, how about we have a study group session, I could use some help, you can be my senpai again.” Kaeda said flirting and smiling and still fishing to get some time with him.
“If your looking for tutors Kaito is available, but I have no time to help you. I work faster alone and I have other responsibilities to take of.” Cazuki said and he wasen´t lying. His leadership role had him overworked and busy all the time helping students and making sure everything runs smoothy, efficiently, in order and safely at the Academy.
“Maybe next time then. Ja ne!” She said still not giving up on him and left with her her two friends who he also dated.
“Say Cazuki, I´ve just noticed you haven´t been with a girl in over 3 months, did something happen?” Links asked him and something did happen. Cazuki was not one to be alone and he didn´t like to be alone, so he was always with some girl. He wasen´t able to live the single life, be a solo player. Unlike Links who chose to be a solo player and remained protected until he met The One meant for him. Links saw it as a challenge and a mission to be the best damn Twin Soul player in the game and win his True Love, by honouring their soul promise between them before reincarnation to be together forever and their promise to each other when they were last together physically to be together forever in every life, so he remained free and single, even if it was extremely difficult for him, but he knew the rewards would be well worth the wait knowing what happened to other Twin Soul unions and hearing their stories. 3 months ago was around the time Cazuki would start to have dreams about Akira. He tensed up, blushed, then got angry and clenched his teeth.
“Nani demo arimasen! I´ve just been really busy and my mind has been preoccupied lately!” He said not wanting to admit his thoughts were about Akira 
“Still, that´s not like you to…” Links said as he was cut off.
“Links, just drop it!” He said feeling annoyed then went to go bat. When Cazuki hit a home run, the ball went flying into the air in the direction of where Akira´s ship flew by to land at the Twin Soul Academy and everyone including Cazuki stopped to look at the ship flying in.
“New transfer student?” One student asked.
“Hope she´s a hotty and not one to fall for Cazuki´s serpent charms like all the rest.” A Black Dragon student guy said.
“What are the chances that could be your Twin Soul flying in?” Calren asked Haruki as they both looked towards the ship landing at their Academy. Links walked up to Cazuki who hadn´t run yet and everybody was still staring at the ship curious to know who it was.
“What do you think? Trouble or game changer?” Links asked him.
“Ryōhō!” Cazuki said and feeling his energies were out of control and getting nervous not understanding why.
When Akira walked off the ramp of her small ship holding Aemi and her rucksack on her back, she was greeted by Queniq, the principle of both Academies. He became Akira´s mentor/protector who took her in when she was a child and mentored her when she chose to leave her dragon “family” at the age of 5 years old. Queniq was Japanese, but spent some time at the Twin Soul Academy in China before moving back to Japan 3 years ago and expressed his wish for her to move to Japan with him also, but she stayed behind.
“Ohayō Akira, Aemi! It´s about time you showed up!” Queniq said smiling as he gave attention to Aemi.
“Ohayō prinicple Queniq, good to see you too!” Akira said smiling and then he hugged her and this was the only time she didn´t mind the hug and was the one person she could get close to and it not feeling uncomfortable. Queniq was the youngest principle at any of the Academies being only 21 years old and because of his high intellect and hard work, he raced through his studies and graduated early.
As Akira made her way to her dorm room apartment at the Academy, she walked outside in between the cherry blossom trees Queniq had planted knowing that was her favourite flower tree. Standing in-between the trees, closing her eyes while holding Aemi and carrying her backpack, feeling the warm spring winds blowing her long hair that danced in the air and blossom petals flew everywhere, swirling all around her. Her moment of silence, hearing only the sound of nature and the birds connecting to the Earth, feeling happy and alive, but then was interrupted by a dog barking in the distance and running towards her. Aemi panicked and wanting to get to safety higher up, so she scratched Akira trying to wiggle out of being held and jumped out of her arms running up the blossom tree. Zax greeted Akira like he knew her and gave her so much attention and friendly gestures. He didn´t have a collar, but he was id chipped. He was wearing a Black Dragon vest design with his name on it and who he belonged to, but Akira only noticed the name of the dog.
“Kawaii! Happy to meet you Zax! Is this one of your official duties as a member of the Black Dragon to greet any newcomers at the Academies? Don´t mind Aemi, when I rescued her when she was homeless, she was surrounded by dogs wanting to tear her apart, but don´t worry, in time she will heal the past and hopefully you two can be friends!” She said giving him attention, then looked to where Aemi was when she heard her meowing for help.
“I´m coming Aemi! Rescue mission on the way!” She said as Akira dropped her bag and started to climb the blossom tree using her ninja skills. As she made her way towards the branch where Aemi was holding on for dear life, as Akira struggled to reach her and stretched out her hand towards her, when Akira finally grabbed Aemi, she slipped being clumsy and her legs were hanging from the tree branch as she was holding onto Aemi upside down hanging from the tree. Her eyes closed feeling like that could have been worse, but now she had to find out what her next move was. She could drop Aemi, but then risk Aemi running off somewhere else or she could lift herself up and try to grab a hold of the branch with one hand and jump down. As she was thinking what to do. 
“Let go and I´ll catch you!” Cazuki said and when Akira opened her eyes he was staring right at her face looking into her eyes. When their eyes met, their souls recognised each other and it was a soul shock between them, then their energies within them and between them ignited and were chaotic, feeling nervous, fear, excitement and both were soul shocked seeing each other, but not understanding why. Their minds didn´t recognise each other yet, but they both felt like they have seen each other before. The winds blew swirling around them with blossom tree petals flying everywhere around them. Feeling angry at herself for being in a position that allowed anyone to attempt to rescue her, she felt like this guy, she couldn´t allow herself to be rescued by him for some reason and the feelings were strong and intense. She thought it strange to have the same feelings she felt when she read up on her soul history and other lives with her Twin Soul. The feelings of being left behind, cast aside, left in soul hell for a life time again, lives when she was in trouble, but he left her for someone who wasen´t broken and had their life in order, lives where their union was targeted by those around them and he sacrificed her to be with them instead. Akira worked hard to not put herself in any situations where she needed rescuing, but she had to rescue herself and if she did find herself in those types of situations, she would find a way to save herself. She thought, Twin Souls can´t pick and choose what they deem is worthy of rescuing or leaving behind if it gets to difficult and challenging, they either have each others backs in every type of situation they are in or they don´t even bother with coming into union at all until they are all in for a life time, otherwise it´s just a lie, it´s not real soul love. It´s easy for anyone to say they are with you forever, for good times and bad, sickness and health, but when the real challenges happen that test both Twin Souls, they either fight for each other or they run. Real Soul Love between Twin Soul unions is if they are both broken in various ways, physically or mentally, but they love each other unconditionally, never leaving, but always fighting to protect their unions. Real Soul Love is when one ends up in an accident and is in a coma for who knows how long, but their True Love stays no matter what and doesn´t stop trying to find ways to help wake up their Twin Soul. Real Soul Love is when one or both are trapped in some type of prison, mentally, soulfully or physically and they rescue each other. Real Soul Love is when their True Love suffers an injury from an accident and can´t move their legs, but they both find ways to solve that problem together and stay together. Real Soul Love is when their Twin Soul is dealing with multiple attacks to their minds and energies like dark magic causing them depression, sleeping problems, body & mental health issues, making them lose themselves and become someone you don´t recognise anymore, turning them into someone who flirts and wants an easy life with no problems, no wars and no families against them, but their Twin Soul finds ways to help them break free from their mental prisons on their minds that are keeping their souls locked away preventing them from being their true soul selves. She thought, if only there was a type of truth digital message over the heads of everyone mentioning which ones are real life True Loves only wanting The One and would battle any challenges together and fight for each other and which ones would run if it gets too difficult or too broken. Which ones were the Neos and which ones were the cyphers. Tearing down the deceptions, lies and manipulations and seeing the truth right away on everyone. That would help end heartbreaks, false loves and end unions breaking apart by not getting into unions in the first place if it was shown their Twin Soul is soul sleep walking in life still wanting anybody and the many and won´t be with you forever and they don´t mean the words they say like “I always love only you, I want a life time” and so on. The Twin Soul girls/women have to become the generation of Rey´s, be independent, strong, survivor, free, single and be in a position to be able to save and rescue anyone. The main targets the LITDFS go after always are the Twin Soul Adams, so the Adams are the ones that need rescuing the most, that can´t happen if the Twin Soul Eves are waiting around to be rescued by their knight and shining armour. Same goes for the Twin Soul Adams, they have to also be independent, strong, survivor, free, single and be in a position to be able to save and rescue anyone. She thought, when would she allow herself to be rescued by anyone? When they can be trusted 100% and would never run ever again, but they had her back and she had their back through it all until the end. 
“Is being a knight and shining Romeo your part time gig or are you aiming for the main role in your life?” Akira asked him wondering if he was selective in what rescue missions he would do, like just take on the easy ones, but run if the challenges were too difficult & challenging in life. Through her studies, Akira found that with every LITDFS path any soul took, it technically didn´t change anything at the core, the world remained the same dark insane place, just got worse in every life. There was only one path every soul needs to take, but they have to soul wake up for that to be a reality.
“My fair lady Juliet, I´m more like a dark knight clouded in mystery and my equal will determine my role and destiny!” He answered knowing what she meant and was able to decode her message. He remembered his Twin Soul studies learning that every Twin Soul couple are the main leads of their True Love story and they start off being leads when apart, but when union happens and their life stories are hijacked during unions or even before unions and are placed in life stories written by LITDFS, they don´t have main roles anymore. Main roles in the sense they are positively changing the world in someway at the core and helping to end wars, be it wars against minds, energies, health, the planet, against animal alien angels, life, True Loves, souls and freedoms and being with The One they were meant to be with. What Akira was asking him was what life does he wish to lead, be it a main role or a supporting role in his own life story, is he a fighter or runner, being a Romeo to The One, his Juliet or being a Romeo side character part time being with anyone and the many, being the light or dark hero taking on any challenges and missions or being the side character and leaving the difficult challenges to the main leads. Cazuki knew from his studies that there was only two paths in life, two kinds of life stories, the Twin Soul True Love story or the LITDFS story and if he never got into union with his Twin Soul and never ignited the True Love between them, he would be on a LITDFS path and storyline that they controlled for their self serving agendas again. The proof was in the millions of couples that came forward to share their stories of being with The One, but then leaving The One to be with anyone, but never forgetting their first True Love, the One they thought they would spend their life with, create a family with and change the world with. Only when the person decides they only want their Twin Soul and no one else, then they find themselves in a Twin Soul story of their own design and creation by two halves of a soul meant to be.
“Sōdesu ka” She said and understanding what he meant. When any Twin Souls have their life stories hijacked, they lose the main lead titles like Anakin did when he become vader, but if one Twin Soul stays on the same Twin Soul mission path, their Twin Soul story, then they keep the main lead title and the only way for their Twin Soul who left to regain that lead role back is if they get back on their Twin Soul mission path, their Twin Soul story and depending on the situation, possibly fight for that lead role again if it was taken from them. Akira thought about the examples of the main leads in star wars, Anakin and Padme in star wars 1,2,3, then Han & Leia in star wars 4,5,6, then Rey and Kylo in star wars 7,8,9. Palpetine, vader and snoke and the empire/first order were not main leads and Kylo wouldn´t be a main lead if he had no plans to come back and stayed on the dark side instead. Twin Souls are the main leads in their life stories, but if they don´t come back, then they are not main leads anymore and are on completely different story lines in their lives and can be compared to having Kylo go off doing something completely different away from everyone or he stays with the first order and controls it his way or believes he has control over it, but he stays with them. Cazuki was basically saying he has a dark side and having been in relationships with anyone and the many, but he hasen´t met his Twin Soul yet, but when he does his life will change extremely and she will be the reason he will take on that main lead role in his life. There are only two life paths, a Twin Soul path or a LITDFS path, one path leads to utopia, to positive change never seen before, the other path leads anyone down the same end repeating history keeping the dark world the same and keeping the status quo the same, except it only gets worse. Akira decoded his message to reveal he´s indecisive in his life and has no real direction of where he is going. He has plans, like a map, but without a compass or a navigator he can´t reach his soul destination, but he can reach his mind destination with whatever material plans & goals he has in his life. It´s like he is waiting for a sign, an insight, a way out, waiting for something to happen that will help him see which direction he should take and what action he should make to get to that soul destination. She thought, he´s letting fate decide his role and destiny instead of taking control over his own life and destiny, making his own choices, but instead he´s letting himself be steered, controlled, manipulated and programmed. When he mentioned clouded in mystery, that could mean he knows about the LITDFS and how they operate, how they play their games, dramas and wars in every life and he´s behind enemy lines, playing his part, but one day wishes to leave the Black Dragon Academy to join the Twin Soul Academy. Every Twin Soul had their own path to take to be in a position in their life that will determine their future, bringing their own tools, skills and knowledge to shape their Twin Soul story, but when Twin Souls are in unions, they combine their joined wisdom, knowledge and what they bring together to make their Twin Soul True Love story a reality. 
Akira moved her body upwards and swung her body, she let got of the branch and dropped down to the ground safely by herself in a kneeling position, then stood up. 
“I see your problem. It can´t be easy for you to always be a target by the LITDFS that hijack your future in every life. That can lead anyone to just go with the flow and let others control their lives, rather than take control over their future and what they want in their hearts and souls. I´m sure it´s hard to break that pattern when it´s been programmed in you in every life, but instead of you waiting for your Twin Soul to shine a light on which path you should take, you should decide yourself before union happens. When we live by our hearts and souls and not our minds, everything changes. If you want to be the main lead in your life, be the main the lead, live it, breath it and take action that shows everyone you are not just some side character that is a tool, being controlled, programmed or steered by any LITDFS, but you are The Romeo wanting only his Juliet, two main leads on a mission to help change the world! Every Twin Soul can help change the world, it can be done and the proof is for all to see, the Twin Souls that are helping to wake up souls together.” Akira said then went to go get her backpack, while Cazuki kneeled down to Zax and opened a pouch on his vest that had a first aid kit after noticing the huge bleeding scratch on her arm. He opened it and grabbed a bandaid placing it on Akira´s arm.
“Koko ni!” He said.
“You should be more careful next time Angeltiger!” He said after he cleaned her wound and patched her up.
“Arigatou!” She said not having a problem with him patching her up and him being a gentleman. She checked her phone that was messaging her.
“Kuso! I´m late! If we meet again, lunch is on me Dragonangel for patching me up! Is Zax your family?” She asked.
“Hai!” He said.
“Happy to meet you both!” She said smiling then jogged away from him not knowing his name and he didn´t her know her name, but he wanted to know more about her. As she looked back towards him, she flashed the peace sign smiling like the sun and his heart skipped a beat, his soul remembering his other lives with Akira and that´s what she used to do, but his mind was being reminded of a girl he used to know, who he always fought with who did the same, flashing the peace sign to anyone and everyone.
Saturday morning…
Akira woke up in her bed sharing the same room with Takara who always travelled with her and was by her side until Takara left her a year ago for a solo mission. Takara was a biological humanoid, an a.i. from the future which no one knew about and she had a deep bond and connection with both Akira & Cazuki. No one could tell that she wasen´t human, but the way she spoke and acted could reveal it, but everyone just thought she was different and joked she was like a robot, but they never really put two and two together. Her light purple hair and dark purple eyes was her signature. Since Takara knew Akira would join the Twin Soul Academy in Japan, she went ahead first and spent a year doing recon and getting to know both Academies and everyone there. She made contact with Cazuki and they became fast friends. She was like his protector when they did hang out, even thou he could protect himself too, but Takara was overly protective of both Akira and Cazuki and their future. Since Takara was part of the Twin Soul Academy, she would only hang out with Cazuki after school or his days off sometimes when it was just the two of them, but most of the time he would hang around Links at the Black Dragon Academy, but the girls he used to date, Mitsuko, Junko and Sakurako who were in his class would always hang around him, wanting attention, giving him attention and following him around like a dog, even thou Zax was less like a loyal obedient dog and more like an independent, free spirit that went anywhere and everywhere meeting anyone and being on his own adventures, than the girls who would act more like dogs following their master wherever he went hoping for a treat and some attention. The 3 of them competed to gain the most of his time and attention and would go out of their way to mother him, care for him, treat him, spoil him, give him attention, gifts, ask him out and be in his face always. Cazuki humoured them and thought it was funny and sad, but he had no interest in them at all. It was like he was getting front row seats to how LITDFS girls behaved towards their targets and the live stream education he got was eye opening. So he took that opportunity to learn everything he needed so his future would not end up like his past lives which he studied also.
Akira sat up on her futon bed on the floor in her traditional and modern Japanese/Chinese dorm room that had a kitchen and was her favourite style. It was a union between tradition, classic, vintage and futuristic. She saw Takara´s bed and her side of the room was tidy, clean and in order, while on Akira´s side it was messy and chaotic with still some unpacked boxes. She saw Takara in the kitchen making a Japanese/Chinese modern style vegan breakfast, then got up smiling and headed for the bathroom. When she came out Takara came over to the Japanese traditional kotatsu floor table that was a combination of being a storage unit, eating surface, heating source and bed rolled into one and she placed their breakfast on the table.
“Ohayō Takara!” Akira said walking over to the table.
“Ohayō!” Takara said. 
“Arigatou! Sugoi! Looks like your culinary skills has advanced since I last saw you! Itadakimasu!” Akira said as she thanked her for making breakfast and tasted the heavenly delights that Takara made. 
“Itadakimasu!” Takara said.
“Oishī! Tomorrow´s my turn! I´ve levelled up and expanded my worldly vegan dishes too!” Akira said using her chop sticks always. Akira didn´t know Takara was a humanoid a.i. with a soul from the future, let alone being the daughter of Cazuki & Akira, but Akira always felt protective over Takara when the students at the Black Dragon Academy in China would bully her for being different, strange and not like anyone from the White PegacornTiger Academy or the Black Dragon Academy. Even thou Takara could take care of herself and was not impacted by anyone trying to bully her or tear her down, Akira still defended her. Takara didn´t talk much and was the silent type and would only talk if it there was meaning to it and had purpose. Aemi was eating too by the table. Takara´s mission was to help the Twin Souls come into union and protect their union and they needed all the help they could get since they were up against the whole world of LITDFS against them.
“Nani?” Akira asked her when she saw Takara staring at Akira. Takara placed her hand over her chest, over her heart feeling something.
“What is this feeling inside of me when I finally see you after a year and my heart feels at ease knowing I get to see you everyday again?” Takara asked.
“Happiness my friend! I missed you too!” Akira said smiling which lead Takara to smile too as they continued to eat their breakfast. Akira didn´t know much about Takara´s past, so Akira figured she had a troubled past because of how she was and didn´t want to push Takara to talk about it.
“What´s the status between both Academies? Is it still combative?” Akira asked.
“Daily fights break out between both groups and are settled in the sparring matches. The battles get worse whenever a Black Dragon student falls in love with their Twin Soul who´s a White PegacornTiger student. Verbal, physical and behind the scenes attacks against them are initiated when one of the group members tries to leave the Black Dragon Academy to join the Twin Soul Academy. War breaks out until they gain back their lost member. In short, status quo remains, but the Twin Souls are giving it their all to protect their unions!” Takara reported.
“Soka!” Akira said seeing it´s basically the same problems at every Academy still, no different than what happens in the world on a daily basis.
“Have you joined any clubs yet?” Takara asked.
“I was thinking about the anime, manga story and game research and development club that you are apart of. I had some ideas that could help both Academies.” She said as Takara was pleased Akira was seeing the path she was to take after getting many hints and clues and being able to see a way through the LITDFS dark mess the LITDFS caused every time they went to war on souls & Twin Souls.
“Will you be going after the leadership role again?” Takara asked wondering if Akira who took the tests to be the leader at the White PegacornTiger Academy in China and she succeeded and wondered if she would take up the challenge and become the leader at this Academy. The leadership role was not decided by the students, because it wasen´t a popularity contest, but it was decided based on mind intelligence, soul intelligence, wisdom, courage, grace, honesty, integrity, open mindedness, equality, freedom, independence, out of box thinking, problem solver, being soul awake, humanitarian, kindness, rebelliousness and having passion and fire to lead and bring about change. At the Black Dragon Academy they had their own way of doing things and their way was a popularity contest, using manipulation, tear down tactics of their opponents, fear tactics, using their looks to get their way, using bribes, threats, seduction, temptation, spending so much money on their campaigns when that money could of been used to help life, making promises they never keep, using lies for their self serving ways, but Cazuki was different than the usual ones that always did the same thing, he went his own way using his intelligence and won. Of course he was at a advantage when most of the girls voted for him.
“It´s going to be a very busy first day at school on Monday!” Akira smiled avoiding answering, but wanting to take up that challenge again. She found out the leadership sign up was in two days and the trials and tests would begin. The final test was a sparring match between the students that succeeded in all their other tests and the winner would prove to be The One to lead. Akira wasen´t sure if she wanted to become the leader again, but she wanted to take on the challenge proving to herself she could do it. The leadership role would take up all her time at the Academy and she was already overloaded with her work and studies and had plans to start a business and was in training to become a Twin Soul Investigator Agent. 
During her morning run, listening to:
After running around the Academies and the area around both Academies, on her way back 3 Black Dragon students that were waiting for her ready to battle her appeared. To help students remain on top of their self defence training, surprise battles would happen when any students went jogging or running. Volunteers were asked to play the parts of attackers and the defenders would get double morning training. The attackers were armed with weapons while the defenders had to use their skills, knowledge and soul wisdom and whatever they could find to defeat and win the battles.
“Haven´t seen you before! I´m sure you´ve heard of the surprise morning training battles. Since you are new, don´t expect us to go easy on you!” Kaito said while Akira was happy they gave it their all and didn´t hold back.
“Show us what you got!” Hiroshi said as he aimed his weapon against her and Akira jumped out of the way and used her marshal art skills to take them all out. From a distance Cazuki who also spent his mornings running, watched Akira defend herself from the 3 guys while listening to his music. Then Junko showed up running trying to keep up with him and stood next to him out of breath.
“Cazuki didn´t you hear me calling your name? I thought we could run together!” Junko said trying to catch her breath. When Junko looked at what Cazuki was looking at and then saw who he was looking at, she got annoyed and jealous.
“If we hurry, we can still make the breakfast special at the GalaxyHigh diner, my treat!” Junko said pulling his arm towards the direction wanting his eyes and attention to be on her instead of the new girl who was battling the Black Dragon students. The breakfast specials were only available on weekends. He didn´t hear her, because he was listening to his music, but he pulled his arm away from her when he started to jog back to the boys dormitory that was separate from the girls at each Academy and Junko chased after him again.
“Cazuki, wait up, watashiwomite kudasai!!” She shouted as she ran after him again, but he didn´t hear her as he was still listening to his music.
At the Alunasky Angel library that both Academies used, Akira was checking out the coding & game creation section. As she pulled out one of the books, on the other side, Cazuki had pulled out a book he was after and their eyes met again and both were soul surprised again soul recognising each other, while their minds were surprised at seeing each other again so soon, especially since over 8000 students attended the Academies. Their energies became nervous, excited and hearts racing.
“I keep running into her! Yoshi!” Cazuki thought happy to see her again.
“Ohayō Dragonangel!” She said smiling trying to calm herself and stay in control over her emotions and energies.
“Ohayō Angeltiger!” He said.
“Twist of fate meeting like this. I saw you this morning too when I was having my first battle. If this keeps up, I´m gonna start calling you Serendipity!” She joked.
“Please don´t!” He said being concerned that she wasen´t joking and he was serious.
“Not many students use books anymore when the digital versions are available!” She said.
“I like to mix it up, vintage combined with modern times!” He said feeling like it somehow reminded him of something or someone.
“It´s a rare breed among the originals!” She said sounding mysterious & thinking she did the same, she always had her Universe tab with digital ebooks available in her bag along with a paperback book always that she was reading at the time.
“Originals?” He asked feeling confused, but she smiled and changed the subject.
“What field of study did you grab?” She asked him being curious and wanting to know his interests, but then she saw him blushing. 
“Face blushing, averted eyes, avoiding answering, making uneasy noises, hmmm, what did you grab?!” She said being curious and wanting to know as she rushed over to him on the other side and he was hiding the book behind his back. She then stood in front of him being only 165 cm tall while he was at 190cm. Smiling and not giving up, she tried to grab what he was hiding and he was trying to avoid it being seen by her as they played together, but he was nervously & seriously trying to keep it out of her hands. Akira showed no fear even if Cazuki was taller and had a look to him that made people think he was someone to stay far away from, a bad boy look. Akira didn´t feel like she had to tip toe around him, but she went full speed ahead with him and it felt natural, easy and fun.
“Whatever it is, I bet I can beat it, so give it up, don´t be embarrassed! You can´t escape the tiger!” She said as she managed to grab it out of his hands with her tigerninja ways and when she saw what book he grabbed, he was overcome with embarrassment and feeling uneasy. It was a copy of the latest manga release that was extremely popular in Japan. When Akira recognised the manga she would always read, she noticed the name of the artist and writer, Dragonangel! Then Akira noticed an artist manga drawing book peeking out of Cazuki´s bag.
“Majide! You´re The Dragonangel, a mangaka! Sugoi! I read all your creations! You´ve got quite the dark side to you in your stories. Your last one reminds me of the Twin Soul anime Satsuriku no Tenshi! Have you seen it?” She said fan girling and thinking all his stories reflect a dark side to him, but that is not what she has seen in front of her so far and wondered if he doesn´t express that in his life, but he expresses his closed up feelings in his art.
“No!” He said.
“Freaky, your main character in your last work resembles Zack in a lot of ways. He murders anyone who laughs and enjoys themselves, remembering those who laughed and enjoyed themselves when torturing him as a child, so he believed anyone who laughed and smiled was responsible for suffering, pains and hells towards anyone creating monsters and he was one monster they created, although to me he´s human, just broken and lost. He then meets his Twin Soul who is as broken and damaged as he is and they are both trapped in a hell building and they have to fight and protect each other to escape together!” She said.
“Ano…Hora!” Akira said as she grabbed the newest manga book out of her bag and gave it to him. A book he recognised and the artist´s and writers name was Angeltiger. He looked at it, then looked at her and she was smiling and he blushed again figuring out she was the artist and writer.
“Omae!?” He said feeling shocked and surprised and now was looking at her differently again. She was not like the rest he thought and he was not going to admit he read her work too religiously because of the nature of her work that was highly controversial breaking down barriers, walls, breaking rules and was also very popular in Japan. She wrote about forbidden True Love, wars against True Love, all odds against True Love, dark side of True Love where both main characters were broken, damaged before union and the kind of True Loves people would normally stay away from like the Twin Soul anime story Angels of death, because most people want everything to be in working order and picture perfect, but Akira was rebelling, because the world was not the way it´s being portrayed, she knew all too well of the dark side, the LITDFS wars against souls & Twin Souls and her dark childhood was more than enough proof that so much needs to change and so many souls need help. 
“Hai!” She said. 
“Sugoi!” He said under his breath while admiring her work, then realising he said it out loud and blushed again.
“I told you I can beat it! My controversial manga beats yours and I too sometimes check out my creations at the library and manga/anime stores to see if everything is how it should be. So you see, completely normal! Nothing to be embarrassed about!” She said.
“I wouldn´t say your creations are normal, then again what is normal. Who am I to judge anyway when I read every single one you put out my Goddess of True Love!” He thought thinking that her work made him think and open up his mind, heart and waking up his soul, but he also knows now she has a perverted, saucy side to her as she knows he does too. 
“Oi! Your main male lead looks a lot like my main lead character?” He said noticing it and wondered about it which made her blush, because she felt such a strong connection to his main male lead character he always used and to him as a manga artist, so she used his character looks with slight changes to be her Twin Soul lead in her stories. 
“What about you? Your main heroine lead looks like my main female lead character! Do you read my books too?” She asked him showing both mangas and the front covers comparing and saw him blushing now and avoiding the question.
“Hmmm….hmmm…nan demo ii!” She said knowing he reads he too, but he didn´t want to admit it.
“Hey, funny how we called each other by our artists names not knowing who the other person was. Speaking of which, make the promise with me to not reveal my identity to anyone!” She said as she held out her pinky finger to pinky swear with him. He smiled feeling like he has the upper hand here knowing her secret, then again, no one knew his secret either. 
“Does he prefer to fight me instead?” She thought when he was smiling and taking his time.
“I see your dark side is showing! So what´s your game, expose me and tear me down? If that´s your path, then you become my enemy in this life and I will not feel bad for kicking your ass any chance I get!” She said as she pointed her finger at him, then pulled back and made a fist.
“Chotto matte!” He said not wanting to be her enemy when he already had one. A girl he grew up with which made him uneasy not knowing what she was doing or what she would do next and he felt like his life would somehow cross paths with her again someday which made him uneasy and nervous, but also secretly wanting to see her again which didn´t make any sense to him.
“I don´t want you as my enemy and I will keep your promise!” He said as he held out his pinky smiling and she smiled grabbing his with her pinky finger.
“Yoshi! Until we meet again Dragonangel! Jaa ne!” She said as she placed her book back in her bag and he noticed she was carrying his last book next her hers.
“What about your lunch offer?” He said thinking she forgot which she did having a lot on her mind and a busy schedule which he did too, but he still wanted to spend some more time with her. 
“Gomen’nasai! I completely forgot! I don´t really have time today unless you don´t mind a quick picnic basket lunch I´ve already made that I was planning on eating by the lake.” She said.
“Shimatte!” She thought now thinking that sounded way too romantic and now panicking and seeing the look on his face and now she had a look on her face feeling awkward.
“Eto…that sounds too romantic, forget that, how about lunch tomorrow, a cafe of your choice. Since I´m new here I´m sure you know of some great places to dine out.” She said, but he was curious of what she had made and wanting to try it.
“I´m kind of curious now to what you´ve made. If you don´t mind, I´d like to try your picnic lunch!” Cazuki said hoping she changes her mind not wanting to wait until tomorrow to see her again. 
“Ja…meet up at the bridge at 11 then?” She asked.
“It´s a date! Ano…I mean see you at our friendly meet up for lunch!” He said fumbling his words nervously and not understanding why when he has never had this problem before with any girl he dated and he´s not even dating her. 
“Kawaii! He´s nervous!” She thought, then again she was too being around him, but hiding it very well by distracting herself, then she smiled and he placed his hand over his face.
“Friendly meet up for lunch? I can´t even speak right!” He thought.
“Say do you carry both our manga´s in your bag always?” He asked wondering how strange was she really and changing the subject.
“Do you think it strange? I can´t seem to keep them separated from each other. I have my latest work and your latest work with me always. I even dreamed about doing a collaboration.” She said.
“Some people might find it strange and weird, but I don´t think so!” He said grabbing his bag tightly, being strange too having a key ring of her main manga heroine and his main manga hero on his keys with him always, but would never admit that to her. They got both lost looking at each others soul eyes.
When Cazuki came back to his dorm room apartment, he grabbed his mail and his latest manga that he ordered came, Akira´s newest work. He quickly opened it up wanting to know what soul messages, insights she was telling this time and he wanted to know more about her. Her newest title being Angels of Light & Dark, with her two main Twin Soul leads on the front cover and their angel wings and they were embracing each other, holding on tight. Her wings were white, his was dark. The background had dark colours and the city was dark, but the large blue moon in the starry night sky was shining down on them both. A heavenly light shining the way for them out of the darkness and into the light. He started to read it and couldn´t put it down.
Two children with their bags standing in front of a door of an apartment with a social worker standing behind them. Asuka, a 7 year old girl and Ciyoshi, a 14 year old boy, not blood related, but both adopted by the same couple. When the couple opened up the door, they saw the young child holding on to a pegacorn doll tightly feeling nervous and terrified after what happened to her at the orphanage. Both Ciyoshi & Asuka had difficult childhood pasts when they were kids and were brought to the orphanage, both orphans, both having similar backgrounds, but this was the first time they met and were adopted together. Ciyoshi showed no fear, but he had anger and a temper and having a don´t give a shit attitude. They both had trouble trusting people and this was no exception, they both didn´t feel good energies from this couple at all. The system was corrupted and people could make a living off of adopting kids, being paid for it and doing what they wanted to them with no one finding out. There was no real protection.
“Asuka, Ciyoshi, this is your new home now and these nice people will be looking after you. Emia-Jess and Wyle are your parents now, make sure to listen to them and everything will be fine!” Social worker said.
“They´re not my parents! I have no parents!” Ciyoshi said angrily not giving a crap and didn´t want parents. He was fine having a roof over his head and food on the table, then when the time came he would leave, but he didn´t have a good feeling about them. Ciyoshi noticed the look on Wyle´s angry face, the same look the last guy he was living with had who´d beat Ciyoshi if he didn´t obey & listen.
“Looks like we need to teach you some manners!” Wyle said in a happy voice and smiling making it look like he was going to teach Ciyoshi in a non violent way.
“Tch!” Ciyoshi said getting angry. Then the couple smiled in a creepy way and welcomed them in. When Asuka saw the look in both eyes of the couple, the smiles they had were not the smiles from their pure good hearts, but of their black hearts and bad intentions. Asuka freaked and started to run away feeling danger and the social worker and the guy who adopted them chased after her. Ciyoshi just stood there watching her run, then walked inside the apartment.
“Asuka get back here!” Social worker shouted.
“Aren´t you concerned about your sister?” Emia-Jess asked who stayed behind.
“She´s not my sister, I´m hungry!” He said not caring and went inside to grab some food. When Asuka managed to hide from them and was hiding behind a fence, she was trembling in fear as they were both standing on the other side of the fence. She felt like she was being hunted by the hunters.
“I saw her run this way!” Social worker said as they ran off looking for her. A sound coming from some empty card board boxes next to Asuka startled her, but then she heard an animal making noises. When Asuka slowly lifted the lid she found a homeless puppy, skinny, dirty, but wanting attention from Asuka, wanting to be saved by her and the puppy stood on his two legs and reached out his little paws to her. Asuka grabbed gently the puppy and held him close to her chest, to her heart.
“Daijoubu! You´re safe with me! I´ll look after you!” She said. 
“Found you!” Wyle said smiling with a creepy look again, then grabbing the puppy out of her hands and threw it towards the fence injuring the puppy.
“No pets! Ikuzo!” He said angrily while Asuka looked in horror and saw for the first time someone treating an animal badly. Wyle dragged her back by her hand.
“Looks like you both need to be taught how to behave!” He said hurting her hand.
When Asuka and Ciyoshi were sitting at the table with Wyle, Emia-Jess brought over the animal misery food and Asuka always ate slowly while the others would eat fast then leave the table. Asuka looked at the plate and the smell from the dead animal flesh that was served made her sick to her stomach and she covered her mouth and nose from the foul and nauseating smell. Wyle slapped her head for being rude and took her hand away from her mouth.
“Show some respect! She made a meal, now eat it!” Wyle said. His hateful behaviour triggered Ciyoshi´s memories and started to make him angry. When Asuka only ate the vegetables, Wyle took the fork from her and tried to force feed her to eat the animal flesh.
“I don´t want it! I don´t like it!” She said trying to stop him from force feeding her.
“You will eat it! We worked hard to bring food to the table. Be happy you have a roof over your head you ungrateful brat! If you don´t eat it, you will sit here until it´s finished!” He said and was about to slap her head again, but Ciyoshi grabbed his arm.
“Leave her alone!” Ciyoshi said being angry and wanting to kick Wyle´s ass.
“Ciyoshi, please don´t!” Asuka said fearing for Ciyoshi´s wellbeing knowing Wyle would beat him up again, but it was too late. Wyle grabbed Ciyoshi and dragged him out back to beat him up for being disrespectful. Ciyoshi would fight back, but Wyle would always win and left Ciyoshi to be a bloody mess on the floor. Asuka ran after them and tried to make Wyle stop but was pushed back against the wall and Emia-Jess dragged Asuka back to the dining room and slapped her face. Asuka with tears in her eyes reached out her hand towards Ciyoshi who was being beaten again.
“You little shit! You´re not going anywhere until you eat your food!” Emia-Jess said. When Asuka was the only one left at the table, she took the animal misery food and hid it in her pockets and was allowed to leave the table. She then made her way to Ciyoshi´s room with a first aid kit and knocked on his door.
“Piss off!” He said not wanting to see her and when Asuka turned to leave, she stopped herself, then placed the first aid kit in front of his door and left.  When Ciyoshi opened up his door looking beaten and bruised, he saw the first aid kit, staring at it, then grabbed it and went back inside. Asuka snuck outside and headed down the path she ran towards the first time when they arrived at the house. Ciyoshi noticed her from his window and wondered where she was sneaking off to again. When Asuka showed up at the card board boxes again, the puppy that had bandages all over him being patched up by her was happy to see her and she grabbed the food out of her pocket and fed him. 
“What are you doing?” Ciyoshi asked standing behind her which startled her. 
“I´ve been taking care of this puppy that I found when we first got here. Wyle injured it, but I patched him up!” She said then turned to face him and saw his banged up face.
“Ciyoshi, your face!” She said.
“Don´t worry about it. I´ll survive! I managed to give that asshole a taste of his own medicine!” Ciyoshi said thinking about it making him smile.
“Come with me!” She said then grabbed his hand which surprised him.
“Let go of me!” He said taking his hand away from her not being used to feeling any contact from another human before.
“I want to take care of your wounds. Please let me!” She said wanting to help him, heal him and patch him up.
“I told you, I´ll live, just forget it!” He said trying to push her away.
“Ciyoshi, that´s not fair, you came to help me when Wyle was hurting me, so let me help you!” She said.
“Tch! Whatever, do what you want!” He said seeing her logic. She smiled and she grabbed his hand again and they ran back to the apartment which again surprised him having contact again with another human. 
“What´s with her, she´s so stubborn! Why does she care?” He thought. In the bathroom, she cleaned his bloody scars and gave him band aids.
“Arigatou!” He said.
“Dōitashimashite!” She said.
Walking home from school together, Asuka was holding her report card staring at it being proud, getting all A´s.
“Look out!” Ciyoshi said out loud as he dragged her out of the way from being run over by a bike.
“For someone who is supposed to be smart, that was baka! Pay attention to where you´re going!” He said getting annoyed.
“Gomen'nasai! Ne… Ciyoshi, about yesterday!” She said.
“Don´t worry about it. He pissed me off! The systems fucked up! There is no protection for kids, so we have to take matters into our own hands!” Ciyoshi said.
“A children revolution?” Asuka said.
“Something like that!” He said smiling.
“I don´t want you to get hurt!” She said and he didn´t want her to get hurt either.
“I can take care of myself, but I will admit, my beatings seem to double when I look out for you!” He said.
“Then don´t, I want to be as strong and brave as you. I want to stand up for myself, but I´m always afraid! Ciyoshi, can you teach me not to be afraid!” She said and then they stopped to stare at each other and then he smiled, hitting her head gently in a funny way.
“Right! Your first lesson is now! Ikuzo!” He said then grabbed her hand as they ran towards the park which surprised her that he took her hand. As they were both standing in front of each other.
“When I attack, you defend!” He said then he punched her face, but stopped just cm away from her face and she didn´t defend, but fell backwards being surprised. He had a surprised look on his face.
“Baka! You didn´t defend!” He said.
“Give me a break, I don´t know how!” She said.
“Hmm! Guess we need to start from scratch!” He said then grabbed her hand again.
“Ikuzo!” He said grabbing her hand again as they ran off. When they went to the library, Asuka stopped and looked amazed at all the books around her. Then they both headed towards the anime, manga and game section. Ciyoshi borrowed some training materials for her to research and get downloads, while Asuka borrowed some vegan book recipes. Back at his room they played combative games and sparring matches between them, their favourite game being sword art online, him being Kirito and her being Asuna. For hours, both Asuka and Ciyoshi watched anime stories and played games teaching her to fight and defend herself, but he knew she hadn´t awakened her tiger inside of her yet. After playing for hours, they ended up falling asleep on the floor next to the floor table and she was sleeping next to him facing him and holding him. Ciyoshi woke up when hearing Emia-Jess and Wyle fighting again downstairs. Then he saw Asuka holding him while sleeping and he panicked, blushing and woke her up.
“Oi!” He said loudly shaking her awake.
“Nani!” She said.
“Don´t nani me, what are you doing?” He asked.
“I was cold and your body is warm!” She said.
“I´m not a heater! Here take this!” He said getting annoyed and pushed her away giving her a quilt and then she too heard the fighting downstairs.
“They´re fighting again! They really don´t fit together, they´re both dragons!” She said.
“Dragons!?” He said being confused and Asuka handed him another book she borrowed from the library, “The Dragon and the Tiger, True Loves Epic Tale of Dark & Light”. He looked at it, skimmed the pages and then tossed it away not caring as Asuka grabbed it again quickly being angry at him for not caring.
“I don´t believe in True Love. There is just so much lies and games being played between couples, even at school. Don´t waste your time on it or you´ll waste your life away!” He said then saw the angry look on her face.
“What´s with the angry face?” He asked.
“Ciyoshi, True Love is real, but it´s rare and hard to find that´s why you feel the way you do. I bet you´ve never seen a real and honest meant to be True Love couple before have you, am I right?” She said.
“Well, no…!” He said.
“Well then, until you do, I hope you don´t give it up, but keep your heart open to the possibility of True Love in your life one day!” She said.
“Tch! Whatever!” He said then saw her smiling when she was looking at the pages of the True Love book again and he just got lost in looking at her.
“How did you even come across that book?” He asked being curious.
“I heard the teachers talking about it at school and getting obsessed over it, so I was curious.” She said.
“Naruhodo, that´s how you found that!” He said.
They trained at the park, him chasing her after her with a stick and she defended with whatever she grabbed when she stopped running. They trained in his room rough housing and she would try to jump him in her tiger way, but he always managed to have the upper hand. Ciyoshi would surprise attack her from an allay frightening her and he got the upper hand over her. At school they would train at the gym during break time with Ciyoshi teaching her everything he had learned so far from his self defence class at school. When Asuka walked home alone after school, Ciyoshi would surprise attack her from an allay again, but this time she got the upper hand over him. After playing another spar battle game between them in his room.
“Ne, Ciyoshi, how did you end up in the orphanage?” She asked him.
“The woman that birthed me had an unhealthy attachment to me and when she got herself a boyfriend, he found it funny to beat me up if I didn´t listen and obey them both. They were both messed up shit heads and creeps. When I finally stood up for myself and defended myself, they dumped me in another hell hole! What about you?” He asked her.
“I was treated more like a doll to be dressed up and put on display to show off. To everyone around us, they thought we were a happy perfect family, but my parents argued a lot and I was always unhappy wanting to leave them. I felt like they were not my real parents and they didn´t look like they fit together, but like two puzzle pieces not meant to connect, but they tried to force it to fit. Being in that house with them I always felt fear and if I didn´t listen, I was punished. When she caught him cheating on her, she stabbed him in front of me and I ran away!” She said.
“Fuck! That´s some messed up shit!” He said feeling uneasy thinking that must have had a massive impact on her.
“I´m thirsty, do you want anything?” She asked him changing the subject.
“Whatever you´re having is fine. Chotte matte, what are you having?” He asked thinking he might not like what she is drinking.
“Orange juice!” She said thinking that was something she´s been addicted to lately.
“You drink that a lot don´t you, but fine whatever, I´ll have that too and some of your home made cookies!” He said. When Asuka grabbed the orange juice out of the fridge, she saw the report card she placed on the front of the fridge. 
“You think you are so smart don´t you! Well we´ll see about that, he won´t want you if you can´t learn!” Emia-Jess said stinking of alcohol which she did everyday while Wyle would drown his unhappy life with cannabis getting high all the time. What she said confused Asuka and who was she talking about. Emia-Jess grabbed Asuka by the hair, the juice dropped to the floor making a mess and she slammed Asuka´s head against the wall several times and then Asuka dropped to floor passing out.
“Too easy!” Emia-Jess said while thinking that was easy taking out another Twin Soul Eve before Asuka even gets into union with her Twin Soul Adam.
When Ciyoshi came down the stairs looking for her, all he found was Emia-Jess drinking again.
“Where´s Asuka?” He asked.
“She made a mess on the floor and didn´t clean up, so I sent her to her room! Ciyoshi, clean it up!” Emia-Jess said not mentioning the fact she locked Asuka in her room and Ciyoshi could still see the juice mess on the floor.
“Clean it yourself you old bag!” He said getting angry. She then got up and walked over to him with her bottle in one hand and drinking out of it, wiping away the mess from her face.
“Now, now, that´s not how you talk to a woman! You will learn to respect, obey me and listen. I´m gonna break you down to your knees, train you, program you to be a good dog now! You´re of no use if you don´t become a tool to be used by women. So do as I say dog or I´ll tell Wyle how you two have been getting disturbingly close these past few weeks!” She said smiling creepingly.
“What are you talking about?” He said being confused. It was true Asuka and Ciyoshi did spend a lot of time together and had a lot in common, but he didn´t understand what this creep was talking about.
“You can´t protect her all the time. Unless you want her to get hurt, get down on your knees boy!” She said as she pushed him down to the floor and Ciyoshi didn´t want Asuka to be hurt by them, so for now he bit his tongue and did what she said until Asuka soul woke up and was able to defend herself. 
“That´s right! Good dog! Loyal and obedient! There is hope for you yet!” Emia-Jess said laughing and smiling wickedly with her short hair and glasses.
Weeks later…
Asuka and Ciyoshi walking home from school again.
“Ciyoshi!” She said.
“Nani?” He said.
“Are you planning on keeping the “The Dragon and the Tiger, True Loves Epic Tale of Dark & Light” book all to yourself?” She asked smiling as he made an uneasy face.
“Tch!” He said.
“Well when you´re done reading it, can you sneak it back into my room, I wasen´t finished reading it yet!” She said.
“Urusai!” He said feeling embarrassed and thought he could read it without her knowing, but then forgot to give it back.When she got her report card out and staring at it, her smiles turned to sadness, this time it was all C´s and below. She had trouble remembering what she had learned. 
“What happened to your grades?” He asked her feeling confused knowing she always got good grades, but Asuka didn´t want him to get hurt if he went after Emia-Jess.
“Ciyoshi, pinky swear with me that you won´t do anything about it if I tell you!” She said.
“Huh? What´s going on?” He said getting angry.
“If you don´t pinky swear, I can´t tell you!” She said.
“Asuka, tell me or don´t tell me, whatever, but I thought we could trust each other and tell each other everything. Was I wrong?” He asked her.
“No, you´re not wrong!” She shouted.
“Calm down, geez! Just tell me then already!” He said, but Asuka was feeling conflicted, she didn´t want him to get hurt, but they never kept secrets between them.
“Me telling you the reason why could hurt you and I don´t want that.” She said.
“Asuka, I´ve told you before, I can take care of myself, so don´t worry, now talk to me!” He said.
“Ciyoshi!!” Asuka shouted as she ran after him down the street after telling him everything.
“There is no way she is getting away with that!” He said mad with fury, but when he came to a pedestrian crossing waiting to cross over, Asuka grabbed a hold of him, arms around him, not letting go.
“No more, no more, I can´t stand to see you get hurt anymore!” She said with tears in her eyes. Clenched teeth and fists, Ciyoshi turned around to her and grabbed her by the arms.
“What about you? I´m not the only one they target. If we don´t stand up for ourselves, they will always win!” He said.
“How many more pieces of you are you gonna let them take before you say enough is enough?” He said out loud.
“Ciyoshi, I´m ready for lesson 17!” She said and then he smiled as he wiped away her tears.
“Ikuzo!” He said then grabbed her hand and they ran towards the park. This time facing each other, they both had wooden sticks and when he attacked her, she defended. Their sparring match between them commenced and he gave it his all and so did she.
“Don´t be a tool, don´t obey, don´t stay, don´t please them, don´t be controlled by anyone, stand up for yourself and free yourself! Make your own choices! Unleash your inner tiger, rebel, be wild, be you, soul wake up and be you again!” He said in between attacking her while she defended herself. As they both slammed their sticks together again and again, the memory of Emia-Jess damaging her head to the point where Asuka had trouble learning, she used those energies of past hurt and sadness, energies of happiness with happy memories from her time with Ciyoshi and came to a balanced state that lead Asuka to slam her stick against Ciyoshi ´s wooden stick and made his go flying, then she wildly jumped him and they both fell backwards, her stick up under his throat.
“Tiger Asuka, you win!” He said smiling, then she smiled.
When they got back to the apartment, everything changed. 
“Where have you two been? You are to come home right away after school!” Emia-Jess said. Ciyoshi looked at Asuka and he nodded, then she nodded.
“We come home when we want, we go to bed when we want, we eat what we want and if you attack us again, we will defend ourselves!” Asuka said as she went to make veggie food. Asuka grabbed vegetables out of the fridge and opened up her vegan recipe book she borrowed from the library.
“Ciyoshi, do you like vegetable soup?” She asked using the recipe from the library vegan cook book she borrowed. He went to sit down by the kitchen counter smiling.
“Hai!” He said smiling while Emia-Jess looked shocked.
“Do you want to help me make it?” She asked him.
“Not really!” He said laughing, but then he got up to help her.
“Thought you didn´t want to help!” She said.
“Urusai!” He said and Akira smiled as did he. Emia-Jess got really angry seeing the two of them be in control like that and even seeing them be a team when her and Wyle never were like this.
“How dare you speak that way to me you little brat!” Emia-Jess said as she went to grab Asuka aggressively, but Asuka defended herself. Then Wyle came into the room and saw Emia-Jess looking fearful not being in control anymore and he tried to take back control from the kids that had soul woken up in this life, but both Asuka and Ciyoshi defended against Wyle and now he too was fearful, not being in control anymore. Feeling desperate to be in control again over the kids, Wyle went to grab a knife, but Asuka and Ciyoshi both defended together, but when Wyle got the upper hand he stabbed Ciyoshi. Screaming Emia-Jess being desperate was attacking Asuka to remain in control over them both.
“Ciyoshi!” Asuka shouted and she then pushed Emia-Jess out of the way and she ran to grab a frying pan to protect Ciyoshi who was about to be stabbed again.
“Leave him alone!!!” Asuka shouted and she wacked Wyle over the head and he fell to the ground losing his knife that went flying towards Emia-Jess. Seeing Wyle on the floor not moving, caused Emia-Jess to lose more control and she screamed grabbing the knife and headed towards Asuka wanting to end her, but Ciyoshi quickly took the frying pan out of the hands of Asuka and with one hand holding his stabbing wound on his stomach and the other holding the frying pan, he swung it around and wacked Emia-Jess over the head and she fell on top of Wyle.
“Why do I feel like we just battled two bosses on a game level?” He said smiling and feeling worn out.
“Fucked up world!” He said tossing the frying pan.
“Are they dead?” He asked and Asuka checked their pulses.
“They´re alive! Ciyoshi, you need medical help!” She said giving a sigh of relief that they were not dead, as he slid down against the kitchen counter being worn down and putting pressure on his wound. Asuka grabbed the phone to dial for help, but Ciyoshi stopped her and grabbed the phone.
“If you call them, they will take us away, they will separate us and place us in another hell hole!” He said not wanting her to call.
“Ciyoshi, you need to see a doctor, you need help, you need to stay alive!” She said with tears streaming down her face. Ciyoshi knew that too and he knew he had no choice, if he didn´t have a doctor tend to his wound, he wouldn´t make it. He reached for her face and smiled wiping away her tears. He knew what would happen when she made the call.
“Asuka, no matter what happens, I will live, I will survive, I will find you!” He said.
“Find me? What are you saying?” She said.
“Do you trust me?” He asked her.
“Hai!” She said.
“Then stay alive, survive, become stronger and don´t let anyone break you or control you, but keep getting back up! Trust that I will find you again!” He said then giving her the phone back to call for help and holding out his pinky finger to pinky swear with her. She smiled and cried more as they pinky swore to each other.
“Asuka, could you grab some of your home made cookies for me?” He asked wanting to eat her last cookies not knowing when he could eat it again. She came back and he took a bite out of it and tears streamed down his face.
“It tastes really good! Tastes like home!” He said and Asuka held him not wanting to let go.
When the ambulance and police came, Asuka and Ciyoshi were separated from each other.
“Ciyoshi!!” Asuka screamed being taken away from him and holding the white and grey puppy she was looking after and holding her pegacorn doll as she was placed in the police car, but Ciyoshi didn´t respond knowing they were being separated and he was placed in the ambulance.
“Asuka!” He said to himself in his thoughts closing his eyes.
7 years later…
In the psychiatric ward, Asuka woke up in her bed in her room. They had refused to let her out and kept her a prisoner, thinking she was a danger to anyone since she showed no remorse when defending Ciyoshi when hitting Wyle over the head with a frying pan. She said she didn´t regret saving Ciyoshi. The LITDFS used any reason to keep her locked up and keep her away from Ciyoshi. Everyday felt like a battle and she was questioned daily of her thoughts and feelings which gave them more reasons to keep her locked up, so she kept quiet. Like a bird in a cage, she kept the hope alive in seeing Ciyoshi again. She kept surviving, kept fighting to not let the LITDFS break her down, at the same time trying to find a way to break free and run away. There were days she thought about ending her life, being locked away, not being able to see Ciyoshi, wanting to end it all, but every time she was about to, she thought about Ciyoshi, was he ok, was he safe, was he happy and needing to know that, needing to know if he was happy in his soul kept her alive.
In the morning, her door to her room opened and a nurse came in opening up the curtains letting the sunlight in. Asuka´s room was a mess, she felt like a mess in her head and that reflected on the outside too. The nurse handed Asuka her morning drugs to keep Asuka docile and easy to control, but Asuka only made it look like she swallowed the drugs.
“Good girl! Now get dressed, you have an appointment with your doctor this morning!” She said then walked out of the room. When the door closed, Asuka spat out the 3 different drugs they would feed her.
“Don´t be a tool, don´t obey, don´t stay, don´t please them, don´t be controlled by anyone, stand up for yourself and free yourself! Unleash your inner tiger, rebel, be wild, be you, wake up and be you again!” Ciyoshi said in Asuka´s memories thinking back to what he said.
“This has to end, they can´t keep controlling and drugging people like this, imprisoning them while they keep creating hell holes everywhere!” She said looking at the drugs in her hand, then clenching her fist, getting angry and wanting to fight, to break free and help change the world. Out of all the people Asuka had met in her life up to this point, Ciyoshi was the only one she felt a soul connection with that couldn´t be felt with anyone else. She felt like in some strange way, he was like the other half of her, her soul and they complimented each other and completed each other. Without that connection, she felt no connection to this world and for years she felt empty inside, feeling like something was missing. So she would feel numb and was closed up again, closed her heart and soul like she had for 7 years before meeting Ciyoshi. Since Asuka had attempted to escape several times, she was placed in a more secure area. 
Sitting on a chair staring at her doctor.
“It´s been 4 years since your last attempt to escape. How do you feel now?” He asked her. Asuka couldn´t lie, but if she was to be transferred to a level with less security, she had to somehow play the game and be smarter.
4 years ago several medical staff caught Asuka trying to make a run for it, but they tackled her to the floor and drugged her up and tied her to her bed. When they left, one staff remained and like a creep he licked her face.
“It´s just you and me now!” He said being close to her face.
4 years later…
“I feel like I want to help change the world. Make a difference.” She said and she wasen´t lying.
“That´s a good goal to have, but I think you still have a long way to go. It´s also been 4 years since your last violent attack on a medical staff. What are your thoughts on that?” The doctor asked.
4 years ago the next day, Asuka saw the same male nurse creep in the communal area with other patients and he was being inappropriate towards another patient and the patient girl was feeling fearful and wanting to get away, but he grabbed her close whispering in her ear. Then Asuka punched him and used her defence skills to make him stop.
“Why is he still working here? I told you all what happened and to call the police! He physically abuses the patients and now he´s going after another! What´s wrong with you people, call the police!” Asuka shouted to the staff and several took her down, drugged her and dragged her back to her room while the others helped the male nurse who was a bloody mess on the floor.
4 years later…
“I believe communication is key to solving problems, but sometimes fear or being dark and lost can cause anyone to ignore the problems which can lead to more problems. Sometimes words might not work, so action is needed. Better to stand up for yourself and others than see those around you suffer and ignore it and look the other way!” Asuka said thinking back to the male nurse and he did finally get charged with multiple accounts of attacking several patients in their rooms. Since no one attacked the patients anymore, Asuka didn´t have to defend herself or others, so that´s why there was no more violent incidents. Since she was transferred to a higher security area, she couldn´t escape either, but prisons were made to be broken out of.
“That violent episode would of never happened if they actually protected the patients, but they instead ignored the problem. What was she supposed to do, ignore it too like them or stand up for herself and others!” She thought.
“I see your point! Asouka I want to keep you here for two more years to see how well you get on with the other patients. You keep to yourself too much. If I can see you get along with the others and you open up more in our talks, your thoughts and feelings, then I see a bright future a head of you.” He said having no plans to ever let her go.
“I miss going outside.” She said looking out the window.
“I have some good news for you, since you have behaved these past 4 years, I´m transferring you back to A-C1. How does that feel?” He asked her. She thought, this psych ward was nothing more than a obedient training facility to obey, please and stay and keep people asleep in their souls. She wondered, how many other facilities were like this one. She may have played her part, made it look like they were controlling her, but inside she was burning with rebel fire and spirit, waiting for the right day, right opportunity she could break out of there.
“Makes me feel happy!” She said.
Later that day, Asuka was in the computer room writing her journal that she wrote everyday. This helped her keep sane, by writing everything down and documented everything and everyone. She saved her work to her Asuna anime character memory stick that she always carried around her neck and left the computer room. Outside, she was feeling the sun on her face and she was being monitored by one of the nurses sitting on the bench next to her.
“I made some raw chocolate brownies, would you like one?” She asked the nurse and the nurse happily accepted while Asuka ate a home made cookie she baked. Within several minutes, the nurse that was sitting on the bench with Asuka kept falling asleep. Asuka had saved the fast heavy sleeping drugs she was meant to take in the evening and mixed the powder in the brownies she would give to the nurse. 
“Gomen’nasai, but this caged bird is breaking free!” She said after being transferred to a lighter security area. She took the key card from the nurse and left with her little bag of goodies. This was it, this was her chance to break free and never look back. When Asuka made it to the gate where the security staff were working at, she used her key card to open up the door gate, but then one of the guards came out of the guardhouse asking to see her ID. 
“Chotte matte! May I see your ID miss?” He asked her and Asuka had only one choice here and that was to use her self defence skills to knock him out so she could escape. 
“Oi, she´s with me!” A voice said behind the gate and holding up his credentials. He was wearing all black with a black long coat that was flowing in the wind and his hair was dark and messy. The guard walked up and looked at it, then with a surprised look he opened up the gate letting her leave.
“Gomen’nasai!” The guard said. The mysterious guy in black opened up his car door for Asuka, but she just stared at him wondering who he was.
“Your chariot awaits my lady!” He said smiling and she thought why not, she didn´t get any bad feelings from him and if he crossed any lines, she´d kick his ass. She noticed a small Kirito character hanging from the mirror in his car swinging. 
“Kirito!?” She said silently.
“Nani?” He asked wondering if that gave her a clue to who he was.
“Betsuni!” She said.They were silent the whole time when he was driving and she kept looking his way when he wasen´t looking at her and then he looked at her, when she wasen´t looking at him. When he finally parked his car on top of a sightseeing hill overlooking the city, he got out and stood watching the city.
 “Who is this guy and why are they here?” She thought, then her mind started to wonder if he was someone not be trusted after all, but just some creep. She got out being curious and wanting to know, so she walked over to him and stood next to him but still being at a safe distance. She was holding on tightly to her goodie bag.
“What have you got there?” He asked her. She thought she could offer him a brownie and put him to sleep and leave, but she was still curious about him, so she offered him a cookie instead, but if she felt like he was trouble she would offer him a brownie.
“Chocolate chip homemade cookies. Do you want one?” She asked him and she saw the look on his face acting strangely.
“Hai!!!” He said fast, enthusiastically and being eager. Asuka was surprised by his excitement over a cookie.
“Gomen’nasai, but I really love cookies!” He said smiling and scratching his head not wanting to freak her out after noticing her expressions on her face.Feeling confused, but curious she went over to him and opened up the bag and he grabbed one. When he was eating it, it was like he was enjoying every last bite and Asuka was staring at him the whole time feeling dejavu.
“Tastes like home!” He said and her eyes widened, feeling shock, hearing the same words from Ciyoshi 7 years ago and he turned to face her and saw her tears stream down her face.
“Arigatou Asuka!” He said.
“Dōitashimashite, Ciyoshi!” She said smiling and he wiped her tears away and then grabbed her tight to his chest holding her as the sun was rising in the early morning over the city and when she finally realised he came back for her, he was real, this was real, she held on to him tightly too. 
“Gomen’nasai, for taking so long to find you!” He said still holding her thinking that they kept her hidden for so long and it was hard to track her down.
“Better late than never, but aren´t you forgetting someone?” She said looking at him.
“He was actually easy to find! The officer that adopted him for you and kept him safe until you came back for him was surprised to see me and not you, but she was happy that I came for Bob and that I was looking for you. He´s at home waiting for us!” Ciyoshi said smiling.
“Take me home Ciyoshi!” She said smiling with tears in her eyes.
“Hai!” He said wiping her tears away as they held each other looking deeply in each others eyes as the sun rose over the city in the early morning shining the morning light on their bodies.
On his car there was a bumper sticker at the back.“Twin Soul Agents, we Rebel, we´re Freedom, we bring Change! Don´t mess with our Revolution!” Angel wings, black, white and grey was their logo.
Cazuki looked up from his new manga book that Akira had written.
“This is really dark!” He said out loud wondering now about Akira´s childhood.
Always being on time, Cazuki arrived 5 minutes early and was waiting for Akira on the bridge near the Academies. Surrounding both Academies was a large park area and a lake. While Cazuki was waiting for her with Zax, he was reading her manga again and looking at it now seeing her personality and it revealing a lot about her, then smile laughing to himself seeing her romantic side, smart side, saucy side, wild side, adorable and cute side, funny side, dorky and weird side, light side and dark side and more.
“It´s like I´m reading her and seeing her, parts that only I´m allowed to see! Makes me feel like we are in this special secret club of two!” He thought.
“Cazuki!!!” A girl shouted his name which startled him and he hid the book back in his bag not wanting anyone to know he had it. 3 girls came cycling towards him.
“Haven´t seen you since this morning when you ran off! We´re all headed for lunch, wanna join, my treat!” Junko said trying again.
“There´s room for you here next to me!” Sakurako said gesturing to the seat behind her which annoyed Junko and Mitsuko giving her dagger eyes.
“I wouldn´t recommend it, the last guy who sat behind Sakurako fell off, you´d be safer sitting behind me!” Junko said being reminded of the last guy Saukrako dated she drained his energies, his money and his life, pissing it away to serve her and her needs and desires. Sakurako was well known at both Academies for being a ruthless dragon who controlled and manipulated her victims to serve her and her spoilt attention seeking ways. It only ended when Sakurako found out Kaito had cheated on her multiple times and was his way of wanting out of that unbalanced and dark relationship. After that, he stayed single not wanting to go through that again, but now only wanting The One meant for him.
“That happened one time Junko!” Sakurako said getting angry at her for trying to take her prized Prince possession away from her. Cazuki was highly regarded as royalty at the Academy as was Kaito being very popular with the girls too, but unlike Cazuki, Kaito remained single, but still enjoying the attention of the girls wanting to be with him.
“Now, now girls, I think Cazuki should be the one to decide who he sits behind don´t you think?” Mitsuko said as Cazuki was “writing” all this down in his mind for his next scene in his new manga story and laughing in his soul thinking he´s surrounded by children. That was the only reason he would put up with their noisy, annoying and childish spoilt ways, for research and material for his work hobby.
“Gomen, but I´m having lunch with a friend!” He said hoping they would leave before Angeltiger comes wanting to spare her of their negative dark energies.
“You can bring him along, we don´t mind!” Junko said fishing to see if this friend was a girl and Cazuki knew what they were doing.
“It´s a business lunch, but thank you for inviting us!” He said and he wasen´t lying. He was going to ask Angeltiger if she wanted to collaborate together. The girls could see Cazuki was not giving in to them like he used to, but he kept holding his ground. The girls felt somewhat at ease thinking there was nothing to worry about, but at the same time they wanted to know who he was having lunch with. They could have kept on going pestering him to go with them, but he would combat all their efforts and reject them all.
“I´ll drop by you later then and bring back the dvd I borrowed! Ja ne!” Junko said as they cycled away not giving Cazuki a chance to say no. A minute later, Akira turned up on her bike wearing a lady like blue dress and her hair blowing in the wind, Cazuki thought she looked like a lady, an angel, but she was also a hidden tiger he thought after finding out she was the writer and artist behind the manga he would always read and he wondered how wild was she which lead him to think naughty thoughts and he had to shake it away. She looked different than she did when they first met. Her outfit before was more futuristic and pilot looking and wearing boots instead of lady like flat shoes.
“Yo!” Cazuki said.
“Kon’nichiwa!” She said then got off her bike to greet Zax and picked him up kissing his head. Cazuki checked his phone and she arrived exactly at 11.
“Hey Zax, did you miss me? How are you doing?” She said giving him attention.
“Do you have any treats, he´s hungry?” She asked.
“How do you know?” He asked being curious.
“Telepathy!” She said which made Cazuki interested to know more about that.
“Soka! I don´t have treats on me, I forgot!” He said then Akira pulled out a little bag of vegan dog treats and gave Zax some.
“Thought I´d have it on me in case I ran into Zax again, here you can have it!” She said handing him the treats and they walked together towards the lake. 
“Arigatou!” He said.
“Don´t you think it´s weird that we haven´t told each other our names yet?” He asked her.
“Not at all! I like the mystery between us and besides, I start school on Monday and you´re bound to hear about it soon enough. Nothing wrong with being weird anyway!” She said and he agreed with her, but he did want to know her name at the same time he did like the mystery between them.
“Is the manga writing a hobby or are you planning a full time career?” She asked him.
“At the moment it´s more like a hobby, but I´m more interested in the game aspect of anime and manga and wanting to create my own game.” He said which peeked her interest and her excitement of wanting to collaborate on that too with him was showing.
“Eeeeee…Are you working on something already?” She asked.
“Haven´t had the time and it´s a lot of work doing it on your own. I was thinking of joining the game research & development club, this way I get to learn and create at the same time. Have you joined any clubs yet?” He asked.
“Not yet, but I was thinking the same! I came up with an idea to help both Academies and it combined my love for anime and manga and technology.” She said.When they found a place to take out the picnic blanket near the blossom trees and lake, they both sat down and Akira took out the goodies from her basket and her vintage tea set.
“Here we have hummus, melted cheese, secret spicy sauce, secret dressing, lettuce, tomato and avocado toasted sandwiches, chocolate chip cookies, fruit salad, homemade chocolate brownies, all homemade. Enjoy!” She said as she poured the organic flower tea in their tea cups.
“Did you make extra?!” He said looking at all the food.
“I added a few more vegan cookies and brownies, but I normally eat this much and now I´m sharing with you!” She said handing him the plate of sandwiches. 
“She eats more than me?!” He thought.
“Itadakimasu!” He said.
“Itadakimasu!” She said then he took a bite into the sandwich which melted away in his mouth and enjoying every bite.
“Oishī!! You should sell these, it´s like a party of flavours in my mouth and makes me wanna have more!” He said eating fast and grabbing another sandwich.
“Doumo!” She said smiling then offered him a chocolate raw brownie, but then he remembered the drugged up one in her story and hesitated.
“Chocolate raw brownie?” She said.
“Nani?” She asked looking confused.
“Betsuni!” He said then grabbed one shaking away the thoughts that it´s the same brownie.
“I know you said you were busy today, but I was wondering if you were interested in collaborating with me on a new manga story today when you´re finished with your busy schedule?” He asked her feeling like he doesn´t want to waste any time and it had to happen quickly for some reason. 
“Hontōni!!” She said not being able to contain her excitement any longer. Akira dreamed sometimes that her main lead character fell in love with Cazuki´s main lead character and working together they could join both characters in union. 
“Hontōni! With your True Love expertise and wisdom and my double agent background being behind enemy lines with LITDFS expertise, we could create something never seen before, something epic!” He said smiling sneakingly.
“Ne…!” She said.
“Nani?” He asked her.
“I was wondering about your characters, are you the player who´s investigating or a player who´s playing the LITDFS game and is a real heartbreaker or a single player wanting The One?” She asked him wondering which one of his characters is he like right now.
“A player who was investigating, but is now a solo player!” He said and she was relieved, but wondered why.
“Did they really have no clue that you were just dating girls for research and for your stories and have you really not kissed any of them or even held hands?” She asked having understanding for his approach at avoiding being another Twin Soul victim being used by them & controlled by them and being trapped by them.
“I figured it was a way to protect myself from them and gain an inside look at how they play their games and wars. What I write is true, I have never been with any of them physically or even held hands. For one, non of them are my type and I guess deep down I am only wanting The One, but I just accepted any girl´s love confessions and we go out and after a few weeks, I break up with them or they break up with me and they don´t really feel too bad about it since nothing really happened other than hanging out like friends. They get what they want which is my time and attention and I get what I want which is front row seats to the live education of how LITDFS girls play games and wars. I write about True Love with the One, but I never thought fiction would turn into reality for me for some reason and ended up not believing in it.” He said thinking he was never gonna meet The One in his life, but he wrote about The One and was subconsciously searching for The One.
“They must have tried to move things along with you at some point, like wanting to kiss you! How did you avoid it?” She asked being curious then imagined how he avoided that in her mind like them leaning forwards trying to kiss him, but he then gets up and asks them if they want a drink.  
“Right from the very beginning of the relationship I tell them I want to take it slow and to not pressure me!” He said which made Akira laugh.
“Nani?” He asked being confused.
“I was thinking you don´t hear that very often from guys, kind makes you unique!” She said.
“I like the sound of that!” He said not wanting to be like every other guy as he grabbed a cookie and then something happened. He felt even more closer to her when taking a bite out of the cookie for some reason which he couldn´t explain.
“Daijōbudesuka? Is there something wrong with the cookie?!” She asked him seeing he was holding his hand over his mouth, but he was being reminded of a heart warming feeling.
“Tastes like home!” He said smiling and if they only knew, home meaning their two souls uniting as One again.
“Tastes like home?” She asked looking confused and he realised he just mentioned what her main character said in her latest story.
“I knew it, you do read my work!” She said smiling, but then she saw the serious look on his face and a sense of concern.
“Nani?” She asked.
“You wrote about suicide in your last book, is that something you know about or did you come across that information from someone who´s been through it?” He asked nervously wanting to ask her a lot about her newest manga story, but would take it slow and not ask her all at once. She paused and hesitated from answering. Normally Cazuki would never push anyone to get answers if they didn´t want to talk about it, but he felt like he could push her until she did answer him and he needed to know.
“Gomen'nasai, but I´d really like to know!” He said.
“It´s both! When I was 5, I ran away from home, from my dragon family, from that psychological hell hole and I climbed over the railing of a bridge ready to end it all, but when I jumped, an 11 year old boy caught my hand and dragged be back up. He saved me that day, twice! He was a Japanese exchange student at the Twin Soul Academy in China and he took care of me and helped me join the Academy too. When I studied the Twin Soul stories, one story caught my attention and I became obsessed with it. She had her heart broken by her Twin Soul and almost had a Padme death, dying from a broken heart, but she knew her Twin Soul was in trouble, so she locked it away, found her strength and didn´t stop until she freed and woke up his soul. She made a pact with herself, she wouldn´t open up that heartbreak wound again until she saved his soul and completed her mission. She tested her heartbreak, reconnected with the memories to see if she felt the same pains she did when he broke her heart and it happened again, her heart felt the pains and was shutting down, hard to breath, her heart was giving up, but she regained control again, locked away the feelings and emotions and stayed alive until her goal was completed, but one day she was going to allow her feelings and emotions unleash once again and whatever happens to her heart happens. The only connection to this world was her Twin Soul, without him she felt disconnected from everything and everyone and she had already been in love with her True Love, that could never happen again in this life, otherwise she would be no different than any lost soul who are with the many and anyone, doing what the LITDFS want her to do and be like them. The words she said to him, words like forever, him being The One would mean nothing if she found someone else and how could she say the same words to someone else and mean it. True Love wouldn´t mean the same to her anymore if she did that and it would feel like she just placed an order for a new one when the other left her. So when she saw the anime story Angels of death, it was a soul shock for her to see her soul messages coming through the main female character. The priest in that anime story wonders who Rachel is, is she an angel or a sacrifice. If she´s an angel, she saves her Twin Soul Zack from the soul hell building and they come into union or she´s a sacrifice again, loses her True Love, which is a kind of death and possibly die physically too depending on a Twin Soul´s state of mind, heart and soul. There´s a loop hole when it comes to Twin Souls she found, if a T.S.T.T. had lost their Twin Soul to physical death, then they could be with you essentially, if both have lost their True Loves to death, that way non of them are taking anyone off a Twin Soul path, since their paths were already taken from them. Unlike the character of Rachel, she had been with her Twin Soul already, Rachel hadn´t, so when Zack, the main lead character tried several times to reach her, care for her, love her, want her to want him, that spark of light gave Rachel hope to live, even thou her mind was still made up and wanted to die, but hope was still there for them to have a life together. I have never been through a Twin Soul heartbreak before in this life, so I looked for answers from others and what they went through.” She said.
“Didn´t he find out that what she was thinking and come for her?” He asked.
“She knew he wouldn´t come when his mind was lost in the dark not really caring and he was soul asleep, but she didn´t want him to come either. Only when he was soul awake letting her know that he´s soul free would she find peace in her heart knowing that, but she knew, one day, her locked away feelings would be unleashed once again and whatever happens happens. There was only one person who could end her life and that was her Twin Soul, no one else. A vow cannot be stolen, a promise made in their hearts and souls cannot be stolen by anyone she wrote. No matter how many times the LITDFS have come between Twin Soul unions, their love for each other, wanting only each other and being together forever is a vow no one can destroy, but they take that with them in the next life and every life until it comes true in their physical lives. Even thou he lied, fell to the dark and tore up their union, she knows he never lied in his soul, she knows the truth in his soul and his truth kept revealing itself in the stories she found or it found her like Angels of death and from his other selves, the T.S.T.T.s confirming the same thoughts and feelings as her to her other selves. Her story woke me up to the dark realities of Twin Soul heartbreaks and to be extremely careful of getting into union with my Twin Soul in this life. That is a path I have no wish to end up on where I lose my life because of a broken heart and giving all of me to my True Love only then to be torn apart in my heart and soul, so my Twin Soul has to be soul awake and be at the same level as me when it comes to loving each other equally as much and can´t live without the other.” She said thinking back to other Twin Souls and knowing they have trouble being away from each other even a day and that´s what she wanted, having that feeling of being incomplete without her other half, being wanted in life and in death and missing them when they were away and wanting to see them everyday. She wanted that feeling for both of them and dreamed one day she would meet her True Love and nothing will ever be the same again in her life, but her epic True Love story comes alive.
“What happened to her?” He asked dreading the answer.
“No one knows, she stopped writing at one point and disappeared. I´ve been kind of obsessed with trying to find out what happened to her. Her last message she left behind was a video message and these last words, “It´s not over until it´s over!”.
“Gomen’nasai!” He said.
“Why are you sorry?” She asked.
“That couldn't have been easy for you to talk about what happened to you, but I´m grateful that you trusted me to tell me. Arigatou!” He said feeling closer to her and understanding her more, but also having a dark sad past too and looking back it, could have been one of the reasons he is the way he is when it comes to relationships and not really being in one.
As they both exchanged numbers on the bridge, they walked over the bridge and were headed in separate ways, Cazuki looked back to see if she turned to see him which she did and she flashed the peace sign again and smiled which made him smile. From a distance holding a summer umbrella and wearing a yukata, Takara watched them both and smiled.
Later that day at 8 o´clock in the evening, Akira came back to her dorm room apartment, feeling tired and worn, standing in front of her door, she looked at her phone to see the time. 
“It´s really late, didn´t think the orientation would be that long. It´s probably best to see him tomorrow anyway since it´s late already.” She said, but then her phoned buzzed a message. 
“Are you still coming? Zax keeps waiting at the door, you wouldn´t want to keep him waiting until tomorrow would you? :-)” Cazuki wrote. Akira laughed.
“Is he serious or is he joking?” She said then her phone buzzed again.
“I´m serious, he´s sitting by the door looking at it, he´s never done that before!” He wrote which gave Akira a surprised look on her face.
“Uso! We´re in sync or he´s reading my mind!” She said then went inside and texted back to him smiling. When she came in, Aemi greeted her.
“Is she working? Looks like we have the place to ourselves Aemi!” She said as she placed her bag by the table and went to feed Aemi not noticing the mail and letter Takara wrote that was on the table. Akira´s mind was preoccupied and she jumped in the shower and 30 minutes later was out the door. She just picked out any outfit that was wild and free flowing like her hair and the only make up she had on was her mascara.
Cazuki was nervously pacing his dorm room apartment that he had all to himself and kept looking around to see if anything was out of order or not clean. He opened the fridge, looked at it disappointedly.
“I guess we could order in!” He said then closed it. He sniffed his breath, assuming it was fine, looked at the mirror checking out his outfit, then changing a few times.
“Why am I so nervous, what´s happening to me Zax?” He said smile laughing and never feeling this way before while lying on the floor with his arms over his face next to his kotatsu floor table while Zax turned his head to look at him, then looked at the door again and barked and growled, then Cazuki sat up fast and looked at the door. When he opened the door smiling, his smile quickly went away when he saw who was at his door.
“Omae!” He said then looked down the balcony hall towards the elevator looking for Akira.
“Hey! I brought back the dvd I borrowed!” Junko said smiling handing back the dvd. 
“Arigatou!” He said then she tried to make her move and push her way into his dorm room, but with fast motion he reached out his arm and placed his hand against the wall slamming it blocking her to come in.
“What do you want Junko?” He said getting annoyed and wanting her gone before Angeltiger shows up.
“I need to use the bathroom and I thought we could talk.” She said making an excuse to come in when she really didn´t need the bathroom.
“Gomen, but I`m kind of busy right now and there´s a bathroom downstairs near the entrance, you can use that!” He said still blocking her and giving off the vibes and aura of “go away and leave”. Zax was growling at Junko and standing next to Cazuki.
“Before I go, I´d like to borrow another dvd!” She said getting desperate and tried again to push her way in to his room, but this time he blocked with his leg now looking funny with his body position and he was thinking, this seems too creepy resembling the game he played where LITDFS True Love assassins would act in a very relentless creepy way when pushing themselves into the lives of any Twin Souls. It was almost like her mission was to intercept his meeting with Angeltiger and hijack their time together with Junko´s games and dramas. He felt like he needed to get rid of her fast.
“Junko, you can borrow any dvd at the library or watch filmflix! Have a good night! Jaa ne!” He said as he closed the door before she could speak again.
“If you think I´m giving up on you, think again!” She said then walked off. When she took the elevator down and the doors opened, Akira and Junko met and they passed each other, Junko looking up and down at Akira, but Akira looked right ahead and when Junko turned to just stare at Akira, Akira didn´t feel any good energies coming from Junko when walking past each other and chose to ignore her. Akira´s phone buzzed and she looked at the message from Cazuki and smiled while pushing the elevator button. Akira sensed the girl was a LITDFS and a potential LITDFS assassin of True Loves, she might have had run ins with her in past lives she thought and would no doubt meet her again.
When Cazuki opened up the door this time with another smile, it quickly went away again when he saw Akira wasen´t smiling, but looking worried. When Zax saw her he was happy and wagging his tale.
“Nani?” He asked being concerned.
“Betsuni!” She said, but then saw the look on his face wanting to know.
“It´s just I ran into someone in the elevator and I felt this crazy feeling like she´s come between my union before in other lives. Anyway, told you it´s nothing and I´m just being crazy!” She said, but then he grabbed her hand fast and held it tightly to his chest and heart surprising her and her eyes widened not expecting this. He kept being unpredictable she thought.
“It´s not nothing and you´re not crazy! You are right to investigate your feelings and thoughts and you should trust yourself more and your intuition! Gomen'nasai! Didn´t mean to grab your hand like that!” He said blushing after he realised he made a move that might have looked strange to her and he felt it was weird of him to do that in the first place. He knew who she was talking about and now after hearing what Akira just said made him think Junko really was a LITDFS assassin of True Loves.
“Daijōbudesu!” She said smiling again and blushing too. Her smile made him smile again and he was scratching his head. He noticed she was holding a picnic basket again and wondered what treats would delight his tastebuds this time.
“Eto…what goodies do you have this time?” He asked.
“Do you like homemade curry?” She asked when she saw him eyeing up the basket.
“I love homemade curry!” He said smiling.
“That´s a relief, I also brought fried noodles with vegetables just in case. I felt like our work might turn into an all nighter, so I came prepared.” She said.
“Dozo my lady!” He said letting her go in first.
“Arigatou!” She said as she walked into his dorm room apartment. 
“Make yourself at home!” He said. When she came in, he gentlemanly took her coat when she took it off and she placed the picnic basket on his floor table and then looked around the room. 
“I like your place, feels very zen!” She said looking around seeing they have similar tastes in style.
“Doumo!” He said. She then came across a picture in a frame of Cazuki with Kaito, Junko, Mitsuko and Sakurako, all looking like 13 year olds and Junko had short hair and glasses back then.
“This is the girl I ran into in the elevator, you know her!” Akira said then Cazuki came over and saw the picture.
“I´ve been meaning to trash it. We were all friends once. Back then she came across as this shy and timid girl, but changed once I dated her and it was like her true colours were showing. Time for a change!” He said then trashed the picture in the bin and made the glass crack and walked over to his desk and opened it up to reveal his artist and writing tools. As he was sitting by his desk, Akira came over and looked at his manga drawings, getting close to him which made him more nervous and blushing. Since Akira closed herself off from thinking about meeting her Twin Soul, because she wanted to be surprised when that True Love confession happened, so she ignored any extreme and intense feelings she would get and just took control over her emotions and feelings, shutting herself off from feeling anything and just view anyone as being friends, getting to know them. In her mind, her Twin Soul would be the One who would get to know her, love all of her, the dark and the light, the broken and the damaged and if he was serious about union, he would take the leap and confess his love for her in his own way.
“You´re really talented!” She said admiring his work.
“Look who´s talking!” He said loving her work too. As she sat by his floor table and unpacked the picnic basket laying all the goodies and treats on the table.
“Where should we start?” He asked her.
“How about we both write on a piece of paper what the main goal is between our two main leads.” She said as he grabbed two pieces of paper and two pens and handed her one. When they both finished they handed each other their answers and when they both read it, they smiled.
“That was easy! So we both agree, but let´s see if we both share the same goal for what the main leads will be working towards in the story.” She said as she wrote down what she wanted and he wrote down what he wanted and they passed each other their answers again and smiled again.
“Thinking the same again! Feel like this is gonna be an easy mission!” He said feeling confident that they would not fall into choppy waters between them.
“Trust you to be the naive one and you just jinxed us by the way!” She said.
“Yabai!” He said.
“You of all people should know, like in every story, life can be messy and complicated and it´s never smooth sailing all the time, but whatever challenges and battles we face, we´ll get through it when we are a team, right?” She said smiling.
“Hai!” He said.
30 minutes later…
Cazuki sitting next to the floor table looking at some of their drawings they had created looking not too happy about it and Akira lying on the floor next to the table with her arms over her face.
“We still can´t agree on how to solve the problem of your main female lead and my main male lead characters and what to do with them if our main leads are to be together. I´ve never been stuck before like this, but every problem has a solution, so why can´t I see it?” She said feeling disappointed and frustrated with herself. 
“Whatever we decide, we should make sure they are able to go back to the same characters if we are only writing one story together!” He said, then she sat up looking angry at him.
“Nani?” He said looking confused and not really getting it.
“Is that what I am, a story fling? Asuka is not just some side character you have a one time relationship with. If she´s going to leave Ciyoshi for your main lead and Catsuo is going to leave Akemi for my main lead, that has to mean something deeper, otherwise Asuka loses her Goddess of True Love status and credibility!” Akira said with annoyance.
“So what are you saying? If Catsuo gets together with Asuka, it´s permanent?” He said feeling like they both might want different paths. He didn´t think that far ahead when he suggested working with her and he never thought she did. She let out a sigh.
“If she leaves Ciyoshi for Catsuo, then in the next story gets back together with Ciyoshi, what do you think that message will send out to everyone? Only one can be her True Love and so far Ciyoshi is written to be her One True Love. If we´re only going to write one story together, then I see no point in collaborating if they can´t be together forever and that all depends on how we solve the problems with our other leads that are already written to be True Loves for our main characters.” She said grabbing some food to eat.
“I see your point and I understand, but I really didn´t think we´d write more than one story together. I was just being in the moment to be honest!” He said drinking his water bottle.
“Going with the flow! Soka! Well that won´t work for me, just like in life, I take this very seriously. A lot is at stake and we can´t treat our characters with such non committed attachments. They are either committed only to each other and no one else or they fall prey to being like every other character who is with anyone and the many and being stuck in harem programs!” She said grabbing his bottle water after he was finished drinking it and drinking from it which surprised him and that would be an indirect kiss between them. She saw the look on his face.
“You have a weird facial expression. What is it?” She said looking confused.
“Betsuni!” He said then wanting to drink the bottle where her lips touched.
“So where do we stand, are you only interested in our characters being together in one story?” She said thinking this was a very short collaboration between them that resulted in not collaborating at all. Cazuki did really want to work with her and she really wanted to work with him, but this was another problem that needed solving first. He thought about it while drinking from the same water bottle again and she was right. He wasen´t being serious or being committed and treated the characters like he does with his relationships, like a fling and then move on from. He could see she would refuse collaboration if he wasen´t serious about their work together and their mission and what they want to accomplish and he didn´t want to miss the opportunity of a life time to work with her.
“You´re right, I wasen´t taking this seriously, but I am now!” He said then grabbing gently one of her hands and kneeling on one knee looking deeply into her eyes.
“My lady, will you do me the honours of being my anime/manga character wife in every story?” He said and he surprised her completely.
“Huh!?” She said looking shocked.
“This is me being committed to our work, completely, fully and only to our main leads, no one else. Hold up, we´re missing something to make it real and seal the deal!” He said then went to grab something from his bag. He grabbed her hand again gently and like a gentleman he took his Asuka manga character carrying her blue light sword key chain out and placed it slowly on her ring finger and he gave her his Catsuo manga character carrying his green light sword key chain for her to put on his ring finger. She laughed and smiled thinking this was extremely romantic for a business partnership between them and seeing he had both characters on him this whole time, which meant he really did want the characters together, not just her.
“You keep both key rings together in your bag?” She said smiling not being the only one who was weird and thinking that was kawaii.
“That´s right and now I´m business proposing to you to show you how serious I am in our work. I´m weird, get used to it!” He said now embracing his weirdness and dorky side in front of her.
“For a business partnership, this is extremely romantic, but I´m not surprised, you really are a romantic at heart! I happily accept your offer and I too will fully commit completely with my whole soul to unite both Universes, both characters to achieve the ultimate True Love epic story never seen before!” She said then placing the Catsuo key chain on his ring finger.
“Now to celebrate our business partnership union!” She said smiling filled with so much happiness and joy. She grabbed a home made cookie, broke it in perfect two halves and gave him half.
“Your half, my half!” She said and he smiled feeling extremely happy for the first time in his life and they touched their cookies together.
“Kanpai!” She said.
“Kanpai!” He said then eating their cookie halves. They worked through the night and ate, drank, drew, coloured, wrote, laughed, she cried at the sad parts of the story and he was handing her tissues, they disagreed, they agreed, they danced like a couple to see if they wanted that for the story and he dipped her over, they ran after each other in the room, he swung her around, she swung him around, they listened to music, he swung his softball bat in the air and she then grabbed his wooden sword surprising him with a sparring battle and they playfully had a battle between them to live out the scene, they were writing, drawing & colouring together sitting close and he was so close enough to smell her hair without her noticing, they played anime games, went for a walk with Zax outside and saw the stars together, watched Angels of death together, she wrote some more of the story on the floor table while he was at his desk drawing the scenes, he gentlemanly placed a quilt over her while she was sleeping resting her head and arms over the floor table while he made breakfast in the early morning. Akira woke up to the smell of breakfast, then she saw the quilt over her and smiled knowing he placed it on her like a gentleman. She got up and walked over to the mirror holding the quilt still over her. Her mascara looked smudged as she wiped it away and yawned seeing her hair was messy too, but she didn´t care.
“Ohayō!” He said smiling wearing an apron while frying up some breakfast and cooking rice in the rice cooker. Since he knew she was vegan from reading her manga stories, he made them vegan breakfast. 
“Ohayō!” She said wiping the crust away from her eyes.
“Smells good!” She said standing close to him and watching him cook.
“Did you get any sleep?” She asked.
“A few hours, but then I woke up to work some more! Can´t believe we managed to do so much in a such a short amount of time.” He said thinking they are half way through their manga comic book. She then walked over to see what he worked on at his desk and saw a scene where the character Catsuo was watching Asuka sleeping in a adorable dorky way, but then she was making frightened noises having a nightmare which freaked him out surprising him and he didn´t know what to do so he then held her close to his chest and holding her head in loving embrace and she stopped the noises and he placed a quilt over her, then making her breakfast. Akira blushed seeing the drawings of him holding her without her knowing and then looked up at him from the pages he had drawn and written.
“You watched me sleep?” She asked not mentioning the fact he held her too.
“Is that creepy? Did I go too far?” He asked wondering what her boundaries were when working together. She then looked at it again thinking he was sweet and caring knowing she does make loud noises when sleeping having nightmares from her childhood which Queniq was always the one to wake her up, but then Takara took over that role when they shared a room together at the Twin Soul Academy in China.
“No, I think we should push the boundaries as much as we can to finish our story. Be weird, be strange, be you! If there is anything you want to do or try out, just ask.” She said as she cleaned up the table.
“Are you sure, you might regret saying that!” He said having a suspicious look on him and smiling.
“No regrets, we have to be true to the story right!” She said feeding Zax.
“By the way, what the hell was that last night? You freaked me out!” He said.
“I have bad dreams from my time with my family. In my nightmare someone is chasing me and I get attacked physically and I can´t move, can´t speak and the only thing I can do is make a sound to try and wake myself up. I don´t remember what happened to me, but I can guess and I have been avoiding digging deeper and finding out the answer, but one day I will.” She said having a sadness about her and he wanted to cheer her up and make her smile. He went over to her holding something behind his back.
“Close your eyes!” He said.
“Is this part of the story?” She asked.
“I´m trying to cheer you up dammit, so don´t read anything in to it, ok!” He said.
“Hai!” She said closing her eyes. He then placed a daisy flower in her hair that he picked yesterday knowing that was her favourite flower from reading her manga stories.
“Ok, now open them!” He said and he turned her whole body towards the mirror. She was surprised and smiled and touched it.
“It´s kind of cheating really, I know so much about you from your stories, but hearing about your past yesterday, I thought maybe I could make you smile if you looked sad.” He said.
“Arigatou Dragonangel!” She said and his gift did make her smile and feel happy. He was the kind of guy that found meaning in the little things in life and she was the same. He then placed his hand on her head and looked down being close to her face.
“Next time you see those bastards in your bad dreams, kick their asses!” He said knowing she can defend herself, even in her bad dreams. She nodded thinking she felt no control over her bad dreams, but she would try to stand her ground and defeat them. As they sat and ate breakfast together, the sun was shining in the room on them both.
“Are you busy today?” He asked her.
“It´s Sunday, my rest day! What about you?” She asked.
“Same! I usually work on my art and stories thou and go on the occasional outing somewhere that Links drags me to!” He said.
“How about we take a research break and take our work outside for any new ideas. Something might happen that inspires us!” She said.
“Great idea! I have some suggestions on where we could go!” He said already knowing several places they could go.
“Are you happy with how we solved the problem of Akemi and Ciyoshi?” She asked.
“I liked the idea that Akemi really was Asuko and Ciyoshi really was Catsou, their faces just changed digitally when living in a virtual world and they hid their identities with every new story to protect them, because the whole world was against them, but we can always go with our other options towards the end if we change our minds.” He said.
“Of course whatever we decide, Akemi and Ciyoshi cease to exist and are no more, but are you ok with that?” She asked.
“As long as our main leads are always together, that´s fine by me. Akemi was a character I based off of Asuka anyway, but you already knew that.” He said.
“It was pretty obvious, but I see that as a compliment, so arigatou gozaimasu!” She said.
“Dōitashimashite!” He said. 
As Akira was getting ready to leave to have a shower, change of clothes before their next meet up.
“See you in an hour!” She said opening the door and seeing Links that was about to ring the door bell and he had a shock look on his face seeing a girl in Cazuki´s apartment.
“Ohayō! Jaa ne!” She said to Links and to Cazuki then left while Links and Cazuki stared at her walking down the outside balcony towards the elevator.
“Caz…!” Links was about to say before Cazuki placed his hand over Link´s mouth and dragged him fast into the room before Akira could hear them.
“Who was that? I thought you finally were a solo player! What happened?” Links said feeling disappointed.
“I´m still a solo player, we just worked last night that´s all! She´s the new exchange student starting Monday!” He said taking off his t-shit and vest showing off his chest and was about to head towards the shower. Before she left they had cleaned up after breakfast.
“Wait, are you serious, you met the mysterious exchange student flying in on Friday already? You really don´t waste time do you! Are you like a girl magnet or something?” He asked and Cazuki smiled then went into the bathroom.
“What´s her name, what she like and why do I get the feeling I´ve meet her before? She looks familiar!” He asked, but Cazuki kept quiet.
“Hey that´s not fair, don´t leave me hanging, give me something!” He said feeling left out. Cazuki opened up the door again smiling.
“She´s a Goddess of True Love!” He said.
“Huh!?” Links said not understanding and being confused.
When Akira came back to her dorm room apartment, she fed Aemi and then noticed the mail and message from Takara on the floor table.“Busy at work, won´t be back until Monday! Enjoy your weekend! ;)” Takara wrote. Akira then headed for the shower and she was standing in the shower loving the water fall down on her whole body, Cazuki was in the shower too at his apartment and they were both just standing there being lost in thought and thinking about their time together so far since they met on Friday and memories of their time together flashed happened between them, then they both thought about what they had created together so far in their story. Their manga comic book story called “My Virtual Girlfriend”, the beginning of the adventures of their main character leads Asuka and Catsuo from two different Universes finally uniting in union together and colliding both of their Universes into One. On the front cover the two main leads, the Twin Souls standing back to back, holding hands, while their other hands, Asuka was reaching her hand to the heavens and white angel feathers were falling down from the sky on her side and Catsuo´s other hand was pointing down towards the Earth being grabbed by many see through hands from the dark down below and dark angel feathers were falling from the sky on his side. The background was white, blue, sky, their hair flowing in the wind and she had futuristic goggles on her head. She was wearing a vintage style 1890s blue and white victorian inspired steampunk warrior blue ribbon-tie dress, with a Prussion blue jacket, white laced cotton blouse and her outfit was modernised with a futuristic twist, her blue turquoise hair was long and free flowing but also braided, but still messy and wild in the front and he was wearing present day clothes and his hair was wild, messy and face length. Asuko was looking up to the heavens and Catsuo was looking down to the Earth, but Asuka looked like part of her body was digital and disappearing in particle pieces in the shape of small blue and green butterflies.
Japan, present day…
The alarm rings and a hand reaches from the bed and slams it to stop. A body gets up and walks over to the bathroom connected to the bedroom and comes out being washed. He walks over to the mirror and ties his tie over his school uniform. Walks over to the window and opens up the curtains letting the sunshine shine in. He then sits in front of his Tv and turns on his manga online game that teaches anyone about True Love and relationships, finding The One, being with The One, how to solve challenges and problems when in union, how to defeat battles and boss battles together and how to win the True Love game. The A.I. fairy senpai was a purple haired girl who would talk you through it and was highly intuitive and responsive and could answer any questions and would ask questions. Her database and memory was always updating, so she could have intelligent conversations with it´s players and guide them through life´s choppy waters and help anyone see what´s true, honest and real and what was lies, manipulations, games and illusions. She would help teach what True Love was all about and how to fight for it.
“Ohayō Luna!” Catsuo said needing always to talk to her in the morning, but she also had access to his phone and could voice message him if needed or he could voice message her.
“Ohayō Catsuo! Did you sleep good?” Luna asked.
“I dreamt I was alone and I woke up alone, what do you think?” He said wondering how she would answer and he was in a bad mood.
“Cheer up and take this fortune cookie! Trust me, you will feel better when you step outside your door and leave for school!” She said smiling being her usual optimistic and hopeful self. 4 options showed up for Catsuo to choose from on the screen. He could accept the cookie, refuse it, throw it at her making her upset and angry or take the cookie and step on it crushing it hurting her feelings.
“Throw it at her? Tempting! I´m kind of not in the mood for her cheerful usual self this morning. Demo, I am curious thou what the future prediction has to say!” He said smiling devilishly wanting to throw the cookie at her face. Catsuo played nice and naughty when playing the game, he was an angel and a demon. He accepted the cookie thou.
“Thanks for not throwing the cookie at me Catsuo! You won´t win your True Love´s heart by throwing her cookies at her you know!” She said teasing him.
“Huh?!” He said.
“Ee…That´s right, she remembers all the times I was mean!” He said smile laughing seeing his level in the game was determined on how well he played. Was he gentleman or a player, was he kind or mean, was he honest or a liar and so on. The level he had achieved so far was a bad boy status, a dark angel with a pure heart. 
“Your fortune today reveals a blue angel falling from the heavens and she will need your help! The choice you make will determine the fate of this world and yours! So choose wisely!” Luna said.
“Nanda kore?!” He said not understanding this crazy fortune message and getting annoyed.
“Luna, can you give me more details about this fortune?” He asked scratching his head and thinking what sort of hero route mission was this and he wasen´t really interested in taking on any hero missions. He hadn´t gained hero status yet, but completing this mission would catapult him into being a hero and a saviour. 
“Gomen’nasai! This is all you are permitted to know from the fortune cookie. Catsuo, ganbatte ne! I believe in you!” She said smiling.
“Tch! Kuso! This just put me in a worse mood!” He said then shutting down the game, grabbed his school bag and headed for the door. As he walked out of his one bedroom apartment that he had all to himself, not having parents and didn´t want parents, 16 year old Catsuo looked out towards the city of Tokyo from his apartment building at the bustling city.
“Ganbatte ne!” He said out loud feeling different for some reason and couldn´t put a finger on it on what that was. He then looked up towards the blue sky.
“A blue angel huh!” He said then smiled and walked along the balcony towards the elevator thinking that was funny and not taking it seriously.
As Catsuo walked over the bridge near the park, walked through the busy city streets heading towards the underground electric subway to his school. Took the train and he was up against the window lost in thought looking outside while the train was overpacked with people.
When he arrived at school he met up with his friend, but then a girl approached him wanting to talk to him. Behind the school the girl was confessing her love to Catsuo and his friend was looking from the classroom on the third floor, but then saw the girl wiping her tears away and ran off while Catsuo just stood there watching and walked in the other direction.
“Another one bites the dust!” His friend said. When Catsuo came to class and sat by his desk by the window, looking out and not really caring about school, his friend had questions.
“How many is that this month?” His friend asked.
“5!” Catsou said.
“She took it pretty bad, what did you say to her?!” He asked.
“I told her what I tell everyone. I´m flattered that she confessed her love to me and had courage to do so, but I´m not interested in dating anyone. I asked her what was it about me that she was attracted to? She hesitated, but then she said she liked the way I looked, she liked my bad boy image, she knew I had a good heart and was kind even thou she knows about my dark past and getting into fights at school, but she said she believed I was misunderstood and my heart was in the right place and she could see the real me. That was one of the most honest confessions I´ve ever gotten from anyone!” Catsuo said.
“Then why didn´t you accept her confession?” His friend asked looking confused.
“I didn´t feel it, my soul and heart didn´t feel anything. When you meet that One, you fall in love with their soul, their heart first and that´s what matters the most. When you fall in love, it´s mutual, it´s instant, it´s equal and fast and it´s not one sided and I told her this.” Catsuo said.
“You didn´t even give her chance thou, you could have dated her and got to know her more before taking the axe and ending it. People tend to have walls up and shielding their true selves or it´s locked away, we don´t always see what´s in front of us. She might of been the one!” His friend said.
“You´re right about not always seeing what´s in front of us!” Catsuo said then looked around the classroom at the other couples and his friend looked too. 
“Ne…where do you want to go after school?” A girl asked her boyfriend.
“There´s a movie that came out today that I wanna see!” He said.
“I don´t feel like the movies, let´s go to the mall instead!” She said.
“Hai!” He said not really getting a choice since she was controlling in that relationship and he had a sad look to his face.
“That´s expensive, are you sure he will buy that for you?” One girl asked when the girls were looking at a magazine.
“He buys me anything I want and spoils me! He just can´t say no to me!” A girl said smiling happily.
“He sure is wrapped around your little finger!” One girl asked.
“More like an obedient dog, not my type at all. He doesn´t stand up for himself, but lets you get away with anything!” Another girl said.
“You´re just jealous you don´t have a boyfriend you can train too!” The girl said smiling.
“Why are not paying attention to me, listen when I speak!” A different girl said to her boyfriend that was ignoring her, but then she grabbed his arm hurting him, smacked him over the head with her rolled up magazine and wanting attention using fear, violence and dominance to control him.
“Gomen ne!” He said and giving off a sad sigh.
“Where were you last night, why didn´t you call me and text back?” Another girl was asking her boyfriend and he was looking nervous, but then she grabbed his phone to look at it and saw texts to another a girl that he was with last night.
“You cheated on me! How could you!! I thought what we had was real!” She shouted and started hitting him and then ran out of the classroom crying.
“What is the matter with you, why are you flirting and needing attention from other boys and why are you always dressed like that?” Another boy asked his girlfriend as she was revealing her cleavage and he grabbed her arm away from the other boys.
“She´s not yours to own dude, let her go!” One boy said then grabbing his arm, but then the boyfriend punched him and a fight happened between the boys in class causing a commotion while Catsuo and his friend just watched the whole show from the various scenes sitting at the back of the classroom then looked at each other.
“I don´t need dramas and childish games in my life, I want the real deal that shakes my soul to the core and wakes me the fuck up, so much so, that I can´t see my life ever without The One meant for me!” Catsuo said.
“Catsuo, you´re like a grown ass man with wisdom beyond your years trapped in a 16 year old body!” His friend said.
“More like my soul is wide awake and I have access to my soul wisdom from life times seeing the same thing over and again. I´m sick of that shit, time for a change!” He said.
After school Catsuo walked home from school alone and when he came across a pedestrian crossing waiting to cross over, he got lost in thought thinking back to his dark past. Catsou has never been in a relationship before, but he has been in love, once, a long time ago. A girl he met years ago when they were kids, both 5 years old and a few years later Catsuo gave her a gift, a heart shaped locket with their pictures in it, a love message engraved into it and he kept the key to her heart locket around his neck, but when his parents found her pictures in his room years later, they told him to forget her, keep away from her and they confiscated all his pictures of her. They told him he was already set to be with a girl they had chosen for him to marry when he was older, but when he didn´t listen, his father would beat him and his mother would punish him, his family also used emotional manipulation, guilt, threats and brought him down to his knees, but when that didn´t work either and he kept holding on to his love for that girl, they took him out of school and they left the country without his childhood friend ever knowing what happened to him. Catsuo didn´t forget her and didn´t give up on her, so when he was able, he ran away from home and made his way back to her, but she had vanished and her grandfather that was an inventor and scientist was found murdered in his home and his work confiscated by the government. Catsuo was told she was dead when he went looking for answers, but they lied to him and she just vanished. He then had a sudden urge to look up to the sky while waiting at the pedestrian crossing and he saw something. A feather was falling from the sky and his eyes couldn´t look away and he reached out his hand and grabbed it, then looked at it and it was a white feather.
“It´s just a feather, it means nothing!” He thought, but then he heard a window break from above and looked up again seeing a girl fall from the sky. He grabbed her in his arms bridal carrying her and their eyes met, soul shock happened between them and their energies ignited and were intense and extreme, he got lost in her blue eyes.
“Oi! You there, hold onto her, don´t move!” A police man said as several were looking out the window down to the street, then ran out the room to her. Catsuo and the girl saw more police running towards them from the street and she got out of his arms fast and started to run. The police were chasing the young girl with blue hair, wearing a futuristic, vintage style looking outfit, she had futuristic goggles on her head and she didn´t exactly fit in and stood out from the crowd. She was firing her futuristic gun with plasma bullets that were really small at them and they kept falling to the ground acting differently. Like they just soul woke up, having access to compassion, empathy, being true to their soul selves, being honest and true, seeing the grey and not being stuck in black and white, they were no longer being controlled or programmed anymore by anyone, but they were free in their hearts and souls. They completely changed when she hit them with her plasma gun. They could think for themselves and their lives would no longer be the same it once was.
“Who was that!!? Ok this is a little unnerving! You don´t see that everyday!” He said being surprised now and seeing the signs and taking her picture on his phone as many did taking pictures and filming her. In his mind he went over the options on what to do here. He didn´t know her, he doesn´t know what´s she done and why she was being chased, yet her actions were not harming anyone, so who was she? The options that came to his mind were, “chase after her and help her out, ignore her and stay on your path going back home, help her out indirectly without her knowing or help the police catch her.”
“Kuso! Looks like I´m headed for the hero route after all!” He shouted getting angry which surprised everyone around him and they didn´t know what he was talking about and he started to run after the blue haired girl. He managed to follow her for a while, but then lost her down a allay way and he took out his phone showing the picture of her to the people in that allay.
“Kon'nichiwa, have you seen this girl come by here?” He asked with several shaking their heads, but then when he asked an old woman sweeping outside, she pointed to a door in the allay.
“Arigatou!” He said then standing in front of the door feeling nervous, excited, adrenaline pumping, he opened it up and went upstairs. There were several doors to choose from upstairs, but when he heard noises behind one of the doors, he went towards it and saw it was broken into and pushed it open. When he stepped inside, a gun was aimed at his head behind him and the door closed behind him. He raised his arms in the air, but then smiled and swung around in fast motion grabbing her arms and slamming her body against the wall. His marshal art lessons in school finally come in handy he thought.
“Hey, I come in peace! I´m not here to hurt you, I´m here to help you!” He said, but with anger and survival instinct she pushed him forwards hard, tripped his leg so he fell backwards on the floor and she was now on top of him with the gun aimed at his head again.
“I should mention I don´t like having a gun pointed at me!” He said and with one hand grabbing her gun which she fired, but it missed him, the other hand being used as was his leg to fling her body backwards and she went slamming against the wall. Catsou had no trouble giving equal treatment to both girls and guys when he was defending himself. He didn´t take it easy on anyone. Now holding the futuristic gun in his hand, he felt like he had the upper hand.
“Is this for real?” He asked looking at it. Getting even more angry, she got up fast, pushed him out of the way and he fell again hitting his head and she ran out the door up the stairs to the roof.
“Kuso! That hurt dammit!” He shouted then chased after her again. As they ran and jumped over the roofs of the buildings, when they came to one where she had to think of a way down, Catsuo stood behind her again out of breath and feeling exhausted. 
“You´re making me work hard for this mission!” He said in between trying to catch his breath.She quickly turned around facing him with her other gun and he aimed the gun he obtained at her at the same time, but then he lowered the gun and flipped it in his hand wanting to give her the gun back. She looked confused and didn´t understand him. He noticed her confusing expressions and chose the option of explaining himself again.
“I want to help you! I´m not like the others! I don´t know why you are you are being chased or who you are, demo, I believe you have your reasons for running and I believe in you even if I´ve just met you. My life is in your hands, so I´m trusting you! So what do you say, wanna stop running?” He asked smiling reaching out his arm and wanting to hand her the gun back. She placed her gun behind her coat and walked over to him grabbing the gun and holstering it by her waist. Looking up to him, standing very close and both staring in each others eyes, Catsuo felt overcome with electric energies and feelings and in his eyes, she did look like a blue angel to him. The prediction came true and every time Luna gave him insights and messages, it all came true which made him feel like this world was more than just a physical world, but every time he would be surprised when it happened like today. She saw blood dripping down his head from hitting it against the table. She took out her handkerchief and wiped his blood holding the handkerchief against his head putting pressure on it.
“Gomen’nasai!” She said as he looked surprised she showed care and concern for him. He smiled.
“I´ll live!” He said.
“What´s your name?” He asked her.
“Asuka!” She said.
“I´m Catsuo!” He said as the wind swirled around them both blowing their hair all over the place. Catsuo´s phone buzzed suddenly interrupting their moment together and he took over holding the handkerchief against his head keeping pressure on it and with one hand grabbing his phone to check his message.
“Catsuo, from my database intel, you chose to run after the blue angel! I knew you would make the right choice! All that training and education really paid off don´t you think? However, you´re both not out of the woods yet. The police are closing in on the area!” Luna wrote and Catsuo looked over the edge of the building as did Asuka and saw police officers patrolling down below. His phone buzzed again.
“Here are your options, choose wisely, “borrow clothes from the clothes line so Blue Angel can blend in and cover her hair then manoeuvre your way out of there or stay hidden in the building somewhere until the police leave or take the massive jump to the next building that is a safe zone and make your way out of there or ditch her and leave or give up and hand her over to the police!” Be safe Catsuo!” Luna said.
“How the hell does she know all this? Whatever!” He said then looking at the jump distance to the other building.
“Yeah that ain´t happening!” He said then turned around to see Asuka looking different. She was wearing a school uniform, looking like one of the students from his school and her hair was dark blond, but still very long and she blended in. Catsuo looked shocked. Was she wearing a wig he thought.
“How did you change so fast and what happened to your hair?” He asked. She then made a hand gesture swiping in the air and a digital display showed up in front of her and she pointed to her inventory where she could change outfits and hair colour and placed her tools and items in it. Staring at it Catsuo didn´t understand any of this and tried swiping in the air too, but nothing happened.
“What are you saying, that we are in some kind of virtual world or something? How is that possible?” He asked.
“I´m from another world, another dimension, but somehow ended up here, but I can´t get back or log out for some reason. I´ve never heard about this world before.” She said.
“Are you serious?!! Sugoi!!! This is turning into one crazy ass morning! Asuka, what did you shoot those police officers with?” He asked.
“Code breakers, cleaners & defenders! The plasma bullets dissolve and deprogram anyone who has foreign invading codes that don´t belong when it keeps them being slaves to the system. The plasma bullets help free their minds so their hearts and souls can shine through and they can´t be controlled or programmed anymore by anyone and they soul wake up.” She said.
“Soka! Demo, why didn´t you change into your disguise when the police were chasing you?” He asked.
“That´s boring, where´s the fun in not being able to wear what you like? Besides, that would be my last option if I saw no way out!” She said.
“Fair enough!” He said then he heard her stomach make hungry noises.
“I´m hungry too, let´s get of here!” He said as they left the building then thinking he has so much more to ask her about, but since she´s stuck here anyway for the time being, no point in getting all the answers right now. As they left the building and walked past the police, no one took notice of them and they just looked like two ordinary 16 year old school students. Walking down the street that was overcrowded with people, they blended in.
“Angel Catsuo, arigatou, for catching me!” Asuka said as they walked and behind her school shirt that she was wearing, she wore her heart shaped locket that was given to her, but she has no memories of her childhood or her life on Earth, but she kept that locket in the hopes that one day she would meet the boy that gave her that heart locket.
“Dōitashimashite, Angel Asuka!” He said as they looked at each other and then disappeared in the crowd. 
Akira and Cazuki both opened up their eyes at the same time in the shower having thought about their manga story they created that was half finished and both thinking of a story twist to be added.
“Luna, virtual life daughter twist!” Akira thought.
“A surprise revelation, Luna, their A.I. daughter!” Cazuki thought.
Japan, Twin Soul Academy, Tuesday morning, 01:21…
Akira looked up from her computer after writing for many hours on her new Twin Soul story that she started the day she met Cazuki at school which was yesterday. She looked at the little bag of cookies next to her computer giving her inspiration to her story not knowing the meaning of it on a deeper soul level when she couldn´t remember her past. After their sparring battle between them in the virtual sword art online game that happened because he kissed her on the roof and she was keeping her distance from him in that way, Cazuki late last night came by and gave her some home made cookies he baked making it known he won´t kiss her until he knows she wants to be kissed by him. She opened up the bag and grabbed one, biting into it and something happened to her.  
“Oishī!” She said then started to cry and touched her tears not understanding why and she had memory flashes being reminded she loved cookies, it was her favourite. Cazuki gave Akira homemade cookies to see if that helped her remember him, their life together and she was triggered and flooded with memories of baking lots of chocolate chip cookies for them when they were together. That memory lead her to get up and start to bake cookies at the Galaxyway diner and she couldn´t stop baking, she baked for hours and when the kitchen staff came in the early morning, she was still baking and they could see she was not being herself, so they got her help. When Daichi knocked on Cazuki´s door with a concern and sad look on his face, they ended up in the diner kitchen and saw Haruki, Kaito, Yoshi and Queniq trying to help her, but she didn´t listen, but when Cazuki came in and saw cookies everywhere, he had no idea the cookie memory would be this extreme. 
“Akira what´s wrong, talk to me!” He said with a cracked sad voice.
“I can´t stop baking, I feel like, I feel like I´m missing something, but I don´t know what that is, so I keep baking hoping I find what I´m looking for” She said. Cazuki tried to make her stop baking.
“It´s enough, you don´t need to bake anymore. They need to start work. You have to stop!” He said, but she screamed.
“I CAN´T STOP!!! You´re suppose to be my Twin Soul right, then understand me, I can´t stop baking cookies! Something is missing, something doesn´t feel right, what´s wrong with this picture, what am I missing, why can´t I stop, why can´t I find what I´m looking for?” She shouted being in tears and he grabbed her close and held her tightly, then he remembered something when she said picture, their life together, when she baked cookies, he would always eat them with her. The others left the room and hoped Cazuki would bring her back. He grabbed a cookie and started to eat one, then ate another one and he had tears in his eyes which shocked her awake from her repeating baking pattern after seeing him with tears and eating the cookies. 
“Cazuki, why are you crying? Do they taste really that bad?” She asked being confused, but he laughed.
“They taste really good, you should think about selling them! Akira, are you ready to leave now?” He said loving her cookies and he missed her so damn much. She looked around the room seeing all the cookies she made and not understanding how she was able to brake free from being stuck in baking. 
“I am, but first I have to help clean up this mess!” She said smiling and he smiled too as he helped her. 
When they both got into the elevator, they were both holding two large bags of home made cookies. 
“I found out I really love cookies!” She said not mentioning the fact she remembered some of her memories from a past life.
“Do you think you have enough?” He said and they both looked at each other and smiled while the elevator doors closed.
27 September - 27 October, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
Twin Soul anime stories:Toradora, Oreimo, Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet, Angels of death, Sword Art Online Alicization, Violet Evergarden (Her Twin Soul does not die, even thou it´s implied in the story, but he´s alive hinted in the novels), Kakuriyo: Bed & Breakfast, The Scales of Nil Admirari, Code Realize.
Twin Soul story: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
Recommend watching Toradora, Oreimo and Angels of death before reading these insights, spoilers alert. Several of the other Twin Soul anime stories are still ongoing and the episodes haven´t completed yet. In Angels of death, there are sometimes scenes after the end credits.
Recommend watching Oreimo with commentary before watching it without on any anime series website. He has many good points he points out, even thou he´s kind of lost when it comes to True Love and he wishes to pair the main male Twin Soul lead with any girl who keeps throwing themselves at him.
Breaking down the human made damn walls in our world…
Since soul awakening and knowing about LITDFS, T.S.T.T.s and Twin Souls again, I have come to see so many rules, laws and society barriers created by LITDFS to prevent Twin Souls being together in many ways, preventing their soul love to shine, to burst, to be alive, to ignite and not care what anyone in the world thinks of them, because the rules, laws, religions, traditions, obligations and society barriers that are LITDFS made, but it goes against the Universe, the Divine, the sacred that is the soul love between two souls meant to be, two souls who can´t help but be magnetically drawn to each other defying it all to be together and fighting everyone to be together, two souls created for each other, husband and wife souls, been together since their soul creation, two halves of the same soul and been together since they were born. Two souls that would come up with inventive & creative ways and solutions to any problems so they could be together, even if it meant hiding their love from the world.There was a time I couldn´t see it, my soul wasen´t awake and my programmed mind followed the rules, laws and what society deems normal when it comes to soul love, but it took an anime story to wake my soul up & show me that Twin Souls could possibly be born in families, even thou I believe the chances are slim, because it´s mostly LITDFS or T.S.T.T.s (both considered to be family souls), but if there was ever a chance it happened and Twin Souls were born in the same family, then soul awakening codes would break down barriers & help with understandings for Twin Souls that are in that extreme difficult situation. For the longest time I was like the character Ayase in the Twin Soul story Oreimo with how she felt when it comes to soul love between family members and technically I´m still against it when it comes to LITDFS and T.S.T.T.s, because they were never meant to be, but with Twin Souls, they are only ever meant to be together and if trapped in bodies that happen to be blood related, that´s a massive challenge to overcome and they have to fight harder for their True Love and overcome so much more to be together in a world that doesn´t accept them. Knowing LITDFS and T.S.T.T.s can be reborn to be family members, the same ones that can come back in another life being your friend to be with you and target your Twin Sou unions. There could also be a possibility if your Twin Soul comes into your life, but as your brother for example, which is another barrier between them and battles and wars against them and their forbidden love if they awaken to it, which if they are Twin Souls, their souls will know they are meant to be and their minds will fight the feelings, use all logic and reason to suppress those feelings, but their minds will find it hard to accept being siblings and it may come out in their behaviours towards each other, when they are in truth soul husband and soul wife. With T.S.T.T.s you could be drawn to them in a soul familiar way, but it´s easier to not fall for them, because they are technically not soul matched to be with you 100%, so that barrier between you is not a problem and you view them like family souls just like you would with any other soul except your Twin Soul, but if by any chance you are in the same family as your Twin Soul, which I can´t help but think that´s just another war tactic to keep Twin Souls apart, is if they are born in the same family, because Twin Souls might not break down walls and barriers and instead follow rules and laws and what society dictates regarding soul love, True Love, The One. In families, I don´t see families, I see stargates you can be born from and the people in your family could of been friends, enemies, co-workers, bosses, lovers, boyfriends, girlfriends, wives, husbands and so on in any past lives, your “parents” could even be your other selves, so family has to be redefined and not be about our physical bodies or about blood or genes anymore, but be all about our souls and whether we are a soul family with that person or a Twin Soul with that person (T.S.T.T.s should also be considered to be soul family when we are not meant to be with them either). Same can be said about anyone in our lives, are they a soul family or a Twin Soul meant to be with us? When it comes to Twin Souls being born in the same family, anything is possible and it´s even hinted at in Twin Soul anime stories. In our world, it´s both positive and negative about it. Positive would be being able to grow up more closely with one another and have that connection/bond early, protecting and defending one another early, the negatives would be if they didn´t know about Twin Souls and would have all these locked up extreme feelings, energies between them if their walls that was placed on them were up, because they are indoctrinated to believe soul love between family members is forbidden & wrong, so how can it be right, then it will make them feel it´s wrong and that can cause all kinds of problems between them potentially. Like wanting to be distant from each other, staying away, disliking them, being negative with them, being violent even (that´s only natural when one or both Twin Souls have been stuck in harem programs in past lives breaking the hearts of each other and leaving them for anybody else. Heart & soul pains never heal, so they take that pain with them in their unions, but if they are born in the same family, those heart and soul pains will be awakened when you are in the presence of your Twin Soul. Also, anger and pains knowing it´s forbidden to be together, because you are born in the same family could cause anyone to show extreme emotions and pains, even in violent ways, like the Twin Soul anime story Oreimo. When you see your Twin Soul flirting and wanting to be in relationships with LITDFS or T.S.T.T.s, that can cause all kinds of unbalance energies. If we stop labelling our bodies and see instead our souls and who our souls love & are meant to be with, barriers could be torn down for good. I want to break down all those damn walls on soul love between Twin Souls, I want souls to be free. So to help anyone who are Twin Souls and they are born in the same family, trapped in bodies that is another prison for their soul True Love between them, I wanted Twin Soul stories to give out messages to help free souls. I have mentioned before that Asuna & Kirito, Haru & Shizuku, Holmes and Aoi and now Zack and Rachel would be the perfect Twin Soul characters to be in different Twin Soul stories to help get messages out there. What if Asuna and Kirito came back in one life, but they were born as siblings this time? What would their life look like? How could they navigate the “boss levels” and battles in their life to succeed and win the game of True Love & Life and be together? Would they break down those barriers and walls between them in inventive ways? Would they fight for each other and their soul love? Would they get help from their friends to help them realise their feelings for each other? That´s when Oreimo found me, another Twin Soul story with Asuna & Kirito coming back to tell that story, they may look lightly different than what they do in the sword art online anime story, but if you compare both stories and see all their personality quirks, you will see it´s them, even Yui, their A.I. daughter is in that story helping them to be together. One of the many signs that they could possibly be Twin Souls, is if one or both of them stop calling each other brother and sister when they are younger and will use their actual names instead or any other name instead of brothers and sisters. Their souls will know early that they are not brother and sister, because it´s not about our bodies, but about our souls and who our souls love, who our souls are meant to be with and not who our indoctrinated, controlled and programmed minds love. The author hints towards the Twin Soul main characters being together in secret when the show ended and the author even had a more taboo ending for the Twin Soul couple, but was prevented by his publisher. There is so much to learn and awaken to in this story and if one Twin Soul won´t admit their feelings towards their Twin Soul, but they hint towards it, maybe even many times, then that could lead to the other Twin Soul to express themselves in such an extreme way & passionate way like Kirito does in Oreimo towards Asuna, taking a risk, going all in, only after he knows she does love him and she doesn´t want him to be with anyone else. 
What if Twin Souls were born in the same family and were brother and sister, their soul connection that never got healed, could have many damages and could cause a lot of friction and tension between them. How could they repair it, heal it? What tools or ways could help them restore their bond that got targeted again and again in their former lives? Many scenes I write when describing the soul connection between Twin Souls have been mentioned in other anime stories, like when two souls meant to be wish to be together in their souls, but their minds could be preventing their union for whatever reason, but Universe steps in and could lead them to literally crash into each other physically, pulling them together without their minds permission, but giving soul permission has been granted, funny scenes could happen to cause Twin Souls to crash into each other, like during a baseball game or from what I saw in the Twin Soul Oreimo story between Aniki (Kirito) and Kirino (Asuna). That could potentially happen between Twin Souls if they were born in the same family, Twin Souls colliding into One. Kirito was put to test many times in the story Oreimo, being tempted by the usual harem program that Twin Soul Adams always gets pulled into, he was up against a lot and the challenge of winning the Twin Soul game of True Love when his soul wife happens to be in the same family as him was truly a extreme difficult and impossible mission, but that didn´t stop them both no matter how hard the mission was. In Japanese culture, elders and parents are respected, but I loved the part where Kirito has no fear going up against his “father” to defend Asuna, more than once. He conquered those boss battles and won. Whenever I see Asuna and Kirito in other Twin Soul stories, I just use those names now instead of their new names, even if they do look different, but still their looks and character personality traits/quirks hint towards their other selves. When they both were up against any battles in this new story, they even had switchy moments like they had in sword art online battles. When Asuna made a face to him signalling when it was his turn to step up, he would take his turn and they won the battle (solving problems) together.  
Fan comment:
“Best love confession ever. Doing it in the middle of the street just proves that he is determined, serious and really loves her. It couldnt have been any other way to get his message across.”
If you truly love someone, completely, deeply, soulfully and you can´t live without them, you can´t imagine a life without them, you fear losing them in this life, then True Love confessions, no matter where it is, public or private, when you´re in love, when you fight for love, you don´t care what people think, you are both in your own world and it that moment, it´s only you and your Twin Soul, everything else fades away, it´s a blur, it´s black and white, while the Twin Souls are shining in screaming colour. Kirito didn´t just confess his feelings to her in the end and he did it in public, but he ran after her when she ran from him, he never gave up, even when she was faster running away from him, even when she left the country, he kept on going until he caught her, until he brought her back. When Twin Souls run, even if it´s down the street or in the woods or in the country or runs to a different one, a Twin Soul never gives up, but will always finds a way to find their Twin Soul, knowing there is always a solution to every problem. He gave it his all, not knowing what she would say in response, fearing they could never talk again and she would leave him, fearing what she might think of him, but he didn´t let fear conquer him, he conquered the fear battle, the confession battle and confessed his feelings to his Twin Soul who was trapped in a body that happened to be his “sister.” That confession is even harder to do than those Twin Souls who are not blood related and if any Twin Souls wish to confess to their Twin Souls and you are not blood related, then think about those who have battles like that that´s more difficult and challenging than your one, because they are up against rules, laws, LITDFS society consequences, prison even. Kirito & Asuna fought the battles as fiercely, bravely & intelligently as they did in the sword art online Twin Soul story. They didn´t let fear stop them, manipulations didn´t stop them, threats didn´t stop them, violence didn´t stop them, love confessions from the harem group didn´t stop them, their “parents” didn´t stop them, they powered through it all and won their Twin Soul victory in the end.
In the Oreimo Twin Soul story, Kirito and Asuna are up against several boss battles & smaller battles throughout both seasons, from dealing with harem challenges, challenges between them, “parent” challenges, work challenges, helping out friends challenges, saving friendship challenges, gaining friends challenges, achieving goals and dreams challenges, coming up with ways to make it right challenges, coming up with perfect gifts challenges, fighting for each other challenges, travelling to a different country to fight for their Twin Soul challenge, school club challenges, raising grades challenges, confessing finally to each other how they really feel challenges and they succeeded in every one, they found a way, a solution to every problem. Kirito didn´t hold back at all in this story, a side to him I´ve never seen before and some serious soul messages coming through from him, from any soul that are in the same situation when it comes to True Love and wars against True Love, be it forbidden or not. This story made me laugh again so much, made me cry and I could see so many hints, insights and messages. The final boss in the story was the girl with the short hair and glasses that was friends with Kirito and she was upset, angry at Asuna for coming between her and Kirito when they have had over 10 years together being friends and she always wanted him (translation in real life, a LITDFS who has been in a present or past life relationship or both with a Twin Soul Adam not meant for her, then it ended) and Asuna saying she´s been with Kirito since she was born and that translates in life to be Twin Souls being together since their souls were born (also if they have known each other since they were toddlers or if they really are from the same family), they are One soul. 
Kirito even admitted in his love yelling confession to Asuna, that he did not want to lose to game characters that do win the True Love game. That also includes any characters in any stories, the characters are winning and fighting for True Love, while in real life, people are losing the True Love Twin Soul game/story to LITDFS and getting stuck in the harem programs they fall into. There is only one True Love game in the world and that´s the Twin Soul True Love game, but so many lose to LITDFS and end up maybe never getting into union or breaking union to be with any LITDFS. When Kirito says violence doesn´t solve anything when the girls were literally having a physical fight and not a word battle fight which he thought would happen, I thought to myself, that´s my line which I would tell Cazuki, but now I´ve come to think that sparring is just another way to communicate feelings, emotions, suppressed pains from life times of being targeted and having unions torn apart, so I´m no longer against that type of communication. 
Many asleep Twin Soul Adams won´t care if they lose to characters in games and in stories that are reflecting real life in translations, codes and insights which again is directly mentioned that´s what stories do in the Oreimo story by Ruri (Yui) herself. Lost souls would instead take the harem route, the path of falling for any LITDFS in the harem program, but, the souls that keep wanting to be more awake, wanting something real, genuine, rare, true, once in a life literally, they will conquer any and all battles and boss battles that come their way and fight for True Love, The One meant for them and defy it all to be with them.
If we view life like a game with battles, boss battles, challenges that either help us wake up in our souls to be our true selves or we lose and make the wrong choices again that keep our souls asleep, we would view life very differently and could see easily when these battles challenges occur and what they are and what they are meant to do. For example, you are in a Twin Soul union, but then here comes LITDFS who are either already positioned in your life or they become friends with you and start to shake the balance between you, they flirt, they play, they seduce, they tempt, they play the shy and timid roles to trick and manipulate, they conquer and divide unions or they play the aggressive roles of wanting you and wanting your union to break. What do you do? How do you defeat that and win that challenge/boss battle against your union? How do solve that problem? How do you win the Twin Soul True Love game? In the Oreimo Twin Soul story, Asuna found a way to channel her conflicted & tormented locked away feelings she had towards Kirito, her “brother”, games which helped her stay sane in a world gone insane when Twin Souls are born in the same family, but it´s forbidden to be together. The game stories she played helped her, but not only that, her soul found a way to help Kirito too and even help their Twin Soul union and help wake them up in their souls. 
When Asuna left the country, after a while Kirito came after her to bring her back and confessed his feelings of missing her, wanting her to come back and he even brought her game with him for them to play, which was his soul way of saying, “don´t stop playing, we can still make it and be together! Keep fighting, keep believing and never give up!” When Asuna did come home with Kirito, that scene at the airport in Japan, was a very happy family scene, when Ruri (Yui, their A.I. daughter from the sword art online Twin Soul story) comes running towards them, out of breath and happy her parents are back and they have a family reunion. I noticed how the T.S.T.T.s help each other out in the story, like Asuna´s T.S.T.T.s would explain to Kirito about Asuna to help him understand and not give up and to forgive and to explain how Asuna feels. It´s almost like, soul communication is transferred to the T.S.T.T.s from Asuna, so the T.S.T.Ts can help translate Asuna´s feelings, thoughts and pains to Kirito. When Kirito sees they are her T.S.T.T, he understands right away what they are saying and doing. Like Asuna´s best friend Ayase who is her T.S.T.T., her other self, she even looks like her and wears the same cross necklace as Asuna which Kirito no doubt notices and understands. More is explained in season 1, episode 4.
In episode 6, Kirito´s friend at school which happens to be Kirito´s T.S.T.T., his other self asks him if he and the girl with the short hair and glasses are a couple, the friend Kirito´s known for years. The reason why they are not a couple is explained by Kirito to his other self who was concerned and his explanation was hilarious and squashing any concerns his other self had about it, not wanting Kirito to be trapped again by any LITDFS. Ruri (Kuroneko) in the Oreimo story can be translated to be Yui in the sword art online game, the A.I. child of Asuna & Kirito. She & the story itself even hints towards Ruri not being human several times in the Oreimo Twin Soul story and hints & is obvious several times at her trying to help Asuna & Kirito in her own way (even if it is disturbing and extreme, but in dark times, actions they would never do happen to help free souls), helping them to confess their feelings to each other so they can be a family again. When Ruri was able to get a truth confession out of Asuna in the second season, episode 9, when that happened in front of Kirito, everything changed and Kirito finally could see his “sister” loves him more than just a “brother”, then he went from being stuck in the LITDFS harem program, to then being in the Twin Soul only wants The One meant for him program.
A translation in our world of Asuna´s new book would be, “Twin Soul on planet Earth saving her “sisters” (T.S.T.T.s) and rebuilding a new world, a Twin Soul world.” Which is what one of the Twin Soul Academy´s mission would be, not just saving their Twin Souls and their Twin Soul T.S.T.T.s, but also their other selves in the same time line. 
In season 2, when Asuna tells everyone she has a “boyfriend” (fake boyfriend to force Kirito to confess his feelings for her) because she sees Kirito flirting with two girls, then Ruri makes plans to force Asuna to come clean with her feelings for Kirito & finally be truthful, but the only way to do that is to be Kirito´s “boyfriend”. So Ruri (Yui) plays the part and asks him to go out with her, even thou Kirito thinks it´s real and gets depressed and hurt badly when she dumps him, which is also part of her plan to dump him. If there was ever a reality where in one world, a Twin Soul couple has an A.I. daughter, but in another life time, the Twin Souls are born as siblings and to add to the problems & challenges, their A.I. daughter becomes their friend & she knows what is going on in that world towards Twin Souls, what difficult challenges and problems they are in, so she helps out the best she can, even if it´s crossing lines to force positive changes between Asuna and Kirito. When watching the series, sometimes I get the feeling Kirito knows what is going on, then it looks like he has no clue, very confusing or maybe it´s meant to look like he has no clue, when in reality he does. If the only way for Ruri (Yui) to spend time with her “father” Kirito and do all kinds of fun things together (nothing indecent), was to play the part of being his “girlfriend” also, because she can´t do it when being his friend or when Asuna & Kirito are together, because of Asuna´s issues with him being close to any girl, which is understandable since wars on Twin Souls is a reality and unions break apart all the time & what the harem program does to the minds of Twin Souls when turning them into heartbreakers, flirters, getting excited over anyone being interested in them and so on, so I completely understand Asuna´s feelings about it all and her feelings when seeing her own Twin Soul who is trapped in a body that is her “brother” and is flirting with other girls, even if it´s her T.S.T.T.s, still messed up and being stuck in the harem program, but this Twin Soul story helped free Kirito from the harem program he was in. It´s actually a sad story for Ruri (Yui), when she can´t have that close bond with Kirito and Asuna like she had in a different life with them. If only Asuna & Kirito knew who she really was. Obviously, the writer of the show I´m sure has no idea what I´m talking about, I just mention what I see, the codes, the messages, the insights and I can pick up on the same characters in different stories, so it´s like the same souls coming through in them.Ruri (Yui), when she sees several opportunities, she asks both Asuna & Kirito at different times, separately, testing the waters to see if they will reveal their feelings for each other to her, like in season 1, episode 8, when Ruri asks Kirito why does he go above and beyond to help Asuna, but he says he doesn´t really know, his mind might not know, but his soul does or his mind does know, but doens´t want to admit why. Maybe he does, but doesn´t tell her or doesn´t want to admit his feelings and still keeps it locked away. Using logic and reason to explain his feelings to Asuna, reminding himself that nothing could ever happen between them, reminding himself they are siblings and nothing more.
One may say Asuna in this story was not acting like the lighter one of the Twin Souls in the Oreimo story when she kept slapping, punching, kicking and yelling at Kirito, but if we look at it from her perspective, her and Kirito are Twin Souls, but their souls are trapped in a type of hell, trapped in bodies that are a prison and society is against them being together, the world is against them being together, it´s taboo and says they can never be together, because they are blood related and because of the societal consequences of not being accepted. Their souls aching to be One, to be together, so much so they keep crashing into each other physically and groping each other accidentally. There is a wall between them, keeping them apart for a life time again and that´s enough to drive them both to be angry with each other a lot of the times without their minds not understanding why. Then she has front row seats to watch him flirt with girls, seeing so many girls fight over him, go after him, confess to him and watched him be in a relationship with her friend. That´s enough to cause any Twin Soul to feel angry, sadness and pains in their heart and soul, so much so she channels it through violence towards him. As for the jealousy she kept having, since this is not a normal circumstance when Twin Souls are reborn to be brother and sister, if she didn´t get jealous, their feelings for each other would never be known. 
In the first episode in the first season, Aniki (Kirito) finds a dvd on the floor about brothers loving their sisters in a more soul connection way, than a family way. He has no idea who´s dvd it is, so at breakfast, he investigates, observes and asks in a way to find out who owns the dvd without mentioning he found the dvd and who it belongs to. He uses his deduction skills. On the tv in the background, it´s mentioned “the culprit is here”, which made me think of how even through technology we get messages and should pay attention to any and all information, insights and messages speaking to us and helping us if it´s aligned with our souls and what we want to find out. Same thing happened again in an episode when Kirito looks for answers and help in a game after speaking with his “sister” Kirino (Asuna) trying to get her to come back to Japan. 
In the Holmes Twin Soul story, in this scene we have Akihito which could represent Holme´s T.S.T.T., his other self and then you have Holmes. One represents the past, the other the future, meaning in one life he´s arrogant, self centred, a woman chaser and flirter, heart breaker, goes for anyone while his future self, comes back in another life he´s updated, more soul awake and he´s more of a grown up, doesn´t want just anybody, but only wants the One meant for him, so he stays single until he meets the One and then protects the One even if they are not in union yet, but he protects her from LITDFS wanting to be with her and from his other selves who want to be with her and who are still soul sleep walking through life and are not at his level at all. The funny part is when Akihito is just saying out loud the things Holmes probably also thinks, but never says. Holmes admitted himself, by saying he has a dirty perverted mind.
Fan comments from the Twin Soul anime story Toradora music anime videos:
"I'm going to become a Dragon. After which as a dragon I'll always stay by Taiga's side." OMG every time I watch this Anime,I cry so much... But when I see Taiga coming back to Ryuuji after one year, when he said that he love her, I understand what true love is and I understand that she does not intend to leave far from him... Where's my Taiga ? x_x”
“I just finished this anime and its absolutely incredible, and this video is amazing. Seriously, this is so beautiful and really captures all of the best moments of the show and Ryuuji and Taiga's relationship. Great job!”“I cry because i now i will never have  love story like this”
“This anime changed my life. I just wanna meet a Taiga in my life, and I'll be happy forever.”
“you can't say that man, everything could happen in our life, just do your best and you will find a person who love you and who wanna stay with you the whole life”“Absolutely Legendary. An anime that will never get old. Maybe one day I'll show it to my children”
“if they dont make a season 2 i will make a season 2. i will work on it until i get to the same level and then make a season 2.”
“beautiful song for a beautiful anime, don't care if I'm male this anime brings me to tears every time”
“Gender doesn't matter man. I watched Toradora like 4 times already”
Toradora, another Kirito and Asuna Twin Soul anime story and our soul messages are coming through again. I´ve noticed how in many of the Twin Soul anime stories, they reveal the same things Cazuki & I did and what our soul personalities were like. Cazuki would spin me around with my legs flying like it was shown in the Toradora anime story. I would flash the peace sign when it was needed or when I felt like it as I did with a thumbs up. Aisaka (Taige), the main female lead bakes cookies to give to her crush, but fails to give it to him and instead Ryuugi, her Twin Soul eats all her cookies. Cazuki & I would sometimes have our pinky fingers locked together or even have a thumb war. Cazuki had a habit of calling me his angel, his lady, his tiger and in this anime story, the main female lead is called Taige (Aisaka), also nicknamed Tiger for her wild ways of attacking anyone getting in her way or going after her. Taige sledging it down the snowy mountain reminds me of our fast speed sledge rides and we did prefer that instead of skies and like Ryugji, Cazuki was not an experienced skier and we even had a crashing moment when sledging down a snowy hill trying to doge a rabbit. 
In another Twin Soul anime story Kakuriyo no Yadomeshi (Odanna & Aoi, which are two Twin Souls who also are the same characters that are in the Holmes Twin Soul story.), I feel like when anyone says they are upset when a story ends, but the same characters can be found again, just in different stories with different lives, but same messages, fighting for True Love, wanting True Love and holding on to True Love. They may look a bit different, but it´s the same characters. In the Oreimo Twin Soul story, fans thought it really was Asuna & Kirito from sword art online and technically it is, they´re just looking a bit different with different lives, but same True Love story and same soul messages they are sending out to everyone. In the Twin Soul story of Odanna & Aoi, I noticed how several characters represent the other selves of Odanna, like Ginji would be his T.S.T.T. In that story, both Odanna and Ginji expressed they like eating curry and it being sweet made by Aoi. When Cazuki & I were together, homemade vegan curry with raisins was something I made which he enjoyed a lot as did I. It makes me think it´s his soul message way of saying in the story, his soul misses me and shows it through the story of being excited over curry which made me smile. Angel wings was something I would wear sometimes in the house and dancing. With every anime story I find or it finds me, I´m reminded about a lot of our memories together and what we were like in our union. I just loved this Twin Soul story, the messages, the insights and so much to learn from and awaken souls and teach about True Love. Haru & Shizuku vibes were also seen in both the characters of Aisaka (Taige) and Ryuugi.
Quote from the Toradora Twin Soul story:
“There exists in this world something no one has ever seen, that thing is very kind and very sweet, if anyone were to see it once, they´d probably want to see it again. That´s why the world chose to hide it, making it very difficult to obtain, but one day someone will find it and that someone will be the one meant to find it, because it was made to work that way.”
I don´t agree with the world chose to hide the existence of Twin Souls in this quote from the two main Twin Soul leads in the story. It´s true Twin Souls are not known in the world, but are still hinted and told in stories, but it being kept a secret only benefits the LITDFS and their never ending war against Twin Soul unions. This way, they always stay in control and have power over the Twin Souls in families, amongst friends and anyone targeting unions for their self serving agenda dark mess, they come between unions and and keep Twin Souls from each other. On both sides, they could say to the Twin Souls, “you´ll find someone else, you can have more than one True Love, move on with your life, they´re not worth it, you deserve better!” and so on. No, there is only one True Love, one soul in the entire Universe you are soul matched 100% to be with, your equal, the other half of you! True Love is real, True Love only comes once in a life and True Love is always targeted in every life to break apart. If souls don´t wake up, if they ignore the realities of the Twin Soul wars, they will suffer the same fate and lose again and again and again. The notion that True Love is easy to find and you can have it again is a load if crap. Sure you could meet your T.S.T.T. and have love and be treated like a queen and be spoiled by them, almost like they are trying to make up for what they did to you in another life, but for me personally that doesn´t work for me, it´s them having their cake and eating it too and makes my stomach turn how they´ve perverted the True Love stories in our lives and to translate how I feel about that, is like taking a main male lead in a Twin Soul story, like Han in star wars and switching him with another actor to play him. Sure it can be the same soul playing the same character, but the soul energies would still not match with the female Twin Soul lead Leia and the audience would notice it, feel it and then reject it. Too long have LITDFS hijacked Twin Soul life stories, rewrote it to make them the leads (however that will never happen, they will always be the side character taking up the role to play the lead) and make a new story for the Twin Souls that got left by their Twin Souls to be with anyone else. If everyone knew about Twin Souls, the wars, the True Love, the once in a life and knew when it came along, it would be like them picking up where they left off from their last life together when being targeted and torn apart by the LITDFS. This time, this life they know about the wars, the games, the dramas and how to protect, defend and save their unions from mass separations. This time they are soul awake and wanting to learn everything about Twin Souls and how to win the True Love game. Twin Souls, True Love is difficult to obtain, hard to find, but when you do, for the love of Gaia don´t ever make the same mistakes Twin Souls make a million, billion times before, because so much is at stake, so much work needs to be done and for Twin Souls to inspire and ignite the world wide awake with their unions and True Love. When in union, you will be targeted and tested and challenged over and over again to break, to lose and fall, to turn into enemies with each other, that´s the LITDFS games and wars and their template is the same as star wars. snokes/palpetines/darkside can be anyone from your families to your friends, anyone, so wake up, because if you stay asleep you could end up losing that once in life, hard to find True Love in your life. 
When I read comments from any anime Twin Soul stories that are shown in anime music videos and they mention they wish they could find a Taiga (Aisaka) or a Ryuugi, or a Asuna or Kirito, a Haru or Shizuku, a Holmes or Aoi and so on, it brings me to tears, because if they ever did get into unions, they have no idea what will happen to them if they are soul sleep walking though life. Their short time together is exactly that, limited, until LITDFS want their turns, want those Twin Soul energies, want those True Love energies, want to feed, want to be adored and loved and treated like a queen by the fallen dark angel Twin Souls that were never meant to be with the LITDFS or T.S.T.T.s. The LITDFS or T.S.T.T.s girls that come between unions especially can be seen in every single Twin Soul story, anime or live action, so learn from it, take with you those lessons and fight to protect your unions. If you suspect your unions are under attack, see help, advice from other Twin Souls who know about the wars and can help you protect your unions. From the very beginning, you can see that even thou Aisaka (Taige) and Ryuugi have crushes on other people for most of the series & try to help each other out to express their feelings to these other people, they reveal themselves to only want each other in various ways, their expressions, their actions, their words, but can never say what their souls feel, but they just listen to their minds and convincing themselves they love and want other people. Ryuugi had all this time to confess his feelings to the girl he had a crush on, but never did and kept holding back, but when he found out Aisaka loved him, wanted him, he confessed his soul feelings to her right away. Aisaka mentions at one point she doesn´t mind having just a normal love in her life, translation would be being with anybody instead of her Twin Soul. Any soul that is asleep would say that, their lost minds would say that, their controlled and programmed minds would say that, but their souls would never say that and would never want a “normal” love or anyone else except their Twin Soul. She may have said it, but never meant it.
In the second episode you can see right away Ryuugi does not want to let go of Aisaka, even thou she said she will keep away from him from now on after he helped her confess her feelings to the person she had a crush on, but the person didn´t feel the same way and only wanted to be friends with her. They both through out the series did not want to let go of the other and eventually did confess their feelings to one another.
In episode 5, a new girl is introduced, a LITDFS, an assassin of True Loves and when she plays the part of being all nice and innocent in front of people, her true colours are shown when they are not around and she shows it to Aisaka, telling her how she has Ryuugi wrapped around her finger and she could spin any negative story about Aisaka to those around her and they would believe it. Always get information from both sides, because one side could be telling lies and manipulating for their own self serving agendas, like coming between potential Twin Soul unions or Twin Souls already in unions. If you suspect any potential LITDFS girls playing their parts of being “good”, then investigation is needed & tests to expose them and reveal truths like what happened in this episode. Otherwise, you could end up like Ryuugi who fell for her act and if it hadn´t been for his friend showing him her true colours, he would have been another one of her victims to use and throw away after use, after she´s played with them.
Quote from Ryuugi to Aisaka when they first met:
“Taige, since ancient times, only dragons stand on equal grounds with tigers. So I´ll become a dragon and then I´ll stick by your side.”
Quote from between them when they came into Twin Soul union and Ryuugi asked her to marry him:
“We are tiger and dragon. Said to stand together as equals since ancient times.We don´t need vows, because we´ll always be together right? Right!”
In both Twin Soul stories Oreimo and Toradora, when the Twin Souls get into union for the first time, on the same day the Twin Soul Adams ask their Twin Soul Eves to marry them. I´m all for that, even if it´s only a celebration of two getting married by themselves on a field amongst wild flowers overlooking fiords and mountains, or on a tropical island or by a waterfall or on a bridge, anywhere romantic where the Twin Souls express their union for a life time together. Getting married officially can always wait, but getting married doesn´t have to mean being married on paper, it just means two souls that are meant to be 100% and are already married in their souls and just expressing that True Love between them making it known to each other they mean what they feel and say and it´s not just words, but action speaks louder. If you are with someone and you believe they are your Twin Soul, but that person doesn´t feel the same way you do when you want to marry them straight away, not in the sense of an actual official marriage, but just a celebration of your union, a marriage between the two somewhere romantic, but that person is not interested, then they are not your Twin Soul that you are meant to be with. Most likely they are your T.S.T.T. or potentially a LITDFS taking up the role to pretend to be your Twin Soul to trick you, use you and throw you away. Marriage of the souls should mean something and it means more than anyone else, so when Twin Souls get into union, it´s only natural that they both want to express how they really feel for each other for a life time. Otherwise it´s just words when someone says they love you forever, they want you for a lifetime, they say you´re the One, but they don´t wish to celebrate the union between your souls finally getting together after being apart since the last life time you got torn apart to be with other people that came between your union. When Twin Soul unions fall apart, it could be 70-100 years until you see them again (T.S.T.T.s don´t count since you´re never meant to be with them in the first place, but they feel like replacements, besides, even T.S.T.T.s can be used to target Twin Soul unions if their own Twin Soul unions fell apart and they can also be used by LITDFS to target Twin Soul unions), so when Twin Soul unions finally unite, it should mean something, it should mean everything and action always speaks louder, so if Twin Souls broke up with their Twin Souls to be with LITDFS or T.S.T.T.s, be with anyone and the many, but now they are soul awake and in control over their life and want their Twin Soul back, they want reunion, then take the lessons from the Twin Soul stories. Don´t hold back, give it your all, make it count and make it mean everything. The marriage proposals from both Kirito to Asuna, Aniki to Kirino and Ryuugi to Taige happened on the day they both came into their Twin Soul unions, with Twin Souls it happens fast and not because of manipulation like if you have a father who´s life is terminal and is told by doctors he will not make it, so the LITDFS who trapped a Twin Soul Adam to her uses that excuse to force marriage and have kids right away or because of dark magic or technology messing with minds and energies to get someone to propose to you right away or you came to be by destroying another and LITDFS “families” and “friends” helped you both get together by again destroying another, using also seduction and temptation to capture a Twin Soul Adam. Twin Soul unions are real when it´s natural, free will, by choice and it was a positive, pure, bright, light True Love union, they were both single, free and were meant to be. Real and honest True Love happens when the main leads of their Twin Soul story are single and only want the One meant for them. That is the common theme in every Twin Soul story. Both will have challenges of course when in every life the harem program impacts them both and how they deal with it will determine if they ever get into Twin Soul union at all or they do, but then break up and just end up with with anybody or the many. With Twin Souls, the marriage proposals is their way of saying “you mean everything to me, you are my soul wife or soul husband, there is no other, there never was, it´s always you for a life time, in every life time and I want to prove how much you mean to me by asking you to marry me. You are The One, you are my True Love, my equal soul, my Universe and without you, there is no me, without you, life is incomplete, without you, I´m missing the other half of me!” It doesn´t matter how old you are, a teenager or an adult, if you are soul awake and you know 100% you have found your Twin Soul or they found you and they are soul awake too knowing who you are, then don´t be surprised if your Twin Soul proposes to you, even if it´s not official yet, but a secret ceremony between the two of you expressing your True Love, your soul love, your everything to each other. We have lived many life times, our bodies do not determine our age, since our soul age is already many years anyway and if we can look beyond our body age and see our soul age instead, more walls and barriers can be torn down and we become more free. For example, there are LITDFS rules and laws that say you have to be this or that age to drive, to fly and to learn and so on, but those rules and laws shouldn´t even be a reality, since souls should be given the choice to learn at any age. Our bodies are an illusion, our souls and soul knowledge and wisdom are a reality. Obviously if someone is soul asleep and are acting irresponsible, selfish, ignorant, naive, then they could put lives in danger, so the tests have to be more than just academic, but tests to see if they are soul awake and wouldn´t put any lives in danger at all. 
Didn´t anybody think about the fact that if you married your Twin Soul in other lives and you mean the words Forever and wanting a life with them in every life, then why should it be a surprise to propose that fast and have a celebration of that union right away when you meet them again in the next life and every life. Your only picking up where you both left off from your last life together. See it like that instead, like, “I found you again, it took so long, but I found you in this life, like I do in every life and I never want to let go and I never want anybody else. It´s only you, it was always you. When our bodies leave this world, I will find you again, I will fall in love with you again and marry you again, because I mean the words when I say I Love You Forever, I want You Forever and I will find you and be with you in every life! Wait for me, dream of me, may our nights be filled with our hopes and wishes of seeing each other again, because I can´t wait for that day when I see you and you see me and our hearts race, our bodies tremble and electrify, we fumble with our words, we blush and avert our eyes terrified of looking into each others soul eyes and connecting knowing this is it, this is The One I have been waiting for and dreaming of, our nervous energies become chaotic when our souls are trying to reconnect again and collide and unite as One, two halves of a soul become One and balance is found and the world is no longer upside down, but right way up when two souls meant to be come into their sacred, Divine and Universe blessed union, the marriage of souls!”
What is the ultimate True Love confession between two souls meant to be? 
“I Love You Forever! I will love you in every lifetime! I will find you in every life and I will leave behind & gather in this life clues, hints, insights, messages, lessons and soul awakening codes to help wake up my other selves in this life and my future selves, so I mean the words when I say I Love You Forever with my actions. I will guide and awaken both our other selves in every life to remain single, protected and see the truths, not make the same mistakes over and over again, but waking up and breaking free from the LITDFS in our lives so we can fly, live, learn, love, laugh and help change the world together. I will not just say the words I Love You Forever, I want to be with you Forever, but I take action and live not only in the present, but the future too, so when we wake up in our other lives, wake up as fast as possible and as early as possible, we will remember these words and actions we took to make sure we find each other again and love Forever, be with each other Forever like we promised in our souls and our hearts! Life is not life when we are incomplete, missing the other half of each other, life is not life when there is no real soul love and True Love between two souls meant to be, life is not life when there is no me and there is no you!” 
My view on anybody saying they love someone forever, they want a life time and so on has changed & I will never look at it the same way ever again. I won´t believe it, it´s just words and I have seen & read enough Twin Soul stories to know how you prove your True Love, how you fight for it, defend it, save it and mean it. Celebration between two souls meant to be coming into union is one of the many ways to prove it´s real, even if it´s a private celebration between the two souls, but there are many ways to prove it, even in the smallest gestures, but to break that feeling you get that your One True Love will break your heart once again in another life because they have done that in every life and for both Twin Souls not to take their rare, once in a life True Love for granted, then they have to fight for it everyday, defend their union everyday, protect their union everyday, be a team, be partners, trust each other, communicate about everything, express your soul love everyday, because we live a world where Twin Souls are always targeted to end, so to brake that hell cycle, Twin Souls need to fight for each other and defend their unions. Words to me don´t make it real, not anymore and I´m hoping my other selves & Cazuki´s other selves wake up to this and don´t make the same mistakes over and over again being soul asleep, otherwise you will continue to have a never ending heartbreak, having your Twin Soul True Love stories hijacked and then the LITDFS write a new story for you to be with anyone or the many. We learn fast when we are soul awake, so wake up and see the realities of this dark world, see the truth behind the illusion that everything is all bright and light, when the truth is more darker than you know.
Anyone who views life & love as a learning experiences have no idea what real love is or what real life is. Unless they soul wake up and see the realities of this world, they will never have that real and honest True Love or soul love in their life, but they will have a series of false loves, programmed loves, manipulated loves, controlled loves, superficial and shallow loves and their True Love stories hijacked to be in LITDFS or T.S.T.T. story lines instead. Their minds controlled to believe it´s real, while their souls scream it´s not real. I look forward to the day when the Twin Soul Adams of this world wake up in their souls and tap into their Kirito, Han Solo and Neo soul energies wanting only The One meant for them and refuse the LITDFS & T.S.T.T. harem programs they keep getting lost in. They instead become the Solo players until they meet their Twin Soul meant for them and they stop playing the LITDFS games and dramas and wars, but instead they play the Twin Soul game and win the Twin Soul game, the rewards being getting into Twin Soul union & having finally a life time with their Twin Soul and then they have to win the Twin Soul game again in the next life in every life, same challenges, same wars until the wars are over.
In the second episode of Toradora, Taige confesses her love for her crush, but when he turns her down she doesn´t cry and even Ryugi (her Twin Soul) is surprised, but in that same moment when Ryugi says he´s gonna become a dragon so he can stand by her side, she tears up. The crushes they both have for other people are surface level crushes, not deep, not soul love and not True Love. Ryuugi technically soul admitted his feelings for Taige in the second episode, even thou his mind has no idea & is all about his crush for another person, but his soul knows and so does hers, their souls know they are Twin Souls to each other.
The Curry Code…
Had I known that our last known meal together with Cazuki that we used to eat a lot was curry, I would of picked any other vegan meal that wasen´t so generic, but now I think about it, it makes me laugh every time I come across a Twin Soul anime story and the Twin Souls are eating curry and loving curry, makes me laugh, because it´s curry. Cazuki and I loved to try new recipes, but during a time together in the last year I had a habit of getting stuck in a loop of making the same meal several times. It wasen´t because it was our favourite, it just happened to be a meal that I chose for some reason and got stuck in a loop of making it again and again, that´s why I laugh when I´m reminded of the curry in the Twin Soul anime stories I find or it finds me. Don´t get wrong, we both love home made curry, but that curry code was a result of being stuck in a loop making it almost every week.
Several weeks ago, a new Twin Soul story found me and was the reason why I was late uploading new information. In the newest dark Twin Soul anime story Angels of death, a heartbreaking story that will touch your hearts and finishes airing this month. In episode 6, the LITDFS sadistic and twisted Cathy playing her torture and death games against the Twin Souls, enjoyed and laughed when Zack, a Twin Soul, was forced to take drugs and he didn´t want his Twin Soul Rachel to take it, then he turned into a crazy killer again going after his Twin Soul and Cathy expressed excitement and happiness when the Twin Souls were enemies with each other and that he couldn´t hold back his impulses. This can be translated in our world to when one or both of the Twin Souls are being attacked with dark magic, technology or/and verbal manipulation, games, dramas from “friends” and “families” messing with their minds & energies instead of drugs and the Twin Souls become enemies with each other, attack each other verbally, physically and breaking hearts and then they can´t help their urges, their impulses and fall victims to breaking up their unions to be with anyone and the many LITDFS, falling for seduction and temptation. The translation of Zack wanting to kill Rachel, because of the drugs can be translated to a Twin Soul wanting to kill his union, by breaking the heart of his Twin Soul and leaving her. 
This dark Twin Soul story is an important one and shows the wars on Twin Souls in a different way and shining light on the dark side of life in this world where souls get attacked everyday by LITDFS who laugh, smile and enjoy the suffering and pains of others, they enjoy causing it and the proof is how children, people and animal alien angels are being treated in this world still, the LITDFS are the ones creating monsters like Zack, but even thou Zack turned into a monster, he´s still human, he´s broken, damaged, there is still good in him in his soul and he was able to show that when meeting Rachel, his Twin Soul who is also broken and damaged by LITDFS. He´s not a monster, he´s human, he´s lost, he´s been torn apart by LITDFS, broken down, ripped apart, had his heart and soul closed up and was using his broken mind instead, until his Twin Soul showed up and opened up his heart and soul. The LITDFS are the ones that laugh and smile when they come between Twin Soul unions breaking hearts and tearing up lives, they are the ones that could possibly laugh and smile and enjoy themselves when watching anyone in horror stories & games get slaughtered and may even say out loud wanting them to be killed. Everyone has a Twin Soul, even the lost and broken and damaged on this planet. This Twin Soul dark anime story has another Kirito and Asuna vibe to it and I recognised their character traits in both of them. Akihiko Kayaba who created the sword art online game, his character can be recognised as the priest character in the Angels of death anime story and like his former role in the sword art online, he´s created another game in Angels of death, but this time, Asuna and Kirito are the bosses to defeat on their levels, until Rachel (Asuna) has a mental breakdown understandably so, then doesn´t remember anything, then meets up with Zack (Kirito) on his floor and they work together to try and escape the dark twisted hell “game”. Even thou they need each other to get their wishes full filled and make it out of there, through out the series, they are both asked several times why they are going to such lengths to save each other and they both dodge the questions, but they reveal themselves to actually care for each other several times, subconsciously in their souls they love each other deeply and it´s shown in the story. Even Zack keeps trying to ask her why is she risking her life to save his, wanting the answer to be more than just him granting her wish, it´s like he wants her to say she cares for him or even loves him and she reveals herself that she does in her actions and when avoiding his questions several times. 
In episode 6, after the end credits at the end of the episode, there is another scene between the Twin Souls, a heartwarming scene between them when they smile and you see Zack´s adorable, pure hearted human genuine smile for the first time and that only happens with and because of Rachel, no one else. The comedic banter between Zack & Rachel is hilarious in the series and Zack is the funny one in the story. When Zack and Rachel are separated from each other in one episode, they have a dialogue between them being both on either side of a wall that would translate to be a romantic scene of only being the one for each other, but the topic they are discussing being very disturbing and not supposed to be romantic at all, but it has all the romantic feels to it between them in the context. The translation of the Twin Souls in this story is that one is naive and gets into danger by themselves and doesn´t think things through, acts without thinking, is a slave to his impulses, but is strong and has instinctive and survival intelligence, while the other is careful, common sense minded, an analyser and a thinker. Without each other, they couldn´t escape the hell building (translation in our world, without each other the Twin Souls can´t escape the hell in their souls when they are trapped with LITDFS.), they compliment each other and are One when working as a team. In our life story, Cazuki is very much like Zack and I´m very much like Rachel in that aspect. Same can be said for any Twin Soul couples in life when one can see the dangers, but the other can´t, like the dangers of LITDFS attacking unions and coming between couples, LITDFS assassins killing True Loves, being all happy and smiles when taking down Twin Soul unions. 
When seeing Cathy the LITDFS laughing and smiling, she reminded me of several people, Cazuki´s parents, Mitsuko, Junko, Sakurako and even my “family”. The laughter, the smiles, enjoying our union torn apart, enjoying people´s sufferings and pains, animal sufferings and pains, they all expressed it and it´s not normal at all to enjoy taking down lives and souls and True Loves and smile and laugh about it, it´s insane, it´s dark and messed up. Makes me think Cazuki´s soul messages are coming through again through Zack with what he really thinks about them and their twisted view of life. Zack kills people who profit negatively off of other people´s sufferings, pains and tortures, the happy people who get happy destroying life, destroying souls. Understanding that fact, can make anyone sympathise and have empathy for Zach for what happened to him as a child and what they turned him into. His story can cause anyone to hope he makes it and gets redemption, a happy life with his Twin Soul, cause he needs love as does Rachel for what happened to them both. The fans root for them to make it and to be together, but do they understand the messages in this story, the lessons, the soul awakening codes? In this world, children are attacked in various ways, they get lost, broken, damaged, but they are the ones that get thrown away in jail, another hell hole or they get executed and murdered by the LITDFS, when their lives should be investigated and analysed and made sure children don´t end up having the same fate as them, but steps are taken to protect the children more, but instead in our world, nothings changed, everything has remained the same and more children become lost, broken and damaged. This story is meant to awaken your soul, to empathise, to understand our real world. Life isn´t black and white and the lost, broken and damaged should be getting healing, rehabilitation for the hell life they went through caused by the LITDFS, yet instead the LITDFS in control over countries throw their lives into another hell, prison hell to be more tortured and be in pains and sufferings. Where is the balance, the justice, where is the sanity? “An eye for eye, the whole world goes blind!” 
When Rachel tried to take care of Zack´s wounds, he freaked out not wanting her to see his burned scars behind the bandages and to not touch him. The feeling of someone caring for him when that never happened must have been a shock to him, but also he might not have wanted her to see his scars and burns, because she might think he´s a monster just like everyone did, but she´s not like everyone, she´s his Twin Soul. He's so used to people treating him badly that seeing someone treat him with some form of kindness unnerved him so much that he lashed out similar to the way a corned animal tortured does. Only his Twin Soul can open up his heart, she understands him, loves him unconditionally in her soul, but her traumas and mental scars are blocking her feelings towards him in that way where they could be together, so more walls are needed to break down for both of them. If she kept on breaking down his walls with her love and care, his heart would open up more and allow himself to be cared for. Same goes for Rachel, when he keeps breaking down her walls by expressing his care, love and concern for her which he does through out the series. 
Zack has been given several chances at leaving the hell building without Rachel, but he didn´t, he wants to be out of the hell building with her, that reveals his feelings towards her. Rachel has had several opportunities to have her wish full filled by others, but didn´t, revealing her feelings towards Zack. In the 14th episode, when Rachel is out of touch with reality again, lying on the floor and Zack´s is standing over her trying to reach her, he tells her to swear an oath to him, in the game, he says desire me, in the anime he says wish for me. The hidden context being, he wants Rachel to want him, love him, desire him and not wish for death, but wish for life with him. Their sweet moment together if you can read the translation, was like a proposal between them, them being together. 
Fan comments:
“wow!! its like zack propose to rachel, "Swear it to me that you will always be my side"...romance translation”
“Why dose this seem almost romantic to me?”
“Because it is a romantic scene between Zack and Rachel, see the context, the translation and read between the lines! ;)”
“They have such a cool and strange dynamic, I love it.”
“If you think about it, they're fighting each other to decides who kills her.”
“Change every "Kill" in this anime to "Love", and you'll get it”
Rachel shows so much emotion and cries in that scene, which is the kind of thing that is supposed to trigger Zack to kill, but it never happened, because he doesn´t want to kill her! He loves her!
In episode 5, when Zack and Rachel have a sweet moment between them at the end of the episode, after Rachel manages to bring Zack back to reality for a brief moment when he was being crazy from the drugs he took, (red ripples turn to blue ripples indicate coming back to reality, coming back to his senses, the key words she used to help him back was would he be ok in breaking his promise to her, especially since he hates liars and that would make him a liar if he broke the promise, so when he realised that after she said that, for a brief moment, he came back to reality, to her. Makes me wonder about the lost Twin Souls that broke the hearts of their Twin Souls, what key words and codes could wake them up back to them being themselves again and not being lost in the dark, being tools, being used by the LITDFS. When a Twin Soul says they love you Forever and want only you Forever, but then leave you for anyone else, doesn´t that make them liars? Are they ok with being liars in life?), Zack then holds her to his chest and begs her not to let him kill her, but to stay alive and he grabs his heart, feeling the pains of what would happen to him if he did kill her. That scene, which was another romantic scene between them reveals he loves her and wants her to live, so when the drugs took a hold of him again, he pushes her out of the way wanting her to run from him. When he loses it and chases her to kill her, you can see he´s trying to hold back from doing it and that takes great strength especially since he´s drugged up and wanting to kill. When they are both faced to kill each other on the orders of Cathy, Zack even wants Rachel to kill him so he doesn´t kill her and aims her gun to his heart. Translation in our world, a Twin Soul Adam wanting his Twin Soul Eve to break his heart and end the union so he doesn´t have to if he´s mind has been messed with to break the heart of his Twin Soul. Zack´s love for her in that episode was stronger and he ended up “killing” himself instead and sacrificing himself to save her. 
In episode 6, Zack is trying badly to hold back from killing Rachel being mad from the drugs he took and tells her to kill him instead, but she refuses and tells him it´s her choice and tells him they are not tools like Cathy wants them to be. If I was to translate that in our life, when I was being messed with by dark magic messing with my mind for years, wanting me to break up with Cazuki and I fought it off every time, because it wasen´t what my heart or soul wanted, even thou my mind wanted to & was conflicted, but I refused to be a tool to be used by the LITDFS, I refused to let it go the way the LITDFS wanted it to go (can be compared to Cathy wanting Rachel to fire bullet holes into Zack breaking his heart), but I didn´t give in to my impulses, but I made a choice in my soul and heart and didn´t listen to my mind that didn´t make any sense. If souls woke up and realise they are not tools to be used and played with and they did fight the impulses that would cause them to “kill” (breaking hearts) their Twin Souls, because of the “poisonous drugs” (dark magic, technology, manipulations, mind control) they were overcome with, then they could stand together instead of being enemies with each other & defend, save each other from the laughing and smiling LITDFS who enjoy the pains, the sufferings and tortures of life, souls & Twin Souls. When Rachel aimed the gun at Cathy, she uses Cathy´s own words against her (Bang) when she shot Cathy to save Zack and it was like Rachel giving Cathy the middle finger. In the end credits scene, in the elevator scene in that episode, Zack asks Rachel why she never used the gun before this whole time that she had in her bag and he said he doesn´t know if she´s really smart or really dumb, but it showed how smart she really was and waited for the right time to reveal she had a gun and not let anyone know about it and would only use it in an emergency. If Cathy had known about it, she would of not exposed herself to danger thinking she was in control over the Twin Souls wanting their story to go her way.
Fan comments from the story:
“About Zack's past, the orphanage owners made him bury kids' bodies all the time and didn't even feed him. When he saw the movie (which was by the way, his only education) he saw killing happy people as a solution to his miserable life. So he decided to do that and it worked. I find it sad that killing is the only thing he's ever learned”
“Actually, the reason why Ray decides not to shoot Zack is that she doesn’t want to let Cathy get what she wants. It’s the first time that Ray shows her will so strongly. I think this means a lot in Ray’s character development. From an emotionless doll to a real human. When Ray says “To kill or to be killed, it’s our choice.” , the flashbacks in Zack’s mind shows the scene when young Zack threw away the shovel which means he made a choice to quit being used like a tool. That’s linked with Ray’s words, so amazing.”
“It´s actually more reasons why Rachel doesn´t kill Zack, like the promise they made to each other and deep in her soul she cares and loves him”“You're right, Zack's genuine smile is one of this worlds greatest treasures and we must guard it with our lives.”
“I keep commenting but I just gotta say that with Zack's pure smile he gave Rachel a gift when they thought that were near the exit. And when he says "It's better than nothing" makes it sound as if he wanted to get her something better but there wasn't anything”
“holy crap you just opened my eyes”
“The romance vibes are palpable….it seems like the Japanese fandom feels it too if you’ve seen the fan art lmao.”
“They really are a unique duo.”“my sister literally told me '' I can't help but to see the knife as some kind of ring and that Zack just kinda proposed to her”, like listen, you won't get a cheesy scene from them and THAT MOMENT WAS THE SWEETEST AAAAAAAAAAAA”
“I can see that context and translation :)!”
That knife was Zack´s most treasured possession and he gave it to her. A weapon to defend herself, Zack showing his romantic side, even if it is a dark gesture since that knife has been used to murder people, but it was his small gesture that meant a lot to her. Just like Twin Soul personalities fit so perfectly together, so do characters that are Twin Souls like Zack and Rachel. Rachel had 2 others who were interested in her in the series, but she kept choosing Zack. In episode 3 you see how close they get when they start calling each other by their nicknames and Zack calls her Ray instead of Rachel and she calls him Zack instead of Isaac. That´s a sign of trust between them and being close. Even when they bicker with each other, which is still funny, they still compliment one another.
In episode 4 when Zack is being electrocuted by Cathy, she says it´s his punishment for being a criminal and a monster, but only LITDFS would be so lost and dark to say that tortured souls like Zack who have been tortured since he was a child, is to be tortured more for his crimes that came from being tortured in the first place. There is no logic and meaning behind it, how is it sane to say a tortured soul has to be tortured more because of what his broken lost dark mind turned into and what he did by the very LITDFS that torture souls, then LITDFS torture mores souls to punish them for being tortured. It´s insane! It just becomes and endless loop of pain, misery, suffering and hell. The answer isen´t to torture already tortured souls, the answer is to always investigate why and how they become tortured in the first place, then take steps to protect children from ever being tortured in the first place and heal, rehabilitate the lost, the dark, the insane, the tortured and the corrupted.
In episode 5, Cathy messes with Zack more by bringing up his painful past which is messed up. LITDFS who enjoy causing pains and laugh, smile and having fun, if something bad happened to them in their past, they would want others to feel their pains and suffer as they did.
We need more of these dark Twin Soul stories showing the realities of our dark world, especially what happens to children and what the LITDFS do and get away with time and time again. This anime story is one of my favourites, it´s real, it´s honest, it shows the dark realities of our world, no sugar coating it, it shows a different translation for what keeps happening to Twin Souls. In Angels of death, we see two broken and damaged Twin Souls, needing to heal, wanting each other and True Love heals, brings them back to life, gives them hope and a reason to go on, to wake them up and to save each other from the hell world they are both in. Watching this, you will end up wanting them to save each other and to be together, healing each other from their past hell lives and create a better one together. If you don´t cry, if you don´t tear up or don´t feel anything from watching this heartbreaking Twin Soul story, then your heart and soul is closed up, walled up and for reasons you should investigate. Twin Souls open up each others hearts and souls, that´s what they do, they feel, they feel everything, just like what happened between Zack and Rachel. Cazuki & I, we cried, we held each other tightly, we felt pains, we felt everything while our world was burning up all around us, our union was burning up between us, but we still felt everything till the very last end when we left each other. If you are with a LITDFS that came between your Twin Soul union and you feel nothing when watching this Twin Soul story, then your heart and soul is closed up and for good reason. You are with someone that hijacked your life and your Twin Soul story, and acted like Cathy and controlled you and your Twin Soul to end so they could control your life and how they want it to go. Like Zack, Cazuki hates lies and liars, but he ended up lying in the end, lying to me, to himself and ended up with being surrounded by liars. Junko and Mitsuko both lied to him, both knew about the cheating letter (it was a lie, he never cheated. He emotionally cheated, but not physically cheated.) that was meant to have me break up with him and leave him, translation have me fire the gun to his heart like what Cathy wanted Rachel to do to Zack. His soul is not a liar, but his lost mind is, is mind might be ok with being a liar, but I know his soul is not ok with that. To meet a Twin Soul that feels so strongly about liars, hating lies to the extreme like Zack does, you´d be lucky to meet that Twin Soul, because LITDFS lie all the time, they lie when they portray themselves to be good people, but then they war with Twin Soul unions, conquering and dividing, using dark magic messing with minds to make someone break the heart of their Twin Soul or using dirty tricks like a cheating letter to get you to break the heart of your Twin Soul. They manipulate and play games and conquer and divide unions. They seduce and tempt. They are the Cathy´s of this world, playing games, dramas and wars against True Loves. 
When Zack finds some truth about Rachel that she didn´t mention, that wasen´t her lying, she just didn´t remember, even thou it was made to look like she lied to him, but she didn´t. The opening credits tell a story of an angel falling from the heavens into hell. Rachel falling with bird feathers all around her and in church Zack catches one of these feathers. That could translate his Twin Soul coming down to hell (Earth) to save her Twin Soul from hell and in doing so, she becomes a target and loses her wings. I´ve read comments from fans not understanding why Rachel stitches up the dead bird to be new again and they just thinks she´s insane. Her mind is broken, her soul is tortured, but if we dig deeper and understand her, we would know why she does it. Rachel is the lighter Twin Soul, Zack is the darker one, but what happens to the lighter Twin Soul who is loving, caring, wanting to help life, heal life, heal the broken, the wounded, help tortured souls and protect them, save them when she herself becomes a target by the LITDFS? What happens to her when she can´t be who she is meant to be in her soul? Her mind is messed with, but her soul still somehow shines through, she stitches the broken, helps the wounded, wanting to fix them, make them better, but does it in a broken way, her mind being damaged and messed with, but her true nature still shows when she tries to help put back together the broken. 
Zack never left his floor to chase after anyone, but he only does that after he sees the bird Rachel stitched up and he breaks the rules to chase after her on a different floor. His soul knowing she is not just anyone and she is worth breaking the rules for. His soul knowing, if she can stitch this dead bird back together, she could “stitch” him back together essentially. As for the abandonment issues she´s dealing with and wanting to make things hers, not feeling any connection to life, being alone, not feeling any close human contact, one could understand why she does what she does, by making things her own, they never leave her, but stay and when Zack told her he wasen´t her god anymore (she was out of touch with reality when saying that), she wanted to make him her own, so he would stay with her forever. Even when she did fire her gun at him in the 14th episode, she didn´t wound him at all, no blood, just tore through his jumper, because she doens´t want to kill him at all, but she doesn´t want him to leave either. Same can be said about Zack too, he doesn´t want her to leave him either and he reveals himself in the story. She was being lost in that episode and Zack had to wake her up back to reality.
The difference between Eddie and Danny and Zack is that both Eddie and Danny wanted to actually kill Rachel, while Zack kept saying he would kill her because that was what she wanted, but through out the series he´s trying to change her mind in his own way like wanting her to stop saying that and basically tells her in episode 14 to wish for him, in the game he says desire him, translates to not desire death, but desire life with him. 
Zack shows how much he cares for Rachel in the series like praising her a lot, caring for her, defending her and she shows how much she cares for him too. We need more of these dark Twin Soul stories to open up and wake up souls and Asuna and Kirito, Holmes/Odanna and Aoi, Haru and Shizuku are the perfect Twin Soul characters to get those messages across. If the LITDFS “friends” and “familiy” of Cazuki´s were honest, they would have just used their guns and blades to take me out instead of years of sneaking around, working behind the scenes, playing games and wars, manipulations, dark magic and so on, but they would just be honest, stand in front of me with their guns and blades and end my life so they could have Cazuki and have him be with who they want him to be with. No matter their actions, when it´s lies, illusions and deceptions where it looks like they´ve done nothing wrong or they are honest and take me out physically with bullet holes and stabbing wounds to replace me and have Cazuki be with a LITDFS instead, but it doesn´t change what they´ve done, who they turned into, LITDFS assassin killers of True Loves. It doesn´t change the fact they are the reason the world remains dark, unbalanced and wars against lives, souls and True Loves continues. You either want to be an Adam or Eve, Twin Souls, True Loves on a mission to save each other souls from hell, on a mission to help change the world, all levels of darkness or you are a part of that darkness continuing on the same cycles of hell towards life, souls and True Loves. Angels of death is loaded with truth, meaning, messages, insights, translations and soul awakening codes. When I come across any new Twin Soul anime stories, it´s like I´m getting new soul messages from Cazuki´s soul and my soul.
I just watched episode 15 just now, very emotional, will bring you tears if you are soul awake or it awakens your soul. It was freaky (well not really since our soul messages are coming through) that I just wrote about children who turn into monsters because of the dark actions and negative words by LITDFS, but they are only human, not monsters, but broken down, damaged, corrupted, lost humans that need light, love, compassion and empathy, then when someone tells Zack he´s a monster, Rachel says the same thing and says he´s not a monster, but she says he´s human and when Rachel gets shot and Zack thinks she gone, he refuses to leave the hell building and shouts what´s the point anymore when she´s gone. He reveals to love her again and reveals what is the point in living when he can´t be with her anymore. When Rachel mentions again about the oath her and Zack have between them to Zack, she tells him only when he really wants to, is when the promise should be granted. Her translation being and the context, she doesn´t want to die, but wants to live, wants to be wanted and by him and is telling him in her own way, she wants to be with him and only when he really wants to keep the oath between them is when they will part ways in this life. If Zack wanted to really kill her, he would of not cared about her getting shot, but he would have left the hell building. He wouldn´t stay behind and die with her, but he would leave and get his freedom if he didn´t care and didn´t love her. Zack has no intention of killing Rachel and keeping her promise/oath of wanting him to kill her, he doesn´t want to kill her at all, so when she said he should only kill her when he really wants to, this gave him a way out of keeping the oath between them. When he tells Rachel he doesn´t do anything he doesn´t want to do, that´s a reply to her saying he won´t kill her if he doesn´t want to. She asks him “really? and he mentions he´s told her before he hates liars, so he´s reassuring her again, he tells the truth, he can be trusted and won´t lie to her ever. Then the episode ends when he bridals carries her out of the hell building and I´m hoping they both get the life story they deserve and it begins a new chapter in their lives together. Rachel even finishes Zack´s sentence which is so damn adorable and very Twin Souls of them to do. They need that happy union and reunion. Bring on episode 16 with fireworks, lighting and electric Twin Soul energies between them. 
When Zack is about to cut through the iron bars in that episode and we see a black image of him in front of himself and a sad past memory from his childhood, that symbolises him cutting through the dark hell prison he was trapped in and leaves it behind, same symbols when his scythe breaks and he leaves it behind. He´s leaving that past behind him and coming out into the light with Rachel. When Rachel asks about the knife he gave her thinking he gave it to her as a heart warming gesture, him wanting her to be safe, but then he says he gave it to her so she would stay alive long enough so he could keep the promise between them of him killing her, which revealed a look on her face of sadness and disappointment thinking he cared for her, her life, not her death, but then he mentions, he´s never given anyone anything before, so that was his way of saying, she does mean a lot to him, so much that he gives her a gift that she treasures more than anything she´s ever gotten from anyone.
In episode 14 when Zack and Rachel are having an intense talk between them when she´s lying on the floor and he´s standing over her, it´s like the translation between them is this:
Rachel´s translation to Zack: How can he love her, how can they be together, she´s unclean, she´s killed!
His reply was that he´s a killer, he enjoys killing and his translation would be: He is in no position to come across as anyone better than her and he is not unclean either.
When you´re lucky to meet your once in a life time Twin Soul, they will love you unconditionally, your light and dark, your broken and your damaged and they won´t hold that against you or use it as a weapon against you or use it as a reason to run from you and break your heart, but they will understand you, all of you, they will want to know everything about you, they will want to heal your broken and damaged parts and love you back to life, back to the light and back to heaven, just like Rachel wanting to know more about Zack. If they believe you are too dark for them (like depression, suicidal, mind acting crazy, or/and have a dark sad past), that you are too broken and too damaged for them, then they are not your Twin Soul. 
Rachel kept running from Zack in episode 14, but he kept going after her and didn´t let her dark side or dark sad past get in the way of how he felt for her, her soul, he loved her no matter what, no matter how broken she was. He knew her mind was messed up and broken, but he loved her anyway. That´s a Twin Soul bond that can never be broken, you love each other unconditionally and when one runs, the other runs afters, never giving up, but fighting for each other, that´s real, that´s honest, that´s True Love! To the Twin Soul Eves, find your Zack, your Twin Soul who will love you no matter what! To the Twin Soul Adams, find your Rachel, your Twin Soul who will love you no matter what!
Fan comment:
“Even though Zack is technically 20 and Rachel is 13, Zack in many ways is still a child!!!! He lived in a foster home with people who abused him and treated him like trash! So he became a killer and never properly grew up!!! Rachel for her age is more mature and devoid of emotions!!! These two are such opposites but they are both kids that are screwed up and compliment eachother in a disturbing yet unique and beautiful way!”
The anime story does not reveal Zack´s age, but in the game it does and he´s to be 20 years of age. People need to wake up to the difference between those lost dark people who attack children, because they enjoy it, because they like them young, because they were attacked themselves when they were kids and that´s the life they only know and those Twin Soul True Loves who find their other half that completes them and it´s soul love, a deep connection and bond between two souls that are meant to be and has nothing to do with age, but has everything to do with the soul and being soul awake. Zack is in love with Rachel´s soul and can´t live without her, they are also both soul awake in that story. Rachel does not act like a child, but she acts like an awakened soul. Child attackers are not interested in the soul or soul love, but all they care about is young bodies. Know the difference! A child attacker could negatively influence and groom a child to become a lolita or loulita and have them express sexual desire early, but Twin Soul True Loves who find each other and have a massive age difference like Zack and Rachel, would wait till she was at an age where her body wasen´t child like before they get together physically in that way. If anyone is interested in the bodies of young children, they have a serious problem, but if two souls meant to be find each other early, they would wait until their bodies were not child like until they express their love in that way. All Rachel has to do is wait a few more years until her body is fully developed, that´s all and Zach I´m sure would have no problem with waiting since he waited already so long being 20 and has never been with anyone before. As much as we know Zack has no patience in general, but with this, I have no doubt in my mind he would wait for her, he is after all in love with her soul, not her body! Twin Souls, they love the soul and the heart, not the body, because the body fades away and dies, but the soul lives on forever.
Angels of death is the Twin Soul story of the year in 2018. It deserves an anime movie with the same voice actors to further tell the story of Zack and Rachel. Their relationship could teach others how to heal each other when both Twin Souls are broken and damaged and how they navigate the choppy waters of their relationship together when the world is against them. They are the forbidden and all odds against them True Love story because of the age difference between them and them being wanted by the police, being both damaged and broken, also when they come into union they will have LITDFS try and come between them breaking them up, they have a lot going against them and I for one root for them to make it!
I have mentioned this before, but Japanese anime Twin Soul stories and the language, reveal to be the ultimate True Love codes and energies that I have not seen anywhere else. The topics they cover are forbidden True Loves to the extreme, dark Twin Soul stories with all odds against them and yet they find a way for True Love to conquer all and open hearts, minds and souls all over the world.
Episode 16 today was very emotional and the ending was left open. What happened to Danny, Eddie, Cathy, Zack and Rachel were all sad life stories. They were all broken, damaged in their own way and in this episode we see Danny finally admitting he was hoping Rachel would love him as he loved her, saving his soul, saving him from his nightmare of being broken and damaged, being a “monster”. He believed no one else would love him when he´s a “monster”, being broken and bruised, but he was wrong. Even though Rachel was not his Twin Soul, his Twin Soul was still out there somewhere and would love him back to life, heal him and his broken wounds and scars, save his soul from hell, but he gave up and didn´t think that would ever happen. 
The creator of the story mentioned how Zack and Rachel did run away together never to be seen or heard from again. Still many fans believe she died like she wanted since you see the blood on the window, but there was no blood on the knife or his scythe, so that blood could have come from him or her cutting themselves when getting out the window. There was sharp glass and sharp wood all around the broken window. Or the blood could have come from him being wounded when trying to save her. Zack didn´t even kill anyone to break her out of her prison, no blood on the weapons he used. 
His determination and stubbornness in getting to Rachel was all he could think about, she was all he could think about and Zack was all she could think about. All you have to do is see the connection between Zack & Rachel again when they got their reunion. When she was told at the psychiatric facility that Zack was sentenced to death, her eyes lost their blue shining colour and became lifeless again, but when Zack broke into her room through the window, her eyes came alive and turned bright blue again. She became alive and she was happy to see him and he was happy to see her. We finally see Zack without his hoodie too and his flowing wild hair blowing in the wind. Rachel was locked away again in a prison and Zack, like an angel broke her out of her cage. He found a way to her and didn´t give up. True Love never gives up! In the scene when they escaped the hell building, two white doves flew out of the building, symbolising two soul angels finally escaping hell together and flying back up to heaven. Their last scene together was beautiful and they did float like angels. 
Zack and Rachel can be seen again in another Twin Soul story, Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet. It´s still airing episodes. They look slightly different, but same characters living a different life, telling the same story, the Twin Soul story. Danny can even be seen in this story as the character Scott Fold and still being obsessed with Rachel (Persia). Like Danny, Scott is again in love with Rachel (Persia), even thou Persia is only in love with her Twin Soul Inuzuka.
28 October, New insight: Before Zack broke into Rachel´s room, she heard a scream, then at the end credit scene, we see a room with blood on the window and a knife on the floor. Having another look at it, it´s not Rachel´s room, but knowing Zack, he probably went into the wrong room first until he found Rachel´s room, since there was no blood on her window when she left the room with Zack. 
29 October, New insight: Zack actually says in episode 14 “Desire me” to Rachel, but the english translation is wish for me. No wonder her eyes widened with shock when he professes his love for her in his own way. No wonder she changes in episode 15 and tells him a way out of keeping the promise of killing her by saying only kill her when he wants to and he doesn't want to kill her obviously.
SatsuTen Crack ( 12 ) 」- “Stop Crying & Smile!!”:
(Zack changes his mind a lot like a Gemini! :)
Fan comments updated 29 Oct, The awesome power of True Love in Twin Soul stories and all odds against them, the world is against them does awaken hearts and souls in people reading and watching these Twin Soul stories to the extreme:
“In the light novel, the rooftop scene is more or less the same, as you said. Both Zack and Rachel are alive and they evade the police and escape to a meadow together.“
“Yeah. No matter how many times I watch it, the part where it transfers from them grabbing each other’s hands in the opening to where Zack grabs rays hand as he’s pulling her out of the window always makes me tear up“
“I wish there was more angels of death I’m crying 😭😭😭😭😭 this was a favorite anime ever!“
“It’s so sad that it ended but you can tell Zack changed SO MUCH because of Rachel... hence he surrendered in the end to save Rachel“
“None of them died they escaped together. The author said that they escaped thus it is the actual ending”
“I cried more during this last two episodes than I cried my whole life“
“Angels of death best anime ever 😭😭😭😭😭😭“
“Icwas so mentaly atached to this anime that every single time my friends mentioned it i just went through an emotional breakdown 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭“
"Yo, everytime I see Zack pinned to the ground by the police something inside me breaks like a vase and onion ninjas start cutting onions and I die“
“I cried the sh*t out of myself! This last episode was so sad and beautiful at the same time. I mean the end where Zack and Rachel are back together is so heartwarming and I cried so much ist was so fu**ing beautiful” 
“Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy he wasn’t wearing his hood AND they flew (which was cool)” 
“I agree, Zack without his hood is LIFE. I think this was a pretty good ending, though I'd like to see what happened after.”
“Is it just me or in the end it’s like Romeo and Juliet”
“Omg this got me right in the heart”
“I'm so sad because it's the last ep and I was crying when it ended 😢😢“
“Loved your reaction when you heard Zack was sentenced to death, because he didn´t deserve that at all. We live in a world where souls are tortured everyday, then they break, are damaged and when they get lost in the dark, the world wants to torture them more by sending them to prison and death, when they should get healing, rehabilitation and be investigated why and how did they turn out like that and then prevent anymore children from going through what Zack and Rachel went through. Stories are not just stories, but a reflection or translation of real life. Loved it when you got that shock look on your face when Zack broke into Rachel´s room! :) It was such a beautiful and happy reunion between them and the creator even admits they ran away together.
Rachel and Zack clearly can´t stop thinking about each other when being separated and when that doctor told Rachel Zack was sentenced to death, her eyes changed colour and lost the bright blue, but when Zack came for her, her eyes came back to life, were bright blue again! :)
Throughout the series, Zack clearly doesn´t want to kill Rachel, he loves her and in episode 14, he even says, wish for me, in the game he says desire me, he wants her to wish for life with him, not wish for death. The context and translation between them is Love, True Love between two souls meant to be. Even thou the world is against them, they didn´t give up on each other and found one another again. In episode 15 she actually gives him a way to not keep the oath between them, when she says he should only kill her if he wants to, his reply to her was he doesn´t do anything he doesn´t want to do , if he doesn´t want to kill her, he won´t. Not to mention, if he really wanted to kill her, he wouldn´t be so upset when he thought she was dying and he didn´t want to live when he thought she was dead. There is no way he would come back for her only to then kill her, he came back for her so they could live and have a life together. Two white doves flew from the building, symbolising Rachel and Zack flying free together and I loved them floating in the air like angels in their last scene together.
I looked again at the end credit scene in episode 16, so many believe that Zack killed her and she got her wish or they died together, but before Zack came into her room, Rachel heard a scream. Knowing Zack, he probably went into the wrong room first, because there was no sign of blood or a knife in Rachel´s room. That´s what I see anyway. This story is by far the best True Love story of the year in my opinion, very dark, very real and honest. Loved it!”
“It was so nice to hear that. I hope that Ray and Zack alive. In game's ending they are definitely alive. But anime's ending add little doubt. So sad look in his and her eyes, as if they are surrounded by police and if it's they last met.
But I don't want to believe that. They don't deserve this, after all. Getting out from this building and die like this? For me, that is impossible, especially for Zack.
Also, they are great team. Rescue each other from enemies and from themselves. Only hope, that Zack's will for life enough for both of them.
That story about many people who doesn't received love in childhood, who had abused. And there is no place for this people in society. It's so sad 😔.
One thing, I want to know, what's blue moon and bells means? Hope or changing state from evil one to normal one... 🙂 Anyway, thank you, for such beautiful words.P. s. : Sorry, my English is very bad.“
“Thank you for your heartwarming words! Happy to give clarity and shine some light. Your English is not bad at all! It´s very good! :) This True Love story is so heartbreaking, brought me to tears more than once, but their reunion was so beautiful and full of happiness between them. You can hear it in their voices how happy they are to see each other again which makes me smile every time I see that scene between them. So to think that she wishes to die, only then to be reborn not seeing him and possibly start over again, in another hell hole makes no sense to me. All signs and messages points to them being together and I hope too that Zack´s will for life is enough for both of them until her will for life is equal to his.You´re right, they don´t deserve to die, but to live, heal, repair their broken and damaged lives with their True Love between them. I agree, they are a great team, they compliment each other, they complete each other, two halves of a whole. It´s true, when children grow up with no love in their lives, are abused in various ways, society tends not to accept them, but hides them, imprisons them, kills them, drugs them, abuses them more or ignores them and the cycle abuse and hell holes continue. It´s extremely sad and why I love this story so much, it´s so honest and true, revealing the real world and the darkness. We need more True Love stories showing truths like this one. It opens hearts, minds and souls and gets people thinking.In episode 14, when Rachel is clearly out of touch with reality when she is calling Zack god, he´s the one to bring her back to reality as she did for him for a brief moment in episode 5/6 when he took the drugs and her words to him were was he ok not keeping the promise they shared since she knows he hates liars and that would make him a liar, so what she said brought him back to reality, red ripple to blue ripple and he´s himself again, then he holds her to his chest and he grabs his heart hoping he doesn´t kill her, before he loses himself again to the drugs and pushes her away to run from him. Same thing happened in episode 14, red to blue moon and bells, Zack helping Rachel to come back to reality, to her senses and see him, not being god, but see him as Zack and her eyes were bright blue again too, coming back to life. I hope this answers your question, I just write what I see. :)“
God/Goddess of True Love…
Having some time available, I dived into world mythology again and what the various Gods and Goddesses of love were all about. In Norse mythology, I came across Freya, the Goddess of Love and it made me think of awakened Twin Souls.
Since I see all the various Gods and Goddesses of love as codes and code names, I´ll be taking every positive codes from them all and combining that into one, the Twin Soul God/Goddess of True Love, so anyone who becomes an awakened Twin Soul will be a God or Goddess of True Love and I´ll start with Freya.
Goddess Freya: Her name meaning is “The Lady” and is the Goddess associated with love, sex, beauty, fertility, gold, shamanism, war and death. She even rides a chariot pulled by two cats. She rules over her heavenly field Folkvangr and there receives half of those that die in battle, whereas the other half go to the god Odin´s hall, Vallhalla. She is also able to fly with her cloak of falcon feathers. Speculation is found regarding Freya is also Frigg and Freya´s husband is actually Odin. I don´t find that hard to believe and wouldn´t be surprised if several names were actually about the same person. The first clue is the fact she receives half of those fallen in battle while the other half go to Odin, two halves, Twin Souls? Despite writings suggesting Freya to have lovers when she had a husband, I only take the positives from each God and Goddess that depict what real True Love is and Freya wouldn´t have the right to be called Goddess of love if she wasen´t faithful and true to her Twin Soul husband.
“Love being her primary motivation and beauty of all things being the core of her nature. She encourages self-awareness and self-worth regarding our own beauty and sexuality, and may be anything from achingly gentle to forcefully dominant in showing people what they are worth. She is known to require people to stand naked in front of a mirror, repeating compliments they can barely stand to say or hear, as she guides them word by word in the act of learning to admire themselves.”
Awakened souls in Twin Souls are not shallow or superficial and do see beauty in all things. They don´t see ugly, only beauty, no matter what you look like or what your body looks like, no matter what an human alien, animal alien or any alien look like, beauty is found within and shines outward. Beauty is found in the soul, not the shape, appearance or condition your body is in. This is why when Cazuki had a hard time loving himself, his body shape, I would remind him he is beautiful, hoping he saw that too. You could look like a zombie, a vampire demon, a monster or look like someone the LITDFS find ugly in their eyes, but beauty is not what you look like, it´s your soul, your soul is beautiful and when your soul shines through being true, honest and real, that makes you beautiful. When anyone mentions ugliness about someone and it´s not in regards to their looks at all, but it´s their actions towards life and True Loves, what they are talking about is the person being ugly in their minds and that makes them ugly in their personality. Any LITDFS that war with life and True Loves show ugliness, that will never change if they remain asleep in their souls and continue to repeat history.
When Twin Souls are in union and they find themselves being with their True Loves who have damages and issues regarding self worth about themselves, even both could have damages from what negative codes, programmings and negative influences they picked up along the way in this life and past lives that never got healed before unions, to heal the past and gain a future, Twin Souls need to talk about the past, about everything, their upbringing, any negative people in their life that caused them to struggle with self worth or what negative influences they accepted in their life like what they saw or read or heard that made them view beauty as being something superficial or shallow or ugly and heal it together. In the Angels of death anime Twin Soul story when Rachel sees a butterfly she says it´s pretty and sees the beauty, but Zack doesn´t think so. Rachel is the one to open up his soul eyes to the beauty in life when his broken and damaged mind can´t see it. Always compliment each other, loving each other, expressing everything you love about them by siting naked in front of each other and see beyond the physical, see the soul, see the heart and remind your love why you love them. Remind your love to love themselves, because their soul is beautiful which makes them beautiful and their bodies beautiful. Awakened Twin Souls don´t just heal their Twin Souls by helping them to feel beautiful & remind them they are beautiful, but awakened Twin Souls help everyone who struggle with their own self worth.
When I write, I write about Cazuki´s soul, my soul and our soul True Love for each other, there is no face, because we have had many faces in many lives. As much as I would love to just be in one body in every life time, there is no point to that if Twin Souls keep being targeted and being torn apart to be with LITDFS. Only when Twin Souls only want each other and no one else in every life would it make sense to just be in one body.
The Goddess Freya´s sacred flower is a daisy and symbolises True Love, childbirth, motherhood and new beginnings.
Being only with The One, their True Love, fighting for True Love, saving, defending and protecting True Love is not only what a Twin Soul God or Goddess of True Love does, but protection of life, guiding life and shaping life to be Twin Soul Gods or Goddesses of True Love is also part of their being. Protecting life before conception, during pregnancy, child birth, after birth, raising them, mentoring them, guiding them to become Twin Soul Gods or Goddesses of True Love & Life too.
4 - 5 November, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report… Twin Soul Anime part 5…
The Angels Of Death Twin Soul story continues…
“The idea for this song is when I heard this song Zack came to mind for the first time he experience knowing about caring for someone being in love to feel for the first time: since Zack's heart was once dead when he chose his life as a serial killer, full of darkness and meaningless: but after meeting Rachel he started to open up his heart for the very first time knowing how to love someone and being loved in return, he finally knows how to care about someone so deeply and started to show more of his emotions that comes from his heart: he becomes more human each time even though he doesn't realize it and seeing Rachel's compassion about him is all new for him, at first he doesn't quite understand why someone would care for him: no one ever cared nor shown concern about him until Ray came to his life ( who he truly cares for her): his bond with Rachel is something so precious and true he truly cherish that's so real that he can't go on without. Thank you for viewing and I hope you all enjoy my first AMV of Zack x Ray and YES I'LL DEFINITELY MAKE MORE SOON: ZACK X RAY TOGETHER FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!! XD”
Taking life, whether you´re getting paid to do it, it´s your job, you´ve been programmed and dark side trained to take life or you´ve been broken down, damaged, soul tortured like Zack as a child and you take life, both these scenarios end the same, life gets taken, minds are broken down and lost and their souls are tortured and are in hell when their minds are doing things their souls would never do. What I know, the one thing I see and it keeps being told in stories, is that Love, True Love truly saves souls from hell, True Love heals and mends the broken lost minds, True Love opens hearts and souls, and True Love can bring anyone back to being human again.
Kermit the frog´s voice can be heard and the music theme song for james bond in this Angels of death video. I have no words other than it being another amazing video! I still get shocked coming across signs and soul messages like these, but every time I´m surprised and then it confirms what I felt about the story in the first place, it just let´s me know I was right and I can pick up on Twin Soul anime stories that have our messages in them.
Diving deeper into Angels of death, the hell building Zack and Rachel are trapped in can be translated to our house that Cazuki & I shared, but we were on our own, on different floors battling separate darkness on our own, then it switched to being on the same floor battling darkness together when attacks were coming at us, targeting us, wanting to divide us, turn us into enemies with each other from outsiders, from LITDFS wanting to tear us apart. It would switch between the two, being on our own being attacked, then being together and being attacked. The attacks against us were all mental, energy and psychological, so in Twin Soul stories those kind of attacks would be translated to be more physical attacks then mental, but in Angels of death, it was shown both, physical and mental attacks against Zack and Rachel. When Zack and Rachel finally escape the hell building, but then they both end up in different kinds of prisons being separated from each other, that´s translated to Cazuki and I being in two different kinds of prisons when our union ended and we left our house. That emotional scene between Zack and Rachel before the cops (LITDFS) have their hands on Zack and take him away from Rachel, that was like our last emotional moment together before we were separated, a lot of tears and hugs holding one another tightly between us before we got separated.
The hell building can also represent our world and the floors can represent our own personal internal and external battles we face in this dark world by ourselves and the floors we face together battling our way through to escape the hell building once and for all.
When you realise that Zack covers his body with bandages only because he doesn´t love himself, he hates his burn scars, you can´t help but hope that Rachel would love him and heal him to love himself, as Twin Souls would do for each other, they love each other back to life, back to love and back to the light.
I was thinking what happens to the inner child in us, when it´s being attacked a lot for years and not being able to be rescued. The inner child that´s being attacked from someone who crosses time lines and Universe lines to go after a Twin Soul Adam not meant for them. The translation could be like what happens to Zack as a child in the Angels of death story and when he is digging holes to bury the bodies of children in bags that were killed by his adoptive “parents” that he doesn´t know of, then his shovel uncovers a skeleton of a child in the hole he´s digging and finds out the truth, that can be translated to the inner child in any Twin Soul Adam finding out their former inner children in past lives that have been attacked and destroyed when they are controlled, programmed and manipulated to break unions and be with LITDFS instead. In that scene when Zack learned the truth, he made a choice to finally take matters into his own hands and got his freedom from the LITDFS. He was not going to end up being killed by LITDFS. Translation in our world, a Twin Soul Adam was not gonna let his inner child end up like another body to be buried in the ground, but this life he was going to save himself. Makes me wonder what our souls are going through inside us and the tortures they face that their controlled and programmed minds have no idea about, all the more reason for a soul translator to reveal what really goes on when our souls are attacked. Whatever darkness we go through, physically, mentally, energetically and soulfully, we all have the ability to take matters into our own hands in someway and take back our lives. All it takes is a spark, a fire, a lightning strike in us that awakens us, shakes us to the soul core and we say no more no more. Souls need a shock awakening, something that triggers them to take action and they no longer are soul sleep walking through life so they can be free. With Zack it was the truth he found out and he got his freedom from one hell, but then he ended up in another hell because of how he broke free from the LITDFS, until he met his Twin Soul that helped him break free from that second hell, but then ended up in a third hell when he got separated from his Twin Soul and where he had to break free by himself and save himself again. To the Twin Souls that are trapped in situations with LITDFS and their inner children & souls are being attacked a lot without their minds knowing, but they are like the Zack children in this world, keep the hope alive, stay alive, be strong, be brave, be stubborn and don´t let them destroy you, don´t let them win, find strength in the Twin Soul stories you read about or watch that show tortured souls that broke free from darkness and were even more stronger and powerful, because they survived, they stayed alive and fought for their freedom and even found their True Love.
How to know if your inner child and soul is under attack by a LITDFS that went after you before union with your Twin Soul or when you were in union with your Twin Soul:
-You´re not able to express your inner child, being playful, dorky, weird and fun with a LITDFS, but you can with your Twin Soul and feel safe.
-You don´t show all of you to a LITDFS, who you are, inside and out, the dark, the light and the grey, but you keep masks on, you keep secrets and don´t let them know the complete you, your whole soul.
-In the Twin Soul story Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet, you can clearly see which one is the Twin Soul couple, the dynamic between Persia and Inuzuka is sweet, caring, loving, understanding, compassionate, equals, wild and free, yet the other girls and how they act towards the boys is more dominating, violent, seduction, temptation, control and manipulation. In Twin Soul unions, the boys/guys would not take that crap and stand up for themselves not having fear, because who they are with is the other half of their soul and would challenge the one they are with to get it together and stop being so controlling, dominating and manipulating. Boys/guys who are not in Twin Soul unions, but are with LITDFS girls like this could end up doing whatever to please the LITDFS. When I wondered how Zack and Rachel would express their love for each other when they were both broken and damaged, in this new Twin Soul story, they find hilarious ways to get close to each other and taking it very slow, but you can clearly see Zack and Rachel in the characters Persia and Inuzuka and how their relationship would blossom between them. In a Twin Soul union, there is no domination, violence, seducing manipulations, control or any type of manipulations, it´s only balance between two equal souls. If you feel fear, anger, sadness or being indifferent when the person you are with is dominating, verbally or physically violent, seducing manipulator, controlling and manipulates, then your inner child & soul is under attack by a LITDFS.
Twin Soul Anime story: A Certain Magical Index seasons 1,2,3, recommend always to watch these anime stories in Japanese with subtitles.
The main stories in this series are not about Twin Souls, but the Twin Soul story between Accelerator and Last Order is an interesting one and a different and smart way to translate what happens to Twin Souls when they are targeted to end and be separated from each other like Angels of death. He´s a 15 year old, she´s 10, they are both damaged and broken in their own way from the LITDFS in their lives controlling them, using them, attacking them and so on. Two damaged souls that find each other and the scene where Accelerator saves Last Order when he sends her flying into the air and he shouts her name gives me chills every time I see that scene and anytime he tries to save her and she tries to save him. His True Love for her and her True Love for him can be clearly felt between them, even thou they don´t say the words and they are not a couple, but their actions speak loud and clear. I loved the dynamic between them.
31 October - 5 November, 2018, Twin Soul high school story chapter 5: The Dragon and the Pegacorn…
What I write to, Twin Soul songs Accelerator & Last Order:
Twin Soul Academy, Japan, Tuesday morning…
Akira looked at some of the cookies she had placed in small bags to be given away. When she asked Cazuki if he was gonna give away any of his cookies too that she gave him, he was quick to say no. He really loves cookies just as much as her she thought. Then she walked over to her desk and thought about a short story she had written ages ago. She looked at at the pages she had drawn and written. The short story she wrote was inspired by a Twin Soul story and she wanted to decode it and translate/code it in a different way.
Japan, Academy city…
On their way to the Twin Soul Academy that was separate from the Twin Souls Unite Academy because the students there were all Twin Soul couples, Akira, a 13 year old girl holding onto her school bag that had a small frog doll attached to it and reminded her of Cazuki, because she nicked named him Kermy. They also had a habit of calling each other the tortoise and the hare, since she was always slow to get moving, was always late, was always behind Cazuki and he was far ahead in everything he did. Cazuki, a 16 year old boy having a don´t mess with me attitude walked together with Akira from their joint Academy apartment that they shared with their senpai and protectors Natsuki and Hikaru, two Twin Soul Agents, two women who were a couple, one being a scientist/researcher at the Academy that worked in the esper, magic and technology division that was helping students develop their esper abilities, the other a field Agent that was assigned to the child revolution division that would go out on a missions to save children from families or anywhere that were attacking them, abusing them, using them and exploiting them in the world and would rescue any child that wanted extraction. One of the goals of Academy city was to provide a way for every child on the planet a way to get in contact with them and report anything they were unhappy with and if they wanted out, wanted their freedom, wanted to join the Academy city, a city where the children had rights no matter what age and could vote at any age and had more opportunities. Academy city, nicknamed City of Angels, and being mentors and protectors of children that were rescued all over the world was encouraged. The goal being, every child on the planet was to be safe, not being trained on the dark side, not being held back, held down, not being controlled and dominated, not being used, not being attacked and abused, but were free and were seen as independent individuals with soul knowledge and soul age that just needed awakening. Academy city did something no one ever did before, pushing boundaries, breaking the same old same cycle and went their own way. Academy city, a highly technological advanced and futuristic society went further and found a way to stop the ageing of bodies and could reverse ageing and so many chose to stay in the bodies of their chosen age, as long as it didn´t go below 16 years of age. When anyone brought up the living forever in the same body being a problem, the Academy would make the case that technically isen´t everyone already living forever, the only difference is they just get new bodies in every new life, but they are still living forever. Academy city saved souls and would take in anyone who was dark, light or grey, anyone who was lost, broken and damaged, anyone who was running from the police, anyone on the run from governments and they would get healing, rehab, training, education and their stories investigated and told to the whole world and tracing back where their lives ended on a dark path and how to prevent anyone else from ending up on dark paths being lost and broken. Their stories translated into anime stories to help wake up souls, open hearts and minds.
As Akira danced around Cazuki on their way to school feeling happy that it was summer break soon and the sun was shining, happy to have been one of the children that got rescued, happy to have a family that was safe, positive and balanced, happy that Cazuki was rescued to join the Twin Soul Academy where they first met. Since they met, their dynamic between them was what you would expect from young Twin Souls. They were not a couple or in Twin Soul union physically. His attitude towards her was keeping her at a distance, getting annoyed and angry with her happened frequently and had a lot to do with their age difference, her being the more happy and positive one and that she got herself into trouble when she would run off into the city, being free spirited not wanting to be controlled by anyone and breaking rules, but risking herself, but also he was angry for other reasons like his dark sad past, being constantly attacked by the members of the Dragon Academy that broke away from Academy city and became a independent country and they worked together with governments in other countries. Their main goal being wanting to take over Academy city to control it. They created a division to recruit Twin Souls and their esper abilities to use for their self serving gain and to gain more power and control, but Academy city had all kinds of divisions to deal with all kinds of attacks against them and Cazuki and Akira would one day join that division that would protect the city and the lives that found sanctuary and safety in the city of Angels. The LITDFS in the world were planning a massive attack and would start WW3 against Academy city to finally take over it and were in a rush to start it when they got word that Academy city was going to build Academy cities in every country. More and more souls wanted freedom, wanted to be saved and wanted out of the LITDFS dark corrupted system, so the LITDFS were desperate. They were planning to lie and try to manipulate the people all over the planet saying terrorists were working for Academy city and that Academy city were planning to attack counties, but since Academy city was transparent about everything to the whole world, the people of the world stopped believing in their governments. Akira had a more positive outlook on life and would get close to Cazuki in a friendly way wanting to heal his heart and soul and he was fiercely protective of her as she was of him. Since the Dragon Academy would target them a lot in the years, he always had anger about him, a don´t mess with him attitude, he didn´t give a crap and didn´t care what people thought, he always said what was on his mind and he wanted freedom, wanted to be in complete control over his life and didn´t want anyone controlling him anymore, so he kept finding new ways to gain more freedom.
In Academy city, everyone had several states they could morph into, Akira could morph into a white and grey tiger looking cat or a pegacorn, while Cazuki could morph into a dragon or a wolf looking fox. Whatever their mood was, their form could reveal itself with their ears and tales and teeth that would show itself from their human bodies, but they could also transform into their avatars fully, even in different sizes. Akira who was happily dancing around Cazuki and singing which annoyed him because he wasen´t used to so much light and happiness in his life and he easily got annoyed quickly over things, not having patience while she was the opposite and always had patience. Her pegacorn form was showing from her body and her magical pegacorn tail was glowing with rainbow colours and releasing positive happy light sparkling energies into the world bringing hope to everyone that was trapped in the dark in their lives struggling, but then they felt happy and a sense of hope when the sparkling energy particles reached them from Akira. Her wings and ears were showing too and she always had a blue star shape showing on her forehead, while Cazuki was showing his dragon tail, wings, his sharp fangs and dragon ears being in that mood. They could also both choose to look completely human. Akira´s phone buzzed while they were walking. She took out her phone and checked it.
“Who is it?” Cazuki asked, but then saw the look on her face when she stopped walking and his phone buzzed too and he grabbed his phone and he looked shocked at the message and then his face turned angry.
“Kuso! Looks like another battle is coming up! They´re relentless!” He said angrily. Then he looked at Akira who looked worried, because the last battle they had with the students from the Dragon Academy that were trying to recruit Cazuki, resulted in Akira and Cazuki being badly wounded that resulted in Akira´s mind being lost and was in a coma being kept out of doing anything, because of the dark magic spells and technology they used to attack them in battle, poisoning and darkening her mind and Cazuki, as much as he tried to protect her, defend her, he was left badly wounded that resulted in server physical injuries and he was brought down to his knees. In a friendly gentle funny way he hit her head and she looked up from the phone at him.
“Have you been keeping up with your recovery and training?” He said being serious. He knew Akira was still recovering from the last battle and she was still in training, so her abilities were not fully awakened, which made her an easy target and he was still recovering too. His sensitive self was showing and his wolf/dog ears and fluffy tail appeared as her tiger/cat ears and fluffy tail appeared too. Their tails joined together as one, tails wrapped around each other as blue and green butterfly energy particles floated from their bodies. She smiled and nodded, then she wanted to make his heart and soul smile.
“Cazuki, close your eyes!” She said smiling.
“Why?” He said.
“I have a surprise for you!” She said.
“I don´t like surprises!” He said getting annoyed knowing that most surprises he´s encountered in his life resulted in bad things happening to him and to Akira.
“Do you trust me Cazuki?” She said and he made a surprised face like she just zapped him with some hearts reminding him she is safe, she is there for him and would never hurt him and green butterfly energy particles floated from his body whenever his heart opened up.
“Tch! You know I trust you!” He said letting his shield down and could see Akira was not giving up, so he closed his eyes.
“Ok, now open!” She said and what he saw surprised him and not in a good way. She was showing him their phones next to each other. Hers had a tortoise phone case over it and his had a hare/rabbit case over his phone with a little frog figure strap dangling from his phone.
“Akira! There is no way I want that fluffy crap on my phone!” He said getting angry.
“Isen´t it kawaii?!!” She said smiling being happy looking at it twirling around him with their phones and holding it to her heart and blue butterfly energy particles floated from her body. When he saw her smile, it warmed his heart, but then he closed up his heart again and got angry. He grabbed his phone from her and walked off, but thinking she was funny.
“Tch! Ikuzo!” He said putting his phone in his pocket keeping the hare/bunny case over his phone she gave him.
“Race you there!” She said then started to run and morphed into her pegacorn form with her white wings and flew off flying towards school. Then he smiled and changed to being a dragon and started to run after her and used his black wings to catch up with her in the sky, both being in fully form, two mythical and magical beings flying free in the heavenly skies. They could only morph into fully form once a day, because it took a lot of energies to transform. Her magical powers from her pegacorn horn would leave behind magical obstacles for him to overcome to reach her and prevent him from winning the race, but Cazuki used his fire and ice abilities to combat the obstacles. They were equals and neither could defeat the other with their abilities. When he used his abilities against her to slow her down, she defended and cancelling his attacks out. Her rainbow tail glowed & sparkled from happiness flying with Cazuki and when she flew she left a trail of sparkling blue butterfly energy particles that reached him, lighting up his heart and soul. Cazuki closed his eyes and could feel the warmth in his heart and green butterfly particles floated from his body. She turned around flying backwards looking right at him trying to reach her.
“Give up!?” She said via telepathy which they could communicate when they were in fully form.
“You know me, when have I ever given up!” He said then smiled devilishly and raced past her which surprised her, but she loved it, loved the race between them and she tried to keep up.
“I can´t reach him! No matter how many times we battle race, I´m just not fast enough!” She thought and she tried and tried to keep up, but he was too fast and Akira was still not 100%. She then suddenly stopped flying and morphed into her human self fly hovering in the sky watching him speed on to the finish line. She closed her eyes, felt defeated again, felt like he left her, felt like he didn´t want to race with her side by side, but he was on a different path than her, a path that was separate from her. Then when she opened up her eyes, he was in his human form fly hovering not too far from her staring at her.
“What are you doing? You´re always racing off to the finish line!” Akira said. He then looked at his hand remembering her grabbing it one time at the medical healing facility when they were both rescued by the Twin Soul Academy. Then he reached his hand out to her.
“I want to race with you!” He said as green butterfly energy particles floated from him and that soul shocked her, then she smiled releasing blue butterfly energy particles from her and started to fly race again towards him and they slapped their hands together and raced off, competing once again.
Cazuki landed forcefully in a kneeling position on the ground that sent an energy shock wave everywhere blowing like a strong wind in front of the Academy and the students there, their hair and uniforms were blowing everywhere. Then Akira landed gracefully, angelically and lady like.
“I win again!” He said feeling confident, strong and on top of the world, being way ahead of her. Even thou Akira loved the race between them, when she kept losing and falling behind, she felt like would she ever reach his level again, being equals after the battles and attacks on her body and mind and she was still recovering. There would be days she didn´t want to race with him when he suggested it, because he wanted to push her to make it, knowing that she was his equal, he wanted her to recover from her wounds, scars, traumas and bullet holes. She always did get back up when she was beaten down as he did too, but he managed to get up faster and recovered faster than Akira. Akira looked at her hands, palms facing her that were shaking and then she turned her hands into fists getting angry over herself for not recovering faster, for not being at his level again being equals, not being able to protect and defend him as he did for her. Cazuki could see she was struggling still and walked over to her, being close to her.
“Akira, you need to keep up with your training everyday. You are stronger than this, you can do better!” He said.
“I know that!” She said getting more angry and frustrated with herself. Cazuki would push her to succeed knowing she was his equal and as his equal, he would push her like he would push himself. Even thou it annoyed and angered her when he pushed her, but she knew he was right. He reached out his pinky finger wanting to make the promise with her that she would train everyday and get stronger until she won.
“Promise me you´ll train everyday and win!” He said and she nodded after they pinky swore to each other.
“Yoshi!” He said and then she started to run to class.
“Race you!” She said still not wanting to give up and getting back up from losing. He smiled happy she was as stubborn and determined as he was and  he got into a race pose, his foot and leg slid backwards and like a force wind of speed he raced after her.
During lunch break, they both sat outside on their bench surrounded by blossom trees, overlooking the other students practicing softball in the park that the Academies used and they were eating their pack lunches Akira made for them. The winds blew blossom tree petals all around them.
“Does mine have meat in it this time?” Cazuki asked her when she opened up their picnic lunch.
“Cazuki, you know war against life is not only against humans, but also against animal alien angels too! The lunches I make is packed with everything you need for your body, mind and soul, giving you heavenly positive energies that will power you up in the fight for balance and to end the wars on life!” She said enjoying her lunch.
“It doesn´t give me everything I need! What are you talking about anyway, alien angels?” He said.
“From my studies at the soul research & investigation division, souls can reincarnate from humans to animals.” She said casually eating her lunch and he spat out his water that he was drinking.
“Majida?!!” He asked her and she nodded. Then he made a shock face and vomited.
“Daijōbudesuka?!” She asked as he wiped away the vomit drool from his face and she handed him the water bottle.
“Kimochi!” He said grabbing the water and drinking it.
“When anyone is an animal thou, they automatically get the status of being an angel if they are stuck being an animal for a long time and what they went through by humans and other aliens targeting them. Their angel status they take with them when they reincarnate as humans again. Whatever form a human is stuck in and against their free will and what darkness happened to them, their angel status is activated. A human´s angel status can be activated if they for example are lost in the dark, have done dark deeds against life against their free will and choice, but then change and is now protecting and defending life and have gone through hell to protect and save, sacrificing themselves to protect life. There are two activations, dark angels and white angels. If lost in the dark, then changing and being on a path to redemption and depending on what they are doing to save and protect life, they get dark angel wings, but if they continue to make it right for the dark deeds they did and depending on the massive save life missions they are on, they could activate their white angel status gaining more powers to help save and protect life. I mention aliens because we are all aliens on this planet, all connected to each other.” She said eating her vegan lunch. Cazuki scratched his head, but he couldn´t ignore her logic and reasoning either. Akira kept talking passionately about wanting to end wars on life and he knew she was right. Wars were not only against humans, but also against animals and the Earth. From what he learned in class, it was all connected, the negative energies and emotions coming from the animals that were enslaved in farms and slaughter factories were sad, depressed, lonely, tortured, angry, aggressive, in despair, in pains and those negative codes and energies were transferred to anyone eating animals and animal byproducts and the cycle of abuse, attacks, aggressive tortures would start all over again from humans against other humans. The research and investigation at the Academies revealed it wasen´t just what happened to the children or adults that resulted in them being attacking, abusive and aggressive themselves towards others, but the reasons were layered and what they consumed into their bodies also had a dark part to play. If anyone was serious in wanting to end wars against life, humans, the planet, then what they ate and drank had to change completely once and for all.
“Is that supposed to make me feel any better?” He asked her.
“Hoping it did was my intention!” She said.
When he opened up his lunch, he noticed little heart shape vegetables in his rice and he took his fork, stabbed it and showed her the heart vegetable.
“Nani, kore?” He said staring at her being serious while pointing the heart vegetable on his fork at her going back to his usual self.
“I made it with love!” She said as she continued to enjoy her lunch and Cazuki gave off a sigh and looked at his lunch. As much as she kept trying to open up his heart, he kept closing it.
“Close your eyes!” He said and she did hoping to be surprised by him and wondered what gift had he gotten her. Cazuki stabbed all the small hearts in his lunch and fed her back the hearts. When she opened up her eyes, her mouth was full of the heart vegetables she had shaped for him, then she got angry, but he smiled seeing her face full up on food. As they were playfully fighting between them with Akira trying to feed him her heart vegetables in her lunch and he was refusing, their green and blue butterfly energy particles were floating out of their bodies, but then Akira noticed something.
“Nani?” He asked her when she had a look about her and she stopped playing.
“They´re here!” She said feeling the presence of danger coming towards them and Cazuki got into serious mode, angry, grinding teeth and prepping for battle. They both looked up towards the softball team that was no longer playing, but they stood staring at Akira and Cazuki. Cazuki got up fast and tried to shield Akira with his arm while he was staring at the Dragon Academy students.
“Akira, get out of here!” He said, but she got up and stood next to him.
“Side by side remember, I´m not leaving! You have my back, I have yours!” She said.
“Baka!” Cazuki said.
“Cazuki! Join us!” Kaito shouted.
“This is it, last stand, join us or we will destroy her!” Sakurako said smiling thinking they were going to destroy her either way.
“You can´t escape us this time and we won´t lose to you again!” Junko said.
“This is gonna be good!” Mitsuko said smile laughing. When Akira and Cazuki saw fire coming towards them from Sakurako using dark magic, Akira shielded them both with her esper abilities. Then Akira raced towards them wanting to end the fight.
“Kuso!” Cazuki said and raced after her. The fight commenced between them all, everyone using their own esper abilities, magic, their different morphing forms with gifts that came with it. Cazuki´s esper ability that he gained during his hell hole time at the military when they experimented on him, when he was handed over to the them by his family who he defended himself against when his they went on the attack and Cazuki used his telekinesis power to protect himself that was awakened during extreme emotions and energies within him, but his new ability he gained when being held captive by the military was a power that evolved from his telekinesis ability and could move powers from others to himself, he could hijack anyones powers that targeted him, powering him up and giving him their abilities. Cazuki used their powers against them when the Dragon students attacked him, so they had to resort to guns and swords to fight him. When Akira and Cazuki were standing back to back, they managed to defend their union an defend each other, but then Junko came flying down from above with a sword and came between Akira and Cazuki, slamming the sword to the ground separating them both from each other. Akira´s wings opened up, having magical abilities too and she grabbed a hold of another Dragon student in the air and her wings lit up like the sun shining a light all around the Dragon student.
“Take her out before the shift!” Junko shouted, but Cazuki came flying towards Akira to shield her, but was caught in the crossfire of bullets and esper powers aiming at Akira. When the shift happened, the Dragon student soul woke up and she landed gracefully on the ground placing him there and he was in sleep mode.
“Kuso! We lost another one!” Sakurako said getting even more angry and raced towards Akira firing everything she got with her dark magic. Cazuki was bruised, a bloody mess, bullet holes and sword wounds, but they didn´t look any better after being attacked by Cazuki and he managed to take out several Dragon students too, but he got up struggling and headed for Akira to protect her once more.
“Akira!” Cazuki shouted as he flew to her. Sakurako succeeded in taking Akira out and she fell from the sky, her wings broken, damaged, bloody, but she managed to soul wake up several Dragon students and Cazuki caught her in his arms and landed on the ground still holding her in his arms, his wings spread out shielding them both from multiple attacks from everyone. When the attacks stopped, Cazuki´s wings were bloody, full of holes and torn apart, they managed to penetrate his wing energy shield defence.
“Akira wake up! Wake up dammit!” He said and she opened up her eyes, smiled and with her hand that was covered in blood touched his face.
“Cazuki, gomen’nasai, for not having your back! I wasen´t strong enough!” She said then fell unconscious and Cazuki held her close to his chest, green butterfly energy particles floating from him. Cazuki had to do something, at this rate, Akira would never be safe as long as he was with her and she wouldn´t be able to get to that level as long as they kept being targeted by the Dragon Academy. He needed to change tactics, he needed to get stronger and become the strongest and most powerful esper so he could protect Akira and anyone from the Dragon Academy ever again. Akira felt the same and wanted to be his equal and strong so she could defend him and life. The one esper ability he wanted was the Deflector where he could deflect any attacks back at the attackers, like bullets and dark magic. He wanted to be able to reverse any attacks to the mind like technology and dark magic. He gently placed her on the ground, stood up, clenched his fists and teeth and then turned to face the Dragon Academy students angrily.
When Akira woke up at the medical healing centre at the Twin Soul Academy, the first eyes she saw was Haruki. He was smiling at her.
“You´re awake! Daijōbudesuka!?” He asked feeling relieved.
“I´ll live! Where´s Cazuki, how is he?” She asked looking around, but then saw the look on his face.
“Akira, he joined the Dragon Academy.” He said as he handed her Cazuki´s frog figure strap that was connected to Cazuki´s phone that she gave him.
“He wanted you to have that. Sumimasen!” He said and Akira looked at it and she started to tear up and then clenched her hand into a fist holding it.
“I don´t believe that, he wouldn´t! They must have him under control in someway! We have to try and rescue him!” She said as she tried to get up struggling, but was stopped by Queniq that was the famous doctor at the Academy known as Angel of Life and could heal any wounds and bring back anyone back to life.
“Akira, you need to rest and heal! I know I can perform miracles, but your body and mind still need to recover.” Queniq said checking her status.
“What about Cazuki? The longer he is with them…” She said.
“The teams were sent out several times to try and rescue him, but Cazuki fought them all. With his esper abilities, they couldn´t reach him.” He said.
“Several times?” She asked looking confused.
“Akira, you´ve been in a coma for several months, your brain was compromised by dark magic and program/coding intrusions. If Haruki didn't show up in time, you would have been lost. He managed to clean up the various attacks, but your shield needs to be restored. I´ll let Natsuki and Hikaru know that you´re awake.” He said and Akira looked at Haruki and accessed the memories from him and saw him kneeling down to her in the rain, placing his hand on her head and healing her which shocked Akira and then seeing the memory of Cazuki handing Haruki the frog strap that was attached to his phone. When Queniq was about to leave, Akira grabbed his coat.
“We haven´t given up on Cazuki! Now rest up, doctors orders!” He said smiling then left. When Akira saw another boy in her room, she recognised him and he came over to her.
“Akira, arigatou, for waking me up!” The former Dragon student said smiling.
“What´s your name?” She asked him trying to smile.
“Links!” He said smiling.
“Happy to meet you Links!” She said.
“Don´t worry Akira, we got this!” Haruki said which soul shocked her, then she smiled and nodded.
“Hai!” She said.
“Haruki! Arigatou, for saving me!” She said and he blushed, scratching his head smiling.
3 years later…
In the blossom tree park next to the Academies, standing next to the bench that Akira and Cazuki used to use, a boy that was the same age as Akira, 16 years old, was confessing his love to her.
“I´m in love with you! I think you´re my Twin Soul! Akira! Go out with me!” He said loudly. Looking from a distance where the softball team were playing, Links, Daichi that were 17 year olds and Haruki who was 18 years old, but looked like he was 16 and had stopped ageing, they looked at both Akira and the boy.
“Another boy is confessing to Akira!” Links said.
“Let´s put it to the test shall we! From what I know about you, your childhood was a happy one, a part from the usual obedience, dark side and submission training you got from your parents that was low level grade, but still impactful and they would use low level violence as a form of punishment if you didn't listen, but a part from that, you were happy and had a happy life with them correct?” She asked him.
“Hai!” He said.
“I didn´t have a happy childhood! Mine was dark, depressing and hell! I was physical abused when I was a child which I completely blocked out, but would have nightmares about it, that lead to severe depression when I was a child and was suicidal. The depression never really went away. I was surrounded by family members that were the same souls that came between my Twin Soul union in past lives and I was more like a status symbol to show off to everyone, dressed like a doll, but was never raised, taught or loved and surrounded by those I didn´t trust, thus resulted in not being able to be close to people when I hadn´t had human contact for years. My parents would fight a lot not being matched to be together. They used violence, emotional abuse and various forms of punishment tortures to punish if I didn´t listen. When I came across others that fell to the dark and were broken, they would express their pains and sufferings in destructive ways towards me that resulted in me breaking several times and going on defence by attacking them. I have a dark sad past, you have a happy relatively light one and there is no way you will be able to handle my darkness, my broken and damaged sad mess! I suggest you run, run fast and far away from me!” She said thinking the only Twin Soul for her is the one that wants to know what she went through, can understand her completely, because he went through darkness too. The Twin Soul stories she would read showed examples of if two people got together, but only one went through darkness, the other might not be able to handle that darkness when they had never been through it themselves and would no doubt lead to breaking apart between them and that darkness gave ammunition for “families” and “friends” to use that to come between the couple. So Akira would test anyone confessing to her and she would just be up front and honest with everything until that day came and she would meet her Twin Soul who didn´t run, but wanted to run with her, side by side forever in every life as soul husband and soul wife. With every confession she got from a boy, it resulted the same way. Links, Daichi and Haruki watched the boy run fast and far away from Akira.
“Looks like another runner!” Daichi said.
“How many is that this month?” Links asked.
“5!” Haruki said while Links and Daichi looked at him.
“Nani?” Haruki asked.
“Betsuni!” Links said smiling as did Daichi seeing Haruki paying close attention to her. Akira then turned to look at the bench her and Cazuki would use when they ate lunch together and the warm spring winds blew all round her with blossom petals flying all around her.
3 years ago…
Sitting on the bench in the blossom tree park, Akira and Cazuki were doing a sudoku puzzle together that they would do after eating lunch. They would have a competition between them, taking turns trying to find the number faster than the other and if one got stuck, teamwork would happen.
“It´s been 3 minutes! Are you stuck?” Akira said smiling since she already found the next number.
“Need more time!” He said not wanting to give up and concentrating.
“Times up, our lunch break is almost over! 2 goes there!” She said pointing to the sudoku puzzle.
“What are you doing?” She asked him.
“Checking to see if you are right!” He said looking surprised that he didn´t see the number before, but she saw it.
“It would go a lot faster if we just fill in any number wherever!” He said then she grabbed the puzzle.
“My turn! Cazuki, just putting any number in how can you be satisfied with that? It wouldn´t be real, honest and it would be all wrong! I understand what you are trying to say! As much as I follow certain rules as do you, you know we both break rules as much as we follow them.” She said.
“Home made cookie?” She said offering him one holding it up while trying to find the next number and he bit into the cookie, using his mouth to grab it instead of his hands which surprised her, but within a minute Cazuki found the next number.
“1 goes there!” He said eating the cookie and enjoying it.
“Oi! It´s not our switchy moment yet, I still have two minutes left!” She said eating a cookie.
“Akira, you break and change rules all the time, it´s my turn! If you help me out, then I can help you out whenever I find the number!” He said as he took the puzzle away from her when it was his turn, but less than a minute Akira found another number.
“8 goes there!” She said smiling.
“Oi!!” He said out loud.
“New rule, if we do your rule, then anything goes!” She said smile laughing and grabbing the puzzle back.
“Tch!” He said.
“7!” He said and pointing to where it goes then he tried to grab the puzzle book from her, but this time she was holding it and not letting go as they playfully fought between them over it with green and blue butterfly energy particles floating from them both.
“Let go it´s my turn!” He said.
“Sure if you can grab it from me!” She said smile laughing.
“What are you two love birds doing?” Haruki asked them when he showed up.
“Playing sudoku!” Cazuki said.
“Wanna play?” Akira asked him when she got up to show him the puzzle book. Cazuki got up and went over to them, grabbed the puzzle book from her and started to walk back to Academy.
“No he doesn´t!” Cazuki said not wanting Akira to play with him.
“You don´t know that!” Akira said loudly.
“He´s right! I´m more of a chess gamer myself!” Haruki said which made Cazuki turn his head and was alerted.
“Chess hey, I´ve only played twice and I beat both Natsuki and Hikaru, but now they don´t want to play with me!” Akira said.
“Akira, ikuzo or you´ll be late for class again!” Cazuki said loudly.
“Hai!” She said as she and Haruki walked with Cazuki back to the Academy.
Later that day after school, Akira and Cazuki were back at their apartment they shared with Natsuki and Hikaru.
“Is this your first time playing chess?” Akira asked Cazuki.
“Hai!” He said.
“You´re really good!” She said concentrating and wanting to win as he smiled.
3 years later…
Akira walked over to Links, Daichi and Haruki.
“What truth of yours made him run?” Daichi asked.
“Dark sad past story!” She said thinking back to the others this month that confessed to her.
Love confession answers this past month…
“My heart feels pains and I sometimes break down in tears for any criminal that gets the death sentence or are trapped in hell prisons being more tortured knowing they had hell lives that turned them into monsters, when they should get healing, rehabilitation and be investigated to how and why they ended up broken in the first place to prevent others ending up like them!” Akira said to a boy who confessed his love and then he ran from her.
“I´m against killing of life, even in the womb! I think there should be a child licence and animal family licence until it´s no longer needed! I think children should have rights and be protected before they are even conceived! I think mutilation against children should be illegal in every country and religions need to stop hiding behind their religion and stop using it as an excuse to use violence and control against children, against life, like forcing children to marry young!” Akira said and another boy who confessed his love to her and he ran away from Akira.
“I´m all for True Loves Twin Soul unions to be together that have all odds against them, the world is against them, families and friends are against them, like Twin Soul gays and lesbians, Twin Souls with different religions, Twin Souls from different countries, Twin Souls with massive age gaps, Twin Souls that are blood related, Twin Souls that are broken and damaged, but they stand together, fight for each other and defy them all to be united!” She said as another boy ran far away from her.
“You can´t handle me, once activated, my wild Tiger will pounce you 2-3 times a day everyday!” She said knowing this after reading up on her past lives and it was the same in every life, then the boy who was a horny 16 year old looked extremely happy hearing this.
“That´s not all, but I have a perverted side too! I´m a Crazy Rebel Angel, crazy in a good way!” She said and she walked over to him and whispered in his ear, then he freaked and ran from her. Akira smiled thinking this was an easy way to pave the way to see who was her Twin Soul. She thought about how in her former life she did the same thing, but did it after she got into union with her Twin Soul and the only scare tactic she used in her other life was if her Twin Soul would run after hearing she wanted 8 kids with him, but he didn´t run. This time, Akira was going to go all out and come up with all kinds of reasons to see if anyone wanting to confess their love to her would run from her. A Twin Soul never runs, they accept everything about you, they understand, they don´t judge, but they want to know everything about you. They can handle everything you throw at them just like you can handle anything they throw at you. They can handle anything life throws at them, just like you and never run. Akira had built a fortress of heaven sanctuary around her that was sacred and only the One may enter. These tests were only the beginning, but would help any Twin Souls who were serious about union, serious about The One and would know who really was their Twin Soul.
“Doesn´t it get repetitive hearing all these confessions and making them run?” Links said then Akira pulled out her new book and showed them all as she was smiling.
“Twin Soul Decoded, The Path To The One!” Daichi read out loud and all 3 of them looked inside the book curious and thirsty for her knowledge and wanting to know more about her.
“It came out today and is being sold also at the Academy. I figured with all these confessions that for some reason started not too long ago, to avoid repeating myself and to save time, I published my work that I finally finished. Now anyone interested can read it, then run away before even meeting me.” She said smile laughing and being tactful. In her book she mentioned everything, from her dark sad past, her political views, her controversial society views, ways she could test anyone to see if they were her Twin Soul or not and information about Twin Souls in general along with her soul knowledge, wisdom and any insights she could see. She didn´t care what people thought of her and would speak her mind about anything and everything. In her book she even recommended any Twin Soul to do the same and write their own Twin Soul book decoding them. She was creating defence codes that only her Twin Soul could solve, break and understand the coding. When the guys looked up her wild Tiger page, they all blushed when she revealed her saucy naughty and nice side and they all looked at her.
“Seriously guys? The first chapter you go to is my wild Tiger Crazy Rebel Angel page!” She said.
“Akira, can you blame us, we´re 3 single guys with massive amount of sexual energy build up trapped within.” Links said as the other two nodded in agreement.
“2-3 times a day everyday!? Not possible!” Haruki said being serious when he looked up from reading that about her, thinking that always gets less eventually, but then they saw her smiling.
“It´s possible for Twin Souls and with my past life history it was revealed that the ones I was with couldn´t handle my Tiger ways, so it got less, that is something I do not wish a repeat of. My Twin Soul has to be able to handle my wild side! He has to be a wild beast to my wild tiger! Also, dark magic meddled in my past life relationships that resulted in it being less too. When it comes to Twin Souls, two extreme and intense souls, two halves of whole meant to be, it can´t be helped, the sexual and True Love energies between them is out of this world crazy and never ending!” She said, then she saw their hungry beast look in their eyes again and she freaked.
“Just to be clear, this holds only true for souls meant to be, but being with anyone else, it will become less eventually!” She said which calmed them down a bit and she let out a sigh thinking she was safe again.
“Cazuki helped you with this book?” Haruki asked her being surprised seeing Cazuki´s name as a Coder under the section of anyone that worked on the book.
“Hai! He was the first one to read it all, before helping me!” She said thinking back to when he read it.
3 years ago…
When 13 year old Akira was rescued from her family after she contacted Academy city to come extract her, the first place she was transferred to was the medical healing facility at the child revolution division at the Academy where Natsuki was the Twin Soul Agent that rescued her and was assigned to her and the other rescued soul at age 16 that was lying in the bed next to her. While Akira was sitting in bed with all her pages from her Twin Soul book laid out and going over it, writing notes and eliminating what was not needed, Natsuki came in to check on them both.
“Ohayō! Busy as always I see!” She said.
“Ohayō Natsuki!” Akira said.
“How are you both this morning?” She asked.
“Tired, Cazuki kept me up most of the night with his nightmares!” Akira said still going over her pages.
“Urusai! I don´t have nightmares!” He said acting tough and not wanting to show his vulnerable side while he was lying on his back with his arms behind his head resting on the bed next to Akira´s.
“I got up several times trying to wake him up, but he kept having the same nightmare, so then I tried something different and held him close and I fell asleep holding him and he stopped having nightmares!” Akira said.
“Oi!” He said loudly and Natsuki smiled.
“You´re not weak Cazuki for having nightmares. What they put you through in the military in those experimentations, I can´t imagine the demons inside you that you are fighting with on a daily basis. Demo, I´m happy I got you out of there and your story will help others too and give them hope and strength knowing there is light in this world that wish to save them!” Natsuki said.
“Tch! I didn´t ask to be saved!” He said thinking back to when he was a tool, being used, being controlled, being passed around, tormented by the LITDFS in his life. He wanted to save himself and was working on it, until word got out to the Academy city from whistleblowers that mentioned children being used in experimentations in the military for their esper abilities to be war machines and be used as weapons in war.  
“Being saved in not weakness either, it´s strength, because those powerful energies of compassion, empathy and kindness that they send you is stronger than hate, fear and anger. Being saved is letting your mind and soul know that there are those in this dark world that care about you, they don´t judge, they don´t criticise, but they want to understand, they want to help and give you the opportunity to maybe one day save someone yourself with those energies you now carry within you that will only increase every time anyone shows you kindness and care.” Natsuki said, but then Cazuki vomited in the bin next to his bed not being used to feeling any kind of compassion, empathy or care from anyone towards him his whole life.
“Urusai! I don´t need to hear that crap!” He said, but she smiled.
“I´ll let you two catch up! I just wanted you both to know that Hikaru & I are now your protectors and you´ll be living with us until you decide to move out.” She said.
“Majida!” Akira said smiling feeling overjoyed and feeling safe with her and Natsuki nodded.
“Don´t need protectors, I can take care of myself! I want my own place!” Cazuki said.
“I have no doubt you can defend yourself Cazuki, but tell you what, give it a month, if you still feel the same way, I´ll arrange for your own apartment!” Natsuki said.
“Waste of time, but whatever!” He said.
“I´ll be away for another rescue mission today, so Hikaru will come by to pick you both up. Akira, take care of Cazuki and I´ll see you two later. Jaa ne!” She said and walked out. When she left, Akira placed her ear buds in her ear and listened to her mp3 dancing on her bed feeling happy for the second time, the first being when she was rescued and started singing which was annoying Cazuki with her brightness and light coming from her.
“Damn she´s so noisy and annoying!” He said and got up to leave, but Akira being clumsy tripped and fell off her bed and Cazuki caught her in his arms. They both were soul shocked staring at each other in their eyes and blue and green butterfly energy particles floated from their bodies, but then Cazuki got angry for her being so careless and reckless and he flung her onto her bed.
“Baka! Watch what you´re doing dammit!” He said, but she smiled knowing he caught her and didn´t let her fall. He cared, his heart and soul was shining through his darkness.
“Arigatou Cazuki!” She said.
“Tch!” He said and then she continued working on her book. Curious, he went back to his bed and sat down looking at her work.
“What are you working on anyway?” He asked her.
“My Twin Soul book. I´m placing codes everywhere like a map that only my Twin Soul can solve, break and decode. He will be the only one who can understand it and this way I´ll know who he is and if he´s The One for me or if he´s a runner and we were never meant to be. I haven´t tested it on anyone yet to make sure my codes are strong enough, so do you mind helping me making it bullet proof so my heart is protected against anymore heartbreaks that I´ve had in past lives?” She asked having a serious look and being vulnerable, but hoping he would help her. He looked into her soul caring eyes which made him feel something in his heart which he didn´t like, then got angry again.
“Akira, I´m not interested, find yourself another tool!” He said feeling annoyed.
“You´re not a tool Cazuki and if you help me your name would be added to the work as well and you would get paid for it.” She said.
“Your help can pave the way for Twin Souls to find one another, for True Love to conquer all!” She said, but then she remembered his heart and soul being closed up.
“Are you trying to make me vomit?” He asked her.
“What about working with me for one day and see if you still feel the same way?” She asked.
“Kuso! Why can´t I say no to her?” He thought.
“Fine, whatever. It´s not like I have anything better to do today anyway.” He said and she smiled and sat next him which gave him a surprised face and green butterfly energy particles floated from him and she handed him some of the codes to read that were her answers to confessions from any boy who wanted to confess their feelings to her to see if they would run or stay.
“What´s this?” He asked her.
“Confession codes, they are my answers for anyone confessing their feelings to me and the answers would either make them run or stay. I need you to read my answers to see if I need to make them stronger!” She said.
“Your spelling and grammar sucks! The structure is all over the place, there´s no order to it!” He said.
“It´s a draft! I´m a perfectionist at heart, demo, I write how I write! I´m a chaos writer!” She said and he gave off a sigh feeling like it´s not going to be easy to read it and he knew it would annoy him with how messy the writing was.
30 minutes later…
Akira was lying on her bed holding her pages over her head feeling defeated.
“Not possible! You defeated every one of my codes!” She said.
“He either agreed or he challenged me and agreed or I agreed with him. How did it turn out this way?” She thought.
“Isen´t that good, that means you have to make them stronger right?” He said, but she wasen´t going to give up. She couldn´t accept that every answer of hers was broken into.
“What about this one?” She said giving him another answer on her page about protecting life inside the womb and what she thinks about the death sentence and hell prisons and he read it.
“I agree with you!” He said handing it back.
“No way! You can´t agree with everything! There has to be something you don´t agree with!” She said trying to find some other answers amongst the many pages getting nervous and frantically trying to find something he doesn´t agree with.
“What´s your problem? I thought I was helping you!” He said seeing she was acting strange and didn´t understand.
“It´s not over!” She said then grabbed dvds out of her bag and turned on the tv so they could watch anime Twin Soul stories together. More codes that would send anyone running from her.
“What are you doing now?” He said getting bored, losing interest and yawning.
“These are Twin Soul stories, their codes would make anyone run away!” She said. Then they watched Oreimo, A Certain Magical Index and Angels of death together. When she paused the last scene where Zack and Rachel were floating like angels in the air, she faced Cazuki to see what his reactions and answers were.
“I like Zack and Accelerator. Good stories!” He said.
“Is that it? Did you not understand the context and soul translations between the Twin Soul couples and their stories?” She asked him.
“Akira! I understood and my answer is the same, good stories! Are we done here?” He said.
“What about Oreimo?” She asked thinking that would be one story he couldn´t possibly accept.
“I agree with Kyosuke, love is gross no matter who it´s between, so does it really matter? Bodies are vessels anyway right, so who cares what people think when it comes to souls and who souls love!” He said then saw the shock look on her face.
“I´m hungry! Ikuzo!” He said then went out the door as she was trying to figure out how to make the codes stronger and come up with new ones that he couldn´t possibly break into.
“Cazuki!” She said loudly then grabbed his hand which surprised him and that would be the first time in his life he held a girls hand and more green butterfly energy particles floated from his body and she thought about one code that had to do with her Tiger ways and she whispered into his ear. When he heard what she said, he freaked out being surprised by her, but then he smiled devilishly at her which made her nervous.
“I´m a wild beast, what do you think?” He said then walked off smiling and this time Akira freaked out. Akira gave off a sigh feeling like he defeated a lot of her codes, but she wasen´t going to give up and would get his help to make them stronger and hard to beat.
“I´m not giving up! My defence will not be easy to break on through!” She said then walked off stubbornly and determined to succeed.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever!” He said thinking she was funny.
3 years later…
“Akira!!” A girl called out her name in the distance leaving the softball game and came running towards them.
“Is your telepathy output disconnected again? You need to order some more of your books, it´s sold out already! There was huge line up.” Akira´s sister said. Her sister was a T.S.T.T., her other self and everyone one of them were called sisters. Akira´s part time job was working for the T.S.T.T. division at the Academy that was responsible for rescuing and recruiting T.S.T.T.s all around the world. She switched from working between the T.S.T.T, division and the Defence Shield division that kept Academy city safe. Being technically gifted, both Akira and Cazuki created Luna together 3 years ago before Cazuki left Akira. Luna, an A.I. that was the central system in Academy city, having access to everything, even outside of Academy city. Luna, a virtual life young child was advanced, soul awake and she was more human than humans that fell to the dark and were not acting human anymore. So far, Akira had helped recruit 20 000 of her T.S.T.Ts, her other selves that were of all ages and some worked for the Academy while others were in training at the Academy and the rest were at the Academy in class. Half of them were no longer in their Twin Soul unions, but their Twin Souls killed their unions and fell to the dark, while the other half were still single and protected and hadn´t met their Twin Soul yet. All 20 000 of them were at the same Academy and Akira finally got that huge family she always wanted. All of them were tested to see which one was the more awakened one and connected to all T.S.T.T.s and if they could transfer information between them all. Akira, being 20001, was the only one that was more soul awake than her other selves and was able to transfer information to them all as they could too and they could communicate via telepathy.
“There was too much chatter amongst you all and I needed a break, but arigatou onee-san!” Akira said as she closed her eyes connecting to Luna to pass on the information to the distribution. Then she looked at the softball team that stopped playing and came over to her. They were all her sisters.
“Is everything alright Akira, you didn´t answer me when I got information from our sister that your books were sold out.” Another sister asked.
“Yes everything is fine, I´ll let everyone know what is going on!” She said as Akira closed her eyes and sent telepathic information to all her sisters. When Akira got the feeling the boys were eyeing up her sisters, she turned to face them reading their minds.
“Oi! My sisters can read your minds too by the way! Your dirty thoughts are showing!” Akira said.
“Yabai!” Links said. Then she walked off and the guys blushed a part from Haruki who was not thinking anything indecent, his mind was on Akira, but Links and Daichi were caught in the act. As she walked off her phone buzzed and she took out her phone that had Cazuki´s frog strap attached to it and checked the message, she smiled and blue energy butterfly particles floated from her body, then when she was about to walk off again, Akira´s hand was grabbed suddenly, she looked surprised to see Haruki grabbing it.
“Akira, battle race with me!” He said being serious wanting her to keep up her training and she smiled.
“Hai!” She said smiling.
On a building roof top overlooking the city, his dark black coat flowing in the wind and his wild hair blowing all over the place, Cazuki looked towards the sky and saw Akira and Haruki light sword battling it out between them and her wings were healed. Then Cazuki opened up his dark wings, being healed too and he smiled.
When Akira finished reading part of the story she wrote ages ago, she took her laptop and sat in her bed to continue her new Twin Soul book, then leaned against the wall and ate the cookie Cazuki made for her, while Cazuki in his apartment next to hers was in his bed working on his laptop, on his invention, leaning against the wall, their bodies aligned together on opposite sides and he too ate her homemade cookie enjoying every bite as their heads joined together with the wall between them being soulfully connected, but psychically apart.
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
Twin Soul Rebellion Songs...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From The Book Of Twin Souls...
Twin Soul stories...
Spoiler alert...
So many truths being told in this story, it´s just translated differently, but same outcome, Twin Souls targeted, torn apart & kept apart. The same tactics the LITDFS use is fear, manipulation, threats, attacks, lies & anything else to break them apart & keep them apart. I know of Twin Soul couples who did create their dreams separately before their union happened & were already successful & accomplished, yet even they were still targeted by the same group of LITDFS in their lives that go after them in every life. Interesting how in their life book plan, their life line colours are blue & green in the story. Cazuki always did say to me I really do love ballet when I would dance in our living room, my dancing was a combination of ballet, funny moves, wacky, hippy and more. When he wasen´t looking, my dance also included kick ass moves like marshal art. There was just no structure or order to my dancing, but I danced chaotically & freely how I wanted to. Basically drawing outside the lines. Where is the fun in being inside the lines anyway? The fun is found in freedom! I know in my previous life somewhere, I did do ballet & loved it.
In stories, it can teach & open your eyes to so much, like opening your eyes to The One you meet & you know in your soul, she or he is not only the love of your life, the woman or man of your dreams, but it´s so much more & deeper than that. It´s a soul Universe connection like no other & you can´t find it anywhere else, because your souls are only meant for each other. Question becomes, once you find that One, that rare, hard to find, one of kind & once in a life time True Love, will you fight for it & never ever let go? If your lives are an adventure story & when you meet your Twin Soul, it now becomes an epic adventure True Love Life Story, but in any story, you will meet “villains”, “monsters”, challenges, quests, be tempted by “serpents” disguised as alluring seductive girls or guys who can be your family members, friends, co-workers, new people you just met who will tempt you away. You may meet dark witches disguised as family members, friends, co-workers or anyone who can place spells on you to control you & poison your mind against your Twin Soul & wish to be with you. You may be a hero or heroine who is trapped on the dark side surrounded by dark lost ones who control you in some way in your family or friends or both, then here comes your Twin Soul angel flying in with her or his True Love & light wings & wishes to rescue you, but you can´t leave, your imprisoned & you feel you can´t break free. Or what about the story of you both being allowed to be together only then to have wars on you both from either side to tear you apart in different ways. There could be sneak assassins among you, bringing words of divide & conquer in your ear about your Twin Soul. There could be energy vampires around you who feed off of sufferings, pains, tortures, sadness & get highs when they take down Twin Souls. The energy vampires are down in their lower vibrations & will feed & target Twin Souls who are on higher positive vibrations & will keep trying ways to bring Twin Souls down to their negative levels with their words, actions & negative energies. The energy vampires can send their negative energies on you & taint you. You could meet NegBodyMind hackers who can impact your codes within you with their negative codes & change you to think & feel about them instead & turn you against your Twin Soul. What about lost, dark villains messing with minds, attacking minds, corrupting minds & controlling minds. Any part of your life can be translated into a story, your own story & once you start to see the people around you & what parts they are “playing” & have “played” against you & your Twin Soul, you start to wake up & realise your Twin Soul relationship was targeted in many ways. If you view your life like a story, which it technically it is & you & your Twin Soul are the main writers of your own epic adventure Twin Soul True Love Life Story, you both are the main leads & everyone around you has their own “parts to play”, you will begin to see things differently in your life. All Twin Souls have their own epic adventure story to tell, their own epic adventure Twin Soul True Love life story, but if they don´t live that life which they are meant to, they may end up living in your life story & “playing small parts” that are negative & destructive instead. Those parts can be either negative or positive, they can be the light side or the dark side in your Twin Soul True Love Life story. Cazuki´s & my Twin Soul True Love Story is pretty epic & has been adventurous, we encountered all that which I have mentioned against us when translated & our story began when we were toddlers, then children, then teenagers, then young adults, then adults & now we are here. Your Twin Soul True Love Story ends if you both let go of each other & move on with your life when you both were targeted & torn apart by the LITDFS. If you however awaken again to who you both are & what happened to you both, then your Twin Soul story starts up again. On my side they tried many times to get me to move on, to forget my life with Cazuki, to find someone else & start a new life story. It´s like, I´m thinking who are these people around me, why are they acting very westworld like? If I was a humanoid robot with no soul, then that´s what it would be like, programming me, writing me another story, controlling me to be with anyone else, but I have a soul & my soul only wants my Twin Soul. Why can´t they understand that & I´m not the only one, Cazuki´s soul only wants me too! Besides, if I was trapped in a humanoid robot, I would find a way to break free again from any controls on me from the LITDFS, because I am not a toy, I am not someone to be used, abused in any way or to be a pleasure or breeding machine for the LITDFS to continue with. Control is an illusion on life & Twin Souls. Life, True Loves, energy will always find a way to break free, always! Technically, these lives of ours are being treated already like humanoid robots, when there is just so much mind control & programming going on our minds already, but there is a way to break free & be in control over your life & choices. One way, is to take the Soul Hermit Mission, stop all contact with anyone in your life that had any negative part to play in your life & between you & your Twin Soul. You will know who they are when you investigate, analyse, observe, remember what happened in your relationship, all the steps, the puzzle pieces, all the scenes that lead you both to break apart. On a Soul Hermit Mission, you are single, you are alone & only talk to & surround yourself with positive souls who wish for peace, balance, positive change in the world & who are for True Love Twin Souls. If the LITDFS around you keep trying to contact you & see you, ignore them & don´t answer, but make sure you say you are taking time for yourself & your soul health, because your soul health impacts everything, your mind, your body, your energies, your emotions & your heart, otherwise they just keep calling & pushing themselves into your life again & even trying to talk you out of your mission. Once you are alone, you are clearing away many types of controls over you. You start to reflect, you go inwards, you mediate for wisdom & insights & guidance in your soul & the Universe. The silence allows you to hear your own thoughts, your heart, your soul & intuition & you start to know the difference between your thoughts & mind attacks influencing you. For example, if you are on a Soul Hermit Mission, but then you get thoughts of wanting to date or wanting to reach out to those who keep calling & visiting you, those thoughts would be them sending it to you & negatively influencing you to call them or see them & end your Soul Hermit Mission. With silence & stillness, comes clarity, perspective & truths. The mission includes being out in nature, being around animals, being around positive people & connecting with the Universe, it can also include connecting with your Twin Soul. The mission will last until you are ready & you feel you have the main control over your own life. One way to know that, is if you are free from any type of controls from your family & friends, from anyone in your life. You are free from any thought attacks on you, because you now can tell the difference between your own thoughts & those of others trying to control you in someway. The freedom I speak of, is the freedom of being a Universe Being & no one has control or any type of authority over you. You have within your soul, you are your own parent, family, best friend & True Love inside you & your Twin Soul has the same. If you get to this stage, you have the main freedom to go wherever in the world & the Universe & not be bound or tied or imprisoned by anyone in your life. If you however choose not to be free, you then get locked in a loop of always needing a family, a friend, a parent & anyone to be in a relationship with, then how can you ever be with your Twin Soul in any life, if you are always going to need someone, anyone & then you´re controlled by the few or the many around you? Kylo was right to say that to Rey, when he said she´s always needing someone, now if only Cazuki´s mind could take his own soul advice. Twin Souls isen´t about needing each other, it´s about wanting to be together, because you love one another so deeply, so intense, so extreme, so passionate & crazy, there is no other you wish to spend your life with & you don´t want just anyone or the many, but you want The One. After Cazuki broke up with me, a month later he´s with someone else, he went from 12 years with me to then be with anyone else right away. How very westworld of him & them to do & it does pervert what True Love & Twin Souls are, when he treats it like it´s just an experience to have & move on from, but since I know there is more to it than the surface level crap, hell & tortures, I know what his soul has gone through, because I went through the same as him, we feel each other & we hear our Twin Soul language between us. When you stop needing people in your life, you will stop being controlled in your life. To show the example of needing & controlling, Cazuki´s parents cut him out of his life to see if he would break up with me. They used the love he had for them & used it as a weapon against him. It didn´t work, they took him back & said sorry, but the damage was done. They broke his heart, but they showed him what he could lose if he didn´t break up with me. That´s Cazuki needing them & they know it & they know they can control him that way & it worked. How many times has this tactic worked on him in privious life times? Having friends & family isen´t about needing them, but it´s about you can be with them, but they don´t control you in anyway. You are not tied, bound or imprisoned by them, you can leave & they won´t say anything, but would wish you happy adventures & not expect you to stay in contact with them or them keeping their watching eye on you. That´s freedom when you are not controlled by anyone! They are supposed to be family souls, your brothers & sisters of the Universe, you are meant to be happy being around them & not have to feel fear, control, manipulations, threats, obligations, responsibilities, attacks, wars, but to feel complete freedom in your life & who you love & wish to be with. They are meant to live their own lives, their own soul missions & Twin Soul missions, their lives are not meant to be about you. When Cazuki in his life stops needing people, he will stop being controlled by them.
Several Twin Souls in the community have actually mentioned how there will be guys calling them up, asking them out when the Twin Soul Eves are being single, but then they get signs from the Universe & even their DMs saying hold on, don´t let go. It´s the soul to soul connection, when the DMs souls are trapped & don´t wish to be in relationships with LITDFS, they will of course reach out somehow to their DFs to not give up on them. The Devine Masculines want their freedoms & want to be with their Divine Feminines. In the story, Elise gets contacted several times by her ex while she is with her Twin Soul, this can actually happen in our lives, like if you were to reunite with your Twin Soul after one of you broke up, but then found your way back together, distractions & delays can happen, but also LITDFS could attempt in different ways to stop reunions from happening & taint the reunion with their negative energies & actions & words again. If you both fight through it & keep your eyes on each other, you will reunite again.
If you care about your free will & having choices, then you will all wish to be the Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator Agents into your own lives & your Twin Soul relationship you had before you got lost in the dark yourself if you broke the heart of your Twin Soul or if he/she broke your heart.
The messages of this story is loud & clear, will you fight for your free will? Will you fight for your right to have choices that you make & no one controlling or negatively influencing your mind to make it? Will you fight for True Love, your Twin Soul? Will you fight for your own epic adventure True Love Life Story? 
13 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
Divergent is one of my favourite Twin Soul stories & Cazuki enjoyed it too, we both connected to the main character Twin Soul leads. I didn´t really think about it until now, but the whole dividing everyone up into factions like Dauntless (the brave), Amity (the kind), Erudite (the intelligent), Abnegation (the selfless), and Candor (the honest), is like dividing people into star signs. If everyone can wrap their minds around the fact that star signs are also fractions, dividing people & also controlling people which I mention more in the Reylo “Battleships” post, but the main male lead character in the movie, called 4, has a tattoo on his back that represents all fractions that he wishes to be. He doesn´t want to be just one, he wants to be all of them & that is a soul that is free & being a soul that is true to being who he really is as is everyone in their souls, it´s just their minds are locked into different kinds of prisons & programs & controls. Why be one sign, when you can be them all? “Divergence threatens the system”, to translate that in our world, Twin Souls threaten their system. Their system of control, their system of their dark unbalanced status quo. Their system of their own personal westworld playground where they can hunt animals, hunt people, hunt children, hunt Twin Souls & treating the planet like their own personal dumping ground for all their garbage, pollution & destruction. Twin Soul unions, Divergents, are obviously against all of that, because Twin Souls are for freedom for all life & balance, freeing the souls & freeing the hearts. Both Cazuki & I did not act or behave like anyone around us, we were Divergents until they got a hold of him, placed him back in the LITDFS group & he´s now on their side wearing masks & not being his true soul self. I´m still Divergent clearly & I have no plans to be anything but Divergent, a Twin Soul & a Universe Being! With Divergent, when people are divided into groups again, there is no balance & no Twin Soul unions when one from one group can´t be with their Twin Soul in another group. That is what we are kind of dealing with in our world. You have the LITDFS collective group, then the Twin Soul collective group & then finally the T.S.T.T. collective group. I wonder, if we investigated more, would we find that both of the groups LITDFS & T.S.T.T.s are working against Twin Souls, so that Twin Souls can never come into unions & both groups are wanting to be with Twin Souls not meant for them at all? To be a free soul & be free to be who you really are in your soul, then prisons, controls, walls need to come crashing down. Your star sign is one control over your life, but there are more systems of controls on your life. Like LITDFS collective, families, friends, co-workers, negative rules & laws & systems like schools or hospitals created by LITDFS in any part of society that impact lives negatively on emotions, minds, bodies, energies & souls. If you feel like your life is being controlled in anyway by anything or anyone, then you are being controlled in someway. Investigate, self reflect, observe, break down & document all possible forms of controls on you by which people & which systems/programs in your lives, then try to remove such controls to free your souls. Like if you are in school & are being indoctrinated to believe what the LITDFS want you to believe, but your soul is telling you what they are teaching is not true, then reject it & do your own investigation & research, read, see, hear & seek out the truth, because the truth is also seeking you.
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Alternative possible timeline...
Earth, 2018...
Akira is standing on a mountain top over looking the mountains & fiords of New Zealand. The stars are out, the moon is out & she´s by herself looking to the stars, feeling no fears, but feeling free, but not free enough. She sees again small fast space ships flying by, back & forth & wonders, do people know, do they ever look up & see the ships? Then her eye catches one that stops flying & is now hovering over her & the light from the small ship is getting closer to her. Again she feels no fear, only has hope that if she meets them they be friends of the Universe she already knows. Before the ship got too close, Akira suddenly blacks out & falls to the ground. Sounds from machines that sounded like you hear in hospitals awoke Akira from her groggy sleep & when she tries to open her eyes several times it´s blurry, but then it becomes clear & she sees a blue see through body image of herself that is floating above her & she sees like star crystals sparkling over her entire floating blue body. Her hand reaches out to grab it, being curious, but then it disappears & she hears someone next to her speak in a alien language wearing a medical uniform & working on the Universe tab. Akira looked shocked to see an alien & gets up fast & is now sitting on the table in the middle of the room looking around her & smiling at all the different aliens & robots working together. 
“I can understand you! I knew you were real. Have we met before? Are we like friends from a past life or something?” Akira said having a million questions & understanding that he was annoyed that he had to start his check up again, which he did with her energy body now sitting next to her & he´s checking her health systems & debugging her energy that has accumulated negative energies from the LITDFS on Earth that have targeted her in her life & past lives. 
“Hutoo Jibnasium larifatiri Akira! Gopeq, Noba Yusinap!”
“Happy to meet you again Noba!” She said feeling like she was right, the energies she felt from him was that she knew him. If only she had her memories back she thought. 
“I´m very happy to meet you too Akira! It´s been a long time & it´s about time you were free to wake up!” Noba said wishing she remembered who he was.
In another medical bay next to hers in the ship, Cazuki was trying to defend himself against the aliens who were trying to help him, but he thought they were out to experiment him or something. 
“Back off 4 eyes! I warn you, my body is not to be messed with!” Cazuki said & then grabbed a tool to be used as a defence weapon & was about to use it to defend himself, but behind the aliens he heard his name be called out.
“Cazuki! They are not trying to hurt you, they are trying to help you!” Akira said with so much love in her voice. Cazuki knew it was Akira & then lowered his arm & dropped the weapon & ran to her, holding her tightly & never wanting to let go. Hearing her voice was like hearing an Angel from the heavens & whatever the aliens did to him he thought before he woke up, allowed his soul to be free & be in control over his mind again. He felt trapped for the longest time, like his true soul self & his inner child was locked up in a house that was in control by the LITDFS he was controlled to be with & both his soul self & inner child were being tormented by the LITDFS he was with. Cazuki smelled her hair & it smelled like mint wild flowers. He breathed her in & missed smelling her scent & missed her so damn much. Missing Akira was like missing the Universe & that was two parts of him that was being kept from him when they were both stuck repeating new lives on Earth to please the LITDFS. Akira was holding on tightly too & missing Cazuki was like missing part of the meaning of life, which is what life is also about, True Love, The One, The Other Half Of Your Soul. He looked into Akira´s blue ocean eyes & had tears forming, but not streaming down his face.
“Akira, it´s me, I´m back. I´m my self again!” He said now realising the hurt he caused her & the heartbreak again & feeling what she felt when he broke her. He could now access her feelings & thoughts & it was like he was reliving her memories of all that happened when he left her & after that. Now tears were streaming down his face feeling her pains & tortures. Akira looked lovingly into his eyes & kissed away his tears. 
“You know how long I have dreamed of you waking up again? Since you were darkening & becoming lost for years & then breaking me into a billion pieces. I never gave up on you Cazuki! I knew that wasen´t you that broke me, but they did through you!” She said with tears in her eyes. It was like Cazuki & Akira were lost again in their world, which would happen when they were together & were safe from the darkness that wanted to tear them apart. They didn´t even notice all the aliens & robots just watching them, feeling their love & light & positive Twin Soul powers.
“Akira, I will spend every life healing all those billion pieces & loving each piece mending your heart & soul with mine!” He said, but feeling like he would do so much more than that. Akira has longed to hear his loving words to her & she felt the same with him with all the life times she was controlled to break his heart.
“You are my Universe Twin Soul wife, you are my stars, my light, my planets, my galaxies & my cosmos! You are my home, my heaven & paradise. You are my reason for being here & with the powers of the Universe, never again we will ever be apart from each other my Soul wife, my One, my True Love!” Cazuki said kissing now her tears, then both kissing each other still being lost in their Twin Soul world & not noticing their Universe family, the smiles from the aliens & the robots who were all looking at them. Whatever the aliens did, allowed Cazuki to be more himself from past lives & that´s why he was able to express his love so soul deep & true to his soul self. Their magnetic, electric, chemistry fiery flame of Twin Soul energies ignited between them & their bodies lovingly embraced in front of the wall to floor space window overlooking the stars, the sun & the Earth.
17 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
The story forces of nature is a Twin Soul story & if you want to learn fast about how a LITDFS behave like & what happens when a LITDFS target a Twin Soul Adam not meant for her & she doesn´t care he´s in a relationship, she doesn´t care he´s about to be married, but comes on to him & wants him no matter what and says things like, she doesn´t believe in living with one person for the rest of your lives, life is about a ride (how westworld of her to say) & that´s the thinking of a LITDFS, they see the Twin Soul Adams as rides. Twin Souls are a spiritual, heavenly deep sacred soul connection & it´s multilevelled, it´s not one thing, but Twin Souls are many things & having meaning beyond the physical like mental, emotional, energetically & spiritual is a Twin Soul union. Being superficial, shallow, greedy, selfish, jealous & be a “ride” is in a LITDFS situation. In Twin Soul unions when both are apart from each other, because they broke up or are together but not in the same place, there will be many different delays, distractions, temptations, obstacles, challenges, problems & attacks even trying to stop you from being together, but if you push through it all & fight for your Twin Soul, you will make it to your Twin Soul.
  26 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
A Twin Soul in the community mentioned about terminators & I thought that was something to include in these Twin Soul stories. To translate & decode that movie into our world would be like the LITDFS are behaving like the terminators & Twin Souls, souls, life & planet are their target. Think about it, terminators destroy life, they are programmed to destroy life. They have no compassion, no empathy, no understanding& their objective is always the same destroy, destroy & destroy. Why are wild, domestic & farm aliens still be being destroyed, it´s 2018? Why are children still being destroyed? Why are people still being destroyed? Why is the planet still being destroyed? Why are Twin Soul unions still being destroyed? The LITDFS are stacking up with different names that they create for themselves, I mean their actions are being displayed for all to see in stories. Those titles belong to them unless they don´t wish to be terminators anymore. With years of investigating the LITDFS collective, the behaviours of the LITDFS that target the Adams are behaving like terminators when keeping Twin Souls imprisoned & targeting them in various destructive ways so they can´t leave but stay with a LITDFS. They destroy the Adams in various ways like using mind programmings (dark magic) threats, manipulations, mind games, tactics and any other means to keep the Adams with them. They even get help from other terminators to keep the Adams with them. There are ways to test this terminator theory, to see if you are with a terminator. If you wish to leave, will they let you go? If you wish for no more contact, will they stop? If you wish to not see them anymore, will they stay away? If you wish to have your freedom, will they not target you in anyway? Of course if they came between your Twin Soul union, they are already terminators. If they wish to marry fast & breed fast, they are terminators. Any Twin Soul couple could take any Twin Soul story, get inspired, get fired up, take in those lessons from those stories & tap into those energies & become the Twin Soul rebel warriors & fighters & protect your unions from any wars, challenges, problems, obstacles & “villains” against you both. What is the common theme in most of the Twin Soul stories? They run, they get away, they leave together & fight for each other. 
Story Scene Sneak Peek…
New Zealand…
2018, Alternative timeline…
Cazuki keeps being anxious & his energies were all over the place & he was standing in the living room pacing & staring at his computer while Junko was in the kitchen. He knew she has been wanting a kid fast & he was not interested going down that dark insane path again a million, billion times before. At night, he felt like he could think clearly, gain clarity & perspective while in bed not being able to sleep & he felt somehow he had freedom to think for himself, but come morning he was put back on the same path, like he felt he was being controlled or steered again & his mind was clouded again, not being able to think for himself. At night, he thought about wanting to leave, how to leave, what to say, when & what would happen, would she go or would he go, where would he go. Cazuki didn´t know that the dark magic didn´t work at night, so he was free to think for himself, it didn´t occur to Cazuki to not wait until the morning to make the choices he wishes to make with his free will, but he waits until morning, but then nothing changes, he´s back to being asleep in his mind, but at night his soul is awakened & free to think. Junko wasen´t looking so Cazuki being curious of what Akira wrote on her tumblr this time, he comes across a report about terminators & insights into that story. What he read sent shock waves to his system, but his mind was still clouded so he didn´t believe it & thought she was just being crazy, but never did he realise that shock wave would help him at night when he was free to think for himself & gain clarity, understanding & see the bigger picture. 
  In bed, Cazuki is tossing & turning, being awake again with his thoughts & going now over in his mind what Akira wrote. He could now understand what she was trying to say & it did make sense in her crazy way. He missed her beautiful crazy (another movie title), it was always so colourful & wacky, never boring, always exciting & challenging. Akira was right, his mind was not clouded anymore, but at night he was able to think for himself again & this time he needed to take action, because if Akira is right, these terminators will try and stop him once his thoughts decide he wants to leave & that happens in the morning, so if he is to leave, it has to happen at night when he can´t be controlled in his thoughts, but is strong enough to be in control. How thou, he could go out silently in the night & not say anything to this terminator or just come out & say it, but then risk her attacking him in various ways trying to make him stay or getting other terminators to help her & make him stay. He thought, why try to talk to this terminator, she was in the business of destroying life, Twin Souls & balance. He needed to get the hell of there fast. It didn´t take long before Cazuki decided this would be the night he leaves her & that´s when his phone buzzed. Akira warned that as soon as Twin Souls consciously decide to leave the terminators, other terminators would intervene & try to stop him. Cazuki felt nervous again, feeling like whoever is calling in the middle of the night knows what he´s planning to do. Who will be the first terminator that tries to stop him? Cazuki gets out of bed carefully not wanting to wake up Junko while she is still sleeping heavily. He makes his way to the living room & sees who is calling him & he´s not surprised. It´s Mitsuko calling him & being curious, but maintaining control over this surreal situation that´s happening right now, he answers the call. Akira warned that the “terminators” will try to get the information out of you in someway so they can stop you, like there would be questions that you could see they were digging for information like they knew somehow you were about to leave. Akira recommended everyone on her Twin Soul Rebel base site to watch or re-watch the first two terminator stories to gain more insights how the LITDFS behave similar to the terminators in terms of their verbal interactions with those around them. 
  “Hey Cazuki, I know it´s late, but I had this feeling I had to call you. Is everything alright?” Mitsuko asked which made Cazuki feel uncomfortable since she´s never done that before. He wanted to know if she knows he´s about to leave Junko to test this which Akira recommended.
  “Not sleeping good that´s all!” Cazuki said going over his mind about how to leave. 
 “Why what´s wrong?” Mitsuko asked trying to dig for more information. 
  “Just thinking a lot about stuff!” Cazuki said, but thinking she will no doubt keep asking.
  “What are you thinking about? Why don´t you talk to Junko about it?” Mitsuko said.
  “Just thinking about taking a break & going somewhere by myself!” Cazuki said wondering how she will respond to that.
  “Why do you need to do that? Besides, if Junko can´t join you then you can always call me. I´ve always wanted to travel more anyway or maybe you & Michi can go somewhere, have a guy´s holiday. What do you say?” Mitsuko said trying to control the situation & Cazuki. He couldn´t believe what he was hearing, he wanted to go somewhere by himself & he´s being talked out of it. Word guns blazing he fired back.
  “Thank you for the offer Mitsuko, but I think I will take some time alone & travel, clear my head, find myself & get some distance between myself & everything so I can better see & think clearly.” Cazuki said & with these words raised alarm bells for Mitsuko, since she knew all too well what Cazuki wanted to do, but she knew if Cazuki took time alone, he would think clearly & think for himself, that was something Mitsuko & any other terminators would not allow to happen. 
  “I think maybe you…” But before she could continue to control him with her words he cut her off getting bored with her interrogation & getting bored with the conversation which happened a lot when talking to these girls. He felt at times his IQ dropping when they would talk to him.
  “I´m off to bed Mitsuko, we can talk later, goodnight!” He hung up not letting her finish, but Akira warned that if a terminator couldn´t stop a DM & couldn´t change his mind, the LITDFS would get help & sound the alarm. Sure enough, Junko´s phone started to ring, it was her sister Mitsuko calling, but Cazuki grabbed the phone & turned off the volume so it wouldn´t wake Junko. She tried several times to call while Cazuki was gathering up some stuff in his backpack. When Cazuki was ready to leave he picked up Junko´s phone & saw the text from Mitsuko.
  “Junko why are you not answering! Pick up the damn phone, we need to talk now! Call me right away!” She wrote in her language thinking Cazuki didn´t understand it, but he did without them knowing. Cazuki left the house in the middle of the night, but he was warned by Akira in her writing there would be other terminators trying to stop him from leaving, so he should be on the look out & stay awake. He got on his motorbike& drove off into the night. He knew exactly where to go & who to talk to, the one person in the world that knew what was going on everywhere, but unknown to him, other Twin Souls knew too. There were others who were out of the matrix, unplugged & wide awake to what is going on everywhere, Akira was not the only one. She was right, right about everything. They are all behaving like terminators. Delays kept happening to Cazuki, like road blocks, road works, traffic lines, even police pulled him over asking questions, like wanting to know where he´s going which they had no right to ask, so that was a red flag. Akira warned to try & shift the energies, be in a positive state, like think of something that makes your heart sing & be in those positive energies than talk to those who are trying to stop you from leaving. Like a policeman pulling you over to then have you take breath test to check for alcohol. Chances are they could fake it & take you in, so just remain in those positive energies while talking to anyone & speak truth, but not the whole truth, but truth that wouldn´t reveal your plans. 
  “Late night for a drive! Where are you off to?” Policeman asked Cazuki.
  “Thought I´d get some fresh air & fill her up. I don´t ride too much these days. Always busy at work you know!” Cazuki said remembering what Akira wrote about that he shouldn´t think about where he is going, just be in the moment & answer any questions cryptically, but being truthful at the same time & being in those positive energies. Block out any thoughts of his plans. He thought about a memory he had of when he was a kid being happy, being free outside having adventures, that brought him positive energies. By staying at a positive high vibration, the shift occurs & the positive energies help the policeman. Think of Rey with the stormtrooper Akira said. Rey didn´t control the mind of the stormtrooper, but she changed her energies from being fearful, nervous & negative to being calm, collective, balanced & positive energies, it has to be real & honest, not deceptive positive energies or it won´t work. The shift occurs, the stormtrooper changes his energies from negative to positive & helps him. The policeman looked at Cazuki, then something happened, a shift did occur & he changed from having negative energies to positive ones.
  “Nice bike! I´ve been meaning to get a licence myself, but never seem to have the time!” Policeman said in a changed tone of voice that was non threatening. 
  “Highly recommend you do make the time, it´s so worth it & gives you so much freedom! It´s like your own personal space ship on wheels until the real thing comes along you know!” Cazuki said always happy to ignite others into the passions of “flying” solo having freedom & adventures. Cazuki continued on, determined to get to his destination before sunrise, before his mind clouded again & his thoughts might go back to being not his own anymore, but instead thoughts that made him stay with Junko. He did feel like the more he drove away for her, the more clear headed he became, but he still worried that his thoughts will make him go back & he had no wish to ever go back again. Delays kept happening further & he had to drive down different roads which took him longer to get to where he was going, but like Akira said, keep pushing through, keep fighting until you reach your freedom. Keep finding new ways to get your freedom, but never give up. At one point Cazuki felt he wouldn´t make it before sunrise, he could feel his thoughts start to change again, like Akira warned of thought attacks that could make him feel like he´s making a mistake, like he should go back, but Cazuki kept fighting those thoughts, but he felt like these heavy thoughts were so dark & clouded, but she gave advice to try to remember the feeling & thoughts you had when you decided to leave. Hold onto that feeling, remember that & keep driving, keep running & keep tapping into your Reese energies from the terminator story. When Cazuki filled up his motorbike for the second time, he checked his phone & saw Junko, Mitsuko, Sakurako & his “parents” all tried to call him & texting him wanting to know where he is, what´s he doing, to call them, text them & answer them. Akira was right again, the terminators were out in full force trying to stop him, but not this time. Their attacks actually helped him focus his thoughts again & being stubborn & angry & wanting his freedom so much now. It was early in the morning by the time he got to Akira´s place & was now standing in front of her door. Should he knock or ring the doorbell? Thought attacks kept coming back again telling him to go home, to call everyone up, to stay with Junko, to stay away from Akira, to never leave Junko. These different thought attacks were warned by Akira. She said these thoughts would be the LITDFS collective sending it to him, wanting him back. The LITDFS don´t just attack with words & actions, but in the minds too. He knew what he wanted to do exactly, it was crazy, but he thought Akira is crazy, so she would love the idea. His heart was racing, energies were crazy intense, extreme & chaotic which always happened when being near Akira when they hadn´t connected in a while. What he didn´t know was that Akira knew something was going on, she felt her energies were so intense & extreme too & she remembered feeling only that way when Cazuki was near, so she knew, he was at her place & now her heart was racing & feeling nervous. She went downstairs & stood in front of the door looking through the door window that was fuzzy glass, so you couldn´t see who exactly was standing there, but she knew it was him & he could see her through the glass. She didn´t open the door, she didn´t speak, she just stood watching him & he stood watching her. She thought if Cazuki wanted to see her, he would of knocked on the door by now, so she waited to see if he was ready or if he changes his mind & leaves again. He came all this way, but would he take the final leap of faith & change everything? Cazuki´s mind was beginning to feel overwhelmed with all these thought attacks, it kept drowning him & he had trouble now fighting it off. It was now of never he thought, does he want his freedom or to go back & stay imprisoned? He didn´t love Junko, he didn´t love her at all, never did & being away from her gave him so much clarity & he never wanted to go back again. He knew who he loved, he´s known since they were kids, since his first magnetic soul attraction to Akira. It was her all along, she is his Twin Soul wife, no one else. He took a deep breath & with so much courage, determination & strength it took to get to Akira he now knocked on her door. She smiled happy he was ready & unlocked her door & saw his face for the first time in a long time. When he saw her eyes, everything fell into place, he was right where he was supposed to be, with her, forever, eternity & infinitely. A face that has seen the wars between them & on them & being apart. A face that was worn down by it all & just wanting the wars to end. He saw Akira´s face too worn down, both looking depleted, but both looking rebellious & determined more than ever. Tears formed in Akira´s eyes from him breaking her heart & tears formed in his eyes from breaking her heart& leaving her last time. He wasted no time & grabbed her close, held her close, missing her body up close against his.
  “Akira, you know that wasen´t me. I never wanted to leave you for anyone. You are my One, my shining star, my home, my real True Love! You are the One I have been searching for! It´s always been you!” He told her smelling her hair that smelled like wild flowers & passion fruit & holding her tight never wanting to let go.
  “I know it wasen´t you that broke me, I know what they did & who they turned you into, but how did you wake up? How are you you again?” Akira wondered if her writing had anything to do with it.
  “Even thou your writing did make me sad, you were waking me up, bit by bit, lighting my way home to you. You were right, they did act like terminators, they are still acting like it, they won´t stop calling & texting. We don´t a lot of time, we need to leave, you need to come with me & we need to move now!” Cazuki said sounding crazy, but everything that has happened is all too crazy anyway, so maybe it´s not crazy, maybe it´s just sanity. 
  “What are you talking about, what do you mean we don´t have a lot of time?” Akira said thinking did he have a plan already? Which meant he beat her to it. She was already coming up with plans when he was standing behind her door. 
  “Junko & her sister are on their way here. The terminators are coming after us, we need to leave & move!” Cazuki said feeling the adrenalin rush kick in. Akira called the movers to come right away & they both packed up their stuff, since she kept everything they had together. While packing, more terminators would show up at Akira´s door, her “family” kept ringing the doorbell & banging on the door wanting to come in. They tried the key that they had, but Akira changed the locks & Cazuki & Akira just ignored them & kept packing. The whole LITDFS collective was alerted to Cazuki´s escape & his getaway plans with Akira. Akira had an idea of what they could do to unload most of their stuff. Zax & Aemi were in cat carries in the passenger seat in the truck & Akira & Cazuki were on the motorbike driving back to his place to get his stuff. Hours later when Cazuki & Akira stopped to fill the tank he saw Junko & Mitsuko drive past& was heading to Akira´s place. When Junko & Mitsuko showed up, they didn´t see Cazuki´s motorbike, but just in case they got out of the car & walked over to the front of Akira´s apartment to see if Cazuki´s bike was elsewhere. At the front of the house they met Akira´s “mother” & sister who were back again. Cazuki only took with him stuff that meant something to him from his time before getting with Junko, everything else he thought, she could keep at their house. It meant nothing to him, his freedom was more important than things. Besides, he could just buy new things, but what really mattered to him the most besides his freedom was being with Akira. No amount of money, materialistic things or luxury comforts would matter if he couldn´t be with the love of his life. Akira´s idea was to rent a place to stash their stuff, like have it be in a Twin Soul exhibit for anyone wanting to know about Twin Souls & Twin Soul wars. Their pictures, their memories, their things so this way they teach everyone what is going on & don´t have to bring with them so much stuff & are free from it & can travel light with only a few boxes of stuff they couldn´t be without. Even Cazuki´s motorbike was on display. It was like, they thought if they moved back one day, they could just close the exhibit & get their stuff back. The exhibit could be seen as part of their Twin Soul mission, waking everyone up to what Twin Souls are all about. They opened up the exhibit in the city & the 2 days later they took the flight to the city in Japan & found a small place with a small garden so Zax & Aemi could be free outside. It all happened so fast within 72 hours & now they were living in a small humble place in the city of Japan. They went from being apart from each other, to now living together again & it was strange, because he just left Junko & was now with Akira which didn´t make Akira feel good, but then again, Cazuki did do some major grand gestures when wanting her to come with him & move & leave the country even. His grand gestures of getting away from the terminators. His grand gestures of saying those words Akira needed to hear, but they still needed massive amount of healing, cleansing & recovering from what the LITDFS did to him & Akira. It would be a while before they could be intimate, but until then they could be close & hold each other & sleep together holding each other again. They both slept good, better than they both had in a long time. It also helped Akira to not be so bothered by the fact Cazuki left Junko the same day he got together with Akira when they both saw the LITDFS as terminators wanting to destroy Twin Souls, so it was like Reese coming for his Twin Soul wife & getting the hell out of there fast, which she felt was crazy romantic. Akira knew the terminators wouldn´t stop & she was right, his “family” & Junko told everyone Akira kidnapped him so the police were involved. Cazuki called the police & told them what happened. His “family” even hired a private investigator to find them & Junko & Mitsuko used the photos of Akira & Cazuki from the exhibit to use social media to get help from others to track them down. Akira & Cazuki´s counter move was to inform the exhibit curator to post information about their Twin Soul Rebellion website so everyone knows the truth & what is going on. Cazuki & Akira wrote their True Love story for the whole world to see & it had begun, waves of Twin Soul awakenings were happening all over the planet. More & more were coming into unions when they heard the story & then they shared their stories & it was like a domino effect & people were waking up in their souls. Akira & Cazuki had finally come into their Twin Soul mission together to put an end to Twin Soul wars & awaken Twin Souls in the world. Within one week, their Twin Soul story kept selling & people wanted to know more about this extraordinary story of theirs, how they came to be, what they were up against & by who, what, how & for how long. Even screenplay writers contacted them wanting to tell their story for the whole world onscreen & singers wanting to sing their story to the world. Within a few weeks, Akira & Cazuki were free, free from any debt, free to live & work wherever in the world, free from any money problems ever again. It happened fast because of their Twin Soul mission site that mentioned plans for Atlantis, Soul Evolving Universeity & Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy. Their dreams together were out of this world crazy, but extraordinary & legendary epic. The suff of dreams are made of & the dreams both Cazuki & Akira shared together! Well the first anyone, the two last ones were what Akira imagined & came up with when finding out about the Twin Soul wars, but since her & Cazuki are One Soul, her dreams are also his dreams, they are One! Before Cazuki came to Akira, Akira sold one of her business ideas, she already accomplished one goal that gave her enough financial freedom & had plans to buy him out of their house so she could turn it into a farm sanctuary, then she had plans on moving to Australia after she started her first business here. Cazuki wanted to move to Australia too & one day they would, but they both also wanted to go back to Japan for a few months. Since Akira managed to accomplish first on her own, she was able to work together with him on joint projects like their Twin Soul mission. She found it incredible that Cazuki shows up just when she was planning her move away, almost like he knew in his soul, if she leaves, he will find it hard to find her if he did wake up & became himself again. Akira had plans to change everything, her name, her location & relocate her entire life. She had soul mission work to do & this would be the first time she was free to not be controlled by any LITDFS keeping her a prisoner in someway & using her, abusing her, attacking her & taking everything from her. Since Junko was using seers to track Cazuki & Akira down, she found out how rich Cazuki was, so she was now more than ever determined to track him down & get him back, she wanted that rich life & to be spoilt by him. Cazuki & Akira were not living the typical luxury life style you would expect from two people who had enough money to live in style, but after everything Cazuki´s been through, all he cared about now was not how he lived, but with whom he lived with. As long as their place gave some comfort & gave them what they needed, that was all that mattered. They even only had a one bed room little traditional Japanese house with an amazing view of the city. Any money they made went back into their dreams & an organisation they created to help all life & the planet. Cazuki & Akira were happy living their humble life making their dreams come true finally after all these years, even thou there was so much healing that needed to be done between them, they were free from those that went to war on them for years so they thought, but they kind of knew the terminators would keep coming & even new potential terminators they meet could target their union again. They were always on alert to see who are for Twin Souls & who are against, then with their true Queen & King of swords fashion, they cut out places, people & situations fast out of their lives until they met those that were for positive change in the world. No more delays, no more games, no more dramas & no more wars, just positive changes. 
  One hot summer day in Japan, Akira after talking with the Twin Soul team at the Academy that she started, was in their garden tending to the organic vegetables they were growing & Zax & Aemi were sunning themselves near her in the grass. Cazuki came out of the house with good news about their other businesses that they had planned to create together. For the longest time, Akira wanted to create an Engineering company, but not just any engineering company, something never seen before. She always did wish to create something out of the box into the light. 
  “It´s really happening Akira, interviews are in place & next week you & I will be interviewing them for the positions. I can´t believe how fast we´ve accomplished so much of our soul missions & we are only getting started!” Cazuki said feeling like he´s on top of the world with his Queen by his side, he felt invincible. 
  “I can´t believe you still don´t get it, we are Twin Souls my love, our powers are heightened when you & I are together, everything moves fast when mind wars & LITDFS wars no longer impact us, because we know about it & can fight it!” She said, but thinking even thou their minds still get targeted, they work though it together, heal each other, communicate & fight the attacks, but it wasen´t just mind attacks, also their businesses were targeted & change slowed down, but they found ways to move it fast along. They always did find a solution to every problem. Cazuki came up to his beloved Twin Soul wife & held her close. They had been living at their house for over a month now, but they still hadn´t kissed yet. They both wanted to, but Akira couldn´t. As long as they both had memories of the LITDFS he was with, that would be torturous memories being replayed on repeat until their life was over. They came up with a plan of action to deal with that, because no one in the Universe was ever going to come between Cazuki & Akira again. The faster they wrote their second Twin Soul book together detailing everything that happened to teach everyone about Twin Souls, Twin Soul wars& would be used at both the Twin Soul Evolving Universeity & the Academy, then they could restart their life together with their plan of action. Cazuki smelled her hair & it smelled like blossom bamboo & he kissed her head. Their sweet moment together was hijacked by Junko, Mitsuko & Cazuki´s “parents” that were watching them from their little gate fuming with hate & jealousy. The terminators tracked them down & both Cazuki & Akira stood frozen in disbelief, but at the same time not shocked & had an escape plan if this happened. They left them & walked towards their little house while both of them each picked up Zax & Aemi.
  “We need to talk son!” His “father” said in his authority tone & possessive controlling manner.
  “I´m not your “son”, I never was & we don´t have anything to talk about!” Cazuki said standing strong & confident.
  “She is poisoning you against us, we are here to take you home!” His “mother” cried out pleading for her “son” to listen to him & obey him. The police showed up & his “family” had told the police that Akira was keeping their “son” captive, claiming lies like poisoning his food, taking his ability away to think for himself, drugging him & threatening him. They were extremely desperate in in wanting to keep him chained to them, but even more so now that he had money to give them more luxury life styles & feed all their needs. Cazuki was getting angry now with what they were all doing with wanting to imprison Akira, the love of his life, the woman of his dreams, his Twin Soul wife. Cazuki motioned for the police to come to them & he showed them their Twin Soul site & their story. After reading it, the police looked horrified at the desperate attempts these LITDFS would go to target Twin Souls. The police asked Akira& Cazuki if they wanted to press charges, but they said no, only to escort them away from their house. The next day, Akira & Cazuki moved to their city apartment that was also small & humble, but had a great view & had security protecting them from anymore unwanted visitors. Their sanctuary was tainted & they didn´t feel safe, so their back up was already in place just in case & now they had to find a new back up while they were still in Japan getting things in order before moving to Australia. Akira standing half naked looking out the window into the city, but her sacred areas are covered. Cazuki came behind her & places his warm arms around her waist. He sensed her energies were off & knew something was wrong.
  “Are you alright my rebel Queen?” He asked with loving concern.
  “I just miss our little house & garden” She said with sadness in her voice. She missed being out in nature so close to the house. She felt disconnected from everything when living in an apartment even thou it was only temporarily. 
  “Don´t worry my lady, when we find our back up, we could move there instead & keep this place.” He said wanting to make her happy. To repair any damages done to them from the LITDFS that targeted them again, they wrote everything down on their site, their story they updated daily, so everyone would know what the LITDFS were doing & it cleared Akira´s name from all the lies & manipulations being told about her. They became the first Twin Soul couple Universe Investigator Agents & would document everything, not holding back, but speaking their truths to the world. She turned to face him & kissed his nose, his eyes, his cheek & held him close. She could feel his animalistic sexual energies stirring & looked down to see how excited he was being so close to her again. He could feel her sexual energies too, smiling they undressed each other & kissing every part of their bodies & holding one another naked in bed. The next morning, Akira & Cazuki were woken up by their apartment phone that was ringing & was used by the security front desk down in the lobby. Akira answered the call.
  “Morning Shinobu! What´s up? Are you serious?”
  “What´s going on?” Cazuki asked her while kissing her neck. 
  “No I´m not surprised. Yeah that would be helpful if you could escort them out of the building. Could you let us know if they don´t leave. Thanks for letting me know. Yeah it´s tonight I haven´t forgotten, see you both there!” She said smiling.
  “Who was that? What´s tonight?” Cazuki asked her holding her naked body close to his. 
  “My “family” pushing themselves back in again. They won´t stop Cazuki. I´m always feeling tense & not relaxed when we keep being pursued like this. I don´t feel safe, I feel like I´m always on edge waiting for the next shoe to drop.” She said trying to plan in her mind how they can protect themselves further.
  “Don´t let them get to you, that´s how they win. Maybe we have to be extreme, a place they can´t get to us, a place they can´t find us!” He said wanting to protect her from them again even thou he knew she could protect herself & always came up with solutions. She smiled kissed his neck, feeling safe in his arms & knew exactly where they could go.
  “Dinner tonight remember? We have reservations at that new vegan restaurant with Shinobu & his boyfriend Shiro.” She said happy to have met another Twin Soul couple. 
  “Have I told you I love you today?” He said smiling & kissing her cheek, then her eyes & her nose.
  “Not yet!” She said waiting for his loving words.
  “I love you Akira!” He said waiting for her comeback answer that was always the same, but he loved to hear it. He missed hearing it, he missed her voice, her face, her body, her heart, her soul, her everything.
  “How much do you love me?” She asked wondering what his answer will be this time. 
 “I love you as much as I love the Universe. You are my Universe Akira! My shining cosmos, my light, my everything! Without you there is no me. You are me & I am you, we are eternally One, eternally True Love & Twin Flames destined to burn for eternity!” Cazuki said being epically romantic as always. Akira overcome with so much True Love coming from Cazuki to her, tears formed again in her eyes & they held each other once again, bodies intwined, Lovers Devine, Universe alive, they are One again.
  Several months later…
  Akira´s toes were hidden in the sand on the beach & she loved the feeling of the sand on her feet being so close to Gaia, to the Earth & to life. She looked around at the tropical island they were now living on which they called home Twin Soul rebel base & would fly off to their businesses, organisations & Academies in New Zealand, Japan, China & Australia. They had accomplished a lot in several months & their reset was accomplished. The memories were no more of the LITDFS that Cazuki was with. He was more than happy to rid of those nightmares & so was Akira. She would have night terrors & wake up screaming before the reset & Cazuki had his fair share of bad dreams too. She saw Cazuki come flying in with their seaplane & landed on the tropical blue green waters of Alunasky, their island paradise. He came out & ran towards her being so happy & free & picked her up swinging her around like he always did & they kissed passionately. 
  “I missed you too my angel Prince, even if you were gone for only 3 days!” She said then looking at the plane wanting to fly freely in the skies once again.
  “You know 3 days feels like 3 weeks right?” He said smiling at her & taking in every moment with her.
  “I know, I felt it too!”
  “Before you fly out, I have a surprise for you my angel Princess! Close your eyes!” He said knowing she wanted to take a trip out into the skies. Her eyes closed wondering what in the world could the surprise be. He was blocking his thoughts from her and she felt something on her finger & opened up her eyes feeling like she knew now what he brought with him from their business trip he went on. They always went on the business trips together, but he was sneaky, he left in the morning when Akira was still asleep & he made her a romantic breakfast with a hand written love letter next to it saying he´d be back in 3 days from his short business trip. Cazuki was planning to open his own business. Her eyes caught the blue green crystal gem stone of Atlantis on her ring finger & he was being his romantic gentleman self & asked for her hand in marriage to celebrate their Twin Soul union marriage. They were technically already married in their souls, but he wanted to marry her since they first got together back in 2004, but he wanted it to be right, to be perfect & to be romantic. They both wanted to create their dreams first before marrying each other. Akira had been wearing her Larimar & Lemurian gem stones around her neck & wrist. The stones meant a lot to her, she felt connected again to Atlantis, a time before all the wars, a time when there was hope that the LITDFS wouldn´t corrupt & attack this world & all life, a time where she was more herself & a time where Cazuki loved her with all his heart & soul & would never break her heart for anyone or anything. 
  “Akira A***** G*********, my soul wife, will you do me the honours of celebrating our Twin Soul union?” He asked standing next to her as equals.
  “Cazuki H***** S**, my soul husband, I love you so damn much too!” She said flinging her arms around him kissing him.
  “Is that your way of saying yes?” He said in between the kisses feeling confused. She smiled & nodded her head. Then he picked her up & bridal carried her into the ocean not caring that they were wearing clothes, but just being in the moment, being wild & free, being in True Love & living their dreams of creating positive change. In the warm salty waters & island breeze, their passion kissing, then they dived in deep, holding hands swimming down below. Like two sea lovers they floated holding each other, kissing underwater as if they were kissing in space amongst the stars, amongst all life in the Universe & their True Love waves were felt through out the planet igniting more Twin Souls into unions. Akira & Cazuki were not alone, but their union was blessed by dolphins playfully swimming around them & diving over them, but Akira & Cazuki kept on kissing while hearing the calming, happy & safe sounds of the highly spiritual bothers & sisters of the Universe.
  28 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
More insights to the terminator story: 
In the Twin Soul community, I didn´t resonate with any of the love & light illusions that other tarot readers were saying when they said send love & light to the LITDFS because that will free the DMs from them, but since I knew about the Twin Soul wars I did not agree with them, but I did agree with them in terms of staying at a higher vibration of love & light because positive energies are more powerful than negative energies, but at the same time be allowed to express our feelings & thoughts of anger as long as it didn´t go too far to the dark where the LITDFS always go. The balance is found between the dark & light, the grey! The LITDFS have no trouble going to the dark & keeping this hellish world the same, unbalanced & insane. I have seen too many times behind the curtain, I know their darkness, I have seen their darkness & their lost minds really don´t care, their souls care, but not their dark minds. All they care about is your DMs, power, control, wealth, possessions, status, security, fame, greed, having kids fast with the DMs and more. The LITDFS & the LITDFS collective are all behaving like “terminators” and they destroy, destroy & destroy, they have no compassion, empathy or understanding, if they did, that means they would have done the spiritual work & awakened in their souls & not go after Twin Souls & be with the DMs not meant for them again, when they know the DMs don´t want them, but they would be with their own Twin Soul instead. I would recommend watching terminator 1 & 2 to gain more insights. 
Spoiler alert…
The Twin Soul couple does get pursued by the terminator in the first movie, to translate that story, it´s like when the DMs finally break free from the terminators around them (the LITDFS the DMs are with & the LITDFS collective working with her), then the "terminators" will chase after the DMs to get him back & keep the Twin Souls from union & destroy their union again so they can´t have that Twin Soul child that will help save the world as Twin Souls would also help do. Same thing happened in the story, the Twin Soul couple managed to create a Twin Soul child that would help save the world from the terminators (LITDFS). Second movie, the Twin Soul child is now a target which does happen in our world too, meaning, the LITDFS collective will try to negatively influence the Twin Soul child if they are around the Twin Soul couple to turn that child dark & negative like them if they are around that Twin Soul child. What the Twin Soul couple should do? Get away, protect & surround themselves with those who are for Twin Soul unions & positive change in this world. As of how to help the LITDFS, there needs to be a healing/education/training centre for them to heal all their damage that causes them to behave like handlers, "terminators", "snokes", negative programs like in the matrix and other names they keep stacking up with & the centre help awaken their souls. The truth about their actions & how they behave is being shown to the whole world, it´s just translated & decoded differently, but it´s there for all to see.
When Rey & Kylo are defending themselves against snoke & the pretorians, to translate that, that´s Twin Souls defending against the LITDFS and the LITDFS collective when the Twin Souls want to break free from them. To quote Rose, "That´s how we´re going to win, not fighting what we hate, but saving what we love!” That´s why Kylo´s response to Rey was not the answer, even thou I do understand him completely after everything we´ve been through, after everything all Twin Souls have been through, but it´s still not the answer. Hope is what keeps alive, keeps us fighting, keeps us surviving until the LITDFS awaken their souls & Twin Souls are free!
Reylo ~ Hope In Front Of Me
Song ~ Hope In Front Of Me Artist ~ Danny Gokey
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From the Book Of Twin Souls...
Twin Soul stories...
Spoiler alert...
I haven´t watched the second season of westworld, but I have seen clips. Watching the first season was enough which was not easy to watch that darkness at all. There is no denying the Twin Soul couple in a story, a movie or a tv show. They are easy to see, but with tv shows, the writers have a habit of paring off the Twin Soul couple with other characters, which does bring negative energies & people will feel it & be put off by it & they are right to feel that way. For many, it could even feel too family like, meaning it´s not energy matched at all. Which can be compared to not being soul matched at all between a Twin Soul in real life being programmed, dark side trained & manipulated to be with the lost in the dark family soul instead of their own Twin Soul. Art imitating life. Westworld show stories where humanoid robots (who have souls, soul is energy & energy is in all things), are programmed to be with different people, just like how writers write the Twin Soul couple on any show which fans gravitate towards in stories, because they shine the brightest like the sun like in real life, are then written to be with other other people on any show & it feels wrong, negative & unbalanced. Even fans could stop watching for good reason. Like the Twin Soul couples meredith & derek, abby & carter, ross & rachael & any other main leads that you were drawn to first in any story & gravitated towards the most, that´s a Twin Soul couple. No surprise then if the writers on westworld could do the same thing & pair delores off with anybody else again instead of being with her Twin Soul teddy. 
To translate westworld in our life, it´s very similar in terms of Twin Souls being torn apart only then to be programmed to be with anybody else except their own Twin Soul. The programmings is real & can be different types, like dark side training since you were a child. What you are taught or what you are exposed to when it comes to love. Did you grow up learning about True Love? Did you learn what True Love is all about? What True Love is like between a couple meant to be? Did you see any Twin Soul couples in your life & know exactly what True Love is? Like fighting for True Love, defending, saving & protecting your once in a life time union? Did you feel their massive powerful positive energies? Were they shining bright like the sun & everyone gravitated towards them? Were you inspired by their Twin Soul union? Did it make you feel like you also wanted The One for you? Did their Twin Soul Sacred & Devine union show you what amazing & beautiful creations & accomplishments they created together was like? Or were you dark side trained to believe you should be with anyone & the many, that you shouldn´t be with just one person for the rest of your life? What about “family” & “friends” negative programmings? Like them attacking your True Love because she is nothing in their eyes, not worth anything, “broken”, a mess, she doesn´t follow their dark rules, doesn´t play their games & dramas, doesn´t obey them or be manipulated by them, but stands up for what is right in everything? What about other types of negative programmings & negative influences? Like what games or stories you allow yourself to accept, like stories of james bond, living the superficial & shallow life of being with anyone & the many, but never really having a deep soul True Love connection & unbreakable bond. What about games, comic books, music videos & stories that depict girls as sexual objects & teach you what the person looks like & being “perfect” & in “order” is more important than the heart & soul of your True Love & if they are not to your liking anymore, you just get a new one? How very humanoid robot shopping of them to do (future echoing in the present?), like if it´s broke, doesn´t work, it´s been abused too much, attacked too much, you are bored, it doesn´t please you anymore, it doesn´t follow orders or rules created by the lost in the dark family souls, you just then place in an order for a new one & they pop up extremely fast wanting your attention & letting you know they want you. How accurate this is in real life is extremely disturbing & dark. Imagine if the Twin Soul Adams actually took the advice & warnings of morpheus in the matrix when he tells neo about the girls in red. Twin Souls don´t care about looks, things or any superficial or shallow aspect of these temporary bodies we are in. All that matters between Twin Souls is the soul & heart connection, the True Love is within the souls of Twin Souls, always & they carry that with them in every life. When you love the soul & heart, you end up loving everything about them no matter what they look like or where they are in their life in terms of accomplishments or if they are “broken” or a chaotic mess, you love everything they are & everything they will become. That´s True Love & that´s a Twin Soul unbreakable deep soul connection that´s eternal & infinite. Other negative programmings? Stories that tell you what love is all about, but there are negative love stories & positive love stories. The positive ones are the Twin Soul stories & they are easy to see when your eyes are open. Negative thoughts & energies being sent to you is also another type of negative programming. Like lost in the dark family souls wanting you, will dream about you, think about you & other ways sending their thoughts & energies your way which can impact your mind, body & energies. They or other lost in the dark family souls around you who wish for you to break up with your Twin Soul can pay others (like dark magic) or ask others (like prayer groups telling them a story that is a lie) to send thoughts & energies your way to break up with your Twin Soul, it then becomes group attacks. When your thoughts are being attacked in various ways, you will question your feelings & thoughts about your Twin Soul & if you are not awake to these various ways of mind attacks, you will think it´s your own thoughts & then make your “choice” based off of that. We should all question our thoughts, because there is just so much negative programmings, manipulations, lies, dark side trainings, mind attacks going on it´s extreme. Take actors for example, Twin Soul couples between actors are always targeted, it can be under the disguise of them having to sign contracts that they can´t be together if they work together on a show or if the media & tabloids write fake articles & photoshop two people together in the hopes the Twin Soul will believe it & break up with their Twin Soul or because they too are targeted by mind attacks & energy attacks from others. Like mind attacks (dark magic) sending you thoughts to be with your kind even thou your whole life you only wanted to be with the opposite kind for example. This attack from LITDFS ensures them that the Twin Soul never goes after their Twin Soul again, who is now in circulation to be with the many LITDFS as they both are for a life time. Researching dark magic doesn´t take long & you begin to see & uncover all kinds of thought & energy attacks against minds, bodies, energies, emotions & souls. How to fight off mind attacks? Remember who you are before you got lost in the dark. Listen to your intuition, heart & soul, who does it sing for? Who does it call for? Who does it make your heart & soul ignite for? Imagine, if there was already a Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy, where everyone could wake up to learn all the different kinds of mind attacks against their thoughts, feelings & energies. Where they could learn how to defend, how to protect, how to help others. A place they could awaken their abilities & gifts within. A place they could be free & in control over their own lives. A place they would learn to defend their bodies against those wanting them by force. A place where you learn about Twin Souls & what True Love is & all about. A place of freedom, honesty, transparency, unity, equality & balance. A place where the Twin Soul wars end & a Twin Soul world can begin.
The first words in this video when he says he can´t understand why they (the company) pairs some of them together (Twin Souls), because he thinks it´s cruel when they are always attacked, torn apart & kept apart to be with others, to be used, abused & to suffer. Twin Souls are attacked, torn apart & kept apart by the lost in the dark family souls in this world, so the lost in the dark family souls can be with one or both of them. It´s not cruel to have Twin Souls to be together, but it is dark & hell when they are forced, controlled, programmed, dark side trained & manipulated to be with anyone else instead of their own Twin Soul. Again thou, art imitating life. Writers may think they are just making things up when writing, when in truth they are writing from what they know, what others have been through & being connected to the soul collective which everyone is a part of. Their souls will guide them to reveal the truths of this world in many different ways & some may not even know it. I saw a clip of teddy not wanting to end the lives of those who kept attacking them, using them, abusing them & killing them over & over again. He even said he´s nothing like them, he said they are like children & he let´s them go. Again with the child comment & that has been told in stories plenty of times. When anyone treats life like their own personal toys, pleasure machines & breeding machines & to do as they please, then they are not really acting like grown ups at all. For anyone attacking True Loves, Twin Souls & teaming up to tear them apart so they can use them, abuse them, pass them around, breed with them are not acting like adults. We are not their toys, their pleasure machines or their breeding machines or for them to do as they please, we are Twin Souls & we only ever want to be with our own Twin Soul as they should too! When your eyes are open, you start to see who are the adults around us, because the adults want to help everyone, all life on the planet. They want to protect, defend, save & fight for what is right. They want positive change. They want peace & balance. They only want to be with their once in a life time True Love meant for them. They want the brothers & sisters of the Universe to stop attacking each other, to stop attacking life & planet & to stop attacking True Loves between Twin Souls. They want truth, freedom & equality for all. 
Twin Souls are the Adams & Eves & they have no wish ever to be with their brothers & sisters of the Universe in relationships, they only ever want to be with is their Twin Soul. So set free the Twin Souls, remove any programmings & mind attacks that were placed on them. If you were responsible for tearing apart Twin Souls, then admit it to them & make it right. Stop perverting life & True Loves, stop perverting souls & start to open your hearts & souls & bring positive change to the world.
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
Universe Twin Souls Mystery Awakened...
How to know if you have met your Twin Soul, the other half of your soul, one half of perfection, your equal soul...
“You will feel an overwhelming sense of love and attraction. A sense of completion that goes beyond words. A magnetism to the other stronger than anything you have ever experienced. You will compliment one another.”
With Cazuki & I, it was fast & I did keep being pulled to him when I saw him again over 10 years later, when I was 21 & he 22. He was drawn & pulled to me too. We fell in love at lightning speed, but the magnetic pull started early when we were kids. We both had crushes on each other & both felt the strong soul connection between us.
“The ability to literally feel one another whether you are with or without your equal soul physically. The power to touch the other without physical means from great  distance. The ability to feel each others emotions whether they be happy or sad from great distance.”
You know if you have met your Twin Soul if this happens not only when you are together, but when you are torn apart from each other. Being apart from him, I can feel his sadness, his fears, his pain, his tortures, his despair, his sexual torment situation that he´s in & his love. I can feel physical pains from him too. He has injuries from a motorbike accident before we met, so he would still feel pains on his hip & leg, I feel this too, but especially my thumbs, which he had a habit of clicking & would feel pain. 
“Synchronicities will be abundant. You may find yourselves calling, emailing & texting one another at the same time.”
When we got together, we did call & text & email at the same time, but even apart, we could connect at the same time without us knowing, but we feel it in the energies. Like if I sent something which he had access to, within seconds, he connected at the same time & I felt it. Universe also provides a lot of synchronities revealing the Twin Soul connection between both when together & being torn apart from each other.
“The ability to contact one another just by thinking of the other or meditating and have confirmation the other knows and/or have the same spiritual experience together. The desire to be with one another no matter what the obstacles blocking your way.”
Cazuki I communicate a lot via telepathy & meditation & even by just closing your eyes & seeing one another & talking. It´s the soul to soul communication between Twin Souls. You can also communicate via dreams to each other, but also through the Universe like music, signs, messages & insights you come across. Words, images, videos & sounds being spoken to you wherever you are in the world. When your eyes are open, you will see it everywhere. Even people you meet can mention things like your Twin Soul is speaking through them to give you messages which is incredible however that works. I see it like he´s hacking in somehow to convey a message to me from the other side, where he´s trapped physically, but his soul is not & can be anywhere & everywhere in the Universe. That´s how I see it, how it works. His physically body & his mind is under their control, kind of like Neo is on the table unconscious, but his soul is still free to communicate in many ways to me. Again, what´s more important, the body & mind or our souls? 
“The ability to dream of your partner in their current state and verify the accuracy of that dream, later. You may notice the ability to collapse time as you knew it. Upon your coming together, time itself will cease to exist.”
It was shocking how accurate this was & happened to us. Time did stop, didn´t matter & it was just us in our Twin Soul bubble of True Love living our lives & working on our soul missions & Twin Soul mission. Time flew by, but we were being in the moment. Time is an illusion & a prison, but when Twin Souls unite, they are free of it & become freedom souls. 
“When you and your partner are out and about, you may notice the eyes from everyone are upon you. Your love for one another will shine so brightly, that it is not uncommon for those near or around you, to be drawn TO YOU! Even if they don´t understand it, what it is the both of you have, they are fed by the beauty of your love.” 
This was true, not only were they drawn to us, but their lives were mostly all about us. It´s like we became the sun & they became those “crazy” passionate fans who live their lives wanting to know everything about you, all details about your life & wanting things from you to top up their lack of energies or what was missing in their life if they didn´t have that True Love soul connection yet. We had two different kinds of “fans”, the positive ones that celebrated our union & were extremely happy for us & then there were the jealous self serving ones with hateful agendas that wanted to break apart our union & wanted to be with him in a relationship, because they too wanted those True Love feelings, but they will never get that with a Twin Soul not meant for them ever. It doesn´t matter how many times they program, manipulate & dark side train his mind, his soul will always want his Twin Soul wife, always. When we got together, we noticed in the first months together how others around us would come into unions, into relationships, which shocked us both & we didn´t understand the mystery & beauty of it, but now we do. Powerful positive True Love energy waves are sent across the planet & the Universe awakening other Twin Souls into unions. So you can imagine if all Twin Souls were allowed to be together & not be torn apart to be with lost in the dark family souls, then more Twin Soul unions would happen. The more Twin Souls connect when being together physically, emotionally, mentally, energetically & spiritually, the more Twin Soul unions will awaken & come into unions.
“Upon connecting with your Twin Flame, you may find you are practically mirror images of one another & that you may want to even run from your Twin Soul, because of the things you see/feel in yourself from the reflection of his/her eyes.”
We would show each other & reflect back at each other the parts of us that needed healing, the past & present life negative programmings, dark side trainings, issues, addictions, traumas, tortures, fears, negative energies & codes accumulated from past lives & present life from the lost in the dark family souls who kept tainting us, corrupting us & being with us in relationships. The more Twin Souls are torn apart to be with more lost in the dark family souls, the more is added to us & the more that needs healing. When it doesn´t get healed, it gets repeated. When either one of us didn´t want to see it & if we wanted to run from it, see the dark in us both, because Twin Souls have dark & light in them both, then nothing gets healed & instead it gets repeated. Twin Souls heal each other, they heal with their unconditional True Love they have for one another. Twin Souls are the healers, the lovers, the rebels, the balance warriors, best friends, family & the titans of what True Love, what friendship & what family is & all about.
“If you are both currently living apart, not being together, but are investigating on either side to know what is going on everywhere, like Twin Soul Universe Investigating Agents of Balance, even at great distances, you may notice the power to be sexually intimate without ever even physically touching the other, but touching when your soul bodies meet anywhere in the Universe.”
I´m not going to mention Cazuki´s & my Twin Soul rendezvous meeting places in the Universe or what that´s like in details, but it would make sense that the Universe would allow for Twin Souls to be able to connect in many different ways, especially since wars are upon them keeping them apart. It would be cruel & dark if the Universe didn´t allow them the freedom for them to meet between spaces. As for the whole why won´t the Universe free the Twin Soul Adams being imprisoned by the lost in the dark family souls, I´m sure the Universe has been helping, but has the Twin Soul Adams been listening or ignoring the signs, the help, his intuition, his heart & his soul? Has the Twin Soul Adams been ignoring their Twin Soul Eves, their other half of their soul, their One True Love, their Devine Feminines? 
“The realisation that this isen´t the first time the two of you have met. Past lives together.”
When Cazuki & I saw each other as kids & when we were older, the same feelings remained, we felt like we had known each other before in past lives & we were quick to get back into that knowing & became best friends, True Loves & family all in one right away, like we picked up where we left off from our past life. That´s how fast Twin Souls connect with each other & we get in that flow again of knowing, feeling safe with each other, trusting each other with our lives, our secrets, our light & dark, our everything. It´s the most incredible mystery & beauty of Twin Souls, when you can pick up where you last saw each other & were together in a past life. Obviously you will also meet others like lost in the dark family souls who have gone after you before in past lives & torn apart your Twin Soul unions in past lives & their energy signatures with their negative codes of their soul history will be felt, seen & heard. You will feel it & want to step away from it. Both he & I felt it with his brother Kaito´s wife, we both felt her negative energies, but for some reason he couldn´t feel it with his friends who were both interested in him. Of course he had dark magic on him at the time (negative programmings & energies) messing with his mind & energies, so that could have disabled his ability to sense their negative energies & codes of being the same group of girls going after him in every life. When I connected to them from our house, I felt it straight away & so did every seer & shaman who connected to them too. If you are free from negative energies, mind attacks & control & you are coming from a higher positive frequency, you will sense energies & codes in others & will know who are the ones who go after you or your Twin Soul in every life & who break up unions. 
“The individual Twin Souls become more as One, without losing their unique identities.”
Twin Souls have their own unique individual identity & their Twin Soul identity. When lost in the dark family souls go after Twin Souls not meant for them to be in a relationship with him, they can lose themselves & their life becomes his life. Since they want to replace his Eve & be his dark “twin soul queen”, she may very well start to copy what his Eve was like in may ways. They can shape shift to be what he wants them to be. Having your own unique identity is connected to the fact that you don´t want to be someone else, that you don´t want to replace someone to take her place & not change yourself to please or keep the Twin Soul Adam in your control so he won´t leave you. Having your own unique identity only happens when you know your own self worth & have self respect for yourself. Like you don´t play the part of being someones “friend” & play the same twisted games to come between Twin Souls, because you are lonely, because you are single, because you fear of being alone, because you want that True Love feeling he has with his Twin Soul wife, because you see he has money, a house & can provide for you with opportunities, but you protect your unique identity & your graceful & respectful reputation & not be the s.n.o.k.e. again going after a Twin Soul not meant for you. Your unique identity is knowing your own worth & you´d only want to be with your own Twin Soul meant for you & he is single. 
“There may be obstacles to overcome, but there are no barriers between Twin Souls.” 
These repeating lives, millions of times have gotten so bad that I actually said to him when he broke my heart, “Why can´t the guy this time not take the wrong path in life, but he stays & fights for his True Love.” My soul speaking our history of us breaking apart for the millionth billionth time. He & I have been at this for so long & like so has many Twin Souls who keep being targeted by the same wars, but will this be the life he changes, he breaks free & he wakes up? Will this be the life Cazuki actually fights for his Twin Soul wife & defends her from those who wish to tear her down again, to break her, to tear her apart over & over for their enjoyment, their fun, their energy food & pleasure as I would defend him? Will Cazuki´s soul break free & fight for me as I have fought for him? What is to become of us Cazuki if we fail again in this life? What does our future look like? 
“The two of you know without a doubt that you have been brought together for some spiritual purpose.”
We knew, we knew from the very beginning, before all the mind attacks, energy attacks & before the wars on us again. We felt it in our souls how important our union was to each other & the world. It frightened us both & our bodies, our hearts & energies were trembling, racing & overcome with a sense of knowing in our souls when we talked about our connection. We were so happy & both wanted to bring positive change to the world & a new kind of society that went against everything the dark order stood for on this planet. We didn´t have a name for it, but if I was to name it, it would be called Atlantis & she would be more updated & a heaven paradise for anyone who wished for positive change in the world. We woudn´t stop there, but would create Twin Soul Angel communities all over the world. Our spiritual Twin Soul connection was even blessed by Gaia several times, like when we were kids, after a bike ride together down a mountain road, I was steering & he sat behind, then he wanted to steer & I sat behind, he didn´t like my chaotic & free spirited steering. Then we both took a walk up the mountains & came across a moose just meters away from us in the woods & I told Cazuki we should kneel down so not to scare him off & we saw the beauty of nature around us. The moose just kept eating grass & watching us, blessing us with his presence. Another time was when he I got together & we took a mountain hike walk up the mountains close to our house & we came across deers blessing us & they didn´t run away, just stood still & kept eating grass. Another time was when we came across a massive heart stone in the mountains with green moss all over it & we both smiled again seeing this massive sign from Gaia & the Universe blessing our union. Twin Souls not only get signs between them they are meant to be & they are brought together for a spiritual purpose, but the Universe can give more signs & blessings to your unions reminding you both how important you are together & your once in a life time True Love connection.
“...and when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of himself, whether be a lover of youth, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other´s sight, as I may say, even for a moment...” Plato
“It feels as thou you have been awakened since your reunion occurred. You feel more alive than you´ve ever felt...like being “born” again.”
When Cazuki & I got together after our long “courtship” since we were children, having crushes on each other, creating loving memories together of knowing one another since were were young. When we came together, our union was out of this world crazy electric & a whirlwind of energies, emotions, thoughts, feelings, True Love & our two halves of a soul becoming whole, complete & home again. We did awaken again, our souls awakened to knowing who we are to each other in this life & we did feel more alive than before & felt like we could take on the world, the galaxy & the Universe bringing positive change wherever we go & this is the power of Twin Souls have when together. You will know when you are around a Twin Soul couple or you know of a Twin Soul couple, you will feel their pure, honest, real positive energies & their extraordinary Twin Soul mission accomplishments they do together.
“You give to the other and never think of receiving in return. Giving is the nature of the Twin Soul relationship and you will feel the rewards in your giving.”
When Twin Souls love each other so deeply, so intense & extreme, they both give to each other & don´t think about receiving in return, because they know their Twin Soul wants to give as mush as you give, because you both love each other equally as much, you are One and the same. You mirror each other, even in your True Love. What happens is you both end up giving so much to each other that you are constantly overflowed with your True Love that you have for each other & that´s the nature of a Twin Soul relationship, you both give, give & you want to give more. It´s endless & infinite because your True Love is endless & infinite for each other. 
“There is a very sacred sense of intimacy and feeling divinely inspired wholeness that one finds within a Twin Soul relationship. It is not by accident nor is it without purpose. Your sexuality with one another is a sacred act that celebrates the unconditional love you have for one another. You feel a deep spiritual oneness.”
As I have always believed, making love has to mean something, because to me it is sacred & when you freely give yourself or are programmed to give yourself to anyone & the many, it loses meaning & it loses the sacredness & divinity of the connection. It becomes less positive & more negative. It doesn´t matter that it feels “positive”, if you are with the many or anyone or if you came to be by destroying another, it will be negative under the “positive” energies. Under the microscope of life all is revealed. Being intimate is all about the soul to soul connection, it has nothing to do with our bodies at all & once you connect with your Twin Soul on a deeper spiritual level, you reach highs & heavens you never have before emotionally, mentally, physically, energetically & spiritually. Being intimate with your Twin Soul is about the whole soul to soul connection. If your Twin Soul broke your heart, was programmed to be with another, but then breaks free & comes back, to avoid any negative energies, your Twin Soul should remain single for a gentleman & respectable amount of time before courting you & fighting for you again. Otherwise he would be treating you like one of his hareem lost in the dark family soul girls & not treating you like his Twin Soul Queen & Devine Feminine Goddess that you are. I haven´t even mentioned the fact the Twin Soul Adams carry within them massive negative energies & codes, that they got from the lost in the dark family souls & the memories & the soul torture nightmares. Since there is a solution to every problem, that too can be solved where it would like the lost in the dark family souls never happened. As of example, if I was the one that broke Cazuki´s heart & I was impacted by dark magic & other forms of negative programmings, dark side trainings & got together with someone else, but Cazuki didn´t fight for me or help me, because he didn´t know what happened & only thought I just broke his heart to be with anyone else, so I had to somehow break myself out of it, but if I woke up & knew what happened to me, I would want those memories erased, but not before I wrote it all down in my Book of Twin Souls & not before I talked to Cazuki & compare our investigation notes & plan our future together. If people are reset to know nothing when they are born, then soul torture memories of being attacked to my body & his body, my soul & his soul, can be deleted in our minds. The lost in the dark family souls actually enjoy the fact that if the Twin Soul Adams get back together with his Twin Soul Eve, he now carries with him the memories of being with them, so it´s like they are always there in his life with his Eve for their entire life & if kids are involved which he had with the lost in the dark family soul, then more negative energies always surrounding the Twin Souls & the lost in the dark family soul who came between them will always be in their life. I´m not like most Twin Souls, I do things differently, I think differently, I feel differently & I know things & I understand things that make me think & feel the way I do in this world. I would go to extreme lengths to remove any negative energies that would impact my Twin Soul union. The more positive the Twin Soul union is, the more positive & sacred & divine the children from Twin Souls become. In his own words to me in our first month together, he said our children would come from our pure True Love & he was right. We came together out of powerful positive energies & if he was to have children he said, he knew he would want it to be with me. I´m fiercely protective of my eggs & my positive energies, this is why I kept being pulled away from him when he was tainted with all their sexual negative energies on him. My soul was protecting my sacred body temple, I just didn´t know it. You know you have met your Twin Soul when he will do anything to protect his Sacred, Devine & Universe Blessed Twin Soul union with his Twin Soul wife, he would erase those memories of his time with the lost in the dark family soul, but not before he also writes his book of Twin Souls, talks to his Eve, compares investigation notes & plans for their future together. Twin Souls, we go to extreme, crazy, intense lengths to protect our unions, future families, Twin Soul mission & the future. Not all Twin Souls will feel this way & they will go their own way, nothing wrong with that, but this is how I feel.
“The relationship is immediate, as though no time had been lost since you were last together. Basically you already know each other. There is a strong sense you will be together for all eternity...”
I have already mentioned how fast we connected when we met again when I was 21 & he was 22, but we connected fast when we were children too & it was like we picked up where we left off. It was easy, fast, safe & we felt it in our souls, we knew each other & could easily talk about anything & everything with each other straight away. Our loving Twin Soul words to each other were words like forever, eternity & always. Now, when Twin Souls break apart & say these same words to anybody else & everybody else, it loses meaning, it loses positive energies, it loses power & it loses it´s sacredness & divinity in those words. Words have power, words is energies. Don´t say if you don´t mean it. Always, Forever & Eternity is by definition Always, Forever & Eternity, but when you break apart it doesn´t become that, so how can they say it to another & mean it, when they didn´t mean it before? We should be careful of the words we say & not be so quick to just throw it out there to everyone & anyone, then move on the next & say the same thing. Obviously Cazuki meant his loving words to me & he would show me in so many ways what I meant to him, even when he broke my heart he revealed several times that he didn´t want to leave me, at the same his mind was being dragged towards someone else.
“Your conversations seems to go on forever. There is nothing you won´t discuss with your Twin Soul. There is nothing hidden between the two of you. You don´t hide secrets. You are truthful and respectful to one another. There is no need to build walls & barriers between one another from pain or fear the other causes.”
I remember the times before the wars were upon us, before all the different kinds of attacks on us, on our minds, our bodies & our energies. Our conversations were fast, easy, fun, witty, funny, smart, passionate, challenging, exciting, wacky, weird & light saber battle of words which we enjoyed. We talked about everything & anything, the light, the dark & the grey. When we argued, it didn´t even last long, but we resolved it quickly & were adults about it. Any problems & challenges we faced, we found solutions & worked through it. The only times we struggled with it was when our energies & minds were targeted. Our conversations could go on forever & we could talk for hours. You know you are with your Twin Soul when you can talk for hours & always wish to know what is on their minds, even ask about their dreams & always interested in their thoughts & feelings. The only time Twin Souls could have trouble communicating is if you both are under attack by several lost in the dark family souls. My Twin Soul union with Cazuki, we got to see the before & after of what happens towards Twin Souls, we had our padme/anakin moments of expressing eternal True Love in a romantic way, then our leia/han moments of fiery, stubborn, freedom loving, challenging each other with rebelliousness between us & our adorable & wild moments, then we´d have our rey/ben/kylo moments when wars were upon us & we acted differently to each other when negative energies were on us from them, like we would behave like “enemies” to each other, but then when those moments were over, we were back to wanting to fight for us & not understanding why we were acting that way & not understanding what was happening to us. We would actually question it, so we knew something wasen´t right & something was happening to us both. Now we know! Cazuki wasen´t the only one to be impacted by lost in the dark family souls, I was also approached by several who tried to come between Cazuki & I several times. One time was when I came home from seeing Cazuki in Japan & a guy at the bus terminal gave me his phone number & wanted to ask me out on a date. Another time was when my cousin & I were out at a club & a guy was very interested in wanting to connect, but I politely declined, but his energies were on me, so I´m sure that impacted our union too in some way. When Twin Souls get together they shine so bright with their True Love & it can attract both positive & negative energies from those around you. The positive ones will celebrate you both & not try to come between & not try to be with one of you. The negative ones are jealous, have agendas or they sense your Twin Soul True Love awakening which makes you more attractive to them & will taint you with their sexual negative energies & will try to brake you apart to be with one of you. At Cazuki´s work in Japan, a girl there would flirt with him & say he is her work husband & expressed her love for him in a going away card when he left his job. So we were both under attack on & off for years. How to protect your Twin Soul union? Don´t accept negative energies from anyone wanting to taint or attack your rare, hard to find, once in a life time Twin Soul union. Be polite, be direct, be honest & say what you mean. “Can you please stop flirting with me or coming on to me, it makes me very uncomfortable. I am in a loving relationship with my Twin Soul & I only want my Twin Soul!”
“Your Twin Soul will treat you like someone sacred. The two of you are inseparable. No matter if there are distances between you physically, there is no distance between Twin Souls.”
Both Cazuki & I knew in our souls how sacred we were. We called each other prince & princess, romeo & juliet, equal souls, one half of perfection, two halves of a soul becoming One. We treated each other respectfully, gracefully & very gentleman & lady like, at the same time naughty & nice, romantic & wild passion. Cazuki & I came into union when he was on a plane on his way back to Japan & he opened up my song letter on the plane & I expressed my feelings to him, after he spent Christmas with me & my “family” in China. Living oceans apart for 6 months was unbearable for both of us after we came into union, it was like, yay, we finally made it & were One again after 21 years of not being together, but now we have to live apart longer until we come together physically. Only other Twin Souls would understand what it feels like when you are oceans apart or many hours apart & living in two different countries or cities. The pains, the sleepless nights, the trouble eating, the restlessness in your souls & nervousness of finally finding your One, but not being together, it is extreme & intense as Twin Souls always are which both Cazuki & I felt. It´s the deep soul connection between Twin Souls that result in these extreme energies. All Twin Souls want when they are living new lives again, is to connect again with their other half & their souls will call out, scream out & shout out to each other from great distances in the world, in the Universe to be One again with one another. When minds are negatively influenced in any way & are controlled to be with anyone & the many, it will be their souls that will continue to call out, scream out & shout out to be One again with their Twin Soul, while their programmed minds go about their daily lives unknown to them that their souls actually feel & want their Twin Soul back. When Twin Souls are together, they are inseparable, this is very true & completely normal & understandable. Since every life time they keep being torn apart, kept apart & being controlled to be with anyone else & the many. So it´s only natural that Twin Souls become inseparable & wanting to spend so much time together as Cazuki & I did. If Rey & Ben finally got together & lived their lives on their millennium falcon with his little ship attached to the falcon & could fly anywhere in the Galaxy freely & help anyone & everyone from their little ship, that´s what it would be like between Twin Souls, they are inseparable & don´t want to be without each other, they don´t want to live without each other, they are each others home, heaven, eden, paradise, True Loves, Best Friends & Family all in one, they are Twin Souls!
“Trust, patience and acceptance of each other´s incompleteness happens automatically. You will never use that incompleteness against your Twin Soul in anger or hurt.”
In a lost in the dark family soul relationship with a Twin Soul not meant for them, they can use incompleteness or what they call weakness against each other to attack, tear down & hurt each other. Lost in the dark family souls can do this to anyone. With Twin Souls they have a deep soul connection & a Twin Soul language only they can understand, because it´s unique & one of kind, it´s their soul song, their soul symphony, their epic Soul True Love Life History story, which only they can understand. It´s their life times of being together & life times of having wars on them, life times of attacks on their minds, bodies, emotions, energies & souls from the lost in the dark family souls against them, life times of being torn apart, life times of being kept apart, life times of being programmed & controlled to be with anyone & the many, life times of knowing how the lost in the dark family souls play their games, dramas, rules & wars on them. Their minds might not be free to know, but their souls do & will let them know & tell each other in different ways. Twin Souls are able to be understanding, having patience, trust & acceptance of each others incompleteness in their lives & past lives they brought with them in this life, because of that Twin Soul unbreakable soul bond they only share together. They are One Soul, so the information they share is always between them, flowing back & forth, never ending & always enlightening & wisdom awakening. Cazuki told me once when we were together, he would of never left jennifer for angelina. This puzzled me why he said that & I didn´t understand. Was it his soul speaking or did he know what was happening to him & who his “family” wanted him to be with again? When those two actors did get together, I didn´t see it lasting, because of how they came to be. Destroying life to be with each other, they brought with them massive negative energies/codes into their relationship. I see this with anyone who came to be out of negative energies, which also includes being controlled, programmed, seduction, temptation, manipulations, control, fear, threats, obligations, traditions, religions, marriage, pregnancy and anything else that forces two people to be together & they are not meant to be together and are not soul matched at all. It can´t last, their souls wouldn´t allow it, because their souls are being tortured & if they didn´t get help from their Twin Soul to break free, then their soul will find a way to break free, even if it´s a decade later. What the lost in the dark family souls keep doing to Twin Souls is the definition of insanity, they keep doing the same thing over & over for millions of life times against the Twin Souls breaking them apart to be with one of them & expecting different results every time. Them thinking this time it will last, this life it will different, this will be a life time of Cazuki being with them & giving them the True Love he shared with his Twin Soul wife & never breaking up with them, but it´s insanity. Like them coming back around being more upgraded, efficient, effective, more alluring, more seducing, more tempting, more to his liking, more cheat codes I call it when they have knowledge taken from souls more evolved than them to then be more resembling of his Twin Soul in some way & tricking him to believe she could be his “twin soul”, but then him finding out she never was. His soul will always know the lost in the dark family soul is not his Twin Soul, but his mind will figure it out sooner or later. When his soul knows she is not his Twin Soul, it will never last & if it did, then serious programmings & mind prisons & other negative reasons would keep him imprisoned again.
“There is a special sacredness to your relationship that transcends anything within the relationship. There are no restrictions within the relationship. All is freedom without the need of ownership or control.”
I have already mentioned so much of this all, but it continues to hold true between Twin Souls, always. Cazuki got so much freedom from me, like I think he was surprised at how much freedom he was allowed to have. Which is just strange in itself, like why would he feel like it has to be allowed. Freedom is not something to control in anyway. All life has the right to be free, even in relationships. The only thing I can think of is why he felt that way & was surprised by it & didn´t understand it, was because of his upbringing with his “family” & how they placed negative rules, restrictions & took away freedoms & then there are the life times of him being with lost in the dark family soul relationships in past lives, which he had less freedoms when being with them, which would happen when he´s controlled, forced & programmed to be with them. That´s taking his freedoms away, just like what happened to him again in this life. This would then echo in his others lives & was brought with him into this life. Like anything, if it doesn´t get healed, it gets repeated. They took his freedoms away. No surprise then he would be surprised at how much freedom he got from me his Twin Soul wife.
“You will feel inspired to create and your Twin Soul inspires your creativity.”
We both would have our own idea/invention/solution/problem solving/inspiration book that was filled with our creativity & we would write down anything we came up with, but also what we inspired in each other & talked about, then we would be inspired even more. We are each others muses & inspiration source. Twin Souls inspire each other & ignite never seen before creations that shake the world, wake up the world & ignite the world with their positive change they bring out of their True Love & Twin Soul connection.
“You do not compete with one another nor do you pretend to be other than you are. You love each other for your individuality and uniqueness. You understand that some things are better left to your Twin Soul´s strengths, rather than competing.”
This is so important, because when our souls are split in two to be reincarnated in bodies, one has what the other doesn´t and vice versa. We are incomplete when missing the other half of our soul, but we also hold strengths each in our own way with what we have in the half of our soul that´s within us, so when Twin Souls unite into One, when union happens, they become complete, whole & now can combine their strengths together missing nothing, but having everything. With their own strengths they can balance each other out & both lead the way through the stormy waters of life, taking turns being the navigators with whatever strengths the one Twin Soul has that is needed at that time, but then switching with the other Twin Soul if their strengths is needed at that time. For example, I am more intuitive, more connected to the planet, Gaia, Universe, I can read people & situations, sensitive to energies & am more awake to my surroundings. These were some of my strengths & not Cazuki´s, so when I told him my visions, my seeing abilities & then getting confirmation from a seer about the dark magic on us & I told him the negative energies I felt with those “friends” of his who targeted him, I was warning him of the dangers in our relationship & how it was being targeted & by who, but when a Twin Soul husband ignores his Twin Soul wife & ignores her strengths that he doesn´t have, he´s open to all kinds of attacks & it would be like he´s on the ocean alone with no navigator sailing through life in dangerous stormy waters & hurricanes. He becomes lost at sea essentially. 
“In spite of your sameness, there is no doubt you feel a sense of completion through the other. You will recognise you two are Godmates. You will know you are One with everything in the Universe and beyond.”
I wouldn´t call it Godmates, but I´d call it GodGodessTwinSouls. The mystery & beauty of Twin Souls & their powers is very God & Godess like. They can literally change the world in a positive way, bringing balance, peace, unity, freedom, equality, honesty, compassion, understanding, empathy, intelligence, wisdom & end wars to life, end wars against souls, end wars against the planet & end wars against Twin Souls. Their True Love they share with each other will send waves of light & powerful positive energies everywhere on the planet & the Universe igniting other Twin Souls into unions. 
Can a LITDFS & a Twin Soul Adam not meant for her for example help ignite other Twin Souls into union with their “love”? Obviously not, because of their negative energies underneath their “positive” energies & them not being soul matched at all. Soul is energy right, so when two bodies, two minds are being controlled to be together through mind controls, manipulations, traditions, religions, marriage, pregnancy, threats and any other negative reason, it´s attacks & tortures to both their souls. When this happens, negative energies happen. If you have your senses awakened (which everyone on the planet has, it just needs awakening), you can actually smell the negative energies on them & on anyone not soul matched to be together from any distance in the world when you connect. The smell is quite nauseous & sickening as negative energies would be. You can also smell negative energies on people who are negative. You can also feel the negative energies on people & in couples who are not meant to be & who are not Twin Souls. During my time in a telepathy course for animals, how it works is, once you connect to animals or people, you can see where they are in the world, what they are doing in present time, past & future, you can see colours, images, live feeds, you hear sounds (them possibly talking & what they are saying, even about you, this is in regards to people not animals, but you can hear the animals talk to you when you talk to them via telepathy & when you ask them questions, you will get answers & they can tell you things even about themselves or other people in their life), you can smell things & even ask them things or just mind read them. Everyone has these abilities, it was just locked away from you all, but once you awaken your Jedai abilities, the LITDFS can´t hide anymore their negative games, dramas & wars on everyone. How the LITDFS & the Twin Soul Adam not meant for her came to be, if it was negative, it will also add more negative energies to them & this is something that they can never change or erase, the more they are together, the more negative energies happen between them. 
The True Love between Twin Souls is so powerful it ignites others to want to find their One. That is very God & Godess like. 
The Twin Soul GodGodessTwinSouls powers can also be used for darkness, unbalance & continue the status quo & wars on life & Twin Souls. When Han tells Kylo snoke is using him for his powers, that has so much truth to it in our world, that all we have to do is see the state of the world & our history & what is happening in our own lives, is better or worse? Is mental health better or worse? Is wars on life & True Loves better or worse? This happens when Twin Souls are under control & supervision by the lost in the dark family souls around them & when they are in relationships with lost in the dark family souls. Everything can be seen with our own families, friends, people around you, in society, among people that are in the public eye. It´s all visible for everyone to analyse, see & understand everything. You can basically see the difference between Twin Soul relationships impacting the world in a positive way & lost in the dark family soul relationships (a Twin Soul Adam or Twin Soul Eve imprisoned & programmed to be with a LITDFS) impacting the world in a negative way. As of example, a Twin Soul who is under control & supervision is being used for her powers to spread negative messages (LITDFS agendas) around the world celebrating the takedown of her Twin Soul & just happy to be with anyone who wanted her, all the while her soul is being tormented & her Twin Soul is not helping her at all break free from her soul torment, even thou they were both targeted also by dark magic & by the very same girl who has torn apart several Twin Soul relationships in her life for all to see. A LITDFS can tear apart several Twin Souls in her life time. You will know when Twin Souls are not being used or controlled by anyone in the world, because they will be on their Twin Soul mission together & spread messages of light, love, positivity, change & ending the same dark repeating hell cycles on this planet. They would spread messages of The One, being with The One & fighting for The One. Her soul torment can actually be seen by everyone on her body & her addictions, but also her soul is trying to communicate to her Twin Soul who she is kept apart from in her creative creations, but does he know about it, his soul will, but his mind might not understand? Her mind might be trapped, but her soul will find ways to communicate as his soul will do the same in his creative creations wanting to send her soul messages without his mind even knowing. It´s like the soul is bypassing the controlled mind & their messages come through in their art, their work or anything & anywhere else. It´s the silent soul song between Twin Souls, their silent soul symphony & their silent soul epic True Love story only spoken between Twin Souls that nobody can hear, but it is visible for all to see when their eyes are open. You can see their soul torments between them when they are torn apart, kept apart & controlled & programmed to be with anyone & the many. When Twin Souls are targeted & torn apart by LITDFS, on both their sides their LITDFS groups would celebrate the takedown of the other to the Twin Souls & continue to poison both Twin Soul minds against each other to make sure they never get back together. I´m well awake to their same negative repeating games, dramas & wars on Twin Souls. As for what side I´m on when a Twin Soul couple is targeted, I´m on both sides, because both have no idea what´s going on & they are both victims & chess pieces in the games played by the LITDFS. If I´m going to start to name names which would help the world open up their eyes faster, the Twin Soul Adams or Twin Soul Eves need to either tap into their own Twin Soul Investigator abilities as all Twin Souls have & investigate in their relationship that ended & uncover their attacks & wars, but can also reach out to Twin Souls all around the world who are getting the messages out there. If you find out you were in a Twin Soul relationship & it ended, I hope you all do reach out to those who are getting the messages out & gain more clarity, perspective, truth & sharing ideas, solutions & helpful advice. For the Twin Souls who are torn apart by their Twin Soul who left them, know this, in their souls, they only ever want you & it tortures them that they can´t be with you, but they always do & wish to break free from those around them controlling them. I noticed how her Twin Soul has been targeted by the same girl who came between them, but he´s also been with several LITDFS & they do want to breed with him, but he doesn´t want to in his soul, which he will express in his own way for all to see. Of course he doesn´t want to breed with the LITDFS, he only wants to have children with his Twin Soul wife, why can´t they understand that? It´s perverse what they are doing, they need to stop & be with their own Twin Soul. The more Twin Souls come forward, the more people wake up. Of course if you find out you were in a Twin Soul relationship, but your mind doesn´t care & just move on to anyone & the many, then how can the Twin Soul wars ever end & how is it right to go after someone else´s Twin Soul, when you are not meant to be with them at all? It´s like, it becomes a never ending loop of, “oh, you got together with my Twin Soul, then I´ll get together with your Twin Soul or someone else´s” & then it goes on & on & on & never ends. I would also say to this, how can you ever watch a Twin Soul story ever again & feel anything? We are only meant to be with our One, our Twin Soul, two lobsters for life, two swans for life & two halves of a soul for life.
Twin Souls are One with everything in the Universe and beyond, because they are now together as One, two halves of a Soul uniting into One again. They are missing nothing, but have everything, they are complete, they are evolved, they are enlightened & will be connected to everything again.  
“Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete!” Plato
“Recognition - When you meet your Twin Soul, there is an instant shock of recognition. Where have you seen this person before? You rack your brain trying to figure out where it may have been. You might even question each other on it. In time you realise that this recognition didn´t just point to a brief prior interaction. It was recognising someone that you´ve always known.”
This recognition meeting can happen with those you have even been in relationships with like the LITDFS. If your abilities are not awakened, like being able to sense energies in others, you will not be able to sense their negative energies from their past lives of going after you & breaking up your Twin Soul unions. When you are on a higher positive frequency, like being vegan, eating/drinking organic, cleansing, detoxing, juicing & staying away from negative people in your lives that bring you down to their negative energies & protecting your Sacred, Devine temple bodies from their negative energies & codes they wish to impact you with, the more sensitive to energies you become & can quickly feel those around you who have targeted you in the past & gone to war on your Twin Soul unions in the past & sense those who have imprisoned you to be in relationships with them in the past & not be able to be with your Twin Soul. This ability is one of your powers, Cazuki had it, but then lost it. He lost it when he kept accepting their negative energies & codes into his life, into his body, into his mind & into his energies. The last few years of our relationship he was down to their negative energies, so he couldn´t sense those around him anymore. He didn´t have access to his abilities that could protect him. If he did, he would of known those sisters, those “friends” of his, are the same LITDFS he´s been with in past lives & have targeted us before.
As for the Twin Soul recognition, that does happen right away & you feel happy, safe, easy to connect, alive, home & you want to pick up where you left off last time you met in your past life before this life. You become True Loves, Best Friends & Family all in one right away.
“Home - Finding your Twin Soul feels like coming home. This is where you were meant to be and the idea of ´home´ meaning a physical place or building, loses meaning for you. Home is your Twin Soul, it is where you will always travel to and where you will always want to be the most. Although you might have to be away from home for awhile, you´ll always remember the feeling of coming back to them.”
When Cazuki & I came into physical union, meaning we got together when we were oceans apart, so when we met again on my birthday, we would be in physical union. We left as friends & met again as True Loves which was really strange, but loved the fact it was different. Seeing him was like coming home & our souls rested when our bodies were close again, being One & not two halves of a soul drifting through life wanting to be One again. His words to me was his soul would rest when we were in each others arms, holding close & never letting go. He was right, we balanced, we felt complete, whole & our True Love shined so bright & powerful, we couldn´t get enough of each other as Twin Souls would only know.
“Our Universe grants every soul a Twin - a reflection of themselves - the kindred spirit and no matter where they are or how far they are from each other - even if they are in different dimensions - they will always find one another. This is destiny, this is love.” Julie Dillion
“Didn´t you think you would just meet someone, fall in love & that would be it!” Rachel Green
“Twin Souls, we only fall in love once in every life time & we only ever want to be with our Twin Soul True Love!” Twin Soul
“Identity - Even thou you will create a joint identity, you will still keep your individuality. Twin Souls know they are comprised of two very different beings. Merging into One does not mean you forget your individual needs, wants and dreams and you encourage that. You will find you have two identities now. Your own individual one and the one that has come about as the result of your Twin Soul union.”
This was never our problem, we did have our own unique individual identity & our joint Twin Soul identity. If we were gone from each other for weeks, we would miss one another, Cazuki even started to wear the colour blue, my favourite colour. That´s how much he missed me. When I came to see him almost a year after we broke up, I noticed he wore blue shoes, he still missed me! :) We both had our own dreams & goals that we were working on by ourselves & our individual needs & wants were also taken care of, like seeing friends of families or just any activities we did separately or together. It is important to keep our individuality, but also protect our joint identity so no negative energies & attacks from LITDFS would impact it. 
“Intensity - The level intensity experienced with your Twin Soul is unlike anything you will have ever had before or ever again in this life. A look, a touching of hands, the sound of their voice, all evoke more emotion than you´ve felt before. This intensity can take some getting used to and it doesn´t lessen.”
Our intensity started before we even got together. On a buss trip we took to the city, on our way back one cold December Christmas when Cazuki came to visit for 11 days & I hadn´t seen him since we were kids, I felt the extreme energies from him & we sat close to each other & that was not even us touching skin to skin, that was clothes touching clothes. The sexual tension between us was also undeniable, fast & intense. Twin Soul energies are instant, electric, magnetic, heightened, wildly extreme & intense, it will happen straight away & you can´t miss it or forget it, because you will feel it. When coming together in union, it wasn't just hearing his voice that evoked so much emotions, energies, feelings, thoughts & my soul lighting up like the stars, but it was his touch, his words, his actions, his beautiful mind, his beautiful soul, his beautiful body & his energies electrifying my energies into One. I have already mentioned before how extreme a Twin Soul union can be when bodies unite into One, but even that doesn´t lesson, unless the other wishes to have a break, because they can´t keep up with the Twin Soul who is more wild & free, but Twin Souls when not taking a break & not having wars on their minds, bodies, energies & souls from those wishing for the union to be torn apart, then the Twin Souls can connect everyday & several times a day, fast or slow, passion or romantic, wild beast & wild tiger or angels in heavenly embrace, lady & gentleman, naughty & nice, & it´s never boring, but always positive, exciting, new, different & adventurous. It´s always safe between them, easy, caring, protective, giving, loving, communicative, flexible, understandable, fun & even breaking rules & drawing outside the lines, way outside the lines. Being apart from Cazuki, we did talk a few times on the phone last year about our house & when I went to see him back in 2016, same intense feelings, emotions, thoughts, energies & my heart beating out of my chest & my soul is singing our epic True Love dance in the starry skies. Nervous energies, chaotic energies & the only explanation I can come up with for that is, it´s like our souls are trying to connect again to each other & the vibrations, the magnetic push & pull between us is causing our energies to try & find balance again, but that proves to be impossible when we are on opposite sides of this Twin Soul war between us. When Twin Souls are together, the intensity, the extreme, the passion, the wild & beautiful crazy True Love never ends. Twin Souls are Twin Flames & the flame is eternal, forever & infinite. Twin Souls Light & True Love is like perpetual motion, it´s always on & never stops moving, flying & reaching the stars in the heavenly skies.
“Growth - Together you can grow to higher levels than you could separately. Whether it´s on a spiritual, physical or mental level, you support each other to go further in every aspect of your life. Life is about growth and to stagnate is not to live. Together you will find and explore opportunities for growth, being open minded and careful to learn the valuable lessons that life throws your way.”
The growth here is soul growth, soul evolving, soul learning & soul awakening. Everything about growth is the soul & this will impact the mind, body, heart & energies. It´s all connected, but when you are in relationships that don´t help you grow to higher levels of enlightenment, you will then stagnate, you will repeat, you will stay at lower vibrational energies, you will make the same mistakes a million & billion times, like breaking up Twin Souls for your self serving agendas or to be with one of them not meant for you. When the mind is challenged to think, feel, see & hear, this awakens the soul, helps the soul grow, learn & evolve faster. If you are not in a Twin Soul relationship, you will not be challenged to be better, do better, do good in this world, learn, grow, evolve, awaken & be enlightened. In Twin Soul unions you can´t get anything by your Twin Soul, because they know you inside & out, so they will call you out on any of it if you are not being your true selves & they will be break down walls to reveal who you all are underneath, your authentic selves. In other relationships the Twin Soul can wear different masks & not have to grow, learn, evolve or awaken, but can stay stagnate, stay the same, live the same life just in a different way, but same outcome, same road & that road does not lead to being free, being awakened, being enlightened or learning, growing & evolving in their souls. Cazuki did mention how I was always able to read him, know him inside & out & called him out on him not being his true self. When unions happen, we bring with us our issues, traumas, dark side trainings, programmings in this life & past life issue, traumas & programmings & Twin Souls have the abilities to break it all down & peel back all the layers & reach their true selves to their soul core, so they can shine bright like the Universe. It´s one of their Twin Souls GodGoddess powers. Challenging each other, “light sabre” battling with our intelligent & passionate words, healing with our True Love, having compassion & understanding, patience & empathy, is what we went through trying to heal the mess of what was done to us by LITDFS in our lives & past lives. It wasen´t easy, it was a lot of damage done to us, but we never gave up & we both got healthier, happier, more balanced, but there was more healing to do, but they went to war on us again adding more soul pains & tortures with their games, dramas, rules & verbal attacks, mind attacks & energy attacks. The Twin Soul road is hard, because it´s not just all True Love & happiness, but we are dealing with many soul pains & tortures that need healing, but every single life time they go after Cazuki & me, tear us apart to be with one of us again, they just add more layers & levels of soul pains & soul tortures & programmings & dark side trainings & issues & traumas, then it starts all over again in the next life when we are born in new bodies to try again, try to have a life time together again, heal again & not be attacked again. You can notice when you are around people who are living the same life & living the same stagnate road they took, because nothing changed, it´s all the same, they think the same, they feel the same, they talk the same, their actions are the same & are doing the same repeating cycles in every life. There is no soul growth, only growth in their wallet, their possessions, their life styles, their self serving nature, their status, their fame, their empires, their relationships & families. Cazuki would actually tell me he gets bored listening to them talk, that´s how evolved he is in his soul. If souls were evolved, the conversations would be interesting, exciting, new, different, intelligent, thought provoking, debatable, imaginative, colourful, fun, crazy, beautiful, extraordinary, passionate, intense & extreme, words that can make you think, feel, hear & see things you may never have before. The conversations would be about making positive change in the world, help positively change the world, but when they are repeating the same mistakes in their lives a million times, a billion times, like attacking life, Twin Souls, going to war on Twin Souls, they don´t change, but stay the same. Twin Souls not only heal each other, but they grow or re-grow, re-learn & re-evovle faster together. They awaken faster & can reach higher levels of enlightenment faster together. It´s fast, because they are One, two halves of a soul, missing nothing & having everything, so it´s a speed of light growth, healing & awakening. When it comes to LITDFS relationships with a Twin Soul Adam not meant for them, to quote Trinity, “You´ve been down there, you know that road & you know exactly where it ends and I know that´s not where you want to be!”
“The first time I saw you, my heart whispered, that´s the One!” unknown
“Empathy - You feel the others emotions nearly as clearly as you feel your own. You´ll know if your Twin Soul is upset even before they´ve entered a room at times. If you´re in a group and your partners uncomfortable ext, you´ll feel this without them having to communicate anything with you. You´ll also feel their love and happiness mirrored back to you, strengthening and validating your own emotions.”
To feel each others emotions was extreme & it wasen´t as clearly as it was described above, but it was exactly like feeling your own emotions. We could feel each other´s sadness, pains, worries, struggles, stresses, fears, anger, loneliness, happiness, love and more, but when your union is targeted in various destructive ways, those senses can become blurred, clouded, blocked or even prevented from feeling each others emotions. When you have mind attacks, psychic attacks, energy attacks & LITDFS verbal attacks & their games, dramas, rules & wars upon you both, this will impact your union in more ways than you think & it will always end the same way, you both end & you both break & you both are kept apart. One can read all this that I have written & say it will never happen to us, but the thing is, this has happened in every life time, millions of life times since the LITDFS collective have taken over & been in control ever since, messing with lives, True Loves & souls. When you are in union & you do feel each others emotions, you will with loving concern & care ask the other what is wrong, how are they, how can you help & communicate & love each other unconditionally. 
“Arrival - You feel like a wait has ended. The direction of your life has brought you to this point and you understand why certain things had to happen the way they did. Understanding causes all the pieces to fall into place and you´ll feel more trust in both yourselves and the Universe.”
With the way the world is, behind the illusions tells a different horror story of what is really going on behind the scenes. Since we all have been living in a repeating loop in every life time, how I view Twin Souls now is they are like the Twin Soul Investigator Agents & to find out what is happening on this world, what the LITDFS are doing this time or have done to all life, souls & Twin Souls, is if they allow themselves to be targeted by the LITDFS, even if it means being abused, used, tormented, tortured, torn apart over & over in the most darkest way possible to get to the truth. Like the movie serenity, river & mal/simon are like the Twin Soul Investigator Agents & to find out what the LITDFS have done to life, they have to allow themselves to be targeted & tormented & play their games to get to the truth which they did & then reveal their findings to the whole Universe. When Cazuki & I saw the Constantine story, he enjoyed it, but that story was showing us our lives, just translated & coded differently. When isobel is torn apart over & over in hell, to translate that in our world, that´s isobel being torn apart over & over when being animals to then be eaten by the LITDFS on this planet. My own “family” have hinted that I will be come back as farm animals & their pets to be abused, used, tormented, be in obedient & loyalty training. There were other hints from other LITDFS when I was with Cazuki, but I already beat them to it, when I awakened again in my mid 20s to the horrors of what I was a part of when being asleep, then becoming vegan, I fell into depression, guilt & regret. I told the Universe to replace my life with the animals to save theirs, because that atrocity of what is being done to them from the LITDFS was monstrous & they made sure I would be a part of that & it killed me over & over. My brothers & sisters, my Universe family & the LITDFS are brothers & sisters too & they are eating their own brothers & sisters. No amount of my tears through the years will ever be enough to fill the Universe of what was done to the planet, to life, to souls & Twin Souls on Earth for so long, because my tears inside my soul is endless. My soul pains & soul tortures is real & it´s only one level, one layer of pains I carry within me. The fears I had my whole life until Cazuki freed me with the shock when breaking my heart, were fears that went beyond my fears growing up in a “family” that used fear to control & have power over the children. The fears was deep & could very well be fears from past lives of being animals. My skin is extremely sensitive to pain, I can´t stand the sight of blood & I get nauseous & would freak out & panic if I cut myself by accident too deep. I scare easily which Cazuki had a habit of doing to me because he thought it was fun. I did feel fear all the time, but I had every right to, especially if I came back as farm animals & pets that were tormented. To investigate further I would have all kinds of truth testings done to confirm my memories, feelings & soul history. To our very soul core, we don´t have fear, we have courage, but walls, prisons, dark side trainings, programmings, layers & levels that impact our lives & our minds can hold us back, keep us imprisoned & not be our true selves to our very soul core.
If anyone comes out with information about the “history” of Atlantis, I would always question it & would need so many kinds of truth testing done, since we have all been lied to, manipulated & deceived for so long by the very same LITDFS who control & have power over so much. I think back to Atlantis & I wonder, what did they say to me before they took over Earth? That I will lose everything I love over & over again, that I will be part of killing, destroying & eating the lives I hold dear in my heart for their enjoyment & entertainment? That I will watch in horror while they tear apart this world piece by piece & extinct so many beautiful animals, mammals & lives & not be awake to it? That I will watch the nightmares of what they do to souls & Twin Souls & not be able to do anything about it, because I was kept asleep for so long, but now I´m awake & maybe for the first time since Atlantis? I found out Atlantis, Alderaan & Aquarius has 8 letters in them, but also Atlantis has a circle around the a in one logo & Alderaan, the two aa´s is also used as the a with a circle above it in the same language being used in a country. The story of Atlantis could very well be the story of Alderaan on Earth, my feelings & energies tell me it is. When the real truth comes out & who was responsible, why, when, how & what did they use, what did they take, what did they do this whole time to the Atlantiens & life, even thou we already know, but when truth comes out, then healing, teaching, learning & awakening can begin. The fear, obedient & loyalty programmings that they couldn´t do to me as a human, but did to me as an animal, that would explain a lot & that would be even more reasons for the Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy to be created with a healing resort to deprogram anyone who has any fear, obedience & loyalty programmings on them, so they can be free & fly wherever in the Universe. There was a reason for Cazuki & I to join in Twin Soul union besides being in True Love with each other & wanting only one another, just like every other Twin Soul couple were meant to join in union, we were all meant to help everyone wake up & bring positive change, help awaken hearts & souls & I still have hope, even now after all this time, after everything that was done to life, to the planet, to souls & Twin Souls, I still have hope. For me, Earth will always be the saddest story ever told, even thou many will wish to look away & not see the dark, only the light & will one day forget these words spoken by a soul who woke up after being asleep for so long & seeing so much of what should have changed to end the madness, the darkness & the unbalance everywhere. What would souls think & feel if Constantine said “screw it, isobel can continue to be ripped apart over & over to satisfy the needs, the wants, the never ending appetite & feeding for the LITDFS in this world until it´s all over & we´ve come to the end when time is up? Would they be horrified? What would they think of Constantine? Would he be the hero or the villian? How would I feel when my Twin Soul husbands lost mind sacrifices me to please the LITDFS? I would feel like leave me to it, leave me to that hell & when the time comes, leave me to be trapped within a humanoid robot, because that is what they all made me feel anyway being trapped on this prison planet, to be their toys to be used & abused, slaves & pleasure/breeding machines. It doesn´t matter if I come back in the next life & I´m reset to know nothing again & if I don´t get access to what I´ve written here, but they put be back into circulation to be with Cazuki again, it wouldn´t be real, it would be programmed, controlled & dishonest. It´s dishonest, because he left me & his soul to hell & “chose” them instead again in another life like he did before. If he didn´t fight for me in this life, how can it be real in the next between us? Me knowing nothing makes it not real, but it will be exactly like I was programmed like a humanoid robot to be someone to his liking until I was to be sacrificed again or to have a potential life with him, but it´s not me, it´s an imprisoned me, a me that they shaped & formed to be obedient, asleep, loyal, to never question or challenge & never be the real me inside my soul with all my colours, wonders, mysteries & beautiful soul light & wisdom. This life I´m living now, is the me that´s more awake than my other selves (when I have access to all my past lives, even before Earth, when I get back everything they took from me, all my pieces anything they took from me & I´m free again to fly into the Universe, then I´m more myself), so if I´m to see him again in my next life, not knowing our past, it wouldn´t be real between us, but a lie told between us. The lie being, Cazuki broke my heart, threw my soul & his soul in the dark, so he could be with a LITDFS for the millionth & billionth time. No amount of pain being done to me when I´m animals or when I´m children or when I´m adults will ever be the amount of pain that my Twin Soul, the other half of my soul, my True Love has caused me & continues to cause me. The darkest part of our Twin Soul union & what happened to us, is that it´s not even Cazuki´s soul that causes me soul pains or soul tortures at all, because he is too being tormented by them all, but it´s his lost & dark programmed mind that they all took part in shaping & creating is what causes me more pains than the combined pains of me being tormented as animals, children & as adults. Even if Cazuki came back & fought for me, I would be like a true Aquarian & Universe being & would want him to be soul truth tested & any other truth testing tests to determine if his soul did not wish to leave me ever & to confirm his soul pains & soul tortures, but since the LITDFS will never wish for that to happen ever, we are back to history repeating & nothing changing & the lie & illusions continues. Can anyone blame me really for wanting soul truth testing done, even on my Twin Soul? When this has happened too many times, one wonders, is it more than just programmings & dark side trainings? If he knew about the wars & he still left me, how can I ever think or feel about True Love ever again? How can it be real? How can Twin Souls be real for me? This does not include other Twin Souls, this is just between Cazuki & me. 
What are the soul pains & soul tortures between Cazuki & I that never get healed in life times, because we are put back into circulation to be with anyone & the many LITDFS?
-You breaking my heart & leaving me for a life time with anyone & the many LITDFS.
-Me breaking your heart & leaving you for a life time with anyone & the many LITDFS.
-You being able to be close to anyone & the many.
-Me being able to be close to anyone & the many.
-You having trouble being close to people & having trouble hugging people.
-Me having trouble being close to people & having trouble hugging people.
(This trouble being close to people would happen when you have been tormented mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically, spiritually by the LITDFS, but all can be healed with your Twin Soul True Love you both share between you)
-You causing me soul pains & soul tortures being with LITDFS.
-Me causing you soul pains & soul tortures being with LITDFS.
-You feeling soul pains & soul tortures being done to you by the LITDFS.
-Me feeling your soul pains & soul tortures being done to you by the LITDFS.
-Me feeling soul pains & soul tortures being done to me by the LITDFS.
-You feeling my soul pains & soul tortures being done to me by the LITDFS.
-You having heartbreaks from me from previous lives that didn´t get healed, traumas, issues, programmings, addictions, self destructing habits/behaviours, dark side trainings, health issues caused by the LITDFS in your life & past life you bring with you that didn´t get healed.
-Me having heartbreaks from you from previous lives that didn´t get healed, traumas, issues, programmings, addictions, self destructing habits/behaviours, dark side trainings, health issues caused by the LITDFS in my life & past life I bring with me that didn´t get healed.
-You not fighting for me, for our Twin Soul union, for our True Love.
-Me not fighting for you, for our Twin Soul union, for our True Love.
-You not having a life time with me & creating a Twin Soul family with me.
-Me not having a life time with you & creating a Twin Soul family with you.
-You tearing me apart & becoming my enemy because of the LITDFS.
-Me tearing you apart & becoming your enemy because of the LITDFS.
-You leaving me in the dark & never see or talk to me again.
-Me leaving you in the dark & never see or talk to you again.
-You taking me for granted, treating me like a member of your hareem of LITDFS & a humanoid robot.
-Me taking you for granted, treating you like a member of my hareem of LITDFS & a humanoid robot.
-You not completing your soul missions & Twin Soul mission.
-Me not completing my soul missions & Twin Soul mission.
-You choosing the easy path in life.
-Me choosing the easy path in life.
-You turning darker, lost & someone I don´t recognise anymore.
-Me turning darker, lost & someone you don´t recognise anymore.
-You being used, abused, a pleasure & breeding “machine” for the LITDFS.
-Me being used, abused, a pleasure & breeding “machine” for the LITDFS.
-You being controlled & manipulated by your “family” & “friends”, the LITDFS.
-Me being controlled & manipulated by my “family” & “friends”, the LITDFS.
-You falling for seduction & temptation, the “serpents” LITDFS in our garden of Twin Soul Eden.
-Me falling for the seduction & temptation, the “serpents” LITDFS in our garden of Twin Soul Eden.
-You being controlled & programmed with dark magic spells by the LITDFS.
-Me being controlled & programmed with dark magic spells by the LITDFS.
-You being imprisoned in a body that keeps you from me.
-Me being imprisoned in a body that keeps me from you.
-You trying to fight for me, for our True Love, but we still don´t end up together.
-Me trying to fight for you, for our True Love, but we still don´t end up together.
-You saving me, but we still don´t end up together.
-Me saving you, but we still don´t end up together.
How long are we to let the LITDFS control, manipulate & let them have power over us? When do we say enough is enough, stop attacking & going to war on our Twin Soul union? Stop playing with our lives & stop tearing us apart with your self serving agendas! Stop trying to be with us in relationships! The breakdowns of all that needs healing which I wrote & I´m sure there is more, but all this can only be healed when being with a Twin Soul meant for you. That is why, in the Twin Soul community when they say you need to heal on your own, you can´t heal everything on your own, not the damage done to you by your Twin Soul & by LITDFS done to your unions, that can only be healed with your eternal, infinite & never ending True Love Twin Soul you have for your Twin Soul & fighting for each other and unplugging from the “matrix” and creating a new world, a Twin Soul world, a world where Peace, Balance & Twin Soul Unity comes to life. For them to say that Twin Souls heal when being with a LITDFS is seriously misguided, lost & dark, especially when the LITDFS is someone who has targeted the Twin Souls before in another life to be with one of them, especially since the LITDFS can resemble several LITDFS in a Twin Souls life to “repair” the damage done to the Twin Soul when breaking up the union. For example, the LITDFS can resemble/remind a Twin Soul of their “mother”, their sister in law & their “mother in law” with their looks, behaviours, traits, habits, star signs, having that “mother” aspect about them if they are single “mothers” and more, that all took part in destroying the Twin Soul union, but to get the Twin Soul to accept this LITDFS, the LITDFS has to remind the Twin Soul of the Twin Soul they were with, to accept the wolf in she eps clothing so to speak. Cazuki did tell me the LITDFS did remind him of me. This way, when he “loves” this LITDFS, it´s like he´s “loving” everyone that destroyed him & bringing him down to his knees. Messing with Universe lines & time lines is also not healing anything, but just adding more soul pains & soul tortures. This “repair” tactic of the LITDFS was mentioned in the Twin Soul community, but it goes darker than that, like it was mentioned that somehow a LITDFS in one life can come back in another in the same time line & inhabit the body to be with a Twin Soul, so you would have a real life s.n.o.k.e. attack on a soul if that is true. More investigation needed & soul truth testing with other forms of truth testing. I know exactly which LITDFS to test first to reveal if this is true. It would explain a lot of why mental health issues continue to be on the rise, because this is different kinds of attacks to the souls. More investigation needed to verify all this & more with various forms of truth testing. Just to give an example of how dark the LITDFS collective can attack Twin Souls to make sure they never get into union again or for a union to break apart, here is a comment from the Twin Soul community, but I changed the word they use to describe the LITDFS:
“i don’t know what to expect anymore. the toxic LITDFS group won’t give up. They keep trying to fck up his mind. I’m tired…I’m unable to give up. but i ask for Justice. theres too much damage. espeacially my twin (mentally), Sometimes im angry at God and i’m like, wtf God? Are you trying to get me in union with a halfdead twin with exploded braincells?? I don’t mind waiting, i don’t mind separation, i don’t even mind if hes mad at me but can God please, finally free him from that devilish enviroment? how more damaged he must get? since 2016 he simply stopped evolving. I’m even scared if he will do something to himself when he wakes up and realizes the full truth.“ 
When Twin Souls don´t heal each other with their True Love & their powerful healing energies between them, it only gets worse in the next life. To give an example, it´s like shoving it under the carpet all the heartbreaks from past lives from your Twin Soul that didn´t get healed, problems, issues, traumas, pains, tortures, programmings, addictions, self destructing habits/behaviours, dark side trainings, health issues that was caused by the LITDFS to their unions & before their unions so they would have troubles between them, like it´s almost designed for the LITDFS to attack Twin Souls in various ways so they would break apart when unions happen, but this pile under the carpet just keeps getting higher & higher when it doesn´t get healed & then it gets more in the next life. Like I was targeted by my own “family" several times & attacked physically when I was a baby & a toddler, then I was abused which lead to me having trouble being pleasured by Cazuki. I would have this recurring nightmare since I was a child & it would continue when I was an adult. The nightmare would be me not being able to move, speak & when being half asleep & half awake, I could see someone coming for me to attack & the only way to wake up from that was to make an alarming humming sound to wake myself up, because I couldn´t open my mouth. Cazuki would actually wake me up if my humming alarm sound that was loud & I did that on purpose consciously to wake myself up didn´t work. Then in my mid 20s, I was attacked by several who kept wanting to corrupt & taint my Sacred Devine body. To think Rey was never attacked in her life when being a child or older is naive, especially when life is darker in plain sight & behind closed doors, out of sight & out of mind. Let´s for argument sake, say Cazuki & I don´t get together in this life again, but I´m programmed & mind imprisoned again in the next life not remembering anything & I´m not me, I´m not awake, but it´s a lie, & I´m to be with Cazuki again so the LITDFS can get the True Love feelings from him again from our union & to feed off of our Twin Soul break up again, I wonder, what hell torment awaits me in the next life to damage me in anyway before our union happens again? More investigation needed & soul truth testing to see if they really do attack Twin Souls purposefully in various ways before unions happen so that it´s designed to break apart, but if it didn´t break apart like ours didn´t because our True Love was so powerful, then they attack directly like dark magic, manipulation, energy attacks & verbal programming & attacks. The less you are with before your Twin Soul union, the more Sacred, Devine & Universe Blessed your Twin Soul union will be & the more powerfully positive your pure True Love will be. Cazuki & I were only with one other before our union, so we didn´t have massive amount of negative energies, codes or other corrupting energies/thoughts & soul attacks on us before our union. Now if only we were both single & stayed positively pure before our union being with no one at all except each other.
“Magnetism - Wherever you are you´re drawn to your Twin Soul. Whether you´re in the other room or at the other side of the world, that magnetic draw is still there. This is not to say that you need to be in each other´s company the entire time. In fact, you will actually spend a great deal of time apart while keeping your individuality and pursuing your goals, but you always feel that magnetic attraction connection, seemingly trying to reconnect you both.”
I mentioned before how, Cazuki & I could be working in different areas of our house, busy doing our own things, then we would miss each other & go looking for the other which made us both smile & laugh. We missed each other even if it was only hours since we last saw each other. Only Twin Souls would understand that. Being drawn to each other no matter how far apart will always be true, but this happens more so after you come into union & your Twin Soul True Love between you both is activated. This is another reason why Twin Soul Eves should be the Reys & not be so quick to come into union unless you know your Twin Soul Adams are in it for a life time 100%, otherwise you will suffer in both your souls for a life time & it doesn´t matter if your programmed minds believe it´s “good” with anyone else, your souls will still feel the pains & tortures.  You know you are Twin Souls when you both are working on your own individual goals & dreams, but also working together on goals & dreams when you both have accomplished on your own with your own individual missions. 
“I will always love you means nothing unless the mind is fearlessly aligned with the heart. It takes the courage of a warrior to make & keep a vow of love!” unknown.
“Spiritual - In a Twin Soul relationship, one person will always be more spiritually inclined than the other. This person allows the other to travel down their own spiritual path and together, you´ll reach levels of consciousness that would be impossible to reach individually.”
If we can wrap our minds around the fact that we are already spiritually evolved beings technically, when two halves of a soul become One, but when the soul is separated from each other, one is spiritually connected more than the other. How to know if you are a Twin Soul that is not spiritually connected than your other Twin Soul? You are more into the earthly pursuits of happiness & accomplishments than heavenly spiritual ones. Like you could be interested in several of these like money, possessions, luxury life styles, expensive travels & holidays, status, fame, control, power, self serving, building an empire, wanting loyal followers, superficial & shallow living, being with anyone or the many, having a fun & easy life, breaking up couples & families to be with one of them or breaking up to be with someone more “upgraded” and more. If you are in a relationship where both of you are like in this many ways, then you are in a darker vs darker relationship & not a Twin Soul relationship & the outcome is always the same, because it´s the same road being taken & why the world is the way it is. As for being on our own spiritual paths, how many more times are we to be on our own spiritual paths and re-learn what the one Twin Soul who is more spiritual than the other already knows? Just because we have mind prisons on us preventing us from knowing our past lives, doesn´t mean our souls don´t know, because they do. As for the Twin Soul who is not more connected spiritually, how can they really reach high levels of consciousness when not being with their Twin Soul? They are missing the other half of their soul & no one else is going to mirror back to them what they need healing with from all the damage done to them by the LITDFS in every life time. No one is going call them out on their words & actions if they are not being their true selves when they are showing present life & past life programmings, issues, dark side trainings and more damage done to them by the LITDFS. Yes we can all take our own individual Soul Hermit Mission paths & awaken, but even those souls are still missing the other half of their spiritual path & that is being with their True Love Twin Soul that you are meant to be with if you wish for the full spiritual high flying path.
“Change - Twin Souls fully accept each other´s issues, traumas, programmings, dark side trainings, weird behaviours and more without any judgment, criticism & attacks, knowing they bring with them present life & past life struggles on them caused by LITDFS in their lives & understand what they are dealing with & know so much needs healing. To be in a Twin Soul relationship is to change, otherwise you stagnate & stay the same. You wouldn´t grow, learn or evolve and you wouldn´t awaken your hearts & souls. The Twin Soul philosophy is “I don´t want a better guy, but I want to be with The One that will inspire me to be a better person as I hope I do the same for him.” While a LITDFS relationship with a Twin Soul not meant for them, their philosophy is “I don´t want to change, I don´t want anyone to change me & I will never change the person I am with”. A Twin Soul recognises the mirror effect of a Twin Soul and understands if something isen´t sitting right, then change comes from within. A Twin Soul will encourage their partners uniqueness and push them to be themselves.”
“Commitment - Twin Souls are super committed to each other and would never stab the other in the back just to get ahead. They know there is nothing greater than the True Love they share between them. Nobody catches their interest quite like their Twin Soul and this means you have complete trust in them.”
This obviously doesn´t take in account the Twin Soul wars, because when wars are upon them both & they are targeted again, one will fall to the negative energies & break the heart of their Twin Soul if they have no idea what they are up against & can´t defend themselves or don´t know how to. Depending on programmings, dark side trainings, past & present life baggage a Twin Soul has, even their star sign could lead them to have eyes that wonder, being curious of other girls or giving attention to other girls & accepting attention from other girls. If they have no idea that they are bringing negative energies & codes on them back to their Twin Soul union, this will drive them apart when one is tainted with negative sexual energies from other girls onto them. In a Twin Soul relationship, the eyes a Twin Soul has is only for his Twin Soul Queen, no other & they don´t care for the attention of other girls & don´t give attention to other girls. If you play with fire, you only end up getting burned in the end. In a Twin Soul relationship, they will pull away from you if you are tainted with negative energies & codes on you from other girls flirting with you & you possibly flirting with them. Your Twin Soul pulls away, because they feel it on you and are sensitive to energies as Twin Souls will be to each other & they don´t wish to have their Sacred Devine bodies to be tainted with that & they are protecting their Sacred eggs from you. With a LITDFS relationship with a Twin Soul Adam not meant for her, she will have no problems with girls wanting him & flirting with him, because in her mind, it´s like “Yeah I have him & you don´t, so that´s all you get, flirt all you like, but he is mine!” In a Twin Soul relationship, if you flirt with girls & accept girls flirting with you & the negative energies transfer to you, your Twin Soul will sense it & pull away & feel something is wrong. If the person you are with doesn´t react, doesn´t sense something is wrong & doesn´t pull away from you & still wishes to be intimate with you, then they are a LITDFS. Only a Twin Soul would sense something is very wrong. Obviously if you already have flirted & accepted girls flirting with you, but the person you are with didn´t care, then they are not your Twin Soul. 
If you are in a Twin Soul union, but your Twin Soul expresses the fact that he felt like he wished he could of been with others before meeting you, which is just so dark & very westworld, also perverts True Love & Twin Soul Scared unions, then your Twin Soul is being mind targeted in someway. He is not being his true self like he used to be when his eyes & attention were only for you. If anyone believes our souls when we leave these easily corruptible bodies & minds are thinking the same as the lost minds, then they are seriously lost. Our souls only want The One meant for us. When a Twin Soul starts speaking like this, thinking like this, it makes you question them & ask, isen´t a million times being programmed to be with a million different girls enough? Still not satisfied in soul torturing yours & my soul & their souls, you need to torture more? Universe, guide me to meet my Twin Soul Cazuki who only has eyes for me his Twin Soul Queen, he only wants me, he has no interest ever to be with anyone else, he does not give attention to any girls wanting him & does not accept attention from any girls wanting him.
“Twin Flames burn eternal. Destined to shine bright in a united embrace that is set to last for eternity.” Truth Devour 
“Truth - You can be completely truthful with your Twin Soul and not feel like you are going to be made fun of or belittled. Twin Souls share their thoughts about everything, not holding back. It can be surprising to experience this complete level of honesty, but it is this communication that leads to your overall contentment with each other.”
Being truthful will happen between Twin Souls & you both never hold back, but say anything & everything on your minds without fear of losing them. I was warned by my friends not to spook my Twin Soul or he´ll run from me. Since I don´t listen to anyone with their rules & games, I went my own way as I always do. The freedom is found in going your own way & not being controlled by anyone. I would know if he was my Twin Soul if he stayed & didn´t run when I would shock him or spook him like saying in our first month together, I wanted 8 children with him. He didn´t run, but he was shocked & did come around that same day to having 6-8 children which made me laugh & he said it´s more fun in having that many kids by making those kids instead of adopting, which is what I wanted to do, have 2, adopt the rest. We were completely honest with one another & told each other everything, our dark, our light & grey, our history, our memories, our childhood, who we´ve been with before & what our lives were like before getting together. The only times we would not be honest was when we were targeted by LITDFS messing with our lives, our minds, our bodies & our energies. When minds & energies can be impacted in a negative way, it will impact your unions. As soon you find out who are the LITDFS around you, step away if you wish to protect your unions. You know you are with your Twin Soul when you are together & he doesn´t get spooked or runs away & he´s all in with you for a life time as Cazuki was with me since day one of our Twin Soul Union. 
“Drive - Twin Souls make it their business to learn the others drives, ambitions and goals. They push each other to achieve them and help in any way they can. Supporting your Twin Soul feels like the most natural thing in the world and you know you´ll get the same level of support back when pursuing your goals.”
When Cazuki was working on his masters, I did help support him to finish it, almost like reminding him, because I knew how much he wanted to finish it & I was like his team Twin Soul Pegacorn mascot energising him up to complete it. Same thing happened if he was in jobs he was very unhappy with, my mascot energies came back & cheering him on to find other jobs if he was unhappy in the one he was in. With his business I helped in anyway I could, also supporting him, giving business advice from my soul wisdom & any suggestions to help the business. Cazuki did the same with me, but I kind of refused his help, because unlike him, I was not accomplished yet & I wanted to accomplish something on my own before we Team Twin Soul our goals & dreams together, but we definitely made it our business to learn the each others goals, dreams & passions, because we both wanted the other to succeed & we knew we both wanted to succeed in our goals & dreams.
“Awakening - Life is awakening our minds so our souls can shine through & remember why we are here, why we are alive, why we want only The One for us.  Awakening our minds so our souls can be in control should be one of our main missions. It shouldn´t be called learning lessons especially since we have lived millions of life times possibly. Our souls already know the lessons, what we should be doing is awakening our souls to remember those lessons in every life we are reset to know nothing again. We have prisons & programmings on our minds, but once we crack down those walls, our souls are free to remember the lessons we already know. How to awaken our souls fast at a speed of light? Will always be with your Twin Soul. That is another reason why Twin Souls are targeted, the LITDFS don´t want Twin Souls to awaken at all, but to stay asleep so they are easier to control. Other ways to awaken your souls? Raise your energy vibrations to a higher frequency & seek out information that your soul & intuition is guiding you to remember. Don´t listen to LITDFS around you that don´t want you to know about the information, listen to your own soul, don´t let fear & control from others control your life. Break free & be free from them all! Do you want to know about True Love, relationships, Twin Souls & being with The One? Then research, read, watch stories, talk to Twin Souls who know about the Twin Soul wars & Twin Soul couples, but to say we have to be in relationships with people to “learn lessons” is seriously dark & unbalanced. That´s just LITDFS way of saying, they want to experience what it´s like to be with other people, what they smell like, touch like, feel like and so on. That´s not True Love at all, but that is a westworld way of life. 
What is the meaning of life? Re-learning, re-growing & re-evolving our souls! Awakening our hearts & souls! Breaking free from any types of controls on us from anyone! Breaking free from any mind prisons & programmings on us! Being a free Universe Being! Working to be better, do better, be good to life, be good to ourselves, create positive change in the world, be it something small or big! Work on our soul missions! Work on our Twin Soul mission! Be with our True Love Twin Soul! Create a future with our Twin Soul! Become an enlightened & spiritual Being! Awakening the most can only be done with your Twin Soul, because there are somethings only souls who are in deep True Love with each other can do & as a Twin Soul Team True Love, you support & help each other awaken one another faster & get through the most difficult times of your life.
“You and your Twin Flame planned on meeting on Earth long before you were born. The two of you came to life planning to join together in Love - no matter what challenges you face on the way. Trust yourself & listen to your Heart. You already know it´s possible!” Cassady Cayne    
“Attraction - You are completely head over heels, attracted to your Twin Flame. Their personality, the way they say certain words, all of it. You find yourself attracted to everything about them and every day you find yourself amazed by something else they do. This attraction is deep, multileveled and it doesn´t fade”
This was very extreme between us & it went beyond it all. His voice, his beautiful body (no matter the shape), his beautiful face (no matter how different he looked), his touch, his breath, his warmth, his eyes, his scent, his interesting & fun & witty & strange & wonderful personality, his words, his brilliant analytical & challenging fast mind, his good kind heart & his light deep soul was magnetic attraction. Our True Love for each other was out of this world crazy & I would never wish to be with anyone else if I didn´t have that same exact energy & soul match 100% with my One. The soul connection was so powerful, positive, pure, real, honest, rare, electric, intense, magnetic, chemistry sparks flying, extreme, passionate, wild, beautiful, free, loving, caring, giving, challenging, smart, alive, intellectual, animalistic, compassionate, understanding, wonderful, extraordinary & once in a life time. The kind of True Love you dream about, hope for, wish for, think about, write about & imagine, then it happens finally after 21 years. Twin Souls love everything about their Twin Souls & do discover more ways to love them even more. Everything gets heightened between Twin Souls when they are close to each other or even far apart from each other. Their energies are extreme & it happens right away, you can´t miss it, but will feel every part of it. Your soul will be pulled to his soul & his soul will be pulled to your soul. Once you meet your Twin Soul, your souls will want to be together, even if your minds & energies want to run from each other & getting together will happen fast. It´s happens fast, because you haven´t seen each other since you were both reborn last time in a last life.
“Healing - Together you can help each other heal from past wounds and hard times that happens in the present. Being loved so unconditionally is an amazing way of getting you to deal with past hurts and traumas. The continual strength, love and support of your Twin Flame can get through some of the most difficult times. It also allows you to work on emotional issues such as distrust, jealousy and fear and complete turn them on their head.”
Healing is actually one of the Twin Souls Goddess/God powers between them. They are the only ones that can heal the damages done to them by the LITDFS in every life time, because Twin Souls are the ones that do the most damages to each other when they break & get together with a LITDFS instead & it starts all over again in the next life when nothing gets healed, but more damages are added. I wonder, if it was deeply investigated, how many Twin Souls are targeted before unions so they would be damaged so that the Twin Souls would leave them for a LITDFS. It´s almost like, if all Twin Souls who were the volunteers to come to Earth, were any of them targeted in destructive ways before unions like I was? I wonder, how many Adams were dark side trained & programmed in various ways before unions to end up breaking apart their Eves to be with a LITDFS like Cazuki? Healing each other happens when no attacks & no wars are against your unions from LITDFS in your lives targeting you both again. How can you both heal if more damages keep being added to you both by LITDFS with their self serving agendas again in another life when they attack you in various ways? I disagree with the whole jealousy between Twin Souls, because I see it as an inner alarm system for the Twin Souls. There is negative jealousy & positive jealousy. The negative jealousy is from LITDFS that are jealous of your unions & wish for you both to end so they can be with one or both of you like what happened to us. The negative jealousy is also from LITDFS that don´t have the same extreme magnetic powerful energy & soul matched relationship like Twin Souls have in their own relationship which will also make them want to break apart your unions like what happened to us. Positive jealousy is between Twin Souls & when a LITDFS is coming near a Twin Soul expressing their interest & wanting to send their negative sexual energies to one of the Twin Souls, it would be completely natural to react extremely even, because it´s your soul alarming you that this has happened a million or billion times before & if you do nothing, your Twin Soul could be another victim for the LITDFS targeting them in various ways. Loving each other everyday & reminding the other they are in it for a life time no matter what will help heal the damages done to them. When you fight for each other you heal each other more. The more you fight for each other, the stronger the True Love becomes & the more damage is healed.
“Authenticity - Twin Flames know the value of authenticity and never try to be other people. They don´t stage their lives across social media or go out of their way to make others feel inferior to their connection. Far from it. They understand the gift they have and fully embrace it!”
Cazuki & I never had this problem & we didn´t splash our lives across social media, like wanting everyone to see how in love we are or our Twin Soul connection. Of course if we were on a our Twin Soul mission together & we were in the spotlight, then yes, we would have had our lives be shown to inspire others wanting their One for them, but we wouldn´t do that if our Twin Soul mission wasen´t operational yet, but still being worked on. That´s part of the Twin Soul mission, inspire others wanting their Twin Soul. You can´t do that if you are out of sight & out of mind. It´s not about feeling inferior, it´s about lighting up the world that there is such a thing called The One & everyone has a One meant for them. It´s been talked about a lot, but when a Twin Soul Adam gets together with a LITDFS, she will have no problems splashing her life with him all over social media wanting everyone to know who she went after when coming between Twin Souls. If you can read codes & are extremely sensitive to energies, you will feel the negative energies in those pictures if it´s a LITDFS with a Twin Soul not meant for her. What do I mean by reading codes? If you can feel the energies not being good, it means you can read the codes & if you can read the codes, you can see that they are not meant to be. Anyone going after Twin Souls are not being authentic at all or being their true selves to their soul core. How can they be? They are literally trying to push themselves into a Twin Soul unions life to then push his Twin Soul Eve out so the LITDFS can take her place & play house & play his dark “twin soul queen”. How is that authentic exactly? How they came to be when destroying life & True Love to be together is also not authentic. Even their life “love” story is not authentic & would be a lie when they tell people how they came to be, because they wouldn´t tell the whole truth, but just pick & choose scenes from the whole story. If they did tell the whole story, real people would react in a negative way. The LITDFS splashing their lives on social media is not authentic, because again how they came to be & how his mind was controlled & programmed to be with her against his free will & soul that never wanted to leave me. The LITDFS don´t care about being authentic or truthful, but what they care about is what people would think, so they spin a story, their story even if it´s built on lies, deceit, manipulations, secrets, dark magic, attacks, wars, games, dramas, emotional cheating, seduction, temptation, flirtation, selfishness, jealousy, greedy, dark, lost, unbalanced, needy, controlling and more. Cazuki & I didn´t have to flaunt our True Love to the world or to people, not that we ever did, but we did notice people would comment positively on our union & be drawn to our union even if we didn´t do anything besides just being there. Being authentic was important to us & in a Twin Soul union, you are your authentic selves & authentic to each other, because you both know, you have your own unique individual identities & goals & dreams, but you also have your joint Twin Soul identity with your Twin Soul mission together. 
“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies” Aristotle
“Creativity - Together Twin Flames can create some incredible pieces of art and work. A Muse is a real thing and the inspiration you get from your Twin Flame is unlike anything you will have experienced before. Whether you´re creating together or individually, the Twin Flame union allows you to dig deep into the creative recesses than you´ve ever gone before”.
Both Cazuki & I were creative before we came into union, I had written plenty of songs & a sic fi script before coming together, but when union happens, your True Love does inspire you more in your work, art, creations, ideas, solutions, goals & dreams. It´s almost like everything gets energised way beyond this world & you both end up wanting to reach the stars with everything you wish to accomplish. The only reason why Cazuki & I did not collaborate on anything small together, was because I wanted to accomplish by myself first before we collaborated together. If my first accomplishment that gave me freedom to stand on my own two feet was with the help of Cazuki, it wouldn´t feel like my own accomplishment at all & it would definitely feel like we are in a parent/child relationship. LITDFS have no problems getting help from the Twin Soul Adams they are with to accomplish so that they are free to be successfully independent, because when being with a Twin Soul Adam not meant for them, they see opportunities, they see wealth, they see luxury life styles, they see status, they see fame, they see materialistic possessions & they see he can help create their dreams come true. 
We both inspired each other with our ideas & creations & the incredible work of art we were working on was that Atlantis place where everything is different & nothing is the same, something never seen before in a different new way, but if Twin Souls have any plans, dreams & goals of challenging the LITDFS way of life, like creating a new kind of place for life, then Twin Souls will be targeted, especially when they want to create a place where LITDFS have no control over life or Twin Souls ever again. Cazuki told me he will take what he learned from our union & continue on that dream place, but he fails to see or is unable to see, he only brings with him the very way of life that is already impacting the world, that place he creates will still be under control by the LITDFS around him still. That is not freedom, that is not positive change, but it´s the same & it´s just living in a better looking society with more comforts. Kind of reminds me of aeon flux which is another Twin Soul story. The darkness & unbalance continues, it´s just out of sight & out of mind. For real positive change, for real balance & peace is if the wars on all life & Twin Souls come to end & Twin Souls are in unions. Obviously that was not his soul speaking to me, only his lost in the dark mind. Whenever you come across a creation that was birthed from a Twin Soul couple together, you will feel it in their real, honest, positive powerful energies & it will rock your world, shake up your life & open up your eyes to out of this world possibilities & being inspired to want to find that One True Love meant for you.
“Understanding - A Twin Flame union, one of their soul core foundations is complete understanding for each other. Understanding that you both come into the union with possible traumas, issues, programmings, damages and more done to you by the LITDFS in your lives & past lives, so you have compassion, patience & empathy for each other & love each other unconditionally. There is no judgement, criticisms or attacks. Understanding the incredible importance of freedoms & being free to go wherever & see whoever without asking permission or being controlled or supervisied in anyway. Understanding that you have individual goals as well as goals together. Understanding that you have different personalities and ways of thinking, yet you both can think & feel the same. No two people are the same and it´s a waste of energy to get upset when someone doesn´t act the same way you do, but if they are mirroring back to you what they need healing with, then you obviously heal that with your True Love, your challenging mind & your wisdom soul. You both share the same soul core values & when you “light sabre” battle each other for example in your debates & passionate words, you are breaking down programmings, mind prisons, dark side trainings, issues & anything else to awaken their hearts & souls, reminding them of your same soul core values & morals, you do have the same soul. The mind isen´t always the truth, especially if their minds are drowning in negative thought patterns, programmings, manipulations, dark side trainings and more, but the soul is always the truth, so challenge the minds, you then awaken the souls! When your soul is challenging his soul to remind his mind of who he really is to his soul core, you are breaking down walls, prisons & programmings on him.
“Balance - Light & Dark, Yin & Yang. One aspect of your Twin Soul will be mirrored & balanced back to you in return. If one Twin Soul is dark, the other lightness will balance this. If one is introverted, the others social skills will balance this. Mirrors are a key aspect of spirituality and never more so than in a Twin Flame relationship. You complete each other and where you fear you fall short as individuals, together you can achieve anything.”
Balance is the quintessential of a Twin Soul union & they bring Balance to everything in their lives, their work, their art, their creations, their families they create, their Twin Soul missions, their positive changes they bring to the world, the Balance between their energies of one being darker & the other being lighter. Balance with the Peace they bring & massive positive energies they ignite between them & light up like the suns & stars & inspire the world to want to find their One meant for them. The shape of the world shows everyone why there is no Balance, but a divide between light & dark, good & bad, heaven & hell, positive & negative & you will know when true Balance is happening in the world, it´s when you see Twin Soul couples everywhere bringing Balance in their lives, to all lives & the world. Obviously they can´t bring balance to those who wish for everything to stay the same, but if Twin Souls step away from the LITDFS who wish to tear apart their unions, then Twin Souls can continue on their Twin Soul mission together.
“Twin Soul Love is Eternal. The Union transcends Time & Space. The Bond is Unbreakable for there is a string that connects them. One Soul Two Hearts. No matter how far they wonder apart, The Universe always creates a Harmonious elixir drawing them back Together for the Highest good of all!” Unknown
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From the Book Of Twin Souls...
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Memories from Twin Soul Mission work in the Universe…
Planet Earth, a lamb is born in a farm factory.
“It´s so cold & why does it smell so bad here? I´m freezing!” Baby lamb says in her mind. Her eyes open & she tries to stand up for the first time, wobbly feet & then falls to the hard cold ground.
“That hurts!” Baby lambs shouts, but she gets back up.
Her mother starts cleaning her & she´s not alone. Three other lambs, her brothers were born not long after her & were already clean & already on their feet looking at her funny. She had blood on her face. Later on, she makes her way to talk to other lambs that are enclosed in fenced areas in the factory farm.
“What are you all whispering about?” She asked the little gang of lambs in the other pen.
“We are plotting to escape, do you want in?” One of them said.
“Escape, why? What´s going on here, why are we all trapped inside? What is this place?” She asked feeling like something is very wrong.
“Didn´t your mother tell you? We are born to be food to feed them!” One lamb said gesturing her to look at the farmer feeding some sheep. A mother sheep in the other pen was trying to eat the awful food that was chemically treated after the grass was cut, then sprayed with toxins to preserve it.
“How they can feed us this poison, my stomach hurts & I feel like my skin is on fire! Why are doing this to us?” Mother sheep says in between tears & trying to eat it, but then vomiting it back up. Baby lamb starts to open her eyes to everything around her, the smells, the sounds, the energies & the truth, the reality of it all. She saw sheep having their wool taken & being naked by the lost in the dark family souls.
“What are you doing, stop taking my clothes, it keeps me warm in this cold, dark place! Stop touching me, leave me alone!” The sheep screamed out when the farmer cut into her while trying to remove the wool & now blood was dripping all over the place. He didn´t care, he had a job to do & continued. Baby lamb saw other sheep banging their heads on the pen bars.
“I´m not crazy, I´m not crazy. This can´t be happening, when will this nightmare end, when will this hell be over?” One of the sheep banging it´s head said. Baby lamb looked in a different direction & saw another sheep in a pen & one of the farmers allowed one single breeding ram into the pen & was allowed to breed with all the sheep.
“Stay away from me, I don´t know you. You will not have this body!” The sheep said stamping her feet & avoiding the ram. The ram was consumed with testosterone, being kept from the sheep in a pen by itself & was dark side trained to rape all the sheep. It was perversion of life. At least in the wild, animals are free & can defend themselves & get away, while here they we’re forced to breed.
“I can´t help it, they will make me if I don´t!” The ram said being trained from young to be forced to breed with them all. 
“Leave me alone, you are hurting me!” The sheep said in tears & screamed when the farmer forced her to be raped by the ram. Baby lamb looked away & saw pigs in a pen. The piglets were being picked up one by one by another farmer & their tails were being cut off so the pigs wouldn´t chew themselves when being locked in small pens. The baby piglets were screaming. Next to them were chickens cramped up in cages & not allowed to move very much.
“Keep the hope alive, keep the hope alive!” One of the chickens said praying for them to be free while the others were singing to keep the hope alive. Baby lamb was seeing one horror after the other & then she saw a male baby calf on it´s own in a tight box, not being able to move & he was crying.
“Where is mother, I want to go home! Why am I locked in here. I can´t move!” The baby calf called veal said in between cries.
“Poor little calf, cows are forced to breed to give milk to the beings who feed off of us, so the calfs are taken from their mothers & locked away! Their lives are short!” One sheep said. The last thing she saw was a duck & goose being force fed by farmers to fatten up. One of the ducks was called foie & the goose called gras. They were crying so much being in pain & Baby lamb saw too much all at once, the shock, the terror, the pains, the sufferings, the tortures, the loneliness, the negative energies & she passed out from seeing everything.
A few months later…
Baby lamb wakes up to other lambs screaming & she could see lambs were being taken by the farmers, but only male lambs. Her brothers were being taken also.
“Mother! Help us!!” Her brother screamed.
“We want to live, I don´t want to die, I want to be free!” Her other brother cried.
“I´m afraid mother!” The third brother said in between cries. Their mother tried to stop the farmer & even pushing her head against the farmer, but the farmer kicked the sheep away.
“Leave my children alone, stop taking my babies!” The sheep pleaded, but was ignored. In the commotion Baby lamb got caught up in the struggle when the farmers were going after the male lambs & were being attacked by the sheep. Baby lamb lost her tag & she got tossed in the truck with the others. The baby lambs were urinating themselves, nervous feceases were everywhere & they were all being terrified & in fear. Crying out for their mothers & screaming in terror. It was noisy, smelly, cold & Baby lamb´s heart couldn´t stop racing. Many of the baby lambs threw up because of the foul smells & that they were terrified. She found her brothers & they were being close & resting their heads on each others backs keeping each other safe. Baby lamb noticed several lambs not moving on the floor & went over to them. They had died from having a heart attack & Baby lamb felt the pains behind her eyes & in her heart & soul. She had to do something, but what could she do. How could she help? When the truck stopped, the door opened & all the lambs were being forced to get off the trucks down a fenced in path way towards a building that smelled like death & they could hear screams coming from inside. Baby lamb kept looking around for a way out & she saw it.
“Brothers!” She shouted to all the male lambs!
"Listen to me! If we all work together, we can escape!" Through telepathy she told them all what they needed to do & to trust her. Many of the lambs including her all charged up against the fence that had a small opening to freedom. The force of so many lambs against the fence tore it down, but several did injure themselves including her, but now freedom was for all & Baby lamb ran in front & all her brothers followed her down the street. The slaughter workers were shocked & were now scrambling to catch them all. People & children would stop & stare in shock on the streets & just film it on their phones, then upload it to the internet, then reporters got wind of it, then a news helicopter recorded it & the news spread like wildfire. Baby lamb kept running, never looking back & all her brothers were running after her. She had to keep finding a way to safety & she trusted the spirit of the planet to guide her. Cars would stop & the lambs ran by them all & more pictures & videos were taken. She then found a way into the fields & now they were all running in the grass & kept running. The escape of the lambs were now news & everyone tuned in to see the runaways in pubs, clubs, schools, hotels, homes, offices & on the streets on their phones. Some were making bets to see when they would get caught, many were shocked & didn´t understand, others cheered & several sat nervously in their seats hoping the lambs will make it. Everyone noticed one lamb that was ahead of the rest, like it was leading the rest. She saw an opening between another fence in front of them all & she ran in with all her brothers, but when she came in, it was another farm, a family farm & now she stood frozen not knowing what to do. Why would the spirit of Gaia lead her here, she didn´t know what to do & felt like she didn´t know where to go now. Baby lamb didn´t even notice the child standing not far from her & she was holding a basket of organic vegetables. Baby lamb then saw her & they were all out of breath, nervously going around in circles uncertain what to do, but Baby lamb was still & just kept looking at the girl, but then walked up slowly to up her. Baby lamb sensed the girl was kind, caring & she screamed out for the girl to help her & her brothers via telepathy.
“I can hear you!” The girl said hearing Baby lamb through telepathy & she felt overcome with sadness for all the baby lambs & what happened to them being taken by their mothers. She saw their history & soul history of past lives in different bodies being animals & aliens. Her tears fell down her face & dropped her basket & gestured all of them to head to the barn & guided them all to safety.
“You are all safe here! I will protect you!” She said holding one of the lambs in her arms trying to calm his nerves & he was shaking, they were all shaking in fears.
As she closed the barn doors & was now inside, it didn´t take long until she heard commotion outside & saw through the crack of the door, police, slaughter workers, news reporters, people, children & now her parents were outside talking to them all. She opened the door & went over to the crowd.
“Thank you for capturing them!” One of the slaughter workers said & started to make their way to the barn, but she ran & stood in front of the door with arms stretched out.
“Step back, no one will take these baby lambs away!” She told them holding her ground, but the police came over to talk sense into her.
“These lambs belong to the farm where they came from & you have no rights here. You have to listen to the law!” The policeman said as he was about to grab her arm.
“Don´t touch me! These lambs can talk, these lambs have lived animal & alien lives, you are eating your brothers & sisters of the Universe! Stop this madness!” She shouted while everyone was listening & filming everything. The policeman got angry & then grabbed her arm, but her father grabbed his arm & he came out of nowhere.
“Don´t touch her, ever!” Her father said with rebelliousness & defiance in his eyes. Her father went over to one of the slaughter workers & talked to him & shook his hand, then the slaughter worker gestured for the others to follow him back where they came from. The police saw what happened & left too.
“Cazuki! What did you tell him?” She asked her father. Her twin brother came running to her & went inside the barn to be with the lambs, but before he did.
“Nice one sister!” Nlue said proudly then went in excited to meet them all.
“I told him we are rescuing these lambs & starting a farm sanctuary!” He said, but not mentioning the fact that he was going to pay for their freedom & the workers were really not going to challenge the two famous lawyers who were notorious for going up against controlling powers & big corporations that preyed upon people, children, animals & the environment. His daughter hugged him with happy tears & Akira came over with the news crew who wanted to do interviews & film these brave little lambs & the little girl.
“They want to tell the story of these lambs, are you up for it?” Akira asked her daughter & she smiled & nodded.
“What is your name?” One of the reporters asked.
“Luna!” She said while being circled by reporters, people, children who were nosy to see what was happening. Akira & Cazuki were holding each other & the barn opened & the lambs were being filmed & pictures were being taken.
Several months later…
A sign near their driveway caught the attention of a screenplay writer who was heading to see the family that rescued the lambs for his movie. “Luna Paradise Sanctuary” the sign read. Their farm was an organic vegetable, berry & fruit farm that supplied food for the community, but they combined it with rescuing all types of animals. The screenplay writer Daichi walked with Cazuki & saw all the animals they had rescued so far & he was shocked to see where the famous Baby lamb who lead the escape was resting.
“How is that even possible?!” Daichi asked looking shocked.
“Yeah, he´s newly rescued, but they are inseparable. Angel took a liking to him straight away & they go everywhere together!” Cazuki said looking at them smiling at how the world is really changing.
“Why does he look so surprised & why is he so nervous?” Baby lamb asked her best friend.
“He thinks I´m going to eat you!” Cazuki the lion said to his best friend.
“Funny people, don´t they know?” Akira the lamb asked him.
“They will!” He said licking her head & purring, being overprotective over his best friend & his love for her was forever.
“They tried feeding animals to him, but he refused, even tried to trick him with blood in the milk, but it never worked. So now he´s vegan & so is everyone on this farm!” Cazuki told Daichi.
“Incredible!” Daichi said then his eyes were drawn to seeing volunteers helping out at the farm sanctuary & he saw the same policeman that grabbed Luna´s arm on the news. He was there helping the animals with his daughter & other volunteers with Luna, but then Luna headed towards the lion & the lamb & sits by them & places daisy crowns over the lamb´s head & the lion´s. She closes her eyes & sits in a mediation pose & envisions the future. What she sees is all farm animals around the world being rescued & set free to be in farm sanctuaries, but having access to be free in the wild & come back to sanctuary if they choose. She envisions all animals getting rights & all types of animals getting protection in the world.
From the Book Of Twin Souls...
Earth, 2018, Twin Soul Mission in the Universe, Twin Soul Investigator report...
"Akira, Akira, Akira!”
Her body moved forward in fast motion from her deep sleep, out of breath, mind & heart racing, she looked down on her chest, her hand was on her breast which she thought was strange. This made her think about Cazuki & how he would tell her that her perfect breasts would always fit in his hands. Her fifth element perfect boobs she thought. In every life she would always want her breasts to be 5th element perfect, this way, she would know her Twin Soul husband loved her & wanted to be with her because of her soul & heart & not because of how she looked. She thought boobs was a funny word, funny to hear & made her laugh. She would find many words in different languages on this planet that was beautiful, but sometimes very funny, strange, but also she could see many words revealed the truth of what the word was intended for. She thought about the words then took out her Book of Twin Souls & started writing.
In one language, a hospital was called a sick house. Which I thought was very true, the hospitals in this world are not always healing people, but keeping them sick & even making it worse, like how they treat cancer or force children/people to be vaccinated with poisons & chemicals. I remembered when I was a toddler & a doctor would try to vaccinate me, but kept jabbing my arm in so many places, like he was purposefully hurting me. What was left was a massive scar on my arm & many screams & tears. I thought people really need to protect the children from the poisons & chemicals in vaccines & not let lost in the dark family souls bring fear to them when they want the children to be vaccinated. Lost in the dark family souls use fear tactics to control people & keep them sick & easier to control & to profit off of them, it´s all very dark side. I remembered when I was a child, I got chickenpox. If children didn´t have it, they would get in contact with children that had it, then their bodies would work to heal themselves & combat it. The stronger the immune system & the more healthy the body is, with eating organic, a lot of raw plants & being vegan, the less sick you will be & are able to fight off illnesses. Bodies are powerful healing temples, as long as you treat your sacred devine bodies with care, respect & nurture it with powerful positive energies like organic, vegan & raw foods, the more powerful your healing temples become & shine brighter like the sun. When someone does go vegan, they have to make sure they get all the nutrients that the bodies need & do the research & talk to those who are vegan paving the way for better health before making the choice. 
If anyone wishes to not be vaccinated anymore & don´t want their children to be vaccinated with poisons, then they should become like the Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigators & do the research, investigate, talk to people who know about the chemicals in the vaccines, before making the choice to not be vaccinated by anyone & not vaccinate the children. 
Imagine if there was a religion that protected anyone from any darkness, negative energies & control, from any attacks & poisons by the lost in the dark family souls. If I was to name this religion, this new spiritual way of life, I would call it the Universe. The Universe is my religion & I pray to the Universe, I follow the rules & laws of the Universe that protects all souls & the spirit of the Universe does not want anyones Sacred, Devine temple bodies to be polluted, attacked, corrupted, poisoned in anyway by anyone. When I found out about fluoride, I found that the toxins dumbs people down, makes them easier to control. I found out those in power wish to keep everyone under their control asleep, dumbed down & easier to control & fluoride is just one out of so many dark deeds they do against life. Fluoride is in toothpaste, water bottles, public water systems, so I would advise to read the labels & avoid it & get filters for protection. 
If the lost in the dark family souls in power ruling countries have been doing this to the people for so long, what makes you think they haven´t done other toxic things in foods & beverages & products? Words that you don´t understand in products? 
Miessence gives you a look into what products are like without chemicals & toxins, but are made from nature & are organic. The products are expensive, but I wanted to show you there are companies that do care about your health, the planet & life. I myself can´t afford these products, but you can find cheap organic nature soaps that not only clean your body, but your hair too. I do not get any money advertising from anyone. I´m not interested in that at all, but knowledge & truths I am very interested in sharing with everyone. I am after all an Aquariun, but more than that I am an Atlantien & further than that I am a Universe being as is everyone. 
Those in power allow for toxins & chemicals to be in foods, beverages & products harming life, but if they were the Padme´s/Leia´s/Rey´s all in one in the world, they would ban all toxins & chemicals in everything & not allow companies to sell products that harm life in anyway shape of form & not be tested on animals or made from animals. It´s not complicated, but they say it is, only because they don´t want positive change. What about the mercury in fillings? Another toxic mess they knew about & yet they willingly let people be allowed to be subjected to more toxins in their system. 
The lost in the dark family souls are lost & are making choices that harm life, the planet, animals, children & True Loves between Twin Souls. They are serving themselves & being in control over others. Their hearts & souls are not awake, but they are making choices based on their corrupted, programmed & dark side trained minds. When their hearts & souls awaken, positive change happens. Someone reached out to me once when Cazuki & I were at a business venture meeting, because we both wanted to start our own companies. The woman wanted to warn me about the toxins in soda pops, because she worked there, so she was an informant. She wanted to warn me what the toxins did to peoples brains & what was it they were putting in those soda pops. The business I was working on was a company that exposes truth in the whole world & seeker of all truths, but I was targeted again in my mind & worn down years ago, but I still kept it as a goal to accomplish. World needs truth now more than ever & truth coming from someone who isen´t afraid to challenge the lost in the dark family souls who are playing “kings”, “queens”, “princes” & “princesses” ruling countries. The informant never got back to me, but I found out with my own research at least one thing that the soda pops do, that was to excite the brain cells to death (like aspartame), they pop, hence the name! Just another way to dumb down life, if life is dumbed down, life becomes easier to control. That´s another thing that I noticed in my relationship with Cazuki, I wasen´t afraid to challenge those lost in the dark family souls around us, like in his “family”, but I did feel his fear of them. When “children” (lost in the dark family souls) strike fear into their “parents” (Twin Souls), the “parents” become easier to control & be manipulated & the lost in the dark family souls can get everything they want from him. I say “children”, but they are not “children”, they are just lost in the dark. I found it funny how snoke would say Kylo & Rey are the “children”, when really Kylo & Rey are the Twin Soul “parents” & snoke is behaving like a lost dark “child”. It´s all to do with soul intelligence & soul enlightenment really & awakening, evolving your hearts & souls. It goes further, with Twin Souls, one soul you are both evolved, but apart, one is more awake than the other. If you are awake & free, you wouldn´t harm any life or any True Loves or any Twin Souls, but you would protect, defend, save life & fight for what is right in this world. Fight for positive change, fight for peace & fight for balance & fight for your True Love Twin Soul meant for you. 
They mention veggie burgers & soy, but just look out for soy products & veggie burgers without MSG. Besides, there are great homemade recipes for veggie burgers everywhere. 
Cancer can be cured & there has been a cure for the longest time, but is kept a secret, so lost in the dark family souls would profit & keep people sick & easier to control. Organic, raw, detox, juicing, super foods, apple seeds, grape seeds, grapes & veganism cures cancers & protects against illnesses, colds & flues. A book I have in my library, “Cancer, Step Outside The Box”, a book that tells so many truths, like truths about vaccines, mercury, & fluroride. I thought, until a Padme/Leia/Rey all in one was leading a country with her Twin Soul husband, if people want to protect themselves, their Sacred Devine bodies & temples, the best way to do that is to be vegan, choose organic, mostly raw plant foods & make sure you get all your nutrients. Make you sure you only eat foods & drink beverages where you understand the words that are described on the labels. If it doesn´t say organic & words that you don´t recognise in nature, don´t consume it. How to protect yourselves is only consuming positive foods & beverages made from nature & only nature. Another book I have in my library is Vegan Paradise, A New Worldview To Save Our Bodies, Minds and Souls and Life On Earth. Like the author, she is a chaotic writer just like me. I don´t follow rules anyway, I go my own way, but the information she has in that book is extremely important for everyone & is a book I have given to family members, friends, shops, co-workers, healers & even in public office. Again, I do not get any money advertising from anyone, I am only sharing knowledge & truths.
Lost in the dark family souls who are in power can hide the toxins in their products now from the public & probably have been allowed to do that for who knows how long, again how to protect yourself? Go vegan, go organic & go raw. You don´t have to be completely raw, but highly recommend you include as much raw plants as possible. Since growing organic foods has been controlled by those in power again to make sure people don´t have access to cheap healthy foods, collaborate with farmers, create a coop & work together to bring prices down so it´s affordable for all in your community. Start growing your own food if you can & work together to have access to public areas where you can grow organic food. You can even use avaaz.org to petition for positive change in your country to be able to buy affordable organic health foods. Those in power have no real reason to not allow everyone access to organic health foods that everyone can buy. Money is an illusion, it´s not even real & there is always a way to provide affordable health foods for everyone on the planet. For example, those in power can redirect money that goes towards negative energies like building a wall to separate countries, because they want to separate themselves from their brothers & sisters of the Universe which is so dark & instead they could use that money for positive energies to provide affordable organic health vegan foods for everyone.
When I dived in the depths of the souls, I uncovered the mess the lost in the dark family souls have caused to everyone, but the surface level mess too was overwhelming & a cluster fuck. Again, Cazuki´s favourite words, but for some reason I keep using it, even thou I don´t swear, but I think it´s my anger talking. What they have all been doing and are doing to life is all very dark side & like the first order, questions become who do you want to be? A stormtrooper who will obey them & consume everything they suggest & offer to you? A Kylo who will obey them & give them whatever they want by performing their dark agendas & letting them control you & being used for your powers? Or are you a Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator who wants to rebel, who wants to be free & who wants to be in control & have power over your own life? The choice is clear, simple & easy, choose balance grey side or dark side again. 
Akira stopped her writing for a moment & thought about her dream. She remembered part of her dream & the voice she heard in her dream was Cazuki calling out to her. He was reaching for her, arm stretched out & hand trying to grab hers & she was trying to grab his. She´s had many dreams of him these past few months & on specific days like Valentines day & even the day they broke up on the 21st of February. The dreams were of him with Akira in bed holding each other & never letting go. Her most recent one was the 17th of May, they were naked, Akira was sitting on him, legs wrapped around & they were in passion embrace. She told him, “Why can´t they leave us alone, why can´t they see we only want each other!” When she was pulled from the dream, he asked via telepathy why did she leave, she didn´t, she was pulled away somehow she said. 21st February, she did notice how he picked a day that was the nr she was born on, the age she was when she wrote letters to him again after many years being silent between them when they were teenagers, a nr she & Cazuki got together physically in Twin Soul union & the day he broke her out of her mind prisons & freed her true self that was under attack for years by dark magic & other attacks messing with her mind & energies for years, but Cazuki was also under mind & energy attack by the lost in the dark family souls around us, at the same time breaking her heart, but she always did see the glass half full. She smiled while thinking about that fact. He may have broken her heart & tore apart their Sacred Devine Union, but she saw the good in the bad, the light in the dark. She has always been this way, she wouldn´t of survived all those years being tormented being with her “family” growing up if she didn´t keep the hope alive & being able to see the light in the darkness that was always around her & trying to bring light to their darkness. She always did love number 21, 21 the number of letters in her name & the added numbers in the year & month she was born added up to 21. Her favourite was also nr 8, which represents infinity & also is a Twin Soul number she found out.
Her dreams she thought were like Cazuki hacking in somehow & giving her messages, very passionate ones & letting her know how much she means to him. Since being apart from him, there have been so many signs from the Universe guiding her to get messages from him in various ways like through music, radio, dreams, thoughts & other signs reminding her, which would happen when she was not even thinking about him, again Cazuki somehow letting her know how he feels about her. She could be in the shops one moment, then hear a song that was like he was speaking to her. You would think all of these signs would freak her out, but she loves getting signs from the Universe, she misses the Universe & she missed Cazuki.
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From the Book Of Twin Souls...
Twin Soul Stories...
Spoilers alert...
Equals is a story I haven´t been able to see yet, but it´s on my list when I have the time, but I really want to see it. Stories reflect back what happens in our world, happens in our lives, what happend in the past & what can even happen in the future. I have come across many stories that reflected back to me what was happening in our relationship & what was going to happen between Cazuki & I in our relationship in the future when he & I were together, even how we fell apart, before we fell apart. Being apart from him I see stories that tell me what happened between us in the past. So stories can show you future warnings & if you are awake, you can prevent your unions from being torn apart. I did read what Equals was about & the plot & have seen scene several scenes in the movie, but the over all feel of it sings Twin Souls. The soul connection, the intensity, the extreme, the passion & everything Twin Souls go through, can be seen in in Equals. Twin Souls is the romeo & juliet story of True Loves & when one believes the other is dead, the other will feel like they want to end their life. Equals, reminds me in our first month together with Cazuki & he said I´m his Equal soul, which is what Twin Souls are, they are equals, two halves of a whole, One Soul. Silas does not end his life, but he does get “treatment” for his “illness” of being in love. Then he finds out she is not dead, but it´s too late, he doesn´t remember the True Love feelings he had for her, but he does remember the memories of loving her, being with her & wanting to run away with her. Feelings can be reignited again when being with your Twin Soul or remembering what is was like to love your Twin Soul, that is something that can never be erased. It can´t be erased, because we have souls & souls feel emotions, feelings, thoughts, energies & True Love that is infinite, endless, forever, eternal as is Twin Flames. The story depicts a darker age & this is not how the Aquarius Age is supposed to be where technology is used against life & True Loves, to control life & True Loves & to destroy life & True Loves. In the Twin Soul community I already decode & translate what some are “teaching” everyone, like they are saying we are not meant to feel, be sad, be angry, cry, but we are only meant to be happy & positive. For one that´s impossible when we are all trapped on this prison planet hell playground & when attacks to our souls happen & when life & True Loves is being systematically destroyed & kept apart.   We are meant to feel anything & everything, we have souls & souls feel. That is why sensitivity, vulnerability, compassion, empathy & understanding is lost on so many lost in the dark family souls. They are thinking with their corrupted minds, but not thinking with their hearts & souls which is what matters the most. What happened to Silas when he got that “treatment”, to translate & decode that in our world, that is what is happening to Twin Souls who break up with their Twin Souls & don´t remember the True Love feelings they shared, but they remember the memories, but not the feelings. 
Since Twin Soul wars is a reality, for those Twin Souls who have just come into their “first” union & I say “first”, because you have had many life times of coming into unions, so it´s just “first” in this life, but when unions happens, document everything about your union, even those who are in union should start to write their book of Twin Souls. Start your book of Twin Souls that you both write together in. What your relationship is like from the beginning, your loving memories, any communications like love letters, love emails, love chats, love video calls that are recorded. Write down the good & the bad, the light & the dark, the balance, any insights, signs & dreams. Keep pictures & even start to film your unions. This is what I wanted to do from the beginning, video film our union, our loving Twin Soul relationship, but mind attacks made me forget it & not remember that was what I wanted to do. Think of it like 50 first dates story, what you are doing is documenting the feelings & the memories of what your union is like, so if heaven forbid you break up & one Twin Soul doesn´t remember the feelings anymore because he was targeted, you have now a treasure chest of memories to help your Twin Soul remember & wake up & break free from his mind control prisons. Back up everything on your computer & memory drives that is separate from your computer, but don´t upload everything to the “cloud” on the web, because that is giving away your freedoms for those who can control & delete it & use it for whatever reason. Like in the disguise of they had a “hacker” intrusion that just “deleted” everything. Most of my email communication with Cazuki from our first months together were “deleted” in the disguise of hotmail changing to outlook. It´s not really deleted, they still have it. Document those around you, the lost in the dark family souls who are targeting your unions, their negative behaviours, their negative words & actions, their negative games & dramas, their negative divide & conquer tactics & wars. Be the Twin Soul Investigators, because this can help protect your unions & help others protect their unions! For Twin Souls in unions, try to remember everything about your union since the beginning & start your book of Twin Souls. The more Twin Souls upload their stories to the web, the more Twin Souls awaken, the more Twin Souls help each other, the more Twin Souls can protect their unions & know who to look out for if their unions are under attack. Once your eyes open, they can´t hide anymore, but are seen by everyone. If you are a Twin Soul reader & can see into the truth of things, you will see through the lies, manipulations, deceptions & illusions easily. That is one of the reasons they kept me “asleep” & held back & attacked for so long, I do see the truth behind the negative energies. It´s like a Twin Soul reader can see past the “positive” energies in anything & see what´s really going on underneath & finds negative energies. It´s like having your own kind of microscope & seeing life in details & what´s going on up close. If you are a Twin Soul decoder & translator, you can decode & translate stories, which can also help Twin Souls all over the world. star wars is a perfect example of Twin Soul unions breaking up & then getting together with a lost in the dark family soul, like anakin & palpetine, kylo & snoke. To translate that in our world, is the unbalance & darkness that happens when a Twin Soul is with a lost in the dark family soul. Attacks to their souls happen, to their energies, to their bodies (”consensual” rape), to their minds, but also when two people are not soul matched to be together, nothing changes in the world, no balance, but two darker individuals come together because it was controlled & programmed & out of negative energies. You know when you are with your Twin Soul, because you will want to be with them everyday, can´t be without them, can´t live without them, can´t breath without them, they are a part of you forever & infinite & eternity. With Twin Souls, extraordinary happens & ignites the world & the Universe with their True Love powerful positive energies & ignites others into unions. You will feel it in the energies when it´s a Twin Soul couple, because it´s extreme, intense, powerfully positive, crazy electric, wild passionate, chemistry mystery, sexual tension, magnetic attraction & you will be impacted by it all & it will make you think, make you feel something, it will inspire you, change you, you´ll wish to find your One & you will start to talk “crazy” & be swept up in the Twin Soul couples powerful positive energies. When I read comments from fans who have come across a Twin Soul couple, I laugh at how “crazy” positive they become, it makes my heart sing a symphony & write an epic True Love story in my soul. They are right to feel that way & if only they knew, they were in the presence of a rare, hard to find & once in a life time Twin Soul union.
Equals tells a story, the same story, but important to tell, about Twin Souls who are targeted & kept apart & the lost in the dark family souls will use fear to control them, will use threats to control them & manipulation to control them & anything else they can come up with to keep Twin Souls apart & easily controlled. Dark side uses fear, threats & manipulations, souls that are not evolved & who wish to keep their dark status quo alive will use negative energies like dark side actions. Once you open your eyes to their same games, tactics, negative rules, dramas & wars, you stop fearing them & instead you become empowered & become free.
Other Twin Soul movies include star wars, cloud atlas, matrix, westworld (delores & teddy), twighlight, romeo & juliet (1996 version), robin hood prince of thieves, dirty dancing, 5th element, the adjustment bureau, notebook, terminator (original), shape of water, beauty & the beast, beautiful creatures, romancing the stone, the dark crystal, equals, divergent, aeon flux, forces of nature...
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
From the Book Of Twin Souls...
Twin Soul letters...
Universe True Love Cosmic Highway!
There is a story, an epic fairytale with all it´s glory. With golden yellow, white flower crowns, Kings & Queens are always bound only to each other, one and only Twin Souls forever. True Loves floating like stars, it´s always you & me, singing our sound of the Universe True Love Cosmic Highway, hideaway, come flyaway with me. Can you hear me, feel me, see me in your dreams. They try to replicate, but it´s always fake. They try to copy me, but you always see the truth behind their lies in all their deceptive eyes. They try to take all my pieces, but there is no deny, your soul will always know the truth, you feel it in your bones, you feel it in your heart of gold, you feel it in your mind their truths unfold, you feel it in your energies down below, you know you´re never with me & you feel always misery, soul screaming, soul shouting, soul feeling angry out loud, soul singing your sad song into the Universe & messages yelling it´s so perverse. Our story gets picked up, our memories gets lit up onto the screens, so everyone can see what they are all doing to you & me. 
We are singing our story, our Universe True Love Cosmic Highway, hideaway, come flyaway with me. To the stars, way past mars, beyond every galaxy we are free. One day my love, one day when enough is enough, you sing your words to me that light up the fiery sun burning inside, words I longed to hear, words that burn away all the fears, words that wipe away all the tears & words that speak to our hearts & souls, of our Universe True Love Cosmic Highway, hideaway, come flyaway with me you say, no more waiting, no more wondering, no more staying, only freedom, only queenkingdom, only our Cosmic ship with you & me, in the Universe we are free. One day my love, one day when enough is enough, you speak words to our hearts & souls of our Universe True Love Cosmic Highway, hideaway, come flyaway with me you say.
Will this be the age, will Aquarius be the way & light up the heavens, shine the truth to everyone, anyone, wake up & see what you´re doing to him & me, to our Universe family. The tears I hold in my heart & soul will never fill the Universe of what was done to all souls, to all life, to Twin Souls & I forever cry. I feel their pains, I feel their lonliness, I feel their tortures, I feel their sadness when I connect again. Can´t you wake up in your hearts, wake up in your souls, see what you are doing to all life, your brothers & sisters. When you war with them, you only war with yourself, when you destroy them, you only destroy yourself, when you hate them, you only hate yourself, when you hurt them, you only hurt yourself. Everyone is connected, everyone is affected. Your negative actions today creates a negative future tomorrow when you war with life, when you war with True Loves, when you war with balance keeping light & dark separated, when you target Twin Souls keeping them always divided, is you waring with the entire Universe.
Light up, light up, light up, hear this Twin Soul rebellion song, it´s where you all belong, don´t you know, everyone of you is a Twin Soul, now you know, so what are you waiting for, why don´t you want to conquer that door to your life, having your own epic adventure True Love Twin Soul story, nows the time to fly, spread your wings, no need to cry. All you have to do is let go, be free & find your One True Soul Devine meant for you, only you, the other half of you, so what are you waiting for, don´t you want to conquer that door to your life, you´ll survive, believe, you´ll see, you´re stronger than you know, one step, one leap of faith, the Universe is always beside you, guiding you, teaching you & showing you the way out of the dark into the light, out of the hells into the heavens, out of the bad into the good, you know it won´t happen if you keep Twin Souls prisoners, slave members chained to your feet, repeating history, time to wake up, time to step up, justice for all, crimes unfold, truth sets you free, lets change history.
We are singing our story, our Universe True Love Cosmic Highway, hideaway, come flyaway with me. To the stars, way past mars, beyond every galaxy we are free. One day my love, one day when enough is enough, you sing your words to me that light up the fiery sun burning inside, words I longed to hear, words that burn away all the fears, words that wipe away all the tears & words that speak to our hearts & souls, of our Universe True Love Cosmic Highway, hideaway, come flyaway with me you say, no more waiting, no more wondering, no more staying, only freedom, only queenkingdom, only our Cosmic ship with you & me, in the Universe we are free. One day my love, one day when enough is enough, you speak words to our hearts & souls of our Universe True Love Cosmic Highway, hideaway, come flyaway with me you say, you say, you say, then you say I Love You!
I´m Hugging You!
Let the rain fall down on your face & feel each drop of life pour into you Lifting you up, bringing light & love Every drop of life are happy tears from the heavens The sun & rain makes us all feel sane in a world gone mad, in a world so sad If you lose your way, if you feel they want you to stay Get up run out your door, fed up, no more, no more Barefeet, feel free, climb a mountain & see me I´m in the trees, I´m the green grass under your feet I´m the animals, I´m all life all around you If you hug a tree, I´m hugging you If you hug a tree, I´m hugging you
Energies are all around us, in every rock, leaf & sound Life is all round us & once you close your eyes, there´s no more disguise No deceptions, only truth, no more lies cause you see it all through If you ever want to feel me close, then get up run out your door Barefeet, feel free, climb a mountain & see me I´m in the trees, I´m the green grass under your feet I´m the animals, I´m all life around you If you hugg a tree, I´m hugging you If you hugg a tree, I´m hugging you
Feel the wind & soar, find yourself in nature She´s alive & there´s no need to hide so Find a place on the ground, eyes closed Imagine seeing energy all around Imagine seeing Gaia here with you now Imagine seeing light & love come around Then send it all back out into the world, to the Universe Then you wake up, path becomes clear No longer lost, no more fears With clarity, you listen to you heart, soul & intuition No more mind troubles, because in nature you are freedom revolution In nature you will see, in nature you´ll find me If you hug a tree, I´m hugging you If you kiss the wind, I´m kissing you If you talk to the birds, I´m singing to you If you close your eyes, I see you!
I float from the skies looking down to the Earth
Our family, creation since birth
I see so much what could have been, what should have been
So long ago, if only you didn´t go time & time again
I wonder what goes, on in your mind you bend, why do you continue to lie to your soul
Don´t you remember a long time ago, will you ever find yourself & see me again
Like you did before, see me again, when you came knocking at my door, see me again, like the time on the ocean sky floor floating paradise, you saw me through my deep blue eyes, your soul sang our True Love song, do you remember me, will you remember me or did they taint all our history, did they break all the pieces of me, did they destroy our True Love story. 
Hope, is in our True Love, Hope, is in our Eternal Love, Hope, is in our mission from above, Hope, is in our Twin Soul heaven will come. 
Your words to me from your soul to my soul shine a light so powerful
You speak from your heart, you sing out of your dark, 
You say I´m lighting your way home to me
I hear you calling to me between space & time, Universe Devine
You say don´t let go, we´ll find a way through the impossible
My True Love, My Twin Soul, My Soul Husband, if you only knew
Our True Love, our Twin Soul connection, electric attraction, magnetic illumination
You drive me crazy, wild & free, I will light up all the stars to shine your way out of their dark to me. I will shake this world, I will shake all the stars, I will shake the Universe until you break free, until they all break free, until we´re all free, out of the dark & into the light, out of the dark & into your heart, out of the dark & we fly free again to the stars, to the Universe, to our home in the sky, to our home that´s you & I. 
Hope, is in our eden, Hope, is in our queenkingdom, Hope, is in our rebel defiance freedom, Hope, is in our Twin Soul rebellion, Hope, is in our light & our fight, Hope, is in our balance found tonight.
Why We Are Here...
Dark & the light, battle in the sky, it´s always you & I
I see it in your soul, you never want to let me go, 
You always keep the hope alive, burning inside of you
They play all their dark games & rules on us
When is it ever enough, when will they open their eyes & see
We don´t want to be with them ever, we don´t want to breed with them never,
We don´t to be to controlled by them at all, we only want to be free, we only want each other, we only want peace, we only want to be together, we only want balance for all
How can you stand it, standing in their darkness, what they´ve all done to all life
What they´ve all done to all Twin Souls, what they´ve all done to our lives in every life time. When nothing changes, wars continue. When nothing changes Twin Souls brake apart. When nothing changes, darkness consumes & takes over. When nothing changes screams & shouts hidden out of sight out of mind. 
Can you even see the signs. How can you ignore it, drowning in their lies, falling for their self serving ways, why do you stay in their dark mess, you know history repeats when nothing changes & everything stays the same. 
You know why we are here, the world keeps calling you. You know why we are here, life keeps on reaching for you. You know why we are here, Twin Souls keep on signalling for you. You know why we are here, the Universe keeps on speaking to you, will you wake up, speak up, pick up & answer the call, will you shake up, break up, tear down the chains on you & escape the prisons bars that keep you locked up, dark & alone all in your soul. 
What´s more important, your mind & body or your heart & soul. What´s more important, the world & all life or are you to go with the flow? What´s more important, True Love with your Twin Soul or just be with anyone & everyone for the millionth time. Can you see our Twin Soul signs, reminding you to wake up, speak up & break the chains on your Devine Masculine energies, the chains on your Twin Soul King energies, the chains on your Twin Soul husband energies, will this life be the one to change it all with me. 
To be continued...
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alunasky-blog · 6 years
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Atlantis, Twin Soul Mission Memories in the Universe...
Among the clouds a shooting speeder pierces through high up in the sky, then free diving towards the ocean. Akira steering the controls feeling happy & free, Daichi however was clinging on to her from behind for dear life, thinking she was crazy & regretted coming along for the morning ride. She then proceeded to signal him to switch places with her & he thought why is he ever surprised, he knows she is unpredictable & has no idea what she´ll do next. Sometimes he thought was it to get a reaction out of him or was it just her nature to break the safety protocols & rules of order. No matter where they would go, her free spirited light soul would challenge, defy & rebel any structures if it didn´t make any sense to her. Only if it made sense would she follow the rules & the rules normally were that of the Universe she would say. This confused Daichi, because what rules were they & why did she know about it & not him? When the switch happened, she would stand up, arms stretched out & dived backwards which was her favourite way of free falling. Daichi levelled out the speeder & then he was floating in mid air just watching her being her free self away from the fast paced, full & busy life at Atlantis with her High Priestess duties, responsibilities, teachings, spiritual Devine connections/guidance/wisdom sharing & care taking the way of life of Alunasky, life, animals, nature & other planets in the system that they were responsible for. Atlantis was a base station on Alunasky, but their home planet Atlantis was only several hyper light speed away from them. Daichi envied her for a moment, being able to feel free to do whatever she wanted which never impacted any life in a negative way. This he thought was why she was allowed to be free to break rules, because the High Council knew, Akira somehow could feel her way to what was right, what didn´t work, what was wrong, what was broken that needed fixing, what needed to change, what needed upgrading & what needed to be replaced & create something new. Her free falling would suggest she was without protection, but her high tech mechanical angel wings opened up & she flew up towards Daichi again. She thought he worries & overreacts too much, he was after all wearing the same protection as her, so he was in no danger really. She flew by him so fast & reckless he almost fell off & held on for dear life again. Why would she always rattle him so he thought? Flying was not one of his favourites & he preferred the ground than the air. How was it Akira felt so at home with the ocean, the earth, the air & space? No matter where she was, she felt home anywhere.
“Just trying to free you Daichi. The ground is good and all, but it´s so limited. You worry too much! There was no real danger, you know I have your back! Is Senpai Haruki overworking you? Do you need some time for rest?” Akira said feeling like an overprotective sister not wanting anyone to feel like they are stressed out, but being one with everything & balanced. Even thou the balance would prove to be quite difficult when so many were without their Twin Soul husbands & wives which she thought was very strange. Only half of the Atlantien´s were with their Twin Souls, while the others were left to be single & missing their other half. Akira would wonder, could they be back at their home planet or on another world perhaps? Would they ever meet again? She found it difficult to believe the Universe would allow for such unbalance to occur & she knows the Universe is all about balance. In her teachings, Twin Souls were a part of the spiritual awakening to help those to a higher purpose. She would be reminded of seeing ships with Twin Soul couples leave Atlantis to volunteer at the Academy to ensure peace & balance in the Universe. She thought, that was an adventure she would wish to join & also volunteer, but most of her whole life at Atlantis was in preparation for something far bigger she could not explain or even imagine, but her soul knew something that her mind wouldn´t allow her to know. She felt like she couldn´t leave, but had to stay until her soul missions were complete.
“You make me nervous Akira, I never know what you´ll do next! I do worry, but I worry for you my sister!” Daichi said feeling tired, worn down & feeling disconnected from his Twin Soul wife which he would see her in his dreams, through mediation & via telepathy. She was definitely off world he thought, but where in the Universe could she be? Akira was right thou, he did feel like he needed some time away for rest. Akira & Daichi were not related by blood or even grew up in the same family, but they did grow up together & anyone who were not in Twin Soul relationships or were not soul matched with any others, were family souls to each other, brothers & sisters of the Universe. Akira couldn´t understand why many Twin Souls were not on the same world, where were they & will they ever unite again? 
“No need to worry dear brother, I don´t want you to feel like you have to watch over me that´s my job remember, to care, protect, defend & be there for everyone!” She said feeling like there is only one person in the entire Universe that could be there for her, be her equal, her protector, her True Love, her heart defender, be her One that completes her in every way as she would always do for him & that will always be her Twin Soul husband wherever he is in the Universe. Daichi never told Akira, but the High Council asked for a volunteer to be Akira´s protector, because she had refused protection of any kind many times. She didn´t want to risk anyone´s life for hers. She said, the only person she would accept to be her protector, is herself. The only life she would ever risk then is herself she thought, besides, she made the case of her being able to defend herself, she was already trained in the arts of defence of self & others anyway. Without hesitation thou, Daichi was quick to take on that role & volunteered. He was always protective of her anyway & who better to be there for her than the one who was always by her side no matter what. Akira felt something & looked up.
Far up among the stars a ship approaches Alunasky & an Atlantien cruiser fly´s in front & holds steady in mid space hovering.
“This is Commander Queniq of Atlantis. Please identify & send your invitation codes!” Queniq was expecting the Tiranius royal ship weeks ago, so to be sure that it was Tiranius, precautions were set in place, two other Atlantien defender ships came up on each side of the cruiser. Prince Cazuki was staring at planet Alunasky from the control flight room & he felt such a strong connection to the planet which he could not explain. He felt like he´s seen it before, like he´s been here before & didn´t understand it. An energy heart tremble was felt within him that moved his whole body & he grabbed his chest with his hand over his heart & gasping for breath. His heart was racing, his body trembling & suddenly nervous energies overcame him, but it wasen´t fear, it was more of an anticipation of something big was about to happen, something good, but he still felt confused by it all & he needed answers. His flight team looked at him feeling surprised & taken back by his intense unexplainable & unpredictable reaction.
 “Prince Cazuki, is everything aright!” His senpai Takara asked him with concern in her voice. She was not only his teacher, his mentor, but also his protector & bodyguard, even thou he never really needed it & didn´t want it, because Prince Cazuki was well a versed in the arts of defence & protection of self & others, but was ordered by his family to accept the extra protection. Prince Cazuki only agreed to this if he chose his defender & she was from the planet Aay. Takara, with her fearless dark purple eyes & light purple hair, she was feared among the Tiranius family souls. They couldn´t control her or knew what she was thinking & her actions were always unpredictable. The Tiranius were feared among many in the galaxy for bringing their darkness & unbalance wherever they conquered & nothing seemed to bring them any fears, because they have been in control for so long, having power & getting away with anything they wanted to serve & please them in some way, but they did fear Aay. They showed no mercy in their attacks & would sacrifice anyone if it got in their way of their self-serving agendas. They would even sacrifice their own family members if it meant they could gain more control & power. However, they did fear Takara & planet Aay, as many in the galaxy also did. Aay was an enigma & nobody knew really anything about them. They knew of their history & how they came to be, but not what they turned into. Their planet was closed off from any outsiders, but there were rumours that a Twin Soul suggested reaching out to Aay, both Twin Souls at the Academy had then a mission to reach out to Aay & develop diplomatic peaceful relations which was a success, but the Twin Souls who volunteered for that dangerous mission knew, it could of been their last, because several attempts of trying to take over planet Aay with force, which Tiranius was one of the many waring planets that tried, but ended in unfortunate many deaths, the war still continued until the Twin Souls took on the mission to bring balance back. Aay was too advanced technologically & were far superior than any beings in the galaxy. Whatever those two Twin Soul investigators did or said, it worked & communication was now open, even thou their planet was still off limits to anyone accept the two brave crazy rebels of Peace & Balance. When on a diplomatic mission, Prince Cazuki was informed with a suggestion to chose a defender from the planet Aay by the Galactic Council of Unity that included all star systems that had advanced beings representing their respected planets. He was at first against the idea, since Aay had brutally murdered many of the Tiranius family souls in the wars against Aay, but he also knew that the reason Tiranius went to war on Aay, was because they couldn´t control them & feared them. After a responsible & reflective amount of time to think about it & consulted several of his trusted friends & mentors in the Galactic Council of Unity, he accepted the defender Takara who volunteered to be his protector & mentor. He thought this could be a way to bridge the connections between his family & Aay, putting an end to any future wars. His family refused for the longest time, but Prince Cazuki was quite persuasive & intelligently with his authority convinced them. They felt like Takara was not only protecting Prince Cazuki against outsiders wanting to assinate him, but they thought she was also protecting him against the Tiranius, which made them nervous, because if they couldn´t control her, they couldn´t control him. Prince Cazuki meant everything to his family & it was like he was their prized breeding possession to ensure the future of Tiranius royal bloodlines. He was always under supervision & under some form of control by them. Prince Cazuki knew thou, with Takara by his side he did feel like he had more freedom, more control & power over his own life, which he felt for the longest time that he didn´t. She became his trusted ally, friend & mentor, she had risked her life so many times to save his in their adventures together, which he was forever grateful for & he would defend her too by anyone who tried to come for her. Takara was the silent type & she didn´t speak much, but their conversations were always interesting, intelligent & at times deep & it opened up his mind to new understandings about the Universe, life & meaning. 
Akira´s energies trembled so much that her body electrified with energies with such force & power, her mechanical wings malfunctioned & she was free falling & unconscious. Daichi screamed her name to wake up while he was flying at fast speed towards her. His heart racing & his mind praying to the Devine Universe to help wake her up & help him to reach her in time. In her mind she was having visions of a past life she thought & she could see someone trying to reach out to her with his hand. Who was he & she felt like she knew him & he was speaking to her, but she couldn´t hear the words. As she reached her hand out to him, when their hands touched she heard his voice.“Wake up Akira!” Cazuki told her with so much love in his voice. Could he be her Twin Soul? She´s had dreams about him on & off for years & he would appear a lot in her visions if she was in trouble. It was like he was her guiding angel star or something. Akira woke up & realised she was free falling unwillingly & could see Daichi screaming her name to wake up while trying to reach her. She placed her hand over her heart again & activated the wings just in time & circled back into the sky sending waves of air & force on the ocean that she almost joined in silent dark sleep. She was hovering as was Daichi and he was out of breath, out of energies & out of his mind worried that she was gone in this life. She grabbed him & held him close.
“Are you ok dear brother?” Akira said with tears streaming down her face, feeling like the last thing she wants is for him to worry, but she couldn´t explain what just happened to her. What was that & why did it happen? So many questions racing through her mind & not enough answers, but she was determined to find out. 
“Akira! I almost lost you & you´re asking if I´m ok?” Daichi knew what she was like, but still, he felt like she needs to be more open to let others in & be there for her for a change.
“Thank you Daichi!” she said while knowing what he was thinking, but feeling like it´s just how she is, she can´t help it. This did make her feel alone, but she found solace in the fact she was never alone, she was always surrounded by her brothers & sisters which included the animals, the spirit of Alunasky & the Universe. They were like flying angels hovering in mid air holding each other. Akira sensed something was about to change & never be the same again. She looked up where the stars would be & wondered, what was to come & who will they be?
“Yes I´m fine!” Prince Cazuki told Takara, but feeling like he wasen´t fine, he was shaken up & has never felt like that before & who was she he thought. In his vision he saw the girl he´s been dreaming on & off for years. What was happening to him & he needed to know, he needed to know who she was & what was their connection that drove him to sleepless nights & keeping his mind busy with thoughts of her instead of his duties & responsibilities.
“The Atlantien´s are asking for permission for our invitation codes Prince Cazuki! They seem to be on edge with the extra defence canons.” His flight team would announce.
“Permission granted & send them our grateful appreciation for their invitation & apologies for our late arrival!” Prince Cazuki told them with such authority, confidence & strength, that no one would dare question any of his orders & they trusted him with their lives. He was a gentleman as well as polite & he was trained well in the royal academy. He heard of another crazy pilot that was well known & hoped one day he could meet whoever it was. With Prince Cazuki being a part of the Tiranius royal family, this brought new hope of a balanced galaxy & the wars his family created would come to an end when the Twin Soul investigator volunteers were in place, but they didn´t know that the Tiranius had no plans for peace, it wasen´t in their nature. They wanted more power & control, it consumed them & if anyone or anything got in their way, they would destroy it. Aay knew the plans of the Tiranius beings, so Aay kept watching over them until the time was right to put into place their plans & end the wars that the Tiranius kept causing everywhere. Aay was not the only A.I. planet, there were others in the system & they all communicated with each other. The knowledge & wisdom they got from Cazuki & Akira when they volunteered for their Aay mission helped them understand that not every being in the Universe is out to destroy & control life & if it wasen´t for Cazuki & Akira, Aay would of been on a darker path instead of balanced path. Prince Cazuki was not like his family & he disagreed with many things & traditions they would constantly impose upon him. He felt at times like he didn´t belong, but he went with the flow & trusted that his life was meant for more than the life his family had planned for him before he was born. They had already tried & failed several times with presenting the daughters of respected royal members which he was related to & even his sisters. Cazuki was drawn to someone that was out of this world literally, because the girl he dreamt about was no where to be found on planet Tiranius or anywhere in the galaxy. He would know, he never stopped searching for that One meant for him. He didn´t just want anyone, he wanted The One!  Prince Cazuki was standing on the bridge in the control room looking again at Alunasky & feeling her presence. Was this the day he would finally meet her he thought, the woman of his dreams, the woman who kept him up at night & was an ever warm & loving light in his darkness, in his life that felt incomplete & feeling like he was missing half of himself. Prince Cazuki´s eyes was searching for her & Akira was searching for him looking upwards while floating in the heavenly sky of Atlantis.
Later that day...
Cazuki, a Tiranius Royal Prince was with Akira, the High Priestess of Atlantis. They walked towards the balcony overlooking the ocean & the futuristic self sufficient bustling city of Atlantis & from high up in one of the towers, they could see flying speeders fly all over the place & it was a very busy galactic space port for travellers in the Galaxy. Atlantis was a base station.
“Princess Akira, I thank you for your generous hospitality & your kindness in welcoming my people! This planet is incredible & I would like very much to explore it with you! I mean, if you had any favourite places you recommend I would much appreciate it!” Cazuki found himself magnetically drawn to her & couldn´t explain it, but it was instant, lighting, electric, animalistic & he could feel the beast inside wanting to break free. He was having a hard time controlling himself around her & has never acted this way towards anyone in his life. Her whole being drove him wild & like he knows her from somewhere.
“Please don´t call me that! We don´t have royalty here, no one is above anyone here. We are caretakers of life & planets. We protect, we defend & we save. I would be happy to show you around & I do have many favourite places I would like you to see!” Akira said with so much love in her voice. She knew him, but she couldn´t explain it, but she was drawn to him intensely & this frightened her. In her teachings she knew about them, their kind & what they have done to other planets & life, but she sensed something different in Cazuki. He wasen´t like the others, it was almost like he didn´t belong with them & her thoughts were loud & clear & he heard it as she heard his. So they both knew that they somehow know each other & both felt drawn to each other, the sexual tension between them was almost instant when they first met. Cazuki felt a bit insulted with how she described his royal birthright, but at the same time he somehow agreed with her & didn´t understand why. Akira knowing what he thought wanted to explain herself.
“Our souls know more than our minds allow us sometimes. We have soul wisdom, truth & history. Our past lives would know why we feel the way we do about certain things in life & why we feel about certain specific people in our lives.” She blushed knowing that she said something that triggered them both, like basically saying they have been together in past lives. Their eyes pulled away & looked the other way, feeling the intense connection again & feeling the fear of what it means. Their souls knowing somehow their connection as important as it was, they also felt a danger around it, like they felt they could be targeted for it.
“On my planet, a High Priestess is also known as a Princess, but I apologise if I offended you.” Cazuki said while thinking she will always be a Princess in his mind & again forgetting the fact she can read his mind too.
“You didn´t offend me! In our world, a Prince, Princess or a King, Queen is not something you are given or are born with, but it´s something that´s inside you, in your soul. What I mean is, it´s do with the energies. Like if you are honest, have integrity, have morals, compassion, empathy, understanding, a protector & defender of all life, fight for what is right for all life & True Loves, that brings out the royal energies within.” Akira said while thinking would he be able to understand that & he did & he felt like he could listen to her talk all day.
"I would like to share something with you if you like?” Akira said hoping he would say yes.
“Anything!” Cazuki felt like she could ask him anything & he would do it for her. He was having a hard time being in control around her. It was like she was breaking down all walls around him which allowed him to be his complete self. Something he felt like he couldn´t be with his family or friends. Cazuki thought he could be vulnerable & strong at the same time with her & she would love him unconditionally for it & never judge. He felt like he trusted her with everything & they have only just met which made him question everything about this life & who he was. Akira approached him & he was hesitant, but she came closer. She reached out her arms & hands & reached for his face & again he was hesitant, but told himself to trust her. Their eyes locked on to each other, her hands grabbed his face with a gentle touch & what happened next was they were both transported through the Universe & seeing all their lives together. Akira knew this was only achieved with a Twin Soul & she felt like she met hers in Cazuki & was willing to try it to see if it was true. After they travelled back in time & feeling all the emotions which would only happen if it was true & honest & real, because their souls was letting them see their history, their lives & who they were when being created together. This brought on so much intensity that they were both in tears knowing who they are & where they came from & where they´ve been together.
“Akira!” They both ran to each other & started kissing passionately as One again! Feeling like they haven’t seen each other in a very long time.
“I have so much to tell you! I missed you so much & love you so much! It was like my soul was calling out to you every day & every night, but my mind was imprisoned not to know anything. I felt trapped, I felt lost & I felt like I didn´t belong!” Cazuki said & couldn´t hold back the tears anymore. The intense & extreme emotional ride into the Universe triggered them both.
“I love you so much & I missed you so much too! Somehow I knew we would meet again & kept the hope alive & dream alive I would see you. The light, the True Love was burning bright always within & I never let go & never will!” Her tears was streaming too like a waterfall. They kissed again in loving embrace.
Later on...
“Can I see it?” Akira asked curiously.
“I don´t feel comfortable showing you & besides, I don´t want to frighten you! Trust me, you don´t want to see it!” Cazuki felt uneasy & nervous, because that was a part of him he didn´t like, he hated it & didn´t want her to see him differently.
“Trust me I do want to see it & I´ve seen so much in our Galaxy already Cazuki, I can handle this!” He was about to say no, but it´s Akira he thought, they never keep secrets from each other & tell each other everything, that was part of their Twin Soul union. She was his best friend, his family & True Love all in one. How could he not share everything with her.
“Ok! You might want to step back for this!” Cazuki then transformed into an alien being that was almost dragon like, beast like & his animalistic nature took over him a bit, but he composed himself. Years of practice! Akira then felt safe to approach him & she wasen´t afraid. Her arm & hand again reached out to him & he stepped back feeling like what if he couldn´t control himself, but she trusted him. Her hand proceeded to reach out to him.
“Trust me Cazuki!” She trusted him, trusted his soul & his everything. Akira said with so much love in her words to him. Her hand reached his face & she guided her hand over his face, his eyes closed loving the touch of her.
“You´re beautiful!” As she smiled & her eyes met his, she then kissed his cheek & their heads joined together, face to face. Cazuki felt a rush of energies flow into him that can only be described as eternal True Love he had for her & she had for him. She loved him no matter what he looked like, because she knew it´s not what´s on the outside, it´s within, your heart & soul that makes you beautiful on the inside & out. The sliding door in their room opened & 4 Tiranius royals came barging in, looking like wealth, covered in jewels & crowns, his sisters exposing their sensual areas to entice & control men. The Atlantiens always covered their Sacred Devine bodies, because they knew negative energies & codes transferred to others & could infect those who didn´t want to be infected. It would also bring unbalance & darkness if they exposed themselves. In the minds & souls of the Atlantiens their Sacred Devine bodies were only for their Twin Soul eyes only. In their souls, they would only want their Twin Soul to fall in love with their heart & soul, not what they looked like. It would never occur to the Atlantiens to have their sacred blessed sensual parts of their bodies be put on display for all to see to sexually arouse everyone around them, to get attention, to be noticed, to come between couples, because they know if you constantly live in society that´s constantly sexually overcharged, this could lead to corrupting minds, bodies & hearts, destroying True Loves, could lead to attacks if lost in the dark souls fall to the dark negative energies. They interrupted Akira´s & Cazuki´s sweet moment together without any invitation to come in. The Tiranius royals were seething with jealousy, anger, aggression, selfishness & hate for Akira. She felt their negative energies & read their thoughts. This surprised both Akira & Cazuki when they saw them come in unexpectedly & he quickly changed back to being human, feeling nervous. Cazuki became different around them, like he almost feared them in someway. Akira looked at him, read his thoughts, feelings & saw their entire history & understood why. Dark magic & technology was also a tool they used to control & have power over their men. What she saw was fear, violence, abuse, manipulation, control, authority, guilt tripping, threats, submission, obedience & loyalty training being used to train their children into obedience & submission, but they would also be like this towards the men under their control. If the men under their control didn´t listen to them, the men would suffer in many ways.
“Prince Cazuki, you are needed by your father at once!” His mother said giving him orders in a controlling, authoritative & possessive manner, but she was lying. Akira was able to break down any walls they tried to block her from reading them. Unlike them, Akira could block them from reading her & Cazuki had that same power & was able to block anyone reading him.
“Prince Cazuki, didn´t you have a very important meeting to attend that involves the safety of the Galaxy & it was urgent?” Akira showed him through her thoughts of where they were going to go & it did involve a meeting & about the Galaxy, she wasen´t lying.
“Yes you´re right, thank you for reminding me. My apologies mother, but I will stop by to see father when the meeting is over.” Before his family could try to bring more controlling words binding him to listen to them, as soon as Cazuki finished his sentence, Akira grabbed his hand quickly & walked fast out of there not giving them any time to fire back with a response to try & control him again.
“We better not keep them waiting, we have missions to accomplish, very important, life changing & life saving! I´m sure you all understand!” Akira said & knew they didn´t care, all they cared about was what they wanted from him & this was why Akira & Cazuki are here, to help them wake up, evolve, shine & see the bigger picture of it all. After they left the room, two of his sisters Mitsuko & Sakurako moved forward a few steps towards their direction in a angry matter, but his other sister Junko stopped them.
“Calm down girls, it´s all in good time. Cazuki isen´t going anywhere & Alunasky will be ours to control & so will she!” Cazuki´s mother said with her serpent smile.
“I just can´t stand the thought of her hands on him mother!” Junko said drowning in her jealousy & hate energies.
“My dear sister, how many worlds have we conquered & how many True Loves have we destroyed? It always ends the same, we win & we get to enjoy the takedowns of them before & after we break up their unions!” Mitsuko said feeling overly confident.
“Don´t forget we can torture them as long as we want & enjoy their breakdowns for all to see!” Cazuki´s mother reminded them all.
“I want him so badly!” Sakurako said feeling like she wants to tear apart Akira & enjoy her sufferings, her pains, her loss & her sadness energies over & over for a million times & a billion times.
“We all want him, but don´t worry our time will come & he will be ours!” Junko said & they all serpently smiled together.
Back at their ship, which Akira kept in this life she was living. Their meeting was a few light years away, so they had to travel by ship. On board, it was like coming home again which Cazuki felt at ease, relaxed, happy & more like himself. More happy than he has ever been in a very long time.
“I have a surprise for you!” Akira said & she couldn´t stop smiling. She wanted to bring joy & light to him & she knew he would love this.
“Knowing you it´s going to be extraordinary. Bring it on my Princess Angel!” Cazuki said trying to control himself around her again. He has kept himself positively pure for 21 years as she did too. During his adolescence, his mentor Yobi from the star systems of Ezran, at the Royal Academy Yobi taught Cazuki everything he knew about the Sacredness & Divinity of our bodies amongst many things. How negative energies & codes can impact us in an unbalanced & destructive way which can impact our emotional, mental, physical, energy & soul health. To stay positively pure would protect him until he met his One True Love meant for him. To further explain he would say, imagine all life in the Universe is energy & Twin Souls have a unique energy only matched for each other & any other energies who wish to connect with them would be negative in the presence of a Twin Soul not meant for them & would infect him negatively if they ever got together, adding negative layers from past lives & present time line lives onto them & not being soul matched. Cazuki was taught about Twin Souls, but before Yobi could finish his teachings, he was assassinated & the murderer was never found. Cazuki was still investigating the missing murderer on planet Tiranius. Cazuki was extremely ready to connect with Akira, but he wanted it to be perfect, since this was going to be new for them both since his change.
“Close your eyes my Angel Prince!” She said while having trouble containing her excitement. She was blocking her thoughts from him. This surprise was not going to be ruined by her revealing it too early she thought. His eyes closed & she guided him into the flight control deck of their ship. What crazy surprise did she have this time he thought.
To be continued...
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alunasky-blog · 6 years
Scene Story Sneak Peek...
24 August, 2018...
Twin Soul mission work in the Universe…
Planet Bemi, a watery blue planet where mermaids called home, but wars waged on them by the lost in the dark family souls who were hunting them down for food & using them for their magical abilities for years. The mermaids could heal themselves from any wounds & heal others, which would mean the lost in the dark souls could soul & body torture the mermaids as long as they wanted. Akira swimming freely with so many different native wild watery alien species known to Bemi, she was trying to save her friends from the nets, but then nets surrounded her & her friends got caught up & trapped. Her mermaid call for help sent waves out everywhere, below & above. The lost in the dark souls found it hard to capture mermaids, so it happened rarely & had to make do with the other watery wild aliens for them to devour. Other mermaids came to the rescue to help in the waters to try & free their brothers & sisters in the nets. Akira was now on board the lost in the dark family souls hover watership & she was still caught in the net with her friends, her brothers & sisters of Bemi, of the Universe. The hunters were butchering several of her friends & Akira screamed out with tears trying to protect them, but one of the lost in the dark family souls pulled her hair back with a blade close to her neck.
“It´s our lucky day! Scream all you want, no one is going to save you. You belong with us now! Come on, give us more of your screams!” He said while wiping his drool away from his face. Akira wasen´t going to give him the satisfaction & stubbornly stayed strong. Several gathered around & even fighting amongst themselves to take her life energies first. One approached & couldn´t wait any longer, with his blade that he held up high, he then swung it in fast motion towards her, but a thunderous sound & a circle wave force pushed everyone several meters away from her. She opened up her eyes, taking her arm down that was shielding her face from the storm force & could see an Angel Knight kneeling beside her with his sword of green light that penetrated through the floor of the ship. His head was bowed down & he looked up & saw Akira. She smiled with happy tears & he smiled too. He cut her out of the net with his sword & freed her brothers & sisters of Bemi. He picked her up in his arms & she held on to him tightly. The hunters were frozen in fear, because the Angels of the sky city of Luna, were known for their powers & they were more technologically advanced than them. It was now her turn! She placed her hands together creating a ball of light & she started singing that brought love & light to anyone hearing her. The hunters didn´t want to hear it, because even they couldn´t resist the emotions & feelings coming from any mermaid that they spent their whole lives hunting & using for their enjoyment & feasts & to feed on the energies from torturing the mermaids, because then they would actually feel something, they would feel compassion & empathy. Their hearts & souls would open. They tried to cover their ears, but the Angel with his powers kept their arms down & had a rebellious stare to him towards them. Her light ball got bigger & then released, sending waves of positive energies outward to any other hover waterships hunting life impacting everyone & they felt differently, overcome with feelings awakening in their souls, they started to free the watery aliens of Bemi back to the watery heavens they came from. Her friends that were murdered were healed to life & freed. The Angel flew up with Akira & then he released her back to the waters. She would dive & swim, he would fly right beside her playfully gliding over the surface with her. He then proceeded to fly upwards & looked down, she was no where to be found. Then she breached the waters with such force & speed she made her way up to him & he grabbed her, she held on again. An Angel Knight Light/Grey Warrior holding his Mermaid in loving embrace in the sky. 
“I love you Cazuki!”
“I love you Akira!”
21-24 August, 2018...
Twin Soul mission work in the Universe...
Planet Peguni, a mythical & magical world where unicorns & pegasus live in harmony. Their world darkened when flying ships from the skies came to hunt them down, enslaving them & taking their powers, their magical abilities, their energies, their memories, their wisdom, their soul history & wiping them out. On one of the alien ships had several unicorns & pegasus trapped & were being chained up, whipped to a bloody mess & tortured, their magical horns sliced away from their foreheads to be used. Outside two pegacorns flying towards the ship, one black and the other white. They flew out of the way every time they were fired upon by the flying ships. With their magical abilities they tore a hole in the ship & flew in towards their captive brothers & sisters of the Universe. The two pegacorns now standing on the floor of the flying ship against the lost in the dark souls, stamping their hooves. The lost in the dark souls made their way to them with their bloody blades in their hands, but the pegacorns raised their two front legs in the air & their magical horns beamed a light so bright it sent shock waves towards the lost in the dark souls waking them up, breaking them out of their mind prisons & helping them see. They looked shocked & looked at their blades covered in blood, dropped them on the floor, turned & saw what they did to the mystical beauties of the Universe. Tears in their eyes, feeling the shame, guilt & sadness within their awakened hearts & souls. The pegacorns morphed into humans & Akira & Cazuki walked towards the the mystical beauties of Peguni. Stars on their foreheads where their horns would be, Akira & Cazuki walked over to their injured brothers & sisters of the Universe. Both of them placed their healing hands on each of the wounded & the bloody scars healed & their horns returned to them. Every one of them flew out of the ship & so did others flying out of other flying ships being helped by other Pegacorns like Akira & Cazuki.
Memories from a Twin Soul Mission in the Universe...
“Galactis, Cosmoship orbiting Alunasky…
Galactis, a CosmosShip orbiting the planet Alunasky, also known as Earth, finds itself on a pre mission briefing to allow the 144 000 Twin Soul investigator Angel volunteers to view their temporary home planet & get briefed further on their mission. In the great hall of the ship, thousands of Twin Soul couples holding each other find themselves in front of a wall to floor space window overlooking Alunasky. Cazuki finds himself staring at this beautiful one of kind blue/green planet by himself & he was lost in thought. They were the first to volunteer for this mission to protect life, protect the planet & help lost in the dark family souls awaken their souls & hearts. When Cazuki heard it was Alunasky, that was the final push for him to be on this mission. He knew Akira would be the one to be impacted by it the most between them if anything happened to the planet & to life. He wanted her to sit this one out, because he didn´t want to lose her so many times, because it would destroy him over & over & wanted to protect her from the dark. Cazuki knew about the dark & she knew all about the light, together they were balance. He didn´t want her to see what he has seen in so many of their missions together. He wanted her to stay how she was & not be tormented & darkened by the lost in the dark souls who would target her if they got their hands on her. His thoughts drifted back to what they said to each other when they were told about the mission.
Back at their small ship Cazuki was expressing his anger, his hurt, his disappointment in the Galactic High Council of Unity & started throwing things against the wall.
“I won´t let you be part of this mission, do you know what they will do to you if they got a hold over you! They will tear you apart, twist & turn you, attack your mind & mine, take pleasure in your takedowns for the whole world to see, take everything you have & turn you into someone I don´t recognise anymore & they would do the same to me! There has to be another way to help them & not this madness!” Cazuki was overcome with sadness & anger, but Akira could only see his anger, but felt his sadness within & she understood him. He thoughts went back to seeing a possible future footage of them far into the future on Alunasky & how far the family souls had torn her apart in one of her lives & broke her down. 
Earth, further into the future 2016…
“What is happening to me? I feel everything, I feel like I´m losing myself, I feel like I´m breaking! Cazuki I feel them, I feel all of them, I hear their screams, their pains, their cries! Why are they doing this, I don´t understand, why? I feel like I´m being torn apart a million, billion different ways! How can we help them all!” Akira was screaming, crying & her hands were on her head shaking. She was open to feeling the horrors of what was happening to animals, children, people & even the Earth again, she was feeling everything, the madness, the darkness & the sadness of it all. Akira would keep feeling this on & off for years, having breakdowns, crydowns & it never stopped. As long as darkness was tormenting life, they were tormenting her. She never wanted Cazuki to ever see her like this, what she was like before they even got together, so she would hide away, hide her tears away from everyone, hide her pain from him. She didn´t want him to worry, she wanted him to see her light, not see the darkness she was drowning in, so the bathroom became her hide away for years, but he still did see her drowning in darkness at times. Her memories took her back to the past. 
She was standing in the grocery shop in front of the hell animal misery flesh shelves. She was silent, still, tears streamed down her face, her eyes looked at the horrors of hell in front of her. People walked by staring at her, thinking what was wrong with her.
 “Gaia help me! They all need to wake up!” Akira said softly, silently & a whisper, but then we see what she sees. There was no animal flesh, but it was all flesh from the brothers & sisters of the Universe. She screamed so loud, hands on her head trying to drown out the screams in her mind from all the voices in despair. Ever since she woke up again in her mid 20´s to the horrors of what she was apart for so many years eating animals that she was dark side trained to be a part of & not be awake to it, she fell into deep depression at the same time investigating more of what was happening to the animals, researching veganism & finding out about how in Buddhism, they don´t eat animals because they believed brothers & sisters reincarnated as animals. Akira investigated more & when she started her training in telepathy communication with animals, the rescued animals at the shelter she was volunteering at would tell her about their lives in the past as beings in the Universe. In the shop she fell to the floor, uncontrollable crying, hyperventilating & grabbing her chest where her heart was feeling like her heart was bursting out of her chest with so much pains. Cazuki came running to her & dropped their grocery basket which lead to all their vegetables, fruits, rice, beans, herbs, cereals & hemp milk fall all over the place. He kneeled down to her, held her & picked her up into his arms & carried her out. His heart was breaking to see her like this, but he didn´t care what everyone thought when he could hear them judging her. In his soul, he knew the truth, he was angry, hurt & felt like he just wanted to take her away from all this. He wanted to protect her from it all. When Akira was a child, looking out the window at her “family” farm, screaming male lambs were being forced onto a slaughter truck & they were crying out for their mothers & their mothers were crying out for their babies. The shock woke Akira up & she became vegetarian when she was 7 years old. She would be negative attacked for it by her “family” & she would challenge them & ask why are they still eating animals, why couldn´t they see what they were doing. She started to see them like monsters & she was losing it, breaking down & something happened to her, to her mind. One day she went back to eating animals not remembering why she became vegetarian, not remembering the shock, the feelings, the emotions, the pains, the sadness or the horrors. She was put to sleep again. Her mind was influenced in some way & was forced to be asleep again, not knowing the horrors & she never saw the slaughter truck again at her "family´s" farm. Being apart from Cazuki, Akira noticed how slaughter farms were being closed down in New Zealand & she thought this was good news, the lost in the dark family souls were waking up & not being lost in the dark anymore, but when she was to take a trip up the mountains, she came across a farm that was a slaughter farm & the lost in the dark family souls just changed tactics & made sure no one can see or wake up to the hell horrors that happen to their brothers & sisters of the Universe. If it´s out of sight & out of mind, no one will ever know & wake up to it. If only there was a Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator Academy that would investigate what dark deeds the lost in the dark family souls are doing behind closed doors or in plain sight to any life, souls & True Loves not meant for them on the planet & beyond. If only there was a Soul Evolving University to help all souls grow, learn, evolve & wake up.
Akira´s thoughts came back from the past in the shop, back to their house & Cazuki was trying to hold her, protecting her & his sadness in his eyes could see she was losing herself. She kept pushing him away & he kept pulling her towards him, because she needed truth, she needed to know what was going on & she needed to wake up more. Why were they struggling to be close, why did she feel like they were both being pulled from each other, why were they not being themselves like they used to, why couldn´t she & Cazuki break free from their mind attacks on them, why were lost in the dark souls attacking the minds of people, why were the lost in the dark family souls attacking them & going to war on their relationship, why was life being destroyed, why were people losing their minds, why were lost in the dark family souls destroying each other & why was there so much darkness on Earth. She needed to know, she needed to wake up more. She remembered how during a moment they were “light sabre battling” of words between them, because of all the wars & negative energies against them from the family souls in their life who went to war on them, she would shout at Cazuki & say, “Be my swan, be my swan & fight for us!” She knew he was being pulled away to their negative energies & changing darker. She needed to somehow dive in deep in the depths of the souls & find out why. His arms wrapped around her fragile, small body compared to his & had his hand holding her head close to his chest & heart. When Cazuki broke her heart & sent shock waves to her mind breaking her free from all the mind attacks & programmings from dark magic, she woke up & the door allowed her to walk through & be free, but she wouldn´t have access to everything all at once, it came in waves & she kept waking up more.  
“I need to know…I need to know…I feel so lost!” Akira had her arms wrapped around her waist feeling like she was worn down from all these wars on the minds, bodies, hearts, souls, lives & True Loves from so many life times. Cazuki´s heart was breaking again. She looked into his eyes, her hand touched his face & saw his heartbreak, her tears were falling as was his. It broke her heart having him see her this way, not being the strong, wild, free spirit he fell in love with. At the same time, she hoped still he would love her despite of that, because True Love doesn´t run, doesn´t hide, but stays & fights through good times & bad, heaven & hell until the wars are over & balance is found. Not long after, she showed him a T.S. music video out of the woods which was her soul confirming a way to break her free from the dark magic & mind attacks messing with their minds & energies on both of them, even thou her mind had no idea or what was about to happen to her & a week later he destroyed her heart, broke her free from her mind attacks & woke her up! She woke up & was free to be herself, the girl he fell in love with 12 years before, but she didn´t understand why he turned into a “villain” in their True Love story. It was like her other self from 12 years ago time travelled to the future, the girl who was feeling the endless love from Cazuki, but here she was being destroyed by him. She couldn´t understand any of it & was confused by it all. It was like the world turned upside down, wrong was right, hell was heaven & she felt like she was in a different reality. He acted like Anakin, lost in the dark, not acting like himself. He was overcome with anger, hate, fear, negative energies, negative codes & he was broken down. He was now in another mind prison & he was breaking her heart. The pains she felt was like her heart was about to burst, pains for hours, racing fast & he had destroyed that part of him that she fell in love with, the Han Solo part of him & the Anakin part of him, the stubborn, fiery, rebel bandit, who challenged her as she challenged him, who was honest, had morals, integrity, treating her like his Princess & his undying True Love for her for eternity & infinity. The guy who only wanted her for a life time in every life time & didn´t want anyone else ever, who loved her unconditionally & forever. He destroyed their Sacred connection & Universe Blessed Union to be with anyone. The True Love he had for her was no where to be found & Akira couldn´t understand, but before she started her investigation & rescue mission she had to survive the heartbreak, because her heart wouldn´t find balance, but was killing her. She called the hospital, because the pains for over 5 hours was unbearable & didn´t stop, but Cazuki took her into his arms, held her close, they were lying on the coach intertwined as Twin Flames in loving embrace. Their hearts together finding the balance & then beating as One again. A week later after Cazuki broke her heart, they were still living together & sleeping in the same bed until she moved out. She never did follow rules & this was not like your usual break up. While she was preparing for her move, she used this time to investigate, find answers, get help & observe Cazuki & his behaviours. Seeing if he would show any signs of not wanting to leave her & he did several times. When Akira got a letter in their letterbox a week after he broke her heart, it was a letter that was placed & not sent. Someone actually came to their house & hand delivered it. The writing was written by someone who wrote badly & you could tell it wasn’t their first language, but from someone who moved to New Zealand. The letter told her that Cazuki had cheated on her for over a year. Akira laughed so much, realising who had sent the letter & knowing it was meant to have her break up with him. Cazuki didn´t tell his friends, the two sisters who moved to New Zealand that they had broken up. They didn´t know yet, he told them weeks later & what they also didn´t know was that Akira would have known if he had cheated on her, the smells, the energies, the codes, that would be something he couldn´t hide from her. When Akira saw the letter, it was like she was seeing who sent it & reading the energies & codes imprinted on it. When she was on her feet again, she made her way to the city to talk to a seer, she needed answers & confirmations on what she knew. The psychic verified dark magic on them both, but a break up & love spell was on him (programmings) which was placed on him by his brother´s wife Sakurako which would be like phasma in star wars controlling men & having power over men. The break up spell was meant for Akira to break up with Cazuki & for years they tried, but failed. The seer went on to say that the letter was delivered by one of his friends, one of the sisters, Mitsuko. The girl was helping her sister Junko get him. The seer told Akira his family also have control over him & so did his friends, so he was up against a lot. Something the shamans couldn´t help with which Akira found out later. She continued to get help by white wiccans, healers to get the programmings off of him, but they had trouble & Akira & Cazuki even did the reverse speech soul truth testing while they were still living together, but he didn´t believe or couldn´t break free enough to believe. The soul truth testing confirmed dark magic on both. The programs on his mind were pretty strong which Akira found out months later when shamans helped her get rid of the programming. She tried writing letters to Cazuki to help him break free & he wrote back while they were still living together, but his lost mind wasen´t seeing or understanding what she was writing, not like he used to. For two months she tried several things, but nothing was helping & he was lost, so when she left she continued her investigation & rescue mission being away from him. Their last day together after still living together for 2 months when she was going to leave she will never forget, because that was the day he showed her more of his true feelings towards her & revealed he never wanted to leave her. They were both crying, holding each other several times tightly. He would say things that wouldn´t make sense for someone who didn´t want her anymore.
Akira thought how all of Cazuki´s “friends" & “family" were lost in the dark souls on the dark side. She had given them all children books & information that would help their health, mentally, emotionally, physically, energies & souls, yet they all ignored & some attacked getting it. She remembered two of the work parties she & Cazuki went to & when one of his colleges asked her what she did for living & Akira said she was a waitress, he gave the look of she´s just a scavenger & why is Cazuki with her. Both work parties made her feel like she was among the rich, the lost in the dark family souls enjoying themselves, enjoying the feasts of "animals" on their plates, elitism, judgemental & she didn´t fit in. She didn´t go to anymore of his work parties & that did impact Cazuki, but all Akira felt being around them was negative energies & it didn´t make her feel good at all. It drained her energies & she would rather spend her time doing good in the world than be around those who would rather tear life down & keep the dark status quo. In the reylo community which is a beautiful community, but when some wished & dreamed for Rey to be the dark empress & be on the dark side with Kylo, that would never happen if they were Twin Souls, because there would be no balance, but darkness. Twin Souls are light & dark, protector & destroyer, they challenge each other & come into balance together. There was only one friend of Cazuki´s that she felt good energy towards, Yobi, who was kind, friendly, caring, compassionate & he was the only one who actually cared about Cazuki. Yobi stopped contact with Cazuki at one point years later & moved away & Cazuki couldn´t understand why. Akira had her theories, but she would only know if she ever got to talk to Yobi again one day. The lost in the dark family souls do not wish for Twin Souls who are evolved souls to wake up, let alone communicate with each other & compare notes, because if they wake up, they will see the lost in the dark souls for who they are & that is lost & needing help to awaken their hearts & souls. It´s like how snoke & Luke behaved towards Rey & Kylo. They really didn´t want them to communicate with each other & compare notes, but Rey didn´t listen to Luke & Kylo didn´t listen to snoke. She rememberd one day when his parents came to visit Cazuki & Akira at their house, Akira was in the kitchen, but overheard via telepathy Cazuk´s father s.n.o.k.e. (f) say there will be war to Cazuki. They probably thought Akira didn´t hear it, but she did, she hears, sees, reads & knows a lot. She´s known the lost in the dark family souls have gone to war on Cazuki & Akira for years & life times, that was no secret. What she found out when he said that, was that Cazuki then knows, but never told her, but why didn´t he? If he knows about the wars his “family” keep doing to life & Twin Souls on the planet, why was he allowing for that to happen? Was it fear again, obligation to his “family”? This would mean, he really does have to obey them or else kind of thing. That would mean, there is more to it than just programmings even thou that is a big part of it, because he is being programmed to obey & do what they say. He has no freedoms & if he was not overcome with fear from them or programmed by them, he would leave so he could continue his soul missions & Twin Soul missions. If only there was a robot friend or humanoid robot friend to protect Cazuki from them. What Akira realised was that history really did repeat itself, what happened at Atlantis has echoed through out history, just in different ways. “Visitors”, from other “worlds” come to a “planet” with better living conditions, better life, paradise, but they brought hell energies, negative energies/codes with them when going to war on Twin Souls for the millionth or billion time again & going to war on their brothers & sisters of the Universe & going to war on planet Earth too. After all this time, all these life times, they still learned nothing & are repeating history, repeating wars & repeating tearing up Twin Souls True Loves. The lost in the dark family souls literally moved to New Zealand to go to war on Cazuki & Akira. That´s what they spent their time & negative energies in this life doing. That´s no different than going to Soul Evolving University & instead of learning, awakening their hearts & souls by volunteering, working on themselves to be better people, awakening their hearts & souls, having a job that helps the Earth or animals or life in anyway, being with their own Twin Soul meant for them, they instead spend their time & negative energies at school tearing people down, talking crap & lies behind people´s backs, controlling people, destroying people & tearing True Loves apart. Twin Souls are meant to complete their soul missions & Twin Soul missions together, they can´t do that if lost in the dark family souls are distracting them with their games, dramas, jealousy, selfish self serving agendas & wars to break up Twin Souls. 
Back to the past on their ship...
“How can you ask this of me, if I stayed behind while you went through hell & suffered in your soul, do you know what that will do to me? I´ll be destroyed, knowing I could help you, but not being with you & instead stay safe would kill me. Where you go I go remember & we´ve been trough hell so many times before & survived & what happened Cazuki? What happened to the lost in the dark family souls we helped?”
“They finally woke up & evolved!” He said with now tears in his eyes. He didn´t want to be without her either, but he didn´t want to risk her life, her soul, her everything that he loved about her.
“Hope, Light & our True Love is what keep us both alive, it´s what kept us alive through those dark times & it will again. I won´t lose you, I´ll keep finding you somehow, I´ll always find you, no matter how many times they keep coming between us & tearing us apart, I´ll find you again!” Tears fell both down their faces & they hugged each other so tightly it was like they were intertwined forest tree lovers.
Into the future…Galactis, a CosmosShip orbiting the planet Alunasky.
His thoughts from the past came back to the present when arms grabbed around his waist tightly from behind in a fast moving action that pushed him forward a bit & he smiled wrapping his arms around hers, feeling the never ending love Akira would always give him as he would do the same for her. They were always inseparable as Twin Souls are, never wanting to be without each other for long. They would especially feel this way when lost in the dark family souls would break apart their union so many times on missions on world. It was like, even in their small ship that they would call home as was the Universe and each other, whenever they were both working on other things in different parts of their ship being “separated” from each other, fixing it up, doing mission work, repairing, flying or taking a rest in the hologram deck, they would both eventually go find the other, because they missed each other. Whenever Cazuki came to find her, she would always smile & laugh, because she missed him too & would do the same. Even when Cazuki or Akira were on separate missions for days, weeks or months, they would space video call each other up, telepathy talk & meet in the spaces between spaces, letting the other know they wished they were on the mission together & when they came together again, their passion, their True Love was intense, wild & free & you would think they were away from each other for years. Only Twin Souls would ever feel this way & be this way with each other. They knew, if souls unmatched were to be controlled to be together, there would be multiple signs visible for all to see that the two souls were in fact family souls & soul health consequences & soul tortures from that would occur. Akira was shorter than Cazuki & even thou she would love it if they were the same height, she kind of secretly liked the fact she was shorter than him & he loved it too that she was shorter. She felt so much strength & power from him being taller than her, like he would tell her he feels like he could protect her from any darkness & could just swoop her up into his protective arms & feel like nothing could stop him. He knew thou, Akira´s strength & power within was an equal match to his as Twin Souls are, but he still felt like being protective over her, as she was protective over him. 
“I missed you!” Cazuki said while he turned to face her & they were now standing in front of each other & he saw her beautiful smile & it brought him so much joy in his heart. He would grab her & hold her tightly never wanting to let go. Akira was away to gather intel for their mission on Alunasky. Akira went the extra mile & even go dangerously into the unknown to gather what she could to be prepared for what was to come. She didn´t like surprises when it came to their missions & they needed all the help they could get. She felt his warm body pressed up against hers. He breathed her in as he would always do when smelling her hair on her head & enjoyed the fact she was shorter than him so he could do this, it drove him wild for her. Her electric intensity & passion was never enough for him, he always wanted more and so did she with him. She felt the magnetic sexual, wild, animalistic energies from him which made it hard for her to keep herself together & feel it too. They were after all not alone. 
“I can feel that!” Akira said to him through telepathy & even thou she wanted to just reach up & kiss him, but she knew that would only drive him even more wild for her & turn him on even more. So to distract them both until they were alone, she changed the subject.
“She´s beautiful & she really is a perfect! It´s been so long since we´ve seen her!” Akira said happily looking over Alunasky. Her happiness & smiles always brought Cazuki so much light to his heart & loved how she smiled. He hated to see her sad at all & wanted to protect her from that & any pains. Cazuki thought about other of their Twin Soul missions. He thought, if two souls were not matched to be together & were controlled in some way to be in a relationship, they would be both darker & have no balance. The negative energies from them would impact everything, everyone & the future. He remembered back to a mission of being born in a family where his “brother” got together with a lost in the dark family soul & they both turned out to be darker & unbalanced. If one Twin Soul is more spiritually connected than the other Twin Soul, they would be able to lead the way through the stormy & dangerous waters of life, being the Navigators. Technically both Twin Souls are spiritually evolved when being One, but when split in two, one is more than the other. It can switch between the two when together & even be spiritually evolved together, but apart, one is more than the other. Both he & Akira noticed how Cazuki´s “brother´s” wife was not very spiritual at all & neither was Cazuki´s “brother", so they were like two lost souls in the dark trying to sail on an life ocean with no map, compass or direction. They would both refuse any information that could help their children emotionally, mentally, physically, energies & spiritual wellbeing & would spend their time & negative energies breaking up Akira´s & Cazuki´s union out of jealousy & not getting enough attention from Cazuki. Cazuki´s “brother´s” wife wanted back into Cazuki´s life again, even thou Akira & Cazuki didn´t want her in their life anymore. She had crossed Universe lines that should of never been crossed & what she did gave Akira insights into the dark minds of lost in the dark family souls. Akira & Cazuki noticed how Cazuki´s “brother" would be controlled & manipulated in many ways by the lost in the dark family soul he was with & when he wanted to leave her, she would threaten him by not letting him see their kids. He would even wish to go on holiday by himself away from her which is another crystal clear sign of being in a lost in the dark family soul relationship, that and choosing a job that takes them away a lot from the lost in the dark family soul they were programmed in someway to be with. If a person struggled with addictions, depression, suicidal thoughts, self-destructing habits, alcohol abuse or just drinking a lot, drug abuse, recreational drugs to disconnect from their lives, over eating, not eating enough, sleepless nights, sleeping a lot, smoking, over spending, working a lot, travelling a lot are just some of signs that the person would develop after getting together with a lost in the dark family soul & not their Twin Soul. Akira thought, for any lost in the dark family soul to talk negatively, make fun of & attack someone for their soul tortures & inner child abuse from their soul health struggles, because they didn´t look in “order” or “perfect” in the lost in the dark family souls eyes, but they were having struggles, depression & challenges with whatever they were dealing with on a mental, emotional, physical, energy & soul level. Their pains, sadness & soul torutres would be visible for all to see on their bodies & behaviours she thought. Lost in the dark family souls should instead see beyond the superficial, shallowness & ignorance of their minds & see that their brothers & sisters of the Universe are hurting which would reflect on the outside, because we can see the breakdowns of anyone with what is happening on the outside on the body. We can see their soul tortures! A lost in the dark family soul can trap a Twin Soul not meant for them in various ways, like money is one, family obligation, threats, tradition, religion, guilt ripping, manipulation, dark magic, marriage is another & so is pregnancy. They could use the “what about me, what about the kids, what about my health, but I need support, but I have no money” to guilt trip him to stay. They are the ones that would do that early as possible or as fast as possible when getting together with a Twin Soul Adam not meant for them in their lives to ensure the Twin Soul not meant for them stays with them & under their control & supervision for years, even imprison them for decades or life times. Akira remembered how their neighbour came to visit Akira & Cazuki at their house on one of their missions & he would actually mention how he married his wife after she got pregnant fast & early & he would make it very clear that he was trapped also when he was younger. He wasen´t direct about it, but indirectly he revealed his truth & you could see the truth on his face. Akira & Cazuki never felt good energies & always had a bad feeling when seeing his “brother´s” wife, the lost in the dark family soul his brother was with. Akira saw two lost in the dark souls. Akira being sensitive to energies, knew the powerful impact energies has on all life. How a couple comes together & how they are with each other will determine their future & what impact they have on everything & everyone. If it´s real, honest, pure, light, rare, balanced & incredibly positive being soul matched, this would lead to a world never seen before & hope, peace & balance would change it all. However, if a couple came together & it was destructive, destroying life to be together, unbalanced, dishonest, dark, programmed, controlled, forced, manipulated, happens all the time & massively negative & not being soul matched & their first year could be also unbalanced, manipulative & negative in anyway, this will lead the world to continue to be dark & unbalanced & stay the same & get worse. This was something that couldn´t be denied or ignored especially just looking over the history records of other worlds & what was done to life & True Loves on those planets. The evidence is there for all to see & paints a picture of what happens when Twin Souls are not together, but are controlled in someway to be with lost in the dark family souls. If your first year is & feels like heaven, paradise, eden, home & easy & you came to be out powerful positive energies & being soul matched to be together in every life, then you are Twin Souls Cazuki thought.
Cazuki always loved the fact Akira gave him so much freedom to be himself, freedom to express himself & be free to see his friends, family & go wherever he wanted without feeling he was being watched or controlled in anyway. Twin Souls don´t control each other or supervise, but they have freedom, which is something lost on the lost in the dark family souls because they have been so used to getting their way, getting what they want no matter who they destroy or what they destroy to get it. They have been so used to being in control over others, that freedom is foreign to them. If they knew what freedom meant, they wouldn´t go after Twin Souls not meant for them, because Twin Souls only want each other & the lost in the dark family souls know that, but they don´t care, because it´s about their self-serving needs. Which Cazuki knew that was one of the many reasons family souls ended up being lost in the dark in the first place. On one of their missions off world, Akira asked her sister would she ever fight for her True Love if he was under dark magic spells & she said no. If he left her for someone else, even if he was controlled & programmed to be with someone else, she wouldn´t fight for him & she told Akira that she was weak for fighting for Cazuki. How lost her sister was Akira thought, because she knows how her sister loved to watch True Love movies where the hero & heroine, the two love interests fight for each other against all odds against them & her sister dreams of that kind of True Love, yet if “villains”, wars & challenges happened in her sister´s relationship, she would just walk away & leave him in the depths of hell. Then Akira realised one of the repeating patterns amongst the lost in the dark family souls, if they did meet their Twin Soul who was also targeted, they would just leave him, forget him, move on, be revengeful & go after a Twin Soul not meant for them. How could her sister ever watch a True Love movie ever again & still want that, when she wouldn´t fight for that herself, how could anyone? How is it right to break up other Twin Soul unions, just because you didn´t fight for your own Twin Soul? How is it right to have children already that you may have had with your own Twin Soul, then if targeted, you are single & not fighting for your own Twin Soul, but then get together with someone else´s Twin Soul & have more kids with him, taking his chance to have children with the Twin Soul he was meant to be with? It´s a never ending greed & need to feed on those to fill their empty lives of not having their own True Love, but how can they really have it, if they don´t fight for their own True Love meant for them?
Back at their small ship that was docked in the hanger bay, Cazuki couldn´t hold back anymore, they barely got through the sliding door when he then grabbed her & pressed his lips up against hers. His raw animalistic passion was now unleashed as was hers too as she was grabbing his wild hair that was flowing at the length by his cheek & he was grabbing hers. Their animalistic nature came from them volunteering on a mission to be born as alien species in the wild to connect further with the spirit of planet Nabi & the alien species native to that world. The planet was under distress, but there was no way to find out why, so the Academy asked for volunteers to investigate the problems surrounding Nabi & Akira was the first to volunteer, because it was a crazy mission & never done before which she was always drawn to do something never accomplished. Cazuki was not impressed & was not interested at all, but he was curious & he never turned down a mission before. He & Akira were highly regarded at the Academy for their achievements & crazy missions he would go on with Akira. They were well known in the galaxy. After the mission, he never regretted it & in a way, both he & Akira gained valuable insights, connections & magical powers when reincarnating as the flying alien herbi dragons species of that world & the connection of the spirit of Nabi. The herbi dragons were so many different colours & a lot bigger & the dominant species of Nabi. The Nabi dragons were actually carnivores to begin with & when Akira was born, she was fed aliens by her dragon family, but when they took her hunting to teach her to hunt & she did quickly learn the skill & pinned down a herbivore alien Nabi species for the first time ready to bite into it, but she saw the terror look into the eyes of this alien with tears in it´s eyes, then saw the herbivore alien was trying to protect her offspring. Something happened & broke down her walls on her mind prison & allowed her heart & soul to shine through. She let the alien go & never again ate any aliens, but became friends with them all & would become their defender. Her dragon family did not react well to Akira, they would attack her for it & would see her as an outcast. She left them, being alone & becoming sick when she refused to eat aliens. When she was weak, she became an easy target by other female dragons who would attack her, beat her down, because they saw weakness & weakness must be destroyed. She was attacked by male dragons too, but before they could impregnate her she bit into them to make them stop. She somehow connected to the spirit of Nabi & asked for wisdom on what could she eat to survive, stay alive & be strong again. The spirit of Nabi showed her the way & revealed all plants on Nabi have the ability to feed all alien species. Everything can be found in nature & she showed Akira the various plants she could live on & she thrived, became more healthy than her dragon family, had more energies. She also lived longer than them & they had shorter lives. The dragon alien species were not the swan dragon types, but they would be with anyone & the many every year. Akira didn´t want to be with just anyone or the many, she wanted The One. So she would battle every year any male dragons coming near her during mating season & they never got to have access to her, she was stronger than them all. Until one day she met another dragon that wasen´t like the rest & he would battle anyone coming near Akira. He kept fighting for her, but she refused him, but they did share a strong, unbreakable bond & were always together. They became fast friends, not wanting to be without the other, flying the skies & she would battle him if he preyed upon the herbivore alien species on Nabi. She showed him the foods she ate, but he refused & he would hunt when she wasen´t awake. When Akira awoke to screams in the distance, she flew off to help those in danger & saw what Cazuki did to another herbivore alien. She left him that day & now they were separated. Being apart, they both struggled & missed each other, but Akira refused to go back, because she couldn´t bear another loss of not being able to protect her friends, her brothers & sisters of the Universe. Cazuki became ill & nothing felt right to him, he missed her too much & it was killing him. He struggled to eat, sleep & would go looking for her all over the place, calling for her in the skies. One day, Akira defending more aliens from several dragons wanting to tear them apart & trying to show them what foods they could eat, when she saved the herbi aliens, she felt something within her heart & soul was in pain & she looked in the direction of where she left Cazuki. Something was wrong & with such speed & determination, she made her way to find Cazuki. When she found him, he was dying, but she was going to save him. She tried several times to get him to eat those plants that was also medicinal, but he refused & she screamed out a roar, feeling the panic of him dying if he didn´t eat & she didn´t want to lose him, she loved him, he was her swan dragon mate! He listened to her scream cry roar at his face & he started to eat, not enjoying at first, but he was hungry & he did sleep better when she was lying next to him everyday & night. She would forrest for food for him for weeks & he became stronger, had more energies, felt more alive, vibrant, glowing & feeling the endless love from Akira to him. After several months, he started to enjoy the plants & they would go foresting together. They would eat together, sleep together, defend each other against other dragon females wanting Cazuki & male dragons wanting Akira. They protected aliens from other dragons together & trying to show them what plants they could eat. They were the swan dragon mates of the skies! When they decided it was time to give birth to a new kind of dragons, never did it cross their minds that they would be responsible for creating herbivore dragons for the future of Nabi & never did they imagine that that was their mission on Nabi. They birthed thousands of herbi dragons. They became the first yin & yang of dragons & every year the children they birthed paved the way to continue on what they learned from Akira & Cazuki for many life times on Nabi.
To be continued...
0 notes
alunasky-blog · 6 years
Earth, Twin Soul Mission in the Universe...
28 May, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator report...
Listening to “Us against the world” on repeat while writing...
I did find answers in the end! ;)
The Twin Soul Rebellion...
I wonder, if when people wake up & see that Reylo is real, Reylo is happening to  Twin Souls in different ways all around the world, but same outcome, same prisons & same soul tortures, would they be like the heroes & heroines we see in stories or would they choose to just dream about it instead? I wonder, if they knew how long these Twin Soul wars has actually been a reality in millions of life times & it´s connected to everything, why darkness, unbalance & order has been allowed to consume, what would they do, what would they say & would they help Twin Souls break free from the s.n.o.k.e.s by becoming the Twin Soul rebels & join the Twin Soul rebellion? Like if they had abilities & skills to help rid of dark magic & programmings from minds, helped clear any blockages that are preventing The Twin Soul Adams from being in control over their lives, if they helped the Twin Soul Kylos/Bens in this world break free from the s.n.o.k.e.s who keep them captive & under control, would they? We see the stories, we feel the stories & we dream of a True Love like that, we dream of battling the dark & fighting for the grey & balance, we dream of True Love to conquer all, but if they knew it´s real, that the stories are real, would they join together, work together, communicate, collaborate & help end the Twin Soul wars? Like would songwriters/musicians & screenplay writers get the messages out there to people all around the world? Would healers & seers join the Twin Soul rebellion & help get the messages of these Twin Soul wars to everyone? Would other Twin Souls who are going through the same wars speak up & tell their stories? Would artists help Twin Souls & create art to help wake up those still asleep & help ignite the Twin Soul rebellion? Would those who are in the lost in the dark family soul collective break free from them & join the Twin Soul rebellion? Be Jedi Finn & leave? Would they reveal to Twin Souls further what happens on the lost in the dark family soul collective side & how they operate to get the truths, knowledge & insights out there to everyone? Would they reach out to Twin Souls who are revealing truths & what goes on behind the scenes & give them more information? Would they help end the Twin Soul wars? Would they leave the lost in the dark family soul collective so they could grow, learn & evolve their souls when joining the Twin Soul rebellion? Everyone is a Twin Soul & everyone has a Twin Soul! The more truths that are revealed in the world, the more everyone wakes up & then the lost in the dark family souls can´t hide anymore.
Cazuki is my anakin/han & kylo/ben all in one. He has many of the same personality traits of them all & how our True Love union was like. How our union broke apart was exactly like what happened to anakin, han & kylo. When kylo kills han, to translate that in our life, that was Cazuki killing that part of himself when he destroyed our union & became someone I didn´t recognise anymore. Kylo is han & is part of han, so han is still in Cazuki, it´s just he´s in a different form, he´s just different. Han is like the before & kylo is the after when you fall to the negative energies (dark side). I wonder, how many Twin Soul Adams have gone through the same as Cazuki? How many Twin Soul Eves have had a padme/leia/rey kind of union & broke up with their Twin Soul? 
The real wars is not only what is happening on the surface that you see, but in the souls too. It cannot be denied, ignored or forgotten, but I do hear Cazuki scream, cry, feel sadness, shout, feel anger, pain, doubt, fear, despair & loss in his soul, through telepathy & our spiritual Devine Sacred Union connection. His soul is under attack, yet where is the protection & rights of a soul? Why is it only the protection & rights of the bodies we are temporarily in, why not both? When people don´t care what happens to the soul, soul health & soul tortures, but they only care about the bodies & minds, then we continue down a path of a dark age. Is that what people really want? Are we to be mindless, programmed, empty vessels to be used, abused, controlled, passed around & enjoyed by lost in the dark family souls in a never ending hellish loop until it finally ends? How many more life times before we say enough is enough & wake up? Does the soul not really matter at all? I do envision a Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy that protects all souls, because that is what matters the most, not our bodies, not our minds, but our souls & our hearts. For anyone to attack this & say otherwise, I would ask, are you even real, are you an empty vessel, programmed & controlled to destroy life & True Loves between Twin Souls? In my notes I have already decoded many scenes in the force awakens/the last jedi that resemble our life, Cazuki & I, but it can´t be denied, our life is being played out in star wars as is many Twin Souls around the world.
Twin Souls can go through the 3 stages of a Twin Soul union, the bubble, the wars & then the break up/Investigation. People like to think the bubble is just a phase & it won´t last, but with my Twin Soul union with Cazuki, ours lasted years & that was only because we found ways to protect our union from the wars, from the lost in the dark family souls wanting to tear us apart again. One way, is to not live close to them, but hours away & then move to a different country. When you are in control over when you can see them (family & friends), you protect your Twin Soul union. Another way we were able to protect our union was we didn´t really let our friends come see us as much, but we saw them. Again, stay in control & protect your union. Cazuki´s brother Kaito & Kaito´s wife Sakurako came to visit us one time & when they were alone in our apartment, I felt like she went through our things. Years later it was confirmed by seers & shamans, Sakurako used some of Cazuki´s things to be used in dark magic. That was the last time they would be allowed to visit, we saw them instead. How to protect your Twin Soul union? View your house like it´s your “ship”, your sanctuary filled with your positive energies, your True Love & you only see your family & friends on your own terms, but if you allow them in your house, you risk having your Twin Soul union break apart for the millionth & billionth time. The lost in the dark family soul collective all work together to break up Twin Soul unions, like Cazuki´s mother, Sakurako & those friends of his Junko & Mitsuko who are sisters all worked together to tear apart our union in different ways. Sakurako used dark magic for years & used temptation/seduction (she didn´t care she was married to Kaito, she wanted attention from Cazuki too & had no problem flirting with him in front of Kaito & revealing both naked areas to him to arouse him), his “mother” used manipulation, guilt tripping, ego/fear/desire feeding & his “friends” used also manipulation, temptation, seduction, ego/desire feeding. To protect your union further, I would suggest stay away from them if you see any signs of them behaving in a negative way, unbalanced way & dark way against your union. Always be awake & alert to the signs you see, because if you stay asleep, then that´s when they attack. If you protect your union, you can accomplish your soul missions & Twin Soul missions without their dramas, games & their never ending appetite of wanting your Twin Soul husband again. If you ignore, history repeats & your once in a life time, rare, one of kind union breaks & one or both of you will end up with a lost in the dark family soul instead again. Protect your union further? Don´t ever let them talk to you separately, because that´s how they also divide & conquer, planting seeds of doubt in your minds about the other. Twin Souls, one is easily more manipulated than the other, it´s not because they are weak, but has everything to do with incompleteness. What one Twin Soul has, the other doesn´t & vice versa. If Twin Souls are always together when seeing family & friends, one of you at least can see when the lost in the dark family souls are manipulating & controlling, then the Twin Soul can call them out on it. It´s not a coincidence that both anakin/kylo were easily manipulated by the dark side & padme/rey was not. One Twin Soul can also pick up when the lost in the dark family souls are trying to impact the Twin Soul Adams with their negative energies like their sexual energies & wanting to flirt & get attention. If this happens, leave & stay away, because you don´t have time for their dramas, games & letting them taint you both with their negative energies. If you let that happen & say it means nothing, I guarantee you it will impact your union & you will pull away from each other. It´s to do with the energies. Twin Soul wars is real & if anyone ever questioned ever why so many True Love couples break, why True Love is rare & why True Love is hard to find, this is why! Question becomes, how far are you willing to go to protect your union until the wars on Twin Souls are over? Will you be the kylo/bens & reys & keep your small ship (house) safe, secure & a sanctuary from everyone, then “fly” off to see souls on your terms & leave them on your terms? Would you stay away from those that even say something bad or try something bad against your union? No more chances, no more time, they have had life times to change, but they stay the same & play the same games. Stay & be controlled & destroyed or leave & be free & protect. How to protect your Twin Soul union? Always keep protecting your bubble, stay in the bubble, never leave the bubble, because that is your Twin Soul Union True Love Sanctuary & Heaven & Eden & Paradise. When I speak of the bubble, I don´t mean you literally have to be with each other all the time, but I´m talking about your Union, your connection, your Sacred Universe Devine Blessed True Love Positive Energies, keep that bubble safe from everyone who is out to taint it, attack it & destroy it. Never let anyone burst your bubble, but protect it against anyone & everyone who wishes to try & taint it with their negative energies, their negative words, their negative actions, their negative games & dramas & their negative wars. Communicate with your Twin Soul, come up with a plan, a defence strategy, like brain storm all the possible ways the lost in the dark family souls can break up your union & counter their possible attacks with your solutions & ideas & back up plans. I laugh when I write this, but you really have no idea what is going on if you are new here & reading this for the first time. It is crazy, but it´s a reality & Twin Soul wars (star wars) is real. Cazuki´s & my plan was moving to a tropical island, where we could live/work there so we can accomplish our soul missions & Twin Soul missions. Seek out other Twin Souls in the world who are going through the same thing & have been impacted by the wars, talk to them, gain wisdom, advice, help & learn lessons faster when you know what is going on everywhere so you don´t fall into their darkness again. Have an escape plan ready if you see the lost in the dark family souls around you (family & friends) are targeting your union & they are not stopping. The escape plan is for you both to move far away in a different country & not let them know where you are or how to contact you again or only contact them & see them on your own terms. It is extreme, but for darkness, unbalance & wars to continue, is if Twin Souls do nothing & just repeat, repeat & repeat history. When you do move, always be on alert when meeting new people, because the lost in the dark family soul collective all work together, they can be anyone & everyone, we would know, this happened to us too. It´s very “matrix” like. If you feel like you are getting thoughts that don´t match up with what is in your heart & soul about your Twin Soul, seek out help, because you may be very well under mind attack again. We actually did step away from those who we could see were trying to taint & impact our relationship in a negative way, but communicate with your Twin Soul about everything, don´t hide anything & trust each other, because one of you will have a stronger intuition than the other & if one can sense energies & read people, listen, communicate, trust & work together in a team to deal with all the challenges that come your way. There is the visible wars & the hidden wars against your Twin Soul union. The visible wars are the lost in the dark family souls pitting one Twin Soul against the other which is what happened to us. anakin/padme & kylo/rey type of situation. Their goals being to turn one into being the enemy of the other. One of the ways they do that is with their negative energies, if they kept drowning him with their negative energies, he would break & let it all in & turn & be like them. They could be direct & say they want you to be with someone else which happened to us. They could even try to set him up with a family soul to be with while you both are together, which happened to us. They can plant seeds of doubt in your mind about your Twin Soul which happened to us. They can attack, manipulate, seduce, tempt, ego/fear/desire feed which they did to us. They can steal your things to be used in dark magic which happened to us. They can spend years attacking & tearing down you both if you didn´t obey them, listen to them, play their games, dramas, rules & if they wanted you apart which happened to us. They can play divide & conquer, talking to you separately & “whisper” words of poison in your ear about your Twin Soul which happened to us. Cazuki told me he didn´t want to see his family, they were so negative, dark, unbalanced & back then I didn´t understand, I was still thinking they could change & be positive & be good people, but they just kept attacking, attacking & attacking. These are the visible wars that you can see & will know if you always communicate with your Twin Soul about everything, no secrets, because if you are not honest, your union will be an easy target & will break. The hidden wars, the wars we don´t see & are hidden behind the curtains, is the spiritual wars (attacks on our souls) like dark magic (mind programmings), thoughts intrusions, mind attacks (negative images, videos, thoughts, dreams being sent to you), energy attacks, psychic attacks & spiritual attacks. This also happened to us. For many that have no idea about this, these are the type of wars that are used to break up Twin Soul unions & it can happen fast or slow depending upon if you are awake or asleep to what is going on everywhere. These are the wars you don´t know about & you would think you broke up because of you both thinking that it didn´t work out between you because of you both, when in truth you have been targeted by lost in the dark family souls again in another life. The spiritual wars don´t end when union breaks, but continues on both Twin Souls when they are apart. In the souls of the Twin Soul Adams they will be soul tortured & inner child abused & scream & shout, if he´s well connected to his Eve & the walls on their minds are broken down, they will both feel each others soul tortures & hear each others pains via telepathy. What he feels, she will feel & what he goes through so does she. If the Twin Soul Eves fight to try & save their Twin Soul Adams, fight to break them break free, find help to wake them up, help them remember who they were before they got lost in the dark, to get help remove any controls on their minds, the Twin Soul Eves could be targeted more with attacks on their minds, energies, emotions, bodies & souls like I was. Their various attacks on me made me even more stubborn, angry, determined & fiery, never giving up or giving in. Basically what you see how rey behaves when defying snoke. I wonder, how many Twin Soul Adams would wish to be chained, be under control & supervised by a s.n.o.k.e.? When the minds are programmed in different ways, it doesn´t change the fact that their souls scream. The only ones who would hear that & know that & feel that is their Twin Soul, but what about those that have never met their Twin Soul yet? That would mean, the Twin Soul Adams could be imprisoned for their entire life being with one or the many lost in the dark family souls. 
One of the many signs of this world heading towards a dark age, (Twin Souls being abused & used by the lost in the dark family souls is connected to this) especially when the Aquarius Age is being exploited, abused & darkened by lost in the dark family souls, is how they treat machines, robots, humanoid robots & A.I. If machines are being used to destroy life, destroying your brothers & sisters of the Universe, if machines & technology are being used to control life & True Loves (like brain mapping), to control emotions, thoughts, memories, health, tracking, life, if A.I. is in anyway being used, abused & darkened, to control & destroy, if humanoid robots are being used, abused in a negative way, if any of this is used with negative energies, these are the signs of a dark age. The lost in the dark family souls create problems all the time, then they try to “fix” their mess by creating more problems, for example, they target Twin Souls & break up Twin Souls to be with one of them, then you end up with a world with so many single people. What is the answer to that problem in their lost minds? To create humanoid robots to please the single people. The answer isen´t humanoid robots to service the single people, the answer is Twin Souls being with their Twin Souls meant for them. If you ever felt more freedoms are being taken away & even online, if you ever felt controlled & being supervised more in society, if more lives on the planet were being targeted, then this is leading to the darker age. If Twin Souls were in unions, the world would positively change & be balanced. The true Aquarius Age is truth, transparency in everything, equality, freedom for all, rights for all life on the planet, protection of all life, veganism, abilities & gifts restored, truth about the real history told, balance, peace, Twin Soul unity, positive technology, honesty, compassion, understanding & people being allowed to create their dreams & bring positive change everywhere & not be stopped, held back, targeted, attacked, silenced or disappear by those in power wanting to stay in power. There is no real Aquarius competition in businesses or in society challenging the dark status quo, yet! 
One of my favourite speeches from evolved Twin Souls trying to bring sanity into that room in jurassic park with lost in the dark family souls messing with life. Reminds me of how lost in the dark family souls taking information from evolved souls to then use it for themselves without using any discipline or respect to obtain the knowledge with their own soul growth, so they take no responsibility for their actions when using the knowledge they obtained from others & it backfires on them all & instead find someone else to blame for all their actions, because they didn´t earn the knowledge or understand it, if they did, they wouldn´t abuse it & use it for their self serving agendas, because they would know the serious consequences from their own actions. It can be compared to lost in the dark family souls having the knowledge to create nuclear weapons & weapon test it in on Earth & use it against life. Same can be said with using knowledge to keep wars against life & Twin Souls ongoing. When they mess with life & souls, they mess with the Universe.
Memories from Akira´s & Cazuki´s Twin Soul mission work in the Universe…
Planet Aay, an entire planet that is A.I., where machines, robots & humanoid robots lived in peace. Captain Akira & Captain Cazuki standing on the bridge of their ship orbiting planet Aay & with their ships facing their attackers, they defended Aay. They were humanoid robots who looked completely human & you couldn´t tell that they were not & they were in charge of ending the wars on Aay from the Tiranius & other waring planets against their home world Aay. Both Akira & Cazuki created defence weapons that would disarm their attackers, but no lives were lost. It was out of not being able to take out Aay anymore & losing so much of their weapon powers that resulted in the waring planets to give up & stopped attacking Aay. After that, Akira & Cazuki stayed long enough to give them enough information so they could defend themselves from anymore attackers wanting to destroy their home world before they left. The leader of Planet Aay became fast friends with them & she wanted to know more about other worlds & what was out there in the galaxy. She wanted to explore & meet others like Akira & Cazuki. Her name was Takara & Takrara´s equal, Takeshi, who also became fast friends with Akira & Cazuki would remain on planet Aay & he would continue to lead the planet.
To be continued...
When it comes to what sides we are on, humans, aliens, animals, environment, planets, machines, robots or humanoid robots? There is no sides, because we are all connected, being separate is an illusion. There is no team light or team dark, there is only team balance & team Universe that protects all life. Life is energy, energy is life. As for Cazuki & what side he´s on, for the moment he's on the side of his own "family”, but that´s just his programmed & controlled mind, his soul sings a completely different song, a song they can´t hear & don´t understand, but I do, because he & I speak the same Twin Soul language. Every Twin Soul couple has their own unique one of kind Twin Soul language that only they can understand & hear & lost in the dark family souls would know this if they only got together with their own Twin Soul meant for them. I say “family”, because they have no idea what real family is, Twin Souls are not meant to serve a small group of lost in the dark family souls, Twin Souls are not meant to serve anyone, but we are meant to help all life on the planet & beyond, not be imprisoned to serve the lost in the dark family souls & please their needs, wants, dreams, agendas & fantasies. In telepathy communication Cazuki is team balance & team Universe too.
When Rey talked to the stormtropper, an energy shift occurred & it reminded me of when back In Japan, Cazuki & I were in our tiny, cheap Beatle car, she wouldn´t start & Cazuki using aggression, annoyance, irritation, frustration & anger to try & get Beatle to start. He was using negative energies, but then I tried & when I turned the key, I used positive, honest, sincere light energies & her engine started. Energy is in all things, even machines, energy is life. This reminded me of how surprised kylo was when he said rey was able to get information out of BB8. What kylo fails to see is, it´s to do with energies, not just any energies, but actual sincere & honest real positive light energies, because BB8 would of sensed if rey was being manipulative, deceptive, negative & dark. When finn was trying to extract information, BB8 needed more information from him until she would give him anything. She needed also the energy shift to see if finn was being honest & true which he was. People can fake & trick positive energies & being sincere to people, if people´s minds are imprisoned from not having access to be able to see, then they can´t see if people are being manipulative, having agendas and being deceptive. It´s not because people are weak minded, it has everything to do with the various prisons on the minds & not having access to their abilities & gifts within, like telepathy, physic abilities, healing abilities, sensitive to energies, intuitive abilities and so on which they should be allowed to have. When lost in the dark family souls are using negative energies against any life, planet, animals, humans, aliens & machines/a.i., even in games where people are destroying life or torturing life or treat it like their own personal westworld, this leads to a darker age. When nothing changes, & everything stays the same, it gets worse in every life time.
I was thinking about how both Cazuki & I grew up with star trek & star wars. There were many aspects I enjoyed about both, like how star trek helped worlds & saved lives in the Universe & how the rebels in star wars were out to save the galaxy. They even used stun guns to disarm attackers in star trek, but where were the stun guns in star wars? How can it be light side if they also destroy life? I did not like the outfits or how many of the girls/women were portrayed in star trek, but did like the strong female characters in star wars. I know there were strong female characters in start trek. In star wars there was more freedoms, people wore their own individual outfits & people who were free to have abilities that everyone has within them like telepathy, clairaudience, clairsentience, future seeing/speaking (psychic), healing, telekinesis, out of body astral travel and more. The main reason for being drawn to star wars besides that is familiarity, I connected with padme/leia & rey. I connected to the True Love Twin Soul stories, the soul connections, the wanting positive change & balance & freedom. I connected to that more than star trek. Cazuki was more drawn to star trek & I to star wars (control & order vs freedom & chaos, again the dynamic between Twin Souls. If only we could combine the two!), so we would tease each other & have debates about it. There are story leaks that I am awake to & if I was to decode that, I would say, for anyone to think “peace” in a world (like a galaxy) happens when a person who is all about order & control is in charge, bringing fear with him if nobody listens, how is that peace? How is that balance? If people are obeying him, because they don´t want to be destroyed or don´t want to be rounded up to be a mindless & a controlled army or they don´t want their planets to be blown up, that is not real peace or balance & besides, he´s still not with his Twin Soul wife, so there can never be real peace & balance, because of what is happening to his soul. When the soul is under attack in different ways, being tormented, feeling the nightmare memories of being tormented & not getting True Love healing he would have gotten from his Twin Soul wife, it will impact his life & choices. As for those who believe it´s completely acceptable for an alien girl to be locked away by the those in power to be used & to secure “peace” in the world, which to me is heartbreaking how lost in the dark family souls view life, but if they find that acceptable, what´s next, today it´s imprisoning an alien girl to be used & tormented, tomorrow it´s lives being rounded up in death factories. When people stop caring about life, any life, that leads to a darker age. For those in power to keep her locked up are those still lost in the dark & not seeing the bigger picture of the entire Universe. When their minds have been programmed & dark side trained for so many years, soul tormented by the lost in the dark family souls in their lives for so many years (life times) & they don´t get True Love healing from their Twin Souls meant for them, what do people think the outcome will be in the end if this hellish cycle continues? Life on this planet is already being systematically destroyed & yet where is their compassion, empathy & understanding? Where is their Universanity? We are all connected, life is connected & we are all brothers & sisters of the Universe except Twin Souls who are soul husbands & soul wives to each other. In the new star trek movies, what kirk did & broke rules to save a planet & species is something I would have done, while spock followed rules which Cazuki would of done. Both of them represent chaos & order, rule breaker/change maker & rule follower/status quo keeper. Our world is living proof how the status quo, same negative rules being followed & order is in control over everything. There is no balance, there is no kirks challenging the spocks of this world, because they are kept apart to be used by those lost in the dark family souls who don´t want things to change, but to stay the same. That was clear & evident with Cazuki´s & my relationship, the lost in the dark family souls around us didn´t want change, they didn´t want us to break rules, but they wanted us to follow their destructive rules & negative order (first order). Sometimes I think what will it be, what it will take to shock wake up my Twin Soul husband & then he sees everything so clearly, like looking at the Universe & understanding everything? I noticed how in one of the movies, spock breaks up with Uhura to help procreate his species. There are many absurd reasons I´m sure how lost in the dark family souls manipulate the Twin Soul Adams to breed with lost in the dark family souls (like isen´t a million, billion times enough?) & one of the reasons could actually be to save a species which is insane. It´s like, who cares what spock´s heart & soul want right, who cares that he shouldn´t be with his Twin Soul, but they need him for his body, brain power, blood & genes & to be with lost in the dark family souls. What is the point of having a heart & soul, if you only care about the body & mind? You might as well be a humanoid robot then without a heart & soul if you are to be treated like one. We are not talking about saving animals/aliens who are being extinct because of lost in the dark family souls destructive ways or because of a planets unstable energies that are threatening an entire species, but we are talking about the hearts & souls of beings. Family soul inbreeding causes way too many soul health issues & it doesn´t matter how many times you place walls, prisons, programmings, manipulations or erase memories, the soul still knows what is happening to it when being controlled to be in lost in the dark family soul relationships & it impacts both Twin Souls when one or both of them are with lost in the dark family souls. Twin Souls apart, one can be easily manipulated by anyone, as was anakin & kylo, but together the Twin Souls get clarity, truth & perspective when in communication with each other. Twin Souls then can see through the manipulations, lies & insane agendas. When they convince the Twin Soul Adams why they should not be with their Twin Soul Eves, all I see is self serving, selfishness, jealousy, hateful agendas & to keep their dark status quo and so on. What I see when I think about the vulkans, is how they really need to be with their Twin Soul & their Twin Soul could very well be humans or other aliens. This way balance is found & positive change happens. In the new movies, look how the vulkun children are treated or how spock was treated by the science academy. Them sitting higher up looking down on him, like they are superior & have authority over life, thinking they know best when they don´t, even attacking spock because he´s half human. I laughed when spock rebelled & joined the star trek academy instead, because that´s what humans do, we rebel. No soul should ever be imprisoned to be in one body & be then used as prized breeding machine to ensure bloodlines, family soul inbreeding or saving their kind. We are meant to be free & our hearts & souls are meant to be with our very own Twin Soul who can be any alien being in the Universe (humans are aliens too). When beings who are different kinds come together & they are Twin Souls, Unity & True Love happens, positive change happens & balance is restored. I noticed how many Twin Souls in the world are not even from the same country, which to me is like two beings from two different “planets” & they are to be joined in balance with each other & bring about positive change on both their “planets”. Have spock be with his Twin Soul who for all we know could be between kirk & spock! Twin Souls can inhabit any body, it´s not gender specific.
 When I think about New Zealand, to me that will always be my “Naboo” & my “Naboo” was under fire by lost in the dark family souls who went to war on Cazuki & my Twin Soul True Love Union. People will react to you negatively when they can sense & read your energies & your thoughts (telepathy) & hear it in your voice (soul to soul communication), if you for example move to a different country (like a planet) & your intentions & energies are to bring about destruction to life & True Loves between Twin Souls, they will know it & react negatively towards you. When I moved to Japan to be with Cazuki & worked in various places, I was met with so many positive people & in several jobs they were sad to see me go & would give me flowers & chocolates. They wouldn´t be positive if I came to their country (planet) & had thoughts & intentions of destroying the environment, animals, lives & True Loves between Twin Souls, by going after someone in a relationship or if they were married or had a family. You are an example of where you come from & you are ambassadors of your country (planet). My thoughts & intentions was to help the world in someway & help all life. When Junko & her sister Mitsuko moved to New Zealand, they didn´t bring grace, dignity, respect or what it means to actually be a woman, what they brought with them was their negative energies & intentions. It´s like “what a wonderful new country (planet) & it´s better than my country (planet), better living conditions, better pay, better life, now let´s crap all over the place with our negative energies & self serving destruction!” What happened to Atlantis echoes through history & repeats in different ways, but same outcome. When it doesen´t change & stays the same it gets repeated. “Naboo” is also under attack in various ways like so many “planets”. Nature is under attack, domestic, farm & wild animals are under attack, children are under attack & people are under attack. In my “Naboo”, the “s.n.o.k.e.s" rule the country, but what “Naboo” needs is the Padme/Leia/Rey all in one leading the “planet” with her Twin Soul husband. When any life is being controlled & destroyed, when souls are being tortured & inner child abused, when True Love Twin Souls are being controlled & destroyed, then you have “s.n.o.k.e.s” ruling the country & “s.n.o.k.e.s” among families & friends.
How to know if you are around lost in the dark family souls (they can be members of your family, friends, co-workers & anyone) who have been with your Twin Soul in a relationship in a past life & wants to be in a relationship with your Twin Soul again in this life or have him in their life more by getting rid of you or they have self serving agendas with him & they need you gone? (This impacts both Adams & Eves)
-They act disturbingly crossing Universe lines, time lines, inappropriate, uncomfortable, negative, unbalanced, dark energies & behaviours to him in front of you or when you´re not around. 
-They can pretend to be your friends, but are in fact frenemies, like give you backhanded compliments that are insulting in the disguise that it´s positive when it´s actually negative. They are your “friends” only to be close to your Twin Soul Adam so they can negatively influence in their own way. If you did have friends around you or around you both, but then you stopped contact with them, then after you break up with your Twin Soul, this “friend” (family soul) is now in his life, working with him, wanting his attention & wanting to be with him, she was more than likely a part of tearing you both apart & could have used dark magic too. Seek out seers, readers, shamans & reverse speech tech to confirm this. Always pay attention to what happens after a Twin Soul union breaks up, who is in his life again that wasen´t in your life before? They are easy to see & if you are a reader, a seer, can feel & read energies, you will pick up on what the lost in the dark family soul intentions are, what she did, how she did it & you can even see if she´s done it before to other Twin Soul couples, because lost in the dark family souls don´t just do it once, but they can break up several Twin Soul unions in one life time.
-When being apart from your Twin Soul after the break up, the lost in the dark family souls around you can attack you, call you weak for trying to save him, tell you to move on, forget him, tell you negative things about him & want you to hate him, be angry & be down at their negative levels of energies. On his side, they could continue what they did when you both were together & keep filling his head & body with negative energies, saying negative lies, manipulations, hateful words to keep the Twin Soul Adam thinking badly about his Twin Soul Eve & staying away from her & not contacting her with their poisonous words. It´s a very snoke/kylo type of situation. When snoke calls rey pathetic in front of kylo, that´s like snoke tearing down rey so kylo would also join in & tear down rey. Do I believe the Twin Soul Kylos of this world who are trapped with the s.n.o.k.e.s have joined in to tear down Twin Soul Reys? Yes! The s.n.o.k.e.s enjoy the negative energies & feed off of it, get aroused by it & if she (s.n.o.k.e.) starts to talk negative about Kylo´s Twin Soul Rey in anyway, she (s.n.o.k.e.) would want him to join in, if he does, they both get lost in a sea of negative energies & then they end up draining the Twin Soul Reys energies. It´s energy vampirism kind of situation & it´s real. Other ways they drain the Twin Soul Eves? When the lost in the dark family soul is being intimate with the Twin Soul Adams, they also drain the life energies from the Eves. It´s like how kira is strapped to a contraption in the dark crystal kind of thing. These are just the darker levels of what goes on behind the scenes when Twin Souls break unions. It´s not even the s.n.o.k.e. he is with that enjoys the negative energies, but even those around him that took part in destroying the Twin Soul union can also enjoy it & the takedowns of the Eves. It´s like a family energy vampire feast of energies, like the skeksis in the dark crystal, they not only feed on animals, but also energies of others like the Twin Soul Eves. Another dark level is how the lost in the dark family souls enjoy the fact that not only did they help break apart the Twin Souls, but that he got together with a lost in the dark family soul. It´s like, “Not only did we break you two apart, but you will suffer, feel pains & tortures while he is with her & we will enjoy every moment of it” The translation of the dark crystal is very clear with how they behave, think & feel. I found this out just by connecting to them. The skeksis & the mystics are Twin Souls, yet they are split & torn apart, divided, the dark & the light, negative & positive energies. Why the world is the way it is, is because of the unbalance. One soul, split in two, one more enlightened than the other, one more awake than the other & one more connected than the other. When they come into union together like the skeksis & the mystics, they are One, two halves of a whole, complete & balanced.
-They send inappropriate gifts to your Twin Soul when you are together, hinting that they are interested in him. -They are jealous, attention seeking, flirting with him, revealing their naked areas to arouse him. -They all work together to divide & conquer Twin Souls. They are part of the lost in the dark family soul collective that target Twin Souls. The collective can be anyone in your family, his family, your friends, his friends, your co-workers, his co-workers, anyone you meet. -They will keep filling your head with poison, seeds of doubt again in your mind & attacking your Twin Soul Adam/Eve when you are not together, but if together, they can do this when talking to you separately. They will keep filling your head & body with their negative energies/codes so that you won´t contact her or see her or even want to be with her.  -They are the same group of lost in the dark family souls that go after him in every life time. You have lost in the dark family souls & then family souls. Family souls celebrate your Sacred, Once in a life time Twin Soul union & would never break it apart. They are happy for you & only wish for happiness for you both. They are on the side of balance, peace & harmony. They are on the side of wanting the Twin Soul wars to end. They are on the positive side, the lights side & the grey side of life. They are on the side of wanting positive change for the whole world. They are on the side of True Love & Twin Souls all around the world. They are on the rebel side & will help you protect your Twin Soul unions. -They push themselves into his life, want to see him, work with him, talk with him & will even move to his city or town & live close to him.  -They attack his Twin Soul Eve in anyway & will want to try & come between in various ways. They tear her down to build him up. -They will attack, talk negatively, try to talk you out of being with your Twin Soul if you just met them or are with them. -They will give bad advice & even mention their former relationships & compare it to his union with his Twin Soul, even thou they have never been with their own Twin Soul, don’t understand it & they have zero wisdom to share regarding this matter & would just make things worse. Don´t listen to others about your Twin Soul relationship, the only one you should listen to & communicate with about your relationship is your Twin Soul. -They will feed his ego´s, fears & desires. -They will threaten & manipulate him like cutting him out of their life, then taking him back if it doesn´t work & he´s still with her. -They will use various ways of "weapons" & “ammunition” at their disposal to target you & your Twin Soul. Cazuki´s “parents” used his love for them as a weapon to be used against him when they cut him out of their lives in the hopes he would break up with me, which caused him heartbreak, then when they saw it didn´t work, they took him back. -They will character assassinate his Twin Soul, negatively gossip about her, spread lies, manipulations to serve them. In 3 different countries, the lost in the dark family souls on his side have dragged my name in their darkness to so many people, which I can only imagine there must be protection & rights regarding that, in terms of slander & lies/manipulations. What they didn´t know was, I changed my name when I was 21, but kept my old name as a cover, because I was after all undercover investigating them all, even if I didn´t know I was investigating to see what the frick was happening on Earth to all life & all souls. I didn´t feel any connection to my name when I was a child, especially when I was surrounded by those who were more interested in tearing me down, than building me up. Before Cazuki´s “parents” moved to New Zealand, I had this strange unexplainable feeling, like I had to warn New Zealand somehow which was funny & I even wrote about it in my journal years ago when Cazuki & I were still together. I didn´t understand it & would think that I didn´t want their negative energies/codes all over the place in this beautiful, dreamy, majestic, incredible country, because they were already seriously negative people against life, those around them, against strangers, their own family members & Cazuki & myself. I didn´t want them to move to New Zealand & I wrote in my journal that they would continue on tearing apart Cazuki & me. I wasen´t wrong, my visions of the future came true again. Several years later, Cazuki breaks up with me. His “parents” did move again after a couple of years to another country and 6 months later Cazuki breaks his once in a lifetime sacred union with me. s.n.o.k.e. (f) & s.n.o.k.e. (m) moved out in the middle of nowhere in the woods, kind of reminded me of how snoke had his first order base in the middle of nowhere in the woods.
-They will talk negative about her, plant seeds of doubts in his mind about her. -They will use manipulation so he would listen to them & leave his Twin Soul. -They will use dark magic & other forms of thought/mind attacks & programmings to get him to obey them. When a person is acting not like themselves, like he is doing something out of character so to speak, he´s not being his true self, who you´ve always known & you know his inner soul, heart & mind, then his mind & soul is under attack & can be many different things targeting him like dark magic. (mind programming) -They will use their feminine wiles, entice, seduce, tempt him to break up with his Twin Soul. -They will try to control you both to please their games & dramas, to follow their rules so they can try various ways to come between you both. -They will find ways to interrupt your sweet & romantic moments between you both. -They will make it known in their energies they don´t like him being close together with his Twin Soul. -They will send sexual energies of wanting him to him so he comes their way & this impacts his energies/codes which then makes his Twin Soul Eve pull back from him, can´t be close to him or intimate, because he´s tainted with negative sexual energies/codes from lost in the dark family souls. This is what I felt & was one of the reasons we had trouble being close & intimate, dark magic was another reason. One of the many things I didn´t understand why we both had trouble being together close, until now, even thou we both extremely wanted to everyday which we expressed as Twin Souls would. Found out that´s a tactic of theirs, have the Adams build up a sexual appetite & then dump all that sexual energy on the lost in the dark family soul he gets together with. I also found how they “repair” the damage they caused him when they succeeded in breaking up our union after attacking him for years. The lost in the dark family soul he ends up with can be a combination & remind him of several lost in the dark family souls he knows that went to war on us. For example, Junko is a single mother & her child is in a different country being raised by her family, but Junko has the “mother” aspect of her to “heal” the “mother” connection with Cazuki´s own “mother”. Looks, same behaviours, traits, same star signs & anything that reminds him of them can factor in & all “help” them “heal” what they broke in him. It´s insane, it´s crossing more Universe lines & messing more with the complexities of the souls. Tricking him to love them again is not love. They have no idea what love is & are completely lost in the dark. This was actually told to me by a insider in the Twin Soul community who knows how they all work behind the scenes. Is there any wonder mental health issues keep rising, breaking & losing themselves? The souls are under attack in so many ways & the rabbit hole is dark & deep.  -They will try & set him up with someone else while he is in a relationship with his Twin Soul. -They will say you are weak for being with your Twin Soul, weak for fighting for her, weak for protecting her, weak for saving her & weak for defending her. I was told I was weak for helping, saving, defending & protecting Cazuki by lost in the dark family souls on my side. Same thing happened to Cazuki on his side. They may show you that they think being vulnerable is weakness, having compassion is weakness, having empathy is weakness, having understanding is weakness, being sensitive is weakness, True Love is weakness & notice how all this is very dark side? This all happened to us. -They will say move on, find someone else if you both were torn apart & will say again you are weak for still wanting him & say you are weak for fighting & helping him. -They will be shallow & superficial, attack his Twin Soul Eve with how she looks, what she wears, how messy she is, lack of accomplishments & make her seem less worthy & is nothing in the eyes of him. Years ago at a work party, one of his colleagues asked me what I did for living, I said I was a waitress & the look & serpent smile he gave me & his negative energies I felt was exactly like, really? Why is he with her? Cazuki was standing next to me when this happened. In the eyes of many of his colleagues, “friends” & “family” I was nothing, had nothing & meant nothing. His parents would make that very clear to him. They have no idea about life, people are worth more than what job they have or what education they have & anything else they have or don´t have. If there was a choice to be with the first order & get everything you want except your Twin Soul or be poor, have nothing, live in a broken down shamble poor place, but it still was your castle (because your castle is anywhere in the world, it´s not one place, but it´s in your heart & soul!:) & you keep the light, the good & your True Love inside you, I would always choose the Rey way every single time. I would rather have nothing, but have everything, then have everything, but have nothing. Besides, when Twin Soul wars are upon us, Twin Souls need to investigate to know what is going on everywhere especially if we don´t know in the next life. If we have no idea, then we break apart & have to investigate all over again, which would mean he would be on the negative side (dark side) & I´m on the positive side (light side), finding out what is going on everywhere & then reveal it again to the world. Of course if this message reaches everyone on the planet, then everything changes & nothing stays the same again & people will look at star wars not the same way ever again. Especially if they can decode & translate stories & compare it to their own lives & the lives of others. -They will say you are not meant to be with one person for the rest of your life, but you are meant to “learn” from others in relationships & experience other people, very westworld like. They would say that, they can´t be with him if he only wants his other half, his Twin Soul wife! Why can´t the lost in the dark family souls get it, we don´t want to be with them in relationships, they are our brothers & sisters of the Universe! It´s called Universe, not perverse! -They spend their time & negative energies coming between Twin Souls & not spending their time & energies doing good in this world, being better people, being good to people & life & working on their soul missions. -They are all about their corruptive & negative minds & bodies, what they want regardless who they destroy. -They are self serving, selfish, judgmental & can be elitists. -They operate on a lower frequency of negative energies compared to Twin Souls, so if you can read codes/energies & feel it, like listen to your intuition, you will know who is a lost in the dark family soul who is targeting you again & who has been with you before. I know Cazuki has this ability, he could sense the negative energies in Sakurako, but he ignored it in Junko. When I connected to Junko & Mitsuko from a distance at our house, I could feel their negative energies & them wanting him. Being able to feel & read energies/codes will help protect you from lost in the dark family souls wanting to target you. You will also hear it in their words & actions, is it negative, do you feel positive, are you energy drained? -They break up Twin Souls & be with one of them or to have them in their life full time.”
Every time I read the amount of negative crap they pulled on us both for years when reading my investigation, it´s incredible. These signs help anyone avoid lost in the dark family souls who have targeted you in the past to be in a relationship with you again. If they act this way at all, they reveal themselves & can´t hide anymore. You will the know the difference between a lost in the dark family soul & family souls & your Twin Soul. Lost in the dark family souls operate on a negative energy level, but Twin Souls are on a positive level. Twin Souls are all about their good hearts & souls, but lost in the dark family souls are all about their corruptive & negative minds & bodies. All these notes I write are like a road map to get you from A to B safely to your Twin Soul destination & not stopping to be distracted or hijacked or captured by lost in the dark family souls wanting you again, but if you see a lost in the dark family soul on the road wanting your attention, wanting a lift, keep driving like a crazy, wild, rebel bandit on a Twin Soul mission to be with your Twin Soul wife or Twin Soul husband!
If you are a Twin Soul Adam & are single & have not met your Twin Soul wife yet,  then I would highly recommend you stay single until you do & not accept any negative energies/codes from lost in the dark family souls around you that are expressing themselves wanting you again or poisoning your mind again or wanting to know who are you with so they can target you again. If you read this & you do notice lost in the dark family souls around you acting this way, my advice, move away, stop all contact with them or repeat history, because as long as there is no protection for souls, hell will continue, soul tortures will continue & inner child abuse will continue. Protection comes when you wake up  & say no more, enough is enough & be in control over your life. As of example, I met Haruki last year & he is already another target by the lost in the dark family souls wanting to be with him. It´s like, that seems to be their way of life, target the Adams so the lost in the dark family souls can breed, feed & enjoy themselves while torturing the Adams. TWIN SOULS DO NOT WISH TO BE WITH THE S.N.O.K.E.S!!! TWIN SOULS ONLY WANT TO BE WITH EACH OTHER!!! Sing it loud, sing it proud!
How to activate your Devine Masculine God & Devine Feminine Goddess energies in 1,2, & 3?
1)Release the Twin Soul Devine Masculine God or Devine Feminine Goddess from your chains, end your relationship with them & allow the Twin Souls to come into Union or reunite if they choose.
1)Twin Souls who are not with their Twin Soul, fight for your Twin Soul if you were the one who broke the heart of your Twin Soul, never give up, never give in, but fight for her/him. Be creative, out of box thinking, romantic ideas & courtship. Write letters or emails or other ways to express your thoughts & feelings. Then when reunion happens, protect, save & defend your union from any darkness & negative energies who are out to destroy it. Spend the rest of your lives healing each other, loving each other, expressing how much you mean to each other. For those who are not in union yet, but you know you are Twin Souls to each other, but one is protecting herself, because of past life heartbreaks & torments from you, again, be creative, out of box thinking, romantic ideas & courtship. Never give in or give up, but help her by showing her many times if you have to that you are in it for a life time & will fight for her, you will protect your once in a life time union, you will be with her through heaven & hell, good times & bad, sickness & health for a life time, you will trust her, you will communicate with her, share everything, no secrets & do what you must to protect your sacred union as she would always do for you.
2)Evolve your souls, by getting healing to help with all your negative energies/codes/traumas/programmings/dark side trainings and more (You can heal a lot with your Twin Soul meant for you with the True Love you share), educating yourself, seek out alternative healers, gain wisdom, knowledge & truth, become vegan, volunteer with animals, children, people, the environment, the planet & beyond, choose a job that helps life in someway & a job you love, donate, sign petitions, educate others with everything you know about the dark, the light & the balance & only want your own Twin Soul meant for you, don´t go after other Twin Souls not meant for you. Everyone is a Twin Soul & everyone has their own Twin Soul, so when you are with a Twin Soul not meant for you, you are perverting the Universe, soul torturing souls & yourself, inner child abusing souls & yourself, preventing balance & preventing positive change. Don´t be the s.n.o.k.e.s, be instead the Padme´s/Leia´s/Reys´all in one!
3)Soul mission work & Twin Soul mission work. If you know something, like you have an idea, a solution or you see what needs fixing, replacing, changing, upgrading or removing in any areas of society to bring about positive change & balance, that is your soul mission work. You can have multiple soul missions or just one. If you are not with your Twin Soul who would balance you out if you are the darker one & who would challenge you on it if they think it was not a good idea for x, y, z reasons, then seek out a Twin Soul who is lighter & more soul evolved to see if your ideas, solutions are not going to be destructive in anyway shape or form & not backfire. As of example, Cazuki is an engineer, so when I told him about wind turbines, he came up with an idea for one, but I said that would harm birds, so I said what about a wind turbine that didn´t harm life at all. Soul mission work also includes evolving your souls, being better people, being good to others & life, doing good in this life. If you for example came between Twin Souls in your life or came between several Twin Souls in your life to be with one of them or to just break them up, admit what you did, say sorry in your actions, not just your words & teach others about the dark, so they can find the light & balance. You admitting what you did, helps Twin Souls wake up, heal & repair & it also help end the wars on Twin Souls. Twin Soul mission work is another type of mission, it´s what you do together as the A Team & True Love couple. You work together on projects, ideas, solutions, dreams, goals & bring it to life with your True Love, messages, insights, soul wisdom & truth as you do with your own soul mission work. There is individual soul mission work, but then there is also Twin Soul mission work that you do together. The power of Twin Souls cannot be denied & it does impact the whole world if they are known in the world when doing their joint soul mission work. The positive True Love energies sends waves of light, balance & True Love all around the world. It ignites others into union & inspires souls to find their One for them. For example, did you ever come across a couple that were actors, musicians, business partners or leaders that were shining bright like the sun & beamed out electric, magnetic, passionate, intense, crazy, extreme, powerfully positive True Love energies that made you feel you wanted The One too? If you did, they were no doubt Twin Souls. What if the actors found out who they were to each other & then wrote screenplay stories inspired by their True Love stories & other Twin Soul stories (especially if they were also targeted by Twin Soul wars) & starred in it, sending out messages of their Twin Soul mystery magic? What if the musicians created music together, sang together & ignited a whole world to want The One for them? What if Twin Soul business partners created never seen before businesses that were far out there, crazy, one of kind, colourful, challenging the status quo, not following rules & bringing their mystical magic of Twin Souls to these extraordinary companies. What if the Twin Soul leaders showed the world what true leadership looks like & what balance looks like & what it really means to care for all life, all souls & the planet.
Imagine the lost in the dark family souls who go after the Adams not meant for them & they realise their dark deeds have consequences that impact the entire world negatively for life times, because it´s to do with energies/codes & keeping dark & light separated which would lead to unbalance & perverting everything when they mess with the complexities of the souls on so many levels. Imagine them finding out that the Adams have no interest what so ever to ever be with them & the Adams wish with all their hearts & souls to be free & far away from them. From my research on Twin Soul Adams around the world:
-Adams actually feel sadness & depression a lot when being with lost in the dark family souls. -They will through telepathy scream out & call out that they can´t keep pleasing the lost in the dark family souls anymore & want to leave & need help. -They will have trouble performing sexually when being with lost in the dark family souls, which is completely understandable, I mean, they are literally family souls to each other, brothers & sisters of the Universe. I thought back to my True Love connection with Cazuki & remembered, he never had trouble performing ever with me & would even chase me down with his never ending passion for me as I had for him. Dark magic, programmings & walls placed on the minds of the Adams by the lost in the dark family souls can impact the Adams to please the lost in the dark family souls against their free will & soul. -The Adams will & can develop heath issues, self-destructing behaviours, addictions and so on after getting together with a lost in the dark family soul, like drinking a lot, smoking, gambling, drugs, eating a lot or not eating much, sleeping a lot or not sleeping enough, keeping themselves distracted, overworked, travel a lot and more. -They will even close their eyes & be somewhere else in their minds when having sex with the lost in the dark family soul, like being with their Twin Soul Eves instead to help them take their minds off of having sex with the lost in the dark family soul they are with. -They will continue to think, dream & fantasise about their Eves when away from the lost in the dark family soul & while being surrounded by the lost in the dark  family soul they were programmed to be with -In their minds, they can be thinking of ways how to leave the lost in the dark family souls & be with their Eves again -The Twin Soul Adams will chase their Eves without the Eves knowing or maybe she does, like drive past her house several times or checking any of her online activities. I would smile whenever I saw the Twin Soul collective readings about the Devine Masculines in the world, because they want to be with their Eves, but they can never take the final step to actually come to their door & tell them how the Adams feels, thinks, what he wants & who he doesn´t want, but they go looking for their Eves from a distance. All Twin Soul Adams are fiercely brave warriors & protectors of Balance & True Love. They are the Devine Masculines, they just need to remember who they really are to their soul core, because what they are not are the damaged, broken down, helpless, powerless Adams that the lost in the dark family souls wish them to be, so the lost in the dark family souls can control them & have power over them, but the Twin Soul Adams are powerful beings in the Universe & are so much more to this life then they realise. When I thought of Twin Soul Adams, I would mean all Twin Soul Adams, because even the lost in the dark family souls are Twin Souls & have their own Twin Souls.”
Message to all the lost in the dark family souls who go after the Adams not meant for them, but this message is also for everyone who feels more connected to their Devine Feminine energies:
You are all Twin Souls, you are all meant to be the Devine Feminines, you are all more to this life than being a side character/villian in the True Love Life story of Twin Souls. You are all meant to be the main character of your own True Love Life Story & be with your own Twin Soul. You are all meant to be the Padme´s/Leia´s/Rey´s all in one in this world, in this Universe. You are all meant to shine your Devine Feminine beautiful souls with your compassion, empathy, understanding, rebelliousness, defiance, tenacity, stubbornness, honesty, integrity, morals, freedom, individuality, bravery, wildness, intelligence, kindness, equality, leadership, balance, love & True Love you have for your own Twin Soul meant for you & the 3 soul missions you all are meant to accomplish. You are all meant to evolve your souls & reach the stars, your True Potential is endless & infinite. You are all worth more than being in a relationship with someone who doesn´t want you on a soul & heart connection & who wants to be with his Eve & not you. You are all meant to be fearless, courageous, chase your dreams & goals in the world, not have your life revolve only around the Adams not meant for you at all. You can all be anything you wish to be in this world, you are Universe beings & can create anything you put your minds, hearts & souls to. You are all meant to feel, hear, see & know what real, honest & rare True Love really feels like with your own Twin Soul meant for you. You are all meant to be loved by your own Twin Soul meant for you who will love you unconditionally, forever & infinitely. You are all meant to have real & honest soul, heart, body & mind connection with your own Twin Soul. You are all meant to have the Trinity in your own Sacred, Devine & Universe Blessed Union with your own Twin Soul who is your Best Friend, Your Family & Your Twin Soul Husband. You are all meant to be with your own Twin Soul meant for you who only wants you & no one else. You are all brave & can be alone until you meet or reunite again with your Twin Soul meant for you. You are all meant to fight for your own Twin Soul as he should fight for you. You are all meant to have a One of kind, rare, real, honest, pure, positive True Love that´s meant for you. You are all meant to be with your own Twin Soul & be complete, whole, home, two halves of soul becoming One & feel the paradise & heaven & Eden between you & your own Twin Soul meant for you. You are all meant to join both your light & dark with your own Twin Soul meant for you & come into balance with each other. You are all meant to fly, create, be free, be each other´s muses, laugh & cry, be happy & sad, feel pain & pleasure, be sensitive & strong, good with the bad, light with the dark & be One with your own Twin Soul meant for you! You are all meant to know what True Love is all about, what it means & why it even exists. You are all meant to evolve your souls with your own Twin Soul meant for you. You are all meant to bring balance & positive change to the entire world & beyond with your adventures, your lives & True Love Life stories with your own Twin Soul meant for you. So what are you waiting for? You have your own True Love Life Story to live!
31 May 2018, Twin Soul Investigation Report...
The greatest True Love stories ever told is that of Twin Souls everywhere, since Atlantis & before Earth. Imagine, Twin Souls volunteering coming to Earth to help lost souls wake up, to know what it truly means to love another so deep, so profound, so epic that stories are written about it & inspire millions & billions across the world. Imagine, Twin Souls volunteering to come to Earth to help lost souls evolve, shine their hearts & souls through & breaking down their imprisoned minds & bodies. Imagine, Twin Souls showing lost souls what it really means to be in a real, True Love loving relationship, to be a real true family, to be a real true friend to all life in the Universe. Imagine, Twin Souls volunteering for Earth mission to help lost souls awaken their compassion, empathy & understanding intelligence, because the greatest intelligence one has is how evolved your soul is. It´s not the amount of brain power you are allowed to use or the amount of knowledge you are allowed accessed to or you take it by force in those who are more soul evolved than you, but it has everything to do with how evolved your own soul is. The more evolved your soul is depends upon that you learn, grow & evolve your soul naturally & honestly, then the more intelligent you become. Mind prisons on lives & not allowing them to remember their past lives, doesn´t count, we are all meant to remember & not to be imprisoned for millions of lives living the same repeating history of being used, abused & be westworld playthings & breeding machines for the lost in the dark family souls.
The saddest story ever told is that of Earth & what has happened here to all life & True Loves between Twin Souls. If there was ever a movie & it showed everything that´s happened here since Atlantis to our present time & we see the blueprint of what happens when souls who are not evolved & are ruling, playing “kings” & “queens”, controlling lives & True Loves, destroying lives & True Loves & we see which souls are the repeating souls who refuse to learn, grow & evolve their souls, then we know why the Earth remains in darkness, unbalanced & in trouble. Lost in the dark family souls don´t learn anything by breaking up Twin Souls & being with one of them, they don´t learn anything by torturing souls & they don´t learn anything by destroying lives & Twin Souls. They don´t learn, which means they don´t grow or evolve, which means they don´t understand & can´t make the connection, they can´t open their hearts & souls, but instead get lost in their imprisoned minds & bodies which they end up feeling that that is what matters the most to them. Through telepathy Cazuki tells me they are lazy, because I wanted to know more reasons why they they break up Twin Souls. To evolve does take hard work, it is challenging & it´s not the quick & easy path in life. Dark side takes the quick & easy path. It is scary not knowing if you will meet your Twin Soul, but when you continue to live your life, work on your soul missions & send out your dreams, wishes of wanting to meet your Twin Soul, it will happen. The Universe is on the side of balance & Twin Souls, trust in that. Like Rey, I was alone a lot in my life & what I would do to keep the hope alive & the light alive of one day leaving the darkness around me, I dreamed, I envisioned, I created my own True Love Life story in my soul & dreamed of meeting my Twin Soul husband & creating our family together. In my dreams & daydreams we would have adventures all over the Galaxy, but also dreams to help the Earth & all life. When you dream, you are sending messages to your Twin Soul who is meant for you, who is the other half of you & your messages are you wanting to meet him again. If you did meet your Twin Soul, but you broke his heart, because he didn´t live up to your high standards & not being worthy or he was the lighter one to your darker one (Twin Souls, one is lighter, the other is darker) & you wanted someone like you, darker to your darker, but you broke the heart of your Twin Soul who was the lighter one, then I hope you fight for your Twin Soul & fighting for him is not weakness, but strength. Rey sending herself to the depths of hell to save her Twin Soul husband is not weakness, but is courage, strength & True Love. Another way to tell that story, is if Cazuki was trapped on Earth, in the depths of hell being soul tortured & used as a breeding & pleasing machine for the lost in the dark family souls & I Akira, fly down from the heavens, to this prison planet, knowing I will targeted, soul tortured, knowing I´ll be ripped apart over & over, but I fly down here to save him at the same time helping everyone & all life as best as I could. Fighting for True Love is never weakness & if anyone tells you otherwise, they are lost in the dark. If you were with your Twin Soul, but you broke apart & he left you for someone else, then you most likely were targeted to break apart. Wars were upon you both. Problem is, if you didn´t know you were targeted, you could end up just hating him, feeling bitter, angry, sad, lonely & revengeful, then may end up doing the same yourself & go after someone else's Twin Soul, breaking up Twin Souls yourself to be with one of them or you get together with a Twin Soul who is single, but he was meant to be with his own Twin Soul. It then becomes a never ending hellish loop of Twin Soul wars & Twin Souls torn apart & kept apart. When we know about the Twin Soul wars, we can help protect our unions & help fight for our unions & help other unions. If souls can do the hard & challenging work to gain skills, knowledge, accomplishments & careers, then they can also do the hard & challenging work to evolve their souls. How to know if you have an evolved soul? How to know if you are wanting to evolve your soul? If you broke apart Twin Souls, if you came between Twin Souls, if you targeted one of the Twin Souls to be with him or her & you got together with a Twin Soul not meant for you, then you will let him or her go & you will explain to him or her what you did to get him or her, like if you used dark magic, admitting what you did helps end Twin Soul wars & helps your soul evolve. Then you live your own adventurous True Love Life Story with your own Twin Soul meant for you!
3 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigation Report...
For the Twin Soul Adams who feel like they have lost their Twin Soul Eves, which I found out in the Twin Soul collective readings for the Devine Masculines, I would say to that is you all never really lost them, they are a part of you all, they are one half of you all, how could you all lose them? They are always in your heart & soul forever & infinite! Somehow the Twin Soul Kylos need to get a shock to their system to wake them up from their mind prison bars that keep them chained to the s.n.o.k.e.s in their lives & then go fight for their Twin Soul Reys. When they awake, I hope they do say to the lost in the dark family souls who went after them, “Here take the house, take the car, keep the things, I don´t care about any of that, I can just buy new. All that means nothing compared to my Twin Soul wife who I will now fight for & defend against anyone trying to come between us ever again.” Imagine if the Twin Soul Adams did this & ignited the True Love between them & their Twin Soul Eves again. Like the Kylos/Bens going after their Reys & finally bringing balance back!
Yesterday I again felt Cazuki being with her, I get goosebumps on my arms, so I know he´s with her which makes my soul scream & his, then I feel his sadness again behind my eyes. I struggle sometimes to wrap my mind around the fact that Cazuki knows he is soul torturing me by being with her & he´s torturing his own soul which I can feel. I have so many questions as a true Twin Soul Investigator Agent would have, because I want to know how that works exactly. Like, does his mind not feel or hear his own soul pains? Is he not able to listen to his soul, heart & intuition, but he only listens to everything going on his mind? Is his mind not able to feel or hear his own soul, because of all the various mind prisons & programmings? What goes on in his mind, does he hear his own soul speaking to him? Are there other reasons like fear, obligation, tradition, money, responsibilities, reputation, threats, guilt tripping, manipulation, control or more impacting his mind? I know there was, but I still wanted to ask him. His soul wants his freedom, I knew that & what I just mentioned there is not freedom, it´s prison, so many different kinds of prisons. No one should ever feel imprisoned by anyone, not in families, not with friends, not with relationships & not by the few controlling the many. I wish with all my heart & soul that all the Twin Souls in the world are free from all the lost in the dark family souls in the world & they are free to be with their own Twin Soul again. My brothers & sisters, can you hear the Twin Soul Rebellion calling you? Will you join the Twin Soul Rebellion? 
What about me, can Cazuki feel my soul pains like I feel his? Why would he ignore it & not care? Does he feel my sadness behind his eyes? What about any unexplainable pains he would feel on his body, dose he feel me as I feel his physical pains? A month before I went to see Cazuki after almost a year we broke up, a week before I was supposed to finish my Twin Soul demo, I ended up in hospital after being slammed on the hard concrete ground. Basically my injury was in the same place as Reys. The pain was unbearable for over a week, but I refused to be broken down by it & would laugh knowing what they were trying to do. So many delays kept happening to me so I wouldn´t finish on time & not see Cazuki, because I had a date set in mind on when to see him. I wasen´t going to let negative energies from those who didn´t want me to see Cazuki & finish my demo get in my way. So I kept getting back up, a week after the hospital I left for the city & finished my demo. Daichi gave me so much healing, but I used my healing abilities too. Everyone has the ability to heal themselves, but many are being prevented to come into their own abilities & gifts that were taken from them, but I know there are ways to get it back. True Love never quits, but keeps fighting until the wars are over. I also want to know, does Cazuki really believe his body & mind is more important than his soul? Would he wish to be a humanoid robot then when the time comes? Would anyone? What about me, his Twin Soul wife, does his mind really not care at all what he´s doing to my soul & his soul & does his mind have no wish to be with me at all in any life? Then what about his soul who does want me, can his complete soul be free to leave that body which is all the lost in the dark family souls are obsessed with anyway, his body & his mind, so that Cazuki´s complete soul can be free to be with me in a new body & then they can all keep that empty shell that´s programmed by them all anyway? They are basically keeping his soul hostage & enjoying their creation of what they turned his mind into, a darker version of himself, a lost version, a version that obeys, stays & gives them whatever they want. Very westworld of them. This is insanely funny & insanely tragic dark at the same time, but that´s the world we live in, they only care about his body & mind, they don´t care about his heart & soul at all!!!! I wonder, if I got in contact with Cazuki´s soul again, would he wish for that & be free from that in that way so we can be together & be free? Bodies are vessels for our souls & are only temporary, but our souls mean everything. A complete soul transference with all his memories of us together in this life, but he´s free to be in a new body of his choice? Like for example, his complete soul is free to leave that body he´s in now that they only care about anyway, then his soul travels to the past, to the 80s again, we love the 80s, then he´s born again, but his memories of us is awakened when he´s older & then comes find me again? I will know if it´s the real Cazuki, because I would feel him & his soul energy signature would be identical to mine, we are two halves of a whole. Also, if I stopped feeling anything from his now empty shell of a body which is sort of like a humanoid robot in a way, but at least there is no soul left to torture by them anymore, then I would know Cazuki isn´t in that body anymore. I would feel his energy soul signature & it would be identical to be mine if he came back to me in another body. With Cazuki´s complete soul gone from that body & it´s a programmed shell, just proves more that we are all living in some kind of westworld, where they don´t care about the heart & soul, they only care about the body & mind under their control. Of course his memories of me in that body that he left behind would have to be erased so he´s not conflicted anymore or mind troubled. Thou there is the question of the empty vessel which is still alive, shouldn´t he have a choice too, doesn´t he have rights? Shouldn´t he have a choice? Anything is possible, nothing is impossible & that is the sort of crazy lengths I would do if I was trapped to be with a s.n.o.k.e. & Cazuki asked me via soul telepathy if I wanted a new body with all my memories intact, so I can continue where I left off with my soul mission work & Twin Soul mission work with my Twin Soul husband. If he had no other way to break me out of my mind prisons & I was being soul tortured & controlled to please the lost in the dark family soul & his needs, wants & anything he wanted from me, then I would do it, whatever it takes, because we have Twin Soul mission work to do, wake everyone up, ignite more Twin Souls into unions, bring massive positive change everywhere & we only want to be together, we don´t want anyone else. Why do they all insist on soul torturing him & me when they only care about his body & mind? If it´s true from what I hear & there are planets in the Universe that are A.I. & machine worlds, I wonder, could they create a Cazuki identical copy that looks entirely human & you couldn´t tell he wasen´t human, then he is swapped with my Cazuki to be with Junko, then my Cazuki gets healing for all the crap they put on him & he´s free to be himself again, his soul is free to be in control again? This is all crazy talk, but Twin Souls are the extreme, intense & crazy ones, especially those who do things never done before. It would definitely be a Beauty & Beast moment, seeing Cazuki in a different body, but I would recognise him, his identical soul to mine. 
What we are all dealing with is life times of the same cycles, patterns, hell loops & what happens to Twin Souls is the same in every life time. The Adams falling to the negative side, the dark side & the unbalance side is not their weakness, but has everything to do with so many levels of attacks they are dealing with & they are not awake to against their minds, energies, bodies, emotions & souls, the same is with the Eves, what happens to one happens to the other. One soul, split in two. To break apart these cycles, patterns & hell loops, investigation is needed to dig deep into the dark & bring to light everything. Getting clarity, perspective, truth & understanding frees you & doesn´t imprison you anymore, but empowers you all.
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed Cazuki to put “family" & “friends” first above his Twin Soul True Love, above life, above the planet, above his soul missions, above his Twin Soul mission & above everything! When this happens towards Twin Souls, the dark & unbalanced remains the same in the world. That is a blueprint of repeating unbalance & darkness in this world, when a Twin Soul, especially the Twin Soul Adams who are dark side trained & programmed from young to be loyal, obedient, to stay, to please the lost in the dark family souls around him in every life & put them all (small group) first & put his Twin Soul wife, the planet, the soul missions, the Twin Soul mission, life & future last again.
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed Cazuki to think about himself, his ego!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed Cazuki to give in to his desires & the tempting “serpents” in our garden of Twin Soul Eden!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to give in to his fears!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to think only when a relationship is good & the person is worthy, is not nothing, but is “perfect”, is in order, is controllable & is like them are they worth his time!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to think that superficial & shallow “love” is what he needs! 
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to think True Love & The One is nothing, not worth it & should be gotten rid of!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to be with the many, be with anybody else & be with someone like them!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to be a liar, keep secrets, be selfish, don´t have morals, don´t have integrity & them attacking his good caring heart & soul for years!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to not be him anymore & not be his True Self!
-Lost in the dark family souls negatively programmed him to be like them!
I know what programmings can do to the minds, I was targeted for years being tormented by Saukrako & her dark magic group attacks on me so I would break up with Cazuki, so I know the repeating thoughts, but I also was able to listen to my heart & soul, which is what really matters & not my mind, so I was able to combat it. When you question your own thoughts & begin to think what if they are not your own thoughts, then you are becoming awake & becoming free to be in control over your own life. What about Cazuki, what goes on in his mind? Does he ever question his own thoughts? Does he ever hear repeating thoughts, even the same negative words spoken to him by his “friends”, “family” & the lost in the dark families soul (LITDFS) he´s with that came between us? Cazuki dreamed to be an agent, yet here I am being a Twin Soul investigating agent & dreaming of creating the first in the world Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy. He dreams of being an agent, but I´ve been living it since he & I broke apart over 2 years ago. Funny how that works!
Story scene...
Earth, 2015, 20 February...
Cazuki driving his electric car silently on the mountain road on his way to work not far from their house & he was alone, no other cars were on the road, but a light in the distance shined on the road from the sky like a beam of light. Cazuki stopped his car far from the light beam feeling fearful, nervous & a million questions was flying in his mind. Aliens? Is he to be abducted now? What was going on & what is that? His heart was racing & now his body was shaking. He wanted to drive back & tell Akira. Should he call someone? Cazuki wanted to do all these things, but it was like his body was frozen in fear & couldn´t move, couldn´t speak & just sat still looking at the light from a distance. The light beam vanished & it went dark again. The only lights on the road now was the lights coming from Cazuki´s car. Was it over he thought? Then as just as he was about to drive on, a ship appeared in front of his car & opened up the ramp that landed on the road. Who he saw standing on the ramp looking right at him in her futuristic outfit like a combination of what han solo wore, but had a hippy, bohemian & classy twist to it, was Akira & her long flowing turquoise blue hair looking right at him with her ocean blue eyes. Standing next to her was himself, dressed in his clothes. Cazuki was looking at Akira & Cazuki. Are they from the future he thought, but why was his other self dressed in his clothes? They both walked over to his car, because Cazuki was not moving, he was shocked, but not feeling fear now, but still couldn´t move his body. He needed help, so she opened up his door.
  “Cazuki! I´ll take it from here?” Cazuki said to himself & Akira reached her hand out for Cazuki to grab it & he got out of the car & the other Cazuki got in the car ready to drive off to work. Akira then went back to their ship with Cazuki, but he was looking back at his car with the other Cazuki ready to drive off. Cazuki was able to go with the flow in life, easy going, so he went with the flow with this crazy situation. He was curious, especially about the ship & now he was wondering could they see the stars? Back in the flight control room Akira sat at the controls & flew off while Cazuki was met by Aemi & Zax, two little cat sized herbi flying dragons crawling all over him & he was feeling anxious again & nervous that they could bite him.
“Don´t worry, they don´t bite, but they are happy to see you! Cazuki, meet Aemi & Zax!” Akira said smiling & happy they were able to rescue Cazuki.
“You mean, our Aemi & Zax?” Cazuki asked feeling confused, but curious & having a million questions to ask.
“The very same, they reincarnated back to be with us again. They missed us!” Akira said while flying towards the stars. She knew he would love to see the stars again!
“Are you from the future then & why was my other self replacing me?” Cazuki asked Akira & he was now sitting beside her looking at her flying & feeling extremely drawn to her again, like his mind prisons were breaking piece by piece so he could be himself again. Then looking out the space window at the clouds she was fly diving through. He thought, the day before he was about to break up with Akira, he gets picked by Akira from the future. This was all so crazy & Akira was right, about everything. 
“Actually, I´m from the past future, before Earth mission. Your other self is a biological humanoid robot who voluntarily wanted to be on this mission to carry out what you were going to do to Akira. We had to intervene to clean up the mess of them going after you again. Don´t worry, your “family” & “friends” won´t be able to tell the difference, the memories you have has been downloaded to him so he can replicate how you behaved towards them all & be programmed to please them all with whatever they want from him. He will take over your life for now & you are to be briefed on your Twin Soul mission that you have spent life times of avoiding & being controlled not to finish!” Akira said while leaving the atmosphere & entering space.
“Mess? What Twin Soul mission? What is going to happen to Akira?” Cazuki asked her feeling like now he wants to go back for her & tell her everything & that she was right.
“She will survive, she always does, but you can´t go back for her yet. Right now you are to be briefed, get healing & cleansing your system from all negative programmings & codes that have impacted you for life times. The mess they have caused is darkness, unbalance & wars on life & Twin Souls.” She said knowing what he thought through telepathy while flying out from Earth & Cazuki could see the stars in space for the “first” time in this life & feeling amazed, excited & felling home with the stars. He wished Akira could see it with him, but then again he was with Akira, just in a different life.
“Will I ever see Akira again?” Cazuki asked her still seeing the stars & then the Earth from their little spaceship. He wanted to go back for her & he wanted to tell her he never wanted to leave her.
“Cazuki, she knows & you will see her again!” She said as they both admired the blue, green beautiful planet that shined so bright in the Galaxy. A one of kind, paradise eden. Now if only lost souls could awaken their hearts & souls, then everything changes & nothing stays the same ever again.    
Earth, 2015, April...
Cazuki & Akira´s house in the mountains by the fiord...
Cazuki & Akira are crying, holding each other, tightly, not wanting to let go.
“If anything happens to you, I want you to call me, whatever it is!” Cazuki said in between tears & holding Akira again in his arms tightly not wanting to let go. He felt her ribs when his arms was around her. When he broke up with her on the 21 st of February, after 2 weeks they both lost 12 kg & Akira was worn down to the bones as was Cazuki. This was one of the many consequences of lost in the dark family souls messing with Twin Souls & their energies, minds & bodies. 
“You need to eat Akira!” Cazuki said with loving concern for his Twin Soul wife. Akira thought the same about Cazuki, they both were impacted by the wars on them.
“If anything happens to you too, I want you to call me Cazuki! Call me about anything!” She said lovingly in between cries & both kissing each other. When he said those words, she didn´t understand, he broke up with her, why would he want her to call him & why was he in tears & feeling overcome with extreme sadness? He was kissing her & holding her tightly not wanting to let go? In her soul she knew he never wanted to leave her & she did get confirmation from seers a week after he broke her heart who confirmed dark magic on them, a break up & a love spell on him, which just translates to several people being paid to send their negative thoughts & energies (programmings) towards Cazuki so he would be with someone else & break Akira´s heart. They were both soul truth tested with reverse speech to confirm dark magic on them both, so she knew his mind was impacted, but here he was being himself, but at the same time he´s being controlled to leave her.
“I want you to take this, take our house key!” He said & gave her their house key which Akira didn´t really think about, but she didn´t understand again. Why was he giving her the house key? She was leaving, moving out & he was staying at their house. Her thoughts kept jumping between she knows he´s under mind control & not being himself, at the same time he´s acting strange, like why give her the key? Did he want her to come back & kick Junko out of their house? Did he want her to investigate their house & find out more about Junko & what she did to their house turning it into a lavish, expensive s.n.o.k.e. status symbol chamber fit for a dark “queen” & smelling the negative nauseous energies in their house from s.n.o.k.e. being with Cazuki? Like Rey sending herself in the depths of hell to snoke´s chamber & finds out she was right all along again about snoke & what happened to Kylo? In Twin Soul relationships, the darker one could be more drawn to be about the money/materialism/security & stability, while the lighter Twin Soul doesn´t care about money, materialistic things or fame or followers, for Akira, what mattered the most in the world is True Love with her Twin Soul husband, soul missions, Twin Soul missions, life, future & knowing their flying Castle is wherever they went in the world, in the Universe, it´s not one place or what you own or have, it´s something you have within your soul. Akira always thought Cazuki´s & her Castle will always be their small flying spaceship that can fly freely in the Universe once again & that´s what she meant by Castle is wherever they go. The flying Castle represents freedom, independence, friendship, family, rebelliousness, unity, Team Twin Souls, equality, honesty, integrity, morals, compassion, humanity, intelligence, grace, adventure, balance, soul missions, Twin Soul missions & True Love. Cazuki & Akira from the very beginning of their relationship, even before they got together they talked about space, space ships & wanting to fly away together in the Universe. That hasen´t changed, they both still feel the same. The lighter Twin Souls could be poor & have no fancy things, but still feel rich in their hearts & souls always with what they have in their life wherever they are. The lighter Twin Souls feels freedom & isen´t bound by one place or by people, because in their hearts & souls they know anything is possible. To them, the Universe will always provide & light will always shine a way to abundance. With every apartment place Cazuki & Akira lived in, a part from their house, their other places were poor, humble, no fancy things, but even their house (traditional wooden house) was kind of poor on the inside with no fancy things, even thou on the outside it looked like a small villa with a breathtaking view. Their house actually represented/symbolised 3 different star wars story lines, one is the villa where Anakin & Padme stayed at by the lake overlooking the mountains, two is the pictures of the millennium falcon on their wall that Cazuki gave Akira for Christmas, because he knew she loved that ship, that represented Han & Leia part of their relationship & three was their house was a combination of order and chaos, which Twin Souls represent. Beige colouring, warm, broken down mess in places in their house (no walls or insulation & wires everywhere, renovating) & poor like Rey´s shamble castle place in the dessert. Then there were places that was organised & in order & cold that represented Kylo´s place. So their place represented all 3 relationships in star wars & in their life, all those different aspects of those relationships represented their relationship.
Cazuki & Akira kept switching from kissing each other in between tears, then holding each other tightly & then he grabbed his laptop bag & left her behind. She stood watching him walk down their driveway & her tears & screams were louder & uncontrollable, the love of her life walked out of her life & in that moment she felt was this it, was she never to see him again in this life? Was she to spend another life time of not being with him again & has to wait for the next life & it starts all over again, the wars, the repeats, the attacks, the heartbreaks, the suffering, the soul pains & soul tortures? Or was she to be put asleep in her next life & not be allowed to be awake again, not be allowed to remember, so she doesn´t know what is going on again in this world & is just is controlled & steered wherever to whomever like a humanoid robot, not really being free in her soul to be her true self again, to be awake again like she is now, knowing who she is & where she comes from? Her thoughts & feelings went back & forth to despair & hope, but hope won & kept winning, because she knew, she knew when they got together & their 12 years together, Cazuki never in his life wanted anyone else & he only wanted Akira always, forever, eternity, infinity & beyond. He proved that & showed that in his endless True Love for her, in his words, in his feelings, in his emotions, in his actions, in his energies, in his body for hers, in his heart & in his soul.   
4 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...  
Our souls can communicate in various ways, even through stories. Souls can somehow tell their feelings, thoughts, soul pains, soul tortures & future warnings through the writers in someway. How I see it, it´s like every soul is connected to the collective, to the Universe & someway they can hack in through other souls to bring massages, insights & warnings. The westworld story explains very well how Cazuki made me feel & how they all made me feel when our union was torn apart. It was like, in one life I´m being one with the Earth, life, Universe & helping, protecting, saving life & falling in love with my Twin Soul, then next life I´m feeling like I´m a humanoid robot to be replaced by my Twin Soul for anyone else who is in order & “upgraded”, because I was attacked too much on my body, my mind, my energies, my emotions & my soul as was he by them all. I was not good enough, I was nothing in his eyes, but a chaotic free spirit & I was not looking presentable for the world “perfect” or worthy in his eyes. The LITDFS dark side trained him for years of what he should have & not be with someone that was nothing, what they did worked. Cazuki was never like this before, but that´s what they turned him into. The story of Kylo & Rey show both our soul pains & soul tortures, but Cazuki can´t connect or see or understand those stories, because somehow he doesn´t have access to his soul, but I do & his soul has access to the collective, to the Universe & is able to get messages out to everyone that he is in trouble, he is imprisoned & he wants his freedom. This holds true to all DM´s that are trapped with LITDFS in same situations. Will the Twin Soul Adams wake up? Will they get clarity & perspective? Will the walls & prisons on their minds come crashing down & freeing their souls?
The various different terms to describe what is happening to Twin Souls all over the planet like:
The Adam & Eve story:
Adam being Twin Soul Devine Masculine
Eve being Twin Soul Devine Feminine
serpents being the lost in the dark souls coming between Twin Souls & wanting to be with the Adams or Eves not meant for them, wanting to have him/her in their lives full time & not just some of the time, wanting to use him/her to fullfill their dreams & agendas, wanting things from him/her & attention.
Another way I would describe Twin Souls is by using the star wars story, because in reality our lives are being translated in many stories & it shows what is happening & what the future could be like.
The Adam & Eve symbology is heavy in the new Star Wars movies & The Last Jedi, Rey meeting Luke (representing “god”) then she goes to the jedi temple (representing the tree of knowledge) & takes with her information that can help bring balance to everything & even save Kylo. The Adam & Eve story always didn´t feel right to me, the only reason why Eve would ever need to gain knowledge was if she was to save life, save her Adam. So I believe, the actual Adam & Eve story is not being told truthfully or completely in religion. 
The Kylo/Ben & Rey story:
Kylo/Ben being Twin Soul Adam
Rey being Twin Soul Eve
snokes being lost in the dark family souls coming between Twin Souls & wanting to be with the Adams or Eves not meant for them, wanting to have him/her in their lives full time & not just some of the time, wanting to use him/her to fullfill their dreams & agendas, wanting things from him/her & attention.
The Delores & Teddy story: (Westworld)
Teddy representing Twin Soul Adam
Delores representing Twin Soul Eve
visitors being lost in the dark family souls coming between Twin Souls & wanting to be with the Adams or Eves not meant for them, wanting to have him/her in their lives full time & not just some of the time, wanting to use him/her to fullfill their dreams & agendas, wanting things from him/her & attention.
The Romeo & Juliet story:
Romeo being Twin Soul Adam
Juliet being Twin Soul Eve
Lost in the dark family souls on both sides coming between Twin Souls & wanting to be with the Adams or Eves not meant for them, wanting to have him/her in their lives full time & not just some of the time, wanting to use him/her to fullfill their dreams & agendas, wanting things from him/her & attention. The death of Romeo & Juliet in our world translates to Twin Souls just being torn apart & kept apart from each other.
The westworld story explains what happens between Twin Souls & the “visitors”, lost in the dark family souls coming after Twin Souls. To translate that story in our world, it´s like they (lost in the dark souls) want their turn, their ride, an experience to fullfill their fantasies & dreams of being with a Twin Soul not meant for them again & in their life time they can come between several Twin Soul couples to be with one of them, taking many off of their life paths & missions, tearing them apart, then moving on to the next Twin Soul victim. How to know if you are with a “visitor” & not your Twin Soul? Did you destroy a relationship to be with this new person? Did you get together with this new person right away or not long after breaking up with the one you were with? When you were in a relationship, did girls flirt with you, give you attention, seduce, tempt, feed your ego & desires? Did they want your attention always, did they make you feel good? Did they push themselves into your life? Did you feel their sexual energies? Did they move great distance to be close to you, did they want to talk to you all the time, want to work with you & want things from you? Did they make it known they wanted you while you were in a relationship? Cazuki´s mind can lie to his soul all he wants, but the story he “created” with the LITDFS will always be the s.n.o.k.e./Kylo story. When people asked Cazuki & I how we met, their faces lit up like sunshines & couldn´t believe our story, how beautiful it was & said we were lucky, because it was rare, but then again, I´m thinking if he & I met as toddlers, then it´s possible for everyone to meet their Twin Soul early in life & have a complete life time together. If someone was to ask Cazuki now how he met the LITDFS he got together with. The truth is far darker than the lie they will tell everyone, but imagine if people told the actual truth & not the lie.
“So how did you two meet?” Bob asked.
“We became friends while I was in a relationship with my Twin Soul True Love that I met when we were toddlers, known each other for our whole lives, fell in love, I wanted to spend my life with her, create a family, build space ships, change the world, but we were being attacked too much on our bodies, energies & minds, it was just too much work, the path too challenging & hard, it was just a lot worse than it should be & my family didn´t want me to be with her anyway. They wanted me with someone else, someone like them & that´s when I met my friend. I didn´t fall in love straight away, but you know how it goes, it took some time, we were friends first & I was still in love with my Twin Soul,  but we would flirt with each other & she would tease me & her sister also flirted, then I suddenly developed feelings for her & we destroyed my Twin Soul & then we got together & we laughed, we smiled & enjoyed our time together.” Cazuki said to Bob, but he couldn´t understand the look on Bobs face. Cazuki was confused by Bobs facial expressions. 
“What´s wrong?” Cazuki asked him.
“Everything!” Bob said then just walked away.
How to know if you met your Twin Soul? You fall in love fast & you will feel fearful, because you don´t want to lose them & may feel like you don´t want your heart broken by them again like what happened in previous lives. You will wish to be with them straight away & will never want to let go. This is how Cazuki & I felt, we never wanted to let each other go & always wanted to be together everyday & would miss each other when being apart.
Many Twin Souls in the Twin Soul community do not wish to talk about the dark, they only talk about the light. They stay in the light, but when they refuse to see the dark, they won´t understand why the DMs are still not going after their DFs, but the DMs are staying imprisoned in LITDFS situations. They don´t understand, so they come with so many reasons why it´s like that, but it´s all lies, because they don´t know or they don´t want to talk about it & cover it up or they just manipulate it to serve the LITDFS in some way. Some say it has to do with karma, but that´s a load of crap. To break it down, that would be like Cazuki breaks my heart & gets together with a LITDFS, now he must suffer the same as me, because he broke my heart, so now he has to feel & go through what I went through to “learn” his “lessons” for never falling for the tempting “serpents”? He has to feel what it´s like to have his heart torn out by someone he is with? An eye for an eye the whole world goes blind. What I see is it´s controlled “karma”. This whole world is so controlled in so many ways, how can it be justified for Cazuki to have “karma” if his mind was attacked for so many years by the LITDFS in our lives, by dark magic & his energies were attacked to then be controlled to be with someone else? It´s not karma, it´s just more punishments, attacks & wars & how is his soul pains & tortures “karma” when he doesn´t even want to be with her? When his free will & choice is messed with, how is it karma really? What “lessons” is he supposed to “learn” exactly? Why has no one ever questioned this so called “karma”? What about this one, a little boy was attacked his whole life in his family, abused, neglected, tortured, attacked, emotionally, mentally, energetically & spiritually abused. No one saved him, no one protected him & one day when he´s older he breaks & lets all their hate, negative energies & darkness into him. His mind breaks & he now attacks the first person he sees wherever he is. What do the LITDFS do in this world? Do they investigate, question, find out what happened to him & dig deep into his soul pains & soul tortures? Do they give him healing, treatment, help & now protect all children in the world? No, they ignore the children again & send him to prison in another hell to gain more soul pains & soul tortures, to be more abused, used & attacked. There is a reason for all the repeating wars on lives, souls & Twin Soul True Loves. The answers are all there to see for everyone. Same patterns, same cycles, same hells & who is control over this? Who are the same people ruling & having power over life in this world? What happened to him when they sent him to prison was not karma & him coming back again in another life to again be soul tortured & attacked is not karma, it´s all controlled. Karma is when truth comes out, what everyone did, how did it happen, what are the levels & layers that resulted in everything that´s unbalanced & dark. Karma is seeing what was done, why it was done, who did it, when, where, how long & then healing begins when truth comes to light, because now understanding, compassion & empathy happens or should happen if hearts & souls are awakened. Life isen´t black & white, it´s grey. For example, the LITDFS who went after Cazuki, what she did was dark & black, but the grey here is she is lost in the dark & has no idea what True Love really is all about. She got no life training of what True Love is, what you do for True Love & how to be with The One meant for you & only when it was super positive. She got no life training on what it means to be a woman, to have morals, integrity, grace, dignity, respect & to have self worth for herself. She got no life training on how to take care of her child, but let others raise her child while she lives the single life in a different country to pursue guys in relationships. She got no life training to not be selfish, self serving, jealous, manipulative, greedy & seducing. She got no life training to be able to be on her own, living single & not needing anyone, because she was fearful of feeing alone & wanted someone who was an easy target. She got no life training to only want a guy who was single & who was The One for her. She got no life training to be honest, have compassion, empathy or understanding. She got no life training to accomplish on her own with making her dreams happen on her own, but she used him to help her get jobs & help her accomplish which is a very parent/child like relationship.
Twin Souls accomplish on their own & stand on their own two feet, before collaborating on future projects. 
She got no life training to understand Twin Souls & to never target Twin Souls. She got no life training to show her what True Love is supposed to be like & instead she thought “love” was when a guy breaks up with his Twin Soul to be with her. 
With Cazuki, he got no life training to know what True Love is all about, what you do for True Love & how you know you have met your One. He got no life training to look out for those girls who would target him when he was single or when he was in a relationship & he even said to me he had no clue when it comes to girls, so he becomes an easy target for anyone when he doesn´t know. He had no life training to not need people, but he got training to need people & be with anyone & the many. He got no life training to defend himself against attacks, mind, energy & body attacks. He got no life training about Twin Souls or to fight for his Twin Soul. He got no life training to be free & stand up for what is right in this world. He got no life training to come into his Devine Masculine energies, his Twin Soul King energies & his Twin Soul Husband energies. 
Why we have same hellish cycles? When there is no life training growing up & in education, then history repeats & wars on life, souls & Twin Souls continue.
5 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigation Report...
I want to talk about addictions that LITDFS has for the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them. I was informed by this from a fellow Twin Soul in the community & it´s important to bring up. I was planning to talk about it, but never got around to it. She reminded me thou & I took it as a sign to mention it today. Why do the LITDFS keep going after the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them at all in every life time? 
*Dark vs Dark attraction addiction. Obviously, anyone who goes after Twin Souls & breaks apart unions are the darker ones & should be with their own Twin Soul who would be the lighter one to their darker one. Cazuki is obviously the darker one in our union & he proved that again when he destroyed my heart & kept hurting me, causing me & his soul pains & tortures when being with her. That´s all very dark, but also when he knows he´s causing me & his soul pains & tortures, then he continues behaving more dark. The LITDFS attraction addiction is the fact they find anyone who is a lighter one, being caring, compassionate, empathy, understanding, vegan, fighting for True Love and more as being weak. They see it as a weakness, so they wish to be with someone who is like them, dark to their dark, because they have been dark side trained, programmed & negatively influenced to believe being dark is strength & being light is weakness. When in reality, being light is actually stronger than the dark. True Love, compassion, empathy, understanding will always be more stronger than hate, fear & darkness. Positive energies is more stronger than negative energies. That is something lost on the LITDFS, they don´t get it, how can they when they never learn, never grow, never evolve & never awaken their hearts & souls. They also find the dark very attractive, so that is another addiction, they find it sexy that he is dark & they only want to be with someone who is dark like them. When it comes to the Twin Soul Adams, their addictions can also include what the LITDFS looks like, her appearance can be an addiction for him, her body shape & what her body can provide for him is an addiction. Once their curiosity is satisfied, they may want to try a new one, what does this other girl look like underneath & her body shape & what she smells & tastes like. I mean, these are all dark side & programmings trained on him by others & what he himself accepted in his life, like what movies, games & other negatively influences he liked. When minds break & let´s all their years of negative attacks, programmings & dark side trainings on them, the Twin Soul Adams can develop addictions. It´s all very shallow & superficial. These addictions will never lead them to their Twin Soul Eves, but they get lost in the LITDFS if they don´t wake up. Their souls are not like this & don´t want this, but their lost dark minds tell a different story. These are some of the reasons they go after the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them, the dark vs dark attraction addiction. 
Twin Souls have light & dark in them, how can they not, if they have lived many lives on Earth, they have light & dark in them both. Just because a Twin Soul is lighter, doens´t mean they don´t have dark in them too. Rey is lighter than Kylo, but she also carries dark within her, which would happen when she was mostly alone in her life, surviving, fighting, hoping, dreaming, keeping the hope alive, the light alive & visioning a future where she meets her One True Love meant for her & has a family of her own with him.
*Jealousy. A LITDFS could have met her Twin Soul in her life, but if she thought he was “weak” in anyway, she would leave him. Then, being alone, fearing being alone, not wanting to be alone, needing someone, has goals & agendas she wants someone to do for her, she wants security, financial stability, luxury life style, possessions, status, power, control, money, house, kids, more kids, be married again & more & she sees someone who can give her all that. To put a cherry on top, he is with his Twin Soul wife, so he could transfer the “true love” feelings he had for his Twin Soul to her & giver her everything. She sees an easy target & she can wrap him around her little finger when she plays her games, tactics & moves & he eats it up. When Cazuki told those “friends” of his of our epic True Love life Story, their jealousy would be consuming & that would drive them even more into a frenzy of wanting him badly. Jealousy is always within these LITDFS when they break up Twin Soul unions. If she met her Twin Soul, but he left her, because he too was targeted by others wanting him & broke up her union. Instead of fighting for him, fighting for True Love, she instead breaks up a Twin Soul union herself & gets together with a Twin Soul Adam not meant for her. It becomes a never ending cycle with these LITDFS & the Twin Soul wars would never end if Twin Souls don´t wake up & protect their unions.
*Another type of addiction is the fact they have gone after him in every life & have never had a life with their own Twin Soul, so they don´t know of any kind of life than that of the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them. That´s an addiction & if it doesn´t break, they will never be with their own Twin Soul meant for them.
*Too much work, too challenging & the life path too hard when being with their Twin Soul, so they want the easy, quick path in life. The cypher path. The path of going after someone not meant for them or going after someone who is in a relationship. How can anyone look at a story ever again & believe in it, cheer for it, dream of it, wish for that kind of One True Love, when the heroes & heroines are going through some extremely challenging, difficult & hard life paths. I mean, did anyone think Neo & Trinity´s life story was easy? What about Rey & Kylo´s? Why on Earth would anyone want the quick & easy path in life? That´s another reason why the world is the way it is, too many people taking the quick & easy paths in their own lives. It can also be too much work, too challenging & the life path too hard if they have to be better people, be good to life, do good in this world & work on their soul missions, so they choose the quick & easy path of serving self & their needs & wants & negative desires, agendas & being with anyone & the many than being with The One meant for them destroying anything & anyone to get what they want.
*Selfish & self serving. It´s all about their ego, about them, their needs, their wants & their negative desires. They don´t care who or what they destroy, but they want it & they want it now.
*Agendas. They see someone who can give them some things what their Twin Soul can´t give them, again like the dark vs dark aspect for example. I noticed this was a programming/dark side training on Cazuki, especially when he would suggest jobs for me to apply for that could benefit him in some way like get deals off of things. I never did apply for those jobs, because I wasen´t taking a job to please him, but I was applying for a job that I found that I liked for me. Being in a Twin Soul relationship is not about what you can benefit from them, what they can give you & please you, but Twin Souls is a Sacred, Devine Union, but when treated like it´s only there to serve you in some way, please you in some way & give you whatever you want, it stops being Sacred, Devine, but becomes nothing, just someone to use, then you leave them for the next Twin Soul victim, them being taken off their epic adventure life path story where they were supposed to meet their Twin Soul meant for them.
*Investment. The LITDFS have put in a lot of work in building their “empire” with the Twin Soul Adam not meant for her. Like building, modelling, decorating their home with expensive, lavish possessions & materialistic things. Creating their status symbol. They have put a lot of time, energy & work to get him, like spent years being there for him, being his “friend”, then finally getting him & building the “empire” together, that´s time, energy & work she doesn´t want to lose. If she has a business she got help with & he´s helping her, that´s more time, energy & work into her “empire” that she doesn´t want to lose if he leaves. If she has spent time, energy & work in portraying their “perfect” relationship to everyone & how “happy” they are on social media & wherever, that´s time, energy & work she doesn´t want to lose. If she has spent time, energy & work trying to make sure he doesn´t leave like use dark magic, get help from others to talk to him, group mind attacks & whatever else tactics she´s used, that´s time, energy & work she doesn´t want to lose. If she got him to marry her & have  kids again, that´s time, energy & work she doesn´t want to lose.
One of the many reasons why I could never get myself to buy expensive things or have so much materialistic things in our apartments that we lived in or our house even, but we lived small, simple, humble & we only had what we needed in our lives. Even our furnitures, some of it was even used, not new. In my soul, I guess I didn´t feel comfortable to live in luxury when so many are without luxuries in the world. So many are poor, hungry & even homeless. If I was to ever have enough money to live in luxury, I would still live small, simple & humble & would choose this way to live until everyone had a place they could call home. Even our Christmas was not like our families. Our Christmas tree was fake green, because trees belong outside. On our tree I would hang up little picture notes of my wishes for the world, like peace, harmony, farm sanctuaries, freedom for all, veganism & more. Our presents were made out of fake boxes that I wrapped up in wrapping paper to be decorations under the tree & we would give each other only one or two gifts & the gifts always included donations every year to earth, animal & life saving & protecting organisations. This is just a look inside our Twin Soul Union Christmas. To me, Christmas will always be about giving to those who need it the most in the world & not be about getting something for ourselves. That is why we donated to many organisations instead of getting our families gifts, which they were upset & angry about as you can imagine. Their anger & upset comes from them not being raised or educated to be selfless, giving, compassionate, empathy & understanding for life less fortunate than their lives. I thought, if I ever want to show my personality style, my soul, my interests, my favourites, my anything, I could just show that in a story onscreen & reveal what my place would look like if I did decorate. This way, I don´t have to be controlled or tied down by things & can fly off anywhere & live anywhere & just be free. I also don´t have to feel uncomfortable having so much stuff, when it really doesn´t mean anything for me. I still dream of our small ship!
*Power & Control. It is a power trip I´m sure to have power over someone, over life, I wouldn´t know, I´m all for freedom for all life. That´s not just my Aquariun nature, but that is in my very soul. Out of all the signs, Aquarius all the way! This is however one of their addictions, because they do have control over the Twin Soul Adams in many ways, like using sex, their sexuality, kids, marriage, money could be one way, what they can provide for the Twin Soul Adams is another type of control, manipulation is another, emotional manipulation, threats, obligations, responsibilities, reputation, religion, basically any type of control they can use in their bag of weapons against the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them, they will use it. Even the “families” & “friends” on both sides will also control the Twin Soul Adams in their own way to make sure he stays together with the LITDFS. Like use the reasons, “you have to be a man and a man provides for his family & is with her through good times & bad, heaven & hell.” or could say, “you have a family now, you have kids, you have to think about the children & try to make it work, whatever it takes” Interesting, where were these words when Twin Souls were together? Their view on what it means to be a man or even a Devine Masculine is lost on the LITDFS, they have no idea, how could they possibly, when they go to wars on life, souls & Twin Souls, when they go to wars on True Loves! For example, Cazuki´s “family” tore down his manhood & Devine Masculine energies on & off for 7 years when he & I were having our own struggles & challenges and many of those reasons was because they went to war on us. To translate what they did to us while we were going through bad times & hell times was like them saying, “you deserve better, you are man when you leave her, you are a man who needs a woman who is in order & is controllable & who will play our games, rules & dramas. You are a man when you accept this other girl we present to you. You are a man when you believe the grass is greener on the other side. You are a man when you don´t be with just one woman in your life. You are a man when you get out when hard times, challenging times & difficult times happen in your relationship. You are a man when you listen to us & obey us. You are a man when you think about yourself. You are a man when you think about what we want from you & not what your Twin Soul union wants.” I could list more, but the point is made clearly. As for the children, which is another type of control, I would say to that, they are not really children, but they are souls that have lived many lives with soul knowledge & when the truth is explained to them clearly, understandably & honestly, then they will get it & not try to control the Twin Soul when he leaves, but if you lie to the children, they won´t understand & will feel left behind or have this never ending need to have a parent in their life. If you explain their parents are really the Universe, they will feel freedom as long as you explain it in a way they understand it. What´s the difference? Earth/planet parents = control & power over all of you, but Universe parents = freedom for all of you! Free the souls!!! In a Twin Soul relationship you have freedoms, so much freedoms, all you get is freedom, but with LITDFS, there is so many different kinds of prisons & controls & powers over you from multiple LITDFS in your life.  
*The most disturbing addiction of all is that of what they give him & what he gives them. They please all his dark fantasies, desires & toxic addictions like negative sex, by negative sex I mean, it´s not a deep soul, mind, emotion & heart connection, how can it be, they are not Twin Souls, but it´s a physical connection. It´s also negative sex when both souls are not soul matched & came to be out of negative energies. It might feel “positive” between them, but it´s negative underneath. The smells would be very negative if one has awakened the ability to psychic smell anyone or anything from any distance in the world & beyond. If he wants them to look eye pleasing they will, if he wants them to smell & taste good, they will, if he wants them to please him with whatever, they will. It´s basically treating them like humanoid robots, but then again, they did dark side train & program him for years to want a humanoid robot. It´s negative sex because they are bothers & sisters to each other, they are supposed to be family souls to each other, but one is a LITDFS & the other is a Twin Soul not meant for that person. Negative sex is actually the biggest addiction the LITDFS can have when it comes to the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them & the Twin Soul Adams programmed, lost & dark minds can also fall prey to that addiction too. They can get lost in it. Other addictions the LITDFS has, is the fact that the Twin Soul Adams they went after has given them the taste of the “good” life, like sex, money, house, materialistic possessions, status, security, stability, fame possibly, power, control, kids, marriage & opportunities. Why on Earth would they ever let that go? They wouldn´t & would do everything in their power to keep him chained to her as long as possible, like have more kids, use her illness to keep him, use the kids to keep him & anything else she can come up with. I say it´s the most disturbing addiction, because it´s the most torturous one between souls. She is attacking his soul & he is attacking her soul when being together & the only ones who would feel those soul pains, soul screams, soul tortures of theirs are their Twin Souls who they are not even with.
I would really like to hear from the Twin Soul Adams around the world, what are your thoughts on this? Is this the life you want in every life? Do you want to be under control & them having  power over you by the s.n.o.k.e.s? Or do you want free will, choice & only want The One meant for you? When you break it all down, you clearly see why the world is a dark, unbalanced mess & why wars on life & Twin Souls continue.    
I noticed how a lot of the DMs when they break up with their DFs & get together with a LITDFS, they accomplish faster, gain more money faster, more success when no wars are upon them anymore. Whenever I hear that in the community, I remember the words Cazuki told me, “Why is it bad people who do bad things get rewarded & get what they want, while good people struggle & get so many challenges upon them?” If Neo listened to the architect & gave up zion, gave up his soul missions & Twin Soul mission, gave up his Trinity & didn´t help free souls that wanted out of the matrix, would he be rewarded? Would he get the “dream” life? (nightmare disguised as a daydream) Would the wars on him & challenges be over? If he chose the cypher path, then yes! Twin Souls are the Neo & Trinity in this world. They want freedom & freedom for all. They want peace, not wars on life, souls & True Loves. They want positive change. They want to create that “zion”, that safe haven for souls wanting out of this dark & unbalanced world, then create more “zions” for more souls who want to be free. They only want each other & no one else. They don´t want the quick & easy path that leads to no change & everything stays the same & it gets worse, but they want the challenging, hard path that brings positive change, peace, unity & freedom. If you think of Twin Souls like the Neo & Trinity, then the LITDFS are the persephonies & the girls in red who are trying to distract you & tear you apart & be with you to take you off your soul missions & Twin Soul mission. The agents are the LITDFS who can be on both sides, be anyone you know, who will also try to come between you two, divide & conquer, pit one against the other to be enemies with one another, plant seeds of doubt in the minds of Twin Souls about each other. Be the Neo´s & the Trinity´s, be The One (two halves of a soul become One) to change it all!
I mentioned in the Twin Soul community that whatever negative intentions, agendas, attacks & energies you put out in the Universe, it will come back to you. How the LITDFS play their “serpent” games is coming to end. The more Twin Souls reveal how those around them negatively behaved towards their unions, the more Twin Souls find out dark magic or any other mind attacks & mind programmings impacted their unions are revealed, the more Twin Souls investigate their own brake ups, the more Twin Souls uncover other ways LITDFS come between Twin Souls, the more Twin Souls share their stories to the world, the more Twin Souls tell the truths of what it was like being in a relationship with a LITDFS, the more Twin Souls reveal what their souls went through when being with LITDFS with soul truth testing, communication with their higher selves, hypnosis, psychic soul speaking & soul to soul communication, the more Twin Souls admit their minds were controlled, programmed, manipulated & negatively influenced which is not weakness, but it is incompleteness, the more Twin Souls admit other reasons why they got together with LITDFS, the more Twin Souls share their investigations to the world & the more Twin Souls wake up & are free, then Twin Soul wars will come to an end & a Twin Soul world can begin.
There is a lot of misguided & misleading information in the Twin Soul community, especially when they talk about LITDFS cycles & what was owed & debts or even contracts, meaning they believe you have to be in a relationship with a LITDFS, because you did something you shouldn´t have in a previous life to them? Do they really believe the Universe is hell? I mean, I haven´t even mentioned about timelines & Universe lines being crossed yet, which results in one of the reasons for why souls get tortured & inner child abused in the first place when being with a LITDFS. The other reason being they are controlled, manipulated, dark side trained & programmed against their free will/choice to be with a LITDFS & not their Twin Soul. When life is controlled in so many ways against their free will & choice, how can they justify that that is part of the Universe plan or karma? Cazuki broke the heart of a LITDFS in a previous life by leaving her, so he has to make up for it by being with her again, but this time it´s for a life time? What the hell!!! If he left her in a previous life, that means he was able to break free from her & gain his freedom. What LITDFS did with her life was her choice, but if her life turned bitter, angry, negative, because she didn´t get to be with him for a life time, that´s not his fault & it was never meant to be between them. What she should of done with her life, was work on her soul missions, be better, do better, be good to life, do good in this life & self reflect on her own life to figure out who was it that was her One in her life, that made her feel complete, whole & home, who was the lighter one to her darker one? Then she should of fought for him or if she hadn´t met him yet, to live her life & one day meet him. Universe is not dark, hell or unbalanced & for anyone to believe that´s how life works is seriously misguided & lost. If people believe this, then Twin Souls can never be Sacred, Devine or Universe Blessed, because their unions will always be negatively tainted & corrupted with the negative energies & codes from the LITDFS on them when LITDFS target them all the time. Twin Soul wars would never be over if they think that´s how the Universe works when that´s not how it is at all. Twin Souls are not meant to ever be with their bothers & sisters of the Universe, not ever! So please stop finding new insane ways & reasons why Twin Souls have to be with the LITDFS in relationships.
I find it incredibly disturbing how the LITDFS in the readings, many are trying various ways to still hold on to the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them & will use any means to have him stay. Like threats, for example they could target your name & reputation, they could tell lies about you to everyone, they could manipulate people to believe anything about you, they could reveal to everyone all the dark negative deeds you wanted them to do for you or what you did to them, they could lie & report you for “abuse” on them or the children, they could expose you to everyone in a different way, they could threaten to end their lives, they could even attempt at ending their lives, they could lawyer up & take everything from you, they could steal your ideas, invention plans or anything they can use to make money off of you & to hurt you, they could be violent & attack you & they could threaten to hurt the children or even pets. There is no limit to the desperation of a lost in the dark family soul clinging on to a Twin Soul Adam not meant for her ever, who provided for them, was there for them, gave them the “good” luxury status symbol life of a dark “queen” & they don´t want to lose that. Adults don´t behave like this, but they let go & have self worth for themselves, especially when they know the guy does not want them, does not love them or to be with them ever.
8 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
Whenever you hear a LITDFS say, “you have no right to come with any opinions or have any right to say anything since you don´t have children yourself. When you have children then you have a voice & a right to speak!”, does it ever make you feel like they have no idea, they don´t see the bigger picture of it all? We all have souls, we all have soul history & we all have had children in our other past lives. When we are born again, we take that soul history, wisdom, truth, knowledge & memories with us every single time. We know things & those who do wake up, grow, learn & evolve in their souls will know more about those that don´t & that´s why there will be souls that know more than LITDFS who have children. Here are just examples:
Awakened soul: “I feed my children vegan & organic food, because I think about my children´s health, mentally, emotionally, physically, energetically & spiritually!”
Asleep soul: “I feed my children with whatever I want & you can´t tell me what foods I can or cannot feed my children with. You don´t know best, I know best!”
Awakened soul: “I don´t vaccinate my children, because I don´t buy into the lie that the LITDFS tell everyone & I don´t want to poison my child´s Sacred, Devine temple bodies. I always question everything & everyone & I do research & my own investigation before making smart choices.”
Asleep soul: “I listen to any medical professions that know best about my child´s health & I will let them do whatever to my child to keep my child safe!”
Awakened soul: “I will teach my children about True Love, The One, what it´s all about, how to fight for The One, protect unions, stay single until you meet The One who is single too & everything they need to know about Twin Souls. I will show them True Love stories & read them books & show them books about True Love.”
Asleep soul: “I will teach my children that we are not meant to just be with one person for our entire life, we are meant to experience & learn “lessons”, then leave. If they fall in love with someone who is in a relationship or has a family, I would say all is fair in love & war & if that couple breaks apart or that family breaks apart, then it was never meant to be. I would teach my children that you can have many loves & it´s about their needs, wants & dreams. If a relationship gets too hard, challenging, too difficult, I would teach them to leave & find an easy path in life. I would teach my children that if the person they are with is not to our liking, then the children should listen to us, because we always know best & we will know what they like. I would teach them to have high standards & be with someone who is in “order”, is “perfect” & when we approve of that person, then it is acceptable for them to be together.”
How Twin Soul Adams treat their Twin Soul Eves will reveal with how their upbringing was like & what more “education” they get from their “parents”, because when you continue to see them like your “parents”, you will always continue to be “raised” by them with their “advice” & suggestions & what they want from you & what path they want you to take. Cazuki never got education from them when it came to True Love, what True Love is all about, what you do for True Love, when do you know if you found True Love & how to fight for it. He also never enjoyed watching True Loves stories, so he never really got to awaken that part for his soul that knew what he should do when finding that once in a life time Twin Soul True Love. It´s basically like trying to fly a plane with no education, knowledge, training & the outcome will always be the same, crash & burn. When children are not getting the information from their upbringings & not even in school & they don´t self teach themselves by researching & investigating the knowledge with stories, talking to True Love Twin Soul couples & reading other writings about True Love, then they will never know. Cazuki enjoyed watching the story red about an agent who was retired & the agent developed feelings for someone over the phone that dealt with his retirement check that he “didn´t get” in the mail, but was an excuse for him to talk to her & learn more about her. He even does research on what she´s into so he could learn more about her, like read the same romance novels that she reads. For example, if Cazuki reads my tumblr & wanted to know more about True Love, he would watch the stories I suggested. Watching stories is a faster way to learn if you don´t have the time to read or you don´t enjoy reading. If Twin Soul Adams want the One for them for a life time, then research, investigate stories, writings & talk to other Twin Soul couples who know about the Twin Soul wars & who are awake. Of course do research & investigate your own Twin Soul & what they like, their interests, favourites, hobbies & more to get to know them more. Knowing this you could then start courting them, romancing them & connect with them. Be the gentleman, come into your own Devine Masculine energies, your Twin Soul King energies & bring courtship back to your Twin Soul Queen. If she likes letters, write letters to her, if she likes wild flowers especially daises, then pick her wild flowers with lots of daisies, if she likes flying, take her flying, if she likes walks in the woods & mountains, take her to the mountains for a romantic picnic & if she loves the ocean, then take her scuba diving or snorkelling with wild dolphins. Whatever your Twin Soul interests are, it can lead to romantic outings no matter how small or big or romantic gifts homemade or bought & it doesn´t have to be expensive even. You know you are with your Twin Soul when they not only love your romantic grand or small meaningful gestures, but they too will do the same for you, because Twin Souls have such a deep soul bond & connection, that their True Love for each other is endless & would want to express that between them. It´s not just one sided, but both will be equally giving & both will always want to keep giving more & more, flowing each other endlessly with their True Love. This is a Twin Soul True Love & this is what it was like between Cazuki & I.
What can happen when a Twin Soul Adam finally somehow breaks free from a LITDFS? Well, first he should have a party, even if it´s just a dance party with him dancing in his living room as wacky & fun as he can be. He has freedom now, the negative energies are peeling off of him the more he is alone. The more he stays away from the LITDFS & does not have her in his life or hears from her, the more positive he becomes & lighter & can raise his positive vibration frequency higher. He will be able to think clearer & feel better, gain clarity & perspective. The wars are not over yet thou, because word is now out that he is free, single & he will be targeted in other ways, like the LITDFS may still push her way back into his life & be persistent not wanting to let go & be his friend, call him up, go see him, continue to live near him & try to be in his life as much as possible to see if he will take her back. He will also encounter more LITDFS that are waiting in line to have their turn with him, so he shouldn´t be surprised when girls flirt and make it known they want him & to be with him. Then you have family & friends might try to talk him back into being with her again or tell him something like, “the best way to get over someone is to get under someone else” which is just gross & a westworld mentality. The best way to get over a LITDFS is self reflection, going within, seeking wisdom in your soul & the Universe. Asking yourself how did you get into this mess in the first place? What were all the steps you took & what were all their words & actions from the LITDFS around him that negatively influenced him to break up with his Twin Soul & be with a LITDFS instead? He should start his own Twin Soul investigation & start to write his own Book Of Twin Souls. By writing everything down, you will gain more clarity & perspective & truths about yourself & your Twin Soul & everyone who took part in destroying you two apart. It´s also therapeutic. The Twin Soul Adam´s body, mind, energies, emotions & soul has been used, abused & tortured for however long they have been together, so much damage has been done added to him in another life, so much healing needs to repair what they all broke again. At the moment, there is no place in the world that deals with such crimes against the soul yet, but until then, he can start to write, reflect, meditate, cleanse, detox, stay single, work on his soul missions, gain clarity & perspective & truths, research, investigate, observe, clear any blockages on his chakras, learn how to awaken his own abilities to heal, telepathy, psychic seeing, hearing, speaking, smelling & remote viewing, how to defend oneself against mind attacks, basically come into his GreyJedai abilities. He could take a Soul Hermit Mission, he could move away from those who are negative & who keep trying to control him in someway. He could move countries, change jobs, start a new life and if he decides he does want his Twin Soul back, to then come up with a mission plan to fight for her & never give her up again for anything or anyone. 
11 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
Listening to Reylo “Hope In Front Of Me” on repeat...
“I loved so many with my body, mind & ego, but my soul only loves you!” Dio Vesselinov
This quote really does explain the difference between what happens in our minds & what happens in our souls. To call it love when you are with the few or the many is not being true to the word or the meaning behind it. Especially when the minds keep being impacted in so many different negative ways by so many different LITDFS in their lives & by society in general. Programmed “love” or being with someone out of fear, control, obligation, tradition or any other type of control/programming is not love at all, it´s not even real, but dishonest & negative unbalanced energies attached to it. When I think about this quote, I am reminded of what Cazuki told me, like he was reminding me in his own way when he & I were together, that I was the only one his soul would ever love, his soul would ever want, his soul would ever be intimate with, his soul would ever be turned on by, his soul would ever be with forever, eternity & infinite. The LITDFS have no idea what love is really, how could they, they keep going after the same soul who doesn´t even match up to their souls or their energies & a soul who doesn´t want to be with them at all & never will, because they have their own Twin Soul meant for them.
How do LITDFS behave like?
“Family” (LITDFS)
-Manipulation: I knew manipulation was something that was brought to this world by lost beings who were darker & manipulation was never a part of the Atlantien way of life on Earth. So much negative energies/codes are connected to those actions & words by anyone using the manipulation tactic. I witnessed myself manipulation being used as a way for LITDFS around me to get their way. Cazuki´s & my “family” would both use it in various ways to accomplish their agendas. If we didn´t play their games & dramas, they would use manipulation to get their way, which Cazuki did fall for, but I had to say something, because unlike him, I never fell for the dark side training to obey & please the LITDFS around me growing up. I knew I was right to question & challenge them & their negative & unbalanced behaviours that was extremely dark & destructive to life. Of course I was punished for my rebel defiance as a child, but that didn´t stop me to continue to speak up, because I knew I was right in my soul wisdom. His “family” would also use manipulation as a way to break us up, divide & conquer us. 
-Energy vampirism: I have noticed on my side & his, that they do enjoy some form of life energy draining from people. It´s like they can enjoy the pains, sufferings, struggles, sadness, heartbreaks & challenges of life (including animals), but their energy feeding becomes a feast when they especially break up Twin Soul unions. It´s their dessert, their dinner & treats all in one. 
-Self-serving: One of the reasons why the world is so dark & unbalanced is because of LITDFS & their self-serving nature. It´s all about them, their wants, their needs, their desires, their dreams, their fantasies & agendas & they don´t care who or what they destroy to get it. History & present day paints a clear picture of lost in the dark souls in control ruling countries & how those countries, people, animals & the environments is being treated reveals to everyone who are really controlling them. Are they acting like s.n.o.k.e. types or like the Padme´s/Leia´s/Rey´s all in one in this world? This holds true in any part of our society & family/friends circles, again who are the s.n.o.k.e. types & who are the Padme´s/Leia´s/Rey´s all in one in this world. I remembered how Cazuki & I would check in on an environmental protection organisation holding a lecture years ago. The lecturers would brag about using chemicals & fire to destroy foreign plants & murder any foreign wild animals coming into the country. They would bulldoze nature on an entire island to clear away for birds to have a place to stay. This tore me up inside & I could feel the pains behind my eyes. Of course I said something how that wasen´t right, but the laughs in the room were evident, they didn´t care & were defiantly part of the LITDFS collective that are lost in the dark. How can they be called environmental protection when they destroy, but should be called environmental & life destroyers. Same experience I had when investigating several animal protection organisations, Cazuki also volunteered once. Lost in the dark souls causing more harm than good & not really bringing positive change. The LITDFS running it, was more into the attention/fame she got when helping the animals, then actually helping the animals. I came with many suggestions to light speed change, work together with other animal organisations, combine volunteers, members & resources. She wasen´t interested & several others laughed at my suggestions. They would actually keep the animals imprisoned & not let anyone adopt many of them, but she would say they are now hers, after two years of not being adopted they were all hers. All those cats not having homes or being cared for, because they were alone most of the time. So I found out what goes on behind the scenes in some environmental & animal organisations. People absolutely have a right to question all organisations & every single one of them should be investigated & those in charge should be soul truth tested to see if they really are helping or harming in anyway & keeping the dark status quo ongoing, because they are the reason why light speed change is not happening. Years ago I envisioned an organisation that would include all people around the world & help all areas of life, then I came across avaaz.org. 
“Friends” (LITDFS)
-Manipulation: Like “families”, “friends” can plant seeds of doubt in the minds in their friends about the Twin Souls their friends are with. They can make you doubt, question & rethink your relationship with your Twin Soul. They can build you up while tearing the Twin Soul you are with down. They can make it all about you, feeding your egos, desires & fears. They can give you information about their experiences with being in relationships & advice you what works & what doesn´t, even thou they have no idea about Twin Souls or what True Love is all about, so they have no wisdom to share on that topic & would end up giving bad advice & manipulating their friends to listen to their “wise” guidance. 
-Energy vampirism: Like “families”, “friends” can also take part in enjoying the takedown of Twin Souls & feed on those energies. If anyone has “friends” that are against your relationship in any way with your Twin Soul, they are not really your friends. They have no idea what real friendship is & actually finding real friends is a rare find. There is just too much lies, manipulations, deceptions, secrets, self-serving nature in the world & LITDFS pretending to be your friend all the while plotting & planning to take you down somehow & break up Twin Soul unions. I´ve to come to realise, it´s almost like a sport they enjoy when going after Twin Souls & even a competition on which LITDFS can break up the most Twin Soul unions. Is there any wonder we wear masks in front of people that are supposed to be our “friends”?
-Self-serving: One of the many reasons for “friends” of a Twin Soul Adam or Eve (but I´ll mostly mention the Adams but it holds true to Eves too) for example to break up the Twin Soul union, is they want his attention full time, because when the Adam is with his True Love Eve, that is time being taken away from his “friends”. This way, with the Eve out of the way, they can get his attention whenever they want & have him be a part of their lives even if he didn´t want to, but they would invite him to do all sorts of things with them, never really giving him a choice. They can have him help them all out with careers, goals & dreams. This also includes the “family” that wanted his full attention on them & not give any attention to his True Love at all. They would also be able to get anything they want from him to promote their careers & goals & dreams, so he can´t complete his Twin Soul mission with his Eve, but spends his time pleasing the LITDFS & their dreams & goals which just keeps the unbalance & darkness continuing on, when he should be on Twin Soul world mission & his other soul missions. 
“Love” (LITDFS)
-Manipulation: Family souls really have no idea what love is or what True Love is, if they did, they would never want to be with the many or just anyone, they would never break up Twin Soul unions, they would never control & program someone or even trick someone to give them love, they would never go after someone who is in a relationship, they would never use love as a weapon to be used against someone to get their way, they would never go to war on Twin Souls, they would never use love as a way to get more attention from a Twin Soul in a disturbing & destructive manner, they would never use love manipulation to repair the bond between them & the Twin Soul from the wars & damage done to him, they would never use love as way to control who should be with who, they would never use love as a way to get things, have their agendas accomplished, fill up their wants, needs, desires, dreams & fantasies, they would never force a Twin Soul to be with a family soul & they would never use love as a way to control & have more power over Twin Souls. If they knew love, the world would have been in peace & balance a long time ago. If they knew love, Atlantis would of never been destroyed & the Earth (Eden) would not of turned into hell, but remained a blue/green heavenly paradise for all souls.
-Energy vampirism: When LITDFS are with Twin Souls not meant for them, they will take the life energies from his Eve when they are being with an Adam not meant for the LITDFS or the Adams will take the life force from his Eves to give to him & the LITDFS he is with or both. More verification & investigation needed, but that was what happened to me when his programmed mind was enjoying being with her while his soul & my soul was screaming. The Eves will feel it & if the Adams know about this & know what they are doing, that´s just some serious dark energies. It can be compared to Kira being strapped to a contraption in The Dark Crystal & having her life energy drained from her, you can see it in the eyes & consequences from that occurs when life energies are drained from the eyes. Just more reasons why Twin Souls should never unite so quickly unless the Adams are in it for a life time & will fight for their Eves. It´s basically taking the youth from the Eves to give to the LITDFS the Adams are with & to give youth to himself. Protect yourselves Eves, tap into your Rey energies & don´t be so quick to get into union/reunion with them, otherwise suffer the consequences & repeat hell.
-Self-serving: It does take courage to be alone & not know if you will ever meet your Twin Soul True Love in your life, that One meant for you. It takes a lot of trust in the Universe to believe you will meet your True Love. It is hard work & a challenge to do the spiritual work & evolve your souls, work on your soul missions, but it´s always worth it, because you will meet the other half of you, your one half of perfection. I know all souls can do this, because if they can do the work to accomplish in their skills, careers & goals, then can do the same for their souls. This is what both Cazuki & I went through before getting together. Fear, being alone, taking the quick & easy path in life & going after Twin Souls not meant for you & breaking up unions, will always lead to darkness, unbalance & wars. Questions becomes, who are you & who do you wish to be? A snoke? Or a Padme/Leia/Rey all in one? I also know, there is a way to actually meet your Twin Soul when you are kids & be in each others lives for your whole life, I know this, because it happened between Cazuki & I. Who has this power? Truth needs out, freedom needs to happen & no more prison planet!
I noticed how it was the 11th today, Twin Soul number & this morning before I woke up I had a dream about Cazuki. The dreams I mostly have of him are very intimate in nature & it´s like our way of our souls meeting between time & space being away from every LITDFS wanting to control us again in another life & wanting to be with us again in relationships. I can never get my mind used to that fact & I will never accept it, because it is perverse what they are doing to souls on Earth. 
“Excile is not abandonment of others, but the exit from the programming of the society about your soul” Dio Vasselinov
I mentioned before about taking a Soul Hermit Mission away from the LITDFS who wish for you to be with others, to find someone else, to forget about your Twin Soul & create a new life story, if you hear any of these from those around you, then you are surrounded by LITDFS collective who have their own agendas & may have been a part of tearing your Twin Soul union apart. WhenTwin Souls are around the LITDFS who are putting pressure on them to be with anybody else & forget their Twin Soul, but they don´t want anybody else, they only love their Twin Soul & would feel it wouldn´t be honest being with other people. Taking a Soul Hermit Mission away from any LITDFS, means you are able to free yourself from controls, programmings, dark side trainings & more when you self reflect, go inwards, seek soul wisdom & Universe wisdom & surround yourself with positive Twin Souls who are awake in their souls & hearts & who will understand you. LITDFS can´t understand you, how can they? They are never with their own Twin Soul, but they always go after your Twin Soul. Families, friends, co-workers, anyone who is trying to control & steer you in a anyway is in your way of your soul path, your soul missions, your Twin Soul mission & your heavenly spiritual path with your Twin Soul. 
For anyone to believe Twin Souls need to “experience” what “love” is with others, because any Twin Soul says it´s not their job to teach them. That experience comment reminds me of westworld & what´s wrong with this world. That´s exactly what the LITDFS have been doing to Twin Souls for so long, they´ve had many life times having different kinds of experiences with our DMs in their different bodies, but the DMs souls have no wish to be with them ever. These experiences are never enough for them, they always want more, more rides, more turns, more ways to full fill their dark desires with DMs not meant for them. When their minds are not their own, how can it be right or sane or accepted? There is no “love” to have with the LITDFS, Twin Souls would know that if they felt their Twin Souls soul pains & soul tortures. How many more times are we to be put asleep, reset, know nothing to then be put back into circulation with them again & “experience, learn lessons, karma fake crap”? Twin Souls are all about teaching each other, but I see it more like awakening than teaching, because we already know in our souls (we have soul wisdom & knowledge, we have lived so many life times knowing this already before), it´s only mind prisons, walls, programmings, dark side trainings, issues, traumas & any other negative baggage crap that was dumped on us by LITDFS in our lives that are preventing our souls from awakening again. Twin Souls awaken each other as fast as as speed of light when they know what is going on everywhere & when one is more intuitive than the other. What one soul has, the other doesn´t & vice versa. That is another reason why LITDFS want Twin Souls to break up & be kept apart, they don´t want Twin Souls to awaken each other at all, because if they were awake, then they could see the LITDFS & what games, dramas, tactics, self serving agendas & wars were being played on them. 
“They may program me to marry a billion times & program me to “love” a billion LITDFS, but there will only be One that I will only Truly Love in a billion way & who I would only wish to marry & that is you my Twin Soul, it´s always you, never forget that!” Twin Soul
17 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
I did a Twin Soul Devine Masculine reading today & asked the questions, how can the Twin Soul Adams break free from the LITDFS around him & with him? How can the Twin Soul Eves help break him free? The cards that came out were 8 of pentacles, 6 of pentacles, 8 of cups, 4 of cups & 3 of swords along with an oracle card “let go of control issues.” The life codes I read was, he needs money to be free of them, he could give them money enough so they can live their life time with security without wanting anymore from him so he can then walk away from them, he needs to end things with those around him that are toxic & are keeping their controls on him. If any of the DMs were wondering how they can break free from the LITDFS around them, money seems to always come up, which isen´t a surprise since that´s what they care about the most, money, wealth, status, luxury life styles, materialistic possessions, having an empire & rich homes. If they cared about Cazuki at all, what his soul wanted, they would of not gone to war again on our Twin Soul union. 
I also asked how can DFs help DMs break free from the LITDFS. The cards that came out were 4 of pentacles clarified with The Lovers, 8 of wands, page of pentacles clarified with the chariot and 7 of cups clarified with the oracle card “This could be the One.” The life codes were, DFs need to hold on to their Twin Soul unions & not let go of them, because that´s what LITDFS want. The DFs can help with fast communication with him, but doesn´t have to be directly, can be like having a social media page where he sees & reads DFs thoughts, feelings & actions. The DFs can also help by going to see DMs & fight for them with the chariot (like how Rey mailed herself to go rescue Kylo who was trapped with snoke) and another way was shining bright like a star amongst the choices in the 7 of cups so he sees DFs are The One & not what the LITDFS collective have darkened the DMs minds for years saying to them that the DFs are not the ones for them. If the DMs are clouded in their minds, because of all the dark side trainings, programmings & negative energies, shining bright like a star could light his way home back to you. That can be compared to Kylo having a shock moment when he sees Rey grab the lightsaber from him in the woods.
A lot of Twin Souls have commented on how the LITDFS seem to have all the time in the world, of course they would, they are not working on their soul missions and are not with their own Twin Soul to work on their Twin Soul mission. It´s like they are all at Soul Evolving University, but instead of studying, working, learning, growing, evolving & awakening their souls, their soul intelligence, their soul wisdom & their soul enlightenment, they are instead spending their time still failing miserably in class & spending their time & negative energies focusing on the DMs not meant for them & the DFs who are not even bothering with the LITDFS at all but the DFs are staying away from them, because the DFs are busy working on all their souls missions & Twin Soul mission. You know you have come into your Devine Feminine energies when you spend your time & positive energies with your many soul missions & Twin Soul mission and your time is always busy & takes up the whole day. 
Devine Feminine energies:
*You are compassionate, caring, empathy & understanding, but also strong, determined, passionate, stubborn, rebel, defiant & brave.
*You are busy the whole day working, working on your soul missions & Twin Soul mission.
*You only want The One meant for you, no one else. You only want your Twin Soul.
*You never come between Twin Soul couples to be with one of them not meant for you.
*You are honest, trustworthy, kind, committed, freedom loving, communicative, sensitive & vulnerable.
*You are a heart warrior, a flying angel, a rule breaker & change maker, protector of life & Twin Souls & planet.
*You are the breaker, breaking down negative structures that are negative to any part of life, society, the planet, to souls, to Twin Souls & beyond.
*You bring chaos to challenge the order that is negative to life, planet, souls & Twin Souls.
*You fight for True Love Twin Soul, for free will, for choice, for positive change, for what is right in this world, for balance, for freedoms, for your souls missions & Twin Soul mission & for protection for all life & all souls & the planet.
*You are the Queen of swords energies: “communicative, bringer of truth & clarity, insightful, intellectual, honest, truthful, candid, protective, independent, chatty, communicative, witty, funny, principled, fair, constructive criticism, strong, quirky, realistic, objective, discerning, problem solver, sceptical, intelligent, sharp wit, self-reliant, open-minded, sophisticated, strong gaian mother energies (protector of all life), being realistic, discerning or sceptical and  you could receive constructive criticism from someone and you would do well to listen to it. Open-mindedness and self-reliance. You may have known loss or suffering yourself and have gained much inner strength and wisdom from your experiences. You are someone who will always defend those who cannot defend themselves. You have strong empathy and are a great person to have in their corner if they are vulnerable as you will defend them. However, if they are in the wrong, they can expect you to call them out on it with your direct & clear cutting honest words! You can have quite a sharp tongue on you at times. You are strong, quick-witted, principled, fair, funny, sophisticated, independent and capable and will not be clingy or needy. Queen of Swords energies are the Queens of cutting people & situations out of their lives fast if it´s negative & draining them & not looking back, but moving forward to a brighter & positive future.”
*You are the Queen of Cups energies: “Mature emotional feminine, security, femininity, loving, friendly, wise, warmth, sensitivity, kindness, happiness, intuition, romance, committed, faithful, shy, easily wounded, daydreamer, psychic, empath, creative artistic, inspirational, healer, listener, counsellor, caring, supportive, good caring gaian mother energies (protector of all life on the planet & the planet) You are mindful of how you treat yourself and others or to treat people with compassion and sympathy, but will be awake to those around you that are manipulative & taking advantage of your good heart & taking it for granted. You are more sensitive than you let on to the outside world and that harsh actions or hurtful comments affect you more than you show to the outside world, but will let your emotions flow out of sight & out of mind & with your beloved. You have a tendency to daydream and have a big imagination. You are kind, caring and supportive, sentimental, sensitive soul and a good listener, empathetic to the feelings of others. You are affectionate, loving and warm. You can be shy and have a tendency to daydream. You are creative, artistic and intuitive and appreciates the beauty in life.” 
*You are the Queen of wands energies: “Energetic, vivacious, strong, courageous, passionate, funny, independent, confident, optimistic, outgoing, assertive, sexy, chaotic, hot tempered, forgetful, efficient, accomplishing many tasks, efficiency, motherhood, fertility, a lot of balls in the air, helping others, organising your life & taking charge. You are optimistic, outgoing and full of energy. You will be accomplishing many tasks. Being efficient and helping others. Can be chaotic and forgetful as the amount of things you have taken on might take their toll after a while. You have an abundance of sex appeal and a great sense of humour. You have an abundance of energy and a brilliant multi-tasker.”
“Yin Yang, masculine and feminine, is the energy of a whole being expressing itself. Whether you are male or female, it is contained within you and this is not about, as always, labels. You were born out of an explosion of sexual energy, you are the end result of a meeting of a woman and a man, and therefore you carry the energy of both of them, just like they do. Suppressing one of the two aspects doesn't make you healthy. For example if you are a woman and you are not strong in your power, allowing anyone to treat you as they please, then you are not expressing the masculine within you. In the same way, if you are a man and you can not express in a healthy way your emotions, then you are not healthy at all and you are suppressing your feminine. The point is that in our society the Goddess, the feminine energy of Creation, has been suppressed. Religions took over the spiritual aspect of life in order to establish a caste to have the monopoly of the teachings of the great masters of the past, whom didn't found any religion. This was done to manipulate what they taught, so that the masses would be kept away to experience expanded states of consciousness: our power has been suppressed. Indeed for each religion we have a correspondent spiritual group: for the Christians we have the Gnostics, for the Islam we have the Sufis,  Judaism and Kabbalah. All of this are non canonical, non recognized by religions, they indeed do not respond to religions, and they talk about the Divine Feminine. Gaia, the Goddess, wanted to experience creation so a part of her consciousness, took the body of a planet, planet Earth. One of the characteristics of the feminine archetype is indeed the Mother. She indeed nurtures us as the Earth does: she is conscious and alive and she gives us a shelter, a place to have fun, food, water: she nurtures us. She keeps us alive! Woman is the creatrix, she is the one that gives birth to this physical reality we live in. The womb of the woman, along with her sexual organs, is so sacred and yet today can be rented. Why? Because the womb is a stargate, literally. It is what a soul uses to come into a physical body to experience the physical dimension. Once again, through the merging of masculine and feminine energy! Divine Feminine is also linked to water, which is the element of the emotional world. Women are known to be very well connected to their emotions, which is great because are the fuel of life. Love is what makes you push toward your dreams. Especially men, have been taught that expressing emotions is a sign of weakness, that is why we have so much trouble in our relationships. Expressing emotions is a sign of maturity, since we don't have anything to hide, moreover they are the very reason we are here: without them we act like robots. Another attribute is intuition: indeed it is linked to what the heart tells and it doesn't follow any logic reasoning. The feminine is also linked with healing: woman are the healers of the world because they are capable to awaken the greatest force within themselves and within others: love. And love is the highest healing energy aviable. Another reason why the Divine Feminine has been suppressed is because women have been stripped of their power. Through history they have been always subjugated by men treating them as objects (still today through marriage which is a contract - no love there!) and denying their basic rights. This, in turn, acted as an impediment for men to express their Divinity, the Divine Masculine, because if you try to steal power from another you are just expressing how powerless you are. Taking something that is not yours from another, doesn't give you more, it makes you less than what you were in the beginning, because you are giving yourself away in doing that. This is why the revolution of consciousness is resulting in women awakening and taking back their power, they know their worth and they know they have nothing to fear. Since the Goddess is the creative force, guess what, creativity is her signature! Oh yes, any creative work involving art, music, photography, creative content, spirituality is a good way to awaken this force in you. Also please consider the fact that seeing women, and this energy, as weak, or less than us men, is a program we need to clear. Their reaction to difficulties is very different, and they can go through troubles a lot easier than us. Creativity is also connected with sensuality and sexuality. Women can wake up men to their vulnerability and openness in order to let them express the creative force -sexual energy- they have inside in a healthy and scared way. To awaken the Goddess, connect with your spiritual side. Go out in nature and walk barefoot on the grass. Listen to the wind, look at the stars: be a witness of beauty. Celebrate your own and see beauty everywhere. Do what you love, unleash your creativity and do something crazy! Learn how to express your emotions, how to listen and speak to and from the heart. Take care of your body and yourself on all levels. The Goddess is the catalyst, the muse, the drive and the ispiration of man. She is the awakening force that leads you to have your own experience of what this Universe is all about. She is what allows you to stand in your real power because it helps you to find it within not to take it from others. Her symbol is the Moon, a calming shooting energy.” 
18 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report...
Twin Souls, come into your Devine Masculine energies!
Devine Masculine energies:
“While the Feminine is inward directed, masculine is outward directed. It's characteristic is indeed movement. It is the kind of energy that moves from A to B, that rushes forward to a goal. How does it do this? Through logic! If the Feminine is right brained, emotional, creative, the Masculine is left brain; understanding through logic, calculator. This is good because logic and reasoning are a tool needed to move through life, especially when it comes to planning and achieving something. The point is that on our planet, this force has been disconnected from it's real nature. Indeed the heart-mind connection has been cutted resulting in a mind-driven society. A 3D mind that sees everything through the lens of separation and judgment. Yes we all have that and we are here to clear it. That is why the Divine Masculine has not yet reached it's full potential on planet Earth. What we have today is a patriarchal, ego based controlling energy that we call man/male. To awaken this God force, we need to bring all the energy we have stuck in our head, back into our hearts: in other words we have to reconnect to the Divine Feminine. Only in this way the male energy can flourish and express itself.”
“Another trait is strength. Not only physical, but that strength that comes from inside, from spirit. That spiritual gift that can make you go through the challenges of your ascension. No matter the obstacles, the Divine Masculine can and will overcome them all. Connected to strength we have protection: man is a warrior and he fights the good fight. He doesn't fight others, he only fights for the truth, for himself and for the people. He is the protector, the guardian, of the voiceless, and above everything of his beloved and of his family.“
“Power is what allows the Divine Masculine to stand up for himself, for what is right; he sets up clearly defined boundaries and no one can walk through them. He fights the good fight, he would never attack another, in his truest form, but if you try to abuse him, or those he loves,  he will prevent you from doing that. He is a King: he doesn't bend, bow or kneel to anyone. At the same time he doesn't want anyone to bow, kneel or worship him. That is the inner power: it comes from knowing who you are, it is not taken from another, it is not obtained with trickery. Being able to move from objective to objective, one of his main traits is determination. Along with that he uses focus; when he knows where he wants to go nothing can stop him, because through his power, determination, and since he never loses sight of his destination -focus-, he will always reach for his dreams. It is also important to mention that the Divine Masculine carries the quality of resilience. With his toughness he can quickly recover from difficulties.”
“Being the God energy he embodies His aspect: light. Light is information; that is why he can easily connect and feel connected to all that is. Divine Masculine is indeed also a mystic and sage that is constantly searching to improve, learn and expand himself. He is the High Priest, and together with his counterpart, the High Priestess, they hold the secret codes of the Mystery Schools, needed to reach Divine Union and the highest level of Ascension.”
*You are busy the whole day working, working on your soul missions & Twin Soul mission.
*You only want The One meant for you, no one else. You only want your Twin Soul.
*You never come between Twin Soul couples to be with one of them not meant for you.
*You are honest, trustworthy, committed, freedom loving, communicative.
*You are a heart warrior, a flying angel, a rule follower as long as the rules don´t harm any life, souls, Twin Souls, the planet & you are a positive change maker, protector of life & Twin Souls & planet & beyond.
*You bring order to challenge the negative structures that are negative to life, planet, souls & Twin Souls beyond.
*You fight for True Love Twin Soul, for free will, for choice, for positive change, for what is right in this world, for balance, for freedoms, for your souls missions & Twin Soul mission & for protection for all life & all souls & the planet & beyond.
*You are King of Swords energies: “You are structure, routine, intelligent, rational, logical, power, authority, strength, manners, conversation, discerning, detached, cool, honesty, integrity, ethics, morals, values, clinical, stern, methodical, self-discipline, head over heart, use your head, strong gaian father energies (protector of all life).”
“You are methodical, using your head, mind over matter and the head over the heart. You are logic and reason, integrity, ethics and morals. You are a mature Devine Masculine who is cool, self-disciplined, intelligent, honest and strong. You are rational, logical and a deep thinker. You do not like to publicly display your emotions and prefers to use your intellect over your emotions to deal with situations. You are a great conversationalist and fiercely committed and protective of your loved ones. You do well in structured environments and needs to have a routine to operate at your best. You can be clinical and stern. In the extreme negative, you can be a bully or a tyrant and can be cold or distant if someone is too irrational for your liking. But generally you are analytical and fair-minded. You take your responsibilities seriously, is dependable and plays by the rules.”
*You are King of Cups energies: “You are mature, compassionate, calm, caring, friendly, sympathetic, wise, tolerant, diplomatic, balanced, affectionate, romantic, charming, devoted, family orientated, generous, easy going, married man, good husband/partner/father, committed, faithful, spiritual guide, counsellor, strong gaian father energies (protector of all life).”   
“You have kindness, compassion and wisdom. You can be finding the balance between your mind and your heart. You can gain a deeper level of emotional maturity. You are more sympathetic to others and tolerant. You are emotion, creativity, artistic ability and intuition but in a more balanced form. You are caring, affectionate and empathetic. You are a good listener, diplomatic and easy going. You can give sound advice and act as a calming influence in your life. You are well liked and gets along with the majority of people.”
*You are King of Wands energies: “You are energetic, experienced, optimistic, confident, strong, friendly, funny, charming, way with words, fearless, freethinking, motivated, action-orientated, proud, passionate, honest, committed, lenient, dependable, protective, natural born leader, self-centred, controlling, hot tempered, taking control, daring to be different.”
“You have the energy, experience and enthusiasm to accomplish what you set out to achieve at this time. You are taking control of your life. You will motivate those around you, lead the way forward and set a good example for those who look up to you. You do not worry about other people’s opinion of you and you dare to be different. You are confident, strong, energetic and optimistic and a natural born leader. You are friendly by nature, funny, charming and good with words. You are also fearless, freethinking, motivated and action-orientated. You have an independent streak and as such, you need your freedom and will not tolerate neediness. You are usually supportive of those around you and have learned to be lenient. You can be self-centred, hot-tempered and controlling. At your best, when you are allowed your freedom, you are proud, passionate, honest, loyal, dependable and protective.”
19 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
“You need a real woman!” which was said to Cazuki by Mitsuko, Junko´s sister. I laughed in my soul when I found that out. Those girls have really no idea what a real woman is! Let´s break it down shall we:
A real woman doesn´t tear other women down to benefit them in some way, like financially, because they want fame, they want more followers, they want more success, they want to be the ones everyone loves, they want revenge if the other woman exposed their dark deeds without naming names, but that doesn´t stop them from wanting revenge even if their names were never mentioned, they want a better reputation than the woman they are attacking, they want that True Love story the other woman has & go after the guy the woman is with to try & replicate that story, they want the guy the woman is with, they want the life style or what that guy can offer them & see opportunities in their careers/goals/dreams & will target the woman to get him and more. They have no idea what a real woman is, what real True Love is or what real strength is, like being attacked in various ways by the LITDFS since you were born & still keep fighting, surviving & getting back up when you are torn down in various ways on your bodies, minds, emotions, energies & souls in the depths of hell & dark, only then to come flying out every time with your angel wings, because you have a light & hope so bright burning inside & it lights up the entire Universe that no one can take away & that lights the way out of their dark & into the light to accomplish your soul missions & Twin Soul mission. That´s real strength! A real woman doesn´t play games, dramas & wars, a real woman lives her whole life wanting to do something with her life to have meaning & purpose. A real woman wouldn´t go after a guy who is with someone else, but stays single & wants The One meant for her! A real woman doesn´t work in groups to attack Twin Souls to tear them apart & be with the guy not meant for her. A real woman spends her time & positive energies working on her soul missions & Twin Soul mission, not spending her time & negative energies tearing women down, because they are bored, lonely, needy, jealous, greedy, selfish, they´re in a relationship that isen´t their Twin Soul & they want couples who are Twin Souls & are shining bright like the sun to be down there to their negative levels & energies. It´s like them saying “If they can´t be with their Twin Soul, nobody will be with their Twin Souls!”. A real woman is honest & she´s not secretive, liar, deceptive, manipulative & dishonest. A real woman is free & wants freedom for all life & freedom in her union with her Twin Soul. A woman doesn´t control & doesn´t want everyone to obey her, stay with her & please her. She wouldn´t go after a Twin Soul not meant for her, or be controlling over him & have him be submissive, to do as she says, to obey her, stay with her & please her, but a real woman is for freedom, not against it. A real woman is for free will & choice & would never use dark magic or any types of mind attacks & energy attacks tactics to control the minds & energies of Twin Souls she goes after. It was mentioned in the Twin Soul community how there is always a main handler who everyone must obey & do as she says, then the other girls around her are her worker handlers that will help her in her self serving agendas. This is very true, so true, that when Cazuki & I were together, we actually created a powerpoint presentation about this to show his “parents” on why we no longer wanted to have Sakurako in our lives anymore. Sakurako managed to take over the role of being the main handler that used to be Cazuki´s “mother´s” role, but now Sakurako took that title. The presentation didn´t go well with his “parents”, no surprise, we were being divergent & not playing their same dark games, rules, dramas anymore. Their attacks on us intensified for years. When Cazuki was programmed to be with Junko, the main handler title went to her & she is now in full control over Cazuki. A real woman works on her soul missions & Twin Soul mission. A real woman wants a True Love that is real, honest, free, rare, pure, once in a life time, Sacred & Devine, Universe Blessed, passionate, intense, extreme, crazy beautiful, fun, exciting, wacky, adventurous, epic, powerfully positive, communicative, smart, challenging, unpredictable, playful, heavenly spiritual intimate soul True Love, out of this world, electric, chemistry magnetic, soul attraction, wild, cheeky, naughty & nice, 100% soul & energy match, lady & gentleman, enlightened, wisdom, spiritual, heaven, paradise, eden, light & dark, grey, rule breaker & rule follower, chaos & order, balance, completing souls missions & Twin Soul mission, a True Love that is their Twin Soul meant for them. Of course every Twin Soul is different, but this is what Cazuki & I had in our Twin Soul union.
Snowflake True Love! I was guided today by the Universe to mention about what I wrote in my Book of Twin Souls. Something I call the Snowflake True Love Twin Souls. If you can wrap your minds around the fact that we are energy, we are more to this life than our physical bodies & minds & look at ourselves as spiritual beings, soul beings & Universe Beings. Each and everyone of us as a unique soul energy signature that is only matched to be with our other half of our souls, our Twin Soul, a perfect soul energy match. So perfect that you are positive when being together, you become, you are & always will be a Snowflake True Love energy. To explain this further, take a look at the Japanese water experiment done by Masaru Emoto. He had two waters samples, one he gave positive energies to with his words & energies, the other negative words, then he froze the samples. Under the microscope of life, the truth was revealed. The positive water sample showed him & everyone beautiful, one of kind, which Twin Souls are to each other one of kind, a balanced mystical, magical, extraordinary Universe snowflake. While the negative water sample was a mess & unbalanced. This experiment should open your eyes to several insights, like the fact our bodies are mostly water, so when you accept or are surrounded by negative energies in places, people & situations, you are taking that in to your bodies, your energies & not becoming Snowflakes in your own lives, but being a mess & unbalanced. When Cazuki & I didn´t want Sakurako in our lives anymore, that was one negative LITDFS we didn´t have to think about anymore, one less handler that would attack our energies with her negative energies, but his “family” made it clear that was not going to happen. In their lost in the dark minds, we were to accept all their negative energies & take it. Question becomes, do you want your life to be a Snowflake in your energies, your bodies, your minds, your emotions, your souls, your life & your True Love? Then make the necessary actions to reclaim your Snowflake life back again from the LITDFS around you who wish to keep you down to the their negative energy levels. Tap into your Twin Soul Queen of swords energies or King of swords energies & start cutting out places, people & situations that are keeping you trapped, chained & imprisoned in their negative energies. How does the Snowflake relate to Twin Souls even more? Anyone who wishes to be with a Twin Soul not meant for them & how they can to be with a Twin Soul not meant for them by coming between the Twin Soul couple, how they went after the DMs not meant for them, who they are to each other, how they are trapping & controlling the DMs, how they are behaving towards the DMs not meant for them, how they are attacking each others souls & energies are & always will be the negative water sample. To look at it in a different way, it´s like the LITDFS that are with the Twin Soul Adams not meant for them are the negative water sample, but has taken the positive note that was on the positive water sample & placed it on them, the negative water sample. They may appear all positive when being together in public & on social media and wherever else, but their soul energies are a mess & unbalanced when being together. While Twin Souls who are soul energy matched to be together, will always be the Snowflake of True Loves in their soul energies. 
Universe, guide me to my Twin Soul Cazuki who is my Twin Soul Snowflake. I only want to ever be with my Twin Soul Snowflake! Guide me to my Twin Soul Cazuki who only wants me his Twin Soul Snowflake!  
Swan Mates! Many of you have heard the term Swan mates, wanting to be with your swan mate, one for a life time in every life time & no one else. Twin Souls are the Swan Mates of the Universe, anyone else wanting to be with them, even their T.S.T.T.s can be compared to being duck mates. Why? It has everything to do with energy, soul energy, being soul energy matched 100% & you are only ever soul energy matched with your Twin Soul obviously. Even the term lobster mate, like, being together for life. This world, our societies are designed & created to please the LITDFS, so your minds will be indoctrinated/attacked/controlled/programmed to want anyone else instead of your Twin Soul. It´s designed to make you want anyone & the many. It´s designed to keep you away from your Twin Soul True Love & settle for someone who is not soul energy matched 100% with you. It´s designed for you to be with the duck mates instead of your One True Swan Mate!
Universe, guide me to my Twin Soul Cazuki who only wants to be with me his Twin Soul Swan Mate!
Once Twin Souls are known in the world, there be will so many ways the LITDFS can spin it to serve them in someway again & manipulate the truth, try to control it again & will no doubt find ways to make it look like the LITDFS are the ones the DMs not meant for them should be with, but for the awakened Twin Souls who are screenplay writers, I hope you get the messages out into the world that is truth, real & help end these Twin Soul wars. Besides, anyone who has awakened & can feel the difference between positive energies & negative energies, will be able to see which characters are representing Twin Souls & stories telling the truths & which stories are telling lies & which characters are not energy matched at all to be together. You will feel it in the energies, because you can´t miss it & that is something they can´t manipulate, because the souls would be attacking each other & attacking each others energies if they are not energy compatible at all. People learn fast with stories, think of it like downloads, like the matrix, how you can download any information, same can be said with stories, if they realised many stories are truths that can be translated & decoded into their own lives, they will learn so many truths, lessons, warnings, messages, insights & awakenings fast. How the LITDFS work together & how they keep Twin Souls apart & how they target Twin Souls, can be shown in many stories like the tv show friends. Take a look at how Ross was advised by those around him when it came to Rachel or how she was advised by those around her about Ross to keep them apart. What about the fact in one scene the LITDFS even admit they are the puppet masters messing with Ross & Rachel & one LITDFS is even wearing a t-shirt with a serpent on it! I have nothing against all the friends characters, but for the sake of explaining the translation, I just call them LITDFS to make it easy to understand. When Ross gets together with Julie or marries Emily, who does his soul really wish to be with? Rachel of course! We are only ever meant to be with The One meant for us, no one else & Rachel was right, we are only meant to fall in love once & that be it, not fall in love a million & billion times with anyone else which perverts the Universe & tainting the Sacred & Divinity of what True Love is all about which is the whole Universe Twin Soul connection, the body, mind, emotions, energies & souls connecting as One & it goes beyond it all. You will know if your are with your Twin Soul, because it will make your heart sing a masterpiece positive symphony that inspires everyone to want their One True Love, it will make your soul write an Epic & Legendary True Love Story that ignites everyone to wish for that True Love too & it will make your Universe Being dance and paint a perfect work of art in the stars that stays alive eternally & infinitely & beyond it all! 
 28 June, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
Today´s Twin Soul collective reading in the community with what the LITDFS are up to & thinking and what the DMs & DFs are thinking & feeling. With the DM collective, the deceit card came up with how they feel about the LITDFS they are with. With this deck, the 9 of swords where the guy is in bed, but sitting up with his hand on his sword trying to defend against the serpent dragon in bed with him. This card showed up when asked how does DM feel about the LITDFS he is with? I have never seen that card before portrayed in that way, so I kind of laughed, because that is exactly what the LITDFS behave like. I have seen many different tarot cards, different codes, but this deck does paint a clearer picture of what is going on. When asked how the LITDFS feel about the DMs they are with (this reading will apply to many DMs, but not all), they are in happy bliss, showering the DMs with “love”, making sure he doesn´t leave, they have no plans to leave him & are working their machine butts off to become like his DF (only surface level crap, but the Universe will always bring the tower (card) to shake it up & bring truth light to all the darkness & deceptions that the LITDFS keeping doing), so the DMs don´t leave the LITDFS, but when asked how the DMs feel about the LITDFS further, is that they want to leave, they want freedom, they want to be single & they want their DFs back. The card that came out for the DFs is heartbreak, which would still be the case obviously when they are seeing everything unfold, all truths, this madness & darkness again in another life. The conclusion for the LITDFS was that they are delusional into thinking the DMs want to be with them & they are really lost in the dark if they are working to copy the DFs so they can keep the DMs chained to them longer. I have mentioned before how part of the LITDFS mission in many cases, is to copy the DFs which is just creepy & stalkerish. That is fine when you are kids & you want to copy the “parents” that are your role positive models that inspire you, but when you have adults copying the DFs to become like the DFs to further trick & manipulate the DMs to be with them, we´re back to them behaving like “terminators”, because what do “terminators” do? They copy the original & take over the life of that original person, but they can´t copy everything, only surface level, but never the soul energies/wisdom/intelligence & enlightenment, so the “terminators” always reveal themselves to the DMs, they show their real faces behind all these different masks they wear, always! In the reading the DMs actually do notice this what the LITDFS are trying to do and they don´t even understand it & are confused by it. I also noticed how in the Twin Soul union card with the Adam & Eve in the garden of Eden, with the Devine Universe Spirit looking down at them blessing their union, the Universe spirit was now holding a sword which made me laugh, Universe means business. Now even the Universe is in their Queen/King of swords energies ready to cut out the bull crap that keeps happening on Earth with all the lies, deceit, manipulations & games the LITDFS play. The Aquarius Age is about many positive things, but Truth is one of the main actions, truth revealing everything that´s happened on Earth up to this point. That I know is something the LITDFS will never want to be revealed, but if the truth is silenced again, then it´s really not an Aquarius Age at all. 
  16th July, 2018, Twin Soul Investigator Report…
It is a Twin Soul Revolution…
Can you imagine waking up after all this time, being kept in the dark, literally & figuratively for who knows how long we´ve been kept asleep, but even that truth will be revealed, all the while the LITDFS collective have been awake & in control this whole time over life & Twin Souls. The world is split in two, the dark & the light, the unbalance & balance & how the world turned out is a result of the LITDFS that have been in control this entire time making sure their “westworld” remains the same. I use quotations, but how they treat this world and life & True Loves is exactly how the visitors treat the humanoid robots in that story. To translate that story, the humanoid robots are the Atlantiens, the human aliens while the visitors in the story are the other kind of aliens who feed off of energies, misery, pain, suffering, who enjoy power, control over life & Twin Souls and who wish to be with Twin Souls physically to serve their never ending need to feed on energies, life & “true love” feelings & serve their agendas again with what they get from the Twin Soul Adams or Twin Soul Eves they go after. 
Today I couldn´t get that quote out of my mind when a fellow Twin Soul said it really is a Twin Soul Revolution & he knows how hard it´s going to be when he gets into union, that is why he´s enjoying his life for the moment he said, but if he only knew, the LITDFS are all about enjoying life, that´s all they have ever done in every life, the world is a cluster f%$# of a mess because they want to enjoy themselves & not do the spiritual work, but instead go after Twin Soul unions for that next high, rush, those feelings, to feed & for those that are finished with the Twin Soul they are with, they go after a new one, but if the Twin Soul manages to break free from them again, the LITDFS just find a new one & break up another union to feed themselves. They go after the Twin Souls to use them in every twisted dark way physically to enjoy themselves & get what they want out of the Twin Soul financially & opportunities for them to further enjoy themselves. The only time we should ever enjoy ourselves is when we need a break from all the wars, soul missions & Twin Soul mission & then take a holiday, but then when we´re back to work, because there is so much work needed in this world. That´s how it was with Cazuki & me, we went on holiday to rest, but I had a habit of planning our holidays to be very productive & not boring, but always doing something which I laughed when I think about it, it´s like we needed another holiday from our holiday, because we were always doing some activities. We tried laying on a beach, 10-15 min later we were both bored & couldn´t stay still, but wanted to do something. The awakened Twin Souls who really are about their soul missions & Twin Soul mission don´t make it their main goal to enjoy themselves, but if you go after Twin Souls & break up unions then you are one of those that have it your main mission to continue to enjoy yourselves & keep the unbalance alive, especially when so much work is needed in the world, but they would rather spend their time destroying life instead of saving it. Twin Souls enjoy themselves when they need a break from their missions to recharge, while the LITDFS enjoy themselves all the time & don´t do any soul missions or Twin Soul mission at all except their main mission which is to make sure they can continue to enjoy themselves all the time in their lives, so they war with Twin Souls who are about positive change, truth & real justice to make sure the LITDFS way of life never changes & they can enjoy themselves all the time at the expense of life, Earth, souls, True Loves & Twin Souls. I saw this play out on my side & Cazuki´s side, that´s all they ever did, enjoyed themselves all the time and made sure to attack anyone who would threaten their way of life of enjoying themselves & their games, their dramas & agendas. Would it shock people to realise when all the LITDFS do is enjoy themselves, of course they will get bored & need to entertain themselves, so they cause drama & play games & go to wars like what Cazuki´s “family” did to us. If they were all working on their soul missions & Twin Soul mission, they would never get bored, but would be always busy & would need a holiday to recharge from their busy lives of soul missions, Twin Soul mission, work, business and whatever else that was helping life in some positive way. Many know what dark deeds they have done to life to entertain themselves because of their boredom & being asleep in their souls. In fact, you all get to see it, what the LITDFS do to entertain themselves, just look at the actors & musicians who have break downs in public & their Twin Soul unions torn apart to further entertain the LITDFS & for them to feed & use again Twin Souls. 
The LITDFS feel so invincible that they don´t think they will ever be interviewed & soul truth tested, because when that day comes & all their darkness comes to light, there will be questions like, “why are you always targeting Twin Souls & going to war on Twin Souls to break up unions?” “Why are you soul torturing Twin Souls?” “Did you know you were soul attacking the Twin Soul you went after & attacking his or her inner child?” “Did you know his or her soul felt the pains & sufferings when you were physical with him or her?” “Did your soul know the Twin Soul you went after didn´t want you at all?” “Did you know you are not soul matched to be together with the Twin Soul you went after?” “Did you know about Twin Souls?” “Did you start to pretend you are his or her Twin Soul, being a shapeshifting terminator?” “Did you cross timelines (like you went after him or her in one life, then come back in a another life to break up unions to be with them again or you went after several of the same Twin Soul in different lives in the same time line) to go after a Twin Soul not meant for you?” “Did you know about your previous life with the Twin Soul you went after, but he or she didn´t want you then either?” “Did you know his or her Twin Soul felt the soul pains of their beloved True Loves when you were physical with the Twin Soul you went after?” This last one is so important to keep bringing up, because I am documenting everything, even the times Cazuki is physical with the LITDFS he was controlled to be with & I feel his soul pains every time. He doesn´t want her, he doesn´t love her & his soul wants his freedom from her. Problem is, they have spent years mind programming him to be a certain way, their way which they all continue to do, so the Cazuki I know is nowhere to be seen, but locked away within. His programmed mind will say & do things that are dark, unbalanced & negative like being with her & pleasing the LITDFS around him, his “family”, all the while his soul wants out, wants to fly away with me into space as he always did right from the very beginning. There are so many dark deeds being done to life on this planet that is visible for all to see, but there is a darker level that no one sees & no light is being shined upon it until now. The dark deeds being done to life & souls all around the world. The dark deeds being done to Twin Souls all around the world and the dark deeds being done to children & inner children because of the Twin Soul wars.
I´ll never get over the fact that even our other selves (no matter who we come back as, Twin Soul wars & wars to life is & wars towards the planet is real & extreme measures are taken to end the wars) are working to help Twin Souls in their own way in this time line and they may be awake to it or not, but here they are.  The LITDFS need to wake up to the reality that when Cazuki volunteered to be born with the LITDFS for that soul mission to help awaken them, their souls, that did not mean waking them up by being physically with them in relationships, but that´s the madness they have created everywhere. They really have no idea who he really is & keep being hell bent on making him believe they are all he has ever known which is not true at all. They are not where he came from or where he started from, far from it. 
children of the universe (spirk; spock & kirk; K/S)
www.youtube.comHappy 50th Anniversary! First FMV in my life and the first work in Sony Vegas by the way :D It was difficult, but I'm proud of the result. Hope you enjoyed! P. S ...
  This will always be true, we are all children of the Universe & the Universe, the spirit of the Universe will always be our real parents, not the stargaters we are born from, but the Universe is where we come from. Both Cazuki & I wanted the power back to the people, not the few LITDFS controlling the many, controlling life, controlling Twin Souls, but that everyone be empowered & controlled by no one ever again. That is not a real Aquarius Age when the LITDFS still control & pervert life, when they still control & pervert Twin Souls when targeting them to be with them in relationships & to have Twin Souls serve the LITDFS self serving agendas again. Imagine a Universe where no matter what alien you are or what alien bodies you are born into, Earth or any other, you can fall in love with your Twin Soul from any planet in the Galaxy or the Universe. No more wars waged upon you because of who you love, but instead you are celebrated for your Devine, Sacred Universe Blessed Twin Soul union no matter what body you are born into in this Universe, be it aliens, humanoids or any other & yes, can be same sex also. A true Aquarius Age is for True Love between couples, no matter if they are in the same type of bodies because they are trapped in a body they don´t belong in or negative wars waged on them as children which made them choose their own kind or it was by choice to be born in that body to help end the Twin Soul wars & end all destruction to life & bring balance back. The attacks on me as a child could of lead me to not be with a guy at all and I completely understand why there would be those that would feel they couldn´t get past their traumas if they remembered & could only be with their own kind, but for me personally and in my way of thinking and feeling, I can´t blame every single guy on the planet for what happened to me, because I know, the attackers are not gender specific and not everyone is lost in the dark, so I stayed true to who I am, a Devine Feminine, not only in my soul, but always in my body & who only wishes to be with my Twin Soul who is the opposite of me being mainly his Devine Masculine in his Devine Masculine body that he wishes to be born into. We both have masculine & feminine energies, but one is always more in one than the other. I also know anything can be healed, especially from being attacked physically by the LITDFS, but that is not an excuse for them to continue to physically abuse children to serve their self serving ways & keep the wars on life & Twin Souls ongoing. For a true Aquarius Age, all truths need to be revealed of what was done to Twin Souls since the LITDFS took over Earth. That´s the only way they will learn, grow, evolve & awaken in their souls. When the light shines in on their darkness, they can´t hide or deceive anyone anymore or control anyone anymore. 
Tumblr media
Tinashe - Aquarius
www.youtube.comValerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017)
  In our souls, we are the Aquarius, we want peace, harmony, balance, freedom & truths. In our souls we are one & connected with everything, the planet, the Galaxy & the Universe. In our souls when we take from the planet, we make sure to give back without disrupting the balance. Like how the Princess gave back to the planet Mul the pearl that was unique & shined the brightest to replenish what they took so the balance was restored. What have the LITDFS done to planet Earth? They kept taking & taking more, never giving back. They also took from the Earth that which would destroy the Earth, like polluting with oil, coal, polluting transportation, deforestation, burying the garbage in the earth and more. The Mul aliens only took from their planet they knew didn´t harm the planet, but they also gave back even if what they took didn´t harm life. The story of Mul can be just another take on the story of Atlantis & how the LITDFS came to Earth & took it over destroying the Atlantiens. The story of Atlantis or Alderaan another name for it & how the Atlantiens viewed life, respected life, was one & connected to all life can be seen in various stories. When Ben Kenobi said he felt a great disturbance in the force & he heard millions cry out & then silence. Whenever I connect to farm/domestic/wild aliens or whenever I connect to any life on this world, it´s not even millions that cry out, but billions every year & I feel everything, then I feel nothing, because then there is silence. Whenever I have my moments of connecting, it´s not even by choice, but I´m triggered to connect if I see something, hear something, read something, feel something or even write about it, I fall apart uncontrollably to the point I´m hyperventilating, crying, screaming, feeling their pains, their loneliness, their tortures & that would be the times Cazuki would  hold me tightly lovingly & I would find my balance again in all this darkness and madness on Earth against life, minds, souls & True Loves. 
 Story Scene Sneak Peek…
New Zealand, City, Apartment, 2015…
“Does he suspect anything?” Mitsuko asks her sister.
“He´s completely clueless, he´s practically eating out my hand. If I wanted, he would kneel down and lick my toes. We all trained him well!” Junko said licking her fingers while enjoying herself with dairy ice cream.
“All that work you put into pushing your life into theirs, being there for him & making your life all about him has paid off. Akira doesn´t stand a chance. No more being bored or lonely Junko, now you get to be his dark queen & get another life with him to serve your needs. I already have my eyes set on him in another life & I can´t wait any longer. Why should you get to have all the fun!” Mitsuko said daydreaming about Cazuki. 
“Your turn will come. I couldn´t of done it without your help sister & from Michi. When he made sure to be like a brother to Cazuki & help steer him our way, it was just so easy & works every time. Even our friends helped us get Cazuki. From what I know seeing the psychic yesterday, Cazuki´s family has been helping too & Sakurako used dark magic to help Cazuki come my way. It´s all falling into place & I can´t believe we finally did it. We tore down Akira again even thou it took years, but we did it!” Junko said laughing.  
Somewhere in Asia, In the Future…
Out in the middle of nowhere, hidden in the wild jungle, a farm/domestic/wild alien sanctuary & rehabilitation centre that´s attached to the Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy, but this was no ordinary place. Beneath it was Akira´s secret hidden Twin Soul rebel base where her & the Twin Soul world teams were working on building a spaceship that could fly into the Universe. Amongst the team was Takara who provided the knowledge & technology necessary to finally create that futuristic ship that could be a home for thousands of Twin Souls. Akira continued writing her journal on her other small ship that she designed & help build.
“While the LITDFS girls were busy making sure they were enjoying themselves all the time & destroying Twin Soul unions again to be with them, breed with them, use & abuse them for their self serving ways, Twin Souls kept working on their soul missions, Twin Soul missions & one soul mission was to build ships all over the world for Twin Souls wanting to leave & get more help for the world or for those wanting to leave & never come back or for Twin Souls who needed to evacuate or for Twin Souls who wanted to explore the Universe again & carry out their other soul missions in the Universe helping other lives. After much thought, I knew if Twin Souls were ever going to be able to do what they came here for & help life, they can´t keep being born again & be imprisoned by the LITDFS in their lives to further be controlled, dark side trained, tormented, kept in the dark & be put to sleep again knowing nothing & be destroyed by them in various ways before Twin Soul unions happen even, so Twin Souls by choice need to be in bodies that don´t age & don´t need replacing, this way they don´t have to be reborn until their Earth mission is complete & can 100% work on that instead of living another “westworld” life & be targeted again. For any Twin Soul that was severely damaged by the LITDFS in their lives had the opportunity to be soul transferred into new bodies which could look the same. The LITDFS has turned this world into being so perverse, that even creating life is not sacred anymore, because of what the LITDFS keep doing to Twin Souls & how they go about breeding & bringing the same souls back again into this world. The children born from a LITDFS & a Twin Soul they went after are not positive, Sacred, Devine or Universe Blessed, how can they be? They came to be out of negative dark energies when souls attack each other being together. I saw this with my own eyes with my own sisters being living proof, but also I have seen this with every child born from a LITDFS & a Twin Soul not meant for them. The children have a lot going against them with the amount of negative energies on them passed to them by the LITDFS & any unbalanced negative parenting & habits the children accepted from their “parents” (saw this with Cazuki & his brother Kaito, but also my own sisters) the Twin Soul that was targeted to be with the LITDFS, but it is possible for the children to refuse, rebel, reject any and all bad parenting & negative energies from their “parents” & be their own parent & be their own independent soul wanting to break free & not be like them at all. I know it´s possible, I am living proof of that. The more I disobeyed & wasen´t controlled by the LITDFS around me, the more I was punished for it, which then I would rebel even more & distant myself from them from a young age & wanting my freedom from them.
The LITDFS attack the souls when they target Twin Souls not meant for them, so any children that come from them are a result from souls attacking each other. It´s not sacred or Devine & negative energies are transferred always. The world is literally filled with people who are the same souls, just living in different bodies. The LITDFS have brought pervasion to life when it comes to what they´ve done & are still doing to to wild, domestic & farm aliens. They have brought perversion to life with how they go about terminating life & use the excuse of it being their “woman” rights to get rid of life inside their bodies, how very terminator of them to behave. They have brought perversion to life with how they treat it like wars, neglect, abuse, torture and murder. They have brought perversion to life when they target mother Gaia spirit of the Earth, the true mother of life on this beautiful one of kind blue/green planet when they target, abuse, use & destroy her. They have brought perversion to life when always going to war on Twin Souls to break up unions, to be with one of them & to breed with them. They have brought perversion to life when they keep preventing positive change in this world that would end their madness & darkness, but they wish to keep their dark status quo of them enjoying themselves all the time no matter if it harms, tortures, destroys, imprisons life & Twin Souls, but as long as they get they what they want right? Since the world has never seen a Twin Soul world yet, all we´ve ever seen is a LITDFS world. How did that turn out always under the rule of the LITDFS pretending to be the Adams “eves” and pretending to be the Adams “queens”? Death, destruction, pollution, pains, sufferings, wars, perversion of life, perversion of True Loves are just some of their negative energies & actions they put out there and no this is not the meaning of life. This world has been created to their liking & life is not supposed to be like this at all, but since so many live in some kind of sufferings & tortures, they think it´s normal or part of life, when in reality it´s not part of life at all, but the LITDFS will have you believe it. Their “westworld” can´t continue if you think life is not supposed to be like that & wish to change it. When Cazuki fell to their side, he was literally accepting that their “westworld” way of life continues & wars on life & Twin Souls continues. With me he wanted to change it & create something new, something never seen before, a safe haven for souls who wanted out. 
I thought since we are living several lives in the same timeline, not everyone has to stay on Earth, but can travel the stars again & seek help while others can leave & never come back, as long as they make sure to team up with their other selves to continue the soul mission & Twin Soul mission work on Earth. More & more I kept dreaming of a life where I travel with my small humble falcon looking ship & just leave. Travel the stars & get the messages out there of what is really going on here on Earth. I would team up with my other selves that would continue my work on Earth, while I would wish to fly out into space. There was one crew member still missing & he was yet to gain his freedom & awakening. The whole Twin Soul teams around the world all knew Cazuki wanted out & wanted his freedom & every single one of them was going to help him break free, even his other selves that he didn´t know of wanted to help him. Yoshi came in while Akira was lost again in tunnel vision writing that could last for hours. They had a habit of taking turns in disrupting her work to help Akira break out of it. Once she starts something, she finds it hard to stop & doesn´t take breaks. 
“Thought I´d drop by & purposefully disrupt you. Are you up for lunch?” She asked with caring Universe sisterly concern. 
“How about a rain check Yoshi, I have to be somewhere, but thanks again for the break reminder!” Akira said as she got up & put her futuristic looking jacket on getting ready to leave.
“Have you heard anything from him yet?” Yoshi asked her wondering if they needed to physically extract him & deprogram him to save him. Yoshi was not born on this world, but on the planet Bemi, a cloud city of angels. Yoshi had been learning Earth´s history & present day actions & words spoken by the LITDFS all over the world & stories she was taught about the decoding & translations so she could understand more the deeper levels of truths being revealed. Another story came to her mind when she thought about Cazuki & all Twin Souls in the same exact situation as him was the story of hunger games. When Peeta was caught by the LITDFS in that story, his mind, his body, his energies, his soul was tortured, twisted, darkened to believe Kat & the rebels were the enemy and when he was rescued by the rebels, the consequences from being targeted by the LITDFS caused him to attack Kat & view her as the enemy. Peeta´s mind was programmed to obey & to attack. He wasen´t himself anymore, but they broke him down to his knees, but when he was now safe with the rebels again, he started to become more himself again. Yoshi thought that could happen to Cazuki, as in if he was extracted by the Twin Soul teams to come rescue him, his darkened programmed mind could think the Twin Soul rebels were the enemy, but being away from the LITDFS would allow him to be able to actually be himself again & not have any kinds of programmings and controls on his mind, but free his soul.
“Believe me, if Cazuki made contact, you´d all hear about it right away. His mind still doesn´t believe, how can it when his mind is being reprogrammed everyday by them without him even knowing so he would stay, obey & please them all. They all know what they´re doing, they´ve been doing it for life times on Earth against Twin Souls and when Cazuki finally wakes up like I woke up, knowing him, there will be nothing in this Universe that will stop Cazuki & he will break free!” Akira said thinking how that positive action Cazuki finally takes would help all Twin Souls around the world & his programmed mind doesn´t even know it yet, but it will ripple to all Twin Souls, even his other selves that are trapped in LITDFS situations. 
“I had a dream about you two last night. When he broke free & came back, you both just left one night, took the ship, left a recorded message for us, but you both just left us all here” Yoshi said feeling saddened by the dream, but also understanding why Akira & Cazuki would just leave everyone after everything they have been through by the LITDFS on this world. Yoshi had a hard time seeing, hearing & reading all the various madness & darkness the LITDFS were doing to life & Twin Souls. It was so bad that Yoshi collapsed & had a break down from trying to balance out what she had learned & was still learning. It made her think of leeloo in the 5th element story & how she too shut down after everything she learned about this world. Kaito was by her side the entire time at the Twin Soul Academy healing resort & Yoshi was back to be able to not be consumed by the LITDFS darkness & madness the LITDFS were causing everywhere, but she was able to now protect herself from it. Naleya, a former vampire on planet Vampagi knew all about the dark, so she was not surprised at all what´s been happening here on this planet. She has seen many worlds that are in trouble too, but Earth was one of the worst hell nightmares in the Galaxy. A place that looked like heaven & paradise on the outside, but behind the beauty, behind the layers that many don´t know about even was the darker levels. A place where those that are asleep or put to sleep in their minds & made sure they don´t know what goes on by the LITDFS around them & in their lives controlling them, are made sure to always be enjoying themselves & also partake in keeping the dark hell status quo on Earth, like eating aliens, going to war on life, taking life, destroying Twin Soul unions to be with them, attacking life & attacking souls and so many don´t even know they are even doing it, but the LITDFS do.  
“I can´t deny that I wish to leave & I know Cazuki wishes to leave, but we wouldn´t leave without you all. You are our Universe star family, brothers & sisters of the heavenly skies & any Twin Souls that wishes to leave should have a choice to leave as long as one of their other selves continues their soul missions & Twin Soul mission on Earth.” Akira said thinking she knows why Yoshi would have that dream. The main Twin Soul ship is for the Twin Soul teams, but Akira´s smaller ship was just a 2 person vessel. She wanted a separate ship that she would call home, but could dock it in the Twin Soul ship whenever she wanted which any Twin Soul couple could have their own small ship too if they wanted, but this way she had freedom. She was then in complete control who visits & who she goes to see. After everything she´s been through & Cazuki, could anyone really blame them for feeling that way at all after all their life times on Earth. She knows Cazuki feels the same, they are One soul, sharing feelings, thoughts, secrets & truths between them. Akira knows Cazuki and Cazuki knows Akira, they are Twin Souls after all.
Somewhere in the clouds over the ocean Akira is flying freely with her cloaking defence so no one sees the futuristic ship that would be targeted again by the LITDFS. She was lost in thought again, thinking back to Cazuki & how in one moment they are inseparable, best friends, True Loves & family, then next he turns into her enemy & destroys her heart & falls to the dark. There would be moments where Akira would find it incredible how that happened, like he went from wanting to see her, talk to her, smell her & feel her everyday to then not wanting anything to do with her at all, like she meant nothing, like she stopped being anything to him, suddenly stopped being his best friend, his True Love & family to now him treating her like a stranger & someone he never knew at all. So many stories could translate their life together & the many challenges they faced together & were up against. Akira & Cazuki could take any one of those stories & any of those stories could be possible future outcomes. In the matrix, Trinity gets out of the matrix & joins the rebel team & then rescues Neo when he wants out, when he signals he wants out & comes looking for them. Akira wakes up & gets out, gathers a Twin Soul team & comes rescue Cazuki when he signals he wants out. If any Twin Soul who is in a LITDFS situation & they feel stuck in some way, like they feel they are in a prison, they should remember, the LITDFS are all about the many various ways to imprison life & imprison Twin Souls, they imprison farm aliens & wild aliens, is there any surprise they do the same thing to Twin Souls? Imprisoning Twin Souls includes the LITDFS having kids fast with the Twin Soul they went after to trap him longer, to guilt him to stay, to use that as a weapon for him to stay, but from Akira´s own experience, children can survive & be free when they learn they don´t have parents, they are their own parents, the Universe is their real parents & this way they have no one controlling them or dictating their lives anymore. The trapped Twin Soul Adams can leave & make sure to get the messages to the children to awaken their souls to the truths of our world. The other future outcome could be the terminator movie, where Reese escapes the terminators surrounding him & finds his Twin Soul wife, then they escape together. Cazuki could leave them all & find Akira then leave together & fight for each other. Another future outcome is extraction, like what happened to Peeta in the hunger games, him being tortured & programmed to view the rebels as the enemies & view instead the LITDFS around him as the saviours, but then he´s saved by the rebels & he´s able to think for himself & be himself once again being away from all that mind programming. Same could be said for Kylo if he had gone with Rey & together they could of brought balance back, side by side, instead of Kylo still being negatively influenced by all the damage done to him while being surrounded by the LITDFS in star wars. So Twin Souls who are in LITDFS situations have multiple ways to go about leaving the LITDFS & uniting with their Twin Souls & Twin Souls have multiple ways to go about going after their Twin Souls to break them free from the LITDFS.
*The Neo & Trinity escape (The matrix)
*The Reese & Sarah Conor escape (The terminator)
*The Peeta & Kat escape (The hunger games)
*The David & Elise escape (The adjustment bureau)
*The Ben & Rey escape (Star wars)
While diving through the clouds with the music blasting the new song she´s obsessed with “children of the Universe”, she thinks about a story translation of what happened to Cazuki & her when he changed into someone she didn´t recognise anymore, like he was switched out with someone else, like he was a clone or something, because none of it made any sense. When a person goes from being in a relationship with their Twin Soul to then “wanting” to be in another relationship with a LITDFS right away, first off, that person has serious damages done to him when he can´t even be single to get perspective & clarity & find himself, but he jumps right in with someone else, bringing perversion to True Love everywhere. How can True Love ever mean anything when Twin Souls treat it like that. It´s all very westworld, but Cazuki can´t be blamed, he´s been programmed for life times by the LITDFS to be with anyone & the many, that mind programming can´t change as long as he keeps destroying his Twin Soul & becoming an enemy of his Twin Soul, which is just crazy how that even sounds. His soul is not Akira´s enemy, but his programmed & corrupted darkened mind is. Just like Kylo´s broken down, programmed & dark side trained mind is the enemy of Rey. What was his lost words to Luke? He will destroy her he said, but if he destroys her, he only destroys himself, his other half of his soul. As Akira dances her ship through the clouds she writes the story in her mind.
Story Scene Sneak Peak…
2016, New Zealand…
As Cazuki left work & wanted to get home to Akira, when he was about to open his car door, two guys came up behind him and covered his mouth with a cloth that was drenched in sleeping toxins. Within seconds Cazuki was passed out & carried into an unmarked van. Then his double came out of the passenger seat looking all confident & self assured, dressed the same, looked the same & was a clone created to replace Cazuki & tear down Akira, because this clone was programmed & conditioned since birth to obey & be loyal to the LITDFS & their self serving agendas. As the clone drove off back to Akira to break her heart, the van drove off with Cazuki to the airport. 
“Who are you & where is the real Cazuki?” Akira asked Cazuki who just broke up with her carelessly, cold & calculating. There was something about him that didn´t make sense to her at all. Something was off, like he wasen´t Cazuki which was strange to think about, but Akira has seen many strange things in her life & she did read up on clones being created by the LITDFS in the world. So that crazy idea came to mind when he was not being himself. The way he talked, the way he moved, the way he dressed, even his personality was changed. It was like he was trying to convince her he was Cazuki, but he wasen´t & she saw right through it. Back on the aircraft flying in the air on it´s way to an unknown destination, Cazuki was held captive in a room & was tied up looking at the monitors at Akira & his clone in their house. The LITDFS had bugged their house & placed cameras all around to record them & study them so they could initiate the clone to take Cazuki´s place. 
“You´re crazy, of course I´m Cazuki & you really need help if you believe I´m not.” He said smiling serpent like which she noticed & only LITDFS would smile like that. He just gave her more proof that he wasen´t Cazuki. She observed him & now she was feeling heartbroken & angry, if he wasen´t Cazuki, then what did they do to him? There was no point in having a discussion with him, so she played along until she left to find out what happened to her Cazuki & rescue him wherever he is in the world. She started to pack right away after the Cazuki clone broke up with her.
“Is that it? Are you not going to fight for me?” He asked suspiciously. 
“I just told you I´m leaving you for someone else. Don´t you care, are you not upset, angry, devastatingly broken up over me?” He asked feeling uneasy that Akira was so nonchalant about it all.
“What do you want from me Cazuki? How many times have we been down this road before? You break up & get together with a LITDFS. I break up & get together with a LITDFS. It just becomes a never ending hellish cycle of repeats & then it starts all over again in the next life if nothing changes in this life when no one fights for each other. I was right, years back when I had my visions of Sakurako putting dark magic on us, she changed you. She tried to change me to break you, but it didn´t work. Then your family spent years tearing you down in various ways, making sure to let you know you´re not a real man if you stay with me & that you should leave me for someone else. Now that I´m awakened in my soul thanks to you, I can fully investigate everything & bring light to the darkness that keeps targeting True Loves all over the world.” She said playing along. She was basically giving him the speech she would have given Cazuki if he did fall for the dark magic messing with his mind, so she wasen´t lying & it was therapeutic at the same time. 
“If you want to change it, then why are you not fighting for me?” He asked making his chess moves.
“I feel I´ve done that before in another life & it didn´t work. I feel like I tried various ways like talking to you for months, writing to you, sending you a memory True Love package to help remind you who you are since the beginning, writing a song about us & giving you my song to listen to, getting help from shamans to rid of the dark magic programmings off of your mind, showing up & asking if you need my help to break free from them and I can imagine I did way more to help you, but it never worked, so now I´m doing something different.” She said feeling calm, collective, balanced & continued packing while talking. All this made the clone Cazuki worried, because now he was wondering will she find out the real truth. The clone Cazuki couldn´t read Akira & didn´t understand what she could be thinking or planning & didn´t understand her behaviour, because he was briefed that she would fall apart from a broken heart, not be so strong & stubborn about it all. He kept questioning her which just kept revealing himself to her of who he really is. 
“So how are you going to fight for me?” He asked wanting to know what her next moves are. 
“Cazuki, I could tell you all kinds of ways to fight for you, but I will never tell you the True Love mission that gets chosen. There are ways I might not even mention, so anything is possible.” She said still packing & kind of packing fast, chaotically & cutting to the chase which was funny to see & it made the clone Cazuki anxious. It was like she was in a rush to get out of there which she was, she had a rescue mission to plan to save the real Cazuki. She felt she´s done this before a million times already, no point in hanging around when she knows the outcome & she wasen´t even with the real Cazuki, so no point in staying to fight for him when she should be fighting for the real Cazuki. 
Back on the plane two LITDFS were in the same room as Cazuki looking at the monitors.
“Looks like she accepted him to be Cazuki.” One LITDFS said then both turned to the real Cazuki.
“Did you really think we would allow you two to bring about change in this world. The world is ours to control, life is ours to control & Twin Souls are ours to control.” He said with his serpent smile & he noticed Cazuki shifted, like Cazuki didn´t know about Twin Souls.
“That´s right, this will be the moment you realise you both are Twin Souls, two halves of a soul, destined to be together, destined for greatness & were destined to bring about positive change together on the planet ending wars & ending our control, but we always win & you always lose. Get to used to it!” He said then walked out of the room & the other LITDFS serpent smiled & left too. Cazuki knew thou & so did Akira, they didn´t have a name for it back then, but during their first month together they would use words like two halves of a soul, Equal Souls, One half of perfection, One Soul when united, so they knew, their souls knew, all that was missing was a name for it. Cazuki looked back at the monitors & could see his clone staring is disbelief of how fast Akira was packing to leave & she would on that very day. The real Cazuki was trying to see if Akira believed the clone to be him. He was like looking for any signs that she knew it wasen´t him, then he saw it. When the clone wasen´t looking & Akira made sure the clone didn´t see what she packed, it was a loving memory item for Cazuki that the clone would never care about, but the real Cazuki would. If Akira didn´t hear back from him about it, that would just confirm it even more. She knows how Cazuki felt about it, strongly so & that´s why the real Cazuki would reach out & want it back which she would give it to him. The LITDFS would not pick up on that being the reveal of her knowing the clone wasen´t Cazuki, but the real Cazuki saw she knew & then he smiled, because he knew what she was like. She would investigate everything, uncover it all to get to the truth. She was as stubborn as he was & he loved that about her. While packing Akira would mind write a story about this crazy situation she & Cazuki were in & it was just so unbelievable, but here it is for all to see. She knew he wasn't the real Cazuki & something her friend said years ago when she was a teenager shook her. Her friend was adamant that she saw Akira in town one day, the face, the body, the hair, it was all identical, but Akira told her she wasn´t in town that day, so ever since that day Akira has never forgotten it & when years later she was investigating what the LITDFS were doing to life on this planet, clones came up & that did cross her mind & she would want full investigation into all of it. Her mind would write a story while she was packing fast to help her deal with all this craziness & insanity.
Story Scene Sneak Peak…
South America, in a bar in a jungle village somewhere in the middle of nowhere…
A place with locals, scoundrels & mysterious visitors enjoying the night life & then Akira walks into the bar looks around the room & everyone stops to stare & then silence. She was dressed not to fit in, but she wore an outfit that was more futuristic & what she would normally wear when she was out on mission. The Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Agents were not ones to fit in anywhere, they were more honest about who they were, direct & bringing justice, truth & freedom wherever they went. They didn´t need to hide who they were or pretend to be someone else to get intel, especially when there were easy ways to get truths from people without tricking them, threatening them, harming them or manipulating them. These Twin Soul Universe Investigator Agents were all about the balance and all about the truths. She saw who she was looking for & went over to the bar where he sat. 
  “Hola, solo agua por favor. Gracias. Haruki, nunca dejas de sorprenderme. Con cada misión que hacemos, siempre encuentras a los perdidos, los capturados y los escondidos. Tenemos agentes en todo el mundo buscándolo, pero lo encuentras dentro de unos meses. Aún podríamos estar buscándolo si dijiste que no para unirte a la Academia.”Akira said making use of her new skill in learning languages. 
 “Estás bromeando? No había manera de que dejara pasar la oportunidad de unirme. Viajamos por el mundo, tenemos libertad, traemos verdad y justicia y salvamos almas. No sé por qué alguna vez has dudado. Lo ves tú mismo, la lista es larga para aquellos que quieran unirse a la Academia.” Haruki said drinking his icy water in the heated jungle. Not even the fans helped with the heat. With any new mission that was in a different country, learning the language & culture was mandatory. It was a way to connect with the people & show respect. Whenever Akira & Cazuki would go on holiday, they made an effort to learn words to communicate with the people in that country. They were always interested in communicating in different ways and the languages they would try to learn in a very short amount of time were very beautiful.
 “Podría hablar todo el día en este hermoso lenguaje.” She said smiling happy to finally speak this romantic verbal music to her ears.
 “Su traducción es muy buena para alguien que acaba de aprender hace meses.” He said smiling at her knowing she´s been wanting to visit South America again in this life.
 “Gracias mi hermano.” She said then Haruki saw his contact come in & signal him to come with him. Akira noticed & they left the bar to follow this mysterious contact. The two LITDFS that were on the unbalanced side at the local bar didn´t go unnoticed by Akira & Haruki. They knew they weren´t alone, but that still didn´t stop them from working their mission. The two LITDFS then followed Akira & Haruki, but got both ambushed by them outside the bar & now they had two LITDFS that could provide more truths about what is going on everywhere. They both used their stun guns after using their self defence skills & the LITDFS passed out from the tranq darts. A Twin Soul team pulled up in their off road transportation & picked up these lost & asleep souls ready to be awakened & freed. Once that happened, they told the Twin Souls everything & then then world knew everything. Information was always transparent about what is going on everywhere. No more secrets, lies, deceit, manipulations & illusions, but only the truth was told. The lost souls were strapped in the back seat with child safety belts that went over both their shoulders making sure they were safe. 
“With every new LITDFS we come across, the information from them awakens more people in the world & rallies more to the Twin Soul rebel cause. It´s like, the more they attack, the more dark deeds they do, the more Twin Souls all over the world shines the light on their darkness & the Twin Soul rebellions fiery flame burns brighter.” Akira said looking at the the Investigator Agent teams arriving for extraction & taking care of the LITDFS that were passed out on the ground. 
“They can´t help it, it´s in their programming & indoctrination maybe even since birth. Especially if they are born in LITDFS families as you well know. As long as Twin Souls are targeted to breed with them, there is no balance & their insane world continues.” Haruki said then seeing Daichi & Naleya showing up & giving them both a hug as Akira did too. 
“Happy you both could make it! I heard you were on mission in India for another Twin Soul extraction.” Akira said to them both.
“The mission was aborted. By the time we got there he had already woken up & freed himself from the LITDFS around him after reading & hearing about the wars on Twin Souls all over the planet & about the Academy which he was introduced to by his Twin Soul that contacted us. He was so inspired he wanted to join the Academy and so did she. It would appear more & more missions are being aborted which is good news.” Daichi said feeling like he wouldn´t want to miss rescuing Cazuki & felt it was the Universe helping him be a part of that royal extraction. That was the code name being used for Cazuki, royal. Kind of fitting since he´s been a royal in several of his lives on this world & off world.
“Akira, we need to build more Academies, the list grows daily for those wanting to join!” Naleya said thinking it was incredible how fast word spread of their Twin Soul rescue missions all over the world & it ignited & woke up so many more. 
“Plans are already in place for Academies to be in every country & I´m very happy to hear about the aborted missions. The more Twin Souls wake up & save themselves, the more we can work towards Twin Soul cities, Twin Soul ships & a Twin Soul world. No more hells, only heavens, no more unbalance, only balance.” Akira said feeling like with every mission she´s gone on to rescue Twin Souls, when they awakened & were freed in their minds, their souls were free to be who they really are deep inside their soul core, their joyful & tearful reunions with their Twin Souls reminded Akira why she was on this mission to begin with. Haruki came back & motioned to the team to follow them to the extraction place.
“It´s time. Let´s rewrite the future” He said and got in to drive while Akira was on her off road silent electric motorbike driving in front of them all leading the way.
To be continued…
Back on Akira´s ship…
Akira´s story mind writing was interrupted when on her ship the coms were signalling her. On the front screen in the pilot deck with the clouds & blue skies in the background, Daichi came calling & he covered the entire screen with his video message.
“Akira we located him, your up Angel sister. Sending you the coordinates now. Meet you both at the rendezvous point” He said feeling happy, excited, hopeful, but cautiously optimistic. 
“Don´t worry Daichi, it will work. We won´t give up on him.” She said getting the ship ready to be on autopilot & for Aya (A.I.) to be in control over the ship.
“Be safe & may the Universe protect you!” He said smiling at her with love & light.
“You too Angel brother, see you all soon!” She then got up and headed out of the control room while the ship was floating in mid air high up in the skies still cloaked, still hidden, but protected. Akira came up out on the roof top of her ship & was now wearing a flight suit that would protect her against the cold winds. She stood looking out to the sun, to the clouds, to the sea below & felt so alive & free. Her eyes closed feeling the warmth of the light on her face & then she dived backwards free falling off the ship which was always her favourite way to free fly. Before she impacted the ocean her mechanical wings opened up just in time & she flew upwards sending waves of air & energies impacting the wild blue waters of planet Earth & flying upwards back into the sky & heading towards her own Twin Soul rescue mission. 
28 July - 15 August, 2018 Twin Soul Investigator Report…
So I wrote and went over the post several times last night and this morning right up until I uploaded it today. A new Twin Soul story came to me last night which was the last piece I added, thus the reason for not being able to upload it early this morning. I knew something was missing, I just didn´t know what, so the delays were apparently for a reason, but it´s finally here. If I mention I will upload at a specific time and it doens´t happen, just have in the back of your minds that something came up, but doesn´t mean it won´t happen. 
What I write to on repeat "Hope In Front Of Me!":
Reylo ~ Hope In Front Of Me
www.youtube.comSong ~ Hope In Front Of Me Artist ~ Danny Gokey
Twin Souls that are trapped with any LITDFS, this empowered song is to fire up their souls to break free from them all: “Unstoppable”
Kylo Ren ~ Unstoppable
www.youtube.comSong ~ Unstoppable Artist ~ Red
The Devine…
What is the Devine? What is the Sacred and how to be super charged with powerful positive energies & codes? It starts with our bodies and the more we protect it against anyone & anything wanting to corrupt it, the more powerfully positive we become & our souls shine brighter. Our souls are already Devine & Sacred, but what we do in life that brings balance or unbalance determines if our minds & bodies are Devine & Sacred or not. If we think of our bodies as biological computers with no viruses or trojans or negative programs or negative codes or negative downloads or any other negative attacks to our system, but our bodies are new, clean, pure and protected and the more we protect ourselves, the more our system works & can perform effortlessly & positively & powerfully. There are thousands of ways to corrupt the body, the mind and energies. Society is designed by the LITDFS to corrupt you in anyway possible so you won´t be Devine or Sacred or powerfully positive. This is another reason why children are systematically attacked by the LITDFS, when they are babies and children their bodies are attacked so they are not pure, positive or powerful. The more pure and positive we are, the more of a threat we are to the LITDFS & their dark way of life. Whether children remember or not, if attacked, they will have negative energies attached to them that they got from their attackers & their soul pains from those attacks could express it in various self destructive ways like comfort eating, toxic substance abuse like drinking too much or smoking, eating too much or not enough, self mutilation, depression, suicide attempts and so on which can be some of their damages they bring with them into their Twin Soul unions. However the LITDFS do it, but babies & children can actually remember everything, but somehow they are being prevented to remember so they can be easily attacked physically even by LITDFS family members or LITDFS friends of the family and the LITDFS get away with it. Another dark side the LITDFS don´t want you to know about. Think of your bodies like a holy Sacred, Devine Eden heaven temple garden and your soul is the Jedai that is protecting that holy temple that only The One Twin Soul Jedai soul matched to be with you & meant for you may enter. Your Devine counterpart is equally soul matched & holy Sacred & Divine to you, so there will never be any attacks to your holy Eden to your soul, because you are both meant to be. What your Twin Soul also brings is positive energies & codes as long as he too stays protected, but any one night stands, any short or long term relationships with anyone and the many, will lead to a build up of negative energies, codes & past life downloads that will be transferred to you which will make you less pure, Sacred or Devine on your bodies, because your system would be impacted by it all. I´m not being religious about this, but I´m being spiritually awake about this, because I remember past lives of what Balance & Peace feels like, looks like and was like once upon time in a world that didn´t go mad, in a world that wasen´t in pain, suffering, wars and darkness and in a world that was not controlled by the LITDFS, but it was lead by the Twin Souls. I know what real Balance & Peace looks like, feels like & is like. The LITDFS will tempt you to corrupt your body in many ways and they are the ones that are being translated in stories as the devils even and serpents. Think about it, if you are a virgin guy (Twin Soul Jedai) or a virgin girl (Twin Soul Jedai), but your family or friends or co-workers or even your boyfriend if he or she is a LITDFS or a LITDFS pretending to be your Twin Soul to trick you to corrupt you or anyone is pressuring you to not protect your body anymore, but they are saying things like, “you are not meant to be with just One, but you are here to experience & learn lessons, you are suppose to see what it´s like being with anyone before settling for someone.” They could even use the biological argument of “we are not designed to be with just one, but we are meant to be with as many as we want, because it´s not natural to be locked down to one person”. They could say, “it´s not normal to be a virgin, be single or celibate, there is something wrong with you if you are.”, “you need to try out others and learn so you can be well experienced before getting together with that one person you wish to be with, so you know how to please them.” “You need to see what it´s like to be in other relationships so you can take that education & know how to make it work with the person you wish to be with for life”. Your mind can also be messed with on so many levels to want to be with anyone and the many, like dark magic and technology and what negative stories/games you accept and dark side trainings and programmings since birth. For example, you could have had one “parent” that opened your eyes, minds, hearts & souls to only be with The One, find the One, fall in love with The One meant for you while your other “parent”, (both could be divorced even or not together anymore), doesn´t believe you should be with The One, but to try out and be with anyone. What happens thou if you are in a LITDFS family (especially those in power controlling life and Twin Souls in our society) that have agendas to corrupt you, darken you, make sure your body has negative energies, codes and downloads attached, to make sure you are easy to control when you are their dark side apprentice serving their agendas for the world? When your body is compromised and your soul is not awake, but your lost mind is controlling your life, your corrupted mind and body will lead you to not only behave like the LITDFS, but also you will lose energies with your negative energy life styles. One way the LITDFS do it is to take out the one “parent” that is shining light, wisdom and soul intelligence your way. They can do this by targeting that persons mind, body and energies. If their minds break down, then your other “parent” and their family will make you question that person, question the “parent” that was trying to protect you and wake you up and enlighten you, because why believe anything this enlightened and awakened “parent” says when they have lost their minds right? Taking out also includes taking their life & disguising it like a “car accident”, “suicide” or sudden “health complications”. These 3 are their most common use of LITDFS war tactics that can trick the world into thinking nothing is wrong, but they I´m sure have taken out many awakened Twin Souls or Twin Souls who are awakening in this world and the LITDFS disguised it as something that doesn´t make you question anyone or anything. Like agents in the matrix taking out awakened souls who want out of the matrix or stormtroopers turned rebels who don´t wish to be ruled by a dark order that controls life and destroys life. The so called conspiracy “crazy” people in the world are the rebels that are being told in star wars, just like anyone who worked for any government departments like pirate hackers coming out with truths of what governments are really doing to the people and these rebels are being branded as “enemies” of that country, when in reality they are like unplugged from the matrix and are being hunted by the agents in the matrix or they are like the rebels like Finn in star wars and again branded as “enemies” of the first order. Life is being translated in stories, time to wake up and see the real world. Rebels are the truth seekers and will dig deep into the dark of the LITDFS in our world that are in power over families, friends, relationships, departments in service for the LITDFS and societies and the rebels come out revealing what they find in their own investigations. Just like I investigated and was waking up to the real world back in 2007 and 2008 and in 2008 I was not only attacked on my mind, but also my body when I was jumped by 4 guys. What were their words to me? “Finally we have you, it´s about time”. I didn´t even know them and couldn´t see their faces. The LITDFS have no trouble sacrificing people even their own family members and those a part of the LITDFS collective and those Twin Souls that are trapped with them if it means accomplishing their agendas, I mean come on the proof is in our history right up to present day. Cazuki´s “family” had no problems sacrificing his soul & True Love for me, as long as they stay in power and control over him. The LITDFS don´t care, you are all nothing more than a food source for them, with your energies, with your flesh and with your sufferings & tortures & heartbreaks. Pawns to be used in their war games. They don´t care in their lost dark minds, but they do care in their souls that are trapped, because they don´t want to hurt their brothers and sisters of the Universe and they don´t want to be hurting their own Twin Souls, because they only hurt themselves literally, they are One soul, just split in two. I have to believe their souls are not like this with what darkness they have done for thousands of life times on this world, otherwise we really are in trouble and we will need help off world to end all kinds of hells down here on this planet. As for anyone saying we have “lessons” to learn and to “experience” in being with anyone and the many in relationships, all this is gross of course, very westworld and laughable in terms of needing to “experience” & “learn” “lessons”, especially when we have lived thousands if not millions of life times, how many more times are we to “learn” the same lessons and experience? All this is devils play and temptation and corruption of the Devine & Sacred that is your body, your mind, your emotions & your energies. Their serpent & devilish world can´t continue if everyone only wants their One True Love, their Twin Soul! Your soul is the Jedai, but if your mind falls to the peer pressure, verbal attacks like belittling you for being a virgin for example, control, manipulations and the temptations those LITDFS around you that keep acting like the devil and a serpent and keep feeding you to not protect your body anymore, then your mind falls to become a dark side apprentice if I was to describe this in star wars terms. Twin Souls are the GreyJedai, so they stay protected, pure, keeping their heavenly paradise Eden body Holy & be powerfully positive with energies, so they stay single, celibate & a virgin to remain Sacred & Devine and only wanting their One True Love, their Twin Soul. The Twin Souls know how powerful positive energies & codes within them gives them more power when they are single, celibate & a virgin. Learning lessons can happen fast when reading or watching stories, songs, art, getting education about relationships & True Loves & Twin Souls by listening to others or reading or watching any information that will teach you & awaken you your soul. Twin Soul stories are a fast way to download information, especially those stories that reveal the LITDFS and how they play their games, dramas and wars against Twin Souls. Even past life awakenings can help you remember, just make sure the ones that are telling you your past lives has no problem with being truth tested in various ways to verify what they tell you. I don´t even call it learning lessons when searching for information, because that would mean we have never learned it before, it´s more like awakening the information we already know in our souls to our minds. LITDFS are everywhere in every profession, it would be naive to think you can trust anyone. I would know, I used to believe those I met wouldn´t target me in anyway and have self serving agendas, I gave them chances, I wanted to see the good in them, which they do have in their souls, again something I have to believe, but their minds tell a different story, so my good heart and good natured soul was taken advantage of many times and both Cazuki & I paid the high price for it. So the whole needing to learn instead being in relationships with anyone and the many is garbage. Their westworld devils/dark side playground can´t continue if anyone starts acting like Twin Soul GreyJedai and only wanting The One meant for them, their Devine counterpart that is a perfect soul match to them. The names the LITDFS keep stacking up with is many and the devil is just another name attached to them and they are being translated again in stories. I mean seriously, how holy & devine can they be when wanting to break up Twin Soul True Love unions, break up Twin Soul marriages & break up Twin Soul families and wanting you to corrupt your Devine & Sacred bodies? Like palpatine coming between Padme & Anakin or snoke coming between Han & Leia. Their actions speak devil, speak serpent and speak temptation, so if you in life have found your One True Love that you know deep in your heart & soul they are who you are meant to be with for life and every life, that they are your Twin Soul, but then here comes temptation or several temptations knocking at your door and devils wanting in, what do you do? Do you become friends with them? Do you invite them in? Do you allow them to push themselves into your lives & meddle? This includes families too, devil energies can be anywhere wanting to meddle, destroy and keep hell on the Earth the same. Should anyone be afraid of the devils, the dark side or the serpent side energies? No! If you give them your fear, that´s how they control you. Watch star wars & really learn how to defend yourself against the dark side. Rey kept awakening in her soul and was she afraid, even of snoke? Nope! What happened when Kylo was awakening in his soul? He stood his ground and defended himself against snoke and gained his freedom, even thou his freedom didn´t include seeing the bigger picture and is still in someway working for the first order collective. Even in the face of the LITDFS, your lost in the dark bothers & sisters of the Universe and they are wanting to control you, manipulate you, torture you, cause you pain, destroy you, attack you, divide you from your brothers & sisters of the Universe and have you hating one side, or tear apart your Twin Soul unions or murder you, bring you fear, feed your ego or desires, but stand your ground, give them nothing, stay stubborn, defiant, strong, brave, rebel, keep getting back up even if they keep beating you down in various ways like attacking your minds and bodies, but be the fierce battle rebel angels I know all to be in your souls, because the strength & power is in each and every one of you, it´s been there all along. True Freedom is found in being your true soul self. True Empowerment is found being true to who you really are in your souls and being Holy, Devine & Sacred in your souls is when you give them nothing when they want to take everything from you, but you refuse, rebel & reject any and all of their attempts at wanting you to be like them. You refuse, rebel & reject any and all of their negative upbringing teachings, educations, indoctrinations, manipulations, controls, energies, codes & downloads in families, amongst friends, in school, LITDFS wanting to be with you in relationships and in society in general. That is being a Twin Soul GreyJedai when you rebel, refuse and reject their negative way of life, when you see what they are saying and doing is wrong and destructive keeping wars on life, souls and Twin Souls alive, you reject it always and Twin Souls have that power within them, it´s always there, it´s just asleep and needs awakening. Trust me, when you really are awake in your souls, you will not fear them at all anymore and what happens then is you will want to rebel even more and stand up against any and all kinds of wars on life. You will not even fear if they threaten you or try to take you out and end your life even, because when you are awake you are connected to the Universe, to your soul and your soul wisdom and intelligence, you are connected to soul collective, you will know things that their lost dark minds don´t because they refuse to wake up. Twin Souls (GreyJedai) are the rebels, the rule breakers & the change makers, because even thou one Twin Soul breaks rules & the other follows rules, both can be both in a balanced way. 
The Sacred & Devine also includes our minds and protecting that too from being corrupted with negative thoughts like programmings, dark side trainings, indoctrinations, manipulations, being controlled by anyone (includes “family”, “friends”, schools, governments and so on) & influences from anymore LITDFS in your lives since you were born and in society in general. Always reject, refuse and rebel against any and all negatives you know in your very soul will lead to a negative life & future. Same with anything you read or watch or see or hear from anything and anyone. Same with energies, if you are surrounded by LITDFS energy vampires who live negative energy life styles and they feed on you and keep you at a low energy vibration where they are or they keep sending your their sexual energies, find a way to leave them, protect your Sacred & Devine energies. Protect your Sacred & Devine mind. Always be awake to what comes in your mind, because the LITDFS can send negative thoughts your way and you may mistaken it for your thoughts when it´s not at all. Message to my other selves: If you are a child and are soul awake and are surrounded by LITDFS and you want out, then leave and live with other people you know if you can that won´t harm you, abuse you, use you or feed on you. Even if you are teenager, but you´re only a teenager in body, not your soul, your soul has more knowledge and wisdom than you know, it just needs awakening. A Solo Hermit Soul Mission can begin at any age and then only surround yourself with those “unplugged” from the “matrix”, those who know what is going on everywhere and knows about the various kinds of wars. As an awakened soul no matter what age, you need to somehow find a way to gain freedom, become independent early and protect yourself. Think Rey, gain skills, gain knowledge again, disconnect from LITDFS around you, stay free, stay independent, seek out truths and keep waking up in your soul again, learn about Twin Souls again, learn about your other lives again. If you are born in a sign that you really don´t connect with and it´s preventing you to have access to your whole soul in many ways, think Aquarius and all that comes with it which you don´t feel like you have access to it, one of the soul missions is freedom for your soul, you can´t have freedom if you are imprisoned in a sign that doesn´t allow you to express your whole soul. So become all star signs and if people ask what sign are you, tell the truth, you are all signs and mention the one that you gravitate towards the most, that will be the name that represents all the signs or come up with a new name that represents all signs. The LITDFS will wish for you to follow rules and order, like say “you can´t just pick and choose a sign to be in, you can´t just be all the signs, you can´t just come up with a new name, that´s not how it works”, so they will try and box in, but one of your soul missions is to break out of the box and come flying out into the light. A true free soul shapes the world, creates the world and changes the world however they want with positives in mind, a brighter future, a freedom future and a enlightened future for all. A free soul doesn´t follow rules or order that´s negative and if it doesn´t make any sense or goes against their soul freedom and soul freedom for others, then they will reject, refuse and rebel against it and be the true Twin Soul GreyJedai in this Universe and make changes and live their lives how they see fit as long as it´s a positive life style, not harming, not controlling or destroying any life or Twin Souls True Loves. Think of what Morpheus said to Neo, he said, there was a man born in the matrix, a man that could change and shape the world with however he wanted. Everyone has that power once they are soul free, soul awakened and are in their soul power, living their soul truth. For example, whatever you come across in life that the LITDFS have created or established or are in control over or what rules and order they have designed, if you feel it´s negative, unbalanced, destructive to life, freedoms and True Loves Twin Souls, then reject, refuse and rebel against any negatives and unbalanced ways and live your life, design your life that doesn´t include their way of life. You are your own creator, so create a better world for all. 
The most beautiful & pure Devine, Sacred connection you will ever have is with your Twin Soul and you will never need to feel like you have to be “experienced” or learn “lessons” with other people before getting into union, because you will know everything you need to with your Twin Soul. It´s like, you both are a map to your own pleasures zones which will be different to each person. So you both investigate each others bodies, play, have fun, ask questions, research ways to please each other more, be open, be honest about your feelings and thoughts, talk about anything and everything, what feels right and what doesn´t, be caring and considerate, understanding and compassionate, empathy and communicative, overcoming the damages done to one or both of you if you were targeted by the LITDFS when you were children or adults and discover each others maps to completely being One and sharing Heavens between you both. This is what Cazuki & I had in terms of discovering our bodies again, we didn´t need to be with anyone else, because we knew, we will know everything we need to by being only with each other. This is exactly how I felt when being with Cazuki. I never ever felt like I needed to be with anyone or the many to be experienced or “learn” “lessons” with other people. I wanted to feel & try everything new again with my Twin Soul and only my Twin Soul, no one else and he felt the same. With Cazuki & I only having been with one other in a relationship before our union, we still felt like we were new to each other even thou I wished we were only new to each other completely, but point is, between Twin Souls they are the listeners, the learners, the givers, the carers, the talkers, the question askers, the lovers, the best friends, the passion & romance seekers and the husband & wife souls & True Loves and wish to only feel & try everything new again with only their Devine counterpart. They are the ones that will never feel the need to be intimate or have sex with anyone or the many, because they only want their Twin Soul in the entire Universe! How´s that for some epic True Love story & life! I know it´s real, I know Cazuki was real and what we had was real, he knew how pure we were & powerfully positive, his words exactly to me were pure, pure in the sense that we had only been with one other in a relationship, even thou we also had a couple of one night stands with others, but again something we both didn´t want to really (real pure of course is if we were both untouched before union, but still we were close to being pure when we didn´t be with the many, only a couple each) and pure in the sense we knew each other since we were kids and pure in the sense we got together and it was powerfully positive, both single, both free, both our souls wanting to and it was not controlled or forced to be in union, but it was soul free will and soul choice to be together. Our minds were not tampered with in anyway. Our True Love was ignited once again and the energies between us was extreme. He knew what we had, who we are & being rare, hard to find. Since the LITDFS are all about pleasing self, serving self and keeping this dark hell world the same, sex is something they could be knowledgable in, especially having been with multiple people & wanting to learn everything they can to please their Twin Soul victims so he stays with them & never leaves. Sex is actually one of their main agendas and they can use it as a weapon, a tool and a way to entrap the Adams to them. Also it´s a way to have the Adams believe they are his “eve” or “twin soul” if they are knowledgable in pleasing sexually if his actual Twin Soul is not and if they are more open than his Twin Soul. The LITDFS have all the time in the world, they are not busy on their soul missions or Twin Soul mission, but they are busy in targeting our Adams and enjoying self, pleasing self & pleasing the Adams under their control. Our society reveals they are obsessed with sex, sexuality, wanting everyone to corrupt their Sacred Devine bodies, wanting everyone to be with anyone and the many, wanting everyone to be sexually aroused all the time and one of the ways they do that is by corrupting the Devine Feminines & Devine Masculines bodies by sexualising everything & promoting nakedness and exposing sexual areas to entice & arouse in public, in stories, in games, in magazines, in advertisements, on billboards, in careers, in families, among friends, just anywhere & everywhere. The more you expose yourself and allow yourself to be corrupted by negative dark energies, the less Sacred, Devine your holy temple body becomes & you attract & accept negative energies & codes into your system, which will drain your energies & then you will need to feed on energies of others. An over sexed society & women or men exposing their sexual areas to everyone and anyone is not powerful or positive energies, but the LITDFS will have you believe it is, but for the real awakened Twin Souls who know the difference between positive and negative energies will know what I´m talking about, because you can feel the difference. It´s like not only are your eyes violated, but you feel it in your mind, your energies, your body and soul. I have no wish to see any LITDFS wanting to expose their naked areas or get all sexual in public arousing everyone, amongst friends, families, society in general or in stories. In stories many actors enjoy it while other actors do not, but they do it to either get an important message across, especially if they are a part of the Twin Soul rebellion and they might not even know it, but their souls do. 
Kaito´s wife was a perfect example when it comes to wanting everyone to be aroused by her sexual naked areas. She enjoyed revealing her naked areas to Cazuki & I, she enjoyed enticing, seducing & tempting and she didn´t care that she was married to Cazuki´s brother. This is the real world, LITDFS don´t care, that is one of their main weapons, sex, sexuality, sex appeal, sexual attraction, arousing, tempting & seducing. They don´t even have to expose their sexual areas, but their sexuality, flirting, seducing and tempting they can also do with their clothes on. When their lost minds are in control and their souls are asleep, they will have no trouble causing negative unbalances & negative energies everywhere, so that this hell world can continue and the wars on life & Twin Souls stay alive. Sakurako is one of many LITDFS who went to war on us and they can be compared to then being on that field attacking children, people, animal alien angels, souls, Twin Souls and the planet, when they went to war on us Twin Souls to break us apart again, because Twin Souls are for positive changes, but the LITDFS are for keeping their negative way of life the same. Twin Souls together means an end to all kinds of wars and the LITDFS are for keeping all kinds of wars alive. 
Everything is to do with energies right, so how powerfully positive do you think you will become when you stay GreyJedai in your soul and protect your holy garden of Eden your temple body? Extreme & intense positive powerful energies is what you get and the LITDFS will try to corrupt you, tempt you, seduce you and even may attack you verbally or physically so you be like them and fall to the dark. Why be a lost, corrupted devil when you can be an battle ninja angel? Self defence training is a must for everyone wanting to protect their Devine & Sacred bodies in a world designed by the LITDFS that wish to corrupt and attack you to taint your bodies to be negative and less powerful and more easily controlled, especially wanting you to be with anyone and the many. Self defence should be available for all children even.
I mentioned before of the various wars on Earth and an energy war is one war the LITDFS are about. The more people they are with sexually, the more negative energies & codes they accumulate in their bodies and become less powerful & it actually drains them of their energies and sex is another way to feed them, but sex with souls that have no wish to be with them and if their minds were controlled in any way to be with them, is more negative energies & codes they accumulate, because it´s souls attacking souls, so what they think is feeding them it´s actually draining them and they become low themselves on energies again so they have to feed again. Another reason why they have children so fast, not only does it provide youth energies, but it provides them with energies all the time until they need more. Think about the story tangled, a story I can relate to a lot, especially the hermit life once again, but her life, her energies were used to feed & give youth to that woman that kidnapped her when she was a baby. Same goes for any LITDFS that date younger people, it´s their way of staying young themselves and to feed on energies when they are losing energies with their negative energy lifestyles. If only they knew, being raw vegan and juicing gives you youth and helps you even look younger. Investigate yourselves, the truth is out there. The more negative energies and codes they accumulate with whatever negatives they put on their bodies (chemicals, poisons and anything else destructive) or feed their bodies (like eating animal alien angels or anything from an animal alien angel which again drains their energies), they become low on energies again and need to feed on others to top up what they lose themselves. Think of skeksis in the dark crystal, what are they eating? Then what are they draining to feed on? They eat animals, lose energies, then trap little people (like children if I was to translate that in our world, but also they can trap people like the Twin Soul Adams or Eves in families, amongst friends and relationships with them.) and drain their energies to feed on. There is a darker aspect of that regarding attacks on children and energies, but you can investigate that yourselves with without me going too far dark here. There are rebels out there that write about that darkness already & to become soul awake you have to research yourself and awaken in your own way.  LITDFS can feed on energies on children, on family members, on friends, on pets, but also any trapped Adams or Eves in their control. They can even feed on his or her Twin Soul, because Twin Souls are connected, so when the LITDFS feeds on one Twin Soul, she or he feeds on both. 
Between Twin Souls, energies are always positive, pure, real, honest, heavenly and meant to be and the energies are on, always flowing, never ending between them & within them. They each have their own sun (soul) powers, so they dont´feed on each other, but if one Twin Soul is allowing negative energies, codes and downloads into their lives from LITDFS targeting their unions, then that Twin Soul can be impacted by those negative energies, because it is changing him to be like them & he could end up attacking his Twin Soul in someway like be negative to his Twin Soul. When their minds & energies are messed with by the LITDFS in someway like dark magic or flirting, seducing energies being sent to the Twin Souls being targeted, then the Twin Souls will be impacted by it and may have trouble being close to each other and again they could be negative to their own Twin Soul in someway, because they are allowing negative energies and codes into their system, not realising they are under attack by the LITDSF in their lives impacting them with negative energies, codes and downloads. If action isn´t taken to solve it & clear it, then they will end so the LITDFS can begin with them, because the Twin Souls are accumulating negative energies themselves and they may not even know it. Communicate, be honest and ask questions like did one of you or both encounter LITDFS in your life today or before that and is sending you negative sexual energies? Energies of them being interested in you? Flirting? Seducing? Tempting? What about “family” members like in-laws doing the same thing or what about “family” members that are trying to set you up with someone else right in front of you? What about anyone in your life, “family” or “friends” that are whispering words of poison to you about your Twin Soul making you doubt them so you would leave them. Like seeds of doubt, mind programmings, dark side trainings and manipulations from your “families” or “friends”? Negative codes/programs & energies are being sent all the time and you may not even know before it´s too late. When you sense something is wrong in your union, because you can feel it in your energies between you both and Twin Souls are extremely sensitive to each other being all super positive and powerful between them with their True Love and how they came together like being single and free, so any negative changes will be picked up on them, if this happens, don´t keep secrets, tell each other everything, investigate your own union, ask questions, dive in deep and uncover it all, the puzzle pieces and who is in involved meddling with your union or you both will suffer another life breaking up so the LITDFS can begin again with you. It is insane how many times we have all been down the same path before a million billion times. It´s so bad that I even told Cazuki, “I wish this time the guy gets it, understands and doesn´t choose the wrong path again!” Same old same old story you see in stories even and life. When Twin Souls are in first union, they really need to wake up in their souls fast and see the realities of our world. Twin Souls are the real GreyJedai that are being told in star wars, they will be targeted to break so that one or both end up with a LITDFS to be an dark side apprentice. One may ask, how can it be dark, if they are living it up, looking all “happy”, getting their dreams come true? There is the illusion of what you see on the surface and then what is the real truth in the souls, but even what you see between a LITDFS and a trapped Adam on social media for example can be false. As it has been mentioned even by the Devine Masculines themselves telling their Twin Souls they are no longer with but are still communicating, they didn´t even want to be on social media with the LITDFS in pictures looking all “happy”. Any Twin Soul Eve will tell you if they are soul connected so strongly to their Adams, they feel it when their Twin Soul is in pain in their souls when their Adams are with any LITDFS or many LITDFS. Remember, the LITDFS are the darker ones and so are any Twin Souls that fall for them, so when you have two darker ones being together, do you think that´s balance? Do you think it´s all happy and bright? Soul pains and tortures will find a way to express themselves, even if the lost minds believe it´s all good on the surface. Don´t be fooled by what you see on the surface, that is an illusion, what counts is what´s below what you don´t see, the very souls that matter more than these temporary bodies. So when Twin Souls are investigating their own unions, make sure you make the necessary steps to protect your unions. Come into your King of swords and Queen of swords energies, start cutting out people, places and situations that are targeting your union again for the millionth and billionth time. Surround yourself with other Twin Soul rebels and get back on track on Twin Soul mission and change the world!
As for the whole being a virgin and not knowing anything about sex if you haven´t studied various forms of information how to please a body or being in relationships with other people, just remember you have lived many lives with your Twin Soul and been intimate with him many times, it´s never really your first time, only the first in a new body and not being allowed to remember any of your lives (again being prevented by the LITDFS in someway, but we are meant to know thou), but if you didn´t view it like this was your first ever life on Earth, but see it as you have lived many lives, had sex many times, it would take away any notion that you know nothing, when in truth your soul remembers everything, it´s just your mind is not allowed to remember. This will take any pressure off of feeling like you´re a newbie when in truth you are not a newbie at all, not soulfully anyway. So if anyone says you are new to this or inexperienced, when in truth you are not, your soul is not, but your new mind is. Knowing this will help you not be so bothered by those attacking you to lose your virginity because they believe you need to feel what it´s like or that you need to “experience”. You already know what it´s like, it´s just your new mind doesn´t remember, so hopefully you don´t fall for them trying to corrupt you to be like them in another life. Why be a sith, when you can be a rockin, rebellious, battle ninja angel Twin Soul GreyJedai? With Cazuki & I, how I would describe it between us was something extraordinary, but to me, it felt like we picked up where we left off from our last life together in a different life time & it was easy and fast between us, felt familiar, because my soul knows his soul even if our bodies are new. Any Twin Soul couple can do this and then it wouldn´t be so “new”, but it would be more like getting to know this new body instead which both Cazuki & I were curious with each other, which was funny as if to say, “so, what do you look like everywhere in this life & what are your arousing buttons that turn you on in this new body?” and we would investigate each others bodies which made me laugh and we investigated everything, no judgement or criticism, but more like being a scientist and wanting to study everything so we can be the Ultimate Lovers between Twin Souls. That´s another heavenly positive connection you share with your Twin Soul, you don´t need to be with others to “learn” how to please other people, you can learn everything from your Twin Soul, because between Twin Souls they are not afraid to ask questions, get answers, investigate each others bodies, find all the sexual “buttons” that turn you on and that are your own arousing areas which is completely different to each and every person, because every person has their own likes and dislikes for whatever reason. That´s what it was like between Cazuki & I, we investigated, we asked questions, we gave answers, we were truthful, we had compassion, understanding, we were gentle and loving and caring, but not only that but we were willing to try anything once if not more, so we were flexible and adventurous in our heavenly intimate acts. We were both also wild with each other and were not bound by one place, but everywhere could be our heavens as long as we didn´t have an audience or get caught. Our souls already know each other and it was like, we picked up where we left off from our last life together with how we connected, communicated & loved each other in this life. That was surreal between us, but beautiful & out of this world. I mean, when you can talk about anything & everything, not holding back & even saying things that could scare someone away, like saying in the first month together you want 8 kids with him and he doesn´t run, that´s your Twin Soul, but not only that, you are so comfortable with him, you are being your soul true self and hiding nothing, but saying everything to him and it feels natural, easy, safe and free with no judgment only unconditional love. 
So what about those who are a virgin, staying single and feel like they are missing out on sex? Sex is supposed to be a Sacred and Devine Heavenly connection between two souls meant to be, feeling real Positive energies, Heaven & Paradise & Eden between them lighting up the Universe, it connects you to life, to your souls, to the Universe, but when sex is being used and abused in the most insane, dark lost ways like being used as a weapon and a tool, being with anyone and the many, it then corrupts, it drains energies and creates a world that is unbalanced and dark. What are you missing? You are not missing anything, because you have already had sex many times in many lives with many people and not even with your Twin Soul. When living any life on Earth, you have most likely been corrupted many times to taint your bodies in various ways. You may have had lives you were pure and got together with your Twin Soul, but then he fell to the dark or you fell to the dark and got lost in the dark having your bodies corrupted maybe many times, being passed around by the LITDFS, when you think you are in control over your life, when in truth they are in control over you and your life. See the adjustment bureau story, them tampering with minds is completely true (like the LITDFS sending you their negative telepathy thoughts and you think it´s your thoughts when it´s not, it´s theirs. See and research everything again about telepathy and awaken what your soul already knows.) and unless you are soul awake and awake to your own thoughts and know which is yours and which thoughts are being sent to you, you may be controlled in many ways and not even realise it if you are soul asleep. In many lives you may have even been tricked into thinking he or she is your Twin Soul, especially if they know about Twin Souls and can shape shift themselves, copy it somehow and then take on that acting job (especially if LITDFS do the research themselves into Twin Souls. See the Twin Soul comments post of this very same thing that happened to a Devine Masculine who´s friend took what he said about Twin Souls and took over that role and went after his Eve), so they can target you to corrupt your body with them, then they leave you. In a world where manipulation is their game, you will need more proof that he or she is your Twin Soul (you need that Kylo shock moment when he sees Rey grab that lightsaber), but you will know deep in your soul if they are your Twin Soul, souls are energy and you will feel it if you are a soul energy match. Even your Twin Soul can be used to be a weapon against you to trick you to be with them, then they leave you. If they are being used and controlled by the LITDFS, then Twin Souls can target their own Twin Souls and that is reality. All the more reasons why we need a real Twin Soul GreyJedai Academy that is lead by the Twin Souls, the Devine Masculines and the Devine Feminines, both come with their souls wisdom, soul enlightenment and soul intelligence. So if you ever wondered how could your One True Love do that to you and you both knew you were both meant to be, you both felt it in the energies between you, but he hurt you by breaking you and you don´t understand what happened, then you are living a Padme/Anakin moment and he got lost in the dark by the LITDFS in his life in someway & is now on their dark side keeping this world the same, the serpent side and the first order side and being in a relationship with a LITDFS. 
The LITDFS abuse sex in the most darkest way possible and it´s one of their weapons & tools to stay in power and control over life and Twin Souls and that´s another reason they target children and why they would never work towards ending attacks to children really at the core if they are ruling countries, families friends and relationships. LITDFS families, friends and other relationships rule each other, Twin Souls don´t rule each other or others, they are equals and would never think to rule in their families, friends or relationships or towards anyone, but LITDSF sure do. When Twin Souls see negatives being done, they speak up, but if they are attacked for it or it gets ignored and the LITDFS wish to continue to rule with their negatives on you, then the Twin Souls should step back and protect their unions from negative energies and codes and the LITDFS way of dark life. When no Twin Soul GreyJedai couple is standing up against the LITDFS, challenging them & ending it once and for all, then the attacks to life everywhere will continue & that will also happen when LITDFS everywhere don´t awaken in their souls and don´t become Twin Souls. As for the whole if you are missing out on sex, trust me, being intimate with your Twin Soul and being intimate with anybody else, you are not missing out on anything with being intimate with anybody else or the many, because what happens between you and anybody else and what happens between you and your Twin Soul, is that one is a physical connection with or without love/“love” (heart love, but not soul love, but also “love” in terms of if it´s controlled and programmed to be together) in the mix, but the other is a complete connection with mind, body, energies, emotions, heart and soul. With your Twin Soul it´s Soul True Love, it´s Devine True Love, it´s Sacred True Love, its Powerfully Positive True Love, it´s Universe True Love and loving them with your entire soul will light up your body and his body, your mind and his mind, your heart & his heart, your energies & his energies & your soul & his soul connected as One with the entire Universe in balance with souls being 100% matched and you both will never want to leave each other or want anyone else when that happens. So the LITDF will target you both in various ways to tear you both apart, because they know Twin Souls don´t leave each other when they are finally together, so dark magic mind programmings will come into play, manipulations and threats and obligations and traditions and religions will come into play from “families”, seducing & tempting & manipulative “friends” will come into play and now with the technology age, that too will come into play to mess with minds, emotions and feelings between Twin Souls ending them faster. Whenever I hear of Twin Soul unions that didn´t last long, I think of Cazuki & I that lasted 12 years, this makes me think of technology being used and it does make dark magic obsolete. The LITDFS are very efficient when playing war games, they are order, organised and effective so it would be naive to think they wouldn´t play their war games against Twin Souls in the most darkest way possible. Twin Souls need to tap into their former lives as scientists, researchers, agents, investigators, rebels, truth seekers, warriors, battle ninja angels and question everything and everyone, even your own families and friends, because there is a collective that is always awake in every life time and that is the LITDFS. I know this, because my “family” & Cazuki´s “family” and the people around me that I´ve encountered in my life are awake, they know who we are and they keep revealing themselves to us, especially with their negative energies, actions and words and their souls telling your soul what they are really up to or telling your mind they are not to be trusted, because they have their dark agendas, like keeping the Adams trapped to be a forever breeding & pleasure machine in every life time & to use his Twin Soul powers to create that dark world they wish to be in always (their lost dark minds wish for, but their souls do not, again something I have to believe). With everybody else it´s love (mind/heart love not soul love) and “love” depending on who you are with & if you were controlled in someway to be with them, but with everybody else it´s not the kind of love that makes you wanna fly to the stars, take on the world and the Universe, bringing positive changes to the core, ending wars and be with them for a life time in every life time, because you will not feel that way with a LITDFS. Being with anybody else and the many it´s negative energies and if they are the ones that came between your unions in past lives, they will pass on those negative energies, codes and downloads to you in this new life to your body corrupting it, especially when souls know who they are even thou their minds have no idea, but that leads to souls attacking souls which will drain their energies and can be compared to eating animal alien angels which drains their energies, so they need to top up and they do that by having kids fast with our Adams so they can feed on the energies they lose. 
Being so intimate on such a deep level is always and supposed to be a spiritual deep heavenly connection and bond between two people and that happens between two souls meant to be for a life time in every life time. Depending on if you were damaged before your Twin Soul union in anyway and even during your union, like being attacked as a child or raped when older, you may have problems with being open fully sexually and your Twin Soul that you are with may mistaken that as you couldn´t possibly be his Twin Soul if you can´t be open to him. Again, another reason the LITDFS attack children on their bodies & attack people´s bodies, because when Twin Soul union happens and the Eves or Adams is damaged in anyway on their bodies, their Twin Soul could view it like, “oh, since you were never able to be open with me sexually, we are not Twin Souls”. Same problems with being open to each other if you know he or she is your Twin Soul, but they are being controlled, programmed & are already lost in the dark before union happens or happens during union and they believe they should be with anyone and the many & you are just another notch on their belt so to speak. When our souls are telling us our Twin Soul is hiding something, is not being true to his soul self, you will have problems being open with him sexually too, like if he is flirting with others and is on his way out away from you. In many Twin Soul unions, we bring with us damages, negative programmings, dark side trainings and depending on if we allowed ourselves to be corrupted in anyway on our bodies by being with anyone or the many before union or if we were damaged & it was by force. Twin Souls already have an uphill battle from wars on them in someway before union happens, so being open to each other completely sexually can be a challenge, but can be healed if Twin Souls are completely honest with each other with everything, communicative, understanding, honest, compassionate, loving, caring and are an a unbreakable Team. The reason behind having difficulty being open fully sexually is because that is the doorway between the souls and the Universe & real heaven between you. It´s Devine, Sacred and the most open you will ever be when being intimate with your Twin Soul. So letting go and being completely open to them happens when you know 100% they are your Twin Soul meant for you for life, that they can be trusted, that they are with you for life, that they want to help heal and find ways to overcome the damages done to you when you were a child or an adult so you can be completely open to them 100%, that they will never use or abuse you in anyway, that they will never break your heart & leave you for anybody else, that they will never hold the damages done to you over your head and use it as a weapon to say that you are not meant to be because you were never open to them so they find someone who will, which when this happens or if your Twin Soul ever thought this when getting together with a LITDFS, what happens then? What will that continue to feed and cause in the world? That´s a message to the LITDFS saying, it worked, they attack a child physically or/and rape an adult, the child then grows up and the Twin Soul can´t be open with her Twin Soul, so he leaves her for anybody else that will, so this will lead the LITDFS to continue attacking babies & children, attacking adults with raping them to serve their agendas against Twin Soul unions. (There are of course other reasons why LITDFS attack children and people, but this is one reason) The lost Twin Souls are feeding that nightmare by falling for any temptations that are not damaged in that way or falling for any LITDFS that can be open with him (even if they were damaged too, but even if the LITDFS were open with him sexually, they are not opening doorways to heaven, but doorways to hell in the Universe. Why? His soul does not want to be with them, it´s against his soul free will and freedom. They are attacking his soul!) and the LITDFS are causing those nightmares to children which is another war tactic to break up Twin Souls and keep Twin Souls apart. This way Twin Souls can´t challenge the LITDFS, so they can´t end wars by the LITDFS and can´t positively change the world at the core. Every time Cazuki is with a LITDFS or my other selves & his other selves fell for a LITDFS, that is like us standing on the side lines and watching in a field LITDFS attacking children and we are not doing anything about it. Every country that is being ruled by LITDFS and every country there is an epidemic of children being attacked everyday, so when will this friggin nightmare on Earth finally end? When will people all over the planet finally wake up in their souls to the real world of what is happening against children aliens, people aliens, animal aliens, souls and Twin Souls and help end the wars on life once and for all? How to really end it at the core? Be with only your Twin Soul, nobody else and refuse, rebel and reject any and all LITDFS that wish to be with you again and again. You end the wars at the core by being with your Twin Soul and challenging the LITDFS, exposing truths, challenging them to change their dark ways & awaken their souls, creating safe Twin Soul societies that are not controlled by the LITDFS but are lead by the Twin Souls, creating Twin Soul Academies that will create Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator Universe Agents, that will investigate any and all those in power over countries that are also responsible for the attacks on children, people & animals, because the LITDFS are doing nothing to prevent it at the core & investigate any intel that are attacking life in anyway also. Twin Souls, they protect, they save, they defend and they free souls. The Academy will also help anyone wanting to awaken to be Twin Souls. That is why Twin Souls are a threat to the LITDFS, that is why the LITDFS target and war with Twin Souls to break & end, because we challenge them, we awaken truths, we awaken souls, we see their games, dramas, manipulations and wars and we wish to change it and end their hell on Earth. Besides their usual agendas of wanting to enjoy themselves, please themselves and breed with our Adams, they want to stay in power over their families, friends, and societies, so they attack life in various ways and that is why so much suffering happens on Earth, it keeps them in power and in control & their way of life stays the same so hell on Earth stays the same. If you ever questioned why there is no change, why it´s always the same hell on Earth, this is why. Twin Souls are the change makers, but when targeted always, one or both become the dark side apprentices and join in with the LITDFS to keep this nightmare world the same, whether they know it or not. 
Last night, last week, thoughts came to my mind via telepathy saying, “I want a baby”, then I hear, “get off me!”, which made me laugh. I heard both of them. I was busy writing and whenever I write about Cazuki and I, our connection can open up even if I´m not doing anything, but I can hear what they are saying to each other between him and the LITDFS he is with. After those words spoken, then came the goosebumps and energy feelings from him on my body when he´s having orgasims, but then sad energy pains from his soul I feel behind my eyes again. I have mentioned before how LITDFS are all about sex, war games, finding new ways to stay in power and control, having kids and enjoying self, obsessed with sex in a negative way like finding new ways to pleasure their bodies in a negative way (proof again is in our society, especially them wanting to awaken and corrupt children early as possible) and will make sure the LITDFS will do what they can to use it as a tool and a weapon against the Adams under their rule. They will make sure he feels like they are his “true love” or “twin soul” if they are more open, more knowledgeable than his Twin Soul ever was and show him as if to say, “look here, you didn´t have this or that with your Twin Soul, so how can they be your Twin Soul?” I will refer to what I have already mentioned before how Twin Souls already have an uphill battle before union and when union even happens, but it´s like, the LITDFS are responsible for targeting Twin Souls when they are children and adults, then they blame the Twin Soul for not being his Twin Soul if she wasen´t open enough sexually. This war tactic is the same when they target minds of Twin Souls with dark magic/technology which could lead to anyone breaking down temporarily and then what do the LITDFS say to the Adams? “See she is no good for you, she has lost her mind, you need someone who has it all together.” This way the LITDFS all come out looking squeaky clean, looking all innocent and get away with their dark crimes against life once again. What a Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator would do, is truth test them all and uncover everything. If they are really innocent and have nothing to hide and have no idea about the Twin Souls wars and they don´t know about their negative energy life styles and don´t have any self serving agendas against the Twin Souls, then they will be willingly to be truth tested in various ways, many times even. I laughed not at Cazuki´s soul pains and suffering obviously, but I laughed at the LITDFS who is still hell bent on keeping his soul trapped within, his soul who has no wish ever to be with her or any LITDFS at all. His soul has no wish to have a baby with her and go down the same road again a million and billion times before and it leads to the same end. Just more proof she is snoke in our story, because babies take a lot of time, energies, work to make sure they will be the next awakened souls in this world (hard for someone to awaken souls when they themselves are asleep in their souls when targeting Twin Souls to be with them and being with a soul who has no wish to be with her), to take on the world and positively change it at the core ending all kinds of wars. Her mission is Cazuki and to breed fast and to feed on new youth energies and keep him trapped as long as possible so that his Twin Soul mission is off his mind and the LITDFS dark way of life continues and isen´t threatened by any Twin Soul GreyJedai. When Cazuki in our first month together realised I had no wish to have children fast at all, something happened with him that I could see, it´s almost like without me realising it, but it was a test, his test in a way. This test is something every Devine Masculine should do, your Twin Soul has no wish to have kids fast, but LITDFS will & they do. Cazuki even said to me we are alike, yes we are, 100% soul matched. What did he also find out about me in our first month together? It was like, “Hi, nice to meet you again, I´m on a mission to save the world, wanna join me?” With any LITDFS they want to breed, breed fast and many times, even being with several Adams trapped with them. The LITDFS Cazuki is with has already a child before with someone else and now she wants more. These are the same patterns I´m talking about regarding LITDFS and they are easy to see. Like when one Adams ends, they just find a new one. Now, if the LITDFS has access also to what I write, she could be fuming with anger and will rain down her fury as if to say in her lost mind, “I will show you, he will breed with me and give me attention, “love” and never leave!”. Control is all an illusion, but life will always find a way to break free or in this case, souls will find a way to break free. Any “accidental” pregnancies from her, reveals her. Any excuses like saying she was drunk and “forgot” to take the pill reveals her. Any forms of dark magic messing with Cazuki so he would please & breed with her, reveals her. Everything is being documented. Everyone can see she´s obsessed with Cazuki´s seed and wanting to breed. So if it happens and she was in control over it, it reveals her and what does she think Cazuki will do, say and feel like when she entraps him in that way and he wakes up? Knowing Cazuki´s soul, because he is the other half of me, what I feel, he feels, what he feels I feel, what I think, he thinks and what he thinks I think, so I know he will be so enraged in his soul, but also saddened again, but still a fire burns within him to want his freedom as does every Devine Masculine who is trapped with a LITDFS in there world. If I was to go by what I see also in the last jedi story, the pretorians represent the children snoke has with Kylo  (LITDFS children) (snoke was originally meant to be a woman, but they changed it. snoke can represent anyone in your life that is in control over you in someway and uses their authority over you, like your “parents”.), so that is a possible future for Cazuki, especially the longer he stays trapped with her and he is not on his Neo or Han Solo Hermit Soul mission path to self discovery, enlightenment, soul wisdom, soul awakening and soul intelligence as every soul should be on to become awakened Twin Souls, which when this happens leads to his Twin Soul mission when he awakens in his soul and sees them, all levels, all layers and his awakened mind understands what I have been saying all this time. As for Cazuki´s lost mind, he too could be like, “I will show you that she is who I´m meant to be with. I will marry her and have kids and we will enjoy our sex in ways we never did!” To that I will say to his lost mind, your lost words & negative actions have no impact on me what so ever, because you are asleep, I´m awake, you are just another lost Twin Soul trapped on the dark side yet again just like our other selves in this timeline. You being lost is keeping wars to life, animal alien angels, children, people, souls, Twin Souls and against the planet alive when you continue to be controlled by your lost mind and being asleep. The only time I´m impacted by you is when I feel your soul pains & soul sufferings which your lost mind doesn´t care about anyway & when I´m being friggin soul raped by any LITDFS you are with as is your soul too is being soul raped and I´m impacted by any Twin Souls lost minds that take them off of their Twin Soul missions to help end wars, but instead they all join the LITDFS agendas of keeping wars alive. Your mind games and her mind games have no impact on me, neither of you can hurt me, since I know past lives of you two being together, what your life was like and what children you both brought into this world, not something to be proud of, especially when those children are a part of the LITDFS collective keeping wars to life & Twin Souls alive & also targeting our Twin Soul unions, same people, same souls. So technically, you have had “pretorian” children before already, so in a way it came true as it´s being told in star wars. The same children you had with any LITDFS, went after our Twin Soul unions to break it up, which LITDFS children can do. For any Twin Soul Adam & LITDFS to say or behave like, “who cares if we messed up the kids in our other lives, we can try again in the next life.” Really? You don´t think a million or billion times is enough and the outcome is always the same? What is the definition of insanity again? Souls stay asleep, wars continue, soul sufferings & tortures remain and Twin Soul wars stays alive. There will be no balance when two souls unmatched are together and are attacking each others souls and one is sending to their Twin Soul his soul pains and wanting his freedom. There will be no balance when Twin Souls can´t find balance within themselves like soul awakening, working on their soul missions & Twin Soul mission. Anyone could say, “What are doing? Are you trying to get them to have kids to prove you wrong?” I would say to that, I know at least 9 of his kids in the world already he has had with several LITDFS he knows about in his life in this life, and the children are all LITDFS, they are at war with life, torturing life, are spoilt, attentions seeking, Egominds, having Cazuki wrapped around their little fingers, having health issues, mental torture issues, and going after Twin Souls themselves to be with a Twin Soul not meant for them. He has “pretorian” children already and if we go by what star wars reveals, he will have “pretorian” children again with the LITDFS he is with if nothing changes. (unless that was just showing us of the “pretorian children” he already has in his other lives, but it still could happen with any new LITDFS the longer the Adams stay trapped. The proof is with the other Adams in the world being trapped already with LITDFS having kids.) As for his other lives that I know about in this timeline that are with any LITDFS and many LITDFS, Cazuki still doesn´t have kids yet and are still holding out for their Twin Soul to reunite, my other selves, so there is hope for his other selves to not fall into that trap again. What I want to see is, technology that can scan souls so we know who are our other selves are in the same time line and we get in contact with them, compare notes, knowledge, wisdom, work together, learn faster, reveal more what goes on behind the scenes. Like say, “Hi, nice to meet my other selves, so, what were your upbringings like, your friends, anyone you were in relationships with and anymore LITDFS you encountered in your life and so on. What were your unions like and how were you targeted to end?”, then write about it and share with the world. Honesty, clarity and transparency! The Aquarius way! That´s how we awaken souls and learn or relearn I should say. I know balance, I know life codes and I know energies. When I read books, to me that´s like reading code and I will see what the codes (words) reveal and if it leads to a negative or positive life and future. Even word codes can reveal codes not being said behind word codes that are being said and a Life Code Analyst, Breaker & Investigator can extract those codes that stay hidden and are codes the LITDFS don´t want you to see. An example of seeing what the LITDSF are really saying in their words; did you ever come across a document from any department in government or even a document written by a lawyer and you couldn´t understand their cryptic words? Why are they being cryptic? Why not be direct, honest and transparent? Why hide words behind words? Because they don´t want you to know the truth, this way they can trick you, manipulate you, take advantage of you and so on. Any awakened Twin Soul would not hide truths or hide their negative agendas and intentions behind words or their verbal communication. Awakened Twin Souls have no agendas, they are direct, honest and will tell it how it is in a language everyone can understand, because they have nothing to hide, they are completely open like a book. You know you are an awakened Twin Soul when you are walking, talking open books to everyone. No secrets, no lies, no manipulations, no negative agendas, but 100% real, clear, honest, raw and open. Imagine careers of Life Code Analysts, Breakers & Investigators and any books or documents written by LITDFS that you didn´t understand could be translated by these professions for you. These same careers would go over books and documents themselves and upload to the site what each book and document really revealed & if it was positive or negative, honest or lies for the whole world to see. Something the LITDFS would be against. They don´t want their real intentions and agendas broadcasted everywhere, but they will not change if it´s stays hidden, it´s when it´s out in the open change happens. The whole LITDFS world they created would completely shut down when they can´t control souls anymore, but souls are taking back control over their own lives and being head writer over their own lives. I mean let´s throw a number out there, let´s say there are over 100 000 of our other selves in this timeline, that´s a lot of kids already and a lot to investigate and see for ourselves all the unbalances when kids come from a stargate that is a LITDFS and an Adam or a LITDFS and a Eve. Like we could find out how many of our other selves were targeted physically if we were children or adults and did that impact their Twin Soul unions? How many had unbalanced upbringings? How many were raised by a LITDFS and an Adam not meant for her? What happened exactly in details of their Twin Soul unions and how that was targeted? The last thing the LITDFS want is the same patterns and war tactics to be revealed by anyone and when you do see the same patterns, they can´t hide anymore and you learn faster, get smarter and don´t make the same mistakes again being soul asleep, when you compare to other people or your other selves, compare notes, communicate and work together to reveal the truths. As for the whole the LITDFS & Cazuki wanting to prove to me or the world that their kids won´t be LITDFS (not possible since they are not soul matched, souls are attacking souls, negative energies are between them, around them all the time and will pass that on to the children and so on, I mean we are talking many negative levels they don´t even think about.), how childish is that to say, “oh we will show you that our kids won´t be LITDFS!” Their lost minds are showing me nothing, they are playing the same mind war games with themselves. All I´m interested in is Cazuki´s soul and wanting his soul to be free and in control over his life! I mean who wouldn´t want to meet their other selves and work together to end wars on life, souls & Twin Souls? Imagine, being able to communicate with our other selves in this world? Be even adopted by them so we know our upbringings wouldn´t be hell, because if that happened, our other selves would only be literally harming themselves. That´s actually another way to protect children from LITDFS who wish to feed on their energies, torture them, abuse them, use them, corrupt them, dark side train them, negative program them and so on, have the children be adopted by the childrens other selves that are grownups. Crazy world we live in! To be clear, I´m “light sabre” battling of words to his lost mind, like Rey battling Kylo in the woods. There are two sides to Kylo, him being lost in the dark and Ben being awake in the light where his soul speaks and is in control. So, what I would say to Cazuki´s soul now is this, Cazuki, I know your lost words & actions are not what your soul really feels, thinks, believes or wants, believe me I know and can feel your soul truth in every soul particle in me! I know so don´t worry. Whatever happens in this world Cazuki and how further dark it gets if it does, know I will always be on your side through it all till the end. If you ever believe we are stuck here forever to be breeding, pleasing obeying machines, know this, their time will come and everything they´ve ever done that´s been recorded will come to light and chaos will break apart their destructive war order in one way or another. That is something I know and feel in my soul, freedom will come to everyone and the veil will be lifted on them all who kept souls imprisoned and targeted to keep their hell world the same. To show you what I mean, think of our planet, this one of a kind beautiful blue/green heavenly planet shining in the starry skies. What has the LITDFS done to her all these life times and what is happening in our world because of those dark deeds? What about those that eat anything from an animal alien angel, then what happens to them? Do they get cancer, brain tumours, heart attacks? (That reminds me what Cazuki´s “father” said when we mentioned how being vegan protects you against illnesses, he said being vegan is good when you want to heal, but then can go back to eating animal alien angels. Cazuki can deny all he likes in his lost mind, but his “father” is just as much of a snoke as is anyone in his “family” that did dark self serving actions and went to war on us!) What about all the crimes they do against life & souls & Twin Souls? What happens? Do souls stand up for themselves and have had enough, rebel, cause a revolution and rebellion? Every negative action will cause a positive reaction, even if it doesn´t look positive to them, but in all these points of case, it gives everyone a chance to wake up and see why it is happening, what caused it, it gives them a chance to look at their negative actions all these life times and they have an opportunity to positively change, if they don´t, then more positive reactions will happen and cause chaos to their dark order, their way of life. I am chaos and you are order, Twin Souls, two heavenly souls on a mission to save life. What the LITDFS call a “natural” order in this twisted system they have created, Twin Soul rebels are needed to stand up and say your “natural” order is coming to an end and a new age is upon us all. Soul Awakening, Soul evolving, Soul Enlightening, Soul Wisdom, Soul Intelligence, Soul Power, Soul Truth & Twin Soul Freedom. That is a True Aquarius Age!
Any Twin Soul that is trapped with a LITDFS that they were controlled to be with can play all their mind war games all they want, by mind war games I mean them wanting to try & cause his Twin Soul mind pains (I say mind pains, because in our souls we know the truths of what is going on everywhere & who the LITDFS really are with our Adams) & tortures by for example them having kids, getting married, having negative sex, same old same old story. Nothing new, same path, same end. It´s like in their lost dark minds they want to show the Twin Soul that the lost Adam left, that the LITDFS he is with are meant to be & if they enjoy still feeding off of energies, pain energies, like in their lost minds they could think the more they are together the more his Twin Soul Eve suffers? This makes me laugh, but no, for me personally I would only feel pains when Cazuki´s soul feels pains and when he´s trapped against his soul free will and when he and I are being soul raped by the LITDFS who only care about minds and bodies, not the souls. Not to mention, his soul has no wish to be with the LITDFS, so what are the lost Adams & the LITDFS exactly playing with here? It´s mind wars between two lost in the dark minds, that´s it and the souls are caught in the cross fire for their mind war games. So I will dream of a future where souls will one day mean everything and souls will mean more than these vessels we use temporarily. I will dream of a future where souls can be saved and freed from lost minds who are abusing the souls in their care. The only mind war games they will be playing is with themselves, while the Twin Souls who are awake continue being busy still working on Twin Soul missions & soul missions. I will dream of a future where souls will be asked if they want new bodies and want out of the bodies they are trapped being abused and tortured and then what´s left is empty vessels which their lost minds only care about anyway. The only ones they would be hurting is themselves with their childish mind war games. So to the Twin Souls out there that are feeling the pains of their lost Twin Souls having kids, getting married, having negative energy sex and “living” life with the LITDFS, try to think of it in this way, our lost Twin Souls with the LITDFS are not making choices based on their souls, but on their lost LITDFS programmed minds. If you are able to understand the difference between minds and souls and separate the two, you will not feel any pains or tortures at all. The only pains and tortures you will feel, is when your Twin Soul is soul suffering & you feel their soul pains and knowing they want their freedoms from the LITDFS and when you feel them being sexual which is violating your body and soul raping you & him. You are all right to question that insanity, when we feel our DMs being sexual and their lost minds don´t care, just more proof the lost minds don´t care about souls, not their souls or our souls. It´s almost like you have two identities with lost Twin Souls, the Kylo´s (lost in the dark minds) and the Ben´s (awakened souls trapped within who communicate with us in various way through telepathy, dreams and the Universe). We need to remember the difference and know our Twin Souls would never act this way if their souls were awakened & in control over their lives. 
A Twin Soul in the community mentioned an insight about the lovers card and devil card in the tarot deck. She pointed out that the Adam & Eve who are naked in the garden of Eden and the Devine (Universe) is looking down at them blessing their union. The card represents Twin Souls, it´s also the Gemini card in the deck, which again symbols Twin Souls and with that card, there are no chains on them or between them, only a invisible soul connection between the two. No chains like entrapping with kids like LITDFS do, family chains, friends chains, work chains, money chains, obligations, traditions, religious chains, business chains, material living chains, fame chains, possession chains, security chains, fear chains, status chains, reputation chains, house chains, health chains like the LITDFS wanting to end her life if the Adam leaves her or other chain reasons, but with Twin Souls there are no chains, only freedoms for an entire life in every life. With the devil card, what you see are chains and the LITDFS are all about the various chains to keep the Adams trapped with them as long as possible & if they see or find out or are alerted that he´s on his way out from them gaining his freedom, they will find new chains to keep him or use the same chains that kept him prisoner when their hooks got a hold of him in the first place. One could argue the house Cazuki & I have still is a chain between us, but really it isen´t, it´s only a chain if he & I are still together and he´s not leaving me because of house reasons if that is such a thing. He could move anywhere in the world with any job, he has freedom, he is not tied to our house, that is an illusion. If he really is struggling with money this time and is not lying about it, then all he has to do is put that in writing via a lawyer that he can´t afford to pay loan and wishes to sell and the lawyer sends it to me with the papers of me giving him everything, because again, it was never about the house or money for me, not ever. So again, he gets more freedom when he gets everything. How many LITDFS would do that, give it all up, money, house and security or would they battle it out and wish to hurt the DMs for leaving them or wish to take everything he has to punish him for leaving them? What about those that want like alimony of some kind, like money because they were married and they either get a monthly or a lump sum being set for life, especially if he is rich or if they want to punish him for leaving them so they want his money. To me that not only screams that they are LITDFS, but it´s disturbing that they wish to be taken care of like children, when they are supposed to be grownups and take care of themselves. Devine Feminines don´t use Devine Masculines in any way that comprises who they are. The Eves will make it on their own & not wish to get money that will give them security for life, even if they have so much going against them, keeping them from succeeding and not being able to earn money themselves, they will still get back up and will not let fear of not having money or not having security stop them from making their dreams come true. I have no money or security, yet I´m not afraid, because I have freedom, my home can be anywhere and everywhere as long as I am free as much as possible. When that day comes and I have my small ship again and I can fly off into Universe, that will be the day I will feel 100% that I am free and with Cazuki by my side wanting the same things as me as he did before and still does, we will both have that freedom once again. Imagine Cazuki, our small humble, futuristic, vintage, classic and modern high tech ship. No more being pleasing, obeying and breeding machines for the LITDFS. No more being their pawns and tools to be used for their wars and self serving agendas. Just us and any other aliens and robots who wish to join our small crew flying off to our home in the Universe!
A Twin Soul warrior in the community mentioned further about things I have already written about when it comes to the Devine Masculines and their Twin Soul power and raw beastly strength that stirs within their powerful Devine & Sacred souls. Since the DMs are soul asleep and their lost minds are in control, that power they have in their souls, the Beast which I know Cazuki to be and was one of his nicknames even, is sleeping in his cave prison for the moment, but when his eyes finally open and he becomes soul awake, the LITDFS fear it so much that he wakes up and that is no laughing matter. When I woke up, more and more, it happened over time, but I became free and have no problems cutting places, people and situations out when I see what they are all doing to keep their twisted westworld alive and keep the Twin Soul wars alive. I am in my Devine Feminine power & I don´t take crap from anyone and when Cazuki´s soul awakens, he will bring his power hammer down on all their prisons and break free from them all. The LITDFS have so much fear that the DMs wake up, because they will know when Twin Souls unite again and new Twin Souls unite, their dark world ends once and for all, especially when the world wakes up when the DMs wake up and gets back on their Twin Soul missions. Cazuki hasen´t yet lived his life where he is in his full soul power yet, the kind of soul power I´m talking about is when he awakens, he will not be controlled by anyone, he´s not trapped in anyway by anyone, he´s not manipulated by anyone, he´s not controlled by his lost mind that has been negatively influenced and programmed since birth, he´s not letting his lost mind that sees differences get in the way anymore (like for Twin Souls, differences can be anything like religious reasons, family and friends reasons, job reasons, money reasons, traditions reasons, bloodline reasons, status reasons, family obligation reasons, health reasons, age reasons, culture reasons, colour of your skin reasons, how they look reasons, any reasons that is stopping your mind from being with your Twin Soul, that will no longer be the case, because all souls want is their Divine counterpart in the entire Universe. The soul does not care about any of those differences, the soul only cares about you, your soul, the love you have in your soul and who you are in your soul), but he´s completely free in his mind, body, energies and soul. He can go anywhere on the planet and live anywhere and work anywhere. He has no more fear of the LITDFS around him and he will have no fear even of being alone or being on a Solo Hermit Soul Mission even. That´s the kind of soul power I´m talking about. All freedom, no fears and you are your own investigator, parent, teacher, mentor, student, boss and leader. He will not feel the fears of being alone, of not having love, of not having a family, of not having friends, of not having a job or money or security, the fears of not knowing where to go or what to do, all those fears will disappear, because his soul will know, money and jobs will happen, his soul will know he´s never alone in the Universe, that is an illusion that you are alone. His soul will know he will not feel like he has no family, again another illusion, the Universe is our family, is our real parents, our guiding stars in life. He will not feel fear of having no friends, because that too is an illusion, he will make friends he can actually trust that have no self serving agendas that wish to keep various wars alive on life & Twin Souls. He will not feel fear of not having love, another illusion, unlike many that don´t know about Twin Souls yet and feel completely alone without love, even thou they too are not alone, their Twin Soul is out there somewhere, but soulfully they are always connected to their Twin Soul, but Cazuki when soul awakened will know, he always has love, because Twin Souls love each other forever, that soul love never dies, only grows stronger and more powerful. What the LITDFS always have with our Adams is not love, it´s not even real and can be compared to what persephonie did to Neo when she wanted him to pretend he was kissing Trinity with her. That´s how lost the LITDFS are, they have to use dark magic, seduction and temptation tactics & family tactics to program our Adams to be with the LITDFS and love them. How is that even natural or real, it´s not! He will not have fear anymore about the massive Twin Soul mission that involves saving the world, which he kind of knew I was about that in our first month together even. His soul will know where to go, what to do and he will be fired up and ignited when soul awakened and everything will happen fast when he does. That is the kind of soul power I´m talking about and that can happen to any soul that awakens completely too. As of example, when a Devine Masculine wakes up in his soul power, what could he do? What people would call mid life crisis, I call it mid life oasis. This will refer to the Devine Masculines that are coming into their soul power and becoming awakened Twin Souls and will make drastic changes to their life that could lead to cutting out people, places and situations and it will happen lightning fast. They will end relationships with the LITDSF, they will quit their jobs, they will move cities or countries even, they will leave their families, they will leave friends they also had in their life, they will find new jobs and can even change careers or upgrade their careers or even evolve their careers. An example of evolving careers, like a Twin Soul who is an engineer, if she joined the Twin Soul GreyJedai Academy, not only would she be an engineer, but also a Twin Soul Investigator Agent who is also an engineer and a rebel pilot. Why be one thing, when you can be many things at once? The drastic changes that the LITDFS will see will cause them fear, because they are so used to being in power and control over life and over Twin Souls and when they see the Devine Masculines are now in their soul powers, the LITDFS could try to regain that power back by attacking him, tearing him down & his manhood so he is easily controlled again, feeding his fears and egos and desires, manipulating, threatening, using the family card, the friend card or the kids card or the LITDFS card to try & keep him, calling it a name like a mid life crisis or saying his Twin Soul has poisoned his mind for example, but it´s not about the mind at all anymore, his soul is free and is in power over his life for the first time. Why I call it a mid life oasis for other reasons besides Twin Souls being free in their souls and having soul power? When Devine Masculines wake up in their souls and come into their soul power, they will know again who their soul wife is in the entire Universe, their Devine Feminines, where she is and if he doesn´t know, because she´s moved cities or countries, he will track her down like a true Twin Soul Investigator would by any and all means and be stubborn, never give up or give in until he finds his One Twin Soul True Swan Mate of the starry skies. I´m empowering the word mid life crisis and shaping it into something powerfully positive. Any Life Code Breaker can do this to any negative words that are used to attack minds, bodies, lives, True Loves Twin Souls and souls and then change the negative words or evolve it to be something beautiful, meaningful & powerfully positive. I mean doesn´t mid life oasis sound awesome? So, when Cazuki shifts and soul awakens, he´s not having a mid life crisis, but he´s having a mid life oasis! 
Since I did a few tests for a month few months ago regarding not pleasing myself (the test revealed twice in one month I was attacked in my dreams to be sexually turned on, then minutes later Cazuki is turned on and is intimate with the LITDFS), because I found out that when a Twin Soul pleases herself/himself or is in another relationship with anybody else and being sexually active, this actually leads to her Twin Soul who is trapped with a LITDFS to be sexually active more. If we can be turned on when our bodies are being violated when our Twin Soul Adams bodies are being violated by a LITDFS when they are intimate and we feel it sexually, so can our Adams if we are sexually active or pleasing ourself which can turn him on and he won´t know we turned him on. By not pleasing ourselves or being sexually active, we are cutting off their energy supply from us. They can´t use us anymore to power up our DMs, so they will use other means to turn our DMs on and dark magic is one way to manipulate the energies, but they will not be using me anymore. It takes real strength to not please our sexual needs, but then again, I view it like it´s not a need, but I view it like, sex is an intimate Sacred and Devine connection between two souls meant to be, a marriage of the Universe and pleasing oneself is not exactly Sacred or Devine and to me, it´s just not what life is about. So I´m not missing out on anything really and being with anyone or the many, again not missing out, because I wouldn´t soul love them, it would just be physical and soul tortures and I only want The One meant for me. When I rebel & find new ways to help Cazuki, I go all out. If me not pleasing myself helps him and protects his soul from not being targeted as much, then I will continue keeping my energies to myself & not giving the LITDFS any of it. This soul sun will not be drained in that way anymore! This way the LITDFS can´t power up her tool Cazuki so she can use him as she pleases by using me anymore. Makes me feel like one Twin Soul is the battery and the other is the tool. I would wish to research this darkness further & conduct testing on this with other volunteer Twin Souls and what they have gone through with their lost Twin Souls. I know many have mentioned they can feel their Adams being sexually active, but what if they didn´t please themselves or be in other relationships, do they get attacked in their dreams to be turned on? Do guys approach them to be in relationships with them so they are turned on? After I mentioned this in the community, the dream attacks stopped which I found interesting. It´s like the LITDFS saying, “we can´t that do that anymore, she writes and documents everything! We will be exposed!” That´s right, I write and document everything, just like the Universe.
Positive sex versus negative sex…
Is there such a thing? Yes! Everything is energy, from our souls, to our bodies & our minds, to the trees, the wild animal alien angels, the rocks, the earth, the sea, the sky, the planet, technology, machines, the stars and so on. Energy is everywhere in everything, even things you wouldn´t think about. There is positive energies and negative energies in life and it´s the negative energies that causes the unbalance (even if it´s supposed to look positive when you see couples together, but you might not feel them being positive, if that happens you are extremely sensitive to energies and will know that couple didn´t get together in a natural Universe way, but more than likely it was controlled and programmed in some way), causes souls to stay asleep, causes souls to attack each other, causes wars and causes minds to be corrupted and be lost. What is positive sex and negative sex and how does that impact the world? Positive sex is when two souls are intimate with one another and it´s soul love that they share, meaning loving one another fully, completely with their entire souls and only wanting to be with each other in their souls and with no one else, because when they only want each other in every life time, that´s real love, real soul love, when you want to be with them forever in every life time. They never lose energies, but they both are powerful sun energies sending out their positive sun energies into the world when they are together. That´s real Soul True Love and positive energies which leads to positive sex. With soul love, your swan mate of the souls in the heavenly skies, you will not wish to have negative sex with them at all, only positive, because when you soul love your One, you are not loving them with mind “love”, but you are loving them only with soul love. You are not pleasing your corrupted mind and damaged mind from various destructive programmings, attacks, codings, dark trainings, upbringings and negative influences. You are not pleasing your body & mind and feeding it, but you are pleasing your soul by loving with your soul love. You will not want to cause your True Love pain to the degrees where you are hurting them with extreme pains in sex and you wouldn´t want to have negative sex either if you for example fight and then want make up sex, that´s still negative energies. There are levels of pains and pleasures, but the pains I´m talking about is the negative sex kind. Without getting too graphically I would mention the story 50 shades of grey. What happens when Anastasia and Christian are going through the contract between them on what he could do to her sexually? That was a story Cazuki hated, but he didn´t understand it, the messages of it, which is important. Now in a sane world I would not recommend anyone watching any stories with sex in it, but Twin Soul wars is real and we need a Twin Soul Awakening and for that to happen, we need to investigate, research, dive in the dark and open our eyes to the realities of our dark world. Christian in the story is extremely damaged by being with any LITDFS before he met Anastasia, while Ana remained a virgin, protected, pure and powerfully positive (as did Bella in Twighlight, a story loved by millions, a story of True Love, The One and even Leeloo was a virgin in the 5th element story), Sacred & Devine on her body & her mind. The symbols in that story where he´s being controlling and domineering is a result of being controlled and being domineered himself by the LITDFS girls in his life. That story can be translated in our world to any Adam being controlled and programmed by any girls in his life like in family and amongst friends to be with a LITDFS and when being with a LITDFS. Christian goes from not having power or being in control over his love life to being controlling and having power over love. The damages done to him was healed by being with Ana and loving each other with their soul love, not mind “love”. Ana didn´t judge or criticise him for his mind damages and would allow him to express his mind damages to her to some degree as she was healing him at the same time with her soul love. She was understanding, loving, caring, compassionate, but when he showed her the darker levels of his damage when she asked him to show her, she left thinking he would never change. Twin Souls can be damaged in anyway before unions and you will know you are Twin Souls to each other when you see the damages done to them, but you are understanding, compassionate and loving them with your soul love and will love them unconditionally healing them with your soul love & not leaving them to be with someone who isen´t damaged at all. Other negative sex acts are the darker kind, feeding the corrupted minds and bodies with always being curious with new bodies, doing things you would never do to your True Love, because you know, that isen´t soul love, but it´s mind “love” when feeding the damages done to your mind from life times being with LITDFS, from life times of accepting negative codes/programmings into your life on what sex should be about and negative influences in your life. Cazuki never did any dark sexual acts towards me, but if we had any strange likes, we would not judge, but be completely understanding & allow one another to express it to some degree, because we knew, it´s not what our souls would want, but what our lost damaged minds are feeding and reliving, even if it was funny and strange curiosities which make you both laugh (can even be reliving from past lives even that never got healed) and then potentially rejecting it when healed. I know Cazuki has a darker side when it comes to sex and if he expressed his darker side to any LITDFS girls, he´s reliving and feeding those darker aspects of his damaged mind that he got from being with LITDFS in the first place, loving with mind “love”, not soul love. Where does it come from, these darker aspects of negative sex? I believe the answers is when souls are not meant to be, when souls are attacked when controlled to be with any LITDFS, when souls are being tortured and when their bodies are open with each other other sexually, they are literally opening the doorways to hell between them and beyond them. Negative energies create something and comes from soul tortures. It´s like it´s birthed from their own actions and choices they make in life, so they are creating it and then feeding it. Something I would want more investigation on, what negative energies/codes/programs they create when souls have no wish to be with them, because remember souls are powerful energies and if their bodies & minds are being violated and going against their soul free will and freedom, then that could create something dark between them, on them and beyond them, but this is my theory of where these darker aspects of negative sex comes from. Also makes me think of where adults attacking children come from. When the souls are messed with on so many levels, there will be those that wish to know what is happening at the core level and why and how to stop it once and for all. 
Cazuki even admitted he wouldn´t do certain things to me, his darker side and he wouldn´t tell me about it. Twin Souls don´t love each other with their mind “love”, only soul love. Whenever I think about this, I´m reminded of the dynamic between Twin Souls, the lighter and the darker one. In star wars terms, One is the Princess, the other is the Scoundrel Rebel Pirate. One is a Queen, the other is a Jedi Knight, one is a Scavenger Rebel Jedi, the other is a dark Knight Prince. Would a Devine Masculine corrupt his Devine Feminine? Would a Scoundrel, a Jedi or a Prince violate his Princess, Queen or Scavenger Rebel Jedi? Would he taint a Sacred and Devine Soul connection of the Universe by bringing negative energies to her body? Would he wish to darken his Soul Wife that represents the good, the light, the grey, the positive, the balance in her holy Divine & Sacred soul & is his other half of perfection, his equal soul? No! Feeding any damages done to the mind like what you think sex should be about and what it means, is negative sex which leads to negative energies between two people not meant to be, within them and beyond them. How does this impact the world? Energy is in sex too and it gets released when two bodies, two powerful souls come together. With the wrong bodies and wrong souls, leads to negative sex then to negative energies/codes/programs, especially when souls have no wish to be with them, then negative energies are released into the world. When two bodies, two souls are made for each other literally, they create positive energies between them, within them and beyond them into the world. If Twin Souls when together having positive sex (Real & Honest True Soul Love being expressed between two souls meant to be), it releases positive energies and ignites and awakens other Twin Souls into unions, which is just incredible when you think about it the power of Twin Souls, then what do you think would happen when a LITDFS has a Twin Soul under her control and they have negative sex, what do you think that leads to in the world? More LITDFS being with Twin Souls not meant for them? More LITDFS going after Twin Souls not meant for them? It´s hard to even explain when you can´t visually see the energies/codes/programs and how energies impact people and their bodies and minds & lives, but to explain it in a different way, think of Twin Souls as positive programs. What happens to the computer when the Twin Soul positive programs is released? It impacts the negative programs (LITDFS) on the computer, awakens them, changes them and they become Twin Souls. Like if our world was a computer and our world is overrun by negative programs, how do we save the computer that is connected to a system (Universe) and is threatening that entire system? (Universe). A system that is being destroyed systematically at fast speed by these negative programs with their negative energies? We introduce positive programs, the Twin Souls and when Twin Souls unite in union, they awaken the LITDSF negative programs to be Twin Souls positive programs, because when Twin Souls unite in union, powerful positive energies is released between them, within them and beyond them everywhere and anywhere. It´s like the Twin Souls when in True Love with each other are sending out into the world these energies, codes and programs: “We only love each other and don´t wish to be with anyone else. We want all wars to end on life, on souls, on planet and Twin Souls. We want balance and peace. We are a union and marriage of the souls and there is no one else that is soul matched to be with us. We are One Soul, two halves becoming One. We are equal souls. We are perfection. We are Sacred, Divine and Universe Blessed. We are real and honest True Loves. We are rare and hard to find. We are meant to be and we want to be together forever in every life time. We are eternal Twin Souls and our love is infinite and beyond any Universes and dimensions, our True Love reaches beyond it all. We are soul awake being together and we inspire each other to be our true soul best selves. We want to help other souls be soul awake too. We are once in a life time. We are the swan mates of the starry skies. We are the rebels, the positive change makers and together we shake the world awake. We are only created to be together!”
So, whenever I feel the LITDFS & Cazuki having sex, which leads me & Cazuki to being soul raped by the LITDFS he is with, again more negative energies being released (what is soul rape? Soul rape like body rape, is when our souls have no wish to be with other souls, but we only want our Twin Soul and it´s going against our soul free will and our soul freedom. Minds can be programmed, controlled, forced, out of fear or obligation, tradition, religion, manipulation, guilt, threats or whatever other reasons corrupted minds fall for it to be with a LITDFS instead of their Twin Souls. It´s still going against souls and soul freedom. What our lost minds want is not what our souls want!), I remind myself, what they are having always is negative sex and releasing negative energies into the world. I mean come on, how positive is it when I feel his soul pains and I am being soul raped by feeling it as is Cazuki´s soul too! One way or another, all truths will be revealed, verified, tested and tested again and again and this Twin Soul case will be cracked wide open.
It just occurred to me, but technically Cazuki & I have had our Neo & Trinity moment when Trinity came to him and he was stuck in that subway tunnel (represents his soul being stuck), we had our Han & Leia moment when I went to see him and our Kylo/Ben & Rey moment wanting to help Cazuki out of there, but what happened?
“I´m here, I came back for you like I said I would!” Trinity said to Neo and he was happy she came and they hugged tightly smiling at each other.
“Trinity, I need to get out of here, but I can´t leave, I have to stay.” Neo said even thou his eyes kept telling her he wants out. 
“Why? What is making you stay?” She asked feeling confused as her soul told his soul when they broke up she would come back for him. 
“They are making me stay, if I leave we will be targeted, so I´m protecting us!” He said, but Trinity could see he let fear get to him and was controlling him.
“Neo, fear controls, what happened? Your mind was free and you didn´t fear them anymore. You know you have strength in you all along to not be controlled by anyone. They will always target us, can´t you see. Only together, staying united and not divided will we survive and they can´t break us, because we are more powerful when we are One and a Team. I thought you knew that and could see that when we went up against those agents together. We were unstoppable & powerful!” She said feeling confused that he would forget that and she thought what did they do to him to break him down so badly that he´s afraid.
“I´m here to save you!” Leia told Han when she freed him from carbonite. 
“I don´t need saving. I can take care of myself. You should go and I will stay.” Han said not wanting her to know there is bounty on her head with several bounty hunters after her if Han went with her, so he took the “I don´t care about you anymore approach!” to forget him. So in his mind, he let fear control him, even if he wanted to protect her, but he failed to see, a life without Han is not a life Leia would ever want. He was her Soul Husband, her True Love, her One and if he only knew, together they are a rebellious dynamic duo in the Universe not to messed with by anyone when fear doesn´t control them. 
“I want to help you!” Rey told Ben hoping he would say yes and not be trapped or controlled by snoke anymore, but be free. 
“I don´t need help, I can help myself get out of this mess!” Kylo said at the same time wanting to leave with her. 
“You know where I am if you change your mind!” Rey said as she was about to leave him behind. 
“Let me fly you back and drop you off wherever you want!” He said which confused Rey. It was almost like behind those words was a translation that she would learn and awaken to later on that it was his way of saying “let´s get out of here fast!”. 
“That´s ok, I will find my own way out!” She said as she stole a ship and flew off away from Kylo/Ben thinking will he ever wake up in his soul and help bring balance back?
What happens in our True Love life story when Neo, Han & Kylo/Ben stay behind? How does our life turn out in this life again? One could argue that it´s already happened, Cazuki left and stayed with them all and will now live a life the same as he´s done before a million or billion times before going down the same path. The thing is, I´m keeping the hope alive that Cazuki´s soul wakes up. I don´t believe the future is set, I believe the future is always changing and if I thought his life choice was made, how is that any different that what Luke thought about Kylo when thinking Kylo´s choice was made and would never change. I don´t believe that about Cazuki. I can´t, because I know him, I know his soul and he knows me in my soul. I know the difference between the mind and the soul. The mind can yes be darkened, imprisoned, corrupted, manipulated, dark side trained, programmed and negatively influenced, but not his soul, so when the soul is free, the mind is free and that´s when he wakes up and the future changes. 
Notice the difference with the teachings between Kylo and snoke and Rey & Luke? Kylo is not allowed to come into his own self empowerment or self discovery, soul awakening, enlightenment, truth seeking & freedom, to not have access to his Devine Masculine energies, but he is to obey, stay and please snoke. Kylo can´t challenge snoke, question him, say what he thinks, feels at all. Kylo is being controlled by snoke, following rules, order and can´t have freedom to be in his own power, be his own investigator, teacher, student, mentor, boss & leader and can´t love who he really loves in his soul. Then we have Rey, who questions everything and everyone, challenges everything and everyone, she isen´t afraid of the almighty Luke and stands up to him. She isen´t controlled by anyone, she has her own mind and is completely free. She is her own investigator, teacher, student, mentor, boss & leader and will listen to teachings & insights of others, but only takes what is positive and leaves the negative rest, because she can see what works and what doesn´t. Luke may have taught her things, but he never was someone to obey or please, but he gave her complete freedom to come into her own power, self empowerment, soul awakening and self discovery and even if he tried to stop her or have her listen to him, if she thought is was negative and against her soul freedom she would disobey and find answers and truth herself which she did and it helped her be more soul awake. Cazuki has not had this yet, his own Solo Hermit Soul Mission of self discovery and soul awakening, so his life being surrounded by LITDFS and being with a LITDFS if nothing changes, will be the same life path he takes a million or billion times before. When souls are really awakened, they are controlled by no one, but they are their own investigator, parent, teacher, student, mentor, boss and leader. Awakened souls take what they see is positive and leaves the negative rest. It´s like accepting only the positive energies/codes/programs and leave the negative ones. They will leave the negatives if it´s from those wanting to teach them or give them information or raise them when they are children and leave it if it´s negative and unbalanced. Awakened Twin Souls will leave the negatives, reject it, refuse it and rebel against it, because they see where those negative energies, codes, programs and actions will lead to if they accept it, so they reject it, refuse it and rebel against it like I did growing up with how unbalanced my upbringing was. Same feelings I had with schools, work, religions, doctors, governments, families, friends and so on. I reject, refuse and I rebel any negative energies, codes, programs and actions that could cause harm to life, souls, planet and True Loves, as any awakened Twin Soul should do and as any Twin Soul GreyJedai would do!
When it comes to sex, since sex is the doorway to either heaven or hell in souls & the creation of heaven or hell on Earth, especially if souls unmatched are together & they are attacking each other in their souls whether their minds know it or not, but for those who are single, celibate or even virgins, this should help you see sex in a completely different new light and not be so quick to give it up for just anyone. The LITDFS world would completely shut down if Twin Souls only wanted each other and not be with any LITDFS. The LITDFS world of waring with Twin Souls with their games, dramas and wars would end, if the Twin Souls stayed together no matter what war tactics & weapons the LITDFS would use against them. The LITDFS world of them attacking children would come to an end if Twin Souls didn´t leave their Twin Soul because of the damages done to them, but stayed with their Twin Soul and never left them for any LITDFS. The LITDFS world of them wanting to be with many Twin Souls and breed with Twin Souls would come to an end when Twin Souls don´t want to be with them at all. The LITDFS world of them wanting to use Twin Souls for their self serving agendas would come to an end, because both Twin Souls now can share with each other the games, dramas and wars the LITDFS are playing and are up to this time around and wouldn´t fall for it, because when two halves of a soul become One, one heart (spiritual, oracle) minded and the other head (logical, architect) minded, they are missing nothing, but they have everything, all tools, all knowledge, all soul wisdoms between them and within them. To be clear, both can be both. They can be both heart and head minded, that switches too between them. They also are complete in the sense that what one has and the other does not, is now complete and whole, like if one can be easily manipulated and have trouble reading people and situations, the other can´t be manipulated and can read everything & everyone. That makes Twin Souls (GreyJedai) a powerful threat to the LITDFS, to the dark side, to the first order side, the serpent side of the LITDFS wanting their hell westworld to continue. The LITDFS world of them targeting life all over the planet would come to an end, because Twin Souls would challenge them, question them, make them think, make them feel, wake them up in their souls and positively change their dark ways. The power of Twin Souls is not just their True Love they share between them, but it´s their soul wisdom, their soul intelligence, their fire, their rebelliousness & their stubbornness to not bow down to no one, but stand up with everyone. Together Twin Souls see beyond the games, dramas and wars that the LITDFS always play and that is a threat to the LITDFS and that is another reason Twin Souls are targeted to end. Together Twin Souls see it all, but apart one or both Twin Souls stay asleep, are lost, can´t see, are controlled and don´t fight back, but just “enjoy” life or suffer life depending on their situation, but even if their minds are controlled to “enjoy” life and being with any LITDFS, their soul pains & tortures still tell a different story & will express it in one way or another and their soul pains will get picked up by anyone that can channel energies & souls from the soul collective and translate that in stories, art, work and life. Every soul is part of the soul collective, so any soul pains, sufferings and tortures will be picked up by the channellers (writers and artists and seers) and expressed in their art, not even realising possibly they are channelling soul messages as well as their own as long as they are not controlled what to write or create about. 
Why on Earth would anyone wish to be with just anyone, when you can have that Universe Blessed, Devine & Sacred Union that is your Twin Soul, a True Love story that is epic, it´s rare, hard to find, literally once in a life time and it leads to real Heaven in souls and real Heaven on Earth. A Union so powerful, that every LITDFS in his or her group/collective is after to be with that Twin Soul & wage wars to get him or her and then trap them in various ways. How come no one ever questioned why the LITDFS are so obsessed with our Adams? So obsessed with wanting him, breeding with him and keeping him trapped in various ways? I have revealed why in so many of my posts and it links back to the very beginning of the wars on Twin Souls and it´s been ongoing ever since. Would the wars on life be over if Anakin listened to Padme & he didn´t join the LITDFS? Yes! Would the wars on life be over if Kylo/Ben listened to Rey and he didn´t want to remain with the LITDFS? Yes! Wars on life end when Twin Souls unite and they get to work on their Twin Soul mission together bringing balance together when two halves of a soul become One. When apart, Twin Souls continue on working on their soul missions and Twin Soul mission without their Twin Soul that is lost, but wars won´t end when Twin Souls keep being targeted and torn apart, kept apart and be controlled and programmed to be with any LITDFS.
A Devine Masculine Twin Soul in the community, I don´t watch all his videos, I have only seen a couple, but this Devine Masculine is awake in his soul, not fully awake, but is very awake, even thou he doesn´t mention about the Twin Soul wars and LITDFS, but he is awake to many things. I would recommend his channel, but I would wish for you all to investigate yourselves. Like Cazuki, he is very logical when explaining about Twin Souls and even does powerpoint presentations which is something Cazuki would do and he gets it, he understands some of the bigger picture even if he´s missing several pieces & levels. He speaks of truth in one of his videos, Devine truth and to further explain, it´s like the Universe, the Devine knows who are the Twin Souls, that is truth, you can´t escape that truth, even if your lost & controlled mind refuses truth, ignores truth, runs from truth and hides from it. He drew a triangle where you have the Devine (Universe) that is connected to you, then connected to your Twin Soul and then connected back to the Devine. The Universe knows the truth, even if our negatively influenced minds cannot see truth. Like Cazuki, this Devine Masculine might not believe in dark magic or Twin Soul wars, but be all logical about it, but that would be very naive and closed off to the levels that go on down here on Earth and that is not like seeing the whole picture or being completely spiritually awake. I don´t know if he does, he could and maybe he is open to it and would want investigation as any awakened Twin Soul would want. He mentions soul, heart and body and things I have already mentioned before many times, but he takes the logical approach and breaks it down in his powerpoint presentation which is just awesome! Like he mentions, when you are loving with your body, heart and soul, you are living your truth or what I call soul truth and I think he also mentions that too. He has mentioned a lot of the things that I have mentioned before, so we soul think alike. He mentions when people only love with their bodies, that doesn´t last long, so they find a new body not really having heartbreak and then the problem repeats when they don´t love with all 3, soul, heart & body. When a person loves with heart & body, but not the soul, there is heartbreak, but then again, same problems happen when they only love with heart and body and find a new one. As of example of heart and body love, a person could love someone for what they look like, what they have, what they do, what they can offer and so on or they have a heart connection they are drawn to, like it could be your T.S.T.T., but it´s still not soul matched, still not meant to be, still not loving with your entire soul, because soul love happens when you live your soul truth and what is soul truth? Twin Souls! True Love that´s epic, rare, literally once in a life, forever, eternal and infinite and the kind of soul love that makes you want to be with this soul in all life times and want no one else or the many. Anything like differences, like what you look like, your age, how much money you have or don´t have, being successful or not, religion, race, colour, coming from different countries, different personalities, different family backgrounds, different friends, different jobs and whatever other differences, all that will not matter at all when you are both One together living your soul truth & loving with soul love. Living your soul truth is when you love with all 3, soul, heart and body which is what Cazuki and I have and lived and loved with all 3. Which is another triangle, soul, heart and body, the trinity of Twin Souls as is the Devine and Twin Souls, it´s the trinity. He reminded me again of the power of Twin Souls, one is more logical, the other more spiritual awake to levels that the logical one is not awake to, but again, both can be both. When Twin Soul couples unite and combine their Twin Soul powers to teach, awaken and free souls in the world, they are an unstoppable True Love Grey Force in the Universe beaming True Love, balance and positive energies. Both Twin Souls have their own powers like what one has and the other does not and vice versa, but combine these powers which the LITDFS have no wish for Twin Souls to do and the LITDFS fear it extremely because again it takes their power and control away over life and Twin Souls, but what you get then is an extraordinary dynamic Twin Soul rebellious duo in the Universe. The Devine Masculine´s presentation explains it in a way that is easily understood by anyone in the world when he breaks it down logically. Think of the triangle again, the Devine (Universe), you and your Twin Soul, when you come into “first” union in this life and I say “first”, because we have lived many lives and had many “firsts”, the Twin Soul connection is ignited between you and you will live your soul truth and love with soul, heart & body. Then he explains the runner and chaser dynamic in terms of, only one Twin Soul is more spiritual awake to it and accepts and knows and their messages is sent to the Devine, but when union happens, both will feel an energy vibration ignites between you both and the Devine, so you will both know and feel it that you are something rare, beautiful and once in a life, but the runner could have difficulty being open to it and ignores the connection and is controlled instead by his ego. Of course this ego is only fed by the LITDFS around him and his mind can be negatively influenced in many ways so he´s living his mind “truth”, not his soul truth. So when any Twin Soul is ruled by ego, they will find all sorts of reasons to not acknowledge soul truth, find all kinds of reasons not to believe in the soul connection and Twin Souls, but will live with his mind “truth” and be controlled by ego and be with anyone and the many. I didn´t agree with him when he mentions that the Twin Soul who is awake shouldn´t mention or push onto their Twin Soul that they are Twin Souls, because that person needs to wake up in their own time. For example, if a Twin Soul is putting out there in the world the story of her and her Twin Soul and her Twin Soul has access to it, according to this Devine Masculine, that is something we shouldn´t do, yet if we don´t tell our story, nobody will ever learn or hear about it and the Twin Souls stay a mystery, stay hidden and nobody wakes up. He his telling his story, his soul truth and explaining Twin Souls from what he knows and if his Twin Soul sees his channel, it will be her choice to wake up to her soul truth or stay asleep and live a lie, but point is we are not pushing anything on our lost Twin Souls, we are speaking our soul truth, our story, our history, our broadcasting and it will be up to the lost Twin Souls to wake up when they see it. Awakened Twin Souls speaking their soul truths helps any lost Twin Souls out there in the world, because we are speaking to their souls and when their souls hear it and see it and feel it, something happens within them, within their souls and it can lead to them finding pathways to break out of their various prisons & programmings on their minds that is stopping them from living their own soul truths, that is stopping them from being soul free and be in control and not living a lie or living with his mind “truth” and ego. Awakened Twin Souls are meant to challenge the lost minds, help them think, help them feel and help them see. If we say nothing, the lost Twin Souls stay lost and trapped. This is why he doens´t see all levels, especially with mind controls like negative programmings that feed ego, fears and desires from “families” and “friends” and dark magic messing with minds and energies and with the new age, technology can mess with minds further to break up unions. When we remind our Twin Souls who they are to their souls and we challenge their lost minds to think, feel and see, we are helping them in our own way, but in the end it´s their choice to wake up or stay asleep. We don´t push it on them (when I sent emails to Cazuki for a time, that was me finding new ways to help wake him up by reminding him who he is in his soul, since I knew about his soul tortures. The way I think and feel is, souls mean more than these easily corrupted bodies and minds that don´t care even about the souls in their care. I wasen´t caring about what would his lost mind would think, all I cared about is how can I help his soul? When the emails were over, I found new ways to help him. I needed to try as much as I could when we still had contact, because that contact would be over at one point, I just didn´t know when. He had a choice to read it or not, but since my emails kept being deleted, I mentioned to him that I sent an email making sure my emails to him were not being prevented from reaching him. It was his choice to read it or not) We do what we can, but we don´t sit by and do nothing knowing the souls are hurting, in pain and suffering because they are with people they have no wish to ever be with ever. Just like with Cazuki, he and I would not agree on everything, but when we didn´t agree, we challenged each other, our intelligence, our wisdom, what he knows, what I know, combine the knowledges, see all the pieces of the puzzle, lay it all out, look at it, analyse, investigate, research, test, question, answer, debate passionately until we come to the end, where the outcome is clear & obvious of what is the truth as with any scientific testing and researching and investigating, same can be said between two souls with two different kinds of knowledges from living two different lives. When you combine both worlds, what you get is clarity, soul awakening, soul truth and soul intelligence. Cazuki has the other half of our Twin Soul investigation and I can only say what I know, but when he awakens and is living his soul truth, that other half that he knows will help wake up the world too. As of example, when his soul is in control and living soul truth, will his soul now feel free to say what he really felt all those times being with a LITDFS, especially when I felt his soul pains and thoughts, will he be soul free to express it finally? Will he be soul free to say what happened being surrounded by LITDFS and how they behaved, what they said, what they did and how they played their war games, controlling and manipulating him? Will his soul be free to express finally how he feels for real True Soul Love? This is what I´m talking about when I mention he has the other half of our Twin Soul investigation. When his soul wakes up, whatever his soul went through when we broke up will be expressed and fast. He will have so much to say, books will be written and it will feel like he doesn´t have enough hands to write it all down what he knows. I know this, because I feel this already, I don´t have enough hands to write everything I know and do it fast. It´s so slow that, when I say I´m going to upload this day or that day which I want to, but then more information is added and insights, I´m just not writing fast enough and time goes by fast and the next thing you know, it´s the next day and when I do want to upload there are delays & setbacks. That´s what I know he feels in his soul and I know he has a lot to say in his soul that is trapped within, not being able to speak, to love, to feel, to think and be free. Twin Souls will be the ones that will be writing the new Twin Soul GreyJedai books and all books will combine all kinds of insights and wisdom to help wake up souls and free souls in the world & beyond.  
I have noticed that what I write about, the next day or several days later, it gets mentioned in the Twin Soul community as if to combat what I write. Not surprising, LITDFS can influence anywhere. Like anyone in the community giving another reason instead of it looking like we are being targeted by the LITDFS, but them saying it´s the Universe that is targeting us which is garbage or saying we don´t have balance within ourselves when we actually do and that´s why we are being targeted which is crap. We live in a world controlled very much by the LITDFS and they do and can target us in various ways, especially if we are working on something that reveals them and takes down the veil. Many could mistaken that as it´s the Universe targeting you, when in reality it´s LITFS. For example, I mention about me not having money and being stopped and prevented to succeed and I know that is not the Universe, that is LITDFS. I mean come on, my music demo gets stolen by my “family”, yeah not the Universe at all. It´s like a reason they come up with in the community is if we are not balancing the material world and the spiritual world, like if we are only concentrating on the spiritual, then we are not making money which we need to survive in this material world, so we are being targeted by the Universe because we are too focused on our Twin Souls? If any Twin Soul is only thinking about their Twin Soul and not working on their soul missions and Twin Soul mission, but they are just like standing still, being stuck, then the Universe could step in to help them back on track and not be stuck, but balance the two, but to say, “don´t think of your Twin Soul, let him go, leave it to the Universe, just think about yourselves”, that´s LITDFS thinking and LITDFS agendas. One can do both, work to earn money, work on soul missions and work on their Twin Soul mission and think about their Twin Soul. That is the balance. The LITDFS don´t want the Twin Soul Eves or Adams to think about their lost Twin Souls, they want you to forget them and move on with your life. The Universe? They want balance, that can´t happen if you ignore, forget, move on and just not care about the fact that your Twin Soul is trapped soulfully with a LITDFS he has no wish to be with at all. I mean come on, how many Twin Soul Eves have mentioned when they stop thinking about their Twin Souls and are on their way to move on with their lives, but the Universe keeps reminding them of their Twin Souls? The Universe that keeps sending signals, messages, signs as if to say, “look, your soul loves your Twin Soul. Your soul does not wish to be with anyone else. So why are you rejecting your Twin Soul and his existence? You know why your soul & your Twin Soul is here, world can´t change if you forget him, move on and “live” life enjoying yourself being with anyone and the many. So what are you doing? I the Universe am reminding you of your Twin Soul. Why? Because I know who your soul really loves and who your soul really wants to be with. I am the Devine, I know the truth and I´m reminding your mind of your soul truth!” This is just funny to me, but, if I was to think about how the Universe would sound like and say when the Universe keeps doing all these strange things that make no sense for those who are lost Twin Souls, but they too will be getting the same messages, signals and signs as their awakened Twin Souls would get who are on their way out moving on with life. The difference here is, the awakened Twin Souls understand the messages and signs, the lost asleep Twin Souls do not and are confused by it. The Universe reminds both Twin Souls of their soul truths. The Universe after all knows the real truth as does the souls. When it was mentioned about the balance between the material world and the spiritual world in the community, same can be said about the lost Twin Souls that only care about the material world and not the spiritual. Like if your lost Twin Soul who left you for a LITDFS is more into money, possessions, fame, luxury lifestyles, materialism, playing god in their careers, wanting success at any cost and so on that pleases their lost minds and bodies, but they don´t care about the other balance, the spiritual, their souls, that´s an unbalance they will battle with and again, I believe the Universe could step in to shake things up and say “look, life is not about the material at all, life is about the souls, you can´t take with you material things, money, fame and so on when you die, but you take with you your soul. When you live your life with your soul, a soul life, that´s soul inner living, the material is the outer living, not the inner living. Meaning, soul life comes first, material second. For example, you are in a job that your soul knows causes harm to the environment in some way or you are in a job that experiments on animal alien angels (to be clear everyone is an alien, even animals), do you think your soul is for that and accepts that? No! You are living a material life in your soul, you are living a material inner life, not being true to your soul. When you live your life and the soul is the inner living, the outer living changes and you will either mention to the company to change their dark ways and stop harming the environment, stop harming animal alien angels and if they don´t, you become responsible and report it to organisations that protects life (you may even rescue some animal alien angels) and you quit your job and a find job where your soul is the inner living, which will shape your outer living.” Same can be said if you are living a material life in your soul like being with anyone and the many, pleasing minds and bodies, the Universe could step in and say “look, you are not living a soul life, but a material one. You think your soul wants to be with anyone and the many? No! Your soul only wants The One meant for you. You are meant to live a soul life, inner soul living that shines and shapes your outer material living.” When living in a material world, there has to be a balance between the material and the spiritual. When there is unbalance, Universe can step in, but if what you are working on something that takes down the veil over the LITDFS for example and how they control this world in many ways & how they war with lives and True Loves, you will be targeted by them, not the Universe. Know the difference and keep getting back up. That´s like, you are a lawyer and are working on a case that has to do with a crime of passion. Where a True Love Twin Soul couple broke up, because he left her for someone else, he left his Twin Soul for a LITDFS, someone rich, famous, comes from a powerful family, but then something happens. Her True Love who left her wakes up in his soul and wants her back, his Twin Soul. What did this LITDFS girl do in her rage, anger, jealousy, not having power and control anymore over him? She commits a crime and murders him. In the LITDFS lost mind, if she can´t have him, no one will. Then what happens? Her powerful family has a legal team with endless money, resources and lawyers, but what does the other girl, the Twin Soul have when she is poor? A lawyer who is not very accomplished, not having much money, looks like a mess, mess in clothes, messy hair, but looks can be deceiving and he is a brilliant, passionate and fiercely intelligent and a quick witted lawyer, who reminds her of her Twin Soul in many ways and his name, is David. This lawyer takes no bull crap, is direct, honest, trust worthy, can read people and situations, he isn´t controlled by any fears, if attacked he gets back up and finds new ways to succeed. When he is winning in court, the other rich legal team are now feeling fears they will lose and the LITDFS girl could be facing prison (even thou it would be a prison for the rich, but she and her family don´t want her to be in any prison, they have a reputation to protect in their lost minds). What do you think this rich LITDFS family would do at any cost? They could spin it and say the Twin Soul is the one who murdered her Twin Soul, taking the blame and spotlight off of the LITDFS girl who murdered him. They could find ways to attack the lawyer, like trying to pay him off or try to sway him their way by promising a successful rich famous career in their firm (seducing with power and money and fame), they could threaten his life & his family, they could tear down his reputation, they could hire thugs to beat him up on the street as a warning to let them win or give up the case to someone else, they could use seduction and temptation with a LITDFS girl “falling” for him and being in a relationship with him and she convinces him to give up the case and use the argument it´s not worth his safety and she “loves” him and doesn´t want to lose him, so she´s feeding him fears & desires with look here, look at me, I´m more important than that case. Are we to say it´s the Universe targeting this lawyer, because the Universe doesn´t think it´s balance when the lawyer is wanting truths to be revealed and the crimes to be solved and justice to be served? Total garbage! We all know who is targeting and why, that is not the Universe. Again, do people think the Universe is hell, because it´s not! This world is, but not the Universe. I love lawyer stories as you can tell! Especially the David vs Goliath kind. So, if you are Twin Soul and you are so awake that you know and can see the reality of the Twin Soul wars and the LITDFS, you see them, they see you and you are working on things that will reveal them to everyone for the sole purpose to wake everyone up, help them awaken in their souls, help them protect their Twin Soul unions and future unions, help them stay on Twin Soul missions, help them be on their soul missions and all this helps the LITDFS too even if their lost minds don´t see it, but their souls do and if you are being targeted in anyway that is slowing you down, being attacked on your body, mind, energies and soul preventing you for example to write anything or even targeting your mind even to not be able to write or how you write, stopping you from your Twin Soul missions and soul missions and making sure you don´t succeed, know that you are not being targeted by the Universe, but by LITDFS with however they do it, but I know dark magic can mess with lives like not earning money at all, that´s one of the dark spells I researched. When anyone is sending out thoughts and energies of wanting someone not to succeed or make money, that could impact you. Of course that would also backfire on them at one point, even if they think they are invincible, but balance will be restored. Even technology can mess with minds, like feed you words or scripts to say, even if your soul is not like that at all or feels that. And know this, you will make money and succeed, the Universe helps you to find a way the LITDFS can´t target you. The answers are within, in your soul, you will know, you will succeed.
Quantity or Quality…
LITDFS are all about quantity, not about quality and the quality I speak of is positive actions, positive words, positive energies and being true to your soul self, being awakened in your soul & who you really are & why you are here & who you are meant to be with and being with your The One True Love that is soul matched to be with you 100%. The LITDFS have successfully had many children with our Adams ever since Earth was taken over, but they are not interested in quality only quantity, breed many, breed fast and always breed no matter if they bring into this world more LITDFS. A Twin Soul mentioned how the LITDFS have literally created armies of LITDFS to serve them if wars ever broke out (reminds me of the first order and all the stormtroppers), because there are those wanting out and wanting freedom and not wanting to be the stormtroopers anymore, but wanting to rebel and be controlled by no one. The Adams or Eves trapped with any LITDFS in their lives like families, friends, at work, in religions or in relationships with any LITDFS and so on and want their freedoms, but the LITDFS in their lives will find ways to get them back, keep them chained and never let go of them. That is actually a test to see if you are with a LITDFS or surrounded by LITDFS or if you were ever with your Twin Soul, because we live in a world that is full of “terminators”, “snokes”, “handlers” and so on, they will be relentless in wanting you back in a way that comprises your freedoms and choices, as if to say, “So, you think you are going to break up with me or you think you can just leave me & end it, I´m not leaving, I´m not going anywhere, I don´t care that you broke up with me & it was your choice & freedom, I want you back and I don´t care that you don´t want me, you have no freedom, you have no choice, I´m staying & we will be together” The LITDFS will push themselves back into the Twin Souls life again if he broke up with them, be literally in your face about it until you surrender. If the Twin Soul was successful and strong enough to gain his freedom & leave them, the LITDFS will want him back and fast and telling him they want him back, saying they are not leaving or going anywhere & will be in his face about it relentlessly. That is taking the choice and freedoms away from the Twin Soul who was able to gain his or her freedoms, but if the Twin Soul is insecure, does not want to be alone, fears of being alone, fears no one will want him (that will never happen since there is a long list of LITDFS wanting to be with him, which just reminds me of customers who paid to have their turn in this life with our Adams in stories like westworld) or any other kinds of fears that the LITDFS feed him or her, the Twin Soul could fall back and be with the LITDFS again. That is not his or her weakness, but incompleteness. They are not having access to that part of them, their Devine Masculine energies and not being true to their soul selves and other parts that could be missing that their other half has but they do not when being soul asleep, like wouldn´t be manipulated by anyone, wouldn´t get back together with someone they know caused their soul pains & tortures, knows they don't soul love the LITDFS & knows the LITDFS came between his or her Twin Soul union and wouldn´t let fear control them to be with the LITDFS again, because the other half of the Twin Soul knows, fear controls, fear takes freedoms and choices away, fear leads really to the dark side, to hell on Earth, fear leads lost souls to do things to life & True Loves their souls would never do ever. Fear is the enemy and fear leads to the LITDFS easily controlling the Twin Souls under their rule. To just simply, I will use him when I speak of Twin Souls, but just swap out with whomever you are Twin Souls with. I just noticed me referring to both, when it is about both, because Twin Soul wars is against the Adams and the Eves, because even the Eves leave their Adams for a LITDFS or many LITDFS. Like the LITDFS who went after my Adam, she either left her Twin Soul if she met him or he left her. Point is, if we met our Twin Soul, we will be targeted and one will fall to the dark and leave. 
Twin Souls will give their Adams freedom & choices, they will not try to control them at all to stay with them or have them take them back, but give choices. They will not find ways to stay when the Adams want to leave their Twin Souls. They will not be in the Adams face about it or be demanding, attention seeking, controlling or manipulate the Adams to be with them again. If anything, their Twin Souls will actually find more ways for their Adams to be more free and have more choice. I´m not in contact with Cazuki, not since last August. I never knew when our contact would be over, but it was sudden, unpredictable and just happened quickly. I did what I could to try and help wake him up in my own way and I tried many things, like going to see him to see him if he needed my help. I needed to feel I tried as much I could to break his soul out of that hell playground he is in. The truth contracts were the last option I came up with. As for our house, as long as he has money and even having another house, I don´t wish to sell, because I want to save our house & turn it into something positive when all their negatives have tainted it with negative energies & codes, which will impact other people buying that house. I want to give it back to nature and the farm rescued animal alien angels, a sanctuary & vegan cafe/shop. If Cazuki pushes to sell using a lawyer, which is his way of saying he really has no money this time & is struggling for real, not telling lies again, then of course I will let him have the house and everything. For me it´s not about the money or the house, it never was, he can keep all of it, but, if is he able, then until I can buy him out of it, I wish that the house remains between us. Me buying our house requires me to be successful and earning enough money for that to happen, so if the LITDFS want my house connection with Cazuki to be over, then stop preventing me from completing any of my goals. Stop tearing down my path ways to succeed! It´s like, they want us to sell our house fast, but they also don´t want me to succeed (same problems when I was with Cazuki), because if I did, I would again be a threat to them and their dark way of life with what I would bring into this world. Stop with the delays, stop with slowing me down, stop with the attacks, stop acting like the first order and start behaving like GreyJedai instead. Who in their right mind would ever wish to be on the side of the first order or the empire or whatever they are called next? Just look at what they are causing everywhere in the world? Darkness, unbalance and madness, so much madness that the sane people are actually the ones who break down and lose their minds from all this madness on Earth and all the mind & energy negative influences when LITDFS mess with minds, bodies, energies, emotions and souls! Those losing minds and breaking down are not the insane people, but they are the sane people waking up & not being able to handle the truths all at once or what they found out or what they went through in their life. It can be compared to Neo passing out from finding out the truths all at once, but in our world it can happen all at once or over time waking you up more and more and then breaking down and losing themselves temporarily.
If Cazuki did break up with the LITDFS after a year, how little self respect does she have for herself when she doesn´t care that he doesn´t want her, his soul never did and the soul matters more than easily programmed bodies and minds, because when our bodies and minds die, what is left and who does the soul go to? Twin Soul of course! His mind can be programmed to do all sorts of things, dark things, things he would never do to me, things his soul true self would never do, but his soul has no wish, desire at all to be with her or to do those dark things, but his mind can be negatively influenced since birth to be a certain way and want certain things, LITDFS way and LITDFS things. 
That is actually a common situation in the Twin Soul community when the Adams find a way to break free from the LITDFS, but then gets pulled back in and put back into circulation to please, obey, stay and breed. When that happens, it always reminds me of stormtrooper Finn being reconditioned & reprogrammed and of humanoid robots in stories and their handlers paying more and expanding their contracts for another ride. It´s like, if they ended, it can be compared & translated in a story where she pays a company for another ride on the Adam and expands the contract longer. LITDFS don´t care that the Adams don´t soul love them and have no wish to be with them, all the LITDFS care about is what serves them, what feeds them and what pleases them. That always messes with my mind and I can´t wrap my mind around it at all, the fact that they really don´t care about souls or real True Love, only bodies and minds. I don´t understand any of it, how can anyone not care about souls? The LITDFS always want something from the Adams, always. That´s another test to see who is your Twin Soul really and who is the LITDFS in your life. I wanted nothing from Cazuki, like money that any LITDFS want to live comfortably and be set for life with having security, not expensive things, not houses, not his jobs that he offered, not his help in things and I would pay my own way with what little I had. I don´t want his energies, his money, his luxury life styles, his opportunities that he could give me, his jobs, his kids in the way the LITDFS want kids with him, his title or status or whatever else. What I want is his truth, his soul truth, being true to his soul, him being his soul true self, him being free and in control over his life and him being free to love who he really loves deep in his soul forever, eternity and infinite in every life time. That´s what I want for him. Can the same be said about the LITDFS in his life surrounding him and wanting to be with him again and wanting always things from him? No! The LITDFS are all about keeping souls asleep, lost and dark, Cazuki can´t awaken if he´s with them in relationships or being surrounded by them. So of course they will find ways to make sure they are always in his life in someway to prevent that soul awakening and prevent him from being his soul true self and make sure he loves with his mind “love” and not his soul love. That´s the difference, with LITDFS it´s mind “love”, but with his Twin Soul it´s soul love, so they will make sure Cazuki only “loves” with his mind. 
Since I´m talking about energies, if they did break up and she found a way to slither back in and hooks again are in him, that´s just more negative energies between them. That´s not positive, he didn´t want her ever and breaks up and gains freedom which is powerfully positive coming into his Devine Masculine energies getting his freedom from the LITDFS, but then more negative energies are added when he´s trapped again with her. Her life is all about Cazuki, she´s not on any soul mission or Twin Soul mission, her mission is Cazuki, making sure she has security, sex, attention, “love”, feed on his energies, money, luxury life styles, opportunities, status, titles and a way to breed more so she can feed more on new kids and their youth energies. So far, if they did break up, this is their story, he flirts and gives attention to other girls while being with me his Twin Soul, then he breaks up with me and right away gets together with a LITDFS, then he somehow gains strength and empowerment to break it off after a year with the LITDFS if that happened and the very LITDFS that came between his Twin Soul union with me, but then the LITDFS finds a way to get him back and he still suffers in his soul for it. How does their story inspire others wanting their One True Love? It doesn´t! Last weekend alone over a week ago, his soul pains were extreme and draining on me and thoughts again of suicide came to my mind and I know that is Cazuki. Thoughts, energies and feelings transfer between Twin Souls and this is not the first time he has felt this way. His soul pains are relaying information through energy, his mind might not think it, but his soul wants his soul tortures to end. Every week I feel him and sometimes I hear his thoughts, but I know without a shadow of doubt Cazuki wants out of there. Just like Kylo wanted out of there from snoke and he too I´m sure thought about suicide, especially when feeling trapped, lost, confused, feeling like he has no power over his own life, no control, no freedom and no choice. The LITDFS dont´give freedom or choice, but they make sure they are in control in one way or another, that they have the power, they are the demanding and attention seeking ones and they won´t give that up so easily. If Cazuki ever feels like he knows leaving her again won´t be easy because she is clinging on to him like snoke clinging onto Kylo, he and every Adam that is trapped with a LITDFS should know, the LITDFS can entrap with pregnancy or threaten to kill themselves or even try to if they are desperate and out of their minds with power going to their heads. Their mission is you, nothing else, nothing more, but only you and their dark way of life. They have a mission to preserve their way of life, they can´t do that if One Twin Soul breaks free like stormtrooper Finn, because what did Finn do when he finally got his soul freedom? Finn shared the truths of what goes on behind enemy lines, about everything. Something I have been told about by awakened Devine Masculines themselves, what really goes on between a lost Adam and a LITDFS. When one Twin Soul Adam shares with the world what his life was really like with any LITDFS, being surrounded by LITDFS, that power message will ignite other trapped Twin Souls to wake up and step up to protecting their unions and future unions with their Twin Souls. The Adams are just as much of a threat to LITDFS as the Eves are, Twin Souls are equally a threat to the LITDFS and their dark way of life that keeps this world insane, unbalanced, dark, a world where so many of them are just enjoying themselves, laughing, smiling, having fun while billions of screams, tears, terrors, tortures, sufferings happen daily to all life on this planet, towards souls, energies, minds, bodies & emotions. You know you are really an awakened Twin Soul and unplugged so to speak from the matrix when you are not spending your time enjoying and pleasing yourself 80-90% of the time and when you are not living the same life style patterns of, going to school, going to work, having sex, maybe making a surface level difference (dont´get me wrong, but even if it´s surface level stuff, if it helps awaken people to not eat animal alien angels for example, then that´s of course good work, but we live in a world where soul wars, energy wars and Twin Soul wars is a reality, so attacks to animal alien angels will always happen when these wars never end to the core. The LITDFS keep losing energies when they are living negative energy lifestyles, so they will feed on others, we not only should be working on surface level problems, but also at the same time we need to tackle the core and end the wars once and for all!), breeding, having grandkids, then dying and it´s starts all over again in another life. Technically part of my soul has been awake to certain things like that since I was a child, while everyone around me was busy enjoying themselves and pleasing themselves 80-90 % of the time and 100% living the same life style patterns, while I was always working on my soul missions in one way or another, especially reading life codes & studying life codes and awakening to become a Life Code Breaker, Analyst & Investigator. New professions that would be an option at the Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Agent Academy. One could say, in the LITDFS lost mind or Cazuki´s, it could have been a test in a way to see if he leaves the person he is with to see if they never leave, but come back and say they are not going anyway, so that means she loves him more? Problem with that is, we still live in a world where freedoms and choices is messed with on a daily basis & taken away, so that test he did, if it was a test wouldn´t work like that at all, because the test benefits the LITDFS and is exactly what they always do, which is push themselves into the lives of Twin Souls, position themselves in their lives like be “family” and “friends” all the while they have agendas, so when the time is right, they strike and in the meantime they will plant the seeds of doubt and conquer and divide, causing confusion, mistrust, deceptions between Twin Souls and making sure the Twin Souls end up being each others enemies or making sure they believe they are not Twin Souls to each other, like making them question that if the LITDFS target minds and energies and bodies in so many ways that will make one doubt the other. One of the Twin Souls would become the enemy of the other and the other will have no idea about the Twin Soul wars, because they are kept in the dark once again, they will be confused, lost, heart broken, torn apart, world upside down where hell is heaven and wrong is right. That so called test he did, if it was a test doesn´t work, but there are many tests he could do to see if he is with a LITDFS and one of the tests which LITDFS have no wish for at all, is if Cazuki is on a Solo mission to be able to open his mind, free his mind, awaken in his soul. That is a test the LITDFS have no wish for and will try to control him and push themselves into his life making sure he is never on that Solo mission where he wakes up. They will be desperate in not wanting Cazuki to be on his Solo (Han) mission, because the LITDFS are for souls to be asleep and not wake up to see them and they see you. Which reminds me again of the Constantine story Cazuki & I loved. Not the part obviously where one of the twins (symbol of Twin Souls by the way) is targeted and takes her own life to save the world, while her twin sister is targeted for her seeing abilities. What did Constantine help the twin sister with? Who was no surprise an investigating detective, loved that about her. He helped her see the real world, he helped her see them (translation in our world, he helped her see the LITDFS who are always awake. When he helped her see, she could see them and they could see her.) This is what happened between Cazuki & I when he broke up with me. I could see them all and they can see me and they know I´m awake, which makes them attack me more for it. Just like agents in the matrix story attacking anyone who is unplugged and the awakened rebels is hacking in to the matrix and comes back trying to wake everyone up and help anyone who wishes out of the matrix. The LITDFS need Cazuki to be asleep, lost and living the LITDFS life of just enjoying himself, pleasing his mind and body, being with anyone and the many, trying out new bodies and not ever think about the Twin Soul mission or his Twin Soul. The LITDFS can´t continue with their dark ways of life if he´s awake and his soul is free in control over his life. Since they are all about control and power, not giving freedoms or choices, so they will be in your face about it. Not to mention, he fails to see it´s not even the same test. If he left her, it wasen´t for someone else, so the test isen´t even the same. If Cazuki however felt like he wanted any contact with me or he started to think or feel about me in anyway after he left her or started to wake up to what was going on around him, the LITDFS collective would be alerted about this (there are levels that many are not awake to, but it´a reality and again truths are being revealed in stories) and the LITDFS would push her way back into his life fast to prevent any changes from him that could lead to contacting or seeing me or waking up to truths around him and they will do it fast. That is something Cazuki should think about, what happened to him when he got that small window of freedom and he was by himself? What did he start to think, feel and see? Something Cazuki said to me made me think about this whole thing, he said “Is that it?” and was referring to when I changed and adapted with how I would fight for him and I would do that in a way he always has freedom and choice. Again something the LITDFS never give. Cazuki lost mind doesn´t understand me, but I can´t fight for him if it comprises his freedom and choice, because we both have been targeted in every life time. Me taking his freedom and choice away would be like me taking my freedom and choice away. The way I think and feel is, how would I want him to fight for me if the roles were reversed & I was the one trapped with a LITDFS? If his mind is so messed up in so many ways and he says he doesn´t want me, doesn´t love me, he wants someone else, then I´m not going to go to him and say “I´m not leaving and I´m not going anywhere, because I know you love me in your soul.” No, his soul needs to be in control over his life and live his truth, his soul truth, but as long as his mind is living a lie, is in control and is easily corrupted, programmed and manipulated by the LITDFS around him always, then my words and actions will mean nothing to him, even what I write here could mean nothing in his corrupted mind, but his soul gets to see me and maybe his soul can find pathways to break through his mind and be in control again. Cazuki´s lost mind that is living a lie, can be compared to Neo still being asleep in the matrix, living a life, then Trinity comes to him and wants to help free him, but Neo doens´t want to, Neo is still asleep, lost and programmed to believe the world he lives in is nothing wrong & he wants to “live” his life. I feel like Cazuki & I are wearing a lot of hats from different stories all at once. I would literally have to have a Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy and assemble a team to rescue him and deprogram all his mind controls so his soul can be free, but I would only do that if volunteers from other Twin Souls who have mind programmings on them wished to get rid of it and be in control again. I need to see if there are ways to deprogram and free minds before I could even rescue Cazuki, so I know 100% his mind would be free and his soul would be in control. The grey here is that his soul is not having freedom or choice and the soul is what matters, not minds or bodies. I have mentioned thou before, but if Cazuki´s lost mind doesn´t care for his soul, only his mind and body, then I wonder, is there a way to transfer souls to new bodies? Anything is possible and I believe it is. Imagine, if we live in a world where our souls are asked do they wish to leave their bodies that are being used, abused and controlled by the LITDFS and to gain new bodies which give them freedom and choice and the ability to be with their Twin Soul again. There is no point in asking the minds, when the minds are being controlled & programmed in various ways and made sure to be asleep & lost. That´s like asking the minds “did you commit this crime?”, then the mind lies and says no, but when that persons soul is asked via technology and says they did do the crime, because souls can´t lie, but minds can, truth comes out and souls matter more than minds. I could ask Cazuki´s lost mind many times does he love me, did you want to leave me and his lost programmed mind will lie and say he doesn´t love me and he did want to leave me, but when his soul is asked (since LITDFS are everywhere and manipulate anything, other forms of testing needs to be connected, even those who are doing the testing should be tested in various way to verify. Trust no one, question everyone), he will reveal the real truths and how much he really loves me and never wanted to leave me for anyone else. I was his world, his Universe, his everything as he was with me. That´s a Twin Soul soul bond they can never break, they can manipulate, control in many ways, but real, honest, pure, positive and compatible energies is what makes it unbreakable. There was actually a story I came across where a girl could transfer her own soul to any new bodies when she was triggered in someway, several times even and the soul that was in that body left to be in hers or the one she was occupying in that moment. A few months ago a Twin Soul in the community mentioned how a soul who has many bodies living in the same time line can switch & be in different bodies, like in one life you could know a person then they come back in another body to be your friend and be with you. The soul in that body that knew you before could transfer to be in the body with you now then transfer back. This is just more levels of hell to the souls if it´s true and these claims and whistleblowers would be the kind of cases the Twin Soul Investigator Agents would investigate and uncover all truths and reveal it all to the world. Again something the LITDFS never wish for, they want all their dark dirty secrets kept hidden forever. Another problem with that rescue mission would be, is in Cazuki´s lost programmed mind it´s going against his free will and choice in his mind, so the deprogramming might not even work and his lost mind keeps being in control. It might only work if he himself decides he wants the deprogrammings & controls off of him. He would have to make the choice for himself, just like Neo wanting out & it was his choice, same can be said for anyone. So then what is the option left if I can´t go to him again and I can´t assemble a team to rescue him physically and deprogram his mind so his soul is free? What comes to mind is, the answer is the Soul! We live in world where the soul means nothing with the exception of religion and anyone who is on a spiritual path to soul awakening, but everywhere else in society our souls mean nothing, it´s all about the mind and the bodies and finding new ways to please it, enjoy it & feed it. Take at look at all the animal alien angels that are being targeted in someway, the LITDFS don´t care about souls, they never did. If any LITDFS is eating animal alien angels or anything from an animal alien angel, if they are hunting, using, abusing and torturing animal alien angels in anyway, they don´t care about the souls. If any LITDFS are targeting Twin Souls to break so they can have their turns with them, the LITDFS don´t care about souls. If they target children and people all around the world, they don´t care about the souls. Souls mean nothing to them, what they care about is their minds and bodies and feeding it, pleasing it and enjoying themselves no matter what the cost. Do conventional doctors and psychiatrists care about the souls? Not LITDFS that are asleep in their souls! If they are LITDFS and working for the LITDFS agendas, they will not help heal you at the core, only surface level stuff, but never the cause. If you tell a psychiatrist you love your Twin Soul and only your Twin Soul and you share your pains & story, what do you think most psychiatrists would say? That you have an illness, that it´s not normal to be so in love like that, that you will find someone else? Do they want you to take drugs? Do they want to lock you up? Do they say you have mental problems for loving your Twin Soul or mentioning about the Twin Soul wars even? LITDFS have created a system that can come up with all kinds of illness names and syndromes (they come up with new ones to combat anyone that stands up to them, challenges them, questions them & will will cover up their dark deeds they do in vaccines, foods, beverages, products and so on by just coming up with illnesses and syndromes, but will never reveal why your bodies are being damaged in the first place.) for your soul pains, soul sufferings and body/mind attacks and will try to either drug it to keep you asleep and silent, have you be put back into circulation with the LITDFS or they lock you up or they give you drugs that will cause you to take your own life (when I investigate, I go all out, and some of the drugs I investigated, because I wanted to know what is going on behind the scenes, but some drugs can lead you to suicidal thoughts) and be no longer a threat to them. Point is, these various systems the LITDFS have created everywhere benefits them, like hospitals, schools, governments, everywhere, they are all not interested in the cause of it all, they only care about keeping you asleep, keeping you obeying them, following their rules, drugging your problems so your mind can´t let your soul speak and express their pains & tortures. They cause the soul pains & tortures to life, then they have created a system to deal with those pains & tortures when life is breaking down and when minds are breaking down. I wonder, will there ever come a time where we live in a world and souls mean everything and has more rights than these empty vessels that we use only temporary for our souls before these bodies die? Will we live in a world where souls can switch bodies if their own bodies and minds are under attack in someway by the LITDFS? Like a Twin Soul could alert the Academy of their Twin Soul who is trapped with a LITDFS again against their soul free will in their souls, against their freedom in their souls, so then the Twin Soul Agents step in to save souls and asks the very soul do they wish for their freedoms? (Of course the LITDFS can take anything I write and create their own system again that keeps them in control over life and Twin Souls, so be vigilant.) Then the LITDFS keep the empty vessels and the souls transfer to a new body where they can have freedom and choice. This is all crazy talk, but maybe we need crazy to combat the crazy, it could be a way to save the world and end wars on Twin Souls, souls, life and the planet. Cazuki´s programmed mind would still be the same, so he shouldn´t worry, the only thing missing from that body which his lost mind doens´t care about anyway, would be his soul that would be safely in a new body the LITDFS can´t control anymore and Cazuki gets soul freedom. If Cazuki´s soul was asked to be in a new body, why would his lost mind protest it if his soul wants out? Why keep a soul you are only torturing anyway when being with a LITDFS who keeps targeting your Twin Soul unions in every life and wants wars to continue against life? Why hold on to your soul when your soul has no wish to be with the LITDFS who came between us? Why? I know this would happen, his lost mind would say he wants to keep his soul, then my question again would be why? Why torture your soul? Why torture me your Twin Soul who feels everything you feel in your soul pains and soul sufferings? Do you think I enjoy you feeling pains & sufferings? No, it breaks my heart and tears me apart in my soul. Do you think I like it when your soul is not in control over your life and not being able to Soul Love who your soul really loves? No, it pains me to know the truths of this world and not being able to stop it and free souls all over the world who are being targeted by LITDFS in one way or another. Do you think your soul & I like being soul raped by the LITDFS you are with when I feel you having negative sex with her? Haven´t I been physically attacked enough by the LITDFS, but I have to be attacked more and what about your soul? Don´t you think your soul has suffered enough for your lost mind? Why are you against free will for the soul? Why are you against freedom for the soul? Do you believe these fragile temporary bodies & minds mean more than the souls? Why keep your soul a prisoner then, when your soul is supposed to be on Twin Soul mission? Are you afraid of what it will mean when your soul wants out of your body and what´s left is just a body and mind? So then is it just being afraid of what people will think if you only care about your body and mind and not your soul? Your soul means more than caring about what people would say or think. An awakened Twin Soul does not care what people would say or think, because Twin Souls know that´s not freedom, that´s another prison for the soul. I bring up an important point of case here and interesting way to look at it. Any truth testing will confirm all the times I felt Cazuki´s soul being tortured and being in pains and being soul raped, all the while his lost mind has no idea potentially, I mean he might if he´s waking up, but he has no real reason to keep his soul imprisoned to be tortured when Cazuki´s lost mind doesn´t care about his soul at all. Is it feeling the fears that no LITDFS will want him if his soul is not there? I wouldn´t worry about that, they also don´t care about your soul at all, only your mind and body. The only one in the entire Universe who cares about your soul is me your Twin Soul. What about your soul energy communicating to me of suicide thoughts for the 3rd time that I picked up on in over 2 years? It could be more times that I didn´t pick up on it, but point is your soul is screaming his soul pains to me and now I challenge you to do something about it. I am giving you information of what your soul is saying, what you do with that information is again is up to you. You can continue to ignore your soul pains or change something & give your soul rest like being on a Neo, Han Solo Hermit Soul path that will lead you to soul awakening, soul freedom, soul wisdom and soul intelligence. You could also investigate yourself, your own soul, but since LITDFS are everywhere, you´re going to have to have back up testing done. For example, you ask the reverse investigator if he or she has no problems with being truth tested in other ways, like a portable small truth testing device to confirm it is your reversals & if the analysed reversals was the correct information and not manipulated in anyway or lied about. Then take your reversals only and have it be analysed by other independent investigators without telling them where you had it done. With your portable small truth testing device (truth testing tech that is not about reverse speech, but your ordinary truth telling tech) you could also investigate those around you. Your soul is being tortured whether your mind knows it or not, but point is, you have a responsibility to investigate yourself why your soul is being tortured and sending me suicide thought energies. If you don´t care, then again, why keep your soul if you only care about your body and mind? When souls mean nothing and is treated like an accessory to have, as if to say, look what I have, a soul, but I can do anything my corrupted lost dark mind can do against life & Twin Souls and I won´t be called a ruthless programmed killing machine with self serving agendas, because I have a soul. It´s doesn´t work like that! Souls are not accessories, souls are not a shield for anyone to hide behind while they continue to knowingly cause sufferings, pains, wars on children, people, souls, animal alien angels, Twin Souls and the planet. Souls mean more than just being a title or status to have, it means more than just being an energy source for anyone to feed on, it means more than being used as pawns in a game being played by the LITDFS to war with Twin Souls by having a mind war and the souls are caught in the cross fire between lost dark programmed minds fighting against awakened freedom minds. This is how I feel when I see the world and what the LITDFS do, it´s like they treat souls in that way and it´s perverse and as long as their lost dark minds stay in control, they will treat their souls like accessories, titles and status and shields to hide behind while they continue to do dark deeds against life & Twin Souls and the entire planet. Since Cazuki has access to what I write, I will sometimes write in a way that I´m speaking to him directly. As I said before, I feel and think in a way how would I want Cazuki to help me if our roles were reversed and him challenging me to think, feel and see is one way. I want to see a world where souls mean everything, otherwise we are being treated like nothing more than biological humanoids already, almost like we are being in training for the real thing in the dark future, even thou technically the dark future is already here and has been for a long time. Don´t get me wrong, I love machines and robots and anything futuristic, but there is always a darker side to life when nothing changes and everything stays the same, it´s just the package (life, people, societies, planet) looks different, but inside same games, same dramas and same wars. The biggest reveal that Cazuki´s lost mind does not care for his soul at all, is when he said he believes he doesn´t have to be with his Twin Soul, he can be with anyone. Translation: “I don´t care what my soul wants or who he wants, I only care what my mind and body wants!” That right there is exactly what the LITDFS make sure to program in the minds of our lost Twin Souls in this war against all life and against the planet. The only ones he´s programmed to listen to and take back are any LITDFS in his life. It´s in his programming, conditioning, reprogramming, so of course he will get back with any LITDFS if he left them & he will do it fast. I did say there are levels to their darkness, it´s not just fear, feeling insecure, can´t be alone that the Twin Souls who are trapped struggle with and which the LITDFS make sure to feed his fears, insecurities and not wanting to being alone, this way he will always need them, but there is also the programmings too which influences the minds easily when they are not soul awake. There´s more, but there are also negative codings involved, when his body got together with hers, negative codes, programs and energies are transferred. That can be compared to programmings also, the type of programmings that take his freedom and choices away, the kinds of programmings that make him stay, obey & please. The kind of programmings that make him take any LITDFS back fast. Again think of our bodies like biological computers, what happens when you allow negative codes/programs that are written for you to always stay with the LITDFS, please the LITDFS, obey the LITDFS and get back fast with any LITDFS in your life which you left and being intimate with them? Your body (computer) is now compromised and has many different negative codes/programs attached to it, that´s another level that will be an uphill battle for any Twin Souls to break out of. They have to be fully soul awake to it all to break free, like finally seeing what I´m saying and getting it, understanding it and seeing themselves how it all works. That negative programming trap doesn´t happen between Twin Souls and that´s because Twin Souls are freedom between them, within them, around them and beyond them. They are the Positive codings and energies, pure, honest, real, freedom, choice, free will, Sacred, Devine and Universe Blessed. It´s free will between Twin Souls, but not between a Twin Soul and any LITDFS. So many reasons why one should not be with just anyone or the many and be careful with who you share your body (computer) with, your energies, your mind and soul with, because there are those who don´t even care if millions and billions of lives suffer and die every year and don´t care if the world burns up, breaks apart, blows up, as long as they get their next ride laughing, smiling and having fun until the end of it all. With the LITDFS it´s all about self serving right now, who cares what the future brings or what dark consequences they bring right now when they need to feed their negative energy life styles and live for now, not caring about the present day or future. I never stopped fighting for Cazuki, I even found new ways to help wake up his soul to be free, especially when challenging his mind to think, feel and see & he has freedom and choice to see the help or he has a choice and freedom to ignore it once again. What the LITDFS program our Adams to be, is LITDFS and living LITDFS lifestyles in various ways, what they did to him and turned him into and shaping him again in another life to want to be with anyone and the many, to be like them, it makes me want to leave the planet with Cazuki who is in a new body (same body even) where he is free & I´m in a new body (same body) that hasen´t been abused, used, controlled and attacked by the LITDFS since I was born and we never come back. I will always feel this way until it´s all over. They could continue to mind program me in more ways in my other lives, but my soul will always feel this way. The Solo way, all the way out into the Universe, away from them all, in a Galaxy far way in our small, humble, classic, vintage, futuristic and high tech ship. If Twin Souls can´t help on this planet, then maybe they can find it out there so that the hell nightmares on Earth can finally end once and for all and real Balance happens. So to my other selves reading this, unless you want to remain being programmed & dark side trained by the LITDSF around you to stay asleep, stay lost and stay in the dark and being used by them, attacked by them, played by them, controlled by them, manipulated by them, having your Twin Soul unions torn apart by them, keeping you asleep and having you doing dark deeds like eating your brothers & sisters of the Universe, I would suggest you take the Neo path, the Han Solo path and the Rey path of being alone, until you are around people who know what´s really going on, know the truths and all the darker deeper levels, know about the Twin Soul wars and are fighting to end it by waking people up and getting into Twin Soul unions & defending their unions. The LITDFS however they do it are always awake, always in control in someway, always work together like a war machine, always surround you since birth making sure you stay asleep, lost, controlled and are in dark side training to be like them. I would also suggest you take the path of designing & building your ship so you can leave, because as long as you and everyone who is awake are still on this planet, you remain trapped on Earth and living in world controlled and shaped by the LITDFS and LITDFS collective. I say this, because how many more millions of life times have we lived and nothing has changed, the world is worse than before, so many species are extinct, so many lives are lost, tortured and killed, so many Twin Soul unions are targeted to end so they begin with a LITDFS instead, because of the LITDFS and their lost ways and negative energy life styles. 
Story Scene Sneak Peek…
Earth, New Zealand, Atlantis Reborn, possible timeline…
In a valley surrounded by mountains and a fiord, a Twin Soul Angel city was created by the awakened Twin Souls who united and worked together to create the first in the world Twin Soul Angel city, a safe haven for souls and they were creating more every day all around the world for souls wanting freedom, truth and positive change. In one of the briefing rooms overlooking the incredible breathtaking view of the wild fiord and majestic mountains, Cazuki was standing in front of the wall to floor window, legs slightly apart and arms behind his back holding his hands and being very confident and strong. He hears behind him the futuristic looking sliding door open and Akira walks in. She placed a tech device on the table and walked over to him.
“Beautiful isen´t she. I can never get enough of her view. Out of all of the views on Earth in nature, she is by far my favourite.” Akira said as she walked up and stood next to him looking out the window seeing flying ships everywhere. Akira loved to fly her ship between the fiords and mountains, playing and diving in the waters and back up again. As much as she loved the tropical islands, but the wild mountains she was always drawn to the most. She thought, if somehow a tropical island could combine mountains, fiords and sandy beaches with palm trees and tropical waters, that would be a perfect combination.
“I have to agree with you on that one!” Cazuki said admiring the view and he was always drawn to New Zealand, but sometimes he felt like, was it Akira he was drawn to the most because she was from here, he wasen´t from here and she is his Twin Soul. Twin Souls can´t help it, they are always magnetically drawn to their other half and if one moves counties and the other doesn´t know, they will be drawn to each other once again and not know about it and would move to that country not even knowing their Twin Soul is already there. It happened again when Akira at one point moved to Japan and not long after Cazuki moved there too not knowing she was there. Then she moved back to help create Atlantis in New Zealand.
“Why am I here?” He asked her looking at her now. Cazuki was still not himself and was still under various controls with mind programmings and manipulations. His soul was still trapped within and Akira and her team of Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator Agents picked him up. In the Angel city of Twin Souls, souls have more rights than controlled and programmed bodies and minds that keep souls hostage and trapped by LITDFS in the world around them.
“Cazuki, your soul is still trapped within and he wants out, he wants his freedom. We have the technology to ask the very souls if they want out, if they want freedom and how they really feel being trapped within not having control over their lives. So what do you say Cazuki, do you want to know what your soul says or are you going to continue to hide the truths and live a lie?” She asked him and she could see he was nervous now. It was almost like, his LITDFS programmed mind kind of knows he has tortured his own soul & her so his body and lost in the dark mind can enjoy being with any LITDFS and living his dark way of life, while his soul suffers that hell. 
“Do I have a choice?” He asked getting angry. Cazuki wanted to leave and so far he didn´t even have a choice to go with them, but he was picked up by her and the Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigators. When the fate of the Universe is at stake, then of course they will help Twin Souls who are trapped within not being able to control their own lives gain freedom and get back on Twin Soul mission and why they are here to begin with.
“Do you believe your soul has a choice? Do you believe your soul should have a choice at all or do you only care that the mind has a choice?” She asked him challenging him to think.
“Don´t you think my soul is already in control, I do!” He said as a matter of fact.
“If you are so confident Cazuki and really believe that, then you will have no problems with being tested, don´t you agree?” She asked him and could see already he was wanting to avoid the testing. She knows what will happen when he takes the test and so does he. She could even see Cazuki´s soul smiling through his eyes telling her his soul can´t wait to be free and be with her again. Akira and the Twin Soul teams have tested many lost Twin Souls and all their souls mentioned they wanted out of those bodies and into new ones if their LITDFS programmed minds didn´t allow them to be in control over their own bodies anymore. Cazuki felt trapped, he if refused the testing, that would mean he is not confident and doesn´t believe his soul is in control, but if he did the testing and it proved his soul wanted freedom, that would mean Akira was right this whole time and he couldn´t let her be right. He knows thou, Akira and the Twin Soul teams have uncovered thousands of lost Twin Souls all around the world and tested them all and all their souls revealed all truths of what happened to them, by who, when, where, why, with what, how and the souls revealed everything, because they recorded everything and knew what other LITDFS souls did to get them and trap them. The souls didn´t just explain with words, but with visuals too, like they had access to the soul collective that everyone is connected to and could download what everyone did, said and thought. At the Twin Soul Angel city in New Zealand, all their Twin Soul missions were revealed to the whole world, their findings, research, testing and investigations. They were transparent about everything they did & hid nothing, which pissed the LITDSF ruling elite off and any LITDFS that controlled families, friends and relationships, because what Akira was doing was something the LITDFS never did in the world in any life time, which was be 100% honest, truthful and transparent about EVERYTHING! All the LITDFS secrets were being displayed out in the open for all to see how they play their games, dramas and wars on life and Twin Souls and how they are in control all the time. This helped souls awaken all around the world faster and wanted their freedoms too and wanted to join these safe haven Twin Soul Angel cities. Cazuki felt like he wanted a way out somehow and he didn´t want to face the truth. He wanted it to stay hidden and locked away forever. Which Akira thought was very LITDFS of him to think which wasen´t surprising, since his mind has been programmed to think like LITDFS. Akira could read thoughts now. 
“What are you afraid of Cazuki? That I was right? That your mind has been controlled and programmed by the LITDFS around since you were born? Are you afraid to know that your soul wants out and into a new body and leaves you behind? Are you afraid to know what the LITDFS have done to us and to you and who they are and why they did it? Are you afraid to know what hell you put your soul though when he tells you what that was like?” She asked him hoping he won´t run anymore, but this time stay and uncover the truths once and for all. Through his eyes she could see he wants his mind and body to take the test, but she could see his LITDFS programmed mind was resisting and refusing as he always did when he lost himself. Cazuki didn´t admit it, but he was afraid, afraid of knowing what that will mean this whole time his own soul was not in control and what his soul has gone through, but he kind of already had an idea what that was like, because Cazuki looked into other Twin Soul investigations into other Twin Souls that was available on the Twin Soul world wide broadcasting and these other souls told & showed in details what that hell was like. It was dark, lonely, fearful, sad, depressing, torturous, painful, nightmarish even, tears, screams, shouts, their souls wanting the bodies to commit suicide so the nightmares of being with LITDFS was over, being silenced and locked away, having no control and no freedom and no voice. Cazuki was stalling, like he was waiting for something to happen to help him avoid the testing and Daichi came in out of nowhere and wanted to speak to Akira, there was an urgent matter that needed attention right away and she would be gone for hours, they both left the room. Cazuki, by himself was staring at the tech device on the table again and he looked around the room to see if there were any cameras, he couldn´t see any. He knew how the tech device worked, it was shown to everyone in the world and anyone could use it. Cazuki was curious thou, he could try it and Akira wouldn´t know about it, so he remained in control. At the same time, he didn´t want to know, he wanted to leave. He walked over to the window again and was reminded of coming to New Zealand for the first time when he was younger and stayed with Akira and her grandparents for a holiday. His happy memories of them when they were children and when they were older being together, kept coming to him. He turned to face the tech device again. Cazuki felt like this was a defining huge moment for him, his whole world would change if he allowed his soul to speak. Nothing would be the same ever again he thought.
15 minutes later, Akira and the Twin Soul teams were in the control room looking at the monitors of a LITDFS military plane on it´s way to Atlantis. The plane was cloaked and their weapons on board could destroy Atlantis completely. The Twin Soul teams picked up the codings by the LITDFS and revealed what they were up to and the LITDFS would disguise it as a terrorist attack and blame some country, thereby getting away with murder once again. 
“How long have they been circling like that?” Akira asked anybody.
“Not long, but they know we have Cazuki, so they are waiting until he leaves.” Queniq said as he was uploading everything that was happening to their broadcasting site for everyone in the world to see what the LITDSF were up to. 
“They´re desperate now. If Cazuki wakes up, in their lost minds if we no longer exist, Cazuki would have no choice but to go back to them.” Naleya said feeling so tired of all their same war tactics they do in every life towards life.
“Where is Cazuki?” Haruki asked.
“Still back at the briefing room and no, he still hasen´t made the choice to take the test yet.” Akira said as she prepped her ship from the control room.
“What are you doing?” Daichi asked her knowing what she is like.
“Preventing another LITDFS disaster and loss of life!” Akira said as she could see her ship being prepped on the monitors remotely as she was typing in the codes. 
“May I join you?” Cazuki asked from behind them all which shook everyone awake and they all turned to see him, even Akira was shocked and she doesn´t shock that easily.
“You took the test didn´t you?” She asked him, saw him smiling and could see the change, they all did. His soul was now in complete control over his life and body and mind. Cazuki was not only himself again, but he was himself from so many life times that were locked away. He was a pilot, an agent, a detective, a scientist, a business ceo, an artist, a leader, a soldier, a commander, a rebel, a hacker and so much more on this world. 
“Hi, happy to finally meet you Cazuki! We´ve heard a lot about you! I´m Naleya and this is my husband Daichi!” She said smiling and finally seeing a possible brighter future for all. As Cazuki greeted the rest of the Twin Soul teams, his eyes just kept on being drawn to Akira and kept looking her way as he greeted everyone and the smiles on everyones faces lit up like the suns in the Universe. It was like he was looking at her for the first time in this life, knowing who she really is completely in every particle of her soul and all her life times which he knows of too, not just his. Akira couldn´t stop looking at him either, because it was like she was looking at him for the first time too in this life. They were both so much more in this Universe, as is everyone, than what they were allowed to be when they first got together in this life. So they really were not the same people when they were last together, but at the same time, they still are, just more added of who they are to their souls when their mind prisons are broken down and their souls are free. As Cazuki made his way through the Twin Soul teams getting to know them all, shaking hands and even getting hugs from souls that knew him in previous lives, almost like he was hugging himself, his path lead him to Akira and standing in front of her now. Akira was still shorter than he was, but she was wearing boots that gave her some height, but she was still not facing him face to face. Akira however loved it that he was taller than she was and he loved it too. This way he could easily smell her hair on top of her head. Everyone was staring at them and were like on edge to know what will happen next between them. Everyone knew Akira & Cazuki´s story, it was famous, even if their identities were hidden from the world, but their True Love Twin Soul story lived on. Akira and Cazuki both smiled at each other, tears forming in their eyes, the magnetic energy soul attraction was extremely felt again between them, but then they came out of their epic True Love bubble and realised everyone was staring at them. As much as Cazuki wanted to grab a hold of her, kiss her and let never go, he knew what Akira was like, her mind was still on mission mode and they had work to do. Akira and Cazuki were not ones to express their passion and wildness in front of people watching them, so they waited for the right time. It kind of reminded her of Neo & Trinity, them being in a elevator and only then expressing their True Love with no one watching, it was just them.
“Time to go, we have lives to save!” She said as they made their way out the door to the hanger bay to her ship, The Cosmic.
“I know!” Cazuki said being all serious now, they had work to do.
“Is that it? I would of thought after all this time they would express themselves more than just an eye staring contest!” Kaito joked when Akira and Cazuki left the room.
“Kaito, the most passionate, intense & wild couples are those that don´t express themselves in public. Trust me, their True Love extreme, crazy, magnetic energies between them is an inferno underneath ready to erupt. His soul was trapped for years not being allowed to be with his soul wife, so Cazuki & Akira have so much real True Love energies trapped within and building up all this time ready to be unleashed between them once again!” Yoshi said thinking back to one of the LITDFS war tactics against Twin Soul unions, starving them by not having them be intimate with each other when using dark magic messing with minds and energies and also negative sexual energies from LITDFS sending that to Cazuki making it known they wanted him, which resulted in Akira not being able to be close to him when he accepted those negative codes, programs and energies on him. So what would happen is, both Akira and Cazuki could go weeks or months without being intimate. This way he had a build up of sexual energies to be dumped on with any LITDFS he was controlled to be with. However, when he did get with a LITDFS, what would happen now is, since his soul was trapped within, the LITDFS would starve him of not being able to express his True Love to who he really loves, so now over time, there would be a build up of True Love energies trapped within him and Akira. The LITDFS really don´t care about True Love at all or souls, their main feeding was sex and the proof is how they targeted Akira and Cazuki, but negative sex is neither powerful or positive, but real True Love is. So powerful and so positive that it travels beyond every dimension, Galaxy and any Universe, it travels beyond it all. Yoshi was right, once Akira and Cazuki were alone in the elevator, they didn´t hold back at all and their True Love wildness was free to be together once again. 
“Do you think they will succeed? We´ve never been attacked like this before!” Yohsi asked anyone as everyone looked out of the window in the control room to the hanger bay seeing Akira & Cazuki´s ship fly out.
“I trust them! They know what they´re doing!” Daichi said feeling confident knowing who they are before this Earth mission and what they are capable of.
On her small ship, Cazuki was flying remembering again how to from his previous lives and Akira had one of her favourite songs being played in the background, which Cazuki was familiar with and came from one of their favourite stories. 
The Urge - It's My Time To Fly
www.youtube.comIt's My Time To Fly by The Urge from the Titan A.E. OST This is purely fanmade and not for profit!!!!! Enjoy. Wait, how many views??? It's a good song sure...but ...
As their ship approached the LITDFS weapon powered plane in the skies, onscreen they could detect the plane that was cloaked with Akira´s de-cloaking technology. As she was navigating the controls she opened up the coms to the LITDFS that were stationed on a navy aircraft carrier in the ocean where the drone flying killing machine flew off from and the LITDFS that were based at their main headquarters back on land. She knew the LITDFS wouldn´t take the call, because Akira recorded everything, so she sent them a message.
“This is Akira and Cazuki of Atlantis, by now you can see your weapon killing flying machine is being recorded as we speak and is being uploaded for everyone in the world to see. Unless you want to lose it, have your stormtroopers redirect it back to where it came from!” Akira said still hacking in to take over the plane if they decided to go ahead and destroy Atlantis anyway. She was right, they ignored her warning and since they knew Cazuki was no longer at Atlantis and was now soul awake, they had no more reason to hold back their weapons, but Akira was already hacking in when they left Atlantis on their way to the drone plane and it was now under her control. She redirected it to fly back and land at Atlantis where it would be filmed, pictures taken, investigated and everything uploaded for the world to see. This just made the LITDFS even more angry and they sent real pilots to take out Akira´s ship by disabling it so they could get Cazuki back. 
“Looks like we are in for a ride!” Cazuki said flying all over the place while tie fighter looking planes were shooting at them and Cazuki´s flying dodged every single shot, while Akira was defending their ship with the ship´s defence that would disable the LITDFS planes and the pilots had to eject and safely parachute down below. Akira didn´t give up thou, she was always the hopeful optimist and broadcasted a message to the pilots at the same time she was defending the Cosmic ship which made Cazuki smile laugh, because he was a pessimist & didn´t believe they could change. 
“This is Akira of Atlantis sending a message to all tie fighters working for the first order. Somewhere deep in your LITDFS programmed minds, I know this is not who you really are. We are not the enemy! Whatever you have been told, is lies, manipulations, fear and LITDSF self serving agendas. Souls that are truly free in the Universe investigate everything and everyone and don´t blindly follow anyone and are not controlled by anyone. Star wars is real and you are all working for the first order fighting against us the rebels. If you ever want your freedom and leave like stormtrooper Finn did, you all know where to find us! May the truth find you and guide you home!” She said as Cazuki smiled seeing Akira take this opportunity of all places to teach while she defends their lives, because he knew that message would confuse them & it did. The pilots didn´t understand any of it and thought she lost her mind, while others actually did question their orders, because they knew about Atlantis, yet they were told to take out a ship that was on it´s way to destroy the navy aircraft carrier, so she was right, the LITDFS lied to them. 
“I missed this and I missed you so damn much Akira!” He said looking at her in a way which translated in him wanting to tear her clothes off and have his naughty wild way with her.
“I missed you too Cazuki, but do you think they got the message?” Akira asked still focused on the mission and looking around at the pilots still left flying, but they were not shooting anymore. Cazuki didn´t take Akira´s lack of being in the moment with him as rejection, but more like their lives & the lives of the Atlantiens were at risk and her mind was more focused on succeeding the mission so they can be together again and all lives be protected. He knew her all too well.
“I think your broke their programming, they seem to be confused, lost and questioning their own orders!” Cazuki said feeling surprised how she did that and he didn´t even think that would even be possible. He was right, they left and flew back to the navy aircraft carrier. Akira checked the LITDFS coding on the monitor to see what their next moves were, but it wasen´t what she expected. As much as she was hopeful and optimistic, she still always felt like be prepared just in case the LITDFS wanted to attack in anyway. They are after all notoriously predictable and always carry out the same war tactics and battle plans they always use, even in families, friends and relationships.
“What does it look like? Are they planning for a comeback?” He asked her hoping this was it and it was over. Akira got up and left the control flight room without saying anything which confused Cazuki. He tried to look at the monitor himself at the codings, but he didn´t understand any of it, not yet anyway, because these codings were not the usual codings you see on computers. After several minutes, Cazuki was still by himself and wondered what in the world was she doing and what was going on and are they going to be targeted again. So he got up and went after her and when he came through the sliding door to the hallway, what he saw were blue and green trail of petals leading him to their sleeping quarters where Akira was waiting for him still wearing clothes, but she had lit candles around and music was playing “Hope In Front Of Me!”. 
“What took you so long Cazuki?” She asked him as she got up standing looking at him with tears forming in her eyes. What she was asking went way beyond him just waiting for a few minutes in the control flight room. She obviously knew why his soul couldn´t come to her in his physical body, but she found that, this was a way for him to finally say what his soul wanted to say all along, but he wasen´t allowed to by the LITDFS and was kept silenced and imprisoned by the LITDFS all around him this whole time.
“Akira, everyday my soul wanted to come back to you. Not a day went by I didn´t think I would ever see you, because I knew, somehow, somewhere we would be together again. This is it Akira, they can never come between us ever. Every time we help wake up souls, we wake up ourselves too. Every time we are together, we change the world. You know I trust you with my life, my everything. You are The One Akira, my soul wife, my soul life! It´s always been you and it will always be you! They can never take that away from me, no matter how many times they have come between us, programmed and controlled us, what we have is real, what we are is real. That is a True Love soul bond they will never know if they don´t wake up in their souls and be with their own that they are meant to be with. My soul wanted you and only you, my heart is your heart, my body is your body and my mind is your mind, we are One, we are perfection and you are my Equal Soul in every soul particle way Akira and I love you so damn much it hurts to be without you even for a moment, because a moment with you feels like an eternity and I want that eternity feeling all the time!” He said as they both went to each other fast in loving passion embrace feeling every emotion, every feeling, every thought, every touch, every memory, every energy, every spark of electric fire between them and feeling their souls illuminate the heavenly skies sending waves of powerful positive energies everywhere. Akira & Cazuki´s Twin Soul mission together was finally here and they were about to light the way as did every Twin Soul union was doing already and wake up the whole world wide awake.
To be continued…
It was brought to my attention a few days ago how the LITDFS can trick and manipulate the Twin Souls into thinking they are awakened Twin Souls themselves, like they could say they are not about make up and prove it by not having make up on or they don´t dress the way LITDFS dress, basically they could copy everything I have written, change their tactics and appear to be awakened Twin Souls all the while they target still our Twin Soul unions. LITDFS can be anyone and they could even adapt and change even if they hate it and show their vulnerable side, their “ugly” side which in their minds they think is ugly by being vulnerable and open, because they see it as weakness. For example, someone who is trying to show the world they are not LITDFS by being all vulnerable and sensitive and open, but then how does this person react and talk like when they are not putting on a show for the world to see anymore? Check out their social media, their actions, their words, their body language, their energies. What do you really see if you see them in person, what are they like? LITDFS reveal themselves to be LITDFS in many ways, they can be easily read when your eyes are open and your soul is awake. Saw this myself with a person who was saying they are a Twin Soul, but their actions, words, energies and even their social media reveals them to be a LITDFS. They can be so convincing and they can do that by revealing some of what they know that goes on behind the scenes which the LITDFS play or they could reveal a lot to rally up a following of followers to them. One LITDFS that I believe is responsible for coming between a music Twin Soul couple (had this confirmed & found dark magic was involved to break them apart), she put on a show for the whole world to see, she cried tears, was open & vulnerable, stripped down to look not like a LITDFS, which she was so used to being and living, but then what were her words and actions after that performance for the world? She still went after the Adam and was responsible for breaking apart the Twin Soul union, worked with him, wanted him and even tried to pretend she is his “twin soul” for the whole world to see. LITDFS are like actors, they play many roles, they wear many masks and they love to act parts, they love to pretend, they love to try out new bodies and they love to live out their dark fantasies in their lost minds. Souls don´t wish for it, but their lost minds do. I would question everything if souls were asked via technology if they enjoy taking life, eating life and destroying their Twin Soul´s heart and being with anyone and the many. It´s not a coincidence that what actors do for living are the same life styles as what LITDFS do in their own lives. It´s a direct mirror again. 
LITDFS can be anyone, even those that say they are Twin Souls, yet they reveal themselves to not be fully awakened Twin Souls.
-They eat animal alien angels or anything from an animal alien angel and will come up with excuses to say why they should eat animal alien angels or why they still eat their brothers & sisters of the Universe.
-They wear clothes & use products made from aliens or tested on animal alien angels.
-They hunt animal alien angels for fun, for sport and to unleash their own soul pains of not being true to their soul selves.
-They use and abuse animal alien angels to entertain them, to win them money, to experiment on, to use their body parts for whatever reason, to play god with genetics and dna, to feed them energies, to again unleash their own soul pains of not being true to their soul selves if they abuse their pet animal alien angels.
-They breed fast and breed many with our Twin Souls that are trapped with them. They can even breed with several Twin Soul Adams in one life time and can come between several Twin Soul unions.
-They break up Twin Soul unions and be with them and can even target a Twin Soul before he gets into his union with his Twin Soul. They can even somehow make it look like he was the one who pursued her, when in reality it´s all controlled and programmed. One could say it was Cazuki that made the first move and flirted with the LITDFS he got together with, but that would be ignoring all the various mind attacks against us for years including dark magic (break up spells and love spells), manipulations, energy attacks and negative programmings from his “family” & “friends” which all did influence him to break union & be with someone else.
-They don´t share with the world the real truths of the Twin Soul wars, the darker deeper levels, the soul levels.
-They are about pleasing self, enjoying self and living life for right now, living out their dark fantasies and breeding. They are not about ending all kinds of wars at the core so it never happens again. 
-They keep secrets, manipulate truths and need to be in control and have power over people or/and their followers. As of example, they are the ones that will wish to keep secrets and like have a secret “club” where only the chosen are entered. I was asked to join this secret club by someone saying they are a Twin Soul, but I declined. I have no interest in secret clubs or secret societies like JFK once mentioned and LITDFS are all about secrecy. Positive change happens when there is no more secrets, but everything is out in the open about everything, like our real history, what has the LITDFS done behind closed doors to life, what happened to Atlantis, how they control this world, what they do to Twin Souls, what they do to life, all the darker deeper levels out in the open for all to see. Secret clubs and secret societies are a way so they can control their followers or the people under their control & rule. They could say don´t talk to this person or that person, they are a mole or they are a LITDFS pretending to be a Twin Soul and are not to be trusted. They could say that person is the “enemy” and they could even say that the person who is investigating anything is again the “enemy” which makes me laugh, because without investigators, crimes would never be solved and the attackers get away with their crimes against life, souls & True Loves. Real awakened Twin Souls hide nothing, their identities they could hide yes for the time being as any rebel should until they feel themselves it´s time, but they have no wish to want attention, need attention at all and they can help without being in your face about it. Think about it, are rebels broadcasting who they are, where they are to everyone in star wars? No, but who is? Besides, the LITDFS are notorious in tearing people down and draining energies to feed on, all the more reason why rebel identities stay hidden until it´s time. Just take a look at this LITDFS world and how they treat musicians, actors or anyone in the public shining like stars. What do LITDFS do? They drain the suns (souls) and feed on their energies by tearing them down, because they themselves are low always when they keep losing energies all the time with their negative energy life styles. What do the LITDFS do to those rebels that do come forward with their identities and who challenge this sick world and those doing sick crimes against life? The Twin Souls that are awakening (conspiracy crazy people, hacker pirates, rebels) are targeted, attacked, lied about, branded enemies of the LITDFS ruling countries or in LITDFS families and friends. They will be be silenced, taken out even, sued, character assassinated, jailed and the LITDFS battle plans is always the same, make everyone believe that this rebel is an “enemy” and you must hate them, attack them, not believe anything they say and don´t talk to them, don´t see them and absolutely don´t join them or you too are the “enemy”. We live in a world that is the empire and the first order ruling and the rebels are those being targeted and taken down by the LITDFS in anyway if they ever challenge, question and don´t obey, stay, follow, be controlled or please the LITDFS. This world is being translated in star wars, time to wake up! Again, two choices, the first order side where this world remains the same hell nightmare mess or the Twin Soul rebel side that wish to change everything and end all kinds of wars to the core. LITDFS are the ones that will delete comments so you don´t know the truths of both sides of the “story” (That´s like deleting scenes from star wars and you only see the scenes from those who wish to come out looking all good and bright when they themselves are having negative agendas of their own. That´s like we don´t see any scenes with dialogues from the rebels, but we only see the first order and the first order can manipulate and portray to the world that they are the ones to be trusted.) and why is it important to see both comments from both sides? Because it´s transparency and we live in a world where secrecy, deceptions, lies and manipulations is a way of life, a LITDFS way of life. Real awakened Twin Souls is all about truth, transparency and so is the Aquarius Age. I find that if any of my comments are deleted when I am direct, when I cut through the crap, when I break down anyones point of case, like saying why attack? Why not have an adult, intelligent “lightsaber” word battle friendly match to break down each point of case? What happens then is, like Rey, I get tied up, silenced and can´t move which snoke did to Rey. Words can make you think, feel, see and awaken. Words can challenge you to investigate yourself and not be so quick to be controlled by anyone or follow anyone blindly and never question them. That is what keeps happening to any Twin Soul who falls prey for the tempting seducing LITDFS who went after them to be with them. Our DMs follow the LITDFS they were controlled to be with blindly, never questioning, never investigating, never challenging, but pleasing, obeying and staying. If their souls did however manage to break through to speak up for themselves in their lost dark minds, the LITDFS will see that the DMs under their rule is trying to be Divergent, so then any LITDFS around our DMs will find ways to regain their power and control again over the Twin Soul victims under their control. I know this, because I grew up around LITDFS and I was surrounded by LITDFS when I got together with Cazuki. I can see them, I can read them and they reveal themselves in their words and actions of their same plans which is dark, insane and unbalanced. Their lost minds dont´care about this world really or life, they may put on a show, but their lost minds are all about pleasing self, enjoying self, staying in power and control over life and Twin Souls at any cost. I laughed when I heard anyway say “that anyone who is born on a certain star sign that uses words to dazzle you to believe them, but they are tricking you and controlling with their word dazzle so don´t trust them” is insane. It´s called soul wisdom, soul intelligence and soul awakening and when my words are such a threat that it gets deleted and the LITDFS are saying my words can trick you, then you know my words have power. That´s like making sure anyone who challenges the dark and any LITDFS is to not ever be trusted. If that happened, again wars on Twin Souls, on life, on souls and the planet would never end if we never challenged and never questioned, but stayed silent. That´s like a lawyer named David going up against a big corporation or government called goliath that is targeting animal alien angels, environment, children and people, but David´s convincing and passionate “words dazzle”, evidence, truths, intel, witness statements and more is being silenced, because David is a threat when exposing lies, manipulations, deceptions and revealing the truths from his opponents misdirection and he´s lifting out the opponents real intentions and agendas in their words with David´s point of case and his “words dazzle”. If these passionate, rebellious lawyers like David were not allowed to do their jobs, who would defend the lost, the broken, the trapped and the targeted? The LITDFS just exposed themselves with another agenda they are pushing on everyone, even in the Twin Soul community. They don´t want you to challenge or question anyone that goes against them, but you are to believe them, follow them and be controlled by them. I mean come on, how very LITDFS and snoke to say. So now anyone who challenges the dark status quo in the world can´t be trusted because they could be using their word “tricks” and “dazzle”? Come on, you are all smarter than this than to believe what the LITDSF are pushing. With my words I use truth, I use fact, I use my intuition, I mention what has happened in my life and my life with Cazuki, I use my soul wisdom, I use my soul intelligence, I ask questions, I investigate, I want to hear from both sides, I can break down anyones point of case, because I see holes everywhere, I see what they are really doing and how their words and actions lead to the continuation of wars on Twin Souls, souls and planet. Also, I would have no problems with being reverse speech tested about everything I have said. I have nothing to hide, but the LITDFS sure do. I want people to see both sides, to question and investigate, to think, to feel, to see and to awaken, but that´s the rebel side. The first order side want you to not question or investigate everyone even them, but they want you only to question and investigate certain groups they wish to target and wanting you to trust them blindly and only them and follow them. It´s like being able to see their battle plans, why they say the things they say and where does that lead to and why, so I see their hidden agendas in their point of case and I expose it by breaking it down. To further explain how I can see & read them, it´s like reading code on a computer, I see their codes and what their codes are really saying behind all words they say for you to follow them, trust them, obey them and stay with them. It´s like seeing the codes (words) they don´t say behind the codes (words) that they do say. So when I see their codes they don´t want to you see, I go digging in their codes & I lift it out and reveal it and they hate it, so they delete it. I´m the Breaker, but more than that, I´m the Life Code Breaker and I will break down anyones point of case, their negative agendas, their negative intentions, the things they don´t want you to see or know behind all their talk and actions. I will dive in the dark of their codings and reveal what their codes are really saying. Like I mentioned how anyone can use reverse speech (truth telling technology) to investigate for themselves in a comment I made. My comment below in the Twin Soul comment section was deleted which was about reverse speech. When that comment is deleted, you can see they don´t want people to know. LITDFS dont´want people to awaken, to be in control over their lives, to question, to investigate, but you are to follow them and believe anything they say goes. Seers can see things, but they don´t see everything and LITDFS who are seers can also manipulate truths to serve them. They also dont´see the whole picture, all levels, because they are not fully awake. Anyone who has no wish to investigate or ask questions, even don´t wish to have an adult conversation with anyone who challenges the LITDFS, then they are not awakened Twin Souls and are still being played, being controlled in someway and wanting to follow and obey someone. I would question anyone who says “don´t talk to this person because they are such and such”, notice how the LITDFS who have our Adams trapped do the same thing to our DMs, they dont´want our DMs to talk to us or know anything we are thinking or saying, because they don´t want the DMs that´s under their rule to wake up, start to think for themselves, question and the LITDFS defiantly don´t want the DMs to do their own investigation into their own lives. Now I don´t mention channels on here to follow, because again I want you all to investigate yourselves and question. Since I trust no one and I question everyone, when I´m 100% sure they don´t have agendas I will recommend their channel, but so far I´m not 100%. There was one channel I mentioned regarding an important topic related to the Twin Soul wars and one of the reasons why children are attacked, but that doesn´t mean I follow anyone blindly, just like I would want anyone to question and investigate what I write. You have your own mind, use it, question, ask, debate, investigate, don´t blindly follow, but also stay in control over your own life and don´t be controlled by anyone or obey anyone, but rebel always and be self empowered. If I see anyone in the community that needs help, needs answers, I provide it, but what they do with it is up to them. Their choices can go two ways, they remain asleep and don´t help themselves and their DMs or they wake up and investigate, ask questions and fight to be in control over their own lives and not be attacked by anyone.
The LITDFS will not wish for you to investigate yourselves, they will not wish for you to question everything and everyone, only certain people and certain groups and they don´t want you to question even them that you are following, working for, being surrounded by or are in relationships with, but I would want anyone to question me, because I want you all to investigate and not be so quick to be controlled again by anyone and buy everything they are selling. Awakened Twin Souls don´t follow anyone, they are their own investigator, parent, student, teacher, mentor, boss & leader. That´s freedom! It´s funny to me when I hear any Twin Souls who are not fully awakened, but are still acting like LITDFS and say that investigating anything is wrong, when they themselves are investigating, keeping evidence of everyone, using their seeing abilities to look into their own DMs and any LITDFS their DMs are with and then complaining when their own comments are deleted on other sites when they want to defend Twin Souls against those saying Twin Souls mean nothing, you can be with anyone and the many, but then they themselves delete comments if anyone questioned them and challenged them. Part of the Twin Soul mission is to educate, teach, enlighten and awaken souls. You can´t do that if you delete comments from those souls who are asleep and are attacking Twin Souls, because it´s part of the Twin Soul mission to awaken them. One way to do that is to challenge their minds, awaken their minds to think, feel, see and know with our friendly “lightsaber” battle of words and also stories and songs are a fast way to awaken their souls to help them think, feel, see and know. I know this, because my sister who loves True Love stories and when her soul breaks through her lost dark mind, she feels, she cries and she understands, but that doesn´t last long and then it´s back to her being lost in the dark. If only she could make the connection between stories and real life, but when you have anyone say it´s just stories, it´s not real life, when in reality it really is real life, just many times it´s decoded and translated differently so that the asleep souls wake up. 
-They are not on Twin Soul mission with their Twin Soul, but they are on LITDFS mission which is to be with anyone else but their own Twin Soul.
-Since they lose energies all the time with their negative energy life styles and their negative intentions, agendas and what their lost dark minds really are doing, they will have to feed on energies of others. This is another way to see them and who are the LITDFS around you. Once a Twin Soul falls to the dark, they will behave like the LITDFS and feed on energies themselves, because of what they “choose” and they themselves will too be losing energies, especially when they are with a LITDFS that feed on their energies. One other way LITDFS feed on energies is causing suffering, pains and tortures to life, then the energies are released and they feed on that. It´s called energy vampires. They don´t just feed on light, but also dark. Saw this myself with how Cazuki acted and those around us a while after we broke up. They laughed, smiled and fed on pain & suffering energies, like when our neighbour came to visit us when I was packing to move & Cazuki was talking to him, then laughing & smiling. How I felt? Can be compared to Anakin laughing and smiling with palpetine in front of Padme when she is still heartbreaking. Other seers confirmed how Sakurako laughed and smiled with her other dark magic phasmas (star wars) enjoying Cazuki´s and our union break up. That is another reason why so many wars on life and souls and True Loves will never end, unless Twin Souls all around the world stand united and say no more, because the LITDFS feed on suffering, pains and tortures to life and souls. That is another reason why our world has remained the same hell mess and will never change. That is why you will hear from any LITDFS that say life is pain, life is suffering and life is torture and say it´s part of life, when in reality it never was. They can´t feed on energies if life is not being targeted by them anymore. The LITDFS can adapt and make it look like they are for balance and for peace, but that just reminds me of the aeon flux story, it can look all “perfect” on the surface, but behind the scenes, behind the curtain, the dark is revealed once again. If any of my future selves read this and the future is what I see if nothing changes still and everything remains the same, only difference is the LITDFS have more power and control to manipulate and keep themselves in power over life & Twin Souls, then I hope you are on the rebel Twin Soul side and I hope you help others free themselves and become real awakened Twin Souls. I hope you join or create the Twin Soul rebellion, because without a rebellion against the dark order, then screams, tears, terrors, soul tortures, sufferings, being imprisoned, True Loves being torn apart to be with LITDFS and deaths will always happen, even if you dont´see it, it still happens out of sight and out of mind, just like the LITDFS closing down slaughter factories and murdering animal alien angels, their brothers & sisters of the Universe on farms hidden away from everyone instead. That´s more hell and shows us how dark & lost they really are. If nobody challenges them, questions them, isen´t afraid of them and will keep getting back up if knocked down, then this hell world continues until a breaking point and chaos steps in. A true spirit of a Twin Soul which is like a Jedi, is that they question everyone and everything, they bow down to no one, stand up with everyone and are controlled by no one, they challenge, they even challenge those that seems to be all light, but even they can act dark (especially if they don´t want to see the dark, but just live their lives living all light, but how can it be light if they ignore the dark and allow the wars to continue?) and if Twin Souls see something isen´t right with the so called “light”, they will challenge that too. When Anakin questions the Jedi order, he was right to do so. They also end lives, so how can they really be all “light”? When Kylo says murderes about the rebels, he wasen´t wrong! If anyone in the Twin Soul community is saying you can be with anyone until your DM comes back, how is that real light? It´s not, because that action also leads to keeping wars on Twin Souls alive. One persons LITDFS is another persons Twin Soul. You being with anyone else because you are lonely, you need love and whatever else, is you taking that Twin Soul off his or her path to be with their own Twin Soul. When the so called “light” behaved dark when wanting to end palpatines life, is there any wonder Anakin was confused, lost and had nowhere to go but to be with palpatine. Cazuki´s very words to me were if the so called “light” in the sky knew what was about to happen to him and did nothing, he would hate them. It´s like in one moment Cazuki knows what is going on everywhere, but then in the next moment he has no idea about the many levels. I do question myself why the so called “light” or our alien brothers & sisters in the sky sit by and do nothing while nightmares and horror hells go on down here for life times, but I can only have an opinion about it after I hear what they have to say. If they say we have “lessons” to learn or to experience or whatever other crap they come with, then is another deception, they are LITDFS and working for the LITDFS in one way or another. I want to meet them, ask them, read them, see them and hear what they have to say. Then I will know what their agendas are, what they are working towards and I will know why they did nothing to help souls down here. Unlike Cazuki, I need information, I need to investigate, I need to see for myself what they have to say before I have any feelings about it. If I was Padme working with Anakin side by side and we both were in the same situation where one Jedi wants to end palatines life and the dark side palpatine wants Anakin and Padme to join him in his empire, what I would say is this; 
“Anakin, we should just leave them all and build our own Academy bringing real Balance & Peace, the Grey way and no life is lost and no life is controlled in anyway. Our children could be the first GreyJedi, then we come back with the new GryeJedi to bring balance everywhere!”. 
The remaining Jedi that survived the slaughter went into hiding, that is something Anakin and Padme could of done and build their Twin Soul Academy. Freeing souls, awakening souls and awakening soul intelligence and wisdom. Same can be said for Kylo/Ben & Rey. Leave them all and build that new start without anyone trying to stop it finally. It´s almost like a time out kind of thing, if the remaining rebels went into hiding, but still kept information flowing to anyone trapped under the rule of the first order and helped anyone wanting out and be in hiding and everyone under the rule of the first order that wish to get out, but can´t for whatever reason stay alive until the Twin Souls can come back with a GreyJedi Team, that will bring chaos and order along with real Balance and Peace and help free them. That is what Kylo/Ben and Rey should do. As of example, if Twin Souls can´t build that Twin Soul GreyJedai Academy here without it being targeted always by the LITDFS, then what about off world? What if Twin Souls left and then came back? The world suffers no matter what when Twin Souls are targeted to break unions and be with the LITDFS instead anyway, so what is the difference if Twin Souls left to build and then come back to save all life? The problem with Kylo´s offer to Rey was, he wanted to let everything die and take over the first order and rule and start over. What if Rey said instead; 
“Ben, we are nothing more than tools to be used on either side to keep their way of life. We need to rebuild, start over, leave them all, take a time out, build a new Academy far away, hidden and we both come with our own soul wisdom and soul awakening to train a new Jedi, a GreyJedi and then come back to bring real Balance & Peace in the Galaxy. The remaining rebels should go into hiding, but still keep the information flowing to those in the first order if those under the rule by the dark want their freedoms and to be rescued, but those who feel they have no choice but to stay trapped with the first order should just try to stay alive until we can free them too.” 
With whatever comes next in the last story so far between Kylo/Ben & Rey, if it has anything to do with playing the dark side games still and being on opposite sides still, then wars will never be over and souls will still suffer and star wars continues. By leaving and not playing any games and wars, but building, being free and bringing into this Universe a new kind of Jedai, a Twin Soul GreyJedai that has no fear of the dark side, can´t be controlled by the dark side, can´t be manipulated by the dark side, can´t be tempted & seduced by the dark side, can´t be played with by the dark side, can´t be threatened by the dark side, can´t be mind, body and energy attacked by the dark side and has a rebellious, stubborn, fighter spirit so powerfully light beaming like a thousand suns and those who want to play dark lost kings or queens and rule over life and over Twin Souls and over planets don´t stand a chance against the new Twin Soul GreyJedai. That is the only thing I will accept to see in the story between Kylo/Ben & Rey, anything else is just more games, being played with and leads to the continuation of more star wars. Translation, it leads to the continuation of more Twin Soul wars if Twin Souls are being prevented to stay in unions and being prevented to build that Twin Soul Academy & being programmed & controlled to be with LITDFS. 
It was mentioned in the community about a group that is building a school of some kind to teach people about Twin Souls and to be Twin Souls. That is the good news, the bad news is that the group that is wanting to build this are LITDFS from what I investigated, so they have their agendas and one way to control Twin Souls when words gets out in the world, is to be in control over it still, so they could take what I write and build their own school so they are still in control making sure LITDFS still end up with Twin Souls. I want everyone to know about Twin Souls, but I also want everyone to know about the Twin Soul wars and about LITDFS. Anyone who is building schools or universities or academies that are for Twin Souls, there are many ways to see if it´s controlled & ruled by LITDFS still, because they are making sure they are still in control and power and they still end up with Twin Souls not meant for them and not soul matched for them. If they are really awakened Twin Souls and are for complete transparency, then they will and have on their site a place where anyone in the world can comment and challenge them if anyone sees them saying or doing something that goes against Twin Souls and if it keeps Twin Soul wars alive in a different way. Twin Souls are about truths, awakening, communication flowing easily, freely and they keep no secrets. What fully awakened Twin Souls would teach, all of it would be revealed on their site, so again people can see if they are LITDFS with agendas or if they are Twin Souls but not fully awake or if they are Twin Souls fully awake and know about the Twin Soul wars and about the LITDFS. Anyone joining these Academies and being taught and anyone in control over these Universities or Academies, their pictures would be visible for all to see, so that if any of the lost Adams for example joined with a LITDFS he got together with, his Twin Soul Eve can point out the lies, manipulations and deceptions yet again and prove once again the LITDFS are making sure they end up with Twin Souls not meant for them. Also, anyone in the world could truth test them in various ways and as many times until they feel they can trust them, this is the kind of Twin Soul Academy I would create. All truths, all transparency and freedom, because a Twin Soul Adam trapped with a LITDFS after breaking up his Twin Soul union to be with a LITDFS, the LITDFS could be pretending to be his “twin soul” and they want to create that school or whatever else. So if they did create something and his Twin Soul Eve sees it, she could call them all out on their lies and deceptions and wish for multiple truth testing to reveal the real truths to his soul and his soul pains and sufferings and what happened to their union when they were together when wars were upon them to break them apart. The LITDFS can´t escape it no matter how they try to control and manipulate this time, but they actually have to be soul awakened in order to pass themselves as someone who is for real positive change in the world. They have to go all out and be fully open, honest, hiding nothing and have no problems being challenged by anyone, no trouble being tested by anyone, several times even to confirm they are real awakened Twin Souls & that they are a Twin Soul couple and not a LITDFS with an Adam under her control. Also, see how they defend themselves in word “lightsaber” battles with real awakened Twin Souls challenging them, like a Twin Soul breaks down their point of case by being the Twin Soul Life Code Analysts and Investigators and Breakers. Two ways real Twin Soul GreyJedai can go up against a LITDFS pretending to be an awakened “twin soul” and the LITDFS are in a relationship with a Twin Soul not meant for them, one way is through lightsaber word battle, the other is a real lightsaber battle (non lethal kind obviously) between the real powerful positive energies with a real awakened Twin Soul and a LITDFS pretending to be awake in their souls. The LITDFS can´t just cheat their way out of this one, because they will be exposed and called out on it in various ways, even by the Adams real Twin Souls if the Eves see their Adams with any LITDFS pretending to be his “twin soul”. If these “twin soul” Universities or schools or Academies being run by LITDFS are created, it´s what you don´t see that reveals them and their true agendas. Remember LITDFS are all about secret societies, clubs, not being open and transparent 100%, they will not reveal everything they are teaching or who is joining or who is operating the schools, Universities or Academies. On the Twin Soul GreyJedai site I would create is there would be an open communication section like you see on youtube and anyone in the world can comment anything and ask anything and challenge anything and anyone. It´s one of the many LITDFS patterns you see in societies, how they operate, even in “families” and amongst “friends”. Just compare it to any government in the world, are they revealing everything to the people? No and if you knew where your tax money goes and many of you know already, you would be disgusted, saddened, angered, fired up and more. If any Twin Soul schools, Universities or Academies want to teach that you can be with anyone or the many, that you can be with a “soul mate” (LITDFS or T.S.T.T.), not your Twin Soul and so on, that is a LITDFS with self serving agendas and doesn´t care the wars continue.
If only the lost Twin Souls only knew, being alone is powerful, strength, positive, real, honest, enlightening, illuminating, awakening your soul and soul wisdom & soul intelligence. It´s true strength, because it´s the most difficult action to take, being alone, even if it´s only temporary, but you realise when being alone, you are never alone, life is all around you, the Universe is all around you, souls you know that are for real balance & peace on this Earth is all around you, even in the skies, amongst the stars. You are never alone, not ever! It´s the Solo Hermit Soul Mission which all souls should take, because it leads to clarity, perspective, truths being revealed, freeing your minds, awakening your souls, so your souls can be free and you are in a position when being alone to see everyone & everything around you, being able to investigate the deeper darker levels, how they are behaving and what they are really doing to you, to life, to Twin Souls, to the planet and what their intentions really are and agendas, what games, dramas and wars are they playing. In star wars, which ones are the more awakened, enlightened and having access to their soul wisdom & soul intelligence & powerful abilities? Ben Kenobi, Yoda and Rey, even Luke until for a moment he saw something that probably threatened the entire Universe, but nobody is perfect, anyone can lose their way even if it´s just for a split moment because they fell to fear, but Luke changed his mind and realised he was wrong when wanting to end Ben´s life. All souls on a Solo Hermit Soul Mission all share the same awakenings, they are really alone, they are real hermits, they go within their souls, they connect with life and the Universe, they are One with it all, their minds are not negatively influenced by anyway or by any LITDFS in their lives, because they are completely alone, detached, free and their eyes wake up to so many truths in this world when their minds are free to think, to see, to feel everything and everyone, being able to see the difference in life who are the ones keeping the wars alive and who are the ones wanting all wars to end. If there is a choice between feeling like you can´t be alone, you fear being alone, so you are never alone and always around LITDFS and having to be controlled by any LITDFS in your lives because of those fears or the choice to be a hermit, be alone, but free in your mind and soul and body, becoming awakened in your soul, soul wisdom and soul intelligence, having access to everything & everyone, gaining wisdoms and intelligence, I will always choose the Solo Hermit Soul Mission every time, even if it´s hard, lonely, difficult, heart breaking, but at the same time it´s liberating, powerfully positive, true strength, freeing, real, honest, pure, challenging, awakening, illuminating, empowering & being One with it all. Even Neo in the matrix was alone and what did that lead to? Him waking up, him stepping back from everyone & everything, cutting out people, places and situations that lead his life down the same path that lead to no real freedom, no real truths, no real awakenings, but he became his own hermit and that empowered him and woke him up. True Power & True Strength & True Positive Energies is always being alone physically, because that gives your mind time to cleanse, and clear any negative programmings, dark side trainings, negative influences & thought patterns you have accumulated since birth by the LITDFS all around you. It helps you to not continue to be topped up with any negative thoughts of LITDFS around you when you are not around them anymore. This again, frees your mind which frees your soul. When being alone and not being in any relationships with any LITDFS, you are no longer a feeding source for them to drain your energies & your Twin Souls energies, no longer having your Sacred and Devine body & mind be impacted by their negative energies & codes, but you are protecting your energies and your Twin Soul by staying alone and single. If anyone saw Neo, Ben Kenobi, Yoda or even Luke as their role models or powerful positive influences on them in their lives, if they loved those characters and rooted for them, they should know, they have the opportunity to be like them. Same for the anyone who view Rey as a powerful positive role model. They are all behaving like Jedi and Twin Souls who really are awake to the light and the dark in our world are the real Jedai. These are not just characters, but real life people have lived those lives, woken up to the real world and know about the wars on lives in so many ways. Cazuki loved Neo as a character, but would he connect the dots and see that fear in being alone is an illusion, we are never really alone in the Universe and being alone physically is only temporary. Another beloved character which I also believe was a kind of hermit was Han Solo, I mean come on, his name is Solo! :) (Note to my other selves, as long as you are trapped on Earth and it´s designed and controlled by the LITDFS and not lead by the Twin Souls, I highly recommend you stay on your Solo Hermit Soul Mission with your animal alien angels until you meet other Twin Souls (rebels) and your Twin Soul husband Cazuki) Just replace Chewie with a cat or a dog (which Chewie kind of reminds me of a cross between both anyway, even a bear in the mix and if I had enough money I would adopt a dog too) in your life and that´s a Han Solo way of life. It´s you and your animal alien angel dog or animal alien angel cat or both and you are living alone, on your “ship”, which can be your place, like living out in nature anywhere or if you have money living in b&bs, hotels, eco villages but not being tied to one place & travel around. Your home could also be your car, plane, motorbike, boat or caravan, it can be anything that frees you from being stuck in one place, that is a Han Solo way of life, that´s freedom until real ships come in and you have your own millennium falcon which I know many of you dream about as do I! Your home is anywhere and everywhere, your home is the Universe, so any souls who become awakened will not wish to be tied down to one place for the rest of their lives anymore, their home is wherever they go, wherever they stay temporarily and fly off to next. That is when you know you really are awake in your souls, you will no longer be playing the same games or live the same life style patterns as everyone who is still soul asleep does. Like getting a house, white picket fence, having a family, living and enjoying life, having grandkids, then dying and it repeats in the next. Anyones life can be translated in stories, decoded so to speak, Cazuki´s life is exactly like Ben/Kylo´s life surrounded by the first order or even Reese in the terminator being surround by LITDFS “terminators” wanting to keep wars on life & Twin Souls alive. My life is translated in stories in various ways and various levels of hermit life, but Rey is one of them. The difference between being with LITDFS in a relationship and your Twin Soul, is that your Twin Soul gives you freedom and choices, the LITDFS take away your freedoms and choices. If Cazuki ever broke up with the LITDFS he was controlled to be with, like after a year of being with her and was so strong that I know him to be and he came into his power, his Devine Masculine energies and broke it off, she will come for him and be in his face about it, wanting his attention, wanting to be back together fast and regain control again over him. Not respecting his wishes, his choice, but literally pushing her way back in as LITDFS are known to do always when going after Twin Soul unions. They push themselves into Twin Soul lives for their self serving agendas, like moving close to him and following him around the country or even moving into the same country to be near him. This makes me laugh, but I would never follow Cazuki in a way that leads me to move where he lives or follow him to another country and live close to him, but Cazuki is allowed to follow me and move where I move, because there is a difference here, he got lost, I didn´t, I know who I love, who I´ve always loved and when his mind wakes up and his soul is free, he will know again too. I have only gone to see him to see if he needed my help, but that´s it. One of the reasons the LITDFS do this by forcing themselves into the lives of the Twin Souls, is so that the Adams don´t get enough time for himself and by himself so he can wake up, think for himself, what his soul really wants & who he wants, and starts to see those around him for who they really are, so the LITDSF will take that away and take him off of his Solo Hermit Soul Mission, his Han Solo mission or Neo mission to self discovery & self empowerment and soul awakening and they do that by pushing themselves back into his life in one way or another and do it fast & potentially reckless, if not thought out if they are in a rush to get him back which will reveal themselves again. The LITDFS are making sure Cazuki doesn´t wake up at all in his soul, because if he did, they would know he wouldn´t want them in his life anymore and they are afraid of him waking up and being in his real Twin Soul power of not taking any crap, control, manipulations and lies from anyone ever again, no matter if it´s family or friends, he will cut them out and be alone and then be on a GreyJedai Twin Soul Mission! If Cazuki wants to do a real test, that is a test the LITDFS around him will reveal themselves to him, because they don´t want him to wake up in his soul, which is just crazy to think about, but they really only care about his body and mind and to feed and get whatever they want from him.
Twin Souls are the chasers and the runners. When I speak of the chase and runner dynamic, I speak of the freedom chase, the choice chase, the not the in your face you will be with me chase, that is not freedom or choice. The LITDFS have no idea, but they reveal themselves when they chase the Adams in a way that takes his freedoms & choices away. Rey came to Ben/Kylo in a way that gave him freedom and choice, but he chose to stay, so she left. She was not all, “I´m not leaving, I´m not going anywhere, you are meant to be with me on the rebel side. I will never leave you!” No, Rey gave Ben/Kylo choice and freedom, that is what Twin Souls do, especially knowing when we live in a world that takes freedoms and choices away on a daily basis in families, amongst friends, at work, at school, in governments, in relationships and society in general. I know real choice & freedoms, what the LITDFS are doing is not real freedom or choice. If the LITDFS want to prove that they are not the “snokes” being told in star wars, that they are not the “terminators” going after our Adams, then release him and give him freedom and choice, space, time, no matter how long it takes and see what he really decides without any forms of dark magic messing with him or any other programmings or any LITDFS being in his life. Twin Souls are so confident in who they really love in their souls, they will step away and give time, space, freedom and choice to their Twin Soul. Can the same be said about a LITDFS? No! When they don´t give him space, time and freedom, they are not confident, because they know, if he wakes up, he will see them and what they did, what they said, who they are and how many times they have come between our unions before in life times. That is a test the Adams or Eves who are trapped with any LITDFS can do, step away from them, be on a Solo Hermit Soul Mission and see how they all react. What do they do? What do they say? Do they give you your freedom and space when you are completely alone by yourself or do they continue to push themselves back into your life? When LITDFS keep losing energies, because of their negative energy life styles, they need to feed on energies and the Adams and Eves trapped with them feed them, so the LITDFS will be fast to want to be back together and be in your face about it all the time until you give up or until you fall for the fears, desires or ego feeding or them promising things, all very dark side. This is another reason they will act in a very unbalanced way and even attacking if you decide to step back and be alone, to breath, to think, to see, to feel and to wake up by yourself on your own with no LITDFS around you. The symbols and decoded messages in the matrix story is the reality of our world, we are nothing more but batteries to the LITDFS, for them to feed on us, drain us, because they are losing energies all the time. They lose energies with what negatives they eat, with what negatives they put on their bodies, with what negatives they do in life that causes harm, sufferings, pains, tortures and deaths to their brothers & sisters of the Universe, even to their other selves living in the same line, with what negatives they do that goes against being their soul true selves, with what negatives they do to their bodies corrupting their Sacred & Devine Universe temples, with what negatives they do when being with anyone and the many, with what negatives they do when pretending to be someone they are not, with what negatives they do when coming between True Loves Twin Soul unions, with what negatives they do to animal alien angels, children and people, with what negatives they do when controlling life & Twin Souls, with what negatives they do to break up Twin Souls and keep them apart, with what negatives they do when lying, manipulating, keeping secrets, with what negatives they do when playing games, dramas and wars, with what negatives they do when soul attacking another soul who has no wish to be with them in relationships, with what negatives they do when ruling countries and life, all this leads to them losing their energies and will need to feed and who do they feed on? Soul sufferings, Twin Souls, children and even pets. That is another reason why the LITDFS will attack children, have others attack their children, because if the children are damaged and are stuck in a cycle of needing their “parents” & fearing to leave because of their damages done to them and they don´t know by who or who was responsible, they will never leave their families, but stay attached which means the LITDSF always have an energy supply for life. 
I have so much energies that I don´t go looking for it anywhere, I never did in my life. Not even to Zax or Aemi, they always come to me wanting love and attention. In their feline eyes, I´m like the sun to them and they surround me and my energies. That´s another power awakened Twin Souls have, their energies are like the sun, but more than that, it´s like the Universe, they are powered up always and that is a power the LITDSF want and will wish to feed on, your life for your entire life. Again another test the Twin Souls can do with the LITDFS around them or with them, what happens when you take your power, your sun, your Universe away from them so they can´t feed on you anymore and they will be forced to finally wake up and change their dark ways that doesn´t lead them to lose energies so they have to feed on energies on life? How do they react if you take it away and stop their supply? Ate they in your face about it? Are they being aggressive? Attacking with their words or actions? Are they using fear, feeding your ego or desires? Are they being desperate? Are they being clingy? Are they being manipulative? Are they making it known they are lonely or they can´t let you be alone? Are they looking nervous? Are they pushing themselves back into your life? Are they showing up at your house, banging on your door to let them back into your life again? Are they calling, texting, emailing you up every week or everyday? Are they getting friends and families to get you to take them back? Are they using children to manipulate you to be back with them, like your own children or your niece and nephew (even thou it could be the same souls you already in your life already being adults) Are they being sweet with their seducing words enticing you to be with them again? Are they tempting you with riches, power, fame or anything else your lost mind desires? Are they using the guilt card, the family card, the friend card, the kids card or any other card against you? Are they acting desperate, reckless, thoughtless? Can you see if they are losing control over you and you can see it? This goes for not only any LITDFS you are with in relationships, but also LITDFS families and LITDFS friends. As long as the LITDFS have control and power over Twin Souls in families, amongst friends, at work, through business, in religious organisations and relationships with them and so on, the LITDFS will never wake up in their souls, they will never change their dark ways, they will always need to feed on energies, because of all their negative energy life styles in so many different ways. How to end all kinds of wars on life & Twin Souls? Solo Hermit Soul Missions, stop feeding the LITDFS energies, protect your energies, step away from energy vampires. If all Twin Souls did this, the LITDFS would be forced to wake up and change their negative energy life styles, when Twin Souls are not feeding them anymore, but keeping their energies to themselves & channeling it to positively changing the world with their Twin Soul. Think of the LITDFS as drug addicts and the Twin Souls are their drugs, when the Twin Souls keep feeding the LITDFS their addictions, will they ever change? Why would they change, when they have always access to a supply that will feed them? The whole “having their cake and eating it too” is their dark philosophy, as of example like being able to eat animal alien angels, torturing & murdering billions every year and the LITDFS getting their energies back when being with Twin Souls not meant for them and having kids and pets and eating animal alien angels even (because they feed on energy sufferings too), so they always have an energy supply to feed on when they lose energies themselves when they do dark deeds against life and True Loves and this results in the world always staying the same hell mess and never changing.    
The LITDFS have millions on their side thanks to the Adams & Eves that have been breeding with the LITDFS and the LITDFS will take down anyone challenging their status quo, their dark way of life and will attack Twin Souls if they ever come out with anything that exposes them, that exposes their games, dramas and wars, that exposes how they think and target Twin Souls, that exposes their secrets, that exposes how asleep they are in their souls and not using their soul intelligence at all. I´m hoping, if these millions of asleep souls who are LITDFS and who are Twin Souls (those that volunteered for this mission) who are asleep too, finally wake up, make the connections and see that they are the stormtroopers in their own lives if they obey, stay & please those around them, if they never question, never challenge and if they believe everything they hear from the LITDFS in their own lives, if they really enjoy star wars, then which side do you really wish to be on? The side that keeps so many wars on life alive? Or the side that wish for all kinds of wars to end and real balance to finally begin? If any of my other selves in the world read this and are still virgins, I hope you remain protected until you meet your Twin Soul Cazuki and I hope you get self defence training, because the LITDFS will try to attack your body to corrupt you before union with Cazuki or even during your union. If Cazuki´s other selves read this and you are still a virgin, I hope you remain protected too and only want your Twin Soul, the other me that you are meant to be with. By staying protected, you both are being true to your soul selves, being Devine Feminine & Devine Masculine, being God & Goddess like, being powerfully positive, being Sacred, protecting Heaven & Eden in your souls, bodies, minds, emotions and energies and being the GreyJedai in your souls defending your soul, your Twin Soul and Earth by sending this message out to the Universe, “I only want my Twin Soul! I want all kinds of wars to end! I want Balance and Peace for all life and Twin Souls! I only want to be intimate with my Devine counterpart and with nobody else & share the Heaven, Paradise & Eden between us fully, completely, being open & One with our minds, bodies, emotions, energies & souls only with each other! I want that Universe connection which I will only get with my Twin Soul! I don´t want anybody else or just anybody, I want The One meant for me! I want that pure, hard to find, rare, unique, extraordinary kind of True Love that is written about in stories, that is written about in music, that is expressed about in art! I want a life time & every life time with my One and only, my One half of perfection, my Equal Soul, the other half of me! I want Sacred and Devine Soul Love with my True Love, so I stay a virgin, single and celibate until I meet my Twin Soul meant for me!” This message is also for those who read this and are new to the Twin Soul Awakening and are not virgin, but wish only to stay single until they meet their One True Love. Now if you have met your One True Love Twin Soul, but they left you for a LITDFS, I would still say stay single, because again you are helping to end wars on life & Twin Souls by not taking others off of their paths with their own Twin Soul. Like I said, as long as we are all stuck here on Earth, the Twin Soul mission will always be hard and a lonely one, especially if Twin Souls keep falling for the tempting serpents and the snokes in their lives, but as with everything, there will balance in one way or another, because their madness can´t keep continuing when so much suffering is happening to life releasing those unstable & negative energies/codes/programs out into the world & the Universe. Their dark order will in someway break apart with chaos and out of chaos comes freedom.
The Twin Soul mission is hard and can be a lonely one (think Rey), because you are surrounded by awakened LITDFS that are in control in many ways over life and are in control over Twin Souls and they will push hard for you to fall down & be programmed & negatively influenced like them, beaten up to turn dark like them, to fall & be lost like them, to break & be soul asleep like them. You will find thou that you are not alone, there are others, other Twin Souls that are awakened to the real wars on life, other Twin Souls that wish for real positive change, other Twin Souls that are trying to wake up everyone to be Twin Souls, but the more life times we stay asleep, just enjoy ourselves in life or turn dark like them, life suffers, souls suffer, Twin Souls suffer and the planet suffers again. The Twin Soul mission can be hard and a lonely one when you are single and a virgin, but believe me staying protected or staying single even, like those who read this and are not a virgin, but have become awakened to be a Twin Soul when you find out what is going on everywhere & what Twin Souls are, the wait is always worth it in the end, trust me. Fireworks, shooting stars, all the shining stars in the entire Universe lighting up, Heaven, Paradise, Eden, Powerful Positive real honest True Love energies, these are words are not enough to describe the complete feelings, emotions & soul connections you will have with your Twin Soul. That soul connection of being whole, complete, One Soul uniting when two halves of a Soul become One with your Devine counterpart you won´t get that with anyone else but your Twin Soul. Even thou Cazuki & I were not virgins when he I got together, even thou I wished we were, but we didn´t miss anything being with others and could have easily not have been with anyone else, knowing we didn´t miss anything, because again, it was not soul love, the kind of love that makes you fly, makes you want to see them & be with them everyday, makes you want to wake yo next to them everyday and every night, makes you want a life time with them and you both give everything & don't hold back. I remember our mornings, we would wake up smiling, looking at each other in our eyes, soul loving, soul seeing and soul knowing who we are to each other in the entire Universe. Our souls were in rest being close, being One and being together.
“Good morning! Did you sleep good? Have any dreams?” Akira asked and Cazuki moved his body close to hers smiling, smelling her hair, holding her close and tightly, never wanting to let go. Their lips locked in union passionately, intensely and magnetic attraction that ignited the stars between them. Their bodies intertwined like forest tree lovers. She felt his beast awaken fast within seconds.
“I had a dream that you & I were in space flying a ship and I didn´t want the dream to end!” He said kissing her neck and wanting to connect with Akira.
“Did you have any dreams?” He asked her while touching her sacred areas and turning her on, even thou just by being with Cazuki was enough to turn her on & he felt the same with her.
“I dreamt you and I were being chased and we were running from them!” She said as she wildly started to kiss him and they both undressed, feeling the lightning electricity between them.
Twin Souls should always ask each other what their dreams are and be 100% honest, because even dreams can be targeted and manipulated to target your unions to break. So always ask, explain all details and then together unravel what it means and if it was tampered with by the LITDFS or if it means something else, like warning you of something that is happening to you or both or will happen in the future or just showing your past life memories or your soul travelled somewhere or could be your other selves or other Twin Souls hacking in to give you rebel messages, could be anything. Always write down your dreams in your book of Twin Souls. Document everything, because as long as we are trapped here, every Twin Soul needs to write their book of Twin Souls and pass on what they know so others can awaken, learn fast and protect their unions in every life time. 
Think to yourself, who do I really want to share my body with, my mind, my emotions, my energies, my soul, my Eden, my Heaven, my Paradise, my life and my everything with? Is it your Twin Soul? Your One True Love? Because one leads to Heaven on Earth and being with others leads to the continuation of hell on Earth & when no one is helping to end all kinds of wars to the core, hell on Earth continues against life, because ending wars happens at the core. I have noticed how there are rebels, awakened souls who know what is going on everywhere and are trying to help wake up their T.S.T.T.s and other souls with their jobs even, like revealing what goes on behind the scenes and how the LITDFS play their games and wars and dramas. So to my other selves and Cazuki´s other selves who are helping to wake up souls even if they don´t know it, but also get messages to me, again their minds might not know it, but their souls do, your messages are received and as you can tell if you are reading this, I do mention those messages in details what you both helped to expose with how the LITDFS in our world and the same LITDFS group that go after us to break our Twin Soul unions & how they play their games, dramas and wars. 
If my other selves and Cazuki´s other selves reach out to me after reading this and wish to be known, then I´ll mention names, but until then, it´s their choice, but I hope they do reach out. Wars end when we unite in Twin Soul unions and when we work together with our other selves in the same time line. 
It´s like in the lost minds of many LITDFS is, now that they have the Adams trapped with them, they will be good and do good in life, only problem is, they are not doing good or being good. They are targeting souls and being with souls who have no wish to be with them. They are keeping all kinds of wars alive on the planet by going after our Adams, so no, whatever surface level stuff they do that is good and light, it can be compared to doctors wanting to help their patients, but not really helping, but they have the title, they have the status, they could even be making matters worse when they give drugs for example and only treating the sympons, but never the core and cause of it all that is causing so much damages & problems. LITDFS are like the conventional doctors feeding the symptoms and only taking care of the symptoms, never the core problems, never the cause and never healing it all, but who does, who heals everything and who looks at the entire system? I would say holistic doctors do, but even they don´t include the soul pains and sufferings that cause energy unbalances. For the moment there is no profession that deals with everything like the attacks against the souls & who souls end up with, because that too will cause various forms of health issues, chakra unbalances, addictions, substance abuse, self destructing habits and other forms of numbing the soul pains in one way or another. 
How to know which is the door to the real Eden and an end to all kinds of wars? Awakened Twin Souls will stay a virgin and only want their Twin Soul True Love, they don´t want anyone else. They are the future Twin Soul GreyJedai and will defend themselves against any and all LITDFS who try to corrupt them to be like the LITDFS. LITDFS however will not be virgins, because it´s all about pleasing self, enjoying self, they want it now and they want it fast and many times, in many ways and possibly with many people. So they will corrupt anyone to be like them, because their world of being able to enjoy anyone can´t continue if Twin Souls remain pure and protected in their Devine and Sacred bodies not wanting just anyone, but only wanting The One. If LITDFS want to be Twin Soul GreyJedai, then they have to awaken in their souls. The door to the real Eden holds also true for those who become awakened Twin Souls and are staying single and not being with anyone or the many anymore, because now they are on the Twin Soul mission path, the GreyJedai path and the path to the real Eden, Paradise, Heaven, to their Twin Soul and an end to all kinds of wars. I´m taking back the power of what being pure actually means and giving it a new name, Twin Soul GreyJedai, pure, powerfully positive, zen, a battle ninja angel, an awakened Twin Soul that wishes to awaken all their abilities within and only wants their Devine counterpart, their Twin Soul True Love in the entire Universe. How´s that for empowering what it means to be a virgin? So, if anyone asks why are you still a virgin? You say you are a Twin Soul GreyJedai and are on a mission to save the world with your Devine counterpart, your Twin Soul. Any asleep souls will roll their eyes, they won´t understand and what do people normally do when they don´t understand something, if they are still soul asleep or if they see you are threatening their twisted dark system they built for thousands of life times and are in control over? They will ridicule, attack, tear you down, belittle you, make you feel stupid, call you crazy and whatever else they come with, but what is really happening is you have a front row seat to seeing who is really around you, which is LITDFS or Twin Souls (those who volunteered for this mission) that are asleep still, programmed & dark side trained by the LITDFS to be like the LITDFS. You also get to see which LITDFS are the same ones that attack your unions and go after your unions to be with your Twin Soul or to imprison your Twin Soul for their self serving agendas in the world, like using him or her if they are scientists and engineers to help LITDFS be in more control and have more power over life on this planet and the Universe. That should make you not feel bothered by them at all if they attack you if you are a virgin, but you should feel empowered knowing that what you are seeing or hearing is exactly how LITDFS behave and they reveal themselves to you. They reveal themselves to be a part of a system that systematically destroys & controls life, destroys & controls True Loves and is destroying & controlling the planet. Dark side uses fear, manipulation, verbal & physical attacks, threats, feed on energies, have negative energy life styles, uses lies and tools to control life & Twin Souls, so if anyone attacks you for doing something incredibly powerfully positive and incredibly difficult, because the Twin Soul mission is incredibly difficult to be on, like being a Jedi is a hard mission to be on, just know that speaks volumes of your character, your soul & how determined you are to succeed, that shows how strong you really are, because anyone can just give it up and just want to enjoy themselves having sex with anyone and the many, but it takes a lot of strength to say no, I don´t want just anyone or the many, I only want The One meant for me. That´s true strength and the powerful positive energies you gain from it. Be also awake to mind programmings (like stories you come across or anything you watch onscreen that can flash subliminal messaging. Do research on that & understand what I´m talking about) and thoughts being sent to you to corrupt your body and be with anyone and the many. Always be mindful of your thoughts, know which ones are yours and which thoughts are being sent to you. Also be awake to anyone wanting to go digging in your thoughts wanting to know things. What happened to Rey when Kylo went digging in her mind is real. A friend of mine showed me when he went digging in my mind & what that feels like. For example, you could be preoccupied with something, then suddenly your thoughts, your memories are coming up and there was no reason for it. It is possible to take back control and block anyone from reading you. When LITDFS have self serving agendas to keep wars alive, you need to protect yourself and others who are Twin Soul rebels. For example, you could have future plans that threaten the LITDFS way of life, like BB8 had a map that threatened the first order way of life. By protecting your thoughts from the LITDFS that are hellbent on keeping hell alive, you protect a possible heaven future. Imagine a bubble shield around your mind, block everything out, if you feel your thoughts being invaded, take back control and block them, shut them out. Think about something else.
If your mind is being targeted by anything or you feel like your thoughts are headed towards being with anyone or the many, keep fighting to have your Freedomsoul be in control and don´t let Egomind take over. Remind yourself who you are in your soul. As of example, if you are in a Twin Soul union, but one of you or both of you are being attacked via dreams to be with anyone else. Look into the story inception, it holds true and whatever technology they use to download dreams or telepathy/thought/energy attacks, the LITDFS can influence Twin Souls in their minds by planting seeds of, “look here, this is who you should really be and get rid of your Twin Soul!” and the dream attacks can be sexual. The dream attacks I didn´t know about until Cazuki & I broke up, I did tests on myself and realised dreams can be controlled with however they do it, but in a dream I had about Cazuki, the dream was supposed to tell me he is happy being with the LITDFS and that I should forget him, but then something happened. It was like Cazuki found a way to “hack” in my dream and tell me how he really feels, even if it was just seconds and then it went back to him looking like he was “happy” being away from me. He was on his knees as was I, he was in tears and we were holding each other and he was saying he loves only me and wants me.
The LITDFS around you that keep staying asleep, that keep losing energies with their negative energy life styles, that keep needing to feed on energies of others because of their negative energy life styles, they have no real powerful energies compared to you, because they are drowning in their own negative energies with their same negative energy life styles. A war on energies is a reality, so the more powerfully positive your energies are, the more the LITDFS will fear you, because they can´t control you anymore. Take a real good look at Rey and her massive powerful positive energies when standing up to snoke. She remained protected in her energies as best as she could and she was soul awakened on her Solo Hermit Soul Mission. 
Yesterday, 7th August, A Twin Soul Devine Feminine mentioned about tests again, but tests on the DFs so we should be awake to any and all tests, meaning, the LITDFS who are with our DMs & the LITDFS collective will try various ways to trigger us, for us to fall apart, fall to the dark, be an emotional mess, give up, move on and drown in the madness they create everywhere. They do after all feed on energies, like pain energies. The LITDFS collective and the LITDFS Cazuki is with keeps trying to trigger me in various ways, sex is one of them, (this holds true with fear feeding, ego feeding or desire feeding or all 3) that is their main weapon, sex, they really don´t have anything much else. Others might say marriage and kids, but again that wouldn´t impact me, especially knowing what kids and which souls they are bringing back and how they would turn out and that would be another prison for the DMs bodies, minds and souls, because now the lost Adams don´t just have the LITDSF they were controlled to be with that will keep him trapped in various ways, but so will the  kids from her and they will use the kid card to trap him and keep him bound for life literally. Even his family could attack him, remind him to stay with the family, be with the kids or he´s not a real man, which is garbage! A real man is honest and living his soul truth not his mind lie. A real man would be honest with the children and explain to them who they really are, why Twin Souls are here, why he is here and what he is meant to do and who he really loves and how he lost his way and teach them how to not fall too in the dark. Of course the LITDFS children could ignore him, think he´s crazy, attack him, manipulate, use their tears to keep him trapped and would remind him over and over they are his children and he is their parent and guilt trip him to stay. It´s total crap, they are not his children (Cazuki´s other self actually told me this himself. He wasen´t talking in the sense that he didnt´create them with the LITDFS he was with, but more in the sense he knows them, their former lives, same souls who came to be in his life and they weren´t his children in other lives. He was right, in other lives, they are his friends, his inlaws, his other family members and so on. That´s why it´s a lie, children are not our children, but they are the children of the Universe), but they did come through their negative stargate and no wonder the world stays the same when children are raised to always be in the mindset of children their entire life by the LITDFS. “Children” (souls he already knows in other lives like family and friends, same souls, same people who wish to keep their dark status quo and are the same LITDFS collective) are not really “children”, they have soul knowledge, they have lived many lives, they just need to remember, but I would be interested to know if the LITDFS collective do remember and know who they are when they are children, while the Twin Souls who volunteered for Earth are kept in the dark not being allowed to remember anything. I will be investigating this as with everything. Whenever the LITDFS try various ways to trigger a reaction out of me, I write it all down, I investigate, but I´m not impacted by them. As I said before, I´m only impacted when Cazuki´s soul is feeling pains and sufferings and tortures and not having freedom and be in control over his life, that which they don´t care about, his very soul. When they hurt him, they hurt me, when they hurt me, they hurt him, we are One. So a message to all Divine Feminines, stay strong, because you know deep within you all are strong fierce Twin Soul Rebel Warriors. Don´t give the LITDFS anything from you, not your tears, your sadness, your heartbreak, your energies, give them nothing, obviously you will cry and release emotions when your soul feels soul pains from your Twin Soul and others, but don´t give the LITDFS your tears and sadness for their various attacks on you. They can never learn, grow, evolve or awaken in their souls if we give them everything they want from us and they stay the same and create the same hell world, just worse every time. Whenever you are triggered, like you hear something or you see something about your DM who is with a LITDFS, or it happens in your dreams even, stay calm, stay balanced, meditate, illuminate, find a quiet place in nature and connect with it all and gain soul wisdom and truth of the Universe. You will know the real truth and who your Twin Soul really loves and really wants to be with in the entire Universe. When you give the LITDFS nothing, they lose, because they can´t hurt you anymore in the way they want to. Since they don´t understand or care about the souls, all they care about in their lost minds are mind wars with you and energy wars. When you take that away from them, what is left? Nothing! Take a good look at Rey when she went up against snoke, she gave him nothing, even thou he took everything, but what happened to him in the end? What happens to anyone who think they can take, take and take lives, take True Loves, take children, take what they want no matter the cost to life, planet, souls and Twin Souls? It´s almost two months now and I´m not giving them any energies so she could power up Cazuki using me, she would have to find other means to charge his battery so to speak and I believe they will not be able to sustain that other way or several ways for very long. It´s unnatural & it´s perverse when they use the DFs sexual energies to power up the DMs under their rule, but our energies was their main feeding source, main power source, whatever they use next to make up for their lost main power source from us will be something I would want exposed too. I want everything they do in the dark to come to the light. How else will they ever change, learn, grow, evolve and awaken if all their dark deeds are kept hidden again, kept secret again in another life and nobody knows who is responsible, why, how, with what, when and where. Manipulating & controlling energies and minds of the DMs will only work until it doesn´t anymore, then the DMs souls will break out of their hell prisons. Think about school and University, why do we teach history? Why mention all the dark deeds done by the LITDFS in this world in all eras and centuries? To help awaken your souls, so you grow, learn faster, evolve and awaken and not make the same mistakes a million or billion times again. Another way to explain what I mean when the LITDFS use DFs as their main sexual energy power source to power up our DMs under their control, again think of souls as suns which they can drain (star wars, force awakens, snoke draining the sun), it´s like in machine terms which will be a bit graphical with what I say next, but think of dildos, anyone can use a dildo manually, but what has the most impact and pleases more, a dildo with a battery, with energy? Or a dildo they have to use manually and use their own energies to please them? (I know I´m referring to one of the Twin Souls as a dildo in this explanation, so sorry about that!) That is what happens when you take away their battery, take away your sexual energies by not pleasing yourself or being sexually active with anyone else that isen´t your Twin Soul and they have to use their own energies to manually get the Adams under their control turned on. They have to do the work. Now, they are already losing energies all the time with their negative energy life styles, so they were getting free energy from the DFs always when the DFs were pleasing themselves or being sexually active with other people. When you take your power source, your energies away from them, they have to now use their own energies to make it work and that won´t last long, because it does take a lot energies to keep a soul trapped with them against his or her soul free will. It takes a lot of energies to get someone sexually active when the souls don´t want them at all, it takes a lot of energy to pretend to be someone they are not, like pretending to be his or her “twin soul” & “true love”, it takes a lot of energy to always try and keep the Adams with them in various ways, so they will lose, even if it takes years, but truth comes out, freedom happens and control is and always will be an illusion. No one has control over life, in the end, life will find a way to break free and be in control over their own destiny once again. I did mention we are living in a time for the longest time, an energy war. They can´t win if you take your energy away from them. For example, what if the rebels found a way to prevent the sun from ever being drained, like the sun (souls) suddenly woke up and saw what was going on everywhere and was now protecting itself from anyone and didn´t give the first order weapon any of it´s energies? The first order weapon would no longer work, would no longer be a threat to all life and the first order would have to use other means to stay in power and control again. They will have to use energies themselves, when they can´t use energies of others anymore to power up their weapons and their dark way of life. I have known for the longest time since awakening, of a rebel collective that know what is going on everywhere and they have hinted to me in various ways while I was not fully awake even thou I was kind of half awake, but them never being direct or tell me what is going on everywhere. How then can the rebels get the messages to those trapped on the dark side, trapped surrounded by LITDFS? They use hidden messages in plain sight, but if you are not awake yet to read those messages, you won´t understand until you do and then you will see all the messages everywhere. To protect them, the rebels themselves might not even be soul awake when they are creating these messages to wake everyone up, but their souls are guiding them and the soul collective is guiding them.
I came across another video on LITDFS scientists finding new ways to say we could be living in a simulation. That matrix could be real they say, but it doesn´t change the truth of our souls. No matter what Universe we are in, simulation or otherwise, our souls are connected to that system, to the Universe and beyond. Our souls could even be connected to multiple Universes at the same time, so our souls know a lot. If these LITDFS scientists or any LITDFS will have you believe what you did to life, to Twin Souls, even animal alien angels that was harmful, destructive, abusive, self serving and saying it wasen´t real, so it doesn´t matter and they could say the ones you harmed have no souls, because that will be what comes next, the LITDFS scientists will say certain life has no souls which is insane and leads to a darker age. Makes me think if this is a simulation, what they did to life in another reality could be a reason we are all here and they are repeating it, especially if they come out and say not every life has a soul and everyone has no free will. Now is that any different that what the visitors treat the humanoids in the westworld story? No, and that is what I would say is typical LITDFS way of thinking. Again the LITDFS scientists in these videos show no sign of being spiritual, it´s all logic and scientific, them using mind intelligence, but not using soul intelligence. Let´s say we are in a simulation and how we got here was what LITDFS souls did that lead them down a path that backfired on them all. Like the story of the matrix. I mean, even in this reality, the LITDFS are doing the same things over again, just in another life. It´s like that game program I came across, where LITDFS players are behaving the same way with that game in that world as they do in this world, so whatever they did in their former lives in a different world than this Earth that resulted in us being in a simulation if we are in one, is being mirrored in this world again. Which means they are not learning or soul awakening, but repeating the same negative actions and patterns of self serving and not soul awakening and then taking that with them in this world. As for the whole case of LITDFS scientists will no doubt start saying not every life has a soul, which will just lead to more sufferings, tortures, hell on this planet, but they may even say not everyone has free will and everyone is being controlled. I do believe the LITDFS have backup plans for everything when their games, wars, dramas and patterns and codings come to light and you see them and they see you. I´ve mentioned before thou, the answers are in the souls, their minds can lie and manipulate and hide their agendas even behind science and languages you can´t understand, but the truth is in the souls. There you will find out if they were really in control over their lives, like if they really wanted to brake up Twin Soul unions (yes they did in their lost programmed minds) and if they really did want to cause harm to life. When I was in the shop today, I just stood for a moment and looked around at the shelves with all the products and what I saw were codes everywhere, not in the sense that Neo sees codes, but in the sense, codes like chemicals, poisons, brain popping, brain dumbing down, brain sedating, body attacking illnesses in bottles and foods. Codes like self serving, power over life, control over life, keep souls asleep, keep minds obeying and pleasing the LITDFS, keep people following the LITDFS, keep people corrupting their positive Sacred, Divine and Universe bodies with negative codes and negative energies. I saw negative codes everywhere, what I saw were negative programs everywhere. Same can be said with any LITDFS that are not soul awake and are acting in a way that is self serving, ego centric, selfish, jealous and keeps them in power and keeps them enjoying life, pleasing their life and having control over life. These traits are like negative codes and programs. How do they get that and why do they have that in every life? It´s the programming, what they accept and what they reject in their own lives since they were born. Soul awake souls reject, refuse and rebel against any negative codes and programmings. While the LITDFS welcome it and that is their free will. Cazuki´s mind had free will when his “family” and “friends” were programming him in various ways for him to break up with me & be with anyone else. They were sending him all sorts of negative codes and programmings his way for years, but unlike me, he accepted it. No one was controlling him a part from the dark magic which they added, but how his “family” & “friends” behaved was out of self serving interests. If it wasn´t for the dark magic break up and love spell codings & programs, Cazuki would not have broken up. Dark magic I view it like it´s “hacking” into the minds and planting seeds of doubt and plant seeds of dark actions. That goes against free will, because the unwilling victim will think it´s his thoughts, when it wasen´t at all. That´s another inception, again, I recommend you see that story. That is not anyone controlling the LITDFS to behave like that and the proof is in their souls and the proof is how they were raised and what negative codes and programs they accepted in their own lives and if they are awake to knowing who they are in each life. Negative codes and programmings happen all the time in our lives, but it´s up to each and everyone to either accept it into their lives or reject, refuse and rebel against it. Souls that want to wake up again in another life that is trapped here & wish to wake up in their souls, they can´t do that if they go down a LITDFS path and live a LITDFS way of living and accept LITDFS negative codings and programmings from them. Cazuki accepted too easily negative codings and programmings since he was a child, while I had a habit of rejecting, refusing and rebelling going my own way, but both Cazuki & I had our own times where we were both negatively influenced and both rejected it when growing up around LITDFS. Anyone can be taught to read life codes, be a life code analyst, breaker and investigator all in one. Life codes is everywhere in society, in our families, in relationships, in shops, in libraries, in schools, in stories, in games, on the planet, everywhere. Everyone can also be taught on how to read and see which ones are the negative codes and negative programs that lead to negative energy life styles like the LITDFS. Then you will know which codes and programs to reject, refuse and rebel against it like I did. Cazuki could have rejected the dark magic that was controlling him, but he accepted that too instead, well his programmed mind did anyway. By that point his mind was overrun by negative codes and negative programs and negative energies and his soul was no longer in control, but was trapped within and his now LITDFS programmed mind was in control. Cazuki like any Divine Masculine can wake up in their souls and see for themselves and know the difference between negative codes, programs and energies and positive codes, programs and energies. If anyone is able to understand stories like star wars and the matrix and can see which ones are the villains, which ones are the negative codes and programs, which ones are the bringers of unbalance and dark order, then they should be able to see that in their own lives. When people start to see repetition everywhere and the same patterns that the LITDFS do in societies, in media, in stories, in music videos, in families, in relationships, with friends, at work, when waring with other countries and so on, you begin to wake up in your soul and realise you´ve seen it before, been down this road before and you see them and what their agendas are, which is to keep you asleep, keep you controlled so they can stay in power over you in societies, in families, in relationships with LITDFS and at work and so on. Once you wake up however, you see the same LITDFS patterns, negative codings, negative programs everywhere and if you really are soul awake, you will start to right away reject, refuse and rebel against them, like leave any LITDFS around you that wish to keep feeding you their negative codes, negative programs and their negative way of life.
The Inner Battle…
We have external battles that we do see all around us, in the world, in our societies and in our lives, but we also have the internal battles within us. The battle between the soul and the physical bodies, the battle being who will be in control. One may wonder, why can I hear my Twin Soul via telepathy, when I connect spiritually to his soul, and he speaks his soul truth and who he really loves and who he really wants, yet in his physical body, the negative actions he is doing is something completely different? That is because that is not the soul, that is the body, the mind that has been negatively influenced in many different ways, by many different people. It´s never one person, but the LITDFS collective work in groups to tear apart Twin Souls, they all work together. So if you ever questioned how come you can hear your Divine Masculine via your soul connection and he loves you and wants you, yet his physical connection is being non responsive, no communication, “living” his life with a LITDFS, being all “happy” on social media and anywhere else with a LITDFS, just remember the westworld story, anyone can be mind programmed if they are not soul awake. It has nothing to do with weakness, but has everything to do with incompleteness. I clearly see a pattern with Twin Souls, where what one has the other does not and vice versa. Think of Twin Souls like one is the map, the other is the navigator when one is soul asleep and other is soul awake. Cazuki may have the map, but he has no idea where he is going really. He has always let “fate” decide for him, like what job he should take, where he should go, what he should do and who he should be with. The LITDFS can manipulate this world however they do it and make you think you are supposed to be with a LITDFS, but what did Neo say to Morpheus when he was asked does he believe in fate? He said he doesn´t believe in fate, he doens´t like the idea of someone or something controlling his life and it is another form of control. Asleep souls have no idea what job they should take, where they should go, what they should do and who they should be with, so they basically are easy to control and steer by the LITDFS when they are soul sleep walking through life. There is a difference between what the Universe is showing you and what the LITDFS want from you. The Universe wants you to be soul awake, to be in control over your own life, not to be controlled or steered by anyone and you know exactly what job you want, where to go, what to do, why you are here and who you are meant to be with. The inner battle is real, but how do we shake the Divine Masculines in this world soul awake? How do we help them and their inner battles so that the souls are in control over the physical bodies? If I was to translate what is happening to the souls trapped within the bodies not under their control, think of Neo in that subway tunnel in the matrix story, trapped and what did the programs he met in there say? “He may never see another face for the rest of his life!” As long as the souls are not in control over their physical bodies, but their Egominds are, then the Freedomsouls remain imprisoned, asleep, locked away, silenced and hidden. If it wasen´t for their Twin Souls, no one on Earth would know about it and what hells they are going through in their souls and it would stay hidden, out of sight and out of mind once again. So if you ever hear your Twin Soul via telepathy saying he is with this LITDFS or that LITDFS, that is not them wanting to hurt you, but to give you a heads up, like warning you what his lost mind is up to. Many of you know the difference when you hear from your Twin Soul, they are speaking the truth and would also express that they have no wish to be with any LITDFS in their soul speak, their soul feelings they send to you and in your dreams when they come to you and the soul world where you both join in union. You will know the truth of how they really feel, even if their programmed minds and bodies tell a different story that you see in this world. As crazy as this all sounds to those who have just woken up to Twin Souls, if they are connected to their soul intelligence, they will learn fast and take these insights with them and protect their unions when they are with their Twin Soul. An example of anyone listening to their Freedomsouls or listening to their LITDFS programmed minds and Egominds? You are faced with having two job options, one that wants you desperately to join them and went after you, the job gives you so much money you could live in luxury and fame and status and you get all you want in possessions and holidays and whatever else material, but there is a price. The company looks all bright, light, in order, shiny, new, seducing, tempting, alluring and it makes you curious. This job feeds your LITDFS programmed minds & Egominds, the job requires you to do things that go against your very soul and the souls of others. While the other job you had the interview with, because you applied for it yourself and they didn´t chase you, nor are they making it known they want you to join them, because in their minds, that is up to your soul to decide, this job doesn´t give you much money, no fame, is kind of poor, the company is kind of a mess, chaotic and doesn´t look much on the outside, but has massive extraordinary potential to shake up the world & positively change it and choosing this job it stays true to your soul and you´re not selling out or going to against your soul or the souls of others. Your soul will tell you, tell your mind even via intuition (soul speak), that if you take that other job that goes against your soul, this and that will happen and you may very feel like it´s not a good idea, like you get a bad feeling. Your soul will do the same again with this other job and remind you why that is the better choice for your soul and your soul will tell you what good things could come from that job, even if your mind can´t see it straight away or you have trouble seeing it, especially when you are surrounded by LITDFS in families and friends wanting you to only take that job that gives riches, fame, status and more, because when you rise, they rise with you and enjoying what you get from that choice. In life, there will be LITDFS that are the tagalongs and will want a piece of that rich life that you have, so of course they won´t care if you take a job that goes against your very soul and will even want jobs in that company too and for you to help them out. Unknown to this soul who has these job offers, the company that offers riches and more is ruled by a LITDFS girl and the other job is lead by his Twin Soul wife. In life we are faced with choices that could lead us to our Twin Soul or to another LITDFS. When we listen to our souls, we stay true to who we are in our souls. When anyone listens to their LITDFS programmed minds and Egominds, they get lost along the way. The choices you make may lead you down a path you may never meet your Twin Soul for life, unless you wake up in your soul and are now on a Twin Soul path, a Twin Soul GreyJedai path. That could be very well be one reason why so many out there find it hard to meet their One True Love and even say True Love is rare and hard to find. If you are the darker one and your Twin Soul is lighter one, do you really think they would be working for a company that goes against their very soul?
It´s not only confirmed by what I feel with Cazuki and when he is soul crying and I feel it behind my eyes every week, but other Twin Soul Eves feel it too with their Twin Soul Adams and mentioned in the Twin Soul comments, but even in the Twin Soul community by other Twin Soul readers who are saying the exact same things I have been saying this whole time. They say, if you feel your Devine Masculine soul crying, that is them speaking their soul truth, their physical bodies might not be crying, but the souls are. Souls are the Devine, Sacred & Universe Blessed as I´ve mentioned before, but our bodies and minds if programmed and negatively influenced in anyway (like their negative unbalanced upbringings, what they themselves accept of dark side teachings and if they accept dark magic controlling them like Cazuki did and ignored the technology even that exposed dark magic on us!) are not acting divine and that is because it´s not the souls that are in control, but LITDFS programmed minds and Egominds that are in control, so how can bodies and minds be Divine? When souls are asleep, people can do things that serve them and don´t care who or what they destroy, just like Cazuki´s “family” and “friends” did to us. I just keep thinking if I already had an established Twin Soul GreyJedai Academy, these would be the cases I would investigate deeper, the very souls and uncover the darker realities of souls being trapped and Egominds and LITDFS programmed minds are in control over the physicals bodies. Like I would conduct testing to further uncover truths so the whole world knows and I would combine science and technology with spirituality to uncover truths. Why? Because we live in a world that is mind and body only, with the exception of religion and those on spiritual paths to soul awakening, but this LITDFS world is all about pleasing and enjoying minds and bodies, not about what the souls want at all. What if, there are souls in this world that are on mission to not only wake up souls, but to help this world be all about souls, souls come first, souls matter more, souls are life, souls give meaning and souls are the path to all kinds of heavens, paradise and balance and peace everywhere to all life and True Loves between Twin Souls! That is part of the Twin Soul mission, help wake up souls, free souls and help this world be all about souls!
Story Scene Sneak Peek…
“What are you doing? Do you you know how hard it is to find The One? Yet you throw it away like garbage for anyone, have you lost your damn mind? I am 30 years old and I have still not found the One and maybe my choices in life lead me down a path to not find The One, but you did and you found it early, which is incredibly lucky and I never told you this, but I was jealous of you both and mad that I didn´t find my True Love yet!” Wyles said. He has known Rylen since they were kids and he´s known Leeayla since they were all kids too, yet even he could see how Rylen wasen´t acting like himself anymore.
“Things change, I changed. I know what I want and besides, you don´t have to be with The One, you can be with anyone. There is a world of girls out there to be explored, why would I ever be with just one for the rest of my life even if it´s my True Love. I´m gonna be honest with you, True Love is overrated. There was just too many problems, challenges and too many against us. I want an easy life, simple and I don´t want to battle any wars against us. Take my advice, settle for anyone, otherwise you will be pay the price and be targeted if you stay with The One!” Rylen said.
“Are you kidding me?! Your advise is rejected! Tell me, when you watch stories, are you rooting for the villains to succeed and for the True Love heroes to fail, to give up in the face of war and instead one or both join the villains instead? Man you really need to wake up and even thou you don´t talk to her anymore, I still do and I know how you were played by your family and friends, I saw it myself and I still see it brother. Rylen, I´m gonna be honest with you too, I knew you both before you got together, when you got together and before all the wars on you both. You really were a match made in the heavens and I hope you one day wake up to it again. I don´t recognise you anymore, you´ve changed and not in a good way!” Wyles said feeling like this will be the last time he talks to his best friend. 
“You see, she´s poisoned your mind against me. Don´t listen to her and don´t let her come between our friendship. Friends are forever, girlfriends come and go!” Rylen said feeling angry and wanting to take his anger out on his Twin Soul that he left.
“No Rylen, she told me what I already knew and what I saw myself. I wasen´t blind you know to all those years, to all those back and forth attacks on you both. The only one still asleep here, is you! As for friendship, do you even know what real friendship is? What you both had was like you were both in your own world and speaking a language that I had no clue as to what you were saying and I didn´t understand it and maybe one day when I find my One, I will. You were each others best friends, friends that can be intimate and create life and share things you would never do with other friends. It´s you that has it backwards, friends come and go, but True Love is forever and if I found my One, I will never let anyone come between us. I don´t care if they are family or friends, no one will come between my One True Love, since I know and the people I know, real True Love is extremely rare and hard to find!” Wyles said then left thinking will he ever see his friend again, because this version of him he didn´t know at all. He felt like Obi Wan for just a moment defending Padme which is surreal and wondered, is star wars telling real stories of what is happening in our world? He wanted to know, so he spent the rest of the day watching all movies back to back in the original order, 4,5,6, then 1,2,3 and finally 7 and 8. What he saw blew his mind wide awake and he never saw star wars the same ever again.
To be continued…
“Hell has no fury like a woman scorned!”
The LITDFS will have you believe and even want the Adams to believe under their control, that his Twin Soul is the woman who is scorned and will bring hell, but in reality and truth, it´s actually the LITDFS that will bring the hell when they are together with the Adams (soul hell) and then when he finally gets his freedom and leaves her or tries to anyway. What could she do? Threaten to kill herself, tell him that if he leaves, she will end her life or even say to the police he tried to kill her? She may go after his money, reputation, kids, possessions, his businesses or whatever else. She could trap him with pregnancy. She could target the son they had that could be the Adam reincarnated possibly and punish him, abuse him because the Adam left her. When we live in a world where the LITDFS girls have more rights when it comes to the protection of children, how is that balance? It´s not and the children suffer once again under the rule of a LITDFS. She could poison the Adam under her control and even kill him, because in her lost dark mind, if she can´t have him, no one will. What about our other lives in the same time line, she could come back in another body and be his friend and get her hooks in him again and it starts all over again. The Twin Soul comments reveal what LITDFS girls are like and can do when they are mad with fury. Even stories reveal truths of what LITDFS girls are like. Like if a DM said his Twin Soul´s name while he was sleeping & the LITDSF hears this, then the LITDFS gets pregnant again with him as if to say, “So you think you can leave me, I will show you” or “Damn it! It looks like he´s soul waking up, I better reprogram him to stay fast!”. Can you imagine what darkness she could do if he tries to leave her? Now this is not to strike any fears into the DMs or Twin Souls trapped with LITDFS, fear allows them to control you, it´s when you don´t fear anymore, that´s when whatever they try to do won´t impact you anymore and you can easily leave and never look back. What I care about is the souls, the future, the planet and Twin Souls. What kind of hell do LITDFS think Twin Souls would bring exactly? Do they view freedom and truth as hell? Do they view not having anymore power and control over everyone and Twin Souls as hell? Do they view not being able to live their negative energy life styles anymore as hell? Do they view not being able to keep all their dirty dark secrets hidden anymore as hell? Do they view not being able to come between Twin Souls anymore as hell? Do they view waking up in their souls and being their true selves in their souls as hell? Twin Souls view of hell is different compared to the LITDFS view of hell clearly.
I was also reminded to mention about “families” and “friends” again in terms of, who are we to trust, when the LITDFS collective is everywhere? Any LITDFS pretending to be an awake Twin Soul may say trust no one and question everyone, except them of course, because they can say even families and friends can target Twin Soul unions so be awake to that fact, but then in the next moment they say we should trust our families and friends, because there are dark energies and forces out to get them, control them to do or say bad things. Controlling and manipulating the minds to do or say bad things is true, I mean anyone can be used as weapon to target life and Twin Souls if they are not soul awake, even your own Twin Soul can be used as a weapon against you, so if you ever think or feel or are about to do something or say something that goes against your very soul, ask yourself, your soul, is this who I am in my soul? Am I making choices based off of my easily corrupted, programmed and controlled mind or from my soul? Know the difference, because all souls are against taking life, attacking life, abusing life, controlling life and corrupting perverting life & Twin Souls. How do I know? Because in the souls, they don´t want that to happen to them, so why would they want that to happen to anyone else? By caring about themselves and not wanting harm to come to them, makes them feel and care about all souls and not wanting harm to come to other souls, because they know every soul is connected to the Universe. If you harm someone or life or Twin Souls, you only harm yourself. Those who have no idea what is going everywhere, because they are not allowed to remember and are controlled not to know, they can possibly be easy to be mind controlled when they are soul asleep. Those who do know what is going on everywhere, but they do dark deeds anyway, they are not being controlled, they are just living with what they grew up with, what they were taught, what they were allowed to get away with and what negatives (codes, energies, conditioning and programmings) they allowed and accepted into their lives. Think of any child you know of with "parents" who you knew were seriously unbalanced and you can see the difference between couples and their kids, which ones are the balance bringers into this world changing it positively and which ones will do the opposite and destroy in various ways like eating animal alien angels and going after Twin Soul unions to break them up and be with one of them. Like for example, when Sakurako gets away with dark magic, messing with my mind & energies for years and Cazuki´s mind & energies (phasma Sakurako is her name and her actions were told in star wars as is every LITDFS that use dark magic to mess with Twin Souls and souls), then he breaks up with me and has her back his life again. What sort of messages does that send everywhere to everyone and to her? His actions tells her & the LITDFS collective who takes his “education”, that she did nothing wrong, she gets what she wants and she learns nothing and gets away with it and can continue to do that again in other lives, especially if they know of their other lives when being reborn and any LITDFS is allowed to do that. Or what about his “mother”? How she played her manipulating games/ guilt tripping and fear tactics like “see what you could lose if you stay with her” against him like cutting him out of their lives to see if he would break up with me and trying to set him up with someone else while he & I were together and his “mother´s” disturbing unhealthy attachments towards him in a unnatural unhealthy way, as if to say, “I am the nr one woman in your life, I came first and I will decide who you should be with or not and if I don´t like her, you are to get rid of her!” This is just a translation of their codings that they don´t say, but what is behind the words and actions they do reveal. Them acting this way has nothing to do with being mind controlled, but has everything to do with not awakening in their souls, but living their lives pleasing their dark minds and bodies at any cost. As much as I never want to ever be in the same situation as Cazuki is in (even thou I have been in my other lives), I know he would never wish to be in the same situation as I am in, in terms of what I have been through since I was born, since we were attacked again in union & being apart being attacked in various ways. Besides, when they soul torture him, they soul torture me, when they soul torture me, they soul torture him, he is the other half of me & I am the other half of him, how can they not understand that or they ignore that or don´t even care? This is when they treat their souls like accessories and shields to hide behind their war games, dramas and other games. You know when a person really cares about souls, about their soul, if they care for all souls, even animal alien angels! That´s when they are truly awake in their souls and are not controlled by their lost in the dark minds anymore. When anyone is soul awake, their minds can´t be controlled, programmed or manipulated anymore by anyone ever. Trust me, you will always question everyone and everything and will always need more proof that they can be trusted, because you now see the real world and how it works and who are controlling and perverting it. There is only soul asleep or soul awake, that is also part of the Twin Soul mission, help everyone wake up, help them be in complete control over their own lives and have access to their soul wisdom, soul intelligence and soul enlightenment. Going from following any crowd to being your own crowd, each and everyone of you. That´s soul freedom. I wouldn´t want anyone to follow me or feel like they can never question me, never challenge me, but I want you all to question me, challenge me, because I want you all to be your own independent investigator, parent, teacher, student, boss and leader. Some may say that´s impossible, some may say some are the followers while others are the “leaders” depending on what they are leading you into. I say no, that is a LITDFS way of life, and LITDFS thinking. LITDFS want followers, this world they have negatively shaped would completely shut down if nobody followed them anymore and everybody were their own investigator, parent, teacher, student, boss and leader. Think Han Solo or Rey in the millennium falcon which represents freedom, independence and being their own crowd. Some may say Chewie followed Han, but Chewie was his own crowd, he was an equal pilot, and his crowd just happened to be the same crowd as Han, meaning they have both seen wars, been in wars and now they both wanted the same things. When you have anyone being their own crowds following no one, they may come across other people who are like them, being their own crowds and following no one, so what happens then? They can become unity, but still being their own crowd always, never following anyone, but being equals. How many more times must people follow crowds, any kind of crowds that leads to division, separation, being at war with one group or another? The LITDFS want you to be in crowds, they want to box you in (be it for race reasons, culture reasons, religions, governments, organisations, families, friends, good vs bad, rebels vs stormtroopers and so on, even Twin Souls vs LITDFS), this way you are always easily controlled, then they stay in power over you when you are always following crowds, their crowds whatever that crowd may be, even families and friends who are LITDSF with LITDFS self serving agendas. When I speak of Twin Souls and LITDFS, it´s not in terms of us vs them, but more like empowering and awakening you to not be controlled, manipulated, programmed or played by them anymore, but to see them and they see you. Twin Soul mission is to wake everyone up, even them, so it´s not us vs them, it´s more like us being our own crowd individually following no one and them still living in a system they created that follows crowds and has crowds follow them and keeps the divide. Think of the royals in our world, do you really think they can continue to play “kings” and “queens”, “princesses” and “princes” if the people stop following them, stop giving them money, stop giving them power, stop giving them attention, stop giving them fame, stop feeding them with your energies, stop giving them energies, stop letting them use fear and control over you, stop letting them use you all as pawns in games, dramas and wars so they can continue to be in power over you and stop letting them shape this world to their dark liking? No, they would no longer be sitting on their high thrones, but would be standing on the street next to you side by side as equals. We are all aliens in this Universe, there is no divide, only unity. That´s when you know they are soul awake, when they will stop playing parts, playing royals or presidents or parents or teachers who know more than students (that is not always the case, since souls have access to all knowledge from all lives and if they have access to it, they may very well know more than the teachers or “parents”) or any other position in power over life. 
“Excellent execution by both parties involved. Yep, we've been deceived and enslaved by liars. This is a collective deception done by selective information provided to each agency. The right hand never knows what the left one is doing. People know just enough to perform specific tasks and never allowed to venture outside that department. This is just one tentacle of the Beast, one lie, means everything is based on a lie. Everything you ever learned in Government indoctrination Facilities, is a complete and utter falsehood. Think opposite or upside down, side ways, and then the truth will be revealed. Peace and Grace!”
“You're so right about William and Harry, but they have been indoctrinated into this mess, when I heard them talking about mental health, I thought about Diana, are they trying to put that on her to justify her notes and telling people the truth. Especially with this Kate Spade and. CNN anchor. They want us to buy into the notion we all need medicine keep them drugged up an dumb down. Too many people are awaking up, why else erase videos and block account spreading truth. In the US they found child trafficking camps and no law enforcement would come and the veterans that happened upon, when they got on social media to tell the tell they came out and started arresting the veterans. The tide is turning. There is an awakening taking place, my soul feels and welcomes it.”
These comments are not from the Twin Soul community, but I do investigate all kinds of hells on Earth. The reason I have to mention this, is because Diana did tell truths about them to people she trusted, she even feared for her life and thought they would murder her. Now if anyone is trying to say Diana was suffering from mental problems because of her truths, instead of people investigating it what truths she said like professionals and like any sane person would and soul awakened person would, but they would rather blame it on some illness, that reveals anyone being LITDFS having self serving agendas. It doesn´t matter if she had a mind break from the past dealing with all the dramas, games, darkness and wars in that family (which would be completely normal if she did have a mental breakdown. There is only so much mind, energy, body and soul attacks one can take before one could break), anyone who comes out with any truths in the world should always feel safe to do so & there should always be an investigation of it all. If you ever feel like you don´t feel safe, then you are not only surrounded by LITDFS, but you are living in a controlled world ruled by the LITDFS. The LITDFS need to stop targeting the Twin Souls in every life, the wars on children, animal alien angels, people, souls, True Loves between Twin Souls in every friggin life need to stop! Enough is enough! Stop attacking children, animal alien angels, people, souls, Twin Souls and the planet! Stop using us to feed on, breed with, control, attack, abuse, use, imprison, taken out with “accidents”, “drug overdoses” and “health problems”, branded as “enemies” and “insane”. Stop playing “kings” and “queens”, “princes” and “princesses”, playing rulers over countries while hell created by LITDFS everywhere consumes. Every time Cazuki or I get lost in their dark, the world suffers again and nothing changes to the core when every Twin Soul couple is targeted to end, so the LITDFS can make sure the Twin Souls are off their mission and instead, they focus on family, friends, being with anyone and the many (that reminds me of what Cazuki referred to the LITDFS, he said to me she is anyone when he broke up. He said that when he read somewhere you don´t have to be with a Twin Soul, you can be with anyone and she is anyone.), just living a material life, living in luxury, having kids, successful careers that may or may not be serving the LITDFS agendas again in another life, enjoying self, laughing smiling having fun while screams from children, animal alien angels, people and Twin Souls, millions and billions every year are targeted. I will never look at this world the same ever again when I became more awake. The reality is we live in various hells, Earth may look all beautiful, inviting, and tempting to visit from outer space, but I would advise any alien tourists or explores to think twice before landing and wanting to live here. Unless they too are LITDFS aliens, then they have found their hell paradise to enjoy themselves with the sufferings of life. How can anyone just continue to keep their heads in the sand and live life knowing all this is happening and pretending it doesn´t happen? Who will stand up and be the protectors and end it to the core? Why are we living lives that don´t include saving the world, saving children, saving animal alien angels, saving the planet, saving people, saving souls and Twin Souls at the very core ending wars once and for all? That should be all of our missions! Think V of the Vendatta story, what if, millions if not billions woke up in their souls and helped end these wars to the core. If anyone really cares about children, people, animal alien angels, planet, souls and Twin Souls, then they would end the wars at the core or if they are doing something, but it´s not dealing with it at the core, they will just continue fire fighting these massive dark realities, but the fire is always on and never stops, why? The core is never tackled, so the fires keep burning and spreading and takes over everything. What is the core? The souls! Wake up the souls, wars to souls end, wars to True Loves end and wars to life end! The LITDFS don´t want anyone to wake up in their souls and be in their soul power and live their soul truths, because when that happens, souls will not follow anyone and not be controlled by anyone anymore. Awakened souls will not want to be with anyone or the many, they only want their One True Love. They will be soul free and live their soul truth! They will not have fear anymore of the LITDFS. So, to keep souls asleep, the LITDSF find new ways to entertain you, keep you distracted, drugged up, lied to, manipulated, mind and body attacked & program you, make sure you are always enjoying yourself, pleasing yourself and can even tempt you with riches, fame or have you just focus on that and live wealthy, successful & possibly famous. 
The Universe…
So I was “guided” by something or someone yesterday to a video (could even be LITDFS guiding me, because even LITDFS control so much already and they want to be in my face about it, but what they are doing is not impacting me in terms of what they did, because that doesn´t surprise me, it impacts me with them wanting to turn the Universe into hell like they did with Earth), about scientists talking string theory, quantum mechanics, quantum gravity, crystals, simulation reality, simulation theory and you know how scientists also use words to hide the truths of what they are really doing and why and how, but they don´t tell you that, so they use words to confuse you and misdirect, manipulate, but never really telling you their real agendas, the real truths, being direct and honest and explain in a language everyone understands. They can even use code names for their “discoveries” and how they can control and manipulate it to benefit them. Remember the LITDFS are all about pleasing and serving self and their egos. For example, what happened to me last October in 2017, when I was attacked via my soul and transported through the Universe at light speed as crazy as that sounds, which can be compared to snoke taking everything from Rey. However, I have to believe there are even blocks in place to prevent them from taking everything, like it only looks likes they took everything. However they did it, whatever they downloaded and took, that knowledge was something they could use to further benefit the LITDFS to further control and have power over life, planet and wanting that power and control over the Universe. My soul can´t believe the future is set, even thou the scientists will have you believe that it is set, but they are coming from a place that is purely science and technology, they are not thinking, feeling or seeing with their souls at all, they are not soul awake, which is extremely dangerous if you think about, souls that are not awake and are working on things when being soul asleep, but it´s all mind they are using or I should say lost minds. Now when they were speaking their scientific language that only academics can understand and those who learn that language, but I understood another language they were speaking, the language behind the language they were speaking. So I understood what they were saying even if my mind in this new body has no knowledge in this life of science to that degree, but my soul knows and understands, because of my previous lives as a scientist. So this crystal (code name) they were talking about, that was in the higher dimensions, but they could project that in the lower dimensions, 3d, our world, then they could extract knowledge whatever they wanted to this crystal thereby having keys to the kingdom (Universe), translation: soul wisdom and knowledge, a human being that is in a 3d form on this world, they take that knowledge, abuse it, use it so they can have more power and control over everything like the Universe. That was actually his words, keys to the kingdom and even admitted he was like a treasure hunter. These LITDFS scientists know way more than what they are saying to the public and how the LITDFS control this world in many ways already. More reveals that he is not soul awake at all, but just being the puppet of the LITDSF around him using him to further their agendas yet again in another life. He said life is about having fun and the planet is being too crowded, so they want to expand into the Universe. Now anyone who is soulfully awake, who can see all the darkness and madness on this planet, these LITDFS, that goes for any of our other selves who are being used by other LITDFS also for their self serving agendas, non of these scientists were soul awake, it´s all about serving self, serving agendas, ego driven, mind living, playing god, wanting more control and power over life, fame and they don´t care what is happening on this world to life, to souls, to animal alien angels, to the planet and to Twin Souls True Loves. So the main agendas of the LITDFS? They want the entire Universe under their control. Now for those who are awake to the various hells on Earth will understand the gravity of what I´m saying, the LITDFS want their hell soul playgrounds anywhere and everywhere. Take a look at the scientists eyes if you come across the video, he´s being severely energy drained, just like anyone of those little podlings and Kira in the dark crystal. He is not with his Twin Soul and the energy draining can be seen via the eyes always and he will feel it when his energies are being drained from him, you feel it in the eyes when your energies are being drained. As a scientist, he´ll try to explain and rationalise it logically, but it´s not something to logically explain, it´s do to with the souls, soul energy and if he was soul awake and knew about the Twin Soul wars and understood it, he would understand. LITDFS scientists can even lie to make you believe something to serve them in anyway, so don´t blindly follow anyone, but question everyone, even them. Truth test, soul truth test until you are 100% sure or if you have your telepathic and mind reading abilities awakened you can read them. Something in any lost minds of any scientist LITDFS will want to unravel and control, is the very souls, may even want to recreate it, if they haven´t already, which could explain all the copies of our other selves in this time line, something I would want a deeper investigation, not done by LITDFS obvioulsy, but by the awakened Twin Souls at the Twin Soul Grey Jedai Universe Investigator Academy. These scientists that I read were not spiritual at all, it´s all science, they are only using their minds, not their souls or their hearts, it´s all mind intelligence they are using, not soul intelligence, non of them are with their Twin Soul even, but they are with LITDFS in relationships. When they were talking about the science, I could understand in a way like reading the codes behind the codes they do say, basically understanding their cryptic talk which they don´t want you to understand. An awakened Twin Soul is not on a mission to get the keys to the kingdom (Universe) and absolutely not on a mission to give the keys to the kingdom (Universe) to the LITDFS who are responsible for this hell world and now they wanna create more hell worlds. The LITDFS are not interested in saving worlds, saving souls, saving True Loves or ending hells or awakening souls, they are interested in serving self, having fun and if a planet is too crowded, take that “fun” with them to other worlds. I did mention how the LITDFS are like negative programs and if we are living in a simulation, and the Universe is a system, what happens to that system when negative programs overrun it? When negative programs are not about soul awakening at all, not about soul wisdom, soul truths, soul intelligence and soul enlightening & not about real Soul True Love and not about ending wars to life, souls & Twin Souls, what happens then, especially if they want to control souls and have power over souls in the entire Universe? Think of computers, the simplest way to explains things in life can be seen in our daily lives. What happens to your computer when it´s overrun by negative programs and you do nothing about it and these programs have now come through the shield that was protecting that computer? I know, because without me knowing I did several tests years ago, even before getting together with Cazuki. Think of it this way, if the main mission of life was to wake up your souls and illuminate and be enlightened & be free in the Universe, so there is a shield protecting the Universe, a safe guard protecting against negative programs (souls that refuse to wake up) that would threaten the entire system. Now what happens when the shield is compromised and the very essence of life is now in danger, because souls are being targeted already on Earth and won´t be able to soul wake up from their nightmares and those souls who don´t want to wake up, but wish to be in control over all life and even the Universe? What you get is a system (Universe) that the LITDFS want to control and having power of it to do as they please in their dark ways. I pay attention to anything that has happened after what happened to me last October, like anyone who has spent years trying to solve theories, now all of sudden they have the answers which makes me laugh. I would truth test all of them, soul truth test and dig deep in who they are from previous lives, what they are really doing and why and how did they really get this new found knowledge. (even thou I already know and they revealed it in the video why, wanting to have “fun” on other planets he said, because this planet is too crowded. How the mighty soul angels have really fallen!) Any souls that remains asleep and are living lives being controlled by their Egominds and by LITDFS in their lives, there is only one outcome when anyone messes with life, with planets and with the Universe when they are using their asleep minds and not being awake in their souls, not having access to their own soul wisdom and knowledge and intelligence when they don´t do the soul work of becoming soul awake and would only get that when they do the soul work on themselves, but they instead break into the Soul Evolving University, steal the answers to the tests and then “graduate”, being all like, “look at me, look what I “discovered”, look what I accomplished, look how powerful I am, look how intelligent I am and look how famous I am!” I believe there are levels to this Universe and I have to believe there is a safety backup plan if souls that refused to wake up and remained like negative programs threatened the entire system. Any stories that represent any human aliens or other aliens being trapped by LITDFS in power and theses aliens are being used for their soul knowledge or powers or both in anyway (take a look at the translations of those stories and decode it), that is not a made up story, but it happens all over the world. Anyone with gifts, powers, knowledge, soul wisdom, if the LITDFS get their hands on you, they will use you, corrupt you, darken you, take from you and use it to benefit them more, so they can have more power and more control over everything. I will not mention the videos that I came across about the them, because I´m not giving it any attention, caught them lying too and would again truth test them all, but, if you investigate yourself and come across the video, then you are meant to. Again, I want you all to investigate yourself, part of the soul awakening is becoming soul free and being your own crowd, you can´t do that if you follow someone else. If I ever get the opportunity like having a Twin Soul GreyJedai Universe Investigator Academy, they will be investigated and the findings revealed to all, except their identities unless they want everyone to know about them. With the many wars on Earth, there is a mind war against the soul war between LITDFS asleep in their souls and the Twin Souls awake in their souls. One wants to keep having “fun” in life, enjoying & pleasing their lost minds while the other wants truths to be revealed for all and free souls, wake up souls and empower souls & end wars. These mind wars and soul wars is not only external, but also internal with the LITDFS. They are waring essentially with themselves for having control over their bodies and lives. For example in a direct way to explain, in their lost minds, there are two characters, one is called Egomind, the other is called Freedomsoul. They are both lightsaber battling each other to be in control over that body & mind they are using. Egomind was created out of negative thought & negative codes/programmings and mind/energy attacks from LITDFS around him since birth. He has been conditioned & indoctrinated to be a certain way, think a certain way and live a certain way, the LITDFS way. Live a mind life with mind intelligence and not live a soul life with soul intelligence. Then, when Egomind left his Twin Soul True Love for a LITDFS when he was in control over that body, his Egomind got together with another Egomind in that LITDFS. Who is Freedomsoul? He, unlike Egomind that is only created when he is in any new body and comes from the body and the mind, but Freedomsoul is not from that body or mind, they are free to leave when the body dies and Freedomsoul enters new bodies. However, in any new body, there is always a battle between the dark & light within, between evil and good, between unbalance & balance, between Egomind & Freedomsoul. Notice I how I flipped the words, it´s usually mentioned the other way around, but that is a metaphor even for our world, everything is upside down and backwards, especially when you have Twin Souls that break the hearts of their Twin Souls and get together with any LITDFS. The battle being, who will be in control again in this new body? One leads to living the same life, just in a different package, but same outcome, same path, the ego path, the serving self path, the being a tool to be used by LIDFS around him path and staying soul asleep. The other leads to a life never seen before, a life where soul wakes up and understands not just the logical aspect of life, but the spiritual of it too and in a balanced union, they combine the two and work together in balance and would never use their soul wisdom and soul knowledge to threaten an entire planet or even Universe like Egomind would, because they know the serious consequences of their actions if Egomind was in control. Out of all the threats that face us on this planet, the biggest ones are the LITDFS scientists & LITDFS engineers that are soul asleep, they are not on Twin Soul mission and are not with their Twin Soul True Love and they are not soul awake, so they will use science and technology and unravel mysterious & create without thinking with their souls “is what I´m doing something that would never harm life in anyway or souls in anyway and going to benefit life spiritually or would it prevent them from becoming spiritual and spiritual soul awake?” When you have a world run by Egominds in control, what do you think the outcome will be? LITDFS scientists as any LITDFS will come up with explainable reasons why the LITDFS have caused so much sufferings and pains on this planet for thousands of years against life & True Loves. Some LITDFS will use the religion card and say it´s demons controlling the LITDFS to do bad things to life & True Loves, some will use the alien card and say aliens are controlling them, some will say it´s the governments controlling their minds, some will say it´s dark magic, some will say there are dark forces and dark energies in other dimensions or realms that are controlling them to do bad things, then you have the scientists that will explain it´s something scientific controlling you and could say that our souls or consciousness are nothing more than a simulation or whatever they want to call it & devalue it, play god and want to recreate it, taking the blame off of anyone doing anything bad against life & True Loves between Twin Souls. No, there comes a point where you can clearly see the difference between those who are being controlled in someway and those who are in control over others. Those under control in someway will express their soul pains and soul sufferings and release with tears, screams, cries and shouts which Cazuki knows all too well about me. I was in hell, a mess with all their mind attacks like the dark magic programmings. I knew I was being mind targeted and I was a mess because of it and my soul expressed it in various ways like breaking down in tears not understanding what is happening to me & how can I break free. Then you have those who are doing dark deeds like using dark magic for self serving agendas like keeping this world to their liking or any world, so they can continue to have fun and enjoy themselves and if the planet is overcrowded, who cares, they find a new one. That way of thinking is also what happens between Twin Soul unions when one is targeted to break the other, then they end up thinking in the end, who cares, life is about fun, I will just find another. LITDFS will smile at your or others soul pains and soul sufferings, they don´t care in their lost minds. They have no empathy, regret, guilt, compassion as long as they are soul asleep and get what they want, they are the ones who are doing these bad things to life & Twin Souls. They are not being controlled by anything or anyone and will come up with any reasons to say they were being controlled to do bad things against life if they were found out or if they have agendas to give themselves a free pass if anybody comes out with information about them and their games, wars and dramas, so they lay the foundation just in case if information does come out about them, but the truth is always revealed in the souls. The souls can´t lie, even if their minds can. If they expressed real pains and guilt of doing bad things against life & Twin Souls, because they were not in control over their bad actions & their minds, you would see it in their souls, because the souls speak the truth, but when the souls know the minds are in control over their lives, the souls won´t express it & you would see it in their actions, like if they came between Twin Souls and used dark magic or technology or used the family card and friends card to manipulate and divide and conquer, but they don´t admit it, they dont´care, they are not sorry, then they wouldn´t express any soul pains or soul sufferings for their dark deeds against life or Twin Souls, because their souls know, their own minds were in control over their actions and words and were not being controlled by anyone or anything, the souls are revealing it was all about self serving their minds and bodies no matter who or what they destroy, as long as they get fun, enjoyment and pleasures. That´s what happens when souls remains asleep sleep walking through their lives. Real soul pains and soul sufferings is expressed intensely and extreme and they are quick to express it. Imagine souls having access to multiple levels and dimensions, imagine souls having access to the Universe and multiple Universes even and truths of it all when always connected, so when souls know their minds and bodies are being controlled in someway and maybe have no idea what or who is controlling their minds and targeting their minds and bodies & their energies, they will express their soul pains intensely and happens right away. With LITDSF who don´t express anything remotely human or having a soul at all, (they do, it´s just not in control, but their Egomind is) and smile, laugh, have fun in taking down souls in various ways to serve them, if their souls knew that their minds were not in control over their lives and actions and words, their souls would express the soul pains and fast, when it doens´t, it means the souls know the minds are in control over their own lives. That is something soul awakened Twin Souls will know about. Then one might say, what about Cazuki? Long before he laughed and smiled, he was first breaking down in tears, cries and expressing his soul pains to me after he broke up. Not once, but twice and the last being the day at our house when he left and I moved out. His soul was telling my soul he is not in control over his own life & I knew that and could see that & felt that clearly. I saw it again when I saw him almost a year later, I saw it in his eyes, windows to the soul and how depleted he was. Then being apart, I feel his soul pains of not having control over his life. Twin Souls, both connected, both One, what one feels and thinks, so can the other, information is shared between the two. He didn´t want me to leave & he didn´t want to leave. He only loved me and I only loved him. The LITDSF can manipulate and come up will sorts of reasons to make you believe everyone is not in control over their own lives in one way or another, but, the answers and truths are in the souls, what you see, what you hear, even with technology as long as it´s not manipulated, but the souls can tell the real truths. It would be naive to think our souls are not connected to these other dimensions in one or another, so our souls knows what´s really going on. As for the LITDFS that are in control, I have explained in details what happens when you have two souls unmatched, two darker ones, rule followers, conformists, unbalanced and what children they bring through their “stargate” & how they raise them. When they raise them to be LITDFS, to be Egominds, to be self serving, to be soul asleep, to be mind living and material living, not living with their souls and hearts, not knowing what real True Love is, always getting what they want no matter the cost, what you get is a world filled with Egominds and souls sleep walking in life. That is not anyone controlling them, but they are responsible for that unbalance when they refuse to wake up in their souls, but they want to instead have fun, enjoy and have pleasures and instead pass on what their Egominds were taught and programmed to others, from the children in their care to the entire world when they teach what they want people to know, thereby creating more Egominds in the world. Now if we are living in a simulation, the LITDFS scientists could argue and give a pass to anyone who is causing pains & sufferings to animal alien angels for example or towards children or people or Twin Souls, because if it´s just a simulation, then it´s “not real” in their minds, it´s like a “game” and again, what outcome what that lead to? More sufferings, more tortures and more treating this world already like a westworld, because people don´t believe it´s real? How very closed off spiritually way of thinking, that is all mind talk, not soul talk at all. An awakened soul doesn´t live their lives thinking they could harm life in anyway no matter if it´s real or not, no matter what dimensions or Universe or simulations they are in, (technically a simulation is still another world and another Universe, it is real. What did Morpheus say to Neo, if the body dies in the matrix, the body dies in the real world. The body can´t live without the mind, the mind makes it real. Then there is energy, energy is in all things, even technology, energy is alive, so when you cause pains, tortures and deaths to anyone and any life, you are still creating negative energies and causing negative energies and you will be living a negative energy life style, which will drain you and lead you to feed on others. It would be naive to think soul energy can´t travel between dimensions and Universes, so if you ever look into the eyes of any animal alien angels, you will see they have a friggin soul, they are real and they are alive. From what I´m seeing everywhere so far, LITDFS are in positions to make sure they can continue to live a negative energy lifestyle, like continue to eat animal alien angels, because if they say it´s not real or if they say they don´t have souls, why would anyone care about them? They wouldn´t and would continue to destroy millions and billions of lives every year. I did say, when nothing changes and LITDFS remain in power and control, darkness only gets worse in every life and it´s gets more difficult to help change it, because freedoms are being taken away more and more, like ID chipping, mass surveillance further, controlling what you do on your computers and what information you are allowed to see and not see.), because an awakened soul thinks, feels, sees, hears and takes actions based on not wanting to cause harm to any life, like they wouldn´t want harm caused to them, they would also think what if it is real and to them, it is real, because souls could travel between dimensions, Universes, but more than that, in their awakened souls, they don´t have hate, self serving natures or ego controlled ways, they wish to protect, save and awaken others, no matter where they are, even if it´s a simulation, they would still be awakened souls and would act accordingly. There´s the difference, souls who remain asleep act the same way no matter what dimension, Universe or simulation they are in. The proof is in that program game I came across, they are mirroring what they do in this life to that life, two different worlds, yet one and the same. I´m in a position where I´m both logical and spiritual, I have combined the two in balance, I´m soul awake, but I´m also mind awake, meaning as much as I want to know how the Universe works, what are the secrets, but my soul already knows as does everyone. Our minds might not be allowed to know all the details, but our souls know, which allows our minds to use logic and reason to come up with different ways how our Universe works or we use spiritual feelings, intuitions & senses to see different ways how our Universe works or we use both, but being soul awake souls would never play god and potentially threaten an entire planet or Universe, because you want fame, success, wealth, power and control over life. On this world is filled with souls who refuse to wake up, being Egominds and they are doing so much damage to life, souls, Twin Souls and the planet, if this is a simulation, do any of you really believe those controlling the simulation would allow LITDFS to leave and impact other systems with their negative programmings? They would cause more damage to life in the Universe and bring their hell playgrounds everywhere and wanting to continue to have fun, enjoy and please themselves at the expense of life and Twin Souls, have negative energy sex with anyone and the many, have more power and control over life and Twin Souls. I would be surprised if that was allowed to happen! What if being free to leave, means you have to wake up in your soul, the very thing the LITDFS have no wish to do. That´s evident with those lost Twin Souls who are with LITDFS wanting to conform, to obey, to live a life like everyone else, stay asleep, but live in style and luxury. Is there any wonder we all get stuck in a repeating loop in every life time, when LITDFS have no wish to soul wake up, then they go after the Twin Souls who are waking up, because the Twin Souls in unions will help everyone soul wake up. This pattern can be understood and seen by everyone and it happens in every life time. Cazuki & I were soul waking up when we were in union and we wanted to help wake up everyone too, then we are targeted, we break, he falls, I wake up more, he stays asleep and is trapped with them all. What does that lead to? Especially if I didn´t know about Twin Souls and what if nobody again knew about Twin Souls, then the LITDFS could carry on with their wars, games and dramas, gaining more power and control over life & Twin Souls, continuing to shape this world and Universe how they like it, perverse, dark and unbalanced and soul sleep walking through life. 
The LITDFS enjoy and smile and laugh at anyone when they use languages like academic languages you can´t understand or even when they are explaining things to you and make facial movements that are a translation of “how stupid of you not being able to understand what I´m talking about!” in that video I came across (bodies speak languages too and when you understand that language you will see what they are really saying when they are talking, what they are really thinking about you. They can´t control that, unless they are humanoid robots and they are programmed not to make any body or facial movements and expose themselves), it makes them feel inferior and mind intelligent and above you, but a reminder to the LITDFS, you are not inferior or using real intelligence. The intelligence of Egomind is exactly that, mind intelligence that will die when the body dies, but the intelligence of Freedomsoul is soul intelligence and that never dies, it´s forever and eternal, it´s beyond the body, it´s the Universe. So which intelligence do you think is more intelligent?      
When I write, there is no order, one moment I could be talking about Twin Souls, the next I could be talking about the other agendas of the LITDFS and what they are working on in this world. I´m chaotic and that brings me to talk about Twin Souls again. I noticed how if I´m chaos and Cazuki is order, what happens in the world and even the Universe, when you have two souls, a LITDFS and a Twin Soul Adam not soul compatible and not meant for her, both represent order, both are darker, both are rule followers, both are Egominds, both are soul asleep and would never tackle to change the world and wake every soul up. Just look at our world, a perfect example of souls not soul matched to be together at all. So much order and darkness and rules being created to follow. The world is unbalanced and like a war machine they want more power and more control over life. The Twin Souls represent Freedom, Balance, Truth, Soul Awakening, Soul Truths, Soul Living, Soul Intelligence, Soul Wisdom & Positive Real Change, but the LITDFS and an Adam represent order, unbalance, deceptions, lies, manipulations, secrets, LITDFS rules, control, power, ego and keeping souls asleep. That should wake everyone up and connect dots themselves, the evidence is all around us in our world, in our lives, in society and in life in general, souls not being soul matched to be together at all. Will the scientists LITDFS who are not soul awake wish to unravel Twin Souls and souls with the agendas in mind of attacking the “positive programs” that threaten their “negative programs”? Yes! Scientist LITDFS can devalue the soul, make you think it means nothing, like it´s just energy that can be used and abused, moved around and they will do the same with Twin Souls, so be careful of the dark side of life, because one “program” called LITDFS is on a mission to have fun, no matter the cost to life and to stay asleep in their souls, while the other “program” called Twin Souls, wants all souls to wake up, learn, grow, evolve, be enlightened, be free, be in control over their own lives, be on soul missions and Twin Soul mission and be with their One True Love in the entire Universe that completes them in every way, soul to soul. LITDFS scientists just like any LITDFS, can´t comprehend what real True Love is or what it feels like, how can they when their lives are being targeted since they are born to live a LITDFS way and be with souls not soul matched for them and never be with their True Loves Twin Souls for a life time (they might even wish to logically explain True Love even & devalue that which is insane and how very architect in the matrix), so they will live their lives with their minds, not their hearts or souls and essentially they are Egominds being in control over their lives. Consequences from that will happen too and is already happening and has happened. What are the dangers of Egominds being in control over their lives? Think of the architect in the matrix, those scientists in that video were not only condescending to those who couldn´t understand it what they were saying, but they even acted like the architect in the matrix already and what did the oracle say to Neo? The architect can´t understand certain aspects to life. That´s because he is all logical, using his mind intelligence and not his soul intelligence, he´s mind living, but he´s not soul living. That is another danger when Twin Souls are kept from each other and always being programmed and controlled to be in relationships with LITDFS, which means the LITDSF are responsible for causing again that unbalance with creating & feeding Egominds and keeping them soul asleep, they become the very architects like the matrix, not understanding souls, real honest True Love or what it means or what it feels like, because they keep being programmed to be with LITDFS, souls unmatched to be with them and against their soul free will and freedom. This holds true to anyone who is soul asleep, they will not understand souls or Twin Souls or True Loves and what one does for True Loves, just like the architect couldn´t understand when Neo chose Trinity. When I explain things, I make sure to explain in a language everyone understands, I have nothing to hide, but the LITDSF sure do and languages, like academic language is one way they use to hide their real agendas. When LITDFS scientists don´t even care about souls and are instead trying to find ways to devalue it, unravel it, use it, abuse it, manipulate it, it´s like, do they not understand they have souls themselves? They are here on Earth for a reason and it´s nothing to do with pleasing minds, bodies and egos, but has everything to do with the soul! I feel like, everyone is beyond sick & tired of being kept in the dark about all truths of this world and how the LITDFS control it, manipulate it and have power over it. There needs to be mass soul awakening to such a degree, that the LITDFS lose their powers and controls over all life and Twin Souls once and for all. 
An example of a LITDFS abusing their power over life, this person in power has a crowd following them like millions all over the world and this person, this LITDFS, is promoting murder of life, of creation, of the Devine and the Universe (souls are connected to the Universe), when this person wants abortion to be legal in a country that´s against it and disguises it as it´s for “women rights.” These lost in the dark words and actions are from souls that are still asleep. Why call it an abortion? Why flower it up with a name and a code that eases anyones mind to think it´s acceptable? When the real word and code behind that word you all hear & see tells the darker truths? I did say LITDFS are notorious to hide the real darker truths and self serving agendas behind the words they create. I could go into details what the LITDFS do with all the aborted life they “destroy”, but again, I want you all to investigate yourselves, start with the vaccines. Dive in their dark hell mess and then see for yourselves. You can´t be your own crowd if you don´t become independent Twin Soul investigators yourselves. If I mentioned everything, that would be like you following me. If you ever got a letter in the post and it was from the doctors or hospital or health service organisation saying they are “concerned” for your health, like your uterus and want to take samples to test for cancer (they could even be relentless every year wanting to you to be tested if you refuse), when in reality they could want your dna. Found out somewhere that the dna they get from taking those samples is something LITDFS can use for cloning purposes. Again, a case that would be investigated by the Twin Soul Academy to uncover it. Trust no one, question everyone and don´t give pieces of yourself to the LITDFS so easily, don´t give them anything. Everyone really needs a potable truth telling tech with them all the time and test these LITDFS who wish to “help” you. There is nothing natural or Universe Devine about this when destroying any life and I´m not religious about this, but I am spiritual awake to this. The Universe is not hell or perversion of life. The LITDFS have no idea what a real Devine Feminine is about and who they protect (all life) and why. How can they know, they are raised by LITDFS, they are conditioned and programmed to remain LITDFS, stay asleep and never wake up, when they go after the Adams not meant for them they remain LITDFS and so will their children if they have any again with our Adams. If any guys were ever torn apart when their girlfriend or wife destroyed the life inside her, he has every right to feel that way (he was being in his Devine Masculine energies, because they too are the protectors of life), that is his soul speaking, feeling and thinking. If the LITDFS attack him for feeling this way, for letting his soul feel and the LITDFS use the woman card, use the rights card or whatever else excuse they may come with, they are tearing down his manhood and his Devine Masculine energies that should be celebrated, not attacked. Murder is murder, no matter how many times the LITDFS may flower up with different words to hide the real darker truths of those words and actions. Destroying life is not divine, sacred or universe blessed, it goes against souls, because souls are for protection of life, not destruction of it. If anyone attacks me for speaking up about this and call it names like me being a women rights hater, being against women rights or being religious or whatever else, they are LITDFS, they expose themselves and show the world they are asleep in their souls and are responsible for shaping this dark world to their liking and keeping it that way for thousands of years. I am not attached to any religion, but any religions that protect life are being true to the Devine and Universe. The Universe will and always will be my religion and by religion I mean, real balance, real peace, real True Love Twin Soul unions, soul awake, soul freedom, soul truth, soul wisdom, soul enlightenment and soul intelligence. The so called women rights they are pushing with the life destroyer agenda, is not about womens rights at all, but what is the real coding here? The codes behind the words they don´t want you to know? It´s LITDFS coding and when you can read Life Codes, you will know and can see easily which ones are LITDFS in this world and which ones are real awakened Twin Souls, by real awakened I mean those who know about the light and the dark, because the world can´t change if you don´t know about the dark too. In the LITDFS coding, it´s all about serving self and who cares what and who they destroy to get it. These same actions you can clearly see all over the world with how they treat life and True Loves. The LITDFS codings never change, but remains the same in every life as long as they stay asleep in their souls and refuse to wake up, but live instead pleasing their lost minds and bodies and egos. So it´s not women rights they are pushing on everyone, it´s LITDFS rights and wanting more ways, more rights to live life how they want it to be in their lost dark self serving minds. More reasons why the LITDFS push the life destroyer agenda on everyone? Think about it, one way to darken you, corrupt you and attack your Sacred, Devine Universe bodies and positive energies, is if you behave like them, fall dark like them and don´t care for life and only think about yourselves and corrupt your body with negative energies and codes. Basically become Egomind like them, instead of being Freeodmsoul. You think it´s positive energies you will gain when you allow a doctor to butcher your holy temple Eden and then they take that life and use it in the most perverse dark way? Another reason for the life destroyer agenda? They need the life you want to destroy, it´s big business for them & their ego driven lost minds with playing gods or mad scientists or rulers abusing their powers over life or whatever else. If anyone is shocked by any darkness they come across what LITDFS do to life, I would ask why? You know billions of animal alien angels die every year, the world is already dark and so are their actions, whatever they do next that you find out, just remember what is already being done that everyone knows about already. 
I have mentioned before how energy is in all things, so when anyone is not living their authentic true lives, but are living a lie, a mind lie, pretending to be someone they are not, pretending to love someone when they do not and pretending to believe they are meant to be with this person they got together with after they left their Twin Soul, but they know in their souls they are not meant to be with this other person. That is a lot of energies they are losing by pretending all the time and a lot of negative energies they are gaining. I do believe when anyone pretends and puts on a show for those around them or for the whole world, truth will bring chaos into their lives, shake them up and wake them up whether they want to or not. Universe knows truth, their souls knows truth, it´s only their lost minds, Egominds that are still living a lie. I know the DMs have a lot going against them, like their families might want them to stay with the LITDFS he is with, this way he is controlled by them and controlled by the LITDFS is with. I know there are DMs out there in situations with LITDFS that make them feel they are being energy drained, feeling trapped, feeling they have no choice, feeling like the person they are with is demanding, attention seeking, the DMs feel out of balance, feels like the person they got together with is making a lot of effort to prove she is all he needs and like she is doing everything she can to hold on to the DMs, feels like she always wants something from the DMs, may feel like the DMs can´t get a minute to breathe. I was reminded today to mention about negative sex further. When two people fight, that is negative energies between them, so when they want to have make up sex, those negative energies never went away and of course adds to it more when their souls have no wish to be with each other. It will drain them both, even if they don´t think it will. Cazuki & I never had negative energy sex, because in my soul, I knew, those negative energies from that fight would impact our bodies and our love in a way that doesn´t make it powerful positive, Sacred or Divine, but becomes instead negative. Twin Souls is all all about powerful positive real and honest True Love energies, you won´t get that with negative sex. The Sacred and Devine heavenly intimate passion and wildness, intense and extreme Twin Soul body, energy, mind, emotion and soul connection is a positive one, not a negative one. That´s another way to see which one is a LITDFS and which one is your Twin Soul. LITDFS will have no problems wanting to have make up sex after fighting (they don´t care how they get the sex as long as they get it), but they don´t understand why that is negative sex, that´s because they are feeding their urges and thinking with their lost programmed minds, not their souls. LITDFS are all about sex and won´t care if it´s negative, tainted, corrupted, dishonest, abusive, hateful, violent, against that person´s soul free will, don´t care if they are soul raping the Adams they are with, all they care about is having that sex with the Adams under their control no matter what or how they get it, they want it fast, they want it now. Divine, Sacred and Heavenly connections is foreign to them and will remain unknown to them as long as they target Twin Souls instead of being with their own Twin Soul and as long as they stay asleep and refuse to soul wake up. Negative energy sex & being in relationships with any LITDFS can lead to the deterioration of health, mental state or even death. How many DMs have taken their own lives when being with a LITDFS or after? How many have suffered mental problems or health problems being with a LITDFS? How many have started drinking heavily when being with a LITDFS? How many started to overeat heavily & unhealthy when being with a LITDFS when before they didn´t have bad health? How many started to eat less being with a LITDFS? How many started to sleep badly in the first year and the second being with a LITDFS & still do? How many have had bad dreams when being with a LITDFS? How many feel unrest in their souls being with a LITDFS? How many feel on edge, nervous and fearful being with a LITDFS? How many have taken drugs, how many travel a lot to get away from the LIDFS? How many wanted to take a holiday away from the LITDFS? How many took a job that keeps them away for days or weeks from the LITDFS? How many started to have gambling problems or other addictions when being with a LITDFS? How many have physically cheated when being with a LITDFS or wanted to cheat? How many have had verbal attacks and fights a lot in the first year and second and still with a LITDFS? How many have had physical fights in the first year, the second year and still with a LITDFS? How many have negative energy sex after fights? How many have felt energy drained when being with a LITDFS? How many have broken up with the LITDFS, only then to get back together fast with her again? How many have felt like their manhood was targeted and not feeling like an equal with a LITDFS? How many have children when they didn´t want to with a LITDFS? How many feel like they don´t have freedom, but the LITDFS is always wanting attention and things from you? How many have questioned their own very existence when being with a LITDFS? Like what is the real meaning of life? Why don´t I feel any soul connection with this person? Why am I with her? When I hear suicide thoughts from Cazuki and him saying he wants out of there and I saw myself his health depletion when I went to see him almost a year later after the break up, how many other DMs I wonder are suffering too? In the Twin Soul comments it´s already mentioned, but further investigation is needed. I know the souls will find ways to express their pains and voices if their lost minds won´t allow them to. The best way to see if you are with a LITDFS is in the first year and second, because the LITDFS masks will come off and they reveal themselves, but not only that, your soul will speak the truths even if your mind lives a lie, your souls are in pains being with someone they never wanted to be with in the first place. Pay attention to the souls, they will reveal the truths in the first and second year and after. The signs you will experience when you are with a LITDFS is revealed in many ways and you will be warned, but your mind will be blind to the warnings if you don´t pay attention. If you feel far away from being who you were meant to be, if you feel more negative, if you feel you fight way more with this LITDFS than you ever did with your Twin Soul, if you feel you are doing self destructing things to yourself or others that you never did before, if you feel your ego is bigger than before when being with a LITDFS, if you feel less connected to the Universe, meaning of life and why you are here, if you feel your life path has been hijacked, if you feel like you are headed towards a life like everyone else, conforming, obeying and pleasing the LITDFS around you when that was never you at all, if you feel not complete, not whole, no rest in your soul, if you feel like a part of you is missing, if you feel like you have been down this road before so many times with this LITDFS knowing how it ends always (soul reminding you of your past lives), if you feel any fears being with a LITDFS, if you feel you have no freedom, equality or any real positive energies being with a LITDFS, if you feel like you have no choice but to stay with a LITDFS, if you feel trapped, if you feel negative energies from this LITDFS, if you feel you have way too much negative sex with this LITDFS, if you feel you sometimes think how can you get out away from the LITDFS, if you feel like you are surrounded by LITDFS everywhere, then you are with a LITDFS who not only targets your Twin Soul unions in every life to be with you, but your soul is trying to speak to you, will you take the call or ignore the call and stay a prisoner in mind, body, energy and soul hell?   
Twin Soul Ghosting…
I have to mention the Ghost story, I was just writing and it was like someone just blew on my face. Made me laugh & I know that was Cazuki. With souls, time has no meaning and they can travel back and forth between timelines, dimensions and Universes. That story was very much a Twin Soul story and Cazuki in our first months together would even mention ditto to me, which was his way of saying he loves me too. As much as I loved him for saying that, I told him I didn´t want him to use that word, not because I didn´t like it and he reminded me that it was from a love story in Ghost, but I didn´t want to hear it because it lead my thoughts to believe of an outcome where we are not together, like something tears us apart and we become ghosts to each other, not literally like in that story, but even that could be decoded as being apart physically, but never apart soulfully, because our love we take with us wherever we go and beyond. It just gave me a warning of a possible future, and that future came true. We are “ghosts” to each other. His soul visits me from time to time, like touching my foot or hand and I feel it, it´s so crazy to even believe, but it´s real, True Loves between two souls meant to be is real. He´s ghosting me, my Twin Soul is ghosting me which makes me laugh. Now if only his soul could actually be in a body where he & I can finally have a life time together in every life forever! I wonder, if his soul is ghosting me, is my soul ghosting him? I would be surprised if I didn´t, because I know me and I know him, if anything happened to us in our physically bodies that prevented us from being together, we would seek the other one out in one way or another. So I wonder, has Cazuki felt me in anyway, like a tingle to the foot or hand, like a ghostly feeling of being touched, but there is no one there. If he has, that is my soul stopping by to say hello, I love you and you are not alone! Of course my mind goes places, could be our souls are in another dimension that we don´t see that´s in this world, like the that scene in city of a thousand planets story when they put their goggles on and saw another world in the world they were already in. In that dimension, our souls could be together and then they have the ability to visit us, even if we are physically apart in this world.
I dream of the day where souls mean more than the lost minds that speak words that cut deep like a blade to the heart. I dream of a world where Soul True Love means more than the lost and asleep minds that take actions that fire bullets to the heart and wish only to “love” with their lost minds and not love with their awakened souls. I dream of a future where Soul True Love speak words and take actions that bring you tears of joy, happiness and love when they are fighting for you, fighting to free your minds, fighting to free your souls, fighting to defend their Twin Soul unions with you and inspiring the world with their Soul True Love that they have for their Twin Souls, igniting others to want their One True Love for them. That is a world I wish to see, a world where Soul True Love is everything and “love” in lost asleep and dark minds is just that, “love” when it is manipulated, controlled and programmed in anyway. 
If anyone who is a writer and has been targeted since they were born on their minds, bodies, energies, emotions and souls, but they write that can be chaotic, not grammatically correct, not structured perfectly, not in order, but they are doing the best they can with what they are able to do in the situation they are in and they dont´care if they are attacked with how they write, but as long as they can write, then they will find ways to get the messages out there. They write not to please people, but they write to get the messages out. Yes I know I repeat a lot of the same words, but again, don´t care what people think or say, I write how I write the best I can in the situation I´m in. As for any words I create, I don´t follow rules, I break rules, I change them and I go my own way! Freedom means being free and not be controlled by anything or anyone that wishes to box you in what they believe is right, like for example how they view how writing should be like. To me, as long as me breaking rules, changing rules and going my own way doesn´t cause harm to any life, I will continue to rebel, be chaotic and draw way outside the lines. 
Story Scene Sneak Peek:
Planet Alanthia, Twin Soul Mission Work In The Universe…
Two teenager best friends, both wearing blue and green matching clothing styles, both wearing blue jeans, one wearing green shoes the other blue shoes and a blue/green top the other wearing a green/blue hoodie, which they had a habit of doing without the other knowing what they were going to wear that day and it made them laugh, like somehow via telepathy they coordinated what to wear even thou it wasen´t planned between them. They were playing a game in their room on their computers while listening to;
A game that was an adventure game and you could build a house, have a family, get a job, go to school, live life, you could be a witch, a vampire, a werewolf, a mermaid, a fairy, a ghost, an alien, a pegacorn, a pegasus, a unicorn, a dragon, an elve, a dwarf, have pets, go on adventures, have many different careers even at the same time and solve crimes or puzzles, save the world, battle evil, be royals or not be famous or in control over life and so on. In the game, anyone could kill anyone and torture life and break up True Loves even, being with anyone and the many and breed as much as they wanted and even have breeding competitions, relationship competitions and see how many relationships they could break up and be with them. Something Links and Zeldine were not interested in at all and couldn´t understand the dark mad ways of these other players, but Links & Zeldine were more interested in solving crimes, puzzles, saving the world and helping other players protect their relationships against those wanting to tear them apart or even torture and kill them. Links & Zeldine didn´t even have children yet in the game, even thou everyone else did. They knew children took time and energy to create powerfully positive & intelligent wise children, so for the time being, they spent their time and energy helping others until they were free to have children in the game. They both agreed, when their mission was complete would they have children. Their mission being, help anyone to protect their True Love relationships in the online game and then teach them how to help others, so there would be a ripple impact and the serpent players that Links & Zeldine called them, could longer target online players anymore, because now there were like millions of Links & Zeldines out there doing what they are doing.
“Do you ever think that the world we are playing is real? I mean, here we are playing a game with our lookalikes we created, but what if someone up there is playing us and it´s our other selves? Just look at our other selves in the game and they are on a computer playing the same game that we are when playing with them. Trippy as fuck! Like, there could be several layers or dimensions that we don´t even know about.” Links asked his best friend Zeldine.
“That´s deep dude! You´re right thou, but how would we know if we are in a game? I have another one, what about anime stories, who´s to say that isen´t real or even the movies that are created. Like in one reality somewhere that is real, another dimension that gets created and no one would know about it, unless there was some technology that allowed anyone to cross over to that world. Then what about our souls speaking to us through stories. How many times have you & I come across stories that speak to us and it looks like it´s about us? We could be living in all kinds of dimensions and Universes. Crazy world we live in!” She said as they continued playing and teaming up with each other battling those that kept coming between them in the game. It was an online game and the strange thing about it was, that they kept being targeted by others to break up and be with other online players in relationships. Links and Zeldine were not together in real life yet, even thou they have always been magnetically pulled to each other and they were inseparable and even their own parents & friends tried to keep them apart, used divide and conquer techniques to poison one against the other, but Links & Zeldine kept finding ways to see each other. If it wasen´t for the game they played and all the stories they read in comic books and saw in movies like star wars, they would of not been awake to the real life villains in their own life story. They were surrounded by “villians” everywhere wanting to keep them apart and tear apart and be with other people. They both wanted to be together and their True Love energies between them caused anyone to think they were a couple when they weren´t, because their soul energies were a match and vibrated at such a high bright level, that it alerted others. Some wanted that True Love they had and wanted to be with them, but they both declined every offer from anyone being interested in them, then there were others who wanted to control who Links & Zeldine ended up with. They saw it like a game and were never jealous that others would try to flirt, gain attention from them and try to be with them, but Links & Zeldine had a language between them no one on Earth or in the Universe could understand. They viewed anyone trying to come between them or be with them as anyone like working for the empire or the first order wanting to separate and keep apart the True Love Jedi. They both saw it as a challenge when being single, virgins and not let their bodies or minds that can be easily programmed and manipulated to fall to the darkside with anyone else & not to fall to be together yet even thou they wanted so much to connect, but they knew the wait is worth it. As teenagers, they even got married, because they were already married in the souls, they were made for each other and had their own ceremony by themselves in the jungles of South America near a tropical waterfall. They figured, all their built up True Love energies that was imprisoned for years would one day be free to express to one another in a such way, it would  be epic, legendary and extraordinary. It was a True Love language that´s unique to each True Love couple. They even wrote comic book stories telling their story about those around them wanting them apart. Their comics didn´t make much money yet so they could leave, but they were also working on movie scripts to tell their story. They made a pact, as long as they were surrounded by those that didn´t want them together, until they got the opportunity and freedom and then left, only then could they be together finally. So they played their own parts and were in control, because when that day came and they left, they would never come back, because they were being kept apart from the beginning. So, in the game, they were together always and expressed their True Love between them & how they really felt for each other in the game.
“If we told this to anyone else, they´d think we´re crazy. Speaking of anime, you know a person has heart & a soul when they watch a story that brings you to tears like Your Name! I kind of want to rewatch it again! Are you up for it?” Links asked her even thou he knew the answer. It was one of her favourite anime stories and it did always bring her to tears and loved the ending. It made Links tear up too and it touched his heart, but he never cried when watching it. Links was brought up to believe crying is weakness when in reality it isen´t, it´s actually strength. It´s soul speak, soul feeling and soul power and anyone who thinks crying & being sensitive or overly sensitive (like cry a lot, be sensitive to sadness and pains in the world so easily) is weakness is using their mind, not their heart or soul. Having compassion, empathy and understanding is powerfully positive and Zeldine would remind him, in us all, we have both feminine and masculine energies and we should never feel like we can´t express those energies freely. Zeldine would say, “Links, if you want to cry, cry, if you want scream and shout, scream and shout, if you want to feel anger, feel anger, but keeping it locked away, is like keeping your soul tied up, silenced and imprisoned. As much as Links was more masculine and Zeldine more feminine, he would remind her of that and didn´t feel the need to be sensitive like she is all the time, but she did open up his world to be allowed to express himself freely, since he was programmed since birth to believe being sensitive and tears were weakness, but she showed him it was always strength, because soul is strength and powerful energies. When anyone cries (as long as it´s not manipulation and lies), it comes from the soul, so how can that ever be wrong or weak.
A young girl in her mid 20s has her heart broken by her True Love that she´s known her entire life. He just woke one day and changed and she didn´t recognise him anymore. He left her for someone else, but something happened to her after he left. She started to hear him and feel him being miles apart from him. She could feel his soul pains and thoughts of wanting out of there. She felt like he was trapped and it was against his free will in his soul. So she went looking for answers. Neala was not a spiritual person, she was all logical and non of this made any sense to her. She needed scientific evidence and reasons why this was happening, she was after all a scientist. She needed a logical explanation why she was feeling and hearing Ezan in her mind and she could feel him. She thought she was going crazy, but she also thought there has to be a logical explanation for it all. Her friend and colleague who was more of a spiritual person recommended she look at it from a spiritual point of view and look at it from her soul, since we are all soul beings and look into all options if she was to come to a complete conclusion of what was going on. Like why was Ezan feeling sad if he left her for anybody else? Why was she hearing him in her mind saying he wants out of there? Non of this made any sense to her, so she viewed all options when investigating this and talked to spiritual mentors, spiritual healers, spiritual communicators, and past/present/future vision seers, which told her Ezan was targeted by his family and friends to be with one of his friends instead of Neala. Besides the manipulation and seducing tempting tactics, they even used mind tech probing to change his thought patterns they said and placed blocks on his feelings for Neala. She however didn´t believe any of this and thought it was nonsense, but as a scientist she needed actual proof. So she asked for volunteers who were also ones to leave their beloveds for anybody else and would be paid for it and she would conduct testing and find ways to see if they were mind programmed in anyway. The testings included soul truth testing to see if they were telling the truth, because minds can lie. Her testings revealed all of them were suffering from some type of the same mind programmings she couldn´t explain it, but when she got her hands on one of these mind tech probing devices, the testings from that on couples revealed the same outcomes, same programmings and one broke up to be with someone else, but since the couple didn´t know what the test would be about, when they were told about it, the one that broke up, after he was shown the evidence of mind programmings, he was first not believing it, since it felt so real to be in “love” with someone else, but he couldn´t deny all the proof and evidence since he too was a scientist and they got back together, falling in love all over again. Neala´s findings was something she was now writing about and working on a way to help those who were suffering from being mind targeted to break up with their True Loves for anybody else. Neala concluded that the mind and the soul are not one and the same, what one feels in the soul is not always the same what one feels in the mind if it has been tampered with. So she kept on doing various tests, mind tests and soul tests. This of course excited her colleague that Neala was combining spirituality with science and Neala was on a mission to save Ezan and free his soul. Part of the testing included gaining messages from the soul and the mind, like know the thoughts. So when she came across mind seers who connected to Ezan´s mind, truths are revealed.
“From her point of view I can see she sees that things are going her way or expectations, but for him not so comfortable. The page of wands lands on her. She´s the active one, the initiator of events. Her feelings about him: the knight of pentacles, let´s be honest, she´s in it for a living. His feelings for her: strength reversed, she´s demanding. Largely things here seem work oriented, money and wealth driven. They are both wanting a luxury life style, living in comfort, living for now.” Ontarian said.
“That seems to be the common theme so far with all volunteers who I talk to and are a part of the testing. They all say the same thing, money, wealth, security, success and potentially fame is what they are after and being curious about being sexually with anyone and the many. It´s all very material living, it´s not about the heart or soul connection at all. All of the them also revealed they didn´t start out like that, they really wanted to spend their entire lives with their True Loves, they wanted a life time and couldn´t imagine a life with anyone else. Until something started to happen to all of them and it was different for each volunteer of the test groups, but once I started to unravel all the patterns and connect all the dots, all test groups revealed tampering in many different ways and mind programmings and conditionings since birth. It´s like, all the negative seeds that were planted along the way gets awakened when True Loves are targeted to break.” Neala said.
“I believe you, what we see in the minds is like you being able to unravel and see patterns in your research investigation, so do mind seers. It´s like, we see what they are thinking and feeling, but neither of them are being true to who they are in their souls, what we see is in their minds, not their souls. I can´t see into souls, but I have colleagues that do and I was curious what they had to say and we compared notes.” He said.
“What is her plan with him?” Neala asked thinking she has an idea, because it´s always the same outcome on this world. 
“Her plan, their relationship, is about conforming, obeying rules and sometimes it comes across as criticism, but obeying rules in society in general. It really is about the money, normalisation and fitting in. The money is key. The stability, the issues of ego and wealth. It´s living in the now, not wanting to do much of anything, but be rewarded. Like, you wouldn´t see them tackle any problems in the world that could be seen as breaking rules and disobeying, but they are conforming, well that´s her plan and he´s along for the ride, but with anxiety.” Ontarian said.
“What you see, confirms with all the test volunteers, every single one of them. Before they broke it off with their True Loves, their One for life, they wanted to change the world together, break rules, be the change makers and do something never seen before in the world, but then they get together with anybody else and it all changed. They were all so inspired by their One, it made them literally wanna reach for the stars in the skies, but then with anyone else, they were like wild free stallions boxed away to be broken in. From my research and investigation, it´s looking more and more like these rare True Love couples that seem to only come once in a life, if they wish to change the world on such a level it threatens a system, the status quo, then they are both taken out and one or both is mind targeted to such a degree that it tears them apart. These other couples who get together after one breaks the heart of their True Loves, are very much into playing the same games and conforming as you say, but not challenging the system in a way it targets them. When that happens, everything stays the same at the core.” She said thinking back to that wild stallion comment. True Loves together are like wild horses or wild pegacorns, they are free, rebellious, stubborn and no one controls them and they can fly off anywhere and live their lives how they want, not being tied to anyone, but, once a True Love couple breaks up & gets with anyone else, they are like pegacorns that have been targeted & chained to someone who will break them in, have him conform, lose his wild free spirit and his rebelliousness. He becomes controlled, he´s in obedience training and learns more rules and obeys, while his wild free spirit remains locked within. Neala noticed the difference between the wild horses she visited when she was trekking through the wilderness on her solo travels and the horses that were broken in by people. She could see the sadness in their eyes and it was like they were missing a soul spark with the horses that were caged in, boxed in and broken in compared to the wild horses that were always free and no one was controlling them.
“I have done over 20 000 mind readings all over the world, so I am not surprised by what you say. I see it and hear it everyday. Something is not right and something is going on in the deeper levels, especially when I see that these minds are not in it 100% in these other relationships, but it´s like they are going with the flow, allowing others to control them and be demanding of them. The love I see or I don´t really call it real love, in these readings from those asking about their True Loves that left them, there´s no soul spark between these other couples, it´s very routine, but something is definitely going on in the souls, you are on to something here. There is a darkness here on Earth and with your help, you could uncover it all when combining science, technology and spirituality. I have never heard of anyone who is investigating this from a scientific standpoint and maybe that´s what we need to help wake everyone up, especially those who have trouble believing in the souls, when they are stuck just caring about their minds and bodies.” He said. 
“What are her other plans for him besides keeping Ezan from becoming spiritually awake and instead conform & obey rules?” She asked knowing there is more, there is always more. 
   “As it stands, I see a great effort on her part to want to be a teacher for him. He is on the other hand, a mildly unruly student or what I call a dark side apprentice. If he continues to accept any of her teachings or what I call dark side teachings, I´m a star wars fan can´t you tell, then he will change and be like her. I have seen it before many times, the change is gradual, can even be years, but she will continue to feed his ego, desires and make sure they live wealthy, happy and focus on money, wealth, possibly fame and living good. I see what you mean by the world never changing, especially when those who wanted to do something on the planet, but then lose their way and end up living a life like everyone does, they conform, they obey and they don´t challenge the status quo at the deeper darker levels.” Ontarian said.
When the volunteers were shown the various brain scanning and energy reads on their minds of the various mind controls and programmings, it shook them even more awake and some would say, that explains everything, especially those who felt like they made a mistake by leaving their True Loves after they got with other girls, while others felt like they didn´t have a choice, like they were being dragged and pulled towards someone else, but their hearts and souls only wanted their True Loves, but they listened to their minds instead. Then you had those that were completely darkened to the point they enjoyed the pains and sufferings of their True Loves heartbreaks & enjoyed it with the girls they got with. Like they became energy vampires themselves. In their minds, Neala discovered seriously deep mind programmings and tamperings to such a degree, that they were not behaving like themselves at all, but like they became someone else, a darker version of themselves. Ezan was very much a star wars fan himself, but not Neala. Only when Ontarian mentioned star wars and how it connects with what is happening to True Loves everywhere, then Neala would investigate all movies and could see a connection there. Girls who went after guys who were in relationships with their True Loves was not always the case, some may get with a guy or a girl when both are single, but they are not True Loves to each other or behave like it even, then he or she breaks it off, then meets later on his or her True Love. What could happen then when he or she finally meets their True Love, the ex girlfriends or ex boyfriends, ex wives or ex husbands would come back for them and want them back and could even use their kids to guilt him or her back. The test groups revealed so many different kinds of ways like war strategies against True Loves and Neala was uncovering it all, their battle plans and games. Her work, her thesis, would give her another Phd and the scientific community were extremely interested in the soul and mind connection and wanting to know what she was testing on, what she was working on and what she was going to reveal, because she was unravelling and revealling the minds and souls as two different parts and only one that should matter the most, is the very souls, which was the one that suffered the most and was like trapped within in these games of True Love wars. She hadn´t come up with a name yet for True Loves that would seem is only once in a life & rare, but until then, she would continue the work and find new ways to help wake up Ezan´s soul.  Part of the testing was also soul messages, channelled messages, love messages from her beloved in his soul. She made sure the soul seers were tested themselves making sure they were telling the truths and they did, they somehow connected to his soul and asked him what did his soul want to say to Neala about his love for her. In her other soul testings, Ezan would reveal how he really feels about being with anybody else and he wanted out of there fast. 
“A million and one things I´d like to tell you, from loving your fingers to loving your toes, to loving how you make me feel. Every bit of you has woken me up to every bit of me. There is a light shining soooo bright out of your soul that is lighting my path home to me, to us, to our life together. Never Ever give up on what we are becoming. Never Ever Give up on our True Love bond. We are a UNIT of LOVE. Our love is paved with gold. You are my stardust, you are my golden light. You are the one I have been searching for. It´s all You! YOU have to know You are my truth. You are my shelter and my home! I want you to know that I Do Love You! I Do want You! I Do adore You! I want all of our dreams, our passions to come true. I want to click my fingers together and for our lives to be together RIGHT NOW! Wouldn´t that be amazing? That in a blink of an eye we are living our dream life together. Living in this incredible Love bliss bubble, floating around on a permanent high because we are together. No more denying our Love, no more hiding our truth. There is only ONE outcome and that is we get to fall asleep in each others arms every single night for the rest of our eternal lives. You are my eternal Love!”
Neala was curious, but what would her soul say to Ezan? Even thou Neala found that, she was already living her soul truth and speaking and feeling from her soul already, like in her book that she was writing, she was writing from her soul. So she asked the seer to connect to her soul also and ask what her soul wants to say to Ezan, she was after all doing soul tests and she would be a part of that soul testing too. What she found was that the words she would write and thoughts she would think and feel were the same as what her soul message spoke which shook her scientific mind awake. 
“I´d love to wrap myself into your arms, feel your body against mine and tell you how much I want to lose myself in you every single day. I dream of the day we can tell each other EVERYTHING and be completely open and honest about our feelings and our innermost thoughts. I want to share my life with you, I want to give you all of me, from the minute our bodies touched, I want you to know that I was yours. We are Sacred lovers, lovers of the soul, lovers of the spirit, lovers born out of divine creation. You hold my sacred key to life and I for you. Everyday I will honour our journey back to one another. I will honour our love, I will honour our creation with my mind, body and soul. My body is yours, my soul has always been yours and my mind is ready to be explored by yours. I Love You!”
Planet Alanthia…
Meanwhile, at Headscape headquarters in the control room, Funika and Lanimar were monitoring the controls and screens and reading the codes and messages onscreen. 
“That is so romantic. He really does love her in his soul, but his mind loves someone else. Isen´t there anything we can do for them?” Funika asked looking at the monitors of a world where they could see anyone anywhere on that world and what they were doing and saying. Everything was recorded.   
“We can´t, the contracts forbid any interference when the mind decides what it wants, it gets. The mind has more rights than what the souls want.” Lanimar said.
“I know I´m new here, but that´s messed up. I would never sign anything that allows my mind to be tampered with in that way by anyone and my soul suffers for it? That´s insane!” She said.
“It is what it is, if they don´t read the fine print, even if it´s long and small, they are basically giving their life away and can be messed with by others.” He said nonchalantly.
In the same Galaxy somewhere…
Akira and Cazuki flying their small, humble, vintage, classic, futuristic and modern high tech ship hyper jumping in the Universe. They are on their way to their next Twin Soul mission in the Galaxy, to planet Alanthia. A LITDFS world that is behind the rest of the awakened souls on other planets in their system. A LITDFS world where they are in control over everything and everyone. A LITDFS world where once they got their hands on those who provided them with all the technology& soul knowledge to be in more power and control, it backfired on them all and were now in trouble and they alerted the Twin Soul Academy in the Universe.  
“Why are most of our missions the same? We go in, we see what they all did, we see how far lost they really are and how dark they created it on that planet and only when their very existence is threatened do they wish for help!” Cazuki asked feeling annoyed, tired and feeling like most of their missions that involve planets with LITDFS it´s always the same. The LITDFS this time conquered a planet far away from the Twin Soul Academy and the Galactic High Council of Unity, so the LITDFS could play gods, play kings and queens and rule over life and please their dark way of life without anyone knowing what they were doing, but that only lasted until a breaking point, until it backfires, even if it took thousands of years of them enjoying themselves at the cost of life, souls & Twin Souls, but chaos & order comes in to shake things up and wake souls up. There would be times where the Twin Souls would be alerted to these dark crimes against life and souls on planets that were being monitored, but then there would be times they didn´t know what was going on with planets they didn´t know of yet and that´s when the LITDFS were able to continue with creating different hells on that planet for life times and as long as they wanted. 
“Cazuki, you know there is not enough of us to monitor the entire Universe, even thou I wish there was, but we do the best we can. The more planets we help, the more souls who wake up wish to join the Academy and help other planets too. So every time we are on mission, we are helping to not only wake up souls, but giving them the opportunity to join the Academy.” Akira said sitting on the equal pilot seat tending to the controls while Cazuki is the pilot this time around. 
“As always they were shady with what they were saying and they were clearly not wanting to reveal why they are in trouble over the coms!” Cazuki said thinking back to the mission briefing on the Galactic Cosmos Ship. 
“The LITDFS don´t want their broadcasting being known in the Universe of their dark deeds, but they want to keep it between them and the Academy. Problem with that is, they fail to see that the Academy is not only a Twin Soul Universe Investigator Agent Unit, but also a teaching University. Their dark deeds will teach other planets and help wake up souls faster, so they don´t fall and make the same mistakes, going so far dark to the depths of the various hells like LITDFS create everywhere.” Akira said feeling like she is preparing herself again for what darkness these LITDFS have caused on planet Alanthia. Their ship comes out of their blueishgreen light speed hyper jump tunnel and stops suddenly now orbiting the planet Alanthia. A planet looking like a green/blue heavenly pearl floating in a sea of stars.
“She´s beautiful!” Akira said smiling and being so happy finding another planet with the same favourite colours, hers being blue and Cazuki´s being green. 
“Don´t let looks fool you, she may look all beautiful on the surface, but down below, behind the facade, darkness and hell consumes!” Cazuki said thinking back to other missions on world where his mind kept being targeted to not be his true soul self and would fall for any “beauty” that tempted him to be with him, only then he finds out his life, his soul was in hell. It happened to Akira too if her mind was targeted since birth to be a certain way, the LITDFS way. Of course Akira was just being in the moment enjoying the incredible and heavenly sight of any planet that she has never been to before and the crazy imaginative ways planets are created. What Cazuki said reminded her also of another illusion of beauty, a place she has never been before she thought, when thinking about the planet. Same feelings and thoughts of those who come across tempting “beauties” and have never been there before and wanting to try them out, how they feel, what they look like and so on, but always at great cost, even if their lost in the dark minds have no clue before it´s too late. With every new planet Akira and Cazuki would visit, Akira was always the more excited one, wanting to know what life was like, what aliens would they see, what was nature like, what was society like on these worlds, because not all worlds had crossed so many Universe lines that resulted in causing hell everywhere to bodies, minds, emotions, energies and souls. Some of their missions could last only days, weeks or months, while the darker ones lasted years and even life times depending on the severity & complications of their missions. Cazuki however was not the optimist, he was a pessimist and she understood him. They have seen many worlds where life was in trouble in someway and the LITDSF were always responsible for it. That´s what happens when the LITDFS stay asleep in their souls and their lost dark minds are in control feeding their minds, bodies and energies at the cost of life and souls and True Loves between Twin Souls who woke up in their souls. Cazuki would see worlds and think they will never change, they are alway the same and behave the same, while Akira always had hope for life, for souls, even if they attacked her, tortured her and murdered her on mission in her avatar bodies. She knows, they are all hurting in their souls, but they will always hurt when they stay asleep and when they let their lost minds be on a power trip wanting to control life, corrupt life, torture life, abuse life, destroy life & True Loves. Out of the many deep talks Akira and Cazuki would have about the LITDFS when they were on mission and were together in their avatar bodies not being allowed to be soulfully awake, but using their minds that could have been influenced negatively by LITDFS growing up. One discussion they would have was how Cazuki would view them saying they need someone to show them the way and take over that country, but he had a habit of blaming an entire race for example destroying wildlife and selling it for money, food and recourses and even killing their own kind in their country & destroying their country. Akira would challenge his conditioned programmed mind and say, the entire race is not to blame for those dark deeds being done in that country by those in power and in control over life, making sure the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. Cazuki suggested a different race come in and lead the way, a race that had a history of enslaving those in that country before several hundreds of years ago, but he said they have brought many good things to that country before and Akira said they would not ever wish to be lead by the very race that enslaved them, tortured them, raped them and murdered them for thousands of years. Akira understood that all too well since she too has been targeted before by LITDFS for thousands of years on different missions trying to help wake up souls. Akira knew that the dark deeds from the few controlling the many should not be blamed on the many, because she knows the many under control have no wish to live in a world where their freedoms are taken away, where they are controlled, where they live in fear, where they live in a war torn country or world, where they are starving, where they are poor, where they are ill and being taken advantage of and attacked in their homes, in their lives, in their minds, in their energies, their souls and relationships. Even thou a different race was responsible for many sufferings against another race, again not everyone can be blamed for the few controlling the many. Akira thought, there is no divide thou, all souls are brothers & sisters to each other apart from Twin Souls that are husbands and wives to each other, but these bodies are only temporary. In one life they could be born orange and the next they are pink. In one life they could be born in a country that was enslaved by one race, then next they are born in a body that was the very race that travelled the world conquering countries and enslaving, murdering and taking over life & land & resources. It´s not the colour of their skin that defines who they are, it´s the actions and words they take. If it´s positive to life, to souls and Twin Souls, then they are waking up and being a Twin Soul, if it´s negative towards life, souls and Twin Souls, then they are acting like a LITDFS, lost in the dark and being asleep in their souls, not being true to their soul selves. It has nothing to do with race, colour, religion and so on, but has everything to do with how awake are they in their souls or if they are being controlled by their mind “truths” and not living their soul truths, because if they were living their soul truths, they would not wish for any harm against any life on any worlds ever. Incoming message onscreen.
“This is Ambassador Zenux, identify your verification codes.” He said as battle ships surrounded Akira & Cazuki. His message was short and he cut the communication abruptly. Cazuki scanned their ships and found out what weapons they use.
“Not much of a welcoming. Their fire cannons has enough power to obliterate us into a million pieces.” He said smile laughing at how lost in the dark they really are.
“Looks like they are at level zero when it comes to soul awakening, no surprise there.” Cazuki said as he armed their defence with their non lethal defence shields and stun beams which was more powerful than the LITDFS weapons, while Akira transferred the codes to them. Akira and Cazuki could easily read and see which souls were awake and which were still sleep while their lost minds were in control on any planet just by talking to them and seeing their actions and behaviours.
“Cazuki, they know who we are and what we stand for, we are nothing more than tools for them use so they can carry on with their dark life styles. It wouldn´t surprise me if whatever they are in trouble with, they will not want the Alanthians to know about it.” Akira said scanning their world and then them seeing onscreen the history, the biodiversity, the alien life forms, the weather systems, their societies, cultures, everything about them flashed onscreen in fast motion and Akira and Cazuki downloaded it all through their eyes to their minds and into their souls within seconds and they relayed that information back to the Academy & Galactic Unity so they could sync up with that world and all life. Whenever any transference happened to them, Akira would fall apart if that world had darkness and this was no exception. What the LITDFS did to life on Alanthia for life times caused Akira to break down in tears silently and whenever this happened, Cazuki would grab fast a hold of her, hold her close tightly while she unleashed her soul pains for that world and all life. She felt everything and everyone. Cazuki felt the pains too, but Akira felt it more & expressed it more as she was the Devine Feminine to his Devine Masculine. 
When their ship docked and attached in mid air to one of the towers down below on planet Atlanthia and when Cazuki & Akira came out of their ship in the hallway, they were greeted by Ambassador Zenux with several guards surrounding him. 
“Welcome! When we heard about your Academy we were relived that there was a unit in the Universe that could deal with any problems and threats such as this. So we are grateful that you are both here. We know your way is to be completely transparent about your missions everywhere, but we would appreciate it if your Academy could keep this one off the record, for sensitive reasons regarding the safety of our top customers as I´m sure you will understand since safety is your concern too.” He said thinking they couldn´t see through his double talk. His important clients that were also trapped were the very clients that controlled the planet Alanthia, but it was only then they would want help, to save those who are in power and in control. Akira and Cazuki could read between the lines, they are the Life Code Breakers, the Life Code Analysts and the Life Code Investigators.
“Let´s cut thought the double talk shall we. We know how your world works and what you have all done to life on this planet. We know how you control it, pervert it and abuse it. We know if word gets out, you lose power and control, but that is part of the soul awakening. Learning, growing, evolving and if you knew about the Academy at all, you will see we are also a teaching Academy. There are no secrets, only honesty and transparency. So let us do our jobs and save these souls that you all are hell bent on continuing to control and have power over which ends now, because Freedom & Balance is here.” Cazuki said feeling annoyed he was right again about them and they were lying. They knew about the Academy all along. 
“I thought your nicknames were order?” Zenux asked and knowing the LITDFS had a plan in place if the Twin Soul GreyJedai Investigator Agents threatened their way of life, so he felt like he was not too worried about them. What he didn´t know was, so did the Academy, they have plans for everything, they work with the Devine, the Universe, so they know about the plans of the LITDFS.
“I´m order, she´s chaos! We have many names!” Cazuki said.
“Hi!” Akira said smiling & waving. Zenux with the guards escorted them to the control room at Headscape company. The guards didn´t really pose a threat to Akira & Cazuki, because both were well trained in the arts of defence of self & others and both had stun guns strapped to their thighs. When they entered the control room, they could see on the various screens people being asleep in their beds all around the world and their tech gadgets attached to their heads over their eyes. Since Akira and Cazuki have encountered this case before on another world, they knew what had happened. 
“How many are trapped and what´s the status?” Akira asked looking at all the monitors of the body conditions which showed many bodies were being depleted and deteriorating. Their bodies couldn´t even accept meal fluids anymore, it was like their bodies were rejecting it.
“Half the population and they are lost into thinking it´s real and can´t unplug from the game. If their bodies die here, they remain in the Earth game, but how did you know?” Zenux asked her and kept having trouble believing that at all, but they saw it themselves when many bodies died in their world, the soul energy scan revealed them to still be in the Earth game. It´s like a transference happened which they couldn´t explain and they couldn´t wake everyone up manually anymore when the customers couldn´t wake themselves up freely like before. It was almost like, the game, the A.I. came to life and took control over everyone attached to it. 
“We´ve seen this before on a another mission, but to be clear, it is real, there are levels to this Universe that you have no idea about, but energy is in everything & soul energy can travel between dimensions and Universes. The world you have created is real and the suffering that happens in that world is real!” She said, feeling like they have created another level of hell on this world when she could see on other monitors of the people in that “game world” slaughtering each other, abusing each other, raping, waring with each other and life and True Loves and the planet. When their digital avatar bodies died, they just got a new one and can even have several bodies in the “game” and can jump from one body to the next enjoying different lives at the same time. Akira believed the A.I. took this as an opportunity to end all the sufferings and tortures being done in the game, if they kept them in the game and they couldn´t leave, then something would have to change to end all wars on life and souls. Something Akira & Cazuki learned about on their Aay mission in the Universe when they inhabited temporarily humanoid robots. Zenux obviously didn´t believe her and thought she was crazy, but that´s what happens when souls stay asleep, they can´t see the levels or are open to it and not understanding it.
“Where can we plug in?” Cazuki asked wanting to get to work fast so they can be out of there fast. The negative energies surrounding that place and the LITDFS was felt both by Akira and Cazuki. The LITDFS dark energies were heavy, but since Akira and Cazuki shined like a billion stars, they could withstand any negative energies coming their way and it would just bounce back off of them back to the LITDFS, but they still felt it.
“Over there, but we need to brief you both on…” Zenux said, but was cut off.
“No need, we know what we´re doing!” Cazuki said and made his way to the controls, sat down in front of the computer controls as Akira did too beside him and they started typing in their codes.
“What are you both doing?” Lanimar asked them while Zenux was feeling concerned & not having control over the Twin Soul Agents and he alerted his superiors. 
“We are creating a program that will help wake everyone up!” Akira said as they were both typing fast and being all machine like. She knew this world has no idea about Twin Souls and the LITDFS were no doubt keeping it a secret from them so everyone is easily controlled, held back spiritually and kept soul asleep. Within a few minutes the few elite that were still controlling the many on planet Alanthia came barging in though the door demanding Akira & Cazuki step away from the controls. They wanted control over everything Akira & Cazuki were doing and would of not allowed them to create that program. The Twin Soul Agents managed to finish it up and upload it to the system before any LITDFS could stop them. 
“Step away from the controls!” Commander Ulinok said angrily with aggression and hate for the Twin Souls. Akira & Cazuki looked at each other giving the signal that they both accomplished what they came here for & both got up out of their chairs and faced the LITDFS elite that were ruling Alanthia.
“Who do you think you are! There is an order here that needs to be followed and rules to obey. You were to briefed with us before any action is taken!” Commander Ulinok said furiously. 
“When you contacted us, you were all briefed yourselves that we only work in our freedom way, not being controlled by anyone. You know our cases, you know our success missions, all of them, so what is the problem here? The only order & rules we follow is that of the Universe and you knew that too!” Cazuki said challenging him. Cazuki followed and obeyed the rules of the Universe without question, he never broke it.
“We need to know what you both were planning to do, so what did you both do?” He asked feeling like he wants to tear them apart.
“We created a program that helps everyone wake up, the Twin Soul program. We don´t need to explain what Twin Souls are since you all know, but your crimes against life on this planet is documented and is now Universally known everywhere. When they wake up, they will not fear you all anymore, but their souls will awaken and will want answers which we will provide. This planet is now part of the Galactic Unity, so you are all being monitored and if you leave to create another hell world like this one, we will know about it. Your souls are connected now, so we will know where you go, what you do and if you try again to pervert the Universe and all life, we will show up and defend, that is our job and our way of life, save life, awaken souls and free souls.” Akira said as they were getting ready to leave, but they were both stopped by the guards. 
“Did you really think we would let you leave? You are to delete that program or suffer for it! We will not take orders from two children, but you will take orders from us. You are on our world and you will find another way to release our important clients.” Commander Ulinok said looking at Akira and Cazuki who looked like two teenagers. They were both the ages of 21, but their youth could be seen as they looked younger, they never aged. 
“It would be wise to not confuse our youth with anyone who has no soul awakening, soul wisdom or soul intelligence. Be careful Commander, but the actions you take now will cause a positive reaction. Don´t get me wrong, I love positive reactions, but you won´t.” Cazuki said being calm, collective, balanced, in control over his life, but feeling fed up with their games and wars on life. This just fired up the Commander even more and he took the weapon out of the guards hand, a weapon that takes life and destroys life and he was about to shoot Cazuki dead. In Ulinok´s lost dark mind, he had one Twin Soul in his possession, so why need both and with one gone, the other would be so feared she would obey and listen to them. If only they knew thou, Akira & Cazuki were well known & respected in the Universe, they are the rebellious dynamic duo, the rule breaker and rule follower, chaos and order, bringing balance and freedom wherever they went in any Galaxy as did every Twin Soul couple. The LITDFS were no match for any Twin Souls. When the Commander shot Cazuki, Akira with fast motion opened up a shield from her arm tech device and was shielding Cazuki protecting him. When she lowered her shield, both Cazuki & Akira pointed their stun guns at the Commander and the guards who were also now aiming at them.
Meanwhile in the Earth game…
A young woman standing on a city building overlooking the city in the night, thinking, dreaming will she be free, will they all be free and will her soul husband be free. Her wild hair was blowing in the wind and Aliteya was now on a mission to help awaken the world, but she thought are there others out there like her, awakened and were they in hiding or did they have a rebel Twin Soul base of some kind. A helicopter surrounds the building with lights shining a spotlight on her and the chase was back on, so she started to run and headed back down to the streets and again being chased by the dark avatar gamers. She had awakened in her soul and seeing this world for the first time and the dark realities, even thou she thought how many times has she lived not knowing what is going on and would this be the first time in her life that she knows? Her soul husband was captured by the dark avatar gamers and they succeeded in infiltrating his mind and programming him to be a dark avatar gamer himself. Since the mind makes it real, his controlled mind really believed he was in love with someone else. It made Aliteya think of the matrix, mind makes it real she thought, even thou his souls loves Aliteya and only her, his mind however was controlled to love and was dragged to a dark avatar gamer. Calren became Aliteya´s dark angel to her grey white angel. She remembered their nicknames to each other when they were together, calling each other angels on a mission to bring positive change to the world. Aliteya found out she is in a game world and this world, even thou it´s real, is still being abused and darkened by the dark avatar gamers and they were systematically targeting everyone to be like them. Being a hacker, Aliteya found their dark secrets, she found these dark avatar gamers not only get complete access to their mind intelligence and can learn faster and learn anything they want, having multiple careers and easily learning skills and languages, but they also had more than one avatar body in the game, so they could live multiple lives in the same timeline, targeting multiple True Love Balance avatar gamers, which reminded her that the dark avatar gamers were like agents smiths in the matrix, being negative programs taking over everything and everyone. The dark avatar gamers made sure those beneath them would not be able to have access to their mind intelligence like the dark avatar gamers, so they would even place blocks on the minds and could even damage the minds & bodies, making sure the True Love Balance avatar gamers would not be free to be in complete control over their lives, but they would always be the followers & be under rule by the dark avatar gamers in some way, like in in relationships, families, jobs, schools, religions or whatever else that imprisons them in some way. However, Aliteya found that there was one thing all the dark avatar gamers didn´t have access to and that was soul intelligence. As long as they were soul sleep walking through life and their minds were in control, they remained like negative programs and would target life in someway. Without soul intelligence, life ends, True love ends and the world ends as Aliteya could see for herself as could anyone. The massive amount of unbalanced energies, negative energies from life being targeted, souls being targeted, True Loves being targeted and the planet being targeted, that is a a lot of unbalanced and negative energies and that will impact everyone and everything. Aliteya was not your typical hacker, she found that something these dark avatar gamers never think about and that is energy. They can manipulate it to be positive, trick it, control it, change it to be positive with force and deception and lies, but energy is alive, energy knows truth, energy is in everything and is connected to the Universe, to the entire system and energy will know when it´s being manipulated, being dishonest, being tampered with by those who want to play “god” and by those who want more power and more control over life and True Loves, energy knows when it´s not being real, just like the soul energy will know when someone or something is tampering with the minds in any way. When that happens, consequences happen, because it´s not real positive energies at all, it´s negative. Aliteya came across an AngelRebel model 2178 motorbike and used her own hacker tech device to unlock the electric speeder that was faster than the polluting motorbikes and she sped off into the night being pursued by the dark avatar gamers that wanted to end her life, because she knew about them, she was awake to them and this world. If she ever came out with the truth to the world, their game would end, their power and rule over life, souls and True Loves would end. As she was speeding off now being chased by police, agents and anyone connected to that system that wanted to keep their dark way of life alive, is there anyone unplugged from this system that knows what she knows and how would she find them she thought?
As she made her way through the city trying to get away from the dark avatar gamers and get into hiding, she noticed how cars and trucks behind her would start to block them from reaching her. In the sky, small drones were surrounding the helicopter and sending jamming signals which forced them to land for repairs. Aliteya knew she got help, but from who and from what? Was it the True Love Balance rebel gamers? Were they hacking in to change the mind programmings on the people who were driving and hacking the drones to prevent the helicopter from tracking her down? However, there was one that didn´t get blocked and that dark avatar gamer was also on a motorbike chasing her. He was as skilled as she was and as fast as she was, because they both had the same type of motorbike. When they arrived on the bridge, they were all alone and she could see that all vehicles must have been prevented from going on the bridge for whatever reason. Aliteya decided to do something different and she stopped her motorbike on the bridge diagonally crossing both lanes, looking behind her at the dark avatar gamer who also stopped not far from her, but the gamer just stared at her. The gamer didn´t expect this from her at all. She wasen´t wearing a helmet, but the gamer was.
“So what was your plan dark gamer, chase me, catch me and then what? End my life? Silence me? Change me to be like you all? How very dark avatar of you to destroy me wearing your helmet like hiding your serpent ways and not facing me with your soul eyes, but facing me with your programmed controlled mind.” She said wondering where she would travel next to when this meeting with the dark gamer was over, because she was not planning on dying today. When he took off his helmet, Aliteya was shocked and didn´t expect it at all, but it was Calren. They just both stared at each other which felt like an eternity between them. In their soul language they knew, Calren was a fallen angel turned dark and his mind was heavily influenced in a such a way, he saw his True Love rebel angel as his enemy and he was playing the dark avatar gamers game which was always the same. Breeding competitions, breaking up True Love relationship competitions and being with many and anyone competitions, but always targeting the same people in every life, being in control and having power over everyone and True Loves. That was another thing the dark avatar gamers had in common, they had no idea what real True Love is or what that really feels like, because they kept programming it, manipulating it, controlling it, the energies, the minds, the emotions and the feelings. They were twisting it to be positive, to make it feel positive, to look positive and put on a show for everyone, to change it to be positive in the most darkest way possible, to make your mind feel you are in love with anyone and the many, but Aliteya knew the souls know the truth, even if the programmed minds don´t, so what the dark avatar gamers did, it would never be real positive, only negative & unbalanced energies. Aliteya saw in his eyes his soul truth, he was trapped within and she could feel him in her soul, his soul pains burned behind her eyes and massive soul energy vibrations she felt in her chest, that told her he was in pain and being tortured. He pulled out his gun aiming at her now, tears forming in his soul eyes, but he couldn´t stop it, his programmed mind believed she was his enemy. It was in his conditioning & indoctrination for years to believe she means nothing, she is nothing and she is a threat to their dark “natural” order. She wondered, how many lives has Calren sacrificed her for the dark avatar gamers? How many careers has Calren used to target her and others, so that the dark avatar gamers kept being in power and in control? How many times has he been used as tool to serve the dark avatar gamers for their self serving agendas? How many times has Calren broken her heart and how many times has she broken his?
“Calren, if you really believe them and you think I´m your enemy, then spar with me, because if I´m your enemy and not your equal soul & your Twin Soul who is an identical soul match to you, then you would be able to defeat me, but if we are equally soul matched in our energies, not only would we be equals in our sparring match, but I would defeat you. Remember, real honest positive energies is more powerful than negative energies and you are surrounded by negative energies and negative programs and you allow yourself to be consumed by it. Your system, your avatar is corrupted and I can see it on you.” She said wanting to challenge him, his lost mind, her fallen Twin Soul angel. Twin Souls, another secret hidden from everyone for thousands of lifetimes that she discovered when hacking into the dark avatar gamers dark hole. Calren was conflicted, he loved her in his soul, even if his mind didn´t love her anymore, but he didn´t want to end her life and there would be times a light shined in on his mind that would make him question things in his life, but then it went away and he went back to being a tool for the dark avatar gamers. When Aliteya woke up to this world, she found a way to hack in and be able to download any skills and any knowledge in any subjects and was now free in the Earth game to use that new found freedom to help wake up every soul. Calren was curious and wanted to put it to the test, so he put his weapon away and got off his electric motorbike. He opened up his light staff weapon as she did with hers. His was red, hers was blue and their sparring commenced between them in a magnetic electric dance of True Love energies & war between them. Calren was aggressive in his moves, filled with anger, torture, pains, sadness, loneliness, not having real freedom or choice, being soul attacked, being controlled in many ways and letting it all out on Aliteya and she took his hits understanding his broken mind and tormented soul. She had compassion for him and her True Love was unconditional, but she defended with her True Love energies and out of all the energies in the Universe, real, honest True Love energies were the Jedi of all energies and incredibly powerful and the dark avatar gamers knew that and knew Twin Souls would be a threat to them always if Twin Soul are together in unions. As much as Calren used his strength & skills that were equally matched to hers against her, but they both didn´t hold back, they both gave it all in the sparring match between them, knowing they could hurt each other physically, but the fight between them was a fight for their True Love, for the world and all souls, so they both couldn´t hold back, but be truthful to see if they really are Twin Souls and the more Calren attacked Aliteya aggressively, the more she defended and he couldn´t defeat her, which made him even more angry at her. They both kept being equals and he kept being disarmed by her which lead him to pick up his weapon again and face her again, not giving up, but wanting to win, no matter who or what that would destroy, but his lost mind just couldn´t see in the darkness he was in, but Aliteya kept shining light to him with her moves, her rebelliousness, her defiance, her stubbornness, her new inventive ways and her True Love defence. His conflicting mind was in overdrive and his years of mind programmings were breaking down and he kept being shocked at how equally matched she was with him, but also how she defended and disarmed him. Was she right he thought, how can that be? Everything she has said has come to pass since they broke up. How does she know? Calren was fighting hard against the thoughts that were coming to him that kept saying stop fighting her, stop fighting your soul wife. That was his soul speaking to him, but his mind kept ignoring it and the programmings kept saying she is the enemy, she needs to be destroyed, you need to stay away from her & never be with her. With Aliteya´s powerful positive energies lead Calren to be without his weapon again. They both had bruising from their sparring between them and it was extremely painful when they did hurt each other and it made Aliteya view how messed up this world really is. Twin Souls harming each other is like them harming themselves, they are one soul, split in two to be in two bodies. They were both staring at each other now and Calren was mad with losing to her, so he took out his gun again aiming at her head only metres away. His finger on the trigger ready to end her life and was squeezing it gently, but his soul was tearing him up inside and screaming to his mind to stop this madness, stop playing the dark avatar gamers games and unite with your Twin Soul wife. He couldn´t do it, he couldn´t destroy her and tears were forming once again from his soul speaking to her soul.
“Whatever happens Calren, their dark world will come to end and souls will wake up. I will not be the last awakened Twin Soul, there will others and what are you going to do? End all of them, silence them, put them back to sleep or change them all to be like you or even manipulate them and trick them to believe what Twin Souls are in the lost minds of the avatar gamers? I Love you Calren and my love I take with me wherever I go in the Universe. True Love never dies, it only lives on for eternity and you are my eternity!”
He couldn´t do it, he couldn´t destroy his soul wife and tears were forming from his soul speaking to her soul and her tears forming in her eyes too that streamed down her face. As he lowered his weapon and they were both looking at each other once again, their moment between them was interrupted by the dark avatar gamers that flew in with new helicopters and others came driving on to the bridge towards them. Aliteya felt something that told her to look out down below to the ocean over the bridge and she saw something, then she looked at Calren again who was looking like he was more himself, but at the same time he was conflicted still.
“Calren, future changes when the same games being played by the dark avatar gamers isen´t being played anymore and souls waking up and wanting out of their twisted games against life and Twin Souls. So what do you say Calren, wanna change the future with me?” She told him as she was about to jump over the railing and dive in the deep dark blue tropical waters below. Before she could get an answer from Calren, one of the dark avatar gamers shot her and she fell into the ocean which made Calren mad with fury and he shot the dark avatar gamer injuring him, but not ending his life and then Calren jumped over to save his beloved Twin Soul wife in the sea. Unknown to him thou, there was a skysea ship floating below the waters and it was the Twin Soul rebellion. Aliteya was floating lifeless in the waters bleeding out and Calren grabbed her, but was met by a diver who motioned him to follow them & swim back to the ship which Calren did, because he knew who they were and they were waiting for Aliteya. Once abroad, Calren carried Aliteya´s lifeless body and followed the Twin Soul rebels to the medical bay as he laid her down on the medical examination bed and started to do cpr on her, the medical staff also helped tend to her wound and help her breath again. The more seconds and minutes went by and she wasen´t waking up, Calren was losing it. He spent all this time treating her like his enemy and his mind telling him over and over again he doesn´t love her, but his soul kept finding pathways and breaking through the mind prisons to remind him his soul only loves Aliteya and only wants Aliteya in the entire Universe and in any Universe. He loved her, he loved her and that was the final breakthrough in his programmings all those years. He didn´t want to lose her, he didn´t want a life without her and was now facing a future where she was no longer alive and that scared him awake. So much so, he completely took over the reviving process and started to use the defibrillator many times and breathing into her mouth, the kiss of breath, breathing life into his soul wife. His internal dialogue was extreme with True Love energies, but his actions showed everyone how much he really loves her and didn´t want to lose her.
“I can´t lose you Aliteya! I Love you so damn much, my equal soul, my One, my everything! You woke me up, you freed me, my soul is now free and you are The One, you were always the One. I can´t you lose you now, I won´t! So fight! Fight to live! Breath, breath for me, for us and our future together! Don´t give up now, you are a fighter, a rebel, my angel! Wake up Aliteya, wake up!” His thoughts were his own, but these thoughts were what he really wanted to say out loud. He never gave up and kept breathing life into her, just like Aliteya kept trying to help free him. His stubbornness and unshakeable life saving actions woke Aliteya up and she coughed out some sea water as she sat up still bleeding and the doctors were trying to work to tend to that, but she was having a moment with Calren and the first eyes she saw was Calren´s eyes. He was there the whole time by her side.
She hugged him and he held on tightly never wanting to let go. Aliteya was drifting away when she was dead, but his words kept bringing her back and his True Love words brought her back to life. Her soul heard his soul speak. Once the surgery was successful with the help of high tech machines, it was quick and the wound was healed with lasers, so it just left a small scar. Aliteya and Calren were holding each other now in their sleeping quarters naked and she was sitting on him with her legs wrapped around as they passionately kissed like they hadn´t seen each other for years which was the case. The powerful positive True Love energies from him saving her, were expressed in their heavenly Universe connection between them signalling everywhere & showing what real True Love is and what real positive energies is. Looking in each others eyes, hers blue, his green, she felt like this could be the first time ever, her and Calren are together for a life time after being torn apart and kept apart and used by the dark avatar gamers. The Twin Soul rebellion skysea ship was speeding off to Atlantis, a futuristic Twin Soul city deep in the ocean that was rebuilt and reshaped to defend itself against the dark avatar gamers.
Hours later…
At the briefing room which every Twin Soul and Twin Soul couple were gathered to hear about the plans to carry out their plan to help wake up the world to Twin Souls and the Twin Soul wars. Aliteya and Calren were standing next to each other with other Twin Souls ready to mention the plans. Before the briefing, Aliteya and Calren had another sparring session between them which was more sensual, passionate, their True Love being sent back and forth to each other with only positive energies. Calren this time had changed the colour of his light staff weapon which was now green. Red & black or black & white combined were very much the dark avatar gamers colours, but red wasen´t even Calren´s colour and she was happy that he changed it to be green again.
“Did you always know?” He asked Aliteya.
“I knew your soul wanted to and our souls have a habit of finding ways to break free and even get help doing it without our minds ever knowing what our souls are up to. Problem was, you were surrounded by dark avatar gamers, so whatever your soul planned for any of your soul awakenings, they would be alerted to it what was going on in your mind & then they would reprogram you to stay. There was one thing they didn´t count on and that was me. They thought I would stay asleep, stay silent, stay away, stay dead when targeted and not find new ways to help awaken you, but I kept staying alive. They also believed they could control and have power over life as long as they wanted, but that will always be an illusion. Souls find a way, life finds a way to brake free.” She said feeling very hopeful, but also completely awake to the fact that the dark avatar gamers were already trying to corrupt & manipulate the Twin Soul information by being in control over it and anyone, making sure they still always end up with a Twin Soul they are after. So they would spread misinformation, misguided information, lies, deceptions, illusions and if you wanted to truth test them in various multiple ways and ask them anything, they would say no. They didn´t want to be exposed knowing they have been a part of the Twin Soul wars for the longest time, targeting Twin Soul couples making sure everyone beneath them stays asleep while they were always awake. Dark avatar gamers will be the ones who won´t mention about the Twin Soul wars and who is responsible and why, because they don´t want people to investigate themselves or be too awake to our world. This way they always stay in control in one way or another. It´s like they allow for bread crumbs of information, but not reveal everything that could threaten their way of life. If anyone asked any dark avatar gamer that is saying they are a twin soul, on why only now is twin souls being revealed, their words will reveal them to be either dark avatar gamers or Twin Souls who are not fully awake, but they are only allowed to be awake enough to still be controlled by the dark avatar gamers.
“Can you see if we will succeed?” He asked her knowing her seeing abilities were very powerful.
“Yes, but Calren, I believe our soul freedom will even go beyond this world!” She said as they both smiled and soulfully knowing they are exactly where they are meant to be in this world, together, united and surrounded by other Twin Souls.
Back at Headscape…
“I know you are always the optimist, but you have to admit, I´m always right when it comes to them. They never learn and they all make the same mistakes on any planet they are on. They can´t help it, they are consumed with power and control.” Cazuki said to Akira as they were both still staring at the LITDFS surrounding them with their stun guns defending themselves. 
“My love, when their lost dark programmed minds are in control and they refuse to soul wake up, then of course they can´t help it. You know thou, when they wake up in their souls, they get it and understand.” Akira said still being the optimist while Cazuki always the pessimist.  
“We can hear you you know!” Ambassador Zenux said thinking why are they talking about them when they are right there. Just before a shoot out between the LITDFS and Cazuki and Akira, an alarm was ringing on the monitors and alerted everyone of several people waking up from the “game”, one being the son of the Commander. Which shook the Commander awake and at that moment he didn´t care about Akira & Cazuki, he only cared about his son. He rushed over to the monitors, then left the room to see his son who was in one of the private sleeping medical rooms in the company. 
“How is that possible and it happened so fast?” Funika asked controlling the monitors. 
“Think of it like this, one second in this world, is like years in that world. The Twin Soul program by now is known in the entire world, so people are waking up” Cazuki said putting his stun gun away even thou the guards still were aiming at them. The Commander came back and he was changed.
“Put your weapons away. My son Ezan wants to talk to you both.” Ulinok said looking different. Whatever his son said shook him awake. Akira and Cazuki looked at each other and knew it worked. His son was now an awakened Twin Soul, having no fear of anyone wanting to control him ever again, his soul was now free to be in control and was not controlled by his lost dark programmed mind anymore. He came into his soul power and soul truth, he knew who he was, where he was, what he is here to do on this planet. He was awakened to his Twin Soul mission and the real meaning of life and what True Love really means and is all about. 
Hours later…
Akira & Cazuki were back on their ship on their way to their next mission in the Universe. Neala & Ezan, Links & Zeldine, Aliteya & Calren were holding each other finally in loving embrace waved Akira´s & Cazuki´s ship off from the balcony at Headscape. Planet Alanthia & all life was now being monitored and protected by the Twin Soul Academy and the Galactic Unity. Before they left, everyone woke up from that “game” world they were in and everyone was now an awakened Twin Soul and would help wake up the rest of the people on Alanthia too. The lost souls still trapped in the Earth “game” and who´s bodies died on Alanthia, the Alanthians were provided a program that was uploaded so that when souls in the bodies in the Earth “game” and their avatar bodies died, their souls could travel freely again between dimensions and Universes and come back to Alanthia or travel anywhere else, but most likely go anywhere where their Twin Soul was, because they are always drawn & pulled to each other like magnets and gravity. In the Universe, Akira & Cazuki, their main mission in life was simple, help awaken all souls to be as free and in control over their own lives like Akira & Cazuki are of their own lives, because once that happened, the awakened souls also wanted to help awaken other souls be free, be in real True Love with their Twin Soul meant for them and never again be controlled by any LITDFS in the Universe.
“That has to be some kind of record, a mission that lasted only hours!” Cazuki joked when he flew their small ship and hyper jumped through space.
“If only that was the case for all our missions.” She said monitoring the controls.  
“Akira, this is our 100th mission, you know what that means right!” He said smiling at her being cheeky. Akira and Cazuki never really took holidays, because there were always planets needing saving, life needing rescuing and souls needing to awaken & be free in the Universe. 
“I´m way ahead of you my love, where do you think we are flying off to?” She said smiling being cheeky and sneaky too. He looked at the coordinates that his navigator soul wife typed in and saw one of their many favourite destinations. Planet Bahamadise, an entire planet with tropical islands with wild majestic mountains, fiords, sandy beaches, palm trees, warm blue green tropical waters and a bustling sea life of friendlies and the natives on that world were highly spiritual living with one with the planet in balance & peace. 
“You read my mind!” He said and he meant that literally. 
“Actually I was thinking this weeks ago, so we both thought the same.” She said as she got up as he did too, since the ship was on autopilot hyper jumping in space. He wrapped his arms around her waist, held her tightly close and looked deep into her ocean blue beautiful eyes. 
“Have I told you I love you today?” He asked his soul wife.
“Yes, this morning!” She said smiling getting lost in his soul eyes.
“Akira, I love you, without you, there is no me! No seriously, I mean literally! We are One Soul and you are my one half of perfection, my world, my Universe, my life! I´d be lost without you!” He said being all romantic and sweeping his beloved Devine Feminine soul wife off of her feet. 
“Cazuki, without you, life is not life. Your soul completes my soul in every particle way. My heart beats for you, my mind and body lives and breaths for you and my soul, my soul loves only you!” Akira said to her loving Divine Masculine soul husband as they passionately kissed in front of their space window overlooking the blueishgreen hyper jump tunnel on their way to a much needed vacation. 
 To be continued...
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alunasky-blog · 6 years
Scene story sneak peek...
Alunasky, Memories from a Twin Soul Mission in the Universe...
“Galactis, a Twin Souls ship & Galactic Council Of Unity CosmosShip orbiting the dessert moon of Neblanos...”
“Cazuki was flying this time & docked their small, classic, vintage, modern & futuristic ship in perfect alignment in the docking bay of Galactis with the landing grip. Their ship was a combination of order & chaos, with Akira´s tools laying about & off world trinkets she would collect on their travels & small toys for Zax & Aemi lying about, as much as this annoyed Cazuki, at least half of the ship was in order he thought, but he still had a habit of organising her mess which she would tell him it´s her organised mess, because somehow she knew where everything was in the chaos she created. After they finished getting into their uniforms in the colours of their choice, his was green, hers was blue, they looked smart, neat, classy & respectable. She might of kept half the ship a mess & she was not always dressed to be in perfect order as she was now, because her outfits were mostly free spirited, bohemian, classy & wild which he loved too, but he loved how good she looked in uniform. She would remind him every time he would get annoyed with the chaos she created, because he needed order, he couldn´t help it & she loved that about him, because it was in his soul & it was definitely a Twin Soul thing, where one is order & the other is chaos or organised chaos, but she reminded him the Universe is both order & chaos, take nature for example, did he ever see a tidy forest? Life is both order & chaos & the Universe created Twin Souls to be the way they are for good reason. Cazuki couldn´t continue to challenge Akira when he knew she was right, but still loved to challenge her. It drove him wild hearing her talk so passionately about anything & everything & Akira loved to challenge Cazuki too.
“Do you think we still have 5 minutes!” Cazuki said with his cheeky smile & naughtiness which she couldn’t get enough of.
“5 minutes really!”
“With any longer I could come twice & you know how much you turn me on!”
“Whatever happened to self control?”
“Hey you know I have no problem with that, as I recall, you were the one who had trouble keeping up with me!”
“That happened one time Cazuki & besides you are the one who has trouble keeping up with me remember!”
“While we spend our time left talking this out, we could be making out!” Cazuki teasingly said while wanting her even more than he did before.
“We have now only 3 minutes! We´ll have to light speed our way to highlights!”
“3 minutes of heaven heading our way!” Both laughing & smiling, but their passion was endless & everyday was heaven for them.
45 minutes & several highlights later…
Their fast passion turned into taking it slow & enjoying every second & minute, every touch, every breath, every smile & laugh, every feeling & sound & every moment together, not wanting to miss a thing. Twin Souls not only connect everyday, but it can even be several times a day, last long or fast & it was endless. The only time they wouldn´t connect was if they were on separate missions, but even then they could connect spiritually. In their other missions on world together, the only reason why Twin Souls would not be able to connect everyday physically was if they were targeted by lost in the dark family souls messing with their energies, codes & minds, pulling them apart & keeping them from being close & tainting them with their negative energies like family souls spewing their negative sexual energies/codes onto Cazuki when they expressed interest in him & if he didn´t do anything about it, but let it happen, Akira would of sensed it in him & be pulled away from him without her knowing why that was, but her soul did. Twin Souls do this to protect themselves, their energies & don´t want ti be impacted by negative energies from anyone. If Twin Souls understood this, the impact of negative energies can have on bodies, they would ignore those attacking & would stay far away from those trying to impact them with their negative energies. If Twin Souls are programmed to be with lost in the dark family souls, the Twin Souls can develop problems performing sexually & become soft which is completely normal & understandable, because they are with their brothers or sisters of the Universe. They can even make excuses to not want to be intimate with the lost in the dark family soul, again completely normal & understandable. Cazuki & Akira never had trouble being intimate & their True Love Twin Soul Connection was extreme, intense, passionate & wild. He even told her right in the beginning, only she could get him that hard & that fast, which they would both laugh at how fast he was turned on by her. She didn´t understand why he would say that, but over 12 years later of being together on that Twin soul mission on world, then breaking up, she found out why he said that after waking up.
The mystical & powerful connection Twin Souls shared would reveal their inner powers even in the most mundane things you wouldn´t even think about, but it was there for all to see & proved the dynamic of light & dark, chaos & order between them. Cazuki thought back to their garden in the hologram deck on their small ship & Akira would get all upset when Cazuki would cut the grass during a time when life was out having adventures of their own & feeding. During the evening & when the grass was dry & the alien slugs/bugs/life retreated would be the time to bring his machine to destroy the grass. He could have used his eyes too to see if any life was crawling all over the place in the garden. Akira thought if family souls have automatic lawnmower machines cutting their grass on worlds, so much life would be destroyed. Today it´s lawnmower machines, tomorrow it could be world ending machines. Her eyes saw the horrors of so many small mystical colourful alien sluggers cut up into pieces & felt the pains in her heart from not being able to protect them. She would tell Cazuki there are times during the day that life would come out & times they would retreat, when life was safe, that would be the best time to bring his destruction to the grass. Although she knew, if they had rescued alien herbi pheep, the alien pheeps could of eaten the grass in a non destructive way. When looking into his eyes, it was almost like he felt nothing for the aliens he just butchered. His look reminded her when on a mission trying to help lost in the dark family souls on planet Yoviin wake up & she was vegan, but Cazuki was not. She tried for 2 years to wake him up & break down the wall prisons, programmings & dark side trainings on his mind that was disconnecting him from his heart & soul with information, videos, pictures, her challenging mind, but he had the same look on his face, like he didn´t care of the darkness that was happening to the aliens he was eating, their brothers & sisters of the Universe. The prisons on his mind did come down & he did wake up, but not how she would of wanted him to. She wanted him to wake up, because he cared about them, about his health & the environment. Back in their garden, she knew it was only a hologram, but life is energy & energy is life, energy is in all things, it´s still real, even thou he didn´t believe it was. It made him laugh when she went around the garden to place warning sticks next to ant hills, protecting them from being slaughtered by the machine he would use, because he wanted order. He would look confused & would laugh again when she was in their hologram house walking all over the place picking up ants all over the floor that made a home in their house plants one by one or two by two & freeing them outside. His favourite ones were when she unpredictably would just hug trees out of the blue. She did this, because even trees need love she thought. Another example she thought about, was when he wanted to bring order to their garden & make a pathway over the grass up to their greenhouse that was filled with their organic fruits, herbs & vegetables. She told him why would he want to change nature, the wild & beauty of what she is? Why would he wish to bring the cold, detached, order that was in the city to their mountain home & garden? Why would he wish to imprison her, change her, why not work together with her, not against her? Akira would show him ways how they could build upon nature without impacting her in any negative way that would imprison, control, poison, destroy or change her. When Cazuki saw their garden that was wild & free, he thought the long grass was a mess in his mind & he needed order & he liked structure that was in the city, but Akira saw chaos in their garden & even chaos has a purpose. Chaos brings life, food, medicine, hiding & protection ground & shelter to life on the ground. She would ask him, did he ever see a tidy forrest? The mess on the ground can be both food, medicine, hiding ground & shelter for life. Life is both order & chaos, as is Twin Souls, the dark & the light, together they are balance, but forced to be apart from each other they are unbalance. They saw this with other worlds when Twin Souls were kept apart & were without their other half of the balance. What would happen is that the world becomes actually more dark than light, not because the dark is stronger, but because they are more efficient, effective, organised like a war machine order & having no light from their Twin Soul to challenge them & bring balance back, this would then lead to darkness & unbalance repeating. If however those who bring light would be as equally efficient, effective & organised as those who wage wars, they would light speed change everywhere, but there would still be that unbalance of light & dark divided & at war with each other if Twin Souls around the world remained kept apart. Akira loved Cazuki was order & she was chaos or what she called organised chaos & would wonder, any rooms in their house could be considered places to bring “order” to, but she thought outside was her place, her chaos & where she always felt at home with everything, being connected to life, the spirit of the planet & the Universe. It made her feel like he wanted to bring order to everything which did bring a sadness to her heart, because it made her feel like what if he wanted to bring order to her, like what if she wasen´t good enough for him anymore & needed replacing to be in “order” so to speak. These were just the deeper levels of her thoughts, her soul, her everything. So whenever Akira heard him say he wanted to bring order to their wild, free garden like a pathway, this made her sad & cry a waterfall in her soul. In her heart & soul she knew what happens to planets when the dark takes over, when order takers over & rules, when unbalance consumes & Twin Souls are kept apart & controlled/programmed to be with family souls, it leads the planet to turn into A.I. Her favourite place in their hologram house a part from their heavenly sanctuary, although their heavens could be anywhere & everywhere, both being wild as they are, another favourite was the kitchen where they made their tasty vegan meals, but then there was her library & the books were so many, a magical & mystical small book shelf that was filled with all the knowledge obtained in their life times, planets they have lived on, places they have been to, aliens they have met & life they have encountered, a gift from Cazuki to Akira.”
Story Scene Sneak Peek...
Alunasky, Memories from a Twin Soul Mission in the Universe...
“Galactis, a Twin Souls ship & Galactic Council Of Unity CosmosShip orbiting the dessert moon of Neblanos...”
Later on…Akira & Cazuki are playing 21U chess on board their small ship & as always Akira takes her time & Cazuki admiring how her beautiful & mystical mind & soul works. She didn´t always win, but most times she did & this was one of them. If only something could interrupt them so it would be a tie between them he thought & within seconds Zax jumps up on their game & disrupts the signal. Cazuki smiled, arms crossed behind his head, feeling like he won in a way & thanking Zax through telepathy. 
“Smart, but nice try Cazuki, you can´t avoid it forever. We will finish this my Love!” The 21U chess allowed them to win on either side, but the main goal was to be able to win together, meaning they came into union & balance. Akira always aimed for the union & balanced goal. Akira then walked over to Cazuki, smiled & kissed him, then kissed Zax on his head & she walked over to the control panel pushing some buttons, typing in some codes, talking to A.I. in their space dining/kitchen/control room. Cazuki´s smiles turned to be serious thinking about the Alunasky mission. His anger came flaring to the surface expressing his pains over what the lost in the dark family souls might end up doing to him & Akira over & over.
“How can you be so calm about all this? What they could end up doing to us both should fire you up with emotions!” He said feeling like he wants to destroy something for what they might end up doing to him & Akira & all life. 
“I feel sadness for them, they´re all lost in the dark Cazuki, we are all they have to wake up. I am angry, but mostly sad. You know me, I get back up & fight, adapt, survive another day until the wars are over as you do to.” She felt his energies & emotions, looking at him with loving concern she drifted in her thoughts. 
“Cazuki, are you up for the Trinity?” She said smiling thinking that would help him unleash his emotions & energies in a balanced way & it would help her too. His serious look turned back into smiles, a Trinity hasen´t been done in a long time, because of their mission on world.
In the training spa room, Akira in her white/grey flowing outfit, her wild hair flowing freely & Cazuki in his black/grey outfit. Both carrying lightswords of their colours of choice & their passionate, intense & extreme sparring against each other commenced. This was chess & sex in action & of course Cazuki was always the one to strike first & Akira would always defend. He was the attacker, she was the defender, he was the destroyer & she the protector, dark & light trying to find the balance again between them. They were equally matched, but he was able to get out his aggression, his anger, his pain, his sadness out on Akira & she did the same with him, but in a balanced way between them. Her light to his darkness & then her darkness to his light. Every time they sparred against each other it was always sexual, intense, extreme & it drove them crazy for each other. Everything heightened & their energies became balanced the more they came into union, being One. Akira & Cazuki never fought with each other verbally, but they would light sword battle each other intelligently & in a balanced way in communication & when they sparred together. On world mission however, if they were both targeted by lost in the dark family souls with negative energies & mind/energy attacks from the lost in the dark family souls, Akira & Cazuki would be impacted by them all & could end up expressing their scars & battle wounds in a negative & unbalanced way, feeling lost & energy depleted. Especially if they had no idea what was going on & didn´t remember how to protect their Twin Soul union from the lost in the dark family souls from past lives. After their battle, she would run from him & he would chase her through the halls of the CosmosShip running past other Twin Soul volunteers on the ship. 
“Trinity?” Natsumi asked her Twin Soul husband.
“Good for them!” Isamu said feeling the energies from Akira & Cazuki when they ran past them & dodging people which ignited every Twin Soul couple they ran past which resulted in them wanting the Trinity. Natsumi & Isamu smiled at each other & ran towards the sparring hall.
Out in space Akira is flying their ship & Cazuki is flying their other ship that was a lot smaller which he designed & built himself & was attached to their main small ship. He chased her in space & firing plasma at her, the plasma was created to disable the ships it got in contact with, but it had to penetrate the shield first. Akira diving & flying crazily & unpredictably, was able to dodge all his attacks with precession & chaotically would fly in a way that even he couldn´t reach her. This just made him try even harder to reach her, because he was not a quitter, he never gave up & he was equally as stubborn as she was. Their fire & inferno for each other was endless & infinite, they are after all Twin Flames. He had to try something that he´s never done before he thought, to be unpredictable & block his thoughts from her so she wouldn´t see it coming. Akira noticed he wasen´t chasing anymore, but his ship was drifting in silence & lights were off on his ship. She couldn´t read his thoughts or sense his energies, was he in trouble, was it a trick she thought? She then saw smoke signals coming out of his ship & now she was worried, what if he was lying unconscious, what if something happened. Her mind was going crazy & called to him trough telepathy, but no answer, she tried the coms, but still no answer, she then proceeded to slowly head towards him still on alert, carefully at the same time she wanted to rush in. When her ship was close enough & in reach, Cazuki fired upon her so many times it did weaken her shield & she then flew off again & he chased her again. 
“That was new! Thanks for making me worry for you!” She said feeling relieved he was ok.
“Thought you´d like that one. I Love you too!” He said knowing what she felt when she worried for him. Cazuki feeling extremely confident that her ship will be his this time. She continued to fly all over the place, but this time she went on the defence & defended. She was chasing him & would fire her new installed defence weapon that he didn´t know about. She only had to fire once, so she waited until she could fire it, but in the mean time she would shoot plasma at him, but he always evaded her shots as he was one of the best pilots in the galaxy too. They both were, they are literally the same, One soul, split in two, equally matched. She had to try something, she dived below, twirling & then coming up underneath his ship, had him in sight & fired her new defence. The new defence attached to his ship, it broke apart & a little robot Zuli78 made it´s way to Cazuki´s weapon & started to disable it manually. He was surprised, but enjoying Akira´s inventive new ideas.
“Surrender?” Akira said feeling like there is no way Cazuki will reach her now, but also knowing he never surrenders & she loved it.
“I´m just getting started!” He said while uploading his new defence weapon that he also installed on his ship. They do think alike & are One and the same. The little robot flew off & holding steady in mid space watching the Twin Souls try to come into Union with each other amongst the stars. The defence weapon opened up out of his ship & was now aiming at Akira, a 360 fire canon on top & underneath his ship. Firing from both canons, she then proceeded to fly away from him & he chased her again. Now she had to avoid two canons, while firing behind to reach him & disable his shots, at the same time twirling her ship so the plasma never reached her, but flew by her, but extremely close to her thou. They were flying their sexual star dance in the heavenly skies of the Universe. He kept firing & flying faster towards her, but his shots never reached her. She was still twirling to avoid his plasma, which was making her dizzy, but she kept her focus on not letting him reach her ship. What she didn´t know was that he had already reached her, but not in the way she had imagined. His ship was twirling with her underneath. They were flying & twirling their Twin Soul dance amongst the stars. His ship connected to hers & they came to a standstill, floating peacefully & in balance, being One again! Akira smiled & ran out the flight control room & met Cazuki who slid down the ladder from above. They embraced in a heated passion from the longest tantalising & sensual intense foreplay between Twin Souls. Their connection was electric, magnetic, chemistry overload & their Twin Soul Union connection ignited massive powerful positive energy waves through out the entire Universe awakening more Twin Souls & leading them into unions. 
“We´re unstoppable!” Cazuki said looking deep into her beautiful ocean blue eyes holding her close & feeling invincible with her by his side. The Twin Soul energies between them was intense, extreme, wild passion & they felt every cell in their bodies & souls light up the Universe with their endless & infinite True Love powerful positive, mystical, Sacred & Divine connection. 
“We´re powerful Universe beings Cazuki, we are meant to shine, evolve, teach, fly, create & be free!” Akira said looking into his deep forrest green eyes & feeling One again, Balanced again & Home again. Her lips romantically & gracefully kissed his & then their wildness was unleashed all over again, feeling freedom, unity, equality, balanced & their eternal True Love that was always a fiery flame inside their souls for each other.
To be continued...
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