bigtreefest ¡ 3 hours
What happens when you accidentally kidnap the exact man you were looking for?
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pairing: mob!bucky x reader
warning(s): canon level violence, kidnapping
a/n: idk if this does well, maybe i’ll do a pt 2?
part 2
You glance down at the picture in your hand of your younger sister before putting the picture back safely away in your jacket pocket. You take a deep breath and pull the right ear loop of your black mask up around your right ear to secure your mask to your face. Then, you pull your hood up over your head, check that your gun is still securely in its holster, and slide around the corner. You were going to find your sister. You promised.
You walk with purpose towards the bar that you’d heard men who work for the man responsible for your sister’s disappearance were known to hang out. In fact, you’re pretty sure the man responsible owned the bar, so you have a good feeling anyone you kidnap to question will be able to give you some amount of information. You have a feeling, though, that you’re not getting into the bar, so you slink around the back. Surely someone will need a cigarette break?
As luck would have it, as you slink around the corner, someone is already taking a cigarette break. The man stands tall, leaning against the side of the wall, a cigarette lit. He isn’t smoking it, though, merely holding it lit in front of his face, studying it. The man is wearing a black suit, his jacket unbuttoned. Perhaps he had just gotten off work?
Good, you think. He must be freshly off work; I’ll have a few hours before anyone thinks to look for him.
You walk quietly, stealthily up to the man. Before he notices you, you take the butt of your gun and knock it hard against the man’s temple. He crumbles.
It isn’t easy, but you manage to drag the man to an empty townhome where you tie him up in the basement. You have his hands bound to the chair, each wrist tied carefully to the chair’s arms. His feet are bound at the ankles. You don’t bother gagging him. You sit a good distance away on an uncomfortable futon, your mask still on, your hood still pulled up. You’re cleaning your gun when the man finally stirs.
The man groans as he raises his head, bright blue eyes scanning the room, settling on the only exit up the stairs behind him, noticing the lack of windows, and then falling on his captor in front of him: You. The man says nothing, merely stares. You stare back, raising an eyebrow. He breaks first.
“I’m awake now. What do you want?” His voice is gravely with disuse, his tone serious.
You laugh. To your own surprise as well as your captive’s, it’s a genuine laugh—your normal laugh.
“What? No “Who are you? What’s going on? How did I get here?” You ask, amused.
“You’ve watched too many cop shows.”
You laugh again. “Perhaps.”
“I’ll ask again. What do you want?”
“Can’t help you.”
“Sure you can.”
“Why’s that?” He raises a curious eyebrow.
“Found you outside The Red Star. The only people who hang around that bar work for the man that’s responsible for my sister’s kidnapping.”
He laughs humorlessly. “Kid, listen, if your sister was taken by the mob, she probably owed them something she couldn’t repay. You’re going to have to accept your sister was in with the wrong crowd.”
You pull a knife from its sheath at your belt and put it to the man’s neck. He sucks in a breadth.
“Bullshit. Tell me. What do you know about my sister?”
You push the knife further against his neck. “Bull.”
“There’s a lot of women in Brooklyn, sweetheart. Can’t expect me to know which one you’re talkin’ about with no information.” He shoots you a cheeky smile.
You sigh and pull away. You pull out your sister’s picture and show it to him.
“Her name is Ellie. Now, spill.”
He leans forward a little to look at the picture before leaning back.
“Never seen her.”
You tilt your head at him and purse your lips.
“You’re lying. You know something.”
“Perceptive are we?”
You hum. He sighs.
“Well, I’m not just going to risk my life and my job for anyone. Who are you? Show your face.”
You roll your eyes, and against your better judgement, you pull your hood back and your mask down. You need answers. The man stares at you, taking in your features, and after what feels like forever, he seems to make a decision. He smirks.
“You’re looking for a man by the name of Barnes, James Barnes. He’s the owner of the bar you took me from, and he’s the head of the Barnes Family. He’ll have the answers you’re looking for.”
“Where can I find him?”
The man grins, a dashing smile.
“I’m right here, Doll.”
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bigtreefest ¡ 10 hours
Hi everyone!
This post is going to be slightly different then what I usually share on my page.
You all know me as Amber and I have been living with renal disease (chronic kidney failure) and have been doing 4 to 5 times a week dialysis since 2016. All while also being my mothers caretaker who struggles with this same illness.
I finally got the call from the Dartmouth Transplant Center that I'm now listed as active to receive a transplant and encouraged me to get the word out that I'm seeking a kidney.
If anyone happens to want to know more (about anything really, maybe you have a friend or family member, or yourself who struggles with CKD. I'm willing to chat about my experience) you can message me here.
If donating is something you want to consider (for anyone, there are so many people in need of an kidney), you can contact the Dartmouth Transplant Team at +1-603-653-3931 or message me to chat.
Thank you for reading through this!
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97 notes ¡ View notes
bigtreefest ¡ 10 hours
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Dad you wanna explain
138 notes ¡ View notes
bigtreefest ¡ 12 hours
The idea of a man being able to go multiple rounds has me 🥴🫠
like imagine a lazy Sunday afternoon…it starts out as cuddling and slowly turns into gentle fucking on the couch…warm kisses and loving touches in missionary…you feel your orgasm slowly building up before it takes you over… “fuck baby im gonna cum…you’re gonna make me cum…oh…oh…oh”
your mouth falls open and your fingers fist his hair…your walls squeeze around his cock and you feel him throb inside you as before fills you up…
but instead of pulling out he just fucks it into you deeper…you hearhim groan and borderline whimper in your ear because of the overstimulation and how fucking good it feels… “shit you feel so good…can’t…fuck I can’t stop…” he picks up his pace again…he just cant help it and before you know it he is blowing another load inside of you…
You feel like you’re floating…sticky with sweat and utterly exhausted. Surely he’s finished now, right? Wrong.
He sits up slightly and very slowly pulls out his cock from your swollen pussy…his cum starts dripping out of you, but he quickly scoops it up with his fat cockhead and slightly pushes it into you again…not fully sliding inside of you…just teasing your entrance…
His dick is still hard as he starts grinding it up your slit…he rubs his cock over your clit again and again and its a mess…you’re so wet and his cum is getting everywhere…your eyes flutter shut when he stuffs his dick inside of you yet again…
“Oh my GOD…” you automatically try closing your knees, squeezing the side of his torso…his large hands find your thighs and he squeezes the flesh…
“Fuck baby….you feel so fucking good…” one of his hands finds its way to your lower stomach…he presses his palm down a little while angling his thumb down to rub your clit …the mess between your bodies only making it hotter…
“Oh holy fuck fuck…” you start tearing up, you feel like you have no control over your body anymore…your legs tremble at his side and you’re unable to string a single coherent sen together…
“D’you know what you do to me?…f-fuck I can’t get enough of you…my pretty angel…” his head lolls back…his thumb keeps rubbing you and he shifts his hips just a tiny bit…making his tip hit the spongy spot inside of you perfectly… “HnGh….fuck m��so…fuck stuffing you…full of me…all mine…holy fuck baby I…I….fuck…”
You’ve never seen him like this…never heard his voice so whiny yet strong…his thumb keeps rubbing circles over your swollen clit… his trusts slow down a little but hips buck harder…deeper…until you can’t take it anymore…can’t hold it
You frantically claw at the pillows…the sheets…his skin…and then you cum so fucking hard on his cock…a small gush of liquid squirts onto his lower abdomen…only adding to the mess
He tries his best to fuck you through your orgasm before pumping you full of his seed again…falling on top of you entire and utterly spent….
110 notes ¡ View notes
bigtreefest ¡ 13 hours
This will be my only original post today:
- I did not get rigatoni last night
- I will not be getting it tonight
- if I do not get it tomorrow I may have a conniption (if I am not having it already right now)
- my mom says that’s the kind of recipe you have for multiple days. I do not want it for multiple days. I will suffer through I guess
- she doesn’t even want the rigatoni, she wants veggie noodles instead
- she’s trying to meet me in the middle I guess by having us each eat our own dishes
- but tell me why this is actually making me so upset to the point where I never want to eat again. Like I’m actually very mad
- tears are streaming down my face at the fact that she doesn’t get my vision and it’s spoiling my long-awaited pasta dreams
- okay, signing off in sadness and stress
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bigtreefest ¡ 13 hours
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2K notes ¡ View notes
bigtreefest ¡ 14 hours
Yesss, I love readers like this bc it’s so relatable for me. Knowing things are supposed to turn out one way, but fighting it anyway. Challenging the authority of the universe!? Ye. That’s the stuff. I feel that in my soul everyday to the point where it’s borderline self-destructive but what else would I do???
Adversarial 1/? (Bucky/Mechanic!Reader)
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MCU MASTERLIST | RO ROLL MASTERLIST | gif by @dailybuckybarnes
Summary: The textbooks all say that finding your soulmate feels like figuring out your place in the world, something you’ve always thought was utter bullshit, but--
…but your soulmate has a mechanical arm
Word Count/Warnings: 4,000 | explicit sex
As 2/7 of my birthday fics for @ronearoundblindly, adVERsarial is a Soulmate AU 'enemies to lovers' with a brash, outspoken f!reader. Stay tuned for more, and feel free to drop a comment if you'd like to be on the tag list!
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“Are you the lead mechanic? Stark said I could find them here.”
“I am, and I’ll be honest, I’m more than a little bummed out that those aren’t the words written all over my mitt, here,” you tell Captain America, holding up your (grime-covered, unreadable) left hand.
A ripple of… something tugs his eyebrow upward for a few seconds, and he smiles politely. “I get that a lot.”
You feel the burn of triumph in your chest and move in for the killing blow. “Oh really? I wish you’d kept a list, Rogers, because I’d love to meet more female mechanics.”
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Your soulmate can go straight to hell.
First of all, your Words are written on your fucking hand, and it almost takes up the whole thing! Who the fuck thought that was okay?
Schools don’t let you cover your hands, did your jerkface soulmate ever think of that? No? Classic.
Oh, and then there are the bullies. So. Many. Bullies. Telling the new kids to come up and say the words to greet you was predictable, but exploiting teachers’ inherent laziness-- ‘but Mrs. DoNothing, I was just reading the words off her hand!’ --was icing on the shit sundae.
You graduated from that hellhole, moved as far away as possible, and got a job that would cover you in gunk so you wouldn’t have to think about your Words every single day.
Now it’s seven years later and your boss asks you to come along on his fancy-ass job at the Avenger Hideout in upstate New York. You’re sure you’ll be kicked to the curb when you meet Stark himself, though. The man is snark incarnate, and you can rarely pass up an opportunity to mouth off.
“‘Sit down and shut up if you want to stay alive,’” he quotes, right after the handshake. The smug look on his face is warranted, because working with the Avengers is one of the few times your soulmate words apply to regular life.
“Yeah I’ll stay standing if it’s all the same to you,” you smile, with too many teeth and everything. You usually choose something more spicy, but you really want this job. Besides, Stark’s soulmark words are well known, so you don’t have to speak to history here.
“As long as you keep your death wish to yourself like everyone else in the asylum, we’re cool. Welcome aboard.”
The Avengers Compound is pretty sweet, actually, and your coworkers don’t seem like the typical stooges. It takes almost a month to persuade them that you really do enjoy the dirtiest, toughest jobs, and after that everything is smooth, filthy sailing. It’s always a good day if you end it needing a long, hot shower and half a bottle of degreasing soap.
There’s an iPad mounted within floor-view for people to text you if they need something. It doubles as your personal DJ, so when the sound cuts out, you slide your ass out from underneath the Quinjet you were servicing to find a pair of boots standing next to it. As you rise gracefully (read: clamber) to your feet, their owner speaks.
“Are you the lead mechanic? Stark said I could find them here.”
“I am, and I’ll be honest, I’m more than a little bummed out that those aren’t the words written all over my mitt, here,” you tell Captain America, holding up your (grime-covered, unreadable) left hand.
A ripple of… something tugs his eyebrow upward for a few seconds, and he smiles politely. “I get that a lot.”
You feel the burn of triumph in your chest and move in for the killing blow. “Oh really? I wish you’d kept a list, Rogers, because I’d love to meet more female mechanics.”
Until this point, he’d been holding himself like the soldier that he is, with the same stiff courtesy you’d seen from his rare television appearances. That all falls away, now. Rogers clears his throat, hitting his fisted hand on his chest as though knocking loose his initial impression of you, then extends that hand out for you to shake.
Your eyebrows skyrocket at just how much grease he’ll end up with if he goes through it, but Captain America’s outstretched hand doesn’t waver.
It’s time for you to knock loose your first impression. You give him a respectful nod and grasp his hand firmly. The grip slips as you shake, but you don’t offer any apology, and Rogers doesn’t seem to need one, not even when there’s a squishing sound as you both disengage. You take pity on the man and snag him a blue towel from your workbench.
“So, what do you need that Stark couldn’t Lord it down here and ask for himself?”
The towel is doing nothing. “We’ve got a mission coming up that will involve some repair work mid-way. Refugee camp in the middle of a regional conflict, with aggressors who like to send self-destructive drones to ruin our day. Army thinks it’s cheaper if it’s us, and not them.” He gestures towards your large tool bag. “We’d like to get in, get fixed back up, and get out in a hurry, and Stark says you’re the…” he pauses.
“Say it.”
“‘Gremlin’ for the job,” he says, apologetically offering back the newly-soiled towel with his still-soiled hand.
“Sounds about right. Have his Jeeves give me the details, yeah?” You start whistling as you scooch back down to finish up the job you’d been working on when Rogers had come in. It takes a not-inconsiderable amount of time for him to walk back out, and you count that as a win.
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They were… not kidding about the danger of the mission.
The trip out had been unpleasant as hell, gaining you some unwanted on-the-job experience with what it’s like being motion-sick under fire. As expected, the vehicle is hit by two diligent little destructo-bots, but you take care of the first one handily. Getting the second off and its damage mitigated is made more difficult by the urgency in the comms.
The team is on the way with the refugees in tow, and they want to take off as soon as they get back. Doing that with unknown damage is a terrible idea.
“All right, you heat-seeking little bot-barnacle, you ARE coming off, even if I have to pry off a panel of the ship to do it!” you snap, five minutes later. You're bluffing, since can’t even tell if the damned thing’s done any damage or if the sum total of its effect is ‘skewering the hull and sitting there smug as hell about it.’ The team is getting closer and closer, and the pounding of your heart is so loud you can hear it like a drumbeat in your ears.
They turn out to be footfalls, not your heartbeat.
A metal hand appears out of utterly nowhere and grabs the attack drone, ripping it out of the hull and throwing it with enough force to send it a half mile away. You’re left with your mouth hanging open as the owner of the hand (the arm. It’s an arm, and it’s the most gorgeous piece of machinery you’ve ever, ever seen) turns to face you. He’s wearing tactical gear and a sour expression, and every one of your blood vessels have converted themselves to gasoline at the very sight of him.
“That’s quite an arm you’ve got, soldier,” you quip.
His face twists into fierce fury as he points to the ramp leading into the Quinjet. “Sit down and shut up if you want to stay alive.”
For once in your life, you do what you’re told without complaint or combativeness. The phrase ‘internal combustion’ has never been so apt. The textbooks all say that finding your soulmate feels like figuring out your place in the world, something you’ve always thought was utter bullshit, but--
…but your soulmate has a mechanical arm.
The rest of the team shows up mere seconds later, and from there you’re caught up in the whirlwind of weight balancing, choosing what to ditch to fit every last person in the vehicle. For a few crazy minutes, it seems your grouchy soulmate might be left behind to fend for himself (you have no idea who he is, but you’re completely certain this man could wipe out the entire platoon that Rogers says is heading their way), but you and Stark figure out an overspeed hack that can work for just long enough to get somewhere safe.
You’re too busy keeping your ride in the air to think about anything else, and once you’re all back on solid ground, disembarking is a madhouse. You and Stark are the last two off the thing. He flips up his helmet and gives you one of his thousand-watt smiles.
“Great job today. Forgot to tell you Barnes was with us for this one.”
“Barnes?” you ask, distractedly running your calloused fingers over the rift where the perfect man had pulled out the drone. It looks like a patch might work, rather than having to get a piece machined. 
“James 'Bucky' Barnes. The Vodka Popsicle?” Stark comes over and makes a show of frowning at the way you’re just shrugging. “See, if you were fun, you’d be pretending you have no idea so you can milk me of all the good nicknames.”
The soulmate thing is burning a fuse in the back of your mind, and you don’t have enough left in your tank to banter. “I really don’t know, Motor Mouth. I just kept my head down and did my job.”
You smack the hull of the Quinjet and start toward the elevator bank, secretly pleased with your own stupid nickname. ‘Barnes’ sounds familiar, but you can’t place the name.
“Come on, CS, you had to have seen his arm!”
This stops you in your tracks so quickly you can almost hear the record scratch sound. Right at that moment, you realize where you heard the name Bucky Barnes: in your high school history class! This has to be fake, some stupid Superhero hazing or something.
You spin on your heel, about to accuse Stark of only remembering the name because he had a hot teacher that day, but at the very last minute you remember his father was a WWII war hero. Fine, you can go with 'snark overload' instead. “Friend of your dad’s, then? What happened? Time machine?”
“Fascist Russian trauma, actually,” he says, herding you into the elevator. “JARVIS, can you take over? I need to fly home to the Missus.”
“Wait, Stark--” He’s in the air before you can finish objecting.
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One enlightening elevator ride later, you make your way to your workshop in a trance. This whole thing is a coincidence. It has to be. The man has gone through hell, vanquished hell, joined its army only to claw his way out... and his reward is what?
“Took you long enough,” a voice says from the darkest corner of the space. You don’t have to guess who it is. There’s only one person it could be.
“That’s funny as hell in context, you know that?” Shit. Even to your own ears, you sound defensive. “Look,” you rush to add. “I picked this job to keep my Words to myself as much as possible, and I’ll keep doing that. I don’t want anything from you.”
You’re lying. You want a look at his arm like you want coffee in the morning, like you want air in your lungs after a brutal run. If he were anyone else you’d be planning a charm offensive, and you’re not what most people would describe as charming.
“One problem,” Barnes says, stepping out of the shadows with his flesh hand outstretched toward you. It’s so cinematic you forget he’s basically danger incarnate-- and then he makes contact.
Pleasure sizzles up from his grip on your wrist, skin to skin, soul to soul. It’s mind-numbing in the same way as the aftermath of an orgasm, so similar that you stumble a little bit when he lets go only seconds later. You’ve only read about Sensitivity or seen it depicted in movies, and neither did the full glory of it justice.
“Holy fuck,” you whisper. 
He doesn’t look affected at all. “Yeah. One hell of a weakness.” 
You go from shaken to pissed faster than the Quinjet hits cruise speed. “Get the fuck out, then! My workshop is invite only.”
“Is that right?” Barnes asks, insultingly unphased. Your arms are crossed, and he just glares right into your eyes and taps one perfectly articulated metal finger on the newly silver Words on your hand. “Stark’s AI updated our medical files. If you’re unconscious, this gets me into your hospital room. That’s invitation enough.”
Fucking great. “Well, either knock me out or fuck off, then, Barnes. I have work left to do.” Your gut is twisted metal right now, jagged and raw from disappointment and desperation. This man is a legend, a warrior with a marvel of machinery for an arm and a past that would make the devil blush. He doesn't want you, and he shouldn’t, he shouldn’t. With misery staining your heart black as old oil, you stalk over to the nearest workbench before he can tell how upset you are. 
“It’s not personal,” he says flatly.
Soulmate words are as personal as it gets, which means he’s saying it to fire you up. You won’t rise to the bait. Most people are uncomfortable with silence, but you use it as a weapon. The minutes tick by as you clean off the work table, with no other sound than the clink of metal on metal and the slide of heavy tools on the hard, solid surface. 
Soon, all that’s left is a bucket half full of sand. At least this is simple and easy to understand; a cheap, abundant material used for friction, stability, and sometimes even a mold to pour hot metal into. As you burn away your fury with your impossible soulmate staring silent holes into your back, you wonder whether you’re half as valuable to him as this.
“Look. I don’t want or need--”
You shove the bucket off the side of the work table and spin around, your next words practically exploding out of your chest. “You think I don’t know that? I get it. I’m nobody. Neither of us want--” He’s advancing on you and you hop up onto the surface of the workbench, primed to kick, scratch, and scream if he tries to melt your brain again with your goddamned soulmate connection. 
“Jesus. Just-- stay inside, will you?”
With those cryptic words, Bucky Barnes walks out.
You’re speechless, and the worst part is how much your body is craving the glorious, drugging feeling of his touch on your skin.
JARVIS calls out your name just as you force yourself to assess the sand mess you’ve tantrumed everywhere. Your ‘what?’ is as short and annoyed as you can make it.
I thought you ought to know that Sergeant Barnes spent his time after leaving the Quinjet checking on your safety. He requested I adjust the camera angle to more fully catch the doorway to your room, requested the visitor logs--
“Which you denied, yes? Yes?” you snap, gripping the broom handle like it’s your soulmate’s neck.
Of course. Despite his assertion, mutual consent is required for such things, barring a formal, legal relationship.
“For the record, it’s bullshit that it took until 1973 for that.”
I heartily agree. As I was saying, Sgt. Barnes took it upon himself to--
“Blah blah safety, you win the award for meddling, JARVIS, but what I really need from you is a magical ability to clean up this mess.”
Deepest apologies, but there is a purpose to this endeavor. The door to your suite did not meet Sgt. Barnes expectations, regarding your safety on-site.
“What the hell are you-- Wait.” You drop the broom and head out, speaking angrily up at the ceiling as you stalk down the hallway. “Tell me there’s still a door there, JARVIS.”
I’m afraid I cannot.
“Yeah, you should be afraid!” you hiss. “Tell me where he is or I’ll take a blowtorch to the wiring in the server room.”
Stark’s damned AI doesn’t even have the grace to sound concerned. 
I see why some say you have a fiery temper. Sgt. Barnes is in one of the basement sparring rooms. Shall I arrange for an elevator?
“I’ll walk, thanks.”
The bank of exercise rooms is open to everyone on campus, and the doors only close when there’s someone in there. That makes it easy to figure out where to knock.
The door swings open, and your mouth runs dry.
Barnes is sweaty, wearing only a black tank and tight pants, and the harsh hallway light glistens on the metal of his arm. You’re completely certain that touching it will feel just as good as the skin-to-skin contact earlier. You drift forward, captivated, and the door shuts behind you. The clicking sound brings you back to furious reality.
Through gritted teeth, you say, “You. Owe. Me. A. Door.”
He scoffs silently, looking you up and down as if gauging how little effort he’d have to expend against you in a fight. “Stark owes you a door. I just proved that.”
“What the fuck gives you the right--”
Barnes interrupts not with words, but with quick, jerky movements at his waist, unbuckling, unzipping, and shoving. He slaps the flat of his palm against the Words on his bare thigh and says, “This. Every single woman I came in contact with was in danger. You’re not secure here.” He strips the pants off completely and throws them into the corner of the room before advancing on you, somehow just as menacing in briefs and a tank. “Not until we get this out of our systems.”
He’s lithe as a cat, and you’re only able to stumble back a few inches and scrunch your eyes shut before he encircles your wrist with one hand. 
The cool metal is soothing despite being inexorable. You suck in a surprised breath and open your eyes just in time to watch the clever shit that is your soulmate dip his head to kiss you.
The pleasure is sudden and devastating. Your heart seizes up, stutters, and starts sending napalm through your veins as he walks you back against the wall and presses the full length of his body against yours. If each touch is a contact high, these kisses are full-throttle erotic warfare, with your brain offline and your hindbrain keening. You 'fight back' with everything you have, fingernails scratching at the back of his neck, teeth grazing his inner lip, all with your Words pulsing encouragement on the back of your hand.
If you’re not careful, this soulmate bond will acid-etch the narcotic joy of this moment right into your heart.
As if he can hear your thoughts, Barnes lets out a deep groan and pulls back to look you directly in the eyes. “This is a strategy, not a relationship.”
You’re touch-drunk, but you’re not in love. “Look, Deathsquad, I only want you for your arm.”
Barnes’ smile is like the sun coming up, damn him. “Fuck me enough to get past Sensitivity and I’ll let you have a whole afternoon with it.” As if to emphasize how much you’d both enjoy that plan, he slides his flesh hand past your waistband and grabs your ass, holding you steady for the twist of his hips.
Your smarts are offline, your lungs are at half capacity, your cunt is criminally empty, and you fully understand how people end up falling for stranger soulmates, if this is what Sensitivity does to a person. 
“Fine,” you snap, hoping to hell you sound less needy than you feel.
The two of you glare at each other for a charged second, and then there’s a race to strip the rest of your clothes off. Not even sixty whole seconds later you’re kneeling on a thick floor mat, more nervous and excited than you’ve ever been in your life, damn him. Barnes comes up behind to set a warm, drugging hand on your hip, and then it’s bliss, sexual rapture from the very first thrust.
“Fuck, that’s insane,” he rasps into your ear, his right hand coming down hard on the mat beside you as he curls over and into you. “Perfect,” Barnes breathes, the word almost a whine, like he’d tried to hold it back and couldn’t. 
You’re almost at white-out, already seconds away from the kind of orgasm that rearranges a girl’s blood chemistry, but you can’t let this one go. Arching your back and leaning to the side, you rock your hips in a cadence that unbalances the two of you just enough to force him to brace with his left, instead. You’re moaning insult-adjacent nonsense syllables now, but you gather enough willpower to clutch his metal hand with your marked one.
“Now it’s perfect,” you grit out.
Barnes’ sexy chuckle in your ear sends you into a black-out orgasm for the ages.
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You wake up alone, which feels like a statement, but you notice when you roll over that you’re not sticky. The clothes you’d torn off and thrown in wild abandon are folded next to you, too. You scramble to put them on, stepping curiously into the shared adjoining bathroom to find a wet washcloth draped over the towel rack and a sticky note marked with a large B on the mirror.
“Don’t get sentimental on me, asshole,” you mutter as you snatch it off.
Crankshaft:  Don’t get sentimental on me.  Wednesday at 4? B
The words are printed, even the B, meaning that while you laid there naked and insensate, he’d gone and printed something out instead of just waking you up. On top of that outrage, someone’s told him your nickname, which for some stupid reason feels more intimate than anything that just happened. It’s something that’s just yours, not influenced by stupid-ass destiny genetics, and if he tries to use it verbally, you’ll… you’ll… You sigh. There’s not one thing you can do to influence this guy, except possibly make him angry that you exist at all.
One big Sensitivity-struck security risk, that’s what you are.
You’re about to crumple up the note when you see it’s got something else hand drawn on the back, a sequence of numbers and letters in a jagged sort of rectangle. The shape looks familiar, but you’re sated and stupid after however long without caffeine. You gather up your things and make the walk of shame back to your apartment, realizing when you’re almost there that the fucking door is probably still missing.
It’s not. There’s already a brand-new door there, and on it is another sticky note. This one’s just the hand drawn shape and accompanying symbols. You snatch it up and go inside, vindictively locking the door with both locks until you remember Barnes’ whole thing about safety.
With a sour feeling in your stomach from doing exactly what he’d want you to, you lay both notes down to examine the shapes, finally sketching them out on a third piece of paper.
The numbers and letters work out to be a room and floor number, probably for his rooms here at the compound
Combined, the shapes look just like the plating for his metal arm
You refuse to be taken in by this, even if it is right up your alley.
At your service, Miss.
“Will you locate a small, neutral space for a… meeting between myself and Sgt. Barnes tomorrow at four, and let both of us know the location once you’re finished?” There’s no way in hell you’re doing anything that even hints at girlfriend behavior with this guy, so no bedrooms. What’s between you is literally just biology, nothing more.
If you insist.
“I do. And don’t use my nickname with him. He doesn’t deserve it.”
The singing in your veins makes a good opposing argument, but that’s just biology again, and you won’t be swayed by it. The only thing you’ll be swayed by is his marvel of arm engineering. Everything else is just window dressing to help get you through the absurd pleasure-bond shit that comes with soulmate biology.
You skip dinner and go to bed early, dreaming all night of the purr of Barnes’ muscles over and against you, the gravel-drag of his stubble on your skin, and the hum of an engine starting to rev.
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to be continued...
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bigtreefest ¡ 15 hours
😂😂it’s so true
Does mafia!Steve's Reader ever get jealous? Maybe there's a businesswoman or mafia related one that Steve has to have meetings with and reader gets jealous?
Not an inch away
mafia!Steve Rogers x female reader
warnings for the part below: some angst; soft!dark Steve Rogers; mafia!Steve Rogers; possessive behavior; arranged/forced relationship;
~ * ~
You shouldn't care. You really shouldn't, you tell yourself as you watch Steve open the restaurant door for that other woman to enter.
A woman that looks stunning in a body-clinging white dress and killer heels, not a single thing out of place in her confident persona.
She tilts her head and smiles at Steve, who reciprocates with one of his most charming smiles - one that gets you weak in the knees when he flashes it at you.
He told you he'd be home late because he has boring business meetings to attend to, so you talked your bodyguards slash enablers - Natasha and Yelena - to go to the movies and for some greasy food afterwards.
It's pure coincidence that the spot you picked for your snacking was opposite of a fancy restaurant to which Steve took this woman.
You know plenty of women have successful businesses, but you don't think a mob boss of Steve's caliber would actually do any business with one of them. In a romantic restaurant at that.
Natasha's face is perfectly impassive at the sight, but Yelena cringes as if she feels bad for you for seeing this.
You tell yourself that it shouldn't matter. This whole arrangement, one practically forced upon you after Steve found out about your pregnancy, is one you wanted out of at first, right?
The elegant, shiny ring on your finger, which you grew to love and often looked at with a fond smile, now reminded you of the cage Steve trapped you in. Gold, pretty cage.
With how intense and dotting Steve was, you actually believed the cage could become a warm house, with a faithful, loving husband.
Seemed you were going to become a cliche, instead. A wife to produce heirs to a mafia king, while he fucked around with whomever he desired.
Perhaps you should walk into the restaurant, make a scene, throw a drink in Steve's face. Throw it at that woman's white dress.
But you only clench your hands on the paper bag with takeout you bought to eat at home (your pregnancy is turning you into a bottomless pit). You straighten your back and keep your head up high as you march to the car and get inside, Natasha and Yelena slipping inside soundlessly.
Yelena tries to say something, explain Steve's actions, but you tell her you're not interested.
"I don't care." You announce as coldly as you can, quite proud that your voice doesn't crack with how hurt you feel inside.
At home you devour your food. And some chocolate muffins that you baked in the morning. Each bite as delicious as heavy, your stomach revolting with the bitter jealousy and anger at the thought of what Steve was up to.
Are they having a romantic dinner and smiling at each other across the table? Is he sliding his hand up her thigh and under her dress? Does he make her come silently in front of all the patrons?
Will he take her to a hotel room, or one of his apartments that he owns all around the city, and fuck her into a screaming mess?
Will he fuck her better than he did you last night... yanking a fistful of your hair as he wrecked you into a dripping mess and praised you, A good little wife, taking all of me so well.
Ripping apart another muffin, you decide on your next step. You know running away wouldn't work. For one, you have two guards, who may be friendly, but still were loyal to Steve and what he said triumphed over whatever you wanted.
Secondly, even if you managed to slip out, Steve would find you. And he'd drag you back into the cage and the life he builds with you beside him.
You can't leave the penthouse, but you can make yourself a safe space in one of the free guest rooms.
Since Steve's dipping his dick in other woman's cunt, he doesn't need you sleeping beside him.
You definitely don't want to touch him when he reeks of other woman's perfume. You don't even want to see him.
So after you drag most of your stuff from the main bedroom and hastily put it in the closet in your new room, you close the door. Just in time, because less than ten minutes later the echo of firm footsteps resounds.
You flip a book open, trying to focus on the printed words and not on the way your heart hammers in your chest as you hear Steve's footsteps aiming for the main bedroom.
A vicious part of you hopes that he is a shocked, seeing that you're not there.
Not in the huge bed, naked under soft covers, waiting for your husband lord and master to throw you a crumb of his attention.
The emotionally heaving part of you shudders in sobs at the image of Steve simply not minding that you're not there.
Maybe he's only a little surprised, but brushes it off and simply takes a shower to wash off the remnants of that woman's arousal and his own sweat. Then he'll get into bed and fall asleep sated, uncaring for your state as long as you obediently stayed inside.
You rub at your eyes, cursing the tears away. You shake your head and try once again to focus on the words you're reading.
But then, after a long stretch of silence, footsteps sound through the space. A creaking of door being open. Then another. Slowly moving towards where you are hidden.
Your heart rate increases, fingers trembling against the paper pages of your book.
You take a breath, willing yourself to remain calm and not show Steve how hurt you are. Play it the way mob bosses wives in movies and tv shows do it - cold and indifferent, an armor around you, so nothing can prickle you.
The door to your claimed room opens and Steve stands there in the doorway in all his stormy glory.
He frowns, seeing you sitting stiffly on the bed.
He walks inside. Sleeves of his suit jacket are pushed up, showing his forearms and twirls of tattoos. He braces his hands on his hips and gives you a look that's a combination of concern and blatant anger.
"Can you explain what's the meaning of all this?" Steve's voice is thick and raspy.
You swallow, but shrug nonchalantly as if his heated gaze isn't bothering you.
"I thought it's better to leave the main bedroom, in case you brought your companion home for the night." You say and return your gaze to the book, fighting the urge to wave him away with a dismissive gesture.
"What?" Steve's frown deepens, actual confusion showing on his face.
"I'm not sure your mistress would like seeing me there. Might ruin the mood." You lift your head and sneer at him. "So I simply made it easier for you."
"I have a mistress now?" Steve raises a single brow, remaining calm while everything inside of you was boiling.
You snap your book closed and slam in onto the bedside table. With a little huff you get off the bed and stomp over to Steve.
"No need to lie." You scoff. "I saw you. With her. Didn't know mob business meant taking beautiful women to expensive restaurants."
You push at his chest in anger, but Steve's strong, muscled body doesn't even sway at your outburst. So you push at him again, unsuccessfully, but at least you get to unleash some of your fury.
"Just do me a favor and don't bring any of your whores home once the baby is here. Stay in one of your apartments, or allow me to move into one."
You can't hold off tears anymore and as some pour out, trickling down your cheeks, you clench your hands into fists and slam them against Steve's chest.
Steve's fingers wrap around your wrists, a tight, almost painful hold that keeps your hands bound to his chest.
"You are not going away from me." He declares, a definite order.
His eyes darken, a flash of lethal danger he rarely directed at you.
"In any form." He ads, obviously meaning you switching bedrooms.
Slowly, Steve's face lightens up. Twinkles appear in his eyes and it makes another wave of annoyance surge through you.
He keeps your wrists locked in one of his hands as he uses the other hand to cup your cheek.
"Any moving you're going to do is along with me." He says and tries to lean his forehead against yours, but you pull your head back.
Steve sighs.
"Which is why," he forces you to maintain eye contact with him, "I had a meeting with Camilla. She's a real estate agent who works for me on renovating a house that I bought for us. For our family."
His words make you speechless. A house? Someplace where you'd feel more free and where your kids could run in glee.
Still, you remain suspicious. You want to assume it's just a crafty lie, you're sure Steve's good at those.
"The Infinite is a rather romantic place to talk construction." You narrow your eyes.
Steve chuckles and shakes his head. He lets go of your wrists to wrap both his arms around you, pulling you close to him despite your attempt to squirm away.
"Jealous little bird." He hums and slides one of his hands up to grip the back of your neck.
"In my line of work-" Steve leans closer, his nose tracing the line of your jaw, hot breath tickling your skin making you shiver-
"I manipulate people. Some with threats, some with sugar. And some, like Camilla, with never voiced promise of something they wish for."
Steve's soft snicker puffs across your cheek at your sneer. His lips travel toward your lips. You close your eyes at the intensity of his blue irises and the way your body reacts to the touch of his mouth against yours.
"A restaurant dinner gave her that little spark that will make her work her ass off to grand me all my wishes regarding our house. Even though not once have I even brushed an inch of her body with my fingers."
"It also happens-" the tip of Steve's tongue licks over your bottom lip, his hand starts pulling up the hem of your nightgown- "that I know how to manipulate my wife's body, so she sweats out all that jealousy and anger while she creams on my cock."
Your tiny, needy whimper makes him chuckle in dark victory.
"That what you need, huh?" He grips your buttock and kneads it. "Should I fuck you braindead every day, so that your mind doesn't come up with silly ideas?"
"It wasn't silly." You try to defend your earlier outburst, but it comes out breathy and weak.
"Thinking I could be interested in anyone else when I have your sweet, ripe body at my disposal. Absolutely ridiculous." Steve flashes you a wolfish grin.
He lifts you up suddenly, forcing your arms and legs to wrap around him. His fingers slide from your ass to dip between your thighs as he turns around and walks out of the room.
"You're coming back to our bedroom." He growls a command.
"I'm going to keep you naked and full of cum for the next few days, so it really sinks in that neither of us is stepping away from this marriage. Ever."
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bigtreefest ¡ 15 hours
Water Proof
Bucky Barnes is pretty sure that his arm is water proof. He'd been in water with it before. Turns out his arm can handle water, but not pussy juice
Warnings: smut, fingering
This is so silly and goofy lmao
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It was so damn rare to see Bucky walking through the compound without his arm attached. But there he was, marching through the compound with a long case in his flesh hand and his metal arm gone.
It was rude to stare, everybody in the compound knew as Bucky walked towards Tony's workshop. The workshop that was meant to just be for Avengers stuff, but Tony did whatever the hell he wanted in there.
The damn thing was meant to be waterproof. He'd been in the water with his arm when it was less advanced, and it had been fine. He'd showered with this arm, he knew. (It wasn't something he liked to do often, but shower sex made him nervous and he liked holding his girl with both hands.)
The arm was definitely water proof, so why wasn't it working now?
He strode into Tony's workshop and threw the case down onto the workbench in front of the billionaire.
Tony didn't look up from his work. "Frosty, what can I do for you?" He asked as he looked at the wiring of something through a magnifying glass.
Bucky opened the case and spun it on the workbench to face Tony as he looked up from the wiring. "It's broken," Bucky said, voice gruff and clipped. But it always was with Tony.
Tony picked up Bucky's arm from the case. "What's wrong with it?" He asked as he observed it.
"Fingers stopped working."
Tony eyed him with suspicion. "Which fingers?" He asked and Bucky held up his middle and index fingers.
A grin split across Tony's face. "Winter Soldier, you dog!" He barked out a laugh. But then he put down the arm. "I'll get to it," he said and went back to his wiring. Yeah, he didn't want to be touching the arm that had been broken by bodily fluids.
The moment Bucky returned to the apartment, she was on in, wrapping her arms around him. "Is your friend going to fix it?" She asked, face against his chest.
Bucky wrapped his arm around her and squeezed. "Yeah, Babydoll, he's gonna get it fixed."
But she kept her face buried against his chest, hands gripping his shirt. "I'm so sorry, Buck," she mumbled.
He released a laugh from his lips and kissed the top of her head. "It's okay," he insisted. "It wasn't your fault."
He had her beneath him, body writhing as she kissed down her body. She was already so damn sensitive, but, then again, she always was for him.
Bucky pulled her underwear down her legs and let his tongue swipe through her folds. The noises that she released from her throat were like fucking music to him. He groaned as he looked up at her from between her legs.
He kissed her thigh almost sweetly.
His cool, metal fingers touched her and she clamped her thighs around him. "Buck," she gasped, reaching for his hair.
"Open up for me, babydoll," he whispered, and she let her legs fall open, releasing his hand from her thighs.
He ran his fingers through her folds before concentrating on her clit. She was already so damn wet for him.
His index finger breached her hole. She whined as his flesh hand settled on her hip, thumb brushing across her skin. "I got you," he whispered as his finger pumped in and out of her.
She was positively soaking him. Her breath hitched when she felt a second finger pushing in alongside the first. Her cries were so damn sweet and the way she was pulling at his hair. He placed a kiss to her hip and began moving his fingers.
She chanted his name over and over and over again as he fucked her on his fingers. He didn't much care as her slick ran down his fingers. He kept working her, thumb against her clit until she was clenching around him, legs shaking as she came with a cry.
His fingers stopped moving, stopped obeying his commands, maybe five minutes after this.
"What did you tell Tony?" She asked as she looked up into his baby blues.
"He worked it out," he answered, and she buried her face against his chest, hiding from him.
Bucky's chest shook as he gently laughed. "I can never show my face around the compound ever again," she mumbled and let go of his shirt. But she just wrapped her arms around them, slipping them beneath his shirt to touch his solid back.
"Baby, it's okay," he said and pulled away from her hip to grab her chin and tip her face towards him. "Nobody knows about us. They don't know I broke my arm making you see stars," he said with a grin. "But, I want them to know."
He leaned down and kissed her, effectively cutting off anything else she was going to say. But then she pulled away slightly, arms reaching up to wrap around his neck. "Think you can ask Tony to make it cum proof?" She asked, almost shyly.
Bucky kissed her again, walking her back until she hit the couch. "I can definitely do that," he said and pushed her back. He didn't need metal fingers to make her see stars.
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
It has been finished and edited and queued and for some reason that gave me peace of mind😌
Ari couch cuddles have spontaneously (not really) manifested in my mind. Guess that’s getting posted Monday bc I posted The Rainmaker early this past week
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
Bean is definitely the perfect way to describe Steve. My favorite sweet bean😌
Sick of It
Pairing: Boyfriend! Steve Rogers x Girlfriend! Reader one-shot
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Summary: Steve looks good in everything and you’re sick of it. That, among other things.
Word count: 1,784
Content/warnings: Crying, comfort, angry feelings, kissing, mentions of body image issues, swears, snacks, non-sexual semi-nudity
A/N: I wrote this a couple weeks ago while I was feeling like absolute crap. I was so stressed and just wanted someone to hold. I know too many people relate. I think Steve would’ve been such a sweetie for this kind of moment.
Comments, likes, reblogs, and asks are so appreciated. Thank you for reading!!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Main Masterlist
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“I’m so fucking done.”
You slammed the door to the pantry as Steve looked over his shoulder at you from his spot on the couch.
“Honey, what’s wrong?” His words trailed down to you as stomped down the hall and slammed the door to his room.
Steve sighed and tossed the blanket off his lap, softly padding after you down the corridor. He leaned against the doorframe before lightly knocking with the knuckle of his pointer finger.
“Hey, you alright?” He faintly heard the sliding of his dresser drawers, frantically paired with the sound of clanging hangers in his closet.
Steve opened the door slowly to be met with the sight of you half naked, hoodie stretched over your one arm and head, only accompanied on your body by your socks and underwear.
You grumbled and sighed before pulling the hoodie fully down over your body, looking in the mirror before ripping it off and throwing it at him. Steve didn’t flinch, catching the beige hoodie he had been given in a stylist’s attempt to take him on as a client.
Steve had many pieces of clothing like that: obscure fashion pieces gifted to him because of his celebrity status. To a normal person, they were impractical and weird. Odd shapes for an odd body. They’d only look good on someone as hot as him, broad shoulders, skinny waist, and all. Any time you’d try to put on a piece of the clothing, you felt like it hugged your curves in all the wrong ways.
You sighed, but it was deep and guttural, bordering on a scream. The way every piece of clothing, which looks so trendy and stylish on Steve, draped over your hips in a weird way, drove you nuts. The colors didn’t look as good, the shape was meant for someone else.
You flopped down on the bed, still only in your underwear, as Steve grabbed a hanger, placing the hoodie on it and hanging it back in the closet.
He walked over to you, slotting his legs in between yours which swung off the bed. He leaned forward over you until his arms framed your head, one hand on each side, careful to miss your hair that was sprawled out over the comforter.
When you opened your eyes, you were greeted by a sea of blue. You wanted to melt instantly at the care and concern that Steve’s eyes held, before you remembered why you were so upset.
You rolled on your side with a groan, hiding your face in the plush covers before Steve did his best to brush the hair out of your way.
He continued to softly rub his thumb against your temple. “Jellybean, you wanna tell me what’s going on? What’s got you so upset?”
You sighed before speaking into the blanket covering your mouth. Even Steve’s super soldier hearing couldn’t decipher the muffled sounds.
“Can you try again for me? I didn’t quite catch that.”
You turned slightly and threw your hands over your face in exasperation before peeking through your fingers at the face full of love and kindness that was always waiting on the other side.
“I’m sick of it.” It came out still muffled by your palm, but understandable this time. Steve nodded in an attempt to understand.
“Sick of what, honey? Anything I can fix? Or at least help with?” He helped you up, sitting next to you on the mattress. He attempted to pull you into his lap before your stopped him, pushing his arms off of you.
“No! Stop it, you’re the problem.”
Steve was taken aback. He would never do anything to hurt you, not even accidentally, so he had no idea where this was coming from. He cautiously continued.
“I’m really sorry, bean. What did I do?”
You shook your head before it fell into your hands, tears threatening to dampen the heels of your palms while you sniffled,sucking your emotions back in. You took a deep breath before looking up at him with red eyes.
“You know what? Actually, nothing. I’m overreacting. Forget about it. Maybe I should just go.”
You stood up and began to gather your clothes from the floor when Steve stood to stop you, holding your hands against his chest.
“Wait, Jellybean, come on. If-“
You threw down your hands, releasing them from his grip as you continued to look down at your feet.
“Quit calling me that!! That’s the problem!! I’m not a jellybean!”
His head cocked to the side in confusion. “Honey, what do you mean? I thought you liked that nickname…”
You shook your head as Steve crouched down in an attempt to meet your gaze. “No, because a jellybean would fit in your clothes and look good. And I don’t at all right now.”
Steve cautiously moved a hand to your cheek, finally able to look into your eyes. “Hey, what happened? Did someone say something to you? Did I? If I did anything to make you feel like that, I’m so sorry. You’re so perfect in every single way, what’s making you feel differently?”
His other hand went to your other cheek and you grabbed his wrists, looking down again, kicking your feet. Your next words came out as a whisper. “Everything sucks. I’m exhausted, and my eyes keep twitching because of it. I couldn���t focus to save my life today. I thought coming over here would make me feel better, and I looked in your pantry to see if you had any of the good snacks and of course you don’t because you’re Mr. Healthy! None of your clothes fit or look good on me! I mean, why do your even own half this stuff!? So many pairs of fake glasses, your eyesight’s perfect-no. Better than perfect! You make stuff that’s not even fashionable or practical look good and I’m sick of it!” You were practically yelling now, your words growing in volume the more you kept going.
Steve simply nodded, letting you vent as much as you needed to and taking it all in. He knew he didn’t have good snacks, he had asked if you wanted him to pick up your favorites when grocery shopping last week and you said ‘no, that’s not necessary. I probably shouldn’t tempt myself anyways. I’m trying to be healthier.’ He should’ve gone with his gut. He wouldn’t blame that on you, though.
He knew his clothes were ridiculous, too, but he kept them around because he thought you liked them. And he loved the way they looked on you.
He also knew the game you liked to play of ‘is it a fit or are they just hot,’ looking at the ridiculous clothes designer brands would release and judging whether or not they were high fashion, or just on a person with a nice body. He had just never thought he would be the subject of it, or that it would bring you down this much.
Steve knew you hadn’t been sleeping well for the past month, too, but hadn’t said anything. He could feel the way you tossed and turned at 3am, before you finally fell asleep again an hour later, only to be woken up shortly after by the alarm clock.
You looked up again after Steve had been quiet for too long. You let out a deep sigh. “I’m sorry, Stevie. I think I’m just taking this all out on you because you’re here. Everything but you is wrong today, and I’m taking it out on the one thing that’s here.”
You shook your head, profusely apologizing before Steve pulled you in close against his chest. He kissed the top of your head as he rubbed your back.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. Thank you for talking to me. I’m not the enemy here. I’m your teammate. Thank you for letting me in.”
“It just isn’t fair.” You spoke into his chest before looking up into his eyes again.
“Even when you’re concerned you’re still hot, too.” You rolled your eyes before throwing your forehead back in between his firm pecs.
“Steven. Fix it.” Came out mumbled in his shirt.
Steve laughed and nodded before kissing the top of your head again. “I think I have just the thing. Hold on.”
He meant that literally. Steve stood up fully and you wrapped your legs around him, clinging like a koala, as he walked back over to the closet. The fact that he did it so effortlessly made you feel a little better about yourself, but a super soldier could probably do that with anyone.
He browsed the rack and shelves before he found what he was looking for. “Ah, here it is. They let me keep these after I had to pose as part of a construction crew for a mission. Regular people clothes. None of that high fashion bullshit.”
You laughed against his neck before he set you down on the bed. He kissed the tip of your nose before sliding a dark gray sweatshirt over your head and sinking down to his knees to pull the light gray sweatpants up your legs. They fit just how your wanted and you beamed at him.
“Better?” You nodded.
“Perfect. Thank you, Stevie.”
He gave you a wink. “Of course, jellybean. I think these fit you just right, but maybe your outfit’s missing something. I might still have the reflective vest around here somewhere, or maybe you need a good pair of fake glasses to top it off?”
You giggled and pushed his shoulder. “Absolutely not. I think the only thing that could make this better is if you had real snacks in the pantry.”
Just then, the both of you heard a knock on the door. You perked up and looked over Steve’s shoulder before raising an eyebrow at him. Steve looked back at you sheepishly.
“I think your prayers have been answered. I texted Buck and asked him to pick up your favorites the second I heard you huffing while searching through the cabinets.”
You smiled before wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him a kiss on the cheek.
“Thank you. You’re perfect, even if it’s a little infuriating how much so.”
Steve laughed and wrapped his arms around you again, carrying you towards the front door to retrieve the package. “Perfection means nothing if I can’t use it to make your life better. I love you, Jellybean.”
You smiled as he set you down on the couch and handed you a bag of snacks before cuddling close and pulling the soft throw blanket back over the two of you. You placed your hand gently on his cheek. “I love you more, Stevie.”
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Bonus A/N: What’s your favorite snack/candy? I’m currently rocking with those nerds gummy clusters. So good.
General Taglist: @hawkeyes-queen
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
Final evaluation: why put this man in such a tech-heavy movie if he’s so technologically inept??? Mans didn’t even want to use a fax machine in the second one…and you want him to handle cyber terror?🤨
Fingers crossed for another elevator scene!!!! But this one is much more computer-based. Crazy to see the quality change!!
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
He’s a horny lil thing lol
Here, I remade it but better I hope. Happy biftay bestie
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Also Jake:
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
Hello I’m absolutely in love with your blog!! I saw your requests were and was wondering if you have any line dividers with the color #1f4c3b? If your don’t could you make some? Ps - keep up the great work👍❤️
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Please like and reblog if you use or save.​
Dividers List
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
Omg, there is an elevator shaft scene!!! This time with a whole vehicle!!
Fingers crossed for another elevator scene!!!! But this one is much more computer-based. Crazy to see the quality change!!
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
He’d fucked it up. He knew that. But he was just so goddamn angry about the whole thing. He was mad at everyone involved for forcing the two of you into this. And he was mad at you for lying down and taking it. For being such a good girl. He chuckled to himself. Like he was any better.
I feel like this paragraph is so telling! I hope they can find it in them to flip this thing on its head, to hopefully make it better for their kid.
I know he was a jerk about it, but it makes me feel better Ransom didn’t actually have other dinner plans, but it hurts to see he doesn’t know how to deal with freaking out other than running away, and poor reader doesn’t have that option all cooped up in his house
I Could Feel at the Time
Pairing: Ransom Drysdale x female Reader
Word Count: 650
Warnings: Explicit language, references to forced marriage and forced pregnancy, angst, drinking, sads
Series Masterlist
A/N: Hello! So, with Part 6 of More Than This, we're coming to the end of what I've been thinking of as the first arc of that story. To celebrate, how about a super angsty ficlet of Ransom's POV of their first meeting???
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Ransom sat in his car across the street from the restaurant. He watched you exit and get into a town car. He knew that from this distance he couldn’t actually see how upset you were. What he knew in his bones was just projection. But still. Your car drove away and he stayed where he was.
He’d spent the last week angrier than he’d ever been in his life. He’d sort of thought, as he’d kept getting older and no arrangements came to fruition, that he’d managed to avoid the whole thing. But now, at 35, his time had finally come. It was how condescending they’d been when they told him, his mom and granddad. “It’s time for you to grow up and settle down,” she’d said. “This will be so good for you, exactly what you need,” he’d said. And then they’d told him about the baby.
He should count himself lucky, he supposed, that he even knew. What kind of assholes must your parents be that they didn’t even tell you? Especially since it’d be your body doing the work. They’d left that dirty work to him.
He’d fucked it up. He knew that. But he was just so goddamn angry about the whole thing. He was mad at everyone involved for forcing the two of you into this. And he was mad at you for lying down and taking it. For being such a good girl. He chuckled to himself. Like he was any better.
He finally put his car in gear and pulled out onto the road. He drove for a mile or two before he saw a sign for some shitty chain steakhouse. Sure. Why the fuck not? He was hungry and wanted to keep feeling like shit. It was perfect.
He went in and sat himself at the bar. Everything was neon. It exacerbated the migraine that had been building all day. Fucking good.
They didn’t have any scotch and their best bourbon was some midtier piece of shit, so he just ordered the rail. A glass of shitty, watered-down sadness. Perfect. He also ordered the porterhouse, although that’s not what it was called here. It had some cutesy name that he forgot the moment the menu was taken away. And it came with too many sides. Everything was bullshit.
He’d lied when he told you he had other dinner plans. The plan had been for him to eat with you. But something had happened, sitting there with you. It was like everything was suddenly more real than it ever had been before. This arrangement. This marriage. This life. It was real. It was happening. He wouldn’t be able to get out of it. So as he looked at you, he couldn’t even bring himself to open the menu. And then you’d asked if he knew what he wanted and he’d panicked. It’d just fallen out of his mouth. A way to get himself out of there. 
But then you’d looked so hurt and he’d mocked you for it. Fuck. He was such an asshole. 
His food came. A rubbery steak and two different kinds of lukewarm potatoes. He’d left you at a five-star restaurant. He ate it silently while drinking his “bourbon”.
He had your number. He could call or text, apologize. But that wasn’t something he did. He wasn’t sure he fucking knew how. No. What would it help, anyway? Every time he thought about you, or the wedding, or the baby, there was this tightness in his chest that just wouldn’t let go. Whiskey sometimes helped. The real stuff, not this fucking swill he was currently drinking. Ignoring it helped a lot. So that was what he would do. He’d do what he told you to do, live the next three weeks like none of this was happening. What else was there?
And for now, he’d finish his fucking steak.
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bigtreefest ¡ 1 day
Ooooo, holiday switchup!! 4th of July!!
Fingers crossed for another elevator scene!!!! But this one is much more computer-based. Crazy to see the quality change!!
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