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bisexual-horror-fan 2 days
"I know I talk a lot on this show about the bad stuff Ronald Reagan did. So to balance that out, I do want to mention something positive he did for the planet. In 2004 -and this is true- he died."
-John Oliver
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
No matter what a post on tumblr tries to tell you, your moral and ethical stances will never be determined by what you reblog and what you scroll past. Don鈥檛 let manipulation tactics force you into doing anything you don鈥檛 want to do.
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
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Fuck Meta
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
The secret wish is to write a fanfic that someone loves so much they make fan art of it, or to create a drawing that someone creates an entire fic based off of it.
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
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new reaction image
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
If you feel drawn to demons and the Devil, don't let anything get between you and them.
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
we are on borrowed time, choose people who choose you. most importantly people who give you their time and genuinely love you. let go and let everyone else be.
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
To YOU it鈥檚 bad writing. To ME it鈥檚 a very nuanced piece of work that explores subtle intricacies without outright saying it. And also it鈥檚 bad writing
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
i could recognize him by thighs alone
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
playing with ocs is either
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
Bexx I am so sorry to bother you with this but oh my god I am going to lose my mind
People are once again acting like having a fetish is this awful evil thing and that individuals who have a fetish cannot interact with things which "fuel" their fetish in a respectful way. Am I the wrong one here? Am I the idiot for going "if someone has a request for me to draw something and it might be their fetish then I don't think that them asking once politely is harassment"?
Genuinely, I might be off base here, but I also don't like the way that all fixations are being treated as inherently sexual here. Like, there are things I enjoy both in Sexual and Non-Sexual ways. If I requested someone to create art suited to that politely, is that automatically harassment or something?
Genuinely, I'm just really confused and pissed, so I'm venting, but if I'm wrong here Bexxx, do tell me. I just keep seeing the same stupid fucking post floating around and it's making my blood pressure rise lmaoo
I feel the same way, Gopher! There are a lot of things that I enjoy in both sexual and non-sexual contexts, and if a person asks once respectfully and then backs off when told no and respects that no? Then yeah, man, I don't get what the fuss is about. I don't think that is harassment at all.
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
You in a shirt like that would be actually iconic asf
You want it?
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You got it!
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
People talk about proshipping a lot and I still have absolutely no idea what it is
Sure lemme spell it out for you.
The idea of proshipping is this: You are okay with people shipping whatever it is that they want to ship and not policing other people over it.
That is it.
I consider myself one, because again, I know I am not gonna change anyone's minds, I know I am never going to make someone stop being into, what they are into, even if I personally do not like or object to it. I.E common examples of ships that come under fire, ones that show harmful dynamics, abuse, incest, CP, the like.
I personally don't fuck with CP and incest for a lot of reasons, but that is my shit. Now if the work in question is well tagged, in it's own space, not infecting places where it shouldn't? Then I literally do not care. It's fictional, live and let live, do what you are gonna do cuz again I cannot stop you. (Much the way I am sure many people would like to stop me from writing some of what I write, but we all know that isn't gonna happen.)
When I say I am a proshipper and I am "okay" with this stuff, what I mean is I acknowledge it exists and people are gonna do it, and I'm not actively gonna do shit to change that. I am not going to harass people over that because again, so long as they have their shit tagged, who cares? I can just, not read it, I can blacklist tags, I can scroll away, I don't understand expending the mental time and energy on it or on people that I clearly don't have similar alignment with.
The opposite of proshipping is antishipping, and it's basically policing other people's shit, telling people what is and isn't okay to ship, very much about morals and in some cases yes, actually harassing people, doxing, telling them to kill themselves over fictional fucking shit.
That is what I do not fuck with. I think there are much better things to do with my time, and I can't fathom wanting hurting another person and doing actual damage to them, a real human being, over fictional things.
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bisexual-horror-fan 3 days
In the interest of being honest and transparent, and in kicking off the new year right, here is me outright saying it in case anyone is unaware. I am a proshipper. I don't fucking care if you don't like it, you can go. I am of the thinking that one should allow people to ship and let ship. Don't like? Don't read. Dead Dove Do Not Eat is there for a reason man, if it is well and appropriately tagged then it isn't my business.
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