book-place · 7 months
We literally love you
I love all of you <333
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book-place · 7 months
To Avoid is to Hurt
Warnings: slight violence and injury, let me know if I missed any :)
Pairings: Remus Lupin x sister reader, James Potter x reader platonic
Request: Heya! Could i make a request where the reader is remus' little sister and one day she decides to follow him, james, sirius and peter on the full moon night to try to help, but ends up being hurt by him? It turns out that after that remus obviously feels guilty and thinks the way to deal with it is to ignore her, but after the reader asks james for help to get his brother back and james talks to him, remus realizes the mistakes he's been making with your little sister?
Request by: Anon
*not my gif*
Summary: James helps the Lupin siblings through a rough patch
A/N: Wow it’s been a while- I don’t feel like proof reading so I’m not gonna
Please don’t plagiarize my work, you may reblog if you like but I’m asking that you don’t steal my hard work
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You were tired of sitting by and doing nothing
Month after month, you watched from afar as your brother struggled with his condition, the only people he let help him with it being his three best friends
But why should they help and you shouldn’t?
You were his little sister after all, it was your job to look after him more than it was theirs
James had warned you time and time again not to get involved, that it wasn’t what Remus wanted
In fact, your brother apparently begged him, Sirius, and Peter back during their second year- and your first- to make sure that you stayed as far away from him as possible when full moons rolled around
As if you hadn’t been dealing with them with him all of your life
This time would not be like the other times
The other times where you lost sleep and were sick with worry
This time, as you watched from behind a tree as Sirius, James, and Peter snuck into the Whomping Willow, you trailed after them, keeping enough distance where they wouldn’t notice, but not too much where you would fall behind
You always knew that they went to the Shrieking Shack during this time- James had told you to try and soothe your worries over your brother- but you had never actually been inside
In all honesty, there was fear resting in your stomach as you looking around the old, rundown place
As stealthily as you could, you crept up the stairs, following the sounds of muffled groans of pain
Those sounds had been enough to shatter your heart into hundreds of tiny pieces
When you reached the top of the stairs, you peaked through the cracked open door, the only thing you were able to see was the back of a werewolf you knew all too well to be Remus
In your defense, you had barely even made a sound, but your brothers heightened senses made it so that he somehow knew you were there
The werewolf had whipped around so fast you barely had time to let out more than a yelp, glancing to the side just in time to see a stag, dog, and rat freeze in place
The stag lunged forwards at the same time Remus did, but James was too slow
Remus had reached out and thrown you across the room before you could so much as blink
You were out as your head hit the wall
It took two days for you to wake up, and when you did, you were lying in a bed in the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey fussing over you
Your eyes were taking their time adjusting, but when you felt someone squeeze your hand gently, you turned your head to the side, hopes high to see your brother sitting there
Instead, your heart sank the tiniest bit when you saw James, giving you a small smile that looked a bit like a grimace
“How are you feeling?” His voice was soft
“Where’s Remus?” Was your immediate response
If you knew your brother like you thought you did, then you knew damn well that he would already be destroying himself over this
Something that wasn’t even his fault
This time, James flinched a little, pulling his hand back to run it through his already messy hair
“He figured it would be better if he wasn’t here when you woke up.” The boy admitted
You couldn’t help it, the tears that sting your eyes, not just at the throbbing pain in your head
After that, only a day passed before you were cleared to leave and go back to your dorm
Instead of Remus being there to help you back, though, Sirius, Peter, and James had been there
Three more days passed without any sign of your brother
And it stung
Anytime you entered the common room, you would be informed that he just left
Whenever you were hoping to catch him in the great hall, he was apparently staying after with a professor
It was almost as if you didn’t even have a brother
He was avoiding you, that much was obvious, but what was even more obvious, was how much it was hurting you
It was getting to the point where you were struggling with sleeping, and therefore having a hard time paying attention in classes
And even though all of your friends noticed your sudden change, James was the one to take it most to heart
He hated seeing you like this, but moreso, he knew how much it was killing Remus too
His friend had confided in him while you had still been unconscious, telling him that he hated himself for what he did to you, and how he wanted to make sure he never hurt you again
At first, James hadn’t known what to do, but now, he knew it was time for Remus to get over this, move past it, so that the Lupin siblings could once again reunite
It had only taken thirty minutes for James to set his plan into action, another fifteen before it actually took place
He waited outside of Slughorn's classroom, where Remus was doing some extra credit work, and the moment the boy stepped out the door, James had grabbed onto his collar and began dragging the much taller boy down the closest hall until they came to a secluded area
“Prongs, what the bloody hell-”
“You need to get over yourself.” James spat the words out so fast, “You are absolutely killing that poor girl by avoiding her, and you’re doing the same to yourself in the process.”
Remus felt his heart skip a beat, “How’s she doing-”
“Terrible.” Came the brutally honest answer, “All thanks to you avoiding her like a prick. She’s not mad at you about what happened, you idiot. She’s mad at you for avoiding her afterwards.”
Those words were like a slap across Remus’s face, but it was what he needed to be snapped back to reality
That was all it took for him to rush to the common room, where James had said you would be
Seconds of silence passed between the two of you, just standing there, staring at one another before he finally spoke
“I’m so, so sorry, n/n.” He whispered
Sorry for what had happened, and about not being there afterwards
That was all it took for you to spring across the room and leap into your older brothers arms, both of you holding each other tightly
The Lupin siblings were going to be okay now, all thanks to James Potter
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book-place · 7 months
Hey y’all- it’s been… a while. Just a heads up, in order to get through my requests, I’m writing most of them as headcannons.
I’ve never done this before but I honestly just need to get my requests done so while I am going to be writing a bunch for a while, this is not going to be my writing style and I will not be taking requests for headcannons.
Thank you and I love y’all :)
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book-place · 7 months
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happy 3 year anniversary to them
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book-place · 7 months
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book-place · 8 months
I just realized that I missed my two year anniversary on tumblr (it was on the 4th). I love you all and thank you so so much to everyone that has supported me on my journey 🫶🫶🫶
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book-place · 8 months
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book-place · 8 months
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book-place · 8 months
dean winchester woke up on his 45th birthday and bent his creaky old man knees to get up and put on his fluffy old man robe and fuzzy old man slippers.
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book-place · 8 months
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book-place · 8 months
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It's his birthday!!!
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book-place · 8 months
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book-place · 8 months
Don’t make me cry right now. It’s too late.
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book-place · 8 months
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book-place · 8 months
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book-place · 8 months
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book-place · 8 months
Me when my sister shows a sign that she maybe is interested in starting to watch walking dead
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