burinazar · 9 hours
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Stripes! Bats! STRIPES AND BATS!
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burinazar · 1 day
OK, but will you love the insane woman who stabs people in the back and does toxic yuri to cope, when he transitions to a man? Hmm? Will you?
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burinazar · 1 day
pleased to see that ppl are still stumbling across and reading/using the fanmade translation of Belaf’s Lullaby that i created a while ago, which was uploaded to the fandom wiki : )) the official translator of MiA tweeted out his own later that I don’t find as lyrically pleasing as far as the english word choices so I’m glad ppl are still finding and reading mine hehe
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burinazar · 1 day
any “imagine how crazy our ancestors would be going over the second moon that’s coming!” posts you see are from people who didn’t yet read an article closely enough to note it’s going to be a like 40ft object orbiting ten times farther than the moon (at its closest approach maybe four times farther). your ancestors would not have been able to see or even detect it, and you will also not be able to see it... I’m sorry to ruin it with accurate science
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burinazar · 2 days
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happy 中秋节 from iserlohn
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burinazar · 3 days
Harrowing: someone in your Fandom just made an innocuous and harmless post that nonetheless betrays a deep misunderstanding of the character and the character's narrative purpose and you just have to sit there and let them be wrong lest you be an asshole
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burinazar · 3 days
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burinazar · 4 days
(fictional suicide cw) this is my Worst Idea Ever but i want to write a very dark fic where Vueko goes thru with the murder-suicide attempt and the fic itself would be mostly her speaking to Belaf after the murdering and before the suicide
perhaps she's offering to kill him too, giving him the chance to 'go with' the rest of their little family, i wonder how he'd respond. because although he's professed wanting to die (and another miserable thing i've envisioned for them ad tried to draw is V wrestling away B's knives from him after a suicide attempt), on the other hand in a scenario where Iru is already dead and his living isn't contributing to her suffering anymore i can see him turning down such an offer from V to kill him and just dying naturally over a few days while remembering what was done (like a parallel to vue's "i just don't want to forget about that kid..." since B and V parallels are like My Favorite Thing...), living on for a bit longer suffering with the knowledge of what was done as a last bit of penance to Iru, instead of letting himself off the hook earlier with the peaceful oblivion of death
anyway the premise would let me do some of my favorite stuff with them, comparing and contrasting B and V in their counterbalanced moments of having and lacking agency, as well as highlighting V's strength and non-negligible amount of internal darkness and potential to literally kill if she thinks it's the right thing to do, a steely resolve people seem to overlook in her (perhaps because she overlooks this in herself and erroneously describes herself as having a sort of learned helplessness and being unable to act, but that's demonstrably not true as seen in various interactions with Waz, Be, and Iru)
speaking of, i can't figure out how waz would fit into the story lol; probably acknowledged in some capacity but not focused on. as in a similar piece: this came to mind because The Altar, The Knife, The Offering (the 'Vueko's guilt over corrupting and destroying Belaf's self-conception and morality' story) turned two years old recently and i'm still pretty proud of it and want to explore more painful and canon-derived B and V interactions lol
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burinazar · 8 days
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Damage prediction on pears during transportation.
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burinazar · 8 days
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burinazar · 8 days
Very common reading, I personally have put a bit too much thought into the sexual psychology of why we (“we”: the small but dedicated international contingent of Belaf Enjoyers, few in number but a type of person I’m familiar enough with to speak on as a group) generally seem to like that for him. Although some creators are open to the character switching and circumstantially taking an assertive role, and a couple cool fanwork creators prefer him that way exclusively, fans seem to very often like the character subby.
the tl;dr on the many many pages I could write about this (I should not be encouraged to do this lol) is i think it’s because certain defining moments for the character involve being physically acted upon by others, especially the characters he’s shipped with (nursed and forcefed by Vueko, which he sees himself as unresisting to; carried by Wazukyan/saw himself as “dependent on” him), in ways that are psychologically compelling and kind of pitiful and induce complicated feelings in Be, which is catnip to those of us looking for interesting psychosexual reading in a character.
I don’t know why but im really liking submissive belaf today what’s going on what’s my instincts doing
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burinazar · 8 days
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monday morning mood
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burinazar · 8 days
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domifiede at work
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burinazar · 8 days
my trip to Akotoma (abyss fanworks event) yesterday was entirely successful ^ -- ^ i'd love to make a longer post about it soon, as well as some of my thoughts on doujin culture in general, because i think my perspective could be informative and interesting to people.
like, sure, there's entry-level misconception-dispelling like "hurhur did you know not all doujinshi are porn" (or, slightly less hurhur, "did you know doujinshi products include many many things besides comics"), but it's 2024 and i feel like every weeb and their mother knows that by now; there's also stuff like the fascinating differences of ethos regarding things like pricing and accessibility, content, fandom socialization, etc., some of which i see discussed but generally not in a level of detail and nuance that satisfies the depth of my interest; and then there's also the stuff that almost nobody or relatively few people seems to discuss like the culture of handing out gifts, candy, and fanletters (which i could find literally zero people talking about in english online when i first heard about this and looked for info on it in the past). it's all really neat to me. also i do want to talk about akotoma and abyss specifically and what it personally meant for me to finally make a trip there, because as many of u can tell this fandom is both a) very important to me and b) something of a source of consternation, so it was kind of a personal triumph to have it go well when i went, and i'm looking forward to each subsequent event and hope i'll be able to be even more involved and social ^^
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burinazar · 11 days
i was writing something here bitching about how demoralizing and how “this place doesn’t value fanartists” it feels to see mass uncredited art dumps in a specific fandom venue and how it was really epitomized when I spotted a really personal piece in there with the dump whose story when the artist shared it on Twitter pretty much moved me to happy tears and now here it was without her story or name being treated as Content unrelated to a human person’s expression of something really personal, but then tumblr ate the entire post (it was long and went on tangents bitching about the fandom in general lol) so I’m not gonna bother
on a more positive fandom related note. am so excited for akotoma. Currently making little gifts to hand out cuz that’s part of doujin event culture here. even if we can’t understand each other i think there’s some sense of Game Recognizing Game with my jp fandom moots, and the jp contingent of ganja squad fans can respect and understand the mentality of that one weird overseas fan (who is no longer overseas oops) who’s written a gazillion 英語でガンジャ隊の小説 and it’ll be really cool to be Among My People in this sense
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burinazar · 12 days
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Made in Abyss - Manga spine illustration PNGs!
Each volume of Made in Abyss has a different character on the printed copy's spine, and these illustrations can be found on a glossy color page in the manga... save for the first three volumes, which may have been on a separate manga cover?
I've cleaned them up and erased the background elements, just in case you need some cute MiA chibi PNGs!
The first three volumes didn't have a digital version available, so I had to do a bit of smoothing and color correction in Clip Studio Paint. I did my best, yet they're a bit lower quality than the digitals.
Thanks to Onyx for sending me a good quality scan of the Volume 3 Nanachi! 💜
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burinazar · 13 days
"Drums of Ganja-Tai" by: Kevin Penkin from: Made in Abyss: The Golden City of the Scorching Sun
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