caberzatto · 7 days
my actual wife.
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caberzatto · 14 days
this is fucking hilarious.
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caberzatto · 15 days
I wanna sit on his nose ://
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This is a sickening side profile my god
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caberzatto · 21 days
#real #needthatdesperately
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I wanna sit on his face 😫🙈
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caberzatto · 22 days
tewww excited for you guys to read the rafe fic that I've been working on. like I just wanna upload it rn cause im THAT excited. be prepared...
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caberzatto · 22 days
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caberzatto · 22 days
i love your new rafe blurb!!!
aww, thank you so much babe. it was honestly so rushed😭 but i’m glad you enjoyed it!! mwah 💋
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caberzatto · 23 days
rafe thoughts stay plaguing my mind :(
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you stood in front of your mirror looking over the outfit you had picked out for your date with rafe. plain navy blue baby tee, white air forces, and a dainty white lacy mini skirt.
mini would be an understatement to how short the garment actually is. the frilly hem of the skirt sat just high enough on your thighs that if you crouched over - well let's just say you'd receive a plentiful amount of gawks and hushed comments over it.
regardless, all that matters is that you felt cute in it and the fact that it shows off your legs - one of rafe's countless weaknesses when it comes to you. which luckily, was precisely the plan.
rafe never shies away from praising you, whether it's letting you know how pretty your hair looks one day, or complimenting your radiant smile, or how sexy you look in the clothes he bought for you - least of all your body. every curve. every inch. he loves it all.
just as you made the final adjustments to your clothing you heard your boyfriend's voice call out from downstairs. "hey, kid, m'here. you ready to go?"
"hey baby, yeah i'm ready. be right down!"
spinning on your heel you headed to your bedroom door, grabbing your phone off the vanity and one of your shoulder bags off the handle before heading downstairs to greet rafe.
"hiii," you chimed chipperly as you met rafe's gaze, his head instantly raising from whatever had him distracted on his phone, meeting your eyes with a soft smile as he shoved his phone in his pocket.
"hi, kiddo," his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, yours around his neck, giving you a whiff of the musky cologne you had gifted him a while ago. your heart warmed as you smiled to yourself, realizing that it's the only one he's worn since.
"you ready to go?" you asked him, pulling back, eager to finally get out of the house and spend a relaxing day with your boyfriend - hopefully somewhere where you can have a nice cold not-so-virgin drink in your hand.
the perky smile you had on quickly faded once you noticed rafe staring at you - at your outfit, a blank expression plastered on his face. "what? 's'there something wrong with my outfit - ugh, is there a stain somewhere?" your manicured fingers brushed over your skirt as you twisted sideways in an attempt to search the back for stains, causing the hem to raise slightly - but just enough to give rafe a perfect view of the pretty lace panties you had on.
all of a sudden you were being backed into a wall, rafe's hands held firmly on your waist. you gripped his sculpted shoulders to keep yourself from falling backwards flat on your ass.
"change of plans kiddo, we're staying home today."
"rafe what-"
"think you can put on that tube top of a skirt and not expect a reaction from me, hmm kid?" a hand slithered down from your waist to grab a handful of your ass, scrunching the white lace fabric in the process, "half your ass out for the world to see huh?"
just as planned.
"rafe, i have no idea what you're talking about."
you absolutely knew that your rather skimpy outfit would warrant a reaction from your boyfriend. and even though you had hopes of actually going out today, the idea of having rafe's hand between your legs was far better than having an ice-cold drink in yours.
"'s'that right? cause'm pretty sure this is exactly what you wanted, isn't it?" his hand snaked lower from your ass, making sure to run his fingertips leisurely over your soft skin, further and further down until they were tracing over the textured fabric of your lace underwear.
your pretty tinted lips parted slightly releasing a shaky, breathy exhale as you felt rafe's fingers press down on your clad clit. your panties were practically soaked now, a desperate plea for him to grace you with the sweet release you needed so bad.
"if you wanted me so bad you coulda just said so, kid. but don't worry, kiddo...gonna fuck a confession outta you. n' the skirt stays on."
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taglist: @minhoshotharness @lovelysturnioloos
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caberzatto · 23 days
a few head cannons about my favourite runner
minho headcannons
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Minho is the type of boyfriend to pick a fight over anything, with anyone when it comes to you, even if it's something as small as someone mistakenly bumping into you as they're walking past.
He literally once threatened to drag Zart into the maze and feed him to the grievers himself, just cause he had cut in front you in the serving line during supper one night.
It's safe to say he is very overprotective over you, even though he knows you can handle yourself. You don't mind it though, you like seeing him stand up for you.
"Minho, calm down. It's not that serious."
"I don't care. No one cuts in front of my girl."
There's not a lot of fun things to do around the glade, so he tries his best to find ways of entertaining you.
Sometimes he'll sneak into your hut after dark, when everyone is asleep, and drag you out to the lake in the forest for a midnight swim.
Sometimes the two of you will simply stroll together and talk under the moonlight, or even play games like hide and seek, or tag, running through the trees and hiding behind the trees and bushes until you get tired.
One night he surprised you with a picnic by the lake. He'd snuck into the kitchen to steal snacks so you'd have something to eat (Fry would absolutely murder him if he ever found out). He had laid down a blanket that he'd brought from his room, the snacks sitting atop it.
You felt so special in that moment. He had done all this for you and he would do it again a thousand more times just to see that smile on your face when you first saw it.
"...Minho…oh my God. You did this all for me?"
"Yeah...d'you like it?..."
"It's perfect. You're...perfect."
He's constantly touching you, he just has this lingering need to always be close to you in any way, shape, or form. Minho was never figured as the PDA type but when the two of you started dating, he became hands-on all the time.
Whether its simply standing closely behind you, reaching for the fabric of your clothing, or holding your hand in his, he just has this need to always be around you.
That being said, he'll occasionally plant kisses and nip at your neck during conversations with someone else - just to let it be known that everyone knows you're his girl.
The moment Minho gets back from the maze, his first stop is always you. Not caring whether or not the rest of the gladers are watching, he never shy's away from peppering your face with kisses and wrapping his arms tightly around you.
"Shucking hell dude, do you have to do that in front of us?"
"No one's forcing you to watch, shanks."
When the two of you have days off, which are very rare in the glade, you take full advantage of them. Because of work, you're both very tired when a rest day comes, you'll usually just end up spending the entire day in bed together. Which he does not mind at all.
In fact, he loves it. More than most things.
When your head is laid against his chest as you take soft breaths, and your arm is laying lazily over his bare torso - due to you wearing his shirt instead, he's the most at peace than he likes to admit.
It doesn't matter even if the two of you are merely laying in silence whilst he draws shapes over the fabric covering your back, when he's there with you? He truly could stay there forever. I mean literally forever.
Speaking of you wearing his shirt - God, he can't get enough of it. He loves seeing you in his clothes. There's just something about it that makes his heart rate quicken, that makes his head feel all fuzzy, makes his cheeks warm, fills his chest with admiration.
The first time Minho discovered that seeing you in his clothes made him feel this way, was when you had first started dating. You were in his hut getting ready for bed, waiting for Minho to finish up in the communal showers, when you'd decided to just throw on one of his sleeping shirts, too lazy to go out and get your own pjs all the way from your hut.
When he pushed open the door after walking back from the showers, he found you sitting on the bed reading a book under the dim lighting of the hut - in his shirt. You looked up to find his eyes alternating between your face and the shirt that hung loosely off your body.
You quickly reacted, apologising before slipping your hands under the hem to lift the shirt over your head and take it off. But he stopped you, telling you to leave it on.
"Keep it on, you look good in it...almost good enough to eat."
"Well if that's the case, then be my guest."
The first time Minho told you he loved you was a moment you'll never forget. It replays constantly in your mind, each time filling your chest with a comforting warmth that never gets old.
It was one of your days off. The two of you were lying in Minho’s bed just like any other day off you’d spend together. Your head rested on his chest, following the movements of his soft breaths, his hand drawing circles over your back as the other one rested underneath his head.
You were telling him about some funny antic that Jeff had done at work in the medhut the other day, when he kinda just blurted it out, literally out of nowhere. It's safe to say you were definitely taken by surprise.
"So Jeff told Clint and I to close our eyes, and when we opened them he was-"
"-I love you."
"I'm sorry...you what?"
"I think...I think I love you-I think I'm...in love with you."
"You don't have to say anything, I shouldn't even have said anything, it was shuckin' stupi-"
"-I love you too, you shank...I'm in love with you too."
smut time y'all
Your first time with Minho was honestly beyond any words you could use to describe. Although, it would be a lie to say it didn’t take a while to actually get there. And believe me, it did.
You were Minho’s first girlfriend, the first girl he’s ever actually had the chance to like - and he didn’t want to screw that up.
So he took his time. Not wanting to rush you into anything or to really even bring the topic up, afraid it might scare you off or make you think that he's only with you for sex. It's not like he didn't think about it, of course he did - he is a teenage boy after all. Some nights he'd fall asleep to the thought of your bare body, how he'd gingerly graze his fingertips over your torso, over the swell of your breasts, the smooth skin of your stomach, imagining how you'd tense as his fingers made his way lower and lower down your figure, until they reached the place you needed him most.
Just the image of your lying beneath him would promote a particular tightness in his pants that begged for release.
And just as the thought was in Minho's head, it was in yours too. It had been almost 2 months since you'd begun dating, and the most you'd done together were gentle strokes under shirts or against whatever bare skin was visible and some very mild dry riding.
Just as Minho had his needs, so did you.
Anytime it seemed that you too were finally getting somewhere, finally about to cross that line, Minho would make up some excuse about having to be up early the next morning - which wasn't all that false - but c'mon.
You'd had enough of the excuses so one evening whilst you and Minho were lying in his bed together you kinda just blurted it out - after having to work up the courage the entire day first of course.
"Why won't you have sex with me?"
"...I - what? what are you talking about? I just...where's this coming from?"
"Why won't you have sex with me, Minho? I mean don't you want to? Cause I definitely want to have sex with you."
"Of course I do...it's just-"
"Just what? Do you not find me attractive or-"
"You know I do. I just - I didn't want to rush you into anything, y'know."
"Minho...I want this. I wouldn't be asking if I didn't. I'm ready, okay? I'm ready for this - for you. I just want you."
"I want you too."
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taglist : @minhoshotharness @stupendouscookiehumanmug
hope you guys enjoyed this. something cute and sweet. let me know if you'd like a part 2 of minho head cannons <33 cause I love writing ab my sweet boy.
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caberzatto · 25 days
sorry I've been so inactive recently guys, I've been suffering from serious writer's laziness and have been sooo busy with schoolwork and assignments - a-levels is so fun 😍. anyway, I promise I have every intent of being much more active on here, been working on two fics that i'm so incredibly excited to finally post and have you guys read. will be spitting out lots of blurbs till their done :))
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caberzatto · 27 days
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poem by gazan poet nadine murtaja—(nadine.with.dr on instagram) shared on ig by majazz project
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caberzatto · 27 days
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my pinterest truly knows what’s up.
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caberzatto · 1 month
I swear to you guys part 2 is coming soon 😓😓
distraction (pt. 1)
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fem!reader x Minho
summary: After the arrival of a new female glader, Minho begins acting strangely. He’s losing focus and getting easily distracted, which leads to an incident one day when he's out in the maze. Luckily the newest greenie is there to help.
word count : 4.6k
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Being a teenage boy is hard enough as it, but being a teenage boy and having spent the last three years in a confined space surrounded by around fifty other teenage boys? Yeah, not the most ideal living situation in the world, I mean you can just imagine the amount of pent up sexual frustration.
I mean it's not like thoughts of sex or women were constantly on Minho's mind, but at the end of the day he's still a teenage boy with needs.
That day you had come up in the box was by far the most genuine feeling of excitement that the boys had felt throughout their time in the glade. I mean for most of them it was the first time that they could remember actually seeing a girl, and a really, really, pretty girl no less.
You can only imagine all the crass thoughts and mental images that made their way through the minds of majority of the boys once they opened up the box, only to find a girl sitting at the bottom.
The crowd of men above you simply stood and glared down at you in silence before one of the boys made a comment something along the lines of "Well how do we decide who gets first go, boys?," resulting in scattered snorts and chuckles from the rest of the group.
Alby was quick to step in, though. Keeping a close eye on you during your first few days in the glade; setting rules and boundaries around you to make sure no one would try anything. He showed you around and how things worked, informing you of all the different roles that everyone plays to ensure smooth sailing, introducing you to people like Newt and Fry and Gally.
And Minho.
You and Minho had never really spoken to each other despite you having been in the glade for almost 2 months now.
The most you'd interacted was one evening after the runners had gotten back from the maze. It was a night of festivities; everyone was gathered around what appeared to be a very large bonfire.
You were sat next to Newt on the trunk of a fallen tree, and as you blankly stared into the orange flames of the fire, you felt someone gently nudge your shoulder from behind, pulling you out of your trance like state. Alby. In his left had he held the necks of two bottles of Gally's secret drink and in his right hand he held a bowl of food, along with two more balancing on his inner forearm.
"Thanks, Alby," Newt said as he grabbed a bottle and a bowl from Alby's grasp, digging right into the plate of food, which honestly looked like a pile of vomit - no offense to Frypan, he does the best with what he’s got.
"Here you go Greenie," Alby offered a bowl of food to you as he climbed over the branch to take a seat beside you. "So, how's life in the glade treating you so far?" Alby questioned in between bites of food.
"Not bad I guess. Considering everything, you know," You placed your half-eaten bowl of food down, grabbing one of the bottles of Gally's drink from between Newt's legs to take a swig, cringing at the taste of the beverage.
As you pressed the bottle to your lips your eyes began to scan over the rest of the gladers sat in their own separated groups. Since Newt and Alby had already shown you around a few days prior to the bonfire, you were somewhat familiar with a majority of the boys and the jobs everyone did.
The 'runners' was one of the jobs that intrigued you the most when you’d first learned of them from Alby, (even though you yourself were a medj-jack), and they were just the group your eyes had landed on whilst you scanned the bunch of boys sat around the fire.
Your eyes settled on Minho, the dark haired Asian boy who was sat in the centre of the rest of the runners. He was the 'keeper of the runners' which is apparently a highly important role. Well, that's just the way everyone else described it.
It was not your intention to stare, and you hadn't actually realised that you were until Newt made a comment that snapped you out of it.
"Hey, Alby. I think our Greenie here might have a little crush," causing a chortle to leave Alby's mouth as he glanced between you and the Asian boy sat on the other side of the fire.
"Slim it you shanks," you were quick to roll your eyes at the two boys sitting on either side of you. Although they weren't totally wrong.
It's not like you hadn't taken notice of Minho when you were, eventually, let out of the box. The first thing you observed about him was his stoic demeanor. Unlike the rest of the gladers, Minho definitely did not appear to be as talkative or interactive as everyone else. He was honestly kinda reserved, only speaking to a few other boys such as Newt, Alby, and Fry.
But there was something about him that intrigued you. I mean, you obviously couldn't deny the fact that he was a very, very attractive dude, but it wasn't just that. There was something more to your interest in him.
Just as you were about to go back to your-unintentional-staring after brushing off Alby and Newt, once your eyes landed back on the spot Minho had been sitting, he was gone. Your eyes wandered around the area, trying to locate him, when you spotted him heading in your direction to which you quickly dropped your head to look down at the grass in hopes that he hadn't seen you staring.
Once he'd reached where you and the two boys were seated, he turned his attention towards Alby. "Hey, Alby, I needa talk to you," his eyes flickered to yours before he continued "It's about the map."
"Yeah sure, let me just finish off here and I'll walk with you to the map room, alright."
Minho nodded in response before finally paying attention to you and Newt, well, more so Newt than you but still. "W'sup Newt,"
"Yo, Minho," pulling his sleeve over his hand before wiping over his mouth to clean himself up, "How are things looking in the old maze?"
Minho placed his hands on either side of his runners' harness, grabbing onto it, causing it to pull down ever so slightly. Why was that so shucking attractive. "Not too bad actually, think we might be making a lot more progress."
Just as Alby had polished off the last of his food and was beginning to get up, Minho turned his attention towards you, giving a quick upnod, "What's up Greenie?" Without saying anything you merely returned the nod before he and Alby were on their way.
And that was the only 'interaction' you and Minho have had since then, if you can even call it an interaction at that.
Since then the two of you haven't exchanged any other words with each other, yet even aside that fact, you couldn't get him off your mind for a reason you couldn't come to terms with, or rather one that you were too embarrassed to admit.
It was safe to say that you had developed kind of a crush on the apathetic runner, although you don't even know how it happened seeing as you've barely said two words to one another in the past 2 months since becoming a new resident of the glade. But even so you would catch yourself stealing glances at the unbelievably pretty dark haired boy, from time to time.
Though you were blissfully unaware, Minho too would sneak looks (and the occasional stare) at you when you weren't paying attention. Even though he acted like it (and very well too) you were definitely not invisible to him. In fact you were truthfully the immense opposite of invisible to Minho.
From the day you had arrived in the box, to you and Minho's very first interaction that night during the bonfire, the boy could not, and I mean could not, get you out of his head.
Now, despite the fact that it was the first time he'd seen a girl in well over 3 years, it didn't change his mind that you were the most gorgeous girl he'd ever laid his eyes on. Ever.
Everyone in the glade knows very well that Minho is not an easily distracted, or crush - having type of guy, so when Ben and the rest of the runners were discussing their plans for their next venture into the maze and Minho was not quick to chime in to either correct something or simply just to add his input, they knew something strange was definitely going on.
"Minho," Ben called out the boys name on the account that he'd been staring at section 6 of the maze for the past 10 minutes without saying a word, or even blinking for that matter, "Minho!"
Minho's head quickly snapped up to look at Ben, before clearing his throat and trying, but very miserably failing, to pretend as if nothing happened at all.
"Yo, Minho, where's your shuckin'' head at today?" Ben questioned as the rest of the group grunted in agreement.
The answer to Ben's question was you.
Minho knew himself very well, and for him to be distracted whilst on the job? is not like himself whatsoever. Being the leader of the runners is one of the most important jobs in the glade, and Minho himself knows that better than anyone, which is why he takes his job very seriously, never allowing his mind to be absorbed with anything else less eminent. He puts it above almost everything else.
But now, suddenly he's constantly finding himself daydreaming about you, about the gorgeous girl who came up in the box almost 2 months ago. And he just can't seem to shake you from his head.
He's tried almost everything he could think of to keep his mind off you : burying himself in his work - sometimes even spending hours in the map room - taking cold showers in attempts to slow his heart rate. But nothing was doing the trick.
It even got so bad to the point where he'd run out of possible solutions to solve his problem, so he did something completely outside of his character - he confided in someone about it.
This specific someone being Newt, who when Minho came to him all tense and awkward and completely unlike his normal self, immediately knew what was causing his newfound dilemma. The newest (female) Greenbean of the glade.
Once Minho had finished informing Newt of his current problem, and embarrassing himself by rambling on and on in the process, a smug, shit - eating grin was plastered onto Newt's face
"For shuck's sake, Newt, you're supposed to be helping me with my problems here, not finding them amusing." A frustrated Minho expressed.
"Okay, okay, you're right, my deepest apologies," Newt placed a hand over his heart, feigning sympathy for the wreck of the usually put together boy standing in front of him. "But alright, you want my advice?"
The keeper of the runners nodded his head desperately, "That's the entire bugging' reason I came to you in the first place, Newt."
"Well," Newt replied, dragging the end of the word almost as if he was unsure of what he was about to say, "You're going to have to talk to her, Minho." He explained as he shrugged his shoulders, almost as if to say it wasn't even that big of a deal.
"No. Absolutely shucking not," Minho babbled on, "I mean, I wouldn't even know the first thing to say to he- what the shuck would I say to her?" Desperately looking to Newt for the answers to his problems.
The blond boy merely crossed his arms over his chest, "That my dear friend, is for you to figure out on your own."
Minho is not a talker, he's simply just not good at it. So unsurprisingly he took absolutely none of Newt's advice. Instead, sticking with what he knows he's best at - running. When he's running between the walls of the maze his mind is clear, well, for the most part. He still has to be alert and aware of grievers on top of having to lead the rest of the runners, but for Minho, that's as clear as it gets.
So that's what he's been doing and it had been working great for maybe a week or so before everything went awry.
The scorching sun was beginning to disappear behind the vine-covered walls of the maze, signalling that the doors were about to close, although today was different from any other day because usually by his time, the runners would have been back already. And they weren't.
Ben and Minho were the only two to go into the maze today, which made the fact that they weren't back yet even weirder. Typically, the fewer runners went into the maze , the earlier they'd get back, meaning that the two boys should have long emerged from the griever-infested walls.
People had started to gather at the solid doors of the maze, worry beginning to consume the thoughts of one glader at a time. You and Newt were stood at the forefront of the rest of the boys, anticipating the safe return of Ben and his leader.
5 minutes had passed and still no sign of Ben or Minho. "They're not coming back bro," were the words being exchanged amongst the group of dispirited boys. At least 2 more minutes go by and still absolutely nothing; no movement from inside the unwelcoming walls of the maze.
A once sizeable group of gladers waiting under the anticipation of the two runners' return, had now decreased until the only people left were you, Newt, Chuck, Alby, Jeff, and Clint. 
"They're not gonna make it." Newt proclaimed to everyone else. 
Even though you hadn’t know him long, you couldn't even fathom the possibility of Minho not coming back from the maze. The possibility that you might never see him again. Never see his face again. "They'll make it."
And just as the words left your lips, two figures rounded the final corner of the maze, coming into view for everyone to see. 
Chuck's head shot up whilst his arm flung in Ben and Minho's direction "There!" 
But the closer the two boys got to the doorway, the more apparent it became that something was very wrong. Minho's arm was slung over Ben's shoulder, whilst his other one clutched his midsection. His head hung down as Ben used all the strength he had left to drag the both of them to the safety of the glade.
A loud rumble erupted in the air, shaking the ground beneath the feet of you and everyone else surrounding you, indicating the closing of the maze walls. By now, it really did look like the two adolescent teens weren't going to make it in time before the doors shut, meaning they would have to spend an entire night in the maze. And no one ever survived a night in the maze.
Without thinking, you lunged forward, heading towards Ben and the injured boy lugging by his side. Your fellow gladers tried to grab hold of you but were unsuccessful in their attempts as you had already set foot in the maze.
Ben shifted his gaze to you, giving you a look as if to say, "You've really done it now, Greenie," yet you couldn't care less. The only thing on your mind was getting them to safety before you were all trapped in there for the night.
Yanking Minho's free arm from his stomach, you pulled it over your shoulder to provide more support for the injured boy who now stood between you and Ben. Shouts of desperation and distress flooded your ears, coming from the now-increased crowd of boys standing on the grass in front of you.
You grunted as you and Ben pushed closer towards the exit, dragging Minho as best as possible along with you. Your safe haven was a mere few feet ahead, looking like the three you might make it, but the doors of the maze were faster, closing in in an attempt to squash you between them.
"Come on!" yelled Chuck and his fellow friends as you approached closer and closer towards them.
An exhausted Ben looked at you with an encouraging expression, as he could see you were beginning to tire out, and with all the strength you both had left, the two of you hastened your pace, Minho's legs dragging along the floor of the maze.
Your bodies were now sideways due to the limited space between the doors, brushing against the cold surface of the walls. With Ben behind Minho, and you in front of him, still clutching onto his limp arms, you squeezed your way through the doors that threatened to crush you.
And just as the doors made their final thrust, you were through.
You hit the ground hard and with a thud after being pushed by Ben, who barely got his arm out in time before the doors of the maze finally slammed shut, resulting in a loud 'BOOM' erupting throughout the glade.
The soft grass brushed against your cheek, your chest rising and falling with heavy breaths of exhaustion. 'I'm safe. I made it." Was the first thought to enter your head.
Using all your effort, you planted your hands on the ground, hoisting yourself up onto your feet, and before you were able to register what was happening, at least 30 boys were clamoring around you and the two other boys that lay on the ground beside you.
God, Minho. You looked down and watched as your friends helped Minho and Ben to their feet as best as they could. Without any regard for yourself and your current state, you promptly began giving orders to your fellow med jacks, Clint and Jeff. "Get them to the med hut, now!"
Newt and Alby sat Minho down on one of the beds in the hut, whilst Jeff and Clint attended to Ben to check if too had any injuries. Once Minho was settled, Alby gave orders to the large huddle of boys situated outside the entrance of the hut to pack it in for the night and head to bed. "You guys alright in here?" His words, directed to you, Jeff and Clint.
Your eyes never once strayed away from the Asian boy who was now laying on the bed in front of you, "Yeah, we've got it from here. Thanks, Alby."
"Let us know if there's anything you need," Newt added. And with that, the two of them left the hut to settle down for the night.
Jeff and Clint had completed their inspection of Ben, concluding that he was relatively fine; just a few cuts and scrapes were all, and once they had finished cleaning those up with some rubbing alcohol and plasters, they assisted Ben to his hammock, checking on you before they left, "Yo, Greenbean. You good?" Clint questioned.
Still not taking your eyes off Minho, "Yeah, I got it, thanks guys. Goodnight."
And then there were two.
Minho had both his arms draped across his stomach, clutching his midsection. His eyes were shut tight, his brows furrowed as he groaned in pain. But let it be Minho to still pass a comment whilst being severely injured, "You could've gotten us killed in there, Greenie."
You scoffed in amusement as you carefully began moving his arms away from his stomach to take a closer look at his injuries, "True, but I ended up saving your life didn't I."
No response.
You placed your fingers on the hem of Minho's shirt, accidentally brushing them against his skin, causing him to shiver under your touch. For a second you wondered if it was because of the pain from his cut, or the fact that you had touched him, although you quickly brushed your thoughts away as to not let yourself get distracted.
As you tried to lift his shirt to assess the severity of his cut, it soon became apparent that you need more access to be able to do a proper job of cleaning it up. Meaning he has to take his shirt off. Meaning you're gonna see him shirtless for the first time ever.
Great. This won't be awkward at all.
"Minho," pausing to collect yourself, "I, uh, need you to take your shirt off, y'know, so I can get a better look at the cut on your stomach."
He tenses under your touch. Again.
In your head, you excuse the reaction for him just being in pain. But in reality, Minho is having a full-blown freakout in his mind right now. He has to take his shirt off. In front of you. The girl he's secretly been crushing on since you arrived in the glade.
Great. This won't be awkward at all.
He clears his throat before lifting his head off the table to look a you, "Uh, yeah, sure no-no problem." He's stuttering. Minho never stutters, like ever.
You remove your hand from its current position on Minho's stomach and place it on his lower back to help him sit up straight, but as he's getting up, his hand slips off the side of the narrow twin bed, and in a quick attempt to balance himself he grabs onto the forearm of your other free arm, causing your body to jolt forward.
Your faces are now mere inches away from one another, both of you in shock with wide eyes as you look at each other, registering what just happened. This sudden closeness doesn't last long, though you wish it had, as Minho pulls his arm away.
Once again, he clears his throat, meanwhile, you blink rapidly in an attempt to gain back focus, "Um, okay where were we-right, um I'm gonna need that shirt of yours to come off now."
He simply nods, before lifting his arms over his head, as best as he can, wincing from the pain coming from his midsection. As his arms raise, his shirt lifts up slightly, giving you a peek of his toned stomach in the process.
You unhooked his harness, carefully taking it off first before tackling his shirt. Your hands find their way back to the hem of the garment, steadily raising it higher and higher until it's over his head and his arms are through, before placing it on the bed on the other side of the hut.
A now, shirtless, Minho sat before you on the bed as you tried to calm your quickened heart rate. But God was he a work of art. You couldn't help but admire his athletic body, I mean he literally looks like he was carved from stone.
"Okay, now let me take a look at that nasty cut of yours," you positioned one hand on Minho's chest and the other on his stomach just below where the cut was.
As you took a closer look to examine the injury closer, Minho's head was just about ready to explode. His head was tilted upwards, barely even breathing, focusing only on the way you were touching him. Touching his body.
What could he have possibly done to deserve this? Aside from maybe almost dying, of course.
Suddenly, the warmth of your hands disappeared, prompting Minho to look down at where they once were, as you walked over to the cabinet to get supplies to clean the affected area. And he couldn't help but wish your hands were back on him.
With your back facing him, you grabbed everything you needed, your mind wandering back to the maze. Minho has never gotten injured in the maze before, he's the best of the best, and he never gets distracted. So what was so different this time?
"So, what the shuck happened out there today?" you made your way back over to him, supplies in hand, "I mean," you paused, placing a cotton ball that was damp with rubbing alcohol on the cut, causing a strained moan to leave his lips. the sound left your mind fuzzy, "you've never gotten hurt, and definitely not this badly, in the maze before right?" You looked up at him, eyes wide with confusion.
That look could have sent him over the edge.
He licked his lips, "Uh-shuck...I dunno, I guess I just..." his words trailed off as he looked back down at you, "uhh, just got distracted I guess."
You couldn't believe what you'd just heard, "You, got distracted?" still running the cotton all over the large cut, "I mean you, the Minho, the always focused, leader of the runners?...surely my ears are deceiving me."
Minho chuckled at your genuine disbelief, "Sure did."
After wiping off the last bit of blood, you put down the now red-stained ball of cotton and picked up the roll of gauze and began unraveling it, "Well...are you gonna tell me what on Earth it is that distracted you or are you gonna make me guess," smiling at him as you asked the question.
He's going crazy right now.
"Uhh..." Okay, deep breaths now Minho, "well, it was uh- okay," The boy was literally a stumbling mess in front of you, his hand flying to scratch the back of his head, "okay-shuck, I mean...okay,"
"Jeez, I can take a hint y'know, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, I was just curio-"
"It was you!" He blurts out, cutting you off mid-sentence.
You blink, confused at what has just come out of his mouth. "Me? what do you mean it was me who distracted you?"
Well, there's no going back now.
"I,okay-shuck... I like you, okay? Like, like-like you, and for the past couple of weeks I haven't been able to get you out of my head and I just- I don't know, I mean it's not like me to be easily distracted but you- you just-you're so pretty and sweet and it was getting so bad-not that...liking you is a bad thing, I just mean I didn't know how to stop thinking about you that I even went and asked Newt for his help! Which is just...so unlike me but I-uh-yeah..."
No words. I mean you literally had no words. Minho just told you he likes you?? What is the right reaction? So you just stood there. Frozen.
"Shuck... say something. Please." He asks softly, pulling you out of your trance like state.
"I-uh...I...I like you too Minho," you admitted.
His eyes widened as he stared at you in shock. You liked him? You like him. You. Like. Him. "You...you like me?"
You rolled your eyes at the oblivious boy in front of you, "Yes, you shank, I do." your tone low and faint.
His voice is soft and almost gleeful as his eyes flicker to your lips briefly, "Oh... well that-that's great, I mean its good-I mean-"
You leaned forward, cutting him off, and pressed your lips against his, catching him off guard. He kisses you back almost immediately as you stand between his legs, his hands gently coming and settling on your waist.
"Holy shuck!"
The two of you abruptly pull away from one another, as a third voice fills the hut. Both looking over to the entrance, Newt is leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest, and a very big smug smile on his face as he stares back at the both of you.
"I take it you two lovebirds have finally worked things out?" he added, sounding much too pleased for you and Minho's liking.
You turn to look at each other once again, chuckling lightly before awkwardly turning back to face the tall blond boy by the door.
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caberzatto · 1 month
teen wolf didn't make stiles a werewolf because they knew he would be finding increasingly absurd ways around all the absurd Werewolf Rules. some bad guy tries to trap him in a circle of mountain ash and he reveals he's been carrying one of these bad boys in his backpack for months
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caberzatto · 1 month
need me some pasta and lobster unfortunately.
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it’s just part of me idk
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caberzatto · 1 month
and I know for a fact that probably none of my friends don't even know ab tumblr😍
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you’ll never find me here!!
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caberzatto · 1 month
saw this picture on pinterest and felt inspired so enjoy
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though he'll never admit it, one of rafe's favourite things is going to the beach with you, and even though you have to practically beg him every single time to get him to agree, there'll never be a day where he'll say no.
you'll be all curled up with a book as your boyfriend's arm is wrapped around your thigh, his head resting on your bare stomach. besides swimming there's nothing more to do together than simply lay under the blazing sun, and though you could do nothing together at home in bed, he prefers this.
mostly because he has the benefit of seeing you half-naked.
you always make sure to pack snacks when the two of you go down, in case you get hungry, although rafe never sees the point of it since there are about a dozen smoothie stands and cafes like 5 minutes away.
but by the time you're both completely starving, he's always too tired to get up and make the short journey to get food, thus proving your point.
"'m'fucking starving," he grumpily mumbles into your skin, lifting his head up to get a better look at you, his blue eyes making an appearance behind the brim of his cap.
you lowered the book that concealed your face, only to reveal a complacent grin on your lips, "well, 'ts'a good thing I packed snacks then, isn't it?"
placing the open book down on your chest, you held it in place, turning your torso slightly as you leaned to the side where the little picnic basket you had prepared sat beside you and rafe in the sand, "aanddd, if I hadn't, guess who'd be complaining to me about walking to a cafe under sun right now, hmm?"
after rummaging through the basket, you turned back to face rafe, who now had a peeved expression plastered on his face, with a beautifully ripe peach in your hand.
"would you just gimme the damn peach," annoyance clear in his tone.
"of course, baby. just as soon as you admit I'm always right about bringing food to the beach," your grin widening as you await for your boyfriend to admit defeat.
rafe's cheek protruded outwards as he poked his tongue against it, too exhausted and hungry to argue with you right now, "fine. you're always right, now can I fucking eat? m'gonna fuckin' faint over here."
your grin was quickly replaced by a full-on smile, perfect teeth showing and all, "thank youu."
you let the peach fall out of your grasp, letting it roll down your stomach as rafe lifted his head up and his arm of your leg to catch it. instead, it landed right in the crease between your thigh and abdomen.
it didn't bother you, so you simply went back to reading your book, figuring rafe would just retrieve it so he could eat it properly. but he continued to stare at the bright orange fruit that sat against the strap of your bikini bottoms.
he figured if he had to accept his defeat, he may as well make it enjoyable.
laying his arm over your stomach, he dipped his head down to where the peach sat, taking a large bite out of it, sweetness flooding his taste buds. he slurped the juice of the fruit when his bite was suddenly cut short, the firm grip of your hand on his cap lifting his head back up.
"rafe, what the hell are you doing?" you stared at him with furrowed brows, holding your book below your chin.
"mm'eating," he slurred in response with his mouth full, droplets of juice dripping from his pink lips onto his forearm and your stomach, goosebumps raising at the cold contact.
you opened your mouth to hound him for doing so, but you had to admit it was definitely a pretty sight to see, so you clamped your lips shut instead.
"never mind, carry on."
he flashed you a smug smirk and retreated to his earlier position, firstly licking the droplets of juice off your tummy before retiring to finish off the snack between your legs.
it's safe to say that from now on he'll need less convincing to go to the beach whenever you ask.
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taglist: @minhoshotharness
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