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Cassandra reading to herself during the trespasser credits was the funniest and cutest thing, I could listen to it all day
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The fact that I have nothing capable of playing DA:TV once it comes out makes me want to puke a little
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Sometimes I see a picture taken in the early 90s, and it’s got that 90’s grain to the film quality, and the clothes look thick and like they’ll last for next 3 decades—minimum—and the lighting is JUST warm enough to feel like 6:00pm in early fall and you can almost SMELL the coolness in the air, and it makes me sick with the desire to have been in that moment.
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Our baby boy, Kieran, is gonna be like 20 in this game 😪
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
Paid $9 just to get canonical confirmation that I did in fact move in with my son and baby mama.
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
… it’s not a bad fight. I am simply a dummy.
The arch demon fight doesn’t feel satisfying. It just feels like unending pain. And I did not sign up for that level of realism in a game.
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
The arch demon fight doesn’t feel satisfying. It just feels like unending pain. And I did not sign up for that level of realism in a game.
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
Fool that I am, I assumed that playing DA:O on casual would mean that fighting the arch demon would be manageable. It is not so. Please help.
My party is a rogue specked for dual weapon damage, Alastair, Sten, and Wynne maxed for healing that she never seems to use.
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
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Cassandra Masterpost
The Threat Remains: The Right Thing In Hushed Whispers/Champions of the Just: Deal. With. It.  From the Ashes: I Should Have Known Here Lies the Abyss: Recording History Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts: Considering the Divine What Pride Had Wrought: What Comes Next
Prompted Conversations:
Post-game - It Occurs To Me I'd Like Your Advice - Investigate: Tell Me About Yourself Investigate: Tell Me About the Seekers Investigate: Let’s Talk About the Chantry Investigate: Do You Want to be Divine? - Specialization: Necromancer Specialization: Reaver
Personal Quest - Promise of Destruction:
Pt. 1 - Locate the Missing Seekers Pt. 2 - Caer Oswin Pt. 3 - Fate of the Seekers Pt. 4 - The Truth Pt. 4 - Book of Secrets - Special: About the Tranquil Cure...
Unfinished Business - Guilty Pleasures: Pt. 1 - Swords and Shields Pt. 2 - Cassandra Wants a Book Pt. 3 - Don't Tell Me So You're a Romantic? - Low Approval: A Toast To You High Approval: Wherever It Takes Us
Jealous Flirt: Let's Spend Time Together End Romance: About Us... - The Ideal Romance: Pt. 1 - It Is Impossible Pt. 2 - Courting Pt. 3 - The Bookseller Pt. 4 - A Bouquet of Flowers Pt. 5 - I'd Like to Talk. Privately. - Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts: After the Ball Ending
Deleted Dialogue
Companion Masterpost
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
Cassandra acting like she doesn't want to dance at the Winter Palace as if it wasn't the most fanfiction-esque scenario that she's definitely read in a romance novel before.
You know she was holding it back with all her might, fully expecting The Inquisitor to make the move all night, just waiting for the chance to be like "No- we shant...🫣" when things get a little spicy before being willingly wisped away to an empty chamber
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
Ok but Varric continuing to write stories for Cassandra is canon. It’s literally in the final scene of the game. Like, future historians of Thedas are going to be writing dissertations on Swords & Shields vol. 7 like “Ah yes, this is the smut that the Viscount of Kirkwall wrote for the Pope.”
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
I get the fascination with Zevran now. I really do.
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
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We call it kirkwall fashion
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
I want like Wynne. I want to like Wynne SO bad. But she just keeps YAPPIN
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
Ummm. Controversial opinion: I kind of love the Fade in DA:O. It makes me feel like I’m good at video games.
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
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cassandrapentayaaaaas · 2 months
Okay, DA:O appreciation post.
I kind of love the fact that you’re not spoon-fed where to go and who to see. The map is wonky and kind of useless, and a lot of the quests don’t have functional markers. I feel like that adds some realism that other games of this genre loose for the sake of playability. This game immerses you in a world that’s falling apart largely because it’s clunky and chaotic in how it runs, and I truly love that.
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