clonewar · 2 months
Sorry for the lack of updates here! I moved and now live in an old farmhouse. Between fixing the house, caring for animals, tending to plants and working my summer job I've been really busy!
I also fell out of love a bit with the acolyte since the some of the characters that really drew me to the show were killed.
My Star Wars muse has been really low...
This blog is currently on hiatus. I'm currently most active on patchworkcowboy & roll4fate .
I'm hoping there will be more star wars content released this year to inspire me to write. Until then, see u later.
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clonewar · 3 months
Hi y’all I just wanted to let you know that my activity is going to be spotty for the next 2 or 3 weeks because my parents purchased an old farm and I’m helping them clean up/fix it so they can safely move in.
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clonewar · 3 months
Sorry yall the writer's block here is real. I'll try to do replies sometime later this week.
-1 ask
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clonewar · 3 months
Kes comming Ten like:
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clonewar · 3 months
-1 ask
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clonewar · 3 months
Clone Wars Reaction Images 🏳️‍⚧️
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clonewar · 3 months
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Hunter is so thankful for the Maurader. Without the ship, their getaway would've been more difficult. And after the hell they've been through for the past day, they really need to catch a break somewhere. Resting in the pilot's seat with cruise control on, he takes his helmet off and uses a clean rag to wipe the sweat off his face. That's one of the downsides of wearing armor-- you get sweaty fast.
"I think a day off or two could do us all some good," Hunter agrees with a soft chuckle. Darius has been an unexpected addition to their ragtag team but a welcome one. They're wanted men, after all. The more help they have on their side, the better. Gaze flickering from the stars ahead and over to Darius he adds, "you know, there are a few less complicated bounties we could pick up if you're hard on credits. Or hard on items to trade."
❛ let’s not go back. not ever. ❜ from hunter
Darius was still catching his breath as he collapsed into the copilot's seat, claw marks from the pack of gorblin bitters they'd just escaped still glinting on his armor. 'All this for a downed droid ship part.'
"No," he agreed, moving to check the ship's panels. "never again."
The Mando might not have been much of a snub jockey, but he wasn't too bad with freighters and this being a clone-wars era ship made it easy, since his buir had a fondness for them.
"Alright, parts are stowed, bounty ready to turn in... I'd say we both deserve a good rest once we pick up the rest of your crew."
He hadn't been with the renegade squad long, but he liked the feel of their team, their dynamic. A bunch of oddball characters looking to make their way in life. Just like him.
He looked down at the small crate of components they'd managed to get and hummed. He hoped it'd be enough to barter for his relic. Or what's left of it anyway..
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clonewar · 3 months
tumblr making me re-log in just as I hit post then wiping out everything I wrote is gonna make me go insane actually
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clonewar · 3 months
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Obi-Wan doesn't know much about his battalion... That much is obvious. Although he has no problem with his brothers, Krell makes serving as battalion medic a living nightmare. He is so eager to win, to brag about his ongoing win streak that he'll sacrifice anything and anyone to achieve it. Helping Obi-Wan, in comparison to that, is a walk in the park. "It really is no problem, sir," he assures Obi-Wan. It feels like night and day, the way Krell treats him versus Obi-Wan. Obi-Wan cares about his time and wellbeing even though he himself is hurt. He's a good man... It's clear why his men respect him so much. If only Obi-Wan could rub off some of his good personality traits onto Krell...
"I'm all caught up on my other tasks. I'd be standing around idle if I wasn't helping you," he adds, just in case Obi-Wan is perceptive enough to pick up on the fact Krell doesn't like it when his clones wander. He hasn't wandered far... He can still see Krell in the distance. The man isn't paying him much mind, arguing animatedly with one of his brothers instead. "That isn't good. I can reset it, but it'll hurt. Best not to look while I reset it. There's something about watching that always makes it hurt more."
[ patch ] after receiving a nasty wound durng their adventure, sender carefully patches up receiver’s injury from halo
──✶horror adventure prompts.
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"I don't mean to take you away from your own battalion and I hardly think I'm going to keel over in the fifteen minutes it will take for my own crew to arrive." Obi-Wan watched the expressionless helmet and uncomfortably shifted under its gaze, the pain from his leg wound numbed in the light of a stubborn medic. Despite his reputation otherwise, he didn't actively avoid treatment for his injuries, he just loathed to occupy someone's time when they had other responsibilities to attend. The sentiment was only amplified with their current proximity to one Master Pong Krell; he didn't know the man well—hardly anyone from his clan year did—but from what little he did know, his strict (unpleasant) personality had barred him from ever holding position within the temple walls and he never took a padawan again after his first was Knighted and quickly stationed at the opposite end of the galaxy. Qui-Gon had spoken of him once, quite harshly, but he'd always been difficult to impress, so the criticism was justly on par.
All being said, he had little reason to think Krell offered the Clones the leniency he never granted to his fellow Jedi and he'd rather not cause any ire toward his team nor toward himself. Especially given they hadn't yet spoken and he would rather not his first impression be one of him showing weakness (he would surely be eaten alive if he did).
"But thank you," in the same moment, Obi-Wan stood as if to leave then promptly sat back down. There had been an audible pop with the movement, a feeling of his ligaments being plucked like strings, and when he looked at the offending source, his kneecap had slipped out of place. It was grossly off center and while he could grit his teeth and fight through most wounds, there was no chance he would be able to physically stand without his leg crumpling beneath him.
"Oh." Now, shock took the place of pain. His body hadn't so embarrassingly betrayed him in quite a while. "That's no good, is it?"
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clonewar · 3 months
happy gay month from the 501st
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clonewar · 3 months
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Rex has come to deeply and unconditonally trust Anakin Skywalker. Although his methods may be unorthodox, he has proven himself time and time again to be a capable and reliable leader. The added bonus of working with him is being treated like a person and not a number. Such a thing, he knows, is easier said than done when he and all of his brothers look alike. Still, Anakin makes an effort. He likes to think his armor helps too. There's few places he travels without it.
It's because they both trust each other so much that he knows things he shouldn't... Such as Anakin's relationship with the senator. It goes against the Jedi Code but Rex says nothing. It's not his job to police the Jedi. Besides, his relationship hasn't impacted his performance. Anakin remains ever sharp and ever reliable. "Trust me, I know," he murmurs in response to Anakin's unease about the whole situation. "Whoever it is is smart too. They've been avoiding you and I both. It'll be hard to avoid you now with your handy disguise. As long as you don't force push someone your cover shouldn't be blown." Of all people to be a traitor, he's sort of glad that it's a clone. Clones are familiar. He might be able to predict their next move. At the very least, clones can't wield the force so he doesn't have to worry about the traitor force pushing him off a cliff.
"Getting them to talk would help. Just try not to ask too many questions. We don't want them to think you're going to rat them out because then they'll just high tail it out of here," he adds after a moment of thought. Anakin is more likely out of the two of them to get information since the traitor seems to be avoiding anyone with blue armor but he's still determined to go some snooping of his own. "I still have a comm on me. If things go south you know how to reach me and the boys."
"Anakin is one of the strangest Jedi" is a common phrase existing entirely independent of any qualifiers, and has been uttered by many people over the years. He's come to terms with it, even if once he felt the sting of alienation. Being the best there was could be isolating, even as a child, and he's come to appreciate all who stand beside him, happy to call him friend. And that's what Rex is, regardless of what he's supposed to be - solider, subordinate, anonymous Clone trooper.
The mass production of clones could have made it difficult to connect with them as individuals but Anakin has never had that problem. They are no more alike to one another than each Jedi is the same, no more similar than he and Ahsoka. He trusts Rex, with some things more readily than he trusts anyone else - his relationship with Padmé was not something he intended to share but despite the fact that they'd been getting away with it for ages, he often felt like everyone already knew and they would be exposed any second.
Rex knows and keeps it to himself, seems to understand that his General is better at his job because of it, whether or not it breaks the rules of the Jedi. Rex isn't a Jedi and thus holds no obligation to tell them, which he seems to take very seriously. Trust well earned, Anakin feels. Anakin grins at Rex's rebuttle about his saber and secretly thinks Rex might actually be one of the few to have the temperament for wielding one, but he doesn't say so, letting it go. "Not reassuring to think that we have a spy at all, much less one who access to....well, everything. That would explains the leaks, though."
He doesn't like to think of a clone being a traitor anymore than a Jedi or other civilian, but it is particularly disquieting that it's been happening right under their noses. He'll have to be more on top of things. One benefit of forming relationships with his troops means he's not so far removed from the things that happen, or so he thought. He's already adjusted to the helmet, and he's sure he can play along and do as Rex suggests, blending into the background.
"Naive shiny, gotcha. Should I uh, try and get them talking?" He's done undercover work before but never quite like this. If he tips his hand, Rex won't be there to save him, but if they want some real information, it will be important to get the gossip going in the right direction.
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clonewar · 3 months
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The One About Gentleness
Take 2 of this WIP
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clonewar · 3 months
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Although there's no doubt that they're brothers considering the fact they look like and share DNA, it's funny to see how similar they are personality wise too. Both of them are stubborn and care a lot about their fellow clones. Cody would go to hell and back if it meant saving a brother, especially one that he knows and cherishes as much as Rex. Playfully rolling his eyes at Rex's remark, he replies, "doubt me all you want but Kix is good at his job. And he knows better than to let rank stop him from doing his job. Besides, he likes to remind me that medics like him outrank commanders so I have no choice but to listen to him, really." Or at the very he has to be sneaky about bending some of the rules to avoid Kix's wrath.
Who knew 18 hours could be so action packed? He could go for a nap or better yet, a day off. A day off would be hard to swing but with both him and Rex injured, a nap is in the cards. He might actually be able to sleep now too since he's seen with his very own eyes that Rex is going to be alright.
Playful banter aside, he listens to Rex summarize what happened. Updating a few notes on his datapad while he does so, once the edits are finished he tucks the device under his chair. "Careful you don't think to hard, brother. I'd hate for you to give yourself a headache on top of everything." It's one last joke made to lighten the mood. The mood booster doesn't last long, however. "Well now you know. Besides, even THE Captain Rex is bound to make a mistake once in a while. I'm just glad it wasn't a fatal one." Flashing his brother a warm, relieved smile, he continues, "your thanks is not needed, but you're welcome. I know you would've done the same for me. As for your numb fingers he said between 8 and 24 hours. It's a very rough estimate but," he shrugs, "a vague estimate is better than nothing I suppose." 
his  throat  feels  dry  &  tight  ,  he  can  barely  SWALLOW  PROPERLY  while  he  listens  to  his  brother  talk  .  ❝  hmm  ...  ❞  he  cant  argue  with  that  logic  ,  and  while  he  worries  for  cody  :  HE  TOO  IS  A  GROWN  MAN  ,  YES  ?  he  knows  what  he  needs  ,  what  he  can  and  cant  do  .  ❝  i  sure  hope  kix  checked  you  THOROUGHLY  .  ❞  he  trusts  his  medic  ,  but  he  too  trusts  cody  to  shoo  him  away  when  he  gets  too  much  .  when  he  worries  too  much  &  wants  to  make  sure  that  everyone  is  fine  .
a  hand  raises  again  &  rex  rubs  his  forehead  before  he  pinches  the  bridge  of  his  nose  with  a  sigh  .  what  a  day  ,  WHAT  AN  EVENTFUL  EIGHTEEN  HOURS  .  when  he  woke  up  the  day  before  ,  when  he  put  on  his  armor  &  polishes  his  T-VISOR  ,  he  didnt  think  anything  like  this  would  happen  .  he  didnt  think  of  a  blaster  bolt  going  straight  through  his  shoulder  ,  leaving  his  fingers  tingling  and  his  arm  close  to  entirely  NUMB  .  but  here  he  is  now  ,  sitting  on  a  medbay  bed  ,  with  his  brother  reciting  everything  that  happened  .
❝  we  had  everything  under  control  until  ...  ❞  he  tries  to  think  of  the  TURNING  POINT  ,  tries  to  remember  when  everything  went  downhill  .  was  it  when  they  celebrated  their  victory  too  early  ?  when  rex  took  off  his  helmet  to  talk  to  general  skywalker  ?  was  it  when  they  ignored  the  beeping  comlinks  ,  warning  them  of  INCOMING  ships  filled  with  droids  &  an  assassin  ?  his  gaze  is  still  lowered  while  he  ponders  ,  while  he  tries  to  connect  the  dots  .  maybe  ...  this  time  :  THEY  HAVE  BEEN  OUTSMARTED  .
❝  it  was  stupid  to  think  the  win  was  so  easy  ,  we  should  have  known  they  have  one  more  thing  up  their  damn  sleeves  .  ❞  now  is  not  the  time  to  blame  himself  ,  OR  ANYONE  EXCEPT  THE  ENEMY  .  so  rex  raises  his  gaze  again  ,  and  there  is  a  tired  smile  on  his  lips  .  ❝  thank  you  ,  i  know  i  said  it  before  .  but  you  didnt  HAVE  to  come  and  help  .  or  sit  here  for  a  few  hours  ,  watching  me  sleep  .  ❞  he  now  cradles  his  numb  fingers  in  his  good  hand  ,  huffing  slightly  .  ❝  did  kix  say  anything  about  how  long  itll  take  for  me  to  get  feeling  back  into  my  fingers  ?  ❞
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clonewar · 3 months
sorry yall... I'm really just not feeling replies here tonight. will try to do more replies here tomorrow or Saturday <3 <3 <3
break / packing / doing some chores I really need to do
any newer replies I missed!
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clonewar · 3 months
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clonewar · 3 months
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Brynn isn't opposed to the concept of forgiveness. There are those who through their actions have earned forgiveness. But that's the thing -- forgiveness is earned, not freely given. Some people are so twisted and callous that they are best kept as an enemy at arm's length. He's cautious around those who have earned his skepticism and there are a handful of sentient that have earned his hatred. Still, it's a fine line we walks. It's so easy to let a healthy amount of paranoia morph into soul crushing hatred.
"I am not the type to befriend those who try to harm me. Not unless they prove to me they understand the error of their ways," he replies, agreeing with Obi-Wan's observation. "I am still dealing with these attacks because it is my job to serve as decoy. We can not afford beskar and other rare, Mandalorian materials to fall into the wrong hands. So I trick the pirates into looking my way even though the materials I carry are ordinary materials. It is vital that I maintain the facade and hide the truth from them in order to ensure the safe transport of the real materials. Although I can use traps and tricks to get them to think that I have a full crew, at the end of the day I am alone with the exception of a few droids. Illusions can not make up for the lack of true, flesh and blood allies. They are wearing me down."
"Forgiveness is the way of the Jedi." It's a well rehearsed line, one recited to about half the people in the galaxy and then himself whenever he needs it. It's practically the earliest lesson they are taught in the creche and while not everyone in the Order adheres to it, Obi-Wan has no choice but. He'd give himself a headache with all the grudges he'd hold otherwise. (Although, at this stage in his life, most of his personal enemies are dead, so perhaps he can consider taking vendettas again.) "Well, it used to be. But I'm trying to bring it back. Or I will be once the new temple is suitable for our younglings."
He wonders if he's oversharing yet.
"So how is it you are still having these attacks?" True Mandalorians are the ones Obi-Wan understands the least, but from what little he does know is that when there is one, there tend to be more (Jango Fett, the anomaly, aside). And even the dumbest of cartels are usually wise enough to not engage, valuing their lives over the possibility of profit. He can't say for certain, but he would think stealing beskar armor would be akin to his lightsaber, worth a handsome amount and all the bragging rights that come with it. "Assuming you aren't the type to befriend people who hurt you?"
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clonewar · 3 months
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Wraith doesn't have a bone to pick with Regulus. Hence, he merely watches with mild curiosity as he wraps up his business with the mechanic. The mechanic's personality proves to be just as sour as his looks, the man being downright rude to Regulus.
"Well you sure know how to make friends," Wraith jokes, voice ladden with sarcasm. Lightly laughing at his own remark, he continues, " best not to linger. Your whole stunt with the mechanic let me liberate" aka steal, "some overpriced materials I needed. Why don't I buy you some food or drink? It's the last I could do."
Regulus  looked  around.  He  then  realized  why  he  was  here  in  the  first  place.  The  Cervid  prince  then  saw  it.  His  stalk  eyes  furrowed.  He  snatched  a  canaster.   <  I  have  what  I  came  for.>  Regulus  said.  Then  he  looked  at  the  mechanic  in  the  eye.  He  knew  he  should  have  seen  it.  The  mechanic  was  furious  with  the  prince.  He  was  angry. 
 Regulus  did  not  really  care.  The  Cervid  points  his  tailblade  near  the  mechanic.  <  I  know  what  you  are  parasite!>  He  hissed  before  walking  off.   He  obviously  WILL  HAVE  to  answer  questions.     Regulus   calmed  down  as  he  hid  behind  a  corner,  he  knew  people  will  want  to  get  him.  He  morphs  to  his  human  shape  before  sighing.   This   is  going  to  be  a  long  day.
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