corrieander ¡ 20 days
Epilogue to City Girls and Wind Shear on ao3!
…The next day was Kate’s last day at NOAA. At Kate’s invitation, Lily came by at lunch to meet her friends.
To Kate’s shock, Layla and Megan and Pierce immediately began to question Lily. “So tell us about him, please. Spill.”
“I never said anything about a guy,” Kate protested. “I’m going back home to spend time with my mom…”
“Kate, you have been shut up tighter than Pandora’s box for five years and we could barely get a smile out of you—and suddenly you’re grinning at your phone and giving two weeks notice.” Layla turned back to Lily. “What is the story?”
Kate’s mouth fell open.
“They met storm chasing,” Lily said. “And they are adorable, let me tell you. I’ve been watching him grin at his phone all month, too. Oh, hey, y’all want to see him?”
Megan squealed, Layla nodded frantically, and Pierce put his hand on his heart. “Bless you, child. I thought she was going to leave us with this mystery for the rest of our lives.”
“He’s got a YouTube channel.” Lily pulled it up on her phone. “He’s pretty popular.”… read more
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corrieander ¡ 25 days
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colors of the sky.
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corrieander ¡ 1 month
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City Girls and Wind Shear
I haven't posted here in forever, but I saw Twisters and had to write a Soulmates AU. Specifically, a first words soul-mate identifying marks. Tyler was so caught on New York, and city girl... I felt like he'd been thinking about it for a while. Enjoy!
***Chapter 1 Excerpt
The sounds of the truck stop died away and it was only the clouds and the warm wind rustling the grasses along the road, carrying the smell of rain.
“I used to do that, too,” a man said. “Compare the direction of the wind with cloud movement.”
That deep breath she’d taken stayed in her chest. She felt oddly still and calm at something she’d long dreaded. Her words.
She’d wondered over the years if Jeb had no words because he was going to die. Philosophers disagreed on the subject.
If so, it was the cruelest thing in the world. She would far rather have had Jeb’s words for the rest of her life than some stranger’s.
She turned slowly to look at the man behind her. It was the YouTuber, Tyler Owens, who’d tipped his cowboy hat at her earlier.
He smiled, gesturing to the vans. “So, you work for Storm Par?”
As easy as falling, Kate exhaled. Bless him for asking a yes or no question. “Yeah.”
His breathing didn’t stutter, but she caught a slight pause and a momentary furrow of his brow, as if kicking himself for asking a stupid question. “Where you coming in from?” he asked.
She wondered how many of her words he had. “Yeah,” was a complete sentence, but you never could tell. “New York.”
He didn’t clutch his chest or whoop or do any of the things you saw people do in viral soulmate meetings caught on video. He just raised his brows. “City girl, huh?”
Kate felt a swoop of relief. “I guess. Excuse me…”
Another man jogged up. “Tyler, have we decided which storm we’re going to chase yet?”
Tyler pointed to her, “Maybe we should ask…”
Kate hesitated. It felt dangerous to give her name to her supposed soulmate—but it would be weirder to refuse. “Kate.”
“I’m Tyler.”
“And I’m Ben.”
She shook Ben’s hand, relieved that Tyler had not offered. Some people claimed there was a tingling warmth, a knowing when you touched your soulmate the first time.
“I’m writing an article about American storm chasing,” Ben said. “Tyler is kindly allowing me to ride along.”
“Yeah, he just had to promise to write nothing but good things about me.”
“Good luck with that.” Kate turned away. Why had the universe tried to match up her and this guy—?
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corrieander ¡ 6 months
Lizzy Bennet’s Top 10 Regrets- A short story by Corrie Garrett
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Regret #10. Majoring in astronomy has got to be the first mistake I made. I would still have driven to the path of totality for the eclipse, even if I wasn’t an adjunct astronomy professor, but I wouldn’t be sitting in the FirstEnergy stadium with two otherprofessors when Darcy suddenly pops up with our dean. He has a prestigious and lucrative job at CSU… what the heck is he doing in Cleveland, OH? Why is he…. less than surprised to see me?
Regret #9. When Darcy asked me out, during my post-doc, I shut him down hard. Like, viciously. He was kind of an arrogant jackass about it, but in retrospect… well, I wish I had that opportunity back, you know? Darcy might be a fixer-upper, but I feel like he’s exactly the kind of fixer-upper I’d be good at.
Regret #8. Not ordering eclipse glasses weeks ago. Somehow it got away from me, and so here I am stuck with some worn out ones from the astronomy lab. The paper over the nose is so thin, it rips as I take them out of my purse. Now here I am holding the two pieces up to my eyes like the poorest, nerdiest eclipse fanatic in the world. When the wind gusts through the half-full stadium and pulls one of the pieces out of my hand, I lunge for it because I have no desire to stare one-eyed at the sun for the next hour. Unfortunately, that almost sends me toppling onto Darcy, who is sitting on the stadium chair below and to my right. He braces my shoulder with a small smile, but I am not currently in a good head space for dealing with his smile...
Keep reading below...
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corrieander ¡ 7 months
If Jane Austen characters did the Super Bowl
“…Emma totally ships Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. She didn’t actually introduce them, but she retweeted his tweet about meeting Taylor so, you know, she helped.”
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corrieander ¡ 8 months
Was Captain Wentworth a jerk as a young man? As an older man? What do you think?
The argument that indicts Captain Wentworth usually goes something like this: When he and Anne Elliot were first engaged and she broke it off, she was very young. He had nothing except a dangerous career in the Navy during a war. It might end in promotion but was more likely to end in death. Anne was being cautious and even reasonable to end the engagement, as marriage would have meant months alone at different ports, and possibly becoming a young widow who’d alienated her family. The argument continues that while we know he would become rich and successful, Anne couldn’t know that, and his subsequent anger with her is unjustified. His feeling that she didn’t live up to his ideal, that she’d compromised her heart and her soul to follow bad advice, is harsh and completely unfair.
(I’ve heard this lots of places, so I’m not calling out anyone in particular!) However, I disagree….
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corrieander ¡ 9 months
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Buddy the Elf meets Jane Austen
This is Emma with Frank Churchill.... right?
10 Elf (and Home Alone) Quotes for Jane Austen's characters!
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corrieander ¡ 1 year
Has anybody read 7 Figure Fiction by Theodora Taylor? Her framework for universal fantasies has been really eye opening for me as a JAFF author--here's an analysis of P&P, Cinderella, and Beauty and the Beast...
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corrieander ¡ 1 year
Prince Eric is Having a Confusing Summer - Little Mermaid 2023 fanfic
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little mermaid 2023 fic on ao3
Sailors could be coarse men. This was no surprise to Eric, but as he passed adolescence, it got more obvious. By the time he was twenty-one they had long been comfortable enough to tease him.
Pierre started it, as he often did. “We saw that lovely young thing come with her father to visit. What’s she—a countess from one of the old countries? He’s a Duke, ain’t he?”
Eric continued to haul rope. “Yes, he is. And though it’s none of your business, Lady Elaine will be gone soon enough.”
“Elaine, eh? She had thin lips and narrow hips, but it takes all sorts. Is that what the prince likes?”
“Didn’t you see him ogling Vera at the dock?” Another sailor broke in. “That’s what he likes.”
Eric had blushed. Vera was a pretty woman whose younger brother was captain of one of the other ships of the queen’s line. She did not have thin lips or hips, quite the reverse. “It’s not like that,” he’d said, much to everyone’s amusement.
“Might as well be like that, Vera might be a bit old for you, but she wouldn’t say no to a prince. She’s a right one in fact, you could do far worse.”
“Hoo, Vera!” Another made a suggestive gesture. “I’d marry her tomorrow if she’d have me!”
“Why? When she could have me?” said toothless old Carlos.
The men cackled and Eric was hoping the spotlight was off himself, but there was too much time on a ship. Soon they reverted.
“Come on, Eric. What’s it like to have wenches crossing the ocean for you? Don’t tell us you waste it all.”
Carlos grinned his toothless grin. “‘Course he wastes it—do you not know the boy? He’s out here with all o’us. We have our living to make, but he’s here on his own account.”
Pierre took the coiled rope from Eric, lifting its wet bulk as if it was nothing. “Aye, what’s that about—you’d rather be here with a handful of rough grunts like us than back at home with a handful of sweet curves?”
Eric knew he was blushing then, but he only shook his head. “I’ve told you how important the sea trade is. I believe in this trip.”
“I believe in a long pair a legs!” Carlos called.
The men cackled and a ribald list of favorite body parts came from various men on the deck.
“What about you, Eric?” Juan asked.
“I suppose I like—eyes,” Eric said, knowing he would only set them off again.
He didn’t much mind the men’s ribbing, though he wasn’t as annoyed by Grimsby’s interruption as he sometimes was.
“Eric, I believe I have mentioned before—but it’s time you start to distance yourself from the men. At least do not indulge in this sort of—jesting.”
“They don’t mean anything by it. Half of them are happily married.”
“I am far from suggesting that you need to marry any time soon, but a strong alliance with the mainland would not exactly hurt. You of all people recognize how fragile our island’s economy is.”
“Yes. That’s the point of this trip, and the last one, and the next one! We can ally ourselves through regular trade with half of the Americas. I cannot marry that many women.”
Grimsby’s lip twitched. “A fair point, sire. Not but what the ambassador from Colombia had a very pretty daughter. In fact, I thought you rather enjoyed her.”
“Claudia was very kind, but she was homesick the whole time she was here.”
“I daresay she’d get over it. You do realize no one who’s visited would say no?”
Eric frowned and ran a hand through his damp hair, perturbed for the first time that day. “That makes it worse, can’t you see? I don’t want someone who has already decided to say yes. Or worse, someone who feels like she can’t say no.”
read more on ao3
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corrieander ¡ 1 year
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corrieander ¡ 1 year
This is incredibly excellent as literary analysis and graphing! Interdisciplinary!
Jane Austen Charted #4
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Darcy’s Irrepressible Feelings Graphed
X Axis: Time
Y Axis: Level of Ardent Love
Also included: Proposal DANGER line
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corrieander ¡ 1 year
Henry Crawford on Fanny Price not immediately liking him:
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“I do not quite know what to make of Miss Fanny. I do not understand her. I could not tell what she would be at yesterday. What is her character? Is she solemn? Is she queer? Is she prudish? Why did she draw back and look so grave at me? I could hardly get her to speak. I never was so long in company with a girl in my life, trying to entertain her, and succeed so ill! Never met with a girl who looked so grave on me! I must try to get the better of this. Her looks say, ‘I will not like you, I am determined not to like you’; and I say she shall.”
Mansfield Park Memes, Ch 24
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corrieander ¡ 1 year
10 Marvel Quotes matched to Jane Austen characters
Not as good as Disney quotes, but still fun! Read full list here. Also, look at these smiles!
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My favorite: 5. During the first month Anne is forced into company with Captain Wentworth and does her level best to be normal but also blend into the wall paper: 
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corrieander ¡ 1 year
10 Disney Burns applied to Jane Austen characters
Go check this out 😂❤️
8. Lizzy after Mr. Collins has spoken for a page and a half without a full stop:
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corrieander ¡ 2 years
The room was COOL AND DARK, BUT NOT TOO COLD. They both had good socks, also.
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corrieander ¡ 2 years
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Lucius Malfoy escaped from Azkaban, and turned up dead a few months later in a high-end penthouse in Muggle London. Hermione is investigating, but so are Sherlock Holmes and John Watson.
I just love the idea of these four confusing the heck out of each other while trying to solve a murder.
Sherlock leaned over the body, bent nearly in half at the waist. He was frowning. “This man was in prison. Not here. I’m guessing a third-world country; there were chains.”
“They don’t really say that anymore,” John said. “The term is developing nation.”
Sherlock looked around the room, then back at the man’s eyes and partially-open mouth. “The prison was near the ocean. Despite the deficiency in nutrients, he received omega-3 fatty acids from a diet largely of fish.”
He lifted the man’s hand and pushed his loose sleeve up. It exposed a tattoo of a snake coming out of a skull. “He believed in the paranormal. The skull, the snakes… they were meaningful.”
“I guessed that myself,” John said mildly. “Do you think that’s a prison tattoo? And did he escape prison or was he released?”
Their friend Lestrade strode heavily back and forth in the entryway to the penthouse, past an arch and a hat stand where each hook was a snake.
He was speaking into his phone. “Name on ID is Linus Malvoy. No next of kin or emergency contact on his rental application. One previous address listed in France. Background check turned up nothing.”
Sherlock returned his attention to the victim. “Not a prison tattoo. Earlier than that. The shape indicates his forearm was more muscled and thicker when it was new.” He rubbed it. “It’s not a normal tattoo. True black ink is made from pigment, acrylic resin, glycerine, water, witch hazel, and isopropyl alcohol. The needle punctures heal, but there’s a distinctive look of western tattoos. This is not it.”
“Maybe he got it in that third world country?”
Sherlock smirked. “Developing nation, John.”
“Sod off.”
Sherlock stood to his full height. Three crime scene techs were taking photos and cataloging the furniture, documenting the placement of the few decorative items, and lgetting photos of the murdered man. A few evidence numbers had been propped up.
“That woman,” Sherlock said, looking beyond the body to one of the technicians, “is… weird.”
“Weird?” John repeated. “Did you just say weird?”
Sherlock didn’t respond—John didn’t expect it—but strode over to the woman. She had curly hair in a French braid. She wore well-fitted trousers and a white button down shirt. Her lanyard said her name was Jean Granger. She was very pretty.
“Why didn’t I see you before?” Sherlock demanded.
“I’m fairly new on the staff.”
“No, I mean, today. How long have you been in this room?”
She cocked her head. “About an hour, with the rest of the team.”
Sherlock frowned. “That’s impossible. I didn’t see you. John, did you see her?”
“I must’ve, but I didn’t really notice.” John stuck out his hand. “John Watson, nice to meet you.”
She returned it with a smile. “Jean Granger, likewise.”
“You should’ve noticed her,” Sherlock said. “She’s exactly your type, yet you didn’t see her until I pointed her out.”
John took a step back. “My type? What’re you—?”
But Sherlock had already moved on. He was analyzing the young woman. “You’re new to the job, but not new to violent death. Your parents were dentists. You have an orange cat; no husband, no kids.”
She raised her chin, frowning him down. “Very good, but I’m not the mystery here. Perhaps focus on the murdered man.”
She gestured around the room, from the empty fireplace to the man to the windows that looked down on London. You could see the Eye from here.
She barely glanced toward the man on the floor. Her gold pen bounced once against her notepad.
“You knew him,” Sherlock said.
“No, I didn’t.”
Even John spotted the lie that time.
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corrieander ¡ 3 years
Hey I'm writing a darklina fic and I was wondering if I could very briefly reference TSAR (specifically the merzost fish) in it? I'd give credit, obviously.
Oh, I’d be honored! Please use whatever you’d like!! :-)
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