crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
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—≪💋≫ “ All you have to do is whisper my name to the nearest shadow and
                  I’ll come for you. “
   Poor creature, so tossed to and fro by the world. She brought both of her talons
   to wrap around her, hugging her securely to her bosom. Sharp finger tips would
   gently scratching along her head, trying to ensure she didn’t make her bleed. 
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“I... Thank you.” Elincia whispered. “For everything you’ve already given me. One day I hope I’ll be able to reciprocate with more than just feelings.”
 She was too kind. Despite everything she’d warned her about, Eve was nothing but kind. Kind enough that her being a bit rough with her ever could easily be accepted. For now though, Elincia simply nestled in.
 “Look at us. Two creatures of the night finding solace in one another. It’s like a dream come true.”
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
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—≪🌙≫ “ I’ll teach you what it’s like to be REALLY loved~. “
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 “Y-You’re not the Goddess of the Moon who granted me my gift! I’ve made it through the pain and loneliness on just her light!” Elincia argued as she backed away a bit. “All of my instincts tell me to run from you. There’s no way you could love me.”
 The other felt far more dangerous than even the Sun Priests she’d run into in the past. The sting of their magic and her near death experience still lingered in Elincia’s mind. They weren’t ones to trifle with, but she felt so much more threatening.
 Can I even safely get away from her..?
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
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—≪💋≫ “ Honestly I don’t expect much of you. I never ask for those near to me to any substantial amount of work. “
     She would form the pact with this one, but at a later time. She didn’t know what words to speak to base their oath upon. Besides, she wanted it when the other was a little less high from the work over Evelynn had given her. 
      “ Just do what I ask and keep this place a secret. When you wish to leave to venture out into the world I can send a shadow to transport you out. “
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“And what of returning?” Elincia asked. “I’ll always keep this place a secret, but how would I get home?”
 Home. It was a word that felt so foreign on her tongue. It’d been so many years since she had one. So many years of running. To finally have a place to stay and be safe... And happy. It’d all been so long gone that Elincia thought it impossible to regain what was lost.
 “If there’s no way back then I’d rather stay here and never leave.”
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
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—≪❤≫ “ Why don’t you follow me and I’ll treat you! I’m quite lonely, all I ask is that you spend some time with me! And tell me more about yourself, you seem so intriguing! “
    Pink tails swished back and forth. It was a shame she was having to act such to get by in life. So much so, that it played the heart strings of the gumiho just right. She would help this poor lost wolf have a home to call her own. 
 “R-Really!? I’d love to keep you company! Thank you!”
 Elincia’s tail wagged rapidly as the wolf stood and ran in a circle. Finally, someone who was kind. Someone who might treat her well. She didn’t know how long the kindness might last, but the werewolf was hoping she might finally have some kind of friend in the world.
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
—≪♠≫”Hmmm… Do you mind dresses? I have a few light cotton ones in here that I feel would fit you nicely, but loosely for comfortable.”
     She fished in the closet, producing an aquamarine dress that looked like it would come to her knees.
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“That one might work!” Elincia stated as the dress was brought out. “I haven’t wore a dress since i was thirteen. The ones my parents would buy always felt stuffy.”
 To top it off the dress had a color the wolf associated with a relaxing feeling. She needed it or else the poor woman was likely to give herself a heart attack. Elincia was riling herself up with too much excitement.
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
 And just like that Elincia had been caught. Slowly she backed away and sat down before shaking her head. The wolf wanted to say more, and even run away. Instead she started fidgeting for some time before answering.
 “N-No… I’m not. I-I’m human. I just have a gift…” The wolf admitted sheepishly. “I-I wasn’t trying to deceive you! I swear!”
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—≪❤≫ “ You don’t need to be shy around me, deary. I’m not exactly normal myself. “
     A giggle, before moving closer, reaching out to pet her more.
     “ After all, I used to be a fox. “
 “You did?” Elincia asked as her tail wagged. “I’m just hungry and hiding. Trouble follows me everywhere I go when I’m human form so I have to get by pretending to be a stray.”
 The more she explained the worse Elincia felt. Even though she really wasn’t meaning to be deceitful, it certainly sounded like she was. As the negative feelings mounted her tail slowed and the wolf started thinking of brighter things in order to fish herself out of the rut.
 “You know what’s nice about being a human before being a wolf? I go from color vision to color vision. Nothing’s grey!” The joke was more to pick herself up, but she hoped it’d give the other a laugh.
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
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—≪❤≫ “ Hi, there cutie did you need some – Wait. “
      She knelt down, reaching out to gently poke the other’s nose.
      “ You’re not an animal. “
 And just like that Elincia had been caught. Slowly she backed away and sat down before shaking her head. The wolf wanted to say more, and even run away. Instead she started fidgeting for some time before answering.
 “N-No... I’m not. I-I’m human. I just have a gift...” The wolf admitted sheepishly. “I-I wasn’t trying to deceive you! I swear!”
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
A small whine was let out as the scraggly looking wolf approached the popstar. Elincia sat and pawed at the air between the two.
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
—≪☀≫ “Ha, ha! You’re too slooowww!”
     She was singsongy as she said her banter, bouncing about the hills. She was fast, but not fast enough quite yet.
 Not fast enough huh?
 An extra bit of push was given as the wolf drove herself faster. Selkie was definitely quicker than she thought, and her mind already moved at a rapid pace. With the extra burst of speed the gap started to slowly close.
 “You had a head start!” Elincia called back playfully. “Just wait until I catch up!”
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
“Y-You don’t understand!” Elincia began. “No one has ever asked me out on a date… Ever. Not a single time…” 
 Not genuinely…
 “But I don’t see a pretty woman when I look in the mirror. I see trouble, a monster, a coward… A beast.” Elincia trembled as she listed these things off. Today had been a bad day and here she was ruining the one spark of good so far. “M-My name is Elincia. You’re quite dashing yourself.”
 Please not another trap. Please, don’t let this one be a trap… I just want to be happy, to be loved…
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—≪💐≫”Then why don’t you allow me to treat you to your first one… I’m sorry that you view those things about yourself, but perhaps I can make you smile today…”
      He stepped forward, gently hugging her to his chest, head resting against the top of hers.
     “My name is Inigo and I’m going to tell you… Everything is going to be alright. So long as I am here, I will do everything within my power to protect you and make you happy.”
      All he could think of was how similar they were in some of the things she had said… When was the last time someone had dated him outside of wanting to use him? When was the last time he looked at himself with a positive thought?
 His words of assurance opened up the flood gates. Tears began to heavily fall despite their quite public location. Inigo had hit all the right buttons to ease her fears and make tears fall at the possible chance of joy and being loved. To be offered such an opportunity after so much pain... It was truly a godsend.
 “I-I’m sorry.” Elincia apologized as she pushed away to wipe her eyes. “I didn’t mean to burst into tears like this. Hopefully it isn’t something too unsightly.” She mused. “You’ve a beautiful name, Inigo. I might end up saying it often just to hear it roll off my tongue.” The werewolf complimented further. “I really hope you aren’t a man who leaves a trail of broken hearts... I’ve had enough of that in my lifetime from family, to lovers, to friends. I’m sick of pain...”
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
 “Perhaps that is why I had hurt so much before you came to me.” Elincia replied.
 She let herself rest against Diana. Her body was a knotted mess from all of her stress and anxiety. This was the first time she ever got to truly relax and feel safe. Elincia had forgotten how it felt.
 “You’ve given me so many wonderful things…” She whispered. “I’ve done my best to give back where I could. Even offering most of my food on some nights, even if it wasn’t much.”
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—≪🌙≫”You have done well, my precious love. You have truly used the gift I gave you well… It shames me that you have to deal with such cruelty from your people… It reminds me of the struggle I went through long ago. You are safe now. I will do everything in my power to protect you so long as you love and serve me.”
     She worked at the girl’s shoulders, using a bit of magic to help ease her muscles. She was so tired… She bet she would sleep well this night… Especially if she partook in the intimacy the goddess had long craved.
 “I’m so happy to hear the pride in your words. So thankful too.” 
 Powerful sighs of content left Elincia’s lips. Between the nice hot water and the other’s massaging the werewolf thought she might melt in all this bliss. As she looked to herself though she noted that all the red stains upon her body were finally starting to be washed away. This brought even more relief to troubled heart.
 “Diana.” She began in a tone of gratitude. “I’ll always love and serve you. You’re the only one who’s never abandoned me since being granted this gift. I could never think poorly of you.”
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
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—≪🌾≫”You know, your fur smells of the night air… It’s quite comforting.”
     She moved up from the tail to her back, carefully spreading more oil into her fur, making it shine.
 “Does it? I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised, I was blessed this form by the Goddess of the moon.” She explained, delight still heavy in her tone. “I’m glad you find solace in my scent.”
 Her tail finally free it began wagging once more. Elincia had no will to hide exactly how overjoyed she was. This was still her first kind company in many years.
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
—≪♠≫”Thank you. You have a beautiful complexion as well.”
      Caitlyn was oblivious to everything she was causing. She wiggled into her pants, tossed her bra off, put on an easy button up shirt. Then she fished out the silly fish slippers Vi had given her the past Snowdown.
      “Is there anything I can get you – Are you hot? Your face is flushed.”
 “H-Huh? Oh! No, I’m okay. I just... You... Uh...” The werewolf paused to take a breath. “I’m not hot, just flustered.”
 But you’re hot.
 “Do you have anything I can wear that’s more casual than this?” Elincia inquired, hoping to change the subject a bit.
 By the gods the sheriff was attractive. She was falling for her way harder and faster than anyone else before. It was hard to tell if it was some sort of sign, her romanticism was going overboard or if perhaps it was a situation that was being over-thought.
 No matter the case it didn’t change the fact that despite Elincia’s previous notions regarding her own breasts, Caitlyn’s ended up enamoring her. A sense of irony could be found in how much the wolf had ogled. Unfortunately, it didn’t help her blush which did come back to bite her. 
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crescentlupin-blog · 7 years
—≪♠≫”Is that so? Well, aren’t you just the cutest thing.”
     A laugh from her. Ah… It was good to be at ease. She moved to unbutton her dress, letting it fall to the floor, kicking it aside. Time for slacks and a blouse.
“Y-You think I’m... cute?” Elincia asked with a shocked expression.
 There was no way for her to predict the fact Caitlyn was going to start changing her clothes. Or even disrobing at all! The sight made Elincia’s expression shift from one of shock to one  akin to a teen boy who couldn’t peel his eyes away. Unlike said boy though it wasn’t a situation of seeing a woman’s breasts for the first time. If she wanted to see those she could look in a mirror.
 A gulp came as Elincia simply watched on. There was no way her blush would vanish any time soon after a sight like this. How could it? She opened her mouth to speak, but the words caught in her throat. It didn’t help that she already found the sheriff attractive. Another swallow as the werewolf tunnel visioned and lost track of pretty much everything.
 “Y-You have beautiful skin.” She finally managed to stammer out a compliment.
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crescentlupin-blog · 8 years
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—≪♘≫”That is… So unfortunate. Why don’t you come with me then? I’m… Alone myself. I ventured from my realm and I can’t find my family. I’d say we’re better off as a team than alone.”
      She held a hand out to her… Surely someone with such a horrible story couldn’t be that bad. She doubted she could even lie up a tale that hideous without it being true.
Elincia listened in a bit of disbelief and stared at the outstretched hand. It took a bit of time before she reached out for it. Even then she hesitated, almost pulling her hand back completely. Once it was within her grasp she used Caeldori’s grip to help herself to her feet. Afterwards Elincia dusted herself off a bit.
 “I wouldn’t mind some company. Especially any that won’t try to kill me.” Elincia agreed. “I’m so tired of running. Harp playing summoners, mages, bandits... I still can’t believe they put a price on my head. My own parents... Why did I tell them and think they’d still love me?” The wolf mused before she shook her head to try and clear those sort of thoughts out. “My name is Elincia. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Oh! I’d like to think I’m a pretty good chef so if you ever find yourself in the mood for home cooking just let me at a fire!” She declared with pride. 
Best to try and make this encounter more of a positive one. They both seemed a bit troubled after all. Elincia herself needed to make merry with her situation to survive as it was and that was harder than trying to please most people.
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crescentlupin-blog · 8 years
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—≪🌹≫ “I probably wouldn’t pet you so much, if you didn’t give me so much reason too! You’re too cute and you seem to enjoy it so much, so why would I deprive you of a thing that brings so much joy to you.”
    She was glad to be trusted so. She picked the wolf up and into her lap, snuggling her against her bosom. She was going to protect this small innocent woman who had been so mistreated in her life. Camilla had far too many of her own hardships to let someone she cared for experience any by her hand.
Elincia was all giggles thanks to Camilla’s affections. There was a light blush on her face as she happily nestled against her partner. For so long she had wanted this. To love and be loved in return for who she is. To not be shunned for what she is. The wolf had a gift, but that doesn’t make her evil like her village believed.
 “Of course I enjoy it!” She beamed. “I’ve desired love and affection from another for so long and I’m getting it from the loveliest person I’ve ever met!” Elincia praised. “I’ll be sure to be as much of a bright spot in your life as you are mine.” The wolf now promised. If she were in the form of a wolf the woman’s tail would be wagging.
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crescentlupin-blog · 8 years
Keep reading
  Elincia wanted to protest as Evelynn brought things to an end, but her new mistress had worked the wolf over so much that all that could really escape her for the moment were pleasured pants and quiet moans. When the bite came it drove Elincia to let loose a yelp of pleasure. 
 Finally pushed past her brink when it came to strength the trembling wolf collapsed onto her back in bliss and satisfaction.
 “You’re amazing.” She complimented. “I-I didn’t ever dream of giving pleasure in the ways you asked of me, nor have I ever been pushed to this state.” Elincia remarked further. “Every muscle in me is screaming out in fatigue and I love it.”
 If this was one of the things she’d have to get used to living here then this would be fairly easy. Any kind of house work wouldn’t be a problem either in earning her stay. At least the wolf was safe here.
 “S-So outside of being loyal to you, which as a hound is easier than breathing, what more is there to me staying here and safely living out the rest of my days with you?” Elincia inquired once she finally caught her breath.
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