dangermousie · 1 minute
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Someone should print this out in giant 72pt font and give it to all old school kdrama secondary girls (and the crazy from Black Out.)
PS sooooo gooooood!
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dangermousie · 1 hour
This sequence!!! Screaming! They find out her tumor is back. And he says this and it makes me think of when she told him that when she was sick as a kid, all she wanted was for someone to tell her it's OK to cry.
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And then he just comes over and climbs into her her hospital bed and holds her so gently (and that is after she's been shoving him away and lashing out and he doesn't even think for a second because he just NEEDS to do this) and she feels safe enough to actually cry...(also the way his hand envelops hers!)
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In case the audience still didn't get it...
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And they stay like this for hours...
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dangermousie · 1 hour
When he explains about the suicide pill. My God.
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This is so good because later her tells his friend that he has many reasons to live now and he totally means her. AAAAA!
When he says he will leave because to him this is a good safe thing for her but she sees it as another person abandoning her (because she fights and lashes out but she wants him to take it and reassure and cling) - oooof!
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And she walks out and he chases...
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The way she collapses into his arms...
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dangermousie · 2 hours
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I too want a tall hot devoted fake brother.
But not a brain tumor.
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dangermousie · 3 hours
When he comes to her rescue, mmmmmm, going all unhinged.
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It must be terrifying to her, not knowing what is going on.
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He is such a goner for her and she has started to suspect him and when she smacks him mmmmmm
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The crux of it all, but also, her complaint being that if he's a scammer why couldn't he please kill her - OMG.
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dangermousie · 3 hours
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That man is SUCH a goner!!!!!
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dangermousie · 7 hours
PRO: Fang Yilun is one of the most underrated cdrama actors and he finally gets to lead, it looks like a 1980s romance novel come to life, and FL is gorgeous.
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PRO: I adore Ren Min, the trailer was fun, evil families are always a fun time, and Zhang Wanyi can definitely act.
CON: I loathed what LYF2 did with ZWY's character and loathed the entirely of AYTO, him included. Please don't make it a threefer.
(side note, on youtube, this video, by the official iQIYI channel no less, is titled as "Li Qin Zeng Shunxi sadomasochism." Draw your own conclusions.)
PRO: gorgeous visuals, spectacular-looking fights, Li Qin x ZSX seem to pine gloriously, snooooooow
CON: 99.9% guaranteed to have a tragic ending
PRO: Zhao Lusi is one of my favorites and my knees (and other body parts :P) go weak for Liu Yuning, plus the OTP of The Long Ballad rides again!
CON: if I never see another "grrrl power through trade, in ahistorical fashion" narrative, it will be too soon. I just don't find commerce sexy.
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dangermousie · 8 hours
Eternal Brotherhood
The colour schemes and composition of these shots remain just lovely 🖤
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Somebody did a really, really good job with the aesthetics here.
I too want to meditate on open water 😭
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Oh, shut up about the Orcs.
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Humans with some ratty headdresses do not an Orc make.
Also, I feel some racist undertones here but I don't know enough about China and the ethnic minorities there to speculate too much.
I feel like in spite of the love, these two need to come to terms with the fact that they are fundamentally incompatible.
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No, just you wait!
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I somehow doubt Luo Minghai will protect you.
He is still begging Di Lin to spare his life, though.
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I don't like this foreshadowing.
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Di Lin has a wife and child on the way.
He is fully losing his mind.
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He killed his wife and children and then gifted him a mausoleum, smh.
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This was such a good episode!! I am happy to report that this drama is back on track!!
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dangermousie · 8 hours
Eternal Brotherhood
I am so curious about what you are up to and why you are even still alive at this point.
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I very much doubt that he is suddenly getting along with Di Lin, like he claims.
And we never even got to meet this famous master 😒
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Is he the one who taught A-Xiu his incredible fantasy skills that we only saw once at the beginning of the show and never again?
Also, who the heck is the Lin family and how do they factor in this whole mess?
My biggest beef with this drama is that it keeps referencing people and things that we never see and are just expected to know are in the background somewhere through, idk, the use of a crystal ball or Ouija board or something.
The whole lot of you are going to have such a bad end, I will be sitting here too shocked to even bawl.
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He did WHAT?
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Isn't he supposed to save him?
Oh, it's a scheme.
Oh, Xiao Ning, he will never grant you the marriage to A-Xiu.
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Together, you would be too big a threat for his shitty ass. Like this, he can keep you both under his thumb and still act benevolent.
You can send him to the ends of the Earth and Ning will still not give up.
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One thing that I find comforting is that no matter how badly this show end for everyone else, at least you will die with them.
Oh my god 😑
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This is not what she wants to hear and this not going to end well.
Oh, baby, from the looks of it, you are already there.
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LMAO, bless her, she does not have a single active brain cell in her head that is not thinking of Zichuan Xiu every hour of every day 🤣🤣
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She is seriously going to walk into an active war zone to ask him for a 'clear answer' when he has made himself more than clear over and over again.
*facepalming forever*
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Love 🌕
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LMAO, idiots 🤣🤣
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dangermousie · 8 hours
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*flirting intensifies* SNOWFALL 冰雪谣 (2024) 1.10
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dangermousie · 8 hours
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Eternal Brotherhood 紫川 · 光明王 (2024) • Episode 11
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dangermousie · 9 hours
i think villains in general provide better, more epic romances because they're allowed to go to extremes. they're allowed to put their love over the greater good. they're allowed to be selfish. the best a hero can offer you is number two, because their duty comes first. villains, though. villains will burn down the world for a last kiss goodbye.
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dangermousie · 19 hours
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Fangs of Fortune 大梦归离 – MV Dir. Edward Guo, Luo Luo, Wei Nan
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dangermousie · 20 hours
Even better with subs!!!!
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dangermousie · 23 hours
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people who are afraid of snakes are fuckin’ WILD, like dude, just carefully step over these fat babies’ sausage bodies and gently move the burmese python chillin’ against the door, then you become unfathomably rich. i would do this for $10. i would do this for FREE. 
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dangermousie · 23 hours
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dangermousie · 23 hours
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