disorganisedautodidact · 18 minutes
This post is kinda like my other one but a bit better lmao. I might make variations of this with other pieces of media but it depends onnn how well this is received
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current thoughts while trying to be social
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“lol Arthur Conan Doyle clearly didn’t know anything about drugs. Sherlock Holmes did cocaine but it calmed him down. That’s not how cocaine works!”
There are two options: Arthur Conan Doyle had never met someone addicted to cocaine or he met some with ADHD who was addicted to cocaine
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This is lovely advice.
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Listen I know Tolkien gives us 'strong-voiced' as the sense for Can- in Canafinwe but it's very important to me that cáno means commander.
I also know Tolkien softened (imo) Macalaure to 'Forging Gold' but I really think 'Gold Cleaver' is superior.
Feanor's second son shows up in the Noontide and it's like, "Here's Commander Gold Cleaver!" And everyone's like, "Whoa there, that's a bit of an intense / warlike name, don't you think?" And Finwe does some damage control like, "Oh, no, you see what my son and daughter-in-law meant was that he is a very powerful singer and talented harper!" And the people of Tirion are like, "Oh, right. Yes, very nice. Very poetic." And Maglor, who as it turns out does have a mighty voice and deft fingers, embraces that version of his identity because yes, it is very poetic, and he likes the musical connotations much more, thank you.
... but that's not what Feanor and Nerdanel meant, and they were right, and Maglor gets thrust into the role of a warlord whether he likes it or not. But they were also not right, because Maglor never stops being the mighty singer, never stops playing golden melodies, either.
Maglor and dualities. Yes.
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There are many benefits to being a marine biologist
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Currently working on an AU where Finwe, Miriel, and Indis were all together before Feanor was born, so even though Miriel still dies after childbirth, Feanor always views Indis as his other mother and doesn't have any problems with his siblings.
And at first, I was a little worried, because how am I going to start the plot if Feanor isn't being paranoid about his brother trying to usurp him?
Anyway then I realized that a Feanor and Fingolfin who got along would cause far more problems. For everyone else, that is. They're no longer keeping each other busy by arguing, they've combined forces... Mad scientist older brother and politically savvy younger brother. I feel like this might actually be worse for the Valar. It's definitely worse for Morgoth.
Don't get me started on what happens when this verse's Galadriel decides that Feanor is a great role model and starts asking him for advice.
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You should be starting a recipe book. I don't give a shit if you're only 20-years-old. The modern web is rotting away bit by bit before our very eyes. You have no idea when that indie mom blog is going down or when Pinterest will remove that recipe. Copy it down in a notebook, physically or digitally. Save it somewhere only you can remove it. Trust me, looking for a recipe only to find out it's been wiped off the internet is so fucking sad. I've learned my lesson one too many times.
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ursula k le guin: does a utopia with something rotten and evil at the center that spoils the whole thing seem more plausible to you and feel more real in your gut than the same utopia without that?
everyone: my ideology is good because I want to save the kid. I passed the test. I am a better person than other people. they are going to give me a medal.
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it also accidentally sounds like an argument about German grammar (as in it's DIE temu ad, not der)
Die temu ad die
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i fully understand people want eloise to be a lesbian, especially in a show that at least at first looked straight and very queerbaity. but one thing i will not stand for is the erasure of very clear themes of friendship in order to see romance (even if that romance is queer)
i understand that issue is more complicated since a lot of lesbians are historically categorised as "just super duper great friends". i can see why people ship eloise with cressida even though i see that as deepening the theme of friendship. that's just differing interpretations and it's all well and good
but people saying that eloise being sad at penelope's wedding is a proof of her being a lesbian? just be frickin for real. her main concern she explicitly states this season is everyone pairing off. benedict calms her down by saying that there's room in people's hearts for more than one person. i can see a 1820s lesbian being sad at weddings, but if we're going by labels, in that scene eloise is giving aromantic more than anything else.
we do need more queer romances in period dramas. especially ones that end well. even though i do have issues with how they handled that at least for now, i think switching up michael to michaela was a very clever way to include much needed queer rep into bridgerton.
but we also need friendship. so often treated as second best. less important. our society is heteronormative, and that sucks, but it's also amatonormative as hell. and it's disheartening to see people try to make it more so.
what i liked most about this season was how much drama was given specifically to penelope and eloise. penelope got her happy ending with colin, got her acclaim as lady whistle down, and all that was amazing. but the writer's giving the emotional core to penelope and eloise, recognising the hurt and love between them AS FRIENDS was what sold this season for me. and while we definitely need more sapphic rep, we need more of that, too.
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I think a big part of protecting children is giving them more (and when applicable, better) options.
I don’t just mean encouraging them to exercise autonomy more; Though that certainly helps, I’m talking about something I haven’t really covered. I mean giving them more options to choose from, particularly in their social circle. Children need to be able to go to more people for support than the mere handful they are so often presented with. Very often, their only options for people to socialize with, whether hand-picked or determined stochastically, do not meet their needs, whether for leisure, emotional support, or gaining knowledge.
Some kids’ only option for consistent peer relations are their classmates, siblings, and cousins. Not all kids are even able to tap into all three of the aforementioned relations, and even those who do might not wind up with anyone among those peers that would be their friend. Some are even outright rejected.
Even worse is the fact that inter-generational friendships are often avoided. This most critically leaves youth with fewer options for vital advice and emotional support, and fewer models of how an interaction between an adult and child should be. Usually, what they are able to choose from is a whole bunch of bad options because of this.
Namely, I mean the idea that only predatory people seek and accept positive relationships with youth. This means that non-predatory people are reluctant to interact with kids, which means that a: the kids are left with abusers as the only adults willing to interact with them AND b: kids are even more susceptible to abuse because they don’t know what a healthy interaction with an adult is like.
The growing stigma against inter-generational solidarity is literally leaving children vulnerable to abuse.
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There is genuinely no such thing as an inappropriate book for a child.
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It's sad at the end of May seeing people reblog the "here it comes!" Pride logos post. You didn't notice that brands have decided it is no longer safe to openly support LGBT rights. The past 2 years have shown a dramatic decline in corporate sponsorship of Pride. And no, we don't care about the corporations, but you should care that they think the general public will oppose their support of LGBT rights. Anyway pay attention. The logos didn't change for Pride. It's bad.
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