dunmeshistash · 10 hours
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Monster Tidbits - Red Dragon
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dunmeshistash · 11 hours
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Dungeon Meshi - Red Dragon
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dunmeshistash · 1 day
I'm used to some mangaka using sonas or stand-in characters for themselves, but a room is a new concept for me. Do you have any examples of Ryoko Kui using that visual device? great blog btw!!
Here you go, that was a past answer where there's some ways Kui had drawn herself, but she's a 5 tatami room in her profile apparently
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dunmeshistash · 1 day
is ryoko kui faceless? on one hand i've never seen a picture of her before but on the other hand you post interviews that she's done and idk how she does interviews without leaking her face/identity. (i don't care about her face herself, she can keep her privacy, but i'm just curious about the logistics of how she does it)
Pretty sure she has a face (jk sorry)
She does signing events and interviews so I don't think her identity is a secret, but she doesn't have her picture published and usually has a drawing of a room to represent her instead of a picture of herself
I have seen pictures of her hands while shes signing things I think, so my assumption is that if you go to a signing event you get to see her but not take pics with her?
So like not a secret identity, but she just doesn't seem to take pictures to be published, which as far as I know isn't that uncommon for mangakas. People seem polite about that preference, so I doubt someone would just leak her face online.
I don't really know much about Kui tho, so idk if she has said anything about that preference herself
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dunmeshistash · 1 day
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Dungeon Meshi - Orcs
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dunmeshistash · 1 day
hey! Hello, I'm a great fan od dunmeshi and i was curious where did you find the scans from this post https://www.tumblr.com/dunmeshistash/745883809104461824/dungeon-meshi-orcs?source=share
Hope you're having a nice day <3 lots of love
Hello there! The first 4 images are from the complete daydream hour which I got from here
The rest is old posts from Ryoko Kui's blog that I got from the wayback machine, one of them I found translated by other people online
I believe some of those are in the daydream hour too (can't check right now) but I thought the blog version was easier to see
If you're curious where the info/images I post are from you can check this post!
Not what you asked but I've seen people confused before if some of what I post is fanart (that orc post specially) but if something I post isn't official art I'll add a tag that indicates it's fanmade! 🤓
Have a nice day!
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dunmeshistash · 1 day
Ryoko Kui Q&A (part of the Autograph event in Shanghai, China)
Here's the full Q&A copied from the post by Minute_Profession_34 on reddit
Original on weibo
About Ryoko Kui
Q: You have created a lot of interesting short manga in the past, do you have any favorite short manga by other artists?
A: A classic choice though, I think it's the collection of short stories by Fujiko F. Fujio. Other impressive works include "Hanshin: Half-God" by Moto Hagio, "Hanashippanashi " by Daisuke Igarashi, "茄子" by 黑田硫黄, "Skygrazer" by Ishiguro Masakazu, and "Tabi (The Journey of Life)" by Irie Aki. However, I haven't really read many short manga compilations.
Q: Do you prefer to create short manga or longer ones?
A: Long manga.
Q: Do you have a game that you highly recommend to fans?
A: Although not a game title, Steam Deck is the best thing I have bought in the last few years.
Q: What kind of music genre do you like?
A: I'm really not a music person and don't listen to music at all. Sometimes I listen to something like Tropical House.
About the creation & worldview of Dungeon Meshi
Q: Is the main storyline of the comics conceived at the beginning? Is the final ending adjusted during the serialization process?
A: I decided everything from the beginning. It may sound overly pretentious to say that, but I am the type of person who cannot move forward with each and every story unless I have decided on the main flow of the story. Of course, there are parts that I changed during the process because I thought, "I was going to do it this way, but it might not be natural," and there are parts that didn't work out the way I wanted them to. However, I think the story turned out to be roughly what I had in mind at the beginning.
Q: Will people outside of the dungeon incorporate the use of magic into their daily lives?
A: It would depend on the region. There are many sorcerers in elven and gnome cultures, but I don't think you will find many in dwarf and most short-lived cultures.
Q: What secrets of ancient magic are the elves hiding? Why would one be punished for doing anything related to ancient magic?
A: It is about the existence of Demon. They restricted that information because they didn't know what effect it would have on the world if the existence of Ddemon became known.
Q: How do adventurers know the time? Is there any dungeon having a different time flow from the normal world?
A: Some people bring things like clocks, but most only use their biological clock. There are also Dungeons where the flow of time is different from that on the ground.
Q: In the world of Dungeon Meshi, how do you deal with natural disasters, what would Laios or Marcille or Canaries do when there's a drought or a storm?
A: I don’t think it is so different from us.
About characters in Dungeon Meshi
Q: It’s about to give the new puppy a name again. Can Laos still beat Falin?
A: 7 out of 10, Laios will win. Or it may be decided by rock-paper-scissors or a raffle.
Q: Who will inherit the Golden Land after the passaway of Laios? The children and grandchildren of Yaad? Or the descendants of Laios? Or will there be a new Devourer?
A: Maybe the descendants of the Laios will inherit it, or maybe it will be passed on to someone with no blood ties at all. Or perhaps the monarchy will be abolished.
Q: Will Laios continue to eat monsters in the castle? And who will cook, maybe someone better than Senshi?
A: Many people in Merini are good cooks, but Senshi's cooking must be special to Laios. He may invite Senshi to cook from time to time.
Q: Where will Falin prefer to travel to?
A: She may prefer places where she can see landscapes and cultures she has never seen before.
Q: Would Marcille befriend a half-elf, such as Fionil? Since half-elves shouldn't think too much about longevity amongst themselves. Or would they not consider race as a factor to make friends but by fate?
A: Because mixed species in this world grow at very different rates and have very different abilities from person to person, there is often not much of a sense of sameness when you first meet them. They may or may not become friends as a result of interacting with each other as we would with any other human being.
Q: Is there any special meaning of Marcille and her mother's ribbons on the neck? And what about Cithis’s ribbon?
A: In elven culture, people with magic tattoos on their necks sometimes wear decorations covering their necks to hide the tattoos (mainly military personnel) This has spread to the general population, and many people wear decorations on their necks even if they do not have neck tattoos. Marcille and her mother's ribbons are just for fashion. While Cithis may have something special.
Q: Why wouldn’t Cithis wear a gorget? Or she’s not afraid of Dungeon Rabbits?
A: Maybe it’s suffocating or simply not liking it? The head-cutting Dungeon Rabbit is a fearsome monster, but it is not the first thing for the rear guard to be on the lookout for.
Q: How will Izutsumi and Falin get along with each other?
A: They may work together if necessary, but I doubt that Izutsumi will actively show interest in Falin (as she does with everyone).
Q: Itsuzumi has a beast soul mixed with a small amount of human soul, and does she shapeshift between a beast-man and a beast form like Lycion?
A: It can be done, but once transformed, she may no longer want to return to her human form.
*This Q&A seems to be strange
Q: What would Thistle do if he attended the former dungeon masters meetings?
A: Perhaps he would feel angry at the incompetence of other masters (their dependence on the devil).
Q: How did Milsiril accept Helki to stay by her side? After all, she hated elves and was bullied by her Canary teammates.
A: In the past, Helki was abandoned by his comrades for various reasons, and she could not leave him alone.
Q: Has Kabru ever had a real relationship with a girl? If so, what race or personality type of the girl was she?
A: I don’t think he cares about race, etc...
Q: What kind of soba will Mithrun make?
A: I hope he can make delicious soba.
Q: I would like to know the name of Mithrun’s brother or his brother’s crush!
A: His brother's name is Obrin (オブリン). I haven't thought of a particular name for his brother’s crush, so I'll name her appropriately now. Hmmm. Sultha (スルスハ).
Q: Since Mithrun used to assist Canary from behind, I wonder what kind of weapons he was good at using? Or was he good at using no weapons? (this is new info from the Korean Q&A)
A: He used a magic staff similar to that used by Pattadol. He was issued with the same one by the team. However, he no longer carried it because he lost it easily.
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
I kept misreading your user as dunmeshistrash (dun meshi is trash)
More common than I'd expect! I've also heard people misread it as dunmeshi trash
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
Hi Mr Meshi! I have heard some people saying that mickbell doesn't bother being treated as a child or younger than he is, were does it come from? I honestly don't remember
Hello! I think I have said that before too
It's because he acts childish and is constantly letting people treat him like a kid, for example how he gets piggyback rides from people and sits on Kuro's lap constantly. (if it was just Kuro I'd think it was their relationship but he even gets piggyback rides from Kabru)
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He also has no issue letting other people take care of him
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Mickbell is 22 so he's more like in his mid 20's for a half-foot so the way he acts doesn't really match his age, especially if you compare him to how prideful Chilchuck is and how much he wants to be taken seriously. (Chilchuck is 29 by comparisson so he's not that much older)
So I think it's safe to say he takes advantage of his childish looks at least a little, and I don't remember him ever expressing discomfort or annoyance at it like Chilchuck has? Maybe I missed it. So it's more an assumption from a lack of discomfort rather than something said out loud?
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
Something that completely flew over my head (I am not very observant), I was rereading chapter 87: Winged Lion II to re-check some things about dungeons and I just now realized the ancient humans weren't from the current races we know.
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They seem to have characteristics from several of the human races together, and some of them even seem to have fur (like demi-humans?)
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It's even implied that the lifespan differences and physical differences (the two asking for muscles and using magic in the background) were due to the Demon granting wishes
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I did notice this part but I didn't realize this was probably part of the source of the race differences rather than the races already being different and wishing for different things.
So at some point the human races might have been even more closely related, before a powerful being influenced their evolution.
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
why did the demon put cunty new evil outfits on marcille and laios when they became dungeon lords?
The real answer is that clothing inspires confidence the real real answer is that he wasn't gonna let them go outside dressed like that.
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
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Dungeon Meshi - Chimera
According to the Adventurer's Bible Faligon is 11m from head to tail while red dragons are between 19-25m from nose to tail, in imperial that would be Faligon 36ft and Red Dragon 62-82ft
The height chart shows the red dragon standing besides a scale around 39ft and Faligon standing around 19ft.
Tried to match the scales.
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
Did you see Ryoko Kui's new art? Cuties!
The little mouse people? I did! Very cute, the second one had been posted before actually but I think she had deleted
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
Dear Dr. Magnificently Magnanimous & Morbidly Malevolent Monster Mashing Meshi,
What do we know of Falin's changes in the post-ending aside from her appearance? I'm pretty sure any potential changes such as her lifespan, physical strength and other such thingies are left ambiguous, right? I was kinda curious, and since you are Mr. Dr. Sir. Kapt. PFC. SPC. CPL. SGT. SSG. SFC. MSG. John 'Meshi' Archiver the 1st I thought maybe you'd know?
That aside, this blog is cool and me likey. Keep up the good work, Morbius Master Meshi.
Well, from her first resurrection we learn that she got even more powerful magic and her vision got fixed and after the second resurrection she kept the feathers.
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She also mentions that the dragon blood in her might have influenced her wishes but that's just her own assumption
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Someone asked in a QnA if her lifespan would be affected and Kui gave an ambiguous answer (which I'm thankful for) so you can interpret it as you want!
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
Mr meshi!!! (on an unrelated note i just noticed now in your bio that youre brazilian....um de nós...foda...) do you have that one compilation of izutsumi rating her sleeping buddies? i think you posted it somewhere but i cant find it....have a nice day!!
Here you go
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
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This page:
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From ch 84 when the Lion is talking through Kensuke and explaining his desire to make desires last forever.
It looks like Chilchuck, but it might not be.
I also think the parents look like the Touden parents.
Ah thank you! I did not remember this at al!! I'm also not sure if that's Chilchuck since the others look like random people but might be? (that guy looks a lil bit like delgal too) If it is then Chil's wife isn't the one in the half-foot race portraits
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dunmeshistash · 2 days
Is it known what the limits on the demon's power are? Like sometimes I think it's only keeping its word/deal just to gain trust or even 'cuz it's funny. It lies about how much agency it has. Can it take away something wished for? If a wish is deeply held enough does it have no choice but to grant it? Can it only eat the desires of demon lords, or is everyone at risk? How was it imprisoned in dungeons (a carelessly granted wish?)?
Not that many "hard facts" about the demon are known, we get a few explanations about how it works until we get it from the source but he's not really the most reliable narrator nor does he go into much detail.
From the way he acts I do think he really can only act while granting wishes tho, or else he wouldn't have played along for so long before escaping nor needed to manipulate Laios into giving him his body. (chapter 90)
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I think he works in a similar way to a genie that grants wishes but distorts them into awful things? But instead of twisting your wishes into a punishment he twists it into something that would benefit him, or maybe some of the distortion is just because he doesn't really understands humans. He needs someone that would wish for what he needs in the first place tho, like Laios was special because he *would* wish to give up his human form and Marcille was special because she *would* wish to break into the surface and have it all be under the demon's influence.
I don't think he can just take away a wish he has granted either. Even when the wish is the complete opposite of what he wants he still needs to grant it, like when a dungeon lord wished to destroy everything inside the dungeon. It was clearly something the demon didn't want but he had to grant it. (chapter 86)
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Now if he can only grant the wishes of dungeon lords I believe is a limitation from when dungeons were created in the first place, perhaps so he would only grant the wishes of one person? And it seems like granting them wishes allows him to consume them? Or maybe it makes them tastier.
If he could do it to the other people inside the dungeon he would have just eaten everyone's desire to resist but once he escaped the dungeon his powers seemed to have no longer been restricted. (From the Demon Monster tidbits, chapter 87 and 90)
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How they imprisoned him is never specified but he was always granting wishes so it might have been one, unclear if he could have denied the wish even if he noticed what it would mean.
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